
mkaWilabob, try this "mkdir ~/mount_point && sudo mount /dev/sdd3 ~/mount_point -o rw,umask=0000"00:00
icerootTiders: sudo fdisk -l00:00
icerootTiders: that will list all drives00:00
=== Osse_ is now known as Osse
vadi01its just that copying files from my external hard disk is very slow00:00
jarray521iceroot: sudo gvim syslog works. I haven't put in the time to learn vim though... I'm wondering why gedit doesn't have the character encodings.00:00
vadi01and i read in the forums00:00
x_anyone here happen to use smoothwall ? I know this is not a smoothwall support channel but I could rly use some help.00:00
isolat3dsh33pQ: How to check my version of Gnome?00:00
mkaWilabob, are you there?00:01
vadi01that updating kernel might help00:01
Nyoronisolat3dsh33p: click the system tab and press "about gnome"00:01
icerootjarray521: what is  file /var/log/syslog telling?00:01
icerootjarray521: about encoding00:01
isolat3dsh33pNyoron: Oh yeah, how about the apt command?00:01
Wilabobmka: yep one sec. Problem is I'm irc on macbook and have to use the other computer to put the code in...00:01
icerootisolat3dsh33p: system - help  will show you the version00:01
mkaWilabob, ok00:01
jarray521iceroot: gedit opens. Then, I get a message stating that gedit doesn't have the character encodings to read this file.00:02
icerootisolat3dsh33p: sorry  system - info about gnome00:02
icerootjarray521: please try file....00:02
Nyoronisolat3dsh33p: about-gnome00:02
vadi01when will be the 2.6.32 kernel be released?00:02
jarray521syslog: Lisp/Scheme program text00:02
icerootvadi01: its released (kernel.org)00:02
isolat3dsh33piceroot: no apt-cache policy <gnome_name> or somethin?00:02
Wilabobmka: Ok, its on the desktop00:03
icerootvadi01: why needing that kernel?00:03
icerootisolat3dsh33p: its ubuntu-desktop which is only a metapackage, dont know the name of gnome in apt-get00:03
icerootisolat3dsh33p: try it with "gnome"00:03
vadi01iceroot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1330727&page=300:03
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NyoronHow do I change the number of kernels shown in grub? I have startup manager but it doesn't let me alter the values.00:04
mkaWilabob, is that what you wanted?00:04
vadi01iceroot: yea but for ubuntu?00:04
icerootvadi01: sorry dont have a x-server here00:04
Nyoronisolat3dsh33p:: type gnome in your terminal then hit tab a few times. It will give you a bunch of options to choose from.00:04
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vadi01iceroot: Re: File transfer to USB key too slow in Karmic.00:04
isolat3dsh33pNyoron: Thanks! :D, and you too iceroot ;)00:05
vadi01iceroot: So the problem is the Ubuntu 2.6.31 kernel itself, in the the problem is gone.00:05
Wilabobmka: Yep, but I think the computer froze... Can't move the mouse. Is there a button on the keyboard that I can push that'll bring something up before I reset?00:05
Nyoronisolat3dsh33p: auto-completion always saves the day.00:05
jarray521iceroot: is there a plugin that will allow me to edit log files using gedit?00:05
SilverFoxis it normal for postfix to replace the specified from address with the linux user sending the mail?  I'm sending this mail: http://www.pastebin.ca/1734426, but postfix log files show the from user as www-data@test.com00:05
isolat3dsh33pNyoron: It does. :)00:05
mkaWilabob, ok cheers00:05
icerootjarray521: gedit itsself00:05
BLOODCLAWiceroot: if i downloaded ubuntu server would i still need apache? (im running ubuntu desktop right now)00:06
icerootjarray521: you are not answering the question what "file /var/log/syslog" is telling00:06
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icerootBLOODCLAW: ?? if you need apache of course you need it (its not installed by default)00:06
jarray521iceroot: I keep getting the message gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.00:06
jarray521Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file.00:06
jarray521Select a character coding from the menu and try again.00:06
icerootjarray521: type  file /var/log/syslog  in terminal00:07
plustaxguys im having some issues with my desktop 9.10 machine00:07
musictoto!ask > plustax00:07
ubottuplustax, please see my private message00:07
vadi01iceroot: if no xserver what do you use for irc?00:07
jarray521iceroot: /var/log/syslog: Lisp/Scheme program text00:07
vadi01iceroot: in terminal?00:07
icerootvadi01: irssi + ssh + screen00:07
plustaxWhenever I open an application like firefox or xchat on that machine, I seem unable to use my keyboard or any of the programs functions.00:07
DiverdudeHow can i see what network card and wireless chipset, number etc. my computer contains? Is there a command I can use?00:07
jarray521iceroot: /var/log/kern.log: ASCII English text00:07
LucidPerryWhat virtualization software has the best GPU support? (I want to run semi-new games)00:08
LucidPerryFor ATI cards specifically.00:08
icerootjarray521: hm, should work with gedit without problems00:08
musictotoDiverdude: in the terminal: ifconfig00:08
jarray521iceroot: I cannot open either syslog or kern.log00:08
kyle__anyone use cairo dock00:08
jarray521iceroot: What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:08
icerootjarray521: 8.0400:08
plustaxmusictoto: you think you can help me out?00:08
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musictotoplustax: i don't know what your problem is00:09
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jarray521iceroot: Perhaps this has been modified in newer versions?00:09
icerootjarray521: dont think so00:09
ga_sk8eris there a way to make my vuze look like the 1 in windows?00:09
plustaxWhenever I open an application like firefox or xchat on that machine, I seem unable to use my keyboard or any of the programs functions.00:09
plustaxmusictoto ^^00:09
ga_sk8eri dont see the side panels & stuff00:09
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NyoronHow do I change the number of kernels shown in grub? I have startup manager but it doesn't let me alter the values.00:09
Diverdudemusictoto, hmm i dont see any info about the chipset in the ifconfig00:09
icerootDiverdude: lspci00:09
plustaxmusictoto: I'm also having some video card lag issues as if I'm not completely up to date. I'm very new to linux. Was hoping you can guide me through some things.00:10
NyoronDiverdude: sudu apt-get install hardinfo00:10
NyoronDiverdude: it's information about your hardware00:10
musictotoDiverdude: oh you need chipset info :s lspci could help you - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lspci00:11
erUSULNyoron: remove the kernel you do not use in synaptic00:11
macman_hey all if you don't mind .. im burning from the command line .. would i do a growisofs -Z /dev/sr0 -dvd-video movie/ -speed=200:11
erUSULNyoron: just make usre you have linux-image installed00:11
musictotoplustax: i'm not the most experienced user myself and i've never worked around graphic problems so i don't think i can help with that00:12
NyoronerUSUL: I guess that could work too. I'll give it a try.00:12
ga_sk8eranyone running vuze in ubuntu? i need help00:13
ga_sk8eri downloaded it but it dont have where u can select which sites to search for. it dont look anything like the windows version00:13
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NeteI just deleted my window menu in kubuntu. How to I get it back?00:14
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kaddi_Nete what do you mean by window menu? the bar with your start menu and everything?00:15
ga_sk8eri downloaded it but it dont have where u can select which sites to search for. it dont look anything like the windows version00:15
NyoronerUSUL: Is there a way I can just edit the grub menu?00:15
ga_sk8eri downloaded vuze but it dont have where u can select which sites to search for. it dont look anything like the windows version00:15
ga_sk8erwhats the best torrent program for ubuntu00:16
NeteNo, the menu with file, view, window, etc in file browser?00:16
erUSULNyoron: grub2? not an easy way. the menu is autogenrated by scripts that look for installed kernels00:16
musictotoga_sk8er: i recommend transmission, or utorrent00:16
erUSULNyoron: it is better to uninstall old kernels. keep two of them just in case. that way you save a few hundred MiB as a bonus00:17
sabgentonIim at the pretty ubuntu  installer menu and I want to edit the boot options00:17
sabgentonit says press tab00:17
uiuiuihow do i load daemons at startup or run other scripts??00:17
ga_sk8ermusictoto do they search other sites for u like vuve does?00:17
jason__is it normal to have my signal strength bouncing from 40% to 80% and back to 40%, etc, all while sitting in place with nothing in between me and the router changing? I'm using wicd at the moment. Didnt take notice of this with network manager but then again I never cared to look on network manager.00:17
NyoronerUSUL: Do you have a link explaining that to a first timer? I don't wanna mess things up.00:17
uiuiuiupdate-rc.d start script... seems to have no effect in 9.10 desktop install00:17
erUSUL!boot | uiuiui00:17
ubottuuiuiui: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:17
sabgentonI press tab change the options but it doesn't seem to stick?00:17
rick__ga_sk8er: ktorrent works great on ubuntu.  i use it all the time.00:17
sabgentonhow do I make em stick00:17
musictotoga_sk8er: you have to look trough trackers manually with transmission00:17
uiuiuirc.local does not work00:17
erUSULNyoron: kernel are installed removed just like any other thing in the system. with synaptic00:17
ga_sk8erktorrent sounds better then00:18
erUSUL!synaptic | Nyoron00:18
ubottuNyoron: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto00:18
uiuiuiany other services i installed afterwards dont start up00:18
sabgentonI press enter but when I go back the defaults are therr00:18
erUSULNyoron: search for linux-image.00:18
NyoronerUSUL: Kernels and modules?00:18
NyoronerUSUL: oh ok00:18
plustaxSomeone, I need some help. My mouse and keyboard stop responding when I open firefox or xchat on my ubuntu 9.10 desktop00:18
erUSULNyoron: mark for removal the ones you do not use00:18
rick__jason__:  you might have alot of noise on that wifi channel, or if in an apt complex, that channel might be floded with traffic.00:18
kaddi_Nete do a right click into the browser and select "show menu"00:18
plustaxI can work terminal however.00:18
burzkiany recommendations for a cd-burner other than brasero?00:18
ga_sk8ermusictoto ktorrent sounds better then00:18
TonrenHow can I customize the Wine menu in my Ubuntu Applications menu, such as adding and removing program shortcuts?00:19
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Tonrenburzki: k3b00:19
musictotoga_sk8er: never tried it :) good luck00:19
jason__rick__: well, I dont know what kind of noise I'd have. The only wifi device on it is me... thats it. typical linksys home router, secured with WPA2, out in th emiddle of no where.00:19
uiuiuiis there way to know if ubuntu ever gets to rc.local?00:19
NyoronerUSUL: why the heck didn't I do this before? Thanks man.00:19
Netekaddi_: Thanks so much!!!00:19
ga_sk8ermusictoto thanks00:19
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erUSULNyoron: no problem. as i said make sure you have the package "linux-image" installed00:19
mewshihow can I use Ubuntu with my windows mobile phone to back up and add contacts?00:19
matxanyone know what type of hash this is? eSd6NyflhcezB11s0NbRdQ==00:19
rick__jason__:  interference can be caused by anything transmitting on the 2.4ghz channels, such as portable phones, bluetooth, microwaves, etc...00:20
lstarnesmatx: where did you get that hash from?00:20
plustaxSomeone, I need some help. My mouse and keyboard stop responding when I open firefox or xchat on my ubuntu 9.10 desktop00:20
plustaxI can work terminal however.00:20
burzkiTonren, thx00:20
NyoronerUSUL: I may have messed things up, but we'll see once I reboot. Haha00:20
matxfrom a website that hosts images00:20
jason__rick__: hmm, yeah that makes sense. I dont think the phone is in use, though. I should fire up netowrk manager and see how that acts.00:20
musictotomatx:  looks like base 64 or something00:20
lstarnesmatx: it looks like that hash has been encoded with base64 instead of hexadecimal00:21
matxah so md5 -> base64?00:21
jason__rick__: does the phone have to be in use at the time to interfere?00:21
lstarnesmatx: not necessarily00:21
uiuiuieven a custom script added with update-rc.d refuse to start00:21
Exetubini have installed Karmic on my PS3 but I cant get the audio to work.... please help!00:21
sabgentonI just want to edit a boot line and press enter00:21
lstarnesmatx: it's probably md5 or another hash such as sha1 or sha25600:21
matxwell it says md5 in the meta tag00:21
sabgentonor what ever the rigtht button is to execuete it00:21
lottahello, i try to launch guild wars with wine in my karmic but it give to me a black screen (with GW yellow mouse). might it be due to dual screen ? (nvidi 7600gt)00:21
rick__jason__:  open up a terminal window, and tupe in iwconfig.  you will have a statistic on your wireless card called noise in db.  keep an eye on that.00:21
Exetubini have installed Karmic on my PS3 but I cant get the audio to work.... please help!00:22
bazhanglotta, check the appdb and see #winehq00:22
burzkiTonren, about the nautilus-cd-burner??00:22
musictotomatx: lstarnes: it has the == though, which makes me think of base64 too much :)00:22
jason__rick__: can noise be heavy enough to cause me to lose connection?00:22
bazhang!appdb | lotta00:22
ubottulotta: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:22
ljamisoniihello all00:22
rick__jason__:  as long as the portable phone is on, it will randomly transit/recieve from the base to keep a connection even if your not on a phone call.00:22
lstarnesmatx: it looks like it might be 144 bits00:22
matxyeah i thought it looked familiar00:22
lottaok, thx00:22
LillymonI just plugged in a webcam, and Phonon can no longer see my soundcard. "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" has no effect, what else can I do to make my soundcard visible again?00:22
axionixhi after a reboot some applications dont respect my Xdefaults cursor theme. any ideas?00:22
jason__rick__: what if the phone is plugged in to the receiver to charge?00:22
rick__jason__:  not normally but it's not impossible.00:23
LillymonThe webcam doesn't even plug in the the bloody soundcard, it's USB! What is ALSA doing?00:23
ljamisoniican anyone tell me how to install an application from a tar ball file that ends in .tar.bz2?00:23
jason__rick__: is there a way I can keep iwconfig repeating in terminal every few seconds so I can see a constantly refreshed DB level?00:23
lstarnesljamisonii: did you extract that tarball?00:23
jason__rick__: the ratio is currently steady at 163 or 164. It hasnt moved from that yet.00:23
Exetubini have installed Karmic on my PS3 but I cant get the audio to work.... please help!00:23
rick__jason__:  idk about the phone plugged in.   and i wish i could find a way to keep the info on iwconfig refreshing.00:24
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ubottuAside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )00:24
ljamisoniilstarnes: no, I didn't yet because I wanted to make sure it didn't have to stay compressed to install. So what should I do after I extract?00:24
floatingtrying to install lubuntu alpha on old pc, and i get stdin errors and input/output errors, I guess some ide settings are wrong and it bitches that, also I get kernel panic.. I wonder what other easy methods I have to install the OS other than cd-rom00:24
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jason__rick__: Ill just watch my signal meter for a few seconds and compare the noise level @ 40% vs @80% and see what it says. What if my noise level doesnt fluxuate at all between 40 signal and 80 signal?00:24
bazhangfloating, #ubuntu+1 for alpha lucid00:24
lstarnesljamisonii: tar xjf file.tar.bz200:24
floatingit's not a problem with the ISO I think00:25
musictotomatx: lstarnes: you can try decode the hash with this php function : base64_decode ("put_the_hash_here") and see what that gives you00:25
zeelot3khey guys, how can I stop ubuntu from fading out my monitor every 10 minutes of inactivity? it's insanely annoying and is not a power management setting00:25
rick__jason__:  then keep on troubleshooting, welcome to the fun of wireless networking.00:25
floatinggenerally, what is the next easiest method to install os than cd-rom00:25
lstarnesmatx: I think it is sha1.  Upon recounting it, it appears to be 160 or 168 bytes00:25
bazhangfloating, unetbootin (usb)00:25
plustaxHow do I update my video drivers and anything pertaining to it?00:26
matxi see00:26
jason__rick__: I thought wireless headaches only existed in linux, but I have a lot of them at work on our windows network. *sigh*00:26
floatingI'll check some info on that. I think i looked at usb install earlier, and it required some heavy tweaking00:26
bazhangplustax, via the package manager sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade00:26
jason__rick__: Do you think me switching to WICD could have anything to do with it? Is it possible NetworkManager could handle signal quality better than WICD? (I only hear great things about WICD though)00:26
mkazeelot3k, fiddle with gnome-screensaver-preferences00:26
macman_help http://www.pastie.org/76357100:26
bazhangfloating, unetbootin is very easy to use00:26
plustaxbazhang okay I did that.00:27
plustaxLemme test.00:27
zeelot3kmka: thanks!00:27
floatingoh ok tx00:27
jason__rick__: this fricken signal meter has been pegged at 80% ever since I asked in here about it. So much for troubleshooting when the darn thing is steady. :P00:27
rick__jason__:  idk what WICD is00:27
bazhangplustax, if there are new ones then they will upgraded; keep in mind Ubuntu is *not* a rolling releaase distro so newest will not hit repos immediately00:28
jason__rick__: WICD is an open source linux network manager. A lot of people prefer it to network manager. I for one find its additional options very helpful to use at work (like being able to see each access point individually to test individual access point signal quality, whereas network manager only sees 1 SSID and 1 AP)00:28
mkamacman_, what do you want to do?00:28
ljamisoniilstarnes: when I used that command, it said the file or directory did not exist for all of the files00:28
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rick__jason__: i'm going to have to check out WICD then, but you sound like your having more of a hardwae problem wih signal strength, i doubt the software is causing you problems.00:29
macman_mka,  auhtoring my folder / video_ts folder audio_ts folder to an iso .. im trying to get it to a dvd mka00:29
edo_server irc.bolchat.org00:29
=== Sharker is now known as Guest54643
macman_mka, http://www.pastie.org/763574 < -- its valid file00:30
jason__rick__: I kind of doubt it being hardware, considering this is my work laptop and it works great on our multiple wifi networks at work. Unless its my router beginning to flake out. Its a trusty linksys, but it is about 2 years old00:30
rick__jason__: check your antennas on your router then????00:31
jason__rick__: I just put the wireless phone on top of the router and connected the call to my cell and tested the noise ratio. It iddnt budge a single bit. Stayed at 163-16400:32
BLOODCLAWiceroot: can i run apache2 in ubuntu desktop instead of ubuntu server00:32
jason__rick__: but like I said its pegged at 80% now. *shrug*00:32
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: yes00:32
musictotoBLOODCLAW: yes.00:32
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: ty00:32
BLOODCLAWmusictoto: ty00:32
jason__rick__: but anyway, th anks for your help bro. Check out WICD. Its a pretty cool wifi manager for linux.00:32
rick__jason__: hmmm interesting then, you have an odd problem on your hands, keep on trying to reproduce the problem.00:32
jason__rick__: prodominently debian based linux's00:32
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: the same packages available for the server edition are also available for the desktop edition00:32
musictotoBLOODCLAW: if you want an easy setup of apache, php and other webservices (LAMP) check out http://www.apachefriends.org for the XAMPP package00:33
jason__rick__: yeah man, I dont know, its stuck at 80% now (which Im in my basement but still somewhat close to the router, so that sounds right)00:33
lstarnes!lamp | BLOODCLAW (this is preferred over XAMPP)00:33
ubottuBLOODCLAW (this is preferred over XAMPP): LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:33
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: then why use ubuntu server00:33
shipmasteris anyone familiar with the quasar accounting app?00:33
matxmusictoto: thanks, it was md5 in base64 :D00:34
musictotolstarnes: true about the ubuntu LAMP :)00:34
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: its default installed packages are specifically for server use00:34
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BLOODCLAWmusictoto: im interested in using python over php. is that okay?00:34
matxlstarnes: and thanks for help00:34
musictotoBLOODCLAW: sure00:34
musictotomatx:  no problem :)00:34
=== Sharker is now known as Guest34983
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: so... its just configured differently and thats it?00:34
ActionParsnip28yo yo yo00:34
BLOODCLAWubottu: ty00:34
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:34
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: yes00:35
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: and it has no GUI by default00:35
BLOODCLAWmusictoto: would i still look into apachefriends?00:35
TonrenHow can I customize the Wine menu in my Ubuntu Applications menu, such as adding and removing program shortcuts?00:35
macman_i figured it out mka00:35
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: ahh i see. is ubuntu as good at hosting servers as all those other distros?00:35
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: up until recently, I ran an ubuntu system that was used both as a desktop and as a server00:35
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: it works well enough as a server00:35
musictotoBLOODCLAW: if you can handle the ubuntu LAMP installation, it's better. apachefriends is to have a quick and easy setup, but less optimized00:35
nisstyre65make sure you install ssh too00:36
BLOODCLAWmusictoto: im utterly at a loss when it comes to python :(00:36
BLOODCLAWmusictoto: not python, i mean php!00:36
ActionParsnip28tonren: look in /home/$USER/.config/menus I think. there are entrys there. you can also run alacarte00:36
TonrenActionParsnip28: Thanks!00:36
EllingHey, i just installed lm-sensors but i cant find/run the program, any ideas ?00:37
jason__rick__: for the record, it just spiked to 40% and managed to hit iwconfig about 4 times before it went back to 80%. No chance in noise level. I have to wonder about the router though. Ill get on my XP partition and see what it does.00:37
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: mmm. i havent looked into it yet, but is it possible to host your own domain name from ubuntu to?00:37
ActionParsnip28elling: install xsensors00:37
axondoes anyone outthere play sauerbraten? i can't create a server, because i got an error ...00:37
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: yes, but check your ISP's rules00:37
mka!yay| macman_00:37
ubottumacman_: Glad you made it! :-)00:37
bastid_razor!sensor | Elling read this page too.00:37
TonrenActionParsnip28: Unfortunately, alacarte appears unable to remove menu entries from the wine menu00:37
musictotoBLOODCLAW: yes, if you have static ip it's easy, otherwise use dynDNS or other services00:37
axon sauerbraten-server00:37
axondedicated server started, waiting for clients...00:38
axonCtrl-C to exit00:38
axonlooking up sauerbraten.org...00:38
axonsending request to sauerbraten.org...00:38
axonmasterserver reply:00:38
FloodBot1axon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:38
EllingActionParsnip28: no, i dont like that program. it doesnt have what i need.00:38
bastid_razor!sensors | Elling read this page too.00:38
ubottuElling read this page too.: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto00:38
ActionParsnip28tonren: then check the folder00:38
TonrenAye aye!00:38
fossiiili have /etc/rc.firewall which is executed once after reboot(flushes everything initially), but when i run iptables -S, all rules are doubled!00:38
ActionParsnip28elling: then you can use cli00:38
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BLOODCLAWlstarnes: thanks00:39
=== Sharker is now known as Guest55693
icerootBLOODCLAW: ubuntu-server is just ubuntu-desktop without the gui (which you can install later) and with another kernel (pae-support) the rest is the same00:39
BLOODCLAWmusictoto: im new to all this server lingo, would i find all this information from verizon? like if im using a dynamic/static ip?00:39
BLOODCLAWiceroot: thanks for the clarification00:40
john1quick question, in c how can do this00:41
icerootjohn1: #c00:41
nisstyre65BLOODCLAW; you need to be able to use the same ip address00:41
john1if (condition = this or that) do something;00:41
Old_Wobbly_Guyjust like that, john100:42
john1I can do if (condition = this) do this; i (condition = that) do this;00:42
john1I type or?00:42
icerootjohn1: if (a==2){cout <<"a is 2";}00:42
fossiiilthat's c++, not c ;-)00:42
icerootjohn1: and please use #c or #c++00:42
Old_Wobbly_Guyif(condition1 = true || condition2 == true) { do something }00:42
john1|| is or?00:42
icerootfossiiil: then printf...00:42
Old_Wobbly_Guy|| = or, yes00:42
john1I thought || was and00:42
Old_Wobbly_Guy&& is and00:42
fossiiilAnd is and00:43
ActionParsnip28john1: if ((a==2)||(b!=4)){ cout >> "a=2 and b doesnt =4" >> endl;}00:43
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iceroot:( my c++ is so bad... 3 mistakes in one if-statement00:44
fossiiiloperator precedences?00:44
=== Sharker is now known as Guest76915
ssv1994hello guys, I have a problem. I have stripes on some flash videos!00:44
ssv1994I have stripes, when I am playing some flash videos00:45
Milos_SDI need help geting inegrated web cam in Fujitsu Siemens Amilo P series laptop to work on Ubuntu00:45
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: damn... it says i cant host a server00:45
ActionParsnip28ssv1994: try removing all flash pluigins then install flashplugin-nonfree00:45
geirhaActionParsnip28: and -> or, and >> -> <<  ;P00:45
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: you could try getting a business-grade connection00:45
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: or buy a VPS00:46
ssv1994maybe it is because I have braked the Ethernet cable?00:46
ActionParsnip28milso_sd: run: lsusb   you will get an output with one line identifying the cam. use the hex id in websearches00:46
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: for residential upload speeds are the major hold ups.00:46
ActionParsnip28geirha: close eh ;)00:47
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: you can use dyndns for a domain (free) and they have a dameon that will update your ip if you have dynamic00:47
webdawgcan the ubuntu update update the kernel?00:48
fossiiilis it possible that upstart creates some race condition and /etc/rc.firewall gets started two times at ~ same time...thus doubling my iptables rules?00:48
lstarneswebdawg: yes00:48
al_If you create a backup style image file of say 10 pictures, rysnc it to another location, then add an 11th image to the backup image, and sync again, does it transfer the whole file or just parts of it?00:48
ssv1994guys, could my problem be, because I've broke the Ethernet cable?00:48
ActionParsnip28webdawg: absolutely00:48
lstarneswebdawg: but the updates issued for the kernel aren't going to update it to the newest version of the kernel00:48
webdawgAfter I run the updates and it installs them and askes me to restart.  Could I wait and install more utilities?00:48
BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: i just found out i cant host a server on my isp. ty though00:48
webdawgOr do I have to restart?00:48
bastid_razorssv1994: splicing an ethernet cable is near impossible00:48
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: vps?00:48
icerootal_: the whole image1100:48
lstarneswebdawg: they're just going to add bugfixes00:48
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: virtual private server00:48
ActionParsnip28webdawg: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:48
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lstarnesBLOODCLAW: business connections usually let you run servers00:49
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: neither can i.. but i do anyway. port 80 is blocked so i use a redirect and a nonstandard port.00:49
lstarneswebdawg: you do have to restart to use the new kernel00:49
webdawgStill what happens if it updates gnome or its dependencies while it is running?00:49
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al_iceroot: sorry, do you mean it just transfers the part of the backup image that has changed? ie image11?00:49
effihey guys00:49
lstarneswebdawg: but you can keep using the kernel until you reboot00:49
icerootal_: correct00:49
lstarneswebdawg: the same goes for gnome00:49
ActionParsnip28bastid_razor: yeah ive done it. you only need 4 of them though ;)00:49
effican someone tell me please how i can change the login screen on ubuntu desktop version?00:49
ryan\nWhats up guys, im running netbook remix and i'm trying to connect to a shared folder on a Windows 7 machine, I can see the computer, but it fails to retrieve a list of files/folders, any ideas?00:50
al_iceroot: it doesnt matter that the image files are all compressed into a container file? (ie backup image or zip etc?)00:50
icerootal_: then of course the compress image will be transfered00:50
xdrreffi: It should be under GDM settings in Administration00:50
ssv1994bastid_razor: could this happen if the Ethernet cable is broken?00:50
ActionParsnip28effi: on karmic its not implemented yet. epidermis can be used as a workaround00:50
icerootal_: not only the diff, the whole file00:50
amcsihow do I give palimpsest root privilages when booting the computer?00:50
bastid_razorssv1994: what is 'this'?00:50
al_iceroot: thats what I was getting at, it retransfers the whole file00:50
KristianDKHello, i have a server with two NIC's, each having an external iP adress, which i would like to use as VPN server. I installed the pptpd package, and it runs perfectly - except i have no internet connection - do you know how to enable access to the internet over VPN?00:50
nisstyre65ssv1994; are you joking?00:50
icerootbut maybe someone will correct me, imo rsync doesnt work with diffs00:50
BLOODCLAWlstarnes, bastid_razor: is there a way to host my server without verizon finding out00:50
nisstyre65just making sure00:51
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: they likely won't find out, but I've heard that they block many ports to keep them from working00:51
nisstyre65your ethernet cable won't affect flash00:51
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: just as i stated.00:51
al_iceroot: i might do a little test, shouldnt be hard00:51
musictotoiceroot: i think rsync only transfers what you changed to a file00:51
effiThanks guys!00:51
effiActionParsnip28: so basically it means i cannot adjust at all the login screen?00:52
icerootmusictoto: hm per default its saying copying file (not diff)00:52
icerootal_: yes and/or read the manpage00:52
BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: by nonstandard port you are referring to a port not commonly used to host apache; correct?00:52
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: thanks for your help and patience =D00:52
ActionParsnip28effi: not unless you use epidermis. its not implemented in karmic yet00:52
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: port 80 is a standard port for a webserver.. nonstandard is anything other than that.. i use 9999 .. so if you don't have a redirect available you would need to include that.. http://my.webserver.com:9999/  .. for example00:53
effiActionParsnip28: im not very good in linux and understanding it... but i guess then that the login screen i now use as standart on karmic is not epidermis?00:53
nisstyre65I wonder if you could host it behind a vpn?00:53
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acp_can any one direct me to a site that shows how to compile a kernel that I have downloaded from kernel.org?00:54
icerootal_: musictoto rsync is using diff (called delta)00:54
ActionParsnip28epidermis is used to skin the logon screen. the current screen cannot be changed with a standard install00:54
erUSUL!kernel | acp_00:54
ubottuacp_: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:54
TeLegoogle can direct you acp_00:54
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al_iceroot: musictoto? is that a flavour of rsync?00:55
icerootal_: a nick00:55
macman_after you do a growisofs and it writes .. do i close it or is it just suppose to work ?00:55
musictotoiceroot: right :) i use it on my mac00:55
acp_I have google it but bit confusing.., i'll try to digest them again, thanks00:55
icerootal_: i was writing to you and him00:55
al_ice: k00:55
BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: is a port redirector a service, or program?00:55
al_iceroot: k00:55
icerootBLOODCLAW: its a program (e.g. netcat) or iptables00:56
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: a friend of mine who has a server allows me to use him as a redirect.00:56
ssv1994I have problem with flash videos, when I am playing a video stripes appear on the video, could this be caused because the ethernet cable is broken?00:57
icerootBLOODCLAW: think about a vps, its much cheaper then hosting the pc at home (costs for power normally as high as the vps-costs)00:57
icerootssv1994: no00:57
ActionParsnip28ssc1994: are you using a 64bit Ubuntu?00:57
musictotossv1994: no. i think it's rather software related00:57
HFSPLUSWheres the north pole?00:58
amcsiI click on my ntfs drive with ubuntu and it says that mounting failed, because I need root privilages. It never used to have this problem. How do I fix this?00:58
gr4p3sssv1994: i think i saw your question answered already... if your ethernet cable is broken, you wouldnt get internet at all00:58
BLOODCLAWiceroot: my comp is on 24/7 anywyas?00:58
ssv1994but I tried even on windows00:58
gr4p3sssv1994: could it be your video card is too weak to handle flash videos...?00:58
icerootBLOODCLAW: ok00:58
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ssv1994I tried different computers00:59
gr4p3sand flash doesnt work...? did you try a different network?00:59
nisstyre65ssv1994; all with the same os?00:59
gr4p3she tried with windows and ubuntu00:59
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ssv1994with ubuntu and ms00:59
ActionParsnip28ssv1994: have you installed video drivers on Ubuntu00:59
gr4p3stry a different network, and what computer are you using?00:59
ssv1994all videos worked fine before00:59
nisstyre65what browser?00:59
nisstyre65firefox I assume?01:00
gr4p3sdid something change that could somehow affect it?01:00
Shinydan_I'm wanting to reformat a USB hard drive to ext3 to allow proper read/write access for everyone on my house network. Is that sensible?01:00
gr4p3sssv1994, what computer are you using?01:00
Shinydan_sorry to have to ask again.01:00
BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: ty01:00
ActionParsnip28ssv1994: try chromium :D01:00
ssv1994I am using two computers01:00
ssv1994and one network01:01
gr4p3sShinydan_: why do you have to format it to ext3?01:01
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: do you have 1MB or better upload speeds from your ISP?01:01
nisstyre65Is it possible his router could be doing something funny?01:01
gr4p3sssv1994: what computer are you using??01:01
al_iceroot: it transferred the whole archive :-(01:01
icerootShinydan_: should the stick also be used with windows/mac?01:01
Shinydan_Because I can't get NTFS to play nicely01:01
ssv1994I am using a fast one and a netbook01:01
icerootal_: look at the manpage for delta01:01
Shinydan_No, it's going to be used with Ubuntu only from now on01:01
nisstyre65ssv1994; what router model?01:02
Shinydan_and it's not a stick, it's a 350Gb drive01:02
gr4p3sShinydan_: really? do you have that ntfs-3g or whatever it is working properly? ntfs plays nicely with my linux01:02
ActionParsnip28ssv1994: you can test by using a new cable. you'll find its poor video performance01:02
ssv1994I have adsl01:02
iceroot!gparted | Shinydan_01:02
ubottuShinydan_: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:02
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al_iceroot: that a separte command to rsync01:02
gr4p3sssv1994: have you tried reinstalling flash? i usually find it is flash's fault, not the system's.01:02
musictotoShinydan_: you can use ext3, but remember you'll lose all the data on the disk upon formatting01:02
icerootal_: then try it01:02
BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: ill tell you in a sec. ill go to a test website01:03
ssv1994firstly I realized this problem on a netbook01:03
kang_paidjohow downgrade kernel, becaus virtualbox not runing in new kernel01:03
nisstyre65ssv1994; http://xkcd.com/619/01:03
nisstyre65: D01:03
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: speedtest.net01:03
Shinydan_musictoto: Yep, that's why I've been waiting all evening for everything on there to go onto an HD I've borrowed from a mate.01:03
effiother question: i have changed on the logon screen the disabilities functions to "high contrast" now it is all the time very bright and not dark like it was before, even when i deactivated the high contrast mode... is there any way of changing that back?01:03
ActionParsnip28kang_paidjo: reboot and choose the older kernel01:03
Milos_SDI need help geting inegrated web cam in Fujitsu Siemens Amilo P series laptop to work on Ubuntu.01:04
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BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: thanks for babying me through all of this hahaha im new to this server stuff01:04
freeksh0w86Anyone have a tutorial to make pulseaudio quit mucking up the whole sound system? It's really embarrassing when I'm trying to show how awesome Ubuntu is and sound quits working...01:04
musictotoShinydan_: ext3 should be fine then :)01:04
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: everyone had to start somewhere. i'm glad to help.01:04
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dsnydersAnybody got an app that I can right click on the clock/time and set an alarm?01:04
gr4p3sssv1994: uninstall flash and reinstall it and see if the problem persists01:04
ActionParsnip28milos_sd: did you not find any guides?01:04
ssv1994then I tried a PC, and it still didn't work. I think there is no problem in the cabl01:04
Shinydan_musictoto: So use gparted to do that?01:04
icerootBLOODCLAW: a good hint. if you dont know much about linux, dont host a server!! its getting a spam-relay (maybe)01:04
ssv1994I have reinstalled ubuntu01:04
musictotoShinydan_: sure do, that will be the easiest way01:05
Milos_SDActionParsnip28, no I didn't. It isn't even listen on lspci or lshw :(01:05
AndChatAnyone else having problems with tomboy?01:05
icerootdsnyders: evolution should do it imo01:05
gr4p3sssv1994: try other videos and see if they flicker. videos not on youtube, but other sites like veog01:05
iceroot!anyone | AndChat01:05
ubottuAndChat: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:05
ActionParsnip28milos_sd: you need lsusb01:05
BLOODCLAWiceroot: i know a decent amount about linux. spam-relay?01:06
BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: its very appreciated. http://www.speedtest.net/result/669176624.png <-- thats the results01:06
shawn146long live the penguin!!!01:06
dsnydersiceroot, I've ditched evolution in favour of thunderbird.  Besides, it's a bit heavy for a pizza timer.01:06
ActionParsnip28ssv1994: have you got 3D drivers installed? Can you run 3D games or compiz?01:06
shawn146lol parsnip01:06
Milos_SDActionParsnip28, didn't know that. Thanks, I'll try tomorow. Laptop is not mine, and is not here right now :)01:06
ssv1994I don't but HD videos work fine01:06
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: nice, looks as if you have a 20MB connection. you should be fine once you get it all set up.01:07
ActionParsnip28ssv1994: ok thats cool01:07
icerootdsnyders: yes you are right but from evolition i know its working with the clock01:07
ssv1994I saw this problem with regular quality videos and HQ videos01:07
ActionParsnip28dsnyders: could use claws or sylpheed for lightness01:07
icerootBLOODCLAW: a mailserver which is sending mails from any domain to any domain. very common a missconfigured apache with mail() (php)01:08
ActionParsnip28dsnyders: does thunderbird use less ram etc?01:08
dsnydersActionParsnip28, It seems to01:08
ssv1994I hope my Internet connection is not the truble01:08
BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: is mysql required?01:08
ActionParsnip28dsnyders: cool. ive been looking for an alternative01:08
ActionParsnip28dsnyders: thanks01:08
gr4p3sssv1994: use your netbook to stream a video from your other computer over your network, and see if that flickers01:09
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nisstyre65ssv1994; what router are you using?01:09
BLOODCLAWiceroot: would it be sending spam because of someone exploiting my server?01:09
bastid_razor!lamp > BLOODCLAW  is probably what you're wanting01:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:09
icerootBLOODCLAW: yes01:09
ssv1994I have adsl internet01:09
=== Sharker is now known as Guest29447
bastid_razor!lamp | BLOODCLAW  is probably what you're wanting01:10
ubottuBLOODCLAW  is probably what you're wanting: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:10
nisstyre65ssv1994; but you are still using a router are you not?01:10
icerootBLOODCLAW: its enough to upload a php-file to the server01:10
icerootBLOODCLAW: which is using mail()01:10
gr4p3sssv1994: we get that... but did you listen to me at all? stream a video over your network and see if that flickers01:10
dsnydersActionParsnip28, It's also from the same folks as firefox.01:10
gr4p3sso you dont have a router?01:10
BLOODCLAWiceroot: if i use python vs php would that prevent this?01:10
ssv1994I think it wont01:10
icerootBLOODCLAW: so again, have a look about security (php) before hosting it01:10
ActionParsnip28dsnyders: firefox is godawful01:10
BLOODCLAWbastid_razor: looking at the link now =D01:10
icerootBLOODCLAW: python has a mailfunction too01:10
opticonwhat can i use to manage ubuntu remotely from internet01:10
icerootBLOODCLAW: just use a good configuration01:10
BLOODCLAWiceroot: is it as easily exploited?01:10
nisstyre65opticon; ssh01:10
icerootopticon: ssh01:10
al_iceroot: hmm, the impression I get from reading the man pages of rsync is that it definitly should only copy parts of files that have changed.....01:11
nisstyre65use openssh01:11
kraitosamarok won't let me add music can anyone help?01:11
al_iceroot: i must be missing something01:11
ActionParsnip28dsnyders: chromium runs rings around it01:11
gr4p3sssv1994: take the netbook and hook it up to a different network and try flash videos then.01:11
icerootal_: thats what i read too01:11
bastid_razorBLOODCLAW: i don't have any type of security on my server for the fact it is on a non standard port.. but that is my choice of risk01:11
icerootBLOODCLAW: dependng what you are hosting01:11
icerootBLOODCLAW: if anyone can upload a file its not a good idea01:11
musictotobastid_razor: that's a high risk and not recommendable :)01:12
=== Growlithe is now known as firepuppy
dsnydersActionParsnip28, I'm  not familiar with chromium01:12
icerootBLOODCLAW: for e.g. using joomla, typo3 or other stuff in old (no security patches)01:12
nisstyre65isn't it just chrome on top of ubuntu?01:12
icerootBLOODCLAW: in old versions01:13
ActionParsnip28dsnyders: its a webkit based browser from google01:13
Jordan_Ubastid_razor: It's really not hard to do a port scan01:13
gr4p3snisstyre65: thats chrome os you're thinking about01:13
kraitosi have all my file set to be executable files, anyone have that issue before?01:13
ActionParsnip28dsnyder: theres a daily build ppa available01:13
Shinydanthanks, all, that seems to be working fine01:13
nisstyre65ah lol01:13
dsnydersActionParsnip28, chromium == google chrome?01:13
musictotoJordan_U: true about the port-scan ;)01:13
musictotodsnyders: yes chromium is the project name, chrome is the result01:13
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gr4p3sdsnyders: chromium is different from google chrome. its like the open source part of google chrome. basically same thing. but google chrome has google's logo, and i think its more stable01:14
ActionParsnip28dsnyders: chromium is a bleeding edge version of chrome01:14
edbianmusictoto, chromium is open source, chrome (the browser) is not01:14
BLOODCLAWiceroot: are you suggesting drop this project completely and look for alternatives, or just be very careful?01:14
ardchoilledsnyders: no, chromium is the open source project. Google Chrome is not open source01:14
icerootBLOODCLAW: what projekt exactly?01:14
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BLOODCLAWiceroot: setting up my own server01:14
musictotoedbian: hm true :) well yeah the open source project :)01:14
icerootBLOODCLAW: no but as i said, dont do it if you dont know what you are doing01:14
jolarenNån som har en hint på varför jag inte lyckas göra en iso bootbar? Grub laddas men ingen information kickas in01:15
icerootBLOODCLAW: but if you are in countrys with no laws (russia, polen and so on) its no problem :)01:15
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dsnydersmusictoto, gr4p3s, ActionParsnip28, ardchoille, Okay, thanks for the info on chromium.01:15
kraitosall my files are set to be executable files can anyone help?01:15
edbiankraitos, ALL of them?01:15
kraitosedbian, most of them. it happened after i installed lxde01:16
kraitosedbian, i remove lxde and they are still the same.01:16
bastid_razormusictoto: true. Jordan_U true.01:16
Jordan_U!se | jolaren01:16
ubottujolaren: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se01:16
ActionParsnip28kraitos: do you mean in your home directory01:16
bastid_razorpermissions is my security.01:16
edbiankraitos, Odd, I don't know why it would do that.  Thing is,  I think some files need to be executable01:17
graviton!sv | jolaren01:17
ubottujolaren: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du på #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se01:17
jolarenJordan_U; I'm already in that channel. Wrong window01:17
heoaI get odd error in creating new user as root: http://pastebin.com/d742f1c8201:17
heoaany idea why?01:18
tritiumheoa: the root account already exists, but is locked01:18
icerootheoa: createuser is for creating postgresuser01:18
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo01:18
icerootheoa: you want   sudo adduser username01:18
kraitosedbian, well like my music i was double clicking and it would try to execute i went and right click and went to properties and permission and it had execute checked, i uncked and it seems to be fine now01:18
BLOODCLAWiceroot: hahaha no; im in ca, usa01:18
edbiankraitos, mhmmm, I see it's confusing the system now01:18
icerootBLOODCLAW: ok, i think in the us there are laws (very strange laws but there are some)01:18
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BLOODCLAWiceroot: im not interested in running a business server or something. just further understand python and computers and how this technology comes together01:19
tritiumSharker: please quit the nick changing01:19
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dsnydersheoa, you seem to be adding users to Postgres using the user root.  root may not be a database admin.01:19
ActionParsnip28kraitos: you can use: chmod -x file   or  chmod -R -x folder   to recursively remove the executability01:20
icerootBLOODCLAW: then test it in your lan01:20
Blue1BLOODCLAW: the u.s. is a nation of laws.  badly written and poorly enforced...frank zappa01:20
musictotoBLOODCLAW: then you could just create that server and keep things inside your lan without linking ports01:20
heoadsnyders: thank you.01:20
ActionParsnip28heoa: you shouldn't be root, use sudo01:20
Guest75026can anyone help me pls ?01:20
edbiankraitos, The only issue is that some files might need to be marked executable01:20
BLOODCLAWBlue1: lol01:20
iceroot!ask | Guest7502601:20
ubottuGuest75026: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:20
Blue1sup Guest75026?01:20
pasjrHello, dose any one know anything about lucid01:20
Shinydanit cannot have just formatted a 300Gb hard drive in the time it took me to look up a Tenth Doctor quote.01:20
iceroot!lucid | pasjr01:20
ubottupasjr: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:20
kraitosedbian, right i can usually right click and choose what i want to run the file in01:21
heoaActionParsnip28: does it create automatically a new superuser if I am root?01:21
Guest75026Blue1 i want to install ubuntu....i used Linux Mint but it got some problems with the ati radeon x1650 drivers01:21
Guest75026is ubuntu ok ?01:21
heoaor for other reason? ActionParsnip2801:21
BLOODCLAWiceroot: youre going to punch me in the face for this, but how would i do that? i have a mac in the other room. were both using the same wireless router01:21
ActionParsnip28pasjr: i use it and its fine but +1 is the channel for you01:21
edbianheoa, There is only 1 super user01:21
Guest75026i want tu play cs via WINE...but i need to install my graphic drivers01:21
kraitosedbian, but i don't want to have to do that all the time. is there something i can do to fix this.01:21
Blue1Guest75026: I use nvidia here - so I am not the right guy to ask - sorry....01:21
icerootBLOODCLAW: just dont route your server to tne internet (default)01:21
ActionParsnip28guest75026: i'd say that was perfect. it is ok, not great but not bad01:21
gr4p3sGuest75026: check to see if CS runs under Wine first01:22
musictotoBLOODCLAW: as long as you don't explicitly tell your router to do NAT or port forwarding, it should be ok :)01:22
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:22
icerootBLOODCLAW: setup lamp and test with it, its not reachable from the internet but from the pcs of your lan (no need to configure anything on the router)01:22
webdawgGmail allows one to specify what email address someone is sending from.  Is their a client that will interface with gmail and allow it to do this?01:22
Guest75026gr4p3s it is ok ubuntu for ati drivers ?01:22
icerootBLOODCLAW: the router is just a switch in the lan01:22
BLOODCLAWmusictoto: ahh01:22
RedLanceI would like to make a bootable USB drive with Linux to de-malware-ify Windows computers.  Anybody have any suggestions on how to do so?01:22
Guest75026linux mint was giving the "death black screen" after installing01:22
tritiumwebdawg: several01:22
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:22
iceroot!usb | RedLance01:22
ubottuRedLance: please see above01:22
BLOODCLAWiceroot: so by default it should work that way already then yes?01:22
gr4p3sGuest75026: You mean with Wine? A lot of programs don't run well under Wine, and you should check to make sure that CS does first.01:22
icerootGuest75026: try ubuntu live cd01:23
icerootBLOODCLAW: correct01:23
tritiumwebdawg: yes, as well as evolution, and others01:23
dsnydersRedLance, Look at the pendrive linux site01:23
webdawgtritium:  Can outlook do it?01:23
Guest75026gr4p3s yes it works...steam is ok...but it`s very slowly without proprely ati drivers01:23
RedLanceThanks everybody01:23
flavetiusAuguri a tutti!01:23
nisstyre65Guest75026; you should be able to use generic drivers01:23
nisstyre65to get it running01:23
Guest75026and linux mint can`t handle it...i can`t install the drivers on it01:23
tritiumwebdawg: outlook is a Windows application01:24
BLOODCLAWiceroot: im gonna remove apache2, then install lamp(ython) and see where that takes me...01:24
gr4p3sGuest75026: I don't have ATI, so you'll have to see if you can install the drivers you need manually if the generic ones don't work.01:24
Blue1RedLance: are you try to install/create a Ubuntu install flash drive, or do you want a complete install on a flash drive?01:24
icerootBLOODCLAW: no01:24
ActionParsnip28guest75026: its technically the same OS, linux01:24
Guest75026the problem is that i don`t know how to install them manually....i am a newbie :(01:24
icerootBLOODCLAW: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server python   (or use php5 phpmyadmin)01:24
SerbThugheya all. I have one problem. Whenever I boot ubuntu, i get that X is already running on screen :0 error. Is there any workaround?01:24
ActionParsnip28!ati | guest7502601:24
ubottuguest75026: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:24
tritiumGuest75026: don't install ATI drivers manually.  Use the ubuntu tools.01:25
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage01:25
BelseruskHi. Is it true that Gmail accounts never expire?01:25
Guest75026what tools ?01:25
icerootBLOODCLAW: i like php more for webthings. python i use for shell-scripting because bash is the hell01:25
tritiumBelserusk: please stay on topic01:25
icerootBelserusk: ask google01:25
ActionParsnip28belserusk: i dont know any email account which expires01:25
Guest75026tritium what tools?01:25
ActionParsnip28belserusk: its also offtopic01:25
musictotoActionParsnip28: i take it you know hotmail ? :p01:25
ActionParsnip28guest75026: run: gksudo jockey-gtk01:26
tritiumGuest75026: see ActionParsnip28's answer01:26
Belserusk Sorry. How do I know what is on topic?01:26
BLOODCLAWiceroot: im trying to further develop my python skills so i think ill use python vs php. i have apache installed already... so "sudo apt-get install mysql-server" ? (python is installed by default)01:26
icerootBelserusk: ubuntu-support01:26
ActionParsnip28!offtopic | belserusk01:26
ubottubelserusk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:26
tritiumBelserusk: read the topic ;)01:26
Blue1Belserusk: easy it it's NOT about ubuntu then it doesn't belong her.e.01:26
icerootBLOODCLAW: mysql if you need a sql-server01:26
icerootBLOODCLAW: and for apache using python there was a modul which has to be installed/enabled  dont ask me what it was i dont use python with apache01:27
BelseruskDoh. I apologise. I entered the wrong room. Sorry. :-(01:27
BLOODCLAWiceroot: why would i need an sql server?01:27
icerootBLOODCLAW: e.g. for a forum or a cms01:27
Blue1BLOODCLAW: wordpress uses mysql01:27
icerooteverything is using mysql :)01:28
Blue1BLOODCLAW: assuming you wanted to test on local machine01:28
RedLanceBlue1, I have a blank 4gb usb drive, and a Karmic workstation.  I want to create a usb linux version of the Ultimate Boot CD, if you are familiar with that.01:28
BLOODCLAWiceroot: okay ill find the module. shouldnt be too hard. i think it was referenced to in my python manual anywho. im just interested in something simple right now01:28
icerootRedLance: use dd for it01:28
BLOODCLAWBlue1: is it possible to write whole webpages in python haha?01:28
lstarnesiceroot: there is a lot of stuff that uses other database systems, like postgres and sqlite01:28
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: yes01:28
Blue1RedLance: not faml with that - but I do have directions on how I created and installed ubuntu 9.04 on a flash drive01:29
icerootlstarnes: of course but i love mysql so i have to post a stupic comment :)01:29
lstarnesiceroot: I personally prefer postfres01:29
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: mkay all this seems to be coming together now.01:29
icerootlstarnes: yes its better in many ways but some apps dont support postgres01:29
icerootlstarnes: also its the "standard" using mysql01:29
etfbI'm using Transmission for bittorrents, but it's VERY minimalist.  Nowhere near as many pretty graphs and status displays as uTorrent on Windows or the one that comes with Kubuntu.  Is there a native Gnome alternative that's less sparse?01:29
gr4p3setfb: Try out Deluge. It looks a bit like utorrent and it works well.01:30
RedLanceBlue1, Installing Ubuntu onto a flash drive isn't really my problem...it's the other utilities that I would need for malware removal...so I'll keep googling, thanks!01:30
dsnydersRedLance, www.pendrivelinux has instructions for all sorts of distros, including multi booting from multiple isos on the USB01:30
nisstyre65etfb; try rtorrent or ktorrent01:30
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: so i can just leave all that out and get by with apache2 and python for now then ya?01:30
bastid_razoreffendi: deluge is java based01:30
lumeesomeone know what can i do for get a light flash on my firefox, actually flash waste more cpu than unreal tournament 2010, my cpu is very hot :(01:30
Blue1RedLance: there was an episode of hak5 that addressed that -01:30
icerootlstarnes: horde or nagios.. one of them cant handle postgres01:30
ActionParsnip28etfb: why does it have to be glossy. it just sits in your tray and works01:30
BLOODCLAWiceroot: : so i can just leave all that out and get by with apache2 and python for now then ya?01:30
icerootBLOODCLAW: yes01:31
RedLanceBlue1, Really?  Got a link, perhaps?01:31
sooposMy auth_log has regularly login sessions for svn-autoreleasedeb. How can you kill the app?01:31
etfbActionParsnip28, don't care about glossy, but I like progress graphs.01:31
ZaNeIuMwhat is the x in tar -x meen?01:31
icerootBLOODCLAW: maybe #httpd or #python is a better channel for that specific questions01:31
Blue1RedLance: http://www.hak5.org - you'll have to schlep around the site to find the episode..01:31
ActionParsnip28lumee: use a lighter browser, firefox sucks with ram01:31
icerootZaNeIuM: man tar01:31
RedLanceZaNeIuM, Extract01:31
RedLanceBlue1, Cool, thanks!01:31
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: probably01:31
etfbnisstyre65, ktorrent is KDE, not Gnome, and I'm trying to stick to Gnome where possible.01:31
ChogyDanlumee: maybe run flash through wine.  Flash is quite slow on linux01:32
lstarnesBLOODCLAW: but depending on what else you want to use, you will likely need to include additional things such as mysql and php01:32
gr4p3setfb: Go with Deluge.01:32
lumeeActionParsnip28: the problem is not firefox, i have the same problem with chrome the problem is not RAM is CPU 100% of load01:32
icerootetfb: transmission01:32
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: thanks a bunch01:32
BLOODCLAWiceroot: thanks a bunch01:32
icerootBLOODCLAW: good luck with your server01:32
ActionParsnip28lumee: try disabling some addons01:32
FiReSTaRTActionParsnip28: you guys discussing the flash memory leak problem?01:32
icerootBLOODCLAW: and feel free to come back here for ubuntu-support01:32
etfbiceroot, Transmission is certainly a good product, but as an alternative to Transmission, it's not so great.  Though it's certainly no worse.01:33
Shinydaniceroot, musictoto: Thanks a lot, all working fine and dandy now.01:33
BLOODCLAWiceroot: do you do this for fun? help out people?01:33
musictotoShinydan: good :)01:33
ActionParsnip28firestart: pretty much01:33
icerootBLOODCLAW: give back something for ubuntu01:33
BLOODCLAWiceroot: glad to hear it01:33
bryce__hey guys, is it possible to use your ipod with itunes  on virtualbox?01:33
powersourceetfb: transmission01:33
bastid_razor!cookie | iceroot :P01:33
ubottuiceroot :P: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:33
lumeethank no solution flash sucks grrrr01:34
FiReSTaRTActionParsnip28: here's my solution to it.. if you decide to implement it, read post #5 as well :P http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126913901:34
tritiumbryce__: the PUEL version supports USB, so most likely, yes.01:34
icerootBLOODCLAW: also sometimes some upstreams for debian based distris (which will maybe go into ubuntu)01:34
bryce__ok, sweet01:34
bryce__ima go try it01:34
gr4p3sI love how everyone is telling etfb to use Transmission... when he's already using it and trying to find an alternative. etfb, use Deluge. It looks similar to uTorrent.01:34
musictotobryce__: yes, if you link your USB port to the VM01:34
ActionParsnip28bryce__: i think so. you can use native apps instead01:34
icerootbastid_razor: hehe, didnt know that command01:34
jellowi can't access ">01:34
ActionParsnip28bryce__: it will be lighter and free too01:34
bryce__yeah i know, but when i get itunes gift cards, hehe i cant use em01:34
ActionParsnip28bryce__: sell em01:35
bastid_razoriceroot: going to share your cookie too?01:35
icerootbastid_razor: no i am hungry, very hungry :) but next time01:35
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=== war is now known as switchgirl
bastid_razoriceroot: heh, frozen pizza in the oven.01:35
jellowi can't access ">" key , how can in reasighn the key binding so Shift ạnd w will show >01:35
BLOODCLAWiceroot: you support debian users too?01:35
tritiumBLOODCLAW: this channel is for ubuntu only01:36
icerootBLOODCLAW: not really but i am a maintainer for another distri which is using debian01:36
powersourcegr4p3s: the chat is fokken spammed, how are we supposed to find a message 200 lines ago?01:36
ratonplayer4chan ! /b/01:36
bryce__powersource: you go into private chat01:36
BLOODCLAWiceroot: i have it on my netbook and it isnt executing commands right. oh well. ill work on that later.01:36
icerootBLOODCLAW: #debian01:37
bastid_razorpowersource: Pg Up01:37
ardchoilleWhat gnome theme is this? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/Sz3sTJZIBMI/AAAAAAAAFLQ/qt1zAHv1DPw/s1600-h/Selection_01(002).png01:37
SerbThugheya all. I have one problem. Whenever I boot ubuntu, i get that X is already running on screen :0 error. Is there any workaround?01:37
kaimanjaki'm tring to install ubuntu 9.10, but the installer dont detect the hd. gparted detects it. here is the fdisk -l result: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d181f443d. can you help me?01:37
musictotoardchoille: it's not a gnome theme, it's standard songbird looks01:38
gr4p3spowersource: I'm not trying to blame you... I'm just commenting on it in the hope that someone could suggest to etfb something that he would want... Because I've suggested Deluge several times and he hasn't replied yet. But not trying to blame you, so dont swear, please?01:38
bryce__how does one go about restoring the grub folder after installling xp after karmic?01:38
ardchoillemusictoto: Ah, ok01:38
powersourcebastid_razor: im on me cell :p01:38
ardchoillemusictoto: That would rock as a gnome theme01:38
iceroot!grub | bryce__01:38
tritium!grub | bryce__01:38
ubottubryce__: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:38
musictotoardchoille: hehe :) not my style01:38
syockitWhy is it that the messages log always show the time for entering suspend incorrectly? i.e. It says it starts suspending after computer is set to resume. Of course, in the same log, resume is said to happpen seconds after entering suspend...01:39
bryce__iceroot and tritium, that's special. thanks01:39
powersourcegr4p3s: i didnt swear01:39
ZaNeIuMbryce__: DAS?01:39
Guest75026how do i share a DSL linux connection via adhoc wireless with another pc running windows xp ?01:39
gr4p3spowersource: "fokken spammed". I took 'fokken' to mean 'fuc...'.01:40
bastid_razorpowersource: probably doesn't have the scroll back needed then :(01:40
jellowi can't access ">" key , how can in reasighn the key binding so Shift ạnd w will show ">"?01:40
tritiumgr4p3s: watch the foul language.01:40
ZaNeIuMbryce__: bryce as in DAS bryce?01:40
gr4p3stritium: Wasn't using it in that way... I was trying to explain what I thought powersource had meant.01:41
bryce__oh, no01:41
tritiumgr4p3s: ok01:41
Guest75026how do i share a DSL linux connection via adhoc wireless with another pc running windows xp ?01:41
Jordan_UGuest75026: System > Preferences > Networking. Create a new wireless connection and in the ipv4 tab choose method "Shared"01:41
ZaNeIuMas in the national park?01:41
bryce__oh ahahah the canyon?01:41
bryce__or valley or whatever it is01:42
ZaNeIuMyes, your named after that?01:42
Guest75026Jordan_U: this method doesn`t work...the windows xp computer can`t connect to the wireless network...it`s rejecting01:42
powersourcebastid_razor: it has, but the screen is too small to find a 4 letter name while scrolling01:42
ZaNeIuMcool, i use bryce often01:42
redhazei need helpp01:42
edbianredhaze, With whatt?01:42
bryce__redhaze: just ask what you need help with01:42
redhazei just got the samsung behold 2 and im locked out01:42
bryce__isn't that a phone?01:43
kraitoshow can i put all my files so they are back to their default use?01:43
Jordan_UGuest75026: Rejecting how?01:43
redhazeim tryin to give andoird a chance01:43
Guest75026Jordan_U: it says it can`t connect01:43
plustaxGuys, my keyboard or mouse won't work when I open firefox or xchat01:43
plustaxcan someone help me out?01:43
bazhangredhaze, how is that related to ubuntu01:43
edbiankraitos, I can give you a command to change them to some permission setting but there is not "undo"01:43
Guest75026what i`m trying to connect it says disconnected01:43
bryce__redhaze: this a irc for ubuntu linux, not phones01:44
plustaxbazhang think you can answer that question?01:44
m0se5My dual monitors only work in gnome. How do I make them work using xfce or kde? Ubuntu 9.10 using a ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series graphics card.01:44
plustaxGuys, my keyboard or mouse won't work when I open firefox or xchat01:44
redhazeidk im in need of help can somone point me in dir01:44
musictotoredhaze: #android01:44
bryce__or google it?01:44
bazhangredhaze, try /msg alis list *android*  ; chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:44
plustaxI figured out the issue.01:47
plustaxI open firefox and it only displays the home screen. It's frozen. I can type in the url bar and hit enter and it takes me to a site (as the nav bar says) but my browser is still showing me the home screen01:48
=== Jamed_ is now known as Guest90536
plustaxalso it doesnt show me typing. It just looks frozen.01:49
kraitosedbian, what is it and how do i run it?01:49
plustaxSo can anyone help me?01:49
jellowplustax: run firefox from terminal see if show any erros01:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:50
plustaxjellow  it says glib-warning ** g_set_prgname() called multiple times01:51
plustaxthen it opened it up. and I had the same issue.01:51
m0se5My dual monitors only work in gnome. How do I make them work using xfce or kde? Ubuntu 9.10 using an ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series graphics card.01:51
plustaxexcept this time a black bar was on the browser window01:51
ZeonisisIs 9.10 compatible with the Dell Inspiron 1525?01:51
tritiumZeonisis: yes01:51
ZeonisisAny required drivers?01:51
plustaxjellow I have tried update and upgrade. I am up to date. I think I might have the wrong video driver or something?01:52
plustaxbut my keyboard doesnt work in IRC either. Which is weird.01:52
Zeonisistritium: Any required drivers besides the standards?01:52
syockitZeonisis: If that Dell has similar spec to my Studio 1525, then you might need to get ATI binary driver01:52
jellowplustax: You have nvidia drivers ?01:52
tritiumZeonisis: not that I'm aware of01:53
Zeonisissyockit: How? Where?01:53
Zeonisistritium: Thanks01:53
etfbgr4p3s, I've downloaded Deluge.  For some reason it doesn't recognise the partly downloaded episode I'm torrenting now, so I'll continue to use Transmission till it finishes, then switch over permanently.01:53
tritiumZeonisis: ATI drivers are avialable from the restricted drivers manager, which should automatically prompt you with a suggestion to install the proprietary drivers shortly after install.01:54
syockitZeonisis: ATI binary driver can be gotten from official ATI website. You might need to find the howto in ubuntuforums.org if you're not sure how to install01:54
jellowplustax: Delete your .mozzila in /home before you mess with drivers01:54
syockittritium: would that get him the latest driver?01:54
tritiumsyockit: please don't recommend ati.com downloads01:54
tritiumsyockit: it'll get him the current version of fglrx in the repos01:55
syockittritium: i don't know, I had problems using the driver from the restricted driver manager01:55
gr4p3setfb: Change Deluge's settings so it downloads to the same folder that the partially downloaded files are already in. And if it still doesn't work, force a recheck. Btw, I'm kinda in and out, so if you message me again, i might not reply for a while.01:55
kinja-sheepgr4p3s: http://tinyurl.com/yauun2z :)01:55
jellowplustax: rm -rf .mozilla , this will DELETE your bookmarks , Then try firefox agian01:56
gr4p3skinja-sheep: wow, that's really good info. o.O I used to use kTorrent, but I dont like KDE apps on GNOME, and Transmission is too... weird for me. I like how Vuze looks, but it uses up too much RAM compared to Deluge. Thanks for the link though!01:57
inferno_daulXEON<3Hi Everyone01:58
m0se5My dual monitors only work in gnome. How do I make them work using xfce or kde? Ubuntu 9.10 using an ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series graphics card.01:58
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usr13!hi | inferno_daulXEON01:58
ubottuinferno_daulXEON: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!01:58
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matuis there a way to change the wallpaper on netbook remix 9.10 ?01:59
inferno_daulXEONI'm having a strange issue I finally got time to troubleshoot:::::::: When I boot, ubuntu fails to start gdm because of an issue with the graphics card it seems. So I log in and then "startx" and gdm comes up fine... then about 5 minutes later it shows me the login screen, so I log in and everything resumes... Its doing the right things but IN THE WRONG ORDER! >.<02:01
inferno_daulXEONIm using an ASRock-G45Twins-FullHD motherboard with the included pci digital display card02:02
ChogyDaninferno_daulXEON: what versions have you tested on?02:02
inferno_daulXEONChogyDan  When I upgraded to Karmic this started02:03
inferno_daulXEONChogyDan the original install was on a gigabyte ga-ep45-ud3p board, then I swapped it for the ASRock. It worked fine for a week then I went to karmic.  It hasn't been a life threatening issue so I've just been dealing with it02:04
matuit is possible using gnome-control-center02:07
inferno_daulXEONr00tintheb0x    w00t? did you fr4g a n3wb?02:07
r00tintheb0xhahhaha, naah.02:07
r00tintheb0xJust feeling w00tly tonight.02:07
inferno_daulXEONmost excellent indeed02:08
r00tintheb0xtrue, true.02:08
r00tintheb0xI hate ensim.02:08
inferno_daulXEONI hate long render times02:08
inferno_daulXEONI'm sitting pretty on  15 minutes per frame >.<02:09
Edgar1i have no sound after i resume a hibernate in my system...what can I do to get the sound back?02:09
inferno_daulXEONEdgar1 are you using the headphone jack or SPDIF02:10
Edgar1a simple stereo speaker02:10
Edgar1in my system i have a c-media sound car02:10
n1lqjupgraded two machines to karmic, neither has a working mic input now on any soundcard, anyone heard of this problem?02:11
inferno_daulXEONRight Click on the volume icon to pull up the sound controls. - See if your hardware is listed :: Edgar1 and n1lqj02:11
Scunizin1lqj: check to see if it's set for digital or analogue02:12
Edgar1analog i see02:12
inferno_daulXEONChogyDan you have any clue as to the source of my issues? or do I need tissues and the whaaaaambulance02:12
ScuniziEdgan: n1lqj change to the opposite and retest :)02:12
Edgar1i have no digital option :-/02:13
r00tintheb0xUgh, I can't log into this freakin server02:13
ScuniziEdgan: n1lqj also click the 20db boost button02:13
* r00tintheb0x bangs head on keyboard.02:13
n1lqjI am not seeing these things.  this is very different from 9.04 :(  and there is no digital option on this machine02:13
Edgar1the same for me and Im in 9.1002:14
inferno_daulXEONEdgar1: n1lqj Im assuming if your smart enough to log into irc, youve already checked the speakers are on and all volume levels are up?02:14
Edgar1right Im smart enough02:14
Edgar1even that i have checked the gstreamer-properties for every devices02:14
n1lqjsound out works, sound in does not.  I use these computers for ham radio and no mic inputs since upgrade.  sound out works fine02:14
Scunizin1lqj: doing packet?02:15
iKernelEdgar1, hm try lsof /dev/snd/* maybe there's some proggy using your sound device that you dont know about02:15
NamVetcan't access any of my file in the Places folder thru GUI only in Terminal or applications02:15
n1lqjpsk31, but can't get audio mic to work in karmic so I'm not worried about psk31 yet02:15
n1lqjbooting laptop, still 9.04 I think02:16
n1lqjwill do reality check on mic02:16
Edgar1this is what i got: http://pastebin.com/d40c480f502:16
m0se5My dual monitors only work in gnome. How do I make them work using xfce or kde? Ubuntu 9.10 using an ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series graphics card.02:16
Edgar1iKernel ^02:16
jellowHow can i tunnel P2P through a server, Any recomendations?02:17
DrManhattanI am trying to boot the livecd an I am getting the error- initramfs unable to find a medium containing a live file system  - I have a system with an ide cdrom and an sata hard drive - I have tried the irqpoll and all-generic-ide boot options but nothing appears to help.02:17
NamVetI got this advice from Dr_Willis but I don't know how. "you could move the broken users .gnome* and .gconf* directories somewhere, then login as that user. and it should 'reset' your gnome settings back to defaults"02:17
n1lqjalready upgraded laptop :(02:17
inferno_daulXEONWould anyone happen to know why GDM gives errors starting and times out until I log in, in text mode and startx. Everything is fine after that? except for after a min or two it dumps me to the login screen and i type a pass and it goes away02:17
inferno_daulXEONjellow You just want to forward the ports?02:17
Edgar1iKernel what can i do now with that? [Results: http://pastebin.com/d40c480f5]02:18
n1lqjgreat, upgraded 3 computers to 9.10 and no mic input on all three computers, ugh!02:18
jellowinferno_daulXEON: no , I want tunnel all P2P data through a server and back to me02:18
jackstrawwhat's up everyone02:19
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jackstrawheard that.02:19
iKernelEdgar1, you need to make sure which ever program you're using has pulseaudio supprot02:19
iKernelI think pulseaudio happily takes sound from apps with alsa plugins though02:20
jackstrawhow do i make an installation usb for karmic?02:20
Dr_WillisNamVet:  rename/move those directories..  * is a wild card meaning .gnome(anything)02:20
Dr_WillisNamVet:  and the . in the name means the dirs are normally 'hidden'02:20
Edgar1iKernel i think that rhythmbox and gnome use pulseaudio02:20
inferno_daulXEONjellow:  are you looking to torrent using a proxy?02:20
jackstraw>> just wondering, stuck in a hotel without any blank cd's handy, and jaunty doesn't appear to work properly on this model table tx200002:21
jellowinferno_daulXEON: yes , Is that safe , can peers see my real ip?02:21
osmosis_When Lucid Lynx LTS comes out, will I be able to upgrade right from Hardy Heron LTS, or will I have to go to Intrepid, Jaunty, Karmic, and then Lucid??02:21
inferno_daulXEONjackstraw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:22
NamVetI did a cd and a ls and saw them but don't know what to do w/ them i know your supposed to use mv but don't know how. When I do a help or man it is too confusing. Too new to understand how those work yet02:22
n1lqjokay pumping output of laptop into line in of soundcard and nada02:22
Dr_WillisNamVet:  'mv oneitem otheritem'02:23
inferno_daulXEONjellow: Safe is a relative term. Can peers see the ip - only of the first box the traffic hits. Can an ISP see it? most likely? Can they do anything about it ? nope02:23
Polterge|stcan anyone in here tell me what the command is to reconfigure the keyboard layout using dpkg ?02:23
Dr_WillisNamVet:  or use the file manager and drag/drop themn into somne other directory.  use alt-h to shiow hidden files.02:23
NamVetfile manager? is that a gui?02:24
Polterge|sta friend of mine is using Mint and I cannot find the Mint channel but since it is based on Ubuntu I thought trying what works in Ubuntu for that might possibly work in Mint also , so I am wanting to know how to reconfigure the keyboard package in Ubuntu02:24
jellowinferno_daulXEON: can i use a http proxy or does it have to be a P2P port?02:24
Polterge|stI do not know if the package names are the same in Ubuntu and Mint for kdb because different repos but I thought it might be worth a try02:25
NamVetDr_Willis is the file manager a gui?02:25
jackstrawPoltergeist> nooo idea.02:25
jackstrawno clue.02:25
ajamison5579what version of x.org is included with 9.1002:25
jackstrawjellow> use a vpn my nigga02:25
m0se5Polterge|st, I think it's sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:25
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Polterge|stah thank you02:25
Polterge|stthat will probably work02:25
inferno_daulXEONjellow:  ditto what jackstraw said02:25
Polterge|streconfig'ing X is a good way to tweak all of the settings02:25
NamVetDr_Willis the file manager is Nautilus?02:25
jellowVPN are a pin too set up02:26
Samus_Aranwhere has the manual partitioner gone in the Ubuntu installer ?02:26
nisstyre65Polterge|st; did you try /list ctrl+f mint ?02:27
inferno_daulXEONPolterge|st: its now    "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"02:27
m0se5My dual monitors only work in gnome. How do I make them work using xfce or kde? Ubuntu 9.10 using an ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series graphics card.02:27
inferno_daulXEONsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   no longer works02:27
jellowplustax: any luck?02:28
plustaxno luck sir.02:28
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plustaxIt fixed it for a sec02:28
plustaxthen I restarted firefox. same issue.02:28
Samus_Aranm0se5: you could do it manually by editing your xorg.conf file02:28
inferno_daulXEONall this helping jellow makes me want Jello02:28
plustaxjellow could you check your pm?02:29
Samus_Araninferno_daulXEON: nothing like a nice bowl of boiled bones, cartiledge and skin.  nom-nom-nom.02:29
m0se5Samus_Aran, I'm understood that xorg.conf isn't used anymore in Ubuntu 9.1002:29
NamVetAnybody: In Karmic Koala OS is the file mgr Nautilus?02:30
inferno_daulXEONSamus_Aran: Yea its better with dried blood flakes.02:30
m0se5Samus_Aran, anything I save in there doesn't seem to affect anything.02:30
Samus_Aranm0se5: that is incorrect.  xorg.conf can't go away so long as Xorg is not psychic.  it tries to automagically do things, when it fails, you use the config02:30
Samus_Araninferno_daulXEON: I mean that's what gelatin is.02:30
EastDallasNamVet: Yes02:30
NamVetThank you EastDallas/ Mesquite here :)02:31
inferno_daulXEONSamus_Aran: I know... and I also know glue is made from horses but that didnt stop me from eating that either02:31
EastDallasNamVet: Hey Neighbor!02:31
Samus_Araninferno_daulXEON: I guess indifference is bliss.02:31
Polterge|stthere are no mint channels around02:31
Polterge|stanyway though it probably is not needed02:31
Samus_Aranm0se5: you could try opening up the Gnome setting app from XFCE4 or KDE02:31
Polterge|stmore than likely the ubuntu commands will work02:31
NamVetEastDallas Hey neighbor, how do I access Nautilus file mgr?02:31
EastDallasNamVet: Choose anything from the places menu.02:32
NamVetEastDallas, that is my problem nothing in the Places folder opens, the timer spins and quit w/ no Joy02:32
kraitosall my music files are set to be executive files, how do i change this?02:33
Samus_Arankraitos: is it on a Unix filesystem, or a Windows filesystem ?02:33
EastDallasNamVet: Try running from a terminal: nautilus02:33
inferno_daulXEONI need help.... I don't know what's going on. Ubuntu fails to start graphically and makes me console login.. but then i can startx and everything is awesome... WTF man!02:33
NamVetEastDallas do you have the exact cmd? Newbie here.02:33
EastDallasNamVet: nautilus02:34
kraitosSamus_Aran: on ubunut 9.10 ( linux)02:34
Samus_Araninferno_daulXEON: I would recommend installing the old version of GDM (or use KDM), the new one is rather buggy02:34
Samus_Arankraitos: that's not what I asked02:34
Samus_Arankraitos: what filesystem are your MP3s located on ?02:34
NamVetEastDallas thx EastDallas I'll give it a shot02:34
hexbasehey, i get this while compiling:libtool: install: error: relink `opt.la' with the above command before installing it02:34
Samus_Arankraitos: e.g. Ext3, FAT32, NTFS, ReiserFS, XFS, etc.02:34
hexbasehow to i solve that?02:34
EastDallasNamVet: let me know what errors it gives if it won't open.02:34
DaZ_hexbase: why do you compile it? :f02:35
kraitosSamus_Aran: their on a Fat32 partition i created on my computer02:35
hexbaseDaZ_: because i want to =)02:35
inferno_daulXEONSamus_Aran: I don't get it... it works fine but it needs me to login first? it seems like something must have a permissions issue or somethigns wrong with the splash or login screen.02:35
JMONEYI get an error while trying to install: mount: mounting /dev/loop0 //filesystem.squashfs failed: invalid argument02:35
hexbaseDaZ_: its libxfcegui02:36
JMONEYfrom CD02:36
NamVetEastDallas coming up; got errors02:36
Samus_Arankraitos: FAT32 partitions don't have Unix permissions (such as read/write/execute) or users or groups, so when it is mounted there is one permission for all files, one for all directories, one group, one username.  for the entire filesystem02:36
JMONEYI burnt 2 diff cds02:36
JMONEYsame problem02:36
Samus_Arankraitos: you can edit the /etc/fstab line if you want to remove the execute permissions from files02:36
JMONEYTho I can install inside windows but i dont want that02:36
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: did you check the integrity of the cd in the installer environment ?02:36
loshaJMONEY: *still* struggling with this? It's been 24 hours at least...02:36
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, yeah02:36
JMONEYlosha, yea02:36
JMONEYI know02:36
Samus_Arankraitos: why do you want to remove the execute permissions, by the way ?02:36
JMONEYI dont know what to do02:37
JMONEYIts wired02:37
loshaJMONEY: has this machine ever run ubuntu before?02:37
kraitosSamus_Aran: i want to remove them from my music files, everything else works fine02:37
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY:  Can you rip a dvd drive out of another machine and try that?02:37
NamVetEastDallas (nautilus:2657): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed02:37
NamVet** (nautilus:2657): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'UploadFinished'02:37
NamVet** (nautilus:2657): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'DownloadFinished'02:37
NamVet** (nautilus:2657): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'ShareCreateError'02:37
NamVetInitializing nautilus-gdu extension02:37
JMONEYI ran openbsd freebsd b402:37
NamVetSegmentation fault02:37
FloodBot1NamVet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:37
Samus_Arankraitos: what doesn't work ?02:37
kraitosSamus_Aran: i want to remove them because i can't add it to amarok02:38
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, I even try installing from/to a usb drive02:38
Samus_Arankraitos: do you have a line in /etc/fstab for your FAT32 partition ?02:38
JMONEYnot work02:38
EastDallasNamVet: go to http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the errors there.  Then post the link here.02:38
loshaJMONEY: well that's a good sign, but they use totally different kernels. In your place, I would try downloading 8.04 instead. It's had tons of bugfixing and is probably the most stable of all the ubuntus...02:38
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY:  I had a friend with a similar issue. His drive just simply would NOT work under linux. only windows. Can you try a different drive?02:38
Samus_Arankraitos: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab02:38
heoaHow can I send stdout to spawned window?02:38
heoaerr program02:38
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: You got the SAME ERROR? from a usb install?02:38
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, yes02:39
NamVetEastDallas thank you, I was afraid that would happen. sry all02:39
Samus_Aranheoa: command1 | command202:39
JMONEYsame error02:39
JMONEYlosha, thanks02:39
kraitosSamus_Aran: were exactly should it say it.02:39
JMONEYI have installed linux b4 on this box02:39
JMONEYThats why I dont understand why is not working02:39
loshaJMONEY: inferno_daulXEON: my current motherboard won't boot from sata cdroms, I had to add an ide cdrom to make it boot. But if you've booted *bsd with the same hardware, that's not *your* issue....02:40
kraitosSamus_Aran: Fat32 is nowere in there02:40
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: stupid but how did you download the ISO02:40
JMONEYfrom windows02:40
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: torrent? http? ftp?02:41
kraitosSamus_Aran: actually the only file system on their are the one for linux. the ext4 and swap formats02:41
NamVetEastDallas i put it there at the link, don't know how that works. Hope I did it right02:41
EastDallasNamVet: What version of Ubuntu?02:41
heoaSamus_Aran: I mean if I spawn nethack with ! or lynx with !, how can I source or run things for them?02:41
NamVetEastDallas 9.1002:41
JMONEYfrom: http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download02:41
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: Have you checked the MD5 of the ISO against the posted ones on the ubuntu site02:41
heoaSamus_Aran: the terminal is just an emulation there02:42
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, yes I checked that md502:42
EastDallasNamVet: post the link to the page you get after you pressed send02:42
Samus_Arankraitos: then it's auto-mounting it, and I don't know how to change permissions for Gnome's auto-mounter02:42
hexbasehey, how do i execute 2 commands in the same line?02:42
hexbasein bash02:42
NamVetEastDallas this all started trying to put Adobe Flashplayer so i could see YouTube vids.02:42
Samus_Aranheoa: what does "spawn app with !" mean ?02:42
NamVetEastDallas okay02:42
bastid_razorhexbase: command1 && command 2 .. the && will make command 2 wait til command 1 is finished02:43
Samus_Aranhexbase: do you want it to wait for the first command to finish, or run both simultaneously ?02:43
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: Have you tried redownloading the iso yet?02:43
loshainferno_daulXEON: you weren't here, but we checked all the obvious easy stuff yesterday. That's why I say it's time for JMONEY to try 8.04 LTS02:43
NamVetEastDallas  http://paste.ubuntu.com/350204/02:43
hexbasebastid_razor: thanks02:43
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, yes I downloaded 2 of them already02:43
Dr_WillisNamVet:  I think you may of done somthing else really goofy. Installing flash really has nothing to do with teh gnome desktop02:43
kraitosSamus_Aran: right, is that the only way of fixing it.02:43
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: Im just trying to cover all the basis. I dont think your a d00f02:43
JMONEYlosha, I'm going to download now.02:43
Samus_Aranbastid_razor: that's not quite correct.  && will only run the second command if the first one was successfull02:43
loshab0zos: why are you PM'ing me?02:43
JMONEYU guys are very helpful02:43
JMONEYthanks alot02:43
NamVetDr_Willis , I agree whole heartedly, got some bad advice02:44
JMONEYlosha, he pmin me 202:44
eltumecan someone help me get my xchat toolbar back with the options for server, channels etc02:44
Samus_Arankraitos: you need to alter the mount options (umask, specifically)02:44
JMONEYlosha, so if I download 8.04 can I upgrade to 9.10 ?02:44
eltumei accidently deleted02:44
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY:  What was the full error again. It was about squashfs. not properly mounting during install02:44
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, yeah02:45
kraitosSamus_Aran, how exactly do i do that?02:45
EastDallasNamVet:  How did you install Flash?02:45
loshaJMONEY: yes, though it's a long process, and we aren't even sure if 9.10 will run on your hardware. There are worse things than being stuck at 8.04....02:45
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: invalid arguments02:45
NamVetEastDallas never did get it to install02:45
JMONEYlosha, I did install inside of windows and it worked.02:45
Samus_Arankraitos: as I said, I don't know how to change Gnome's auto-mounter.  I don't use Gnome, and don't like things being done automatically.  I know how to do everything manually.02:45
JMONEYthe wubu thingy02:45
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EastDallasNamVet:  How were you trying to install it?02:46
kraitosSamus_Aran, what do you use then02:46
NamVetEastDallas think i tried the something z , then .deb i am sure it was all wrong02:46
EastDallasNamVet: Are you familiar with Synaptic?02:46
Samus_Arankraitos: ICEWM for my window manager.  GNU Screen / Bash for much of my work02:46
eltumecan someone help me get the top toolbar of xchat back. I accidently deleted it and now I can't change irc servers or irc channels. ???02:46
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY:  see I dont understand the error. It doesnt make much sense logically. SquashFS is a readonly filesystem.. and its trying to mount something to it? I dont know a crapload about the install steps02:46
Samus_Araneltume: ask in #XChat02:46
NamVetYes, I used aptget but the os was already toast02:47
JMONEYthats the error02:47
loshaJMONEY: interesting. But it seems clear that we don't understand why you seem unable to install 9.10 onto disk. 8.04 would be an interesting data point, and give you something to work with. There's always virtualbox too if you wish....02:47
eltumeSamus_Aryan, keyword: I CAN'T CHANGE IRC SERVERS OR CHANNEL02:47
Samus_Araninferno_daulXEON: mounting a filesystem does not cause a write to that filesystem, it merely comandeers that particular directory, hiding the contents of it while the mount is going on02:47
xdemohello, anybody know the package name needed to fix:   ./popstation_GUI: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:47
NamVetEastDallas I installed a downloader opensource so now I download the vids to watch them02:47
tvaughneltume: /join #xchat02:48
kraitosSamus_Aran: well, thanks for the help.02:48
Samus_Araneltume: yelling at people is not helpful, it's rude.  simply type /join #XChat02:48
JMONEYI wonder why everybody else can Install 9.10 from CD and I can't02:48
ubuntu_Jmoney omg mee too!!!02:48
goghsomeone can answer a basic "mdadm" question?02:48
loshaJMONEY: if we knew the answer to that, we'd have solved your problem....02:48
Samus_Arangogh: if you ask the question, probably02:48
JMONEYubuntu_ you got the same problem ?02:48
Samus_Arangogh: if you get no answer, ask in ##Linux02:49
icerootgogh: how should we know it without a question02:49
JMONEYlosha, yeah I know02:49
eltumeSamus_Aran, apology. I found it anyway CTRL + F902:49
NamVetEastDallas  I saved pictures of what the errors were but should of saved pictures of the cmds that screwed everything up. I will in the future02:49
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ubuntu_Jmoney Yes! omg im in tears etc. like I cant get past the partitioning phase because it wont show its just a blank screen is that you too ?02:49
JMONEYubuntu_ no I cant even get to that point02:50
NamVetEastDallas I should bookmark this ubuntu pastebin?02:50
Dayofswords_ /msg NickServ IDENTIFY pokemon102:50
Samus_Aranubuntu_: use the alternative install CD, that's what it's for02:50
EastDallasNamVet:  Normally, you can install everything from within Synaptic.  Including Flash.  Don't worry about bookmarking that pastebin.  you can reproduce the error02:50
shawn146days ofswords02:50
JMONEYubuntu_ I boot from install cd.. I hit Install -- and get a mount error02:50
Samus_AranJMONEY: have you used the alternative install CD ?02:50
icerootDayofswords_: change the password, FAST02:50
shawn146you said that outloud02:50
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: Which build are you trying to use?02:50
JMONEYSamus_Aran, nah02:50
Dayofswords_ /msg NickServ help02:50
Samus_AranJMONEY: and did you check the disc for defects ?02:50
JMONEYubuntu 9.1002:51
JMONEYSamus_Aran, I can't do that02:51
icerootDayofswords_: without " " at start02:51
JMONEYIt gives me the same mount message02:51
ubuntu_jmoney maybe your disk has an error ?02:51
kraitosmy music on a Fat32 filesystem keeps getting read as an executive file, can anyone help?02:51
ctmjrDayofswords: you should do that in a server channel02:51
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: I meant is it 32/64 desktop/server and is it the alternate?02:51
ZaNeIuMis there a command in the terminal to dected/setup dhcp?02:51
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, I just downloaded from the ubuntu.com site02:51
ActionParsnipyo yo yo02:52
JMONEYthis is the iso file i have: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso02:52
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: OK Can you try the ubuntu 9.10 alternate i386?02:52
EastDallasNamVet:  Take a look at this link:  There's a patch near the end: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/45423402:53
NamVetEastDallas Okay, thanks02:53
shawn146ok i need some help with some disk partitioning software called Qnome Partitioner02:53
goghwell, thats right... I'll ask ;) -> I want to create a raid1 array with mdadm. I wondered what would happen if my partitions on disks were not exactly the same size so I tried. If I create the array with the first partition and then add a partition way smaller that the existing one and "assemble" it, it seems to work... This looks dangerous. Why do mdadm allows that... What happens if I write more data than the size of the02:53
gogh partition02:53
tvaughnhow do i do manual partitioning in ubuntu server 9.10?02:53
NamVetEastDallas do I need to sign in?02:53
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ActionParsniptvaughn: its part of the install process02:54
tvaughnActionParsnip: its not there02:54
shawn146actionparsnip do you know hwo to use GParted?02:54
inferno_daulXEONtvaughn: What? Its in the first couple steps?02:54
tvaughnActionParsnip: ive got Config software raid, config lvm, config encrypted volumes, and config iscsi volumes02:55
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, you mean ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso ?02:55
alain_somebody help me with my pinnacle pctv 70e02:55
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY:   yes.02:55
ActionParsnipshawn146: sure02:55
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, whats the differ ?02:55
EastDallasNamVet:  I was able to view it without signing in.02:55
shawn146can i use it to make a different partition in ntfs?02:55
inferno_daulXEONIts got extra crap and a text based installer02:56
alain_i find a page but i don't know use02:56
loshashawn146: never heard of it. You even have to persuade google that you don't really mean 'gnome partitioner'.Why aren't you using qparted like everyone else?02:56
karma_policeanyone know if 10.4 is going to have a better flash alternative?02:56
NamVetEastDallas is this where the patch is? https://launchpad.net/~erez-volk/+archive/nautilus02:56
Samus_AranZaNeIuM: do you use Gnome ?  because if you do, you'll need to disable Gnome's network manager before using the console based one02:56
kraitosmy music on my external (fat32 file system) keeps getting read like it has executive permission02:56
ActionParsniptvaughn: you could use a live cd to configure partitions first02:57
ActionParsnip!lucid | karma_police02:57
ubottukarma_police: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:57
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: I have to use the alternates all the time because I need extra features and configurations from them. Also, being text based, theres no video issues during install02:57
tvaughnActionParsnip: theres no way to do it otherwise?02:57
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: you want the download url?02:57
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, I got it already02:57
loshakarma_police: flash mostly works ok if you install it ok. It was a mess initially I admit....02:57
shawn146GParted is Gnome Partitioner02:57
Samus_Aranboo @ Lynx, that's already the name of a web browser.  should have gone for Lucid Leopard or Lucid Llama  :p02:58
ActionParsniptvaughn: ive not used the server install. I always use minimal. but its always had the ability to create custom partition sizes02:58
EastDallasNamVet: Yes, click the link.  you can add the ppa by following the instrux under "adding this ppa to your system".02:58
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: can you download it via torrent? That will verify that you dont get a corrupted download02:58
Samus_Aranshawn146: "GNU Parted".02:58
ActionParsnipshawn146: what?02:58
NamVetEastDallas rgr ty02:58
ActionParsnipshawn146: ?02:58
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, yeah thnaks02:58
shawn146GParted is Gnome Partitioner02:58
ActionParsnipshawn146: yes.......?02:58
inferno_daulXEONJMONEY: Cool, best of luck02:58
shawn146how do i use ity02:59
JMONEYinferno_daulXEON, thanks alot.02:59
ActionParsnipshawn146: gksudo gparted02:59
Polterge|stI have one other question for you guys ... what is the key combination in Ubuntu to cycle through video modes ?02:59
alain_help with my pinnacle please02:59
loshashawn146: you asked about Qnome. Was that a typo?02:59
shawn146no that was a spelling error of mine02:59
Dr_WillisPolterge|st:  ages ago the key combo alt-ctrl-NUMPAD + and - could do that. Not sure if that still works03:00
Samus_Aranshawn146: "GParted (abbreviated as GPT) is a GTK+ frontend to GNU Parted and the official GNOME Partition Editor application."  thought it was just an abreviation for GNU Parted, but it's a front-end03:00
loshashawn146: nice of you to finally mention that...03:00
kraitosi can't add music to amarok can anyone help?03:00
shawn146how do i use it03:00
Samus_AranJMONEY: the web site also has md5 checksums of all downloads, so if you do a direct download, check that after03:00
Samus_Arankraitos: what happens when you click on the executable mp3 files ?03:01
JMONEYSamus_Aran, thanks I've tried that too03:01
ActionParsnipshawn146: its too complicated to discuss here, there are lots and lots of guides online03:01
loshaJMONEY: I notice that google turns up quite a few matches on the error you report. You're obviously not the only person who's run into this issue, but I haven'03:01
shawn146...i just want to make a small ntfs partition03:01
loshaJMONEY: I notice that google turns up quite a few matches on the error you report. You're obviously not the only person who's run into this issue, but I haven't seen any solutions offhand.....03:01
JMONEYlosha, yeah thats why I came here03:02
ActionParsnipshawn146: you need to install ntfs-progs03:02
ActionParsnip!info ntfs-progs03:02
ubottuPackage ntfs-progs does not exist in karmic03:02
alain_help with my pinnacle please03:02
kraitosSamus_Aran: nothing, it looks like it's trying to load or execute something03:02
Dayofswordsiceroot:sorry about that, changed03:02
Samus_AranJMONEY: anyhow, the alternate installer is there for everyone that has any issues with the main one.  it's far more fool-proof and bug-free03:02
Samus_AranJMONEY: it's just not quite as "pretty"03:02
ActionParsnipshawn146: ntfsprogs03:03
ActionParsnip!info ntfsprogs03:03
loshashawn146: apt-cache search ntfs03:03
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 280 kB, installed size 728 kB03:03
JMONEYSamus_Aran, aslong I can install Im good03:03
alain_help with my pinnacle please03:03
kraitosSamus_Aran, if i right click > open with > and choose vlc it'll play but that is the only way i can make it play.03:03
ActionParsnip!info alain_03:03
Samus_Arankraitos: if you right-click > properties, then go to the open with tab, what is selected ?03:03
ubottuPackage alain_ does not exist in karmic03:03
loshaalain_: some details might be useful....03:03
ActionParsnip!details | alain_03:03
ubottualain_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:03
NamVetEastDallas: what would happen if i uninstalled Nautilus in Synaptic then reinstalled it?03:04
shawn146ok i did the search03:04
ActionParsnipshawn146: i gave you the package you need03:04
loshaNamVet: in theory, you'd be back where you started....03:04
NamVetlosha: w/ the problems or fixed?03:05
EastDallasNamVet, losha:  What if he completely removed it?03:05
kraitosSamus_Aran, it's got vlc, archive manager, image viewer, and movie player.03:05
alain_i have a pinnacle pctv 70 e and i like to instal in karmic koala but i don't know03:05
speedyhakhi  how i install compiz on backtrack403:05
ipatrolMy install isn't working03:05
bastid_razorspeedyhak: ask in a backtrack4 channel?03:06
EastDallasNamVet: losha: as opposed to regular removal03:06
EastDallasNamvet: It's worth a shot03:06
ipatrolI've seen the grey ubuntu symbol for three hours03:06
xdrrspeedyhak: it should already be there, what version?03:06
alain_i have url that explain who install but i cant install03:06
loshaNamVet: sorry, but that depends on why the problem is there in the first place. If it's a misconfig, reinstalling might fix it. No guarantees though, sorry...03:06
ipatrolWhat's wrong?03:06
speedyhakversion 403:06
kraitosSamus_Aran: when i go to open with another program it says "file type to be opened: executable"03:06
NamVetEastDallas: losha: i'll give it a shot.03:07
loshaNamVet: good luck....03:07
xdrrspeedyhak: I havent used it in a while, but are you able to check if compiz is installed?03:07
xdrrthe remote-exploit team moved to ubuntu so im not sure what 3d changes they made03:07
speedyhakyes i installed all packge for compiz03:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:07
speedyhakbut icant active using compiz03:08
ipatrolstupid caps03:08
ipatrolCan I have some help03:08
ipatrolwith my install03:08
xdrrippatrol: whats the problem?03:08
iqbalawhat is a good Video CD to DVD tool ?03:08
alain_hello, my problem is I can not install my Pinnacle PCTV 70e. I looked at several pages where they have succeeded but I am not able to make it work. Koalay karmic want to use to run the final card to use linux. thanks03:09
ipatrolxdrr: The installer, well, stalled03:09
loshaiqbala: I like handbrake, personally....03:09
=== Dayofswords_ is now known as Dayofswords
ctmjralain_: plug it in and run this in a terminal dmesg | grep em28xx03:09
Samus_Arankraitos: what are you trying to open it with ?03:09
bahodirhey guys, how to restore default file type association?03:09
NamVetEastDallas: Nautilus completely removed allong w/ desktop and Gnome should I log out and log back in then reinstall it?03:10
xdrripatrol: This installed is it the standard installed for debian\ubuntu ? or something else (gui/term)?03:10
iqbalalosha: it does not read video cd file.. i get errors like this http://pastebin.com/d73c74ff203:10
ipatrolxddrr: The gray ubuntu icon has been there for hours03:10
kraitosSamus_Aran: i'm trying to add all my music to amarok03:10
Samus_Aranbahodir: in what ?03:10
bahodirubuntu gnome03:10
EastDallasNamVet: You completely removed gnome?03:10
shawn146where can i learn how to use gparted?03:10
Samus_Arankraitos: don't you do that through Amarok's interface ?03:10
Dr_WillisNamVet:   what did you remove exactly?03:10
NamVetEastDallas that is what it said it was going to do w/ config files also03:10
ipatrolxdrr: I booted from CD, which said four files were corrupted03:11
Samus_Arankraitos: anyhow, just right-click > properties, open with, then add Amarok as the default command.  if it's not in the list, go to custom command, and locate /usr/bin/amarok03:11
xdrripatrol: ok thats prob why its stalled, did you download an ISO?03:11
ZaNeIuMhow do i check the date a file was created in the terminal?03:11
kraitosSamus_Aran: yes but it gets to 98% and it doesn't do anything. and when i try to do 1 sond at a time it won't do anything either03:11
NamVetDr_Willis Nautilus which was w/ Desktop and Gnome03:11
Dr_WillisNamVet:  err.. why did you do this?03:11
loshaiqbala: I've had trouble with videocds before. Can you play the file with mplayer or vlc?03:11
ipatrolxdrr: I got the iso via torrent03:11
Samus_Arankraitos: what gets to 98% ?03:11
EastDallasNamVet: I would try re-installing the package called ubuntu-desktop and don't log out first03:11
iqbalalosha: no..03:12
bahodir Samus_Aran: can you help me? When I try to open any file, it opens with a text editor03:12
ctmjr!pm | alain_03:12
ubottualain_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:12
ipatrolxdrr: the first hash check failed, but I just redid it and it suceeded03:12
Samus_Aranbahodir: in what, Gnome/Nautilus ?03:12
kraitosSamus_Aran: the bar on amarok saying that it's 98% complete scanning my music and adding it03:12
iqbalalosha: right now i am using vcdxrip to convert the dat files to mpg and then adding the tracks to handbrake.. that works fine03:12
xdrripatrol: if you can check the version ill see if i can find you a good md5 hash otherwise you can check on the site for the ISO MD5 and ensure its correct with your torrented version just incase that is a bad one03:12
bahodirSamus_Aran: yes nautilus03:12
Samus_Arankraitos: this sounds like an Amarok issue, not one of executable files03:12
NamVetEastDallas: Dr_Willis: had to do something been reading forums & logs until I am blue in the face like i said this has been going on for almost 3wks. at my end on this.03:13
alain_how i paste here the result of comand03:13
iqbalalosha: but i am looking for something as one tool that converts the video cd to dvd03:13
lstarnes!paste | alain_03:13
ubottualain_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:13
ctmjr!paste | alain_03:13
iqbalalosha: and then converts to h26403:13
Dr_WillisNamVet:  i think you may want to be spending some time learbning more linux basics.. Ive not sure of what the origianl problem is.. but if that newly made user worked.. and the old user dident.. then it wasent a gnome/nautilus issue.. or was there some other issue going on?03:13
EastDallasNamVet: I think I would've just re-installed after a couple of days if I were you.  Did you install package ubuntu-desktop?03:14
alain_ctmjr http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d2816ead03:14
Dr_WillisNamVet: perhaps state to the channel the core of the actual problem - and see who can help.03:14
loshaiqbala: good luck with that. Frankly. I think it's a miracle you have something that works. Linux isn't at its best when doing multimedia....03:14
EastDallasDr_Willis: He already did a long time ago03:14
kraitosSamus_Aran: you might be right because i tryed to play with rhythbox and it work just fine. well thanks for the help03:14
EastDallasDr_Willis: like 20 minutes03:15
Dr_Willislong time ago = I have the attention span of a Goldfish....03:15
Samus_Aranbahodir: might be in ~/.local/share/applications/ if they are then removing them and restarting Gnome should do the trick03:15
Dr_WillisEastDallas:  i seem to recall talking to him yesterday on teh same issue. (i think) :)03:15
kraitosSamus_Aran: tell me if this a good idea i'm going to try to purge amarok and install again.03:15
bahodirSamus_Aran: i did that but didn't work03:15
NamVetDr_Willis all good time, sir. Only so many hrs in the day. I am at this from am early to pm late, still all very confusing03:15
Samus_Aranbahodir: if you want to manually add a file association, you right-click on a file then go to properties, then the open with tab03:15
loshaDr_Willis: I have the atten....ooh, shiny thing....03:15
EastDallasDr_Willis: Nautilus fails with the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/350204/03:15
bahodirSamus_Aran: i know, but now everything in my system is messed up and it'd take hours to do it03:16
EastDallasNamVet: are you reinstalling ubuntu-desktop?03:16
NamVetDr_Willis East Dallas Nautilus reinstalled, I will try it in the terminal now03:16
Samus_Arankraitos: purging amarock (I assume you mean with Synaptic/apt-get/dpkg) will not touch anything in your home directory, where your personal Amarok settings are03:16
alain_ctmjr http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d2816ead03:16
Samus_Arankraitos: you'll probably want to exit amarok then remove your amarok config directory03:16
NamVetEastDallas the desktop was part of Nautilus, so what ever it installed w/ it03:16
kraitosSamus_Aran: i'm purging in on konsole.03:17
Samus_Aranbahodir: people can't help you unless you are clear about what the problem is.  "everything doesn't work" is not useful.  if nothing on your computer works, I would recommend going outside for a walk03:17
EastDallasNamVet: Nautilus is part of gnome, gnome is not part of nautilus03:17
NamVetEastDallas: got the same errors as before03:17
Samus_Arankraitos: okay.  but it won't touch your personal Amarok settings, those are in ~03:17
bahodirSamus_aran: when I click on a movie or a pdf file or any other file type, it would open in gedit.03:18
Samus_Arankraitos: it should be in ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok03:18
ipatrolmy empathy is malfunctioning and its irc channel is dead03:18
Samus_Arankraitos: so remove or rename that folder if you want to start fresh.  reinstalling or purging and reinstalling won't likely make any difference03:19
Samus_Aranbahodir: and I suggested you remove the files in the directory I mentioned, and then restart Gnome.  you did not do this03:19
kraitosSamus_Aran: so how do i change the setting03:19
alain_hello, my problem is I can not install my Pinnacle PCTV 70e. I looked at several pages where they have succeeded but I am not able to make it work. Koalay karmic want to use to run the final card to use linux. thanks03:19
EastDallasNamVet:  You need to reinstall the package ubuntu-desktop.  This is a must do.  YOu will have much bigger problems if you don't03:20
bahodirSamus_Aran: i did what you told me before joining this channel, and the reason i'm here is that I've other suggestions from ubuntuforums but still couldn't solve this problem03:20
NamVetEastDallas rgr that on it right now03:20
ctmjralain_: i do not know how you got in that state what did you do to try to  install it ubuntu kernel has v4l drivers built in03:20
ActionParsnipalain_: if you run lspci ; lsusb    one line will identify the device, you can then websearch that output for guides03:20
alain_i find web to explain it but it doesnt work03:21
chrome_when I try to install ubuntu the letters get too big?03:21
ZaNeIuManyone know where the dhcp settings are located?03:21
chrome_what's the problem?03:21
EastDallasNamVet:  Were you able to add that PPA and install the patched version of nautilus from that link I sent you?03:22
alain_i find this page http://www.crismonblog.org/langolo-del-geeko/pinnacle-pctv-usb-stick-70e-e-linux.html but i dont know what to do03:22
Samus_Aranbahodir: mv ~/.local/share/{,.backup}03:22
Samus_Aranbahodir: then log out and back in03:22
Samus_Aranbahodir: oops, that's not right.03:22
Samus_Aranbahodir: mv ~/.local/share{,.backup}03:22
NamVetnot as yet, still a little confused about it reading instructs there are several links03:22
chrome_the ubuntu fonts get crazy, so big that I can't see a thing....03:22
chrome_when I'm installing03:23
Samus_Aranbahodir: it will then be using default Gnome settings for all that03:23
NamVetEastDallas ubuntu desktop installing now03:23
xdrrchrone_: does everything else get big?03:23
bahodirSamus_Aran: thanks03:23
ipatrolam I invisible? did someone set my openGL entry to "transparent"?03:23
HSexBdruttenKnulla -> anholt i röven Åt mig. Jävla homofil03:23
chrome_xdrr: no.. I try to install, the logo appears fine, then some text fine too, and then puff... giant letters.. I can't see nothing... I've tryed in safe graphical mode. but it's the same03:24
ZaNeIuMi installed xbmc-live (it uses ubuntu 9.11, its a HTPC OS) and durring the install my network was not setup cause i forget to connect the cable, well now the install is done, and i connected the cable but im not connected to me network03:24
ipatrolI'm trying to get stupid empathy to work03:24
ActionParsnipipatrol: rename its config file ini your home folder03:24
HSexBdruttenKrull vill det03:24
ActionParsnipipatrol: when you rerun it you will get stock settings03:24
ActionParsnipipatrol: i dont use empathy and use pidgin instead03:24
NamVetEastDallas ubuntu-desktop is back along w/ 23 files03:25
EastDallasNamVet:  Were you able to add that PPA and install the patched version of nautilus from that link I sent you?03:25
HSexBdruttenBorde räcka för Gävleborg och Norduppland. Jag Är På03:25
NamVetEastDallas not as yet trying to understand it now03:25
HSexBdruttenMed Glädje!!!03:26
ipatrolActionParsnip: The .empathy folder was moved to /dev/null ;-)03:26
ActionParsnipipatrol: cool, rerun it03:26
Samus_Aranipatrol: I have the feeling nobody has any idea what you're talking about.  :)03:26
xdrrchrome_: do you get any errors or just big font?03:27
EastDallasNamVet: Open Synaptic, go to Settings>Repositories>Other Software>Add> Enter this line: ppa:erez-volk/nautilus03:27
ctmjralain_ sorry i cannot read that so i do not know what it had you do besides install v4l drivers which are already there, you can try and unplug the stick and remove the modules and then plug the stick back in03:27
ipatrolActionParsnip: A killall restart fixed it03:27
chrome_xdrr: just big font.. And now I tried it with the installation and it seems fine .. But I want to install it...03:28
chrome_I think it's the fonts of the installation process03:28
EastDallasNamVet:  Click 'Add Source'>Click 'Close'>Reload03:28
HSexBdrutten8 - 8-20 (gigabit * My Cluster (*20)).03:28
xdrrchrome_: ok, did you do any screen res stuff before hand or was it a normal install?03:28
alain_i dont know remove the modules03:28
=== HSexBdrutten is now known as KingMagnus
bazhangHSexBdrutten, did you have a support question? #ubuntu-offtopic otherwise KingMagnus03:29
chrome_xdrr: normal install. I did nothing03:29
KingMagnusBerätta nu vad du har för topoftheline-enhet Stefan03:29
bazhangKingMagnus, english here only03:29
mazda01trying to blank a rewritable cd, tried brasero but no option to burn new image and overwrite old data like in Windows PowerISO and also tried k3b, failed to blank it. any other ideas?03:30
chrome_xdrr: I found something.. through the live session I'm able to install it.. and I can see the installation boxes good!03:30
KingMagnusbazhang: Du ser ju lite trött ut då... NÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ :)03:30
bazhangKingMagnus, norwegian?03:30
EastDallasNamVet: Click 'Mark all upgrades', then ensure 'Nautilus' is in the list.  Click 'Apply'03:30
NamVetEastDallas rgr "ppa:erez-volk/nautilus" going now03:30
ctmjralain_: run rmmod em28xx03:31
ctmjralain_: run sudo rmmod em28xx03:31
ActionParsnipmazda01: gnomebaker has it03:31
KingMagnusbazhang: Har du homosexkomplex. Det finns inga genvägar fram till det perfekta ljudet dårå03:31
xdrrchrome_: were you doing it via console before?03:31
mazda01ActionParsnip, gnomebaker can overwrite old data on rewritable cd and burn new image all at once?03:31
alain_ctmjr, ERROR: Module em28xx does not exist in /proc/modules03:32
KrezlynHallow everybuddy03:32
chrome_xdrr: no console available on install :\\ I simply booted the pc with the CD and selected the option 'Install Ubuntu'03:32
ActionParsnipmazda01: you'd need to blank the disk first03:32
NamVetEastDallas done03:32
Krezlyncan anyone recommend a good Ubuntu/Gnome Theme manager application?03:32
EastDallasNamVet: YOu got the patched version of nautilus installed?03:33
mazda01ActionParsnip, what makes you think gnomebaker will work if k3b doesn't? doesn't gnomebaker just use wodim similarly to k3b?03:33
ActionParsnipKrezlyn: epidermis03:33
NamVetEastDallas did it the way you told me03:33
xdrrchrome_: im pretty sure they should use the same GUI to install either way, are you using a laptop and whats you max res?03:33
EastDallasNamVet: try opening nautilus03:33
NamVetEastDallas rgr03:33
ActionParsnipmazda01: its a different project altogether, sure it uses some common bits as thats one of the strengths in linux but the way there are implemented03:33
Krezlynis there a website for it?03:34
NamVetEastDallas no joy03:34
NamVetEastDallas same errors03:34
mazda01ActionParsnip, hang on, the disc was automounted so I bet if I unmount it first and then try k3b again, it might work. i just read the log of k3b finally and it said that the cd was mounted and k3b couldn't get exclusuve access to it. i'll check out gnomebaker as I am a gdm guy versus kde. thanks03:35
chrome_xdrr: yes laptop.. the GUI seems the same.. but the fonts now are OK, not big. MAX RES: 1280x800.. What FS do you recommend? Ext4?03:35
ActionParsnipKrezlyn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidermis_(software)03:35
ActionParsnipmazda01: sure you can't manipulate disks like that if they are mounted03:35
ActionParsnipmazda01: one reason i dont use automount03:35
NamVetEastDallas where I made the original mistake was going to the Adobe website to get the download03:36
mazda01ActionParsnip, yeah, you know what they say, RTFP, read the ______ prompt, or in this case read the log03:36
xdrrchrome_: ext4 or 3 with a usual swap etc, it could be that the GDM works better with your laptop / res, i can see some others who have had a similar problem with the normal installer (not live mode)03:36
mazda01ActionParsnip, yeah, it's in my fstab for cd's and dvd drives03:36
EastDallasNamVet: Yeah, there's a version of flash that works fine available via Synaptic03:36
EastDallasNamVet: Unfortunately, we were all trained to go to the website from using Windows03:37
NamVetEastDallas rgr I originally went in synaptic and did a search and it gave the link for the adobe flashplayer? new to Ubuntu so I clicked the link and the sheet hit the proverbial fan03:37
Krezlyncan linux read UDF Volumes?03:39
NamVetEastDallas been installing Ubuntu on our computer club members' pc like crazy, they love it03:39
ActionParsnipKrezlyn: http://ascending.wordpress.com/2008/06/14/howto-read-vista-burnt-udf-dvds-on-ubuntu-linux/03:39
ctmjralain_: ok this is what i think happened ubuntu has drivers for v4l then you installed the v4l drivers from mercurial and messed it all up i do not know how to remove the drivers from mercurial03:39
EastDallasNamVet:  YOu might need to enable the optional repositories in Synaptic.  Settings>Repositories>make sure the top 4 boxes are checked on the first tab03:39
Krezlynthank you03:39
ActionParsnipKrezlyn: i suggest you use a proper urning app which uses ISO standards03:40
NamVetEastDallas rgr I'll do it now03:40
miked595anyone familiar with mediamonkey on windows? I'm looking for an app that can auto tag ID3 and auto the path based on the id303:40
ActionParsnipKrezlyn: microsoft are really good t ignoring them03:40
[V]ortex`my firefox 3.5 has displays pictures as low resolution. How do i increase it?03:40
ActionParsnipmiked595: amarok can try guess tags based on path03:41
NamVetEastDallas they are already checked03:41
Krezlynwell, i'm trying to install a app from a UDF File dvd03:41
ActionParsnip[V]ortex`: tried the mozilla ppa03:41
EastDallasNamVet: Is reinstalling an option at this point?  I've googled this error, and haven't really found any resolution other than that patch.03:41
miked595ActionParsnip: I'm trying to do the other way around03:41
NamVetEastDallas Setting>repositories>software03:41
[V]ortex`ActionParsnip, what is the mozilla ppa?03:41
bobobobwhat is the "add/remove" app from the menu that has education, games, internet, office, etc called?...not synaptic or apt-get, the03:41
Yakuzingmiked595, for tagging, mp3tag is quite useful but you will often have to choose atleast something yourself. but you can make it auto tag from nearly anything if you want it enough :>03:41
ActionParsnipmiked595: like, moving the files automatically, based on tag?03:41
ActionParsnip[V]ortex`: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa03:42
tos_hi.. i set up a virtual machine, and it looks like it made an adapter vnet0 on the Host machine... but  it only has an IPV6 adress, how can i make it ipv4, on the virtual machine it has eth0 with an ipv4 address.......03:42
miked595ActionParsnip: ya mediamonkey does that and I ca autotag from amazon's library03:42
NamVetEastDallas I don't mind reinstall, done it a couple of times. but not to happy about losing personal files. I have a 8 gig flashusb but don't know how to get files to it from Terminal03:42
ActionParsnipmiked595: not sure about that, not something i'd trust personally03:42
EastDallasNamVet: I don't understand how you got a link to the adobe website in Synaptic?!?!  The package is adobe-flashplugin.03:42
NamVetEastDallas also a 40gb external hard drive.03:42
miked595Yakuzing: can I use that to search for an album on say amazon and apply that album to a directory of mp3s?03:43
[V]ortex`ActionParsnip, thanks03:43
NamVetEastDallas that's it adobe-flashplugin03:43
volveHello, has anyone used mysql-proxy to separate logs for different databases? I'm having trouble figuring out how to...03:43
Yakuzingit can use amazon among others03:43
ActionParsnip!info adobe-flashplugin03:43
ubottuPackage adobe-flashplugin does not exist in karmic03:43
mazda01ne1 good with conky? i have a calander conky and it's so far over from the right edge of my screen? my x offset is set to only 10. here's the conky config   http://pastebin.com/f69436140  and then heres a pic: http://img69.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotqm.png03:43
NamVetEastDallas i can show you the errors03:43
ActionParsnipEastDallas: ^03:43
ActionParsnipEastDallas: try flashplugin-nonfree03:44
EastDallasNamVet.  Boot to an Ubuntu install CD.  Choose the option to try ubuntu without making any changes to your computer.  You will boot to a desktop where you can use nautilus to move the files to your flash drive or usb hard drive.03:44
Yakuzingmiked595, http://mp3tag.de/en/index.html03:44
miked595I'll check it out.. thanks03:44
NamVetEastDallas awesome03:44
NamVetEastDallas thankyou so much i will do it.03:45
EastDallasNamVet: NP03:45
Krezlynall of a sudden i cant right click my desktop03:45
NamVetEastDallas when i am on the live cd i will access nautilus thru terminal?03:45
Krezlyni cant change my desktop background03:45
Krezlynanything with the desktop doesnt work any idea's ppl?03:46
EastDallasNamVet: no, just use the places list03:46
ActionParsnipKrezlyn: do you use compiz? Do you have desktop icons?03:46
=== gusan0r__ is now known as Gusan0r
NamVetEastDallas Oh, okay. ty03:46
EastDallasNamVet:  Good luck03:47
NamVeti didn't quite get your email03:47
Krezlynno desktop icons, and i did have them03:47
Krezlynno compiz03:47
Krezlynwait compiz is installed03:47
NamVetEastDallas got it03:47
ActionParsnipKrezlyn: if you press alt+f2   type: nautilus   press enter03:47
Guest69189I can no longer view my server via SSH/Nautilus, when clicking on the bookmark or trying to connect manually (Via Places > Connect to server...) I get: "ssh program unexpectedly exited"03:47
mazda01Krezlyn, you need to start up nautilus, that controls the desktop. hit alt-f2, then type in nautilus. hopefully that brings your right click back for your desktop03:48
ActionParsnipGuest69189: can you ping the server03:48
Guest69189ActionParsnip: yes, the server runs fine, I can SSH via shell fine, just not via sftp03:48
Krezlynwill it auto start now?03:49
Guest69189I'd rather not have to do all my file transfers via rsync/scp either ;/03:49
Scott1979why am i limited to lower esolutions when running dual heads03:49
Scott1979normally run 1680x105003:50
shawn146i love 1680 x 105003:50
ActionParsnip Scott1979: get video drivers installed?03:50
Scott1979but when i put a 15inch next to it on same card its max res is only 1024x768 i can only use 1360x 765 for widescreen03:50
arbiri keep reading that Ubuntu locks the version.. what does this mean ?03:51
Scott1979i am using opensource ati best one for my card03:51
Krezlynis there a easier way to be able to read udf files?03:51
NamVetEastDallas: Dr_Willis & others thank you so much for the help, Happy New Year everybody. Signing Out03:51
=== h4x0r is now known as Guest24032
Scott1979i was considering using my onbaord intel with pciexpress card this should work ok03:51
ActionParsnipScott1979: you could populate an xorg.conf file and manually set the resolution03:51
Scott1979two cards two monitors03:51
Scott1979can u go thru with me action populating the xorg.conf03:52
Scott1979gedit /etc/xorg.conf03:52
ActionParsnipScott1979: close03:52
ActionParsnipScott1979: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:53
=== Guest69189 is now known as goose
webdawgAre not the real ATI drivers better then the opensource?03:53
ActionParsnipwebdawg: if its supported then try: www.ati.com03:53
Scott1979not for the r530 chipset x1300-x1600 in karmix03:53
ActionParsnipwebdawg: depends on the card03:53
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Scott1979opensource is only one that works03:53
=== Guest9504 is now known as faileas
ActionParsnipScott1979: then in your case its ll you can use, or the vesa driver03:54
user47331Does anyone know about scrambled display using intel video on ubuntu 9.10? fedora works fine, but ubuntu has display problems.03:54
Scott1979yes opensource driver gives me fiull opengl support so i like it03:54
Scott1979im upgrading vid card soon03:54
jarray52Inserting a USB device freezes my Ubuntu 9.10 OS. Here's a pastebin of my kern.log file. http://pastebin.com/d21a320fd03:55
Scott1979was just the card i got when i built this system from left overs03:55
user47331anyone using intel onboard video with ubuntu 9.10?03:55
christianpiper77join #zombiesquad03:55
faileasi have a custom install of ubuntu - xorg intel and its deps, icewm, xde and swiftfox. I'm trying to start a ssh forwarded session of swiftfox from another system - which has the plain vanilla firefox version in the repos- with ssh -x [ipaddress] and then starting swiftfox from command line. When i start it though, it opens up the local copy of firefox instead of the copy of swiftfox on the other box. Any ideas?03:56
Krezlyncan someone tell me how to mount the cd device, i have to mount the cd as root03:56
christianpiper77Ack, this doesnt work like that.. sorry! New IRC client....03:56
ZaNeIuMhow do i check for running programs to use the kill command03:56
christianpiper77Sorry all, bye now.03:56
jarray52ZaNeluM: ps -e03:56
faileasuser47331: yeah, it works perfectly with a intel x3100. I'm running a different, non standard config on a 855 gma too03:56
Scott1979action this is my current xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/350227/03:56
faileasZaNeIuM: ps aux | grep somestring03:56
ActionParsnipZaNeIuM: ps -ef | grep something03:56
* ActionParsnip uses the linux standard :)03:57
Scott1979but i should be able to run both onbaord and pciexpress card at same time yes03:57
faileasthen pick out the process number. If its an x programme, you can use xkill. Alternately htop has a nice cli interface for killing things03:57
Scott1979i know i have my onboard turned off i should try03:57
ranjanhello every body can any body on this network can tell me in which directory usually the incomplete  files are stored wile in the phase of downloading using Downloader for X03:57
faileasScott1979: iirc, no, one at a time i think03:58
isolat3dsh33pbash question: Does, the semi-colon after break statement « break; » required? What's the purpose of it if it's not required?03:58
Scott1979so u think i can use both03:58
Scott1979i have in windows before03:58
webdawgHow do I find the model of my card03:58
mkquistanyone using a touchscreen with ubuntu?03:58
ActionParsnipwebdawg: sudo lshw -C display03:58
jarray52isolat3dsh33p: The semicolon separates distinct commands. You can type each and hit enter instead.03:58
webdawgI just did a lspci03:58
webdawgi think03:58
webdawgATI Technologies Inc RV516 [Radeon X1300 Pro]03:59
Scott1979yeah i have a rv530 x160003:59
webdawgWhat do you think ActionParsnip03:59
ActionParsnipwebdawg: lshw gives you more info but: lspci | grep -i vga   will tell you too03:59
isolat3dsh33pjarray52: thanks :)03:59
webdawgWhat driver should I use?03:59
ActionParsnipwebdawg: check the ati site, its in the top right on the first page03:59
webdawgI am sure I could find the driver on the site.03:59
webdawgBut the thing is should I just download and install?04:00
webdawgHow do I revert back if it messes up something.04:00
Scott1979so if u using 9.10 karmic the xserver-xorg-video-ati driver is the only one that works it is the 9.3 catalyst driver made from xorg04:00
webdawgWhat are you talking about Scott1979 ?04:00
Scott19799.3 catalyst for thses card do not work in karmic04:00
Scott1979xorg to high04:00
ActionParsnipwebdawg: you can remove the package from the system04:00
webdawgwhat cards.04:00
webdawgI have a x130004:01
Scott1979i have tried the 9.3 catalyst driver04:01
Scott1979u can only use it in ubuntu 8.1004:01
webdawgOn your x160004:01
jarray52Inserting a USB flash drive freezes my Ubuntu 9.10 OS. A USB mouse or keyboard works fine. Here's a pastebin of my kern.log file. http://pastebin.com/d21a320fd  Any suggestions?04:01
arbirare versions locked down in the desktop edition ?04:01
webdawgSo how does that apply to my x130004:01
Scott1979not work for karmic unless u downgrade the xorg04:01
ActionParsnipwebdawg: appears to be supported: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
arbiror is it only in the server edition ?04:01
Scott1979it is in the same driver set04:01
Scott19799.3 catalyst04:01
ActionParsnipwebdawg:  Scott1979 says xorg version is too new though and ati havent caught up yet04:02
webdawgScott is it worth the downgrade?04:02
Scott1979thatnk u action04:02
ActionParsnipwebdawg: i dont use ati so can't report from first hand use04:02
Scott1979no no04:02
Scott1979opensource runs fine04:02
webdawgNot on mine.04:02
webdawgI have some checkbox artifacts.04:02
ActionParsnip100% nvidia here, xzero issues ever04:02
Scott1979do u not get compiz04:02
webdawgThe the sliders like the one in vlc has an artifact04:03
webdawgits not bad though.04:03
Scott1979yeah im going to upgrade to nvidia gts25004:03
ActionParsnipwebdawg: tried the vlc ppa?04:03
Scott1979it is the low power of the x130004:03
Scott1979mine is just enough with the x160004:03
ActionParsnipwebdawg: https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc04:03
xdrrActionParsnip: W00t to Nvidia04:03
webdawgWhy not downgrade?04:03
Scott1979x1300 is a budget card04:03
Scott1979i have x1600pro04:04
ActionParsnip!test | arbir04:04
ubottuarbir: yes, I'm alive.04:04
Scott1979cause u might break for other apps04:04
arbir:-) hahaha thanks ActionParsnip04:04
Scott1979if u want it would be better to use 8.1004:04
webdawgCan I use an old catalyst driver Scott1979 ?04:04
arbirActionParsnip: do packages get locked down in the desktop edition ?04:04
Scott1979not on karmic web04:05
ActionParsniparbir: how do you mean?04:05
Scott1979ill show u the driver website hang on04:05
webdawgActionParsnip: I have VLC installed why did you post me that link?04:05
arbirActionParsnip: i have been deciding a server , if i should go ubuntu or debian.. now i read, that with ubuntu server, Ubuntu locks the version..04:05
ActionParsnipwebdawg: thats possibly a newer version04:05
ActionParsniparbir: no, you can use the upgrade tool to upgrade the version04:06
Scott1979go here web04:06
ActionParsniparbir: debian uses rolling upgrades04:06
arbirActionParsnip: so you mean, my server would be a rolling release model ?04:06
arbirActionParsnip: no dist upgrades after every 6 months ?04:07
Scott1979what xorg does karmic use04:07
tyler_ey everyone. I am having some strange issue with jockey (aka Hardware Drivers) not activating my driver even though it is showing the correct one. Its for an ATI/AMD FGLRX driver04:07
ActionParsniparbir: pretty much04:07
Scott19797. sumthing04:07
Scott1979haw do we find this04:07
arbirActionParsnip: aaah.. that sounds good... i am always scared of dist-upgrades04:07
Scott1979i just know we to high in karmic04:07
arbirActionParsnip: but other wise, essentially... how is debian server diff from ubuntu server ?04:07
webdawgScott1979: I thought that was the one I should not install04:08
Scott1979yeah its not04:08
sunilhow to play RIFF audio files04:08
General1337I'm looking to buy a wireless card04:08
Scott1979this is the one u can use in ubuntu 8.1004:08
General1337anyone know a decent one compatible with ubuntu?04:08
Scott1979but not in karmic04:08
Scott1979but see how the x1300 and x1600 are in same set drivers04:08
ActionParsniparbir: you'd have to read online, uits a vast subject04:08
arbirActionParsnip: i have been googling googling with no clear hits.. do you have any interesting links ?04:09
sunilhow to play RIFF audio files??????04:09
ActionParsniparbir: not that i know, i'd be websearching like you can, maybe someone in #debian can assist04:09
arbirActionParsnip: hmmm.... sure, i can ask there. thanks a ton!04:09
dinghysunil, google it04:10
=== binitamshah is now known as binitamshah|away
Dr_Willis sunil  try playing them in mplayer or vlc ?04:10
ActionParsnip!google | dinghy04:10
ubottudinghy: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:10
* arbir loves smplayer04:10
ActionParsnipsunil: get real player or helix installed, should be ok04:10
webdawgHmm.  I have 9.10...karmic.04:11
webdawgScott1979: can I not downgrade the xorg server?04:11
gooseI can no longer view my server via SSH/Nautilus, when clicking on the bookmark or trying to connect manually (Via Places > Connect to server...) I get: "ssh program unexpectedly exited"04:11
webbb82i wanted to tesy out kde 4.4 but after testing it i want to go back to the stable 4.3 but even after i removed the  kde4.4 repo and update  all i can get is 4.4 even after removing the repo04:12
Scott1979i havenet tried downgrading myself and proerly wont web04:12
sunilhow to install mplayer or vlc04:12
Scott1979i am happy with performance on opensource04:12
sunilhow to get real player or helix on my pc???04:13
ActionParsnipsunil: sudo apt-get install smplayer vlc             will install both04:13
ubuntu_can someone help me intall ubuntu on my computer please ?04:13
ActionParsnip!info helix04:13
ubottuPackage helix does not exist in karmic04:13
Scott1979i only just hook up a second monitor iand i think because the resolutions are so far apart from widscreen to 4:3 that i am limited to resolution matches04:13
lufisJust downloaded the latest karmic koala ISO and burned it. Booted, and got nothing but a black screen after the grub menu. Any ideas?04:13
Scott1979it says i am running a virtual resolution04:13
ActionParsnipsunil: if you add the medibuntu repo you can install realplayer from that04:13
=== MrDudle[a] is now known as MrDudle
webbb82is kde 4:3.5.9-ubuntu  version 4.4 or 4.3\04:14
Dr_Willissunil:  ive never seen much of a need for 'realplayer' every realplayer file ive ever found i could play in vlc or mplayer.04:14
jillsmittis there something to speak text i wrote? i mean in ubuntu 9.10 repos04:14
Dr_Willissunil:  and mplayer and vlc are in the repos.04:14
ActionParsnipjillsmitt: espeak04:14
Dr_Willissunil:  and the w32codecs pack from medibuntu may be needed as well04:15
jillsmittActionParsnip: is this multilangual system?04:15
tpuchappy new year to everyone................not that i know anyone here but hello all the same04:15
ActionParsnipjillsmitt: it speaks the text its given04:15
sunilplease follow the url http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m68930bf204:16
xiongTrouble with Appearance:Visual Effects in that I can't seem to preserve CompizConfig settings; on login I find Visual Effects, hence Compiz, off. Help?04:16
tpuclove the compiz advanced effects ...there amazing :D04:17
ray9naI have a problem.04:17
ActionParsniptpuc: gets annoying really quickly04:18
xiongtpuc, I can do without Wobbly Windows. But I can't seem to retain Compiz at all through reboot.04:18
Scott1979tyler tyler04:18
Scott1979u there tyler04:18
tpucactionparsnip...you think?04:18
ActionParsniptpuc: oh teah04:18
Scott1979having fun tyler04:18
ActionParsnipxiong: make a script to run: compiz --replace    then make it run in your startup items04:19
Scott1979hows your team speak now tyler04:19
tpuclinux just kills windows every way i can see04:19
tos_hi i have set up a virtual server under ubunti9.10-  running 9.10.. and opened SSH, how can i set the host os to forward SSH requests to the virtual BOX....?04:19
tpuci like the wobbley windows04:19
Dr_Willistpuc:  those make my wife dizzy04:19
xiongActionParsnip, Let me look at that, thanks.04:19
Dr_Willistpuc:  she does like the compiz zoom feature04:19
inferno_daulXEONCAN ANYONE help me with VSFTPD?04:19
* ActionParsnip uses openbox :)04:19
MK13what would be the proper way to mount an image i made of a usb drive partition?04:20
ray9naI have Ubuntu Netbook Remix Karmic (upgraded from Jaunty because I was told the issue would be fixed in the upgrade) and I sometimes encounter unresizable windows -- mostly dialogue boxes -- and I'd like to know how to fix this problem. It makes it rather impossible to access some essential bits.04:20
Dr_WillisMK13:  it the image of a single partion/filesystem? or is the image containign multi partiuons?04:20
inferno_daulXEONMK13: the same way you mount anything else04:20
tpuconly thing i really miss is winamp with milkdrop ....i like all the visual effects with computers wot can i say call me the room hippy if you like04:20
ActionParsnipMK13: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount /path/to/file.iso /media/iso04:20
ActionParsnipMK13: oops04:20
MK13Dr_Willis, just of 1 partition04:20
ActionParsnipMK13: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/iso04:20
tpucrayna just drop back to the 8.10 or 8.04 version then try it04:21
inferno_daulXEONSomeone Please Help with VSFTPD. I Cant get it to start up!04:21
ray9naThe issue is mostly with 3rd-party software, if that makes a difference.04:21
Scott1979can somone gte tyler talking or typing04:21
Ingsoctpuc: check out projectM if you miss milkdrop04:22
FloodBot1Scott1979: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
tpucthe 9.10 seems to mess all my favourite settings up at the moment like when im tryin to run a virtual machine to use the windows stuff i miss inside linux04:22
xiongActionParsnip, I don't understand why this should be needed. This worked well before. What can I have done to screw it?04:22
ActionParsnipinferno_daulXEON: once you install it, its running and is added to your startup items. You can run: sudo service vsftpd restart    to test04:22
ActionParsnipxiong: no idea, i hate compiz04:22
Scott1979sorry floodbot04:22
ActionParsnipxiong: i used to have to make it run the same way04:23
tpuchave you looked at the sources that ur updates are coming from for the 3rd party drivers>>>>????04:23
webbb82why isnt kubuntu desktop in synaptic04:23
ray9naWhat would that tell me?04:23
ActionParsnip!info kubuntu-desktop04:23
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.154 (karmic), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB04:23
ActionParsnipray9na: it is04:23
SilverFo1is it normal for postfix to replace the specified from address with the linux user sending the mail?  I'm sending this mail: http://www.pastebin.ca/1734426, but postfix log files show the from user as www-data@test.com04:23
xiongI don't care for most of the flashy effects; I only like the Virtual Size, which is similar to multiple desktops but logically only one desktop, so windows can be dragged from one to another and even overlap the boundary.04:23
Scott1979but im packet lagging tyler cause his friend banned me from his teamspeak server yesterday when we where testing ettercap04:24
Scott1979so now im using etter cap04:24
inferno_daulXEONActionParsnip: I know man. Every time I restart it  - It says Stopping FTP server: vsftpd      no /usr/sbin/vsftpd found running; none killed04:24
ray9naActionParsnip: ???04:24
tpuc3d cube04:24
tpucyou just gota love linux :D makes windows look and act like an oap ...not that i got anything against oaps mind04:25
ActionParsnipinferno_daulXEON: run: sudo apt-get --reinstall install vsftpd04:26
ray9naThe two main programs that are giving me trouble I got from the Add/Remove Programs app in Jaunty: Fish Fillets (game) and LyX (GUI LaTeX editor).04:26
LJRI hate the term "Fanboy", but when it comes to Linux I'll tolerate it. =D04:26
mazda01ActionParsnip, nope on the gnomebaker.  wodim: Cannot blank disk, aborting. straight from gnomebaker04:26
=== SilverFo1 is now known as SilverFox
ActionParsnipmazda01: sudo umount /dev/cdrom; sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast            will blank the CD04:27
inferno_daulXEONActionParsnip: I did that, didn't work. I even tried apt-get remove vsftpd; apt-get autoremove; apt-get autoclean; apt-get update; apt-get install vsftpd04:28
inferno_daulXEONActionParsnip: if i04:28
xiongOkay, let's try another issue: On reboot, I always seem to get Firefox and a Terminal window. These are *not* listed in Startup Applications! True, I use them a lot, but I'd prefer they didn't come up by themselves. What?04:28
webbb82where can i find the kubuntu repo i was trying to inastall kubuntu-desktop here is the pastebin  http://pastebin.com/m5fc0facb04:28
inferno_daulXEONActionParsnip:  if I "sudo netstat -a | grep ftp" i get nothing04:29
ray9naxiong: Do you perhaps have a setting that remembers your programs when you shut down?04:29
webbb82please help http://pastebin.com/m5fc0facb04:29
xiongray9na, Could you suggest where I might look for that?04:29
Dr_Willisgnome has some setting somewhere to auto-remember/restore  all open apps.. but  i cant recall where04:29
ray9naHold on, I just saw it when I was poking around...04:29
ray9naxiong: What version are you using? Jaunty or Karmic?04:30
inferno_daulXEONIm so mad that this doesnt work Im getting ready to wipe the partition clean and install 8.1004:30
xiongray9na, Karmic. Upgrading seems to have caused many small issues to crop up.04:30
paissad-hpdoes dpkg --build not support links into directories during the build ? .... actually, i did not see any of my linked files from /opt/bin to /usr/bin ..... even if they are present in the building directory04:31
ray9naxiong: Yeah, I'm starting to regret upgrading from Jaunty.04:31
paissad-hpdpkg-deb --build i meant, sorry04:31
micahhow do i killall gdm in 9.10?04:32
xiongray9na, I'm just not sure what the upgrade *bought* me. I forgot the basic rule: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.04:32
ganymedeif i use sudo debootstrap kamric /my/partition to install karmic, would i get a desktop karmic or a server karmic? (is there a difference beyond default packages)? i'm trying to get karmic onto a headless server that has no CD drive and can't boot from network via BIOS. so i thought i'd use debootstrap to prepare the HDD from my desktop and just throw it into the server04:32
tpuchas anyone seen or played with that jap software thats supposed to have bill gates pooping his pantys yet ???... think its called TRON04:32
ray9naI upgraded in the hopes of fixing a bug, but apparently I wasn't specific enough re: what the problem was.04:32
micahhow do i killall gdm in 9.10?04:33
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bazhang!ot | tpuc04:33
ubottutpuc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:33
LJRmicah, sudo killall -a gdm is the command, I believe.04:33
=== lippy_ is now known as mokabojoe
tpucoh sorry i didnt know04:33
micahdoesnt work in 9.10 says no process of that name04:33
ctmjrmicah: the nice way is /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:34
tpuci thought chat was for social interactions i didnt know i was in a chat dictatorship where i had to stay on one topic...ill try not to think outside the box again ...sorry04:34
ray9naxiong: Go into System | Startup Applications | Options04:34
LJRctmjr, nice way? =O04:35
bazhangtpuc, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat; here is ubuntu support only. /join #ubuntu-offtopic04:35
LJR!ot | tpuc04:35
ubottutpuc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:35
xiongray9na, I have unchecked 'Remember'.04:35
ray9naxiong: See if that helps. :)04:35
xiongray9na, I mean to say, I unchecked that before I whined here.04:36
micahnot working either04:36
LJRmicah, sudo .357mag -hs gdm. =D04:37
ray9naxiong: Ah. Well, in that case, I don't know what to tell you. The only reason I took a guess at that was because I just happened to stumble upon it while poking around, trying to solve my problem.04:37
jMylesWhen apache runs, what user does it run as?04:38
lstarnesjMyles: usually www-data04:38
xiongray9na, I'm starting to think that I need to double-burn my entire system; wipe the machine, repartition, and reinstall. I might try a clean 9.10 first and see what that fixes but otherwise it's back to 9.04.04:38
enhickmanisnt there an apache user04:39
ray9naxiong: Perhaps. Although in my case, I only have a 9.04 installer. I suppose I can make a 9.10 installer.04:39
spursncowboysHi everyone. I'm trying to do xinerama where my monitor stretches to both screens. I have a hdmi connected tv and a dsub connected monitor.04:40
ray9naBut I have a feeling it won't solve my problem. I'm tempted to do a clean re-install of 9.04. I don't like 9.10, aesthetically.04:40
ray9naI liked the look and feel of 9.04 a lot better.04:40
Dr_Willisspursncowboys:  and your video card(s) are ?04:40
xiongHere is what broke with Karmic install: (1) Wine (2) Compiz (3) login screen options (4) XML::SAX (5) Edit Menus (6) indicator-applet-session -- at least04:40
spursncowboysnvidia gt 22004:41
Dr_WillisHmm.. look and feel? cant say that ive notuiced muich differance.04:41
ray9naWine didn't work right for me in Jaunty.04:41
Dr_Willisspursncowboys:  install the nvidia drivers  and ran the nvidia-settings tool yet? it lets you configure the 2 monitors.04:41
Blue1xiong: i have no issues except for compiz - but that's never worked right day 104:41
tpucwine did that with me04:41
snakeHow can I edit the GRUB bootloader so their is an image behind the selection box?04:41
webbb82can someone PLEASE take a look at this paste bin and see why i cant install kubuntu desktop it just says it needs this but this cant be installed  http://pastebin.com/m23bbea6f04:41
snake(If i can)04:41
xiongWine worked well enough for me. Now it seems to have lost track of its apps. Perhaps a reconfig-reinstall of some sort...04:42
spursncowboysDr_Willis: yes. The best I can get is where all the windows will be on my hdtv and just the background on my monitor04:42
Dr_Willissnake:  for grub2 you place a proper image  in a location the configs look for. I think the grub2 wiki pages gives details. Its not too hard.04:42
Dr_Willis!grub2 | snake04:42
ubottusnake: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:42
xiongBlue1, I'd be happy to forget most of Compiz. I don't need the cube or wobbly. I do like very much having a large Virtual Size.04:42
BurzmaliGood evening, is there a documented way for mounting combo audio/data CDs?04:42
Dr_Willisspursncowboys:  thats odd.. cant drag windows over to it? You do want to enable twinview. Not seperate X displays04:42
ray9naDoes anyone know how to get 3rd-party software to respect the fact that it's on a 10-inch netbook?04:42
Dr_Willisray9na:  clarify what you mean. by 'respect'04:43
Blue1xiong: the day one problem is that you can't drag anything from one workspace to another04:43
Blue1if you use metacity =- it works fine04:43
snakeDr_Willis: thanks04:43
spursncowboysDr_Willis: Oh ok. Twin view. What do you mean by dragging windows?04:43
xiongBlue1, That is what I *can* do with Compiz. Not workspaces but something else, which is not clearly given a name.04:43
Dr_Willisspursncowboys:  i drag a windoqw from monitor #1 to the right.. it then goes to monitor #2 here.04:44
Dr_Willisspursncowboys:  my 2 monitors are one WIIIIIDDDEEEE desktop :)04:44
ray9naDr_Willis: The problem is some dialogue boxes or other spawned windows that cannot be resized and are too tall for the screen, thus making it impossible to access very important bits (such as OK buttons) at the bottom.04:44
Blue1xiong: well with compiz enabled and the mouse hovering over a work space it says click to start dragging - umm no that doesn't work...04:44
xiongCompizConfig:General Options:Desktop Size -- leave Number of Desktops = 1 but set Virtual Size to 4 x 204:44
Scott1979u still in action04:44
spursncowboysDr_Willis: Oh ok. I'll try. Imma feel real dumb if I didn't try the thing I was trying to get it to do in the first place.:P04:45
Dr_Willisray9na:  yep. thats an annoyance of having a short 'res' screen. You can alt-click and drag most of them Upward so you can get to the buittons04:45
tpucits even wilder when the 2nd monitor is a 52incher on the living room wall :D04:45
xiongBlue1, That feature never worked for me but I'm able to drag windows directly.04:45
Blue1xiong: no that's not what I am talking about -- you can't drag an item from one work space (desktop) to another04:45
xiongDirectly as opposed to by proxy.04:45
xiongBlue1, It depends on how you set Desktop Size. See my last...04:46
ray9naDr_Willis: But I can only drag until I get to the top of the screen, which doesn't give me much more access. Sometimes, it isn't enough.04:46
Blue1xiong: to me workspace and desktop are synonomous terms --04:46
adarshain compizconfig, if i increase the number of desktops, how do  i switch between desktops?04:46
tpucbottom right corner04:46
ronaldhow to install dream weaver in ubuntu 9.10?04:46
ray9naAnd I'm afraid that if I let go, the title bar will become inaccessible and I'll be stuck.04:46
xiongBlue1, adarsha, Part of the problem is terminology. Set Number of Desktops =1.04:46
Blue1adarsha: you can just click on the desktop in the desktop switcher04:46
bazhangronald, check the appdb. help in #winehq04:47
xiongSet Virtual Size to however many [multiples] you want.04:47
Blue1xiong: no that's not the problem04:47
bazhang!appdb | ronald04:47
ubotturonald: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:47
adarshaXiong: there are different settings for number of desktops and workspaces04:47
Blue1xiong: I have 4 workspaces04:47
spursncowboysDr_Willis: It worked. The only problem I have is that they all start on the tv, and I have to drag them to the monitor. I want the opposite.04:47
adarshaBlue1: i'm talking about desktops in compizconfig, not workspaces.  i think they're different04:47
Blue1xiong: it works correctly in metacity04:47
xiongIt's difficult when the language is inconsistent.04:48
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DarXIve got some google wave invitesto give out. Would anyone like one? PM me.04:48
Blue1adarsha: what's the difference between a workspace and a desktop?  maybe semantics --04:48
bazhangDarX, #ubuntu-offtopic please04:49
ray9naIs there a way in Jaunty or Karmic (preferably Jaunty, since I'm liking that better than Karmic) to tweak settings so that unresizable windows are resizable?04:49
adarshaxiong: yeah, setting no of desktops to 1 works, but if i set it to 2, i got stuck. there was no panel, even right click wasn't working04:49
DarXsorry bazhang, got it04:49
adarshaBlue1: even i had thought that they're the same, but compiz seems to treat them differently.04:50
Blue1adarsha: apparently so --04:50
xiongadarsha, I did the multiple desktops thing. You can scratch up another desktop by using alt-f2 to open a terminal, then running gnome-panel, then going from there.04:50
Sabre-nightMmk, so I'm having connection issues. it seems i cannot hold an internet connection, but when i open my virtual machine (Windows XP) i seem to have near perfect connection, no random disconnections like ubuntu seems to give me. both windows and ubuntu use firefox04:50
Sabre-nightany advice?04:50
adarshaxiong: thanks, i'll give it a try..04:50
jillsmittif i use anjuta, what version of Glade Designer need i?04:51
ray9naSabre-night: What version of Ubuntu, what kind of computer, and is this wireless or wired?04:51
optimizeris ther esomething like syndaemon; but for the keyboard; i.e. kill the laptop's keybaord instead of jsust mousepad?04:51
spursncowboysDr_Willis: Thanks for all the help04:51
ZaNeIuMwhat is the r for in cp -rv04:51
Sabre-nightray9na,  9.10, uh its a dell dimension 3000, and wired04:52
Sabre-nightray9na, desktop*04:52
xiongadarsha, You can, surely; but I advise against it. Multiple [whatevers] using Compiz Virtual Size (and keeping Number of Desktops = 1) has always worked for me. My only issue today is that Metacity seems to knock Compiz out after reboot.04:52
webbb82i am trying to install kde but when i do i just get a bunch of broken packages error like 160 of them  what am i doing wrong04:52
snoopy_when i open up counter strike it tells me "OUT OF RANGE" how can i default it so it can fit on my screen []:04:52
xdrrZaNeIuM: recursive?04:52
snailZaNeIuM,  recursive, it copies the folders as well04:52
enhickmancp --help for all the options04:52
ray9naSabre-night: No clue, then, sorry. It's just that I'm on an Acer Aspire One netbook and having trouble with 9.10 and wireless.04:53
ray9naSabre-night: Someone had told me it may have something to do with driver compatibility.04:53
Sabre-nightray9na,  i see,04:54
szymimore than  likely is, I know a lot of people that have that problem04:54
adarshaxiong: hey, compiz is not allowing me to increase the no of desktops. (it is locked at 1)04:54
webbb82i am trying to install kde but when i do i just get a bunch of broken packages error like 160 of them  what am i doing wrong  here is the error i get  http://pastebin.com/m23bbea6f04:54
webbb82pleease help04:55
BLOODCLAWis there a way i can run "/etc/init.d/apache2" w/o typing the whole path?04:55
xiongadarsha, I have no clue about that.04:55
ray9naWell, I'm gonna do some more desperate Googling, see if I can find anything at all.04:55
xiongI did say I didn't recommend it.04:55
adarshaxiong: it happened after i upgraded to karmic.04:55
Sabre-nightcan anyone help with my problem, Ubuntu internet connection issues, while a virtual machine hosted from ubuntu has perfect connection04:55
szymiray9na, is ubuntu the only linux distro you have used or have you tried others?04:56
snakeHow can I tell what my hard drive ID is?(example: sda1)04:56
xiongSome upgrades add features; some improve stability. I haven't figured out which one Karmic is.04:56
pure_hateservice apache2 start04:56
ZaNeIuMcan soneone show me a link to what the color codes meen when i use the ls command04:56
ronaldhow to open in browser the php file?04:56
adarshaxiong, :)04:56
enhickmanwebbb82: you might try changing your mirror is software sources04:56
ray9naszymi: I'm new to Linux, so I was told to go with Ubuntu.04:56
pure_hateBLOODCLAW: service apache2 start04:56
ZaNeIuMi see a multi colored file green/blue whats this about?04:56
xiongJaunty was an excellent upgrade; it solved about a half-dozen tricky system issues for me.04:56
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snailsnake, df should tell you , i don't know if that's the 'official' way04:57
MK13Dr_Willis, inferno_daulXEON , ActionParsnip, thanks for the help04:57
webbb82what about software sources?04:57
ronaldhow to open in browser the php file?04:57
snakeZaNeIuM: go to the actual folder and compare.04:57
xiongGot to experiment with reboot; bye.04:57
adarshaxiong: well, there seems to be some improvement in the appearance, ;-)04:57
snakethanks snail04:57
TidersWhats the command to load a module again04:57
ronaldhow to open in browser the php file?04:58
enhickmanwebbb82:  if its having trouble downloading the softwre package you could try a different ubuntu package mirror04:58
ZaNeIuMsnake: huh?04:58
webbb82enhickman,  what software source  and what mirror  sorry im new04:58
pure_hateronald: are you serious? file > open > nameoffile.php04:58
inferno_daulXEONWhat do you guys think... my system is effed in the a and I don't know where to start fixing. Which Version should I get? the LTS or Jaunty04:58
webbb82did u look at the pastebin i posted04:59
enhickmanwebbb82: if you click on top menu System > Administration > Software sources04:59
EastDallasinferno_daulXEON: Karmic04:59
webbb82i changed it to the main server04:59
inferno_daulXEONEastDallas: Karmic Broke my system. I really don't think its a great idea05:00
Sabre-nightanyone here able to help with internet conection issues?05:00
inferno_daulXEONSabre-night: whats up05:00
enhickmanwebbb82: id try that  idk that it will work for sure05:00
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snakeZaNeIuM: If you use the file browser to look at the contents you can just look at the name there and compare it to the terminal ls command stuff05:00
webbb82no im still getting about 140 broken packages05:01
grantbourqueis qt4 built into ubuntu 9.10?05:01
snakeI know blue means its a directory05:01
grantbourqueIf I need to fetch it, where can I get it?05:01
LJRsnake, green is an executable05:01
Sabre-nightinferno_daulXEON, I disconnect from the internet fairly regularly with no notification, and when i browse on a virtual machine (XP) hosted from ubuntu aswell it has perfect internet connection, no random disconnect.05:01
ZaNeIuMwhat file browser?05:01
inferno_daulXEONwebbb82:   Can you do "sudo apt-get update --fix-broken"05:01
LJRZaNeIuM, what's the issue bud?05:01
pure_hategrantbourque: aptitude search qt405:02
snakeZaNeIuM: there ya go green is an executable...05:02
webbb82gpg: requesting key 8AC93F7A from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com05:02
webbb82gpg: key 8AC93F7A: "Launchpad Kubuntu Updates" not changed05:02
snakeZaNeIuM: your that much closer to finding out for yourself.05:02
webbb82i was tryin to add the kde ppa05:02
ZaNeIuMits a green background with a blue text like_this05:02
ZaNeIuMonly i got it backwards05:03
snoopy_when i open counter strike my screen goes black and i get a error saying "out of range" help?05:03
enhickmanwebbb82: im not sure i understand what your trying to do = )05:03
inferno_daulXEONSabre-night: What network manager are you using? Are you using DHCP? Samba? How is your DNS set up05:03
hanophix33I just installed boxee on karmic, opens but is very extremely slow05:03
ZaNeIuMLJR i was just wondering what the colors ment when you use the ls command05:04
inferno_daulXEONwebbb82: try to open up Synaptic and clear out the bad keys. Then put the new ones in05:04
inferno_daulXEONwebbb82: you know how to do that?05:04
LJRZaNeIuM, blue is a directory and green is an executable.05:04
pure_hateZaNeIuM: the colors have to do with the kind of file05:04
inferno_daulXEONwebbb82: thats not a word I'm familiar with05:04
pure_hateexcecutable or directory05:04
Sabre-nightinferno_daulXEON, i don't know, i would assume whatever is set default on ubuntu 9.10 upon installation. and i don't know a thing about the dns, seeing as it's comcast's doing.05:04
ZaNeIuMthe file is showing both05:04
ZaNeIuMgreen and blue05:05
pure_hateThats not really possible05:05
inferno_daulXEONSabre-night: Are you using DHCP or a Static IP?05:05
LJRZaNeIuM, Linux doesn't depend on file extensions (.jpg, .doc, .txt) to tell it what the file is or contains. It uses other means. It lets us know with the colors.05:05
Sabre-nightinferno_daulXEON,  i believe static IP.05:05
pure_hatels -la the file05:05
ZaNeIuMlike this .thisisthefile05:05
enhickmansnoopy_: my guess is when you start CS it auto changes your monitor to a refresh rate that is out of the range of your monitor05:05
grantbourqueI don't know which qt4 package I should get05:05
AndChatWith the colors? Explain05:06
pure_hategrantbourque: then how do you know you need it?05:06
grantbourque"For Mumble/Murmur 1.1.0 and greater (including SVN), Qt 4.3 is required. For Mumble 1.1.8 or newer, QT 4.4 is required."05:06
inferno_daulXEONwebbb82: OK Try it out. After that if it doesn't work can you try to get the default sources.list05:06
LJRAndChat, you mean me?05:06
hanophix33has anyone had success installing boxee on karmic?05:06
Some_Personsomething's wrong -- my whole file system is suddenly read-only. I tried to install the "devscripts" package, but something horribly went wrong. http://paste.ubuntu.com/350246/05:06
hanophix33or is it better just to go after jaunty if i am doing a dedicated computer to run boxee05:07
LJRAndChat, I was speaking to ZaNeIuM. I was explaining why the CLI uses colors to tell us what files are/do.05:07
EastDallasZaNeIuM: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/where-is-color-of-ls-command-defined.html05:07
Some_PersonDuring the installation, I got a prompts (blue thing with things to select). It said something about how do you get your mail, and I chose the default option, which was website or something like that05:07
inferno_daulXEONSabre-night: try setting up your static IP through the interfaces file.... heres how: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html05:07
pure_hateAndChat: generally red= archive blue = directory and green = executable05:07
AndChatOk, I see05:08
adarshahanophix33: is there a linux version of boxee available?05:08
pure_hatelight blue is a symlink05:08
inferno_daulXEONOn a side note :: MARVEL now officially belongs to DISNEY05:08
LJRpure_hate, isn't pink a symlink?05:08
hanophix33adarsha: yes, not for karmic05:08
LJRinferno_daulXEON, Disney is Satan. True Fact05:08
hanophix33but they have workarounds05:08
pure_hateLJR: think it may depend on term options as well05:09
LJRpure_hate, Gotcha05:09
ray9naOh, for crying out loud! Nobody told me that when you ALT-click, you can click anywhere in the window, not just the titlebar!05:09
inferno_daulXEONLJR: Oh I know.... they are going to ruin everything. Then google is going to absorb them into skynet and use thier influence on children to destroy the human race05:09
LJRray9na, what part of "grab window" was unclear??? o.O05:09
Some_Personanyone know how to fix this?05:09
LJRSome_Person, try to uninstall it?05:10
ray9naLJR: Because normally, to move a window you grab the title bar!05:10
pure_hateSome_Person: I fail to see any reason why your files are read only in this paste05:10
pure_hatehow do you know they are read only?05:10
* ray9na is so re-installing Jaunty tomorrow. Ugh.05:10
LJRray9na, ah, but you can just click them for that. When you hold a hotkey (mine is super) you can click anywhere.05:11
AndChatWhat can I do if I can't get one of my applications(tomboy) to open. Its be like that for days now. Even when I try in terminal it just gives me an error05:11
LJR*click the title bar05:11
inferno_daulXEONSome_Person: Backup, Reinstall, and don't do whateer you just did again... EVER05:11
LJRAndChat, sudo tomboy05:11
Some_Personpure_hate: well, for one thing, I can't create a file in my home directory05:11
AndChatI tried unistalling and reinstalling...no diff05:11
pure_hateAndChat: Giving the error is usually the best way to get a intelligent response05:11
Some_Personpure_hate: and xchat is complaining that it's read only05:11
LJRpure_hate, true, true05:11
pure_hateSome_Person: Have you checked the permissions05:11
LJRSome_Person, also, check your groups?05:12
Some_Personpure_hate: furthermore, "dpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system"05:12
enhickmanSome_Person: are you sure your disk is not full?05:12
nagpaii recently updated kernel and i think even grub. I am unable to see and mount my other partitions. Even my pendrive doesnt get detected05:12
Some_Personenhickman: it's not05:12
inferno_daulXEONSome_Person: You must have recursively changed permissions and it will  be way easier to reinstall if you did it on the whole system05:12
AndChatLJR: I feel like an idiot now. It worked. But I neva had to use sudo for tomboy before05:12
pure_hateSometimes if you mess as root in your home directory , root will take owner ship of the files05:12
ray9naWell, thanks, all. I have to work in the morning, so off I go. *mumble grumble one o' these days i'm gonna get something right on the first go*05:12
LJRAndChat, sudo = work or I kill you.05:12
mneptokSome_Person: sounds like / was mounted read-only05:12
Some_Personmneptok: In the middle of installing a package?05:13
hanophix33anyone have a suggestion for a good media application less demanding than boxee05:13
LJRAndChat, please be careful using sudo or allowing applications root access tho.05:13
pure_hateSounds to me like you just dont have write access05:13
Some_Personmneptok: I ran sudo apt-get install devscripts, and that's what broke it05:13
pure_hatebut I am just a n00b05:13
IdleOneLJR: gksudo GUIAPP is recommended05:13
inferno_daulXEONmneptok: that doesn't happen unless you mess with fstab using a jackhammer and a pack of c405:13
AndChatPure_hate: I would but I'm using my phone for irc and it would to much to use pastebin thru it05:13
LJRIdleOne, ?05:13
LJRpure_hate, you're alright. Don't go putting yourself down.05:13
LJRSome_Person, you have a LiveCD?05:14
mneptokinferno_daulXEON: incorrect. it can happen if the volume was not unmouted cleanly and errors are detected upon re-mounting.05:14
IdleOneLJR: when running a GUI application it is better to use gksudo instead of sudo05:14
Some_PersonLJR: Not at the moment that supports my ext4 partition05:14
AndChatLJR: why be careful with sudo for apps?05:14
LJRIdleOne, I did not know that! Thanks for updating me!05:14
LJRSome_Person, That doesn't matter - do you have one?05:14
Some_PersonLJR: I could probably dig one up05:14
mneptokSome_Person: you might want to boot off the install media and fsck your / partition05:14
adarshahanophix33: yeah, i tried using apt-get for boxee, it gives an error: 'broken packages' i'l try some tweaks..05:15
AndChatIdleOne: why gksudo instead for GUI?05:15
LJRAndChat, sudo is a powerful command. you can easily corrupt something using it. IdleOne suggest gksudo for guiapps.05:15
LJRSome_Person, load it and chroot into your FS and grant write access.05:15
mneptokAndChat: because that is what it is designed for. sudo is not.05:15
TidersWhats a good program Icould use with a Wacom tablet for taking math notes05:15
Scott1979can anyone help dual haeding whit ati05:15
Some_PersonLJR: Shouldn't this be filed as like a major ubuntu bug? installing devscripts borks your FS?05:15
pure_hateSome_Person: can you write a file a s root?05:15
EastDallasSome_Person: have you checked your /etc/fstab for the 'ro' attribute?05:16
Some_Personpure_hate: No, I can't05:16
AndChatMneptok: just don't know the difference.05:16
Some_PersonEastDallas: Already checked fstab. It's fine. By the way, it suddenly went read-only in the middle of installing a package05:16
LJRSome_Person, can you please 1) Duplicate the problem and 2) provide step-by-step directions on how to dup. the problem so we can play with it and fix it? You need to cover that before you file a bug.05:16
pure_hateSome_Person: Best thing to do is chroot in with a live disc and clean up the mess that way05:16
IdleOneAndChat: you really shouldn't need to run any apps with sudo but in the case you do with graphical applications use gksudo as it is safer. exact reasons why I am not sure of but been told many times by more experienced users05:17
Scott1979dual screen help required 9.10 karmic koala05:17
EastDallasSome_Person: I found quite a few things when I Google: file system read only dpkg05:18
vickHello, any good decent application for drawing diagrams ? I tried dia but it produced messed up results when i export to pdf05:19
AndChatIdleOne: ok thx, for the advice05:19
vickI need to draw some diagrams to put in latex document.05:19
LJRpure_hate, right - Linux is powerful enough that you rarely need to completely reinstall over a gimped OS.05:19
xiongFWIW, I'm totally unable to get Compiz to come back after reboot; I just have to get it back manually and reset the virtual size each time. Good thing this is Linux and not windoz, so I only have to reboot about once a week.05:20
LJRI once used chroot off a live cd to find and remove viruses off of windows. =P05:20
pure_hateLJR: yeps, but most of the time people would rather reinstall than learn how their OS really works.05:20
Scott1979what card u using xiong05:20
Scott1979and have u tried to remeber apps running for reboot05:20
LJRpure_hate, well that's their irresponsibilty and immaturity showing. They need to go back to Windows.05:20
faileasLJR: actually, you can repair install most OSes. But... eh... sometimes starting afresh is easier05:21
pure_hatevick: Unfortuanly if you need something like visio linux is laking in that deoartment, if you just need to draw I recomend inkscape05:21
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pure_hateugh, spell fail05:21
mazda01ne1 good with conky? i have a calander conky and it's so far over from the right edge of my screen? my x offset is set to only 10. here's the conky config   http://pastebin.com/f69436140  and then heres a pic: http://img69.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotqm.png05:22
vickpure_hate, Thanks.05:22
LJRfaileas, I always found repairing a gimped windows OS to be fairly difficult, depending on the situation of course. Anyway, back on topic!05:22
xiongScott1979, Graphics card? Dunno; it's a laptop. I could go dig that up I suppose. This only started recently; I blame the Karmic upgrade.05:22
faileasLJR: i mostly work on windows boxes ;p. difference is really, I can trust my borked linux boxes to be my own fault ;p05:23
pure_hatemazda01: thats not the whole config05:23
mazda01pure_hate, yes it is. you want the calander script?05:23
LJRfaileas, lol! too true05:23
xiongScott1979, As for remembering running apps, that's actually another problem. For some reason, Terminal and Firefox want to start after reboot, although I turned *off* 'Remember' and checked that they're not in the Startup Apps list.05:23
xiongScott1979, Do you think I should stick something pertaining to Compiz into Startup Apps?05:24
pure_hateWow, this is my first time in this channel and its a lot of work05:24
mazda01pure_hate, there is no calander script that's right. that's the whole script05:24
Scott1979maybe xiong05:24
Scott1979not to sure but will help buy looking05:24
DarkAvengerI have found many security holes in Ubuntu05:24
NamVetHow do I get infra recorder using synaptic anyone can help me?05:24
pure_hate{alignr 2} is your probelm05:24
xiongScott1979, I tried writing a simple bash script, essentially 'compiz --replace' and put that in Startup -- didn't work, didn't do anything.05:25
snoopy_counter strike still messed up05:25
AndChatDarkAvenger: how so?05:25
kraitoscan anyone help with file sharing with windows?05:25
faileasNamVet: infra recorder is for windows isn't it?05:25
DarkAvengerSnoopy: Try using wine for linux. might help your CS or CS:S work05:25
Scott1979how are u enabling compix xiong gui or terminal05:25
snoopy_yeah i am using wine ahah05:25
szymiHas anyone in here been using this particular IRC for more than a year?05:26
faileasNamVet: if its ubuntu, brasero iirc is the alternative most people use05:26
rad_sci_guyhi kriatos  i'm sharing with windows, I might be able to help05:26
mazda01pure_hate, ok, will look at that05:26
faileasszymi: on and off.05:26
snoopy_the only problem i got is that when i open it i hear the sounds and everything but the screen goes black and says "out or range"05:26
xiongScott1979, GUI; it seems I have to set Visual Effects in Appearance.05:26
pure_hateszymi: this channel or this network or what do you mean05:26
Scott1979try compiz --replace05:26
Scott1979in term05:26
NamVetI have K Koala w/ Brasero it isn't burning Img files too well. :(05:26
szymifaileas, can you pm me I have a few questions05:26
pure_hateirssi is the greatest irc client ever05:26
DarkAvengerSnoopy: Then its not Ubuntu's problem, its most likely a problem with Wine/Wine Config, try checking their website, if that doesnt help visit their forums and IRC05:26
Scott1979it will automatically start compiz fusion.05:27
Scott1979to enable compiz fusion to work on start up, go to system > prefences > sessions05:27
Scott1979under the startup programs, add new item and enter and save this code as the command:05:27
xiongScott1979, I failed with that approach.05:27
Scott1979to enable compiz fusion to work on start up, go to system > prefences > sessions05:27
Scott1979under the startup programs, add new item and enter and save this code as the command:05:27
faileasszymi: if its ubuntu related, asking here works better05:27
Scott1979compiz --replace05:27
xiongScott1979, I don't *see* 'Sessions'.05:27
pure_hatexiong: Have your tried using the fusion-icon to manage compiz05:27
Scott1979start up programs05:28
xiongpure_hate, Don't understand you fully, sorry.05:28
NamVetfaileas: thank you, i'll try it again. Happy New Year all, goodbye05:28
DarkAvengerSnoopy_: get in private chat, I'll help u out05:28
Scott1979nmae it compiz and use command in command line05:28
szymiI'm fine with Ubuntu, been getting used to it and Linux for a couple months now. Got some questions as far as where to go's and such for DLing movies and such05:28
pure_hatexiong: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/03/25/toggle-compiz-with-fusion-icon-in-ubuntu-804/05:28
pure_hateits a little icon to manage compiz05:28
faileasszymi: same place you would for any other OS ;)05:29
kraitosi'm trying to see the share drive that is on a windows pc can anyone help?05:29
xiongScott1979, I wrote a shell script and put that in Startup Apps; didn't work. Didn't try just putting the command in directly.05:29
szymiI used to use mIRC circa 99, but its been since then that i've messed around05:29
szymijust got this on here about an hour ago05:29
xiongpure_hate, me looks.05:29
Some_PersonWell, fsck did fix my FS! :)05:30
szymiI usually get torrents, haven't befriended anyone on an IRC in a long while05:30
Some_PersonBut now I have dpkg issues05:30
faileasszymi: torrents work on linux. codecwise... the w32codecs from medibuntu are pretty much all i need i think05:30
rad_sci_guykraitos, are you trying to see the windows share on linux05:31
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Scott1979xion use system/pref/startup apps05:31
pure_hatekraitos: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-remote-windows-partition-windows-share-under-linux.html05:31
pure_hateabout a thousand hits on google05:32
Scott1979add and use command05:32
HentaiWolfheyho ^^05:32
szymiWord, maybe i'll just trash this package then.. I just remember so long ago when I used to use mIRC and got music 6 motnhs before it even hit sdtores and shit05:32
kraitosrad_sci_guy, no i'm trying to see a shared hard drive that is connected to a windows computer05:32
HentaiWolfcan someone say me why i cant get internet on my debian server?05:32
tamp4x1anyone here got at&t iphoe inernet via usb to work with ubuntu?05:32
HentaiWolfdont know where else to go ^^05:32
pure_hateHentaiWolf: you wwll have to be much more specific05:33
Some_Personhow do i fix this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/350254/05:33
xiongScott1979, pure_hate, I'm going to try fusion-icon. It's pretty tedious troubleshooting this kind of issue, since I have to go through the reboot each time to see what results I get. I'll let you know how it goes.05:33
HentaiWolfive got a server i want to install debian on a vm05:33
HentaiWolfbut this cant reach the internet05:33
Scott1979have u tried removing compiz and reinstalling xiong05:33
HentaiWolfi dont know why05:33
pure_hatedpkg --configure libio-stringy-perl05:33
Scott1979sudo apt-get remove compiz05:34
HentaiWolfwith the same config runs a windows machine05:34
Scott1979sudo apt-get install compiz05:34
HentaiWolfand windows is in the internet05:34
pure_hateapt-get -f install will clean that up to I belive05:34
kraitosrad_sci_guy, actually i figured it out already. i installed samba and now i can see it. thanks for the help tho.05:34
xiongScott1979, No offense but that seems like a shotgun approach. If I'm going to try that sort of thing, I may as well (as I'm contemplating anyway) double-burn my whole system and do a clean install.05:34
Scott1979do u want me to post the website that recommends this shot gun approch05:35
pure_hateHentaiWolf: Are you sure you set up networking in the VM? Can you ping the gateway? Is your interface up? can you see any other PC's on the LAN?05:35
syockitSome_Person: aiieee some borked configuration you have there. can you try reconfiguring just libio-stringy-perl ?05:35
rad_sci_guykratios: that's great.  If you need help auto mounting the drive let me know05:35
Some_Personpure_hate: nope :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/350255/05:35
xiongScott1979, I'm always willing to study.05:35
Scott19794th post down by clomax05:36
HentaiWolfpure_hate i tried the same ip sm gw dns as on the gateway the settings are not different its just the ip05:36
pure_hateSome_Person: dpkg --configure libio-stringy-perl you try that05:36
HentaiWolfit ends with 6105:36
Scott1979stringy perls ewwwwwwwwwww05:36
xiongpure_hate, fusion-icon blows up in a funny way. I get errors in the Terminal when running it from there. The icon installs into the system tray but doesn't react to clicks. Not sure this is a go-ahead.05:36
HentaiWolfthe windows machine ends with 6005:36
Some_Personpure_hate, syockit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/350256/05:37
pure_hatexiong: I dunnu man, I set up compiz for backtrack which is the distro I develop for so I thought that might help. I am more of a console jokey.05:37
xiongScott1979, pure_hate, Thank you for your help. I've already been at this issue several hours; I'd better take a break for now.05:38
m0se5kde4 -- where can I disable all of these event sounds, such as closing a window, switching IRC channels... I've shutdown everything in notifications all ready.05:38
faileasm0se5: if its kde you'd want to ask on kubuntu05:39
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Some_Personpure_hate: any other ideas?05:39
pure_hateSome_Person: Not alot let to try except sudo dpkg --force all --remove05:39
pure_hateand try again05:39
Scott1979yes do that xiong u will find it will work when u come back to it05:40
Some_Personpure_hate: which package(s)?05:40
pure_hatestart with the perl strings and kepp going05:40
m0se5ask in the kubuntu channel? these channel themes are getting ridiculous. Thanks anyway.05:40
jiraayai have an installation manual which says i have to add an alias to modules.conf file in fedora. what is the equivalent file in ubuntu?05:40
syockitSome_Person: maybe try force removing perl string and reinstalling it05:40
BLOODCLAWiceroot: you there?05:41
BLOODCLAWlstarnes: you there?05:41
pure_hatejiraaya: /etc/modules05:41
mithridateshey guys05:41
mithridateshow can I upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to 9.10?05:42
Some_Personsyockit, pure_hate: http://paste.ubuntu.com/350259/05:42
pure_hateHentaiWolf: ifconfig eth0 up05:42
HentaiWolfi cant now05:42
BLOODCLAWanyone wanna help me real quick. just gotta type an url and tell me if the site works.05:42
HentaiWolfi installed fedora to test05:42
HentaiWolfi cant install05:43
faileasBLOODCLAW: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ this is useful for that05:43
HentaiWolfdebian with network05:43
mithridateshow can I upgrade ubuntu hardy 8.04 to 9.10 ?05:43
HentaiWolfi sais all the time couldnt reach network with my ip05:43
syockitSome_Person: aiyyaa! looks like you might have to do manual dpkg debugging... look for the post-install script etc. and see why the error occurs05:43
=== Administrator is now known as Guest18066
Guest18066can someone please help me mount a samba share from another ubuntu box, I am just not having any luck right now05:43
HentaiWolfip SM GW DNS
HentaiWolfbut it dont let me do this setup05:44
wastrelpanels eh05:44
BLOODCLAWfaileas: it says its down... hmm. you sure its accurate? im trying to host a site on apache2 and it looks up. would you mind verifyng it?05:44
HentaiWolfcan i force it?05:44
faileasBLOODCLAW: hm05:44
pure_hateSome_Person: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/libio-stringy-perl.*05:44
pure_hatethen sudo apt-get -f install05:45
Guest18066can someone please help me mount a samba share from another ubuntu box, I am just not having any luck right now05:45
nagpaii recently updated kernel and i think even grub. I am unable to see and mount my other partitions. Even my pendrive doesnt get detected05:45
rad_sci_guyGuest18066:  Hi there. How come you are using samba share with and ubuntu box?  You could use nfs sharing which works really well05:45
mithridateshow can I upgrade ubuntu hardy 8.04 to 9.10 ?05:45
faileasBLOODCLAW: link it here. if its not a bona fide link... well.. lets hope it is :)05:45
Some_Personpure_hate: ok, now i was able to remove libio-stringy-perl05:45
BLOODCLAWfaileas: no funny business on it i swear hahaha its just one sentence that says "on the right track." it worked from another computer but thats within the same house as this computer. i wanted to see if an outside source worked05:45
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, well I have windows machines too05:45
FactTechQuick Question: Is there any way to tell Ubuntu that new users should be added to a particular group by default?05:45
faileasBLOODCLAW: ok, link it05:45
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, think you could help me some how :\05:46
mithridatesplz answer my question : how can I upgrade ubuntu hardy 8.04 to 9.10 ?05:46
mister_robotoBLOODCLAW: if you're trying to host an internet site on your own machine, did you set up port forwarding through your router?05:46
jiraayaHentaiWolf: thanks. and also is /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 the same as the network/interfaces file?05:46
syockitmithridates: you can do incremental upgrade, or you can backup your system and install freshly05:46
BLOODCLAWmister_roboto: nope05:46
faileasits a local ip address he gave me05:46
mithridatessyockit: how can I do it incrementaly?05:46
rad_sci_guyGuest 18066:  You can use the samba between ubuntu and windows, but I find my ubuntu to ubuntu machines work better with nfs.05:47
unopHentaiWolf, that subnetmask looks suspect - are you sure it is
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mister_robotoBLOODCLAW: then it will look fine for you on your local LAN but nobody can get to it through your router.05:47
HentaiWolfthe win machine runs fine with it05:47
Blue1is there a way to set default printer orientation (portrait/landscape) in Cups -- if there is, I'm not finding it -- I could in 9.04 but not 9.10.....05:47
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, ok, assume im clueless05:47
pure_hateHentaiWolf: Linux != windows05:47
reactorpure_hate, right :P05:47
unopHentaiWolf, and what is the default route like on the windows machine?05:47
BLOODCLAWmister_roboto: hmmm... would i use a specific ip adress, or do i have to port forward... or what would i do? im at a loss05:48
pure_hateThats like saying my car runs great on 87 octane gas but my airplane just wont go05:48
HentaiWolfunop what do you mean?05:48
faileasBLOODCLAW: port forward to the router05:48
faileaser from the router to the box05:48
klownyou have an airplane, lucky you.05:48
faileasthen use the router ip address05:48
mister_robotoBLOODCLAW: you need to log into your router and forward requests to port 80 to the machine hosting your web server05:48
Scott1979action u still here05:48
mister_robotoBLOODCLAW: if none of that makes sense, you have a lot of reading to do  :)05:49
HentaiWolfpure_hate yeah i know but network is the same or not?05:49
BLOODCLAWmister_roboto: port 80 is blocked by my isp05:49
Some_Personpure_hate: can you repost the first pastebin I linked to? I need to remove all the dependencies manually of devscripts and don't know what they are05:49
unopHentaiWolf, on the windows machine, run this command.   route print  -- look at the Gateway for the route05:49
Blue1mister_roboto: cox blocks incoming http requests -- dunno about your isp05:49
mister_robotoBlue1: mine does not  :\    well in that case he's totally screwed05:49
klownBLOODCLAW, some isp' you can call and request them to unlock it.  and some will do it for a price.05:49
pure_hatehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/350255/ that one05:49
Scott1979actionparsnip can u view my org.conf paste05:50
syockitmithridates: try running update-manager -d05:50
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, how do I do that?05:50
m0se5#kubuntu's a dead channel... (thanks anyway faileas) ...but kde4 -- Where can I disable all of these event sounds, such as closing a window, switching IRC channels, seemingly every other action really.... I've shutdown everything in notifications all ready.05:50
Blue1klown: true - but cox won't do it, for fear you're running a feline exploitation site -- (if you get my drift) --05:50
BLOODCLAWklown: if i dont want to pay a price, cant i just use a random port. say 9999?05:50
pure_hateBLOODCLAW: If all you neeed to do is test run it on another port05:50
Blue1klown: there's always port 808005:50
faileasm0se5: well i assume some of it is app specific05:51
Scott1979im running a virtual display of 2384 x 768 how to change05:51
mister_robotom0se5: are you using Quassel?05:51
HentaiWolfunop http://nopaste.info/7d533b14f8.html05:51
pure_hateBLOODCLAW: but if you isp forbids servers and finds out you have one they will shut of your internet05:51
rad_sci_guyGuest18066:  on the computer you want to share you'l have to define your share folders in /etc/exports05:51
m0se5faileas, I've been using gnome for years. same apps.05:51
pure_hateman this channel is like being at work :-)05:52
BLOODCLAWpure_hate: thanks for the heads up. yeah im only testing stuff05:52
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, /home/x/Videos/,no_root_squash,async)05:52
faileaspure_hate: mine just totally messed up the routing for a few weeks, i don't it was intentional, but if it was it was an inspired way to mess up my server ;p05:52
plustaxim having trouble getting remote desktop working on my desktop. My laptop works fine, but I can't seem to get it to go non-local on my desktop. Anyone help me out?05:52
klownpure_hate, its a support channel, of course its work ;x05:52
syockitmithridates: by the way you ought to look for upgrade notes. They may contain precautions regarding upgrading a release version05:52
* pure_hate is not usually this supportive. I have my own channels to support :-) Although helping out a little is nice05:53
faileaspure_hate: i usually come for help, not get an answer, and end up helping ;p05:53
rad_sci_guyGuest:18066:  That looks correct,  I'm not sure what the async is as I have sync in my shares05:53
HentaiWolfunop still there? ^^05:54
plustaxpure_hate you seem like you know your stuff. Think you can help me out with something?05:54
pure_hateplustax: I'll try but I can promise anything05:54
klownah, the ol "betcha cant" trick :x05:54
unopHentaiWolf, yes, what kind of a connection does the windows machine have? the one with the address?05:54
pure_hateer cant even05:54
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, what do i do to try on the client?05:54
Some_Personpure_hate: now what? http://paste.ubuntu.com/350262/05:55
rad_sci_guyGuest18066:  now on the client that access the share you have to install nfs server05:55
plustaxpure_hate check pm sir!05:55
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, it says it is05:55
klowndid they just update the nvidia 195 package again..its like the 3rd time this week05:56
unopHentaiWolf, ?05:56
HentaiWolfunop yes05:56
rad_sci_guyGuest18066: ok,  Now you need to mount the share in fstab05:57
HentaiWolfthats the ip of the windows machine05:57
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, alright, I have tried that previously with 0 luck to be honest.05:57
unopHentaiWolf, actually, put on the pastebin the output of   ipconfig /all   -- from the windows machine05:57
HentaiWolfone moment05:57
pure_hateSome_Person: you nedd to dpkg reconfigure postfix now05:57
TNA5000helo room, I've opened up the disk usage analizer and I see that my /var/log takes up 89.5GB, is there something I can do quickly to truncate the logs, are there logs I should not truncate? Any help will be very appreciated.05:57
rad_sci_guyGuest:18066: can  you show me the fstab command?05:58
Guest18066rad_sci_guy, yea can you open a private message?05:58
HentaiWolfunop http://nopaste.info/7b2339c128.html05:59
HentaiWolfthere it is05:59
berrybarryI have a rar with password thats personal files stored my backup files is their a  way to bypass because I forgot it/..05:59
klownsubnet shows, not
HentaiWolfit works too06:00
berrybarryI want to extract a rar file with no password because I lost the password..06:00
DarkAvengerHentaiWolf is n=Wolf@p5B30669A.dip.t-dialin.net *06:00
DarkAvengerFloodBot1 is n=floodbot@ubuntu/bot/floodbot * #ubuntu guard bot06:01
unopDarkAvenger, stop that please06:01
mister_robotoTNA5000: you should find out what is doing such heavy logging and why. "du -sh /var/log/*" will show the size of the files and dirs at that level.  usually you can truncate an individual file with "> [filename]" as long as the process isn't keeping the logfile open. logfiles are only as useful as the person looking at them for information :)06:01
HentaiWolfklown i set it up to nao =)06:01
Scott1979can nayone help me with my xorg.conf06:02
Scott1979its using a virtual resolution06:02
unopHentaiWolf, well, no, your windows machine reports
Scott1979i want independant resolutions06:02
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Some_Personpure_hate: well, it wouldn't reconfigure, so I removed it, but all seems well now :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/350264/06:02
klownHentaiWolf, what is your actual subnet mask?06:02
DarkAvengerberrybarry: impossible, removing the password will destroy the RAR coding, which will corrupt the file. you'll need a decrypter taht can fudge the password (which takes a long time, and is illegal to possess without a warrant)06:02
kisielk_homeI'm a bit confused about setting up DNS nameservers  for a static IP configuration. The manual online says you should edit /etc/resolv.conf by hand. However, man resolver says you should put in 'dns-nameservers' options in /etc/network/interfaces06:03
DarkAvengermight need to get mySQL06:03
HentaiWolfsoo thats the standart config for the windows server06:03
kisielk_homeand it seems /etc/resolv.conf gets overwritten by resolver from time to time, however I couldn't get the dns-nameservers option to work06:03
klownHentaiWolf, normally, it is unless you changed it (for most routers that is)06:03
HentaiWolfits not at home the server06:03
DarkAvengeryep KonsolzeKlown has it06:03
HentaiWolfits a webserver06:03
Scott1979klown the subnetmask can be different for differnt ip range06:04
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HentaiWolfi dont understand much of networking06:04
aandersedoesn't tango icon theme exist anymore?06:04
Scott1979192.168.0.0 is subnet mask
HentaiWolfbut i think somewhat that runs on windows should be run on linux too06:05
mister_robotoScott1979: actually06:05
Scott1979yeah well they are specific to the ip range06:05
Scott1979not always just one06:05
bdelin88how would i go about searching through a specific text file (command line), i need to find where the options for 'mcrypt' are.  i know which file it's in, i just need to search within only that file.06:05
unopHentaiWolf, do you know what IP address range is given to you for use with your servers?06:06
unopHentaiWolf, /  would indicate only one06:06
HentaiWolfi got 4 ips06:06
HentaiWolf1 is for the basic system06:07
unopHentaiWolf, and which address is that?06:07
HentaiWolfthe gateway for the win server06:07
HentaiWolfis the main server06:07
Scott1979mister_roboto u are still sorta wrong06:07
unopbdelin88, grep?06:07
faileas bdelin88:  grep maybe?06:07
aandersedoesn't tango icon theme exist anymore?06:08
Scott197910.0.0.0 is
mister_robotoScott1979: a network address of with subnet mask makes no sense06:08
unopmister_roboto, actually it does :)06:08
Scott1979ok go here smart dude06:09
TNA5000mister_roboto: thanks, this is helpfull. Well it looks like /var/log/messages is at 13GB there are other /varlog/messages.#.gz files that are several Megs.  /var/logs/syslogs is at 5GB and /var/log/user.log is 30G. Why are those logs so very large?06:09
mister_robotoScott1979: scratch that,   you're right06:09
Scott1979mister go here06:09
FloodBot1Scott1979: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
mister_robotoScott1979: lol06:09
Scott1979i am not a networking server admin for nothing06:10
mister_robotoScott1979: but the non-routable network is 192.168 /1606:10
mister_robotoScott1979: specifying a /24 subnet doesn't really add value on a home network06:10
unopmister_roboto, err, is still routable - just not on the public internet by virtue of policy06:10
Scott1979go over your issue in pm mister06:10
mister_robotounop:  that's what i mean, publicly06:10
HentaiWolfhere a picture of the win machine06:10
Scott1979yes you are using local ip06:10
mister_robotounop:  of course it's routable on a local segment06:10
phaerI encrypted my ubuntus home folder with encfs per ubuntu installer. Now i want to mount it with encfs command from my archlinux install. "encfs /mnt/.ecryptfs/phaer[.ecryptfs] /mnt/phaer" offers my to create a new container...06:11
anon_anyone good with kismet here?06:11
unopmister_roboto, my ISP has those addresses in the core of its network tho06:11
mister_robotounop:  otherwise tcp/ip wouldn't work :)06:11
unopmister_roboto, not true06:11
Scott1979go to my private chat pm06:11
Scott1979in private06:11
jiraayai have debian 5.0 . kernel version is . My netowrk card is not detected. output of lspci - 01:00.0 Realtek Semicondutor Co,, ltd Device 8119 (rev 10).06:11
m0se5the answer was in ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde406:12
mister_robotounop: it's fine in the core, just not fine to route them over any public router06:12
unopmister_roboto, that's a contradiction in itself :) but anyway, it's offtopic here06:13
anon_anyone understand kismet at all?06:13
mister_robotounop: what's the contradiction?06:14
faileasjiraaya: debian is not ubuntu. you'd want to try that06:14
mister_robotounop: if a public facing router is forwarding 192.168 addrs, it's broken06:14
faileasmister_roboto: gah, the faster we move to IPV6, the better06:14
TidersIs it wrong to switch to root like one would in CentOS or Fedora instead of using sudo06:15
mister_robotounop: i would appreciate it if you tell where the contradiction is. i'm genuinely curious what you mean06:16
unopmister_roboto, a router on the core of an ISP network is a public router06:16
roraclehey there06:16
m0se5Tiders, just use sudo -s instead of enabling the root account.06:17
mister_robotounop if your isp is forwarding 192.168 address traffic to anywhere outside its own private network, they have a serious problem06:17
unopmister_roboto, this ISP uses private address ranges to support the routing infrastructure - but uses tunnelling/MPLS on top of that to forward IP06:17
Tidersm0se5, Well I was using sudo -i usually06:17
roraclei'm having a bit of trouble guys:  audio is not working at all on this fresh install of ubuntu.  it is a computer at my workplace and my boss really wants to get to know how to use it, but the lack of sound makes it unattractive.  where do i start and how do i go about fixing this issue?06:18
roracleoh yeah, it's ubuntu 9.10, btw.  latest and greatest?06:19
roracle32 bit06:19
roraclei guess i really should put all that into one big question06:20
jan247hi guys, what's the easiest way to tell if a port is open on some machine. i tend to use telnet HOST PORT but I don't really need to send anything06:20
mister_robotounop; these rules are pretty explicity in rfc 191806:20
pure_hatejan247: netstat -tap | grep "port number"06:21
pure_hateTo access this dialog, open the desktop System menu, select Preferences and click on Remote Desktop. When selected the following window will appear:06:21
roracleSound is not working in Ubuntu 9.10 32bit OR 64bit (neither worked).  I installed this on a computer at work (Dell Optiplex 330) and everything works beautifully except this one issue.06:21
Atharroracle: if it's an option for you, you could try 9.04, as I heard from a few people that they had audio problems after switching to 9.1006:22
hanasakiwhere is the default app for movie player set?06:23
ribotmy running windows dont show in taskbar, can i make them show up?06:23
jan247pure_hate: looking for something that may connect to a remote machine06:23
roracleAthar: is there a way to install 9.04 with Wubi?  Will I need an older version of Wubi?06:23
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WireWulfthis distro still sucks06:24
unopmister_roboto, sure, but ask yourself how its network converges when there's an upset in the routing domain - it has to forward routes contained within this private network (but only to routers in its domain). In anycase, it doesn't violate RFC1918 or upset any of its customers private networks by doing this.06:24
unopanyway, offtopic nonsense06:25
Atharroracle: I've never used Wubi, but I assume you'll need the 9.04 version06:25
m0se5Tiders, ya, your right. that's even more the root user because it'll load up the environment variables of the root user if it can. sudo -s just executes the default shell as root. (/bin/bash maybe?) It's used for using sudo over and over without actually switching to the root user.06:25
mister_robotounop:  yes, yes,   i agree with all that. i thought the only point was PUBLIC routing. it's not entirely off topic considering the issues raised earlier. and i don't think we're actually disagreeing06:26
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 has forgotten i have an audio device, help?06:27
m0se5hanasaki, right click on a video and it's one of the tabs.06:27
m0se5hanasaki, correction. right click on a video -> properties. and it's one of the tabs.06:28
sevolanyone know how I would go about getting my vhost to work on lan?06:28
faileassevol: how about a hosts file?06:29
hanasakim0se5: all I have is a DVD in the player not a file06:29
sevolfaileas, uh i ahve one06:29
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 has forgotten i have an audio device, help?06:29
sevol192.168.1.70:80 sex.ff for06:29
sevolworks on my ubuntu box06:30
sevolbut under my windows06:30
sevol192.168.1.70 works only06:30
sevolnot sex.ff ;[06:30
FloodBot1sevol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:30
faileasadd a hosts.txt entry in windows ;)06:30
sevolkiddig me right?06:30
Nicekiwi9sevol: have u setup ur hosts file in windows?06:30
sevolNicekiwi9, uhhhh i dunno, well windows 7 is my host ubuntu is my guest06:31
e-i-k-ei there a way to change how nautilus displays the filesize?06:31
sevolhow would i do that?06:31
Nicekiwi9so it'll be "                 sex.ff"06:31
e-i-k-ein the columns e.g. 6,9MB is not enough. I'd like to have e.g. 6,978MB06:31
Nicekiwi9or other way round, never member which06:31
nikhil_can someone give some clues as to how to troubleshoot an ubuntu crash - what log files to start at?06:31
sevolNicekiwi9, is the ip on the ubuntu box06:31
sevolwhere would i put the host file on the windows?06:32
Nicekiwi9C:\ > windows > system32 > drivers > etc > hosts06:32
hanasakidvd will not play... it says something about libdvdcss libdvdcss2 however this is not in the repository.  where is it?06:32
sevolNicekiwi9, with quote?06:32
Nicekiwi9theres a hosts file alreaddy there, depending on ur windows ersion of course06:32
Izinucs!medibuntu | hanasaki06:32
ubottuhanasaki: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:32
Nicekiwi9there should be an example in the hosts file on windows already06:32
m0se5hanasaki, put the dvd in and an icon will show on the desktop, right click -> properties. open with tab.06:33
sevolNicekiwi9, ok give me a sec06:33
sevolNicekiwi9, oh yea you are right06:33
hanasakim0se5: thanks06:33
Nicekiwi9the file wont hav an extestion, just open it with notepad and save it without th extention, depending on ur windows version u may need admin rights to edit that file06:34
hanasakiIzinucs: thanks.. umm so ubuntu cannot play a DVD by default?06:34
sevolNicekiwi9, i just remember about taht yea there sohuld be an example06:34
hookahI'm trying to connect to my windows7 tower via smbclient but it's giving me a NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL. Any ideas?06:34
Izinucshanasaki: not one that has commercial content..06:34
LJRhanasaki, it depends on the DVD, but generally no.06:34
m0se5hanasaki, http://www.medibuntu.org/ or http://ubuntu-tweak.com/06:34
sevolNicekiwi9, yea i know, i remember trying to bypass a anti-virus back then on windows06:34
Izinucshanasaki: or one's that have DRM06:34
LJR!dvd | hanasaki06:34
ubottuhanasaki: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:34
sevolNicekiwi9, n it required me to edit my host06:34
LJRIzinucs, do not mention DRM. It makes me cry inside. =(06:35
jj_galvezis there anyway to reduce mic echo with a webcam mic?06:35
Nicekiwi9sevol: what u mean?06:35
IzinucsLJR: like ebook readers.. sad06:35
arghh2d2General question...i'm out of blank cd's and have only blank dvd's...is it possible to burn a cd iso on a blank dvd?06:35
* LJR cries06:36
gluonmanHow can I modify the login window in 9.10?06:36
sevolNicekiwi9, nvm06:36
m0se5jj_galvez, skype does that... or try headphones... move the speaker farther away from the mic?06:36
bullgard"Most (but not all) programs/packages available with apt-get install will also be available from the Synaptic Package Manager." Which ones does Synaptic not provide?06:36
sevolNicekiwi9, thx u very much06:37
Izinucsbullgard: sorry.. where'd you get that idea.. synaptic is complete and uses apt-get to install typically.. Add/Remove available in some release doesn't have a full list06:38
Nicekiwi9sevol: no worries xD Movies time w00p w00p! xD06:38
m0se5bullgard, apt-get and synaptic use the exact same repositories so the available software will be the same.06:38
hookahtrying to connect to my windows7 box via smbclient, but I'm getting "NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL"06:38
Athararghh2d2: don't take my word on it, but I think that should work without any problems.06:38
sevolNicekiwi9, any good movies you'd recommend?06:38
e-i-k-eno idea regarding the accuracy for file sizes in nautilus?06:39
hookahsevol !offtopic06:39
Nicekiwi9sevol: Avatar, im going to see sherlock homes, looked pretty sweet. District 9 is good or Transformers =)06:39
hookah!offtopic sevol06:39
bullgardIzinucs, m0se5 http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Karmic06:39
Nicekiwi9hookah: spoilsport =)06:39
selfhookah: you may need to allow a port to be open in firewall or network settings.. since it is similar to vista in that manner06:40
* Nicekiwi9 wishes ubuntu was as easy to use and as error free as it claims...06:40
hookahself, do I have to designate a port when I'm running the smbclient command? What ports do you use if any06:41
arghh2d2Athar: ok, i'm holding you personally responsible if i waste this blank06:41
arghh2d2Athar: I'm taking "your word on it"!06:41
gheddy_zarcis there an app for logging crashes in ubuntu/debian, im using 9.10 and getting seemingly random periodic crashes , I have to reboot to start the machine06:41
dhs_currently my "iptables -L" shows http://pastebin.com/m4cadd66b on my server (9.04), is this rule preventing me to access net on client PCs???06:41
selfhookah: no you normally do not have to06:41
bullgarde-i-k-e: "[07:39]<e-i-k-e>no idea regarding the accuracy for file sizes in nautilus?" <- Please put here a more precise question so that people can help you.06:41
hookahself, so what port do I open?06:42
selfhookah:  can you ping the ip of your win7 machine?06:42
hookahself, yeah, ping works just fine06:42
sevolanyone know how would go about resetting mysql root password?06:42
selfhold on06:42
m0se5bullgard, I see that but I disagree. To my knowledge, synaptic doesn't filter any packages.06:42
selfhookah: what version of ubuntu are you using06:43
e-i-k-ebullgard: as i wrote i want nautilus not to display 6,7 MB in the columns / the bottom pane but to display me 6,789 MB06:43
bullgardm0se5: Thank you for commenting.06:43
TonrenCan anyone help me with fixing my sound on 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 8600?  I don't have sound on YouTube videos, and changing volume on mpd/mpc has no effect.  I don't know whether I'm using Pulse or Alsa, or what that means, or which one I'm SUPPOSED to be using.06:44
e-i-k-ebullgard: i will create a screenshot, one moment please06:44
ShazbotMcNastydoes gparted run in RAM?06:44
bullgarde-i-k-e: Well, then your last message to the whole #ubuntu audience was incomplete.06:44
fumanchu182With 9.10 has anyone had ATI video card issues.  I have DVI->HDMI connection and it reports it as a projector.  I cannot fix the underscan and find the HDTV support options from the driver.  Has this been seen before?06:44
ShazbotMcNastyBecause I need to reformat my flash drive, but gparted is ON the flash drive06:45
lstarnesShazbotMcNasty: of course it runs in ram06:45
ShazbotMcNastyso if it was not in RAM, I don't believe that'd be possible06:45
m0se5Tonren, Pulse06:45
lstarnesShazbotMcNasty: almot all applications do06:45
hookahTonren, are you missing sound on all flash?06:45
ShazbotMcNastylstarnes, well I'd be running gparted live06:45
ShazbotMcNastyfrom the usb...06:45
ShazbotMcNastylstarnes, I recognise your nick....06:45
lstarnesShazbotMcNasty: the application itself would run from ram06:46
faileasShazbotMcNasty: you could always partition from the installer06:46
constantineI need to use my dual boot to delete a file in windows while in ubuntu - how can I do this?06:46
lstarnesShazbotMcNasty: there might be an option in gparted live's bootloader to copy the disk to ram first06:46
ShazbotMcNastynvm I'll just use a disk06:46
Tonrenhookah: No... I can play on Last.fm's player, and I think that's flash.06:46
LJRconstantine, chroot06:46
Tonrenm0se5: What exactly is the difference?  If I'm supposed to use pulse, why is alsa even installed?06:47
lstarnesLJR: a chroot is overkill for that06:47
m0se5Tonren, try sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin06:47
LJRlstarnes, always use a cannon to shoot bunnies. That way you know they're dead.06:47
lstarnesconstantine: all you need to do is mount the windows partition then find the file and delete it06:47
lstarnesLJR: chrooting into windows won't work well06:47
=== plustax is now known as plustax2
constantinelstarnes how do you mount it?06:48
selfor you can use the filemanager to mount the drive and delete the file that wasy06:48
e-i-k-ebullgard: sorry, i did not repeat the complete question because i thought that annoy other people here06:48
LJRlstarnes, your suggestion is better. I'm just being kind of silly tonight.06:48
faileasLJR: no such thing as overkill, only fire and  reload? ;p06:48
Tonrenm0se5: Trying that now... I doubt it will fix my mpd problems, though.06:48
e-i-k-ebullgard: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2809935/screenshot_008.png here is the screenshot06:48
LJRfaileas, aim to maim is for wimps, after all.06:48
Tonrenm0se5: Did you mean "flashplugin-nonfree"?06:48
m0se5constantine, ya, just install ntfs support. sudp apt-get install ntfs-3g06:48
lstarnes!ntfs-3g | constantine06:48
ubottuconstantine: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:48
domois ntfs support still risky with linux? can it damage the ntfs volume at all?06:49
lstarnesdomo: it can still cause damage, but it works very well.  I've never had any issues with it06:49
e-i-k-ebullgard: i would nautilus like to display the sizes in MB more accurate (e.g. 3 decimal places)06:49
selfdomo:  it can only if you delete system files06:49
lstarnesdomo: just make sure that you use ntfs-3g instead of the drivers that are built into the kernel06:50
AtharIsn't ntfs-3g installed by default on Ubuntu?06:50
m0se5Tonren, that's a funny question because of how Linux is developed with everyone reinventing the wheel and screaming "do it my way or I'll fork." to each other... the sound in Linux is just starting to come around, I hope.06:50
FD_FHi i upgrade from 8.4 to 9.4 and after it to 9.10- when i clicking Ubuntu One & connect i get error: Error showing url (firfox 3.0 not such file or dirictory)06:50
lstarnesAthar: I think so06:50
fumanchu182Well I just installed to 9.10, ATI drivers seem just as useless as ever.  Has anyone had this issue: Your HDTV is seen as a projector and not as a actual LCD where you can do underscanning/overscanning fixes?06:50
constantinelstarnes: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:50
constantineE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:50
selfFD_F: then install firefox06:50
lstarnesconstantine: sudo06:50
Tonrenm0se5: I'd love to know more about it, but I don't know where to start.  It feels stupid to blindly hammer on mpd.conf and restart alsa-utils/pulseaudio, but I don't know where I can go to figure out how everything fits together.06:50
bullgarde-i-k-e: Yes. As far as I know this value is intentionally rounded in order to save place and you can only change it by re-compiling your Nautilus yourself.06:51
=== sprockets is now known as pjcrazy
lstarnesconstantine: also, you can't have more than one package manager open at once06:51
pjcrazyHello, I am curious I loaded the iwlwifi driver modprobe iwlwifi but how do I get my wnic to use it now?06:51
m0se5fumanchu182, you may want to use the proprietary ATI drivers.06:51
constantinelstarnes: typed sudo and there was only one package manager open06:51
fumanchu182m0se5: I did, I installed them from the ATI website.06:52
lstarnesconstantine: you need to close it before you can use apt-get06:52
lstarnesconstantine: apt-get counts as a package manager06:52
e-i-k-ebullgard: okay. thanks... now i need somebody who recompiles nautilus for me ^^06:52
FD_Fself:  firefox installed..  i think 3.5 not the default broswer thats seems the problem : i tried sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser06:52
fumanchu182Is there a different version of the flgrx driver than the one ATI provides m0se5 ?06:52
constantinelstarnes: I'm using terminal only06:52
m0se5fumanchu182, have a look at this then. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:52
kbpI have installed unrar and I have 3 file *.001 .002 .003, how to join them?06:53
m0se5Tonren, Do you have any sound at all?06:53
fumanchu182m0se5: Okay I will give it a try, I will uninstall the driver that I downloaded from ATI and give this a whirl, be back in a bit.06:53
shoeunitedHey there, I'll be quick, is there any easy shortcut (commandline or otherwise) to install all the dev packages related to the packages you already have installed?  *-dev obviously wouldn't be best.06:53
Tonrenm0se5: Yeah.  The "ba-da-bump" sound plays when I try to quit Firefox, I got sound to play on last.fm, and I got sound to play on mpd... somehow.  It isn't working anymore.06:53
bullgarde-i-k-e: If you pay him well, you will certainly find someone to do it. -- Ubuntu provides alternative programs which show the value more precisely.06:53
Atharkbp: cat file.001 file.002 etc. > joinedfile.rar06:54
lstarnese-i-k-e: I don't think you need to recompile nautilus to do what you are trying to do06:54
faileasshoeunited: you shoulsn't need dev packages unless you're gonna compile06:54
faileasin which case.. i think apt has a dependacies function06:54
kbpAthar: the files are abc.avi.001 abc.avi.002 etc.06:54
m0se5Tonren, I could help you but I think the gurus over in ##linux would be way better then I.06:54
CodeTBone!mount > CodeTBone06:55
ubottuCodeTBone, please see my private message06:55
Tonrenm0se5: They won't eat me alive, will they?06:55
Atharkbp: Yeah, just change the name06:55
shoeunitedfaileas: Right, but I've got a friend who's heavy into wanting to learn all and he seems to want all the devs.  I figured I'd pop in here and see for him.06:55
hookahwhat port is generally used for smb?06:55
e-i-k-elstarnes: what is ur idea?06:55
faileasshoeunited: he needs to install what he needs, when he needs it06:55
shoeunitedHe's majoring in CS.06:55
lstarnese-i-k-e: you're trying to get nautilus to display more digits in file sizes, right?06:55
e-i-k-elstarnes: exactly06:56
Guest18066getting error -22 no user name specified when trying to mount an nfs share any ideas????????06:56
m0se5Tonren, They're great.06:56
lstarnese-i-k-e: where exactly is it showing only partial sizes?06:56
Tonrenm0se5: Thanks!  I'll holler at them.06:56
kbpAthar: it works! thank you06:57
selfyou need to be root06:57
selfwhen mounting file systems06:57
HentaiWolfunop still there?06:57
shoeunitedWell, thanks for trying faileas06:57
riboti have written an python app, which i want to put in the applications menu: how?06:57
e-i-k-elstarnes: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2809935/screenshot_008.png06:57
lstarnesribot: write a .desktop file for it and put it in /usr/share/applications06:58
m0se5shoeunited, when compiling code, the output of the ./configure usually tells you what dev's are needed on the case basis.06:58
lstarnesribot: or manually edit the menu entries06:58
lstarnesribot: you can do that through system > preferences > main menu06:58
gotsanity_is there any quick command to see if composting is enabled?06:58
constantineubuntu keeps saying "unable to mount volume" is there another way to do this?06:58
lstarnesconstantine: how are you trying to mount it?06:58
moszerhello everyone, im using karmic kaola, latest ubuntu, im trying to open one of the system as a root, usually with linux i just right click then i open as root, but i cant seems to open as a root with ubuntu, can anyone help me, im new06:58
lstarnese-i-k-e: does it happen when using a different locale or language?06:59
ribotlstarnes a .desktop file is named app.desktop, or only .desktop. and it is this file i put in /usr/share/applicaions ?06:59
lstarnesribot: no06:59
lstarnesribot: app-name.desktop06:59
lstarnesribot: yes, put it in /usr/share/applications/06:59
e-i-k-elstarnes: never tried other languages than german06:59
misteralexanderCan I get help with Amarok here, or is there a special channel?06:59
moszerhow to open file as a root?06:59
lstarnese-i-k-e: it might be a translation issue06:59
domoif i would like to develop an application for ubuntu.. what's the most popular lang/toolset to use? python?07:00
constantinelstarnes: through filesystem, then it says you can't mount it07:00
lstarnesdomo: c/c++ with gtk07:00
selfmoszer: sudo 'filename'     no quoats07:00
* Church guesses that amarok issues are better asked in #kubuntu07:00
lstarnesconstantine: try logging out then back in07:00
lstarnesself, moszer: that is not correct07:00
constantineno change, it did this earlier too07:00
supremearyalgotsanity_: ps -e | grep compiz07:00
e-i-k-elstarnes: do u know a language where it is displayed more exactly?07:00
lstarnesmoszer: to open a file in a text editor, alt+f2 then enter gksudo gedit filename07:00
lstarnesmoszer: or just gksudo gedit07:01
lstarnese-i-k-e: I haven't had that problem with the english versions07:01
lstarnese-i-k-e: you might want to file a bug report07:01
macman_hi all .. if i do a lame --decode *.mp3 *.wav .. will that change all mp3's to wave each song or will it do one mass change ?07:01
constantinelstarnes: the ntfs-config tool asks for a mount point but I am not sure what to enter07:01
KhalonCan you guys join #sea and help somebody with their configuration problems?07:02
ribotlstarnes: the question then is what to write in this file..07:02
lstarnesKhalon: we're busy enough with this channel07:02
lstarnesribot: read the existing desktop files for examples07:02
lstarnesconstantine: you need to make one first07:02
Khalon!ops lstarnes Trolling07:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:02
lstarnesconstantine: try sudo mkdir /media/windows07:02
edbianKhalon, He isn't trolling07:03
dt3khow can I display my /var/log/syslog in a terminal in realtime?07:03
selfconstantine: cd /media sudo mkdir windir07:03
faileasdt3k: tail i think07:03
lstarnesconstantine: try sudo mkdir /media/windows07:03
lstarnesconstantine: then use that directory as the mount point07:03
selfconstantine: use this as your mount point07:03
e-i-k-elstarnes: do u know how to start nautilus in other languages or do i need to reinstall it?07:03
lstarnesconstantine: when you're done, use sudo umount /media/windows then sudo rmdir /media/windows (only do the last one if you want to delete the mount point)07:04
lstarnese-i-k-e: it uses whicever language you were using when you logged in07:04
selfya what lstarnes said07:04
lstarnese-i-k-e: it sounds like you should at least file a bug report for your language's version of nautilus07:04
Churchlstames: out of curiosity, why use rmdir instead of rm -r?07:05
e-i-k-elstarnes: okay, i will do so07:05
Guest18066getting error -22 no user name specified when trying to mount an nfs share any ideas????????07:05
CodeTBoneHey is it possible to mount my Karmic filesystem if im using a liveCD of Feisty (7.04)?07:05
edbianChurch, rmdir removes the file, rm -r removes the contents of the folder07:05
dt3kfaileas, like tail -v /var/log/syslog &07:05
edbianCodeTBone, ext3 or ext4 ?07:05
moszerim trying to copy OSX fonts into it, can anyone teach me how?07:05
m0se5macman_, you'll need to use --> for file in *.mp3; do; lame --decode $file; done;07:05
lstarnesCodeTBone: what filesystem are you using in karmic?07:05
Churchedbian: well, it's done after umount anyway, so no contents?07:05
faileasdt3k: prolly tail -f /var/log/syslog &07:06
reactorguys if I mount new hdd as /home, will the system delete the contents of it or of folder with my username?07:06
CodeTBoneTo be honest not sure, default, curiousity: How can I check?07:06
faileasno and07:06
lstarnesCodeTBone: check your /etc/fstab in karmic07:06
m0se5reactor, /home needs to be empty07:06
Churchreactor: if you mount on non empty directory, then subcontent of it will still be there, just hidden untill umount.07:07
ribotlstarnes yet it doesnt show up in add/remove07:07
edbianChurch, That's right, but rm -r will leave the parent folder.  rmdir deletes the parent folder.   you can put stuff into the file while nothing is mounted in there but it is inaccessible while something is mounted in there.  (maybe you can't mount things in a non empty folder)07:07
lstarnesribot: that's because add/remove only handles some packages from the repositories07:07
reactorChurch, so need I backup to another hdd?07:07
constantinelstarnes: so they're mounted. and they're empty - there is no data from windows there07:07
Tonrenm0se5: Natch... they told me to ask here.  ;-)07:07
Churchreactor: if you want to transfer that content to new hdd first mount it somewhere else, then move over to new filesystem, then mount it on /home07:07
edbianreactor, Church  /home needs to be empty?  what?07:08
ribotlstarnes: so where then will it appear after adding this file?07:08
CodeTBoneWhat should I be looking for?  fstab is all the mount points....its mounted at '/' like normal if thats what you nee07:08
lstarnesribot: in the menu somwehere07:08
lstarnesCodeTBone: it should also tell you the filesystem types07:08
macman_none of it worked07:08
fumanchu182m0se5: The install on the wiki page worked just fine.  It is odd that installing it that way vs. the ATI/AMD way have two different results.  Thanks now and it looks proper.07:08
macman_they are still mp3's07:08
ribotlstarnes: will i need to update the menu somehow?07:08
CodeTBoneOh my bad....ext407:08
lstarnesribot: it should update automatically07:08
CodeTBoneIts so far over because of the UUID I missed it07:09
reactoredbian, my files are already there but not whole home (without my settings)07:09
lstarnesCodeTBone: 7.04 only goes up to ext307:09
Churchedbian: i just told him that mounting new disk on folder will leave old content there, just hidden. not that mounting needs for folder to be empty07:09
m0se5fumanchu182, cool?07:09
lstarnesCodeTBone: you need at least 9.04 for ext407:09
edbianChurch, Oh ok, gotcha07:09
plustaxmy wireless doesnt work on my laptop. running 9.1007:09
lstarnesCodeTBone: it might be possible to mount ext4 as ext3, but I don't know how safe that would be07:09
gotsanity_I installed cairo-dock on my desktop and my laptop. My desktop loads the themes with transparency just fine (on a nvidia card) and the same theme on my laptop (with an ati card) isnt displaying the transparencies, any ideas?07:09
CodeTBoneK...not possible.  How bout mounting an external NTFS drive?07:09
LJRplustax, card model?07:10
plustaxsomeone tried to help me get my vnc working by forcing the ports to 591007:10
lstarnesCodeTBone: it might be able to do that07:10
fumanchu182m0se5: yeah just had to change one of the menu items to gksu, since gksu the amdxdg-su command could not be found, and even gksu is not working so i just sudo amdcccle from the terminal07:10
edbianCodeTBone, That you should be able to do with the ntfs-3g module07:10
m0se5fumanchu182, amd bought ati and I think they don't put very much time into linux driver development... just a guess.07:10
plustaxit was working 5 minutes ago, not its not. My other computer wireless works, but now that the guy changed it I cant get on wireless with this laptop07:10
plustaxljr ^07:10
Churchext4 can be mounted as ext3 if some of new ext4 features were not used.07:10
lstarnesCodeTBone: however, if your ext4 partition uses extents, it can't be donw07:10
AtharCodeTBone: just plug it in, in the standard configuration it'll automount the drive.07:10
fumanchu182m0se5: bet they use linux to build their processors though, lawls...07:10
Churchi don't recall specifics, but prolly ext4 documentation covers that07:10
CodeTBoneThats what I thought but I couldnt seem to get it to work becuase its just a LIveCD any changes are stored in volatile memory and just gets removed07:11
constantineit said I should see the mount point on my desktop but I don't, its just in media/ - which has nothing in it07:11
constantinemedia/windows is empty07:11
edbianAthar, It's an old ubuntu live disc.  CodeTBone Just download the newer ubuntu iso and burn it07:11
lstarnesconstantine: /media/windows?07:11
m0se5fumanchu182, I do lots of things for the lulz07:11
lstarnesconstantine: what command did you use for mounting?07:11
CodeTBoneedbian: Wont work in this situation, its a LiveCD that came with a book with preformatted software on it and I have to use it07:12
fumanchu182m0se5: hehe, well i am back on ubunut after a long time, been in the OSX world, hopefully ubuntu is mature enough now that I can use it as a development tool, gotta love those lamp stacks.07:12
edbianCodeTBone, oic :(07:12
edbianprince, Hi! :)07:13
constantineI used  sudo mkdir /media/windows and then I went to the ntfs configuration tool and typed /media/windows - and then went to the folder.../media/windows and its empty07:13
m0se5fumanchu182, I moved to Linux in 2001 and haven't looked back.07:13
CodeTBoneBut when I plug in my external while on the CD nothing happens, adding an entry to fstab doesnt help either07:13
LJR!hi | prince07:13
ubottuprince: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!07:13
e-i-k-elstarnes: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2809935/screenshot_009.png from the english login07:13
lstarnese-i-k-e: it's probably a bug with your language then07:14
fumanchu182I have been on and off, I am on Windows 7 as my main only because I play way too much warcraft and crysis.  Can't get them to function quite right under wine on Hardy Heron.07:14
edbianCodeTBone, fstab is read at boot or when you run the mount command pertaining to one of its entries  not continuously07:14
princewat's the difference between ordinary version and ultimate edition?07:14
edbianprince, Of what... ?07:14
princein ubuntu07:14
macman_guys the for commands didn't work07:14
CodeTBoneI know, so the problem I was saying is that fstab doesnt help because its a LiveCD its only volatile memory and is deleted when I reboot to try and mount again07:14
edbianprince, ubuntu ultimate is a separate distro (based on ubuntu) but together by a less professional group than ubuntu07:15
edbianCodeTBone, Is this regarding mounting ext4 ?07:15
m0se5fumanchu182, I don't game at all but playonlinux, cygwin and steam all work apparently.07:15
princethank u.......07:15
CodeTBoneYeah, or NTFS07:15
edbianprince, Any other questions?07:15
edbianCodeTBone, Do you know the name of the partition with NTFS on it?07:16
edbianCodeTBone, If yes tell me it07:16
edbianCodeTBone, tell me it...07:16
princefumanchu182:wat version y r using/07:16
constantinelstarnes: I used  sudo mkdir /media/windows and then I went to the ntfs configuration tool and typed /media/windows - and then went to the folder.../media/windows and its empty07:16
CodeTBoneOne se07:16
d35iboyHi all07:16
fumanchu182prince: english? I am on 9.10 (Karmic) right now.07:16
edbianCodeTBone, do you have a folder to mount it in?07:16
princeebdian,i have a problem when shutting down?07:17
lstarnesconstantine: what /dev node is used by the windows partition?07:17
edbianCodeTBone, "sudo mount /path/to/folder /dev/sdb1"07:17
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edbianCodeTBone, You might have to use "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /path/to/folder /devsdb1"07:17
CodeTBoneI can mount it fine in Karmic but I cant mount it on the LiveCD07:17
constantinelstarnes: I don't know07:17
kinja-sheepprince: Are you on Ubuntu Ultimate Edition?07:17
lstarnesconstantine: what partition is it on?07:17
d35iboyplease help07:17
edbianCodeTBone, Does it give you any errors as to why?07:17
princeok prince i am in hurry i will continue within half an hour from another name as nandu20...........07:17
constantinelstarnes: I don't know its been a long time07:18
CodeTBoneI believe there was one07:18
lstarnesd35iboy: can you provide us with more details?07:18
CodeTBoneIm in karmic right now, if you give me a minute ill boot the cd real quick07:18
d35iboywhen I start ubuntu it comes07:18
edbianCodeTBone, Do you remember what is was regarding?  I suspect that the ntfs-3g module wasn't loaded in which case you can try "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g" and then the mount commands07:18
d35iboylstarnes: when I start ubuntu ..this comes http://paste.ubuntu.com/350281/07:18
lstarnesconstantine: once you find out, use sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdXY /media/windows (X=disk (such as a or b), Y=partition number)07:19
princeyeah i also got the same fault.i have posted a querry soon i will get reply........07:19
edbianCodeTBone, I don't think you're going to be able to mount the ext4 partition07:19
lstarnesd35iboy: what version of ubuntu are you using?07:19
d35iboylstarnes: 9.1007:19
lstarnesd35iboy: when did you start getting this error?07:19
CodeTBoneRight, but when I reboot all the volatile memory is cleared, so am I just gona have to rinse,wash,repeat each time I need it?07:19
CodeTBoneIm fine not mounting ext407:20
d35iboyinstalled ubuntu 15 days ago..07:20
edbianCodeTBone, yeah you will have to run the commands everytime (including install ntfs-3g)07:20
d35iboyit will fine..now its coming07:20
lstarnesCodeTBone: there might be a way to save it to a disk07:20
edbianlstarnes, Really?07:20
CodeTBonePlease enlighten me :P07:20
d35iboyLstarnes: just recently..it will working good07:20
lstarnesCodeTBone: I recall some livecds having the ability to save settings to a flash drive07:21
UpsideI'm having a weird issue with livecd it hangs at the ISOLINUX screen07:21
CodeTBoneRight, I dont think that this was formatted to be able to save when it was created07:21
lstarnesd35iboy: I'm not sure exactly how to fix it07:21
constantinehow do I find which partition is which in ubuntu?07:21
hanasakiplaying a dvd I am getting some music audio track however no voice audio... how ot get the voices?07:21
edbianlstarnes, puppy linux does for sure.  I don't know if ubuntu has that capability yet though07:21
Upsideconstantine type mount in the terminal07:21
edbianconstantine, "sudo fdisk -l"07:21
CodeTBoneI could be wrong, but thats my guess with a commercialised disc07:22
plustaxcan anyone help me to get my wireless working on my laptop here? Im running ubuntu 9.1007:22
lstarnesd35iboy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 might have something useful07:22
plustaxcan anyone help me to get my wireless working on my laptop here? Im running ubuntu 9.1007:23
CodeTBoneShould I boot to the CD and just try right now and we can work it from there?07:23
plustaxwhoops sorry thought I got disconnected07:23
Upsidewhat card do you have?07:23
plustaxwell it was working a moment ago.07:23
plustaxbut I did some port forwarding and I think I screwed something up07:23
plustaxthink I could pm you sir?07:24
edbianCodeTBone, yeah!  you can get on IRC on the live CD (assuming networking works)07:24
CodeTBoneIt does, Ill be right back07:24
constantinelstarnes: mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use07:24
edbianconstantine, It's already mounted :P ?07:24
constantineit can't be, I'm in Ubuntu lol07:25
lstarnesconstantine: check the output of mount07:25
constantinelstarnes: got it, but I'm not so good at reading gene sequences07:25
lstarnesconstantine: I didn't know ubuntu had DNA07:26
edbianlstarnes, constantine, it's not sentient yet...07:26
edbianlstarnes, constantine , I think that's planned for 10.1007:27
constantine/dev/sda3 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)07:27
constantinetmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)07:27
constantinesysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)07:27
constantinevarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)07:27
constantinevarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)07:27
FloodBot1constantine: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
constantineudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)07:27
plustaxUpside check your pm's man!07:28
CodeTBoneAlright, on LiveCD now07:28
CodeTBoneGona install ntfs-3g and try and mountit07:28
bdelin88why am i getting ftp permission denied errors while trying to move files from my home directory to the www directory???  all files in www are a part of the same group as the user and also i have even temporarily chmod'd them to 775!!! what gives??07:28
bdelin88"rename failed"07:28
jillsmittwho knows can i use Nvidia cards on GA-MA69G-S3H motherboard? How to know?07:29
constantinelol how do I post the mount info then?07:29
lstarnesconstantine: pastebin07:29
lstarnesconstantine: it doesn't appear to be mounted07:30
dinghywhat #channel is for programming?07:30
constantinelstarnes: it shouldn't be07:30
lstarnesdinghy: it depends on the language07:30
princecan ay one help me to config my smartlink modem07:30
goosewhat's a good alternative sftp program, aside from Nautalis?07:31
edbianCodeTBone, How's it going?07:31
lstarnesdinghy: #python07:31
lstarnesgoose: the terminal-based sftp07:31
dinghyhave to be identified it says:P07:31
CodeTBoneGot an error: http://pastebin.com/m2b4d4efb07:31
lstarnesdinghy: then you just need to identify to nickserv or register an account in nickserv07:32
gooselstarnes: I scp/rsync won't work for me07:32
edbianCodeTBone, whoa, strange error.  Try a different repo server... I don't know that' weird.07:32
bdelin88why am i getting ftp permission denied errors while trying to move files from my home directory to the www directory???  all files in www are a part of the same group as the user and also i have even temporarily chmod'd them to 775!!! what gives??07:32
princei installed sl modem agrsm gppp wvdial yet my pci internal modem not recogniced but work fine in xp07:32
lstarnesbdelin88: you might need to use sudo07:33
CodeTBoneWhere can I change servers at?07:33
edbianbdelin88, What are the permissions of www itself?07:33
CodeTBoneOr, where can I find a different server07:33
constantineI had to force it07:33
edbianCodeTBone, System -> admin -> software sources07:33
edbianCodeTBone, It has a pretty robust list07:33
dinghythanks lstarnes07:34
bdelin88lstarnes: i am on ftp07:34
bdelin88edbian: well this might help to understand: /home/bryce/oldserver/www/folders-2-move bryce:www 775  --> /srv/www/ bryce:www 775....07:35
MTeck!info weechat-curses07:35
ubottuweechat-curses (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible IRC client - console client. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 169 kB, installed size 532 kB07:35
CodeTBonePause, according to the monitor in the corner I have no network connection, yet Im in here obviously, could that be the problem?07:35
ubuntu_I need help cause I was trying use my speakers to play a video but the sound is all muzzled and ONLY comes out from the right side of my laptop...07:35
constantineshould I unmount before I reboot back into windows?07:35
goosewhat's a good alternative sftp program, aside from Nautalis which I can use RSA authentication with?07:36
bdelin88edbian: i have no idea why i cannot move these files...07:37
bdelin88edbian: do i need to create an admin group for my ftp user or something?07:37
edbianbdelin88, I'm not really sure.  Try chmod 756 and let anybody read / write to that folder and see if it helps07:38
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:38
constantineok got it07:38
constantinethanks lstarnes07:38
constantinegot it07:38
bdelin88EVEN WITH 777 IT STILL FAILS, WTF!07:39
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:39
edbianbdelin88, Something'sup ha ha.  Try things with different folders / file to see if you can isolate something else07:40
CodeTBoneAccording to my network monitor I have no connection, could that be stopping any traffic from getting out?07:40
edbianCodeTBone, I know that firefox will think you're in offline mode of that stupid little applet thinks you're offline.  It is possible07:41
vdubhackdoes anyone happen to know where to look on a ISO to change its default setting of a specific IP address? I want to make it be DHCP and not set to a static IP07:42
CodeTBoneIm online fine with firefox though, went to pastebin, and on facebook right now07:42
edbianCodeTBone, Then ignore the applet07:42
edbianCodeTBone, The package manager found the server (even did the dns lookup) but said the file was missing (404 error) which is very odd.  I've never seen an incomplete repo.07:43
h4fhey I have message from global. that I have to connect using irc.tddirc.net . should I change to that ?07:43
CodeTBoneaybe they cleared it because its 7.04, highly unlikely though, thats off the main Ubuntu server07:43
lstarnesh4f: if it was sent here, ignore it07:44
edbianCodeTBone, They probably don't maintain it (plus you have some weird version of the live CD right...)07:44
CodeTBoneYeah it came with a book07:44
edbianCodeTBone, did you try switching repo server?07:45
goosewhen a GUI-SSH via Places > Connect to Server, how can I specify what RSA key to use, like the "-i" flag with ssh?07:45
CodeTBoneYeah im tryin again now07:45
jtajiCodeTBone: 7.04 is no longer supported07:45
CodeTBoneK, on another server 'ntfs-3g' isnt found07:46
jtajiCodeTBone: did you just install this?07:46
potylHi, I've just installed 9.10 64bits on a macbook 5,2 and I have sound problems07:46
potylwhere can I get help about it?07:46
CodeTBoneNo this is off of a LiveCD that came with a book07:46
CodeTBoneI have 9.1 installed locally07:46
jtajiCodeTBone: ok well that's why, no more repos for 7.0407:47
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edbianCodeTBone, *ouch* you're sol unless you can find a source code version of ntfs-3g and compile it by hand.07:47
jtajihow about downloading the latest livecd?07:48
edbianCodeTBone, Sorry we couldn't get it working.  Are you taking a class on linux or something?07:48
CodeTBoneIf by class you mean reading a book then yes07:48
CodeTBone"Hacking: The Art of Exploitation"07:49
vdubhackgoose: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Use-RSA-Key-for-SSH-Authentication-38599.shtml   that will show you07:49
edbianCodeTBone, and it comes with an outdated version of linux?  o god...07:49
CodeTBoneThe book was published in 200807:49
lstarnesCodeTBone: that's outdated even for 200807:49
edbianCodeTBone, well 7.04 is from 200707:49
edbianhence the 707:49
edbianand this is 2010!07:50
edbianthe world of linux simply doesn't wait for publishers!07:50
CodeTBoneYeah I see that07:50
tahtaI need some help. My printer (Canon IP1980 can't be installed to my Ubuntu.07:50
potylI also have a problem with my usb mouse: when I type in the keyboard the mouse is not responding, i need to wait a few seconds.07:50
edbianCodeTBone, I suggest you just mess around with linux and use this channel, the forums, and the greater inter-tubes as your "book" that's what I (and most others do)07:50
potylseems to me that gnome confuses my mouse with the touch pad07:50
vdubhackdoes anyone happen to know where to look on a ISO to change its default setting of a specific IP address? I want to make it be DHCP and not set to a static IP07:50
edbianCodeTBone, linux is not learned in books07:50
CodeTBoneIts not linux, its more C programming07:51
NeroonHi there. Anyone got a clue about overscan on tv-out with nvidia? It only accepts 0 or 1.007:51
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edbianCodeTBone, now that def is in a book.  hasn't changed much since the 80's07:51
CodeTBoneAnd indepth debugging and processor analyzing07:52
edbianCodeTBone, What program does the book have that is on this ancient live CD ?07:52
CodeTBoneFrom the book07:53
tahtahelp me please07:53
edbianCodeTBone, It's soooo old! Are you sure it's a live CD and not a "live beta-max" or something?07:54
CodeTBone"This CD contains all the source code in the book and provides a development and exploitation enviroment you can use to follow along with the examples and experiment along the way."07:54
edbianCodeTBone, IC, that's pretty comprehensive07:54
vdubhackCodeTBone: are you trying to learn about penetration testing?07:54
CodeTBoneI do have a beta-max, should we try mounting that next?07:54
edbianha ha07:54
bdelin88for web servers, is it common or good practice to create some sort of admin group07:55
CodeTBoneIve been really interested about learning what and how netsec pros do to protect info07:55
lstarnesbdelin88: I think so07:56
vdubhackCodeTBone: if you want to learn what and how the netsec pros do it you should check out things like the de-ice series or hackerdermia or pwnOS or even DVL and if your new to linux and want an easy attack platform use backtrack07:56
CodeTBoneHmm...linkz ploz?07:57
vdubhackCodeTBone: check out those sites where the disks come from and you will learn tons on both penetration testins and web app sec07:57
edbianCodeTBone, Or just watch War Games.  Same thing pretty much.07:57
CodeTBoneSeen it.07:57
edbianCodeTBone, I love movie hackers.  ok.... run command: hack FBI database..... double click on "OK"....07:58
CodeTBoneLol yeah07:58
CodeTBoneAnd actually this book is really only one release of Ubuntu behind, came out in Jan of 0807:59
thermal_anybody getting these Temperature above threshold errors on the cpu in karmic?07:59
edbianCodeTBone, to be fair, it is working.  It just can't mount ntfs-3g partitions07:59
thermal_all my sensors failed out in karmic so I don't even know where its getting this from08:00
CodeTBoneYeah, which means all my data just gets screwed every time I reboot08:00
vdubhackCodeTBone: here is one link to get you started remote-exploit.org08:00
edbianCodeTBone, Anyway, time to go for me.  Good luck with Ubuntu! :)08:00
CodeTBoneThanks man!08:00
thermal_but this is kind of funny, its hitting 30-40 error messages a second to my kern.log file08:00
vdubhackfind the disks I mentioned and you will learn TONS AND TONS08:00
lysander89hi guys i was mucking around with the clock on the top panel and changed it08:00
lysander89i want to resync it with time servers but there is no option to08:01
lysander89what can i do?08:01
thermal_I've got a 1.3 gb kern.log file from about 3 days08:01
CodeTBoneSo, would you advise me to return this book(and get my $50 back), and find a newer publication of the same thing?08:01
XStatikHow do i get flash installed on ubuntu, is it in the apt-get repo08:01
lysander89XStatik: install ubuntu restricted extras08:02
lstarnesXStatik: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:02
XStatiklstarnes, that didnt work for some reason08:02
vdubhackCodeTBone: I came in late to what you asked so I am not sure the book your talking of08:02
lstarnesXStatik: also, you might want to use sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:02
CodeTBoneHacking: The Art of Exploitation, By Jon Erickson (1/08)08:02
vdubhackwhich volume08:02
lysander89is there a terminal command i can use to resync my clock with a timeserver?08:03
vdubhackdoh nm08:03
potylmy usb mouse is being disabled after each keystroke while the touchpad not.08:03
vdubhackCodeTBone: send me a pm and I will hook you up with some links08:03
lstarnes!ntp | lysander8908:03
ubottulysander89: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)08:03
lysander89btw the gui option is not available for me, thats why i was asking around08:06
domowhy is conyers trying to send me rm -rf /08:07
domowhat a fuckin DOUCHE08:07
lysander89for so called lulz08:07
lstarnesdomo: please don't post that to the channel08:07
Some_Personstupid DCC spammers08:07
petsoundsoh my god :(08:08
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:09
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snailwell that was interesting08:10
b0wyeah what was that file08:10
snailno idea i didn't download it08:10
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:10
e-i-k-ehow do i set the amount of virtual desktops i want gnome to enable?08:10
b0wme neither08:10
b0wi guess i will live with the doubt08:11
lstarnese-i-k-e: right-click on the workspace switcher applet and select preferences08:11
b0whehe :P08:11
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:11
e-i-k-elstarnes: great. thx08:11
vdubhackdoes anyone happen to know where to look on a ISO to change its default setting of a specific IP address? I want to make it be DHCP and not set to a static IP08:12
XStatikI installed flash for firefox in ubuntu but the videos arent loading still08:13
chilli0Hi, I installed mplayer and a few other things so i could use mplayer and sites just said install this and that so i did it. But now my hdmi sound doesnt work08:13
parkerlreedHas anyone had luck getting an iogear gbu421 bluetooth adapter working? I've read online and people say it works in 9.10 instantly, but mine is not recognized. Any help?08:14
vdubhacktry restarting your bluetooth adapter inside ubuntu08:15
parkerlreedTried that. It said there was no device.08:15
vdubhackhmm not sure08:16
NeT_DeMoN!language domo08:16
NeT_DeMoN!language > domo08:16
ubottudomo, please see my private message08:16
Fogdoes ubuntu have tetris?08:16
Fognm gnometris08:16
lstarnesFog: there are some tetris clones08:16
domoNeT_DeMoN: i was already told08:16
domoPlease see my private message08:16
parkerlreedI tried hciconfig hci0 reset but it didn't work.08:17
Polterge|sthmm wonder who was trying to do the dcc08:17
vdubhackwas just going to say that parker08:18
dibblegocan anyone assist with this issue please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=859605408:19
Polterge|stso basically someone was attempting to hack me or exploit me using a dcc flood earlier in here08:19
parkerlreedIt has a Broadcom 2046 chipset08:19
Polterge|stor whoever that was08:19
FloodBot4Polterge|st: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:20
w3asalj #videolan08:20
Polterge|stwell whatever but I'm calling it what it is08:20
Polterge|stI do not even use Ubuntu on this system. I use it on the other computer and know a bit about it but whoever was trying the dcc thing is sadly mistaken08:21
vdubhackdoes anyone happen to know where to look on a ISO to change its default setting of a specific IP address? I want to make it be DHCP and not set to a static IP08:22
Real_UbotWill it slow down my Internet using a home server as a proxy server for my laptop?08:22
User010Hi at all, my Ubuntu doesn't listen to inputs sometimes and i have to force the shutdown to restart the system. Please help me.08:22
RSMITH16384real, yes and no08:23
vdubhackReal_Ubot: I would say its dependant on how you set it up and your IP tables :D08:23
Polterge|stanyway I got what I wanted earlier so thanks for the helo08:23
Polterge|stI'm out08:23
RSMITH16384slower for new connections, faster for cached ones08:23
User010Who helps me? :(08:25
freeridehello, I've just had a request by pidgin: sudo rm -rf/  What does it mean? Something like in windows format c: ???08:25
lstarnesfreeride: do not do it!08:25
lstarnesfreeride: it deletes everything08:25
vdubhackyeah dont do it08:26
freeridelstarnes I know, but who could do this?08:26
lstarnesfreeride: someone who's trying to get a cheap laugh08:26
RSMITH16384user what do you mean it doesnt listen to inputs?08:26
freeridelstarnes but still if press Accept, i will need to enter sudo password?08:27
RSMITH16384you cant type? you cant shut down, be specific08:27
lstarnesfreeride: only if it asks08:27
lstarnesfreeride: I would recommend ignoring the request08:27
freeridelstarnes , i understand but why does pidgin launch bash scripts?08:28
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lstarnesfreeride: it doesn't08:28
freeridelstarnes so how could this request delete my files?08:29
kinja-sheepfreeride: Take a screenshot! I think it just sent you a text message. That's all.08:29
Foghow come 'rythmbox' doesnt show up in apt-get?08:29
yuanyeleleHi! Is there a free version of mplayer for Ubuntu?08:29
freeridekinja-sheep I closed it08:29
lstarnesfreeride: was it a file transfer request?08:29
lstarnesyuanyelele: yes08:29
User010RSMITH16384: I would say this: the system appears blocked because i press some keystrokes and click on buttons but it doesn't respond to these inputs. When i pass the pointer over buttons they get the focus but the click on them don't take any effect.08:29
freeridelstarnes no, it wasn't, just text message08:29
yuanyelelelstarnes: Where can I find it?08:29
RSMITH16384is this a live cd or an installed system?08:30
lstarnesyuanyelele: look for it in the package manager08:30
User010I have Ubuntu Jaunty installed on my notebook08:30
freeridelstarnes in fact there were 25 requests from different users08:30
RSMITH16384was it ever working before?08:30
lstarnesfreeride: just ignore them08:30
parkerlreedAnybody had luck with iogear gbu421?08:30
RSMITH16384or this is right after install?08:30
DexterLBthere's an autocomplete problem in karmic, anyone else experienced it?08:31
freeridelstarnes yeah, thanks08:31
vdubhackanyone know where the file location is for setting a static IP on a livecd slax based?08:31
yuanyelelelstarnes: that one is in multiverse, I want a free version.08:31
lstarnesfreeride: if they're file transfer requests, it's probably an attempt to trigger a somewhat uncommon bug08:31
lstarnesyuanyelele: uhh08:31
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lstarnesyuanyelele: free as in price?08:31
Fogdoes ubuntu have anything as good as winscp?08:31
Fogas far as a graphical sftp client08:31
yuanyelelelstarnes: in freedom08:31
kinja-sheepFog: Filezilla?08:32
kinja-sheepFog: Even Nautilus can do it -- Check it under Connect To Server.08:32
parkerlreedFog: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4735008:32
lstarnesyuanyelele: I think it is free as in freedom, but there might be some code in it for patented codecs08:32
freeridelstarnes but text request could do nothing?08:32
lstarnesfreeride: no08:32
lstarnesfreeride: only if you copy them into a terminal08:32
lstarnesyuanyelele: in which case you can download the source code and edit out the bad parts08:33
freeridelstarnes well, sure08:33
lstarnesyuanyelele: it is licensed under the GPL08:33
yuanyelelelstarnes: I think ubuntu should make a free version because mplayer if so popular.08:33
lstarnesyuanyelele: it is free08:33
RSMITH16384vdub are you going to build a new livecd?08:33
lstarnesyuanyelele: but it is included in multiverse due to the codecs that it uses being patented08:34
freeridehow to change root password?08:34
yuanyelelelstarnes: I mean put the patented codecs in a separate package08:34
Sqeatzdoes anybody know why youtube will only let me watch partnered videos?08:34
kinja-sheep!noroot | freeride08:34
ubottufreeride: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.08:34
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lstarnesyuanyelele: I would recommend asking the MOTUs about that08:35
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:35
lstarnesyuanyelele: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU08:35
MoralExplthere is however, the sudo su08:35
yuanyelelelstarnes: Like gstreamer, -bad, -ugly, something like that.08:35
MoralExpl!sudo su08:35
lstarnesMoralExpl: sudo -i is preferred over sudo su08:35
MoralExplwhy is that08:36
freeride kinja-sheep why not? Still thanks08:36
lstarnesMoralExpl: because it only launches sudo and the shell08:36
lstarnesMoralExpl: sudo su launches su too08:36
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:36
User010Exactly, this behavior becomes up after i had upgraded Firefox to Shiretoko. Before I had not problems and I haven't installed other applications. I've just installed the updates that the synaptic update system advice.08:36
User010*the synaptic update system suggests08:36
User010Obviously this behavior appears when I'm using Shiretoko...08:36
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/08:37
RSMITH16384so toss it08:37
Real_Ubotvdubhack: Hm, I thought of using like ssh -D 9999 user@home-server ant the just change settings in Firefox. How would that affect the Internet speed on my laptop?08:37
Real_Ubotvdubhack: Than use the original server settings for Ubuntu Server.08:38
ShazbotMcNastyI'm going to make a storage partition on this hard drive, should I make it exFAT, or NTFS?08:38
ShazbotMcNastyit has to be one of the two...08:38
ShazbotMcNastyI've never used exFAT08:38
ShazbotMcNastyand have no idea if it's any good08:38
kinja-sheepShazbotMcNasty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems08:39
lstarnesShazbotMcNasty: I would probably go with ntfs08:39
vdubhackReal_Ubot: I wouldnt think very much but if you setup your own IP table your as fast as you can get as you setup it up to route for your situation.08:40
crash2108Does anyone have a reccomened GPS application?08:41
vdubhackto do what crash08:41
crash2108Have GPS on my Nokia Booklet 3G.08:42
vdubhackahh sorry no dont have any recomendations then08:42
crash2108Trying to install http://roadmap.sourceforge.net/  Stupid errors upon compiling.08:43
kinja-sheepcrash2108: Perhaps "apt-cache search gps" ?08:43
akos_Hello! I am trying to get serial port forwarding work for virtualbox on an Ubuntu9.10 host and Windows XP guest. Can anyone help me through it? I tried configuring it (Host device, /dev/ttyUSB0), but it's not working..08:45
akos_When configured for passing it through a pipe its working though, so it's an ubuntu issue08:45
sandhyaHi, copying files from my hard drive to my thumb drive is really slow. When I'm doing so, the entire laptop becomes quite unresponsive08:45
floppyearshi guys, I have an old version of git installed in /usr/loca/bin, how can I remove that?08:45
sandhyaany idea why this is happening?08:45
sandhyafloppyears: using the package manager?08:46
RSMITH16384writes to flash drives are usually slow08:46
vdubhackanyone know where the file location is for setting a static IP on a livecd slax based?08:47
floppyearssandhya: I have two versions of git installed: one from source (trying to remove) and another one from a deb08:47
ranjanhello,i have nvidia gforce 7300/7200 gs graphics card and currently using ubuntu 8.04.i have tried to enable compiz fusion but failed.please tell me how to do that08:47
parkerlreedGot bluetooth working08:47
sandhyafloppyears: if you installed from source using make install, you can uninstall using make uninstall08:47
parkerlreedMy adapter had to be turned on in Windows foirst.08:48
floppyearssandhya: I tried: make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.08:48
freeridehow to get video adapter info?08:48
sandhyafloppyears: you'll have to wait for somebody more knowledgeable, I'm afraid08:49
sandhyathere's a #git as well, fyi08:49
floppyearssandhya: no problem. Thanks for trying though :)08:49
vdubhackfloppy compile a make file :D08:49
freeridehow to get hardware info?08:50
paulus68I have problems with my samba my guess is thats related with my iptables what do I need to adapt to make it work this is my iptable script  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m67859ac908:50
paulus68there is not a lot going on here08:52
Allstars1ausI'm not using ubuntu at the moment..hehe08:53
Allstars1ausI have Ubuntu Studio 9.10 but the permissions really annoy me.08:53
Cutiyar i want to install ubuntu 9.10 but i have windows yet , how to install ubuntu without lossing my hards?08:54
RSMITH16384paul, what is the problem08:54
Allstars1ausCutiya, ubuntu installer will make a new partition for ubuntu next to windows.08:55
kinja-sheepCutiyar: If you want to play around with Ubuntu for experiments, use Wubi. If you intend to use it everyday, dual-boot.08:55
Cutiyari need to install ubuntu completely without windows08:56
Cutiyari dont want windows anymore08:56
Allstars1ausCutiya, wipe your hard drive..install unbuntu from live CD!08:56
RSMITH16384cut, boot with cd08:56
RSMITH16384install option08:56
RSMITH16384next next next08:56
RSMITH16384and your on your way08:57
paulus68RSMITH16384: well I can't get my samba shared on my windows08:57
Allstars1ausbetter download ubuntu * before * you wipe the drive!08:57
Cutiyar<Allstars1aus>  what to do with hards?08:57
CodeTBoneYou dont need to format it08:57
asina12Hi, Can someone plz explain to me what this partial command means? "sudo -u www-data"08:57
Allstars1ausCutiya, i use the ultimate boot cd to erase the drive.08:57
CodeTBoneWhen you install from the LiveCD it will format it for you if you select use entire hard drive08:57
RSMITH16384explain your network08:57
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Guest362where can you ask facebook questions?08:58
kinja-sheepasina12: Looks like it'll run as a user "www-data"08:58
crash2108This is stupid.08:58
Guest362why do I have to identify for my name? that never used to be the case!08:58
Cutiyari want to install ubuntu in one hard and dont loss my another hards08:58
RSMITH16384cut if your not familiar with scsi device ids just unhook them while you install08:59
kinja-sheepGuest362: Use a non-registered nickname.08:59
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paulus68RSMITH16384: isp=>router(> eth0( with samba dhcp bind iptables eth1( => switch wifi laptop ubuntu wifi desktop vista08:59
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paulus68RSMITH16384: iptable script http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m67859ac908:59
RSMITH16384do you have connectivity between 3.0 and 0.0?09:00
crash2108Why ca't I adjust the screen brightness on battery, but I can when plugged in?09:00
asina12kinja-sheep: Thanks kinja...I thought it was another option for -u09:00
RSMITH16384ping both ways?09:00
paulus68RSMITH16384: that is working correctly09:00
kinja-sheepasina12: In the future, you can always look up "sudo --help" for quick glance or a detailed manual "man sudo"09:00
RSMITH16384all devices in same workgroup?09:00
petsounds!register > Vinceman09:01
ubottuVinceman, please see my private message09:01
paulus68RSMITH16384: yes they are09:01
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RSMITH16384is samba working on one net but not the other or entirley not working?09:02
Vincemanpetsounds how do you set XChat to automatically log you on with a certain name?09:02
Vincemanpetsounds never mind I see it09:03
paulus68RSMITH16384: samba is working however my guess is that's iptable related09:03
Vincemanis it important to keep the same name for a long while?09:03
RSMITH16384works on 0.3 but not 0.0?09:03
petsoundsVinceman, ok and don't forget to set your nikserv password, so you don't have to identify everytime you log in.09:03
RSMITH16384or vice versa?09:03
Kismethey .. happy new year09:04
petsoundsVinceman, yes it's important. your nickname is your identitiy.09:04
Kismetdose anyone have a clue why banshee is going up to 100% cpu during skipping tracks09:04
paulus68RSMITH16384: the 0.0 is external towards my ISP and I would like it to work on the 0.309:04
Kismetdose anyone have a clue why banshee is going up to 100% cpu for 10 sec while skipping tracks09:06
RSMITH16384whay have the 0.0 net at all?09:06
RSMITH16384what else is in there?09:06
paulus68RSMITH16384: on the 0.0 nothing I just need to access it from the 3.0 range09:08
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RSMITH16384seems like un unnessasary layer of complexity09:09
crash2108Anyone know about that brightness issue?09:09
RSMITH16384not knowing whats wrong with your ip tables i can only recommend starting from scratch http://www.fwbuilder.org/09:09
bullgardWhen performing certain operations, Evolution 2.28.1 show in its status line temporarily the message: "Generating message list(....)" What is a "message list" in Evolution?09:09
erkan^Do someone know where can I download a driver for "Intel GMA 4500MHD" by Ubuntu 9.10 version? :S09:10
teagehow do i uninstall gyachi completely.09:10
tahtawhere can I get Canon IP1980 driver for my Ubuntu?09:11
teagewhat is the difference between gyachi and gyachE09:11
CodeTBoneHey running off an old LiveCD extracting some source code, have mounted external HD but its currently a read only filesystem, how can I change that?09:12
ae86-drifteryou would have to enable write permission..............09:12
CodeTBoneI know.... sudo chmod 777 doesnt work neither does chown09:13
usr13!printing | tahta09:13
ubottutahta: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:13
ae86-drifterCodeTBone, un mount it then remount with the -o rw option09:15
ae86-drifterit may be mounted read only09:15
tahtawhat's cups? I'm a newbies09:15
fractalisI noticed that Karmic does not include r600_dri.so in the mesa package, does anyone know if this will change in Lucid?09:15
RSMITH16384google cups wiki09:15
RSMITH16384i recommend a network printer if your just starting out09:16
CodeTBone'sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdb1'?09:17
RSMITH16384network print servers are >$20 nowadays09:17
RSMITH16384if its multifunction you can get a dlink print server that will do scanning too09:18
RSMITH16384but itll cost ya 6009:18
CodeTBoneCant find /dev/sdb1 in fstab or mtab09:19
usr13paulus68: What are you working on now?09:21
deviadHello, I'm trying to install from a ppa repository the new version of nvidia 195 drivers.09:22
LymHi I haven't gotten any updates in a while and that makes me feel like theres something wrong because I at least normally have an update from the google chrome development releases09:23
deviadWhen I use the hardware drivers tool within ubuntu to install that in the end I get: "System error Install archive failed"09:23
RSMITH16384i have not gotten updates myself for about 3 weeks09:23
deviadhow do I check what the error is exactly so I can report you that?09:23
petsoundsLym, g chrome beta?09:23
icerootLym: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -s09:23
Some_Personanyone here have any experience running a repository?09:23
RSMITH16384some that would be very handy09:24
LymI guess maybe there just haven't been any updates09:24
Lymwell thats interesting09:24
paulus68usr13: I am working on samba now I can't get it to work my guess is that's iptable related but can't see it   http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m67859ac909:24
bullgardWhen performing certain operations, Evolution 2.28.1 show in its status line temporarily the message: "Generating message list(....)" What is a "message list" in Evolution?09:26
wigglestix 09:27
usr13paulus68: These iptables rules are implemented on the samba server?09:28
RSMITH16384i have a os with a dead repo and am a bit screwed as far as adding software now09:28
deviadCan anyone help me?09:28
paulus68usr13: yes it's the same box09:28
RSMITH16384wish id downloaded all the packages when i could have09:29
usr13paulus68: Is this box also gateway to internet for your LAN?09:29
paulus68usr13: yes it is09:30
usr13paulus68: What else does this box do? (What other servers are you running on it?)09:30
paulus68usr13: it runs with dhcp, bind, sshd-server, lamp and samba09:31
usr13paulus68: So it is a firewall/router/dns server and a samba server and webserver too?09:32
paulus68usr13: correct09:32
RSMITH16384paul maybee this would work?.. iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT09:32
usr13paulus68: You need to split this up, use the kiss principle, ok?  First off, a router is a router  OK?09:33
usr13paulus68: Would you like to follow me to a private channel?09:34
paulus68usr13: I have only 1 machine so that  ok09:34
usr13paulus68: What country do you live in?09:35
usr13paulus68: USA?09:35
a-linux-geeksup in here to night09:36
paulus68usr13: answered you in private channel09:36
ubottuyes, I'm alive.09:37
deviadI'm having a couple of problems:09:37
ubottuyes, I'm alive.09:37
deviadWhen I try to run apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx-185 it says it cannot be found...09:38
RSMITH16384making a bot net?09:38
deviadif I run dpkg -l|grep -i nvidia, it's there09:38
deviadcan anyone pls help me?09:38
Flanneldeviad: What's the output line that you get?09:38
deviadFlannel, where?09:39
RSMITH16384can apt-get remove things not installed with apt-get?09:39
om26erdeviad, that doesn't mean the driver is installed09:39
BlouBloudeviad: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-glx-18509:39
Flanneldeviad: with your grep of dpkg -l09:39
om26eror sudo apt-get purge nvidia-glx-* is you dont know which driver is installed iguess?09:39
deviadPackage nvidia-glx-185 is not installed, so not removed09:39
FlannelRSMITH16384: You can use any apt/dpkg frontend to remove anything installed with an apt/dpkg frontend09:39
MorphyNORdeviad: got x running? gnome09:40
fractalisr600_dri.so does not seem to be included in the libgl1-mesa-dri package in Karmic. Will ATI r600 be supported in Lucid?09:40
BlouBloudeviad: Have you tried removing with synaptic? just search nvidia-glx and see wich drivers have you got installed09:40
deviadYes, I'm using gnome with x09:40
RSMITH16384what if it were compiled and installed manually?09:40
Flannelfractalis: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks09:40
MorphyNORdeviad: use synaptic09:40
fractalisFlannel: Thanks, sorry about that.09:40
FlannelRSMITH16384: No, apt doesn't know anything about those files09:40
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RSMITH16384devi how did it get installed?09:41
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voidmageAnybody else have a nvidia GT240 and know how to fix the random hard lockups where i have to hit the reset button?09:42
om26ervoidmage, using karmic?09:43
ubuntunewbieHi , I plan to upgrade my pc which include my motherboard and processor.Can I retain back my installed ubuntu 8.04 ? I completely change the motherboard with different chipset and different 4 core processor.Will I need to reinstall the whole ubuntu again ? I am using 8.0409:43
voidmageom26er: using karmic and the nvidia-195 driver from the nvidia-vdpau ppa09:43
erkan^Can someone help me: Where can I download a driver for Ubuntu: "Intel GMA 4500MHD" ?09:43
ubuntunewbieWhat step I should make or setting on ubuntu before changing ? It's amd boardto amd09:43
ubuntunewbieThank you09:43
om26erubuntunewbie, worked for me after two reboots..09:43
ubuntunewbieom26er: I just worry it'd be like window need to reformat the whole os09:44
BlouBlouubuntunewbie: Ubuntu 8.04 is LTS, so you'll be able to update to 10.04 LTS09:44
ubuntunewbieBlouBlou: really ?09:44
BlouBlouubuntunewbie: You can update from LTS to another LTS directly09:44
ubuntunewbieBlouBlou: but it's not about updates , it's about hardware change chipset change09:45
BlouBlouubuntunewbie: oh, I missreaded09:45
ubuntunewbieBlouBlou: So will be waitinf for 10.409:45
ubuntunewbieBlouBlou: :-)09:45
deviadFlannel, I tried with Synaptics as it was suggested but I'm not able to get a rid of nvidia-glx-18509:46
RSMITH16384it seems at some point there would need to be some driver doenloaded/installed09:46
om26ererkan^, have you searched ubuntuforums.org ?09:46
deviadif I run dpkg -l it's there, for apt-get remove --purge is not there09:46
deviadit is not*09:46
erkan^ok i go see09:46
Flanneldeviad: What's the output to: `dpkg -l | grep nvidia-glx-185` (one line, so just paste in channel)09:46
deviadrc  nvidia-glx-185                       185.18.36-0ubuntu10~karmic~nvidiavdpauppa4             NVIDIA binary Xorg driver09:47
om26ererkan^, you can try this page http://ubuntuforums.org/tags.php?tag=4500mhd09:47
teageHi, i have solved my previous problem but in the process have removed my network indicate from the panel.09:47
kylecareyhow do you delete a file through console?09:47
teagehow do i get it back?09:47
MorphyNORkylecarey: rm09:47
ubuntunewbieSo anyone upgrade their pc without formatting ubuntu ?09:47
ReidI have 3 harddrives in my system, but Ubuntu isn't seeing my largest (500gb) drive.09:47
Flanneldeviad: the rc at the front of that means that it's removed, and that the config files are still there (meaning you didn't purge it when you removed it).  So yes, it's uninstalled.09:47
voidmageom26er: have any ideas about my GT240?09:47
deviadhow do I purge those files?09:48
om26ervoidmage, lemme search09:48
om26ervoidmage, can this somehow be related with your PSU ?09:48
icerootis there a way to splitt the screen on TTY1? so i can for e.g. irssi and something else on one screen and can tab between them?09:48
icerootdeviad: apt-get purge packagename  for removing conf-files. if you use "remove" its not removing conf-files09:49
voidmageom26er: i doubt it, my PSU meets the requirements for my card. the only thread i could find was on nvnews about this, but most of them haven't tried the 195 drivers.09:49
voidmagei get this line in my xorg.log when it crashes: (WW) Jan 02 00:00:45 NVIDIA(0): WAIT (1, 6, 0x8000, 0x00007184, 0x00007198)09:49
puremichaelhi - can someone tell me whats wrong if i get a really high cpu load while moving windows / watching youtube? i've tried both default ati drivers and the binary ones09:50
icerootpuremichael: compiz?09:50
om26ervoidmage, older driver did work fine?09:50
puremichaeliceroot, compiz is not activated09:50
voidmageom26er: older driver doesn't support this card09:50
RSMITH16384pure what cpu?09:51
om26erpuremichael, can you give your system specs?09:51
voidmageom26er: officially, at least09:51
MorphyNORdeviad: did it work?09:51
deviadthis is the output, there are some directories that it can't remove09:51
puremichaelxp3800+, ati2600, 6gb ram, amd690g chipset09:51
crankharderi installed mysql and there's only one user, debian sys maint -- there's no root user, so the only way I can log in is with --skip-grant-tables, but then I can't add the root user because of that option, what to do?09:51
om26erwell well09:51
MorphyNORdeviad: I suggest you remove them manually then retry the method described above09:52
om26erpuremichael, 64-bit ubuntu?09:52
RSMITH16384rules out my atom theory :)09:52
Flannelcrankharder: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Set%20mysql%20root%20password  Set up a root user09:52
MorphyNORdeviad: I also suggest you back them up first of course09:52
vadi01guys am trying o add this ppa to my software sources list http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.32.2/09:52
crankharderFlannel: read my question, there's no root user to set a password for, just the debian sys maint user09:53
om26ervadi01, you can download the .deb file09:53
vadi01i cant find apt sources.list entries for it09:53
digit11i want to know how do i enable desktop effects in kde09:53
om26erdigilink_, #kubuntu09:53
digit11i have ati mobiltiy radeon 4650hd09:53
icerootcrankharder: fresh installation of mysql (from the repos) on ubuntu?09:54
crankhardericeroot: yes09:54
puremichaelom26er, with compiz the window moving is fine... but thet i get these terrible lags while minimizing/maximizing windows09:55
icerootcrankharder: so you get accesses denied for user root using password no if typing "mysql -u root"?09:55
puremichaelyoutube takes also 100% of one core09:55
Flannelcrankharder: Which version of Ubuntu?09:55
icerootcrankharder: you are doing that on localhost? (not an ip-adress)09:56
crankharderthere's only one record in the mysql.User table09:56
crankharder9.10 server09:56
crankharderyep, localhost now09:56
* om26er thinks latest kernel might support i7 better?09:56
digit11how do i enable desktop effects on kde.  i have ati radeon 46650hd09:56
crankharderjust removed it, reinstalled it, it promoted for a root password that doesn't work09:56
Reidhow do I find which HDD of mine isn't mounted..? I tried sudo mount /dev/sdb1 but this mounts my media drive, i need to access my old drive I just connected...09:57
icerootcrankharder: what password?09:57
icerootcrankharder: special chars?09:57
icerootReid: mount09:57
crankhardernothing complicated, letters and Es09:57
icerootReid: ah sorry "isnt"   use sudo fdisk -l09:57
kylecareyhow do you delete a folder in console?09:58
om26ercan i somehow install ubuntu on btrfs?09:58
Reidiceroot: -L or -109:58
icerootkylecarey: rm -rf foldername09:58
icerootReid: small L09:58
icerootom26er: if the kernel supports it, yes09:59
Reidiceroot: great, it's not showing up, I'm only seeing two drives.. I have 3.09:59
TheMustarddoes that mean the old drive is dead?10:00
phanihi. I have hardy 8.04 installed on my machine. i had vmplayer2.5 version so I want to remove and install vmplayer 3 for that. But i don't have luck and getting many errors. Could you please give me some suggestions.10:00
froeshi my windows partition is always getting mounted on /media/03242384fsd78f6sd7 but can i make it mount always like /media/disk ????10:00
icerootcrankharder: but you said there is no user root, how to set a password then?10:00
om26erpuremichael, you might want to try the latest kernel?10:00
phaniHere is the log of the error message : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4c21566310:00
ReidFroes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive#Manually Mount10:01
phanicould someone give me any suggestions10:01
Reidpretty easy stuff, I'm looking at it right now.10:01
Some_Personfroes: edit /etc/fstab10:01
icerootphani: did you delete something by hand before using apt-get remove?10:02
phaniwhat ever i did i have pasted in the logs10:02
froesSome_Person, it had something before under properties that you could put it, i didnt want to change fstabs10:02
phaniiceroot:not sure what's wrong and why it's not uninstalling10:02
bullgardWhen performing certain operations, Evolution 2.28.1 shows in its status line temporarily the message: "Generating message list(....)" What is a "message list" in Evolution?10:03
ubottuyes, I'm alive.10:05
icerootphani: how you installed vmare2.5? using apt-get install? or dpkg on a local deb?10:06
phaniusing apt-get install10:06
ubottuyes, I'm alive.10:07
icerootphani: hm i cant imaging that a preremove or postremove script in hardy is broken10:09
icerootphani: was vmware 2.5 usable?10:09
TheOnlyJoeyGood day10:09
phaniit was usable till yesterday. After i tried installing vmplayer 3 it's not working any more.10:10
TheOnlyJoeyJust a question, i am making a livecd with reconstructor and want to have a script run on first install, is there a easy way for dong that?10:10
akos_Hi! How can I debug an USB->Serial converter problem? I would like to see some debug messages on opening / closing / sending, receiveing/ changing settings of the port (/dev/ttyUSB0)10:10
phaniiceroot:here is the command i used for installing sudo apt-get install vmware-player-2.510:10
iceroot!info vmware-player-2.5 hardy10:10
phanihow to get info ?10:11
ubottuPackage vmware-player-2.5 does not exist in hardy10:11
icerootphani: what repo?10:11
phanihow to check ?10:11
icerootphani: post the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list10:11
iceroot!paste | phani10:12
ubottuphani: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:12
phaniiceroot: ok10:12
=== littlebeauty is now known as thefourthclass
deviadMorphyNOR, I had to use this command for all the diversions: sudo dpkg-divert --package nvidia-glx-190 --rename --remove /usr/lib/libGL.so.110:15
deviadin my case nvidia-glx-19510:15
deviadI found it in a german forum...10:15
deviadI'm going to reboot10:16
icerootphani: also "apt-cache policy vmware-player-2.5"10:17
shazbotmcnastyI can't boot into X for some reason.10:17
shazbotmcnastyThe output is "Fatal error: No screen found"10:17
shazbotmcnastythere is indeed a screen10:17
shazbotmcnastythen it put me in bash10:17
shazbotmcnastyI'm using the same screen I was before10:17
om26er!enter | shazbotmcnasty10:17
ubottushazbotmcnasty: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:17
shazbotmcnastybut different video card, I don't know how to install a driver through the command line.10:18
phaniiceroot: here is the log for apt-cache http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m3af08b2010:18
shazbotmcnastysorry, I didn't mean to flood - it's just that everything is huge because I'm in irssi through bash and can't see all that much10:18
icerootphani: what is gobuntu?10:19
icerootpuremichael: sorry goobuntu10:19
DexterLBiceroot: gobuntu is ubuntu with only open-source software10:19
icerootvmware is open-source?10:20
shazbotmcnastyDoes anyone know how to install a video driver through the command line? Because I've got nothin...10:21
icerootshazbotmcnasty: what card?10:21
shazbotmcnastyI'm doing lshw in tty2 right now, I'll get it to you in just one sec.10:21
shazbotmcnastyI crud, how do I scroll up?10:22
icerootshazbotmcnasty: just nvidia, ato, matox or something like that is enough10:22
TruthLikerHello, anyone here ever got cvoicecontrol to work ?10:22
shazbotmcnastyiceroot: nvidia10:22
iceroot!nvidia | shazbotmcnasty10:22
ubottushazbotmcnasty: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:22
Real_UbotDoes #ubuntu allow anonymous connection through Tor?10:22
icerootshazbotmcnasty: ok its doesnt matter to pull the trigger :)10:23
icerootReal_Ubot: ask #freenode10:23
shazbotmcnastyiceroot: I don't get it...10:23
shazbotmcnastylinx is the command line based web browser right?10:24
icerootshazbotmcnasty: what version of ubuntu?10:24
icerootshazbotmcnasty: lynx10:24
simmaster@shaz: lynx, with a y10:24
shazbotmcnastythis sucks10:24
lwslwsshazbotmcnasty: alternately, 'links', which i prefer10:24
shazbotmcnastylwslws: already started the lynx install10:25
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:25
icerootshazbotmcnasty: first i would try this    sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:25
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=== zeltak1 is now known as zeltak
LucidPerryCan anyone tell me what virtualization software is BEST for games (i.e. utilizes GPU power most efficiently)?10:26
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:27
om26erLucidPerry, vmware10:27
icerootLucidPerry: vbox can use it10:27
LucidPerryiceroot: I tried vbox, but it limited my video memory to 128MBs...10:27
icerootLucidPerry: but because its not hard-virtualisation its not perfect10:27
shazbotmcnastyokay, trying that last command now...10:27
simmasterTried VMWare?10:27
LucidPerryom26er: Does it allow you to use more memory than vbox D:10:27
shazbotmcnastyabsolutely nothing happened10:27
shazbotmcnastyshould I reboot?10:27
icerootshazbotmcnasty: nothing?10:28
om26erLucidPerry, don't know that10:28
LucidPerryom26er: I shall investigate!10:28
LucidPerryom26er: Or something like that...10:28
shazbotmcnastyit said "starting Gnome display manager     [ok]"10:28
shazbotmcnastyand that's it10:28
icerootshazbotmcnasty: press  ctrl + alt + f7"10:28
icerootshazbotmcnasty: press  "ctrl + alt + f7"10:29
=== cor is now known as Guest73833
shazbotmcnastydidn't work10:29
om26erLucidPerry, ok confirmed  128with vmware too10:29
shazbotmcnastyit said restart GDM when it is reconfigured10:29
LucidPerryom26er: Damn. Then I'll use vbox. I prefer it....10:29
icerootshazbotmcnasty: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:30
_raven_is possible to restart the x11 without closing every application by doing this?10:30
grawity_raven_: no10:31
simmaster_raven_: Not that I know of10:31
shazbotmcnastyiceroot: I did sudo killall gdm10:31
iceroot_raven_: on cli: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:31
shazbotmcnastythen sudo gdm10:31
shazbotmcnastyand it worked10:31
FloodBot4shazbotmcnasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:31
shazbotmcnasty>_< sorry....10:31
iceroot_raven_: ah you mean you dont want to close them10:31
iceroot_raven_: i thought ou dont want to close them before by hand10:31
bloodskiheya folks, i got a problem with my asus at3n7a-i m-iTX, i dont get any audio from the optical output, i've maxed out every level in alsamixer, but my receiver says "no digital data", any ideas?10:31
icerootshazbotmcnasty: nice to hear10:31
bloodskiim running ubuntu 9.04 btw10:32
simmasterbloodski: Did you install the proper drivers?10:32
bloodskianalogue audio works10:32
bloodskiso i assume that simmaster?10:32
_raven_iceroot, for example evolution: after [strg alt print k] i have to open it again - is possible to let the process running and only restarting the graphical things?10:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:32
=== maury is now known as Guest60047
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit10:32
simmasterbloodski: I'll have to assume that as well10:32
iceroot_raven_: no10:33
bloodskiit's built on the nvidia ion chipset simmaster10:33
iceroot_raven_: x-server is the parrent of evolution10:33
simmasterI might not be able to help you, bloodski. I'm mainly an openSUSE user. I'm just here to answer minor questions whenever I can.10:34
_raven_iceroot, i thought every process would run in "textmode" and the graphics are independent from that - not true?10:34
Guest73833All the best 73es !10:34
ReidI'm trying to mount a drive "sudo mount /dev/sdc /media/myolddrive" and it's saying "You must specify the filesystem type" what does this mean..?10:34
bloodskik simmaster10:34
iceroot_raven_: no10:34
simmasterReid: sudo mount /dev/sdc /media/myolddrive -t [filesystem type]10:34
iceroot_raven_: x-server needs the control of the program10:34
bloodskidoes anyone else know how to get optical audio to work on an asus at3n7a-i mobo in ubuntu 9.04?10:34
simmasterI think the man page lists possible filesystem types10:34
_raven_iceroot disown helpful?10:34
iceroot_raven_: why you want restarting x?10:35
Reidsimmaster: I don't know what filesystem to go with..? I have a win7 partition and ubuntu partition i need to pull info off of.10:35
simmasterReid: You should have fuse-ntfs10:35
grawity_raven_: All X programs have a connection to the X server - if the server dies, connection breaks. Most of the time, the program quits.10:35
Reidsimmaster: so I should do /media/myolddrive -t fuse-ntfs10:35
_raven_iceroot, because sometimes it crashes and falls back into the default mode (grey-white instead of 3d for example)10:35
simmasterTry -t ntfs10:36
iceroot_raven_: maybe its better to fix that instead of other things10:36
simmaster@Reid: You can find more info here: http://www.linuxconfig.org/How_to_mount_partition_with_ntfs_file_system_and_read_write_access10:36
chiossifHappy New Year to ALL10:37
grawity_raven_: What exactly crashes? The window manager? It can be restarted like any other program.10:37
_raven_iceroot, its not often but when it happens would be nice to keep the applications open - so its not possible?10:37
simmaster@chiossif: Happy new year to you too. *hug*10:37
iceroot_raven_: not possible10:37
grawityThere's one X server. Everything else are clients connected to it, and they can be restarted separately.10:38
chiossifAfter an 9.10 install I get VISTA loader on sda2 and VISTA on sda3 is not accessible by grub. How to edit grub entry?10:38
_raven_grawity, i do not know how to explain - probably its the window manager because when x11 crashes i see only text mode any more right?10:38
Reidsimmaster: http://pastebin.com/m179da1b10:38
Reidsimmaster: getting error with that.10:38
grawity_raven_: so is it white-on-black text? You said it's something "grey-white"10:39
simmasterReid: sudo mount /dev/sdc0 /media/myolddrive -t ntfs10:39
_raven_grawity, ok then its not the x11 but the window manager10:39
simmasterMounting the partition should work. You're trying to mount the entire drive10:39
b4lroghi everynone !10:39
_raven_grawity, how can i restart the window manager then i could tell you more10:40
grawity_raven_: Switch manually to a console (Ctrl-Alt-F2 would work). Login, then type: export DISPLAY=:010:40
grawity_raven_: Then: metacity &10:40
_raven_grawity, will the console 1 still be open in the background?10:41
grawity_raven_: yes10:41
_raven_grawity, but graphics will run on two then?10:42
grawity_raven_: Ctrl-Alt-(F1, F2 ... F6) switch to text consoles. And "graphics" runs on the seventh - Ctrl-Alt-F710:42
usr13grawity: Shouldn't it be DISPLAY=:0.010:42
Reidsimmaster: sorry I'm not catching on, I also tried sdc0 and no luck.10:42
stnv hello all. I have problem with my wireless detecting. I have wireless in my home and i had made it 'hidden'. Then i had searched for it and it was with ssid 'hidden'.  The real problem is that when i have returned it as not 'hidden' my Ubuntu still recognized him as hidden. So.. how can i clear that wrong cache about my home wireless?10:42
ReidI don't understand how to mount just the partitions individually.10:42
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
_raven_grawity, ok what is the command (display.....) for two displays?10:42
grawityusr13: I think that second number is only for when you have multiple monitors or something.10:42
icerootReid: mount /dev/sda1 /media/mymointpoint   if you want to mount sda110:43
usr13grawity: Oh, so it probably works either way, (with single monotor)?10:43
icerootReid: with sudo of course10:43
usr13grawity: or with single video output?10:43
simmasterSorry, try sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/myolddrive -t ntfs10:44
grawityusr13: Eh, I don't know much about those things. I have a single monitor. I just know that the second number is never required.10:44
usr13grawity: Ok, thanks.10:44
bullgardWhen performing certain operations, Evolution 2.28.1 shows in its status line temporarily the message: "Generating message list(....)" What is a "message list" in Evolution?10:44
icerootbullgard: a list of messages for displaying your messages on the folder10:45
brijithHello friends, I want to create a newsboard application.a desktop application which notifies all similar application running on system in local network10:47
simmasterbrijith: You're going to need the appropriate devel packages and a knowledge of some language such as C++10:47
icerootbrijith: something like rss-fead?10:47
brijithI know python pygtk10:47
simmasterPyGTK also works10:48
chiossifAfter an 9.10 install I get VISTA loader on sda2 and VISTA on sda3 is not accessible by grub. How to edit grub entry?10:48
simmaster@Reid Still there?10:48
brijithI think rss feed does what I needed10:48
simmaster@chiossif: sudo gedit /boot/grub.conf10:49
simmaster/boot/grub/grub.conf (?)10:49
simmasterbah, I'm stupid10:49
chiossifI it is agrub2 isntall10:49
iceroot!gksudo | simmaster10:49
ubottusimmaster: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:49
brijithDoes any one know how to set up rss feed reader screenlets10:49
simmastergksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:50
simmasterThanks for the gksudo clarification10:50
chiossifThere is NO /boot/grub/menu.lst It is a GRUB210:51
brijithWhen I tried some rss reader screenlets I felt having bugs in it . . .10:51
legend2440!grub2 | chiossif10:52
ubottuchiossif: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:52
brijithcan any one suggest a good feed reader screen let10:52
chiossiflegend2440: I want to edit set root=(hd0,2) to hd0,3 How to ?10:53
_raven__grawity, iceroot ok windowmanager export did not work10:53
axzGuys anyodea why is cowsay not working on Ubuntu 9.10 ?10:54
chiossifI want to edit set root=(hd0,2) to set root=(hd0,3) on a ubuntu 9.10 GRUB2 installation10:54
nmvictori have a GSM modem on /dev/ttyUSB1 which is what im using to get to irc.freenode.net, i need to setup this modem with the kannel in /etc/kannel/kannel.conf , how do i get some more details about this device?10:55
bullgardiceroot: What are "_my_ messages" and what is "_the_ folder"?10:55
usr13 /whois usr1310:57
=== simmaster07 is now known as simmaster
madPJKfanhey everybody10:58
madPJKfananyone across the wubi kernal panic issue thingy"10:58
madPJKfan^^^^ that one10:58
nmvictori have a GSM modem on /dev/ttyUSB1 which is what im using to get to irc.freenode.net, i need to setup this modem with the kannel in /etc/kannel/kannel.conf , how do i get some more details about this device?10:59
=== simmaster07 is now known as simmaster
simmasterI find it cruelly ironic how I get disconnected from #suse when I join #ubuntu and vice versa11:00
madPJKfanwhat just happed - did the server split or something?11:00
* om26er joins #suse11:00
grawityI see no netsplits nearby :|11:00
om26erand i am not disconnected11:00
usr13nmvictor: lsusb -vv11:00
brijithHi friends, I read some where that many of the screenlets in ubuntu are created using python .... does any one have a good and simple tutorial on creating screenlets using python ...?11:01
vdubhackanyone familar with imaging hard drives of installed windows and linux distrubutions for fast reinstalls of a specific current state? I am trying to find a program ideal for this11:01
om26ersimmaster, did not happened with me..11:01
simmasterom26er: Different network, not freenode11:01
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 has forgotten i have an audio device, help?11:01
zirodayvdubhack: for imaging there is clonezilla, for creating a custom distro there is remastersys11:01
usr13!screenlets | brijith11:02
ubottubrijith: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have a compositing window manager such as !Compiz Fusion, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/11:02
nisstyre65brijith; python is a high level programming language http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer's_Tutorial_for_Python_3/11:02
simmasterOh wow, it is freenode11:02
=== nikow_ is now known as Nikow
simmasterI wonder how they set up the IRC alias like that11:02
vdubhackziroday: Can i use clonezilla to copy and install of windows on a certain hard drive ?11:02
om26ersimmaster, #freenode11:02
Nicekiwi9better than non-feenode11:02
grawitysimmaster: Probably just a DNS redirect11:02
legend2440chiossif: sorry i dont dual boot  i would ask in channel   #grub11:02
brijithnisstyre65:I am familiar with python, What I need is a tut on screenlet using python11:02
nisstyre65you need a module?11:03
grawitywind ~ » host irc.ubuntu.com11:03
grawityirc.ubuntu.com is an alias for chat.freenode.net.11:03
grawitysimmaster: ^ an example11:03
nmvictorusr13: thanks11:03
simmasterI see now11:03
brijithnisstyre65:I want to create a screenlet11:03
simmasterThat also explains how I kept getting disconnected for collisions11:03
brijithnisstyre65:where to start11:03
stnv hello all. I have problem with my wireless detecting. I have wireless in my home and i had made it 'hidden'. Then i had searched for it and it was with ssid 'hidden'.  The real problem is that when i have returned it as not 'hidden' my Ubuntu still recognized him as hidden. So.. how can i clear that wrong cache about my home wireless?11:05
vdubhackziroday: Thanks was just what I needed11:05
nmvictorNow that programs have lock file(or is it just lock) feature, does it mean that i cant have my GSM modem play the Short message service centre and at the same time connect me to the internet, right?11:05
ubottuyes, I'm alive.11:08
om26erwhere can i fasten animation speed in ccsm11:08
pash21hi! just installed ubuntu 9.10 (server)... but, unfotunately my intel network adapter (PCIe) won't be recognized11:09
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 has forgotten i have an audio device, help?11:09
pash21how should I go on?11:09
nmvictorwhose bed have your boots been under :)11:10
om26erok i got it.11:10
Hakunamatatahey hay hello11:10
robzyany suggestions on how to get this usb tv tuner working on a stock Ubuntu install? im having trouble finding anything on google11:11
web5|org|uawant to by something like this [http://bit.ly/7KVDRl], but don't know about working under Ubuntu ! Help ?11:11
obaidhi Hakunamatata11:11
p1oooophello everyone11:12
BlouBloup1oooop: Hi11:12
Hakunamatatawho have ssh accouints ?11:12
p1oooopnot me.11:12
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:12
om26erweb5|org|ua, buy it and it will work without a problem11:12
BlouBlouHakunamatata: You can try in #bshellz11:13
obaidweb5|org|ua, it shoud work11:13
p1oooopwow, it's 3AM already11:13
Hakunamatataon this network ?11:13
p1oooopsorry guys, gotta go.11:13
BlouBlouHakunamatata: Yes11:13
web5|org|uathis is Unknown Chinese stuff without drivers for linux !11:13
p1oooopin PST, it is.11:13
p1oooopweb5|org|ua: well, what is it? a chinese notepad, LMAO11:14
ortsvorsteherweb5|org|ua, i wouldnt buy any hardware where you dont know which chipset is on it.11:14
Hakunamatatanice there :P11:14
p1oooopchina has a nice hacker program... nowonder they have so many hackers11:14
ortsvorsteher!ot | p1oooop11:14
ubottup1oooop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:14
HakunamatataBlouBou: thnx11:14
p1ooooportsvorsteher: sorry11:15
BlouBlouHakunamatata: No problem11:15
chiossiflegend2440: Thanks a lot.11:15
web5|org|uais it possible that Ubuntu[linux] support unknown devices based on unknown chipsets ?11:16
BlouBlouweb5|org|ua: That depends, ubuntu can use generic drivers11:16
Drox_hello i have  a problem i must mount hd extern, but don't find how do11:17
web5|org|uabut if i haved windows drivers, than i can run under ndiswrapper(laptop wi-fi works in this way well) !11:17
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Guest84608hello there11:18
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Guest8736hi linXea11:20
BlouBlou!hi | Guest873611:20
web5|org|uaQuestion: how many people use twoPannel file-brower[like total commander], mean NON text-base ?11:20
ubottuGuest8736: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:20
TREKyo yoyo11:22
obaidyo TREK11:22
obaidhi leee11:23
om26erobaid, this is not yahoo chat, this is ubuntu support channel11:24
dsotrhi, any1 knows how to store the automatic X configuration made by Karmic in a xorg.con file?11:25
obaidom26er, i dont know yahoo chat11:26
Meawno harm on saying hi to others.11:27
chilli0I need help please11:31
freeridewhat channels are available in irc.ubuntu.com?11:31
br0kenarr0wim running ubuntu 9.10 on an ext2 filesystem, and the filesystem is fucked... its kept being forced to be checked on boot and now i cant bootup at all, any idea?11:31
raven___________grawity, iceroot i do not know why but this shit winmanager crashes again and again11:33
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.11:34
druido__ciao a tt11:35
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 has forgotten i have an audio device, help?11:35
=== raven___________ is now known as _raven_
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:35
IvisHello, why my network start slowly i need to whait 5 min when i start ubuntu11:36
om26er!sound | Nicekiwi911:36
ubottuNicekiwi9: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:36
Nicekiwi9ubottu: im useing ubuntu 9.10 im not sure what ur thinkg of but double clicking does nothing11:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:37
Nicekiwi9oh thats just gay11:39
chilli0How big should swap be ?11:39
petsoundschilli0, the same as your ram size11:40
_raven_grawity, iceroot?11:40
qwindooHello, I'm buying this WD My Book Elite external drive [http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.asp?driveid=752].. i was wondering if anybody would have found a way to manage the text displayed on the e-label from Ubuntu?11:40
chilli0Thanks petsounds\11:40
baldarishi ihave virtual box , i have a few set up files which i want to copy to my extrenal harddrive....but in folder i do not see it..how can i copy the files..?11:40
ePaxIm on ubuntu 9.10 and i have problems opening home folder wiith gnome-do docky. It does not open. Any idea how to fix this?11:40
ortsvorsteherchilli0, i would you 1,5 times memory for your swapsize11:40
Nicekiwi9om26er: u couldent be a lil more helpful?11:40
chilli0ortsvorsteher, What is swap for11:41
BlouBlouchilli0: swap is used by linux systems when system needs more memory ram, it uses hdd as ram11:42
ortsvorsteherchilli0, to page out a space for everey process which you start on your box. swap is needed if may memory is full. see !swap11:42
chilli0kk ty11:42
BlouBlou!swap | chilli011:42
ubottuchilli0: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:42
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
owen1_can i add ppa to sources.list manualy or do i have to use add-apt-repository?11:44
IvisHello, why my network start slowly i need to whait 5 min when i start ubuntu?11:44
ortsvorsteherowen1_, you can add it by editing /etc/apt/sources.list11:44
om26erowen1_, you can do both but why not take the easier way?11:45
NastyaHi everyone!11:45
om26er!hi | Nastya11:45
ubottuNastya: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:45
=== reefy is now known as Reefy
owen1_ortsvorsteher: ppa:matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn   i tried adding this but it's not working11:45
NastyaHappy New Yeap to you all. Recommend a nice and useful fb2 and lib reader for linux plz.11:46
owen1_om26er: i just want to know what happened when i run this command.  what if u want to get rid of the ppa?11:46
Jurgeniis there some known problem with intel wireless driver ipw2200 and wpa?11:46
owen1_om26er: text file is easy to understand11:46
om26erowen1_, go to software sources and utick it11:46
owen1_om26er: i don't use UI. only text11:46
madPJKfanhey everybody11:48
madPJKfananybody know how to 'upgrade' from a wubi install to a full, partitioned, install?11:48
madPJKfanis there an easy process?11:48
owen1_madPJKfan: not sure but congrats11:48
om26ermadPJKfan, you have to do a clean install i think11:49
madPJKfanright - only just got it back working - there was a bit of an issue with a kernal upgrade - broke everyones wubi for a bit there11:49
madPJKfannow I want to dual boot proper...11:49
baldarishi ihave virtual box , i have a few set up files which i want to copy to my extrenal harddrive....but in folder i do not see it..how can i copy the files..?11:49
madPJKfanhaving said that - what is the best way, say virtual box, to keep your old doze stuff going?11:50
q35yqv45yso... I have a lovely old barely working sony (500Mhz Pentium II onboard), with no CD or DVD drive, or floppy and it can't boot from usb...11:50
inferno_daulXEONbuenos nochez ladies and dudes11:51
q35yqv45yI've had it running linux of several varieties for ohhh, 4-5 years... but now I dist-upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and it's broke! :-(11:51
Bonster_anyone no how to fix this resolution problem? http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/4b57c21o/uuu_056.png11:52
inferno_daulXEONq35yqv45y: thats seems to be a common problem11:52
faileasmadPJKfan: i can't remember what its called but there's a script for it11:52
faileasgimme a moment11:52
madPJKfanfaileas: cheers11:52
faileasmadPJKfan: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html11:52
br0kenarr0whelp, linux cant mount my root filesystem, but i can mount and fsck it from the livecd and it works fine, it asks for a root password or says press ctrl-d and ctrl-d just reboots the pc11:53
br0kenarr0wwhat do i do?!11:53
inferno_daulXEONBonster_: I like your msPaint style cicles11:53
inferno_daulXEONBonster_: I don't get your problem though. You have display at the bottom but no background image?11:54
_raven_windowmanager crashes again and again - how to find out the error and how to solve?11:54
Bonster_inferno_daulXEON, yea is like seperate11:55
madPJKfanfaileas: cheers - looks good - thinks I shall start the backup process first before going the hideous partitionining, scaredy cat that I am...11:55
oliver3when issuing sudo aptitude unmarkauto cabextract... why is aptitude telling me it's about to uninstall cabextract for being marked as automatically installed and having no dependencies? -_-11:55
madPJKfanis there a good way to save your current doze setup for virtualization?11:55
inferno_daulXEONBonster_: Hmm...Can you move windows down into that area or are they cut off11:55
faileasmadPJKfan: on the contrary, you arn't being scared, you're prudent11:55
faileasmadPJKfan: which package?11:55
faileasvmware has converter. No idea for virtualbox11:55
madPJKfanerrr - virtualbox is the foss one, yeah?11:56
madPJKfanthat's the go?11:56
Bonster_inferno_daulXEON, i can move it down, but it wont do much just more fuzzyness11:56
br0kenarr0whelp, linux cant mount my root filesystem, but i can mount and fsck it from the livecd and it works fine, it asks for a root password or says press ctrl-d and ctrl-d just reboots the pc11:56
q35yqv45ybr0kenarr0w - and if you type in your root password, what happens?11:57
br0kenarr0wq35yqv45y, i dont have a root password :(11:57
q35yqv45ybr0kenarr0w - you're using Ubuntu right? This means that your user password is your root password... usually11:57
br0kenarr0wq35yqv45y, my user password doesnt work11:57
icerootbr0kenarr0w: use sudo11:58
inferno_daulXEONBonster_:  Weird, sorry I havn't experienced that. I guess my first guess would be to try a different resolution and see if that fixes it. Otherwise there might be a new graphics card driver for you.11:58
madPJKfancan you su to root from administrator?11:58
ecartQuém tem um conky bem hacker? ou sabe onde encontar um modelo bem legal?11:58
icerootbr0kenarr0w: there is no user root with a password on ubuntu11:58
Walexbr0kenarr0w: that can be because *another* filesystem is missing. Read carefully the reason why it is not going into multiuser mode.11:58
ecartWho has a good hacker conky? or know where to find any model really cool?11:58
madPJKfanubuntu does things diff to the last time I used linux (about redhat 9)11:58
inferno_daulXEONBonster_: Are you using an nVidia card?11:58
br0kenarr0wWalex, its a mount error, it cant mount /dev/sda3 because of a list of reasons11:58
icerootmadPJKfan: evry dist is doing something different11:58
Bonster_inferno_daulXEON, yea tryed all that, even poweroff11:59
ecartWho has a good hacker conky? or know where to find any model really cool?11:59
Bonster_inferno_daulXEON, yea nivdia11:59
ecartWho has a good hacker conky? or know where to find any model really cool?11:59
madPJKfaniceroot: yeah, and it's been years since I played with it.  Ubuntu surely is the shit, but I still like what OSX did with the filesystem... wish the linux's would do that11:59
Scott1979what does osx do with file system different to ubuntu madpjkfan12:00
madPJKfanscott - hides all the 'weird' filenames (etc, var) into a 'system' file12:00
inferno_daulXEONBonster_: nVidia keeps an FTP site up for beta linux drivers. Most of them are stable but not released because they can't test them on all flavors all the time. If you can't find anything else to try maybe that will work. But like I said I haven't run into this before im stabbing the dark with a 10 foot sword12:01
Scott1979what do u classify as wired names12:01
icerootmadPJKfan: and what is good about that?12:01
Scott1979sorry weirs12:01
madPJKfaniceroot: seems tidier and less confusing/confronting to me12:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:01
Scott1979mytyping up the wall12:01
icerootmadPJKfan: for you.. but not for the rest12:02
Bonster_inferno_daulXEON, yea im using the 190 stable12:02
icerootmadPJKfan: we want standard linux base12:02
inferno_daulXEONBonster_: good luck. Kinda curious what the issue is myself12:02
madPJKfaniceroot: dunno.  When I look at it it seems odd.  There is not any particularly good reason, except history, to keep it.12:02
Scott1979yeah if im gunna use linux i dont want it looking like windows12:03
inferno_daulXEONBonster_: if you figure it out can you pm me so i can sleep w/o thinking about it12:03
madPJKfanScott1979: diff folks, diff strokes12:03
dustmanhow to disable cpu frequency adjustment when AC power is on?12:03
Scott1979i fix windows machines all day long dont wanna come home to it also12:03
Scott1979yeah i understand mad12:03
madPJKfanubuntu being the most user friendly, especially for newbies - I thought it woulda maybe done something like that12:03
madPJKfanapple got away with it, and it is still nix under the hood - didn't break anything12:04
icerootmadPJKfan: there is no reason for that12:04
inferno_daulXEONScott1979: lol when are we not fixing windows machines. when we arent sitting in front of them?12:04
Bonster_inferno_daulXEON, guess ill try turning the drivers off and on, see if anything goes12:04
Scott1979i found the file system hard to work around myself in the beginning12:04
Scott1979but this is one way we stay saff from attacks rather then collaberate or sensitive folders all together12:04
Scott1979gee im bad typing tonight12:05
_raven_windowmanager crashes again and again - how to find out the error and how to solve?12:05
Scott1979true that inferno12:05
madPJKfanScott1979: I compiled Eiffel from source the other day.  Had to hunt around in oddish places to fix a few things to get it going - the standard makefile doesn't do the right thing for AMD64 arch12:05
Scott1979yeah amd6412:05
inferno_daulXEONMaking linux look like windows is sacrilege (spelling?) Making windows look like linux is 1337-SAUCE12:05
tos_<tos_> if i installed ubuntu without the cloud option12:06
tos_<tos_> how can i get back to the install screen12:06
tos_<tos_> to install clou12:06
Scott1979i understand that linux is the only true 64 bit os but still very buggy12:06
br0kenarr0wi cant seem to mount my working filesystem on linux! please someone help12:06
dustmanScott1979: that's far from true12:06
madPJKfanscott1979: all works fine, just had to find a bunch of files is different and odd places12:06
konraddohi, if i have 4GB of ram and i'm not planning to use hibernation, it's not worth to create a SWAP  partition?12:06
Scott1979prove me wrong dustman12:06
Scott1979do u consider that windows is true 64bit12:07
dustmanheard of irix, aix, solaris?12:07
inferno_daulXEONkonraddo: What are you going to use your computer for?12:07
Scott1979multitasking multi users os12:07
konraddobrowsing internet, watching movies, listening to music, etc...12:07
dustmanScott1979: check wiki12:07
Guest1990Does anyone know how to embed the terminal onto the desktop???12:07
Scott1979are these not direvitives of linux12:07
petsoundskonraddo, swap isn't necessary.12:07
inferno_daulXEONkonraddo: If you think you'll ever need more than 4gb then use swap. If not don't worry about it12:07
dustmanScott1979: opensolaris is12:08
tos_how can i get back to the install screen to install Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud12:08
konraddook thanks12:08
Reidevery time i start vuze it crashes, <-- fresh install of vuze from synaptic.12:08
Scott1979you only pay for the support not the software dustman so all opensource os12:08
dustmanplus there are bsds as well12:08
Scott1979not windows though12:08
Scott1979i am agreeing with u but u are being technical12:09
inferno_daulXEONI do simulations and CGRendering. I have 16gb of ram and 16gb of swap and use about half the swap sometimes12:09
Guest1990Does anyone know how to embed the terminal onto the desktop???12:09
Scott1979these operating systems are no where near obtainable for an average user12:09
tos_guest, google it, youll find something12:09
dustmanwhich one?12:09
Scott1979the ones u said12:10
dustmanunix is not that harder than linux12:10
dustmanopensolaris is plain gnome12:10
Scott1979for someone like yourself maybe not12:10
Scott1979dont be technical about this12:10
dustmanno difference from ubuntu12:10
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 has forgotten i have an audio device, help?12:10
Scott1979i mean install and go12:10
Scott1979u dont just install opensolaris and go12:11
Scott1979like fedora or ubuntu12:11
dustmandesktopbsd/pcbsd <- plain freebsd with kde12:11
Scott1979yes there is a difference one is call unix12:11
Scott1979the other is ubuntu12:11
petsoundsScott1979, i think it's better to discuss on #ubuntu-offtopic12:12
Scott1979unix is for bussiness enterprise12:12
inferno_daulXEONWEIRD ISSUE - Fresh install of karmic desktop 64. Using ASRock mobo and included display card. On boot it gives me a pci error for the card and shows the text login. I wait about 5 minutes and then the login screen pops up. If I login during the text mode and startx the desktop comes up fine but after that wait, the login screen pops up and if i login then i have 2 instances of all the processes running.... WTF?12:12
dustmanhow to disable cpu frequency adjustment when AC power is on?12:12
Scott1979i need help configuring dual head in ubuntu12:12
konraddobtw i forgot.... i want to use virtualization, too.... so should i use SWAP, yes?12:12
studentsumitkatomy name is sumit katoch12:13
icerootkonraddo: what virtualization?12:13
konraddovirtualize Windows XP12:13
inferno_daulXEONkonraddo:  If you have a big hard drive I would just partition a gig or two for swap. you beeeee fiiiiiiineeeee12:13
icerootkonraddo: with what12:13
konraddohmmm just sometimes test some applications....12:14
icerootkonraddo: or let it say me better, if not using xen or vmware esx, swap is a good idea12:14
konraddookay :D12:14
Scott1979if u want to hibernate konraddo make it 3.8 gig12:14
inferno_daulXEONkonraddo: I don't know if you can do it but maybe since youll be running 32windows with a 3gb limit, if you could do a 3gb swp and use the ram only for linux and the swap only for windows12:15
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 has forgotten i have an audio device, help?12:15
icerootinferno_daulXEON: you dont want to use a hdd for RAM12:15
inferno_daulXEONNicekiwi9: everyone has this problem. Im sure theres a googlz result by now12:15
tos_nicekiwi9, mine is doing that too... i think you need the non-free drivers for ur sound card12:15
inferno_daulXEONiceroot: I know i just though it would be cool. HDD is way slower12:16
konraddoScott1979, i don't want to hibernate. inferno_daulXEON, nice, i didn't heard that it's possible to use SWAP as RAM for virtualized OS12:16
_raven_windowmanager crashes again and again - how to find out the error and how to solve?12:16
ubuntuhey guys, what is /dev/pts?12:16
icerootinferno_daulXEON: 1000 times slower12:16
selfimageare there any staffers online here right now12:16
inferno_daulXEONkonraddo: i dunno if you can do it. I was saying you should google it just for a slap and tickle12:16
erUSULselfimage: channel ops or freenode staffers?12:17
konraddohmm anyway thanks :D12:17
erUSULselfimage: ask in #freenode12:17
selfimageok thanks12:17
inferno_daulXEONkonraddo: buy more ram and use no swap thats my vote.12:17
Nicekiwi9tos_: it worked 10 hours ago12:17
Nicekiwi9tos_: between wen i went to sleep and wen i woke up its forgotten the device exists12:17
tos_nicekiwi9, maybe it does that when you dont use it...12:18
tos_i dont know why12:18
tos_in the same boat tho12:18
Nicekiwi9everyone has it? oh...12:18
ubuntumy computer cant boot up, it says it cant mount /dev/pts12:18
ubuntuand so mountall has failed with an error12:18
=== ubuntu is now known as br0kenarr0w
br0kenarr0wcan anyone help?12:18
BonsterSwap is usually use for sleep mode and when ram is 100% in used12:18
br0kenarr0wwhat is /dev/pts for?12:19
Nicekiwi9inferno_daulXEON: the problem with googleing it is since its a new bug its im unlikly to get recent results in a google search12:20
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: for Pseudo-TerminalS iirc12:21
br0kenarr0wdo you have any idea why ubuntu would fail to mount it?12:22
inferno_daulXEONNicekiwi9: yea i know but i've seen atleast 10 people in the last 24 hours talking about karmic sound issues. Im just high and dont remember the fixes12:22
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: nope sorry; that the only error you get?12:22
br0kenarr0wi think so12:22
br0kenarr0wehh my linux is broken, really wanna fix it12:22
efinitixanybody here experienced in wget or curl?12:23
inferno_daulXEONbr0kenarr0w: is it as broken as your arrow?12:23
Nicekiwi9inferno_daulXEON: fun...12:23
br0kenarr0winferno_daulXEON, yup12:23
inferno_daulXEONbr0kenarr0w: which part12:23
g0tchahey guys, if i setup a VPN on my home ubuntu and i connect to some unsecure wireless hotspot when i travel then to my VPN thats at home, is everything i do online then is secure?12:23
Bonstertry mounting it manually12:23
br0kenarr0winferno_daulXEON, it says it cant mount /dev/pts and so the thing doenst boot up, it asks for a root password i dont have or lets me press ctrl-d to restart12:24
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> what you mean  'i travel then to my vpn' ?12:24
inferno_daulXEONcan you boot from a livecd and chmod the directory?12:25
Reidhaving a display issue. I'm using Svideo (I have to.) and my screen is off center anyway to adjust from ubuntu side?12:25
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: does it say why it can not mount it?12:25
br0kenarr0winferno_daulXEON, i am on a livecd12:25
g0tchaHakunamatata, i mean if i travel and connect to my home VPN12:25
Reidbios shows up centered, but nothing else.12:25
br0kenarr0werUSUL, the standard reason, bad superblock or ...12:25
inferno_daulXEONyou cant sudo mount it?12:25
br0kenarr0wi have mounted it12:25
br0kenarr0winferno_daulXEON, i should chmod /dev/pts ?12:25
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> and then what would you want ?12:26
inferno_daulXEONbr0kenarr0w: Are you rooted on the livecd? or the drive?12:26
luismanuelHi, I changed something in the internet settings and I could not connect to the web (I am using right now a pendrive to connect) What can i do to restore all the connection as it was before, i mean "automatically"12:26
g0tchaHakunamatata, im asking, after i connect to my home VPN, is it safe for me to check my private emails and such without worrying from someone sniffing data from this public network?12:26
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: well that's really weird becouse /dev/pts is a "virtual filesystem" like proc or sys so how can the superblock be bad? maybe it fails to mount root first and then fails the other mounts becouse of that?12:26
br0kenarr0winferno_daulXEON, uhm is /dev/ supposed to be empty?12:27
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> everything youll do its secure.12:27
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> you using ruter ? which mark ?12:27
inferno_daulXEONbr0kenarr0w: it sounds to me like theres an issue with your install. is it a fresh one?12:27
br0kenarr0werUSUL, maybe, but my root mounts fine under livecd12:27
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: in the livecd no; in the hard disk yes12:27
br0kenarr0winferno_daulXEON, its not too old12:27
g0tchaHakunamatata, at home? yes, a netgear router12:27
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: dev gets populated on but by udev12:27
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: see this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/insserv/+bug/32192712:27
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> if u connect to ur router with ur passwd and login, everything will be good :) and secure12:28
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> but if you want to connect to some unscure wirlles  then you could lost some information12:28
br0kenarr0wi recently fscked my filesystem inferno_daulXEON and it had a load of problems fix'ed... a few files were created in lost+found12:29
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> im now using netgear :) it has 4 type of secure its good :)12:29
br0kenarr0winferno_daulXEON, is that possibly the cause of it?12:29
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: could be; maybe the conf of udev got screwed or some other config file ...12:30
br0kenarr0winferno_daulXEON, some of them seem to be /prov and /dev symlinks12:30
inferno_daulXEONbr0kenarr0w: ditto12:30
nh2I cannot start java without -Xmx on our server, I get: Error occurred during initialization of VM - Could not reserve enough space for object heap - Could not create the Java virtual machine. The happens even after a recompilation of openJDK. Any idea why?12:30
br0kenarr0wi donno how to fix it though12:30
g0tchaHakunamatata, hmm youre confusing me.. i want to install the VPN on my ubuntu machine and not my router so i get to connect to my ubuntu VPN, so i dont get what your talking about when you say the router12:30
inferno_daulXEONI think it might be best to backup and reinstall at this point12:31
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> hehe you want to run wifi by ur machine12:31
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> or you want to buy a router ?12:31
g0tchaHakunamatata, no dude.. a public unsecure wifi when i travel out of the country12:31
madPJKfanis there a backup utility in the stock ubuntu install?12:31
g0tchabuy a router? heheh i dont think you get my question right =)12:31
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:32
madPJKfanerusul: cheers12:32
br0kenarr0wdoes anyone know how to access an encrypted filesystem? i donno how to mount my encrypted home directory12:32
inferno_daulXEONbr0kenarr0w: Like someone said before, the issue with /dev is that the installer generates the files.12:32
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> so this is  unsecure  ! :)12:32
inferno_daulXEONbr0kenarr0w: eeek...12:32
br0kenarr0week? :(12:32
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: it uses ecryptfs filesystem type; google would be able to tell you what switches to pass to mount12:33
inferno_daulXEONbr0kenarr0w: ditto. I got nothing, consult with skynet..... i mean google12:33
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> of corse nobady want your database , but its not secure and i wont to use it,  never :)12:34
dns53inferno_daulXEON if not google, you want the ubuntu wiki page, it should be easy to find12:35
inferno_daulXEONdns53:  i dont want crap except a sandwich and a coffee. br0kenarr0w needs the info12:35
g0tchaHakunamatata, other ppl in #networking just told me its safe and secure to do that12:35
g0tchaHakunamatata, i think you didnt understand what i was asking correctly12:36
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: here http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/3/ <<< explains how to access the encrypted directory from livecd12:36
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: looks easier than i thought12:37
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> its safe but you dont know what will be with your data12:37
guntherHello. I want to 'shred /dev/sd[driveletter]' in the background and want to redirect the output/progress into a logfile. 'shred -v -n10 -z /dev/sda 2>&1 1>> sda.log' seems not work. Any ideas?12:37
g0tchaHakunamatata, hmm i dont get it, what do you mean?12:37
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> for example: you are in the pekin, and you turn on your vpn, and you connect to unsecure network12:38
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> you got me ?12:38
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
gunther'man shred' shows no logfile-parameter and redirection does not seem to work. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?12:39
g0tchaHakunamatata, my vpn is already turned on from home.. i go to a "pekin" and connect to an unsecure wireless then connect to my vpn12:39
domasHi! I can't find where 200MB of memory on a karmic system go: http://p.defau.lt/?cqtsf55qY_wJwGz9zYFodA - does the kernel love to leak?12:39
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> when stream will go along through unsecure network, you ll not secure12:41
g0tchathe idea is whats unsecure is the data going from the public network to the vpn, but then what goes from the vpn to the rest of the internet should be secured12:41
RSMITH16384hello, i need to know if my interfaces are gbit or not12:42
g0tchathats the idea i have right now, or am i wrong? =/12:42
RSMITH16384via commandline12:42
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> you colud connect everywhere but bytes still goes along through the unsecure network. Of course anybody wnat to destroy your datas and compuier, but some people could use it UNSECURE fact12:42
RSMITH16384ifconfig wont say12:42
domasrsmith: miitool may say, sometimes12:42
domasrsmith16384: mii-tool that is12:43
Hakunamatata<g0tcha> maybe 90 prcnt ppl do it like u but its not secure. <- this  is the answer for ur first question :)(12:43
g0tchahow do i secure it then?12:43
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: managed to acess your data ?12:44
crazybyteHello! Could somebody tell me where to set the default location in Network Manager that is used on connection change? Thank you!12:45
Ellingi need some help. every time i play a fullscreen game trough Wine my computer shuts off my 2nd monitor. and when i exit the game my screenlets are all over the place.  any ideas?12:47
vishnuhow to get the theme ooption in xubuntu12:48
john_doeafter upgrading to 9.10 audio only works through sudo. Alsamodules are loaded fine, the permission of the devices are correct, and I'm in the audio group, and I can't tell the problem from the output of mplayer. How would you debug this.12:48
howdeepHello. What is the command to list USB devices in terminal?12:48
SmithyIn 9.10 can you change the sound at the startup when you turn your computer on Like 9.4 could12:48
erUSULhowdeep: lsusb12:49
=== oCean__ is now known as oCean_
howdeepthanks :) i forgot12:49
vishnutheme option in xubuntu?????12:49
erUSULjohn_doe: can you post the exact mplayer error message ?12:49
john_doeSmithy: hmm, it's without graphics12:49
om26er_vishnu, #xubuntu might help12:49
john_doeerUSUL: sure12:49
vishnuwhat u mean #xubuntu?12:49
nmvictorif i have a device (GSM modem) mounted on /dev/ttyUSB1, how can i know which port number the device is using?12:50
nmvictorif i have a device (GSM modem) mounted on /dev/ttyUSB1, how can i know which port number the device is using?12:50
vishnujohn i didnt get u?12:50
madPJKfanerUSUL: kewl, installed simplebackup, and am now dropping my whole /host onto my usb drive as a .tgz12:50
erUSULnmvictor: which port? what type of port?12:50
om26er_vishnu, yes join #xubuntu12:50
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acp_hi Im helping a friend making his wifi work on his notebook its a ralink rt3090 any link you can share?,tnx in advance.bytheway we have google it but it did not work12:51
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erUSULacp_: the driver comes with ubuntu afaics /lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/kernel/drivers/staging/rt3070/rt3070sta.ko12:52
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erUSULacp_: if you do « iwconfig » does a wlan0 appears ?12:52
nmvictorerUSUL: ok to get to what im looking for i'll just explain what im doing.12:52
inferno_daulXEONI got an error when installing vsftpd "update-rc.d : warning: vsftpd stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (1)      What do I do to Fix this?12:53
erUSULnmvictor: ok12:53
itsnotstalkeranyone here know what eagle cad is?12:53
erUSULitsnotstalker: an electronic desing tool ( EDA )12:54
acp_erUSUL, no only the eth and lo12:54
itsnotstalkerthe linux version of it just want me to , run its install script, i havent installed anything like that since windows i dont think, how hard will it be to get rid of it12:54
erUSULacp_: sudo modprobe rt3070sta12:54
erUSULacp_: then look again12:54
itsnotstalkererUSUL, yeah, its what i used for windows and there is a linux version12:54
om26eritsnotstalker, google might know what eagle cad is12:54
john_doeerUSUL: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d1ddc927712:54
erUSULitsnotstalker: warnings are not critical probably you can ignore it12:54
itsnotstalkerom26er, i know what it is12:54
acp_erUSUL, ok will try thanks12:54
om26eritsnotstalker, sure you do12:55
john_doeerUSUL: notice that the pulse problem is when using sudo where the output is fine12:55
itsnotstalkererUSUL, is installing thing by running their script as root a good idea? i've usd respositories or souce since i got linux, i was just like wtf?12:55
erUSULjohn_doe: have you checked that the audio is not muted in pulseaudio ?? silly but would be not the firs time12:56
br0kenarr0wwhy would i get "Error: Your kernel does not support filename encryption" when running ecryptfs-add-passphrase?12:56
erUSULjohn_doe: right click on the volume icon12:56
john_doeerUSUL: no, I haven't12:56
erUSULjohn_doe: open the volume manager and check all sliders too12:56
john_doeerUSUL: it must be a command line solution12:56
erUSULjohn_doe: with mplayer playing that's it12:56
erUSULitsnotstalker: a installer needs to be root.12:57
SmithyDoes anyone know a how to On putting the terminal on the desktop? That works they dont seem to work for me???12:58
om26er!hi | Zteam12:59
ubottuZteam: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:59
ZteamAnyone here who can help me to get torbutton working?12:59
inferno_daulXEONSmithy go to it from Appications and right click the icon and add to desktop12:59
john_doeerUSUL: I don't have a graphical interface. can I unmute pulseaudio from bash?12:59
itsnotstalkerZteam, is vadilia running?12:59
SmithySorry I mean to Embed it on the Desktop?13:00
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inferno_daulXEONSmithy: you mean like a widget?13:01
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paulus68Smithy: did you try this one http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-create-a-transparent-terminal-in-ubuntu-desktop.html13:02
SmithyI think so.... I see some people's desktops and they have it just sitting there in no window or anything... Just looks like writting.13:02
Zteamitsnotstalker:No, it isn't13:02
Zteambut from what I know that is just the gui for tor??13:02
inferno_daulXEONSmithy:  Why don't you just use Yakuake - I <3 it13:02
erUSULjohn_doe: try alsamixer13:03
SmithyPaulus68 I have used this one before.13:03
SmithyI maybe doing something worng i not sure13:03
john_doeerUSUL: alright. It surprises me that it's not installed. Is that weird to you too?13:03
paulus68Smithy: it is working for me like that13:03
Smithyinferno_daulXEON   is that the same thing.13:03
erUSULjohn_doe: well dunno; i upgrade. maybe a clean install wont include it becouse pulseaudio13:04
Zteamitsnotstalker: No but from what I know that is just the gui for tor??13:04
Smithypaulus68 i will try again.  Thank's13:04
paulus68Smithy:  your welcome13:04
Kasztanello all13:05
inferno_daulXEONSmithy: no but its really awesome. It scrolls down a terminal from the top bar like a dev-console in a video game. you can set it to whatever hotkeys you want. just make sure to have it autostart13:05
grawityZteam: Vidalia is just the GUI, yes13:05
inferno_daulXEONSmithy: That way you can keep your pretty pics of boobies on your desktop13:05
Zteamgrawity: Damn... I never get that torbutton to work13:05
Smithyinferno_daulXEON how do install that one.13:05
john_doeerUSUL: (I upgraded too). it's a usb card. it doesn't have any mixer elements so alsamixer doesn't start. I suppose it's a software layer I need to unmute. I thought that would be pulseaudio.13:05
inferno_daulXEONSmithy: sudo apt-get install yakuake13:06
Smithyinferno_daulXEON  thanks13:06
grawityZteam: Do you have Tor itself running?13:06
grawityZteam: The usual way to start it is by starting the Vidalia GUI13:06
om26eris there any indicator-applet xchat plugin?13:07
inferno_daulXEONsmithy I have mine set to drop down for ctrl+f10. Try not to pick a hotkey thats already used by ubuntu or youll have to unbind it13:07
Zteamgrawity: I don't know, how to check if it's running?13:08
bearcyIn Keyboard options, I have made some changes that I don't know how to cancel out. Now I can't get the Numeric Keypad to work, and sometimes capital letters disappear, even if I use the CapsLock or Shift-keys. How can I mend this problem, other than installing Ubuntu 9.10 from scratch?13:08
grawityZteam: Open Terminal, type 'pgrep -l tor'13:08
john_doeerUSUL: got it. pulseaudio used the wrong audio device. Changed it with pavucontrol13:08
paulus68Smithy: you can also take a look into this I know it has nothing to do with the terminal however you can get some need info out of this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865     example  http://img21.imageshack.us/i/desktopjg0.gif/13:08
john_doeerUSUL: thanks for helping me out!13:09
erUSULjohn_doe: no problem13:09
Zteamgrawity: I can not see it there13:09
grawityZteam: Start Vidalia then, it'll start Tor automatically13:10
Zteamgrawity: Shouldn't it have been setup automatically then I installed torbutton from synaptic13:10
grawityZteam: Torbutton is just a button for toggling the proxy settings. The actual Tor program can be running in a different PC.13:11
Zteamgrawity: okey, it couldn't startup tor...13:11
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Zteamgrawity: guess I don't have the right package installed13:12
ArsinCan someone help me install Songbird13:12
grawityZteam: It's called "tor", and is available at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR13:13
oCean_Arsin: been here? http://www.getdeb.net/app/Songbird13:14
palois there a method to install alle dev packages on the system of the packages allready installed ? and do so for the future automaticly ?13:17
erUSULpalo: no that i know of. maybe you could do a little script that does it though13:17
erUSULpalo: but i fail to see the utility of doing it13:18
paloerUSUL, thx13:18
paloi want to compile something13:18
paloi need X11/...h13:19
paloand all that stuff13:19
Chousukeyou should just install the dev packages that you need.13:19
Zteamgrawity: now i have installed it, but then i run it vidalia says that tor exited unexpectlenty13:19
JDahlI have a US keyboard and I am trying to use SCIM to type Danish characters. I installed SCIM and I installed Danish under System->Administration->Language support,  but from SCIM I cannot choose Danish characters. Anyone configured something similar?13:19
ArsinoCean_: Sorry for the late reply, say it says it cannot find Songbird in the repos13:19
ChousukeJDahl: you shouldn't need SCIM to type danish :/13:19
erUSULpalo: install only what you need. if  what you want to compile is in the repositories and you enable deb-src repositories you can do « sudo apt-get build-dep packages »13:20
paloChousuke, is there a method to do it pretty fast and automaticly ?13:20
erUSULpalo: that installs all build dependencies of the package13:20
ChousukeJDahl: can't you just change the keyboard layout from keyboard preferences somewhere?13:20
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Chousukepalo: none that I can think of.13:20
safruhaniJDahl: setxkbmap your_layout13:20
JDahlChousuke, I want to to keep my US keyboard,  but be able to type Danish characters in emails etc13:20
trixHi guys13:20
torrmastaHot New Torrent site : http://Torrentpirates.org13:21
oCean_Arsin:  that's because it isn't. - my reply referred to an URL to install songbird.13:21
ChousukeJDahl: hmmh13:21
oCean_torrmasta: Please, do not advertise here!13:21
JDahlChousuke, isn't this what scim is for? (although mainly for Asian languages)13:21
erUSUL!ops | torrmasta13:21
ubottutorrmasta: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!13:21
ArsinoCean : I know but then I get an error saying "Could not find package 'songbird'."13:22
ChousukeJDahl: well, yeah.13:22
paloChousuke, erUSUL thx but it is so much i want to install i try install. i'll do my best13:22
JDahlChousuke, perhaps SCIM is only for Asian characters - that's possible13:22
paloChousuke, erUSUL thx13:22
ChousukeJDahl: I've never used SCIM for anything but Japanese so I don't know.13:22
erUSULpalo: whay are you compiling ? is not there precompiled binaries13:22
ChousukeJDahl: It has modules for all kinds of languages, but I haven't noticed one for just changing your layout.13:23
Zteam[warning] Could not bind to Address already in use. Is Tor already running? is what i get from vidalia13:23
bearcy In Keyboard options, I have made some changes that I don't know how to cancel out. Now I can't get the Numeric Keypad to work, and sometimes capital letters disappear, even if I use the CapsLock or Shift-keys. How can I mend this problem, other than installing Ubuntu 9.10 from scratch?13:23
Zteamcan somebody help me with that?13:23
muellisoftZteam: looks like that, yeah.13:23
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paloerUSUL, no there is no such thing like precompiled13:23
erUSULpalo: what are you compiling ?13:24
paloerUSUL, sxemacs13:24
MuelliZteam: you might want to restart tor, i.e. /etc/init.d/tor restart. Or check, what's listening on that port using "netstat -tulpen" or lsof -i13:24
erUSUL!info xemacs13:24
paloerUSUL, rakarrack-0.3.013:24
ubottuPackage xemacs does not exist in karmic13:24
paloxemacs is too old13:25
paloi need new software13:25
Chousukewhy xemacs?13:25
Chousukewhy not just regular emacs?13:25
dotdotI launch fish after logging with bash, and it reuses the bash PATH. but I cannot alter it. Why?13:26
andylcan emacs run in the shell or is it a x windows gui app13:26
grawityandyl: Both.13:26
erUSULChousuke: it is not even xemacs is a fork of xemacs!! oh well13:27
grawitydotdot: how are you trying to "alter" it? (Remember that a process can only change its own environment, other processes will be unaffected.)13:27
erUSULandyl: has both modes13:27
NikowNie ma to jak vmware, na którym "Configuring" trwa ponad 2h ;]13:27
OerHeksArsin install playdeb first13:27
ZteamMuelli: okey i just tried /etc/init.d/tor restart13:27
Bonstermorning world13:27
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ahnfeltI have trouble getting lirc to get input from my mac mini remote13:28
dotdotgrawity, by using set in config.fish13:28
ArsinOerHeks: How do I go about doing that?13:28
ZteamMuelli: and got this as response:13:28
erkan^I have wroten a new Thread on Forum  :D13:28
erkan^hey OerHeks13:28
OerHeksArsin look at http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/all#how_to_install13:28
ZteamMuelli: zteam@zteam-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/tor restart13:28
Zteam[sudo] password for zteam:13:28
ZteamStopping tor daemon: tor.13:28
ZteamRaising maximum number of filedescriptors (ulimit -n) to 32768.13:28
ZteamStarting tor daemon: tor...13:28
FloodBot4Zteam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:28
nmvictor,erUSUL sorry for the delay, i set smpp(Short message peer to peer) simulator to port 2775, so my application binds to the simulator (which acts like an sms center[SMSC]) so now im setting up my modem with kannel to be the virtual SMSC, and in the configuration, i have to specify the port number to which the modem is connected to, so how do i know this port number?13:28
ZteamJan 02 14:25:19.558 [notice] Tor v0.2.1.21. This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux x86_64)13:28
ahnfeltI've run dpk-reconfigure and selected Apple Mac mini USB IR Receiver13:29
OerHeksArsin just add the repo in software sources and the key lin in Terminal, that's aall13:29
andylwhats are some good laptop brands that have good hardware support for ubuntu13:29
alain_hello, my problem is I can not install my Pinnacle PCTV 70e. I looked at several pages where they have succeeded but I am not able to make it work. Koalay karmic want to use to run the final card to use linux. thanks13:29
Bonsterandyl, i guess a dell13:30
ahnfeltbut irw shows nothing when pressing the buttons13:30
erkan^and compaq, Bonster?13:30
grawityZteam: Now Tor should be working - just give it a few minutes to connect.13:30
erUSULnmvictor: is a windows program ? in unix/linux serial ports are not used you used the serial device /dev/ttyUSB1 in your case or /dev/ttyS1 in a normal pc serial port13:30
Bonstererkan^, isnt compaq dead?13:30
SmithyI used this command sudo apt-get install yakuake          How do you uninstall13:30
erkan^no why?13:30
erUSULnmvictor: so if in windows/DOS you would use COM1 in linux you use /dev/ttyS113:30
grawitySmithy: Use 'remove'13:30
Zteamgrawity: okey, but according to Vidalia Tor is off?13:31
grawityerUSUL: COM1 is ttyS013:31
BlouBlouSmithy: sudo apt-get purge yakuake13:31
SmithyThanks all13:31
ahnfeltwhen I cat the device, it shows output when the buttons are clicked13:31
grawityZteam: Vidalia just is unable to communicate with it, but Tor itself is running13:31
ahnfeltwhat should I try next?13:31
ArsinOerHeks: I did that, same result. What program is supposed to open the files from getDeb13:32
grawityArsin: gdebi for GUI, dpkg for Terminal.13:32
Zteamokey, but the torbutton isn't working either13:32
Zteamgrawity: okey, but the torbutton isn't working either13:33
Arsingrawity: How do I find gdebi13:33
nmvictorok this is kannel configuration, and for your info, kannel is only available in linux unless you port it to windows,should i link you to the documentation im following to configure this?maybe im talking of a different port13:33
BonsterArsin, double click on deb file13:34
grawityArsin: It should come with Ubuntu... just double-click the .deb package.13:34
nmvictorerUSUL: ok this is kannel configuration, and for your info, kannel is only available in linux unless you port it to windows,should i link you to the documentation im following to configure this?maybe im talking of a different port13:34
ahnfeltwhoops, accidentally closed weechat (did anybody say anything to me?)13:34
MilpHey guys, a dist-upgrade messed up half my server and SSHD broke, how would i go about diagnosing it now that my server is in repair mode?13:34
taky_hey newbs13:34
grawityMilp: VPS or dedicated?13:34
Milpgrawity: VPS13:34
taky_i just bought my first server!13:35
Arsingrawity: When I get it off getdeb a program is called 'apturl' which opens the Synaptics. I can't save the deb file it just wants to automatically launch13:35
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alabdiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d \! -j SNAT --to-source  << has been used to share ppp0 internet from to but while pings an address it gives > From icmp_seq=59 Destination Host Unreachable13:35
nastashi all13:35
BonsterArsin, add the repository13:35
takyanyone good with servers specifically? want to know if i made a decent purchase on my first piece of racked hardware13:35
mkahi nastas13:36
erkan^Bonster, which videocard have you?13:36
ArsinBonster: I believe I have, how can I make sure?13:36
Zteamgrawity: I think I give up, this thing won't work13:36
grawityZteam: When you enable Torbutton and try to open a page, what do you get?13:36
ArsinBonster:  sudo wget -q -O- http://archive.getdeb.net/getdeb-archive.key | sudo apt-key add -13:36
ArsinBonster: The line after that just said OK13:37
grawityArsin: you added only the key, not the repository itself13:37
Bonstererkan^, 7600GT nvidia13:37
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BonsterArsin, thats only the key13:37
Arsingrawity: I went into the System-Administration-Software Sources, Third-Party Software  and put it there too13:37
erkan^ok, i have intel GMA 4500MHD, that doens't work on the ubuntu :S13:37
Zteamgrawity: it just tells me it failed the previous time I tried to use it, and ask me if I want to contiune, if go to whatismyip.com i have my normal ip-adress13:38
BonsterArsin, copy the deb http line13:38
MilpI checked the kern.log of my broken server now and it says a lot of "Cannot find map file. No module symbols loaded -  kernel modules not enabled" What does this mean and how would i go about fixing this?13:39
Bonsterinto software sources13:39
ArsinBonster:  deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu karmic-getdeb games13:39
ArsinBonster: I did13:39
BonsterArsin, do an update?13:39
Zteamgrawity: If I run a test it fails, and it tells me to check my proxy settings13:39
ghostknifeI thought Karmic's grub will be silent, accessible with a shift key? Mine displays an ugly black/white list of images to boot?13:40
MilpCan soomeone please help me with this kernel map file missing? How would i go about fixing this and where should this mapfile be located on my ubuntu?13:41
ArsinBonster: It is updated says Update Manager13:41
BonsterArsin, then now just open synaptic and find the games u want, u dont need getdeb.net13:42
ArsinBonster: Songbird still doesn't appear13:42
grawityArsin: Tried clicking "Refresh"?13:43
BonsterArsin, which verison u using?13:43
MilpOk uuh, is it true that the system.map file for my kernel is supposed to be in /boot/ ?13:44
erkan^I think that COmpaq don't work good :(13:44
reduz7hi guys! help! i installed 9.10 and can't log in! i always get an "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" and can't figure out how to get out from those screens!13:44
erkan^black screen, reduz7?13:44
reduz7erkan^, yes13:44
erkan^me same problem13:44
clrgreduz7: Recently installed a graphics driver?13:44
erkan^which videocard have you?13:45
reduz7clrg, installed the nvidia one13:45
clrgreduz7: Did it work before you installed the nvidia driver? Then we found the problem13:45
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Bonsterreduz7, which driver u install and which card u got13:45
reduz7clrg, it didn't either, but at least i could go back to console13:46
OerHeksArsin i tries also, but i found out direct download will do 32bit/64bit > http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-songbird-1-4-1-in-ubuntu.html13:46
reduz7clgr now if i go to console i got black screen13:46
reduz7Bonster, nvidia gf860013:46
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Zteamgrawity: any clue?13:47
reduz7also ubuntu doesn't allow me to change driver in those screens13:47
_THEGODis it possible to load grub from syslinux ?13:47
clrgreduz7: Did you modfify anything of the default installation except the driver that could be relevant to the problem?13:47
erkan^what is grub?13:47
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reduz7clrg, no13:48
clrgerkan: That's the boot loader13:48
reduz7glrg also i get "failure restoring default configuration" if i want to use default graphics option13:48
reduz7glrg so there's not much i can do, can't log in at all13:48
reduz7ah maybe i could ssh13:48
reduz7but i don't know the IP13:48
_THEGODerkan grldr13:49
erkan^ok. I don't understand why did a display for my laptop blank when i go install/demo :S. hmdi connect on my laptop and a televison work very good :s13:49
clrgreduz7: You can probably log in to tty1-6.. Try pressing ctrl+alt+f1. Do you see a termial promt?13:49
reduz7clrg blank screen if i do that13:49
erkan^did you try with a hdmi too, reduz7?13:49
clrgreduz7: Try pressing enter13:49
_THEGODanyone knows how to attach grldr to syslinux ?13:50
reduz7clrg, tried pressing enter a few times but it's still blank, also i can't even go back to F7 so i assume it crashed13:50
clrgreduz7: Yeah, looks that way.. Do you see the login screen after reboot, or is it just blank?13:50
Bonsterreduz7, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:50
MilpHey guys, a dist-upgrade messed up half my server and SSHD broke, how would i go about diagnosing it now that my server is in repair mode and i can access it via SSH again?13:51
reduz7Bonster, i'd do that if i had a shell :)13:51
guntbertreduz7: try <alt> left, or <alt> right (several times)13:51
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reduz7Bonster, i can't even go to a shell13:51
Zteamreduz7: try booting up from a liveCD then?13:51
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clrgBonster: The problem is the graphics driver, not X1113:51
reduz7ok will try, thanks!13:51
ArsinOerHeks: Thanks13:51
grawityMilp: If you have access to the console - try upgrading again.13:51
OerHeksArsin i had to remove gstreamer bad plugin, before it works13:51
OerHekshave fun13:51
Milpgrawity i have access to the console but the old server is only mounted as a Folder, so i can only modify data and now run commands13:51
Bonsterreduz7, use recovery mode in the grub option?13:52
clrgMilp: Depends on what runlevel you are, try pinging your machine13:52
grawityMilp: chroot to it?13:52
Milpgrawity what is that?13:52
grawityA command.13:52
reduz7ok i got to the livecd, what do i do from there? :)13:53
guntbert!chroot | Milp13:53
ubottuMilp: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)13:53
Milpthanks guntbert13:53
ZteamMilp: chroot let you run commands from the CD that modifies your ubuntu-partition instead of the CD13:53
clrgreduz7: Does the graphical environment work with the live cd?13:53
Milpso i would just hit chroot NEWROOT /repair/ and id be in my old distribution?13:53
c3lis there no plug-in or mod or w/e to be able to manage backgrounds for different displays in gnome? (..similar result as in kde..)13:53
ZteamMilp: Yeah but you have to mount it first13:54
reduz7clrg, yeah13:54
reduz7ah i figured out the IP and shelled in13:54
MilpZteam the folder is already mounted :)13:54
guntbertMilp: if you mounted your old distri in /repair - yes13:54
Milpguntbert yep i did, awesome13:54
clrgc3l: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/93/13:55
c3lclrg, thx13:55
ZteamMilp: Don't think it will work with graphical programs thought13:55
guntbertMilp: you can leave that chroot environment with <ctrl> d13:55
clrgreduz7: Good. All you need to do is remove the buggy driver and go back to the working on you used before.13:55
NamVetdoes the ubuntu install check the old hard drive for errors?13:56
MilpZteam yeah its a console only server13:56
ZteamMilp: okey :-)13:56
SwedeMikeNamVet: generally not.13:56
MilpIs there an apt-get function to repair my distribution or anything?13:56
Milplike to check and fix everything13:56
clrgNamVet: Boot the live cd, fire up a terminal, fdisk -l to see your partitions, then fsck to check the FS13:56
ZteamMilp: sudo aptitude install -f13:57
NamVetSwedeMike a suggestion on what to use to prepare the drive for Ubuntu install?13:57
mbruinsMilp: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?13:57
reduz7clrg, it's probably not the driver's fault but ubuntu that doesn't know what to do when connected through a KVM switch13:57
SwedeMikeNamVet: not really, do you suspect the drive to be faulty?13:57
MilpZteam aptitude is not available on the repair container13:57
ZteamMilp: that will try to fix package problems13:57
NamVetclrg: thank you good bye all happy new year13:57
MilpZteam wait ill just install it, thanks13:58
ZteamMilp: okey, just try sudo apt-get install -f13:58
ZteamMilp: instead13:58
clrgreduz7: Do you connect to the KVM switch using VGA?13:58
clrgreduz7: You might need to adapt your /etc/X11/xorg.conf for the external KVM monitor13:58
MilpZteam aptitude is crashes due to SIGABRT :/13:59
Milphowever apt-get does nothing with the -f parameter13:59
reduz7clgr: ah.. i just found a modeline so i'm going to try that out13:59
ZteamMilp: that means it can't find any errors in the package system13:59
clrgMilp: Does apt-get check report missing dependencies?14:00
Milpclrg says something about building dependency tree14:00
clrgMilp: And that's all there is? Then your dependencies are met..14:00
guntbertMilp: I seem to remember - for apt... to work you have to mount several systems (like /proc...) into the chroot - but I forgot the exact commands14:01
Milphmm ok, my kern.log also says something about a missing map file, could that be causing errors?14:01
Milpor should i just run do-release-upgrade again and upgrade to yet another dist.?14:01
ZteamMilp: which dist are you using?14:02
clrgguntbert: You need /dev and /proc.. I guess there's an article about it, I'll search for it14:02
Milpthats what uname -r tells me, im not quite sure what to make out of this14:02
SnausagesHi, I recently created a second user account on my 9.10 laptop.  Now the suspend/power saving behavior is completely different from what I have specified in power settings.  How do I reset them so that they actually work?14:02
ZteamMilp: which ubuntu relase?14:02
reduz7clgr: worked perfectly now! though i'm a little scared of what could have happened if i didn't have a shell..  i'm not sure why ubuntu can't switch to a VESA display in case of failure14:03
ZteamMilp: release*14:03
ZteamMilp: why not upgrade to karmic?14:03
clrgguntbert: http://www.howtoforge.com/chrooted_ssh_howto_debian14:04
MilpZteam i am in the progress of updating, but the updates somehow failed and now my server is completely wrecked14:04
ZteamMilp: let it update again14:04
MilpZteam thats why im in the repair mode now, cant even access it through the net anymore14:04
ZteamMilp: hopefully it will work14:05
MilpZteam hm that sounds like a plan, but thats what i did before already14:05
clrgreduz7: I believe you can tell X11 to do just that, but I'm no expert on X.. I'm glad it worked14:05
MilpZteam i started with the last LTS release of ubuntu and upgraded till jaunty and it only got worse lol14:05
reduz7clrg, heh actually it didn't completely work.. i have a virtual screen larger than the res14:05
VCoolioin bash, how do I call 'all arguments except the first'? The first is $114:06
MilpZteam hm do-release-upgrade crashes with Errno12 Cannot allocate memory14:06
ZteamMilp: update one step too then, otherwise you can try to boot with an older kernel14:06
MilpZteam how do i boot an older kernel when i cant access the machine while booting? Is there a config line or something i can change?14:06
Dr_Willisthe grub configs define the default kernel to use. Milp14:07
ZteamMilp: yes use, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst and comment out your latest kernel14:07
clrgreduz7: There's a GUI tool to manage the resolution.. Easier to use than xorg.conf. You should find it in System > Preferences > Display14:07
MilpThanks guys :D14:08
Dr_WillisVCoolio:  isent that  $2-  or somthing like that. Check the abs guide.14:08
Dr_Willis!abs | VCoolio14:08
ubottuVCoolio: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/14:08
FedereorDo you guys know of any article on how wubi works ??14:08
FedereorI am really curious14:08
behappyHello its possible to make connection remote descktop  from my ubuntu to windows 7 in othe pc in same network ?14:08
ZteamMilp: but I really don't understand why you upgraded from a LTS to janty??14:08
MilpZteam Dr_Willis ok something is definately wrong, the whole boot folder is empty14:08
Dr_Willisbehappy:  vnc will let you get 'remote desktops's On windos.14:08
MilpZteam because the newest mumble server wouldnt run on the old LTS version14:09
Dr_WillisMilp:  you dont have  a seperate /boot/ partition that may not be mounted?14:09
behappyDr_Willis: how to install it ?14:09
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.14:09
MilpDr_Willis how do i check?14:09
Dr_Willisbehappy:  theres dozens of vnc cliwent/servers for windows.  gnome on ubuntu has a vnc fweather as well. or you can install a seperate vnc server for ubuntu14:09
Dr_WillisMilp:  sudo fdisk -l, and mount, and explore the filesystems  I guess. :) its odd that /boot/ is empty. but  ive seen some disrtos/peopel set up a /boot/ partition thats not mounted . but that can really goof up grub updates14:10
behappyDr_Willis: but this will be done over internet so I need domain or whatever then the connection will be slow ?14:11
MilpDr_Willis it says that it cant open /proc/partitions :/14:11
clrgMilp: Are you root?14:11
Dr_Willisbehappy:  over the internet  - You would want to  'ssh tunnle' the vnc connection, or use freenx, or some sort of VPN.14:11
wowotoMilp: sudo -i14:12
MilpDr_Willis i should probably mention that im still in the mounted repair folder14:12
Milpwowoto clrg Did that, still doesnt work14:12
Dr_WillisMilp:  You are in a chrooted enviroment?14:12
MilpDr_Willis yes14:12
clrgMilp: Did you mount /proc ?14:12
Dr_Willistry the commands in a non chroot shell. sounds like uyou dident mount /proc/ and the other stuff properly befor chrooting14:12
DVA5912why is it when i upload files to my own servers, via ftp, they automaticaly have no permissions im using vsftpd for my service14:12
Milpclrg i only mounted the main folder14:12
Milpclrg how would i go about mounting all the rest that needs to be mounted? :/14:13
br0kenarr0wwhy does the installer take so much time to create an ext4 fs?14:13
clrgMilp: Your chroot env needs /dev and /proc in order to work properly14:13
jcc1I recently upgraded to 9.10, but due to many probs from too many upgrades, re-loaded from scratch. After both the upgrade and scratch install I have a prob w/login notifier/system notifier, i.e. no text, just a black box w/4 dotted lines. Anybody else seen this? I searched for solutions but found none.14:13
clrgMilp: http://www.howtoforge.com/chrooted_ssh_howto_debian14:13
Milpthanks man14:14
clrgMilp: Just ignore the ssh part. The article should explain how to create a chroot environment14:14
Milpclrg im on ssh anyways :)14:14
Milpclrg do i need to close my existing chroot stuff first? CTRL-C right?14:14
clrgMilp: Exit is the proper way14:14
Dr_Willismount -o bind /dev /location/of/mountpoint/dev14:14
mickster54i have a usb speakerphone device from panasonic, but dunno how to get it working, it doesnt work by default:/14:15
reduz7clrg, seems i can't do anything with the gui tool, and for a reson i don't understand my vertical resolution is larger than the monitor so it scrolls up and down14:15
Dr_WillisMilp:  i always end up double checking the old gentoo install docs. They basically do the 'switch over totally to the chrooted system' for their install. :)14:15
MilpDr_Willis what do you mean? I am a little confused right now14:16
reduz7clgr though the screen resolution is correct14:16
MilpDr_Willis i think totally chrooting in to that folder-mounted machine is exactly what i want to do, i just dont quite know how, and the tutorial tells me something about downloading and installing stuff14:17
Dr_WillisMilp:  you need to set up the proc and dev - Befor you chroot.14:17
MilpDr_Willis how do i do that?14:17
clrgreduz7: Curious. Please execute "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit"14:17
Dr_WillisMilp:  somthing similer to what is said in  code listing 2.16 of this (yes i knos its gentoo docs) --> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-x86-quickinstall.xml14:18
Dr_Willislivecd / # mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc14:18
Dr_Willislivecd / # mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev14:18
reduz7clrg oh i fixed it... it was some strange bug it seems, i just removed some of the smaller resolutions like 800x600 and now it works from xorg.conf14:18
clrgDr_Willis: Exactly. Those are the commands I was searching for =)14:19
Dr_WillisMilp:  otherwise when you chroot in. the /proc and /dev will be incorrect14:19
Dr_Willisclrg:  gentoo is so usefull.. for examples. :)14:19
klownclrg, never seen that pastebin command before.  thank you.14:19
br0kenarr0wlol i dont get linux ;)14:19
FedereorDo you guys know of any article on how wubi works ??14:19
FedereorA link will help ?14:19
Dr_WillisMilp:  also /boot needs to be mounted to its proper place also if its on its own partition14:19
Dr_Willis!wubi | Federeor14:20
ubottuFedereor: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.14:20
clrgklown: You're welcome. Keep in mind you need to install pastebinit first14:20
Dr_WillisIve been seeing more and more disrots use a wubi-type setup to install inside windows.. scary stuff14:20
reduz7ok now i have another question. I start empathy for the first time and all it does is asking me for a password of a default keyring to unlock. I have no idea what is that!14:20
alain_hello, my problem is I can not install my Pinnacle PCTV 70e. I looked at several pages where they have succeeded but I am not able to make it work. Koalay karmic want to use to run the final card to use linux. thanks14:20
FedereorDr_Willis : No how it works , the link you posted doesn't have that . I even tried googling but coudn't find anything useful14:20
=== Tupac is now known as petsounds
Dr_Willisreduz7:  its making a password for your default keyring to store all your passwords.14:21
MilpDr_Willis ok umm is mount -t proc proc /repair/proc the correct Command to mount proc? And mount -o bind /dev /repair/dev for the dev folder?14:21
clrgreduz7: Its name tells you what it does: Its a keyring.14:21
reduz7Dr_Willis, well wathever i enter on that text box it isn't happy14:21
Dr_WillisFedereor:  thats the extent of my wubi knowledge. I avoide wubi like its the plauge.14:21
reduz7clrg, i know what a keyring is, but wathever i enter in the textbox, empathy isn't happy with and asks again14:21
Snausagesgah, this is getting to be nasty.  Every time I attempt to switch users or connect AC power, or disconnect AC power, my laptop suspends itself.  This is new behavior which started concurrently with creating a 2nd user account.  Can anyone help?14:21
klownguess the password isnt correct :P14:21
Dr_Willisreduz7:  you may have set a password for your keyring at one timne. and dont rember what it was.14:22
reduz7Dr_Willis, it's a clean install so i don't think so14:22
clrgFedereor: I'm sure there's a developer forum14:22
br0kenarr0wif i have an encrypted home directory on one drive, and reinstall linux and create a user with the same password, can i copy the old home folder over to the new and read my ecrypted data?14:22
Dr_Willisreduz7:  no idea then.  I got a video on how to reset the keyring passowrd at --> http://drop.io/dr_willis14:23
g0tchahey guys, is it possible to change the pptpd server port from 1723 to a different port?14:23
Dr_Willisreduz7:  i always set my keyring password to be empty. So i never see programs asking for it.14:23
jcc1Has anyone else seen the problem with a blank notifier window on 9.10 fresh install?14:23
MilpDr_Willis are there commands to check if i mounted proc and dev right? And then how would i mount boot?14:23
FedereorDr_Willis , clrg : I am not using wubi ,  but I just wanted to take part in a discussion on wubi but I have no idea how it works and I not really interested to dissect the program lol14:23
reduz7Dr_Willis, thanks! I don't really know what is going on with 9.10 but i don't even rememver having so many problems with a clean install of an ubuntu version so far :(14:24
Snausagesjcc1: I saw some weird notifier windows from mine when I first started.  I turned off a lot of notifications and it hasn't been a problem since then.14:24
jcc1The particular window that's causing me probs is on initial login and bat status on laptop, there have been others, but since there is no text I have no clue what they are14:25
hakunama1ataexecouse me14:25
Dr_WillisMilp:  same as you mount any other filesystem   mount /dev/whatever /boot after you chroot in.14:25
jcc1I saw one article that said it was because Lucida fonts are no longer installed. I oinstalled them but no help14:26
MilpDr_Willis uuh what is /dev/whatever in this case then? I dont quite understand14:26
Snausagesjcc1: mine would show some scrambled graphics, and I heard the same complaint from other users.  I never actually set out to fix this...  I don't like notification systems in general so I was mostly just trying to cut down the noise and traffic on screen...  but whatever I did, the faulty notifications stopped when I did it.14:26
jcc1OK with me, but I've never even looked at notifier system, where do I find the setup for this?14:27
Snausagesheh, trying to remember where I found the settings14:27
Dr_WillisMilp:  thats what 'sudo fdisk -l' will show you. You need to learn how your system is partioned and what filesystems are where.14:28
jcc1i briefly looked one afternoon a few days ago, but I'm clueless on this14:28
Dr_WillisMilp:  if you dont understand the basics of mounting a filesystem. then its time to learn soem more linux basics befor trying anything more complex.14:28
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:28
jcc1I couldn't figure out where...14:28
alain_hello, my problem is I can not install my Pinnacle PCTV 70e. I looked at several pages where they have succeeded but I am not able to make it work. Koalay karmic want to use to run the final card to use linux. thanks14:29
MilpDr_Willis Hm i see, is there a way to check if i mounted proc and dev correctly?14:29
g0tchaany idea on how to change the port on a pptp server from 1723 to something else?14:31
porkiwhat is the role and skills of server administrator ? how to become a server administrator ?14:32
jcc1porki, google the SAG (Systems Administrator Guide) for starters, linux oriented and a little out of date but a good general overview of responsibilities14:33
alain_hello, my problem is I can not install my Pinnacle PCTV 70e. I looked at several pages where they have succeeded but I am not able to make it work. Koalay karmic want to use to run the final card to use linux. thanks14:34
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jcc1porki, http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/index.html14:35
porkijcc1 , what are the minimum skills required for becoming server admin?14:35
bazhangalain_, do you have a link to those pages; also what steps have you taken and what errors have you gotten; paste.ubuntu.com with the errors you have received14:35
bazhangporki, that is offtopic for here; #ubuntu-offtopic for chat14:35
Dr_WillisMilp:  when you chroot in see whats in /proc and /dev14:36
g0tchadoes ubuntu have a firewall installed by default that might block port 1723?14:37
g0tchaubuntu 9.0414:37
erUSULg0tcha: no; no firewall is *enabled* by default14:38
Dr_Willisg0tcha:  thers are no default firewall rules to block anuything14:38
Dr_Willisg0tcha:  check with sudo iptables -L (or was it --list)  to see all rules14:38
macman_hey all question .. i have 5 pdf's right they are on my desktop .. when i drag them to my external hdd they turn funky looking and   ican't open them .. i try to open it says permission denied .. what could that be .. another thing i can read/write to the external hdd that is saying permission denied14:38
lunixxI need some advice for how to dualboot Vista and Ubuntu9.10. OSes are installed on different physical harddrives.14:38
g0tchaDr_Willis, it comes out empty with nothing listed14:39
napsterlunixx, Seems I can help you14:39
lunixxnapster  :) great14:39
g0tchaDr_Willis, i guess my isp is blocking port 1723 then because i portforward it to my ubuntu and still shows as blocked14:39
mkamacman_, can you open your pdf's when they are in desktop?14:39
g0tchacan the pptp server port be changed by any chance?14:40
napster!ask | lunixx14:40
ubottulunixx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:40
macman_yes mka14:40
urthmoverlunixx: I don't know much but I believe that you should be manipulating your menu.lst file to point at different devices/partitions14:40
g0tchacant find much in google about that subject14:40
urthmovermenu.lst is part of the grub configuration14:40
TangentCollisionhow do I get the repository for powwow?14:40
mkamacman_, are you coping them with terminal or with nautilus?14:40
macman_nautilus mka14:41
mickster54i have a panasonic kx-ts710ex which breaks pulse when i plug it in...can anyone help me?14:41
jcc1for dual boot, here is a good place to start  http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first.htm14:41
jcc1they also have an article linked there with linux installed first14:42
mkamacman_, what type of filesystem are you having on your external drive?14:42
macman_ntfs mka14:42
mkamacman_, can you confirm that the md5sum is the same for the pdf's in desktop and the ones in external drive. also check the permissions of the files in the external drive14:43
=== mickster54 is now known as mickster04
TrizicusWhen I insert my external hard drive and unmount it is there a command in gnome to remount w/o physically plugging in the drive again (no I am not referring to mount)14:45
erUSULTrizicus: gnome-mount /dev/whatever ? worked in hal days. not sure it it does anymore in karmic14:46
pasjrhal is in 9.10 but removed in 10.0414:47
TrizicuserUSUL: What mounts the device automatically when I plug it in?14:47
erUSULTrizicus: in karmic maybe is better. « devkit-disks --mount /dev/whatever »14:47
pasjrany lucid gurus in here?14:48
erUSULTrizicus: never tried it though14:48
|Slacker|pasjr, what's gonna replace hal?14:48
erUSUL!lucid | pasjr14:48
ubottupasjr: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:48
TrizicuserUSUL: gnome-mount -d /dev/whatever works14:48
erUSULTrizicus: ok; good to know ;)14:48
TrizicuserUSUL: Thanks btw14:48
blackshellis menu.lst file missing in 9.10?14:49
TrizicusAnd yea what is replacing hal14:49
pasjrnothing they just did away with it, I am currently looking into excatly how tthey did that14:49
erUSUL!grub2 | blackshell14:49
ubottublackshell: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:49
VCoolioDr_Willis: to call all arguments except the first: ${*:2}  <-- calls all starting with $214:49
erUSULpasjr: udev and devicekit14:49
blackshellthats not a answer to my question14:49
pasjrI know Ubuntu+1 is for lucid, however no one on there at this time14:49
yassinehow do i access grub's interactive shell at boot time ?14:49
Trizicusis grub2 out of beta yet?14:49
qu4ntblackshell : there is no menu.lst in 9.10 any longer because that was a part of grub and in 9.10 standard is grub214:50
erUSULblackshell: it is; grub2 used in karmic does not use menu.lst. read the docs to know how to tweak it14:50
mkablackshell, yes it's no longer used14:50
blackshellso how do i edit the booting operation?14:50
pasjraccess grub via esc as soon as you see the word grub14:50
erUSULblackshell: read the docs14:50
mkablackshell, good luck, my friend14:50
yassineTrizicus, its out14:50
mkahey, leee14:50
lunixxjccl  thanks,, but I hav OSes on two different harddrives and I think that the reason why grub doesnt find vista is because of the crappy Vista bootloader?  When I select Vista harddrive to boot up first in bios, vista boots nicely,   when I select ubuntu9.10 to boot first, grub displays the boot list and it finds XP-pro harddrive, another Linux harddrive but the \harddrive vith Vista dont show up. Editing this file is supposed to fix it, i think, 14:51
Trizicusyassine: Does Ubuntu use the latest and greatest?14:51
leeecan somebody tell me how to use Pan14:51
yassineTrizicus,  yes14:51
pasjr9.10 - 10.04 you use /ect/default/grub to mod your boot14:51
e01hello, i have a problem with UNR 9.10, i have installed mac4lin , then removed it, but it replace the contact list icons on my pidgin14:51
leeehow to use pan14:52
e01i was trying to reinstall pidgin, but mac icons still exists and can't change them14:52
yassinepasjr, i need to access the shell now i have a screwed kernel configured need to select a working one14:52
Trizicusyassine: I'm looking and it says 1.97 beta 414:52
erUSULleee: configure it (add news server). subscribe to some newgroups, profit14:52
leeeok,I 'm trying now14:53
pasjras soon as you boot at the grub word hit esc and you will be givein the grub menu14:53
reduzhey guys14:53
reduzmy pulseaudio is doing gibberish every time i play something just when it opens a stream14:53
reduzany idea why?14:53
jcc1there is a boot grup windows howto on tldp, I believe you have to do something along the lines od copying the boot sector on the windows drive and using that. I haven't done this in quite sometime, but did have this setup with XP. It seems to me I found the needed info at tldp.org14:53
reduzthis is fresh installed ubuntu14:53
pasjror you can boot from live cd and rebuild your kernel that way14:53
mkareduz, what about alsa?14:54
MilpHm does anyone know where ubuntu stores the network configurations?14:54
yassineTrizicus, sorry miss understood your question was thinking that ubuntu is using a stable 2.0 which is not the case14:54
technovikingthe ucf us off by default in UBunru Desktop correct?14:54
leeeplease tell me some usenet servers14:54
reduzmka, i don't know, last time i disabled pulseaudio i was left with no sound at all forever and with no chance of fixing it, so i don't want to try14:54
Trizicusyassine: Yea so it is still not stable; are there plans to make it stable?14:54
reduzeven if i reenabled pulseuadio, i lost sound14:54
yassinepasjr, even pressing esc does not get me into the shell i have an usb keyboard maybe that is the reason?14:55
mkareduz, ok. good luck then.14:55
pasjrcould be, try the live cd and you can access your hard drive and rebulid kernel that way14:55
reduzmka, yeah. i don't even know why pulseaudio exists in the first place, but nothing to do about it :(14:55
mkareduz, I don't know anything about disabling pulseaudio, i thought you could select alsa over pulseaudio14:56
Exetubini need help with removing the black borders in my PS3 Karmic14:56
yassineTrizicus, certainly the only thing i can say now is that the configuration process is now a pain and everything else but user friendly14:56
reduzmka, as far as i know you can't as pulseaudio routes anything alsa to it14:56
Exetubini need help with removing the black borders in my PS3 Karmic14:56
reduzmka, you have to uninstall it for it to stop working14:56
Trizicusyassine: Yea which is why I ask :D. I checked and grub2 stable is out but not defaulted or even an update in 9.10 so I presume that it has to be manually installed?14:57
pasjrall the config files are in 9.10 and 10.04, they are just in different local's14:57
mkaMilp, /etc/network ?14:57
Milpmka thanks14:57
pasjrtime to blow smoke see you all later :);;;;;14:58
mkapasjr, to "grep" the attention of the person you are talking to, using his/her name might help14:58
mkaI am late14:59
yassineesc is not helping accessing grub's interactive shell14:59
Exetubini need help with removing the black borders in my PS3 Karmic15:00
reduzquestion: how do i disable pulseaudio?15:00
OerHeksyassine hold SHIFT during boottime, to enter grub menu15:01
Exetubinanyone here have any experience with FBSet?15:01
yassineOerHeks, let me try that15:02
mkareduz, I am on intrepid liveCD, there is System > Preferences > Sound, does it exist in karmic?15:02
yassineOerHeks, shift + esc ?15:03
OerHeksyassine only shift15:03
reduzmka, yes but 1) no mention to pulseaudio in karmic 2) even if mentioned, switching to something else doesn't disable it15:03
yassineOerHeks, its not working :(15:03
qu4ntreduz, mka: try using system -> preferences -> multimedia-system15:04
reduzqu4nt, doesn't exist15:06
qu4ntim in 9.10, have german localization, there is a entry called "multimedia-system", dont know how its called in english localization, i also have the entry "klang" , equal to "sound" in english15:07
reduzqu4nt, ah.. though i don't see anything related to pulseaudio there15:07
yassineOerHeks, ctrl + shift15:08
aLeSDhi all15:09
OerHeksyassine thnx, i used only shift somehowe ..15:09
aLeSDI have a problerm in my brother's machine: he uses windows and he has many ports opened ... how could I find out which progrmas belong to thme ?15:10
erUSULaLeSD: ask in ##windows15:10
jcc1aLeSD, netstat15:10
qu4ntreduz, did you try switching to alsa?15:10
reduzqu4nt, where do i switch to alsa?15:10
aLeSDerUSUL: the answer in #windows is "install .... etc etc .." -> no sense15:11
protoplayhey ive got a huge problem guys, ive got a non-working linux partition on this pc with an encrypted filesystem, that I need to access... I donno how though15:11
jibadeehaanyone here experience the notification panel showing the battery icon for network manager - in fact i now have two battery icons showing, where one is actually networkmanager ... seems to have just started happening and is random15:11
jibadeehathis is in gnome btw15:11
petrohas anyone tried ubuntu with the sony ereader...? It won't connect/mount or even charge now, when i connect it to my usb. It did before, but then ubuntu in its ultimate annoyingness decuded to mess up15:11
qu4ntreduz, at multimedia-system choose alsa for default output15:11
erUSULaLeSD: well i dunno if windows has netstat or similar tool so we can not help you. and is offtopic for this channel15:11
useronehow can i check which version of grub i am using? i upgraged to karmic, which means i am probably using grub and not grub2 which is installed by default on NEW 9.10 installs15:11
ecartanyone knows a ccleaner for linux that is simpler than the fslint?15:11
reduzqu4nt, i don't see anything to choose alsa15:12
useronesudo grub-update -v?15:12
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br0kenarr0w hey ive got a huge problem guys, ive got a non-working linux partition on this pc with an encrypted filesystem, that I need to access... I donno how though15:12
petroif u don't know the password, ur done for br0kenarr0w15:13
Dr_Willisbr0kenarr0w:  its encrypted and you dont know the password?15:13
coz_br0kenarr0w,  how are you going to access it if it is not working?15:13
qu4ntreduz, w8 a mom15:13
petrohas anyone tried ubuntu with the sony ereader...? It won't connect/mount or even charge now, when i connect it to my usb. It did before, but then ubuntu screwed up the mounting, and now i can't..15:13
jcc1userone, you could go to /usr/hare/doc/grub-common and look15:13
ecartanyone knows a ccleaner for linux that is simpler than the fslint?15:13
ecartanyone knows a ccleaner for linux that is simpler than the fslint?15:13
qu4ntreduz, do you get there: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3014493/screenshot1.png ?15:14
coz_ecart,   what do you want to clean?15:14
jibadeehaecart, somebody on this planet will know15:14
lunixxJust want to say thanks for the help:)   Now dualbooting with Vista ubuntu works great :)    Problem was that grub wasnt updated.. I had to write "update-grub" and grub detected the Vista harddrive without problems :D15:14
piglithello i have got mouse problem tried different mice different usb ports also the PS2 the mouse pointer moves and you can see that you click buttons but the system does NOT react what can i do about it it is a AMD64 sempron machine with a nvidia 6200 card15:14
br0kenarr0wDr_Willis, ive got the password, and ive reinstalled linux on another partition15:14
jcc1lunixx, congrats15:14
useronejcc1: i just checked /boot/grub and it has menu.lst and not grub.cnf so that means grub and not grub2 right?15:14
br0kenarr0wpetro, Dr_Willis, coz_ : Ive got all the files, i just need to mount the encrypted file15:15
faileasecart: what do you need?, the best way to go is installing what you need, and not going for the metapackages i feel15:15
reduzqu4nt, no i don't get there, that's from previous ubuntu i thik.. also that screen doesn't disable pulseaudio15:15
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sync3timespiglit,  run  xev and hover the mouse over the window15:15
piglitI also disabled the RS232 and ethernet in the BIOS but that didnt do the job either15:15
petrohas anyone tried ubuntu with the sony ereader...? It won't connect/mount or even charge now, when i connect it to my usb. It did before, but then ubuntu screwed up the mounting, and now i can't.. do fuck all with it15:16
jcc1userone, check /usr/share/doc/grub-common and look at the changelog15:16
jcc1but if it's 9.10 it is grub215:17
piglitsync3times, ok thanks i run to the other room and try it brb15:17
cl0idpetro:you might have to mount your ereader manually15:17
ecartThe question is simple and not a science to be studied. Is there a program similar to ccleaner which is widely used in windows to linux or not? Yes What is it?15:17
petrocl0id: i've tried.. it cant for some stupid reason15:17
jcc1petro, do you have another system to make sure it's not an ereader prob???15:17
petrojcc1: ill check15:18
erUSULecart: no; not needed15:18
faileasecart: with windows, cccleaner removes preloads15:18
coz_ecart,   well I dont know of anything like a  "windowwasher" for linux  you can   sudo apt-get autoclean and suto apt-get autoremove15:18
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br0kenarr0whey guys ive got an encrypted file and a password, how do i access my files?15:18
br0kenarr0wits ecryptfs15:18
faileasif you want a minimal ubuntu install, you REALLY have to look up what you need and what you don't15:18
sync3timesbr0kenarr0w, sounds like its not yours15:19
qu4ntreduz, using a clean 9.10 install. the wiki says choosing alsa for all options would disable pulseaudio, thats for hardy..15:19
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: folloowed the instructions i give earlier?15:19
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/3/15:20
adi_how to activated wired?15:20
qu4ntreduz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio15:20
coz_br0kenarr0w,  I am not sure ..if you have lost the pass phrase...you are locked out... if you have not lost the passphrase  then mounting them should be no problem....if these files belong to someone else then  you're out of luck.... I am not clear on the  situation you are in .... can you explian that further?15:20
jcc1wired what?15:20
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br0kenarr0wthey belong to me, i have the *username*, its part of a encrypted linux filesystem15:21
br0kenarr0wi have the  *password* too15:21
br0kenarr0wbut i donno how to unlock it15:21
useronejcc1: thanks...15:21
mateusCan I use de kernel's file configuration to compile a new kernel ?15:21
VCooliowhat command to re-read the ~/.bashrc file in a script? in a terminal ". ~/.bashrc" works, but not in a script15:21
br0kenarr0wthx again erUSUL, ill try it again, this time its not from a livecd tho15:21
erUSULmateus: yes15:21
clrgbr0kenarr0w: Why don't you just log in, copy the files elsewhere, create your new user, copy then back, et voilà15:21
sync3timesVCoolio, source .bashrc15:22
br0kenarr0wclrg: the linux partition wont boot15:22
VCooliosync3times: thx15:22
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: the problem from the livecd could be that the ecryptfs driver was not loaded15:22
br0kenarr0wyeh that was what it said15:22
br0kenarr0wthere was a kernel error15:22
jcc1adi, wireless network card? if so, what card?15:22
br0kenarr0wdidnt support encry[pted filenames15:22
MilpIs there any place i can get the normal default 8.04.1 sources list from?15:22
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: do « sudo modprobe ecryptfs » to make sure15:22
petrostupid fucking thing15:23
mateuserUSUL, is just copy and paste in the kernel's folder ?15:23
erUSUL!language | petro15:23
ubottupetro: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:23
petroi can't mount it.. ubuntu looks like it's messed up the filesystem on the device jcc115:23
jcc1petro, busted?15:23
erUSULmateus: kernel configs are in /boot/config-*15:23
adi_broadcom STA15:23
petrojcc1:  well, windows detects it, but i can't view the drives at all.... and the device won't even charge..15:23
mateuserUSUL, yeh I now15:23
jcc1Try sony support and see about how to reformat/recover?15:24
petrojcc1: i've had the thing 1 damn week15:24
br0kenarr0werUSUL, module not found... however, ecryptfs-mount-private returns no errors15:24
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erUSULmateus: so what is the question then?15:24
jcc1sounds like an ereader prob?15:24
erUSULbr0kenarr0w: maybe is compiled in in newer kernels15:24
jcc1if it won't charge under windows either15:24
br0kenarr0wah, grrreat15:24
jcc1you musta got a bad one out of the box15:24
mateuserUSUL, is just copy the config-* of old kernel , and paste in the new kernel's folder ?15:25
petrojcc1: i'm more convinced that ubuntu hgas messed up the file system...15:25
muri_oneis it possible to get rid of pulse audio and still have a volume control applet in my gnome panel?15:25
qu4ntpetro: does the device may have an option to not load over usb or sth like that?15:25
erUSULmateus: cp /boot/config-2.6.31-17-generic /kernel_folder/.config && cd /kernel_folder/.config && make oldconfig15:25
br0kenarr0wurgh this is annoying, I wish i never created an encrypted partition15:25
jcc1Yea, maybe, but that doesn't explain the non-charging which would have nothing to do with a filesystem mess-up, that is in hardware15:25
petroqu4nt: what do you mean?15:26
piglitsync3times, i can click things on the pannel below but i cant click any window (like alt f4 a window) xev is saying things like : focusout event serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x4400001 keys: 200000 and lot more zeros...15:26
urthmoverwhere can I find the icon for evolution  I've created a startup bash script for it..and I'd like to use the default evolution icon ('m on 9.10)15:26
mateuserUSUL, thank you very much15:26
Guest29796Good day all, having panel problem Panel opens in gnome, but xfce it wont open. opens in xfce through terminal, however when i close terminal panel closes also. any suggestions?15:26
sync3timespiglit, does it say button up and button down when you click mouse buttons?15:26
erUSULmateus: no problem15:26
qu4ntpetro, my windows mobile has an option to disable charging over usb15:27
jcc1petro, for what it's worth, I worked as elect. tech for a long time and charge issues on 99% of hardware have absolutely nothing to do with filesystem access15:28
nastasGuest29796: i'm not sure but i think in xfce you have to create the panel15:28
jcc1you can totally trash a filesystem but it should still charge15:28
petrojcc1: cool, i've reset it see if that works15:28
Guest29796it was working untill i did a update15:28
petrojcc1: it works now apparently :D15:29
nastasGuest29796: did you try to make a new panel?15:29
petroqu4nt: thanks a lot dude :)15:29
petrojcc1: i appreciate the help :)15:29
jcc1no prob15:29
Guest29796not sure how to do that verry new to this OS15:29
Guest29796have been reading for days. with no luck15:30
piglitsync3times, no no button up and button down (btw the error started when the system was working without any problems for an hour or so)15:30
nastasGuest29796: are you on xfce now?15:30
* poot shit15:30
Guest29796yes i am15:30
* poot butt15:30
* poot turd15:30
sync3timespiglit, you tried rebooting?15:31
nastasdo you have a bottom panel?15:31
VCooliourthmover: try the apps folder inside your icon theme, search for evolution-mail15:31
piglitsync3times, yes then the error is gone for a while but returns after a random time sometimes an hour sometimes less15:31
nastasright click on the bottom panel15:31
qu4ntGuest29796, if you start it out of the console, sure it closes if you kill that console15:31
xtjacobhello, I have ubuntu on a laptop, and for some reason when I choose restart after it shuts down it just sits there and does not restart. I have to press the power button before it will turn off15:32
sync3timespiglit, are you using programs that seize the mouse for some reason?15:32
sync3timespiglit, games or something?15:32
nastasGuest29796: are you making a new panel now?15:32
br0kenarr0werUSUL, its not working :(15:32
Guest29796how can i start it outside the terminal15:33
macman_how can i make it so everytime i open any video it will open in vlc .. im tired of the mobie player .. i went to default appliactions and i put vlc to run but nothing15:33
br0kenarr0werUSUL, ecryptfs-mount-private just returns nothing15:33
VCooliourthmover: sorry, the icon should be 'evolution' (check the file /usr/share/applications/evolution-mail.desktop15:33
BLOODCLAWhow would i find out what ports i have open/closed?15:33
urthmoverVCoolio: great thanks15:33
jcc1xtjacob, I had that prob with a XP system once, and although I don't remember exactly what, it had something to do with bios settings15:33
Guest29796not sure how to make new panel15:33
faileasBLOODCLAW: got a firewall set up?15:33
sync3timesBLOODCLAW, netstat -a15:33
clrgmacman_: You can set it in the properties-window of the file you want to be associated with vlc15:33
nastasGuest29796: just right click in bottom panel and make a new panel15:33
qu4ntGuest29796, under gnome u choose system -> prefereces -> "startprogramme" (thats in german, there ust be a similar entry under english localization)15:33
BLOODCLAWfaileas: i have a router?15:33
piglitsync3times, no we do not use those15:34
BLOODCLAWfaileas: i dont have any client side firewalls however15:34
macman_got it thanks15:34
Dr_Willisxtjacob:  thats sounds like some good old apci/power management bug - used tobe real common issue ages ago.  No idea on a proper fix,  check the forums perahps for that specific laptop. Its possible some kernel update may fix it in the future (thats how my laptop wioth that issue got fixed a few months back)15:34
faileasBLOODCLAW: well you'd have to check the router15:34
clrgqu4nt: Startup programs, I guess15:34
Guest29796i'm in xfce not gnome15:34
clrgqu4nt: Correction: Its called startup applications.15:34
BLOODCLAWfaileas: would netstat -a tell me?15:34
macman_clrg, how do i know it made changes or saved ?15:34
qu4ntclrg, yeah whatever ;)15:34
clrgmacman_: By trying it =)15:34
faileasBLOODCLAW: assuming you have a defailt set up, it isn't15:34
jcc1DR_Willis, exactly, I remember fixing it in BIOS on an XP - HP laptop15:34
coop3rhi i need some help with installation please can someone pm me?15:35
macman_tried it still opening in movie player15:35
faileasi THINK you need to look up port forwarding, and your global IP15:35
xtjacobDr_Willis: but for some reason it just started. Never used to do it15:35
nastasGuest29796: did you right click the botom panel?15:35
adacFor power saving reasons I tried to add echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy in a root shell (as powertop suggests) but min_power never wil be written or maybe overwritten again. Any hints?15:35
VCooliocoop3r: just try in here, more people to respond15:35
Guest29796i right click on bottom panel there is no make new panel option15:35
itsnotstalkingwhy would my dns services stop working for a few minutes every now and then, like many times a day? should i go yell at my ISP?15:35
clrgmacman_: What did you do exactly? Right-click, properties, tab "open with", select vlc15:35
Dr_Willisxtjacob:  no idea on that then. Unless thers some new kernel bug with the last jkernel updates. Try the older kernles - see if it works with them. If it works with old.. but not new. File a bug report on the kewer kernels.15:35
sync3timespiglit, Well,  you could try stopping gdm, going down to a text login session and starting X via xinit   This would be a minimal X session and if takes only an hour to reproduce the problem that could give you information on whether its hardware or software15:35
nastaswhat are the options?15:36
josef_hi, I miss some colors when printing a pdf with envice,  print test page from printer properties works fine all colors are printed.15:36
xtjacobDr_Willis: ok, another weird thing is i don't think i've done a kernel update anytime soon15:36
TidersWhy would the USB startup disk creater be failing?15:36
clrgmacman_: Did you repeat it for every type of file you want to be opened in vlc? Like avi, ogg, wmv, mov..15:36
coop3ri installed ubuntu with wubi and it said it was finished and told me to restart so i did. then when i started my computer i chose ubuntu and after a few seconds it took me to GNU GRUB thing and it wants me to type in commands like a terminal or something15:37
piglitsync3times, the strange thing is i can click on the panel below like get firefox or a console up but i cant klick firefox to go down in the upper right corner15:37
macman_josef_, wow .. is that how you spell your name .. that is my first name also .. same spelling15:37
qu4ntGuest29796, open a terminal, type in gnome-panel and there should be an at least very small panel appearing somewhere. right click on it and it should say "create new panel" or something similar15:37
br0kenarr0wdoes anyone else know how to decrypt a encryptfs home directory with a username/password combo?15:37
Guest29796costomise-add-Quit-restart-About xfce15:37
BLOODCLAWfaileas: would this fall under port forwarding in my router?15:37
sync3timespiglit, so the buttons work in certain situations?15:37
josef_whois macman15:37
clrgjosef_: You forgot the slash..15:38
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clrgjosef_: He is n=nchezbur@
coop3ri installed ubuntu with wubi and it said it was finished and told me to restart so i did. then when i started my computer i chose ubuntu and after a few seconds it took me to GNU GRUB thing and it wants me to type in commands like a terminal or something15:38
piglitsync3times, yes the mouse buttons work on the pannel below but NOT in the _ - x     signs right above the window the console or firefox is in15:39
riddleboxwhat is a good cli bittorrent client?15:39
qu4ntcoop3r, are there any entries at the grub screen? just take one and hit enter then15:40
sync3timespiglit, just firefox, or a console window or other apps15:40
Guest29796ok gnome panel opened clicked add new panel option. just added a horizontal panel15:40
clrgriddlebox: Try rtorrent15:40
riddleboxclrg, thanks15:40
Guest29796bit once i closed terminal panel stayed15:40
Guest29796will it still be there when i reboot??????15:41
coop3rno qu4nt it says "[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions. ]"15:41
nastasGuest29796: i believe so15:41
Guest29796thank you so much for your assistance15:41
coop3rthen it has the command line and it says "sh:grub>"15:41
qu4ntGuest29796, you should add it on startup applications under system -> preferences15:41
UndertowAnyone know if I need to do anything special to get nvidia drivers working in 9.10?15:41
piglitsync3times, pan doesnt seem to work proper also, the movie player didnt work so it is kind of random15:41
piglitonly the pannel below seems to work15:42
wallaceIs there any standard, simple backup system that I can use to create backups of files - I'm happy to write some simple scripts myself, but if there's anything that's common/standard I'd like to use that15:42
UndertowI used the hardware manager to install the nvidia drivers, X11 never loads and I cant get into recovery mode15:42
wallace....I want to run this of cron on my server15:42
Guest29796now what would cause open windows to go gray for a few sec & freeze the sys untill it returns to normal15:42
UndertowI have a garbage system with onboard video and I cant use both at the same time15:42
UndertowI tried editing modprobe.conf to disable agpgart and intel_agp15:43
Undertowalso have tried using envy to set it up, no luck there either15:43
jtajiwallace: there are many options... but take a look at rdiff-backup15:44
coop3rVCoolio people arent answering me here can someone pm me please that knows about installation15:44
wallacejtaji: k, thx15:44
VCoolioI'm trying to make a little script to add aliases to ~/.bash_aliases but I can't get it to re-read the file after editing; the terminal I ran the add alias script in doesn't recognize the new alias; using 'source or . ~/.bashaliases' doesn't work15:44
om26er_coop3r: peoples are who.. you can use https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu15:44
e01how can i change splash theme in Ubuntu netbook remix 9.1015:45
piglitsync3times, i can go into text mode and start the X environment without gdm, but where can i find the right log file which can give me a change to retrieve error information?15:45
coop3rpiglit can i pm you15:46
VCoolioso what command to use in a script to have the terminal where I ran the script in re-read the bash_aliases file?15:46
nero_i downloaded madwifi trunk and saved it on my desktop how do i install it now?15:46
piglitcoop3r sure you can15:46
TidersIm trying to create a startup disk using the Ubuntu 9.04 CD that I requested and had mailed... Im using a Lexar USB stick and here's the log file when I try to do this and this happens every time with multiple sticks http://pastie.org/76401515:46
scunizipiglit: perhaps.. /var/log15:46
oCean_VCoolio: running a script will re-spawn a new shell. The 'source' command will read the file in *that* shell, after exit of the script, your current shell will not have read-in the new settings15:46
sync3timespiglit, wouldnt bother since sometime the buttons are working.   I would try cleaning out all settings for your desktop environment.    Let gnome or whatever reset itself.    move the settings directories to a temp directories?15:47
VCooliooCean_: hm, I see; thanks for pointing that out15:47
piglitscunizi, ok but which of the log files do i need in this case?15:47
oCean_VCoolio: so you'll still have to 'source' the newly edited file in your current shell15:47
piglitsync3times, it is a fresh install ....15:48
piglit9.10 btw15:48
sync3timespiglit, wow15:48
scunizipiglit: no idea. I totally missed the first part of your problem.. so other than you looking for logs I'm ignorant15:48
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ubunturookiei downloaded madwifi trunk and saved it on my desktop how do i install it now?15:48
kakjf Please click on this link and you will help me - http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113974739415:48
wallacejtaji: rdiff appears to be network based.  First up, I want to do the backups to a separate partition - external drive.  I'll worry about offsiting them later - is there anything you'd recommend?  (I can write a simple shellscript using tar, but I'd like something which will keep a few copies for longer term recovery)15:49
sync3timespiglit, create a new user and work inside that enviroment and see if it does the same thing15:49
br0kenarr0whey guys, what does it mean when linux failes to mount /dev/pts on none ?15:49
piglitscunizi, the mouse does it job random the pannel down seems to work always but i cant use the mouse in the programs15:49
qu4ntubunturookie, there is a doc at http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/UserDocs15:49
petsounds!usb > Tiders15:50
jtajiwallace: you can certainly rdiff-backup to a local disk... actually I've done that in the past, and then a simple rsync of the rdiff-backup data offsite15:50
ubottuTiders, please see my private message15:50
wallacejtaji: I'm more worried about keeping them safe in the event of drive failure than a serious disaster15:50
jtajiwallace: that way you can pull old versions from rdiff-backup data locally15:50
Tiderspetro, Yes but it doesnt tell you what to do if it fails15:50
Tiderspetro, Wrong person15:50
Tiderspetsounds, Yes but it doesnt tell you what to do if it fails15:50
wallacejtaji: ahh, it does local too eh?  I had a quick look at the site, and it just talked about running over ssh15:50
coop3rpiglit check pm please :D15:51
petsoundsTiders, how do you create it?15:51
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ubunturookiethank u15:51
Tiderspetsounds, With the USB Sstartup disk creater provided with Jaunty.. Ive used it before and its worked fine15:51
jtajiwallace: yes indeed15:51
om26erpetsounds: try unetbootin15:51
piglitsync3times, is a older kernel a good idea?15:52
wallacejtaji, cool, will check it out in more detail, thanks :)15:52
Snausagespiglit: stuff that works for you is a good idea, don't worry about the age of the solution.15:52
sync3timespiglit, no, the problem is gnome,  have you run update-manager and installed all the updates?15:52
piglitsync3times, yes al the updates are installed, was the first ting i did15:53
Tiderspetsounds, Do you know?15:53
sync3timespiglit, setup a new user and work though that environment for a while.   The only thing I can think of is that some customizaton that you did post-install has messed up something15:54
petsoundsTiders, how about unetbootin? or you can dd the iso directly to usb. it's all the same.15:54
Tiderspetsounds, What do you mean by unetbootin?15:54
br0kenarr0w hey guys, what does it mean when linux failes to mount /dev/pts on none ?15:55
__BS__Am trying unr 9.10 from usb key without installing. Having walked away, it's time out and asking for userid and password. What do I use?15:55
petsoundsTiders, utility to create bootable usb, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/15:55
PSiL0I have a quick question... how can I refresh uuid's of disk drives in mysql?  When I enter "SELECT * FROM devices;", none of the returned uuid's match a new drive's uuid15:56
lucyMy panel at the top of the screen has been deleted - I have now got it back but I cannot get onto the internet. I do not have the 'signal' bar for the internet on the screen. How do I get this back?15:56
om26er__BS__: user name is ubuntu and password "password"15:56
coop3rpetsounds pm?15:57
__BS__om26er - thanks. Thought I tried that ... but never mind. (Correction: have booted from unr 9.10 .iso, but I suspect that shouldn't matter - userid/password will be the same.) Thanks again.15:57
qu4ntlucy, try adding modules to the panel15:57
reduzok, it seems ubuntu is no longer for me15:57
jaywebsterHi guys, I am currently trying to install a Sitecom 300N Wireless USB Adapter WL-345 on Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10. I am having a bit of trouble with it. Websites are telling me the chipset is RT2870 although when I put the USB stick in and check dmesg, I get “phy1 -> rt2800usb_init_eeprom: Error - Invalid RT chipset detected”. I have no idea what to do from here.. do you have have any suggestions on what I should tr15:57
jaywebstery? Thanks15:57
om26er__BS__: that username and password did not work?15:58
petsoundscoop3r, what for?15:58
Tiderspetsounds, To install a binary dont you use ./NAME?15:58
coop3rask you a question this place is moving too fast15:58
__BS__om26er - I've since rebooted, so not sure yet. I only meant I thought I tried that.15:58
coop3rI installed ubuntu with wubi and it said it was completed and i restarted and now its giving me a GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta4 (thats what it says at the top) and it is like a terminal it says minimal commands are suppored.15:58
reduzi can't believe how many problems i'm having with ubuntu recently15:59
reduzit used to work so well a few versions ago15:59
om26ercoop3r: windows work?15:59
om26ercoop3r: reinstall with wubi15:59
binMonkeyhi, guys.  i got rid of pulseaudio and got skype working but now any sound application controls my master volume.  if i lower sound on audacity it lowers sound on everything else.  is there a way to fix this?  and it there a volume control applet i can put on my dock now that pulseaudio is gone?15:59
piglitsync3times, thanks for the effort i'll go and give google an other try15:59
om26erreduz: use LTS15:59
coop3rom26er k, thanls15:59
coop3rthanks *16:00
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__BS__om26er - have since rebooted, and at the moment the ubuntu logo is up, the screen clears, a sound is heard, repeat. (I've had to play with F6 - no acpi, etc. trying to find what lets it boot. ) When I get back to such a prompt, I'll try again. Hopefully my sticky fingers will hit the right keys this time.16:00
reduzom26er, no i don't mean 9.10 itself but design decisions in ubuntu which are a headache16:00
acovrigcan I share my internet (wifi) to an lg?16:00
Tiderspetsounds, What would happen if I just copy and paste the files to the USB stick16:01
om26erTiders: nothing16:01
Tidersom26er, It wouldnt work?16:01
om26erTiders: no16:01
Tidersom26er, So what should I do then..16:01
susanneHello at all16:01
lucyhow do you get default top bar?16:02
petsoundsTiders, you can't16:02
om26erTiders: use unetbootin16:02
Tidersom26er, How do you install a binary that has no extension on the end... Ive only used .runs16:02
qu4ntlucy, you have to add the components to the panel yourself16:02
om26erwhen win7 iso is extracted to a usb and the usb is given a boot flag it boots.. ubuntu should boot too16:03
petsoundsTiders, install unetbootin with       sudo apt-get install unetbootin                 on terminal16:03
MEMEMEHi, I'm new to linux and I'm going to install Ubuntu in few days, I was wondering if there's a video player out there that does the same job as my windows mpc-hc, one that has post processing filters/shaders like sharpen filter or deinterlace, I need that sometimes, thanks16:03
Tiderspetsounds, Then why would you give me a binary if its in repos16:03
jtaji!resetpanel | lucy16:03
ubottulucy: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:03
erUSUL!info vlc | MEMEME16:03
ubottuMEMEME: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 1581 kB, installed size 3788 kB16:03
__BS__OK to ask about UNR here?16:03
MEMEMEvlc doesn't do that16:03
om26er__BS__: yes16:03
erUSULthen i dunno16:04
petsoundsTiders, you ask me about unetbootin, i give you the link ;)16:04
lucyjtaji, thanks :)16:05
Tiderspetsounds, Unetbootin only has up to Ubuntu 8.10..16:05
susanneI've a problem with our Canon Printer Pixma ip6600d, it is recognized, the test page prints all right, but all other pages are just printed as blank ones...16:05
akos_Hello! Is there a command line trick to open up a program (Virtualbox), and put it in the second virtual desktop, and make it maximized?16:05
jaywebsterHi guys, I am having some trouble with my Sitecom 300N Wireless USB Adapter WL-345 on Ubuntu can anyone help? :-)16:06
acovrighow can I print to a PIXMA MX860 Printer?16:06
petsoundsTiders, i have it on karmic16:06
VCooliojaywebster: check compiz plugins for that, or check out devilspie16:06
faileasTiders: unetbootin will work with any livecdiso16:06
om26erjaywebster: i would recommend ubuntuforums.org16:06
Tidersfaileas, Even if you cant select the right version?16:06
VCooliojaywebster: no command line tricks for that I think16:06
faileasTiders: the last few have an option to pick an iso16:06
akos_Hello! Is there a command line trick to open up a program (Virtualbox), and make it open in the second workspace, and make it start maximized?16:07
faileasgranted, i mostly run it off windows, so i download the latest when i need it ;p16:07
Tidersfaileas, I cant do it with a CD?16:07
acovrighow can I print to a PIXMA MX860 Printer?16:07
faileasTiders: you would have to make an image of the cd, i think16:07
VCoolioakos_: check compiz plugins for that, or check out devilspie16:07
Dr_Willissusanne:  i recall a similer issue with my Canon printer. Ive not tried it in ages -  Demo page worked.. other pages colors were all wrong.16:08
Tidersfaileas, And how do I rip it?16:08
acovrighow can I print to a PIXMA MX860 Printer?16:08
faileas*checks the channel*16:08
faileasI suppose brasero should16:08
yassinedd if=/dev/null of=/home/store/vms bs=60G count=5000 ends with memory exhaused anyone have  an idea how to achieve the above please?16:08
Ionosphereis someone here who could help me with the use of tripod ?16:08
akos_VCoolio, ok thx16:08
jcc1Tiders, you can also do it from the command line with dd16:08
acovrigI tried that, can't find anything (PIXMA IP4000 is the losest thing I found)16:09
faileasTiders: I mostly use KDE, or custom varients of ubuntu, so i may be wrong16:09
Dr_Willisyassine:  i dont think you want to use a BS of 60G   - ive rarely seen BS be over 1024 or 2048 or sol anything over that  From waht i read.. dosent give any speed gain.16:09
susanneDr_Willis: Did you find a solution for that?16:09
Dr_Willissusanne:  other then to never buy cannon again.. no.. the printer is in the back room.. I hate the thing.16:10
matudont you think having 135 process decrease the battery lifetime ?16:10
Dr_Willissusanne:  wife just uses its card slots to print  photos every so often16:10
__BS__I'm considering the new asus eee 1201n. I'm thinking about what I want to do with it between the time I bring it home and go fully live with UNR. So, pointers towards the following will help reduce my search time. First I think I image the thing (preserve Windows 7 partition, etc.) probably via mondo/mindi. Then I shrink the partition (qparted) to, say 20 GB (250 GB disk). Then run vmware...16:10
Dr_Willismatu:  its more of an issue of cpu load.  a sleeping proicess is not taking up any cpu.16:10
__BS__...converter to get a virtual. Then install UNR as dual boot. Then bring in the virtual via vmware player and/or virtual box. Along the way I'll probably toss gnome in favour of kde (kde-desktop? instead of kubuntu-desktop). Does all this sort of hang together?16:10
yassineDr_Willis, thanks,  i only want to create an lvm volume behind /dev/loop0 and since it will be used for my virtual machines it should be big enough. do you have an idea how to proceed in here?16:10
TidersOkay what program can I use to rip a Ubuntu ISO16:10
susanneDr Willis: well but if the testpage can be printed, there must be some hope, i guess?16:10
matudoes it really take on power ?16:11
Dr_Willisyassine:  not really.16:11
jcc1yassine, you just tried to write 5000 blocks at 60GB each, no wonder mem was exhausted, I would have been, too :-)16:11
matu0 ?16:11
scuniziTiders: ok... rip? open it? or burn it?16:11
usr13Tiders: "rip a Ubuntu ISO"?16:11
erUSULTiders: sudo cat /dev/cdrom > image_file_ubuntu.iso16:11
Dr_Willissusanne:  yea. I never did look into it much.  The silly printer insists i got 2 'blue' ink carts in it half the time when i power it up.  when I do have  the proper carts installed.. i have to constantly reset the silly thing.  No more Cannon printers EVER for me.16:11
usr13Tiders: Please re-phrase your question.16:12
yassinejcc1, thanks,  i only want to create an lvm volume behind /dev/loop0 and since it will be used for my virtual machines it should be big enough. do you have an idea how to proceed in here?16:12
Dr_Willisyassine:  use a smaller BS size and a larger count. perhaps16:12
Tidersusr13, How do you rip a Ubuntu install CD to get an ISO16:12
pierre_i dsont unerstand16:12
Dr_WillisTiders:  the 'dd' command can  copy a cd to an iso file. No 'ripping' needed. :)16:12
cryptkTiders, it is easier to just download the ISO from the internet, but there are several programs out there that can create an ISO form a CD/DVD16:13
cryptksuch as dd16:13
susanneDr_Willis: Thank you anyway. Perhaps I will try it in the forums... I can understand your struggles with Canon, but I was very surprised finding the model in the printer list under linux16:13
TidersDr_Willis, does the cat thing that erUSUL Just told me work? Cause thats what its doing right now16:13
Dr_Willissusanne:  i recall it did work for me under other releases. i noticed that issue  in beta testing. but never did look in to it.16:13
Dr_WillisTiders:  cat and dd should both copy the whole image to a file.16:14
clrgTiders: man isodump16:14
usr13Tiders: dd if=/dev/hdc of=ubuntu.iso16:14
susanneDr_Willis: thank you. Will go and have lunch now... ^^16:14
Dr_WillisI think cp may even work..16:14
TidersDr_Willis, Alright it should be working then thanks16:14
usr13Tiders: sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso16:14
usr13something like that ^^^16:15
MEMEMEIs there any risk when constant writing and reading from my external windows hdd's using ntfs-3g? also I have besides my usb hdd, one connected on firewire. is firewire supported, or is that only for usb?16:15
scuniziTiders: of course there are programs that will do it too.. gui based.. k3b, brassero16:15
ArsinHow do I mount a .bin as a virtual disk16:16
usr13cryptk: It's pretty easy to just make an ISO image from the CD.16:16
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yassineDr_Willis, yes that was correct dd if=/dev/zero of=/home... bs=1024M count=61440 gives 60G total too16:16
usr13cryptk: You just have to know what device name goes to the CDROM.16:17
jcc1you could try ###dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile_10MB bs=10485760 count=1 just substitute the 10 for 60 including the 10485760, you are looking for 60*1024*1024 as the number16:17
Dr_Willisyassine:  1024M is huge also.. :) normally i see BS like 1024K16:17
Dr_WillisThe joys of dd. :)16:18
TidersDr_Willis, It appears that Unetbootin is stuck at 5% (copying and extracting files) and isnt moving at all16:18
Guest72426how to change or configure the startup sounds?16:18
jcc1bs just says how many bytes to write at one time, default is 51216:18
om26erTiders: is it copying a big file?16:18
Tidersom26er, Maybe16:18
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jcc1I usually use just 1024 or 204816:18
yassineDr_Willis, does it really affect the performance of the file( since it will be formated later with ext3) ?16:18
Dr_WillisTiders:  it can take some time.16:19
erUSULArsin: convert it to iso16:19
om26erTiders: it shows the filesize of the current file16:19
usr13Tiders: What command did you use?16:19
erUSUL!iso > Arsin16:19
ubottuArsin, please see my private message16:19
Tidersusr13, I got it16:19
Dr_Willisyassine:  the bs size just affexts the speed of the dd command i recall. using no BS - can make dd a lot slower.16:19
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* coop3r has saved the day [autorehash v2.1]16:19
ArsinerUSUL: Why convert? Can I not mount it right away?16:19
Hammitanyone with experience installing on software raid?16:19
manezaohow to change or configure the startup sounds?16:19
Dr_Willisyassine:  up to a point a larger bs helps. but beyond that point it dosent metter.. but ive mainly done it with READING cd's to iso and so on. as far as making an empty file. the bs may not matter as much16:19
erUSULArsin: the kernel only supports iso9660 natively. some bin files are compatible some are not16:20
erUSULArsin: try16:20
yassineDr_Willis, now i have a bit more understanding of how dd works thanks16:20
erUSUL!find acetoneiso16:20
jcc1yassine, geberally there isn't much diff in speed between 1024 and 204816:20
ArsinerUSUL: Is there a program that I can use that mounts everything?16:20
ubottuPackage/file acetoneiso does not exist in karmic16:20
erUSULArsin: http://www.acetoneteam.org/16:20
yassinejcc1, ok thanks16:21
om26erArsin: you have to add them to /etc/fstab to automatically mount..  no app16:21
nullp0interhow would i get rid of a period at the end of a line of text only if it exists?16:21
coop3rsorry everyone it was a failscript (running in a seperate window) lol16:22
icerootnullp0inter: always the same text?16:22
Hammitsed 's/\.$//'16:22
erUSULnullp0inter: sed -i 's/\.$//g' file.txt16:22
muri_onenullp0inter: s/\.$//16:22
nullp0intersed 's/#./#g'?16:22
icerootah, ok end of line generally16:22
jarray52Ubuntu 9.10 hard freezes whenever I plug in a USB storage device. However, the USB storage device works properly whenever I disable my Mac LAN in the Bios. What could cause this behavior? How can I tell if this is a bug or a configuration problem?16:22
nullp0interthanks for the helpo..i knew i was messing something up16:22
ArsinCan someone help me with GetDeb, I can never seem to get to install when I press the button 'Install' from the site I get an error saying "Cannot find package XXXXXX"16:22
PipHello, where is the resolv.conf file on ubuntu 9.10 ?16:23
XfactHaving serious update manager problem....Details here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/350440/16:23
Xfactplease :)16:23
icerootPip: /etc/resolv.conf16:23
Pipthere is no such file16:23
icerootPip: then create it16:23
Pipiceroot: are you sure ?16:23
clrgPip: Touch /etc/resolv.conf16:23
binMonkeyhi, guys.  i got rid of pulseaudio and got skype working but now any sound application controls my master volume.  if i lower sound on audacity it lowers sound on everything else.  is there a way to fix this?  and it there a volume control applet i can put on my dock now that pulseaudio is gone?16:23
muri_oneArsin: what are you using it for?16:23
jcc1interrupt problem,16:23
PipI want to find resolv.conf file16:23
PipI want to change DNS16:24
icerootPip: create it and out in your dns16:24
Arsinmuri_one: As if right now, AcetoneISO16:24
clrgPip: find / -name resolv.conf16:24
PipI want to improve the streaming video speed16:24
XfactHaving serious update manager problem....Details here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/350440/16:24
macman_hey all getting an error when trying to convert a mov to mpg http://www.pastie.org/76403516:24
Pipis it a default created file on 9.10 ?16:24
clrgPip: What does video streaming have to do with your DNS server?16:24
* om26er thinks streaming in linux is far faster than windows16:24
jcc1jarray52, check the options for your network card and see how to assign a different unused interrupt16:24
Pipclrg: it could increase the speed16:24
clrgPip: /etc/resolv.conf it is, nothing else, if it doesn't exist create it16:25
erUSULXfact: remove the ppas you added16:25
Hammithow do i install karmic 9.10 on a software raid setup - GRUB/GRUB2 is major fail!16:25
clrgPip: You can also set the nameservers with resolvconf or with /etc/network/interfaces, I believe16:25
icerootPip: no dns has nothing todo with speed of videos16:25
Dr_Willis!raid | Hammit16:25
ubottuHammit: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:25
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mkabinMonkey, that's how audacity volume control works16:26
XfacterUSUL: then next time how will I add updates from PPA?16:26
Hammitthanks Dr_Willis16:26
Pipiceroot: so how to do with my wish ?16:26
XfacterUSUL: I have to add those again then?16:26
icerootHammit: use alternate cd, its detecting raid by default16:26
Dr_WillisHammit:  i was thinking /boot/ in the past needed to be on a non raid partition.. but that was ages ago. there may be work arounds now16:26
Arsinnvm found it16:26
Hammiticeroot: i have tried that16:26
icerootPip: as is said 3 times before. create /etc/resolv.conf and put in the nameserver16:26
erUSULXfact: probably you messwed up saomething when adding them. just remove to get to a good state then add them again one at a time and carefully16:26
HammitDr_Willis: yes, boot is my prob16:26
jcc1Hammit, when it comes time to do the formatting, instead of accepting the defaults, use the custom option and setup md (software raid) partitions, then join them in mirror or whatever, there are instructions out on the 'net16:26
Hammitapparently, grub can handle raid1 on boot16:26
Hammitjcc1: have done that and installed successfully...16:27
Hammitjcc1: reboot is the problem16:27
jarray52jcc1: Thanks. Where is this assignment typically done? Is it done physically via a dip switch inside the computer? Is it done in the BIOS? Or, is it done in Grub? Or, is it done in Ubuntu?16:27
Hammitjcc1: grub doesn't seem to install properly16:27
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Hammitdevice mappings etc16:27
jcc1is /boot on the raid, you may have to set up a seperate boot partition16:28
jcc1it seems to me that I always have to do that, although I haven't set up RAID in awhile16:28
usr13Hammit: Is this a new 9.10 install?16:28
Hammitboot is raid116:28
Hammiton 9.1016:28
Hammitroot is raid516:28
MaletorIf there are any devs for lm-sensors here can you please please please add K10Temp so I can use my AMD 3.0GHZ16:28
dathcan anyone tell me why update manager as well as aptitude doesnt show any new updates since weeks? it downloads package information but doesnt show new versions16:29
usr13Hammit: And you are unable to boot?16:29
Hammitusr13: yes16:29
usr13!grub2 | Hammit16:29
ubottuHammit: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:29
MaletorUsing kernel 2.6.33-RC1 is like asking for death.16:29
MarekTPhello, does anybody know url with howto for grub2 (Ubuntu 9.10). I need add nolapic parameter16:29
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jcc1boot can be a seperate RAID partition on it's own, I believe16:29
iceroot!grub2 | MarekTP16:29
ubottuMarekTP: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:29
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Hammitjcc1: i thought so too16:30
erUSULdath: that's a sign of stability; isn't it?16:30
makkaizs#join /sex16:30
Hammiti will read the docs yet again tho i spose...although i've read pretty much everything there's to see on the subject i think :(16:30
jcc1I've never had a problem with CentOS or Ubuntu server with a mirrored setup like this so it's not grub, but I haven't done it on a default 9.10 install16:31
MarekTPubottu: Thanx, but that tutor doesn't help me, how to do this. Sorry, i don't undestand grub2, yet16:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:31
usr13Hammit: Go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2  and skip down to "Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD"16:32
jcc1Often, though, I've had to use a simple recovery disk to setup RAID, then used the install16:32
Hammitk, thanks all...off to give it a try :) thanks usr13: doing it now :)16:32
sixtilacan gamepad be used in karmic to play games/use as mouse ? where to start ?16:32
erUSULMarekTP: edit /etc/default/grub add it where quiet and splash are between the "  "16:32
MEMEMEIs there any risk when constant writing and reading from my external windows hdd's using ntfs-3g? also I have besides my usb hdd, one connected on firewire. is firewire supported, or is that only for usb?16:32
erUSULMarekTP: this line >>> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" >>> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nolapic"16:33
xtjacobi'm having a cups error httpConnectionEncrypt failed16:33
wowotoMEMEME: dont worry about it16:33
OerHeksMaletor did you use 'sudo sensors-detect' fter install ???16:33
MaletorOerHeks: sure did16:33
OerHeksMaletor like in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto16:33
MarekTPerUSUL: Thanx, that's it. I've old laptop with ATI M20016:34
MaletorOerHeks, says that the driver is in development. If you check the lm-sensors website it says I need to wait for 2.6.33 kernel16:34
MarekTPCommunity around Ubuntu is very, very good16:34
MaletorOerHeks, and when I updated to RC1 2.6.33 it f**ked everything up (and I mean everything) and the fans still weren't working :)16:34
erUSULMarekTP: you have to do « sudo update-gru2 » after the edit16:35
MaletorOerHeks, my AMD 945 3.0GHZ 64 bit cannot be that rare of a chip. What are other people doing? Just running fans at 100% all the time. Seems silly.16:35
=== sacho__ is now known as Sacho
Pipclrg: with sudo echo, there is no permission to create a resolv.conf file in /etc16:36
MarekTPOfcourse, one question more. Does anybody experienced with Logitech racing wheels16:36
ZeonisisHow can I run instructions on startup?16:36
PipHow to make it ?16:36
Dr_WillisMEMEME:  firewire should work.16:36
ZeonisisOr rather login16:36
OerHeksMaletor sorry 2 hear that, better full fan than NO FAN !16:36
Maletorwhat is powernowd?16:36
BurzmaliI've got a CD with both an audio and data track.  Ubuntu can't seem to understand this and tries to mount both at the same mount point.  Anyone know a way rip these?16:36
erUSULZeonisis: easiest way /etc/rc.local16:36
Dr_WillisMEMEME:  every so often with my usb ntfs disks - i boot to windows and have windows check/defrag them - depeneidn on how much ive been using the ntfs filesystems16:36
MarekTPerUSUL, ofcourse, i can't find entry point for parameters16:36
erUSULMaletor: powernowd should be not needed this days16:36
ZeonisisWhat is it?16:37
Dr_WillisMEMEME:  about once every month.  just to be safe16:37
MaletorerUSUL, what should I do!?16:37
clrgPip: You can't use redirection with sude. use "sudo bash -c "echo somewhat > /some/file"16:37
Maletorarg http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85568216:37
jcc1Burzmali, depends on the type of data16:37
erUSULMaletor: use the correct cpufreq governor ? ondemand16:37
MEMEMEoh, thank you for the tip Dr_Willis16:37
clrgPip: You can also use touch to create a file. "sudo touch /etc/resolv.conf", then edit it with "sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf"16:37
xtjacobdoes anyone know how to fix the cups error: httpConnectionEncrypt failed?16:37
MaletorerUSUL, where can I read about that16:37
TruthLikerGreetings humans.16:38
erUSULMaletor: do « sudo cpufreq-info »16:38
clrgTruthLiker: How do you know I am human? ;)16:38
Burzmalijccl, One track audio, one track data and an unknown number of nulls in the middle.16:38
ZeonisisI don't have /etc/rc.local :D16:38
erUSULMaletor: see what governor are you using16:38
mkaclrg, why would you want to touch a file when you are going to edit it thereafter?16:39
clrgZeonisis: /etc/rc.d/rc.local perhaps ?16:39
TruthLikerIs there a way to search .deb package files for their contents ? ( to get a list of the files the package will install - each of them )16:39
clrgmka: Pip asked how to create a file. touch is the perfect way to do so.16:39
erUSULTruthLiker: packages.ubuntu.com16:39
TruthLikerclrg, faith.16:39
erUSULTruthLiker: or install apt-file16:39
Burzmalijccl Physically, the disc looks like a bullseye16:39
TruthLikerI want ot do it offline.16:39
ZeonisisI have rc1.d, rc2.d, and so on to rc6.d16:39
mkaclrg, agree16:39
jcc1The cd is a file system so it will only mount at one point, you need to know the type of data, I would think and then use the appropriate app, for example, I've used dvdrip to pull an audio track16:39
Pipclrg: but I want to avoid using vi16:40
TruthLikerI want to search my DVD's offline.16:40
TruthLikerfor the contents of the packages.16:40
mkaPip, you can use nano or gedit16:40
TruthLikeranyone know ?16:40
_raven_how to play (and sort) mxf files without avid?16:40
clrgPip: Use nano, vim, emacs, or even gedit if you don't like vi16:40
ZeonisisGedit is pretty good...16:40
Burzmalijcc1, Well, Ubuntu identifies the audio and data sections as separate file systems16:41
clrgZeonisis: If you like guis.16:41
Burzmalijcc1 Physically, the disc looks like a bullseye16:41
ZeonisisTrue. But I do, at least in addition to consoles :)16:41
ZeonisisBoth are good...16:41
icerootBurzmali: because that are two partitions16:41
mkaclrg, arent vim and vi the same thing under ubuntu?16:41
icerootmka: no16:42
jcc1seperate files or seperate file systems? if it sees seperate file systems then mount each one seperately and manually16:42
icerootmka: vi is the real vi and vim is the thing most people are using and thinking that it is vi16:42
Burzmaliiceroot: I've figured that much out, now how do I make ubuntu play nice with them?16:42
ZeonisisGuys, I can't find that file...16:42
icerootZeonisis: what fileß16:43
ZeonisisBack to my first questtion.16:43
icerootBurzmali: sorry never tried16:43
clrgmka: Nope. vim isn't installed in a fresh ubuntu installation, for example16:43
mkaiceroot, vi in ubuntu is a symbolic link to vim16:43
icerootmka: wrong16:43
Burzmalijcc1: Separate systems, Ubuntu mounts the first then tries to mount the second to the same location throwing an error message16:43
icerootmka: vim is not installed on ubuntu16:43
clrgmka: After you installed vim, yes16:43
jcc1if they are on a cd and the cd is being automatically mounted, just unmount it then sudo mount filesystem1 and again for filesystem216:43
icerootmka: vi is a link to vim.tiny imo16:43
mkaclrg, iceroot, I am on ubuntu liveCD and I have just confirmed that16:44
ZeonisisWhy are there so many people not saying anything?16:44
Burzmalijcc1: How would I manually mount them if they are both at the same /dev/sr? address16:44
mkaiceroot, you are right, vi is a link to vim.tiny16:44
icerootmka: that vi is a link to vim.tiny? great16:44
jcc1(on two different mountpoints of your choosing)16:44
icerootmka: but vim.tiny is not good. normally you want vim16:45
mkaiceroot, so vi and vim under ubuntu is pretty much the same thing16:45
icerootmka: no!16:45
jcc1good question, I'll have to think about that for a minute :-)16:45
snakeI'm trying to decide which gentoo release is best for an intel processor. but over at gentoo.org (Get gentoo! tab) It has confusing names like, alpha, and x86. The only one I get is AMD64 obviously AMD. could some one point me to the right one?16:45
MarekTPThanx for help. See You16:45
icerootmka: install vim and then see the difference16:45
Burzmalijcc1: yes but how to segregate them, mount gets both in one shot16:45
erUSULsnake: ask in #gentoo16:45
clrgmka: Definitively not. My installation shows that vi is a link to vim.basic16:45
jtajimka: installing vim-nox or vim-gnome will get you the complete vim16:45
wallaceI want to keep a set number of files, and append an increasing number to older copies, within a shell script.  e.g. if I have 'file' I want to move it to 'file.1' and if 'file.1' exists I want to move it to 'file.2' Is there an easy/existing way to do this?16:45
usr13clrg: use vim16:46
clrgmka: diff vim vim.basic shows it ain't the same..16:46
erUSULwallace: probably better is to ask in #bash16:46
wallaceerUSUL, k, will do - thanks16:46
Dr_Willissnake:  x86 is intel. :) 32bit16:47
Dr_Willissnake:  amd64 is also intel... 64bit. :)16:47
mkaclrg, iceroot, jtaji, ok I understand you guys, but vi is not vi but a limited vim under ubuntu16:47
coop_i am trying to install xchat and i found it in the ubuntu software center and i dont see the install button16:47
usr13coop_: Use irssi16:47
icerootmka: vi is not vim16:47
Dr_Willismka:  by default ubuntu has vim-tiny installed.  You can install the full vim package if you want16:47
jtajimka: not exactly, the default vim is a limited vim, vim-tiny16:48
Burzmalijcc1: At this point I am mostly trying to back the CD up and in most cases Brasero has been able to convert these to .toc / bin files, but this one has a big fat ring of emptiness in the middle that is confounding it16:48
clrgmka: And vim.basic is not vim. vim is not installed by default.16:48
coop_usr13 i want to use xchat16:48
kjhubbardhello room.  i have a question related to ubuntu lamp server administration.  what should i be monitoring regularly to make sure the system has not been compromised?  which log files?  is there a performance monitor -like applet that i can run?16:48
usr13mka: I highly recommend vim16:48
icerootcoop_: sudo apt-get install xchat16:48
icerootusr13: yes i am asking me why vim is not installed on ubuntu by default16:48
usr13coop_: Select xchat and click apply (or something like that).16:48
jcc1What kind of CD is this, sounds like nothing I've had experience with16:48
coop_pakage not found16:48
clrgusr13: I like vim too, but on most machines I work it isn't installed, which leaves vi. And vi isn't that bad, I know people programming in vi16:49
Dr_Willisvim is not installed by default - due to 'space'  on the cd. :)16:49
usr13iceroot: Well, I thought it was... It used to be.16:49
jcc1You could also check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660 for clues16:49
jtajiiceroot: only so much can fit on the cd16:49
usr13clrg: Did you issue command vim ?16:49
Dr_Willisvi tiny is smaller. :) sio its the default16:49
icerootcoop_: package xchat not found?16:49
mkaclrg, iceroot, jtaji, usr13, Dr_Willis, ok the bottom line now, vim.tiny and vim.basic are not vim?16:49
coop_irssi not found either16:49
clrgmka: Yes16:49
Dr_Willismka:  they are vim  with different options16:49
coop_i think im having problems with apt-get16:49
icerootcoop_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat16:50
jcc1mka, try gvim install and it will pick up what it needs16:50
icerootcoop_: you dont want to use irssi16:50
Burzmalijcc1: Older game CD, the install disc for the 7th Guest.  Lots of games used to keep the music in wavs on a separate track before the advent of mp3s.16:50
clrgcoop_: sudo bash -c "apt-get update; apt-get install irssi"16:50
_raven_how to play (and sort) MXF files without avid?16:50
Dr_Willismka:  at one time the packatge names were vim-tiny and vim-full16:50
coop_i know iceroot16:50
usr13I've been just updating / upgrading my systems for so long, I don't have a good idea of what's in the default install anymore.16:50
Dr_WillisI perfer weechat 0.3.0 to IRSSI now a days. :)16:50
* coop_ likes xchat16:50
icerootDr_Willis: bitchx  because of the cool name  (like LaTeX) :)16:51
clrgusr13: Install virtualbox, and try the default installation16:51
jcc1New to me, I'd cheat, get an iso ripper for windows and try it there :-)16:51
usr13I've done (or assisted) some new installs for others,  but.... never paid much attention16:51
mkaGuys I know much about vim-full and that vim.tiny does not support syntax highlighting, but what do I explain this, ubuntu comes with vi or vim?16:51
usr13clrg: good advise.16:51
usr13clrg: I may do that.16:51
icerootmka: vi16:51
jcc1install has vi, after install use repos for vim16:51
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mkaok, iceroot then please allow me to say that vim.basic and vim.tiny are vi because vi is a symbolic link to those16:52
Burzmalijcc1: Worth a shot I guess.  I have a virtual box lying around somewhere.16:52
jtajimka: you seem to be getting to answers for that question here... I think vim-tiny is a minimal compile of vim, not vi16:52
icerootmka: the absolut main difference betwenn vi and vim is taht vim cant use keys like the arrows16:52
coop_ok thanks i have one more question16:52
jtajimka: *2 answers16:52
coop_i installed ubuntu what is the root password16:52
icerootmka: not using for controlling in the file i mean16:52
usr13Yea, just do:  sudo apt-get install vim16:52
erUSUL!root | coop_16:52
ubottucoop_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:52
iceroot!root | coop_16:52
jcc1coop, there isn't one, use sudo16:53
mkaOk, this issue is solved, ubuntu comes with vim16:53
clrg!sudo | coop16:53
ubottucoop: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:53
coop_ya i know about sudo16:53
IdleOnecoop_: alrighty then, use it16:53
icerootmka: ubuntu comes without vim16:53
jpdscoop_: There is no root password.16:53
coop_i am root on my ubuntu server16:53
jcc1if you want to use root in a terminal, try sudo su -16:53
mkahere we go again16:53
usr13coop_: Well there you go, just use it...16:53
jpdsjcc1: sudo -i16:53
erUSUL!rootshell | jcc116:54
ubottujcc1: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)16:54
icerootjcc1: sudo -i    never use sudo su16:54
clrgjpds: Wrong, there is an invalid password. Without one everyone could be root16:54
jpdsclrg: Whatever.16:54
clrgiceroot: sudo bash xD16:54
jtajimka: this can't be argued... Ubuntu comes with the package vim-tiny by default, you can install vim-nox or vim-gnome to get the full vim16:54
coop_also the name of the computer user@ubuntu how do i change ubuntu16:54
icerootclrg: sudo zsh16:54
jcc1just out of curiousity, what's the diff between sudo -i and sudo su?16:54
jtajimka: at least I thought it did16:54
erUSUL!hostname | coop_16:54
ubottucoop_: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.16:54
mkajtaji, I understand that, what is this vim-tiny? is it vi or vim?16:54
usr13jcc1: sudo -i   or   sudo su -  will do same thing.16:55
mkajtaji, that is obvious16:55
clrgiceroot: Don't like zsh. I prefer ksh or bash16:55
icerootjcc1: the environment which will be set16:55
UndertowHow can I blacklist agpgart-intel in modprobe.d/blacklist.conf?  I have tried using blacklist intel_agp and blacklist apggart, it still shows up in dmesg16:55
teageWhy is my Ubuntu distro freezing. Just little short freezes16:55
jcc1OK, I'll stick with using root with root environment16:55
icerootclrg: never tried ksh, is it worth watching?16:55
teagewhy does it do that16:55
clrgteage: Because you use all the ressources of your system16:55
usr13jcc1: sudo -i   is just a couple keystoraks less.16:55
jcc1OK, good to know16:56
jtajimka: less features, no syntax highlighting... it does seem to act more like vi16:56
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux16:56
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks16:56
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux16:56
FloodBot4tyulohj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:56
clrgiceroot: ksh is the default shell on all HP-UX and on old Solaris machines16:56
jtaji!ops | tyulohj16:56
ubottutyulohj: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:56
clrgiceroot: Doesn't support tab completition tough.16:56
usr13tyulohj: That was intelligent16:56
icerootclrg: that is bad16:56
mkathanks jtaji, usr13, clrg , Dr_Willis, iceroot for the patience and input16:56
icerootmka: you are welcome16:56
usr13mka: NP, send pizza and beer.16:57
teagethats weird though cause, ive tried other distros and they dont do it16:57
mkausr13, LOL!16:57
teagejust ubuntu.16:57
mka!pizza | usr1316:57
icerootteage: look at top if there is a big process16:57
_raven_how to play AVID MXF files?16:57
clrg]!beer | clrg16:57
clrgMy beer didn't double magically.. Was wort a try16:58
mka_raven_, tried vlc or mplayer?16:58
_scavenger__raven_: MPlayer'd be my guess.16:58
_raven_mka yes http://www.opencubetech.com/userdoc/mxf_samples_files/op1a-mpeg2-wave_hd.mxf is playable but avid mxf files seem to have another format16:59
_raven_mka vlc reads the file but only processes the first 31 kb (output from codec information)16:59
teageiceroot- my Memory usage is not even but maybe a quarter used and i see no big process going on.16:59
bodhi20161guys what is the equivalent of "$ tar -xzvf linux- " for the file linux-2.6.17.bz216:59
jcc1have you looked at http://ingex.sourceforge.net/libMXF/17:00
teageI wonder if it is something to do with configuration?17:00
_raven_jcc1, not yet but it looks good as hint17:00
soreaubodhi20161: You need to use bzip to decompress it first17:00
mka_raven_, are you having all the usual (illegal) codecs installed?17:01
erUSULbodhi20161: use j instead of z17:01
soreaubodhi20161: bzip2 -d linux-2.6.17.bz217:01
icerootbodhi20161: bunzip  is also working17:01
bodhi20161thanks iceroot17:01
erUSULbodhi20161: but tar xvf file.tar.whatever autodetects the compression used and choose the apropiate decompresor17:02
Xfactis there any system tools available to check disk errors and problems...17:02
clrgXfact: fsck17:02
_raven_mka yes17:02
clrg!fsck | Xfact17:02
ubottuXfact: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot17:02
erUSULbodhi20161: so « tar xvf file.tar.gz » and « tar xvf file.tar.bz2  » will work17:02
VCooliocan someone tell me how to pipe arguments into a zenity --list window?17:03
erUSULVCoolio: probably you need to pass it as a variable17:04
Xfactohh...it checks my system automatically when error,then I don't need anything....thanks :)17:04
icerootXfact: not checking automaticly if a error exist, just checks if you dont shutdown correctly17:04
VCoolioerUSUL: do you have an example? I've googled a bit but I can't get it to work17:04
usr13Xfact: Yes, linux is like a brick house - low maintenance.17:05
clrgiceroot: ext3 FS are checked periodically, every XY mounts or every 180 days, I think. You can change that my tune2fs17:05
dpiwowarskihi guys17:05
icerootclrg: i know17:05
usr13!hi | dpiwowarski17:05
ubottudpiwowarski: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:05
jcc1VCoolio, or try using cat somehow/someway17:06
kaput1hi, i am looking for help with the mail command in terminal17:06
usr13kaput1: what do you need?17:06
icerootkaput1: and what do you want to know? looked at the manpage?17:06
usr13kaput1: man mail17:06
mka_raven_, I have no knowledge of such a format and if vlc and mplayer cannot play it with all codecs installed then, i am clueless. maybe google may help17:06
dpiwowarskiI have a problem with gparted. It doesn`t recognize any partition, fdisk shows partions properly.17:06
clrgdpiwowarski: Use fdisk then =)17:07
B9ello :-D  i am on a Netbook and my arrows keypad directional arrows have stopped working... is there a simple way to recode them?17:07
Xfactthat means no system file checker, catch cleaner, registry cleaner exist for linux? (unlike windows...)17:07
VCooliojcc1: tried that, but I don't get different options in zenity --list17:07
clrgdpiwowarski: Did you run gparted as root?17:07
VCooliojcc1: the cat output is combined to one option I can select17:07
icerootXfact: there is no registry17:07
dpiwowarskiclrg: i want to install ubuntu 9.10, and default installer uses gparted17:07
jcc1clrg, you must be a doctor :-) Doc, it hurts when I do this. "Then don't do it.17:07
erUSULVCoolio: the zenity man page has an example17:08
clrgB9: Did you try resetting the keyboard layout to your desired layout?17:08
kaput1usr13 not really sure, i get the mail sent to my local user.  i seem to need a mta, tried exim17:08
Xfactwhatever  i don't know....much about it lol=-O17:08
kaput1and others but cant configure them properly17:08
clrgjcc1: Actually, I'm not. Junior Solaris System Engineer.17:08
_raven_jcc1 how to install this tar.gz package? containing bin include and lib folders17:08
B9cirg: thanx for responding, no i hav not, this has never happened to me before17:08
_raven_only copy?17:08
VCoolioerUSUL: that's only an example where the options are hardcoded; I want something flexible so the amount of options can vary depending on the input17:08
usr13kaput1: Just type:  mail   And hit enter.17:08
jcc1:-) MS/Linux here17:08
erUSULVCoolio: zenity --list --text="Dirs in current folder" --column="NAME" echo */17:09
jcc1some solaris when job requires17:09
ircuserCan I add alarm functionality to standard Gnome Clock?17:09
VCoolioerUSUL: hmm that's new, let me check again17:09
clrgjcc1: MS? Very evil.17:09
om26er_Qwer: hell?17:09
om26er_Qwer: * hello?17:09
jcc1but there is money there17:09
jcc1sometimes we must compromise :-)17:10
somaunnis it possible to create an user and set a restriction to that user to do not write on the hdd/partition17:10
jcc1or :-(17:10
Qwerfuck me17:10
Seeker`Qwer: watch your language17:10
somaunnfor precision i'm using karmik koala17:10
marcin_mam pytanie jak wam się podoba ubuntu?17:10
clrgjcc1: Linus got millions with his Red Hat papers.. And IBM isn't exactly a small firm.. And there's Novell, Intel, AMD, and a whole lot of sponsors for GNU.. And Sun Microsystems of course.. Don't think in open source isn't any money17:11
Seeker`Qwer: This channel is for support; Please stop with the random strings of letters17:11
clrgmarcin_: Please use english while being here. There's channels for other languages.17:12
kaput1yes mail im ok, i seem to need a MTA there are many and couldnt figure out how to configure properly17:12
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
B9cirg: thanx i reset keyboard... it still isn't working... in that my right arrow isn't working lol and my left arrow is... maybe it will pickup when i reboot...17:12
jcc1I don't, but it does depend on the "neighborhood you live in, actually I started in IT as a liux admin, not windows17:12
ircuserCan I add alarm functionality to standard Gnome Clock?17:12
jcc1over 10 years ago17:12
clrgB9: Maybe your keyboard is simply broken?17:12
nickapalooza`B9: yeah17:12
QwerBye Bye17:12
nickapalooza`sounds like the keyboard is DOA17:12
usr13clrg: You forgot to mention canonical17:12
jcc1before the 2.0 kernel :-)17:12
Qwerzakutasilo was cos?17:13
jcc1And briefly even as a VMS Admin17:13
clrgusr13: Yes, of course.. But canonical isn't really big. Can't play in the same league as IBM, Intel and Sun =)17:13
hector__Hola!.. alguien de Montevideo (Uruguay) on line??17:13
clrghector__: En ingles?17:13
marcin_to write not a mummy in English since I am polakiem17:13
oCean_jcc1: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for non support related issues17:13
om26er_hector__: english here plz17:13
usr13clrg: Yes, but they are still making $$  (as well they should) :)17:14
zelharHello, may I paste my fstab so you can check if it is set correctly ?17:14
FiReSTaRT!es | hector__17:14
ubottuhector__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:14
B9nickapalooza & cirg: nah it happened when i installed Karmic Koala...17:14
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marcin_I asked how you liked him ubuntu?17:14
oCean_Qwer: stop that immediately17:14
clrg/ignore Qwer ??17:15
Qwerwho ?17:15
usr13clrg: Canonical has over 200 employees working in 23 countries (and counting).17:15
peter___hello everybody17:15
QwerIm sorry :(17:15
clrgusr13: The company I work for as 26 000 employees working in 8 countries. And we are small compared to our partners.17:15
zelharHello, may I paste my fstab so you can check if it is set correctly ? Cause I may have some problem with a mountpint casusing dolphin to fail17:16
oCean_!paste | zelhar17:16
ubottuzelhar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:16
marcin_alone stop17:16
=== chuck1 is now known as ctmjr
=== jolaren23 is now known as Jolaren
OerHeksircuser i use alarm-clock gtk http://packages.ubuntu.com/nl/karmic/alarm-clock17:17
zelharthis is the url: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d4c16d53017:17
marcin_there is some cool user here ubuntu?17:18
kaput1hi im looking for help wit mail in terminal, it seems a MTA is needed but cant configure properly17:19
BluesKajmarcin_, nope , no cool users just normal cool users :)17:19
usr13clrg: I never said that Cononical was the largest company in the world, but you'd have to admit that few are as committed to and as all-about OSS17:19
oCean_kaput1: postfix is default17:19
clrgmarcin_: Everyone using a linux distribution is cool17:19
oCean_usr13: this is not the channel for such discussion17:19
oCean_!mta | kaput117:20
ubottukaput1: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA17:20
Stoymarcin_: this is a linux channel, nobody here is coll, everybody is just plain awesome17:20
usr13oCean_: point taken....17:20
clrgusr13: Sun: Java, MySQL, OpenSolaris, JavaScript, ZFS, all of it is open source, and the company is huge. But we're offtopic, lets discuss this some other time.17:21
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
burzkiclrg, ^^17:21
jcc1kaput1 you need an MUA, mail user agent, if you're looking for a good one try pine or use one of the supplied like Kmail or Thunderbird17:21
oCean_clrg: you're more then welcome to continue in #ubuntu-offtopic :-)17:21
marcin_ marcin_: this is a linux channel, nobody here is coll, everybody is just plain awesome17:21
kaput1thx i tried those tw0 exim and postfix installed but not right apparently.  my goal : use mail  with cron17:21
jcc1exim and postfix are servers not "mailers"17:22
kaput1any up to date tutorials? last i found dated a bit17:22
TheNational22after I edit the ~/.bashrc file, what is the command I run so the alias I added will work? thank you fo ryour help17:23
kaput1dont need server ( unless onlyway to go) just be able to mail with crontab17:23
oCean_TheNational22: "source ~/.bashrc" or even ". .~/.bashrc"17:23
jcc1are you trying to send an email from the client? then use a mail USER agent and set it up to contact your mail server17:23
marcin_that is I am doing the bad impression17:23
jcc1Postfix and Exim are servers, not USER agents17:24
TheNational22@ oCean Thanks17:24
oCean_TheNational22: err typo: ". ~/.bashrc"17:24
mac9416If I install python2.5 and python-dev, will the python-dev modules be made available to python2.5 or only python2.6?17:24
burzkimarcin_, contribute or go away17:24
kaput1echo "email content" | mail -s "email subject" me@gmail.com17:24
kaput1thats what i want17:24
peter___i want to put cURL on my usb-stick, so that i can use it on every ubuntu-machine where i am working on. how can i do this?  normally curl installs required libs to /usr/local or anywhere else.17:25
clrgkaput1: You probably need to use the relay-SMTP-server of your provider. Configure your mail server to work with a smarthost.17:25
kaput1tried exim, postfix, sendmail, sendEmail, i seem to be conf challenged :(17:25
jcc1kaput1, try the above and see if it helps you17:26
kaput1thx jcc1  illo try.   if you got more links ill have a look :)17:26
jcc1kaput1 you are trying servers, not USER agents17:26
marcin_goods I am falling I thought that here I would learn something but widzie I am wrong17:26
jcc1"mail" is a user agent, you just need to set it up properly17:27
kaput1ok want to set up mail then17:27
jcc1try the above link to see if it helps you17:27
mkamarcin_, ??17:28
jcc1personally, I would use "pine" in a terminal or Thunderbird, kmail, etc17:28
HipsterDoes anyone know if Windows 7 does something funky with its partitions?17:29
m666hi - there is such thing as a program to linux for the creation of websites or a program to create flash based stuff???17:29
Dr_WillisHipster:  yes it does.. happy now? :)17:29
oCean_Hipster: you are aware that this is ubutnu support channel?17:29
HipsterI am aware :p17:29
HipsterI'm trying to dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu17:29
steffan!html > m66617:30
ubottum666, please see my private message17:30
Hipsterand when I get to the disk management section of the installer, it shows the drive my win7 partition is on as compeltely unallocated17:30
Dr_WillisHipster:  win7 makes what amounts to a 'boot' partition by default for it to use.17:30
m666how can i remove excess lines in grub from privuous ubuntus?17:30
Dr_WillisHipster:  no idea on that quirk. Good luck. :)17:30
HipsterDr_Willis: Heh, thanks17:31
Dr_WillisHipster:  windows has a feature to resize its own partitions. I would use windows to reeize. and leave part of the HD unallocated.17:31
White_Pelicanis there any way to customize the toolbar in Nautilus?17:31
m666how can i be sure that ive uninstalled wine completely?17:32
Dr_Willism666:  apt-get purge wine    - removes the binary and system configs.17:32
Dr_Willism666:  it does NOT remove the users personal wine configs/files17:32
clrgm666: "sudo apt-get remove --purge wine; sudo apt-get autoclean"17:33
burzkiHipster, if you want to dual boot windows and ubuntu, get windows installed on the disc first and then ubuntu from there.  should be no problem.  going the other way asks trouble ..17:33
Hipsterburzki: Alrighty, thanks17:34
itsnotstalkingwhat do i install to control my virtual desktops in open box? i need a way to switch between then17:34
clrgburzki, Hipster: Since windows overrides GRUB. You won't be able to boot Ubuntu if you install windows afterwards.17:34
jcc1kaput1, try this, http://www.december.com/unix/tutor/mail.html then send a test email while tailing /var/log/mail.log to see what happens with your mail17:35
BluesKaj!grub | Hipster17:35
ubottuHipster: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:36
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jcc1it may be that it's getting bounced because your system is a dhcp box and gmail will not accept it do to spam issues17:37
jcc1you may need a relay17:37
clrgjcc1: Exactly what I said minutes ago. Use your provider's SMTP server as a smarthost, then your email will be delivered.17:37
=== Qtpaxa is now known as Sucrot
MaletorHello 'sudo lm-sensors' yields '# no driver for AMD K10 thermal sensors yet'. I need some serious help!17:39
jcc1kaput1, if so, then you will need to setup a server to relay your mail, i.e. google postfix and relay17:39
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SteveIgnoranthow do i know if i properly forwarded a port17:40
xoverhow do i change the pre-login message for GDM?17:40
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TheVenerableZ1Whenever I try to share a folder, I get this error: "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Logon failure". I am trying to share my home folder over samba. Any ideas?17:41
xoverSteveignorant, check if the server responds17:41
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nordleI'm using claws-mail, but if the spamassassin module is enabled, I get duplicate emails.  Anyone else noticed this or have an idea what might cause it?17:44
MaletorCan anyone help me with an error from sensors-detect? "No driver for AMD K10 thermal sensors yet"17:44
=== phox is now known as Guest64012
mazda01using partclone within parted magic and i  am trying to clone my ubuntu install from a dieing 20gb hdd to a 40gb hdd. there's only 7gb used for root and 1.5gb used for home but when I use partclone to new partitions, it grows to 21gb and 13.9gb. Any thoughts?17:45
mazda01i thought partclone was only suppose to clone used sectors, not like dd where that copies all sectors, empty or not.17:45
lyseki am trying to setup network in /etc/network/interfaces and when i done that i reload the networking init.d script but i got error: SIOCDELRT: No such process, can You help?17:45
TheVenerableZ1does anyone know how to set up samba?17:45
TheVenerableZ1these Sharing Options aren't working17:46
mazda01lysek, are you using karmic?17:46
Dr_Willismazda01:  you may want to check out the 'fsarchiver' tool -  its not in the repos but on some luive cds - it works on a filesystem level so it only copies the actual data. not empty stuff. and it verifies all files17:46
CodeTBoneHey on a 7.04 LiveCD trying to mount an external drive but when plugged it mounts as read-only, how can I change that?17:46
erUSULlysek: post the interfaces file maybe there is asyntax error ?17:46
Dr_WillisTheVenerableZ1:  i tend to 'sudo apt-get install samba'   the 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'  then edit /etc/samba/smb.conf as needed - changeing the workgroup to what i want. and perhaps enabling the home shares.17:47
mazda01Dr_Willis, that's what partclone claims. i ahve cloned the drive now like 5 times and each time the new partitions hve way more used then before? i don't get it. why would cloning 7ghb to a new drive result in 21gb????17:47
TheVenerableZ1Dr_Willis: I believe I did that, but when I try to connect from another machine on the network, it always says "access denied"17:47
Dr_Willismazda01:  no idea. ive rarely ever used partclone.17:47
snakeIm trying to install virtualbox deb file and when I go to install package it says to close other package managers. i dont have anything else opened (Ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala)17:47
DubAndyI'm trying to reinstall grub from a 9.10 LiveCD but when typing "find /boot/grub OR /grub/stage1" in the terminal I get: No such file or directory. How do I proceed?17:47
mkamazda01, try partimage17:47
mazda01Dr_Willis, don't forget smbpasswd if you're using security=user17:47
erUSULmazda01: maybe you have to pass fsck after the clone operation17:47
Dr_WillisTheVenerableZ1:  you gave the user a samba password?17:47
erUSUL!grub2 | DubAndy17:48
TheVenerableZ1with sudo smbpasswd, yes17:48
ubottuDubAndy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:48
mazda01erUSUL, oh yeah!!!! what options should I run with fsck?17:48
TheVenerableZ1Dr_Willis: with sudo smbpasswd, yes17:48
Dr_WillisTheVenerableZ1:  restart teh samba service perhaps?  see iof teh machine can see/connect to its own shares. I alwasy enable teh 'home' shares in smb.conf17:48
erUSULmazda01: try with normal ones. run it via gparted for example17:48
Dr_WillisTheVenerableZ1:  you did sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME   ?  like that to add a password? for teh user.not for root.17:49
snakeIm trying to install virtualbox deb file and when I go to install package it says to close other package managers. i dont have anything else opened (Ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala)17:49
mazda01erUSUL, didn't even realize that fsck was built into gparted.17:49
erUSULsnake: nor synaptic nor the update-manager ?17:49
CodeTBoneHey I'm on a 7.04 LiveCD trying to mount an external drive but when plugged it mounts as read-only, how can I change that?17:49
TheVenerableZ1Dr_Willis: Yes, like that, the username was by first initial and last name.17:49
erUSULmazda01: it is not built in but can call it on a parition17:49
snakei even checked my processes17:49
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:49
jarray52Is there a guide to reading the output of various commands in Ubuntu? For example, cat /proc/interrupts?17:50
mazda01erUSUL, have you checked out parted magic? it's awesome. the best recovery tool ever. it comes with everything for cloning, restoring, web surfing, everything you name it. im using xchat right now through it17:50
m666do you know of an html channel???17:50
erUSULmazda01: no; i usually have sysrescuecd ;P17:50
tasaduqI need help Installing Ubuntu Karmic on my virtual box17:50
mazda01erUSUL, im in gparted and I clicked on the drive, and clicked check. its running e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/hdd1 right now17:50
erUSULm666: /msg alis list *ĥtml*17:50
starcube1 I followed this guide to run Call of Duty 4 through wine 0.9.56 - http://www.fsckin.com/2008/02/21/how-to-run-call-of-duty-4-cod4-modern-combat-in-linux/ - I then removed installation by using "make uninstall". Now when I try to install the "wine" package using apt-get it wont let me install it as it says this: "wine: Depends: wine1.2 but it is not going to be installed" - I tried to install wine1.2 manually but it still gives the same err17:50
=== tasaduq is now known as tas
lysekerUSUL: http://i49.tinypic.com/23su9dw.jpg17:50
erUSULm666: /msg alis list *html*17:50
SilverFo1is it normal for postfix to replace the specified from address with the linux user sending the mail?  I'm sending this mail: http://www.pastebin.ca/1734426, but postfix log files show the from user as www-data@test.com17:51
mazda01erUSUL, i tried that before also, it's more command line driven if I remember, parted magic is using a super recent kernel, it's all gui driven and it's got the latest of gparted and all others17:51
TheVenerableZ1Dr_Willis: How can I know what to set the workgroup to?17:51
CodeTBoneIn karmic is it possible to install and older version of a package?17:51
mazda01erUSUL, even has the latest google chrome and I likes!!!17:51
tasI NEED HELP!!17:52
erUSULlysek: do ot see anything wrong except that for readibilty is good to indent the last 3 lines17:52
protoplayhow do i set the X server to use 16bpp in ubuntu?17:52
erUSULmazda01: would have a lok thanks17:52
mazda01erUSUL, testdisk, everything you'd want.  http://partedmagic.com/17:52
erUSULprotoplay: with a custom xorg.conf ?17:52
=== SilverFo1 is now known as SilverFox
protoplayerUSUL, what do i add to it?17:52
DubAndyHow do I know which partition is my boot? paste.ubuntu.com/350464?17:53
mazda01erUSUL, yeap, that was it. after rtunning fsck it now says only 8gb is used on root. YES!!!! now to do /home. thanks everyone17:53
erUSULprotoplay: if you do not have one generate it with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'17:53
fumblesAny ideas on accessing a shared drive that's shared through my router (belkin N+) The Belkin folder is visible in network but I am unable to retrieve the file list17:53
erUSULprotoplay: then tweak it. should be plenty of info in the web17:54
ecolitangrub menu.lst is not there????17:54
jsohi! can someone tell me from I can download tahoma.ttf ?17:54
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ecolitanin karmic17:54
DubAndyfumbles: Most likely NTFS or FAT32 partitioned17:54
erUSUL!caps | tas17:54
ubottutas: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:54
fumblestas: you have said nothing about your problem17:54
Guest1648hi! can someone tell me from I can download tahoma.ttf hmm ?17:55
erUSUL!info mstcorefonts17:55
ubottuPackage mstcorefonts does not exist in karmic17:55
fumblesinstalling in a vm is simply using a mounted iso then it should just work17:55
tasfumbles: Can I post here the problem?17:55
erUSUL!info msttcorefonts17:55
ubottuPackage msttcorefonts does not exist in karmic17:55
Hammer89is there a config file for UFW where I can update/change rules manually?17:55
* DubAndy is lolling at Guest164817:55
tasfumbles: or send you a picture of it?17:55
fumblestas: there is pastebin17:55
ecolitanhow do I edit settings that I would find in /boot/grub/menu.lst in karmic ?17:55
Guest1648!info msttcorefonts17:55
ubottuPackage msttcorefonts does not exist in karmic17:55
mneptok!info ttf-mscorefonts-installer17:55
ubottuttf-mscorefonts-installer (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.0 (karmic), package size 35 kB, installed size 196 kB17:55
fumblestas: you can ompload the picture so we can see it or pastebin the error17:55
erUSUL!info ttf-mscorefonts-installer | Guest164817:56
ubottuGuest1648: ttf-mscorefonts-installer (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.0 (karmic), package size 35 kB, installed size 196 kB17:56
guntbert!pastebin | tas17:56
ubottutas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:56
MaletorCan anybody help me set up my K10 Thermal sensors?17:56
DubAndyecolitan: I'm having the same type of problem. Private chat?17:56
Guest1648thx :)17:56
CodeTBoneHey how can I mount a read-only filesystem to read-write?17:56
ecolitanbetter to have the answer for everyone I would think DubAndy17:56
XfactI am running latest version virtual box and it's not mounting my pointer in windows 2000! What to do?17:56
SeveasCodeTBone, sudo mount -o remount,rw /path/to/mountpoint17:57
dnivraecolitan: grub2 is kind of different. check the grub2 documentation; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2.17:57
DubAndyecolitan: It's Grub2 in 9.10 and upgradable from 9.04. I was referred to this  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2.17:57
tasfumbles: http://imagebin.org/7796517:58
White_Pelicanis there any way to customize the toolbar in Nautilus?17:58
ecolitanok cool, i'm reading it now..17:58
DubAndyHow do I know from the FDISK output which one of the partitions is the boot partition? http://paste.ubuntu.com/35046417:59
fumblesDubAndy: it's ntfs and I have the latest ntfs-3g package as well as samba417:59
fumblesand samba is working correctly as I have Cups working for my shared printer18:00
edbianDubAndy, you can't really.  A linux boot partition doesn't even need the boot flag.  You can look at gparted, it's usually easier that way.18:00
Hammer89is there a config file for UFW where I can update/change/delete rules manually?18:00
edbianDubAndy, also, if you are running that system right now, look at /etc/fstab18:00
tasfumbles: did you see the image?18:00
CodeTBoneStill read-only18:00
CodeTBoneIt says the whole drive is read-only18:01
DubAndyedbian: I am on a live cd. I can mount the filesystem and check the fstab file18:01
edbianDubAndy, yes18:01
om26er_why is plymouth still not uploaded to lucid by default?18:01
edbiandropedrobarri, hi!18:01
fumblestas: what are you trying to do?18:02
MaletorSomeone please help me with the K10 Thermal sensors? Updating my kernel to 2.6.33 did not help.18:02
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lysekerUSUL: it was coLinux related, not ubuntu problemm i have fixed it :-)18:02
fumbleslooks like setting up virtual box18:02
erUSULlysek: ok ;)18:02
tasfumbles: I am trying to install ubuntu karmic into my virtual box through the iso18:02
fumbleswhat distro are you using?18:03
fumblesas a host*18:03
ArctcChilcould anyone help explain why my media buttons are working in progressively less ways?18:03
tasfumbles: but whem I click on run the demo and install, it shows this screen18:03
sparwwHi! Newb here. I just installed proftd from the terminal. Now what? How do i find the program? It says its started from inetd/xinetd..18:03
guntberttas: tell us more - that picture is not so helpful18:03
tasguntbert: more like what?18:03
ArctcChilHow do I return my appearance preferences to Ubuntu defaults, anyone?18:03
icerootsparww: if someone wants to connect to your ftp-server. the inet-daemon is starting proftpd18:03
djharbyi have a hp netbook running 9.10 remix any know why i would lose wifi for no apparent reason? i amusing the b43 driver18:04
icerootsparww: so no need to start ftp by hand18:04
CodeTBoneSeveas, it says the entire drive is read-only18:04
dropedrobarriive just updated to ubuntu 9.10, and my sound card (VIA VT1708) dont work. Ive googled some hours and every web page says that it was a problem related to an ALSA option: Independent HP. Ive switched but it doesnt work anyway.... any idea?18:04
edbiansparww, I usually begin by trying to type the first few letters of the program name or package name into the terminal and pressing tab a bunch to get it to auto-complete.  (eg. firef[tab][tab])18:04
erUSULdjharby: did you installed b43-fwcutter package ?18:04
erUSULdjharby: it needs to be done while connected to insternet18:04
djharbyyes i worked i restarted and it did not18:04
djharbyit had been running fine for like 4 mo18:04
guntberttas: what is your situation (host OS, vbox vdersion, guest OS)? what are you trying to do? what happens?...18:05
djharbyi did hook up the ethernet to get the package18:05
White_Pelicancan someone please answer my question?18:05
edbianWhite_Pelican, say your question again every few minutes.  People join the channel all the time.18:06
sparwwiceroot: how do i configure it then, so i can acces it?18:06
dropedrobarridoes anybody got that VIA V1708 working? it worked with Hardy and Jaunty...18:06
ArctcChilHow do I return my appearance preferences to Ubuntu defaults, anyone?18:06
White_Pelicanis there any way to customize the toolbar in Nautilus?18:06
White_PelicanI want to add icons to it18:06
icerootsparww: /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf is the config-file18:06
tasguntbert: I am using mint right now, want to install ubuntu karmic, vbox v3.0.1018:06
djharbyshowed driver active but networkmanager applet showed it not there18:06
edbianWhite_Pelican, Do you mean the gnome-panels at the top and the bottom?18:06
White_Pelicanno, the toolbar in nautilus18:07
White_Pelicanto do what I used to do in konqueror18:07
edbianWhite_Pelican, I don't know of a way to edit that toolbar.  Sorry! :(18:07
dropedrobarrican someone answer my question or at least give me a point of referene?18:07
White_Pelicanthat's too bad18:07
icerootWhite_Pelican: what about reposting the question in one line with enough details18:07
edbianWhite_Pelican, Just install and use konqueror or dolphin18:07
guntberttas: and what happens? please don't expect us to see it all18:07
sparwwiceroot: what do i need to to except open port 21?18:07
m666how can i install drivers for brother printer and scanner?18:08
White_Pelicanis there any way to customize the toolbar in Nautilus? I want to add icons to it like I used to do in Konqueror18:08
erUSULdropedrobarri: try installing linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic18:08
scunizi!anyone | dropedrobarri18:08
ubottudropedrobarri: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:08
sparwwiceroot: set up passwords and names and such?18:08
ArctcChilHow do I return my appearance preferences to Ubuntu defaults, anyone?18:08
icerootsparww: inetd/poftpd will open that port automaticly if someone is connection18:08
edbianWhite_Pelican, Why not just install konqueror or dolphin and use it instead of nautilus?18:08
CodeTBoneHow can I mount an ntfs external hard drive as read-write while running a 7.04 LiveCD18:08
ArctcChilor is this not possible?18:08
sparwwiceroot: ok! so how do i connect to it?:P18:08
icerootsparww: you are using the system users for ftp, at them to the group, also read the comments in the config and the manpage to configure it like you want18:08
fumbleswhoa this is unusual. I have Arch, Karmic, and Windows 7 installed. I installed Karmic after Windows-and after Arch so my grub/menu.lst should've been overwritten but catting /boot/...menu.lst gives the arch grub menu and I need to edit the ubuntu one that was installed :x18:09
BesogonWhite_Pelican, Do you mean left panel? If you do, then you can add links there.18:09
White_PelicanI prefer to move away from kde18:09
icerootsparww: with an ftp client18:09
erUSULCodeTBone: install ntfs-config and run it « gksudo ntfs-config »18:09
fumblessry for the large paragraph*18:09
White_Pelicanleft panel?18:09
invaderjonny42I need some help cause I installed ubuntu on a 400 gb partition but i can only use 10 gb of it for storage and moreover in the / directory the folder cdrom says it has like 399 gb free but all of the other folders say only 1 gb is available. What do i do to regain full access to all of my partition?18:09
tasguntbert: after selecting the language, I click on install ubuntu9.10 then it shows up the screen i posted18:09
PyroPheliacan anybody recommend a good bechmaking app for HDs?18:09
sparwwiceroot: i want to acces the ftp-server from my other windows-comp trough the browser. Possible?18:09
icerootsparww: sure18:09
=== D is now known as Guest24883
Guest24883sparww, no18:09
edbianfumbles, grub is in two places, in /boot/grub AND in the master boot record of the drive.18:10
icerootGuest24883: sure it is possible18:10
edbiansparww, yes18:10
fumblesah so I just need to rerun grub-install then using the Arch menu.lst I'm guessing18:10
edbiansparww, are they on the same LAN or over the internet?18:10
invaderjonny42I need some help cause I installed ubuntu on a 400 gb partition but i can only use 10 gb of it for storage and moreover in the / directory the folder cdrom says it has like 399 gb free but all of the other folders say only 1 gb is available. What do i do to regain full access to all of my partition?18:10
Guest24883by yall im off to troll 4chan18:10
sparwwiceroot and edbian: okey18:10
CodeTBoneE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)18:10
CodeTBoneE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:10
fumblesCodeTBone: sudo !!18:10
sparwwedbian: they are connected trough a wired router18:10
edbianCodeTBone, you have another instance of a package manager open somewhere18:10
guntberttas: did you !md5sum the iso?18:10
ArctcChilHow do I return my appearance preferences to Ubuntu defaults, anyone?18:10
icerootCodeTBone: close other processes using the paketmanager18:10
CodeTBoneThat was with sudo18:10
edbiansparww, on the windows machine "ftp://<ip of server"18:11
icerootCodeTBone: like synaptic18:11
tasguntbert: what is that? how to do that?18:11
fumblesCodeTBone: ah yeah what iceroot said then my bad18:11
edbianiceroot, is that right? ^ ^18:11
CodeTBoneOops my bad.....had synaptic open full screen right behind it18:11
icerootedbian: sure18:11
guntbert!md5sum | tas18:11
ubottutas: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:11
sparwwedbian: and i need to setup like pw and login in the conf file?18:11
edbianCodeTBone, Told you so!18:11
icerootCodeTBone: :) sometimes its a good idea to read the error-message :)18:11
edbiansparww, the config file handles all of that yea18:11
CodeTBoneFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/ntfs-3g/libntfs-3g0_1.328-1_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]18:12
CodeTBoneFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/ntfs-3g/ntfs-3g_1.328-1_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]18:12
CodeTBoneE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?18:12
Besogoninvaderjonny42, You should edit fstab file18:12
ArctcChilHow do I return my appearance preferences to Ubuntu defaults, anyone?18:12
icerootCodeTBone: read the error-message18:12
edbianCodeTBone, no offense but do you not remember that 7.04 is not supported anymore?  All of the repos are GONE18:12
invaderjonny42I need some help cause I installed ubuntu on a 400 gb partition but i can only use 10 gb of it for storage and moreover in the / directory the folder cdrom says it has like 399 gb free but all of the other folders say only 1 gb is available. What do i do to regain full access to all of my partition?18:12
hey_joei have a system drive full, and du --max-depth=1 -h says i have 25G in "."18:12
dropedrobarrihey, ive just realized that i havent got any menu.lst :S18:12
hey_joewhats up with that?18:12
hey_joeall the other root folders look of average size...18:12
CodeTBoneYeah, im aware, thats why Im asking for a workaround to that18:12
edbiandropedrobarri, the new grub is configured differently.  I'm not sure how it works now! :P18:13
edbianinvaderjonny42, hi!18:13
invaderjonny42hello edbian and coregrl18:13
dropedrobarrihow am i supposed to edit grub settings? maybe any software? or it placed somewhere else?18:13
g_khatwani123i have to remove half installed package from ubuntu.i mean a package was downloaded 49% now i want to remove it, but i am not able to remove it as there is a message that it can't be removed as it not installed18:13
edbianinvaderjonny42, You / and your /home are probably different partitions.  Do you have gparted installed?18:13
ArctcChilHow do I return my appearance preferences to Ubuntu defaults, anyone?18:14
coreGrlI heard it's possible to grow the power of my wifi card in ubuntu, to set something in /lib/.. somewhere.. but I don't recall where18:14
coreGrlany hint?18:14
invaderjonny42but it says it is all one18:14
White_Pelicanis there any way to customize the toolbar in Nautilus? I want to add icons to it like I used to do in Konqueror18:14
tasguntbert: 0de66f1d05086fc1aaa6cfa9168d0049  ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso18:14
edbianinvaderjonny42, Look open it up and look at your partitions, do you have / and /home on different partitions?  How big is each one?  If that's the issue we can fix it! :)18:14
SucrotWhite_Pelican: just drag them there18:14
tasguntbert: is that correct?18:14
ArctcChilcoreGrl: what distro are you running?18:14
coreGrlubuntu 9.1018:14
guntberttas: please compare yourself18:14
dnivraCodeTBone, The only workaround would be to search the internet for all the deb packages of 7.04, their dependencies, download each and install them separately. or just install a supported distro. That's all I can think of.18:15
edbianCodeTBone, I would rather kill myself than do that18:15
White_PelicanSucrot, drag them from where?18:15
ArctcChilcoreGrl: what does the "core" stand for?18:15
invaderjonny42no the only partitions i have is my ps3 which is 80 gb my linux which is 400 gb and my backup which is 900 gb18:15
tasguntbert: website has different key, I am assuming its because the website like has 8.10 version18:15
* dnivra agrees with edbian on the downloading deb packages one.18:15
CodeTBoneYeah, well this disc is full of source code and I kinda want to keep it18:15
invaderjonny42w/ no drop down lists18:15
SucrotWhite_Pelican: do you want to put your apps there??18:15
edbianinvaderjonny42, You have 3 hard drives each with 1 big partition?  How are you looking at the hdd of your ps3?  I'm confused18:16
coreGrlArctcChil, I'm a programmer and I have often a core dump :D18:16
DubAndyWhen I type mount /dev/sdb2 /mount/boot I get: Specify the filystem. It only says Extended so I don't know what to specify in the mount command? Because it's not EXT3/EXT4 that I've already tried.18:16
guntberttas: every image has its own checksum, they are all listed - please compare with your version18:16
raikwhen i open my firefox it freezes and also cause whole system to freezed?18:16
g_khatwani123i have to remove half installed package from ubuntu.i mean a package was downloaded 49% now i want to remove it, but i am not able to remove it as there is a message that it can't be removed as it not installed18:16
SucrotWhite_Pelican: you can just right-click on it --> add..18:16
invaderjonny42oh no they are each a partition on my l.5 tb external hard drive18:16
White_Pelicanon the toolbar in nauilus, no. I'm trying to ad cut, copy, paste and delete to the toolbar in nautilus18:16
azrael_hey i need sum help installing flash on ubuntu anyone know the yum command18:17
edbianinvaderjonny42, How much of the linux is filled?18:17
White_PelicanI'm not talking about the panel18:17
edbianazrael_, How are you using yum on ubuntu?18:17
Sucrotg_khatwani123: have you tried "sudo apt-get install -f" and "sudo apt-get clean"18:17
invaderjonny4210 gigs of 400 but in my home it says only 1 gb is available18:17
SucrotWhite_Pelican: ahh I know18:17
edbianinvaderjonny42, empty your trash?18:17
azrael_i install yum it18:17
SucrotWhite_Pelican: right-click on the ubuntu logo18:18
edbianinvaderjonny42, Use the disk analyzer to try and find all that junk18:18
CodeTBoneIve got a small fat32 flash drive, ill just make a couple trips back and forth.  Thanks anyway18:18
DubAndyIs anybody here willing to give me 1on1 private chat help with reconfiguring grub2. I'll even donate to your paypal if you do. please18:18
g_khatwani123whether it will clean half installed package18:18
invaderjonny42but i wanna make it so i don't have 1 gb available but 390 gb available18:18
guntbert!apt | azrael_18:18
MaletorWhat do I do about enabling K10 when lm-sensors doesn't have it?18:18
ubottuazrael_: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:18
azrael_i think it was sudo apt-get yum install18:18
[uNF]I'm having an issue where I have a folder that is on the desktop, but for some reason it's hidden or just not there to see... if I go and search for the folder, I can access it that way, or view it in a terminal... any suggestions?18:18
Sucrotg_khatwani123: just try :)18:18
invaderjonny42i don't have disk analyzer18:18
edbianinvaderjonny42, Are you saying you wanna shrink the linux partition so that it's only 11 or 12 gb big?18:19
Besogoninvaderjonny42, anyway If you need mount some partitions at the boot time change fstab fille. It file can resolve this promblem. Ask ubottu how to do it.18:19
White_Pelicanwhat should i do after I right click on the ubuntu logo I assume you mean the one in the top left18:19
edbianinvaderjonny42, I have no idea why Besogon is telling you that...18:19
azrael_ok but i just knew to install flash18:19
invaderjonny42no i wanna expand the amount of room from the cdrom folder to my /home folder18:19
SucrotWhite_Pelican: yes.. you should read some "edit" buton18:19
White_Pelicanjust says edit menus18:19
guntbert!software | azrael_18:20
ubottuazrael_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:20
edbianinvaderjonny42, how much room is in your cdrom folder?18:20
invaderjonny42390 gb18:20
tasguntbert: its not same? what Do I do? redownload?18:20
anom01yHi, I am setting a laptop up w/ Ubuntu, I had ubuntu 9.10 on but I was told by multiple sources that I must downgrade because the video card in this laptop is now in the "legacy" section18:20
SucrotWhite_Pelican: which toolbar do you want to change?18:20
anom01yso I downgraded to intrepid18:20
guntberttas: uninstall yum, use the ubuntu tools18:20
edbianinvaderjonny42, If you only have 1 partition I do not understand in any way how "the cdrom folder" and the /home have different sizes18:20
anom01ynow, how can I tell if the laptop is working properly w/ correct drivers ect18:20
edbianinvaderjonny42, is the cdrom folder /media/cdrom ? is something mounted in it?18:21
White_Pelicanthe main one in nautilus, where it currently has forward, back, up etc18:21
solar_ant__hi all18:21
g_khatwani123Sucrot:another query is that please help m to know the command to netbeans 5.5 with sun java application server in terminal using internet18:21
solar_ant__I just installed Ubuntu18:21
edbiansolar_ant__, hello18:21
azrael_i just need a link to flash18:21
edbiansolar_ant__, congradulations!18:21
solar_ant__when I play videos in full screen mode18:21
solar_ant__it is not smooth18:21
invaderjonny42if u mean do i have a cdrom folder in my media folder then no18:21
g_khatwani123Sucrot:to install18:21
solar_ant__thanks edbian18:21
edbiansolar_ant__, Video card?18:21
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edbianinvaderjonny42, what is the "cdrom folder" then?18:22
Besogonedbian, Let he make sudo fstab -l. I'm trying to help him like you.18:22
invaderjonny42my cdrom folder is in my / directory18:22
guntbertWhite_Pelican: in my experience nautilus itself is not *very* configurable :-)18:22
solar_ant__edbian:  its an inbuild via card18:22
invaderjonny42its the folder used to boot ubuntu from my external hard drive18:22
solar_ant__edbian:  s3 Unichrome pro18:22
White_PelicanI am finding that out the hard way. perhaps I need to file an rfe18:22
Sucrotg_khatwani123: you want to install netbeans from the internet?18:22
ctmjr!flash > azrael_18:22
edbiansolar_ant__, That's why, its probably just weak and the ubuntu driver for it isn't manufactured by the company that built it so it isn't optimal.  What kinda processor?18:22
ubottuazrael_, please see my private message18:22
Ingsocinvaderjonny42: look in /media/18:22
invaderjonny42all i see is my computers broken hard drive folder18:23
solar_ant__edbian its an athlon process 1.8 mhz18:23
mkainvaderjonny42, isn't /cdrom a link to /media/cdrom ?18:23
g_khatwani123sucrot:netbeans 5.5 with sun java application server18:23
anom01yHi, the video card in my laptop with Ubuntu on it is ATI Radeon mobility 7000 IGP18:23
edbiansolar_ant__, I think it's the pathetically bad driver that we have to use for the unichrome pro chip :(  sorry!18:23
invaderjonny42no such folder her but i'll try maybe its hidden or something18:23
Sucrotg_khatwani123: I don't use that app18:23
anom01yhow do I get the drivers to work for it ?18:23
invaderjonny42nope no luck\18:23
solar_ant__edbian:  would the generic driver do better? Or is there some configurations?18:23
Sucrotg_khatwani123:  but you can search with "sudo apt-cache search netbeans"18:24
edbianmka, how the hell is /cdrom reporting that it has 390gb free and /home says it only has 1 if they're on the same partition?18:24
Sucrotg_khatwani123: maybe you know which of them is it18:24
mkainvaderjonny42, oh to me it's like in you, im suprised, im on livecd18:24
White_Pelicanwhere do I file an RFE for any applications in gnome?18:24
[uNF]I'm having an issue where I have a folder that is on the desktop, but for some reason it's hidden or just not there to see... if I go and search for the folder, I can access it that way, or view it in a terminal... any suggestions?18:24
edbiansolar_ant__, I never looked into it in-depth.  I don't know.  All I know is that it is well known for being poorly supported18:24
ArctcChilHow do I return my appearance preferences to Ubuntu defaults, anyone?18:24
jarray52What does IO-APIC-edge mean when I type cat /proc/interrupts18:24
invaderjonny42i'm on a live usb18:24
invaderjonny42if that could be the caush18:24
g_khatwani123whether it is possible to know about any package what it will isntall18:24
dimitarwhat environment is used in ubuntu studio?18:25
mkaedbian, can you paste "df -h"18:25
GaInaHey people! I have a short question regarding firefox and steam, when used in ubuntu 9.04. anyonw able to help?18:25
invaderjonny42ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ df -h18:25
invaderjonny42Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on18:25
invaderjonny42aufs                  3.9G  3.1G  639M  84% /18:25
invaderjonny42udev                  1.5G  368K  1.5G   1% /dev18:25
invaderjonny42/dev/sdb2             400G   10G  390G   3% /cdrom18:25
dimitarwhat environment is used in ubuntu studio?anyone know????????]18:25
FloodBot4invaderjonny42: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
invaderjonny42/dev/loop0            668M  668M     0 100% /rofs18:25
edbianmka, I'm asking about invaderjonny42's hdds18:25
dimitarwhat environment is used in ubuntu studio?anyone know????????]18:26
mkaedbian, thanks for explaining I just took the issue halfway18:26
defryskdimitar, maybe its on the ubuntu studio site?18:26
edbianinvaderjonny42, I understand now.  You're running ubuntu from your flash drive with your ubuntu partition of that external hdd simply mounted.18:26
mkaedbian, invaderjonny42 that explains it18:26
dimitardefrysk it look like there is nothing?you know maybe?18:26
g_khatwani123sucrot:whether it is possible to know about any package what it will isntall18:26
mkainvaderjonny42, what do you want to accomplish?18:26
edbianmka, I thought I was going nutz for a sec there!18:26
defryskdimitar, nope18:27
edbiansparww, See my pm ??18:27
solar_ant__edbian:  ok thanks18:27
defryskdimitar, probably gnome18:27
Sucrotg_khatwani123: use synaptics18:27
dimitardefrysk ok thanks18:27
invaderjonny42be able to use ALL of my external harddrive's space not just 10 gigs of it18:27
edbiansolar_ant__, Do research!  (google it) you may find something18:27
Sucrotthere you can find all the apps you can install18:27
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GaInaoh come on guys!! someone should be able to help, right?18:27
solar_ant__edbian:  doing it now18:27
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edbianinvaderjonny42, you can, you're being limited by your flashdrive.  The OS is running from the flash drive.  Get it?18:27
mkainvaderjonny42, you can use up to 390GB18:27
trismGaIna: you need to ask your question, or nobody can help you18:27
Guest96976Hi i'm trying to run a game with Wine and sound stops working, someone suggested disabling pulse audio, is this possible and how can I do it?18:28
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Maletorhow do i install linux 2.6.33rc2 from kernel.ubuntu.com. Do I need to download both the headers and the image?18:28
invaderjonny42? in my cdrom folder YES in my /home folder NO18:28
anom01yHi, ok so because of my video card (ati radeon mobility 7000 igp) I was forced to downgrade to ubuntu 8.10 from 9.1018:28
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Dr_WillisGuest96976:  check the wine app database for teh specific game also - there may be some suggestions as to what to tweak with it.18:28
anom01yhow do I get the binary drivers for this video card ?18:28
edbianinvaderjonny42, the /home/you folder is on the flash drive18:28
GaInatrism: I did, first thing as I logged on here. Question was how to make the protocol for steam work with firefox, so the links in firefox for steam, open the program itself18:28
Guest96976Dr_Willis: i couldn't find anyone else who had the same problem18:28
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:29
invaderjonny42it says i have 1 gb remaining when i should have 390 gb remaining18:29
mkainvaderjonny42, you have no separate /home partition18:29
edbianinvaderjonny42, So you want to run from the flash drive but use the space on the HDD as your /home folder?18:29
Drakesonis it possible to "minimize evolution to tray" (keep it running without a window) ?18:29
Dr_WillisGuest96976:  ive never had to disable pusle for my wine games. so not sure of the proper way to do it. You could try running the game in wine. with a differnt window manager. one thats not using pulse i guess.18:29
Besogoninvaderjonny42, Can you reinstall ubuntu? It will be more easy for you. I know how to resolve your problem but it's too long to explain18:29
Dr_Willis!info anytray18:29
ubottuPackage anytray does not exist in karmic18:29
mkainvaderjonny42, it should NOT be 390 remaining18:29
invaderjonny42oh wait no18:29
anom01y!info binary18:29
ubottuPackage binary does not exist in karmic18:29
Dr_Willis!info alltray18:29
ubottualltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 58 kB, installed size 256 kB18:29
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:30
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:30
edbianinvaderjonny42, well you don't understand the underlying issue at hand but I'll show you anyway how to do it.  Do you know the /dev name of the linux partition on the hdd?18:30
Dr_WillisDrakeson:  see 'alltray' tool18:30
invaderjonny42my internal hdd is broken so i'm running all off my external hard drive18:30
anom01ywell thanks for the help18:30
trismGaIna: sorry, the only messages in my logs were you asking to ask a question about firefox and steam, and see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-433548.html for a possible solution18:30
guntbert!askthebot | anom01y18:30
ubottuanom01y: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:30
invaderjonny42yes linux18:30
DrakesonDr_Willis: but what is this indicator applet doing then?18:30
Drakesonit keeps pidgin running18:30
edbianinvaderjonny42, /dev/sdX  (replace X with what it needs to be)18:30
Dr_WillisDrakeson:  no idea. Not sure what you are really trying to do. I dont use evolution.18:30
edbianinvaderjonny42, also: "gksu gedit /etc/fstab"18:31
jgais there any way to login to a password protected smb via nautilus?  my smb allows for read only guest access, but I need to be able to write to files and nautilus won't ask me for a password18:31
DrakesonDr_Willis: what do you use?18:31
WAR10CKAnyone know where to find Silan Ethernet driver18:31
GaInatrism: yeh, I kinda missed on the actual questionasking..-.- thanks though!18:31
Dr_WillisDrakeson:  for email i just use my gmail account.18:31
trismGaIna: you're welcome, hope it works for you18:31
DrakesonDr_Willis: I see. what do you use for new mail notification?18:31
invaderjonny42no luck says no such file or directory exists18:31
Dr_WillisDrakeson:   theres gmail notify extensions for the browser and panels.18:32
edbianinvaderjonny42, you typed it wrong "gksu gedit /etc/fstab"18:32
Dr_WillisDrakeson:  not athat i worry too much about  beiing notified instantly when i get new mail18:32
DrakesonDr_Willis: thanks. I'll try them18:32
bvalek2mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory <- this is my problem. how can i fix it? thanks18:32
invaderjonny42erm i meant the first command18:32
invaderjonny42but the second doesn't work either18:32
mkainvaderjonny42, edbian, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab18:33
edbianinvaderjonny42, The first command is a question:  what is the /dev name of your linux partition.  /dev/sda2 or soemthing18:33
edbianinvaderjonny42, Try gksudo insead of gksu like mka said18:33
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invaderjonny42no luck18:34
invaderjonny42but the first command worked now18:34
invaderjonny42(typed it wrong)18:34
White_Pelicandoes nyone know where I can post an rfe for nautilus?18:34
edbianinvaderjonny42, you have the file open then?18:34
invaderjonny42no no file opes as it should but i'll try again18:34
mozart373I have karmic koala and I can't get jack to work (for rosegarden) could anyone please help? (I ran the alsa information script, and I'm mostly housebroken, I even installed qjackctl....)18:34
GaInatrism: helped a lot, problem solved! Thanks!:D18:35
edbianinvaderjonny42, listen to me.  type this: cd /etc18:35
edbianinvaderjonny42, Does that work?18:35
invaderjonny42there we go it opened a file18:35
edbianinvaderjonny42, ok good, and it has stuff in it?  It's not blank right>18:35
invaderjonny42w/ the command gksu gedit /etc/fstab18:35
edbianinvaderjonny42, Yeah, good does the file have stuff written in it?  It's not empty is it?18:36
invaderjonny42to lines of code in it18:36
bvalek2mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory18:36
bvalek2electricity went off18:36
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edbianinvaderjonny42, perfect.  does one of them say /home?18:36
Dr_Willisbvalek2:  clarify the exact problem/what happened. so we dont have to guess..18:36
invaderjonny42aufs / aufs rw 0 018:36
invaderjonny42tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 018:36
mkainvaderjonny42, can you pastebin this file?18:36
invaderjonny42just did18:37
edbianinvaderjonny42, just making sure ;)  yes pastebin it18:37
Dr_Willisbvalek2:  it sounds like you are sayign the system no longer boots after a power failurem, the error is   that mount error.18:37
edbianinvaderjonny42, ok, give us the link18:37
invaderjonny42how pastebin it?18:37
burzkiDrakeson, per your original ? - i dont think evo can do that .. maybe just run it in another workspace?18:37
azrael_ebian tyvm18:37
guntbert!pastebin | invaderjonny4218:37
ubottuinvaderjonny42: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:37
Xfact( I am not talking about windows or windows related viruses) Linux has any virus yet....?18:37
edbianazrael_, tyvm ??18:37
Ashfire908Is there a way to make Ubuntu One sync files ever so often? I log my IRC stuff to Ubuntu One and until I exit or enter a channel or server, the file will not resync (on the other hand, the files nearly every second, so I don't want to sync on change, just like every few minutes)18:37
invaderjonny42! pastebin18:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:38
invaderjonny42? err idon't get it?18:38
edbianinvaderjonny42, go to the website: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com18:38
Xfacteverybody: can you tell me( I am not talking about windows or windows related viruses) Linux has any virus yet....?18:38
invaderjonny42edbian, kk what u want me to post?18:38
edbianXfact, There are some proof of concept viruses but not a real virus18:39
edbianinvaderjonny42, the contents of /etc/fstab18:39
Blue1edbian: well said18:39
ctmjr!virus > Xfact18:39
ubottuXfact, please see my private message18:39
edbianBlue1, I'm sure it will turn into a flame way anyway :P18:39
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:39
Blue1edbian: doesn't it always?18:39
bvalek2Dr_Willis : i found a similar problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1244466.html18:39
ffission6whats going to be my options for going over to my friends to help him develop a prototype on his machine for a website, he runs windows and i need a temporary ubuntu environment to work within so i can leverage some bash shell tools. what can i run and the easily delete when ia m done, is their a temporary means of running ubuntu?18:39
edbianazrael_, did you want something?18:40
coolcat!virus > coolcat18:40
ubottucoolcat, please see my private message18:40
edbianffission6, The live CD18:40
baldarisHey , i have a virtual box installed , i need to copy some setup files to my extrenal hard drive...what do i need to do..18:40
invaderjonny42they are both fstab and terminal18:40
hichamcan i update initramfs from busybox ?18:40
invaderjonny42(i labeled them respectively)18:40
guntbertedbian: I guess that was Thank You Very Much :)18:41
invaderjonny42edbian, it is both the fstab file and the terminal that okay?18:41
edbianinvaderjonny42, nope, it's only the terminal it's not fstab :(  You have to copy / paste the file  (ctrl + c doesn't work in the terminal)18:41
edbianguntbert, I guess so!18:42
ffission6does livecd ubuntu give me access to python/perl18:42
invaderjonny42oh i know18:42
mozart373please help with jackd... I've searched the forms already, and sound already works, just not with jackd, pulseaudio runs but I don't see any alsa sound server running in 9.10.... http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=5ad845791169f42a46d876152ff8c59e05d0b81218:42
sinanis there a fast was to know the number of thread a process is running ?18:42
invaderjonny42but u get it now on that link?18:42
Blue1ffission6: you understand you can't edit or change anything with livecd, right?18:42
alankilaffission6: perl is mandatory at least for apt & dpkg, so I think so. Probably Python is included too, too many gnome things depend on it.18:43
ffission6wait what?18:43
ffission6i want to be able to run ubuntu on a friends machine18:43
edbianinvaderjonny42, There you go!  That's what I need.18:43
anom01yhow do I enable compositing in ubuntu 8.10 (using gnome enviroment) ??18:43
mkainvaderjonny42, what type of installation do you have. on what machine?18:43
ffission6so i can develop something for him18:43
Blue1ffission6: then live cd will do that..18:43
dnivrabaldaris, you need to install guest additions.18:43
jpdsffission6: Yes it does.18:43
White_Pelicandoes anyone know where I can post an rfe for nautilus?18:43
edbianinvaderjonny42, Look at the output of "sudo fdisk -l" what is the /dev/sdX name of the linux partition?18:43
invaderjonny42its on my external hard drive booted on my hp dv7t quad core and it is ubuntu 9.1018:43
ffission6my situation is i need to go over to his place on his windows machine and prototype a web page for him, to do so i need a linux environment to be productive, can i do this with ubuntu live cd18:44
mkainvaderjonny42, you do not have the a separate /home partition so you are limited to the 639MB available space18:44
Blue1ffission6: but just keep in mind that you aren't going to be editting any files - but this will see how ubuntu runs on another's machine without committing to it18:44
ffission6well i need to write18:44
ffission6whats my options for getting into ubuntu from windwos18:44
edbianffission6, You can run ubuntu using the live CD but you can't save any files (except if you mount is HDD or have a flash drive or something) do you understand?  Cause the OS is running from the CD and CDs or read only (unless you burn to them..)18:44
ffission6can i just download and run wubi, i dont need to burn18:45
alabdwhich package should be installed to have not this error with totem ?The playback of this movie requires a text/html decoder plugin which is not installed.18:45
edbianffission6, The live CD would be easier cause you don't need to install anything on his machine18:45
invaderjonny42mka, is it necessary to have a separate partition?18:45
ffission6i was just told i can not develop with live cd18:45
dnivrabaldaris, in case you've not found it yet https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox would be of help.18:45
jpdsalabd: You're playing an HTML file?18:45
ffission6i need to be able to basically use linux tools i am familiar with to scrape a few webpages18:45
invaderjonny42^ there is my console18:45
ffission6then give him back his windows machine18:46
MaletorWhy do the graphics look so bad on my computer. I have a $140 graphics card NVIDIA 9800GTX+18:46
edbianinvaderjonny42, There is no linux partition according to that fdisk output...18:46
baldarisdnivra, i am just going through it..18:46
guntbertWhite_Pelican: bugzilla.gnome.org18:46
mkainvaderjonny42, not it's not necessary but if /home is not separate you can use up to whatever is avalable for /18:46
Xfactlinux has over 20 known virus and worms! I sould use AV http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_computer_viruses#Worms18:46
alabdjpds: no .wav18:46
dnivrabaldaris, cool! it's all there for sure.18:46
ffission6Blue1 what do you suggest18:46
Dr_WillisXfact:  and how many of those were reported 10+ yrs ago? and no longer affect anything...18:47
ctmjr!nvidia | Maletor18:47
ubottuMaletor: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:47
mkainvaderjonny42, yes edbian is right, there is no linux partition here, did you install ubuntu via Wubi?18:47
Dr_WillisXfact:  do what you want. Have fun.18:47
Maletorctmjr: I have the newest drivers from the website install18:47
mkainvaderjonny42, are you on livecd?18:47
edbianffission6, You can run the entire ubuntu OS from the CD (instead of from a HDD like you would normally run an OS).  You can use all the tools and everything, you can even install packages.  You cannot however save files to a CD (obviously) so use the live CD and just save the files to a jump drive or something.  Understand?18:47
baldarisdnivra, thanks bro..18:47
invaderjonny42i used some ubuntu liveusb cinstaller tool (actually what it called)18:47
edbianmka, He's running from a usb drive18:48
invaderjonny42mka, on liveusb18:48
jpdsXfact: Nothing is ever completely secure anyway.18:48
dnivrabaldaris, no problem. glad I could help out:).18:48
dajascIs there any way to configure Ubuntu to boot other than with GRUB?18:48
ctmjrMaletor: ok by bad what do you mean choppy video ugly text?18:48
ffission6edbian why could i not writew stuff to c?18:48
ffission6not c, i mean hardisk18:48
mkainvaderjonny42, for the second time, what exactly do you want to achieve, sorry to ask this over and over18:48
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing18:49
edbianffission6, You could, but you would have to mount his harddrive (not hard at all really) just takes a little linux know-how18:49
Xfactha ha ok thanks...but most of all companies (AVG, bitdefender) even taking fat money$ for linux anti virus, :-$18:49
ffission6i am going to just install wubi then uninstall18:49
invaderjonny42mka, no prob i want to be able to utilize  all of the 400 gb partition space for my /home directory not just 10gb18:49
snakeis there a way to change screen resolution in terminal18:49
Maletorctmjr: it just doesn't look good, the text is not very well anti-aliased and the graphics definitely look like they could be better18:49
h4fhow do I change from gnome to KDE ?18:49
invaderjonny42should i uninstall it and reinstall it using gubi?18:49
invaderjonny42or what ever it is called18:50
edbianmka, He wants to boot from the live USB and use his linux partition on an external hdd for his /home.  Unfortunately the linux partition on that hdd just dissappeared18:50
dnivrainvaderjonny42, wubi:)18:50
snakeis there a way to change screen resolution in terminal18:50
invaderjonny42dnivra, i should?18:50
edbianinvaderjonny42, I don't suggest wubi at all for you18:50
gfatherhello guys18:50
edbianinvaderjonny42, Where did your linux partition go?18:50
dnivrainvaderjonny42, I don't know; not following your question. just correcting you:).18:51
invaderjonny42edbian, oh ok18:51
mozart373hello????????????? if no one wants to help, please just tell me to bugger off, but this is annoying when nobody responds18:51
dnivramozart373, now certainly nobody will respond18:51
Dr_Willis!patience | mozart37318:51
ubottumozart373: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:51
gfatherjust added an nvidia card to my pc , now i can log into ubuntu , my lcd wont show anything18:51
invaderjonny42okay i'll give you guys step by step what i did last night to hook me up18:51
snakequestion ill try to help18:51
invaderjonny42FIRST i backed up my external harddrive18:51
protoplaymozart373, what was the question?18:51
gfatheris there any way to force a compatabile reolution ?18:51
musictotomozart373 if anyone knows how to solve your problem they will answer. just wait and ask your question every 10 minutes18:51
mozart373I posted it about 5 minutes ago18:51
mozart373I can't get jackd running18:51
istemewhat tool do i use to check a ntfs formatted usb stick for hardware errors on ubuntu? (not filesystem errors, real hardware errors)18:51
invaderjonny42SECOND i repartitioned it gave it three18:51
mozart373here's alsa information18:51
FloodBot4mozart373: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:52
invaderjonny42one having linux 400gb18:52
snakeis there a way to change screen resolution in terminal?18:52
invaderjonny42one having ps3 80gb18:52
mattaiusOut of curiousity, what's the status on having grub2 use the graphical boot options?18:52
ctmjrMaletor: have you played around with nvidia-settings and changed the resolution and refresh rate there is also some settings for other things like vsync and such18:52
mozart373FloodBot4, sorry18:52
Dr_Willissnake:  the xrandr command line tools can do it18:52
darthanubisgfather, you have to get to console shutdown gdm and run nvidia-xconfig18:52
protoplaymozart373, i dont know much about sound, perhaps someone else can help18:52
dnivramozart373, floodbot is a bot BTW18:52
invaderjonny42one having seagate freeagent 900 gb18:52
gfatherdarthanubis how can i do that ?18:52
snakethanks doctor ;)18:52
invaderjonny42then i downloaded and installed ubuntu on it18:52
Dr_Willismattaius:  its a work in progress i hear. :) theres ppa;s of grub with newer features18:52
mattaiusThanks Dr Willis18:52
invaderjonny42(on the linux section)18:52
invaderjonny42and now i'm here18:53
darthanubis!nvidia ? gfather18:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:53
invaderjonny42mka, what did i do wrong?18:53
darthanubis!nvidia | gfather18:53
ubottugfather: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:53
mozart373dnivra, haha, I see :-), hence the "Bot" appended to the name...18:53
dnivramozart373, :)18:53
istemewhat tool do i use to check a ntfs formatted usb stick for hardware errors on ubuntu? (not filesystem errors, real hardware errors)18:54
mkainvaderjonny42, there is no way you have a linux partition on your external HDDs18:54
gfatherdarthanubis but how im going to do that from boot ?18:55
invaderjonny42mka, what you mean?18:55
=== agni109 is now known as agni109`away
invaderjonny42mka, all my partitions are fat32 could that have anything to do with it/.18:55
mkainvaderjonny42, might have installed linux via wubi because linux cannot be installed to fat32 or ntfs filesystem natively18:55
darthanubisgfather, I normally don't do walk through but you will need to take notes18:55
invaderjonny42mka, really the site said otherwise... but okay...18:56
darthanubisgfather, you have to hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to console18:56
gfatherthats on when grub load ?18:56
invaderjonny42mka, i used some installer tool that WAS'T Wubi or at least i don't think it was.18:56
darthanubisgfather, no, after full load18:56
darthanubisgfather, you with me?18:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:57
mkainvaderjonny42, yes, the fact that your partitions are all fat32 and ntfs suggests that18:57
gfatherok , so my lc can load terminal , right ?18:57
gfatherlc= lcd18:57
GnewtI'd like to install Karmic server from USB, but it seems to have some weird issues (won't recognize the "CD-ROM", release codename not found, etc)...18:57
darthanubisgfather, yes18:57
GnewtHow do I install Karmic server from USB?18:57
invaderjonny42mka, should i repartition them and if so to what?18:57
mkainvaderjonny42, yes it's probably that "installer tool" that was wubi18:57
darthanubisgfather, the key sequence I gave you will get you to a console18:57
invaderjonny42mka, and why would that matter18:57
Otacon22Hi all, i was working on the Wiimote and now when i press a key on the keyboard the mouse doesn't move!!!18:57
invaderjonny42mka, furthermore how should i install it then?18:58
darthanubisgfather, to stop gdm type sudo stop gdm or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop18:58
mkainvaderjonny42, it matters because you do not have a /home partition that you can quickly mount now to your liveusb session18:58
ipatrolIs there any way to get a package onto an offline computer?18:58
darthanubisgfather, then sudo nvidia-xconfig18:58
dnivraGnewt, I don't know how to help you but hope this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick18:58
mac9416ipatrol, using packages.ubuntu.com or Keryx.18:58
darthanubisgfather, that should do it, as gdm should restart itself18:58
invaderjonny42ok should i repartition my external hardrive an make a partition called /home?18:59
invaderjonny42mka, and what format should it be/18:59
invaderjonny42mka, ?18:59
Gnewtthanks dnivra, but I followed that guide already. Installer has weird bugs that don't let it work.18:59
mkainvaderjonny42, linux partitions are ext2, ext3, ext4 or reiserfs18:59
ipatrolmac9416: Tg18:59
mac9416ipatrol, no prob. Let me know if you have any trouble with either.19:00
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing19:00
gfatherdarthanubis thanks allot for the help , will test right now :)19:00
dnivraGnewt, alright then. perhaps someone here might be able to help you if you pastebin the errors you get. just a suggestion that's all.19:00
darthanubisgfather, come back and let me know if it worked out for you:)19:00
invaderjonny42okay how do i make one of those from windows vista cause i definitly can't do it on ubuntu seeing as repartitioning it clears the drive allong w/ the linux19:00
guntbert!botabuse | anom01y19:00
ubottuanom01y: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:00
MASARUwotaanon01y: debian is more free :p19:00
MASARUwotaanom01y: debian is more free :p19:00
darthanubisMASARUwota, Ubuntu can be as free as Debian19:01
ipatrolHow can I rename a computer?19:01
anom01yanyone here know anything about Foss drivers ?19:01
invaderjonny42mka, so I need to repartition it as ps3, linux, /home, seagate19:01
guntbert!ot | MASARUwota19:01
darthanubisipatrol, hostname19:01
ubottuMASARUwota: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:01
MASARUwotadarthanubis: and as non-free19:01
darthanubisbut that was not mentioned19:01
invaderjonny42mka, after that how do i reinstall ubuntu?19:01
ipatroldarthanubis: Is there a GUI way19:01
darthanubisipatrol, I'm sure there is. used to be a network config. app in the system menu, it may still be in the repos19:02
invaderjonny42mka, i do have the steps correct, yes?19:02
guntbertanom01y: what is your problem?19:02
mkainvaderjonny42, burn the iso to a disk and shutdown and boot from a cd and install19:02
anom01yguntbert, , I just downgraded beacuse I was told that 8.10 would support my video card (ati radeon mobility 7000 igp)19:02
invaderjonny42can i install it to an external hard drive?19:02
anom01y(from 9.10)19:02
invaderjonny42cause then i'll just mount it to save space19:03
Otacon22I was working on the Wiimote and now when i press a key on the keyboard the mouse doesn't move!!! What happened?19:03
anom01ybut in hardware manager it doesnt give me the option to install any drivers19:03
mkainvaderjonny42, you do NOT need to have /home a separate partition, but it is advantageous to do so19:03
anom01ythe open source drivers that come by default work, but video is choppy (especially flash), and scrolling through web pages is really choppy also19:03
invaderjonny42mka, i'm down with that but how do i do that?19:03
invaderjonny42mka, also how do i make linux partitions on windows (software)19:04
guntbertanom01y: the option in hardware drivers exists only if your card is supported by fglrx..., otherwise the free drivers are used19:04
invaderjonny42mka, aka what do i need to make linux parttions19:04
mkainvaderjonny42, use gparted to resize the partitions19:05
invaderjonny42mka, can i just mount it and copy it to another usb say an ipod?19:05
invaderjonny42mka, cause i don't have any cds19:05
invaderjonny42mka, or dvds19:05
mkainvaderjonny42, you can use liveusb to install as well, i guess19:06
rrc7czhow can I cd into a folder owned by an application user? for example, /var/lib/couchdb/0.10.0 is owned by the couchdb user and I need to get in there to copy a db file19:06
dreamhat_is Ubuntu 100% opensource?19:06
invaderjonny42ok so to do that i mount it and just run the install but choose the ipod as the place to install it?19:07
mkainvaderjonny42, you have 320GB and 1.5TB drives are they which one of them is internal?19:07
guntbertrrc7cz: sudo cp /var/lib/.... <target>19:07
invaderjonny42320gb (which is broken)19:07
grawitydreamhat_: I think it's more like 99%19:07
ionuthi all . does anyone knows how can i divide C class network ( 192.168.0.x ) into two networks using a netmask ?19:07
mkainvaderjonny42, why are you saying it is broken?19:07
guntbertionut: ask in ##networking please19:07
dnivradreamhat_, I don't think so. and I don't think you should pursue it here. head to #ubuntu-offtopic. this is a support channel for ubuntu.19:07
rrc7czguntbert: but I don't know the files it contains? So I'll just copy all of them to a temp dir and see19:07
invaderjonny42mka, cause i burned it out19:08
grawityionut: and
invaderjonny42mka, thats why i'm using ubuntu19:08
culinorhello, do you know how to update virtualbox 3.0.8 on ubuntu19:08
ionutgrawity: why so ?19:08
guntbertrrc7cz: in that case try sudo ls /var/.....19:08
mateuszWitam serdecznie.19:08
mkainvaderjonny42, but fdisk is seeing this drive as well as its partitions19:08
invaderjonny42mka, but only parts of it broke luckily not the raw basic startup files and recovery crap19:08
rrc7czguntbert: that's everything I need, thanks19:08
mozart373!nice -519:08
grawityionut: CIDR19:08
invaderjonny42mka, it is a very wierd situtation i can access it even copy files but yet windows is broken19:09
guntbertrrc7cz: thought so - have fun :)19:09
dnivraculinor, best is to download the latest version from virtual box website and install. they do give the deb file for ubuntu.19:09
grawityionut: and if you need a netmask19:09
culinori want virtualbox OSE19:09
mkainvaderjonny42, i get you now, windows is broken, NOT the drive itself19:09
ionutgrawity:  i am a beginner. i would apreciate if you want to help me explaining19:09
invaderjonny42mka, but it is broken cause even ubuntu says there are MANY bad sectors19:09
dnivraculinor, virtualbox OSE is there in synaptic.19:09
iammiscI want to use fluidsynth but need a low-latency kernel. I read online that ubuntu jaunty doesn't have this kernel, but ubuntu studio does. I don't want ot have to install a new distro just to get low-latency support can I just get the ubuntu studio kernel?19:09
mateuszEj, Amerykanie.19:09
invaderjonny42mka, exactly!19:09
=== Administrator is now known as guest000
guest000can anyone help me, just installed nvidia 96 driver for an old tnt card now, x fails and ubuntu says no screens found......................19:10
guntbert!pl | mateusz19:10
ubottumateusz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:10
ionutgrawity: how did you get this numbers ? and
culinordnivra, it's 3.0.8 OSE19:10
mateuszDobrze, dziękuję.19:10
mateuszHi everybody!19:10
invaderjonny42mka, so i don't wanna install linux on it cause it'll probably hit bad sectors ect19:11
guntbert!hi | mateusz19:11
ubottumateusz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:11
invaderjonny42mka, so how do i proceed19:11
mozart373!nice -1019:11
dnivraculinor, yeah just checked. perhaps that is the latest version for OSE then:).19:11
grawityionut: Divided in two (/24 is "class C")19:11
invaderjonny42mka, step by step would be VERY helpful :)19:11
peter_ninjahello ubuntu19:11
burzkiany info on ubuntu dual boot with mandriva?  grub issues?  thx19:11
mateuszWho here speak Polish?19:11
JolarenI've managed to run a program thro wine, but now I can't send keys into that program. Can anyone tip me?19:12
invaderjonny42maetuz, NOT ME19:12
guntbert!pl | mateusz19:12
graviton!pl | mateusz19:12
ubottumateusz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:12
mkainvaderjonny42, resize the sdb drive and create at least 10GB partition for linux and format is as ext3 filesystem and about 2GB partition for swap19:12
mateuszI from Poland, so...19:12
ionutgrawity: ow,so you chosed the last 2 bytes and divided them ?19:12
guest000can anyone help me, just installed nvidia 96 driver for an old tnt card now, x fails and ubuntu says no screens found......................19:12
culinordnivra, http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/3.1.2/VirtualBox-3.1.2-OSE.tar.bz219:12
grawityionut: ...not really19:12
grawityionut: I think the people at ##networking might be able to explain it.19:13
culinorbut i do not know how to install it or update the current one19:13
mateuszI don't understand what you say.19:13
mkacan we chat in private invaderjonny4219:13
invaderjonny42mka, i'm assuming after i boot it off the ipod19:13
invaderjonny42mka how?19:13
mozart373nice -n -10 echo http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=5ad845791169f42a46d876152ff8c59e05d0b812 jackd doesn't work19:13
guest000why does dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg not work anymore////19:13
dnivraculinor, well there you go. told you the site will have:). they even have instructions on how to install:).19:13
woodyjlwwhat are some other linux os that use gnome desktop like ubuntu? thinking of playing with other os in vbox19:13
=== fran is now known as Guest403
mateuszFuck! I don't understand nothing!19:13
OerHeks!pl | mateusz19:13
ubottumateusz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:13
guntbert!pl > mateusz19:13
ubottumateusz, please see my private message19:13
dnivra!language | mateusz19:13
ubottumateusz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:14
Revolutionarywoodyjlw: linux mint, redhat, fedora19:14
invaderjonny42mka, how19:14
culinori might try again, dnivra, thank you19:14
mateuszHahaha...Thank you very much. Good bye!19:14
guest000can anyone help me, just installed nvidia 96 driver for an old tnt card now, x fails and ubuntu says no screens found......................19:14
=== dad is now known as Guest43826
darthanubisnvidia | guest00019:15
dnivraculinor, sure no problem. and there's a vbox channel #vbox. thought I should tell you.19:15
woodyjlwRevolutionary,  I have heard of red hat before. has it been around long time? with good suport?19:15
guntbert!ot | woodyjlw19:15
ubottuwoodyjlw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:15
guest000can anyone help me, just installed nvidia 96 driver for an old tnt card now, x fails and ubuntu says no screens found......................19:16
mozart373!(leave || rampage)19:16
mozart373goodbye everyone19:16
Revolutionarywoodyjlw: it has good support and it has been around since the 90's but I think you have to pay for the support19:16
darthanubis!repeart | guest00019:16
culinorthank you, dnivra19:16
darthanubis!repeat | guest00019:16
ubottuguest000: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:16
dnivraculinor, no problem.19:16
woodyjlwRevolutionary, thanks]19:16
=== General13372 is now known as General1337
matelot? How to move a menu item up a level ? see screen : http://i.imgur.com/ZqvIC.png19:17
ctmjrguest000: nvidia's web sight will teel you what driver to get 96 seems to new to me19:17
guest000ctmjr, i dont have x to get to a website19:17
dnivraguest000, there's a browser in the command line.19:17
grawityguest000: w3m, lynx, elinks19:17
Guest43826Hi, I'm running great on Ubuntu 6.1 on my old laptop. But just noticed none of the servers work for Synaptic - is that because I have an old unsupported version?19:17
nmvictori have Huawei E220 GSM modem, i want to see some basic information about the device such as the modem-type, i have used lsusb and it not helping much, what other options are available?19:18
grawityGuest43826: Correct19:18
SeveasGuest43826, yes.19:18
grawitymatelot: open the menu editor, then drag and drop.19:18
grawitymatelot: The program name is 'alacarte'19:18
SeveasGuest43826, nobody supports 6.10 anymore, you'll need to reinstall19:18
asina12could someone plz tell me what port 5883 and 49239 are for??19:18
Seveasasina12, look in /etc/services :)19:19
darthanubisasina12, google is a better tool for that19:19
matelotgrawity, trying now, didn't know you can d-and-d in menu editor19:19
DubAndyCan anyone give me a "Reconfigure Grub2 Total Noob Guide 2010". I can't seem to get it to work, and without grub fixed, I can't fix fstab, and without fstab I can't use samba, and without samba. Im seriously thinking of killing myself...19:19
guest000ctmjr, 96 is the oldest nvidia driver I see in apt?19:19
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:19
Seveas!grub2 > DubAndy19:19
ubottuDubAndy, please see my private message19:19
darthanubisDubAndy, there is a Grub2 user guild onthe Ubuntuforums website19:19
mateuszI'm back!19:20
ctmjrguest000: i did not say apt i said nvidia's web site look under legacy drivers19:20
Evilice05Hello All, Trying to get my 2 wifi cards working both i am aware that both have problems, i have gotten my bcm43xx (internal wifi card on the dell insprion 1501) to work in gentoo and fedora with ndiswrapper and fwcutter. but for some reason i cant get it to work on ubuntu or my wusb600n =\ ndiswrapper works and install drivers but when modprobe is done it cant find ndiswrapper.ko . where wld i obtain this my computer doesnt have it anyw19:20
Evilice05here i beleive i have copied it from misc b4 on other distros. Thank you.19:20
Guest43826Thanks. Can I upgrade 6.1 to 8.04 LTS over the network somehow? "update manager" doesn't seem to be installed, and obviously synaptic can't get it.19:21
asina12Seveas: I did..i search for that port and couln't find anything19:22
klownGuest43826, why not a full install of 9.04/9.10, instead of trying to upgrade.  start out fresh :)19:22
Seveasasina12, then google may help :)19:22
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gfatherdarthanubis no console apeared19:23
guest000ctmjr, thanks19:23
darthanubisgfather, what exactly did happen?19:23
gfathernothing happend19:24
Guest43826klown: my old laptop and old wifi card don't play well with new 7.x 8.x or 9.x installations - every time I get a read error on the CD ROM.19:24
ctmjrguest000: your welcome make sure you uninstall the 96 driver before you install the older one19:24
D-coyhi all o/19:24
shad0w_crashI got a problem with double screens,. when i display them mirrored everything is just fine, when I disable my 2nd screen (laptop enabled) everyting is fine,. but when I enable the second screen both go black... any clue anyone?19:24
guest000ctmjr, ok.19:24
darthanubisgfather, there is no way for me to confirm or deny that, so i can't help. "Nothing" seems highly improbable, as "something" always happens.19:25
klownGuest43826, sounds like you have quite a problem then, seeing as 6.x isnt supported anymore.19:25
asina12Seveas: they're unassigned19:25
guest000ctmjr, do I need a reboot inbetween the 2?19:25
Guest43826I am able to get Qimo to boot, but it won't recognize my wifi card..19:25
Guest43826is there an IRC for Kubuntu?19:26
kzdHow can I change default device input on Camorama ?19:26
klownGuest43826, #kubuntu19:26
shad0w_crashI got a problem with double screens,. when i display them mirrored everything is just fine, when I disable my 2nd screen (laptop enabled) everyting is fine,. but when I enable the second screen both go black... any clue anyone?19:26
gfatherdarthanubis myabe my lcd is not accepting the console resolution19:26
ctmjrguest000: i would just to be safe19:27
guest000ctmjr, aight19:27
arbirhow can i disable the extra ttys . i dont need 6 of them. just 2 will suffice. i can comment out the spawn getty line in /etc/init/ttyX.conf , but, is there a proper way to do it from a program ?19:27
Evilice05depmod -a19:27
gremoshi everybody19:27
Evilice05oops wrong window19:27
darthanubisgfather, it should be a resolution that is easily displayable by any screen. Try booting a livecd to confirm that theiry?19:27
gfatherdarthanubis ok19:28
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nztalcan anyone suggest a bandwidth meter for keeping track of mobile usb 3g usage ?19:29
gfathernztal no , and they are bad :)19:29
gfatherthey dont have any config stuff , and i hate thos things19:29
VCoolioarbir: regarding cpu or mem usage it doesn't really matter; I checked once and the solution was something like you mentioned19:30
arbirVCoolio: there must be a way to enabled and disable stuff from various run levels19:30
Ddordais it possible to make a network between 2 pc's with USB cable?19:30
guntbert!runlevel | arbir19:31
ubottuarbir: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.19:31
trismarbir: the current way to disable upstart scripts seems to be to rename them to something that doesn't end in .conf, so moving them to /etc/init/ttyX.conf-disabled should work19:31
OerHeksDdorda yes, with a special usb cable19:31
Dr_WillisDdorda:  not a normal usb cable.  that i know of.. Ive seen special usb cables..19:31
Dr_WillisDdorda:  firewire can however. :)19:31
arbirtrism: alright :-). thats all i wanted to know. thanks..  so commenting out stuff works fine for me.19:32
VCoolioarbir: sysv-rc-conf does that, but no options for getty there19:32
DdordaDr_Willis: if I have a USB cable that can connect the pc in the 2 sides, hwo do I connect between them?19:32
burzkiwanting to install a dual boot of mandriva using grub1 alongside my existing karmic using grub2 .. anyone know how this will sort out or howto set it up properly??19:32
arbirVCoolio: cool!19:32
_rabe_what is the command for mkfs fat16?19:32
jo1Hello, I just compiled alsa on ubuntu server 9.10. Sound works fine with sudo but how do I make my user able to get sound? (I did do gpasswd -a <myuser> audio)19:33
arbirVCoolio: i remember doing something like this in Redhat, when it was free in the past19:33
clrg_rabe_: mkfs.vfat -F 1619:33
iceroot_rabe_: man mkfs19:33
_rabe_clrg, tnx19:33
DdordaOerHeks:  if I have a USB cable that can connect the pc in the 2 sides, hwo do I connect between them?19:33
Dr_WillisDdorda:  and where did this cable come from? Is there some block in the middle of it?19:34
Dr_WillisDdorda:  or is it some modular cable you can change the ends?19:34
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remuhey folks, i'm having an issue with cups. i have set the printers on my machine as shared with cups, and i also have allowed internet printing. in a previous setup i had dyndns setup to point to my router and adding :631 to the end of it took me to the cups page on my machine, now however it gives me an error 400. if i am on the lan, and use the machines ip:631 it works fine. i have made sure to forward ports properly19:34
DdordaDr_Willis: no, it's just a simple USB cable that came with my HDD19:35
guntbertclrg: thanx for your pointer regarding chroot (yesterday) - I had to leave - in the meantime I found what I was really looking for: http://www.nistor.co.uk/2009/12/chroot-into-ubuntu-from-debian/ (the mount --bind lines)19:36
Dr_WillisDdorda:  its not a special usb cable then. Dont plug it in from PC to PC.19:36
PyroPhelia've got a software raid 6 with 15 hard drives.  should I configure lvm to conform to the stripe width of the software raid or is the stripe function of lvm seperate from actual raids?19:36
Joshihello people!19:36
ctmjrDdorda: and one end has to usb plugs one red one black or another color19:36
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:36
Ddordactmjr: I see..19:36
jcc1remu, check cups config files to see if only the local network is allowed19:37
jo1Hello, I just compiled alsa on ubuntu server 9.10. Sound works fine with sudo but how do I make my user able to get sound? (I did do gpasswd -a <myuser> audio)19:37
OerHeksDdora > no, that cable does not work, you need a special like this > http://www.digitus.info/digitus-data/bilder/ma-product-images-collage-high/183884.jpg19:37
remujcc1: where would this be located?19:37
erUSULPyroPhelia: i spect that aligned stripes all thrught the stack gives better performance19:37
DdordaOerHeks: and do I need any special app to install? or it will work just like regular network?19:37
guest000how do I kill X from the command line?????19:38
cokencodeguest000, xchat?19:38
grkblood13where do the system emails go?19:38
PyroPheliaerUSUL, yes that would make sense, but lvm only sees "1" device, so how do I configure the stripe width?19:38
jcc1in /etc/cups but I don't remember which file, but they are commented19:38
DdordaOerHeks: it's a netlink adapter, I want to make network between those19:38
erUSULPyroPhelia: that i duno sorry :|19:38
ctmjrguest000: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop if using gnome19:38
jcc1they go to var/spool/mail/<username>19:38
morphiasi applied a transparent bar to my panel but the indicator applet isn't going transparent.  does anyone know how to edit the gtkrc to change the style on the applet?19:39
OerHeksDdorda yes you can, with this cable, but 2 networkcards + 1 cable is much cheaper19:39
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd19:39
guest000ctmjr, thanks19:39
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP19:39
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DdordaOerHeks: Im on a laptop :P and is it so expencive?19:40
jsilverhow do i turn off the black notification ballons in ubuntu??? how do i get the messaging indicator back? i dont want to use empathy/evolution, just pidgin and thunderbird? how do i turn off the update status indicator? little red /!\19:40
erUSULDdorda: http://www.linux-usb.org/usbnet/19:41
jcc1jsilver, I asked that question hours ago, still waiting... :-)19:41
clrgjsilver: To remove undesired programs, run: "sudo bash -c "apt-get update; apt-get remove undesired-package" "19:41
jsilverok, not trying to remove anything19:42
clrgjsilver: I thought you didn't want evolution?19:42
jsilvertrying to turn off black note balloons19:42
Pitzwhere r everyone here from?19:42
jsilveri dont care if evolution is installed19:42
jcc1They aren't supposed to be black, there is a font issue of some sort19:42
jsilveri want to ged rid of balloons19:42
guntbert!ot | Pitz19:42
clrgjsilver: sudo apt-get install pidgin thunderbird19:42
ubottuPitz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:42
jsilverclrg, i have them already19:42
jsilverall set up19:42
Pitzoh sorry19:42
jsilveri want to ged rid of balloons <---19:42
FloodBot4jsilver: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:42
jsilverand red notification19:42
jsilverand XP shit19:43
clrgjsilver: Stop flooding19:43
ActionParsnipis there a way to send sound from one ubuntu system to another to then output on the other system's speakers?19:43
jcc1yes there is19:43
ActionParsnipcan you please give me some details / guide :)19:44
erUSULActionParsnip: well all sound servers (including pulseaudio iirc) are network transparent aaik19:44
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DdordaerUSUL: thanks19:44
erUSULActionParsnip: no details to share sorry19:44
erUSULDdorda: no problem19:44
ActionParsniperUSUL: tats what i figured but it seems elusive so far19:44
OerHeksActionParsnip maybe lan, pulseaudio19:45
ActionParsnipOerHeks: yeah over lan, just need to get pulse to send stuff over19:45
VCooliois there a way to have byobu show the running app (irssi, ncmpcpp) instead of "0-$ bash" "1-$ bash" etc?19:46
trismActionParsnip: something like this maybe? http://x4.6times7.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/devlog/blog/streaming_on_ubuntu_8.04_with_pulseaudio19:46
guntbertVCoolio: did you look into F2 (setup)?19:47
erUSULActionParsnip: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio#PulseAudio_over_network ? http://blog.paulbetts.org/index.php/2007/04/15/pulseaudio-in-ubuntu-feisty-play-sound-over-the-network/ ?19:47
guest000ctmjr, um, it failed and said that it failed to load nvidia module?19:47
blakkheimVCoolio: try #byobu19:47
jsilverHow do I turn off Ubuntu Notification Boxes that pop up when I get an IM? So annoying!19:47
OerHeksActionParsnip easy peasy , i followed the wiki > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio #Configuring PulseAudio19:47
mkadont know19:47
deviadHello everyone19:47
jcc1ActionParsnip, mpd19:47
deviadIs Crossoverlinux as good as vmware to run Windows applications?19:48
ActionParsnipOerHeks: will hit it, also big thanks to trism and erUSUL. will read all the links19:48
jcc1CrossoverLinux is an enhanced Wine19:48
deviadI don't want to use too much space to hold the file containing the OS19:48
jcc1so it depends on the app19:48
DiverdudeHow do i import .pst files from outlook into thunderbird?19:49
deviadbut I dunno how good crossoverlinux became...19:49
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jcc1supposedly better thsan wine but still not Windows19:49
erUSULDiverdude: look for a pst2mbox tool.19:49
jcc1so it depends on the apps you want to run19:50
deviadI need to run Babylon translator19:50
erUSULDiverdude: other route is to use TB in windows to import the mail thentransfer the mail to the linux TB19:50
VCoolioblakkheim: 7 people over there; we'll see how responsive they are...19:50
deviadAnd maybe something like studio architect.... it's a program to create UML stuff that I will need to use for university19:50
jcc1go to the crossover site and ask, they will know best19:50
blakkheimVCoolio: you won't get support for it in here, this is a channel for ubuntu support19:50
VCoolioblakkheim: I know, but it's default app in ubuntu, so had to try19:51
blakkheimVCoolio: why not just use screen's way of renaming a tab19:52
blakkheimctrl+a+A, type the name you want19:52
[-----Wapo24alguien me leee19:53
erUSUL!info readpst | Diverdude19:53
ubottuDiverdude: readpst (source: libpst): Utilities to convert Outlook .pst files to other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.41-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 50 kB, installed size 176 kB19:53
VCoolioblakkheim: thanks, brilliant19:53
[-----Wapo24algna xica para charlar con un madrileño19:53
erUSUL!es | [-----Wapo2419:53
blakkheim!br | [-----Wapo2419:53
ubottu[-----Wapo24: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:53
grawityVCoolio: For irssi, http://sprunge.us/cGcE may be useful.19:53
ubottu[-----Wapo24: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:53
[-----Wapo24alguna xica para charlar con un madrileño19:53
upgrdmanis there any gtk/gnome scanning software other than xsane?19:54
guntbert!es | [-----Wapo2419:54
jcc1gimp using the sane libraries19:54
* OerHeks luv xsane & cups19:54
guest000ctmjr, you still here?19:54
hvgotcodesdoes ubuntu use .initrc?19:55
hvgotcodesi mean .xinitrc i think19:55
ctmjrguest000: yes did it work?19:55
blakkheimhvgotcodes: it does if you disable xdm19:56
werkor9Any one know the process of of the Jack server install?19:56
guest000ctmjr, no sir, it says it failed to load a module, but im thinking i did not have my kernel source when installing the driver the first time?19:56
upgrdmanwell i update the sane .conf and gave it my firmware file... but it still want to use my tv tuner as a scanner, instead of my epson flatbed scanner19:56
guest000ctmjr, now im d/l linux-source2.6.31 on the machin19:56
hvgotcodesblakkheim, if i want use awesome wm from within gdm, but i want awesome to start with a bunch of programs like gnomes power manager, nm-applet, etc, would I use xinitrc or Xsession or what?19:56
kakjf Please click on this link - http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113974753619:57
blakkheimhvgotcodes: you would use awesome's built-in autostart apps section of the rc.lua19:57
DatawireHow do I mount a CD-ROM and give ownership to a user?19:57
ctmjrguest000: oh ok the installer did not complain about not finding the kernel source?19:57
clrgDatawire: man fstab19:57
hvgotcodesblakkheim, thanx19:57
grawityDatawire: Try mount /media/cdrom -o uid=datawire19:57
guest000ctmjr, it did, but then it said it would build it or something so i let it go19:58
guest000ctmjr, do i need the opnafs-modules-dkms and source packages?19:58
VCooliograwity: sorry, but what is it? irssi script or something I need my terminal to be aware of?19:59
cokencodeguys, which im client for linux supports webcams ?19:59
sprocketswhat is up with everyone these days using et al all the time19:59
grawityVCoolio: an irssi script, sets window title... Might not be very useful, but I like it.20:00
sprocketscoken I think pidgin does20:00
blakkheimcokencode: empathy, amsn20:00
ChogyDancokencode: empathy and pidgin20:00
clrgcokencode: Skype20:00
VCooliograwity: ok, I'll give it a shot, thankx20:00
ctmjrguest000: no20:00
cokencodeclrg, does skype allow you to connect to the msn network ?20:00
DatawireAnd how do I unmount without ejecting a disc?20:00
cokencodeChogyDan, weir,d i'm using empathy, and while i see the option to start a video conversation, there's no option to send webcam20:00
werkor9i have compiled the Jack audio, and seems to not have the Jack server connection . Any Ideas?20:01
cokencodeand the option to start a video convo is greyed out20:01
jcc1man umount20:01
guntbertDatawire: sudo umount /path...20:01
sprocketswelcome to ubuntu cokencode20:01
benomatici've got a box that i upgraded from 9.04 -> 9.10, and lost audio somehow.  the alsa driver seems to load, according to dmesg, but aplay -l shows no soundcards.  when i boot off a "live cd", the audio device seems to come up normally.  so i assume that my install is somehow corrupted... any suggestions on how to re-setup, short of fresh install over existing partitions?20:01
ChogyDancokencode: so you start a video conversation, but you can't start the webcam?20:01
mikeho2e6 everyone20:01
raslicheis there a specific channel for Grub/getting help dual booting with windows 7 and Karmic?20:01
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blakkheim!grub2 > rasliche20:01
ubotturasliche, please see my private message20:01
jcc1rasliche, you can google it or check dual-boot docs at tldp.org20:02
cokencodeChogyDan, no, i can't start the video convo either20:02
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erUSULbenomatic: maybe you do not use the right kernel ? sudo aptitude linux-image20:02
ChogyDancokencode: does the cam work w/ gstreamer-properties?20:03
burzkibenomatic, likely drivers ..20:03
raslicheWell, where could I get specific, 1 on 1 help? I've googled, got on the unbuntu/launchpad forums20:03
raslicheand that's why I'm here, because my problem wasn't solved20:03
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jsilverwho wanted the fix to kill notify ballons20:03
guntbert!ask | rasliche20:03
ubotturasliche: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:03
Blue1rasliche: what is the problem - I just got here..20:03
mike_okay guys, I need a little bit of help here20:03
jsilverjcc1, i got the fix for you20:03
burzkijsilver, ido ..20:03
jsilverhere it goes20:03
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Div_By_Zerohellow everybody!20:04
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jsilversudo chmod -x /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd20:04
m666why does opnning txt file opens the prompt window???20:04
guntbertbut rasliche we are all volunteers - so ...20:04
jsilverpkill notify-osd20:04
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Guest44085I got an Eee PC from my father, it's one of the really old ones and it has a really small hard drive, like 2GB, and I want to install UNR on it, but the latest version won't fit20:04
m666why i cant connect to #html with xchat?20:04
Guest44085do you think that an older version would fit on it?20:04
jsilversudo chmod -x /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd ; pkill notify-osd20:04
Blue1m666: it should give you the option to display - that's what you want20:04
clrgm666: If you want a GUI open it with gedit20:04
jsilverjcc1, thats the fix20:04
blakkheimGuest44085: use a VERY minimal installation, you aren't going to get much with 2gb20:04
Div_By_ZeroAnybody know the game "battle of wesnoth"? It's has a problem whith the audio! How Fix?20:04
guest000ctmjr, after source installed, run nvidia program and restart?20:04
raslicheI tried to do the grub2 update in karmic in order to dual boot with windows 7. Windows 7 was previously installed, but when I run the osprobe command it does not find the W7 partition but says that it can't read something due to a RAID issue.20:04
blakkheim!mini | Guest4408520:04
ubottuGuest44085: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:04
ctmjrguest000: yes good luck20:05
Blue1Div_By_Zero: a windows game?20:05
Guest44085thanks guys!20:05
Div_By_ZeroBluel, no, is a ubuntu's game20:06
woodyjlwhas there been a recent update that may have broken my suspend and wake on 8.10 ubuntu?20:06
guest000ctmjr, it says im running an xserver even tho i did gdm stop20:06
Blue1Div_By_Zero: hmm I've never heard of it - sorry...20:06
* Blue1 is NOT much of a gamer20:06
ctmjrguest000: sudo killall gdm20:06
guest000ctmjr, ok, now its complaining about no precompiled kernel interface20:07
Div_By_ZeroBluel, well! it's rigth! thx!20:07
Blue1ctmjr: better sould be sudo service gdm restart20:07
jonny42what partition formats are used by linux?20:08
Blue1jonny42: what are you trying to do?20:08
cokencodeChogyDan, dunno, i'll try now20:08
cokencode*i'll try now20:08
jonny42make /home already know what to do just need list of formats20:08
Blue1jonny42: well there are various file structures each with it's strength and weaknesses - the default is ext4 - - I'd go with that.20:09
ctmjrBlue1: do not want gdm to restart want to stop it he already tried /etc/init.d/gdm stop20:09
Blue1ctmjr: ah20:09
Diverdudeok, so i unpacked the pst file into a new file using readpst. How do i then get this file into thundebird?20:09
jonny42Blue1, thanx20:09
ctmjrguest000: let me check20:09
trevori just did a reinstall of ubuntu 9.10 and now my machine will not allow me to set my resolution of my monitor20:09
guest000ctmjr, ok, it said it cant find pre-compiled kernel interface, should i let it build 1?20:09
guest000ctmjr, ok.20:10
jcc1gdm stop only stops the login window, not X - killall X20:10
benomaticburzki: i manually installed newest alsa, and have same problem... so my thinking was that it's likely some 'post install' type step.  only off the cd can i get audio, thus far.20:10
guest000actually that command he gave me worked after a sec20:10
jcc1or possibly ctrl-alt-<backspace>20:10
trevorit is a 1600x900 resolution and the highest it lets me go is 1024x76820:10
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Blue1trevorwhat kind of video card?  hint:  lspci : grep VGA20:10
blakkheimBlue1: that command won't work20:11
Blue1blakkheim: which command?20:11
trevorit is an ati 3100hd20:11
blakkheimBlue1: you use |s for pipes, not :s20:11
Blue1blakkheim: works here..20:11
guest000ctmjr, its a NV5M64/ TNT220:11
blakkheimBlue1: lspci | grep VGA20:12
Blue1let me go back and see what I typed20:12
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ctmjrguest000: let it try and install while i look around it might just work20:13
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Blue1blakkheim: yup mis typed - thanks20:13
EviliceHello, anyone who knows about ubuntu and ndiswrapper can you help? =] http://pastebin.ca/173538020:13
burzkibenomatic, not really my area, but i had problems on a different install with alsa conflicting jack ..20:13
ChogyDanEvilice: why arent you using the package?20:14
burzkibenomatic, maybe something to do w/ jack setup in the new install .. about all i can offer on this20:14
ADmadwhat would be the proper mount options for an extra ext4 drive? using dolphin by default kubuntu mount like this: /dev/sda7 on /media/disk type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)  but with that i can't write to it20:14
theorosi'm trying to install kubuntu via wubi on vista home premium and for some reason, even after running chkdsk /r i get "can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found" and "could not find the ISO /ubuntu/install/installation.iso" when booting up. wubi and the kubuntu 9.10 iso are on the desktop and had no problems running20:15
guest000ctmjr, failed to load nvidia_drv.so20:15
Evilicewhenever i use the package i get a modprobe error saying ndiswrapper module not found.20:15
anon_how would one find out the version of one of their programs20:15
theorosanon_: program_name -v perhaps20:15
Blue1theoros: /dev/sr0 is the cdrom drive20:15
theorosanon_: please don't pm me20:15
ChogyDanEvilice: did you use ndis-gtk or whatever?20:15
theorosBlue1: yeah?20:15
Eviliceyes i tried that too20:15
Blue1theoros: yup -20:16
theorosBlue1: thanks for that very informative piece of help.20:16
theorosBlue1: if you have any actual contribution to make that helps me, feel free20:16
Evilicei have been able to get it working in gentoo and fedora. but ubuntu is gving me problems. its for a bcm43x card and a wusb600n20:16
Blue1theoros: stumped me the first time around20:16
nmvictorwhich man page contains the linux system error exit status and their meaning20:16
jcc1theoros, you need to burn the iso to a cd and then put it in the cdrom drive20:16
Blue1jcc1: well said20:17
theorosjcc1: that seems to defeat the actual point of wubi.20:17
jcc1no it doesn't, it wants to load the system off the cdrom, just like a standard install20:17
ChogyDanEvilice: yeah I dunno.  I always installed ndiswrapper, installed the driver, then modprobed to get it working, then something like added it to a modprob file20:17
DatawireI'm using v8.10, whenever I put a CD-ROM in, it automatically mounts it but doesn't give me ownership, so I need to unmount it and remount it, giving my user ownership, any way I can make it automatically give me ownership during first mount?20:18
jcc1but don't tell me, I diidn't design the installation procedure :-)20:18
theorosjcc1: then why on earth would wubi download the ISO if it doesn't find it in the same directory that its in, if it wants me to put it on a CD?20:18
jcc1got me :-)20:18
Eviliceya useally ndiswrapper -m then a depmod -a gets it in there but for some reason its not =\20:18
theoros"No need to burn a CD"20:18
jcc1like I said, not my design20:18
ajochopeNeed help with grub2 and winxp and ubuntu 9.10 and ubuntu 9.04 and ubuntu studio 8.04 i follow this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 the recover grub2 part20:18
macman_hey all back .. trying to recover some vobs from a dvd that aren't working right .. im using dd_rescue .. is there anything faster then dd_rescue ?20:18
theorosjcc1: if you don't actually know about wubi why are you telling me supposed solutions?20:18
ChogyDanEvilice: oh, and sudo ndiswrapper -m too20:19
jcc1if the system said it could not find it on the cdrom drive then that is waht it meant, it could not find it there20:19
Eviliceyup =\20:19
floatingcan I extend a ext4 partition with / my root from the begin of it20:20
jcc1so I would put it there and see what happens20:20
theorosjcc1: which is superb, except part of the point of wubi is that i don't have to burn anything to a CD to get a working ubuntu installation20:20
Eviliceis there a way of fixing the FATAL : MODULE ndiswrapper not found when using the package install?20:20
ctmjrguest000: am pretty sure you have the kernel headers but you can check apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` or ls /lib/modules/`uname -r` and you should have a build dir and such20:20
theorosi'm not going to burn a CD when i'm using wubi.20:20
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jcc1as I said, I didn't design the system, I just follow the error messages20:20
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jcc1and if it wants it on the cdrom drive then that is where I'll put it20:21
theorosjcc1: good for you. i'm not going to20:21
guest000ctmjr, k moment20:21
jcc1then don't, that's sim[ple20:21
theorosjcc1: yes it is. are you going to continue to echo the error message or do you actually know how to get to the first sentence of the wubi website, which is "no need to burn a CD"?20:21
sumodunomy conky is messed up. when i run it and i open a window, say firefox, and i click my desktop conky disappears, but conky is still running20:21
theorosif you don't know, don't hesitate to stop echoing20:22
floatingwill the partition tables or whatever go messed up if i boot to windows and expand my ext4 partition with system in it.. from the begin of it20:22
guntberttheoros: stay polite please20:22
Parsii need a powerfull torrent application20:22
grawityParsi: Transmission, Deluge.20:22
Parsigrawity: thanks20:23
theorosguntbert: i find it impolite to seem to help without actually giving any useful information20:23
guest000ctmjr, no build dir20:23
sumoduno<Parsi> utorrent20:23
Cabrobra[shawnps]: dae manow.. ta ae?20:23
useroneis it better to upgrade to grub2 from grub before installing win7 (which will knock out grub)?20:23
VCooliosumoduno: set own_window_type to normal or override, not desktop20:23
guntberttheoros: you sure are demanding - he was at least trying to help20:23
Parsisumoduno: is it available for linux?20:23
ctmjrguest000: then install the headers or did you try?20:23
Parsii have it for windows20:24
jcc1I'm ignoring him20:24
sumoduno<Parsi> run though WINE! :)20:24
Parsisumoduno: err! i tryed20:24
theorosguntbert: should i give written acknowledgement that the effort is appreciated despite the persistence of "do what you don't need to do when using wubi"?20:24
Parsidid not work20:24
guest000ctmjr, yea i gotta get to graphics, mode by rebooting in to low graphics mode so my wifi on the machine will connect then ill download those and retry the nvidia?20:24
VCoolioParsi: deluge looks like utorrent, or did you try that already?20:24
ParsiVCoolio: nope20:24
guest000ctmjr, the headers for .31 kernel im guessing20:24
sumoduno<Parsi> oh. i dunno. i just use the default torrent client20:24
guntberttheoros: please cool down - I'm not going to argue with you :-)20:25
ParsiVCoolio: i have to install it in centOS20:25
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theorosguntbert: i'm cool already, thanks?20:25
theorosso i guess now that the stupid derail has wound down, i'll restate my problem20:25
theorosi'm trying to install kubuntu via wubi on vista home premium and for some reason, even after running chkdsk /r i get "can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found" and "could not find the ISO /ubuntu/install/installation.iso" when booting up. wubi and the kubuntu 9.10 iso are on the desktop and had no problems running20:25
ctmjrguest000: yes for your kernel you are on now the easiest way is sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`20:25
sumodunoVCoolio> coolio thanks!20:25
VCoolioParsi: don't know about that, at least you could compile if it doesn't have a package that fits centOS20:25
luis_People is there a way to sync my Ipod Touch with Linux? is pretty horrible to go to windows, having ALL my music in my Kubuntu Laptop20:26
CabrobraPessoal... posso instalar o Ubuntu pelo windowns e formatar para ficar só com Linux?20:26
bahaahi guys20:26
ParsiVCoolio: thanks20:26
webbb82i need to install my ATI/AMD  graphics driver but in hardware drivers i see it but when i  click the green activate button nothing happens20:26
bahaahow can I open this    #physics @ irc.sorcery.net20:26
bahaaI'm using xchat-gnome20:26
Dr_Willis bahaa  connect to the irc server irc.sorcery.net then join that channel20:26
VCooliobahaa: /join -server irc.sorcery.net #physics  ?20:26
Dr_Willisuse the /server commmand then /join command.20:26
jcc1try this for ipod touch, http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3375420:27
Tinned_TunaHeya, I'm having some wireless difficulties with an Intel 4965 card. Once logged in, the card will connect to my wireless network. But then very shortly after disconnects and cannot reconnect20:27
floatingwill the partition tables or whatever go messed up if i boot to windows and expand my ext4 partition with system in it.. from the begin of it20:27
LiamI have an Atheros AR242x wireless card. I have installed the proprietary "madwifi" driver under System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers - but the wireless card is inable to pick up any network connections (I am currently plugged in VIA wire) - 'iwconfig' shows my wireless device but again - no networks are shown. Is there a solution to this?20:27
Tinned_TunaI've tried modprobe-ing to unload and reload the module to no avail.20:27
ChogyDanfloating: they shouldn't get messed up, but you need to use a good partitioning program20:28
CabrobraCan i install Ubuntu by windowns, and stay only with linux?20:28
ipatrolHow can I install two deb files with circular dependencies?20:28
floatingpartition magic 8 on windows can do that, so maybe it is good enough ChogyDan ?20:28
Tinned_TunaI've also tried booting into older kernels, which gave exactly the same symptoms :-/20:28
trevor_ok so i installed the hardware drivers for my video card, and now the highest resolution i can get is 1280x768....this has never been an issue before, anyone know what could be wrong?20:28
Commando_Wormdoes anyone use ADOBE PHOTOSHOP HERE?20:28
Commando_WormI need help20:28
ChogyDanfloating: yeah, unless something goes wrong, it should work fine20:28
ipatrol!unfree | Commando_Worm20:28
JuniorStacan someone help me ?20:28
ChogyDanfloating: PM8 should tell you what it can and can't do20:29
DubAndycan someone post a postbin to a default smb.conf please :)20:29
ipatrolCan I have some .deb help?20:29
Tinned_TunaHas anyone even seen this issue before?20:30
ChogyDanipatrol: what file?20:30
guntbert!enter | Tinned_Tuna20:30
ubottuTinned_Tuna: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:30
ipatrolI have g++ and libstdc++ in .deb s20:30
ipatrolI need to install them20:30
voralbergcan someone help me about a mount problem on ubuntu??20:31
guest000ctmjr, ok, still says i got no kernel interface20:31
ipatrolBut they have circular dependencies on each other20:31
jcc1state the prob20:31
Phantom-Xi accidently deleted /usr/src for the liveCD run , what consequenses might that have on running the system this session ?20:31
Flannelipatrol: Is this machine not connected to the internet?20:31
anon_voral what exactly is the problem?20:31
ipatrolGdebi wont let me install either package20:31
ipatrolFlannel: No20:31
DubAndyipatrol: http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubugd21t2.htm20:32
sumoduno<ipatrol> does it say that it cant find package>/20:32
voralberganon_ yes was an sd card20:32
ipatrolThe machine is offline20:32
voralbergi inserted it into the pc but i changed the mount point of this20:32
Flannelipatrol: well, I'd just pop in the LiveCD/AlternateCD and install them from there, but to install those packages: dpkg -i package1 package220:32
m666there is something to add the panel so left hand user can switch it it fast?20:32
guest000ctmjr, can you open a private message?20:32
voralbergand now the system give me back an error wen i try to reinsert it20:32
anon_whats the message20:33
firefly2442Does the Ubuntu desktop CD have the ability to automount software raid partitions that are setup from a previous install of Ubuntu?20:33
anon_voralberg: whats the message20:33
anon_voralberg: dont pm20:33
Dr_Willisipatrol:  install them both at teh same time.  sudo dpkg -i packave1.deb  package2.deb20:33
floatingi installed ubuntu 9.10 command-line install, but it installed like 700mb. shuoldnt it have only installed the core ? how can I remove the extra stuff, what did i do wrong20:34
webbb82can someone in here please please help me install my ATI/AMD FGLRX driver in hardware drivers it find the driver but when i click activate nothing happens    please help20:34
useroneis it worth updating to grub2?20:34
Donald-teh-DuckI'm trying to write an init script for my own software -> http://pasteit.ghost1227.com/9 <- I usually don't use debian/ubuntu, so I installed ubuntu in a virtualbox and this is what it says when running update-rc.d http://pasteit.ghost1227.com/10 <- may someone help me with that?20:34
voralbergmount_point cannot contain the folowing characters: [...] /20:34
voralberghe saids that is there a / in the mount point path20:34
ipatrolFlannel: Thx20:35
icerootvoralberg: please post the command you used20:35
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voralbergwhen i insert the sd card the error come out20:36
ctmjrguest000: it seems your card is just to old you can read this and use the open source driver http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=764394420:36
voralbergbut i set the mount point by the property20:36
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guest000ctmjr, I installed the generic header now the nvidia .96 is running a post install dkms?20:37
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voralbergi looked for the sftab fileand i deleted the line of the sd card but it doesn't work propertly20:38
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voralberghello is there someone on the other side??20:40
useronejust found out that grub2 is still beta, so wont be updating! will stick to grub legacy for now...20:40
xtjacobdoes anyone know how to delay the start of an application20:40
jcc1voralberg, yes, but you are not explining very clearly, I think20:41
Donald-teh-Duckxtjacob: sleep 5 %% yourapp20:41
voralbergit's ok20:41
clrgxtjacob: bash -c "sleep 60; application"20:41
guest000ctmjr, :\20:41
irdI was wondering. Say I open an app in one workspace, but no window has appeared yet (IE slow browsers). Is there a way to make load in that workspace and not in another one (so I don't have to wait for it to load to do something else)20:41
ZopiacUsing IceWM, it is nearly impossible to play fullscreen games because the taskbar steals attention when you bring the mouse to the bottom of the screen20:41
Zopiacoes anybody know a fix?20:41
voralbergi changed the mount point of my sd card with the GUI20:41
Donald-teh-DuckZopiac: new x server for games?20:41
duffydackanyone know what file the Ati control centre saves its settings to ?  I cant find anything in ~20:41
xtjacobI mean on startup, can i put: "bash -c "sleep 60; conky"20:41
nmvictorwhich man page contains the linux system error exit status and their meaning20:42
ZopiacDonald-teh-Duck: what do you mean?20:42
floatingi resized a ntfs partition with system, but then I didn't even apply it, and rebooted, and I ended up in grub rescue. setup command nor find command is not found,also cant find "help" command. only "ls" works, what should i do ?20:42
voralbergi've gone to property->volume->ann i set the mount point20:42
voralbergnow the sd card doesn't work anymore20:42
Donald-teh-DuckZopiac: you start a new x server for playing your game. that way you can switch between $DE and your game with ctrl+alt+f6/f7 or something and you won't see anything from the $DE in your game20:43
voralbergbecause when i try to mount it, it give me  back an error20:43
MaletorIn Empathy when I set my status to Away then do other things on my computer it often changes my status back to Available. What gives?20:43
sherycome va?????20:43
guest000ctmjr k thanks anyway20:43
sheryyou speak italian????20:44
jcc1voralberg, have you read "man fstab"?20:44
ctmjrguest000: you can ask in #nvidia they might have an answer to me your card is just to old for the new xorg20:44
jcc1the ma page for fstab?20:44
voralbergyes i looked for fstab... i deleted the line of the sd card20:44
guntbert!it | shery20:44
ubottushery: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:44
voralbergbut it doesn't work20:44
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guest000ctmjr, i have a 64mb nvidia card that works on my other machine, i guess i could swap them out and throw this one away20:44
jcc1no, I mean have you read the manual page for fstab to check sytax20:44
klowncan someone tell me where icons are stored plz20:45
jcc1try /usr/share/icons20:46
voralbergyes i know the syntax but i deleted the line of the card and ubuntu must mount it automatically20:46
anon_alright need some pretty amateur help with installing a program, i enter the code to install kismet "sudo apt-get install kismet" yet it continues to install the older 08 model20:47
ZopiacUsing IceWM, it is nearly impossible to play fullscreen games because the taskbar steals attention when you bring the mouse to the bottom of the screen, is there a fix?20:47
jcc1have you tried putting the line back in fstab?20:47
voralbergbut i don't n knnow the UUID of my sd card20:48
regexsound stoped working on my laptop, anything i can do to reset what changed since it stoped working20:48
guntbertvoralberg: open a terminal, type tail -f /var/log/syslog       and then insert your card and look what the system is telling you20:48
SteveIgnorantwhy doesnt #!/usr/bin/python work?20:48
blakkheimanon_: ubuntu's repos are usually outdated20:48
ctmjrguest000: thats what i would do looked on ebay they are selling that card for 5 dollars new20:48
guest000ctmjr, i found this pc in the garbage ;-P20:48
anon_blakkheim: so how would i manually choose which -v to install?20:49
guntbertblakkheim: please don't mix up "not the latest" with "outdated"20:49
guest000ctmjr, using it to hookup to my receiver to play music, and maybe watch videos if it works for that20:49
blakkheimanon_: you wouldn't with ubuntu. you need to compile the latest version20:49
firefly2442nmvictor, this might help you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1101957/are-there-any-standard-exit-status-codes-in-linux20:49
anon_blackkheim: ok thanks20:49
voralbergguntbert: the command line give me anything20:49
ctmjrguest000: like they say one man's trash is another man's treasure20:50
guest000ctmjr, if i have the 96 module alrdy instaled, if i plug in that card it will work yes?20:50
matelot? How can I maximize a window but only say 50% Horizontal ?20:50
guest000ctmjr, if it had been a celeron id have left it there, but its a 450mhz pIII with a 512KB cache so I figured its good for something..+ it has 2 network cards/dvd-rom drive.20:50
blakkheimanon_: just my opinion, though: the older kismet is a bit better20:50
ctmjrguest000: cool did it have the hard drive?20:51
anon_blakkheim: sadly i can't use it, i need the newest -v to avoid issues with my broadcom card20:51
guest000ctmjr, yep.20:51
guntbertvoralberg: ??20:51
banana_can anyone recommend a good irc client for ubuntu?20:51
blakkheimanon_: ouch, broadcom :(20:51
guest000ctmjr, its a dell xps t450 was a high end machine @ he time20:51
jcc1chatzilla isn't bad20:52
firefly2442banana: I like xchat personally20:52
blakkheimbanana_: irssi20:52
WirSindDasVolkPlease help search repositories for Swiftweasel20:52
voralbergbanana_: yes pidgin20:52
anon_blackkheim: yes its certainly a pain20:52
banana_I'm too used to mIRC :(20:52
FlannelWirSindDasVolk: Swiftweasel isn't in the repositories, just use firefox20:52
guntbert!irc | banana_20:52
ubottubanana_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:52
guest000ctmjr, it also has a yamaha ds-1 soundcard which sounds pretty good20:52
guest000ctmjr, Im thinking if I just plug in the other nvidia card it will work since i got the module alrdy?20:52
ctmjrguest000: well where getting ready to get flamed for being ot but i would plug the other card in and see what happens20:53
blakkheimanon_: my trusty atheros chipset works great :)20:53
guest000ctmjr, k20:53
anon_blackkheim: lucky lol20:53
guest000ctmjr, thanks ttyl20:53
WirSindDasVolkNobody any idea (repositories for Swiftweasel)20:54
Dr_WillisWirSindDasVolk:  check the PPA repos20:54
* Dr_Willis thinks swiftweasel sounds like a bugs bunny cartoon character..20:55
vincent_why does my linux sometimes see my harddisk and at other times not? what could cause this?20:55
nmvictorwhen i have my modem using the device file /dev/ttyUSB4 when no modem is using /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/ttyUSB4, how can i make it used the first available dev file?20:56
blakkheimvincent_: a dying hard drive20:56
Dr_Willisvincent_:  what kind of hard disk/filesystem/usb/internal?20:56
firefly2442vincent_, you could check the SMART status20:56
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vincent_internal harddisk Dr_Willis20:57
jcc1irc client, right?20:57
Guest95097how to install ati drivers? pls help :(20:57
blakkheim!ati > Guest9509720:57
ubottuGuest95097, please see my private message20:57
jcc1it is on sourceforge in deb format20:57
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deviadGuest59146, being logged as root is bad20:58
Guest59146I can't run smuxi in normal user20:58
k3tso this is where **** goes *** anything k3t?20:58
Guest59146oh and I'm not logged in as root20:58
k3tso this is where **** goes *** anything qwebirc11437?20:59
PubuntuTired of NIGGERS?  Sick of their monkeyshines?  Would you rather never have to deal with the fecal-colored beast?  Then you are not alone!  Join us at Chimpout Forum!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum  At Chimpout WE ARE NOT WHITE SUPREMACISTS!  We welcome anybody who isn't a NIGGER and who HATES NIGGERS!   http://www.chimpout.com/forum20:59
k3tso this is where **** goes *** anything PreZ?20:59
vincent_hey, the root is going undercover20:59
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deviadI'm about to download vmware... let's see if I'm capable to install it21:00
Guest95097where i can find ati drivers provided by Ubuntu repositories ?21:00
jcc1time to bounce somebody, I think21:00
asathoorI cannot boot Ubuntu on a HP mini after removal of Wubi - neither from USB or a new Ubuntu install21:00
banana_I can't get smuxi to run21:00
Join-DHi there, can someone think of a reason a cronjob cant cd to a directory (permissions should be fine)21:01
guntbertJoin-D: you need to give the full path21:01
asathoorfrom a usb the boottime is very slow, and there is only a black screen. Xorg.conf is gone...21:01
deviadHow come transmission doesn't look to download?21:01
nullkuhlwhat is karmic's default root pass ?   whenever i try SU it asks for pass , i enter my own ( the one that i entered at setup ) but it fails, please advice ..21:01
clrgnullkuhl: sudo su21:02
guntbert!root | nullkuhl21:02
ubottunullkuhl: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:02
Join-Dguntbert ok, but on a other machine the cd /home/myname && ./backup.sh works21:02
blakkheimnullkuhl: you need to run "sudo passwd root" to set a root password, although most ubuntu people tell you not to21:02
guntbertclrg: don't recommedn that please, use sudo -i instead21:02
VCoolioJoin-D: use /bin/bash /home/you/backup.sh21:02
guntbertJoin-D: then I don't know - was just a quick idea21:02
blakkheimJoin-D: is the file executable?21:03
Join-DVCoolie & guntbert thanks! ill give that a tried21:03
asathoorany suggestions on running ubuntu on a HP MIni21:03
Join-Dbrb 2 min21:03
pdg1why on earth would the menu item for wine disappear? i just "tried" to install utorrent 1.821:03
brigI have a bunch of files I need to copy from a samba share... is there something I can use in that I can "resume" the copy with???21:04
meydlohello may somebody help me with problem "ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration tameout" but blacklist doesn't help me thx:)21:04
Dr_Willispdg1:  wine menu items are defined by some .desktop files in the users home.   Not sure why they all would vanish.21:04
VCoolioJoin-D: also maybe a line like this on top may help: SHELL=/bin/bash    so crontab understands more21:04
gkahlais there a group for the "HAL" daemon?21:04
blakkheimgkahla: yes21:04
firefly2442brig, rsync might help21:04
clrgguntbert: You're right, people shouldn't use the root account.. But since we've done the rollout of sudo on our machines, all people do is "sudo bash".. so wayne21:05
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gkahlaneed to add my user to it so my apps can umount my media player in banshee - thx, blakkheim!21:05
pdg1Dr_Willis: thanks... you wouldn't happen to know where the C: drive is located, would you?21:05
pdg1or maybe it's C: folder21:06
blakkheimpdg1: ~/.wine/drive_c21:06
DarkAvengerWelcome- I am helping with Wine issues if anyone needs help.21:06
pdg1super :D21:06
Dr_Willispdg1:  wine gets the C: stuff in the .wine subdir21:06
guntbertclrg: I don't want to interfere with what you do yourself - my request was for giving support in this channel :-)21:06
DarkAvengerWine DirectX 10! DirectX 11 support soon21:06
firefly2442brig, might help: http://yyab.wordpress.com/2006/12/18/resume-a-large-scp-transfer/21:06
g0tchahey guys, is there a way to change the default pptp vpn server port running on ubuntu?21:06
louiethecubanhas anyone played games in wine?21:06
g0tchaive been trying to google for a long while and couldnt find a way21:06
louiethecubanhow does that fare21:06
blakkheim!anyone | louiethecuban21:07
ubottulouiethecuban: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:07
DarkAvengerI play GTA IV through steam21:07
jcc1the c drive is a directory under your home directory under .wine21:07
pdg1i used to play Soldat21:07
g0tchaDarkAvenger, yes to me?21:07
g0tchaDarkAvenger, how can i change the port from 1723 to a different port?21:07
Dr_Willislouiethecuban:  totally depends on the specific game.21:08
DarkAvengergo into the configuration file with a text editor, find the current port, and then type the one you want in and replace the old one, then save and exit.21:08
asathoorHow can I install ubuntu on a hp mini? I had an wubi installation and removed it by windows. Now I cannot boot via usb - or reinstall wubi.21:08
jcc1pdg1, it is /home/usr/.wine/drive_c21:08
blakkheim!install > asathoor21:08
ubottuasathoor, please see my private message21:08
g0tchaDarkAvenger, there is no port settings in the configuration file of pptp21:08
g0tchawould have been easy and googling would have found something :/21:09
asathoorthanx blakkheim21:09
DarkAvengeroh. well then... hit the computer until it obeys your command!21:09
Th3-D4rk-W4rl0ckhi i have a problem with my touchpad on my notebook21:09
g0tchaDarkAvenger, or stop answering to questions you dont know the answers to...21:09
DarkAvengerHA! I dont even use linux, im a man, I use windows xp SP3, dual boot with Win 7 64 bit Ultimate21:10
Screamo_SmurfCan anybody help with an owner/permissions problem?21:10
DarkAvengerNO!!! GO AWAY!21:10
dave11098416Hi, can anyone help me to play dvds? I have ubuntu 9.10 and have followed all the instructions about codecs now i receive this error from vlc: "[0xb701ef58] libmpeg2 decoder error: invalid picture encountered"21:10
cartmanhow to enable the "source Code" from synaptic package manager ?21:10
Screamo_SmurfDarkAvenger i suggest you be quite21:10
=== cartman is now known as Guest25067
pdg1DarkAvenger: do you use bittorrent? is utorrent a good idea with linux? or should i be using something else21:11
jcc1screamo, stae your prob21:11
Guest25067how to enable the "source Code" from synaptic package manager ?21:11
blakkheimpdg1: rtorrent is a good linux torrent app21:11
jcc1state your prob21:11
blakkheim!repeat | Guest2506721:11
ubottuGuest25067: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:11
mazda01where are images stored when I look at art.gnome.org and click on "set as background" they don't stick after I reset and I want to make sure they are getting saved to my local disk21:12
cprxmm7I'm trying to pick between a Wacom CTH-460 and Wacom PTZ-430. Would anyone here be able to suggest which one would be better supported in 9.10?21:12
dave11098416is this a known issue with 9.10?21:12
mrehhow do yo edit your PATH for a non-login shell?21:13
=== hendaus is now known as Wolf23
Screamo_Smurfmazda01,  in usr> share> background i think21:13
mrehthat is, set your PATH on startup21:13
e-i-k-ewhere can i setup a command that will be execute on gnome logout?21:13
Wolf23help plz! how can i config hotmail on evolution?21:13
pdg1blakkheim: is rtorrent just in terminal?21:13
blakkheimpdg1: yes21:14
jcc1Guest25067, open synaptic pck mgr and go to Settings -> Repositories21:14
pdg1schucks... I really like UI's :(21:14
blakkheimpdg1: transmission then?21:14
Screamo_SmurfAnybody know how to change Owner/Permissions?21:14
Guest25067and what repositories are needed to be activated before installing ati drivers ?21:14
pdg1probably :P21:14
firefly2442Wolf23, http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2009/03/04/setting-up-evolution-mail-gmail-and-hotmail/21:14
Screamo_SmurfTransmission works just fine for me21:14
musictotoWolf23: in evolution add a new pop3 account, and look here: http://techblissonline.com/hotmail-pop3-and-smtp-settings/21:14
dave11098416Screamo_Smurf> type 'man chmod'21:14
jcc1screamo, check the chmod man page21:14
Screamo_Smurftype it where?21:15
dave11098416in a terminal21:15
musictotoWolf23: firefly2442 's article is better ;)21:15
Wolf23thanx firefly2442 and musictoto21:15
mithridatesI came here to say just stop empathy project , that's really sucks21:15
Join-DScreamo_Smurf type man chmod in console21:15
jcc1open a terminal and type "man chmod"21:15
Join-DScreamo_Smurf or type man chown in console21:15
=== Stealthbox is now known as philabole
firefly2442mithridates, you can still use pidgin if you don't like empathy21:15
meydlohello may somebody help me with problem "ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration tameout" but blacklist doesn't work thx:)21:16
e-i-k-ewhere can i setup a command that will be execute on gnome logout?21:16
dave11098416has anyone managed to get dvd playback working in 9.10?21:16
blakkheimdave11098416: ubuntu-restricted-extras21:16
dave11098416tried that, it didn't help21:16
Dr_Willisdave11098416:  yes. I just installed the decss stuff from medibintu and use mplayer or vlc normally. and ubuntu-restricted-extras package21:16
Screamo_Smurfwhat about the other one?21:16
dave11098416did all that, still no luck21:17
philabolecan anyone tell me the best place to go online to download a driver for a Gigabyte M61PME-S2P mother board....specifically i need a n internet driver21:17
Join-DScreamo_Smurf be more specific21:17
jcc1eike, here is one answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59004721:17
blakkheimphilabole: your NIC's driver should be part of the kernel (or a module)21:17
jcc1screamo, chown chages owners, chmod changes permissions, check the ma pages for usage21:18
Screamo_SmurfGrrr why wont VLC play music? :(21:18
jcc1man pages21:18
philaboleblakkheim: i am having a horrible time trying to get conected to the internet....21:18
rob__got ubuntu sparc running on my netra x1, but cant find any vm software for sparc 64bit any ideas21:18
guntbertjcc1: aloow me one hint - you can use <tab> completion for nicks too :)21:19
blakkheimphilabole: using a wired connection?21:19
Join-DScreamo_Smurf put your speaker on!21:19
philaboleblakkheim: yes21:19
mithridatesfirefly2442: which version of pidgin has voice?21:19
towliebani installed compiz and then removed it via synaptic but now whenever i open any program, it doesnt have a titlebat and the window is "pinned" to the top if the screen. has anyone else had this problem ? how can i fix it ?21:19
firefly2442Screamo_Smurf, do you have more than one sound card?21:19
jcc1thanks, I forget stuff like that, I'm rarely on IRC anymore21:19
firefly2442mithridates, um... I'm not sure, I've never used Pidgin and voice chat sorry21:19
Dr_Willistowlieban:  why did you install/remove it?   try running 'metacity --replace' if you can21:19
philaboleblakkheim: i have not had this problem before....it just always workd21:19
Dr_Willistowlieban:  you are using gnome? kubuntu? ubuntu? what exazctly?21:20
soreautowlieban: Sounds like you don't have a window manager running at all. Try setting sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects to None21:20
Screamo_Smurf:/ i officialy hate my pc21:20
towliebani am using xubuntu which uses xfce window manager21:20
=== matt_ is now known as Guest17471
Dr_Willistowlieban:  so you are using xfce now then?21:20
Screamo_Smurfi got to try to play an mp3 to get the eror and it plays :/21:20
=== hellyes is now known as noob
_rabe_can i run exe (windows) command line tools in the linux cmd?21:20
Dr_Willis_rabe_:  wine and dosbox can do some of those.21:21
Screamo_SmurfIs there a better music player then Rythombox?21:21
_rabe_ok tnx Dr_Willis21:21
FIReunany pcmcia guru's around?21:22
jcc1Screamo_Smurf: amarok is good21:22
apparleScreamo_Smurf: amarok21:22
towliebansoreau:  i dont have that menu option21:22
Screamo_Smurfamorok it is then21:22
apparleScreamo_Smurf: audacious21:22
_2_rabe_ better question maybe.  is there a linux app/command like the dos/windows command 'blah' ?21:22
FIReunScreamo_Smurf: exaile21:22
paco_the_tacowhere have you been?21:22
cartmancan someone install ati drivers for me using a remote connection to my pc? i can`t handle it by myself :(21:22
soreautowlieban: Yea, sorry I assumed you were using ubuntu/gnome21:22
=== cartman is now known as Guest82682
Screamo_Smurfpaco sup21:23
icerootGuest82682: never!!! give someone root-access to your pc. never!!!21:23
soreautowlieban: Can you verify you have at least xfwm4 or compiz running? Check with 'ps ax|egrep "xfwm4|compiz.real"|grep -v grep'21:23
paco_the_tacoScreamo_Smurf,  nada man, you?21:23
Screamo_SmurfGah python escaping brb21:23
noobcan someone please tell me why when I try to save my nVidia x-server settings to xorg.conf it says "unable to make xorg.conf.backup".  I need to change permissions for this file I think, since it's owned by root.  I just don't know how to use chmod and I have tried to research it.  Even "man chmod" isn't clear to me.21:23
Guest82682than how do i install ati? i cand do it21:23
guntbert!ot | paco_the_taco21:23
ubottupaco_the_taco: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:23
Guest82682i followed the ubuntu documentation but no luck21:23
duffydackGuest82682, enable it hardware drivers.. easy21:24
Guest82682it`s not there21:24
Guest82682it`s not listed in hardware drivers21:24
duffydackGuest82682, well your card is not supported anymore then21:24
Dr_Willisnoob: using the nvidia-settings tool? the first time i normally tell it to save the config to some liocation in the users home dir. Then copy the made xorg.conf to the proper location.21:24
_2noob save it in your home dir and sudo cp ... it to the etc place21:24
duffydackGuest82682, what card is it?21:24
Dr_Willisnoob:  and i normally run the nvidia-settings tool as root. not as a user21:24
Guest17471I have a question.  I am trying to figure out whether or not this idea I have is a bug or a feature request.  Will you guys please give me some input?  http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23211/21:24
Guest82682ati radeon x1650 agp 8x21:24
Guest82682512 mb21:25
m1r1fresh install ubuntu 9.10 no sound, any tips for restore audio ? 9.04 was working properly21:25
guntbert!ot > Guest1747121:25
ubottuGuest17471, please see my private message21:25
_2Dr_Willis cheers :]21:25
meydlohello may somebody help me with problem "ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration tameout" but blacklist doesn't work thx:)21:25
towliebansoreau:  that returned nothing. i can temporarily fix thew problem by doing xfwm4 --replace21:25
acerorhi all21:25
duffydackGuest82682, im pretty sure its not supported in jaunty/karmic.. the free Radeon driver is very good tho.21:25
noobDr_Willis: can you tell me how to run it as root?  I need to make a root password but when I type "root passwd <password>" it always tells me "root not installed"21:25
Guest82682and where i can get the free radeon driver ?21:25
_2noob reverse.    passwd root21:26
Dr_Willisnoob:  you DONT need to make a root passwd.21:26
guntbertnoob: you don't need a password for that - just use sudo21:26
Dr_Willisnoob:  gksudo nvidia-settings21:26
guntbert!sudo | noob21:26
noobahh, ok21:26
ubottunoob: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:26
duffydackGuest82682,  I checked, its not supported no more.  the radeon driver is enabled already21:26
henrycouleHello I need help installing ubuntu on HP dv621:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:27
Guest82682and there is no way for a better opengl or 3d ?21:27
noobso you can run nVidia x-server settings from the command line?21:27
jvasileI am trying to reduce cpu load during video playback (to remove jerky video) in Karmic on a samsung laptop with an IDE drive.  hdparm won't let me enable dma.  What else might I try?  Thanks.21:27
_2noob you can run anything from the command line21:27
duffydackGuest82682,  according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver    your card is in the "good support" category.21:28
m1r1can anyone help with no sound problem after fresh install 9.10 ?21:28
Guest82682games and everything is running very slowly21:28
guntbert!caps | henrycoule21:28
Seveas!caps | henrycoule21:28
ubottuhenrycoule: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:28
Guest82682maybe because opengl not activated or something ?21:29
=== Screamo_Smurf is now known as eYeCuLt
duffydackGuest82682,  until last month I had to use the free radeon driver with my 9800, and it ran pretty well, compiz was smooth and glitch free, ut2k4 ran pretty well apart from some heavy detailed maps..21:29
asoHello. Im install Propen in ubuntu, and when i enter command "propel-gen ~/[...]/project01", in terminal: [...] No project directory specified...?21:29
aso* Propel...21:29
apparleanyone used samsung corby ?21:29
henrycoulehello guntbert21:29
pdg1!caps | pdg121:29
ubottupdg1, please see my private message21:29
duffydackGuest82682,  you have to use intrepid then to have ati 3d support21:29
henrycoulecan u help @gunbert21:29
Guest82682duffydack, alien arena for me is damn slow...and i have a amd duron 1.8ghz, 2gb of ram and ati 512mb21:30
Guest82682and how i use that ?21:30
asoAnyone how to help to me in propel? (Sorry but my english is... no comment...)21:30
guntberthenrycoule: I have seen no question :)21:30
Dr_Willis!info propel21:30
ubottuPackage propel does not exist in karmic21:30
guntbert!pm | henrycoule21:30
ubottuhenrycoule: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:30
asoDr_Willis: ?21:31
duffydackGuest82682,  you have to install ubuntu 8.10, thats the last version with the right xorg version with support for your hardware21:31
ubottuHal is in the process of being depreciated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.21:31
Guest82682duffydack, should 8.10 be fine for my games and 3d experience ?21:31
TeLe_ghostgood that that is getting removed21:31
asoIm install propel by PEAR install [...], and propel-gen can't generate files - No project directory specified....???21:31
Alex_hello all21:32
Seveasaso, that's not an ubuntu question. Try a propel channel21:32
henrycouleQUESTION: When i run ubuntu live CD or try to install ubuntu after leaving the first screen my laptop screen goes blank but i hear ubuntu going to the live session desktop but nothing for me to see what is causing this issue?21:32
=== Alex_ is now known as alex112194881923
alex112194881923DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 021:32
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.21:32
Seveashenrycoule, that's caused by bad support for your graphics chipset. Try the latest version of Ubuntu. If that fails, try fedora21:33
duffydackGuest82682,  it will be the best you can get...21:33
snailis there a reason the seconds on the clock skip like they go 38 39 40 41 ... 43 ...45 46 47 48 ... 5021:33
rahdukefast and easy question, I just configured my Fstab to load a new storage HD at startup, however when it loads I have no privliges on it, cannot create folders, delete, etc etc.... what am i doing wrong?21:33
Seveasrahduke, ntfs or ext3?21:33
rahdukeSeveas: ext321:33
Guest82682duffydack, can u give me a download link for ubuntu 8.10 ?21:34
hyperstreamis it possible to encrypt my home directory without reinstalling ubuntu ? does it require the /home be mounted on another partition ?21:34
Seveasrahduke, chown/chmod to the rescue then21:34
Dasdahey guys anyone ever have a HP laptop? Its asking me for a "Setup Password" when I try to configure boot order. Im trying to do a fresh install of a new operating system but I can not get into the bios config screen21:34
oCean_Guest82682: http://releases.ubuntu.com/21:34
klowncan someone tell me how to remove the top panel on the desktop?21:34
hyperstreamDasda, not your laptop ?21:34
duffydackdamn oCean_ beat me to it lol21:34
rahdukeSeveas: chmod 775 /sdc1?21:34
Seveashyperstream, yes to both (though I'm not 100% sure about the second)21:34
nemoDid ATI drop support for the Xpress 200 ?21:34
Seveasrahduke, chown rahduke /mnt/something21:35
oCean_duffydack: oops :)21:35
hyperstreamDasda, if it is your laptop, and it came with a password, id contact the retailer21:35
duffydacknemo //support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
henrycoulemy Laptop is HP DV621:35
rahdukeSeveas: I want to be able to write too it as soon as my comp boots, I dont want to use commands everytime21:35
Guest82682thanks for the help21:35
DasdaIt is my cousins laptop who bought it a couple of years ago from futureshop. But now it is acting up and needs a new install.21:35
Seveasrahduke, it's a one-time thing21:35
virtuelvI'm trying to rip CDs with abcde21:35
nemoduffydack: um. thanks...21:35
virtuelvthe rips come out with the wrong sample rate21:35
hyperstreamDasda, either him or possibiliy a techie put the password on.21:35
virtuelv(22.05 KHz instead of 44.1)21:35
hyperstreamhe she *21:36
nemoduffydack: looks like answer is it still supports21:36
duffydackI just noticed my radeon 4650 HD with fglrx is using xaa and not the newer exa... hmmmm21:36
hyperstreamSeveas, thanks mate. Is it possible just to perhaps encrypt a folder instead?21:36
nemoduffydack: have someone in #hedgewars using mint 8.0 - basically ubuntu 9.10 right. and they claimed that jockey was empty when they launched it21:36
Dasdahyperstream or henrycoule, do you know how they give you the password? in the manual or another way? i think the stupid futureshop techies probably put it on for him as he knows nothing about computers himself21:36
rahdukeSeveas: my drive is at sdc1 and its mounting at /media/monster ...... can you give me a tip on what the command should look like?21:36
=== hellyes is now known as noob
nemoduffydack: they just installed xorg-driver-fglrx but I'm worried. jockey is much better at this stuff and they are very very new to linux21:37
hyperstreamDasda, no, nothing in the manual, you need to contact the shop21:37
Seveasrahduke, chown rahduke:rahdume /media/monster (replace rahduke with your loginname)21:37
Dasdahyperstream: ok21:37
lufisI'm having major graphics problems on an old Dell 4500s desktop with Intel 82845g graphics. Karmic has a black screen after the grub menu. So does Jaunty. Only until I switch to vesa do I actually have a usable system, but that has terrible screen resolution. Any ideas?21:37
nemoduffydack: mind giving them some tips in #hedgewars? :)21:37
henrycoule@seveas my laptop is HP DV6 and i tried the latest Ubuntu21:37
noobDr_Willis: thank you for the advice.  It worked.  I just used the root terminal to move the copy of xorg.conf from /home to /etc/X11 and now my twinview boots up correctly at start-up.  Thanks again!21:38
rahdukeSeveas: your the man thanks alot!21:38
hyperstreamDasda, its a pain man, had a similar issue with my own cuz, only to find out it was stolen lol, with that lowjack stuff, was quickly out my door.21:38
rob__< lufis> sounds like you gfx card may be blacklisted21:38
duffydacknemo, if all they did was install the package manually,and it works, then, I dont know what to say..21:38
lufisrob__:  blacklisted from even using the system?21:38
nemoduffydack: they haven't said if it works or not21:38
nemoduffydack: I have no idea if installing the package manually will setup xorg right21:38
nemoduffydack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI21:38
nemoduffydack: I linked them to that but I have no idea if it is accurate21:38
lufisI'm not talking about just no compiz effects. There is NO graphics after the boot menu21:39
hyperstreamhenrycoule, whats wrong with your laptop ?21:39
nemoI'm kinda puzzled why jockey didn't show anything. wondering if someone might know more21:39
duffydacknemo, what does glxinfo |grep vendor bring back  ( ATI? )21:39
henrycouleUbuntu doesnt wanna install on it actually it runs but my screen goes blank21:39
zer0_moodhi all. i just installed eclipse-jdt. this is the IDE for java SE rite ?21:39
rob__< lufis> no some gfx cards may be blacklisted , mine was a intel had the same problem, new versions of the driver may no longer be available so they get black listeed21:40
hyperstreamhenrycoule, join #Ubuntu+1 , i have a Compaq laptop that wouldnt install ubuntu current or older releases. but the newer release worked.21:40
pollywogis there a way to keep network manager from changing my resolv.conf ?21:40
SmithyHow do i become a register user with this IRC21:40
raslicheI'm trying to get a Windows 7 install recognized with Ubuntu 9.10. They are installed on two physically separate hard drives in a laptop. I get this error when following standard guides around the internet: ERROR: isw device for volume "RAID0" broken on /dev/sda in RAID set "isw_bcbbhcaehd_RAID0"21:40
rasliche ERROR: isw: wrong # of devices in RAID set "isw_bcbbhcaehd_RAID0" [1/2] on /dev/sda21:40
hyperstreamhenrycoule, try lucid (#Ubuntu+1) should work mate.21:40
lufisrob__:  Ok, that's fucked up. What am I supposed to do?21:40
guntbert!register | Smithy21:40
ubottuSmithy: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode21:40
LinuxAdminI'm an old Slackware administrator and I'm moving to ubuntu21:40
rob__check /etc/modprobe.d/blacklised21:40
henrycoulehyperstream i install the latest ubuntu21:41
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:41
sergheey_pollywog you can remove network manager21:41
oCean_lufis: mind your language21:41
hyperstreamhenrycoule, you tried karmic yes? what about Lucid ?21:41
pollywogsergheey_ I need it for wifi21:41
lufisoCean_: Mind your censorship.21:41
henrycoulei have not tried them yet21:41
LinuxAdminI'm enjoying a lot ubuntu, I'm wondering if it's widely used on the server field21:41
LinuxAdminany suggestions?21:42
henrycoulei tried karmic21:42
zer0_moodpls suggest a channel where i can ask questions about java21:42
hyperstreamhenrycoule, it was the only solution for my new Compaq laptop.21:42
henrycoulelatest version21:42
henrycoulewhich one?21:42
guntbertlufis: no - you mind your language please21:42
hyperstreamhenrycoule, yes, Lucid - 10.4 - /join #Ubuntu+121:42
henrycoulehyperstream were do i get the lucid?21:43
RevolutionaryLinuxAdmin, I don't know if it is widely used on the server field but I do know that they offer a version of Ubuntu that is made for servers21:43
rob__had a great expirence after xmas , a mate had a windows 7 pc , and a ubuntu waned to install a belkin usb sticks on them both for wife. ubuntu worked like a charm , no driver install worked straight off21:43
FahI'm trying to do a little C++ dev on the latest version of ubuntu. Shouldn't memcmp be a part of the std namespace?21:43
hyperstreamhenrycoule, join the channel and look at the topic.21:43
rob__windows  7 a couple reboots21:43
LinuxAdmincan't I use ubuntu 9.10 as a server?21:43
zer0_moodLinuxAdmin, noob here but i think red hat is best for servers from what Ive heard21:43
PolK_Hey guys, where can i get access to a french server?21:44
hyperstreamLinuxAdmin, there is a server edition of ubuntu i think. Most dedicated servers i interact with use Centos / RedHat21:44
guntbertLinuxAdmin: of course you can - detailed discussion better in #ubuntu-server21:44
LinuxAdminI don't like red hat21:44
oCean_PolK_: french ubuntu irc channel? #ubuntu-fr21:44
LinuxAdminthanks anyway21:44
PolK_yeah ocean, thanks21:45
micahfhey, so I dd'd the latest ubuntu iso onto a 4gb sandisk usb flash drive21:45
micahfand it won't boot!21:45
micahfthe computer just skips it and goes straight to windows21:46
micahfcould it be that I used the wrong block size?21:46
RS-232Basically what happens to me is that even I call to node_save($node) a hundred times into hook_nodeapu with $op=update&insert...it only saves ONCE the node, any clue?21:46
nemoduffydack: he's definitely not using fglrx - and the card is 5 years old so I'm betting ATI dropped it21:46
anon_anyone know what the newest version of kismet compiles with?21:46
micahfI used a block size of 204821:46
nemoduffydack: that's probably why jockey didn't work21:46
micahfi'm trying again with 102421:46
micahfI just don't see how that would be the issue21:46
solifugusHow do you take a screenshot in gnome?21:46
micahfit's frustrating21:46
Dr_Willismicahf:  you dont 'dd' a iso to a flash drive.21:47
asathoorsolifugus > just press prnt scrn21:47
micahfDr_Willis: why not?21:47
guntbertLinuxAdmin: see https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/index.html21:47
Dr_Willismicahf:  you use unetbootin  or a similer tool..21:47
Dr_Willismicahf:  err.. because it wont work.. :)21:47
Dr_Willismicahf:  thats why21:47
micahfugh :(21:47
Dr_Willismicahf:  where did you get the idea that it would work? :)21:47
micahfi'm on mac os x though21:47
micahfi thought it was supposed to work on mac os x21:47
macman_does anyone use growisfos from the command line ? .. im trying to burn a dvd and i never can .. growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hdc -dvd-video -V LABEL /path/to/dvd/image/  any thingi try says write failed . . yet if i run dvd_decryptor in wine and burn the iso to dvd it is fine .. any ideas on how to fixd ?21:48
Dr_Willismicahf:  check pendrivelinux.com for tutorials. they may have tools21:48
Dr_Willismicahf:  dding an iso file to a flash drive does not work.. dding the old UNR.img file WOULD work. since its a img. not a iso21:48
SmithyDoes any know where i put this  "/msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>"      so i can register.21:48
Dr_Willismicahf:  or boot a ubuntu live cd somewhere and use the usb-disk-creator tool.21:49
Dr_WillisSmithy:  right where you type everything else.21:49
azrael_anyone know any good game for ubuntu21:49
oCean_Smithy: use the inputbox of your irc client, just like talking to this channel21:49
anon_ok amateur  question here, i need someone to explain compiling to me21:49
Dr_WillisSmithy:  you may want to use a 'server' tab to talk to the bots21:49
_rabe_Dr_Willis, do you know something that is easier? for example "dosbox dostool.exe commandstoexe"?21:49
Dr_Willis_rabe_:  Ive no idea what you are trying to do .21:49
noobcan someone please tell me why even though I've installed screenlets and enabled the widget layer, I still can't see "screenlets" in my mai menu?21:50
guntbert!compile | anon_21:50
ubottuanon_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:50
ActionParsnipazrael_: penumbra demo, frets on fire, urban terror21:50
_rabe_Dr_Willis, i need the emulation of the emulated dosbox in winxp for example in the linux shell21:50
HydrosisHi all, I just installed bible-kjv and opened it in the terminal using "bible".  Everything works fine, but I can;t figure out how to exit bible-kjv without closing the terminal.  Using "exit" does not work and "help" does not work.21:50
SmithyDr_Willis:     sever21:50
Doonzcan someone post the /etc/init.d/lighttpd directory21:50
jarray52What settings does the Linux kernel get from the BIOS, and what settings does the kernel configure itself? I'm trying to troubleshoot a hardware conflict that causes Linux to hard freeze. The NIC card controlling eth0 conflicts with usb-storage devices. If the NIC card is disabled in the BIOS, usb-storage devices work. If the NIC card is not disabled, eth0 works until a USB storage device is inserted.21:50
Dr_Willis_rabe_:  dos box emulates 'dos'  it has nothing to emulate anything under xp/windows.. its pure dos...21:50
micahfDr_Willis: thanks for the info, seems like my attempt to dd might be the problem21:51
ActionParsnipjarray52: try some bootoptions, or upgrading BIOS21:51
azrael_where would i find them?21:51
ActionParsnipazrael_: online21:51
_rabe_Dr_Willis, yes but dosbox does not run the exes i need to run21:51
micahfDr_Willis: the hard part for me to understand is that I followed a tutorial which said this should work under os x (presumably because the OS X dd can do that?)21:51
Dr_Willis_rabe_:  You may need to use an actual windows setup, or wine then.21:51
Dr_Willismicahf:  i dont see how dd can do that at all. I would say the guide is wrong.21:52
jasonI tri booted my pc - XP, Kubuntu, OpenSUSE (in that order). After suse got done installing, Kubuntu wont show up in the gru bmenu. How can I get it back?21:52
Dr_Willismicahf:  all dd does is a direct data dump from one location to another.21:52
_rabe_Dr_Willis, that would be plan b but i thought there would be something easy21:52
guntbertmicahf: maybe the guide is simply outdated?21:52
Dr_Willismicahf:  IF it was 'dding' a .img of the UNR  yes.. it would work.. bit for an ISO - No... it wont21:52
pollywogis there a way to cause network-manager to leave my DNS server settings alone?21:53
jarray52ActionParsnip: I'm using the latest BIOS version. I tried irqpoll and a couple of others.21:53
Dr_Willismicahf:  and many other disrtos have '.img' images you can dd to flash drives directluy21:53
marxelushi, I've a problem with my wifi21:53
HydrosisI installed "bible-kjv" and opened it in the terminal using the command "bible".  Everything works fine, but I can't figure out how to exit bible-kjv without closing the terminal window.  I do not want to do that.  Using "exit" does not work.  Anyone know how to exit this app without closing  the terminal window?21:53
marxeluscould anyone help me?21:53
meydlohello may somebody help me with problem "ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration tameout" but blacklist doesn't work thx:)21:53
klowncan someone tell me how to remove the panel at the top of the desktop please.21:53
asathoormarxelus > perhaps21:53
ActionParsnippollywog: you can put the settings you want into network manager, it will then add the settings you want21:53
jorikmicahf: the guide you pasted does not what you suggest it does21:53
zer0_moodmarxelus, what seems to be the problem ?21:53
Dr_WillisHydrosis:  programname &     then 'exit' normally works..21:54
ActionParsnipklown: right click it -> delete panel21:54
asathoormarxelus > what is your problem?21:54
Hydrosisklown: right clock the panel and chose remove panel21:54
Dr_WillisHydrosis:  or 'nohup programname &'  then 'exit'21:54
klowni removed everything but sound, network, and the logoff wont seem to leave.21:54
Dr_WillisHydrosis: or did i missunderstand the question?21:54
azrael_hey anyone know how to get flash working on liux21:54
micahfjorik: that's a different one, lemme find the original21:54
HydrosisDr_Willis: im stuck INSIDE the app.  I cant run regular commands like "exit" or "killall" etc.  When I type, it navigate keywords within the app (bible)21:54
marxelusi've installed the driver with ndiswrapper and then a start the modul but when I type ifconfig wlan0 doesn't appear21:55
micahfjorik: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-create-an-ubuntu-installation-usb-on-the-mac/21:55
zer0_moodazrael_, try to download it from the adobe site21:55
micahfis I think what it was21:55
Dr_WillisHydrosis:  the app dosent have a 'q' for quit or some other key combo? ive never used the app.. so no idea on that.. ctrl-c perhaps...21:55
asathoorazrael > sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras (write this in a terminal=21:55
micahfoh ug that's an img21:55
Dr_WillisHydrosis:  it may be time to read the apps docs. :)21:55
micahfi feel like maybe it was misinformation from a forum that I got :/21:56
Dr_Willismicahf:  yep.. .img you CAN dd to a flash drive...  .iso you cant.21:56
HydrosisDr_Willis: I just typed "q" and it exited.  You friggin rock man.  Big thanks.  Someone buy this guy a beer.21:56
klownActionParsnip,  Hydrosis  any way to remove the networking icon, volume, and logoff/switch user icon?21:56
Dr_WillisHydrosis:  it may be time to read the apps docs. :)21:56
ActionParsnipklown: you can remove the panel by right clicking on an empty space on the bar and it can be removed21:56
ActionParsnipklown: you can add / remove any item on the bar you like21:56
klownActionParsnip, it is not giving me the option to remove, only add panel, properties, new panel, help, and about panels21:57
micahfso now, why is it that the UNR iso is dd'able but not the other one?21:57
towlie_i like ubuntu21:57
josvukHello, I get the error lpstat: Connection refused. The printer was working and I don't know what happend now it is not working.21:58
jorikmicahf: its like the difference between jpg and png, its both images, but not the same21:58
ActionParsnipmicahf: do you have a windows system?21:58
phaerI used ubuntu karmics live cd to encrypt my home directory and now i want to mount it from another system. As far as i now ubuntu uses encfs to encrypt it, is this correct?21:58
dropedrobarrii have a problem wth XAMPP. After uncompressing 1.7.1 to /opt i run /opt/lampp/lampp start and i get a lot of errors. Xampp doesnt initiate MySQL, Apache or proFTPd. What is missing???21:59
ActionParsnipklown: then click properties to see if it gives any clues21:59
guntbertdropedrobarri: why don't you use !lamp ?21:59
ActionParsnip!xampp | dropedrobarri21:59
ubottudropedrobarri: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.21:59
klownActionParsnip, only close option it gives is transparency, but the icons still show.22:00
ActionParsnipklown: you should be able to remove all the icons you like22:00
nmvictori have finally gotten the kannel to detect my modem, now i have something to query about this SMSC(Short Message Service Center) thingy, is it possible to get messages from the outside world into my computer through the modem, then route the messages to SMPPSimulator where my application has binded to?22:01
bakarati can't get dual screen to work with the official nvidia drivers? there is no signal on the second screen, even though "nvidia-settings" picks up the screen and allows me to configure it. (note that the livecd can set up a cloned environment that works)22:02
duffydackAnyone else with a radeonHD card using fglrx, and it using xaa?22:02
bakaratany solutions?22:02
elroachomythtv remote frontend (music and video) smb configuration help requested22:03
Dr_Willisbakarat:  i normally... install the nvidiadriovers  run 'gksudo nvidia- settings' tweak the configs.. save them.. and restart X.. thats abiout it22:03
azrael_I HATE UBUNTU22:03
azrael_i feel better now22:03
Dr_Willisbakarat:  heres my xorg.conf ---> http://pastebin.com/f79f2c64822:03
micahfso can I mount the iso and then dd from the mounted directory?22:03
Dr_Willisazrael_:  demand a refund.22:03
azrael_i will22:03
Sabre-nightDr_Willis, LOL22:04
azrael_i paid 250 on shiping22:04
micahfcause I can't use unetboot on mac os x22:04
Dr_Willismicahf:  youa re not confuiseing the unr.IMG with the .iso are you?22:04
Dr_Willismicahf:  the old release had a unr.img   the newre release has a unr.iso22:04
azrael_i can't get a flash player to work22:04
micahfDr_Willis: well to be honest, I'm using plain ubuntu22:04
micahfI have an iso22:04
Moon_Doggyis their a key mapping program like sharpkeys22:04
m1r1no sound problem on 9.10 x86 fresh install , any help is appriciated.22:04
azrael_is linux just super bad with flash?22:05
Dr_Willismicahf:  then you must use a proper tool.. OR you can install grub2  to the device and have grub2 boot the iso file. :)22:05
azrael_cus i've been trying to get it working all morning22:05
Sabre-nightSo, this may be a simple problem, but i couldn't find anything from googling, but when i try opening a new tab in firefox from a link most of the time it will open 2-3 tabs when i only wanted one opened, any advice?22:05
Dr_Willisazrael_:  i have no real issues with flash.22:05
Dr_Willisazrael_:  i install ubuntu-restricted-extras and flash works.22:05
Dr_Willisazrael_:  how did you install flash?22:05
azrael_seach synaptic software22:06
=== Nightw0l1 is now known as Nightwolf
Dr_Willisazrael_:  and what package did you install?22:06
_rabe_Dr_Willis, i need for the linux shell this what comes up when you start cmd.exe in windows22:06
azrael_flash player nonfreee22:06
azrael_and it will load but it blacks out22:06
elroachocan anyone help me with a smb file sharing for my mythtv22:07
cafuegoflash is kind of crap, so that's not entirely surprising22:07
ActionParsnipazrael_: can you use: http://pastebin.com   to give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf22:07
ActionParsnipcafuego: works fine here :)22:07
cafuegoActionParsnip: Mind segfaults and dies at least once a day22:08
elroachowant to watch a ren and stimpy video upstairs22:08
Sabre-nightcan anyone help with my firefox tabs issue?22:08
Soubi_Hi, someone can help me with a bash script error ?22:08
ActionParsnipcafuego: i use the 64bit alpha plugin under chromium, runs great22:08
zer0_moodHi aLL !! can someone suggest a channel where I can ask questions about java ?22:08
guntbertSoubi_: better success probably in #bash22:08
azrael_u lost me22:08
Dr_Willis#java perhaps zer0_mood22:09
zer0_moodok lol22:09
Soubi_guntbert > Yeah, but the chan sleeps =)22:09
cafuegoActionParsnip: Mine's never worked with chromium; the segfaults are with firefox22:09
ActionParsnipazrael_: copy the command and paste it into terminal, when it finishes, copy the output and use the link to give the output without scolling the channel22:09
ActionParsnipcafuego: 64bit alpha or the one from the repos?22:09
DasdaHey guys, im trying to boot from cd on a laptop But i keep getting just a blinking little line on the top left when i try to boot. Same thing happens with the hdd too. I dunno what the problem is22:09
cafuegoActionParsnip: Now I do have to say I don't care enough about it to see if I could make it not do poo.22:10
cafuegoActionParsnip: yeh22:10
Wolf23musictoto,  whats the code to convert from .mp3 to wav?22:10
Dr_Williswow flash is working with  Chromiam here also.. and i dident do anything to it. :)22:10
bakaratDr_Willis, well that didn't work :(22:10
ActionParsnipcafuego: your call, i recommend you try it22:10
bakaratDr_Willis, no output at all22:10
ActionParsnipDasda: did you md5 test the ISO you burned? Does the CD pass self verification?22:10
Dr_Willisbakarat:  assume people on irc have the attentioon span of a goldfish.... i dont rember what you were doing....22:10
ActionParsnipDasda: did you test the ram?22:11
ipatrolI have a folder where chmod keeps failing silently, why22:11
bakaratDr_Willis, hehe, the dual screen nvidia, you posted your xorg.conf22:11
Dasdano, i didnt md522:11
musictotoWolf23: look at http://freshmeat.net/projects/soundconverter/22:11
Dr_Willisbakarat:  odd. Im using that xorg.conf right now.22:11
Dr_Willisbakarat:  what video card?22:11
Sabre-nightCan anyone help with my Firefox opening more than one tab when trying to open one tab from a bookmark or link?22:11
Younderipatrol, who own's it22:11
bakaratDr_Willis, 8600 GTS22:11
Wolf23musictoto,  no there is a ffmpeg option i cant remember?22:11
ipatrolYounder: root and src22:12
Dr_Willisbakarat:  Hmm 8800gtsxxx here22:12
ActionParsnipazrael_: copy the output to the pastebin and when you click paste the page will change and you can copy the new address of the pae in here22:12
Younderthe sudo setup gives LIMITED acess to edit the source tree22:12
ipatrolI'm in /usr/src22:12
ActionParsnippae == page22:12
musictotoWolf23: ffmpeg -i file.mp3 file.wav22:12
stewipatrol: that doesn't matter22:12
bakarati can't get dual screen to work with the official nvidia drivers? there is no signal on the second screen, even though "nvidia-settings" picks up the screen and allows me to configure it. (note that the livecd can set up a cloned environment that works)22:13
ipatrolWhy is sudo limited in the source tree?22:13
azrael_ii  flashplugin-nonfree                                   Adobe Flash Player plugin installer22:13
azrael_ii  gnash                                      0.8.2-0ubuntu3                       free SWF movie player22:13
azrael_ii  gnash-common                               0.8.2-0ubuntu3                       free SWF movie player - common files/librari22:13
azrael_ii  gnash-cygnal                               0.8.2-0ubuntu3                       free SWF movie player - Media server22:13
FloodBot1azrael_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:13
azrael_ii  mozilla-plugin-gnash                       0.8.2-0ubuntu3                       free SWF movie player - Plugin for Mozilla a22:13
stewipatrol: its not22:13
ActionParsnipazrael_: i said use pastebin but never mind22:13
ipatrolstew: Younder says it is22:13
locashhi question about remoting into ubuntu server.  I have been able to establish a connection,  but cant interact with the remote computer.  I can see it's desktop just cant do anything.  remote computer is ubuntu server,  local is vista basic 6422:14
stewipatrol: if this were a permissions problem (not being privileged enough to edit the permissions) you'd get a "Operation not permitted" error22:14
ipatrolstew: But it fails silently22:14
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:14
hyperstreamlocash, can you ssh into the box?22:14
musictotoWolf23: is that working ?22:14
ActionParsnipazrael_: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree gnash gnash-common gnash-cygnal mozilla-plugin-gnash; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:14
plustaxQuick question. I am running ubuntu 9.10. How do I set my computer up so that when people vnc into my box, it's faster for them. IE: is there a place where I can remove the wallpaper etc etc.22:14
locashyeah i tried that also,  but same result22:14
Sabre-nightFirefox help, anyone?22:14
bakaratare the nouveau drivers capable of dual screen?22:14
elroachowhats a good network activity utility for apache traffic for Ubuntu22:14
plustaxalso any other things that might speed up the process.22:14
hamz1aatova1how to make ubuntu one to backup by itself???22:15
ActionParsnipazrael_: you have WAY too many plugins for flash (more than ONE is bad) so that command will remove them ALL and then reinstall the one you need22:15
guntbert!vnc | plustax22:15
ubottuplustax: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:15
jcc1elroacho: have you tried tcpdump?22:15
ipatrolstew: AFAIK Ubuntu has a kernel extension that locks certain file's mode22:15
stewipatrol: no, its doing the correct thing22:15
elroachowill try22:15
stewipatrol: 0775 shouldn't change the permission but g-s should22:15
hyperstreamlocash, port forwarding required?22:15
Wolf23musictoto,  i have to install ffmpeg? and they i try22:15
hyperstreamlocash,  brb need to reboot.22:15
ActionParsnipazrael_: see how your huge output scrolled the hell out of te channel, If you'd used pastebin it would have been output as ONE line which would be a hyperlink to a page22:16
musictotoWolf23: yes indeed22:16
ipatrolstew: Neither works22:16
jcc1elroacho: just monitor port 8022:16
stewipatrol: read the second paragraph in the "SETUID AND SETGID BITS" section of the chmod manpage22:16
locashnot sure if its required but I have ports forwarded22:16
Sabre-nightFirefox, Multiple tabs opening... help?22:16
ActionParsnipazrael_: dont scroll the channel, its not fair to other users22:16
ActionParsnipSabre-night: kill the app22:16
azrael_ok agian srry22:16
strophey, how do i make 'custom' modules work over kernel updates? (when kernel gets automatically updated, modules from previous version directory are no longer loading at startup)22:16
Sabre-nightActionParsnip, .. no when i open a link in a new tab it opens like 2-3 tabs, instead of one.22:17
phaerbakarat: Yes they are22:17
ActionParsnipSabre-night: then run: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old   then rerun the app22:17
locashsabre,  just try removing and reinstalling your firerfox22:17
phaerbakarat: In fact im using them with two screens at the moment :)22:17
elroachoi use 808022:17
jcc1Sabre-night: you aren't double-clicking, I hope22:17
phantomhey all22:17
ActionParsnipSabre-night: if its ok then your profile is bad, if its still bad then the app is bad22:17
Sabre-nightjcc1,  nope.22:17
bakaratphaer, can i use the experimental driver in the repo's?22:18
jcc1just checking :-)22:18
elroachobut how do I start it from terminal...it is installed22:18
bakaratphaer, (the problem being ic an't get dual screen to work with the nvidia driver)22:18
=== phantom is now known as Guest70954
=== hyperstream_ is now known as ghost
ActionParsnipbakarat: tried the nvidia ppa?22:18
locashbakarat,  I have noticed the nvidia driver for 8800 gtx is pretty buggy22:18
ActionParsnipbakarat: can install a newer driver22:18
jcc1elroacho: are you talking about tcpdump?22:18
=== ghost is now known as hyperstream
mMezquitaleyou can no longer file a bug report using launchpad.net????22:18
ActionParsnip!bug | mMezquitale22:18
ipatrolstew: g-s finally worked!22:18
ubottumMezquitale: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:18
ActionParsnipbakarat: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa22:19
burzkiany ubuntu/fedora dual boots here?22:19
Wolf23musictoto,  thanx it works, but the size 7mb , and the mp3 was 520kb22:19
elroachotcpdump: no suitable device found22:19
azrael_still not working22:19
phaerbakarat: I don't now, i'm using it on archlinux.org (git checkout from 2009-11-01)22:19
rahdukehow can i set a samba drive so that everyone on my network has read/write access... even thru windows.... I've checked the box that gives everyone readwrite access but I still cannot write to the drive on windows thru samba22:19
mMezquitaleActionParsnip, i know, i'm at the launchpad site, the link to report a bug sends you to the forum which is how I got there in the first place22:19
ActionParsnipazrael_: did you restart your browser?22:19
elroachoran in terminal22:19
guntbertelroacho: tcpdump -i <interface>22:19
jcc1you have to give it the interface you want it to listen to along with the port, try "man tcpdump"22:19
macman_is slackware.com down ?22:20
elroachoam I this stupid?  what interface?22:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:20
ActionParsnipazrael_: ok can you rerun the first command I gave and use http://pastebin.com this time to give the output22:20
mMezquitaleslackware is up and running22:20
jcc1as in "sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -p 8022:20
noobhas anyone figured out how to mount a windows 7 network drive in ubuntu 9.10?  I always get an error message "unable to mount location".  I can do this in 9.04 however.22:20
macman_lmao guntbert sorry about that .. im actually on ubuntu22:20
ActionParsnipmacman_: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/22:21
bakaratActionParsnip, you think the 195.30 driver will make much difference?22:21
ActionParsnipmacman_: the question isnt ubuntu related22:21
ActionParsnipbakarat: possibly22:21
guntbertmacman_: doesn't matter what OS you're on - the topic of the question matters22:21
rahduke how can i set a samba drive so that everyone on my network has read/write access... even thru windows.... I've checked the box that gives everyone readwrite access but I still cannot write to the drive on windows thru samba22:21
elroachofor me it's sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -p 8080 for mythweb22:21
azrael_can i get the command again?22:21
ActionParsnipbakarat: theres also later versions of 180, 185, 19022:21
ActionParsnipazrael_: use up cursor in terminal22:22
jcc1elroacho: there are also other options too that you can add like src and/or destination, etc22:22
elroachosean@seans-room:~$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -p 808022:22
elroacho[sudo] password for sean:22:22
elroachotcpdump: syntax error22:22
bakaratActionParsnip, any clue as to why the livecd can set up a clone environment out of the box? does it not use the nvidia drivers? or different settings?22:22
hyperstreamActionParsnip, LOL22:22
sbwhite0Hello, I'm new to Ubuntu and I have a couple issues I'm trying to work out.22:22
gooseI need to identify what RSA key to use when doing Places > Connect to Server22:22
hyperstreamsbwhite0, issues are ?22:22
gazelhi frist time here, how do i register? thanks22:23
jcc1elroacho: that was a quick example, read the man page, there are a ton of examples at the bottom and basic syntax at the top22:23
ActionParsnipbakarat: not sure, i havent used dual monitors. I have 1 monitor for 3 systems22:23
azrael_wth nothing changed22:23
azrael_their all still there22:23
sbwhite0I'm getting a unable to locate the api on firefox22:23
jcc1OK :-)22:23
guntbert!register | gazel22:23
ubottugazel: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode22:23
locashhyperstream, think you have any pointers on how to actually make remoting work on ubuntu server22:23
ActionParsnipazrael_: uninstall ALL the packages listed there22:23
noobhas anyone figured out how to mount a windows 7 network drive in ubuntu 9.10?  I always get an error message "unable to mount location", even with samba installed.  I can do this in 9.04 however.22:24
itsnotstalkingActionParsnip, do you use hardware or software to manage the 3 systems with the same display?22:24
ActionParsnipazrael_: use synaptic or whatever, if you have more than one flash plugin you will get zero flash22:24
ActionParsnipitsnotstalking: ssh22:24
hyperstreamlocash, ok so you have a remote ubuntu install, and your trying to access it yes? is ssh setup? is it behind a router/firewall?22:24
ActionParsnipitsnotstalking: or web interfaces22:24
Sabre-nightActionParsnip,  how do i run mv ~/mozilla ~/.mozilla_old? I would assume thats a terminal bit22:24
remco_elroacho: think its "port" not "-p" ..22:24
Dr_Willisbakarat:  without the actual nvidia drivers installed  - what happens with 2+ monitors - depends on how the chipset/card is setup in its firmware.22:24
itsnotstalkingActionParsnip, ic, my uncle has some sort of hardware device that switches what system his ui hardware is hooked up too22:25
sbwhite0here is the error that appears22:25
sbwhite0We were unable to locate the API to request site settings. Please see below for debugging information. HTTP Response Status Code: 0 Trying API autodiscovery:The API is currently located at http://localhost:8081/deki.22:25
sbwhite0Trying http://wiki.agemni.com/@api/deki ... failed (HTTP Status: 022:25
FloodBot1sbwhite0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
Dr_Willisbakarat:  ive had some nvidia systems auto-clone, ive had some Not auto clone. I had One silly one that defaulted to the TV out and disabled the monitor IF the tv was plugged in.. that took me a day to figure out...22:25
PolK_Sorry for asking again, can i have the adress to the french server? :x22:25
locashhyperstream,  it is behind the same firewall as the computer trying to remote into it, my problem is I can get to it,  and even see the desktop,  no control.  if I click something close the connection,  then reconnect,  what I clicked on has opened.  I just cant do it while watching22:25
elroachoahh, ok22:26
hyperstreamlocash, so its on the LAN ? same network ? accessable by for example 192.168.0.x22:26
green453During update, new kernel version tried to install, but failed to configure properly due to postinst hook script that calls update-grub; error is 'grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /.'   Running Ubuntu Karmic, booting diskless using pxe, not sure why grub even needs to be invoked. Please advise.22:26
rahdukehow can i set a samba drive so that everyone on my network has read/write access... even thru windows.... I've checked the box that gives everyone readwrite access but I still cannot write to the drive on windows thru samba22:26
jcc1locash: what are you using, to do this?22:26
bastidra1orPolK_: #ubuntu-fr22:26
ActionParsnipitsnotstalking: i have a lan sdware is a bit surplus22:26
guntbertSabre-night: in terminal - yes, you can use <tab> to autocomplete filenames, and its mv ~/.mozilla ... (don't omit the dot)22:26
locashhypestream,  yes  local ip22:26
azrael_all removed22:26
locashhyperstream,  I have also set up a ssh tunnel to it,  and tried accessing it as if I am not behing the same firewall22:27
elroachothink i got it to work22:27
Sabre-nightguntbert,  ah i must have missed that.22:27
elroachojust didn't set port22:27
guntbertSabre-night: the dot "hides" the file22:27
elroachoguess it's defualt 80, but my mythweb is on 808022:27
ActionParsnipazrael_: ok now run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:27
icerootrahduke: logged in with windows and not using the guest-account?22:27
icerootrahduke: for connecting with samba22:27
locashjcc1,  vnc on local,  and remote desktop,  or what ever its called on ubuntu machine22:27
rahdukeiceroot: yes, logged in as a user in windows22:28
rahdukeiceroot: who has admin rights22:28
icerootrahduke: and loogged in with samba as a user?22:28
Sabre-nightguntbert,  so how should i put this in to the terminal?; run mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old or am i missing sopmething?22:28
jcc1ahh check the settings on the remote, by default you can watch but not interact22:28
icerootrahduke: doesnt matter if it is a windows-admin22:28
icerootrahduke: its important that the user on samba-site can read/write22:28
locashjcc1,  i have remote set to watch desktop,  and control desktop22:28
rahdukeiceroot: i'm not sure what you mean when you say logged in with samba as a user... how would u do that in windows22:28
icerootrahduke: how you access the share on windows-site?22:29
rahdukeiceroot: the shared folder is a drive on my Ubuntu media server22:29
icerootrahduke: just with the network-environment? then make sure that your windows-user is in the smb.conf22:29
locashjcc1,  i can control the desktop,  just cant see what I did till i close the connection and start a new one22:29
azrael_its says unable to unlock administration directry (/var/lib/dpkg/22:29
Doonzhey guys im trying to reinstall lighttpd through apt-get. I had manually removed /etc/init.d/lighttpd but now when i reinstall lighttpd it doesnt recreate it. could someone copy me the base directory of /etc/init.d/lighttpd22:29
rahdukeiceroot: im trying to access it to read and write thru windows722:29
edbianazrael_, You have another instance of a package manager open22:29
jcc1sorry, I can't help (quickly anyway) all I do is setup each side to allow interaction and no probs. I'll check though...22:30
guntbertSabre-night: open a terminal, then type exactly mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old - then press enter (you should close all instances of mozilla software before)22:30
azrael_i really suck at this22:30
edbianGnome has a nice little applet that shows all sorts of neat info about my battery and it's power statistics.  Is there some equivalent for KDE??22:30
rahdukeiceroot: I'll check out my smb.conf file22:30
icerootrahduke: there is a bug in samba with win7, dont know if the ubuntu-version is fixed. just make sure that the windows-user is known in the samba-configuration22:30
guntbertSabre-night: and don't type the -22:30
azrael_it just install all the stuff i just deleted22:30
elroachoI can't get my mythbuntu 9.10 to recognise my HP laser 3plus printer22:30
edbianazrael_, You'll get better!  Everyone starts where you are now22:30
Sabre-nightguntbert,  all i got was "mv: cannot stat `/home/aaron/.mozilla': No such file or directory"22:31
ActionParsnipazrael_: better?22:31
rahdukeiceroot: where is that smb.conf file?22:31
azrael_idk yet22:31
azrael_c hecking22:31
green453elroacho: have other printers worked?22:31
azrael_if fact it doing less now22:31
icerootrahduke: dont have samba installed but it should be /etc/samba/smbd.conf  or /var/lib/samba/smbd.conf22:31
invitadahola aalguien con quien hablar22:31
guntbertSabre-night: the probably a previous attempt to rename was successful, please type ls -ld .moz<tab>22:31
rahdukeiceroot: found it thanks, i'll try to fiure this out22:32
guntbert!es | invitada22:32
ubottuinvitada: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:32
Sabre-nightguntbert,  "drwx------ 4 aaron aaron 4096 2009-12-21 02:52 .mozilla_old/"22:32
ActionParsnipazrael_: rerun the first command, are the packages removed/22:32
icerootrahduke:hm i think it was smbuser (command) but dont know exaclty, sorry22:32
iceroot!samba | rahduke22:32
ubotturahduke: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:32
rahdukeiceroot: thanks22:33
guntbertSabre-night: see - the rename was successful :-)22:33
MixMixI want to run ubuntu on a vm on my xp machine. Anyone know any good VMs for this?22:33
ActionParsnipSabre-night: close the browser then rerun it, you will get a default set of config22:33
* centHOGG likes vmware22:33
MorphyNORMixMix: Sun Virtualbox, free22:33
azrael_yea everything gone22:33
MorphyNORMixMix: #vbox www. virtualbox.com or so22:33
MixMixMorphyNOR: thx22:34
ActionParsnipMorphyNOR: vmware is free too, just not opensource ;)22:34
MorphyNORActionParsnip: true but in the spirit of this channel, I chose to reply with vbox this time ;)22:34
Sabre-nightActionParsnip, yup! lets see if this tab issue still happens.22:34
=== patrick is now known as Guest47330
TraumaQueenHELP! How do I change unallocated space to get it to be a part of anotherpartition?22:34
jcc1locash: have you tried watching 9tailing) the X.log and messages/syslog files to see if something shows there?22:34
icerootrahduke: also have a look at #samba22:34
Guest47330help! smb shares with windows22:34
edbianTraumaQueen, Use gparted! :)22:34
TraumaQueenI did22:35
TraumaQueen i waned 2g swapspace22:35
ActionParsnip!samba | Guest4733022:35
ubottuGuest47330: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:35
iceroot!samba | Guest4733022:35
locashjcc1, yeah22:35
edbianTraumaQueen, ok, so what do you have now?22:35
TraumaQueen and the rest, for the other partition... is that a good idea?22:35
icerootActionParsnip: i am to slow for you :(22:35
locashjcc1, nothing obvious there22:35
kzdwhere can I find a clone of Windows Movie Maker?22:35
azrael_yea they are all removed22:35
TraumaQueen it wont let me resize the partition22:35
TraumaQueen I cannot unmount22:35
edbianTraumaQueen, 2Gb is good, I prefer 1GB but 2Gb is fine22:35
edbianTraumaQueen, Are you trying to unmount your root partition? Because that's impossible22:35
TraumaQueen1g will work? I need all the space I canm get. I'm a big downloader22:35
Guest47330hi all does anyone help maybe with network shares?22:35
ActionParsnipkzd: avidemux or kino22:36
TraumaQueenOh.... what if I am working from the live cd?22:36
icerootGuest47330: read the link ubottu gave you22:36
TraumaQueen cause right now I'm not22:36
edbianTraumaQueen, Then use 1Gb (hell 1mb will WORK) just not very well22:36
Guest47330in places i try to connect to workgroup but keep getting error that it cannot mount to anything22:36
jcc1locash: sorry, that leaves me out for hints, odd though that you aren't getting commo both ways, maybe tcpdump?22:36
Sabre-nightActionParsnip,  guntbert  i still get the tabs issue.22:36
edbianTraumaQueen, If you boot the live CD can unmount (and therefore edit) all of the partitions on the hdd22:36
ActionParsnipSabre-night: try the mozilla ppa22:36
TraumaQueenso I should do that?22:37
edbianTraumaQueen, In a word: yes22:37
ActionParsnipSabre-night: and rename the folder back, your settings are not at fault22:37
TraumaQueenOk. sorry i'm a total noob..22:37
guntbertSabre-night: sorry - I only stepped in for the renaming22:37
TraumaQueen uninstalled vista on a whim, and out of frustration and it is the best thing I EVER did to my computer.22:37
edbianTraumaQueen, no worries.  How do you like Ubuntu?22:37
TraumaQueenI had Mint first, yesterday22:37
gpryatelI have a question about subversion best practice22:38
TraumaQueen but I'm really REALLY loving xubuntu.22:38
TraumaQueenits easier to navigate and customize22:38
edbianTraumaQueen, Really?  What is so much better about it then mint??22:38
locashjcc1,  thanks for the try22:38
TraumaQueennot sure22:38
Guest47330Iceroot i looked at the link already but it didnt really help much22:38
locashjcc1,  it seems my problem is stumping pretty much everyone22:38
edbianTraumaQueen, ic ic.  I'm glad you like linux! :) I love it22:38
azrael_yo actionparsnip you there?22:38
jcc1locash: if I think of something I'll shout22:38
Guest47330the problem is i cannot see any windows shares22:39
TraumaQueenMy neighbor is always telling me I need to get a mac... lol he's got NO idea22:39
locashjcc1, thanks22:39
kostas_thess9hi mates . happy new year . A fast question . at ssh says that *** System restart required *** . From what is that problem?22:39
asathoorWell - I found the solution to the wubi problem ...22:39
duffydackAnyone with a radeonHD using fglrx here/22:39
edbianTraumaQueen, mac is kinda similar to linux deep down.22:39
aciculakostas_thess9: an update was installed that needs a reboot to be applied, probably a kernel update22:39
edbianTraumaQueen, Its way more unix like than windows22:39
guntbertkostas_thess9: there could have been a kernel update - that requires a reboot22:39
green453kostas_thess9: likely no problem, just a system update that changed kernel version, etc since last reboot22:39
Sabre-nightguntbert,  how do i rename the folder again?22:39
TraumaQueenyeah... but its tooo complicated. i like ununtu cause its simpler looking than mint22:40
kpuljeki cannot access my ntfs partition from ubuntu. i could, everything was fine, but i spent a few days in windows and now my ntfs partitions are "unknown or unused"22:40
Sabre-nightguntbert,  i han't realized i renamed it in the first place...22:40
asathoorin Vista you have to remove all old entrances on Wubi - and remove whatever folders that were not removed during the remove session from Windows22:40
TraumaQueenOk. gone to boot from live cd again... I'll be back if I get completely lost.22:40
TraumaQueen thannks edebian22:40
Samus_Aranwhere does Ubuntu set it's values for ulimit ?  /etc/security/limits.conf has nothing in it, yet ulimit -a shows a ton of strict limits22:40
kostas_thess9xmmm i havent change kernel . can be applied by self? with out my permision?22:40
aciculakpuljek: try booting windows and shutting it down properly and see if you can access it then?22:40
duffydackkpuljek, have you resized them ?22:40
edbianTraumaQueen, You can get on IRC on the live Cd22:40
guntbertSabre-night: <up arrow> until you get the command back22:40
azrael_still need help getting flash to work22:40
TraumaQueenyep. I may do that22:40
edbianTraumaQueen, just install xchat or something22:40
kpuljekacicula: i can boot up windows and i close them properly, no difference22:40
kpuljekduffydack: no22:40
edbianTraumaQueen, No problem22:40
aciculakostas_thess9: well is it a server with automatic updates on?22:40
decomp505hello all22:41
azrael_yea he helped me remove everything but not how to fix it22:41
decomp505I have no sessions to choose from in gdm. can anyone help?22:41
LLStarkscan you specifiy a version with add-apt-repository?22:41
Dr_thermal1990Can you change the login in screen on 9.10...  I know you could do it in 9.422:41
MorphyNORDr_thermal1990: yes22:41
edbianDr_thermal1990, yeah of course.  System -> admin -> login window22:41
kostas_thess9acicula yes i have it on22:42
guntbert!who | azrael_22:42
ubottuazrael_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:42
aciculakpuljek: maybe check the partition in windows for problems ?22:42
edbianechoalpha5, hi22:42
echoalpha5Which IRC clients are you guys using?!22:42
aciculakostas_thess9: well that applies updates and such ;)22:42
guntbert!poll | echoalpha522:42
ubottuechoalpha5: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:42
azrael_i dont know how to used this chat that well22:42
kpuljekacicula: oh well, i'll give it a try, not like i have many options :S22:42
kpuljekacicula: thx22:42
kostas_thess9acicula i must remove it that :S it sucks:S22:42
prakdoes anyone here happen to know where does gpe-todo store the todo list files?22:42
Dr_thermal1990edbian it does not have login window anymore.22:42
Jovial-Halgari'm trying to read a linux partition in windows where is the driver for that?22:43
esotericbyteit is complex but you can read up on using it at freenode.org22:43
aciculakostas_thess9: ? applying security updates is a good thing22:43
echoalpha5i am just trying the irss runs in the Terminal22:43
OerHeksJovial-Halgar  fs-driver.org22:43
decomp505I have no sessions to choose from in gdm. I have desktop files in the xsessions folder but I guess gdm isn't seeing them can anyone help?22:43
edbianDr_thermal1990, really?  perhaps a package is missing.  I can't say I'm not on an ubuntu machine right now22:43
kostas_thess9acicula yes but at security updates applies and kernel update without my permision?22:44
guntbertkostas_thess9: its configurable during install22:44
edbianGnome has a nice little applet that shows all sorts of neat info about my battery and it's power statistics.  Is there some equivalent for KDE??22:44
kostas_thess9i think i has enable it only for securitu not for kernel22:44
aciculakostas_thess9: well you are asked first if you want to automatically apply security updates during install22:45
echoalpha5Are there also other IRCclients which rin in the Terminel?22:45
Samus_Aranechoalpha5: X-Chat, kvirc, ChatZilla and Opera are probably the most popular GUI clients, irssi, WeeChat, BitchX, and epic4 are the most popular text based clients.  but suggest what features you like, and we can recommend a client22:45
Dr_thermal1990edbian:  Really it only as login screen and there are hardly any option's in there22:45
gpryatelShould I use svn on my local box or install on my home fileserver?22:45
Sabre-nightguntbert, could adblock plus have anything to do with it?22:45
edbianDr_thermal1990, I'm not sure :/22:45
guntbertSabre-night: really no idea - sorry22:45
Dr_thermal1990edbian: It's ok. Thanks22:45
echoalpha5I take a look on some of the text based, thank22:46
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
azrael_can anyone help me get flash working22:46
Sabre-nightguntbert,  because without fixing my profole i still get the tabs bit... *goes to uninstall it*22:46
azrael_ubuntu ver8.0422:46
decomp505I have no sessions to choose from in gdm. I have desktop files in the xsessions folder but I guess gdm isn't seeing them. can anyone help?22:46
aciculakostas_thess9: well not completely sure it updates the kernel, but i dont see why not22:46
Jovial-Halgarwell just installed the fs-driver but when i try to open it it says you have to format it22:46
esotericbyteto get flash working after upgradeing firefox remove it and then reinstall it22:46
bastid_raZorJovial-Halgar: that would be a #windows issue22:46
elroachowell I got tcpdump -i eth0>/home/sean/Desktop/tcpdump.log is there a way to get rid of the clutter22:46
esotericbyteyou will need to have mediabuntu enabled as a repository22:46
elroachojust keep the IP's22:47
kostas_thess9so acicula i will make restart ;) lets see if it will work:p22:47
guntbertkostas_thess9: kernel updates are often security updates ...22:47
edbianazrael_, I think I can.  Are you trying to get it to work in firefox??22:47
edbianazrael_, Open up synaptic.  Do you know what that is?  and search for "flash"22:47
Dasdais there anyway to format a hdd from a live cd? i have a laptop that wont boot from hdd. I booted the laptop using ubuntu9.10livecd. Is there anyway i can format the hdd without actually installind ubuntu? I just basically want to wipe the hdd. Ubuntu is telling me the "disk is failing". That probably is true but i just want to see what it says after i format it because it says bad sectors22:47
Jovial-Halgarhow do i run fx-driver22:48
OerHeksJovial-Halgar maybe fs-driver does not support ext422:48
edbianDasda, used gparted.  If the disk is ruined though ubuntu won't wanna touch it.22:48
br0kenarr0wDasda: mkfs?22:48
jcc1Samus_Aran: I use this page for tunables reference http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.express.doc/info/exp/ae/tprf_tunelinux.html22:48
bastid_raZorJovial-Halgar: ask in ##windows considering you're on windows with a windows issue.22:48
Dasdais gparted included in ubuntu live cd? or mkfs?22:48
green453Dasda: run the gnome partition editor from the live CD. Under System--->administration-->GParted22:48
azrael_flashplugin_nonfree doesn't work for me22:49
Dasdaoh ok green45322:49
jcduttonDasda, try running "smartctl -a /dev/sda" and see if the sector relocation count is greater than zero22:49
edbianazrael_, Ok, first un-install EVERYTHING that comes up from the search for "flash" you can only have 1 version of flash installed or they fight each other and it won't work.22:49
MaletorWhy is grub2 actually version 1.97. How many people are the devs trying to confuse?22:49
azrael_flashplugin_nonfree doesn't work for me22:49
edbianazrael_, what is showing as installed? just flashplugin-nonfree   ?22:49
azrael_and i just removed it22:49
Dasda1sec jcdbutton22:49
edbianazrael_, so now there is no flash players installed?22:49
Jovial-HalgarHow do i read that dag on drive it keeps telling me it has to format it to read it22:50
azrael_pretty sure22:50
jcc1Samus_Aran: you might try this too  http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Linux/Q_22797285.html22:50
Jovial-HalgarI just installed fx-driver now How do i read that dag on drive it keeps telling me it has to format it to read it22:50
edbianazrael_, Organize the packages by what's installed.  It is critical that none of them are installed right now22:50
OerHeksJovial-Halgar maybe fs-driver does not support ext422:50
Jovial-Halgari had that newest ubuntu22:50
aciculai dont think it does, just ext2/322:50
Jovial-Halgari think it used ext 422:51
azrael_yea it all removed22:51
Jovial-Halgarbut i upgraded from the older linux22:51
Jovial-Halgarto the newest ubuntu which i think uses ext422:51
icerootJovial-Halgar: then its not ext422:51
Jovial-Halgarso how do i read it22:51
aciculajcc1: thats closed site, doesnt list a solution22:51
azrael_wat next?22:51
esotericbyteazreal edbian did you guys enable meidabuntu in software soruces?22:51
Dr_WillisJovial-Halgar:  for that fs-driver in windows. You h ave to use its control-panel tool to actually Mount the linux drive to a drive letter last i looked.22:51
Jovial-Halgarhow do i determine if it uses ext3 or 422:51
edbianazrael_, ok good.  Now you have a couple options.  There is the version from adobe (flashplugin-nonfree) if you're convinced that doesn't work I suggest gnash it's second best in my opinion but be warned flashplugin-nonfree is the best by far and works on the most sites22:51
bastid_raZorJovial-Halgar: might i ask, how is this an issues considering you're on windows? the fs-driver has nothign to do with ubuntu22:51
kostas_thess9anyone knows how to have support of greek languange on folders that i create on disks ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!22:51
kostas_thess9and shared via samba?22:52
edbianesotericbyte, don't need to for flash22:52
azrael_that the one i can't get to work22:52
icerootJovial-Halgar: mount22:52
bastid_raZorJovial-Halgar: in ubuntu type sudo fdisk -l22:52
Jovial-Halgarwell bastid_raZor i'm trying to read the drive from windows22:52
OerHeksJovial-Halgar then install samba, and share the ext4 for a windows user22:52
Jovial-Halgari'm not even sure it is ext4 could be ext322:52
edbianazrael_, try gnash it works on youtube at least22:52
esotericbyteedbian i think you do for Adobe flash.... no?22:52
icerootJovial-Halgar: type "mount" in the terminal to see22:52
bastid_raZorJovial-Halgar: exactly, that is not a ubuntu issue. it is windows. and mount will give you the filesystem type.22:52
edbianesotericbyte, flashplugin-nonfree downloads flash from adobe's website22:53
Samus_Aranjcc1: I'm not sure why you pasted me that link ?  it doesn't mention anything to do with adjusting default ulimit values22:53
Jovial-Halgarbastid_raZor windows has a mount?22:53
edbianesotericbyte, flash is one of the reasons that ubuntu is not completely FOSS22:53
Samus_Aranjcc1: and the second link, experts-exchange, is a spam site22:53
icerootJovial-Halgar: type that on linux-side22:53
esotericbyteedbian ... gotcha22:53
azrael_still not working22:53
azrael_man am i retarded or sumthing22:53
azrael_can't get anything to work22:53
edbianazrael_, You install gnash, restarted firefox completely and then tried you tube?22:54
administrador_visit www.blogeek.com.ve22:54
Jovial-Halgariceroot you are not understanding i plugged in a hard drive sata to usb into a windows machine.  The drive had ubuntu on it which uses ext3 or ext422:54
edbianazrael_, It is possible that firefox is not completely restarting.  Look in it's plugins what is showing as the flash player?22:54
administrador_hi! brothers visit my blog www.blogeek.com.ve22:54
guntbertadministrador_: not here please22:54
icerootJovial-Halgar: yes and the ubuntu-problem is?22:54
icerootJovial-Halgar: its a windows problem ##windows22:54
Jovial-Halgarwell i thought someone might know how to help me22:55
=== usuario-master is now known as Vo|d
mMezquitaleJovial-Halgar, what is your question? what are you trying to do?22:55
Dr_WillisJovial-Halgar:  that ext2fs tool for windows  at fs-driver.org has a control panel. You use it to addign the linux drives a widnwos drive letter - IF they are supported.22:55
weechat2ok WeeChat is at least nicer than irssi22:55
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org22:55
Dr_WillisJovial-Halgar:  install that fs-driver.org tool. check its docs/control panel icon22:56
OerHeksJovial-Halgar put it back in the original pc with ubuntu, and share that drive with samba, no way you can use ext4 in windows22:56
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.22:56
gmachineGreetings Earthlings. Is there a way to save the stuff that scrolls across my screen as Ubuntu 8.04 is shutting down to halt or restart. It has to do with networking ... something about nmbus .. anyway it scrolls past faster than I can write it down. I'd like get it working again.22:56
Jovial-Halgarok well i know i had the older versions of ubuntu and i upgraded twice to the newest would it have ext3 or ext4?22:56
jellowweechat2: I disagree22:57
jcc1Samus_Aran: sorry about that last one, for some reason I had it saved, musta been drunk. have you tried googling for "permanently set ulimit on Linux"22:57
icerootJovial-Halgar: ext322:57
guntbertgmachine: you'll find it in /var/log/syslog22:57
mataernjhey guys"22:57
icerootJovial-Halgar: ext4 comes only with a new installation of karmic by default22:57
Jovial-Halgarok so then ext3 is established the fs-driver should work22:57
weechat2@gmachine you can modify the shutdown command22:57
mMezquitaleJovial-Halgar, like OerHeks mentioned, the read/write support I have read about is for ext2, it's not even for ext3 but it works on ext3, dont know if it works on ext4, try at your own peril22:57
gmachineI usually use the "sudo shutdown -h now" (or -r) commend ... can I pipe the screen output somewhere?22:57
mataernjvisit my blog www.blogeek.com.ve22:57
Dr_WillisJovial-Halgar:  that fs-driver.org tool can do ext2 and ext3. but not ext4  -22:58
glisshi how can i restart the gnome desktop, without restarting x?22:58
weechat2yes with the grep command (I guess)22:58
Dr_WillisJovial-Halgar:  http://www.fs-driver.org/screenshots.html22:58
guntbertmataernj: I told you - not here please - no announcements22:58
esotericbytei have installed into a new logical volume using kvm but grub-install fails and so the install breaksdown and does not complete.It put all the files in the right places for a basic system but did not update menu.lst i want to do the rest by hand. I need a step by step of what the installer does or a pointer at the code.22:58
ker0shi everyone22:58
glissnautilus has crashed and wont start up again22:58
lstarnesgliss: you have to restart x22:58
ker0sis it posible to remove grub2 beta and install grub legacy one22:58
gmachineweechat2 ok........... you think grep? ok... I will look into it22:58
tvaughnhow do you query the package manager with terminal?22:58
Dr_Willisker0s:  yes it is.. and no i dont know how.22:58
glisslstarnes: oh boy thats not good22:59
aciculatvaughn apt-cache, dpkg22:59
lstarnestvaughn: aptitude search packagename22:59
esotericbytekeros are you using ext4?22:59
lstarnesgliss: why not?22:59
bastid_raZortvaughn: apt-cache search packagename22:59
glisslstarnes because i have applications running that i dont want to shut down22:59
traumaqueenok edebian?22:59
glisslstarnes, terminal applications22:59
Gremnonif KDE didn't pull in the package that handles sound events, which one do you use? Or where should it be if it is installed22:59
ker0sDr_Willis: if i do apt-get remove grub2;apt-get install grub, will it borks my installs22:59
glissi should have ran them in screen22:59
mMezquitaleesotericbyte, the only pointer I know about grub2 is that it counts partitions starting at 1, not 0 like legacy grub22:59
tvaughnhow can i make it so i can see all the output22:59
lstarnesgliss: you could also use the terminal to kill nautilus then use nautilus & disown22:59
tvaughnit scrolls too far22:59
tvaughnno scroll in server =[23:00
bastid_raZortvaughn: apt-cache search packagename | less23:00
glisslstarnes, when i was running mwm, all i had to do was killall -HUP mwm or something23:00
Dr_Willisker0s:  no idea..  - i doubt if its that simple.23:00
jajjaxhallo all, im trying to reboot from menu but nothing happends23:00
lstarnestvaughn: aptitude search packagename | less23:00
mataernjguntbert: ah sorry friend, it did not know that do not quite understand the English23:00
traumaqueenOk i need some help23:00
ker0sno iam using ext323:00
glisskillall mwm; mwm &23:00
=== syntax is now known as Guest29324
Dr_Willis!info byobu23:00
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): a set of useful profiles and a profile-switcher for GNU screen. In component main, is optional. Version 2.38-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 53 kB, installed size 620 kB23:00
guntbertmataernj: :)23:00
gmachinejajjax try using the command line23:00
traumaqueenhow do I change unallocated space to part of my edt4 space23:00
gmachineyou can at least see what's going on23:00
traumaqueenI have  ascreenshot of my partitions23:00
esotericbytemMezquitale ... i think its because it is an lvm volume with no partion table.. in a virtual machine i think that is why it fails23:00
ker0sDr_Willis: ok thanks23:01
mMezquitaletraumaqueen, I highly suggest you use a live CD with gparted, working on partitions that are already mounted could possibly give you a headache23:01
Dr_Willistraumaqueen:  gparted can resize partitions.  with some work23:01
esotericbytemMezquitale i can run grub install and upgrade to the right version myself... what i need to know is what else does the installer do after grub install?23:01
traumaqueenI am on the live cd23:01
traumaqueen and I am in gparted23:01
weechat2it was not the grep command...sorry23:01
Gremnonif KDE didn't pull in the package that handles sound events, which one do you use? Or where should it be if it is installed23:02
traumaqueen i just cant drag the arrow on my partition to let it take up that 5 gigs of unallocated space..23:02
mataernjguntbert: well thanks for telling me .. greetings from Venezuela23:02
jamiewan_can someone shed some light on this problem, on certain programs, ie: vlc, sm player skype and a few others, all the text is scrambled into little icons and stuff< anyone had this problem? Jaunty23:02
gmachinemataernj, you are in Venez?23:02
dathhow do i start a java app from commandline?23:02
gmachinedath depends on the app23:03
jcc1esotericbyte: I believe you are right, you need to use the command line tools to start the vm.23:03
dathgmachine: its a jar file23:03
mMezquitaleesotericbyte, you want to go to #grub to get more info, if youre lucky youll bump into one of the developers that actually work on the app23:03
gmachinedath which jar file23:03
lstarnesdath: java -jar file.jar23:03
dathi can open it with right click and sun java 6 run time23:03
dathbut i want it in app menu23:03
traumaqueenany ideas?23:03
mataernjgmachine: if your brother?23:04
Jamedker0s: i *think* it would be something like uninstall grub2, install grub legacy and run sudo grub-install, but better don't try it...23:04
gmachinemataernj, si mi hermano que?23:04
mMezquitaletraumaqueen, the trick is to have the available space next to the partition where you want to add it to23:04
esotericbytemMezquitale that is a good idea. the other thing i am interested in is the install script.... i wonder if it's bash / python or something else. headscracth....23:04
Dr_Willistraumaqueen:  if one is a primary partiion and the other is not. it may take some work to get them  right23:04
traumaqueenOk im lost23:04
mataernjgmachine: tu eres de venezuela igual?23:04
jamiewan_can someone shed some light on this problem, on certain programs, ie: vlc, sm player skype and a few others, all the text is scrambled into little icons and stuff< anyone had this problem? Jaunty23:04
traumaqueenok... i need someone to walk me through this. i have had linux for 2 days.... i am just now starting to learn about partitions23:05
mMezquitaleesotericbyte, ask again in the room, this time be specific so you can work one issue at a time, if you dont get an answer right now try at different time intervals23:06
esotericbytejamiewan_ do you have ms corefonts installed ?   what locale are you set to?23:06
Jovial-HalgarHere we have an Ext3 file system which has transactions left in its journal.23:06
Jovial-Halgarpure Ext2 driver must not access such a volume which is in that state (to23:06
Jovial-Halgarprevent data loss!).23:06
Jovial-HalgarYou may solve it by mounting it on Linux (which has a kernel with Ext323:06
Jovial-Halgarsupport). Be sure that you cleanly dismount it, before you shutdown Linux.23:06
FloodBot1Jovial-Halgar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:06
wlodidath: java -jar file.jar23:06
Jovial-Halgarso i have to mount it on linux23:06
dathok, works. now how do i enable java support in firefox? the java checkbox is set and i have sun java installed.23:07
Dr_Willistraumaqueen:  i guess a read of --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning   will teach you the terms23:07
traumaqueengrrrr... Ok. thanks a lot.23:07
Jovial-Halgarwould it work if i have the newest ubuntu becuase it wants a kernel with ext3323:07
Dr_Williswell if they dont want to learn the basics.. well.. too bad i guess..23:08
wlodidath: then it should be supported23:08
BwarfHello everyone23:08
Jovial-Halgaractually at that point if i could access it from linux it would not matter23:08
jamiewan_esotericbyte: i see ttf-mscorefonts-installer in repos23:08
mMezquitaletraumaqueen, does the live CD allow you get on the internet?  can you log in to the channel using the live cd?  If so you can take snapshots or we can guide on how you can get information from your hard drive and use pastebin to paste the info to23:08
esotericbytejamiewan_ that is good23:08
Jovial-Halgarcould i just do it from vbox inside windows and access it that way?23:08
Bwarfguys, I have a weirdest issue in my Ubuntu 9.10 that noone on the Internet seems to have experienced but feels fairly common23:08
digitedhi all. I've installed Karmic 64 - how can i install 32-bit dev packages pack?23:08
esotericbytejamiewan_ and you have your locale set ?23:08
mac9416How do I set the default application to open images? Opera thinks it should do everything.23:08
BwarfWhen I type two keys too fast on my keyboard (I am a fast typer) almost simultaneously, Ubuntu sometimes gets the wrong order23:09
Jovial-Halgarcould i access a ext3 filesystem from vbox host windows guest linux?23:09
Cullenhow can i see which video driver is currently loaded in the latest ubuntu? i cant find an x11.conf or anything23:09
=== Growlith1 is now known as Growlithe
Bwarfe.g. space always comes before any key23:09
esotericbytejamiewan_i don't know what sort of junk you are seeing besides text. what does it look like?23:09
Bwarfif another key is pressed too quickly before it23:09
mataernjbay brothers! greetins from venezuela23:09
mac9416Jovial-Halgar, yes, I believe so.23:09
Bwarfso I type thing slik ethi soften23:09
esotericbytejamiewan_ if you resize or cause the window to refresh does it somtimes correct itself?23:09
ortsvorsteherwrite slower :)23:09
jamiewan_esotericbyte: i have locales set, common files for local support23:10
Bwarfortsvorsteher: I don't have that problem in Windows, I tried23:10
Bwarffor example23:10
Bwarftry pressing all asdf keys together in any editor23:10
jcc1dath: just go to Edit -> Prefs -> Content and enable23:10
Bwarfyou'll ALWAYS get 'asdf'23:10
Dr_WillisJovial-Halgar:  that fs-driver.org tool should be able to access ext3 from windows. Once you configure it23:10
dathah, i forgot to install the java plugin to firefox23:10
Bwarfeven if you press it in reverse order but really fast23:10
mMezquitaleBwarf, you want to post your question all in  one line so that everyone can follow you23:10
mcce11Does closing the Terminal window kill the process that it is running?23:10
wlodidath: that's what I was about to write23:10
dathit works now23:10
dathi thought it is automatically installed with java23:11
jamiewan_esotericbyte: it went like it once before about 3 months ago, but seemed to fix itself, but now same prob again23:11
Gremnonif KDE didn't pull in the package that handles sound events, which one do you use? Or where should it be if it is installed23:11
mac9416Dr_Willis, if it's a shared folder doesn't Vbox make it look like a network drive to the guest?23:11
wlodidath: it should be originaly23:11
mac9416mcce11, yes it does.23:11
Dr_Willismac9416:  vbox has its own special shares it can do with the windows machine.. or the os can do a samba share23:11
BwarfIn Ubuntu 9.10, if you press the keys 'asdf' in the reverse order (f, d, s, a) but do it REALLY fast, you'll still get typed 'asdf' and not 'fdsa'.23:11
mac9416Dr_Willis, Ah, ok.23:11
mMezquitaleGremnon, what "sound events" are you referring to? there should be an option in KDE that allows you to turn on/off system sound events23:12
mauriI have this error using amsn "libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: unknown huffman code: 0000ffff"23:12
BwarfIn Ubuntu 9.10, if you press the keys 'asdf' in the reverse order (f, d, s, a) but do it REALLY fast, you'll still get typed 'asdf' and not 'fdsa'. For fast typers this is a problem as although we press a certain key before some other key timely, it still gets typed in the wrong position. So we have to slow down.23:12
GremnonmMezquitale, just normal events, like assigning a sound to error messages and similar that pop up23:12
esotericbytejamiewan_ i was looking at your list of applications23:12
bazhangBwarf, please stop that23:13
esotericbytejamiewan_ are thre apps that do not cause the problem?23:13
Bwarfbazhang: meh23:13
Bwarfit's an interesting problem noone has noticed before23:13
jamiewan_esotericbyte: yes, not all apps are doing it only a certain few23:13
dathis rc.local executed as root?23:13
bazhangBwarf, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic23:13
bastid_raZorBwarf: it sounds as if you're making it up. or trolling23:13
bastid_raZordath: yes23:13
BwarfI SWEAR it's easy to try23:13
mcce11Is it safe to kill the following process?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/350551/http://paste.ubuntu.com/350551/23:14
mMezquitaleGremnon, have you tried enabling those settings in "sound" applet under "preferences?, that's where theyre at in ubuntu23:14
Bwarfwhy did I get kicked?23:14
bazhangBwarf, stay on topic or you will be removed23:14
Bwarfwhat the hell, I am on topic23:14
jamiewan_esotericbyte: can i compile a screen shot for you?23:14
GremnonmMezquitale, this is in KDE, AFAIK that works for gnome instead23:15
Bwarfseriously, just try it23:15
Bwarfopen an editor type fdsa real quick, and I mean _real_ quick.23:15
fargcan you use scp to download all the files in a directory from another computer?23:15
esotericbytejamiewan_ does the garbage look normalized ? i mean is it always the same garbage? I am thinking that it could be that you have bad settings in tkinker or something similar... but that is just a hunch. you could try copying the settings file in your home directory to a backup location and then see if basic settings that are created solve the problem... reserching this idea now23:15
bastid_raZorfarg: yes.. scp -r23:15
mMezquitaleGremnon, there should be an applet in KDE that allows you to configure sound settings, try23:16
jcc1farg: yes23:16
fargso i dont need sftp then? what's sftp for then23:16
fargif you can do everything with scp and easier23:16
jarray52How do I resolve the following IRQ conflict? (line indicating conflict using cat /proc/interrupts)- 23:         12      14169   IO-APIC-fasteoi   sata_nv, eth023:16
jcc1different networks than yours for secure ftp23:16
mister_robotoGremnon: it's called "system settings" and it's on the very first menu that comes up when you click the "K" start button23:16
Sabre-nightI just switched over to Google "Chromium" from firefox to get rid of the tabs issue, and when i go to open a new tab, GUESS WHAT HAPPENS? 2 tabs unstead of one, just like firefox, someone tell me why this is happening!23:17
Gremnonmister_roboto, sure - but nothing in there lists anything, and looking in each gives nothing that suggests it does that23:17
dannyupcan any1 help me23:17
Dr_WillisSabre-night:  you rmouse is double clicking. :)23:17
mister_robotoGremnon: "notifications"23:17
mMezquitalebazhang, didnt know you could do that, some days ago a user came in claiming he wiped his parent's windows partition when he installed ubuntu and he was dead meat LoL23:17
mister_robotoGremnon: what sound are you trying to play with? there is also "multimedia23:17
Sabre-nightDr_Willis,  do you know how to double check this or fix it?23:17
jcc1Sabre-night: that's sure what it sounds like to me :-)23:18
jamiewan_esotericbyte: http://imagebin.ca/view/3clv4t.html23:18
Undertowis it still required to blacklist agpgart and intel_agp in modprobe.d/blacklist.conf to install Nvidia cards?  (NV18)23:18
Gremnonfound it... I need to look harder23:18
wlodidannyyup: what's the issue?23:18
Dr_WillisSabre-night:  Try a diffeent mouse.23:18
dannyupi installed multiple environments at the same time, and now it tries to start up as kubuntu and says a theme is missing and goes back to the login screen again23:19
Sabre-nightDr_Willis,  i have none23:19
mister_robotofarg: sftp is useful if you have scripts that expect to execute ftp commands, but you're actually going over ssh23:19
jcc1Sabre-night: Isn't there some accessibility setting that allows to treat a single click as double?23:20
rahdukehey when i install a new HDD, and chown it so I can write to it, do I also need to chmod or chown it with different settings so others on my network can read and write too it?23:20
uvacavis there a way to run a script on a process's start and stop? (trying to disable screensaver temporarily)23:20
Sabre-nightjcc1,  im looking into it, im in the mouse settings right now.23:20
esotericbytejamiewan_ post that llink with your original discription to the room agian23:20
dannyupcmon i need some help23:20
esotericbytejamiewan_ i thinik it is a font setting someplace but i can not figure out where it is23:20
jcc1or accessibility settings, maybe?23:21
esotericbytejamiewan_ i found a similar problem on the forum but it does not look the same and was not sovled :(  :     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=773064823:21
dathdoes 'sh xyz.sh' work in crontab?23:21
lenswipesaid dath23:21
dathor are spaces not allowed?23:21
jamiewan_can someone shed some light on this problem, on certain programs, ie: vlc, sm player skype and a few others, all the text is scrambled into little icons and stuff< anyone had this problem? Jaunty23:21
jamiewan_ http://imagebin.ca/view/3clv4t.html23:22
aliquererhow do you poen a iso-file in nautilus withous burning it?23:22
jcc1dannyup: try <ctrl-alt-F2> to get to a terminal screen, login, and reinstall the environment you want to use.23:22
Sabre-nightjcc1,  I'm using the roller ball to open the tabs, and with the tester the mouse settings has, its showing a click from pressing down AND lifting off the wheel. which is odd.23:22
Undertowis that valid for karmic?23:22
Dr_Willisdath:  you should proberly just make the script executable and begin with #!/bin/sh23:22
dannyupi can only log in as root23:22
Dr_Willisaliquerer:  i just douible click on the iso here. and it mounts it.23:22
dannyuphow do i get pure gnome23:22
jcc1Sabre-night: that is odd, i wonder if it's set in xorg.conf?23:23
dathDr_Willis: so i dont have to add sh to it?23:23
dannyupubuntubot pure gnome23:23
g0tchaso openvpn server only uses rsa keys and not username and passwords?23:23
aliquererDr_Willis: to me nothing happens when i do that23:23
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g0tchaor is it optional?23:23
legend2440!pure gnome23:23
Sabre-nightjcc1,  know how i can check?23:23
wlodidannyup: I don't know to be honest:)23:23
jcc1you may have to give up the trackball and use the left button :-)23:23
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal23:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:24
aliquererhow do you open a iso-file in nautilus withous burning it?23:24
Sabre-nightjcc1,  NEVAR *holds onto trackwheel for dear life*23:24
Sabre-nightjcc1,  however a new mouse would be good :D23:24
fargdo i need dnsmasq if i have a small home network of 3 computers and a router that already does dhcp?23:24
fargor are hosts files enough23:25
Sabre-nightjcc1,  it did come from the windows millenium edition era...23:25
Jamedaliquerer: right click > open with archive manager or somethin like that23:25
DarkMasterHaloAliquerer, sudo mount <iso file> /mnt -o loop23:25
jamiewan_esotericbyte: i'm noticing lots of other fonts activated in my repos, like, Un series Korean, Indian language fonts, and a coupole others, should i get rid of those do you think?23:25
Jovial-Halgarwell i booted from cd into linux then it repaired the journaled file system, that fixed that fx-driver error, now it says it has inodes > 128.  So, will a new ubuntu ext4 read an ext3 filesystem?23:26
mister_robotofarg: why not just give the 3 computers static addresses and use the host file?23:26
jcc1Sabre-night: the problem for me is that X setup has changed pretty radically in the last two distros, so I don't have an answer right off-hand, but I'll look around now23:26
lstarnesJovial-Halgar: ubuntu versions that support ext4 also support ext323:26
dathwhere can i find the cron log?23:26
fargmister_roboto how do you give them static ip addresses?23:26
esotericbytejamiewan_ no that is fine23:26
aciculadath: syslog?23:27
Jovial-Halgarok so now I will have to have linux to read the hard drive.23:27
nikmenHi UBUNTU Brothers..23:27
nikmenIm in DIRE Help23:27
hyperstreamnikmen, im female..23:27
esotericbytejamiewan_ that way you have webpages that appear like something when they are in a foreign language23:27
Sabre-nightjcc1,  Let me know if you find something, otherwise im just gonna buy a new mouse... this one is bloody old anyway23:27
mister_robotofarg: when you're configuring the network interface, don't choose dhcp but give them a static address 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x23:27
dinosaurvskittenBefore my last reboot, I removed gdm from all runlevels. Yet, when I booted back up, I was still greeted with the usual ubuntu GUI [and annoying sound]. Why?23:27
nikmenIm a Completely new amateur user23:27
lstarnesfarg: find out what address ranges are used by the router then find the netmask, gateway/router addressm and local broadcast address23:27
dannyuphow do i make gdm and gnome as default in the console23:27
nikmenim trying to use my ipod23:27
kristian_i've copied a directory from a data cd to my desktop, i don't have permission to edit the files that are contained within the dir. what can i write in terminal to give all permission to the user im currently logged in as?23:27
esotericbytejamiewan_ you need to look the the QT settings in the appearance dialogs i believe23:27
lstarnesfarg: if you have those, you should be able to use static IPs23:27
sn[a]keCan i change the name of my computer o n Ubuntu?23:27
nikmeni cant get it to work with any of the programs23:27
dinosaurvskittenand more importantly, how can I permanently get rid of it?23:27
lstarnes!hostname | sn[a]ke23:27
ubottusn[a]ke: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.23:27
jamiewan_esotericbyte: yep, sorry i'm a bit of a noob really, only had ubuntu 9 months23:28
Xpistoshello evryone23:28
Xpistosi am having problems deleting nonempty folders on my server in nautilus using sshfs. I can delete the files then the folder but not all together in nautilus. suggs?23:28
mister_robotofarg: lstarnes is right though... gotta match the network that your router is routing :)23:28
jcc1Sabre-night: I would try the Ubuntu forums, search first and if no luck, ask and wait for an answewr. Someone there in the past may have seen this issue and there will be info on it there23:28
paulmersigh. I'm running mdns on my network and have a network server running cups sharing a printer23:28
dannyuphow do i make gdm and gnome as default in the console23:28
sn[a]keis ubottu a bot?23:28
paulmerwhy isn't ubuntu auto connecting to it23:28
nikmenIPOD HELp....NEWBBIE HERE23:28
paulmerand coinfiguring23:28
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:28
Jamed!bot | sn[a]ke23:28
ubottusn[a]ke: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:28
rCXHow can I get the nice value of a running process from the terminal?23:28
lstarnesnikmen: please be patient23:28
defryskdannyup, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm23:29
paulmerI went to prefs > printing and went to network printers23:29
dinosaurvskittensn[a]ke, we're all bots - ubottu is the only human here23:29
paulmerentered the servers ip23:29
nikmeniv tryied the documentation page but it wont work23:29
paulmerand it didn't find anything23:29
jamiewan_rCX: top23:29
Sabre-nightjcc1,  thanks23:29
nikmenI thinks its becuase im using the new IPOD 5th Generation23:29
paulmernikmen, learn English.23:29
lstarnesrCX: you can check it with top or htop23:29
jcc1sorry, best I can do, at least you know what the prob is now.23:29
nikmenim typing fast. give me a break23:29
dathim looking forward to my quad core laptop :) then finally linux's performance comes to my home with its 1000000 processes for every little shit23:29
jcc1Good Luck23:29
esotericbytejamiewan_ they are in system -> preferences -> qtr configuration23:29
dinosaurvskittensn[a]ke, in fact, ubuntu itself is an elaborate prank, just to see who is silly enough to put up with it for so long23:30
esotericbytejamiewan_ not qtr qt4 sorry23:30
jcc1dinosaurvskitten:  :-)23:30
jamiewan_esotericbyte: ok i'll have a look23:30
rCXIs there a way to return the nice value? e.g. pidof returns the pid of a process...23:30
Sabre-nightNew question, for anyone who has experience using Virtualbox,  I need to add a USB port to my windows XP virtual machine, but Virtualbox won't let me, yet while im on the window for Windows XP (running it) it has an option for usb devices.23:30
grkblood13how do you read system email?>23:30
lstarnesgrkblood13: mail23:31
mister_robotorCX: one of the "ps" options will give to you.   do a "man ps" and read up23:31
jamiewan_esotericbyte: that whole QT4 is scrambled the same way23:31
grkblood13lstarnes, where does it go?23:31
lstarnesgrkblood13: or use mutt23:31
esotericbytejamiewan_ i was afriad of that23:31
lstarnesgrkblood13: terminal.23:31
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farglstarnes my router seems to already assign static IPs. they havent changed in months23:31
grkblood13no, where is the mail located23:31
paulmerI thought ubuntu is supposed to be for nubs, why do I have to setup cups manually23:31
jcc1or pine23:31
XpistosSabre-night: what is your host23:31
paulmerlike I would on my gentoo or freebsd machine23:31
rCXmister_roboto: thx. will do!23:31
esotericbytejamiewan_ you need to nuke your qt4  / kde settings and start over ... but i don't know where they are lets ask the room23:31
Sabre-nightXpistos,  Ubuntu 9.1023:31
XpistosSabre-night:  Are you using23:31
grkblood13lstarnes, where is the mail located23:32
jcc1paulmer: just MS, you have to set up the printer driver for your printer, here you set up cups for your printer23:32
lstarnesgrkblood13: in the terminal23:32
XpistosSabre-night:  ose or puel version of vbox'23:32
r0k3tm3nhas anyone configured 'logcheck' before? i am having trouble getiing it to read the *.config file23:32
matt_hi how do i set up ubuntu-cloud ?23:32
lstarnesgrkblood13: access it with the command "mail"23:32
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Sabre-nightXpistos,  OSE23:32
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jcc1just like MS (in a way)23:32
usertwohow can i check the firmware version on a huawei e220 usb modem using ubuntu only (no access to a windows machine)23:32
grkblood13in the terminal is not an answer23:32
grkblood13it has to be stored somewhere on the system23:32
XpistosSabre-night: Ose version doesn't have usb support23:32
jamiewan_entire room- can somebody tell me how to reset the QT4 settings in Jaunty23:33
lstarnesgrkblood13: also, check /var/mail, ~/mbox, ~/Maildir, ~/Mail23:33
esotericbytejamiewan_ what do you have in .qt ?23:33
lstarnesgrkblood13: does that work?23:33
Sabre-nightXpistos,  i see, and the puel version does?23:33
lstarnesgrkblood13: there are also different formats used23:33
lstarnesgrkblood13: mbox and /var/mail are flatfile mailboxes23:33
matt`````hi how do i set up ubuntu-cloud ? on ubuntu 9.1023:33
XpistosSabre-night: yes23:33
azrael_can anyone help me with install flash23:33
lstarnesgrkblood13: Maildir uses the special maildir format23:33
grkblood13i have nothing located in /var/mail23:33
ardchoille!info opera23:33
XpistosSabre-night: silly, but yes23:33
ubottuPackage opera does not exist in karmic23:33
esotericbytejamiewan_ more specifically ~/.qt23:33
grkblood13does it leave there after its sent?23:33
azrael_can anyone help me with install flash23:33
lstarnesgrkblood13: tools that can be used to acces them include mail, mutt, and cone23:33
BluesKajnetworking script in init.d isn't accepting the satrt command23:33
lstarnesgrkblood13: no, it gets sent to there23:33
Sabre-nightXpistos,  you might be able to help with this question then, i can't seem to get sound from the virtual machine either, nor the host OS when i have the VM running,23:34
BluesKajerr start23:34
azrael_can anyone help me with installing flash or a flash like app23:34
hyperstreamazrael_, fresh install of ubuntu ?23:34
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:34
azrael_freash 8.0423:34
Sabre-nightXpistos,  eh, nevermind i'll double check that after i install puel23:34
lstarnesrCX: there is also ps -eo pid,nice,command23:34
phiqtionanyone experienced with dd-wrt and routers?23:34
jcc1grkblood13: what is in /var/mail is mail to you, not from you23:34
jamiewan_esotericbyte: all thats there is qt_plugins_3.3rc23:34
lstarnesrCX: check also man ps23:34
XpistosSabre-night:  good call23:34
r0k3tm3nphiqtion: what is your question>23:35
XpistosSabre-night: maybe a moot point then23:35
hyperstreamazrael_, sorry i use 9.10, i opened firefox went to youtube.com and the browser installed it for me(after hitting install and so forth)23:35
phiqtionr0k3tm3n: can i PM?23:35
esotericbytejamiewan_ headscratch... since i don't know lets ask the room23:35
r0k3tm3nphiqtion: sure23:35
edbianhyperstream, When azrael_ tries to install "flashplugin-nonfree" it says that it fails on the download.  I pointed him to the .deb on the flash website and it says it can't satisfy libpango1.0-0 even though he has it installed.23:35
azrael_do you know if i can upgrade to 9.1023:35
lstarnesazrael_: not directly23:36
kristian_i've copied a directory from a data cd to my desktop, i don't have permission to edit the directory or the files within it. what can i write in terminal to give "all" permission to the dir and it's content with the user im currently logged in as?23:36
grkblood13the reason im asking is b/c i have a mail server that redirects mail to my gmail account, but i have a problem with a cronjob that randomly seg faults and its always sending email to my gmail account telling me it faulted23:36
azrael_yea it all kinds of kicking me in the nuts23:36
grkblood13im using ssmpt23:36
lstarnesazrael_: you need to go to 8.10, then 9.04, then 9.1023:36
esotericbyteWhere are the QT settings stored ... the ones set by system -> preferences -> qt4 configuration ???23:36
edbianhyperstream, The dependency thing is bizzare23:36
hyperstreamazrael_, try: sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev23:36
azrael_so where do you go to do that23:36
lstarnesazrael_: the update manager23:36
hyperstreamazrael_, then install the .deb that edbian directed you to23:36
jcc1kristian_: try man chown for your answer23:36
edbianhyperstream, Are you aware of a reason that the download would fail??23:36
azrael_cool its doing sumthing23:37
lstarnesazrael_: also, check the settings in system > administration > software sources for distribution upgrade settings23:37
r0k3tm3nkristian_: its 'chmod ' with some option, which i dont recall23:37
jcc1kristian_: I mean "man chmod"23:37
edoceoI've got Karmic on a Toshiba laptop with ATI Radeon 200M - how to get the external VGA port to work?23:37
rCXlstarnes: Thx.23:37
hyperstreamedbian, nope, but with dependacy issues i generally install the 'blah'-dev and it seems to function23:37
Sabre-nightXpistos,  i can't seem to find it in the software manager or sym. package manager, what is it called exactly, if you know off hand23:37
edoceoWhen it system boots there is output on that port, then once XFCE starts the output to that port is turned off23:37
lstarnesrCX: you can also change nice settings via renice23:37
jcc1 it is chmod -R (for recursive change)23:37
azrael_ok that didn't change anything same error23:37
Sabre-nightXpistos,  vboxgtk?23:37
hyperstreamedoceo, plug it in and go to System->Pref->Display23:38
grkblood13hwo do i get ssmpt to stop sending me system email23:38
dan123it's dannyup again23:38
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:38
hyperstreamsplit lol23:38
edoceohyperstream: done that - still only shows one screen :(23:38
dan123now i have it stuck with edubuntu23:38
edbianazrael_, Try installing the -dev do you understand?  It's a good idea hyperstream! :)23:38
hyperstreamedoceo, doesnt detect it at all?23:38
azrael_ok so ran that command and its still not wokring23:38
deviadSee you, I gotta go23:38
edoceohyperstream: correct23:38
dan123how do i make it normal gnome insted of edubuntu23:38
deviadGoodbye. Have a good one!23:39
edoceoBut it does work before XFCE starts - that is when I'm selecting the user that port works, but shortly after login it goes off23:39
hyperstreamazrael_, what do you mean that command didnt work, pastebin.com the error please23:39
jamiewan_can someone tell me if qt_plugins_3.3rc is all thats needed in my QT4 settins, i have scrambled fonts in a few apps and they are unusable. Jaunty23:39
phiqtionanyone experienced with dd-wrt and routers?23:39
rCXlstarnes: Is there a simple niceof command, like the pidof command that only returns the pid23:39
hyperstreamedoceo, that is very strange, im not sure, using karmic ?23:39
lstarnesrCX: no23:39
edbianazrael_, sudo apt-get install  libpango1.0-dev23:39
kristian_jcc1 & r0k3tm3n : thanks!23:39
kpuljeki cannot access my ntfs partitions from ubuntu. it says that they are unknown or unused. i tried scanning both drives with windows disk scanner and everything went okay, i have no viruses or malware. what can i do?23:39
edoceohyperstream: yep23:40
rCXlstarnes: ok thx again23:40
azrael_error dependency is not satisfiable: libpango1.0-023:40
azrael_that the error i keep getting23:40
edbianazrael_, from gdebi still?23:40
edoceohyperstream: is there supposed to be an xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 in karmic - I don't see one23:40
azrael_it kick my ass bro23:40
mister_robotorCX: ps -ef "%n" <pid>23:40
edbianazrael_, ha ha23:40
hyperstreamedoceo, i believe it doesnt use a xorg.conf anymore23:40
mister_robotorCX: did you look at the man page?23:41
edbianazrael_, See our personal convo23:41
jcc1edoceo: not anymore23:41
keresDO NOT TRY THIS but does rm -rf / return an error, or does it actually work? DO NOT TRY THIS23:41
mister_robotorCX: oops, i mean ps -eo23:41
dan123i installed the edubuntu interface on my ubuntu and now i can't change it back23:41
hyperstreamedoceo, it figures it all out on the fly, im not sure how to go about generating one either23:41
edoceoHmm, but if I create one - and force some settings - maybe I would be good?23:41
usertwothere must be some way ubuntu can read the firmware of a device?23:41
r0k3tm3nkpuljek: try reformatting the partition with qparted or partition magic23:41
jcc1keres: how would anyone know if they don't try it :-) DON"T TRY IT23:42
jamiewan_can someone help with this please    http://imagebin.ca/view/3clv4t.html23:42
mister_robotorCX: sigh... one more time.  ps -o "%n" -p <pid>23:42
DarkMasterHaloHey i tried rm -rf / it didn't crash but there is a lot of files there ! (Jokes inside)23:42
kpuljekr0k3tm3n: i kinda have 400gb of data on it... i can access it from windows just fine23:42
keresjcc1, would anyone know if it supposed to return an error?23:42
edbiankeres, never tried it.  You know what it attempts to do?23:42
keresedbian, yes i do23:42
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keresedbian, i know what it does, so lets say you were logged in as root and you tried that23:43
dan123i installed the edubuntu interface on my ubuntu and now i can't change it back23:43
keresedbian, would linux refuse to do it to protect itself?23:43
phiqtionanyone experienced with dd-wrt and routers?23:43
kflip2indyanyone know a good program i could run a video capture card on?23:43
r0k3tm3nkpuljek: hmm, in my experiences, linux trips up over NTFS... are u trying to share a partition?23:43
jcc1jamiewan_: you have a font problem23:43
usertwono one with hardcore technical skills online?23:43
esotericbytejamiewan_ look at this   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/33491623:44
kpuljekr0k3tm3n: yes, it's my multimedia drive, i have only music, videos and such on it. but i cannot access my windows partition either23:44
jamiewan_jcc1: yes several apps all fonts scrambled23:44
keresit seems you can't if --preserve-root is on23:44
esotericbytejamiewan_ someone deleted  .kde i recommend just moving it to kdeold23:44
edbiankeres, Linux would do what you told it to.  I suspect it might crash as you started to delete things that are critical to the system running like the code for the kernel itself23:44
keresdoes this come on as default in linux?23:44
mister_robotorCX: to just show them all, do something like ps -eo "%n %p"     you can use the option string after -o to show any field you want23:44
jcc1jamiewan_: just kidding... have you tried to look at installed fonts from Synaptic and see if some obvious ones are not installed?23:44
dathdoes the following script work?23:44
dathbzip2 --keep --force --quiet --best $FILE23:44
dathcp $FILE.bz2 /home/test/$FILE.bz223:44
keres<keres> it seems you can't if --preserve-root is on23:44
r0k3tm3nkpuljek: does it show up as a device?23:44
lstarneskeres: why would rm not come with linux?23:44
rCXmister_roboto: That worked :)23:44
edbiankeres, I'm sure it still reeks havoc23:44
mister_robotorCX: learning to read the man pages will pay off dearly in the long run23:45
kpuljekr0k3tm3n: in gparted it appears as ntfs, with correct used\free space output23:45
lstarnescloacker: no route to host23:45
andylandAnyone here who's had a successfull minidlna setup on ubuntu 9.10?23:45
cloackermister_roboto: ACK23:45
jamiewan_jcc1: will do that now23:45
jcc1edbian: actually I think you would have to execute "rm /*" wouldn't you?23:45
esotericbytejamiewan_ try                     #mv .kde kdeold            in your home dir23:45
kflip2indyanyone know a good program for a video capture card?23:45
usertwoi dont want to have to find a wondows machine just to check a device firmware23:46
kojirooh i seem to be in thwe wrong irc chat room, anyone can direct me to the windows vista irc plz? :P23:46
dan123i installed the edubuntu interface on my ubuntu and now i can't change it back23:46
r0k3tm3nkpuljek: does it show up in ubuntu under /dev or /media?23:46
Dr_Williskojiro:  that would be #debian23:46
kpuljekr0k3tm3n: media no, i'll check dev now23:46
edbianjcc1, IDK who cares, lets not do it23:46
rCXmister_roboto: Yeah I have a lot of reading to do. Thanks again23:46
esotericbytejamiewan_ then go to the qt4 prefs and see if it is fixed23:46
jcc1usertwo: state the question again23:46
cloackerdoes anyoone have a emu10k1 sblive 5.1 soundcard and noise disturbtion with Ubuntu 9.10?23:46
kojirothne Dr_Willis :)23:46
esotericbytejamiewan_ good luck23:46
kpuljekr0k3tm3n: it's a single hard disk, so i guess it does, i do have sda in /dev23:47
usertwojcc1: how can i check the firmware version of a huawei e220 usb modem using ubuntu?23:47
dan123i installed the edubuntu interface on my ubuntu and now i can't change it back23:47
mister_robotorCX: and the man pages aren't very friendly when you first see them, but you'll learn to read them easily after looking at them for a while :)    np23:47
cloackeri mean noice disturbance23:47
jcc1edbian: OK23:47
matt`````hi how do i set up ubuntu-cloud ? on ubuntu 9.1023:47
gheddy_zarcIs 9.10 a little unstable Ive been having crashes which seem to have stopped after reverting to 9.04, on an old dell 2.4 ghz intel pc, 1 gig of ram23:47
r0k3tm3nkpuljek: does it show the different parititions?23:47
r0k3tm3nkpuljek: g2g23:47
=== r0k3tm3n_ is now known as r0k3tm3n
kpuljekr0k3tm3n: yes23:47
edbianjcc1, ha ha23:48
cloackerDoes anyone have noise distrubance with a SB Live! on Ubuntu 9.10?23:48
kpuljeki cannot access my ntfs partitions from ubuntu. it says that they are unknown or unused. i tried scanning both drives with windows disk scanner and everything went okay, i have no viruses or malware. what can i do?23:48
jamiewan_esotericbyte: all my installed fonts here http://imagebin.ca/view/LTxeYoOG.html23:48
jcc1usertwo: if it is usb, you can monitor /var/log/syslog, I believe, when you plug it in and the system may tell you on install, or try "lsusb"23:49
dan123cloacker, i do, u just have to have it at or below 69% volume23:49
dan123cloacker, it overpowers the speakers over 69, you see?23:49
esotericbytejamiewan_ look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/33465723:49
dan123i installed the edubuntu interface on my ubuntu and now i can't change it back23:49
cloackerdan123: no, i mean real stutter, not just the usual thing above 70% volume23:50
mewayIf i loaded ubuntu without an eathernet cord in how do i get it to recognize ether net?23:50
esotericbytejamiewan_ it is not that you are missing fonts i believe you are effected by this bug23:50
jcc1usertwo: "sudo lsusb -v"23:50
kojirocan anyone give me a direct link to the windows vista channel please?23:50
esotericbytejamiewan_ i think some people in the discusion of the bug have found a solution23:50
cloackerdan123: could you install Nexuiz on your machine via packet manager and test your soundcard?23:50
dan123cloacker,  i hate the creative sound carzs23:50
dan123cloacker, i actually have nexuiz23:50
mateuszJestem polakiem. Nie rozumiem was.23:50
matt`````hi how do i set up ubuntu-cloud ? on ubuntu 9.1023:51
cloackerdan123: does the sound work ok in nexuiz?23:51
dan123it does cind of distort23:51
cloackerdan123: and do you use the analog output?23:51
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dan123isnt that normal on nexuiz tho, that idle rumble23:51
jamiewan_esotericbyte: thx for your help gotta go but now i've got something to work with, cheers again23:51
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esotericbytejamiewan_ cool. caio23:52
mclur3anyone here been trying out Ubuntu One?23:52
mewayI installed a new copy of ubuntu 9.10 without my internet cord in and now its not reading my internet on that computer? Is there a command to enable it?23:53
Guest96768if anybody wants to chat with me about anything, try me @ Gtalk: maciuswol@gmail.com23:53
cloackerdan123: no, sound should be clear in nexuiz, no stutter23:53
usertwotried that...no firmware version output but lots of other info23:53
rob__< meway> sudo ifup eth0 or eth123:54
dan123cloaker well then i have the same problem23:54
lenswipelkkfjnkglnkjgjgdjjkjkngfjnfgdjknfknjfgfefjnfjdvfvfdjkndfjkndf cv dfkv fgdh gjr gbhfg ogfhfev di h bvfid23:55
lenswipespider on my keyboard23:55
cloackerdan123: sound worked ok for me on ubuntu 9.0523:55
MaletorIn Ubuntu 9.10 when I'm scaling a window I don't want to see an orange transparent symbol of what the new size will look like, I just want the window to scale there automatically, a la Mac OS X. What can I do to fix this, do I need CompizConfig because I have it.23:55
cloackerdan123: i mean 9.0423:55
mewaynvm I did not securely connect it to the modem23:56
dan123cloacker, i actually use 9.04, so i prob cant help u23:56
cloackerdan123: do you have planeshift installed too? I have the same problem with this game.23:56
usertwohmmm...there *must* be some way...have checked online...no help so far23:56
jcc1usertwo: Sorry, wish I could help23:57
matt`````hi how do i set up ubuntu-cloud ? on ubuntu 9.1023:57
dan123i installed the edubuntu interface on my ubuntu and now i can't change it back23:58
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usertwoif i wanted to 'flash' the firmware of a device, any device, using linux (ubuntu) how would i do that? any ideas anyone? that may give me the version23:58

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