
BUGabundofta: asac: any ideas on how to get FLASH to "see" my webcam ?00:47
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* jdstrand wanders in13:48
micahghi jdstrand13:48
micahgjdstrand: can I ask you a few questions?13:48
asachi jdstrand ;)13:48
jdstrandasac: hi13:49
asacmicahg comes first ;) ... second, i hoped you could bin NEW kick netbook-launcher-efl ;)13:49
jdstrandmicahg: if they are amazingly fast-- I've gotta head out in under 513:49
jdstrandasac: netbook-launcher-efl accepted13:49
* asac dances13:49
micahgjdstrand: did you intend apparmor to be on by default for 3.6 and 3.7 dailies?13:50
* asac would assume yes.13:50
jdstrandmicahg: only if the 3.5 profile was already on13:51
micahgjdstrand: my 3.7 is enabled even though my 3.5 was disabled13:52
jdstrandmicahg: that is the type of question I don't have time to answer. the basic idea is that if the last apparmor profile matching /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-*[0-9] is not disabled, enable the new profile13:56
micahgjdstrand: ok, can I ping you later?13:56
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jdstrandmicahg: what is the output of this command:13:56
jdstrandls -rt /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-*[0-9]| tail -n113:56
jdstrandmicahg: what is the output of this command: test -e /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.bin.firefox-3.5 || echo enabled14:00
* micahg thinks it's still enabled since I was testing some apparmor stuff14:00
micahgbut when I installed 3.7 originally it was disabled14:00
jdstrandmicahg: if you can try it in a chroot or vm, that would be great14:01
jdstrand(I did(14:01
jdstrand(I did)14:01
jdstrandmicahg: feel free to look at debian/firefox-3.7.preinst.in as well14:02
jdstrandthere could be a bug14:02
micahgjdstrand: ok, I'll try to take a look later14:02
micahgasac: are we going back to firefox as a source package name?14:03
jdstrandmicahg: keep in mind, it isn't 3.5 specific-- eg, if you have 3.5 disabled, but 3.6 enabled, it will enable it for 3.714:03
jdstrandof if you had 3.6 disabled, but 3.5 with modifications enabled, it will enable14:03
micahgjdstrand: ok, but my 3.6 doesn't have apparmor yet (running beta 5)14:03
jdstrandsure, just pointing out what it is doing14:04
asacmicahg: most likely. i think about firefox firefox-next firefox-trunnk .... but not really sure if that is enough14:04
* micahg will have to run some tests14:04
* jdstrand -> outta here14:04
asacjdstrand: have a great new year ;)14:04
asacsee you around in a few14:04
jdstrandasac: thanks! you too :)14:04
asacmicahg: waiting for upstream decision what they plan for branches etc.14:05
asacmconnor said its soon TBA14:05
asacso i thought better wait before having to throw away everything again14:05
micahgasac: ok, great, in the mean time, I'm leaving bugs in firefox-3.5 for 3.5+14:05
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micahg1asac: it looks like the TB31 binary isn't being created15:58
=== micahg1 is now known as miCHg
=== miCHg is now known as micahg
asacmicahg: is it in dist/bin ?16:17
micahgasac: where should that dist dir be?16:17
asacmicahg: build-tree/mozilla/dist/bin ... or mozilla/mozilla/dist/bin16:18
asacnot sure16:18
micahgthere's no dist in the /usr/libtb3116:18
asacin the build tree16:18
micahgthere's no dist dir16:18
micahgasac: I found it16:19
asacyes. so mozilla doesnt care about make install16:19
micahgasac: so, do I have to have our scripts copy it from dist/bin?16:19
asacthey produce stuff in dist/bin16:19
asacso if it is there then the make install target is broken16:20
asacits upstream build system that is supposed to copy that16:20
asacask in maildev. those are the folks that did their own build system stuff16:20
asacits not the same as xulrunner afaik16:21
micahgasac: it's looking for thunderbird-3.1 in dist/bin and only gets thunderbird16:21
asacthats a problem with APP_NAME somewhere16:21
asacwe have a patch for that, right?16:21
asacthat probably needs to also patch a new file16:21
micahgwe seem to be changing the moz app name16:24
micahgbut we do it in 3.0 and it works16:25
micahgI guess I have to go see what changed upstream the day it broke, right?16:25
asacmicahg: upstream changed something that requires the patch to be adjusted ... yes.16:30
micahgasac: they landed the unofficial branding but it was not enabled yet16:39
asacmicahg: link to commit?16:41
micahgasac: actually, I think it was something different16:42
micahgthey moved to a single manifest install16:42
asacmicahg: didnt that happen to ffox 3.7  before?16:45
asacanyway ... i think you can fix DEFINES += -DAB_CD=$(AB_CD) -DMOZ_APP_NAME=$(MOZ_APP_NAME) -DPREF_DIR=$(PREF_DIR)16:45
asacinstead of the manifest16:45
asacshould be "easier" to maintain it there16:46
micahghere's the unofficial branding commit: http://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/rev/328bf422b19a16:46
micahgasac: what's AB_CD?16:50
asacmicahg: its en-US for us16:54
asacmozilla spins full builds for each locale16:54
asacthats the locale16:54
asacwe build everytihng with en-US afaict16:54
micahgah, the localization16:56
micahgso, I just need to change $(MOZ_APP_NAME) ?16:56
asaci would think you should use -DMOZ_APP_NAME=$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-3.116:58
asacchanging MOZ_APP_NAME everywhere will probably cause bad issues16:58
micahgok, I'll make the change a little later an try to test before the bot spins tonight16:58
asacin the long run moz biuld system should have MOZ_PROG_NAME rather than MOZ_APP_NAME imo16:58
asacsounds good16:59
micahgasac: should I file a bug for that16:59
asaci doubt they will work upstream on that17:07
asacif we have a patch we should open a bug and get it approved17:07
* micahg doesn't know enough yet to make a patch for that17:10
bdrung_asac: around?19:22
asacbdrung_: for a moment21:16
asacnot sure i can really contribute though21:16
micahgasac: I think he wanted to ask about the stuff he sent to the ML21:17
bdrung_asac: i have a discussion about XB-Xul-AppId on #debian-devel21:17
bdrung_asac: what do you think about http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.5.head/revision/508 ?21:18
asacbdrung_: can you please propose merges if you are unsure ;)21:19
asacwe only need Eol?21:20
bdrung_asac: i was sure, but then the discussion start and now i am back at the start.21:20
asacwhich discussion?21:20
asaccan you summarize in one sentence?21:21
bdrung_asac: summary: we can't rely on /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Packages21:22
asacwhy would we?21:24
asacbdrung_: ?21:24
asacwe can even automaintain a list in the archive21:24
bdrung_asac: for dynamically generating a list of xul apps: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/mozilla-devscripts/dh_xul-ext/annotate/head%3A/src/dh_xul-ext21:24
asacjust that we regularly update it21:24
asacbdrung_: you can do that in python directly21:25
asacwell. not on the builders21:25
asacwhich was the blocker;)21:25
asacso yes. the list would be in a archive package and then that list would be regularly updated21:25
asacdoes that make sense?21:26
asacthe headers are easy to add to apps. and gives maintainers a way to automatically update the entries appropriately21:26
asacon top you can include thirs party repositories etc.21:26
bdrung_asac: that was one idea21:26
asacbeceause you would use a list of sources rather than what is in debian21:26
asacsure. so go for that. the python script that des the magic of pulling down apt indexes and extracting information is in the ubufox database updater21:27

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