=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo | ||
Pendulum | pleia2: ping? (I have a quick question for you if it's okay for me to /msg you?) | 14:02 |
pleia2 | Pendulum: yeah, but I'm on the phone with a client so it might be a few minutes | 14:02 |
Pendulum | no problem, isn't that time sensitive | 14:02 |
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger | ||
nigel_nb | hello everyone | 16:10 |
pleia2 | hey nigel_nb :) | 16:31 |
nigel_nb | hey pleia2, I thought u were working | 16:31 |
pleia2 | I am | 16:31 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: learn from me, I'm bunking :P | 16:31 |
pleia2 | bunking? | 16:32 |
mhall119|work | another british phrase that doesn't translate well to American? | 16:32 |
nigel_nb | mhall119|work: probably, but then I'm not british anyway | 16:33 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: too lazy, I'm just taking a day off ;) | 16:33 |
pleia2 | ah :) | 16:33 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: I kinda broke my glasses and now I'm left with a headache...so.. | 16:36 |
pleia2 | nigel_nb: aw :( | 16:36 |
nigel_nb | the entire day, when I wanted to get some work done, my laptop refused to boot. | 16:37 |
nigel_nb | When my laptop did boot, now I can't work :( | 16:37 |
cjohnston | mornin | 17:24 |
nigel_nb | mornin cjohnston | 17:25 |
* cjohnston doesnt want to be at work... | 17:26 | |
* cjohnston wants to know if he can go home | 17:26 | |
pleia2 | I want to play video games | 17:32 |
cjohnston | lol | 17:33 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: aw, u mean the old console style or the old brick game kind? | 17:33 |
pleia2 | wii! | 17:33 |
nigel_nb | ah, the modern woman :P | 17:33 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: since we're dreaming on... I wanna go hiking | 17:34 |
nigel_nb | ;) | 17:34 |
mhall119|work | wii hiking? | 17:56 |
cjohnston | lol | 17:57 |
nigel_nb | lol | 17:57 |
nigel_nb | mhall119|work: I wanna go hikin and pleia2 wants to play wii | 17:58 |
nigel_nb | :P | 17:59 |
nigel_nb | pleia2, cjohnston, mhall119|work: any of you guys joining in on jono's lernid session? he's doing some sort of an intro session today | 18:10 |
cjohnston | nigel_nb: im at work.. so will all depend.. what time was it? | 18:11 |
cjohnston | is it | 18:11 |
nigel_nb | 7 pm utc | 18:11 |
nigel_nb | 50 minutes or so to go | 18:11 |
cjohnston | k | 18:12 |
cjohnston | i think i may take a nap | 18:12 |
Pendulum | cjohnston: have a nice nap | 18:12 |
cjohnston | lol | 18:12 |
cjohnston | i have to get permission first | 18:12 |
Pendulum | I wish I could make jono's session, but I'm at work which means I'm on MacOS :( | 18:13 |
nigel_nb | cjohnston: now dats odd, permission for a nap | 18:13 |
cjohnston | nigel_nb: its cause im at work | 18:13 |
nigel_nb | cjohnston: I know, just kiddin | 18:13 |
* nigel_nb is gonna kill some time watching step up | 18:14 | |
mhall119|work | nigel_nb: cool, I'll try and get on | 18:46 |
nigel_nb | mhall119|work: :) | 18:47 |
mhall119|work | nigel_nb: developer week or example week? | 18:47 |
nigel_nb | mhall119|work: example week | 18:47 |
mhall119|work | connected | 18:48 |
nigel_nb | me too :) | 18:49 |
starcraftman | example week? | 18:50 |
nigel_nb | starcraftman: yes | 18:51 |
starcraftman | nigel_nb: what's that? We got another new week to prep for? | 18:51 |
nigel_nb | starcraftman: haha, no, jono is taking a session about lernid | 18:52 |
starcraftman | nigel_nb: ah, lernid, when's session I was curious about that thing. | 18:52 |
nigel_nb | starcraftman: in 10 minutes | 18:53 |
starcraftman | nigel_nb: channel? | 18:53 |
nigel_nb | starcraftman: open lernid and join example week | 18:53 |
starcraftman | nigel_nb: ah, that would help! hehe | 18:54 |
nigel_nb | starcraftman: if u dont have lernid | 18:54 |
nigel_nb | starcraftman: http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/01/05/lernid-0-4-released-and-demo/ | 18:54 |
starcraftman | nigel_nb: oh I do. | 18:56 |
starcraftman | nigel_nb: definitely has nice potential, maybe next event after this userdays. lernid ahve a fixed roadmap? | 19:05 |
nigel_nb | starcraftman: yep | 19:05 |
nigel_nb | starcraftman: to be ready by dev week | 19:05 |
starcraftman | nigel_nb: ah rgr. Ok. | 19:06 |
nigel_nb | mhall119|work: that was an amazing session | 19:36 |
mhall119|work | most of my functionality didn't work | 19:36 |
mhall119|work | because it couldn't make the IRC connection | 19:37 |
mhall119|work | because my work network blocks it | 19:37 |
mhall119|work | next time I'll hack it to run over an ssh tunnel | 19:37 |
nigel_nb | mhall119|work: the browser to slide switch was amazing | 19:42 |
mhall119|work | wish I had seen it | 19:44 |
mhall119|work | any idea what port IRC uses? | 19:44 |
nigel_nb | 6000 something | 19:45 |
cjohnston | 6667 depending on what server | 19:48 |
cjohnston | freenode i believe is 6667 | 19:49 |
nigel_nb | yea | 19:51 |
starcraftman | just a tip to you guys, jgoguen pointed it out. In ~/.local/share/lernid/ is a cache of slides and presenter speach before disconnect. | 19:56 |
nigel_nb | oh, gr8 | 19:58 |
starcraftman | nigel_nb: aye, tis cool. | 19:59 |
starcraftman | needs a chat dump though too. | 19:59 |
* cjohnston feels like he needs coffee.. | 21:08 | |
* Pendulum gives cjohnston coffee | 21:11 | |
* nigel_nb gives cjohnston an apple | 21:11 | |
cjohnston | lol | 21:12 |
cjohnston | thanks | 21:12 |
nigel_nb | Pendulum: the lernid demo was amazing :) | 21:12 |
Pendulum | btw, is there anything I need to be doing for User Days at the moment? | 21:12 |
Pendulum | nigel_nb: I'm jealous :( | 21:12 |
* cjohnston missed it :-( | 21:12 | |
cjohnston | promote | 21:12 |
nigel_nb | Pendulum: if I'm out of town, lead my session ;) | 21:13 |
Pendulum | haha | 21:14 |
Pendulum | I know nothing about your session :( | 21:14 |
nigel_nb | Pendulum: I'll give you the full text, though u may need to act dumb when it comes to Q and A :P | 21:19 |
cjohnston | nigel_nb: do you already have your session written? | 21:19 |
cjohnston | if you do could you send it to me so i can study it | 21:19 |
cjohnston | i figured i could probably do it | 21:19 |
nigel_nb | naah not yet | 21:20 |
nigel_nb | just talked to bdmurray today | 21:20 |
nigel_nb | he wrote the original how to report bugs | 21:20 |
Pendulum | it's less than 3 weeks away now! | 21:21 |
cjohnston | as long as you can provide me the text, if noone else can do it, i will | 21:21 |
nigel_nb | cjohnston: there is always hggh ;) | 21:23 |
nigel_nb | or michag | 21:23 |
nigel_nb | even if u end up being busy | 21:23 |
cjohnston | true | 21:24 |
cjohnston | i think i got the day off work | 21:25 |
nigel_nb | then great | 21:25 |
nigel_nb | another bug squad member | 21:25 |
cjohnston | who what huh | 21:27 |
nigel_nb | cjohnston: um, you | 21:28 |
cjohnston | uhhh | 22:27 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: apologies about the delay with the bzr docs | 23:05 |
pleia2 | nigel_nb: no worries, we all get busy :) | 23:06 |
nigel_nb | like I said earlier, my computer is not being friendly | 23:06 |
nigel_nb | when i can get something done and want to, it refuses to work | 23:06 |
pleia2 | no fun | 23:07 |
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