
hyperstreamadduser: Could not find program named `ecryptfs-setup-private' in $PATH.01:33
hyperstreamwhat woudl be causing this?01:33
crimsundo you have ecryptfs-utils installed?01:37
hyperstreamcrimsun, i do now, thanks01:42
fractalisIs there a mailing list or anything dedicated to Lucid? I upgraded last night and wanted to know a good place to send info if I encounter anything.01:58
crimsunwhere "encounter anything" is really "I encountered a bug"? Use the bug tracker, please.02:00
bjsniderdoes anybody have A) a bluray drive, B) a decent geforce 8 or later nvidia card, and C) a bluray movie?02:15
geniibjsnider: I have an Aspire 8730, which has Matshita Bluray (BD-CMB UJ130AS), GeForce 9300M GS, and yeah some movies04:17
geniiI'm still currently using Windows to use em04:18
bjsnidergenii, ok04:23
bjsnideri have packaged libbluray and i am preparing the mplayer patch04:24
bjsniderthe geforce 9300 uses purevideo generation 3, so you've got total vc1 decoding04:25
bjsnidergenii, would you prefer lucid or karmic?04:26
geniibjsnider: I have 9.04 and 10.04 installs... so Lucid, preferably. Right now I'm on my 9.04 tho, the wifi manager in Lucid is acting up and my access point is too far away to wire it in04:27
bjsnidercopy that04:30
bjsnidergenii, bah, the build queue is putting things off too much04:52
geniibjsnider: No worries. I'll be around04:53
MTecknologyso; are there any massive issues going on with +1?05:22
MTecknologyI think I found a bug upgrading to 10.0405:41
MTecknologyI didn't change these files at all http://paste.ubuntu.com/350663/05:41
MTecknology!info chromium-browser07:09
ubottuPackage chromium-browser does not exist in lucid07:09
MTecknologyI like chromium; I just wish it worked right...07:22
\vishMTecknology: why dont you download the chrome package from google? it installs the google repo and gets updated too but it would be a bit older than chromium ;)09:44
MTecknology\vish: I considered it. I'm not sure if that's what I want to do though..09:49
\vishMTecknology: well , then the chromium ppa is the only other way :)09:49
* \vish was using the ppa , but the ppa stuff broke too often :/09:50
MTecknology\vish: I'm using the ppa now. I just got a little confused when I moved to +109:51
MTecknologymy pain killer is really kicking in09:52
tgpraveen!info evince09:55
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.29.3-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 409 kB, installed size 5788 kB09:55
tgpraveen!info poppler09:55
ubottuPackage poppler does not exist in lucid09:55
MTecknologythis kernel better fail compiling really soon.......09:57
MTecknologywow - osd-notify looks really messed up...09:57
\vishMTecknology: you can turn the off...10:00
\vishthe debug*10:00
MTecknology\vish: that10:01
MTecknology's what that is?10:01
MTecknologythere's a blue bar saying "low report incorrect urgency?"10:01
\vishyeah , thats the debug info along with the grib lines10:02
MTecknologyhow do I disable that? and why is it default?10:03
\vishMTecknology: edit > "/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service" and remove "DEBUG" from it10:07
\vishMTecknology: it was to actually check if the apps are sending the notifications with the right urgency.. mostly only for the alpha/beta10:08
\vishremove "DEBUG=1" *10:09
MTecknologyI changed to DEBUG=010:09
\vishah , that might work too :)10:09
MTecknologyassuming it's just a boolean10:10
MTecknologyhow do I restart the daemon then..10:10
\vishi wasnt sure either... i just restated session ;)10:11
MTecknologymuscle relaxer / pain killer + 04:1510:14
MTecknologygetting me :P10:14
yofel*sigh* does anyone get network connection in KVM? I can't even ping anything11:23
BluesKajHowdy folks15:24
BUGabundoboas o/15:33
* cwillu_at_work huggles BUGabundo with custom patches for omapfb15:37
* BUGabundo hugs cwillu_at_work back, but kicks the patch15:37
cwillu_at_workmy scrolling performance on a beagleboard _will_ be acceptable, or I will die trying15:38
floatingI want to upgrade to lucid, but I have too little space. I have installed ubuntu command-line install, and it took some 700mb. I have a 1gb ext4 partition. When I run the command to upgrade to lucid alpha, there is 29mb too little space. what should i do ? In windows xp partition magic there is no option to resize the partition. here's a pic from pm8 http://up.k10x.net/nykfuizeqcaqj/partitions01.PNG16:05
floatingit says ext3 in pm8, although it is cli from ubuntu 9.1016:05
floatingi think it chose ext416:05
floatingi didn't change16:06
floatingthat700mb base install, i wonder if i can remove something from there, i bet i can, but what16:07
cwillu_at_workyay, it booted!16:08
cwillu_at_workand x even started!16:08
cwillu_at_workfloating, use gparted16:08
cwillu_at_workfrom a livecd or whatever16:08
yofelfloating: how much RAM do you have? you could mount /var/cache/apt/archives as a tmpfs so that the .deb files are stored in RAM instead of the HD (you'll use them though when you reboot)16:10
floatingdon't have a cd-rom drive though. 128mb ram16:10
yofelnot enough :/16:10
floatingmaybe I try some other distro. I would have just wanted to try lubuntu lucid, if it can do anything on this16:11
yofelhas to be possible somehow16:11
floatingapt-get remove something that is not really needed, and install it back after upgrade and clean.. maybe it frees space16:12
yofelfloating: how much is installed? ubuntu-standard?16:12
yofelthat's what I was thinking about too16:12
floatingubuntu 9.10 alternative cd, and expert command-line install, it used some 700mb of that 1gb16:12
yofelafaik you should be fine if you don't remove anything essential or belonging to ubuntu-minimal16:12
floatingI should try get the list of installed software somewhere16:13
yofelfloating: removed any leftover kernels?16:13
yofelcheck that you only have the one you're running in now installed16:14
yofelwhen newer kernels are installed on updates the old ones don't get auto-removed16:14
floatingi'll boot there adn check16:16
floatingI have linux-image-generic and linux-image-2.6.31-16-generic16:21
floatingboth are 2.6.31-16 the other is .16.29 and other .16.5316:23
yofelhey nice... apt is broken16:49
yofelfloating: was away for a moment sry, those are ok16:50
BUGabundoyofel: again ?16:51
BUGabundoaptitude was fine a few hours ago16:51
yofelBUGabundo: you can't specify a version for apt-get source16:51
yofelit always selects the highest available one16:51
yofeland tells me stuff like W: Ignore unavailable target release 'karmic' of package 'amarok'16:52
yofelalthough I have the karmic deb-src lines in sources.list16:52
yofeldowngrading apt to the karmic version resolves it...16:52
* yofel goes filing a bug16:52
=== Guest72401 is now known as dmb_
BluesKajaptitude acting up again ?17:04
BUGabundohope not17:05
BUGabundojust apt db17:05
yofelanyone want  to confirm bug 502641 ? all you need is some package with more than one source version available (like ppa packages)17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502641 in apt "[Lucid] apt-get source always selects highest available version instead of the specified one" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50264117:07
BluesKajBUGabundo, I understand that apt caused the aptitude problem initially17:08
yofelBluesKaj: aptitude works fine, even apt-get install works fine, only apt-get source does not17:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pasjrHow do I use my Ralink 2870usb on lucid17:36
pasjram I alone in this room17:41
pasjrI was hoping to find help on the use of my Ralink wireless usb17:45
BUGabundopasjr: are you using ubuntu 10.04 lucid?17:45
pasjryes I am17:45
BUGabundosorry, don't know anything about ralink's17:45
pasjrit shows up and sees my router but fails to connect17:45
BUGabundoother then its PITA17:45
pasjrit is pretty good fast but im stuck on useage at this time17:46
pasjrI can even see my onboard wirless but no clue how to connect with it17:47
pasjrSo far I am really liking 10.0417:47
BUGabundopasjr: wit network mamanager ?17:47
BUGabundowhat does iwconfig and17:48
BUGabundosudo iwlist wlan scan show?17:48
pasjrit shows up but will not connect, even tried ifconfig up but no luck17:48
pasjryes it shows up on both17:48
pasjrsomewhere there is still a switch I have not found17:48
BUGabundoand wicd ?17:49
pasjrnogo nothing works with wicd17:49
BUGabundoask on #ubuntu-mozillateam to asac, on week days17:50
pasjrok thankyou17:51
BluesKajpasjr, I have one and can't get wicd to work with it either , a bit frustarating because it worked fine in jaunty17:51
BUGabundofile a kernel bug?17:51
BluesKajdidn't work in karmic either17:51
pasjrI did, no response yet17:51
pasjrthat is when the kernel change17:52
BluesKajwell, mine uses the rt 2870 driver17:52
pasjrI do know support is there but not sure how to enable17:52
pasjrhow did you get the driver to work??17:52
BluesKajit's a belkin usb adapter17:52
BluesKajin jaunty I used ndiswrapper , but it won't install in lucid17:53
BUGabundoon stable releases, usually backport kernel help17:53
pasjro mine worked plug n play in 9.04 but now just spins17:53
pasjrI will make it work just need more Ideas to bounce17:54
pasjrwell time to play back later17:55
alex_mayorgamight an intel card be crashing X on lucid?18:21
BUGabundonot expected alex_mayorga18:22
alex_mayorgawell my friends inpiron has Xorg segfaulting18:22
alex_mayorga"Xorg [XXXX]: segfault at 0 ip 00000XXXXX sp XXXXXXXXXX error 4 in libc-2.10.1.so [XXXXXXX]18:24
alex_mayorgaalso gdm-simple-slav segfaults on libX11.so.6.3.018:24
alex_mayorgathis happens on even safe graphics mode, quite embarrasing :(18:25
BUGabundotrully awesome18:25
BUGabundohey ia18:25
alex_mayorgais Bryce around?18:27
jpdsalex_mayorga: My Intel card had issues with Lucid.18:28
jpdsKept locking up at random.18:28
BUGabundoalex_mayorga: I never see bryce in here18:29
BUGabundotry #ubuntu-x18:29
alex_mayorgajpds: any workarounds18:29
jpdsHad to reinstall Karmic to get everything to work again.18:29
BUGabundohave you guys tried x-edgers PPA?18:29
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo: thought so18:29
PhilantropI'd like to look into upstart's configuration. AFAIK, native upstart configs have replaced the traditional System-V init scripts since 9.10 or so. The initscripts package (from lucid) seems to contain plain old sysv scripts only, though. Where would I find the native configuration?19:11
alex_mayorgabjsnider: what's your PPA?19:17
bjsniderppa for what? i have a few of them now19:19
yofelPhilantrop: afaik the 'initscripts' package wasn't  yet ported to upstart19:21
yofel!upstart | Philantrop19:21
ubottuPhilantrop: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:21
yofelyou'll find a general overwiev there19:22
Philantropyofel: Thanks, I know the website. I'm interested in a real-world implementation for possible upstart adoption in another distribution. Would there be a package to look at for such an example?19:23
yofelPhilantrop: the upstarts scripts are kept in /etc/init/ and belong to their own respective packages19:24
yofelI don't really know much more19:25
yofelif you want to know more about writing upstart scripts you could ask in #ubuntu-devel19:25
alex_mayorgabjsnider: the 64 bit flash plug-in19:26
Philantropyofel: Ok, thanks. Will do.19:26
bjsnideralex_mayorga, https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/experimental-flash19:28
guntbertemma: please stop that19:56
emmaguntbert -- stop what?19:59
guntbertemma: you are spamming multiple channels with "unquery"20:00
emmaguntbert -- By the time you said stop that it was over. I was using /foreach in irssi to try to close all the open queries because i've been gone for a week and there are hundreds of them, but it didn't work as i expected.20:02
BUGabundoahah emma20:03
guntbertemma: ok :) please avoid such things in the future :-)20:03
BUGabundowb never the less20:03
emmaThanks. :)20:03
=== \vish is now known as mac_v
=== mac_v is now known as \vish
MTecknology!info terminator21:35
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14-1 (lucid), package size 143 kB, installed size 1248 kB21:35
* Crashbit exit22:37
BUGabundoyou knows the bug, where flash video playing in full screen, still dims the screen ? its back23:03

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