
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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huatshey everyone10:58
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kenvandinebcurtiswx, i actually don't recall what the final verdict was on that14:37
bratscheHey kenvan, how was your holiday?14:37
kenvandinehey, pretty good... and your's bratsche?14:37
kenvandinei've been driving 2 hours back and forth to the hospital :/14:38
bratschekenvandine: Oh man, I'm sorry.  That sucks. :/14:38
kenvandineyeah.. good news is she is still alive :)14:39
kenvandineand stable, we just have to hope she can make it until the 6th when they can operate14:39
kenvandinebut we made she we focused on the kids for christmas, and not her... that is how she would want it14:40
kenvandineso xmas was great with the kids :)14:40
kenvandinebratsche, have you been able to work on the gtk problems?14:40
kenvandineor other bugs introduced by rgba on by default :)14:40
bratscheNo, I was focusing on other stuff but I'm going to switch back to rgba stuff now.14:41
bratscheThe rgba code won't make it into 2.20 though.14:41
kenvandineclient side decorations?14:41
bratscheBecause that comes out in like a few days, and we're still blocking on window manager hint spec stuff.14:42
bratschec-s-d still has some other bugs in it, so that won't be in 2.20.14:43
kenvandineso are we planning to distro patch it then?14:43
bratscheI'd like to distro patch the rgba stuff at least.  I want to get the WM hint spec passed and get upstream approval for it, then distro patch it.14:44
bratscheHonestly, the c-s-d is the less important thing to get and it's also the bigger change and the more intrusive change.14:44
bcurtiswxkenvandine: would there be an appropriate place for a discussion on what should happen after exiting your preferred IM client?14:52
kenvandineprobably on that old bug14:52
kenvandineor the ayatana mailing liust14:52
real_atehi everyone... I'm working on an application that will be using the new implementation of the Ubuntu Application Indicators but i've run into some problems15:38
real_ateif i copy the python code found on this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators15:38
real_atei get an error ** (test.py:22994): WARNING **: Unable to create Ayatana Watcher proxy!  Could not get owner of name 'org.ayatana.indicator.application': no such name15:39
real_ateand nothing happens15:39
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kenvandinereal_ate, i am not an expert15:55
kenvandinereal_ate, but i think that means you either don't have all the necessary deps installed or it isn't running15:56
real_atekenvandine: hmm... well I'm pretty certain that I have all the right deps because I've added the ppa that the page tells you to add15:58
kenvandinedo you have libappindicator0 installed?15:59
kenvandineand have you restarted your session?15:59
real_atei haven't restarted my session15:59
kenvandineah... you need to15:59
real_atethats probably it ;) brb15:59
kenvandineit starts some services are needed15:59
real_atekenvandine: thanks ;) its beautiful!16:02
kenvandinewhat are you working on?16:02
real_atejust one of my little crazy ideas ;) have you ever used apt-chacher ?16:03
real_atesimple idea... its like an apt proxy that you put on your local network that caches any packages that you download16:04
kenvandineand there is a gtk ui?16:04
real_atenope, not yet ;)16:04
real_atei want to turn the script at the bottom of this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Apt-Cacher-Server#Use%20as%20a%20proxy%20to%20APT into a little system tray applet16:06
real_atesimple enough idea but will make a huge difference for people who are afraid of the command line ;)16:07
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