
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
=== Guest78452 is now known as NCommander
slytherinHi. Is there any plan to add statistics features to launchpad (if there isn't already). For example download statistics for a project.09:00
wgrantslytherin: Download counts per file already exist.09:02
slytherinNot per file. I mean downloads per day or month. That kind of statistics.09:03
wgrantAh. The data is all in the DB, so it's just a matter of someone (you?) working out what's best, and making pretty pictures out of it.09:04
wgrantI don't believe there is any significant plan around this.09:05
slytherinOk. I will check.09:05
wgrantThe information stored is the number of downloads per (date, country, file)09:06
slytherinOne more question. I am not planning to host code at LP but I will mirror my git repository. If I close the bugs in changelog in my git repo will they will get closed when it is mirrored?09:06
wgrantNo. Bugs are not even yet closed from native bzr branches.09:07
slytherinOh. I though they were similar to Ubuntu's bug closing.09:09
wgrantNot yet.09:09
slytherinEven then LP is good enough for me to move away from SF.net09:10
wgrantThere are scripts around to close bugs that are fixed in a branch.09:11
slytherinI will check thanks for info.09:12
slytherinMay be I can modify the git post receive hook to close bugs via mail.09:13
slytherinis there any easy way to import bugs from launchpad?10:25
slytherinsorry, I meant from sourceforge to launchpad10:25
wgrantslytherin: I believe that it has been done before. But this is not the right week to ask about that.10:27
wgrantIt's normally done by Launchpad Bugs developers. And none of them are likely to be here much for at least a week.10:28
slytherinI can understand. This is vacation week. :-)10:30
EsatYuceWho is Paul?20:26
ToobazHello. Launchpad PPA's don't seek for dependencies in backports, right?21:44
micahgToobaz: they can if you set them to21:47
Toobazoops... missed that setting. (it's not mentioned in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#Dependencies ) Thanks21:48
ToobazMmhh... a problem: in https://launchpad.net/~toobaz/+archive/toobaz/+packages I only have version 1.0.0-1~lucid of flickrupload22:21
Toobazhowever, an upload is rejected with "The source flickrupload - 1.0.0-1~karmic is already accepted in ubuntu/jaunty"22:22
ToobazI _had_ other versions, but I deleted... does the deletion take time?22:22
Toobazthat is documented22:22
Toobazgood night22:22

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