
hggdhfailed to install/upgrade: write error on stdout: no such file or directory00:14
hggdhbcurtiswx: translated; I updated the bug00:16
hggdhit is French -- BUGabundo had it right, but answered in Portuguese :-D00:17
hggdhheh. It *was* fun :-)00:17
BUGabundowhy ?00:17
hggdhpoor bcurtiswx was trying to figure out language and translation, you gave him the language in a language he does not speak :-)00:18
hggdhsort of convoluted, but cool anyway00:19
bcurtiswxI assigned the translations team... they can remove it once its translated00:19
bcurtiswxdidn't catch your other msg hggdh00:21
micahgis google translate so hard?00:21
bcurtiswxnope, i would but im going through a backlog of bugs00:21
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hggdhfor the record -- I saved Daniel's impromptu on Sound bugs/Patching to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training/Logs/2009-12-2702:47
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nigel_nbhggdh: are you around?03:13
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nigel_nbcrimsun: pulseaudio using 2.7 GiB of memory is normal?06:03
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toolwebHi.. I want to start helping Ubuntu BugSquad... Can someone please help me out mentoring ?06:33
jmarsdentoolweb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/GettingInvolved  is a good place to start06:35
toolwebjmarsden: Hi.. I have read the doc actually.. I joined BugSquad @ launchpad and things.. I could really help if someone could show how one is done.. Am not an experienced Ubuntu user myself.06:38
jmarsdenSo you read and understood https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage   ... but still can't figure out how to do... what?  What specifically do you want to do now?06:40
jmarsdentoolweb: Is there a specific bug you are interested in helping with?  Or a specific package?  What is interesting to you to do next?06:44
toolwebCan you show me with this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/500947 .. Or any new bug thats listed? I did read the Wiki and just didnt want to do things unless am sure of it.06:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 500947 in brasero "Brasero won't burn Dvd" [Undecided,New]06:45
jmarsdenOK.  So, what do you think might need doing to this bug?06:46
jmarsdentoolweb: Can you, for example, confirm it on your own machine?06:46
toolwebjmarsden: The bug doesnt happen in my machine..I am able to burn things properly..06:47
toolwebjmarsden: The package is also already assigned..06:47
jmarsdenSo... how else might you move this bug along?  Is there information missing from the bug report that would help?06:48
toolwebSorry.. But I dont know.. I could request for some additional info but dont know what..06:49
jmarsdenDo you think the issue is a hardware problem?  If so, maybe ask the reporter for details of the DVD drive they have and the brand of DVD+R disks they are using?  If you think it is a user doing something odd, perhaps ask them for more details on exactly what they are doing with Brasero to burn the disk?  Lots of options.  If you don't know what the most likely cause is and you can't duplicate the issue, this might not06:51
jmarsdenbe a great bug for you to work on...06:51
toolwebmm.. Then can you please take me thru' one actual bug?06:53
jmarsdenFind one you are familiar with or think you have a chance of duplicating... pick one you like the look of...06:54
jmarsdenTo see "how one is done", just look at any triaged bug and see what the questions and answers were that got it from New to Triaged.06:55
toolwebOk.. Perhaps I will do that and get back later..06:56
jmarsdenSure, sounds good.  I can use one I did as an example, but it would probably me more than you can handle right now, I tend to pick bugs I'm interested in ... and I've been using Linux since 1992 :)  That's why I wanted you to pick one...06:57
toolwebOk.. I do have one myself then.. Ubuntu One never worked for me..06:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 500772 in ubuntuone-client "Ubunte ONe dosnt work" [Undecided,New]06:58
toolwebSorry I am a "fairly" recent user but completely new to contributing..06:59
jmarsdenOK.  "Doesn't work" is not the most descriptive phrase I could come up with... what exactly happens when you do what using Ubuntu One?  Adding some info about that (I log in to Ubuntu, I click here and there and there and type THIS and click THERE and it ....) might be good.07:00
jmarsdenBug reports should include enough info to allow others to reproduce the issue... I can't see easily how to reproduce this bug from that bug report, yet.07:01
jmarsdenSo it looks to me like it needs more info from the reporter about exactly what they did to cause the issue.07:01
toolwebI goto Places>Ubuntu One and then Click "Connect" and the button is greyed out saying "Connecting" forever .. I will ask this to the bug desc as I am also affected..07:02
jmarsdenGood.  Also say that you see this same issue, and include details about your machine (versiobn of Ubuntu, etc).  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Improving07:04
jmarsdenHowever, this bug looks like it may be different from just "click on connect and it hangs" -- there are some glib assertion failures in there... are you seeing those?07:05
toolwebI am sorry I didnt get 'glib assertion' failures... My system doesn't hang though.. I can even close the window without killing..07:07
jmarsdenSo how sure are you that what you see is the exact *same* bug as stefan reported here?07:07
jmarsdenIf your Ubuntu One failure is different from his, you should open a different bug report about your issue.  Accidentally sticking two different bugs into one bug report is confusing for those who will try to confirm and fix the issue.07:09
jmarsden(BTW, based on " I do have one myself then.." I thought you *were* stefan, at first :)07:10
toolwebSorry :) But how do I verfiy If I have those Glib failures?07:10
jmarsdenProbably you'd want to run the ubuntu-one client program from a shell and see if you get similar output in that shell window.07:13
toolwebHi jmarsden.. I ran both processes and http://pastebin.com/m2ab3d26807:16
jmarsdenOK... that doesn't look like the stuff in the bug we are looking at, to me.  Looks like the Ubuntu One client expects to use Network manager and for whatever reason is unable to find it to use, on your system.07:19
jmarsdenSo you should probably file a new bug about that (check the list of related bugs in case someone else already filed one that really *is* the same as yours, of course).07:19
jmarsdentoolweb: BTW I just subscribed to Ubuntu One and logged into it and it "just works" for me.07:21
jmarsdenSo I can't confirm your bug or stefan's bug, at this point.07:22
toolwebOk.. I will search if mine has already been reported.. and I get the purpose of description :)07:22
jmarsdenGood :)07:23
toolweband er.. How do I delete my comments for stefan's bug (The one I added desc wrongly)07:24
jmarsdenI'm not sure you can delete comments... I'd just file your new bug, and then add another comment to his saying "I think my issue may be different from this one, so I filed a new bug #12345678"07:25
toolwebOkay.. I'll do that..07:28
emilehow can i find out what the status/release data of a launchpad bug is? (#435352)14:18
yofelbug 43535214:19
nigel_nbbug 43535214:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 435352 in linux "regression: uvcvideo module makes "cannot reset port" error on usb with bison webcam (5986:0203): USB and suspend fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43535214:19
nigel_nbyofel: beat me to it ;)14:19
emileyofel: thnx, in the progress it says 'fix commited, fix released' as last entry. What does that mean?14:20
nigel_nbemile: it means, its fixed in lucid, probably14:20
emileok, so it wont be released for karmic14:21
yofelno, it's fixed on the release notes (someone put a note there)14:21
emilethat's too bad, but still an answer to the question14:21
yofelit's still confirmed in lucid and triaged in karmic14:21
yofelemile: see the states on top of the page14:21
yofeloh wait, the last it says is fix release on the first 80 comments, the bug has >200 ...14:22
emilei find it very confusing. So it wont be solved for karmic because the bug is triaged. The bug is also confirmed for lucid and will hopefully be fixed there. 'fix commited, fix released' has nothing to do with karmic?14:25
yofelemile: the bug will definitely not be fixed in karmic as long as it's not fixed in lucid first, and as I understand it's still not clear what exactly is the root of  the issue14:28
yofelI haven't read all comments though so I might be wrong here14:28
yofelemile: but as long as the karmic task isn't 'Invalid' or "Won't Fix" there is a chance the bug will be fixed in karmic at some point. But I have no idea when that might be14:30
emileyofel: ok thanks for clearifying. Funny thing it worked very well in Jaunty. Every kernel update (i think it's a kernel issue) i just check if it works again ;p14:30
yofelemile: since the bug is against 'linux' it IS a kernel regression, so you're right there14:31
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fabio_hi, any can reproduce this bug, I need the empathy debug package but in karmic repository debug the package is broken, the link is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60551915:28
ubot4Gnome bug 605519 in Chat "dragging a conversation tab onto another crashes empathy" [Critical,Unconfirmed]15:28
fabio_I need the stacktrace15:29
fabio_empathy-dbgsym: Depends: empathy (= 2.28.1-1ubuntu1) but is to be installed15:29
fabio_E: Broken packages15:29
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_Narc_Hello everyone. Sorry to bother you, been a long time, but I think I'm experiencing am important bug and nobody's able to help me on #ubuntu. I updated Karmic yesterday and now my left click is almost dead...16:06
micahg_Narc_: are you sure it's not your mouse?16:10
_Narc_micahg: Oh, no, I'm sure, it works on Windows, and I never had anyproblem with it. Thanks for answering me, I know it's not an help channel but it's pretty crippling. Xev doesn't register anyevent, I disabled compiz effects and gnome-do, I don't know what to do16:11
micahg_Narc_: maybe ask in #ubuntu-x16:11
_Narc_micahg: Ok, I will.16:12
_Narc_micahg: Well, they're silent :/ Thanks for your help anyway, I'll stick with keyboard shortcuts for a while. Weblinks are a sore though.16:34
_Narc_Should I submit this under X or "Ubuntu" ?16:35
micahg_Narc_: ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-input-evdev16:36
micahg_Narc_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HalBreaksKeyboardAndMouse16:37
_Narc_micahg: Well, looks like it's not HAL, since my cursor is moving and left click works on a few buttons i.e gnome panel. Seems to happen after launching FF though. Thanks, I'm reading it now.16:40
micahg_Narc_: there's a whole X troubleshooting session16:41
_Narc_micahg: I see, I'll read it too16:43
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cjohnstonbug 501157 - sounds like since the wife is having the problem on a mac with safari its invalid?23:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 501157 in firefox-3.5 "Can log in to site, but when trying to click to next page, loading never finishes. My wife has similar problem with Mac/Safari." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50115723:38
cjohnstonwishlist bug 50105123:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 501051 in atomicparsley "Newer fork of upstream source" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50105123:45

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