
rtgzNote sync is DOWN13:50
rtgzdown down down down doooown13:51
rtgzChristmas bug!13:51
voytechI'd like to know If anybody can share information about ubuntu one service and desktop couch. I'd like to find some pdf documents or sth like that about architecture of Ubuntu One and Desktop Couch..16:03
voytechOr If there is source code documentation explaining how it works ?16:05
rtgzvoytech, basically, Ubuntu One servers run CouchDB set up so that different clients can get different namespaces for their data. Everything that is put into couchdb locally will be replicated to Ubuntu One. There are some conventions (described in desktopcouch docs) that dictate how should application-specific bits be saved in couchdb documents.16:30
voytechok thanks but If I want to synchronize files for example from windows system with Ubuntu One, is there any way to do that ?16:37
voytechI think there should be port to windows of ubuntu one client to do that16:37
rtgzvoytech, the file sync part does not use couchdb at all. There is no ubuntuone client for Windows at the moment. It is unlikely that ubuntuone team is going to do this and I haves'ะพ16:43
rtgz*haven't seen any windows activity in this channel, So I can't tell whether there is anyone working on porting the syncdaemon to windows.16:44
rtgzThere is a port of syncdaemon for fedora - http://thomas.apestaart.org/log/?p=1074, but no immediate plans to build windows client, as far as I know16:48
voytechI know that file synchronization is not done by desktopCouch db16:51
voytechbecouse  couchDB allows only key-value pair data to be stored in data base16:51
voytechI was asking about ubuntu one client docs becouse I'd like to see if it possible for example to make a port to windows... My supervisor (of my master thesis) told me to do synchronization with Ubuntu One from windows level. I think there is no way to do that without porting ubuntu one client and desktop couch. But I don't know if it is a hard task to do yet (I'm affraid that yes :( )16:58
rtgzvoytech, one needs to become familiar with python programming to port syncdaemon. Syncdaemon uses some API that is available only on Linux (not surea about others), like inotify (notifier for file status change), however since the code is written in python only w/o binary dependencies then It might be not as hard as it seems.17:06
rtgzHowever,  dbus is also required to communicate between syncdaemon/applet and nautilus plugin (i.e. state info notification)... So it might be not as easy :(17:15
PerJ_help - my 50GB plan has vanished - Canonical has not drawn the 1o$ from my credit card and now the account is gone18:11
PerJ_has anyone else experienced the same ?18:12
rtgzPerJ_, hi. Unfortunately I am not a part of U1 team, so I am not able to help with the account. As Matt Griffin pointed out in the email earlier, "Most everyone is off until Jan 4 for the holiday so representation might be low until then." You might have more luck posting to ubuntuone-users mailing list describing the problem to get necessary attention to this problem.19:14
PerJ_rtgz - thank you, I will wait until 4. of january - but must say it is bad to lose one's cloudbased storage, it is not boosting confidence in the solution.19:39
PerJ_Apparently it is a billing problem somehow as the money for next month has not been withdrawn19:40
rtgzPerJ_, and I think that you should file a bug regarding this19:40
rtgzPerJ_, so it was not your issuer bank that declined the transaction, it was just the canonical side which did not charge your card, right?19:40
PerJ_rtgz, I *guess* so - as I have not received any email from canonical - normally I receive a "Payment received for ubuntu One 50GB"  email notice19:44
PerJ_rtgz, a failed transaction should result in an email notification and a notice of the account disappearing19:45
rtgzPerJ_, I just hope that this is not a result of server upgrade on 23rd of December...19:46
rtgzPerJ_, exactly, notifications are required in any case. And it should retry charges notifying about any problems. Including displaying warnings on the web ui, cutting it all like this is a bad way of doing things.19:48
PerJ_rtgz, have checked bank, no notices of any kind19:55
PerJ_rtgz, I think not, I should have been billed the 10$ on the 19. of december19:59
rtgzPerJ_, were any of your files removed from the web interface? I am a user of the free package, so I have no idea how that works... :(20:03
PerJ_rtgz, you could say a file or two were removed - the entire account has disappeared and when loggin in I am offered a new subscription20:43
PerJ_rtgz, it is as I have never had a subscription before20:44
rtgzPerJ_, there is a https://one.ubuntu.com/support/account-assistance/ form, though it looks like it is somehow unfinished. You might try using that as well20:46
rtgzPerJ_, hm, the form actually works. I guess you should insist on investigation of this case.20:47
seg|arsurbanape: hey, are you around?20:49
rtgzseg|ars, I am afraid most of the staff is away until 4th of January, though there has not been any activity in this channel from U1 team today...20:55
seg|arsok thanks20:55
PerJ_I have filed an account-assistance, the 23., just not heard anythin yet from canonical, will be patient till 5. of january20:56
rtgzPerJ_, just in case that something goes awfully wrong at the server side, I'd advise you to back up the contents of Ubuntu One folder to some other dir on your hard drive, so your files will not be affected.20:57
rtgzPerJ_, there is little chance that something might go so wrong, but just to be on the safe side...20:58
PerJ_rtgz, good advice, will do20:58
flowinghi all23:36
flowingdoes anyone have an idea why i can store files via webinterface  (and then see them in nautilus on ubuntu) but not copy files via nautilus in the Ubuntu One Filder (cuz those copied files wont appear in the website)23:38

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