
Duck-I'm not a pedophile, but I'd bang that little blonde girl from the Gap commercial so hard she wouldn't walk straight until she got to grade 5!00:06
_marx_« !ops »00:10
_marx_it'll be back00:12
nigel_nbhello :)02:29
pleia2hey nigel_nb :)02:30
nigel_nboh hey pleia2, still awake huh02:30
pleia2barely, it's only 9:30pm and I'm exhausted02:31
pleia2I am never tired this early! sheesh :)02:31
nigel_nbi had a long day, just finished some heavy laundry02:32
pleia2fun fun02:32
nigel_nbpleia2: was supposed to meet a friend yday evening, completely forgot.  She blasted me for forgetting, cant forget today :P02:33
nigel_nbhave to write that post today or I'll forget02:35
nigel_nbpleia2: what you do as dev for debian?02:37
pleia2worked on a couple webapps, lately I've been working on some php library packages02:38
nigel_nboh, so do you have to actually code? or just "debianize" source packages?02:39
pleia2mostly just debianize02:40
pleia2have to be somewhat clueful about the code when it comes to applying patches and things, but that isn't usually a huge deal02:41
nigel_nbhm, as I did find out recently ;)02:41
nigel_nbsomething like the MOTU in ubuntu I guess... rite?02:41
nigel_nbI'm off pleia2, later :)03:12
pleia2nigel_nb: take care :)03:13
doctormo_marx_: Are you? Just noticed my name in spaces08:54
doctormoI hope someone banned Duck- last night... that was vile.08:55
ZachK_Duck? what happened doctormo? And hey.....08:56
doctormoZachK_: Oh, just someone who decided to troll, bringing up three or four bannable things in 4 lines.08:59
ZachK_doctormo: that's ridiculus09:15
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
_marx_doctormo: yes i are12:08
_marx_the troll was in -irc as well12:08
* _marx_ hopes to have script done by 2000 EST12:09
doctormomarx: script?13:31
starcraftmanpopey: www.pastebin.ca/1730754 < My outline I'm working on. I only noticed recently your talk on Don't panic seems similar.15:43
starcraftmanpopey: busy huh? Well get back to me with thoughts when ya can.15:50
popeysorry, playing with the kids16:14
starcraftmanoh that's perfectly fine :)16:18
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
popeystarcraftman: yeah, you're right, there's quite some overlap there17:25
starcraftmanso what ya wanna do? ><17:26
popeynot sure it's withwhile having two sessions on the same topic17:26
popeyI don't mind stepping aside, you do yours17:27
popeyi can try and think of something else to do17:27
popeyunless someone else has some ideas17:27
starcraftmanpopey: you sure ya don't mind?17:27
popeyit's fine17:27
starcraftmank, well lets see. I know it's slightly more advanced, but maybe a talk on partitions? That does seem to be where lots of new folks go wrong during install.17:29
starcraftmanI answered far too many of those on forums over years.17:29
popeyhave a think, I don't mind either way.17:30
popeylet me know what you decide :)17:30
starcraftmanlet you know? Now I'm confused, I thought you wanted suggestions on alternate.17:31
starcraftmanbesides, might be lil out of beginners scope, have to ask cjohnston17:32
pleia2starcraftman: I think a paritions discussion geared precisely as you just worded that "new folks having trouble during the install" would be fine :)17:33
pleia2like partitioning 10117:33
pleia2explaining what partitions mean, and fixing common problems new folks encounter17:34
starcraftmanpopey: not something takes your fancy?17:35
starcraftmanpleia2: sounds good, now I'm conflicted. Har. I really like partitions. >.>17:35
popeyyeah, I'm up for anything17:36
popeyI can do a partitioning session, no problem17:36
popeyget cjohnston to stick it on the schedule and I'll do it17:36
* pleia2 hugs popey 17:38
pleia2good work today btw :) thank you17:38
starcraftmanpopey: alright then, that's settled then. I'll do my resources talk and popey does partition. Maybe next session we can switch. :)17:38
FFEMTcJpopey: What am I doing?17:39
pleia212:38:25 < starcraftman> popey: alright then, that's settled then. I'll do my resources talk and popey does partition. Maybe next session we can switch. :)17:40
pleia2or you could look at the logs, of course :)17:40
pleia2since their sessions are pretty similar17:40
pleia2I guess we an call popey's "Partitioning 101"17:41
FFEMTcJI got a notify that I got mentioned so I got on my cell17:41
FFEMTcJHow are you pleia2 ?17:42
pleia2I'm good :)17:42
popeyyup sounds good17:42
FFEMTcJWhenever I get home I'll make the changes.17:43
popeyhttp://supportdetails.com/ cute17:46
popeycould be handy when supporting users17:46
popeybe nice if we had a version that didn't require email, maybe a pastebin style page that gives a unique url to your details17:47
FFEMTcJpleia2: You know everything. What do you know about the non-wiki ubuntu website? I'd like to help out and fix "bugs" but I can't get ahold of anyone that can tell me how. According to the website team page it looks like I should be able to check out a local copy and then submit diff's but I can't find the source to check out17:48
pleia2I've only ever submitted bugs against ubuntu.com, AFAIK that's something canonical maintains17:53
pleia2I could be wrong though17:53
FFEMTcJThere are some bugs that have been open for a really long time which are still valid bugs. :-(17:54
starcraftmanFFEMTcJ: you know, I agree. Site needs quicker/better maintenance, I remember one time I was browsing the links for CD mirrors, one linked to a porn site.18:02
FFEMTcJpopey: Ive gone through and closed/confirmed a ton of bugs there already. But I'd like to fix18:04
cjohnstonpopey starcraftman pleia2 Partitioning 101 is added19:49
starcraftmancjohnston: rgr :)19:50
popeythanks cjohnston / starcraftman19:51
starcraftmanpopey: oh I didn't do anything.19:52
cjohnstonya, but you deal with me not pinging you19:52
popeyyou raised the issue of the duplication of sessions starcraftman which I was unaware of19:53
starcraftmancjohnston: lol, you :p19:53
popeyand you also generated more work for me19:53
starcraftmanpopey: oh, then your most welcome. Here to serve.19:54
nigel_nbdoctormo: hello :)21:29
cjohnstonanyone home?23:34
* _marx_ looking at pics of crazy work today23:58
_marx_gotta bet busy23:58
_marx_er get even23:58

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