[00:00] nope.. just Jellow [00:00] Hellow [00:04] oh, hey pleia2 :) [11:03] does this channel and it's service have anything to do with the ubuntu certified professional courwe [11:03] course* [12:36] Sagaci: no it does not.. Sorry. [15:17] cjohnston: for reference, it's #ubuntu-training that folks want for certified stuff [15:18] not sure how useful it would be to them since work isn't really done there often, but that is the right channel :) [15:19] oh cool... :-) [15:19] * cjohnston wants to get certified.. anyone got some money to get me certified? [15:19] hehe [15:20] how was your christmas? [15:22] calm :) [15:22] yours? [15:23] uneventful.. the way I like it.. the kids enjoyed getting gifts. the grandparents enjoyed spending time with the kids.. what more can I ask for? oh ya... a nap would have been nice [15:24] hehe [15:24] how old are your kids? [15:25] my daughter is 4 and my boy will be 2 next month [15:25] cool [16:29] hey everyone :) [16:51] Pendulum and pleia2, hope you both had a great Christmas :) [20:27] doctormo: ping