
chelzare there any sites besides launchpad.net based off of or using the launchpad code?02:25
beunochelz, not that I'm aware of05:10
beunosome of the lazr componenets are more widely used05:11
beunobut that's all I know05:11
chelzbeuno: thanks.05:16
chelzis there a goal for launchpad.net to integrate with sites using the code, if those sites want to, through some kind of data sharing system?05:17
chelzi remember mark shuttleworth talking about how open sourcing it is tricky because a bunch of separate launchpads wouldn't help. so i was curious what methods of mitigating that were explored, including sharing data among sites to integrate them05:18
beunochelz, there's been a lot of talk, syndicated launchpads, but it's all been theory up to now, so no real plans in place now05:18
chelzah alright. aha "syndicated launchpads". good to know what it's being called.05:21
chelzlaconica setup their own XMPP but google is pushing that wave protocol thing these days, so it would be interesting to see which best fits launchpad's needs05:22
sirpengiis it normal for the initial bzr branch to get stuck at "Fetching revisions:Inserting missing keys:" for a long time?22:09

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