[00:13] Is there something wonky with bazaar.lp.net today? I'm not getting the expected revision 61 when clicking for details from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/netbook.lucid . [00:15] persia: that does look pretty wonky [00:16] That's reading at least 7.5 wonks on my finely calibrated wonkometer. [00:16] persia: there seems to be some disagreement on how many revisions there are in that branch [00:16] Impressive. [00:16] So this is a problem with the branch, or with the hosting service? [00:16] mwhudson: they look like different ancestries, really [00:16] persia, spiv: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/netbook.lucid/.bzr/branch/last-revision looks wrong [00:16] mwhudson: oh, hmm. [00:17] there is a bzr bug where the last revno goes wrong [00:17] persia: branch [00:17] Ah, good. That's easier to fix. [00:17] i think reconcile will fix it [00:17] So just reconcile and push? [00:18] oh hm [00:18] spiv: help persia? i'm on a call :) [00:19] ok [00:20] persia: I'm just confirming that mwhudson's hypothesis is correct [00:22] spiv: OK. I'll arrange for a reconcile and push :) [00:24] persia: thanks. I think that is almost certainly the issue FWIW [00:26] Well, with luck it will be worth at least 7.5 wonks. [00:26] persia: I'd love to know how that branch got to that state, but I think I'm out of luck there... [00:27] spiv: Does pulling the branch change the state? Or is there something more complex involved? [00:27] persia: pulling does change the branch being pulled from, no. [00:27] Er, [00:27] For instance, would it be useful to try to get the last committer to perform some actions locally to try to identify how it got that way? [00:27] *does not* [00:27] My typing is terrible today. [00:27] So, shouldn't it be possible to check the history to determine how the state was reached from a branch? [00:28] persia: yes, possibly [00:28] We don't record the history of branch states; that would be meta-history if you see what I mean. [00:28] We track mundane things like "revision Y follows revision X" ;) [00:28] Aha. Yes, that might make it tricky to get the state. [00:30] There may be some clues in the code hosting log files, but the server-side logging at the moment is largely useless :/ [00:31] Ideally we'd discover that someone with an ancient version of bzr did a push/commit that did that, and thus we could just assume that it's a bug we've fixed ;) [00:31] My guess is some sort of transient issue relating to stacking. [00:32] But I really have no idea. [00:35] persia: actually, one thought that does occur... [00:35] persia: there's a good chance that whoever updated that branch on Launchpad with the wrong revno has a similarly afflicted branch or heavyweight checkout locally. [00:36] persia: which would a) maybe give some clues about the environment that caused it, b) be something to find and fix in case they break it again :) [00:37] Although I'm a little surprised bzr let them override the revno like that... in at least some cases it would require a --overwrite flag to do that. [00:37] Right. Shall I ask them to archive it somewhere, and file a bug for investigation? [00:37] (and if it doesn't that's a whole other bug!) [00:37] persia: maybe ask them to capture their ~/.bzr.log and ~/.bzr.log.old [00:38] I'll even ask them to stop by here and say something :) [00:38] (debugging by proxy is tricky) [00:38] The branch itself... probably not important, although maybe what the branch.conf says about stacking would be interesting. [00:38] Certainly there's no harm except disk space in archiving it ;) [00:39] I fear there's a good chance that the cause won't be evident in what's left on disk, though :/ [00:39] Hopefully I'm wrong. [00:40] Indeed. It would be good to be able to make sure this doesn't happen again. [00:42] Yeah. [00:42] I wonder if setting the append_revisions_only flag in the branch on LP would help? [00:45] iirc the bzr bug was something to do with merging into an empty tree === abentley1 is now known as abentley [03:10] Hi. I'm noticing some strange behaviour with edge. Browsing to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/netbook.lucid gives me the right history for the bzr branch, but clicking revision 61 doesn't give the right information [03:12] welcome to three hours ago [03:13] (see http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/12/23/%23launchpad.txt) [03:21] StevenK: the branch is busticated somehow [03:22] StevenK: all the data is there, so if you branch it and then maybe reconcile it, it'll be ok [03:22] mwhudson: My copy here is a checkout, I can do it on a bound branch? [03:23] hm, don't know [03:23] i doubt it would be harmful [03:23] * StevenK branches a fresh copy [03:23] the damage is (probably) only "cosmetic" in that the revnos are a bit messed up [03:24] Fixing last revision info 61 => 1424 [03:24] I should just push that into LP? [03:30] StevenK: yes, though i guess the scanner won't look at it again until a new revision is pushed === stub1 is now known as stub [03:32] mwhudson: I can't push it, there is no new revisions to push [03:34] StevenK: you can probably uncommit one revision in your checkout, wait a minute or so for lp to notice and then push from your reconciled branch [03:35] mwhudson: Hah, nasty. [03:35] yeah [03:38] StevenK: I'd love to know how you got your checkout into that state [03:38] spiv: I have no idea :-/ [03:38] * spiv nods [03:38] StevenK: care to mail me your ~/.bzr.log and ~/.bzr.log.old, just in case? [03:39] spiv: From the bound branch? [03:39] Oh, never mind. [09:36] hey guys [09:36] hmpf, don't send launchpad lists mails from the list if my mail address is already somewhere in the recipients headers of a mail? [09:38] can someone have a word with the user whom marked my perfectly valid bug as invalid here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devede/+bug/498890 it was a bug, updates have fixed it yet it was dismissed as invalid [09:38] Ubuntu bug 498890 in devede "Devede cannot find mplayer" [Undecided,Fix released] [09:40] noodles775: any word on dput and lazy8ledger? [09:42] al-maisan: any word on dput and lazy8ledger? [09:43] tommytomtom: was that the changes file that didn't have a binary field? [09:43] * noodles775 checks log from yesterday - as there were a few upload issues. [09:43] tommytomtom: Did you see the problems that were mentioned in here about 22 hours ago? [09:44] Your debian/control file has several problems. [09:44] noodles775: ok. how do I get the "binary field".. No I did not see the problems. [09:44] geser: thomas , al-maisan : yay, we can get the exception info on dogfood: Unable to find mandatory field 'binary' in the changes file. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/344696/ [09:44] wgrant: what do I need to add to the control file? [09:45] tommytomtom: That control file looks like you've taken it from a binary package. Is that correct? [09:47] wgrant: no, I have deperately contructed it from partially the package-docs on lauchpad and other packages and then finally all the complaints from lintian [09:47] tommytomtom: The packaging documentation will not lead you to construct a debian/control that looks like that. [09:47] wgrant: it is you could say, a work of art [09:48] tommytomtom: Which documentation did you read? [09:49] wgrant: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic [09:49] wgrant: is that the correct place for packaging docs? [09:50] wgrant: then of course lintian complained a lot so I made ajustments for lintian [09:50] tommytomtom: It is. I suggest that you reread https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic#control. [09:50] wgrant:ok. will do. Then I will re-submit. === Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000 [09:53] wgrant: right away I see a problem with the documentation. it says "Architecture: any" and I tried with that and it did not work. I had to change to "Architecture: all" [09:53] tommytomtom: Either is OK. [09:53] tommytomtom: Look at the list of fields just below. [09:54] That 'any' didn't work for you is because of larger problems with your control file. Check the explanations of each value to work out which you need. [09:54] wgrant: ok... working... [10:12] wgrant: Ok. recompiled everything with both dpkg-buildpackage -S and debuild -S . I used both because dpkg-buildpackage did not create the .asc file. debuild worked fine but it gave some errors http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/345245/ could you please check to see if the errors are "ignorable" [10:14] E: lazy8ledger source: no-architecture-field [10:14] E: lazy8ledger source: package-uses-debhelper-but-lacks-build-depends [10:14] W: lazy8ledger source: package-lacks-versioned-build-depends-on-debhelper 7 [10:14] wgrant: I know, I dont get it either. What is wrong?? [10:15] tommytomtom: lintian -Iiv lazy8ledger_2.24-0ubuntu1_source.changes [10:15] Ok. If I add debhelper to the build depends.. [10:16] tommytomtom: If you run lintian like that, it will give you more verbose explanations. [10:16] But this discussion is probably better suited to #ubuntu-motu, now that the Soyuz bug has been identified. [10:38] wgrant: looks much better now. I just get a warning on a watch file. Do most packages have a watch file??? [10:43] tommytomtom: They should, but it's not critical. [10:43] wgrant: where is info on how to do watch files? [10:45] tommytomtom: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/DebianWatch === yofel_ is now known as yofel [11:02] wgrant,al-maisan,noodles775: YES! it uploaded. Thanks to all. [11:02] tommytomtom: glad it worked out for you in the end :) [11:03] tommytomtom: Excellent. [11:24] Great work tommytomtom ! === jtv is now known as jtv-eat === jtv-eat is now known as jtv [13:57] I got some code I'm trying to push up, I'm on Windows === ChrisMorganPi is now known as ChrisMorgan [14:26] hello? [14:28] t__: yes? === ChrisMorgan is now known as ChrisMorgan|Away [14:30] I have a problem with launchpad [14:33] Are you still there? Iḿ new to IRC. (actually just installed it to get some help on launchpad) [14:37] t__, what's up? [14:37] My personal information is on the mailarchive [14:37] A webmaster from launchpad has to mail the mailarchive to remove it === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch === harry is now known as Guest26922 [15:06] When trying to push a branch to Launchpad with 'bzr push lp:~hrickards/phpcrypto/trunk' I get bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(lp-64802192:///~hrickards/phpcrypto/trunk/.bzr/branchlock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport . I've set bzr whoami to 'Harry Rickards If I 'ssh hrickards@bazaar.launchpad.net' authentication seems to work fine (I get 'No shells on this server') === sraps_ is now known as sraps [15:10] Guest26922, you probably don't have your launchpad-login set [15:10] uhm [15:10] you have [15:10] beuno: Yeah [15:11] how odd [15:11] try: [15:11] bzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~hrickards/phpcrypto/trunk [15:12] No - I get exactly the same error [15:12] now that is a new one for me [15:12] rockstar, around? [15:13] Guest26922, does break-lock give you the same error? [15:14] aha! [15:14] I know :) [15:14] it's an import [15:14] beuno Just 'bzr break-lock'. No it returns nothing [15:15] Guest26922, do you want the import to continue? or was this a one time thing? [15:15] you can [15:15] can't write to imports [15:15] beuno: Ah, I see. No, it was just a one time thing. How do I stop it? [15:15] Guest26922, just push a new branch to a new location [15:15] delete the current branch [15:16] well [15:16] start by deleting the existing branch [15:16] then push to the same location [15:16] I think that should do it [15:16] (this is confusing, btw, there's a bug here about usability) [15:16] * beuno nudges jelmer [15:17] beuno: Thanks! That did it [15:17] Guest26922, happy to hear that [15:18] beuno: hi === jon is now known as Guest47726 === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado [15:38] if I deactivated the mailing list for my team, will the mailing list info go away on the LP page? === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch === jamalta_ is now known as jamalta === salgado is now known as salgado-afk === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno === salgado-afk is now known as salgado === salgado is now known as salgado-afk === salgado-afk is now known as salgado [18:40] hi [18:41] how can i stop new bugs/blueprints/translations being reported in a project? we did some reshuffling so the bugs are now being reported on another page [18:41] i want to keep the old ones [18:42] bugs/bluepr./trans. thatis [18:44] ok figured it out [19:01] is there a simple way to copy a bug from one project to another? [19:02] zekopeko_, you can either move the bug [19:02] or mark it as also affecting the other project [19:03] how to move the bug? [19:03] zekopeko_, click on the edit icon next to the projects' name on the bugtask [19:03] (the yellow block) [19:04] under affects? [19:04] yes [19:04] ok [19:05] what next? [19:05] that should be it [19:06] i don't see anything that says move [19:06] or similar [19:07] zekopeko_, when you click on that [19:07] beuno, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/185055/Screenshot.png [19:07] you punch in the project you want to re-assign it to [19:07] hi [19:07] zekopeko_, no, click on the yellow icon next to "Gloobus" [19:08] i want to reactivate my pgp key becausehas expired [19:08] i still get the same options but on it's own page [19:09] i updated the key and used send-keys to upload it, but launchpad still doesn't accept it [19:10] beuno, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/185055/Screenshot1.png [19:10] maybe i just have to wail longer until lp syncs the keys? [19:10] ^ thats what I see if i click the little icon next to gloobus === yofel_ is now known as yofel === salgado is now known as salgado-afk === cjohnston is now known as FFEMTcJ === FFEMTcJ is now known as cjohnston [20:23] Where should I put the bzr branch of a package in LP if I'm the upstream maintainer in Debian and I want to use bzr-bd to build my package? [20:23] (where is correct, I mean) [21:32] Hi all. Just to be sure I'm not totally missing something in the docs, exporting to an upstream repository from is limited to upstream bazaar repository, correct? [21:33] nkinkade: That's right. [21:33] wgrant: Thanks for verifying. [21:33] Although you could probably use bzr-svn to push such a branch back up to a Subversion repository. [21:35] Yeah, I was looking at that, but it seems like a bit of back-bending to go svn -> Launchpad <-> bzr-svn -> svn ... or something like that. [21:36] Maybe not *too* bad, though. [21:36] Launchpad will do a bzr-svn import for you. [21:37] I'll read up a bit more on bzr-svn. Thanks. === playya__ is now known as playya [23:38] * wgrant awaits the filing of bug #500000 [23:38] Error: Launchpad bug 500000 could not be found [23:40] THere we are. [23:40] Bug #500000 [23:40] Error: Launchpad bug 500000 could not be found [23:40] Bug #500000 [23:40] Launchpad bug 500000 in usplash "wrong aspect ratio boot splash on widescreen screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/500000 [23:43] aaand it's a duplicate. [23:43] Haha. [23:44] 400000 suffered an automatic apport duplicate fate.