
Stavroshow can i export my repo to a tarball for emailing?00:41
Stavrosthere's a format like that, isn't there?00:41
Stavroshow can i generate a file from a repo?00:46
PengStavros: Wait, a copy of the working tree, or all of the Bazaar data as well?01:01
PengStavros: For the former, "bzr export". For the latter, you can probably work something out with "bzr send" or "bzr bundle".01:01
PengStavros: Though I'd probably just tar it up. (Excluding the contents of .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs, but not the directory itself.)01:02
PengStavros: (And removing the working trees first.)01:02
jelmerTak, hi10:51
peciskhi people, is there any common suggestions about how to prepeare code from bazaar repo for publishing? Have to remove .bzr directory and that's it? Or something else I should look upon?16:36
jpdspecisk: bzr export - should do the trick.16:53
peciskjpds, yeah, already found it, thanks :)16:53
PengThe bzr-upload plugin may also interest you.17:02
toabctlis it possible to close lp-bugs with a commit-message?17:17
Pengtoabctl: No.17:30
toabctlPeng, ok. thanks17:31
PengThere was a little discussion about this just today... Not sure where, though.17:32
RenatoSilvaMerry Christmas18:15
RenatoSilvahmm, it seems it's not: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/merry+Christmas18:16
RenatoSilvaoops, wrong channel18:16
RenatoSilvaverterok: hi, Merry Christmas18:16
verterokRenatoSilva: hi, Merry xmas to you too!18:34
RenatoSilvathanks for merging18:36
verterokRenatoSilva: np, apologize the delay :)18:36
verterokRenatoSilva: FYI, I'll upgrade bzr-java-lib format to 2.018:41
=== gutworth_ is now known as gutworth
RenatoSilvaverterok: ok19:42
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RenatoSilvaverterok: mvn test not found?20:02
GuyFromHellSo I have this file. it's in a previous revision. it's no longer in the current revision. Is the suggested way of retrieving said file using "bzr cat"?20:31
jpdsGuyFromHell: bzr cat -r NNNN filename ?20:34
GuyFromHelljpds, right, just making sure i wan't missing anything20:34
* GuyFromHell shrugs. was hoping it'd just bring back the file but i'm not opposed to using redirection20:34
lifelessbzr revert -r NNNN filename20:34
jpdsGuyFromHell: Maybe... what lifeless said.20:35
GuyFromHellyou can revert single files?20:35
GuyFromHelland shiny, i like it.20:35
jpds$ bzr rocks20:35
GuyFromHellhank you :)20:35
* GuyFromHell is more a git fanboy but bzr isn't bad ;)20:36
verterokRenatoSilva: huh?20:53
verterokRenatoSilva: oh, that comment is from a failed test with tarmac, sorry20:54
RenatoSilvaah ok20:56
verterokRenatoSilva: I'm trying to automate the landing of approved branches :)20:57
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=== khmarbaise_ is now known as khmarbaise
Stavrosis there a way for me to package a repo as a file?23:44
Stavrosbasically the equivalent of bzr branch <repo>, zip <repo>23:45
jpdsStavros: bzr export.23:48
Stavrosjpds: that doesn't include metadata though23:49
Stavrosgoddamnit, bzr keeps ruining my repo these days23:52
nyuI made a commit using sftp://, nothing seriously big (few kiB at most), and it's been running for a looong while23:56
nyuit says it's uploaded 60 MiB by now23:56
nyu"Uploading data to master branch - Stage:Fetching revisions:Inserting stream:repacking texts:texts 34106/42307"23:56
nyushould I be worried?23:56
gutworthsftp sucks23:57
nyuor is bzr just "tidiing things up"23:57
nyuI don't mind leaving it several hours or days23:57
nyubut I'm scared.  I hope it's not some weird bug23:57

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