
ron_onope... not here.00:03
Sysihave you tried apt? or synaptic00:04
kpelwhen i right click in a file manager window and select "open shell window here" the shell opens in the home dir. Any fixes?00:04
ron_oTry looking into "application finder" search for it and see if that link works. A long shot, but hey.00:05
kpomeroysynaptic works fine, but the add/remove applications program isn't working. so i can get by with just synaptic but i was wondering if there was a simple fix to my problem.00:06
elijah_roeste un roman pe aici?03:01
elijah_roi have big problem i install the printer canon LBP2900 and dont work :)03:02
elijah_roplease help me03:02
elijah_roi am beginer to use linux ubuntu03:02
likemindeadCanon drivers for Linux are scarce. :-\03:04
elijah_rodont can help me?:(03:05
elijah_roi make03:05
elijah_roand dont print03:06
likemindeadTry the above link.03:06
elijah_rodont work printer canon LBP290003:06
elijah_roi try03:06
genoobieevenin all05:23
genoobieI installed xubuntu and found it to be slow05:23
genoobieI'm wondering if my video card wasn't configured correctly05:23
genoobieI hope xubuntu is smart enogh to ask me about where it wants to install.....hrm...05:46
genoobiehears the sound of hdd being written over...05:47
genoobiecrunch crunch05:47
kpomeroyI am trying to use pidgin but when I click on it nothing happens. Is there a way I can get it working?06:04
Balsaqnyt kuluva tietokone ainoastaan jälkisäädös ei hapantua lähettää? mikä olen i-kirjain07:02
Balsaqit wouldnt shut off now i got it07:08
Balsaqi had to reseat the rdram i added twice as much ots ok07:09
genoobieBalsaq, have a sec?07:10
genoobiemy grub is not working prop07:11
genoobieI just installed xubuntu07:11
genoobieit wil boot the other OS'es just fine07:11
genoobiebut not xubuntu07:11
genoobieI get error:no such device exists.07:11
genoobieand there's the UUID ee8890cfoo07:11
Balsaqyes you have been having this problem before07:12
genoobieso I booted live and mounted sda507:12
genoobieto see if there was something I could check07:12
Balsaqbut i am the worst of all the techs who are here genoobie07:12
BalsaqPete, sysi, knome and the sheep are the best07:13
Balsaqi never have had any problem with xubuntu, just my other ones07:14
Balsaqsomeday i will know it...maybe soon, but i do not like dual boot at all07:14
Balsaqwhen i installed xubuntu it went in better and faster that anything i have seen, i gave the entire HD to xubuntu. i have seen many people struggle with the dual boot and i do not know how to help them07:16
faLUCEhi. chkconfig has this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chkconfig/+bug/450517  when I try to add a service on 9.10 . What could I use alternatively ? thanks08:47
_Pete_manually update links in correct rcX.d/ where X is runlevel08:49
_Pete_mmh /etc/rcXd.d/08:49
_Pete_look /etc/init.d/README08:50
ocshi. if I insert a command in /etc/rc.local it has no effect, after booting, on 8.10 (it seems to work on 9.10) . any idea? thanks09:26
knomeocs, did you add a newline after the row you added?09:44
knome(just a first reaction)09:44
ocsknome: solved, thanks09:59
l4ng1tanyone knows how to remote desktop through NAT?13:15
_Pete_portforward needed ports from nat-router to the target machine13:24
_Pete_needed being 22 if you use freenx which imo is best remotedesktop system13:24
hal_good morning room14:01
Pres-GasHey there, hal_.  What is up?14:06
hal_having my coffee and doing some mental exercises for the day. How about you?14:07
ocsnick faLUCE14:21
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
stefan___Hi! I dont get any sound with VLC on a new install16:54
stefan___Playing an x264 video16:54
lightacan someone help me about kde ?17:28
Pres-GasPerhaps, lighta, try posting your question and see if someone jumps in...otherwise, you should try #kubuntu17:30
lightaok :) well I have 2 problems17:31
lightaI lost my tray bar (the bar on the office) so I wanna know how to put it back :(17:32
lightaI read few doc but didn't find17:32
lightaother issue is when I try to open a logical device with remote files (gigolo) he always ask me authorisation and I can't anwser. So I have to open them in other prog like exaile before use them17:34
knomelighta, #kubuntu is definitely a better place17:35
Pres-GasYeah, agreed, except for the gigolo querry, we could cover that since we have it standard.17:36
Pres-Gaslighta, for the gigolo query, how are these files shared?  Samba, ssh, etc.17:37
lightaidk :( I'll try to explain17:46
lightaSo my HD is split in 3group : 1for windows7, 1for Xubuntu, 1 for Data17:47
lightaI can't reach the windows and data one17:48
lightaI really don't know wich protocol is that17:48
lightanothing is on network they're all in laptop17:49
lightaI'll go check kubuntu for the rest thx for the info17:49
lightano one can help ?18:31
retourwith what?18:32
Fykseny, with what? :p18:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:33
lightawith autorisation issur18:33
lightawait wait I copy past it again18:33
lightawhen I try to open a logical device with remote files (gigolo) he always ask me authorisation and I can't anwser. So I have to open them in other prog like exaile before use them18:34
lightamy HD is split in 3group : 1for windows7, 1for Xubuntu, 1 for Data18:34
lighta<lighta> I can't reach the windows and data one18:34
FyksenSry, I cant help you..18:36
lightahaving issue with ttf-mscorefonts-installer can someone help ?19:20
likemindeadIt should... just work... what's it doing? Or not doing?19:23
likemindead(Just run "sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts" in a terminal.)19:23
lightahmm when I install a programme or a application his always trying to reach servers19:27
lightawich always failed19:27
lightabut I didn't try to install it this way19:27
lightaso I just did it and I had some error19:27
lightabut maybe problem fixed19:28
charlie-tcaIs it connected to the internet?19:28
lightashould I paste cmd line ? (it's in french :( )19:28
lighta<charlie-tca> Is it connected to the internet? sry I don't get it charlie-tca19:29
charlie-tcatry pinging something from terminal "ping -c 4 google.com" without the quotes19:29
charlie-tcaIf you get 4 responses, you should be connected19:29
lightawhat's the thing to paste again ?19:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:31
lightayes I ad the 4 response for ping19:31
lightabut wait19:31
lightaI paste you previous issue19:31
lightaok it doesn't want to past :(19:43
lightaa screenshot ?19:43
charlie-tcatry it19:45
charlie-tcaYour network can't resolve host addresses. Looks like it terminates the connection.19:54
charlie-tcaWhat version of Xubuntu is this?19:54
charlie-tcalsb_release -rd    in a terminal?19:55
charlie-tcatry pinging sourceforge - ping -c 4 downloads.sourceforge.net19:56
charlie-tcahere is what I got:   http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m47c2fcb419:57
lightalighta@lighta-laptop:~/Bureau$ ping -c 4 downloads.sourceforge.neping: unknown host downloads.sourceforge.ne19:57
charlie-tcayes, it looks like that site is down right now. I can't get a response from there either.19:58
charlie-tcaSo, anything that installs from there will fail at this time19:59
lightait's about 2 or 3weeks now19:59
charlie-tcaYou could try changing the mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list, but I don't know if it is legal for you to use the us archives20:00
lightawell I don't really care20:00
charlie-tcahehe, okay, I'll paste my sources.list for you20:00
lightaoh btw having issue with xfce4 is there a special channel for that ?20:01
charlie-tcaIf it is in Xubuntu, here. If it is not, #xfce20:01
lightaso this mean yes ok20:02
charlie-tcaThis should be available for a month:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7fa63e0c20:03
charlie-tcaWe know they are working, at least. Just copy it over to /etc/apt/sources.list, then do "sudo apt-get update"20:04
charlie-tcaThat should let you download those apps20:05
charlie-tcaWhat is Xfce4 doing?20:05
lightaI just went into xfce channel20:05
lightalet me try your thing20:05
lightaxfce panel keep going away :(20:06
charlie-tcahave you tried the wiki advice? !panels20:06
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/20:06
charlie-tcaMight have to delete/remove the config files, and then put the panels back in place to get rid of the errors20:07
charlie-tcaBut... you will have to re-add the items you have in panel20:07
lightaok, well I did this in command line and had plenty of error, but yeah panel appear again20:09
lightaI search in wiki but for taskbar so ><20:09
charlie-tcaWhy errors? no, it is under XubuntuPanels20:10
Sysiwhat problem do you have actually?20:10
charlie-tcataskbar is only one part of the panel20:10
Sysido you use the default theme?20:11
lightawait guys20:11
lightastill dealing with previous issue20:12
lightawhere do I put your /etc line ?20:12
charlie-tcadon't put it in sources.20:12
lightalol k20:12
lightagonna take this of20:12
charlie-tcayou have to put the list I pasted in /etc/apt/sources.list20:12
lightain terminal ?20:13
charlie-tcathat is where the actual file is kept. Yes, usually you can use "sudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list"20:13
charlie-tcathat lets you editor the file.20:14
lightaI'm on20:14
lightaput it anywhere ?20:14
charlie-tcaput what anywhere?20:15
lightaI did Sudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list20:15
lightashouldn't I put a line in this file with your source ?20:15
charlie-tcaYou should put most of those lines I pasted in, but you need the medibuntu and universe lines to be able to install those two files20:19
charlie-tcacopy and paste the section towards the end, for medibuntu20:19
lightaso I can take all and problem solved ?20:20
Ov3rf10wcheck out my xubuntu desktop http://i860.photobucket.com/albums/ab162/Ov3rf10w/asd/my-xubuntu-desktop.png :))20:21
charlie-tcatoo dark for me to use it20:21
lightaok so I'll do that, easy way20:22
charlie-tcaOv3rf10w: reminds me too much of the old green screen monitor I used20:22
charlie-tcalighta: xfce wants more information about what the panels are doing to you20:23
lightaoh ok20:23
lightawell with your f2 thing there isn't problem for the moment so20:24
charlie-tcaNo, but that page should tell you how to fix things in the panel, maybe.20:24
lightahmm yeah 'ill go see them anyway20:26
lightaoh I had gigolo issue (remote file acess) can u help ?20:26
charlie-tcano, don't know enough about gigolo20:27
lightais it the good chan ?20:27
lightawas scared there was even a gigolo chan20:28
lightabut in fact in not really a gigolo problem but more autorisation20:28
lightalook like matrix a bit Ov3rf10w20:32
Ov3rf10wlighta, yea :)20:32
lightabut hope you have good eyes :)20:32
Sysihmm, i could post a screenshot too20:33
Ov3rf10wSysi, yea20:34
lightaoh and does my paste worked ?20:35
lighta(yeah I know it wastn't even half english)20:36
charlie-tcaThe screenshot worked20:36
Ov3rf10wlighta, It took me several days to get used to the theme :D20:37
lightano I tryed copy past report for medibuntu20:37
lightaI'll try again20:37
charlie-tcaDon't forget the "sudo apt-get update" first20:37
lightaI did it :)20:39
lightawell I put all line then update20:39
lightaI need a public key :(20:39
lightastill pasthing didn't work ?20:39
charlie-tcaThat's easy too20:39
lightai'm a neewbie :(20:40
charlie-tcashould tell you how to get that key.20:41
lightadid my past worked ?20:42
charlie-tcawhich one?20:42
Ov3rf10wSysi, nice background :)20:42
lightakinda romantic :)20:42
charlie-tcagot it. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d670a5041  tells how to fix it20:44
lightayeah yeah I reading it :)20:44
lightak looks ok I did another update to try it20:49
* Ov3rf10w i have uploaded my green theme, and give you link to download if anybody want? it is .deb file and easy to install, you have and GDM theme...20:50
lightalook good so now what should I do ?20:50
knomeOv3rf10w, let's see what it looks like - go ahead with the link20:51
charlie-tcainstall those files you want20:51
lightacan't I try install mtf thing ?20:52
lightaheya back21:11
charlie-tcadid it work?21:11
lightano :)21:11
lightaE: ttf-mscorefonts-installer: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 121:11
lightawm he can't reach sourceforge21:12
charlie-tcastill can't get to sourceforge?21:12
lightayes it's look like21:13
charlie-tcathis error is different. It is that something failed during the installation21:13
charlie-tcaIt appears to have started, then maybe lost the connection?21:13
lightamy computer freezed on this21:14
lightawait a moment21:14
lightait's just like before, he tryed many server21:15
lightabut couldn't reach any21:15
charlie-tcaYou copied the medibuntu part, did you copy anything else?21:16
charlie-tcaand removed what was there already?21:16
lightabut I restart my computer cuz...21:17
lightamaybe it gone ?21:17
charlie-tcano, it won't go if you saved it. You can take a look in /etc/apt/sources.list21:17
charlie-tcabut it should be there. You got through to medibuntu, it looks like. the connection did not fail21:18
charlie-tcaIt might be you have problems with your ISP?21:18
lightahmm perhaps but I doubt on it21:19
lightawich port should be enable ?21:19
charlie-tca80, I think21:19
lightak otherwise permission denied for etc21:19
charlie-tcapermission denied for etc is correct. That is not the port, but the operating system.21:20
lightayeah yeah21:20
lightabut I couldn't chek if it was still there21:20
charlie-tcaYou should run it with sudo in front to do installations21:20
lightaI tryed with sudo but not a command21:20
lightawhat the proper line ?21:20
charlie-tcayou try "sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer" ?21:21
lightano well yes now, I was talking about /etc/...21:22
lightaI did /etc/apt/sources.list21:22
lighta[sudo] password for lighta:21:22
lightasudo: /etc/apt/sources.list: command not found21:22
charlie-tcato look at sources?21:23
lightaI just did sudo for ttf, installer it failed to reach21:23
lightayes for looking source21:23
charlie-tcato look at the sources.list, you could use "mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list"21:24
charlie-tcait won't let you change anything, but should let you read it.21:24
lightalooks ok21:25
lightayeah ok :) got it mousepad thing21:25
lightak so i'll check isp21:26
charlie-tcaokay, just close mousepad, then. I don't know why it won't connect now, though. The sources should be good21:26
lightaare u sure is port 80 ?21:44
lightaahem k21:44
charlie-tcaMy firewall is such that an application can open the port it needs going out.21:45
charlie-tcaIt closes it again when it is done21:45
lightahmm ok21:45
lightaI think I should give up22:11
charlie-tcayou are almost there, though22:12
knomelighta, do not give up! :)22:15
lightaok ok but need a video break before ! meanwhile, what is exactly sourceforge.net port please ?22:32

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