
elkyoh lookie, chimpout spam. it must be christmas holidays01:37
* MenZa checks services paranoia meter.02:44
FlannelMenZa: Are services on the fritz? or is it just a regular netsplit?02:47
MenZaFlannel: I'm not sure, but I've learned the hard way not to take my chances :\02:49
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)04:05
ubot3`In ubot3`, jimmyxu said: !cndown is 中文站 http://ubuntu.org.cn/ 硬盘有故障,预计在一月恢复访问。所有数据均有备份,目前 Wiki 已恢复  http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/ 。您可以使用 Google 缓存浏览论坛内容。04:14
elkyhrm, bazhang still suffering exploded computer syndrome?05:15
ubottuIn ubottu, Circs said: !forget05:54
* mneptok stares at planet.u.c in mute horror06:11
Madpilotmneptok, giant drop-shadows of doom?06:16
Madpilotor vorian's latest oddness?06:16
mneptokvorian's latest. but the drop-shadow has also annoyed me for months.06:22
Madpilot"kinder, gentler, saner Mr. Stalcup" FAIL06:22
FlannelWhat drop shadow?06:23
Madpilotp.u.c has dropshadows on headers06:24
* Flannel feels left out.06:24
Madpilotthey're rather... aggressive... on the larger ones06:24
MadpilotFlannel, if you're using Firefox 3.5.x (or the latest Epiphany) you'll see the dropshadows06:24
FlannelAh, I'm not.06:25
FlannelAnd, I found an image.  It is rather annoying.06:25
MadpilotFlannel, not running 9.10 yet?06:25
FlannelCould probably give yourself a user stylesheet to stop that.06:25
mneptokMidori also shows them, so recent WebKit browsers should see them.06:25
FlannelMadpilot: I'm an LTS guy.06:25
Madpilotmneptok, current Epiph is webkit-based, so shows them06:26
FlannelIf you want, this will kill them in your user stylesheets: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { text-shadow: none !important; }06:28
MenZamneptok: That's what I did for a while when I read that.06:36
elkyoh. em. gee.06:43
MenZaelky: I think that's the appropriate response.06:46
Madpilotelky, sounds about right. Also, I double-checked to make sure the "kinder/gentler/saner" post was, in fact, written by the same person...06:48
elkyMadpilot, written to the same blog at least06:49
elkythe CC's lack of [re]action is frustrating.06:50
Madpilottrolls are often best ignored, even if they have found their way onto p.u.c. somehow06:50
elkynot when canonical resources are being used to harass people06:51
elkyhe's broadcasting, not blogging. he's using planet to do so.06:51
elkyit's a poor reflection on the whole community to let our planetplanet instance be a tool for broadcasting harassment and violating privacy06:52
MenZaIt looks like it's something written in a state of anger. That obviously doesn't justify it (also, notice his last post, mentioning how he removed all 'controversial things' from his blog).07:04
MenZaIt should /definitely/ not be on p.u.c... I've noticed how all his things are syndicated to that07:05
MenZaWhich seems like the core of the problem imho07:05
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ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)11:01
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)11:01
elky_have the attacks eased off?11:24
bazhangnope elky_11:24
elky_bazhang: did you get my message before?11:24
bazhangelky_, on memoserv ?11:25
elky_bazhang, no, here. it clearly didn't get out of my buffer before a fresh hit. <bazhang> synaptic, looks to be at staff and ubuntu members <-- just wanted an explanation of why you said this11:25
bazhangelky_, just that the great majority of <quit excess flood> were freenode and certain ubuntu members indicating ctcp version requests were higher on those11:27
elky_bazhang: can you email me logs please?11:27
bazhangerr freenode staff11:27
elky_my logs are understandably spoiled ;)11:27
elky_hmm, my connection hasn't gone walkies since i closed xchat...11:30
* elky_ clicks the orange "x" with much trepidation...11:30
* elky tilts her head at bazhang, wondering if the log will come11:43
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bazhangseems my imagination then; perhaps not enough sleep and too much reading planet.ubuntu and also watching rww type with his toes in -ot12:03
bazhang<rww> i ttyped this with my toe12:04
elkybazhang, what irc client do you use?12:04
bazhangabove is from freenode channel, and lots of others were affected as is plainly visible12:04
bazhangelky, xchat12:04
elkyok, did you get xchat putting stuff on /ignore with the last lot?12:05
bazhanglet me check12:05
bazhangelky, nope, just /mode nick +iEC and then ignore *!*@* DCC CTCP12:07
elkyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/348535/ is what i saw of the last attack12:08
elkyi'm not sure if those "you are being ctcp flooded" bits happen for channel floods or if they require the user as a target or not...12:09
bazhangthe ignoring xyz@abc would seem to create the flood/quit then12:09
MyrttiWondering if mk-88s issue has been solved, I dont have backlog13:08
bazhangthere's a channel #ubottu ?13:08
Picibazhang: looks like its registered, but only ZzeeousS is in it.13:09
bazhangPici, right, just joined and left13:10
MyrttiOh, mk-bb13:11
MyrttiStupid phone fonts13:11
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ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (Dougdoug5)13:40
Tm_Tnice amount of attacks today14:58
jussi01Tm_T: nice?15:02
Tm_Tnice is just little away from ugly15:07
Tm_Toh, new face for me there18:36
ubottuIn #ubuntu, dangermind said: ubottu: my server is karmic koala20:52
LjLcan we get rid of this goddamn !troll factoid? it just spams the channel in a non-constructive way21:08
Myrttidangermind: hi, how can we help you?21:23
mneptokMK-BB: how can we help you?21:43
jussi01LjL: Ill have alook think about it. thanks for letting us know. Also, as you well know, suggestions are welcome21:45
jussi01nini all21:53
ubottuScunizi called the ops in #ubuntu (Laus is trolling)23:24
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:26
ubottuPricey called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()23:26
PriceyPlease check your bans in #ubuntu please.23:26
Priceyplease please please23:26
nikorecursive please ?23:26
tritiumPricey: list full?23:29
Priceytritium: We have over 150 bans.23:29
Pricey"list full" is not the only reason for us to care about managing our channels bans.23:30
tritiumI wasn't implying that -- just asking.23:31
nikois there some +e via flood bots useless ?23:31
Priceytritium: +L allows us considerably more leeway23:32
Priceyniko: they normally remove them after use, lemme check23:33
PriceyAh yep, there's a load of old junk on there..23:33
nikoas +eIb are linked, that's why i told that23:34
wolterSome PriceChild removed bans from a lot of people... You may want to check him out if he is not an op23:38
Priceywolter: I'm an op and just making sure we're all tidy.23:39
Priceywolter: Most of those were temporary exempts (+e) set by the floodbots to allow access for users on proxies.23:39
wolteroh you are PriceChild? nice then.. just didn't want all those porn-sending-trolls to come back23:40
Priceywolter: Yep I am, and nope none of us do!23:40
woltergood to know.. bye23:40
Priceywolter: you might also notice that 'pricechild' had a special cloak.23:40
nikoPricey: you have an irssi script which can manage +e like /unban 1 2 3 ?23:41
Priceyniko: nope, i just use xchat23:42
nikooh ok23:42
nikoi have to write it so :)23:42

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