
JontheEchidnaScottK: You have something else you need help on?01:39
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yeah, I need to upload l10n for 4.3.4 to karmick-backports.01:39
ScottKI've decided to wait and see if Riddell has a magic script though.01:40
JontheEchidnaI wonder if Riddell uses batl10n for that....01:40
JontheEchidnabatl10n-upload and batl10n01:41
ScottKIf you can upload l10n and have a decent way to script landing it in karmic-backports, that would be awesome.01:41
JontheEchidnaI can upload every single language pack, but not a single kde-l10n-* package01:42
ScottKEither Riddell has some magic or I do it tomorrow night.01:47
ryanakcashtylman, Riddell: http://drupal.ryanak.ca/ has the screenshot module removed.02:47
shtylmanwhat happened to the hotness image you showed me the other day?02:48
shtylmanryanakca: ^02:48
ryanakcashtylman: That's for Drupal 6. The above theme is for our current 5.13 install.02:48
shtylmanI would make the top banner go more flush with the edges02:49
ryanakcashtylman: OK02:55
ScottKNightrose or Mamarok: Should I move amarok - 2:2.2.1-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa1 to karmic-backports (I'm moving KDE 4.3.4)?03:00
ryanakcashtylman: Like so?03:01
* ryanakca liked it better before03:01
shtylmanyea... I think that gives it a bit more separation03:03
shtylmaneverything just seems to bleed together03:03
shtylmaneven with the text below03:03
shtylmanryanakca: its your final call... but I would look at that... as well as how to distinguish the text below03:03
shtylmanand maybe make that giant Kubuntu is free... etc a bit smaller03:03
shtylmanI dunno what it is... but the text just looks slapped on there03:04
ryanakcashtylman: OK03:14
ryanakcashtylman: Feel free to play around with it, lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu-theme-v203:16
* ryanakca => bed, school again tomorrow.03:19
ryanakcaAnd I shrank the What Is Kubuntu text03:19
ScottKRiddell: Nevermind.  Decided just to do the translations by hand ....03:28
mingmingtooHi!  O/04:27
mingmingtooIt's the guy no one qanat04:28
ScottKmingmingtoo: Assuming you're who I think you are, that's not true.04:32
mingmingtooSure seems one of thexouncil does...04:34
mingmingtooWhat does she even do for kubuntu other than yellif at peoples designs?04:35
mingmingtooBut I still g04:36
nixternalmingmingtoo: dude, I have been supporting you man and backing you up, trying to put out fires, but I will stop doing so if you continue attacking people...I understand your conditions, but you aren't making it any easier on yourself...and you are also attacking a friend of mine, how not only does a lot for Kubuntu, but she also does a ton for KDE04:41
nixternalhe couldn't wait 2 more seconds?04:41
jjessewhat is wrong w/ his head?04:42
ScottKProbably my fault (PM)04:42
nixternalhe supposedly has medical issues right now, but I am finding it hard to believe those conditions seeing as vendictive as he has been04:43
jjesseseems like he's gone coco for coco puffs04:43
nixternalit is seriously starting to really irk me, and I highly doubt I can continue supporting him with these actions04:43
nixternalmmm cocoa puffs04:43
jjessei ttried to reach out to him too but no response04:43
jjesseoh well04:43
* jjesse beds04:44
ScottKnixternal: I totally believe this is from his medical issue04:44
ScottKGood night.04:44
jjessenight ScottK and nixternal04:44
nixternalif his medical issue has been upgraded to batshit insane, OK, I will agree04:44
nixternalbut depression I thought was the issue...never have I lashed out at people during my depression times04:44
ScottKI think the lashing out is the manic part.04:45
ScottKIt's very common to completely lose perspective when you're in that state.04:46
nixternalok, so I have redone the feedback widget, ie. ported it to c++ since it starts up, cleaned it up a bit, and repackaged it...I will throw it on revu so you can revu it :)04:46
ScottKnixternal: OK.  You want to upload the two dozen translations updates that are left for karmic-backports while I look at that?04:46
ScottKI'm up to kde-l10n-mr_4.3.4-0ubuntu1~karmic1_source.changes04:46
ScottK(in alphabetical order)04:47
nixternaldo they all have to be test built?04:47
nixternalfor x in `ls *.changes`; do dput ${x}; done04:47
nixternalooh, dput ubuntu those badboys04:48
nixternalI can finish those up04:48
ScottKnixternal: Grab them from https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa/+packages?start=0&batch=75 and remove the ~ppa1 and change the upload target to karmic-backports04:48
ScottKnixternal: Actually I have kde-l10n-nb_4.3.4-0ubuntu1~karmic1_source.changes done.04:48
nixternalhey, seeing as I ported the widget to c++, I renamed it, and have it set to replace the old..is that cool, or should I just keep the same name?04:48
ScottKShould be fine.  I'll look at it.04:48
ScottKnixternal: You should start with https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/894697/+listing-archive-extra04:49
nixternalyeah, didn't want to keep the same name honestly...a) to long of a name, and b) wasn't short and to the point :)04:49
ScottKnixternal: What's the new name?04:49
nixternalremoved the -qa- part04:50
nixternalnot showing up in revu yet...need to wait 3084032843280 hours :p04:50
ScottKOK.  Get to work on the translations and I'll go hunt it down.04:50
nixternalroger that04:51
nixternalso I am starting from -nl it looks like04:51
ScottKnixternal: Start from -nds04:52
ScottKFound it.04:54
nixternalfor x in nl nn pa pl pt ptbr ro ru sk sl sr sv tg th tr uk wa zhcn zhtw; do04:55
nixternaldget -ux https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa/+files/kde-l10n-${x}_4.3.4-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa1.dsc04:55
nixternalahh, ok..will add nds04:55
ScottKnixternal: Any reason you don't want to build you app --with-kde?04:58
nixternalcuz I am a moron04:58
nixternalI was building non-kde apps earlier and it stuck04:58
nixternalI will fix that04:58
ScottKnixternal: How about I fix it and you do the langauge stuff.  I'm sick of backports.05:00
nixternaldid you dput anything with these at all?05:03
nixternalie. the ones you finished05:04
nixternalahh, nevermind, found them :)05:06
nixternalecho "*** Did you remember to refresh desktop translations with `make -f debian/rules get-desktop`? ***"05:22
nixternalScottK: ^^ do I need to run that before debuild?05:22
ScottKnixternal: Not unless I messed it up too.05:22
nixternalhrmm, debuild doesn't get past that, it just stops there05:22
ScottKWe're just reuploading the translations from the PPA, not trying to make new ones.05:22
ScottKNo.  It just takes a long time.05:22
nixternallol, as soon as I switch back to that screen, sure enough, there is my password prompt :)05:23
ScottKnixternal: Want me to go ahead and upload this?05:27
nixternaldon't see why not05:32
ScottKnixternal: Uploaded.  Linitian whines about rpath.  I'll leave that for you in ubuntu2 as I'm too tired.05:35
ScottKnixternal: How's it going?06:02
nixternalgetting ready to upload06:03
ScottKI'll stay up to accept it then.06:04
ScottKnixternal: When you're done, would you please put the list of what you uploaded in https://bugs.launchpad.net/karmic-backports/+bug/497724 and then mark the bug fix released.06:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 497724 in karmic-backports "Please update KDE to 4.3.4 on Kubuntu 9.10" [Wishlist,In progress]06:04
nixternaluploading now06:08
nixternalthat was only like a 15 minute task thanks to for, if, and sed :)06:09
nixternaldput *karmic1_source.changes06:09
nixternaldput ubuntu *karmic1_source.changes06:09
ScottKEven better.06:09
nixternalsed -i 's/karmic1~ppa1) karmic;/karmic1) karmic-backports;/' */debian/changelog06:10
nixternalwhat a friend that one is :)06:11
nixternalfor x in `ls`; do06:11
nixternalif [ -d $x ]; then06:11
nixternalcd ${x}06:11
nixternaldebuild -S -sa -k$GPGKEY06:11
nixternalcd ..06:11
nixternalbooyah, so if anyone has to do mass uploads from ppa to -backports, there you go :)06:12
ScottKAll I see so far in the queue is nds.06:13
nixternalthey are all going06:13
nixternalup to ptbr right now06:13
ScottKOK, just accepted through ro.06:16
ScottKComing along nicely06:16
nixternalsv uploading now06:17
=== foxhoun is now known as vorian
ScottKThere's another batch.  Up through tg now.06:21
ScottKth accepted too.06:21
nixternallast 2 are uploading now06:21
nixternalzhcn and zhtw06:21
nixternalall done06:24
ScottKOK.  Thanks a bunch.06:24
ScottKnixternal: All accepted.06:26
nixternalwell that was easy06:26
ScottKDon't forget the bug.06:26
nixternalbug 497724 fix released06:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497724 in karmic-backports "Please update KDE to 4.3.4 on Kubuntu 9.10" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49772406:27
ScottKAll done then.06:29
ScottKOnce it's all built, I'll put an update on kubuntu.org06:29
NightroseScottK: re moving amarok: generally the more people get the newest amarok the better but it's your call if you think it is safe enough for backports08:48
* jussi01 waves11:34
* Riddell photons11:35
jussi01How are you Riddell? Have a good new years?11:37
Riddellyes most jolly thanks jussi0111:39
jussi01Riddell: excellent. :)11:40
Tonio_happy new year everyone :)12:24
jussi01And the same back to you Tonio_ ! :)12:28
=== amik is now known as amichair
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jussi01rgreening: good morning sir!13:29
rgreeningmorning. happy new yr13:30
rgreeningmy Amarok keeps crsh13:30
seelemaco: you called again?13:38
ScottKTonio_: Happy New Year.13:48
dholbachcan anybody imagine running a session at UDW: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep still has a couple of empty slots14:01
dholbachthere's nothing kubuntu-y or kde-y on the schedule yet14:05
seeledholbach: hmm.. i could do one friday on kubuntu/kde junior jobs/papercuts14:08
dholbachthat'd be fantastic!14:09
dholbachseele: do you want me to pencil you in somewhere or do you prefer to do it?14:09
seeleyou say it as if you didn't expect anyone to volunteer :)14:09
seeledholbach: go ahead and pencil me in on friday, i'll put it on my calendar14:09
dholbachseele: thanks muchly14:10
* dholbach hugs seele14:10
dholbachand happy 2010!14:10
seeledholbach: np, happy new year14:10
=== dendro-a` is now known as dendro-afk
Riddellseele: maco is away from internet access for the moment14:27
seeleshe keeps on calling me but never leaves voice messages14:27
Daskreechhi dendro-afk14:41
StecchinoKDE4.4-beta2, getting phonon build errors. Seems like either missing package or incorrect phonon version15:02
Stecchinodoes anyone know about this. Preferably with an easy, quick fix15:03
RiddellStecchino: what version of qt do you have?15:17
StecchinoRiddell: 4.6.0-1ubuntu3~karmic1~ppa115:18
Riddellhmm, that should have the phonon patch15:18
RiddellStecchino: what's the build error?  missing headers are common with phonon since they keep changing15:18
StecchinoRiddell: I seem to be the only one of the Amarok devs to be having this problem though. Plenty of people have been using Qt4.615:19
Stecchinoand the build error: http://pastebin.org/7103815:20
Stecchinobuild fails withing Phonon global header15:20
RiddellStecchino: and do you have /usr/include/qt4/phonon/phononnamespace.h ?15:21
Riddellthat should be part of libphonon-dev version 4:4.6.0-1ubuntu3~karmic1~ppa115:22
StecchinoRiddell: yup15:22
Riddellthen "/usr/include/qt4/phonon/Phonon/Global:1:42: error: ../../phonon/phononnamespace.h: No such file or directory " makes no sense if there is such a file15:22
StecchinoRiddell: there is something wrong with the phonon symlink15:22
Stecchinoor rather, it should be a symlink or directory but it's a regular file15:23
Riddell/usr/include/qt4/phonon/Phonon -> .15:24
Riddellthat one?15:24
Stecchinoactually the one that it fails on /usr/include/qt4/phonon/Phonon/../../phonon15:24
StecchinoI don't know what that is supposed to be15:25
Riddell>ls /usr/include/qt4/phonon/Phonon/../../phonon/phononnamespace.h15:25
Riddellls: cannot access /usr/include/qt4/phonon/Phonon/../../phonon/phononnamespace.h: No such file or directory15:25
Stecchinorelative symlink problems me thinks15:25
StecchinoPhonon -> . which screws with Phonon/../15:26
Stecchinoit ends up one level up in /usr/include15:26
Stecchino/usr/include/qt4/phonon/phonon seems to be a correct file albeit a weird one15:27
Riddellthen a quick fix is   sudo ln -s /usr/include/qt4/phonon /usr/include/phonon  I think15:27
Riddellalthough it doesn't explain why I can compile amarok without issue15:27
Stecchinoinstall mishap?15:28
Riddellthe buildds have no problems compiling either15:28
Stecchinoor perhaps the result of me trying to fix it with apt-get -i --reinstall libqt4-phonon-dev15:28
Riddellthat shouldn't do anything (that package is empty anyway)15:28
StecchinoThis doesn't look right: ii  phonon-backend-xine                  4:4.3.80-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa215:29
Stecchinoal the rest of dpkg -l | grep phonon is 4.6 though15:30
Riddellphonon-backend-xine isn't distributed as part of Qt so it has a different version number15:30
Riddellphonon releases are a mess15:30
StecchinoAt the end: http://pastebin.org/7104015:30
StecchinoI would get sandsmark in here but he's afk15:31
Stecchinothen you could slap him into cleaning up phonon releases15:31
Riddellhe does well, it's trolltech's fault if anyone's15:33
Stecchino/usr/include/qt4/phonon/Phonon/Global << is one of the fancy headers for #include <ClassName>. Perhaps these are generated at make install?15:34
RiddellStecchino: does adding that symlink fix it?15:37
StecchinoRiddell: yes15:39
RiddellStecchino: I can recreate your problem but not if I run cmake with the arguments we use to build a package15:48
Quintasantrolltech is trolling then :)15:48
Riddellso something in this is working around it15:48
Riddell-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debian -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=false -DKDE_DISTRIBUTION_TEXT="Kubuntu packages" -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=true -DKDE4_USE_ALWAYS_FULL_RPATH=false -DCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/config -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/apps -DHTML_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML -DKCFG_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/config.kcfg -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR=/etc15:48
Riddelldon't know what though15:48
StecchinoRiddell: Amarok cmake I assume? Might be a stale cmake cache even though I deleted to fix15:49
Stecchinobuild type != debugfull might be the significant difference15:50
Stecchinoor build_tests15:50
ScottKWhen is the next KDE release?16:32
ScottKRiddell: It looks like we've got a few changes piled up for another qt4-x11 upload.16:32
ScottKIt might be nice to get that done well before we have a KDE release to package.16:32
Riddellwe should work out what's going on with Stecchino's include problem with qt4-x1116:33
StecchinoI'm here if you need me16:34
ScottKRiddell: That too.16:34
JontheEchidnaRC1 tagging is tomorrow16:34
RiddellI also have just packaged virtuoso 5.0.12 by popular demand, we should consider if we want to use that16:36
ScottKBetter than indeterminate waiting on 6.0.116:36
Riddellit would need a MIR of course but doesn't have any new depends16:37
ScottKFortunately pitti is making those a lot less painful16:47
ScottKI just pinged kees on libssh16:48
* Riddell smiles as "Simplified Main Inclusion Request process" arrives in his inbox16:51
ejatRiddell: so virtuoso package will release soon ? \0/16:53
DasKreeChejat: Not related  :)17:06
ejatDasKreeCh: <Riddell> I also have just packaged virtuoso 5.0.12 by popular demand, we should consider if we want to use that17:08
Riddellhope so17:08
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DasKreeChejat: Ah Ok missed that :)17:32
* ScottK installs kde 4.3.4 from karmic-backports.17:56
RiddellScottK: amichair said that kdesdk got held back17:57
ScottKDid he dist-upgrade?17:57
ScottKRiddell: If he's on amd64, that's not fully built yet17:58
RiddellI'm not sure17:58
ScottKi386 just finished before the last publisher run18:00
amichairRiddell: I did, but then added that the mirror seemed to have been half-updated - switching to main servers got the rest of the packages18:15
amichairthough I am indeed on amd64...18:15
amichairhmmm... I see there are some more packages available now... oh well. trickly trickle little packages...18:16
ScottKamd64 is still in progress.18:17
amichairScottK: how does that work? each package is compiled and uploaded separately? not all built and then uploaded together?18:17
ScottKamichair: Yes.  It has to be since many of the later packages need the earlier ones to build.18:18
ScottKThis is why we use the staging PPA.18:18
ScottKWe don't have an equivalent for actual backports.18:18
amichairyes to which? all built first and then uploaded, or uploaded as they are built one by one?18:19
seelewho was the travel agent canonical used to use before resfax? eyas or something? i cant remember how to spell it18:21
amichairScottK: can't it pose a problem for users (myself?) to get only some of the packages, then a few hours later some more, etc.? the update operation doesn't have to be atomic?18:25
ScottKamichair: For third digit updates it's unlikely to be a problem.18:27
amichairScottK: famous last words :-)18:28
ScottKamichair: There really isn't a way around it.18:28
amichairScottK: I don't know anything about repos, but I thought u can first build and prepare everything offline, then just 'commit' the changes - not unlike version control systems. but I guess not.18:29
amichairI have much to learn!18:31
ScottKRiddell: Looks like we need another armel specific no nepomuk patch: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim-runtime/4:4.3.4-0ubuntu1~karmic1/+build/1425677/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.kdepim-runtime_4:4.3.4-0ubuntu1~karmic1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:51
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RiddellScottK: what causes that?18:56
ScottKRiddell: That's 4.3.4 kdepimlibs on armel.  You'll recall you did a no nepomuk patch on armel for one package right before karmic released.18:56
ScottKSo I'll go with whatever was causing the other problem18:58
RiddellScottK: based on the current conversation on release-team I think kdepim requires neopmuk in 4.418:59
ScottKI suspect that's true, but this is 4.3 in Karmic.19:00
ScottKWe dropped the no-nepomuk thing in Lucid already and it's fine19:00
Riddelldo we care about arm backports that much?19:00
ScottKIt bothers my sense of order.19:00
ScottKDo you remember what package is was you patched before?19:01
* jussi01 hi 5's ScottK19:01
* ScottK is a bit startled, but recovers19:01
RiddellI'm afraid I don't19:01
ScottKFound it.19:08
ScottKIt was kdebase-runtime19:08
ScottKAnd it was soprano, not nepomuk19:12
QuintasanScottK: Hmm I get "access denied" when uploading to REVU, any idea why?19:43
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
jussi01Quintasan: you forgot to set a pw somewhere?19:52
Quintasanjussi01: pw? I need a pw in dput config to upload to REVU?19:53
jussi01Quintasan: either that or you forgot to sign something - I meant that there has to be someway it knows its from you...19:54
jussi01but I havent used revu since the old days19:54
QuintasanRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Teams/Kubuntu <-- can I add myself there?20:00
RiddellQuintasan: that page should be deleted, it was from before launchpad had teams20:01
Quintasanoh :D20:01
jussi01Quintasan: have you changed your ssh key since LP or wherever revu gets them from?20:01
Quintasanjussi01: nope, I always keep em in separate place20:02
QuintasanRiddell: What's this Messages.sh? You mentioned me it's missing some time ago and now same for colibri package.20:24
RiddellQuintasan: it's a script which generates the .pot translation templates20:27
QuintasanUrgh, doesn't sound interesting20:33
nixternalcan you gdb a plasmoid? or strace one?20:33
nixternalor valgrind at that20:34
nixternalwell damn, plasmoidviewer allows you to do just that...I was a bit worried there20:35
ScottKQuintasan: It's boring, but essential for GPL compliance.20:39
amichairScottK: how long does this kde build/update take? it's been hours, and still some missing dependencies20:45
ScottKamichair: Part of the problem is that backports are a low priority for building and lots of other stuff has been going on today.20:46
ScottKWe're close though.20:46
* ScottK check20:46
amichairbtw is this build progress publicly available?20:48
ScottKamichair: https://launchpad.net/builders20:49
amichairScottK: coolness, thanks20:49
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ScottKRiddell or JontheEchidna: When is the next 4.4 release tagged?  NCommander wants to get back invovled with Kubuntu packaging.21:26
Riddelle-jat: virtuoso is in my PPA https://edge.launchpad.net/~jr/+archive/ppa but it has no init script and I'm not sure if it needs one21:30
e-jatRiddell: thanks21:31
Riddelle-jat: do you know if the virtuoso server needs to be running all the time?  or how I should test it?21:37
ScottKRiddell: Debian has a draft package in their svn.21:37
ScottKI'm guessing it has the right answer to this question21:38
RiddellScottK: yeah it has an init script which doesn't work, at least not for virtuoso 521:42
nixternalRiddell: http://trueg.wordpress.com/tag/virtuoso/21:50
nixternalI used the "Once More With Feeling" post to get it running on my trunk box21:51
nixternalhttp://vizzzion.org/blog/2009/10/virtuoso-here-i-come/ <- and of course this one21:52
LureRiddell: can you review bug 502565 and give ACK?21:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502565 in pyexiv2 "sync exiv2 0.19-1 from debian/unstable" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50256521:53
Riddellthanks nixternal21:53
LureRiddell: only kde packages need exiv2 in main21:54
RiddellLure: after I've had tea21:54
LureRiddell: didn't 5 o'clock pass already in your timezone :-)21:55
LureRiddell: virtuoso MIR might be fine (it is huge pile)21:56
Lurebut MIR process just got easier21:56
* Lure likes it21:57
JontheEchidnaInstalling virtuoso-server, virtuoso-driver and restarting nepomuk = success22:00
ryanakcashtylman: Did you have any luck with making the website text not look "slapped together" ?22:11
RiddellJontheEchidna: from my PPA?22:48
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yeah22:48
nixternal 7643 nixterna  20   0  105m  73m 6152 S   71  3.7   0:57.79 virtuoso-t23:06
nixternalnice little hog23:06
nixternaltemp1:       +71.5°C  (crit = +99.0°C)23:07
nixternalthat's what I hate about nepomuk/virtuoso/strigi23:07
JontheEchidnait's taking 130 MB here doing the indexing23:16
JontheEchidnamaybe it'll go down when it's done, but it's still somewhat of a disaster for lower-end computers23:17
nixternalyeah, no way we could run that on a netbook23:21
nixternalwell we could, just don't expect it today23:21
ScottK130MB isn't so bad.23:22
ScottKUnless you went with the 4GB SSD option.23:22
ScottKOn netbooks, I suspect CPU will be more important than hard disk space.23:23
nixternalwell the size isn't the issue as much as the taxing of the cpu23:24
nixternalas soon as I run nepomuk on my desktop, enable strigi...hold on, as the fans power up and start sucking in small animals23:24
shtylmanryanakca: havn't tried it... too bust with other things atm :)23:26
shtylmannixternal: that link for the applet doesn't work...23:34
shtylmanI wanted to get the code and try it ... but :(23:34
nixternalshtylman: lp:plasma-applet-feedback23:35
shtylmannixternal: thanks23:40
shtylmannixternal: bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:plasma-applet-feedback": No such project: plasma-applet-feedback23:41
shtylmanno survey :(23:49
nixternalare you on karmic?23:53

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