
EagleScreenyou could consider an amarok 2.2.2 package for Kubuntu karmic + KDE 4.3.4, i have built it sucessfully00:46
RiddellEagleScreen: isn't the latest ?00:49
EagleScreenit depends in kde 4.3.8500:49
EagleScreenmost people do not want to install kde 4.3.8500:50
EagleScreenit is as it had be built for lucid00:50
EagleScreeni have just rebuilt the same package agains a karmic chroot and it works00:51
Riddellthe trouble is we don't have a suitable PPA, and people get confused by the number of PPAs we have already00:51
EagleScreeni think it should go in beta-backports00:51
Riddellbeta backports has KDE 4.4 beta in it00:52
EagleScreenthen in kubuntu backports ppa00:53
EagleScreenwhen it reaches final 2.2.2 may be00:53
Riddellyes that would be ok00:53
Riddellor even real backports00:53
EagleScreenbut i do not understand why it depends on kde 4.3.85 if it is suposed to be built for karmic00:54
Riddellit's built against the packages in the PPA00:54
EagleScreenyes, i see00:54
EagleScreenhow do you do it?00:54
EagleScreendoes pbuild or soyuz support ppa "distro releases"?00:55
RiddellEagleScreen: how do you mean?00:56
EagleScreenhow do you build a package against a PPA distro? as I know, pbuilder or soyuz only build for official releases (karmic, squeeze, hardy, unstable...)00:58
Riddellyou can change your sources.list in the pbuilder to include the PPA00:58
Riddelland when uploading to the PPA it'll build against the packages in the PPA00:58
nixternalEagleScreen: you don't build against the ppa, the package can leverage other packages in the ppa for build depends...00:58
EagleScreenokay, then, you add your ppa to pbuilder config for karmic00:59
EagleScreenthen if you run a sudo pbuilder update, is karmic updated with ppa packages or what?01:00
EagleScreenif I had kde packages 4.5.85 in my ppa, will soyuz build amarok for kdelibs 4.3.85 in place of 4.3.2 for karmic?01:02
RiddellEagleScreen: yes01:02
Riddellto both01:02
EagleScreento both?01:03
Riddellboth questions01:03
EagleScreenoh okay01:03
EagleScreenneed to sleep now01:03
EagleScreenthanks, see you tomorrow01:04
crimsunpsst, it's ScottK's birthday today01:09
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Merry ScottK day | Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html |Congratulations to Quintasan for becoming a MOTU
dhillon-v10Riddell, hi :D I am currently looking into bugzilla <-> launchpad integration task for kubuntu, would you like to give me any advice on what should I be doing? Do i need a dev account to do so01:12
shtylmanI wants my kubuntu menu icon back :(01:23
shtylmanI don't think upgrading karmic to kde4 betas was a good idea01:24
shtylmansomething is now using 100% cpu :)01:24
shtylmankonversation uses 100% cpu :)01:26
shtylmanmaybe a qt bug?01:26
JontheEchidnausing monospaced font for the chatview is a workaround, iirc01:28
shtylmanyea that worked01:30
DaskrEEchKopete uses 100% CPU if I mouse over it01:31
shtylmanJontheEchidna: has that bug been reported? or is it no longer a problem with latest kde trunk?01:33
JontheEchidnaIt's been reported at the Qt bugtracker01:34
shtylmanso it is a qt thing?01:34
shtylmanman..I really hate the new notification crap01:35
shtylmanits very annoying to clear them now01:36
shtylmanand when many apps add notifications that little slider overflows01:36
shtylmankubuntu qa widget doesn't work :(01:39
Quintasanhmm anyone of you can help me a little bit with perl script for irssi?01:45
shtylmandon't know perl :/01:46
Quintasanurgh, at least I think the problem is a regexp inside the script01:46
shtylmanwhats the problem?01:47
Quintasanit says that amarok is not working while I' listening music now01:47
Quintasanoh wait, actually dbus fails to get called01:48
QuintasanCould not connect to D-Bus server: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: /bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed01:48
shtylmancould be a problem01:49
QuintasanI wonder why, localhost works fine, when called over ssh it fails01:49
shtylmando you need the -X flag to ssh?01:50
shtylmanfor x11...01:50
shtylmanI dunno if your qdbus command is trying to do some gui stuff01:51
Quintasanshtylman: on my local box this command just displays a string in cli01:55
Quintasanshtylman: -X flag doesn't help01:55
shtylmandoes autologin work for anyone else in 4.4 b2?02:04
DaskrEEchIsn't it -x ?02:15
shtylmanon another note... I like the new quadros wallpaper ...02:19
shtylmandigikam dies :(02:29
shtylmanThe following packages have unmet dependencies:02:32
shtylman  digikam: Depends: libkdcraw8 but it is not going to be installed02:32
shtylman           Depends: libkipi7 but it is not going to be installed02:32
shtylmanim using the beta ppa02:32
DaskrEEchWhat's your policy for kipiplugins ?02:33
DaskrEEchapt-cache policy kipiplugins ?02:33
shtylmanunable to locate package02:34
shtylmanI just forced a few upadates...I think it just failed to upgrade some stuff02:36
shtylmanI still don't have kipiplugins02:37
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
=== verbalshadow_ is now known as verbalshadow
ScottKshtylman: Something didn't get rebuilt with the new kdegraphics libs.02:51
shtylmanScottK: :(02:51
ScottKshtylman: Force install libkdcraw8 and see what it wants to uninstall.02:52
shtylmanI installed that02:53
ScottKWhat got kicked out?02:53
shtylmandon't remember ... :/ that was a while back... but im installing showfoto now02:54
shtylmanI noticed in aptitude that a few things didn't install02:54
shtylmanand im installing the dbg packages just in case02:54
ScottKBack later.02:54
shtylmankipi-plugins isn't available... that seems to be the problem...03:32
DaskrEEchUh huh03:32
DaskrEEchI have somewhat the same issue03:32
ScottKThat'd need to be uploaded to the PPA to build against 4.404:14
shtylmanis someone on that?04:17
ScottKNot as far as I know.04:29
shtylmancan we pull the ones from lucid? cause those seem to work fine04:34
ScottKI haven't been keeping track of the changes that need to be made to go from lucid to karmic.04:35
shtylmanI guess its not a big focus anyhow04:36
ScottKNot for me anyway04:42
ScottKnixternal: Getting louder over there?04:42
nixternaldon't hear anything05:19
nixternalit is warmer in here though05:19
ScottKStuff is compiling.05:20
nixternalSystem load: 1.7205:20
nixternalhrmm, it is actually fairly quiet05:20
nixternalkdevelop(7396)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::slotFileDirty: forgetting about individual update to "/home/nixternal/.zhistory"05:21
nixternalkdevelop(7396)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::updateDirectory: KUrl("file:///home/nixternal")05:21
nixternalthat sounds a bit unnecessary to me05:21
nixternalwhy does kdevelop care that I did 'ls' in a terminal?05:21
ScottKSeems OK speed wise too.05:22
nixternal667MHz G4, quite ancient05:29
nixternalit has 1.25GB of ram, which I think I pieced together from spare parts I found around here05:29
nixternalI got it free a few years back..I tried OS X, realized it was not my cup of soup....used it for Debian for a few months, then finally decomissioned it until today05:30
DaskrEEchWhen you decide that yo uwant to kill it?05:54
nixternalwould be nice if this thing had wake on lan, then you could shut it off when you were done with it, and start it up when you were ready to play again :)06:13
nixternalnever noticed how noisy this thing was before06:14
nixternalanywho, to bed I go...g'nite06:15
jussi01Just a quick question, is kpackagekit's non handling of sun licenses going to be fixed for lucid? ie. is it planned?08:30
Nightrosehappy birthday ScottK :)10:50
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
ghostcubeScottK: happy birthday o.o11:15
ghostcubewe need a birthday calender in here11:15
ghostcubesomeone codes a birthday bot ?11:15
jussi01ghostcube: please no more bots....12:16
jussi01if anything a plugin for kubotu...12:16
ghostcubejussi01: i was just joking :) but if someone can manage this12:28
jussi01ghostcube: I dont think its that useful, but meh12:29
ghostcubeits like a weather bot funny for 3 weeks and then ...12:29
* jussi01 downloads lucid alternate for installing in virtualbox...12:30
ghostcubehmmm i known i forgot something to install yesterday damn12:30
ghostcubevirtualbox is missing on a friends pc heh i think he doesnt like this12:31
apparleWho develops Kdelirc14:10
apparleI would like to write an extension for it14:12
DaSKreeCHapparle seems to do that a heck of a lot?14:18
DaSKreeCHthat's the third time I've seen him (assuming him) login and ask something then insta logout14:18
jussi01DaSKreeCH: yeah, theres a few regular flyby'ers15:03
DaSKreeCHapparle: hi.15:11
apparleDaSKreeCH: hi15:14
DaSKreeCHapparle: Did you check the Authours file in SVN ?15:19
apparleDaSKreeCH: Nope...I don't know much abt this15:21
DaSKreeCHapparle: ok well head to http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE and find klirc15:22
DaSKreeCHYou can see who has been commiting recently and get the e-mail addresses15:23
ScottKThanks everyone for the birthday wishes.  I think it's safely over everywhere now.16:15
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html |Congratulations to Quintasan for becoming a MOTU
RiotingPacifistwhat is the ETA for nepomuk working in karmic?17:33
DaSKreeCHRiotingPacifist: Ask openlinks17:38
jussi01RiotingPacifist: when virtuoso release...17:42
ejatdid someone working for kmymoney beta ?17:43
ejati got issues while compiling it .. since it need to port to qt417:44
ejatwill glad if someone package it for kubuntu :)17:44
nixternalheh, how do I get pictures off my camera w/o digikam? I feel like a freakin' newb right now17:45
ejatnixternal: mount it manually ?17:46
nixternalguess so, I thought it would have popped up and told me I plugged it in17:46
nixternalthought it did that before...guess not17:47
ejatnixternal: should be if u choose the storage mode from the camera17:47
_Groo_hi/2 all17:47
_Groo_i found another broken kde package in lucid, this time a kopete one17:47
_Groo_kopete-cryptography: Depends: libkleo4 (= 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu6) but 4:4.3.85-0ubuntu1 is installed.17:47
ejati think .. same goes to da hphone .. it will notify ...17:48
_Groo_also koffice-kde4 krita is still version 2.0.2 :(17:48
_Groo_i mean the entire koffice package in lucid is still old17:48
ejatanyone working to update the kopete-facebook package for kde sc 4.4 beta2 ?17:49
jussi01_Groo_: I think thats because of the main inclusion17:49
_Groo_jussi01: are you refering to koffice?17:50
jussi01its waiting on a mir iirc17:50
_Groo_also vlc needs to be updated to 1.0.4 in order to fix the kde over fullscreen bug17:50
_Groo_jussi01: waiting on a what? lol17:50
jussi01Main Inclusion Report17:50
_Groo_jussi01: ah ok17:51
_Groo_can someone take a look at kopete-cryptography then?17:51
shtylmanwhat is all this with this steve guy?17:55
shtylmanvorian I think17:56
shtylmanwhat the hell happened?17:56
Nightrosea few things that weren't CoC compatible - nothing to loose sleep over now though as it is dealt with17:56
DaSKreeCHnixternal: Gwenview can pull pics off17:57
nixternalI can't figure it out17:57
ejatDaSKreeCH: did it need to install the plugin ?17:58
nixternaloh, maybe I can now17:59
nixternalall of my kipi this and kipi that were busted17:59
shtylmanmy kipi stuff is borked as well18:00
DaSKreeCHMine too18:00
nixternalhrmm...guess I will install f-spot then18:04
RiotingPacifistjussi01: huh? isn't 5.0.12 already out?18:05
nixternalshtylman: what else can I use then?18:05
shtylmanwhat are you trying to do?18:05
nixternalhaha, I just installed the new kipi-plugins from lucid in karmic :)18:08
shtylmanI might have to do that :)18:09
shtylmanyou just got that deb file?18:09
ScottK_Groo_: We need to wait for a new kopete-cryptography release that works with 4.4 before we can fix it.18:09
_Groo_ScottK: ah ok18:10
_Groo_ScottK: the thing is, if lucid is kde 4.4 based, shouldnt the old packages be purged until they are upgraded?18:10
ScottK_Groo_: There isn't a really great way to do that.  Fundamentally the development release is only for testing and development, so if some stuff doesn't work, I think it's oK.18:11
ScottKnixternal: I fixed libsdl1.2 on powerpc.  I'll upload it shortly.  Thanks.18:12
_Groo_ScottK: ok :) ill keep bugging you guys :D how about vlc 1.0.4? from launchpad it should have been included in lucid already18:12
ScottK_Groo_: There should be a new kopete-cryptography release with 4.4 final.18:13
nixternalshit, digikam breaks18:13
nixternalDaSKreeCH: gwenview does not dl pics from a camera...if it does, it is a well hidden feature18:14
_Groo_ScottK: ok18:14
ScottK_Groo_: Both Ubuntu and Debian still have 1.0.3 vlc, why do you say it should be included already?18:15
_Groo_ScottK: cause 1.0.4 fixes the kde over vlc fullscreen bug18:15
ScottKAh.  I guess it just needs someone to package it.18:16
_Groo_ScottK: i can do it and send to revu if you want18:17
ScottK_Groo_: For a new upstream release, just attach the .diff.gz to a bug and subsribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors.18:18
ScottK_Groo_: Even better, ping someone on pkg-multimedia and help them update it in Debian (perhaps siretart)18:19
_Groo_ScottK: ok18:19
_Groo_ScottK: i cant subscribe to ubuntu-universe-sponsors, i need to be added by an admin18:26
ScottK_Groo_: You can subscribe uus to the bug that has the diff.gz.18:27
* ScottK is off for a while.18:27
_Groo_ScottK: ahhh ok18:27
_Groo_ScottK: cant i be added to ubuntu-universe-contributors?18:27
_Groo_ScottK: or revu-uploaders since i already upload to revu :P18:28
txwikinger_Groo_: I think ScottK meant to add ubuntu-universe-contributors to the bug report not to add yourself to ubuntu-universe-contributors18:28
_Groo_txwikinger: yeah i got it now...18:28
_Groo_debian = ubuntu = lots of bureacracy18:29
txwikingerwell.. you need some checks and balances.. if you don't want that, I fear you need to do your own distro18:29
jjessetxwikinger: totally agree, no checks and balances and things go to chaos really quickly18:30
ejatmy alt+f2 wont popup the run command .. where should i check ?18:38
shtylmanejat: rerun krunner18:39
shtylman(probly in a konsole)18:39
ejatshtylman: thanks ..18:40
ejatwondering why it suddenly died18:40
ejateven i already restart the machine it wont run ..18:40
shtylmanwho knows... some bug most likely18:40
shtylmanif it happens alot you could try running it in a debugger18:41
_Groo_txwikinger: i agree, but ubuntu could create a more loose revu/uploaders for the ocasional packager, like myself18:41
ejatok .. my plasmoid also disappear .. then i need to add it back .. yeah .. maybe its a bug in kde sc 4.4 beta218:42
txwikinger_Groo_: we have that... it is called a ppa18:42
_Groo_txwikinger: ¬¬18:42
=== newbie is now known as zegenie
_Groo_is anyone looking at kdebindings for kde 4.4 beta 2? (lucid)19:00
nixternalhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/nixternal/4226262754/sizes/l/  <- 1 to 3 inches of snow19:14
Tm_Tonly ~30 cm snow here ):19:17
Tm_Tperhaps more but still not much19:17
ghostcubenull here cause to warm19:17
Quintasan_Groo_: the debian dir for virtuoso you sent me is corrupted, at least it fails to extract19:26
Quintasanalso, nice drama with Steve19:27
_Groo_Quintasan: it is? whats your email again, gonna resend19:28
_Groo_Quintasan: very strange i checked it here before i sent it19:28
_Groo_Quintasan: im trying to make kdebidings for 4.3.8519:29
Quintasandon't waste your time now19:29
Quintasanif they don't build they wont :P19:29
QuintasanLex79: did you try building kdebindings?19:30
_Groo_Quintasan: ok, sent.. try now.. but it IS working... its a tar.bz2 file19:31
Quintasan_Groo_: okay, thanks19:34
_Groo_i need to hangup see ya guys later19:35
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
DaSKreeCHnixternal: http://gwenview.sourceforge.net/21:11
nixternalyeah, I know about that...but it seems it is either a) not in our current release of gwenview, b) cannot be triggered manually, or c) not popping up teh notification when I attach my camera21:12
ulysses__the Time Lords returned \o/21:15
DaSKreeCHIt's about time! Lord!21:16
ulysses__"For Gallifrey! For victory! For the end of time itself!"21:17
nixternalScottK: are we doing that bzr merging/building crap now? want to make sure I am doing things right before committing anything...shit changes so frequently around here, I don't have time to keep up21:20
ScottKnixternal: For Kubuntu packages we are still just keeping debian dir in bzr (like the last couple of releases), but for merging in general, you need to use the bzr stuff since MoM is dead.21:21
ScottKYou can build the package using it, but you still have to upload the source yourself.21:21
nixternalahhh, ok that explains your email I read the other day then21:21
nixternalhaha, I got a chuckle out of it, as I could tell you were a bit pissed21:21
Lex79Quintasan: yes, it was ftbs21:22
QuintasanLex79: Groo wanted to do it very badly but I told him to stop wasting time :P21:23
Lex79Quintasan: it makes sense :D21:24
Quintasangrr when that damned virtuoso is going to get released21:25
QuintasanFCKIN FLASH21:27
Quintasandamn it and I had sooo damn good tiles21:28
Quintasanhow can this be, clicking stops working when I'm one tile awayfrom winning21:28
DaSKreeCHQuintasan: Ping overlinks and ask for a timeline once they have finished drinking21:30
Quintasanwait, what?21:30
DaSKreeCHQuintasan: the fine folks who have the final say on the release of virtuoso ?21:31
DaSKreeCHWould be a good set of people to ask for a timeline :)21:31
Quintasannow that you mention it21:31
QuintasanI wonder who's responisble21:32
DaSKreeCHopenlinkssw ?21:34
shtylmanis quadros going to be the default wallpaper?22:18
shtylmanfor lucid?22:18
shtylmanRiddell: is quadros wallpaper gonna be default in lucid?23:02
Riddellshtylman: nobody seems to like it, it's not a small job replacing it though, chosing artwork is tricky (everyone has an opinion) and stuff like the konqueror about page need updated too23:09
shtylmanRiddell: really... noone likes it?23:33
shtylmanI kinda like it :)23:33
shtylmanso is that a yes or a no on default?23:34
shtylmanI was just wondering if I should change the installer background to use it23:34
Riddellshtylman: it's too distracting.  I havn't seen anyone in here or in KDE channels who likes it23:35
RiddellI'd be tempted to use the circle one from 4.3 since it was never set to default for that23:35
shtylmanyea...I like that one too23:36
shtylmanso is pinheiro gonna make something else since no one likes it?23:36
RiddellI've not heard form upstream.  but no decision here yet, I think we should make a decision shortly after 4.4 is released since upstream could change it until then23:37
shtylmanmakes sense23:37

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