[07:12] good morning and happy new year! :-) === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [08:29] dholbach: welcome back Mr Holbach :D [08:42] hey jussi01 [09:15] Aloha [09:17] heya czajkowski! [09:18] dholbach: good holiday ? [09:19] czajkowski: a fantastic one - I guess I'll upload a bunch of pictures later on today [09:25] excellent === mhall1191work is now known as mhall119|work === DJones__ is now known as DJones === highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage [16:29] so new year [16:29] we've some interviews lined up I think [16:29] few coming in from folks to be added to the ngo blog [17:05] happy new year czajkowski [17:06] highvoltage: hey there! how's you [17:06] I'm doing great! [17:06] it's kind of weird to be kind of content and not stressed about anything [17:07] I'd even go as far as to say that I'm quite happy with life atm [17:07] and you? [17:41] not bad [17:41] been rather cold over here for a once [17:41] sounds like you're in a good place [17:41] good to hear [17:47] it's nice to be happy with life [17:49] yup