
doko__broken eglibc on powerpc :-(01:18
ArneGoetjecjwatson: new packages uploaded, thanks for the heads up.01:19
cjwatsonArneGoetje: great, thank you01:20
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kirklandslangasek: hiya, around?02:06
slangasekkirkland: hi02:06
kirklandslangasek: hi there, i just uploaded eucalyptus_1.6.2~bzr1120-0ubuntu2_source.changes02:06
kirklandslangasek: when does the next ISO build trigger?02:06
slangasekkirkland: in 8h02:07
kirklandslangasek: okay, could i schedule a server build in about 4 hours?02:07
kirklandslangasek: ttx asked that i make sure a new ISO is built with my changes before his morning02:08
slangasekkirkland: schedule one, or have me schedule one?02:08
kirklandslangasek: i don't think i can02:08
kirklandslangasek: i suppose i'm asking you to do so, on my behalf :-)02:08
kirklandslangasek: is that something you can do for me?02:08
slangasekyeah, I can make sure that happens02:08
kirklandslangasek: thanks02:08
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crimsunTheMuso: PA patches of doom pushed upstream03:07
crimsunhyperair: FWIW, (which contains my powerdown work) is slated to be merged into linux-backports-modules-2.6.31, so you'll be able to get it linux-backports-modules-alsa-$(uname -r), too03:09
crimsunbah, missing preposition03:09
crimsunScottK: what was the surrounding context for slicer FTBFS that you mentioned a couple days ago?03:21
crimsunsome invalid const char * conversion, I think?03:22
ScottKcrimsun: Nothing major, just I saw you'd uploaded a new vtk and started checking what might be buildable.  Yes.03:22
crimsundrat, -ECHANNEL03:22
ScottKI retried it on i386 after your last vtk upload and it failed again.03:22
crimsunok, I look03:22
TheMusocrimsun: Just saw that thanks, will do that myself in the future.03:47
hyperaircrimsun: i see. but i use a custom kernel so i guess i won't be seeing it for some time04:03
persiahyperair: Well, you could pull the -sru source and recustomise :)04:03
hyperairit's actually a kernel from git04:04
hyperairthe zen kernel04:04
hyperairgot a bunch of cool stuff like phc, tuxonice, and bfs =)04:04
crimsunyou could just use alsa-source from Lucid and m-a04:05
crimsunin any case, it isn't enabled for your codec (I don't think, let me check)04:06
hyperairsay, we still use m-a? i thought everything was dkms nowadays.04:06
crimsunif we is Debian pkg-alsa, yes04:07
crimsunno one has committed the dkms bits yet04:07
hyperairi see04:07
crimsunhyperair: is your ssid 0x1744384e? (see lspci -nv|grep -A1 0403)04:09
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crimsunsorry, 0x17aa384e04:09
hyperair00:1b.0 0403: 8086:284b (rev 03) Subsystem: 17aa:384e04:10
hyperairwhat's this ssid?04:10
Clavicepsyou will probably get a Unknown device error04:10
Clavicepsyou are trying to point and get PCI bus information arent you?04:11
crimsunhyperair: http://pastebin.com/d179ba21304:13
crimsunhyperair: you'll need to apply that on top of
crimsunI'm turning on the powersavings for Realtek codecs quirk by quirk04:13
Clavicepstry executing pciconf -l04:14
Clavicepsor dmesg04:14
Clavicepsto get the kernal message04:14
hyperairClaviceps: er04:15
crimsunhyperair: ssid is given in the "Subsystem" section04:15
Clavicepsohhh HELL nooo04:15
hyperairClaviceps: no i don't get any unknown device error or anything.04:15
Clavicepsdid you check the libpci ?04:16
Clavicepsmake sure all devices are listed therwe04:16
crimsunClaviceps: what are you on about?04:16
ClavicepsI dont EVEN LIKE COMPUTERS04:17
Clavicepsbut fishing is a dying industry04:17
Clavicepsyou have an answer to that NIGGA04:18
Clavicepscheck all the pcids04:19
hyperairlooks like we've an annoying new bot04:21
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joshua___Any way to convince sulogin to not ever ask for a password05:23
persiajoshua___: That sort of question is better asked on #ubuntu (and the answer is available by running `man sulogin` )05:23
joshua___I read the man page. Why do you think I'm in devel?05:24
persiaWell, it's in the fourth paragraph :)05:25
joshua___Look guys after trying sudo for one year I gave it up.05:26
superm1glatzor, ping re the gtk python-aptdaemon stuff.  is there no way to make a blocking run() call anymore?05:47
superm1or if there is, I think i'm just missing the proper way to do it05:48
lifelesshow should debug autosyncs not happening?05:48
lifelesss/should/should one/05:48
persialifeless: You've confirmed that something was present in Debian testing (main) at the time of the autosync, that it's not NEW, and that there's no Ubuntu package with that name that might block it?05:49
Clavicepswith worse odds than me vs ali in a boxing ring05:50
glatzorsuperm1, hello. you are right. currently the wait statement in the aptdaemon.client.AptClient isn't supported05:50
glatzorsuperm1, if you are writing a GTK application I would encourage connecting to the signal05:51
glatzorsuperm1, to the finished signal of the transaction05:51
lifelesspersia: well, I'm not sure where to find the autosync run time05:51
superm1glatzor, unfortunately i'm getting weird behaviors when I connect to that signal versus running the function directly from the application05:51
lifelesspersia: I have a package (testresources) that is out of date in Ubuntu, current in testing05:51
glatzorsuperm1, see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eglatzor/update-manager/ubuntu-glatzor/annotate/head%3A/UpdateManager/backend/InstallBackendAptdaemon.py05:52
superm1glatzor, i'm doing some stuff with a policykit check that i'm suspecting isn't working when invoked that way05:52
glatzorsuperm1, could you point me to your code?05:52
StevenKlifeless: The autosyncer is run manually. I can kick one off now, if you wish05:53
lifelessStevenK: sure05:53
superm1glatzor, sure give me a sec to push up my latest iterations of trying to sort it out05:53
macoStevenK: "auto... run manually" *blink*05:53
persialifeless: I usually scan through https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=2 to find a batch of packages with Debian revisions uploaded near the same time (in this case about 2 hours ago).05:53
glatzorsuperm1, you should not have to care about policykit on the client side (except e.g. that you want to disable buttons)05:54
StevenKmaco: It's auto in the way that it will automatically pull in everything that doesn't have Ubuntu changes.05:54
superm1glatzor, so if you take a look at lp:~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-control-centre and the file ./mythbuntu-control-centre, summaryApply is what invoke's the commit.  if you have a set of changes that require more beyond that commit, summaryApply is called again as the handler to run those other changes.  it works when called with no commit changes, but fails when it's invoked through the signal handler05:56
HobbseeClaviceps: please put your offtopic discussions to somewhere like #defocus, not here05:56
Clavicepsi GUESS you DIDNT get the POINT??05:58
lifelessClaviceps: you are being disruptive, are talking about things not relevant for this channel. Please stop - as Hobbsee says #defocus would be a better channel.05:59
Clavicepsyes you are right. this is off topic..05:59
maco<hyperair> what's this ssid? <-- for reference, the ssid is the " Subsystem: 17aa:384e" part of that output05:59
macohyperair: oh. crimsun said that already. i should read further before answering questions i think werent answered. oops06:00
* maco shuts it06:00
glatzorsuperm1, does it segfault? do you have got a traceback?06:03
superm1glatzor, unfortunately it just hangs and won't respond to ctrl-c anymore in the terminal06:04
superm1traceback would be nice, i'd have a bug to directly file :)06:04
superm1but it does get as far as using the dbus activation to open up mcc-backend06:07
glatzorsuperm1, line 299 does not work this way. If commit_packages is called async it will not return the transaction instance06:07
superm1glatzor, ah yeah, that's the next thing i was going to try to sort out (but that used to work when things were called synchronously)06:08
glatzorsuperm1, you can still make sync dbus calls06:08
glatzorsuperm1, just skip the reply_handler and error_handler06:09
glatzorsuperm1, sorry. I just see that this is not documented in the module.06:10
glatzorsuperm1, if you using async dbus calls adds to much complexity to your application you can use sync calls06:10
superm1glatzor, yeah i certainly wasn't aware of that. if i skip using reply_handler and error_handler (i'm guessing it's just providing None as an argument), how do I handle errors that are raised in those scenarios?06:11
glatzorsuperm1, the method call will just raise an exception06:11
superm1works for me06:12
glatzorsuperm1, you can catch it using a try|except pair06:12
superm1glatzor, that's much more ideal for my usage anyway. thanks, i'll run with that and see if I can get things back in working order then06:12
dholbachgood morning06:23
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StevenKlifeless: All done.06:34
lifelessStevenK: did it pick up testresources?06:36
StevenKlifeless: Sure did, it'll build in a few hours.06:37
lifelesscool, thanks.06:37
lifeless[and I just uploaded a new release to debian :P]06:37
StevenKSo we're going to have the same discussion tomorrow? :-)06:38
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hyperairmaco: :-)07:04
pittiGood morning07:20
siretarthi pitti07:24
alkisgWould anyone care to sponsor a MIR for libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio? It would be the first step in solving LP #203158 (the second one being, changing the seeds)07:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203158 in libsdl1.2 "libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio must be installed as default by libsdl1.2debian" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20315807:24
pittihey siretart, gesundes Neues!07:24
siretartpitti: danke! dir ebenfalls! ;-)07:25
siretartpitti: is there anything left to do with the yasm MIR? you set the status to fix committed before christmas, but it is still in universe07:25
pittisiretart: oh, it's on component-mismatches now07:26
pittisiretart: promoted07:26
siretartyes, I've uploaded a ffmpeg (main) that build depends on it07:26
siretartthanks! :-)07:26
siretartthis means I can start the symbol versioning transition now :-)07:27
siretartalthough I feel a bit uncomfortable that upstream hasn't applied my patch yet, and I first need to fix my car today...07:28
DktrKranzmvo: thanks for merging the fixes! I have some minor ones too, I'll prepare a branch for them later.07:50
twbI'm using pbuilder the roll some private packages for Hardy, but I'd like to be able to use debhelper >= 7~ from hardy-updates.07:50
twbHow do I tell pbuilder to include hardy-updates ?07:51
* twb tries --othermirror07:52
DktrKranzmvo: I also saw Debian version overwrote Lucid one, main difference is it no longer passes --always-ask-pass to gksu, I asked to blacklist it, in order to avoid such inconvenieces in the future.07:52
mvoDktrKranz: thanks, let me know when the branch is ready08:04
mvoDktrKranz: maybe we can make the --ask-pass a runtime detection, it would be nice to have the same source in debian and ubuntu08:04
mvoDktrKranz: or I need to nag kov to take the patch for it :)08:05
DktrKranzmvo: oh, nice idea. I'll try to address that too08:06
mvomany thanks08:07
loolgeser, dholbach: Thanks for the pbuilder mere09:11
dholbachheya lool - I just reviewed and uploaded it :)09:11
loolWell thanks for reviewing and uploading it  :-)09:12
* dholbach hugs lool09:12
* lool hugs dholbach 09:12
* mneptok takes photos for his later "personal use"09:13
macomneptok: you know there's a video of like 20people+dholbach hugging on youtube, right?09:14
mneptokmaco: dependning on its vintage, i may well be one of those 2009:15
mneptokmaco: and i haven't showered since.09:15
macomneptok: the surprise group hug a few udses ago09:15
macoah that explains the smell at uds dallas09:15
mneptokPrague, i think09:15
* mneptok tootles off to bed.09:18
mneptokearly confcall. bleh.09:18
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ScottKpitti: Would you please rescore kdeadmin on amd64.  It's the last package I need to declare KDE 4.2.4 done in karmic-backports and we're holding an announcement for it.  At the rate the queue is going, it may be days before it gets a try ....11:13
pittiScottK: done11:15
ScottKpitti: Thanks.11:24
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asaccjwatson: what would be the best way to check for what packages (in main) have not yet been rebuild in lucid?12:27
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seb128asac, compare karmic and lucid versions?12:28
seb128should be a few python-apt line12:28
asacyeah. could have been we already have something for that ;)12:29
seb128could be, I don't know though12:29
cjwatsonasac: lp:~cjwatson/+junk/suite-diff12:31
asaccool ... checking12:36
CAiROi'm just trying to compile a package from source and it fails with the error "tail: cannot open `debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory"12:44
CAiROi can see there's only a changelog.in file12:44
CAiROthe real changelog file probably has to be generated from the changelog.in file, but how do i generate it?12:44
cjwatsonchangelog is traditionally written by hand, not generated. if you have a changelog.in then your package is Weird and we would need to see a concrete example rather than guessing12:45
CAiROcjwatson: the package is sawfish http://sourceforge.net/projects/sawmill/files/sawfish/1.6.0/sawfish-1.6.0.tar.bz2/download12:47
cjwatsonCAiRO: wait a sec, you're relying on debian/* files in the upstream source?12:49
CAiROcjwatson: yes, i am12:50
CAiROcjwatson: worked fine so far with the other 2 libs12:50
cjwatsonCAiRO: I wouldn't bother. Pretend it didn't have any debian/* files and compile it in the usual upstreamish way12:51
CAiROcjwatson: well, then i'd rather make up the changelog file myself12:54
CAiROits always better to have a deb package with dependencies etc.12:54
cjwatsonCAiRO: it's clearly intended for daily builds or some such, it's not a proper changelog12:55
cjwatsonCAiRO: you could attempt to merge the .diff.gz from the Ubuntu archive12:55
CAiROcjwatson: well, it says the package is the latest stable version.. and there is some debian unstable package for it12:59
CAiROanyway, i managed to copy and extend the changelog file from the original sawfish 1.3.1 ubuntu package12:59
CAiROso now its working12:59
CAiROgreat thing, this update fixes all my problems with sawfish, yeah :)13:01
CAiROthe coolest thing is that you can bind mouse buttons to things like "move window interactively".. its the same as in metacity with alt + middle mouse button.. except that i can use my mouse button 813:02
CAiROwithout any keys..13:02
CAiROsame goes for resize etc./13:02
zuldoko: ping13:26
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zuljames_w: it looks like samba failed the bzr import can you have a look?13:53
happyaronanybody can help on coverting docbook to pdf?13:59
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ttxcjwatson: please have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/50333914:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 503339 in eucalyptus "UEC lucid installer: CC fails to register when separated from CLC" [Medium,Triaged]14:36
ttxcjwatson: it's due to a failure to fetch the CLC preseed file at install time14:36
ttxwget.gnu: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:37
cjwatsonttx: ok, will investigate once I've finished upgrading to lucid14:37
ttxcjwatson: I guess adding libcrypto0.9.8-udeb to eucalyptus-udeb "Depends" would not provide the right file...14:37
ttxcjwatson: sure :)14:37
cjwatsoneucalyptus-udeb is the wrong place to fix this14:38
cjwatsonit does not have a direct dependency on libssl itself14:38
ttxI'll assign the bug to you then, feel free to look at it when you have some time.14:38
dholbachdid anybody else have spontaneous reboots on lucid?14:40
ttxdholbach: I had spontaneous reboots on karmic.14:40
dholbachit might be just my hardware that's unhappy, but I'm wondering14:40
pittinot so far14:40
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/351799/ is the last things that happened afaics14:41
dholbachbut it doesn't really say much, does it?14:42
joaopintodholbach, is that mountall-shell expected to be running at that time ?14:47
dholbachjoaopinto: I have no idea14:47
dholbachI certainly didn't run it myself :)14:48
evbryce_, Riddell: are you aware of any plans to implement BulletProofX for KDE, or plans to refactor the existing code so it's not so tied to GDM?  I'm investigating support for it in oem-config and only-ubiquity mode on the live CD.14:48
Riddellev: in theory that got implemented ages ago but I havn't tested it recently and I don't know if it still works14:49
evI just tried creating a broken xorg.conf on the kubuntu live CD (in the initramfs) and I ended up at a shell.14:50
evso I'd wager not ;)14:51
Riddellguess not then14:51
joaopintodholbach, looking from mountall-shell.conf, mountall-shell was expected to be started only if manual recovery was required14:51
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dholbachjoaopinto: I ran it in the boot before because I a filesystem was dirty after a previous "spontaneous reboot"14:52
joaopintoah ok, so is not a cause, it's a result :P14:52
dholbachjoaopinto: I rebooted after the recovery boot14:54
sbalneavmvo: Thanks for #50155915:07
mvosbalneav: no problem :)15:07
jetsaredimwhat is the easiest way to update a deb to adjust the makefile options?  obviously not for merging into ubuntu, but for my own personal use15:10
cjwatsonget the source package, edit debian/rules which typically calls make somewhere15:11
dholbachGAR, it rebooted again :-/15:22
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/351822/ this time15:22
dholbachcan somebody enlighten me about mountall-shell?15:22
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pittidholbach: probably only Keybuk15:39
dholbachpitti: I see15:39
dholbachit's a bit unpleasant if the machine just restarts like that :/15:39
joaopintodholbach, assuming mountall-shell is the cause, tere is a reboot call on the post-stop script15:40
joaopintodon't trust me, but I c15:41
dholbachjoaopinto: hum... what does that mean?15:41
joaopintoI guess you could mv /etc/init.d/mountall-shell.conf /etc/init.d/mountall-shell.conf.disable15:41
joaopintobut make sure your filesystems are clean first :P15:42
joaopintowell, better wait for KeyBuck, I am just wondering15:44
cwillu_at_workdholbach, I believe the intent is to handle the rebooting after an automatic fsck, what's the context?15:46
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pittidholbach: perhaps there's a long-running fsck in the background, and once that finishes, it reboots?15:47
pittiperhaps for a /media partition or so (which the booting doesn't wait on)15:47
cwillu_at_workpitti, hmm, that's sound like a possibility15:47
cwillu_at_work/etc/init/mountall-reboot fires on stopped mountall EXIT_STATUS=415:48
cwillu_at_work(tell me to shut up if I'm not being at all relevant :p)15:48
joaopintoisn't the mainteance shell supposed to be interactive ?15:48
dholbachthere's no fsck running right now15:48
pittiseems that everyone contributes a piece to a puzzle, so just keep going :)15:48
dholbachand there's only sda1, so that'd surprise me :)15:49
cwillu_at_workdholbach, can you repeat yourself for me?  what are you seeing?15:49
pittijoaopinto: yes, but if X.org and getty are running, it probably doesn't even have a console to work on?15:49
pittidholbach: ok, so that's not it15:49
joaopintodholbach, is mountall-shell running ?15:49
dholbachcwillu_at_work: my machine was restarting a couple of times without me doing anything15:49
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/351822/ is the last part of the syslog before restarting15:49
joaopintoI mean, after a clean reboot15:50
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/351799/ is what happened before15:50
dholbachjoaopinto: let me restart again and check15:50
cwillu_at_workmountall-shell -> start on (stopped mountall EXIT_STATUS=[!4] or stopped mountall EXIT_SIGNAL=?*)15:50
cwillu_at_workthe post-stop script would fire the reboot15:51
joaopintothe mountall-shell should be running only if there was a failed mount15:51
joaopintocwillu_at_work, that is were I was looking at :)15:51
dholbachjoaopinto: not running right now after the reboot15:52
dholbachlet's see when the machine is going to restart itself again :)15:52
joaopintodholbach, is mountall running ?15:52
dholbachjoaopinto: nope15:53
cwillu_at_workdholbach, pastebin initctl list15:53
joaopintook, so I don't see how the recovery shell could be triggered at this time15:53
cwillu_at_workjoaopinto, wait for the paste :p15:54
cwillu_at_workmountall-shell start/running, process 150515:54
joaopintothat looks bad :P15:54
cwillu_at_workdholbach, does it immediately reboot if you "stop mountall-shell"?15:55
dholbachbut "ps afxvw" does not show mountall-shell15:55
cwillu_at_workdholbach, you wouldn't, it's upstart running a shell15:56
cwillu_at_workdholbach, look for sh's15:56
dholbach/bin/sh -e /dev/fd/815:56
cwillu_at_workspecificially process 1505 15051505:p15:56
cwillu_at_workbah, too many 1505's15:56
dholbachyes it does immediately restart15:57
cwillu_at_workI think I want you to do something with initctl log-priority, but I don't know what :p15:58
dholbachthat sucks :/15:58
cwillu_at_workdholbach, add "initctl log-priority debug || true" in /etc/init/mountall.conf's script15:59
iondholbach: mountall-shell is started in the first place because mountall fails for some reason. Please change /etc/init/mountall.conf to exec mountall --debug --daemon $force_fsck $fsck_fix >/dev/mountall.log 2>&115:59
=== BenC1 is now known as BenC
dholbachion: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351841/16:04
iondholbach: Dunno then... It seems /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 never appears, but that shouldn’t be related to this problem.16:07
dholbachthanks a lot for helping out, ion16:08
joaopintoeven if there is a mountall failure there is another issue with mountall-shell which should be running on a VT16:09
ionAh, now that i took a better look at mountall-shell.conf, mountall failure doesn’t seem probable after all.16:11
iondholbach: Try adding ‘exec >/dev/mountall-shell.log 2>&1; set -x’ in front of the script part in mountall-shell.conf16:12
dholbachion: where? the line before "script"?16:15
iondholbach: A new line just after ‘script’16:15
dholbachah ok16:15
joaopintoI am not familiar with upstart, but isn't mountall-shell being started on exit status 0 ?16:15
ionSorry for being ambiguous16:15
dholbachion: after "end script"?16:16
iondholbach: Might as well add ‘echo "EXIT_STATUS: $EXIT_STATUS, EXIT_SIGNAL: $EXIT_SIGNAL"’ after the exec and set -x. I mean, add these as new lines between the ‘script’ line and the ‘    case "$EXIT_STATUS" in’ lines.16:17
dholbachion: I don't have that case EXIT_STATUS line16:18
cwillu_at_workdholbach, it starts in the cases where mountall-reboot doesn't16:18
iondholbach: In mountall-shell.conf?16:18
cwillu_at_workbut my understanding is incomplete because I don't see why one of those isn't always true16:18
dholbachion: yes16:19
iondholbach: Please pastebin your mountall-shell.conf. Which version of the mountall package do you have?16:19
ionThat’s mountall.conf :-)16:21
iondholbach: Oh, i just realized redirecting stdout and stderr might contaminate the analysis, since sulogin might behave differently in that case.16:26
iondholbach: This should run sulogin with the original file descriptors, but if you’re already taking a log, let’s take a look at it first. http://pastebin.com/f11f6a2e516:29
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/351853/ is what I got now16:31
ionHow about /dev/mountall-shell.log?16:31
ionHuh. it seems mountall died with SIGABRT but didn’t print an error message.16:33
cwillu_at_workupdate_mount: /sys/kernel/debug: /sys/kernel/debug none debugfs optionmountall:mountall.c:1296: Not reached assertion failed in mountedall16:33
ioncwillu: Good catch!16:34
cwillu_at_workion, it's the longest line in the log :p16:34
ionYeah, i just looked at the very end blindly to the rest, not realizing the flushing of stdout and stderr or something like that might cause that.16:35
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
iondholbach: Ok, i think i see the problem in mountall.c16:39
dholbachion: is there anything I can do for now?16:40
cwillu_at_workdholbach, just disable the shell script will work, or comment out the umount -a ; exec reboot -f lines16:41
dholbachthanks ion and cwillu_at_work16:43
dholbachion: will you talk to Keybuk about that problem or propose a fix for it or something?16:43
dholbachion: I don't know what to do about it nos16:43
iondholbach: Yeah, i will.16:43
dholbachthanks a bunch ion16:43
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cjwatsonsuperm1,pitti,ev: please note for future commits that casper is in lp:ubuntu/casper now rather than lp:caspper16:51
cjwatsonlp:casper that is16:51
pittiah, thanks; me updates his branch16:51
* ev does the same16:52
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superm1cjwatson, what is lp:casper then?17:12
cjwatsonsuperm1: it has in big letters on it "use lp:ubuntu/casper instead" so I assume it's just hard to delete or something17:12
cjwatsonwe can always try to keep them in sync somehow I suppose, but we definitely want to get to the invariant where lp:ubuntu/<package> works for all packages in Ubuntu so please try to avoid writing to lp:casper17:13
robbiewjames_w: should we have kerneloops enabled by default during Alpha/Beta releases?17:16
pittiIMHO we should enable apport and kernelopps for alpha-217:17
pitti(and perhaps we can get a kernel fix to unbreak signal crashes as well again)17:17
james_wrobbiew: aha! we discussed that this morning17:18
james_wI'll renable when apport is, unless the kernel team want something different?17:18
* robbiew had an oops when messing with his bluetooth headset sound settings ;)17:18
robbiewjames_w: I'll check with pgraner17:18
pittiseb128: I'd like to enable apport now, so that we can get at least python and kernel crashes (won't work yet for sigsegv due to kernel bug); ok for you?17:19
seb128pitti, it's early to my taste but if you think it's useful...17:19
robbiewjames_w: actually...their weekly meeting is going on now17:20
robbiewso I'll try to ask there ;)17:20
superm1cjwatson, i thought there was a way to mark a branch as pointing to something at lp:<PROJECT> ?  Is it maybe the project driver at launchpad.net/casper needs to set the development focus to the right branch?17:20
cjwatsonsuperm1: I don't think project and distribution branches get to meet17:20
pittiseb128: you don't want it for alpha2?17:20
superm1oh shame :(17:20
robbiewjames_w: got a response..."(11:20:16 AM) pgraner: robbiew: yep, should go off for rc"17:20
seb128pitti, I'm not sure, starting early means adding thousand of crash bugs that we will never look at17:21
seb128because that will be too many of those, new versions coming, etc17:21
pittithat's fine17:21
seb128well it adds to the "not able to work on our bug lists anymore"17:21
pittiwe should only look at the ones with many dupes anyway (at least initially)17:22
james_wcjwatson: we can point lp:ubuntu/casper at lp:casper, it will just cause some fun when we branch for manic17:22
pittiseb128: ok, so when do you think is a better time? beta-1?17:22
seb128if only we had a good way to get notified about those...17:22
iondholbach: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ion/ubuntu/lucid/mountall/lucid should contain a fix. I’ll mention it to Keybuk when he’s around.17:22
seb128pitti, hum, alpha3?17:22
pittiseb128: ^ I'm working on that17:22
james_wrobbiew: I'm now sure what that means?17:22
pittiseb128: bug 48790017:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487900 in apport "retracer should subscribe ubuntu-bugcontrol team to bugs w/ lots of dups" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48790017:22
seb128pitti, well I'm not opposed to enable it now if some people find those useful17:23
seb128or have time to look at those bugs17:23
seb128if we start only to look at bugs in one month because we are too busy with work items, etc now17:23
cjwatsonjames_w: ok, if that's possible, please do. the branches are currently identical17:23
seb128they will be outdated by then and only noise17:23
robbiewjames_w: should be enabled for Alphas and Betas...then off for the Release Candidate17:23
robbiewsorry :/17:23
james_wrobbiew: ok, makes sense17:24
robbiewjames_w: does it make sense to note this as part of our process for when we open the next release17:24
seb128pitti, could you subscribe the package maintainer also to those or something which would made people watching the package to be notified by email?17:24
james_wI'll fix that mega-bug before I enable it, I'd rather not taunt the baying hordes once again17:25
james_wrobbiew: if they would like it on as soon as the release opens then yes, it would make sense there17:25
pittiseb128: that's a good idea17:25
pittiI'd certainly appreciate this for my packages17:25
robbiewjames_w: agreed...could you let slangasek know to add this to the process?17:26
dholbachion: awesome! :)17:26
pittiseb128: OTOH, the bug already calls for tagging it "bugpattern-needed"17:26
james_wrobbiew: I think it's just a wiki page17:26
seb128pitti, maybe do it only if the maintainer is in bugcontrol though17:26
pittiseb128: we could just set up filter rules to look for those, too17:26
robbiewjames_w: heh...isn't it always17:26
pittiseb128: but as I said, even if I enable apport now, it's only for python and kernel oopses17:26
robbiewjames_w: well then could you add it to the wiki page?17:26
seb128pitti, do it then17:28
seb128we need to find a better way to deal with bugs anyway17:29
seb128it's going to add some extra noise but very noisy or very very noisy...17:29
seb128we don't read all bugs in any case17:29
james_wrobbiew: done: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess?action=diff&rev2=48&rev1=4717:29
pittibut we can get them collected and duplicated17:29
pittiseb128: I don't get bug mail for crashes, do you?17:29
robbiewjames_w: thank you kind sir!17:29
seb128pitti, not until somebody makes those public17:30
seb128but as asac is saying for cycle bugs should not go to bug tracker17:30
seb128they should go to crash collector and only selected ones should be moved to bugs17:31
seb128but that's out of the scope of this discussion17:31
seb128launchpad is turning to a noise tracker17:31
seb128and we are building a new bug tracking system on it17:31
seb128ie trying to build lists of useful bugs17:31
asacmaybe we could file crash bugs against a launchpad project != ubuntu and then regularly sort them by duplicates and add ubuntu tasks for those that are important?17:32
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seb128well the noise issue is not specific to crashes nowadays17:32
Riddellwho broke fontconfig in the builddds?17:33
seb128we just need a way to build custom bug lists from things we pick up in the noise17:33
asacwhat other automated filing happens now?17:33
asacor just saying there are too many bugs filed?17:33
seb128too many bad quality bugs17:33
seb128or non useful user rants17:33
asacyeah. thats true17:34
asacRiddell: fontconfig wasnt uploaded for 10 weeks17:34
asaceven longer ;)17:34
Riddellright enough but "/var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfig.postinst: 13: defoma-subst: not found" something broke it17:34
seb128defoma got uploaded17:35
seb128it's a sync from Debian though17:35
james_wwe probably want to sync fontconfig too17:35
asacso fontconfig needs a merge?17:35
asacsync would be fun ;)17:36
RiddellArneGoetje: about?17:36
Riddellactually it was TheMuso who asked for the sync17:38
pittiseb128: oh, Debian has fontconfig 2.8 now as well17:39
seb128rock on17:40
asacas well?17:40
pittiI put 2.8 into the ubuntu-desktop PPA a while ago17:40
asacok so you can just upload that?17:42
pittiwell, we have patches, it needs a merge17:43
pittithat was just a quick update to test whether it impacts boot speed17:43
pittiArneGoetje: do you have some time to merge fontconfig and review what our remaining delta is?17:44
asacok thoguth you already did that17:44
asacthe merge will take a bit17:52
asaci think just that might work17:55
asacat lesat it says its about:17:56
asac emergency band-aid fix to avoid messing setup on install/remove when17:56
asac+    defoma is not installed, Closes: #559136, #560252, #55934817:56
asacsomeone wants to test before i upload?18:01
asacseb128: Riddell: pitti: http://pastebin.com/f30d6922   thats from upstream NMU http://pastebin.com/f1cae287f18:02
asaci have no system to test that atm. but since its broken and i wont have time to do full merge, i will just upload18:02
Riddellasac: rock18:03
asacuploaded. lets hope ;)18:03
keespython-unit pulls in X now?  odd.18:28
DktrKranzjdstrand: when you have time, mind looking at bug 485973? It seems a regression in php5.18:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 485973 in php5 "php5-cgi: IMAP toolkit crash" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48597318:45
jdstrandDktrKranz: ok18:46
pittiasac: thanks!18:53
pittiev: sorry for the casper mess, seems I was wrong yesterday18:57
pittiev: derivatives have an existing gdm custom.conf for setting the default session18:57
pittiev: I'll sort it out, just FYI18:57
seb128pitti, new gdm tarball has that in the news18:57
seb128"- make --with-custom-conf work"18:58
seb128pitti, ^ not sure if that has anything to do with what you discuss there though18:58
pittiseb128: actually not, this is about enabling autologin in casper18:58
seb128I just mention it because I was reading the news of things which are to update some minutes ago18:58
pittibut good to know18:58
DktrKranzmvo: my gdebi merge proposal is ready for review. wrt detecting presence of --always-ask-pass, it's not so easy to detect it at runtime because it's undocumented. The only workaround I can think about is checking with lsb_release, or so.19:08
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simpleilk once sansimizi turkce olarak deniyelim19:27
simplesonra engilisceye vururuz kendimizi19:28
simpleubiye ntfs formatlý bi hdd takýyorum ama gormuyor19:28
simplemount etmiyor19:28
highvoltagehi simple, sorry this channel isn't for support and I doubt many people here would understand that19:29
simplesaol dayi19:30
Zorrydoko_: ping19:45
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cody-somervilleIs HAL completely deprecated in lucid yet?20:07
ionDunno, but neither of the two desktop boxes i have have hal installed.20:10
pitticody-somerville: it's not in the default install any more, but of course there are still tons of packages depending on it20:13
* cody-somerville nods.20:14
pitticody-somerville: it won't get removed from the archive anytime soon, if you mean that20:14
cody-somervillepitti, Do you mind if I add packages affecting Xubuntu to the Halsectomy wikipage?20:16
pitticody-somerville: to the contrary, the more complete that page is, the better20:16
mvoDktrKranz: thanks, I have a look at the gdebi merge now20:21
cody-somervillepitti, Removing hal from the archive would be bad for Xubuntu.20:23
cody-somervillepitti, Xfce isn't as far along with the migration as gnome seems to be.20:23
pitticody-somerville: right, nobody is proposing to remove it entirely20:24
pittiwe just wanted to get rid of it from a default install20:24
cody-somervillekeybuk is ;)20:24
pitti$ apt-cache rdepends libhal1|wc -l20:26
pittihave fun..20:26
charlie-tcaappears Xubuntu needs it on the desktop cd20:30
charlie-tcaneeded it after updates when installing from the alternate cd20:31
evpitti: ah, ouch.  Thanks for the heads up.20:31
pittiev: uploaded already; I'll test tomorrow's daily20:32
charlie-tcaWhat's the user name to use the desktop cd? trying to run todays version, I get a gdm login screen wanting a user name20:32
pitticharlie-tca: hm, today's works for me (but it's "ubuntu")20:32
pitticharlie-tca: yesterday's was broken20:32
mvoDktrKranz: merged, many thanks. I think the only reliable way is to use lsb-release. or we just remove this feature (or make it optional or something)20:33
charlie-tcayesterday's worked for me, today's won't20:33
charlie-tcabut it is xubuntu20:33
charlie-tcaI'll try it again tomorrow, we might be a day behind on updates, then. Thanks20:33
pittiI guess the xubuntu livefs builds earlier20:33
pittiand didn't catch the casper fix yet20:33
charlie-tcaI see. No problem then, as long as it is known.20:34
charlie-tcaOur images are about three hours before ubuntu images, on the server20:34
pitticharlie-tca: oh, wait20:35
pitticharlie-tca: yes, I know what happened20:35
pitticharlie-tca: the casper that got uploaded an hour ago should fix it for both20:35
pitticharlie-tca: I'd appreciate if you could test tomorrow's image and verify?20:35
charlie-tcaWill do that. Thanks for your time.20:37
DktrKranzmvo: I agree, I'll patch to use lsb_release now20:39
mvomany thanks DktrKranz!20:43
Lureis something wrong with i386 chroot and/or fontconfig package: I get this failure http://launchpadlibrarian.net/37455955/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.kphotoalbum_4.1.1-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:46
chrisccoulson(not sure if you know about that) :)20:51
chrisccoulsonLure - that issue is fixed in the latest fontconfig it seems20:52
chrisccoulsonso you will just need to try again shortly20:52
Lurechrisccoulson: thanks, will retry...20:59
DktrKranzmvo: lsb_release changes committed21:24
asacLure: chrisccoulson: let me know if it really fixsed it. i made kind of a blind upload in the hope that this will helop ;)22:38
chrisccoulsonasac - Lure's build log shows it was still using the old version i think22:39
asaclets hope22:39
Lureasac: fixed for me - retried build succeeded22:45
Lureasac: thank you22:45
ScottKpitti, lamont, NCommander: Would one of you please rescore kdepim-runtime (karmic-backports).  It's lack on amd64 is breaking installs.22:52
ScottK(or any other buildd admin who happens to be reading ...22:52
lamontScottK: on it23:42
ScottKlamont: THanks.23:42
ScottKThanks even.23:42
lamontthough fwiw, the URL for the build record is a total win... not much work to get to, but jus tsayin23:42
ScottKlamont: ^^23:43
lamontI see we are both equally fast :-)23:43
kirklandslangasek: hi, i just manually wrote an upstart script based on an existing init script23:49
kirklandslangasek: it's in /etc/init/libvirt-bin.conf23:50
kirklandslangasek: i'd like to test it out23:50
kirklandslangasek: what else do i need to do to "register" the script, besides write it to that dir?23:50
kirklandslangasek: is there a sysctl or something?23:50
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kirklandslangasek: start: Unknown job: libvirt-bin23:52
kirklandslangasek: s/sysctl/initctl/23:52
* kirkland tried sudo initctl reload-configuration, to no avail23:53
slangasekkirkland: mmm, inotify is supposed to pick it up automatically23:56
slangasekkirkland: maybe it thinks your job syntax is wrong?23:56
kirklandslangasek: is there a log that would tell me that?23:57
kirklandslangasek: and can the init.d script remain there (stopped) for the time being, while I'm testing?23:57
slangaseklog> probably not by default, you could bump the log priority (initctl log-priority info?), touch the job file again, and check23:58
slangasekkirkland: I can't imagine it hurts anything to have the init.d script there23:58

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