
Outbreak_Monkey*shakes fist at all linux distributions*00:06
Outbreak_MonkeyNOTHING would make sound work..00:06
Outbreak_Monkeycreated new user00:06
Outbreak_Monkey(ie no config files)00:07
Outbreak_Monkeylogged in as new user, started mythtv00:07
Outbreak_Monkeysound worked00:07
Outbreak_Monkeylogin as original user.00:07
Outbreak_Monkeysound works kind-of...00:07
Outbreak_Monkey(no passthrogh on AC3)00:07
Outbreak_Monkeyno rhyme or reason as to why this should fix it00:08
guybrushthreepwo@ MTughan__ : the following is stated in the mythbuntu 9.10 known issues: PVR-150 Blaster does not currently work00:17
mersaultI'm trying to install a mythbuntu 9.10 backend only system, and at 36% complete (copying files) I01:49
mersaultam suffering a kernel panic.01:49
MTughan__Does Mythbuntu include a firewall?02:30
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].02:39
=== Casper82 is now known as kc
_abbenormalwhere do i find logs to see why the frontend wont connect to the server03:06
MTughan___abbenormal: Try stdout or somewhere in /var/log03:07
_abbenormalok nothing in /var/log03:12
_abbenormalno mythtv folder03:13
_abbenormalthis is a frontend only03:13
tgm4883there should be a mythtv folder03:13
tgm4883!logs | _abbenormal03:14
Zinn_abbenormal: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.03:14
tgm4883you can also run mythfrontend from the command line03:14
MTughan__Try reading http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythFrontend#Debugging_MythFrontend_Problems then.03:14
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_abbenormalthank you something to read03:14
=== Casper0082 is now known as kc
MTughan__Does anyone know if Mythbuntu includes a firewall by default, and how to turn it off/configure it?03:15
tgm4883MTughan__, no it does not03:15
tgm4883if it did, you should be able to do03:16
tgm4883sudo ufw status03:16
MTughan__Hmm... A frontend on another computer's not able to connect to the backend. I've checked the username, password, and database against the local frontend, and I have the right IP.03:16
tgm4883MTughan__, logs?03:17
tgm4883MTughan__, can other remote frontends connect to that backend?03:17
MTughan__tgm4883: Dunno. Don't have any other remote frontends to test ATM.03:17
gbuttersMTughan__: did you enable remote support on the backend??03:18
tgm4883MTughan__, most likely, you didn't enable the mythtv service, so mysql isn't accepting remote connections03:18
MTughan__I do see "09-12-28 10:17:09 PM[0x0-0x14d14d].org.osx-bundler.MythFrontend[24712]2009-12-28 22:17:09.208 MythContext: Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 1)" in the logs, although that's definitely not the IP I entered in the frontend setup. This machine isn't running MySQL.03:19
tgm4883gbutters, whats the config file for that?03:19
MTughan__This is a weekly build for OS X, so maybe it's got a bug that shows that.03:19
MTughan__Yes, that's it.03:20
MTughan__Already found it by grep.03:20
tgm4883i'd try changing that03:20
MTughan__Set to the address needed,
tgm4883I don't know much about OSX, but maybe it doesn't have permission to edit that file?03:20
MTughan__No, it is changing if I change settings, so it's not a permissions problem.03:20
tgm4883maybe a bug then?03:21
MTughan__I'll try the previous weekly build, maybe it's just a trunk bug.03:21
gbutterstgm4883: /etc/mythtv/config.xml with a symlink i the users home directory03:21
gbutterstgm4883: /home/<user>/.mythtv/config.xml03:22
MTughan__gbutters: That's /Users/<users>/.mythtv/config.xml for OS X.03:23
gbuttersMTughan__: I missed to OSX part03:23
MTughan__I'd test with my F11 installation, but it's surreptitiously stopped booting.03:24
juanmarquezbuenas como estan03:25
juanmarquezalguien me puede ayudar?03:25
juanmarquezhelp me03:26
juanmarquezmy english is bad jejeje03:26
tgm4883juanmarquez, whats the problem?03:26
MTughan__juanmarquez: Try translate.google.com03:27
juanmarquezi install MythU-9.1003:27
juanmarquezand is diferent to 9.0403:27
juanmarquezi need add codec win3203:27
tgm4883juanmarquez, you can do that in mythbuntu-control-centre03:29
gbuttersjuanmarquez: Mythbuntu Control Cccenter03:29
gbuttersCenter will do that for you'03:29
juanmarquezcommand pleace?03:30
MTughan__Hmm... Previous weekly build seems to have the same problem.03:30
gbuttersjuanmarquez: mythbuntu-control-centre03:33
gbuttersjuanmarquez: your welcome03:35
MTughan__Found the problem on my setup too. The frontend was contacting the backend, but it was given a different IP address to connect to for the master backend. With those IP addresses corrected in the backend, the frontend works as expected.03:47
_abbenormalok heres one for ya frontend connects to backend plays video and recordings but wont play livetv04:07
tgm4883_abbenormal, again, logs. Sounds like the backend doesn't have write permissions to the right dir04:08
_abbenormalso it may not be a frontend issue let me go back to the backend and look a bit thanks04:08
_abbenormalheres a short snip of the frontend log    http://pastebin.com/d5d8bc21504:11
tgm4883_abbenormal, need backend  logs04:12
mechcozmoi am having difficulty setting up a wireless card (Broadcom BCM4306) on Mythbuntu 9.1006:26
mechcozmothe system recognizes the card, but i cannot make it connect to my network06:27
mechcozmocan anyone lend a hand?06:27
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Capkirkhowto get a poweroff bullet in the mythtv menu so i can power off the mythtv box within the interface?09:06
mechcozmoin mythfrontend, you can press ESC at the root of the menu tree to exit and shutoff09:12
Capkirkhmm ill try that09:16
Capkirkis that 0.21?09:16
Capkirkmechcozmo: does not work on mine...It just askes if i want to exit mythtv Yes/No and if i choose yes i get to the desktop09:37
mechcozmoCapkirk: you're using Mythbuntu 9.10?09:37
mechcozmomaybe 9.10 has a different version of mythfrontend?09:41
Capkirkhmm maybe09:42
mechcozmomaybe update, see what happens?09:43
mechcozmoi'm not really an expert in this, still playing with my setup :-p09:44
Capkirki found out11:15
Capkirkone needs to edit mainmenu.xml11:15
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JimmyJetGood day, Here is my question, where do I start? I ran a script to install flash on a 64 system and then things fell apart, I cannot login because something about the gnome power defaults, I can get in under failsafe, but mythbackend doens't start fails and such. anyway where should I start? Seems that under failsafe I cannot start or try to change anything. Ill provide the website that has the script I ran here in a min14:51
skreemCan anyone recommend a good capture card for the UK? I don't want to spend too much15:05
JimmyJet@Skreem do you use ATSC digital channels or is it still PAL?15:10
skreemNot sure - probably pal15:12
JimmyJetdigital channels?15:12
JimmyJetor analog15:12
JimmyJethum, well, I can't vouch for it but the Hauppauge Pinnacle PCTV USB2 seems like it might work for you15:16
JimmyJetShould only set you back around $60 or 30 pounds ;)15:17
skreemsounds good JimmyJet15:19
JimmyJetbest of luck15:20
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].21:36
ZinnI am alive.21:36
mrandrhp: I'm not aware that anyone has tried to run or test the prepackaged 0.20 Myth on 9.10.  It may work, but I wouldn't be too surprised if there were dependency problems.22:57
mazzomazHi there23:38
mazzomazI've a problem with my installation of mythbuntu 9.10 (0.23 from auto-builds, testing activated)23:39
mazzomazwhen I try to configure my plugins, the myth-frotend tells me, that plugin XXX could not be configured (Could not configure mythvideo, i.e.)23:40
mazzomazAny hints to figure out my problem?23:43
klucasHi mazzomaz.  I wish I knew more about myth and mythbuntu but I'm new at this myself.23:45
klucasCould it be a permissioins problem?23:45
klucasI find that a lot of the times when something just flatly refuses to do something it's that the user that's trying to do it23:46
klucasdoesn't have permissions to do whatever it is.23:46
klucasI'm do have a question.23:47
mazzomazklucas, hi, thanks for your help. how can I check if there is an permission problem?23:47
tgm4883mazzomaz, where are you trying to configure the plugin?23:47
klucasWhat I'd like to do is have this small form factor PC that's not got a lot under the hood sitting in the living room with the tuner card and a decent video card in it but have my main PC23:48
mazzomaztgm4883, in mythtv-frontend under Configuration23:48
klucasthat's got a little more horsepower to do any of the transcoding or resource intensive stuff23:48
klucasshould I set up the small form factor one as the frontend/primary database and use the main PC as the slave?23:49
tgm4883klucas, no23:49
tgm4883other way around23:49
klucasor should the beefer PC be the master back end23:49
klucaswith the small one acting as the frontend/slave?23:49
tgm4883klucas, in fact, i'd put the tuner there as well23:49
mazzomazmy main-problem is, that I can't play or import some dvd. I click on "Play DVD" i.e. and myth does ... nothing23:49
tgm4883mazzomaz, what version of the plugins and what version of the frontend are you running?23:50
klucasI'd like to put the tuner in there but it's impractical with how the house is wired and where the antenna is.23:50
klucasdo you think that's going to be a problem?23:50
tgm4883klucas, no23:50
tgm4883just make that machine a slave to the other one23:51
tgm4883no it should be fine23:51
klucasokay cool.23:51
tgm4883just don't set the smaller machine to do any jobs23:51
klucasah cool.23:51
klucasso the jobs will be passed off to the primary backend server in that case?23:52
tgm4883there is a checkbox whether you want jobs to be run on the same machine that the recording is on23:52
tgm4883you want that to be unchecked23:52
klucasGreat, I'll have to double check the config on the frontend/slave.23:53
klucasSounds good.23:53
klucasmazzomaz as for checking the permissions if you can find the directory where the plugin is then do an 'ls -l' in a terminal23:54
klucasit should show you what the permissions, owner, and group the files are/have23:55
klucasthen ensure that they're set so that the user you're running the program as has permissions to read/write23:55
mazzomaztgm4883, frontend is 0.23 from auto-builds - how can i check which version the plugins are?23:57
tgm4883mazzomaz, from a command line, do "dpkg -l mythtv-frontend"23:58
tgm4883also do "dpkg -l mythvideo"23:58

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