
awardleHow do you run Xorg without xorg.conf?00:09
BUGabundoyou create one?00:11
jmarsdenThe same way you run it without one.  It autodetects what it needs...00:11
awardleSo should I tell the person just to remove their xorg.conf then?00:12
jmarsdenawardle: Unless they have a system that needs one...00:15
jmarsdenawardle: You have not given the channel enough context to really answer that question... what is wrong with the setup "the person" has right now?00:16
LimCorehappy, less full of bugs, 2010 \o/02:46
cyan-spamhey all, trying to triage a bug here and i think i need someone more experienced to help me out :)03:25
yofelcyan-spam: if you need help please always post the bug number as 'bug XXX' so that we can help you03:42
yofelif you have a general question then just fire away, someone will answer when they see the question03:42
yofeland know the answer ;)03:43
cyan-spamyofel: ok, thanks. the bug is <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/501744>. i tried my best when i got no response.03:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 501744 in ubuntu "crashed entire gui while in fullscreen" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:43
yofelcyan-spam: just bug 501744 is enough, we have a great bot in here ;)03:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 501744 in ubuntu "crashed entire gui while in fullscreen" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50174403:44
cyan-spamyofel: well, it was easier to copy the URL for me. :) if you have a better response, please take over. not sure what the right procedure is here03:44
yofelhm, I'm not the best person to ask about when it comes to X related bugs...03:48
yofelsomeone else should look at this too, but IMHO you did the right thing so far03:50
cyan-spamnight all04:27
\vishcould someone kick start/re-start the 5-a-day bot :(05:53
\vishbdmurray: ?05:54
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RoyKhi all11:11
RoyKhow long does it usually take from a bug is reported till it's fixed? weeks? months? #471163 puts a limit on the usability on this laptop...11:12
nigel_nbbug 47116311:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 471163 in linux "kernel 2.6.31-14 report error in eth9x module" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47116311:12
RoyKI think I've reported the necessary stuff11:13
RoyKif not, please tell11:13
nigel_nbRoyK: what exactly is the issue?11:17
nigel_nbyou cant use your wireless?11:17
RoyKnigel_nb: I get a kernel bug/crash and after that the wlan is dead11:18
nigel_nbokay, all required info is attached11:18
nigel_nbI'll mark it as confirmed11:18
nigel_nbit was a one-time situation or happens every time?11:19
RoyKit happens every now and then11:19
RoyKit took for ever to upgrade to -16 - I had to go through 5-6 reboots to download it all11:19
nigel_nbRoyK: marked as confirmed11:22
Yosnigel_nb, ping12:34
nigel_nbYos: yes12:34
YosHey, how is the best way to find a duplicate?12:35
nigel_nbYos: google ;)12:35
YosThere is a report of a bug now that I know is a duplicate of a bug reported earlier12:35
nigel_nbit may or may not have been filed under proper package12:36
nigel_nbgimme current bug number12:36
nigel_nbbug 50226512:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 502265 in alsa-driver "audio muted on boot sometimes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50226512:37
YosI changed the package to alsa12:37
nigel_nbYos: good, now the audio team is subscribed12:37
YosSo I should just let them deal with it now?12:38
nigel_nbthey would deal with it, but lets find the dup12:39
nigel_nbalready daniel is overworked, we'll take some work off his head12:39
nigel_nbis it bug 45377612:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 453776 in ubuntu "volume muted after boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45377612:39
YosI found it YaY12:44
yofelbug 35273212:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 352732 in alsa-utils "[jaunty,karmic] Sound muted after boot" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35273212:45
YosOthers were also reported as a duplicate of it12:45
Yosin google, I added 'site:launchpad.net' so that it only searched launchpad12:48
nigel_nbYos: thats wat we all do12:49
nigel_nblaunchpad search obviously kinda sucks12:49
YosLike ubuntuforums12:49
nigel_nbI'm not that active on forums, I live on LP and IRC ;)12:50
YosI'm still trying to find my way around on LP12:50
YosJust another '?', when I report a duplicate, should I leave a comment telling the reporter that I have done so and direct them to the new location?12:53
nigel_nbYos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses12:56
nigel_nbYos: Ideally, before you link as duplicate you need to give standard response for duplicate12:56
nigel_nbthen mark as duplicate12:56
Yosoops, now I know12:56
nigel_nbYos: but if you've already marked, dont add the comment because everyone else on the original bug would get a copy, would create unnecessary noise on mails12:57
YosThanks again :)12:57
nigel_nbno problem :)13:03
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* WeatherGod waves18:39
* nigel_nb waves back to WeatherGod18:41
WeatherGodgood to be back18:41
WeatherGodgotta long backlog of bug reports to answer18:41
nigel_nbme too back after some time today18:43
WeatherGodnigel_nb: have a good holiday?18:44
nigel_nbWeatherGod: not bad, I had work.  too much work actually18:45
WeatherGodanything interesting happen with Ubuntu in the past couple of weeks?18:46
nigel_nbnothing much18:47
WeatherGodoh, btw, to whoever did the update to the lp plugin for firefox, I really love the new feature of coloring the OP's replies18:49
WeatherGodit makes it easier to spot when someone else hijacks a bug report18:50
nigel_nbis there an lp plugin, i didn't know18:52
WeatherGodyeah... let me find the name18:53
WeatherGodnigel_nb: firefox-lp-improvements18:54
WeatherGodit is a PPA18:54
WeatherGodthere is also firefox-launchpad-plugin, but I haven't noticed it doing anything, I don't think18:55
WeatherGodfirefox-lp-improvements modifies your bug report pages so that you can see the karma of each user that replies18:56
WeatherGodwhich is really nice in determining the level of expertise someone has in their comments18:57
WeatherGodit also shows little icons for which projects they are involved in next to their username18:58
WeatherGodso you can see if another bug triager has already taken control of a report18:58
WeatherGodor a ubuntu developer...18:58
nigel_nbhow do I install it?18:59
WeatherGodyou go to it's PPA page and add its debsrc entries to your sources list19:00
WeatherGodthen you can install the package19:00
nigel_nblemme try out19:00
SoftwareExplorerI'm trying to submit a suspend / resume bug, and I am following the page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend. I get to the part where it says 'hash matches /build/buildd/linux-2.6.32/drivers/base/power/main.c:430', but I don't get any 'hash matches device i2c-9191' type of line. I am doing this on 10.04. What shoul I do/try next?19:10
SoftwareExplorerlink to pastebin of dmesg.txt http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/350491/19:13
WeatherGodSoftwareExplorer: I am taking a look, give me a second to catch up19:15
SoftwareExplorerWeatherGod: Ok, thanks.19:16
YosIf you are unsure which package is causing the problem, a safe bet is the kernel, ''but make the bug title includes "suspend" or "hibernate"''  Ok, so how does one file a bug against 'The kernel'?19:22
yofelYos: ubuntu-bug linux19:23
WeatherGodSoftwareExplorer: I would agree to file this one against the kernel...19:24
Yosty yofel19:24
WeatherGodaccording to your dmesg output, it does not indicate any particular driver module to be the culprit19:24
yofelafaik almost all suspend/resume bugs are kernel issues19:25
WeatherGodoh, shoot19:25
WeatherGodSoftwareExplorer: your issue is Suspend/Resume from DISK, not RAM19:25
WeatherGodat least, that is what your dmesg says19:25
Yosyofel Too many matches. Please try to narrow your search.  I'm trying to assign a bug to the kernel ???19:26
WeatherGodYos, yeah, that's annoying...19:27
YosIs it just 'ubuntu19:27
yofelYos: a) which bug? b) what are you searching for19:27
Yosone sec19:27
SoftwareExplorerWeatherGod: Ok. I started the suspend with sync; echo 1 > /sys/power/pm_trace; pm-suspend, Is that a hibernate command?19:27
Yosbug 50237619:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 502376 in ubuntu "Toshiba Tecra doesn't resume from suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50237619:27
yofelYos: put 'linux' into the package field19:28
yofelthats the name of the kernel package19:28
WeatherGodSoftwareExplorer: are you having trouble with suspend-to-disk or suspend-to-memory?19:29
SoftwareExplorerWeatherGod: Both, IIRC, but I was going to start with suspend to ram first19:30
Yosty yofel now can they use apport-collect to provide the missing information ?19:30
WeatherGodSoftwareExplorer: if you are  having trouble with both, then I would do the tests for suspend-to-disk first19:31
WeatherGodsuspend-to-ram is trickier to diagnose19:31
yofelYos: yes, just 'apport-collect 502376' will do the trick here19:31
YosThanks :)19:32
SoftwareExplorerWeatherGod: OK. I guess I'll have to read up on how to do that. Thanks.19:32
WeatherGodSoftwareExplorer: np19:34
yofelYos: also, since this reporter seems new here, you might consider posting the 'package assignment' stock response so that the reporter can learn about choosing the right package himself next time19:35
YosCool, will do19:36
yofelYos: ideally you should always post a short explenation if you change anything on a bug reporrt19:37
yofelso that the people following the bug understand why19:37
yofelYos: tried the ffx-lp-improvements? with it you have most stock responses only a click away on a report19:38
YosIs that from the ML ?19:39
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nigel_nbyofel: how do u put in the stock reponses while using lp improvements?19:40
yofelYos: there is a firefox extension package with a few scripts that make triaging bugs easier19:40
WeatherGodYos: it is from the PPA for firefox-lp-improvements19:40
YosIs that from the mailing list ?19:40
YosAh, ok19:41
yofelYos: the link to the ppa is on the top of the responses page19:41
YosI got it, thanks19:42
yofelnigel_nb: when you click on the arrow beside the package name on a bug and the menu to change the bug detail open up, then you'll have the responses titles shown below the comment box19:43
nigel_nbyofel: ah, saw it now! I've been copying and pasting for months bah!!19:43
yofelyou can modify them and add your own if you need19:43
yofelnigel_nb: hehe, me too before I found them19:43
nigel_nbway too cool :)19:43
yofelthe kernel stock response is still out of date19:46
Yosyofel, I can't find that "'package assignment' stock response"19:46
nigel_nbYos: just look properly19:47
nigel_nbits in 2 lines19:47
yofelnigel_nb: the line depends on how large the ffx window is :P19:47
nigel_nbyofel: I assumed he did search with ctrl f, so the only way to miss it if its 2 lines19:48
yofelYos: but nigel_nb is right, it's in the extension package and on the responses page (its called 'bugs without a package' there)19:48
yofelnigel_nb: ah true19:49
YosAh yes, bugs without a package was the closest I could find19:49
nigel_nbyofel: the more I triage bugs, the more I think like of the possibilities a normal person would do19:50
WeatherGodhow true19:50
crimsunguys/gals, "volume muted on boot" is *not* alsa-driver. Please stop mis-triaging it.19:58
crimsunit's alsa-utils; it's fixed in Lucid19:58
nigel_nbcrimsun: oops, thanks for the alert19:58
nigel_nbwhat happened to the other nick btw?19:58
crimsunwhat do you mean?19:59
nigel_nbI mean dtchen19:59
WeatherGodnigel_nb: dtchen and crimsun are two different people19:59
yofelbdmurray: the kernel bug response in the firefox extension is out of date, can you do something about it? (or tell me who I have to call)19:59
nigel_nbWeatherGod: huh?19:59
crimsunoh, probably because I don't care to /nick every reconnect19:59
WeatherGodaren't they?20:00
crimsunuh, no.20:00
nigel_nbcrimsun: oh okay :)20:00
crimsunI've been 'crimsun' on many, many irc networks since '9420:00
WeatherGodbecause, I could have sworn I carried on a conversation with both nicks at the same time once20:00
* yofel didn't know that either :D20:00
WeatherGodas a matter of fact, I distinctly remember crimsun asking dtchen where he was going to eat20:01
nigel_nbthat was maco20:02
nigel_nbnot crimsun20:02
WeatherGodoh, right20:02
* WeatherGod needs to get internal RAM checked20:02
WeatherGodcrimsun: feel up to look at a system bell issue again?20:03
nigel_nbI'm off to bed, night folks :)20:04
WeatherGodthe guys have really advanced on it and even has a possible patch20:04
WeatherGodit is bug 48615420:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 486154 in metacity "System beep broken in Karmic despite heroic efforts to fix it" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48615420:04
WeatherGodthe two people in it seem to be pretty exhaustive, but it is way over my head20:05
crimsunI'll look at it sometime later, so, no not right this moment20:05
WeatherGodok, just thought I give you a heads-up on it20:05
crimsunalso, if you see 9.10 sound bugs where the codec in use is a VIA something or another, please ask the original reporter to install linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic20:10
crimsune.g.,  Mixer name   : 'VIA VT1708B 8-Ch'20:10
WeatherGodwill do20:13
crimsun(that's directed toward all triagers, really :-)20:17
WeatherGodcrimsun, it is ok to file "no sound" bugs that are due to slmodemd against the sl-modem package?20:23
crimsunthose are pulseaudio bugs20:23
WeatherGodoh, ok, I will fix that20:23
crimsunLP: #394500, #45022220:24
WeatherGodshould I mark it as a dupe of one of those?20:24
WeatherGodcrimsun, if the fix has been released  a few months ago, why is it still an issue?20:30
crimsunbecause it's fixed in *lucid*20:32
crimsunthe patch is pretty big for karmic, so I don't plan to SRU it20:32
crimsunif they really, really want it, I just refer people to the ubuntu-audio-dev PPA in which I've backported it20:33
crimsunbut, I do note that it is a PPA, so it's unsupported. It could eat kittens.20:33
WeatherGodactually, it looks like the one reporter is saying that he re-installed alsa with the hda-intel option20:34
crimsunmost people commenting in those bugs are just shooting in the dark20:35
WeatherGodand that his only remaining issue is that he can not change the volume except through alsamixer20:35
crimsunyou'll see that everywhere on LP; people just spraying utterly irrelevant comments all over sound bug reports20:35
WeatherGodwell, yeah, I kinda figured that20:36
WeatherGodmaybe he is leaving out some important info20:36
rev42i have a JMicron USA Technology Corp. JM20337 Hi-Speed USB to SATA & PATA Combo Bridge device that regularly just disconnects the harddrive and hangs with an led lit and this bug has been around since a year or so.. and now i look at launchpad just to see that bug reportin goonly leads to.. an information page.. wtf?21:48
rev42some of the things dmesg shows:    scsi 54:0:0:0: [sde] Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK      end_request: I/O error, dev sde, sector 5664652            usb 2-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 82       usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7121:54
WeatherGodrev42, which bug report?21:56
rev42no bug report21:58
WeatherGodoh, were  you trying to file a bug report?21:59
WeatherGodwell, I would suggest doing so22:01
bdmurrayyofel: if I knew what was wrong with it I could do something about it ;-)22:01
rev42so how does one report a bug these days?22:01
WeatherGodplease read the How to Submit Bug Reports page22:01
rev42did so22:02
WeatherGodand you clicked on the link, didn't you?22:02
yofelbdmurray: ok22:03
rev42why should i use apport when i don't want a stupid tool to 'gather' things it's not supposed to send out in my oppinion?22:05
WeatherGodyou don't have to... give me a second to find the right link22:06
jmarsdenrev42: Because doing things that way may help get your bug fixed?  But if you don't want to, you don't have to, read that page again more carefully.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing%20bugs%20at%20Launchpad.net22:07
WeatherGodjmarsden: thanks for the link... you beat me to it22:09
WeatherGodI really need to update my bookmarks22:10
rev42what is the package for external usb disk controller failure?22:13
WeatherGodhmmm, someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I am gonna vote that this is a device-kit issue22:15
jmarsdenrev42: Now do you see why allowing apport to help you choose the correct package for your report, and what info might be relevant, could be a good idea?22:18
jmarsdenIt has a whole set of questions regarding handling external storage devices built into it... run apport-bug to start the questions...22:19
rev42jmarsden: maybe some day. i feel discriminated as a professional bugzilla coder and professional bug filer..22:20
jmarsdenrev42: As a professional bug filer, then, you would alreado know what package to file against, you don't need the help apport provides... so why did you need to ask the question here? :)22:21
rev42the world is big. not everything has to do with ubuntu22:21
jmarsdenRight, so use the provided tools to avoid having to remember lots of details, let the software remember them for you...22:22
jmarsdenEither that, or *do* remember all the details.  The choice is yours :)22:22
WeatherGodrev42: the world is big... that's why I come here to work with people that have different experiences and specialties22:23
rev42never mind. the time until someone fixes this.. will take too long anyways. i can't run fsck every 30 minutes for the next months.22:23
WeatherGodbut, then that deprives us of a fix22:24
WeatherGodat least submit some information so that it can be examined22:24
jmarsdenrev42: Some bugs are fixed in a day or two, if they have full information in the bug report so they can easily be reproduced...22:25
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jmarsdenI just helped test a proposed fix to spamassasin for a bug that emerged yesterday and the fix is already in the -proposed repos and headed for -updates.  Just as an example.22:26
WeatherGodrev42, by coming here, you actually do improve your chances of a bug getting fixed by coming here and raising awareness22:27
WeatherGoda bug like yours is quite serious as it can cause data corruption22:27
WeatherGodcrimsun, are you still around?22:31
rev42well, to make it more tangible which device is failing: http://www.sharkoon.com/html/produkte/docking_stations/drive_link/index_en.html?id=1122:34
WeatherGodinteresting... never seen one of those before22:35
rev42it work's fine with IDE drives. fails for SATA.22:36
WeatherGodinteresting observation22:36
WeatherGodhave you tried it with any other OS?22:37
WeatherGodwould be interesting to see if there is a hardware issue with the SATA side22:38
SoftwareExplorerOk, I have a question about an mpx bug I found. With two cursors, on a gnome application but not a qt3 one, both cursors are the same type (i-shape for text, double arrow for adustment, etc), with the type determined by the last cursor that moved. What package should I file this bug against?22:57
SoftwareExploreralso, this bug does not occur on a qt4 application23:09
WeatherGodsoftwareexplorer: I don't know, but maybe gtk?23:14
WeatherGoddoes it happen only for that one program, or what?23:14
SoftwareExplorerWeatherGod: Pretty much any gtk application. I thought it was a problem every program had until I tried a kde application23:15
WeatherGodok, then this is likely a compiz, metacity or gtk issue23:15
SoftwareExplorerWell, we can rule out compiz. With compiz, you can hardly see the other cursor, so I'm using metacity. I got the kde application to work under metacity, so I guess I'll file it under gtk. Are there any special tags for mpx - related problems?23:18
SoftwareExplorerOk. Thanks.23:19

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