
ShaunRupstart isnt starting networking on boot, how can i tell it to?00:31
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quittehi. it's been about 6 months since i last looked into upstart. is it now in a state where it can replace sysvinit without sysvinit compatibility?18:21
JanCquitte: considering that "sysvinit compatibility" is implemented using normal upstart config files, I suppose it has been able to replace sysvinit for years  ;-)20:21
quittethere's something about the early root i can't quite figure out: do i really have to run init after mounting the rootfs? or could I put upstart and udev in a initramfs without having to restart them after switch_root or pivot_root?20:30
quittemore than one third of the boot on my system is spent before bootchartd is started, so i'd assume that quite some imrovement can be made in the early root20:32
khiraly1I would like to exectue the following command from a cron job: service network-manager restart20:50
khiraly1it does not work20:50
khiraly1any idea?20:50
khiraly1if I run the script manually it seems to work20:50
JanCquitte: Ubuntu uses upstart in initramfs20:51
JanCkhiraly1: what has cron to do with upstart?  ☺20:52
khiraly1JanC: if there is no network I would like to restart network-manager20:54
khiraly1I used to use /etc/init.d/NetwrokManager restart, but ubuntu converted to upstart20:54
khiraly1and it does not work from cron script20:54
khiraly1it does work if I run it manually, but from cron job it does not work. (I echo "something" > /home/user/ehh.txt, and it does work)20:55
khiraly1just the service line does not have any effect20:55
khiraly1service network-manager restart20:55
JanCmaybe there is an issue with permissions or some environment variable missing or such?20:56
khiraly1permission I doubt it, I run it as root21:01
khiraly1environment variable?21:01
khiraly1how to check?21:01
khiraly1this is the script:21:02
khiraly1this is the /etc/cron.d/testping:21:03
khiraly10 */1 * * *     root    /home/lama/testping.sh21:03
khiraly1JanC: could you verify if it is working for you?21:03
ionjanc: Ubuntu doesn’t use Upstart in initramfs.21:11
JanCion: it doesn't ?21:16
ionThe init in Ubuntu’s initramfs is an sh script.21:18
JanCkhiraly1: eh, you should probably use "restart network-manager" instead of "service network-manager restart"21:22
JanCthat's /sbin/restart21:22
khiraly1JanC: thanks for the tip, it seems to work22:01
quittegood thing i just looked, so i didn't have to take apart ubuntus initramfs22:35
ionquitte: http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/ btw22:41
JanCion: IIRC there is a way to use upstart in an initramfs though, or am I completely wrong now?22:52
ionDunno whether anyone’s done that. I probably wouldn’t until there’s a way to transfer state to a new init, or tell the running init to switch to a new root.22:53
JanCwell, can the current script transfer "state"?23:00
ionNot really. There’s a horrible hack that attempts to do something similar until we have a proper solution (probably involving running Upstart as init in initramfs).23:05

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