
mr_steveHowdy fellas02:46
mr_steveHow's it going?02:49
_diablonot too bad02:49
mr_steveGood good02:49
_diabloI'm not sure if I really belong on here seeing as I'm a fedora user, I'm currently in michigan, and I only attended one meeting02:49
_diablobut I lurk02:49
_diabloI'll be back in the cities soo02:50
mr_steveHeh, why not. It's fun02:50
mr_steveI haven't been in here much lately, very busy. Starting school next week already02:50
_diabloah, where?02:50
mr_steveMinneapolis Community & Technical College02:51
_diabloah, nice02:51
_diablodo you know tom ferguson by chance?02:52
mr_steveNope, don't think so02:52
_diabloah, well he's the only one I know there02:52
mr_steveYeah I haven't met anyone there yet. I've only been up there a few times to register and deal with administraiva02:53
_diabloah, just starting? studying cs I assume?02:53
mr_steveComputer support & network admin02:53
mr_steveAt least I well be; I bombed the math test so I have a semester of generals to get through first02:53
_diabloouch. I'm thinking of looking for network admin jobx02:55
_diablobut I don't really have any experience lol02:55
mr_steveI've got about 5-6 yrs experience in support & admin, but in this economy it's worthless without the degree02:56
_diabloyeah, fair enough03:02
_diabloI'm looking to get linux+ certified03:02
_diabloI'm doing a book thing03:02
mr_steveYeah I'm thinking about that too. I want to pick up a few certs while I'm still in school, since alot of the electives are certificate prep classes03:03
mr_steveIf I gotta take the class, might as well get the cert when I'm done03:03
_diablono real reason not to do so03:04
Takyoji__I looked at Linux+ and it doesn't really seem to be much at all03:13
Takyoji__LPI certification looks much better03:13
Takyoji__Linux+ is just like the basics of Linux; nothing deep at all03:13
Takyoji__File permissions, using the package manager, etc03:13
_diabloah, well, the book is for LPI 1 and Linux+03:14
_diabloor should I be aiming for more than that03:14
zomGreghi guys03:15
Takyoji__It should give detail on each level of LPI certification: http://www.lpi.org/eng/certification03:15
_diablozomGreg, hey03:16
zomGregI just read about this group somewhere on the intarnets and I'm wondering how active it is?03:16
_diabloTakyoji__, is lpi1 even worth it?03:16
_diablozomGreg, seems pretty active ;)03:18
Takyoji__Seems to be general basics, just learning some commands that you might not use much as a desktop user I assume03:19
_diabloTakyoji__, wow. that is super basic03:19
_diablowhat kind of level would I need to be a network admin?03:19
_diabloTakyoji__, http://www.lpi.org/eng/certification/the_lpic_program/lpic_1/exam_102_sample_questions03:20
_diabloseems to be a little bit more difficult, although still fairly basic03:20
Takyoji__At the same time, I haven't taken any LPI certification yet03:21
Takyoji__I believe tonyyarusso has03:21
zomGregthe debate is ages old. education vs. experience. Spending time in one seems to mean less of the other.03:22
zomGregthere was a good article in Linux Journal about certs vs. experience.03:22
Takyoji__Yea, I remember reading of it03:23
mr_steveI find it comes down to roughly this: Experience is what you need to do the job, certs/degrees are what you need to get the job.03:23
Takyoji__What REALLY annoys me is when people take no initiative to learn themself to some extent. Rather than just "oh, I'll take a class in college"03:25
mr_steveYeah. My dad somehow graduated from Brown with a degree in comp. support & net admin, plus a few certs, and he has no clue at all about computers03:26
Takyoji__If someone wants to game development, well hey, you can actually LEARN programming and other various concepts, rather than just waiting until college for to take some class03:26
zomGregnothing like trying and failing and taking good notes for an education.03:26
mr_steveI just run a needlessly complex home network to keep some of my skills sharp while I'm out of work :)03:27
Takyoji__Too bad I don't have any enterprise-level hardware at home to toy with. :P03:28
Takyoji__I don't think I've even touched a system yet that uses a RAID array for storage. xP03:28
Takyoji__Aside from a SAN I've found..03:29
Takyoji__(which I believe has a Windows-only client... )03:29
mr_steveThat's my problem too. Although I do have an emulator/workbench type program for playing with emulated Cisco gear03:29
mr_steveAnd I helped a buddy of mine build a Raid-5 with the Linux md-tools03:30
mr_steve2.5TB, I'm jealous03:30
zomGregnice work!03:31
mr_steveBtw I've just remembered the Cisco IOS workbench I was using is called gns3, if anyone's interested. It's a little quirky but it's in the Ubuntu repo.03:32
mr_steveGetting a hold of IOS images to play with is left as an excercise for the reader..03:33
tonyyarussoThere's also the Cisco emulator doohickey that's not too bad.03:37
tonyyarussoPacketTracer I think it was.03:38
mr_steveI think I might have heard of that one too, never tried it though03:38
mr_steveI should be brushing up more on my IOS... I used to pretty much break every device I was dumb enough to connect a console cable to03:39
mr_steveI've gotten better tho ;)03:39
* tonyyarusso high-fives mr_steve for "needlessly complex home network" - me too!03:40
mr_steveI have a primary & secondary nameserver! For no reason besides that I can! woohoo03:40
tonyyarussoOkay, now that is bad.03:40
Takyoji__Isn't that the common procedure? :P03:41
tonyyarussoI've started setting up my first nameserver.03:41
mr_steveI cheated, I'm using Webmin03:41
* tonyyarusso snuggles his local Ubuntu repo though03:41
mr_steveBind is still a little intimidating for me03:41
tonyyarussoBind is weird-looking, but not actually complicated.03:42
tonyyarusso(I set it up to spoof DNS for *.archive.ubuntu.com at the last installfest so people didn't have to change their sources to use the local copy)03:42
mr_steveNifty. I'm still thinking of setting up my own repo here, I've got 5 Ubuntu machines, it seems wasteful to me to have them all hitting the mirrors for updates03:43
tonyyarussoOh hey everybody, y'all should brainstorm a topic or two for tomorrow's meeting and put them together on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MinnesotaTeam/MeetingAgenda03:44
mr_steveI'll think on it03:46
mr_steveI had forgotten all about the meeting until about 15 minutes ago03:47
jenkinbryay, meeting tomorrow :)03:50
jenkinbrI actually remembered :)03:50
mr_steveYeah it just popped into my head a little while ago so I sent a message out to the list, since I hadn't heard anyone talking about it yet03:51
_diablothis is 7:30 pm central time right? (first time)03:51
mr_steve7:00PM I think03:52
mr_steveThat's what we did last time, anyway03:53
tonyyarussoYes, 7:00 was the plan.03:53
_diablothis is the december 20 meeting?03:54
_diablothe website is a little off :)03:54
tonyyarussoJust fixed that :)03:55
tonyyarussoSeems the last time we used the wiki for an agenda was a year ago03:55
zomGregso is the Dec 20th agenda what is currently planned for tomorrow?03:55
tonyyarussoRefresheth the page03:56
tonyyarussoThen fill in the blanks :)03:56
mr_steveWin/lose: i just figured out how to scale the CPU speed on my netbook.. and I've discovered I have a BIOS bug limiting my CPU to 1.33GHz04:42
zomGregwhat's the max capability of the CPU?04:48
zomGregnot a brutal hit, but a hit nonetheless04:58
mr_steveYeah, kinda obnoxious when I just bought it, and intentionally chose the one with the faster CPU04:59
tonyyarussoWhich model is this?  (And how are they getting away with something so dumb?)05:00
mr_steveIt's the Acer Aspire One, AOD25005:00
mr_steveThere's an ubuntu bug about it, bug #42285805:01
ubot3`Malone bug 422858 in cpufreqd "Atom N280 frequency scaling not supported" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42285805:01
mr_steveHeh I didn't know ubot would do that in this channel, neat05:02
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=== __diablo is now known as _diablo
jenkinbrSomeone ping me if I am not active at 7 for the meeting :)23:07
Takyoji__ICMP ping? IRC ping? Or a private message? :P23:10
jenkinbrIn channel :)23:11
jenkinbrpm's highlight, but I don't notice where they come from because my client doesn't put them in a new tab unless I tell it to, and I no longer am highlighted by notices.23:12

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