
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
=== bizkut-miau is now known as bizkut-redhat
* bizkut is away (i am away now)04:28
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* persia fantasises about a bot that automatically parts clients from a channel after N repeated verbose away messages without intervening intentional traffic04:31
brian_any openmkok owners here?05:38
persiabrian_: sometimes, although not often, as most OpenMoko devices need ARMv405:40
brian_arm 7 now05:41
* persia goes off to read all about it05:41
persiaHrm.  I can't seem to find a good link on the openmoko wiki :(05:48
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* armin76 is away (*g*)09:52
* armin76 kicks zumbi 09:52
=== JamieBennett1 is now known as JamieBennett
cwillu_at_workwhat's new in arm land?13:15
persiaFrom the current meeting in #ubuntu-meeting, it looks like .32 kernels should drop soon.13:31
cwillu_at_workdrop == land?13:36
* persia digs up the link13:36
cwillu_at_workdrop typically means the opposite :p13:36
persiaIt's often worth dropping into #ubuntu-meeting at 13 UTC on Tuesdays, as a bunch of folk working on ARM stuff tend to talk about current status.13:40
* cwillu_at_work makes a note13:51
cwillu_at_work13utc is a bit on the early side for me, but yep13:52
ograyou are here now, no ? :)13:52
cwillu_at_workcoffee is still flowing in13:53
cwillu_at_workmy mental capabilities are still sub-html13:53
cwillu_at_workI need them to be at kernel in half an hour13:54
cwillu_at_workthis might be a Documentation Day.13:54
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asacGrueMaster: thanks for pushing the patches up ... is https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gruemaster/lsb-arm-port/main the latest and greatest?15:06
NCommanderasac, I think I found the problem with libtool15:58
NCommander/usr/bin/ld: .libs/hello.o: relocation R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC :-)15:58
NCommanderMartyn, ping?16:02
asacNCommander: who is Martyn ?16:05
NCommanderasac, resident ARM guru who can confirm a theory of mine. dmart isn't around or I'd ask him as well16:07
NCommanderasac, its possible our toolchain simply doesn't support non-PIC shared libraries on ARMv7, and thus libtool needs to be taught that test can fail safely16:07
asacNCommander: afaik we need PIC16:09
NCommanderasac, thats what I thought, but ARMv6 and earlier supported non-PIC shared libraries16:09
NCommanderasac, the situation is more complicated that debian/rules forces in arm-linux-gnueabi as the compiler triplex16:11
asacNCommander: so thats a non-PIC test? meaning: we should disable the test?16:11
NCommanderasac, yeah, thats the case. I can just modify the test so when it sees ARM, it skips the npic test, although that's not going to be acceptable for upstream16:12
MartynI am around16:17
MartynSorry, had to step away from the keyboard, was doing some FastModel work16:18
NCommanderMartyn, what do you know about non-PIC shared libraries on ARMv7?16:18
Martynnon-PIC on arm should be supported in v716:19
NCommanderMartyn, the toolchain doesn't seem happy about it though16:19
MartynThen there is a bug in the toolchain16:20
NCommanderMartyn, woo.16:20
MartynIn fact it's absolutely required on the snapdragon based cellphone platforms (read: Droid)16:21
NCommanderMartyn, non-PIC shared libraries?16:21
Martynjump onto an Android dev channel, and see if their prepackaged toolchain fails too16:21
NCommanderMartyn, non-PIC binary objects work, its just an issue when you build a .so16:22
MartynNot good16:22
NCommanderMartyn, well, most shared libraries are PIC16:22
NCommanderMartyn, the only issue this came up is because the libtool torture test blew up on armv7 when trying to build a non-pic library16:23
MartynWell, I guess I'd have to agree .. drop the test for now16:23
Martynand report it upstream for investigation16:23
NCommanderasac, debdiff on the way :-)16:24
NCommanderasac, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.4/+bug/50344816:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 503448 in gcc-4.4 "[arm] building non-PIC libraries fails under ARMv7 mode" [Undecided,New]16:57
asacNCommander: so is libtool blocked on that or do we want to disable that test on armel for now?17:00
asaccan you check if gcc-snapshot helps?17:01
NCommanderasac, lets disable for now, and keep our eye on it17:01
asac(if there is a build available)17:01
NCommanderasac, will do17:01
GrueMasterasac: Yes, the LP code is the most current (from my stuff) so far.17:13
armin76nice, dove support made it to mainline20:28
armin76rabeeh: i want one20:28
armin76oh well, its just v620:32
loolarmin76: dove can work in v6 and v7 mode20:51
armin76lool: yep, but the one in the kernel only is armv620:53
NCommanderarmin76, link?21:11
armin76NCommander: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=edabd38e1a017e922e3e3b485ee3ddb4df433aa4 && http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=blobdiff;f=arch/arm/mm/Kconfig;h=1549863d7b54564b131d2f415815d51b68c6057b;hp=9264d814cd7a9db1f5a5d0901fc62e81fa921aa0;hb=edabd38e1a017e922e3e3b485ee3ddb4df433aa4;hpb=8d27b2f7988b652dbabf79291a3e2550c06e1af521:14
NCommanderThat's freaking awesome21:14
NCommanderarmin76, having a kernel mainline solves a *lot* of issues21:16
armin76whats the point if its not the proc you're interested in? :)21:18
NCommanderarmin76, huh?21:18
NCommanderarmin76, dove is the platform that you were using over IPv6 in my apartment21:19
armin76NCommander: yes, but your boards are armv721:19
NCommanderAll dove boards are ARMv721:19
armin76NCommander: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=blob;f=arch/arm/configs/dove_defconfig;h=f2d1ea0abb849a7402d03ba688adaacb6f03b5d8;hb=edabd38e1a017e922e3e3b485ee3ddb4df433aa4 <- this board uses v621:21
NCommanderarmin76, ?21:22
NCommanderarmin76, ah21:23
NCommanderarmin76, *shrug*21:23
armin76fail :)21:23
armin76NCommander: the commit that added dove support(first link i pasted) only touches armv621:24
armin76and you've seen the defconfig now21:24
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armin76http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=patch;h=edabd38e1a017e922e3e3b485ee3ddb4df433aa4 <- commit21:25
suihkulokkinew toy for armin76 to whine for ;)  http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/05/marvell-plug-computer-3-0-packs-in-wifi-bluetooth-and-2ghz-arma/21:50
armin76suihkulokki: hope it doesn't come with ubuntu :P21:51
armin76(and the proc is v5)21:51
armin76looks like they left 2.0 on the road *g*21:51
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf

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