
=== WaVeR` is now known as WaVeR
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
=== doko__ is now known as doko
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
=== Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== alsroot_ is now known as alsroot
=== Igorot is now known as Knightlust
=== JamieBennett1 is now known as JamieBennett
=== jarlen_ is now known as jarlen
* asac waves13:00
MootBotMeeting started at 07:00. The chair is NCommander.13:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]13:00
NCommandermorning all13:00
dyfetneed coffee13:00
JamieBennettHappy New Year !13:01
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2010010513:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2010010513:01
* ogra waves (with a head that doesnt feel like it fits through the door)13:01
NCommander[link] http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html13:01
MootBotLINK received:  http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html13:01
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review13:02
ograi guess we can ignore the ARs this week :)13:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review13:02
NCommander[topic] cooloney to ask ericm about 2.6.32 patches for marvell dove13:03
MootBotNew Topic:  cooloney to ask ericm about 2.6.32 patches for marvell dove13:03
cooloney_i think ericm_ just got the .32 patches from marvell13:03
ograNCommander, btw. you should include one of the kernel guys in the meeting ping in the future13:03
NCommanderogra, ah, will do13:04
asacboth please13:04
NCommander[topic] NCommander to email Marvell about the date of the next expected kernel drop13:04
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to email Marvell about the date of the next expected kernel drop13:04
NCommanderc/o on this one, although if ericm_ got the 32 patches already, then not needed.13:05
NCommander[topic] asac, ogra, persia to make sure .32 backporting for imx51 kernels is documented somewhere (c/o)13:05
MootBotNew Topic:  asac, ogra, persia to make sure .32 backporting for imx51 kernels is documented somewhere (c/o)13:05
persiaWe failed on this one again.13:05
asacwhat was that about? (probably needs to be carried forward)13:05
* ogra didnt do anything here 13:05
ograasac, that was about getting the non arch specific features ported to the .31 kernel13:06
asacis that about user space?13:06
persiaasac: ogra: let's get together about 9:00 UTC tomorrow and do this.13:06
ograso we have all distro features available13:06
ograasac, nope13:06
asachmm. shouldnt we get cooloney_ on board too then?13:06
ograabout aufs, apparmor and friends13:06
persiaWe were supposed to give cooloney_ a report :)13:06
* ericm_ waves to all13:06
persiaSo yeah, tomorrow work for you two?13:06
NCommanderhey ericm_, did we get a 32 drop from Marvell?13:07
ograpersia, 1h later ?13:07
ericm_NCommander, yes - I'm working on the rebase13:07
asacwe can try13:07
ericm_hopefully to get a working kernel in these days13:07
ograwould be good to have both new kernels there for A213:08
NCommanderericm_, where are the base Marvell branches? I think we may have another thumb mode kernel bug (I sent you an email about it)13:08
ograsince they will need heavy testing13:08
ericm_NCommander, yes I've got that email - the branch is on kernel.ubuntu.com13:08
ericm_let me find the exact URL13:08
asacogra: persia: sent an invite for tomorrow (in case you care)13:09
MootBotLINK received:  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=marvell/dove-kernel/.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/marvell-dove-
asacyes. from whati understood cooloney_ will try to get the fsl kernel done this week13:09
cooloney_asac: yeah,13:09
cooloney_i am working on this13:09
NCommanderericm_, awesome. I'll talk to you more about the issues outside this meeting.13:09
ericm_asac, hopefully me too13:09
ericm_NCommander, no problem13:09
NCommander[topic] Current Items for Lucid Alpha 213:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Current Items for Lucid Alpha 213:10
NCommander[link] http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html13:10
MootBotLINK received:  http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html13:10
asacwe have a big backlog ...13:10
NCommanderasac, Christmas holidays unfortunately do that :-/13:10
asacso part of the backlog is definitly me13:10
ograme too13:11
NCommanderAny objection if we just run through each Alpha 2 spec individually?13:11
asacthats the nature of the items i have ... most are items that are scheduled to happen at alpha-213:11
asaclike the thumb spec etc.13:11
asacbut ... would be great if everyone could check his spec and see if there are work items that either are DONE or can be POSTPONED13:11
ograbut we have until monday ...13:11
ograso a good bunch should be affordable13:12
NCommanderWe should have working alternates for Alpha2, although the dove alternate currently seems to be semi-foobar during kernel installation13:12
ograis the test requirement fulfilled already `13:13
NCommanderThere was an image on antimony that was preventing alternate images for ports spinning. This has been resolved13:13
NCommanderogra, which test requirements? ISO testing?13:13
ograiirc that is supposed to have clearified the community testing first13:13
ograat least thats what i was told at UDS13:14
ograi.e. we will only do it if we have enough community testing since we dont have the resources in the team13:14
asaci would suggest to do it... and see how well the testing goes13:15
* ogra definately doesnt have additional 6h per image to invest 13:15
asacof coures not officially support it until we have the resources13:15
ograwe dont have them *now*13:15
ograand the desktop images will suffer through pulling time off them13:15
ogras/them/their testing/13:15
ograwhich we definately have to do13:16
asacbut from the technical side, what is missing?13:16
ograalternate testing takes at least 3x as much time13:16
asacNCommander: ?13:16
NCommander[topic] Standing Items13:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items13:16
NCommander[link] http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid/report.html13:16
MootBotLINK received:  http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid/report.html13:16
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status13:16
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status13:16
asacNCommander: whats going on?13:17
* NCommander goes to drink more coffee13:17
NCommanderasac, on the technical side, not too much. the d-cd script for dove have been fixed, so now our alternates boot13:17
persiaNCommander already talked about the alternate status.13:17
ograNCommander, what about the ppp package issues ?13:18
asacwe fixed that a month ago ;)13:18
asacor two?13:18
persiaLive images have been mostly built, although today's were hit with hplib version skew.13:18
NCommanderogra, the fix was deploy to antimony just before Christmas break13:18
ograasac, and the new packages are backported and installed on the builder ?13:18
ograNCommander, ah, thanks13:18
StevenKpersia: Was that just a delay with NEW or something else?13:18
asacok ... so to finish this alternate image topic.13:18
ograi know when you fixed it ... just didnt know when it went into hardy13:18
persiaI thought it was just a build-time delay between arch:all and arch:any13:19
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NCommanderogra, its in hardy-cat, I don't believe we did an SRU for it13:19
asaccan we agree that we have all the bits in place ... and that we can do manual image runs to ensure that they work?13:19
NCommanderasac, +113:19
asacbut we dont enable them until we have a) more builders ... and b) a community testing plan?13:19
ograasac, we can ... and i'd be happy to test them, juct not during alpha testing in general13:19
NCommanderasac, the images are built on antimony and not on an armel box, so an alternate rebuild is trivial13:19
ograright, building isnt an issue13:19
asacok so a) can be scratchd13:20
NCommanderasac, I'd say we provide them as a best effort, but I'd lthem to at least have a semi-good chance of working13:20
asacso cant we keep them being produced, but just not supported?13:20
ograthey build since jaunty :)13:20
ogramore or less functional though13:20
NCommanderogra, imx51 ones maybe, dove just got their first working ones13:20
ograyeah, imx51 indeed13:20
persiaStevenK: You're right: it was NEW.13:21
StevenKpersia: Right, skew due to NEW I can deal with.13:21
NCommandergo onto ARM image status?13:22
persiaI thought we were talking about ARM image status.13:22
asacwait a bit13:22
* ogra didnt do any test install, but the build logs for imx51 look perfect 13:22
asacwanted to check a few others.13:22
asacJamieBennett: do you have a way forward for figuring out where the time is lost in the debconf-communicate thing?13:23
persiaogra: livefs builds failed today (libmpmud0 NEW)13:23
asac(casper speedup)13:23
JamieBennettasac: Yes, 3 actually13:23
JamieBennettBut one is the obvious choice13:23
ograpersia, didnt look today yet, just returned from the dentist and will lay down after the meeting again13:23
asacok cool. thats on track then13:24
ograpersia, but nothing that wouldnt be solved in general ... its not arch specific13:24
asacplars: efficient instlal testing ... when will we get the all-pairs generated?13:24
persiaogra: Right.  Same happened for powerpc.  Anyway, I'll be glad to give this back to you :)13:24
plarsthe test pairs are generated and documented in the wiki, I just need to write the detail for them on the qa testplan wiki13:24
plarsthen we can create the virtual milestones and link them13:24
asacso when can we start doing all-pairs testing?13:25
plarsasac: good target would be somewhere after A2 at the soonest13:25
plarsthe milestones should exist between milestone images13:25
plarsbut A2 is even pretty early to focus *too* hard on it13:26
asacok great.13:26
plarsdoesn't hurt though13:26
asacso we assume that paramaters == questions asked during instlal?13:26
asacthought it could also be things like: "what install media type" ... "what network connection" etc.13:27
asacthough testing that might be tricky13:27
plarsessentially, or could be boot screen options also (once supported), network connection during install, partitioning selection, etc13:27
plarsasac: for purposes of this type of testing, the network connected or disconnected during install is really what we want to focus on13:28
asacok. lets start with what you have now. we can extend later13:28
plarssince problems have been exhibited there before13:28
asacplars: did you manually generate the all-pairs or do you use a script?13:28
plarsasac: right, we can certainly extend it all if needs be13:28
asacif you have a script that would be great to post on wiki so we can rerun it if we have more paramaters we want to pair13:28
plarsthe pairs were generated programatically, but had to be translated manually (easy) into which items that corresponded with13:28
asaccould you post the tool you used to generate it there?13:29
asacogra: uboot spec is on track for alpha-2 until we know its not on track?13:29
plarsI think it's linked from the bp wiki page, but I'll check to make sure13:29
ograasac, yeah ... will be done latest on the weekend13:30
ograwill get 100% of my focus as soon as i feel better13:30
* asac sends a grain of good feeling to ogra13:30
NCommanderanything else we want to bring up for Alpha 2?13:31
ograi already am better ... just that anaesthesia going away leaves me with massive pain13:31
JamieBennettasac: we have issues with 2D launcher MIR's. We need to convince reviews that upstream will sort out what they call 'minor issues' or provide patches ourself to speed up the process (also two MIR's are unassigned)13:31
ogra(and i'm not allowed to put painkillers on top)13:31
asacJamieBennett: ok. thanks for letting me know. lets talk about that after meeting13:31
asacok the other specs have a backlog as previously pointed out:13:32
asacthumb -> work items are review items to happen at alpha-2 stage13:32
asaclightweight browser -> took a while to get chromium working, but now we have progress again13:32
ograwhen will we see it in the archive ?13:33
asacsuspend-resume -> reduced set of work items (most was moved to alpha-3) should be doable for alpha-213:33
mok0chromium is GREAT13:33
StevenKI'd like to see a debian/copyright I'm happy with for Chromium, but that is A LOT of work13:33
dmartasac, did we have a working ff build now?13:34
asacogra: i am working on license documentation ... tough task, but progress. i hope we get that to a stage that StevenK is happy to accept it13:34
ograbribe him13:34
asacdmart: the patch will get uploaded with .713:34
persiaNeeds to be a big bribe.  That's almost megabytes of licenses.13:34
asacwhich is happening ... erm ... now ;)13:34
* ogra heard rubber boats go well in east australia atm 13:34
ograoh, that was mean, sorry13:34
asacpersia: i have a tool to generate dep5 format copyrigh tnow13:34
StevenKogra: Hm?13:35
persiaasac: Yeah, but still :)13:35
asacwith whitelisting etc. stuff will get down to a reasoanble amount of unknown stuff13:35
asacpersia: yes. but thats StevenK's main job then ;)13:35
asacnow that didrocks has started :-P13:35
asacwe can move on13:35
asacoh ... lib-test ... probably will be late13:36
asacnot too scary as long as it happens soon after alpha-213:36
persiaMaybe it's worth re-milestoning those then.13:36
asacpersia: its tricky the work item tracker needs a different approach13:36
asacso for split up blueprints we target the next delivery milestone13:36
asacand then move ahead13:36
persiaSo, do I need to repeat the stuff about the ARM image status, or is that done?13:37
asacotherwise the items we want to see done by alpha-2 wont show up here.13:37
asacpersia: i think that sank ... maybe repeat ;)13:37
asac14:16 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status13:37
persiaSo, ports alternates just got fixed a few hours back (some issue with confusion in a cron job)13:38
* ogra just repeats imx51 looks good apart from general non armel related breakage13:38
persiaAs a result, we should start seeing alternate images again soon.13:38
NCommanderpersia, d-cd didn't take well to lpia being rm'ed13:38
persiaNCommander: Yeah, but I wasn't getting into details :)13:38
ogra(desktop that is)13:38
persiaLive images have been OK for a while, but the livefs builds failed today due to NEW delay (sorted for tomorrow).13:39
ograNCommander, how about dove desktop ?13:39
NCommanderogra, they're working aside from the usual livefs breakages13:39
ograwhats "usual" ?13:39
NCommanderogra, i.e., somethng that would also break imx5113:39
NCommanderogra, I guess I should say, no dove specific breakage known at this time13:40
ograand amd64 ?13:40
ograor x8613:40
ogragreat :)13:40
ograas long as its not armel related i dont care :P13:40
NCommanderogra, I'm testing images daily at this point as a lead into alpha2. Rather not miss another milestone with dove13:40
ograyou know that they can become shaky this week ... dont count to much on installability13:41
ograeveryone tries to get features for A2 ready13:41
ograthe archive will be out of sync often13:41
* StevenK is planning to break armel images this week and get them building UNE13:41
NCommanderogra, I rather catch failure early than during A2 ISO testing.13:41
NCommanderStevenK, need a hand?13:41
persiaOh, and the last thing I had to say about images is that I'm glad people are returning from holiday so that others are watching them :)13:41
ograright, just make sure to tell them apart from feature development13:41
asacStevenK: how about keeping keeping the desktop images until we have a working une image? at least we have a image at alpha-2 then ;)13:42
ogramulti package features are likely to trash stuff, especially this week with the last minute uploads13:42
NCommanderogra, we still do have some ubiquity weirdness with manual partitioning on dove. That might slide to Alpha 3, I'm grinding my wheels on that one.13:42
StevenKasac: I'm happy enough to do that, and davidm agrees with you.13:42
persiaasac: As long as we have all the packages built correctly, why not change the seeds?13:42
asacStevenK: ok cool. thx!13:42
ograNCommander, thats just a bug we can release note ...13:42
asacpersia: risk minmization13:43
asacyou never know13:43
ograits an alpha after all, not a final :)13:43
asacyou can just enable a new seed13:43
asacand if that work we disable the old seed ;)13:43
NCommanderStevenK, is the actual desktop image on dove going to be UNE-2D, or are we going to simply build desktop and ubuntu-netbook-edition-2d ARM13:43
NCommanderor asac beat me to that question13:43
persianew seed?  I thought the plan was just arch-specific stuff to existing seeds.13:43
StevenKNCommander: At first, both, and then the former only13:43
asacNCommander: UNE-2D is our main target13:43
asacpersia: yes. new seed for armel13:44
asacnot overal13:44
NCommanderasac, StevenK, TBH, I rather just disable the desktop task on the image build system, and leave alternates for people who want them13:44
asacNCommander: that doesnt conflict with what we say13:44
StevenKasac: It wasn't going to be a new seed?13:44
asacStevenK: your decision ;)13:44
* ogra thoughgt it was an on-top seed13:44
NCommanderIf we can build both concurrently, I say thats the way to do it, then just focus on UNE13:44
asaci just think having desktop images produced until we have the new images would be great13:44
StevenKIt will not be a new seed. There.13:44
asacand reduces risk and burn out syndrom potential in case something goes bad13:45
StevenKplatform -> netbook is hard enough; I don't want to deal with platform -> netbook -> armel-stuff13:45
persia\o/ reduced number of seeds13:45
NCommanderasac, I rather just keep the desktop image around like we build kubuntu and xubuntu armel13:45
ograNCommander, ask IS if you may :P13:45
NCommanderMaybe turn off the live images to save some time on the livefs builder13:46
StevenKNCommander: cdimage space is still a going concern13:46
ograa huge concern13:46
StevenK(Since it always is)13:46
* StevenK gives the ogra the secret cdimage high five13:46
* ogra grins :)13:46
NCommanderone which will never go away due to images go up, not down. I realize its a concern, but we're simply going to have the same issue when we get a new SoC, or a new image type13:46
ograNCommander, you will always have the ubuntu-desktop task you can install13:47
asacso is there anything to discuss? from what i understand we make a seemless transition to the new seed, by keeping desktop images enabled until we have a first working UNE image for armel with 2D launcher, right?13:47
ograeven more if we get a new SoC13:47
asacthen we all know where we are heading ;)13:47
NCommanderAre we going to transition people from desktop to UNE on the upgrade usecase?13:47
* ogra doesnt think so13:48
asacNCommander: unlikely13:48
NCommanderDo we actually care about the karmic->lucid upgrade for dove and imx51?13:48
persiaIt wouldn't be ideal to force a transitoin.13:48
ograNCommander, we should test them13:48
asacdesktop packages are still there and in main .... so users just ride the general support wave13:48
persiaSupporting upgrades is nice, if there is commonly supported hardware.13:48
NCommanderpersia, hence the question.13:48
plarswould be good to have a metapackage to provide them the packages to update to the all the new UNE stuff, but forcing it on them would probably get some complaining13:49
NCommanderAnyway, anyone have anything else to bring up on ARM Image Status?13:49
ograplars, we have to have a task anyway13:49
asacok so i think we can move on13:49
asacNCommander: ^13:49
NCommander[topic] Any Other Business13:50
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business13:50
mok0Chromium was mentioned before. I suggest it should be adopted in main13:51
asacmok0: thats the plan13:52
NCommanderasac, I saw you assigned a bunch :-)13:52
asacdepends on various factors ;)13:52
mok0asac: ah. Great!13:52
asacyep ... so i went through all main FTBFS and assigned them to either ncommander or dyfet13:52
asacand both subscribed to both13:52
asacdont hesitate to tell me if there are FTBFS you get stuck with13:53
asacso we can unblock them somehow13:53
ograasac, thanks a lot for apex btw13:53
asacfor univeres i am through half of the list13:53
asacwith assignments13:53
NCommanderasac, thanks for the ocaml upload. Upstream is looking at the bug now as well13:53
asacwill do the rest13:53
asacnext ...13:53
ograwell, we used to handle universe as a nice to have13:54
asaci think its important to get all armel-only build failures fixed. of course main has higher prio13:54
asacbut universe is also important13:54
asacbecause we are the only ones with hardware to actually work on those13:54
ogrado you plan to change that  since you are actively assigning stuff ?13:54
NCommanderDo we have a general goal to when to have main armel-only FTBFS free?13:54
ograthats what we used to have13:54
ograseems asac wants to widen that goal13:54
asacogra: i assign them because main is almost fixed13:54
persiaI think universe is all the more important considering the spec to remove binaries for anything that FTBFS.13:54
asacits still a lower prio, but its more than a nice to have13:55
persiaSo for *this* release, it's more important than usual to demonstrate that something *can* build.13:55
asacat least the armel-only build failures13:55
NCommanderI meant an Alpha 2 main-free armel-only FBFS13:55
ograbut we give MOTU tools in their hands to work on them13:55
asacright. its also more important in the light of the new toolchain13:55
ScottKPlease fix libtool then as it's causing other FTBFS.13:55
asacNCommander: would be great.13:55
ograand i'd like to see MOTU getting more knowledge here13:55
asacyes. libtool has highest prio13:55
asaci have put that on release team radar too13:55
asacand assigned NCommander to it ;)13:56
ograif you assign them to us MOTU wont care at all13:56
NCommanderasac, I was going to ask for it actually :-)13:56
asacogra: i dont see that realistic for now13:56
asacthey dont have hardware13:56
ograthats why i wrote all these tools13:56
ScottKogra: Without access to hardware, there isn't much we can do.13:56
NCommanderdyfet, can you make my shell reappear, or should I work off jocote?13:56
ograand blogged about it ... and set up wiki pages13:56
ograScottK, you can build in chroots to fix FTBFS13:56
asacogra: well. so most i assigned now are _old_ build failures13:57
asacseems noone picked them up13:57
asacbut yes, we should make a new blog post etc.13:57
MootBotLINK received:  http://ograblog.wordpress.com/2009/07/18/juggling-your-arms-in-karmic-and-no-more-excuses/13:57
dyfetncommander: shell?  you mean on my arm?13:57
NCommanderdyfet, yeah13:57
* ogra wonders if anyone reads his posts on planet :P13:57
NCommanderSo who wants to blog to planet?13:57
* NCommander has a layer of dust on his blog :-/13:57
NCommandertwo minute warning13:58
asacso who has a blog at all? ;)13:58
asacand who is on planet?13:58
NCommanderI'm on planet13:58
asacboth combined probably reduces the set of candidates ;)13:58
NCommander(both Ubuntu & Debian)13:58
asaci am on planet too13:58
* ogra too13:58
asacok so we have three13:58
ograand i regulary blog about my armel tools and achievements13:58
StevenKOr heating houses13:58
asaclets discuss communication offline.13:59
ograheh, yeah :)13:59
NCommander[action] ogra, asac, NCommander to blog on planet about ARM work13:59
MootBotACTION received:  ogra, asac, NCommander to blog on planet about ARM work13:59
ograright, time is up13:59
NCommanderanything else quickly?13:59
MootBotMeeting finished at 07:59.14:00
* NCommander was a minute early14:00
asacNCommander: dyfet: try to work together on the FTBFS ;)14:00
ogra[action] ^^^ :)14:00
asacNCommander: also ... do you want me to monitor that list for you and do assignments in future or will both of you coordinate that together?14:01
asacalso consider me part of that FTBFS effort ;)14:01
asacthanks all!14:02
asacdmart: http://pastebin.com/f10c0fe9414:04
asacthats hte list of packages not yet touched14:04
asaci didnt exclude "arch all" packages yet14:04
persiaasac: Is that different from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/unchanged/unchanged_since_karmic ?14:05
asacso probably its a bit less packages not yet touched14:05
asacnot sure :)14:05
asacpersia: my list is just main14:05
asacbut good to know14:06
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pittimdz, cjwatson?15:02
mdzpitti: hi15:03
MootBotMeeting started at 09:03. The chair is mdz.15:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:03
mdz[link] https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/WritingObjectives15:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/WritingObjectives15:03
mdz[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda15:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda15:03
mdzone day the X clipboard will work as we expect...15:04
mdzI see cjwatson, pitti, kees15:04
pittiboth  of them? :-)15:04
mdzsabdfl is on holiday15:05
mdzI don't know about Keybuk15:05
pittihe was online yesterday15:05
mdzpitti: I thought there was only one clipboard, plus the selection buffer15:05
pittiScottK: are you here? (your agenda item is pretty much the only one that we have)15:05
ScottKI'm heree15:06
ScottKhere even15:06
pittiScottK: happy new year!15:06
mdz[topic] Review action items from previous meeting15:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Review action items from previous meeting15:06
ScottKHappy New Year.15:06
mdzmdz to drive election for DMB, based on existing members of TB and MC15:06
mdzvoting is in progress now15:06
* persia very much appreciated the second call for votes: something rarely seen in these polls.15:06
mdz77 votes cast out of 146 eligible voters15:06
mdzthe vote will end in 13 days, one week from Monday15:07
mdzpersia: it occurred to me in doing this that there is not a lot of guidance available to our governance teams as to how to conduct elections15:07
mdzdifferent teams have done it in different ways15:07
mdzperhaps something for the CC to consider15:07
mdznext action:15:07
mdzpersia to ask CC to make DMB an admin of ~universe-contributors, as part of the DMB/MC merge15:08
mdzI saw the request happen15:08
mdzpersia: have you received any response?15:08
persiaI haven't seen any follow-up.  I'm planning to ask at the CC meeting on the 20th if I haven't seen anything by then (I'm not confident I'll be awake for today's meeting).15:08
persiaErr, 19th.15:09
mdzpersia: perhaps someone who will be awake could proxy for you at today's meeting? that would be better than waiting 2 weeks15:09
ScottKmdz: As far as how to do elections, I think the move to use CIVS is a huge step forward for the project.15:09
persiamdz: I'll seek someone for that.15:09
mdzpersia: when is it?15:09
persia21 UTC15:10
mdzScottK: yes, but it's only one part of the process. I had to make it up as I went along in terms of soliciting and confirming nominations, establishing who was eligible, how long the vote should be, and so on15:10
mdzpersia: so somebody in the US would be best. kees?15:10
persiamdz: I think it needs to be someone on MC: likely nixternal or nhandler15:11
ScottKmdz: Certainly.  I think it makes sense to have it documented and some standardization.15:11
mdzpersia: ok, I'll leave it with you then15:11
mdz[topic] MOTU direction (ScottK, cjwatson)15:11
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU direction (ScottK, cjwatson)15:11
ScottKI didn't put this on the agenda for today ...15:11
ScottKcjwatson: ?15:12
persiaIt was carry-over from the last meeting.15:12
pittiI carried it over from the last meeting, since we didn't get to it15:12
pittiI just didn't want to drop it15:12
cjwatsonas far as I'm concerned this is a "guilt item"15:12
mdzwe're looking for a progress check15:12
cjwatsonunless ScottK has done more than I have ...15:12
mdzany progress since 22 december?15:12
cjwatsonI have been on holiday since 22 Dec, mostly15:13
mdzwhat needs to happen next? do you two need any help?15:13
ScottKWell we do have this action and persia has helpfully drafted some material, but cjwatson and I have not had a chance to discuss it.15:13
ScottKSo unless he's done something I'm not aware of, I think it needs to be pushed.15:13
cjwatsonScottK: do you have the URL for persia's draft?15:13
persiaThere isn't a URL.15:13
ScottKcjwatson: He emailed it to you and me.15:13
cjwatsonoh, ok, I'll dig that out15:13
mdzhe mentioned that he updated:15:14
mdzI don't know if that's the same thing ScottK is talking about15:14
persiaNo, that was what I did as a result of the questions about DMB/MC from last meeting.15:14
cjwatsonI have the gobby dump from UDS which AIUI needs to be written up properly and presented to the TB.15:14
ScottKYes, and persia to a stab at writing it up for us.15:15
ScottKMessage-ID: <9bd2f8971001031949u15ba5fc4k20cb9abe0bacff8@mail.gmail.com>15:15
cjwatsonI'm going to go ahead and dump that into the wiki, and work from there15:16
cjwatsonI don't think there's anything else for this meeting, we just need to not forget it15:17
cjwatsonI'll try to have a bit more progress for next time15:17
cjwatsonjust carry over15:18
mdzcjwatson to write up gobby notes from UDS?15:19
cjwatson[action] ScottK+cjwatson to pull joint fingers out and write up proposal15:19
ScottKI think it's just work we know we have to do.15:19
mdz[action] ScottK+cjwatson to pull joint fingers out and write up proposal15:19
MootBotACTION received:  ScottK+cjwatson to pull joint fingers out and write up proposal15:19
ScottKSounds good.15:19
mdz[topic] AOB15:19
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:19
mdzanything else?15:19
pittithe next meeting will be the constituting one with the new board, right?15:20
pittiso I guess meeting lead rotation, meeting time, etc. should be discussed in that meeting15:21
persiaShould not a date, time, and lead for that meeting be set at this one though?15:21
cjwatsonwe might as well just use the same time, and let the new board decide on what's convenient for them15:22
cjwatsonI'm not sure we can know a lead before knowing who's going to be on the board :)15:22
mdzwe could select 3 ranked options, and since it is a 7/9 election we could be guaranteed to get one right ;-)15:22
persiaI was thinking someone could volunteer to chair, and if they didn't happen to be on the board, act as a facilitator for that meeting alone.15:22
cjwatsonI can do that15:23
mdzI think the "old" board should turn up at the next meeting regardless, to help with continuity15:23
mdzat least some of us15:23
mdzI will be traveling to a time zone which would make participation difficult15:23
pittiI'm happy to join that meeting15:24
mdz[agreed] cjwatson and pitti will participate in the next DMB meeting regardless of the election outcome15:24
MootBotAGREED received:  cjwatson and pitti will participate in the next DMB meeting regardless of the election outcome15:24
mdzyou can work out what to do about a chair between yourselves ;-)15:24
mdzany other business?15:24
mdzplease remember to vote if you haven't already15:25
mdzok, thanks all15:25
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:25.15:25
pittithanks all15:25
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=== mac_v is now known as \vish
* apw zones in17:03
* cking_ is here17:03
* ogasawara waves17:03
* smb is there17:03
* manjo waves17:03
rtgbjf: yo17:03
bjfRoll Call17:03
* apw appears again17:04
MootBotMeeting started at 11:04. The chair is bjf.17:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:04
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:04
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:04
bjfNOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:04
bjf[TOPIC] Open Action Item: amitk to meet with keybuk on automated boot tests17:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Action Item: amitk to meet with keybuk on automated boot tests17:04
* jjohansen fades in17:04
bjfamitk, you are up17:05
ogasawaraI think he's on holiday?17:05
ogasawaranm, that was yesterday17:05
bjfwe'll skip him for now17:05
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs17:06
ogasawaraRelease Meeting Bugs (1 bug, 4 blueprints) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:06
ogasawaraAlpha 2 Milestoned Bugs (23 bugs) - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144417:06
ogasawara * 3 linux kernel bugs (all In Progress) - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144417:06
ogasawara * 1 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs (tracked in release meeting) - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-fsl-imx51/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144417:06
ogasawara * 0 linux-ec2 bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-ec2/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144417:06
ogasawara * 0 linux-mvl-dove bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-mvl-dove/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2144417:06
ogasawara* Release Targeted Bugs (88 bugs) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs17:06
ogasawara * 8 linux kernel bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux17:06
ogasawara * 3 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-fsl-imx5117:06
ogasawara * 1 linux-ec2 bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-ec217:06
ogasawara * 1 linux-mvl-dove bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-mvl-dove17:06
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Milestoned Features17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid Release Status: Milestoned Features17:06
ogasawaraMilestoned Features - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-10.0417:06
ogasawaranothing kernel specific listed there17:07
bjfany questions on any of this? is that pgraner guy around?17:07
pgranerbjf: sorry I'm here17:07
pgranerbjf: expenses are due today ... :-)17:07
pgranerbjf: no questions17:08
bjfpgraner, thanks, moving on ...17:08
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (ogasawara)17:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (ogasawara)17:08
ogasawarabjf: nothing new to update17:08
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw)17:08
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta17:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw)17:08
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta17:08
apwno change since last meeting.  mostly complete17:09
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw)17:09
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review17:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw)17:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review17:09
apwconfig checker is now in and checking things17:09
apwwe have a few config changes coming down the pipe from other teams which are going in17:09
apwotherwise quiet17:09
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin)17:10
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms17:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin)17:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms17:10
apwi had a poke about with a nouveau drop which may be compatible with our tree.  trying to acertain if it would be good as a default17:10
apwthe main drop is definatly a 'lbm' style component17:11
tjaaltonwhy not in the main package17:11
bjfsconklin, New Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin)17:11
apwcause it has dependancies on updating the whole of drm17:11
tjaaltonno, four commits thats all17:12
apwthose 4 commits are big, and those commits do not apply without other patches17:12
tjaaltonok then17:12
apwthe version which was applied resonably well to .32 was an older nouveau drop17:12
apwwhich is what i was referring to previously.  not had a chance to test it yet17:13
bjfsconklin, you have anything to add?17:13
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo)17:13
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume17:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo)17:13
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume17:13
manjono change there since last meeting17:14
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen)17:14
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development17:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen)17:14
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development17:14
jjohansenUpstream AppArmor update incoming today, just cleaning up some commit messages.  I still need to file the compiler bug that was tripping me up17:14
jjohansenThe kernel side of policy optimizations is done, I should have user side dfa17:14
jjohansenminimization in by the end of the week.  If there is time the table packing17:14
jjohansenpart of optimization can be done for alpha317:14
apwjjohansen, ok will look for it tommorrow17:15
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw, csurbhi)17:15
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance17:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw, csurbhi)17:15
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance17:15
apw2.6.32.2 brought in some regressions in performance17:15
apw(boot performance) those turn out to be present already but triggered more often in this combination17:15
apwi think i have this nailed, an interaction between acpi battery and hpet17:16
apwam testing a couple of patches to sort it out now17:16
apwthis may give us another 0.05 as a bonus17:16
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf)17:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf)17:16
bjfI have my "crack-of-the-day" builds going. I've sent out email to a few of the alsa folks letting them know17:17
bjfabout them.17:17
apwwhen might they be announced publically ?17:17
bjfapw, I guess I can do that any time17:17
bjfapw, I'll try to get an email out today17:18
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk)17:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk)17:18
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen)17:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen)17:18
jjohansenI am working on an EC2 update that should land today17:18
apwjj is that against the ec2 branch in lucid?17:19
jjohansenjust pulling in suses updates to the patches17:19
smbDapper:     2.6.15-55.81 (security)17:19
smbHardy:      2.6.24-26.64 (security)17:19
smb-LBM:       2.6.24-26.35 (proposed)[26]  0/ 1 verifications done17:19
smb-LUM:       2.6.24-26.44 (proposed)[26]  0/ 1 verifications done17:19
smbIntrepid:   2.6.27-16.44 (security)17:19
smbJaunty:     2.6.28-17.58 (security)17:19
smbKarmic:     2.6.31-17.54 (proposed)[26]  9/19 verifications done17:19
smb-LBM:       2.6.31-17.19 (proposed)[26]  0/ 1 verifications done17:19
smb-fsl-imx51: 2.6.31-107.18 (proposed)[18] 16/34 verifications done17:19
smb-mvl-dove:  2.6.31-210.21 (proposed)[15] 16/35 verifications done17:19
smbProposed kernels could move to updates soon. Trying to get some feedback17:19
smbon the arm kernels to preferably move them together with the main kernel.17:19
smbThe next upstream stable (, are coming up.17:19
apwok i'll hold the upload for now ...17:19
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Lucid (apw)17:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Lucid (apw)17:20
apwi've recently applied but had regressions.  those look resolved.  would be uploading today, but the compilers are building right now17:21
apwso will have to wait for those to complete.17:21
apwREMINDER: you want anything in Alpha-2 we need it in and uploaded by monday at the very latest17:21
apwif its going to be monday make sure i know as i want to upload friday17:21
apwwith people in the air etc.17:21
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (gnarl/smb)17:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (gnarl/smb)17:22
bjfI think we got this already :-)17:22
smbas above17:22
bjfanything to add?17:22
smbyeah, somehow return key has a live of its own17:22
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (ogasawara)17:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (ogasawara)17:23
ogasawaraCurrent regression stats (broken down by release):17:23
ogasawara== regression-potential (up 10) ==17:23
ogasawara26 lucid bugs17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-potential+lucid&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara== regression-update (up 2)==17:23
ogasawara7 karmic bugs17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update+karmic&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara5 jaunty bugs17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update+jaunty&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara2 intrepid bugs17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update+intrepid&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara1 hardy bug17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update+hardy&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara== regression-release (down 2)==17:23
ogasawara58 karmic bugs17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release+karmic&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara22 jaunty bugs17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release+jaunty&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara12 intrepid bugs17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release+intrepid&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara4 hardy bugs17:23
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release+hardy&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:23
ogasawara== regression-proposed (no change)==17:24
ogasawara1 karmic bug17:24
ogasawara * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-proposed+karmic&field.tags_combinator=ALL17:24
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (ogasawara)17:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (ogasawara)17:24
ogasawaraDue to the holiday, there wasn't much activity the previous bug day:17:24
ogasawaraThe next bug day should be next week but we'll be sprinting.  I'll postpone it to Tues Jan 19.17:24
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20091222.html17:24
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?17:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?17:25
jjohansenServer team would like us to get a body looking at Bug #49978517:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 499785 in linux "nic-usb-modules should include asix" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49978517:25
ogasawarajjohansen: I was going to send a patch for that shortly17:25
apwogasawara, can you get that on the list17:25
jjohansenogasawara: nice, thanks17:25
pgranerbjf: no meeting next week since we are sprinting?17:25
bjfNote: there will not be a meeting next week, the kernel team will be in London buried under snow.17:26
bjfpgraner, you beat me to it17:26
apwheh in the airport burried ...17:26
bjfanything else?17:26
bjfthanks everyone17:26
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:26.17:26
apwbjf thanks17:26
=== \vish is now known as vish
=== fader_ is now known as fader|lunch
hlippek 19:18
=== zul_ is now known as uzl
=== uzl is now known as zul
alonswartzhey folks, wasn't the EMEA meeting meant to start about 25 minutes ago?19:25
nixternalalonswartz: according to my cal, 20:00, but it very well could be wrong19:25
nixternalbecause it also says 22:00 for the CC, but our agenda says 21:0019:25
nixternalsilly Google calendar is probably foobarring me, and possibly your too?19:26
alonswartznixternal: according to the wiki page: The next meeting is scheduled for January 5th 2010, 19:00 UTC19:26
LirazSiriIf you follow the link it translates into local time. That was 30 minutes ago. Strange.19:27
nixternalright, but the google calendar for the meeting says 20:00 :/19:27
alonswartznixternal: the calendar doesn't seem in sync with the wiki page, oh well... so we start in 30 minutes ?19:30
LirazSiriAlright, so there was a mistake and the meeting is still today but half an hour later than the schedule on the wiki site.19:30
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader_
BlackZthe EMEA meeting will start at 21:0019:41
LirazSiri21:00 UTC?19:42
BlackZnope, 20:00 UTC19:42
BlackZseems that there's a mistake on the wiki19:44
BlackZanyway, the EMEA meeting will start at 20:00 UTC19:44
=== zul_ is now known as zul
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
popeyyes, it seems there is20:02
* popey pings forumsmatthew / phanatic / Seveas / stgraber / phanatic 20:03
forumsmatthewI'm here20:04
popeyApologies for getting the wiki wrong. I suspect that was my fault20:04
forumsmatthewstuff happens20:05
Seveasshall we begin?20:05
Seveasok, BlackZ you're up. Please introduce yourself20:06
BlackZHi all, my name is Lorenzo De Liso, I'm 19 years old, I'm Italian, and I live in Italy. I'm a security consultant (I work in a Italian datacenter). I use ubuntu since 3 years about, and I like it. I study informatic enginner on the university Federico II in Naples. I worked and I work again to some bugs, I help to translate ubuntu in Italian, I help in ubuntu's Italian forum, I translate the Italian ubuntu wiki and I help in #ubuntu-it.20:06
Seveas-1. There's no information about your contributions on your wikipage, launcpad karma is low, indicating limited contributions. Testimonials added by yourself, which is very bad...20:08
forumsmatthewagreed -120:08
popeyYeah, -1, I'd certainly like to see more contributions listed and testimonials added by those people who are listed20:09
Seveasphanatic, ?20:10
phanaticsorry, i was on the phone. -120:10
Seveasok, that's -4. BlackZ please make sure your wikipage is fully prepared next time :)20:10
SeveasIoneye seems to be missing20:11
SeveasShezif as well20:11
SeveasLirazSiri, you're up20:11
LirazSiriHi everybody20:11
* stgraber waves20:11
LirazSiriI'm 28 years old, from Israel. A software engineer by day and open source enthusiast by night.20:11
Seveashey stgraber!20:11
popeyLirazSiri: we've spoken before haven't we20:12
hlippekhi all20:12
popeyAs I recall we rejected your application last time20:12
popeyon the grounds that we wanted to see more contributions to core ubuntu itself?20:12
Seveasyes, last time we said -1, considering contributions to TurnKey not to be contributions to Ubuntu20:12
popeyif my memory is right20:12
LirazSirihey guys20:12
LirazSirithe endorsements are stronger now20:12
forumsmatthewYou do have two testimonials this time. John's is pretty good. The other is helpful, if a little lukewarm.20:13
LirazSiriI've been a contributing member to the news team for over a year now. Responsible for 5 sections20:13
Seveasbut the actual contributions haven't changed, have they?20:13
LirazSiriThey have evolved somewhat. TurnKey has gotten closer to Ubuntu. We've been collaborating with Ubuntu developers and discussing appliance development on the list.20:14
forumsmatthewI guess it is going to depend on whether we consider helping with the weekly newsletter sufficient community involvement for membership20:14
SeveasI've seen that and that's really encouraging LirazSiri20:14
SeveasAnd sabdfl also said positive words about turnkey20:14
LirazSiriOn the subject of TurnKey's relationship with Ubuntu, you can read the endorsements on Alon's wiki page20:14
Seveasthose testimonials emphasize on "hope to work closer with..."20:15
Seveaswhich is what I'd like to see as well, a bit closer collaboration20:16
LirazSiriforumsmatthew: you have in the past granted membership to members of the Ubuntu news team and I've been doing that for much longer than the 3 months of sustained contribution described in the membership criteria20:16
SeveasLirazSiri, but never based on news contributions alone I believe20:16
LirazSiriEvery week, I maintain all the statistics, package and security updates, etc.20:16
SeveasLirazSiri, how much time do you spend on that each week?20:17
LirazSiriThat depends on the week20:17
LirazSiriAfter releases it can take longer20:17
LirazSiribecause there are lots and lots of updates20:17
Seveashow about this week or last?20:18
LirazSiriAbout an hour20:18
Seveaswait, that's unfair due to christmas20:18
LirazSirion average20:18
Seveasto be perfectly blunt, one hour per week is not much as a contribution20:18
LirazSiriwell I divide my time between that and other projects20:18
popeyother ubuntu projects?20:19
Seveasand I realize turnkeylinux is your bigger contribution, but I'm not sure whether that actually 'counts' for us20:19
LirazSiripersonally I feel TurnKey is a much larger contribution to Ubuntu. As the sabdfl stated, it's a new kind of contribution we're pioneering, so it's a bit difficult to get endorsements20:19
LirazSirithere isn't an established framework.20:19
alonswartzI hope you don't mind me dropping in, but TurnKey Linux a sort of LoCo for server appliances. Instead of helping introduce users to Ubuntu on a geographical basis, we help introduce users to Ubuntu by helping them quickly setup and deploy Ubuntu as a server platform. Through TurnKey, we have introduced tens of thousands of new users to Ubuntu as server platform (over 100,000 downloads).20:19
popeyI have downloaded turnkey20:20
popeya couple of images20:20
LirazSiriwhich ones?20:20
phanaticthat's about 60 hours total since you've started20:20
popeyan smb server and another20:20
forumsmatthewI certainly don't mind, alonswartz . What you are saying is helpful.20:20
popeyi cant recall20:20
popeyI booted them up and played, liked what I saw, and shut them down and deleted them20:20
popeythat's not to say I didnt like or enjoy the work you do20:21
popeymerely that I had no use for them20:21
popeyso i wouldn't hold tooooo much sway with 100000 downloads :)20:21
forumsmatthewdo you see turnkey as a part of the Ubuntu community, an insider, or as a project that stands alongside Ubuntu?20:21
LirazSirithat's still great, a lot of our users do that20:21
popeysure, it's a great way to introduce ubuntu appliances to people20:21
popeyand i think thats valuable work20:21
Seveasdammit, I can't find the thread about TKL20:22
popeyin the same way that dell selling laptops running ubuntu is valuable work20:22
Seveaspopey, do you recall whether sabdfl said that we could consider contributions to TKL contributions to Ubuntu?20:22
popeyif I had more time I'd evaluate it properly20:22
LirazSiriI can find the quote from the sadbfl if it helps20:22
SeveasLirazSiri, it would20:22
LirazSiriNote that we're also partnering up with Canonical to offer all TurnKey appliances through the new Ubuntu cloud initiative20:23
forumsmatthewthings that stand along side are helpful, but not integral, that is, the main project may benefit from their existence, but won't necessarily cease to exist or be harmed if the project disappears20:23
forumsmatthewI'm looking for a balance20:23
popey"Liraz, you are a valued member of the community, and that is true even if it takes a little while to build the case for Ubuntu membership. It takes time to establish yourself in something the scale of Ubuntu - especially if you are pioneering a new kind of contribution, which I think you are. If you were working mainly in an established area, there would be a network of folks who could immediately comment on your contribution. Since you20:23
popeyis what mark said20:23
LirazSiriOk I found the quote20:23
Seveaspopey, that got cut off at  'since yo'20:23
LirazSirilet me cut and paste and paste the relevant part..20:24
popey". Since you aren't, you need to build that network, and raise the profile of your work."20:24
Seveasone more thing, for no other external project or canonical partner do we consider contribusions to them contributions to ubuntu20:24
popey"In principle, I think building Turnkey *could well* turn out to be a great contribution to Ubuntu. If the Turnkey folks contribute patches, share war stories about EC2, build common infrastructure, participate in UDS etc, then I would say we should recognise that contribution. "20:24
popey^^ from Mark20:24
Seveasthanks popey20:24
forumsmatthewthanks, popey20:25
* popey hugs gmail20:25
LirazSiriwhere is that from? I found another quote20:25
LirazSiriI didn't know Mark spoke about TurnKey twice...20:25
forumsmatthewso, based on that last sentence of Mark's comment, how much of that is happening20:25
alonswartzpopey: I've never seen that last quote... ?20:25
forumsmatthewpatches? infrastructure? UDS even?20:25
popeyI have seen discussion of Turnkey on the devel mailing list very recently, talking about webmail.20:27
popeyer, webmin20:27
alonswartzpopey: that discussion got started off talking about appliance development20:27
LirazSiriguys, I'm trying to copy paste but have trouble with my application so I'm going to restart it. Back in a jiffy20:27
alonswartzwhich was in reply to a previous thread regarding developing appliances as deb packages20:28
popeysure, lets not get too bogged down in one specific discussion on  -devel list20:28
Seveasyeah, you clearly are doing that the correct way20:28
popeythe criteria for membership is 'significant and sustained' contribution to ubuntu20:29
alonswartzwe has just released tklpatch, a tool to patch and create appliances20:29
Seveasalonswartz, have you ever thought of using puppet to create appliances?20:30
popeyI'm keen for us to not spend the entire meeting on Turnkey (as we did last time)20:30
Seveaspopey, me too, I'm just waiting for liraz to return20:30
Seveasah, speak of the devil :)20:30
alonswartzSeveas: its not the best fit, but lets talk about that later (i agree with popey)20:30
LirazSiriOK, hopefully this will work now20:30
LirazSiriLiraz, you are a valued member of the community, and that is true even if it takes a little while to build the case for Ubuntu membership. It takes time to establish yourself in something the scale of Ubuntu - especially if you are pioneering a new kind of contribution, which I think you are. If you were working mainly in an established area, there would be a network of folks who could...20:31
LirazSiri...immediately comment on your contribution. Since you aren't, you need to build that network, and raise the profile of your work.20:31
LirazSiriOthers have gone before you in this. The IRC community now has folks devoted to nourishing that part of the community, as do the Forums, translation, documentation, marketing, development, QA etc. Each of those communities had good leaders who now help in the recognition of the people who do great work there. Without those leaders, it would be impossible for the regional membership boards,...20:31
LirazSiri...or worse, the CC, to recognise the full diversity of contribution that goes into something like 9.04. So, please be patient. The criterion for membership if "substantial and sustained contribution", there is no rush. It is NOT a popularity contest20:31
LirazSiri^^^ Mark20:31
Seveasyeah, I've seen that quote and it confirms my opinion20:31
Seveasok, summing up my opinion: I think TurnKey is great, but am -1 on membership for LirazSiri (and alonswartz for that matter). This would easily change to a +1 if in the mean time sabdfl/CC consider contributions to TurnKey to be contributions to Ubuntu as well.20:31
forumsmatthewif we could find a way to document that (or how) Turnkey development directly contributes to the Ubuntu community20:32
popeyOk, so the specific recommendations to take away from that are 'build that network' and 'raise the profile of your work'  (within the Ubuntu community)20:32
forumsmatthewdoh, you beat me to it20:32
forumsmatthewI echo Seveas comments above20:32
LirazSirithat's what we've been doing with the discussions in ubuntu-devel20:32
LirazSiriBut there's no way to currently integrate the projects unfortunately20:32
Seveasso basically, I want you to go back to Mark or the CC Liraz. I think you've made progress but I feel this is above us to decide20:32
popeyLirazSiri: i see _one_ thread on ubuntu-devel with your name on it20:33
LirazSirithat's a pretty extensive thread popey20:33
forumsmatthewI'm -1 for now, but hope to see that change with some further community integration20:33
popeyits 12 mails20:33
popeythats not an extensive thread20:33
Seveaspopey, stgraber, phanatic: can I please get a +1/-1.20:33
forumsmatthew(and also for alonswartz for the moment, since he is also to be considered shortly)20:33
LirazSiridoesn't the two contributions together count though?20:34
Seveas-1 on alonswartz as well for the same reason. It's not a we-dont-want-you -1, but a not-sure-what-to-do -120:34
LirazSiriI have received a strong endorsement from Ubuntu News editor?20:34
forumsmatthewLirazSiri, the UWN is useful and appreciated, but I can't think of a single instance where we conferred membership with that as the SOLE or MAIN community contribution.20:35
LirazSiriI'm thinking maybe volunteering on a regular basis for a year shouldn't be discounted so quickly. Especially in combination with other contributions. Even if they are a bit out of the normal framework20:35
forumsmatthewIf we can document the addition of TKL as a part of the wider Ubuntu community, that would be great20:35
LirazSiriforumsmatthew: but my contributi20:35
LirazSirisorry cut in mid sentence20:35
LirazSirianyhow. its a judgment call. I feel that my previous rejection raised the bar is creating some resistance20:36
popeynot at all20:36
forumsmatthewnot really20:37
alonswartzforumsmatthew: what do you consider the "wider ubuntu community" ?20:37
popeywe look at each application individually20:37
forumsmatthewthings which are specific to Ubuntu and not potentially side projects with only a light affiliation20:37
Seveaspopey, stgraber, phanatic: can I please get a +1/-1. We have more candidates to come and not much time.20:37
phanaticLirazSiri: the problem is that we don't know how to judge TKL involvement, and your UWN contribution was a total of ca. 60 hours (according to yourself), which is far from enough in my book. so it's a -1 from me.20:38
forumsmatthewTKL is wonderful, but we can't yet document it is internal to the Ubuntu community, only that it benefits as a project that stands along side20:38
popeyI will -1 for now. I would like to see more contribution to ubuntu from TKL20:38
LirazSiriforumsmatthew: if Alon and I traveled all over the world and helped thousands of people set up Ubuntu on the server, I don't think anyone would say that isn't enough20:38
stgraberI'm going to -1 on this one until we know how to judge TKL contributions and Ubuntu News contributions alone don't seem enough for membership (at least for me)20:39
LirazSiriI don't think we should get discounted because we've figured out a more efficient way of doing exactly that...20:39
Seveasok thanks guys20:39
forumsmatthewdoes the development work on TKL happen in a way that contributes directly to Ubuntu, or is that a wonderful side effect? We are not qualified to judge, and that is the issue, LirazSiri20:39
popeyLirazSiri: perhaps you should look at partner status?20:39
popeythats what other vendors of products do20:39
LirazSiriwe're not a vendor, we're a sister project20:39
SeveasLirazSiri, please talk to the CC and ask them whether contributions to TKL should be seen as contributions to Ubuntu. Pending that decision, your application is now being rejected I'm afraid20:39
Seveashlippek, you're up next, please introduce yourself20:40
LirazSiriAlright. Thanks anyway. Cheers!20:40
Seveashlippek seems to be missing20:40
hlippekhi my name is hendrik im 29 years. living in haburg and work in softwaredevelopment for 5 years now20:40
Seveasah apologies20:40
forumsmatthewplease read this and follow the directions under preparing your application20:41
Seveas-1 please read that wikipage forumsmatthew just linked and prepare yourself for these meetings20:41
phanatici'm afraid it's a -1 from me as well20:42
forumsmatthewto make it official -120:42
popeyhlippek: I'd like to see some testimonials, and indication of a sustained contribution to Ubuntu on your wiki page please... -1 for now..20:42
hlippekright im very new in the comunity20:43
popeygreat to have you here hlippek !20:43
forumsmatthewno problem, please come back when you are prepared20:43
popeykeep up the great work, and come back to us in maybe 3-6 months20:43
popeywe always need new blood :)20:43
Seveasalonswartz is up next. forumsmatthew and myself already voted -1 because his application is based on TKL as well20:43
alonswartzdid you even read my wiki page guys?20:44
Seveasalonswartz, I have20:44
alonswartzin the past i worked with zul to get the confconsole into karmic20:44
phanaticalonswartz: i did, you have very good testimonials20:44
alonswartzand with soren on a number of issues20:45
alonswartzwrote a library that will be included in the ec2-init package20:45
SeveasI know you've done more non-TKL contributions than Liraz, but I'd consider TKL a key part of it20:45
alonswartzyes, i too consider it a key part20:46
Seveasbesides that, membership applications based on packaging are better directed to the motu council as they can judge these contributions better20:46
alonswartzas we are trying to bring the projects closer together...20:46
Seveasso the -1 from me means "I don't know what to do" and not "I don't want you"20:46
hlippekok, i havent read already about the time of contribution. but ill stii be active in the community20:46
* forumsmatthew repeats what Seveas just said20:46
popeythanks hlippek20:46
alonswartzOK, thanks guys...20:47
popeythe development work you seem to have done all very much revolves around TKL..20:47
alonswartzpopey: does it matter?20:48
alonswartzif it benefits both ubuntu and turnkey, i don't see the problem20:48
Seveaspopey, as long as it's a contribution to Ubuntu, that doesn't matter :)20:48
popeywell thats my point20:48
popeyhow does di-live help ubuntu?20:48
forumsmatthewand what we need help establishing20:48
popeyor tklpatch?20:49
alonswartzregarding di-live, there has been talk about adding support to ubuntu-server to run live20:49
popeywhen I said 'revolves around' I meant 'is limited to'20:49
popeyok, thats useful20:49
alonswartzwhich is what di-live does.20:49
Seveaswith tklpatch included in ubuntu, making tkl-like applications would be easier, so that's useful20:50
popeywhere was that talk?20:50
alonswartzabout a year ago i spoke to cjwatson20:50
alonswartzbut it wasn't needed back then, it might be in the future20:50
popeyso a year ago (two releases of ubuntu) you had a discussion with a developer about possibly including something in the future20:50
alonswartzregarding tklpatch, ignore the name, its a generically useful tool to create appliances20:50
popeythat to me isn't a sustained contribution to ubuntu20:51
alonswartzwhich was the basis for that long thread on ubuntu-devel20:51
popeywhich long thread?20:51
alonswartzthe thread you referred to when talking to liraz20:51
popeythe 12 mail one that has run this month?20:51
popeya year later?20:51
popeywhich mostly focussed on the pro/con of webmin20:51
Seveaspopey, "TurnKey Linux's take on Ubuntu appliance development: KISS"20:51
alonswartzSeveas: yes, that one20:52
popeyI still dont see one conversation with a developer and one small thread on -devel as a sustained contribution.20:52
Seveas33 mails so far. More than 12 but not very long.20:52
popeyo rly20:52
popey-devel or -devel-discuss?20:52
popeyi see only 12 mails20:53
popeyhow odd20:53
popeyahh, broken thread, my bad20:53
* popey stabs gmail20:53
czajkowskipopey: love hate relationship with gmial tonight20:54
popeyI will go +020:55
popeypositive testimonials of potential future work, not a ringing endorsement of past achievements20:55
Seveasooh, well said20:55
popeyI truly value what TKL are doing, I think the range of VM images and the simplicity you've brought are exceptionally valuable to new users.20:56
alonswartzwhen you take into account introducing tens of thousands of new users to ubuntu (just like a loco), and the development work, i would think that is a sustained and considerate contribution ...20:56
Seveaslet's not rehash the entire TKL discussion please20:56
alonswartzSeveas: ok20:56
Seveasstgraber, phanatic: votes please20:56
popeyalonswartz: I dont believe you can use those numbers20:57
popeyI am one of the people who downloaded it, and I'm already a member20:57
popey.. and even then I deleted the VM20:57
popeyyou need other ways of building a community around the product you have..20:57
LirazSiripopey: isn't that like saying that introducing people to Ubuntu in LoCos shouldn't count because you know somebody that continued using Windows XP?20:58
popeyalonswartz / LirazSiri do you have a separate section on the ubuntu forums? do you have an irc channel?20:58
popeyi dont follow that logic20:58
Seveasthat two -1 and 2 +020:58
alonswartzpopey: we have very active forums20:58
popeyI'm just arguing that apache download logs do not prove new users..20:58
SeveasToday's score for the board: terrible. No new members :(20:58
forumsmatthewagreed. rough day20:59
popeybut lots of active people Seveas !20:59
LirazSiripopey: that's why we're applying for membership. We'd like to bring the two projects closer together. Even if only symbolically.20:59
popeypeople contributing20:59
popeyyou dont need membership for that LirazSiri20:59
popeyI'd compare TKL to crunchbang linux20:59
Seveasdoes that still live?20:59
czajkowskiSeveas: some months I guess are going to be like that, but good to see folks trying20:59
popeysadly not20:59
popeywell, kinda20:59
forumsmatthewlast month is the standard I would like to see21:00
popeyTKL and Crunchbang are projects that use Ubuntu technology, but dont specifically give technology back to the core product, but do generate a population of new users21:00
popeyhow many users is hard to tell..21:00
technovikingThe EMEA folks need a few more minutes?21:01
forumsmatthewpeople came prepared with great evidence and testimonials of sustained direct involvement in the Ubuntu community and that rocked. May we see that more often21:01
popeyno, I dont think so21:01
forumsmatthewtechnoviking, I think we're done21:01
LirazSiriwe know how many active users we have from the apache logs of our package archive21:01
LirazSiriIf you parse the logs for archive.turnkeylinux.org, you can count unique IPs and get a good guess for how many people are actively using TurnKey21:02
Seveasyeah, our meeting is done21:02
Seveassee you next month!21:02
BlackZdon't be sad, guys :)21:02
BlackZI will contribute again and I will prepare me well for few meetings :D21:02
Seveastechnoviking, the mic is yours21:02
forumsmatthewgoodbye, everyone!21:02
BlackZthanks all ;)21:02
SeveasBlackZ, awesome :)21:02
phanaticbye everyone21:02
popeytechnoviking: cc isnt for another hour21:02
alonswartzthanks guys...21:02
popeyaccording to my calendar21:02
technovikingthe %^#@*#@ wiki is wrong again :)21:02
Seveasso, the next hour will just be Mike entertaining us :)21:02
persiapopey: Are you sure?  I have 21:00 UTC21:02
hlippekse you in further meetings:-)21:03
popeyfridge says 22:0021:03
forumsmatthewdaylight savings time...the bane of humanity21:03
popeyI'm happy to do either21:03
pleia2I'm here for 2121:03
popeyhave I messed up _two_ meeting times in one day!?21:03
forumsmatthewyou're just trying to make me feel better about myself21:03
popeyholy cow I'm rubbish21:03
popeyno, wasnt me :)21:04
popeyCreated by: N for Ubuntu Fridge Calendar21:04
popeywhoever N is21:04
pleia2it gets messed up with DST21:04
pleia2the fridge is correct in the summer :)21:04
czajkowskitechnoviking: doesnt this happen a lot to you :p21:04
forumsmatthewI repeat: daylight savings time...the bane of humanity21:04
czajkowskiforumsmatthew: *hugs* so true21:05
czajkowskisee if folks stick to UTC no confusion21:05
technovikingczajkowski: I'm from Indiana, I did not have daylight savings growing up:)21:05
Seveasso now you do double DST to compensate? :)21:05
forumsmatthewArizona, where I am, still doesn't use it. Wisely, i believe21:05
technovikingpopey: Nick I think21:06
forumsmatthewokay, I need to help my son with something21:06
forumsmatthewbye, all!21:06
czajkowskiforestpiskie: toodles21:06
pleia2so, are there only 3 of us?21:07
popeybet more turn up in an hour21:08
popeywell, 52 mins21:08
czajkowskitechnoviking: I hope you didnt rush from some place to be here for now21:09
forestpiskieo/ czajkowski21:09
czajkowskiforestpiskie: don't mind me, I tab fail lots21:10
* popey pokes nixternal 21:10
forestpiskieczajkowski: that's cool then - I wondered who I had forgotten ;)21:10
popeytechnoviking / pleia2 / persia _can_ you be around in 48 mins, should the rest of the CC be around?21:13
persiaUm, I'm not actually in the CC :)21:13
technovikingpopey: I should be, useless I have to pick up my son at school21:13
popeyi know, but you said you were here for it...21:13
popeymaybe you didnt21:13
persiaSure, I can be around.21:13
popeyI appear to be making up stuff21:13
Seveaspopey, what else is new?21:14
popeySo.. my mum (mom) made some wine out of grapes we had in our garden. I have had two glasses. It is entirely possible that this has clouded my ability to operate a keyboard.21:14
popeyalso.. snow!21:15
nigel_nbpopey: its beautiful21:15
Seveasmore snow: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=39995&id=101633307521:16
Seveasfear my weapons! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=818472&l=662ad781d3&id=101633307521:16
=== etali1 is now known as etali
=== noy_ is now known as noy
* pleia2 peers in22:00
* nixternal hides in a corner22:02
* geser offers nixternal some black light for his corner22:06
technovikingafternoon all22:09
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
technovikingIs anyone else here for the CC meeting?22:13
pleia2looks like it just might be the 4 of us22:15
nixternallooks like there are 3 items22:16
nixternal1st is dholbach and mdke, both seem to be afk22:17
pleia22nd I think we need some background stuff pulled together22:17
nixternalright, as for the 3rd one, we should just +1 and put it in to action22:17
nixternalMC -> DMB22:17
nixternalnothing to discuss really22:17
pleia2right, I think that just needs a formal +122:17
popeyshortest meeting eva!22:18
technovikingfine with me22:18
technovikingdefinite +1 for DMB membership22:18
persia3rd item needs more than a +1: someone has to go and make the change in LP.22:18
nixternalI am fairly certain it was a given anyways22:18
pleia2as for #2, we need to get together the documentation as to what each board does for appointments/elections and go from there with streamlining the process22:19
pleia2I can start that this week22:19
nixternalpersia: right, which I am guessing will be easy enough22:19
pleia2yeah, I'll mail the list my summary when it's done22:20
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
pleia25 minutes23:56
Silver_Fox_5 minutes nigel_nb23:56
Joeb4544 minutes, actually :)23:56
Joeb454unless my time is also wrong23:56
pleia2it was 5ish before I hit enter! ;)23:57
Silver_Fox_I still prefer to work in UTC.  Lessens confusion.23:57
Joeb454pleia2: [23:55] < nigel_nb> time?23:58
Joeb454[23:56] < pleia2> 5 minutes23:58
Silver_Fox_3 minutes now23:58
Joeb454not that I'm being picky, even I'm not that fussy over things :P23:58

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