
BUGabundoasac: FYI enabling ipv6 in my NM wifi setting, generates a kernel dump00:01
asacBUGabundo: kernel bug ;)00:02
asacBUGabundo: how does it look like?00:02
BUGabundoI guess00:02
asacguess is not good ;)00:03
BUGabundoeverytime I try to enalbe it, NM borks00:03
asacwhat is that?00:03
BUGabundoI set ignore, and it connects fine00:03
asackernel version/ubuntu version?00:03
BUGabundono IPv6 at this time is *bad*00:03
asacBUGabundo: yes. but that doesnt mean you always got that trace?00:03
asacdid you?00:03
BUGabundoLinux BluBUG 2.6.32-9-generic #13-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 17 17:01:59 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:03
BUGabundofta: what did you do?00:27
BUGabundoall of the sudden most pages are SNAPPING00:28
ejat!ping fta01:49
=== asac_ is now known as asac
micahggavin: I have a TB crash report and I found a match in crash-reports.m.o03:18
micahgbut there's no bugzilla bug03:18
BUGabundo_workfta: on latest Ch daily in debian11:56
BUGabundo_workalls wroking11:56
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=== jtv is now known as jtv-eat
ftaBUGabundo_lunch, i fixed it with ~ucd212:37
ftaoh, here it is http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2874912:48
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_work
=== jtv-eat is now known as jtv
BUGabundo_workthats a very low % for Ch 4.x13:27
BUGabundo_worki was expecting more13:27
BUGabundo_workfta: do u have any stats of ubuntu/browser penetration vs Win/ie or Win/browser ?13:28
ftach 3.0 has been stable for windows for a while, ch 4.0 is just a recent beta; you'll need dec stats13:34
BUGabundo_worki've been using 4.x for so long, i forget ppl are still in 313:37
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mbanahow do i get back the old search interface19:39
micahgmbana: I don't know if you can19:48
micahgfta: I'm not sure what to do with the tb31 breakage23:05

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