
ari-tczewdo I need to did requestsync with option -s because I'm not in MOTU, right?00:04
ari-tczewI got error:E: Did not retrieve any changelog entries. Was the package recently uploaded? (check http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/)00:06
geserpackage name?00:06
ari-tczeweverything should be OK00:06
geserhmm, works here00:12
ari-tczewstill don't like requestsync ;-]00:13
crimsunbeats opening a web browser and filling out a bug report anyday00:13
geserdoes it happen again (i.e. was no transient network error)?00:13
QuintasanYokoZar: Do you mind reviewing http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/q4wine_0.114-r1-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz? I'm trying to close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36094200:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 360942 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] Q4wine - binary" [Wishlist,New]00:14
ari-tczew64 bytes from rore.debian.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=42 time=142 ms00:14
ScottKari-tczew: Most of requestsync's problems are due to poor data sources.00:14
ScottKQuintasan: You should also upload it to REVU.00:15
ari-tczewScottK: how your answer fixing my problem?00:15
QuintasanScottK: I hoped to avoid this since revu still doesn't accept source format 3.0 :P00:16
ScottKThat's a reasonable reason not to use it.00:18
ScottKari-tczew: I'm pointing you in the direction of where your actual problem is.00:18
ari-tczewScottK, so what's I need to do ?00:18
ari-tczewfile a bug with sync on LP?00:19
ScottKari-tczew: I don't know.00:19
ari-tczewrofl, first use of requestsync and fail, sucks00:19
ScottKari-tczew: About how I feel about using bzr for merging.00:29
ari-tczewinstead debdiff?00:31
geseryes, it's the new "fashion" for doing merges (once you figured out how it works and you picked a package for which it works flawlessly)00:32
ari-tczewhmmm maybe I should to learn about this00:33
geserbtw: is there some documentation somewhere how to process merge proposals?00:34
ari-tczewthis is good reason to learning this on security updates SRU00:34
ScottKari-tczew: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation00:39
ari-tczewmaybe in february, because I'm very busy by important project before end of march00:42
ari-tczewIMO merges.ubuntu.com needs refresh/update, because there are infomation of packages which were merged/synced00:56
ScottKari-tczew: m.u.c has been disabled.01:01
ScottKari-tczew: Use the list in /topic01:01
ari-tczewScottK: forever?01:02
ScottKari-tczew: Unless a maintainer appears.01:03
ari-tczewthere is no comment area in database :-/01:03
ScottKari-tczew: Considering lucas put that together in his free time today after it became clear MoM was dead, it is pretty amazing IMO.01:04
ari-tczewThis script needs some work, e.g. split components01:05
ScottKari-tczew: Feel free to join #ubuntuwire and offer your help.01:05
ScottK(it's done in Ruby, fwiw)01:05
ari-tczewhehe ScottK I'd like to help in development udd.debian, but I don't have free time :(01:06
ScottKOK, then be gentle about 'requirements' for it.  It's really a gift to us.01:06
ari-tczewof course01:07
ari-tczewbtw. why MoM is dead?01:07
RoAkSoAxari-tczew, AFAIK is because of the Debian Source Format 3.0  since it has broken things and because of that, the list won't update01:08
ari-tczewah these changes reasoned by 3.0 source format... ;-)01:09
ari-tczewScottK: what do you think about set redirect from MoM to udd.debian ?01:10
ScottKari-tczew: No, these changes reasoned by the former maintainer having no time and no one appearing to take over.01:11
ScottKari-tczew: I think it'd be better to have m.u.c replaced by a page that points to that list and explains how to find all the merge using bzr documentaiton.01:11
ScottKThat page is generated from the merge-o-matic source, but I don't see where.01:12
ari-tczewrequestsync works \o/01:39
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ari-tczewhow can I add bug on new system http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/merges.cgi ?02:27
ari-tczewhuh? MoM has been updated!02:53
jmarsdenScottK: Does "a page that points to that list and explains how to find all the merge using bzr documentaiton" exist somewhere?  Or even just a detailed example of the new bzr way to do merges?  Where is the current (documentation) starting point for a newcomer to merging?03:13
ScottKjmarsden: I just sent mail to ubuntu-devel saying I give on merges until I can find time to figure out how this all works.  I'm probably not your best source.03:14
jmarsdenah... OK.  I've never done a merge and was planning to do a few this cycle... but it seems like everything is in flux *way* more than usual.03:15
ScottKjmarsden: If you mean cancelling the old way of doing something before the new way is fully functional or documented or people have time to transition, I agree.03:17
jmarsdenOK.  I'll read the ubuntu-devel archive and see if I can make sense of things a bit better that way :)03:18
ari-tczewwhich architecture will not support in lucid?03:20
ari-tczewlpia ?03:20
ScottKNo lpia and no hppa (it was not in Karmic either(03:36
fabrice_spporthose_, ping05:56
fabrice_spI just wanted to check with you if you know of any transition because of soname bump in libcsfml and libsfml06:10
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porthose_fabrice_sp, pong not that I'm aware of07:37
* daurnimator pokes jbernard 07:42
daurnimatorI'm confused about the status of this package: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/39628707:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 396287 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] liblua5.1-iconv" [Wishlist,New]07:42
fabrice_spporthose_, can you just check rdepends on them?07:45
fabrice_spjust to be sure07:45
porthose_fabrice_sp, sure (when the wife gets through using the lappy)07:46
dholbachgood morning07:48
Ddayafter moving from ubuntu 9.04-9.10 my sound no longer works, does anyone know what i should do?07:51
micahgDday: check in #ubuntu for help with your sound settings07:54
Ddayi'm trying micahg, spoken to quite a few people but they aren't really sure what hte issue is07:55
micahgDday: you can file a support request here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu07:56
micahgDday: you can also check out  this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems07:57
Ddayokay thanks07:57
fabrice_spgood morning dholbach !08:02
dholbachhiya fabrice_sp08:02
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Quintasangood morning10:01
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tommytomtomI have just uploaded my package "lazy8ledger" to revu.ubuntuwire.com .  I am a little uncertain as to what is the next thing I must do.  I have read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages  but from reading that it seems now I just wait.  Is that my next step???11:30
tommytomtomhmm. ok. now I have read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing and it says to come here and announce myself...Ok. One thing I may have missed is the "needs packageing" bug report. Is that necessary?11:34
slytherintommytomtom: not necessary but encouraged to avoid duplicate efforts.11:43
tommytomtomslytherin: I searched the bug reports and nobody is on it. I am the developer of this software..11:44
slytherintommytomtom: so file a bug so that if anyone comes looking foe it they will know you are working on it.11:44
tommytomtomslytherin:  So is the goal here to motivate a MOTU team member to test my software?11:44
tommytomtomslytherin: Ok.  I'll do it...11:45
slytherintommytomtom: when you upload the package to revu, MOTU team members will comment on it and when the packaging is of good quality it will be sponsored.11:47
tommytomtomslytherin: ok.  So it ia11:48
tommytomtomslytherin: ok so it is automatic.  I just sit back and wait for comments?11:49
ankit_babbarhello all12:39
ankit_babbari have been using ubuntu, since a year..12:40
ankit_babbarI wish to help in development and have team in college to work with12:41
ankit_babbarcan you help me where to start12:41
slytherinankit_babbar: Did you read the links provided in channel topic?12:41
ankit_babbarcan some1 guide me for little start i am confused?13:07
maxbankit_babbar: A start in what?13:19
ankit_babbarfor starting up in development ....13:20
persiaankit_babbar: What kind of development?  Package maintenance, or new application development?13:22
ankit_babbarPackage maintenance13:23
persiaOK.  So do you need help finding something to do, or help doing something you've found?13:24
ankit_babbarfinding something13:24
persiaOK.  Are there any specific applications that interest you, or types of applications?13:25
persiaAlternately, are there any types of issues with applications that you like to hunt down and solve?13:27
ankit_babbari know c, shell scripting, java,php13:27
persiaOK.  Are you having any issues with your Ubuntu installation, or is there something it doesn't do that you want it to do?13:28
ankit_babbaryes well i do have a problem with OpenLDAP that i am integrating in my college for the first time13:29
persiaExcellent!  The most important thing to help is to have a source of motivation :)13:29
persiaIn that case, I'd recommend grabbing the OpenLDAP source, and trying to fix those issues.13:29
persiaYou may find some others who have worked on OpenLDAP in the past in #ubuntu-server13:30
persiaAnd if you have questions about packaging, or packaging formats, or how to do things, we're always happy to help.13:30
persiaAs long as you're working on it, you might want to see if you can fix some of the other bugs listed at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bugs13:31
ankit_babbarkk, do you bileve i should jump straight to LDAP, shouldn't have experience on small projects13:32
persiaIf you really want, but I believe that the best way to get involved is to fix something that is both interesting to you and helps you enjoy Ubuntu better.13:32
persiaThat way you can learn the tools and processes whilst working on something that you care about.13:32
persiaOtherwise you're just trying to learn stuff, and having to understand other arbitrary random applications can get in the way.13:33
slytherinany autotools experts here?13:33
persiaWe tend to work in a collaborative manner, with lots of peer review.  As a result, you shouldn't fear working on something large: that just means there's a better chance that there are others with whom you can work closely.13:34
persiaslytherin: I'm far from an expert, but I've played a lot.  What's the issue?13:34
slytherinpersia: I am maintaining a project which has all the Makefile.in files and configure script maintained in VCS which is not really correct. Also there is no autogen.sh file. Where can I find a minimal autogen.sh file?13:35
persiagettext-doc also has heaps of them for various environments13:39
slytherinpersia: I checked that file but it had mention of HPLIP in comment so I was wondering if the file was correct.13:39
persiaIt appears to be the scripts the hplip team used to clean up the mess they had, but it ought be useful for others.13:41
persiaLike I said, there are lots of other examples in the gettext-doc examples tree.  There's also a few on freshmeat.13:41
slytherinI will check gettext-doc13:41
persiaLooking at the content of the script, rather than the header, I don't see anything that shouldn't work for just about any Debian-format package.13:42
slytherinLooks like all I need to do is call aclocal, autoconf, automake13:44
=== ScottK changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Ubuntu 9.10 released! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi | Outstanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html
Lutinwhoever asked for rebuilds on elementary: please wait until edje gets out of new13:52
jbernarddaurnimator: your confusion is justified, that bug should be closed13:57
daurnimatorjbernard: the debian ml seemed to say someone else packaged it at the same time, but it was confusing to me13:57
jbernarddaurnimator: i packaged for both debian and ubuntu13:59
jbernarddaurnimator: but the bug should have been closed, im not sure about that14:00
daurnimatori went to install it on a computer today and was suprised it still hadn't gone through the process.14:01
jbernarddaurnimator: which process?14:01
daurnimatorthe process of it being submitted, to it being in the standard repos14:02
jbernardit's in both debian and ubuntu now, your install should have gone smoothly. Did it not?14:03
daurnimatornope >.< well, I aptitude search for lua, and didn't see it there///14:03
jbernardahh, the debian version is slightly newer, i made an upload to conform to the debian pkg-lua stanard, so the package name is now 'liblua5.1-iconv0'14:06
daurnimatorjbernard: http://pastey.net/13056414:08
jbernarddaurnimator: that is odd, it shows up in my list14:12
jbernarddaurnimator: your cache is up to date?14:12
daurnimatorjbernard: yep14:13
jbernarddaurnimator: karmic?14:13
daurnimatoroh hmm, I thought so, but its reporting jaunty14:14
daurnimatordist-upgrade doesn't show anything though14:14
daurnimatorupgrading to karmic now >.<14:26
bddebianHeya gang15:09
iulianHello there.15:11
bddebianHeya iulian15:13
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ghostcubebjsnider: ping18:12
bjsniderghostcube, i thought jack was FOSS18:51
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ghostcubebjsnider: yeah but the problem is main/universe18:54
ghostcubeisnt allowed to be cross compiled18:54
ghostcubeso libxine is main jackd is universe18:55
ghostcubelibxine is without jackd support18:55
ghostcubedebian has it in the packages ubuntu patches it out18:55
bjsniderare you doing sound work of some kind?18:55
ghostcubeand so there is this ppa from motin until jackd is in the main repo18:55
ScottKBeing worked on for Lucid though.18:55
ghostcubeyeah iam doing recording with ardour and lmms18:55
ghostcubeand some friends bring me stuff to cut it18:56
bjsniderok, the blob you're using works on the rt kernel you're using?18:56
bjsniderScottK, how is it being worked on exactly?18:56
ghostcubesure it works on rt but iam running jackd as default soundserver18:56
bjsniderghostcube, by "blob" i meant nvidia driver18:57
ScottKIIRC there's a spec somewhere about it.18:57
bjsniderit works on your rt kernel?18:57
ghostcubeoh ehm i havent tried so far heh sorry18:57
ScottKThere are outstanding MIR bugs.18:57
bjsniderghostcube, but you need the rt kernel to do sound work, no?18:57
ghostcubeits better but not always needed18:57
ghostcubert is "overrated"18:57
ghostcubefor professional mastering ofcourse18:58
ghostcubebut not as amteur18:58
bjsniderardour is pretty professional looking to my eyes18:58
bjsniderbut what do i know18:58
ghostcubeits lije protools or logic18:58
ghostcubeit is pro18:58
ghostcubebut it doesnt need rt to work good :)18:59
bjsniderubuntu is patching jack out?18:59
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ghostcubeafaik they remove the support in the packages yes18:59
ghostcubebut ScottKwould no better i think18:59
ghostcubedamn fingers18:59
bjsnideralright, well let me see what i can do about it18:59
ScottKI don't remember who was working on getting JACK promoted to Main, but it was someone in Ubuntu Studio.19:00
bjsnideri don't much care for the libxine in there. it's a year old, and even the libvdpau stuff is old19:00
ScottKcrimsun probably knows.19:00
ghostcubebjsnider: motin has a 1.26 version of libxine in his ppa19:00
ghostcubeyours is 1.2519:00
bjsniderit's 1.1.1619:01
ghostcubebut the drivers work fine here thx for packaging btw19:01
ghostcubeplugins is 1.26 and 1.25 inside xine /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.2519:01
bjsniderwell, i want to package 1.1.17 but it has no ibvdpau support and the unstable 1.2 branch has an a/v sync problem that's definitely a showstopper right now19:02
bjsnideror so they tell me19:03
bjsniderghostcube, would you be using his ppa as well for pulse and alsa?19:05
bjsnideri thought jack and pulse would be mutually exclusive19:06
bjsnideror jack and alsa would19:06
ghostcubebjsnider: yeah i run all the packages from there19:06
ghostcubei just choose jackd as soundserver19:06
ghostcubei start is with an shellscript before kde19:07
ghostcubeso kde detects it as it is19:07
ghostcubeworks fine19:07
bjsnideryeah but if jack is a sound server why doesn't it exclude pulse...19:07
bjsnideri mean he has pulse patched for jack as well in there19:07
ghostcubeyeah no idea why maybe you can route pulse somehow to jackd19:08
ghostcubei run jackd + alsa 3with libxine backend19:08
ghostcubei love the patchbay from jackd gui thats so fantastic you should try :)19:09
bjsnideri guess it would be routing jack calls to pulse...19:09
bjsniderthat's as clear as mud19:09
ghostcubewouldnt make sense o.O19:10
ghostcubebut ok19:10
bjsniderevery time i start trying to make sense out of linux sound, it inspires me to jump off the nearest tall building19:10
bjsniderghostcube, it sounds to me like you've replaced pulseaudio with jackd. is that accurate?19:13
ghostcubebjsnider: hmm would say so i have pulseaudio installed but i use jackd jackd uses alsa driver and i manage all ports through jack19:19
ghostcubeso i can virtually connect all players to one sound input19:19
ghostcubefor example19:19
ghostcubei see vlc mplayer and so and can route them to system in :)19:19
bjsniderbut can't you also do that with pul...er, never mind19:19
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ghostcubebjsnider: dont know never used it too19:20
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ghostcubebut i dont think you can do this realtime19:20
bjsniderbut then you're not using the rt kernel!19:20
ghostcubenah i meant at doing it it happens not in real realtime :P19:21
ghostcubewanna see a screenshot19:21
ghostcubeits a bit hard to describe19:21
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dabaRSo what are you guys doing these days? In particular as part of the lucid cycle...20:49
dabaRDoing the merges and fixing ftbfs's?20:50
dabaROr sleeping?20:52
dabaRMaybe I got on the ignore list somehow...20:55
micahgis there an easy way to convert from source 3.0 back to 2.022:41
RAOFYou mean "1.0"; it depends on what flavour of 3.0.22:42
micahgRAOF: yes, ok, I guess it's 3.0 quilt22:44
RAOFThat's less easy, then.  You'll probably need to extract the patches, re-add a quilt patch system, and such.22:44
RAOFThat said, launchpad now accepts source version 3.0, so you probably don't need to convert it.22:45
sebnerrmicahg: mind we'll have 3.0 Support in Lp soon though22:45
wgrantsebnerr: it has been supported for nearly a week now.22:46
wgrant3.0 (quilt) is trivial to convert, as long as you have only one orig tarball.22:46
micahgsebnerr: there's already 3.0 in lucid, but not in karmic and I wanted to backport something22:46
wgrantmicahg: Just remove debian/source/format22:46
wgrantAlthough you might need to recompress the tarball, if it's bzip2ed.22:46
sebnerrwgrant: oh I missed that, time passes. thx for the info22:47
micahgwgrant: do I remove that source dir or  just the format file?22:48
wgrantmicahg: Doesn't matter.22:48
ScottKwgrant: If it's already in the archive as a .bz2, will LP allow the md5sum mismatch with a tar.gz?22:48
wgrantScottK: yes. It's a different filename, so it's an unrelated file.22:48
sebnerrhuhu ScottK :)22:51
geserdoes it currently make sense to ship grab-merge in u-d-t without MoM?22:51
sebnerr/me waves at geser too :)22:52
gesersebnerr: hi (sebnerr like in sebner remote?)22:53
ScottKgeser: I think it'd make sense to refactor it into a wrapper for the UDD merge stuff.22:55
joaopintowhe can I read about python packaging, in particular to pyshared vs dist-packages ?22:56
micahgwgrant: it worked, thanks, let's see if it builds :)22:56
sebnerrgeser: Somebody else thought of pirate :p. but good idea since I use my Ipod Touch22:57
sebnerrScottK: your mail about bzr merge reminded me to take a deep look too :)23:01
geserit works fine (if you pick a package with up-to-date branches in LP)23:01
sebnerrgeser: BTW, my laptop is back but no chance to get it before monday :( wondering if they really repaired it though.. have been only 12 days ...23:04
geserit would be cool if they had managed to return it tomorrow :)23:05
sebnerrgeser: the only problem is that the Laptop is in vienna and me not ^^23:07
crimsunghostcube: yes, we're getting j-a-c-k back into main this cycle23:31
ari-tczewmen, shutdown Ubuntu and go celebrite chistmas with family!23:31
james_wari-tczew: and what about the women?23:34
crimsunthey don't count, I guess ;)23:34
ari-tczewjames_w: you can of course celebrite with women :)23:36
james_wari-tczew: my point was that there are not just men in here23:36
crimsunthere are also people who don't identify as either men or women, but let's just keep this related to MOTU :)23:37
ari-tczewI never meet woman here :>23:39
crimsunthe point is that it doesn't matter what gender someone identifies as.23:40
ari-tczewso, everybody, let's shutdown Ubuntu and go celebrity xmas :]->23:41
ari-tczews/celebrite/celebrate lol23:44
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