
Psi-Jack-I'm curious.00:11
Psi-Jack-Debian still uses the old ifconfig/route stack for pretty much all network initialization, including in ifup/ifdown.00:11
Psi-Jack-Has Ubuntu made any efforts to move this into iproute2 days?00:11
laenZelest: gotta admit that i don't use libvirt, but i haven't found a direct way to do it either.. will let you know if i do :)00:42
laenPsi-Jack-: i doubt ifconfig is gonna dissapear cause of iproute200:44
Psi-Jack-Never said that.00:44
Psi-Jack-I just wanted to know if Ubuntu's working towards, or already has, started using iproute2 tools over ifconfig/route like most other distributions have already been doing.00:45
Psi-Jack-Debian, I already know, is still not using iproute2 unless you use it manually yourself.00:45
SwapswapWhy does the motd think I need to restart the server?01:35
jmarsdenSwapswap: motd doesn't, landscape=sysinfo does.  Because you installed an updated package that requires it, possibly an updated kernel.02:12
SwapswapIs there a way to figure out what exactly?02:14
jmarsdenSwapswap: Yes... but you seem to have left... read /var/log/dpkg.log02:20
tesseracterive looked all over the web for my situation, and have not found clear advice, understanding, or steps. the situation is ubuntu-desktop, 2 SSDs in a raid0, ext4. do i need a separate boot partition? can it be raid1? can the filesystem root be in the raid partition?02:32
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bogeyd6tesseracter, you dont need a separate boot partition, it can be raid 1 if hardware supports it, yes the root partition can be in the raid03:06
bogeyd6tesseracter,  i hope that is clear enough03:08
tesseracterbogeyd6: my current error when installing ubuntu is something about the boot install of grub failing. i'll see if i can get some more specific details.03:08
bogeyd6tesseracter, are you letting ubuntu suggest the partitions or are you trying to make the partitions yourself?03:09
tesseracteri made the software raid in palimpsest, then select it in the install - thats the only way that i found to select the raid array.03:10
bogeyd6yeah thats the prob bro03:11
bogeyd6Let your hardware do the raid03:11
bogeyd6ubuntu will see it as a single drive and just make the partitions or accept the default partitions03:12
jmarsdenbogeyd6: he has 2 (SATA) SSDs, how can "the hardware do the RAID" ?  he lacks a hardware RAID controller.03:12
bogeyd6you dont need software raid running on raid hardware03:12
bogeyd6jmarsden, most computers, nay servers, have built in hardware raid, as fake as it may be, but you should let the hw do the work when available03:13
tesseracteri dont have a hardware raid controller, the mobo has intel matrix raid support, which takes just as much cpu as software raid, and its raid0, so the cpu hit is negligible.03:13
jmarsdenbogeyd6: No, you should NOT use fakeraid with Linux, in general.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto -- see that warning!03:14
bogeyd6jmarsden, can you be more specific on where the warnings are03:16
jmarsdenbogeyd6: You should be able to set up a Software RAID1 arrangement using the Ubuntu alternate installer.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID03:16
tesseracterfrom what i've read, software raid for a single user system is fine. im not dual booting, so windows doesnt need to understand the setup.03:16
jmarsdenbogey: Read the page.  It says "FakeRAID is not supported by Ubuntu. Trying to install Ubuntu on such a partition could easily result in the loss of all your data."03:16
jmarsdentesseracter: You are correct.  Use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID03:17
tesseracterjmarsden: ok, so that page says that the boot partition must be raid1. ive got 2 64gb drives, OCZ recommends 2-4gb unpartitioned for erase blocks, which leaves ~60gb for stuff. how big should a boot partition be?03:19
jmarsdentesseracter: 1GB is plenty.03:20
jmarsdenThere are people who use 100MB for /boot03:22
tesseracterwell, i've had problems and needed to return to previous kernels in the past, so i'll stick with 1gb.03:22
tesseracterand im backing everything up on a 2tb drive daily, network weekly, so clearing everything isnt a huge problem.03:24
bogeyd6sounds like you got this03:25
bogeyd6we got servers at work that load their /var/www/ from a SAN into a ramdisk so they can be super fast03:25
tesseracterbogeyd6: i try, but there are a bunch of complications at every turn. i still havent figured out alignment.03:26
tesseracterand yeah, im finishing things off with an extra 4gb of ram(8 total) and setting up a tmpfs for /tmp and various caches03:27
bogeyd6you got 8gb total ram installed not including swap?03:28
tesseracteronly 4 right now, 4 in the mail.03:28
bogeyd6you going 64bit or pae?03:29
tesseracterim 64 bit at the moment. quadcore watercooled, if it matters. modeling workstation.03:30
tesseracterthe trouble is i spend so much time figuring out how it all works, and i've gotta get stuff done starting tomorrow morning.03:31
bogeyd6tesseracter, might i ask the goal you are working towards?03:32
tesseracterbogeyd6: im almost there. a comfortable blender workstation.03:33
tesseracterand silence is very valuable to me, thats why the ssds and watercooling(looks cool too)03:34
tesseracterblender = 3d modeling, for game models and cutscreens.03:35
MTecknology!search pdo03:51
MTecknologyhrm... how do I get PDO?03:51
MTecknologyor enable it..03:53
jmarsdenMTecknology: I don't understand the question... you browse to it... http://packages.debian.org/PACKAGENAME03:55
jmarsdenWhat do you want it to do for you?03:55
MTecknologyhow do I install it03:55
tesseracterjmarsden: can you link that page again? the software raid one?03:55
jmarsdenYou can't install a web site...?03:55
jmarsdentesseracter:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID03:55
MTecknologyPDO is an extention of PHP03:56
jmarsdenMTecknology: pdo is short for packages.debian.org which is a web site...03:56
jmarsdenAh, looks like we have a TLA namespace collision !03:56
jmarsdenI think ther PHp PDO extension is included in the php5-mysql package, or it used to be...03:57
MTecknologyI have that installed...03:58
MTecknologyi   php5-mysql                      - MySQL module for php503:58
jmarsdendpkg -L php5-mysql | grep -i pdo   # suggests there is PDO stuff in there...03:59
jmarsdenWhat exactly are you trying to do?03:59
MTecknologyjmarsden: Install Durpal 704:01
FireCrotchMTecknology: you have to install pdo from pecl :)04:01
MTecknologyFireCrotch: :(04:02
FireCrotchMTecknology: you'll need to have php5-dev installed, as well04:02
FireCrotchpecl install pdo && pecl install pdo_mysql04:02
MTecknologyFireCrotch: what jmarsden just mentioned shows /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/pdo_mysql.so04:02
MTecknologyand /etc/php5/conf.d/pdo_mysql.ini04:02
jmarsdenFireCrotch: Are you sure?  PHP PDO was added in Ubuntu Edgy precicely to avoid the need to do that.04:02
FireCrotcheh jmarsden is probably right :)04:03
jmarsdenI'm not a PHP expert, but... seems odd that such support in Ubuntu would have regressed.04:03
MTecknologypecl feels like an additional package manager - I don't want to need to go to the dark and ugly days of playing with ruby04:04
jmarsdenMTecknology: My thoughts too.04:04
jmarsdenMTecknology: Drupal6 is packaged and easy to install... looks like Drupal7 is shiny and new and not packaged for Lucid yet...04:06
MTecknologyThat .so being there makes me think it is just a matter of enabling it04:06
MTecknologyI don't use web apps like Drupal from repos; I develope for them so I need things that are up to date04:06
MTecknologyDrupal7 isn't released yet - I'm just starting to develop with it04:07
FireCrotchMTecknology: it *should* be enabled since the pdo_mysql.ini file is there04:07
FireCrotchMTecknology: unless your /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/ doesn't have it?04:07
jmarsdenMTecknology: Then logically you should package Drupal7, and then install your package(s), right? :)04:08
jmarsdenMTecknology: On my Karmic box here, installing apache2 and php5-mysql and friends gets me a system where phpinfo() shows:   PDO support enabled04:11
jmarsdenSo I'd say it "just works" here, as far as that very basic check goes.04:11
MTecknologyjmarsden: D7 should be released before it gets packages IMO04:12
jmarsdenMTecknology: If you are using something you should package it (even if from a DVCS or whatever) so you know what you installed and where... IMO :)04:12
MTecknologyIt's just a tarball you drop in /var/www04:13
jmarsdenI package betas and RCs of things all the time for internal/personal/test use.04:13
MTecknologyI'm not good enough at packaging for that04:13
FireCrotchMTecknology: it would be good practice :)04:13
jmarsdenFireCrotch: That's exactly what I was going to say :)04:13
FireCrotchjmarsden: great minds think alike :)04:14
MTecknologyI may do that eventually; for now I need to have D7 working04:14
jmarsdenMTecknology: OK, so what exactly is broken?  What fails, what error msgs are you seeing?04:15
MTecknologyI was told this is because it's lacking PDO - I'll try phpinfo()04:15
MTecknology drivers mysql04:16
MTecknologyjmarsden: FireCrotch: thanks... it must be some other error :(04:19
jmarsdenBTW I just did wget -O - -c http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-7.x-dev.tar.gz | tar -C /var/www -zxf - and it gets me to the installer screen just fine when I browse to it, so yes, it must be something else.04:19
MTecknologyi got to the installer fine, it's during install that it breaks04:19
jmarsdenOK, I can try it...04:20
lwizardlis there a printable pdf version of https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/04:22
andollwizardl: Something like https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/serverguide.pdf ?04:24
lwizardlawesome thanks :)04:25
jmarsdenMTecknology: drupal7 installer working fine here except I need to up the default max memory for PHP... doing that now...04:28
jmarsdenMTecknology: Seems to "just work" here on Karmic 9.10 amd64 once I change that memory limit to 32MB.04:30
MTecknologyjmarsden: I just wiped all the tables - I'll try again04:33
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MTecknologyjmarsden: working now - thanks04:40
MTecknologyI don't know what broke :S04:40
jmarsdenGood.  You're welcome.04:40
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sektorNBAanyone skilled with squid_ldap_group? I just need to configure it to tell me which group user belongs.10:16
kworkdoes anyone have Dell PowerEdge Expandable Raid controller 510:31
RoyKkwork: do you need one_10:39
kworkim wondering how i can monitor it on ubuntu/debian10:40
RoyKI think there's a nagios plugin for that10:41
kworknagios is step 210:41
RoyKPERC controller?10:41
kworkfor starters i would need something from shell10:41
kworkyep perc 5/i10:41
RoyKtry with nagios10:41
RoyKit's easy10:41
RoyKthat is - try the nagios plugin10:42
RoyKit's just a script after all10:42
RoyKlike all nagios plugins10:42
RoyKfor instance10:42
kworkhmmmz okey ill look into it thanks for suggestion10:48
kworkfound this thingie, getting the openmanage now, i hope i can alienate it to deb10:48
Asad2005I have installed server 910 and used guided use entire disk and set up LVM but reboot after install now give me grub error: no such partition and goes into grub rescue prompt12:20
Asad2005ls from the prompt shows (hd0) (hd0,1) then error: out of disk. Any help?12:21
drbobbhello, I'm using lvm2 on my server, and I'd like some of the logical volumes to be owned by a user other than root - could someone point me in the right direction on how to achieve this? My guess is it can be done by a suitable udev rule, but my attempts so far aren't working.12:38
drbobboh, ubuntu-server 8.04 LTS, btw12:39
drbobbok it looks like I just solved my problem13:38
johe|workhi there, i am using snmpd on several servers, one i found the problem that some of them just listen to and so does not reply to the main server, i cant found the config telling to do so, any idea?13:58
khannzhello, community. I need to create a guest account to my ubuntu-server with ssh login enabled & only homedir rw permissions. What should I do? ^_^ yes, i'm newbee )14:09
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j416should I store my SSL private keys unencrypted for my servers (apache, postfix, dovecot) or is there a better way of avoiding the password prompt?15:13
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bkonkleQuick question - I upgraded from Jaunty server to Karmic server over the weekend, and now my motd is not displaying upon SSH connect.  The last login displays, but /etc/motd is not displayed.  In /etc/pam.d/login the motd line reads "session    optional   pam_motd.so ", but I'm not sure where else to go to troubleshoot.  Any ideas?16:28
blistovanyone heard of any bugs regarding md raid5 arrays coming up degraded as /dev/md_dX,18:11
blistovHow do I tell a directory to force permissions on new files?18:14
geniiman umask18:17
blistovgenii, thanks, but umask doesn't work for subdirs correct?18:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #501092 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes pre-removal-Skript mit Signal (Interrupt) get?tet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50109218:56
ruben23hi guys18:59
amitryAre there any prepackaged Ubuntu 8.04 server images for Eucalyptus?19:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #501096 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50109619:22
mrbrdoHey guys does anyone know if it's possible to have a swap partition on a VPS? (fdisk won't work)19:39
mrbrdoor a swapfile perhaps, if that's even possible on linux?19:39
andolmrbrdo: Regarding the VPS question then that is something which depends on what kind of virtualisering you are dealing with. Yes, you can use swap files in linux.19:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #404573 in ucf (main) "package update-manager 1:0.93.35 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) (dup-of: 269539)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40457319:52
mrbrdoandol: the panel they use was HyperVM... anything else i can check? i tried making a swapfile but when i try to swapon it, i get swapon: /swap: Operation not permitted. I AM root.19:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #391420 in openldap (main) "package update-manager 1:0.87.31 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39142020:01
andolmrbrdo: Sounds like a good question to ask support @ your-vps-provider? :)20:07
mrbrdothey take longer than you :) but i guess so.20:10
d35iboyHi..when I try to connect to vnc server..it dont accept any connection :(20:20
d35iboyI installed vnc4u20:21
blistovmy server boots from an lvm on top of an md raid5.  grub is able to load the kernel, but the kernel can't seem to figure out how to actually start the md raid5.  anyone know why?20:37
mrbrdohow can i set the number of threads/processes that bind9 creates?21:30
wizardslovakhello people21:34
wizardslovaki am changing my server hardware,21:35
wizardslovakis there way to switch my current settings to new server?21:35
wizardslovaki heard to .tar my .etc directory and then just transfer it to my new server21:36
wizardslovakanyone help?21:36
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ptingi'm setting up cron jobs to rsync from multiple nginx logs from different servers to a single server. is it better to rsync from this single server, or have the multiple webservers rsync to the single server?23:00
ptingi suppose it'll probably be easier to manage if i had that single server rsync to the multiple webservers23:05
ptingi do have puppet setup, so deploying changes to that cron job isn't too bad... but i think i'll go with the latter23:07
jakwgravIf I start off building a File Server and later decide to use it to host a website, is this recommended or should I build a File/Web Server from the beginning23:17

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