
mathiazkirkland: still around?00:50
kirklandmathiaz: mostly00:50
mathiazkirkland: do you some time to help in debugging the stuck eucalyptus-cloud situation I'm running into?00:51
kirklandmathiaz: sure, i can try00:51
mathiazkirkland: I can't get the credentials and thus can't access UEC00:51
mathiazkirkland: so it seems that everything blocks when trying to access http://127.xx:8443/register00:52
kirklandmathiaz: should be https00:52
kirklandmathiaz: can you telnet to 844300:52
kirklandmathiaz: is it actually listening?00:52
mathiazkirkland: it can read the ssl certificate00:52
mathiazkirkland: hm - well - not always apparently00:53
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, cannot reliably read the ssl cert?00:54
mathiazkirkland: hm - wait - nothing listen on 844300:54
mathiazkirkland: there is something on 877300:54
kirklandmathiaz: i think that's the CC00:55
kirklandmathiaz: the CLC is on 844300:55
mathiazkirkland: well eucalyptus-cloud is listening on 877300:55
mathiazkirkland: let me reboot the CC00:55
kirklandmathiaz: hrm, we have a real problem, if all this rebooting is required00:56
mathiazkirkland: yeah - I'd like to get a UEC setup running though00:57
mathiazkirkland: so that I can test my stress scripts (which I'm very proud of :) )00:57
kirklandmathiaz: i haven't tested today's ISO yet today00:57
kirklandmathiaz: i've been fighting wsdl stubs patch since about 10am00:57
mathiazkirkland: ok - so now eucalyptus-cloud is listening on 844300:57
kirklandmathiaz: i think i'm about done with it00:58
kirklandmathiaz: can you point a web browser to it?00:58
mathiazkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351526/00:58
kirklandmathiaz: okay, let's look at the logs01:00
kirklandmathiaz: anything interesting in /var/log/eucalyptus?01:00
mathiazkirkland: hm - cloud-error doesn't show anything new since the reboot01:02
mathiazkirkland: it's full of jdbc errors though01:02
kirklandmathiaz: can you pastebin it?01:02
kirklandmathiaz: those could be the problem01:02
mathiazkirkland: http://people.canonical.com/~mathiaz/cloud-error.log01:03
kirklandmathiaz: yeah, something is definitely wrong with the DB connection01:04
=== WaVeR` is now known as WaVeR
mathiazkirkland: ok - so packages reinstalled01:21
mathiazkirkland: I was able to register the NC01:22
mathiazkirkland: euca_conf --get-credentials mycreds.zip failed though01:22
mathiazkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351533/01:22
kirklandmathiaz: same error on the wget?01:27
mathiazkirkland: yes01:27
mathiazkirkland: it times out01:27
mathiazkirkland: works well01:27
mathiazkirkland: fails01:28
kirklandmathiaz: oh?  you can browse to it now?01:28
mathiazkirkland: hm - you're right. I could try to go that way01:28
mathiazkirkland: hm well - I can get to the first page01:30
mathiazkirkland: but then it stays there: "Loading data from server..."01:31
mathiazkirkland: something else is broken01:31
kirklandmathiaz: i'm planning on installing a fresh UEC tomorrow01:36
mathiazkirkland: ok - I'm going to file a bug with my current setup01:36
mathiazkirkland: you may run into the same issue tomorrow01:37
kirklandmathiaz: please do01:37
kirklandmathiaz: i likely will01:37
=== poningru` is now known as poningru
kirklandmathiaz: i need to dig through the logs more thoroughly01:37
mathiazkirkland: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/50318001:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 503180 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus-cloud doesn't reply to requests" [High,New]01:41
kirklandmathiaz: thx01:42
sabgenton!usb 3g modem01:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:48
sabgenton!3g modem01:48
sabgenton!wireless internet01:49
sabgentonanyone have some good ways to set up huawei 3g modems01:49
sabgentonI used to just make  a dialer and dial it01:50
sabgentonbut maybe theres a nicer way in ubuntu01:50
godsynplease assist: I'd like to disable all auth for samba. How? I'd like everyone to be a guest.02:03
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bitprophetIs there an easier way to obtain/rebuild debs from newer releases? right now I wget the dsc/tar.gz/diff.gz from packages.ubuntu.com and then dpkg-source + dpkg-buildpackage02:12
bitprophetbut it'd be nice if there was something like apt-get source <release_name> <package_name> or something. hmm...maybe if I add the newer distro as a source line in my sources.list?02:13
bitprophetexcellent, I can just add all the deb-src lines for the distro in question to sources.list and it works just fine. can't believe it took me this long to figure this out.02:20
bitprophetsorry for the spam :002:20
orudiehow can I safely chown and/or chmod directory within /var/www/ so that the content are listed when accessed by the browser. Right now it says 403 Forbidden.02:26
j416orudie: the web user needs access to it. Either chown it to the web user, or chmod so that the web user has at least read access.02:27
orudiej416, the chown is set to www-data.www-data02:28
twbbillybigrigger: apt-get --build source02:28
orudiej416, not sure what chmod should be set to , safely :)02:29
twbbillybigrigger: to select a release, you can use -t as normal.02:29
j416orudie: if your web user is www-data, then it should be fine02:29
twbbillybigrigger: bear in mind that backporting packages from a newer releases is something for experts to do, and only rarely.02:29
j416orudie: the only user that needs access to those files are your web user, supposedly02:29
orudiechmod 755 will be ok ?02:30
twbOops, all of that was meant for bitprophet, who left.02:30
j416so you should be able to set directories to 700 and files to 60002:30
j416orudie: 755 for directories is ok, yes02:31
j416you can use 755 / 64402:31
j416it all depends on what you want your users to be able to see, of course.02:31
j416700 / 600  ->  only the owner has access02:32
j416755 / 644  ->  everyone can read, but only the owner can both read and write02:32
orudiejust did 755 still forbidden j41602:32
j416what file are you trying to access?02:33
j416and what permissions does it have?02:33
twbj416: the httpd will need read access to it, too.02:38
j416twb: tell orudie :)02:38
j416if the httpd is run as the web user as it should be, it would have read access to it, though02:39
twbNot if the files are owned:grouped by j416:j416.02:39
twbOr orudie or whatever02:39
j416of course not02:39
orudiej416, its set to chown www-data.www-data02:39
j416twb: ^02:39
orudiewhat should it be set to ?02:40
orudiewww-data.root ?02:40
twborudie: www-data:www-data is fine.02:40
j416orudie: are you sure you managed to chown it properly?02:40
j416(looking at your above syntax)02:40
j416(what does "ls -l" say?)02:40
twbI'm curious as to the details of the 403, too02:41
orudiethis is from apache2 error.log client denied by server configuration: /var/www/server-status j416 twb02:42
orudieDirectory index forbidden by Options directive: /var/www/directory02:42
j416that's an entirely different error then02:42
j416it means you're trying to list the contents of a directory02:42
j416but you are not allowed to.02:43
j416(because your web server is set up not to allow it)02:43
zulwhoop...freeradius finally has ssl support in lucid02:44
orudiehow would I fix it ?02:45
sabgentonany one know if there is some sort of management for 3g  modems in ubuntu server02:45
sabgentonor you just make your own script?02:46
j416orudie: normally, you don't want to allow directory listing, as it is a possible security risk02:46
j416if you really want to, the setting is in line 10 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default02:47
j416in a default installation02:47
j416(I think)02:47
j416I might have modified mine a little, but thereabouts.02:48
twbsabgenton: IIRC they just act like any other modem.02:49
twbsabgenton: it's not really server gear.02:49
sabgentonyeah they do you just make a ppp conection02:49
j416orudie: if you're looking for more support on apache, perhaps #httpd is a good place.02:49
sabgentonubuntu desktop has this gui thing that asks you what network they are with and sets up the settings for you02:50
sabgentontwb: ah found a script for my modem02:50
sabgentonthey could have had a terminal tool that set up a dialer like the desktop gui02:51
sabgentonthe desktop setup sucks anyway cause it  relys on you having X open all the time02:52
twbXvfb!  Har har!  (That's not a serious suggestion.)02:54
darthanubisis there a doc or faq somewhere that lays out how to setup wifi on my server. I don't want to run a DE on my server just to get it to connect to the WAP.03:13
darthanubisthat page does not cover wifi w/ wpa usage03:15
manishIs it a good idea to change over to Ubuntu server 9.10 from existing Windows 2000 server based Network?03:18
manishExisting Network has PDC, Mail Server, Active Directory, File server, etc03:19
darthanubismanish, what do you think we'd say here?03:23
manishdarthanubis, :) Yes03:25
manishBut what I want to know is how complicated is setting up this and what are the resources I need to look for before getting hands on ubuntu server 9.10?03:28
JanCmanish: it all depends on several things, like do you want to replace some servers, all servers, also replace desktops (some? all?), etc.03:30
manishto start with I want to replace PDC03:31
manishthis server keeps failing. so looking for alternatives03:31
manishworkstations are mix of Win2k and WinXP SP3 on LAN03:32
geniimanish: I've found the official guide to be pretty useful as a starting point https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/index.html03:34
manishok thanks will go though it during day.03:36
geniidarthanubis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1205009 might be useful to you for the wpa from commandline03:39
darthanubisgenii, ty03:40
sabgentoncan i get back to the friendly menu of options when I installed the cd?03:45
sabgentonlamp etd03:46
jtajisabgenton: do 'tasksel --list-tasks'03:46
jtajithen you can install one with 'sudo tasksel install taskname'03:46
sabgentonwill go try03:47
sabgentonjtaji: i just wanted open vdial but must be under other03:52
ScottKmanish: One of the key issues you'll run into in such a transition is the without Samba 4 (which is not yet released) you can't have a Linux AD PDC.  So consider a partial migration for now.03:55
sabgentonhow do I rig apt aptutude or tasksel to the cd and not online04:06
terinjokescan i get a head-25 of /etc/init.d/networking seems I accidently wrote to that file04:22
twbterinjokes: I don't understand the question.04:24
jtajiterinjokes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351600/04:25
twbOh, you want a copy from an non-broken system?  It depends what release you're running.04:25
jtajitop 25 lines he meant04:25
terinjokesjtaji: that looks right, thanks04:25
terinjokesjtaji: that's 93, give or take ;)04:25
twbTry aptitude download netbase; mkdir /tmp/x; dpkg -x netbase_*deb /tmp/x; cat /tmp/x/etc/init.d/networking04:25
twbThere's also simply "aptitude reinstall netbase", but I don't think it'll fix conffiles.04:30
twb(By design.)04:30
terinjokesyeah.... i forget when I have to connect directy to the box (it's normally headless) that ny keyboard is Programmer Dvorak, but the computer expects English US. i've got to rely on muscle memory (makes password prompts fun)04:34
terinjokesnow, back to what i was doing, converting the system from router to bridge (due to some nasty problems with multicast, unless you guess know how to forward multicast)04:36
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terinjokesok, got a problem, i'm bridging wlan0 --> eth0, if the bridge isn't turn on (comment out br0 in interfaces) i can ping the internet from the box. if the bridge is on (br0 is uncomment, bridge_ports eth0 wlan0) the wlan0 interface gets an IP, but then it loses it04:46
twbteddymills: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup05:33
twbGah, bloody /quitters05:33
terinjokesi'm running two computers on a subnet with a linux box acting as a router, any ideas on how to forward multicast06:20
danielckcan anyone help me with a locale problem I'm having on Hardy?06:36
danielckthe locale command gives me "POSIX" for everything exept LANG which is empty06:37
danielckeven though I've set sudo /usr/sbin/update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-806:37
danielck(rebooted and all)06:38
terinjokesdanielck: it's not dead, it's just asleep07:05
jmarsdendanielck: What did you expect or want your locale to be?07:05
jmarsdenOK, and does the output of   locale -a   include that locale?07:07
danielckhmm, now I'm catching on, it has en_US.utf807:08
jmarsdendanielck: OK, so try using that and see if it helps.07:09
danielckafter reboot, still POSIX07:10
danielckhmm, wait a minute...07:10
jmarsdenOK...  Is the English language pack installed on your machine?  Does   dpkg -l | grep language-pack-en    tell you anything useful?07:12
danielckyes, seems to be installed like it should be, I actually already reinstalled that07:13
jmarsdenOK.  And are the contents of /etc/default/locale    appropriate?07:13
danielckthe contents of /etc/default/locale is now simply07:13
jmarsdenSounds like something is (re)setting your locale somewhere unexpected... did you add a command to .bashrc or /etc/profile or similar related to locale stuff at all?07:14
jmarsdenOh... and there is a dash in utf-8 ... check that LANG=   setting again?07:15
danielckwell yes, that's what I had in the first place, UTF-8, but locale -a lists it without a dash07:16
jmarsdenOK.  On my Karmic install here I have it as LANG="en_US.UTF-8" .. will check in a Hardy VM if I still have a hardy VM around to test with...07:18
danielckok thanks07:18
jmarsdenWhat you first installed the machine, was it set for some less common (non-English) locale?07:19
danielckno, I should specify that it is a VPS07:20
danielckand I can't recall if I checked the locale when I installed07:21
jmarsdendanielck: OK, but you installed it from an official Ubuntu Server ISO, yourself?  (Or did your VPS provider give you some customized thing?)07:21
danielckwell, I didn't actually install it, since it came from an image, but anyway07:22
danielckso it could have been posix to start with, but I'm not sure07:22
jmarsdenah, so that could possibly be one source of this issue... do you have a way to check (like run a local VM created from that same image)?07:22
danielckno, unfortunately my host doesn't provide tools for that07:23
jmarsdendanielck: No, I meant download the image and then create a VM on a local PC you own, as a test :)  But OK...07:24
jmarsdenI have a Hardy 8.04.3 Desktop VM  and it has LANG="en_US.UTF-8"  in /etc/default/locale and the locale command output is fine.07:24
danielckis it possible to make an image internally from within hardy?07:26
jmarsdenYou won't be able to run a VM inside a VM (well, not as far as I know, that's still sort of a research topic, recursive virtual machines :)07:28
danielckoh I don't meen running it, just creating the image07:29
jmarsdenOK, I have a Ubuntu 8.04 Server CD image (.iso) here, so I can create a new Ubuntu Hardy server VM and see about playing with locales in there...07:29
jmarsdendanielck: That should be doable, but I'm not sure how it would help you07:30
danielckwell... if that's your idea of a good time :) I'm very grateful though of course for your help!07:30
jmarsdendanielck: It'll only take about 10 minutes, I have a fast desktop machine here... :)07:30
jmarsdenAnd BTW I have had some interest in locale-related bugs, in fact my main Karmic host OS currently has 200+ locales installed (all avalable language packs!) because of some testing I was doing...07:31
danielckjmarsden: I mean, if I could create an image of my current setup, I could play around with a copy on my desktop in a vm, no?07:31
jmarsdendanielck: Oh, I see.  Yes... for that you could probably use any disk image backup tool (or just dd piped to a compressor and then ssh, even) and then move the backup to your local PC, turn it into a VM disk image there and off you go.  There may be better ways than that, but off the top of my head that's how I'd do it.  I virtualized an ancient unmaintained Fedora Core Linux box that way a few months ago, although I was local so the transfer was07:36
jmarsden over a fast LAN not over the Internet.07:36
jmarsdenBut if you could download the install image your VPS provider offers, you could start from that, which might be smaller and would let you go over the install process from it and see what happens.07:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #503180 in eucalyptus (main) "eucalyptus-cloud doesn't reply to requests" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50318007:42
danielckjmarsden: indeed, that would be good07:42
jmarsdenThat's what I had in mind earlier when I suggested you could "run a local VM created from that same image" -- sorry if I was unclear.07:43
jmarsdenHardy server VM install in progress, BTW...07:44
danielcksorry, you weren't really unclear, rather my head is a bit fluffy inside07:46
jmarsden:) OK.07:46
danielckI'm going to reboot this machine, apparently it also needed some locale love, be back in a minute07:50
danielckhmm, setting the locale on this remote server worked just fine, and it's also a Hardy install07:58
danielckbut from a different host and it's not a VPS07:58
jmarsdenOK.  And my new hardy server VM set up its locale just fine "out of the ISO", too.08:03
jmarsdenSo it starts to look as though something in the VPS image or how it was installed could be responsible for the problem you are seeing.08:04
danielckyes... when googling about this I'm finding references to debian bugs which were fixed in 200508:05
uvirtbotDebian bug 330701 in libpam-modules "locales: LANG from /etc/environment is not chosen, always LANG= and POSIX" [Important,Fixed]08:05
jmarsdenSeems unlikely those would still have been in Hardy in 2008.08:06
danielckindeed :)08:06
jmarsdenAs a cheap workaround, if you do   LANG=en_US.UTF-8 locale    # do you get output that looks "normal" (i.e. en_US.UTF-8 for all of the locale variables displayed)?08:07
danielckexcept LC_ALL08:08
jmarsdenOK.  So if you were to add a line     set LANG="en_US.UTF-8" in /etc/profile you might have a "mostly working" quick fix.08:09
jmarsdenIt's ugly and not at all what you are *supposed* to do...08:09
jmarsdenDid that work for you?08:16
jmarsdenOr "right" as it "right, it's ugly" :)08:17
danielck"right, it's ugly" :)08:18
danielckjmarsden: lets see if it works08:20
jmarsdenGo for it.08:20
danielcknow let's be clear, I just add this line to the end of /etc/profile?08:21
danielckdidn't work08:21
jmarsdendanielck: OK, if you . /etc/profile   # does that change the value of LANG in your shell?08:22
danielckeven putting LANG="en_US.UTF-8" in my .bashrc won't work08:23
jmarsdenWow.  Then something is setting it back again within each shell?  Seems very weird.   Try    export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"08:24
jmarsdenMaybe try first just at the shell prompt, then in ~/.bashrc, then in /etc/profile ?08:24
danielckwithin the file08:24
danielckworked at the shell prompt08:25
jmarsdenThat's a start :)08:25
danielckalso worked in bashrc after a re-login08:25
jmarsdenBetter still...08:25
danielckalso worked in /etc/profile (removed it from .bashrc)08:27
jmarsdenOK... so at least you now seem to have a working workaround :)08:27
danielcknow I'm not much of a linux guru, so I have to ask, is the end result the same, or might I run into trouble with this approach?08:29
jmarsdendanielck: There may be some services that won't "see" this approach and so won't have the new locale info.08:30
jmarsdenAnd of course setting things up so different users have different locales is now awkward...08:30
danielckluckily I don't need multiple locales08:30
danielckmy next trouble is getting php (running as cgi) load it's extensions...08:31
jmarsdenIs there a reason you run PHP as a CGI, it tends to have horrid performance that way.08:32
danielckI'm running nginx, and using php-fastcgi which I undestand should be pretty fast08:32
jmarsdenAh, OK.  I've only used Apache (well, and its predecessor NCSA httpd, a long time ago!).08:33
danielckgot both running (apparently) fine, but php isn't loading any extensions08:33
danielckI gave nginx a try since apache was eating up all my memory on my 256 VPS08:33
twbI used to like thttpd08:34
twbNow I use busybox httpd08:35
jmarsdenOK.  Is the user that nginx runs as the same one apache2 runs as?  Is there anything about the location or permissions of the php.ini file that changes when you use the CGI version?  I'm just guessing...08:35
danielckyes for both08:36
twbnginx doesn't Provides: httpd-cgi, so I wouldn't bet on it supporting non-static pages at all.08:37
danielckwith cgi it uses /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini08:37
danielcktwb: well it seems to work, i'm getting php working fine08:38
danielckthe output of phpinfo just doens't show any extensions loading08:38
twbHmm, the code itself refers to fastcgi, so I guess it's a packaging mistake08:38
danielckI have nginx installed from source08:38
danielckanyway, I'll be back, need a break from the computer :)08:39
jmarsdenWhy?  It's packaged, isn;t it?  OK...08:39
danielckjmarsden: huge thanks for your help!08:39
danielckjmarsden: the version supplied by hardy is pretty old08:39
jmarsdendanielck: If you need a newer one, I'd look in hardy-backports or backport the one in karmic, rather than DIY from a source tarball...08:40
jmarsdenAnyway, take a break first :)08:40
danielckpretty much followed this tutorial http://www.mensk.com/webmaster-toolbox/perfect-ubuntu-hardy-nginx-mysql5-php5-wordpress/08:40
danielcksee ya in a bit08:40
jmarsdenOK.  I'm sure how much I can help with nginx and compiling things from source tarballs and then wondering why they don't do what you want or need, though.  And it is approaching 1am here...08:57
danielckjmarsden: no worries, you've been a great help!08:59
jmarsdenYou might want to try using the Hardy packaged nginx and see whether php5-cgi then "just works" ?09:00
danielckI might do that :)09:00
* jmarsden attempts to remove himself from chair, and move towards bed... goodnight :)09:01
danielckjmarsden: gnight09:07
=== alex88[sleep] is now known as alex88
johe|workmaybe someone help me on http://pastebin.com/m2e2e1e1a its the strace output of an snmpd service, which dies with floating point exception,09:15
johe|workit affects amd64 systems with LTS but only real one, we have some of amd64 as vmware guests which dont die that way09:15
johe|workbut also 6 real servers how does the some failure09:16
jiboumansgood morning09:17
_rubenok .. this is weird .. i have a server with (among other hdds) a 2G flash disk for the OS, 128M for /boot (ext2) and the rest LVM .. cfdisk/fdisk/parted all confirm this layout .. however when i do sudo mount /dev/sda1 /boot, it shows me an empty 2G partition09:47
_rubenthe data most likely is still there, as the box does boot just fine (even though i dont seem to have a way to access any of the /boot/ files)09:49
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jlamorning all11:45
HellsheepHey Guys i'm having an issue installing linux-headers, i tried to use apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` except it gives me this error message: E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.18-128.2.1.el5.028stab064.413:02
HellsheepI tried typing uname -r and i get this: 2.6.18-128.2.1.el5.028stab064.4 - So which linux-headers do i install? >.<13:03
pmatulisHellsheep: cloud stuff?13:04
_rubenyou're not running a stock ubuntu kernel13:04
_rubenlooks redhat'ish13:04
HellsheepThat would explain it then :P13:05
HellsheepI was pretty sure i just installed Ubuntu 9.04 though >.<13:06
_rubenin Xen perhaps?13:07
_ruben2.6.18 kernel is rather old for ubuntu .. think 6.06 or so ? :)13:08
HellsheepOh i see13:09
Hellsheepwell thanks, ill try sus something out13:12
HellsheepAnd see if i cant fix this :P13:12
ttxzul: yo13:31
ttxzul: you added "Using bzr for packaging (zulcss)" on tomorrow's meeting agenda, could you clarify ?13:32
ScottKDapper was
_rubenclose enough :)13:37
zulttx: i want to get people starting using bzr for maintaining our server packages13:42
ttxzul: ok13:42
ttxzul: could this wait for the next week meeting ? This week's agenda is already overloaded13:43
zulttx: sure13:43
ttxzul: ok, please move that line to a "next meeting" header on the same page13:43
zulttx: done13:45
zulhey smoser13:45
smosergood morning13:45
ttxzul: thx13:45
ttxsmoser: o/13:45
smosergood morning ttx, and happy new year13:46
zulttx: stupid wikis13:46
ttxsmoser: best wishes to you too !13:46
ScottKzul: Keep in mind that lamont already maintains postfix, bind, an who knows what else in Git.  We shouldn't mess with that.13:49
zulScottK: yes of course13:50
jdstrandcoffeedude: hi! so I added a preliminary debdiff to bug #274350. Since I am not a likewise user or have a way to test it, it may be too simplistic.... Would you mind reviewing and commenting on it?13:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 274350 in apparmor "apparmor HOMEDIRS not adjusted for likewise" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27435013:54
coffeedudejdstrand, Sure.13:54
coffeedudejdstrand, we are only looking at fixing this in lucid right?  So only in the new likewise-open packages.  The debdiff is correct for 4.1 but I've already fixed this in the likewise-open PPA.13:56
smoserzul, ttx where should issues 1 and 4 at http://groups.google.com/group/ec2ubuntu/browse_thread/thread/30f3af093528aad4 be raised ?13:57
coffeedudejdstrand, or is this a proposed change to backport to Hardy and later?13:57
jdstrandcoffeedude: correct, only for Lucid13:57
jdstrandcoffeedude: if someone want to SRU for hardy, I certainly wouldn't oppose it, but I am also not driving it ;)13:58
coffeedudejdstrand, K.  So you diff won't apply to the new packages.  I've already fixed it there like we discussed. pitti is reviewing the debs for me and they are planned for upload for alpha 2.13:59
ttxsmoser: launchpad ?13:59
jdstrandcoffeedude: that is great! Do you mind if I adjust the bug accordingly?13:59
ttxsmoser: otherwise the ubuntu-cloud list sounds like a good place for discussion ?14:00
coffeedudejdstrand, please do.14:00
smoserneither is at all cloud related14:00
smoserat least i wouldn't understand why that would be14:00
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ttxsmoser: you mean every karmic has tons of console-kit-daemon warnings in logs ?14:01
jdstrandcoffeedude: ok, done. thanks again :)14:01
zulsmoser: they should open bugs in launchpad14:02
smoserfair enough14:03
jdstrandcoffeedude: I was not aware of likewise-open *and* likewise-open5. Will both be in lucid? have you fixed both? (also, where are the new packages-- I can't seem to find the ppa)14:08
ttxjdstrand: both should update to likewise-open in lucid14:09
jdstrandttx: so there will only be likewise-open in lucid, which is version 5?14:09
ttxjdstrand: that's the plan.14:10
coffeedudelikewise-open5 is going away.  The new likewise-open packages replqace likewise-open5.14:10
jdstrandI see14:10
smosersoren, around?14:10
coffeedudejdstrand, https://launchpad.net/~likewise-open/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=lucid14:10
* jdstrand wonders why he couldn't find that...14:10
jdstrandcoffeedude: thanks14:10
Malekocan anyone give me a better alternatve to the standard ping tool in linux? preferably one that can show jitter and hops in each ping reply14:10
sorensmoser: Yup.14:17
smosergonna send you an email realy quick. i'd like your comments14:18
smosersee inbox14:21
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zulsmoser: the initramfs tooks good to me14:33
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BBHossHi, can someone explain the memory usage to me?  I have a server with 4GB ram.  MySQL is taking up 16% of that, but the RSS is around 600MB.  Tomcat is taking up about 300MB.  When I run free -m though, it only shows 105MB free, with a ton of memory in "buffers/cache".  Is this normal?15:08
BBHossMonit keeps sending me warnings that it is over 85% memory usage15:08
Jeeves_BBHoss: Yes.15:08
Jeeves_The kernel keeps a lot of files in cache15:08
_rubenmonit should "ignore" the cache/buffers15:08
Jeeves_so it doens't have to read all files from disk (which is slow)15:08
BBHoss_ruben: it doesn't appear to be15:09
BBHossunless something  is using up all of the memory at that time15:10
_rubenthen bug the monit authors to fix the check :)15:10
BBHoss_ruben: is it supposed to ignore that, or are you saying that it needs to?15:11
_rubeni never used monit, so i dont know its "proper" workings .. a *good* test would be to ignore it though (even though not a lot of apps actually do)15:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #503402 in samba (main) "winbind crashes on authentication (winbind_pam_auth)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50340215:16
BBHoss_ruben: why if it has plenty of memory in buggers and caches, would is be swapping to disk?15:17
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_rubenswapping out unused (or hardly used) memory space in favor of more cache can speed up the system15:20
BBHoss_ruben: Here is my free -m output, It looks like only ~500MB is being cached/buffered, and at around 3500MB is actually used.  Is this correct? https://gist.github.com/c8c1bff98627edbe0d2015:23
zulttx: ping15:24
BBHoss_ruben: well then where does the other 3500MB come from, the RSS from the two biggest processes sums up to under 1GB15:24
BBHoss_ruben: here is the ps aux output: https://gist.github.com/cc4e7a85e544533cdbc615:26
ttxzul: pong15:27
_rubenyou just reached the edge of my expertise .. the RSS versus VSZ etc stuff is still quite a mystery to me .. your virtual memory usage seems roughly 3.5G though15:27
BBHoss_ruben: heh ok15:27
zulttx: do you want to me merge openvpn for you?15:39
ttxzul: you can15:41
zulttx: thanks15:41
kirklandttx: ping15:51
ttxkirkland: pong15:56
kirklandttx: hey, i was just syncing today's ISO, hoping you might give me a 5-minute status update on where we are?15:57
ttxkirkland: sure15:57
ttxkirkland: I first tested the classic CLC+Walrus+CC+SC / NC topology15:57
ttxkirkland: ran into bug 503180, or something similar15:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 503180 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus-cloud doesn't reply to requests" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50318015:58
ttxgot to stop / kill / start15:58
ttxotherwise started up and registered ok15:58
ttxthen I tested CLC+Walrus / CC+SC / NC15:59
kirklandttx: okay, yeah, mathiaz and I discussed that one yesterday15:59
kirklandttx: I'll get Dan to ssh into my setup once it's up15:59
ttxCC+SC fails with several bugs15:59
ttxone of them is a bugfix that got lost in a merge15:59
ttxfix uploaded as rev82516:00
ttxone other is linked to the fact the publication shouldn't wait for the component to be started up16:00
* soren pauses for dinner16:00
ttxFix will be uploaedd in the next minutes16:00
ttxand the last one is due to the preseed file not being fetched from the CLC16:01
kirklandttx: cool, man16:01
ttx(bug 503339, Colin will look at it)16:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 503339 in wget "UEC lucid installer: CC fails to register when separated from CLC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50333916:01
kirklandttx: so i think I've got the wsdl stubs "handled"16:01
ttxI haven't looked into the fix, tbh16:01
kirklandttx: i added a hook to the build that makes the build fail if the wsdl files have changed, printing an informative error message16:02
ttxwas just wondering how you got rid of the patchsystem and kept a patch :)16:02
kirklandttx: well, i wanted to discuss that ...16:02
kirklandttx: we *could* apply that patch directly to the bzr source16:02
kirklandttx: and my script could just update those files and debcommit16:02
ttxkirkland: that doesn't sound like a good idea :)16:02
kirklandttx: but i wondered if it made sense to keep that one patch separate16:02
kirklandttx: i also considered keeping a *separate* bzr repository for the generated code16:03
kirklandttx: eucalyptus-generated16:03
ttxkirkland: it does make sense. however keeping the patch out of a patchsystem is probably less confusing16:03
kirklandttx: and as part of our merge process, copy that in16:03
kirklandttx: okay, so pull it out of debian/patches?16:03
kirklandttx: and just put it in wsdl/* ?16:03
ttxkirkland: I think having a patchsystem arond seems to imply that patches shouold go there. Having it separate and directly applied in debian/rules would mitigate that16:04
ttxwill make it more obvious to new contributors to the package16:04
mathiazttx: so what's the deal with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/503180?16:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 503180 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus-cloud doesn't reply to requests" [High,Confirmed]16:04
mathiazttx: I've tried to restart eucalyptus-cloud, but it still fails16:05
ttxmathiaz: did you check for stale eucalyptus-cloud processes before starting again ?16:05
ttxI always had to kill -9 one16:05
mathiazttx: right - I had to do the same16:05
ttxand it still fails ?16:05
mathiazttx: that being said, I was actually rebooting the system IIRC16:05
mathiazttx: I'll give it another try16:06
ttxmight be two separate bugs, with me only hitting the first layer16:06
ScottKttx: I'm reasonably certain that isn't a package you want new contributors coming anywhere near.16:06
kirklandttx: agreed16:07
kirklandttx: okay, i'll affect that change today16:07
ttxScottK: even experienced contributors might get tempted to use the existing patchsystem rather than apply patches directly to source, since that's the common rule16:07
ScottKTrue, but lintian will at least warn you about it.16:08
mathiazttx: hm well - I can get the credentials now - seems like the night was a good thing for the CLC16:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #503432 in nmap (main) "nmap scans wrong network when invalid (?) range specified" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50343216:36
ttxmathiaz: it looks a lot like the old db deadlock thing, though they are no longer using c3p017:00
ttxkirkland: please release with whatever you have and spin a CD before the end of your day, so that I can pick up my changes tomorrow morning17:07
kirklandttx: understood17:07
ttxkirkland: thanks !17:07
* ttx grumbles as his parents crashed their ubuntu box17:08
kirklandttx: did last nights work out well for you?17:09
kirklandttx: i worked until about 8pm, uploaded, and asked slangasek to schedule a build for 4 hours later17:09
ttxkirkland: it was perfect.17:09
kirklandttx: figured that should pick up my changes, and complete before your day started17:09
kirklandttx: sweet, then i think we're in sync17:10
ttxwe could have a regular build at that time17:10
unit3hmm... anyone know why, on boot, the device files in my lvm vg get assigned root:disk ownership, but when I create a new LV it gets assigned root:root ownership?18:11
unit3(on karmic)18:12
turkeymonkeyin 8.04, i install xen-compatible kernels for my vps with the linux-image-xen package. i've noticed it doesn't exist in 9.10... what has replaced this packaged in 9.10 (or how can I install a xen-compatible kernel)?18:32
unit3nothing's replaced this. the problem is the dom0 patches don't exist in newer kernels.18:32
unit3you can install the old packages from hardy, but then you lose newer kernel functionality.18:32
unit3it's sort of a crappy situation, and is why people (like Redhat) are moving to kvm / libvirt instead.18:33
unit3but that's not totally production ready either, depending on your setup.18:33
unit3so... stick with hardy, I guess, for now.18:33
turkeymonkeythanks for the info, that explains alot.18:33
turkeymonkeyhardy it is, then... still have around 3 years of support for server :)18:34
unit3yep. hopefully for 10.04 there'll be some new supported options, but it's hard to say, with xen in the state it is.18:34
Hypnozanyone know if I can make an NFS export from an NFS mount? exportfs -r complains when the line is in there18:38
zulsmoser: ping18:46
zulsmoser: something like bzr branch lp:~zulcss/ec2-init/ec2-init-config ?18:46
smoserzul, yeah, basically. thats what we're looking for.18:50
smoseri wonder, why the differeing 'start on'18:50
zulsmoser; i thought they would be more sensible18:52
smosermore sensible?18:53
zulthat if cloud-config is started then the network should be started and local-filesystem should be started as well18:54
zulbut ill defer to you though18:54
smosercloud-config will not be emitted until / is mounted and network eth0 up18:54
zulsmoser: ah ok so ill change those18:55
smoserso i dont knwo what would be the best practice..18:55
smoserin some sense it makes sense to have each of those listed, the job is then more stand alone18:55
smoserbut requires more maintainance18:55
kirklandmathiaz: howdy19:00
kirklandmathiaz: okay, fresh UEC installed today19:00
kirklandmathiaz: i am see your node-discovery problem19:00
mathiazkirkland: o/ texas!19:00
kirklandmathiaz: first, no nodes are found19:00
kirklandmathiaz: eventually, after re-running, it does find the ipv6 address19:00
kirklandmathiaz: do you have an open bug for this one?19:00
mathiazkirkland: not yet19:01
mathiazkirkland: did you try to run avahi-browse from the command line?19:01
kirklandmathiaz: yup19:01
mathiazkirkland: if you look at euca_conf you'll find the exact command used to find the nodes19:01
mathiazkirkland: and so it's an issue with avahi?19:01
mathiazkirkland: because when I tried to run avahi-browse from the command line I got the expected result19:02
mathiazkirkland: that being said it seems non-deterministic19:02
kirklandmathiaz: i think it is probably an avahi issue19:02
mathiazkirkland: since you first don't see the nodes, then the ipv6 address, etc..19:02
kirklandkees: howdy, are you around?19:02
mathiazkirkland: I would say so as well19:02
kirklandkees: i seem to remember you sending me a note before xmas, about some new cool avahi improvement that you made, and we should take advantage of19:03
kirklandkees: i seem to have forgotten what that magic was :-)19:03
kirklandkees: jog a memory?19:03
kirklandmathiaz: hmm ...19:06
kirklandmathiaz: the shell command in euca_conf works correctly19:06
kirklandavahi-browse -prt _eucalyptus._tcp | grep '^=.*"type=node"' | cut -d\; -f8 | sort -u19:06
mathiazkirkland: right19:06
mathiazkirkland: how long did you wait?19:07
mathiazkirkland: I'd try to reboot the CC, then run multiple times the avahi-browse command right after boot19:07
mathiazkirkland: and see how the result evolves19:07
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, okay, i'll need to install a new node19:08
kirklandmathiaz: b/c this one is working perfectly19:08
kirklandmathiaz: i was able to grab my creds too19:08
kirklandAVAILABILITYZONE        |- m1.small     0002 / 0002   1    128     219:08
mathiazkirkland: so you didn't run into the stuck eucalyptus-cloud process?19:09
kirklandmathiaz: not yet19:09
mathiazkirkland: if you can get your credentials you haven't run into it then19:09
kirklandmathiaz: okay, well, lucky me19:10
kirklandmathiaz: this is from an ISO install19:10
kirklandmathiaz: you do exclusively package installs, right?19:10
mathiazkirkland: yes19:11
mathiazkirkland: ttx run into the same problem19:11
mathiazkirkland: and torsten as well19:11
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Hypnozanyone know if i can NFS export a directory that is an NFS mount?19:25
guntbertHypnoz: why would you want to do that?19:25
Hypnozto get around some subnet shit. A server (ServerA)can't see our nfs server, so i want to mount it on a server (ServerB) that can see both subnets. The ServerA can mount the NFS from ServerB19:26
guntbertHypnoz: aha - understandable - the easiest way would be to try it?19:29
guntbertHypnoz: but I really don't know19:29
Hypnoz# exportfs -r19:29
Hypnozexportfs: Warning: /autohome does not support NFS export.19:29
guntbertHypnoz: then it seems impossible - but try to read man exports19:31
keeskirkland: it's for registering a name without registering a reverse.19:40
keesi.e. being able to finally do the thing I had suggested as an option.19:40
kirklandkees: ah19:40
kirklandkees: okay, so we would add -R to the options in the eucalyptus upstart scripts19:41
kirklandkees: that do the avahi publish19:41
mathiazkirkland: well - I don't think we need to do that anymore19:42
mathiazkirkland: IIRC the avahi-publish jobs are publishing the IP address to use19:42
mathiazkirkland: the same way as they're publishing the type19:42
kirklandmathiaz: right, we encoded that into the publish string19:42
mathiazkirkland: that way, euca_find_cluster doesn't rely on avahi name resolution19:42
kirklandmathiaz: i'm trying to figure out if it would make more sense to go back and do it kees' way19:43
mathiazkirkland: we should actually do the same thing for the nodes19:43
mathiazkirkland: well - I don't think so - in the case where the system has multiple IPs19:43
mathiazkirkland: you wanna publish one specific IPs to be used19:43
smosergeneral "how does this work" question: given http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python-boto.html (and presence of 1.9b-1 there) will ubuntu just pick that up ?19:44
smoseror does someone need to do something?19:44
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zulsmoser: it would have to be merged because there is ubuntu changes19:46
kirklandmathiaz: ah, right19:46
zulsmoser: i could take care of that though19:47
smoserzul, you mind, i'll just put it together and you look at it ?20:00
smoserthe diff is minimal.20:01
zulsmoser: sure20:01
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
smoserzul, so should i open a bug to request the merge ?20:23
zulsmoser: yep20:23
zulsmoser: bug #?20:33
smoserits coming20:35
smoseri was learning requestsync20:35
smoserzul, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-boto/+bug/503541 has branch merge request attached.20:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 503541 in python-boto "Sync python-boto 1.9b-1 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New]20:44
zulsmoser: you only changed the debian directory?20:48
zulbut there...oh duh never mind20:49
smoseryou can see the diff that i merged with:20:49
smoserbzr diff -rtag:1.8d-1..tag:1.8d-1ubuntu220:49
zulsmoser: yeah i wasnt paying attention for a sec20:49
smoserthe 1ubuntu1 were merged upstream so no need20:49
ewan_Hey, can anybody point me in the right direction for setting up my ubuntu server as an IRC server?20:51
unit3irc's a little tricksy.20:51
unit3generally, you want to figure out which ircd you want to run, and then just use the ubuntu package.20:52
unit3the config docs will match the ircd you pick.20:52
unit3do you have one in mind?20:52
zulsmoser: done20:53
zuland with that i bid you adieau (gotta go shovel)20:53
ewan_not really20:54
ewan_i just want something reasonably simple to set up20:54
unit3well... i can't recommend anything, I've always found irc servers to be sort of bizarre.20:54
ewan_fair enough. i've just read about ircd-hybrid so i'm going to give that a go20:55
unit3good luck. :)20:55
joe-macis anybody using the HP management agents that say they are for jaunty only on hardy? we only use lts on our servers and i'm wondernig if i can throw these debvs in our custom repo...20:56
nvmedoes the ubuntu server ediition kernel have different set of modules than regular ?20:56
geniinvme: Yes20:58
nvmegenii, where can i get a .deb kernel image for use with drbl ?20:58
geniinvme: No idea.20:59
geniinvme: If the particular module you need exists for the -server kernel, you can use the initramfs tools to make a new vmlinuz which contains it21:03
geniiApparently didn't care for that idea.21:06
jlaoff topic, but could some kind person tell me how to reduce the noise on this channel?21:09
guntbertjla: you can hide the joins/parts in your client21:14
jlaguntbert I am using pidgin under windows, and it seems a remarkably sparse piece of software21:17
guntbertjla: look for something like "conference mode"21:17
guntbertjla: and there is #pidgin21:18
jlaguntbert: thanks it appears to be in the plugins. Thanks21:24
cemcjla: I personally recommend some other app for irc (like xchat, mirc). they seem better suited than pidgin (imho)21:25
jlacemc I concur with yho.21:26
ewan_i'm using irssi. IRC in console is just too cool to resist21:28
jlacemc: do you know if xchat, mirc also support MSN messanger, I have to use it occasionally.21:29
ewan_I've set up ircd-hybrid and i can connect to the IRC server from the host (/connect but i can't connect from any other machines on the LAN. i just get connection refused. any ideas?21:29
jlaewan: firewall?21:30
cemcjla: I don't think they do21:31
Voganyone else having problems importing keys from the keyserver.ubuntu.com ?21:31
jlacemc: too much to hope for!21:31
cemcVog: problems like how? it seems to work for me21:32
jlaScottK: did you get any answer on the amavis restart ?21:32
guntbertVog: you can use most other gpg servers as well21:32
cemcjla: you mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/spamassassin/+bug/502615 ?21:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 502615 in spamassassin "/etc/cron.daily/spamassassin should restart amavisd" [Undecided,New]21:33
ewan_jla: could be. i don't know how to configure the ubuntu server's firewall though. or if i've even installed one21:35
cemcewan_: maybe it's listening only on localhost? check with netstat -nlp21:36
ewan_cemc: you may be right. i see "" but no others ending with :666721:38
cemcewan_: it seems it's configured to listen only on localhost. you may want to check the config file (if it has one)21:39
jlaewan: I not sure how to config FW under ubuntu - I usually edit /etc/iptables, however I think ubuntu user User Friendly Firewall (UFW)21:42
ewan_cemc, jla: thankyou both, i got it working by editing the config file. could have sworn i already did that, but ah well :D21:43
jlacemc: .../502615 - yes, there was a brief conversation about whether amavis needs restar21:47
jlarestart. my 2C was yes, to avoid stale sockets. But I am NOT authorative21:48
cemcjla: I was going to look into it, then I got distracted... I'll update the bugreport ASAP.21:48
cemcjla: I'm not sure it's the best thing to restart from crontab. not everybody uses sa-update, and even if... not sure if it's ok to restart amavis from cron. but I'll try to look into it. maybe a HUP if it supports it21:50
cemcI was going to try that first21:50
jdstrandjla: you can create an iptables script of course, but for a host-based firewall it is recommended you use ufw. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UncomplicatedFirewall. For a routing firewall, you might also consider something like shorewall22:03
jdstrandjla: that page has links to firewall docs as well (ufw et al)22:04
Vogcemc: Was trying to add a key for a launchpady ppa repository. It timed out twice and worked on the third try. Only after a abnormally long pause.22:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #479836 in euca2ools (main) "euca2ools: requires EC2 certificate from ec2-ami-tools in multiverse" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47983622:21
cemcVog: yeah, that happened to me a couple of times a while back. after some insisting it downloaded the key :)22:22
marks256Say if i have two NICs in a server, eth0 and eth1. eth0 goes to internet (on the network, and eth1 has a DHCP server (network How do i specify where data goes? if i want to contact (eth0) vs contacting (eth1)22:26
marks256how does that even work?22:26
marks256In other words, is there a way to tell linux that all requests on the 192.168.1.x network get sent to eth1, but all other requests get sent to eth0?22:26
Vogiptables and static routes22:27
marks256can you point me to some reading?22:28
Vogmarks256: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo22:29
marks256Vog, so the static routes are done using iptables?22:30
Vogit isn't easy, there are other methods to do what I *think* you are trying to do.22:30
marks256please share :)22:30
Vogno the routes are setup seperatly22:30
marks256oh ok22:30
VogHonestly I'm just googling the terms and posting links22:31
VogGoogle is your friend.22:32
marks256yes, i know. it's not your friend when you don't know what you want though. i've been googling these terms and have been coming up with what seems to be a lot of good information22:32
marks256Basically i want to setup a "private network" on a server of mine with glusterfs. That way all the FS traffic is on it's own private network (that can eventually be upgraded to a faster connection, without upgrading a whole building)22:33
Vogmarks256: If you are trying to setup a easy to configure gateway you might want to look into ebox, pfsense or somethign like that.22:33
VogEither way though you'll have a lot of reading ahead of you.22:33
marks256i don't need internet on the downstream22:33
marks256i expected lots of reading :)22:34
VogWhy not seup openvpn22:34
VogI'm not familiar with glusterfs at all...22:34
VogYeah it's a Open virtual private network22:35
marks256glusterfs is a distributed file system. It is scalable to large sizes, and seems to work very well.22:35
marks256what would i need vpn for?22:35
Vogessentially a private tunnel between 2 or more sites over public networks.22:35
VogBut as I said again I don't think I understand what you are trying to achieve :)22:36
cemcmarks256: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking up there ;)22:36
marks256It's more from a bandwidth perspective. I don't want all that file system traffic running on an already bogged down network22:36
VogSo you want to do a multi wan?22:37
Vogsome traffic over one interface the rest over another?22:37
marks256Vog, not really?22:37
marks256yeah sort of22:37
marks256but eth1 will be a dhcp server22:37
stakeHallo everybody.22:37
marks256actually no it wont. the gluster clients will be static ips22:37
cemcmarks256: eth0 and eth1 will be connected to the same switch (the LAN switch) ?22:38
benediktCan postfix and apache start with certificates with passphrases (without the need to enter them manually)22:38
marks256cemc, no. eth0 will be connected to the internet, and eth1 will be connected to another switch which connects the clients22:38
marks256i'll see if i can draw a picture of what i want real quick22:39
cemcbenedikt: if you safe the passphrase in some file to load automatically, then the security of the passphrase is gone, don't you think? :)22:39
stakeshort question: I want to start a copy-job on my server to move a lot of data.22:39
benediktcemc: good point. i didnt really think this though. ill stick to passphrase-less certificates22:39
Vogstake: ok22:40
stakeWhen I want to use a ssh tunnel, can I start the job (from another pc) and then logoff the server?22:41
stakeso it can work on it's own?22:41
* stake is sorry for his poor English.22:42
cemcstake: what are you using for copyinh ?22:42
cemclike scp ?22:42
cemccopying locally or copying to another server?22:43
Vogstake: I suggest tar for the copy much better at lot's of files.22:43
stakecemc: Actually I wanted to move the data from disk to disk on the server. More something like cp or mv.22:43
cemcstake: use screen22:43
Voggood call dem22:43
cemcstake: http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/22:44
stakeVog: If I tar the files, the problem isn't solved. I still have to copy/move the tar. ;)22:44
stakecemc: ...was reading the man pages. :)22:44
Vogstake you can use tar to copy and move the files as well... :) let me get you a link...22:44
Voghttp://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-use-tar-command-through-network-over-ssh-session/ but this is over a network... not between drives sorry bout that.22:45
cemcstake: you start up screen and you start the copy process in one of the virtual terminals of that screen session. then you can detach from the screen session and logout22:45
marks256Vog, cemc here is a (crude) picture of what i want to do http://img10.yfrog.com/img10/4944/networkl.png22:46
cemctomorrow you log back in then reattach to that running screen session and continue where you left off22:46
Vogmarks looks like a basic network gateway.22:46
cemcscreen is generally a good tool if you have a to do lenghty stuff (like copying for hours) and you have a shaky ssh connection to the server22:47
marks256Vog, ok. You may be right. i'll look into it. thanks :)22:47
cemcmarks256: what's your question about this exactly?22:47
marks256my question is, how does pc1 tell the difference between the two address and
stakecemc: jap. That's what I'm looking for.22:48
stakecemc: But it has to run on the server right?22:49
cemcstake: yes22:49
cemcmarks256: you have 1-1 address from 192.168.0.x and 192.168.1.x configured on eth0 and eth1 respectively. then it knows that those networks are directly connected to it, on those two nic's (if the netmasks are right I guess)22:50
cemcmarks256: it will send packets to 192.168.1.x on eth1 'automagically', no need to worry about that. just have an IP from 192.168.1.x on eth122:51
marks256so if i were to ping, it would know to use eth0, and if i were to ping, it would know to use eth122:52
benediktthe routing tables take care of that.22:52
marks256huh. well now if only i can figure out how to set this up :)22:52
cemcyes, if everything's configured alright, it should22:52
marks256haha. IF everythign's configured right ;)22:52
marks256so basically i need routing tables?22:52
cemcwell... :)22:52
benediktmarks256: no, it takes care of that itself. you can check then by typing "ip route"22:53
marks256so all i have to do it simply setup eth1 to be a host, and viola, everything will do it on it's own?22:54
ScottKjla: I've been offline most of the day.  I didn't hear back from ivoks yet.22:54
benediktprobably. depends on if you want the other pc's to also connect to the internet22:55
marks256benedikt, nah. if i need to do that, i've done it before, so it shouldn't be a problem.22:55
marks256Sweet. Thanks for the help all!22:55
benediktthen it will just be fine if you correct the right interface with the right ip address22:56
stakecemc: Ehm... I started screen. Started my job and logged off. Login again and looked in "top" if the job still runs. It does. ... How do I get back to the "screen"? :)22:59
benediktscreen -r <pi>22:59
benediktor just screen -r if you only have one22:59
cemcstake: I use screen -d -r22:59
benediktthen can be named somehow. i forget how.22:59
stakecemc: Great. Thanks man!23:00
cemcif you have more then one, a list will appear and you can choose23:00
stakeYou made my ... oh, a new day. ;)23:00
cemcbenedikt: that's -S i think23:00
stakeReally cool tool.23:00
stakeBye then!23:01
benediktcemc: ah, right. thanks.23:01
mathiazkirkland: hey23:06
kirklandmathiaz: yo23:06
mathiazkirkland: is there any reason why eucalyptus upstart job is shipped in eucalyptus-common?23:06
mathiazkirkland: it relies on eucalyptus-cloud, which is not part of eucalyptus-common?23:06
kirklandmathiaz: are you questioning the existence of the job, or the location?23:06
mathiazkirkland: on the NC there is an eucalyptus.conf file23:07
mathiazkirkland: the location23:07
mathiazkirkland: It seems that the upstart job should be part of eucalyptus-cloud23:07
mathiazkirkland: rather than eucalyptus-common23:07
kirklandmathiaz: i think that's true ...23:07
kirklandmathiaz: i believe it was there so that you could just:23:07
mathiazkirkland: as the job fails to start on NC23:07
kirklandsudo stop eucalyptus23:07
kirklandsudo start eucalyptus23:07
kirklandanywhere you are23:07
kirklandmathiaz: and it would automatically start/stop the right components for that system23:08
mathiazkirkland: well - on an NC, sudo start eucalyptus doesn't work23:08
mathiazkirkland: hmmm23:08
mathiazkirkland: let me re-read the job23:09
kirklandmathiaz: correct ...23:09
kirklandmathiaz: i have a hack that makes that work23:09
kirklandmathiaz: but slangasek nacked it (softly)23:09
mathiazkirkland: hm - well - the problem I see is that on an NC, the job doesn't do anything23:10
mathiazkirkland: but it's still marked as respawn23:10
mathiazkirkland: hm well - it's this line: [ -n "$services" ] || { stop; exit 0; }23:11
mathiazkirkland: oh well - that works I suppose23:11
mathiazkirkland: I've found out why I couldn't discover the nodes23:12
mathiazkirkland: bug 44603623:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 446036 in eucalyptus "The node controller sometimes fails to start if libvirt is not ready" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44603623:12
mathiazkirkland: if eucalyptus-nc fails to start because libvirt is not ready, then the eucalyptus-nc-publication job is not started either23:12
mathiazkirkland: is automatic registration working?23:15
mathiazkirkland: hm - seems so23:16
mathiazkirkland: there is no need to run sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --discover-nodes anymore?23:16
mathiazkirkland: yop - auto-registration works!23:19
kirklandmathiaz: autoreg is working for me too23:19
mathiazkirkland: cool - I didn't know about that23:19
mathiazkirkland: I'll update the test instructions then23:20
mathiazkirkland: as there is not need for the sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --discover-nodes anymore23:20
pilif12pCan i dualboot desktop and server ?23:25
kirklandmathiaz: okay, so i'm looking at the nc upstart scripts ...23:28
mathiazkirkland: IMO libvirt should be upstartified23:32
mathiazkirkland: so that eucalyptus-nc can start on started libvirt23:32
mathiazkirkland: the problem is that the pre-start script checks if libvirt is running23:33
mathiazkirkland: euca_test_nc $HYPERVISOR > /var/log/eucalyptus/euca_test_nc.log 2>&1 || exit 123:33
* kirkland looks at libvirt's init script23:33
mathiazkirkland: ^^ that fails - and then the job is just stopped23:33
mathiazkirkland: even though it's marked respawn23:34
mathiazkirkland: but respawn only applies to the exec part of the job (which is apache2)23:34
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, well if respawn isn't working properly we need to poke slangasek and keybuk23:34
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, should we move that to the exec?23:34
kirklandjdstrand: do you have any plans to upstartify libvirt-bin?23:35
mathiazkirkland: well23:35
mathiazkirkland: I think it makes sense to have apache2 executed here23:35
mathiazkirkland: so that it's directly supervised by init23:35
kirklandmathiaz: yeah23:36
mathiazkirkland: and the reason it fails is because of euca_test_nc $HYPERVISOR > /var/log/eucalyptus/euca_test_nc.log 2>&1 || exit 123:36
mathiazkirkland: ^^ that should be an upstart event *somehow*23:36
mathiazkirkland: ie - don't start eucalyptus-nc if euca_test_nc is not succesful23:36
kirklandmathiaz: libvirt-bin looks pretty upstartable23:37
mathiazkirkland: I wonder what euca_test_nc23:37
mathiazkirkland: does?23:37
mathiazkirkland: hm - seems like it mainly checks wether libvirt is running correclty23:42
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