
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_away
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pittiGood morning everyone! happy new year06:28
loolpitti: happy new year to you too07:43
pittibonjour lool07:43
* pitti -> supermarket, bbl07:43
pittilool: had some nice holidays?08:21
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone (and welcome back)08:40
pittihey chrisccoulson, happy new year!08:40
chrisccoulsonhappy new year to you too pitti :)08:40
chrisccoulsondid you have a nice break?08:40
pittiI did, very relaxing; we painted some rooms, did some major cleaning, lots of family events, and tons of snow \o/08:41
seb128_hey there08:41
seb128_happy new year!08:41
chrisccoulsonexcellent, sounds good08:41
chrisccoulsonhey seb128_, happy new year to you too08:41
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seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:42
seb128had good holidays?08:42
* pitti hugs seb12808:42
* seb128 hugs pitti08:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, good thanks, although quite busy with family visiting all the time08:42
chrisccoulsondid you have a good holiday too?08:42
seb128yes, very relaxing08:42
seb128lot of doing nothing and familly seeing08:43
seb128that's always good ;-)08:43
seb128I manage to barrely touch the computer08:43
seb128which is a good thing to do once a year too08:43
seb128not looking forward email catching up after those two weeks now08:48
seb128let's grab coffee first08:48
pittiseb128: good luck!08:50
pittiseb128: is it actually so bad?08:50
pittiI just spent an hour on them yesterday to get them back to 008:50
pittiit was pretty quiet over the holidays08:50
loolpitti: Yup, how about you?  good holidays?08:52
pittilool: indeed; lots of fresh air, family, and gaming; and only some hacking08:52
* pitti played Battle for Wesnoth a lot08:52
seb128lool, hey, happy new year!08:55
seb128pitti, well, not bad but if you want to overview the bugsmails...08:56
seb128it usually takes me 2 hours after a weekend08:56
pittiyeah, I didn't touch those yet08:56
seb128so after 2 weeks08:56
pittiI just followed up on the high-urgency ones (subscribed/assigned)08:56
pittimy +ubugs folder is full again :(08:56
seb128I've installed ubuntu on my cousin's laptop yesterday, that's a fail btw08:57
seb128no eth nor wifi working08:58
seb128which is fixed in a linux sru done in december08:58
seb128I had to download the deb and copy it over usb key08:58
seb128and I still have no bluetooth08:58
seb128and screen doesn't come back from suspend08:58
seb128which I'm not sure how to debug08:58
seb128it's a toshiba laptop, I would not recommend those for ubuntu08:59
seb128jockey is a fail too, it activates fglrx but still mark it as not activated08:59
seb128ie the xorg.conf is correctly update and fglrx loaded in Xorg.0.log but the jockey UI still say it's not used09:00
tseliotseb128: in lucid?09:02
seb128tseliot, no, karmic09:06
seb128tseliot, it's early to install lucid on a luser box09:06
tseliotseb128: this is why I asked ;)09:07
seb128my cousin is a student and need to box to get work done and is nothing of a computer person09:07
seb128to box -> the box09:07
tseliotseb128: does the fglrx driver work?09:08
seb128the videocard is a radeon hd 4500 m92 I think09:08
seb128I'm not sure actually but I think so by looking through the xorg log09:08
tseliotor is it just that jockey shows it as disabled?09:08
tseliotseb128: can I see the log?09:08
seb128and 2d performance are slugish, ie you can the trail when moving things on screen09:08
seb128tseliot, with fglrx?09:09
seb128give me a few minutes, I cleaned that yesterday09:09
seb128I thought it might be what was breaking resume09:09
seb128but it has the same issue using ati09:09
seb128I will install it again now09:10
loolseb128: Happy new year to you too!  Hope you got some rest after new year celebrations!  :-)09:11
seb128lool, I sort of got used to sleep until 10am, was hard to wake up today ;-)09:12
seb128but yeah, I got plenty of sleep too09:12
pittiseb128: heh, me too; forced myself out of bed at 7 today09:12
* lool ponders sending a "Happy GNU year" to a GNOME list ;-)09:13
seb128lool, is you new year resolution to do extra trolling? ;-)09:14
pittiargh, pitivi pulls in hal09:38
pittiseb128: ^ just looking at the outstanding alpha-2 work items, and pitivi/gbrainy MIRs are on your list; can you do them?09:38
pitti(nevermind about pitivi as long as it uses hal, though)09:38
seb128they are not on my list and I guess I could though I've zillions of things to do after 2 weeks break09:39
pittiseb128: well, the work items are assigned to you09:39
seb128and those are nowhere near of what I consider priorities or things I enjoy to do09:39
pittibut I'm happy to reassign the gbrainy one to me09:39
seb128I didn't know until now thanks for letting me know09:39
seb128that would be great09:39
seb128would be nice if somebody was processing the mirs too09:39
seb128I opened the libiphone, etc ones a month ago ;-)09:40
seb128though there was end of year break in the middle so I guess delay was expected09:40
seb128tseliot, ok, jockey fails to install fglrx today09:40
pittiasac: ^ got some time for that?09:40
seb128tseliot, when I tried yesterday that was before doing the karmic updates though09:40
pittiseb128: for http://piware.de/workitems/desktop/lucid-alpha2/report.html#seb128 , the third and remaining one is "pull new f-spot with edit capabilities in viewer mode", then you are done for alpha-209:41
* pitti reassigns the gbrainy one to him09:41
tseliotseb128: maybe debug mode will help you see why it fails09:41
seb128pitti, ok thanks09:41
seb128tseliot, log in non debug mode seems useless09:41
seb128how do I turn debug mode on?09:41
tseliotseb128: killall jockey-backend09:42
tseliotseb128: and sudo /usr/share/jockey/jockey-backend --debug -l > /var/log/jockey.log09:42
seb128pitti, when is a2?09:42
tseliotthen run jockey as usual09:42
pittiseb128: Jan 1409:42
seb128I can do the pitivi mir and the f-spot change this week09:42
tseliotpitti: does this look good to you (see the last two commits)? https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/jockey/alternatives09:43
tseliotthat assumes that my new nvidia-common is uploaded first ;)09:44
huatsmorning everyone09:46
pittitseliot: first commit is obvious; I can't verify the second just by looking at the diff, but structurally it looks fine; please go ahead and commit (I just added you to the team)09:48
pittihey huats09:48
tseliotpitti: great, thanks09:48
huatshello mister pitti09:48
seb128tseliot, ok, the new error is my fault, I mixed proposed versions and updates ones and don't have a proposed source09:51
seb128I will sort that later and ping you when I've an xorg log09:51
seb128hey huats09:52
tseliotseb128: ok09:54
seb128tseliot, otherwise do you know if they are known suspend, resume issues due to the ati driver?10:03
tseliotseb128: not that I know of10:16
tseliottjaalton: ^^10:16
tjaaltonno idea, I don't even know if fglrx works at all10:20
seb128tjaalton, the question was about ati no fglrx though10:20
seb128the screen doesn't come back on resume10:20
tjaaltonseb128: ah ok10:20
seb128the box is a toshiba laptop with a radeon hd 4500 card10:20
seb128ati m92 mobility I think...10:20
tjaaltontry booting witn radeon.modeset=010:20
seb128where do I put that?10:21
tjaaltonkernel cmdline10:21
seb128on the kernel options?10:21
seb128ok thanks10:21
tjaaltonif that works, bug the kernel people to got through the drm commits ;)10:22
tjaalton*go, dammit10:22
tseliotKMS should be already off in Karmic10:23
tseliotfor ati10:23
tjaaltonhuh, it was karmic?10:24
tjaaltonok, there probably are bugs yes ;)10:24
seb128there is no kms active there10:25
seb128ie vt1 is plain old text mode10:25
tjaaltonright, it was enabled after lucid alpha110:25
seb128is there anything else worth testing?10:25
seb128updated ati driver from a ppa or something?10:25
tjaaltonit's likely a kernel drm bug10:26
tjaaltonso try lucid10:26
seb128the box is not mine though and I don't think lucid is production ready quality wise10:28
seb128I guess I will just tell him to keep using vista for now :--10:28
tjaaltonwell, a daily livecd should be enough to test it10:29
seb128right I will do that10:31
seb128bah, some random user wrote a 1 page comment explaining how to remove pulseaudio and break half of your system and keep copying it in random bugs10:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - hggdh contacted him last night about those10:39
seb128is there any way in karmic to tell polkit1 to not ask for a password to mount ntfs disks?10:40
chrisccoulsonwe requested on #launchpad that they deactivate their account when we noticed what they was doing, but they weren't keen on doing that10:40
seb128ie to mount the vista partition on the same disk10:40
pittiseb128: copy /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.pkla from lucid to that karmic system10:43
pittiseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351179/10:43
seb128pitti, thanks10:43
pittiseb128: FYI, I dropped the MIR bits from the whiteboard and linked to two MIR bugs (just stubs for now)10:48
pitti(to avoid confusion about the whiteboard diffs)10:48
seb128pitti, ok thanks10:48
seb128pitti, thanks for renewing my membership, I didn't read my launchpad box during holidays and didn't notice it expired11:01
pittiseb128: my pleasure11:01
asacpitti: seb128: yes. checking11:06
seb128hey asac, happy new year11:07
seb128pedro_, hey, happy new year!11:07
pedro_happy new year seb128!11:07
seb128asac, no hurry for the mir but this week would be nice11:07
seb128pedro_, had good holidays? ;-)11:07
asachappy new year too!!11:09
pittihey asac, gesundes Neues!11:09
pedro_seb128, yeah, thanks for asking, what about you?11:09
asachey pitti .... hope you are a bit less burried in snow than we are ;)11:09
pedro_happy new year pitti and asac!11:09
asaccrazy winter11:09
pittihey pedro_, happy new year!11:09
* asac hugs pedro_ 11:09
seb128pedro_, yes, pretty relaxing ;-)11:09
* pedro_ hugs asac back11:10
pittiasac: it has snown for three days here; all white11:10
pittiwe had a great "Schneeballschlacht" yesterday :)11:10
seb128lucky you11:10
pittiand I built a snowman with my niece11:10
seb128we had some snow 2 weeks ago11:10
seb128but not since11:10
pittiseb128: btw, hold on with the MIR; I'll propose some MIR process simplification on u-devel@, just doing some wiki cleanup first11:17
seb128ok thanks11:17
chrisccoulson1i think freenode hates me today11:32
chrisccoulson1i keep getting disconnected11:32
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pittiseb128: sent to MIR team and CCed u-devel@; your feedback appreciated11:47
seb128pitti, I'm about to go for lunch but I will comment after that11:47
pittiseb128: btw, I had a quick look at the brasero nautilus plugin; I don't see any obvious time difference with and without (but I didn't measure very carefully); is it still taking a second? If so, want me to look into this?11:50
seb128pitti, you are welcome to do so, it takes over 1 second there on the mini config11:52
seb128and over 3 seconds on my laptop config11:52
seb128if you strace it you will see it execve every commands it known with --version to know what is available11:53
pittiseb128: ok, I think I'll prepare a test nautilus which gives some debugging output for plugin loading and exits once it loaded everything11:55
pittithat should be convenient for timing11:55
seb128ideally the code should just register what it can do11:56
pittiI have no urgent non-blocked alpha-2 tasks any more, and working on speedup is urgent, so I'll do that now11:56
seb128not do all the brasero .so init11:56
pittiand defer expensive bits to lazy initialization11:56
seb128or to first use or something11:56
* pitti hardly burns any CDs these days, and I guess the same is true for many people11:57
pittiin particular for netbook users who don't even have a drive :)11:57
pittiseb128: lazy init == first use, right, that's what I mean11:57
seb128ok, you can also see lazy init as idle loop code11:57
pittiseb128: btw, do you have your test gnome-session somewhere which loads everything at once?11:57
seb128it's not a gnome-session change11:58
seb128I've emptied the gconf key for required components11:58
seb128ie /desktop/gnome/session/required_components_list11:59
pittioh, I thought it was this Autostart-Phase: thing11:59
seb128copied the nautilus and gnome-panel autostart from /usr/share/applications to etc11:59
seb128to /etc/xdg/autostart11:59
seb128and changed all the desktop files there to have Application for the autostart stage12:00
seb128so everything is started as an application12:00
seb128and they are all started together12:00
seb128just copy /etc/xdg/autostart away12:00
seb128do the changes and try12:00
seb128have to go for lunch12:00
seb128be back in a bit12:00
pittiok, was just curious12:00
pittiseb128: yep, after a 3 > drop_caches, brasero takes ages here, too12:24
* pitti has a debug nautilus now12:24
pittiseb128: thanks for the heads-up, I think I'm good to go now12:28
seb128back from lunch12:29
seb128pitti, ok good, let me know if you have any question12:29
seb128pitti, you got a reference hardware box?12:29
seb128pitti, or you use your laptop to do testing?12:30
pittiseb128: my normal laptop; I don't have a Dell mini12:30
pittibut that should be good enough12:30
seb128enough people do daily testing on the mini anyway12:30
seb128and what improves on your box should benefit other installs too12:31
asacpitti: http://pastebin.com/f21452d4b ... let me know if its ok to carry that fix in ubuntu/debian for a bit. for upstream one probably would have to check in configure if gcc has that feature :/12:52
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pittiasac: looks fine, but please do report it upstream as well13:20
pittiasac: I'll turn it into a patch and commit to bzr13:20
pittiasac: hm, does that work on "arm" as well, or only "armel"?13:22
pittiah, bug 49733113:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497331 in postgresql-8.4 "build failure with -mthumb on armel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49733113:25
pittiit does build on Debian's armel, I guess that doesn't use thumb213:26
pittiasac: ok, pushed and bug updated13:28
kenvandinehet dholbach14:01
kenvandinehey even :)14:01
dholbachcan anybody imagine running a session at UDW: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep still has a couple of empty slots14:01
dholbachhey kenvandine14:01
pittihey kenvandine, happy new year!14:01
kenvandinehappy new year too you too!14:01
seb128hey dholbach kenvandine14:02
seb128happy new year14:02
dholbachmaybe something about what's specific to packaging desktop stuff?14:02
dholbachI'm sure you guys want more desktop contributors :-D14:02
seb128pitti, the measure I did before holidays for nautilus loading times were similar to your notes14:02
seb128everything else than brasero was around 0.1 seconds or under that14:03
seb128share was faster there but you might use a non empty nautilus config14:03
pittiok, thanks14:04
dholbachor is there anything else desktop related that would fit well into UDW?14:05
kenvandinehey seb12814:05
kenvandineseb128, i'll bump empathy today14:09
seb128hey tedg14:10
seb128tedg, happy new year14:10
tedgGood morning seb128.  Good holiday?14:10
seb128yes, excellent14:10
seb128didn't touch work stuff for 2 weeks14:10
seb128nor email14:11
seb128(or almost not, I did read email 3 times in 2 weeks)14:11
chrisccoulsondholbach - i keep thinking that a session on debugging X errors would be useful, to help with issues like gnome bug 598476, but i just don't have any time at the moment :(14:11
tedgWow.  That's impressive.14:11
ubottuGnome bug 598476 in daemon "gnome-screensaver crashes when entering password incorrectly 5 times" [Blocker,Needinfo] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59847614:11
chrisccoulsonsuch a session would be closely related to interpreting stacktraces anyway14:12
dholbachchrisccoulson: maybe bryce__ and tseliot have some ideas for that? ^14:12
tedgseb128: Are you testing to see if Evolutions mail counting algorithms can count to a million? ;)14:12
dholbachchrisccoulson: shall I mail you three guys and we can debate what would go in there?14:12
seb128tedg, I almost could ;-)14:12
chrisccoulsondholbach - possibly. i'd like to do such a session, but i'd struggle to find the time at the moment14:12
seb128very annoyed by the spam count though14:13
dholbachchrisccoulson: a bunch of bullet points and some discussion with bryce__ and tseliot would be appreciated - I'll kick off the mail in a sec :-)14:14
tseliotchrisccoulson, dholbach: yes, an email would be fine :-)14:15
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chrisccoulsonthe gnome-screensaver issue might be a good example for a session too, because i already understand why that broke :)14:16
dholbachtseliot, bryce__, chrisccoulson: sent14:18
kenvandinegood morning rickspencer314:41
rickspencer3hi kenvandine14:41
rickspencer3so, we're back14:41
* rickspencer3 checks calendar, checks email14:41
pittihey rickspencer3! happy new year!14:42
rickspencer3happy new year pitti14:43
rickspencer3pitti, how was your vacation?14:43
seb128hey rickspencer314:44
pittirickspencer3: I really enjoyed it; got some household stuff done (wallpainting, cleaning), lots of snow, some gaming, and some hacking14:44
seb128happy new year!14:44
pittiit was good to rest for some ten days14:45
dholbachArneGoetje: do you think you could follow up on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2010-January/006447.html ?14:45
rickspencer3hi seb12814:46
ArneGoetjedholbach: looking14:47
seb128rickspencer3, did you have good holidays?14:47
rickspencer3seb128, yes14:48
pittirickspencer3: I saw your blog entries, seems you hacked all the time :)14:48
rickspencer3spent quite some time with my family, and did some hacking, yes14:48
rickspencer3pitti, I see an MRI bug for pitivi14:49
rickspencer3thanks for doing that14:49
pittirickspencer3: it's just a stub so far14:50
pittirickspencer3: biggest problem is that it pulls hal back in14:50
pitti(and of course all those bugs :) )14:50
kenvandinei used it a couple times over the break and it worked pretty well14:50
pittiTBH I only tested it once at UDS14:50
ArneGoetjedholbach: replied14:51
pittiI don't know anyone who actually edits videos, so I don't have a real-live test case14:51
rickspencer3I used it a bit last summer14:51
pittibut either way, we need to do something about hal14:51
rickspencer3and it worked quite well14:51
rickspencer3but was a tad crashy14:51
kenvandinei do from time to time... my biggest beef is it is such a pain to get dv video off the camera14:51
dholbachArneGoetje: awesome - thanks14:51
dholbachArneGoetje: moderated14:51
ArneGoetjedholbach: thanks14:53
seb128pitti, I replied to the mir email and some other people too apparently, all good feedback14:56
seb128go pitti go ;-)14:57
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rickspencer3hi ccheney15:12
rickspencer3welcome back15:12
rickspencer3Not too surprised to see we are a bit over the trend line15:13
pittihey ccheney, happy new year!15:15
pittirickspencer3: right, you can clearly see the holidays..15:15
rickspencer3stupid holidays15:16
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seb128pitti, we should perhaps have small template for mir bugs and decide on whether the description or comments should be used too15:28
seb128template, ie:15:28
seb128rational: we need a video editor15:28
seb128security: no known issue15:28
seb128packaging: standard cdbs one, actively maintained in debian15:28
pittiseb128: i don't actually expect security/packaging to be in mir bugs at all if they are okay15:29
pitti(we still review the packaging anyway)15:29
seb128ok, good15:29
pittiseb128: I just expect reporters to walk through UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements and pick out the bad stuff15:29
seb128I was just doing the pitivi one and I'm not too sure what to write about "well maintained upstream and in debian, no security issue"15:29
pitti(which is why I want people to explicitly confirm that they did this, to ensure that they know about the page and sign off on having done the checks)15:29
seb128it just feel weird when you are used to write every detail, but good weird ;-)15:30
pittijust go through the checklist, and note down things that come to your mind when you review the package15:30
seb128pitti, ie do you expect extra comments on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/502897?15:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 502897 in pitivi "[MIR] pitivi" [Wishlist,Incomplete]15:31
pittiseb128: yes, one: "a confirmation that you checked the requirements carefully"15:32
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seb128pitti, ok, done15:34
seb128I'm not sure if we should delay its use until it stops using hal though15:35
pittiseb128: thanks, moved back to new and assigned to me15:37
seb128pitti, thank you15:37
pittiseb128: if we put it in now, we need to change hal to get activated on demand, and fix g-p-m to not activate hal on startup15:37
pittibut that's sort of on my list anyway15:38
seb128I would be in favor of delaying until pitivi is fixed15:38
* pitti too15:38
seb128ok good15:38
seb128let's see how upstream is responsive15:38
pittinot that I would have ever been anxious to get in pitivi :)15:38
seb128the bug has been opened 2 days ago15:38
* pitti chuckles at http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/15:43
pittiKeybuk: I want this mysterious "201000" extra month, too!15:43
KeybukI just fixed that15:44
seb128hey Keybuk15:44
seb128happy new year!15:44
Keybukhey, happy new year to you too15:44
seb128pitti, bug #448180 seems a "gnome-alsamixer crashes when there is no soundcard"15:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448180 in gnome-alsamixer "gnome-alsamixer crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44818015:45
seb128pitti, do you think it's worth fixing in a sru? it would still do nothing, just display a "no sound card" rather than crashing...15:46
seb128(not that I fixed the bug yet)15:46
pittihm, sounds like a feature to me :) why should it be running if there's no card?15:47
seb128it seems users try to run it to fix their "no sound issue"15:47
pittifrom my shallow look I'd say don't bother15:47
seb128which is fact a alsa or driver issue15:47
pittiif you want to, I won't stop you of course15:47
seb128ie no sound card is listed by alsa on those config15:47
seb128not especially15:47
seb128you just assigned the bug to me so I was checking ;-)15:48
seb128I will try to get it fixed for lucid so we stop receiving crash bugs15:48
seb128but I will not bother for karmic15:48
pittiassigned> ah, that was last year already :)15:50
pittiright, lucid only15:51
seb128yeah, but during my holidays15:51
seb128ok, all good ;-)15:51
rickspencer3tseliot, hi15:54
tseliothi rickspencer315:54
rickspencer3happy New Year tseliot15:54
rickspencer3I saw some mails regarding "Updated plans for Lucid"15:54
tseliotrickspencer3: happy new year to you :-)15:55
rickspencer3anything I should know?15:55
tseliotI think it was a status update that tjaalton wrote15:55
tseliotI just explained that all my work for the "proprietary improvements" blueprint is in a PPA15:56
tseliotas I worked on it during the holidays15:56
rickspencer3tseliot, great, so I don't need to reed those :)15:56
rickspencer3tseliot, btw, really great work on the mini 10v trackpad15:56
tseliotrickspencer3: no, don't worry ;)15:56
rickspencer3turned it from something stupid and frustrating to something that works quite well15:57
tseliotrickspencer3: thanks, I'm working to make sure that my fixes can be applied in the future (despite the changes in X and udev)15:57
pittithere, nautilus brasero extension starts in 0.3 secs now16:03
pitti(from cold cache)16:05
pittinow it's just class registration and gconf16:06
bratscheHappy New Year desktop hackers!16:06
seb128pitti, you rock!16:06
pittihey bratsche! happy new year to you, too!16:06
seb128hey bratsche, happy new year16:06
pittiseb128: just need to fix that tiny crash now :)16:06
pittiburning an .iso from the menu works; clicking menu on computer:/// on CD breaks16:07
seb128pitti, I opened a bug upstream about it being slow btw so no need to open a new one to add your changes16:07
pittiseb128: oh, great; which one?16:07
pittiI'll send my patch there16:07
seb128sec, looking for the bug number16:07
pittioh, you probably did it a while ago already, I'll find it16:07
pittiseb128: got it16:11
seb128pitti, ok, sorry I got sidetracked in finishing something else16:11
pittiNP, took me like 3 seconds to fine16:11
robbiewpitti: seb128:  pardon if this has already been addressed in a bug or email or whatever :)...but is there a reason why installing nvidia-glx-185 is fubar'd on my 64bit machine?16:12
pittirobbiew: what breaks in particular?16:12
pitti(no idea, I don't have nvidia here for testing)16:13
robbiewpitti: installing that package automatically removes all xserver- packages16:13
robbiewand without it...nvidia driver doesn't work16:13
robbiewso stuck with framebuffer16:13
pittieww, WTH16:13
pittitseliot: seems it needs to depend on the newer x.org ABI?16:14
pittirobbiew: ^ I think that's it16:14
pittirobbiew: tseliot has new packages in the pipeline, I'm sure that they will work16:14
tseliotI'm still cleaning them up a bit but they should work: https://edge.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/proprietary-video-improvements16:15
tseliotnote: you will have to update all of the packages in the PPA16:15
robbiewpitti: tseliot: thanks16:16
robbiewfigured you all were on top of it ;)16:16
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tseliotrobbiew: if you have problems with the drivers, just let me know16:16
robbiewwill do16:17
tseliotrobbiew: also are you going to install the latest driver? 190.5316:17
tseliotif not, you'll have to type an additional command16:17
* robbiew is all about the latest and greatest :D16:18
tseliotok, no additional work then ;)16:18
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rickspencer3tseliot, you have 50 bugs assigned to you?16:20
tseliotrickspencer3: I didn't count them but yes, it should be a considerable amount of bugs16:21
rickspencer3well "bug tasks"16:21
rickspencer3looks like 10 > medium importanc16:22
Martinp23if anyone gets a few mins, could you look at bug #502775 please? it's ages since i did packaging so not entirely sure if i'm following the right procedure here :p16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502775 in vte "Upgrade vte to 0.23.2" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50277516:22
tseliotrickspencer3: let me check16:22
pittiseb128: so, fixed the crash; I can't say that brasero actually worked before (it keeps complaining about not having enough space on CD), but at least it now works as before16:22
seb128pitti, ok good, and upstream have time to comment on the changes before lucid16:23
seb128pitti, btw there is a 2.29.4 new version if you feel doing an upgrade too :-)16:23
tseliotrickspencer3: what's the purpose of you question? (I'm curious)16:23
rickspencer3tseliot, no action required for you16:23
pittiseb128: might just as well do; was about to upload, nice timing :)16:23
tseliotrickspencer3: ah, good16:24
seb128hey Martinp2316:24
rickspencer3in general, I like bugs that are assigned to be bugs that are planned for fixing16:24
Martinp23hi seb128 :)16:24
seb128usually mvo look at vte updates16:24
seb128not sure if he's around I've seen him today yet16:24
rickspencer3tseliot, >10 seems a bit aggressive, but since you're a gues on desktop team, you shouldn't need to change your bug management strategy16:24
pittirickspencer3: uh, you consider > 10 too much?16:25
pittiI was proud to reduce my list from 70 (start of december) to 38 (now) ..16:25
mvoseb128: hello!16:25
tseliotrickspencer3: ok. Some of them will be fixed soon16:25
mvoseb128: did I hear my name :) ?16:25
rickspencer3pitti, not "too much" just aggressive16:25
seb128hey mvo16:25
mvohappy new year16:25
pittihey mvo, gesundes Neues! *hug*16:26
seb128mvo, Happy New Year!16:26
rickspencer3hi mvo16:26
seb128mvo, Martinp23 worked on bug #50277516:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502775 in vte "Upgrade vte to 0.23.2" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50277516:26
seb128Martinp23, and was wondering if somebody was feeling like give it a look16:26
seb128mvo, ^16:26
mvoseb128: sure, I can do that16:27
seb128mvo, thanks16:27
Martinp23seb128, mvo: thanks! :)16:36
mvoMartinp23: please give me ~10min, I just need to finish anohter task16:36
Martinp23sure, no rush at all16:37
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* pitti uploads brasero and is eager to see tomorrow's boot chart16:50
pittiit won't reduce total time (gnome-panel is critical path), but should reduce the nautilus churn16:50
karmstis anyone in here?17:13
mvoMartinp23: looks good, test-building now17:14
baptistemmkarmst, when you enter in a room, do you say "is anyone in here?" ?17:15
mvoMartinp23: the only "complain" is that you might want to add "debian/patches/90_autoreconf.patch: refreshed" to debian/changelog. but that is really minor :)17:15
* mvo needs to leave for lunch now17:15
mvoeh, dinner17:15
baptistemmkarmst, usually on IRC, you say hello, and you ask your question17:15
karmstI'm new to the linux world but have used windows and dos for over 20 years17:16
karmstso please be kind =)17:16
karmstI'm trying to find out if there is a way to have the user home directory sync with a server17:17
karmstlike how in Windows you can use GPO to redirect desktops17:17
karmstand profiles17:18
karmstcan something be done in Ubuntu similar?17:18
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baptistemmI know zip about windows and I guess this is not the right chan, and this is not specific to ubuntu. I guess you should look to Samba17:21
karmstI think you didn't get my question17:21
karmstit is specific to Ubuntu17:21
karmstCan you have the workstation home directories sync with a server17:22
karmstso you can have a mobile profile?17:22
seb128use nfs?17:22
baptistemmkarmst, no this is not specific to ubuntu, this is specific to Linux17:23
seb128I'm not sure to understand the question, you want datas synced automatically?17:23
karmstI want to be able to pull the same home directory on multiple workstations17:23
baptistemmkarmst, nfs should be the solution17:24
seb128well nfs is not offline17:24
seb128it requires connection to the server17:25
karmstthat's what I want17:25
karmstlike my workstation and laptop to sync17:25
seb128you can try unison for example17:25
Martinp23mvo: thanks! I've pushed a better changelog to my bzr branch17:25
karmstor if I go to another workstation for it to have the same Desktop, documents. etc17:26
karmstby login17:26
seb128look at unison17:26
seb128apt-cache show unison17:26
mvothanks Martinp2317:27
karmstthat's close to what I'm looking for17:27
karmstHey thanks Seb I think this will work17:29
seb128you're welcome17:29
karmstok and one last question17:30
karmstWhat's the best way to make incremental image backups of Karmic?17:30
seb128not sure about that one, it's not really desktopish17:32
seb128try #ubuntu-server maybe17:32
seb128I know that backuppc can do that sort of things17:32
seb128not sure if that's the best way though17:33
karmstI'm not sure if Acronis works on a live Ubuntu17:35
karmstor maybe symantec?!?17:36
seb128I don't know those17:36
seb128the company I was working before used backuppc for incremental backuping17:36
karmstdoes that do an image backup?17:37
karmstor file backup?17:37
seb128file backups17:40
seb128you can set up the directories to backup17:40
seb128it can use smb shares or rsync or ssh17:40
karmstI'm basically looking for something that if the computer gets fried you can restore an entire system to another computer17:42
karmsteven if the hardware is different17:42
seb128I don't know about a software doing that17:45
karmstso what do you guys do if your computer blows up?17:51
rickspencer3karmst, I suppose we keep backups of our files, and then just do a reinstall, etc...17:53
rickspencer3I think it's pretty rare for a computer to just completely fail with no warning17:53
seb128I don't think I ever had a computer which blowed up18:00
seb128and I do backup my user datas18:00
seb128reinstalling a distro is a 2 hours job18:00
seb1282 hours counting the download of things I use which are not on the default install, etc18:01
karmstthat's still quite a bit of time.18:02
seb128well it's mainly my download speed taking in account there18:02
karmsttrue but then what about customization and screens18:03
karmstand so on18:03
karmstI'll look around for something and let you know if I find anything18:03
seb128I do backup user config18:03
seb128I don't have nonuser customization18:03
seb128im clients, images, music, etc are in my user dir18:04
seb128web browser18:04
seb128installing karmic from an usb stick is 15 minutes job18:04
seb128then you need to dump your user backup in place and install extra softwares18:04
seb128but you are basically back to a working system in half an hour18:04
seb128then you can work while extra things get installed18:05
seb128well that's my view on that18:05
seb128but having something to backup and dump back what you did backup later would be cool18:05
rickspencer3seb128, it would be nice if there was a list of apps that you have installed and you could just say "yes just reinstall all of that list"18:05
seb128you need at some point to bootstrap the software to write the backup back though18:06
seb128rickspencer3, it's just 2 dpkg commands ;-)18:06
rickspencer3seb128, sort of, except that it doesn't get done automatically for you18:06
rickspencer3like what if you dumped from dpkg and that list got stored in your U1 account18:06
seb128quickly backup18:06
seb128quickly restore18:06
seb128yeah, that would be cool18:07
rickspencer3anyway, nice thoughts for features for future versions18:07
seb128a small pygtk gui which takes a package list and install things you don't have18:07
seb128and which let you export your current set18:07
pittigood night everyone18:40
chrisccoulsongood night pitti18:42
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ccheneyanyone know how to fix this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/351477/ ?22:41
ccheneytrying to recompile karmic glib on hardy22:41
chrisccoulsonccheney - which release are you building this on?22:45
chrisccoulsonthats why22:45
ccheneyi think i found the issue was with patch 522:45
chrisccoulsonthe hardy glibc doesn't have this symbol22:45
ccheneytrying to get the firefox/webkit/e-b stuff done for the old releases22:46
chrisccoulsonif you give me 1 second, i'll find you the officially upstreamed patch, which contains a build-time check for this to make it use it's own internal symbol22:46
ccheneyi tried disabling assert messages but it doesn't seem to work22:47
ccheneyi might have done something wrong though22:47
chrisccoulsonccheney - this is the official patch, which will be in the next glib version22:47
chrisccoulsonnot sure how that differs to what we already have in ubuntu22:47
chrisccoulsonit should build fine on hardy with that patch, because the configure check will notice your glibc version is too old22:48
* ccheney didn't read the rules file close enough it seems22:51
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