
QuintasanRiddell: added my report of state of webkitkde but it will need more testing00:12
QuintasanI checked most "web 2.0" sites00:12
Quintasanas well as regular sites like blogs etc.00:13
shtylmanScottK: in not finding that on the website...00:20
RiddellQuintasan: what do you need my guidance on?00:23
shtylmanwe are lost without you.. fearless leader :)00:24
Riddelloh that's easy. get into free software, Quakerism and canoeing.  you can't go wrong.00:25
shtylmanstep 4: profit00:25
QuintasanRiddell: oh that was just and example :P00:25
Quintasanwell if it's not Riddell who get's asked about many things everyday the who would it be ? :P00:26
RiddellQuintasan: did calibri get uploaded?00:27
QuintasanBeats me.00:27
QuintasanLex79: ^^00:27
Lex79Quintasan: thanks :)00:36
Lex79Riddell: can you upload? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=722400:36
Riddellcan do00:40
Riddells/KDE4/KDE 4/00:41
* Riddell removes redudant name in description00:41
Riddellthe kcm is missing Messages.sh00:44
JontheEchidnapgquiles: Haven't seen any of that yet, personally. Would you happen to know of something that broke?00:44
Lex79we should poke agateau for that00:45
pgquilesJontheEchidna: I've backported 4:4.6.0-1ubuntu5 to Karmic and the Phonon-Xine backend no longer works due to unresolved symbols00:46
RiddellLex79: I can e-mail him00:47
pgquilesit used to work with the backport of 4:4.6.0-1ubuntu100:47
Lex79Riddell: ok00:47
JontheEchidnapgquiles: have a log that shows which symbol is failing to be resolved?00:48
pgquilesJontheEchidna: give me a minute to boot that computer again00:48
Lex79Riddell: for that: " debian/copyright misses Canonical Ltd  ", copyright holder is not Canonical00:48
Lex79" Colibri contains code I wrote for Canonical, but it is not a Canonical product. "00:49
Riddell"code I wrote for Canonical" means it's copyright Canonical for aurelian, the file headers confirm this00:50
pgquilesJontheEchidna: kcmshell4: symbol lookup error: usr/lib/qt4/plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_xine.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9QHashData13detach_helperEPFvPNS_4NodeEPvEPFvS1_Ei00:52
JontheEchidnaLooks like something was built against Qt 4.6 beta00:53
JontheEchidnathere was a binary incompatible change between 4.6 beta and 4.6 RC1 in QHashData00:53
JontheEchidnaQMap too, I think.00:54
pgquilesJontheEchidna: yes, thiago blogged about that00:55
pgquilesJontheEchidna: I think the problem is phonon-backends 4:4.3.1-5ubuntu3~karmic1~ppa100:55
pgquilesI'm getting it from some kubuntu PPA, I think00:55
pgquileslet me check00:55
JontheEchidnaah, probably kubuntu-ppa/experimental00:55
JontheEchidnawhich I think had 4.6 beta00:55
pgquilesthat's the problem00:56
pgquiles4.6.0 rc100:57
pgquilesbut looking at the publishing dates, that phonon-backends package was built against tp100:57
JontheEchidnaI think there's a newer version in kubuntu-ppa/beta for the KDE SC 4.400:58
JontheEchidnaI'll just delete that one in experimental00:58
pgquilesJontheEchidna: there's phonon backends 4.3.80 for KDE 4.4 but that's too big of a change for now for production :-)01:00
pgquilesI'm going to rebuild phonon backends 4.3.1-5ubuntu3~karmic1~ppa1 in my PPA against 4.6.0 final01:00
shtylmanwhat do you guys do when you need to make a patch against an image file? does that patch still go in the debian patches folder?01:01
JontheEchidnayou could repack the tarball with the new image included01:02
shtylmanso no patch solution for images :)01:02
JontheEchidnaright, there's not really a way for binary file patching01:03
shtylmanwoa... I just tried to do debuild in something that I am tracking with git... I don't think it liked it...01:04
shtylmandpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to kdebase-workspace-4.3.2/.git/objects/7c/b7134bd1dd97c682279cbae987f1cf114b03a5: binary file contents changed01:04
pgquilesshtylman: debuild -S -sa -I.git -i.git and forget about the .orig.tar.gz, it makes no sense for a moving target01:05
shtylmandpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to kdebase-workspace-4.3.2/plasma/applets/battery/battery-oxygen.svgz: binary file contents changed01:07
shtylmanand I don't want a source only build01:07
pgquilessteveire: rm kdebase-workspace_4.3.2.orig.tar.gz01:09
shtylmanwill do01:09
shtylmanpgquiles: thanks... that seems to have done it :)01:09
pgquilesthat way you'll get a single kdebase-workspace_4.3.2.tar.gz which includes the .orig.tar.gz and the .diff.gz01:09
shtylmanjust trying to make a new version of workspace with my battery icon patch01:10
shtylmanso do we know if we keep the kde source (wth debian folder) somewhere in version control?01:14
pgquilesshtylman: AFAIK the KDE source is not under revision control but the debian folder is01:14
shtylmanyea...I found the debian folder01:15
shtylmanwould be nice to have the kde stuff under version control then I can just commit on top and keep rebasing01:15
shtylmanwithout making patches01:15
pgquilesshtylman: svn.kde.org is your friend01:17
shtylmanindeed it is... I already have the trunk checked out01:18
shtylmanbut I also like to make packages for cleaner install01:18
pgquilesshtylman: take the would-be KDE 4.4 packages from kubuntu-ppa01:19
pgquilesit's 4.3.85 IIRC01:19
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ScottKshtylman: It may not have been imported yet.03:20
dhillon-v10bddebian, hi :D03:21
bddebianHello dhillon-v1003:21
dhillon-v10bddebian, how are you, and how was Christmas03:22
bddebianOK thanks.  Christmas was good thanks.  You?03:22
dhillon-v10bddebian, pretty good slept a lot03:23
dhillon-v10bddebian, i am making a ppa and the .deb files are like 2.4 kbs, while the orig is like 43 mgs. why would that be, here's my directory structure:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/347784/03:24
bddebianThe debs are empty?03:25
dhillon-v10yah, why is that happening, could it be because of debian/rules file03:29
dhillon-v10bddebian, are you there ?03:34
ScottKdhillon-v10: That's really off topic for this channel.  Please take the conversation elsewhere.03:40
dhillon-v10ScottK, okay03:41
shtylmanso I patched the battery icon a bit03:45
shtylmanchanged the color for ciritical battery level03:45
shtylmanand turned it sideways03:46
shtylmanI think the sideways looks a bit better03:46
ScottKIs it only sideways when it's critical?03:46
shtylmanhaha no03:46
shtylmanthat would be funny03:46
shtylmanits always sideways03:46
shtylmanI just took a screencap of the critical level :)03:47
shtylmanI think it works better in a bar orientation like that... but im still playing with it03:47
shtylmanI also changed how it displays the various power levels03:47
shtylmanso it gives you more granularity03:47
shtylmanversus the segmented bar thing it has now03:47
shtylmanwith just 4 power bars03:47
shtylmanmine has 10 levels03:50
shtylmanand they arn't broken up03:50
shtylmanso it looks more continuous03:50
shtylmananyone know how to clear the plasma icon cache?04:46
ScottKshtylman: Maybe rm -f ~/.kde/cache-*/kpc/plasma* (untested, so beware)04:50
shtylmanI did that04:52
shtylmanI need to refresh my desktop somehow04:52
shtylmanthat works for new plasmoids I start04:52
shtylmanbut not for ones I have04:52
* shtylman is very pleased with his new battery :)04:55
shtylmanicon looks much prettier now04:55
shtylmannixternal: kubuntu slideshow has been merged into trunk05:58
shtylmannow to wait for packages to be approved05:58
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ghostcubeehlo :)08:36
ghostcubeanyone using TB 3.0 and is missing xpunge ?08:52
ghostcubethe dev from project gave me the info 0.40 for TB 3.0 is online08:52
ghostcubeon his webpage08:52
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freeflyingghostcube: TB? thunderbird?12:04
freeflyingghostcube: then suppose most of us here are using kmail12:05
freeflyingghostcube: wrong channel for you :)12:05
ghostcubenah :) just an suggestion12:06
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hungerWhen will nepomuk finally work in kubuntu? The virtuozzo backend thing should solve the java issues, doesn't it?14:39
Riddellwe need an FAQ about this14:42
Riddellhunger: we're waiting on a new virtuoso release, the current one doesn't work with nepomuk14:42
hungerOh, great:-(14:42
hungerIs it easy to move the existing nepomuk db to virtuozzo?14:43
* hunger is using some sesame backend right now or something.14:43
RiddellI don't know14:43
hungerToo bad.14:43
RiddellI expect it's done magically, it was with the move to soprano14:43
hungerThat would be great. Well, I'll just wait and see.14:44
hungerSorry for repeating a question.14:44
jtechidnaour sesame backend doesn't work at the moment. might be too old since it's in a separate package14:49
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
hungerJontheEchidna: I have that on one of my boxes only and use that one rarely. Haven't even noticed it to be broken yet.14:50
JontheEchidnawith kde 4.4?14:50
JontheEchidnaoh, I probably haven't set up that java symlink business14:51
JontheEchidnano luck, can't get it to work here14:56
hungerJontheEchidna: I am not sure whether it (still) works for me. It did a while back, but I hardly ever use nepomuk, so it might be broken for me too.15:01
hungerJontheEchidna: Can't get to the machine right now... christmas vacation ... so I can not check.15:02
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ubottuDebian bug 508048 in wnpp "ITP: virtuoso-opensource -- OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition" [Wishlist,Open]15:28
JontheEchidnahmm.. I wonder what/where that tiny KDE patch is15:31
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nixternalScottK: setting up the server now15:52
DaskrEEchJontheEchidna: That would be on trueg's part I suspect15:59
DaskrEEchVery unfond of Notifications on Kubuntu currently16:50
jussi01DaskrEEch: +1 (and that might just annoy you some more :P)17:04
* DaskrEEch expected that from eviljussi01 17:33
jussi01DaskrEEch: naah, eviljussi01 is only evil cause he uses irssi17:36
nixternalthis mac will not boot off of any ppc iso I throw at it...trying USB stick now, but I doubt that will work...usb-creator !work17:40
ScottKnixternal: I doubt Lucid will work for install/boot, but I think Jaunty or Karmic should be OKish.18:15
ghostcubeon G4 with rage 128 none of all boots so far on ppc ... i need to get another radeon mac edition somewhere18:19
nixternaltrying jaunty, as the karmic image is to big18:25
nixternaland this thing only has a cdrom18:25
Tm_Tnixternal: you can overburn it18:25
nixternalI had to burn with windows 718:25
nixternalTm_T: to big for overburn18:25
Tm_Tnixternal: oh? karmic ppc image?18:25
Tm_Thmh, what did I burn then...18:26
Tm_Tcan't remember, cannot check, sorry18:26
nixternalppc d-i has a red background...I thought something was broke18:26
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Riddelluh oh19:46
Tm_TQuintasan: no, it's seele19:46
Quintasanwait, what?19:47
* Quintasan is pissed at Ubuntu for failing to find his external HDD19:47
Quintasan[85176.234451] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 819:47
Tm_Tthat's not nice19:47
DaskrEEchProbably shouldn't keep /home on an external device20:03
jjessethats a bad thing20:07
QuintasanDaskrEEch: you do that?20:07
* jussi01 is annoyed at ubuntu for breaking his TV card driver... had to go back to the previous kernel iteration20:08
DaskrEEchOther than having your groove session for work missing I'm trying to figure out why not finding a device would raise ire levels to pissed20:08
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DaskrEEchJontheEchidna: no one seems to know I"mma mail the dude and find out20:40
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JontheEchidna!find /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_container.so23:00
ubottuPackage/file /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_container.so does not exist in karmic23:00
JontheEchidna!find /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_container.so lucid23:00
ubottuPackage/file /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_container.so does not exist in lucid23:00
DaskrEEchKopete seems to slowly eat a lot of memory23:00
QuintasanJontheEchidna: are you using two screen setup?23:17
QuintasanMichał Zając (Quintasan), Michał Zając (lrzgranados) is now following you on Twitter23:19
QuintasanI was like "Lol how can I follow myself on Twitter?"23:20
DaskrEEchQuintasan: what you should do is get a script that reposts things that you are said to you on twitter then post one that says @quintasan Go!23:24
QuintasanThat would grant me an insta-perma-ban on Twitter probably :P23:26
* Quintasan is struck by banhammer23:26

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