
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
cjohnstonmornin thorwil12:38
thorwilhi cjohnston12:38
cjohnstonthanks for getting that going about the business cards12:39
thorwilcjohnston: np. we are lucky to have it in competent hands now :)12:40
cjohnstonI spoke with the original creator of that card..  he wanted ~$255 US plus shipping to print them12:41
thorwilanyway, shipping makes no sense for something like this12:42
=== thorwil_ is now known as thorwil

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!