
mkaMHz128, you welcome00:00
joshua__eix: which is why I said if you manually install the kernel first00:00
eixActionParsnip: I have just checked that a touch T8282 can connect to wpa2-AES without issues00:00
mkaae86-drifter, uh huh?00:00
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: (dnsmasq) -- Faster than OpenDNS or any DNS servers?00:00
ae86-driftercan anyone please help me with my printer?? i have a brother mfc-7440n, i installed it according to the brother website and it just keeps printing blank pages over and over until i press stop on the printer. it is a network printer00:00
minimecwolter: your webcam is loaded and supported. Looks that you got a dell inspiron 1520. Open gstreamer-properties and go to the video section. Play around there.00:01
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: well yes as the resolve is local rather than on the internet so its automatically faster, it takes 0ms rather than 30ms00:01
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wolterminimec, Video for Linux 2 (v4l2): Cannot identify device '/dev/video0'.00:01
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: Is there a guide for this? :o00:01
ActionParsnipeix: i use wep, with other extra security measures built in00:01
wolterthats what v4l2 says, and I used to have success with that thing00:01
eixjoshua__: I think i'll need a 64bit testing machine00:01
tsuna27so i updated ubuntu, and the screen after log in is blank how do i change that00:01
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/local-dns-cache-for-faster-browsing-on-ubuntu-machine.html00:01
frogletI find the remix just a tad slow running, I think I should install the regular ubuntu00:02
eixActionParsnip: I'd personally abandon WEP at all00:02
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: Thanks. I'm going to mess with it now.00:02
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: if we can reduce the dns traffic on the web it will be a lot faster00:02
ActionParsnipeix: if you add extra security its fine00:02
eixActionParsnip: like dynamic WEP?00:02
blakkheimActionParsnip: what kind of extra security makes wep fine?00:03
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minimecwolter: First step. Reboot that machine. There is no reason, that your webcam shouldn't work. Then again. Login to that test user you created (if after reboot your device is not recognized)00:03
wolterwill do00:03
ActionParsnipeix: no like hidden ESSIDs, weird IP netmask, no dhcp, mac filtering, weird non-readable SSID, restricted ariel power00:03
ae86-driftermka, can u please help me >??00:03
ae86-drifterwhat do u mean by uh-huh?00:03
frogletoh yes remix version is slow, regular Ubuntu was faster00:03
eixActionParsnip: yes but anybody can dump your WEP traffic and "decrypt" it00:04
eixActionParsnip: and it takes no time to detect IP addresses, netmasks and your other passwords00:04
ActionParsnipeix: sure, but its good enough for me.00:04
mkaae86-drifter? I mean't that I didn'00:04
FlandryWhat's the  "right" way to set up iptables to restore automatically?00:04
frogletwell when I use my netbook at a cafe, I use SSH00:04
matteo1990hi all, i have an Atheros AR2413 on my desktop, but iget less signal then with an usb one (without antenna) is it norma? DO i need better drivers?00:04
Guest77453NICK Mjöllnir00:04
mkaae86-drifter? I mean't that I didn't get your question00:04
eixFlandry: an init script00:04
mkaae86-drifter: you just typed a question mark alone00:05
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eixFlandry: I have done it many times to setup firewalls00:05
ae86-driftermka, well my printer doesnt work, it is communicating over the network , but it just keeps printing blank pages00:05
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matteo1990165n #wireless00:05
ae86-drifteri installed it according to the brother website and it just keeps printing blank pages over and over until i press stop on the printer. it is a network printer00:05
ActionParsnipmatteo1990: check if the device needs firmware or not00:05
Flandryeix: the wiki tries to put it in the network interface startup script but it doesn't seem to work00:06
matteo1990ActionParsnip, how to know?00:06
Flandryeix: where do you put the script?00:06
ActionParsnipmatteo1990: websearches, my child00:06
tony_my sansa fuse wont work with linux00:06
jjmartinwhy does my laptop black the screen and password protect it  when plugged into power and I disabled sleep on AC in power management?00:06
eixFlandry: you should put or symlink it to /etc/init.d/00:06
mkaae86-drifter, but it prints a blank page corresponding to a page that was supposed to be printed correctly, right?00:06
ActionParsnipmatteo1990: dmesg | less    may also say it expects some firmware but it wasnt coming00:06
ae86-driftermka, yes..00:06
Flandryeix: ok thanks00:06
tony_my black 8gb sansa fuse wont work with linux00:06
eixjjmartin: maybe some clock glitch?00:06
eixFlandry: and be sure it's executable00:07
eixzumballa: english channel here00:07
frogletis it possible to install regular desktop Ubuntu 9.10 and then get the remix GUI?00:07
ActionParsnipfroglet: sure is00:07
minimectony_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=875236 Be creative... Search teh net first ;)00:07
frogletI liked the remix interface00:07
hero1900_i still has the problem of games when i quit the laptop will stuck but not always i have ubuntu 9.10 nvidia graphic card and i did restart x window but nothing happened00:07
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: Query time: 49 msec ---> 0msec FLAT!00:07
tony_i did search net first00:07
ActionParsnipfroglet: once installed: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix00:07
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: exactly00:08
frogletActionParsnip: ty00:08
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: faster00:08
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: Where can I find a list of local cached IP addresses?00:08
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: so if you keep accessing the sme page, the IP will already be known so you wont have to continually ask the DNS servers online for the same address00:08
ae86-driftermka, any ideas??00:08
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: that I do not know00:08
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: nor do i care00:08
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: That is logical. Ubuntu should make this default. :)00:09
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: it will keep growing until the service is restarted00:09
Spirits-Sightis there a accessibility room for ubuntu? talk about accessibility?00:09
matteo1990ActionParsnip, i have tried dmesg | grep Atheros but nothing about firmware...00:09
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: Thanks for that tip. I like it.00:09
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: i've said the same thing for a LONG time00:09
mkaae86-drifter, no ideas00:09
HBXdnsmasq is awesome if you wanna speedup page loading00:09
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: i have one on all my desktop systems (all one of them)00:09
mkaae86-drifter, just the basics, does you printer has sufficient toner?00:09
ascheelI have an issue since upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10.  When I click anywhere in the titlebar, sometimes it registers in the proper window, sometimes it registers the click in another, seemingly unrelated window.  I might try and minimize Firefox, but it actually minimizes a terminal on the other monitor.  Any ideas?00:09
ae86-drifterhas anyone had issues with brother printers printing blank pages, or saying receiving data then cutting out??00:09
eixSpirits-Sight: I know none00:09
mkaae86-drifter, it seems as if it's your printer problem than ubuntu's00:10
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: you can use some bind9 jiggery pokery so that it can be accessed by other systems than localhost00:10
ae86-driftermka, the printer is fine00:10
Spirits-Sighteix thanks00:10
ae86-drifterthe issue is ubuntu00:10
mkaae86-drifter, the test page can be printed fine?00:10
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ascheelae86-drifter: ae86-drifter are you printing the test page from CUPS?00:10
ae86-drifterit works from within windows00:10
ActionParsnipascheel: does it happen for all users?00:10
ae86-drifterno, nothing works from ubuntu, even the test page.00:11
ascheelActionParsnip: I'm the only person that uses this laptop, so I can't really answer that question.00:11
ae86-drifteri thought you mean a test page from the actual printer...00:11
ActionParsnipascheel: you can make another user to test, its free00:11
uvacavfyi major gnome/kde vulnerability don't open unsafe pdf's: http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2009-403500:11
ascheellol ActionParsnip.  Yes, I can...00:11
ae86-drifterthis sux, i have to boot into windows vista every time i want to print something00:11
ascheelhang on.00:11
alex_mayorgahow do I make the live cd run on failsafe graphics?00:11
bdfoster_iPhoneshould be automatic00:12
mkaae86-drifter, I meant the test page from the printer which you confirmed that it works00:12
mkaae86-drifter, this is ubuntu problem then00:12
minimecae86-drifter: what pinter model is that? did you check the cups printer database. Is there a linux dirver on the brother homepage?00:12
ActionParsnipalex_mayorga: use bootoptions00:13
alex_mayorgaActionPsrsnip: what do I pick in there?00:13
dathwhere cun i run a command as root while booting (after fstab)?00:13
mkaae86-drifter, can you try printing something to a file in postscript format (.ps) and then open that file with evince and print it00:13
LjLdath: /etc/rc.local00:13
AdolaHello!  No such file or directory:bss_file.c:356  <-----------I am unable to generate a CA.00:13
ActionParsnipalex_mayorga: safe vga, or somesuch00:14
ae86-drifterMFC-7440N, i installed the LPR driver for this model from the brother website then the cups wrapper00:14
linusoleanderI'm looking for a tool to change charset on a bunch of files, is there anything like that?00:14
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | alex_mayorga00:14
ubottualex_mayorga: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions00:14
eixlinusoleander: iconv ?00:14
froglet /etc/rc.local works in Linux too?00:14
linusoleandereix: thanks00:14
Bondyyou can run a command as root by 2 ways in ubuntu......00:14
ActionParsnipfroglet: sure does00:14
minimecdath: boot in recovery mode (left shift before grub2 starts)00:14
matteo1990i have an atheros ar2413, witch drivers i have to use?00:14
frogletI use that in OpenBSD but did not know it works for Linux00:14
alex_mayorgaActionparsnip: thanks, appreciated00:14
Bondyfirst th ubuntu way do a sudo su and enter your password.....00:15
frogletI learn something every time I come here00:15
tsuna27what is the screen after log in called00:15
Dr_Willisdont use 'sudo su' use sudo -s, if needed00:15
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Bondythe nd the linux way type sudo passwd root00:15
=== froglet is now known as froglet_
Bondythen enter the password00:15
Adolasu -00:15
ActionParsnipmatteo1990: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92712300:15
Dr_WillisBondy:  and definatly dont reccomend that in #ubuntu00:15
Dr_WillisAdola:  that wont work in Ubuntu either.00:16
AdolaDr_Willis: Since when?00:16
AdolaDr_Willis: I'm in arch, I haven't been in Ubuntu in a while.00:16
Dr_WillisAdola:  thers no root password. so 'su -' wont work00:16
tsuna27what is the screen after I log in called I need to fix it my screen goes blank00:16
AdolaDr_Willis: Ohhhh, 'course :]00:16
ActionParsnipmatteo1990: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133843100:16
minimecae86-drifter: did you check that? http://forums.linux-foundation.org/read.php?24,5773,5873,quote=100:16
ActionParsnipAdola: use: sudo -s   instead00:16
icerootBondy: we dont support setting up a root-password. its not needed00:17
ActionParsnipAdola: and archlinux isnt supported here00:17
ae86-driftermka, i tried that, it does the same thing00:17
Bondysu wont work but sudo su will00:17
AdolaActionParsnip: Know anything about CA?  (I know arch isn't supported, I don't have an arch specific question)00:17
ActionParsnipAdola: no idea mate00:17
lstarnesBondy: you should use sudo -i instead of sudo su00:18
AdolaActionParsnip: Ok then, keep up the good work.  You're growin' linux babeh's over here :]00:18
Dr_Willissudo su is redundantly wrong. :) for many reasons.00:18
tsuna27what is the screen after I log in called I need to fix it my screen goes blank00:18
Adolatsuna27: xserver ?00:18
ae86-drifterminimec, yes i tried that already to mkdir that dir... according to the brother website00:18
Bondyubuntu locks it down to be noob friendly and yes it might not be the ubuntu way but no harm in advising the user how to set the root pas00:18
ascheelActionParsnip: other users appear to register title-bar clicks just fine.  It seems it's only the account I use.00:18
tsuna27adola: hoe do i change that00:18
Adolatsuna27: You can't, are you in a gui right now?  As in, do you see windows you can drag around?00:18
ActionParsnipascheel: ok so now we know its settings and not a bug with th system at large00:19
mkaae86-drifter, what kind of printer is this?00:19
minimecae86-drifter: Well... It looks, that your printer is supported... ;)00:19
ascheelso it seems, ActionParsnip.  With some searching, I've seen others with the issue, but no details on how/if they fixed it.00:19
ascheelbut they all have 9.10 upgrade in common00:19
Dr_WillisBondy: This channel considers that is harmfull00:19
ActionParsnipascheel: are you running desktop effects?00:19
Bondysudo -i sudu su not much difference apart from the user00:19
ActionParsnipascheel: interesting..00:19
lstarnesBondy: there is a difference00:19
ascheelActionParsnip: compiz is entirely uninstalled.  Is that your equestion?00:19
lstarnesBondy: sudo su will start sudo, su, and a shell00:20
ActionParsnipascheel: pretty much00:20
lstarnesBondy: sudo -i just starts sudo and the shell without going through su00:20
ascheelSorry, ActionParsnip.  It is NOT uninstalled, but it's disabled as much as i can take it.00:20
ActionParsniplstarnes: Bondy: it also uses the profile of root, -s uses the users profile settings00:20
* NotAPuff waves.00:20
tsuna27adola: no the gui works it is just that after log in i got 5 seconds of black i want to fix that00:20
ActionParsnipascheel: providing its not being used thats fine with me :)00:21
Bondyit does dr willis that only because noobs are expected to use ubuntu and cant be trusted with root00:21
* NotAPuff waves.00:21
* NotAPuff waves.00:21
NotAPuffI have a question.00:21
NotAPuffWhat is ubuntu?00:21
joshua__sorry Dr_Willis but no root password seems increasingly wrong as time goes on00:21
Dr_WillisBondy:  whatever...00:21
Flipz_I just got ndwiswrapper and I'm asking, how do I use it?00:21
Dr_Willisjoshua__:  whatever.. its not going to change i imnagine00:21
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ctmjr!ubuntu | NotAPuff00:21
FloodBot3NotAPuff: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:21
ubottuNotAPuff: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:21
minimecNotAPuff: I have a question too. Is there a god?00:21
ActionParsnipascheel: sounds like a metacity issue then00:21
LjL!ubuntu > NotAPuff    (NotAPuff, see the private message from ubottu)00:21
ShaunRhow do i configure networking to start on boot with upstart?00:21
BondyIm sed to less nanny fied distros just tring ubuntu00:22
Dr_WillisTheres also more to 'sudo' the what you type to get root access00:22
joshua__do you really want a breach of an admin user's account to be nearly equivalent to breaching the root account, bucause that's what it does.00:22
ActionParsnipBondy: its not nannified, its just smart00:22
ascheelActionParsnip: Can you tell me where I can research how to fix it?00:22
froglet_NotAPuff: Google is your friend, in this case00:22
NotAPuffctmjr, FloodBot3, ubottu, minimec, LjL, thanks for the help!00:22
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NotAPufffroglet_, thanks!00:22
ae86-driftermka, its a brother MFC-7440N and it is suported, i had it working on 8.10, for some reason ubuntu has changed their printing system, not sure why...00:22
FloodBot3NotAPuff: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:22
Dr_Willisjoshua__:  its been argued in 10000's of pages on the forums.  and its not worth argueing ab outg00:22
NotAPuffYou all are sooo helpful!00:22
* NotAPuff is not flooding, FloodBot3.00:22
ActionParsnipascheel: you can find the config folders for metacity and rename them to get default settings wen you next log in00:22
NotAPuffAre you flooding, FloodBot3?00:22
LjLNotAPuff: please try to keep Enter use to a minimum.00:23
joshua__then do not say here that it is harmful anymore because that starts the whole thing again00:23
ascheelActionParsnip: I'll look around and try that.  What all does 'metacity' affect?00:23
Dr_WillisNotAPuff:  you are cussing at a bot...00:23
Dr_Willisnever mond.00:23
Bondymay I say ubuntu rocks easier than windows00:23
ActionParsnipascheel: metacity draws the windows so if te settings are whack it will go crazy00:23
Flipz_I just got ndwiswrapper and I'm asking, how do I use it?00:23
mkaae86-drifter, read this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghostscript/+bug/410556 it's a known bug for your printer00:23
ShaunRhow do i configure networking to start on boot with upstart?00:23
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lstarnesShaunR: it should be started by default if you use /etc/network/interfaces00:24
keeevIs there anyway of reinstalling grub from windows 7 without a live cd or maybe adding ubuntu into win7 boot loader to load ubuntu?00:24
tsuna27adola: anything?00:24
ActionParsnipFlipz_: install ndisgtk  it will make your life easier00:24
lstarnes!ndiswrapper | Flipz_00:24
ubottuFlipz_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:24
ascheelActionParsnip: gotcha.  If this helps, here's what I experience.  If I click the minimize button (sometimes), it's like it registers the click in the titlebar of the previous window that *WAS* active right prior to the current one being active.00:24
ActionParsnipkeeev: you will need an ubuntu liveCD to reinstall it00:24
mkaae86-drifter, not identically your printer but Brother MFC-742000:24
ShaunRlstarnes: i do..00:24
keeevActionParsnip, without it i can not do it?00:24
Bondyif you installed windows after buntu its probabbly overwritten the boot record00:24
loocashmy first time on irc00:25
ActionParsnipkeeev: i'm not sure, i'm sure theres a way00:25
ActionParsnipascheel: if you run: cd ~; ls -a    you may see a metacity folder which you can reame, you can also run: cd ~/.config; ls -a    to see if any folders are there00:25
ae86-driftermka, brother 7420 is a usb printer, this one is connected to my router and is 3 years newer...00:26
Izinucskeeev: do you have a dual boot install?00:26
ascheelActionParsnip: already found it (unless there's another):  ~/.gconf/apps/metacity00:26
lstarnesShaunR: that's rather strange00:26
minimecae86-drifter: I would check your router config... I have a brother 5040 on my asus router. Works like charm... ;)00:26
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ActionParsnipascheel: its a possiblity, rename it, if its bad, rename back00:27
Izinucskeeev: I may have the answer for you if you're still around00:27
lstarnesShaunR: I'm not sure if you can use update-rc.d00:27
* Polly wants a cracker00:27
gui7i've got a script (fsplit) which i need to run - on a guide i foudn on the internet it says (after chmodding to 755) to just run "fpslit iso.iso 1400"00:28
mkaminimec, ae86-drifter 's printer prints blank pages corresponding to the pages that were supposed to be printed. That means the network is fine. And the printer works. The test page on a printer is printed fine. That means that the printer still has sufficient toner. The main culprit is ubuntu.00:28
gui7but i get an error saying split isn't a command00:28
gui7although im in the right dirt00:29
kaveh elo chaps00:29
LjL!ot | polly00:29
ubottupolly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:29
Izinucskeeev: k.. I'll take a chance anyway.. download the ubuntu live cd iso.. install virtualbox in your win7.. load ubuntu there and use the built in tools to create a livecd on a usb stick.. boot to the newly created stick and fix grub.. no cd involved..00:29
Bondyyou need to install fsplit then00:29
mkagui7, use ./00:30
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gui7mka, thank you VERY much, it works :D00:30
mkagui7, you welcome00:30
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: I went downstairs awhile ago. Just read your messages. Wouldn't it be easier if we get a linux router, that way... we can configure whatever and it'll be applied on all connected systems?00:31
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: its an option too00:31
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: its as flexible as you like00:31
kinja-sheepFrom what I read --00:32
kinja-sheepIt makes an enormous difference over satellite, where each request is a two second round trip.00:32
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: That is something worth. I have a friend who live on the farm area and I frequently go to his places. :)00:32
grobda24I'm upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10 and the upgrade is stuck on "* stoppiing bluetooth". Is there a way to force it ?00:32
minimecmka: How do you access the printer? Via samba?00:32
Bondyno such thing as a linux router but any decent router will work with *nix its is made for multi user and networking more than windows#00:32
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: so if you can keep as much local as you can rather than using the network it will be better00:32
* grobda24 had bluettoth disabled and does not use it00:33
mkaminimec, it's ae86-drifter who has a printer problem00:33
ActionParsnipgrobda24: sudo rmmod -f  btusb00:33
grobda24ActionParsnip, thanks. it says "Removing 'btusb': No such file or directory"00:34
minimecmka: Yeah Maybe I am getting tired with all these chat lines flying by ... ;)00:34
ActionParsnipgrobda24: does it show up with: lsmod | grep usb00:34
Bondyare yo using a soft or system link action?00:34
mMezquitaleanyone knows of an app that will allow me to wipe a file?00:35
gui7if i want to delete the contents of a directory but not the directory itself, what command/arguments do i pass to rm?00:35
mkaminimec, ae86-drifter has gone hiding, maybe he/she is busy tinkering00:35
ActionParsnipBondy: me?00:35
mMezquitalegui7, you can cd to the directory and then delete everything inside the directory00:35
grobda24ActionParsnip, no, not there00:35
Bondycd to the directory then rm *.* Im pissed so wai for confirmation00:36
ae86-driftermka, im back sorry, i still get the same issue, even after downgrading poppler00:36
gui7mMezquitale, not if you've got hundreds of files there ;)00:36
ShaunRok, i'm a retard... networking was starting... it's the ssh server thats not starting.00:36
mkamMezquitale, rm makes you wipe a file from the hard drive00:36
ActionParsnipgrobda24: sudo /etc/init/d/bluetooth stop    or somesuch, use tab completion to complete the bluetooth bit00:36
gui7Bondy, that's precisely what i need, thanks! :D00:36
ShaunRso how do i configure the ssh server to start on boot?00:36
mMezquitalegui7, you dont have to remove each file one by one, use the command Bondy showed you00:37
icerootShaunR: just install it00:37
mkaae86-drifter, what is poppler00:37
jtajiShaunR: it will do so by default when installed... have you installed 'openssh-server' ?00:37
gui7mMezquitale, i know, i already used it thx :)00:37
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=== klown is now known as klown-away
ShaunRyes, it's installed00:37
icerootShaunR: then its running00:37
kinja-sheep!away > klown-away00:37
ubottuklown-away, please see my private message00:37
minimecShaunR: If you install the server. I t will be loaded, when you reboot... ;)00:37
mMezquitalemka, "rm" securely wipes files from ext4 partitions?  I thought you had to give them a few passes for it to be securely removed00:38
icerootmMezquitale: rm removes it permanetly (if there are no hardlinks anymore)00:38
mkamka, no, not securely of course00:38
kinja-sheepmMezquitale: shred file1 file2 file300:38
klown-away!offtopic kinja-sheep00:39
mkamMezquitale, not rm does not secure delete00:39
Bondyhe didnt ask how to delete all the dodgy porn on my hd00:39
mMezquitaleiceroot, true but using forensic utilities you may still be able to look at the data, i thought rm mainly sets the disk space as writable again, not securely erase, as in wipe or shred00:39
intergallacticHelloo!! Does anyone know how to set single click, than double click which is the default? In mint 7 (ubuntu based) was pretty easy, but can't find it on 8.00:40
icerootmMezquitale: rm is not deleting00:40
icerootmMezquitale: m is only removing the hard-link node00:40
icerootmMezquitale: unlink is removing the file if i am correct which is called after hardlinks =000:40
Bondyrm is remove00:40
minimecintergallactic: properties of the file manager nautilus or thunar00:40
mMezquitalekinja-sheep, thanks!00:41
joshua__how about a system that uses only tmpfs and encrypted swap?00:41
kinja-sheepmMezquitale: No problem.00:41
Bondyif its a hardlink they need to do it for the link and the destenation00:41
digitalaxisjoshua__, Why would you want that? lol00:41
icerootBondy: rm is not removing the destination of the hardlinks00:42
legend2440intergallactic: open nautilus then edit>preferences>behavior tab00:42
icerootBondy: its just removing THAT hardlink but not the file00:42
grobda24<ActionParsnip> ? Anyway, now "sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop" is stuck in the same place00:42
icerootBondy: when hardlink =0 then the file is deleted00:42
Bondydeleting a soft or hard liink only deletes the link not the destenation00:42
icerootBondy: correct00:42
jtajiBondy: there is no link/destination with hard links, just hard links00:42
mMezquitalekinja-sheep, how many runs of shred would be considered a safe shred?  just once would be enough? then you use rm to delete it?00:43
jtajiBondy: the original file is in fact a hard link00:43
gui7i'm having problems writing to /media/fd0/ -- i've tried chmoding it to 751, but all i get is the error "Read-only file system"00:43
icerootBondy: you have a file foo in /root and a hardlink to /home/user/foo  you only have 1 file called foo on the hdd which have 2 hardlinks00:43
caseysi need help with ssmtp00:43
LjLgui7: perhaps the floppy is write protected?00:43
intergallacticohh..man!! i think this was on 7 too.. lol...i suppose i forgot it!!..lol!! many thanks minimec and legend244000:43
kinja-sheepmMezquitale: You might want to read "shred --help"  Check out all parameters including -u parameter.00:44
eixBondy: yes hard links point to inodes, not files, like normal files do00:44
caseyshas anyone used ssmtp?00:44
icerootBondy: if you delete /home/user/foo  the file is not deleted, its still there00:44
gui7LjL, it isnt :/00:44
ae86-driftermka, downgrading poppler (pdf renderer) fixed this for someone else https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghostscript/+bug/41055600:44
LjLgui7: try "sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/fd0"00:44
mkaiceroot, really? then how can i get it back?00:44
virtxwhy /dev/video* doesn't exist with this http://pastebin.com/m5d1fbe22 ?00:44
mMezquitalekinja-sheep, im still not sure how many passes I should put though, i think 8 should be sufficient but what do you think?00:45
icerootmka: /root/foo00:45
icerootmka: if hardlink =0  (use stat a-file-name to see hardlink counter) then the file is gone00:45
LjLmMezquitale: "sufficient" for what? it all depends on what level of security you want to attain. it's probably impossible to make 100% sure that someone with enough resources can't recover anything.00:46
icerootmka: and cant be restored00:46
joshua__hardlinks are hard concepts to some people00:46
kinja-sheepmMezquitale: The default is 3. I think you think 8 should be sufficient but what do I think? I don't know   ._.00:46
mkaiceroot, ok. i am bit tired and sleepy. I have to leave now00:46
mMezquitaleLjL, just for practical purposes, I suppose00:46
mkaBye everyone00:46
mkaby ae86-drifter00:46
* grobda24 got it - just needed a sudo killall bluetooth*00:46
silareHi all. I tried to use pysdm to get an automount of my NTFS, but now when I plug a flash drive in it won't show up in Nautilus. How do I fix this?00:46
ae86-drifterbye mka00:46
ascheeldoggone it...  ActionParsnip left00:47
gui7LjL, i did that, i think it copied it, but now if i try delete anything i get the same read-only filesystem error00:47
mkabye minimec00:47
mkaby mneptok00:47
Bondya hardlink should be able this way ln -s /thefolderyouwantorthepath /home/theuser/thedir/00:47
mkasee you in 201000:47
LjLmMezquitale: for practical purposes, go with the defaults, after all they're made to default to00:47
kinja-sheepBondy: That is not a hardlink. That's a symbolic link.00:47
LjLmMezquitale: also, read "man wipe" about the problems with using these programs with journalling filesystems00:47
ascheelperhaps someone else knows the issue.  Sometimes in Ubuntu, after upgraded 9.04 to 9.10, my mouse-clicks will register in another window other than the one I'm trying to Minimize, maximize, whatever00:47
coolkehonhi i want to get full disk encryption but i don't have a cd burner is there a way to run the alternate installer from a usb drive00:48
optimizeris there any good tool for organizing a collection of reserach papers (right now, it's a bunch of pdfs sitting in a directory -- i'd like to be able to link and annotate them)00:48
gui7LjL, im gonna try fsck00:48
joshua__well if all else fails you could install a really small system and debootstrap a install on encrypted system00:48
joshua__good luck00:48
Dr_Williscoolkehon:  ive had the alt installer work from usb, ive installed via netbootin00:49
Dr_Willisunetbootin I mean. :)00:49
joshua__we are picking up a quantum waveform effect00:50
Bondydoes anyone else think plesk sucks?00:50
silareHi all. I tried to use pysdm to get an automount of my NTFS, but now when I plug a flash drive in it won't show up in Nautilus. How do I fix this?00:51
gui7how do i reload etc/fstab if i've just edited it?00:51
lstarnesgui7: sudo mount -a00:51
gui7lstarnes, thx00:51
caseyshas anyone used ssmtp?00:51
icerootBondy: every gui for a server does00:52
virtxwhy by default ubuntu 9.10 doesnt' create /dev/video* ?00:52
iceroot!anyone | caseys00:52
ubottucaseys: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:52
coolkehonDr_Willis, were you able to make an encrypted lvm install00:52
gui7lstarnes, i dont think it worked00:52
virtxi've driver for cam loaded: http://pastebin.com/m5d1fbe2200:52
coolkehonDr_Willis, and which version of ubuntu were you using00:52
lstarnesgui7: why not?00:53
Dr_Williscoolkehon:  wasent me.. I never use lvm, and i never use encrypted..... :)00:53
minimecvirtx: /dev/videoX is only created if a compatible device is present...00:53
caseysi been trying to config ssmtp with probems00:53
coolkehonDr_Willis, well which version of the alternate install did you get to work?00:53
orkunzZzzzi was wondering if anyone happened to use a zotac mag with ubuntu. i am wondering whether wireless lan works or not - or at least which chip it is using. google offered some atheros chip, just wanted to be sure00:53
optimizerare there any tools for converting pdfs to images?00:53
caseysi think it would be better to talk to someone who as used ssmtp00:53
orkunzZzzzoptimizer, use the gimp00:54
icerootoptimizer: apt-cache search pdf200:54
Dr_Williscoolkehon:  i dont recal if it was 9.10 i tested or 9.04 - Im pretty sure i got 9.04 workign with it once.00:54
minimecvirtx: Can you pastebin the output of dmesg?00:54
hvgotcodesi installed the xubuntu desktop.  decided i didn't like it, but when i uninstalled xubuntu-desktop, all the recommended progs are still installed, like the xubuntu spash screens, abiword etc.  is there an easy way to uninstall all the xubuntu progs easily?00:54
gui7lstarnes, i don't know, but i changed the device name in fstab and then ran your command and nothing happenned00:54
rahdukeI'm formatting a new 1.5tb drive using G-parted00:54
rahdukeits making me pick a partition table00:54
virtxminimec: http://pastebin.com/f5f921a4800:54
rahdukeI want to make it EXT4 eventually00:54
gui7lstarnes, but ive managed to do what i wanted so far so thx anyway :)00:55
rahdukeshould i format to msdod?00:55
tsuna27I have a problem after I log in the screen goes blank for 5 secs and then i get a clear box and then it becomes normal How do i fix this!?00:55
virtxminimec: is a integrated webcam00:55
kinja-sheep!puregnome | hvgotcodes00:55
ubottuhvgotcodes: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal00:55
kinja-sheephvgotcodes: Hold, I'll get you a link.00:55
jtajihvgotcodes: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome00:55
Ben64rahduke: please try to keep your questions on only one line. msdos is good for the partition table on that00:55
virtxminimec: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. Video Camera Controller00:55
kinja-sheephvgotcodes: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome00:55
Bondytbh if you cant het through an ubuntu install stick with windows00:55
kinja-sheephvgotcodes: Look at "aptitude show xubuntu-desktop" -- Notice the packages. Copy and paste them so you can purge them.00:56
git__has anyone gotten Ubuntu bootable on a USB formatted using NTFS?00:56
Ben64Bondy: but can everyone get through a windows install?00:56
qlgwho programe with gtk or qt00:56
hvgotcodeskinja-sheep, thanx00:57
Dr_Willisgit__:  Not sure thats doable. I dont think grub, or syslinux, or grub2 can read ntfs. if grub2 could read ntfs. then it would be doable  i belive00:57
hvgotcodeskinja-sheep, ive removed some by hand; hopefully that wont matter00:57
pasjrgrub can read ntfs, however you really need to know what you are doing to make it work00:58
kinja-sheephvgotcodes: That won't matter. xubuntu-desktop is a virtual metapackage that points to all packages.00:58
hvgotcodeskinja-sheep, ok thanx00:59
hvgotcodesabout to fire00:59
minimecvirtx: google for 'ubuntu 0402:5602' Your not the only one having problems unfortunately...00:59
dannek7what is the button to boot into text only optoins00:59
silareHi all. I tried to use pysdm to get an automount of my NTFS, but now when I plug a flash drive in it won't show up in Nautilus. How do I fix this?01:00
Pelodannek7, boot a recovery session from grub01:00
hvgotcodeskinja-sheep, thanx that command is kicking ass01:00
tsuna27I have a problem after I log in the screen goes blank for 5 secs and then i get a clear box and then it becomes normal How do i fix this!?01:00
Bondyfor a text base install your better off installing from the minimal01:00
kinja-sheephvgotcodes: Great. Glad to hear that. :)01:01
dannek7I have a linux  vm. I need to increase the size of the HD as I am out of space and the VM crashes after login due to it being out of space. I increased the size of the physical VM using VMworkstation, how do I get the  VM to see the increased size?01:01
Bondythen again depends what you want to configure for a server would be ok but if you want a desktop not really01:01
kmystanybody know if there is a limit on the size of a luks keyfile?01:03
Pelodannek7,  I think you need to edit the "machine profile" in the vm to see a bigger drive , which vm are you using ? ask in their channel01:03
wolterhey minimec now its 100% solved01:05
wolterminimec, it was a desktop shortcut in my ~/.local/share/applications01:05
wolterminimec, and the webcam also works :)01:05
minimecwolter: What was the problem with the webcam?01:05
wolterminimec, I don't know.. I just restarted the computer and it worked01:05
minimecwolter: Happy you ;)01:06
kinja-sheepkmyst: If the manual does not say anything, you could make 16TiB keyfile (the limit of ext4 filesystem for a single file).01:06
ae86-drifteri am still having printing issues here, i would appreciate it if somebody could help me...01:06
ae86-drifterdoes anybody know alot about printers01:06
Bondyjust like windows sometimes a reboot can sort it01:07
sixteen-bytesI have an unusual problem - when I switch to "normal" or "extra" visual effects, some widgets don't display correctly.  For example, checkboxes and some lists.  Reverting back to "none" fixes it.  I'm on karmic.01:07
kmystkinja-sheep: i didn't spot anything specific...but thru tinkering i got it working with a 512 byte file but it doesn't with a 2k file...go figure01:07
sixteen-bytesI'm guessing it's an nvidia/compiz problem, but not sure where to start01:08
kmystkinja-sheep: plus everybody and their uncle seems to have opinions on how to generate a random key file01:08
ZnuffHi. I have an external PCI sound card (VIA Envy24PT) and it seems I can't use it under ubuntu - I just get device busy when I try to cat /dev/dsp, lsof | grep /dev/dsp doesn't report anything. Anyone would know what to do?01:08
Bondyprobably your gfx card drivers sixteen the one thing ive always had probs with Linuxx01:08
sixteen-bytesBondy: yeah, that's my guess to.  Perhaps something went wrong during my upgrade to karmic01:09
silareHi all. I tried to use pysdm to get an automount of my NTFS, but now when I plug a flash drive in it won't show up in Nautilus. How do I fix this?01:10
kinja-sheepkmyst: The keyfile could be anything -- It could be your favorite movie ISO. You should make sure the file is read-only to ensure that it's not going to get written over anytime soon.01:10
Doonzwhens the next lts release due?01:11
kmystkinja-sheep: i know :)  i just can't wrap my mind around why a tiny file works and a "larger" one doesn't01:11
kinja-sheepkmyst: Could be something wrong with the commands or you forget to add it or such. I don't know. I'm not certain.01:12
kmystkinja-sheep: perhaps01:13
sixtilaany reason why , in the source list of repos, partner should not be selected?01:13
agusjI got problem when installing ubuntu alternate from usb and from disk win xp01:14
kinja-sheepsixtila: You either select it or you don't select it. There are no "should not"01:14
minimecsixtila: Do you think that they put an entry in the sources.list, if they don't want you to use it?01:14
sixtilai was wonderin they could be like facebook apps who do mischief behing the scene01:15
agusjis there anyone success installing ubuntu alternate from usb and hard drive?01:15
kavehI tried a while ago but failed01:16
XenoPhoenixhow to i disable UXA in 9.10 for use with 845gv intel graphics? i had to add i915.modeset=0 to make ti show graphics after grub... any suggestions?01:16
kavehBut a friend of mine claimed that she did.01:16
chuy_maxhow safe it is to resize an NTFS partition with Ubuntu Live CD 8.10 64 bit?01:16
kinja-sheepagusj: Somebody was in here earlier asking the same thing. Dr_Willis suggested unetbootin -- Try that.01:17
sixtilachuy_max should be fine, i have done it,01:17
silareHow do I export my list of installed packages to a txt file?01:18
Spearsilare: why would you want that?01:18
kinja-sheep!clone | silare01:18
ubottusilare: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:18
Spearor what are you trying to achiieve01:18
brianherman/join #bugzilla01:18
XenoPhoenixbasically I get X with i915.modeset but it's still very slow01:18
XenoPhoenixwhen it wasn't before on 9.0401:18
eltumewill excessive seeding on a bittorrent client slow down my Internet connection?01:18
XenoPhoenixxbmc live cd that is01:18
Speareltume: yes01:19
silareSpear: I'm doing a reinstall soon. And my memory is about as reliable as a goldfish's.01:19
PlughI have a web cam and a tv tuner whose device drivers are fighting each other as to which gets /dev/video0 and which gets /dev/video1. How do I control the order the devices are loaded, or how can I add a delay between the startup of one vs the other? If I can't control the order is there kernel command line options I can use, or should I blacklist one and load it manually.01:19
silarekinja-sheep: Thanks.01:19
wolteryeah, but thanks anyway minimec01:19
Spearsilare: surelly you'll know what you need when you miss it :P01:19
eltumeis it true, the more one seed, the slow one's internet connection becomes?01:19
silareSpear: True. But I don't wanna' realize halfway into it "Oh crap. I'm missing _______. T_T"01:19
Speareltume: yes of course.01:20
Spearsilare: just open another terminal window and install it :p01:20
Spearor use synaptic...01:20
eltumespear, thank you01:20
Spearcan anyone help XenoPhoenix  and I with our intex gfx problem01:20
eltumeThis is wat i hate the most about FF: "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."01:21
jtajieltume: limit your upstream bandwidth in your torrent client to about 80% of your max upstream from your ISP01:21
Speareltume: No problem, Bittorrent normally has a high connection count which will slow you down more than the bandwith being used01:21
kinja-sheepeltume: "sudo killall firefox"01:21
jtajieltume: that will prevent slowing your downstream usage01:21
eltumei put it at 100 KB/s01:22
eltumesee that's the thing i love about linux01:22
nomnexcan I have a bash script to extract multi-parts archives rar, single archives rar, single archives zip in one directory?01:23
nomnexor just the command string01:23
eltumeIf something annoys you like popups every damn time you login than you can remove it. I love the flexibility01:23
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:23
eltumewoh, why is the ubuntu irc CROWDED, ?01:24
=== calicofires is now known as calico
LantiziaDoes anyone here have a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop that CAME with Ubuntu 8.10 or later on it?  I'd like to get a copy of the recovery disc that unit can create and pay you for your services.01:24
Lantiziaeltume, because lots of silly people try to use ubuntu and have silly questions01:24
SpearLantizia: whats wrong with the standard ubuntu disk01:25
LantiziaSpear, it misses some dell customizations01:25
SpearLantizia: also, dell will send you recovery disks free if you ask them on live chat01:25
SpearLantizia: but you can pay me if you want ;-)01:25
LantiziaSpear, not including the extra bits... already asked01:25
eltumeI usually use the number of people on irc to calculate a distros popularity and so far ubuntu is OFF the chart.!!!01:25
LantiziaSpear, so you have an inspiron lappy with the original ubuntu 8.10 untouched from delivery?01:25
IdleOneeltume: it is slow due to the holidays01:25
jtajiLantizia: looks like you can download it here http://en.community.dell.com/wikis/linux/ubuntu-8-10-dell-factory-recovery-iso.aspx01:26
nomnexeltume: it's because Ubuntu is almost perfect;-)01:26
SpearLantizia: A few years back my sister needed the recovery disks for her inspiron but hers came with XP media center + dell customisations01:26
Spearand they posted her replacements01:26
SpearLantizia: surely the dell mods are a pain rather than a pleasure01:26
nomnexsomebody with my command?01:26
eltumeALMOST, if it came with the mintTools then it would be perfect, lol. Anyway that's why the mint repo is there for: packages.mint.com01:27
LantiziaSpear, they offer the recovery CD's on the dell linux wiki ... but not including the lindvd or fluendo01:27
LantiziaSpear, I never made a recovery disc when I had ubuntu on it at the beginning  -  that version of the cd has the extras like that on it01:28
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=== Bilge_ is now known as Bilge
eltumeone thing I'll never understand about Ubuntu is that it's irc is flooded but Linux Mint's irc (the people on it) are more responsive01:28
Lantiziaeltume, it all comes down to silly people... less silly people in mint since mint is less popular thus the people in there haven't learnt to tune out silly people as much as the people in here01:29
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning01:29
jillsmitteltume: this is normal01:30
eltumelantizia, what do you consider silly people?01:30
=== matt_ is now known as Guest42695
Lantiziaeltume, however go in to the debian channel on oftc and you'll get a response... you'll get a response probably telling you that you are silly :)01:30
Lantiziaat least ubuntu and mint arn't usually rude01:30
=== krisDouglas is now known as KrisDouglas
Lantiziabut I like how rude debian is :)01:30
albertoHello everyone01:31
* NotAPuff waves to alberto.01:31
albertoHow are you doing?01:31
jillsmitteltume: people who use ubuntu - they're most ex-windows users. that is all01:31
KrisDouglasevening alberto01:31
lottadoing bad with the installation of my webcam :)01:31
eltumeLantizia, debian is not the rudest. Wait to you meet the maintainer of the Kanotix distro.01:31
albertoDoes anybody know something about tv tuners?01:32
eltumeI was such a n00b and he was so mean to me that I almost gave up linux because of him.01:32
NotAPuffalberto, /me good.01:32
Dr_Willisalberto:  they tune tv's.....01:32
Lantiziaeltume, everyone on IRC usually needs a thick skin :P01:32
nomnexcan I have a bash script to extract multi-parts archives rar, single archives rar, single archives zip in one directory? or just the command will do.01:32
albertoI can't make my Hauppauge HVR-1100 work on Ubuntu Karmic01:32
albertoI'm desperate01:32
Lantiziaeltume, you should try the less strict networks like efnet and undernet lol01:32
Dr_Willisnomnex:  allready done.. check the 'unp' command ?01:32
albertoI've got to this point I don't know what to do, excepto downgrading to Jaunty01:32
Lantiziaalberto, I could!01:32
Dr_Willisnomnex:  or do you want to clarify  the tricky part?01:33
albertoLantizia Really?01:33
albertoLantizia How?01:33
Lantiziathey work out the box01:33
nomnexDr_Willis: clarify01:33
eltumethat huge list of people joining and quitting #ubuntu is exasperating me!01:33
Dr_Willis!info unp01:33
Lantiziayou just need to give totem a channel list if your using the DVB-T tuner01:33
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB01:33
nomnex!infor up01:33
* NotAPuff huggles FloodBot1, FloodBot2, FloodBot3, and FloodBot4.01:33
nomnex!info unp01:34
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB01:34
albertoLantizia Are we both referring to the same tv tuning card?01:34
Dr_Williseltume:  thats why i turn off parts/joins. :) well  weechat has 'smart' part/join filters01:34
LantiziaHauppauge HVR-110001:34
albertoLantizia I mean, mythtv does not find any channels01:34
nomnexDr_Willis: Thanks01:34
albertoLantizia I've tried loads of things01:34
Lantiziaalberto, this using mythbuntu?01:34
Dr_Willisnomnex:  im not sure if it does rar's but i think it does01:34
albertoLantizia No, just mythtv01:35
rahduke i need a really cheap SATA NAS enclosure, anyone got any tips?01:35
albertoLantizia How do I tune dvb-t with totem?01:35
Lantiziarahduke, Raidsonic01:35
nomnexDr_Willis: It does:)01:35
Lantiziaalberto, just look on the ubuntu wiki - it's all there01:35
Dr_Willisrahduke:  Found one on sale for like $30 last xmas...  :)01:35
rahdukeLantizia: it just needs to handle my home network, 2tb drive01:35
albertoLantizia Thank you01:35
NigNogXmasTired of those feral negroid beasts and their monkeyshines?  Are you uncomfortable with those Nazi-like groups?  We have the forum for you!  Chimpout Forum!   At Chimpout we are not White Supremacists!  We welcome anybody who isn't a nigger and who hates niggers!  Thats right!  At Chimpout we welcome the diversity of the human species by welcoming Asians, Jews, non-negroid Hispanics, Arabs, Semites, Whites, Native Americans, Indian01:35
rahdukeDr_Willis: can u point me somewhere?01:36
Dr_Willisrahduke:  when in doubt go with the bigger brand/names - not  just somthing thats $5 cheaper.01:36
NigNogXmass, etc.  Basically we accept all races except for those fecal-colored Negros!   Join us today in the epic battle of human vs. NIGGER!   http://www.chimpout.com/forum01:36
NigNogXmasNET SPLIT!01:36
Dr_Willisrahduke:  pricewatch.com perhaps.01:36
rahdukeDr_Willis: the price discrepencies on these things are insane01:36
rahdukeand I've never bought one before01:36
rahdukeso I just want something supercheap, specially since i just spent 150 on the drive01:36
nomnexOh cool, I can go to chimpout to make monkey friends:P01:36
lottamy logitech quickcam works with XawTV but i can't see me in skype. have to do something more ?01:36
Dr_Willisrahduke:  Im not even using mine at the moment. some of them have  to have drivers taht are not in the normal kernels.  so thats is somthing to watch out for01:37
tos_if i have ubuntu installed with one 512mb chip and its using 128mb for video memory, its running slow as hell, using a lot of swap, so im getting a new 1GB ram stick, BUT... should i put the 1gb in the first slot so it will use it first, or leave the 512 in the first slot.. will it even affect anything either way?01:37
rahdukeDr_Willis: so its not something that is just PnP?01:37
KrisDouglasrule of thumb, bigger closest to the CPU (slot0)01:37
KrisDouglasto tos-01:37
LizardK|ngtos_, depends on your motherboard01:37
albertoLantizia Why doesn't mythtv work, by the way?01:37
tos_its a emachines amd sempron01:38
Dr_Willistos_:  at one time - you had to do things in pairs.. but that depends on teh mb/ram type01:38
tos_using 9.10 64bit01:38
Lantiziaalberto, don't ask me - no idea... works for me but I use mythbuntu and it configured everything for me with mythtv01:38
KrisDouglastos_ I would get a few gig, and really reap the benefits of x6401:38
Dr_Willisrahduke:  depends on what kind of 'nas' it is.. The one i had. with the drivers actually appeared as a 'local' disk. I could even run gparted on it.01:38
LizardK|ngtos_, it's not an OS issue, you should check the manual for your motherboard01:38
tos_just want it to be as efficient as possible... heheh01:38
rahdukeDr_Willis: thats what i'm looking for, do u remember the brand?01:38
albertoLantizia Are you on Karmic?01:38
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Lantiziaalberto, yes01:39
KrisDouglastos_ should work in either slot fine, in summary01:39
Dr_Willisrahduke:  Not really 'ndas' perhaps.01:39
LizardK|ngtos_, then get as much RAM as your motherboard can handle01:39
LizardK|ngand the right kind01:39
tos_its 2gb anyway01:39
albertoLantizia Should I install mythbuntu, then?01:39
tos_almost there...01:39
Dr_Willisrahduke:  it could do USB and nas.  i  had issues using it as nas with some filesystems01:39
Lantiziaalberto, up to you01:39
albertoLantizia Where are you from?01:39
albertoHow old?01:39
Dr_Willisrahduke:  its a 'netdisk' by 'ndas'01:39
rahdukeDr_Willis: wireless?01:40
Dr_Willisrahduke:  i just found it in a box. :) i wonder what size HD is even in it.01:40
Lantiziaalberto, lol why?01:40
Dr_Willisrahduke:  Not wireless.. that would be rather slow.01:40
tos_does ubuntu have a apt-get package for managing virtual servers?01:40
Dr_Willisrahduke:  i dont think its GB wired either..  but id get one now a dasys that was at least a GB lan connection01:40
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rahdukeDr_Willis: I dont want wireless, but when i googled NDAS thats all i found01:40
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zokeI just upgraded to karmic01:40
Lantiziatos_, openvz/kvm/vmware/what!?01:40
zokeand now my screen is black!01:40
LizardK|ngtos, virtualbox01:40
hermitcrabredHi, sorry to bother I just download an ISO image, how do I check the the MD5, Thank you!!!01:40
zokeHow do I get my computer to work now!01:41
rahdukei just need an enclosure01:41
KrisDouglaszoke: do you have a blinking cursor/ prompt?01:41
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Dr_Willisrahduke:  i imagine many can do both.01:41
albertoLantizia I thought you were a girl01:41
Lantiziarahduke, http://www.raidsonic.de/en/pages/products/external_cases_gal.php?pid=2_301:41
Dr_Willisrahduke:  Im mainy heading toward external sata drives now.01:41
Lantiziaalberto, that might be your gaydar lol01:41
minimeczoke: Can you boot in recovery mode? what Graphics card do you have?01:41
Dr_WillisNight all01:41
rahdukeLantizia: i see, very cool... where are the prices tho lol01:41
smackdaddyvirtualbox is it the best one, low memory usage?01:41
jph_I am looking for a duel Gigabit card (PCI not express) that will work with Ubuntu Server... Anyone have one they know works?  It would be great if it didn't break the bank too....01:42
Lantiziarahduke, thats the manufacturers site01:42
KrisDouglasjph_ gigabit ethernet im assuming?01:42
zokeI do not see a prompt01:42
Lantiziarahduke, they can be broken into fairly easily... install ssh... bittorrent... nfs and samba support01:42
jph_yes sorry01:42
* poot shits01:42
rahdukewho sells these things01:42
* poot takes a shit01:42
Lantiziago google and find out01:43
Flannelpoot: Please stop01:43
smackdaddypoot r u on the wi-max?01:43
zokeI have a Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X450001:43
zokehow do I boot into recovery mode ?01:43
KrisDouglasjph_ http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Peripherals/Network+Products/Wired/Network+Cards/Intel+PRO/1000+PT+Dual+Port+Server+Adapter,+2+ports+?productId=3917601:43
andruki keep getting these errors when I try to use g_key_file_to_data: http://paste.ubuntu.com/348355/    code is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/348354/   what am i doing wrong?01:43
LantiziaI need Pepsi01:43
LantiziaGive me it now01:43
KrisDouglasuses PCI-E x4, jph-01:43
minimeczoke: before grub2 starts (at the beginning of the boot process) press the left shift button and choose the recovery mode.01:44
sal_hermitcrabred, google .. how to md5sum ubuntu01:44
andrukLantizia: ask nicely01:44
Lantiziaanders__, PWEEEASE01:44
Lantiziaoops I mean andruk01:44
zokeminimec it wasn't the left shift button01:44
jph_Ok let me google that01:44
zokeI hade to press escape01:44
zokeI don't think I have grub201:44
FlannelLantizia: Please help keep this channel ontopic, thanks.01:44
zokeI upgraded from 9.04 just now01:44
LantiziaOh noes01:44
KrisDouglasZoke:does ubuntu even try to load?01:45
zokeminimec I have two kernels installed I think01:45
albertoDo you recommend me any good DVD burning application?01:45
zokeKrisDouglas I think it loads01:45
zokeit doesn't show anything to screen01:45
Lantiziaalberto, movies or data?01:45
minimeczoke: Oh yes. Its a jaunty --> karmic update.. It's 'esc' ;)01:45
zokeminimec I have two kenernels installed01:45
albertoBut preferably data01:45
zokewhich recovery mode do I select ?01:45
Lantiziaalberto, well you don't need anything special for data... the one that comes with ubuntu will do fine01:45
KrisDouglasbrassero is good, k3b is good, etc.. alberto01:46
Lantiziaalberto, I can't remember if it's gnomebaker or brasero - I forget01:46
jph_KrisDouglas nice thanks... Now you have use this one or you just know it works01:46
lstarneszoke: the newer one01:46
KrisDouglasjph_ it just works01:46
minimeczoke: the 'older' one is probably the last working jaunty kernel, the newer one the default karmic kernel.01:46
KrisDouglasjph_ i have about 4 of them01:46
Lantiziaanyway I have to get out of silly land01:46
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:46
hermitcrabredThank you sal, I`m doing it as we speak...is kind of confusing01:46
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LantiziaIs Freenode still under DDoS attack!?01:47
albertoBrasero (Which means carbon heater in spanish) doesn't recognise my DVD writer01:47
zokeminimec, are you still here ?>01:47
IdleOneLantizia: probably01:47
LantiziaSwitch to OFTC :D01:47
jph_KrisDouglas Thanks for your time01:47
KrisDouglasjph_ no probs01:47
minimeczoke: you mean after you tried to reboot?01:47
IdleOneLantizia: then oftc gets attacked01:47
LantiziaIdleOne, oh so people attack Freenode solely because Ubuntu is on it?!01:47
zokeminimec yes01:47
LantiziaIdleOne, thats very big headed of you :P01:47
IdleOneLantizia: it's a big reason yup01:48
zokeselecting the newer kernel results in the problem of a blank screen01:48
zokeselecting the older kernel appears to be fine01:48
albertoWill you also please tell me how the hell I could install KDE?01:48
petsoundsgood morning everybody01:48
minimeczoke: Yeah try that. I will be here for another 30 min or so ;)01:48
zokeminimec, I have booted properly with the older kernel01:48
zokeit seems the newerkernel is damaged01:48
LantiziaIdleOne, you've proof of this then?  the attackers intentions have been made clear somewhere?01:48
albertoExcuse my english01:48
lstarnesLantizia: this channel itself often gets attacked01:49
FlannelLantizia: Please take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks01:49
gmachine_24Hi: I have my music collection on a Ubuntu 9.04 computer with two extra hard drives that hold the music - essentially a main drive and a back up that I use an rsync cron script to back up drive A to drive B every night - you know, an incremental update and sync. Anyway, the computer says there are an unspecified number of "unreadable" files on each hard drive. There must be some kind of...01:49
gmachine_24...utility I can use to scan the files - there are almost 17,000 songs and the total number of files listed is 17,800 so maybe there are 800 "unreadable". Sorry this post is so long.01:49
LantiziaFlannel, yes musn't interrupt the many thousands of ex-users in a panic01:49
gmachine_24I take it there is a problem with the network.01:50
minimeczoke: I personally recommend a clean karmic install for the '/' partition, keeping the /home partition untouched. The reason is simple. There were a lot of changes in karmic (grub2, ext4, kms for intel and ati cards) All these changes were made regarding the next LTS version of Ubuntu 10.04. Do the step now, and you wount have problems with upgrading to lucid...01:51
tos_can ECC memory be used on a regular desktop PC01:51
rhixcsi have a question that hopefully someone can answer... my gf has ubuntu on her laptop and now when she tries to stop it it says something about a "kernel panick" and then just stops there so we can not even get on ubuntu01:51
gmachine_24tos_ depends on memory compatibility gun generally, no01:51
gmachine_24gun was supposed to be "but"01:52
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booksbuggymy sound is not working anymore after upgrading to 9.1001:52
gmachine_24I haven't had much experience with ECC mem bc none of the mbs I've used accepted it01:52
tos_ecc is half the price of non-ecc that sucks01:52
KrisDouglasits usually used in servers01:52
gmachine_24in general memory is cheap.01:53
gmachine_24you should have been around when it was >$1 per MB01:53
gmachine_24that was fun01:53
jtajiold format memory is expensive01:53
tos_ah i was01:53
tos_in the 90s01:53
gmachine_24how old is old01:54
gmachine_24ok so then you know01:54
booksbuggymy sound is not working anymore after upgrading to 9.10 and somehow it can only be configured to dummy output which doesn't play any sound at all01:54
tos_yes i had my 286 packard bell01:54
rhixcsi have a question that hopefully someone can answer... my gf has ubuntu on her laptop and now when she tries to stop it it says something about a "kernel panick" and then just stops there so we can not even get on ubuntu.  anyone have some idea what has happened?01:55
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edbianrhixcs, You're going to have to get more info on the error...  That's too vague for me! :P01:56
Guest94470hello, I am moving to new notebook system, is there a way to export my current repositories and trusted keys to the new one?01:56
booksbuggyubuntu 9.10 completely disabled my audio can someone help me turn it back on?01:56
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rhixcslet me check again edbian im just relating what she was telling me01:57
KrisDouglasI actually told my gf to use windows for now, till we're living together, i wouldnt be able to support it01:58
rsc___hey im not sure where to ask this01:58
KrisDouglasshoot rsc___01:59
booksbuggyrsc___, just ask it someone will answer01:59
rhixcssays "kernal panic - not syncing: VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1)"  she has dual boot she also has windows but cant do shit with it so she tried ubuntu and it worked earlier then just stopped working01:59
booksbuggymy sound is not working anymore after upgrading to 9.10 and somehow it can only be configured to dummy output which doesn't play any sound at all01:59
rsc___if im making an app and it's version 0.3.5, and i make a small change to it (to prepare it for version 0.4) but not officially release it yet, what's its version number?01:59
rsc___haha, i know its not an ubuntu question, but again i wasnt sure who to ask.01:59
kavehI tried a while ago but failed02:00
rsc___not quite v0.3.5, but not quite v0.4. hmmm, v0.3.5+ then? or v0.4 beta?02:00
rsc___oh yeah.02:00
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KrisDouglas0.3.5-1, rsc___02:01
KrisDouglasbeaten lol02:01
rsc___so what would merit a 0.3.5-2?02:01
booksbuggyGuest94470, copy /etc/apt/sources.list to a text file on desktop or something02:01
bazzis there a way to print the time until a windows domain password needs to be changed from linux?  (this gets printed when its getting close to needs to be changed and one logs in using windows)02:01
rsc___if 0.3.5-1 makes it out to the wild perhaps?02:01
rhixcsanyone know where i can go to get help for that?02:01
booksbuggyrhixcs, you tried recovery mode?02:02
tos_rhi, you need to google that error... and maybe make a recovery boot disc or something02:02
c1h23r456i78910what can i use to put music on my ipod02:02
iFire`recommend any wifi-n routers with linux firmware?02:02
rhixcswhere can i find a recovery boot disk tos?02:02
tos_for ubuntu02:03
booksbuggyubuntu 9.10 completely disabled my audio can someone help me turn it back on?02:03
KrisDouglasc1h23r456i78910 best thing i use is rythmbox02:03
iFire`rhixcs uhhh use the install cd?02:03
bazzc1h23r456i78910: i had the best luck with rhythmbox02:03
c1h23r456i78910KrisDouglas : i am confused as to how to do that02:03
KrisDouglasc1h23r456i78910 its drag and drop from what i can tell02:03
KrisDouglasworks for me02:03
rhixcsok i can give that a try lmao she is going to be so pissed again thanks all :)02:03
minimeciFire`: asus linksys... Check the homepage of openwrt for compatible devices...02:03
iFire`minimec right now I'm on tomato :/02:04
iFire`on an asus, but it's wifi-g02:04
tos_rhixcs, well the cd u used to install use that or a Live CD02:04
tos_and boot from live cd02:04
tos_to fix it02:04
KrisDouglasrhixcs Something we have to get used to, i'm afriad02:04
tos_i dont kinow, that what i would do tho02:04
minimeciFire`: I have also an old asus wl-500 deluxe ;)02:04
iFire`this computer is getting like 80kilobytes/s >.<02:04
rhixcsthe cd i used to install was one that we download from the ubuntu website02:05
iFire`minimec I have a Asus 520 GU :P02:05
tos_yeah that 1. when u boot from it, it should have an option for recovery, or live filesystem02:05
tos_to boot from02:05
minimeciFire`: I love these devices. I also use it as printer server, but I only use the oleg firmware...02:06
iFire`minimec I like the design of tomato02:06
ring0i would like to mount a nfs-share via the terminal. i accomplished setting the rsize and wsize. mounting works so far. but i'd like to able to use this share as normal user. i tried the mount options user und users without success. it keeps telling me, permission denied. which option am i missing?02:06
rhixcsso it should have a recovery on that disk?02:06
minimeciFire`: I guess we are offtopic ;)02:06
tos_yeah it should be like windows right02:06
AnirbanHazraMy homedirectory setting in FTP is not getting implemented.All users are getting root access02:06
iFire`minimec hey I went out and bought a laser black and white printer that came with a 4000 page of toner and supports 8000 pages :P02:07
rhixcsshe has tried to use recovery from the boot menu without the disk is that the same?02:07
* NotAPuff lifts kitty off keyboard.02:07
booksbuggyubuntu 9.10 completely disabled my audio can someone tell me how to turn it back on?02:07
minimeciFire`: nice ;)02:08
edbianrhixcs, The recovery mode on the grub boot menu is not the same :)02:08
iFire`booksbuggy check first to see if it's just on the wrong device or the volume is muted02:08
rhixcsalrighty then so i will give the disk a shot thanks all02:08
booksbuggynot muted02:08
booksbuggyand it doesn't seem to detect anything02:08
edbianrhixcs, wait!02:08
rhixcsstill here02:08
edbianrhixcs, Explain the problem to me again in more detail02:08
rhixcsfor a min02:08
booksbuggysomehow it is set on dummy output02:09
booksbuggyand i can't change it02:09
rhixcsshe has dual boot when she picks ubuntu it freaks out then says something about a kernal panick02:09
edbianrhixcs, It won't even start?02:09
rhixcsand then wont start02:09
AnirbanHazraMy homedirectory setting in FTP is not getting implemented.All users are getting root access02:10
rhixcsjust stays on that screen02:10
apostle999does anyone know of a simple bill of materials type software02:10
edbianrhixcs, Try the recovery mode and see if you can get in that way.  Kernel panics are equivalent to the windows blue screen of death02:10
edbianrhixcs, They are however, much more rare in linux! :)02:10
rhixcsthis is the second time this week for her02:11
jillsmittwhat software need i to install to use windows networks?02:11
rhixcsi reinstalled it last time02:11
minimecjillsmitt: I guess you want 'samba'02:11
edbianrhixcs, It doesn't freak every time?02:11
rhixcsi installed it earlier this week had the same problem so i just reinstalled it for her02:12
rhixcsthen it happened again 30 min ago02:12
KrisDouglascould be the drive02:12
booksbuggyiFire`,   it doesn't even detect any hardware02:12
edbianrhixcs, But it doesn't happen every time she boots?02:13
rhixcsno not everytime but once it does i cant get in02:13
Supersaiyan_IVtip. nvidia 195.30 beta provides incredible boost in 2D acceleration02:13
edbianrhixcs, I suggest an older version of ubuntu02:13
rahdukeanone no how to check where or not a gparted format is going horribly rong?02:13
edbianrhixcs, Maybe just one version old or the most recent LTS02:13
edbianrahduke, what do you mean?02:14
minimecbooksbuggy: check your lspci output for your sound card and look in launchpad for a regression for your card. You are probably not the only one having that problem.02:14
rahdukei've been formatting a 1.5tb drive to EXT4 for about an hour or so02:14
rhixcsalrighty thanks edbian got to go now loseing net thanks all :D02:14
rahdukei dunno if it should take this long or if somethin is wrong02:14
edbianrahduke, How long has it been?  What are you doing?02:14
KrisDouglasrahduke, it can take a while02:15
rahdukeits been over an hour now02:15
edbianrahduke, What are you attempting to do??02:15
rahdukeearlier someone mentioned that the drive i bought has gparted issues, i couldnt find anything on gogole02:15
rahdukeim trying to format a 1.5tb seagate barracuda to EXT402:15
rahdukefresh out the box02:15
jillsmittminimec: need i to restart my ubuntu when samba installation will be done?02:15
edbianrahduke, That might take a minute... 1.5 tb is big! :)02:16
rahdukejillsmitt: u can open a terminal and type sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart02:16
minimecjillsmitt: normally not. It is started as a deamon and activated after install.02:16
jillsmittokay, and when i can browse win32 networks?02:16
rahdukesorry about that02:17
rahdukei also have pidgin issues02:17
kaveh_Its okay02:17
rahdukei forgot who was helping me.... the 1.5TB gparted format02:18
edbianrahduke, I'm here for ya02:18
MisantropoHow do i backup my home folder using "tar jxvf myuser.tar.bz2 /home/myuser" if it has not copiable open files?02:18
minimecjillsmitt: You should be able to see your win shares with the file manager (I don't use samba) ...02:18
rahdukeedbian: lol thanks man02:18
rahdukeim saying its been an hour and change02:18
edbianrahduke, No problem.  I suspect that everything is fine.  What do you  mean that your drive has gparted issues??02:18
kinja-sheepedbian: A minute? More likely 30 minutes, I think. Or more02:19
edbiankinja-sheep, ha ha.  Yeah02:19
rahdukeedbian: i was in here earlier and someone named Illness said he found alot of outstanding issues for the 1.5TB drive and gparted on the web02:19
kheeraMisantropo: what's a 'not copiable open file' ?02:19
jtajiMisantropo: you want tar cvjf... logging your user out should close all files02:19
rahdukei have searched and havent found anything in particular yet02:19
Misantropojtaji, right, cvjf02:19
edbianrahduke, mhmmm IDK,  there are other disc formatting programs out there.  Does gparted show any progress?02:20
Misantropojtaji, i don't want to logout, that's the problem02:20
tos_ok so if i am on a DSL connection, and I have an 8block of static IPS, i want to make virtual server each with 1 of public static ips, what is the best way to let ubuntu 9.10 do that? the DSL router is a 3800 2Wire-ATT model02:20
ChakravantiCan I get Ext4 support on 8.10?  What's the best way?  e2fsprogs syas it has ext4 support but when I try to mount an ext4 HD from the live CD it says my system does not support the format and I'm a little confused.02:20
rahdukeedbian: thats what i was hoping to find, some kind of terminal command that would show the actual progress because gparted doesnt02:20
kinja-sheeprahduke: I partitioned my 2TB. It worked fine. I didn't use Gparted though.02:20
joshua__Chakravanti your e2fsprogs may have it but it sounds like the kernel driver does not02:20
edbiankinja-sheep, How long did it take?02:20
sync3timesBondy, thats not a hard link02:21
kinja-sheepedbian: Like I said, 30min or more. I didn't remember exactly because I know that'll take awhile.02:21
ChakravantiWhen does Ubuntu get ext4 support on the liveCD?02:21
rahdukekinja-sheep: which route did u go to formaT?02:21
edbianrahduke, I don't think you'll be able to see the progress that way.  If you really feel it has been too long you can also just abort and try again with a different partition editor.  If the hdd is empty it shouldn't matter right?02:21
kinja-sheeprahduke: The command route.02:21
edbianChakravanti, It already does in 9.1002:22
rahdukeedbian: i would assume it wouldnt mess it up, but this thing cost me a pretty penny and I can't return it so i dont wanna create bad sectors or anything like that right off the bat02:22
Chakravantiedbian: okay, i was kinda hoping 9.04 has it because I have a 9.04 CD but not a 9.10 =P02:22
hiexpohey can't get burn to work in cccm02:22
kinja-sheeprahduke: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26786902:22
kinja-sheeprahduke: This seems okay.02:23
rahdukekinja-sheep: thanks02:23
navidhgHi everyone. I can't get winff to work properly. When I press the convert button, a terminal window opens up and closes a second later.02:23
kinja-sheeprahduke: If you want ext4, use mkfs.ext4 instead of mkfs.ext302:23
navidhgIt doesn't seem to convert02:23
rahdukekinja-sheep: i will try that next02:23
init2winit77can any one suggest what is needed to play mp3 files with rhythmbox?02:24
rahdukeI have lots of small issues with Karmic, this release may have been pushed out a bit premature02:24
tos_does ubuntu have a way to load balance multiple internet connections, 1 wired, 1 usb, 1 wireless?02:24
sync3timestos_, advanced routing02:24
tos_sync3times; have you used it?02:25
sync3timestos_, only some test cases to bandwidth limit a connection.   Its not what you would call...friendly.   Not at first glance02:25
sync3timestos_, you have 3 connections to the internet?02:26
tos_im wanting to use my cellphone inet, dsl, and a nearby wifi on a server for incoming and only use the dsl for outgoing02:26
sync3timestos_, hmm02:27
ChakravantiLooks 9.04 has ext4! I hope this si a live CD I have =P Thanks guys!02:27
sync3timestos_,  sounds unlikely02:28
idefif I transfer files via sftp to my directory, the permissions are not set correctly (user and group read/write), however if i create a file in the directory the right permissions are set for the user and the group, any idea how to set this on files transfered?02:28
sixtilajust noticed while gaming, i can use my mouse and keyboard at the same time02:28
KrisDouglasyou can do similar things with a proxy, get the proxy to listen to two different ports for up and down02:28
navidhgHi everyone. I can't get winff to work properly. When I press the convert button, a terminal window opens up and closes a second later.02:28
KrisDouglassome routers can do it too02:28
tos_yeah i want to make the ubuntu a router itself02:29
tos_to handle that02:29
jillsmittis 1Gb of RAM enought for ubuntu9.10?02:29
Chousukejillsmitt: yes.02:29
sixtilawhy wouldnt i be able to use and mouse + keyboard at the same time - while gamin, or copy-paste02:29
tos_jill, yea i have 300 its working fine...02:29
jkerr_jillsmitt that is plenty02:29
jillsmittjkerr_: plenty?02:30
sync3timestos_, so if a packet comes in on cellphone, you want the reply to go out on DSL?02:30
edbiantos_, it is possible, something called bonding.  I don't know how to do it (you have to install a package and edit /etc/network/interfaces) but I know it exists cause I looked into it once for debian.02:30
jkerr_256 is ok 512 is best02:30
KrisDouglasjillsmitt, means fine, no problem02:30
jillsmittokay thaks02:30
jillsmittokay thanks*02:30
Chousukejkerr_: 512 is too low for anything beyond very basic usage though :/02:30
Chousukebut 1GB is pretty good already02:30
Chousukeas long as you don't run virtual machines :)02:31
navidhg512 is also fine02:31
edbianI ran a rig with 512 for 1.5 years with 0 problems02:31
navidhgfor basic usage, 512 is plenty.02:31
jkerr_yes 512 is good for basic, so 1 gig should do it02:31
jillsmittone guy was interested linux system and he wants to try, he gave me his notebook and will try to install ubuntu9.10 now02:31
navidhg1 gig is more than enough02:32
jkerr_I have never had more than 51202:32
jillsmitti just have four.. and never tried 1Gb installations02:32
navidhgWhat is it that you want to do with your system? It depends on the apps you want to run02:32
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jkerr_jillsmit, can you run it as a live CD first?02:32
jillsmittnothing non-standatr02:32
jillsmittjkerr_: it is backuping now02:33
navidhg512 is plenty then02:33
jillsmitti tell you later02:33
jillsmitti will*02:33
navidhgI'm running an xp system with 512mb and I have no problems02:33
* jillsmitt my english nice only when i hate something =)02:33
andruki keep getting these errors when I try to use g_key_file_to_data: http://paste.ubuntu.com/348355/    code is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/348354/   what am i doing wrong?02:34
jkerr_As one person once said  "you can't be too rich, too good looking, and have too much ram"02:34
KrisDouglasi know someone running xp in 64mb ram on a Libretto02:34
navidhg#Ubuntu must be the busiest channel on the freenode server02:34
KrisDouglasnavidhg, it is02:35
jillsmittKrisDouglas: it was with me once, bad idea02:35
edbiannavidhg, Isn't it the best?02:35
tos_the routing is so complicated... so if i get a ip of from isp for DSL modem... my router is assigned, using DMZ it gives my Ubuntu-server the public ip of, and my isp assignes me a block of ips or whatever, can i make the ubuntu virtually manage all of those ip's? or just one?02:35
navidhgit really is the best02:35
blackest_knightum i feel dirty i just ran a script makes ubuntu look like xp02:36
The_Machineirc channel masturbation.02:36
unopThe_Machine, keep the channel family friendly!02:36
KrisDouglasthe_machine, not cool.02:37
blackest_knightunop:  perhaps thats the wrong phrase ....02:37
edbianblackest_knight, Did you see that chinese look alike on slashdot?02:37
sync3timestos_,  you could use aliases an have ubuntu respond to all of those addresses.02:37
jonathan__I have a program called exe using my cpu time, what the hell is it?02:37
blackest_knightedbian yep and went for the last link02:38
jillsmittoh guys... 11 hours network backuping sounds sux...02:38
tos_sync3times, how would you set up an alias for them?02:38
jkerr_<jillsmitt> : not my idea of a good time02:38
navidhgIs there anyway you can have the library function on win 7 on Ubuntu?02:39
kinja-sheepblackest_knight: "sudo -i" then run "sleep 15m ; reboot" -- To get that Windows-alike effects.02:39
The_Machineah, sorry about that02:39
edbianjonathan__, it's just called "exe"  that's it?  What happens if you kill it anything?  Does it have a man page?02:39
sync3timestos_,   ifconfig eth0:1 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX     ifconfig eth0:2 XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY02:39
kinja-sheepblackest_knight: Add it to your cron job. :)02:39
blackest_knightedbian:  was only 1.2 meg to make this look too much like windows02:39
jillsmittjkerr_: can be... 11h for 50 Gibs... too much02:39
jonathan__no man page, cant even type the command in02:39
jonathan__exe using 14% mem and 76% cpu02:39
edbianjonathan__, I hate to jump to conclusions but it sounds bad to me.  Is there a binary for it anywhere on the system?02:40
jonathan__i will kill it now02:40
edbianblackest_knight, ha ha02:40
jkerr_jillsmitt I wonder if a connection can be trusted for that long?02:40
edbianjonathan__, watch for any changes02:40
jillsmittjkerr_: i need to try =) its a local network in my house02:40
jonathan__killed it no changes i will try find the bin02:41
jillsmittjkerr_: maybe will be done02:41
jkerr_jillsmitt: Oh well that should work better02:41
jonathan__how do i search for it?02:41
edbianjonathan__, I would watch very carefully for it in the next couple days...02:41
UmeaboyThis is my issue:02:41
edbianjonathan__, "locate exe"02:41
UmeaboyI installed Mandriva 2010.0 & updated it fully.02:42
UmeaboyThen I wanted to install Ubuntu on the side.02:42
UmeaboyI did that with the DVD.02:42
toshibaHello people02:42
toshibaI need some help02:42
jillsmittUmeaboy: take a time and make one big message =)02:43
toshibaI've just installed ubuntu 9.10 on this toshiba satellite tablet pc02:43
jkerr_jonathan System ---> Administration ---> system monitor -----> Processes02:43
UmeaboyThe thing is. When I rebooted my computer to boot into Ubuntu it said something like no partition found.02:43
toshibaoops laptop pc02:43
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:43
UmeaboyI reinstalled Mandriva's bootloader.02:43
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jillsmitttoshiba: i will install it today on toshiba notebook too02:44
toshibai need help configuring the touchscreen portion02:44
mac9416Does anyone else have trouble downloading an x86 .deb here? http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads02:44
toshibaeverything else seems to work ok02:44
UmeaboyAnd I've now added Ubuntu into that list.02:44
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UmeaboyThe thing is when I boot Ubuntu everything freezes when I come to the login-window.02:44
UmeaboyAny solution to that?02:44
UmeaboyI want to use both.02:45
toshibawhat version of ubuntu02:45
islingtonFFFFFF netsplit02:45
toshibahhhmmm.... well the only problem i'm having so far is the touchscreen setup on this laptop02:45
Umeaboytoshiba: Have you reported it?02:46
toshibawell. i figured someone here has already set one up b402:46
toshibareport it to whom ?02:46
andruki keep getting these errors when I try to use g_key_file_to_data: http://paste.ubuntu.com/348355/    code is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/348354/   what am i doing wrong?02:47
hiexpohi all //// can not get fire to work on ccsm for some reason02:47
UmeaboyWhat image should I choose for the Ubuntu-boot?02:48
toshibahiexpo: there's a great tut on youtube for ccsm for the fire.02:48
UmeaboyThe one for Mandriva is /boot/vmlinuz-
UmeaboyAs faras I know.02:48
hiexpook i will check it out02:48
UmeaboyAs far as I know.02:48
hiexpoif it is nixie's thats not solving my problem02:49
toshibaPLEASE I really need help to configure the touchscreen on this tablet pc02:49
rahdukeumm i been formatting this 1.5tb drive to EXT4 in Gparted its going on 2 hours now02:50
rahdukeit something wrong?02:50
toshibaraduke - why would you do that?02:50
toshibause HFS+ even NTFS or Ext302:50
Umeaboytoshiba: launchpad.net02:51
UmeaboyReport it there.02:51
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ndrofthelinehey I need to move about 40k files that were dumped into my home directory by recoverjpeg02:51
jonathan__I found out exe is something to do with google crome and video content still trying to work out if its a bug02:51
ndrofthelineholy crap is there any way to stop the login/logout updates from showing up in xchat?02:51
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lstarnesndroftheline: if it's the real xchat (not xchat-gnome), right-click on the channel tab and uncheck the option for showing them02:52
iamakeoh yeah... i wanna know how to hide those login/logout msg for mIRC too02:52
iamakeany suggestion please ?02:52
ndrofthelinelstarnes, happen to know if it is xchat-gnome?02:52
lstarnesndroftheline: no02:53
recmajkemihey guys, one question about rythmbox... i deleted one certain station and than tried to add it back, but whenewer i do it it does not show on the list02:53
lstarnesndroftheline: it should say in the title bar02:53
lstarnesndroftheline: if it doesn't say it's xchat-gnome, it isn't xchat-gnome02:53
Flanneliamake: http://clintecker.com/disable-irc-msgs.html02:54
ae86-drifterndroftheline, just right click on the left where it says #ubuntu02:54
ndrofthelinelstarnes, cool its on the left pane, just right click>settings>hide on/off messages02:54
recmajkemii cant even modify an existing one, cause it says url is already in there02:54
ndrofthelineae86-drifter, yeh thanks figured it out (:02:54
ndrofthelinehey i'm trying to move about 40,000 files02:54
hiexpoi can not find anything on ccsm burn settings02:54
ndrofthelinebut its not working02:54
eidoslinuxcan anyone tell me if there is a way to sync email from two differant computers using evolution?02:54
ae86-drifterndroftheline, what command are you using?02:54
ae86-driftereidoslinux, yes, make it leave messages on the server, then you can retrieve from any pc it will sync with your pop3 server02:55
ndrofthelineae86-drifter, find recovery/ -name "*.jpg" | xargs -i mv {} recovery/JPG/02:55
hiexpooops i put fire before i meant burn sorry02:55
eidoslinuxok thanks..02:55
rahdukeumm i been formatting this 1.5tb drive to EXT4 in Gparted its going on 2 hours now02:55
ae86-drifterwhy not just mv -R recovery/*.jpg02:55
rahdukeshould i cancel?02:55
ndrofthelineae86-drifter, returns a too many arguments error02:56
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ae86-drifterwhy not just mv -R recovery/*.jpg recovery/JPG/02:56
IdleOnerahduke: wouldn't you rather it finish first?02:56
rahdukeIdleOne: i think something went wrong, how could it take this long02:56
ndrofthelineae86-drifter, still an arguemtsn-too-long error02:56
ndrofthelineArgument list is too long02:56
IdleOnerahduke: up to you I guess, cancel and start over02:57
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coolcathow can I have information about the processor ? which file?02:57
rahdukei guess ill just leave it, but when is is enough enough?02:57
lstarnescoolcat: /proc/cpuinfo02:57
exploreralexcan somebody tell me which is a good media player for ubuntu 9.04 gnome?02:57
IdleOnerahduke: 1 more hour if you have the patience, then I would start over02:58
tos_any1 know how to make epic4 or irssi bind to use a specific IP02:58
rahdukethanks for ur perspective02:58
hiexposorry i put fire on last ? i meant to say can not get burn to work in ccsm02:58
lstarnestos_: in irssi, /set hostname IP02:58
IdleOneexploreralex: there are dozens if not hundreds.check in Synaptic Package Manager02:58
ndrofthelineexploreralex, do you just want a player or something to sync with an mp3 player and manage playlists and stuff?02:58
Fallout1Umeaboy: If i was you i would check the log files for errors02:59
exploreralexndroftheline: i want just a simple music player. my rhythmbox doesnt seem to work.02:59
ae86-drifterndroftheline,  mv -R 'recovery/*.jpg' 'recovery/JPG' should work02:59
xxthinkHow to allow multiusers to write-and -read one directory?02:59
UmeaboyFallout1: faillog.log?03:00
Fallout1If you are using no your mandriva, you could mount the ubuntu partition and browse to /var/log/03:00
ndrofthelineae86-drifter, mv -R 'recovery/*.jpg' 'recovery/JPG'03:00
ndrofthelineae86-drifter, mv: invalid option -- 'R'03:00
ae86-driftertry without -R03:00
ndrofthelineexploreralex, well just to play individual songs try vlc03:00
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ndrofthelinemv: cannot stat `*.jpg': No such file or directory03:00
ndrofthelineae86-drifter, mv: cannot stat `*.jpg': No such file or directory03:01
exploreralexndroftheline:thanks. so just type apt-get install vlc?03:01
ndrofthelineexploreralex, yeah i think so03:01
Fallout1I think inside 'messages' the entire boot process is logged check for error messages03:01
ndrofthelineexploreralex, are you sure that you have the mp3 plugins installed?03:01
exploreralexndroftheline: when i try to install them it asks me to insert APTon cd103:02
UmeaboyFallout1: Aren't there seperate messages.log for each distro?03:02
ndrofthelineexploreralex, are you using xchat from the same box?03:02
Luciferoexploreralex: u need to enable the repository first of all03:03
exploreralex ndroftheline: yes i am03:03
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tos_when assigning IP alias i keep getting this error03:03
tos_what is this03:03
unopndroftheline,  find recovery/ -name "*.jpg" -exec mv -t recovery/JPG/ {} +03:03
exploreralexLucifero: how do you do that?03:03
tos_root@ns:/home/matt# ifconfig eth0:0 up03:03
tos_SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address03:03
ndrofthelineexploreralex, try using synaptic instead of apt-get03:03
ae86-drifterndroftheline,  change to the directory then try:    mv *.jpg ./JPG/03:03
XenoPhoenixhi there, Can I create an xorg config to force a resolution now in 9.10? and how would I do this?03:03
Fallout1did you mount your ubuntu partition?03:04
kinja-sheep!fixres | XenoPhoenix03:04
ubottuXenoPhoenix: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:04
edbianHow can I increase the battery life of my network (aside from switching window managers) ??03:04
unopndroftheline, just be careful, mv will silently overwrite existing files03:04
ndrofthelineae86-drifter, i've tried it directly from the directory. there are 40k files. too many arguments.03:04
exploreralexndroftheline: i was using synaptic. now i will use apt-get for vlc. do you think un-installing xchat will help. i don't use it anyway.03:04
kinja-sheepedbian: Cut down on processes. Shave! Shave! Shave!03:04
ae86-drifterunop, no it wont, unless you specify the -f option03:04
ndrofthelineexploreralex, no no it won't matter i was just confirming you were connected to the net03:04
ndrofthelineopen synaptic, and enable all the repositories03:05
edbiankinja-sheep: Does that work well?03:05
ndrofthelinethen try to install vlc again03:05
ndrofthelineunop, wow ok03:05
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unopae86-drifter,  there's a reason why mv has -i03:05
exploreralex ndroftheline: okay.let me try.03:05
ndrofthelineunop, can you explain what that command does exactly?03:05
kinja-sheepedbian: Well, I have 193 process running right now. I suppose if I tried, I could shave more. Also, extended battery cell is nice.03:05
SanityInAnarchySo, NetworkManager suddenly refuses to connect to multiple wired interfaces.03:06
unopndroftheline,  find has an -exec option where you can pass filenames to commands ... here we pass filenames ({}) to mv03:06
edbiankinja-sheep: It's a netbook and there is no extended battery.  Also it only lasts 1 hr03:06
ae86-drifter-f will overwrite, if you dont specify -i or -f it will make a new file and append something to it, not overwrite03:06
SanityInAnarchyAs in, I connect to eth1, it drops eth0. Why does it do that?03:06
kinja-sheepedbian: What netbook?03:06
unopae86-drifter, wrong03:06
ae86-drifterappend to the file name i mean not the file03:06
ae86-drifterunop, i just did it03:06
rahdukeedbian: hey man, going on 2 and a half hours now on this format... whattya thing?03:07
ndrofthelineunop, oh i see...its giving an error message saying that "filex" and "filex" are the same file, x b eing a number03:07
UmeaboyFallout1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/348406/03:07
kinja-sheepedbian: If you search for it, I'm sure you can find lot of tutorials on shaving down processes and packages and whatnot.  Those minimalist freaks! :P03:07
unopae86-drifter,  is your mv aliased to something?03:07
UmeaboyThat's what I see from today.03:07
ndrofthelineunop, hrm...only other issue is that this appears to have moved all the jpg's from all my ~ subdirecories too. was that an expected behavior?03:07
ndrofthelineunop, i just wanted to move the jpgs in the top directory03:08
edbiankinja-sheep: thanks! :)03:08
unopndroftheline,  that is expected yes.. if you want to only operate on the top directory, you need to add  -maxdepth 103:08
ae86-drifterunop, no...03:08
poseidonI heard there is a 64 bit flash available for linux now.  Anybody know where to find it.  The flash in the ubuntu repo wasn't working for me03:08
ndrofthelineunop, got it.03:08
unopae86-drifter,  cd /tmp/; mkdir a; touch a/foo foo; mv a/foo .03:08
unopno errors, silently overwritten03:09
cyan-spamhey all. trying to debug something here. what's the recommended way of switching video drivers in karmic?03:09
ndrofthelineunop, ok...now that they're in the same directory, i'd like to sort them based on size...03:09
UmeaboyGot to go, It's 4 am in the morning here.03:09
rahdukeedbian: hey man, going on 2 and a half hours now on this format... whattya think?03:09
ae86-drifterunop, what is the -f (force) option for then?03:10
ae86-drifteraccording to --help :   -f, --force                  do not prompt before overwriting03:11
unopndroftheline,  du *.jpg | sort -n03:11
ae86-drifterfrom my experience when i use mv without any switch it adds a ~ if it already exists03:12
edbianrahduke: I think you should quit03:12
edbianrahduke: That's just my opinion though!03:12
ndrofthelineunop, ok so i've got something like 38k files03:12
ndrofthelineunop, how do i get the number of files?03:12
rahdukei think im going to03:12
ndrofthelineunop, i'm so sorry these are dumb questions...is there a guide on these basic commands you would recommend?03:12
unopae86-drifter,   pipe to wc -l03:13
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dnoCan someone help with k3b and add mp3 support in 9.10?  I added libk3b6-extracodecs and it still doesn't like mp3.  Any other thoughts?03:13
unopndroftheline, the folks in #bash have a brilliant FAQ and guide03:13
ndrofthelineunop, ok...how do i get to it? i'm on xchat-gnome03:14
unopndroftheline, /j #bash03:14
rahdukeedbian: when i clicked cancel, it says it could cause sever File System damage....03:15
ndrofthelineunop, thank you so much03:15
edbianrahduke: It's up to you man.  Big choice.  I would just let it sit if it's going to make warning like that.  Do some research online in the mean time.03:15
yottabytehey all, is there a dedicated xchat channel?03:15
edbianrahduke: I guess I would draw a line in the sand around 4 hours03:16
yottabytesorry, is there a dedicated xchat channel to talk about xchat issues?03:16
IdleOneyottabyte: #xchat03:16
exploreralexyottabyte:/join #xchat03:16
IdleOneso simple, it's genius03:17
dnoNo k3b users out there?03:17
kinja-sheeprage: Don't cancel. Just let it running.03:17
kinja-sheeprahduke: ^^03:17
rahdukethanks kinja03:18
rahdukekinja-sheep: i just found this blurb "  I'm running a " mkfs.ext4 -L sdx -cc /dev/sdx "  on each drive which takes well over 30 hours per drive. " does that sound right?03:18
unopae86-drifter,  -f is helpful when you permissions dictate that mv prompt you for overwriting, in which case, it doesn't.  e.g. the destination file is not owned by you but you are still able to write to the directory03:18
david___what folder do packages install to by defult and can I change it?03:20
kinja-sheeprahduke: Well, the -c is for "Check the device for bad blocks before creating the file system. If this option is specified twice, then a slower read-write test is used instead of a fast read-only test."03:20
ae86-drifterdavid___, why do you want to change it?03:20
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Plughrahduke: Are you formatting a 1.5TB drive that is an internal drive to your computer or is this an external drive connected via a USB cable?03:20
jam_anyone know a good irc for talking about java?03:20
rahdukePlugh: its internal03:20
kinja-sheeprahduke: I suppose so. Slower read-write test.03:21
Plughrahduke: what file system are you using?03:21
rahdukegparted is doing mkfs.ext4 -j -O extent -L03:21
david___I installed ubuntu on my 60 GB internal, but 50 GB is used by windows and I have an external I want to install programs to03:21
Jamedjam_: ##java i think03:22
ae86-drifterdavid___, just compile the source package to your external drive03:23
ae86-drifternot the deb03:23
david___so I can I do that w/ apt-get (I'm most comfortable w/ that for installing)03:23
meowsus_Does anyone know the updated PLF Repository lines for /etc/apt/sources.list ? I'm not sure they've released for Karmic03:23
ae86-drifterdavid___, no u cant03:23
ae86-driftersearch for compiling source code on google03:24
david___so how would I get the package?03:24
jtajidavid___: you would have to put at least /usr on your external.. not recommended.. you should really just use your external for data03:24
ae86-drifterits not a package really, its source code03:24
edbianMy laptop is reporting that my batter has only 50% of its capacity.  Why??03:24
jtajidavid___: and I really don't see how compiling source code helps your issue in the slightest03:24
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:24
MikeChelenmy sound is messed up in all 3d games, anyone know how it can be fixed without uninstalling pulse audio?03:24
david___so what do you suggest doing?03:25
Gartralwhat is wrong with the ubuntu network stack that it can not handle systems with multiple network ports connected to the same router?03:25
jtajiinstalling your programs to the internal, and just using your external for data... 10GB is ALOT for Ubuntu03:25
ae86-drifterjtaji, because you can choose where the binary goes03:26
meowsus_Has anyone added the PLF Repos in 9.10 to their /etc/apt/sources.list?03:26
david___ok, I guess I'll do that then, and just use the external for data03:26
david___thanks guys ^_^03:26
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* kinja-sheep speaks in indecipherable gibberish03:30
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rahdukekinja-sheep: i got booted03:30
rahdukedid you say something to me ?03:30
Gartralwhat is wrong with the ubuntu network stack that it can not handle systems with multiple network ports connected to the same router?03:31
kinja-sheeprahduke: Not necessarily. No I didn't say anything.03:31
paulo7878please, how to enable skype to starts automaticaly with the system login?03:31
kinja-sheeppaulo7878: System --> Preferences --> Startup Apps03:31
rahdukekinja-sheep: ok no input on what mkfs.ext4 -J -O extent -L means?03:31
paulo7878thanks kinja, let me try that.03:32
kinja-sheeprahduke: "man mkfs.ext4"03:32
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n8tuserGartral-> noting wrong with the ubuntu network stack, you have to learn how to tell the ip  stack how to handle multiple routes via iptables03:32
portuguesehey guys. does any one no a app for Covert Surveillance of the computer. i was looking at pc agent 4.4 but its for windows?03:32
rahdukeumm ok03:32
kinja-sheeprahduke: -J stands for journal-options03:32
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n8tuserportuguese-> umm is that legal in your locality?03:33
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rahdukekinja-sheep: so none of those options should make my format take longer?03:33
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Gartralportuguese: 98% of linux is designed to prevent peeking on others work, lol03:33
portuguesen8tuser it my pc .lol03:33
paulo7878kinja, sorry dont have that options?03:33
kinja-sheeprahduke: extent --> Instead of using the indirect block scheme for storing the location of data blocks in an inode, use extents instead.  This is a much more efficient encoding  which  speeds  up filesystem access, especially for large files.03:33
severity1n8tuser, check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53977703:33
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n8tuserseverity1-> why?03:33
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portugueseit for my laptop. my network.03:34
kinja-sheeprahduke: Nothing that I see except the -cc thing you used.03:34
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rahdukekinja-sheep: weird, this is taking forever, and I can't find anything on the web that speaks directly to my issues, maybe i should just cance03:34
* Downix waves03:34
rahdukeis this room bugging out or is it my computer?03:34
cyan-spamrahduke: messed up for me too03:35
Gartraln8tuser: any tips on how to do that?03:35
rahdukecyan-spam: i feel like im having connection issues or something lol03:35
mcmeelchannel is recovering from a netsplit a few minutes ago03:35
kinja-sheeprahduke: You have 1.5TB and you're invoking the -cc command (which mean slower) hence it'll take long. If you want to stay, it could finish tomorrow or next few days. :<03:35
=== brendan_ is now known as Guest30634
n8tuserGartral-> yes, you can learn how to make iptables rules and also the advanced ip commands.. google for it please03:36
kinja-sheep!netsplit | rahduke03:36
ubotturahduke: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:36
Gartralrahduke cyan-spam im fine.. i seem to be on a server that's connected to both the split servers03:36
kinja-sheeprahduke: This is what is happening right now. ;)03:36
rahdukekinja-sheep: thank u so much, i'm just gunna leave it.... i don't care how long it takes as long as it eventually finishes03:36
DownixAfter this reinstall, it appears Ubuntu has some odd behaviors.  Tried to keep my old user files, now sudo does not work from X, but it does from cli....03:36
cyan-spamanyone feel like helping me debug a system crash?03:37
emesif i just want a barebones install without gnome/kde, what installer should I use?03:37
paulo7878kinja: that options does not apear to me, any other sugestion? thanks!03:37
lstarnesemes: the alternate cd03:37
kinja-sheep!minimal | emes03:37
ubottuemes: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:37
kinja-sheeppaulo7878: What are you using?03:38
emeswhat's the difference between the alternate and the minimal?03:38
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paulo7878ubuntu 9.1003:38
kinja-sheep!alternative | emes03:38
ubottuemes: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal03:38
jtajiemes: you don't want alternate, it installs full desktop03:38
=== ganymede is now known as _ganymede
jtajiemes: you want server or minimal03:38
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luisgmarinehey guys03:39
emesjtaji: thanks03:39
luisgmarineI'm trying to edit grub, you do that through /etc/fstab right?03:39
kinja-sheepemes: When you installed minimal and reboot, you won't have any GUI or X. All you get is a console. You install packages as you go.  Build it up to your likings.03:40
mezquitaleluisgmarine, no, are you using karmic?03:40
luisgmarineright now I can't boot into ubuntu, because my root partition in grub is set to hd1,0.  I ahve to change it manually everytime to hd0,0.  I was wondering if there is aw ay to do it auto03:40
luisgmarinemezquitale: not on this one, I'm on Hardy03:40
emeskinja-sheep: that's what i want. are there any issues maintaining ubuntu that way? it seems like everything's in the gui these days03:40
paulo7878kinja: i am using ubuntu 9.1003:41
kinja-sheepemes: No.03:41
luisgmarineoh i found out my wireless problem kinja-sheep, I switched to wicd, gave my wireless a static Ip and all good now =)03:41
Ezra14hey, i just downloaded ubuntu and i can't seem to find a way to connect to the internet or to my network.03:41
emeskinja-sheep: ok, thanks03:41
luisgmarineEzra14: wireless or wired?03:41
kinja-sheeppaulo7878: If you can't see it in the Menu, try running "gnome-session-properties" from the terminal.03:41
Ezra14luis: wireless03:42
luisgmarineEzra14: can you see your network?03:42
MikeChelenluisgmarine: try startup manager03:42
yottabytecan anyone here help me with setting up a bnc for xchat?03:42
Ezra14luis: no, but the other computers can see me03:42
kinja-sheepemes: The benefits of doing this is that you get to learn which packages you want.  See "aptitude show ubuntu-desktop" and decide which of the packages you want to be installed.03:43
luisgmarineMikeChelen: startup manager?03:43
_numbers i want all network traffic from my VirtualBox client routing over Tor. so i guess that is more than a proxy. anyone know how i could achieve that in ubuntu? maybe a virtual nic?03:43
Gartraln8tuser: google is giving me a bunch of results for multiple network links.. but not balencing a single system to single router to single internet03:43
hareshguys need some help03:43
kinja-sheep!ask | haresh03:44
ubottuharesh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:44
hareshwhen i was updating my kenranal my computer shutdown and when ever i start my computer it gose to the shell mode03:44
MikeChelenluisgmarine: it is available in the software center03:44
paulo7878kinja: to add new aplication i need to enter the name the command and the coment, what should be the command?03:44
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Ezra14luis: it doesn't even seem like the terminal is working. i just downloaded it, is it possible that something went wrong in the installation?03:45
maslenEvery single my computer boots up "usplash" gives an error on trying to set incompatible resolutions. Where can I change it to make it load the correct resolution automatically ?03:45
luisgmarineEzra14: are you on ubuntu right now?03:45
luisgmarineMikeChelen: thanks I'll give it a try03:45
Ezra14no, i split my laptop. i'm on vista right now. i sort of assumed irc wouldn't work without internet access03:46
MikeChelenluisgmarine: actually, it might not contain all settings you need03:46
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:47
luisgmarineEzra14: what you want to do is check and see if ubuntu recognizes your wireless card03:47
edbianHow can i tell what module is being used on my sound card??03:47
MikeChelenluisgmarine: might need to hand-edit the file: /boot/grub/menu.lst03:48
luisgmarineEzra14: when you boot ubuntu, open up terminal and type in sudo lshw -C network03:48
edbianHow can i tell what module is being used on my sound card??03:48
spawni pls tell me where and what i will want to make perfect linux on hyper-v amd phenom 9550 ati hd4850 4gbddr2 ma790fxdq6 and linux working with windows for exampple 7???where can i find the best of linux and win instalation03:48
luisgmarineMikeChelen: good god I think that is the file, I was loking at /etc/fstab for some reason03:48
Ezra14luis: how do i do that?03:49
MikeChelenluisgmarine: fstab is for mounted partitions, menu.lst controls the grub boot options :)03:49
scunizi_MikeChelen: you can't do that on the newer releases.. because that file is dynamically regenerated on each boot. <--- luisgmarine03:49
HazRPGHey guys, need a bit of help.03:49
HazRPGI want to restore the config files for ubuntu back to default, how do I go about doing that?03:49
HazRPGI've been updating ubuntu from 8.04 -> 8.10 -> 9.04 -> 9.10 (alpha) -> 9.10 (beta) -> 9.10 (release), and I'm worried if one of the old config files are conflicting with the new ones.03:49
luisgmarineEzra14: do you have 2 computers?03:49
scunizi_!grub2 | MikeChelen luisgmarine  check out the link for the right edit location03:49
ubottuMikeChelen luisgmarine  check out the link for the right edit location: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:50
* blackgrave_1_ sa3idi yaba hiya 03:50
scunizi_HazRPG: there is no "default" restore option outside of "reinstall fresh" ..03:50
luisgmarinescunizi_: I'm on hardy03:51
Ezra14luis: yea, but i would have to install pidgin agin03:51
scunizi_luisgmarine: ah.. then igonore everything I just said and linked to :).. still on hardy here too.03:51
paulo7878kinja: do you know where do a find the skype executable file?03:51
MikeChelenscunizi_: ah hmm, maybe a gui like kgrubeditor would be best to use?03:51
luisgmarineEzra14: it would be easier to try and help you on a computer with internet that you can takl to us here, while you work on your other computer03:51
luisgmarinescunizi_: =), thanks no problem.  I rolled back and I completely forgot what file I had to edit03:52
hareshwhen i was updating my kenranal my computer shutdown and when ever i start my computer it gose to the shell mode03:52
scunizi_MikeChelen: actually as luisgmarine just pointed out.. he's still on hardy.. so all that I said doesn't apply ..03:52
webbb82what is the best app for searching for files   beagle, striki recoll ect03:52
webbb82whats your fav03:52
scunizi_webbb82: locate03:52
luisgmarineMikeChelen: file doesn't even exists, weird, lol03:53
heoaHow can I see the "persistent connecttion" relating to:  ssh -MNf <user>@<host>   ?03:53
scunizi_luisgmarine: /boot/grub/menu.list ??03:53
cjaeok anyone use kgpg, I am using a kde environment but cant seem to find answers anywhere03:53
luisgmarineMikeChelen: you did say /etc/grub/menu.list03:53
emmyhow can i play yahoo games with ubuntu?03:53
luisgmarineooo my bad, opps03:53
joejcjoin spam03:53
armydad92does anyone know how to install a "Ubuntu Theme"?  I've tried the "Theme Installer", but it just never starts.03:53
HazRPGscunizi_: Yeah, I knew that... I was wondering if someone would discuss it with me, I'll tell you the layout of my partitions etc and recommend what I should do next03:54
Ezra14luis: alright, i'll be back in a second.03:54
luisgmarineEzra14: ok =)03:54
scunizi_HazRPG: sure03:54
cjaeI am running kgpg in k9.10 and it will not even start or prompt03:54
hiexpowell i cant find the answer anywhere on the web out burn not working in ccsm   :(03:55
spawnhyper-v linux server + suse linux and + windows some forr example  windows 7x64 and this combination i want use on amd phenom9550 x4 2.2 2mb cache,ati hd 4850 512mb,4GB DDR2 800MHZ,GIGABYTE MA790FX-DQ6,and seagate 500gb sata2 and maxtor diamond i thinkink m23 something......pls give me some advice for start what i need to do????PLS....03:55
heoaHow can I see persistent connections of SSH?03:55
luisgmarinescunizi_: do I have to runs omething, like a command to update grub?03:55
scunizi_luisgmarine: after you make the edits to grub?03:55
heoaCould some explain the command:  http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/1233/create-a-persistent-connection-to-a-machine ?03:55
MikeChelenarmydad92: weird, the "Install..." button loads an open file dialog for me03:56
spawnme update???03:56
sigmab3ta_hey guys, I have ubuntu 9.10 with grub from ubuntu 9.04; installing another OS took over the bootloader though, so I'd like to install a new GRUB from a liveUSB, but 9.10 doesn't have grub 1 anymore... what can I do?03:56
HazRPGscunizi_:  this is the layout of my partitions, / = 15GB (ext3), /boot = 512MB (ext3), /home = 50GB (ext3), I also have a swap of 2GB, and 3 ntfs partitions (one for XP, the others are for programs and backups)03:56
gleakenjabberd2 setup with self-signed SSL certificate, having problems with clients and SSL Handshake failed, I got standard 5222 connection unencrypted to work, but not SSL03:56
paulo7878kinja i found it, thanks very very much have a nice 2010, lets reboot to teste, bye03:57
luisgmarinescunizi_: yeah03:57
HazRPGscunizi_: if I did a reinstall, format / and /boot, and keep /home (and the rest) intact... am I right in thinking that? As I don't want to lose the data inside my home directory... I don't mind losing my settings.03:57
scunizi_HazRPG: ok.. should be easy.. on reinstall choose manual partitioning and then name and choose the same partitions you currently have setup.. format only the / .. /boot .. leaving the rest untouched..03:58
ezra14luis: ok, i'm back.03:58
jondwarfshould I use jfs on a netbook? I hear it's better for low-ressource machines. or should I stick with ext3?03:58
scunizi_luisgmarine: do nothing.. just reboot03:58
scunizi_luisgmarine: the changed grub will take effect on boot03:58
hareshwhen i was updating my kenranal my computer shutdown and when ever i start my computer it gose to the shell mode03:58
mezquitaleHazRPG, i no longer use "/boot" since grub2 has problems finding it if you have more than one OS, I just have a swap partition, / and /home03:59
luisgmarineezra14: what program are you using to chat?03:59
scunizi_HazRPG: sorry 'bout that.. I scanned your post and just looked at the partitioning info and not the content.. I ended up just repeating what you mentioned.. which was correct :)03:59
HazRPGscunizi_: Cool, that's what I though.04:00
luisgmarineezra14: say my full name so I can see it, since x-chat highlights all text with my name on it04:00
HazRPGscunizi_: hehe no problem :P04:00
sigmab3tahey guys, i am running ubuntu 9.10 with grub legacy from 9.04, but installing another os hosed that. i am trying to set it up again from a liveusb, but 9.10 doesnt have grub legacy anymore. what can i do?04:00
ezra14luisgmarine: pidgin, on windows xp. i have ubuntu up right now04:00
HazRPGscunizi_: So a reinstall would reset the old configs with the new ones correct? What about redundant ones, how would I rid myself of those?04:00
luisgmarineezra14: sweet that works04:00
mezquitalesigius, can you boot up to 9.10?04:01
luisgmarineezra14: ok, open up terminal and type in "sudo lshw -C network" without the quotes04:01
scunizi_HazRPG: well.. it really depends on the programs.. a lot of configs are in your /home partition.. so it really depends on which configs you're talking about.04:01
mezquitalesigmab3ta, can you boot up to 9.10?04:01
HazRPGmezquitale: Hmmm, I haven't tried grub2 yet (unless its in 9.10's update procedure)...04:01
HazRPGmezquitale: should I just merge my /boot and swap together?04:02
sigmab3tamezquitale: not to the one installed04:02
scunizi_HazRPG: no.. you could merge your /boot and / together though04:02
HazRPGscunizi_: Couldn't even if I wanted to lol, it's the way the partitions are set up, either its merge /boot with the swap, or merge it with my XP partition lol04:03
scunizi_HazRPG: and if you do that then / doesn't need to be any larger then what it is now.. which is pretty big for /04:03
ezra14luisgmarine: ok, i did that, but then it says password for ezra, and it won't let me type right next to it, so i have to press enter, and then it gives me like a second to type in my password, which isn't enough time04:03
Some_PersonDoes upgrading to 9.10 also upgrade to GRUB 2?04:03
luisgmarineezra14: ok when it asks you for the password just type in your regular user password04:03
HazRPGscunizi_: yeah I know its pretty big, but I thought 15GB was just to be on the safe side04:03
mezquitaleHazRPG, if youre going to do a fresh install just get rid of /boot and add the free space to /, if you have everything installed and running just leave it as is and hopefully the bug in grub2 will be fixed soon04:03
kinja-sheepSome_Person: No.04:04
sigmab3taSome_Person: no it does not, which is why i now have problems04:04
lstarnesSome_Person: not automatically unless you do a clean reinstall04:04
scunizi_HazRPG: I never go larger then 12 and I typically only use about 604:04
Some_PersonI honestly don't care what I use, because whatever it is, it works perfectly04:04
ezra14luisgmarine: i don't have the opportunity to type anything. it says "password for ezra:" i can't type on this line, so i have to go to the line below it, but then after like a second it says "sorry, try again"04:05
teagehi, I installed pykeylogger on my system and i want to remove it. anyone know how to uninstall such a program?04:05
Some_Personsigmab3ta, what are your problems?04:05
hiexpoi sec to type in password hope its only one letter lol04:05
HazRPGscunizi_: yeah, I'm using about 5GB tbh.04:05
luisgmarineezra14: that's fine, when you are typing that password you aren't suppose to see anything04:05
mezquitalesigmab3ta, what OS's you have installed on your machine and can you boot up to any of those OSes?? youre using grub 2, right?04:05
klip_is there anyway to put any of the media players into sleep mode so they turn of after a set time?04:05
klip_is there anyway to put any of the media players into sleep mode so they turn off after a set time? I want to listen to music till I fall asleep but dont want it on in the morning in case someone rings the door bell early.04:05
valindil89can anyone see this message?04:05
klip_i cant see it04:05
klip_its got too much chocolate on it04:05
FloodBot1klip_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:05
klip_is there anyway to put any of the media players into sleep mode so they turn off after a set time? I want to listen to music till I fall asleep but dont want it on in the morning in case someone rings the door bell early.04:05
valindil89can anyone see this message?04:06
valindil89klip_, thanks, I did some changing of system files wanted to make sure xchat was still working04:06
valindil89klip_ is you use pandora radio, it automatically times out after like an hour... and asks if you are still there once you click yes it will start back up04:06
valindil89at least it did last time I used the browser version of it.04:06
FloodBot1valindil89: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:06
valindil89klip_, one sec let me check something..04:06
HazRPGmezquitale: would it really matter which way I merge it if I'm doing a fresh install04:06
sigmab3tamezquitale: i have ubuntu 9.10, mac OS 10.5.8, windows XP04:06
sigmab3tamezquitale: for what its worth, its installing Mac OS that caused my conundrum, as it has its own bootloader that lets me get into Mac OS or windows xp, but not ubuntu04:07
=== klip_ is now known as k1ip
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.04:07
luisgmarineezra14: did it work?04:07
teagei just want to remove a program from my system and im not sure how04:07
ezra14luisgmarine: ooooh. ok ok. i got it. i thought it was just trying to piss me off04:07
valindil89klip_, jump over to #ubuntu-beginners-help04:07
k1ipvalindil89: your ban is removed now04:07
sigmab3tamezquitale: ive done this before and all i have to do to fix it is restore grub the way it was, its just the last time i did it i had 9.04 and grub-legacy04:07
teageits not in the repos04:07
luisgmarineezra14: lol no04:07
mezquitaleHazRPG, it wont matter if you do a clean install, dont know what happens if you attempt to make a swap partition bigger though04:07
hiexpoteage what program?04:07
teagei think i need a command for it04:07
luisgmarineezra14: you have aim?04:08
ezra14luisgmarine: yea, would that be easier/04:08
teagei only installed it to see if i could04:08
teagei could04:08
luisgmarineezra14: yeah get rid of all the clutter04:08
teagenow i dont want it04:08
hiexpono teage what program its probally in syn04:08
luisgmarineezra14: let me set my pidgin up, same screen name luisgmarine04:08
sigmab3taand i could really just fix the problem using a 9.04 livecd instead but i dont want to download one and burn one so if possible id like to be able to work around doing that04:08
HazRPGmezquitale: well when I made the partitions, for some reason my swap was made as 1.91GB instead of 2GB...04:08
hiexposynaptics pakage manager04:08
teagei looked in the repos for it04:09
teageand couldnt find it04:09
HazRPGmezquitale: despite putting in the exact value of 2GB on initial install04:09
luisgmarineezra14: what's your aim name?04:09
teageso im perplexed as to how i uninstall the thing04:09
dt3khey, where are the grub menu setting stored on grub2?04:09
hiexpogo in there  than klick all type in the window the program it should come up than follow the directions04:09
scunizi_HazRPG: overhead or cylendar size difference.. it's normal04:10
jimbobsohey guys, i just finally got the resolution that i want using xrandr, does anyone know how i can do this so i dont have to enter the command everytime i boot in to ubuntu//?04:10
mezquitaleHazRPG, some space is used to create the partition, you wont actually get 2 gigs of space since you need some of that space to create the filesystem04:10
HazRPGscunizi_: yeah I figured as much ;)04:10
HazRPGmezquitale: indeed :)04:10
mezquitaledt3k, 40_custom is for user specified settings04:10
hiexpowhat is the program teage?04:10
luisgmarineezra14: you there?04:11
teagei have searched on it04:11
teageall i can find are ways to install it04:11
hiexpook go in synamptic package manager and type that in the window its probally there04:11
HazRPGmezquitale, scunizi_: my way of looking at it is much like how manufacturers say a HDD is xGB, when really you only get xGiB04:11
teagei cant find anyting that tells me how to get rid of it04:11
scunizi_teage: mayb sudo apt-get --remove --purge pykeylogger04:12
* poot dooties04:12
hiexpolisten to me teage04:12
teagei will try that04:12
scunizi_HazRPG: yep :)04:12
dt3kmezquitale, is that what I edit to edit boot options? i have like 3 different kernel version in there now.04:12
HazRPGscunizi_: I just realise I hadn't replied to you, sorry... the only config I want to keep is icons on my panels (which doesn't matter as I can re-do those anyways), firefox, chrome, pidgin (this one I can also re-do though).04:12
teageim listening04:12
scunizi_HazRPG: then you're good to go :)04:12
* poot shjits04:12
* poot shits04:12
mezquitaledt3k, yes04:12
* poot craps04:13
ezra14luisgmarine: yea04:13
=== poot is now known as SuperRoach
HazRPGscunizi_: sweet, thanks :)... I just wanted to make sure I had it right in my head lol04:13
mezquitaledt3k, /etc/grub.d/40_custom04:13
ezra14luisgmarine: my aim name is ezzyboy426. i just imed you04:13
HazRPGscunizi_: I've only really been using linux exclusively for the past 6 months (on and off for about 3-4years)04:14
teagehiexpo- you are saying that since i have it installed, that it should show. am i correct?04:14
HazRPGscunizi_: still getting to grips with the differences, love using the terminal though... every now and then I find new cool things to do04:14
hiexpook click system/administration/synaptic package manager   than when it opens look at the top left there on top click all than type the name of the program in the window it will come up and be green04:14
scunizi_HazRPG: you still have the concepts down pretty good.. 5 yrs here.. and looking at kubuntu.. kde is looking and acting nice04:14
dt3kmezquitale, weird my 40_custom is empty04:15
mezquitaledt3k, that is where you specify your own options04:15
scunizi_HazRPG: try living at cli for a while and see what you learn.. mutt for email, elinks, lynx etc for browser and so on04:15
hiexpothan click it and yhan complete removal04:15
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:15
dooglus_I just installed ubuntu from a USB stick.  I need to reboot to run the installed system.  how can I make the USB stick non-bootable?04:15
devoI bought tech support from Canonical but I can't find the phone number or email I'm supposed to email to get support from them.04:16
devodooglus_, change the boot order.04:16
scunizi_dooglus_: if the system is asking you to reboot then say yes.. after it posts remove the usb stick and let the new system boot.. after that you can plug it back in and use gparted to format and remove the boot flag04:17
alex_mayorgais there a way to check HD for badblocks and mark them during ubuntu install04:17
HazRPGscunizi_: See I was introduced to Gnome first (with Red Hat 7 I think it was, we installed it as a project for college when that version had just come out), then saw KDE 3.x a while back, and really didn't like the aesthetics of it04:17
scunizi_alex_mayorga: should do that on format.. no need to worry about it.04:17
hareshwhen i was updating my kenranal my computer shutdown and when ever i start my computer it gose to the shell mode04:17
devoharesh, lolwut?04:18
scunizi_HazRPG: that was my impression.. but kde 4.3 is smooth even in a virtualbox vm04:18
alex_mayorgascunizi_: any way to confirm?04:18
hiexpokde :(04:18
recmajkemiwhere can i find ".exe" of a program?04:18
HazRPGnothing annoys me more then the dotted (or dashed) line around a button or icon for example, and the weird digital clock display just didn't appeal to me04:18
hiexpowhat is the program04:18
alex_mayorgascunizi_: other tools to keep an eye on my HD04:18
recmajkemiwhat paths?04:18
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armydad92here's the problem i'm having.  I use 9.04 and everything is great.  I just installed 9.10 on my parents computer & the "Login Screen" window [ /usr/sbin/gdmsetup ] and it's not coming up with the familar options such as login screen backgrounds & what themes to use.  Any Ideas?04:18
scunizi_alex_mayorga: the file systems used in linux are a bit different then ntfs and fat .. in most cases the drives work better04:18
hiexporecmaj what program04:18
dooglus_devo: I can't change the boot order04:19
alex_mayorgaI believe the HD I have is a rapid decay one04:19
devoI need halp with Canonical.04:19
dooglus_scunizi_: I can't remove the USB stick04:19
devodooglus_, Why not?04:19
scunizi_alex_mayorga: with ext3 (not sure about ext4) about every 30 boots the system will check the drive(s) automatically04:19
dooglus_devo: it's in Vancouver04:19
scunizi_dooglus_: why?04:19
dooglus_scunizi_: I'm in England04:19
devodooglus_, what is?04:19
dooglus_devo: the memory stick04:19
scunizi_dooglus_: anyone at the other location?04:19
devodooglus_, then there is no help for you.04:19
hiexpomybe in music or just type sudo and the name of that program04:19
HazRPGscunizi_: yeah I seen the initial release of KDE 4, doesn't look to bad... but it reminds me too much of vista, and so far I've managed to clock up about 2-3hrs maximum of vista time... and that was basically running the laptop, hating it getting drivers to try and nudge back down to XP/ubuntu04:20
alex_mayorgaI'll jus hope the laptop won't be unbootable in another mont as it was on win704:20
dooglus_scunizi_: no, it's unattended04:20
alex_mayorgascunizi_: thanks04:20
scunizi_dooglus_: you could leave a screen message to whoever to remove the usb and reboot..04:20
dooglus_devo: there's no way to edit the contents of the stick?04:20
bastidrazorhiexpo: what in the world are you suggesting?04:20
pwnedulongtimekarmic is taking 1.10 minutes to load on my netbook...is that normal?04:20
scunizi_dooglus_: not while it's mounted..04:20
hiexpohe asked me where the exe of a program was04:20
devodooglus_, use your telekinesis to edit the contents from England.04:21
HazRPGpwnedulongtime: are you using the ubuntu remix distro, or a regular ubuntu distro?04:21
hiexposo i siad my be in music or just type sudo and the name of it04:21
pwnedulongtimeHapsbanan, regular04:21
bastidrazorrecmajkemi: rhythmbox does not have an exe .. in ubuntu it is called a binary.. in a terminal type which rhythmbox that will show you where the binary is located. for configurations and such most things are your /home/username folder04:21
scunizi_HazRPG: you should load up virtualbox and then put the latest kubuntu on it for a test drive..04:21
dooglus_scunizi_: I think if I could just make it unbootable, then reboot, ubuntu will boot from the HDD won't it?04:21
recmajkemiso linux does not have a folder for programs like "program files" in win?04:22
scunizi_dooglus_: if you can do that yes04:22
iKernelrecmajkemi, /usr/lib04:22
iKernelrecmajkemi, /usr/bin i mean04:22
dooglus_scunizi_: can I remount it rw?04:22
teagenope, buts its for sure in my system at usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pykeylogger04:22
HazRPGscunizi_: I might just do that :)04:22
scunizi_dooglus_: no idea..04:22
hiexpoomisunderstood him04:22
scunizi_dooglus_: who put it in there to begin with?04:22
teageand not showing in package manager04:22
devoWhat is Canonical's phone number?04:22
bastidrazorhiexpo: why would one need to run a music application with sudo? sudo being incorrect for a graphical application.04:23
teagenot under installed04:23
recmajkemithanks ill try to do it im new to this :)04:23
teagei dont understand04:23
HazRPGscunizi_: been testing out win7 on virutalBox recently, don't think I can bring myself to ever installing that properly on my machine04:23
dooglus_scunizi_: the people who put it there have gone out for the evening04:23
ae86-drifterhdd manufacturers lie in advertising by 2.4%04:23
hiexpothe screen went so fast i meant music videos04:23
scunizi_dooglus_: at least there is someone :) .. and not just a headless box in a closet in a business someplace04:23
dooglus_scunizi_: yup.  I'd just like to get it set up is all04:24
pwnedulongtime70 second boot time is way too long right? bootchart > http://picasaweb.google.com/pwnedulongtime/Linux#542050905258960918604:24
dooglus_get rid of the silly netbook remix, etc.04:24
devodooglus_, When you reboot you don't get to see the BIOS?04:24
teagei thought about just deleting the whole directory04:24
bastidrazorpwnedulongtime: no.04:24
teagebut im scared i will mess my system04:24
rahdukehow bad is it to cancel gparted in the middle of paritioning?04:24
dooglus_devo: not from here, no04:24
dooglus_devo: I'm using VNC to see it04:25
pwnedulongtimebastidrazor, no? on a dell mini 12?04:25
lstarnespwnedulongtime: I can't read that chart04:25
pwnedulongtimelstarnes, magnify04:25
devodooglus_, k.04:25
arghh2d2"Carlos Spicy Weiner here, go ahead"04:25
bastidrazorpwnedulongtime: nope, around 1 minute boot times are the norm.. karmic is known for even longer boot times.04:25
lstarnespwnedulongtime: oh, oops04:25
hiexpowhathappened teage?04:26
devodooglus_, can't you reformat the flash drive?04:26
devodooglus_, fdisk?04:26
pwnedulongtimeseems like module loading is taking a good chunk of time04:26
teageits not showing that its installed04:26
teagebut it is04:26
teagefor sure it is04:26
hiexpothe screen is way up so what did you find?04:26
dooglus_devo: perhaps, but was hoping not to damage its ability to install again in future04:26
devodooglus_, true... This is a problem. Mind bending.04:27
teagei think i will delet its directory04:27
hiexpowhats the name of it again?04:27
teageif i do that04:27
JacolyteMy right control key doesn't work in any apps, is there a way to reset the keyboard?04:27
luisgmarinequick question, if I wanted to control someone else desktop to help them with a problem, what program would I use?04:27
HazRPGpwnedulongtime: Yeah bastidrazor, is right... roughly one min boot time sound correct.04:27
JacolyteI tried deleting the layout and recreating it, still doesn't work04:27
dooglus_any idea what it is on the USB stick that says whether it's bootable or not?04:27
SuperRoachhello - can I use my ipod nano 4th gen (no camera) with ubuntu 9.10?04:28
armydad92I'm having a problem install login screen backgrounds in 9.14, The normal way [ Menu > System > Administration > Login Screen ] doesn't seem to be working the same as 9.04, any ideas?04:28
pwnedulongtimeseems too long to me...how long does windows 7 take?04:28
armydad92I'm having a problem install login screen backgrounds in 9.10, The normal way [ Menu > System > Administration > Login Screen ] doesn't seem to be working the same as 9.04, any ideas?04:28
HazRPGluisgmarine: I would say VNC, but it really depends on who's computer your trying to access.04:28
devodooglus_, I don't think that there is a simple bitmask flag that makes it bootable.04:28
hiexpoteage type in your terminal sudo autoremove {programname}04:28
bastidrazorpwnedulongtime: that is comparing apples to oranges..04:28
devodooglus_, I think the BIOS just looks and sees that there is an OS on it and decides to boot into it.04:28
Kamokowarmydad92: AFAIK they took that feature out by default04:28
teageluisgmarine- you could use remote desktop vuewer04:28
teagei will try that04:29
digitalaxisWhats the command to install a .tar.gz2 again? (sorry im tired)04:29
armydad92Kamokow:  ACK!  Well Crap . . . any idea where I can research it further?04:29
HazRPGdooglus_: How do you mean bootable? The MBR part of any drive tells which part is bootable to the BIOS / OS04:29
luisgmarineI want to help someone with troubleshooting wireless04:29
jimbobsocan someone help me out here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8574346#post8574346 thanks04:29
teagesudo: autoremove: command not found04:29
Kamokowarmydad92: Nope, you could try google :-/04:29
luisgmarinebut I rather them either watch me troubleshoot their computer, or watch me do it on mine04:29
arandarmydad92: possible to do some simpler stuff with http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/09/hack-karmics-gdm-login-screen.html04:29
bastidrazorteage: it would be: sudo apt-get autoremove04:30
hiexpowhats the program name again teage?04:30
armydad92arand: okay, thanks!04:30
HazRPGdooglus_: if your pen drive isn't booting up, it might be possible that your BIOS can't boot from a USB pen drive.04:30
rahdukeumm so how bad could it be for my new drive if i cancel while parititioning in gparted?04:30
hiexpook 1 minute04:30
arandarmydad92: new version  of gdm, where the customization is not implemented as user changable (easily).04:30
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HazRPGdooglus_: some laptops (in my experience) hate booting from a pen drive, I don't know why... despite saying in the BIOS boot from USB.04:31
teagesaid it couldnt find the package04:31
teagecuz i can use it04:31
angelusdigitalaxis, tar -xzvf filename --directory /if/another/directory04:31
teageits there04:31
HazRPGdooglus_: the same could be said about some PC motherboards04:31
teageis it something with the program04:32
teagei will delet its directory04:32
teagei dont know if that will get the intire program though04:32
teageand im not sure if its gonna break my system04:32
teagei dont like to not be in control04:33
teageif i have to reinstall04:33
teageso be it04:33
administratorhello every body04:33
=== administrator is now known as Guest64198
Guest64198oh no04:33
sabgentonI want to give badblocks a start point but no end point can it be done?04:33
sabgenton badblocks /dev/hda 15 1004:34
sabgentonwill start at 10 blocks in end at 1504:34
Guest64198no spam04:34
hiexpoi looked it up teage its python keylooger look in synaptic again under pyton04:34
sabgentonI want to do something like badblocks /dev/hda end 1004:34
sixfortyMy screen resolution during session is correct, but gdm's resolution is too large. Hardy, always had problem, just getting around to it as I'll now be using the "invisible" session button.04:34
teagewill do04:34
sabgentonend meaning just go till the end04:34
sabgentonbut i just made end up04:34
sabgentonis there a way?04:34
Jacolytehalp? I need to reset my keyboard.04:34
HazRPGscunizi_: right think I'm gonna save everything I have open, and do a fresh install... is there an easy way to grab the programs I currently have installed back? Or just manually?04:35
Jacolyteor something04:35
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate04:35
sabgentonhow do i find out how many blocks an (unpartioned) drive has04:35
bastidrazorHazRPG: ^04:35
ae86-drifter_hdd manufacturers lie by 2.4%04:35
kinja-sheepMy Screenshot!  http://tinyurl.com/yfzaxs2  Show me your! :)04:36
HazRPGbastidrazor: thanks dude :)04:36
teagei got it04:36
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning04:36
=== ae86-drifter_ is now known as ae86-drifter
JacolyteI need to reset my keyboard. I moved .gconf to /tmp. I've recreated the keyboard layout. Nothing seems to fix my right control key issue.04:37
Jacolyteis there a way to reinstall the keyboard driver?04:37
Jacolyteor something04:37
digitalaxisangelus, i did "tar -xzvf SecondLife-i686-"04:37
jimbobsocan anyone lend a hand here (resolution problem) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8574346#post857434604:37
ae86-driftercan someone help me set up cloud computing so i can generate a rainbow table to crack my friends pc04:37
digitalaxisangelus,  and it spit out errors04:37
sabgentonkinja-sheep: where did you get that screen saver?04:38
sabgentonI like it :D04:38
alabdHi , what does S+ mean in : alabd     7438  0.0  0.0   3336   808 pts/1    S+   08:05   0:00 grep ipmasq04:38
kinja-sheepsabgenton: What screensaver?04:38
angelussorry, i read taht as tar.gz, lemme give you the arg for .bzip04:38
rahdukeumm so how bad could it be for my new drive if i cancel while parititioning in gparted?04:38
kinja-sheepsabgenton: I'm customizing conky at the moment. I'm loving it! :304:38
sabgentonkinja-sheep:desktop background04:38
rahdukekinja-sheep: i wanna give up on this partition man04:39
rahdukeits been like 5 hours04:39
c_nickHi In Ubuntu 9.10 i saw the animated wallpaper.. which changes after say 30 mins or so.. is it possible for me to make one from jpg images and set it as the default..?04:39
kinja-sheeprahduke: You can cancel it. That's what you get for slower test. :(04:39
hiexpojackolyte did you go to system/preferences/keyboard and see if usa is still there?04:39
rahdukekinja-sheep: its giving a nasty warning message04:40
rahdukeCanceling an operation might cause SEVERE file system damage.04:40
=== viezerd is now known as Guest35006
kinja-sheepsabgenton: I can't remember where I got it from but I have it saved along with bunch of wallpapers. I rotate them occasionally.04:40
tos_ how can I simulate mac address for a NIC and aliases eth:0-3  ???04:40
rahdukei didnt put the caps on severe thats verbatim04:40
angelusdigitalaxis, you want -xjvf04:40
scunizi_HazRPG: sorry 'bout that.. phone call.04:40
kinja-sheeprahduke: Canceling an operation might cause SEVERE file system damage.  Meaning you can delete the FS and create a new one.04:41
sixfortyHow to I change gdm's screen resolution?04:41
digitalaxisangelus, tar: SecondLife-i686- Cannot open: No such file or directory04:41
digitalaxistar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now04:41
digitalaxistar: Child returned status 204:41
digitalaxistar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors04:41
HazRPGscunizi_: Its not problem dude, bastidrazor answered my question for me :)04:41
FloodBot4digitalaxis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:41
rahdukekinja-sheep: oh thats no biggie04:41
scunizi_HazRPG: ah. cool04:41
kainektisis84sixforty whats going on04:41
angelusdigitalaxis, with -xjvf (??)04:41
rahdukekinja-sheep: how can i eliminate it from using the slower test in gparted?04:41
digitalaxisangelus, Yes04:41
digitalaxisangelus, "tar -xjvf SecondLife-i686-"04:42
Moon_Doggyubottu hi04:42
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:42
Moon_Doggyubottu panels04:42
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:42
bastidrazordigitalaxis: are you in the same directory as the file?04:42
* blackgrave_1_ later good night04:42
digitalaxisbastidrazor, Im just running it from the terminal04:42
digitalaxisbastidrazor, the second life file is on my desktop04:43
hanasakianyone having issues with thunderbird in 9.10?  just started getting this on startup after choosing  a profile04:43
hanasaki(thunderbird-bin:17262): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times04:43
hanasakiThe program 'thunderbird-bin' received an X Window System error.04:43
hanasakiThis probably reflects a bug in the program.04:43
FloodBot4hanasaki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:43
sixfortykainektisis84: gdm login screen is too large. Ubuntu logo and (fortunately) login box are all that's visible.04:43
JacolyteMy right control key is mapped as multi_key, how do I fix it?04:43
recmajkemibastidrazor I found out usr/bin/rhythmbox but i cant find a file there, so if i want to make rhytmbox my default audio player/how do i set this?04:43
bastidrazordigitalaxis: right, yyou need to cd ~/Desktop then run that command04:43
JacolyteI tried xmodmap, but that doesn't work either04:43
kinja-sheeprahduke: By using different parameters.04:43
c_nickhey cool i figured it out04:43
kainektisis84have you tried logging in in failsafe mode?04:43
digitalaxisbastidrazor, THANKYOU04:43
rahdukekinja-sheep:  i'll look into it thanks :)04:44
bastidrazorrecmajkemi: /usr/bin/ is a directory and rhythmbox is a file in that directory.04:44
sixfortykainektisis84: dunno what that'd do, but I'll run try it04:44
kinja-sheeprahduke: You probably don't need any parameters thought.04:45
digitalaxisRandom question, anyone know how i can copy all my music from my ipod to my computer using rhythombox04:45
rahdukekinja-sheep: I didnt use any paramaters to begin with, it just did it04:45
kinja-sheeprahduke: Oh, I thought you're using -cc?  I hope you haven't canceled it if you used a vanilla command (ie sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX1)04:46
bastidrazorrecmajkemi: system/preferences/preferred applications if you're on 9.1004:46
recmajkemibastidrazor i was looking the same way be4, but now found it, thanks04:46
bastidrazorrecmajkemi: good luck.04:47
Moon_Doggyhow do i start the panels in xubuntu04:47
HazRPGscunizi_: right, wish me luck :P04:47
sixfortykainektisis84: That was foolish of me: the session button is off-screen due to resolution --- can't choose failsafe.04:48
alabdHi , what does "S+" mean in > alabd     7438  0.0  0.0   3336   808 pts/1    S+   08:05   0:00 grep ipmasq04:49
xtjacobhello everyone! for some reason when I enable hardware virtualization on openbox, it freezes my ubuntu install after the guest has booted up. does anyone know how to fix this?04:49
kainektisis84what happens when you put in the live cd is the scren res the same then too04:49
scunizi_HazRPG: up up and away!04:49
bastidrazorMoon_Doggy: possibly ask in #xubuntu04:49
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HazRPGscunizi_: haha04:49
millertimek1a2m3I've been trying to get a startup and logout script running on ubuntu, and .profile says that it isn't executed if .bash_profile or .bash_login exist in ~/ and that it executes .bash_profile if it exists but04:49
tos_how to refresh a network interface remotely through SSH04:49
Moon_Doggybastidrazor, they're dead04:50
HazRPGback in 10 (hopefully)04:50
millertimek1a2m3.bash_profile isn't being executed. I think i remember reading that .profile wasn't being executed by bash, just sh. that and i didn't read a #!/bin/bash at the top of the file. so what is .profile executed with? and why doesn't .bash_profile run at startup? last question-what do i do to get my logout script to run-i created a .bash_logout, but it's not being executed at logout.04:50
millertimek1a2m3sorry, didn't mean to flood04:50
bastidrazorMoon_Doggy: Eureka7 was an awesome anime... anyway xfce4-panel ..or something similiar.. i'm not sure to be honest04:50
sixfortykainektisis84: haven't had the live cd in over a year.04:51
Moon_Doggybastidrazor, ty that worked, i feel kind of stupid tho b/c i kept inputing xfce4-panels04:52
chilli0Hi whats wrong here ? Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libavcodec0d    .  Trying to install ffmpeg04:53
bastidrazorMoon_Doggy: tab completions works for most applications in terminal. xfce*tab tab .. that is a good way to get a list of applications that start with xfce04:53
m4gnu5try one by one chilli004:53
chilli0m4gnu5, Pardon ?04:53
m4gnu5you speak portuguese?04:54
dextersera que alguem pode me dara uma ajuda?04:54
chilli0m4gnu5, No04:54
m4gnu5i'm sorry?04:54
chilli0m4gnu5, No04:55
m4gnu5<chilli0> where you from?04:55
Moon_Doggybastidrazor, kool, one more thing how do i un-associate the terminal from the panels like close the terminal without closeing the panels04:55
Moon_Doggyi forgot how04:55
chilli0m4gnu5, Erm thats off topic04:55
chilli0Hi whats wrong here ? Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libavcodec0d    .  Trying to install ffmpeg04:55
bastidrazorMoon_Doggy: xfce4-panel & disown04:56
m4gnu5chilli0 try install one by one04:56
chilli0m4gnu5,  That makes no scerce04:56
chilli0scense *04:56
jimbobsoExtremely NOOB Question: The little widget on the default panel with the username and logout/in options, what was it called? i removed it and cannot find it..04:57
hiexpowho was it that was asking about the ipod?04:57
kinja-sheephiexpo: The iPod kid left.04:58
m4gnu5chilli0 try all codecs nescessary apt-get install audacious faac faad ffmpeg ffmpeg2theora flac gxine icedax id3v2 lame libflac++6 libjpeg-progs libmpeg3-1 libxine1-ffmpeg libxine1-plugins mencoder mjpegtools mp3gain mpeg2dec mpeg3-utils mpegdemux mpg123 mpg321 nautilus-script-audio-convert regionset soundconverter sox totem-xine ubuntu-restricted-extras uudeview vlc vorbis-tools x26404:58
hiexpooh ok was gonna tell him use hipo04:58
xigi have forgotten my gnome-keyring unlock password. how can i recover it? i am running ubuntu 9.1004:58
kinja-sheepjimius: Indicator Applet Session04:59
m4gnu5xig archive shadow04:59
hiexpowas talking to nixie and lost the message04:59
m4gnu5xig etc/shadow05:00
frankS2Hello, How can I remove lines from a file that has the word "foo" in it?05:00
m4gnu5xig use cd boot05:00
jojo_hi :)05:00
kinja-sheepxig: Try "mv ~/.gnome2/keyrings ~/.gnome2/keyrings-backup"05:00
jojo_i just installed05:01
jojo_it's quite good05:01
chilli0Hi , I have a bluray cd here. It doesnt show up in my computer, How can I play it. The cd player shows up with normal cds05:02
kinja-sheepchilli0: Your computer/laptop is capable of reading BluRay discs?  You have BluRay Device?05:03
bastidrazorchilli0: do you have a blueray cd player?05:03
bastidrazorer .. dvd player.05:03
chilli0It shows on windblows05:03
chilli0Its a lenovo ideapad Y530 if that helps05:04
kinja-sheepchilli0: http://bluraysucks.com/ + https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD05:04
chilli0kinja-sheep,  I tryed the second already05:04
kinja-sheepchilli0: If it does not work, then it might will not work.  As technology continues to advance, the people are making dramatic changes to the players, the hardwares, the cables, the monitors, etc.05:06
slinkeeyHello -- I have something that is going to sound stupid..  I have two of the same notebook computers.  One runs XP and the other Ubuntu 9.10.. For some reason the one running ubuntu 9.10 gets a low wireless signal.   I thought maybe it was hardware so I swapped hard drives between the two (Same exact hardware) and no atter what, the one running XP gets a more reliable wireless signal.05:06
chilli0kinja-sheep, How can I test if it has bluray compatabiltf05:07
kinja-sheep!hardware | slinkeey05:07
ubottuslinkeey: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:07
slinkeeyDo you think an OS has anything to do with signal strength though??05:07
emmyhow can you get yahoo games to work with ubuntu?05:07
kinja-sheepslinkeey: Check if your notebook turned up.  Something things get wired backward and require little configurations.05:07
hiexpodownloading nexuiz and its taking 3 days of sunday05:08
chilli0Hi , I have a bluray cd here. It doesnt show up in my computer, How can I play it. The cd player shows up with normal cds05:09
slinkeeycheck if my notebook turned up?05:09
slinkeeylike if the signal turned up?05:09
paissad-hpmy raid 1 is degraded, i have another disk of the same size, before i go stfw, do you have any tuto or advice to give me for repairing the system ?05:10
kinja-sheepslinkeey: What netbook make/model?05:11
hiexpomake driver for it05:11
slinkeeyAcer Aspire 5536 Notebook05:11
FloodBot4NotAPuff: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:12
dareslinkeey, although I am unable to help you I am curious to know how it is less reliable?05:12
slinkeeyIT drops connection on me05:13
slinkeeyquite a bit05:13
kinja-sheepslinkeey: Run "sudo lshw -c network" and paste it.05:13
kinja-sheep!pastebin | slinkeey05:13
ubottuslinkeey: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:13
chilli0Hi , I have a bluray cd here. It doesnt show up in my computer, How can I play it. The cd player shows up with normal cds05:14
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slinkeey!pastebinit http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6489fd8d05:16
richardMHi, can anyone walk me through partitioning a HD that already has windows that I want to keep?: I am installing from a CD and am at the partition stage and only have advanced option to partition manually offered other than wipe the whole HD (ubuntu crashed on older machine and reinstalling on newer one), thank you. (I need to size down the windows partition to minimum and make a new partition for ubuntu).05:17
wolterwhere does evolution store its files?05:17
slinkeeysorry..  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6489fd8d05:17
darerichardM, I used gparted to make my windows partition smaller first05:18
wolterI changed some things in my home dir and now its asking me for trhe whole setup again05:18
jcprichardM: Have you considered using wubi?05:18
DocPlatypuswolter: $HOME/.evolution and possibly some others elsewhere05:18
richardMwhat is wubi?05:18
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slinkeeywubi lets you run it under windows.05:18
DocPlatypusI recently did the same thing and I just added back those accounts05:18
jcprichardM: It allows you to install Ubuntu and Windows at the same time, without losing any Windows data from your hard disk05:18
slinkeeyRun ubuntu under windows05:18
jcpslinkeey: well, that's not technically accurate, as ubuntu runs by itself05:19
richardMis it not better to install side by side on the HD?05:19
richardMthis is what i did in the past.05:19
jcprichardM: You could do that. Pretty much the main advantage of wubi is the simplicity thing. The only real disadvantage is that disk access is slightly slower05:19
richardMjcp: I prefer speed if I can have it: can you step me through it?05:20
slinkeeyjcp, but isn't windows kernel still hogging cpu cycles and mem?05:20
jcprichardM: then I can't really help you, I've never installed ubuntu to a hard disk that wasn't already partitioned05:20
richardMok, thanks anyway.05:21
jcpslinkeey: no, ubuntu runs by itself. It's a dual-boot setup. The only difference is, ubuntu has to have two file system drivers to access its data (ntfs, with ext3 on top) instead of just one, so disk access is a bit slower05:21
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emmyhow can you get ubuntu to work with yahoo games? it seems to be missing a java plugin?05:21
slinkeeyoh ok05:21
richardMslinkeey, can you step me through it?05:21
slinkeeyi don't use it05:22
jcpemmy: Is this in FireFox05:22
slinkeeyI just saw that according to the wubi site it says it makes ubuntu like a windows application05:22
emmyjcp, yes05:22
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slinkeeyso I assumed it ran like a vm05:22
richardManyone know how to partition the HD via the ubuntu startup disc can step me through it?05:22
jcpemmy: ok. I think you need to install java. One second though...05:22
r00t_how do i run a sh file?05:22
slinkeeyI guess they mean normal application like you can remove it like any other application05:22
kinja-sheepslinkeey: Have you tried the backport modules?05:22
jcpr00t_: just double-click on it05:22
slinkeeykinja no05:23
slinkeeywhy you ask?05:23
jcp(in File Browser)05:23
jcpslinkeey: that's correct, on the normal application thing05:23
chilli0Hi , I have a bluray cd here. It doesnt show up in my computer, How can I play it. The cd player shows up with normal cds05:23
kinja-sheepslinkeey: Okay. Try this. "sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-karmic" -- When it's finished, reboot and come back.  Your wifi should be working fine without any dropped connections.05:23
chilli0I got one disk to show up05:23
emmyjcp see i thought i did when i did ubuntu-restricted-extras05:23
jcpemmy: If you open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and type "java", and hit enter, what does it say?05:23
kinja-sheepchilli0: You tried it in VLC?05:24
dt3kWhat file holds the different operating systems grub2 shows on bootup?05:24
slinkeeyKinja... do you have  a document that explains why this will help05:24
dt3kis it not grub.conf anymore?05:24
emmythe program java can be found in the following packages...05:24
emmyjcp ^05:24
slinkeeythanks for helping.. I am curious05:24
jcpAnd while I'm at it, I'm having a problem with my microphone where all I hear out of it is static, no matter what volume level I set it to. I've tried everything I can think of, and it literally sounds like I'm holding up the snow show to my microphone. Anyone have an idea wha'ts going on05:24
r00t_jcp: thats not working05:24
kinja-sheepdt3k: /boot/grub/grub.cfg05:24
chilli0kinja-sheep,  I dont think it suports it05:25
slinkeeykinja: I am one that likes to read about something I am about to do.. heheh05:25
jcpemmy: k, that's your problem. Open Applications -> Add/Remove, search for "Sun Java", check "Sun Java 6 Runtime" and "Sun Java 6.0 Plugin", and hit Apply05:25
kinja-sheepchilli0: The problem is the security measure taking places. They're making it harder and harder.05:26
zetheroois there a utility for monitoring a mobile broadband connection?05:26
jcpr00t_: what does it say?05:26
* exodus_ms thinks he and zetheroo might be looking for the same thing05:27
chilli0kinja-sheep,  I know05:27
richardM anyone know how to partition the HD via the ubuntu startup disc can step me through it?05:27
zetherooexodus_ms: yeah?05:28
zetherooexodus_ms: like I have mine connected in Karmic but I would like to see what the receptivity is05:28
DocPlatypusokay, I'm having a mysterious problem05:28
exodus_mszetheroo, you can try iftop05:28
slinkeeykinja-sheep: I am reading this now... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports05:29
zetherooexodus_ms: I am trying this at the moment http://debii.curtin.edu.au/~pedram/linux/10-3gubuntu.html05:29
DocPlatypusjust installed the latest version of Ubuntu (Karmic Koala, 9.10)05:29
DocPlatypusI have a 2G USB pen drive that's often very slow to be recognized now05:29
exodus_mszetheroo, sudo apt-get install iftop   then  sudo iftop -i <interface-you-want-to-monior>05:29
DocPlatypusit did this right after I reformatted it in an attempt to get it usable as a bootable drive for another system05:30
zetherooexodus_ms: but will it show my the receptivity?05:30
richardM anyone know how to partition the HD via the ubuntu startup disc can step me through it?05:30
surmandalhow to enable my horizontal scrolling(Touchpad) on karmic.05:30
DocPlatypus*sometimes* it will work faster after doing "sudo service hal restart" for a while05:30
jcpI'll be back in a bit05:30
DocPlatypusany ideas?05:30
daresurmandal, you cannot05:30
exodus_mszetheroo, ya, it will show upload/download etc... but not the strength of a signal if thats what you are asking05:31
freeksh0w86does the 9.10 versions of MonoDevelop support writing Silverlight (via Moonlight) apps? i notice there is an unstable package for moonlight plugin...05:31
surmandalhow to enable my horizontal scrolling(Touchpad) on karmic. I have Option "SHMConfig" "on"set this value in xorg "05:31
zetherooexodus_ms: yeah I am looking for strength of signal05:31
surmandaldare, on 9.04 it was working05:31
DocPlatypus(btw, I'm a recent Debian convert... I'm starting to really like Ubuntu more)05:31
slinkeeyOk I am back05:32
dareyes, it doesn't anymore.. tap zones have gone too05:32
exodus_mszetheroo, well, I'm just assuming here, if you are connected via mobile broadband, you are curious about what you are recieving, looking at upload/download data will give you that05:32
slinkeeyWell my wireless has more bars... I guess we will see how reliable it is after installing backport modules05:32
surmandaldare, is it..?05:33
zetherooexodus_ms: is it a graphical tool or only terminal based?05:33
kinja-sheepzetheroo, exodus_ms: Perhaps you want nethogs -- It's a CLI -- (eg sudo nethogs eth0) -- When you're in, toggle 'm' to change modes. That's it. It's temporary but it get the job done.05:33
neezerHow can I troubleshoot my microphone on my HP laptop with 9.04?\05:33
exodus_mszetheroo, cli, but very powerful05:33
tabatathere's somebody help me05:33
slinkeeyThanks kinja!05:34
tabataneed to configure my card reader05:34
zetherooexodus_ms: ok well ... its got to be graphical for my needs ....05:34
DocPlatypusnobody knows?05:34
kinja-sheepslinkeey: No problem. Next time you have problem, look up on your wifi card.  You have AR928X. :)05:34
exodus_mszetheroo, are you more interested in something like the network applet in gnome (task bar) that shows the strength of a wifi signal05:34
surmandalkinja-sheep, how to enable my horizontal scrolling(Touchpad) on karmic, any idea05:35
zetherooexodus_ms: did you see the link I mentioned?05:35
kinja-sheepsurmandal: Look under Mouse Preferences/Settings.05:35
knuck887? does anybody know how to change the "Ubuntu 9.10 *name* ttyl" text you see when shutting down? i'd prefer to just alter "ttyl"05:35
zetherooexodus_ms: that is what I am looking for ... but something that works with the Karmic setup05:35
sircrazyi can see ubuntu wasnt affected by the netsplits, still 1k + members05:35
slinkeeykinja.. was there something in a backport that addressed this card that the ubuntu community didn't want to release wide open?05:35
exodus_mszetheroo, ya, but I'm curious why you are using vodafone05:35
tabatahow to enable my cards reader on karmic05:36
surmandalkinja-sheep, Option "SHMConfig" "on"05:36
kinja-sheep!tab | slinkeey05:36
ubottuslinkeey: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:36
surmandalkinja-sheep, SHMConfig is set to on05:36
kinja-sheepslinkeey: That way, I can read highlighted messages easily.05:36
zetherooexodus_ms: I am not ... but I think that tool would work with anything connected to the 3G network05:36
kinja-sheepsurmandal: Is it toggled on under Mouse Preferences?05:36
slinkeeykinja-sheep, Thank you sir..05:37
Mr_Lordiany one else have to restart wireless connection after logging in?05:37
surmandalkinja-sheep, under inputdevice section05:37
kinja-sheepslinkeey: It is where any new features or non-security bugfixes will be coming in.05:37
zetherooexodus_ms: in any case that does not seem to work in Karmic ... does Karmic use wvdial to make the 3G broadband devices work?05:37
exodus_mszetheroo, have you checked here to see if your card is supported https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G05:37
Mr_Lordiknuck887: is that a "yep" to my question?05:37
neezeranyone know about built in microphones on HP laptops?05:37
jaqquewell hi all!   i'm haivng a bit of a network problem.05:37
kinja-sheep!kernel | slinkeey05:38
knuck887mr_lordi yes05:38
ubottuslinkeey: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages05:38
zetherooexodus_ms: supported by what?05:38
zetherooexodus_ms: ubuntu?05:38
exodus_mszetheroo, nevermind, thats for intrepid05:38
DocPlatypusjust now tried to fsck the filesystem on it and it's *very* slow05:38
kinja-sheepslinkeey: If your Wifi does not work, it's not OS, it's the kernel. :O05:38
Hunt2how can i chek my cpu? command??05:38
Mr_Lordiknuck887: are you like me and just too lazy to fix it or have you looked for a fix yet?05:38
millertimek1a2m3no offense, and I ask this in all honesty-do you guys think that ubuntu is watered down in any way in terms of capability in order to reach a more simple user base?05:38
kinja-sheepsurmandal: Did you check under Mouse preferences though?05:38
zetherooexodus_ms: my USD dongle is working ... it connects and I am online ...05:39
exodus_mszetheroo, checking to see if your mobile broadband card is supported in Ubutu05:39
knuck887too lazy, just saying i do too. i've noticed it's only rough when i'm around a lot of networks05:39
slinkeeykinja-sheep, WIFI is working great now05:39
surmandalkinja-sheep, there is no touchpad option05:39
Mr_Lordimillertimek1a2m3: no. it mostly depends on what you want to do05:39
kinja-sheep!ot | millertimek1a2m305:39
ubottumillertimek1a2m3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:39
jaqquefirst off, and possibly mopst importantly, ubuntu is not debian. so all my knowledge is useless. i have a system, i am in the admin and adm groups. i set up wireless networking apparently for my _own_ account, but not for anyone else.05:39
surmandalkinja-sheep, only general and accessibility05:39
jaqquehow do is et it up for everyone that logs in?05:39
Khisanthmillertimek1a2m3: not really05:39
Mr_Lordiknuck887: ok. thanks.05:39
exodus_mszetheroo, ya, but you are looking for software to show you a graphical representation of your connection strenght05:39
kinja-sheepsurmandal: What make/model?05:39
millertimek1a2m3kinja-sheep, sorry i seem to get off subject a lot05:39
surmandalkinja-sheep, karmic, acer 561005:40
Khisanthmillertimek1a2m3: if I wanted to be silly I could still go and build everything myself or somewhere between that and building nothing :)05:40
zetherooexodus_ms: yes ... but what will checking if its supported do towards that?05:40
surmandalkinja-sheep, in 9.04 it was working, after upgrading to karmik it is not working05:40
Mr_Lordimillertimek1a2m3: i think it has everything most people need in a way that is not watered down. would you call OSX watered down?05:40
slinkeeykinja-sheep, Well I don't want to bug you too much...  You seam to keep yourself pretty busy without my help....  You have a great day and a happy new year if i don't run into you before then.05:40
millertimek1a2m3Khisanth, what were you talking about with building everything?05:40
sasori2501any vbox users here? having trouble installing on a fresh install.  and vbox chat is useless.05:41
Khisanthit means it everything that can be done with any other distro can still be done with ubuntu05:41
kinja-sheepslinkeey: I'm glad to help people out. I have to RTFM on search engines to read and review stuffs. Solutions too.  Enjoy your freedom from wired connections. :)05:41
millertimek1a2m3Mr_Lordi, well no. I mean... i've talked to some "purists"/people that think that people that don't have extensive knowledge of the internals of linux shouldn't use it05:42
millertimek1a2m3and they seem to give me the impression that05:42
slinkeeyI usuallly google search the ubuntu forums with good luck05:42
jaqqueanyone? netowrking? wireless? works? only for me? no one else?05:42
kinja-sheepsurmandal: When you told me the SHMconfig thing, I assumed you read http://tinyurl.com/yehl4rm ?05:42
millertimek1a2m3ubuntu brings a lot of people that don't know what they're doing to the user base...05:42
slinkeeykinja-sheep, I am never the first to run into the problem so the answers is usually in the ubuntu forums..:)05:42
Khisanthmillertimek1a2m3: if that is their requirement then most people in world shouldn't be using a computer05:43
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millertimek1a2m3Khisanth, right lol05:43
Khisanththat also includes stuff like cellphones and game consoles and TVs these days05:43
millertimek1a2m3anyway, [this question goes out to the whole channel] i asked earlier about bash files in ubuntu05:44
Khisanthso uh ... slightly more technological than the Amish?05:44
Mr_Lordimillertimek1a2m3: Thats how people learn what they are doing :)05:44
exodus_mszetheroo, have you looked at the netspeed applet?05:44
slinkeeykinja-sheep, Wireless is a dirty word..  :) I work in the wire and cable industry!! :) heheheeheheh05:44
millertimek1a2m3like... ~/.profile ~/.bash_logout ~/.bash_login05:44
millertimek1a2m3Khisanth, lol i know.05:45
enheritI'm using Jaunty. When installign libmozjs-dev (trying to compile CouchDB), it requires firefox-3.5 removed. How can I install it without removing firefox?05:45
exodus_mszetheroo, I have to apologize, I dont know if you are connecting via a usb dongle, pcmcia card etc05:45
DocPlatypusanyone? I just find it really odd that a USB drive like this would start to be *this* slow on *this* PC and work fine on my mom's Windows XP laptop05:45
millertimek1a2m3it seems that ~/.profile is run by the login shell05:45
DocPlatypuswhen I go to fsck the light doesn't even flash as rapidly as it should05:45
DocPlatypusit's like the computer is waiting for something05:45
dareDocPlatypus, do u have usb 2.005:46
DocPlatypusdare: it's USB 1.105:46
millertimek1a2m3every time, but I can't find a logout file to edit that will work. i've tried ~/.logout ~/.bash_logout05:46
DocPlatypusbut that is *not* the issue05:46
dareDocPlatypus, there's the problem?05:46
DocPlatypusdare: NO05:46
millertimek1a2m3everything i even went to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1185446 and found that I should make it /etc/bash.bash_logout05:46
millertimek1a2m3that didn't work either05:46
DocPlatypusit NEVER took this long to fsck under Debian05:46
DocPlatypusthe light is NOT flashing as rapidly as it used to05:46
surmandalkinja-sheep, that option is already set on my xorg.conf file05:46
DocPlatypusother drives work fine at full USB 1.1 speed05:47
kinja-sheepsurmandal: How about syndaemon -t -d?  You might want to restart your X.05:47
exodus_mszetheroo, this might be helpful in karmic, since the vodafone is not offically supported, might be best to compile --> http://www.pcurtis.com/ubuntu-mobile.htm#vmc05:47
DocPlatypusand do not take this long to fsck05:47
DocPlatypusor mount or read or write or whatever05:47
millertimek1a2m3can anyone find a way to get a script to run on logout every time?05:47
surmandalalready restarted many times :)05:47
tatootianhi does anyone know why centos is working better than ubuntu05:48
bazhangtatootian, #ubuntu-offtopic please05:48
surmandalsybdaemon -t -d kinja-sheep it gives the error "Unable to find a synaptics device."05:48
tatootianwhat do yo umean?05:48
tatootiani'm asking a question, this isn't offtopic05:48
slinkeeytatootian, isn't that question subjective?05:48
tatootianyou must be fucking retarded or something05:48
bazhangtatootian, watch the language and the attitude05:49
tatootianbazhang, you know, i got this shit from you last time05:49
tatootianyou're worthless05:49
tatootianwhy do you continue to talk and give me warnings05:49
FloodBot4tatootian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:49
kinja-sheep!attitude | tatootian05:49
ubottutatootian: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:49
KhisanthDocPlatypus: even for usb 1.1 there still can be low-speed and full-speed differences which is around 8x05:50
slinkeeytatootian,  It is not like hired these people to work on your network.. Give them a break..05:50
DocPlatypusKhisanth: this is far more than 8 times slower05:50
Khisanthfor a fsck it could simply be really bad news ...05:50
wolterwhere is flash plugin saved? I changed home dir and suddenly I don't have a homedir05:50
kinja-sheepsurmandal: You edit something in Xorg.  You will have to restart your X. Have you done that yet? You can do it in TTY or reboot. You decide.05:51
millertimek1a2m3tatootian, are you still here?05:51
kinja-sheepwolter: ~/.mozilla/plugins (for me, x86_64)05:51
surmandalkinja-sheep, yes05:51
DocPlatypussuspect empty 2G drive, 1:05.59 elapsed. empty 512M drive, 0:01.92 elapsed. both ext4, both USB 1.1, same hub, same cable, same bus.05:51
daresurmandal, don't waste your time.. I tried every solution in first 10 pages of google results to get horizontal scroll working05:52
DocPlatypusthis same drive works fine on a Windows XP laptop05:52
DocPlatypusand always worked fine on this PC on Debian05:52
surmandalkinja-sheep, dare but there must be a solution isn't it05:52
slinkeeyNIGHT ALL!05:53
slinkeeyMorning comes too fast for me05:53
wolterthanks kinja-sheep05:53
kinja-sheepwolter: Np.05:53
FlynDiceIs there a fix for Xorg high cpu usage with Ubuntu 9.10, kernel 2.6.31-17-generic besides going back and using an older kernel?05:54
kinja-sheepsurmandal: Paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to http://pastebin.com/ -- I'm still searching for solutions though.05:55
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surmandalkinja-sheep, http://pastebin.com/d742f090f05:56
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kinja-sheepsurmandal: You tried gsynaptics ?05:58
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surmandalkinja-sheep, while trying to open gsynaptics "GSynaptics couldn't initialize.05:59
surmandalYou have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics"05:59
napsterHi al...06:00
neezerdoes anyone know how to configure a microphone on 9.04 for skype?06:00
kinja-sheepsurmandal: I see "on" -- not " true"06:00
napsterneezer, Hmm pretty well06:00
neezerMy skype settings for the microphone are Pulseaudio server (local)06:00
HFSPLUSHow big should virtualbox be?06:00
neezerany help would be greatly appreciated napster!06:01
richardMmy ubuntu crashed, i had to reboot from a CD, can read the file system, but because I am not logged on with my username etc I dont have permission to read the files, any ideas?06:01
bastidrazorHFSPLUS: #vbox might be a good place to ask.06:01
surmandalkinja-sheep, before there was "true", it was not working, after googling I have found that "on" should work06:01
HFSPLUSfor the ubuntu vhd06:01
HFSPLUSon my win 706:01
napsterneezer, In preference->input devices06:01
neezerwhen I talk with my fiance i can see her and she can see me. I can hear her, but she cannot hear me.06:01
neezernapster, in m skype options.06:02
kheerarichardM: there is probably some mount trick that will get that file system opened up so you can access it...06:02
napsterneezer, Yes. From the pop up menu of the tray icon06:02
dareHFSPLUS, I manage with 6-10gb06:02
HFSPLUSnapster they shouldve called that application crapster06:02
HFSPLUSthanks dare06:02
kheerarichardM: also make sure you are tryign to read the files as root... sudo ls, sudo cd, etc...06:02
napsterHFSPLUS, lol06:03
kinja-sheepsurmandal: Ensure that xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is installed and paste your /var/log/Xorg*.log06:03
napsterneezer, You got the idea?06:03
HFSPLUSyup 4 hours sleep tonight thanks to the train that comes early06:03
neezerwhen I right click on the skype check mark then go to options.06:03
neezerI went there but there is no way to configure the microphone.06:03
richardMkheera: i am just logged on straight from the CD, and am reading the file system via the desktop etc06:04
napsterneezer, I don't understatnd06:04
neezerI am going into the skype options to try to get my microphone to work.06:05
neezerI'm not sure if that is what I need to do or not though.06:05
kinja-sheepsurmandal: You saw this too, right?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad06:05
napsterneezer, Go private now06:05
underdevhi, i notice tcl/tk isn't available in the Ubuntu Software Center- what process is there for something being considered for inclusion?06:06
surmandalkinja-sheep, http://pastebin.com/d1136514d06:06
kheerahow do I open file browser as root?06:08
bazhang!info tcl | underdev06:08
ubottuunderdev: tcl (source: tcltk-defaults): The Tool Command Language (default version) - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.16-2 (karmic), package size 4 kB, installed size 68 kB06:08
richardMthanks kheera06:08
underdevty bazhang06:10
underdevi know its available06:10
rad_sci_guykheera:  I just type sudo nautilus in the command line06:10
bastidrazor!gksudo | rad_sci_guy06:10
ubotturad_sci_guy: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:10
evilsherpahey all06:11
underdevi guess i am somewhat evangelizing here- i would like to see it included as an option in the Ubuntu Software Center06:12
underdevjust wondering if there was a process that i could go through06:12
underdeva formal petition, or putting together a package06:12
bmk789anyone know the trick to getting eclipse to start? ive tried running it in terminal, hangs a few seconds and closes with no output06:12
defconxxxhey whats going on06:13
evilsherpaum, did a fresh install of ubuntu on this machine, but i have another HDD in this machine which seems to be not mounting, also I have a nas with a 200 and a 500GIG drive, which i cant even see, but can drive xbmc from the net so know tht the drives are still active06:13
evilsherpaany idea how to get those mounted and back to happyness06:13
kheerathanks rad_sci_guy06:13
kinja-sheepevilsherpa: "sudo fdisk -l" and see if you can see those HDDs.06:14
evilsherpakinja i think i found them06:14
evilsherpajust can access them06:14
kinja-sheep!fstab | evilsherpa06:15
ubottuevilsherpa: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:15
kinja-sheepevilsherpa: Read that and set up mounting points for those other HDDs. :o06:15
evilsherpakinja http://www.pastebin.org/6956606:15
kinja-sheepevilsherpa: Also, there are !mount if you're interested.06:16
kinja-sheep!mount | evilsherpa06:16
ubottuevilsherpa: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:16
evilsherpathnks kinja, im on it06:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:17
DocPlatypusI've noticed a lot of things do not show up in Ubuntu Software Center.06:17
kinja-sheepDocPlatypus: Use "aptitude search packageName" to find what you're looking for.06:18
MadpilotDocPlatypus, if it doesn't have a menu entry after it's installed, generally speaking it won't show in the Software Centre06:18
DocPlatypusand I can understand what they are trying to do with USC... but it would be nice *not* to have to resort to aptitude for some things like kinja-sheep has suggested06:19
MadpilotDocPlatypus, use Synpaptic instead06:19
DocPlatypusMadpilot: noted... I am used to aptitude, as of last time I tried Synaptic it didn't track dependencies like aptitude06:20
DocPlatypusfor all I know USC doesn't either06:20
jaysern_compiz was sucking up all the resources, i removed some of the compiz packages with apt-get remove, now i can't get into gdm06:21
DocPlatypusUSC is one hell of a nice concept though. type the name of a package, and two clicks later it's installing06:21
jaysern_or at least gdm loads and only shows terminal window06:21
jaysern_any idea how to get gdm06:21
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evilsherpacompiz really should eat that many resources06:21
evilsherpai mean i have an old machine and im not feeling any compiz stress06:22
jaysern_well, now i can't get gdm to fully load06:22
DocPlatypusand maybe I'm just too old-school with command line and pipe-based utilities06:22
wolterevilsherpa, and can you believe there are compiz haters out there?06:23
jaysern_i'm not a hater .. i just want gdm back06:24
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DocPlatypuswhat is or was the alternative to compiz?06:24
DocPlatypusI don't think I have it here, my system/video are too old to support OpenGL natively06:24
kinja-sheepwolter: You can't have Yin without Yang.06:24
kinja-sheepDocPlatypus: metacity06:24
jaqquei'm back. wireless is still a SNAFU:wqorks when i doa GUI logi, but at no other time.06:25
evilsherpawolter, just never had any problems with it06:25
wolterevilsherpa, yeah me neither.. kinda06:25
jaqqueany clues? google is sueless06:25
DocPlatypusyeah, I'm running just straight metacity06:25
DocPlatypusof course, I'm also the whacko that did the live CD install with only 256M RAM06:26
DocPlatypusyes, it is possible06:26
bmk789anyone know the trick to getting eclipse to start? ive tried running it in terminal, hangs a few seconds and closes with no output06:26
wolterDocPlatypus, if you want metacity to look better, enable [compositing_manager] at [/apps/metacity] in [gconf]06:27
evilsherpayeh in the beginning, but that was like 4 distros ago06:27
evilsherpakinja-sheep, how do i tell which of the 2hdds in my machine has ubuntu on it?06:27
mneptokevilsherpa: df -h06:28
mneptokevilsherpa: which is formatted with a Linux filesystem?06:28
kinja-sheepevilsherpa: Which one did you install it on? You should see a Boot star in "sudo fdisk -l"06:29
kevdogAnyone here been able to tether Ubuntu to Droid?06:29
c3101evilsherpa, fdisk -l, will show the partitions on all disks, look for the one with linux on it06:29
nastashi all06:30
_ganymedekevdog: what is a droid?06:30
kinja-sheep_ganymede: Android06:30
kevdogMoto droid phone!06:31
kinja-sheep_ganymede: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_android06:31
danircI have a question regarding Ubuntu 9.04 running on VMware.06:31
_ganymedekevdog: not mountable?06:32
danircWhen I go to Administration, and then to Hardware Drivers, I get a blank window where the only option is to close.06:32
danircis there a way to have Ubuntu fetch drivers without a gui?06:33
evilsherpamneptok,  and kinja-sheep and c3101 - what happened here is i accidentally deleted my boot partician an thought 'stuff it' havnt reinstalled since windows2000 its time to reinstall06:33
evilsherpaso that hdd was a ext2 or ext3 drive06:33
evilsherpaim formatting it06:34
c3101danirc: that will only display proprietary drivers needed by your system, if any06:34
neezerwhat is the best way to totally remove a program and all of the config files for it?06:34
mneptokneezer: apt-get purge06:34
c3101danirc: as it is an empty box, it means that there is no 3rd party drivers needed for your VM "box"06:34
neezerok. then I should be able to reinstall the program with a fresh install?06:34
mneptokneezer: correct06:35
llutzneezer: even purge won't delete personal configs from your $HOME06:35
danircThanks c3101!06:35
neezerdoes skype create any configs in $home that I would need to remove also llutz?06:35
evilsherpapossibly destroying a whole lotta happyness06:35
danircThe reason I inquired was because no sound will play.06:35
llutzneezer: ~/.Skype (or .skype)06:35
danircSo, I suspect I'm having problems with VMware or a driver issue.06:35
_ganymedethanks for the link kinja...very cool...do want06:35
neezerjust remove the folder llutz?06:35
kevdog_ganymede: ?06:36
kinja-sheep_ganymede: :)06:36
c3101danirc, are you having any problems with the VM ?06:36
_ganymedekevdog:i am assuming they use a mini-usb06:36
danircIt appears to be working fine, and I'm able to play videos. However, there isn't sound.06:36
_ganymedeplug it in06:36
c3101danirc, what is the base OS ?06:37
danircOn this machine, it is Vista. When I've ran Ubuntu off of live mode by itself, it has worked well. So perhaps, it could be a problem with Vista or VM?06:38
_ganymedekevdog: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7446857&postcount=806:38
c3101danirc, might be the VM settings in VMware, should bot have any problems,06:39
nameo0i need help installing a game using an iso image that i copied from my flash drive06:40
danircc3101, I'm going to tinker with the settings and reboot. Thanks for your help.06:40
_ganymedenameo0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManageDiscImages06:41
atlefnameo0: rightclick in nautilus and open with archive mounter06:42
kevdog_ganymede: ehh -- that link is no good -- I'm talking about wireless tethering -- who needs a wire!!!06:44
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neezerI got an odd error when trying to install skype with sudo apt-get install skype. it says package skype is not available but is referred to by another backage.06:45
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neezerI just did sudo apt-get purge skype, and I removed the .Skype folder. Then I restarted and tried to reinstall it.06:46
neezerany ideas on installing skype?06:47
llutzneezer: if i read right, they took it out from medibuntu. use that one from skype.com06:47
LordXenuneezer, did you add a repository that provides a skype package? I don't believe the stock ones do06:47
neezerI didn't...how do I do that LordXenu06:48
kandjarhi there06:48
LordXenuneezer, what llutz said, just grab the .deb from the skype website06:48
LordXenuthat'd be the easy way06:48
neezerin synaptic my skype-common is green meaning that it is installed right?06:49
kandjaris it possible to setup rtorrent to dld the files onto a windows partition?06:49
neezerhow can that be if I just did a purge?06:49
kandjaris it recommended?06:49
_ganymedekevdog: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=tether+android+ubuntu06:49
llutzkandjar: why not, if your user has rw-access06:50
kandjarmy concern is: the windows box has a auto-update activated so it's possible to have the windows box rebooting during the night06:50
neezerso how do I "just grab the .deb" from skype....I'm not that good yet..06:51
neezerI'd love to learn though.06:51
kinja-sheepneezer: .deb is like .exe in Winblows World.06:51
pranayhi , i want to upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 from 8.10 , what should be the best way to do it? . If i go by update manager it shows 9.04 is available and is data lost during upgradation ?06:51
llutzkandjar: not very nice to reboot a box, during rtorrent wants to write to :)06:52
neezerso I can just download the file and away I go kinja-sheep?06:52
kandjari just would like an automatic way to transfer the dlded files back to the windows box, my linux server has only 50gb or diskspace06:52
defconxxxhey anyone in california06:52
kinja-sheepneezer: Yup. Grab the file. Double-click on it. Watch it installing right before your eyes and away you go.06:52
kandjarllutz: agree :)06:52
srvhow to set the metric of network interfaces?06:52
srvi have 2 interfaces06:52
llutzkinja-sheep: it isn't. if you want to compare with windows, a .deb is more like a .msi06:52
slowhandshey. I upgraded to 9.10 lately and no OpenGL programs I've wrote seem to work. even the simplest one. my problem specifically is a black screen whenever I run an OpenGL program. if I switch window, I can see very briefly see the OpenGL program work before it switches.06:52
c3101srv: man ifconfig06:53
kinja-sheepllutz: That is very very true!06:53
slowhandsany ideas as to what it could be?06:53
srvit says metric ioctl not supported06:53
neezerKinja-sheep: from skype, there is only options for 8.04 and 8.10...will installing the 8.10 64 bit be a bad thing if i'm running 9.04?06:53
c3101srv, nasty, what NICs you've got ?06:53
pranaykinja-sheep:hi , i want to upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 from 8.10 , what should be the best way to do it? . If i go by update manager it shows 9.04 is available and is data lost during upgradation ?06:54
srvc3101: how to find out?06:54
c3101srv, sudo lspci -v | less06:54
rwwprefrontal: you need to upgrade to 9.04 and then upgrade to 9.10, so use update-manager. No, you shouldn't lose data during the upgrade, but backuping your data first is recommended.06:55
rwwprefrontal: sorry, mistab06:55
rwwpranay: see above06:55
kinja-sheepneezer: I remember a factoid about using older version but I can't find it. It should be okay.06:55
kinja-sheep!skype | neezer (if you haven't seen it yet).06:55
ubottuneezer (if you haven't seen it yet).: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga06:55
EvilTwinHi all06:55
EvilTwingot a little question06:55
neezerkinja-sheep: thanks for the links!06:55
EvilTwinany help?06:56
llutzkinja-sheep: maybe you should keep your downloads on the linux-box and use a script to upload it after finishing to your win-box06:56
llutzkandjar: ^^ sry06:56
kinja-sheepllutz: Fsck the win-box. :O06:56
srvc3101: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02)06:56
llutzkinja-sheep: fanboys next door please06:57
EvilTwinI run 9.10, got mouse with the back and forward buttons on it and i am Left handed so  i need to swap them, any ideas?06:57
c3101srv, hmmm, dunno if it's supported on those, seeing a lot of complaints on google about realtek, maybe try a intel or broadcom NIC if you could06:57
pranayrww:thanks , but can it also be done with a 9.10  dvd?06:57
EvilTwinI run 9.10, got mouse with the back and forward buttons on it and i am Left handed so  i need to swap them, any ideas?06:58
EvilTwinguess I came to the wrong place06:58
adantehi guys can anybody recommend a place to get assistance06:59
mechcozmohello, i am having difficulty getting a wifi card (Broadcom BCM4306, recognized by the system via the hardware drivers thing) to connect to a WPA network06:59
llutzEvilTwin: you could try to swap it using a fdi-file in /etc/hal....06:59
jtajiEvilTwin: it's in Mouse preferences06:59
Kartagis!info libesmtp06:59
ubottuPackage libesmtp does not exist in karmic06:59
atlefadante: what do you mean06:59
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Kartagis!find libesmtp06:59
ubottuFound: libesmtp-dev, libesmtp506:59
EvilTwinthanks llutz and jtji07:00
EvilTwinwill check07:00
rwwpranay: I'm not familiar with the DVD; I know the alternate CD iso can do it, maybe the DVD can too. You'd need a 9.04 and 9.10 ones, though, I think.07:00
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Kartagis!find libmysql07:00
ubottuFound: libmysql-java, libmysqlclient-dev, libmysqlclient16, libmysqlclient16-dev, libmysqld-dev (and 12 others)07:00
rwwpranay: the instructions would be https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades#Upgrading Using the Alternate CD/DVD07:01
s00phow do I tell whether my processor is 64-bit or 32-bit?07:01
s00pis there some sort of hmm... gcc switch that will tell me sizeof(void *)?07:01
c3101s00p, cat /proc/cpuinfo07:01
s00pty c310107:01
Richie086hey been using linux for quite a few years im new to ubantu tho..  I just installed samba and edited the config file, i went to restart it using /etc/init.d and noticed there was not a samba service..  how do i restart samba in ubantu?07:01
EvilTwinllutz looked at the /etc/hal/fdi/poluci/....07:02
EvilTwinand saw nothing about the mouse07:02
oletimerHello, from first time user, this is a test07:02
pshr_how list the open files using comman07:02
Guest59823hello there, i have a question about startscripts in ubuntu. When i have the script i wanna start and also symlinks in /etc/rcX.d/ will it be started even i set the symlinks manuallly? instead of useing update-rc.d?07:02
s00pI don't see this info there c310107:02
adanteatlef: just need some assistance getting audio working and haven't had any luck on irc or ubuntuforums so i was wondering if there were other places i could get help07:02
Guest59823the script is located in /etc/init.d with proper rights set07:02
kandjars00p: what the model name?07:03
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s00pIntel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  T3200  @ 2.00GHz07:03
pizohey all07:04
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mechcozmocan anyone help my get a wifi card talking to my network?  ubuntu sees the card, but wpasupplicant does not seem to be working07:04
s00pI'll just gcc a printf("%u", sizeof(void *))07:04
pizowifi is easy specially on ubuntu07:04
pranayrww: thanks a lot07:05
bcw006mechcozmo: is your network setup with wpa?07:05
kandjars00p: i believe it's a 64b07:05
mechcozmobcw006: yes07:05
mechcozmobcw006: Ubuntu sees the card, installed the drivers for it, but I can't seem to control it07:05
bcw006mechcozmo: have you tested your card to work without wpa?07:05
mechcozmobcw006: in another machine07:05
s00psizeof(void *) == 407:05
kandjars00p: that wont be necessary right :)07:06
s00pmeh, I know :(07:06
bcw006mechcozmo: I had luck using wicd07:06
hellrazorhm... why isn't alsa saving the mixer setting when shutting down....07:06
mechcozmobcw006: oh, sorry, thought you said with WPA07:06
kandjarif it said 8 that would have solved the problem :)07:06
s00pwhat will happen if I install 64-bit drivers on a 32-bit FreeBSD platform?07:06
vegombreiis there a way to install windows 7 virtually?07:07
mechcozmobcw006: i can't take down the entire network... the rest of the family is using it07:07
s00pyeh that's what I was hoping for07:07
mechcozmos00p: won't work07:07
mechcozmo!info wicd07:07
s00pmechcozmo: lol I know... but... will it kill my system? D:07:07
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB07:07
atlef!patience | adante07:07
ubottuadante: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.07:07
llutzvegombrei: use virtualbox, kvm, vmware, what you like, and install it07:08
mechcozmos00p: well, it won't catch fire07:08
kandjars00p: http://processorfinder.intel.com/DetailsPrinterFriendly.aspx?sSpec=SLAVG07:08
bcw006mechcozmo: The default network manager should be able to accept your wpa password and connect you, you might try WICD otherwise.07:08
mechcozmobcw006: the "network-manager" package?07:08
bcw006mechcozmo: it should have come pre-installed.  What version of ubuntu are you running?07:09
mechcozmobcw006: Mythbuntu 9.1007:09
s00pyes kandjar I checked that07:09
mechcozmobcw006: network-manager is pre-installed07:09
kandjars00p: and ur not convinced?07:10
mechcozmobcw006: i don't see it in the Applications menu, though07:10
s00pI'm guessing em64t means "extended memory 64 tech" -- aka 64bit... but should I just install the 32-bit driver just in case?07:10
bcw006mechcozmo: hmm, not sure07:10
mechcozmos00p: that is a 64-bit processor, but is your world 64-bit?07:11
mechcozmobcw006: i'll install wicd and cross my fingers07:11
s00pwell idk...07:11
s00pit's a generic freebsd install07:11
bcw006mechcozmo: i'm not familiar with mythbuntu or xfce (the window manager it appears mythbuntu uses)07:11
s00pi should be asking ##freebsd07:11
vegombreillutz: but does it work as well? thing is i need to install windows for my girlfriend .. i have quite a powerfull pc core i7 6 gb ram 2gb ati .. i think my processor can handle it but i need a solution that would work seamlessly and wouldnt break down too often07:11
mechcozmobcw006: it's pretty GNOME-like07:11
dexteralgum brasikeiro aqui?07:12
superbokivegombrei: i'd go with xp, she wont mind i'am sure07:12
mechcozmos00p: did you install a 64-bit world?07:12
superbokivegombrei: using virtualbox07:12
bcw006mechcozmo: yea, i just don't know about the network manager applet.  Either way, in wicd, I know you can spawn that from the command line and just run with it07:12
s00pmechcozmo: hmmm I'm guessing 32-bit. damn. ohh well, reinstall for me :P07:13
llutzvegombrei: it should, just disable all that fancy useless gimmicks/effects07:13
mechcozmobcw006: it's just tricky... MythTV is nice, but a bit temperamental07:13
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mechcozmos00p: it takes about 20 minutes, really07:13
bcw006mechcozmo: yea, I had it setup a few years ago in Gentoo using fluxbox, but that was on a wired connection07:14
mechcozmobcw006: "The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources.  It cannot continue."07:14
bcw006mechcozmo: yea, network manager was uninstalled when you installed wicd07:14
bcw006mechcozmo: wicd is a replacement07:14
mechcozmobcw006: pretty violent way of telling me it uninstalled it, then07:14
voidmagei usually use the winepulse ppa (neil-aldur), but it hasn't been updated since 1.1.31. is there another winepulse ppa that's more recent that ic an use?07:15
vegombreisuperboki: no dude she insists on windows 7 and keeps taunting that my pc is a piece of crap .. it hurts considering the pains i took to build it07:15
s00pI see no DVD for ia64 :( and only have 1 blank dvd07:15
mechcozmos00p: uh... netinstall?07:15
llutzs00p: ia64 = itanium, i doubt you have one07:15
bcw006mechcozmo: yea. I think you should be able to type wicd in a terminal and it should bring up a nice menu07:16
mechcozmos00p: i always download the system so that it's running the latest -RELEASE07:16
adanteatlef: thanks, i realise this, hence why i am asking for other resources for assistance07:16
mechcozmos00p: tends to work pretty well, although downloading the ports collection can take a bit on a slow connection07:16
mechcozmos00p: but you have to do it anyway07:17
s00pheh, you can do that... but be aware release at the moment has USB race conditions ;)07:17
s00pmechcozmo: no I don't.07:17
vegombreisuperboki: we need to figure out a way for windows 7 to work07:17
mechcozmos00p: er, whatever the good one is... 7.2, IIRC07:17
s00pahh, stable07:17
mechcozmos00p: yes, that.  my box doesn't have USB ports on it anyway...07:17
mechcozmos00p: what are you doing that you won't install ports?07:18
s00p7.2 is legacy release/stable07:18
mechcozmobcw006: it isn't happy07:18
mechcozmobcw006: going to restart, see if that'll do it07:18
llutz!ot | s00p mechcozmo07:18
ubottus00p mechcozmo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:18
s00pmechcozmo: programming07:18
vegombreianyone here successfully running windows 7 virtually?07:18
s00pty llutz, because I see this channel is very active on the on-topic section ;)07:19
llutzs00p: doesn't matter07:19
kandjarwhat's the best way to automatically copy files over to a windows box?07:19
zirodaykandjar: samba?07:20
kandjarziroday: probably07:20
bcw006I am setting up a fresh xsession for xmonad, and I am not getting any sound.  What do I need to do to get audio?07:20
s00pok, a question for anyone except llutz... it's the same as the previous question because my machine is the same ;)07:20
mechcozmos00p: you can always choose not to install ports when you do a netinstall.  the other advantage is my CD burner can only write ~100MB of good data before dying, and a netinstall cd is ~60MB :)07:20
kandjarprobably over samba.. but that doesn't give me a solution :)07:20
s00pmechcozmo: get new burner lol07:21
zirodaykandjar: what exactly are you trying to do?07:21
mechcozmos00p: don't feel like it... the last CD i burned was a 7.0-STABLE boot CD, and so far, so good, installing 7.2 from it even07:22
kandjarziroday: well, i want to setup my linux box to dld torrent stuff07:22
atlefvegombrei: yes, using vbox non-ose version07:22
zirodaykandjar: okay07:22
kandjarfor that i'll use rtorrent07:22
s00pnet-install wouldn't work for me07:22
superbokihow to get exact info about certain mounted filesystem, including the server version, ect ?07:22
kandjarbut when the torrent are dlded i want to move them to the windows box07:22
s00pbecause I need to install either 32-bit or 64-bit drivers for my network card ;)07:22
mechcozmos00p: doesn't matter your boot medium, just matters what you lay down on the disk07:23
zirodaykandjar: okay, well you can use a samba share to share the torrent directory and access that from your windows machine as you need07:23
mechcozmobcw006: thanks, wicd claims to be working07:23
mechcozmobcw006: i'll play with it and see if it continues to...07:23
s00pmechcozmo: I did try. neither FreeBSD or Ubuntu support my wifi/ethernet card natively07:24
kandjarziroday: i guess; but it wont be automatic07:24
zirodaykandjar: not unless you do some scripting windows side07:24
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bcw006mechcozmo: glad it works. That's what I'm using for xmonad.07:24
vegombreiatlef: you are successfully running windows 7 virtually?07:24
mechcozmos00p: sir, if i had a paddle, i would give it to you, as you seem to be in more need of it than i.07:25
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anon^_^Any Ubuntu devs in here?07:26
anon^_^or members of the Ubuntu bug team07:26
dexteri need help07:26
atlefvegombrei: yes07:26
zirodayanon^_^: probably, but there is also #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-devel, remember to read their respective topics07:26
dextercold you helpme?07:26
anon^_^thanks ziroday07:26
zirodaydexter: we can try, just ask your question07:26
atlefvegombrei: or that is to say, it has been a while since i last tried it07:27
n00pmechcozmo: doesn't really bother me07:27
dexteri from Brasil07:27
atlefvegombrei: about when the RC came out07:27
dexterany one her espek portugues?07:27
n00pI got the drivers installed on this one, not sure which ones I used unfortunately...07:27
vegombreiatlef: wow, but it works without breaking down often?07:27
mechcozmon00p: then quit yer bitchin' :-p07:28
n00pmechcozmo: quit yer bitchin' regarding my bitchin'07:28
shyam_kis there a dictionary on computer terms packaged?07:28
ziroday!br | dexter07:28
ubottudexter: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.07:28
mechcozmon00p: what hardware are you running?07:29
* shyam_k just installed dict-jargon and dict-vera07:29
dexteryou elcome07:29
n00pthat of a dell inspiron 1525...07:29
vegombreiatlef: ok lemme look up vbox07:29
atlefvegombrei: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads07:30
mechcozmon00p: no idea what that might mean07:30
bcw006I've got alsa and pulseaudio daemons running but I'm not getting any sound.  Is there something else that needs to be spawned to get sound?07:31
n00pmechcozmo: google it07:31
Ashishhow do we compile C programs using codelite?07:32
moultriebcw006:  are all your cords pluged in correctly07:32
mechcozmon00p: a basic laptop07:32
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89
bcw006moultrie: yea, it's a laptop07:35
moultriebcw006  are the drivers installed07:35
bcw006moultrie: yea, it works in gnome07:36
bcw006moultrie: but I am building a custom xsession for xmonad, in which it does not work07:37
moultriebcw006  what apperating system are you running07:37
TheSargeI have 3 Partitions 1 being NTFS with win7 one being NTFS just for storage and another EXT4 for linux, I wanna get rida linux on this machine. But I have grub installed and fear I will not be able to boot windows if I nuke the ext4 partition? Any Sugestions?07:37
TheSargeI hate to remove Ubuntu cause I love it but it is not my machine...07:37
pranayrww: is the alternate cd a live cd??07:37
llutzTheSarge: use win-cd (fixmbr) and delete the linux-partition then07:38
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Madpilotpranay, no, it's the text-based installer07:38
Guest49390hello, was moving from an old system o anew system, I logged in the terminal on the new system, ran sshd and started copying old stuff from the old notebook over ssh. I did something wrong and now the new system gives me ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not set up properly, is there a way to troubleshoot that?07:38
bcw006moultrie: i just installed 9.10 x86_64 on a lenova x61 tablet07:38
TheSargellutz:  Is there any chance of a non Boot CD option? I have no Optical drive (Netbook), and booting a usb drive is a hassle. What about BCDedit?07:39
moultriebcw006: are you duel booting07:40
bcw006moultrie: nope, it's straight up ubuntu07:40
llutzTheSarge: i think there are several ways, basically you just need to rewrite a valid ms-mbr before deleting linux-partition07:40
rwwpranay: no07:40
pranayMadpilot: ok07:40
moultriebcw006: has it worked before07:40
bcw006moultrie: yea it works in gnome07:40
bcw006moultrie: just not in xmonad07:41
TheSargellutz: Do you know a way without sing the bootdisk?07:41
llutzTheSarge: no07:41
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Guest49390hello, was moving from an old system o anew system, I logged in the terminal on the new system, ran sshd and started copying old stuff from the old notebook over ssh. I did something wrong and now the new system gives me ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not set up properly, is there a way to troubleshoot that?07:41
TheSargeOkay then, real useful...07:42
moultriebcw006: hm i'm not sure about whats wrong   are you sure the system is compadable07:42
llutzTheSarge: better ask in ##windows07:42
TheSargellutz: Grub is installed to the MBR so nuking the liux partitons will be okay right?07:42
TheSargeOh wait all the files reside on the linux partitions..07:43
llutzTheSarge: if you nuke it, grub won'tboot anymore as it cannot find stage207:43
TheSargellutz: Ya just realized that, damn I need that space07:43
bcw006moultrie: yea, it's just sound.  And it works in gnome but not xmonad.  I've checked it's not muted, I've checked several different audio applications.  Alsa is started, the pulseaudio daemon is started.  I'm at a loss for why it isn't working.07:43
llutzTheSarge: that why i said, you have to restore mbr _before_ nuking07:43
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moultriebcw006: thats really strange i don't know what to say about that sorry07:44
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bcw006moultrie: thanks anyways07:45
switchcatGreetings, I have a laptop with a built-in flash card reader.. where am I likely to find out if flash cards installed in it are recognized or not, or does anybody have any suggestions of programs to install?  the flash card did not come up like a USB HD would on07:45
TheSargellutz: No I didn't do it lol. I mean I made the realazation in my head.07:45
llutzTheSarge: does your linux still run?07:46
llutzTheSarge: "testdisk" should be able to write a new mbr07:46
evilsherpahey all, im following steps in http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/ but at step sudo smbpasswd -a <username> i get this response evilsherpa@evilsherpa-desktop:~$ sudo smbpasswd -a <username>07:47
evilsherpabash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'07:47
FloodBot4evilsherpa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:47
pranay\quit thanks07:47
SingAlong1hi all07:47
SingAlong1My ubuntu machine can connect to my windows machine. but my ubuntu machine isnt able to connect to another ubuntu machine. only a windows network icon appears in the network tab of Nautilus07:48
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bastidrazorSingAlong1: install openssh-server on all ubuntu machines then goto Places>connect to server using ssh .. type in their internal IP. also you can create a bookmark whcih will be available in Places.07:50
SingAlong1bastidrazor: thanks07:51
krzychuhello my question how to onfigure pine ?07:52
llutzkrzychu: edit ~/.pinerc07:53
zai am going out for a week and wont be using my laptop for more than 10-15 days. how should i store my laptop for such long storage durations? i am worried my battery would decay!07:54
SingAlong1bastidrazor: I installed openssh-server and also know the IPs of my machines. how do i connect to them? using normal ssh commands?07:54
RonenZa remove the battery07:54
BlackFate_za, just remove the battery07:54
llutzza: load battery, remove, go07:54
airtonixSingAlong1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH07:54
airtonixSingAlong1, nautilus recognises the ssh:// location protocol as well.07:55
bastidrazorSingAlong1: yes you could.. you could add their ips and hostname to /etc/hosts and use ssh ubuntubox1 instead of IP .. if yo uwant to use the GUI way use the Places>Connect to Server method07:55
SingAlong1airtonix: ah thanks! I logged in :)07:56
airtonixSingAlong1, ssh is more than just a file transfer protocol too07:56
SingAlong1bastidrazor: no actually I shutdown the comp and restart modems often so i'll leave them as IPs instead of adding hosts to /etc/hosts07:57
airtonixSingAlong1, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Karmic#Remote_Access07:57
superbokiairtonix: if i use connect to server and select ssh, the link will denote sftp, is that normal?07:57
bastidrazorSingAlong1: your router could set static IP's.. but never mind then. ip's it is.07:57
airtonixsuperboki, sftp & ssh are interchangable terms07:57
SingAlong1bastidrazor: oh ya forgot. i could set up static stuff. thanks07:58
superbokiairtonix: ok07:58
zaRonen: BlackFate_ removing my battery. wouldnt it reset my cmos etc and hence kind of damage my laptop?07:58
bastidrazorSingAlong1: use your MAC address to set them. makes internal networking much easier if the IP's are the same all the time07:58
llutzza: it won't harm your laptop in any way07:58
BlackFate_za, no07:58
superbokiairtonix: how to mount such nautilus connection to the filesystem?07:58
BlackFate_za, it uses internal battery for bios07:59
bastidrazorza: no, it wiould be like letting your battery run out of juice. no harm done.. i actually had to do that today.. a resume kernel paniced... again07:59
RonenZa, nope. Another battery handles cmos/BIOS07:59
airtonixsuperboki, nautilus wont be able to mount it like you can with something like a usb drive, but you can do it with something else called fuse-ssh07:59
superbokiairtonix: sshfs ?07:59
airtonixsuperboki, or it might be called ssh-fuse...not sure. yes sshfs too,07:59
George_EEverytime I boot Ubuntu, I get a warning saying my battery is broken - which it isn't.08:00
superbokiairtonix: ok, it did work with sshfs, only remote symlinks are all dead08:00
LogicFanmy volume applet slider has stopped working.  the slider no longer controls any volume in any application.  but, if i open volume control, the sliders work08:00
airtonixsuperboki, actually, take that back, after mounting the ssh server with nautilus you might like to look in ~/.gvfs08:01
superbokiairtonix: checking08:01
kaustavhi everyone08:01
airtonixsuperboki, i think it is where nautilus mounts various things for you08:01
LogicFanGeorge_E, how old is your battery?  lithium-ion batteries (commonly used in laptops) degrade over time.  they generally get about 1-1.5 years of fully charged life08:01
LogicFanthe ubuntu dialog will try to guess what the remaining charge is with a percentage08:02
George_EIt is 1.5 years old.08:02
superbokiairtonix: cool stuff, thanks!08:02
jstDoes anyonen know how I can get Xorg *NOT* to ignore a custom xorg.conf I'm trying to write for it?08:02
George_EBut it works fine.08:02
LogicFanGeorge_E, yeah, it is probably on the way out.  it'll keep a brief charge, but it definitely won't keep a full charge like it did when it was new08:02
George_EBut it does...08:03
AlanFanyone know where can I find a complete list of usable rxvt keysym's ?08:03
jtajiGeorge_E: what does the message say exactly?08:03
airtonixsuperboki, just take note that gfvs might not behave as expeced with various non standard server configurations (ie, some servers will limit your conncurrent connections to a low number, or kill the connection on their end if there is no activity from your end within a timeframe) gfvs does not send noop msgs to keep the connection alive.08:03
LogicFando a battery test.  completely deplete your battery, let it charge fully and then see if it lasts as long as the original specs08:03
LogicFani bet it will not08:03
LogicFanit's just not the natural of lithium-ion batteries08:04
George_ESomething about it reporting only being 37% full when on AC.08:04
superbokiairtonix: i see08:04
George_ECant remember all of it.08:04
LogicFanGeorge_E, yeah, it is telling you that fully charged, it only has 37% of its power08:04
zaBlackFate_: so, should i drain my laptop battery completely or kully charge it before storing it for such large duration?08:05
bastidrazorGeorge_E: type acpi -Vf in a terminal08:05
pitputhi, when is the next ubuntu release?08:05
LogicFanpitput, one just came out, it will be another 6mo or so until the next one08:05
bastidrazorapril 2010 pitput08:05
airtonixsuperboki, if you come across such remote servers then gfvs will cause you some frustrations08:05
George_EIm not on Ubuntu atm.08:05
pitputok. thank you guys so much08:05
pitputthank you LogicFan and bastidrazor08:05
superbokiairtonix: its my home box, but all i did was 'apt install ssh'08:06
BlackFate_za, draining would be the best thing to do08:06
LogicFanGeorge_E, look up the rated mAh and compare it with the output of the command bastidrazor posted08:06
jtajialways avoid draining lithium-ion fully!08:06
airtonixsuperboki, should be fine then (i'm referring to servers other people setup on places like shared hosting)08:07
jtajiza: best thing is to somewhere between around 40-80% charge08:07
George_EI did. I drained it - recharged it - works just as long as when I bought it.08:07
jtajiza: best thing is to store it somewhere between around 40-80% charge08:07
LogicFanjtaji, laptops won't completely drain the battery.  they will always shut off before it gets to that point08:07
bastidrazorLogicFan: acpi -V will actually give the full capacity amount.. but if he isn't on Ubuntu.. he wastes my time.08:07
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llutzyou can handle batteries as careful as you want, after a while they will lose capacity and finally die08:08
George_EYa, but this one works.08:08
LogicFanGeorge_E, well, when you get on your ubuntu machine, that command will tell you what the battery design capacity is and what the last full capacity was08:08
LogicFan1-2yrs is about the entire life span of a modern lithium-ion laptop battery08:09
LogicFanso, if you have had it for 1.5yrs already, it's going to start degrading quickly08:09
llutza few hundred load-cycles08:09
SuperRoachmore like it'll only be at 60-80% max capacity for charges08:09
mechcozmodoes anyone know how i can nuke my swap partition and grow my / partition (ext4)?  i have a CF card i am going to move the swap to08:09
George_EMakes me wanna get a desktop.08:09
LogicFanGeorge_E, same for cell phones08:09
zaLogicFan: i know. i had to replace my battery after 1yr 3mths. it was on such a state that it refused to charge and after some time detect! and coincidentally it was after my holidays during which i hadnt used it!08:10
jaypurkem tai08:11
zanautilus: u should have read floodbots message ! ;)08:11
LogicFanuntil we all have fuel-cell electronics batteries, plan on replacing your cell phone and laptop batteries every year or so :)08:11
zaand the batteries arent any cheap either!! *eagerly wainting for fuel cell batteries*08:12
nastasLogicFan: so i have to replace my battery too08:12
George_EI know...08:12
llutzza: cold fusion ftw! :)08:12
zallutz: :D08:13
* George_E is discouraged08:13
zallutz: guess wat over heating would result in?08:13
airtonixza, more cookies08:13
jaypuri don't have anyone to talk!!08:13
zaairtonix: ?08:13
airtonixalso: offtopic08:13
mneptok!language > jaypur08:14
ubottujaypur, please see my private message08:14
jaypurI couldn't sleep08:14
jaypurand i'm crying08:14
jaypuri'm so sad08:14
llutzza: makes all your problems obsolete08:14
jaypurcan someone help me08:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:14
nastasjaypur: what is your issue?08:14
_ganymede!language > _ganymede08:14
ubottu_ganymede, please see my private message08:14
zathanks guys!! :)08:14
jaypurnastas, pvt ok?08:14
mechcozmo...so, is there no way to move partitions around?08:15
ZzeeousSHi to all08:16
bastidrazor!gparted | mechcozmo use the CD to do so.08:16
ubottumechcozmo use the CD to do so.: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:16
mechcozmobastidrazor: the install CD is an appropriate live CD, no?08:18
bastidrazormechcozmo: it will work just the same yes.08:18
mechcozmobastidrazor: cool08:18
Alpha61whoa hello08:19
Alpha61can ubuntu run on a single SD card08:19
livingdaylitei got a eeepc 701 can i install ubuntu remix?08:19
oettingerdepends on the size of your sd card08:20
Alpha612 gigs?08:20
Alpha61would that be too small?08:20
atlefAlpha61: would think so08:20
oettingershould do the trick08:20
oettingerbut that won't leave you a lot of room left08:20
fidincan any netbook that comes with windows 7 starter, be able to run ubuntu 9.10?08:20
Alpha61would speed suffer like the live cd08:20
oettingerno, sd-cards are pretty fast08:20
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Alpha61thanks peeps08:21
mechcozmoAlpha61: any SD card would be faster than a CD, but a slow SD card won't be much fun08:21
mechcozmobah, too slow08:21
mofawhen i close the lid on my laptop nothing happens :( but it's set to go to sleep.08:21
fidinwhat's the best brand of netbook for ubuntu out of : acer, asus, hp, toshiba, gateway or samsung08:21
psycho_oreosanything but ho08:21
oettingeri'd say asus, but i'm a fanboy08:22
livingdayliteIch habe einen Asus eeepc 701 - kann ich netbook remix installieren?08:22
oettingerja das ist möglich08:22
psycho_oreosminipci/minipcie wireless card whitelisting08:22
psycho_oreos!de | livingdaylite08:22
ubottulivingdaylite: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.08:22
livingdayliteoettinger: thank you08:22
bastidrazor!hardware | fidin dig here to compare hardware08:22
ubottufidin dig here to compare hardware: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:22
boohlivingdaylite: the netbook remix is just an extra graphical shell08:22
livingdayliteoettinger: this eeepc 701 is a little old now and the screen has black smudgings :(08:22
oettingerlivingdaylife: but can you still see enough on the screen to work with it?08:23
GhostZzbooh: I'm using Netbook Remix right now. Can't decide if I want to keep it, or resort back to regular ol' Gnome, or Moblin!08:23
psycho_oreosGeorge_E,  minipci/minipcie wireless card whitelisting08:23
George_EGnome rocks!08:23
livingdayliteoettinger: pfff... yes, but, takes away from viewing pleasure, especially for movies08:23
boohGhostZz: i have xubuntu on my eeepc 1000 right now. going to try moblin next.08:23
superbokiwhat would i use for 6ch DTS mkv -> 2ch AAC conversion?08:24
ptsCan anyone tell me what the LTSP mode on the alternate CD installs/does? Is just installing and configuring ltsp-server and DHCP-server, or is it doing more behind the scenes?08:24
livingdaylitebooh: i thought it was smaller footprint to accomodate small hard drives?08:24
oettingerlivingdaylite: mmm, that's a bummer. but it's still usable for web browsing i guess?08:24
GhostZzbooh: Have you tried LXDE (lubuntu-desktop)?08:24
boohGhostZz: not recently08:24
boohlivingdaylite: that may be so, but you can always delete things from a basic ubuntu install08:24
livingdayliteoettinger: kind of .... shame it is out of guarantee... I don't know how it became like this08:24
livingdayliteoettinger: i thought asus built it to last longer08:25
oettingerlivingdaylite: have you got the 2g or 4g version of the eee pc 701?08:25
GhostZzlivingdaylite: It is just a glorious revamped user interface.08:25
livingdayliteoettinger: hah, not even sure08:25
boohlivingdaylite: i understand that may be more of an issue with the 70108:25
livingdayliteoettinger: i still have the old xandros remix on it08:26
fidinwould i get better prices on an eeepc online, like buy.com, than i would if i went into any store like bestbuy?08:26
mechcozmoare these instructions accurate for adding swap space to a machine?08:26
livingdaylitebooh: the screen going kaput after 5 minutes?08:26
oettingerlivingdaylite: i got rid of the xandros remix just a few weeks after buying the eee pc, slow piece of junk it was :P08:26
boohfidin: probably; shop around; let's try and stay on-topic though :)08:26
boohlivingdaylite: no, the smaller storage08:26
dfadaf[<c04041a7>] kernel_thread_helper+0x7/0x10 while trying to install ubuntu  xp on that box wont boot   any ideas?08:26
boohdfadaf: memtest, check all hardware, etc.08:27
GhostZzfidin: I have Acer Aspire netbook that I have been meaning to sell it.  INterested? :O08:27
dfadafi mean for the ubuntu part  no need to yell this isnt xp help08:27
AlanFhi, using rxvt, but for whatever reason, home and end send as ^[[7~ amd ^[[8~ instead of ^[[1~ and ^[[4~ and I can't seem to fix it. This doesn't happen if I just start bash directly isntead of using rxvt08:27
boohdfadaf: does a linux livecd boot up?08:27
oettingerlivingdaylite: i run a distro called crunchbang linux now, it's a stripped down version of ubuntu and it's blistering fast, even on my eee pc08:27
GhostZzAspireOne.  Whatever that spells. ^_^08:27
AlanFI've tried setting Rxvt.keysym.Home/End, XTerm.keysym.Home/End, to no avail08:27
_ganymedeanyone no how to enumerate a proprietary device?08:27
boohdfadaf: did anyone yell at you?08:27
AlanFalso, is there a complete anywhere of all the valid keysym values? I can't find anything on this08:27
_ganymedeaka my cellphone08:27
psycho_oreos_ganymede, what sort of proprietary device?08:28
AlanFAnyonr ever dealt with this before???08:28
dfadafwell thats the matter with live cd08:28
psycho_oreos_ganymede, doubt it08:28
boohdfadaf: i see... tried another livecd?08:28
_ganymededmesg and doesn't seem to be mountable08:28
livingdayliteoettinger: yea, this 701 is for my 7year old, so i need something easier than crunchbang08:28
dfadafwell ubuntu dsl knoppix08:28
psycho_oreos_ganymede, what sort of cellphone is it?08:28
bbalajiraoI cant enable visual effects on my Ubuntu 9.10. It keeps saying "Desktop effects could not be enabled". How do I solve this?08:28
boohdfadaf: then it sounds like a hardware problem.08:28
airtonixbbalajirao, install drivers for your video card08:29
dfadafwith memory ?08:29
booh_ganymede: ahh trying to usb mass storage on your motorola?08:29
superbokibbalajirao: irc, there is some place when one has to enable gnome compozing08:29
oettingerlivingdaylite: in that case the netbook remix is a very easy distro. it's like the xandros distro with the 'retarded mode' on ;)08:29
_ganymedebooh: no trying to see the files on my cellphone...doesn't have a usb store...it is just an old phone08:29
boohdfadaf: this is not the channel for that, try ##hardware08:29
airtonixbbalajirao, also you didn't mention what video card you have .08:30
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boohdfadaf: if you replace the DIMMs with others... you will find out08:30
bbalajiraoSorry, I have Intel845 onboard VGA08:30
boohdfadaf: try booting memtest kernel off the livecd too.08:30
airtonixbbalajirao, ok you don't bother trying to enable desktop effects then.08:30
dfadafhmm ok08:30
bbalajiraoBefore exiting, it says "looking for available drivers"08:30
booh_ganymede: how are you connecting to the phone? USB, no? or bluetooth?08:31
Neely_ganymede: how are you connecting to the phone? USB, no? or bluetooth?08:31
boohecho ?08:31
Neelyecho ?08:31
_ganymedebooh: usb08:31
Neelybooh: usb08:31
FlannelNeely: Please turn that off08:31
NeelyNeely: Please turn that off08:31
FloodBot4Neely: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:31
NeelyNeely: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:31
mechcozmocan i make swap space on a USB drive?08:32
bbalajiraoI am not able to connect to my Yahoo ID in Empathy08:32
bbalajiraoIRC works fine08:32
boohmechcozmo: yes... windows 7 calls that a 'feature' :)08:32
InsolentDreamsAnyone know if anything significant has changed in losetup or the kernel crypto stuff in the past few years?  I used to have a encrypted store I mounted with losetup -e blowfish-256 which no longer works, and there doesn't appear to be a way with losetup to specify the bit size, only keysize.  Any ideas?  :\  I need to be able to mount this encrypted store badly!08:32
mechcozmobooh: heh... well, right now, the main drive is a 4GB MicroDrive, but there's an integrated CF reader that i'd like to use08:33
boohis this an eeepc?08:33
mechcozmono, mini-ITX motherboard08:34
airtonix!swap | mechcozmo08:34
ubottumechcozmo: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:34
n00pso, how do I know if my world is 64-bit in ubuntu?08:34
mechcozmoairtonix: thanks, i know...08:34
vegombreii have a question .. if i dedicate the entire sdb format it and install windows7 will windows sort out the bootloader? how do i get that option on startup?08:34
airtonixmechcozmo, follow the link, it tells you how to make swap files or partitions08:34
mechcozmobooh: a mini-ITX motherboard with integrated CF reader08:34
mechcozmoairtonix: yes, but i don't know when this swap will be available for usage08:35
mechcozmoairtonix: and while the system has never swapped out... i don't want initialization to fail08:35
airtonixmechcozmo, if its there it will use it08:35
ZzeeousSKir too koone hamatoun!08:36
mechcozmoairtonix: and if it is there in fstab, but the device not yet initialized by the system... then what?08:36
airtonixmechcozmo, then you manually run swap on after you put the drive in the slot08:36
mechcozmoairtonix: drive is in the slot always... will it only check for presence of the drive when it is first needed?08:37
airtonixmechcozmo, have i missed something ? drive is always there ? on boot up ? if so then swap file on the drive will be used when the drive comes up.08:38
=== kb is now known as Guest10244
kaveh_ /ehcop ehpcjhelp ei need somebody help08:38
mechcozmoairtonix: i can't start up from this drive, so i don't know at what point the system recognizes it is present.  therefore, if the system tries to start the swap system early and can't find the drive... there is a problem.  but if the system only checks for the drive's presence when it needs to swap out, then that will be late enough that i know it will be present08:39
mechcozmoairtonix: does that concern make sense?08:40
JDahlI have a US keyboard and I would like to map other characters (from a non-US keymap) to my keypad.  How can I do that?08:40
airtonixmechcozmo, not entirely. because drives are supposed to be available before swap files/partitions required for use are initialised from my experience.08:40
llutzmechcozmo: swap will be kindof mounted from fstab entries, it has to be present then (not if really used first)08:40
vegombreii have a question .. if i dedicate the entire sdb format it and install windows7 will windows sort out the bootloader? how do i get that option on startup?08:42
mechcozmoairtonix, llutz: thanks, i'm going to nuke swap on the microdrive and move it over to the CF card... need some extra space in my / partition :)08:42
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llutzmechcozmo: /etc/init.d/mountall.sh does, so check _when_ that gets started08:42
mechcozmollutz: check when... /etc/init.d/mountall.sh gets started?08:43
llutzmechcozmo: best way: buy RAM so no swap is needed at all08:43
_ganymedevegombrei: install windows leave space for linux and use unetbootin??08:43
mechcozmollutz: Swap:       232900          0     23290008:43
llutzmechcozmo: at what state of booting process, before or after your drives ALL are present08:43
mechcozmocurrently, it doesn't use it08:43
iKernelI've got a laptop with an express card slot, it has a dummy card in it without an eject button and I can't seem to pry it out. anyone experienced this issue? the manual tells me to "Press the ExpressCard eject button to partially extend it out of the computer." but there's no such button08:43
n00pswap on CF is pretty slow08:43
n00piKernel: push the dummy card in further, it has like a hmm release... spring...08:44
mechcozmollutz: that's what i was trying to figure out from you all...08:44
sameepreturnshow can one create a personal irc server like this one?08:44
mechcozmon00p: yeah, but swap on microdrive is slower08:44
llutzmechcozmo: check init-scripts in /etc/init.d to find out08:45
n00perr, so how do I tell if my Ubuntu world is 32-bit or 64-bit?08:45
llutzn00p: uname -m08:45
iKerneln00p, I tried, but I don't think I can actually see the dummy card, just some strip of strong plastic covering it08:45
_ganymedevegombrei: or maybe shrink your partition in your winbox and then linux08:45
n00pi686/ thanks :)08:45
_ganymedevegombrei: install^08:46
n00pi686 is 64-bit right?08:46
sameepreturnscan I start a personal irc room like this one? how?08:46
BlackFate_sameepreturns, irc room or server?08:46
mechcozmollutz: i don't have init-scripts or mount-all.sh in my /etc/init.d/08:46
mechcozmon00p: nope...08:47
kandjarsameepreturns: /join #the-sameepreturns-personal-irc-room08:47
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support08:47
llutzmechcozmo: so you are not running ubuntu08:47
sameepreturnserr....server I guess.....and room to08:47
n00pright.. so is it possible for me to upgrade this without reinstalling everything?08:47
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:47
mechcozmollutz: running Mythbuntu, supposed to be pretty similar08:47
mechcozmollutz: as in, the base system shouldn't be changed08:47
mechcozmollutz: 9.10, right?08:48
_ganymedesameepreturns: sudo apt-get install hybrid-irc     (open your ports)08:48
tutysarahelphi guys i am new to irc i have registered a nickname with all details like email id. I have lost my password. Is there a 'Forget password' option in IRC?08:48
mechcozmon00p: upgrade 'this' being... your software?08:49
llutzmechcozmo: 9.04 here, but even 9.10 still has init.scripts in /etc/init.d (afaik)08:49
n00pmechcozmo: is it possible to change from 32-bit to 64-bit without reinstalling everything?08:49
mechcozmollutz: i wouldn't know.08:49
llutzn00p: no08:49
mechcozmon00p: are we still on *BSD here?08:49
sameepreturns_ganymede: it says: E: Couldn't find package hybrid-irc08:49
livingdayliteanyone know if when i replace xandros on eeepc 701 hte ubuntu remix will have camera working?08:49
_ganymedesameepreturns: sudo apt-get install ird-hybrid     (excuseme)08:49
atlef!language | n00p08:49
ubottun00p: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:49
mechcozmooh... i honestly know nearly nothing about Ubuntu08:49
_ganymedesameepreturns: sudo apt-get install ircd-hybrid     (excuseme)08:49
SuperRoachtutysarahelp, you join #dragonrealm  and ask about your lost password then they can help08:50
n00p!stfu atlef, I only said it once you loser08:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:50
sameepreturns_ganymede: no probs...08:50
tutysarahelpthx superroach08:50
mechcozmobah, to hell with it08:50
mechcozmoballs-to-the-walls here... going to try moving swapfile around and see what happens08:51
evilsherpasorry, stepped away08:51
cjaewhat is the terminology of upgrading to a new version immediately eg. I have 9.04 and today 9.10 is released, I should upgrade08:51
Madpilotcj, dist-upgrade?08:51
iKernelcjae, apt-get dist-upgrade08:51
sameepreturns_ganymede: how do I set up a server now?08:51
mechcozmoworst thing, it can't swap out... and since it hasn't needed to, i'm thinking it'll be OK08:51
_ganymedesameepreturns: lol08:51
iKernelcjae, yes08:51
Madpilotn00p, atlef - cool it, OK?08:51
n00pcjae: current?08:51
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cjaenot the syntax, maybe the cristism ubuntuers get for upgrading to quickly08:52
Guest32211how do i change time/date of ubuntu using command line?08:52
* cjae cant remember08:52
iKernelcjae, well, it can be pretty risky. if the power goes out and you have no UPS, and it's halfway through installing the packages, it can seriously screw stuff up08:52
sameepreturns_ganymede: as in how do I actually start using it? ( I am  a noob )08:53
iKernelcjae, also, apparently ubuntu 9.10 is plagued with wifi and audio issues (which I've yet to run into)08:53
_ganymedesameepreturns: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers08:53
cjaeiKernel: or there is unresolved issue in code that later that day gets a fix08:53
_ganymedesameepreturns: give that a shot08:53
frogzoohow to make my gnome-terminal transparent so I can watch a movie playing behind?08:53
sameepreturns_ganymede: ya sure08:53
iKernelcjae, not sure...08:53
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Boonhow do i change time/date of ubuntu using command line?08:53
kinja-sheepfrogzoo: Silly frog can figure out this part himself.08:54
cjaeiKernel: read the term in a ubuntu review once08:54
llutzBoon: date08:54
iKernelcjae, what I can tell you, is that the next release of ubuntu will be a LTS (long term support) release. so it should be pretty rock solid.08:54
frogzookinja-sheep: how to fake an alt scrolldown without a mouse?08:55
kinja-sheepfrogzoo: PageUp / PageDown?08:56
ubuntuuseranyone did a usb startup disk creator ? I wanted to know whether is there a need to format the pen drive .08:56
ubuntuuserthank you08:57
iKernelubuntuuser, yes you'll need to format it08:57
kinja-sheepubuntuuser: There will be a need to format the pen drive.08:57
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ubuntuuseriKernel , kinja-sheep : so I can't just create a bootable live usb without formatting ? hm.... it's kinda hard for me who doesn't have hard disk to back up files08:58
ptsHi all :) Can anyone tell me which package that contains: Fast user switch applet for gnome?08:58
kinja-sheepubuntuuser: You don't want to install Ubuntu on 2TB External HDD.08:58
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ubuntuuseriKernel , kinja-sheep : running a pc without a hard disk and one dvd-rom bunner.Which the dvd-rom is occupied with ubuntu live cd now.I wanted to access some cd document but the dvd was in use.The only option is to boot from a usb pendrive.09:00
ubuntuuser kinja-sheep : but I have files on the pendrive and I can't any where to backup them to format09:01
kinja-sheepubuntuuser: Use another usb pendrive or get a HDD replacement.09:01
bbalajiraoempathy not connecting to Yahoo. Help needed09:02
SickAnimationsyeah, IRC from my phone over SSH through screen using irssi :)09:03
SickAnimationslove ubuntu ;)09:03
SuperRoachlol, nice SickAnimations09:04
frogzookinja-sheep: found "opacify" in compiz, but "<super>o" has no effect09:04
kinja-sheepfrogzoo: What are you trying to do? You wanted a transparency terminal. Open a gnome-terminal. Change profile --> Background.  To Transparency.09:05
iKernelubuntuuser, sounds like you're going to have to use a friend's pc to format the pen drive09:05
iKernelubuntuuser, format and make the boot stuff that is09:05
frogzookinja-sheep: ah that works fine, thanks09:06
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ubuntuuseriKernel , kinja-sheep : yep no other option anyway thanks for tell :-)09:07
alankilaIs there something broken with karmic's pptp/ppp? I have two systems here, both running karmic, the other 64-bit, the other 32-bit. The 64-bit version has same pptp config as far as I can tell to the 32-bit one... But the 32-bit one gets a lost of "packet lost or reordered" messages, even for the simplest imaginable requests like ping of just 84 bytes.09:11
alankilaI've tearing my hair out for this one for a while but can't figure out why the two systems would be different... also the negotiated mtu values are different between the two, the working one gets ppp mtu of 1496, the other goes to 1400 and still fails to work properly09:11
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alankilathere's some bugs in launchpad regarding this, but all solutions seem to center around setting mtu value and I've already scanned the mtu range down to 29609:13
sameepreturns_ganymede: thanks for helping me out09:18
nmvictori want a program to log its output to <program_name>.log and also print the output to stdout, what command should is use?09:19
alankilanmvictor: tee09:19
nmvictoralankila: like how?09:20
alankilanmvictor: foo | tee bar09:20
TamnakzIs there a way to play .wmv videos with 8.10?09:21
nmvictoralankila: where foo is the program name right?09:21
alankilayes, quite correct.09:21
addiesTamnakz: Have you tried vlc?09:21
Tamnakzyes, won't work09:22
nmvictoralankila: did you say quit?09:22
Tamnakzaddies: and it's not one video, NO .wmv files will work for me09:22
alankilanmvictor: err... no?09:22
chazcoHow can I setup surround sound on Ubuntu 9.10? I have sound from the front left and right speakers but nothing else. The setup is one where the mic/line-in sockets are used for the surround/centre speakers. It works under Windows. Under Windows the Realtek utility reports it to be ALC660... any ideas?09:22
TamnakzI have hundreds of videos on a base server from Iraq, but can't watch half of them09:23
nmvictoralankila: ok, what if i had another file <program_name>.error which should take all the error, how do i use the output redirection together with tee?09:23
TamnakzThey play, but sound and audio is completely garbled09:23
alankilanmvictor: foo | tee foo.stdout 2>| tee foo.error, perhaps09:24
alankilaor wait ... that might need some grouping09:25
* alankila is not very familiar with shell09:25
TamnakzCan anyone help me get .wmv files to play in 8.10?09:25
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andruki think g_signal_connect is eating the data im trying to get it to pass to my callback function.  anybody familiar with that?09:25
nmvictoralankila: i thought the second tee will mean that i will also see the errors, which i do want to09:26
alankilanmvictor: yeah, true, I guess you can jsut do "foo 2> foo.error | tee foo.output" or something then09:26
alankilaI do not know how to do the 2>| as I wanted... Not enough shell-fu09:26
evergrennNeed a antivirusn in Ubuntu 9.10?09:27
alankilabut since you don't need it, probably it doesn't matter right now09:27
nmvictoralankila: thanks, let me try that09:27
apersonevergrenn, not really, though there are a few programs out there09:28
andrew_46Tamnakz: There is a guide for MPlayer that will enable you to pretty much play anything including most wmvs09:28
Tamnakzany chance of making it work for vlc?09:28
Goliathwhere is the smbpasswd saved at?09:29
adrian__sorry, what are you talking about?09:29
nmvictoralankila: thanks, thats what i wanted09:29
evergrennaperson. if not needed I am not going09:29
apersonevergrenn, ?09:29
andrew_46Tamnakz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1024592 Don't like MPlayer?09:30
evergrennaperson. yes09:30
chazcoHow can I setup surround sound on Ubuntu 9.10? I have sound from the front left and right speakers but nothing else. The setup is one where the mic/line-in sockets are used for the surround/centre speakers. It works under Windows. Under Windows the Realtek utility reports it to be ALC660... any ideas?09:30
Tamnakzandrew_46 I prefer vlc, been using it for years, but if mplayer works I'm game09:30
Tamnakzandrew_46: that's wayyyy too advanced for me09:31
Tamnakzany other solutions?09:31
evergrennaperson, tell me09:31
andrew_46Tamnakz: It is my guide, I am always happy to assist with it :)09:31
apersonevergrenn, you're going to have to make yourself more clear.  I don't know what you're saying.09:32
Tamnakzandrew_46 do you mind a personnal chat?09:32
evergrennaperson, Since I come from the operating system win xp, I asked if we wanted a Linux virus09:33
apersonevergrenn, I understand that.09:33
ardchoilleevergrenn: You don't really need any anti-virus apps in Linux unless you will be sharing files with a windows file system.09:33
andrew_46Tamnakz: The best repository style vlc is at this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc09:33
evergrennWhat do you recommend for a future installation?09:35
apersonevergrenn, recommend what?09:35
ardchoilleevergrenn: as far as what?09:35
evergrennan antivirus in linux09:35
ardchoilleevergrenn: you don't need one, you've been told that more than once09:36
Evgeniyevergrenn: linux is antivirus09:36
apersonevergrenn, as stated, you don't really need one.  If you feel like you need one, there are a few available.09:36
superbokievergrenn: in certain cases you can use some online service like this http://www.virustotal.com/09:37
superbokievergrenn: i wouldnt run any kind of permanent scanner thought09:37
apersonI'd run a permanent scanner over a web-based one anyday09:38
apersonbut discussion on that is !ot and not for this channel09:38
superbokiaperson: its a file scanner, no a system one09:38
apersonsuperboki, I realize this09:38
* wowoto some of the time when i want to resume from the suspend-state ,the keyboard failed to work,and i cant input anywords,while the mouse still word ,and i have to reboot ,how can i fix this ?09:39
evergrennI installed wbarconf But every aperura Linux moves, there remains the position I specified. Why?09:40
superbokiaperson: ok, so 12 people claim you dont need antivir, and your position is permanent scanner on ubuntu, can you give us some hints now... ?09:40
superbokiaperson: or your just too cool for that?09:40
justin_Hi, I "cant not lauch kde help center", any advice?09:41
apersonsuperboki, I never said to run antivirus.09:41
apersonsuperboki, I said that if one felt inclined to , they can install one.09:41
atlef!kubuntu | justin_09:42
ubottujustin_: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde09:42
justin_ps, when i try to sudo aptitude install kdehelpcernter , nothing is installed...09:42
seveni need help09:42
ardchoille!info kdehelpcenter09:42
ubottuPackage kdehelpcenter does not exist in karmic09:42
ardchoillejustin_: That's why09:42
justin_actually, I;m using debian with kde installed09:42
napster!ask | Seveas09:42
ubottuSeveas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:42
wowotojustin_: most of the time ,you can man what you need, and  you need to instalol kubuntu to get kde-help maybe09:42
napster!ask | seven09:43
ubottuseven: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:43
bazhangjustin_, #debian for help with debian09:43
llutzjustin_: khelpcenter(4)09:43
ardchoillejustin_: Then you need to be in debian's help channel09:43
justin_ardchoille: but where's khelpcenter?09:43
napsterSeveas, Sorry09:43
superbokiaperson: thanks09:43
sevendoes anyone know how to automatically administrate large count of ubuntu hosts?09:43
justin_bazhang: thx09:43
apersonsuperboki, for what?09:43
sevenhow can i automatical deploy ubuntu host or update software?09:44
superbokiaperson: for a curiosity fill09:44
ardchoilleYou can tell that "Ubuntu" is becoming synonymous with "Linux" when people install other distros and then come here for help :)09:44
justin_llutz: thx a lot, that's the point!09:44
|_ockeardchoille, isn't that a good thing for our favorite distro?09:44
ardchoille|_ocke: indeed09:45
SwedeMikewell, there are still 6x more hits on google for "linux" than for "ubuntu", so it'll take a while longer.09:45
justin_ardchoille: have to admit ubuntu wiki is powerful09:45
evergrennHo installato wbarconf Ma ogni aperura Linux si muove, resta la posizione ho specificato. Perché?09:45
evergrennI installed wbarconf, but any opening of ubuntu, wbarconf moves, does not stay in the set position. Why?09:45
|_ockeubuntu is even mentioned in the latest course materials for the A+ certification as the most popular linux distro..09:46
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ardchoilleevergrenn: because the developers didn't write it that way09:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:46
ardchoillebazhang: Sorry, my fault for starting it09:46
dandamanso how come my new hard drive that is 1.5tb can only fill up to 1.36 tb, I know this is normal for hard drives, but im curious09:47
mechcozmodandaman: marketing09:47
dandamanis there a filesystem that i can format it under so it can store closer to 1.5?09:47
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aperson!it > evergrenn09:47
ubottuevergrenn, please see my private message09:47
Slartdandaman: xfs is a little more efficient.. or reiser09:47
|_ockedandaman, it probably has to do with the fact that they're measuring it as if 1,000,000 bytes is a megabyte09:47
dandamanmechcozmo: but saying it stores 1.5 when it stores 1.36 is straight up lying09:47
llutzdandaman: marketing, some calc with 10 others with powers of 209:47
wowotodandaman: xfs may be the best choice~09:47
mechcozmodandaman: you can measure storage space such that 1MB = 1024KB or 1MB = 1000KB09:47
mechcozmodandaman: well, it's all in how you measure the thing09:48
|_ockeif you want the actual rating use MiB09:48
dandamanahhh and the computer measures as 102409:48
dandamani see09:48
mechcozmodandaman: |_ocke has it, there's a more precise term09:48
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:48
Slartdandaman: you'll still don't get 1.5GB.. I think the hard drive with 1.5 GB (as advertised by the manufacturer only has 1 500 000 000 000 bytes.. which is less than 1.5 GB in real life09:48
llutzdandaman: if using extX on that hdd, set reserved-blocks to 0 (tune2fs -m)09:48
mechcozmodandaman: but... that doesn't give nearly as big of a number09:48
|_ockeyeah, 1024 bytes in a KB, 1024 KB in a MB, 1024MB in a GB, 1024GB in a TB09:48
ardchoilleThe journalo is also going to take up some space09:48
ActionParsnipTo run the user admin app is the command: users-admin      ca someone please verify that for me?09:48
Slartdandaman: sorry.. I mean TB instead of GB09:49
dandamanthats stupid, using inaccurate measurements, stupid hdd companies09:49
mechcozmodandaman: now, yes, some filesystems have more overhead than others... but really, none have 200+GB of overhead09:49
cjaehow do I install a older version (or newer) of kgpg to get it working09:49
SwedeMikekilo is an ISO specification that means 1000, there is no reason why harddrives would use 1024 as conversion factor.09:49
mechcozmodandaman: it isn't inaccurate09:49
|_ockedandaman, it's not the companies, it's that people can't easily multiply by 1024 in their heads if they're not technical09:49
mechcozmodandaman: it just isn't what you were expecting09:49
ActionParsnipdandaman: its easier for humans to digest simpler numbers09:49
|_ockeSwedeMike, the technical term is KibiByte i believe09:49
ActionParsnipcjae: try a ppa09:50
ActionParsnip|_ocke: or you can use octet as well ;)09:50
mechcozmoyeah, the things |_ocke is spewing out haven't really caught on so well with anyone... :)09:51
|_ockewell, IP addresses are split into octets09:51
|_ockemechcozmo, regardless, they are technically correct09:51
cjaeActionParsnip: how (I know how to add repo just dont know where to find this one)09:52
alankilahmm... random fiddling with the config settings made the VPN bug go away also on the 32-bit system. Whatever. *shrugs*09:52
mechcozmo|_ocke: true; but when did you last use kibibit in a conversation that wasn't about "why is my hard drive not the size it said on the box?"09:52
ActionParsnipcjae: the page i use most online: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas09:52
cjaeActionParsnip: thanks09:52
SwedeMikeharddrives have been made in 1000 conversion factor for 10+ years, I don't see what all the fuss is about.09:53
bazhang|_ocke, mechcozmo please continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic09:53
llutzSwedeMike: marketing, 2TB sound better than 1.7xyTB09:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:53
|_ockebazhang ruins it again09:53
Yon89hello all09:55
Slarthello Yon8909:55
Yon89i am looking for someone to help me with a problem that i am facing with the compiling of a kernal09:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:56
ActionParsnip!kernel | Yon8909:57
ubottuYon89: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages09:57
bredotoDoes anyone know how to automatically deploy large quantity of ubuntu hosts with its administration? does there is somethink like Novell Zenworks for Ubuntu?09:57
ActionParsnipbredoto: i'd use something like ghost to spit the image of a system to a tonne of systems (not free)09:58
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate09:59
ActionParsnipbredoto: or acronis09:59
mechcozmobredoto: PXE boot the systems off a server and use 'dd' to copy a remote image to the local hard drive09:59
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning09:59
bredotoActionParsnip, thnk10:00
Gorlistcan anyone recommend another moving menu like found is gdesklets, but without all the other rubbish and without displaying an icon on the notification area?10:00
bredotohow about administration throw web-int?10:00
ActionParsnipGorlist: i use guake for that and launch all apps from terminal ;) You could try gnomedo too (people rave about it)10:01
Yon89after having to complile my own kernel for suport of a HBA ( AOC-SASLP-MV8 ) that requires a patch to fuction corectly with mdadm. I have applied the patches and compiled the kernel into 2 .deb packages i recieve an error when trying to install the Linux-headers*.deb it stops with the error ( dpkg: warning: obsolete option '--print-installation-architecture', please use '--print-architecture' instead. ) could someone help me google10:01
GorlistActionParsnip, thanks!10:01
Slartbredoto: have you looked at Canonicals Landscape? http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/management  I don't think it's only cloud oriented (even if that page makes it look that way)10:02
bredotosorry, how about automatical administration through web interface or somethink like that?10:02
ActionParsnipYon89: its only a warning10:03
apersonActionParsnip, I just use alt+f2 *shrug*10:03
bredotoSlart, ok i will check10:03
ActionParsnipaperson: same kinda deal10:03
evilsherpai cant see the files inside a windows share. like i can navigate too it in connect to server, i just cant get into it10:03
Yon89so does it proceed to install the package it appers to just return to the cmd line10:03
ActionParsnipbredoto: try ebox10:04
frogzooevilsherpa: you'll need to enable the guest account, as well as an account with access rights10:05
evilsherpafrogzoo, yeh that is all there, this is a fresh ubuntu install on this machine though10:06
azlonwhat is the maximum amount of RAM Ubuntu 9.10 32bit can take advantage of? is there a limit like windows?10:08
llutz azlon 32bit ~ 3.5GB10:08
frogzooazlon: yep, about 3.5G10:08
llutzazlon: use PAE-Kernel to address more, or 64bit10:08
bazhangazlon, do you have linux-generic-pae installed? that will allow for more than 310:08
Flannelazlon: The limit is a hardware/architecture limit.  It's 4GB of addressable space at a time, which gives you around 3.2ish GB (depending on your other hardware).  There are, however, workarounds which allow you to utilize more, such as PAE10:08
azlonbazhang: i only have 2GB of ram on the Ubuntu system so it doesnt really matter yet, i was just getting ready to upgrade and wanted to know if i should reinstall with 64bit instead10:09
bazhangazlon, have 4GB here and using the linux-generic-pae with 32bit no problems10:10
ActionParsnipazlon: worry about it if and when, dont sweat it for now10:10
frogzooazlon: 32's better supported if you don't need 6410:10
BlackFate_frogzoo, who said that??10:10
llutzazlon: pae has a minimal performance-loss, but in 99% you won't recognize it (only measure it)10:10
apersonfrogzoo, I've been running 64bit for some time and haven't had a single 64bit exclusive issue10:10
azlonbazhang: i wanted to run a VM on it as well and have at least 2GB for the VM so i was looking at somewhere between 4-8GB of ram, but didnt want to go overboard and not be able to use it10:11
frogzooBlackFate_: aperson user base alone says so10:11
alankilaaperson: if you use firefox, you already suffer from slow javascript. If you try to use flash through nspluginwrapper, you may have found that the flash controls don't work10:11
apersonfrogzoo, people with problems complain more :)10:11
|AbsyntH|i've a problem with the auto upgrade of grub ... this is my configuration ide0 Opensolaris , sata0 xubuntu.... when xubuntu upgrade grub write the new grub on the mbr of ide0 and i can't boot opensolaris...can i lock down the xubuntu's grub upgrade in the partition of sata disk ?10:11
azlonright now my Ubuntu machine is running 9.04 32bit and it's primary function is to share 8TB from a software rade10:11
azlonbah, RAID10:11
apersonalankila, and that is why one uses 64bit flash :)10:11
BlackFate_frogzoo, i ve been 64bit user for long time.. the only problem with 64bit was flash support 2-3 years ago10:12
alankilaaperson: or fixes the nspluginwrapper bug10:12
frogzooany way to play a video inside a gnome-terminal rather than using transparency to play it behind?10:14
Yon89what are linux-headers10:14
apersonfrogzoo, look up how to use the framebuffer10:14
frogzooaperson: kk, thx10:15
supertux1Younder are source-like files10:15
supertux1need them to compile new modules10:16
supertux1read above10:17
Slyarthis channel must use english?10:20
lstarnesSlyar: yes10:21
lstarnesSlyar: but there are other channels for other languages10:21
Slyarthanks,I know10:21
ve_hi all10:21
ve_i am wanting to find out how to change the default applications. totally for my hole system.10:22
subsamneed codec for all extention :) ?10:22
ActionParsnip!codecs | subsam10:23
ubottusubsam: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:23
lstarnesve_: I don't know how to help you with that; sorry!10:23
SlyarIrssi and Xchat , what is better ?10:23
subsamu willcome dude10:23
ActionParsnipsubsam: the file extension is pretty meaningless in linux btw10:23
* ve_ notices that the chanell seems quiet10:23
lstarnesSlyar: it depends on which one you prefer10:23
llutzSlyar: there is no better10:24
ActionParsnipSlyar: neither and both10:24
subsamok new i need a pro for codecs10:24
ve_does anyone know where i can do it10:24
subsamcan u help ?10:24
ActionParsnipSlyar: which is better, coke or pepsi.... its an equally nonesensical question10:24
ActionParsnipsubsam: read the links10:24
ActionParsnipSlyar: some like coke some like pepsi, same with irssi / xchat10:25
Slyaroh,Irssi is not have GUI version ?10:25
lstarnesSlyar: no10:25
llutzSlyar: no10:25
subsamok thnx10:25
subsami will try10:25
ve_i am wanting to find out how to change the default applications. totally for my hole system.10:25
ActionParsnipve_: http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-change-the-default-application-for-a-certain-filetype10:27
ActionParsnipve_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56045710:27
ExtremeDevilzHi Guys10:27
ExtremeDevilzquick question 512ram enough to help me run ubuntu ? lag free ?10:27
Tesssai use konversation Slyar and that is very good10:27
subsamneed something like k-lite in xp10:28
bazhangsubsam, ubuntu-restricted-extras package10:28
ExtremeDevilzany one who can reply is greatly thankful10:28
subsamis this the progrem ?10:29
lstarnesExtremeDevilz: if you aren't running too many things at once, that should be enough10:29
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: depends on what you are going to be doing10:29
subsambazhang sry im new10:29
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ExtremeDevilzlastarnes : mostly watching movies and games and facebook10:29
ExtremeDevilzand java programming10:29
bazhangsubsam, install that from synaptic package manager10:29
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: if you are 3D rendering then no, for basic browsing and chat then yes10:29
lstarnesExtremeDevilz: you might want motr10:29
lstarnesExtremeDevilz: *more10:29
ExtremeDevilzlastarnes,that about what I do10:30
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: should be fine afaics10:30
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: the compiles will be smoother with more but you should be ok10:30
ExtremeDevilzcause windows xp install alot of rubbish10:30
subsambazhang after this ?10:30
ExtremeDevilzand I always get random BSOD10:30
tonikaExtremeDevilz: my experiences with Java programming is that it requires more memory - but 512m should be enough10:31
bazhangsubsam, that should cover most of your needs; you can check medibuntu.org for others such as w32codecs if you wish10:31
subsambazhang i'm allready found it in pros center10:31
Richie086quick question, i have a fedora install on my machine, but currently i am in ubuntu, is there an easy way to access the home folder of the fedora install i on this machine from ubuntu..  the home directories are set to only allow the UID that was assigned to the user in fedora go into them10:31
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: if you use a light DE like xfce (default in xubuntu) it will leave you more ram for your apps10:31
ExtremeDevilztonika ;) depends what you code my friend10:31
ExtremeDevilzand besides I want it to run faster then xp10:32
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: depends on config10:32
ExtremeDevilzxp hogs alot of ram10:32
ve_ActionParsnip: that means i have to do it manually for each file type. i want to make each applicion i use system default say from rhythembox to exaile.10:32
ExtremeDevilzwatching 720p movie something lag around 1 to 2 seconds10:32
ExtremeDevilzactionparsnip : it is from microsoft you know LEGIT10:32
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: that will depend on the CPU speed and video card10:33
ranjanhello every body can any body can help me in porviding some information is there any way to open any ftp site from nautilus brouser inubuntu 9.1010:33
ve_Tesssa: konversation is a kde application y use it on a gnome os10:33
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: doesnt matter10:33
tonikaExtremeDevilz: all right, a simple GUI programming shall consumes the memory also ;)10:33
ExtremeDevilz1.71ghz 128MB vIDEO CARD10:33
ExtremeDevilzRAM 51210:33
ranjanhello every body can any body can help me in porviding some information is there any way to open any ftp site from nautilus brouser in ubuntu 9.10 if yes then how ?? please help10:33
ve_ExtremeDevilz: google10:33
ExtremeDevilzgoogle whta ?10:33
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: its config which determines quite a lot of the performance10:33
ExtremeDevilzbut still guys I came here to ask10:33
ExtremeDevilzUbuntu vs XP10:33
ActionParsnip!google | ve_10:33
ubottuve_: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:33
ve_ubuntu main website system requirments are there if you look10:34
ExtremeDevilzcause I have been hearing stuff like10:34
ExtremeDevilzubuntu is way better than windows in many way10:34
ActionParsnipranjan: simply type the ftp site in the nautilus address bar10:34
SickAnimationsHey does anybody here know how to make "screen -D -r" process a bit quicker? I have to wait upto 20 secs sometimes :(10:34
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: windows is better than ubuntu in many ways too10:34
Richie086ActionParsnip: sadly, very true10:35
ve_ActionParsnip: people need to learn to look up forums first befopre comming here10:35
Ov3rf10wExtremeDevilz, windows for games, linux for all :)10:35
ExtremeDevilzI am going for Ubuntu10:35
ActionParsnipve_: sure but using both is no bad thing10:35
ExtremeDevilzfuck windows10:35
dimitrishi everyone10:35
ExtremeDevilzsick and tired of it10:35
vfenvideo editing is not for linux clearly10:35
Richie086i will say so far in my 8 years of using linux, ubuntu is the most polished version of linux ive used10:35
ActionParsnipvfen: try kino10:36
dimitrisi have a question about compiling gnome-panel10:36
ExtremeDevilzRichie086, Linux uses less memory10:36
ExtremeDevilzcause linux learned from windows10:36
Richie086i agree10:36
ExtremeDevilzso quit saying windows is better10:36
Richie086i didnt10:36
ActionParsnipRichie086: again, depends onconfig10:36
ExtremeDevilzit may take time before linux over power windows]10:36
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: depends on config10:37
ActionParsnipRichie086: weong target, sorry10:37
ExtremeDevilzIt will take time10:37
tonikaEverybody talking about windows XP but I think the newer Linux versions are in strong competition with win7 also10:37
ve_ExtremeDevilz: i googled this ubuntu system requirments and got this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements10:37
ExtremeDevilzis Ubuntu better then windows 710:37
ve_ExtremeDevilz: its that easy just ask google what you want to know10:37
subsambazhang i install it and not working the movie10:37
MorphyNORwhat makes ubuntu better than Win7 ExtremeDevilz?10:38
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: if you run a full compiz with all features enabled on a kde system with gnomedo and AWN whiclst simulatenously running amarok its gonna chew your ram to pieces10:38
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: neiter is better nor worse10:38
icedwaterHey, is there an official channel for Ubuntu ARM?10:38
Richie086yeah i left windows 7 for fedora orginally (i only was uing windows 7 out of lazyness and wanting to play games without having to jump thru hoops) and just switched to Ubuntu yesterday..  goodbye fedora...10:38
MorphyNORbenchmarks tell nothing about user experiences10:38
ActionParsnipicedwater: here i guess10:38
llutzOS-basher and fanboys please next door10:38
ve_ExtremeDevilz: saying is any os better than another is pointless imho because each os has its own uses its really up to the individual and what you prefer reallly10:38
MorphyNORanyway, its too early to compare win7 with ubuntu10:38
Richie086ExtremeDevilz: true..10:39
ExtremeDevilzI really like Linux10:39
icedwaterHmm, OK.10:39
SickAnimationsMorphyNOR: Why?10:39
ExtremeDevilzcause they learned from windows10:39
ExtremeDevilzin many parts10:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:39
ExtremeDevilzand nicely design10:39
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: unix was around waaaay before windows10:39
tonikaMorhyNOR: you are right10:39
bazhanglets move this to #ubuntu-offtopic please10:39
Richie086u guys hear about MS trying to get a patent for sudo?10:40
ve_!ot | ExtremeDevilz10:40
ubottuExtremeDevilz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:40
ActionParsnipRichie086: yeah was hilarious10:40
ExtremeDevilzok sorry10:40
Richie086lol, wtf were they thinking..10:40
ExtremeDevilzI hate microsoft open source program for win ;)10:40
icedwaterAnyone had the chance to play around with the beagleboard?10:40
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icedwaterUbuntu ARM on a chip.10:40
ve_Richie086: language please10:40
ExtremeDevilzalmost all open source program are better then close source10:40
ActionParsnipRichie086: its ms who knows10:40
MrDudleve_, wtf did he say that was language warningable?10:41
MorphyNORExtremeDevilz = flamebait boi10:41
bazhanglets get back on topic please10:41
ExtremeDevilzokok I will go download Ubuntu10:41
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: do you have a support question?10:41
ExtremeDevilzand try10:41
ve_MrDudle: dont you know what w.t.f means10:41
MrDudlewtf = why travel far?10:41
Richie086quick question, i have a fedora install on my machine, but currently i am in ubuntu, is there an easy way to access the home folder of the fedora install i on this machine from ubuntu..  the home directories are set to only allow the UID that was assigned to the user in fedora go into them10:41
Richie086theres a support question10:41
ve_MrDudle: no it does not10:41
WazzzaaaWhich IDE in Ubuntu do you recommend for Qt?10:41
MrDudleve_, I believe it does.10:42
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, QtCreator10:42
Richie086i just need to grab a config file from my home dir10:42
Wazzzaaathat don't gives me an answer :P10:42
ActionParsnipMrDudle: it can ;)10:42
llutzRichie086: at least, with root-power you should be able to copy10:42
Richie086yeah thats wh at i figured10:43
Richie086but it wont let me10:43
Richie086can go everywhere else10:43
ActionParsnipWazzzaaa: those are some examples, give them a try10:43
Richie086into /sbin /etc10:43
Richie086just not anything under /home10:43
ActionParsnipRichie086: are ownerships and permissions ok?10:44
Richie086here let me do a pastebin10:44
srvwhat is the best pdf viewer for ubuntu 9.1010:45
MorphyNORwhich app do I need to control the look and style of Qt based apps in gnome ubuntu?10:45
srvi use evince and its crap10:45
tonikasrv: acrobat is working great...10:45
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:48
=== ve_ is now known as BigBoy
BigBoyActionParsnip: there is another way to set each application to be the system default.10:48
BigBoyMrDudle: what the f*** (f*** is a bad word)10:48
* bleah hi10:48
=== BigBoy is now known as ve_
ExtremeDevilzwhat is this floodbot doing10:49
ActionParsnipBigBoy: not sure, i dont open files from gui10:49
icedwaterRichie086: Maybe you could root, then su into that Fedora user?10:49
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:49
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: its a netsplit, just ride it out10:49
MorphyNORfreenode should move to xmpp protocol... these desyncs and netsplits sucks10:49
=== Evgeniy is now known as WhiteMushroom
lstarnesMorphyNOR: xmpp is bloated10:49
ActionParsnipsrv: there is no single best app for reading PDF, or any activity at all. Just use what you like.10:50
ve_ActionParsnip: i am needing to make firefox, exaile, konversation. etc system defaults.10:50
lstarnesMorphyNOR: and stuff like that still affects smaller xmpp networks10:50
MorphyNORlstarnes: really?10:50
srvActionParsnip: i hate the search feature in evince10:50
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:50
ActionParsnipve_: you can set default apps in preferences10:50
lstarnesMorphyNOR: irc is also an easier protocol to implement10:50
ActionParsnipsrv: then you can install adobes viewer if you wish10:50
ve_ActionParsnip: i knoe what that app looks like just not what its called10:51
srvActionParsnip: howto?10:51
ve_some of them yes not all10:51
ExtremeDevilzanyone can recommand a good windows live messenger for windows ?10:51
WhiteMushroomMorphyNOR: install gajim 10-20 MB, add several accounts and see all of xmpp splits in action10:51
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WhiteMushroomcheck it10:51
WhiteMushroomapt-get install gajim10:51
MorphyNORwhat about psyc then?10:51
ActionParsnipsrv: cd ~; wget http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/9.x/9.2/enu/AdbeRdr9.2-1_i386linux_enu.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./AdbeRdr9.2-1_i386linux_enu.deb10:52
ve_ActionParsnip: that is not the application someone sugested to me ages ago10:52
ActionParsnipve_: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/set-gmail-as-default-mail-client-in-ubuntu/   use the same dialogue to set the apps10:53
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vegombreii want to stream my media over the internet using a static ip .. help ?10:55
Boonvegombrei : lamp server10:57
lorenzosuWhat swap size is reccomended for a fresh install of Ubuntu 9,10 on a laptop with 3 Gb ram?10:57
Tek-5-8-6I think 6 Gig10:58
llutz_lorenzosu: if you want to use hibernation, swap >= ramsize, if not... it's up to you (1gb more than enough)10:59
Ov3rf10wlorenzosu, 512mb10:59
ve_lorenzosu: max swap is always 2gig max10:59
llutz_ve_: why?10:59
Ov3rf10wTek-5-8-6, 6gb is large swap :)10:59
Scott19_can i install a l.a.m.p server in ubuntu desktop edition11:00
erUSULve_: not true11:00
Tek-5-8-6Sorry, I thought it was double the RAM11:00
llutz_Scott19_: you can11:00
lorenzosuOk thanks llutz, Ov3rf10w, ve_11:00
PsineticI'm on ubuntu 9.10 64bit, i'm TRYING to get UbuntuCE on this thing, but it tells me i need wine-christian-repos installed, i go to install that, and that tells me i need wine <1.1.0 so i download the source code and go to ./configure and it tells me ANOTHER error. can someone please help me out?11:00
ve_thats most ubuntu /debian etc can handle i dont know y11:00
Tek-5-8-6Maybe is was cut it in Half11:00
Tek-5-8-61.5 Gig11:00
erUSULlorenzosu: put 3 GiB so you can suspend to disk11:00
llutz_ve_: nonsense11:00
Scott19_and treat it like a normal server install11:00
lorenzosuNot sure if hybernation is really worth11:00
lorenzosuerUSUL: Is that the same as hybernation?11:00
Scott19_sudo tasksel11:00
erUSULlorenzosu: yes.11:00
=== Thor^^_ is now known as Thor^^
llutz_lorenzosu: hibernation = susp to disk11:01
erUSULlorenzosu: if you only plan to suspend to ram you do not need that much. 1 GiB would be more than enough11:01
junkY_Sanhey, i have installed win xp after i installed ubuntu 9.10 on my notebook. i booted the a live-cd an reinstalled grub on the harddisk. it told me it found some kernels and win xp on a partition. but the grub bootmenu doesn't appear.11:01
bazhangPsinetic, ubuntu ce? is that an ubuntu derivative?11:01
lorenzosuerUSUL: Ok thanks.11:01
SahkolihaaAnother attack?11:02
kinja-sheepSahkolihaa: Ya.11:02
lorenzosuDifferent question is it advisable and what would be tha advantage of having a dedicated partition for /home on Ubuntu?11:02
SahkolihaaYay for Quassel not supporting DCC. :)11:02
Psineticbazhang, ubuntuce is ubuntu christian edition. www.ubuntuce.com11:02
BlouBlouSahkolihaa: There are CTCPs11:02
SahkolihaaThis was a CTCP Version flood.11:03
erUSULlorenzosu: for me is a must; makes upgrades and reinstalls backups  easier11:03
ExtremeDevilz You are being CTCP flooded from zaySjfZI, ignoring *!*@ < what is this11:03
bazhangPsinetic, then you should seek help on their support forums; derivatives are not supported here11:03
strywgranyone here using gdesklets?11:03
kinja-sheepExtremeDevilz: Attacks.11:03
SahkolihaaExtremeDevilz: It's just bots, ignore it.11:03
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.11:03
FreeFulllorenzosu: You can reinstall your OS without losing your data11:03
ve_Linux likes swap space size of 2 * system RAM size,11:03
ActionParsniplorenzosu: if you want to change distro you can simply wipe the root and swap partitions without the need to restore youor data on reinstall11:03
Psineticbazhang, there's no one in their support forums, never is. i have to seek support somewhere or i'm never going to get support.11:03
llutz_ve_: stop that nonsense please11:04
lorenzosuerUSUL: I can see the point for backups/restore.. but why also upgrades?11:04
ExtremeDevilzcant they do anything to stop this bots11:04
bazhangPsinetic, then perhaps ##linux ; this is for ubuntu only not derivatives11:04
Psineticit is ubuntu bazhang11:04
llutz_ve_: that was a recommendation about 10 yrs ago, things changed and technically there hasnt been a reason for that11:04
ExtremeDevilzhas the highest number of people11:04
bazhangPsinetic, no its not. www.ubuntu.com is ubuntu; that is not.11:05
erUSULlorenzosu: well peace of mind if it get screwed you have an easier path forward (a reinstall is easier)11:05
ActionParsniplorenzosu: if the upgrade goes bad you dont have to sweat your data, it will restrict space for updates as the packages are saved in /var but you can symlink to your home dir if you run out of space11:05
Yon89i just tryed to boot into my newly compiled and patched kernal and it begins to load and then blackscreans i get these errors in the log ( Dec 29 21:57:42 fs1 kernel: [   20.754688] fb0: radeondrmfb frame buffer device Dec 29 21:57:42 fs1 kernel: [   20.754689] registered panic notifier Dec 29 21:57:42 fs1 kernel: [   20.754694] [drm] Initialized radeon 2.0.0 20080528 for 0000:01:05.0 on minor 0 Dec 29 21:57:42 fs1 kernel: [   20.711:05
eddymhey all.. i started downloading a prg in torrent that is 6.6 gigs im running out of space and wanted to place it on another interal drive that has more space11:05
Psineticbazhang, please define a "derivative". i understand what "distributions" are, but what's a "derivative"?11:05
eddymhow can i do this?11:05
bazhang!derivatives | Psinetic11:05
ubottuPsinetic: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #remote-exploit)11:05
ve_ExtremeDevilz: have you looked at linux mint11:05
ActionParsniplorenzosu: if you assign about 7Gb to / then you will be laughing11:05
ExtremeDevilz0.o ve_11:06
ExtremeDevilzno why11:06
lorenzosuActionParsnip: Sorry what do you mean?11:06
ve_yon have you looked that up on google google11:06
SlartPsinetic: if you create you own distro.. based on ubuntu.. but perhaps adding some packages, changing some settings.. then it's a derivative.. and we won't support it here11:06
Psineticthat....really didn't answer anything. but yeah....uh ok.11:06
gadget3000eddym: what torrent client are you using11:06
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.11:06
erUSULeddym: move the file; redownload the torrent point it to the nwe location; should start downloading where it was11:06
eddymgadget3000, transmission 1.511:06
PsineticSlart, so if i add software and it requires it's own repo suddenly i have a new derivative?11:06
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lorenzosuActionParsnip: Sorry I didn't understand11:07
ve_ActionParsnip: ehats up with floodbot he keeps causing ppl not to speek y11:07
SlartPsinetic: if you start calling it "Psibuntu" and distribute it yourself then yes11:07
ActionParsniplorenzosu: when you update and install apps the debs are stored on your system. If you have insufficient space you will get issues so its good to add a few gig of space to cover11:07
eddymerUSUL, just pause the download then do it11:07
Psinetici'm sorry that's just utterly retarded.11:07
gadget3000eddym: do as erUSUL said. you have to pause the torrent and close transmission first then move everything11:07
ve_so ActionParsnipcant you help me to config my default system os11:07
Psineticit's still ubuntu11:07
Psineticthe core and everything11:07
eddymgadget3000, ok thxs11:07
Psineticthere's nothing different about it11:07
bazhangPsinetic, its not supported here.11:08
gadget3000eddym: then change the torrent location in transmission11:08
distaticaWhat's the name of the program that ubuntu uses to setup multiple monitors? Just Display Preferences is shown, but I swear this is an app (or very similar to another app) with another name..11:08
lorenzosuActionParsnip: So apart from swap, what percentages would you assign to /home and / ?11:08
bazhangdistatica, xrandr11:08
erUSULeddym: by the way deluge can move the storage of torrents "on the fly"11:08
kinja-sheepPsinetic: Ubuntu is based on Debian. That mean you should be talking in #debian channel. Makes senses? No. That's why we don't support derivatives. :)11:08
ActionParsniplorenzosu: 7Gb /, 1xRAM for swap, rest for /home11:08
distaticabazhang: perfect, and this is a gui tool to that, I can find it now, thanks11:08
gadget3000distatica: If you are using NVIDIA its twinview11:09
bazhangdistatica, /msg ubottu xrandr for more info11:09
lorenzosuActionParsnip: 7Gb seems 'small'.. but I may be wrong?11:09
Psinetic*sigh* ok, screw it. i'm just gonna throw ubuntu away then. i'm sick of constantly asking for support because the stupid os is ALWAYS broken, and i have to fix what should ALREADY work. i never get support i ask for anyways, i sit here for hours asking and no one ever helps me. i've been asking for help on this particular problem for nearly a month and this is the first time i've ever heard this11:09
distatica940GM unfortunately, thanks bazhang11:09
ActionParsniplorenzosu: not at all11:09
erUSULlorenzosu: all dpends on the amount of software you plan to install11:09
ActionParsniplorenzosu: my install occupys just under 3Gb11:09
eddymerUSUL, cool, now i have a better question..... i used gag bootloader to conifgure mbr.. however, it removed the mbr on my internal drive... i have a working mbr on a cloned external usb drive... how can i restore my internal mbr from the external usb11:10
lorenzosuActionParsnip: You use only official software or also do much compile etc?11:10
dayawhere are firefox temp files11:10
ActionParsniplorenzosu: only the official repos and a few ppas11:10
erUSULeddym: what is "gag bootloader" ?11:10
eddymerUSUL, gag booatloader allows you to add OS to boot via gui11:11
erUSULeddym: never used it so i can not help with it ...11:11
eddymerUSUL, however it did not work...11:11
Psineticthis reminds me of Dell...you just get the runaround until you finally throw the piece of crap away. >_>11:11
eddymhow i can restore a working mbr though without using livecd11:11
lorenzosuActionParsnip: I guess all the rest goes in /home right (downloads, docs etc etc)?11:12
gadget3000Psinetic: what is your problem?11:12
nameo0if im trying to play a game from 1995 would ubuntu (the newest one) have trouble executing it?11:12
Psineticdon't worry gadget3000, it's not supported.11:12
erUSULeddym: a windows mbr ? grub¿? what do you want in the mbr11:12
eddymerusal my windows and ubuntu mbr got lost11:12
eddymgot erased11:12
ve_ActionParsnip: i do not want to have to do that for every single music file type i have  there is a way to set each os default applications. they come preinstalled with default ons you cah change them i guess you dont know where11:13
eddymerUSUL, but i have the original on external11:13
legend2440Psinetic: its  build-essential  not  build-essentials11:13
ExtremeDevilzhow do you guys pronoun Ubuntu ?11:13
erUSULeddym: the windows recovery console has the fixmbr command ask in ##windows how to use it11:13
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ActionParsniplorenzosu: exactly, more space for your stuff11:14
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ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: oo-boon-too11:14
lorenzosuExtremeDevilz: Depends, in Italy most say ooboontoo11:14
kinja-sheepExtremeDevilz: Ubu with a lough cloud.11:14
BlouBlouExtremeDevilz: ooboontoo11:14
Psineticthank you legend2440, changed it, said it's already newest edition.11:14
SlartExtremeDevilz: look here http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/faq11:14
llutzve_: nautilus click right on file, properties, open with, change11:14
ExtremeDevilzhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYXZIbm4XTQ&feature=related ;)11:15
bazhangExtremeDevilz, dont paste that here11:15
SlartExtremeDevilz: I think I saw a sound file somewhere.. can't find it any more though11:15
ExtremeDevilzok sorry11:15
lorenzosuExtremeDevilz: I guess in English it's Hub-un-too (without the 'H' though)11:15
Ov3rf10wExtremeDevilz, :)11:15
Ov3rf10wkiller tux11:15
ExtremeDevilzDownloaded Ubuntu :)11:15
ExtremeDevilzTime To Die Microsoft ;)11:15
ExtremeDevilzbrb attempting to BSOD my windows11:16
lorenzosuActionParsnip: How would I instruct the installation for such setup (separate /home partition)11:16
PsineticExtremeDevilz, just turn it on, it'll bsod11:16
ExtremeDevilzone thing I dont have to worry is virus ;)11:17
ExtremeDevilzno pvirus for linux11:17
dsl_hi, i have a text file on a windows share. when i try to open it in nautilus it tells me it's executable do i want to display or run. can't change the permissions in ubuntu, how do i do that on the windows box or do i just make it read write on windows?11:17
ActionParsniplorenzosu: use custom partitioning11:17
ExtremeDevilzwhy is all linux a penguin ?11:17
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: these are all offtopic questions11:17
ExtremeDevilzok sorry11:17
ExtremeDevilzbut still my last question before I go11:18
ExtremeDevilz:3 care to answer ?11:18
bazhang!ot | ExtremeDevilz ask there11:18
ubottuExtremeDevilz ask there: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:18
damo22 how do i build an ubuntu source package with a .dsc file and orig.tar.gz and diff.gz11:18
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: http://www.linux.org/info/penguin.html11:18
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: now take any non ubuntu questions to offtopic11:18
Ov3rf10wthis bots are crazy xD11:18
erUSULdamo22: better ask in #ubuntu-motu11:18
gadget3000ExtremeDevilz: http://www.sjbaker.org/wiki/index.php?title=The_History_of_Tux_the_Linux_Penguin11:19
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lorenzosuActionParsnip: Ok thanks.. Hope I don't screw up everything :)11:20
lorenzosuActionParsnip: Oh another thing came to my mind... what filesystem type you'de reccomend for the /home partition11:21
dsl_ActionParsnip: you were helping with my wireless problems yesterday, turns out it was broken hardware - a usb wireless stick fixed the problem, thanks for trying though11:21
erUSULlorenzosu: default ext4 should be ok11:21
ActionParsniplorenzosu: ext3 or ext4 is fine11:21
ve_i am wanting to change the default applications to ones i use11:22
lorenzosuI've read ext4 may be slightly weaker in performance is it true?11:22
IszakI've got an nVidia GT 220 and my monitor supports up to 1280 by 1024 but for some reason I cannot get that resolution and when I force it to that it doesn't fit properly despite 1280 by 1024 working in windows.11:22
IszakI also have nvidia drivers installed as far as I know11:23
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas?11:23
ActionParsnipIszak: run: sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings11:24
llutzve_:again: nautilus click right on file, properties, open with, change11:24
ActionParsnipIszak: set the res to something then click save to X config file, you can then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and manually change the resolution11:25
ActionParsnipBenG92: boot to live cd and fsck your partitions11:25
lorenzosuHow to print all installed packages from terminal?11:26
llutzlorenzosu: dpkg -l|grep ^ii11:26
ReddishMushroomBenG92: Load FORTH language :) It takes only 8 kb kernel size.11:26
Slartlorenzosu: dpkg -l   <-- lower case L11:26
IszakActionParsnip: change "1024x768 @1280x1024 to "1280x1024 @1280x1024 ?11:26
ActionParsnipIszak: watever res you want, set it11:27
HaskellLovehow to create a text file in a forbiden folder?11:27
dsl_is nautilus launcher terminology ambiguous? if i want to create a 'shortcut' to a file (so it opens with default app) should i select launcher type as 'program' or 'location' despite it being neither (at least to me!)?11:27
IszakActionParsnip: alright finally how do you restart x11 (I think it was x11) it was something something backspace11:27
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas?11:27
lorenzosuthanks llutz Slart11:27
ActionParsnipHaskellLove: gksudo gedit    you can then save where you wish11:27
dsl_Iszak: crtl+alt+bkspce?11:27
ActionParsnipIszak: use alt+k+printscreen or just reboot11:28
IszakYeah, I thought it was that.11:28
Iszakbut it doesn't work :(11:28
sprocketshow hard would it be to use ubuntu on a deskop with 3 nics to create a dual wan router per say11:28
sprocketswith load balancing11:28
IszakActionParsnip: thanks :)11:28
ReddishMushroomHaskellLove: echo text file content > "forbiden/a text file"11:28
kinja-sheepHaskellLove: echo "Me love you long time" | sudo tee -a /var/www/index.html11:29
eddymeddym: the windows recovery console has the fixmbr command ask in ##windows how to use it11:29
sprocketsHmm ill tkae the silence as very hard11:29
Slartsprockets: <--------> about this hard... scale unknown =)11:30
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Slartsprockets: well.. to be a little serious.. there won't be a nice gui to click in.. but I've seen some howto's on the net about it.. it shouldn't be that hard11:30
sprocketsi wonder if it would be easier in windows 7 or does ubuntu auto config load balancing as well, I doubt it does but in my experince win7 load balancing is crap11:31
eddymsorry guys just got back... so there is way to fix mbr11:31
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas?11:31
richardM__Hi all, can anyone help me with this result of gparted repair attempt (report): Check and repair file system (ntfs) on /dev/sda1  00:00:11    ( ERROR )11:31
richardM__     11:31
richardM__calibrate /dev/sda1  00:00:01    ( SUCCESS )11:31
richardM__     11:31
richardM__path: /dev/sda111:31
FloodBot2richardM__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:31
richardM__start: 6311:31
Slartsprockets: I have no idea how to do this in windows 7.. don't you need a 3rd party application to do routing? ... have you searched in synaptic for load balancing? perhaps one of the firewall/router scripts might do it11:32
sprocketsI might just bite the bullet and buy a dual wan router11:32
sprocketsbut thats min 200 bucks11:32
Slartsprockets: I doubt that ubuntu does load balancing by default11:33
Iszakit still didn't work :(11:33
richardM__sorry for the messy posting: can anyone help with the failed attempt to repair the partition?11:33
Zlobi1sprockets: http://codeghar.wordpress.com/2007/11/04/create-a-load-balance-server-using-ubuntu/ << Ubuntu can11:34
Zlobi1With additional soft11:34
Zlobi1Now, hello, pls tell me what was the command in terminal to show sund devices identification? In the way 0,0 0,1 ...11:35
SlartZlobi1: cat /proc/asound/cards perhaps?11:36
SlartZlobi1: I think there is a file called /proc/asound/devices  as well..11:36
Zlobi1Slart: well, let's try :P11:36
=== wolf is now known as Guest52480
Zlobi1I am on ubuntu 9.10, if it matters11:37
Guest52480hey guys11:37
drellokZlobi1: also aplay -L should work11:37
Guest52480can you help me11:37
Guest52480with amsn11:37
Guest52480to do a video call11:37
Guest52480because i disinstaled empathy11:37
Zlobi1yes it does, both do :) thanks11:38
ExtremeDevilzI just realise all my stuff are open source11:38
ExtremeDevilzmy software11:38
ExtremeDevilzfirefox,vlc player11:38
Guest52480i need a little help11:38
richardM__can anyone help with the failed attempt to repair the partition?11:39
ExtremeDevilzso window is a bye bye11:39
Zlobi1Guest52480: All here need help, skip intro :P11:39
Guest52480it doesn't work11:40
Zlobi1Guest52480: It is a messenger?11:40
Guest52480the videocal11:40
ReddishMushroomHaskellLove: (follow (scripture (practice heaven not-end-practice) (if allowed_to_create then create_anything end-if) end-scripture) not-end-follow)11:40
kylecareyhi all, anyone out there wanna help me with a modem problem?11:40
Zlobi1Guest52480: Ok, tell your problem11:40
ActionParsnip!modem | kylecarey11:40
ubottukylecarey: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up11:40
Guest52480i can't do11:41
Guest52480on msn11:41
Slartkylecarey: just describe your problem11:41
Guest52480onl webcam11:41
FloodBot2Guest52480: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:41
Slart!enter | Guest5248011:41
ubottuGuest52480: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:41
kylecareyi cant get ubuntu to detect that its there. its an onboard modem in a laptop11:41
Zlobi1Guest52480: Can you make video call in say, Skype?11:41
Guest52480but on msn11:42
Guest52480i can make work only11:42
Guest52480the webcam11:42
Strumhelp please11:42
Guest52480but no sound11:42
psycho_oreos!ask | Strum11:42
ubottuStrum: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:42
Strumjust upgraded from 8.1 to 9.04 and can't login11:42
junkY_Sanhey, i have installed win xp after i installed ubuntu 9.10 on my notebook. i booted the a live-cd an reinstalled grub on the harddisk. it told me it found some kernels and win xp on a partition. but the grub bootmenu doesn't appear. it just boots ubuntu11:42
Zlobi1Guest52480: So it is up to the application, check in the settings which sound device in amsn is used11:42
Strumseems to have changed my username and/or password11:43
Strumold one doesn't work anymore11:43
aaron11!enter | Guest5248011:43
ubottuGuest52480: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:43
Guest52480i've tryed  all the devices11:43
Guest52480but no one seems to work11:43
psycho_oreosStrum, try using recovery mode and reset your password11:43
Guest52480dman bill gates11:43
Strumhow do i do that?11:43
MJas1016Anyone have time to assist me with a few monitor issues? Attempting to set the primary monitor, as well as create a manual resolution for my larger monitor.11:43
Zlobi1junkY_San: Probably you have grub delay on 011:43
junkY_SanZlobi1:  do you mean timeout?11:44
junkY_SanZlobi1:  btw, it's grub211:44
kylecareyhow do you detect a modem in ubuntu?11:44
Zlobi1Guest52480: What about another msn alternative?11:44
dsl_the other day my networked win printer was working fine. now i send print jobs and nothing happens - they show as being processed - using CUPS i see the printer now shows ' unable to connect to cifs host..' what does that mean please?11:44
psycho_oreosStrum, well the livecd for example of ubuntu has recovery option I think, something like that, it will drop you into the shell of your ubuntu installation and then you issue passwd command from there for your account11:44
BlouBlou!amsn | Guest5248011:44
MJas1016Anyone have time to assist me with a few dual monitor issues? Attempting to set the primary monitor, as well as create a manual resolution for my larger monitor.11:45
Strumwill an 8.04 live cd recover a 9.04 install?11:45
pietro_I have problem whit UCK and Grub pc11:45
ActionParsnipkylecarey: lspci   will tell you11:45
Strumcos i upgraded over the net and don't have a 9.04 install disc11:45
pietro_help me!!11:45
psycho_oreosStrum, in password sense of changing it, it can but I doubt it for many other tasks11:45
Strumok thanks11:46
Strumi'll give that a try11:46
psycho_oreos!ask | pietro_11:46
ubottupietro_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:46
Zlobi1Strum: what is broken?11:46
psycho_oreosZlobi1, he needs passwd reset11:46
ActionParsnipStrum: you dont need a cd, jut use esc when grub loads and select recovery mode, then root, you can set any password there11:46
Zlobi1It should do11:46
aaron11Can someone help me with the package supertux-stable? When ever I start supertux It closes automaticly the terminal said: Datadir: /usr/share/games/supertux Warning: Unable to open the file "/home/aaronvarghese/.supertux/config" for read Warning: No joysticks are available. Running Karmic Koala11:46
Zlobi1aaron11: Check that your joystick is detected, alternatively, configure supertux with keyboard11:47
MJas1016I set up dual monitors however, I cant set my LCD (larger monitor) as the primary.  How do I change which monitor is set as my primary?11:47
ActionParsnipaaron11: run: touch /home/aaronvarghese/.supertux/config11:47
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ActionParsnipMJas1016: using nvidia gfx card?11:49
kylecareywhat is a LPC interface?11:49
ActionParsnipMJas1016: then its in nvidia-settings11:50
MJas1016ActionParsnip: How do I access those?11:50
aaron11ActionParsnip: emmmm.... Nothing came11:50
kylecareywhat is a LPC interface?11:50
MJas1016ActionParsnip: on Ubuntu 9.1011:50
aaron11Zlobi1: I dont have a joystick11:50
Strumbother, this install disc doesn't have recovery mode11:51
aaron11Zlobi1: and I dont know how11:51
aaron11Zlobi1: to config to keyboard11:51
udenjoin #luccalug11:51
ch1I have problems with virtualbox under karmic. Everytime I reboot and want to start a virtualmachine I get Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908). I have to do sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup. Then it works until the next reboot. I already tried to uninstall dkms and virtualbox and reinstall, still the same problem.11:52
ActionParsnipMJas1016: like I said, esc when grub loads11:52
MJas1016ActionParsnip: im sorry, what is grub?11:53
ActionParsnipMJas1016: then select recovery mode, then root11:53
ActionParsnipMJas1016: its the boot loader when you choose your kernel11:53
MJas1016ActionParsnip: Gotcha, thanks!11:53
Pelomorning folks,  when you use nautilus to setup a shared folder  (right click, share tab etc) , to what config file does this go and what's the prog that actualy does the sharing ?11:53
hichamany instructions on how to use plymouth in ubuntu ?11:53
zer0_moodi need help with editing the sources file - i try ti add a line gpg and I get this in terminal:E: Type 'gpg' is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list11:53
zer0_moodim trying to install tor11:54
PrototypeX29Ahi, when i try to sudo i get something around the lines of "user not in /etc/sudoers", but so sudoers-file itself seems to be the same as in my working ubuntu11:54
aaron11Can someone help me with the package supertux-stable? When ever I start supertux It closes automaticly the terminal said: Datadir: /usr/share/games/supertux Warning: Unable to open the file "/home/aaronvarghese/.supertux/config" for read Warning: No joysticks are available. Running Karmic Koala11:54
zer0_moodPrototypeX29A, do u have more than 1 users ?11:54
PrototypeX29Anow i have mounted the problemativ root-dir from the liveCD and want to check in which groups the user is11:54
PrototypeX29Azer0_mood: i am not sure, i tried to add another user but the tool did not respond11:55
Pelozer0_mood, try adding the repos you need using the gui in menu > system > admin > software sources , it will format it properly11:55
PrototypeX29Azer0_mood: is there any way i can check this from reading the config files?11:56
mkaPrototypeX29A, try booting ubuntu on recovery mode and and add yourself to the admin group. otherwise if the machine is not yours alone, contact the relevant administrator to do that for you.11:56
Strumso how do i reset password from a live CD without recovery mode?11:56
zer0_moodPrototypeX29A, click ur username and go to switch users too see if there is another user11:57
PrototypeX29Azer0_mood: i am not on the installed system but in the live system11:57
PrototypeX29Azer0_mood: there must be a way to read the files in /etc/11:57
zer0_moodPrototypeX29A, if there is - switch to him - he must be the sudoer11:57
ActionParsnipaaron11: did touching the file help any?11:57
zer0_moodPrototypeX29A, look for a file named usr or users11:58
PrototypeX29Azer0_mood: I know which account should be and has been the sudoer11:58
vmlinz Hello, I find emacs meta package shows version11:58
vmlinz 23.1+1-4ubuntu2+22.2+0ubuntu6.1 but it depends on emacs22 only. And11:58
vmlinz many other elisp package depends on emacs22 not the master branch11:58
vmlinz emacs23.11:58
FloodBot2vmlinz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:58
PrototypeX29Azer0_mood: the is no usr oder user* in /etc11:59
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:00
chazcoHi... anyone know how to setup surround sound on an ALC660? Details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136711112:00
aaron11ActionParsnip: Great but it only removed one p[roblem, Config file is ok but its still complaining that it cant see any gaysticks which I dont have and is saying that there is a segmentation fault now!12:00
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:01
aaron11ActionParsnip: Great but it only removed one p[roblem, Config file is ok but its still complaining that it cant see any gaysticks which I dont have and is saying that there is a segmentation fault now!12:01
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:01
zer0_moodPelo, i go to software sources and then ? to other software?12:01
aaron11ActionParsnip: Great but it only removed one p[roblem, Config file is ok but its still complaining that it cant see any gaysticks which I dont have and is saying that there is a segmentation fault now!12:01
ve_hi is there a terminal command to display kde default applications.12:01
mkaPrototypeX29A, did you manage to solve your problem?12:02
PrototypeX29Amka: not yet12:02
Pelozer0_mood, you can add your extra repository in the third party tab ,12:02
mkaPrototypeX29A, mount your ubuntu filesystem and open /etc/sudoers12:02
PrototypeX29Amka: yes, and then?12:02
Strumso how do i reset a password?12:02
aaron11ActionParsnip: Ooops!12:03
zer0_moodPelo, where is the third party tab ? Im on 9.1012:03
chazcoHi... anyone know how to setup surround sound on an ALC660? Details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136711112:03
mkaPrototypeX29A, insert a line like "username ALL=(ALL) ALL"12:03
aaron11ActionParsnip: I mean joystick12:03
ActionParsnipStrum: sudo passwd username12:03
mkaPrototypeX29A, where username is your username12:03
Pelozer0_mood, hold on12:03
Strumfrom a live cd boot12:03
NukkerSQ5hi all im using a smartq 5 cool12:03
ActionParsnipaaron11: http://supertux.lethargik.org/wiki/S-expr#SuperTux_Config_File12:04
Strumafter mounting the partition that contains the installation i can't login to12:04
Pelozer0_mood, yes my apologies, you were right, "other software" ( I'm using a french version here and they've changed the tab names, sorry)12:04
dsl_still no joy printing to windows network printer. machines on the LAN are dynamically allocated IP addresses so I have to use samba to specify printer location - I have smb://dslserver/HPOffice in CUPS. The machine name and printer name are correct but still get the 'unable to connect to CIFS host..' message. Can anyone help please?12:04
zer0_moodPelo, ok np12:04
ActionParsnipStrum: can you not boot to root recovery mode?12:04
mkaPrototypeX29A, sorry /etc/sudoers is the file for the liveCD in this case. the correct one should be /path/to/mount/point/etc/sudoers12:04
aaron11ActionParsnip: o_012:04
Strumthe live cd i have doesn't have recovery mode12:04
PrototypeX29Amka: yes, i got that myself :)12:04
ActionParsnipdsl_: can you ping the name12:04
aaron11ActionParsnip: Whats that12:04
ActionParsnipaaron11: sample config files, what else12:05
PrototypeX29Amka: thanks, i will give it a try12:05
mkaPrototypeX29A, no prob12:05
aaron11ActionParsnip: Config is ok12:05
zer0_moodPelo, can u help me edit my sources file? Im using the docs from torproject.org12:05
IszakActionParsnip: what you suggested didn't seem to work hmm12:05
aaron11ActionParsnip: its just those problems ive posted12:05
dsl_ActionParsnip: ping //dslserver from terminal? doesn't work12:05
ch1have problems with virtualbox. Error message: Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908).12:05
ActionParsnipdsl_: no the command is:      ping dslserver12:06
aaron11Terminal says:Datadir: /usr/share/games/supertux12:06
aaron11Warning: No joysticks are available.12:06
aaron11Segmentation fault12:06
Pelozer0_mood, that software sources app edits the source list for you , that's why I told you about it , I don'T play in /sources.list myself, too easy to mess up12:06
dsl_ActionParsnip: no that doesnt work12:06
om26eris there an xchat plugin for indicator-applet ?12:06
ActionParsnipaaron11: then put the config files where they are expected. Is there not a PPA for this?12:07
dsl_ActionParsnip: but I have a shared folder on that machine mounted to /media12:07
=== moayad_ is now known as moayad
ActionParsnipdsl_: can you ping its ip address?12:07
zer0_moodPelo, oh i see .. so where should go in Software sources ? I got tabs: ubuntu software;other software;updates;authentification;statistics12:07
dsl_ActionParsnip: ah, need to walk to do that :) brb12:07
aaron11ActionParsnip: Where are they expected?12:08
ZeppelinHi, I installed Ubuntu side-by-side with Windows. Now I want Ubuntu gone, how do I do this? (It wasn't a Wubi install)12:08
dsl_ActionParsnip: yes that works fine12:08
chazcoHi... anyone know how to setup surround sound on an ALC660? Details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136711112:08
ActionParsnipIszak: then try a different mode lines12:09
Pelozer0_mood,  if you need to add a repository that is not from canonical go to the "other software" tab12:09
IszakActionParsnip: I'm not sure what you mean.12:09
ActionParsnipdsl_: then add an entry in /etc/hosts   to resolve the name to the IP12:09
ActionParsnipIszak: werent we playing with nvidia stuff?12:09
kylecareyi really need help detecting and configuring a modem.12:09
dsl_ActionParsnip: ok i've not done that before but looking now....12:09
ActionParsnipIszak: and unavailable resolutions?12:09
NukkerSQ5hi why some apps dont work on my smartq 5?12:10
ActionParsnipdsl_: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts      add a line to help resolve the name12:10
dsl_ActionParsnip: using nano, i take it i just add IP and name on same line at top?12:10
IszakActionParsnip: yes that is correct.12:10
gui7hmm, has anyone used tomsrtbt before? ineed some hlp wit hit :712:11
ActionParsnipdsl_: sure nano is fine, just match the syntax of the lines for localhost12:11
ActionParsnipIszak: then websearch around for xorg.conf files and copy their syntax to get the res you want12:11
zer0_moodPelo, i added this deb     http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org <karmic> main   so how to proceed ?12:11
aaron11Can someone help me with the package supertux-stable? When ever I start supertux It closes automaticly the terminal said: Datadir: /usr/share/games/supertux  No joysticks are available. Running Karmic Koala12:12
Wunderbaranyone know why i'm having problems browsing in ncmpc12:12
* Ross is away12:12
Pelozer0_mood, hit the close-finis-exit-end button, what ever that is and you will be asked if you want to reload the repos, say yes , be patient it might take some time,  that is the same as doing "sudo apt-get update" in the terminal12:13
zer0_moodPelo,  i reloaded and i got the same msg: "cant index the repo" and error with the gpg line .. same thing when I tried to gedit the sourcef file12:14
ActionParsnip!away > ross12:14
BenG92 ActionParsnip is now away. Reason: > ross12:14
ubottuross, please see my private message12:14
alessandro_I installed ubuntu with grub2 and i have windows xp also. i could start one or the other but NOW xp doesn't start12:14
Pelozer0_mood, hold on, let me try on my end12:14
ActionParsnip!grub2 | alessandro_12:15
ubottualessandro_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:15
bazhangalessandro_, did you try sudo update-grub command12:15
mkaWunderbar, can you browse in gmpc?12:15
Wunderbari don't have gmpc installed12:16
mkaWunderbar, what about "mpc playlist"12:16
KEBAhi there12:16
mkaWunderbar, does that show tracks12:16
ubottuKEBA: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:16
Wunderbarapparently i don't have mpc either, idgi- i swear it was here last week (the last time i used this machine)12:17
Pelozer0_mood, I'M getting the same,  what is he url to the guide you are following for this ?12:17
KEBAwhen i press backspace, only one char will be deleted. normally, there are lots of chars deleted until i release the backspace key. (ubuntu 9.10 64 bit with gnome and germany-eliminate-dead-keys) - how to fix this problem?12:18
zer0_moodPelo, its http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en but i will try with this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-tor-to-surf-anonymously-in-ubuntu-feisty-with-firefox.html12:18
KEBAhi mka :)12:18
mkahi KEBA12:18
Wunderbari can't browse in gmpc either, apparently12:19
Pelozer0_mood,  hold on , I think I found the problem12:19
mkaWunderbar, "mpc playlist" doesnt show anything? Can you play some songs with mpc?12:19
kylecareyi really need help detecting and configuring a modem.12:19
ubottuKuwaiti30: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:21
Kuwaiti30anyone here with asus 1005ha12:21
alessandro_<ubottu>: i dont know, probably you are just a cold bot and not a human being, anyway I already inform my-self in that site, tried everything was suggested there, but the problen is still there.12:21
ActionParsnip!anyone | Kuwaiti3012:21
ubottuKuwaiti30: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:21
Wunderbari got an error message on parsing numbers12:21
Pelozer0_mood, first do the gpg lines a bit further down the the sources.list stuff,  just put each line in the terminal and hit henter,   then before you get to the apt-get upgrade stuff,   this is the line you want to use in software sources  ---->     deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org karmic main12:22
Wunderbarwhy am i unable to browse?12:22
Wunderbari was told that ncmpc was like using vim for audio..12:22
mkaWunderbar, can you play even a single song?12:23
Wunderbarwon't play anything12:23
Kuwaiti30well the installation crashes at 53% on three different usb drives and on two different external cd drives12:23
mkaWunderbar, did you configure mpd?12:23
ActionParsnipKuwaiti30: did yuo md5 test the ISO you used?12:23
richardsithHello Guys, is there someone that can help me to resolve a problem with Hylafax, Iaxmodem12:24
Kuwaiti30well i couldnt find that12:24
mkaWunderbar, mpd is the server, mpc is the client, ncmpc and gmpc are the front-ends of mpc12:24
Kuwaiti30i will do it if you give me a link12:24
ActionParsnip!md5 | Kuwaiti3012:24
ubottuKuwaiti30: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:24
ActionParsnipKuwaiti30: if you dont md5 test yu have no way of knowing the data you are using is good do you12:24
Kuwaiti30thanks ubottu12:24
Kuwaiti30yes true12:24
Wunderbari configured mpc according to a guide i found online- i directed mpd to the location of my music12:25
Wunderbarmade a directory for playlist etc...12:25
Wunderbarnevermind, i'm goind back to mocp12:25
Wunderbaranyone know how to get mocp to play nice with last.fm?12:25
richardsithI've configured a Fax Server and when try to send a test file, /etc/issue.net, that file is gone to destination. While if I try to send a generic file pdf, I've receive a error of convertation.12:26
richardsithHas some one had the some problem12:26
ubuntuI have a fubared external USB HDD that i tried to use ddrescue and save a ntfs partition on it. To make the long story short i am now on ubuntu live CD and i have my USB HDD plugged in. How can i format the disk with no filesystem or with NTFS format?12:27
mkaWunderbar, what is the output of "sudo grep music_directory /etc/mpd.conf "12:27
ptscan anyone tell me how to configure what and how things appear in the Places menu in Gnome? What is taking care of the volumes there? HAL?12:27
Wunderbarapparently- it's the default...12:28
Wunderbarwell, well12:28
mkaWunderbar, ok. but before you give up, try "sudo mpd --create-db" and then "sudo service mpd restart" and then "mpc ls | mpc add" and then "mpc play"12:29
Strumdoes ubuntu always reset passwords when you upgrade?12:29
* Ross is back12:29
mkaStrum, which password?12:29
Strumi upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and now i can't login12:30
alessandro_I installed Ubuntu 9.10 in an extended partition, while in the primary i have Windows XP. I could choose between the 2 OS, but now when I choose XP it doesn't start.12:30
mkaStrum, upgrading does not change user passwords12:30
mkaStrum, can X start12:30
Strumwell why can't i login using the same user/pass i was using before the upgrade?12:31
Strumwell i dunno with ubuntu how do you know when x starts?12:31
christoph_debianhi all! I'm trying to bootstrap karmic on armel but it fails on installing zlib -> http://people.debian.org/~christoph/debootstrap.log anyone a Idea?12:31
mkaStrum, does the login screen comes up?12:31
Strumit gives me the login screen12:31
Strumand the old password and user name doesn't work12:32
mkaStrum, you can go to recovery mode and then reset your password12:32
kudakStrum: it should be the same login, case sensitive aswell, ur sure ur typing the same login ?12:32
Strumhow do i go to recvoery mode?12:32
ubuntuCan someone tell me how can i format my external HDD to NTFS/FAT32 using ubuntu live CD?12:32
Strumthe live CD i first installed from does't have recovery mode on it12:32
ActionParsnipStrum: boot to recovery root console, its nothing to do with liveCD12:32
Strumhow do i do that?12:33
mkaStrum, there should be a recovery mode available in grub during start up12:33
ActionParsnipStrum: when you choose you kernel in grub you will see a recovery option like this: http://thegabfather.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/grub4kt.jpg12:33
OerHeksHold shift at boot, then you enter grub menu12:33
ActionParsnipStrum: see how it says recovery mode, you will see that12:34
apersonwhat's the karmic version of /etc/inittab ?12:34
ubuntuOerHeks: @ me ?12:34
Strumok shift at bott12:34
silare!digikam | silare12:34
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde412:35
mkaStrum, restart you computer and then select recovery mode. and when you have started on recovery mode and have logged in as root, simply type "passwd username" to change the password for user "username"12:35
silareIs there a way to theme Qt4 apps to looks like GTK?12:35
silare!kde | ubottu12:36
ubottusilare: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde412:36
silare!kde | ubottu12:36
silare!kubuntu | ubottu12:36
ubottusilare: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde12:36
mkasilare, you want KDE but you want apps to look like GTK, why dont just go to GNOME then?12:36
zer0_moodpelo, the same thing: E: Type 'gpg' is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list12:36
christoph_debian/usr/share/debootstrap/functions: line 739: 21445 Illegal instruction     $CHROOT_CMD "$@"12:37
=== will_ is now known as SuBmUnDo
christoph_debianlooks qute strange?12:37
apersonPlease use the > to direct messages to a user, and not the channel.  Otherwise, you can just message the bot yourself the commands :)12:37
zer0_moodpelo, i will try the other manual and will get back12:37
phahi everyone :) merry christmas to all who celebreate it -> I have a small problem, I am getting error that my disk space is full -> /dev/sda2 443G 419G 1.7G 100% /home12:37
phaI tried apt-get clean and rm -rf /var/log/* yet still the same problem.12:37
ubuntuError formatting volue. Error creating file system: helper exited with exit cod 1: 3438: error writing 131072 bytes: success12:37
Wunderbarokay, now upgrading ubuntu to the current edition, how long will this take?12:37
phaanyone any ideas? would really appreciate it.12:37
SwedeMikeWunderbar: how fast is your broadband? that's usually the limiting factor, otherwise it'll take sub-hour12:38
mkapha, remove fies in your home directory12:38
Wunderbarit's a 1.3G upgrade12:38
ubuntuI can't see my HDD now!12:38
Wunderbari don't see this taking sub one hour12:39
ubuntuWhat the hell!12:39
Strum<kudak> ur sure ur typing the same login ? - are you sure you know where you dick is?12:39
rob_ppha: On a disk of that size, the logs will be but a small fraction of the space consumed.  You need to move some of your large data files off to a different drive.12:39
Wunderbarif i start this upgrade now can i pause and resume etc.?12:39
apersonWunderbar, during the download process, you can kill it at any time - and it should resume12:40
PFAhi, somehow the permissions on my ntfs drive were changed so i can't mount or view it anymore... can someone help me out?12:40
apersonWunderbar, during the install phase.. I wouldn't touch it12:40
ubuntuCan someone please tell how can i format the external HDD using the terminal? I can no longer see the HDD on my desktop nor in Places12:40
KEBAwhen i press backspace, only one char will be deleted. normally, there are lots of chars deleted until i release the backspace key. (ubuntu 9.10 64 bit with gnome and germany-eliminate-dead-keys) - how to fix this problem?12:40
legend2440phadid you happen to use Simple Backup at any time?12:41
ubuntuI tried right click on it, format FAT32 and got the error i've written above and now i can't even see it12:41
mkaPFA, which device is your ntfs partition (ie sda2, sda1,?)12:41
phaThat's fine :) Thank-you very much for the help/input - do you have any idea why is says 443G partition, 419G used - but I only have 1.7G free? where has the other 22.3G gone?12:41
PFAmka: sda312:41
Wunderbarit's not actually installing anything, from what i can tell- just a heft download process12:41
phanot that I recall legend2440.12:41
mkaubuntu, use gparted (its graphical though)12:41
legend2440pha  ok12:41
ubuntumka: How?12:41
apersonpha, try looking at the disk usage analyzer by chance?12:42
llutzpha: 5% reserverd for root (extX default)12:42
Strumi hope that doesn't happen every time i upgrade12:42
mkaubuntu, sudo apt-get install gparted && sudo gparted12:42
ubuntuOk i'm inside12:42
phayeah, I did check disk analyzer... this is what I got -> http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/1002/incompat.jpg12:42
rob_ppha: lookup the difference between 1kbits and 1024bits and you'll see that when it gets down to reporting disk size, the larger the drive, the larger the deviation.12:43
ubuntuFile system: Unknown Size: 200+ GB Used: -- Unused: -- Flags: boot12:43
christoph_debian(j -ircnet #ubuntu12:43
phathis is my df -h output -> http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/1789/termanalyz.jpg12:43
ubuntuFormating to ntfs now12:43
alessandro_I installed Ubuntu 9.10 in an extended partition, while in the primary i have Windows XP. I could choose between the 2 OS, but now when I choose XP it doesn't start.12:43
rob_ppha: Basically, your drive is out of space!12:43
apersonpha, you should hit scan filesystem, it'll give you the size of all your dirs12:43
mkaPFA, sudo umount /dev/sda3 && mkdir ~/ntfs && sudo mount /dev/sda3 ~/ntfs -o umask=000212:43
ubuntuThank you mka! Have a happy new year :-)12:43
mkaubuntu, hahahaha12:44
PFAmka: thanks12:44
ActionParsnipalessandro_: check the options used in the windows config in grub to make sure it is correct12:44
phamka - thank-you very much :]12:44
mkaPFA, you welcome12:44
pharob_p & aperson - thank you very much as well, I really appreciate it.12:45
rob_ppha: welcome12:45
alessandro_ActionParsnip: i think that's not so easy for me......12:46
ActionParsnipalessandro_: http://blogs.koolwal.net/2008/12/28/windows-xpvista-dual-boot-does-not-boot-from-grub2-or-grub-pc/12:47
alessandro_is it possible that the problem comes from the windows' boot?12:47
ZeppelinHi, I installed Ubuntu side-by-side with Windows. Now I want Ubuntu gone, how do I do this? (It wasn't a Wubi install)12:47
llutzZeppelin: restore MBR if grub was installed to it, remove linux partition, done12:48
alessandro_ActionParsnip: i check it12:49
llutzZeppelin: mbr, master boot record, to be fixed with i.e. fixmbr from windows-cd12:49
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:49
Zeppelinok so llutz12:50
Zeppelinhow do I restore MBR?12:50
llutzZeppelin: if grub made a backup of the original one, dd it back. else use fixmbr from windows-cd12:51
Zeppelinwhat if i don't have the windows-cd?12:51
Zeppelinwindows came with my laptop12:51
llutzZeppelin: use other tools like testdisk12:52
Zeppelinwhere do i find testdisk?12:52
mkaZeppelin, are you using grub2 or the old grub?12:52
Zeppelin:\, I think the old grub? it was a 9.10 install12:53
ZzeeousSHello to everybady im here12:53
apersonZeppelin, then it was grub212:53
mkaZeppelin, it's probably grub2 then12:53
aperson!hi | ZzeeousS12:53
ubottuZzeeousS: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:53
ZzeeousSHow are you?12:54
Zeppelinmka, so what do I do12:54
Zeppelin..everytime you guys give me an answer it unleashes more questions12:54
ZzeeousSaperson: how are you?12:54
moobieHow do I compile kernel 2.6.33-rc2 for ubuntu, with the ubuntu configs?12:54
floatDoes anyone know, where I could find Information/Help on reading data from the TonyHawkRide Board? I've been trying for a few days now, I got everything except the gyrometer.12:55
aperson!ot > ZzeeousS12:55
ubottuZzeeousS, please see my private message12:55
apersonfloat, that isn't a subject covered by this channel12:55
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:55
Picifloat: Perhaps ##electronics would be a better place?12:56
=== BlouBlou is now known as TomateFrito
llutzZeppelin: sudo aptitude install testdisk && man testdisk12:56
floatI know, but I cant find a channel for this task12:56
mkaZeppelin, I was gonna say if you dont have a Windows CD and a dirty way to do it is to migrate /boot to a very small partition. edit menu.lst so that you log in to Windows without waiting. but you are on grub2 which I am not familiar with it.12:56
Zeppelinwoh, woh, woh, hold up12:56
ZeppelinI'm on Windows12:56
om26ermoobie, why compile it when you can download?12:56
ZeppelinIs it possible to do it from Windows?12:56
kylecareyhello, does anyone know anythng about finding drivers for the Agere HDA systems modem?12:56
Zeppelinor must i do it on linux?12:56
llutzZeppelin: try using aptitude in windows12:56
llutz :(12:56
moobieom26er, I can't get the latest radeon ddx,drm and mesa work with the 2.6.33-rc2 kernel12:56
moobiefrom mainline12:56
mkallutz, Zeppelin, this fixmbr command is not available from windows' command prompt then?12:57
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/173056412:57
llutzmka: afaik only from cd or if service-console was isntalled to disk12:57
mkallutz, ok,12:57
ZzeeousSaperson: where are you?12:58
apersonZzeeousS, that is irrelevant to this channel :)12:58
* om26er_ got DC :(12:59
xoverI cannot get my mircophone to work. are there known issues?12:59
ubottuyes, I'm alive.12:59
apersonZzeeousS, this is not a chat channel, this channel is for support only12:59
DomeDanZzeeousS: check out #debian-offtopic12:59
PiciZzeeousS: or #ubuntu-offtopic13:00
boohalso #ubuntu-offtopic13:00
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:00
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server13:00
PrototypeX29Ai was able to add my user to the sudoers' list, but still it seems kind of broken. When I try to access user settings via GUI it asks me for the root's password, instead of the first user's password13:01
ubottuyes, I'm alive.13:01
bruceleeis it weird that im lactose intolerant but purposely drink milk just to fart and see how racid the smell is13:01
klown!offtopic > brucelee13:01
ubottubrucelee, please see my private message13:01
ZzeeousShow can i see it?13:02
bruceleewell, if you have an odor meter13:03
klownits "private" for a reason :)13:03
bruceleeu can see on the odor meter how bad it is13:03
meerohow to add reverse tunnel from server(openssh-ubuntu) to client(win machine) ?C13:03
PrototypeX29A!offtopic > PrototypeX29A13:03
ubottuPrototypeX29A, please see my private message13:03
ZzeeousSIm not english13:03
ZzeeousShelp me13:03
Knight52Hello , how can i change my repositories source to other server from the command line ?13:04
PrototypeX29AZzeeousS: maybe there is a channel in another language, which can help you13:04
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:04
SlartZzeeousS: ask your question on one line.. if you're talking to someone special put their name at the beginning of the message13:04
klownlol, wrong command.13:04
ardchoilleKnight52: you can use nano or vim13:04
ActionParsnipKnight52: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list13:04
apersonklown, try /msg ubottu !search foo13:05
SlartKnight52: I don't think there is a wizard for that.. like in the gnome desktop.. you'll have to edit the source file directly13:05
meerois there a way to create reverse tunnel from server to client - after the connection is established?13:05
ZzeeousSCan i find an persian cha?13:06
bazhang!ir | ZzeeousS13:06
ubottuZzeeousS: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.13:06
ZzeeousScan you help me?13:06
bonalerbaciao a tutti13:06
ardchoillebazhang: I knew it was there somewhere13:06
bazhangZzeeousS, /join #ubuntu-ir13:06
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server13:06
bazhangardchoille, :)13:07
PrototypeX29Ai have a user called "franzi" which is currently logged in, but if i go to System > Administration > Users and Groups only "root" is listed13:07
SlartPrototypeX29A: hmm.. you don't see your local user in Users and Groups?13:08
escolabom dia alguém conhece gnuteca live cd13:08
Slart!br | escola13:08
ubottuescola: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:08
PrototypeX29ASlart: no i don't13:08
aperson!hi | eXeC001er13:08
ubottueXeC001er: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:08
escolaok yhanks13:08
blackest_knightis rsync the best way to get a complete set of files  as a backup where some of them have already been copied ?13:08
klownim having an issue where my logitech g15 keyboard becomes unresponsive (the keyboard entirely, not the gkeys and such), and to fix the issue, ive had to unplug it from the usb port, and plug it back in.  it causes issues with the plugins for the keyboard, makes them not work.  anyone have any idea how to fix this?13:08
SlartPrototypeX29A: but you're logging in as a non-root user, right?13:09
llutzblackest_knight: most likely13:09
PrototypeX29ASlart: yes indeed13:09
eXeC001erHow can i change WiFi standarts ?13:09
apersonklown, are you using g15daemon?13:09
klownaperson, yes i am.13:09
=== napster is now known as Guest53010
apersonklown, I can't help, I just know I've had issues with it myself13:09
SlartPrototypeX29A: if you click "Manage Groups" do you see a group named after the user you're logged in as?13:09
PrototypeX29ASlart: i am logged in as "franzi" which was the name i chose at installation, now i can login, but the user is not listed, and also the user is not in the typical groups like "admin" etc13:10
klownaperson, mind if i message you?13:10
apersonklown, go for it13:10
blackest_knighteXeC001er:  i assume you mean set by your router , log in to the router and configure it13:10
PrototypeX29ASlart: yes i do13:10
ActionParsnipeXeC001er: you can specify rates in the /et/network/interfaces file. It should autodetect the fastest standard13:10
PrototypeX29ASlart: i am solely member of that group13:11
PrototypeX29ASlart: at least when i type "groups"13:11
fiskomieiner hier der der deutschen sprache mächtig ist?13:11
PrototypeX29Afiskomi: versuch #ubuntu-de13:11
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:11
SlartPrototypeX29A: well.. that's strange..if you run "cat /etc/passwd" do you see your username there?13:11
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network13:12
PrototypeX29ASlart: yes it is13:12
ardchoilleI just helped a friend siwtch to Jaunty from WinXP. She wants to know if there's a way to keep windows minimized except the window she is working in (auto minimize?)13:12
PrototypeX29ASlart: it is the last entry13:12
ardchoilleWhen you launch a new app, the previous window minimizes13:13
PrototypeX29ASlart: ususally the first user is also in groups like "admin" or "cdrom". But in this case it is only member of its own group13:14
paulus68is there anyone present with a good knowledge of iptables?13:14
SlartPrototypeX29A: I'm not sure if it's just the user manager in gnome that is acting weird or if it's some other bug.13:14
MindSparkhello, how do I scan for bad sectors on a FAT32 system ?13:15
gigasoft is there any good prrogram for linux that can make video dvd?13:15
SlartPrototypeX29A: but seeing as you're not in the admin groups and such it might be something else as well13:15
ardchoillegigasoft: try tovid or devede13:15
SlartPrototypeX29A: is it a new install?13:15
llutzgigasoft: i.e. devede, dvdauthor13:15
PrototypeX29ASlart: it is defenitely some bigger problem, as i had to add the user to /etc/sudoers to be able to sudo13:15
PrototypeX29ASlart: yes, it is13:15
c3101MindSpark, bad sectors has nothing to do with the filesystem, it's got to do with the pysical disk, it's independant of the file system on that disk13:15
MindSparkc3101, ok, is there a tool I can use on linux that checks for that ? and how do I avoid writing on them in the future ?13:16
PrototypeX29ASlart: i tried to add another user, which failed with. So i maybe got to an undefined state13:16
nameo0can ubuntu run games made in 1995 using wine?13:16
Strumif your HD has bad sectors replace it13:16
alabdhello ,  what does 80 do in sudo update-rc.d local defaults 8013:16
PrototypeX29ASlart: so it could be a bug of the user manager :)13:16
|Slacker|guess so nameo013:16
SlartPrototypeX29A: it seems harsh to recommend a reinstall.. but it might be easier than finding out what went wrong13:16
extremedevilzUbuntu : )13:17
SlartPrototypeX29A: I'm not sure if the user manager is involved in creating the user during the install.. probably not13:17
extremedevilzIm on ubuntu now13:17
Strumonce it starts to get bad secotrs total disc failure is usually not far away13:17
PrototypeX29ASlart: i called it explicitly :)13:17
extremedevilzlooks nice and good13:17
PrototypeX29ASlart: the first thing after installation13:17
SlartPrototypeX29A: oh.. then you don't get admin rights and such.. you'll have to do that yourself13:18
extremedevilzGuys want to know how to make my desktop icon smaller13:18
c3101MindSpark, run badblocks13:18
extremedevilzit is too big13:18
ActionParsnipextremedevilz: sounds like you need to either install video drivers or simply set a higher resolution13:18
dnivraextremedevilz: right click -> stretch icon13:18
c3101MindSpark, then give that as input to mkfs to not use that bad sectors13:18
apersonextremedevilz, right-click > stretch icon13:18
PrototypeX29ASlart: yes, but i tried to add another user, which did not work13:18
SlartPrototypeX29A: but I thought that adding your user to the admin group took care of the sudo problem..13:18
c3101MindSpark, also MAKE A BACKUP, and go buy a new drive13:18
PrototypeX29ASlart: now it is the first user (created during installation), which is affected13:18
SlartPrototypeX29A: perhaps it's some kind of group you need to be part of to be able to create new users13:19
MindSparkc3101, :) already done that13:19
Strumexactly c310113:19
PrototypeX29ASlart: no i did not add it to the admin group, i added the name to /etc/sudoers13:19
SlartPrototypeX29A: but then I would expect the user manager to throw up some kind of error13:19
PrototypeX29ASlart: maybe i should at it to the groups13:19
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:19
SlartPrototypeX29A: add the username to the admin group.. then I think sudo will pick it up from there13:19
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:19
ActionParsnipPrototypeX29A: i have never messed with sudoers and have gotten by fine, the admin group is all you need13:20
PrototypeX29AActionParsnip: but you can not change groups without sudo :)13:20
extremedevilzthis bot sucks13:20
ActionParsnipPrototypeX29A: you can boot to root recovery console to add the user to the group ;)13:21
extremedevilzguys how to move my start bar down ?13:21
c3101extremedevilz, drag it13:21
ActionParsnipextremedevilz: its actually a very useful bot, she types the stuff we have to type everyday13:21
jcbrand_extremedevilz: right click, properties, orientation13:22
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:22
alabd_hello , Do all files in /etc/init.d/ starts while os comes up ?13:22
dnivraextremedevilz: right click it and change orientation in properties13:22
ActionParsnipextremedevilz: there is no start bar in ubuntu, do you mean move the application menu from the top bar to the bottom?13:22
c3101alabd, no, only the ones in the default runlevel13:22
extremedevilzlet me show you what I want13:22
jcbrand_alabd_: no, not necessary13:23
llutzalabd_: no, there are links to /etc/rcX.d or with upstart other mechanisms13:23
jcbrand_alabd_: not neccessarily13:23
PrototypeX29AActionParsnip: what about the other groups like cdrom, lpadmin, sambashare etc.?13:23
c3101alabd, inspect the output of "runlevel", and then look in /etc/rcN.d where N is the runlevel13:23
apersonbah, I tried gwibber, closed it, and I'm still getting updates in my notifications13:23
dnivraextremedevilz: like I said right click it and change orientation in properties13:23
ActionParsnipPrototypeX29A: once you are in admin you can add yourself to any group13:24
alabd_jcbrand_:  llutz thanks so they need to be set with update-rc.d13:24
llutzalabd_: basically yes13:24
extremedevilzok so how do I shift my time to that pic13:24
PrototypeX29AActionParsnip: yes, but i don't know which are important :)13:25
aperson!hi | Dougdoug513:25
ubottuDougdoug5: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:25
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Dougdoug5mka, I'm on ubuntu now, what do I do13:25
Dougdoug5aperson, I need to remove Ubuntu (not a wubi install) completely from my computer13:25
noobam need to know some emulator exe for play game windows on my ubuntu 9.1013:25
alabd_llutz: this command will start script for 80 min and stops it after 80  min? how to make it for ever remain started ? sudo update-rc.d local defaults 8013:26
llutzalabd_: no13:26
aperson!wine | noob13:26
ubottunoob: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:26
llutzalabd_: man update-rc.d13:26
ActionParsnipPrototypeX29A: get someone to run: groups  and give the output (my network isnt accessible atm)13:26
Dougdoug5noob: Use Wine13:26
* c3101 is not familiar with people wanting to remove ubuntu Dougdoug5 13:26
PrototypeX29Abtw. how do i add a group to a user?  "useradd -G foo group" did not work as "foo" already exists13:26
Dougdoug5c3101, haha13:26
ubuntusage@PrototypeX29A grep foo /etc/groups13:26
perlsyntaxAnyone know how to install warcraft on wine on linux?13:26
Raydiationhi, your samba server seems to start if he likes it13:26
mkaDougdoug5, I am no sure with grub2 really. But if you just delete the partition, you will be unable to boot back to windows because Grub2 will be broken13:26
apersonperlsyntax, that is a quesiton for #winehq13:27
PrototypeX29Awarcraft runs fine under dosbox :)13:27
llutzPrototypeX29A: adduser user group13:27
Raydiationafter round 2 reboots samba fails to start13:27
Raydiationis this a known bug?13:27
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network13:27
PrototypeX29Allutz: thanks13:27
alabd_llutz:  humble have not time that am asking here . despite there is written As  a rule of thumb, the sequence number of the stop link should be 10013:27
alabd_       minus the sequence number of the start link; this causes services to be13:27
alabd_       stopped in the opposite order to that in which they are started.  Obvi‐13:27
alabd_       ously, therefore, the  default  stop  sequence  number  should  be  80.13:27
alabd_       Defaulting  to  20,  as  update-rc.d does13:27
llutzalabd_: the number gives the order in which links are called13:28
extremedevilzguys how do I do my start bar like the below : http://farm1.static.flickr.com/131/345648303_5c2a37c38d.jpg13:28
llutzalabd_: that's not a time-count13:28
paulus68!paste |alabd_13:28
ubottualabd_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:28
llutzalabd_: compare ls -l /etc/rc2.d13:28
ubuntusagehave some issue with 9.10, sound icon is missing, every time I need to force reload ALSA for sound to work13:28
extremedevilzguys how do I do my start bar like the below : http://farm1.static.flickr.com/131/345648303_5c2a37c38d.jpg ?13:28
c3101Dougdoug5, you could boot into windows first, and restore the windows bootloader first (not sure how, thinks it's something like format /b), then delete the linux partition13:29
guntbertextremedevilz: that "start bar" is named panel, right click on it, select properties - choose orientation botootm13:29
Dr_Willisextremedevilz:  thers extra 'panel applets' you can install - That looks like one of the gnome menu replacements13:29
bradpitthi, does anybody here can help me? i just replace kubuntu with ubuntu, but when i try to 'cut' the old home folder from kubuntu to new ubuntu home it says the space is not enough, idk what causing this problem but i never had this problem before when i fresh installing ubuntu. :(13:29
extremedevilzI already did13:30
extremedevilznow I have two taskbar13:30
ubuntusageany one can help me with the 9.10 sound issue13:30
Dougdoug5c3101: are you fucking serious?13:30
Dougdoug5I was just todl by some other guy that I needed to be in Ubuntu13:30
LjL!language | Dougdoug513:30
ubottuDougdoug5: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:30
Dougdoug5don't you tell me language sonny13:30
=== magenbrot_ is now known as magenbrot
TcPhey whats up ubuntu fans. I was wondering could anyone point me in the right direction of setting up vsftpd server so that I can upload files?13:30
LjL!guidelines > Dougdoug5    (Dougdoug5, see the private message from ubottu)13:30
TcPhey whats up ubuntu fans. I was wondering could anyone point me in the right direction of setting up vsftpd server so that I can upload files?13:30
chazcoHi... anyone know how to setup surround sound on an ALC660? Details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136711113:30
TcPI was wondering could anyone point me in the right direction of setting up vsftpd server so that I can upload files?13:31
Dr_Willisbradpitt:  why dont you just install kubuntu-desktop on the ubuntu system, actually you could setup some links/mount points and have them both access the same 'home' directory if you wanted to13:31
c3101Dougdoug5, removing an OS is generally is scary thing, remeber, make BACKUPS13:31
TcPI was wondering could anyone point me in the right direction of setting up vsftpd server so that I can upload files?13:31
Dr_Willisextremedevilz:  remove the other one then,  (right click menus)13:31
=== Odo is now known as Guest50809
PrototypeX29Ai have added my user to all important groups, but still in the user manager it does not appear, does anybody know where the user manager gets his data from13:31
ubuntusage@TcP try to apt-get it :)13:31
Dr_Willis!ftpd | TcP13:31
llutzPrototypeX29A: did you relogin?13:31
ubottuTcP: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP13:31
biopytehow  is edge flipping activated in compiz ? -> touching the edge of your virtual desktop with the mouse cursor flips to the neighbouring part of the desktop13:32
PrototypeX29Allutz: hmm, rebooting might be an idea13:32
llutzPrototypeX29A: not rebooting, just re login13:32
TcPubuntu i allready have it setup and running i can login and download things. but i have disabled anonymouse logins... anyways. i can download things but cant upload anything13:32
=== cha_cha is now known as mdo
ardchoilleI just helped a friend siwtch to Jaunty from WinXP. She wants to know if there's a way to keep windows minimized except the window she is working in (auto minimize?), when you launch a new app, the previous window minimizes.13:32
=== mdo is now known as mdo_30
jigalHello everyone i want to listen to an online radio site but it can't find the right plugin for ubuntu it looks for a text/html decoder. The site has a built in audio player13:33
ActionParsnipTcP: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Vsftpd-in-Ubuntu-45753.shtml13:33
Dr_Willisbiopyte:  last i plasyed with that. it could flip when you moved the mouse over to the right and just held it there for a moment, or you can set it to flip on 'draging a window' only13:33
c3101TcP, sounds like  local filesystem permissions13:33
PrototypeX29Allutz: i don't see the use of that, as the manager shows all users and groups not only the user currently logged in13:33
ActionParsnipTcP: ftp is not very secure, if you use ss you can connect to it with scp or winscp from windows13:33
Supersaiyan_IVbiopyte, "sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager" , run the manager from preferences, the edge flip is there13:33
TcPc3101 it is13:33
OverSpeedHello all13:33
Dr_Willisardchoille:  cant say taht ive ever noticed taht feature.  Compiz has a feature to auto 'dim/transparency' other windows  that are not selected.13:33
llutzTcP: man vsftpd.conf (write-enable)13:33
ardchoilleDr_Willis: oh, nice.. that might be an option. Thanks.13:34
PrototypeX29Allutz: but yes, no i tried rebooting and relogin, it does not help13:34
TcPllutz lol maybe i should have manned it before i came here13:34
TcPllutz thanx dude13:34
llutzPrototypeX29A: if changing groups of a user, the user needs to relogin to activate those changes13:34
Dr_Willisardchoille:  i forget wht it was called however.13:34
biopyteDr_Willis: dragging windows across the borders works fine here, but no way moving with the mouse cursor only13:34
Dr_Willisbiopyte:  I hate moveing with just the mouse.. so i never want that feature.13:35
ardchoilleDr_Willis: I remember seeing that in the compiz options a while back, that should work fine13:35
PrototypeX29Allutz: i don't want to activate the change, i want the user manager to correctly list the users13:35
llutzTcP: who operates services should know where to find basic config-infos13:35
noobhaii all13:35
ubuntusageTcP ;)13:35
ubuntusageHi noob13:35
NET||abuseHey guys. i have a sip service i can use for phone calls, what's a good softphone for ubuntu?13:35
Dr_Willisardchoille:  or just teach her to mazamize everything. :)13:35
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Dougdoug5Ubuntu really does suck13:35
=== rdz is now known as Max
noobame want build some cms for library online13:36
Dougdoug5jacob@jacob-laptop:~$ ndiswrapper The program 'ndiswrapper' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper: command not found jacob@jacob-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-common13:36
bazhangDougdoug5, wrong channel for you then13:36
Dr_WillisDougdoug5:  demand a refund.. have a nice day.13:36
noobwhat cms i can used13:36
=== Max is now known as MaxMSP
eXeC001erI need to change my WiFI from N to G because my router and my card not working together on N.13:36
ardchoilleDr_Willis: That's also an option, there is the maximus app that does that.13:36
noobam want make if for documentation ubuntu with my langguet13:36
Dougdoug5It tells me to do something13:36
Dougdoug5Then when I do it13:36
biopyteSupersaiyan_IV: i'm running the ccsm, still no edge flipping ... what setting do i have to change?13:36
Dougdoug5It doesn't even properly work?13:36
ubuntusage@Dougdoug5 apt-cache search ndiswrapper13:36
Dr_Willisardchoille:  yea . I also saw some panel applets that put the window max/min/close and title - in tjhe panel. So you can sort of have always maxed windows. but with the normal decoration avail.13:36
LjL!attitude | Dougdoug513:37
ubottuDougdoug5: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:37
TcPllutz you right. patience is the key to hacking and for a split second i lacked it. the simpliest things is whats hard for somewhat amateur nooby13:37
ubuntusage@Dougdoug apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.913:37
=== MaxMSP is now known as rdz
Dr_WillisDougdoug5:  state the problem. or not.. theres no need to whine.13:37
biopyteDr_Willis: thats one of my most beloved features :-)13:37
c3101NET||abuse, kaix is rather nice13:37
meerodoes anyone have good tutorial how to create chroot enviroment?13:37
Dr_Willisbiopyte:  yep. its all about 'linux your way' ;)13:37
soul_hey all13:37
ardchoillebiopyte: Which applet does that?13:37
soul_plz i need help13:37
Dr_Willismeero:  ive seen guides on chroot jail setup befor.  But ive never used them13:37
NET||abusec3101, cool, was looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftPhone   and it didn't look like there were many options.13:37
soul_with my partitions13:38
dnivra!ask | soul_13:38
ubottusoul_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:38
noobsoul_ what up13:38
biopyteardchoille: ? what do you mean?13:38
ardchoillebiopyte: Oh, sorry, I thought you were commenting on what Dr_Willis said13:38
c3101NET||abuse, there are almost too many options !13:38
paulus68is there anyone that can help me with IPtables?13:38
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network13:38
Supersaiyan_IVbiopyte, rotate cube → Edge Flip Pointer13:39
meeroDr_Willis: hmm, and do u have some links , at least?13:39
SomesomeHey, I need some help. I'm using ubuntu booted from the CD since I can no longer access my windows computer due to malware and bsod at start up.. I want to transfer file from my documents and program files to another computer using the ubuntu cd, any idea how?13:39
Dougdoug5absolutely horrible13:39
Dougdoug5E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 root@jacob-laptop:/home/jacob#13:39
Dougdoug5this is crap13:39
FloodBot1Dougdoug5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:39
c3101NET||abuse, kphone twinkle qutecom linphone ihu and lots more13:39
LjLDougdoug5, as i said, retune your attitude or go somewhere else.13:39
Dougdoug5Retune your ability to help me13:40
NET||abusec3101, hmm, you like kaix though?13:40
Dougdoug5Or go help somewhere else13:40
biopyteDr_Willis: switching virtual desktops there is always this useless animation, showing an image of the VT for 3 seconds or so. do you what i mean? how can i deactivate this behaviour? its a paoin in my eyes.13:40
LjL!ops | Dougdoug513:40
ubottuDougdoug5: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!13:40
ubuntusage@Dougdoug get me here the result for sudo apt-cache search ndiswrapper13:40
dnivraSomesome: just mount the drive containing the documents from Places and transfer it.13:40
Dougdoug5i'm here for help, not to listen to you tell me something that won't work13:40
Dr_Willisbiopyte:  Hmm you mean on the alt-ctrl-f1 through F6 consoles? ive never noticed an animation there.13:40
c3101NET||abuse, kaix supports the aix protocol for the asterisk pbx, use it mainly for that13:40
wookienzhi, i just itsalled koala on a partition which has a windows 7 install. I left the deaults for the boot loader, but it hasnt given me the option of what to boot into at boot time. Any ideas how i can install a different boot loader? Windows 7 has some strange 100mb boot partition loaded on the first partition if that helps.13:40
Dougdoug5if you want to spam a channel with nonsense, spam another channel13:40
alabd_llutz: ok 100 - 80 = 20  what is this 20 for ?13:40
ubuntusage@Dougdoug carm down fellaw13:40
paulus68LjL: do you know anything about IPtables?13:40
Tm_TDougdoug5: please watch your attitude13:40
soul_i formatted all the hard disk and lost all my data :( , then i installed ubuntu , used the disk utility that says i have bad sectors and had problems making partitions , then i used hiren boot cd and made 2 ext3 partitions , i tried to auto mounted them but i failed , now im using gparted to make 2 partitions , it is done , but one of them says that im using 75 gb of it and i can't see it , notice i have no data except the ubuntu partition13:40
Dr_Willismeero: id just google for chroot jaul tutorial13:40
biopyteSupersaiyan_IV: i see, you are talking about the cube. i dont use the cube. i need edge flipping on the plain virtual 4x4 desktop.13:41
LjLpaulus68: not much, although i've used it13:41
Somesomednivra.. what do you mean mount? I just want to transfer files from my documents and program files to my other windows machine13:41
llutzalabd_: read man-page, all written there13:41
Dr_Willisbiopyte:  if you mean the animation when it changes desktops./ thats disablable i recall13:41
Dougdoug5Tm_T, my attitude is fine13:41
soul_noob ?13:41
shane2perumy mother board recently died, and I need to replace it, are there any recommendations as to what motherboard brand to buy?  Should I stick to intel?13:41
paulus68LjL: do you know anyone present at this point which could try to help me out?13:41
dnivraSomesome: select the correct drive with the documents from Places.13:41
Dougdoug5The only one in question is LjL's13:41
Dr_Willisbiopyte:  i find with my 2 monitor setup  i rarely need extra desktops now. Other then a place to stick some unnedded windows. :)13:41
shane2peruof course I want it to work 100% with Linux13:42
alabd_you should if anyone asked a question it does not mean he had not read man ...thanks13:42
Supersaiyan_IVbiopyte, i see, by that you mean "desktop wall" ?13:42
LjLpaulus68, i guess you might also try asking ##networking13:42
PrototypeX29Ahow do i find out the name of the user manager, which i can start by clicking System > administration > users and groups13:42
Supersaiyan_IVbiopyte, because desktop wall meny also has an edge flip pointer option13:42
soul_dnivra have u read my question ?13:42
paulus68LjL: ok13:42
biopyteDr_Willis: no i mean ctrl-alt-left/right/up/down triggers a short animation indicating that you switched desktops. its difficult to explain for me.13:42
soul_noob i have post my question up there13:42
Dr_Willisbiopyte:  its tweakable. compiz has so many settings its staggering. :)13:43
llutzalankila: if you'd read the page, you'd know what it is for and that no math is needed13:43
jigalHello everyone i want to listen to an online radio site but it can't find the right plugin for ubuntu it looks for a text/html decoder. The site has a built in audio player13:43
Dr_Willisbiopyte:  personally i tend to switch via the mouse wheel.13:43
guntbertPrototypeX29A: its users-admin (use gksudo)13:43
biopyteSupersaiyan_IV: i dont know what desktop wall is, maybe thats the same like virtual desktop? i check it out.13:43
LjLjigal: what site is that?13:43
ActionParsnipjigal: what site, i'll test it here13:44
alankilallutz: I think he's gone13:44
Supersaiyan_IVbiopyte, i recommend using the "advanced search" function to find all options referring to the keyword "edge"13:44
llutzups, yes. alankila sry13:44
UmoplataI would like to know how to install the desktop optimizer program which is a tar.gz file13:44
dnivrasoul_: yeah I did; no clue what's wrong:).13:44
ExtremeDevilz2another xchat is running13:44
ExtremeDevilz2but I cant see it13:44
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:45
jigalActionPersnip LjL http://jewishbroadcast.com jou might get a form first. it accepts dummy info. So just enter dummi info13:45
dnivraExtremeDevilz2: please type in one line. thanks.13:45
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz2: ps -ef | grep chat13:45
paulus68LjL: not much movement there at this point I am afraid13:45
Dr_WillisUmoplata:  id be wary of anytjhing making that sort of 'claim' got a URL to where you got it from?13:45
ExtremeDevilz2extremedevilz, < he is here13:45
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz2: then use: kill pid    replace pid with the leftmost number in each output13:45
Dr_WillisUmoplata:  one normally extracts and compiles source code from 'archioves' like that13:45
Umoplatadr willis: the gnome files website13:45
soul_dnirva i can't see the partition i created through Gparted , The partition is 80Gb it says only 5GB freespace , im sure it is empty13:45
ardchoilleUmoplata: What's the name of the app?13:46
biopyteSupersaiyan_IV: you were right, its desktop wall where you can activate edge flipping. GREAT, no i have my beloved edge flipping as i always used to have on the good old e16. THANKS A LOT.13:46
LjLpaulus68: that doesn't mean nobody will answer if you're patient13:46
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:46
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LjLjigal: uhm, here nothing happens when i press the button on chromium and firefox13:46
Dr_WillisUmoplata:  give the full url perhaps.  compiling things from source can be tricky, or trivial. it just depends13:46
dnivrasoul_: if you are sure it's free, best to format it again. No harm right?13:46
soul_yep no harm13:46
Umoplataardochoille:desktop optimization13:47
soul_dnivra can i format through the terminal13:47
jigalLjl don't you get any music13:47
llutz!pm > ubuntusage13:47
Umoplatadr_willis: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php/Desktop_Optimization13:47
ubottuubuntusage, please see my private message13:47
LjLjigal: nope...13:47
dnivrasoul_: sure you can; but I don't know the command. Perhaps someone else will know.13:48
jigalLjl not even a waringn? In FF i get a message: searching for plugin13:48
* chrisw1 tries here instead.. can anyone think why output from "ls -laR --time-style=+ some/path" would differ in file ordering depending on whether it is run from a cron job or from a shell? A diff of the change in output is here: http://pastebin.com/dfe603d313:48
LjLjigal: no, just nothing seems to happens13:48
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ExtremeDevilz2http://i45.tinypic.com/nzm9e1.png < Only 1 is shown13:48
perlsyntaxanyone have warcraft install on ubuntu?13:48
Slartperlsyntax: I think so.. yes.. check appdb.winehq.org13:48
ardchoilleUmoplata , Dr_Willis i't s a set of scripts, I don't think compiling is needed13:49
jigalbut on windows this site works perfect for me13:49
jigali will post a print screen13:49
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz2: you can use pastebin for text13:49
guntbertUmoplata: careful - that thing is 3+ years old - lots of things changed in between13:49
soul_dnivra ext4 or ext3 is recommended for normal files , note : i use virtualbox to run other operating systems13:49
ExtremeDevilz2thats not text13:49
Dr_WillisUmoplata:  Given the last ubuntu release mentioned in the docs for that app.. is Dapper Drake.. I would avoide that thing.13:49
ardchoilleguntbert: good point13:49
dnivraExtremeDevilz2: go to the terminal and type the command given earlier(the ps-ef | grep xchat one)13:49
Dr_WillisUmoplata:  i doubt if you need it. and it may cause more harm then good.13:49
ubuntusage@llutz alrigh, first time here :)13:49
Umoplatadr_willis: ok will do! many thanks!13:50
soul_ext4 or ext3 is recommended for partitions ?13:50
Dr_WillisUmoplata:  Last Updated: May 30, 2006     --  thats 4 yrs ago.13:50
dnivrasoul_: hold it. one question - your computer has NO DATA in it right?13:50
perlsyntaxthat don't help me13:50
erUSULjigal: i can listen to it if i click the other player link You can now play JewishBroadcast.com in your favorite player13:50
soul_dnivra: yes13:50
dnivrasoul_: you still have virtualbox installed anywhere?13:50
ExtremeDevilz2command not found13:50
erUSULjigal: with the mplayer plugin for mozilla13:50
erUSULjigal: i suspect that totem or vlc plugins will work too13:50
ardchoilleextremedevilz: ps -ef | grep xchat13:51
soul_dnivra yep the virtualbox is installed on this ubuntu im chating from ( same laptop that have the partitions problem)13:51
jigalok i will find it13:51
erUSULjigal: if you copy the url http://jb2.jewishbroadcast.com:8010/listen.pls and go to totem Open>Open url it works too13:51
biopyteSupersaiyan_IV: do you also now how to stop that short animation that pops up for a few seconds in the middle of the desktop when switching the desktop?13:52
chtituxI've a weird issue with ubuntu : I can only access IPv6 services13:52
biopyteSupersaiyan_IV: do you also now how to stop that short animation that pops up for a few seconds in the middle of the desktop when switching the desktop?13:52
biopytesorry, i was offline13:52
dnivrasoul_: do you have a lot of virtual machines? and separate virtual disks for each?13:52
ExtremeDevilz2Command not found13:52
soul_dnivra no this moment there is nothing installed inside the vbox , and Gparted gave me this problem now13:53
isolat3dsh33pnice show ;)13:53
jiohdianyone know how I can increase terminal font to say 16 without letters bunching up?13:53
dnivrasoul_: if you had virtualbox installed earlier, perhaps the virtual disks that you created will be there in those partitions.13:53
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  in gnome-terminal? I just play with the different fonts/sizes - rarely have problems with them13:53
biopyteunstable wlan13:54
soul_dnivra kernel cannot read devices table on /dev/sda the space of the 80gib is unknown and i cannot create a new partition on it13:54
jiohdiDr_Willis: I have tried a host of them and other than the system norm, they all seem to have bad kerning effects13:54
ActionParsnipjiohdi: in terminal click one of the menu items and you'll see profile, you can set it there13:54
soul_dnivra before formatting i only used 20 gb for a virtual disk13:54
ExtremeDevilz2ok I seriously need help13:54
soul_dnivra what do u think i have to do now13:54
jiohdiActionParsnip: I change the font and the font size, but I cannot find one that does not bunch up or cause gaps13:54
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  never noticed.. Im not sure i ever use fonts larger then size  14 or so.13:55
ExtremeDevilz2another xchat is running13:55
ExtremeDevilz2but I cant see it13:55
ExtremeDevilz2cause my first nick is being use13:55
llutzjiohdi: have you tried terminus?13:55
jiohdiDr_Willis: the system standard is 10 which blind me would like to up a bit :)13:55
jiohdillutz: what is that13:55
llutzjiohdi: a font13:55
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  you are not mixxing in  non-monospaced fonts are you?13:55
jigalerusul doesn't work http://pastebin.com/m7cfff83713:55
jiohdillutz, probably not yet :)13:55
ActionParsnipjiohdi: try a few is all i can suggest, or try a blockier font to make the text clearer13:55
dnivrasoul_ since you've no virtual machines and no documents in the drive. you can try formatting it. but maybe before that you should try to mount the partition and do "ls -a" from command line to see if anything is there13:55
jiohdiDr_Willis: I am just trying the options available13:56
sahilskwhich language is better to begin with , python or ruby?13:56
biopyteDr_Willis: hey, try edge flipping on desktop wall. its so cool.13:56
macman_guys i have a question .. so i installed ubuntu right .. then i installed kdm just to switch back and fourth .. i got tired of kdm and removed kubuntu-desktop .. why when i rebooted i see kubuntu logo installed of the ubuntu logo ?13:56
erUSULjigal: install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:56
soul_dnivra ok wait13:56
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Dr_Willisjiohdi:  useing proportional fonts - will look nasty in most cases.13:56
dnivraExtremeDevilz2: open up a terminal, execute "killall xchat" and come back again.13:56
ExtremeDevilz2how do I remove the first xchat13:56
puckmanhelp needed, just installed 7.10 on PS3 but the update manager claims the repositories are offline13:56
erUSULjigal: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:56
llutzExtremeDevilz2: maybe just an old connection hasn't timed-out yet13:56
jigalerusul how to?13:56
ardchoilleDr_Willis: She's very happy with compiz transparency for unfocused windows and she wanted me to thank you :)13:56
puckmanlooking around I cant find any place where they have repos for powerpc13:56
erUSULpuckman: that's becouse 7.10 is not supported anymore.13:56
erUSUL!7.10 | puckman13:57
ubottupuckman: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.13:57
Dr_Willispuckman:  that old a release gets the servers moved to some 'archive' servers after so many years. You may want to use a newer release13:57
puckmanI know, sorry13:57
ExtremeDevilzIt is gone13:57
puckmanbut its the only thing that would install13:57
puckmanthe 8.04 and 9.10 cd's refused to install13:57
RealKillazIs there a CL tool where I can check on my server where the most amount of diskapce id being used?13:57
llutzRealKillaz: du/df13:57
soul_dnivra nothing in the ls -a13:57
RealKillazllutz, df give only the mounted13:57
erUSULpuckman: Dr_Willis if you do replace "archive" with "old-releases" in the sources.list url's you can get the updates13:57
RealKillazI'll check du13:58
RealKillazllutz, I'll check du13:58
soul_dnivra i tired ls -a /dev/sda513:58
jiohdiDr_Willis: I seem to have no problem on my 9.04 machine, is the 9.10 that is bunching up13:58
soul_dnivra the result is /dev/sda513:58
llutzRealKillaz: who cares about unmounted diskspace13:58
puckmanerUSUL: you rock13:58
erUSULpuckman: consider upgrading to 8.0413:59
dnivrasoul_ no no no. you have to mount the partition before doing "ls -a" on it.13:59
puckmanerUSUL: dont really want to update, want to upgrade but not getting that dialog in the update manager because it crapped out13:59
erUSUL!upgrade | puckman13:59
ubottupuckman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:59
RealKillazllutz, :-) I mean there is not much details. I would like to see which folder and not only the mount13:59
puckmanerUSUL: yeah, looking at the instructions i need tp update first14:00
RealKillazllutz, hahaahahahha check teh diskspace on unmounted drives....14:00
llutzRealKillaz: so use du with some nice options :)14:00
puckmanthe upgrade button does not come avail till you update14:00
jiohdiDr_Willis: can a mint9.04 be upgraded to a ubuntu9.10 online?14:01
ActionParsnipjiohdi: i wouldnt14:01
Slyartell me a good music player,thanks~14:01
ExtremeDevilzVLC Player14:01
soul_dnivra i mounted it then ls -a it is the same result14:01
soul_dnivra just /dev/sda514:01
jiohdiActionParsnip: mint does not seem to have the option to upgrade to mint9.10 like ubuntu does14:02
Slyaraudacious?I have ever seen it14:02
dnivrasoul_: check my pm.14:02
ExtremeDevilzguys how do I install aMSN on Ubuntu14:02
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  try it and see i guess..  Personally id Dump Mint and stick to Ubuntu14:02
isolat3dsh33pguys, how to enable webcam in empathy?14:02
LjLExtremeDevilz: "sudo apt-get install amsn"14:02
ActionParsnipjiohdi: you will have to ask in the mint channel on how to upgrade, mint isnt supported here14:03
hhlpSlyar, exaile vlc mplayer Rhythmbox audicus totem select what you want14:03
jiohdiDr_Willis: isnt mint just ubuntu with restricted stuff and non free?14:03
erUSULExtremeDevilz: the same you do with all other software. Aplications>Ubuntu software center14:03
jiohdiActionParsnip: mint does not seem to be supported on its own channel either :(14:03
Slyarhhlp, ok,thanks~14:03
ActionParsnipjiohdi: its based on ubuntu but isnt an official release by canonical so isnt supported in the ubuntu channel14:03
erUSUL!software > ExtremeDevilz14:03
ubottuExtremeDevilz, please see my private message14:03
ExtremeDevilzdoes Ubuntu have wine too ?14:03
jigalerusul it still looks for the right plugin do have to reboot?14:03
zzzxzzzhello guys please help me, i have toshiba r500 laptop and i use with linux its work very well but i have lost the sound now, i tryed the test option to use it without success14:03
ActionParsnipjiohdi: install an official release for support here14:04
zzzxzzzhello guys please help me, i have toshiba r500 laptop and i use with linux its work very well but i have lost the sound now, i tryed the test option to use it without success14:04
erUSULjigal: shoudn't be needed14:04
biopyteDr_Willis+Supersaiyan_IV: solved it. you have to deactivate "show viewport switcher preview" in the desktop wall settings. alright, that was a successful session. :)14:04
ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: has it ever worked?14:04
zzzxzzzof course14:04
zzzxzzzwas wery good14:04
hhlpSlyar or select ubuntu software center and select audio and video there are many14:05
jiohdiActionParsnip: will ubuntu allow a dual install with mint... like it does with xp?14:05
ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: try: sudo killall pulseaudio; rm -rf ~/.pulse*    then press alt+f2 then type: pulseaudio   and hit enter14:05
Slyarhhlp, I know,but I don't know which is better14:05
ActionParsnipjiohdi: sure its just another OS in a multiboot system14:05
ActionParsnipSlyar: none are better, they are equal but give different fuctionalities14:06
puckmanhmmm when I do "gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"" my cd drive spins up, then nothing14:06
puckmanno error14:06
DrunkenGood morning. Anyone have experience with getting cac card readers working under ubuntu?14:06
SlyarActionParsnip, I want to have a shell player~14:06
ActionParsnippuckman: try:   gksu "sh /media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade"14:06
puckmanActionParsnip: same result14:07
ActionParsnipSlyar: cvlc or mplayer can be used as command line players14:07
ActionParsnippuckman: did you mount an ISO or is it an actual CD?14:07
zzzxzzzActionParsnip: how can i use pulse audio? i heve to download?14:07
puckmanactual c14:07
SlyarActionParsnip, ok,I'll try it14:07
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network14:08
ActionParsnipSlyar: cvlc is installed with vlc14:08
erUSULpuckman: for some weird reason you have to use plain sudo with that script14:08
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ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: its in a standard install14:09
perlsyntaxHow do i mount my dvd drive on ubuntu?14:09
ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: you are stopping it, deleting its config then restarting it to get default settings14:09
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: sudo mount /media/cdrom014:09
erUSULperlsyntax: should just mount when you insert it14:09
puckmanerUSUL: ?14:10
ubuntusagehow can avoid "user left the room" messages here14:10
erUSULpuckman: with cdromupdate14:10
erUSULubuntusage: depends on the irc client you se14:11
ubuntusagepidgin is what I am using14:11
perlsyntaxwine tell me it not mounted14:11
erUSULubuntusage: dunno then sorry :| in x-chat is just right clicking in the channel name/button14:12
ActionParsnipubuntusage: on the main pidgin windows, press ctrl+U and select the pluginn t ohide part/join14:12
erUSULperlsyntax: check the winecfg configuration for drives14:12
JSeymourI installed alarm-clock-applet but nothing shows up anywhere.  Not in a menu, not on the panel at the top of the screen.  What's the secret?14:12
zzzxzzzActionParsnip: sorry but is hard for me to do it, i dont understand, i'm just linux user14:12
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: right click on the install exe and select open with wine14:12
srinivasaHi, Please provide me the link to ubuntu 9.10 tutorial + pdf link14:13
erUSULJSeymour: right click on the panel choose add to panel actually add it to the panel14:13
ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: i gave you the EXACT commands14:13
ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: in a terminal: killall pulseaudio; rm -rf ~/.pulse*14:13
JSeymourerUSUL: Oh.  Doh!  Thanks!14:13
ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: then press alt+f2 and type: pulseaudio    then press enter14:13
erUSULJSeymour: np ;P14:14
zzzxzzzActionParsnip: i beleive but where i have to put this commands?14:14
ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: if that doesnt work run: lspci | grep -i audio    then websearch the line for guides14:14
JSeymourerUSUL: Wow!  There are all kinds of things in there! :p14:14
srinivasahi can anyone provide me ubuntu 9.10 tutorial pdf free download14:14
erUSULJSeymour: indeed ;P14:14
ActionParsnipzzzxzzz: in a terminal14:14
erUSULsrinivasa: ubuntu pocket guide can be downloaded for free iirc14:14
ActionParsnip!terminal | zzzxzzz14:14
ubottuzzzxzzz: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:14
ubuntusageActionParsnip: got you! :) thanks14:15
perlsyntaxit said not enough space14:15
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icerootubuntu 9.10 using ARM has the same content als 9.10 i386/x86? havent found any usefull infos about that14:16
srinivasaerUSUL, Could you please provide me the link as i am new to opensource14:16
erUSULsrinivasa: just google "ubuntu pocket guide"14:16
srinivasaerUSUL, Sure, thanks a ton14:17
erUSULsrinivasa: no problem14:17
extremedevilz_guys how do I see icons in tray ?14:18
ubuntusageI ma getting this "Waiting for sound system to respond" while trying to access sound. I have no issues on my laptop, but with this machine. Googled, but failed14:18
ubuntusageI am with Ubuntu 9.1014:18
ActionParsnipextremedevilz_: do you mean the windows list?14:18
erUSULiceroot: shoud have except closed things that can not be recompiled ;P maybe suns java (jvm is only in sparc i386 and x86_64) and things like that14:19
perlsyntaxerUSUL i download it and burn to cd14:19
extremedevilz_no I minize my xchat14:19
extremedevilz_now I cant find it14:19
perlsyntaxcould that be the prob?14:19
ActionParsnipubuntusage: ok ni terminal run: lspci | grep -i audio      you can the find guides based on the sound chip14:19
erUSULperlsyntax: what?14:19
ActionParsnipextremedevilz_: right click the panel -> add item    window list14:20
ubuntusage00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)14:20
zzzxzzzActionParsnip: ok thanks i try it now14:20
SomeoneisHey, I need some help.14:20
icerooterUSUL: hm, so java and flash will be the problem... (as always)14:20
erUSULextremedevilz_: or maybe add the notification area14:21
icerooterUSUL: and acroread14:21
SomeoneisI'm running ubuntu with a CD. My computer is no longer usable since viruses attacked my computer. I can't even boot in safe mode so I was wondering how can I transfer my files from one PC to another using ubuntu?14:21
erUSULiceroot: i heard that flash is aviable for arm (at least smartphones have it)14:21
chrisw1how can I find out if a command is aliased?14:22
erUSULiceroot: evince works for me ;)14:22
erUSULchrisw1: run «type command»14:22
harjot_is it pssibile to run mac programs on linux?14:22
erUSULharjot_: no14:22
harjot_without virtualbox etc..?14:22
ActionParsnipSomeoneis: mount the ntfs using the live cd, you can access samba shares from the livecd. You SHOULD have a data backup which would make this whole thing easier14:22
harjot_you sure?14:22
ubuntusageSomeoneis: boot the computer using Ubuntu, one your windows drives , then use a USB drive to copy files14:22
icerootharjot_: vbox cant handle ppc if running on x8614:22
chrisw1erUSUL: sorry, I don't follow.... I want to find otu if "ls" is aliased to anything else, i don't want to run the command if it is aliased...14:23
harjot_because i looked into mol and you require the powerpc processor like you said14:23
SomeoneisActionParsnip: I have seen you here before, I think you helped me with something months ago. I will go check it out now.14:23
harjot_so you cant even virtualize mac??14:23
erUSULharjot_: pretty sure, unless you are talking about unix command line programs that work on MacOS X becouse it is a half breed freebsd14:23
icerooterUSUL: hm ok, if flash is working it sounds good, java i dont need and for acroread  i can use other software. so maybe i will try a new pc using arm14:23
Dr_Willisharjot_:  that wont let you run the newer mac apps - ppd = oled macs14:23
rob_pharjot_: Only if the program is compiled for Linux.  A Mac binary won't run on Linux without a virtual environment in place.14:24
ActionParsnipwhy dont people have backups, its absolutely beyond my comprehension14:24
harjot_what is a usbale vitual environment14:24
harjot_like vmvare or something ?14:24
ActionParsnipharjot_: virtualbox, vmware14:24
icerootActionParsnip: they will have backups AFTER the first crash14:24
ActionParsnipiceroot: true, same they have to lear the hardest way14:25
icerootActionParsnip: sure14:25
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Seasons: )14:26
rob_pharjot_: Any of the virtualization programs that run on Linux and support Mac.  Google would be a good place to start looking if you aren't sure.14:26
icerootharjot_: but only x86 mac os and not the ppc version14:26
llutzrob_p: even if they support mac, it would be illegal to run mac osX or similar on it14:27
jolarenDoes anyone know how to connect to several servers with xchat?14:27
evergrennhello all14:27
lucyI have an orange livebox and i'm trying to connect to it from my other laptop without success. I turned on the 'pairing' mode on livebox but that failed, any ideas?14:27
icerootjolaren: /connect servername14:27
icerootjolaren: thats the way irssi is working and maybe its working on xchat too14:28
rob_pharjot_: I've got several servers running vmware server but none of my appliances are Mac.  It's all Linux stuff.  So I'm not sure how supported Mac would be under that environment.  My guess is it would work.14:28
rob_pllutz: tnx for the info14:28
ActionParsniprob_p: i'd check the mac license to make sure they allow virtualisation14:29
llutzrob_p: apple has really strict licenses14:29
tolpicoThere are some academic pdf files. I need to create a catalogue of them. I need to get the screenshots of seond page of each the pdf file. Are there any commands which can help automate this task? Thanks.14:29
icerootActionParsnip: they dont14:29
rob_pActionParsnip: llutz:  Indeed.14:29
ActionParsnipiceroot: didnt think so, apple are morons14:29
llutz"only to be installed on Apple hardware" bla bla14:30
ActionParsnipllutz: true, virtualised h/w isnt apple h/w14:31
icerootbut shoudnt bsd run mac software?14:31
llutzActionParsnip: nope, it's better :)14:31
icerootllutz: but doesnt look so nice14:31
ActionParsnipllutz: and ceaper, mind you....what isn't!!14:31
icerootharjot_: correct14:31
ActionParsnipharjot_: not legally no14:31
llutziceroot: true14:31
harjot_but whos gonna stop me if i do virtualize?14:32
ewookharjot_: did it come as a suprise? :)14:32
rob_pharjot_: Apparently not.  But you can virtualize Linux on a Mac!  :-)14:32
icerootharjot_: apple14:32
ActionParsnipharjot_: apple are one of the most closed minded clownshoes on the planet14:32
harjot_lol yeah14:32
ewookActionParsnip: except, the strip stuff down and make it work for their stuff pretty good.14:32
icerootharjot_: just use linux or a real bsd with a real licence14:32
IdleOneActionParsnip: from a business stand point it seems to be working for them14:33
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erUSUL!info pdftk | tolpico14:33
ubottutolpico: pdftk (source: pdftk): tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.41+dfsg-1 (karmic), package size 80 kB, installed size 236 kB14:33
ActionParsnipIdleOne: sadly because users like shiny things14:33
SeasonsI think I am going back to windows14:33
Seasonsalot of trouble14:33
harjot_yup, but some of macs programs are quite good and i wanted to try them14:33
Seasonssee ya guys14:33
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  so it the tobacco companies. :) but that dosetn mean its good for everyone.14:33
Seasonshope microsoft will forgive me14:33
tolpicoerUSUL, thanks i will check it out now.14:33
icerootSeasons: you have a ubuntu-support question?14:33
harjot_Seasons: microsoft dont give a bull about their customers14:34
IdleOneActionParsnip: indeed. Dr_Willis touché.14:34
Seasonsbut my stuff needs windows14:34
rob_pharjot_: Nobody will "stop" you from doing it.  But it should be pointed out to you that you probably can't *legally* do it.  What you do is your business but we can't condone illegal things here.14:34
Seasonsso sorry14:34
Dr_WillisCustomers to MS and Apple =  'source of revenue' not 'people they serve'14:34
harjot_rob_p: yup i know14:34
SomeSomeActionParsnip: I'm Someoneis. I'm back and I don't have enough disc space to back stuff up on another partition.14:34
harjot_Dr_Willis: Ha very true14:35
ActionParsnipSomeSome: then what if the drive motor dies and the data is irretrievable. where is your data?14:35
bleriguys pls help14:36
SomeSomeActionParsnip: I can access the data with the live CD. Is there any way I can transfer it to my other computer?14:36
IdleOnebleri: with?14:36
blerisome body help me14:36
ActionParsnipSomeSome: no backup == data is disposable and unimportant14:36
iceroot!ask | bleri14:36
ubottubleri: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:36
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete14:36
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin14:36
blerimy problem is tha i cant open video from youtube14:36
IdleOne!msgthebot > isolat3dsh33p14:36
blerii have ubuntu 9.0414:36
ubottuisolat3dsh33p, please see my private message14:36
icerootbleri: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:37
erUSULtolpico: pdftk may be overkill found this --> «pdftops -f 2 -l 2 -paper A4 file.pdf page_2.ps» once yopu have the ps you can convert it to whatever format suits you14:37
ActionParsnipSomeSome: sure you can mount the partition(s) under the livecd and use nautilus to access the shares on another system14:37
IdleOnebleri: you need to install flash14:37
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icerootbleri: then restart firefox14:37
IdleOne!flash | bleri14:37
ubottubleri: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:37
SomeSomeActionParsnip: How can I do such a thing?14:37
ActionParsnipSomeSome: you will need to share a folder on another system to spit the file to14:37
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network14:37
blerii make it but still nothing :(14:37
ActionParsnipSomeSome: it willhave an entry under places14:37
SomeSomeActionParsnip: May you lead me in the right direction for sharing files between ubuntu and windows?14:38
SENI ;)14:38
alienkid10I want to partition a 4GB flash drive into 2 partition. How can I do that so Windows will still let me safety remove the drive? I want 1 partition a FAT32 for windows to store things on. The other will be a EXT3/4 (or FAT32?) for Ubuntu to be installed on14:38
harjot_what happens if a hard drive motor stops spinning?14:38
harjot_or something like so14:38
IdleOneharjot_: the hard drive effectively turns into a paper weight14:39
taraduffyhi all, does anyone know if I change a partition with 'format to' in gparted from ntfs to ext4 that has windows on it , if I will loose windows?14:39
harjot_anyway to recover the data?14:39
scunizi_taraduffy: yes14:39
ActionParsnipSomeSome: windows can share folders already, setting that up is as simple as rihtclicking a folder, you can then (in nautilus) type:    smb://wndowshostname/sharename14:39
JordiGHDid old old old ubuntus (5.10) ever put debian lines in its sources.list?14:39
SomeSomeActionParsnip: I know how to do it on windows but I don't know how to do it on ubuntu.14:39
taraduffyscunizi: i will loose data?14:39
erUSULJordiGH: no14:39
harjot_IdleOne: is there any way to fix/recover data?14:40
harjot_of it?14:40
scunizi_taraduffy: if you havent hit apply then nothing has happened.. if you hit apply and it formatted then you're pretty much toast14:40
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bleripls help some body14:40
ActionParsnipSomeSome: you dont have to in ubuntu, you can simply access the share as I said above14:40
IdleOne!recover > harjot_14:40
erUSUL!cpas | ELIYEV14:40
ubottuharjot_, please see my private message14:40
erUSUL!caps | ELIYEV14:40
ubottuELIYEV: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:40
taraduffyscunizi: i did not hit. my problem is that gparted cant read the partition in current format (i want to shrink it).14:41
SomeSomeActionParsnip: Is it set up automatically for the LAN network?14:41
ActionParsnipSomeSome: if the nic is detected it will auto use dhcp by default14:41
harjot_IdleOne: its an ntfs filesytem, and i suspect tthe motor stopped spinning14:41
jason_hey guys - is there a way I can connect my *buntu laptop with NFS to my windows network server at work without installing an nfs client on the windows box? Or od I HAVE to use samba?14:41
scunizi_taraduffy: boot into windows and see if their tools will shrink their own partition.14:41
ActionParsnipbleri: can you use: http://pastebin.com   to give the output of:  dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf14:42
chazcoHi... anyone know how to fix surround sound on 9.10?14:42
SomeSomeActionParsnip: I didn't think it would be that simple, I will give it a go and let you know how it goes.14:42
taraduffyscunizi: any idea what windows tool? thanks,14:42
IdleOneharjot_: there are probably recover tools for windows also. I suggest asking in ##windows or perhaps doing a search on the net14:42
erUSULjason_: samba should be the easist option14:42
ActionParsnipSomeSome: its as easy as windows. why did you think it would be hard?14:42
harjot_the hard drive doesnt start anymore14:42
harjot_is there ANY way to fix or recover its data?\14:42
jason_erUSUL - Im having mixed issues with samba, and Ive used samba for a long, long time. Sometimes it sees the server, other times it doesnt.14:43
lorenzosuHow to permanently add a path to ubuntu?14:43
alienkid10I want to partition a 4GB flash drive into 2 partition. How can I do that so Windows will still let me safety remove the drive? I want 1 partition a FAT32 for windows to store things on. The other will be a EXT3/4 (or FAT32?) for Ubuntu to be installed on. Would Windows see the FAT32 partition as removeable and beable to safety remove it?14:43
erUSULharjot_: maybe your only chance is a data recover business14:43
ActionParsnipharjot_: if the drive isnt spinning youo can spend a fewthousand dollas with professional services14:43
erUSULlorenzosu: what do you mean add a path ?14:43
llutzharjot_: there are companies doing it for money. you can try to get an identical drive, change the electronics and pray that it will run once14:43
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ActionParsnipharjot_: this is why i bang on about backups14:43
scunizi_taraduffy: ##windows14:43
nipunhi,i'm a newb on linux, i've installed ubuntu 8.04...but whenever  i try to set the resolution above 800*600,the screen becomesw unstable,even though my drivers and hardwares are perfectly compactable in running these settings...any idea why???14:43
IdleOneharjot_: the question now is how much is this data worth to you14:43
ActionParsnipharjot_: but no one listens14:43
SomeSomeActionParsnip: Things I have done in the past for ubuntu wasn't as easy. But then again, I'm just novice for ubuntu.14:43
nipunhi,i'm a newb on linux, i've installed ubuntu 8.04...but whenever  i try to set the resolution above 800*600,the screen becomesw unstable,even though my drivers and hardwares are perfectly compactable in running these settings...any idea why???14:43
tolpicoerUSUL, exactly, thank you very much! you made my day. !cookie14:43
FloodBot2nipun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:43
lorenzosuerUSUL, I mean I'd like the path ~/scripts to always be accessible14:44
harjot_ActionParsnip: it was a 250 GB DRIVE!!! how are you supposed to back it up?14:44
ActionParsnipSomeSome: probably due to microsoft over use, ubuntu is slightly different but can work just as easily with use14:44
Leoneof`hi, it is possible to run Windows games via VMware?14:44
llutzlorenzosu: add it to PATH in ~/.bashrc14:45
harjot_IdleOne: the data is somewhat valuable14:45
erUSULlorenzosu: in ~/.bashrc do $PATH=$PATH:~/scripts14:45
ActionParsnipharjot_: a 1Tb drive will give you a 3day non differential backup14:45
isolat3dsh33pguys, how to make a beep sound on the terminal?14:45
jtajilorenzosu: if you make a ~/bin it will be automatically added to your path next login14:45
erUSULlorenzosu: better in ~/.profile14:45
harjot_ActionParsnip: nevermind14:46
erUSULlorenzosu: is where ~/bin is added ;)14:46
jason_does ubuntu or kubuntu come prepackaged with a firewall?14:46
lorenzosuerUSUL, Thanks14:46
erUSUL!fw | jason_14:46
ActionParsnipjason_: they all do, with iptables14:46
ActionParsnipharjot_: large hdd is hugely cheaper than professional data recovery service14:47
jason_ActionParsnip - Im just trying to understand why kubuntu often says "could not find any computers in your workgroup. May be due to an enabled firewall." I recall having the same issue with ubuntu too, but no error. Just nothing happened.14:47
nipunhey....i've installed ubuntu 8.04...but whenever  i try to set the resolution above 800*600,the screen becomesw unstable,even though my drivers and hardwares are perfectly compactable in running these settings...any idea why???14:47
harjot_ActionParsnip: true point.14:47
lorenzosuI addedd a PPA but doing apt-get install package installes the older ubuntu version14:48
ActionParsnipjason_: if you open /etc/samba/smb.conf   you can make sure it is part of the same workgroup14:48
ActionParsnipjason_: can you ping the servers by name or IP?14:49
IdleOnelorenzosu: did you apt-get update first?14:49
supertux1how to disable wifi and bluetooth on boot? the appear enabled in karmic and i don't like that14:49
lorenzosuIdleOne, Yes.14:49
jason_ActionParsnip - well I work on two networks. The one at work the workgroup doesnt match up. The one at home does (both in same workgroup). However I get the same results with each.14:49
jason_ActionParsnip - I can ping by IP and name... the storage server that is.14:49
ActionParsnipjason_: as long as you can ping the workgroup is fairly moot14:50
ActionParsnipjason_: then in nautilus address bar typ:   smb://servername/sharename14:50
nipunHey ppl i've installed ubuntu 8.04...but whenever  i try to set the resolution above 800*600,the screen becomesw unstable,even though my drivers and hardwares are perfectly compactable in running these settings...any idea why???14:50
jason_ActionParsnip - still unable to see storage server in dolphin. However I can ping it by name...14:50
jason_ActionParsnip - well at the moment Im on my kubuntu laptop. I have issues with both laptops though.14:50
ActionParsnipnipun: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga14:50
ActionParsnipjason_: if the name pings you can use it in nautilus to access it14:51
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:51
nipunActionParsnip: right now,m on my friends comp....and am kinda a beginner,so anything will be helpful...???14:52
jason_ActionParsnip - I just did what you siad to do in nautilus on my ubuntu laptop to my kubuntu laptop in konqerer. I can see the shares now. I wonder why Nautilus (when browsing) and dolphin (when browsing) give me issues.14:52
ActionParsnipnipun: i gave the command you need to run in a terminal14:52
ActionParsnipjason_: thats how I do it, i dont use the network icon. I think it stinks14:52
es-webHow do i fix, apt-get? apt-get thinks all my packede are uptodate, but i can see that version numbers dont match? is there a way to update/reinstall all packaged?14:53
squisherHi, I have no sound with ubuntu 9.10 - alsa-info.sh @ http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4ad6519287bbc5fd994af1cb74d074552a4087e714:53
ActionParsnipjason_: plus that way goes direct to the system so is uicker14:53
jason_ActionParsnip - I just dont understand why konq (nautilus address bar) works, but my program SMB4k doesnt work.14:53
squisheres-web, where do you see the missmatch?14:53
jason_ActionParsnip - becuase I use SMB4k on my Kubuntu laptop and while I like it, it gave me the same results with mixed signals14:53
ActionParsnipjason_: i couldnt say14:53
ActionParsnip!terminal | nipun14:54
ubottunipun: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:54
jason_ACtionParsnip - Ill try konq and your method in naut and see how it goes. Appreciate it man.14:54
isolat3dsh33pguys, why does my terminal bell doesn't work? « prinf "\a" » don't produce any beep sound :(14:54
squisherisolat3dsh33p, xterm settings?14:54
squishermost people find the bell pretty annoying ;)14:54
ActionParsnipisolat3dsh33p: if you press backspace on an empty line it should ring14:55
nipunActionParsnip: i'll definately try that. can u tell me the reason though....why i can run the windows perfectly well, but the screen starts flickering like crazy...and the system has 2 be shut down...plz hlp,can't access the system right now!14:55
nipuncould there be a problem with the drivers??14:55
isolat3dsh33psquisher: how to check it? ActionParsnip: no sound at all. :(14:55
Yon89how can i tell when kernel patches are going to be included in the kernal (if ever ) ?14:55
BlackFate_beeps are disabled from module in karmic14:56
es-websquisher: im on a debian system, but no luck in that channel. I know that the kernal im running is 2.6.18 and the one in repo is 2.6.26, but it wont show up when i do apt-get update apt-get uprade. And i know for a fact that most packaged is affected too14:56
erUSULnipun: which graphic hardware does the system uses ?14:56
erUSULYon89: which kernel patches ?14:56
Yon89the mvsas patches14:56
ActionParsnipisolat3dsh33p: check the settings in sound as well as the terminal settings14:56
ActionParsnipnipun: you havent configured drivers yet as its a clean install14:57
lorenzosuMind you I added the PPA with the new add-apt command. Is it working?14:57
nipunerUSUL: it uses the standard onboard intel 845gv graphics....14:57
ActionParsnipnipun: none of my systems go above 640x480 without drivers14:57
squisherisolat3dsh33p, well which one are you using?14:57
ActionParsnipnipun: under windows14:57
erUSULYon89: mvsas seems to be included in ubuntu /lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/kernel/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mvsas.ko14:57
Yon89for this bug http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1453414:57
ActionParsnipnipun: and what windows does or doesnt do i moot14:57
squisheres-web, join me in #debian, that's a bit offtopic here14:57
Yon89the driver is included but is useless14:57
isolat3dsh33pActionParsnip: I already checked the "Terminal bell". No effect. | squisher: default ubuntu terminal.14:58
Slartes-web: debian and ubuntu doesn't quite use apt the same way.. debian uses rolling updates and versions.. ubuntu only updates big stuff with a new version14:58
ActionParsnipisolat3dsh33p: thats as much as i know. i always turned it off14:58
nipunActionParsnip : do the drivers have to be installed seperately after installing ubuntu,i thought they came preloaded?14:58
isolat3dsh33pActionParsnip: That's ok :)14:58
llutzSlart: only sid provides rolling updates14:59
ActionParsnipnipun: with some cards yes, with some no14:59
squisherisolat3dsh33p, check the settings, here I can disable the bell14:59
erUSULYon89: try using 2.6.32 kernel there are few ppa with it included14:59
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.14:59
ActionParsnipnipun: once you run the command you will know the video card and you can websearch to find guides14:59
Slartllutz: huh? they've changed it? I thought they called stuff stable, testing, unstable and whatnot.. either way.. it's offtopic here I think15:00
erUSULYon89: also make a bug report against the ubuntu kernel in launchpad15:00
erUSUL!bugs | Yon8915:00
ubottuYon89: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:00
nipunActionParsnip : okay.....thanks a lot,i think i get it now!15:00
isolat3dsh33psquisher: I already enable the Terminal bell in the profile preferences. No effect15:00
ActionParsnipnipun: if its nvidia you are laughig15:01
lorenzosuI addedd a PPA but doing apt-get install package installes the 'older' ubuntu version (and yes I did sudo apt-get update)15:01
nipunActionParsnip : btw,i have an iso image of ubuntu 9.10, how can ii update my current 8.04 without having to uninstall the entire od?15:01
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Yon89so is it worth posting this as a ubuntu bug even tho all linux distro's have the issue atm15:02
duffydacklorenzosu, silly question, did you run update?15:02
ActionParsnipnipun: you will need the 9.04 alternate CD as well as the 9.10 alternate CD. You cannot upgrade direct to 9.10 and you cannot upgrade with the desktop ISO15:02
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network15:02
ActionParsnipnipun: or you can upgrade using the web15:03
lorenzosuduffydack, Not silly at all, but yes I did a couple of times.15:03
duffydacklorenzosu, SORRY DIDNT READ PROPERLY LOLL15:03
ActionParsnipnipun: you cannot skip releases15:03
duffydacksorry caps stuck15:03
isolat3dsh33pActionParsnip, squisher : it's a bug i guess. -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/10183815:03
Leoneof`hi, it is possible to run Windows games via VMware?15:03
duffydacklorenzosu, what package is it15:03
ActionParsnipLeoneof`: 2d ones yes, 3d will run VERY badly15:03
lorenzosuduffydack, qjackctl15:03
ActionParsnipLeoneof`: if at all15:04
ActionParsnipLeoneof`: use wine or dualboot15:04
nipunActionParsnip : and how can i uninstall the 8.04,without the help of windows, i installed it from a bootable cd..15:04
squisherisolat3dsh33p, try a different terminal if it's important to you15:04
isolat3dsh33psquisher: ok, thanks dude. :)15:05
Yon89is the a pre compiled ubuntu 2.6.32 kernal i can try for the mvsas patches ?15:06
nipunHow can i uninstall the 8.04,without the help of windows, i installed it from a bootable cd..15:06
erUSUL!ppa | Yon89 as i said earlier15:07
ubottuYon89 as i said earlier: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.15:07
HaskellLoveI have 20 text files, how can i add one line of text to all of them acordingly, so that the first one gets "hello1" and the second "hello2" and so on... as first line...15:07
moldywhen i use "grep -z" on ubuntu, i cannot match the beginning of a line. e.g. "grep -z '^DISPLAY=' /proc/$pid/environ" does not find anything. on another distribution, this works. what is the problem here? a patched grep?15:07
evergrennI installed clamav, but I appear in applications, why?15:07
erUSULHaskellLove: use a for loop in bash15:07
Dr_Willisevergrenn:  if you mean it dident appear.. thats because its a cli tool.. there are gui front ends15:08
HaskellLoveerUSUL i am not that good with bash can you give me example? i have all my files in one folder15:08
evergrennhello dr_willis15:08
nipunHow can i uninstall the 8.04,without the help of windows, i installed it from a bootable cd..15:08
chrisw1hmm, so why does having a LANG of 'en_GB.UTF-8' set for a user cause the output order of ls to change so that it's no longer in alphabetical order?15:09
nipuni want to upgrade to 9.1015:09
Dr_Willisnipun:  the 9.10 installer can format the old partitions if you tell it to. No need to Uninstall it...15:09
evergrennDr_Willis. What should I apply?15:09
moldychrisw1: i cannot reproduce this.15:09
chrisw1moldy: yes, it doesn't happen with every folder15:10
HaskellLoveerUSUL help please just one code example15:10
moldychrisw1: give us a working example15:10
moldy"working" as in "reproduceable"15:10
nipunDr_Willis: i tried it before, but it messed up with my windows xp, and i cudn't boot it...any way to avoid it?15:10
chrisw1in my case, it's doing an "ls -laR --time-style=+ /etc/apache2"15:11
erUSULHaskellLove: for file in folder/*; do [the stuff here]; done15:11
erUSULHaskellLove: as more help in #bash i have to fly15:11
dsfas"sudo service networking restart" not working ubuntu 9.10...can anyone tell me whats the problem...15:11
chrisw1here's the diff going from having the LANG set to 'en_GB.UTF-8' or having the LANG set to '': http://pastebin.com/dfe603d315:12
chrisw1note that with the languaeg set, cgi.load and a few others are in the wrong palce15:12
evergrennDr_Willis.  What should I apply to show clamav on the taskbar?15:12
chrisw1setting the LANG to '' puts them in the right place alpahbetically15:12
Dr_Willisnipun:  then i guess you did somtuing wrong. or the grub got confused. If you are going to reinsatll ubuntu over top of the old. You can just delete the partitions. reboot  from cd. and start teh isntaller.15:12
Dr_Willisevergrenn:  No idea.  thers  an av wiki page or 2 out there.15:13
Dr_Willisevergrenn:  checck the package manager for clamav - theres really no need for it to show on the 'taskbar' youi use it to scan  a location and then its done.15:13
Dr_Willisevergrenn:  you do realize its main job is tojust scan your windows files for windows viruses right?15:13
nipunDr_willis : okay,thanks. also, can 9.10 auto detect mobile phones as modems...because in 8.04,i've tried ...and it asked for the port. no use, as i tried every port.15:14
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moldychrisw1: well, then apparently the en_GB.UTF-8 locale has a different definition of alphabetical order15:14
dsfas"sudo service networking restart" not working ubuntu 9.10...can anyone tell me whats the problem...15:15
chrisw1moldy: the ordering seems unlikely15:15
moldychrisw1: not to me15:15
Dr_Willisnipun:  no idea.15:15
soul_i have updated ubuntu 9.10 and now the graphocs are bad and awn won't start15:15
soul_and i have that error15:16
soul_dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.15:16
nipunDR_willis : okay well,no problem.thanks for the help!! :)15:16
chrisw1why? why would en_GB place cgi.oad *after* cgid.load? I'm english, and that makes no sense to me...15:16
IdleOnesoul_: did you run sudo dpkg --configure -a ?15:16
Goliathi have a problem with knetworkmanager. when i click the tray icon it says "network management disabled", my wlan0 is down also.15:17
moldychrisw1: what ubuntu version are you running?15:17
Picichrisw1: You may want to set LC_COLLATE to "C" if you are concerned with different ordering for alphabetized results.15:17
chrisw1Pici: it's mroe that the ordering for the locale is just plain wrong15:17
dsfasanyone there to help me out...15:18
boohGoliath: are you sure this is not a problem with your wireless driver?15:18
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chrisw1no-one sane in the en_GB locale would sort cgi.load after cgid.load15:18
IdleOnesoul_: please keep it in the channel. so others can also help/benefit15:18
Goliathbooh: when i use network daemon and ifconfig i can connect, with no problem15:18
soul_oh sry15:18
aaron11can someone discribe what hapens when you install a Nvidia GeForce into a PCI express? I want to know if anything will screwup on Karmic Koala.15:19
offyin ubuntu server 9.10 I don't have sudo !! anymore15:19
soul_i did the dpkg command and it solved the problem, thx15:19
jake__hey i have a dazzle dvc 100 and i lost the old software to it...anyone know of a good program 2 use it on?15:19
offyin 9.04 I did15:19
boohaaron11: what do you mean by that? you put the card in the slot and it goes.15:19
aaron11offy: Imposiblw15:19
soul_i have another problem , the Disk utility keeps warning me about disk failling15:19
soul_is it a bug15:19
aaron11offy: Imposible15:19
IdleOnesoul_: unless you have a very specific reason not to upgrade the kernel when update-manager offers, you should install it15:19
skysongaaron11: if you meant the drivers, nothing wrong should happen.. didn't happen to me anyways15:19
offy"sudo !!"15:20
dsfas"sudo service networking restart" not working ubuntu 9.10...can anyone tell me whats the problem...15:20
offysudo: !!: command not found15:20
Dr_Willissoul_:  look at the info its saying is failing.. ive some driuves  that the segate tools say is ok.. that  the disk utiklity tool goes on about because the # of bad sectors is 1 over the limit.. and has been for months...15:20
aaron11booh: I meant will it bring me to a black screen (terminal)15:20
FazersOnKill_Anyone have a good resource to get PPTP VPN Connection configured for Microsoft VPN Connection in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala?  Ive tried may things and get an error of "VPN Connection Failed"15:20
soul_i will install it , im just updating on many times coz of the slow internet15:20
Dr_Willissoul_:  so i just keep less impornatnat data on that drive just in case15:20
boohsoul_: that depends on whether or not your disk is actually failing. how do you want us to determine that? with our telepathic powers?15:20
skysongaaron11: why don't you use the synaptic installation?15:20
jake__anyone know of a good program 2 use my video capture card with?15:21
soul_telepathic powers ? i don't have other hard disks15:21
offyOh, root has the command sudo !!15:21
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:21
boohaaron11: it should not bring you to a black screen if the nvidia drivers work correctly15:22
Goliathi have a problem with knetworkmanager. when i click the tray icon it says "network management disabled", my wlan0 is down also.15:22
soul_so i can't back up my data , the laptop is still new ( bought it 3 or 4 months ago) but i used to install a lot of operating systems15:22
aaron11skysong: No. I meant after shutting down and replacing the card and turning it on, will it go normaly15:22
dsfas"sudo service networking restart" not working ubuntu 9.10...can anyone tell me whats the problem...15:22
soul_besides ubuntu is the only operating system that says i have bad sectors , Gparted doesn't say anything about that15:22
boohsoul_: if it is 3-4 months old the disk should still work. where are you seeing this failing disk?15:22
aaron11soul_: Thats so weird but there are no bad sectors15:23
soul_ubuntu disk utility15:23
aaron11soul_: Ubuntu is foolish that way15:23
aaron11soul_: How old is the disk15:23
soul_3 or 4 months15:24
aaron11skysong: No. I meant after shutting down and replacing the card and turning it on, will it go normaly15:24
lunixI want to make ubuntu detect the last GB of ram i have installed.. I know that 32bit OS will have som ram issues when getting close to 4Gb.  PAE will fix this??  Is that really possible?? Any downsides? and anyne know how to install PAE?15:24
soul_it says 19661115:24
soul_bad sectors15:24
dsfasis there anyone to help me15:25
soul_reallocated sector count is 19661115:25
dsfas"sudo service networking restart" not working ubuntu 9.10...can anyone tell me whats the problem...15:25
aaron11skysong: So... Will it bootup normaly and turn on ristricted drivers through gui15:26
aaron11skysong: So... Will it bootup normaly so that I can turn on ristricted drivers through gui15:26
FazersOnKill_"VPN Connection Failed" message in 9.10... ideas?15:26
soul_any one knows if i can install ubuntu netbook remix or moblin on my laptop ?15:26
chrisw1moldy: How is this sorting ever sane? http://pastebin.com/f3c3f29e515:26
aaron11soul_: Yes maybe15:27
rednFLYes I think so15:27
soul_aaron11 i have downlaoded mobin , during the install it says media error15:28
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I am trying to use apt-mirror on a 64-bit machine. I just finished mirroring the karmic releases over last night. I now realize that it only mirrored the 64-bit binaries. How do I mirror both 64-bit and i386 binaries?15:28
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_UsUrPeR_oh, Above: I'm trying to create a local repo in my office ^^^^15:28
aaron11soul_: Does it have a good initramp15:29
aaron11soul_: Does it have a good intrid15:29
aaron11soul_: Sorry for my spellings :D15:29
guntbert_UsUrPeR_: you'll have to edit /etc/apt/mirror.list15:29
_UsUrPeR_guntbert: mind if I pastebin what I have? I am not sure what needs to be changed :/15:30
jake__hey i have a laptop with karmic on it but 4 some reason the screen is incredible small...ive tried the fixing the resolution but its on it max15:30
guntbert_UsUrPeR_: go on :)15:30
soul_aaron11 its ok , im not sure , but i guess yeah it has15:31
_UsUrPeR_guntbert: http://pastebin.com/m554587e115:31
aaron11soul_: Try here: #mobilin15:31
RiotingPacifistchecking validity of the OpenSSL headers in /usr... configure: error: bad. Check config.log for details15:31
yaramazgeyikcan i ask a question15:32
soul_aaron11 no body is there15:32
RiotingPacifisti keep getting "checking validity of the OpenSSL headers in /usr... configure: error: bad. Check config.log for details" when trying to compile something but libssl-dev is installed15:32
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ranjanhello every body can any body can tell me is there any way to verify ... how many people are login on an computer including me and any body from remote... because i have shared some mutimedia file from my hard drive in my network .. i mean to say LAN but i am not shure who is now presently longed in so how to cake that ..15:33
alankilaRiotingPacifist: so check the config.log for what failed15:33
yaramazgeyikanyone help me ???15:33
Dr_Willis!ask | yaramazgeyik15:33
guntbert_UsUrPeR_: http://pastebin.com/f32ec2c7f here is mine - I guess its easier to figure it that way15:33
ubottuyaramazgeyik: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:33
jtajiranjan: the command is 'w'15:33
RiotingPacifistalankila: there isn't anything obvious in that file15:33
jtajiranjan: another is 'who'15:34
_UsUrPeR_yaramazgeyik / kflip2indy: I think the way it works in here is you ask a question, and people who may know about your issue will help you out.15:34
yaramazgeyiki like desing a web site and which programme am i use ?15:35
_UsUrPeR_guntbert: ahh. so it's specified on a per-arch basis. I guess that makes sense. Thanks for your help :)15:35
guntbert_UsUrPeR_: no problem - have fun15:36
kflip2indyanyone know a good program to use a video capture card on? (usb)15:36
Pici!html | yaramazgeyik15:36
ubottuyaramazgeyik: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/15:36
alankilaRiotingPacifist: well, you have to learn to read it. It's definitely complaining about something. Alternatively, you can read the configure script to figure out what it's doing.15:36
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network15:37
yaramazgeyikwhich programa is same dreamweaver15:37
_UsUrPeR_yaramazgeyik / kflip2indy: see, now that you have asked these questions, I know that I cannot answer them, and would typically not reply. It's possible that everyone in here does not design web pages, or attempt to capture video ;)15:37
boohyaramazgeyik: try bluefish15:37
kflip2indygood point15:37
flexiblehey what would be the best way to authenticate users on my HTTP server?15:37
flexiblei don't want everyone having access to it as it is for server management15:37
booh!mythtv | kflip2indy15:37
ubottukflip2indy: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv15:37
_UsUrPeR_flexible: htpasswd?15:38
boohflexible: depends on your application15:38
jtajikflip2indy: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video-editing.html15:38
flexiblebooh: nothing heavy... torrent management, router management, VNC etc15:38
boohsounds like a nightmare15:39
boohflexible: each of those apps should have a builtin authentication scheme no?15:39
flexiblewell it is on the site more for convenience rather than use... if i'm not at home and i need visual access for example.15:39
soul_pls how can i take ownship of my hard disk partitions15:40
soul_i can't copy past anything15:40
flexiblebooh, yes they do but i want some sort of barrier for the main page, as it is all linked15:40
RiotingPacifistalankila: here is a pastebin http://pastebin.com/d66036dcb but there is "failed program was:" a whole bunch of stuff then "configure:23495: error: bad. Check config.log for details", nothing saying what is wrong15:40
boohflexible: you can restrict access from any network using iptables.15:40
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Dr_Willissoul_:  if they are ext2/3/4 filesystems you must chown/chmod the locatuions so they are accessable by whatever yser you want to use them15:41
Dr_Willissoul_:  if they are ntfs' you need to perhaps install/run the ntfs-config tool15:41
alankilaRiotingPacifist: ok. I sort of expected to see the STDERR output somewhere15:41
Guest5082je veux une asian15:42
jtaji!fr | Guest508215:42
ubottuGuest5082: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:42
yaramazgeyiki thing kompozer is very good program...15:42
yaramazgeyikbluefish is bad15:43
alankilaRiotingPacifist: ok, copypaste the failed program to a file and try to build it with the gcc -c -g -O2 etc. line15:43
alankilaRiotingPacifist: configure is hiding the actual error for some reason15:43
soul_Dr_Willis they are ext4 , but im not good at commands , i hope u can write the whole command line15:43
alankilaRiotingPacifist: the program starts on line 4444 on your paste and ends on line 449215:43
alankilaRiotingPacifist: the line 4303 contains the gcc command used to try & build it, which failed. configure stores its build test programs under name conftest.c.15:44
moldychrisw1: i see nothing insane about it, it's just different.15:44
chrisw1moldy: its' wrong15:45
moldychrisw1: as has been said, use LC_ALL="C" to eliminate locale peculiarites15:45
ring1how would i browse a mysql dump file? using gedit takes quite some time.15:45
chrisw1as someone with a pretty good knowledge of that localle, I am telling you it's wrong ;-)15:45
moldychrisw1: if you think it is wrong, file a bug report.15:46
chrisw1already have ;-)15:46
moldychrisw1: you should still use LC_ALL="C" anyway15:46
jason_is there a *buntu program that allows me to see the individual wireless access points in the area? Im at work working on a wifi network with 30 AP's but I can only see 1 through network manager. Is there any way to check out each individual one?15:46
ranjanjtaji:: one more thing is there any command that can display todays entire log details regarding who els have entered in this system  as it is becoming quite tedious to cake the log file .. individually15:46
chrisw1moldy: indeed, for this specific case, I agree15:47
Alvinchgood evening15:49
mbruinshello Alvinch15:49
jtajiranjan: besides looking at auth.log I'm not sure, I'm sure there's some log analyer software packages15:49
jtajiranjan: for example I see auth2db...15:50
RiotingPacifistalankila: i can't see a conftest.c and running the file as gcc -c -g -O2   -DOPENSSL_NO_KRB5 filename gives "linker input file unused because linking not done", im not sure what i'm doing at this point tbh15:50
ranjanpackage is avilable in repo15:51
ranjanjtaji:: package is avilable in repo15:51
jtajiranjan: indeed it is15:51
ssv1994hello, can I use ubuntu with my Internet provider? is it allowed?15:51
mbruinsssv1994: dont see why not.. but be more specific what kind of connection do you have?15:52
mbruinsssv1994: im almost certain it would be no problem15:52
ssv1994ok, thanks15:52
mbruinsssv1994: but you could give it a try with the live cd so you dont install anything yet15:53
ssv1994it works15:53
mbruinsssv1994: its all loaded in memory from there you can see if you have internet connectio15:53
alankilaRiotingPacifist: well... err... there shouldn't be a message such as "linker input file unused".15:53
mbruinsssv1994: well than it will work well installed too :)15:53
ssv1994I have an nonelectrical phone used with my adsl15:55
manjulaHi All15:55
jshriverhow do you record from the mic? I've tried asound, gnome audio recorder, tinkering with alsamixer. Can hear it if I use loop, but when I record all I get is static15:56
NETabusehow do i get sip setup on empathy?15:56
alankilaRiotingPacifist: I have no idea why it failed to work for you. I just built the program and run it and it returned 0, indicating all is ok15:57
NETabusei've tried googling, they say install telepathy-sofiasip, i did, but i don't see how to configure it in the accounts dialog?15:57
alankilaRiotingPacifist: I used a line like: gcc -lssl conftest.c -o test, and then I did ./test and echo $?.15:57
f13o-j #helpmysql15:58
manjulacan some one tell me where is the gdm.conf file in ubuntu 9.10 ?15:58
alankilaRiotingPacifist: however, there were some unusual warnings spit out by gcc, such as: /usr/include/stdio.h:339: note: expected 'const char * __restrict__' but argument is of type 'struct _IO_FILE *'15:58
alankilaRiotingPacifist: these are likely some subtle incompatibilities between openssl headers and the standard C library headers. I don't know what to make of these, but it's not good.15:59
chazcoHi... i'm trying to setup surround sound but Ubuntu doesn't detect it (stereo only)... it's an ALC660... any ideas?16:00
RiotingPacifistalankila: when i run gcc -lssl conftest.c -o test i get gcc: conftest.c: No such file or directory16:00
manjulawhat is the file that control the Login to ubuntu in 9.10 ??? with GDM manager please ?16:00
Dr_Willismanjula:  try 'locate gdm.conf' but note the gdm config stuff has radically cahnged in 9.1016:00
jtajimanjula: type 'locate gdm.conf' in a terminal16:00
alankilaRiotingPacifist: yes, well, I stored the program used by configure under name conftest.c16:00
Dr_Willismanjula:  what are you tryign to change exactly?16:00
manjulaDr_Willis: i want to change "AllowRoot"=true16:00
alankilaRiotingPacifist: I made conftest.c by downloading your configure log and removing the | character on each line of the program, so I got pure C source. I have no idea why configure adds such an annoying extra "| " at start of every line, but it does.16:01
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Dr_Willismanjula:  egads.. thats a terriable idea.. good luck finding it in the new configs..16:01
manjulaDr_Willis: something similar like that :-) to enable root loging in GUI16:01
buntu-cn.w buntu-cn16:01
necibexhi, cvs winex compile help ?16:01
Dr_Willismanjula:  stop the gdm  service. sudo -s, in a consolem 'startx'16:01
Dr_Willismanjula:  and hope you dont trash things too badly16:02
jtajimanjula: horrible idea.. just use gksudo to launch programs as root if need be16:02
manjulaDr_Willis: my problem is in my laptop "enter" key just stop working i cant type anyting in terminal.. ofroucrse i can type but i cant "  enter" it16:02
Dr_Willismanjula:  so how are you going to enter text then to change the file?>16:03
manjulaDr_Willis: GUI16:03
jshriverAnyone know how to record from Mic?  All I hear is static16:03
krylplease how to survey modified files in real time ?16:03
tolpicoIn a shell script I want to process all files in a directory. So using a for loop, I want to get the file name, process and then get to next file. In simple words, I am looking for a variable which can hold the file name. Any ideas? Thanks16:04
jtajitolpico: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_09_01.html16:06
UmoplataI just downloaded the lunar clock applet from synaptic and get a "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_GLunarclockApplet". How do I get it to work?16:06
chazcoHi... i'm trying to setup surround sound but Ubuntu doesn't detect it (stereo only)... it's an ALC660... any ideas?16:06
janhouse_can I add echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to /etc/network/interfaces  ?16:07
ubottuLuciusMare: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:07
LuciusMareI have two computers, lets say box1 and box2. Box1 is running an openssh server,so i copied public key from box2 to authorized_keys on box1. However, even if the md5sums match (box1/~/.ssh/authorized_keys against box2/~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub)16:07
LuciusMaremka: i am not beginner,thanks :)16:07
LuciusMarei just find it rude to rush in a chan and ask for questions like i would be king and people my servants.16:08
skriteLuciusMare, use ssh-copy-id perhaps would be easier16:09
LuciusMareskrite: heh,i know,but it does not matter,for now16:09
RiotingPacifistalankila: hmm i just got a disk full error, i'll try moving everything to a larger partition thx for the help and sorry about wasting your time i didn't think of the obvious16:09
cryptidehaving some trouble installing mod_wsgi: http://dpaste.com/138865/ - i have apache2 & python2.6 installed and working16:09
LuciusMare$ ssh-copy-id16:09
LuciusMare/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found16:09
manjuladoes any one know the files which control the GDM in ubuntu 9.10 ??????????????????16:09
MatukuHello Ubuntu-ers; how do I go about removing a user from a group if that's the only supplemental group they're a member of? (from the terminal)16:10
paulus68what command do I need to type in the command line to see what distro I am using like ubuntu 9.10 for example16:10
jtajipaulus68: lsb_release -a16:10
alankilaRiotingPacifist: heh, okay16:10
tolpicojtaji, thanks, i read that, but i could not get it. For example >>for i in 'ls/bin'>>. Does 'i' hold the filename?16:10
heoaWhat does ",3" mean in "-k 3,3"?  Eg. sort -n -k 3,3 /etc/passwd16:10
jukinthe alt+tab doesn't work here when I'm in game and I haven't attached the command to any key bind in the game itself. what's the problem?16:10
jtajitolpico: yes16:11
shakaranHow I can grep this example? Do I need sed? http://pastebin.com/d77923c2916:11
heoaHow can I get BSD-style sort with + and -, cannot understand the commas   ?16:11
lordraptorHey ubuntu 9.10 is a very polished complete release ive been using ubuntu since the first release but ive noticed with 9.10 the ati or radeon(worse) drivers have really poor performance compared to old versions or debian lenny16:11
lordraptorand also I get really poor performance with intel16:12
steveireHi. After instealling phpadmin, I get "The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server." when I hit the url16:12
steveireHow do I fix that?16:12
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c3101shakaran, grep "chain \"\""16:13
jshriverAnyone know how to get recording from Mic working? Can't believe there is so much crap to have to go through just to do something this simple.16:13
jshriverstarting to loath pulseaudio16:14
shakaranc3101: the problem is that I need chain ""\n\n16:14
MatukuHow do I go about removing a user from a group if that's the only supplemental group they're a member of? The -G option of usermod doesn't seem to like not having any inputs16:15
manjulacan some one please tell me where the file that gdmsetup will edit in the ubuntu 9.10 ?16:15
=== yy is now known as Guest53173
manjulacan some one please tell me where the file that gdmsetup  edit in the ubuntu 9.10 and where it is located ?16:16
shakaranc3101: maybe with sed? but how?16:16
jukindoes anyone have some idea? Because I constantly have to switch from the game window to others one to navigate etc16:16
_stack_hi I'm trying to install ubuntu (karmic, or lucid) on kvm, but when I click something on the grub menu the installation hangs uè..anyone has experienced a problem like that?16:16
manjulacan some one please tell me where the file that gdmsetup  edit in the ubuntu 9.10 and where it is located ?16:16
mkamanjula, probably /etc/gdm/gdm.conf or /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom16:17
steveireAnyone help ^?16:17
steveireI purged and reinstalled apache2. No change16:18
manjulamka: there are no such files in Karamic16:18
steveireand phpmyadmin16:18
mkamanjula, oh, sorry, I am on intrepid16:18
manjulamka: dont know what the hell has happend to all the config files in karamic this is not the 1st one missing from its usual place16:18
mkamanjula, what do you want to edit in gdm?16:18
manjulamka: i want to enable GUI root login16:19
Umoplatahello. I downloaded this applet from synaptic and when i try to run it I get:"The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_GLunarclockApplet". Can anyone tell me how to get it to work?16:19
mkamanjula, ok good luck, it looks like karmic had made gdmsetup less user friendly than before.16:20
c3101shakaran, grep -AN "chain \"\""  where N is the number of lines you want grep to print after the match16:20
SufixxUmoplata: while starting gnome?16:20
Umoplatasuffix: sorry I don't quite understand...16:21
mkasteveire, can you state your problem again, please16:21
rob_pshakaran: You could use egrep as follows:  egrep 'chain\ \"\"' textfile.txt16:21
oorahin thunderbird how come links won't open any other browser besides firefox? i prefer chrome16:21
oorahi removed firefox actually16:21
shakaranI cant test, one moment16:21
shakaran*I gonna test (sorry my english)16:21
manjulamka: yeah i need to find a way to edit that file with out going to terminal ASAP16:22
hareshneed some help when i am doing a update it auto cuts the net connection  ?16:22
ricemark20I can't get firefox to be the default browser in karmic16:22
jason_is there a *buntu program that allows me to see the individual wireless access points in the area? Im at work working on a wifi network with 30 AP's but I can only see 1 through network manager. Is there any way to check out each individual one?16:23
oorahthe 10.04 alpha is very stable from my experience, it fixed some bugs i've had before16:23
DexterLBdoes anyone know of a good way to share a windoze folder for mounting on linux? The native windoze sharing thing doesn't work because smbfs is too slow (1.8MBytes/s) and I need at least 3, as I get with sshfs between16:24
oorahin thunderbird how come links won't open any other browser besides firefox? i prefer chrome16:24
oorahi removed firefox actually16:24
shakaranc3101: your workaound dont work, but I need after a \n\n It is a script for grep untranslated lines on a .po file16:24
shakaranrob_p: same with your workaround16:25
shakaranFor example: egrep 'msgstr \"\"' ../src/en.po16:25
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:25
xlauwonhello,every one!16:25
Ov3rf10wweeeeee :)16:25
c3101shakaran, maybe it would help if you give a complete example16:25
DexterLBlol netsplit16:26
hareshneed some help when i am doing a update it auto cuts the net connection  ?16:26
shakaranc3101: I gonna make now, one moment16:27
kwtmHi. Any way to get my laptop's current battery status with a cmd-line command?  I'd type "getbatt" or something, and it would say "Battery - 38% remaining" or something.16:27
oorahin thunderbird how come links won't open any other browser besides firefox? i prefer chrome16:27
DexterLBright, so I repeat my question after the netsplit ;)16:27
DexterLBdoes anyone know of a good way to share a windoze folder for mounting on linux? The native windoze sharing thing doesn't work because smbfs is too slow (1.8MBytes/s) and I need at least 3, as I get with sshfs between16:27
kwtmI found the answer: the "acpi" command will do this.16:27
nubeei am having challenges getting java to open certain programs (crossword puzzle16:28
ApolloIs there a way to see what program is using what port?16:29
kflip2indydo i need to download mythbuntu to use mythtv?16:30
hareshneed some help when i am doing a update it auto cuts the net connection  ?16:30
CarlFKwhat is the repo that has nightly firefox builds?16:32
kflip2indyanyone sure?16:32
bikedog1karmic was not as good as jaunty16:33
=== Ipeer- is now known as Ipeer
bikedog1holy hell what happened?16:33
shakaranc3101: http://pastebin.com/d5e3cab39 a complete example with my real script16:33
c3101shakaran, will look16:33
shakaranc3101: thanks16:34
hareshneed some help when i am doing a update it auto cuts the net connection  ?16:34
DexterLBis there a command that rechecks and remounts the stuff from fstab?16:36
CarlFKdextone: mount -a16:37
ubottulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic16:37
evergrennhello all16:38
oorahhow come thunderbird won't launch chrome? it launches only firefox, which i removed16:38
jozefkI have a USB IrDA and I installed irda-utils and don't know what else I need to do? ubuntu 9.1016:38
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kanishkahello people16:38
c3101shakaran, it's a difficult one, as there is no clear pattern, sometimes msgid has content, sometimes not, but they are both valid, not easy in bash, possible in python16:38
bikedog1 evergrenn16:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:38
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evergrennbikedog1, hello16:39
Alan502Can i make a "restore point" in ubuntu? i'm about to play with some iptables but i wanna be able to go back if i screw up16:39
shakaranc3101: humn, I wanna avoid python for this16:39
evergrennbikedog1. how are you16:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:39
oorahhow come thunderbird won't launch chrome? it launches only firefox, which i removed16:40
jtajiAlan502: not really, backup any config files before you change them and you should be good16:40
jukinhelp please, I can minimize the game but I can't alt+tab out of it why?16:41
bikedog1alt + F416:41
evergrennbikedog1. What happens if you alt + f416:42
jukini want to switch windows not close16:42
bikedog1it makes the colors invert on your screen16:43
=== jolaren is now known as Katching
kanishkai need to install Ubuntu from a us drive ... i don;t have any cd/dvd drive please help me out16:43
kanishkai need to install Ubuntu from a USB drive ... i don;t have any cd/dvd drive please help me out16:43
evergrennbikedog1, I installed clamav on ubuntu, but I'm not getting into the application. Why?16:44
craigive lost the ability to print from my ubuntu machine. it says cups is no longer running and im also unable to add any printers (the ones i had are gone).16:44
emancan u downgrade 9.10>9.04?16:45
bikedog1i have no clue, i stopped dealing with ubuntu after the karmic alpha ended up better than the final release...16:45
Alan502jtaji, which config files should i backup if i'm about to change ip routes and similar?16:45
emanwithout reinstalling16:45
mkajukin, ALT+TAB16:45
evergrennbikedog1.  What system do you use?16:46
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mkacraig, sudo service cups start16:46
jukinmka I know, but the problem is alt+tab works properly just not when in game16:46
xokhello all...16:46
jukinit does nothing in the game16:46
jukinI haven't attached it to any key bind in the game too16:46
xokanyone know how to add squashfs+lzma support to my running kernel?..16:46
mkajukin: what about putting the game on a separate workspace and do CTRL+ALT+LEFT/RIGHT16:47
jneveskarmic: is there a configuration to stop GDM on each logout?16:47
xokhm, 1,300 people and no one even answers.. :-(16:48
helencan someone help me to add acpi=off to kernel line in that new grub16:48
jukinmka, yes i'll do that but alt+tab is more practical16:48
tolpicoIn an "if" condition -d is used to identify if a file is a directory file. How to check if its not a directory file? I used -!d, does not work.16:49
xokhelen: shouldn't append work for it?..16:49
jukinmka,  thanks for the help anyway16:49
helenxok , beginner here , please type command line16:50
xoktolpico: if [ ! -d some_file ];then do_whatever_you_want "with some args" fi;16:50
mkajukin, it's like CTRL+V is used to paste but on terminal it doesnt work (its CTRL+SHIFT+V) maybe you have to check the alternative to ALT+TAB which is applicable to your game.16:50
xokhelen: check your grub's "menu.lst" file and look for "append"...16:50
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tkbroswhat's going on?16:51
helenxok , no menu.1st in grub 2 and thats the problem16:51
jukinmka, hm16:51
xokhelen: sorry, not "append" that's for LILO, search for "kernel"..16:51
tolpicoxok, thanks got it.16:51
xokhelen: check how it calls kernel then and just prepend that line...16:51
cyan-spamgood morning all, anybody feel like helping me debug a suspend issue?16:52
xoktolpico: np16:52
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tkbroshow can i change bootscreen image?16:52
olspookishmagushello... where do I need to put flag images for keyboard indicator to utilise them?16:53
whoeverhi all need some advice, how to xorg grb:"winkey"  ? it comes up as 'Super_L' from xev .16:53
xoktkbros: go search for one called "splash.xpm.gz" and place it in /boot/grub/  directory... after run "update_grub"...16:54
xcvgood morning room! karmic 32bit on sdb, installed fine, updates installed 2.6.31-16-generic, which won't boot (help!). base kernel 2.6.31-14-generic still boots fine.16:54
jtajiwhoever: the "winkey" is known as the Super key16:55
xoktkbros: sorry, "grub_update"...16:55
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nubeemorning all from ctl texas (cold)16:55
xokxcv: what does it say?... why it can't boot?..16:55
whoevertkbros: trie looking at gdm(don't know for sure ever done it)16:55
helenxok, just installed grub and removed grub2 , much less hastle16:55
xokhelen: yeah, I think so.. :-D16:55
ZeekUgh, an odd problem under Ubuntu 9.10....'ps' stops working.  /var/log/messages seems to have a call trace posted when I try...16:56
nubeewhere is best place to get assist for rank newbie16:56
whoeverjtaji:yes but would like to map just the left one, if possable16:56
xcvxok: uuid ... does not exist. dropping to a shell. busybox... initramfs prompt16:57
SickAnimationsMorphyNOR: Why?16:57
xcvxok: booted the other kernel and checked blkid -- uuid appears identical16:57
xokxcv: remove that stupid UUID then and just tell him where the root is...16:57
xcvxok: ? e.g. /sdb1 ?16:58
xokxcv: e.g. /dev/sda116:58
zambai've set up a tftp environment for installing jaunty.. i now want to migrate this environment for karmic.. how can i do this?16:58
whoeverjtaji: is there even a way to specify left or right in xorg grb16:58
xokxcv: yes..16:58
SickAnimationsugh, it's late :S16:58
xcvxok: 2nd physical disk, first partition, so, confirming... /dev/sdb1 ?16:58
xokxcv: yes, should be, but check "fdisk -l" first...16:59
xcvxok: tysm. trying that now16:59
Kuwaiti30i have asus 1005ha just installed ubuntu remix 9.10 and the VGA driver isnt loaded solution ?16:59
drtysouthKuwaiti30 gtfo17:00
Kuwaiti30ok drtysouth17:00
Kuwaiti30drivers are not loaded sorry i thought this is a support channel17:00
hareshwhats the leatest kenral  for unbentu17:02
tolpicoUsing "for i in /home/user/" gets filename including path. How to get only the filename?17:02
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:02
xokharesh: I have no idea what is "leatest kenral for unbentu".. :-D17:03
xokharesh: do you?.. :-D17:04
evergrennlorenzo, hello17:04
jahcan someone tell me where the Services application is, i used to be under System > Administration17:04
xokharesh: if you wanted to say "what's the latest kernel for ubuntu" then I thing it's 2.6.3117:04
jahi'm on the new ubuntu 9.1017:04
xokjah: "service" from RHEL based systems?...17:05
jahwell all gnome systems had em too17:05
jahubuntu had it in 9.0417:05
jahand before 9.0417:05
jahwhere u can select and deselect the services u want to have start up17:05
jahor run17:05
om26er!enter | jah17:06
ubottujah: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:06
biopyteanybody could recommend some nice games besides the standards (tuxracer, chess, quake, blablabl ...)?17:06
xokjah: update-rc.d is from command line...17:06
xokjah: have no idea what's in the GUI...17:06
adamkexbiopyte: seven kingdoms17:06
jtajiwhoever: there must be but I can't find it17:06
xokbiopyte: assault cube...17:06
xokbiopyte: nice game...17:06
adamkexbiopyte: warsow17:06
cyan-spamjah: ubuntu is switching away from an old method starting/stopping system services. they probably removed the "Services" configuration thing since half the services use one system and half use another17:07
jahwow ubuntu gets more and more dumb down17:07
jtajijah: not at all17:07
biopyteadamkex,xok thank you guys, i check it out17:07
adamkexbiopyte: i can give you the seven kingdoms binary later17:07
adamkexbiopyte: it's difficult to get it work because it is getting ported from windows17:07
biopyteadamkex: thx, but i prefer ubuntu packages17:08
adamkexbiopyte: i don't think there are any17:08
jahlike thats an inconvience for me i like the services app and the control it gave me at selecting and deselecting which services run, has ubuntu thought about implimenting a gui appliction for its "new" way of handling services17:08
LjL/whois ljl17:08
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:08
xokadamkex: assault cube hasn't "ported from windows"..17:08
jnevesbiopyte: what kind are you looking for? supertux, cube?17:08
adamkexxok: seven kingdoms17:08
cyan-spamjah: i'm sure they will re-add it eventually, it's just in a state of flux right now17:08
KamilElo :D17:09
KamilPL ?17:09
jahwill it be an addon to 9.10 or will i have to upgrade to 10.04 for that functionality17:09
LjL!pl | Kamil17:09
ubottuKamil: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:09
tolpicoWould anyone please have a look at this script. Need to get only filename, not including path. http://pastebin.com/m1aae5c3e Thanks17:10
cyan-spamjah: probably 10.0417:10
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zambain bash script.. how can i make sure that a directory exists and do something if it doesn't?17:10
biopytejneves: nothing particular, just some fancy stuff. i dont play games usually.17:10
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soreauzamba: You might want to ask in #bash17:11
xoktolpico: use "basename $efile"17:11
tolpicozamba, if [ -d $efile ]; then17:11
xokzamba: if [ -d /is/this/a/directory ];then yes_it_is fi;17:11
Darth_Si1istrushello, I include a repostory in my source.list I need to aprove this repository how do I do?17:12
zambaxok: the other way around then? if i want to check if it doesn't exist?17:12
Darth_Si1istrushello, I include a repostory in my source.list I need to aprove this repository how do I do it...17:12
xokzamba: if [ ! -d /nope/not/a/dir ];then no_dir_please fi;17:12
zambaxok: ah, ok.. thanks :)17:13
xokDarth_Si1istrus: have you tried: "aptitude update"?..17:13
xokzamba: np... ;-)17:13
om26erDarth_Si1istrus, which ppa you using?17:13
tolpicoxok, in echo statement?17:13
xoktolpico: yes, you can use "basename $efile" to print out only base name of a file...17:14
xoktolpico: and remember: in unix world, everything is a file!...17:14
=== fer is now known as Guest40502
mahngielhey gents. got a question that i'm not sure how to approach, so i'll just tell you where i'm at...17:14
jozefk_I have a USB IrDA and I installed irda-utils and don't know what else I need to do? ubuntu 9.1017:15
xcvxok: fdisk -l shows me something i've never seen before -- for sdb, 'Partition table entries are not in disk order'. other than that, the partitions are listed fine (sdb1, 9gb, /; sdb2, 30gb, /home; sdb5 2gb swap)17:15
mahngieli started by installing the proprietary nvidia driver, and then learned better, and installed canonical's supported nvidia driver after deactivating nvidia's prop. driver17:15
tolpicoxok, but it just prints "basename  /home/user/p/filename" including path17:15
tkbrosgood bye17:15
mahngielnow i believe, i need to purge nvidia so i can get back my xorg.conf17:15
emmyyahoo games keeps on crashing firefox17:15
xoktolpico: "basename" is command, kind of command... use it in such a way...17:15
xokkind of function*17:16
x_hi all.. what s the best dvd rip around17:16
Darth_Si1istrusor4n: I dont know, I want to install kubuntu-desktop17:16
om26er!best | x_17:16
ubottux_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:16
xoktolpico: $efile = basename $efile17:16
xoktolpico: then echo it...17:16
om26eremmy, try chromium browser17:16
mahngielhow can i purge nvidia's proprietary driver?17:17
bziobnicmy python2.5-minimal package is destroyed and I don't know how to fix. error is "files list file for package `python2.5-minimal' missing"17:17
om26ermahngiel, sudo apt-get purge nvidia-glx-*17:17
Darth_Si1istrusom26er: humm?17:18
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mahngielom26er: that'll remove the proprietary driver and it's xorg.conf, correct? and keep me with my canonical supported driver?17:18
tolpicoxok, oops it prints an infinite loop of random characters . this is what i did according to what you told http://pastebin.com/m4855dca717:19
om26ermahngiel, yes it should17:19
xoktolpico: try->  echo $(basename $efile)17:19
om26erDarth_Si1istrus, yes?17:19
om26ermahngiel, i don't know about the xorg.conf17:20
xoktolpico: if it won't work either, then use: "echo ${efile/*\//}17:20
om26ermahngiel, but properietry driver will sure get purged17:20
tolpicoxok, oh got it thanks a ton.!17:20
mahngielom25er: ok. i think i got it gone. now i need to remove the NVIDIA X server settings app that came w/ the prop driver17:20
xoktolpico: np...17:20
mahngielom26er: opening the display module prompts me about using the vendors tool17:21
=== inferno_i7 is now known as inferno_daulXEON
xcvxok: fdisk -l shows me something i've never seen before -- for sdb, 'Partition table entries are not in disk order'. other than that, the partitions are listed fine (sdb1, 9gb, /; sdb2, 30gb, /home; sdb5 2gb swap)17:21
blackxoredI'm managing a mirror through debmirror and an apache vhost, now I want to rsync to removable media, which is already working with rsync -aurv, now I want to know is there a way to let him purge unneeded packages, or can I use another debmirror script for this purpose?17:21
LjL!pl | Kamil17:21
ubottuKamil: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:21
om26ermahngiel, click yes if you want to use nvidia settings17:21
xokxcv: paste the output...17:21
blackxoredLjL, what language is that???17:22
om26erif you want to use nvidia control center for that matter17:22
LjLblackxored: polish17:22
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:22
mahngielom26er: but clicking yes yields the mod to tell me i'm not using the nvidia x driver17:22
blackxoredLjL, how17:22
om26ermahngiel, nvidia driver might not be activated i guess17:23
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om26ermahngiel, system>administration>hardware drivers17:23
mahngielom26er: ya, i purged canonical's, like i thought from the readout in the terminal17:23
blackxoredanyone on debmirror?17:23
mahngielom26er: doing it that way installs the proprietary nvidia driver... isn't that different from the canonical supported binary?17:24
om26ermahngiel, sudo apt-get purge nvidia-glx-* && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo reboot17:24
xcvxok: will get that here asap, will be a few min. thx17:24
xokxcv: ok..17:24
MrKeunerHello, I was aiming to transfer all files from old notebook(Karmic) to new one(Karmic)... I logged in the new notebook(using an ecrypted personal home folder) in the console, not in gdm. Also logged in the old notebook in the gdm and opened a sftp session and transfered all the files including .gconf etc. Everything went fine, transfered everything including a previously encryprted folder to the new one. Then rebooted the new notebook but now the17:24
MrKeunerencrypted folder does not mount giving an ERROR: encrypted private directory is not setup properly. ! Can I do something?17:24
mahngielom26er: ok, brb17:25
inferno_daulXEONhello "all"17:27
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* jozefk_ is lagging: 19217:28
inferno_daulXEONI'm having graphics problems today >.<     has anyone used a matrox graphics card with ubuntu17:28
bodinuxEst-ce qu'il y a un français ici ?17:29
xcvxok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/348658/17:29
erUSUL!fr | bodinux17:29
ubottubodinux: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:29
xokxcv: so, what we want now?.. sorry I forgot what we were doing.. :-D17:30
cinco_boa tarde17:30
erUSUL!br | cinco_17:30
ubottucinco_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:30
mahngielom26er: i think the prop driver in the hardware mod is the same as the canonical??17:30
xcvxok: root is on /dev/sdb1, home is on /dev/sdb2... karmic 32bit on sdb, installed fine, updates installed 2.6.31-16-generic, which won't boot (help!). base kernel 2.6.31-14-generic still boots fine.17:31
zambais there a way to automatically installed proprietary hardware drivers when installing the system?17:31
zamba(over tftp)17:31
zambai'm using a preseed file17:31
mahngielzama: not all proprietary drivers are good for you17:31
zambamahngiel: i need the graphic drivers17:31
zambamahngiel: if available17:32
xcvxok: you suggested i replace the uuid with /dev/sdb1 but to check fdisk -l first17:32
xokxcv: ok, now you do such thing, in the boot menu type "c" and load kernel and initrd manually...17:32
vigge_sWewhen load average is 5.94, does it mean 5.94% or 594%???17:32
zambamahngiel: this is a full scale preseeding, so i really don't want to go from machine to machine to install the proprietary hardware drivers afterwards17:32
xokxcv: yeah, that also should work.. :-D17:32
mahngielzamba: gotya.17:32
zambamahngiel: possible or not?17:32
xoknice suggestion.. :-D17:32
inferno_daulXEONvigge_sWe  5%17:32
mahngielzamab: i don't know.17:33
xokxcv: and when entering shell, try: fsck /17:33
mahngielzamba: if all the systems are the same that you're mass installing, you could create your own livecd17:33
xokxcv: after that you should be able to boot into your new system...17:33
vigge_sWeso it is reasonable that when I run a http proxy with 18.7k pageviews, only 5% CPU is used? That would be quite nice I guess17:33
xcvxok: i have never before seen "Partition table entries are not in disk order"17:33
xcvxok: any cause for concern with that?17:33
mahngielzamba: i don't know whether or not you could script to auto install17:33
mahngielbrb. need to reboot17:34
xokxcv: I don't thing.. I haven't seen that either.. try first to use /dev/sdb1 instead of UUID...17:34
mahngielsudo nvidia-xconfig17:34
mahngiellol, wrong box17:34
xokxcv: oh, yeah... don't remove the UUID line..17:34
xokxcv: just comment it out...17:34
inferno_daulXEONvigge_sWe it wouldnt make sense to be  over %100 unless you have multiple processors. ie an intel i7 with HT enabled shows up as 8 cores. and it might see it as 800% or two quads without HT might produce the same thing17:34
xokxcv: if it won't work, come and we'll try to find out what's wrong...17:35
xcvxok: ty. giving it a shot.17:35
vigge_sWeI think the server got 4 CPUs17:35
xokxcv: maybe your new kernel needs some modules/drivers?...17:35
erUSULvigge_sWe: is   ~594% --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)#Unix-style_load_calculation17:35
vigge_sWehttp://www.datashelf.net/munin/exchangecore.com/lmao.exchangecore.com-load.html so min load is 0.05% or 5%?17:35
erUSULvigge_sWe: load average is not the same as cpu load17:35
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erUSULvigge_sWe: see the page i linked17:36
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inferno_daulXEONyea min loAD looks like .05%17:36
mkahi smith17:36
xcvxok: if so, i'd be happy for someone to help me figure out how/why, lol. ttyl17:36
xokxcv: I mean you should update all those modules/drivers...17:37
xokxcv: running "depmod" should work...17:37
moldyis there a way i can lock a user's screen such that he cannot unlock it himself?17:38
xcvxok: base kernel boots fine; after updates the new kernel fails to boot. well, will try editing the grub menu to replace uuid with /dev/sdb1 and see how it goes17:38
vigge_sWeso if I wanna do a gauge from 1 -> 100% (or 400% if there is 4 CPUs), how would I be able to calculate that?17:38
xokxcv: also new kernel may expect new modules to be looaded...17:39
erUSULvigge_sWe: what are you trying to do ?17:39
inferno_daulXEONI cant get video to work on this server. It was running kubuntu and I installed a matrox card and now no video... I wanted to switch it to ubuntu anyway so i did sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop  and still no video17:39
xokxcv: for that purpose you may run "depmod"... don't forget to check "uname -a".. if you're in the new kernel...17:39
_magez_how do i add tables to an already existing database in mysql using commandline17:39
vigge_sWehttp://code.google.com/apis/visualization/documentation/gallery/gauge.html, the CPU gauge, for my server, just for fun and learning purpose xD17:39
Slartmoldy: not really.. that seems like a very odd feature.. perhaps like a lock screen thing but with a costomized password17:39
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'17:40
koltrollI'm finding it really hard to hit the corners of the window to be able to resize them, is this something that one can change settings for?17:40
_magez_from a file that one was17:40
=== mk is now known as Guest93527
moldySlart: think of a classroom scenario... i once found some screensaver that supported this, but it was a rather esoteric one17:40
Slartkoltroll: it might depend on the theme you're using17:40
koltrollSlart, guess i'm just using the 'normal' one that comes with the standard install17:40
mka_magez_, what do you  mean by you last statement?17:41
xok_magez_: mysql -h localhost -u   root -pSomePass 'crate table database.table blah blahblah'17:41
Slartkoltroll: take a look at gnome-look.org .. try a different look.. see if that helps17:41
koltrollSlart, ok will do. cheers17:41
erUSULvigge_sWe: so you want a gauge that displays load average ?17:41
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inferno_daulXEONerUSUL I did that and then gdm stop and startx and my screen still goes blank until I ctrlshiftaltF117:42
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:42
vigge_sWenope, I didn't know load average != CPU usage before you told me, I would want it to go from 0% - 100% (You might see that I am a windows user xD), is there a shell command to get the CPU usage?17:43
_magez_mka, i have a file jhiaptha.sql which is a table from a different database, now i want to add it into my database which is missing that table, how do i do it?17:43
llutzvigge_sWe: htop, top, ps17:43
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: edit your xorg.conf to force the use of the mga driver ?17:43
Slartmoldy: I wonder what happens if you create another user and then runs the screensaver as that user.. perhaps it asks for that uses password then17:43
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL ---negative... do you have the reference for that config17:44
Slartmoldy: there are some apps for classrom monitoring and such..perhaps one of those has this feature17:44
mka_magez_,  "man mysqldump"17:44
vigge_sWeCpu(s): 0.1%us, 0.0%sy, 0.0%ni, 99.9%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st, it's the first one, isn't it?17:45
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erUSULinferno_daulXEON: man xorg.conf17:46
erUSULvigge_sWe: if you install systat package you can use « sar -P ALL »17:46
bambam_I have just installed ubuntu 9.10 gnome17:46
bambam_and facing issues with internet broadband connection17:47
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL Ahhh i hate "man" so hard.... 30 pages of babble I wont need. Time to google it17:47
mka_magez_, mysqldump --user=root --password=yourpass destination_database_name < dumpfile.sql17:47
mkabambam_, what are you using for internet?17:48
Ricoshadyso for a server, why should I use Ubuntu over debian? I've heard debian is more stable.17:48
bambam_After plugging in the ethernet cable, it gives message that it is connected, it even let me ping google etc but it wont let me browse through mozila etc17:48
guntbert!ot | Ricoshady17:48
mrkhi all17:48
ubottuRicoshady: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:48
_magez_mka aint working that one :-/17:48
llutzRicoshady: you should use what you feel comfortable with.17:48
mka_magez_, how do you know?17:49
bambam_mka: well I am trying to update system, try to join IRC chats but it doesnt let me17:49
tolpicoAnyone please have a look at this script http://pastebin.com/ma521eb817:49
mkabambam_, can you connect to google with firefox?17:49
Ricoshadyllutz that makes sense, I guess Im looking for some opinions as to why they like unbuntu more17:49
_magez_because the new table isnt there, it just gives me all the lines that file includes to the commandline17:49
guntberttolpico: #bash might be better suited17:49
urthmoverI am trying to install Karmic 64bit on a Dell GX280 desktop.  It has a SATA hard drive in it.  Using the installer from a bootable thumb drive, on step 4 of 7 using the Install Ubuntu 9.10 wizard the Prepare partitions is entirely blank.  I have run mount from the CLI and I do not see the SATA hard drives.  I have run gparted and the SATA drive is there (/dev/sda)  I have partitioned the drive and formatted with ext4, yet I do not see an17:50
llutzRicoshady: never ask users why they like their distro more.... 99% just FUD/bashing17:50
tolpicoguntbert, oh sure thanks, i almost forgot that17:50
guntberttolpico: :)17:50
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL thank you for pointing me in the right direction17:51
bambam_mka: no I can't17:51
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: no problem17:51
xoktolpico: efile = ${efile##*/}17:51
mkabambam_, what type of internet connection do you have?17:51
xoktolpico: efile=${efile/.*/}17:51
bambam_mka: broadband adsl17:51
moldySlart: hm, good idea, actually17:52
mkabambam_, have you paid for it, this month? :)17:52
xoktolpico: efile= <<, betweeen variable and equal sign there shouldn't be any empty space...17:52
bambam_urthmover: you need to change property in your bios for harddrive17:52
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bambam_I dont remember but even I had to do it in order to install other OS like ubuntu or suse17:53
xoktolpico: try with this: http://pastebin.com/d373f264017:53
bambam_urthmover: It is a feature of dell laptops, I also one studio17:53
urthmoverbambam_: ok  what setting in my bios do you think?17:53
bambam_mka: Yes, I pay my dues regularly17:53
urthmoverbambam_: I'll reboot and look for something regarding alternative BIOSs17:54
zamba$HOSTNAME is a variable that's available during boot-up?17:54
bambam_urthmover: Dont remember to be honest, but I had to enable ahcpi or something17:54
urthmoverbambam_: ok I'll look in there and be back with my results  thanks17:54
bambam_no problem17:54
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tolpicoxok, Error: Couldn't open file 'filename': No such file or directory.17:55
xoktolpico: do you need to have the full path for that file?... (I mean $efile)17:55
phaniHi . I am trying to uninstall vmplayer but i get errors. Could you please give me any suggestions. Any ideas how to overcome this issue The following packages have unmet dependencies:17:55
phani  vmware-player-2.5: Depends: vmware-workstation-6.5-kernel-modules but it is not installed17:55
phaniE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.17:55
mkabambam_, does the network icon on the panel indicate that you are connected? check your network interface if ever you IP address is assigned properly and that your DNS settings are set appropriately. if you are behind proxy, configure proxy settings accordingly17:55
slibuntuphani, are you trying to install the package or uninstall it?17:56
xoktolpico: never mind, I gave you the great example, now play with it... ;-)17:56
tolpicoxok, no, the script will be run from the directory containing pdf files17:56
phanislibuntu:i am trying to uninstall it17:57
mkaphani, to remove it try sudo apt-get remove package-name17:57
tolpicoxok, sure thanks, btw this is my first shell script17:57
xoktolpico: why not to use then "for efile in *" then?..17:57
xoktolpico: congrats... ;-)17:58
slibuntuphani, it seems counter intuitive, but try installing the package that it says is missing before uninstalling17:58
tolpicoxok, ok will check with that17:58
bambam_mka: yeah , it shows I am connected, it gives me an ip address, I can ping any website without problem, there are no proxy , I have also set direct connection and checked firefox settings too17:58
slibuntuphani, use sudo apt-get install *missing package name*17:58
bambam_I havent made any dns related changes though17:58
phanislibuntu:how can i find what the packages are missing. any ideas ?17:58
bambam_mka: the command ifconfig shows that connection is there and everthing is fine17:59
slibuntuphani, vmware-workstation-6.5-kernel-modules is the one you are missing17:59
slibuntuso run 'sudo apt-get install vmware-workstation-6.5-kernel-modules'17:59
bambam_mka: also tried ifup eth and ifdown to check but no luck17:59
mkabambam_, you can ping google.com?18:00
bambam_mka: yes but can not tracert it !18:00
xnoxOne one of my machines I don't have sudo, but I want to install python-module with c-extensions. Can I unpack it in my home directory and move files around such that python as run by me will still find everything?18:00
phanislibuntu: so i ran the command which you have given and I think it was successful.18:00
xnoxI mean unpack a compiled .deb18:00
bambam_mka: I played with network tools to check connection issues but obviously I am missing something18:01
phanislibuntu: so shall i try uninstall and see if it works now ?18:01
slibuntupahni, now try to uninstall vmplayer18:01
slibuntuphani, yep :_18:01
mkabambam_, try "sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf" and see if it has some nameservers18:01
bambam_mka: it is empty18:02
bambam_except it has my modem address18:02
phanislibuntu:Still i can get errors. Where I can paste this error log and show it to you ?18:02
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guntbert!pastebin | phani18:02
ubottuphani: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:02
slibuntuthanks ubottu18:02
ArmaganKocahello, i am using ubuntu 9.10 in english with turkish keyboard default. i add another layout which is russian. i want to change layouts while  chatting with pidgin or ams18:03
mkabambam_, that's the problem18:04
bambam_what should I do then ?18:04
phanislibuntu: Here is the log: http://pastebin.com/m70bd1ba118:04
icerootbambam_: is your modem also a dns-server? (is the modem a router?)18:04
guntbertmka: bambam_ 's modem *could* act as nameserver though...18:04
bambam_mka: Yes it is router as modem18:04
bambam_and it is my gateway too18:05
icerootbambam_: then its ok that there is the adrress of the modem18:05
brantwhat to talk about18:05
icerootbambam_: what is the current problem?18:05
slibuntuphani, did somehting go wrong when you installed vmplayer?18:06
bambam_It just doesnt let me use network connection for any application whether it is firefox or system update or apt-get or anything, I can't even try trace route command18:06
bambam_mka: it just allows ping thats all after getting connected18:06
phanislibuntu:actually i tried installing vmplayer 3 but it didn't work. So my vmplayer doesn't open at all. So I tried uninstalling it but now it doesn't work at all18:06
icerootbambam_: ping  is working but ping alpha-unix.de is not working?18:07
bambam_mka: I have trashed mozile conf files, deleted eth0 connection and created new one but doesnt work18:07
bambam_mka: the problem is more complex18:07
bambam_mka: it can ping ip address as well as fqdns18:07
mkabambam_, is the firefox's "Work offline" checkbox checked18:08
bambam_mka: so I can ping google.com as well as the ip address of google server18:08
Soundaholichey is it possible to hook up two monitors of different resolutions ( 1440 x900 and 1368 x 768 ) to a graphic card (8600GTS) with dual output ports  on ubuntu 8.04LTS18:08
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings18:08
alankilaSoundaholic: yes. You get a nonrectangular desktop18:08
bambam_mka: nope it is not, moreover the problem is not just with firefox, I can't even use pidgin or xchat18:08
InsomniaCityHi! Compiz seems to have stopped working - I've lost all my effects and so on. Are there any logs I can look at?18:08
mister_robotobambam_:  can you "telnet google.com 80" ?18:09
mkabambam_, can you browse a site like google by it's IP address?18:09
guntbertbambam_: to pinpoint the problem: try w3m www.google.com (its a text based browser)18:09
Soundaholicand what is a non rectangular desktop18:09
alankilaOne that is not a rectangle.18:09
bambam_mister_roboto: I havent tried telneting google, but tried telnet my router which worked18:09
mister_robotobambam_: i'm just wondering whether it will connect beyond your router18:10
Soundaholicso some space on each of the monitor will be left blank?18:10
bambam_mka: no I can not browse by ip either18:10
mkaInsomniaCity, there was something like compiz-check back in the day, google for it18:10
daftykinsSoundaholic: i've done that before, the second screen kinda went a bit funny. i find nvidia twinview easier to operate with identical resolution screens, however you can use it configured as two separate X servers easily.18:10
MrKeunerhow can I add a new user with an encrypted home directory?18:10
bambam_mister_roboto: then how does it ping google.com ?18:10
alankilaSoundaholic: no, the monitors will be fully used. Only that the pointer for instance jumps when you move it between screens vertically because of the differing resolutions.18:10
phanislibuntu:any more ideas which i can try in uninstalling the existing version18:10
mkaInsomniaCity, otherwise type "compiz --replace" on terminal and check the messages that come out18:10
evaluateif i remove a package using 'apt-get remove' it removes the package but leaves configuration files there. I can avoid this by using apt-get remove, but if i use 'apt-get autoremove' to unistall a bunch of packages there's no way of removing the configuration files. Now my question is, if i uninstalled a bunch of packges using apt-get autoremove is there anyway to automatically remove the configuration files of all of that packag18:11
slibuntuphani, having a look around, can't find anything in relation to your error, and it's not something I've seen before18:11
alankilathe desktop as an abstract canvas has an unusual shape, and it's a minor annoyance when moving things between desktops, working out good dual-monitor backgrounds, and so on.18:11
pdragon_hi dose anyone know anything about virtual box ose for network bridging18:11
mkabambam_, that is not a dns problem i thought it was then18:11
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mister_robotobambam_: ping has the setuid bit set on it. runs as root.   can you "sudo firefox" and then browse?18:11
InsomniaCitymka: hmm, ta for that. It was turned off in the Appearance applet, but that wasn't me. I'll take a look at those if it happens again.18:11
Soundaholicwell i will be using those desktops differently18:11
emmyhas anyone else had firefox crashing on yahoo games (maybe it's the java?)18:11
Soundaholicone will be placed on the wall and other on the table18:11
phanislibuntu:ok no problem. Will try to dig some more. Thanks for the help :)18:11
guntbertpdragon_: please ask in #vbox18:11
bambam_mister_roboto: sudo firefox ? :O how ?18:11
llutzbambam_: IF, use gksudo firefox, not sudo18:11
alankilaSoundaholic: I guess that's fine then.18:12
guntbertbambam_: dont18:12
mister_robotobambam_: from the command line18:12
slibuntuphani, try sudo apt-get remove --purge vmplayer.....18:12
Soundaholici am just concerned abt the configuration effort18:12
guntbert!gksudo | bambam_ mister_roboto18:12
bambam_mister_roboto: never tried that, but will give it a go18:12
ubottubambam_ mister_roboto: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:12
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL are you still around?18:12
llutzmister_roboto: don't recommend running gui-apps with sudo please18:12
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: yes18:12
fwiffoi've disabled gdm and now audio doesn't work. what's this nonsense?18:12
pdragon_what do you mean #vbox18:12
mister_robotoguntbert: yes that's all well and good IF YOU'RE ON UBUNTU with gnome :)18:12
dsl_oh dear, i have 'mount of filesystem failed' on my recent install of karmic. i installed an started to use a program (Gramps) just before it crashed big time and shut down. I have 'a maintenance shell will now be started' followed by blah blah - invalid RT chipset detected blah blah failed to allocate device. Any suggestions? I just did disk check from install CD an all reported ok18:12
guntbertpdragon_: the channel18:12
Soundaholicis it difficult to handle such two screens of different res for me and my graphics card18:12
mister_robotoguntbert: sudo will work perfectly fine as a test here18:13
guntbert!wfm | mister_roboto18:13
ubottumister_roboto: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/18:13
mkafwiffo, how did you disable gdm?18:13
vigge_sWelol hai It's me again xD18:13
slibuntuphani, gtg, hope someone else can help you..18:13
emmyis the icedTea the right plugin to use for javaapplets?18:13
mkafwiffo, how do you login into your machine then?18:13
mister_robotoguntbert:  he's trying to test his network connection here and access control to the network device. we're not talking about general ways to operate18:13
emmy!info icedtea18:13
ubottuPackage icedtea does not exist in karmic18:13
fwiffomka: commented out the line in /etc/X11/default-display-manager18:13
inferno_daulXEONI've been digging around and checked the xorg.conf man but I don't think I have found what I need. I keep finding dual screen xorg.conf's but nothing that just shows me how to set up one18:13
vigge_sWeI found this on google saying it would return CPU uasage "top -b -n 1 | awk 'NR>7 { sum += $9; } END { print sum; }'", is it true (don't wanna mess things up)18:13
mister_robotoguntbert: christ, there's a time to be anal and a time to just get down to testing18:13
bambam_Ok, I will sudo or gksudo firefox and see if it works ! but what are we trying to achieve by doing it ?18:13
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL  - I've been digging around and checked the xorg.conf man but I don't think I have found what I need. I keep finding dual screen xorg.conf's but nothing that just shows me how to set up one18:14
mkafwiffo, what for?18:14
bambam_why can not I tracert using network tools here ?18:14
fwiffomka: to make gdm go away18:14
Gaming4JCHey all, I'm trying to get my USB keyboard to work on grub boot in ubuntu 9.10. The keyboard works fine in the distro but totally useless at grub. It seems to have been files as grub bug here: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?2840018:14
Soundaholicwill the graphics card have difficulty in displaying on monitors with different res18:14
guntbertmister_roboto: please listen: one call of sudo firefox *can* screw your settings - so please don't remommend that18:14
Gaming4JCso my question is, how do I get grub to detect my keyboard using the lsmod thing? :)18:14
mkafwiffo, what do you want to achieve by doing that?18:14
fwiffomka: doing what?18:14
llutzbambam_: are you sure your router is OK?18:14
inferno_daulXEONGaming4JC - do you have usb devices turned on in your bios?18:15
mkafwiffo, how do you login into your machine then when you throw gdm away?18:15
fwiffomka: /bin/login?18:15
bambam_llutz: yes, because I am using it right now with Opensuse and Konversation !18:15
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: try this then « sudo xorg -configure » that generates a xorg.conf that you can then modify18:15
guntbertand mister_roboto for testing the connection there are many apps better suited than firefox anyway18:15
Gaming4JCinferno_daulXEON: yes and it works in cmos, on windows, and in ubuntu. Just not at grub. :/18:15
mister_robotoguntbert: that is why i suggested telnet18:15
mister_robototo port 8018:15
mkafwiffo, what about bringing it back and enabling automatic login?18:15
emmyI opened firefox with the terminal to see any errors, I went to yahoo games, and it crashed with a segmentation fault.18:16
stevecccdoes anyone know how good the pentium dual core processors are compared to a core 2 duo18:16
emmysurely this is a bug in firefox?18:16
guntbertmister_roboto: which was "a very sensible thing" (TM) :-) - and I will not bother you any more18:16
erUSULsteveccc: pentium dual core <<< what generation of pentium ?18:16
mkafwiffo, anyway which sound are you referring to then?18:16
fwiffomka: not an option, i just want to disable this clusterfuck. but when i do, i have no sound.18:16
Gaming4JCemmy: Sounds like it, but I've never had any problems with Yahoo Games before... You sure Java is properly installed?18:16
daftykinssteveccc: i run an E2810 2GHz pentium dualcore in my file server, i bought it thinking it was a c2d embarassingly, but it performs well and is quite low power with speedstep enabled. they're very capable processors imo18:16
inferno_daulXEONGaming4JC - i thought it was worth asking. If you don't have it turned on your keyboard will work when in BIOS and activate when the OS loads but not during the grub menu.18:17
mkafwiffo, is your language friendly to my kids?18:17
* Gaming4JC ponders grub bug...18:17
mister_robotobambam_: tracert runs as your regular user id, unlike ping. so it's looking like an access control type of problem18:17
dsl_anyone help with my question up there ^^ please... I dont want to re-install unless really necessary :(18:17
newbuxany idea on how to fix "kernel panic-not syncing VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown-block.."; i got this when upgrading from to ...1618:17
bambam_mister_roboto: you mean to say I need elevate user permissions over here ?18:17
Gaming4JCinferno_daulXEON: I'll double check cmos18:18
Soundaholicsteveccc:  core2 duo is way better than pentiums18:18
rajGuys I need help to figure out something. MY BELKIN USB WIFI is only giving a very low internet speed. and im paying for a 2518:18
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL sudo xorg -configure doesnt work... is it xserver-xorg -configure?18:18
daftykinsdsl_: ask again18:18
rajGuys I need help to figure out something. MY BELKIN USB WIFI is only giving a very low internet speed. and im paying for a 25 MBS connection. any ideas? the linux driver for is is bust i need help. (it worked out of the box) but SLOW18:19
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: Xorg with capital X (linux is case sensitive ya'know ;P)18:19
daftykinsdsl_: have you tried mounting it from a livecd or similar?18:19
stevecccsoundaholic: was asking as man of the cheap laptops seem to be pentium dual core than core 2 duo18:19
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL haha silly me18:19
emmygaming4jc -- it's possible i have installed java twice because i used some auto installer thing from java itself and also some thing from synaptic18:19
dsl_i installed and ran Gramps a program on a relatively fresh install of karmic. it crashed big time and ended up shutting down. now i have 'Mount of filesystem failed' on boot with error - Invalid RT chipset detected18:19
newbuxfix "kernel panic-not syncing VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown-block.."; i got this when upgrading from to ...16"18:20
daftykinssteveccc: to be honest i'd avoid the pentium dual cores on the basis that they're 1) older 2) (i think) all lack hardware virtualisation support, which may or may not be a concern for you but is for me18:20
Soundaholiccore 2 duos are cheap18:20
dsl_i used UNR cd to check disk...says its ok18:20
dsl_but i dint mount the HD18:20
llutzraj: what is "very low internet speed"?18:20
Soundaholiceven those in lower end range are much better than pentiums18:20
Soundaholictry E440018:20
fwiffowhat's the recommended way for disabling gdm?18:20
bambam_mister_roboto, mka, guntbert: thanks for the tips, I will try and comeback18:20
Soundaholicif its still available18:20
=== TurbosoniC3 is now known as TurbosoniC
fwiffoif i comment /etc/X11/default-display-manager, my sound stops working18:21
guntbertbambam_: Good luck :-)18:21
emmyim not sure how to uninstall the java from the autoinstall bin thing18:21
meerois there a way to create reverse tunnel from server to client - after the connection is established?18:21
stevecccdaftykins: oh i would always opt for core duo but trying to help the mother in law buy a laptop and I think for her browsing and watching a few videos they may be ok18:21
aeon-ltdfwiffo: are you planning on falling back to xinit or something?18:21
bambam_guntbert: thanks18:21
fwiffoaeon-ltd: yeah18:21
daftykinssteveccc: ah right yeah, that'd be plenty then - my 2GHz pentium dualcore runs two VMs and a host OS and is very speedy, so the average light web user would be fine18:22
Doonzhey if i want a cron job to run every 2 minutes would it be */2 * * * *18:22
newbuxanyone know how to fix "kernel panic-not syncing VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown-block.." when trying to boot up?  i got this when upgrading from to ...1618:22
aeon-ltdfwiffo: why not just apt-get remove gdm? after setting up .xinitrc?18:22
Trebladoes KVM switch cause problems with networking between ubuntu and windows?18:22
llutzmeero: ssh -nNT -R 1234:local.mydomain.com:1234 remote.mydomain.com18:22
aeon-ltdfwiffo: are you with gnome?18:22
adamkexnewbux: downgrade18:22
=== TurbosoniC3 is now known as TurbosoniC
SabariI have installed Ubuntu 9.10 in my desktop that had Windows 718:23
fwiffoaeon-ltd: nope, xmonad18:23
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL I did it, and it told me to test use X -confgure /blah.../xorg.conf.new   and then I got a bunch of errors18:23
SabariI am now not able to go past the grub18:23
SabariMay i know what might be the issue?18:23
fwiffoaeon-ltd: i could apt-get remove it if i knew that my sound would work again18:23
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: care to paste the exact output ?18:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:23
SabariI am not even able to boot using the live CD18:24
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SabariWhen I remove the Harddisk and use the live CD, it works18:24
fwiffoaeon-ltd: maybe gdm starts some extra daemons18:24
aeon-ltdfwiffo: thats fine then just remember all start-up items and write then into your .xinitrc if you need to, as for no sound check if alsamixer is resseting after wm changes18:24
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL Im on irc on a laptop.18:25
fwiffoaeon-ltd: i've checked alsamixer, everything is unmutted and maxed out18:25
emmyI got some thing i downloaded from java that i thought gave you java applet ability, it was an auto-installing executable binary, now how do I uinstall that?18:25
dsl_daftykins: removed the usb wireless stick and booting now just shows 'mount of filesystem failed a maintenance shell will be started' and get a prompt18:25
P-NutsSabari, look in your BIOS settings for boot order, and make sure CD is before hard disk18:25
aeon-ltdfwiffo: like you said check daemons18:25
SabariI am able to boot to the CD only if I remove the Harddisk18:25
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: ok; so maybe to test the new config you just have to « sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf » then restart gdm18:25
daftykinsdsl_: so you fsck'd using UNR?18:26
inferno_daulXEONalrighty then.18:26
fwiffoaeon-ltd: maybe i should dbus-launch it, i'll try that18:26
dsl_daftykins: er, i used UNR disk to check integrity of disk and it says all ok... fsck = filesystem check? (newish to linux here :) )18:27
Treblathe manager at office depot said that most new laptops will not let you erase hard drive and install a different OS18:27
alokitoI can't connect to facebook either with pidgin or kopete facebook plugin :(18:27
dsl_daftykins:can i do that from this root prompt?18:27
alokitoWhat can be the problem?18:27
bastid_raZorTrebla: please, take that nonsense to #ubuntu-offtopic18:27
herriojrhey, so I just upgraded to 9.10 and now I no longer have /usr/bin/jni which is needed for subclipse in eclipse, I also can't find anything online about this, anyone know what package I may need to install?18:27
dsl_daftykins: yes i can!18:27
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas?18:27
erUSUL!find /usr/bin/jni18:28
ubottuPackage/file /usr/bin/jni does not exist in karmic18:28
llutzBenG92: boot live-cd, fsck your partitions18:28
herriojrubottu: is there an alternative?18:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:28
Treblawhy am I off topic?18:28
dsl_daftykins: Inodes that that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found. Fix <y>?18:28
FatherBadouchOkie, need help restoring Grub after windows install.18:28
daftykinsyeah if you aren't that worried about the data on there just try whatever it suggests to fix it dsl_18:29
TreblaI tought this was a support channel\18:29
AlanFin what lib is  _XFreeFont and other such _X... defined in?18:29
FatherBadouch"sudo grub" says : grub: command not found18:29
BenG92llutz i run ubuntu through windows without a partition18:29
guntbertTrebla: yes ubuntu-support18:29
Gaming4JCInfared: Thanks, the CMOS "Legacy USB Keyboard" option was indeed disabled. Now it works fine. :D18:29
emmyi did this , how can i uninstall it -- http://java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting18:29
=== FatherBadouch is now known as FatherBadTouch
aeon-ltdFatherBadouch: look up 'supergrubdisk'18:29
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL : i get   (EE) MGA(1): Cannot read V_BIOS (3) Input/Output Error  (EE )MGA(1):  Unable to map BAR 0. No such file or directory (2)    then some backtrace options and  Saw signal 11. Server aborting18:29
FatherBadTouchaeon-ltd: where?18:30
aeon-ltdFatherBadouch: btw grub is not a command18:30
dsl_daftykins: I'm not worried about it at this moment but if it's going to do it with my real data I'll be dumping ubuntu :(18:30
aeon-ltdFatherBadouch: on googlw18:30
aeon-ltdFatherBadouch: on google18:30
FatherBadTouchsudo grub18:30
inferno_daulXEONGaming4JC no problem18:30
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: are you sure the graphic card is ok ?18:30
bastid_raZor!fixgrub | FatherBadTouch ..follow this guide18:30
ubottuFatherBadTouch ..follow this guide: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:30
P-Nutsalokito, http://philliptweedie.wordpress.com/2009/10/30/facebook-chat-with-empathy-in-ubuntu-karmic/18:30
Gaming4JC*Inferno, thanks. (sorry about nick problem)18:30
inferno_daulXEONGaming4JC its cool I know what you meant18:30
alokitothanks P-Nuts , I haven't tried in empathy yet :)18:31
daftykinsdsl_: if it was an upgrade install versus a fresh Karmic install then i wouldn't be surprised with issues - after that i'd blame the PC quicker than ubuntu :)18:31
erUSUL!find /usr/lib/jni18:31
ubottuFile /usr/lib/jni found in libgdcm2.0-dbg18:31
Gaming4JCNow for a very minor issue, Rhythmbox stops playing CDs after about the 3rd track on anything I give to it. Dunno why it just locks up and I loose sound. pkill and restart fixes it, but still. :(18:31
inferno_daulXEONerUSULpretty sure... It worked before I put it in an antistatic bag and flew with it and reinstalled it in another pc18:31
AlanFin what lib is  _XFreeFont and other such _X... defined in? I know it's part of X11-Devel but which lib is it actually defiend in?18:31
trismemmy: this document http://java.com/en/download/help/5000011600.xml implies that they don't supply an uninstallation script, so you need to delete the directories manually18:31
emmytrism, okay18:32
emmytrism, i think i sort of did that, thank you.18:32
FatherBadTouchOkie so the big problem I'm reading right now...Ubuntu 9.10 is what I have on the partition however I have 9.04's livecd18:32
emmytrism, Im trying to figure out why, when i get past the captcha here, and get to the yahoo game, firefox often crashes --- http://games.yahoo.com/games/ante?room=go_beg_ca_b&prof_id=chat_pf_118:32
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: maybe it is loose in the pci slot ? dunno those errors (can not read bios unable to map BAR) etc... are pretty serious... maybe the kernel just screw up big time18:32
dsl_daftykins: it's a fresh install about 3 days old with not many changes yet. it had a lot of errors....rebooting18:33
trismemmy: yahoo's java applets are very poorly implemented, I often have problems with them on both windows and linux (they haven't been updated in years)18:33
P-Nutsalokito, main point is to use the plugin from the Google Code page, the one in the repositories is out of date18:33
AlanFanyone? I've searched all over I can't find where these are actually defined in18:33
daftykinsdsl_: is it a desktop computer? custom build? very old?18:33
daftykinsnot that i'm likely to solve anything mind, just curious18:34
dsl_daftykins: toshiba satellite about 1 year old but low spec18:34
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL yea but I have video output during setup and crap. weird part is that I just tried to edit my BIOS and it wouldn't because of a video error.... so maybe i need to hook up the VGA and edit the BIOS before I try to use the card's DVI ?18:34
Gaming4JCtrism: It works fine on Windows last time I tried it. I'll try to load it in ubuntu now. :P18:34
dsl_booted normally now18:34
Gaming4JC!hi administrador18:34
administradorhablan español18:34
FatherBadTouchHELP fdisk -l does nothing18:34
guntbert!es | administrador18:34
ubottuadministrador: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:34
Gaming4JC!spanish administrador18:34
guntbertFatherBadTouch: use sudo fdisk -l18:35
dsl_daftykins: it does seem to have a problem with it's in-built wireless, I'm using a plug-in wireless on it instead. maybe it has a motherboard problem??18:35
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: the V_BIOS is the bios in the video card not the mobo's bios. so maybe there is a resource conflict going on in the pci devices18:35
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL hahahahahahha it just worked for no reason.... awesome18:35
FatherBadTouchguntbert: ty18:35
dsl_daftykins: is there a way to see what caused the crash?18:35
AlanFdoes anyone know??18:35
guntbertFatherBadTouch: every one stumbles over that - once :-)18:36
daftykinsdsl_: i'm too newbie for that i'm afraid18:36
Gaming4JCemmy: Yahoo Games loaded here, are you running the latest FireFox and Java? I'm running 9.10 x6418:36
PiciAlanF: #ubuntu-x might be able to answer your question, as its a bit too development oriented for #ubuntu18:36
erUSULinferno_daulXEON: lovely; :/ i hate heisenbugs18:36
kristian_dependencies are broken, neither can install nor remove any packages.18:36
dsl_daftykins:no problem, thanks for the help anyway, at least its back on its feet. I'll run that program again see if it bombs out, at least I'll know if that was the cause :)18:37
erUSULkristian_: sudo apt-get -f install18:37
kristian_erUSUL, did that.18:37
erUSULkristian_: sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a18:37
daftykinsdsl_: my pleasure :)18:37
inferno_daulXEONerUSUL  yea man... now I just need to figure out what the screen information is so I can configure it.... its not detecting it so its stuck at 640X480.... not optimal for a 42" tv18:38
kristian_Result: "Errors were encountered while processing:18:38
kristian_ lib32stdc++618:38
kristian_ lib32asound218:38
kristian_ lib32bz2-1.018:38
kristian_ lib32ncurses518:38
kristian_ lib32v4l-018:38
FloodBot4kristian_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
luisgmarinehey quick questions guys I added the ppa for banshee on hardy18:39
AlanFno one knows? I thought this was ubuntu linux support channel, why does everyone ignore what should be very simply question18:39
luisgmarinebut the version is old (1.4) when 1.5 is already out18:39
chazcoHi... i'm trying to setup surround sound but Ubuntu doesn't detect it (stereo only)... it's an ALC660... any ideas? Details - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=857536718:40
Piciluisgmarine: What version was available in the PPA?18:40
kitcheAlanF: umm if you don't know that answer XFreeFont is in the freefont stuff and _X comes from any of the X packages really18:40
luisgmarinePici: 1.518:40
Piciluisgmarine: Do you have a link to the ppa that you can share?18:41
luisgmarinePici: I don't knwo if it has to do anything because I'm using hardy instead of karmic18:41
luisgmarineyeah one sec18:41
jack_jak zainstalowac komunikator jak kurwa nie ma pliku instal exe ani setup tylko jakies teksy przekierowujace do innych stron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1118:41
Pici!pl | jack_18:41
ubottujack_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:41
PiciAlanF: I provided a suggestion a few minutes ago, did you see it?18:41
Klavierhow can i use sed command with escape character for quotes... i want search and replace a string like search: <asd'""!  replace: <sdcsd'""'18:41
PrototypeX29Ahow does users-admin determine which users to are to be listed?18:41
luisgmarinePici: https://edge.launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/ppa18:42
Piciluisgmarine: okay, one moment18:42
luisgmarinePici: I see 1.5.4 for karmkic, but the one for hardy is still at 1.4.318:42
Piciluisgmarine: Then theres nothing you can do.18:43
MrKeunerhow can I add a new user with an encrypted home directory?18:43
luisgmarinePici: that's BS, lol18:43
luisgmarinePici: I rolled back to LTS for a more stable system.  Not so I can suffer new features of few selected programs that I use on a day to day basis18:43
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network18:43
luisgmarineI don't mind that my libs aren't up to date, or what ever, but I don't see the problem of installing the newest version of a certain program18:44
Piciluisgmarine: More stable means that you will not be running the latest and greatest software.18:44
icerootpaulus68: your router dont have
mister_robotoAlanF: nobody is answering because it's too simple and you probably already know the answer ;)18:44
luisgmarinemy understanding was that only affected ubuntu packages, like libraries and gnome and stuff18:44
emmyGaming4JC, yeah pretty sure. im running the firefox that comes with xubuntu 9.10 and the java from the repos18:44
emmyGaming4JC, but it loades for me to also but then when i resign or something it crashes18:44
paulus68iceroot: my router has to be exact18:45
Piciluisgmarine: If you contact the Banshee Team, there is a chance that they could provide a build of the newer version for Hardy.18:45
blistovWhat can cause a system to swap, when there is 3GB of memory free? (4GB available, 2.5GB cache, .5GB free, 1GB swap used and actively swapping)18:45
icerootpaulus68: ok18:45
icerootpaulus68: forwarding enabled?18:45
Gaming4JCemmy: Hmm.. may be a firefox bug then. You can submit it to their bugzilla.18:45
erUSULKlavier: really dunno if you have to scape that much but ...  ---> sed 's#\<asd\'\"\"\!#\<sdcsd\'\"\"\'#g' file_old > file_new18:45
luisgmarinePici: i could try to build one myself, sounds like fun18:46
=== shubbar_ is now known as shubbar
paulus68iceroot: everything enabled just don't know how to get to my  laptop or desktop which is on ip range 192.168.3.xx18:46
paulus68iceroot: from my office for example18:46
daftykinspaulus68: you need a router between the 0.x and 3.x subnets18:47
FatherBadTouchOkie ppl.18:48
daftykinsah i saw your earlier message, can you draw a diagram with interfaces and IPs?18:48
FatherBadTouchNow I have a bigger problem.18:48
FatherBadTouchGRUB is back, however nothing will load from GRUB18:48
paulus68daftykins: my server is doing this18:48
FatherBadTouchwhen I try windows, it said 'chainloader' command not recognized18:49
FatherBadTouchHow do I re-install grub after a windows re-install?18:50
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:50
FatherBadTouchubottu: I tried that18:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:50
paulus68daftykins: ISP => router( => eth0( eth1> switch wifi laptop 192.168.3.xx18:50
geniiFatherBadTouch: Are you on a livecd?18:51
FatherBadTouchgenii: I am now18:51
bobikhello, i got a problem witch program which using semaphore.18:51
bobikis anybody here who can help me ?18:52
FatherBadTouchgenii: I can't get anything to load now.18:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:52
fidini was gonna get an asus eeepc netbook today, but it only has 1GB of ram, is that enough for ubuntu 9.10?18:52
geniiFatherBadTouch: Which ubuntu version did you have installed?18:52
FatherBadTouchgenii: I had 9.10 loaded but it was an upgrade from 9.0418:52
geniiFatherBadTouch: So the livecd is what version?18:53
mneptokfidin: why not get a netbook with Ubuntu pre-installed?18:53
FatherBadTouchgenii: it's 9.0418:53
daftykinsfidin i've got Karmic on a PIII 800MHz with 384MB, it's plenty :)18:53
fidinmneptok because best buy doesn't sell anything but with windows 7 starter, and i'm putting it on a best buy credit card18:53
mneptokfidin: http://system76.com  http://dell.com/ubuntu18:53
icerootfidin: i am running eeepc 701 with 1GB and ubuntu on it18:53
geniiFatherBadTouch: OK. Grub changed from 9.04 to 9.10 ... did you keep grub1 when you upgraded, or installed grub2 ?18:54
FatherBadTouchgenii: not sure, how would I find out?18:54
geniiFatherBadTouch: If you mount the old root  ( / )  then you can see if grub.cfg exists (grub2) if only menu.lst then grub1   (this in the old /boot/grub directory)18:55
bobiki really sorry that i am disturbing you but how to use !ask ?18:55
paulus68daftykins: any thoughts18:55
daftykinspaulus68: so what's not working?18:56
daftykinsi don't 100% get your setup to be honest18:56
yoshio_221hey guys i tried wubi and it didnt work before, so i reformatted my computer with a clean install of xp pro. i used wubi, then the files were created i checked, but after reboot to continue installation it says it cant find installation.iso, but its there. ive tried to cd, but doesnt work. am i missing something? i checksummed and everything.18:56
FatherBadTouchgenii: you just spoke leagues outta my abailities18:56
JuniorStasomeone could help me install the bluetooth in hp pavilion18:57
trismbobik: it was just a trigger for the bot to tell you to ask your question18:57
paulus68daftykins: well I can connect from the outside network towards my server however  I can't connect directly to my laptop for example it doesn't get passed my server with iptables running18:57
bobikaa thanks18:57
yoshio_221hey guys i tried wubi and it didnt work before, so i reformatted my computer with a clean install of xp pro. i used wubi, then the files were created i checked, but after reboot to continue installation it says it cant find installation.iso, but its there. ive tried to cd, but doesnt work. am i missing something? i checksummed and everything.18:58
FatherBadTouchgenii: If I do a fresh install with a 9.10 live CD will that work?18:58
geniiFatherBadTouch: Do you know how to use the pastebin website?18:58
konmanyoshio_221: why not just use the live cd?18:59
yoshio_221it doesnt read either18:59
chazcoHi... i'm trying to setup surround sound but Ubuntu doesn't detect it (stereo only)... it's an ALC660... any ideas? Details - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=857536718:59
FatherBadTouchgenii: Forget that option, I have to back-up before I re-install. And I sort of know.18:59
geniiFatherBadTouch: A fresh install should do it, yes18:59
konmanhow did you burn it?18:59
yoshio_221it says the live filesystem cannot be found18:59
yoshio_221it works on other computers18:59
yoshio_221i meet all the requirements18:59
ikorwhich nvidia driver in the repo should I use for me NVIDIA GeForce G210M ?19:00
daftykinspaulus68: you have IP forwarding enabled already i take it?19:00
alokitonow gnome indicator applet is bugging me :|19:00
FatherBadTouchgenii: So before I can fresh install I need to back-up files. So we have to go back to what we were doing.19:00
alokitoIs there a way to shut its mouth?19:00
konmanso the problem is related to the pc19:00
paulus68daftykins: yes I do, everything is working like it should however I can't establish a connection directly to my laptop behind the server19:01
alokitoah sorry wrong channel, meant to post it at ubuntu offtopic :-S19:01
yoshio_221the hardware? no its a desktop with 1 gb ram and 320gb hard drive19:01
FatherBadTouchgenii: should I download the 32 bit or 64 bit live cd for kk?19:01
daftykinspaulus68: have you tried using wireshark to sniff incoming packets and determine the point of failure?19:01
bastid_raZorikor: doesn't hardware/restricted drivers offer a driver?19:02
geniiFatherBadTouch: If you pastebin results of: sudo fdisk -l                   then we can try to deduce from that which partitions to mount and retrieve your data from. As for 32 or 64 bit, it depends on what processor(s) you have. although 32 works in either case19:02
=== TomateFrito is now known as BlouBlou
ikorbastid_raZor, no, it doesn't say anything19:02
paulus68daftykins: I want to forward for example radmin which uses standard port 4899(which is going to be changed)19:03
FatherBadTouchgenii: amd 62x219:03
FatherBadTouchgenii: 64x219:03
bastid_raZorikor: 9.10 normally installs them for you.19:03
MrKeunerwas .ecryptfs carried out to /home with Karmic update or did I mess up something?19:03
ikorbastid_raZor, the open source drivers are installed at the moment19:03
FatherBadTouchgenii: http://pastebin.com/m7cadab4219:04
geniiFatherBadTouch: Thats a 64bit, you can d/l the 64bit19:04
frostburndoes unetbootin/netbookremix no longer work?  I can't get my usbdrive to boot the latest release19:04
spankciao a tuti19:05
Pici!it | spank19:05
ubottuspank: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:05
spanksorry Pici :D19:06
paulus68daftykins: No since I don't know how to use it have heard from the program19:06
daftykinspaulus68: usually with port forwards i like to have nmap scans to test to show whether the port remains 'filtered' 'closed' or 'open' - that and wireshark or tcpdump to diagnose the problem would be handy. beyond that i'm afraid i'm too much of a newbie to diagnose iptables configs19:06
daftykinsis your router pure CLI?19:06
geniiFatherBadTouch: OK, so open up Terminal and in there:  sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt                 and this will splice the old linux install into the directory of /mnt19:07
bastid_raZorikor:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto  you can look here for which driver best supports your card.19:07
matteo1990i want to set up a wireless network between 4 pc. How to do this in Ubuntu? The network will be mainly used by linux users19:08
FatherBadTouchgenii: kk, now what?19:08
paulus68daftykins: on my server it's iptables that are used as router19:08
geniiFatherBadTouch: You should be able then to browse to /mnt/home/your-old-username             and find whatever files you wanted to salvage19:08
daftykinspaulus68: ok nevermind19:08
xoverWhy can I not ping my other ubuntu machine, yet when he pings me it starts working from my side.19:08
ikorbastid_raZor, i did an update and now 'hardware drivers' has found three drivers19:08
paulus68daftykins: what are the commands for nmap and how would I use wireshark to find out if everything is working correctly?19:08
hikenbootmsg nickserv identify pie314119:08
bastid_raZorikor: nice, try the one it recommends19:09
geniiFatherBadTouch: Work requires me, I'll be /away 5-10 minutes19:09
daftykinspaulus68: does your server have X installed so you can use GUI apps, or is it CLI only? (command line interface)19:09
guntberthikenboot: change your pasword19:09
hikenbootyeah , now i have to figure out how19:09
paulus68daftykins: only CLI19:09
daftykinspaulus68: from on someone elses internet connection i would do "nmap -sS -p 3000-3005 <your internet facing IP>" to scan ports 3000-3005 for example19:10
luisgmarinePici: you still around?19:12
ShaunRwhats the difference between ubuntu and the ubuntu server edition... is it just a cd with different set of packages on it?  If sombody installed a very basic slimed down version of ubuntu can they just install the server packages on it to make it the same as the server edition?19:12
Piciluisgmarine: Yes19:13
paulus68daftykins: but I can scan my external ip the same way or am I wrong?19:13
erUSULShaunR: yes19:13
icerootShaunR: server cmes without a gui and a special kernel19:13
icerootShaunR: and server-edition is using pae as default (imo)19:13
guntberthikenboot: /msg nickserv help19:13
paulus68daftykins: or do I have to run over my dyndns?19:13
daftykinspaulus68: i'm not sure if it will give correct results from inside the network19:13
ShaunRso it's all the same crap... just different packages installed by default.19:13
luisgmarinePici: cool, gona e-mail the dude that makes the builds and ask him if there is any way to make an updated one for ubuntu hardy.19:13
mkaiceroot, what is pae?19:13
daftykinsi usually scan from someone elses internet connection19:13
MatBoycan I make a hidden partition vidible using fdisk in ubuntu ?19:13
ShaunRany one of them can be converted using apt pretty much19:13
icerootmka: the possibility of using more then 4gb ram with 32bit19:14
luisgmarinePici: you wouldn't happen to know a fix around why my ipod isn't detectable in banshee do you?  I tried the "killall -9 nautilus" fix that I use in karmic but it just freezes my whole computer on Hardy19:14
hikenbootok here goes, my original question before exposing my password..I have created an encrypted swap file ( just for the fun of it). After setting it up it appears to be enabled but it never uses it! do i have to do something besides swapon -a and a reboot?19:14
adminewbRegarding wifi drivers: the device model I'm looking at has linux driver source at the mfg website, but I can't tell if it's 32 bit only or can be compiled as a 64 bit native driver. Just a matter of build switches? How to tell?19:14
ShaunRmka: Physical Address Extension19:14
emanis there a way to install linux mint without formating over my ubuntu/19:15
Piciluisgmarine: I've never actually used Banshee, sorry.19:15
=== pd is now known as Guest92675
FatherBadTouchHow do I get the livecd to recognize my second dvd drive?19:15
tvjudgeI am trying to add a static route in my ubuntu hardy machine, however I am using the gnome-network manager and the /etc/network/interfaces has no references for my wlan0 could that be why when i add the up line in that files it does not work?19:15
adamkexeman: you can make a new partition19:15
adamkexeman: otherwise no19:15
luisgmarinePici: damn that sucks19:15
adminewbhikenboot, this may be no help to you, but I'd think swapon -a is unnecessary if you're about to reboot anyway19:15
luisgmarinePici: o well time to keep googling then19:15
emanadamkex would that dual boot it?19:15
guntberthikenboot: did you add an entry in /etc/fstab for it?19:15
xtjacobhello! For some reason compiz only works on one user and cannot be enabled on the other. I'm using the open source ati driver.19:16
adamkexeman: yes19:16
hikenbootyes i did and also /etc/cryptab19:16
emanadamkex thanks il just format it19:16
adamkexeman: in the future you should considering to have a partition for /home19:16
adamkexeman: so you don't lose personal data when you reformat/reinstall19:17
FatherBadTouchHow do I mount my second dvd drive while running the livd cd?19:17
matteo1990hi all, i have to set up a wireless network between 4 ubuntu pc.. how to do it?19:17
daftykinsmatteo1990: without any hardware?19:17
HFSPLUSWhy does ubuntu put excessive load cycles on my laptop hdd?19:18
geniiFatherBadTouch: If you stick something in the second drive, like a readable CD or a blank, it should pop up a notice and ask what you want to do19:18
matteo1990daftykins, they are all connected to the same wireless router19:18
paulus68daftykins: when I use your command on the open port then I get this output 5001/tcp filtered unknown19:18
FatherBadTouchgenii: wb, it does not.19:18
konmanadamkex: don't try it19:18
jason_Is there a wya to install the latest google earth besides the .bin file? Or is the bin file the way to go?19:18
adamkexkonman: huh?19:18
erUSUL!medibuntu | jason_19:18
ubottujason_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:18
icerootjason_: there is a repo from google19:18
emanadamkex thanks19:18
jason_oh no kidding?19:18
adamkexeman: you're welcome19:18
icerootjason_: besides medibuntu19:18
daftykinspaulus68: isn't it 4899 you want to test?19:19
=== janhouse_ is now known as Janhouse
jason_I didnt realize google earth was in medibuntu...19:19
geniiFatherBadTouch: What is result of command in Terminal of:  ls /dev/cd*19:19
jason_so if the repo is includedinmedibuntu, and I got that, what do I need? sudo apt-get install googleearth?19:19
paulus68daftykins: true but I checked one for which I know it's open but with access to my server only19:19
S0LIDUSHi, I have recently recompiled my kernel to and now I dont have sound. Any ideas ?19:19
erUSULjason_: yes; or use synaptic19:19
daftykinsmatteo1990: they should already be all connected then with IP addresses in the same range19:19
konmanadamkex: didn't work out for me somehow19:19
FatherBadTouchgenii: "/dev/cdrom /devcdrom1 /devcdrw1"19:19
adamkexkonman: what, dual boot? or /home partition?19:20
erUSULS0LIDUS: we can not support custom kernels. maybe you just left out the sound driver when compiling ...19:20
daftykinspaulus68: if that was scanning internally then it probably won't work19:20
jason_erUSUL - well Im on kubuntu... no synaptic installed. I was in add/remove in system settings but I didnt find any google earth package besides the data files.19:20
matteo1990daftykins, yea, they are, but how to have shared library or to copy files from a pc to another?19:20
erUSULjason_: "adept" then19:20
paulus68daftykins: I ran that scan from my external ip address19:20
FatherBadTouchgenii: /dev/cdrom1 /dev/cdrw119:20
S0LIDUSerUSUL - How can I add that ?19:20
jason_erUSUL - adept doesnt ring a bell. Let me browse around to see if I have it here.19:20
BlouBlouHow can I stop apache in ubuntu?19:20
konmanhome partition would be awesome but somehow it kept unmounting19:20
icerootBlouBlou: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop19:21
jason_erUSUL - kpackagekit?19:21
daftykinsmatteo1990: i think you need to look into samba19:21
erUSULjason_: could be19:21
adminewbRegarding wifi drivers: the device model I'm looking at has linux driver source at the mfg website, but I can't tell if it's 32 bit only or can be compiled as a 64 bit native driver. Just a matter of build switches? How to tell?19:21
geniiFatherBadTouch: It's seeing it. cdrom1   is most likely. Did you put a blank cd in, to copy off what you wanted to save?19:21
BlouBlouiceroot: yeah, thanks19:21
jason_erUSUL - no dice. I wonder what kubuntus synaptic is???19:21
matteo1990daftykins, i thought samba was only for cross system condivision, i am only with unix (all ubuntu)19:21
FatherBadTouchgenii: I did. Unbuntu hasn't liked using both drives at the same time though.19:21
adamkexkonman: that means you did something wrong, i have had one for over two years :P19:21
erUSUL!info adept19:21
ubottuadept (source: adept): package management suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~beta7.2ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 369 kB, installed size 1308 kB19:21
hikenboothere is my crypttab and fstab http://pastebin.ca/173099419:22
daftykins!samba | daftykins19:22
ubottudaftykins, please see my private message19:22
adamkexkonman: ;)19:22
matteo1990!samba | matteo199019:22
ubottumatteo1990, please see my private message19:22
geniiFatherBadTouch: You should be able to open up Brasero and tell it to use cdrom1 in it's settings19:22
daftykinsmatteo1990: yeah you can use NFS / SFTP etc for same host sharing i suppose19:22
mkaFatherBadTouch, are you trying to mount a CD/DVD on drive B while you have a LiveCD on drive A?19:23
daftykinshave you tried just right clicking on a folder and sharing it?19:23
S0LIDUSerUSUL, So how can I add the sound driver?19:23
Modoes anyone know what's this user account: 'irc'19:23
konmanmy usb hub does not always have enough power for my home hd all the time :(19:23
woltercan i tell my system to look for ~/.config files at ~/.local/config ?19:23
matteo1990daftykins, maybe thats the easier solution, trying it right now19:23
S0LIDUSMo, Internet Relay Chat !19:23
lstarnesMo: do you have an irc server installed?19:23
Moi dont19:23
lstarnesMo: where is that account>19:23
adamkexkonman: your home partition should NOT be an external drive ;p19:24
FatherBadTouchmka: yes19:24
konmani know now19:24
adamkexkonman: it makes it easier for me to read what you write if you write my name when you write to me19:24
Moi dont see irc's user folder in /home though.19:25
konmanadamkex: ok19:25
paulus68daftykins: but how would I use wireshark to check port 5001 and why it's blocking on my server?19:25
mkaFatherBadTouch, are you inserting a data CD, audio CD or a blank CD?19:25
FatherBadTouchmka: blank cd19:25
mkaFatherBadTouch, can you try inserting a data CD?19:26
daftykinspaulus68: it's a GUI tool really, you might be able to install it and X forward SSH to the router PC and run it on another machine over the network - but otherwise i think tcpdump is the best for that - but i have no experience with it19:26
adamkexkonman: yeah, assuming you don't run windows or any other os, you should split your harddrive at least 15gb for the root partition ( / ), 20 is better, 1gb for the swap partition, and the rest for your home partition :)19:26
adminewbRegarding wifi drivers: the device model I'm looking at has linux driver source at the mfg website, but how to tell if it's 32 bit only, or can be compiled as a 64 bit native driver. Just a matter of build switches?19:26
konmanadamkex: opensuse does that19:26
paulus68daftykins: I know it's a gui I have installed it on my windows to see what I can do with it19:26
FatherBadTouchmka: it opened it in a browser19:27
mkaFatherBadTouch, imho, you cannot mount a blank cd19:27
mkaFatherBadTouch, then it works19:27
daftykinspaulus68: yes but on the router is where i'd run it in order to sniff what's coming in and out of that system ;)19:27
FatherBadTouchmka: so why doesn't it recognize a blank dvd?19:27
adamkexkonman: i have never ran opensuse :P i sometimes use ubuntu, arch, and gentoo, so many times i have to do a lot of the stuff myself19:27
konmanhaha arch is fun19:27
paulus68daftykins: jikes blond moment19:27
bastid_raZorMo: irc is a group not a user..19:27
adamkexkonman: yeah, you can try the ubuntu mini cd, that will give you a _VERY_ minimalistic system19:28
mkaFatherBadTouch, try to burn a blank dvd and see if the burner app can find it instead of nautilus popup19:28
S0LIDUSHelp! I have no sound on my hardy heron. I have a custom kernel.19:28
adamkexkonman: where you decide what packages you can use :P19:28
Mobastid_raZor: whats the group is for..it seems that this group is created by default19:28
icerootkrzychu_: /19:28
konmanadamkex: i use this strategy on server installs19:29
FatherBadTouchmka: it does not...19:29
mkaFatherBadTouch, is your drive capable of writing dvd's?19:30
Momo@x:~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep irc19:30
konmanadamkex: there is also a very minimal debian iso19:30
adamkexkonman: minimalistic installations? minimalistic systems are fun, arch, gentoo, ubuntu, debian, whatever, it's all linux and gnu in the end :P19:30
icerootMo: its normal19:30
llutzMo: so irc $home is /var/run/ircd19:30
FatherBadTouchmka: you know what, I just noticed that this stupid comp has a dvd-rom and dvd-rw19:31
FatherBadTouchmka: so where can I save this iso of the live cd I'm downloading?19:31
mkaFatherBadTouch, on the hard drive19:32
S0LIDUSWhat happened to being able to freely customize software. Or is that where your on your own.19:32
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tertitten_can anyone offer a good argument as to why install ubuntu over than mint (except mint sucks and other useless remarks) ? Is there like any obvious reasons to why ubuntu would be better, linux knowledge is not a issue for deciding.. ..19:32
FatherBadTouchmka: do you mind sticking around for a second. I need to reboot with the livecd in the rom.19:32
craigbass1976I've just fired up apache for the first time, and I'm getting the "It Works" page, even though I have /var/www/ populated with stuff19:32
mkaFatherBadTouch, no prob19:32
daftykinscraigbass1976: you need to specify the default directory in the /etc/apache2/default-sites/ or /enabled-sites/ or something "default" config file19:33
guntbertS0LIDUS: its very difficult to support a system about which's specialities you know nothing....19:33
S0LIDUScraigbass1976, Check your httpd.conf and your virtual host file.19:33
icerootcraigbass1976: apache is using first the index.html19:33
S0LIDUSguntbert, I just need to get sound back.19:33
FatherBadTouchmka: It's going to be about five minutes...I need to finish d/l the live cd...19:33
guntberttertitten_: we don't do arguments here - this channel is for support19:33
daftykinsmatteo1990: just found this for interest: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-to-share-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu/19:34
Toastytoesdoes anyone know a fair bit about wine? I needs me some help...19:34
guntbertS0LIDUS: unjderstood - and no criticism from me - but no help either (no sound knowledge here - pun intended)19:35
daftykins!ask | Toastytoes19:35
ubottuToastytoes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:35
sooposI need to give a shell access to only one folder without root for one developer.  How can you do that? - I have dynDNS running19:35
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:35
adminewbRegarding wifi drivers: the device model I'm looking at has linux driver source at the mfg website, but how to tell if it's 32 bit only, or can be compiled as a 64 bit native driver. Just a matter of build switches?19:35
sllidemy sound has delay19:35
sllidei really notice it when i'm editing stuff in audacity19:35
llutzsoopos: look at rbash19:35
S0LIDUSguntbert, Thanks dude! Ubuntu is amazing, I just wish I could sort the sound out.19:36
sllidehow do i remove the delay?19:36
guntbertS0LIDUS: Good luck :-)19:36
JoeSomebodywhy are my shares disappearing? ntfs drives on karmic lose the sharing it seems, how do i fix ?19:36
S0LIDUSguntbert, Thank you!19:36
sooposllutz: I want that he can "cd"  to directories inside the main directory19:36
JoeSomebodyi have them set up ok in samba, you guys helped19:36
craigbass1976iceroot, that was dumb...  I didn't notice the index.html, and was wondering why it wasn't hitting index.php.19:37
fidinis ubuntu remix similar to windows 7 starter, or does it not limit you as much?19:37
icerootcraigbass1976: :)19:37
icerootfidin: of course there are no limits in ubuntu19:37
icerootfidin: its just another gui and another kernel19:37
=== alexei is now known as amgarchIn9
FatherBadTouchmka: brb19:39
xcvxok: thanks for the help -- user fixed by updating packages19:40
gikizombi2, how are you? ;p19:40
zombi2ale masakra :D19:40
BrodeurPCis there a way to get rid of the "Your battery may be broken" notification?19:42
mkaBrodeurPC, isn't there a button next to the notification that you have to click for that display to disappear forever19:43
invisimehow do I configure a program to run once ubuntu has booted but before anyone logs in?19:44
BrodeurPCmka, not that i know of, it pops up real quick when you boot into the desktop then it goes away19:45
bastid_raZor!boot | invisime19:45
ubottuinvisime: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:45
mkaBrodeurPC, it's there, you must get your mouse ready to click quick19:46
BrodeurPCmka, ok thanks19:46
James_-_I have a windows xp home system (inlaws computer) that I want to SSH in to from my ubuntu however in a few hours I will be leaving and be over 400 miles away.... What I need is a recommendation for OpenSSH server for Windows and also a recommendation for some kind of program that will allow me to find out what the IP address is remotely... ANy idea? I have never done any SSH on a Windows system19:48
fidinwill the asus eeepc 1005hab (http://thecomputerboss.com/2009/08/my-new-toy-the-asus-eee-1005hab/) run ubuntu 9.10 ok?19:49
FatherBadTouchmka: okie rebooted with livecd in rom, just burning backup19:49
adminewbRegarding wifi drivers: the device model I'm looking at has linux driver source at the mfg website, but how to tell if it's 32 bit only, or can be compiled as a 64 bit native driver. Just a matter of build switches?19:49
icerootJames_-_: ##windows19:49
llutzJames_-_: try openssh in cygwin (slow) or freesshd (native win)19:49
mkaFatherBadTouch, ok19:49
icerootJames_-_: and for the ip, use dyndns19:50
llutzJames_-_: for ip, use dyndns.org or no-ip.com account19:50
James_-_llutz thanks will look in to freesshd...19:50
jaroAfter some time i try Plone again but can't find instructions how to install plone419:50
jillsmitthas 9.04 support yet?19:50
jaroCan you help me?19:50
James_-_iceroot thanks as well19:50
icerootJames_-_: for what?19:50
icerootjillsmitt: for what19:50
icerootJames_-_: sorry wrong nick19:50
jillsmitticeroot: need some packs19:50
James_-_thats cool19:50
AIIIDkernel panic i cant load my 9.10 what to do?19:50
icerootjillsmitt: try it with a full sentence19:51
icerootAIIID: post the error to pastebin19:51
iceroot!paste | AIIID19:51
ubottuAIIID: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:51
adminewbwhere should I go for some wifi driver help? wiki doesn't cover it19:51
jillsmitticeroot: i need to download some software and install it then19:51
icerootadminewb: tryy here with usefull details19:52
jillsmitticeroot: under 9.0419:52
icerootjillsmitt: yes and what is the problem?19:52
CainsAny one in here that managed to get MSNshadow to acctualy capture anyth19:52
jillsmitticeroot: sudo apt-get install / sudo apt-get update / sudo apt-get upgrade / i cant firn dia in synaptic O-o19:53
adminewbthe device I'm looking at is AZIO AWU101N; the vendor has a tar file of the linux driver source, but how to tell if it can build as 64 bit native?19:53
unop!info dia19:53
ubottudia (source: dia): Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-2 (karmic), package size 199 kB, installed size 592 kB19:53
iceroot!info dia jaunty19:53
ubottudia (source: dia): Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-7.1 (jaunty), package size 187 kB, installed size 548 kB19:53
GorlistEvening, running an ATI 4800 series card - how much slower is the restricted drivers over the proprietary?19:53
icerootjillsmitt: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dia19:53
legend2440jillsmitt: enable Universe repo19:54
Sabre-nightHello, I'n trying to install some NVIDIA  drivers (the file name, specifically is "NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.53-pkg1.run") i read that it can be installed with a simple command "$sudo sh <filename>.run" but when i do that it brings up an error after a couple of seconds saying that it has to be installed as a root, now how do i do that?19:54
jolarenSabre-night; why not install the ppa?19:54
KenBW2I'm looking for a TV program that has: a seperate Channel selector window, Recording, Now/Next programme guide. Any ideas?19:54
jolarenif you install it that way you will need to recompile with every kernel update19:54
Gorlistkaffeine you could try19:55
Sabre-nightjolaren,  ppa? what would that be?19:55
erUSULSabre-night: use System>administration>Hardware drivers19:55
erUSULSabre-night: that's the officialñ supported way19:55
KenBW2Gorlist: i like Kaffeine, but it doesnt have a seperate channel picker19:55
adminewbwhat other details are necessary? I can't find any info of interest in the readme19:55
jolarenSabre-night; I will google it for you19:55
Sabre-nightjolaren,  thanks19:56
iceroot!wifi | adminewb19:56
ubottuadminewb: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:56
jolarenSabre-night; add this to your systems software source: ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa19:56
iceroot!universe | jillsmitt19:56
ubottujillsmitt: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:56
Sabre-nighterUSUL,  i have those installed, but when i try playing starcraft, im having sound issues (im assuming thats a seperate issue :P) but its HORRIBLY laggy. unplayably so.19:56
PyroPheliais there a tool out there that will give me the exact read/write speed to a disk or a disk array?19:56
icerootPyroPhelia: hdparm19:57
erUSULSabre-night: then try envyng19:57
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver19:57
daffybsr a tous19:57
PyroPheliaiceroot, ty19:57
jolarenSabre-night; you know the rest?19:57
erUSULPyroPhelia: iotop ?19:57
booksbuggymy system only shows "waiting for sound system to respond" when ever i try to go to system > preference > sound19:57
guntbert!fr | daffy19:57
icerootPyroPhelia: you are welcome19:57
ubottudaffy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:57
Sabre-nightjolaren, can that be found through the software center?  sorry im new at all of this, just quit XP cold turkey19:57
PyroPheliaerUSUL, i'll try it in a sec, but I think hdparm was what I was looking for19:58
Sabre-nighterUSUL, I installed the envyng-core, but it doesn't run, what else do i need for that?19:58
daffyok merci bonne soireé19:58
icerootPyroPhelia: erUSUL hdparm is a benchmark for a hdd or a raid-array (read write speed, time for accessing data and so on)19:58
MrKeuneris it possible to see all running application windows with a key press in "extra" is selected for compiz in appearances?19:58
erUSULSabre-night: one of the frontends envyng-gtk or the qt one19:58
jolarenSabre-night; Click to system then click to update manager19:59
Sabre-nighterUSUL,  i'll start with the gtk first, thanks19:59
jolarenSabre-night; are you there yet?19:59
Sabre-nightjolaren,  my update manager is empty19:59
jolarenSabre-night; Stay in that window, press preferences down in the left corner19:59
Sabre-nightjolaren,  okay20:00
ipatrolanyone know how I can create a notifcation applet with Tkinter?20:00
jolarenthen press the second bar..20:00
jolarenthen add ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa20:00
jolarenSabre-night; Did that?20:01
Sabre-nightjolaren,  yeah20:01
jolarenadded ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa ?20:02
invisimeI'm trying to get vsftpd to start at boot using sysv-rc-conf on ubuntu server 9.10. where should I go to learn about runlevels and what each one means?20:02
jolarenThen refresh your list and you will install the nviida driver you asked for, and it will stay there even after kernel udpate20:02
guntbert!runlevel | invisime20:02
ubottuinvisime: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.20:02
=== BlouBlou is now known as BlouBlou_
invisimethank you, guntbert, but that's going a bit over my head. is there some place that breaks it down more simply?20:03
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
erUSULinvisime: use « sudo update-rc.d vsftpd defaults »20:03
S0LIDUSguntbert, Problem solved, OSS!20:03
erUSULinvisime: or maybe you have to reconfigure vsftpd maybe you choose to use inetd when you installed it ?20:03
wowotodisaster of my desktop~@_Your window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not " "running a window manager"@_20:03
invisimeerUSUL: could you please explain how that works? I'm trying to learn, not just get my system set up. :)20:03
wowotohow can i fix it>20:03
AIIIDiceroot: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d5e052ebc20:04
Sabre-nightjolaren, ah there it is, thanks! erUSUL  I found it via jolaren's method, but i figure getting Envyng working could be helpful in the future though, thanks anyway20:04
guntbertS0LIDUS: congrats!20:04
thingyinvisime: Look at this -- http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html20:04
booksbuggyi have nvdia ck804 audio card can someone help me with my sound system?20:04
icerootAIIID: 2.6.31-15 is working?20:04
erUSULinvisime: update-rc.d makes the simlinks in the different runlevel folders so the service starts when you enter a runlevel and stops when you left it20:04
jolarenSabre-night; Np, never install such drivers from terminal without adding ppa packets. When kernel changes things become really annoying20:04
GorlistKenBW2, I agree, I tried MythTV today but that really is pain to setup at the moment20:05
erUSULinvisime: so it makes the links in /etc/rcN.d/ automatically20:05
GorlistKenBW2, you have to use w_scan for DVB20:05
erUSULinvisime: info about system V init systems is readily aviable on the web20:05
S0LIDUSguntbert, Thanks for your support! I love how ubuntu can be made to suite the user, unlike WINDOW$.20:05
AIIIDiceroot: dont have 15, 14 goes little bit on but screen turns off so i cant see anything, windows can be loaded20:05
invisimeerUSUL: ok. I think I understand.20:06
invisimeso I need to set vsftpd to run at runlevel... 1?20:06
wowotohi ,guys , theres aomething wrong with my gnome-desktop manager,   it shows these:     Your window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not " "running a window manager"        how can i fix it ??? help me pls20:06
legend2440wowoto: read post #4 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41699620:07
guntbertS0LIDUS: even if my "support" was only a little listening - glad it works :-)20:07
=== supertux1 is now known as super1_away
AIIIDiceroot: dont have 15, i have only 2.6.31-14 and it goes little bit on but screen turns off so i cant see anything, window$ can be loaded normaly20:07
AIIIDdouble post sorry20:07
icerootAIIID: sorry cant help you with that20:07
Brack101is it possible to use apt-get to obtain a package from a newer version?  I'm on 8.04 and I want the nmap from the 9.10 repo20:08
S0LIDUSguntbert, Sometimes thats all it takes! ; )20:08
wowotolegend2440: thx20:08
legend2440wowoto: your welcome20:08
guntbertS0LIDUS: :)20:08
Cletuscan I safely install Ubuntu 9.10 using the manual installation option, without messing up my dualboot system (currently: sda1/ = windows xp, sda2/ = ext3, sda3/ = swap) ?20:08
erUSUL!backports | Brack10120:08
ubottuBrack101: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:08
sooposHow can you give the user Tester access to the user's Bond /home/Bond/.../file, when the permissions of the directory /home/Bond are 700?20:09
ipatrolwhere are the docs for python-gnomeapplet20:09
=== alexei is now known as amgarchIn9
FatherBadTouchmka: so once I reboot with 9.10 livecd, I should be able to fresh install with no problems eh?20:09
sur_what is the compiz effect called that shows all the running app windows scaled down to smaller sizes so that all of them fits on the screen?20:10
soopos*  I have the symlink /home/Tester/sage-4.3 to the file /home/Bond/.../sage-4.320:10
erUSULsoopos: relax the permissions of said file ?20:10
ipatrolubottu: python-gnomeapplet20:10
erUSULsur_: "Scale" is the name; who would have guessed it ;P?20:10
mkaFatherBadTouch, yes, unless you are very unlucky20:10
AIIIDhow can I strat system from terminal20:10
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:10
FatherBadTouchmka: I am but we'll hope that doesn't become a factor.20:10
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com20:10
sooposerUSUL: they are drwxr-xr-x20:10
sur_erUSUL, not me :) , thanks20:11
FatherBadTouchmka: thanks again.20:11
FatherBadTouchgenii: ty too20:11
erUSULsoopos: so is a directory ?20:11
sooposerUSUL: It is a folder which I want that the user can access completely20:11
mkaFatherBadTouch, yes, good luck!!20:11
sooposerUSUL: Yes20:11
sooposerUSUL: I have a symlink to it20:11
ipatrolcan  I please have some help?20:12
llutzsoopos: bind-mount it to /home/tester20:12
erUSULsoopos: why not place it in some neutral place? /home/foldername then make it owned by group "users" (both of you would be in that group)20:12
UGC27hi, is there any text based xml-viewer ?20:12
sur_what is the default keyboard shortcut for Scale effect of compiz?20:12
ipatrolcan anyone hear me??20:13
booksbuggyi have nvdia ck804 audio card and i currently trying to use ALSA audio control can someone help me?20:13
invisimeno, ipatrol. but I can read what you type. o_O20:13
guntbertipatrol: yes we hear you20:13
FatherBadTouchipatrol: no....noone can hear you20:13
erUSUL!ccsm | sur_20:13
ubottusur_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:13
ipatrolinvisime: I can't find the docs for gnomeapplet20:13
invisimeerUSUL: thanks for your help. just rebooted and it looks great. :)20:13
erUSULinvisime: no problem20:13
sur_erUSUL, that is because that effect is not in default ubuntu installation?20:13
vladHi I do not know why but for some reason Transmission starts torrents that I have stopped.Pls help20:13
Brack101erUSUL:so I did "sudo apt-get install -t karmic-backports nmap" after adding the repo and I know for a fact that the karmic repo has a newer version than I have, but it said "nmap is already the newest version."20:14
Brack101any ideas?20:14
FatherBadTouchmka: wait, tried to burn the 9.10 cd and it said some files may be corrupted on disc, any chance this is wrong?20:14
sur_erUSUL, or in order to be able to change the key combination?20:14
erUSULsur_: it is; but maybe not enabled by default. i do not remember20:14
ipatrolI don't know the API for python-gnomeapplet20:14
erUSULsur_: to change/see the key combo the ccsm is handy ;P20:14
invisimeipatrol: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=gnome+applet20:14
erUSULsur_: i use a mouse gesture can not remember the key combo20:15
tony_need help me sansa fuse does not work with my linux20:15
sur_erUSUL, I really do not want to interfere with Ubuntu team's compiz defaults at this time, but thanks20:15
mkaFatherBadTouch, first does the md5sum of the iso correspond to that of the original?20:15
ipatrolI did google it, but the docs are missing20:15
invisimeipatrol: sorry. I got nothin'.20:15
sur_erUSUL, it turned out to be alt+shift+up arrow20:16
ipatrola package isn't very useful without docs20:16
sur_enabled by default20:16
erUSULsur_: yep; just checked it to20:16
songer i want to intall  usb wirles on my laptop20:16
invisimeipatrol: have you installed the package? it might come with docs.20:16
ipatrolinvisime: It's preinstalled20:17
songer to use it it has more rich20:17
canthus13songer: What wireless adapter? (Model, version)20:17
songer how can i do it20:17
Cletuscan I safely install Ubuntu 9.10 using the manual installation option, without messing up my dualboot system (currently: sda1/ = windows xp, sda2/ = ext3 (ubuntu 8.04), sda3/ = swap)) ?20:17
canthus13songer: Look at it... The model and version are usually on the back (At least for Linksys and D-Link adapters)20:18
invisimewhere's the "right" place to put scripts that need to be run at boot time?20:18
llutzinvisime: /usr/local/(s)bin20:19
ipatrolThe only docs are: "This package contains a module that allows to write applets for the GNOME panel in Python."20:19
apipkini'm having issues installing mysql and phpmyadmin... both channels asked me to venture over here20:19
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llutzinvisime: call with path20:19
songercanthu13: tp-link  tp-wn422g20:19
juriszhi! how I can list all echoX in terminal? thanks!20:19
Guest56392ciao a tutti20:19
Cletusinvisime: /etc/rc.d/20:19
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I've bound ctrl-alt-r to summon GNOME Do, but nothing happens when I press C-M-r.  What gives?20:20
canthus13songer: is there a version number (usually marked v1, v5, or something similar)?20:20
apipkini get an InnoDB error with aptitude install phpmyadmin and a cannot connect to local MySQL server with aptitude install mysql-server-5.120:20
apipkinis there a step i'm missing?20:20
mneptokapipkin: have you edited MySQL configuration files, set a root password for MySQL, etc?20:21
sur_erUSUL, can I set compiz to do somethings when mouse reaches a corner of the screen? Do I need cmss for that?20:21
apipkinmneptok: i have set a root password for mysql during the phpmyadmin intallation20:21
songercanthu13 v.020:22
songer sorry20:22
erUSULsur_: that's how i have configured scale to work. if i reach the botton right corner with the mouse the scale plugin runs20:22
erUSULsur_: yes i used ccsm for that20:22
booksbuggyneed help setting up ALSA audio control for nvdia CK804 audio card20:22
sur_erUSUL, how safe is ccsm? I'll be using it on a production machine20:23
canthus13songer: Hrm.  I'm not finding much other than people having issues getting it running.20:23
denis13salut l'equipe20:23
juriszhow I can list all NICs (eth0 , eth1, eth2...) or where can I see them?20:23
canthus13songer: this might help:  http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k_htc#Component_modules20:23
zenlunaticJurgeni, ifconfig20:23
erUSULsur_: never have any problem with it... you can try simple-ccsm first20:23
llutzjurisz: ifconfig -a20:23
u22Is there some way to mute a specific application?20:23
zenlunaticjurisz, not Jurgeni sorry20:24
Slartu22: using the pulseaudio volume control, yes20:24
Cletuscan I safely install Ubuntu 9.10 using the manual installation option, without messing up my dualboot system (currently: sda1/ = windows xp, sda2/ = ext3 (ubuntu 8.04), sda3/ = swap)) ?20:24
u22sweet Slart thx20:24
Slartu22: I think the package is called pavucontrol20:24
songercanthu13: i can use my wirless of my laptop but i want to use usb wirless , it has cable etenion20:25
Slart!info pavucontrol | u2220:25
ubottuu22: pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.8+git20090701-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 117 kB, installed size 924 kB20:25
Ranakahwireless dont' work on 0c:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)20:25
Ranakahwhat's wrong?20:25
sur_erUSUL, all right thank you20:25
u22oh nice this lets me control volume too20:25
u22thank you slart20:25
Slartu22: you're welcome20:25
jjgalvezcan someone help me trouble shoot my system?  everytime I fisrt boot up and log in the desktop becomes completely unresponsive, I can't click on anything.  I have to got to tty1 and killall -u <user> and relogin to get the system to respond again.  not sure how to troubleshoot this20:25
edoHi Need help with wireless card.  I see it when lshw but when iwlist wlan0 I get No scan results..20:26
dangermindHi, i have a problem with my ubuntu server dns, i have internal connectivity but not external connectivity, when i ping to www.google.com i get: uknown host www.google.com20:26
canthus13songer: Unfortunately, I can't think of anything not already done in any of the stuff I've found in google, and I"m not seeing anyone who has had success with that particular card.20:26
Homely_GirlHello I need some help plse. Running karmic 'n using mobile b/band finally!! But my system keeps locking up for no reason 'n I have to keep deleting 'n reinstalling my dongle in order to connect 2 the Net!20:26
hajarwhen I wake after hibernate .. screen is not work at all .. is there any solution (9.10)20:26
canthus13dangermind: What if you change the DNS of the machine you're pinging from?20:26
wowotoYour window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not running a window manager.    why?     PS: theres no ~/.gnome2/session file in my home-wowoto20:27
PyroPheliahow long should a xfs_growfs take?20:27
PyroPheliaformatting the arrary took next to no time at all20:27
PyroPheliagrowing it has takken almost an hour20:27
Homely_GirlWould it be more appealing if I asked if one of you fine gents would enter my back door? lmao20:27
huggesanpIn aptitude, I marked kde-full for removal, marked kde-standard for installation and marked kde-minimal for installation. I pressed g twice to apply, q to cancel and told aptitude to forget pending actions.20:28
dangermindcanthus13 i get the same20:28
TomV_415I managed to really munge up my Ubuntu dual boot machine..trying to upgrade grub from 1.5 to 2.0..Lots of posts of this, but I can't seem to get even the live cd to boot at this point!20:28
canthus13Homely_Girl: I'd love to help, but I have no experience with mobile broadband.20:28
huggesanpNow kde seems to be marked as installed, but I remove kde-full and it won't remove dependencies.20:28
canthus13dangermind: SOunds like a firewall issue.20:28
huggesanpHow can I do that?20:28
sooposllutz: I run "mount --bind sage-4.3 /home/Bond/". The user tester can only access and change the files in the folder sage-4.3 when permissions are 777 for the folder recursively.20:28
TomV_415I can get DSL 1.5 to load.20:28
dangermindi have check the resolv.conf and all its good20:28
CletusHomely_Girl: all you have to do is bend over20:28
sooposllutz: This suggests me that I am doing someting wrong20:28
iceroothuggesanp: sudo apt-get autoremove20:28
Homely_Girlcanthus13, Is there anyway to find out what's causing my system to lock up?20:29
TomV_415what's the best way to fix my grub mess?  How can I see the drives?20:29
hattoricaca1gnome-do closes itself very often, and i wanted to set a cronjob every minute that checks if it's runing and if not, then start it. The command runs fine on bash, but from cron it fails to start gnome-do. What could be wrong?20:29
Homely_GirlCletus, u not even gonna say hello first!! :P20:29
llutzsoopos: "sudo mount -o bind /home/bond/foo /home/tester/foo"   mounted like this?20:29
iceroothattoricaca1: not setting the correct path on cron20:29
iceroothattoricaca1: or using a wrong working directory20:29
dangermindcanthus13: i have installed webmin and in the net configuration all is good, and i have the firewall disabled20:29
huggesanpiceroot: What if apt-get wasn'tused to install?20:30
huggesanpiceroot: Will that deal with suggested packages20:30
huggesanpiceroot: Is there an aptitude equivalent?20:30
CletusI entered this session saying gday!20:30
iceroothuggesanp: man aptitude20:30
huggesanpiceroot: I looked20:30
Homely_Girloh well none of u lot are man enough!! lol I'll come back another time. ;)20:30
iceroothuggesanp: but just use sudo apt-get autoremove20:30
* Homely_Girl quits to fumble alone.20:31
Cletuscan I safely install Ubuntu 9.10 using the manual installation option, without messing up my dualboot system (currently: sda1/ = windows xp, sda2/ = ext3 (ubuntu 8.04), sda3/ = swap)) ? anyone?20:31
canthus13Homely_Girl: run htop in a terminal and see what's using so much of the system resources.20:31
icerootHomely_Girl: you have a support-question?20:31
kenpark!troll | Homley_Girl20:31
ubottuHomley_Girl: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel20:31
tomaseany spanish forum????20:31
Homely_Girlcanthus13: Just 'cos I have the savvy to run Linux does not make me a geek!! Please be more simple.20:31
canthus13dangermind: Just curious.... How are you getting here without DNS?20:31
iceroot!es | tomase20:31
ubottutomase: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:31
LjL!es | tomase20:31
dangermindcanthus13: im in other pc20:32
hattoricaca1iceroot: i've put absolute paths, (even /usr/bin/[ ) , what's "using wrong working directory"?20:32
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Homely_Girliceroot: I had already stated my problem. I successfully got my 3 mobile b/band dongle working on karmic but I have 2 delete 'n reinstall it after disconnecting each time!20:32
invisimeLjL too slow. :P20:32
dangermindcanthus13: and i connect to the server via ssh20:32
canthus13Homely_Girl: :)  Open a terminal and type 'htop'.  You may need to install it first... if so, type 'sudo apt-get install htop' and then type htop.20:32
Homely_GirlMy pc is also randomly locking up!20:32
Homely_GirlThanks canthus!!20:33
huggesanpiceroot: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:33
iceroothattoricaca1: can you past your cron-command?20:33
canthus13Homely_Girl: Generally, the process at the top of the list in htop is going to be the one locking up the system. (100% CPU)20:33
crc32What is the next LTS version of ubuntu going to be?20:33
iceroothuggesanp: then there are no dependencies which can be deleted20:33
llutzcrc32: 10.0420:33
hattoricaca1* * * ** if /usr/bin/[ -z "$(/usr/bin/pgrep gnome-do)" ]; then /usr/bin/gnome-do; fi20:33
canthus13dangermind: Ok.  so it's just the server that can't resolve.20:33
crc32What is 9.10 considered?20:33
Slartcrc32: non-lts =)20:33
LjLa normal, non-LTS release.20:33
llutzcrc32: "broken" by a lot of users :)20:33
njamnjamwhat do you mean?20:34
huggesanpiceroot: It seems that kde-full's dependencies aren't amrked as autoinstalled20:34
LjLllutz: well that goes for about every release20:34
dangermindcanthus13: yes20:34
canthus13dangermind: Can the server ping by IP?20:34
Homely_Girlcanthus13, That is an invaluable bit of info there for future problem solving too! Many thanks.20:34
llutzLjL: naaa, karmic tops all20:34
canthus13Homely_Girl: No prob.20:34
crc32It had a nasty suprise I still can't figure out what broke but I like the newer packages20:34
Homely_Girliceroot, Don't be so quick to judge!!20:34
crc32I came from 8.0420:34
LjLllutz: yes, they said that for last release too... :)20:34
kenparkcrc32: The next LTS release will be LucidLynx, released in April 2010.20:34
iceroothattoricaca1: and what is the output?20:34
kenparkcrc32: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS20:34
FatherBadTouchhey hey guys, new prob. mka, you still around?20:35
njamnjamin last 20`s as i remember20:35
dangermindcanthus13: when i ping to an ip i get: network is unreachable20:35
canthus13dangermind: Hmm.20:35
hattoricaca1iceroot: that would be good to know :), should i try redirecting &1 and &2 to a file?20:35
FatherBadTouchInstalling 9.10 and wanted to just overwrite the partitions used by the previous ubuntu install20:35
canthus13dangermind: Is the gateway set correctly?20:35
crc32I figure with IPv4 going away real quick I might as well get off the "I want something that can last 4 years wagon".20:35
BlouBloudangermind: Are you blocking ICMP packets?20:35
mkaFatherBadTouch, yep20:35
iceroothattoricaca1: sounds good20:35
hattoricaca1ok :D20:36
crc32Is anyone else ready for IPv6?20:36
FatherBadTouchmka, still running the liveCD currently. Going through the install pages, got up to the partioning part20:36
CletusFatherBadTouch: how did that work out? planning to do the same20:36
mkaFatherBadTouch, what is the problem?20:36
crc32Y2K has nothing on IPv6.20:36
muhammad_hi all,20:36
canthus13crc32: No point in it. my ISP isn't ready.20:36
FatherBadTouchmka don't know what partitions to change20:36
FatherBadTouchCletus, dunno yet, still doing it.20:37
canthus13crc32: And they're not going to bother any time soon. (I know.... I work for my ISP.)20:37
mkaFatherBadTouch, tought you said you want to replace the older version of ubuntu?20:37
muhammad_Is there any software tool available which can read the file header and tell which filetype it is ??20:37
PyroPheliais it possible to get atop to only show dsk lines?20:37
icerootmuhammad_: file20:37
PyroPheliaand a lot of them?20:37
llutzmuhammad_: file foo20:37
paulus68is there anyone that can help me with a IPtable problem20:37
CletusFatherBadTouch: what install option did you use (side-by-side, or manual?)20:37
dangermindcanthus13: i think the gateway is set correctly, its, that is the router address, and i dont understand the 2º question20:37
FatherBadTouchCletus, manual20:37
edoHi everyone I got a question about my wireless card on KDE 4. I just installed it on top of GNOME the card worked fine on GNOME and work after the KDE installation. for some reason (unknown to me) it stopped working.. I see it when running lshw but when running iwlist wlan0 I get No scan results..any ideas?20:37
FatherBadTouchmka, I do.20:37
mkaFatherBadTouch, select those partitions that had ubuntu and make sure that they are formated before installation20:38
muhammad_thanks guys20:38
mkaFatherBadTouch, but have you backed up everything you want from these partitions?20:38
sooposllutz: Yes, I did mount like you say.20:38
canthus13dangermind: that should be correct.  How about the subnet mask?20:38
crc32canthus13: Thats what I don't get Once we run out of IPv4 addresses what are ISPs going to do for new customers. I don't want to turn into russia were every one is NATed on a 172.16/12 or 10/820:38
tom-v415I'm having trouble after I managed somewhot to munge my grub install (moving from 1.5 to 2.0), I had a dual boot box, but now I can boot anything, or even get the liveCD to work.20:38
Kuwaiti30hi just installed ubuntu remix on asus 1005ha and the X is slow and drivers are not loaded20:39
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crc32Not every one but its common for ISPs in russia to do so.20:39
FatherBadTouchmka, yes I backedup what I needed. The error I'm getting is"no root file system is defined"20:39
tom-v415I can boot an old copy fo DamnSmallLinux (1.5) but don't know enough about drives and such to see what's20:39
vladI do not know why but for some reason Transmission starts torrents that I have stopped.Pls help20:39
canthus13dangermind: Wow. everything sounds fine.  maybe a router setting denying access? Try changing the IP of the server and see if that fixes it.20:39
tom-v415any suggestions for how to recover my files?20:40
hattoricaca1iceroot: "if /usr/bin/[ -z "$(/usr/bin/pgrep gnome-do)" ]; then /usr/bin/gnome-do &>output.txt; fi" gives an empty file20:40
canthus13tom-v415: Try Supergrub?20:40
FatherBadTouchmka, with the ext3 partition, should I mount that as home or root or leave it blank?20:40
quietonevlad: try asking at #transmission20:40
P1R1Simple question...If I unmount my pendrive is it ready to unplug it?20:40
dangermindcanthus13: i think all about the network configuration its ok because i have internal connectivity, and i can connect from other pcs to the files throw the samba server installed20:40
tom-v415canthus13: sounds promising... I'll google for Suergrub.20:40
vladok yhx20:40
vladok thx20:40
iceroothattoricaca1: you are checking if the output of grep is non-zero, correct? and then you start it20:40
kenparkP1R1: yes20:41
iceroothattoricaca1: dont you think you want, if grep returns nothing you want start it?20:41
P1R1kenpark: Thanks20:41
dangermindcanthus13: how do i do that?20:41
hattoricaca1iceroot: the test is "if pgrep returns nothing"20:41
llutzsoopos: hmm, thought that works. anyway, take erUSULs suggestion and move that folder to neutral place. unix-permissions won't allow to share that folder20:41
iceroothattoricaca1: man test   -z = non-zero20:42
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iceroothattoricaca1: mom i will look at the manpage20:42
canthus13dangermind: Over ssh? Hrm...20:42
mkaFatherBadTouch, hmm, too bad we did not discuss about the partitioning structure of your hard drive. anyway, select the a big enough drive and make it's mount point to / and ensure that it will be formated. you can stick to ext3 or go ahead with ext4.20:42
princehi i need some help here20:42
Gorlistcan anyone recommend a background wallpaper changer which doesn't have an icon on the taskbar?20:42
iceroothattoricaca1: sorry, my fault20:42
Gorlistlike drapes?20:42
princeim trying to make my wlan work on a packerd bell dot s20:42
mkaFatherBadTouch, do you know how many partitions are you having?20:42
princebut i have no idea whatsoever what to do20:43
dangermindcanthus13: yes, and via web, by the webmin.
hattoricaca1iceroot: no problem, i'm thinking maybe could be no "$DISPLAY" in cron's env?20:43
kenpark!enter | prince20:43
ubottuprince: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:43
iceroothattoricaca1: could be20:43
FatherBadTouchmka, three, 1 ext3 - for ubuntu, 1ntfs - for win7 and 1 swap - for well mem swap20:44
canthus13dangermind: I suppose you could do it more easily via webmin. you'd just have to reconnect to it at the new IP after confirming the change.20:44
princeok so the question was can annyone help me make my wlan work its a packerd bell dot s and i have no idea what to do i tryed ndiswrapper but im thinking im doeing something wrong please help20:44
guntbertdangermind: canthus13: please be aware that webmin is no longer supported on ubuntu20:44
tomase__how can i move me to a #ubuntu-es Forum??20:45
mkaFatherBadTouch, that is simpler than I thought, use the ext3 filesystem. select it and select the mount point to be /20:45
iceroottomase__: /join #ubuntu-es20:45
guntberttomase__: /join #ubuntu-es20:45
FatherBadTouchmka, great I just needed to change the blank mount point to /20:45
mkaFatherBadTouch, make sure the format box is checked20:45
ctmjrprince: what errors is ndiswrapper giving you20:45
iceroothattoricaca1: working at bash?20:45
kenparkprince: You could open a terminal and type "iwconfig"20:45
canthus13guntbert: Which is a rather silly decision. ebox is a bit obtuse for beginners.20:45
mkaFatherBadTouch, you can continue then20:46
Mr_Noui have problem with grub. i need boot windows xp which is on other HDD20:46
kenparkprince: on the other hand you could go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo and check.20:46
princesudo modprobe ndiswrapper20:46
princeFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.31-16-generic/kernel/ubuntu/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory20:46
hattoricaca1iceroot: yes, that's what puzzles me20:46
iceroothattoricaca1: then its a missing env-entry20:46
guntbertcanthus13: it was not my decision - it wasn't even one from the ubuntu people - and ebox on karmic looks *much* more usable than it used to20:47
iceroothattoricaca1: running cron as the same user as on bash?20:47
dangermindguntbert: what??20:47
hattoricaca1iceroot: dya know from where it's better to source/import env?20:47
princeok il go with the site for now il tell you wheter it worked or noth20:47
guntbert!webmin | dangermind20:47
ubottudangermind: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.20:47
canthus13guntbert: I haven't tried it yet.... I'm still running Hardy on my server.20:47
Mr_Noui try20:47
Mr_Nouroot (hd1,0)20:47
Mr_Nouchainloader +120:47
FatherBadTouchmka, under migrate documents and settings, do I want to select anything?20:47
FloodBot4Mr_Nou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:47
iceroothattoricaca1: i am always typing it by hand in cron20:47
iceroothattoricaca1: maybe not the best way bot working20:47
necroforestHi, I'm running Ubuntu 9.10/AMD64. I'm wondering where the /proc/bus/usb/* devices are?20:48
hattoricaca1iceroot: k i'm trying that20:48
Mr_Noubut it didnt work20:48
mkaFatherBadTouch, if you backed up everything, you rather select nothing20:48
necroforestI'm reading some documentation that refers to "/proc/bus/usb/003/001" and similar, and I don't have any of these files on my machine.20:48
dangermindguntbert ubottu, its better to use ebox??20:48
mkaFatherBadTouch, I never ever used this option20:48
kenparkMr_Nou: sudo apt-get install os-prober20:48
FatherBadTouch*crosses fingers* here goes everything mka20:49
llutznecroforest: needs usbfs which afaik is disabled in *buntu20:49
guntbertdangermind: well - I don't really like ebox - but I dare not use webmin20:49
dangermindguntbert: and ebox is supported in ubuntu?20:50
jjgalvezcan someone help me trouble shoot my system?  everytime I first boot up and log in the desktop becomes completely unresponsive, I can't click on anything.  I have to got to tty1 and killall -u <user> and relogin to get the system to respond again.  not sure how to troubleshoot this20:50
Mr_Noukenpark: thx i try that20:50
guntbert!info ebox | dangermind20:51
ubottudangermind: ebox (source: ebox): common library used by eBox platform modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 453 kB, installed size 3208 kB20:51
necroforestllutz, any way to enable it?20:51
mahngielanybody know where the Gnome Menu Bar lives? i've tried /.config/menus and /etc/xdg/menus. but they don't house the real code20:51
guntbert!info ebox-base | dangermind20:51
ubottudangermind: Package ebox-base does not exist in karmic20:51
dangermindcanthus13: i do not know how to caching the ip20:51
dangermindubottu: my server is karmic koala20:52
marcio_alguem q fala portugues?20:52
kenpark!english | marcio_20:53
ubottumarcio_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:53
guntbertdangermind: yes, but it comes with lot of dependencies (apache, postgresql,...)20:53
tom-v415canthus13: Yeah!! supergrub got my computer to boot!!!  very good suggestion.. I think I still need to work a bit to figure out how to clean things up (find my windows partition, etc.) but after hours of deadends, your suggestion made my day!! THANKS!20:53
FatherBadTouchmka, wow this is going to take a while.20:53
progre55hi people! I'm using ubuntu karmic. how do you set a password to boot?20:53
guntbert!pt | marcio_20:53
sur_I have three systems, two desktops(home, work) and a notebook. I would love to be able to synchronize the applications on the three, is there a way to do that? Such as the Siphon add-on on Firefox?20:53
ubottumarcio_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:53
mkaFatherBadTouch, be patient20:53
dangermindguntbert: ok, in the future i will use ebox instead of webmin20:53
mkaFatherBadTouch, go get a cup of coffee or something20:54
mister_robotoprogre55: you mean when it's booting before the linux login comes up?20:54
canthus13tom-v415: No problem.20:54
mahngielprorgre55: can't you do that from the setup menu at boot?20:54
guntbertdangermind: well I only installed it in a VM, not sure if I will keep the beast)20:54
progre55mister_roboto: yep20:54
icerootprogre55: use the bios for that20:55
khelvanHello, what program can I use to take several thousand time-lapse photographs and put them together to form a time-lapse video?20:55
mister_robotoprogre55: a lot of BIOSes let you do that20:55
baldarishow can i check which ip is default for my wireless , i think i changed it to something like , but now no responce..20:55
mahngielprogre55: press f10 or whatever the setup command is at boot20:55
mister_robotoprogre55: it's independent of the operating system20:55
mahngielprogre55: in fact, you won't even get the bios menu unless you enter the PW20:55
dangermindguntbert: well, that is ok, but my problem not is with webmin, mi problem is with my dns configuration, i think20:55
icerootbaldaris: use dhcp20:56
llutznecroforest: /etc/fstab entry like: none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=120,devmode=664 0 020:56
baldarisiceroot, thanks20:56
muhammad_progre55: are you getting what they are telling you ?20:56
progre55yep =20:56
=== Daniel_G_ is now known as Daniel-g
=== Daniel-g is now known as Daniel_G
progre55thanks guys, really appreciate!20:56
mahngielprogre55: np mate20:57
llutznecroforest: devgid/mode here for virtualbox, yours may vary20:57
baldarisiceroot, command not found..20:57
jellowprogre55: Not that you asked but if  you forget your bios password take out the battry an the motherboard to reset it.20:57
guntbertdangermind: well my remark was only intended as a "heads up"20:57
necroforestllutz, looks like mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb worked20:58
mahngieljellow: or you can reset J18 (i do believe)20:58
llutznecroforest: yes, does the same as that fstab-entry20:58
mhouckhi all, i have a fresh install of ubuntu 9.1 and I'm trying to get ALL of my audio to passthrough the optical out to my receiver.  I've tested that it works with an AC3 file using "aplay -D plughw:0,2 ~/Downloads/Prelude.wav"... but I can't figure out how to have all applications default to passthrough.  The Sound preferences app is set to IEC958 Digital Stereo... but it won't do any more channels than that.  i've tried adding "default-s20:58
icerootbaldaris: that is not a command, its a protocol20:58
mister_robotomahngiel: wow, you mean that works on all motherboards?20:58
sooposllutz: How can you unmount the files? I get "many times mounted" after "umount sage-4.3"20:58
jellowmahngiel: sorry never heard of that20:58
llutzsoopos: repeat that command20:59
dangermindguntbert: ok, ok, and i appreciate it20:59
mahngieljellow: mister_roboto: i do believe all motherboards have a specific jumper, from the few i've looked at, it's always been J18 *shrug*20:59
n00pjust downloaded the drivers for my broadcom wireless adapter on Ubuntu 9.10 AMD64, the machine hung. tried ALT+SysRq+R-E-I-S-U-B and nothing's happening...20:59
baldarisiceroot, sorry i dont understand..20:59
baldariscan you explain..20:59
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network20:59
n00panyone got an idea how to safely reboot my machine? D:20:59
mahngieln00p: sudo reboot??21:00
n00pmahngiel: read my previous message21:00
hamzaatova2how do i isntall the ubuntu stuff with wireless keyboard if it doesnt work?21:00
kenparkn00p: Switch to a terminal and reboot from there.21:00
Picig4br13l: /away bleh21:00
mahngieln00p: ya, just did, sorry21:00
n00pkenpark: how? the machine is frozen!21:00
g4br13l[(Pici)]: ?21:00
mister_roboton00p: are you sure it's not just X that is frozen?21:01
jtajin00p: at this point you just hit reset21:01
kenparkn00p: Are you sure you cannot press Ctrl+Alt+F121:01
icerootbaldaris: just dont use a static ip for wlan21:01
FatherBadTouchiagno blows, makes me feel stupid21:01
mahngieln00p: did you give 1 second increments of letters?21:01
icerootbaldaris: let dhcp handle that21:01
n00pI repeat: Alt+SysRq-R-E-I-S-U-B is NOT working, mister_roboto21:01
paulus68n00p: pull the plug21:01
n00pCTRL+ALT+F1 does nothing.. yes mahngiel21:01
mister_roboton00p: lol   power button, d00d21:01
=== redFisz is now known as crimsonfish
n00pwhat other options are there?21:01
Legendariodoes anyone know a good twitter extension for firefox. One that supports retwitting. I can't stand echofon anymore. Chromed bird for google chrome is much better, but I want one for firefox21:01
mister_roboton00p: power plug21:02
invisimen00p: wait and see if it unhangs magically?21:02
n00pI don't trust you mister_roboto21:02
n00pI know there are other options21:02
mahngieln00p: harsh. *memories of ctrl+alt+delete*21:02
mister_roboton00p: you're here saying the OS is totally locked up and you expect to instruct the OS to magically reboot?21:02
newbuxwhat is the latest kernel version? is ...32 newer than...16?21:02
FatherBadTouchn00p, ever try the breaker in the grey box?21:03
icerootnewbux: the highesrt number is the newest21:03
FatherBadTouchn00p, by grey box I mean the electrical panel in your basement21:03
mahngielany hackers in here??21:03
invisimen00p: try not paying your electric bill. then, begin paying again.21:03
* mahngiel laughs at invisime21:03
paulus68n00p: if your system hangs then there is no other solution that cut the power supply and please don't use a knife doing so21:03
jellown00p: get your jtag out ( if thats even possible )21:03
FatherBadTouchn00p, Don't bite it off either.21:03
kenparkn00p: You should wait for a very long time, maybe days or weeks then it will magically be fixed :-) Other than that I suggest to hold down the power button for 30seconds and then let it go.21:04
guntbertkids - stop kidding n00p please21:04
newbuxso what is the newst?21:04
mahngieli'm trying to find the source whre the gnome menu lives21:04
newbuxiceroot: so what is the newest21:04
FatherBadTouchguntbert, would you prefer he bites it off then?21:04
jjgalvezeverytime I fisrt boot up X hangs until I do a killall and restart it, how should I troubleshoot this?21:04
icerootnewbux: 2.6.31-16 imo21:04
icerootnewbux: for ubuntu21:04
halwelcome to the machine21:05
kenpark!hi | Kuwaiti3021:05
ubottuKuwaiti30: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:05
mister_robotojjgalvez: start by seeing what is getting logged in /var/log21:05
invisimeguntbert: I'm documenting all of these. it turns out there were a lot of ways to reboot a hung linux box that aren't currently documented. :)21:05
n00pso very painful, rebooting like that21:05
paulus68guntbert: I am not kidding I give support at a helpdesk and if there is any frozen system we sugest to cut the power ;-) always works like a charm21:05
newbuxiceroot: how come i see
Kuwaiti30anyone here with asus 1005ha ?21:05
n00pyep, now I gotta reinstall Linux21:05
guntbertFatherBadTouch: I would prefer not to make fun of a person just because that person doesn't take every word as god sent21:05
n00pthanks for your suggestion guys ;)21:05
icerootnewbux: you dont see it21:05
n00p"error: out of partition"21:05
newbuxiceroot: ?21:06
n00pnot like I had any other choice I guess21:06
FatherBadTouchguntbert, I wasn't making fun of the person doing it, I was making fun of the person who suggested not doing it with a knife.21:06
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network21:06
icerootnewbux: there is no
newbuxiceroot: i see that in synatic
=== mue__ is now known as mue
Kuwaiti30how do i know if my vga driver is installed ?21:06
paulus68guntbert: **guilty21:06
jjgalvezmister_roboto: I've got the log open now, nothing seems to be different, anything I should look for?21:07
mahngielalright, well, i give up in here, got things to do. If you be so kind to check out this thread, i would appreciate any help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1367498 have a good one guys21:07
n00pdid I ever tell you guys I'm starting to really fucking hate ubuntu?21:07
iceroot!info linux-image | newbux21:07
LjL!language | n00p21:07
ubottunewbux: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)21:07
ubottun00p: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:07
LjLn00p: i wonder what on earth is an "out of partition" error.21:07
FatherBadTouchhey hey Homely_Girl, come here often?21:07
mister_robotojjgalvez: are you looking at Xorg.0.log?  personally, I always start with the logs looking for errors21:07
icerootnewbux: is ne newest21:07
kenpark!troll | n00p21:07
ubottun00p: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel21:07
Youndern00p, well installation problems can do that to you21:07
FatherBadTouch!troll | kenpark21:08
Legendariodoes anyone know a good twitter extension for firefox. One that supports retwitting. I can't stand echofon anymore. Chromed bird for google chrome is much better, but I want one for firefox21:08
ubottukenpark: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel21:08
mister_robotojjgalvez: that and /var/log/messages21:08
n00p!troll kenpark21:08
n00p!troll | kenpark21:08
paulus68iptables can get you angry to hehehe21:08
icerootn00p: FatherBadTouch stop that here21:08
Homely_GirlAnyone here use XChat?21:08
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:08
iceroot!anyone | Homely_Girl21:08
ubottuHomely_Girl: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:08
FatherBadTouchiceroot, was that to mee or n00p?21:08
newbuxiceroot: um..by any chance u know how to fix the "kernel panic: cannot mount vfs..." error on boot-up? i got this when upgrading from 15 to 1621:08
icerootFatherBadTouch: both21:08
FatherBadTouchHomely_Girl, I am indeed21:09
icerootnewbux: sorry dont know21:09
FatherBadTouchiceroot, okay then. I just didn't believe he was trolling21:09
invisimeon my ubuntu 9.10 server I have symbolic links in ~ folder to an external hard drive mounted at /mnt/vault. I am running vsftpd and one of the other computers on my network (running xubuntu 9.10) has access to the external via filezilla. my eeepc on windows 7 running filezilla, however, does not display any of the contents of /mnt/vault. any guesses as to cause?21:09
Homely_GirlGOOD point!! How do I show a list on the right of who's in the room? I have no idea how I disabled it!21:09
Younderlook up channel-guidelines and operator priveleges.21:09
guntbertHomely_Girl: ctrl F721:09
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network21:09
jjgalvezmister_roboto: looking at both and nothing interesting except clocksource unstable, not sure what that means21:10
prince hi im trying to install my wlan card  its a packerd bell dot s can annyone help me with this it wont work so please help21:10
Homely_Girlguntbert, nothing happened! :(21:10
FatherBadTouchctrl-f7 doesn't work21:10
jellowinvisime:  check permissions21:10
Homely_GirlGood, so not just me!! lol21:10
newbuxhow do I fix the "kernel panic-not syncing VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1)" error on boot up; i got this when trying to upgrade to 15 to 1621:10
mister_robotojjgalvez: what are you killing? The X process?  and then it comes back normally?21:10
FatherBadTouchHomely_Girl, it's apparently the way x-irc is with 9.10 and above. it was on the 9.04 live cd21:10
Ricoshadywhats a good ram size for a server install?21:10
guntbertHomely_Girl: are you using xchat or xchat-gnome?21:10
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:10
invisimejellow: they're both connected as the relevant user, and, in fact, anonymous connection is disabled. :-/21:11
FatherBadTouchguntbert, xchat-gnome has no user list in 9.10 but it does from the 9.04 cd21:11
Homely_Girlguntbert, XChat 2.8.621:11
Homely_GirlA multiplatform IRC Client21:11
Homely_GirlLinux 2.6.31-16-generic [i686/2.30GHz]21:11
Homely_GirlCharset: UTF-8 Renderer: Pango21:11
Homely_GirlCompiled: Aug  6 200921:11
FloodBot4Homely_Girl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:11
jjgalvezmister_roboto: no I have to do a killall -u <user> and then I log back in, I have yet to find exactly what to kill21:11
mister_robotoinvisime: did you add the link after win 7 was already connected? try reconnecting?21:11
newbuxanyone know how to fix the "kernel panic-not syncing VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1)" error on boot up; i got this when trying to upgrade to to ...1621:11
dincan someone point me in the right direction? i'm looking to change position/color of notify-osd21:11
Homely_Girlsorry floodbot! ;)21:11
mhoucki have a fresh install of ubuntu 9.1 and I'm trying to get ALL of my audio to passthrough the optical out to my receiver.  I've tested that it works with an AC3 file using "aplay -D plughw:0,2 ~/Downloads/Prelude.wav"... but I can't figure out how to have all applications default to passthrough.  The Sound preferences app is set to IEC958 Digital Stereo... but it won't do any more channels than that.  i've tried adding "default-sample-ch21:11
=== david is now known as Guest39526
Guest39526I just tried Alpha 1 of Ubuntu 10.04 lynx, I notice that the shutdown menu was moved. You need to make this more obvious cause users upgrading from 8.04 will be lost.21:12
FatherBadTouchmhouck, probably NO HELP at all but have you tried pasuspender?21:12
Homely_GirlFatherBadTouch, so we just have to be psychic now??21:12
trismdin: you really can't, without editing the code, they didn't make it very configurable21:12
bastid_raZorGuest39526: #ubuntu+1 for lucid testing21:12
LjLGuest39526: "you"? the vast majority of the people in this channel are not Ubuntu developers, just users. also, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for 10.0421:12
FatherBadTouchHomely_Girl, *shrugs* I guess so. I've been using the two different live cd's today and noticed that.21:12
mhouckfatherbadtouch: pasuspender?21:13
dintrism: that's what i've been doing21:13
invisimemister_roboto: huh. I could've sworn I already tried that, but it worked this time. *shrugs* thanks for your help. :)21:13
Blehkafter uninstalling apache2, the folder /etc/apache2 was removed. But now whenever I install apache2, that folder isn't be recreated with all the defaults. Is there a way to do that?21:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:13
mister_robotojjgalvez: so you just have a black screen the first time you boot? and you're going to a terminal to do killall?21:13
FatherBadTouchmhouck, it puts pulse audio on suspense while the program you're using is running21:13
FlannelBlehk: You removed /etc/apache2 you mean?21:13
=== z0r[a] is now known as n00p
michasHi, ist there a way to automatically run a script after NetworkManager successfully configured an interface?21:13
guntbertHomely_Girl: try once more - I remember reports that the list was only 1px wide and needed dragging with the mouse21:13
Homely_Girlwell done. I could always install Konversation although that's a kde program will it cause trouble if I have a gnome system?21:13
n00pthank god I have an SSD -- I could install Ubuntu 20 times an hour21:13
BlehkFlannel: Yes, I removed /etc/apache2.21:13
Xfactwell, anybody using Ubuntu 9.10 and happy with it, cause I am extreamly dissapointed for it's problems!21:13
LjLHomely_Girl: no21:13
n00pRicoshady: whatever you can get your hands on21:13
Ricoshadyim setting up a virtual machine with unbuntu, how much ram should I give it?21:13
n00pthough I wouldn't recommend Ubuntu for a server OS. It makes a horrible desktop OS as it is ;) hehe that's what it's known for too21:14
Guest39526Blehk, 1. reinstall it, uninstall it using purge, 3. reinstall it21:14
LjLXfact: discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic please, this channel is only for support questions21:14
Guest39526it'll be fine21:14
Homely_Girlguntbert, YOU GENIUS!!!21:14
mhouckfatherbadtouch: i'm looking to have all my apps use the passthrough... are you saying that pulseaudio can't do that?21:14
Homely_GirlI found it!!!21:14
BlehkGuest39526: installs fine, folder doesn't exist.21:14
FlannelBlehk: You need to purge apache2, and all the other apache packages (libapache*, apache2*)21:14
Ricoshadyn00p you say debain is better?21:14
FatherBadTouchguntbert, didn't work for me.21:14
guntbertHomely_Girl: far from that - but glad it worked for you21:14
Homely_Girlfather, press Ctrl F7 then take your mouse over to the right 'n drag it left!!!21:14
mister_robotoinvisime: glad it was something easy ;)21:14
n00pdebian is better, but FreeBSD better yet for servers ;)21:14
FatherBadTouchmhouck, like I said, probably no help at all.21:14
FlannelBlehk: "apache2" isn't the only package with stuff in /etc/apache2 so you'll need to purge (not just remove) all the packages that do.21:15
jellowRicoshady: Don't feed the trolls.21:15
Guest39526Blehk, do this in a terminal : sudo apt-get purge apache221:15
Homely_Girlguntbert, *mwah* u not available for marriage are you? :P21:15
FlannelBlehk: Purging removes config files as well, which is what you're doing21:15
guntbertFatherBadTouch: you said xchat-gnome? use xchat instead21:15
Guest39526Blehk, it'll log that the config was removed, when you reinstall it, it'll reinstall the config files21:15
mhouckfatherbadtouch: got it... anyone else know if you can default pulseaudio to pass all sound through the optical port for the receiver to decode?21:15
Guest39526a normal uninstall does not remove config files so people like me who accidentally remove stuff aren't screwed :d21:15
icerootn00p: you have a ubuntu-support question?21:15
Homely_Girlnever mind wot I said b4 FatherBadTouch ...I got wot I need now. ;)21:15
jjgalvezmister_roboto: no sorry my desktop comes up and then the becomes unresponsive, I can't click on anything, so its not frozen as much I can't start anything from the gui.  I do killall from tty121:15
paulus68I use Iptables and 2 different subnets now I want to connect to my internal network but I can't seem to get it correct how do I make this work? this is my iptables http://pastebin.ca/1730564  I can connect correctly to my server from my office but not directly to a pc behind my server the setup is as follows ISP=>router => to switch => wireless network21:16
Homely_GirlThanks fella's...and any lasses that may be lurking! ;)21:16
FatherBadTouchguntbert, "xchat" doesn't work for anything but xchat-gnome with regards to the package manager21:16
n00piceroot: yes, why is it that I see a support ticket for my wireless drivers that is 2 years old, and undealt with?21:16
guntbert!info xchat21:16
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-4ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 335 kB, installed size 900 kB21:16
GENTwhat is the windows channel ?21:17
Ricoshadywhere is unbuntus 32 bit version?21:17
dangermind!info xchat21:17
j0charim having problems with X21:17
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-4ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 335 kB, installed size 900 kB21:17
guntbertFatherBadTouch: ^^^21:17
invisimeGENT: ##windows ?21:17
icerootn00p: use a good wireless card21:17
j0charmy X keeps hanging and i dont knw why... :(21:17
n00pRicoshady: selected on the website by default21:17
FlannelRicoshady: You can get it at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download  You want the i386 version (labeled there as 32bit)21:17
hattoricaca1paulus, i'm checking yr pastebin21:17
Guest39526I read that Ubuntu 10.04 should boot in 10 seconds, on my laptop it takes 31 seconds. This is faster than 8.04, but not 10 seconds. Should I open a ticket with my laptop model ?21:17
FatherBadTouchguntbert, yeah but I'm only running off the live cd right now. My days of cybersex on irc are dead. I'm married. Which you'd really think would increase the need for cybersex, but for me, ney it doesn't.21:18
n00piceroot: it's one of the better wireless cards for laptops ;) nice low battery consumption21:18
paulus68hattoricaca1: thanks21:18
LjLGuest39526: #ubuntu+1 for 10.04 please21:18
FlannelGuest39526: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid questions/support/whatever21:18
FatherBadTouchguntbert, it's been at 5% for some time, should I consider it hung?21:18
mister_robotojjgalvez: sorry, that's a bizarre problem. i've seen similar kinds of hangs when the network was not working but i don't know why killing the process would make everything come back normally. and no problem of any kind in your logs is odd21:18
RicoshadyFlannel, I want the server version, not desktop21:18
csmith1994i need a little bit of help21:18
n00pwas working fine in the 32-bit install... what a shame21:18
Napoleon__BI´m having a problem with sound on my laptop after upgrading to 9.10, it´s gone!!21:18
guntbertFatherBadTouch: who? what?21:18
csmith1994i need help finding a driver for my wireless card21:19
FatherBadTouchguntbert, sorry I meant someone else21:19
FlannelRicoshady: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server  The right side you can choose 32bit21:19
csmith1994im running windows21:19
icerootn00p: but bad support as it seems21:19
csmith1994and ubuntu dual boot21:19
n00pcsmith1994: lspci21:19
icerootn00p: what chipset is it?21:19
FatherBadTouchmka, it's been hung @ 5% for quite some time. Should I try again?21:19
n00pbroadcom bcm-something-or-other21:19
csmith1994noop: if I do that ill have to be in ubuntu and I wont be able to access support21:19
iceroot!broadcom | n00p (have you seen that)21:20
ubottun00p (have you seen that): Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:20
mkaFatherBadTouch, what does it say it is doing?21:20
csmith1994because it isnt recognising my network card21:20
jjgalvezmister_roboto: well at least none that I can find, I'll paste my xorg log if you think it would help21:20
n00piceroot: did you see the very last message I sent? ;)21:20
n00piceroot: someone needs to learn to read more accurately, me thinks21:20
csmith1994when I read my windows device manager21:20
hattoricaca1paulus: are you trying to connect from internet to an inside host?21:21
icerootn00p: you want to flame me?21:21
csmith1994it just says broadcom 802.11g network adapter21:21
mister_robotojjgalvez: i'm willing to look at it but i'm not an X expert21:21
n00piceroot: I don't need to. You're doing a good job of that, yourself21:21
icerootn00p: stop that21:21
csmith1994can someone help me?21:21
n00piceroot: did you READ that message? it's still there... 30 seconds before your own21:21
Flanneln00p: Please change your attitude.21:21
mister_robotomaybe someone else can spot a problem. sure, paste it21:21
n00pFlannel: please read my message, then read his, following it21:21
csmith1994this is a help chat not a flame site if you want to flame go to b21:21
j0charbump /usr/bin/X is taking 100% cpu and not responding :(21:22
n00peh, did I just get kicked?21:22
Flanneln00p: You're welcome to participate here, but don't be rude.  It's a good way to make people not help you.21:22
csmith1994can someone help me with my wireless problem21:22
n00pFlannel: I'm not being rude.21:22
n00pPlease change your attitude.21:22
paulus68hattoricaca1: that's what I want to do I can connect correctly to my server however I can't go any further21:22
FatherBadTouchmka, Creating ext3 file system for / in partition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda)...21:23
tesseractershould i use sbackup, timevault, flyback, or other for backing up my desktop, and why? the computer is 110gb, i have a 2tb for media and backups. the media is backed up separately.21:23
mister_robotocsmith1994: just post your question21:23
FatherBadTouchcsmith1994, be patient21:23
mneptokn00p: please read the Broadcom FAQ iceroot pointed you to. since you have a Broadcom card, it's relevant. if it's not a BCM43xxx, then tell us as much.21:23
j0charhi /usr/bin/X is taking 100% cpu and not responding :(21:23
csmith1994its not21:23
csmith1994i ndevice manager21:23
FatherBadTouchcsmith1994, there isn't someone watching 24/7 for you personally to ask a question.21:23
mkaFatherBadTouch, that's a long time then21:23
guntbertcsmith1994: please keep it in one line21:23
dangermindI get this message when i do a ping to www.google.com: ping: uknown host www.google.com21:23
csmith1994it jus tsays broadcom 802.11g network adapter. ubuntu doesn't recognize it, but my windows 7 dual boot does21:24
Flannelcsmith1994: Howdy.  You should just ask your question instead of trying to pin someone down who can answer it (because they won't know if they can until it's asked).  When someone knows the answer, they'll answer21:24
FatherBadTouchmka, lol thats what I said. it's been a looong time. i's been 5% since I last talked to you21:24
kenparkdangermind: There is aproblem with your route or dns21:24
mneptokdangermind: nslookup google.com
iceroot!broadcom | csmith199421:24
ubottucsmith1994: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:24
jukinnewbie question: why does it says scsi ? my storage device is sata21:24
csmith1994its not bcm43xx21:24
hwildewhy can't I specify custom resolution in terminal server client display tab?21:24
csmith1994i dont think21:24
jjgalvezcan someone look over my x.org log everytime I boot x becomes unresonsive  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m69d57a4721:24
newbuxanyone know how to fix the "kernel panic-not syncing VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1)" error on boot up? i got this when trying to upgrade to 15 to 1621:24
FatherBadTouchjukin, maybe it's not sata21:25
mneptokcsmith1994: lspci -vvv21:25
mneptokcsmith1994: what does that say?21:25
csmith1994im on windows right now21:25
princewhen i give the modprobe wl command i get WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.21:25
princeWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.21:25
princeFATAL: Error inserting wl (/lib/modules/2.6.31-16-generic/updates/dkms/wl.ko): Operation not permitted21:25
princeFATAL: Error running install command for wl21:25
prince  what should i do ?21:25
FloodBot4prince: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:25
xoverguys. how do i umount a device in use or busy?21:25
jukinFatherBadTouch,  no, it's SATA i'm 100% sure21:25
jjgalvezmister_roboto: I posted my xlog I can post others if you think there helpful21:25
LjLprince: are you using sudo?21:25
mneptokprince: sudo21:25
xoverI have used lsof and fuser and removed the processes, but its still not umounting21:25
csmith1994mneptok: if I was on ubuntu I wouldnt be able to access this site21:25
guntbertmneptok: s great to remember - thx21:26
dangermindmneptok: ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached21:26
FatherBadTouchjukin, little red wire in back or long thin one?21:26
mister_robotoxover: figure out what's using it and stop that process. you can use lsof to find the guilty process(es)21:26
princei tried the sudo and it gives the same21:26
mkaFatherBadTouch, it's strange, you can abort and reinstall again21:26
mneptokdangermind: then your machine is not sending packets through your router or modem21:26
xovermister_roboto: I have already done that21:26
dangermindguntbert: yes the and its the new dns of google21:26
FatherBadTouchmka, kk, here I goes again then....21:26
j0charxover maybe use umount -f to force21:26
tesseractershould i use sbackup, timevault, flyback, or other for backing up my desktop, and why? the computer is 110gb, i have a 2tb for media and backups. the media is backed up separately.21:26
xoverjochar, how can i find the offending process?21:26
mister_robotoxover: you must not have stopped it if it's still busy21:27
mister_robotoxover: i already told you.  lsof21:27
laegif i'm ssh connected to my box at home can i make a message pop up on screen to the person who's sitting in front of it?21:27
FatherBadTouchmka, apparently I can't.21:27
xoverI have lsof -i and fuser -m return nothing now21:27
dangermindmneptok: and what can i do?21:27
mister_robotoxover: sudo lsof |grep <busy dir/fd/whatever>21:27
xoveryour one dumb cont do you know that21:27
j0char:( /usr/bin/X is taking 100% cpu and not responding :(21:27
xoveryou dont listen21:27
mkaFatherBadTouch, you cannot abort the process?21:27
llutzlaeg: try wall21:27
FatherBadTouchmka, I clicked the x, the window dissapeared.21:27
XfactI need help on PPPoE connection on ubuntu 9.1021:27
mneptokdangermind: are you using a router? or plugged directly into a modem?21:28
hattoricaca1paulus: pm21:28
mkaFatherBadTouch, maybe reboot and start all over again21:28
paulus68hattoricaca1: when I am at the office I can correctly connect to my server through port 5001 however I can only hit the server and everything that is on iprange can't be reached21:28
inferno_daulXEONits always sad when you need to abort but cant.... sometimes ubuntu is very republican21:28
j0char:( /usr/bin/X is taking 100% cpu and not responding on fresh ubuntu kermic21:28
mister_robotoxover: actually you said nothing of the sort until just now21:28
bastid_raZor^/msg bastid_raZor hi21:28
mister_robotoxover: what is the busy device and why do you think -i is relevant?21:28
FatherBadTouchmka, everytime I try to "Install Ubuntu.." it starts administrative process and then dissapears21:29
csmith1994mneptok: may I pm you21:29
dangerminda router21:29
guntbert!attitude | xover21:29
ubottuxover: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:29
mneptokcsmith1994: sorry, not now. working on some stuff and only have time for in-channel stuff others can help with21:29
inferno_daulXEONanyone have issues with MATROX graphics cards?21:29
FatherBadTouchmka, ubiquity was sleeeping....21:29
icerootinferno_daulXEON: no21:29
mneptokdangermind: does the router do MAC address filtering or anything like that?21:29
csmith1994well can anyone help me because ubuntu isn't recognizing my wireless card21:29
FatherBadTouchmka, brb21:30
dangermindmneptok: no21:30
SeLEct-I'm trying to launch a java application, but it seems i don't have java installed, which package is best suited for this? (I only run CLI on the server, so don't want anything gui)21:30
mneptokdangermind: wired or wireless connection?21:30
SeLEct-Anyone that could point me at the right direction?21:30
guntbert!java | SeLEct-21:30
frostburnlaeg, libnotify21:30
ubottuSeLEct-: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository21:30
inferno_daulXEONIceroot did you have to do any funny configs? and was the card in the system when you installed? did you need the alternate iso?21:30
dangermindmneptok: wired21:30
icerootSeLEct-: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre21:30
mneptokdangermind: sudo dhclient eth021:30
icerootSeLEct-: or jdk if you need that21:30
jukinmka,  how do I see my system specs?21:30
=== z0r[a] is now known as n00p
SeLEct-iceroot i think i only need jre thanks :) Thats cli right?21:31
thevorI'm using empathy, but none of my contacts have little cameras beside there names for video chat, is there something I need to do to enable video chat with empathy?21:31
thevorAlso: My webcam works with skype.21:31
princeFATAL: Error inserting wl (/lib/modules/2.6.31-16-generic/updates/dkms/wl.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) FATAL: Error running install command for wl  what should i do21:31
jukinmka, btw I got solved that alt-tab problem in game with gnome conf setup21:31
SeLEct-iceroot i'm pasting you something in PM, is that ok?21:31
inferno_daulXEONthevor want to try out that webcam... lols21:31
icerootSeLEct-: no need for pm21:32
iceroot!paste | SeLEct-21:32
ubottuSeLEct-: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:32
thevorinferno_daulXEON: I'm just trying to connect to a friend, but having problems.21:32
xoverI told you that lsof and fuser now return nothing21:32
SeLEct-iceroot http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d4f6cba7f21:32
xoverlsof -i lists sockets, so that I can see if a network connection is using the file21:32
mkajukin, cat /proc/cpuinfo ?21:32
inferno_daulXEONthevor what kind of problems? Can't get your belt off? or having issues with blocked ports21:32
dangermindmneptok: i only get the header info of the dhclient program21:32
iceroot!info sun-java6-jre21:33
ubottusun-java6-jre (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-15-1 (karmic), package size 6270 kB, installed size 14360 kB (Only available for all amd64 i386 lpia ia64)21:33
mneptokdangermind: did you set up any static info in /etc/network/interfaces ?21:33
mister_robotoxover: that's clearly wrong since they ALWAYS return something21:33
thevorI just can't use video chat at all, it doesn't recognize the users are video capable.21:33
inferno_daulXEONiceroot ?21:33
mister_robotoxover: did you run it as root?  as in sudo?  you never said21:33
mneptokdangermind: pastebin that file, please21:33
jukinmka, I mean the entire system ex. the HDD interface, cd-rom etc21:33
xovermister_roboto, OK when I grep after piping21:33
mhouckcan anyone tell me if pulseaudio even supports full audio passthrough?21:34
icerootinferno_daulXEON: ??21:34
inferno_daulXEONthevor skype doesn't see other users at all? but it recognized your cam?21:34
thevorSkype is ok, it's empathy that isn't recognizing other users as video capable.21:34
Ranakaha bi can anybosy help me?21:34
mister_robotoxover: what exactly are you typing in?  should be "sudo lsof |grep -i <device/dir/filename/whatever>"21:34
xoverdont worry dude, cheers anyway.21:34
xoveryeah mate, typing that21:34
Ranakahi install it on ubuntu 8.04-321:34
mkajukin, sudo lshw -html > specs.html && firefox specs.html21:34
mister_robotoxover: you're being too vague21:35
GENTwhat dose ##ubuntu use to remove all the crap on externial hard drives?21:35
inferno_daulXEONiceroot - must have missed my question, did you install ubuntu with the card in the system? did you have any funny configs to make it work? did you have to use the alt .iso21:35
bastid_raZorthevor: from my understanding the empathy version in the repo's does not support video.21:35
thevorOh I see.21:35
SeLEct-iceroot any idea m8?21:35
frostburnlaeg, specifically notify-send21:35
icerootinferno_daulXEON: just insert the card and it was running fine21:35
bastid_raZorGENT: gparted21:35
thevorIs the one in repos the newest version, or is there something better available elsewhere?21:35
icerootSeLEct-: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin21:36
icerootSeLEct-: try that21:36
inferno_daulXEONthevor can you use usernames? its easier for people to read when thier screen is spammed with text.  BTW wtf are you using empathy for21:36
SeLEct-iceroot E: Couldn't find package sun-java6-bin21:36
GENTbastid_raZor, will this remove all the essential drivers necessary for window?21:36
FlannelRanakah: Are you on Lucid?21:36
bastid_raZorGENT: you question was extremely vague.. as was my answer21:37
thevorinferno_daulXEON: I am just trying out empathy because I wanted to check out the video chat, I usually use piding.21:37
mneptokdangermind: got that file for me? i have to go AFK RSN.21:37
thevorinferno_daulXEON: pidgin21:37
jukinmka, thanks ;)21:37
jjgalvezhow do I kill x now that alt-del has been disabled?21:37
mkajukin, no prob21:37
icerootSeLEct-: multiverse repo enabled?21:37
bastid_raZorjjgalvez: ctrl syrq k21:37
FlannelRanakah: No supported versions of Ubuntu have 2.6.33 as a kernel version (the development version of Ubuntu only has 2.6.32 currently), so you've got some odd package source trying to give you 2.6.3321:37
n00piceroot: you know what's helpful? the broadcom bcm43xx drivers ;) you should try them some time! even if you don't have a broadcom bcm43xx wireless card21:37
SeLEct-iceroot and that is? :)21:37
LjLjjgalvez: alt+sysrq+k21:38
inferno_daulXEONthevor - thanks, but yea empathy has given me nothing but problems... search around for other progs.21:38
dangermindmneptok: http://pastebin.com/d66de171021:38
icerootn00p: yes but first start a flmaewar on me....21:38
icerootSeLEct-: mom21:38
bastid_raZorjjgalvez: sorry alt not ctrl.. thanks LjL21:38
RanakahFlannel tnx :)21:38
thevorinferno_daulXEON: Ya so far I don't care for it at all.21:38
icerootSeLEct-: moment21:38
Supersaiyan_IViceroot, what package source requires 2.6.33?21:38
thevorinferno_daulXEON: btw I am fairly new to xchat, is this text popping up red for you? Because yours pops up as red for me when you're talking to me.21:38
=== Pschouten is now known as pales
SeLEct-iceroot whats openjdk-6-jre?21:38
mneptokdangermind: remove the last line, then "sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart"21:39
icerootSeLEct-: the GPL-Version from java21:39
thevorinferno_daulXEOn: And that is really helpful.21:39
jjgalvezbastid_raZor: thanks that killed x21:39
SeLEct-iceroot it's not as good?21:39
GENThi I have a friend that has a unusiual problem. you see he works as a family lawyer and paper work comes with the job. but he must record every change that he dose to his documents ,dont ask me why that is just simply how he explained it to me. now this causes him to have a lot of documets on :C which is causeing his computer to run slowley. with that said he wants me to create a "backup" of his computer as is incase of hardware/whatever fai21:39
GENT<GENT> lure ie something horrible happens like his laptop falling out of a car.the problem arises because due to the vast amount of files on his computer I can not make :C it into a img file because it is simply too large. tl;dr too many files on local disk :C and my friend wants me to make a backup what are my options? i can not compress the file as he need to "access them with ease and cant wait around for winRAR to to decompress the files"21:39
FloodBot4GENT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:39
Supersaiyan_IVSeLEct-, open source java development kit21:39
inferno_daulXEONiceroot i dropped in my card and I get no video. I ctrlAltShiftF1 and try to reconfigure thevideo  but i could only get it to work in 640X48021:39
SeLEct-Would there be any problem using that?21:39
SeLEct-if the sun one dousnt work21:40
mneptokGENT: this is #ubuntu. ask in ##windows21:40
bastid_raZorjjgalvez: no problem.21:40
inferno_daulXEONthevor if I was on xchat it would be a different color for me if you type my name21:40
thevorOh alright.21:40
Supersaiyan_IVSeLEct-, if sun java isnt working maybe it isnt used21:40
inferno_daulXEONthevor I'm on a macbook so I am using Calloquy21:40
thevorwhoops sorry.21:40
dangermindmneptok: i think all its good21:40
Supersaiyan_IVSeLEct-, use update-java-alternatives21:40
mneptokdangermind: rock on.21:40
kenparkGENT:  Dropbox.21:40
SeLEct-Supersaiyan_IV i don't have java installed at all.21:41
thevorinferno_daulXEON: Do you know of any im clients that support video chat other than empathy? I know pidgin has no plans to.21:41
n00pwhat is this apparmor? some futile attempt at preventing me from hacking my own machine?21:41
dangermindmneptok: so?21:41
Supersaiyan_IVSeLEct-, i see, openjdk is a valid option then21:41
mneptokdangermind: ?21:41
mneptokdangermind: remove the last line, then "sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart"21:41
iceroot!multiverse | SeLEct-21:41
ubottuSeLEct-: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:41
nunatakcan somebody help me with a KDE and/or choqok problem. it freezes while starting with many kio_http tasks. 2 weeks ago it runs fine.21:41
inferno_daulXEONthevor if you want you can change the colors....   and google spit up this http://goodbutbad.blogspot.com/2008/03/how-to-video-chat-with-your-girlfriend.html21:42
icerootSeLEct-: enable that repo and then use sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre21:42
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeei need help... i've run a fsck in a online partition and now i get kernel panic, is there any way to recover it?21:42
mneptokdangermind: did you remove the last line from /etc/network/interfaces and restart networking?21:42
Supersaiyan_IVGENT, use the archive mounter21:42
niqHi, anyone know of a tool I can use to generate an xorg.conf from information in Xorg.log?21:43
=== rene is now known as Guest22358
dangermindmneptok: yes but i get SIOCADDRT: No such process failed to bring up eth021:43
Supersaiyan_IVGENT, in karmic you right click and choose 'Open with Archive Mounter'21:43
niqI've got a new kubuntu install with a messed-up display :(21:43
jjgalvezLjL: Thanks LjL21:44
SeLEct-iceroot don't i need a licene for the apps in that resp?21:44
ardchoilleIs there a way to remove the icon next to "Applications" in the menubar?21:44
inferno_daulXEONthevor try looking up GYACHI   EKIGA   and  TELEPATHY    one of those may be suited for you21:44
GENTSupersaiyan_IV, he is useing windows21:44
thevorinferno_daulXEON: Alright thanks a lot21:44
Supersaiyan_IVGENT, then you've asked in the wrong place :P21:44
Supersaiyan_IVGENT, it will appear like a mounted CD drive, provided he uses linux21:44
icerootSeLEct-: no you dont21:45
SeLEct-iceroot trying to find the resp link21:45
inferno_daulXEONthevor also read http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/51963.aspx21:45
SeLEct-to multi21:45
mneptokdangermind: http://pastebin.com/d5ce51b9721:46
* n00p waits for the crash...21:46
mneptokdangermind: that is what you want21:46
thevorinferno_daulXEON: Ok great thanks.21:46
lorenzosuI installed linux-rt but no grub menu appearing at boot, it boots directly.21:47
Benster900Hi i need some helping removing a ubuntu boot up21:47
vaderrhow long does moderator approval usually take for the ubuntu-users mailing list?21:47
thevorOk I am out of here, thanks for the help.21:47
dangermindyes i have this but when i restar the networking i get the error21:47
mneptokdangermind: no, i just edited the file a bit21:47
Benster900Can i get some help21:47
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeis anyone reading me?21:48
guntbertlorenzosu: try holding <shift>21:48
mneptokdangermind: please copy and paste my changes21:48
SirCharlesDoes anyone know extensively about firefox and or the default ubuntu install21:48
LjLneeeeeeeeeeeeeee: yeah. nickname's pretty annoying.21:48
SeLEct-iceroot should it look like this? deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jaunty main multiverse ?21:48
lorenzosuguntbert, ok thanks, but is there a way to *always* have the menu^21:48
=== neeeeeeeeeeeeeee is now known as helpanoob
n00phmm well it hasn't crashed like last time, iceroot... but I don't see my interface ;)21:48
helpanoobHi! i did a stupid thing and ii need help... i've run a fsck in a online partition and now i get kernel panic, is there any way to recover it?21:48
guntbertlorenzosu: yes there is - are you on 9.10?21:49
trismlorenzosu: is this with grub2?21:49
Benster900I need help to remove MBR from a usb ubuntu to boot my pc21:49
Kamils2hi everyone21:49
mezquitalehelpanoob, on an "online" partition?  you mean you did an fsck while the partition was mounted?21:49
lorenzosuguntbert, yes.21:49
n00phow would that help Benster900?21:49
lorenzosutrism, yes21:49
LjLhelpanoob: probably not.21:49
n00pI'm confused...21:49
helpanoobmezquitale: yes21:49
Supersaiyan_IVAnyone tried the 2.6.31-17 from the pre-release updates? I see "* mac80211: fix vlan and optimise RX", does it fix the iwlagn 'no space for TX' issue? Can anybody confirm?21:49
dangermindmneptok: THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!, it was the broadcast21:50
mneptokdangermind: yes it was.21:50
guntbertlorenzosu: please listen to trism - he remembers better than I do21:50
mneptokdangermind: y de nada21:50
LjL!recover > helpanoob    (helpanoob, see the private message from ubottu) you may find some of the hints here useful. you can make an image so you have whatever is left saved, then try recovery programs21:50
lorenzosuguntbert, thanks.21:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:50
mezquitalehelpanoob, I suggest you go through the forums then, i think they do warn you not to run fsc on mounted hard drives! LoL21:50
nunatakcan somebody help me with a KDE and/or choqok problem. it freezes while starting with many kio_http tasks. 2 weeks ago it runs fine. has anybody a clue?21:50
LjL!recover > helpanoob    (helpanoob, see the private message from ubottu)21:50
dangermindmneptok: jaja, gracias de verdad!21:50
mneptokdangermind: mi gusta21:50
trismlorenzosu: comment out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT (put a # infront of the line) in /etc/default/grub, and run sudo update-grub;21:50
helpanoobmezquitale: yes, they do21:51
lorenzosutrism, ok21:51
guntberttrism: thx - I knew who knows :-)21:52
lorenzosutrism, ok I'll reboot now.21:52
jjgalvezeverytime I first login X becomes completely unresponsive and I have to kill X and relogin.  After this second login x remains responsive, this is driving me nuts can anyone help?21:54
inferno_daulXEONthevor no problem man21:54
moobiecan I somehow revert the packages installed by a ppa repo?21:54
moobieto the original one21:54
dibblegois there a command to copy text to the clipboard?21:55
guntbertdibblego: from where?21:55
AntonySmoobie, I think if you deselect the repos in your software sources and do an update with update manager, it will revert21:55
dibblegoguntbert, I give it the text21:55
quechuasomething happened with the GRUB, now it won't start, and i had a command line  like this:   grub rescue >21:55
moobieAntonyS, it wont :(21:56
lorenzosutrism, Your hint woked. Thanks a lot.21:56
frogletI am able to use the mic in jaunty but not in karmic, any idea what I could do to find the problem?21:56
guntbertdibblego: no - from what application do you want to copy the text?21:56
dibblegoguntbert, no application21:56
trismlorenzosu: you're welcome21:56
guntbertdibblego: from the terminal?21:56
dibblegoguntbert, no21:57
Kamils2do you maybe know what i can do bad , i have new laptop with ubuntu 9.10 and i have wifi problems i connect to my house network i a have been disconected afert 10 mins21:57
moobieAnyone know howto revert all packages from a ppa to original ones?21:57
guntbertdibblego: I give up - I cannot understand your question21:57
lorenzosukarmik *is* fast booting!21:57
frogletKamils2: you get disconnected that way every time?21:57
dibblegoguntbert, it's pretty straight forward (xclip does it)21:57
lorenzosuops, I meant karmic :)21:57
vaderrdoes anyone know how long moderator approval usually take for the ubuntu-users mailing list?21:57
AntonySmoobie, hm, then deselect the ppas in software sources, remove the packages, install them again21:57
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tertittencan anyone please tell me how to hide part/join events in Xchat ?21:57
Kamils2froglet: yes every time21:58
AntonyS(using apt-get/synaptic/etc)21:58
ardchoilletertitten: right click on the tab, go to Settings21:58
guntberttertitten: ricght click on the channel tab - settings21:58
tertittenardchoille, thank you21:58
frogletKamils2: perhaps you need to change a setting in your router so it stays up21:58
frogletkeepalive or something21:58
Kamils2froglet: i have three other laptops work's on windows xp and windows sevent, on this laptops wifi works all time it's problem only with my laptop21:59
wolterhi, I am trying to compress my home directory to a tar.bz2 file.. but then an error says there is no such file or directory.  I am using the file roller nautilus action/plugin21:59
HitchHi all21:59
moobieAntonyS, But the packages will then remove ubuntu-desktop etc21:59
alokitocan someone tell me how to do this in ubuntu... http://forum.amaderprojukti.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=494022:02
alokitoits in bengali, but I think the 2 images is enough to explain the problem22:02
laegfrostburn: ty22:03
jjgalvezfrom a terminal how can I kill x? I just found out that alt-sysReq k will kill X, how can do that remotely say from ssh?22:03
ray9naHi! I've got UNR9.04 and I want to know how to install fonts.22:04
llutzjjgalvez: sudo killall X22:04
llutzjjgalvez: sudo service gdm stop22:04
inferno_daulXEONllutz isnt it sudo gdm stop22:04
jjgalvezllutz: thanks22:04
frogletsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop22:05
llutzinferno_daulXEON: hrm, don't ask me .... i thought its service $service start/stop (but i still use /etc/init.d/$service :)22:05
inferno_daulXEONfroglet I think that is outdated22:05
inferno_daulXEONi think the last time i used sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop it told me to use sudo gdm stop22:06
frogletperhaps it is in karmic, I have not gotten it working well yet and have not explored22:06
* ray9na taps the mic. Is this thing on?22:06
inferno_daulXEONray9na No22:06
* lookyaso no22:06
ray9naI'm running UNR 9.04 and I'd like to know how to install fonts.22:07
csmith1994quit #ubuntu22:07
Jamedcsmith1994: /quit22:08
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas?22:08
inferno_daulXEONray9na Its a good thing there's no mics on here... my music is more important that all of your voices22:08
frogletwhat has taken the place of /boot/grub/menu.lst in karmic?22:08
inferno_daulXEONfroglet read up on grub222:08
frogletinferno_daulXEON: ty22:08
inferno_daulXEONfroglet there are many new config files22:08
frogletyes I saw that :)22:09
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:09
inferno_daulXEONubottu needs to sound more human me thinks.... too robotic is he22:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
mkassonI just installed a new hard drive.  How can I see if the system is acknowledging it?  I imagine it would be sdb but cfdisk /dev/sdb fails22:10
tertittenis there a firewall installed by default, and in case there is how do I configure it trough GUI ?22:10
trismfroglet: /boot/grub/grub.cfg is the new menu list, but you don't edit that file. The files to edit are in /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d22:10
inferno_daulXEONsilly ubottu wait for google to go live with skynet... you will be intelligent then22:10
trismfroglet: and then you update grub.cfg with sudo update-grub;22:10
frogletI see what is wrong with my system.  in the most recent kernel for karmic, the driver for my VIA sound is apparently missing22:11
frogletthe prior kernel has it22:11
frogletand does not use the dummy driver22:11
SirCharlesSo I installed a commandline system, it works great, but what is a computer these days without X and a WM so I installed wmii since it's my favorite and then I installed firefox really the only program I needed X for. My problem / question is. Firefox is running slow as can be and locks up all the time. What does firefox need besides the recommended packages to run flawlessly22:11
inferno_daulXEONtrism I have had issues with the command line updating... I prefer to still edit the config files22:11
|Dreams|tertitten, no but you can install gufw to enable and configure it22:11
tertitten|Dreams|, thank you22:11
trisminferno_daulXEON: that is fine, but every grub/kernel update, your manual edits will be destroyed22:11
inferno_daulXEONtrism cp to grub.conf.backup22:12
funkyHatSirCharles: try uninstalling firefox-gnome-support22:12
BenG92SirCharles if i were you, i'd use google chrome. I always find it much more quicker than firefox22:12
trisminferno_daulXEON: yep, I suppose that would work too, it really isn't that difficult once you get used to it though (unless you want your menu items in a certain order)22:12
frogletkarmic has been bad news for this pond22:13
ardchoilleSirCharles: if you're comfortable with a command line system, have you thought about using a cli browser like elinks, links2 or lynx?22:13
inferno_daulXEONtrism don't get me wrong... it works great. unless your multibooting22:13
RedLanceIs there anyway to remote into a box and run dosemu?  I installed it on a box without X and it wouldn't run, so I'm assuming it won't run over, say, ssh...22:13
SirCharlesardchoille I use those for most things but some sites just arn't the same without images22:14
inferno_daulXEONfroglet are you more of a linux tadpole? is this pond too big for you??22:14
trisminferno_daulXEON: well, other os's are detected automatically with the os prober, and any that aren't can be put in /etc/grub.d/40_custom; so it would be the same as editing grub.cfg, since whatever you put in there is just copied over22:14
ardchoilleSirCharles: True. There's also Google Chrome, I use it daily and it's much faster22:14
frogletwell it is only the karmic pond that is causing me grief, I think I need to stick with Jaunty and hope the next release addresses the problems22:15
inferno_daulXEONtrism maybe it just hates me.22:15
inferno_daulXEONfroglet yea sorry man grub2 is here to stay22:15
SirCharlesmy problem with chrome is I can't apt-get install it and I have no idea what packages it needs22:15
frogletinferno_daulXEON: no grub is not the problem22:15
inferno_daulXEONSirCharles why not just use Synaptic22:16
frogletI just need to learn the new GRUB22:16
frogletthe problems right now are with sound22:16
SirCharlestrying to save as much hard drive as possible on my netbook, my system is only 350mb's before I put X.org on it22:16
frogletand on my other machine there were video driver problems with karmic22:16
jjgalvezSirCharles: did you install the google repository? if you did you should be able to install chrome with apt22:16
inferno_daulXEONfroglet...really? That was one of the things that worked for me.... though I had to add the channels to the sond panel and turn them up22:17
SirCharlesdidn't know there was a chrome repo, just tested it out the other day for the first time22:17
frogletinferno_daulXEON: yes I did that with the remix but it is not working here22:17
funkyHatinferno_daulXEON: SirCharles has already said that he has a system with no gnome, so synaptic won't be installed. Besides, aptitude does just as good a job of managing packages as synaptic (in my opinion a better job)22:18
SirCharlesi noticed while playing with chrome that it does some weird stuff22:18
jjgalvezSirCharles: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-chromium-google-chrome-web-browser-in-ubuntu.html22:18
inferno_daulXEONfunkyHat I missed half the conversation due to a bong and a burger22:18
SirCharleslike downloading mp3's that are supposed to be played, like facebook chat sounds22:18
funkyHatinferno_daulXEON: hehe22:19
inferno_daulXEONfunkyHat can we have a silly hat party?22:19
funkyHatinferno_daulXEON: yes, in #ubuntu-offtopic22:19
ardchoillejjgalvez: that tutorial is for chromium, not google chrome22:19
SirCharlesoh chromium, does that work better than google chrome22:20
inferno_daulXEONfunkyHat no IRL22:20
ardchoilleSirCharles: not here it didn't, but chromium ppa is updated daily22:20
RedLanceIs there anyway to remote into a box and run dosemu?  I installed it on a box without X and it wouldn't run, so I'm assuming it won't run over, say, ssh...22:20
frogletI could try running openSUSE side by side with Jaunty but I have tried it twice with karmic and something got messed up in the dual booting22:20
funkyHatRedLance: try ssh -X servername 'dosemu'22:21
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funkyHatRedLance: or just ssh -X servername, then run dosemu from the remote shell22:21
frogletand openSUSE is a MUCH slower install than Ubuntu22:21
RedLancefunkyHat, Ok, thanks, I'll try it.22:22
XiolIn my idiocy, I have removed the Applications, System and Places menu(s?) from the Gnome toolbar... How on earth do I get them back?22:22
j0charanyone knows whats wrong with my Xorg? /usr/bin/X is taking 100% cpu and not responding on fresh ubuntu kermic22:22
ardchoillefunkyHat: you can't forward X when X isn't installed22:22
inferno_daulXEONRedLance why is your name so suggestive22:22
snakepython Q: Pymedia works great and all (It actually plays my sound22:23
frogletj0char: I had that problem with karmic on my desktop that uses nvidia22:23
snakebut the sound is all broken...22:23
frogletwent back to Jaunty22:23
funkyHatardchoille: if dosemu needs X client libs they will be installed22:23
inferno_daulXEONsnake you had good luck with that?22:23
jjgalvezopps sorry try this: http://www.google.com/chrome/eula.html?platform=linux_ubuntu_i38622:23
RedLanceinferno_daulXEON, Uhmmm...it's a character name from a graphic novel...22:23
ardchoillefunkyHat: he said 'a box without x'22:23
funkyHatardchoille: yes?22:23
snakeinferno_daulXEON: huh?22:24
paulus68_hattoricaca1: back still no change22:24
funkyHatXiol: right click on the panel, click "Add to panel" and select "menu bar" then click add22:24
frogletthat would be a "bo"22:24
frogleta box without x22:24
inferno_daulXEONsnake pymedia22:24
ardchoilleIs there a way to remove the icon next to "Applications" in the menubar?22:24
XiolfunkyHat: just found it as you said it! thanks22:24
Ricoshadyhow can I find a direct link to an iso?22:24
Ricoshadyftp link22:24
grkblood13is it possible to go from m2ts to /join #mysql22:25
inferno_daulXEONRicoshady right click the link and hit properties?22:25
Legendariodoes anyone know a good twitter extension for firefox. One that supports retwitting. I can't stand echofon anymore. Chromed bird for google chrome is much better, but I want one for firefox22:25
snakeinferno_daulXEON: You did not say an answer.22:25
snakeinferno_daulXEON: Twas a comment22:25
funkyHatardchoille: you can perhaps change the icon to one that is only 1px wide22:25
PyroPheliahow do I update /dev ?22:25
inferno_daulXEONsnake i dont have answers.... only problems22:25
funkyHatardchoille: I'm guessing here to be honest though22:25
PyroPheliai'm trying to test hotplug sata drives but the new drives don't show up22:25
snakeinferno_daulXEON: can i helpo?22:25
epinky!it | kiku22:26
ardchoillefunkyHat: the menubar applet doesn't support that, afaik22:26
ubottukiku: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:26
sur_hello, I have three systems, two desktops(home, work) and a notebook. I would love to be able to synchronize the applications on the three, is there a way to do that? Such as the Siphon add-on on Firefox?22:26
Ricoshadyinferno_daulXEON, poprerties are empty22:26
inferno_daulXEONare you familiar with MATROX driver issues.... my graphics card is being a jerk22:26
geomihi all. im having an issue where windows 7 sees 'newer' files while ntfs-3g under ubuntu sees older files of an NTFS partition; its like the ntfs-3g driver reads from a filesystem state in the past! i googled, but didnt find much about any of this. only that ntfs-3g doesnt support EAs or extended attributesows 7 sees 'newer' files while ntfs-3g under ubuntu sees like the first system restore...22:26
geomi...image; its way into the past! i googled, but didnt find much about any of this. only that ntfs-3g doesnt support EAs or extended attributes. any clues here?22:26
snakeehehe no sorry...22:26
RedLancefunkyHat, Hmmm...that's not seeming to work.  All I get is a grey screen...no dos prompt.22:26
snakeinferno_daulXEON: Twas a comment?22:27
j0charfroglet: im using ATi drivers22:27
inferno_daulXEONRicoshady can you give me more information22:27
snakeinferno_daulXEON: oops22:27
j0charand it does the same thing on debian Lenny 5.0322:27
snakeinferno_daulXEON: did you tery google22:27
j0char5.0.3 i mean22:27
inferno_daulXEONsnake google isn't my friend today... I got crap about nothing i needed.22:27
inferno_daulXEONsnake I "tery"ed google a lot22:28
snakemaybe Applications -> Add/Remove22:28
snakeer try...22:28
baz_question: i want to remove cups as i dont use a printer and its full of security holes, however for some reason xubuntu seems to think that xbunutu-desktop needs cups.  why and what is xbunutu-desktop its not on the xfce site!!!!22:29
inferno_daulXEONsnake I tried to see if there was a restricted driver but no.... and I went to grab the driver off the matrox site but it was for a different version of X22:29
llutzbaz_: its just a meta-package22:29
joshua__clonesys: cd /mnt/newsys ssh root@oldsys cd / \&\ find . -depth -xdev -print0 \| cpio -0 -H newc | cpio --numeric-uid-gid -imud22:30
snakemaybe you shouild try another graphics card... i mean... i never even heard of matrox...22:30
snakegots to go22:30
inferno_daulXEONjust fyi matrox is rebranded ATI22:31
joe__anyone know how to find out what /dev/input/event* file a touchscreen is attached to22:32
edbianI'm looking to try out a distribution that has the most current software available.  What can you suggest?22:32
unopjoshua__, ugh, why don't you just quote the command? instead of all that escaping?22:32
jjgalvezaptitude reports that I have several broken packages and wants to install 110 new packages, synaptic reports none of this, any suggestions?22:32
inferno_daulXEONedblan what???22:32
epinky!ubuntu | edbian22:32
ubottuedbian: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com22:32
baz_the only thing listed that depends on cups on the xfce site is xfprint which i just removed but aptitude inists on removing xubuntu-desktop as well as some other software that all seems related to printing22:33
edbianinferno_daulXEON: epinky: I know what ubuntu is.  I want a distro with the NEWEST software.22:33
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas?22:33
Xfactanybody can help me on pppoe?22:34
icerootedbian: debian sid22:34
llutzbaz_: let it remove xubuntu-desktop22:34
edbianiceroot: Is debian sid that new?22:34
dakota1Can anyone tell me how to connect to a remote desktop22:34
inferno_daulXEONshit im confused22:34
inferno_daulXEONepinky what do you mean the newest22:34
Xfacti am having a lot problem on 9.10 about my PPPoE connection22:34
icerootedbian: yes and very unstable22:34
frogletdebian sid is always the unstable release22:34
edbianiceroot: Now that sounds FUN22:34
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hellyescan someone please tell me how to re-add my system tray to my panel?  I accidentally deleted it and I need it to use my HpLip service...22:35
dakota1can anyone tell me how to connect to a remote desktop like you can on windows?? PLEASE22:35
frogletI think that is why it is called sid, some mischievous kid in Toy Story22:35
csmith1994ok i have a problem with the boot sequence it says it loads the image and the it freezes on the second line of the sequence22:35
edbianhellyes: It's the "notification" applet22:35
frogletdakota1: vnc22:35
edbianiceroot: Thanks! :)22:35
llutzfroglet: or "still in development" :)22:36
dakota1what is vnc22:36
iceroot!vnc | dakota122:36
hellyesedbian: Thank you so much.  I really appreciate it22:36
ubottudakota1: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:36
edbiandakota1: virtual network client22:36
edbianhellyes: No problem!22:36
csmith1994dakota1: there is remote desktop feature in the top bar under system22:37
csmith1994then tools22:37
g3org3shello, i icant connect to my vnc on ubuntu, i get this error : xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/admin/.Xauthority22:37
dakota1thank u22:37
csmith1994i need help my boot sequence is freezing after the second line22:37
MrUnagidoes anyone here have any experience with l2tp vpn22:37
joshua__unop: because I always get the single quote rule wrong22:37
frogletg3org3s: check the ownership of the .Xauthority file, sometimes it changes to root22:38
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN22:38
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX22:38
g3org3sfroglet, how can i do that ? im logged as admin22:38
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frogletg3org3s: ls -la | more22:38
csmith1994can someone help me with my boot sequence its freezing22:39
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frogletg3org3s: did you use sudo to run any gui app?22:39
baz_must go back l8r22:39
frogletI think you can prevent it by using gksudo instead of sudo when you need a gui app running as root22:39
g3org3sfroglet i used sudo to start vnc now , it says a vnc is already running, but when i connect to it it says connection failed22:40
g3org3sdoesnt even prompt for password22:40
booksbuggyneed help with configuring ALSA to make my Nvdia CK804 audio controller work22:40
frogletg3org3s: I do not think you start a vnc server as root22:41
funkyHatRedLance: ⡈(22:41
adminewbok, I got more data on my wifi driver architecture problem; please help me to tell whether the generic RALINK RT3070USB chip driver for linux can be built for 64 bit native? I looked at the mfg web site, at the ubuntu wireless area, at the makefile and readmes; nothing helps so far.22:41
frogletstart it as a user22:41
mediaprodigylater everyone22:41
RedLancefunkyHat, My thoughts exactly22:41
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas?22:41
frogletI use vncserver to start vnc22:42
g3org3sfroglet it was working perfectly until my server got offline and then online ... but only apache got back online ( the website ) vnc and shoucast got all offline , any idea ?22:42
frogletg3org3s: no idea22:42
g3org3sso my ps aux shows a vnc running how come i cant connect ?22:42
VirusTBthe more watts a speaker uses means the louder it is?22:42
adminewbnot so surprisingly either, the tech support lines at the device and vendor were not so well informed22:43
frogletthere is a way to start a vnc from inetd, I think it is in the Ubuntu Community documentation22:43
BenG92VirusTB basically, and the more energy it consumes22:43
frogletif you do it that way then you still have access if the machine reboots22:43
g3org3shum maybe i try reboot and see what happens :)22:44
frogletg3org3s: you have to restart it if you reboot the machine running the vncserver process22:44
fujimitsui have an ubuntu install that only boots if i drop to shell on recovery mode..   :-/22:44
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ray9naOkay, thanks, guys. I got my question answered. ;)22:45
frogletit hangs if you do not use recovery mode?22:46
andylandHi! I keep on getting "Grub error 15" when I restart my computer. Grub has been installed on my second storage hdd and I have to boot grub through that second harddrive to start ubuntu. Does anyone know of an easy to follow method?22:46
fujimitsufroglet: boot process halts, yes22:46
frogletfujimitsu: can you use a console login?22:46
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas? Installed with Wubi and running in recovery mode doesn't work22:46
RedLancefunkyHat, Maybe there is another way that I am unaware of.  What I want to do, is give telnet like access to an old BBS door game that runs under dos.  Any ideas?22:47
MilpHey guys, i just did something very very wrong. I had an ssh session running on my server in which i did a distro upgrade and while it was running my ssh session timed out. Now what happened to it?22:47
fujimitsufroglet: i have to drop to root shell and start gdm manually too22:47
MilpNow im stuck in a new ssh session but i cant get back to the still running distro upgrade, how would i switch back to it or something?22:47
frogletfujimitsu: are you using an nvidia card?22:48
funkyHatRedLance: I'm not sure, is it possible to run dosbox cli-only?22:48
llutzMilp: other ssh-session running in screen?22:48
foul_owlHow do i print the memory usage of all processes with a certain name?22:48
Milpllutz: what do you mean?22:48
RedLancefunkyHat, Not sure...22:48
llutzMilp: did you use screen in that lost ssh-session?22:48
frogletfujimitsu: did you check the hardware configurator to see if the driver is installed?22:48
fujimitsufroglet:  was thinking maybe i need to pass a kernel option to help myself but i dont want to experiment on this machine22:49
Ricoshadyim on the http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server and I cant find the direct link22:49
funkyHatRedLance: that would be the way to go about it, I don't have dosbox though so I can't check whether it's possible22:49
Milpllutz: I'm not quite sure what you mean by screen. I just normally logged into my server as putty and did the console work22:49
nikanque tal22:49
llutz!info screen | Milp22:49
frogletfujimitsu: do you have more than one kernel image installed?22:49
g3org3sfroglet nothing here , its exactly the same, it restarte, the vncserver is running on startup22:50
RedLancefunkyHat, I'm reading the MAN page now22:50
g3org3ssame problem22:50
ubottuMilp: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-13ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 603 kB, installed size 1032 kB22:50
g3org3scant connect :s22:50
fujimitsufroglet: driver is fine .. once i start gdm and gain access to system all is well .. its the boot up process thats not getting past .. something ..22:50
epinkyMilp: man fg22:50
frogletg3org3s: did you set up vnc to run from inetd?22:50
Milpllutz epinky i am very confused now. it says there is no manual entry for fg22:50
fujimitsufroglet: i do have two kernels listed in grub2 .. but that shouldnt matter now , should it22:50
booksbuggywhat is "akonadi server"?22:50
g3org3sfroglet can u explain it a bit more ? coz i had help installing it , step by step and i dotn recall anything related to inet22:51
frogletfujimitsu: did you try booting from the older kernel?22:51
andylandGrub error 15. Anyone know anything about?22:51
llutzMilp: epinky it's "help fg"22:51
fujimitsubooksbuggy: thats a kubuntu gizmo22:51
adminewb1Please help me to tell whether the wifi generic RALINK RT3070USB chip driver tarball for linux can be built for x86 64 bit native? I looked at the mfg web site, at the ubuntu wifi area, at the makefile and readmes, in a variety of keyword web searches; nothing helps, as far as I can make out.22:51
micahwell hello everyone22:51
Milpllutz oh ok, well i dont really understand what that tells me though22:51
frogletg3org3s: I don't know why vnc is running after you reboot but if you set it up to run from a script or from inetd, that would explain it22:51
Milpllutz what is job_spec?22:52
booksbuggybecause after i upgraded to 9.10 it keep on telling me that i should remove it22:52
llutzMilp: try "jobs"22:52
frogletfujimitsu: try booting the older kernel22:52
Milpllutz hmm it does nothing22:52
fujimitsuvery well.. i guess i'll try booting with the other one22:52
llutzMilp: so theres no job in background you could bring back with "fg"22:53
booksbuggyand i am still having the "no sound" bug in 9.1022:53
frogletif that works, then you can try reinstalling the newer one22:53
Milpllutz so i lost it all? :(22:53
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
g3org3sfroglet the guy who helped me set it up, added it to the startup so it would start automatically with my system so i can connect to it no matter what22:53
duffydackI forget, how do you set swapiness again?  Its using 1.2gig of 4gig and using alittle swap space...22:53
fujimitsubut i think i have already.. or else i wouldnt be so puzzled for that last couple of days22:53
g3org3sapparently it doesnt work taht way : /22:53
frogletg3org3s: okay that explains it, someone else set it up for you22:53
bastid_raZor!swap | duffydack  on this page22:53
ubottuduffydack  on this page: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:53
frogletyou should ask them how they did it22:53
bastid_raZorduffydack: about half way down the page22:53
icerootis there a player which can play a video-file which i am downloading to my hdd? so i start watching the video while the download is not complete. the player should read the content which is downloaded after i start playing the incomplete file. vlc cant do this22:54
llutzMilp: i don't really know, sorry. just for the future: learn to use screen, makes cli-live much easier22:54
booksbuggyanyone have any idea of how to fix the "No Sound" bug?22:54
frogletmaybe they set it up to use SSH?22:54
fujimitsubooksbuggy: you run kubuntu?22:54
booksbuggyi use ubuntu gnome, with nvdia CK804 audio controller22:54
Milpllutz What is cli-live? Oh and how do i disable this SSH timeout so it doesnt happen anymore when i idle around in ssh?22:54
g3org3sfroglet if so how can i fix it ?22:54
alloosh1hi, locate and find are not returning any result, any specific reason?22:55
booksbuggyi can switch to KDE since i haven't remove it yet22:55
fujimitsug3org3s: he left22:55
llutzMilp: "cli-live" = working on commandline (cli), timeout settings in /etc/ssh/sshd_config22:55
fujimitsubooksbuggy: not necessary , was going to refer you to #kubuntu if you were .. thats all22:56
xoverguys, how do i use rsync to only copy files that have been modified?22:56
duffydackbastid_raZor, so swappiness=0  is what i need22:56
Milpllutz thanks for the help22:56
jukiniceroot, try vlc22:56
booksbuggyfujimitsu, okey dokey22:56
g3org3sfroglet here is how we did it, i haad the conversation saved : http://pastebin.com/d1f37ad9322:56
bastid_raZorduffydack: i wouldn't go that low.. 10 would still use swap when in need.22:56
booksbuggyfujimitsu, do you have any idea of how to fix the no sound bug?22:56
jukiniceroot, nvm22:56
gabblerhi, can someone tell me how i can see a portion of a text file rather than all of it using cat, do i need to pipe it inot something?22:57
icerootjukin: vlc is not working with that22:57
Syndrineed help with ubuntu installation. someone plz help22:57
poseidonI just got a new laptop for my 18th birthday.  All drivers have worked otb.  The keyboard works fairly well, however I've noticed that the bitwise OR (bash pipe) key displays >.  Anybody know how I can set gnome to work better with this keyboard?22:57
duffydackbastid_raZor, wouldnt 0 still use swap, just absolutely when needed?22:57
icerootgabbler: less file22:57
duffydackbastid_raZor, thats what Id prefer, since I got 4gig22:57
poseidonhttp://tinyurl.com/yfqw7h2 is the laptop22:57
Milpllutz hmm i cant find an entry for any timeout or idle related values in that config, what should it be called?22:57
g3org3sfroglet but the weird thing is how can it be running and not accept my connection ?22:57
gabblerthanks iceroot22:57
icerootgabbler: or use cat file | more22:57
fujimitsubooksbuggy: assuming you have double checked on the available sound settings... no22:57
duffydackbastid_raZor, think i`ll go with 10 tho :)22:57
Begasusgabbler, tail or head ..22:57
JoeSomebodyhi, my shares are going away or to sleep or something on my ntfs drives (on karmic) how do i fix this?22:57
llutzMilp: ClientAliveInterval22:58
booksbuggyfujimitsu, well i tried restarting the alsa thing but it said that no module is loaded to begin with22:58
fujimitsubooksbuggy: and thats from a fresh start too?22:58
booksbuggyfujimitsu, yes22:58
booksbuggyfujimitsu, well i tried to do the upgrade alsa thing22:59
adminewb1Please help me to tell whether the wifi generic RALINK RT3070USB chip driver tarball for linux can be built for x86 64 bit native? I looked at the device mfg / OEM web sites, at the ubuntu wifi area, at the makefile and readmes, in a variety of keyword web searches; nothing helps, as far as I can make out.22:59
booksbuggyfujimitsu, yesterday22:59
fujimitsubooksbuggy: never seen that happening in ubuntu 9.1022:59
poseidonnot being able to pipe commands into grep has become quite annoying very quick22:59
booksbuggyfujimitsu, well the only problem after that upgrade thing is that now when i click on sound in System > preference all i get is this23:00
Milpllutz thanks, now how do i restart the sshd?23:00
booksbuggy"waiting for sound system to respond"23:00
poseidonas well as creating boolean expressions and bitmasks.  right now I just copy and past the char23:00
adminewb1poseidon, this is only a stopgap, but you might try the character map applet in the mean time, lets you copy/paste your pipe char23:00
Begasuslooked in /etc/init.d/ Milp ?23:00
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mkaposeidon, what do you want to do?23:00
llutzMilp: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart     ( or sudo service ssh restart)23:01
fujimitsubooksbuggy: i would check the forums or launchpad for similar bugs, maybe they have a solution for it. and keep asking for help here23:01
Milpllutz thanks23:01
=== ely_cast is now known as piriqtin
Milpllutz hmm now that i try to start do-release-upgrade again, it says that its already running somewhere, so it still has to be recoverable somehow i guess23:02
=== zion is now known as num9
g3org3sfroglet ?23:02
fujimitsug3org3s: i told you he left about 10 minutes ago now23:02
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:03
g3org3soh :/ i didnt see that23:03
poseidonmka, I want to make it so that the keys are correctly mapped. I was wondering how I could do this or if there was some standard laptop keymap which I could use23:03
epinkyMilp: what ps -ef says, is your do-release-upgrade there?23:03
=== piriqtin is now known as ely_cast
g3org3sokay ... i have a vnc runnig on my ubuntu, but i cant connect to it, what could be the reason ?23:03
adminewb1Please help me to tell whether the wifi generic RALINK RT3070USB chip driver tarball for linux can be built for x86 64 bit native? I looked at the device mfg / OEM web sites, at the ubuntu wifi area, at the makefile and readmes, in a variety of keyword web searches; nothing helps, as far as I can make out.23:03
Milpepinky hmm there is some dpkg stuff that could be it23:04
booksbuggyfujimitsu, eh  i guess until the bug is fixed i am going back to a system with no sound at all XD23:04
epinkyMilp: can you post results of "ps -ef" ?23:05
booksbuggyhmmm how do i roll back an upgrade?23:05
Milpepinky yes one second23:05
booksbuggyor it's not recommended?23:06
epinkyMilp: use pastebin23:06
num9i got silly question, how to change hhd disk name. I got this new hhd (1 tb :PP) and it not got any volume just says 1000 gb filesystem23:06
Milpepinky yep doing that23:07
Milpwww.pastebin.com/m6c292cc6 there you go epinky23:07
Lovecraftnum9: tune2fs23:07
g3org3show can i run application in background thru putty ?23:07
okan_hi guys23:07
Scunizinum9: or gparted will allow you to give the drive a name23:08
adminewb1num9, try the disk utility23:08
Scunizig3org3s: screen23:08
adminewb1you using gnome?23:08
RobotCowg3org3s, put & after the command23:08
Scunizi!screen | g3org3s23:08
ubottug3org3s: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen23:08
epinkyMilp: there's nothing in there,  ;?23:08
Syndrican someone here help me with my installation problem???/23:08
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g3org3sits a server taht doesnt have x23:08
=== adminewb1 is now known as adminewb
Lovecraftscreen isn't X.23:09
LovecraftUse screen23:09
Milpepinky huh? :/ what about the python stuff saying something about distupgrade and the dpkg stuff?23:09
Scunizig3org3s: screen is a terminal multiplexer.. after connecting with putty install screen then run "screen" .. you'll be able to disconnect and whatever process you have running will continue23:09
adminewbPlease help me to tell whether the wifi generic RALINK RT3070USB chip driver tarball for linux can be built for x86 64 bit native? I looked at the device mfg / OEM web sites, at the ubuntu wifi area, at the makefile and readmes, in a variety of keyword web searches; nothing helps, as far as I can make out.23:09
num9adminewb, disk utility doesnt allows23:09
epinkyMilp: your link must be wrong, it's a blank post23:10
num9Scunizi, can u tell me a command??23:10
num9Lovecraft, ?23:10
RobotCowadminewb, should if its open source23:10
Lovecraftman screen23:10
okan_i have a problem about firefox and multimedia programs(amarok,totem,VLC).When i watch video on youtube or facebook,multimedia programs don't work.How can i fix this problem?23:10
jjgalvezI have to restart X after every reboot otherwise X is unresponsive23:10
SirCharleslovecraft care to share some info on screen, I don't understand it, i use dvtm but would like to use both23:10
g3org3sokay so i type screen thru putty its like it clears my window then what ?23:11
adminewbRobotCow it's an open source driver evidently, and cruising through the makefile it was not plain what one should do to build for 64 bit native23:11
Milpepinky one sec23:11
llutzepinky: paste shows up here23:11
Scunizinum9: sudo apt-get install gparted.. then you'll find it under System>Admin>Partition Manager23:11
Scunizig3org3s: and you get a terminal prompt again right?23:11
llutzepinky: http://pastebin.com/m6c292cc623:11
adminewbRobotCow but if I understand you, then having source to the driver in principle would make it possible to build it that way.23:12
LovecraftSirCharles: screen just makes additional console screens to use.  One can also detatch a screen to the backgroud and logout and later log back in and rerattach the screen running in the bg.23:12
llutzMilp: ah you added www. to pastebin, that won't do23:12
epinky llutz thanks that worked :)23:12
g3org3sScunizi its like the same terminal yes23:12
RobotCowadminewb, compiling on a 64 bit system should make it a 64-bit driver. thats been my experience.23:12
Milpllutz oh lol damn23:12
adminewbRobotCow seems reasonable23:12
yussefhi, everyone .. i've problem with ubuntu 9.1023:14
okan_i have a problem about firefox and multimedia programs(amarok,totem,VLC).When i watched video on youtube or facebook,multimedia programs don't work.How can i fix this problem?23:14
epinkyMilp: ok, try : fg %1362323:14
Scunizig3org3s: ok.. then it's working correctly.. if you scroll up the that link ubottu gave you there will be a list of simple commands.. but essentially at this point you could start a process running then disconnect putty from the remote server and the process will still be running.. to see then reconnect with putty and type "screen -ls" .. this will list the screen process in the form of a name like something.something.. to reconnect to the running screen23:14
Scunizi type "screen -r <item after the . in the name>23:14
adminewbRobotCow it just makes me nervous to be basing a purchasing decision without even having identified a target among those listed in the make, which would correspond to x86_6423:14
yussefthe problem is when i login to gnome sesion .. the mouse freeze and everything  and i 'cant go to console or terminal ..23:14
briMestonefor the Love of God, i need help with uBuntu Server with Ldap Authentication23:15
yussefnote that i'm now login the failsafe gnome ..23:15
Milpepinky says there is no such job23:15
okan_yussef you should remove network-manger and you should wicd23:15
briMestonei mean trying to have my ubuntu server authenticate from my Open Directory Services23:15
epinkyMilp: ok try: "fg /usr/bin/python /tmp/tmp27sRqO/intrepid --mode=server --frontend=DistUpgradeView" , copy it clear without quotes23:15
yussefokan_ what do you mean wicd ??23:16
gigasoft is there any good video editor for ubuntu that can do the job?23:16
yassinehi all23:16
okan_wicd is network program23:16
yussefhow could i remove it ??23:16
okan_gigasoft türk müsün?23:16
gigasoftbosnian muslim23:17
yussefgigasoft kdenlive .or pitivi ..23:17
g3org3sScunizi its working like a charm !!! thank u alot !23:17
num9Scunizi, it doesnt work i need to format hhd to give a name but i got some data on it23:17
Milpepinky hmm says the same23:17
yussefokan_ i'm turkish ..23:17
okan_asdasd :)23:17
okan_ciddi misin?23:17
gigasoftyussef: i do knot know23:18
yussefokan_ ciddi23:18
Scunizig3org3s: you should check out some of the commands.. you can run irssi (irc cli client) on the server in a screen and reconnect anytime from anywhere23:18
okan_yussef anlatbakalım sorununu bende de vardı donma sorunu çözdüm23:18
yussefgigasoft go to the terminal and type : sudo apt-get install pitivi23:18
epinkyMilp: ok, try: fg %123:18
Scunizig3org3s: you can even split the cli screen in half horizontally and have a process running in the top and irssi inn the bottom .. :-)23:18
gigasoftyuussef: i have it  :), but it does not work :(23:19
yussefgigasoft .. have no idea sorry23:19
okan_yussef ?23:20
apsiondasdcan you direct me to the channel for thunderbird support?23:20
Milpepinky nothing either :(23:20
Lovecraftapsiondasd: Tired #mozilla23:20
epinkyMilp: ok, post results of "sudo ps -waux"23:20
g3org3sScunizi that's not necessary for me,i fixed the issue now, but i still have a major problem there, i have a vnc oon the server,that i cant connect to anymore, even tho it is running in the ps aux list23:20
apsiondasdLovecraft: ty23:21
yassineanyone of you guys can tell me if it is possible to do the following: i want to set a bridge br0 (needed for kvm guesst oss) connect my two network devices (eth0 wired and wlan0 wireless)  normally only the wlan0 is active since i dont want to have cables all around the hous but sometime i will use the cable too23:21
yussefokan_ evet .. efendim23:21
okan_anlat diyorum sistem donuyor mu?23:21
Milppastebin.com/m188b647b  there you go23:21
yussefokan_ look man , i'm really turkish but live in arapstan23:21
Milppastebin.com/m188b647b  there you go epinky sorry forgot the highlight23:22
Syndri can someone here help me with my installation problem?23:22
yussefokan_ i have the nationalty but my language not to much good .23:22
SyndriGNU GRUB version 1.97"beta423:22
Syndri[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions. ]23:22
FloodBot4Syndri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:22
Lausok so i switched back to windows23:22
num9anyone can help me how to change my hhd name??23:22
okan_ok i understood23:22
yussefokan_ size çözümü var??23:23
epinkyMilp: ok, try: fg /usr/bin/python23:23
okan_yussef the wicd is network program23:23
Lauswindows 7 > ubuntu23:23
LausI like windows 723:23
Lausand im a PC23:23
Milpepinky hmm nothing either :(23:23
okan_did your sistem freeze23:23
yusseflaus me too i like pc and pc works on linux windows !!!23:23
obstI switched back to ubuntu23:23
yussefokan_ yep23:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:24
obstI'm a tux I guess23:24
Lausim only here to suck your dick23:24
aperson!language | Laus23:24
ubottuLaus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:24
epinkyMilp: and "fg /usr/bin/dpkg --force-overwrite --status-fd 55 --configure linux-li" ?23:24
SirCharlesidk if the people are on that told me to try google chrome but I think it might have fixed my problem23:24
Lausim a very sexual creature23:24
Scunizi!ops | Laus is trolling23:24
ubottuLaus is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:24
g3org3sfujimitsu u there man ?23:24
Lausi have a slow loris fursona23:24
yussefplease block these stupid >>laus23:24
=== fran is now known as Guest95811
BobPenguinhey there. Is there anyway I can make my pc autodetect my keyboard just like in the ubuntu installation process. Some keys are not working as they should...23:25
Milpepinky hm that didnt work, but maybe the line you got that from was cut off due to the small size of my ssh window?23:25
yussefokan_ waiting23:25
epinkyMilp: try  "fg /usr/bin/dpkg"23:25
BobPenguinhey there. Is there anyway I can make my pc autodetect my keyboard just like in the ubuntu installation process? Some keys are not working as they should...23:25
Milpepinky hmm didnt work23:25
Milpepinky yeah i maximized the ssh window and that line was a lot longer, however using the bigger line didnt help either23:26
briMestonei mean trying to have my ubuntu server authenticate from my Open Directory Services23:27
ScuniziBobPenguin: you can edit your keyboard in System>admin>  or possibly in System>Preferences23:27
nameo0if i reformat my drive willl i have to reinstalll my drivers?23:27
Scunizinameo0: for ubuntu?23:27
Scunizinameo0: if you reformat are you also going to reinstall?23:28
epinkyMilp: fg do-release-upgrade23:28
alloosh1how to cd to a directory with space in the directory name?23:28
BobPenguinThanks Scunizi, I tried there, but somehow none of the keyboard maps matches my keyboard completely23:28
lstarnesalloosh1: cd "directory"23:28
snarksterif i wanted to rip the audio out of a mp4 video how would i go about doing that? LOL23:28
ardchoillealloosh1: cd /path\ with\ spaces23:28
Milpepinky no :(23:28
llutzalloosh1: cd "path with space/"23:29
mkaalloosh1, use backslash to escape a space23:29
nameo0Scunizi: for ubuntu and will i have to reinstall my drivers like the audio, networking, mouse, etc.?23:29
ScuniziBobPenguin: sorry .. I don't have any other suggestion..23:29
BobPenguinThanks Scunnizi :)23:29
Scunizinameo0: typically they are installed along with the system.. unless you have some equipment that needs tweeking..23:30
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nameo0Scunizi: what do you mean by system? the os or the motherboard23:30
PiaFrausI am sorry. Network troubles. So, could anybody help me with keyboard shortcuts? ( Problem is, that switching layouts sequence works on pressing - not on release keys)23:31
epinkyMilp: sorry, nothing else comes to my mind, I think you'll have to wait until dpkg finishes, and then reconnect if it's possible23:31
okan_i am here23:31
llutzepinky: if there are no "jobs" listed, you cannot "fg" it23:32
Milpepinky thats not possible, it was stuck at some overwrite question before it timed out :/ Do you think i should reboot the server and start it all over again?23:32
briMestoneneed help here with ldap23:32
n00pcurious as to what purpose the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file serves...23:33
llutzn00p: preventing modules from being loaded (blacklisted)23:34
epinkyllutz: actually I think you can fg anything on a current session however the other was not finished smoothly, and that's a big problem23:34
llutzepinky: from "current session", but that new ssh-session isn't current23:34
bagmanI recently reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 using wubi and when I select the option to boot into Ubuntu fromt he windows bootloader it boots into the grub command line and i can do nothing, please help23:34
n00perrm, so if my wireless adapter is in there, I should probably remove it from the blacklist, right?23:34
kaveh_ubutto is cool23:35
dlp211So I just upgraded my server from 9.04 to .10 and now my folder sharing doesnt work with windows but i can still see the web server, and the media server, but i can't access my documents23:35
llutzn00p: if it needs that module, sure23:35
wolter!tab | kaveh_23:35
ubottukaveh_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:35
dlp211any help?23:35
epinkyllutz: yep, exactly, the current now is the other23:35
wolteryeah ub[Tab] is cool23:35
Scunizinameo0: some audio cards are not detected right off the bat.. so you may need to install a different driver for that..23:35
wolterub[Tab] = ubottu23:35
Scunizinameo0: baically if the live cd works then after the install the real install will also work.23:36
bagmanI recently reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 using wubi and when I select the option to boot into Ubuntu fromt he windows bootloader it boots into the grub command line and i can do nothing, please help23:36
epinkyMilp: llutz: I'd suggest to backup and restart once again, however this must be considered as a last resource, maybe llutz can recommend something else :)23:37
PiaFrausbagman, this is known problem. I found solution on forums. I will try to find now for you23:37
bagmanthanks bro23:37
Milpepinky oops, i just hit it D:23:38
llutzepinky: unfortunately i cannot. ( i would have done before)23:38
Milpepinky oh god the ssh daemon did not start, i cant access it anymore23:38
PiaFrausbadman, this was my problem and description is similar, as you did http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133920323:39
PiaFrausbagman, i mean23:39
epinkyMilp: yep, :( that's why I reccomended to backup23:39
bagmanPiaFraus, which post is the solution23:40
BenG92I can't load Ubuntu 9.10 anymore, and it comes up with this error: [ 1.551839] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) any ideas? Installed with Wubi and running in recovery mode doesn't work23:40
DjassanHi!Could anyone help me?In version 9.10 networkmanager connect to wifi,but only for 1-2 minutes,and after that time connection broke(go to reconect).Sorry for my english.23:40
canthus13Just how does one post with gwibber?  I can reply, but I can't find any way to post.23:40
scyxhi. can anyone point me to a place in the boot process on karmic where i can insert a command BEFORE the networking interfaces have been upped? i'm trying to do a ifconfig... command on wlan0 without having to down the device first23:40
mdkcan i get help in here?23:41
bagmanmdk just ask your question23:41
Milpepinky you dont happen to know a trick to let me use parallels power panel to send any commands to the server?23:41
llutzscyx: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d   too late?23:41
briMestoneHelp, Ayuda, SOS... need help with ldap23:41
* Djassan kill himself(23:42
epinkyMilp: no :(23:42
PiaFrausbagman, this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8444565&postcount=323:42
bagmanoh ok thanks23:42
scyxllutz: that looks good, i'll give it a try. can i just create a new script file in there or do i need to symlink it somewhere?23:43
llutzscyx: both should work, i prefer scripts23:43
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baz_so, I have been doing a little research and have discovered that xubuntu-desktop is a meta package23:44
jonsgAnyone got a vncserver xstartup file that works for 9.10 Netbook Remix? Want netbook launcher.23:45
erUSUL!it | kiku23:45
ubottukiku: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:45
baz_so how do I get rid of cups without aptitude removing the whole xfce desktop????????23:45
tritiumbaz_: the xfce desktop you see being removed is simply a meta-package.  It won't remove the actual packages.23:46
erUSULbaz_: why do you want to uninstall cups ?23:46
mdkOk so i have an old CRT monitor im running karmic and dual booting with xp as my slave xp runs at 800x600 and ubuntu before the graphics card is installed runs at 800x600, however when i install my graphics card gForce 5500 it sticks my resolution at 640x480, i have tried editing my xorg.conf i've tried adding modelines ive trawled google for weeks but i just cant find a fix23:47
baz_well i read that cups has a lot of security holes, also i wont use it as i never use a printer.23:47
erUSULmdk: tried with « gksudo nvidia-settings » ?23:47
erUSULbaz_: just disable it on boot? « sudo update-rc.d -f cups remove »23:48
baz_mdk: what graphics driver are you using?23:48
nightfrogmdk: install the drivers23:48
mdkive installed the drivers23:48
mdkim using23:48
okan_i have problem with flash23:49
nightfrogmdk: what drivers23:49
baz_okan_: is it with full screen playback?23:49
Milpllutz epinky thanks for the help, guess only the hosting company might be able to help me now. gonna try that tomorrow, maybe they can fix ssh for me23:49
okan_baz no! problem is about multimedia programs23:50
panther009Hi room23:50
mdknightfrog, i installed 173. whatever through ENVY23:50
nightfrogmdk: envy sucks23:50
nightfrogmdk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5086971 use that23:51
epinkyMilp: you're welcome and good luck23:51
panther009does ubuntu have a firewall23:51
erUSULmdk: use « gksudo nvidia-settings » to configure the screen then use the save X configuration file button23:51
erUSUL!firewall | panther00923:51
ubottupanther009: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist23:51
panther009Iwell I was just trying to locate it from the DNOME desktop23:52
nightfrogmdk: i have install many different nvidias including that one from that guide and they work perfectly. envy and ubuntus drivers arent the best ways.23:52
Jeruvywhat is a good firewall log tool/program?23:52
panther009I cannot find it in in the menu23:52
erUSULpanther009: you want a graphical one? install gufw23:52
mdkyeh nightfrog i will give it a go if it works i will kiss you23:52
panther009In Fedora it had it23:52
nightfrogmdk: do EXACTLY as it says. dont skip steps cuz you think you dont need to23:53
panther009Gufw? is a seperate firewall?23:53
erUSULpanther009: is a gui for ufw23:53
mdkyeh i'll do it to the letter23:53
Jeruvypanther009: just a gui to ufw, you could use firestarter also.23:53
baz_erUSUL: i was hoping to uninstall it to save disk space, so i can turn into a image, just in case i screw my install up., yesterday i tried installing compiz with the xfce desktop and eventually i lost the keyboard in various applications and all my windows lost their borders.23:54
panther009ok..well I am very new to this :)23:54
panther009I had used Fedora in the past and liked it very much..but it was too slow for me23:54
baz_erUSUL: so, i am trying to get rid of some software so i can make a compressed image of my current install to fall back on in case something like yesterday happens again.23:55
erUSULbaz_: then as tritium said the xfce-desktop is just a metapackage23:55
panther009how do I install firestarter in Ubuntu23:55
erUSUL!software | panther00923:55
ubottupanther009: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents23:55
joe__anyone have experience with MAKEDEV23:55
DarckQual programa p/ gravar descktop no ubuntu??23:56
epinky!br| Darck23:57
ubottuDarck: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:57
panther009Where is Add\Remove in the applications?23:58
panther009I cannot see it23:58
h00kpanther009: it is now Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center23:58
panther009IS it Ubuntu SOftware Centre23:58
epinkypanther009: or  look for Synaptic Manager23:58
panther009:) thanks23:58
mdknightfrog what if it says about gcc being 4.3 not 4.423:59
nightfrogmdk: when your installing the driver?23:59
okan_i have problem about flash player23:59

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