
AlanBellhi all13:26
AlanBellis there a futon client for desktop couchdb?13:26
AlanBellhttp://arstechnica.com/open-source/guides/2009/12/code-tutorial-make-your-application-sync-with-ubuntu-one.ars suggests there should be13:26
AlanBellbut ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html does not exist for me13:26
dsl_can'y sync ubuntu one files from netbook remix computer, can anyone help please?15:55
AlanBelldsl_: how far have you got with it?15:55
AlanBelland which version of netbook remix?15:55
dsl_AlanBell: latest version. set up account and added computer to account. i put a file in the ubuntuone folder but it doesn't get copied. checked account on web interface, same computer was added twice. removed both and followed install instructions but clicking 'ubuntu one' in internet tab doesn't launch browser page15:57
dsl_edited config file to set bandwidth limit to false as per troubleshooting instructions15:58
dsl_AlanBell: panel icon shows disconnected, when I click connect button in nautilus ubuntuone folder it connects briefly but no copy15:59
dsl_AlanBell: one sec... tried again and panel icon shows 'authentication failed' and opened log in page in browser16:01
AlanBellOK, I have no idea, but someone else no doubt will do16:01
dsl_AlanBell: that's taken me to the 'add this computer' page so fingers crossed16:02
dsl_AlanBell: well i now have a 'full' cloud icon on the panel and the button in nautilus reads 'disconnect' so i must be connected...but files don't appear to be copying. Does it usually happen automatically (syncing that is)16:05
AlanBelldoes for me, but I am not too sure, just here asking questions myself16:08
dsl_welll i just created a text file and saved it in ubuntuone folder but it doesn't appear when looking at file list via web interface16:10
dsl_ok, I just got a notifier saying 98 files updated (or uploaded ) which fits because i placed a lot of files/folders under ubuntuone. However the only file showing n the web is the text file i just created i.e. none of the folders or 98 files on my local computer16:13
dsl_ok, it's a bit odd but it works. I created a folder in ubuntuone and a text file within that folder. it sync'ed automatically and when i refreshed browser page this time all the previously created folders and files appeared"16:21
AlanBellis this the best channel for desktopcouch questions?21:56
AlanBellI am struggling to get the futon client running21:56
AlanBellI think it is something to do with oauth21:56
rtgzAlanBell, this channel is mostly ubuntuone specific and there are no devs at this time here, what problem do you have?21:58
rtgzAlanBell, the dc already comes in with futon preconfigured and in case couchdb is running then futon is running as well21:58
AlanBellwell the bookmark file with the oath token doesn't seem to exist21:59
AlanBellI don't have ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html21:59
rtgzAlanBell, ok, _sometimes_ it fails to create. This is a known bug (i guess) and supposedly fixed in dc (cannot check atm)22:00
rtgzAlanBell, however, you may try restarting the service22:00
AlanBellI tried rebooting22:00
rtgzAlanBell, /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-stop22:00
rtgzAlanBell, I guess there is some kind of issue with dc controlling couchdb and whenever it gets no response (e.g. during initial login where all apps starting up compete for disk and CPU) it just gives up leaving us without the file.22:01
AlanBellah OK. This is in a VM22:02
AlanBelljust ran /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service stop22:02
AlanBellseems to be hanging, doesn't respond to ctrl+c22:02
rtgzAlanBell, mmm the stop cript is a separate one at the moment22:02
rtgz /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-stop  is an actual script22:03
AlanBellah, got it22:03
AlanBellok, killed and now starting again22:04
rtgzyou may try killing erland's bean.smp/bean to force couchdb shutdown22:04
rtgzAlanBell, it should display waiting... waiting... and then give the URL for the futon login-redirect page22:04
rtgzAlanBell, ?22:05
AlanBellI now have futon in my browser22:05
AlanBellthanks very much!22:05
rtgzAlanBell, you are very welcome, thanks for flying UbuntuOne airlines22:06
AlanBellI am using it to write an IRC client22:06
rtgzAlanBell, the logs are going to be stored in couchdb, i suppose?22:06
AlanBellyes, each message as a document22:06
AlanBellwith views and couchtables to display them22:07
AlanBellso there is a daemon listening to your IRC channels and filling up the database22:07
AlanBellthe client(s) just talk couchdb to get the data. To say something they create a record and the daemon says it for you.22:08
rtgzAlanBell, I made a simple telepathy logger to couchdb (1-1 connections only, never got to the groupchat)... You might want to join desktopcouch mailing list for the discussion of IM document format (not sure that IRC in your case IS viewed as IM, though)22:09
AlanBellyes, I just stumbled across that discussion on the google groups thing22:09
AlanBellit might be IM too22:09
AlanBellI was thinking of adding twitter22:10
rtgzAlanBell, yup, we need more CouchDB apps :)22:10
AlanBellI think it is going to be really really important for Ubuntu22:11
rtgzAlanBell, yep, the idea is very interesting. There are certain things that also need to be sorted, like document removals from the db and propagation of such removal (i guess it is done via _changes property now)22:12
AlanBelland I have been following couchdb since 200522:12
rtgzAnd we need more robust framework...22:12
rtgzAlanBell, heh, I faced it only this September, with karmic alpha installs.22:13
AlanBellI was a Lotus Notes developer so I knew Damien Katz since before he left IBM the first time22:14
AlanBelldeletion stubs are a fairly robust concept I think22:15
rtgzAlanBell, I am sorry for not being able to continue the discussion, but it is already tomorrow over here and I've got to go offline :)22:19
rtgzSo, everyone, Happy New Year and devs, get the Tomboy note sync sorted out, pleeeease!22:19
AlanBellok, bye for now rtgz22:19
AlanBelloh, the client is called cozy btw22:19
rtgzAlanBell, found the description on wiki :)22:20
rtgzokay, final bye :)22:20

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