
init-joeHey whats the process to send in an artwork to ubuntu?05:15
init-joeor atleast getting them to have a look?05:17
\vish!contribute | inuit-joe05:45
ubottuinuit-joe: For information regarding current Artwork team activity and about contributing to the Ubuntu Community artwork , Kindly read Wiki:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork05:45
inuit-joe\vish: ty05:46
\vishinuit-joe: what's you main interest ? wallpapaers/themes/icons?05:46
inuit-joe\vish: Wallpapers.05:47
\vishinuit-joe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/Wallpaper_Contest_Planning05:47
inuit-joe\vish: TY bro05:48
* inuit-joe sigh, i guess i have to make a flikr account05:48
\vishinuit-joe: you could also submit to the mailing list with a mention about the copyright... kwwii is the lead05:50
\vishartwork lead*05:50
\vishbut flickr is easier ;)05:51
inuit-joeMks, flikr it is05:51
inuit-joe\vish: bbl05:52
inuit-joeDoes anyone like this? http://inuit-joe.deviantart.com/art/Lucid-Lynx-wallpaper-14888291807:01

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