
_AndrewHi all, How do I setup the --fixed command so that it works system wide?04:51
_AndrewI want to add a bug tacker for our office so that we can do something like  --fixed LR:123404:52
pooliejml, lifeless: skype apparently crashed04:53
pooliejml, lifeless: actually nm, not a good use of time04:55
jmlpoolie, ok.04:55
poolie_Andrew: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.0/en/user-reference/index.html#bug-tracker-settings04:56
pooliejml, lifeless, i was basically just going to say that the matcher stuff seems a bit more wordy to define and use than would really be optimal04:59
jmlpoolie, do you have any thoughts on how it could be better?05:01
_Andrewpoolie, Is there a system wide config file?05:05
_AndrewIn the documentation it says it can go into bazaar.conf05:06
poolie_Andrew: i don't think there is at the moment05:13
_Andrewah, because that's the bit I'm stuck on : /05:16
MFenis there a bzr equivalent of 'hg rollback' - uncommit the last transaction harmlessly, leaving nothing in history?05:29
bob2bzr uncomit05:30
bob2er, spelt correctly05:30
MFenalso, in general what are the bzr 'undo' commands? i'm trying to figure it out from an hg background, where i have hg rollback (undo last txn), hg backout (commit a new entry that reverses a particular commit), hg strip (forcibly strip a revision from history)05:30
MFenaha, thanks05:30
spivYou can do "bzr merge -r -2..-3" to merge the reverse of -2 (-2 is the 2nd last commit).05:33
spivYou can probably use the rebase command (from the bzr-rewrite plugin) to do the equivalent of hg strip, but I haven't looked closely (it's not an operation I've needed to do myself).05:34
spivPlus of course 'bzr revert'.05:34
MFenah right, found that one05:35
PengNote that "bzr uncommit" doesn't strip it from the repository like "hg rollback" does.05:37
PengMostly, bzr users ignore the cruft, since it's not significant unless you commit an ISO or something.05:37
MFenPeng: it doesn't?  it gave me the exact same revision number when i committed it the second time, and bzr log does not show the cruft one05:38
PengMFen: Bazaar structures things a bit differently than Mercurial./05:38
MFenwhere would i go to observe this cruft05:39
PengMFen: You wouldn't.05:39
PengMFen: Well, the heads command from the bzrtools plugin, I guess.05:39
MFenPeng: so it's dark cruft?05:39
spivMFen: yeah.  It's still in the big bucket of revisions we call the "repository", but nothing refers to it.05:42
spivMFen: in fact, when you do "bzr uncommit", it emits a command that will resurrect it if you want to un-uncommit ;)05:43
MFenso does it get pushed when changes go out?05:43
spivMFen: nope05:43
MFenoh ok. it's not really that different from hg then05:43
PengMFen: Except it still exists.05:44
MFenno, even with that05:44
MFenwith strip (not 100% sure about rollback), the removed revision is saved in a backup file. but it doesn't ever leave the local clone unless you use it05:44
_AndrewIf you uncommit and the commit does it still exist?05:44
Peng_Andrew: Yes.05:44
Peng_Andrew: Did you mean "and then commit"?05:45
_Andrewor what if you uncommit and then push your repo somewhere does this dark commit exist in the pushed repo?05:45
Peng_Andrew: Push only pushes the revisions in the branch you're pushing.05:45
spiv_Andrew: you push branches, not repos05:45
Peng(Push push pushy push.)05:45
spiv_Andrew: and pushing a branch will only push revisions that are part of the history of that branch05:45
spiv_Andrew: so the short answer is no, it won't exist in the pushed repo.05:45
PengYeah, your version sounds better.05:46
_Andrewah interesting05:46
_AndrewSo this dark commit just exists locally where you did the command05:46
PengUnless you pushed or pulled or copied it somewhere else.05:47
MFeni can see how bzr's integration with launchpad could be useful.  it is convenient to say "related to this branch over here05:50
igc1hi all05:50
MFenseems like a lot of server maintenance though. i bet it's a headache keeping all those services working together05:50
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spivigc: hey, happy new year!05:50
igchi spiv!05:51
spivMFen: no worse any other 400+ kLoC project I'm sure ;)05:52
spiv(Although given that ohloh thinks that source includes -3153 lines of comments in SQL, maybe I shouldn't trust it so much...)05:53
MFenevery line of sql is so obscuring that it actually destroys 10 lines of comments05:53
MFenif you get enough sql in one place, it starts eating python docstrings too05:54
MFengod help you if there's perl.05:54
PengIdea: Embed Perl in SQL!05:54
spivMFen: https://www.ohloh.net/p/launchpad/analyses/latest says 3 code lines of Perl, and 54 comment lines...05:55
MFenheh i like that the html line count is also negative05:59
MFenthat's because HTML is not code.05:59
MFen(but it does have comments.)05:59
lifelessjml: skype death?06:26
poolielifeless, spiv does bug 501254 ring any bells?06:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501254 in bzr "NoSuchRevision after parallel commit to 2 branches in 1 repos" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50125406:48
lifelesspoolie: not offhand07:20
vilahi all, and Happy New Year !07:21
pooliehello vila!07:21
spivpoolie: not for me either... but 1.17 is relatively old now.07:51
igcnight all08:34
dholbachis there some kind of work-around when you're not able to branch or merge from a "bazaar-ng loom branch format 7" branch with Bazaar 2.0.3?08:48
Pengdholbach: ....Install the bzr-loom plugin?08:49
dholbachPeng: does that loom-ify all kinds of branches?08:50
dholbachI wouldn't like others to run into the same problems just because I installed the plugin08:51
dholbach... and pushed a couple of changes somewhere08:51
lifelessdholbach: loomification is always an explicit step08:52
dholbachlifeless: alright, thanks for that08:52
BorekHi I'm considering bzr for my version control needs and found out that the Visual Studio integration is quite dated and possibly abandoned09:32
BorekHow well will bzr work with code refactorings (which includes file renames, directory moves etc.) when not done via 'bzr' commands but from within Visual Studio?09:33
marsilainenhi there, I'm new to bazaar, just playing with it using the olive gui09:38
marsilainenis it possible to sign commits using olive?09:39
spivBorek: pretty well09:39
spivBorek: 'bzr mv --auto' will do its best to guess what the renames were, even if some edits were made to the contents of renamed file.09:40
marsilainenI added 'create_signatures = always' to ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf and then commits using olive fail when it tries to add the signature09:40
Borekspiv: thanks for the pointer to mv --auto, sounds like this should do. i'll try, thanks again09:41
spivmarsilainen: Hmm, that sounds like the right approach.  Hopefully someone can help you figure out why that isn't working.  Does that work for you if you use 'bzr commit' directly, without olive?09:41
marsilainenspiv: hmmm, yes it does - it prompts for the gpg passphrase in the interactive terminal though so I don't know if that could be the issue09:44
spivmarsilainen: could be, maybe you need to set the signing command too, to use a gpg gui09:57
marsilainenspiv: ah yes, thanks - I installed gnome-gpg and set the signing command to use that - seems to work now :)10:04
marsilainenspiv: thanks for your help10:04
spivmarsilainen: you're welcome :)10:10
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beunovila, hi12:14
marsilainenok, so I'm using bazaar for the first time... I'm starting a project which will just have me working on it initially but will then (hopefully) widen to have others working on it too12:29
marsilainenif I want others to be able to view all my revisions sometime in the future, what should best-practise be from the start?12:30
marsilainenshould I just work with bazaar locally? or should I push each change to a server copy?12:30
fullermdIt doesn't really matter whether you push now or later.12:32
fullermdOf course, you'd have trouble sharing later if you just worked locally, and then your local system blew up.12:33
marsilainenheh :)12:33
marsilainenmaybe I will just use a remote repository in the first place12:35
marsilainenat least then the workflow seems more like what I'm familiar with from svn etc12:35
Pilkymarsilainen: I'd recommend having a remote copy somewhere, even if you just use it for backup purposes12:37
Pilkymarsilainen: but there's some good workflow ideas in the user guide12:37
marsilainenyeah, makes a lot of sense, and that's what I'd normally do with something like svn. I just wasn't sure if that was the appropriate way of working in a distributed version control like bazaar12:38
marsilainenI'm reading http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.1.18/en/tutorials/centralized_workflow.html now and I will probably go with something from there12:39
marsilainenthanks for the help12:39
* Kinnison finds that the bzr 'centralized workflow' doesn't work well for him.12:39
Pilkyone of the huge benefits of bzr over the other DVCSs is that it is incredibly flexible with the workflow12:39
* Kinnison has been using bzr since it was barely able to revision-control itself though :-)12:40
beunovila, when you get a chance, and you take a peak at: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~beuno/bzr-upload/bug-499525/+merge/1655212:53
bialixhappy new year bzr!13:29
rubbshappy new year bialix13:32
bialixand you roo13:33
bialixand you too13:33
rubbsno problem13:34
Noldorinhello. i'm trying to use bzr-git here to push to git-hub, but i've noticed that dpush seems to be using the wrong plugin:13:45
Noldorinin bzr.log:13:45
Noldorin0.851  bzr-svn: using Subversion 1.5.6 ()13:45
Noldorinthe URL is however: git+ssh://git@github.com/Noldorin/IRC.NET.git13:45
Noldorinwhat am i doing wrong here?13:46
vilabeuno: I saw it, it's on my TODO list. We should reuse more bzrlib code, but it's not as easy as it should. But using is_inside_any looks... risky, are you sure you won't get false positives with it ?13:55
beunovila, I started writing something that was almost the same, so I read through it and re-used it14:01
vilabeuno: you mean is)inside_any14:01
vilabeuno: you refer to is_inside_any ?14:01
beunovila, yes14:01
Pilkyhey all, I've got a question about the capabilities of the shelf API14:02
vilabeuno: my concern is that bzrlib doesn't do that and I don't want to have a divergent implementation (users will get confused, we'll need to document the differences, etc)14:02
Pilkyis it possible to unshelve individual changes and show shelved changes as a flat set14:03
james_wPilky: unshelve individual changes: probably with some work (depending on the granularity)14:04
vilaPilky: you can *shelve* individual changes, not unshelve them14:04
james_wPilky: what do you mean by "a flat set"?14:04
james_wvila: with the API14:04
james_whappy new year too :-)14:04
Pilkywell I'm trying to design a UI for it in BazaarX, and I'm looking at showing the shelved changes in a list and unshelved changes in a list, and you can drag changes on and off the shelf14:05
vilajames_w: given what is exposed from command line, I suspect that's also true for the API.14:05
vilaPilky: what do you call an individual change ?14:06
beunovila, bzrlib doesn't do what?14:06
james_wvila: yes, the API doesn't provide for it, but if you make the merger then you can do .set_interesting_files() for the files level.14:06
vilabeuno: use is_inside_any14:06
Pilkyvila: what the shelf API classes as an individual change14:06
james_wfor hunks you would have to create a memory tree and then re-shelve hunks back off it or something14:06
james_wI imagine it is tricky but possible14:07
james_wdoing it for individual changes should be straightforward14:08
james_w<make changes>; bzr shelve --all; <make changes>; bzr shelve --all; will show up as two things14:09
james_wmanipulating those two things as they are should be straightforward14:09
vilabeuno: bzrlib builds a globber and then try matching paths against it, I think that generalizes what you tried with is_inside_any, but I need to check more carefully what you did and what bzrlib does14:09
beunovila, ok. So I leave it with you?14:10
Pilkyjames_w: yeah possibly14:10
vilabeuno: yup, I'll try to review asap14:10
beunovila, thanks  :)14:11
vilabeuno: thanks for working on it :-D14:11
jelmervila: Hi14:12
vilajelmer: hey !14:12
jelmervila: First of all, happy new year :-)14:13
jelmerDo you have some thoughts about this, is it something we can fix:14:13
vilajelmer: same to you :D14:13
jelmerwilmer@ruby:~/src/bitlbee/libpurple$ bzr pull http://code.bitlbee.org/wilmer/libpurple/14:13
jelmer http://code.bitlbee.org/wilmer/libpurple is permanently redirected to http://code.bitlbee.org/wilmer/libpurple/14:13
jelmervila: Why is the trailing slash lost somewhere?14:14
vilajelmer: it's a one-line fix to bzrlib to make it stop to remove that trailing slash14:14
vilaI remembered abentley and lifeless talking about it.... months ago at a sprint, but it seems that the patch got lost somehwere..14:15
Noldorinhi jelmer. i think i've figured out what the problem was14:15
vila...well, nobody looked at the consequences if any to be honest14:15
jelmervila: Ah, thanks14:16
jelmerNoldorin: Cool, what was it?14:16
Pilkyjames_w: might be worth just changing how the UI works to fit in with how it is intended to work, so that it doesn't confuse bzr users.14:16
vilajelmer: but my recollection of the problem is that many places handle (or not) the final slash, and I've always pushed that item down my stack...14:16
Noldorinjelmer: well, it's not solved....but what is happening is it seems to be using the bzr-svn plugin still :S14:16
Noldorinin bzr.log:14:16
Noldorin0.851  bzr-svn: using Subversion 1.5.6 ()14:16
Noldorineven when i use git+ssh url14:17
jelmerNoldorin: That's only loading the svn plugin, not using it.14:17
Noldorinso maybe not :S14:17
jelmerIt's correct, the bzr-svn plugin has to register itself on startup (bzr-git does something similar)14:18
Noldorini see14:18
Noldorinjelmer: http://pastebin.com/m4c073a7 is the last part of the log14:19
Noldorinjelmer: does that help?14:28
jelmerNoldorin: no idea, sorry14:29
Noldorinok no prob14:30
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james_w`nice resolve proposal, thanks15:55
vilajames_w`: glad you like it :)15:55
james_w`it's a small thing, but will be very useful15:56
vilajames_w`: it was pretty hard to isolate, but more can (and will)  be done15:56
james_w`oh, sorry, I didn't mean to detract from your effort :-)15:57
vilaas said in the cover letter, there are many hints already inserted in the relevant places15:57
james_w`I meant that it's not a headline feature, but will be very useful15:57
vilajames_w`: I think so, the tree-shape conflicts are confusing for many people (including me no later than 2 hours ago :)15:58
vilajames_w`: and for people that have to deal with tenths if not hundreds of conflicts, I think it's a bit more than a small feature :-D15:59
fullermdAll features are small.  Until you need them.16:00
vila. o O ( Small hammers ? Really ?)16:01
fullermdIf the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a thumb.16:01
Takjelmer: pong ;-P16:02
jelmerTak: heh, that was a roundtrip of a couple of days ? :-P16:03
Takat least16:09
TakI'd better check my connection16:09
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Noldorini've accidentally just done a merge from a remote branch...17:28
Noldorinwhich has just renamed all my working files to .moved17:28
Noldorinhow i restore these .moved files to be the normal ones?17:28
Noldorin(overwriting the ones i just pulled from the remote branch)17:28
fullermdBut if it really renamed a huge pile, that's probably a sign that something's not what you think it is.17:30
Noldorinfullermd: revert reverts to my last commit17:33
Noldorini made changes, then updated before i committed17:33
fullermdWell, revert on the individual files.17:34
Noldorinhmm ok17:34
fullermdBut still, having a big number of files conflict like that is a big flashing danger sign anyway.17:37
idnarwell, he said the merge was accidental17:39
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Noldorinfullermd: yeah, revert isn't quite what i want17:46
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Noldorinbasically i want to find a way to revert to all my .moved files/dirs17:51
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Noldorinjelmer: i've given up on git for the moment and am just trying to get bzr-svn to work...18:14
Noldorinthe problem is just that i get this error when i try to push: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.18:14
jamgood afternoon #bzr world18:16
beunoheya jam18:16
kirklandhow do I solve this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/351370/18:19
kirkland"different rich-root support" error18:19
beunokirkland, upgrade locally or remotely18:19
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kirklandbeuno: "bzr upgrade" ?18:20
beunokirkland, if you have 2.0+, yes18:20
kirklandbeuno: karmic18:20
beuno/tmp/tmp.7XKeNG4ej8/ubuntu is likely the old one18:20
beunokirkland, yes, just plain upgrade18:20
kirklandbeuno: cool18:21
jelmerNoldorin: what are you trying to do exactly?18:23
Noldorinjelmer: simply push to a svn server18:24
Noldorin(on codeplex)18:24
Noldorinjust created a project18:24
jelmerNoldorin: are you pushing a new branch?18:24
jelmerNoldorin: and you're pushing to  https://ircdotnet.svn.codeplex.com/svn/trunk ?18:25
Noldorinjelmer: heh, seems the problem has stopped now, never mind :)18:29
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Noldorinjelmer: well, in case it helps: the problem with bzr-git and the publickey being denied happens for whatever url i put in :S18:37
Noldorinseems we're both clueless here though18:37
jelmerNoldorin: I suspect it's windows specific18:39
Noldorinjelmer: yeah. well, i'll leave it to you if that's alright...18:39
Noldorinjelmer: feel free to ping me any time if you want me to do some testing though18:39
elmohey, is there any way to import a single file and it's history into another tree that's unrelated to the tree that file came from?18:40
jelmerelmo: only by merging the other tree and then reverting all of the files other than the one you want to merge18:41
elmojelmer: ok, thanks18:41
fullermdelmo: Alternate phrasing: files don't have history; history has files.18:45
elmoI think 'failcats' is shorter and more to the point18:45
fullermdYes, but such a slur against the feline race is likely to get you murdered in your sleep by one or ten of them.18:45
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phoenixzIts normal for BZR to take 95% CPYU for a long time when bzr log of a specific project sub directory?19:01
beunophoenixz, it's not19:04
beunowhat version of bzr and what format is the branch?19:04
phoenixzbeuno: should be one of latest, one sec..19:04
phoenixzbeuno: 2.0.019:05
beunophoenixz, and what does19:05
beuno"bzr info -v" say?19:05
phoenixzbeuno: bzr log .19:05
phoenixzbeuno: http://pastebin.com/f65622fb119:06
beunoso it's the latest and greates19:06
beunophoenixz, is the branch public?19:06
phoenixzbeuno: public? nah, its on my local computer19:07
beunophoenixz, I'd file a bug about it, but it may be hard to debug without the actual branch19:07
phoenixzbeuno: bzr log works like a charm though.. bzr log in a sub directory makes it hang like this19:08
beunoright, it's a more expensive operation, but it shoulldn19:08
phoenixzbeuno: well, problem is that I cant publish (all) the code.. I'll try to have the open source part republished soon19:08
beunobe so bad19:08
beunojam, you around?  any idea how to transform phoenixz's issue into a bug report?19:09
jamjust a sec, open bug19:11
phoenixzjam: this is an existing bug?19:12
jambug #37473019:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374730 in bzr "log dir is slow in development-rich-root" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37473019:12
jamThis should be in 2.0.119:12
jamwell, my phase-1 fix is supposed to be there19:12
jamphoenixz: ^^ you might try upgrading your bzr and see if it helps19:13
jamphoenixz: If you look at my timings, for small subdirs you can see:19:15
jam"time bzr log -n0 --no-aliases tools" went from19:15
jam  real    5m16.959s19:15
jamdown to19:15
jam  real    0m37.888s19:15
jamfor a larger dir (bzrlib) it was only ~2m19:15
phoenixzjam: wow..19:16
phoenixzjam: well, this project has about 40.000 files so I expect it not to be realtime but Ive b een waiting 5 mins with bzr on 95% :)19:16
jamphoenixz: how big is the subdir you are looking at?19:17
phoenixzjam: not big, like.. total of 7 directories and 30 files in the entire tree..19:17
jamphoenixz: definitely try bzr 2.0.1+ (or 2.1*)19:18
phoenixzjam:  will do19:18
knittlhi, what is the current way to create a bzr branch?20:29
knittli have an old copy lying around, but it won't update20:29
knittl"permamently moved to xxx. not a branch: xxx"20:30
beunoknittl, a new branch?  bzr init .20:31
knittlbeuno: no, i want to clone the official bzr repo20:31
beunoknittl, bzr branch lp:bzr20:31
knittlcan i change the remote of my current repo?20:32
knittli don't want to pull everything again20:32
beunoknittl, bzr pull lp:bzr --remember20:33
knittlgreat, thanks20:33
fullermdIf it's old enough to be using a nonexistent URL, I tend to suspect it's also a pre-2a format branch too.20:35
fullermdAnd re-pulling everything is probably faster than doing a local upgrade, unless you have a pretty slow connection.20:36
knittlfullermd: it's alreaty finished pulling20:36
fullermdOh.  Then ignore me   8-}20:36
knittl* already20:36
knittlneed to clone all dvcs20:37
knittlphew, hg was fast20:37
ronnyknittl: why clone all of them?20:39
knittli'm writing a paper20:40
knittland i want to have the latest incarnation of each20:40
ronnyon what?20:40
knittlon dvcs's20:41
maxbknittl: ooi, what's your definition of "all" ?20:56
knittlxD git, hg, bzr, maybe darcs20:56
lifelessah, so 'some'20:57
knittlthe most popular ones20:58
knittland open-source20:58
knittlmonotone if i have time20:59
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ronnyknittl: well, so what is the exact topic?21:06
knittlanalysis and comparison of distributed version control systems21:06
ronnyi see21:07
ronnyi suppose you wont propose ideas for conceptual unifications21:07
ronny(im writing a vcs abstraction lib, good ideas might be helpfull)21:07
knittlno *g*21:08
knittlis there a bzr online browser? like git's gitweb21:13
beunoknittl, yes21:14
knittlfor the official repo?21:14
beunothis is a working version: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk/changes21:14
beunothis is for the official repo: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk/changes21:14
knittli need to browse commits by id21:15
beunoyou can run loggerhead locally if you want21:16
beunoit will probably be much faster  :)21:16
knittlno, i need official urls for my paper21:19
dobeyhi all21:21
dobeyhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/351433/ <- anyone have an idea what that would be? i'm quite confused :)21:21
knittlpermission problems with the lockfile/folder?21:22
dobeyi'd think permisions would give -EPERM no? and it's a fresh branch, so nothing should have changed perms21:23
lifelessknittl: I don't know what you mean by official urls21:24
lifelessknittl: its a distributed system21:24
knittllifeless: beuno's urls are perfect21:24
knittli know it's distributed. i understand the idea behind distributed systems21:24
dobeyoh nevermind21:24
dobeyi am an idiot21:24
scanferlatohi knittl, mind a question?21:24
knittlscanferlato: what is it?21:25
* dobey suddenly remembers that the bzr gtk things hold the lock21:25
dobeysorry to bother :)21:25
=== scanferlato_ is now known as scanferlato
scanferlatoi.e. when you checkin, the repository stores the checkin and mtime of the file21:28
scanferlatowhen you chekcout/branch/export, it gives you three choices for the mtime: current, checkin, and last modification21:29
scanferlatoAFAIK, only one VCS has it, and it is not a good one (Visual Source Safe)21:30
knittl… and the question is?21:30
knittlit's never good to rely on mtimes21:30
knittlbut having certain mtimes for files might be a good thing for build systems like make21:31
scanferlatoyes, that's when you uses a DVCS to store source code. But you can store other things as well21:32
fullermdI don't think bzr stores mtimes in the first place.21:32
scanferlatothe question is: do you know of any DVCS that has this feature?21:32
knittlwhen is mtime important?21:33
fullermdI don't know of any that store mtime.  I'd be a little surprised to find out any did.21:34
fullermdI'm pretty sure none use the commit time by default.  Not sure if any have the option.21:34
jamfullermd: you *can* use the commit time, but no, we don't store the last-modified time at commit21:34
scanferlatowhen you store e.g. a Word document, and your company policy is to print the date of last change on the first page of the document21:34
jamscanferlato: wouldn't that either be a Word feature, or something you have to do before checking it in anyway?21:35
jamyou could always do "bzr log FILE" to find out after the fact21:35
scanferlatojam: even if you have tens of documents in several folders?21:36
jamso, if it is supposed to be in the document, that obviously needs to be done before commit21:37
jamand if you had to do it after the fact21:38
jamyou would probably prefer to give it the21:38
scanferlatoyes, it is the mtime set by Word itself, when you save it21:38
jamtimestamp of the actual content change21:38
jamrather than the time that you added the timestamp21:38
jamscanferlato: so Word has an option to include the mtime of the file as a date-stamp in the document?21:39
jamWouldn't it record an actual 'last modified' time internally?21:39
jamsince if I send a file to you21:39
jamwithout you changing it21:39
jamjust saving21:39
jamwould create a new mtime21:39
jamby OS rules21:39
scanferlatoyes, it is something like a macro or an internal variable21:39
jammy point is to be valid, it really has to be an *internal* variable21:39
jamusing the filesystem's mtime is bogus21:39
jamfor *lots* of reasons21:39
jamcopy file.doc newname.doc21:40
scanferlatoI have to check this21:40
knittlthere's no way in word to use last mtime21:41
knittlit's possible to use a fixed time or "current" system time21:41
scanferlatothe point is to get the file from the repository exactly as it was when I check in. Including the timestamps21:41
knittlis this even possible from an os standpoint?21:43
jambzr log --last 1 FILENAME | munge to date | xargs touch FILENAME21:43
jamknittl: you can set mtime usually21:43
jambut not atime21:43
jamor ctime21:43
jamscanferlato: note that we also don't version anything but whether it was executable21:43
jamso we won't give you group or user21:43
jamor permission bits21:44
jam(acls for Windows users)21:44
scanferlatono problem, so far I did not need permissions21:44
scanferlatogroup, user, etc. Just the timestamp of the last change21:45
jamscanferlato: so you could get the commit timestamp out, especially if you use bzrlib's code.21:45
jambut there isn't a way to tell bzr to touch all the files with that time21:45
jamspiv: /wave21:46
scanferlatoI believe CVS is able to do that21:46
spivjam: hey21:46
jamjust saw you on the bugtracker, figured I'd say hi :)21:47
spivjam: I just reviewed your fix for 'cdef void'21:47
spivjam: short version: it's good, but you missed a bit ;)21:47
spivjam: (as in, it fixes this bug, but it looks like the same bug is lurking elsewhere in our pyx files)21:47
jamspiv: will respond when I see the message21:47
spivjam: you'll particularly love the instance of it in _knit_load_data_pyx I think ;)21:48
jamspiv:Don't care about _knit_load_data, tbh21:48
jam*old* code, only used in knit formats21:48
jamwhich are 2 major versions old now :)21:48
spivYeah, and its not an important bug even then... but still funny.21:48
fullermdscanferlato: CVS doesn't store *time.  cvs co does set the file timestamp to the commit time.21:48
scanferlatoI believe CVS is able to do that;21:49
knittli don't believe in cvs, sorry21:49
scanferlatofullermd: yes, CVS exports/checkouts set either current or commit times21:50
scanferlatoknittl: ideally we should not believe in anything, but use whatever works well and does what we need21:52
knittlcvs does not work well for me21:53
scanferlatoso far only VSS does what I need, but I refuse to use it21:53
igchi spiv, jam21:55
fullermdWell, *I* believe in CVS.  I've seen the fire stirring in the belly of the beast...21:57
lifelessjames_w: hi22:04
james_whi lifeless22:04
lifelessjames_w: is my ppa watching bzr builder branch merged ?22:04
james_wnot yet22:04
lifelessis there more I need to do than nag? :)22:05
scanferlatog'night all, and thanks for your time22:06
james_wdid you say that you had fixed some of the issues?22:06
lifelessjames_w: yes, I did22:07
james_wthat will help then22:08
lifelessIts important to the dx team that this works, and for stopping it be adhoc-deployed by being able to switch to packaged releases of buidler22:09
lifelessAs I've said I'm happy to do fixes to it in trunk too.22:09
jammorning igc22:11
jamand lifeless22:11
lifelesshi jam igc spiv poolie22:11
igchi lifeless - Happy New Year22:12
pooliehello igc!22:12
igchi poolie james_w22:12
james_whi igc and everyone22:13
pooliewelcome back, all22:18
jamhey poolie, didn't think i'd see you tonight22:22
pooliehi jam22:41
poolieon phone atm22:41
lifelessjam: still around?23:00
jamlifeless: I am right now, but probably not much longer23:01
lifelesswas wondering if junitxml + subunit was working better for you now, with the releases I did23:02
jamlifeless: I haven't been playing with hudson for a while23:02
jamI think it was going in the right direction, but I haven't tested it23:02
lifelessok, thanks.23:08
jamoff for now, see y'all around tomorrow23:14
jamspiv: you might want to take a look at lp:///~jameinel/bzr/2.0.4-pyrex-propagation23:14
jamand tell me what you think23:14
lifelessjam: night23:15
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spivjam: ok, thanks23:30
pooliehi spiv, lifeless23:46
poolielifeless: quick call?23:46

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