
QuintasanI realised this after seeing messing with udev00:00
_Groo_JontheEchidna: how do i edit this stuff with kauth now?00:02
JontheEchidnaKAuth should pop up a policykit dialog any time the app needs to do something root-y00:03
JontheEchidnathat way you don't have to run the app as root (or add users to permission groups root normally has)00:04
_Groo_JontheEchidna: that i know, but HOW do i configure policykit to use this with recorditnow?00:06
JontheEchidnashould do it automatically, I guess00:06
_Groo_JontheEchidna: for what i read and seen, you need proper rules00:06
shtylmanamichair: install kubuntu option should not present the user with a desktop00:12
shtylmanit should launch the installer right away00:12
shtylmanI will take a peak... it might be a regression with some part of the installer system00:12
amichairshtylman: ok, thanks :-)00:13
amichairin the daily desktop livecd, I get crashes when shutting down (knetworkmanager it seems - disappears shortly afterwards as the shutdown proceeds). Is this a known issue?00:24
nixternalI take it our network manager still doesn't work with hidde essid's?00:55
crimsunit did last I tried00:56
crimsunmeaning: in lucid, it worked about 40 minutes ago00:56
crimsundon't take my experience as gospel (:00:57
nixternalit isn't doing a damn thing for me...I click on the icon, set upthe network as it should be, and nothing happens00:57
nixternalmaybe hidden essid's and wpa2-psk01:02
DaSkrEEcHor just wpa2-psk01:03
nixternalwhatever it is, it sucks ass...i had to switch over to a bit more secure home network, as everyone and the neighbor has been enjoying our wifi today...I was wondering why it was so saturated....7 iPod touches were connected to itunes and such, and 8 PCs, and 2 Macs01:04
nixternalthose not being any of the 15 machines in the house01:04
DaSkrEEcHnixternal: mac auth01:05
_Groo_neversfelde: did you check the latest qt-recordmydesktop?01:09
_Groo_neversfelde: that ive uploaded to revu?01:10
=== Guest92238 is now known as foursixnine
nixternalbug 468471 says it doesn't work, fortunately there is a workaround01:17
ubottuBug 468471 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/468471 is private01:17
nixternalI found a workaround, too: Installing Fedora 12! :-)01:17
nixternalFor me it's as easy as ubuntu, but network manager works!01:17
nixternalthat is quoted from the bug :p01:17
DaSkrEEcHgood work around01:18
DaSkrEEcHWe'll be rady to welcome them back with open arms :)01:18
* nixternal kicks that plasma network mangler shit in the ass big time01:38
* nixternal installs nm-applet01:38
nixternalgnome ftw :(01:38
DaSkrEEcHFor the wireless?01:39
nixternal<annoyed>Here is an idea, lets ship stuff for Lucid that don't work like in Karmic as well.</annoyed>01:41
crimsun<sigh> welcome to my life. </sigh>01:42
nixternalso I connected with nm-applet right...boom it works01:44
nixternalI close nm-applet and fire up knetworkmanager to do the tests per opensuse01:44
nixternalshit, knetworkmangler worked01:44
* nixternal reboots as he doesn't believe it01:44
nixternalwhoa, now it just works01:47
crimsunsrsly, ain't knm (;01:48
nixternalqdbusfornm reports the same now01:48
nixternalwonder if it was a booged wpa_supplicant config01:49
ScottKClearly PEBKAC then.01:50
nixternalno, my lucid box does not work at all01:51
nixternalI bet if I install nm-applet, it will work just like it did in karmic01:52
nixternaltesting a live cd as well and it doesn't work01:52
=== santiago-ve is now known as Guest97224
nixternalhrmm, for both lucid and karmic, fire up nm-applet, connect to the hidden essid, kill nm-applet, start knetworkmanager...and it works02:22
nixternalwhen knetworkmanager creates a connection, it tells me it is "Insecure"02:22
nixternalbut when I create it in nm-applet, then come back to knetworkmanger, it has the correct information02:22
nixternalthough...in Lucid...neither nm-applet or knetworkmanager will connect it seems02:23
DaSkrEEcHnixternal: Someone was having the same connection problems with bluetooth02:37
DaSkrEEcHGnome wouldn't connect to Bluetooth02:37
DaSkrEEcHThey opened kbluetooth and connected and after that Gnome can cnonnect fine02:37
nixternalmight help if I restart maybe02:38
nixternalthe restart notification didn't come up in lucid02:38
* nixternal bets it works now02:38
_Groo_neversfelde: hey neversfelde03:42
_Groo_newbie: the recordit package is kinda broken, not per se, but the app is missing stuff..03:42
_Groo_neversfelde:  the recordit package is kinda broken, not per se, but the app is missing stuff..03:44
_Groo_neversfelde: pls take a look at my ppa, im gonna upload a 0.8 git of recorditnow there03:44
shtylmanso my laptop sleep key is sending the XF86Sleep keycode (in xev)05:04
shtylmanand I see the hal event to sleep05:04
shtylmanbut the laptop does not sleep05:04
ScottKI think it's a bug.05:19
ScottKSorry, best I've got.05:26
crimsunwhat does Kubuntu use for PM?05:26
crimsuni.e., what's over top of devkit-power?05:26
macoused to be guidance05:27
shtylmanI like powerdevil05:27
shtylmanit has good features for various power levels and whatnot05:27
* maco read crimsun's first question as "what does Kubuntu user for private messaging?"05:27
crimsunwhat's its source package?05:28
crimsunat least it doesn't seem to rdep devkit-power, which I suppose isn't all that surprising05:29
crimsunkdebase? mmkay.05:32
ScottKcrimsun: Part of kdebase-workspace05:32
crimsunshtylman: does pm-suspend or pm-hibernate succeed?05:34
emonkeyIs it known that after the update to the 4.4 packages, there are massive performance problems, or is that just my laptop?09:23
emonkeyfor example, konversation eats 100% of one of my two cores09:24
emonkey-tquassel seems to work normal09:27
Mamarokemonkey-t: works fine here09:28
Mamarokbut Qt 4.6 has a lot of bugs causing havoc09:28
emonkey-texcept the fact that I don't see any conversation in quassel ... ?09:29
Mamarokask the Quassel guys?09:30
* Mamarok uses Konversation now09:31
Mamaroknever liked Quassel anyway09:31
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jeponghello... is there a fix/patch for the MSI WInd U100 brightness bug?12:35
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanso, hi13:56
shtylmancrimsun: pm-suspend does work14:33
shtylmanbut only as root (I imagine this is normal)14:34
shtylmanon an unrelated note... sound does not stay muted for me14:34
shtylmanmore specifically I keep getting low humming/static out of my laptop speakers even when I mute...14:44
shtylmanbut as soon as I mute it goes away14:44
shtylmanand comes back a few seconds later...like it doesn't stay muted :/14:44
JontheEchidnaoh, so that's the sleep button :x16:01
ScottKnixternal: I got a second build failure I could use that powerpc box to look into ..16:34
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QuintasanScottK: nice troll on #ubuntu-motu :D17:01
QuintasanScottK: you know bash?17:10
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* Quintasan wrote an automated tarball+bzr branch downloader for ninja18:22
Lex79Quintasan: can you ack this? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/colibri18:37
QuintasanLex79: huh, I can only comment @_@18:42
QuintasanI wonder how do I apply for this18:43
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ^^18:43
Quintasanoh I need to poke on IRC18:44
Quintasandpkg: błąd przetwarzania colibri_0.1.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--install):18:55
Quintasan trying to overwrite '/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service', which is also in18:55
Quintasanoh wait, nvm18:55
* jussi01 wonders if any of the KC are around? hrm, who was on it exactly, Nightrose, Riddell, JontheEchidna ?19:06
Nightrosewasup jussi01?19:06
jussi01Nightrose: got a sec for pm?19:07
=== newbie is now known as zegenie
neversfeldedo we remove kvkbd from the cd?19:23
neversfeldeas far as I can see KDE SC 4.4 has a widget for a desktop keyboard19:23
ScottKIf it's redundant, we probably should19:25
smarterunless plasma board has had some recent updates, the keyboard layout is hardcoded to qwerty19:26
smarterso, I wouldn't remove kvkbd yet19:26
neversfeldesmarter: is the integrated board http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Plasmaboard?content=10182219:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: Looks like you get to do a MIR for libdvdread19:28
neversfeldeI read about integrating this widget into KDE SC some time ago19:28
smartershould be that one yeah19:29
* smarter still finds "KDE SC" a bit silly :p19:29
neversfeldeso we should at least remove plasma-widget-plasmaboard19:30
neversfeldeRiddell: can you do it?19:30
smarterand kdeplasma-addons should conflicts/replace it?19:31
smarterwhat happens if kdeplasma-addons isn't installed but plasma-widget-plasmaboard is during upgrade?19:32
neversfeldeI guess the plasma-widget will stay19:33
neversfeldeScottK: how can we solve this situation?19:34
smarterdummy package which depends on kdeplasma-addons?19:34
smarteror rather, plasma-widgets-addons19:35
ScottKIt needs a transitional dummy package.19:35
neversfeldesmarter: it would probably pull in some unwanted packages, but I do not know19:35
ScottKkdeplasma-addons should provide this packages and it should depend on the binary where it lives now.19:36
neversfeldeok, I will have a look at it19:36
smarterneversfelde: well, it'd pull in all the other widgets in kdeplasma-addons, but the only way to prevent this would be to split them in different binary packages19:36
ScottKneversfelde: I think it's unavoidable to pull in some extras.  We aren't going to be able to provide a separate binary for every widget that gets added.19:36
smarteryup :]19:37
smarteranyway, we should probably ask the debian-qt-kde guys what they plan to do19:37
neversfeldewhere can I ask them? Any list or is there an irc channel?19:38
ScottKneversfelde: #debian-qt-kde on OFTC.19:39
Riddellneversfelde: do which?19:39
ScottKRiddell: If you have a moment for archive stuff, I'd appreciate it if you would release avidemux from binary New.19:40
neversfeldeRiddell: removing plasma-widget-plasmaboard, but I think we should have a solution for it first. So sorry for the ping :)19:40
Riddellavidemux accepted19:43
Lex79JontheEchidna: are you working on new upstream releases for polkit-qt, polkit-qt-1 and polkit-kde-1 ?19:46
JontheEchidnaI actually need polkit-qt-1 sponsored19:47
RiddellI can do that19:47
Riddellwhere is it?19:47
JontheEchidnahrm, my ftp bookmark is on my old computer19:48
Lex79JontheEchidna: you did only polkit-qt-1 ? I did polkit-qt and I'm doing polkit-kde but seems kde4libs needs rebuilds against polkit-qt-1t19:49
JontheEchidnaLex79: I'm doing polkit-qt-1 and polkit-kde-1 at the moment19:49
Lex79ok polkit-qt is here https://edge.launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/staging/+packages19:50
JontheEchidnagrr, ftp's not gonna work today19:53
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I'll throw it up at my ppa19:53
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.19:55
QuintasanWas Groo here?20:11
Lex79JontheEchidna, Riddell: I uploaded polkit-kde-1 and polkit-qt here https://edge.launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/staging/+packages20:17
Lex79and kde4libs because polkit-kde needs kde4libs built against new polkit-qt-120:18
Lex79see also in bzr for kde4libs20:18
JontheEchidnapolkit-qt-1 in my ppa20:19
JontheEchidnaoh, got rejected :(20:22
* Quintasan hands out cookies to JontheEchidna and Lex7920:23
JontheEchidnaRiddell: just use Lex's polkit-qt-1 I suppose20:23
* JontheEchidna makes note to self to not try packaging while sick again20:24
Quintasanit ends as a total disaster in my case :P20:24
JontheEchidnaI forgot to copy over the new .install files from the pbuilder chroot20:25
Quintasanargh those damned Tenhou players, they should go hell20:25
JontheEchidnaLex79: btw, a Lost fan then? :D20:26
dhillon-v10Quintasan, lol20:26
RiddellQuintasan: polkit-kde failed?20:26
Riddellwrong person20:27
RiddellLex79: polkit-kde failed?20:27
Lex79JontheEchidna: yeah :)20:27
Quintasandhillon-v10: they just ron me for 8k points every time T_T20:27
JontheEchidnalast season next year :(20:27
JontheEchidnabut it ought to be good :)20:27
Lex79Riddell: needs kde4libs built with new polkit-qt-120:27
Quintasanshould be impossible to score +-0 each round but they somehow manage to do it @_@20:27
dhillon-v10Quintasan, I am playing 4 of a kind, and that game is hard :D20:28
Lex79JontheEchidna: yeah on February \o/20:28
RiddellLex79: so kde4libs needs uploading before polkit-kde?20:28
Lex79Riddell: yes20:28
JontheEchidnaon that note, The End of Time part one was most excellent20:28
JontheEchidnamight be one of my favorite Doctor Whos20:29
JontheEchidnabut I guess I'll have to wait for part two to make that judgement20:29
Quintasandhillon-v10: hmm, you probably mean that mahjong where you have to collect pairs?20:30
dhillon-v10Quintasan, well that's a different game, i was talking about another game called 4 in a row20:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: I got the impression there was a load of backstory that you'd need to watch 40 years of doctor who to get20:31
JontheEchidnamm, 4 years maybe20:31
macoi think the new series should be enough to cover it20:31
JontheEchidnaYeah, the Last Great Time War and the season 3 finale are really the only pre-requisites20:32
JontheEchidnawell, knowledge of the time war's existence anyways, which was alluded to throughout the new series20:32
Lex79Lost rulez !!!20:33
Lex79"What lies in the shadow of the statue?" :D20:33
macohaha would be funny if Romana came back!20:33
macowell Romana II20:33
JontheEchidnathis could be their way to give the new writers access to gallifrey, etc20:34
Quintasandhillon-v10: play the "real" mahjong, you will see what is hard :DD http://japanese-mahjong.com/riichi-mahjong.html20:34
JontheEchidnasorta reset things a bit to give them more room to work with20:34
macohang on...has anyone in here who is interested in Doctor Who *not* seen the End of Time pt 1?20:34
macobecause we're spoilering all over20:34
claydohsomehow they need to add more Jack harness in Dr Who20:35
macoclaydoh: oh yes plz20:35
JontheEchidnawe need a chanel for doctor who spoiler discussion :x20:35
claydohthe last Torchwood 'series" was wayyy too short20:35
dhillon-v10Quintasan, thanks a lot, have you played Call of Duty Modern Warfare 220:35
macoi told Riddell, Doctor Who's got two hot Scotsman. he was confused..thought i meant Sylvester McCoy cuz he didnt know Barrowman was Scottish20:35
Quintasandhillon-v10: unfortunately yes, lol @ no dedicated servers20:36
dhillon-v10Quintasan, that game it AWESOME, although can't play it on linux20:36
claydohbarrowman's not  yank?20:36
macoscottish born20:36
macotaught himself to speak american so the kids in school would stop picking on his funny accent20:37
JontheEchidnahe does it quite well, I must say20:37
Riddelland then had a career on English telly20:37
Quintasanoh man, I didn't bought it just because you can't rent a dedicated server and all servers are actually hosted by players hence >300ms ping :P20:37
* Quintasan is not watching Dr Who20:37
Quintasanis this not normal?20:37
macono, its not20:37
macoits a fun show.20:37
dhillon-v10maco, lol20:38
Quintasanhmm means I should *cough*buy*cough* few eps20:38
claydohi thought he at least lived in the us for a bit, but no matter20:38
Riddellhe did20:38
* maco got http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/womens/bdda/ for xmas20:38
QuintasanLex79: \o20:38
macoclaydoh: yes he did...hence being teased for his accent :P20:39
Lex79Quintasan: \o20:39
JontheEchidnaTennant is a Scottish person doing an english accent for The Doctor, iirc20:39
Riddellwhich is why McCoy is the best Doctor, he maintained his accent20:40
QuintasanLex79: lol meant for Lure 8D20:40
macoproof of tennant's scottishness: http://www.dressaday.com/DavidTennant3.jpg20:40
QuintasanLure: \o20:40
Lex79Quintasan: news for acking colibri on revu?20:40
QuintasanLex79: poking persia or nixternal with a stick to put me as a Reviewer on revu20:42
QuintasanLex79: looks fine anyways :)20:42
JontheEchidnanot the pointy stick of doom!11120:42
JontheEchidnaonly Hobbsee has that ;-)20:43
Lex79Quintasan: :)20:43
dhillon-v10Quintasan, hey is becomming a MOTU the same as becomming a kubuntu ninja20:44
* Quintasan got only Mighty Stick of Waking the apachelogger20:45
Quintasandhillon-v10: nah20:45
dhillon-v10Quintasan, so what's the difference20:45
Quintasandhillon-v10: ninjas only create packages for KDE whilst MOTU has upload rights to Universe20:45
Quintasanthat's just basic difference20:45
dhillon-v10Quintasan, ahh, so its like the next level20:46
macoand kubuntu-dev can upload the stuff that goes on the kubuntu cd20:46
Quintasanstill apachelogger can order me around since he's kubuntu-dev, but just wait ;>20:46
dhillon-v10Quintasan, since you are pretty good at this, I am making a ppa, there is nothing really that needs to be compiled and the .orig file is 43 mgs. but the .deb files from launchpad are only 2.4 kbs why??20:47
Quintasandhillon-v10: what's that package?20:48
Quintasandhillon-v10: you probably have to use *.install rules to copy the files20:48
dhillon-v10Quintasan, its a project over at Sun Microsystems, its called starfish, I am just putting together some netbeans extensions so that people at my internship can use it since they all use ubuntu20:49
* Quintasan would use create install files20:49
dhillon-v10Quintasan, here, have a look: https://launchpad.net/~dhillon-v10/+archive/starfish/+packages20:50
dhillon-v10Quintasan, how do i use create install files, I just used dh_make20:50
Quintasanhuh? dh_make is for compiling and since that package does not compiling so how come you expect any output files from it? :D20:53
Quintasanlet me try doing this20:53
dhillon-v10Quintasan, I have to go eat something, can we talk after like 10 mins. sorry :D20:56
Quintasandhillon-v10: you are doing it wrong, how come your source tar.gz contains no main directory?21:06
Quintasandhillon-v10: first thing, you need to repack the source, second thing is that ALL files created by YOU related to packaging go to debian/ directory NOT to the source, the README file there is not acceptable21:09
dhillon-v10Quintasan, wait, you are confusing me now :D21:10
Quintasanwhat's confusing there? did you even went through Packaging from scratch on Wiki?21:11
dhillon-v10Quintasan, yah, I have packaged a lot before but this one is confusing because its not coming out like it should have21:12
=== santiago-ve is now known as Guest13003
Quintasanfirst of all where did you get the source?21:12
dhillon-v10the starfish project website, it was 6 seprate downloads from different place there, that's why I wanted to make a package so people can get them from a single source21:13
dhillon-v10Quintasan, let me give you the link, just a sec.21:14
dhillon-v10Quintasan, here: http://stage.opensolaris.org/os/project/starfish/21:15
dhillon-v10Quintasan, and here's my directory structure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/347784/21:15
Quintasandhillon-v10: you'd better go to #ubuntu-motu, you can't create a source tar ball by combining many upstream tgz's I don't know how to create a multipe tar.gz packages21:16
dhillon-v10Quintasan, alright thanks a lot for your help here :D it was nice talking to you21:16
Quintasanand don't you need only NetBeans module packaged?21:17
dhillon-v10Quintasan, true but that was just some other help files that makes people's life easy so I though might as well include them in21:17
Quintasandhillon-v10: dunno who maintains NetBeans but you could ask them how to do it21:18
dhillon-v10Quintasan, alright will do thanks again21:18
QuintasanYulia Novozhilova <Yulia.Novozhilova@sun.com>21:19
nixternalhttp://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/8-of-the-best-kde-distributions-657523  -- Kubuntu gets a positive review and good marks :)21:41
shtylmando we have a full copy of kdebase workspace in launchpad somwhere?21:52
ScottKshtylman: You mean in a VCS?22:09
ScottKlp:ubuntu/kdebase-workspace, I think.22:10
QuintasanLex79: colibri ack, I find this strage, can't you do self-ack? :PP23:32
ScottKQuintasan: Normally new packages require two advocations, so a MOTU can be one of them.  MOTU are encouraged, but not required to get their packages reviewed (it's OK to just upload if you want)23:39
crimsunmy, the slippery slope (;23:40
crimsunwe used to *have* to have 2 advocates23:40
QuintasanScottK: Oh well. Now that you mention it it's really better to ask someone else to checkup on your work23:41
JontheEchidnaAs a personal practice, I have at least one person look over my new packages.23:46
QuintasanHmm I was just wondering if we have an "emergency" contact system, like Riddell is not here and we badly need his guidance or something like this23:47
Quintasanchanged Riddell to anyone else :P23:47
Quintasanoh man s/changed/change23:48
pgquilesam I seeing visions or Qt4 4:4.6.0-1ubuntu3 broke ABI with previous versions due to the inclusion of sandsmark's Phonon update?23:56

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