
slackguruI find myself wondering, if upstart plans to replace init, why then my first process is still called init?00:14
ionIf GNU ls is an implementation of ls, why is it still called ls?00:19
raphael___where's Keybuck? :-/00:21
ionMy guess would be vacation.00:22
raphael___ion: do you know if there has been any work done on implementing time-based events? (to replace cron & friends)00:22
ionNot yet, there are still more important things to get done.00:22
ionStates and proper fork tracking should be implemented in 0.10, time-based events at some point after it probably.00:24
raphael___I see00:24
raphael___I wonder what happened to the built-in SELinux support patch00:24
slackguruThankkfully Slackware is not going this route and Slackware is the major distro I use.00:25
ionGood to know that Slackware still embraces obscure race conditions. :-P00:26
slackguruActually all my event based items work marvelously. I could literally remove my laptop's hard disk if I wanted to...00:27
raphael___I wonder how long is Gentoo going to stick with their new rc script00:27
slackguruanyway, I have found some good reading about upstart, and it does appear that I can start making jobs for upstart to replace the old init scripts.00:29
slackguruThanks ion for the link and the explanation, it was very helpful.00:32
Mdis any of the grownups here up to date about the plans for network-related events?00:48
JanCraphael___: Keybuk might be on holiday, considering the time of the year  ;-)00:57
raphael___JanC: yup, ion already suggested that. It's very likely that's the reason01:02
JanCanyway, this channel is logged01:03
JanCso he might see any suggestions01:03
ionIf you want to reach him, send an email. Who reads days worth of IRC logs just in case someone had something to say to him? :-P01:12
birdmani have problems with init scripts on ubuntu 9.1012:49
birdmannone of scripts from init.d were launched on boot up12:50
birdmanany advise ?12:50
ShaunRi got a weird issue, i'm running ubuntu 9.10 on a Xen Guest.  The console doesnt come up.  I created /etc/event.d/hvc0 but on boot it doesnt seam to start.  If i ssh into the server and run start hvc0 the console starts and works, but for some reason on boot it wont.21:33

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