
LinuX2halfctmjr: the hostname contains the deleted nickname but then I was going to change current nickname ubuntu2009.00:00
OerHeksdigin4 then it should be available, not ?00:00
digin4OerHeks, yes, for free too ;)00:00
tetrachquestion about sound:  my device is off but when i  change profiles and come back to the profile i need it kicks on again then right off after a few seconds.  When i have something playing and do this the sound device stays on but when i stop whats playing it shuts off and then no sound.  Any ideas?00:00
arandmkanyicy: well, hope it works, apart from this solution, I don't know much either.00:00
Guest13787I want to add a program to the autostartup. Where to i find like the "run"-file for a program? Is there even a such file?00:01
mkanyicyarand, It HAS to work00:01
LinuX2halfctmjr: so basically all I want to do is to change my current nickname00:01
r0k3tm3ni ran 'ifconfig -a eth1'. now i cant connect to the internet, how do i undo that?00:01
mkanyicyLinuX2half, by nickname you mean username?00:01
LinuX2halfctmjr: yes00:01
CodenutOn my 8.10 desktop, there is a choice to switch to a "guest session" the session has a terrible amount of rights.00:01
edbianGuest13787, If you type the correct name of the program into the terminal it will start it.  For example: "firefox"  starts firefox.00:02
CodenutWhat is the best way to deal with this.00:02
nastarosmkanyicy, hey you still here! =)00:02
edbianGuest13787, These files are called "binaries"  you can see some of them in /usr/bin /bin and /sbin00:02
MariaAnyone know why after formating to ext4 my ntfs external has on it 22gb of used content? the file system cant eat that much, right? and is it normal that the usb drive to appear like mounted?00:02
LinuX2halfctmjr:changing the username, wouldn't it confuse the computer when performing root privileges?00:02
arandr0k3tm3n: A quick and dirty way is to reboot.00:02
mkanyicynastaros, yes I am not here for long though00:02
loshar0k3tm3n: arand beat me to it...00:03
edbianMaria, If you formatted to ext4 then the drive cannot be ntfs.  They are two different file systems.  That cannot be in the same place at the same time00:03
mkanyicyWhy do you want to change your username LinuX2half00:03
loshamkanyicy: admit it, you're hooked and you can't leave....00:03
edbianGuest13787, Helpful?00:03
r0k3tm3nlosha: arand: ok, thnks, hopefully it works00:03
ctmjrLinuX2half: what username do you want?00:03
mkanyicylosha, maybe ;)00:03
LinuX2halfctmjr: just ubuntu00:03
ljamisoniilosha: well everything installed alright..I'm just having trouble starting the program itself lol..thanks for the help00:04
tetrachanyone know why my digital sound might kick on and off.  i would like it to stay permanently on so i dont have to goto preference every time to kick it back on00:04
Guest13787edbian: so in the "command"-field, i just wrote "xbmc". And that should do it00:04
mkanyicyLinuX2half, do you mean IRC nickname?00:04
loshaljamisonii: what is the program. I'm not sure you ever told us....00:04
Mariaedbian I want it ext4 not ntfs, that's why I formated, but I don't understand why something unknown is eating 22 gb of space and why it appears as mounted even if it's ext4 now and not ntfs anymore00:04
mezimezimHi there!00:05
mkanyicyhi mezimezim00:05
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: Well, the name doesn't fit because the number isn't right00:05
mezimezimAnyone ever notice that the "Caps lock" button in Ubuntu is actually a "Shif Lock" button00:05
mezimezimThis is annoying00:05
loshaMaria: ext3 is a better choice than ext4, and an ext4 volume can be mounted just like an ntfs volume. How big is the disk?00:05
mezimezimanyway to change this?00:05
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: No, I meant my computer00:06
mkanyicyLinuX2half, to change the computer name (hostname) edit the /etc/hostname file and the /etc/hosts file00:06
edbianMaria, Any file system can be mounted.  I'm not sure why 22gb is filled.  Look at it!  Does it appear empty?00:06
ljamisoniilosha: Oh sorry lol...It's Halo Combat Evolved00:06
raygnHave an SFTP server that chroots the user but If I change the permissions to give the group permissions the user cannot login anymore00:06
mkanyicyLinuX2half, to change the username (the login name) use "sudo usermod ... "00:06
loshaljamisonii: sorry, out of my depth with that stuff. Good luck...00:07
Marialosha it's 1.36 tb (1.5)///// but why is ext3 better than 4? ... edbian it's emty00:07
Mariabut when i check it tells me it has 22 gb used after format lol00:07
ljamisoniilosha: not a problem...thanks again ^_^00:07
edbianMaria, What program is reporting 22gb used?00:08
Mariaboth gparted and my file browser00:08
arandr0k3tm3n: I think the problem is that that command makes networking for that particualar interface (eth1) managed manually and disables NetworkManagers control over it, so what would need doing is to let N-M regain control over it, something I do not know how to do (and have been trying to find out for some time myself...)00:08
edbianMaria, odd00:08
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: but wouldn't it cause confusion when performing root actions?00:08
edbianMaria, but there is nothing in there??00:09
Mariathere was a folder called lost and found00:09
mkanyicyLinuX2half, what confusion?00:09
edbianMaria, Well, I would say, try to fill it! ha ha00:09
Mariabut it was unreadable00:09
Larnohey! i m using xunbutu! it s kinda cool but i want to get back to Windows XP00:09
ctmjrLinuX2half:id username  then sudo usermod -l oldname newname  then sudo usermod -u number that id gave you newname00:09
seanbrightgood evening - i am running karmic on a remote machine and i would like to change the window manager that a given user is using via script.  i have scoured the sites and have run into a ton of conflicting information.  i'm just looking for an easy way to say "user X should use blackbox wm"  if this is too vague or the wrong venue, i apologize in advance.00:09
Larnowhats up00:09
loshaMaria: because if you ever have to move it to a different machine or different version of linux, or use a 3rd party app on it, ext3 is far more widely supported....00:09
raygnany idea why if I chmod 775 on users directory that they own they cannot login via sftp anymore otherwise if I leave it 755 they login and it is chrooted to their homoe00:10
edbianMaria, unreadable?  Is it broken?00:10
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: the username that you chose will be in many files and if you just change your username without configuring the files then you'll be denied of using root power00:10
Larnoyou can chmod 755 entire directory ?00:10
_Tristan1anybody know a way to not have mounted volumes show up on the desktop (gnome)?00:10
mkanyicyctmjr, LinuX2half unless you have an entry in /etc/sudoers file like "username ALL=(ALL) ALL" and %admin disabled, you can even lock yourself out!00:11
edbianraygn, Because if they are accessing through ftp they are logged in under some other user (one with ftp in the name)  I can't remember exactly what it is.00:11
Larnolike every file will be executable ?00:11
arandr0k3tm3n: erm... better wording: "Disables N-Ms control over the interface, meaining from that point it has to be configured manually. (...)"00:11
edbianLarno, yes, 644 would make a lot more sense00:11
Larnocome on00:11
OerHeksformatting a drive 1Tb -7%00:11
raygnedbian, they are loggin in with SFTP that is the only way they can connect00:11
MariaOMG after second format it just gave me an error00:11
mkanyicyLinuX2half, no, that is not true00:11
_Tristan1anybody know a way to not have mounted volumes show up on the desktop (gnome)?00:11
loshaMaria: 22G seems a tad high, but that may be an ext4 thing. My ext3 1.5TB disk lost about 13G in overhead when I formatted it. An empty directory containing a single lost+found directory is exactly what an empty linux volume should look like...00:11
edbianraygn, yeah, so they are under the ftp user00:12
mkanyicyLinuX2half, when you change username the user ID stays the same UNLESS you say it must change as well00:12
Mariai see, than i'll go for ext300:12
loshaMaria: what *kind* of error....?00:12
Larnoyer not on ext3 at the moment ?00:12
CShadowRun_Tristan1: alt+f2, gconf-editor. Apps > Nautilus > Desktop. Untick "volumes_visible"00:12
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: hmm, it could be a mistake but I've heard that somewhere but it only led to the suspicion that why you can't change the username on the basic setting.00:13
Larnoext2 is so 200000:13
mkanyicyLinuX2half, and when you change the username using usermod, the passwd files are modified accordingly EXCEPT /etc/sudoers!!00:13
Mariadamn, i closed it losha00:13
_Tristan1CShadowRun: thanks, figured it was something in there00:13
CShadowRun_Tristan1: np :)00:13
loshaMaria: never mind, reformat it. gparted is a good program to use, but there are many others...00:13
deviadWhen I run pulseaudio -D, I get:  "E: main.c: Daemon startup failed." Can anyone pls help me?00:13
mkanyicyLinuX2half, so you have to run "sudo visudo" first and confirm that at least the %admin line is not commented00:13
Larnoyeah format everything00:13
Larnodont forget to press the Y00:14
Mariaallright thanks, i'll try00:14
raygnedbian, what you mean ftp user.  They have actual user accounts are part of the sftp group that only allows them to connect to their home directory that is chrooted as / so they cannot navigate the system00:14
Dr_Willislosha:  dont forget teh 5% reserved normally on ext2/3/4 for 'rescue' operations00:14
loshadeviad: pulseaudio is a mess. Weren't you running a real-time kernel, or was that someone else?00:14
nastarosarand, i tryped "sudo dmraid -rE" it wanted to do something on my raid array, so i shutted down my computer, unplugged my raid, booted and tried again, it said "sudo: dmraid: command not found" then i tried "sudo apt-get remove dmraid", it erased something, I launched the installer and it still doesn't see my HDD00:14
arandnastaros: Things working out?00:14
Larnothere s an ext5 coming soon btw00:14
mkanyicyLinuX2half, that is the basic setting00:15
deviadlosha, I am00:15
mkanyicyLarno, ext5? aww come on00:15
RepentinusLarno, they just want to win fat32 in version number race ;)00:15
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m96c6f0700:15
Larnoseriously !00:16
Larnowell not really00:16
arandnastaros: Hmm, so you do have a raid setup on the computer?00:16
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: does it seemed that the admin is commented?00:16
mkanyicyLinuX2half, yes this is superfine00:16
IngsocI have a problem with audio after most recent update today, audio in the right channel especially sounds muddy. Using ubuntu 9.10 64bit, I just did a update that included libopenal I think. Can anyone help troubleshoot?00:16
nastarosyea, but i want to install ubuntu on a single 500gb HDD00:16
loshadeviad: we don't see a lot of rt kernel users here. You might have a hard time getting support. Ubuntu studio is based on an rt kernel. Might have better luck on their mailing list...00:16
OerHeksLarno maybe there is a futuretimeline00:16
ratboxQuestion" why does network manager refuse to reconnect after waking out of standby?  (running Ac!D Linux, based on Ubuntu 8.04.3)00:17
deviadThat is the output anyways00:17
RepentinusBtw, has anyone tried 10.04 alpha already?00:17
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: okay then if its not commented why I can't modify the username on the basic setting?00:17
mkanyicyLinuX2half, the admin group is granted root priviledges which is the default and right thing to do00:17
snakeso... can i edit the places menu?00:17
=== tato is now known as tato42
Larnonope, because ye re a snake00:17
jtajiratbox: we don't support derivatives in here.. but I can say that it's been much improved in 9.10... works perfectly here00:17
nastarosarand, yea, but i want to install ubuntu on a single 500gb HDD00:17
snakeLarno, seriously!00:17
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: Yes I have given the admin account full privileges before deleting my old one00:17
Larnolemme check00:17
mkanyicyLinuX2half, what basic setting are you talking about?00:17
Larnowell ye are00:17
ratboxokay, I'm running straight Ubuntu 8.04.3 then, NOW can you help me?00:18
loshadeviad: I would think it would have to run as root to get a high priority thread.....00:18
mkanyicyLinuX2half, of course YOU CAN!!00:18
deviadlosha, in theory there should be no need for it to be run as root00:18
snakeLarno, actually i am a human my name is snake on irc though00:18
loshadeviad: in theory, it shouldn't have any bugs. So?00:18
jtajiratbox: my advice remains the same.. upgrade to 9.1000:18
Larnosudo rules.. if yer mum dont want it, sudo will help00:18
Repentinussnake, names are capitalized.00:18
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: the basic setting consist of username/real name and password00:18
jtajiratbox: 8.04 might make sense on a server.. but not for desktop and especially not for laptops00:19
mkanyicyLinuX2half, uh huh? the "usermod" command?00:19
ratboxscrew 9.10 NOTHING of mine works right, usually 3 reboots every few hours, I'm staying at 8.04.300:19
mkanyicyLinuX2half, the "basic setting" terminology confuses me00:19
Larnoyer mum dont want ye to have a joint, just sudo00:19
loshajtaji: ratbox: I run 8.04 on my server, my desktop *and* my laptop. Just so you know....00:20
mkanyicy!caps | snail00:20
ubottusnail: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:20
mkanyicy!caps | snake00:20
Dr_Willissnake:  short answer - yiou dont.. You can add shortcuts.. but thats abiout it00:20
ubottusnake: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:20
Larnoall ye need is to lower yer caps mate00:20
macosnake: whatever you put in the left side pane in your file browser goes in there00:20
ctmjrmkanyicy: i got confused awhile ago as too what he wants00:20
mkanyicysnail, sorry00:20
Repentinussnake, there's no need to get angry.00:20
ShazamI want a partition on my backup disk to automount under my user directory. I have it in the /etc/fstab file, and its automounting. However, the mountpoint i'd created had owner/group permissions of <user>/<user>, and when I restarted they were <root>/<root>, and the data that I had been storing in that mountpoint was gone00:20
nagchampai've set up a shared folder through the file browser interface, but when i've logged into the share as the user that owns it, i still don't have write access00:20
Larnoshazam server or personal computer00:20
arandnastaros: and this is with the single 500gb-hd plugged in and the raid plugged out?00:20
loshasnake: if you're going to use a name like snake, you have to expect a bit of joshing....00:21
snakemaco, thankyou00:21
ShazamLarno: Personal, but I'd like to know the right way to do it as well00:21
Larnocant help, yer on yer own, happy new year00:21
snakeyeah i actually dont care i like to put on little shows00:21
mkanyicyLinuX2half, is basic setting means "usermod" then go ahead00:21
ShazamLarno: 'preciate it00:21
nagchampasnake... SNAAAAAAAAKE...00:21
Larnodont mention it00:21
JimmyJlol I trol u00:21
mkanyicyLinuX2half, but don't try to change the UID00:21
snakei actually come here and tell people what i dreamed about last night sometimes...00:21
JimmyJSnake, press the action button! Huh?00:21
Serinthanybody know off the top of their head if you can install ubuntu on an external hard drive plugged into USB? Thinking of buying one of those hard drive dock thingies so i don't have to dual boot on this machine.00:22
Larnooh dear00:22
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: UID? Why not? I thought it would increase by 1 if you change a name?00:22
arandsnake: #ubuntu-offtopic . This is a support channel.00:22
nagchampasrsly though, if the user i'm logging into the share with has local write access, why doesn't he have write access remotely?00:22
nagchampathe user owns the files00:22
Larnodoes anyone in here run unbuntu on a server and not on mum's xmas present ?00:22
loshaSerinth: as long as your mobo can boot off an external usb drive, it should work fine. But not all mobos can do that, especially older ones....00:23
snakebye all00:23
mkanyicyLinuX2half, no it wont, unless you CREATE a new user00:23
nastarosarand, yes, only my 500gb HDD is plugged atm00:23
nagchampaLarno: all the real linux servers are centos :P00:23
Larnonot supported my friend00:23
Serinthlosha, mine does boot off USB. So i guess that solves that issue. I was just curious if the ubuntu install recognized the USB hard drive really00:23
adam83hello all, I have a very basic question.  Where do apps downloaded from Synaptic go?  I just downloaded Samba, as I want to create a file share between ubuntu box and 2 macbooks00:23
IngsocI have a problem with audio after most recent update today, audio in the right channel especially sounds muddy. Using ubuntu 9.10 64bit, I just did a update that included libopenal I think. Can anyone help troubleshoot?00:23
mkanyicyLinuX2half, but which "basic setting" were you refering to?00:23
Larnocentos is quite interesting but not er professional00:23
Larnoesx is00:23
nastarosarand, the sudo dmraid -rE killed my raid and all data on it...00:23
Spo8anyone know why the installer would hang the second something is selected from the boot splash screen?  the "Try Ubuntu without changes..." ""Install" "Check disc..." one?00:24
nagchampaLarno: centos is redhat, with no branding00:24
jtajiLarno: many of us do.. and pretty much everyone in #ubuntu-server ;)00:24
loshaLarno: I run 8.04 on my server. There is a 'server' version. But if I ran a commercial server, it would be centos :-)00:24
LarnoRHEL is supported00:24
Larnonot centos00:24
nastarosarand, how can i restore it? this is important00:24
mkanyicyIngsoc, tried #lad or #alsa ?00:24
nagchampaanyone know how to set up a share in ubuntu so the owner, but no one else, can write to it from the network?00:24
Ingsocmkanyicy: thanks00:24
bogdomaniaIngsoc, did you upgraded what >? alsa,oss pulseaudio.. ? did you cecked the audio settings?00:24
Spo8successfully boots to the disc, but fails the second anything is chosen.  installed ubuntu countless times, but never had this happen and I can't figure it out.00:25
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: the basic settings can be access from System --> Administration --> User and Group --> Admin --> Click Properties00:25
Scott1979i hate that i just helped a guy with his problem and i didnt even get a thanks00:25
Larnolosha, you can kiss good bye to yer software support then00:25
arandnastaros: er.. I can see that.00:25
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc | nagchampa00:25
ubottunagchampa: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.1 (karmic), package size 7813 kB, installed size 16080 kB00:25
nagchampayes, i've read the documentation, i know how to do it with smb.conf00:25
Ingsocbogdomania: I am not sure exactly which packages were updated, is there a log that the update manager keeps somewhere?00:25
Larnotry man00:25
Dr_Willisnagchampa:  then i would do it with smb.conf and not mess with the gui00:25
ShazamSpo8: Did you do a mem-check? sometimes bad ram won't be evident until then00:25
mclark1129Can anyone assist me in setting up a network printer that's connected to a Windows machine?00:25
adam83I just downloaded Samba via synaptic, where did it install to, I cannot find it in the upper left menus?  I searched for it and it is in a folder called "etc"00:25
loshaLarno: well, there are people who will support centos, either in-house or 3rd party, but further discussion would be off-topic I'll bet....00:26
Shazammclark1129: do you have samba installed?00:26
nagchampaDr_Willis: i was thinking the smae thing, i just thought there might be something i'm missing in the gui00:26
Dr_Willis!samba | adam8300:26
ubottuadam83: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:26
nastarosarand, i plugged in my raid back00:26
Larnotrue losha, and off any support.. that said, i agree that centos is improving00:26
mclark1129I believe so, the option to connect to a Windows printer is available in System > Administration > Printing00:26
Larnobut not supported00:26
mclark1129I am running Karmic00:26
mkanyicyLinuX2half, ok, the gui app, that's basic enough, ;)00:26
Spo8Shazam: I haven't, but I'd be surprised as this machine has been working flawlessly.  Choosing mem-check from the ubuntu disc makes it hang as well, so I'm not sure what to do.00:27
LarnoIBM, Dell, HP, not supporting centos00:27
loshaadam83: samba is a service, not really a user app, that's why it's not in your menus....00:27
Ingsocbogdomania: http://pastebin.com/m7519980900:27
dim3000Can someone help my with my webcam???00:27
mclark1129I'm actually using centos to run samba to act as a fileserver for windows machine00:27
mclark1129It works quite well.00:27
mclark1129windows machines*00:27
Serinthdim3000, only if you're a hot female.00:27
mclark1129In fact the network is solely windows clients.00:27
mkanyicymclark1129, so you are using centos but running (away from) karmic?00:27
dim3000Serinth: whatever u want me to be00:28
dim3000just help00:28
adam83Dr_Willis I thiought Samba was necessary for creating a file share between mac and ubuntu as well.  I want this ubuntu box to be a file repository for 2 macbooks so we can backup and store files on it, if this is incorrect, what would you recommend, thank you sir!00:28
mclark1129mkanyicy.  No not at all.00:28
mclark1129I am using karmic on my personal laptop00:28
Dr_Willisadam83:  in theory os-x can do smb nfs and ssh if you want it to00:28
Larnomclark1129, we just were talking about profesional stuff.. not yer home server holding the photos of yer niece00:28
mkanyicymclark1129, just kidding, fun never killed anyone ;)00:28
Larnoj/k here as well00:29
adam83losha thank you, perhaps it is not what I want then, I am trying to create a file share between my 2 macbooks and this Ubuntu box so that the macbooks can store important files here00:29
oleg_всем привет))00:29
Dr_Willisadam83:  my imac connected to my samba shares  by defauot..  mac to mac can also do appletalk i think00:29
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: yeah, it seemed that when I run the usermod -l ubuntu ubuntu2009, it said that user ubuntu2009 is currently log in, so does that mean I have to log out to change the name?00:29
mclark1129whew, anyways.. back to my printer :)00:29
arandnastaros: Yea, that -rE thing seems to be bad, not at all what we wanted.. Now the manual for dmraid claims it should have backed up whatever it did remove there: http://pastebin.com/m6fecce5300:29
Dawgmatix_my sata 1.5 TB hdd isnt being detected under ubuntu, I had followed up on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/396738 by providing relevant info, but there seems to be no response, how do i get some developers attention ?00:29
mkanyicyLinuX2half, yes you can do this to go to single user mode "sudo init 1"00:29
dim3000Can someone help my with my webcam???00:29
Larnobut guys seriously, if one day you ll try to deal with SAN, Storage and stuff. EMC, Clariion and so on00:30
loshaadam83: I've set up nfs successfully between mac and ubuntu. I agree with Dr_Willis. You can pretty much choose your protocol depending on whats on your network...00:30
mclark1129If I open System > Administration >Printing and choose "New Printer..."00:30
Larnocentos is nothing00:30
Dawgmatix_dim3000 sure00:30
Dawgmatix_what model is it ?00:30
erkan^no idea, dim300000:30
mkanyicyLinuX2half, but save your running apps first!!00:30
erkan^with a pidgin?00:30
Dr_Willisdim3000:  install 'cheese' plug in cam.. run cheese.. see if it works...00:30
adam83Dr_Willis I am clearly not as advanced with this as you.  Can you tell me/point me in direction of a method of setting up a file share between my macs and this ubuntu00:30
dim3000Dawgmatix_: logitech clicksmart 420 (old)00:30
mclark1129I then select Network Printer, options appear and I select "Windows Printer via samba"00:31
Dawgmatix_what does lsusb tell you about the camera ...00:31
Dr_Willisadam83:  i just had some shares made on my ubuntu box. then used the mac gui thing to connedt to the share. it showed up as an icon ion my mac desktop.00:31
joe_ergany one got experience running Xfbdev?00:31
dim3000Dawgmatix_: its there00:31
mkanyicyIngsoc, I am sorry you rather post this side, those channels are have zombie users00:31
mclark1129When I click browse, I am told no shares are available00:31
mclark1129My windows machine is set up on the workgroup "MSHOME" and print sharing IS enabled.00:31
Larnomclark1129, what exactly do you want to print? this may have an effect on yer printer00:31
DarkedgeCan someone just tell how to add https://launchpad.net/~pmcenery/+archive/ppa as a source? -_-00:31
adam83Dr_Willis do I need to download special app to my macbook?00:32
mclark1129Larno, I'd like to print EVERYTHING :) but e-mails, pdfs, mostly.00:32
Dawgmatix_which app are you trying to use?00:32
Dr_Willisadam83:  i dident have to in my imac dv using OS-X 10.3.900:32
Larnooh dear.. a macbook00:32
nastarosarand, where do i find those name_formatname.dat  and  devicename_formatname.offset ? i doubt it saved anywhere since i booted from CD....00:32
dim3000Dawgmatix_: cheese shows nothing00:32
Larnook mate00:32
dim3000Dawgmatix_: when i tried to test it00:32
Larnowhat type of printer00:32
mclark1129HP C420000:32
Larnoand yer running unbuntu00:33
mclark1129Here's one curious thing00:33
nastarosarand, that raid is my storage device, all my software and inportant thing are on it.. =(00:33
raygnhave a sftp server that uses a sftp group and chroots the user to their home directory, works great if I leave home permissions 755, but If I change it to 775 the user cannot log in anymore00:33
mclark1129When I first ran the network setup wizard on my windows box00:33
mclark1129and set up the work group00:33
Larnook i will just send ye a link that will give ye a lot of help00:33
mclark1129the share appeared (at least the machine and WG, not the printer share itself)00:33
Larnohold on00:33
spOJaunty played 1080p movies better than Karmic does00:34
erkan^I can not open wiht a camera on pidgin :(00:34
Larnothere ye are00:34
erkan^wwhat must i do?00:34
Dawgmatix_dim3000 - well look up your device id and vendor id and search for them on http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html - if you find somehting that matches youre in luck00:34
Scott1979hey homly girl what u doing00:34
Scott1979homely girl00:34
Dawgmatix_gspca seems to support the logitech clicksmart 820, but theres no entry for 42000:34
erkan^Dawgmatix_, , doy ou know that?00:34
arandnastaros: I am furiously trying to read the dmraid manual00:34
Dawgmatix_what erkan ?00:35
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: well I was booted into text mode and the result is till the same00:35
nastarosarand, ok..00:35
erkan^I can not open with a cam on pidgin, example i chat with friend for me with cam. but cam don't work00:35
mkanyicywhat do you mean?00:35
Dawgmatix_what camera are you using ?00:35
mkanyicyLinuX2half, what do you mean?00:35
mclark1129Larno, thanks for the chuckle, not sure it'll get my printer setup though :)00:35
erkan^camera in my laptpo00:35
dim3000Dawgmatix_:its there00:35
erkan^but that don't opene00:35
TvCardOnUbunduHello! what program do I use to watch Tv on ubunu?00:36
Dawgmatix_which one dim3000 ?00:36
mkanyicyLinuX2half, did you do a "sudo init 1" or you rebooted?00:36
dim3000Dawgmatix_: search for Clicksmart 420 on that page00:36
Dawgmatix_erkan - try empaty see if it works00:36
Larnotee hee00:36
Dawgmatix_well time to smile then dim300000:36
iflemaerkan^: whats ya ubuntu version 9.10.00:36
LinuX2half1mkanyicy, I've enter the correct command and the computer just rebooted00:36
dim3000Dawgmatix_: how can I use it? cheese cant show it?00:37
LinuX2half1mkanyicy, then I was entered into text mode login form00:37
Shazamif i enter an option in the <options> column in my fstab file, does that mean I have to manually enter all of the otherwise default options, or are the defaults presumed unless explicitly overridden00:37
FCalderonHello, where can I find the DNS servers that my internet connection is actually using?00:37
erkan^what is emaptie?00:37
mkanyicyLinuX2half, and then what did you do?00:37
erkan^i am by opensuse 11.2 iflema00:37
erkan^a friend for me have ubuntu, but same problem by pidgin cam00:37
aloneupps, not a germany?00:38
LinuX2half1mkanyicy, I then type usermod -l ubuntu ubuntu200900:38
Dawgmatix_dim3000 - http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html download, compile install ...00:38
mkanyicyLinuX2half, the computer never rebooted, it just switched runlevels00:38
erkan^what is empaty, Dawgmatix_ ?00:38
Dawgmatix_empathy is another chat program erkan00:38
LinuX2half1mkanyicy, oh but it seemed that it did00:38
OerHekserkan^ what laptop ?00:38
dim3000Dawgmatix_: thanks00:38
Dawgmatix_no dim300000:38
LinuX2half1mkanyicy, I can't seem to exit this phase00:38
erkan^een camera is in mijn laptop ingebouwd, OerHeks00:38
eTiger13does anyone else have problems with X11 forwarding from a remote server on Karmic?00:38
mkanyicyLinuX2half, which phase?00:38
Larnolisten, the computer rebooted because it was its destiny00:38
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: so I directly rebooted my computer again00:38
erkan^een camera in mijn laptop ingebwoud00:38
erkan^grrr slechte zinsbouw00:39
nagchampayou know, i think the security thing is actually windows, because i dont' have the same username there, and it's seeing the linux permissions and going "nope, you're not him" even though i've logged in as him...00:39
OerHekserkan^  type nr laptop ?00:39
mkanyicyLinuX2half, no you never rebooted, you switched runlevels00:39
mclark1129Has anyone used Ubuntu server as an enterprise domain controller?00:39
Dawgmatix_dim3000 - btw try this - modprobe uvcvideo00:39
Larnoha ha00:39
Larnodomain controller00:39
Dawgmatix_before you install uvcvideo to see in case that fixes things00:39
culinori love linux00:39
Larnowhat type of domain are you talking about00:39
Dawgmatix_if it doesnt, then install gspca00:39
reyarthhello, whats the command for enter in ubuntu italy?00:40
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: Yes like you said it had switched run levels but I reboot the computer directly because I can't exit.00:40
Larnoif thats an LDAP thing, yep, works great00:40
mkanyicyLinuX2half, oh you rebooted? you can choose recovery mode from grub menu and then re-enter this command00:40
erkan^i can not good follow here, here is very busy00:40
mclark1129Like a DC that windows machines can log into just like they would via Windows Server.00:40
Larnooh dear00:40
OerHekserkan^  goto ubuntu-nl00:41
g3org3shello, anyone german here ?00:41
Larnoyes you00:41
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:41
g3org3slol no not me :p thanks anyway00:41
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: recovery mode? But wouldn't it produce the same result00:41
mkanyicyLinuX2half, CTRL+D was gonna liberate you from a pitch-black screen00:41
erkan^i have found --> #pidgin, OerHeks00:41
SirBlarghhey guys, is there anyone able to help troubleshoot an NFS issue that has cropped up after some hardware was changed?00:41
Larnomm ok00:41
Larnogo ahead SirBlargh00:42
nastarosarand, found anything yet?00:42
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: okay, but it would ask you to login and you need to type the password. So it might not work.00:42
Dawgmatix_my sata 1.5 TB hdd isnt being detected under ubuntu, I had followed up on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/396738 by providing relevant info, but there seems to be no response, how do i get some developers attention ?00:42
reyarthplease, what is the command for enter in ubuntu italia??00:42
SirBlarghI swapped motherboards / proc / ram and kept the disks intact.  The ethernet NIC changed as well.00:42
mkanyicyLinuX2half, I dont know, but is the username "ubuntu" permitted?00:42
SirBlargh(This was on the nfs server.)00:43
Larnoso far so good00:43
SirBlarghnow on the clients, some times I can mount the locations, but the connection very quickly dies off00:43
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: hm, what would be the basic requirements for an accepted username?00:43
mkanyicyLinuX2half, do you have a password for the root?00:43
reyarthqualcuno italiano??00:43
faileasok, basically, i need a REALLY light GUI im client. In my current setup pidgin requires about 100 mb of extra space. i tried a self compiled version of ayttm (there's supposed to be a version in the repos but i can't find it) which crashes a lot... so.. any other ideas?00:43
SirBlarghon the client, I'll see the following:  nfs: server blargh-server not responding, still trying00:43
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: password? Yes.00:43
SirBlarghon the server itself, I see nothing more than the authenticated mount request00:44
SirBlarghfor the record, a samba share works just fine on the same directory00:44
mkanyicyLinuX2half, this WILL work,00:44
Larnoso that s a server right ?00:44
mkanyicyLinuX2half, just reboot and go to recovery mode and at the password prompt, type the password for the root00:44
Larnowhat type of server00:44
mkanyicyLinuX2half, and then type that command00:44
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: wait so I'll use the command using root power; sudo usermod -l00:45
SirBlarghthe new file server hardware is just an atom 330 cpu00:45
SirBlarghlet me pull up the specs on the motherboard...00:45
xapelis it possible to transfer songs to my ipod from within rhythmbox?00:45
Larnoi dont need it00:45
LarnoRAID config ?00:45
SirBlarghno raid, just 4 discs in an LVM setup00:45
Larnoi see00:45
mclark1129How can I see if samba is a trusted application on my firewall?00:45
Larnohow big is it again ?00:46
SirBlargh(this is just a home file server)00:46
Larnoi mean the server space00:46
LinuX2half1mkanyicy:hm, it still doesn't work either00:46
mkanyicyLinuX2half, ensure that you don't log in as the user "ubuntu2009" when you specify this command00:46
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: Then I'll login as root?00:46
SirBlargh /dev/mapper/fileserver-home is 4.0T00:46
Larnowith no redundancy whatsoever00:47
Larnono raid00:47
mkanyicyLinuX2half, that's what I have been trying to tell you all along by this RECOVERY MODE evangel00:47
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: well it might be dangerous if I access the root account but could I have create another user account00:47
mkanyicyLinuX2half1, dangerous?00:47
SirBlargh/etc/exports has stuff similar to the following: /home/user/Videos/Movies,sync,no_subtree_check)00:47
Larno4,2 TB with no disk redundancy..00:47
mkanyicyLinuX2half1, how dangerous?00:48
loshaSirBlargh: "nfs: server blargh-server not responding" means exactly that. Your client is not seeing replies from your server. Can you ping the server from the client?00:48
SirBlarghlosha, you betcha00:48
SirBlarghthe server is fully responding00:48
LinuX2half1mkanyicy, well not exactly but it isn't enabled by default00:48
mkanyicyLinuX2half1, recovery mode is strictly for that00:48
SirBlarghi'm connected via ssh00:48
SirBlarghand the same directory shares just fine with samba00:48
SirBlarghonly NFS is causing issues00:48
mkanyicyLinuX2half1, on recovery mode it is enabled!00:48
Larnono blades, no SAN, any backup software ?00:48
loshaSirBlargh: and what does rpcinfo -p blargh-server say? Can you pastebin the output to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com00:48
LinuX2half1mkanyicy: alright then, so I'll return to the text mode which is sudo init 1.00:49
Larnomy favourite answer : not supported00:49
LinuX2half1mkanyicy, well then I'll be back.00:49
eTiger13does anyone else have problems with X11 forwarding from a remote server on Karmic?00:50
SirBlargh@losha http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d7a0d391100:50
mkanyicyeTiger13, no00:50
mkanyicyeTiger13, no one has this problem00:50
eTiger13mkanyicy: you are running 9.10 and can run X11 windows from a remote server?00:50
mkanyicyeTiger13, yes of course00:51
townkatanyone can help with some simple networking bridging and dnsmasq dhcp server pls ?00:51
eTiger13mkanyicy: did you do a clean install or an upgrade?00:51
Larnook townkat .00:51
mkanyicyeTiger13, who is having the problem here, me or you?00:51
spOJaunty played 1080p movies better than Karmic even though I am still using smplayer+ mplayer and coreavc00:51
LarnoBOOTTP ?00:51
mkanyicyeTiger13, first, are you using ssh?00:52
eTiger13mkanyicy: i am but i am trying to troubleshoot why.00:52
loshaSirBlargh: that looks pretty healthy, all the right things are running. What do the logs on the server say?00:52
eTiger13mkanyicy: isnt that required?00:52
mkanyicyeTiger13, how can you troubleshoot a working thing?00:52
SirBlargh@losha, the server seems to be fine, it has the standard "authenticated mount request" messages00:52
mkanyicyeTiger13, the answers will be a tautology00:53
Alex61639can anybody help me with ubuntu instalation?00:53
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Alex61639i have a stange error00:53
mkanyicyeTiger13, ok are you using ssh -X ... or ssh -Y ... ?00:53
SirBlarghoccassionally I do see stuff like this:   http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d7a0d391100:53
loshaSirBlargh: and the messages say the mount requests were successful?00:53
eTiger13mkanyicy: yes i am using ssh. from a terminal: ssh -X (or -Y, neither work)00:54
Larnome too.. it keeps on saying "go to bed"00:54
mclark1129When connecting to a Windows printer via WiFi, do I need to open any ports, on either machine?00:54
SirBlargh(disregard that link)00:54
iflemaAlex61639: which is?00:54
SirBlarghNFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as the NFSv4 state recovery directory00:54
SirBlarghNFSD: starting 90-second grace period00:54
SirBlarghbut i think that's when I restart nfs00:54
mkanyicyeTiger13, both client and server are ubuntu or any linux ?00:54
Larnothe dhcp problem was more interesting00:54
raygnhave a sftp server that uses a sftp group and chroots the user to their home directory, works great if I leave home permissions 755, but If I change it to 775 the user cannot log in anymore00:54
Larnoye still there ?00:54
Larnoraygn.. chmod 755 on a directory00:55
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SirBlarghso losha, on my client I just did this:00:55
raygnLarno, yes00:55
eTiger13mkanyicy: server is SLES 10. client is ubuntu 9.10. i know the server has x11 forwarding setup because i can connect from a windows machine with xming and putty correctly00:55
=== nozes_esta_no_n is now known as nozes_esta_n2
SirBlarghsudo mount -t nfs blargh-server:/home/scott/Videos/Movies Videos/Movies00:55
loshaSirBlargh: yes, and anyway after 90 seconds none of that should matter. Nor should your hardware changes.00:55
SirBlarghthis time, it actually did get to the prompt instead of just hanging00:55
raygnLarno,  the setup is based off the subsystem setup for sftp users with a chroot home found in the ubuntu forums00:56
Larno(dont do that, that will send all your porn movies to yer family)00:56
trevordo i have to install something to play dvd's.....i have restricted extras installed00:56
loshaSirBlargh: that means it worked. What does df -h say?00:56
SirBlarghno, it's not really working, hold on00:56
SirBlarghin the server, I see this:  Jan  4 17:55:09 blargh-server mountd[1606]: authenticated mount request from for /home/scott/Videos/Movies (/home/scott/Videos/Movies)00:56
mkanyicyeTiger13, do you have have a pastebin URL for the ssh error message?00:56
SirBlarghso right now you'd THINK it was working :)00:56
Larnobloody hell00:56
Larnocome on00:56
eTiger13mkanyicy: there is none. it just runs the command but returns a cli instead of a desktop window00:56
loshaSirBlargh: so what does the client df -h say? Can you ls the directory?00:57
SirBlarghthe df -h does report the right file size and the ls does work00:57
SirBlarghhowever, as soon as I start accessing a file, it hangs00:57
mkanyicyeTiger13, I don't understand00:57
Larnoscrew me dead00:57
SirBlarghand that's when on the client side I start seeing the server not responding messages00:57
mkanyicyeTiger13, try setting the DISPLAY variable  on the server to point to the client00:58
SirBlarghon the server, all nfs processes / rpc stuff is still running along merrily00:58
eTiger13mkanyicy: i try running xclock and it says Error: Can't open display:00:58
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: Yes, I have managed to change my login name but when I went to my home folder the old name still appears00:58
Larnoif the xclock is dead, it s just a reminder.. you have to go to bed00:59
mkanyicyLinuX2half, paste the output of the command "id"00:59
loshaSirBlargh: ya know, if I had to guess, I'd say you're losing packets in the client->server direction. nfs uses large udp packets. If nothing in between them changed, I'd wonder if the new server nic was intermittent. Got a laptop you can stick on the network to act as a sniffer?01:00
mkanyicyeTiger13, try to do this on the server ssh session 'export DISPLAY="client_address:0.0"'01:00
LinuX2halfmkanyicy; http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/d8d21f8a01:00
hiffyhey folks01:00
hiffyI had to remove my fancy gfx card and rely on my built in vga01:02
Larnosudo apt-get install newbie-firewall01:02
eTiger13mkanyicy: now i get Error: Can't open display:
Larnothats yer lan01:02
hiffywhen I booted up again, it freaked out and asked me to reconfigure01:02
hiffywhen I hit test, it worked just fine, but now that I've booted I'm back to 800x64001:02
mkanyicyLinuX2half, you can modify the group called "ubuntu2009" by groupmod as well01:02
Larnofeckin hell cant ye make a difference between the ip classes01:02
Larnoa b c01:03
deviadIf someone of you guys could help it would be gr801:03
MK-BBLarno is C class01:03
MK-BBrest i cant remember01:03
deviadI have been in ubuntu studio for hours so far but no one has been talking... not even a word...01:03
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: so the groupmod command has same layout as the usermod command? -l new name old name?01:03
hiffyLet me try that again. Hey folks,01:03
mkanyicyLinuX2half, but be careful when playing around with these commands, the name of the folder will still be /home/ubuntu2009 even now, you should not change that01:04
=== _Boohbah is now known as Boohbah
mkanyicyLinuX2half, man groupmod and see for yourself01:04
mkanyicyeTiger13, are you winning?01:04
kianwhich software works as "get data back" in Linux?01:13
mkanyicyLinuX2half, anything else, sir?01:16
eTiger13mkanyicy: on the server or my local?01:16
mouyeah vnc wont work01:16
mouchanging xstartup doesn't help01:16
mkanyicy!ops | mou and losha are playing cat and mouse01:17
ubottumou and losha are playing cat and mouse: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:17
LinuX2halfmkanyicy: No, not anymore. Thanks for your help.01:17
geniimkanyicy mou and losha  - Stop abusing the !ops01:17
mkanyicysorry genii01:17
mkanyicywhat is this now?01:18
mkanyicyeTiger13, paste here the output of "grep SSHD_ /etc/default/ssh/ssh"01:18
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mouvnc wont work01:18
moui need help01:18
culinorfloodbots make flood, ironically01:18
mkanyicyeTiger13, are you still around?01:18
moui needhelp!01:19
moupaid support wont help01:19
opticon is their away to setup ubuntu for remote administration with graphical login01:19
opticonthrough gnome01:19
geniiculinor: netsplits confuse the floodbots sometimes01:19
raygnhave setup sftp server with user chroot to their home directory works ok, but I need to let the users delete the items in their home directory here is the instructions I used for the initial setup.http://tnoergaard.wordpress.com/2009/11/29/sftp-on-ubuntu-and-debian-in-9-easy-steps/01:19
moustupid channel :(01:20
spiritssight1OK lets try that again, any one able to help I was in the end of upgrade to 8.10 and it said some thing about broken package and aborted01:20
mkanyicywhat do you want to do, opticon ?01:20
culinorgenii, they might be better configured against that i guess01:20
mkanyicyeTiger13, are swimming or drowning after these floods?01:20
raygnI have tried to change ownership and permissions on the users directory and I just end up not being able to access sftp server01:21
IdleOnemou: you need to be more specific then " won't work"01:21
mouIdleOne: when i log into vnc i see nothing but a terminal window01:21
mkanyicyeTiger13, your SSH prob has to work01:21
mouno desktop01:21
DarkedgeHow can I pull * from a certain source?01:21
mouDarkedge: you canot01:22
mouits linux nothing works and no one helps!01:22
kianwhich software works as "get data back" in Linux, a software that it get back all deleted data from hard?01:22
mkanyicyraygn, that is fair enough01:22
IdleOnemou: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC?action=show&redirect=VNCOverSSH#Guide to example scenarios01:22
raygnmkanyicy, fair enough?01:23
mouIdleOne: notrhing buta terminal window01:23
BurzmaliAnyone know a way to back up SafeDisc protected CDs?01:23
mougray background01:23
IdleOnemou: also please try to provide helpful info to other users. things like "it's linux and no one helps" just makes me want to not search and offer you help01:23
mkanyicyraygn, yeah, if you think about it01:23
mouIdleOne: this is what i see when i login: http://members.wideband.net.au/syborfical/Xvnc.png01:24
mkanyicyraygn, first why do you change permissions and worst of all ownership?01:24
culinorkian, i guess you need a program which can scan unallocated or deleted ext3/4 partitions01:24
ShwackUbuntu wont let me change passwords.  I go to System > Administration > Users and Groups - I enter in my old password, I make new password... it says password accepted.  However, nothing changes.  When I go back into users and groups and try to change to a new password, it still takes the old password and not the new one - I have tried serveral times.01:24
coreyBis there a way to 777 a usb drive?01:24
BlacKnighthmm, e01:24
mkanyicyraygn, ??01:24
raygnmkanyicy, I have been trying to get it so the user can delete what is placed into their home directory01:25
BlacKnightexists any software forlinu01:25
mouno no one can help?01:25
moustupid channel01:25
kianculinor, yes01:25
mkanyicyraygn, placed by who?01:25
BlacKnightto recover data from ntfs01:25
Darkedgemou: are you sure you cannot? -_-01:25
raygnmkanyicy, the initial setup created the users home directories with ownership as root.{username}01:25
zanberdomou, start by explaining what you are doing (in detail, preferably with pastebin) before complaining that no one can help. I highly doubt anyone in this channel can read your mind.01:26
mouDarkedge: yeah sure sorry01:26
raygnmkanyicy, files I place there for them do be able to download01:26
mkanyicyI heard there is something like systemrescuecd BlacKnight , google is still open01:26
kneeskrap3rmou, sup?01:26
mouzanberdo: no just a stupid channle01:26
Foghow can i tell if my wifi card is using my router's 'N' capability and make it use it if it's not?01:27
mouzanberdo: im using tightvnc server on ubuntu 8.04 and vnc viewer on windows01:27
mouwhen i try to login i get a gray screen and that's all01:27
Lenin_Cathow do you right click with shift + numslock01:27
zanberdomou if you find the channel is not helping you can always leave. Complaining that the channel is stupid makes it far less likely people who can help will help.01:27
FloodBot2osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
FloodBot4osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
FloodBot1osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
mouzanberdo: i prefer to insult01:27
mkanyicyraygn, oh, so you are NOT changing the ownership per se?01:28
kneeskrap3rmou, what settings are you using for VNC? have you changed any of the defaults?01:28
zanberdomou then I won't bother to assist.01:28
soreauheh, the floodbots are flooding now :)01:28
FloodBot1osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
moukneeskrap3r: no i haven't change the settings01:28
FloodBot4osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
kneeskrap3rsoreau, yeah lol01:28
FloodBot2osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
moukneeskrap3r: they are working with windows just fine01:28
FloodBot2osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
Shwacklol the flood system seems to suck balls01:28
FloodBot4osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
mouzanberdo: great i dont care you can go to hell01:28
IdleOne!ops | osk2ta01:28
ubottuosk2ta: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:28
ShwackWhat good is a floodbot if it works like that?01:28
kneeskrap3rmou, try installing the client on the linux box (if you haven't already) and controlling itself01:29
IdleOne!attitude | mou01:29
ShwackUbuntu wont let me change passwords.  I go to System > Administration > Users and Groups - I enter in my old password, I make new password... it says password accepted.  However, nothing changes.  When I go back into users and groups and try to change to a new password, it still takes the old password and not the new one - I have tried serveral times.01:29
ubottumou: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:29
savantlovewhat is going on?01:29
moukneeskrap3r: tried that too same error01:29
FloodBot4osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:29
soreaumou: You wont get any help with that attitude01:29
FloodBot2osk2ta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:29
kneeskrap3rmou, it sounds most likely like a faulty server install01:29
kneeskrap3rmou, uninstall both the server and client01:29
mousoreau: im not getting any help now01:29
IdleOnesounds like a PIBCAK to me01:29
kneeskrap3rmou, and then try reinstalling it01:29
mkanyicyOh, there is even FloodBot4 now?01:29
moukneeskrap3r: done that too and i googled it but it is a well known issue01:30
raygnmkanyicy, I change the permissions and ownership of the files to be owned by the user and give them full control of the file, but they still cannot delete it after download, So I had tried to change the home dir ownership to {username}.{username} and tried to change permissions to 775 but both cause login failure01:30
urupicaanyone an idea how to load the gspca_pac7302 module for my webcam in ubuntu 9.10?01:30
kneeskrap3rmou, upgrade ubuntu?01:30
moukneeskrap3r: its 8.04 LTS01:30
heralyeniemau donk.....01:30
mouit sucks01:30
moui dont know01:30
moustupid channel01:30
FloodBot4mou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:31
mkanyicy!lang | mou01:31
Dawgmatix_my sata 1.5 TB hdd isnt being detected under ubuntu, I had followed up on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/396738 by providing relevant info, but there seems to be no response, how do i get some developers attention ?01:31
zanberdosoreau, don't waste your time. I think he's merely seeking attention.01:31
IdleOnemkanyicy: it's !language :)01:31
mkanyicyraygn, sorry I am clueless01:31
mouzanberdo: im asking for help if you dont want to help dont idc01:31
moubut being a pissy ass is stupid01:32
soreauzanberdo: I wasn't planning on wasting any of my time :)01:32
mkanyicymou, calm down01:32
mouno fuck you01:32
orochiI have a quick question and I wanted to see if anyone knew the answer.  I have seconds enabled on my clock and it seems to skip certain seconds.  anyone know why?01:32
raygnmkanyicy, np thanks for trying01:32
mkanyicymou, if you dont calm down, I WILL calm you down01:32
zanberdosoreau, there is a term for this type of person... one who seeks attention like this... can't remember what it is...01:32
IdleOnemou: you are demanding help and as you have been told we are volunteers. not to mention you haven't really asked a proper question01:32
xcvmou: that'll get you kicked01:32
IdleOne!language | mou01:32
ubottumou: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:32
kneeskrap3rwell I vote to kick mou out of decency to those who actually care about the other people in here01:33
soreauzanberdo: hypocondriac?01:33
mouwell im pissed off01:33
moupaid support cannot help01:33
mouwhat the hell did i pay my money for01:33
zanberdosoreau, heh... works, but I was thinking of another word. I will have to look it up. :)01:33
JDiMatteohello all, I'm trying to partition an external USB harddrive using Palimpsest Disk Utility, but I'm getting an error "Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot spawn 'mkntfs -f -L "WD120" /dev/sdb1': Failed to execute child process "mkntfs" (No such file or directory)"  anybody have a few minutes to help me work around this or suggest a different disk utility application?01:33
IdleOnemou: complain to them about that01:33
mkanyicymou, you don't pay money here01:33
mouwell i dont get support here anyway01:33
orochiisn't it legal to sell ubuntu?01:33
orochiif you want01:33
soreaumou: Your best bet is to stop now, go do something else and calm down, then do some googling about your issue tomorrow01:34
orochiit's "free" right?01:34
lstarnesorochi: it is01:34
t0rchow do i add a directory to my path?01:34
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:34
zambolihello friends01:34
mousoreau: yeah i googled it01:34
protojay!language mou01:34
heralyeniehello jga..01:34
zanberdoJDiMatteo, sounds like mkntfs isn't installed. But I'm not familiar with the tool you mentioned, so I'm not sure if it should be available to the tool or if it's relying on your system having support01:34
mouits been months with this issue01:34
mounone stop01:34
Bondymou without knowing your problem I work in tech support for web hosting and the people with those kind of attitudes are usually the reason the problems are occuring user error or just cant get there head around the fact nothing is perfect01:34
mkanyicymou can I pm you?01:34
loshaJDiMatteo: gparted is usually the partition tool of choice....01:35
zanberdoJDiMatteo, what losha said. :)01:35
moumkanyicy: no01:35
mkanyicymou, ok, is there anything we could do for you?01:36
JDiMatteolosha, zanberdo: thanks, I'll try gparted01:36
moumkanyicy: fix my problem or get me a refund01:36
Bondymou whats the problem you have had for months?01:36
kneeskrap3rmou lol01:36
IdleOnemou: did you look at that link I posted for you?01:36
mouthe vnc01:37
mouIdleOne: yeah01:37
JDiMatteoisn't there a admin who can kick people off, this is crazy trying to help him01:37
Bondyprobably not....01:37
=== poningru` is now known as poningru
mkanyicymou, your mysterious problem is getting people curious, are you really serious it hasnt been solved for months?01:37
BLOATED_SPHINCTAhello all01:37
Bondyvnc I take it you want to remote desktop a linux server?01:37
moumkanyicy: yes01:37
BLOATED_SPHINCTAbondy, watcha up to01:37
mouits a fucking gray window in the back01:37
mouits wierd01:37
FloodBot4mou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
IdleOnemou: STOP SWEARING!01:37
BLOATED_SPHINCTAmou, is it a fucking gray window?01:37
mougoogle shows there is a lot of people who have the same damn problem01:37
IdleOneBLOATED_SPHINCTA: language please01:38
BLOATED_SPHINCTAmou likes cursing01:38
soreauSheesh, we really do nned ops01:38
kneeskrap3rmou have you uninstalled it yet?01:38
Typh_is there any way to force nonresizable gnome windows to be resizeable?01:38
mkanyicymou, calm down, can't you see I am calming you down?01:38
moumkanyicy: no01:38
soreau! language | BLOATED_SPHINCTA01:38
ubottuBLOATED_SPHINCTA: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:38
kneeskrap3rmou, if you aren't willing to work with us we cannot help you01:38
FloodBot4mou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:38
xcvmou: someone starts helping, and you again go with the f bombs, you'll end up getting banned, and that won't get you any closer to resolution01:38
CunbuntuI love Bloated Sphincters01:38
mkanyicymou, dude you've been raging like a bull in this channel01:38
kneeskrap3rCunbuntu, rofl01:38
zanberdomou http://www.lacarte.org/online/irc/mircrulz.html01:38
moui paid support and they refuse to help01:39
BLOATED_SPHINCTAsphincta is an acronym for a statement01:39
mouok zanberdo going on ignore now01:39
BLOATED_SPHINCTAwhya re you refering to a bloated sphincter?01:39
CunbuntuNothing like running my tongue around a fat asian sphincter after applying mango-flavored lube01:39
BLOATED_SPHINCTAyour mind is in teh gutter01:39
kneeskrap3rmou, we aren't paid support, and you aren't doing anything, let's go, have. you. uninstalled. your. vnc. serv. yet?01:39
mkanyicymou, who are these guys who ran with your money? microsoft?01:39
hvgotcodeshow do i get xchat2 to display users by default, instead of having to click the users button?01:39
macoCunbuntu: stop01:39
Cunbuntuthen i start to loosen things up with my tongue01:39
zanberdois there no op on today?01:39
Bondymou in this case I suspect user error01:39
IdleOnehvgotcodes: you have to expand the user list on the right of the window01:39
Tidershvgotcodes, Try #xchat01:40
Cunbuntubefore gradually slipping in my probiscus01:40
IdleOne!ops | Cunbuntu01:40
ubottuCunbuntu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:40
macoCunbuntu: please stop01:40
CunbuntuWhat is wrong?01:40
BLOATED_SPHINCTAprobiscus, rofl, wtf01:40
mkanyicysee, Mr. mou ?, kneeskrap3r is showing you the spirit of ubuntu already01:40
pepperjackmou: so you needed xfonts-base package i guess?01:40
lucas_sou novo no sistema operacional linux01:40
IdleOne!br | lucas_01:40
ubottulucas_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:40
kneeskrap3rmkanyicy, thanks lol, trying anyways...01:40
haven489hey can anyone help me with getting a static IP for ubuntu 9.1001:41
xcvmou: assuming you paid support, that was with another party, nothing to do with this channel. discussing it here is counter-productive. your business transaction was with another party, contact them directly regarding your paid support incident01:41
lucas_a onde eu uso o ubuntu br como proceder sou no heheheh01:41
mouvnc wont work01:41
zanberdoyour wasting your time on mou. he's clearly simply seeking attention.01:41
hvgotcodesIdleOne, no users list on the right --  i have xchat-gnome....01:41
moui get a gray screen01:41
IdleOnelucas_: /join #ubuntu-br01:41
hvgotcodesTiders, hear ya01:41
theveranthey all Karmic sees my sound card, and thinks it's playing back.  Volume adjusted, mute off, no sound comes out.  Using Quad Mac Pro W/ speakers - any ideas?01:41
IdleOnehvgotcodes: ahh try asking in #xchat in that case01:41
CunbuntuI can't get Flight Stimulator to work in Wine!01:42
Bondymou if you have any brains at all a 5 minute google search would enable you to set up a vnc01:42
Cunbuntuthat is after installing it01:42
zambolilspci won't list my CD drive will it?01:42
zamboliwhat will?01:42
CunbuntuI click it in my wine program foler01:42
Cunbuntuand then it says it is opening01:42
Cunbuntuafter that it disappears01:42
mkanyicyBondy, you don't want to upset that guy01:42
moubondy: you are a fucking retard i know how to install the ffucking vnc you piece of shit01:42
haven489Does anyone know how to set a static IP for ubuntu 9.10? having problems with my IP it wont let me get updates or even connect some times. Does anyone have a solution?01:43
moubut it wont run01:43
BLOATED_SPHINCTArofl wtf on cnn, they just said that Florida officials are declaring a federal disaster because of the arctic cold in the south01:43
lstarnesmou: that kind of abusive language is not welcome here01:43
mouif the fucking thing will run on wndows just fucking fine and not on ubuntu well gee fucking gee maybe its a fucking problem with ubutnu01:43
mkanyicyzamboli, sudo lshw -c disk01:43
BLOATED_SPHINCTAthey are estimating $4.9 billion in orange/sugar losses01:43
Bondyno you are the retard mou because you obviously cant01:43
BLOATED_SPHINCTAhow is that a disaster?01:43
xcvthat's line with mou, imho. kick.01:43
zanberdoevidently you don't mou.01:43
DaZBLOATED_SPHINCTA: global warming.01:43
mouxcv: bondy is attacking me01:43
lstarnesmou: it's probably a problem with the program01:44
lstarnesmou: have you tried any other vnc programs?01:44
haven489mou: if you don't want to get attacked than don't swear so much jeez01:44
Cunbuntulol @ global warming retards01:44
mousame error01:44
theverantgak, I dunt wanna go back to OS X, but no sound is a serious impediment01:44
BLOATED_SPHINCTAwould u like a pony? wowww, thats fine......u didnt say i could have a real pony.......... well you didnt ask01:44
lstarnesmou: what about tightvnc?01:44
BLOATED_SPHINCTAwould u like a pony? wowww, thats fine......u didnt say i could have a real pony.......... well you didnt ask01:44
zanberdohaven489, have you tried configuring /etc/network/interfaces directly?01:44
moulstarnes: yeah that's the initial thing that started with the error01:44
xcvmou: bondy isn't dropping f bombs01:44
zambolimkanyicy: thank you01:44
iflemaCunbuntu: have ya checked out  flight gear.... 4 linux?01:44
haven489zanberdo: no, i have tried to set it with my gui01:44
Cunbuntuis it similar in function?01:45
iflemafull on01:45
haven489on the top bar -> right click on preferances -> edit connections01:45
moui cant get it running01:45
mouits annoying01:45
zanberdohaven489, I can help you to set it manually by editing /etc/network/interfaces. I'm afraid I can't help with the gui on koala (I'm still running jaunty)01:46
haven489zanberdo:  on the top bar -> right click on preferances -> edit connections01:46
lstarnesmou: from what I can see in the screenshot posted earlier of tightvnc, you didn't start any X clients in that session01:46
lstarnesmou: such as gnome-session01:46
zanberdohaven489, right, there is an add button01:46
iflemaCunbuntu:n its in ubuntu repos01:46
moulstarnes: i thought that too and i altered the xstartup file to specifically start gnome-session01:46
mouand it didn't help01:46
mouits like blockied for some reason01:46
zanberdohaven489, and the third tab over is for IPv4 which you can set from automatic to manual01:46
lstarnesmou: it might not read that file01:46
mouwhy not?01:47
lstarnesmou: what about manually launching it from the terminal?01:47
haven489zanberdo: yea, i click that and i give it my address my gateway and my subnet mask01:47
theverantooo updates for gstreamer alsa... mahbe that will help.01:47
mousame probloem01:47
mouno different01:47
zanberdohaven489, you would have to remove the auto eth* (where * is the eth device that was bound during install, probably 0)01:47
zamboligod dammit01:47
un|matrixwhy is the ~/.ecryptfs folder so damn large?01:47
lstarnesmou: any errors about $DISPLAY?01:47
zambolii thought i had a DVD burner01:47
* zamboli hyperventilates01:47
mouno errors about #display01:47
lstarnesun|matrix: it contains encryption keys and encrypted data01:48
TidersWhats so bad about enabling root account in Ubuntu?01:48
haven489zanberdo: can you go into some detail about that? i rly don't know how to remove...01:48
un|matrixlstarnes: but why does it take more space than my actual data?01:48
zanberdohaven489, but I'm sorry to say that I haven't configured static IP addresses that way. I always just go straight to interfaces.01:48
lstarnesTiders: it is insecurem unrecommended, and unnecessary01:48
ToStItOsI have a Sony Mp3 player. I have Ubuntu 8.10 but instead of the usb connection being recognized as a Usb Storage it is listing as a photo card01:48
Tiderslstarnes, But most distributions have a root user01:48
lstarnesTiders: ubuntu doesn't01:48
zanberdohaven489, sure, I believe it's a simple matter to select the device and click 'delete'01:48
mouyeah i cant get it running01:48
lstarnesTiders: for good reasons01:48
Tiderslstarnes, Like?01:48
BLOATED_SPHINCTAMou........... would you like a pony?..............haven489, would you like a pony....? Mou sees his real pony trott out, and goes: wowwwww, thats fun........then haven489 greedily says: "You didnt tell me i could have a real one"01:49
zanberdohaven489, but be sure to create the static IP device first.01:49
lstarnesTiders: security for one01:49
BLOATED_SPHINCTAthen i respond with: well haven489, you didnt ask.01:49
moustupid linux01:49
ToStItOsMy question is How can I configure my mp3 player so I can sync my music01:49
haven489zanberdo: can you get me a website or maybe some material to read?01:49
moushutthe fuck up BLOATED_SPHINCTA01:49
moufucking piece of sit01:49
zanberdowon't someone kick mou please?01:49
b0walguien de aqui es de veracruz???01:49
tertittenyes please :)01:49
IdleOnePici: mou continues to swear and has been told the rules several times01:50
losha!es | bow01:50
ubottubow: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:50
Tidersmou, Do you have a few spelling problems?01:50
lstarnesun|matrix: it is padded out so that the data can fit through the block cipher algorithms and there is metadata included01:50
theverantmou needs a zanex01:50
mouIdleOne: i dont get any help!01:50
mouno one knows how to fix this01:50
haven489zanberdo: i will try to get it working. BRB, booting ubuntu =301:50
BLOATED_SPHINCTA07:50pm] .-- Quit: (aboSamoor) (n=eid@pc-226.depts.ncc.metu.edu.tr)01:50
* Dr_Willis wonders why01:50
Tidersmou, Whats the problem?01:50
xcvmou: i'm tuning you out. you've been warned repeatedly and yet you persist with the f bombs. the volunteers here deserve more respect than that01:50
BLOATED_SPHINCTAturkish EDU in tha 201001:50
un|matrixlstarnes: so basically i need a partition twice the size i normally would?01:50
mouvnc wont work01:50
IdleOnemou: so we should have to put up with your foul mouth and bad attitude?01:50
Tidersmou, Whats happening?01:50
mouxcv: they haven't helped me at all01:50
zanberdohaven489, check this out for how to do it the way I'm used to (simply editing the interfaces file). I will provide a link for gui when I find one: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html01:50
BondyTiders nothing just ubuntu is for new Linux users and is "to protect the user"01:50
* Dr_Willis uses vnc all the time.01:50
Bondyubuntu does have a root user just you dont know the password but you can set one01:50
mouIdleOne: its called ignore01:50
haven489mou: they have tried01:51
theverantmou - you should demand your money back01:51
lstarnesun|matrix: maybe, but I'm not exactly sure.  I rarely use encryption except for individual files01:51
IdleOnemou: it's called follow the rules or go away01:51
mouTiders: i get a gray window via tightvnc01:51
macomou: you've been neither cooperative nor respectful01:51
Dr_Willistheverant:  hay! thats my line!01:51
Tidersmou, Are you tunneling VNC or straight VNC?01:51
mouIdleOne: its called help or go to hell01:51
moutiders: straight vnc01:51
haven489zanberdo: thanks, wil try and get back to you01:51
mouin fact its on a local network01:51
zanberdoI've said it before, mou is pulling your strings. he doesn't need help. he is only seeking attention.01:51
Tidersmou, Does the server run GNOME?01:51
ToStItOsDoes anyone know if music syncing is possible in Ubuntu 8.10?01:51
IdleOnemou: honestly I don't care about your issues with linux or with your paid support problems but for the past half hour I have put up with it and it is unfair to the polite users in here who need real help and want it01:51
BLOATED_SPHINCTAPennywise the Dancing Clown says: "mou.................your VNC is down here in the sewer with me, with cotton candy and all sorts of surprises"01:52
Dr_Willismou:  tightvnc by default runs the 'twm' window manager. unless you edit the .vnc/xstartup to tell it to run somthing else.. and twm by default is NOT installed.. so edit your xstartup and make it run gnome-session or some other window manager.. perhaps01:52
BLOATED_SPHINCTAPennywise the Dancing Clown says: "mou.................your VNC is down here in the sewer with me, with cotton candy and all sorts of surprises"....01:52
mouzanberdo: you are just too stupid to help01:52
BLOATED_SPHINCTAand they do float01:52
* Dr_Willis now ignores mou01:52
adam83Dr_Willis I got the  mac and ubuntutalking via netatalk and I can see my home directory on the mac, however, the drive I really want to see is my second hard drive.  It contains files which have all ben made sharable; however the drive itse;f :sdb, which I labeled "storage" is not showing up01:52
TidersDr_Willis, Thats what I was getting at haha01:52
BLOATED_SPHINCTADo they float?01:52
IdleOnePici: please do something about this01:52
maco!attitude > mou01:52
ubottumou, please see my private message01:52
mouDr_Willis: i did that but its not helping01:52
JDiMatteoI can't take this -- mou is obviously a troll.  Where are the moderators? I'm leaving01:52
Tidersmou, Does your server run GNOME then?01:52
macomou: do NOT under *any* circumstances call anyone here "stupid." Got it?01:52
Dr_Willisadam83:  you can try the sshfs perhaps. or  perhaps you need to set up the share difrferently.01:52
protojayJDiMatteo: learn to ignore the troll you fool01:53
moutiders: yup i run gnome and tried kde01:53
loshaBoy, this group goes down quickly when there are no ops around. It's like Lord of the Flies....01:53
moumaco: no01:53
kneeskrap3rmou, I digress to repeat... have you uninstalled the software yet01:53
maco!ops | mou has a major attitude problem01:53
ubottumou has a major attitude problem: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:53
Dr_Willismou:  time to read teh vnc logs and figure out whats its running. make it run just a xterm, then a window manager.  Good Luck.01:53
moukneeskrap3r: yeah uninstalled it01:53
BLOATED_SPHINCTAkneeskrap3r, ....01:53
BLOATED_SPHINCTAu feel leet saying: "Digress"01:53
kneeskrap3rmou, and... ?01:53
mouDr_Willis: vnc logs dont log anything01:53
Tidersmou, There is a bug with most versions after 8.10 and it exists in karmic... try typing metacity --replace that may help I have to do that whenever VNCing01:53
moukneeskrap3r: same issue01:53
kneeskrap3rBLOATED_SPHINCTA, rofl yeah01:53
BLOATED_SPHINCTAi digress on this issue kneescrap3r01:53
Tidersmou, It exists in compiz*01:53
BLOATED_SPHINCTAbecause i digress on the digress01:53
macomou: perhaps you should read the channel guidelines. the correct answer to that question most certainly was not "no"01:54
kneeskrap3rmou, have you tried a different server?01:54
adam83Dr_Willis the tutorial I was going off of said to open the applevolume but I do not know what command to enter to allow for the second harddrive to be shared on the net01:54
zanberdomou will go away when everyone realizes he's merely here to tweak peoples nerves and ignores him. he distracts from legitimate questions and he's succeeding at what he's setting out to do, which is to draw attention.01:54
maco!guidelines | mou01:54
ubottumou: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:54
moutiders: metacity in the logs?01:54
BLOATED_SPHINCTAscrollage hell01:54
mou!op maco | is being offensive01:54
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel01:54
kneeskrap3rlosha, yeah no kidding01:54
Dr_Willisadam83:  ive no idea how to make  os-x share things. :)  perhaps ask in #OSX01:54
ugliefrogwhats the command to reset the gmome panel from terminal01:54
* kneeskrap3r blows up the channel so it can start over from the ashes01:54
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »01:54
Tidersmou, metacity --replace will switch the window manager to metacity01:54
ToStItOsIs music syncing possible in Ubuntu 8.10?01:54
kneeskrap3rToStItOs, yep01:55
Dr_WillisToStItOs:  syncing with what?01:55
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:55
ToStItOsno I have a Sony MP3 player01:55
IdleOne!ot | BLOATED_SPHINCTA01:55
ubottuBLOATED_SPHINCTA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:55
adam83Dr_Willis thank you01:55
* maco hugs Pici01:55
ShwackUbuntu wont let me change passwords.  I go to System > Administration > Users and Groups - I enter in my old password, I make new password... it says password accepted.  However, nothing changes.  When I go back into users and groups and try to change to a new password, it still takes the old password and not the new one - I have tried serveral times.01:55
IdleOnethank you Pici01:55
BLOATED_SPHINCTAmy wireless randomly doesnt detect my wifi any more.......it was working 3 weeks ago.............01:55
Dr_Willisadam83:  i just replac3es OS-X on my imac with ubuntu the other day.. but the poor imac is so ram poor.. os-x ran better on it. :)01:55
BLOATED_SPHINCTAits a broadcom embedded in a dell vostro 150001:55
zanberdoShwack, have you tried opening a terminal and issuing the command 'passwd' ?01:56
macoShwack: it may not take effect til you log out...01:56
TidersShwack, try "sudo passwd <user>" and change that users password through command line01:56
minimecShwack: logout/login01:56
kneeskrap3rToStItOs, anything like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32220101:56
kneeskrap3rPici, I am in love, thanks01:56
BondyShwack open a terminal and type passwd username replacing username with the username you want to change and then enter the password twice forgot to add you will need to sudo it01:56
Shwackzanberdo, maco, Tiders, minimec - thank you very much.    I will try  -   Bondy ty as well01:57
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=== Long_Dangling_Do is now known as bloated_sphincta
zanberdoShwack, check out the man page for passwd so you can be familiar with the parameters and requirements when using.01:57
zanberdoShwack, if you are using it to change your own password, you shouldn't need sudo.01:58
Shwackzanberdo: I already followed Bondy's advice01:58
Shwacklet me check real quick, one sec01:58
zanberdoShwack, good luck01:58
theverantoh the sweet sound of hum-chanting and symbols01:58
theveranthow I love thee01:59
tim42I've been working on getting eth1394 to work under Janunty 9.04, but still can't seem to get the interface to appear. At the risk of being told "its your problem, now" I recompiled the kernel with all of the firewire modules installed, not added as modules. Anyone willing to help?01:59
rachael_whenever i log on to skype via wireless network my internet connection dies and i cant get back on unless i reboot my laptop, has anyone had this problem on 9.10?01:59
Shwackif somebody says they can kill me easier than i can kill them - is it a fact or opinion?01:59
Dr_Willistim42:  just unblacklistimg the module and modprobing it dident work eh? odd.02:00
theverantShwack - depends on whether or not they are right02:00
koolmanlukeThis might be a weird question, but is the 'blank screen' screensaver good for your displays?02:00
Shwackwouldn't it be a theory until tested?02:00
tim42Dr_Willis: right. so i went the long way. Let me doublecheck the error i still get02:00
kneeskrap3rkoolmanluke, mostly no02:00
Dr_Willistim42:  ages ago that module caused so much problems.  adding extra eth# interfaces that no one wanted.02:01
Dr_Willistim42:  ive not even tried it in years.02:01
kneeskrap3rkoolmanluke, anything static can burn in and wear out the screen, which is why screensavers move (although I prefer shutting them off)02:01
zanberdokoolmanluke, it takes no resources unlike for instance a 3GL screen saver.02:01
tim42if I do sudo ifconfig -a02:01
theverantShwack - it could be an accepted theory02:01
zanberdokneeskrap3r, doesn't the blank screensaver merely put the monitor to sleep?02:01
LJR!ot | Shwack02:01
ubottuShwack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:01
Dr_Williszanberdo:  my montitor will blank for a bit.. THEn the powersaveing stuff kicks in and actually powers the monitor off. about 5 min later02:02
Dr_Williszanberdo:  2 different settings I belive02:02
LJRkneeskrap3r, zanberdo, screen burn-in isn't really much of a problem anymore on most modern monitors.02:02
kneeskrap3rzanberdo, I suppose, on my setup it won't... it takes 30 mins the way I have it configured I think, so for that whole time I am burning in the dark screen02:02
Dr_WillisIm not sure lcd's can even do burn in...02:03
kneeskrap3rLJR, true, I'm just pointing out a possibility mostly... zanberdo he makes a good point, can we know what displays you are running out of curiosity?02:03
koolmanlukekneeskrap3r my friend had the blank screen saver turned on, with no power saving options and I told him that all that time displaying black couldnt be good02:03
zanberdoah, yes, it is likely to be individual. I use blank myself and power off the monitor if I'm going to be away for a while.02:03
bloated_sphinctacan the swine flu cause persistant gas? I've been pas gassing all day in my cube at work, and coworkers were complaining i was making the office smell like steamed broccoli. My diet is good, oatmeal, oranges, blueberries, tunafish.....but the result smell makes you think diet was consistent with burger king etc02:03
pepperjackbloated_sphincta: /j #ubuntu-way-offtopic02:03
tim42it gives me the eth1 interface... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/maf0c9f802:04
* soreau glances at Pici 02:04
LJRkneeskrap3r, it's a 15.4" TFT widescreen display on a Lenovo Thinkpad r61i.02:04
kneeskrap3rDr_Willis, they can, much harder to do than a CRT, more importantly I guess and what I forgot is the power issue, you prob won't hurt the screen itself, but a large majority of power supplies are cheap components, I have had more than a couple die on me02:04
theverantLJR - "screen burn-in isn't really much of a problem anymore on most modern monitors."  tell that to some of the LCDs at work02:05
rachael_whenever i log on to skype via wireless network my internet connection dies and i cant get back on unless i reboot my laptop, has anyone had this problem on 9.10?02:05
haven489zanberdo: i think it worked =302:05
Dr_Williskneeskrap3r:  my wife has logged many many an hr on some of my cheap lcd's - like 24 hr a day for  Months on end..  :) guess shes never managed to break one.. yet...02:06
LJRtheverant, "on most modern monitors"02:06
LJRon most02:06
theverantha ha02:06
Nozyhi all what the quick lock key02:06
Nozyif someone knows02:06
zanberdohaven489, excellent.02:06
zaukWhen I restart my laptop, it doesn't load GRUB; it loads a faulty version of ubuntu instead. Anyone has any ideas?02:06
LJRI've had this computer for about two years and I leave it on day and night with no screen saver or display shutoff. I have yet to have any burn in problems.02:07
LJRzauk, you don't see grub at all?02:07
haven489zanberdo: ty for help02:07
theverantI forgot about a system that had a Windows install going, and it stayed on for about a week or so02:07
zanberdohaven489, glad to be of assistance.02:07
zanberdohaven489, remember: google is your friend! :)02:07
Dr_WillisLJR:  yep - wife's laptop is the same. always on - for her to play solitare on :)02:07
zaukLJR: I see "GRUB loading", and then the ubuntu logo is appears, loading the system02:07
theverantthe screen still has a ghost of the dialogue box02:07
haven489zanberdo: oh yea02:07
LJRDr_Willis, =O02:08
* haven489 is glad for google02:08
tim42but if i try to sudo ifconfig eth1 up i get this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m511688dd02:08
theverantnote to self: Windows installler has no screen saver02:08
NiceOneChanAdmin: who is pilif12f ? and why he was banned ?02:08
zaukLJR : Can it be due to the fact that I am not shutting down the computer properly?02:08
kneeskrap3rDr_Willis, lol well that is good, most likely I am too hard on them lol02:08
zanberdohaven489, and of course man. but in this case I'm not sure man would have done you any good. Personally, I tend to do most things from command line, but I'm a command line hacker.02:08
LJRzauk, how're you shutting down the computer?02:08
pepperjackrachael_: can you limit the number of connections in skype?  sorry i dont use it but the p2p aspect of skype may be messing you up.02:08
kneeskrap3rLJR, by turning off the monitor xD, no I'm kidding lol02:09
rachael_pepperjack, not sure02:09
rachael_i just installed it on this computer02:09
haven489zanberdo: well im taking a linux + class from COMP tia02:09
zaukLJR: I have a bad ATI driver - it loads, and before I see the login screen, the screen goes black. All I can do it shut it down manually.02:09
Dr_WillisI do tend to actually turn off my lcd's when i will be gone for a while.   Just old habbit i guess02:09
rachael_it occurs after i disconnect from a call02:09
zauk**it loads = ubuntu loads02:09
haven489zanberdo: Linux is a very interesting thing02:09
zanberdohaven489, good luck with that. Nothing like getting your hands dirty while you are at it!02:09
tim42Dr_Willis: any suggestions on where to turn for this eth1394 thing?02:10
Dr_Williszauk:  try getting to the consoles with alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 ?02:10
NiceOneI hate ubunthu I think debain is the best02:10
haven489zanberdo: nice thought02:10
Dr_Willistim42:  not really. its been at least 2 years since i last played with that thing.02:10
zanberdohaven489, yes it is! :) You will discover a whole new way to look at computing if you've only worked with windows in the past.02:10
Dr_Willistim42:  i dont even have anuy machines with  that fancy firewire stuff. :)02:10
vonadhzHey Everyone02:10
pepperjackrachael_: are you on a personal home connection of using publicly accessable internet?02:10
Dr_Willistim42:  perhaps the forums or wiki pages.02:10
zaukDr_Willis : Yes. Then ubuntu freezes up and it goes black screen.02:10
haven489zanberdo: very true for me, started using windows from back in the days of M.E02:10
LJRhi! | vonadhz02:10
rachael_home connection02:10
rachael_it works fine on my windows box02:11
Dr_Williszauk:  so you mean to say you DID try going to the consoles with alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 ?02:11
NiceOnejoin #IHateUbunthu02:11
zaukDr_Willis : yes02:11
haven489zanberdo: C:\    C:\DOS     C:\DOS\RUN  RUN\DOS\RUN02:11
=== william is now known as Guest57410
vonadhzSo I have been using Ubuntu for a little bit now and when I first got it, it rarely froze up but sometimes it would freeze. recently My computer has been freezing up all the time, can some one help me02:11
Tiders#4 biggest hate towards Windows... Their slashes are backwards02:12
LJRvonadhz, are you getting any error reports?02:12
Dr_Williszauk:  You could always boot a live cd,  and try to fix the 'bad ati driver' by making a xorg.conf that uses the vesa driver perhaps.02:12
vonadhzIt freezes and I cant do nothing02:12
zanberdohaven489, ah, the days of monotasking. :) anyway, good luck and keep digging.  get familiar with pastebin.com as well. or better yet, install pastebinit from apt-get (aptitude)02:12
vonadhzNo moving cursor no typing02:12
vonadhznothing responds02:12
LJRvonadhz, what version of Ubuntu are you on?02:12
zanberdohaven489, it will be helpful when you need to provide output to people in chat.02:12
zaukDr_Willis : My ubuntu live cd is across the room, I really don't want to get out of my chair :'(02:12
vonadhzLJR: 9..1002:12
zaukDr_Willis - Jokes aside, will do it right now. :)02:12
vonadhzLJR: where can i check error reports?02:13
haven489zanberdo: ok ty, signing off =302:13
Dr_Williszauk:   I am once again reminded why i NEVER buy ati any more..02:13
LJRvonadhz, log file viewer should have a print out02:13
zaukDr_Willis - I got this thing for free, so I ain't complaining.02:13
vonadhzLJR: how do i go to that02:13
Dr_Williszauk:  i got several low end nvidia cards for free. :)02:13
LJRSystem->Administration->Log File Viewer02:13
vonadhzLJR: okay02:14
vonadhzLJR: now what?02:14
vonadhzLJR: I opened it02:14
zaukDr_Willis - free nvidia cards? :( -jealous-02:14
zaukDr_Willis - my company only has cheap radeons02:14
Dr_Williszanberdo:  they were like geforce3's :) that friends upgraded  their systems and dident need any more.  I even took off the fans and put large HS's on them  to make them quieter.02:14
LJRvonadhz, give me just a sec bud. =)02:15
vonadhzLJR: okay02:15
=== astechgeek is now known as techgeek
LJRvonadhz, keep log file viewer open a minute. Have you installed anything recently? Anything around the time this started?02:16
vonadhzI dont think so02:16
vonadhzLJR: Possibly Wine i really dont know02:17
vonadhzLJR: wat should i look for in log viewer02:17
vonadhzLJR: is there like a system restore02:18
DaZmaybe kernel update? :302:18
vonadhzI just wonder what it is02:18
vonadhzDaZ: talking to me?02:18
LJRvonadhz, I've been following up on some rashes of freezing recently on 9.10 and I'm reading through some resources. Do you see anything under debug or syslog?02:18
DaZvonadhz: yes02:19
vonadhzLJR: I dont know what anything is in here02:19
vonadhzLJR: in the log view02:19
LJRvonadhz, ok - forget that for a moment. Do you have compiz turned on?02:19
vonadhzLJR: yes i think so02:20
LJRTry turning it off.02:20
vonadhzI have many things under debug02:20
mjrosenbhey, what happened to slim in 9.10?02:20
mjrosenbit seems to have dissappeared without any warnings02:20
LJRRight-click your desktop and select Change Desktop Background and then "Visual Effects". Disable all.02:20
soreauvonadhz: In sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects, set it to None02:20
vonadhzI did02:21
LJROk, now try it out for a bit.02:21
vonadhzcan u help me with the log viewer02:21
LJRYou don't get all the pretty effects, but it should be a lot more stable. Compiz is a real problem for lower-end machines.02:21
LJRvonadhz, If something were wrong in the log viewer you'd see one of the logs in bold and I'd have you pastbin it.02:22
vonadhzYou see in windows I was rarely ever getting a blue screen02:22
vonadhzsome memory dump blah blah02:22
vonadhzthen it kinda stopped02:22
LJRvonadhz, blue screen isn't the same as a freeze.02:22
vonadhzThen I got Ubuntu02:22
vonadhzand my computer was a lot faster02:22
vonadhzI dool booted02:22
vonadhzand My comp rarely froze in Ubuntu, and I started using xp less and less02:23
LJRNo offense vonadhz, but Enter != punctuation.02:23
vonadhzSo I repartioned , and now im ubuntu exclusive and only in the past 5 days or so it has been freezing alot02:23
vonadhzand I dont know02:23
mjrosenbis there any way of finding out what happened to slim?02:24
LJRDid you ever change your compiz settings?02:24
mjrosenbit was in 9.04, but it is not in 9.1002:24
LJRAlso, welcome to Ubuntu. =D We're glad to have you!02:24
vonadhzI was in here a while ago to find out what was wrong with one of my programs= startupmanager and why it wasnt working and no one could tell me what the error was02:24
vonadhzand someone said i might need to reinstall my GUI02:24
vonadhzso I dont know02:24
vonadhzI really want to use Ubuntu but now its freezing like crazy02:25
LJRvonadhz, do you have anything important on your machine?02:25
* Dr_Willis places a hot water bottle on vonadhz 's pc.02:25
* LJR laughs02:25
kneeskrap3rLJR, I was about to ask that lol, vonadhz: clean install FTW02:25
* kneeskrap3r laughs also02:26
LJRkneeskrap3r, I totally agree. vonadhz - I hate to tell you this, but I'd clean install your machine.02:26
vonadhzwell ye i have important stuff02:26
kneeskrap3rlol sorry02:26
LJRHow much? Less than 2GB?02:26
vonadhzmy home though is on seperate partiotion02:26
vonadhzSo I should reinstall?02:27
LJROk, then open your Ubuntu One client. Login and upload your important items.02:27
kneeskrap3rvonadhz, try... you beat me typing... try creating a separate partition and copy EVERYTHING to it, and format the other partition and fresh OS that sucker02:27
Dr_WillisUbuntu One is handy for keeping backups of config files also. :)02:27
LJRkneeskrap3r, no deal bud. Just upload it to Ubuntu One.02:27
kneeskrap3rLJR, vonadhz, better idea02:27
zaukDr_willis : are you still there?02:27
LJRDr_Willis, Ubuntu One = win for my kernels and configs. =D02:27
vonadhzI dont know how dude02:27
kneeskrap3rLRJ, vonadhz, I apologize for my old school ness02:28
LJRvonadhz, applications->internet->ubuntu one02:28
Dr_WillisLJR:  has it finally stabalized? for a long time after 9.10 release it was so flakey - i couldent even use it02:28
LJRkneeskrap3r, it's all good. =D02:28
LJRDr_Willis, I'm developing on 10.04 now. I'm not on 9.10 so I can't say.02:28
kneeskrap3rDr_Willis, yeah I only ever tried it twice and it wasn't stable, but I love the theory... if it is working now......... huzzah!02:28
LJRUbuntu One works for me.02:29
vonadhzalso I by accidently when i moved to ubuntu only I upgraded from ext3 to ext402:29
LJRI keep mah stuffz there.02:29
Dr_Williskneeskrap3r:  i also use 'drop.io' and dropbox :)02:29
LJR!hi | marcent02:29
ubottumarcent: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:29
marcenthi every body02:29
kneeskrap3rLJR, how is that running for you???!02:29
LJRkneeskrap3r, 10.04?02:29
vonadhzCan you tell me from my error log?02:29
LJRvonadhz, if nothing is registering then no we can't. =(02:29
vonadhzkneeskrape3r: ?02:29
vonadhzwhat do u mean02:30
vonadhznothing is registering02:30
LJRvonadhz, if nothing is registering in the log files.02:30
vonadhzThere is lots in the log files02:30
LJRvonadhz, but nothing in bold?02:30
marcenthow can i hak in lan02:30
redleafubuntuOne works for me, also on 10.0402:30
LJRmarcent, hak?02:30
LJRredleaf, do you have the red lines on your pop-up GUI's?02:31
vonadhzLJR: there is definately stuff in the log files02:31
kneeskrap3rLJR, yeah02:31
shro0mshi how do you force quit?02:31
vonadhzLJR: where do u want me to go02:31
LJRvonadhz, well most of that is normal. Only bolded stuff is important.02:31
vonadhzLJR: in the log files02:31
_Ray_How do I find, from command line, what filesystem a block device has?02:31
pilif12pshro0ms: killall processname02:31
LJRshro0ms, sudo killall -a <name>02:31
Dr_Willisshro0ms:   quit what?02:31
marcentcan i know what you are talking about pls02:31
redleafLJR, you mean the little priority notes on the indicator bubbles .. ?02:31
LJRshro0ms, sudo killall -a firefox02:31
pilif12pshro0ms: killall firefox02:32
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
kneeskrap3rahhhhh what is happening lol!02:32
Dr_WillisPoor little firefox...02:32
pilif12pyou don't usually need sudo for that, do you?02:32
kneeskrap3rI just got so lost haha02:32
vonadhzLJR: I am in log files, where should i click on the left02:32
LJRredleaf, no, they're part of the design. I know what they're called - it's erroneous.02:32
LJRvonadhz, anything in bold02:32
LJRpilif12p, I always do02:32
pilif12pI never do02:32
vonadhzLJR: the left panel02:32
LJRvonadhz, anything in bold there?02:32
vonadhzLJR: the left panel with all the categories such as Debug02:33
redleafLJR, hmm .. then 'red line on GUi popups' .. not sure what you mean02:33
LJRvonadhz, Right, is there anything in bold there?02:33
vonadhzLJR: they all look the same02:33
LJRredleaf, I'll post a pic in a sec bud. =)02:33
shro0msthank you02:33
vonadhzLJR: I dont think they are all bold02:34
sabgentonwhats the best way to set up a 3g wireless modem on ubuntu with no guis02:34
sabgentoncreate a vdial script?02:34
LJRGuys, i'll brb. vonadhz just close the log file viewer. Use UbuntuOne to backup anything important, then use your livecd to make a clean install, using just the standard settings.02:34
sabgentonor is there some fancey tool i can use from a terminal02:34
mjrosenbdoes anyone in here use slim?02:35
_Ray_Argh, sorry, god DC'd. I had asked how I could find out, from command line, what filesystem a block device has.02:35
faileasmjrosenb: yeah02:35
kneeskrap3rafk for about 10 mins all02:35
vonadhzDr Willis: hey02:35
shro0msis it still a good idea to have an antivirus prog even through its linux?02:35
faileasmjrosenb: though i use the package for lucid lynx, on a karmic programme ;p02:35
ZPerteedoes anyone have any good ideas for programs that would allow me to stream tv to all computers on my network?  I actually just need the ability to connect rca cable (standard red, yellow, and white)02:35
faileasshro0ms: for a server, maybe, for a desktop, its not really necessary02:35
mjrosenbfaileas: yeah, i noticed that it is not in the karmic repos02:36
faileasmjrosenb: i mean i use it the lynx package on a koala system02:36
shro0msok thx02:36
mjrosenbfaileas: and have been trying to find out why.02:36
sabgentonshro0ms: most people never bother and never get viruses02:36
faileasmjrosenb: er.. it just isn't apparently02:36
mazda01k3b really freezing while trying to rip audio cd. it freezes at point when I am to select a folder to rip to. i have upgraded machine through several relaeses of ubuntu. im sure a fresh install would solve this but I have so much customization over years. any thoughts02:36
sabgentonbut can't hurt02:37
faileasmjrosenb: http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2009-09/msg00097.html02:37
LJRredleaf, may I send you a link via PM?02:37
JAMD456I lost a password for a zip archive is there any way to recover it?02:37
yufeiany winops team here,  about ca-tool from beijing02:37
shro0mssabgenton: wat bout spyware and shit?02:37
Gatewayhello every... please guys, I have a file that contains 4 fields and I have to make a sort with the second character of the fourth field02:38
Gatewayhelp please02:38
yufeiit should be a windows only issue,02:38
sabgentonJAMD456: if it was a dictonary password then you could get a programe to brute force it02:38
e-headHey, I have a samba question.  Is there a way to get samba to simply use unix username/passwords?02:38
yufeiI can find user if user request from a MAC machine02:38
yufeiso,, it should be a firewall acl issue02:38
LJRredleaf, see what I mean?02:38
sabgentonshro0ms: there is none02:38
e-headI'd prefer not to have to keep a seperate smbuser/pass database.02:38
Dr_Willise-head:  i recall ages ago a way to sync the user name/passwords with their samba name/passwords.. but its been ages since i last looked into it.02:38
shro0mssabgenton: sweet02:38
sabgentonmabye stuff that can efect firefox02:38
Dr_Willise-head:  check the samba-doc package - it has several books on samba ussage02:38
e-headDr_Willis: thanks02:39
LJRkneeskrap3r, 10.04 is still in Alpha 1, so it's rough around the edges, but nice.02:39
pepperjackGateway: #bash might be a better channel for that type of question02:39
sabgentonbut anything that comes thru fire fox and effects windows won't efect linux02:39
Gatewaypepperjack, ok thanks :)02:39
shro0mskk thanks02:39
Dr_WillisGateway:  sounds like a job for AWK! :)02:39
redleafLJR, so you mean the red stripe on the popup?  thats what i was talking about too - sometimes i get it in blue or yellow.  apparently related to urgency ..02:39
GatewayDr_Willis, AWK ? :)02:40
sabgentonshro0ms: if you want to watch out for  something watch out for phishing  that efects anyone thats dum enough to fall for it02:40
Dr_WillisGateway:  a programing/scrimting/wonder tool. thats good for all sorts of tasks like that..02:40
LJRredleaf, Not just the stripe, but the design skeleton for the graphic. Of course, the graphic's dept. will polish all that up before launch.02:40
Dr_WillisGateway:  it even cures baldness02:40
Dr_Willis!info awk02:40
ubottuPackage awk does not exist in karmic02:41
sabgentonshro0ms: fake emails asking for passwords from you bank etc02:41
Dr_Willis!info gawk02:41
ubottugawk (source: gawk): GNU awk, a pattern scanning and processing language. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.1.6.dfsg-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 512 kB, installed size 2072 kB02:41
GatewayDr_Willis, yes :s02:41
gmachine_24Greeting Earthlings. When I boot my comp one of many profundities that flash across my screen is the one that says to enable acpi I must acpi=force. I believe I must add this to the boot commands but want to check it out before doing so. Anyone?02:42
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  you can edit the grub menu lines   for a one time test of it.. if you wanted to02:42
gmachine_24Oh yes, and please forward your bank passwords to me. J/k02:42
redleafLJR, yup, same.  i've found a couple other quirkys i imagine will get cleaned up as well02:42
gmachine_24Dr_Willis, ok, so, that would be which file exactly, Doc?02:43
LJRgmachine_24, /boot/grub/menu.lst02:43
gmachine_24LJR, thanks.02:43
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:   hit 'e' to edit the grub entry and append that 'apci=force' option at the  end of the kernel options. proberly right after 'spash quiet  .... '02:43
LJRNo worries. Like Dr_Willis said - one change at a time.02:43
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  what release of ubuntu are you using exactly?02:44
sabgentonand it is possable to go to a web site and its actually  an evil web site in disguise02:44
vonadhzLJR: hey02:44
LJRvonadhz, what's up bud? =)02:44
sabgentondns possing02:44
vonadhzLJR: nm, do u know how I can find the problem?02:44
Dr_Willissabgenton:  id imagine its possible.02:44
vonadhzLJR: i dont wanna reinstall02:44
etzerdhello all02:44
LJRvonadhz, you said you're having two, essentially violent problems?02:45
gmachine_24I will update...........someday02:45
EruaranHello, is anyone familiar with the cannot update ICEauthority problem after updates ?02:45
tim42Dr_Willis: heh, I rebooted to the stock kernel, did a modprobe eth1394, and looked at ifconfig -a and dmesg and found that its trying to work, but still no go02:45
LJR!hi | etzerd02:45
ubottuetzerd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:45
faileasgmachine_24: also, how old is your box?02:45
vonadhzLJR: well mainly its just freezing02:45
LJRgmachine_24, is that Hardy?02:45
faileasthe acpi=force generally happens to pre-2000 boxes02:45
etzerdLJR: thanks02:45
LJRvonadhz, Has turning off compiz stopped it?02:45
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  then you are useing grub1  - so the menu.lst or  edinging the grub kernel line  at boot up for a one time test.. can work02:45
vonadhzLJR: do you think it may have anything having to do with my inverter box breaking?02:46
vonadhzthe screen doesnt work02:46
LJRThe screen?02:46
vonadhzLJR: yes02:46
gmachine_24Ok, one more? Before or after this line: initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-26-generic?02:46
LJRvonadhz, what's the screen doing now?02:47
gmachine_24faileas, how old is my box? very.02:47
etzerdhow can I change the boot manager to a GUI instead of DOS like looking?02:47
vonadhzLJR: and honestly it started freezing more after that happened but I honesly have no idea if they have any relation cause i have also installed new programs02:47
LJRgmachine_24, not after that line.02:47
faileasgmachine_24: pre 2000?02:47
wrekthey. i have a sedia server running on ubuntu and when i restarted i cant find the open incident of the program while it seems to stil be broadcasting. how can i track it down and terminate it?02:47
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vonadhzLJR: my screen does not work, I use a monitor for my laptop02:47
gmachine_24faileas, ..........uhmmmmmmmmm...........maybe. This is about the 6th incarnation of Linux I've run on it.02:47
vonadhzLJRL: what is ubuntu one?02:47
soreauwrekt: ps02:47
redleafgmachine_24, i've got an 8.04 box as well .. waiting for lucid, should be a direct upgrade to LTS02:48
soreauwrekt: ps ax|grep <program>02:48
LJRvonadhz, it's an online application for you to upload important stuff during upgrades, etc.02:48
faileasgmachine_24: that explains it. most linux varients don't run acpi by default for systems whose bios are dated before 200002:48
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  thers a kernel=somthing   options  here   quiet splash     (i think)02:48
gmachine_24redleaf, I did one upgrade with Ubuntu. Never again.02:48
LJRgmachine_24, this line = kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root02:48
wrektsoreau, it will terminate the program?02:48
gmachine_24Dr_Willis, yes, absolutely. That kernel line is the one just before the initrd02:48
soreauwrekt: No, it will show you currently running processes02:48
midnightleutenanIs there a default place xserver shortcuts can be bound?02:48
LJRgmachine_24, we've streamlined the update process, it's much less painless.02:48
redleaflol gmachine_2402:49
Dr_Willis gmachine_24  tats the options you need to add to.02:49
ijessemy buddy lost his main menubar panel.. how can he get it back?02:49
soreauwrekt: To kill it, you look at the PID (Process ID) then use 'kill $PID' or, just 'killall <program>'02:49
cherhi, i am trying to encode one of my CDs to MP3 with Banshee but i do not have the option to encode to this format. i have good, bad base and ugly gstreamerplugins installed and liblame.02:49
midnightleutenanIs there a default place xserver shortcuts can be bound?02:49
cherany ideas?02:49
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:   You could also make it 'noquiet nosplash  apci=force (or whatever its supposed to be)  that way you can see a more verbose text messages at boot up02:49
Dr_Willismidnightleutenan:  what do you mean xserver shortcits?02:50
tawdlooking for help writing what should be a simple shell script.  i saw my friend on windows 7 have something called libraries, which searched the computer for music and pictures and linked them to that folder  i'm trying to do the same.  this is what i have so far  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m2f55136802:50
ZykoticK9!panels | ijesse02:50
ubottuijesse: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:50
LJRijesse, you can access the terminal with ALT+F202:50
midnightleutenanDr_Willis, I had <ctrl>+t bound to terminal sessions and now it's broken.  I'm looking for a robust way to bind those keys to a session.02:50
midnightleutenanDr_Willis, I think kde & gnome are a bit screwy on this distro.02:51
gmachine_24Dr_Willis that's ok we'll see how it goes. Thanks. Does my computer really have all these versions of the kernel still?02:51
Dr_Willismidnightleutenan:  i just use gnome-do  - i do win-space then 'te' and it launches the terminal for me. :)02:51
Dr_Willismidnightleutenan:  of cours ei always have a few terms open :)02:51
gmachine_24LIke,..........three of them.02:51
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  proberly does.02:51
LJRDr_Willis, don't we all? =P02:51
Dr_Willis!info quake02:52
ubottuPackage quake does not exist in karmic02:52
Dr_Willis!info guake02:52
ubottuguake (source: guake): A drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-4 (karmic), package size 117 kB, installed size 804 kB02:52
lotushey, can I install ubuntu 9.10 using the alternate install (for full disc encryption) and then optimize it for use with the processor and with boot optimizations?02:52
Dr_Willis!info kuuake02:52
ubottuPackage kuuake does not exist in karmic02:52
midnightleutenanDr_Willis, Cool.  I don't have gnome-do, though.  Is there a way you can bind it directly without messing around with gdm/kde?02:52
Dr_Willis!info kuake02:52
gmachine_24Dr_Willis, ok then. If I'm not back in 10 minutes, send out the search party. Thanks for your help!!02:52
ubottuPackage kuake does not exist in karmic02:52
Dr_Williswhat no kuake.. Hmm...02:52
faint2000Hello , i am trying to intall pkg at Gusty ,Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe libnfnetlink0 0.0.25-102:52
faint2000  404 Not Found , can i fix it?02:52
ijesseubottu: thanks02:52
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:52
Dr_WillisIsent Gutsy past its EOL?02:53
LJRDr_Willis, yes02:53
Dr_Willisfaint2000:  then the servers have been moved from us.archive.XXXXXX to somthing else I belive02:53
Dr_Willisand I never can ermber what they get moved to.02:53
ardchoillefaint2000: Gutsy is no longer supported, so the main archives won't have any packages02:53
LJRfaint2000, gutsy is past it's service end date. Please realise help will be limited.02:54
faint2000yes , but i cant upgrade it to new version02:54
LJRfaint2000, why not?02:54
faint2000coz it is in productive server02:54
Dr_WillisThats a scary thought.02:55
ardchoilleDr_Willis: hehe02:55
Dr_Willisfaint2000:  then you find/correct the us.archive.ubuntu.com to point to the proper 'archive-of-the-old-stuff-server.ubuntu.com'02:55
* Dr_Willis still cant rember what the proper name is.02:55
LJRLOL Dr_Willis!02:56
Dr_Willisthis gets asked about once a week...02:56
LJRI'ma rememberthat.02:56
midnightleutenanDr_Willis, I think I found a way to do what I wanted.  Thanks02:56
wrektsoreau, , can u look at this and tell me which is the process id to kill it bec i think its running uder java heres the p[astebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/351569/02:57
Dr_WillisLJR:  i was thinking 'its.time.to.upgrade.soon.ubuntu.com02:57
pepperjacktawd: just a quick tip:   find ~/ \( -name "*.mp3" -o -name "*.wav" -o -name "*.avi" -o -name "*.mkv" \)02:57
ardchoilleDr_Willis: you should suggest that to canonical02:57
soreauwrekt: You haven't even said what process you're trying to stop yet :)02:57
pepperjacktawd: that way you can keep stacking the extensions to look for02:58
tawdpepperjack thank you!02:58
wrektoh it in the pastebin02:58
wrektits called02:58
faint2000Dr_Willis, i found these :http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/02:59
faint2000what to do then?02:59
LJRUpgrade your sources list.02:59
shro0mswhat is a good archive manager that supports rar?02:59
doneillark, file roller02:59
LJRshro0ms, the one that ship with ubuntu as standard02:59
LJRshro0ms, my bad - it doesn't support rar03:00
LJR7zip is a good one03:00
adam83any mac gurus in here?03:00
shro0ms7zip works for linux?03:00
lstarnesshro0ms: yes03:00
LJRIt's in the package manager.03:01
shro0msalright thanks03:01
Dr_Willisfaint2000:  looks like that may be the winner.03:01
LJRaptitude install 7zip03:01
DarkMasterHaloshro0ms: There is libraries for unrar and 7zip which Ark will use when installed.03:01
shro0mssry, what is ark?03:01
faint2000i am trying to find the sed command wich will help me :)03:01
Dr_Willisfaint2000:  This url gives details --> lease make sure you have the following sources.list, change CODENAME to your release, e.g. breezy.03:01
LJRAnother zip package.03:01
LJR*archive package03:01
Dr_Willisoops.. :) this url --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:02
DarkMasterHaloshro0ms: Ark is an awesome archive manager :D03:02
LJRDarkMasterHalo, I've never used it.03:02
DarkMasterHaloLJR: I just love it :P03:02
shro0msDarkMasterHalo: better than 7zip?03:02
adam83I am trying to figure out how to share my second hard drive over the netatalk.  Is there a command I need to add to AppleVolumes.default?03:02
FreenodeOwnertell me a story03:02
LJR!ot | FreenodeOwner03:02
ubottuFreenodeOwner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:02
osmosisanyone able to get itunes to work with wine?03:02
DarkMasterHaloshro0ms: Well, Ark support anything as long as proper libraries are installer.03:02
Dr_Willisosmosis:  from what i hear.. No.. it dont work03:03
arghh2d2does anybody know how to get goom running on lightweight music players like xmms or audacious?03:03
DarkMasterHaloshro0ms: installed*03:03
Dr_Willis!appdb | osmosis03:03
ubottuosmosis: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:03
* LJR is away: I'm busy03:03
redleafosmosis, ditto Dr_Willis word is no.03:03
DarkMasterHaloshro0ms: So lets say, you installed zip, rar and 7zip libraries, Ark will support all the formats.03:03
Dr_Willis!info  unp | shro0ms03:04
Dr_WillisDid the bot just have a ..err.. Hickup?03:04
DarkMasterHaloDr_Willis: aha03:04
Dr_Willis!info unp | shro0ms03:04
ubottushro0ms: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB03:04
EruaranHello, is anyone familiar with this problem: A recent new Ubuntu install cannot get a gnome desktop up and running. Has an error saying it cannot update ICEauthority problem after updates ?? Home is encrypted and something seems to have gone wrong.03:04
redleafosmosis, there are some apps for regular ipods, and some other work around for some iphone/itouch's03:04
osmosisredleaf, Dr_Willis: its strange because lots of reports of it workinng on prior versions.03:04
Dr_Willisosmosis:  no idea. i dont plan on ever buying anything from apple or useing their products again.03:05
osmosisredleaf, i mostly want the tuneup plugin to find the names for all my untitled songs and fix all the ID3 info based on the thumbprint.03:05
Dr_Willisosmosis:  ive heard the latest itunes can do some weirdness to the latest ipods where the linux tools no longer work with them...03:05
pepperjackosmosis: i only ever got one specific version of itunes running but i never really used it for anything03:05
taipansenwhich prog are u using for ipod?03:06
osmosisif there was a music organizer based on song thumbprint...thats the only thing I need.03:06
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pepperjackwell i use gtkpod atm ;p03:06
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shro0msdo i need unrar also?03:06
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wrektsoreau, could you help me terminate the server? look at this for a second: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351574/03:07
afroeEngineerhas anyone been able to get free spin for a Logitech MX revolution working with ubuntu 9.10?03:07
gmachine_24Greeting Earthlings. Ok, so, I added the acpi=force line on the line after the kernel xxx line in the grub boot menu and got the same message after rebooting. The date of the last BIOS flash ... or the BIOS date is 11/14/2000 ... but the error message says the computer cannot read that. Anyway, searched around and found that I should add acpi=force on the same line as kernelXXX in the boot...03:08
gmachine_24...menu - did that but still got the same results. Ahh well. Want to thank everyone for your time.03:08
ardchoillewrekt: What you tried to kill was the grep command, look at that paste again03:08
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ardchoillewrekt: The reason nothing was killed was because the grep command had completed by the time you got a pid03:09
gmachine_24osmosis, ... or anyone else... has anyone tried the Subsonic music jukebox player thing?03:09
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  is the machine actually working right?  or is there some actual problem with it? if its working right.. i say leave it alone03:09
wrektardchoille, there doesnt seem to be any other pid what can i do to kill the program03:10
wrektbasically it broadcasting my whole computer to the world atm03:10
ardchoillewrekt: What program is it? psm?03:10
ardchoillewrekt: try: pidof psm03:11
gmachine_24Dr_Willis: Ok, that was weird. I typed out this entire answer and hit enter and got a message that said "don't just type anything here."03:11
gmachine_24Seemed like one of my parents was watching.03:12
gmachine_24Ok, so, anyway, yeah it pretty much works fine. Just seen that message for a long time now.03:12
gmachine_24and I am not connected, am I?03:12
gmachine_24Am I here or not?03:13
redleafosmosis, i never got it to work for me, heard same from others .. surely somebody it worked for i guess ..03:13
gmachine_24thank you03:13
gmachine_24Dr_Willis: Ok, that was weird. I typed out this entire answer and hit enter and got a message that said "don't just type anything here."03:13
iceguruI just installed ubuntu today03:13
westmi_first time?03:13
iceguruFirst time on any linux machine03:14
gmachine_24Dr_Willis: so yeah the comp pretty much works fine. It's just that I've been running Linux on this comp for awhile and I've seen that message a thousand times.03:14
Flare-Laptop!newuser | iceguru03:14
LJRiceguru, welcome!03:14
LJR!hi | the8thbit03:14
ubottuthe8thbit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:14
the8thbitI am having an issue with my desktop environment03:14
LJRthe8thbit, what's up?03:14
gmachine_24Lately I have been going back to the command line. Much easier and cleaner.03:14
Flare-Laptop!newusers | iceguru03:14
ubottuiceguru: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:14
Flare-LaptopThere we go03:15
wrektman im having real troubnle with these mediaservers. first medaitomb, i cant get it to stop sharing and now psm03:15
afroEngineeranyone use a Logitech MX revolution mouse with ubuntu?03:15
the8thbitWell, I installed a minimal install of debian (basically identical to ubuntu minimal) without a DE03:15
icegurui have a question? ...when I have my music open and scool down a firefow page the music lags o.003:15
the8thbitAnd I'm trying to get matchbox to work...03:15
nimaimiceguru welcome to the real world of computing :) ... heres a tip starting out, use terminal to do stuff instead of the gui's in there, you'll realize the real power of linux03:15
the8thbitBut all I can get is this tiny little window03:15
LJRthe8thbit, I've used Debian before. You need to go to #Debian03:15
gmachine_24iceguru, firefox?03:15
jack_ 03:16
the8thbitLJR: I did, but they weren't very helpful03:16
gmachine_24that doesn't look good03:16
the8thbitBut like I said, it's essentially identical to Ubuntu03:16
Phenanyone able to help me with some wifi issues?03:16
the8thbitIt might as well be Ubuntu03:16
ardchoillethe8thbit: no, it isn't03:16
gmachine_24what means this: Mode #ubuntu +e phen!i=ad5084ba@gateway/web/freenode/x-lfbqlvflmaegwcwl by FloodBot403:16
LJRthe8thbit, that's why I develop here now. Debian users tend to be a bit stick up. =P03:16
gmachine_24LJR, a bit?03:16
LJRthe8thbit, it's not essentially identical, but we'll let that slide. Anyway - what's up?03:17
Flare-Laptopgmachine_24: That's the floodbot setting a ban exempt03:17
the8thbitardchoille: The minimal installs, as far as I know, are. The only difference is the community and the way the releases work03:17
the8thbitSo, I'm trying to get matchbox to work but03:17
gmachine_24Flare-Laptop, ok.03:17
the8thbitlet me take a screenshot03:17
ardchoillethe8thbit: We cannot support debian here03:17
the8thbitardchoille: Ok, then I'm running Ubuntu. Whatever03:17
iceguruAnyone able to tell me why the music lags?03:17
LJRardchoille, I'll try to help him. I used to run Debian.03:17
gmachine_24I just d/l the complete 32 and 64-bit DVD versions of the latest Debian.03:17
arghh2d2I dont want to install vlc or rhythmbox just to enjoy goom... what is the lightest music player that runs goom, do i need to build a custom package to get it to run goom plugins03:17
gmachine_24I like Debian.03:18
ardchoilleLJR: Then it needs to go to pm or another channel03:18
gmachine_24But I like Ubuntu also and people don't yell at me here.03:18
the8thbithang on, I have to restart the VM03:18
gmachine_24ok, I'll ask: what is "goom"03:18
arghh2d2gmachine_24: that just cuz they'd get kicked if they yelled at you03:18
* Flare-Laptop laughs03:19
wrektcan somebody help me prevent mediatomb and playstationmediaserver from broadcasting automatically when i start my computer?03:19
arghh2d2gmachine_24: goom is a music visualizer, kinda like a screensaver03:19
gmachine_24oh, ok. thanks03:19
LJRNah, most of us here are here because we want to be.03:19
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LJRthe really mean ones stay out of support chat.03:19
gmachine_24I'm here as part of my parole.03:19
gmachine_24uhm..........am I gone again?03:20
LJRgmachine_24, you're ok.03:20
LJRWe didn't kick you. Yet03:20
arghh2d2i'm here to help but some people are beyond helping, they want you to reach through the monitor, grab the mouse and click all the magic checkboxes for em03:21
afroEngineeryou can do that?!03:21
the8thbitLJR: Ok, basically, I get this when I run matchbox-desktop: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/2162/screenshot17y.png03:21
LJRarghh2d2, thank god someone else feels that way03:21
doneillarghh2d2: i'd just refer them to geeksquad03:21
the8thbitLJR: But I want it to full the entire screen... like a normal desktop03:21
LJRthe8thbit, did you hit F11?03:21
Phenhas anyone else experienced issues with wi fi in ubuntu 9.1003:21
gmachine_24I have two windows open apparently and get switched back and forth. Every time I type something into the other window it says: [ERROR]Please do not just type into this tab, use an actual command instead.03:21
Flare-LaptopPhen: Card?03:21
ardchoillethe8thbit , LJR ; that needs to go to pm or another channel, we don't support debian here03:22
LJRPhen, please post your issue with as much detail as possible.03:22
gmachine_24and I feel badly03:22
Flare-Laptopgmachine_24: Yeah that's because the other tab is for server notices03:22
LJRardchoille, And we're not discussing debian - we're discussing a possible synaptic or dependancy issue which is covered here.03:22
etzerdLJR: help me here. everytime I tried to install adobe flashplayer at he consol I type "sudo apt-get adobe-flashplugin" it display an error that it cannot be found.03:23
etzerdhow can that be?03:23
the8thbitLJR: F11 does nothing. Also, thanks in advance03:23
LJRetzerd, aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree03:23
gmachine_24I thought it was because they thought I was trying to hack into the IRS - I typed /attach irs.freenode.net by mistake on my first try tonight03:23
Phenim not exactly sure what the card is but i'm completely unable to find any wireless networks (im on one on my mac now) . ive tried installing the drivers etc. but its asking me for the cd even though I"ve got the cd inserted. not sure whats going on03:23
jiohdiljr do apt-cache search flash   you will see the actual package name03:23
LJRPhen, run lspci from terminal03:24
LJRPastebin the results03:24
geniietzerd: Between the "apt-get" and the packagename you need the thing you want to do, like install remove or so on03:24
gmachine_24yes, pastebin, please.03:24
ikus060Hi all, do you know any way to convert the mouse mouvement to keyboard event ? e.g. mouse moving up map to up arrows key03:24
Phenok one moment machine rebooting03:24
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westmi_i've got a problem with the desktop environment,I believe it is gnome, came with the ubuntu cd(8.10), so the top panel has a places button,opens home,music,picts,etc...........03:24
westmi_ but mine has some kind of malfunction going on, and when i hit home, or video, it insists on opening it with vlc03:24
wrekti cannot get mediatomb to stop braodcasting. i ran sudo apt-get remove mediatomb and yet it still beams my files to the world03:25
wrektyet insists it doesmt exist03:25
LJRwrekt, open synaptic package manager, find the package and mark it for complete removal, apply and reboot.03:25
gmachine_24westmi, what?03:26
webbb82my HDA ATI HDMI digital stereo output doesnt work03:26
wrektthnx ljr03:26
LJRwrekt, np03:27
gmachine_24westmi, do you mean when you left click on one of those options in the drop down menu, VLC tries to open the folder?03:27
wrektljr def reboot?03:27
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LJRwrekt, yes03:27
westmi_no.............i right click on home,or pics, or vids....anyhting under the places button03:28
gmachine_24westmi_, and then VLC attempts to open that folder?03:28
Ilmatichey people03:28
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:29
IlmaticI'm having a problem adjusting my screen resolution03:29
gmachine_24westmi_, first, on that top line, left click on "system" and then tell us what desktop you are using. It will say "about gnome" or whatever03:29
Ilmaticright now it's rested at 600 something03:29
Phenok since the problem is on my Ubuntu box which isnt connected to the web atm due to the problem at hand it would be difficult for me to paste the results however my NW controller is a Broadcom BCM4318 (airforce one 54g) 802.11g if that is helpful03:29
LJRIlmatic, system->preferences->display03:29
Ilmatici've tried that03:29
Ilmaticthe only options i get are to make it 300 or 60003:30
LJRIlmatic, what kind of card?03:30
Ilmaticdoes ubuntu support bigger resolutions?03:30
LJRIlmatic, I'm currently using 1280x800 out-of-the-box.03:30
ardchoille!nvidia | Ilmatic03:31
ubottuIlmatic: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:31
gmachine_24it does03:31
deserteaglehello all! how do i go about installing the nvidia-glx-legacy package without getting the xserver-xorg-video-1.0 error?03:31
gmachine_24this is why I never upgrade03:31
Ilmatici just don't understand why the ubuntu resolution is so jacked up on my computer03:32
Ilmaticxp resolution is fine03:32
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  video driver/monitor/settings....03:33
gmachine_24did you check the xorg file03:33
Dr_WillisThere often is no xorg.conf in 9.10 :)03:33
pepperjackyeah automagic is great until it doesnt work properly03:33
Dr_WillisTo get proper res on some of my machines i have to isntall teh proper nvidia drivers.03:33
IlmaticI haven't actually03:34
gmachine_24Ahhh. Yet again I say: this is why I never upgrade03:34
Ilmatichow do I access the xorg file?03:34
gmachine_24apparently you can't03:34
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  and your video card is a ?? and you installed what drivers for it? (if any)03:34
Alan502Hi :) my skype stopped working so i marked it for "complete removal" on synaptic, to delete configuration files and reinstall it again. I applied the changes but now i cannot find it on synaptic, how can i get it back?03:34
gmachine_24this was news to me03:34
Ilmaticit's nvidia based03:34
Ilmatici wouldn't know where to start to give you specifics03:34
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  and you have installed the nvidia drivers yet for it?03:34
Dr_Willissystem -> admin -> hardware drivers03:35
IlmaticI have actually03:35
Ilmaticbut yet03:35
Alan502My problem seems like a common error :S03:35
Ilmaticthe resolutions on there don't go above 80003:35
gmachine_24Alan502, I thihnk you need to d/l skype from their Web site and install from there03:35
Ilmaticit's really frustrating03:35
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  then run the nvidia-settings tool and tweak it perhaps.03:35
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  the normal display tool may not work with some nvidia drivers./cards03:35
gmachine_24Alan502, did you "search" for it?03:35
gmachine_24under synaptic that is03:35
Alan502gmachine_24, but i had installed it previously from synaptic, i think marking it for complete removal removed it from the list03:35
gmachine_24or you could try the command line - sudo apt-get install skype03:36
Alan502gmachine_24, i ran aptitude update but i still can't find it03:36
IlmaticDr willis, what do you suggest I do then?03:36
gmachine_24that's easy03:36
Phenanother question i have is in regards to S video output. anyone know how to configure it?03:36
Alan502gmachine_24, i did, but it says it was not found03:36
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  run the nvidia-setings tool (as root) and change the res with that tool03:36
wasutton3is there a way that i can create a web page on my apache server to automatically foreward to my router's ip address?03:36
gmachine_24well, there you go.03:36
pepperjackAlan502: skype isnt in the repos.  I suppose they might have their own repository but id just http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/03:36
gmachine_24D/L it from Skype. There is a deb package I am sure.03:36
trevorif i have gnome and kde both installed, is there a way to use the gnome network manager applet rather than knetwork manager like fedora does?>03:36
trevorin kde of course03:36
Dr_WillisI do belive the medibuntu repos have skype.03:36
deserteaglei can't install a legacy nvidia driver because of "xserver-xorg-video-1.0" any suggestions?03:37
LJR!hi | tzufli03:37
ubottutzufli: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:37
IlmaticHow do you run something as root exactly?03:37
gmachine_24Alan502, have you done deb package installs?03:37
Dr_Willis!gksudo | Ilmatic03:37
ubottuIlmatic: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:37
deserteagleIlmatic, sudo <command you want to run as root>03:37
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  gksudo commandtorun03:37
IlmaticOh okay.03:37
Alan502gmachine_24, i'm not suere how did i  install it the first time, but know i think i DID download it from their webpage03:38
tzuflican somebody help me install a tar.gz file....i've been reading and trying out different ways from the forums for like 3 hours now03:38
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  here is my xorg.conf for my 8800gtsxxx if you want an example  for some reason -> http://pastebin.com/f4e0c9a4803:38
gmachine_24Alan502, so do that again.03:38
MrPocketswhere are Icons generally stored?03:38
LJRtzufli, Open terminal and run tar <filename>03:38
gmachine_24tzufli, yikes.03:38
faileastzufli: you need to extract the tarball, and read the readme in it03:38
Dr_Willistzufli:  totally depends on what is in the tar archive03:38
Alan502gmachine_24, the thing is that firefox is not oppening the page were the ubuntu deb package apparently is :S i might try with konqueror..03:38
faileastzufli: tar -xf /path/to/tar would be the first step03:39
faileasLJR: you forgot the flags03:39
Dr_Willis!info unp03:39
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB03:39
LJRfaileas, you're right.03:39
LJRI'm only half here. =P03:39
faileasLJR: i try to be - I have a reputation (elsewhere) to maintain XD03:39
LJRfaileas, lol03:40
gmachine_24Alan502, read the private message I sent you03:40
faileasLJR: on the other hand. i wish people would stop asking me programming questions ;p03:40
webbb82cann someone in here please help me get my HDA ATI HDMi sound to work the analog sound workds but hdmi sound nothing03:40
LJRfaileas, by the way - if I run main()....03:41
faileasLJR: its worse cause, no one believes i can't code ;p03:41
LJRfaileas, I have faith in you!03:42
pepperjackdeserteagle: im not sure what xserver-xorg-video-1.0 is but id remove it :).  update first then try again03:42
faileasLJR: honestly? i find it REALLY hard. i barely got the hang of config files. i hate being dyslexic ;p03:42
deserteaglepepperjack, it's brought by the package i'm trying to install, but it won't since it conflicts with my xserver-xorg-core package03:43
LJRfaileas, I'm dyslexic as well as well as having keratoconis. I haven't even tried learning C or C++ yet.03:43
pepperjackdeserteagle: oh.  have you upgraded all your packages recently?03:43
* Dr_Willis cant code - he has a fear of pointers.03:43
IlmaticHey uhh..how do I get rid of this pink box on my screen that says "unknown"?03:44
gmachine_24right click on #ubuntu and choose "switch text direction"03:44
deserteaglepepperjack, yeah, why?03:44
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  im not sure anyone knows what you are talking about.03:44
LJRfaileas, it means the cornea of my eye is deformed in such a way to make me see 20 images in one.03:44
gmachine_24a pink box?03:44
faileasthat sucks03:44
LJRThat kind of thing03:44
gmachine_24How can I get a pink box on my screen?03:45
LJRwiki it03:45
etzerdgenii: I type "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" I still the the letter "f" display everywhere that the flashplayer is require. in order to see the image I have to click on the letter "f" to see the graphics image or video.03:45
gmachine_24I want one!!!03:45
faileasLJR: python is a better first language IMO03:45
IlmaticLol. Yeah.03:45
IlmaticIt came up when I tried to change the s. resolution and has been there ever since03:45
deserteagleetzerd, that's a plugin inside firefox03:45
LJRfaileas, then I'll look into that.03:45
gmachine_24oh. that doesn't sound good.03:45
pepperjackdeserteagle: seems like the kind of thing that would be fixed. so a sudo apt-get upgrade or whatever wouldnt find anything to update?03:45
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  after tweaking the xorg.conf - you will want to restart the X server.03:45
gmachine_24All of a sudden, I feel like an Ent.03:45
deserteagleetzerd, it's the flashblock add-on03:45
jolarenCan anyone give me pointers to a good tv-card reader that works in ubuntu? I'd like it to be external03:46
gmachine_24Dr_Willis, I thought you said there was no xorg.conf file.03:46
Dr_Willisdeserteagle:  i was thinking that also. :)03:46
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  i did not say that.03:46
gmachine_24did too03:46
IlmaticSomeone did.03:46
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  I said SOME machinds do not have one.03:46
pepperjackjolaren: the hauppauge cards are well supported typically.  you might ask in #mythtv-users03:46
chuThe menu bar in a number of my applications has gone MIA. I have no idea where to even begin, I tried removing the application and reinstalling it, I tried updating and nothing. That was for one application (monodevelop) but the problem persists across any program that offers GUI editing....03:46
gmachine_24Dr_Willis, tsk tsk03:46
deserteaglepepperjack, i actually need the nvidia-glx-legacy driver, instead of a newer one03:46
IlmaticI asked earlier and someone said 9.10 didn't have it.03:46
LJRetzerd, aptitude install update03:46
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  i in fact DO have xorg.conf on every one of my nvidia machines.03:46
etzerdok let me try03:46
genoobiegrub 2 messed up my bootloader03:46
Bennowhats the default script file for terminal?03:46
genoobiehow can I recover my boots?03:46
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  they can work with out it also.. but if i want to set up dual monitors or the tv out. one gets generated by the nvidia-settings tool03:46
SuzanneHi Hal03:47
Alan502Does anyone know an alternative client for skype?03:47
genoobieor what do I have to edit to make it work again03:47
Alan502not an alternative network, an alternative client03:47
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga03:47
genoobieis there a config for grub 203:47
jolarenpepperjack; Thank you03:47
Ilmaticdr willis, are you a ubuntu guru? Just curious : )03:47
Dr_Willis!grub2 | genoobie03:47
ubottugenoobie: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:47
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  ive been using Ubuntu since like  warty warthog days03:47
genoobiehow do I get rid of it and install another bootloader03:47
Dr_Willis!grub1 | genoobie03:48
hexedanyone have any experience installing and configuring gateway6? i have it installed and config'd but when i run it, it just quits and for some reason i cant get a log file to check...03:48
Dr_Willisgenoobie:  install the legacy grub if you want to.. but i dont suggest it.03:48
genoobieI'm getting rid of ubuntu03:48
LJRDr_Willis - I've been here since Hardy Heron03:48
genoobieI'm going to try chakra03:48
Dr_Willisgenoobie:  then install whatever bootloader the os you want to run uses.03:48
BennoHardy Har03:48
deserteaglegenoobie, then just install windows like normal03:48
* Dr_Willis has no idea what chakra is03:49
Ilmaticseriously?? ubuntu is such a good os though..03:49
joshua___I see a bunch of updates including some to xserver so I think it would be a good idea to install them from single user.03:49
genoobieDr_Willis, a distro based on arch03:49
genoobie+ LXDE03:49
deserteaglegl, hf03:49
Dr_Willisgenoobie:  Id hope its installer/docs install a proper bootloader then. Good luck03:49
joshua___Well init 1 brought it down to single user just fine, but init 5 didn't start kdm03:49
LJRgenoobie, does it have a live, install cd?03:49
genoobieLJR, yes03:49
joshua___so I issue "start kdm" from a root prompt03:49
genoobieubuntu just proved to be too slow (I have some seriously old hardware)03:50
Dr_WillisIf using anything 'ARCH' related.. the answer will be to go read the ARCH docs. :)03:50
LJRgenoobie, then you'll be fine.03:50
deserteagleso... does anyone know how I can go about installing a legacy nvidia driver without getting xserver-xorg issues?03:50
Dr_WillisOr so i found out in #archlinux one day.03:50
iflemagenoobie: xubuntu03:50
Xfacti am just about to try karmic, well, my processor is 64 bit compatible, so which version is batter, 32 bit or 64 bit?03:50
genoobieLJR it will install it's own bootloader03:50
joshua___well that started kdm all right but some dependency wasn't started so keyboard didn't work (not even Ctrl+Alt+F1 or Ctrl+Alt+Bksp) so here we go power button03:50
genoobieiflema, I tried xubuntu, it was also too slow03:50
LJRDr_Willis, Arch is totally different from Ubuntu, so always refer them to that resource.03:50
Ilmaticwhattt...that's crazyy03:50
Dr_Willisjoshua___:  alt-ctrl-backspace is disabled now in most X setups.03:50
LJRWe really can't do much to help here. We're based on Debian. Arch is based on Arch.03:51
genoobiepuppy rocks!03:51
deserteaglegenoobie, if you want a fast, lightweight OS, try crunchbang03:51
Ilmaticubuntu is very responsive and I only have 196 mb of ram03:51
Ilmatic: )03:51
spOhow come smplayer + mplayer + coreavc played 1080p videos better in jaunty rather than karmic?03:51
joshua___Xfact: 64 bit is better if over 4GB03:51
webbb82ok i need some help, everytime i add a ppa and then  do apt-get update  i t will saysW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/file-browser-applet-dev/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found03:51
DaZXfact: if you don't have more than 4gigs of ram it doesn't matter actually03:51
LJRDamn Small Linux is good for older machines.03:51
genoobiepuppy is the shizzle03:51
joshua___Dr_Willis: Ctrl+Alt+F1 didn't work either03:51
webbb82every ppa i add does this03:51
Dr_WillisspO:  video driver issues perhaps.03:51
genoobieit's superfast on my machine03:51
Dr_Willisjoshua___:  those should of worjked.03:51
genoobiethe only reason I don't like it is their pkgman03:51
genoobieit's .pet or .pup files03:51
Ilmaticget a mac!!03:52
Ilmatici love my mac03:52
LJRI really like Portage. I wish we had that here...03:52
joshua___Dr_Willis: I've seen this before when starting X streight from the recovery prompt03:52
genoobieLJR synaptic seemed fine to me03:52
DaZgenoobie: chakra is more into kde than lxde imo [;03:52
XfactDaZ & Joshua_: I only have 1 GB of ram, so 32 bit is recommended?03:52
Dr_Willisjoshua___:  cant say that ive ever seen that issue. so cant realluy help.03:52
HydrosisXfact, yes.03:52
Bennowhere can I put my logon script on ubuntu?03:52
genoobiebut it's searches were wrong a alot03:52
DaZXfact: it's not recommended but it doesn't make much difference03:52
LJRgenoobie, it's just as powerful and versatile, but portage has that sexy factor03:52
Bennothe terminal one03:52
Xfactok thanks everyone for suggestion....03:53
Dr_WillisXfact:  64bit can inprove some preformance in math intensive tasks.. but  i doubt if you will notice that much of a gain.03:53
genoobieDaZ, yeah it probably won't run nicely on the old lappy03:53
Ilmaticwhy would his ram amount matter for his bit of choice?03:53
DaZXfact: 64bit os tends to be a little faster and needs a little more ram03:53
genoobiepuppy's pacman can't handle deps that well etc etc03:53
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  more then 4gb = use 64bit03:53
genoobieokay nite03:53
genoobieI have to get an install going and do some work03:53
LJRXfact, that doesn't really matter. Your arch type depends on your processor.03:53
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  with just 1 gb.. its not really going to matter much03:53
frankelyany ssh program that allows me connect it to an ipod touch?03:53
XfactDaZ: but i doesn't supports all kind of programs....03:54
Dr_Willisipod has a ssh server?03:54
DaZXfact: supports most of them03:54
joshua___he must have rooted it03:54
Dr_WillisXfact:  i have very few issues with 64bit  on my machines.03:54
webbb82everytime i add a ppa  i get a error failed to fetch 404 not found03:54
DaZXfact: and if something doesn't work because of 64bits it usually means downloading 32bit dependencies [;03:54
frankelyi used winscp when in windows03:54
Dr_WillisXfact:  i can only think of one program that dosetn come in 64bit.. and thats 'zsnes' :)03:55
frankelybut in linux is something graphical that allows me join into ssh server right?03:55
WallyAnyone care to tell me where I can put my bash script on ubuntu terminal so it runs when I Open it?03:55
Ilmaticwhat the heckkk03:55
Ilmaticthis is so frustrating03:55
Dr_Willisfrankely:  if it has a ssh server.. then you can use any ssh client to connect.03:55
frankelyyes i mean03:55
joshua___"you have 12 new bugfixes" followed by "the following package have been kept back"03:55
Viking667Hi there. I've got a rather awkward question. I'm trying to burn a DVD as UDF from a set of files I have. Can this be done from brasero?03:55
frankelywhat ssh client, do you recommend me03:55
Xfactwell, finally I understood what I need to do...thanks for $uggestions  :)03:55
Dr_Willis!ssh | frankely03:55
ubottufrankely: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)03:55
Dr_Willisfrankely:  depends on what you want to do.. thers good old 'scp' and 'ssh' and gnome file manager has the feature.. and about every other file manager out03:56
Dr_Willisfrankely:  or use 'sshfs'03:56
frankelyi just want a ssh client that allows me change permisions and access folders graphically03:56
Dr_WillisThersz more to 'ssh' then just transfering files. :)03:56
joshua___you betcha03:56
Dr_Willisfrankely:  most file managers can connect to ssh servers and alter files.03:56
frankelyhow i make it?03:57
Dr_Willisfrankely:  places -> connect to server03:57
LJROh people of all-knowingness - do I want to get up long enough to get a cocoa moo?03:57
Dr_WillisLogical :)03:57
joshua___I use ssh on Windows as suitable infrastructure replacement for all manner of VPN systems03:57
frankelyand there?03:57
Dr_Willistry it and see...03:57
joshua___works so much better if you're willing to take the half hour to instal it03:57
Dr_Willistell it to connect.03:57
joshua___how much more when it gets its native environment03:57
bastid_raZorfrankely: tell it to use ssh as service type .. the rest explains it self03:58
Ilmatichey dr. willis03:58
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  Hmm?03:58
Ilmaticwhat's your current screen resolution?03:58
frankelyconnect to server where is that in nbr?03:58
Dr_Willisfrankely:  places -> connect to server03:58
frankelyi have not place menu03:58
Dr_WillisNo ide  on the Netbook Remix.03:58
Dr_WillisI dont use it.03:58
webbb82hey im in karmic and everytime i add a ppa with add-apt-repository  then hit apt-get update i keep getting W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/file-browser-applet-dev/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found03:59
=== MrPocket2 is now known as MrPockets
Dr_Willis!info sshfs03:59
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-1 (karmic), package size 41 kB, installed size 148 kB03:59
webbb82every ppa i add does that03:59
frankelyDr_Willis: thank you04:00
frankelyi did not know it04:00
frankelynautilus works good for me04:00
=== Hydrosis is now known as Eremite
* Dr_Willis points out 'Rember kiddies - thers always 12+ ways to do the same thing in Linux!, try them all!'04:01
Dr_Willis'this was a public service anoucement'04:02
LJRLinux is the OS of infinite possibilities.04:02
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
Dr_Willis'Linux - Your OS - Your Way'04:02
Dr_WillisYOYW Linux! :)04:02
LJRLinux - now with more penguin flavored goodness!04:02
afroEngineerhas anyone tried gaming with linux (need for speed, call of duty, maybe crysis)04:02
LJRafroEngineer, I game on Linux.04:03
SuzanneHi Hal04:03
Dr_WillisI have had a great many games work with the latest wine. 'torchlight' 'LOTRO' and others04:03
LJR!hi | Suzanne04:03
ubottuSuzanne: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:03
LJRI hate wine.04:03
phillipI <3 beer04:04
LJRI like beer mroe04:04
Dr_WillisNo mroe beer for you!04:04
* LJR high-fives phillip 04:04
LJRI meant "moar" beer.04:04
karmstHello everyone04:04
LJR!hi | karmst04:04
ubottukarmst: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:04
joshua___ubottu's IrcGuildlines link goes to "this page does not exist yet"04:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:04
=== chuy_max is now known as Guest68815
Dr_Willisjoshua___:  make it then! :)04:05
karmstIs there a way to backup the full Ubuntu Karmic while it is in use?04:05
joshua___Dr_Willis would regret that04:05
Dr_Williskarmst:  You could use that fsarchive tool.. but its not in the normal repos.04:05
phillipGah Mesa 3D drivers taking aggggeess to compile04:05
gmachine_24does anyone find it suprising that there are 1,278 users in this room?04:05
LJRgmachine_24, we work in shifts most of the time.04:05
Dr_Williskarmst:  even then.. doing a full backup of a system in use.. may cause.. issues..04:05
Dr_Williskarmst:  perhaps proper use of rsync04:05
gmachine_24I love rsync04:06
* Dr_Willis has low rsync skills04:06
gmachine_24it keeps my music files up to date04:06
phillipI love lamp04:06
karmstWhat I'm looking for is a bare metal backup / restore solution04:06
Dr_WillisI rareluy use the tool04:06
faileasgmachine_24: most idle ;p04:06
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:06
Xfactany body can tell me how to install 'tar.gz' 'geomenu theme'..... (I've downloaded it from gnomelook.org)04:06
LJRubottu knows everything.04:06
gmachine_24I do the tar back up thing04:07
faileaskarmst: eh, i've been looking for one. the only one that claims to do a live bare metal restore on a working system is mondo04:07
Dr_Williskarmst:  'fsarchive' from a live cd - is also a handy tool. Its on many linux-rescue type cd's04:07
Dr_WillisMondo/Mindi - is a neat tool set also..04:07
Dr_Willis!info mondo04:07
ubottumondo (source: mondo): powerful disaster recovery suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.2.7-2.1 (karmic), package size 449 kB, installed size 1252 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 all)04:07
faileasDr_Willis: i have NEVER gotten it working, sadly04:07
Dr_WillisIve not used Mondo/Mindi in ages..04:07
LJRXfact, "tar -xf <filename>"04:07
gmachine_24I suppose if I hung around in here I would learn a lot04:07
LJRgmachine_24, you will04:07
gmachine_24I know04:07
LJRgmachine_24, also go to linuxcommand.com04:07
Dr_WillisI find fsacrhiver easier to use then mondo.mindi. at least.. the docs are easier to understand. :)04:07
ctmjrXfact: open the theme manager and drag the file to it04:07
gmachine_24LJR I know that one!!04:08
LJRgmachine_24, http://linuxcommand.org/ my bad04:08
faileasDr_Willis: i've tried on and off since.. hmm i think 7.0404:08
karmstlet me go look up mondo04:08
hexedive been idling in here since i installed ubuntu a week ago and i still dunno about half of what people talk about but im learning :D04:08
Xfactctmjr: looking....04:08
faileaskarmst: if you get it working, let me know ;p04:08
gmachine_24I am studying up on using command line tools, utilities, whatever you call them04:08
LJRWell, night all04:08
phillipOK boys and girls, wish me luck in testing my freshly compiled Mesa drivers04:08
faileashexed: eh. i come here asking for help, and give up and help04:08
Alan502_gmachine_24, back04:08
gmachine_24LJR, bye.04:08
LJRsee you tomorrow04:08
gmachine_24Alan502, hey man.04:08
karmstmondo rescue lab?04:08
sabgentonI want to install stuff from the cd but apt is wanting to go online04:08
faileasgmachine_24: i found learning organically is easiest. learn what you need to know, when you need to know it04:08
Alan502_gmachine_24, i got my skype working. Just the sound but at least that is something. I just had to replace esound with pulseaudio04:09
Alan502_gmachine_24, thanks for the help04:09
faileassabgenton: you need to use apt cd to add the cd, then do as per normal04:09
hexedanyone have any experience installing the gateway6 ipv6 tunnel client?04:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to ubottu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines   Enjoy your stay!04:09
geniiOk, link fixed04:09
gmachine_24faileas, yes, that is what I am doing. Except now I am making notes and printing pdf versions of everything.04:09
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sabgentonFaileas thanks04:09
gmachine_24Alan502, yeah. I was going to say you could play with the sound settings but then if something went wrong I would have had no idea how to fix it. :D04:10
gmachine_24Glad it worked.04:10
* faileas figures it wouldn't hurt to ask again...04:10
df00zzzz1mplayer -dvd-device /dev/dvd1 dvd://20   No stream found to handle url dvd://2004:10
df00zzzz1what on earth...04:10
hexedif not gateway6 can anyone recommend a better ipv6 tunnel client?04:10
karmstmondo does have a debian / karmic package04:10
sabgentonfaileas: you mean apt-cdrom ?04:11
faileasI'm trying to set up a minimal system, built around openbox, and just what i need. I would like a gui multiplatform IM client that dosen't have a ton of prerequisites - i need about 100 mb of packages to install pidgin, and that's not really acceptable04:11
gmachine_24is it df00zzzz1?04:11
faileassabgenton: yeah. i think i do04:11
gmachine_24faileas, I hate pidgin04:11
faileaskarmst: i have not gotten it working yet ;p04:11
Dr_WillisFSArchiver is a system tool that allows you to save the contents of a file-system to a compressed archive file. The file-system can be restored on a partition which has a different size and it can be restored on a different file-system.04:11
faileasgmachine_24: eh, i use kopete mostly. its not a good fit for this project04:12
faileasi found one that would fit.. but it keeps crashing on my system ;p04:12
karmstWell what I'd like to be able to do is restore my workstation / servers in the event of a DR04:12
afroEngineerwhat do i use to run a .run file04:12
karmsteven if it's to new hardware04:12
gmachine_24Dr_Willis, is FSArchiver a front-end for a tool I know by another name?04:13
karmstfaileas did you get the manual?04:13
faileaskarmst: most people tend to use file level backups. I've been looking for an app that does this for ages ;p04:13
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  its not a front end.04:13
faileaskarmst: for the app i compiled?04:13
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  its a relatively new tool.04:13
karmstfor Mondo04:13
gmachine_24I will add it to my "to do" list04:13
faileaskarmst: yeah, it was a while back.04:13
Dr_Willisgmachine_24:  its main feature it archives at the file level. nto the whole 'filesystem'04:14
Dr_WillisIt should be available in the standard repository in Ubuntu-10.04 (Lucid Lynx) if everything is ok.04:14
gmachine_24oh, not. nm04:14
karmstwell they have a new version made for Karmic04:14
nvme_i installed drbl on karmic desktop i386, and am trying to clone an HP blade server, but when i try to boot the blade with clonezilla i get "network driver not found" in the kernel image (2.6xxx-16)04:14
joshua___is wiki.ubuntu.com down?04:14
karmstno source compiling needed04:14
lotushey, I'm in the installation phase of ubuntu 9.1004:14
lotusin the alternate installer04:14
lotusI've selected my /dev/sdc to install grub to, and it errored out04:15
lotusso I selected to install lilo to it, and it's asking for a cdrom04:15
lotusbut I've been using usb the whole time04:15
Dr_Willislotus:  why would you want LILO?04:15
LinuX2halfWhen I insert a window installation disc, the computer is unable to read the content.04:15
lotusbecause grub errored out04:15
lotus/dev/sdc is a usb drive04:15
nvme_i installed drbl on karmic desktop i386, and am trying to clone an HP blade server, but when i try to boot the blade with clonezilla i get "network driver not found" in the kernel image (2.6xxx-16), anyone know how to fix that ?04:15
lotusI didn't know what to do04:16
lotusdo I have to restart the whole installation?04:16
pepperjacknvme_: youll want the network card driver :)04:16
Dr_Willislotus:  its possible you could boot/chroot into the installed system, then try reinstalling grub.04:16
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
* Dr_Willis shudders at the thought of using LILO these days04:16
nvme_pepperjack, well i dont understand why the latest ubuntu kernel image doesnt have it already :P04:16
karmstwhat is the difference from Mindi and Mondo?04:17
lotusDr_Willis, so cancel at the "install the lilo boot loader" screen by ctrl-alt-delete?  I can't get out of it and I don't have a cdrom to put in.04:17
pepperjacknvme_:  that kind of detracts from the convenience of clonezilla i guess04:17
gmachine_24Has anyone else here worked @ freegeek.org in Portland?04:17
nvme_pepperjack, huh ?04:18
Dr_Willislotus:  no idea really on whats best.   you could check the forums I guess there may be some work around04:18
Dr_Willislotus:  my machines dont even have cd drives. :)04:18
karmstok faileas04:18
lotusyeah I'm on a netbook04:18
karmstis there a way to automate using this thing?04:19
lotusbut anyways, that's not the real issue.04:19
Dr_Williskarmst:  they work together like salt and peper. :) sugar and spice.. and  err.. i better stop there.. this is a faimly channel04:19
Dr_Willis!info mindi04:19
lotusI'm trying to install grub to a usb key04:19
ubottumindi (source: mindi): creates boot/root disks based on your system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.0.4-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 148 kB, installed size 604 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 ia64)04:19
lotusand it didn't take, any idea why?04:19
Dr_Willislotus:  not really.  Unless its confused by what you booted from and what you are installing to.04:20
Dr_Willislotus:  you booted from a usb device.. and are installign to a 2nd usb device?04:20
skylloHello, I am suffering from low resolution due to the monitor being unknown. Using Ubuntu 9.10 Koala, video card SiS. I already have the drivers installed. put a 800x600 resolution does not exceed04:20
Dr_Williskarmst:  if i recall right. You use Mondo/Mindi and you can make an 'bootable restore disk set' that you boot and restore the whole system from.04:21
Dr_Williskarmst:  if you are lucky the bootable disks properl do all the setup like a live cd does. :)04:21
karmstright but can you automate the backups?04:22
Dr_Williskarmst:  that was also the weakest link i found in the system of mondo/mindi04:22
Dr_Williskarmst:  automate in what way.?04:22
karmstlike have it do incremental backups?04:22
Dr_WillisI dont think thats  the goal/design feature of the tool.. check their homepage is my advice04:22
BurzmaliAnyone know a way to back up SafeDisc protected CDs with ubuntu?04:22
skylloHello, I am suffering from low resolution due to the monitor being unknown. Using Ubuntu 9.10 Koala, video card SiS. I already have the drivers installed. put a 800x600 resolution does not exceed04:23
Dr_WillisBurzmali:  thers so many types of 'safedisk' its hard to say. Theres proberly some tools that can do SOME..04:23
lotusDr_Willis, yes that's exactly true04:23
lotusI'm rebooting now and am gonna have to reinstall everything because it's encrypted and the instalelr won't see it so I'll ahve to repartition04:24
Dr_Willislotus:  when you boot one usb key. it becomes 'sda' in many cases.. the installer  can get confused because its trying to install the bootloader to 'sda' which is actually what it booted from.. not sdb which you are installing to.04:24
lotusDr_Willis, it found the usb drive to be sdc04:24
Dr_Willislotus:  i tend to use the usb-disk-creator tool to make a bootable usb-live-key with a persistant save. I rarely do a 'full' install to a flash drive04:24
karmstman this can't be working right04:25
BurzmaliDr_Willis: I've been trying with most of the standard ones in the repo without much luck.  It looks like the CDs have a "feature" that prevents imaging.  Most of my CDs are the old kind that are are on the edge of wearing out.04:25
karmstit only took 2 minutes to backup the whole system?!?04:25
Dr_WillisBurzmali:  i just use no-cd-cracks for most of my old games.04:25
lotusI'm not trying to install to the flash drive I just want grub on the flash drive so it won't boot linux without the drive inserted04:25
Dr_Willislotus:  thats.. weird..04:25
karmstDoes something like backupexec work on Ubuntu?04:26
lotusI know!04:26
nvme_i installed drbl on karmic desktop i386, and am trying to clone an HP blade server, but when i try to boot the blade with clonezilla i get "network driver not found" in the kernel image (2.6xxx-16), anyone know how to fix that ?04:26
* Dr_Willis predicts some reading of the grub docs in lotus 's future04:26
BurzmaliDr_Willis: As do I, but not all of the old stuff I have has easy to find nocd patches.04:26
lotusI'll dive into that.  Thanks Dr_Willis04:26
gmachine_24I love reading technical documents04:26
gmachine_24almost as much as I love texting during sex04:26
* kevdog thinks -- Is this a family channel?04:27
Dr_Williskevdog:  it was...04:27
skylloHello, I am suffering from low resolution due to the monitor being unknown. Using Ubuntu 9.10 Koala, video card SiS. I already have the drivers installed. put a 800x600 resolution does not exceed04:28
joshua___gmachine_24: are you mad?04:28
gmachine_24sorry guys. someone gave me a computer for christmas04:28
* Dr_Willis runs and hides at the mention of 'sis video'04:28
gmachine_24sis video04:28
gmachine_24sis video04:28
Flannelgmachine_24: Please take non-support conversation elsewhere, thanks.04:28
gmachine_24back back04:28
karmstWhat do you guys do it you lose your Ubuntu system?!?04:28
joshua___skyllo: have you tried vesa driver? Last I checked it will let you go arbitrarly high w/o knowing monitor04:28
Dr_Williskarmst:  i keep my /home/ on its own partition. I can easially reinstall and get back in action.04:29
karmstright but that doesn't keep all your configurations and programs04:29
Dr_Williskarmst:  if i really wanted to i could arvhive my /home to a fileserver04:29
Dr_Willis'programs' - trivial to reinstall stuff..04:29
Dr_Willisconfigs.. also not really a big deal.04:29
Dr_Williskeep arvives on your ubuntu one account if you want04:30
joshua___Dr_Willis: I did even better: non-apt installed stuff is installed in /usr/local,which is a symlink to /home/local04:30
karmstyes but still it's time consuming04:30
skylloYes, plus it also comes only to 800x600 when it should reach 1400x105004:30
gmachine_24I do the old-fashioned tar back up and leave off the /home/** or rather do them on a separate run. All are programmed to run by themselves.... so it's easy.04:31
the_nationhi I am having an issue with running Ubuntu 9.10 from usb.  I can get it to boot up just fine, but when I do a system update, I am unable to boot again from the usb04:31
the_nationis it not possible to apply the latest updates?04:31
karmstI want something that you throw a CD in the drive or use a network card boot to do a full restore04:31
Viking667what sort of "system update"?04:31
skyllomy monitor is 1504:31
karmstor be able to transfer the backup to a VM04:31
Viking667does the system update include touching grub?04:31
the_nationlike system file updates04:31
the_nationActuially I think it does04:31
Viking667that could be your issue. See what's in /boot/grub/04:32
Viking667I don't know if you're using grub2 yet. I don't know much about how to boot from USB, nor do I know that much about how grub works. But I know that the grub can get a bit worked over when updating.04:32
the_nationViking, after the update it asks me to restart, once restarted the usb drive is no longer an option from my boot menu   just cd and HD04:32
the_nationif that makes sense04:33
gmachine_24So, what do people use to make copies of their legally obtained DVD movies?04:33
gmachine_24A DVD copy, not an AVI.04:33
morphiascopy+paste ?04:33
morphiaslol - wee04:34
NRVgmachine_24: can you dd?04:34
the_nationgmachine    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVD::Rip04:34
gmachine_24NRV, yes.04:34
skyllo Hello, I am suffering from low resolution due to the monitor being unknown. Using Ubuntu 9.10 Koala, video card SiS. I already have the drivers installed. put a 800x600 resolution does not exceed04:34
karmstok I'm reading something that says I can just write a TAR script and zip the whole system up into an archive and don't have to worry about open processes?04:35
justin_Has anyone ever complied ALSA?04:35
karmstIs this true?04:35
gmachine_24the_nation, have you used dvd::rip lately?04:35
gmachine_24kevdog, thanks.04:35
joshua___Did you guys see the guy yesterday who actidentally tee'd something to /dev/sda (hint: do that = no boot)04:35
Viking667joshua___: can't be as bad as Linus Torvalds. One day he tried to (successfully, I might add) use his hard drive as a modem...04:36
kevdogdvd decrypter also -- but its hard to find -- its about 3 years since its been updated but works for me most of the time -- its quick and easy to use despite what other people may say04:36
justin_My system doesn't sound04:36
justin_and I cann't find alsa module04:36
NRVgmachine_24: i have done a couple through DD, I loved it when dvd:::rip worked :(04:36
NRVspeaking of which, does anyone have that working with 9.10?04:37
the_nationViking thanks for pointing me to the possible issue.  I'll have a look at it and report back in a bit :)04:38
gmachine_24NRV, yeah, I was going to say I thought that prog died awhile ago. I used it for awhile as well04:38
joshua___My gotcha; ran do-release-upgrade inside a schroot jail04:38
karmstSymantec Backup Exec System Recovery works with Ubuntu 9.1004:38
joshua___It installed the bootloader04:38
joshua___A 32 bit kernel cannot run 64 bit binaries.04:38
gmachine_24I have been trying vobcopy04:38
karmstit will do a full image backup and incremental changes of the entire OS04:38
Jason2gsOkay. So. I recently did a fresh install of 9.10. New bugs and stuff, etc... It seems that, when I boot Ubuntu with my monitor unplugged, it's like it's not recognized, and I'm given some 640x480 resolution. When I boot with my monitor plugged in, everything is fine.04:39
Jason2gsShould I be worried...?04:39
gmachine_24and dvdshrink04:39
gmachine_24but have probs with both04:39
NRVI attempted to use that program as well, I failed miserably though, I will try it again when i get more time04:39
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gmachine_24NRV, which one? dvdshrink or vobcopy04:40
=== alan__ is now known as Alan502
gmachine_24I previously used acidrip but even that seems to be failing me now. but my comp hasn't changed.04:40
NRVdvdshrink though wine04:41
gmachine_24ahh. there is a linux dvdshrink but I think it's called xdvdshrink04:41
NRVok i will give that a go04:42
Dr_Willis!info k9copy04:42
ubottuk9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.3.3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1325 kB, installed size 3676 kB04:42
gmachine_24http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net/ this one is getting old as well04:42
gmachine_24ubottu, so k9copy works well?04:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:42
petsoundsgmachine_24, how about create .iso file with brasero, and play it with VLC?04:42
gmachine_24oh. now I feel like an idiot.04:43
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Ilmaticgod dammit04:43
gmachine_24petsounds, ok mr. beachboy04:43
gmachine_24Alan502, que paso?04:43
gmachine_24petsounds, can brasero rip an encrypted DVD?04:43
Alan502Alan502, 3g es un dolor de cabeza04:43
gmachine_24espera hace 4g04:44
gmachine_24un dolor del mundo04:44
Dr_Willispetsounds:  I use devede to convert avi/video to 'dvd iso' format.04:44
gmachine_24thanks, Doc.04:45
Dr_Willishandbrake - can convert dvd and other formats to  - other err.. formats also. :)04:45
Dr_Willisas can other tools I imagine. :)04:45
gmachine_24Dr_Willis, yes I have used handbrake as well.04:45
gmachine_24Methinks perhaps the computer is not meant for this.04:45
Dr_Williswindows/nero/ext.. have peopel trained to think that a dvd burning tool should handle  other 'tasks' as well. :)04:46
gmachine_24and roxio..........don't forget the roxio goons04:46
Dr_WillisIve worked hard to forget foxio04:46
slesnettI'm encountering problems getting my windows and ubuntu machines to work together down stairs. they seem to want a password which I don't understand since the upstairs work well in file and printer sharing. any thoguhts would appreciated.04:46
petsoundsgmachine_24, i have an original My Fair Lady, dual layer dvd. i think it's encrypted and i can create the .iso with brasero.04:46
gmachine_24Dr_Willis I do not blame you04:46
gmachine_24petsounds, ok. very cool. I will check it out. Thanks!04:47
NRVslesnett, I am assuming that this is through Windows (SAMBA) shares?04:47
hyperstreamslesnett, trying to access windows shares?04:47
Dr_Willisslesnett:  to connect to the ubuntu samba shares  - i always givbe the linux user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' - I ioften just set the samba password the same as the users login password.04:47
gmachine_24but... what.. is an "original" My Fair Lady DVD?04:47
Alan502gmachine_24, hahaha perhaps, the worst thing is that i need to use the windows app to connect to my modem, because connecting from linux makes it more unstable. I just connect on a windows comp and bridge it to this one.04:47
hyperstream!samba | slesnett04:47
ubottuslesnett: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:47
tim-anyone have any insight into why audio from flash wouldnt be working? all other audio is working.. ubuntu 9.10 (technically mythbuntu) outputting via hdmi04:48
Dr_Willisslesnett:  ive also found in the past with  some versions of windows.   You have to have a users password. or else it gets confused trying to connect to samba shares.04:48
lakotajameshi guys.  I'm trying to use the host file to block a website.  i have "" and that blocks neopets.com, but it doesn't block http://www.neopets.com/games/arcade.phtml04:48
gmachine_24Alan502, if you have problems with the wireless(?) connection..........?04:48
Alan502gmachine_24, it's wireless 3G, used most commonly on cellular phones04:49
Jason2gsWho would want to block neopets?04:49
slesnett@nrv yes, I think, I have gotten smb.conf and changed the workgroup and it finds the machine.04:49
lakotajamesJason2gs: it's a long story :p04:49
Dr_Willislakotajames:   the 'privoxy' proxy may be a little smarter about blocking things.. Or you could also try the opendns server/service/solutions04:49
NRVslesnett, so it prompts for a username and password?04:49
Jason2gslakotajames, my guess would be that you also need to block 'www.neopets.com'. They're two different things.04:50
Dr_Willislakotajames:  but i dont see how that is not working.. :)04:50
Dr_Willisahh that makes sence Jason2gs04:50
lakotajamesJason2gs: thanks :)04:50
gmachine_24Alan502: I have found, when connecting wirelessly from Ubuntu to a public wi-fi place, that the connection comes and goes .... all the time. Until I figured out I had to remove all the old files from my browser, espeicially the cookies.04:50
giikeris there anycommand that tells me weather or not a PATA drive is working a a ceratin DMA mode?04:50
slesnett@nrv no,only a password stating I don't have access.04:50
gmachine_24I don't know if this helps.04:50
Dr_WillisGuess he dont want his kids connecting to neopets.com :)04:51
giikeris there any command that tells in which DMA a PATA drive is working?04:51
Dr_Willisreroute neopets.com to go to lolcats.com :)04:51
NRVslesnett, ok for that user account on the windows machine, is a password set?  some versions of windows will only allow access to shares and remote desktop if a password is set04:51
petsoundsDr_Willis, do you know why lots of people have problem with flash on karmic? :(04:51
hyperstreamgmachine_24, sounds very strange, i can see one of my mates routers and connect to it from here inside my house which is 200meters away without an issue lol. downloads at 500kb's stable as well04:51
Dr_Willispetsounds:  because adobe  dosent really care about linux users..04:51
Dr_Willispetsounds:  theres also some issues with compiz and flash.04:52
Alan502gmachine_24, that's weird. I might try it, or change to debian lol04:52
giikeris there any command that tells in which DMA mode a PATA drive is working?04:52
slesnett@NRV all the machines (windows and ubuntu) have passwords04:52
gmachine_24try anything04:52
Dr_Willispetsounds:  and the weird way some sites handlr flash dosent help much either.. Ive seen some sites where  flash dosent work on their main page.. but it does on other  pages on teh same site04:52
Jason2gsWith a couple of small hacks, I've managed to fix virtually all of my flash problems here on Karmic.04:53
Jason2gsIs nice.04:53
gmachine_24slesnett I am sending you a link via PM to an article I used to build my first Ubuntu/Windows network. It is simple and helpful04:53
* Dr_Willis waits for flash to die.04:53
Jason2gsIt's not a one-stop-fix, as I'd hoped, but it works.04:53
hyperstreamgmachine_24, can you also throw me that like please04:53
geniigiiker: hdparm -v             (you'll need hdparm installed)04:53
petsoundsDr_Willis, it rarely happen on previous release of ubuntu, i have 6 friends at campus that can't hear the sound from youtube video. :(04:53
slesnett@NBRV includes the upstairs machines that are working. PM??04:54
giikergenii: thankx, i'll try htat now!04:54
gmachine_24slesnett: sent you the link04:54
mediaprodigySUCCESS... surfing the internets04:54
Dr_Willispetsounds:  previous releases may also be using earlier releases of flash.04:54
EruaranHello, is anyone familiar with this problem: A recent new Ubuntu install cannot get a gnome desktop up and running. Has an error saying it cannot update ICEauthority problem after updates ?? Home is encrypted and something seems to have gone wrong.04:54
gmachine_24mediaprodigy: yay04:54
Dr_Willispetsounds:  thers some package i recall that was supposed to help fix flash sound issues.. but i dont recall its name04:54
mediaprodigythanks.. for anyone interested WG111 USB works plug n play04:54
hyperstreamEruaran, you got your encryption passphase yes?04:54
gmachine_24OK. I gotta go. Thanks to everyone for the help and camaraderie.04:55
alejandro-mathI love Ubuntu !!!04:55
giikergenii: the help menu options jsut came up, nothing else...04:55
Dr_Willisalejandro-math:  marry it then. :)04:55
alejandro-mathI <3 Ubuntu :-)04:55
slesnett@NRV I must be missing something, I don't see anything.04:55
alejandro-mathi try it04:56
geniigiiker: hdparm -v /dev/sda                   as a for-instance04:56
darkhamhi people , have ubuntu something like apple automator?04:56
Dr_Willisdarkham:  and that does what?04:56
Dr_Willissounds like a kitchen appliance04:56
Alan502lmao @Dr_Willis04:57
Dr_Willismake apple pies in 1/2 the time with the APple Automator!04:57
Hilikusim using ubuntu 9.10. the version of ampache in the repo is 3.5.1. it has as a suggested package mysql5.0 but 9.10 comes with 5.1. do i really need 5.0 or i can use it with mysql 5.1?04:57
Jason2gsMy mum04:57
Jason2gshad this thing04:57
Jason2gswhere you put an apple under it,04:57
darkhamDr_Willis, automator help to build script with gui04:57
giikergenii: that di not work either04:57
Jason2gsand it sliced it. Took the core out and everything.04:57
Jason2gsI'd call that an apple automator...04:57
Dr_Willisdarkham:  ive seen some bash builder helper tools. ages ago.. but o dont recall anything recently...04:58
giikergenii: it says: IO_support    =  0 (default)  readonly      =  0 (off) readahead     = 256 (on) geometry      = 19457/255/63, sectors = 312581808, start = 004:58
RealKillazhi I would like to the content of one file to another using CL: what am I doing wrong here: content_from_here >> content_to_here04:58
Dr_WillisRealKillaz: I think you missed a few words in that question....04:58
slesnett@gmachines_24   I found it. Thnaks I'll check it out.04:58
giikergenii: the drive is not mounted yet, do you think that will be the problem?04:58
darkhamDr_Willis, an instrument like that would help many new user to learn bash cpmmands04:58
RealKillazlike to copy*04:59
Dr_Willisdarkham:  reading bash docs help you learn bash commands...04:59
Dr_Willisdarkham:  using a gui tool just keeps you from that. :)04:59
geniigiiker: No. More likely it's due to scsi layer. Probably need sdparm04:59
RealKillazDr_Willis, like to copy* content of one file to another using command line04:59
hyperstreamDr_Willis, agreed04:59
Dr_Willisdarkham:  i recall some 'universial front end' tool ages ago that sort of let you create a gui to a command line tool that would then run the tool witht he options.. but o forget its name.. i saw it on a live cd.. ages ago04:59
Jason2gsIt's like this. When I boot my computer without the monitor plugged in, my screen res. defaults to, like, 640x480, and Ubuntu has trouble recognizing it or something. When I boot with it plugged in, all is fine.05:00
Jason2gsAnd, like, I don't know why.05:00
giikergenii: ok, thanks, first time I see this command!05:00
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  cat file1 >> file2 I think.. or >05:00
Jason2gsThe obvious solution would be to always boot with the monitor plugged in.05:00
Jason2gsThis is true.05:00
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  i forget which > and >> differ.. one voerwrites other appends05:00
hyperstreamdarkham, just google a bash scripting tutorial.05:00
giikerDr_Willis: >> appends05:00
RealKillazDr_Willis, ok I forgot the cat command in front..05:01
giikerDr_Willis: >> = append05:01
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  yea. I wondered if that was a typo on your paste here.. or not. :)05:01
RealKillazDr_Willis, thanks.. yup >>, because I would like to append05:01
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  thers some bash options that can affect how > and >> work also.  Noclobber option I think. prevents >  from overwtiteing an existing file05:02
terinjokesi've got a problem bridging wlan0 ---> eth0, if there is no bridge, the wlan0 interface gets an IP address, and is able to ping the internet05:02
peekatI've just spent the night banging my head against the wall on something... bought a new Linksys wireless G PCI adapter (ra61 driver). It's totally supported by the latest Kunbuntu, it shows up, it finds my access point, all that. But the network just keeps saying Unavailable. Anyone have any thoughts?05:02
terinjokesif there is a bridge, the wlan0 interface gets an IP address (i see the DHCP requests), but then it losses it. any ideas?05:02
darkhamhyperstream, yes i had read many documentations, but sometimes, without too much time , it's a little bit too expensive write many lines for some commands05:02
peekat(Er, unrelated to what terinjokes just said -- coincidence)05:02
RealKillazDr_Willis, ok...05:02
RealKillazDr_Willis, I keep getting permission denied. I'm using sudo and the file is 644 owner is root05:03
darkhamhyperstream, i prefer the terminal , most of the time05:03
terinjokespeekat: tried connecting from the shell?05:03
RealKillazDr_Willis, I'm using sudo05:03
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  with using sudo and the pipeing/redirection stuff.. it can get tricky.05:03
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  let me find this url...05:03
peekatterinjokes: Tried, yes, but I don't really know the commands that well. Got lots of errors, tho. :)05:03
giikergenii: I run sdparm, but i can't decipher what the numbers mean05:03
hyperstreamdarkham, thats what i call being lazy, code is very quickly done if you know what your doing and working with.05:04
cjaeif some had a directory with multiple kinds of data waiting to be burnt to disc, but found it quite monotonous to make each disc manually, eg. add all files to compilation what would one search google for in terms of automation?05:04
gmachine_24Dr_Willis: Hi again. What was the name of the DVD client/software you use? Please?05:04
terinjokespeekat: is the network password-protected?05:04
RealKillazDr_Willis, I'm always messing around with tricky things :-)05:04
gmachine_24Is petsounds still here05:04
TidersCan Ubuntu use beryl/05:04
gmachine_24Tiders, yes05:04
hyperstreamdarkham, same here, terminal FTW05:04
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  see --> http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/05:04
peekatterinjokes: Yes. (And before you ask, it's a cellular access point, so I can't unprotect it). It's WAP, and I know I've got the password right becuase I'm connected on my windoze box05:04
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz05:04
=== LzrdKing is now known as LizardK|ng
giikergenii: would DMA mode considered a caching mode?05:05
TidersThats lame05:05
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  the issue is the pipe stuff works as teh USER not root the way sudo reads it.05:05
Tidersgmachine_24, So I can only get compiz-fusion now?05:05
Dr_Williscombining the redirection in the command we’ve lost sudo access.05:05
gmachine_24Tiders, well obviously I am not up on this but yes05:05
gmachine_24Tiders, you can get beryl05:05
gmachine_24as the note says, it's discouraged05:06
Tidersgmachine_24, Ah i see05:06
RealKillazDr_Willis, I see. So I should use tee05:06
RealKillazDr_Willis, thnx05:06
Dr_WillisBeryl is basically dead....05:06
Dr_Willisi dont think its been updated in a long time.05:06
gmachine_24very dead05:06
giikergenii: the numbers are exit codes for othe scripts05:06
Dr_WillisRealKillaz:  yes.. tee for you05:06
Dr_WillisEmerald is also basically Dead. :)05:06
peekatWhen I run 'iwconfig' it shows the ESSID as "", but Network Manager shows the right SSID (as does 'iwlist scan'). I think it's probably an authentication issue, but I can't find any good info on how to troubleshoot that. (All the wiki stuff is outdated or doesn't otherwise apply.)05:07
geniigiiker: Been a while since I used hdparm/sdparm, it may not be giving the info like bus speed you wanted to find out05:07
mcurranAnyone here know how to setup your ip address for apache2?05:07
Dr_WillisI wish that Metisse got more popular - it had some really neat features05:07
Dr_Willis!info metisse05:08
faileasmcurran: generally it should just work. what's the specific problem?05:08
ubottuPackage metisse does not exist in karmic05:08
faileasDr_Willis: dosen't mandriva use that?05:08
mcurranI click on Start HTTPD and then I receive this error:  No IP Address configured!05:08
Dr_Willisfaileas:  i think it might have the option.. but i dont think its getting much love these days.05:08
=== john is now known as Guest88737
Dr_WillisMandriva One 2007 GNOME -- Metisse Inside!05:08
terinjokespeekat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo05:09
giikergenii: will have to try something else then05:09
peekatAnd in my GUI, the connection exists, but says 'Unavailable'...05:09
giikergenii: thanks05:09
peekatterinjokes: Thanks, but that's where I've spent all night...05:09
hyperstreamso is there any harm in opening up a root shell with sudo -i ?05:09
NRVmcurran, have you checked your httpd.conf and ports.conf file?05:09
hyperstreamapart from what i myself can damage/and or services i may run with possible security holes?05:09
iceroothyperstream: no05:10
mcurrani checked apache2.conf, I didn't know there was a separate httpd one, I'll check it out - thanks05:10
terinjokespeekat: you mean WPA?05:10
peekatYeah, typo05:10
mcurranactually, it was the httpd.conf file - I'll check out ports05:11
faileaspeekat: hmm, tried using wpa_supplicant the old fashioned way to see if it works?05:11
peekatterinjokes: Uses WPA (TKIP), and my XP laptop connected easily. So I know the access point is fine.05:11
GeorgeLhey! anyone know how the adaptive huffman algorithm work?05:11
terinjokespeekat: one sec05:12
morpheus_hi all05:13
giikeranyone knows a small command/script to measure write speed to a hard drive? nothing graphical though?/05:13
peekatterinjokes: I know the adapter is working, cuz it found the AP's broadcast. It let me set up the connection. But the connection just shows Unavailable in the GUI (and ESSID="" in the terminal). It's driving me nuts. (and you may have many seconds -- I appreciate the help!)05:13
faileaspeekat: http://pastebin.com/mcb87cb3 try using this wpa_supplicant.conf file. -> its usually saved as wpa_supplicant.conf. then run " sudo /sbin/wpa_supplicant -Dwext -B -ieth0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf; sudo dhclient eth0 "05:14
faileaser.. replace both eth0 with your wireless adaptor's name. mine is eth0 for some funny reason05:14
giikeranyone knows a small command/script to measure actual write speed to a hard drive? nothing graphical though?/05:15
neezerlooking for help with bluetooth. I'm having trouble connecting my phone with my ubuntu laptop.05:15
neezerI'm not really sure where to start.05:15
peekatfaileas: I'll try it, thanks. (Mine's wlan0)05:15
Dr_WillisGeorgeL:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptive_Huffman_coding05:15
hyperstreampeekat, WEP or WPA encryption on the wireless access point ?05:15
ubuntunewbiehi , does ubuntu really did a clean uninstall for application ?05:16
morpheus_after starting mplayer, sound will not play in any program, player dont work. it's write "Error opening/initializating the selected video_out (-vo) device."05:16
faileaspeekat: you may need to change the -D bit as well... that command is specific to what driver you use05:16
hyperstreamubuntunewbie, english please05:16
giikersudo hdparm -t /dev/sda405:16
giikeroops wrong window05:16
faileasubuntunewbie: depends on how you uninstalled it. apt-get remove keeps config files - to nuke those you need apt-get purge05:16
giikeror terminal05:16
ubuntunewbiesuch as if I install a program , will it still leave a trace such as a few file ?05:16
Dr_Willismorpheus_:  the defalt -vo 'device' may need to be changed.05:16
faileasgiiker: it happens. its worse when you type that sorta thing to a girl you're chatting up tho :)05:17
LizardK|ngok, grub didn't pick up a kernel image for xen, so i guess the package doesn't come with one... do i need to compile my own?05:17
Dr_Willismorpheus_:  but im not sure why that sould affect sound.. unless mplayer is some how crashing05:17
hyperstreamubuntunewbie, LOL05:17
peekatfaileas: Oops! I'll do that as well, then.. I'm rt61, not wext05:17
morpheus_<Dr_Willis> yes it's crash05:17
Dr_Willisubuntunewbie:  the pacakge manager has a 'purge' option to remove all system configs..  the package manager will NOT NOT NOT affect configs and files in the users home dirs.05:17
macoubuntunewbie: sudo apt-get purge <progra>05:17
Xfactanybody can tell me how to get the cool 'application dock' in ubuntu?05:17
macoubuntunewbie: uhh what Dr_Willis said05:17
faileaspeekat: i can't remember if rt61 is in the kernel yet. i used to have one, and it was a minor pain05:17
Dr_Willismorpheus_:  try some different -vo outputs perhaps05:17
macoubuntunewbie: that it was once installed and has since been purged will still show in "dpkg -l <package>" however05:18
Flannelubuntunewbie: When you purge a package all of the files it installed are removed.  If it created any user configuration files (they would be in your homedir or stored data for that matter) when you ran the program, those won't be removed automatically.05:18
ubuntunewbiefaileas , hyperstream : I mean I install in a different way there's a installation file05:18
Dr_WillisXfact:  install some docks (i hate most of them) - Docky  is one avail in the PPA repos that i actually found 'useable'05:18
LizardK|ngi like cairodock05:18
terinjokespeekat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351618/05:18
faileasubuntunewbie: er.. depends. if you want a clean install and uninstall, you might want to consider using checkinstall instead of install - this makes a deb you can remove with apt05:19
Dr_WillisXfact:  gnome-do also has a 'docky' theme for a ok dock. But its beeeing phased out and replaced by the 'docky' stand alone program in the next release I belive05:19
srihow to configure ftp on Ubuntu???05:19
terinjokespeekat: change the -i part in /etc/network/interfaces to your wireless driver05:19
Dr_Willis!ftpd | sri05:19
ubottusri: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP05:19
sriWhich one is good for ftp Server?05:20
peekatfaileas: Hrm... actually, it doesn't recognize that. Which is odd, because the driver is definitely installed (it shows up w/'lshw' and 'lsmod'). When I tried it with wext, though, it said "Listening on LPF/wlan0/<addr>", "Sending on <same>", "Sending on Socket/fallback", and then just kept repeating "DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval <X>" where X was 8, 12, 11, etc.05:20
LizardK|nganyone know where i can get a precompiled kernel to use with xen, or do i need to compile my own?05:20
Dr_Willissri:  checkout the homepage/docs for the various ones.. it depends on yoru needs.. they are all 'ftp servers'05:20
terinjokesi lied, i meant -D05:20
Dr_Willissri:  i suggest learning to use ssh/scp and forget about ftp05:20
ubuntunewbiefaileas : here is my real question.05:20
faileaspeekat: hmm, if its an rt61... one moment05:20
peekatterinjokes: Okay...05:21
faileaspeekat: http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/ i'd probably start here05:21
ubuntunewbiefaileas : I plan to print using my printer but ubuntu or linux doesn't have my canon printer dirver05:21
slesnett@neezer what happen to the bluetooth?05:21
ubuntunewbiefaileas : The only way is to install turboprint which is a pay software05:21
faileasubuntunewbie: lemme guess, its trialware and you want to try installing and uninstalling to get around it?05:22
ubuntunewbiefaileas : let say after 30 days trial , can I clean uninstall and reinstall back after 30 days ?05:22
faileasno idea05:22
ubuntunewbiefaileas : yeh05:22
neezerslesnett: I have no idea.05:22
neezer I don't even know how to check to make sure it is on.05:22
Dr_WillisI was thinking even the trialware version printed some logo/watermark05:22
ubuntunewbiefaileas : really no luck in searching canon printer driver.05:22
neezerI have connected my phone to a bluetooth headset, and now I want to connect it to my laptop.05:23
Dr_Williscanon dosetn give linux much love  -  my canon printer finally has a driver.. and it dosetn work right. :)05:23
terinjokesdoes canon not accept one of the standard drivers?05:23
neezerI am pretty sure that I have bluetooth on my laptop.05:23
faileasubuntunewbie: i really have no idea there05:23
ubuntunewbieDr_Willis: dont mind much about watermark , just wantedto continue using after 30 days05:23
faileasDr_Willis: lol. very few companies give linux love ;p05:23
ubuntunewbiefaileas: maybe I am the only one asking this question here :-S05:23
Dr_WillisPersonaly i have added canon to my list of 'do not buy'  companies05:23
* terinjokes gives linux love05:23
ubuntunewbieDr_Willis: brought a canon printer before I knew linux ubuntu05:24
SetiAmonhey are there any wireless keyboard/mouse for ubuntu 9.0405:24
MaletorHow do I get my SATA 2 to mount when I boot up my machine and stay mounted? Internal05:24
terinjokesSetiAmon: with or without the dongle?05:24
SetiAmonI don't know there are dozens of sets i was just wondering what i should be going after05:24
terinjokesSetiAmon: actually, i don't think it matter... most *should* work05:25
ubuntunewbieDr_Willis: can't find any work around  , been setting cup for pass few days and those linux driver wasn't compatible at all05:25
slesnett@neezer if yuhave installed it you should see the icon, what model bluetooth?05:25
neezernot sure.05:25
neezeron my phone?05:25
neezerI have a blackberry.05:25
LizardK|nganyone know where i can get a precompiled kernel to use with xen, or do i need to compile my own?05:26
neezerI turned on the icon in system -> bluetooth.05:26
neezerNow I have a bluetooth icon in my tray on the top of my desktop.05:26
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SetiAmonterinjokes:they all seem to say "windows certified" and such. I have no experience with this so i was just wondering what i should do or if it was worth the stress,but it sounds like most should be PnP05:26
neezerwhen I open it up and chose setup new connection, it doesn't find any devices.05:26
XfactI found only 'Cairo-dock'05:27
LizardK|ngXfact, i like cairodock05:27
spaderSetiAmon: I have a keyboard "Microsoft Wireless Multimedia" and it works fine in Linux... i mean, unless you got something fancy, a keyboard is a keyboard05:27
spaderspader --> terinjokes05:28
=== spader is now known as terinjokes
ubuntunewbieSo , anyone know any binary hexa editor ?05:28
XfactLizardKing: which version? 2.1.205:28
iflemaSetiAmon: all good... some keys may not function ou da box e.g. multi media... but gnome is good a recovering lost keys05:28
SetiAmonthanks then i'll just buy a affordable one for 40$05:28
LizardK|ngXfact,  have 2.0.9-karmic105:29
Xfact LizardK|ng: cool!05:29
SandGorgonsome fairly interesting 32-bit vs 64-bit benchmarks by phoronix (64 bit wins) - http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=505:31
hyampomeranianAnyone know how to get cookies functional in Firefox 3.5.6?05:32
chiquesIs there any way to look into a Windows Vista folder that is prompting "Access Denied"?05:32
zirodaychiques: mount the drive and navigate to the folder?05:32
zirodayhyampomeranian: what do you mean by functional?05:33
joshua___You know I am this --> <-- close to replacing files owned by core packages05:33
hyampomeranian/Edit/Preferences/Privacy... but Firefox won't save my changes.05:33
joshua___starting with /sbin/sulogin!05:33
chiquesI did mount the drive, apparently there's a password on this drive which is preventing me from accessing it. I'm trying to back up the data.05:33
osmosiswow, banshe seems way nicer then rhythmbox. I wonder why ubuntu keeps rhythmbox as the default.05:33
zirodaychiques: err that password prompt is for your login password on your ubuntu machine05:33
zirodayhyampomeranian: wait, do you want to enable or disable the saving of cookies05:34
nomnexhow do I expend all the folders in list view in Nautilus?05:35
nomnexEdit: expend all the sub-folders...05:35
osmosiswhy is tracker no longer included by default?05:36
zirodayosmosis: because it was no longer developed and had stability issues05:36
hyampomeranianI want to enable cookies.  I get the report, from sites that require cookies, that they are not enabled.  At /Edit/Preverences/Privacy Firefox reports that it will remember the history.  If I change the setting my changes are not remembered by Firefox.05:36
LizardK|ngugh, how do i get a kernel for xen in karmic?05:37
iflemaosmosis: banshee... isnt it a mono thing05:37
neezerslesnett: is there a way I can tell to make sure my laptop even has bluetooth. I have checked online and I think it does.05:39
bastid_raZoriflema: yes, and for me it has a small memory leak05:39
bastid_raZoriflema: BUT... it is the only player that fully cooperates with cairo-dock applets05:40
osmosisziroday, is there a replacement for tracker?05:40
iflemabastid_raZor: it ball parks it... but its crap/crashed05:40
zirodayosmosis: beagle?05:40
osmosisziroday, kinda sucks that after nearly a decade gnome has no decent file syste search tool.05:40
zirodayosmosis: or you can still use tracker, its just not shipped by default05:40
osmosisziroday, i thought tracker replaced beagle05:40
zirodayosmosis: there are plans to change that for GNOME 3.005:40
peekatterinjokes: Okay, I updated my interfaces as shown (and I'd already set up the wap_supplicant.conf file earlier) and now my GUI doesn't show ANY connection -- if I click on the earth, it lists the connection name, but clicking on it produces nothing. I don't think Kubuntu likes me trying to configure stuff in the shell....05:40
zirodayosmosis: no, beagle and tracker are just two different search tools05:41
maverick340hi , is there a way i can send emails to specefied emails IDs based on the file name (which will probably have the name of the author as the first word) ?05:42
peekatMaybe the driver is just bad -- weird that it'd scan fine, recognize fine, etc., but then screw up the connection...05:43
Foghow do i find out how frequently /tmp gets emptied?05:43
macoFog: on reboot05:44
Fogin every linux?05:44
macoFog: yep05:44
PyroPheliai'm a little confused as to how mdadm handles failed disks and rebuilds.  I had a disk fail in a raid 6 so I replaced it with an identical drive and added it to the array.  now it says the array is degraded and rebuilding with 1 spare.  how do I make that drive I added to the array active?05:44
macothink so...05:44
Fogk thanks05:44
icerootFog: on reboot, also some apps are using /mp and deleting content after the program is finished05:44
macoid be surprised if temporary files didnt go away on reboot05:44
icerootFog: /tmp05:44
macothatd defy the definition of temporary05:44
iceroot!crosspost | PyroPhelia05:45
ubottuPyroPhelia: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.05:45
peekat<< going to try compiling a new driver05:46
=== peekat is now known as peekat-AFK
spOWarning: DS_Filter() no such class object.  (DLL=CoreAVCDecoder.ax)05:46
mitchnboofhey guys05:47
PyroPheliaiceroot, debian != ubuntu.  I don't care if you don't like it, stuff it.05:47
askvictoris it possible to check the integrity of files installed via apt/dpkg?05:47
macoaskvictor: debsums05:48
nomnexexpend all folders/sub-folders in list view - nautilus, anybody? There seems to be no such function05:48
mitchnboofI've just been playing with Ubuntu and I've hit a small snag while mucking around with themes. Wondering if one of you blokes can help?05:48
quietonewhen I try to add a printer that is on another ubuntu machine on home network all I get is "no printer found:05:48
macohrmph. blokes. *wanders off, unwanted*05:49
icerootPyroPhelia: :) good luck finging an answer after that05:50
hyampomeranianI've another problem.  edid finds my Dell 1440x900 monitor but xrandr sets my max resolution to 1280x1040.  Im new to Linux, does anyone know how to get Ubuntu 9.10 to recognize the monitor?  There's an xorg.conf file but it looks like a template with no real data in it.  Thanks.05:50
mitchnboofhahah ok blokes and "sheilas"05:50
mitchnboofhows that?05:50
iflemanomnex: the left pane in nautilus across from the close icon(X) it'll prob say in drop down box places... select tree05:50
PyroPheliaiceroot, your point? debian != ubuntu.  debian works.05:52
nomnexiflema, the question is how to expend folders in list view05:52
icerootPyroPhelia: my point is that crosspostings are not very welcome, thats all05:52
nomnexiflema, the same as ls-lR command05:52
beanPyroPhelia: ubuntu is based on debian05:53
geeyo can anyone help with a blank dvd recognition problem05:53
surgycan someone tewll me where "settings" is in anjuta?05:53
PyroPheliabean, no centos is based off of redhat.  ubuntu is nothing like debian.  the only similarity is the packaging system.05:54
icerootPyroPhelia: ubuntu is debian sid with patches05:54
beanPyroPhelia: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/debian05:54
PyroPheliasid = broken = ubuntu05:55
PyroPheliamy point stands05:55
surgyubuntu == brokbuntu05:55
PyroPheliaand how did this begin, I didn't come here to rag on ubutnu.05:55
surgycan someone tewll me where "settings" is in anjuta?05:55
beanI don't get why you're so cynical about this PyroPhelia, its not broken and works for me™05:55
geecan anyone tell me why ubuntu is recognizing all my blank dvd+r as having a 2.1 gig file on them05:55
PyroPheliabean, ext405:55
beanPyroPhelia: then don't use ext4?05:55
nomnexgee, do you try another DVD? what's the output?05:56
PyroPheliai'm pretty sure it's teh defualt fs now isn't it?05:56
Ryan1I've been using ext4 since Jaunty and haven't had any problems05:56
Fogdo debian users not like ubuntu ?05:56
nightsjammiesHey, does anyone in here have a compaq presario running karmic?05:56
Dr_Willisgee:  i recall some issues with brassero not properly seeing empty disks. k3b worked for me however.05:56
beanPyroPhelia: I don't know why you're basing ext4 tho05:56
geeyeah i tried a few....and what do you mean output?05:56
Ryan1nightsjammies: Yes05:56
beanFog: I love both debian and ubuntu05:56
surgycan someone tewll me where "settings" is in anjuta?05:56
FezzlerYahoo mail is blocking an email from Korg.  I've turned off SPAM filter, I've added Korg to my Contacts.  Nothing05:56
Dr_WillisCompaq presairo = a lot of different laptops05:57
geeill try k3b then...does it burn iso images?05:57
faileasnightsjammies: i have a very old one that does. hardware isn't all that different between brands these days05:57
faileasgee: yes05:57
nightsjammiesDo you have any issues with suspend and the display brightness coming back dim?05:57
nightsjammiesit's a CQ6005:57
Fogi like ubuntu. but i'm not religous about it. i'd jump ship in a second if i thought something was better for me05:57
nightsjammiesI like eeebuntu.05:57
Ryan1nightsjammies: I don't suspend it, I just set the display to turn off when the lid is closed05:57
nightsjammiesI tried opensuse...what a friggin pain.05:57
Fogdoes eeebuntu run better on an eeepc than nbr?05:58
nightsjammiesI know, as do I. But it's my wife's laptop, and so I wanted to try out the suspend option.05:58
nightsjammieseeebuntu is nbr.05:58
nomnexgee, u r on ubuntu or kubuntu?05:58
PyroPheliabean, the utils that ubuntu ships with do not allow for the creation of large file systes with ext4.  they are limited at 15TB.  even if ext4 was stable, why the hell would you make ext4 your defualt FS when it's about as useless as ext3....and more buggy05:58
surgycan someone tewll me where "settings" is in anjuta?05:58
nightsjammiesNBR is just the remix of the standard desktop.05:58
PyroPheliabean, and you can stop at any time.  SID is debians still in development tree.  they don't call it stable for a reason05:59
nightsjammiesAnd yes, it runs very good.05:59
Fogi have an eeepc with nbr05:59
Fogit's alright but i prefer the normal ubuntu interface05:59
Dr_Willissurgy:  if its a kde app = proberly in .kde* somewhere05:59
nightsjammieswhat series Fog?05:59
icerootPyroPhelia: dont use ubuntu if you hate it so much05:59
bastid_raZorPyroPhelia: what average desktop user has a box with 15TB in it? you're missing the entire point.05:59
beanPyroPhelia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4 tells me that the max volume size is 1 EiB05:59
nightsjammiesIf I recall, they put in a way to disable the nbr interface.05:59
Dr_Willissurgy:  thers also .config  that has stuff in it.05:59
nightsjammiesGo to the eeebuntu forums and ask around.06:00
PyroPheliabean, the kernel supports file suystems of that large yes.  but you can't format a raid larger than 15TB06:00
nightsjammiesdo you have 3.o?06:00
nomnexgee, u cannot burn anything on them using brasero?06:00
PyroPheliabean, it has the same limitations as ext3.  for now.06:00
Dr_WillisANd here i am with my brand new 200000TB flash drive...06:00
gee:D im a definate noob06:00
PyroPheliabastid_raZor, many people with home media centers.06:00
nomnexgee the default gnome burning CD DVD tool06:00
surgyDr_Willis: no no its a gnome app06:00
surgycan someone tewll me where "settings" is in anjuta?06:00
PyroPheliabastid_raZor, 2TB drives are cheap06:01
beanPyroPhelia: give me a link that that shows that then06:01
Dr_Willissurgy:  .gnome* then most likely under one of those dirs06:01
nightsjammiesHey, is it possible to burn the original xbox games onto a disk for use?06:01
Dr_Willisnightsjammies:  ive seen it done with modd'ed xbox's yes.06:01
nightsjammiesHow do you mod the xbox?06:01
Dr_Willisnightsjammies:  with mod chips..06:01
icerootnightsjammies: this is ubuntu support06:01
nightsjammiesis it a software or hardware fix?06:01
Dr_Willisnightsjammies:  'yes' :)06:02
bastid_raZorPyroPhelia: true, but the masses do not have a need for 2TB's of drive space. the majority emails and surfs the web..06:02
geeyeah i went under properties on each disc i tried and it always said it had a 2.1 gig file on it06:02
nightsjammiesThanks iceroot. I forgot where I was :p06:02
PyroPheliabean, I've done it myself I know the limitation.06:02
nomnexDr_Willis, how can I expand all folder/sub-folders in nautilus in list view?06:02
geebut now k3b is saying its got 4.4 gigs of free space so hopefully it works06:02
Dr_Willisnomnex:  never noticed. really.06:02
surgycan someone tewll me where "settings" is in anjuta? (in order to configure for the allegro library)06:02
tapioTrying to get some songs transfered to my zen, but when I plug in my mp3 player something is using it, and the software says that the device is busy. How can I figure out what is using it?06:02
bastid_raZorPyroPhelia: i've been using computers for 20  years and my home system has just now eclipsed 3TB. i do far more than the average user too.06:03
Dr_Willisgee:  yea. not sure what the deal is. theres been issues with brasero on and off  since 9.10's been out06:03
nomnexDr_Willis, pardon me?06:03
nightsjammiesWait,  what issues?06:03
nightsjammiesIs there something better than brasero?06:03
beanPyroPhelia: then use a different fs for your raid?06:03
Dr_Willisnomnex:  ive never noticed any key combo/menu item to do it.   I rarely use listview06:03
icerootnightsjammies: k3b06:03
Dr_Willisnightsjammies:  i perfer k3b ovber brasero06:03
nightsjammiesis k3b for kde?06:04
icerootnightsjammies: yes06:04
Dr_Willis!info k3b06:04
ubottuk3b (source: k3b): A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 1.68.0~alpha3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 637 kB, installed size 1840 kB06:04
nightsjammiesor can I use it with gnome?06:04
Dr_Willisnightsjammies:  yes you can.06:04
icerootnightsjammies: but you can use it with gnome (need some kde libs)06:04
geeyeah its workin now with k3b i really appreciate the help guys...maybe one day i will posess the knowledge to assist you in the helping of future noobs such as i06:04
nomnexDr_Willis, neither have I, I was looking under Gconf, not to avail.06:04
nightsjammiesOoh...k. Thanks guys.06:04
nomnexnightfrog, yes06:04
Dr_Willisk3b is getting really good.  :)06:04
DaZk3b always was really good [;06:05
Dr_WillisI had some issues with it a release or 2 ago..    but none lately06:05
Dr_WillisUps and downs of contant changeing of programs :)06:06
icerootthere are not many good kde-applications but k3b is one06:06
surgyiceroot: WHAT?06:06
bastid_raZork3b and ktorrent are the only two applications i borrow from kde06:06
* Dr_Willis pokes iceroot with a clock plasmid.06:06
chiquesk3b rocks06:06
Dr_WillisOh wait its a plasmoid.06:06
surgylol EXACTLY06:06
surgykde 4 rawks06:06
zirodaythe kde discussions is best had in #ubuntu-offtopic06:06
icerootDr_Willis: you know kontact...  hell on earth06:07
surgyziroday: !offtopic06:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:07
surgycan someone tewll me where "settings" is in anjuta? (in order to configure for the allegro library)06:07
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:07
Dr_WillisIve had issues with ktorrent lately -  been using rtorrent  and it seems a lot faster in the few torrents ive grabbed lately06:07
Dr_Willisiceroot:  i only use gmail for my mail and thasts abouit it.06:07
deserteaglei'm trying to uninstall a package, but it fails, what can i do?06:07
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:07
icerootDr_Willis: dou you also have buffer-overflows using rtorrent for some days?06:07
bastid_raZortransmission does fine.. i don't need all the extra graphs/info on the laptop.06:07
surgyi dont even use ubuntu anymore i was just hoping you guys could help me with anjuta06:08
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:08
Fogi downloaded netbook remix 9.10. is that considered nbr 3.0?06:08
deserteaglei'm trying to uninstall a package, but it doesn't want to erase it due to an alleged "missing file" what can i do?06:09
Dr_Willisiceroot:  never noticed any. Most of my torrents get done in  an hr or 306:09
icerootDr_Willis: i was running a torrent server with ubuntu and debian for one week, always the same, crash06:09
surgycan someone tewll me where "settings" is in anjuta? (in order to configure for the allegro library)06:10
beansurgy:  if its like a regular package it should be in /etc/anjuta or somesuch06:10
deserteagleanyone know how to force the deletion of a deb package?06:11
chiquesSo is Vista to Windows like the Pinto was for Ford?06:11
beansurgy:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5578406:11
surgybean: no no im not using a debian based system or even a buntu based system...... im trying to figure out how to get to the compiler/linker options so i can set up allegro06:12
beansurgy:  then why ask here :P: just read the post i linked http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5578406:12
surgybean: "06:13
surgyThen start a regular console project in Anjuta and add `allegro-config --libs` (with the backticks) to06:13
surgySettings->Compiler and linker options->Options->Linker flags06:13
surgyi cant find "Settings"06:13
shawnboyGreetings. I need to run kernel 2.6.32. Wondering which to get from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/06:14
Alan502Stupid question, where can i see lastest modified files? I just copied some stuff i can't find where06:14
beansurgy:  could try reading this. http://library.gnome.org/devel/anjuta-manual/stable/project-config.html.en06:15
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terinjokesi'm running two computers on a subnet with a linux box acting as a router, any ideas on how to forward multicast06:17
beanAlan502:  could try find ./ -type f -mtime -1 -exec ls -al {} \;06:17
beanAlan502:  that will give you files modified today06:17
Alan502bean, thanks man :)06:18
lotusDr_Willis I redid the install and I'm currently trying to install grub to /dev/sdc again06:19
Dr_Willislotus:  way to go! :)06:19
lotusDr_Willis, you previously suggested that there might be an issue with the mapping, I think you're right.  How can I verify and correct the mapping issue?06:19
Dr_Willislotus:  your grub-fu skills will improve Lotus-eater!06:19
EruaranHas anyone else seen the "cannot update ICEauthority" problem after letting Ubuntu do lupdates recently ?06:19
Dr_Willislotus:  chedk the device.map file06:19
Dr_Willislotus:  its a rather simple file06:20
Guest88969is there any backup solution, which takes all the data backups with OS in archive formate and in emergency i can use that archive to recover my host ?06:20
faileasGuest88969: on a running system? no idea. if you don't mind downtime to backup, clonezilla isn't bad06:20
beanterinjokes: might want to check out SMCRoute06:20
koshariGuest88969 patimage will do that if oyu havnt used ext406:21
lotusDr_Willis, trying to find it.  It apparently appears on the usb drive (which doesn't quite make sense to me) and I'm waiting to see it show up somewhere else on the ramdisk06:21
Dr_WillisGuest88969:  check fsarchiver --> http://www.fsarchiver.org/Main_Page   also06:21
Dr_Willislotus:  yea the ramdisk/live filesystem can be odd due to how it does overlays and stuff..06:21
shawnboyI've used fsarchiver that comes on sysresccd06:21
Dr_Willislotus:  the update-grub command can take a lot of options to where to look for such files06:21
Dr_Willisfsarchiver  - to be in the 10.4 repos.. and has PPA repos now. :)06:22
koshariiam yet to have as good as results on fsarchiver than partimage , shame partimage is abandonware though06:22
terinjokesbean: how? i don't understand the upnp and multicasting needed to make this work06:22
surgyopenSuse is better*06:22
lotusDr_Willis, found it in /target  it lists /dev/sda as hd0, sdb as hd1, and sdc as hd206:22
lotusDr_Willis, thanks for the help this far06:23
desynchdoes anyone here run beef on ubuntu?06:23
Foghow can i tell which version of nbr i have?06:23
Dr_Willis!info beef06:23
ubottubeef (source: beef): flexible Brainfuck interpreter. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.6-2 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB06:23
shawnboyanybody know whether I should grab kernel or 2.6.32-rc8?06:23
Dr_WillisIm so glad they made it flexiable!06:23
faileasDr_Willis: something has to be flexible, once they break your mind06:24
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen06:24
Dr_WillisIm inflexiable in my demand for flexability!06:24
LizardK|ngi been there, i need a xen kernel06:24
* NRV is knocking off06:24
Dr_WillisIve never managed to understand xen. :)06:24
brianhermananyone know a good tutorial on xen?06:24
surgyLizardK|ng: why do you need a xen kernal?06:24
LizardK|ngsurgy, to run xen06:25
LizardK|ngDr_Willis, it's a hypervisor06:25
brianhermanim gonna run xen in vmware06:25
Dr_WillisLizardK|ng: yea - i understand the basics.. :) i just dont really have a need for it. and when i tryed to play with it a few releases ago.. i ended up.. breaking things.. heh06:25
SaanoWould anyone mind helping me resolve my resolution issue? Messing with xorg on my own has never ended well.06:25
nomad77shawnboy: the is a newer/more recent version06:25
shawnboynewer than rc8?06:26
shawnboycan u explain why .2 is not rc10? (for my understanding sake)06:26
LizardK|ngbut as far i as i understand, you need a kernel with xen options enabled06:26
SaanoIs it possible to use two different video cards in Ubuntu?06:26
Dr_WillisLizardK|ng:  check the pacakge manager? i was thinking there was -xen kernels.. but that may of been in 9.04 or earlier.06:26
terinjokesbean: ?06:26
Dr_WillisSaano:  yes it is.06:27
beanterinjokes: I don't know specifically how to make it work,06:27
nomad77shawnboy: just the nomenclature they use for kernel versions. kernel.org06:27
LizardK|ngDr_Willis, looks like i need to get it from debian06:28
shawnboyso, if I want to run 2.6.32 kernel I guess I may as well get instead of rc8, huh?06:28
smoo2hello, having probs with permissions. I've just copied a directory full of music to the Music dir under my home, but now I cannot cd Music/  ... I get a permission denied error06:28
chiquesSo for some crazy reason, I ended up recompiling my kernel to install oss sound drivers to try to get my fax modem to work. It didnt'work and I screwed up my ALSA drivers. Is there any way to recompile my kernel so I I can use my ALSA again? I hope this makes sense06:28
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desynch!info grsec06:28
ubottuPackage grsec does not exist in karmic06:28
Dr_Willissmoo2:  coppied how?06:28
faileaschiques: you can prolly check if the old one is still in grub06:28
desynch!info grsecurity06:28
ubottuPackage grsecurity does not exist in karmic06:28
beansmoo2: I'd recommend doing chmod 755 ~/music06:28
faileasthen boot to that, or chose that as the default06:28
nomad77shawnboy: http://kernel.org/06:28
beansmoo2: or ~/Music06:28
chiquesI have tried to run the older kernel but same results so I'm thinking something is linked to the profile06:29
smoo2Dr_Willis: i did something like: mv /media/usb-hd/Music ~/Music06:29
desynchwhich is better in performance, gnome or KDE?06:29
shawnboyThanks, nomad77.06:29
kosharibean with the recursive switch06:29
rashmi /join #drupal-infrastructure06:29
beankoshari: ah true its getting late here...06:29
mh512Hello, I got a dumb qns here... is it possible to authenticate thunderbird through kerberos on ubuntu?06:29
beansmoo2: chmod -R 755 ~/Music06:29
turtle_desynch: xfce06:29
faileasdesynch: well, try them and see. they both have their advantages and disadvantages. there's better choices if you want speed over everything else06:29
smoo2bean:  thanks06:29
iflemadesynch: gnome for sure.....06:29
Dr_Willissmoo2:  so you replaced your Music dir's pemissions with the ones from the usb drive  Im betting.06:30
smoo2I was trying 644..06:30
desynchi see06:30
desynch!info xfce06:30
ubottuPackage xfce does not exist in karmic06:30
Dr_Willissmoo2:  a directory must be 'executable; for you to 'enter' it.06:30
Dr_Willis!info xubuntu-desktop06:30
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.99 (karmic), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB06:30
iflemadesynch: maybe xubuntu06:30
desynchis it possible for me to change now from gnome to xfce?06:30
smoo2Dr_Willis: I didnt know that, thanks! I keep learning!06:30
Dr_Willisdesynch:  select your desktop from the gdm menus once you select a user.06:30
beandesynch : apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:30
desynchi see06:31
Dr_Willisafter installing the other desktops.. of course. :)06:31
kosharidesynch: yes sudo apt-get install xfce-desktop,06:31
Dr_WillisJust dont go crazy and install 'lubuntu-desktop' - that one can cause.. err.. issues.. :)06:31
=== angelus is now known as angelus|sleep
desynchwhere can i find gdm menu?06:33
iflemadesynch: login screen06:33
Dr_Willisdesynch:  the login screen is GDM.06:33
Dr_Willisselect a user.. look at the menus at the  bottom06:33
desynchi see06:33
Dr_WillisIts a little confuseing that they dont appear Until you select a user.06:33
ralf_eare there plans to replace apparmor in ubuntu? (just wondering if it makes sense to create profiles for it at this point in time)06:34
Dr_Willisralf_e:  ive not heard mention about replaceing it.. #ubuntu+1 may know.06:35
desynchso is it safe now is i issue the command apt-get install xfce-desktop?06:35
Dr_Willisralf_e:  actually You hear very little about apparmor really.06:35
beandesynch:  i'd do xubuntu-desktop06:35
iflemadesynch: im up in gnome shit happ'nen..... started at boot... footprint = 230[odd]mb of ram....06:35
desynchhmmmm ...06:36
ralf_eDr_Willis, yeah, it seems pretty much dead, that's why I'm asking.06:36
Dr_Willisdesynch:   xubuntu-desktop should be safe. but it may change your default gdm/splash themes also.. (no big deal)06:36
desynchim up now with gnome and works fine06:36
Dr_WillisIve gotten where i dont care much for the xfce desktop.. just to many annoying quirks. :)06:36
desynchDr_Willis, which is more nice, xubuntu-desktop or xfce-desktop?06:36
desynchcan i install them both now?06:37
Dr_Willisxubuntu is using xfce desynch06:37
Dr_Willis!info xfce-desktop06:37
ubottuPackage xfce-desktop does not exist in karmic06:37
desynchi see06:37
surgydesynch: equally crap06:37
Dr_Willisthere is NO xfce-desktop package.06:37
Dr_Willis!info flvm06:37
ubottuPackage flvm does not exist in karmic06:37
Dr_Willis!info flwm06:37
ubottuflwm (source: flwm): Fast Light Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02+cvs20080422-6 (karmic), package size 43 kB, installed size 164 kB06:37
brianherman!info twm06:37
ubottutwm (source: twm): Tab window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.4-2 (karmic), package size 110 kB, installed size 392 kB06:37
desynch!info xfce-desktop06:37
ubottuPackage xfce-desktop does not exist in karmic06:37
Dr_Willisflwm is smaller. :)06:37
Dr_Willistwm aparently has been getting some updates however.06:38
nmvictorwhen you do chmod x+w <file> what does x take if you wanted the file to have write permisions for the file?06:38
brianherman!info xmonad06:38
ubottuxmonad (source: xmonad): A lightweight X11 window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-5 (karmic), package size 440 kB, installed size 1560 kB06:38
desynch!info KDE06:38
ubottuPackage KDE does not exist in karmic06:38
desynch!info kde06:38
ubottuPackage kde does not exist in karmic06:38
desynch!info kde-desktop06:38
ubottuPackage kde-desktop does not exist in karmic06:38
iflemakde is the community06:38
bean!info kubuntu-desktop06:38
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.154 (karmic), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB06:38
brianhermankde is smaller06:38
nmvictor!info chmod06:38
ubottuPackage chmod does not exist in karmic06:38
surgyKDE + buntu == sux this is a gnome driven community (yuck)06:39
brianherman!info bash06:39
ubottubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.0-5ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 642 kB, installed size 3072 kB06:39
smoo2any quick pointers for how to combine the contents of two directories? I have my new ~/Music/ folder and I also have an older ~/mp3/ dir, some files are in both, some not, its a mess!06:39
desynchdoes kubuntu-desktop also uses xfce?06:39
surgydesynch: kubuntu uses KDE06:39
desynchi see06:39
desynchKDE is very slow06:39
Dr_WillisTWM updated for 2010 - xrender support and moar! --> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Nzg1NQ06:39
peekat-AFKterinjokes + faileas: My wireless card is WORKING! And now I want to *really* put my head through the wall. This whole time I've been trying to compile a new rt61 driver (in vain, cuz of some issue where the network_struct object has changed), and I came across some advice. I changed the MTU from "auto" to "1000". THAT DID IT. Now I'm even more pissed off, cuz I'm like, "WTF? Why is there an auto setting it it doesn't WORK?!?" Hehehe...06:39
brianhermanDr_willis i heard about that06:40
surgydesynch: kde is not slow06:40
=== peekat-AFK is now known as peekat
peekatBack, obviously.06:40
desynchi've been using fedora and fedora is up with KDE06:40
* faileas is currently using openbox for a light system. its REALLY fast for a box running off usb ;p06:40
faileaspeekat: the ralink cards are bit.. special ;p06:40
Dr_WillisX Render support has been added (including transparency support).  in twm :) yea.06:40
karmstHello Everyone06:41
karmstWhat folders need to be backed up to restore Ubuntu 9.10?06:42
peekatI ended up deleting all the stuff from /etc/network/interfaces and all the changes, and made that one little change. Freakin hell. :)06:42
peekatfaileas: Yeah, no kidding. I need to head over to linuxforums and linuxquestions and make a post for the next poor jackass who ends up in this situation. If I can save just one person, it's worth it. :)06:42
gl1tch3rhey guys, is there a way to reset karmic to its default config? because weird stuff is happening to my system after a strange bug I had earlier today06:42
peekatThank you both VERY MUCH for your help, though. I really appreciate all of the advice. For my next vacation, I'm heading over to RALink's headquarters and slapping the hell out of everyone there. :)06:42
Dr_WillisNight all06:43
karmstNight Dr06:43
karmstI'm trying to use Deja Dup and it's asking me what all needs to be backed up06:44
Mikeyx13does neone know how to set it up in vsftpd where the user you create can upload files06:44
gl1tch3rI hitted a bug where karmic started eating all my freespace, and after the reboot I lost my desktop preferences and panel settings, and now, I have random keyboard lockups, the panel menus doesnt open sometimes06:44
karmstdoes anyone now what files are needed for backup and restore of the entire Ubuntu Karmic?06:44
eeindoes 9.10 use an /etc/X11/xorg.conf?06:45
karmst<noob here06:45
karmstlike what does the /dev folder do?06:45
surgykarmst: a live cd ?06:45
beankarmst:  you dont need /proc or /dev06:46
karmstok what about lib, lib32, lib64?06:46
Viper1432typically karnst, you would backup your /home directory.  Then use the live cd to install without overwriting /home.  done.06:46
karmsteein yes 9.10 uses xorg.conf06:46
karmstbut Viper1432 what if you want to bring your programs and settings over as well to the new installation06:47
isolat3dsh33pgl1tch3r: I think you got a virus :P06:47
eeinkarmst: sorry to ask but do you know mint because I have the fortune of fixing a graphic issue on it and it does not seem to have one and I thought it was built around ubuntu06:47
karmstI've used mint06:48
Viper1432karnst, by keeping /home intact, it DOES keep your settings.  All you have to redo is apt-get apps that aren't on the base install.  The settings will be in your /home folder.06:48
karmstbut don't really know it that well06:48
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karmstso then VMware Workstations and VM's will be backed up?06:48
eeinkarmst: ok thanks I was just checking that there wasn't some major change to X that I was unaware of06:49
Viper1432if you are saving those in /home, then yes karmst06:49
cdsboyI'm having an issue with streaming video from a samba share on my local server. I didn't have this issue before i did a clean install of ubuntu upgrading 8.10 to 9.10, and i have no idea where to begin looking to find out what is wrong. Any suggestions on what to check?06:49
karmstwhere are all the configuration files at and desktop settings and applications in home?06:50
karmstI see them in /etc06:50
karmstbut not in home06:50
Viper1432karmst,  open nautilus and do a ctrl+h to view hidden files in your /home directory.06:50
Viper1432config folders and files are always prefixed with a dot making them hidden.06:51
gl1tch3risolat3dsh33p, ROFL06:51
Viper1432which is why backing up /home, or keeping it on a separate partition is always good advice when needing to reinstall or build anew.06:51
karmstso basically if I make my home folder portable I'd be able to go to any Ubuntu 9.10 machine and load up all my progs and settings?06:52
Viper1432theoretically karmst  but if that were the desire, then using a livecd plus the usb drive as storage option would be the way to go.06:52
Viper1432And if you tried to do that on my ubuntu boxes, I'd have ta slap you.06:53
karmstman this OS is really slick06:53
gl1tch3rno, really, this is getting annoying, first I thought it was the OSD and I disabled it, but just now I watched a video and the menu and I wanted to open the SYSTEM menu and I couldnt06:53
gl1tch3rI had to restart06:53
karmstExtremely better than windows06:53
Viper1432yes it is karmst.  :)06:54
karmstwithout image backup in windows it takes like 20 hours to reload a box06:54
terinjokescorrect me if i'm wrong, shouldn't multicast work with only a dumb hub?06:54
beanterinjokes: I think that's correct...06:55
unopterinjokes, what's a dumb hub?06:55
isolat3dsh33pgl1tch3r: gnome?06:55
selfimageterinjokes: no,, multicast works on any network device that has it enables06:55
selfimageand hubs are dumb by design06:55
=== DreamThi1f is now known as DreamThief
karmstso where can I find documentation on what each of the root folders do?06:55
karmstand how they work in the OS?06:55
gl1tch3risolat3dsh33p, yes, gnome06:56
selfimagecheck the ubuntu docs wiki06:56
angelus|sleepfolks, if i have a process i cant end via, xkill, kill, killall or the System Monitor ... is there another way to destroy it ??06:56
gl1tch3rangelus|sleep, bazooka :D06:56
isolat3dsh33pgl1tch3r: did you add any new applets to the panel?06:56
karmstwhat about xkill -force?06:56
unopkarmst, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard06:57
gl1tch3ryes I did, but was working fine until today, and I havent add new ones since last week06:57
angelus|sleepkarmst, xkill doesnt have a -force option06:57
terinjokesselfimage: so i could unplug my server from the hub (which is the gateway, provides DHCP, and the such) and these two computer shauld still work with multicast?06:57
beankarmst:  http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxdir.html06:57
unopangelus|sleep, some processes cannot be killed, depends on the state of the process as per 'ps'06:57
Viper1432karmst,   here is also another set of info for newer linux users:  http://alinuxblog.wordpress.com/2008/08/23/10-must-have-linux-not-only-cheat-sheet/06:58
selfimageterinjokes:  you aren't using a hub.. you are using a router that you bought at the store to share you Inet connection correct?06:58
angelus|sleepsorry, ignore that ... apparently i did end process, kill process seems to work .... :S06:58
terinjokesselfimage: nope, i've got a hub06:58
angelus|sleepweird  ...06:58
selfimageso your server is supplying your DHCP?06:59
terinjokes(ok... it says it's a switch...)06:59
terinjokesselfimage: i just said that06:59
gl1tch3risolat3dsh33p,  yes I did, but was working fine until today, and I havent add new ones since last week06:59
isolat3dsh33pgl1tch3r: I'm not sure, could be compiz problem or the applet. Maybe you should try removing the new applet.06:59
selfimageyes in theory it should06:59
unopterinjokes, the switch has got to support multicast then06:59
gl1tch3rmmhhh you think compiz may be? I think you could be right, didnt think of that07:00
terinjokesunop: any way to know that? somewhere these multicast packets are getting lost07:00
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isolat3dsh33pgl1tch3r: Just a possibility though. :)07:00
gl1tch3rif I delete the .compic settings folder could it fix it? im trying that07:01
gl1tch3rcompiz i meant07:01
karmstso then you really don't need Anti-Virus on Ubuntu?07:01
isolat3dsh33pgl1tch3r: You don't have to. Just disable compiz. « metacity --replace »07:01
Misantropomy system is using almost all the swap and my RAM is at 35%. How can i check which process is using that swap??  i tried system monitor, but there is no Swap choice under the columns available, there is just Virtual Memory, which in sum is more than what i have for SWAP07:01
morpheus_karmst yes07:01
isolat3dsh33pkarmst: Nope, you need Anti-Bugs. ;)07:02
unopterinjokes, errm, monitor traffic using something like wireshark ?07:02
gl1tch3rim going to miss compiz lol07:02
selfimageMinsatropo: ps -ef07:02
terinjokesunop: but the server's no longer connected ;)07:02
morpheus_isolat3dsh33p No, you need hands.pl and brain.so07:02
wolterhow do i select the default input source in gnome?07:02
isolat3dsh33pmorpheus_: You means fingers.sh?07:03
* terinjokes wonder's who great idea it was to *force* the use of 8-digit connection codes and muliticasting07:03
morpheus_isolat3dsh33p print 'maybe, but not for me %)'07:04
wolteri think you need to stop the computer jokes, this is not getting any better07:04
selfimageterinjokes: some brainiack with a PhD07:04
danielckhmm, #ubuntu-server seems a bit dead, is there anyone who can help me with a locale issue on Hardy?07:04
wolterthis as in the sanity of the channel's humo07:04
danielckthe locale command gives me "POSIX" for everything exept LANG which is empty07:04
petsoundshi. is it possible to install gnome 2.28 on Jaunty?07:05
macopetsounds: no, whatever version it was shipped with, it keeps07:05
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macopetsounds: with exception of bug fix and security updates07:05
macopetsounds: 2.28 is in karmic07:05
phoebusFirst off, wow. Grats to the ubuntu team AND community for this excellent release. This is actually becoming my defacto choice for... finally my laptop desktops. <307:05
phoebusNo questions, just wanted to express the love.07:06
terinjokesdisabled the firewall on the PC... and it worked... go figure (should have ignored the "we've configured the firewall for you" message07:06
phoebusBeing the guy who uses linux with a command line on a dedicated laptop .. but never really as a desktop.07:06
petsoundsmaco, thank you for the info :-)07:07
acer1the front jack doesnt detect output on ubuntu 9.10 karmic, pls help, it was working until jaunty.07:07
ubottuyes, I'm alive.07:07
phoebusbrb this gnome xchat interface looks like it'd only be fun post-config07:07
terinjokesspoke to soon.... got the most vague error message in my life.... leave it to MS07:08
acer1the front audio jack doesnt detect output on ubuntu 9.10 karmic, pls help, it was working until jaunty.07:09
acer1will i need to downgrade alsa or somthn?07:09
acer1pls help07:09
isolat3dsh33pacer1: check alsamixer07:10
acer1i did, install, and inspite of unmuting everythn, the front jack still doesnt work07:10
isolat3dsh33pwhat « aplay -l » gives you?07:10
acer1acer@acer-desktop ~ $  aplay -l07:12
acer1**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****07:12
acer1card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]07:12
acer1  Subdevices: 1/107:12
acer1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #007:12
FloodBot4acer1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:12
drunkpunkhey folks can anyone help me with a problem related to a LAMP server installation I implemented in order to use an online OS called eyeOs - I know this is kinda leftfield and quite posssibly off-topic...07:12
phoebusin fact, one simple thing, how do you change the default browser in ubuntu?07:12
aaron11Hello I want to know if the apple magic mouse would work with my favourite os.07:13
Flanneldrunkpunk: You're better off just asking your question, and if anyone knows the answer, they'll answer you07:13
acer1http://paste.ubuntu.com/351650/    isolat3dsh33p07:13
nbros652phoebus: System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications07:13
drunkpunkFlannel:  well the basic prob is I can now reach the desktop i created from my laptop whilst at home but nowhere else07:14
phoebusthank you nbros65207:14
leissiMorning everyone07:14
Dan48phi is ext4 the default file system in ubuntu 9.10 64 bit?07:14
Flanneldrunkpunk: You're behind a router at home, I trust?07:14
aaron11leissi: For some people its night07:14
leissiSo I have this problem in ubuntu. My sound seems to stutter for a fragment of a second every now and then, is there any way to fix this?07:14
drunkpunkFlannel: i am indeed07:14
phoebussweet, and thus opera is my browser, I'm now connected to my work... <307:15
aarcanebah, stupid ext4.  xfs 4 lyfe!07:15
isolat3dsh33pacer1: are you using a desktop?07:15
leissiaaron11, let's pretend it's UGT everywhere :P07:15
aaron11Flannel: If his ip begins with 192.168 then yes07:15
leissi(universal greeting time)07:15
karmstHey Thanks everyone Deja Dup works like a charm!07:15
phoebus64-bit opera with 64-bit plugins, man.. linux on the bleeding edge ;)07:15
Flanneldrunkpunk: You'll need to forward the port(s) you need on your router (to your server machine) -- This generally also means you'll want to set it up with a static IP07:15
phoebusThis laptop ran vista, it's an sl400... boot time is down to.. uhh 15% of the time.07:15
Dan48palso is ext4 the proper file system to use with an ssd?07:15
shaunoIs it possible to block specific users from sshd ? (like PermitRootLogin, but for a specific non-root user)07:16
surgycheck it07:16
drunkpunkFlannel: oh dear, now that sounds complex07:16
isolat3dsh33pacer1: I can't help you then. :(07:16
wolterhi, mi computer has the option to use "Analog Stereo Duplex" and "Digital Stereo Duplex" as sound devices... I don't know why "Digital *" doesn't work07:16
surgygnome in all its glory07:16
acer1isolat3dsh33p .. whats wrong? does laptops have bug fixes and not desktops?07:16
Flannelshauno: DenyUsers user1 user2 user3 (there's also DenyGroups if that's easier)07:17
drunkpunkFlannel: i've configured portfowarding for P2P is it a similar process?07:17
shaunoFlannel: perfect, thanks07:17
aaron11Hello I want to know if the apple magic mouse would work with ubuntu.07:17
shaunoI knew it had to be there, but I didn't see anything obvious in sshd_config07:17
isolat3dsh33pacer1: Nope, I don't have enough knowledge on desktop to help. :(07:18
acer1ok, thnx for ur concern  :) good luck07:18
Flanneldrunkpunk: It's exactly the same, yeah.  You'll just want to do it for http (port 80) or https (port 443).  And with regard to setting up a static IP (so you always forward to your server, even after a reboot where it might change IPs or whatnot): https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html under "ethernet" (sort of the fifth paragraph or so, search the page for 'static') there's a setup for a static IP07:19
isolat3dsh33pacer1: sorry can't help, btw ;)07:19
acer1its fine  the front audio jack doesnt detect output on ubuntu 9.10 karmic, pls help, it was working until jaunty.07:19
croghi all07:19
drunkpunkFlannel: you are a true start07:19
acer1its fine isolat3dsh33p07:20
leissishould I upgrade to karmic?07:20
croglooking for a program to play blu-ray in ubuntu.. was hoping to find either powerdvd for linux or lindvd? can someone point me in the right direction?07:20
acer1 the front audio jack doesnt detect output on ubuntu 9.10 karmic, pls help, it was working until jaunty.  pls help07:20
phoebusGuys, having issues unarchiving rar files, what is a decent linux alternative to 7-zip, or how do you get a gui and integration with 7zip? .. OR, what do you use for archives?07:20
okan_acer1 you should  upgrade your alsa to 1.0.2107:21
wolteracer1, you might want to run [$ alsamixer] in a terminal07:21
wolterand play around07:21
wolterPress Tab to see cool things happen07:21
okan_yes wolter is correct07:21
okan_try it07:21
acer1wolter, it doesnt work even after unmuting everythn07:22
acer1okan_ ..07:22
acer1it workd for u?07:22
drunkpunk Flannel:  Many thanks, will doubtless be back in 10 when i've ballsed it up ;-)07:22
wolteracer1, you mean it doesn't detect input?07:22
acer1no, output07:22
iflemawolter: yeah.. jaunty had a checkbox yeh.... a headphone option...07:22
knight5482Hello , does someone know how can i convert mp3 file into wav format from command line ?07:22
petsoundsphoebus, you can install unrar.07:22
okan_he says output07:23
faileasknight5482: ffmpeg07:23
wolteracer1, hm... yeah so, you basically can't connect a jack to your computer to play sound externally07:23
wolteracer1, have you tried gnome-alsamixer?07:23
surgyacer1: tried openSuse ?07:23
phoebusI tried the free unrar, but guess it's command line based, late night feeling lazy. :P07:24
acer1nop, im used to connecting my headphone into the front audio jack, and the speakers to the rear audio jack, but since the karmic upgrade, the front jack doesnt detect output, but the rear jack works ok07:24
knight5482faileas: i looked at the manual but i didnt find the way, can you help me by giving me example ?07:24
faileasknight5482: hm. get winff. it has a mode to tell you the arguements . then use those ;p07:25
acer1opensuse 11.2 doesnt detect front jack ..fedora 11 & 12 doesnt either wolter07:25
beanacer1:  could be a bios setting then?07:25
petsoundsphoebus, or you can download deb package for PeaZip http://peazip.sourceforge.net/07:25
wolteracer1, oh yeah.. i had a similar problem going on07:25
brahmanaHi all,07:25
=== sandeep is now known as Guest85688
knight5482can someone please help me and tell how can i convert mp3 file into wav ? (i am new in Ubuntu)07:25
wolterhm... I think i reinstalled pulseaudio, but don't really know what fixed it07:26
woltermaybe it was the reinstall07:26
acer1bean howcome?07:26
brahmanadf -h is reporting very high disk usage for a partition where there are little to no files.07:26
beanknight5482: someone up there told u to check out winff07:26
acer1u got it fixed? i thought i needed a alsa downgrade07:26
wolteracer1, hm.. you sure nothings muted, or with lowered volume?07:26
brahmanadu -csh shows it properly07:26
isolat3dsh33pknight5482: use sound converter07:26
brahmanaAlso df -i shows that a huge chunk of inodes is unused.07:26
wolteracer1, yes, I was doing that, but then I came back to pulse and it was fixed07:27
brahmanaWhat is df (df -h specifically) is showing wrong numbers like 98% used?07:27
wolteracer1, but when you open alsamixer do you see "Master Headphone <Something else>" ?07:27
alienpulsei am new07:27
acer1wolter, only headphone07:28
acer1and thats unmuted07:28
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chaitanyacan i install 32bit ubuntu on my 64 bit machine ?07:28
allorderchaitanya: of course07:29
isolat3dsh33pchaitanya: yes07:29
surgychaitanya: yerp07:29
* chaitanya will go and trash friends :P07:29
alienpulsehow to talk ..07:29
okan_acer1 maybe you can look up this http://www.google.com.tr/#hl=tr&source=hp&q=jacksense&btnG=Google%27da+Ara&meta=&aq=f&oq=jacksense&fp=1d2f3d92cc82f82b07:29
wolteracer1, thats weird07:29
alienpulseto a sepecific user ?07:29
automatikanyone with knowledge on accessing mounted drives?07:29
wolteracer1, listen to okan, I will do a reboot07:29
beanalienpulse: what is your native language?07:29
phoebusnext question, what is video player should I choose for decent codec support?07:29
automatikcan't seem to do chmod on device07:29
acer1ok wolter..07:30
leissiMy sound seems to stutter for a fragment of a second every now and then, is there any way to fix this?07:30
acer1okan_..lemme check07:30
Ilmaticcan I see someone's xorg.conf file plzzzzzz07:30
croglooking for a program to play blu-ray in ubuntu.. was hoping to find either powerdvd for linux or lindvd? can someone point me in the right direction?07:30
surgyyo crog07:30
surgycrog: zip up i can see your xorg !!!!07:30
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:31
Ilmatici'm having a hard time dealing with my ubuntu screen resolution07:31
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.07:31
automatikinstall winff07:31
okan_acer1 problem is headphone right? no sound  on headphones right?07:31
Hilikusis there an app to rip/encode/tag/replaygain/downloadCover CDs? something like abcde but with a GUI07:31
alienpulsei wanna07:31
alienpulsechat with specific user how ?!!?!07:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:32
automatikanyone with info on accessing mounted drives07:32
automatikchmod is not working07:33
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:07:33
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il07:33
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)07:33
iflemaleissi: do you know the model of sound card, have ya done any homework? in terminal type 'lspci -vv | grep Audio' should display ya card type..07:33
bean!arabic | alienpulse07:34
ubottualienpulse: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية07:34
acer1yeah okan_07:34
okan_could you tell your problem again?07:35
acer1i tried adding "options snd-hda-intel model=z71v position_fix=1" to the alsa-base.conf07:35
petsoundsphoebus, VLC, or you can install ubuntu restricted extras and add medibuntu to get extras codec.07:35
acer1the front jack doesnt detect output, but the rear jack works fine07:35
Guest85688is there any solution that i can allow user to be sudo on server but cann07:35
Guest85688can't run reboot, shutdown command07:36
okan_z71v is correct according to you07:36
beanGuest17904:  there is ways to limit sudoers to certain commands07:36
okan_maybe it is wrong modul07:36
selfimage!sudo | Guest8568807:37
ubottuGuest85688: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:37
acer1okan_ mine is desktop07:37
Ilmaticcan anyone help me modify my xorg.conf file?07:37
okan_what make is it your laptop? acer :)07:37
acer1do does z71v make sense?07:37
beanGuest85688:  you can make it so they user = NOEXEC: /path/to/shutdown07:37
terinjokesbean: ended up not messing with tables... it finally just worked07:38
okan_acer cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec07:38
=== jasper is now known as jasper2
beanterinjokes: cool07:38
okan_writeoutput here07:38
okan_acer1 cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec07:39
jasper2hi everyone, how do I modify the bootloader in karmic? /boot/grub/menu.lst does not exist. :(07:39
okan_write output here07:39
acer1okan_ cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec07:39
okan_yes :)07:39
acer1Codec: SigmaTel STAC922707:39
selfimage!grub2 | jasper207:39
ubottujasper2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub207:39
okan_ok wait again07:39
Kartagisdoes anybody know where samba passwords file is kept?07:39
jasper2since when ...07:40
mneptokokan_: please do not repeat unneccesarily07:40
okan_pfff ok07:40
crogi get this msg after installing script.. "/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6 is not a symbolic link" is this a problem.. i'm new at linux?07:40
isolat3dsh33pjasper2: since 9.10 =_=07:40
selfimagesince Karmic 9.1007:40
jasper2ok well that explains why i can't find the configs07:40
jasper2thank you guys07:40
iflemajasper2: if ya carefully mess with grub.cfg07:40
beanKartagis: /etc/smbpasswd07:41
iflemajasper2: similar to menu .lst07:41
jasper2thanks iflema07:41
iflemahang on theres one more command07:41
Kartagisthanks bean07:41
iflemajasper2: sudo update-grub07:42
iflemajasper2: after you edit07:42
iflemajasper2: dont think thats the official way hay...07:43
sridifference between 9.04 and 9.10???07:44
acer1lol crog07:44
okan_acer1 gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and add this last line07:44
acer1http://www.packtpub.com/article/what-is-new-in-ubuntu-9.10-karmic-koala sri: try this07:45
acer1ok okan_07:45
ardchoilleokan_ , acer1 you're gonna need gksudo for that07:45
acer1what is it?07:45
acer1im on root shell ardchoille07:45
ardchoilleacer1: Oh, ok, sorry about that07:46
okan_sudo gedit07:46
ardchoilleokan_: no, gksudo07:46
acer1no worries:)07:46
ardchoille!gksudo | okan_07:46
ubottuokan_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)07:46
okan_not graphical07:46
ardchoilleokan_: gedit is a graphical app07:46
okan_in terminal07:46
bazhangokan_, you need gksudo07:47
ardchoilleignore me, I came into the iddle of the convo.. need coffee :P07:47
srihow to logout shortcut key  CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE in 9.04?07:47
ardchoille!dontzap | sri07:47
ubottusri: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap07:47
mneptoksri: alt-sysreq-k07:47
acer1whats the line okan_?07:48
ardchoillesri: ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't log you out, it kills xorg and it does it in an unclean manner07:48
okan_but you should copy old line07:48
sriok thanks07:48
mneptokacer1: gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf07:48
acer1mneptok and?07:49
okan_try gksu07:49
mneptokacer1: add the line okan_ told you to add. just don't invoke gedit with sudo.07:49
acer1did okan_ say anythn??07:49
acer1i missed the line07:49
=== Xoop is now known as XStatik
acer1what was it?07:50
FloodBot4acer1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:50
okan_acer1 options snd-hda-intel model=6stack-dig07:50
okan_last line07:50
okan_and reboot07:50
okan_but dont remember07:50
acer1okan_ so ill remove the zs11 line?07:51
Guest85688R: if a user logins on my server and run sudo su - with sudo password, he becomes root right? then he should not run reboot or shutdown command07:51
okan_acer1 cut it and paste somewhere maybe i am wrong07:51
ardchoilleGuest85688: no, because he is not in the proper group07:52
acer1okan_ this line : options snd-hda-intel model=z71v position_fix=107:52
ardchoille!sudo | Guest8568807:52
ubottuGuest85688: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:52
ardchoilleGuest85688: read that page ubottu posted07:52
okan_acer1 yes cut it and paste on your desktop and add this line07:53
okan_options snd-hda-intel model=6stack-dig07:53
okan_and reboot07:53
acer1ok, i did and am gonna reboot now07:53
selfimageacer1 good luck07:53
selfimageAnd all is right with the world once again07:56
RasEngaNgreetings to all.. how do i set my resolution to 1024x768?07:57
Gary20can you switch from xwindow to gui? if yes, then how?07:57
okan_acer1 have you fixed it?07:57
acer1no okan_ it still aint workn, the front jack :(07:57
selfimageWell shazbot07:57
acer1:-(sorry okan_07:58
okan_don't apologize i am sorry07:58
selfimageacer1: is this on a laptop or a desktop07:58
acer1desktop selfimage07:58
Gary20cli to gui07:59
selfimageacer1: is the front port connected to your motherboard?07:59
RasEngaNi'm having a problem on my screen resolution. i cant make it to 1024x768. is there another way to fix this. i'm currently stuck to 800x600..07:59
heoawhere to get 100m rj45 cable? no hurry.07:59
iflemaRasEngaN: have ya seen the menu item System/Preferences/Display?07:59
Fogi'm running something on port 4444 locally and when i try to connect to it from another computer on my lan it refuses to connec, even though i did 'sudo ufw allow 4444/tcp'. any idea why?07:59
petsoundsRasEngaN, whats your video card?07:59
acer1yeah, ofcourse, the frontjack works fine with xp and aslo workd fine until jaunty07:59
DarkedgeFor some STRANGE Reason, Everytime I turn off, I need to launch the Live CD to avoid a blank screen.08:00
okan_i found it08:01
selfimageacer1: did it work in Jaunty?08:01
acer1yes selfimage08:01
iflemaDarkedge: huh..... hello fello aussie08:01
Surlent777Um, can someone with a working Karmic installation do a ls -al /usr/bin | grep screen and tell me the permissions for screen itself?08:02
okan_what make is it your desktop?08:02
acer1intel 946gzis motherboard okan_08:03
iflemaDarkedge: was that a joke..... its gotta be..... wtf08:03
Darkedgeiflema: its not, I need to have run the live cd before I can boot08:03
selfimageDarkedge: did you actually install the OS08:03
okan_write this again in terminal gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf08:04
Darkedgeiflema: yes.08:04
acer1ok okan_ tell me08:04
iflemayou boot through the live cd..... to start ya hdd install?08:04
Darkedgeselfimage: yes.*08:04
itaiji, i would like to be able to highlight several mp3 files in nautilus- right click play and have the player play them in order. at the moment it just opens multiple instances of the player08:04
okan_options snd-hda-intel model=ref08:04
okan_acer1 or08:05
acer1in addition to the old one or replace it , okan_?08:05
selfimageDarkedge: sounds like grub got pooched on install08:05
Surlent777itai: Funny, it does just what you want for me08:05
Darkedgeselfimage: It's installed perfectly, except everytime I restart I need to have run the Ubuntu Live CD to avoid a blank screen08:05
jellow_Surlent777: -rwxr-xr-x  1 root   root        2538 2009-06-02 09:54 screen08:05
okan_ acer1 yesoptions snd-hda-intel model=08:05
okan_or 5stack08:06
itaiSurlent777, what is your default media player?08:06
Surlent777jellow_: thank you. I seem to have -rwxr-sr-x  1 root   utmp      376032 2009-07-05 22:37 screen08:06
Surlent777itai: Totem08:06
Darkedgeselfimage: this is really confusing saying this, but, like I have to had run the Live CD one boot before, to be able to boot properly.08:06
Surlent777jellow_: Do you have any idea what that strange little "s" means?08:06
itaiSurlent777, let me try, i have changed my default player many times...08:06
okan_or dell-3stack                          or dell-bios08:06
Darkedgeiflema: the bootloader.08:07
acer1so which one? options snd-hda-intel model=ref or options snd-hda-intel model=3stack okan_?08:07
Darkedgeiflema: It loads Ubuntu.08:07
iflemaDarkedge: have ya medd with it... updagaded lately08:07
okan_first ref and reboot08:07
Darkedgeiflema: I had to upgrade when I installed Ubuntu, but I also went into safe mode and updated that way08:07
okan_if it doesnt acer1 3stack08:07
acer1ok, okan_ ill remove options snd-hda-intel model=6stack-dig ??08:08
okan_yes yes08:08
iflema Darkedge: updated 9.04?? to 9.10 and then trouble?08:08
jellow_Surlent777: no sorry but i have utmp permissions for screen.real here all of the output  http://pastebin.com/m45c28f3b08:08
okan_and reboot each attempt08:08
acer1brb okan_08:09
acer1ref now08:09
Darkedgeiflema: No, Fresh install of 9.10, I just installed it 2day08:09
okan_ok fine08:09
basantai need to use my mobile as relay to connect to internet through laptop what package do i install08:09
iflema Darkedge: and you have been in a few times.... others access denied?08:09
Surlent777jellow_: curious...I don't seem to *have* a screen.real o_O08:09
itaiSurlent777, ok, totem does it,,,,,i had it set to VLC,,,but can it display the song list somewhere?08:09
Darkedgeiflema: What do you mean "other access denied"?08:10
Surlent777itai: It should show in the right column...if you have just a square media player then try pressing Ctrl+H to display the rest, otherwise, if it's there, check out the drop-down menu08:10
iflema Darkedge: cant get in... blank..... \08:10
legend2440Darkedge: what video card? open system>admin>hardware drivers   any drivers there you can activate?08:11
itaiSurlent777, excellent , CTRL H,.,,, thanks!08:11
basantabasanta, through bluetooth08:11
Surlent777jellow_: Okay, I *definitely* don't have a screen.real08:11
Surlent777itai: no problem08:11
Darkedgeiflema: I can get in if I have the Ubuntu Live CD the boot before.08:11
Darkedgelegend2440: no, no Drivers to install08:11
jellow_Surlent777: I not installed anything , pretty much default08:12
Surlent777jellow_: yeah, I know...I remember seeing it before too. What the expletive have I done?08:12
Darkedgelegend2440: this is honestly really confusing to say, but basicly if I've run the Live CD the boot before, I can boot normaly.08:12
desynchhow to use svn with proxy?08:12
Darkedgedesynch: you could try changing the systems proxy settings.08:12
desynchi have set it already08:13
Darkedgedesynch: ok is a proxy in place?08:13
desynchdo i have to restart my laptop when i install svn?08:13
Flanneldesynch: No08:13
desynchhmmm ..08:13
desynchi will set it on the network proxy right?08:14
MrDudleso uhh I went to force quit an application but the little click on a window to force teh application to quite thing that pops up won't go away08:14
MrDudlehow do i make it go away?08:14
desynchmy apt also is with proxy now08:14
okan_acer1 ?08:14
* MrDudle doesn't want it burning on his screen08:14
okan_please positive08:14
jellow_MrDudle: xkill08:15
MrDudlejellow_: ?08:15
jussi01can someone tell me what the *'s mean here? The following packages will be REMOVED:  totem* totem-common* totem-plugins*08:15
acer1no okan_ but the one thing ive noticed is the sound preferences now shows 2 microphones08:15
Surlent777It is my suspicion that "aptitude reinstall" does absolutely nothing to fix any problems ever.08:15
acer1in the input section08:15
jellow_MrDudle: alt - f2 and type xkill , use the icon on the window you want to kill08:15
acer1the output..no developments :(08:15
MrDudlejellow_: i did08:15
MrDudleand it's still there :o08:15
mneptokjussi01: totem-plugins totem-plugins-extra08:16
mneptokjussi01: etc etc08:16
ardchoillejussi01: I usually see that "*" when I am purging rather than removing08:16
Surlent777okay I may just have to take that back...I used Synaptic the first time and thought nothing happened, and then I did it with aptitude and screen works =D08:16
MrDudlejellow_: any other ideas?08:16
acer1yes okan_?08:16
jellow_MrDudle: Restart x would be to simple i imagine =/08:16
okan_i know this way is hard but i have succeed08:16
okan_try second acer108:16
desynchanyone to help me?08:16
acer13 stack?08:17
opticonwhat can i install to gain access to terminal remotely08:17
MrDudlejellow_: I'll probably just restart the comp08:17
mneptokopticon: openssh-server08:17
jellow_MrDudle: not sure if it would show up on ps -aux , can't realy help08:17
acer1ok, i'd replace ref with 3stack okan_08:17
okan_options snd-hda-intel model=3stack08:17
iflemadesynch: what that youve been foecred to use a proxy??08:17
c0l2ecan anyone post the /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default content ??08:17
okan_options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo-ms7195-dig08:17
c0l2eI think i mess up mine08:17
opticonok can you help me resolve depends08:18
okan_add last libe08:18
desynchiflema, because our company uses http proxy08:18
acer1not the 3stack line?08:18
acer1or both?08:18
opticonfrom terminal apt-get openssh but i think their is switch you can add in and make it resolve depends anyone kno?08:18
MrDudlejellow_: idk what the name of the app is08:18
ardchoillec0l2e: Sure, hold on08:19
iflemadesynch: have not been following... have ya set the gnome global proxy.... dont know what it does.. but its there.08:19
c0l2ewhat's the default content of /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default08:19
legend2440c0l2e: #!/bin/sh08:19
legend2440exit 008:19
acer1ill add both options snd-hda-intel model=3stack & options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo-ms7195-dig ?? okan_08:19
mneptokopticon: sudo apt-get install openssh-server08:19
Surlent777Gentlemen, I have something to say: Aptitude may just be the best freaking program ever invented. I'll have to reboot to confirm this, but it may have fixed a three week old problem. I reinstalled stuff with Synaptic to no effect to try and fix it, but reinstalling with aptitude seems to have fixed it.08:19
c0l2elegend2440:  so It's blank?? just the #!/bin/bash08:19
okan_only options snd-hda-intel model=3stack08:19
legend2440c0l2e: #!/bin/sh  and exit 008:20
jellow_MrDudle: can't help you perhaps if yous tick around someone else might know08:20
acer1ok, and the old line?08:20
c0l2eok thanks08:20
mneptokSurlent777: sl > aptitude  ;)08:20
ardchoillec0l2e: http://ardchoille42.pastebin.com/m20c44dcd08:20
MrDudlejellow_: i'd stay around but i don't want it burning onto mys creen08:20
okan_remove it08:20
desynchiflema,  i figure it out already. even if i set my proxy i still have to set the config of svn for proxy08:20
MrDudleso imma restart08:20
Surlent777mneptok: sl? what is sl?08:20
okan_good luck08:20
mneptokSurlent777: for when you typo "ls"08:20
ardchoillec0l2e: FYI, I'm on Jaunty08:20
SmokeyDhey anyone know a screenlet rss reader which actually takes you to the webpage of the article you click on, instead of the overview page of the rss feed?08:20
acer1yeah, thnx okan_08:21
mneptokSurlent777: sl is for "steam locomotive." install it and see.08:21
Surlent777mneptok:  hahahahahaha that's awesome <308:22
Surlent777time to reboot and see if my praise for aptitude is deserved08:22
mneptokSurlent777: you will only ever typo "ls" once again. once will teach you.08:22
desynchall set and ready08:22
DarkedgeSo anyone got any ideas? -_-08:24
APERSONDarkedge, you're best off repeating your issue.08:25
legend2440Darkedge: what video card you have?08:25
firekoolHi i am trying to get my Dell Vostro 1500 wireless to work it uses the BCM4312 Chipset. I show that it used to work now it does not. I was wondeirng if there was any updated information on the card.08:25
DarkedgeAPERSON: "repeating" it?08:25
Darkedgelegend2440: Intel 82845G08:25
DandanAny ideas how to get lame to write vbri or xing headers?08:25
APERSONDarkedge, I scrolled back a bit, I didn't see what your problem was08:26
iflemaboot after boot08:26
okan_acer please08:27
acer1okan_ it doesnt :(:(08:27
Surlent777okay...it worked until I rebooted. Then screen, bitlbee, gpm, and tor didn't work. Then I reinstalled them again, and they worked. Clearly, something is interfering with these things starting up on boot...08:27
acer1but okan_ the rear microphone which didnt work until now has startd working, i dunno how08:28
Fogi ran 'sudo ufw allow 4444/tcp' but i can't connect to that port from another computer on my LAN. any idea why? i can if i 'sudo ufw disable' though so i know it's the firewall issue08:28
acer1the line has helpd me in that regard08:28
UnknownUser56I've had the ubuntu 8.10 iso for a while now and I tried to burn it today to make a bootable CD for another computer just now08:28
UnknownUser56It's not acting as a live CD, that is, I have to open the computer run wubi and restart08:29
okan_wait acer108:29
acer1okan_ 5stack now?08:29
UnknownUser56Sadly, the computer's original Os is failing ( windows ) and I need it to act as a live CD08:29
okan_yes :)08:29
acer1ok :)08:29
Surlent777UnknownUser56: You need to set your BIOS to boot from the CD-ROM drive08:29
UnknownUser56How can I remedy this ?08:30
UnknownUser56Surlent77: Heh, I know that08:30
UnknownUser56It's still not booting08:30
acer1options snd-hda-intel model=5stack okan_?08:30
okan_yes maan you are correct08:30
iflemaUnknownUser56: have you the ubuntu remix?08:30
okan_good luck again08:30
Surlent777UnknownUser56: Double-check. Also ensure that you have a good copy of the iso and that you burned it properly. MD5 hashes can be found on the official site, somewhere08:31
iflemaUnknownUser56: noit remix alternate08:31
acer1thnx again, brb08:31
UnknownUser56So, any help ?08:31
Foghrm nm now it's working08:31
DarkedgeAPERSON: Basicly I need to have run the Ubuntu Live CD the boot before to boot properly the next boot08:31
iflemaUnknownUser56: do you have the alternate version of ubuntu? is the no option to boot live in the menu?08:31
UnknownUser56Let me check08:32
iflemathe alt version has no live option ... just install08:32
culinorhello guys, can you suggest any program to deal with .rar files?08:32
ejvsudo aptitude install unrar *08:32
Surlent777so, if certain services are unwilling to start themselves without some forceful intervention, what would be the first things to check?08:32
ejv(no asterisk, just a typo correction)08:33
Quan-Timeim uploading something on my machine to the LAN.. can i find out what it is ? can i detect what files are being access or being sent out ?08:33
firekoolI am trying to get my wireless working on my dell vostro 1500 the drivers for the bruadcom are installed but they are not working08:33
UnknownUser56I have the ubuntu 8.10 desktop i386, I think that's the one with the most configurations; I'm not savvy with linux based OSs at all so forgive me for being a noob in this case08:33
culinorthank you, ejv08:34
UnknownUser56I don't use burning programs, I use the built-in functionality of Windows08:34
UnknownUser56If that helps08:34
Surlent777I don't think Windows can *do* that08:34
Quan-Timewhat about windows ? you checkin yoru burnt copy ?08:34
ejvyou're welcome culinor08:34
DaZwindows can do everything.08:34
Quan-TimeDaZ: even crash repeatedly and screw up simple bluetooth drivers08:35
Surlent777Windows cannot deal with ISO files out of the box, so far as I know08:35
Surlent777especially not the extraction process involved in burning them08:35
iflemajust drop'n' drap data08:35
ejvunder windows, to burn live-cd's, I recommend imgburn08:35
DaZQuan-Time: fortunately, linux doesn't have drivers to screw :)08:35
ejvfree software :)08:35
UnknownUser56Surlent77 : Windows can burn CDs ... I'm not sure if the flag for a bootable CD is set by a program or by the contents of the CD though08:35
ejvUnknownUser56: imgburn08:36
acer1okan_ noo...08:36
UnknownUser56Ah, I use MagicISo for extraction08:36
okan_fuckin your board :)08:36
DaZevery os is decent and can do everything.08:36
Surlent777UnknownUser56: It may be able to burn CD's, but like I said, last I checked it didn't deal with ISOs like you'd expect; rather it literally copies the ISO file onto the disk. Found that out the hard way. Or rather, my dad did08:36
Ilmaticmy screen resolution is all good nowwwwww08:36
Ilmaticthank you so much for letting me know about xorg.conf08:36
Surlent777DaZ: Macs still can't right-click ;)08:36
okan_i am joking08:36
ejvUnknownUser56: you shouldn't have to extract anything, the livecd's are downloaded in an image format, .iso. Go here: http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download08:36
Flannelokan_: Please mind your language.  Thanks08:36
user___cups isnt running locally and it refuses to start, i have tried reinstalling the package. what can i try next?08:36
DaZSurlent777: fud <:08:36
acer1ok okan_08:36
Ilmaticubuntu is the shit08:37
ejv!language | Ilmatic08:37
ubottuIlmatic: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:37
okan_but it have to work acer108:37
Quan-TimeUnknownUser56: default windows burn (via explorer) DOES NOT burn "bootable " Cds (winxp).. im not sure about vista or 7.. but possibly the same.. a free burn prog would be "iso burn" or "infrarecorder". both 100% free to use08:37
Surlent777user___: we are in the same bleedin' boat. Except for me it's tor, bitlbee, gpm, and screen08:37
Ilmatici'm just really happy08:37
okan_i got angry08:37
Ilmatic: )08:37
gumtroliumHi All08:37
Surlent777infrarecorder is my favorite08:37
UnknownUser56ejv, well yeah, I downloaded the .iso for ubuntu 8.10 , extracted the files using MagicISo, burned the extracted files to a CD but the CD isn't bootable08:37
UnknownUser56That's the problem, wondering why08:37
culinori don't know why, but "sudo aptitude install unrar *" removed a lot of packages before installing08:37
gumtroliumI have problem with 9.10 netbook remix.08:38
ejvUnknownUser56: yea, that's why, you need to burn the image, not extract the files out, that's why you're having issues08:38
UnknownUser56Quan-Time, ah thanks I'll look into them08:38
Surlent777UnknownUser56: don't do it that way, use the software we recommended. We recommened it because it works. :)08:38
faileasSurlent777: eh. last time i set up bitlbee... i had to build it from scratch and config it manually08:38
Quan-Timeculinor: removes redundant packages.. its like.. cleaning your install08:38
IlmaticQuick question you guys, will ubuntu 9.10 run on a intel mac?08:38
ejvculinor: i said no asterisk08:38
UnknownUser56Alright then, thanks guys08:38
Surlent777faileas: I had a tutorial from their site that I used08:38
DaZIlmatic: should.08:38
Quan-TimeUnknownUser56: np... (im a ex winxp user.. so i know your pain)08:38
ejvculinor: it was a typo correction, to build off my previous statement08:38
iflemagumtrolium: that is....08:38
Quan-Timeim uploading something on my machine to the LAN.. can i find out what it is ? can i detect what files are being access or being sent out ?08:38
gumtroliumI got error about mount /dev/cow when I use usb to install it.08:39
=== me is now known as Guest36119
gumtroliumMy netbook is Asus 901 EeePC08:39
ejv!wireshark | Quan-Time08:39
Surlent777I really wonder what a /dev/cow is08:39
culinorejv, i did it with asterisk, have i done any damage to my system?08:39
* culinor is wondering08:39
ejvculinor: well... what did it say it removed?08:40
Quan-Timeejv: eh ?08:40
Surlent777I think he is telling you to install "wireshark"08:40
gumtrolium<iflema> I surpose that netbook remix is suitable for common netbook.08:40
XfactDo anybody thinks that, problem in network device can make a computer to shut down forcefully?08:40
Quan-Timeyer lookin now..08:40
ejvQuan-Time: wireshark is a network analyzer, it can help you tell what's flowing over your network, not for the faint of heart...08:40
iflemagumtrolium: those iwth an atom cpu.... should be ok08:41
user___Surlent777, same boat? when did this start occuring for you?08:41
culinorejv, this is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/351673/ any bad news for me?08:41
ejvQuan-Time: also make sure it's YOUR network; packet inspection can be an aggresive posture on some enterprise/university networks08:41
Surlent777user___: I noticed it after rebooting after trying to make Firefox use /tmp as a filesystem08:41
=== ripps|sleep is now known as ripps
gumtrolium<iflema> yes, I think so,but my Eeepc is also atom one08:42
Surlent777user___: I've heard others complain of your specific problem though, recently. What's your story?08:42
XfactDo anybody thinks that, problem in network device can make a computer to shut down forcefully?08:43
user___Surlent777, not entirely sure what caused it. It did happen after i ran firefox as root now i think about it ... also system stability has gone to the wall but that could be dust related.08:43
Quan-Timeejv: its my home network... i have wifi.. im just checkin stuff. cheers.. and i run big networks,. well, game servers on one. which is partly why i want it. (400 person LANs)08:43
iflemagumtrolium: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks08:43
ejvculinor: looking now08:43
ejvculinor: im not quite sure what the asterisk means to aptitude08:43
gumtrolium<iflema> with error: Cannot mount /dev/loop1 on /cow08:43
ChrisWhi all, I'm usign Exceed to run desktop apps on my remote headless linux box... the olinux apps currently have the wrong keyboard configured... is that something I need to fix on the linux box or the exceed config?08:43
ejvculinor: im referring to the documentation to see how it interprets the *08:43
culinorejv, thank you for your assistance08:44
_skythe * is not meant to be put by iteself08:44
_skyshould be unrar*08:44
Surlent777_sky: should actually just be "unrar"08:44
Surlent777the * was a typo-correction-indicator08:44
_skyor simply apt-get install rar unrar08:44
_skywell obviously surgy08:44
_skytab fail08:45
user___Surlent777, did you run firefox as root? or atleast as a different user to yours?08:45
Surlent777user___: nope08:45
Surlent777user___: I edited sysctl.conf and /etc/fstab or something like that. I reverted the changes though =/08:46
ejvculinor: documentation doesn't say much about the * in the command08:46
XfactMy computer is shutting down suddenly sometimes, a black screen appearing and showing some kind of warning about 'ntp network manager...' so do anybody thinks that problem in network device can shut my computer down 'suddenly'?08:46
airtonixChrisW, did you mention the local OS you are using ?08:46
Surlent777* is usually interpreted as "everything matching anything", isn't it?08:46
ejvculinor: based on what i've seen, it removed some KDE support (your desktop environment ?) I'd aptitude install those packages back.08:46
ejvculinor: also some xmms (music player) and some bitorrent related apps08:47
ChrisWairtonix: I'm running Exceed on Windows08:47
user___Surlent777, problem still occur after revert? I have also recently edited fstab, that was for a usb related issue08:47
ejvculinor: i don't see anything vital that would make me freak out08:47
_skyyes, as php5-* will install everything08:47
culinori see, i do not use kde, i think i can go without them08:47
airtonixChrisW, any reason why your using Exceed instead of xMing ?08:47
saicai'm having trouble with legacy fglrx 8.593 aka catalyst 9.3 booting to a black screen. any ideas?08:47
ejvculinor: you could always tell by doing a reboot08:48
Surlent777user___: I find all of this to be very strange. I can't imagine what in our actions would cause effects like this08:48
ejvculinor: and see if the system comes back up gracefully ;)08:48
XfactMy computer is shutting down suddenly sometimes, a black screen appearing and showing some kind of warning about 'ntp network manager...' so do anybody thinks that problem in network device can shut my computer down 'suddenly'?08:48
culinorthank you for your time, ejv, i will reboot now08:48
geirhaChrisW: Never heard of exceed, but check what keyboard layout is set in linux. System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> [Layouts]08:48
ejvculinor: sure i'll be here ;)08:48
saicasee bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/50326008:48
ChrisWairtonix: you meant "you're"... but aside from that, because it's what's installed on this Windows box, and it works08:48
user___Surlent777, are you 64bit?08:48
Surlent777user___: yes08:48
user___Surlent777, common to our problem i think.08:49
airtonixChrisW, cool good luck with that then08:49
ChrisWgeirha: how do I get that menu up?08:49
Surlent777user___: I'm not sure our relative lack of address space limitations should screw up services =/08:49
Xfactthis is a very serious problem i am currently having :(08:49
ChrisW(bear in mind I don't have the full gui, onyl apps I launch...)08:49
ChrisW(and I don't know what the menu bar app is called ;-) )08:49
gumtroliumThanks, < iflema>08:49
gumtroliumanyone use EeePC 901 here?08:50
geirhaChrisW: gnome-keyboard-properties08:50
airtonixChrisW, to get the full desktop available (assuming you are using gnome) you just run nautilus.08:50
gumtroliumI am sure I can use that 8.04 remix b4 with my 90108:50
iflemagumtrolium: was the sarcastic? try reload'n ya usb stick again....08:50
ChrisWairtonix: ran nautilus already, no menu bar08:50
airtonixChrisW, then you'll need gnome-panel too08:50
airtonixChrisW, nautilus without paramters should by default render a desktop view and a filemanager view.08:51
Surlent777Xfact: You may just be seeing some network daemon being shut down. The problem may lie elsewhere. Try and remember if there's anything in particular you are doing when the shutdowns occur...that's all I can say08:51
culinorok, i think everything runs smoothly08:51
gumtroliumiflema, what's mean " reload" usb? I create the iso twice and checked without error when setup.08:52
ejvculinor: cool ;)08:52
Surlent777user___: I seem to recall a couple of people with cups issues, and one guy saying he couldn't get any, or at least a lot, of services working. Apparently a lot of us are getting adventurous...that or there's a strange bug no one's seemingly caught yet08:52
ejvculinor: always give the fellas here a few seconds extra, to follow up their statements, try to avoid knee-jerk reactions ;)08:52
DarkedgeAnymore ideas? -_-08:52
saicaDoes anyone know much about the legacy fglrx driver? Particularly, the one which is not in the intrepid repos: Catalyst 9.308:52
XfactSurlent777: the problem is here....nothing....anytime it's happens...even if my computer is idle for hours then also, ....08:52
culinorejv, now i should use unrar through the terminal or not?08:52
XfactSurlent777: Like iI left my computer idel with no work 3 hrs ago, and after coming back I am seeing it's turned off...08:53
Surlent777culinor: You can use it via the terminal, but it also integrates into file-roller and XArchiver08:53
ejvculinor: exactly, pick one file in the set, example, unrar -e aaaa.r0108:53
culinoryes, i don't have to run commands right away but i am still new to linux and trying to follow instructions :)08:53
ChrisWgeirha: cool, changed the layout but hasn't changed anything, even in the "Type to test setting" box...08:53
petsoundsgumtrolium, you get error when installing ubuntu from usb?08:53
ejvculinor: or what Surlent777 said, unrar is available by right clicking on an archive, and clicking "extract here"08:53
gumtroliumiflema, in the support list my eee 901 is supported08:54
XfactI think it's serious error :( :-X08:54
Surlent777Xfact: I think you're right, but I know very little about networking, aside from the basics =(08:54
culinorthank you guys, appreciated08:54
iflemagumtrolium: mmm, thats why i said try reload usb... have ya google'd away ya troubles with keywords?08:54
gumtroliumbut I find so man people in yahoo with same problem as me.. :X08:54
geirhaChrisW: I just googled exceed and found it was a X11 server, so the keyboard settings on the linux box is not the issue. You'll need to configure it on the local X11 server08:54
iflemagumtrolium: theres a eepc room @ freenode08:55
ChrisWgeirha: cool, thanks :-)08:55
Surlent777ach, 2am...bedtime. I hope you can figure out your issues, user___ and Xfact =(08:55
user___Surlent777, cheers night08:56
Xfactwell any one else can help? :(08:56
XfactMy computer is shutting down suddenly sometimes, a black screen appearing and showing some kind of warning about 'ntp network manager...' so do anybody thinks that problem in network device can shut my computer down 'suddenly'? Even When it's idle for hours, then also :(08:57
gumtroliumiflema, may I have the room name please?08:57
iflemayeah lookn hang on08:57
legend2440gumtrolium: #ubuntu-eeepc08:57
iflemagumtrolium: #eeepc08:58
iflemagumtrolium: 54 users08:59
gumtroliumThanks~ iflema08:59
iflemagumtrolium: and here08:59
gumtroliumiflema, nice~09:00
ChrisWcool, fixed... now, how can I chagne what app is used to open a fiel by default?09:00
ChrisW(I want text files to open in eamcs, preferably in the isntance that's already running)09:00
ejvculinor: i think the command line unrar is more useful, it will tell you which .rar is missing in a set, if there's one that's corrupt or missing, more verbose than the GUI operation09:00
user___Xfact, is there anything in the logs?09:00
geirhaXfact: Sounds odd. Have you checked if there is any particular messages in syslog around the time it shuts down?09:01
ejvculinor: to each his/her own though ;)09:01
ardchoilleChrisW: right click a file, Properties > Open with09:01
culinoroh, great, ejv, i will read the man pages, i learned a lot about unrar today :)09:01
guntbertChrisW: slow down a bit on the keyboard - its getting hard to read :)09:01
geirhaXfact: System -> Administration -> Log viewer (or something like that), or ''less /var/log/syslog'' in a terminal09:01
ardchoilleChrisW: Not sure how you're going to get it to open in a running instance of emacs tho09:01
Quan-Timeejv: hmm.. wireshark wont detect my NIC... sorta pointless to me... ideas ?09:03
gumtroliumiflema, nobody response there09:03
gumtroliumiflema, hoho...haha.09:03
ejvQuan-Time: you might be doing something wrong; or your network card might not be in the correct mode; im definitely not the person to ask... wireshark is for advanced users.09:03
ejvQuan-Time: you may try #wireshark but you'll have to be patient, not very many idlers ;)09:04
gumtroliumiflema, this is my first time join this room.09:05
guntbertQuan-Time: you have to start wireshark with gksudo09:05
gumtroliumI haven't  use irc for serveral years09:05
Quan-Timeguntbert: already beat you to it.. cheers :)09:06
guntbertQuan-Time: nice :)09:06
bloodskihow do i remove the annoying popup dir when inserting a usb stick for example?09:07
gumtroliumiflema, nice to meet you here. thanks09:08
mneptokbloodski: alt-f2 then type "gconf-editor" (no quotes)09:08
bloodskik, what will i look for then mneptok?09:08
mneptokbloodski: open "apps" and then "Nautilus"09:08
mneptokbloodski: open "preferences" and uncheck "media_automount_open"09:09
geirhagumtrolium: Try making it non-persistant09:09
DiverdudeHow can i get additional terminals in tabs instead of new windows?09:20
gumtroliumgeirha, non-persisant for ??09:20
hvralpha<hvralpha> can anyone help to get my hp printer installed in kubuntu 9.10 kde 4.3.409:20
guntbertDiverdude: where?09:20
Diverdudeguntbert, in ubuntu 9.1009:21
guntbertDiverdude: yes :), are you talking about gnome terminal or xfce terminal or ...?09:22
geirhagumtrolium: When creating the liveUSB, you get the option of making it persistant or not. The message appears to indicate that there's a problem mounting the virtual harddrive used for persistance.09:22
user___zszxis anyone else having problems with services not starting recently?09:23
=== Eneloop13 is now known as Eneloop
UnknownUser56I booted from the CD and chose safe mode ( vga's a problem ), everything loaded perfectly but now I have a shell and no desktop, is it because of the safe mode ?09:24
guntbertUnknownUser56: yes09:24
Quan-Timeejv: ok.. sorry to bother you, ive tried wireshark.. its not bad, but it doesnt tell me what files are being accessed.. it shows packets, but thats it.. anything else i can try ?09:25
guntbertUnknownUser56: ah - you booted from the CD - that I don't remember - sorry09:25
guntbertQuan-Time: what is your goal?09:26
UnknownUser56guntber: so, what can I do to get a desktop besides not choose "Safe mode" ?09:26
Diverdudeguntbert, well...just the normal terminal applications->accesories->terminal09:26
Quan-Timeto find out what files on my computer (local) are being accessed, by what ip addy on my local lan09:27
iflemagumtrolium: i hope all goes well09:27
UnknownUser56I remember reading about framebuffers, maybe that will help09:27
UnknownUser56Heh, that would be a breeze on Windows09:27
legend2440Diverdude: open terminal then right click inside and choose open tab09:27
guntbertDiverdude: ok- in the menu choose file/open tab /there is a shortcut too)09:27
Quan-Timeguntbert: and by what user if possible09:27
zambahow can i open the exchange calendar through thunderbird? i have to do it over remote outlook access, since i don't have direct connection to the exchange server09:27
gaojdjoin #ubuntu-cn09:28
Diverdudeguntbert, ahh wonderful. Thx09:28
guntbertQuan-Time: start with lsof -i - that shows you open/listening connections09:28
erUSULgaojd: /join #ubuntu-cn09:28
guntbertDiverdude: :)09:29
Diverdudeguntbert, is there a shortcut to cycle between opened tabs then, like alt+tab cycles open applications?09:29
guntbertDiverdude: look at edit/keyboard shortcuts...09:30
legend2440Diverdude: crl+Page Down09:31
Diverdudeyipeee hehe..sorry for my ignorance and stupid questions09:31
Quan-Timeguntbert: hmm. not really what im after.. but close.. i have a file on this machine, and its being streamed (divx) and watched on another machine.. im trying to find which file it actually is.. winxp had the feature.. its mainly incase im sharing a directory i shouldnt be.. its all read only, but yer.. you get the idea09:32
guntbertQuan-Time: in that case you can use fuser /path/to/file to see what process has the file open, and then investigate further (lsof might be helpful too, but you have to look at the man pages...)09:35
hadeananyone knowing a good alternative displaying PSD-Files than gimp? he just displays all the layers on the top layer without any grouping folders, making it impossible to work with09:36
Quan-Timeguntbert: cheers..09:36
guntbertQuan-Time: :)09:37
ChrisWguntbert: two typose per line is kinda normal for me ;-)09:38
ChrisWardchoille: that changes it once, I want to change the associated app permenantly...09:39
guntbertChrisW: :)09:39
airtonix!find lxde09:39
ubottuFound: lxde, lxde-common, lxde-core, lxde-icon-theme, lxde-settings-daemon09:39
airtonix!info lxde09:39
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB09:39
=== Igorot is now known as Knightlust
faileasI'm trying to set up a minimal system, built around openbox, and just what i need. I would like a gui multiplatform IM client that dosen't have a ton of prerequisites - i need about 100 mb of packages to install pidgin, and that's not really acceptable in the system i'm working on09:40
faileas(and.. erf. upon checking, the windows port is 14 mb. I wonder if they went a little overzealous on the prerequistes)09:40
kinja-sheepfaileas: Use finch? :)09:42
iDopeAnyone here having a Dell Studio XPS 16, I can't seem to Suspend/Hibernate or change to a console terminal (Ctrl+Alt+<F1-F6>). I run into an artifacted screen.09:42
kinja-sheepfaileas: You could try including parameters for no-recommendations09:42
faileaskinja-sheep: I did say cli :)09:43
faileaskinja-sheep: ayttm is out too - it crashes on MSN09:43
faileaser, i meant gui09:43
madsjhi; does anyone know when thunderbird 3 will be included in the package system ?09:43
faileasfinch is cli/curses based. seperate windows per chat is pretty much necessary i think09:44
kinja-sheep!latest | madsj09:44
madsjI don't see as a seperate package, as the case is with emacs-2309:44
ubottumadsj: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.09:44
VcacheIst die Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 (32bit) edition auch für einen 2,6 Barton(AMD Chipsatz) geeignet?09:44
faileasVcache: you might want to try a german channel09:44
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:44
airtonix!de | Vcache09:44
ubottuVcache: please see above09:44
kinja-sheepmadsj: It'll be released in Lucid. However, you can use the PPA to download and install Thunderbird-3.0 or above.09:44
faileasas i understand tho, it should work09:44
kinja-sheepmadsj: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa09:45
madsjkinja-sheep: thanks; it looks nice, but I'll just wait till it's stable09:46
Vcachein english: Is the ubuntu desktop 9.10 edition suitable for a 2,6gh barton amd chipset? Or would u recommend something else?09:46
faileaskinja-sheep: as things are, i might just use xforwarding to access a client from another running box, or just not bother.09:46
faileasVcache: it should run quite well, i think. how much ram?09:46
Vcache1gb DDR09:46
kinja-sheepmadsj: There are a separate package Thunderbird-3.1 which you should avoid. I'm using 3.0 myself.09:46
faileasshouldn't be a problem i think09:46
UnknownUser56I'm using the LiveCD of ubuntu 8.10 desktop for boot, and choosing the safe graphics mode that's using the VESA drivers for grapics.After this the loading is complete, but instead of a desktop I'm getting a terminal/shell09:46
UnknownUser56How can I get the desktop instead of the terminal ?09:47
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bloodskiif i wanna remove a compiled program (handbrake) how to proceed?09:47
kinja-sheepfaileas: You try "aptitude install -Rs pidgin" ?  See what recommeneded packages it will not include this time.09:47
kinja-sheepfaileas: -s is for stimulation.09:47
faileasbloodski: there should be a remove script09:48
legend2440bloodski: if you still have the source files try  sudo make uninstall09:48
Vcachehow much ram is recommended for karmic?09:48
faileaskinja-sheep: 50 mb now09:48
faileasVcache: i've run it on as little as 256 mb09:48
Vcacheat least 51209:48
kinja-sheepfaileas: That is an improvement. :-)09:48
faileaskinja-sheep: better but.. still too big ;p09:48
Vcachelast time i installed on amd i needed a differnet version09:49
faileasthats a useful command tho. i don't normally use aptitude09:49
GNU\colossushi there. any one of you in here ever used "do-release-upgrade" in test-mode ("-s")? how did that work out for you?09:50
guntbertGNU\colossus: it shouldn't do anything ?09:52
UnknownUser56Right, it's displaying a quick error message before opening the terminal, something along the lines of error ucode35.[extension] not found09:52
UnknownUser56I'm guessing that's normal09:52
UnknownUser56But still not getting the desktop session09:52
UnknownUser56It's an old laptop, so I'm using the VESA drivers and it's still giving problems; the iso 's hash was correct09:53
Wipsterhey all, how can I disable the login screen drums? I have googled around and I have unticked active in /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/sound/ and my computer is muted when I get to desktop but from time to time and normaly when the office is quiet I get them again :/09:54
Xfactboot screen change is possible in Ubuntu?09:54
Xfact boot screen change is possible in Ubuntu? IF it is then HOW?09:55
grub_booteri'm having a real problem with memory usage coming from gfuse (mainly using gvfsd-smb on karmic 64 bit, but afaicr it was the same with jaunty 32 bit) - anyone seeing the same? any work around short of killing the process periodically?09:55
Xfactno one is gonna answer us...al is either entering or leaving...!09:55
legend2440Wipster: open system>preferences>startup applications  uncheck  Login Sounds09:55
faileasgrub_booter: hmm, nice maybe?09:56
GNU\colossusXfact: it's possible, yes. if they're still using usplash for that, it's PITA though. check out "splashy" instead.09:56
faileasgrub_booter: http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_nice.htm09:56
grub_booterfaileas: that just changes the priority scheduling - doesn't restrict memory usage...09:56
Wipsterlegend2440, thanks but I have already unticked and removed that form the list09:57
guntbertXfact: you can hide those enter/leave messages on your client09:57
faileasgrub_booter: but other tasks that need memory can grab it first09:57
grub_booterfaileas: i don't think that'd help - i think it's an internal issue - they shouldn't be caching as aggressively they appear to be doing09:58
grub_booterfaileas: i see people attributing it to a leak, but i don't think it's a leak - just crap memory management :-)09:58
legend2440Wipster: read post # 2 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/43742909:59
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.09:59
faileasulimit maybe?09:59
vegombreibrasero keeps failing dvds .. is there anykinda patch i need for karmic? it seems to simulate the burn process sucessfully tho10:00
faileasgrub_booter: http://www.faqs.org/docs/securing/x4733.html its per user i think, but it might work10:00
grub_booterfaileas: well, mebbe, but that'd mean it'd just get an alloc failure and die on me - not ideal either10:00
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:00
vegombreibrasero keeps failing dvds .. is there anykinda patch i need for karmic? it seems to simulate the burn process sucessfully tho10:01
Wipsterlegend2440, thanks, just realised I was beeing an utter spoon. The login screen is using root and I didn't gksudo gconf-editor10:01
grub_booterfaileas: but right now, the bloody thing is sitting at 1.9gig resident :-)10:01
grub_booterfaileas: have to wonder wtf they're doing to achieve that :-)10:02
grub_booteroops excuse language10:02
pkas i save to x configuration file from nvidia settings .....gives access denied...any method to sudo it10:02
legend2440pk: gksudo nvidia-settings10:03
guntbertpk: gksudo nvidia-settings10:03
neezercan someone help me determine what is wrong with my bluetooth?10:03
pkwhat is gksudo10:03
EugenMayerhello. Iam trying to get a 3 Monitor setup running on 9.10. 2 Monitors on my NV 8800GTS in Twinview are working, but when i activate the second GPU with the 3rd monitor, every windows in the twinview gets resized on both Monitors. I have googled arround found some threads but yet could not get it working. Can somen assist a bit?10:03
neezerI'm trying to connect my blackberry to my laptop.10:03
guntbert!gksudo | pk10:03
ubottupk: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:03
legend2440pk graphical sudo10:03
Tonikc_Hi, how can I make GTK apps respect Keyboard layout options such as Alt/Win key behavior?  (Karmic)10:03
pkwow i didnt know it10:04
pkgood thanx10:04
UnknownUser56Ah, after a little snooping around it says : VESA(0): no valid modes, and no screens found10:05
UnknownUser56Does this mean I should stop trying ?10:05
madsjkinja-sheep: thanks for the tip; it seems like 3.1 is alpha, so of course I'll avoid that :D10:06
iDopeAnyone here having a Dell Studio XPS 16, I can't seem to Suspend/Hibernate or change to a console terminal (Ctrl+Alt+<F1-F6>). I run into an artifacted screen.10:06
legend2440iDope: i can tell you how i got rid of artifacted  f1-f610:07
iDopeim all ears10:08
legend2440iDope: in terminal type  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub   look for line that says  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   remove  splash  then in terminal run  sudo update-grub  and reboot10:09
SandGorgonhi guys.. urgent help : anyone have the PPD for HP C4188 (or C4100 printers) ? I just configured one on my new karmic laptop and hp-setup cant find the ppd on its own (I dont have it.. seems)10:10
iDopelegend2440: which graphics drivers are you using by the way?10:11
legend2440iDope: nvidia10:11
iDopeok im off for a reboot, thanx (even if it doesn't work)10:12
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Guest76709join /gestionpat10:15
erUSULSandGorgon: linuxprinting.org10:15
pki installed lm-sensors and x sensors10:18
pkbut it is displaying a blank windows10:18
UnknownUser56Got it, thanks to everyone who helped10:21
UnknownUser56See I told you I was tech savvy, heh10:21
vegombreibrasero keeps failing dvds .. is there anykinda patch i need for karmic? it seems to simulate the burn process sucessfully tho10:24
SandGorgonerUSUL, damn.. it does not have photosmart c4100 - could someone check 'locate 4100 |grep ppd' and see if anyone has the file ?10:28
erUSULSandGorgon: only for an HP410010:29
SandGorgonerUSUL, sigh.. thanks10:29
erUSULSandGorgon: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-PhotoSmart_C4100 <<<< should qwork with the hp generic driver hplip10:32
SandGorgonerUSUL, seems my hplip is corrupted..10:32
erUSULSandGorgon: i first thought you where talking about a canon printer duno why :P10:32
deniskaпривет всем10:34
om26er!hi | _KAMI_10:38
ubottu_KAMI_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:38
tishikawa1where do I get posix man pages? for example, for fd_set in sys/select.h10:39
tishikawa1its not gcc-doc10:39
_KAMI_I would like to get some help. I configured an OpenLDAP server of Ubuntu 9.1010:39
doneilli believe in manpages-posix-dev, and tishikawa1: manpages-dev10:39
doneillwith your name.. at the front, huh.10:40
doneillfail to home key for doneill...10:40
erUSULSandGorgon: reinstall the packages10:40
_KAMI_OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.18 (Sep  8 2009 17:47:22) $10:40
_KAMI_I wotks when I not enable certificate, for secure communication10:41
_KAMI_If I enable I got: main: TLS init def ctx failed: -1 error message and slapd is not starting10:42
SireOrionhello can someone help me step by step to make a pxe server?10:45
SireOrionhello can someone help me step by step to make a pxe server?10:47
legend2440SireOrion: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/11/how-to-configure-pxe-network-booting-on-ubuntu-for-network-based-installations/10:48
Myxbhi! how can i simulate a Win_L key using a sequence Control_L_key_press + Control_L_key_release ? I need it for convenient layout switching without impairing shortcuts. where i could read on this?10:51
Quan-Timeguntbert: sudo smbstatus :) found the program i want. if anyone asks later, you know for next time10:52
guntbertQuan-Time: thx for reporting back10:53
Quan-Timenp.. share the knowledge i say ):10:54
WazzzaaaHey, I want to upgrade Jaunty. But before doing the real upgrade I get the error: ""10:55
Wazzzaaa"Could not calculate upgrade"10:55
ubottuyes, I'm alive.10:55
legend2440Myxb: not sure if this is what you mean but open  system>preferences>keyboard click Layouts tab then  Layout Options then  Alt/Win key behavior10:55
Wazzzaaaapt.log is full of these messages: http://pastebin.com/m5727167a10:56
WazzzaaaAny ideas on fixing this problem ?10:56
om26erWazzzaaa: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and then try to upgrade your jaunty10:58
abreuo que é esta merda10:58
ardchoille!es | abreu10:58
ubottuabreu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:58
om26erWazzzaaa: are you upgrading to lucid?10:59
Wazzzaaaom26er: I tried those commands already11:00
Wazzzaaano, I want to upgrade to karmic11:00
_KAMI_I got this error in syslog: main: TLS init def ctx failed: -1   slapd not started, do you have idea?11:00
Wazzzaaawhen I do apt-get upgrade I get: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:00
Wazzzaaadist-upgrade that is ;)11:01
om26erWazzzaaa: disable every ppa you are using from software source and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:01
om26erWazzzaaa: or just update-manager -d11:01
WazzzaaaI do not see any PPA in /etc/apt/sources.list11:01
Myxblegend2440: thanks anyway, but no, it is not what i would need. i need to map a key_press + key_release sequence to a virtual key (win_L) so that normal shortcuts would still work (like ctrl+c). it cannot be done via gnome gui, but (i suspect) can be configured thru xmodmap. i do not how yet.11:01
legend2440Myxb: ok good luck11:02
mikeee?DCC SEND "S??È???ß???8Z?????c3!<<~?g??¹?M?^???]???_­??#ò?\?¸???ø?ÙË?????C?uò??|ý?" 0 0 011:03
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.11:03
Wazzzaaahmm, om26er I will try to uninstall python-apt     --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/45020811:03
MrEgg964Hi all. With Karmic, I'm getting errors when mounting xfs partitions through fstab, although I can later manually mount the same partition in Terminal. Is anybody also having this issue?11:04
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=== asolsson_ is now known as asolsson
ah7013can somebody please help me I have installed ubuntu 9.10 to an old eMac 700MHz powerpc using alternate pc and I have got X working using nv driver but when I try the nouveau instead on nv it just gives me a blank screen11:07
=== ari_stress is now known as ari_strezz
ZoraelIs there any way to quelch the dmesg spam of 'integrated sync not supported'?11:16
sioxjoin #lahtitrance11:17
MrEgg964Hi all :) With Karmic, I can't mount my xfs partition at boot. I have to open Terminal and there manually mount the partition (and it works). What can I do to get it properly mounted at boot time ? Thanks.11:17
zirodayMrEgg964: added it to fstab?11:17
MrEgg964ziroday: it's already in fstab11:18
zirodayMrEgg964: can you pastebin please11:18
jmoneyi2c-adapter i2c-0: unable to read EDID block.11:19
guntbertsiox: start with /11:19
erUSUL!fstab | MrEgg96411:20
ubottuMrEgg964: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:20
sioxthanks i just rememberd that11:20
WazzzaaaHi, I still have issues with upgrading jaunty to karmic.11:20
Wazzzaaa when I do apt-get upgrade I get: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 011:20
MrEgg964ziroday: http://pastebin.com/d1ef00c811:20
guntbert!pastebin | MrEgg96411:20
ubottuMrEgg964: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:20
guntbertMrEgg964: sorry11:21
zirodayMrEgg964: thanks, looking now :)11:21
sodipodiHello ppl! Plz tell me, how i can switch OFF support of dmraid from initrd?? I want to make soft-RAID maasive, but i cant do that because my HDDs busy and visible only like /dev/hdb (and not /dev/hdb1). I used old distr of OpenSUSE before, fnd now use ubuntu server and want to restore my previous radi massive with old data on it.11:21
zirodayMrEgg964: and I presume doing mount -a after power on mounts the drive?11:22
MrEgg964ziroday: from Terminal, yes.11:22
=== verb__ is now known as verb3k
zirodayMrEgg964: then I'm not really sure sorry11:23
guntbertMrEgg964: did you check if the UUID is ok?11:24
MrEgg964ziroday: I was on Intrepid prior to Karmic, and using the exact same fstab I didn't have any issue :(11:24
MrEgg964guntbert: yes I did, and it's ok.11:24
guntbertMrEgg964: then please pastebin the error messages11:24
zirodayguntbert: what error are you referring to?11:26
=== sale_ is now known as sale
guntbertziroday: <MrEgg964> Hi all. With Karmic, I'm getting errors when mounting xfs partitions through fstab, although I can later manually mount the same partition in Terminal. Is anybody also having this issue?11:26
zirodayguntbert: I see "Hi all :) With Karmic, I can't mount my xfs partition at boot. I have to open Terminal and there manually mount the partition (and it works). What can I do to get it properly mounted at boot time ? Thanks."11:27
MrEgg964guntbert: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7deb860711:27
guntbertziroday: that was a bit earlier11:27
zirodayguntbert: right :)11:28
MrEgg964guntbert: all I can see are errors on line 7 & 8. But I'm no pro.11:30
om26er_ziroday: added it to fstab?11:31
zirodayom26er_: ?11:31
om26er_ziroday: xfs not mounting problem?11:31
zirodayom26er_: check the logs :)11:31
Hunt5why do i get this:  git://git.videolan.org/x264.git11:31
Hunt5bash: git://git.videolan.org/x264.git: No such file or directory11:31
SubbyIn Cups there are a lot Printer Models to choose from (CUPS+Gutenprint, some Foomatics) how do I know which to choose?11:31
neil1Hey I would like to know how I can download the realtek wireless drivers for the ubuntu that comes with the eeepc 70211:32
neil1*701 sorry11:32
guntbertMrEgg964: if those timestamps are seconds (as I believe) there is half an hour between line 6 and 711:32
om26er_neil1: which version of ubuntu are you using?11:32
Wazzzaaaom26er: I'm now upgrading with: apt-get install update-manager-core && do-release-upgrade11:33
Hunt5why do i get this: git://git.videolan.org/x264.git11:33
Hunt5bash: git://git.videolan.org/x264.git: No such file or directory11:33
WazzzaaaThat works11:33
neil1I'm trying to find out, this is my dad's laptop, it' a very scaled down version11:33
Hunt5can anyone tel me pls?11:33
achadwickSubby: choose the one with the nearest model number and manufacturer to your priinter. If there's more than one that matches, then if one is "(recommended)" and the others aren't, choose that one.11:33
om26er_Wazzzaaa: great11:33
SwedeMikeHunt5: what did you expect to happen when you pasted a URI into your shell?11:33
Hunt5to get x264 code11:33
Hunt5from git11:34
MrEgg964guntbert: they're seconds11:34
neil1om36er: what command can I run to find out what version I am running?11:34
SwedeMikeHunt5: the shell isn't reading your mind, you have to issue an command to use the URI with.11:34
Subbyachadwick: there are 9 Models that begin with the exact model number of my printer, none is recommended (The printer is Brother HL-5150D)11:34
Hunt5SwedeMike: what is the command?11:34
SwedeMikeHunt5: you can start with "man git"11:35
MrEgg964guntbert: oops - I don't know whether they're seconds or not - Karmic boots under a minute, it does not take over an hour.11:35
achadwickSubby: sometimes you even get the exact same string :( http://www.openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi can be helpful for uncovering quirks.11:36
guntbertMrEgg964:  but to the bottom of your problem - it seems to be a problem with xfs meta-data11:36
cleinenhow are you ?11:36
SwedeMikeHunt5: or you can actually read the page at "http://www.videolan.org/developers/x264.html" where it says what commands to use.11:36
guntbert!hi | cleinen11:37
ubottucleinen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:37
Subbyachadwick: thanks, that page should obviously help me11:37
YounderI just bought 'mastering regular expressions', 'Linux administartion handbook' and 'sed and awk (2 ed.). Is that a good choice?11:38
guntbertYounder: only if you read them too :)11:38
MrEgg964guntbert: there's another things that puzzles me, when reading the log. I only have 1 xfs partition. But as far as I understand, it first tries to mount sdc1 and returns an error. When I mount it manually, it mount sdd1. It's still the same partition, though.11:38
YounderGot it partially from http://www.linux-mag.com.11:39
Younderguntbert, I will.11:39
guntbertMrEgg964: good call - that would us point to a uuid problem - please pastebin the output of sudo blkid11:40
achadwickSubby: also, the Ubuntu brother-cups-wrapper-laser1 package claims some measure of support for that specific model of printer - try installing that first :)11:41
cleinennice to meet you11:41
guntbert!ot | cleinen11:42
ubottucleinen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:42
MrEgg964guntbert: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d6c29997511:42
Subbyachadwick: i will try that, thank you11:45
guntbertMrEgg964: I see no problems - please pastebin the outpout uf sudo fdisk -l too11:45
guntbert*output :)11:46
MrEgg964guntbert: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m25f8a2e411:46
fx3right, if i setup crypttab so that it tries to unlock the volume with a keyfile, can i have a backup "type in password" incase the key doesnt exist?11:48
protojayim trying to install lamp, but my apt-get seems to be broken, -> http://pastebin.org/71311, anyone have any ideas why /etc/passwd cant be locked?11:51
guntbertMrEgg964: strange - all seems ok - so (as a last measure - for testing) please replace in your fstab entry the UUID part with /dev/sdd1 , umount /home/fred/Videos then sudo mount -a, if that works try rebooting11:51
MrEgg964guntbert: ok, I'm going to try that - both with sdd1 and sdc1, just for the sake of it.11:53
protojayalso, when i try adduser, i get the same message trying to add any user11:53
Janhousewhy do I get disconnected  from wireless when I plug in lan cable?11:53
guntbertMrEgg964: no - sdc1 should not work11:53
guntbertprotojay: could be you have /etc/passwd open in an editor?11:54
MrEgg964guntbert: I'm trying with sdd1 as we speak. It's rebooting.11:54
protojayno guntbert , and this problem has been here for over a day11:55
MrEgg964guntbert: the thing is - how can I be confident sdc is going to stay sdc and not move around ?11:55
MrEgg964guntbert: *sdd*11:55
acsdroid/msg ubottu11:56
protojayim trying to install lamp, but my apt-get seems to be broken, -> http://pastebin.org/71311, anyone have any ideas why /etc/passwd cant be locked?11:56
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org11:57
nowthatsamattI have this in my /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file: http://pastebin.org/7131211:57
nowthatsamattHowever, munin.domain.com doesn't resolve.11:57
nowthatsamattWhere should I begin troubleshooting, there's nothing showing in syslog.11:57
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guntbertMrEgg964: you cannot -  thats why I said (as a last measure - for testing) -11:58
MrEgg964guntbert: yeah, well it's rebooted, but no joy11:59
ArabusHey, It seems that my new koala is intent on regulating the brightness of my screen. Even if I manually alter the screen brightness it keeps flipping back to a brighter state. Since this wastes about 60-90min of battery time it is quite annoying. Is there a way to disable this function?11:59
MrEgg964guntbert: the drive is not listed in fdisk -l (I only get sda)11:59
MrEgg964guntbert: and the error message is still refering to sdc1 in dmesg - although I did specify sdd1 in fstab12:00
MrEgg964guntbert: I'm rebooting with sdc1, just for the sake of it12:02
guntbertMrEgg964: strange - the drive is not listed at all? I confess to be at the end of ideas12:04
guntbertArabus: look at system/preferences/power management12:05
protojayim trying to install lamp, but my apt-get seems to be broken, -> http://pastebin.org/71311, anyone have any ideas why /etc/passwd cant be locked? anyone????12:05
MrEgg964guntbert: I'll try not mounting the xfs partition on boot at all, then manually mounting it. If that works, I suppose I can always mount it in rc.local - that wouldn't be the cleanest of all procedures, but if it works...12:06
zambolii love lamp12:06
guntbertMrEgg964: yes12:06
* protojay yawns12:07
* protojay needs help12:07
ardchoilleprotojay: just a suspicion, run this: ls -l /etc/passwd12:08
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ghostnik11hi i wanted to know if there was a program or widget or app that i could download from synaptic packages that would allow me to transition my backgroud12:09
protojayardchoille, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1898 2010-01-03 18:14 /etc/passwd12:10
ardchoilleprotojay: ok, that seems to be ok12:10
protojayis there a way to see what program is accessing/opening/locking a file?12:11
skinoMorning all12:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:11
wamburiji am upgrading ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.1012:12
zambolii'll alert the media12:12
guntbertprotojay: fuser -v /etc/passwd12:12
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guntbert!ot | zamboli12:13
ubottuzamboli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:13
skinoRight im having some trouble gettin the LInux DRiver installed for my SOund blaster (X-FI) i was able to do it on my previous install but im getting the following error when installing - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6d4aa36712:13
chichorrohello! i was trying to actualizate my kernel with a file , linux-2.6.11.tar.bz2. to do that, i downloaded directly that file from a webpage to /usr/src. I hado to use sudo. but now i can't use tar, anbody knows why? when i try it, even with sudo command it appears me something like "tar: vj: Can't open: File or directory inexistent.  the error is irrecuperable, leaving now"12:13
nowthatsamattI have this in my /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file: http://pastebin.org/71312 ; However, munin.domain.com doesn't resolve.  How can I begin troubleshooting this issue?  There are no startup errors and there is nothing noted in /var/log/syslog12:14
chichorrosorry for my newbish words, i installed ubuntu yesterday :P12:14
protojayI tried killing the python process that was accessing /etc/passwd12:14
protojaybut the lock still wont budge12:14
Arabusguntbert: I do not use the gnome window manager but xmonad instead - so I do not have system->preferences->power management12:14
w_ai have a printer shared on my lan (samba) when sombody print out a page or 2 wher do the logs go of who did print and what ? /var/log/lpr.log ?12:14
protojaywhy is ubuntu being so retarted?12:14
neil1http://pastebin.ca/1738678 << Here is what my wireless nic is doing, it says it has the latest drivers, the interface isa realtek8187se12:14
protojayany attempt to add user gives me the message: fuser -v /etc/passwd12:15
protojayany attempt to add user gives me the message: useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later.12:15
ghostnik11anyone know how to get transition backgrounds in ubuntu 9.1012:15
guntbertArabus: then I don't know - sorry12:16
Arabusguntbert: Ok, thanx anyway12:16
ardchoilleghostnik11: does this help?  http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132130412:16
mewayhello I am useing ubuntu v9.10 karmic and I need wine to run synthesia but when I install wine I get this dell_admin@Andrew-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install wine [sudo] password for dell_admin:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution 12:17
asdfgis there a menu.lst file in ubuntu9.10?12:17
ardchoille!grub2 | asdfg12:17
ubottuasdfg: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:17
mewaywell no but i can tell you what you want asdfg12:17
zambolithat is a handy bot12:18
ghostnik11ardchoille, thanks alot12:18
ardchoilleghostnik11: yw12:18
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:18
mewayasdfg it is called grub.cfg12:18
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ardchoilleghostnik11: You should join the forums, a wealth of info there12:19
mewayasdfg located boot/grub12:19
mewayasdfg If you edit this file be carefull <I think I am required to say that>12:19
ghostnik11i have joined the forums12:19
ghostnik11ardchoille, i have joined the forums12:19
guntbertprotojay: don't repeat yourself - what is the output of fuser -v /etc/passwd12:19
mewayhello I am useing ubuntu v9.10 karmic and I need wine to run synthesia but when I install wine I get this dell_admin@Andrew-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install wine [sudo] password for dell_admin:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution 12:20
ardchoilleghostnik11: Great, have fun :)12:20
quibbler!wine | meway12:20
ubottumeway: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:20
guntbertmeway: and are you using an unstable distro?12:20
protojayguntbert, there no longer is any output12:20
mewayguntbert no12:20
ghostnik11ardchoille, don't worry i already have been having fun with 9.10 and saying so long to windows12:20
w_ai have a printer shared on my lan (samba) when i print wher do the logs go over who printing ? /var/log/lpr.log ?12:21
mewayguntbert It was working before and than I installed a stupid package I forget it was to make vlc run DvD's and it uninstalled itself12:21
guntbertmeway: did you enable proposed?12:21
mewayguntbert:  I don't think I did but I don't know how ither12:22
guntbertprotojay: then I cannot help either - sorry12:22
guntbertmeway: system/administration/software sources12:23
zvacetmeway: look in system>admin<software sources>updates tab for check if you have proposed enabled12:23
UbuntuRookieis there any command for me to find someone inthe irc?12:23
erUSULw_a: /var/log/cups/* ??12:23
erUSULUbuntuRookie: ask in #freenode12:24
mewayguntbert I dont know what I am looking at I dont think it is12:26
caponhi all, is there any porgram for making flash slideshows on ubuntu?12:26
mewayguntbert I do not see anything that says proposed12:27
guntbertmeway: on the tab "updates" - there is -security -updates -backports -proposed - unselect proposed and backports12:27
caponhi all, is there any porgram for making flash slideshows on ubuntu?12:28
mewayguntbert its not checked12:28
mewayguntbert should this be checked?12:28
guntbertmeway: no!12:28
mewayguntbert well its where it should be than12:29
guntbertmeway:  It should NOT be checked!!! now open the tab "other software"12:29
mewayguntbert it is not checked XD12:30
mewayguntbert ok its open12:30
protojayguntbert, I fixed the problem, there was a file called passwd.lock and shadow.lock that I had to delete12:30
guntbertmeway: is there anything selected?12:31
mewayguntbert 3 things12:31
guntbertprotojay: yay12:31
mewayhttp://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu Karmic partner12:31
caponhi all, is there any porgram for making flash slideshows on ubuntu?12:32
guntbertmeway: unselect them for now, but remember what it was12:32
mewaymedibuntu - ubuntu 9.10 "karmic koala"     wich i think is the issue12:32
CAiROi'm just trying to compile a package from source and it fails with the error "tail: cannot open `debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory"12:32
CAiRO i can see there's only a changelog.in file12:32
CAiROthe real changelog file probably has to be generated from the changelog.in file, but how do i generate it?12:32
soreauCAiRO: Why are you trying to compile this package?12:33
mewayguntbert ok done12:33
CAiROsoreau: because i like to use a newer version12:33
guntbertmeway: now close the dialog and sys yes to refresh12:33
mewayguntbert done12:33
soreauCAiRO: What package is it?12:34
CAiROsoreau: sawfish12:34
guntbertmeway: it will take some time to refresh12:34
soreauCAiRO: and what command are you running that gives you the error message?12:34
mewayguntbert ...12:34
UbuntuRookiedoes anybody want to enter in my laptop to see if can put my wireless working?12:34
guntbertprotojay: and thanks for reporting back12:35
soreauUbuntuRookie: We don't do that here12:35
CAiROsoreau: dpkg-buildpackage12:35
mewayguntbert its apparently done :/12:35
UbuntuRookieis there a chanel for that?12:35
guntbertmeway: after that you *should* be able to accomplish what you wanted - please try12:36
CAiROsoreau: if i google for "tail: cannot open `debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory" i can see people are having this problem with other packages too12:36
mewayguntbert I did its done it works yay ty very much12:36
CAiROits as i said, i have to run some command to generate the changelog file from changelog.in12:36
Preetammy wifi is inactive after installing ubuntu 9.10..pls help12:36
CAiROa package maintainer would probably know it12:36
soreauCAiRO: Ah.. have you tried building using whatever build system the package uses instead of trying to create a deb from it?12:36
guntbertmeway: glad to help :)12:36
mewayguntbert you are the third person I talked to about the issue and the smartest one to figure it out :)12:37
mewayguntbert thanks by :)12:37
oleg_всем привет))12:37
zvacet!ru | oleg12:37
ubottuoleg: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:37
ardchoille!ru | oleg_12:37
ubottuoleg_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:37
soreauCAiRO: Also, have you tried simply creating the file with 'touch' for example?12:38
guntbertmeway: thanks - you know *sometimes* experience counts :)12:38
CAiROsoreau: no, the changelog cannot be empty.. and no, i have been trying to create a .deb, otherwise i wouldn't have called dpkg-buildpackage12:38
soreauCAiRO: Can't you just put anything in the changelog to get it to build?12:38
guntbertCAiRO: why don't you ask the author of the software?12:39
pjoshihow safely remove drive work in ubuntu..12:39
w_art/server -m irc.ner-land.com12:40
soreaupjoshi: driver work?12:40
CAiROgunni: well, because i though irc would solve my problem faster12:40
pjoshiit even turns off light of the flash drive.. how does ubunt turns off light of flash drive..12:40
CAiROguntbert: well, because i though irc would solve my problem faster12:40
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guntbertCAiRO: of course - you can always try :)12:41
soreauCAiRO: irc doesn't solve problems. people help other people with solutions12:41
CAiROsoreau: yes, i could probably make it up somehow.. but that would be wrong, the right way is to generate it from the changelog.in12:42
CAiROi just don't know the commnad from those one million dh_something12:42
Quan-TimeCAiRO: most of us have problems,, BUT we have worked thru other problems so can share wealth.. just cos we are in here helping, dont think we are "uber pro linux h4x0rZ" or somethin silly..12:42
soreauCAiRO: If you get the same error when trying to build it with it's build system methods, then contact the devs of the package. If it only happens when trying to create a deb, maybe you can ask in #ubuntu-devel or make a post on ubuntuforums.org12:43
aaron11How do I change the icon next to the Applications menu?12:43
CAiROsoreau: well, it seems you have no idea what i'm talking about12:43
guntbertQuan-Time: well said12:43
Quan-Timespeaking of which.. whats a way (program / app) to mount a .ISO file (or similar..) so its treated as a drive that i can install from.. a winxp example would be "daemon tools" ?!12:43
pjoshisoreau : if through command prompt if i umount flash drive it will still show light on the flash drive.. but through gui/X you get option when you right-click on the flash drive "Safely remove drive"12:44
CAiROsoreau: anyway, thanks though12:44
Quan-Timeguntbert: heh.. i try my best... AND im not drunk tonight.. thats always a bonus.12:44
pjoshithat will umount the flash drive and also turn off the flash drive light...12:44
guntbert!iso | Quan-Time12:44
ubottuQuan-Time: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:44
pjoshihow to do that through command line.12:45
alabdHow to mount jffs2 partitions ?12:45
Quan-Timeguntbert: oh ffs.. i got that the same time as you.. heh.. im on a role tonight of finding stuff myself !!12:46
fx3i hate to do this, but im going to retransmit: i setup crypttab so that it tries to unlock the volume with a keyfile, can i have a backup "type in password" incase the key doesnt exist?12:46
soreauCAiRO: dh-make ?12:46
Quan-Timefx3: umm.. have you read "man crypttab" ? im not sure (never tried).. maybe theres a switch for it ?12:47
guntbertfx3: I'd say no - because having a weak password would defy the purpose12:47
aaron11How do I change the icon next to the Applications menu?12:48
zvacetpjoshi: look if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive helps12:48
fx3Quan-Time, i have, but i will do again. I saw on some blog that if you have two entries in crypttab for the same device it would skip the other if its mounted, but mine seems to get stuck if it doesnt find the key12:48
fx3guntbert, pw is not as strong as the key, however, the password im using is strong enough for the purpose12:49
Quan-Timefx3: thats prolly an issue.. 2 entries.. same device...12:49
guntbertfx3: it was only a guess anyway12:49
fx3Quan-Time, no, i mean it doesnt work with 2 entries for the same device.12:50
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CAiROsoreau: hmm, i didn't have this installed, but i've tried it and it looks dh-make is meant to generate the debian directory for a source package12:51
CAiRObut my source package already has that12:51
fx3Quan-Time, im thinking it should have something to do with checkscripts, write a script that check whether the key is present, but then what if the key is the wrong key anyway?12:51
soreaupjoshi: AFAIK, umounting the drive is sufficient for safely removing it. As for the light, I suspect the gui somehow tells the light to turn off. It's probably not an issue to have the light still on12:51
YounderLoved that 'Linux Firewalls' book by Rash12:51
remoteCTRL1how the hell do i add a  launcher to panel in netbook remix???12:52
soreauCAiRO: Well after you do finally figure it out, maybe you can make notes for the future12:52
Youndersubscibe to linuxgeek12:53
CAiROsoreau: well, its not that easy.. you cannot search for "changelog.in" in any of the major search engines.. they will all find stuff that i have not been looking for12:53
CAiRObecause they don't search exactly12:53
freeridehow to configure samba? what file to edit?12:54
remoteCTRL1!samba | freeride12:54
ubottufreeride: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:54
soreauCAiRO: I said after you figure it out, make notes. If you are patient enough you can ask in #ubuntu-devel and they might be able to assist you with what you want to do12:54
Quan-Timeguntbert: isobuster works under wine according to the wiki.. which is fairly cool... and could make a script to mount a .iso file fairly easy too..12:55
guntbertQuan-Time: why on earth don't you just sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> ? nothing could be easier!12:56
knoxvilleDo anyone of you brighthats know how to jail users in their home directory in proftpd?12:57
steven_What is gy-in-f139.1e100.net?12:57
steven_It keeps showing up as connected to me on port 8012:57
Quan-Timeguntbert: yes, BUT when i have a non .iso file. i need to convert it12:58
Younderguntbert, you know fstats?12:58
Younderguntbert, preconfigured mount points12:58
guntbertQuan-Time: please don't go the long way round - but thats only me :-)12:59
guntbertYounder: sorry?12:59
Younderguntbert, sorry, took me a bit of a while to figure out what your 'hack' was all about13:00
Scott1979does anyone know of remote servers we can control for free13:00
guntbertYounder: sorry - what hack?13:00
uncmarmy Emulate3Button magically turns itself off.  I want to turn it *back* on and not require an X restart.13:01
Scott1979im looking for a remote server i can control to send packet tests from and too13:01
guntbert!ot | Scott197913:01
soreauuncmar: How is it turning itself off?13:01
ubottuScott1979: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:01
uncmarsoreau: I don't know the answer to that question.  I assume some service dies.13:02
Scott1979yeah yeah ok13:02
YounderScott1979, try www.happyhacker.com. They used to have some servers you could hack into13:02
aaron11How do I change the icon next to the Applications menu?13:02
aaron11How do I change the icon next to the Applications menu?13:02
guntbertand Younder: please do keep to the topic13:02
Scott1979chhers yonder13:02
Oleandrociao a tutti13:02
uncmarsoreau: a reboot and it is back on.  No setting changes.  but after a few copy pastes, it dies out again.13:02
soreauuncmar: Did you make sure it's enabled in the InputDevice section of your X conf?13:03
soreauuncmar: Ah, it dies after a few times of usage, intereting13:03
soreauuncmar: Maybe you can ask in ##linux or #xorg for an answer, that sounds weird to me13:04
Younderguntbert, I am. These servers are acessibe to the public and of no importance. They are ment to train security people in the basics of hacking and hacking prevention, but they are publicly accessible13:04
bazhangYounder, this has nothing to do with ubuntu support. please chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:04
guntbertYounder: you are not - this channel is for ubuntu support only - and not for reading recommendations....13:05
Scott1979man comeon stop policing u guys13:05
remoteCTRL1how do i add a launcher to the desktop panel in netbook remix?13:05
IdleOneScott1979 Younder please stay on topic.13:06
Younderplesase stop responding to my one sentece. point gotten13:06
knoxvilleIf im on a ftpserver and wants to change my local directory, isnt it !cd "path" ?!13:06
Scott1979im actually trying the ubuntu-offtopic channel no good man at least ubutto and you all could do is get that part right13:07
Scott1979why not working13:07
uncmarknoxville: I don't know.  I always end up disconnecting,  changing directory and then reconnecting.  A real pain but... that is what I do. :(13:07
knoxvilleuncmar: Ahhh.. That can't be true, there must be a way.13:08
uncmarknoxville: I didn't say it couldn't be done.  I said I don't know how.13:08
Scott1979yeah now it works13:08
aaron11How do I change the icon next to the Applications menu?13:10
aaron11please answer fast13:10
Quan-Timeaaron11: the ubuntu one ?13:10
aaron11Quan-Time: No the one next to the applications menu13:10
Younderaaron11, there is no icon next to the application menu13:10
Quan-Timeaaron11: you use gnome ?13:10
uncmaraaron11: use white-out and  magic marker? :P13:11
aaron11quan yes and I have the ubuntu logo right now13:11
Quan-Timeaaron11: umm.. not quite sure what you mean. but its prolly a config setting is all13:11
annagirdlestonei wish to use lynx to open a bunch of locally stored .html files and then dump them to new .html files with lynx formatting. Anyone got a idea on how to do this?13:11
paissad-hphi to all, i want to build a package from backports, i did --> apt-get -t karmic-backports source thunderbird ..... but i have the same version as in my system, i never get a higher version13:11
paissad-hpegrep -i '^[^#]+backports' /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit -13:11
Quan-Timeah.. yer. its just a config from memory, you can custom in your own .png / .tga (from memory) there..13:11
xiongaaron11 means the icon *for* the Applications menu, which is the Ubuntu logo.13:12
lytis there anyone using wammu?13:12
Quan-Timebut its been AGES since ive looked into it.. so cant direct you in the right path.. other than looking up "customise gnome panel"13:12
alabdHow to configure Domain between linux and windows ?13:12
aaron11xiong: Yes the ubuntu logo next to the applications menu13:12
Quan-Timealabd: you mean workgroup ?13:12
Quan-Timeaaron11: yer.. gnome panel.. look up a guide on customise it..13:12
aaron11Quan-Time: I tried them but too complicated13:13
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xiongaaron11, the Ubuntu logo is part of the Applications menu title. It's not next to it. Subtle difference but when you go looking to configure it, you'll want to keep that in mind.13:13
vsMSHi. can someone help me with cifs mount and networkmanager-dispatcher?13:13
Quan-Timeaaron11: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47348713:13
Quan-Timefirst result..13:13
alabdno Quan-Time13:14
Quan-Timealabd: yes ?13:15
xiongaaron11, Not to be persnickety but why change it? Be proud to be Ubuntu!13:15
Quan-Timexiong: heh.. im on ubuntu. but i like arch too..13:15
Quan-Timei wouldnt make a arch logo tho !13:15
aaron11xiong: Ok but what object is it13:15
Quan-Timemade some arch wall papers13:15
alabdHow to configure Domain between linux and windows ? Quan-Time13:16
diverse_izzuehi all. i have an ubuntu 9.04 here in which the update-manager doesn't offer me to update to 9.10, even though I refreshed. any ideas?13:16
xiongSorry, aaron11, you've exhausted my tiny fund of knowledge on the subject. Good luck!13:16
zambadiverse_izzue: apt proxy?13:16
Quan-Timealabd: oh.. umm. honestly not sure. cant help sorry.  maybe search ? might point you in the right direction13:16
diverse_izzuezamba, not to my knowledge, how do i check that?13:17
zambadiverse_izzue: check in /etc/apt/13:17
zambadiverse_izzue: grep for acquire -i13:17
Quan-Timeaaron11: i DID post a forum thread for you.. read it ! it explains what you want13:17
sonikasHello all, now i use 9.10 ubuntu and everything works fine, but when i insert a cd with movie, pc freezes completely. I think someone should take a look at this.13:18
Quan-Timezamba: change your repository links to reflect 9.10, it should help..13:18
=== jackjeebs__ is now known as jackjeebs
Quan-Timesonikas: ok.. what movie.. divx or actual dvd movie. is it "original" disk or a "backup". whats trying to play said movie, and does it try to autoplay or you clicking something ?13:19
diverse_izzueQuan-Time, that seems to be the unclean way of doing it, why can't update-manager find the new release?13:19
Quan-Timediverse_izzue: honestly no idea, ive heard in some instances it helps.13:20
Quan-Timei up'd from a dvd.. so yer...13:20
diverse_izzueQuan-Time, not my machine anyway, maybe i'll just keep it at 9.04 then...13:20
sonikas<Quan-Time> , It is not original, but a divx movie. It autoplays. Its strange, i hadnt this problem with latter ubuntu versions13:20
Scunizisonikas: you need the "restricted" codecs to play commercial dvd's.. they are invisible in windows because you pay for them upfront in the cost of the OS or burner software.. I'll have ubottu send you a link to get it working.13:20
Scunizi!dvd | sonikas13:20
ubottusonikas: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:20
Scunizi!medibuntu | sonikas13:21
ubottusonikas: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:21
Quan-Timesonikas: ok..so its a divx. whats trying to play it ? VLC has its own codecs. else use the restricted codecs as Scunizi said13:21
aciculain order to play encrypted dvd's you sometimes need to set a region code on the dvd player as well, but the link ubottu refers to will explain that13:21
sonikasI know guys, thx anyways. It is strange. Nothing, system crashes on cd rom trying to load it13:21
aciculasonikas: try mounting the cd then and use mplayer or vlc from a console to play the media?13:22
UbuntuRookiealgum português?13:22
alberto_Hello everyone13:22
alberto_I'm having some problems with guitar recording in Ubuntu Jaunty13:22
Quan-Timesonikas: oh.. so it crashes on the disk being inserted and trying to access it ? ONLY that disk ? then it was burnt bad. ive done that once before too.. it crashes like ANY machine. weird13:22
alberto_I have plugged my guitar in the Line In connector13:23
UbuntuRookieajuda por favor13:23
Jauntydiga <UbuntuRookie>13:23
UbuntuRookiepodemos pvt?13:23
sonikasGames, Ubuntu disk works, but when i try cd with just movie, it crashes. I will try a DVD soon. And not that disk. Other too. I will try burning it again.13:23
Quan-Timealberto_: recording.. what about it.. your line in working / config'd properly ? im guessing you are using some sort of mixer ?13:23
alberto_And I can hear the guitar, but cannot record it13:23
alberto_Quan-Time I try to turn the volume up in Alsa mixer13:24
alberto_But that doesn't work13:24
sonikasIt maybe is just a problem with low budget cds i bought. I will try now more expensive. Be right back in 10 minutes.13:24
Quan-Timesonikas: tried VLC ? it can play anything.. maybe its trying to auto play and locking.13:24
Quan-Timealberto_: is it mute ? can you use a normal mic. from a headset ?13:24
aciculasonikas: can you mount the cd via a console/does it even show up as mounted in nautilus?13:24
Quan-Timealberto_: just to see if that works ?13:24
alberto_Yes, it does work13:25
sonikasacicula, i wil try doung that. First disable auto mount then i will mount it by console. Need to try it now.13:25
Quan-Timealberto_: i think you answered your own question.. something with your hardware setup..13:26
Scunizialberto_: are you plugging it into the mic input or the line input?13:26
Quan-Timealberto_: can you use your setup to work via a speaker or somethin ?13:26
zer0xIs is just me, or has every version of Brasero so far been broken in some way?13:27
alberto_Scunizi Line Input13:27
Scunizialberto_: that might be part of the problem.. the guitar output is designed for mic input13:27
alberto_Scunizi It used to work before I reinstalled the whole system13:28
soreaualberto_: When you open alsamixer then use F4 for Capture View, are the appropriate channels unmuted?13:28
Xfactcan i use Ubuntu hardy and Karmic in a same machine with duel boot?13:28
alberto_soreau No, but I'm gonna check that out.13:29
soreauXfact: Yes.13:29
tavastiXfact, yes you can, but you need to add anothert to grub by hand13:29
alberto_soreau Capture and Capture 1 are turned up.13:30
floating1Looking for lightweight web-browsers. Dillo, midori, amaya the best choices ?13:30
Xfactsoreau, tavasti, actually I have only one partition with Ubuntu hardy loaded, and I want to add karmic in my pc, will it possible to run both?13:30
Dr_Willisdont forget  'links -g'  floating1  :)13:31
Xfactfloating1: why don't you use google chrome?13:31
Dr_WillisXfact:  its possible to have 2+ ubuntu disrtos installed.. but why?13:31
soreauXfact: You would need separate partitions for the root file systems13:31
zer0xfloating1: w3m in framebuffer :D13:31
ScuniziXfact: you could load it in a virtual machine with virtualbox.. that way you won't have to mess with your partition setup13:31
XfactDr_Willis:  cause I want to give a try to karmic13:31
Dr_WillisXfact:  virtualbox  - is good for testing13:32
floating1Xfact: chrome is not fast on a p2 400mhz 128mb ram. ..and about w3m and links, am looking for graphical browser :)13:32
XfactScunizi: but virtual machine taking too much memory and it isn't like a 'real trying' :(13:32
floating1oh, links is graphical13:32
Dr_Willisfloating1:  with the -g optiion Links is. :)13:32
zer0xfloating1: links -g is suprisingly good :D13:32
ScuniziXfact: depends on your machine.. works pretty good here.13:33
cookieXfact, IT DEPENDS13:33
Alex61639Hello, i can`t install ubuntu 9.10 on my lappy. I can`t even boot the live version. Each time while booting, there is an error like: missing modules, boot args, dropping to shell. Has anybody ideas how to fugure this out?13:33
Dr_WillisIt all comes down to what sites you are going to. and what features they need13:33
ZoraelIs there any way to quelch the dmesg spam of "integrated sync not supported"? I'm really getting a lot of them.13:33
tavastiXfact, I'm not sure if ubuntu install cd can resize your existing partition, or do you need to get some other rescue cd for shrinking it13:33
zer0xfloating1: although, I'd stick with something based on a decent engine like gecko if you want 'functional' browsing, e.g. kazehakase13:33
Xfactwell, I have 2.01 GHZ AMD processor with 1 GB ram....it's not enough to work 'freely' with Karmic in Vbox :(13:33
corecodei can't change the key/mouse for window resize in ccsm13:34
corecodewhatever i do, it jumps back to the default13:34
corecodeany idea why that is?13:34
floating1zer0x: I'll check that out too then¨^13:34
Xfactv but maybe install in free space can help....13:34
Xfacttavasti: but maybe install in free space can help....13:34
skinoAfternoon all13:34
Xfacthey here night13:34
Scunizigood early morning!13:34
=== napster is now known as Guest67035
soreauhi Scunizi13:35
corecodeoh jesus13:35
Scunizisoreau: howdy13:35
corecoderesize is always button 2 and menu always button 3?13:35
corecodewhat's that?13:35
skinocan any one tell me if its at all possible to install 3D Studio Max on Ubuntu without using a virtual machine13:36
=== napster_ is now known as napster
Dr_Willisskino:  thats a windows app right? check the wine app database.13:37
zer0xfloating1: I havn't used it in a while myself, just had a look its last update was Nov 09 :)13:37
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:37
napsterOpenoffice does not detect spelling mistakes automatically, what can I do?13:37
Xfactso any ideas about installing  karmic and hardy in a same machine?13:37
skinothank u DR_willis13:37
BlouBlouXfact: Yes, do differents partitions13:37
BlouBlou!gparted | Xfact13:37
ubottuXfact: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php13:37
zer0xok, I give up on Brasero..13:40
BlouBlou!hi | jo__13:40
Scunizizer0x: try k3b.. it's pretty much the standard the others try to live up to13:40
ubottujo__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:40
jo__People talk13:40
* Dr_Willis types13:40
jo__You mean to say you don't say everything you type 0.o13:41
zer0xScunizi: Its that or the command line, I would love to avoid all those kde libs! :)13:41
* Dr_Willis types - he dosent 'text' :)13:41
Dr_Williszer0x:  ive seen  burner apps with cli based ncursed interfaces. :)13:41
jo__Well anywho, anyone know how I can either get Itunes on Ubuntu 9.10 or make my ipod use different software.13:41
Dr_Willis!ipod | jo__13:41
ubottujo__: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:41
Scunizizer0x: probably lots of docs on cli burning.. kde libs fir k3b would be pretty invisible :)13:42
Dr_Willisjo__:  itunes wont work with wine. So its a no go.13:42
napsterOpenoffice does not detect spelling mistakes automatically, what can I do?13:42
zer0xDr_Willis: oh, anything that will create an audio cd out of mp3's?13:42
Scunizi!rockbox | jo__13:42
ubottujo__: rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!13:42
jo__okies ^^13:42
tyrosineQUESTION >> What's a simple text editor between Gedit and OO-editor?  I want to do simple things (bold, italic, pagebreaks) but don13:42
Dr_Williszer0x:  lots of apps to rip cd's -  Im not sure why people expect a cd burning app to also do that. :)13:42
tyrosine... but dont want the overhead of OO13:42
Dr_Willistyrosine:  try 'abiword' for a word processor thats small13:43
Scunizityrosine: abiword13:43
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tyrosinethx Dr_Willis13:43
BlouBloutyrosine: Gedit is text editor; isn't for do works or anything, just for edit simple txt files, anyway I use it for do scripts13:43
minimecnapster: You probably have to add the dictionary-file for your preferred language.13:43
blackxoredtrying to mirror a gem repository in my ubuntu mirror (hardy), but rubygems fail with no_method for Gem.manage_gems, any clues?13:43
zer0xDr_Willis: I guess, I'm just being lazy, I should really go cli :)13:43
blackxoredplease pv me as well, since I'm going bath13:43
napsterminimec, I fixed it just now13:43
mkanyicyzer0x, you can use amarok on kde, rhythmbox on gnome, or checkout for something like mp3burn for commandline13:44
napsterminimec, thanks anyway :)13:44
minimecnapster: np13:44
zambaQuan-Time: do-release-upgrade does that for you, imho13:44
zer0xmkanyicy: yup, I think I better get mencoder on the case to convert these mp3's to wav!13:44
mkanyicyzer0x, ffmpeg can do that better or lame13:45
zer0xI can't remember the last time I used an audio cd!13:45
zer0xmkanyicy: I've never been able to decide between mplayer/mencoder and ffmpeg, I had great fun with ffmpeg-server a while back!13:46
mkanyicyzer0x, yeah, to rip an audio cd is common, but to burn one is very old news13:46
diverse_izzueare there people who have experience in running lucid and karmic next to each other (dual boot), sharing a home directory. does that work fine? also, does grub automatically configure itself so that both distros can be booted?13:46
om26erdiverse_izzue: i think its simply possible13:47
aciculadiverse_izzue: there's no reason it shouldnt work, but different program versions using the same configuration file will cause issues13:47
mkanyicyzer0x, mplayer has a difficult syntax for simply decoding audio files13:47
Scunizidiverse_izzue: you can't share a /home directory with 2 different releases.. you can however share a common /home with kde and gnome of the same release13:47
happyaronhi, I wounder how to convert xmls to pdf?13:47
om26erwell that is true13:47
zer0xmkanyicy: You get that sense of satisfaction when you finally get it right though :)13:48
diverse_izzueScunizi, I'm sure i *can*. the question is whether it's a good idea or not :-)13:48
aciculadiverse_izzue: probably not13:48
mkanyicyhappyaron, can you open xmls in the first place? what type of file is that?13:48
Dr_Willisdiverse_izzue:  it can cuase some issues if gnome/whatever use different config files/formats -  Grub2 in theory should see both disrtos and add a menu items for them13:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:48
happyaronmkanyicy: docbook13:49
Scunizidiverse_izzue: no it's not.. because each release has different package versions and /home holds the conf files for lots of what you use.. there will be conflicts13:49
diverse_izzueok, but when installing lucid as the second distro ( i have a running karmic on the machine), should i choose to install grub in the mba, or in the boot record of the partition?13:49
Dr_Willisdiverse_izzue:  id test out the  releases in virtual box - much safer13:49
diverse_izzueDr_Willis, I prefer to have it running on bare hardware, only so you can test e.g. drivers.13:49
Dr_Willisdiverse_izzue:  be prepared for possible massive system failure then. and you better brush up on your grub2-skills also13:50
om26erdiverse_izzue: you can use testdrive ppa for testing lucid in a virtual machine13:50
aciculadiverse_izzue: since you are testing lucid, put it on the local partition and use your normal grub to chainload the lucid lynx grub?13:50
skinohey all... right trying to load up an XP disk in Virtualbox but im gettin the following error - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m261746b513:50
blackxoredtrying to mirror a gem repository in my ubuntu mirror (hardy), but rubygems fail with no_method for Gem.manage_gems, any clues?13:50
aciculadiverse_izzue: but you can just as easily utilize usb boot sticks or livecd's to test hardware compatibility13:50
diverse_izzueDr_Willis, i'm not a total beginner, I've rescued a few systems :-) But thanks for the warning13:50
alberto_Hello again13:52
NoOovahi all13:53
happyaronmkanyicy: any ideas?13:53
alberto_I've find out my recording settings aren't saved after I activate the capture settings in alsa mixer13:53
alberto_That little microphone deactivates itself13:54
alokitoziroday, so is that !hammertime after !stop?13:55
Scott1979hey alokito did u see i got banned13:55
IdleOne!ot | Scott197913:55
ubottuScott1979: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:55
* alokito thinks zeroday is sleeping on his desk13:55
dennydenny@serenity ~ $ firefox-3.513:55
dennyCouldn't load XPCOM.13:55
dennyany idea what causes that?13:56
om26erdenny: try firefox13:56
alokito!trolling > Scott197913:56
ubottuScott1979, please see my private message13:56
mkanyicyhappyaron, no idea13:56
happyaronmkanyicy: thank you all the same13:57
dennyom26er: firefox works, but that's 3.013:57
om26erdenny: installed firefox 3.5 from pp?13:57
denny3.5 was working up until about an hour ago13:57
om26erdenny: ppa13:57
dennyyeah, I think so13:57
alberto_I can't record from Line Input with Ubuntu13:57
om26erdenny: sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox-3.513:58
ripperhackhelp me please... I have install "convirt" for manage xenserver but from the terminal when I start it I have one error ...13:58
trijntjeripperhack, any specific error?13:59
trijntje!help | alberto_13:59
ubottualberto_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:59
annagirdlestoneI have a load of html files in a hierachical group of folders. I wish to convert the .html to text. I can do this for a single folder with;      find . -name *.html -exec textutil -convert txt '{}' \;13:59
ripperhacksorry for my english... but I paste the error in main chat or in private ??13:59
annagirdlestonehow can I apply this recurively ?13:59
* denny hopes this doesn't munch his tab-mix-plus session13:59
trijntjeripperhack, if its just a few (<3) lines you can paste it here14:00
hhlp!paste | http://rapidshare.com/files/330447254/174.zip14:00
ubottuhttp://rapidshare.com/files/330447254/174.zip: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:00
hhlp!paste | ripperhack14:00
ubotturipperhack: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:00
ripperhacksorry...  7 line14:00
Scuniziannagirdlestone: maybe with a -R switch someplace in that line.. like... find -R . -name etc etc etc14:00
ripperhackah ok14:00
Dr_Willisannagirdlestone:  check out some find examples on the web. Its doable.. I just dont rember how14:01
annagirdlestoneScunizi thanks14:01
ripperhack   1.14:01
ripperhack      /usr/share/convirt/src/convirt/core/utils/utils.py:21: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead14:01
ripperhack   2.14:01
ripperhack        import sys, os, os.path, socket, types, tempfile, re, glob, md514:01
ripperhack   3.14:01
FloodBot4ripperhack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:01
ripperhack      /usr/share/convirt/src/convirt/client/dialogs.py:3856: GtkWarning: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated14:01
Dr_Willis GtkSpinButton: setting an adjust --> is a warning about your current theme i do belive...14:02
dennyom26er: that didn't change it14:02
trijntje!paste | ripperhack14:02
ubotturipperhack: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:02
ripperhackhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m25c1fb9b    <-----    this is my erro14:02
Dr_Willisribba:  sounds like it may be  using stuff from older python versions. that have been changed in newer pythion versions14:03
Dr_Willisripperhack: :  sounds like it may be  using stuff from older python versions. that have been changed in newer pythion versions14:03
Dr_Willis!info python14:03
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.4-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB14:03
Dr_WillisI recall having to install python 2.5 for somthing - ages ago.14:04
PiciDr_Willis: The first two python 'errors' are warnings and should not impact the use of the program.14:04
Dr_WillisPici:  its beyone my python-fu skills. :)14:04
ripperhackDr_Willis: what's my problem ?14:05
ripperhacksorry for my english14:05
Picihhlp: Er.. What are you doing?14:05
Dr_WillisPici:  so a depercatiionWarning says 'this function will get removed soon.. so stop using it... but i will let it work for now...' ?14:06
Picihhlp: er.. nevermind, I was scrolled up.14:06
PiciDr_Willis: Yes.14:06
dennyom26er: this looks kinda gory - it's something to do with xulrunner versions.  Is there a specific channel I use should ask about this?14:06
Dr_WillisDerLoisl:  whats  4+9^23 :)14:06
ripperhackhelp me please ... convirt don't function ...14:07
ripperhackIt's very important14:07
hhlpPici i want to paste the ripperhack nick and paste another link sorry :( to soy him use it pastebin14:07
trijntjeripperhack, where are you from?14:07
om26erdenny: if you don't want firefox 3.0 then try removing the old xulrunner..14:07
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:07
DerLoislgtg, cu14:07
GrimmVarghey guys i have a aspire one, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne/AO751h and i got 3d acceleration working, but i cant get compiz to realize that i have the drivers needed to run desktop effekts. do anybody know how to do this manually?14:08
hipitihopwhat is the correct way to run an arbitrary script as root after reboot ?14:08
GrimmVarghipitihop: put it in init.d14:09
h4fwhat is the easyiest way to install ubuntu on usb drive ?14:09
GrimmVargh4f: unetbootin14:09
GrimmVargh4f: its a program in the repos14:09
h4f GrimmVarg: what's that ?14:09
h4f GrimmVarg: ok will look for that14:09
hipitihopGrimmVarg, is that rleated to upstart in anyway ? and does that mean I don't need to use sudo for the commands ?14:10
aciculahipitihop: yes, and no no sudo in startup scripts14:10
ripperhackuff... no help for my problem :(14:10
mythralHow can I grab the hex code of a colour displayed in gnome?14:10
GrimmVarghey guys i have a aspire one, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne/AO751h and i got 3d acceleration working, but i cant get compiz to realize that i have the drivers needed to run desktop effekts. do anybody know how to do this manually?14:11
trijntjeripperhack, you can try to ask in the italian channel14:11
ripperhackin the italian channel don't respond...14:11
acicularipperhack: state your question and what you are trying to achieve on one line14:11
acicularipperhack: well its 3pm in the afternoon in italy, maybe try later tonight ?14:11
hipitihopGrimmVarg and acicula many thanks14:11
zambolii just installed Ubuntu, there is no battery indicator14:12
zambolican one recommend one, as i'm sure there are several14:12
aciculazamboli: unplug the ac adapter14:12
ripperhackok ... sorry for my insistence but I'm in one center farmer and I have this problem for travel...14:12
acicula:), you can configure the icon to appear always14:12
trijntjezamboli, with right-click you should be able to set it to 'always show icon'14:12
acicularipperhack: state your question, if someone knows they will answer14:13
mythralanyone? grab hex code of a color displayed in X ?14:13
KarmaJoneshow do I install software downloaded from sourceforge14:13
trijntjemythral, the ugly ways is rigthclick on the desktop -> background -> collor and there's a color picker :P14:14
aciculaKarmaJones: sometimes there are debs, sometimes you have to compile the sourcecode, but your best bet is to check first if the program isnt in the ubuntu repositorys already(apt-cache , google, ubuntuforums, etc)14:14
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iceguruHey guys14:15
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h4fGrimmVarg: thanks man. that's the tool I needed14:15
Sachowhere is the trash actually located?14:16
iceguruBotom right14:16
Scunizimythral: I think gimp has a tool for that14:16
KarmaJonesacicula: ok thanks14:16
Scunizi!trash | Sacho14:16
ubottuSacho: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash14:16
Sachowhen I try to open it, it comes out empty, but the tooltip over it says 693 items in trash14:17
Sachothanks :)14:17
GrimmVargdoes anybody know where xorg.conf goes in 9.10? it doesnt seem to be read in /etc/X11/14:17
ripperhackhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m751e03e7   <----  convirt problem please help me14:17
Dr_WillisGrimmVarg:  systems can run with out a xorg.conf - You could make one if you wanted to.14:18
ScuniziSacho: did you have an external harddrive plugged in that you deleted a bunch of stuff off of?.. external devices have their own .trash that is tied to the system trash..14:18
Sachonah, it's there(I can even see it)14:18
Sachojust when I open the GUI Trash, it sits around for a while then shows an empty folder14:18
GrimmVargDr_Willis: yeah I know, but i need to whitelist my driver and the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file i made isnt being read14:18
Sachoand restoring it manually will be annoying as hell (:14:18
ScuniziSacho: so it shows files when you open the trash or not .. I'm confused.. sounds like it looks empty but reports files..14:19
Dr_WillisGrimmVarg:  Hmm.. My xorg.conf is used here if it exists.14:20
Dr_WillisGrimmVarg:  what video card?14:20
minimecGrimmVarg: If there is a xorg.conf in /etc/X11, it will be used.14:20
SachoScunizi: I looked inside the dir itself(.local/share/Trash) and there's a bunch of files. But through the GUI(gnome), when I open the trash, it "thinks" for a while, then doesn't show any files found14:20
* Sacho will take a pic in a sec14:21
GrimmVargDr_Willis: ok, tnx. then my problem is elsevere, Actually, i can tell that the driver is used, it just wont let me enabel compis. Its a intel card14:21
ScuniziSacho: you could .. rm ~/.local/share/Trash/* .. and see if that takes care of it.14:21
Sachooh but I don't want to delete it, I want to restore it ;) otherwise I would have done that14:22
ScuniziSacho: make a folder on the desktop and .. mv ~/.local/share/Trash/* ~/Desktop/<folder> .. and see if it actually copies anything..14:23
melmany one can help me ?14:23
Dr_WillisGrimmVarg:  with intel theres a whole bunch of forum threads/wiki pages On them. :)14:23
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.14:23
minimecGrimmVarg: The most common drivers for intel cards are i810 and i915. Are you using 9.10?14:23
aciculaGrimmVarg: which one?14:23
GrimmVargminimec: yepp14:24
GrimmVargDr_Willis: tnx, ill check that out14:24
GrimmVargacicula: i cant seem to find the "name" in lspci14:24
minimecGrimmVarg: Give us (paste.ubuntu.com) the output of lspci (in a console)14:24
minimecGrimmVarg: lspci | grep vga14:25
minimecGrimmVarg: lspci | grep VGA (sorry)14:25
Dr_Willis grep -e vga :) (i think)14:25
GrimmVargminimec: yeah it not very usefull14:25
GrimmVarg00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07)14:25
melmi have nvidia 7200 graphicalcard and i cant activate the 3d acceleration driver14:25
Dr_Willismelm:  does system -> admin -> Hardware Drivers show the drivers used?14:26
melmshows 3 drivers14:26
GrimmVargthe poulsbo driver got rid of all the lag, but still i cant convince compiz that my driver are all good14:26
ubottuThe RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/14:28
zenadoregвсем привет14:28
zer0xDoes anyone here use the Realtek 8192E Wireless PCI-E card?14:28
zenadoregкак зарегаться под root?14:28
zenadoregой не туда14:28
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Grantbowwiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/ doesn't have any info for Intrepid, Jaunty or Karmic - is there a better place to look?14:29
iceguruHey I have an issue14:29
minimecGrimmVarg: What kind of laptop ist that. An eee?14:29
epinky!it | Oleandro14:30
ubottuOleandro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:30
iceguruWhen listening to music and browsing wtih firefox when I scroll down my music lags14:30
teageВи можете використовувати перекладач в Google або англійська, будь ласка?14:30
epinky!ru | teage14:30
ubottuteage: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:30
genii!ru | teage14:30
GNU\colossusiceguru: try a kernel image with the BFS patchset14:30
Oleandrohy ubottu14:30
GrimmVargminimec: acer aspire one14:30
zambolimy last linux OS did not have support for foriegn language charaters14:31
melmneed help plz14:31
minimecGrimmVarg: Found this one http://thatlinuxbox.com/blog/article.php/2009101910254811114:31
LA-Snowzamboli: which one was that?14:31
GrimmVargah, tnx man. that looks helpfull14:31
minimecGrimmVarg: But it's 9.04 ... ;)14:31
LA-Snowzamboli: i remember slackware 3.5.  was the last time i used linux14:31
melmicant activate nvidia driver14:31
GrimmVargwell, i can roll back :P minimec14:31
epinkymelm: why?14:32
teagewhat is ubottu?14:32
rorI cry for windows, I realy do; just bought a new PC with windows 7, (for gaming). Stuck in my wireless card, and suddenly I find myself having to use the ubuntu 9.10 disc to download drivers for my network card in windows14:32
teageis it a real person?14:32
petsoundsiceguru, same problem like me, try to run another browser, arora or chrome.14:32
melmwhen i try to activate the driver i get a error14:32
teageor a bot14:32
minimecGrimmVarg: There has been a lot of changes in karmic --> Xserver with kms for Intel/ATI Cards.14:32
LA-Snowi like chrome myself14:32
rorwhy is it that windows still can't get devices to work, whereas even what's effectively a live-disc it all works out the box in ubuntu :/14:32
epinkymelm: can you post it(your error)?14:33
iceguruI want the opera browser but the adobe plugin is messed up or I dont know how to do it14:33
LA-Snowcan anyone give me their opinions on the differences between Gnome and KDE?  i can't decide14:33
GrimmVargminimec: yeah, I found his fix on a ubutnu help page providing a new fix that i used, but i still cant enable compis.. so i guess ill just have ot setle for this until intel get their shit straight14:33
defryskLA-Snow, try both and make up your mind14:34
LA-Snowdefrysk: i did and i like em both.  it's frustrating.  i think KDE looks better but also looks more difficult to learn how to use14:34
Grantbow!ubottu | teage14:34
ubottuteage: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:34
defryskLA-Snow, gnome-v.s.-kde -= off topic14:34
seanbrightgood morning - i am running karmic on a remote machine and i would like to change the window manager that a given user is using via script.  i have scoured the sites and have run into a ton of conflicting information.  i'm just looking for an easy way to say "user X should use blackbox wm"  if this is too vague or the wrong venue, i apologize in advance.14:35
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mkanyicyLA-Snow, gnome is simple and more stable, kde is full of features and *sometimes* buggy14:35
LA-Snowdefrysk: is that because this channel is mainly for gnome?14:35
minimecGrimmVarg: You could try to disable kms once. I don't know if that helps... I think kms is enabled by default for Intel cards in Karmic. For ATI Cards it is disabled..14:35
zer0xiceguru: regarding the lag, you don't happen to be using 9.04 and an intel GFX card do you?14:35
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iceguruI think so14:35
defryskLA-Snow, its for ubuntu and probs you have , not for opinions , take this to #ubuntu-offtopic14:35
nstyr65LA-Snow: you should look at something more lightweight like LXDE14:35
LA-Snowdefrysk: thanks14:36
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benstewhich package contains the "sound preferences" in the panel ?14:36
goosefor any/all interested, I had to purge my logs last month so it's not very much logs, but http://honk-honk.org/stats/ubuntu.html14:36
LA-Snowi read the ubuntu pocket guide and i liked it.  any clues on what else a newbie should read?14:36
minimecGrimmVarg: http://quarkmitsauce.wordpress.com/2009/12/07/kms-no-xvideo-extension-on-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/14:36
mkanyicyLA-Snow, RUTE14:36
zer0xiceguru: check the output of lspci to see if its intel, if so I would recommend upgrading to 9.1014:36
joaopintoseanbright, you need to setup a Xsession script14:37
iceguruThe official ubuntu book is what I have now14:37
mkanyicyLA-Snow, http://rute.2038bug.com/rute.html.gz14:37
iceguruHow do I do that?14:37
dooodwhere i can find stage1, stage2 ... to install grub?14:37
seanbrightjoaopinto: in the user's home directory?14:37
epinky!pm | melm14:37
ubottumelm: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:37
defryskLA-Snow, http://www.ubuntu.com/support14:37
joaopintoseanbright, yes, but I believe it also requires some change at the gdm level14:38
airstrikehow can i make wine apps use my gnome theme?14:38
joaopintosince on karmic gdm does not load a xsession by default14:38
Dr_Willisairstrike:  Hmm.. short answer.. You dont.  I think.. perhaps ask in #winehq14:38
seanbrightjoaopinto: right.  i'm trying to determine the "karmic way."  the less intrusive the better.14:38
airstrikeDr_Willis: i was under the impression that someone managed to do it.. i must have read something on it but forgot to bookmark. thanks for the # info tho14:39
joaopintoseanbright, the regular way was just to add a .xsesion file, as described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession14:39
Dr_Willisairstrike:  ive never seen it done.14:39
minimecairstrike: I guess you have to install a similar WinXP theme in wine...14:39
joaopintobut since karmic gdm does not honor the .xsession, you will need to setup a Xsession option on gdm14:39
mkanyicyairstrike, me neither (nor even interested)14:39
joaopintolet me searc for the bug report14:40
minimecjozefk: Yes we can read you ;)14:40
Hz0Rockshey any body can help14:40
acicula!ask| Hz0Rocks14:40
ubottuHz0Rocks: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:40
melmwhen i try to activate nvidia 3d acceleration driver i get a systemerror msg "installarchives() failed"14:40
mkanyicy!anyone | Hz0Rocks14:40
ubottuHz0Rocks: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:40
jozefkyou can read me anyway ;)14:40
Hz0Rocksi want to host a irc channel14:41
Hz0Rockshow to do that14:41
mkanyicyjozefk, what's up?14:41
seanbrightjoaopinto: i think i found it.14:41
KarmaJoneswhat's the command to launch a program from terminal?14:41
seanbrightjoaopinto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/gdm/+bug/39830014:41
aciculaHz0Rocks: on freenode? ask in #freenode14:41
seanbrightjoaopinto: that one?14:41
Dr_WillisHz0Rocks:  do a /join #hz0rocks and poof - you got your own channel!14:41
Hz0Rocksany where else i can host irc14:41
joaopintoseanbright, yup, that one14:42
Dr_WillisHz0Rocks:  unless you want to run  Your own server.14:42
Hz0Rocksbut thats not like the channel we r in Dr_Willis14:42
blendmaster1024does anybody know of a way to shut disk cacheing off for fat filesystems, so that i don't have to unmount my usb disks for the data to get written?14:42
Hz0Rocksmy own server14:42
jozefki think this channel is different. you can speak even if you are not registered14:42
faileasHz0Rocks: unreal ircd and anope work well together14:42
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jozefkmkanyicy: hi :)14:42
faileasHz0Rocks: you might want to take a look at those14:42
Hz0Rockshow much brandwidth is needed14:42
KarmaJoneswhat's the command to launch a program from terminal?14:42
seanbrightjoaopinto: ahh.  i see the workaround.  clever.  thank you for the assistance.14:42
Dr_WillisHz0Rocks:  install an ircd server. and read their docs.. You may want to learn some irc basics fuirst however.14:43
Just_Edddid some knows how to edit the policies using a GUI application?14:43
erUSULKarmaJones: just the progrm name like « gimp » ?14:43
joaopintoseanbright, you are welcome :)14:43
Dr_WillisBye all bbl.14:43
Hz0Rockshey guyz14:43
Hz0Rockswhat about botz14:43
blendmaster1024Hz0Rocks: if you're so clueless that you can't talk, then you probably won't succeed in your own server, no matter how much help you get. no offense, just don't don't talk in lolspeak.14:43
Hz0Rocksand botnetz14:43
KarmaJoneserUSUL yeah14:43
PiciHz0Rocks: We cannot help you with that here.14:43
acicula!offtopic | Hz0Rocks14:43
ubottuHz0Rocks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:43
KarmaJoneserUSUL oh ok i got it14:43
KarmaJoneserUSUL thanks14:44
epinky!elaborate | melm14:44
ubottumelm: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:44
faileasHz0Rocks: if you don't mind getting a book, irc hacks should cover nearly everything you are asking about14:44
mkanyicy!ask | jozefk14:44
ubottujozefk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:44
erUSULKarmaJones: no problem14:44
minimec./your software, if the file is executable, or just firefox (for example) for software in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin14:44
Just_Eddhello, did some knows how to edit the policies using a GUI application?14:44
aciculaHz0Rocks: running bots  will land you jailtime14:44
aciculabotnets that is, not irc-bots14:44
jozefkmkanyicy: I didn't ask anything. I just said "test" that's all14:45
Guest15240Please help me - I lost sound in Firefox, but I can hear sound in videos played by VLC14:45
minimecKarmaJones: ./YourSoftware, if the file is executable, or just firefox (for example) for software in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin14:45
erUSULJust_Edd: you will have to specify what you mean by "policies". Windows terminology does not aply in linux14:45
KarmaJonesthanks minimec14:45
conflixhi everyone14:45
minimecKarmaJones: np14:45
mkanyicyjozefk, well, don't say test for nothing14:45
mkanyicy!hi | conflix14:46
ubottuconflix: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:46
jozefkit's not for nothing. i need to see if this client working14:46
elspruhey, i upgraded to 9.10, if i close the screen, it turns off, and impossible to turn back on without manual reboot14:46
nastashi all14:46
durahelp me, can I auto mount usb drive to specific directory?14:46
Just_Eddok, the computer askme for the admin password for shutting down and for restarting,14:46
rorJust_Edd, it shouldn't do that unless there are multiple users logged on I think?14:46
mkanyicyhi nastas14:47
melmok i'll try14:47
antareshi everyone how can I reconfigure GDM/KDM?14:47
Just_Eddi just have one user!!14:47
rorantares, system > adminstration > login screen14:48
mkanyicyJust_Edd, give it your password14:48
conflixwhenever i leave my ubuntu running over night, my flash seems to break (mostly just the sound part of it), has anyone encountered a problem similar to this before?14:48
mkanyicydura, you don't like auto mounting to /media ?14:48
epinkyJust_Edd: that admin pass is your current user pass14:48
Just_Eddi dont want to doit all the time that i want to restart14:48
faileasconflix: very often. just run sudo alsa force-reload - this will shut down any browsers and some other apps. then they'll work right when you restart them14:49
Just_Eddi think yes!!14:49
conflixok great, i'll try that14:49
duraI just want to mount to /media/myfolder "not label of usb drive"14:49
Guest15240Please help me - I lost sound in Firefox, but I can hear sound in videos played by VLC  (Kubuntu 9.10)14:50
Just_Eddepinky: i think yes14:50
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epinkyJust_Edd: it's not a question14:50
zambolidoes ubuntu use ALSA?14:50
SwedeMikezamboli: yes.14:50
minimeczamboli: Also in combination with pulseaudio.14:51
Just_Eddepinky: oh ok so that is the problem?14:51
faileaszamboli: hmm yes, and pulseaudio14:51
conflixit worked!14:51
* faileas mostly uses kubuntu and a custom build, but the alsa trick generally works14:51
epinkyJust_Edd: just type in your current pass to shutdown or reboot14:51
faileasconflix: of course it did ;p14:51
conflixfaileas!! thank you so much!14:51
conflixnow i don't have to reboot every morning haha14:51
rorusing a newly installed 9.10 is very different to one that's been re-upped since 7.04! Some things are a lot nicer (the wireless network selector thing for example!)14:51
rormight make me go and reinstall on my old pc14:51
elspruso how do i get back to my computer14:52
elspruif it's gone to suspend?14:52
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:52
faileasconflix: i can't remember who taught me that, but its a useful tip ;p14:53
minimecelspru: Press th 'on' button ;)14:53
conflixvery, i think i'm going to write it on a sticky note and put it on my screen, lol14:53
faileasgood news. i found a gui im client thats very light. bad news.. its broken as hell and i'm helping debug it >_>14:53
mediaprodigySo yesterday i tried to use the software downloader and I noticed that none of the choices had the install button to click.. is there a reason why?14:54
mkanyicydura, are you going to plug and remove the usb drive?14:54
Guest15240Please help me - I lost sound in Firefox, but I can hear sound in videos played by VLC  (Kubuntu 9.10)  Rebooting does not help/14:54
aciculaGuest15240: in flash you mean?14:54
matelot? I just uninstalled vmware-player and it went thru fine but this http://paste.pocoo.org/show/162244/ show still some processes running --- how can I shut them permanently or delete them ?14:54
btzps -e14:55
btzand kill number ?14:55
elsprubtz: can use pkill14:55
SwedeMikeGuest15240: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25542214:55
matelotwill that shut.kill permanently ?14:55
elsprumatelot: if that don't work use pkill -914:56
elspruor sudo14:56
matelotok, but will that shut/kill permanently ?14:56
faileasGuest15240: lost or sounds odd?14:56
elsprufor the session14:56
Guest15240swedmoke: thank you!  I'll try this14:56
elsprumatelot: if you use the application again, it wil start the next time14:56
teageis mac based on unix?14:57
Guest15240swedemike: thank you!  I'll try this14:57
elspruif you want to remove the application, that's with apt-get remove application14:57
conflixyou guys rock, btw, thank you faileas!!!14:57
faileasteage: wrong channel to ask - besides, unix is a mindset more than anything else ;)14:57
Guest15240faileas: gone.  Swedemike sent me something to try tho14:57
erUSUL!ot | teage14:57
ubottuteage: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:57
matelotwill I ran vmware's uninstall script14:57
elspruteage: but yes, mac os x, is based on openBSD which is a unix flavour14:57
matelotok, let me try apt-get remove...14:58
faileaselspru: er freebsd actually14:58
btzallright, anyone knows some simple irc clients different than standard ubuntu gnome one?14:58
erUSULelspru: is Mach + FreeBSD14:58
teagefaileas: the question i asked is pertaining to a question about running mac programs in ubuntu14:58
faileasbtz: lostchat is nice, VERY light and simple14:58
elspruerUSUL: tht's pretty frankenstein14:58
faileasteage: quite simply, if it uses (iirc) cocoa, you're outta luck14:58
btzthx for sugestion :)14:58
faileasor whatever their graphics thing is called14:58
erUSULelspru: yes it is; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XNU14:59
faileasif its cli, it'll work14:59
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faileasbtz: i use it on my minimal installs. i'd use it if not for being so used to konversation ;)14:59
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Guest74488Im having problems getting a DLink wireless card to work with the ahteros chipset15:00
epinkyJust_Edd: I didn't get that last part, could you explain that to me?15:00
faileasbtz: btw, ubuntu and xubuntu use xchat. kubuntu uses quassel (which is an interesting concept) though lots of people prefer konversation or kvirc. there's also a bunch of cli clients like irssi15:00
Shipmasteris there a bookkeeping program that works on ububtu?15:01
btzawww thats too much :D15:01
durahow to configure in order to auto plug and share any removable media15:01
Guest74488I downloaded the svn of madwifi and compiled it but I get a error when I issue sudo modprobe ath_pci15:01
pexy_ubuntu 9.04 on lenovo laptop, Estonian keyboard layout. i connected external USB keyboard and after that laptop keyboard is in some unknown layout. external keyboard layout is ok. gnome keyboard settings are correct. how to get my estonian layout back on laptop keyboard?15:01
sixtilapexy_ system->preference->keyboard15:02
_eMaX_1hi all15:02
_eMaX_1anyone here uses audacity from time to time?15:02
pexy_sixtila: it is set to estonian layout there15:03
ShwackI followed multiple people's advice from this room to chnage my Ubuntu password by   sudo passwd -    It worked, except now i can't login to my account at al. I get errors    like  There is a problemw ith the confirguration server usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256   and    "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/shwack/.ICEauthority15:03
_eMaX_1I have recordings that start at a given time of date. I want the timeline in the record display not the relative time (starting with 00:00), but show the exact time as per the file's metadata.15:03
Guest74488anyone have an idea why i would get the error 'warning: all config files need .conf /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignorged in a future release" I checked and the blacklist file is a .conf file15:03
elspruhey is there an extras package for developers?15:03
aciculaGuest74488: rename blacklist to blacklist.conf15:03
sixtilapexy_ would restarting help?15:03
llutzGuest74488: it's a warnin, no error15:03
Guest74488it is named blacklist.conf15:04
pexy_sixtila: no, it has been for several days15:04
aciculaGuest74488: er my bad , reading 101, where is the blacklist.conf file placed?15:04
livingdaylightja, also was brauche ich um .mkv files zu spielen?15:05
sixtilapexy_ u can try one thing, put the live cd, go up to the point where it asks ur keyboard layout - do some typing test there and see if that worked -15:05
=== Kamokow_ is now known as Kamokow
ShwackI followed multiple people's advice from this room to chnage my Ubuntu password by   sudo passwd -    It worked, except now i can't login to my account at al. I get errors    like  There is a problemw ith the confirguration server usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256   and    "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/shwack/.ICEauthority15:05
Guest74488what would make a blacklist and blacklist~ file in /etc/modprobe.d15:05
sixtilapexy_ if that didnt work there also, maybe ur problem is somewhat deep (of which i m not sure)15:05
LukeL!de | livingdaylight15:05
ubottulivingdaylight: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:05
aciculaGuest74488: gedit15:05
pexy_sixtila: thanks, i'll try15:06
livingdaylightLukeL, what is better windows7 or koalic karma?15:06
Guest74488so I need to rm the blacklist and blacklist~15:06
aciculaGuest74488: well gedit just adds the ~ after a file thats being edited15:06
faileaslivingdaylight: its really subjective15:06
aciculaGuest74488: if you have a blacklist.conf with the same content yeah15:06
* faileas uses both15:06
livingdaylightfaileas, are you sure?15:07
Guest74488I edited the blacklist file and I know I saved it so why would I have a temp file for blacklist15:07
Guest74488if the file was saved15:07
faileaslivingdaylight: that its subjective? definately15:07
livingdaylightfaileas, totem plays audio off my mkv file but not the video part - i get one still frame every 30seconds15:08
livingdaylightfaileas, i imagine more things 'just work' with windows... linux is more for people who don't mind 'fail' and like compiling kernels15:09
faileaslivingdaylight: what's your ram usage like during this time?15:09
faileaslivingdaylight: i haven't needed to compile too many things in my time using this os15:09
livingdaylightfaileas, i have 2.5 gb ram and only have chrome and xchat open besides totem15:09
erUSULlivingdaylight: compiling your own kernels is so past millenium... ;P15:10
faileasand how does it play on other players? VLC for example15:10
bullgardPan: "news.gmane.org requires a password, but none is set." How can I set a password?15:10
Guest74488is madwifi tools no longer an available package for karmic?15:10
Guest74488!ubotu madwifi15:10
Nightlighthi guys, has anybody deployed Torque with distributed shell ?15:10
faileaserUSUL: even with apps, its rare. I'm compiling one, but that's cause i'm trying to help pin down an issue with it on ubuntu15:10
livingdaylighterUSUL, lol15:10
Guest74488!ubotu madwifi_tools15:11
Guest74488thanks for the help15:11
* erUSUL notes that he uses allways self compiled kernels becouse he is "so past millenium" too ;P15:11
NightlightHello, i have a problem deploying Torque with distributed shell.. (ds) this just doesnt find the package to install remotely that is actually in the current dir..15:12
faileaserUSUL: unless i need something in a newer kernel, i don't see the point, personally ;p15:12
melmi've posted my problem15:12
antlarranybody knows why does the cd drive light turn on every 20 seconds or so?15:12
antlarr(i have a cd inside, but it's unmounted)15:13
KarmaJoneshow do you close a program using a command from terminal15:13
Guest15240I need help with lost sound in Flash under FF 3.5.6 on Kubuntu 9.10.  I tried following this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422 I made the installation, but can't find firefoxrc.  in /etc I have firefox-3.0 and firefox-3.5.  firefoxrc is in neither.15:13
NightlightHello, i have a problem deploying Torque with distributed shell.. (ds) this just doesnt find the package to install remotely that is actually in the current dir..15:14
mkanyicysomething is probably using the cd15:14
mkanyicysomething is probably using the cd, antlarr15:14
ShwackI followed multiple people's advice from this room to chnage my Ubuntu password by   sudo passwd -    It worked, except now i can't login to my account at al. I get errors    like  There is a problemw ith the confirguration server usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256   and    "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/shwack/.ICEauthority15:14
mkanyicyhi Guest5404215:14
antlarrmkanyicy: nop, i checkes all my processes  and even closed X15:14
llutzKarmaJones: killall <app-name> or if you know its PID, pkill <pid>15:14
Guest54042i have installed apache2 and mysql15:15
Guest54042and now i want that15:15
mkanyicywhat type of CD is that, antlarr ?15:15
antlarri only managed to stop it by using "stop udev"15:15
Guest54042they dont start on startup15:15
ShwackCan nobody help me?15:15
antlarrmkanyicy: well, it's a dvd drive and i have a video dvd inside15:15
=== luckyone_ is now known as luckyone
mkanyicyantlarr, ok probably udev was still trying to mount it but find difficulties in mounting it15:16
erUSULShwack: to change your password is simply « passwd » who said you need to do  « sudo passwd - » ??15:16
vecnahhello , I am using twinview but I can find how to move a windowbar to the second screen can someone help?15:16
antlarrdoes it automount?15:16
till_any checkinstall gods in the house?15:16
mkanyicyantlarr, it happens everytime you  have an old cd, or your cd is a bit advanced for your dvd drive15:16
antlarrmkanyicy: anyway, it shouldn't have any difficulty, i can do "mount /media/cdrom0" and it mounts fine15:17
till_i was wondering how exactly i add dependencies on other packages when i roll my own15:17
antlarrthe dvd drive and the media are quite new15:17
antlarrand there are no errors in dmesg15:17
erUSULtill_: better ask in #ubuntu-motu more packagers there15:17
llutztill_: build "real debs" instead of checkinstall if you intend to spread them15:17
KarmaJoneslllutz thank!15:17
till_erUSUL: thanks15:18
till_llutz: yeah, any advice what to read?15:18
mkanyicyantlarr, i know about that as well but udev does not just do that, it has to know even the label of the disk where to mount, it doesnt just do that command15:18
llutztill_: debian-maintainer-guide to start15:18
John92i have install apache2 and mysql and now i want that they dont run at startup what should i do ?15:18
erUSUL!lamp | John9215:19
macotill_: assuming you've no seeing/hearing problems, there are helpful guides on youtube. search: holbach motu15:19
ubottuJohn92: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:19
ShwackI followed multiple people's advice from this room to chnage my Ubuntu password by   sudo passwd -    It worked, except now i can't login to my account at al. I get errors    like  There is a problemw ith the confirguration server usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256   and    "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/shwack/.ICEauthority15:19
mkanyicyantlarr, "mount" does not care about the label of the disk15:19
till_maco: thanks15:19
till_i don't have a week to spend onthis15:19
till_i'm doing deps for our small farm15:19
Shwackplease somebody help me - help from this room rendered my entire computer useless!  I changed my password with sudo passwd and now can't login at al15:20
LewisDre4mhello has anyone here used google earth in linux / ubuntu15:20
antlarrmkanyicy: so, can I disable the "automount" ?15:20
LewisDre4mHas anyone here used google chrome in ubuntu? or any linux distro?15:21
aciculaLewisDre4m: works fine here15:21
BluesKaj!password | Shwack15:21
ubottuShwack: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords15:21
LewisDre4mthatl be a yes then?15:21
conflixLewisDre4m: works good for me15:21
minimecShwack: What you didby doing sudo passwd, was to set a root password. Login with your old password, as you did not change the password for your default user.15:21
mkanyicyantlarr, udev does automounting, so you rather tweak udev settings15:21
LewisDre4mWell mine works good too . . . but I went to play a guided tour on the moon thing and I get NO sound. Have either of you two had that?15:22
antlarrmkanyicy: ok, I'll try that, thanks15:22
mkanyicymkanyicy, about the how to do that, I don't know15:22
minimecShwack: Your 'old' password should still be active.15:22
NightlightHello, i have a problem deploying Torque with distributed shell.. (ds) this just doesnt find the package to install remotely that is actually in the current dir..15:22
mkanyicyantlarr, , about the how to do that, I don't know15:22
LewisDre4mconflix: acicula: Well mine works good too . . . but I went to play a guided tour on the moon thing and I get NO sound. Have either of you two had that?15:22
Shwackminimec -I will try and come back in a few minutes - thank you!15:22
LewisDre4mconflix: Seems though I have no sound in Google earth . . . does your sound play on guided tours etc?15:23
vduckhey all, I'm wondering about celtx - an app for which there is a ubuntu version. Supposedly. The only download page offers two files that seem to not do anything.15:23
bullgardPan: "news.gmane.org requires a password, but none is set." What password do I need to type??15:23
pinguHallo, i am using Xubuntu 9.04 and gparted 0.4.3. Is my version able using the newest ext4 specification or do I need Xubuntu 9.14 for that?15:23
conflixi'm a linux newb, but sound works fine for me in chrome15:23
conflixhaven't tried with guided tours though15:23
btzxchat seems to be nice15:24
LewisDre4mI'm not talking about chrome im talking about google earth man?15:24
llutzbullgard: your news-account password15:24
vduckceltx is a script writing app - supposed to be available, but only crippled versions are. Is the the place to talk about applications?15:24
conflixsorry i saw this: LewisDre4m: Has anyone here used google chrome in ubuntu? or any linux distro? haha15:25
mmcjii need some assistance.  I have a webserver running ubuntu server 9.10 that keeps locking up on me. Each time the server locks up on me, i search through everything in /var/log, but i am not finding anything that indicates the cause of the lockup  What is the best way to track this down?15:25
conflixi don't have google earth installed sorry15:25
bullgardllutz: And where do I know this news-account password from?15:25
LewisDre4msorry I ment google earth15:25
Guest15240I need help with lost sound in Flash under FF 3.5.6 on Kubuntu 9.10.  I tried following this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422 I made the installation, but can't find firefoxrc.  in /etc I have firefox-3.0 and firefox-3.5.  firefoxrc is in neither.15:25
LewisDre4mHas anyone used Google Earth in Ubuntu or Linux?15:25
conflixhaha it's ok, np.15:26
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository15:26
LewisDre4mIdleOne: what use was that too anyone?15:26
mkanyicy!anyone | LewisDre4m15:26
ubottuLewisDre4m: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:26
IdleOneLewisDre4m: you asked if anyone has used it before.15:27
OerHeksGuest15240 in synaptics you find flashplugin-installer15:27
IdleOneLewisDre4m: the fact that there is a factoid in the bot and a website dedicated to it means someone has15:27
LewisDre4mHas anyone managed to get sound working in Google Earth under linux? The sound seems to not be working in the guided tours etc?15:27
IdleOneLewisDre4m: ahhh that is a different issue15:27
lukissahoj vseci15:28
mkanyicyLewisDre4m, no one has managed15:28
BluesKajLewisDre4m, never heard sounds on google earth , either in windows or linux15:28
LewisDre4mmkanyicy: Is that a known problem then?15:28
mmcjii didn't even know there was sound in google earth15:28
LewisDre4mBluesKaj: You get sound on the guided tours15:28
lukisstoto je cz server od ubuntu.cz?15:28
mkanyicyLewisDre4m, naah, i am just being sarcastic15:28
LewisDre4momg you google earth noobs lol15:28
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.15:29
LewisDre4mright see ya cheers anyway15:29
BluesKajLewisDre4m, will that help you find your destination ?15:29
BluesKajI think he detected the sarcasm was next15:30
Shwackminimec: It didn't work15:30
Shwackminimec: My password is updated - just receive errors after logging in -15:30
minimecBluesKaj: That LEwis guy has gone. I didn't get his question. WHen I hit on Guided Tours in googleearth, a firefox window is opened.15:31
mmcjiwell, he had a interesting question, even if the method used to ask the question didn't produce the result he was looking for.15:31
BluesKajminimec, he had no sound in the guided tour mode15:31
NightlightHello, i have a problem deploying Torque with distributed shell.. (ds) this just doesnt find the package to install remotely that is actually in the current dir..15:31
Shwackminimec - I got to a shwack@desktop prompt with safe mode and used     sudo passwd   and sudopasswd shwack      to set both my home and root passwords equal - Is there something else I can try? It didn't work15:32
minimecShwack: <ctrl><alt>F1, then login. Tell me wich password was accepted, the old or the new one. You can switch back to the graphical screen with <alt>F715:32
Shwackminimec:  the new password is accepted15:32
marcusbdoes anybody have a UNR .img file for 9.10?  usb-creator-gtk and unetbootin both failed to create a bootable stick.  or does anybody have advice on how to get the stick in a clean state that doesn't confuse these tools?  I don't know what's going wrong here, but whatever we do, the stick won't boot on any computer we have here.15:32
mkanyicySeems like sound is the big deal in karmic15:32
fastPuttyhello guys someone coudl help me i create a patch using svn diff > patch.diff15:33
fastPuttythen i tried to patch it into the new file15:33
minimecShwack: So you can login... in fact15:33
fastPuttyand i got many Hunk #1 FAILED at15:33
marcusbis there a command line tool for iso->img conversion that can actually be inspected and debugged, instead of these opaque GUIs that don't tell you what they are doing15:33
fastPuttyis it normal?15:33
erUSULfastPutty: no15:34
fastPuttywhat wrong with my patch file?:S15:34
grawityfastPutty: and?15:34
fastPuttyi use patch -p0 -i patch.diff15:34
pARAd0X85I want to change init-level in ubuntu to 3 (stop X Server) how can I do that on 9.10 ?15:34
erUSULfastPutty: it is not  for the correct version of the file ?15:34
aciculapARAd0X85: in a console init 315:34
airtonixmarcusb, a breif use of apt-cache search will reveal some for ou15:34
pARAd0X85acicula: didn't work15:35
aciculanot sure if the runlevel 3 on ubuntu kills the x server though15:35
fastPuttyerUSUL: i use the same svn reverson15:35
pARAd0X85acicula: it don't kill it15:35
erUSUL!runlevels | acicula15:35
ubottuacicula: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.15:35
fastPuttyerUSUL: only i have some local modif so i tried to use the patch15:35
mediaprodigysorry wrong place15:35
mediaprodigySo yesterday i tried to use the software downloader and I noticed that none of the choices had the install button to click.. is there a reason why?15:35
aciculayeah i was just pondering that too15:35
erUSULfastPutty: maybe the local modifications are the one that conflict?15:35
fastPuttyhmmm tat weird..15:35
Shwackminimec - the login prompt takes my password,b ut while attempting to login i get tehse errors:   Could not update ICEauthority file /home/shwack/.ICEauthority     and   There is a problem with the configuration server.   usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 25615:35
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:35
OerHeksmediaprodigy ubuntu 32 or 64 bit ?15:36
marcusbairtonix: I don't know what to search for :(15:36
mediaprodigyim not sure... i would assume ... 32..15:36
mediaprodigynot sure.. actually15:36
Guest15240OerHeks - I uninstalled and reinstalled flashplugin-installer but still no flashrc file or folder in firefox directory and no sound in FF.15:36
aciculapARAd0X85: service xorg stop ? or whatever the x service process is called15:36
mediaprodigyfirst time on ubuntu15:36
airtonixacicula, marcusb : apt-cache search | grep iso15:37
aciculapARAd0X85: actually service gdm stop will shutdown the x server15:37
marcusbairtonix: that command doesn't even work15:37
airtonixmediaprodigy, keep your messages on one line...15:37
marcusbairtonix: you need at least one search pattern.15:37
airtonixmarcusb, something fundamentally wrong with your install because i use that all the time15:37
mediaprodigyairtonix: will try to do so15:38
marcusbwell yeah15:38
marcusbthere is somethign wrong15:38
OerHeksGuest15240 als no sound entrance in soundproperties ?15:38
Shwackminimec - the login prompt takes my password,b ut while attempting to login i get tehse errors:   Could not update ICEauthority file /home/shwack/.ICEauthority     and   There is a problem with the configuration server.   usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 25615:38
minimecShwack: That looks like you also changed the username...15:38
grawitymarcusb: 'apt-cache search iso'15:38
marcusbgrawity: I am not stupid, but looking at 585 packages isn't going to help15:38
Shwackminimec - The username is the same when i enter password15:38
airtonixmarcusb, ah yes i missed that.. but yes pipe it to grep to further refine the search15:38
marcusbhere is the thing: I suspect that there is a bug somewhere, and I can debug that15:38
marcusbbut I need to know how it is supposed to work15:38
mediaprodigyDoes the bit version matter in that the software downloader doesn't show the install button?15:39
airtonixmediaprodigy, it might15:39
erUSULShwack: boot into recovery mode do «  chown shwack:shwack /home/shwack/.ICEauthority »15:39
erUSULShwack: reboot15:39
marcusband usb-creator is opaque shit that doesn't even give error messages when something fails15:39
minimecShwack: Did you try to login at the console <ctrl><alt>F115:39
pyramidhi, normally using a switch with a lan, there are internal addresses such as 192.168, retreived by ifconfig, but now with an wlan switch i dont seem to have such an internal address....i want another computer access my webserver internally, such as i can give it a domain name by myself15:39
ShwackerUSUL - i will try and be back in a few minutes - thank you15:39
Guest152400erHeks: I don't understand your question.  sorry.15:40
mediaprodigyairtonix: will have to look at the bit version when i get home.. what is the best way to determine this if the os is already installed.15:40
airtonixmediaprodigy, there is a command or a gui you can loko at that tells you. i think the cli is : lsb_release or something15:41
Guest152400erHeks: in alsamixer, all sliders are set to maximum15:41
=== pablo is now known as lolek
airtonix!find lsb-release15:41
ubottuFound: lsb-release15:41
mediaprodigyairtonix: thnx15:41
lolekhi all15:41
mediaprodigy!find lsb-release15:42
ubottuFound: lsb-release15:42
pARAd0X85acicula: "service gdm stop"  don't do anything : stop: Unknown instance15:42
airtonixmediaprodigy, the gui way would be to open the system monitor from your system->admin menu and look at the first tab15:42
lolekcan somebody help me with my ubuntu?;>15:42
mediaprodigyairtonix: will do..15:42
airtonixpARAd0X85, using karmic ?15:42
pARAd0X85airtonix: the last one 9.1015:43
Guest15240Is there a sound config utility that lets you mute flash only?15:43
lolekim a noob i all linux rel15:43
airtonixpARAd0X85, have you tried : /etc/init.d/gdm stop15:43
BluesKaj!ask | lolek15:43
ubottulolek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:43
loleksorry i must go15:43
pARAd0X85I want to stop X to be able to install new NVidia drivers15:43
airtonixpARAd0X85, prefix that command with sudo if you can use the admin password15:43
pARAd0X85airtonix: didn't work15:44
silv3r_m00ncan I upgrade ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 using the 9.10 DVD ?15:44
airtonixpARAd0X85, yes : sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop15:44
pARAd0X85I am already root15:44
airtonixpARAd0X85, why ?15:44
pARAd0X85why why ?15:44
airtonixpARAd0X85, why not just use sudo ?15:44
pARAd0X85it is the same thing15:44
airtonixpARAd0X85, not really15:45
pARAd0X85airtonix: didn't work too15:45
pARAd0X85why it is so difficult to do such thing in ubuntu ??15:46
airtonixpARAd0X85, something wrong with your install then15:46
erUSULpARAd0X85: on karmic is « sudo stop gdm && sudo pkill X »15:46
vduckwhere can I find a working copy of celtx (scriptwriting app)?15:46
erUSUL!find celtx15:46
Mikey^airtonix: what are you trying to do ?15:46
ubottuPackage/file celtx does not exist in karmic15:46
pARAd0X85erUSUL: it says : Unknown instance15:46
erUSULpARAd0X85: that's normal15:47
airtonixMikey^, right now? i'm playing fallout315:47
pARAd0X85erUSUL: how ?15:47
airtonixMikey^, but if you mean pARAd0X85 ...15:47
pARAd0X85installing new NVIDIA driver !!!15:48
pARAd0X85I need to do a very common task15:48
BluesKajpARAd0X85, http://www.pastebin.ca/173889315:48
pARAd0X85init 3 on every other distro15:48
airtonixerUSUL, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" still works for me, why not others?15:48
frankS2In apache I use .htaccess and .htpasswd with password auth. But when i use this my folder is hidden from directory listing. is there any way to make it appear?15:48
airtonixpARAd0X85, protip : wiki.ubuntu.com before you do something with assumed knowledge15:48
BluesKajairtonix, check the pastebin post above15:50
airtonixpARAd0X85, using the keywords (wiki ubuntu nvidia) on google revealed to me : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia15:50
ShwackerUSUL: It didn't work - it couldn't find /home/shwack/.ICEauthority        when using Ctrl + Alt + F1   and logging in via terminal prompt-  it gives this notice   keyctl_search: required key not available15:50
mkanyicyfrankS2, try an apache channel15:50
om26er!find handbrake15:50
airtonixBluesKaj, why ?15:50
ubottuPackage/file handbrake does not exist in karmic15:50
PicifrankS2: The apache support channel, #httpd , will probably be able to help you better than we can.15:51
pARAd0X85airtonix: it is for old distro15:51
BluesKajairtonix, it's an edited version of you nvidia post15:51
airtonixpARAd0X85, steps you take to install it are still the same15:51
VCoolioom26er: handbrake is at www.handbrake.fr15:51
minimecShwack: Ok. TRy to add another user with sudo adduser NewUser on a console. You should be able to login as NewUser. Afterwards we could give this NewUser sudoer rights. Like that at least you have another admin account.15:51
om26erVCoolio: but it should also be in universe15:52
llutz!info handbrake-gtk15:52
ubottuPackage handbrake-gtk does not exist in karmic15:52
om26ershould i report a bug for lucid?15:52
llutzthere is a ppa for handbrake too15:52
ShwackI can't login to Ubuntu anymore after following advice from this room.  I changed my ubuntu password using    sudo passwd shwack         it accpeted the new password just fine.  Everything was great until I restarted my computer.  Now i get errors like  usr/lib/libgconfg2-4/gconfg-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256   and   keyctl_search: required key not available.     Why is this so complicated15:52
om26erbut it should be from the start15:52
flauzhi all15:53
dksayshi all15:54
matzesorry i'm a beginner15:54
zamboliwe're all beginners15:54
pyramidhi, normally using a switch with a lan, there are internal addresses such as 192.168, retreived by ifconfig, but now with an wlan switch i dont seem to have such an internal address....i want another computer access my webserver internally, such as i can give it a domain name by myself15:54
MohammadRRjow can i install a irc server on lan ?15:55
frankelyhow can i add the option to switch between classic view and netbook remix view, in ubuntu karmic koala netbook remix?15:55
airtonixpyramid, not sure you are asking the right question15:55
minimecShwack: Ok. TRy to add another user with sudo adduser NewUser on a console. You should be able to login as NewUser. Afterwards we could give this NewUser sudoer rights. Like that at least you have another admin account.15:55
matzedid anyone now, what open source programm gives the colernumbers that i need  for joomla?15:55
Shwackminimec - I'm really only interested in chaging everything back the way it was and gtting on my old account - can we do that if i make the new user?15:55
pyramidon a normal eth0, there is two ip addresses, one is the internet one, and one is the internal like 192.168...but i dont find this on the wlan15:55
MohammadRRhow can i install irc sever on al lan ?15:55
airtonixmatze, thats a question you need to ask on the joomla forums15:56
matzeok  thankyou15:56
dksayscolernumbers ?15:56
airtonixpyramid, how are you connecting to internet15:56
Picimatze: #joomla may be able to help15:56
airtonixdksays, code colouring.15:56
nahsGuys, is anyone else getting the mouse-lag bug?15:56
mkanyicyShwack, can you state your problem again, please?15:57
pyramidairtonix: through a wlan switch15:57
MohammadRRcan help me ?15:57
minimecShwack: The thing is, it looks like you cannot get it back as it was before. This is an easy workaround that gives you a working syste, again. It's your choice... ;)15:57
nahsI've filed a bug report but no one's getting at it/seeing it15:57
airtonixpyramid, and the wlan switch connects to ?15:57
dksaysairtonix, ok :)15:57
MohammadRRhow to install a irc seerver on lan15:57
mkanyicyMohammadRR, try the freenode channel15:57
dtoljTrying to change the wireless mode of my D-link router to Master like so: iwconfig ra0 mode Master but get error msg: Error for wireless request "Set Mode" I am doing this on my EEE-pc15:57
mkanyicyShwack, can you state your problem again, please?15:57
airtonixMohammadRR, this might give something to start on : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrcServer15:58
pyramidto adsl airtonix15:58
Shwackmkanyicy: I can't login to Ubuntu anymore after following advice from this room.  I changed my ubuntu password using    sudo passwd shwack         it accpeted the new password just fine.  Everything was great until I restarted my computer.  Now i get errors like  usr/lib/libgconfg2-4/gconfg-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256   and   keyctl_search: required key not available.15:58
georgij_Hi when drawing in Gimp the mouse movements are TERRIBLE when drawing a line it becomes distorted15:58
matzeyes i have  a book... youre to fast... thanks and   sorry, good bye15:58
georgij_This does not happend in Windows when using photoshop15:58
mkanyicydtolj, paste output of "lspci | grep -i wireless"15:58
georgij_This must have something todo with the mouse am I correct?15:58
dksaysgeorgij_ use path tool to draw a line its easy15:58
airtonixpyramid, ok, so nothing has actually changed. the switch never hands out ip address. first you need to check the web interface of your adsl device and determine if it is set tohand out internal ip address via dhcp mode15:59
georgij_some kind of mouse configurations are set stupidly?15:59
_eMaX_1hi all15:59
=== mediaprodigy is now known as mp_away
dksaysgeorgij_, use path tool to draw a line its easy :)15:59
georgij_dksays: Well I dont have to do that in windows and I cant use Path Tool when digital drawing can I?15:59
mkanyicyShwack, at what stage does that error appear? at boot time or after the GDM login screen had appeared?15:59
_eMaX_1is there any utility that allows to change or display wav soundfiles so that instead of viewing them with times relative to their beginning, with times relative to a given timestamp? E.g., I record a 10 hours wav file starting at 23:00, and I don't want it's display to start with 00:00 but 23:00.16:00
pyramidok ty airtonix, i will take a look =)16:00
Shwackmkanyicy: Right after the GDM login screen - I enter password and it accepts it - the errors show just before desktop would show16:00
georgij_how can I lower my DPI that may work?16:00
minimecmkanyicy: Shwack has login problems. We guess, that his .ICEauthority file has wrong permissions. He says, that he doesn't even have a .ICEauthority file in his user directory.16:00
dksaysgeorgij_, i thought u r trying simple lines16:00
georgij_xset m 1 1 Is it possible to make it lower than 1 1?16:01
Shwackminimec: I didnt say I dont have it - I said it can't find it... most likely because libecryptfs wont load - keyctl_search: requried key not available.16:01
airtonixpyramid, i assume you know the lan ip address of your adsl modem ? have you set that as your gateway in network preferences ?16:01
dtoljmkanyicy: there is no output but lspci also returns this : http://pastebin.com/,75300e0316:01
georgij_dksays: I wouldnt go so far to ask in her just to draw a simple line I want to draw things that takes hours with brush tool16:01
dooglus_is there some way I can find out how much space a directory takes up on disk?16:01
dtoljmkanyicy: sorry http://pastebin.com/m75300e0316:01
mkanyicyShwack, minimec what about using "sudo passwd shwack" and reset the password back to the old one?16:01
Shwackmkanyicy: I will try that - but I also need to set root password back to what it was as default16:02
pyramidairtonix i have the guide that..but as for this ubuntu instance it found the wlan by itself16:02
Shwackmkanyicy: can you tell me how to set root password back to default?16:02
llutzdooglus_: du -sh directory16:02
dooglus_Shwack: "sudo passwd -l"16:02
Shwackdooglus_: thx16:02
airtonixpyramid, you want to open up the webserver to the internet correct ?16:02
dooglus_llutz: it doesn't work: $ du -sh foo16:02
minimecmkanyicy: Shwack: I guess he tried that... That would have been my first reaction...16:02
dksaysgeorgij_ sorry i m not familiar with digital drawing16:02
mkanyicydtolj, the atheros cards are nasty when it comes to ad-hoc wifi, are you using karmic?16:03
dooglus_llutz: it tells me "19M", but the directory contains three files, each over 100M16:03
llutzdooglus_: what folder?16:03
feed_me_seymourUbuntu /part16:03
dooglus_llutz: ~/Notes/foo16:03
Shwackminimec: and mkanyicy yes I did try taht but not setting root passowrd back to default at hte same time - I will try all this and be back - /crosses fingers.  i really want my computer back!16:03
airtonixpyramid, then on your adsl modem you'll need to 1) port forward port 80 to your web server machine 2) open up port 80 on your web server machines firewall16:03
dtoljmkanyicy: yes Karamic on my eee-pc16:03
pyramidairtonix, no the web server is already reaching outside, but i want to set the domain internally. for the internal network to use a domain name that has not yet been activated on the internet16:04
mkanyicydtolj, in old ubuntu you had to reload the ath_pci module and autocreate the ad-hoc mode or else install the madwifi-tools package, but now in karmic and the likes i heard that things are different16:04
dooglus_llutz: I was wondering if maybe the file was 'sparse', so I gzipped it.  it didn't get much smaller (still over 100M) and du on the zipped file shows '0'16:04
airtonixpyramid, ok so you know your lan ip address for the web server machine ?16:04
pyramidno airtonix that is what i couldnt find16:04
mkanyicyShwack, did you set the root password as well?16:04
dooglus_llutz: see here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351842/16:05
dtoljmkanyicy: saw another post to create a new interface like so: wlanconfig ath1 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode monitor but I dont have the wlanconfig program16:05
chanuxlocaltime package is not on ubuntu and not even on package list. Where I can get it from?16:05
airtonixpyramid, and ifconfig doesn't show it ? you can either : 1) look in the dhcp lease list of your adsl modem or 2) look in the network config tool properties on your gnome panel of the webserver(assuming it is running a gui)16:05
mkanyicydtolj, that is part of madwifi-tools16:06
dooglus_chanux: tzdata contains /usr/share/zoneinfo/localtime - what are you looking for?16:06
airtonixpyramid, this is assuming you did not manually set a static lan ip and then manually set the lan  ip address of your adsl modem as the gateway for the machine running the web server16:07
mkanyicydtolj, I am not using karmic, confirm this with people using karmic how it is done16:07
chanuxdooglus_, there's a package called localtime16:07
ljamisoniihello all..I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a laptop, and power settings are set for Ubuntu to Suspend when the lid is closed. When I open the lid to resume to session, the computer's indicator lights show it is running as normal, but the screen remains black..any ideas what is wrong or how to fix it?16:07
dooglus_!info localtime16:07
ubottuPackage localtime does not exist in karmic16:07
dooglus_chanux: not in ubuntu16:07
chanuxdooglus_, any idea how to get it?16:07
BluesKajllutz, have you installed handbrake from the ppa you mentioned ? It doesn't seem to be there .16:07
dooglus_chanux: what is it?16:08
yqWhy do I get this Filesystem checks are in progress dialogue every time I boot Ubuntu 9.10 pretty much? I always cancel it because it takes far too long. What is the purpose of this? Can you disable it permanently? Is it a good idea? I've never encountered anything like this in any other Linux before. Only 36 hits on Google ;(16:08
llutzBluesKaj: yes i have, but i'm still using jaunty16:08
dooglus_chanux: what does it offer?  is there some program in it you're missing?  or what?16:08
minimecyq: That's why it always starts again. ;)16:08
llutzBluesKaj: https://launchpad.net/~handbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa16:08
airtonixyq, it'll keep happening because 1) you force shutdown the computer 2) you keep skipping it16:08
yqminimec I read that it does that every 30 mounts - but how do you disable it?16:08
chanuxdooglus_, http://linux.die.net/man/3/localtime need it for an assignment :)16:09
yq"force shutdown"? I always use the regular gnome shutdown GUI16:09
minimecyq: That chack runs every 30 mounts or so... You can disable it in /etc/fstab. Search the net for that.16:09
squirclehi everybody; does anybody know why aptitude wouldn't be upgrading my rsyslog from 4.2.0-2ubuntu5 to 4.2.0-2ubuntu5.1, even though the latter package is in karmic-updates? I need it to be able to install rsyslog-mysql. is this a temporary thing?16:09
airtonixyq, why would you want to ? but you can get around it by hibernating instead of shutting down16:09
yqIt's not like I push the power button or anything16:09
dooglus_chanux: just install build-essential and you'll have it16:09
dooglus_!info build-essential16:09
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB16:09
Hilikus i'm using ubuntu 9.10 and PA 0.9.19. whenever there's a new sound adter like 2 or 3 seconds i ALWAYS get a crackling short sound before the real sound is played. the crackling is really short and loud. i'm using 6 channel surround16:09
Hilikusalso, the sound is really low and there's like a rattle in the background. this one gets fixed if i go to alsamixer and move any of the controls, just decrease the volume and then increase it again and it fixes it16:10
yqairtonix: Because it increases my boot time from 40 seconds to 18 minutes? :/16:10
yqOn every 30th boot?16:10
ghabitHello. I have rebooted and ubuntu will not start more. It stalled while booting on init: udevtrigger man proess (451) terminated with status 116:10
Hilikus are these known bugs? any idea how to fix them?16:10
llutzyq: use "tune2fs -i 0 -c 0 /dev/sdXY" to disable it completely or set other values you like16:10
ghabitAnd post-stop proess terminated with status 116:10
airtonixyq, common sense would indicate that there is something wrong with your drive or the way ubuntu is shutting down16:10
dooglus_chanux: if you want to be able to 'man localtime', install package manpages-dev16:10
ghabitI cannot boot any more, help please.16:10
airtonixyq, but again : if you want to dance with a dying hard drive, just hibernate16:11
airtonixyq, i don't recommend it (you should let it do its thing when you have time or run fsck on it manually)16:12
chanuxdooglus_, build-essential is already installed :-S16:12
mkanyicydtolj, maybe you need to blacklist ath_pci and use ath5k. read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96785516:12
minimecyq: example: in /etc/fstab UUID=eb1c5f41-bdbe-4ecb-9d15-151c416390f0 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 <-- change that last '1' to '0' --> no filesystem check anymore.16:13
mkanyicyhi sunta16:13
yqmkanyicy that sounds wild16:13
yqminimec alright, trying, thanks16:13
mkanyicyyq, what are you talking about?16:13
SirBlarghAny NFS experts around?16:13
airtonix!ask | SirBlargh16:14
yqmkanyicy: Oh I am sorry, I errneously thought I was highlighted, you used one of my old nicks16:14
ubottuSirBlargh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:14
suntaarp -d wont delete an entry from /proc/net/arp16:14
suntaany other way to force it?16:14
minimecmkanyicy: yq wants to disable filesystecheck on boot... the 30 times mount check.16:14
SirBlarghAlright, would some NFS expert please take a look at this post:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137309916:15
nahsUbuntu Software Center is ugly :/16:15
nahsI want my add or remove back.16:15
airtonixnahs, install the old one then16:15
dtoljmkanyicy: thanks16:16
Anthonyhi, I have a problem with my wireless network, can anyone help? It works fine, for a while, then randomly stops working after a while16:16
nahsairtonix: I'm thinking more of making the Ubuntu Software Center more flexible16:16
SirBlarghmy NFS clients are complaining that the NFS server is not responding, but rpcinfo -p file-server seems to be correct16:17
mkanyicyyq, but this does not happen all the time unless you reboot all the time16:17
SirBlarghAdditionally I can ssh into the file server and scp large files around16:17
yqmkanyicy I reboot every day16:18
SirBlarghFurthermore I can samba share directories left and right, no problem16:18
yqI never use hibernate tbh16:18
SirBlarghbut NFS seems to die very quickly once a file is accessed16:18
mkanyicyyq, and besides, disabling this imposes a health threat to your HDD16:18
SirBlarghno error messages on the server side16:18
SirBlarghonly the client complains about the server being un-responsive16:18
SirBlarghany ideas?16:18
mkanyicyyq, if you are not aware having a disk failure in a long term then go ahead16:18
nahsThere's this little bug I've got on two computers that has to do with mouse lagging while copying text in a certain way, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/503041 please check it out I want to make sure I'm not the only one with the problem.16:19
yqmkanyicy I've never heard of any OS doing this16:19
mkanyicyyq, doing what?16:19
hareshhow to mount this /dev/sdb1   *           1        4982    40017883+   7  HPFS/NTFS16:19
mkanyicyyq, linux does this and is an OS16:19
yqDoing 15 min "filesystem checks" on a regular basis16:19
yqHmm none of my Debian boxes did this16:20
mkanyicyyq, id does not have to 15min it depends on the size of partitions and the usage and level of fragmentation16:20
yqBut then again I've only booted them 2-3 times so far16:20
airtonixSirBlargh, i assume you have tested (from the nfs server) mounting the nfs exports locally16:20
SirBlarghactually no i haven't, let me give that a shot16:20
llutzyq: problem is that fsck on ext2/3 takes ages, ext4 checks are much faster (afaik)16:21
mkanyicyyq, it is also about times between checks16:21
minimecyq: Found something that might interest you... http://blog.dipinkrishna.info/2008/11/ubuntu-30-mount-check-annoyance.html16:22
mkanyicyyq, llutz I don't think lack of patience should be used as a motivation to put the hdd into risk of permanent failure in the long term16:22
hareshhow to mount this /dev/sdb1   *           1        4982    40017883+   7  HPFS/NTFS16:22
alabdIs there any manual/doc that describes how to configure vsftpd with PAM ?16:22
llutzmkanyicy: i disagree, there are other means to detect dying hardware16:22
airtonixSirBlargh, my assumption is that a local loopback test will eliminate your new lan card16:22
mkanyicyyq, anyway you can use tune2fs with the syntax llutz gave it to you if you decide to go ahead, but be aware what you are making16:23
nowthatsamattIs there any way to make the browser bar display: www.domain.com/domain instead of www.domain.com as the default url?16:23
nowthatsamattIn terms of apache?16:23
mkanyicyllutz, like?16:23
llutzmkanyicy: those regular fsck and aswell that stupid "5% root-reserved" things came from ancient times16:23
grawitynowthatsamatt: Redirect / to /domain with mod_rewrite16:23
om26erhow can i make a /boot partition after installing karmic16:23
llutzmkanyicy: i.e. smart16:24
haven489hey guys, Is there a manuscritp edditing software for ubuntu that is free? I'm not talking about abiword or Openoffice but somthig other then them, something to eddit manuscripts that follow publishing laws16:24
mkanyicyllutz, exactly!, if regular fsck is disabled then you are compromizing your hdd health16:24
blakkheimhaven489: what's wrong with those two?16:24
SirBlarghairtonix, just mounted it locally on the server and copied a large file to /tmp without a problem16:24
steven_Evolution-data-server-2.28 is wanting to access the password for 'Desktop Couch User authentication' in the default keyring.  What should I do?16:24
meanburrito920_is there a program on ubuntu for converting ogg files to mp3 files?16:24
blakkheimmeanburrito920_: ffmpeg16:24
airtonixSirBlargh, i've had this problem before...trying to remember what i did16:24
om26ermeanburrito920_: try winff16:24
_scavenger_steven_: Allow it to, I think. Evolution-data-server is safe.16:24
bhuvimy jaunty laptop suspends when im working!!16:25
mkanyicyllutz, maybe read "man tune2fs" in detail this time16:25
SirBlarghairtonix, just decided to use samba instead? ;)16:25
chanuxdooglus_, Sorry for being dumb. It took sometime for me to realize the localtime problem. thanx for helping :)16:25
minimecbhuvi: Check your screensaver settings...16:25
haven489blakkheim: they will do the job for essays and regular documents, but i am wrighting a book and need to have it eddited so that is looks at the words i am using and sees if i have used them to much or have major errors with paragrah placing16:25
yqOh, Debian still uses ext3 eh?16:26
lotusHey, I want to install grub to a usb drive.  If the grub is going to boot a 32bit machine, is it still okay to install the grub from a 64bit machine?16:26
yqUbuntu has moved on to ext416:26
blakkheimhaven489: "wrighting", "eddited" "paragrah" i guess you do need editing :s16:26
yqAt least by default16:26
yqObviously you can use whatever you want in the end16:26
airtonixSirBlargh, no. some reason i think it was to do with either : kernel, server parameters, or permissions16:26
steven_Why use ext4 instead of ext3?16:26
bhuviminimec , i disabled the screen saver16:26
haven489blakkheim: its like "pros-pros" thats what i need but free16:27
bhuviminimec, i disabled the screen saver16:27
om26ersteven_: why not?16:27
SirBlarghok, re: permissions, I'm confident that's correct because it was working prior to the hardware change16:27
SirBlarghand my user IDs match on both systems16:27
ShwackOk - I need serious help - I changed my Ubuntu password with  sudo passwd shwack   as suggested by many people in this room.  After restarting computer, I can no longer login.  I get these errors after GDM login screen -   "Could not update ICeauthority file /home/shwack/.ICeauthority"  and    "There is a problem with the confirguration server.  usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256"    When using Ctrl + Alt + F1 and logging in, I 16:27
jellow_!ext4 | jellow_16:27
SirBlarghairtonix, do you have ipv6 enabled?16:27
minimecbhuvi: Also try to disable the sleep button (if you have one). Do could accidently hit it.16:27
om26erhow can i make a /boot partition in ubuntu after installation16:28
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, ffmpeg, or oggdec and lame16:28
OscarTGin ubuntu server 9.10 how to you force a service to stop?16:28
hareshplease some one help me i got alot of impt doc inside16:28
suntaom26er, boot live-CD and resize the other partition might work16:28
blakkheimOscarTG: /etc/init.d/servicename stop16:29
PiciShwack: Please run: sudo chown shwack /home/shwack/.ICEauthority   and then try to log in again.16:29
mkanyicyom26er, why do you want to do this? for fun?16:29
haven489Is there a program out there like "Pros-pros" manuscript edditor for ubuntu or Debian?16:29
petsounds!equivalent > haven48916:29
ubottuhaven489, please see my private message16:29
airtonixSirBlargh, 1) im not on ubutu right now 2) im not using nfs at the moment simply because i dont have other machines to connect to at the moment16:29
om26ermkanyicy: install ubuntu on a memory card that my netbook don't boot but if /boot is on the SSD then i can boot16:29
bhuviminimec, even if i dont touch sleep button my laptop suspends,and it just now got suspended while i was checking my mail16:30
airtonixSirBlargh, does this thread make any sense to you ? http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=21343116:30
SirBlarghairtonix, no problem.16:30
ShwackPici I already have tried   sudo chwon shwack:shwack /home/shwack/.ICEauthority     I will try it with  shwack instead of shwack:shwack and be back in a bit16:30
mkanyicyom26er, are you sure that will work?16:30
PiciShwack: The command name is 'chown'16:30
bhuviminimec, it happens always and my laptop doesnt seem 2 respect me16:30
OscarTGblackheim:  I tried that and it tries to stop it nicely but hangs up16:30
minimecbhuvi: That sounds strange...16:30
om26eri did not make /boot during install because partman was crashing during setup if i do custom partition16:30
ingerashuhi everyone16:30
ingerashui have installed cairo dock16:31
om26ermkanyicy: wokred before16:31
mkanyicyok om26er here we go16:31
ingerashuand my processor usage is about 90%-100%16:31
mmcjihave server back up and running, but still nothing in /var/log to indicate what that problem was.  lol perhaps that it does not like the cold.  the room it was in was down to 20F.  Not sure why that would cause a problem, but it sure was locking up.16:31
ingerashuwhen i close it its about 10-20%16:31
ingerashucan someone tell me what to do?16:31
elspruis there an arm assembler for ubuntu?16:31
mkanyicyom26er, use gparted to resize and create a big enough partiton to dedicate it to /boot16:31
blakkheimingerashu: uninstall it16:31
airtonixSirBlargh, so to recap  1) you installed a new kernel essentially. 2) you therfore updated and installed new version of nfs-kernel-server ?16:32
haven489petsounds: ty16:32
DrDamnitHow do I get a service to autostart. i.e., sshd?16:32
petsoundshaven489, you're welcome16:32
hareshplease some one help me i got alot of impt doc inside16:32
SirBlarghairtonix, well initially i didn't install a new kernel, but it certainly loaded different modules for all of the new hardware16:32
bhuviminimec, 2 me too!16:32
mkanyicyom26er, and boot on liveCD and copy the /boot files to that partition and create the mount line in /etc/fstab for /boot16:32
blakkheimDrDamnit: when you install it, it gets auto-added (i don't like this personally) but you can use something like rcconf to add it later on16:32
steven_What does localhost show up as my source and destination under firestarter in active connections?16:33
SirBlarghairtonix, and eventually I did upgrade the kernel, and nfs-kernel-server nfs-common and portmapper packages16:33
minimecbhuvi: only running on battery power or also with electric power?16:33
airtonixSirBlargh, sorry i misread, did you say you installed new version of ubuntu or just moved the old hard drive to a new machine ?16:33
DrDamnitblakkheim: will rcconf allow me to change other services that start at startup?16:33
om26ermkanyicy: without UUID in fstab?16:33
SirBlarghairtonix, just moved the hard drive16:33
blakkheimDrDamnit: yes16:33
mkanyicywith UUID in fstab of course om26er16:33
airtonixSirBlargh, ah yes did you take a look at portmap... i think my issue a while ago was to do with portmap16:33
ShwackPici: It returns no such file or directory16:34
om26ermkanyicy: then?16:34
petsoundsingerashu, may i recommend you gnome-do?16:34
mkanyicyom26er, thats all16:34
om26ermkanyicy: grub?16:34
bmmhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs doe not mention "needs-packaging" bugs, how should I handle those?16:34
SirBlarghyeah, even once the client says the server is unresponsive, rpcinfo still connects to the server and shows all of the required processes as being running16:34
triple_xminimec read this post and many more similar problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/4405816:34
bhuviminimec, it happens both when on batt and also on ac power,it just suspends after a fixed amount of time no matter i work with it or not16:34
squircleis there any way to force aptitude to upgrade a package? my rsyslog isn't updating, and I need it to (to install rsyslog-mysql)16:34
blakkheimsquircle: aptitude dist-upgrade?16:35
mkanyicyom26er, ahaaa! grub! but you said it worked before, how did you do it?16:35
airtonixSirBlargh, it might not be related but it shows in there how to turn on very verbose debug log : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/18199616:35
PiciShwack: Does /home/schwack/.ICEauthority exist?16:35
triple_xbhuvi read this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/4405816:35
llutzsquircle: aptitude install rsyslog (if newwer version is in repo)16:35
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KrytainSo, I looked on the forums at ubuntu.com, and was trying to find a solution, but didn't see anything. I have been trying to install ubuntu 9.10. First I tried to install from a usb, but it kept running into errors after the first menu. So I decided to just burn and iso. I could get to the loading screen (with the ubuntu sign in the middle of the screen) It would wait for a while. Then the...16:35
jelly-beanwhere are the gnome appearance settings saved?16:35
Krytain...screen would go blank, and my monitor would say16:35
jelly-beanwhere are the gnome appearance settings saved for an individual user? (e.g. the transparency of their panels, their background image, etc.)16:35
Krytain""Out of range"16:35
alabd how to call vsftpd via a domain/user ?  those users that have access  , where to enter password for accessing ?16:35
ShwackPici: I think it does, but i cannot view because libecryptfs won't run - I get  keyctl_search: requried key not available when logging in via terminal command.  When I CD /home/shwack/ and ls -a all it shows is somethign to do with libecryptfs16:35
SirBlarghairtonix, great, thank you for that...16:36
ChogyDanjelly-bean: probably somewhere in the gconf databasey thingy16:36
om26ermkanyicy: it worked before meant that when i installed before and made a /boot during install..(but this time ubiquity is crashing)16:36
jelly-beanin what file are the gnome appearance settings saved for an individual user? (e.g. the transparency of their panels, their background image, etc.)16:36
squircleblakkheim and llutz: both of those do nothing. basically, i need 4.2.0-2ubuntu5 to upgrade to 4.2.0-2ubuntu5.1 (which packages.ubuntu.com says is in karmic-updates) to satisfy rsyslog-mysql 4.2.0-2ubuntu5.1.16:36
PiciShwack: I'm sorry, I have no experience with encrypted filesystems, so I'm afraid I cannot help. :/16:36
blakkheimsquircle: aptitude full-upgrade?16:36
llutzsquircle: "apt-cache policy rsyslog"16:36
ShwackPici thanks anyway - i had no idea my system was encrypted.16:37
aciculaShwack: its under .Private in your home16:37
ShwackThis is so horrible.... all I wanted to do was change my password and everybody in this room said  "sudo passwd shwack"    so I used it and now my entire computer is crap16:37
mkanyicyom26er, I don't know about grub2, it is very moody16:37
aciculastill need the key to decrypt it though16:37
SirBlarghairtonix, one interesting thing from that thread is this "After an indeterminate amount of time and/or activity, the [lockd] process on the server goes from S state to D state"16:37
SirBlarghairtonix, I should see if that's the case for me as well16:37
airtonixjelly-bean, in gconf (which is either accessed by using "gconf-editor" or manually editing the xml files in ~/.gconf then restarting gconf)16:38
minimecbhuvi: what settings do you have in gnome-power-manager?16:38
squircleblakkheim: doesn't work16:38
Shwackacicula: what exactly is under .Private in home... and how do I just go back to how things were before I ran  sudo passwd?16:38
squirclellutz: http://p.linode.com/336716:38
llutzsquircle: have you run "aptitude update" before?16:38
squirclellutz: about 10 times the past 5 minutes trying to solve this issue16:39
beanShwack: what is broken by you running sudo passwd?16:39
aciculaShwack: your encrypted home directory16:39
Shwackbean: I used it and after restarting computer I can't login16:39
llutzsquircle: then you have to change your repos, in your activated repos only the old version is available16:39
beanShwack:  try ur old passwd? :P16:39
SirBlarghairtonix, there is a variance though16:39
Shwackbean yes and extremely upsetting16:39
aciculaSchwack im not really up to speed on the system, but your password is linked to being able to decrypt it all16:40
Shwackbean yes i set my old password back16:40
bhuvitriple_x,minimec, that one's a different issue it's about laptop not suspending and in my case i cannot prevent my laptop from suspending16:40
kleanchapI am going to install ubuntu for the first time.  Will Ubuntu discover the wlan interface and try to connect or do I need to connect to the eth0 interface for the first time?16:40
minimecbhuvi: I agree with you, but still check the settings of gnome-power-manager16:40
SirBlarghairtonix, the error message they are talking about is lockd: server not resopnding as compared to mine which is nfs: server not responding16:40
Shwackacicula - it tells me to run libecryptfs-private-mount   and i do and it asks for my password, I type it in and it accepts...then it asks me for a passphrase which I do not know...never set, and cannot find.16:40
zaggynlhi, I'm trying to boot from the 9.10 livecd but get error 22, what gives?16:40
airtonixkleanchap, when you say wlan interface what do you mean? (adsl modem for example ? )16:40
aciculaSchwack try enter16:41
zaggynl"grub loading, please wait...\n Error 22"16:41
Shwackacicula i did16:41
squirclellutz: i have the karmic-updates repository activated and i'm receiving other updates as normal thought16:41
grawityShwack: ...Tried changing it back the same way?16:41
SirBlarghairtonix, still I will try their tip to enable debugging and see if its still valid16:41
Shwackacicula:  i tried entering nothing16:41
llutzsquircle: http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/karmic/rsyslog16:41
Shwackgrawity:  I tried changing it back teh same way - nothing16:41
airtonixSirBlargh, at least you'll get more info16:41
kleanchapairtonix, yes.  It is a DSL modem.16:41
aciculaShwack: when you install ubuntu with encryption you are asked for a passphrase and notified afterwards on how to backup the key16:41
DrDamnitkleanchap: It will probably discover it no worries as long as it is a kernel supported card. However, I would install using a hard nic. If you realy want to use the wlan, then boot with the LiveCD, and install from there.16:41
aciculaShwack: then you or someone else set a passphrase?16:41
Shwackacicula - do not remember setting the encryption and was never asked a passphrase16:41
llutzsquircle: oh sorry, updates. there is 5.116:41
Shwackacicula - clean install 9.1016:42
aciculaShwack: its asked when you install16:42
squirclellutz: and that's why i'm confused16:42
Shwackacicula - i just installed and was never asked a pass"phrase"  only a password16:42
edlimaHi all! How can I connect to another room?16:42
airtonixkleanchap, ok 1) ubuntu should see your lan card 2) it wont find your adsl modem 3) you'll need  the lan ip address of your mode16:42
macisp2000Ok, I was playing around with cairo dock last night, I deleted all Gnome panels.  My question is, how to you ad a panel/menu back when you delete all panels and just have a blank desktop.  I only had right click or desktop appearence?16:42
llutzsquircle: sudo aptitude install rsyslog=4,2.0.2-ubuntu5.116:42
BlouBlouedlima: /join <#channel>16:42
haven489Can anyone help me with setting a Static IP or ubuntu? i rly don't know what i'm doing when it comes to the IP, i just left it to the assigned one from DHCP but my DHCP is dead and i need to set up the IPs myself but i use ubuntu only and need to know how, can anyone help me with this predicament16:42
minimecedlima: /join #theroomyouwant16:42
kleanchapWish me luck. Cannon Ball......;-)16:42
Shwacki can't believe this - I change my passwor and my entire computer is useless16:42
aciculaShwack: well wether you were or not if you have a .Private with a lot of stuff in it thats where it went16:43
ShwackI was in love with Ubuntu until now16:43
llutzsquircle: but it should have been listed by apt-cache policy....16:43
edlimaBlouBlou: Thanks friend!16:43
BlouBlouedlima: no problem16:43
bhuviminimec,i had set my laptop 2 suspend after 40 mins and all r default settings16:43
squirclellutz: Unable to find a version "" for the package "rsyslog"16:43
aciculaShwack: post on the ubuntuforums, maybe someone knows how to recover the encryption key and access the encrypted file system16:43
airtonixkleanchap, once you have your lan card setup in the network preferences panel applet, you can either 1) set it to dhcp and just plug in the adsl lan ip as the gateway, or 2) set yoursefl a static lan ip address and set the adsl ip as the gate way ...16:43
minimecbhuvi: If you changed all settings to 'never'?16:44
James_-_I want to make a Live Disk that of ubuntu desktop the Includes GtkTerm how do I make an ISO with that?16:44
Shwackacicula - I'm not interested in waiting for weeks possibly16:44
llutzsquircle: if your karmic-updates work for other packages, my last idea is: download manually, install with dpkg16:44
Shwackmore than 5 people said   "just type sudo passwd shwack"  when I asked how ot change Ubuntu password.  I  don't see hwy my computer is now useless and nobody here can help16:44
airtonixShwack, lets not forget 1) you didnt  mention your home dir was encyrpted 2) because you didn't know16:45
squirclellutz: thanks16:45
KrytainSo, I looked on the forums at ubuntu.com, and was trying to find a solution, but didn't see anything. I have been trying to install ubuntu 9.10. First I tried to install from a usb, but it kept running into errors after the first menu. So I decided to just burn and iso. I could get to the loading screen (with the ubuntu sign in the middle of the screen) It would wait for a while. Then the...16:45
Krytain...screen would go blank/black. With an message (from my monitor, not ubuntu = "Out of Range"). I don't know if it is my hardware, maybe it doesn't like my video card. Or if it is my iso (I have yet to redownload the iso, but I did a md5 check, and it was fine).16:45
aciculaSwack https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering%20Your%20Data%20Manually and below to ook at the passphrase16:46
airtonixShwack, but i assume if its only your home folder that is in accessible (and you can still loging with another user) then you haven't lost anything (providing you still know the original password you've been using the last few weeks)16:46
mkanyicyShwack, calm down16:46
aciculaShwack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering%20Your%20Data%20Manually16:46
aciculatry the Recovering Your Mount Passphrase part first16:47
bhuviminimec,i could change it 2 never on ac power but on battery power i can't set it 2 never because my battery will be quickly drained when im away16:47
GreenstuffI have unrar installed, but when extracting a rar file it says it's not a rar archive16:48
mkanyicyShwack, you still have not resolved your problem?16:48
beanGreenstuff:  then its not a rar archive :P16:48
minimecShwack: As it is a fresh install... Why not add a new admin user, and then delete the old one... As I told you before... Just a guess...16:48
mkanyicyGreenstuff, its probably not a rar archive16:48
Greenstuffbean: then you arn't that helpfull...16:49
meanburrito920_winff complains "unknown encoder libmp3lame" when I attempt to convert a file to mp3. however, i have libmp3lame0 and lame installed16:49
Shwackmkanyicy: Yes still have the problem... minimec - because I want everything back the way it was - I don't want to just make another user and then delete my old one - I want to keep everything16:49
Greenstuffmkanyicy: it is definatly a rar archive16:49
mkanyicyGreenstuff, paste the output of "file filename.rar"16:49
ShwackYes it is a fresh install but I did spend hours setting everything up and have some files16:49
minimecbhuvi: Well.. You could simply press the sleep button ;)16:49
Greenstuffer.s15e01.dvdrip.xvid-saints.part01.rar: data16:49
mkanyicyShwack, did you have anything encrypted in your home directory?16:50
BluesKajGreenstuff, one of the best apps to uncompress files is a command line utility called unp ..it will extract the files to a folder in your working directory16:50
haven489Can anyone help me with setting a Static IP or ubuntu? i rly don't know what i'm doing when it comes to the IP, i just left it to the assigned one from DHCP but my DHCP is dead and i need to set up the IPs myself but i use ubuntu only and need to know how, can anyone help me with this predicament16:50
Shwackmkanyicy: I had a few encrypted files, but I did not know that the entire directory was encrypted16:50
Greenstuffi'll try it16:50
dtoljI downloaded the hostapd which contains the madwifi driver but I dont see wlanconfig program there16:50
aaron11Hwy there16:50
bhuviminimec,but i have do it manually every time that would be a problem16:50
ChogyDanhaven489: can you use Network Manager?16:50
ShwackI am going to follow directions provided at the link that was suggested16:50
SirBlarghairtonix, well shucks, it doesn't look like the extra debugging method worked.16:50
mkanyicyGreenstuff, then paste the command you tried to run here16:50
ShwackI hope to report good news later16:50
Shwackbe back in a bit16:50
=== m1chael- is now known as m1chael
Greenstuffi tried unrar e [file].rar16:51
squirclellutz: is it just me? http://p.linode.com/336916:51
SirBlarghairtonix, thanks for the suggestion though!16:51
haven489ChogyDan: yea16:51
mkanyicyGreenstuff, try "rar x filename.tar"16:51
BluesKajGreenstuff, you have to install unp16:51
dtoljGreenstuff: is it an incomplete file?16:52
Greenstuffdtolj: yup16:52
minimecbhuvi: Well... If I have to decide between 'spontanious suspend while working' and manual suspend, I choose first. Besides... That's a test, to see if you still have that suspend problem afterwards.16:52
ChogyDanhaven489: well, last time I did it, I right click nm, edited the connections, and there was a dialog for setting a static password16:52
dtoljGreenstuff: you need to use -k keep broken option16:52
mkanyicyGreenstuff, then why are you asking us about extracting an incomplete archive?16:52
minimecbhuvi: rofl I choose latter, I say ;)16:53
mkanyicyGreenstuff, keep downloading it until it is finished16:53
timleeI have some process that is in uninterruptible sleep due to limited memory. After I kill other processes, there is enough memory available for it now. How do I change the status of the process from uninterruptible sleep to normal running? Or the OS will automatically make the change? Or do I have to kill it and start it agian? Thanks and regards!16:53
dtoljGreenstuff: kb sorry16:53
Greenstuffmkanyicy: no no no no16:53
jMylesWhich is preferable?  Creating a VPN between two Ubuntu boxes or between their two routers?16:53
mkanyicyGreenstuff, yes yes yes yes16:53
Greenstuffmkanyicy: it's incomplete as it: it comes in parts16:53
gaveshwhen I try to restart apache it says : ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName16:53
Greenstuffmkanyicy: I already downloaded it16:53
beangavesh: thats nothing to worry about.16:54
Greenstuffmkanyicy:  but it has many parts16:54
jMylesgavesh: That is normal in most circumstances.16:54
dtoljGreenstuff: rar will handle multiple files automatically16:54
bhuviminimec,k i will set it 2 never and see if i encounter the problem again16:54
Greenstuffok, thanks for your hellp16:55
gaveshactually i am trying to start the wordpress in local host, but it is asking me to download some file when i try to open wp-cinfig.php file16:55
aaron11I want my camera to stream live on ustream but I cant because the camera does not start for some reason! Im using Ubuntu 9.10 and camera Microdia PC Camera16:55
icerootgavesh: who is asking to download some files?16:55
ubuntuhow can i install grub from live cd16:55
dtoljCan someone tell me where to find the wlanconfig program in ubuntu Karamic?16:55
jMyles!webcam | aaron1116:55
ubottuaaron11: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:56
jolarendtolj; Up in the right corner..16:56
Picisquircle: If you're looking for the 4.2.0-2ubuntu5.1 version of rsyslog, it looks like you do not have karmic-updates for *main* enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list file16:56
aaron11EDIT*: The camera can work with cheese16:56
gaveshwhen i try to open wp-config.php file in firefox, firefox shows the download (save,open) window16:56
BluesKaj!grub | ubuntu16:56
ubottuubuntu: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:56
aaron11jMyles: It works great with ubuntu but not ustream16:56
dtoljjolaren: it dosnt work on the command line16:56
jMylesaaron11: I see.  Hmm.  I wish I knew something about ustream.  I don't think I can be of any help.16:57
beangavesh: then you dont ahve php properly configured for apache16:57
=== ubuntu is now known as om26er_
Apachezanyone seen munin 1.4.3 as deb package for ubuntu yet ?16:58
aaron11I want my camera to stream live on ustream but I cant because the camera does not start for some reason! Im using Ubuntu 9.10 and camera Microdia PC Camera. The camera works with Cheese but not flash16:58
lippijhey, i just installed 9.10 netbook remix on my hp mini 1116nr.. the internet worked on the 'sample' version before i installed, but now the wireless driver refuses to activate16:58
lippijany help would be greatly appreciated16:58
dtoljIs this the correct madwifi driver for ubuntu: package name hostapd?16:59
lippiji'm trying to get apt-get to use the repository on my flash drive to get the drivers from, but it wants it to be a cdrom. i tried creating a symlink so it thinks its a cdrom, but then apt-get tried to unmount it16:59
om26er_how can i install grub from live cd i get this when i try to install it /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub.16:59
Apachezso many questions and so few answers...16:59
om26er_i did sudo grub-install /dev/sda116:59
mkanyicydtolj, try sudo apt-get install install madwifi-tools16:59
meanburrito920_ffmpeg doesnt seemt to recognize the 'mp3' encoder when i try and convert to mp3. is there a package i must install for this?17:00
dtoljmkanyicy: coudn';t find the package by that name17:00
=== king is now known as mahngiel
ChogyDanom26er_ did you chroot?17:00
om26er_ChogyDan, no. how to do that?17:00
sortremordhi, I am trying to mount an UDF DVD, but nautilus displays an error message... Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-11-generic, udftools installed17:01
hareshhow to mount this /dev/sdb1   *           1        4982    40017883+   7  HPFS/NTFS17:01
BluesKajlippij, which wifi chip ?17:01
om26er_haresh, sudo mkdir /media/test && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/test17:01
dtoljharesh: just mount /dev/sdb117:01
mkanyicydtolj, are your universe repositories enabled?17:02
gaveshi installed php5 apache2 libapache2-mod-php5filter mysql-server php-mysql , is there any thing else to be installed?17:02
lippijBluesKaj: how do i check that?17:02
aciculasortremord: a film dvd? whats the error17:02
unoplippij, there's an -m flag that prevents apt-cdrom from mounting/unmounting17:02
om26er_ChogyDan, what should i do to install grub17:02
ChogyDanom26er_: it maybe that you just mount your HDD, and then chroot the mount point17:02
mkanyicysortremord: how are you mounting this dvd?17:03
mahngielneed a bit of help here, i installed java, and created a link to the firefox/plugins, but no dice17:03
sortremordacicula, it is actually a DVD filled with images, it was burnt using Nero under Windows Vista, I am not sure though.17:03
JanSchhi, I am running ubuntu karmic with lxde. acpi and apic are disabled in bios. my xserver dies when i access certain web pages in firefox. any ideas?17:03
sortremordmkanyicy, double click > mount volume17:03
Anthonyhi, I am trying to work out grub2, I have managed to set it to only show the newest first kernal, so it skips all the old ones, also I have got rid of the "(Loader) (on /dev/sda1/)" for windows options, there is only 1 problem I can't work out, how to remove the windows recovery partition from the boot loader17:03
aciculasortremord: ok, so not DRM related then, whats the error17:03
mkanyicygavesh, phpmyadmin can be helpful17:03
nazgul17hi all17:03
om26er_ChogyDan, its owner is root17:04
hareshom26er, how can i set it to be there perm after i rr my com also it will be there17:04
mkanyicysortremord, can you pastebin /etc/fstab ?17:04
dtoljmkanyicy: yes universe is enabled but it still cant find that package name17:04
nazgul17Could anybody help me? I want to automize installation process of some packages with aptitude, so I don't want installed packets to be configured interactively. Any idea?17:04
sortremordacicula "Could not mount volume"17:04
aciculamahngiel: you need a java plugin, not a java interpreter, but dont you get a popup when you try to load the applet pointint you to what you need?17:04
aciculasortremord: heh thats very descriptive :)17:04
ChogyDanom26er_ sudo?17:04
sortremordmkanyicy, sure, sec17:04
mkanyicydtolj, then find a way of installing it, because it is available in that package17:04
starcannonI need help setting up an pxe ubuntu install server for Karmic. I've never done a PXE install before, so I'm starting with no working knowledge on this17:05
amcsi_how do I readd a deleted user on ubuntu? the home folders of those users are already there from a previous ubuntu install17:05
mahngielacicula: no. i only got links to download jre6u17 with instructions to install it17:05
aciculastarcannon: wiki ubuntu pxe, all in there17:05
om26er_haresh, sudo gedit /etc/fstab and then in a new line paste this /dev/sdb1 /media/test ntfs defaults 0 217:05
BluesKajlippij, lspci , look for Ethernet controller or similar17:05
mahngielAnthony, you can change the permissions of os_sniffer17:05
starcannonacicula thanks17:05
ActionParsnipom26er_: gksudo for gedit duder ;)17:05
mahngielAnthony, that'll prohibit from showing any other OS's in your grub menu17:06
Anthonyno, I want it to show windows17:06
lippijBluesKaj: marvell tech group ltd 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet...17:06
om26er_haresh, don't forget to make /media/test file before reboot or t wont mount17:06
mahngielAnthony, have you read the grub2 doc in the community docs area?17:06
AnthonyI just dont want it to show the windows recovery partition17:06
aciculamahngiel: well i think i just installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and ended up with java support in the browser, you definitly do not have to create symlinks in any case17:06
sortremordmkanyicy, http://pastebin.com/d5cccd54317:06
lippijBluesKaj: er, my bad. that is ethernet17:06
om26er_ActionParsnip, gksudo slows down17:06
sortremordacicula, that is all nautilus displays17:06
gaveshphpmyadmin also did not help17:06
aaron11I want my camera to stream live on ustream but I cant because the camera does not start for some reason! Im using Ubuntu 9.10 and camera Microdia PC Camera. The camera works with Cheese but not flash17:06
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
ActionParsnipom26er_: its the proper way to run x apps with elevated priveledges17:07
Anthonyyh, what I want to do is select which windows partitions os_prober gets17:07
lippijBluesKaj: broadcom BCM4312 802.11b/g17:07
unopom26er_, there's a reason for that - gksudo has to setup the environment for GUI apps17:07
sacarlsonstarcannon: I just played with pxe and was working for me so if you have a problem I may be able to help17:07
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mahngielacicula: well, if i go to about:plugins in firefox, there's no plugin info for java.17:07
aciculasortremord: yeah i understand that17:07
om26erhow can i install grub ??17:07
_eMaX_1ne1: I am looking for  a wave player where instead of having 00:00 as start point of a wave, I can set an actual time of day, so that for a long running recording, I can more easily browser the recording.17:07
ActionParsnipacicula: the restricted extras doesnt add the plugin to chromium for some reason here17:07
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:07
aciculaActionParsnip: well because chromium != firefox17:07
mkanyicysortremord, are you using desktop or laptop?17:07
sortremordacicula, as a matter of fact, it also displays "Invalid mounting option when mounting 'UDF volume'"17:08
aciculamahngiel: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?17:08
mahngielacicula: indeed17:08
sortremordmkanyicy, it is a laptop17:08
aciculasortremord: aha17:08
ActionParsnipacicula: true but it shouldnt assume we are all using mozilla's garbage17:08
Anthonymahngiel - if I could find out what variable the hard drive format was, then i could "if" that, as the recovery partition is fat17:08
mkanyicysortremord, ok, eject the DVD and insert it again and dont click anything, it should be mounted automatically17:08
mahngielAnthony, are you trying to hide your windows recovery partition from grub?17:08
starcannonsacarlson; I'm looking for a good up to date walk through as I have never done this before17:09
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Anthonymahngiel - yes17:09
gaveshi installed php5 apache2 libapache2-mod-php5filter mysql-server php-mysql phpmyadmin, is there any thing else to be installed to work with wordpress on localhost?17:09
starcannonsacarlson; everything I run into is outdated, or incomplete (assumes I know more than I do)17:09
lippijunop: thank you, that did the trick with help from the faq at !broadcom17:09
aciculasortremord:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=650697&page=417:09
sortremordmkanyicy, the same error message appears17:09
unopnazgul17, this might point you in the right direction - http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed17:09
mkanyicysortremord, pastebin "df -h"17:10
lippijBluesKaj: thank you, that did the trick, with unop's help.. that FAQ needs to be updated so that if someone is installing from a netbook, it explains how to do apt-cdrom -m -d /location/of/mountedflashdrive add17:10
aciculasortremord: apparantly vista lets you choose a udf standard to burn with, maybe that helps ?17:10
ubuntuwas dr_willis online today?17:10
ActionParsnipis there a way to x forward evolution but when I click hyperlinks etc to then open the browser on the client system rather than open an x forwarded browser on the server system?17:10
Anthonymahngiel, is there a way of finding out what the partition format is on the 30_os_phober script17:10
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sortremordacicula, my uncle burnt the disc, but he left already, taking his laptop with him17:11
BluesKajlippij, yeah I had the same prob on our laptop ...works fine now17:11
mahngieli believe if you change the permissions of /etc/grub.d/30_ossniffer you would be able to hide it from making entries17:11
* om26er_ is using live cd as he cannot boot17:11
Anthonyactually don't worry, I have found it on forums17:11
mahngielAnthony, you could use gedit or sudo fdisk -l17:11
aciculasortremord: then i dont know :/ maybe the thread i linked can give you more pointers17:11
mkanyicygavesh, well, this is not a wordpress channel, nor apache, nor lamp, anyway go ahead and do what you want to do and come back to irc when you have problems, don't be scared for adventures!17:11
mahngielAnthony, not gedit, gparted17:11
meanburrito920_how would i batch apply a command to a group of files, if I want to pass in each filename and get it out with a different extension17:11
sortremordthanks acicula :)17:11
sortremordmkanyicy, http://fpaste.org/SfUV/17:12
Anthonymahngiel, ty17:12
meanburrito920_for example, "ffmpeg -i *.ogg -acodec libmp3lame *.mp3"17:12
meanburrito920_does not work17:12
mahngielAnthony, np. fdisk -l is the quickest way17:12
aciculamahngiel: there is a sun-java6-plugin - The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 617:12
meanburrito920_but i want a similar result17:12
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Anthonyok, I also found out that I can do it based upon the location17:12
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Anthonyso I can just skip dev/sda217:12
JanSchmy x server terminates unexpectedly each time i visit a certain web site. can anybody give me hints what to do about it or where to look?17:12
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mahngielacicula, you mind taking a look at this link?17:12
aciculathough i would think the default java install would just work17:12
mkanyicyand lastly sortremord , pastebin "ls -lh /media"17:12
aciculamahngiel: what link17:13
mahngielacicula: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137314517:13
noob_am have 1 question for alll,17:13
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, what about using ffmpeg to decode and lame to encode?17:13
mahngielacicula: i have java installed, it's just not being picked up.. unless i bolo'd something17:13
Anthony  if [ "${DEVICE}" = "/dev/sda1" ] ; then17:13
Anthony  continue17:13
Anthony  fi17:13
om26er_when i install ubuntu-restricted-extras on a 32bit machine java is not installed but when install on a 64bit java gets installed.. can this be a bug?17:13
meanburrito920_mkanyicy: i got the encoding/decoding to work fine, i just need a way to batch it17:13
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guntbertJanSch: did I read correctly? what has the x server to do with a web site?17:13
aciculamahngiel: well that is the way i used to install a plugin too17:14
ActionParsnipmeanburrito920_: you will need something like:   for z in *.ogg do;    type command17:14
mahngielom26er_: i'm trouble shooting with acicula at this moment to figure that out17:14
JanSchguntbert: you did read correctly. good question17:14
aciculaany output on the console when you start firefox?17:14
sortremordmaknyicy, http://fpaste.org/hodY/17:14
guntbertJanSch: please try with another browser17:14
meanburrito920_ActionParsnip: will z only match the * or will it be the entire filename?17:14
JanSchwill come back later17:14
trijntje!ask | noob_17:14
ubottunoob_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:14
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mahngielacicula: what do you mean by 'output' ?17:14
aciculamahngiel: if you open a console and type firefox it will typically output some stuff in the console while its running17:15
ActionParsnipmeanburrito920_: you can use a structure like this but change it to encode to mp3: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-545192.html   the noextension bit is quite useful17:15
mahngielacicula: no, just opened a new clean browser17:15
BluesKajmahngiel, type firefox in the console , read the output17:16
om26er_mahngiel, i think this is a bug. and it seems to be solved in lucid on my live cd17:16
noob_am want make webserver on my ubuntu 9.10 desktop17:16
ActionParsnipmeanburrito920_: also encoding from one lossy type to another will degrade quality17:16
noob_how can help me17:16
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, there is a script i wrote ages ago for transcoding audio in batch, it decodes with ffmpeg to wav then take wav to a desired format.  http://codespace.21publish.com/pub/codespace/ftransc-2.4.tar.gz17:16
trijntje!server | noob_17:16
ubottunoob_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support17:16
om26er_when i try to install ubuntu-restricted-extras it also offers java17:16
noob_trijntje: ame have 100 GB on my notebook17:16
guntbert!lamp | noob_17:16
ActionParsnipnoob_: install apache etc and you can run that, you dont have to run the server install to run a web server17:16
ubottunoob_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:16
mahngielom26er_: java is installed17:16
noob_how can i share it17:17
om26er_mahngiel, no its not17:17
meanburrito920_ActionParsnip: i thought that ffmpeg decoded and then reencoded, not direct conversion17:17
verb3kom26er, because java is part of the package17:17
noob_i want anybody can accest my music folder17:17
om26er_mahngiel, in karmic/jaunty its not installed with ubuntu-restricted-extras17:17
trijntjenoob_, I think you are confused, you want to share directory's with other users on your lan?17:17
mahngieloutput of 'java -version' = 1.6.0_017:17
trijntjetry samba for that17:17
om26er_mahngiel, web start17:17
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, direct conversion in the sense that the WAV file is not created17:17
noob_i want to share on internet17:17
noob_i want make server on my notebook17:18
noob_with ubuntu 9.1017:18
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:18
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, I heard of a bug regarding transcoding with ffmpeg directly to mp317:18
mahngielom26er_, and i unpacked the jre-6u17 bin, and ended up getting a 'done' msg. which is what enabled me to created the sym link in firefox's plugin dir17:18
mahngielso i'm not sure WTF is going on.17:19
noob_trijntje : can helpme ?17:19
aciculamahngiel: why not try installing the plugin from the repo instead?17:19
mahngielacicula: which one?17:19
om26er_!language | mahngiel17:19
ubottumahngiel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:19
oneIs it possible to get livemeeting to work on firefox in Ubuntu?17:19
mahngieloh please17:19
om26er_!hi | omologos17:19
ubottuomologos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:19
noob_can i make web hosting on my ubuntu 9.1017:19
omologosI want to change the folder of my desktop17:19
om26er_one, what is it?17:20
noob_but am not user ubuntu server ?17:20
mkanyicynoob_, YES YOU CAN!!17:20
meanburrito920_mkanyicy: it seems to work decently, but it requires a random package that i had to scour the internets for17:20
aciculamahngiel: sun-java6-plugin17:20
noob_mkanyicy : how ?17:20
mkanyicynoob_, then that is another question17:20
omologosso that i see a certain folder in my desktop, instead of the current one17:20
mahngielacicula: ok, working on it. but i got an error telling me to 'dpkg --configure -a' due to an error ? o.O17:20
noob_mkanyicy : what mean ? another question ?17:20
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, so you are up and running and happy?17:21
aciculamahngiel: means an installation/update was previously interupted17:21
skiwithpeteI've just installed Kubuntu 9.10 - but the restricted drivers that were available during the Live CD don't seem to have carried over to the install.  where can I find them again to enable them?17:21
beannoob_: what is your native languuage?17:21
alazyworkaholicHow possible is it for software to destroy hardware, especially a SSD, aside from shutting off a fan needed to keep it cool?17:21
noob_indonesia bean17:21
aciculamahngiel: and thats how to fix it17:21
philipwnzhow can i turn off the notifications because i changed my layout to only 1 (bottom) panel and the notifications seem to appear at the top-right side of my screen? Or can at least change the position of the notifications?17:21
fabioduraothere are any channel of UN17:21
fabioduraothere are any channel of UN17:21
mkanyicynoob_, I know it CAN be done but HOW to do it is another story17:21
mahngielacicula: ya, it worked. just never seen that before17:21
James_-_I want to make a Live Disk that of ubuntu desktop the Includes GtkTerm how do I make an ISO with that?17:21
fabioduraothere are any channel of UBUNTU in BRAZIL?17:21
meanburrito920_mkanyicy: well maybe ;) I'm not sure whether or not to convert the files using ffmpeg or just be lazy and try and find my cd to rip it again directly to mp317:21
Pici!br | fabiodurao17:21
ubottufabiodurao: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:21
sortremordmkanyicy, have you seen http://fpaste.org/hodY/17:21
bean!pt | noob17:22
ubottunoob: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:22
aciculaalazyworkaholic: err its possible17:22
mahngielJames_-_: there's a great HowTo in the tutorials and tips section of the forum17:22
noob_makanyicy : can give me link for step by step for make webserver on ubuntu 9.10 desktop17:22
philipwnzhow can i turn off the notifications because i changed my layout to only 1 (bottom) panel and the notifications seem to appear at the top-right side of my screen? Or can at least change the position of the notifications?17:22
sacarlsonalazyworkaholic: well I managed to destroy a USB flash drive, can no longer format it so I guess anything is posible.17:23
bean!pt | noob_17:23
ubottunoob_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:23
mahngielphilipwnz: the balloon notificatiosn?17:23
=== ubuntu is now known as om26er1
James_-_mahngiel do you know a good search term so i can find it17:23
philipwnzmahngiel, the very same17:23
mahngielJames_-_:i'll grab you the link17:23
James_-_mahngiel thanks17:23
noob_bean : can i install ubuntu server on my notebook ibm t4017:23
guntbertbean: in indonesia they don't speak portugese :)17:23
guntbert!id | noob_17:23
tf2ftwhow do i give a program write access to a folder?17:23
ubottunoob_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:23
om26er1noob_, yes17:23
beanah, sry17:23
bean whe17:24
beanre i17:24
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, well if you have time then go ahead and insert each and every cd. The advantage of that is that the quality of your mp3s will be higher17:24
FloodBot4bean: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:24
beanwow, i didnt hit enter that many times....17:24
beanfreaking keyboard17:24
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, the disadvantage is that it may not be worth it and that it will take time17:24
mahngielJames_-_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68887217:24
aciculatf2ftw: right click on the folder and set the permissions you want17:24
* om26er1 was gonna call !op17:24
James_-_mahngiel thanks17:24
meanburrito920_mkanyicy: the only issue wit that is I'm pretty sure my cd is in my dorm still, 2,000 miles away...17:24
tf2ftwacicula, i meant via command line :)17:24
aciculatf2ftw: chmod17:24
mahngielJames_-_, just alter it to what you need on the cd17:25
tf2ftwacicula, chmod 755 ?17:25
noob_om26er1 : yes what ?17:25
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, check the script in that link i gave you, I spent time to write it17:25
James_-_mahngiel will do17:25
luis_Como acesso a do Brasil?17:25
alabdIs there any tutorial that explains PAM and FTP clearly ?17:25
Pici!fr | luis_17:25
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ubottuluis_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:25
guntbert!br | luis_17:25
ubottuluis_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:25
om26er1noob_, did i say something ?17:25
aciculaalabd: they are pretty different things17:25
om26er1any1 familiar with what filesystem is better for those slow speed ssd's in netbooks?17:25
XfactMy computer is shutting down suddenly sometimes, a black screen appearing and showing some kind of warning about 'ntp network manager...' so do anybody thinks that problem in network device can shut my computer down 'suddenly'? Even When it's idle for hours, then also :(17:25
guntbertluis_: /join ....17:26
noob_om26er1 : am want insatll ubuntu server 9.10 on my notebook ibm t4017:26
napuristhas anyone been successful at install eclipse with web tools from the repositories on 9.10?17:26
noob_can i do it ?17:26
alabdacicula: <alabd> Is there any manual/doc that describes how to configure vsftpd with PAM ?17:26
aciculaXfact: does it power down completely?17:26
mahngielnapurist: yes17:26
om26er1noob_, i never installed a server17:26
aciculaalabd: probably the vsftd documents17:26
meanburrito920_mkanyicy: i didnt get a link. if you tried to dcc it, i have dcc off so that may be the issue.17:26
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noob_but can you make web server ?17:27
tf2ftwwhat is the numerical mod for "drwxrwsr-x"17:27
alazyworkaholicI set my netbook to keep writes in memory longer, after a few days it froze & I had to hard-reboot it, & now it sometimes doesn't show up in the BIOS, & when it does, I can't reinstall from a liveUSB. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M doesn't help either. Any ideas?17:27
luis_How do I access #ubuntu-br?17:27
meanburrito920_can you just pm me a pastebin instead?17:27
napuristmahngiel: did you do it through the updater or manually?17:27
noob_or how we can make some web hosting ?17:27
Piciluis_: type: /join #ubuntu-br17:27
acicula!lamp | noob_17:27
ubottunoob_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:27
beannoob_: using apache17:27
combohello there, can someone help me how to export KADU archieve to e.g. .html format or something so i can share it with friends ?? :)17:27
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, http://codespace.21publish.com/pub/codespace/ftransc-2.4.tar.gz17:27
luis_Thank you17:27
noob_oke bean can i get some link17:27
Picinoob_: The link that ubottu just gave you should explain everything.17:27
mahngielnapurist: i just 'sudo apt-get eclipse' and it works great17:28
Xfactacicula: yea ... like normal shut downs17:28
aciculatf2ftw: 775 with suid i think?17:28
aciculaman chmod17:28
bean!lamp | noob_17:28
ubottunoob_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:28
beannoob read that17:28
mahngielnapurist: i forgot the 'install' in there17:28
alabdacicula: that seems does not explain PAM17:29
napuristmahngiel: yes, me too, but it doesn't have the full web tools package install, i'll keep looking around17:29
tf2ftwacicula, thanks. it gave me drwxrwxr-x but i was looking for drwxrwxsr-x17:29
BluesKajalabd, do man PAM in the console , there are a lot of explanations there17:29
mahngielnapurist: try bluefish for web editing ?17:29
mahngielnapurist: oh i think i know what you're talking about... hold on17:30
aciculatf2ftw: you need to setuid it17:30
JanSchguntbert: was able to reproduce the problem with konqueror - xserver restarts once i visit a certain page.17:30
meanburrito920_mkanyicy: thanks :)17:30
guntberttf2ftw: that string is nonsense - too many characters17:30
napuristmahngiel: I'm developing a php web app and need a full IDE, i'll hold on for a minute...17:30
mkanyicymeanburrito920_, np17:30
mahngielnapurist: there's an swt package i had to install. let me find it so you can google the name or what have u17:30
tf2ftwnapurist, use eclipsephp17:30
Xfactanybody has any idea?17:31
napuristmahngiel: thanks brutha... I'll google it too...17:31
SirBlarghIs there a way to monitor incoming RPC calls?17:31
JanSchguntbert: the machine was plagued with random freezes before (mouse moved, CTRL-ALT-F1 or numlock did not work)17:31
aciculatf2ftw: err not setuid but setguid, look in the man chmod page, its there, prolly +g ?17:31
mahngielnapurist: just waiting for my trash to load :)17:31
tf2ftwacicula, thanks. i got it17:31
JanSchguntbert: acpi and apic are disabled in an attempt to stop the freezes17:31
guntbertJanSch: Strange please take a look at your x-server log in /var/log/x.....17:31
aciculatf2ftw: seems kind odd for a directory to have that kind of permission though17:31
tf2ftwacicula, its in the opt folder17:31
mahngielnapurist: i believe what you're looking for is 'swt-3.5.1-gtk-linux-x86.zip'17:32
alabdBluesKaj: no such command17:32
napuristmahngiel: thanks, i'll check it...17:32
mahngielnapurist: there's a few pkgs to install depending on what you're doing17:32
mahngielk good luck.17:32
mahngielacicula, thanks for solvin my issue17:32
tf2ftwacicula, actually, now that i think about it, i can change it to 76517:32
mahngielhave a good day17:32
BluesKajalabd, man PAM ... are you sure ?17:33
philipwnzhow can i turn off the notifications because i changed my layout to only 1 (bottom) panel and the notifications seem to appear at the top-right side of my screen? Or can at least change the position of the notifications?17:33
JanSchguntbert: /var/log/Xorg.0.log?17:33
bobomomopopobobcan you adjust flash volume independent of system volume?17:33
DSpairHey gang, got a quick question on how to chain iptables rules.17:33
guntbertJanSch: thats the one - if you want you could !pastebin it17:33
aciculatf2ftw: Setting the setgid permission on a directory (chmod g+s) causes new files and subdirectories created within it to inherit its groupID, rather than the primary groupID of the user who created the file (the ownerID is never affected, only the groupID)17:34
aciculaacidicbase: from wiki17:34
guntbert!pastebin | JanSch17:34
ubottuJanSch: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:34
DSpairI want to do a destination NAT and then a redirection rule all on the same packets. How can I do that?17:34
aciculaDSpair: iptables nat PREROUTING and then your routing rule ?17:34
DSpairacicula: I know how to do iptables rules. I want 2 rules to apply to a single packet.17:35
tf2ftwacicula, Ok, so i only need an application to manage files in the particular folder. currently the owner of the folder is my username but the group is root.17:35
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aciculaDSpair: err, a custom chain ? not really up to speed on iptables17:35
DSpairThanks anyhow :)17:36
PiciDSpair: #iptables may be able to help17:36
noob_brotha, please say to me how make dns server ? on ubuntu 9.10 desktop17:36
luis_Since the staff of # ubuntu not know, someone knows how to tidy the boot? For Windows was been installed after Ubuntu ...17:36
DSpairThanks, Pici17:36
JanSchguntbert: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d4d2de82217:37
sacarlsonDSpair:  I've played with dnat but not sure know how to help you17:37
beannoob_: check out bind9.17:37
fosserin my desktop i just inserted the ubunu 9.04 live cd, when i start the machine and select install ubunut the error was given kernel panic, same thing with ubunut 9.1017:38
fosserwhats the problem17:38
aciculawhat kind of pc, which ubuntu version(the exact name of the iso)17:39
linux_trojanha I am back he he he he17:39
aciculahmm actualyl arch should just give a nice message, so must be something else17:40
James_-_mahngiel you there?  I am at the step 'export CD=~/cd'  "The CD is the location of the CD tree." what dose that mean...17:40
bobomomopopobobcan you adjust flash volume independent of system volume?17:40
fosserkernel panic error while running live cd17:41
sacarlson fosser: 64bit boot disk on a 32bit procesor?17:42
OerHeksbobomomopopobob flash has itś own volume meter at the controlbar, but is limited to the systemvolume17:42
MaT-dg1opening IRC-links with xchat automatically broke for me a while ago. How to fix it?17:42
fosser32 bit cd and 32 bit processor17:42
sacarlson fosser: bad cd burn?  try  the iso file in Virtualbox17:43
bahamashello, everyone17:44
lippijBluesKaj: are you still there? it looks like it is infact not working17:44
sacarlson fosser: or do that md5 checksum test to see if the disk is good?17:44
JanSchguntbert: any idea about the log?17:44
fossersacarlson: well cd is from canonical and i tried to boot from pendrive same problem, even i tried debain same problem17:44
JanSchfosser: sounds like incompatible hardware. did you try turning off APIC and/or ACPI?17:45
bahamasdoes anyone know how to make a wireless modem Z025a work on Ubuntu 9.04?17:45
yellabshi there17:45
fosserJanSch: seems problem with ram, tried test memory, lots of errors17:46
yellabsi have added a new drive to my system, now when i format it to fat32 i have full acces, but when i format it t ext3, i cant acces it, is this normal?17:46
guntbertJanSch: sorry - I was away17:46
sacarlson fosser: what cd?  if it's hardware I suspect it's the video driver,  try Ubuntu 8.0417:46
KarmaJoneswhy isn't cron working properly17:46
JanSchfosser: erm, so replace it? (check the mainboard too)17:46
yellabsany tips are welcome17:47
fossersacarlson: JanSch: yah i am gonna do that thing17:47
KarmaJoneshow can I fix cron17:48
wrektjethi guys. i am going to add another HDD. Is there anything i should know before i connect it? wim using 9.04. will the space be in my Home folder automatically?17:49
Besogonyellabs: I had problem with permissions. FAT32 works in another way17:49
sacarlsonKarmaJones: cron is cool stuf, you have the format correct?17:49
sacarlsonKarmaJones: give us the line on your cron you are having the problem with.17:50
guntbertJanSch: I see nothing queer in the log - my first advice would be "avoid that page" - but if you "really" need it you could install links2 (a text/graph mode browser) and visit the page with links2 -g http://....17:50
alabdhow to disable tags in XML files ?17:50
KarmaJonessacarlson:  51 19 * * * /usr/bin/deluge17:51
LordBurrito"apt-get --simulate upgrade" will tell me what, on my system, can be upgraded, incl. kernel upgrades?17:51
Hilikuswhat problems could i have if i update pulseaudio to the lucid version but in karmic?17:51
JanSchguntbert: that page is the login page for one of the popular freemailers. i highly assume it will happen with lots of other sites too, that one is just the first i visited17:51
arvind_khadriHilikus, anything may break17:51
Hilikusit says it needs to remove pulseaudio-module-udev17:51
VCoolioKarmaJones: try with this line on top:   DISPLAY=:0.017:51
domjohnsonamnyone seen this?17:52
sacarlsonKarmaJones: ok so every day at 7:51 you want deluge to run?17:52
LordBurritoQuestion: "apt-get --simulate upgrade" will tell me what, on my system, can be upgraded, incl. kernel upgrades?17:52
sacarlsonKarmaJones: does deluge run on the console?17:52
KarmaJonessacarlson:  yeah basically and shut down at a set time17:52
bahamasdoes anyone have any ideas about how to get a wireless modem to work on ubuntu?17:53
KarmaJonesvcoolio: hye, yeah I tried that17:53
sacarlsonKarmaJones: you told it to run not shutdown but maybe that's in deluge17:53
arvind_khadribahamas, what is the problem you are facing?17:54
Landgrafbahamas: patch firmware17:54
KarmaJonessacarlson:  I just want it to run the app to start with17:54
sacarlsondeluge oh maybe it's a x window app?17:55
bahamashi, arvind_khadri. i have a wireless modem which i use to connect to the internet. atm my system is dual boot: windows xp and ubuntu 9.04. if i boot directly into ubuntu, the modem doesn't work. if i boot into windows and then restart and boot into ubuntu, it works17:55
JanSchguntbert: i suspect some graphics stuff (buggy driver) - anything i could try to make it work normally?17:55
KarmaJonessacarlson:  it a regular bitorrent client17:56
arvind_khadribahamas, check the wireless settings in your machine, is DHCP enabled in ubuntu for wireless17:56
recon69_lapI dl'd a avi file, but when i play it, I can see the start with some text telling me to use windows media player? the file is called Daybreakers[2009]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG.avi, anyone know if there is a way to play it in ubuntu?17:56
guntbertJanSch: I'm at a loss here - please try it with links2 -g (different graphics model) - that *should* work17:56
sacarlson KarmaJones: azureus has this built in you might want to look at it.  with azureus you can control bandwidth depending on the time of day from 0 to all17:56
arvind_khadrirecon69_lap, avi needs ugly plugin iirc, mplayer also plays it17:57
minimecbahamas: I guess, You need a firmware file. The firmware is probably still loaded when you do the win -> ubuntu warmstart.17:57
dsl_why does my wireless network notification area icon sometimes appear as a black square? i.e. 'vacant'?17:57
KarmaJonessacarlson:  cool thanks, I'll check it out17:57
warriorforgodbahamas: what kind of wireless card are you using?17:57
dsl_the wirelss works - on it now17:57
recon69_laparvind_khadri: mplayer does the same. plays the first 30 sec with message to use win media player17:57
dsl_its just the notifier icon missing!17:57
JanSchguntbert: just as an experiment or as a solution? the pc is used by other users, and they surely wont accept a differnet browser as a solution17:58
euxnekswhere do I get an ubuntu (or derivative) .img file for writing to a USB stick?17:58
guntbert!enter | dsl_17:58
ubottudsl_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:58
minimecbahamas: Do a cold ubuntu start and check the dmesg file for errors while loading the wifi device.17:58
arvind_khadrirecon69_lap, is the file proper?17:58
guntbertJanSch: just as experiment17:58
minimecbahamas: Do you have a wired internet connection with that computer?17:58
euxneksas referred to here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles#Mac%20OS%20X17:58
Landgrafbahamas: http://www.oslinux.ru/node/22217:58
bahamaswarriorforgod: it's a modem http://www.zapp.ro/business/terminale/modemuri/cdma/z025a/17:59
bahamassorry, this is better17:59
recon69_laparvind_khadri: think it might have some special encryption. has a link to freektorrents for some special codec. Think I'll just give it a miss. just thought someone might know about it.18:00
Landgrafbahamas: your modem connects in init moment18:00
JanSchguntbert: seems to work18:00
bahamasminimec: the only connection i have is through this modem18:00
JanSchguntbert: given that links2 does not seem to understand stylesheets and probably also no flash etc., this won't help a lot18:00
euxneksis there a netbook remix channel?18:00
bahamasLandgraf: is there an english version of the page you gave me?18:00
dsl_is there a channel for netbook remix please?18:01
Landgraftry google translator18:01
KashuyaIs there a way to fix my Karmic install so that I don't have to go into sound preferences and change the output profile every boot before sound will work?18:02
LordBurritoI have kernel 2.6.31-16-generic atm and need 2.6.32 (minimum) to do what I want.  How do I persuade my system to fetch and install an ugraded kernel?  Can somebody point me in the right direction?18:02
bahamasok, i'll switch to ubuntu, brb18:02
OsamaKHow can I remove the DNS cache on my Ubuntu install? I tried "sudo service nscd restart", but it's totally not helpful.18:02
sheepsyHey guys, maybe you can help me debug this problem: I have been having problems with performance of my comp for a while. I started in 9.04 and in every appearance setting (from none to normal to  extra) I get sluggish graphical performance. Windows move around slowly and resizing slows down. Video very slow. My system has 8gb ram and a dual core comp with built in nvidia card, so I don't think it's hardware. I'm running nvidia 185 drivers. 18:02
guntbertJanSch: then it really seems to be a graphics problem - but maybe someone else should have a look at the x log - please post your problem to the channel again - maybe I'm just overlooking something obvious18:02
nob0dykann mir jemand helfen bei der installation von ubuntu?18:02
minimecbahamas: we need the output of 'lsusb' with the exact product number, and check the output of 'dmesg' fo errors when booting 'cold' on that machine.18:02
guntbert!de | nob0dy18:03
ubottunob0dy: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:03
bahamasminimec: where do i find those files?18:03
nob0dydoes exist a german channel?18:03
KarmaJonesvcoolio: 3 20 * * * env DISPLAY=:0 deluge  tried this and worked. Cheers!18:03
ubottuyes, I'm alive.18:03
ubottuქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge18:03
euxneksnob0dy: #ubuntu-de18:03
* LordBurrito just be invisible18:03
guntbertnob0dy: /join #ubuntu-de18:04
minimecbahamas: open gnome-terminal and type dmesg check the output then also lsusb there you see all the usb devices18:04
guntbert!please | LordBurrito18:04
ubottuLordBurrito: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude18:04
skyllosomeone managed to solve the problem of "unknown monitor" in the version 9.10 board with SiS?18:04
Landgrafbahamas: http://translate.google.ru/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oslinux.ru%2Fnode%2F222&sl=ru&tl=en18:04
amitautinobody: use the connection in server and put the server name in it18:05
euxneksthis is retarded. I cannot find a .img file for karmic to write to a bloody USB disk18:05
JanSchmy x server restarts when i visit a certain web site with firefox or konqueror (yeah, weird). i suspect the graphics driver. xorg-log at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d4d2de82218:05
skyllosomeone managed to solve the problem of "unknown monitor" in the version 9.10 board with SiS?18:05
dsl_any idea why my keyboard layout settings keep changing in UNR? every so often (new log in) shift+2 gives @ instead of "18:05
sacarlson euxneks: I thought that usb boot disk thing was built into Karmic18:05
bahamasthanks Landgraf18:06
skyllosomeone managed to solve the problem of "unknown monitor" in the version 9.10 board with SiS?18:06
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euxnekssacarlson: I haven't a clue on how to write it to a USB drive though18:06
amitautidsl_ while loggin in check the keyboard map...18:06
sacarlsoneuxneks: to make it bootable?18:06
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:06
skyllosomeone managed to solve the problem of "unknown monitor" in the version 9.10 board with SiS?18:06
burzki!usb | euxneks18:06
ubottueuxneks: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:06
euxnekssacarlson: Do I have to burn to CD before I can make a bootable USB drive?18:06
guntbert!repeat | skyllo18:07
ubottuskyllo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:07
LordBurritoguntbert: Very well.  I'll see if I can find my answers elsewhere.  Thanks anyway.18:07
guntbertLordBurrito: Good luck :-)18:07
sacarlsoneuxneks: ubuttu from burzki just gave you the answer18:08
skyllo!card |sis18:08
minimecbahamas: There is a install manual here for the z020. I guess you can use that too. http://www.zapp.ro/!res/fls/z020-installation-manual-for-linux.txt18:08
euxnekssacarlson: the LiveUsbPendrivePersistent thing is giving me good vibes :)18:08
mimisi have add some custom apps in the upper panel. How can i put image on them?18:08
LordBurritoguntbert: Thank you.18:08
dsl_amitauti: 'while' log in? is there some way to change it accidentally while logged in?18:08
minimecbahamas: http://www.zapp.ro/en/business/terminals/modems/drivers-and-manuals/ <-- see Z02018:08
skyllo!sis | unknown monitor18:08
bahamasminimec: ok, i'll try that18:09
amitautidsl_ go to preference in system, check for keyboard and then go to tab layout.. you will find yours18:09
guntbert!askthebot | skyllo18:09
ubottuskyllo: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:09
KashuyaIs there a way to fix my Karmic install so that I don't have to go into sound preferences and change the output profile every boot before sound will work?18:10
dsl_amitauti: yes i know that but why should it sometimes change of it's own accord?18:10
amitautidsl_: oops.. :)18:11
haxxordHi, i've just bought a refurbished HP Proliant DL360 G3 with dual Xeon 3.06Ghz (32bit) processors. I would like to install ubuntu server 9.10 on it.18:12
haxxordI've read about some trouble with the disk array drivers, but this was on earlier ubuntu versions. Do these still exist?18:12
haxxordor put differently, does anyone know if 9.10 natively supports the dl360 3g?18:13
dsl_amitauti: :D it seems as if an app is changing it but openoffice was only program used between log ins when change occured18:13
haxxordor would it be smarter to get a copy of windows server for this machine?18:14
skyllo!askthebot | guntbert18:14
ubottuguntbert: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:14
guntbertskyllo: I beg your pardon?18:15
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skyllothat the new version of ubuntu does not recognize monitor?18:18
guntbertskyllo: I suggest you formulate a question with as much details as possible - all in one line - and send it to the channel18:19
masterchiefDoes anyone here know how to get halo trial working on ubuntu?18:19
RockjAnyone here have a Logitech webcam? (Quickcam Vision Pro or Quickcam 9000 PRO)18:19
masterchiefI just get a black screen when starting it up with wine18:20
Rockjdmesg shows that my camera is not UVC compliance, which it is18:20
LordBurritoguntbert: If nobody here can or will answer my "how to upgrade my kernel question," or at least point me in the correct direction, perhaps you can suggest where else I might look or ask?18:20
domedagenI don't remember how to check whether this is a 32 or a 64 bit OS installed.18:21
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arvind_khadridomedagen, uname -a18:21
=== lucian_ is now known as bahamas
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guntbertLordBurrito: sorry no - I don't care for "latest versions" generally and especially with kernels - why do you need that version?18:22
arvind_khadriLordBurrito, upgrade as in ?18:22
* NaxoneZ nas18:22
bahamasminimec: when i ran the command modprobe usbserial vendor=0x16d5 product=0x6501 i received the message ”WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat, it will be ignored in a future release.”18:22
LordBurritoI need it for ATI Radion driver support18:22
mgedminupgrade dapper server to hardy; swapon -a fails to use swap partitions (/dev/sda4: Invalid argument); file -s /dev/sda4 says it's (new-style) swap --- huh?18:22
mgedminmkswap says device or resource busy, but I can't see where18:23
LordBurritoarvind_khadri: As in 2.6.31 to 2.6.3218:23
philipwnzWhich is the GTK2 development package?18:23
mgedminblkid shows /dev/sda4, /dev/mapper/sda4, /dev/evms/sda4 <-- those are strange18:23
mgedminmaybe sda4 got claimed by evms/lvm?18:23
arvind_khadriLordBurrito, you will have to compile it on your own, vanilla kernels arent supported here18:23
skylloProblema "Monitor Desconhecido", Desktop com baixa resolução. Placa de video SiS 330 mirage agp. Drivers instalados. alguém pode me ajudar?18:24
sacarlsonLordBurrito: I think there are instructions on how to get the latest kernel with git and with that you can compile or maybe you can find this kernel in a package?18:24
skylloProblem "Unknown Monitor" Desktop with low resolution. Video Card SiS 330 Mirage gift. Drivers installed. someone help me?18:24
LJR!es | skyllo18:24
ubottuskyllo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:24
LordBurritoarvind_khadri: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ shows is available, no?18:24
euxneksHow does one create a LiveUSB given that I have a mac and no CDs?18:24
minimecbahamas: That's a warning. You can ignore it, if you did not touch that oss-compat once.18:24
arvind_khadriLordBurrito, maybe, yes :)18:25
LordBurritoarvind_khadri: Ohhh kay...18:25
JanSchany ideas what can cause random xserver restarts?18:25
arvind_khadriphilipwnz, python-gtk2-dev ??18:25
kajeHow do I get to the recovery console in Karmic? When I boot, I never see the grub menu...18:26
LewisDre4mAfter some resizing of partitions, when I boot I now get this . . . "one or more of the mounts listed in etc fstab cannot yet be mounted" can someone please help me get rid of this message please!18:26
blackdevilwho is italian?18:26
Pici!it | blackdevil18:26
ubottublackdevil: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:26
bahamasminimec: what do you mean by touching it?18:26
guntbertkaje: press <shift>18:26
phoebusHey guys, do you know if the calendar thing in ubuntu can sync with google calendar?18:26
LJRLordBurrito, What kernel version are yo uusing?18:26
LJRphoebus, yes it can.18:26
LordBurritoLJR: 2.6.32-1618:26
LJRLordBurrito, on which ubuntu version?18:27
phoebusLJR, awesome, next question is how? Trying to find a button/page.18:27
LordBurritoLJR: Correction: 2.6.31-1618:27
LJRLordBurrito, Lol, I know.18:27
minimecbahamas: If you did not modify the file once or created it.18:27
LordBurritoLJR: Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop18:27
LJRphoebus, I'm not exactly sure - I think you must export as iCal from Google and load it into Evolution. I'll google it for you?18:27
LJRLordBurrito, ok18:28
bahamasminimec: i just used the command ”modprobe usbserial vendor=0x16d5 product=0x6501”18:28
LJRphoebus, http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/12/18/sync-evolution-calendar-with-google-calendar/18:28
phoebusThank you man :)18:28
minimecbahamas: So you can ignore it ;)18:28
phoebusI'm in love with this ubuntu release btw.18:29
LJRphoebus, There are some things man is not meant to know. For everthing else - there's google.18:29
frogletdoes anyone know how I can disable the sound gdm makes when it starts?  I don't want that sound on my netbook when I am in a library.18:29
LJRphoebus, 9.10?18:29
kajeguntbert: When? I just rebooted again pressing shift repeatedly and nothing happened... this is 9.10 x64 desktop, btw18:29
bahamasminimec: ok18:29
LewisDre4mone or more of the mounts listed in etc fstab cannot yet be mounted18:29
LordBurritoLJR: I've got an ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro graphics adaptor here I intend to install tonite.  The guys over in #radeon are telling me I need the latest xorg-edgy stuff, and that site is telling me I need the 2.6.32 or newer kernel.18:29
phoebusLJR, yeah, fast as hell. Everything works, lots of unexpected presents.18:30
LJRLewisDre4m, Can you pastebin any error message you've gotten?18:30
phoebusI'd pay for this release tbh.18:30
LJRphoebus, thankfully you'll never have to. I18:30
guntbertkaje: someone said <ESC> before - I don't reboot often ....18:30
phoebusYeah, but at some point I'm going to donate to the project and or buy some goodies.18:30
LJRI'm on 10.04 now. It's still in Alpha 1, but we got it runnin' smooth.18:30
phoebusTeam's well worth it.18:31
bahamaswhat was the command to copy files from one directory to another, especially if i need administrator rights?18:31
LJRLordBurrito, You can always load the latest kernel from Synaptic.18:31
LordBurritoLJR: Synaptic is telling me 2.6.31-16 *is* the latest kernel18:31
sacarlsonphoebus:  I could always use the money send it to me!!18:31
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LordBurritoLJR: Well, apt-cachce search is, anyway.  I'm not at the machine atm.18:32
LJRLordBurrito, Terminal -> aptitude update18:32
guntbertkaje: but you can change that permanently too - is you system a "fresh install" or an upgrade?18:32
kajeIt is a fresh install18:32
bahamasminimec: what was the command to copy files from one directory to another, especially if i need administrator rights?18:32
kajeJust tried ESC and again nothing happened18:33
LJRLordBurrito, after running that command pull up System-Admin->Synaptic Package Manager and search "linux-image". I'm looking at
kajeWhere did the damn Grub menu go?18:33
PiciLJR: You just said you are running Lucid... we do not offer 2.6.32 on Karmic.18:33
kajeIn 9.04 I got a 3 second "Press escape to view menu"18:33
LJRkaje, Is ubuntu the only thing on my machine?18:33
starenkahi, my friend bought himself a new monitor. ubuntu seems to fail to recognize it and gives bad resolution. i dont have rdp nor ssh to this machine. what would be a sure bet from console? reconfigure x server?18:33
sacarlsonbahamas:  >sudo cp /from/file /to/file18:33
LJRPici, it's not pushed through yet?18:33
guntbertkaje: then you have grub2 -18:33
kajeYep, it's the only thing... I could boot off a cd I guess18:33
LJR(I'm not one of the kernel devs, so I don't know)18:33
bahamasthanks sacarlson18:33
LordBurritoLJR: Just did an aptitude update.  apt-cache search still turns up only 2.6.31-16 as the latest.18:34
jrib!fixres | starenka18:34
ubottustarenka: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:34
LJRkaje, then grub won't show.18:34
PiciLJR: 2.6.32 will never be in the Karmic repos.18:34
LJRPici, my bad.18:34
NewHeroKaje change you /etc/grub.conf18:34
minimecbahamas: sudo cp file /lib/firmware would copy 'file' to location /lib/firmware18:34
LJRLordBurrito, look at Pici18:34
starenkajrib: thx18:34
LordBurritoLJR: Yeah, I saw.18:34
bahamasthanks minimec18:34
jonathan__Hello everyone. :)18:34
kajeNewHero: I'm trying to get into the recovery console because I screwed up my sudoers file18:34
LJRYou can compile your own kernel.18:34
burzkikaje, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Configuring%20GRUB%20218:35
LordBurritoLJR: So, basically, I'm screwed?18:35
kajeI'll just boot from a CD18:35
minimecbahamas: you can also sudo /home/bahamas/file /lib/firmware ... ;)18:35
LJR!hi | jonathan__, housepet18:35
ubottujonathan__, housepet: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:35
d35iboyguys how to burn cd in live mode ?18:35
PiciLordBurrito: You will either need to use the mailine ppa or roll your own kernel if you want something more recent than (which is in karmic-proposed).  But we cannot support those options here.18:35
LJRLordBurrito, compiling your own kernel is not difficult.18:35
burzki!grub2 | kaje18:35
LJRd35iboy, live usb?18:35
ubottukaje: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:35
Pici!kernel | LordBurrito this may be of some use too18:35
ubottuLordBurrito this may be of some use too: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages18:35
d35iboyno live cd18:35
timleeHi, I have some process that is in uninterruptible sleep due to limited memory. After I kill other processes, there is enough memory available for it now. How do I change the status of the process from uninterruptible sleep to normal running? Or the OS will automatically make the change? Or do I have to kill it and start it agian? Thanks!18:35
LJRd35iboy, then I don't think you can.18:36
starenkajrib: well, this is useless while he can't access anything in X (dorked resolution), who can i force X to autodetect monitor?18:36
d35iboyhow can I get live usb ?18:36
bahamasminimec: if i want to copy several files, do i just write them one after the other?18:36
LJRLordBurrito, I have a kernel manual that is a bit out-of-date, but will get you through safely. Let me see if I can find it.18:36
mkanyicykaje, can you run sudo?18:36
jribstarenka: he can't get to a tty?18:37
LordBurritoLJR, Pici: Thanks, but I really, really don't want to get into all that.  I do this stuff all day for a living.  Doing it at home all night long is not interesting.  If the card won't work at all with what I have, I'll just send it back and live with crap graphics performance.  Thanks, both of you, for your help.18:37
sacarlsonLordBurrito: ya but compile for me takes about 30 minites of compile time.  if package is available always try that first18:37
kajemkanyicy: no, my sudoers file got cooked18:37
starenkajrib: i hope he does, but he's a noob... i just thought reconfiguring x would help (autodetect monitor)18:37
jribstarenka: in any case, if he can't, just use recovery mode18:37
jribstarenka: reconfiguring x is not going to do anything18:38
phoebusWow, evolution with google calendar rocks <318:38
phoebusI think I'm in love.18:38
LJRphoebus, I'm glad you got it working. =)18:38
phoebusTotally in honeymoon with ubuntu right now.18:38
phoebusPerfect for my next university term.18:38
gui7has anyone noticed the "new" google? :D18:38
minimecbahamas: I cannot tell you that, as I simply never did that. sudo cp *.* /lib/firmware should copy all files in your current folder to /lib/firmware18:38
tyrosinegui7: what's "new" about it18:38
guntbertkaje: when I boot my karmic I get for  one second a line "loading grub" and pressing <shift> during that time leads to the grub menu18:39
gui7the whole interface? :O18:39
mkanyicykaje, you rather give more information, anyway reboot and then select recovery mode on grub menu18:39
phoebusOnly two things I'm curious about, fine-tuning my battery use and dimming the screen like I could on windows. I wonder if there is any lenovo/thinkpad support.18:39
monokromeHow can I remove a package that I've installed, and retain the configurations?18:39
gui7tyrosine, on google.com i mean, i dont think its changed on local sites/otehr tld's18:39
phoebusOh crap, there is, now for the battery :P18:39
bahamasminimec: ok18:39
tyrosinegui7: are you logged into myGoogle? (click logout, topright)18:39
guntbertmonokrome: thats standard behaviour18:39
monokromeguntbert: Well, then why are the configuration files still there after I uninstall?18:40
phoebusWhat's the best way to have the longest battery life with ubuntu?18:40
monokromeguntbert: I've run dozens of ubuntu servers, and none have done that18:40
tyrosinephoebus: don't run X18:40
LJRphoebus, I'm on thinkpad as well. r61i18:40
gui7tyrosine, no, i'm not! :P it's awesome, ill get you a screenie (noticed it school today, found it awkward there'd be no news articles) o.018:40
sacarlsonphoebus: plug it in18:40
phoebustyranos, I need to use openoffice though, I use this laptop mainly for uni purposes.18:40
guntbertmonokrome: because "retain" means "keep" :-)18:40
d35iboywhen I click install from live cd..no drives appear in partition menu :(18:40
tyrosinegui7: I can't wait - it's normal here in Gainesville Florida18:40
tyrosinegui7: yeah, show me a SS!18:40
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gui7d35iboy, try mounting your disks -- oh, and before that: $ sudo fdisk -l18:41
monokromeguntbert: Sorry, I meant "and not retain" :)18:41
papnaCan I use the proprietary ATI drivers with my X1300 in Karmic?18:41
LJRphoebus, Use conservative power settings.18:41
phoebusLJR, sweet, lenovo brotha :)18:41
d35iboyhow to mount ?18:41
monokromeI want it to remove all configuration and restart based on default. An employee broke our DB on purpose.18:41
LJRd35iboy, mount /<name>18:41
taipansenhi, is there a programm to mount images by emulation a cd-drive?18:41
tyrosinetaipansen: mount.18:42
minimecmonokrome: You have the options 'remove' and 'remove completly'. If you 'apt-get remove' a package, the configuration in /etc is not deleted. <-- Standard behaviour, as guntbert said...18:42
tyrosineI think it's mount -t isofs?18:42
tyrosinegoogle for it... it's close to that.  I know "mount" can do it.18:42
jrib!iso | taipansen18:42
ubottutaipansen: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:42
phoebusLJR, I usually try and dim the screen down to as much as I can take.18:42
monokromeminimec: I want to remove completely. How does this work? "remove --purge" doesn't delete the config18:42
taipanseni dont want to burn18:42
taipanseni just create images of all my cds18:42
LJRmonokrome, Use synaptic package manager, set an installed feature, and remove any installed features you no longer need. Make sure to use "complete removal" (if you know what you're doing!!!)18:42
b0n4tt4ckIm having real trouble turning off x to install nvidia 190 drivers, i have tried every method I cant find in google.18:42
taipansennow on ubuntu i want to use the images18:42
monokromeLJR: I am using terminal on a remote server18:43
tyrosinetaipansen: my bad.  You want to go from CD to ISO? not sure.  sry18:43
taipansenno, i already got the iso18:43
gui7has anyone else had problems installing google gears in firefox?18:43
jribtaipansen: read all of what ubottu said, not just the last word18:43
LJRphoebus, Well, don't worry too much about that. Just no "backlight on forever", "screen still on when lid is closed", etc.18:43
minimecmonokrome: It should...18:43
LJRjrib, lol18:43
tyrosineb0n4tt4ck: boot into recovery mode?18:43
LJRThey all do that18:43
guntbertmonokrome: use sudo aptitude purge (if the package is installed) - I'm sure apt-get has a similar option18:43
b0n4tt4cki have tried recovery mode, no luck18:44
phoebusLJR, where is the lid option? Can't find it on power management.18:44
monokromeguntbert: It has --purge, but that never works with apt-get18:44
tyrosineX starts in recovery mode?18:44
markbaashi, i have cracking noise out of my usb headset when having my usb mouse plugged in. Any knows about this issues?18:44
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LJRmonokrome, use aptitude instead, like guntbert suggests. It checks for dependencies, etc. and removes anything unused.18:44
phoebuslol nvm it's on AC power tab18:44
monokromeok thanks18:44
kajeSpamming F10 during the boot ended up bringing the GRUB menu up for me...18:44
phoebusI r blind.18:44
guntbert!iso | taipansen18:44
ubottutaipansen: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:44
* mgedmin hates aptitude and loves apt-get18:45
LJR!hi | rek18:45
ubotturek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:45
reki need a light login manager18:45
LJRmgedmin, I hate APT and only use aptitude (except in some cases)18:45
guntbertkaje: strange - but nice for you :-)18:45
phoebusLJR, what's suspend? Similar to hibernation or just turn screen off?18:45
jonathan__Markbaas:  Is there another usb port you can try with your headset?  Maybe switch the port you use for your headset with your mouse's?18:45
tyrosinegui7: have that SS yet?18:45
guntbert!ot | tyrosine18:46
ubottutyrosine: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:46
slogumhow can i change the icon of the "icon" on the main-menu... the icon in the upper left corner :)18:46
RodenskyHello PPL! :) Ubuntu 9.04 - "GSynaptics couldn't initialize. You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics." - How do I do that?18:46
BluesKajb0n4tt4ck, drop to a tty with ctrl+alt+f1 or f2  ,stop X  with sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop ,if you have the repos in your sources.list , then sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-190,then startx withsudo /etc/init.d/kdm start .18:46
RodenskyThank you all in advance :)18:46
rekhello what can i do for this? :./configure: line 4817: syntax error near unexpected token `0.40.0'18:46
rek./configure: line 4817: `IT_PROG_INTLTOOL(0.40.0)'18:46
LJRphoebus, suspend puts the computer in a powered shutdown. The computer is not off and all processes are suspended to real RAM. I always use hibernation, which writes processes to SWAP and cuts power to the external components.18:46
LJR!hi | hkl18:46
ubottuhkl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:46
markbaasjonathan__, nope it is the same with every usb port. It must be a software issue. The problem even persists when inserting the mouse in an external usb dock18:46
phoebusLJR, that makes sense.18:46
phoebusWill do.18:47
guntbertrek: are you attempting to compile something?18:47
rekyes gunb18:47
rekyes guntbert18:47
BluesKajb0n4tt4ck, substitute gdm for kdm in the command18:47
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guntbert!compile | rek18:47
rekguntbert: lxdm login manager18:47
* d35iboy says Hi to all18:47
ubotturek: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:47
minimecRodensky: are you on 9.10 Karmic?18:47
LJRRodensky, You need to edit xorg.conf18:47
hklwhat is the canal of ubuntu in spanish18:47
gui7tyrosine, no, currently i'm trying to close some tabs in ff so that i'll even be able to open another one. it's pretty weird/unresponsive today :-/18:47
Rodenskyminimec - Ubuntu 9.0418:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:47
tyrosineI feel firefox has gotten bloated.18:48
jonathan__Hey, I'm having problems with making a custom launcher for an application on AWN dock.  I can't drag-and-drop, it snaps back to the desktop, and trying to manually add a launcher through the AWN settings window isn't doing anything.  Anyone know anything that might help?18:48
guntberttyrosine: please keep to the topic18:48
minimecRodensky: Ok. So you should have a file xorg.conf in /etc/X1118:48
masterchiefHi, I was told that I need better more updated drivers to improve 3d preformance so I can play halo on ubuntu. Can anyone help me?18:49
Rodenskyminimec - found it, opened, what's next?18:49
minimecRodensky: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97542118:49
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masterchiefHe provided me with this link saying it might help. http://intellinuxgraphics.org/2009Q3.html18:50
jp--do you know what tool can I use to clean up python code?18:50
b0n4tt4cki will give it a try. I may be back.... failure permitting!18:50
minimecRodensky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351909/18:50
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d35iboyguys..can I get lilo working on Ubuntu .instead of grub ?18:51
phoebusHmm, at least on my laptop - it takes longer to suspend than to boot from scratch. I think I'll turn the lid to shutdown on battery power.18:51
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llutzd35iboy: why not?18:51
kinja-sheepjp--: #python18:51
LJRjp--, the interpreter is pretty good about doing that. But you can go to #python and ask18:51
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LJRphoebus, how much swap do you have?>18:51
d35iboyapt-get install lilo ?18:51
rekguntbert: that wasn't enought18:52
phoebusLJR, used the default conf, 2gb ram, how do you see the swap in ubuntu drive mngmnent?18:52
phoebus6.1gb swap.18:52
LJRphoebus, just do it the easy way, like the rest of us. Terminal -> sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda18:52
Rodenskyminimec - there's no line there that says "SHMConfig"18:52
LJRAnd you tried powering down to hibernation?18:52
phoebuslol I know how to do that but I don't want to have to open up terminals on this18:52
guntbert!details | rek18:52
ubotturek: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:52
phoebusLess typing, more typing for notes is the idea.18:53
bullgardPan: "news.gmane.org requires a password, but none is set." What password do I need to type??18:53
aciculad35iboy: not really recommended to use lilo, but its in the repository. Id guess you have to manually configure it still though18:53
phoebusI always used linux as a... terminal :P18:53
minimecRodensky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351909/ add these lines18:53
phoebusIt's so exciting to have a desktop on it, that works.18:53
LJRphoebus, With 6GB of swap, you should power out of hibernation pretty quickly.18:53
minimecRodensky: CAn you paste.ubuntu.com your xorg.conf?18:53
LJRWhat processor are you running? (cat /proc/cpuinfo)18:54
rekgunt i need to compile lxdm18:54
LJR!hi | prashant18:54
ubottuprashant: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:54
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phoebusLJR, should, but the experiment showed significantly longer, and without even having a few openoffice windows open.18:54
Rodenskyminimec - i need to add these lines or are they suppose to appear and then i change them?18:54
jp--thanks LJR18:54
prashanti wana to how actually appl are coded in linux18:54
phoebusBut it's ok, I usually shut down my puter between classes anyway, with this boot time the idea works.18:55
gui7tyrosine, it appears i was lucky and selected randomly: http://gizmodo.com/5412305/google-searchs-new-interface-being-tested-now -- at home i dont get it any more :(18:55
LJRprashant, In many different was - Python, C, C++18:55
aciculaprashant: c,c++,python,javascript mostly ?18:55
minimecRodensky: You need to add these lines.18:55
UbuntuMierdaHi.  I have installed Flight Simulator with wine18:55
gui7but i can tell you it was VERY awesome :D18:55
UbuntuMierdabut it doesn't load18:55
guntbertrek: yes - you downloaded the file, unpacked it, changed into the directory, read the README and INSTALL and did what?18:55
UbuntuMierdais there a Linux Alternative?18:55
aciculaUbuntuMierda: try #wine or #wiehq18:55
LJRIt all really depends on the developer.18:55
rekUbuntuMierda: can u use the joystik?18:55
prashantwhen i use chat appl i get problem18:55
UbuntuMierdait won't even load18:55
LJRprashant, Xchat?18:56
rekguntbert: of course18:56
UbuntuMierdais there an Ubuntu version of Flight Stimulator18:56
erUSULUbuntuMierda: flight gear is free and is in the repositories. you can buy and install x-pilot that also is native in linux18:56
guntbertrek: and did what?18:56
rekUbuntuMierda:  flight gear18:56
phoebusLJR, hmm quick q, does typing count as activity for the monitor turn-off or do you have to always use the mouse? I was just typing and 4 seconds after stopping monitor went off :/18:56
KimuSan^hi I am new to ubuntu and have a quick software installation question. I need this package http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/claws-mail-plugins but it is not available in my software center (I use ubuntu 9.10)18:56
rekguntbert: issues with ./config18:56
LJRphoebus, Typing will keep the monitor from turning off.18:56
reki use claws on my smartq 518:56
alabdhow to see disk lists18:57
LJRalabd, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda18:57
phoebusOkies, sorry for the question rush. Your help/suggestions are very appreciated :)18:57
Rodenskyminimec - that's what i did and yet no change: GSynaptics couldn't initialize. You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics18:57
alabdLJR:  disk list not partition list18:57
LJRphoebus, always a pleasure, never a chore18:57
Rodenskyrestart / log out?18:57
phoebusThat's how it should be.18:57
LJRSystem->Administration-Disk Utility?18:57
jrib!synaptic | Rodensky18:57
ubottuRodensky: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:57
jrib!synaptics | Rodensky18:58
ubottuRodensky: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad18:58
guntbertrek: sometimes ./configure needs special switches - you could have missing dependencies -18:58
rekguntbert: like?18:58
minimecRodensky: After you made the changes, you have to logout and login again. 'on' is the same as 'true'...18:58
erUSULKimuSan^: install it from synaptic18:58
VCoolioKimuSan^: do you have the universe repository enabled?18:58
erUSUL!synaptic | KimuSan^18:59
ubottuKimuSan^: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:59
KimuSan^VCoolio, how do I see that?18:59
rekguntbert: i was trying to get gtk2-dev or something but i have unmet deendencies18:59
Rodenskyok, logout-login... BRB18:59
jribRodensky: please read the link ubottu sent you about how to enable shmconfig properly18:59
rekguntbert: what login manager coul i install for my handheld?18:59
KimuSan^VCoolio, ahh yes I do...18:59
oliver__evening all19:00
Sabre-nightIs there a guide onlin somewhere that gives me the basics to the terminal commands? :\19:00
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jrib!cli | Sabre-night19:00
ubottuSabre-night: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:00
guntbertrek: I don't have downloaded your package - please pastebin the output of configure (it should already be there in some file)19:00
Sabre-nightthanks jrib19:00
LJRSabre-night, http://linuxcommand.org/ - is the best. The two hours you spend memorizing everything there will make you into a shell poweruser.19:01
guntbert!pastebin | rek19:01
ubotturek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:01
KimuSan^erUSUL, thanks, that worked!19:01
ShinydanOk. I think I screwed up somewhere.19:01
rekguntbert:  and all the channel attention please : http://pastebin.com/m7e676a7819:01
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ShinydanWhen one of this machine's other users tries to access our USB HD music drive, he gets an "Unable to mount <drive name>" error.19:02
Shinydansaying "only root can mount"19:02
Shinydan*thinks* Hold on. I have a thought.19:02
nixfreakif ssh port is open shouldn't it be in the hosts file ?19:02
lsdlunawhat online anti virus scanner is compatible with ubuntu?19:02
SirBlarghif you're able to SSH, ping, telnet, etc, is that sufficient proof that a NIC is functional?19:02
jrib!virus | nixfreak19:03
ubottunixfreak: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:03
aciculalsdluna: how do you mean online scanner19:03
anthonyplaydoes someone live in USA ?19:03
nixfreakwhat wrong person19:03
jrib!virus | lsdluna19:03
ubottulsdluna: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:03
lsdlunathanks lol19:03
nixfreakI asked about ssh port should show in hosts file19:03
dtoljI am looking for madwifi-tools package on EEEbuntu 9.10, the universe repo is enabled but package cannot be found.19:03
jribnixfreak: why?19:03
beannixfreak: no, it shouldt19:03
nixfreakI thought all ports that were open go into hosts19:04
aciculahost file just statically maps names to ip adresses19:04
reknixfreak could i use port 23 for ssh instead of 22?19:04
jribnixfreak: no...19:04
beannixfreak:  no...19:04
nixfreakcan you tell me what file I can see all the ports19:04
beannixfreak:  what acicula said.19:04
anthonyplaysomeone who lives in USA can tell me if the following page is enabled ? http://www.google.com/phone19:04
acicularek: yeah, just change the ssh configuration to listen on a different port19:04
jribdtolj: the package doesn't exist according to packages.ubuntu.com19:04
beannixfreak: you could nmap yourself :P, or you could use netstat.19:04
jribnixfreak: what are you trying to accomplish?19:04
beananthonyplay: yes.19:04
jrib!ot | anthonyplay19:04
ubottuanthonyplay: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:04
SirBlarghanthonyplay, yes19:05
edlimaHi all! I just want to ask u something: Can I install a multifuncional laserjet in terminal (Client LTSP)? If I install this multifuncional on terminal, can I access in another terminal19:05
rekacicula: i did it with ftp but it didn't work...i opened also the port in the router configuration19:05
nixfreaklike if you use debian all all the ports that are open you can see in a file19:05
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Misantropohow can i upgrade my jaunty using a local apt-mirror mirror?19:05
nixfreaki was curious19:05
jribnixfreak: what file?19:05
rekjrib: try nmap19:05
nixfreaklol I thought it was hosts19:05
OerHeksedlima check cups, open browser > localhost:63119:05
jribnixfreak: it's not19:05
aciculaMisantropo: change the mirror in software-sources so it points to whereever your local mirror resides?19:05
beannixfreak: thats not true, what file are you talking about? lol19:05
Misantropoi mean, "update-manager -d" doesn't recognize my local mirror19:05
bullgardPan: "news.gmane.org requires a password, but none is set." What password do I need to type??19:06
reknmap woulb be cool for him nixfreak19:06
Misantropoacicula, i'll try that19:06
anthonyplaybean, SirBlargh , you don't have this message ? " We're sorry, but we are unable to serve your request at this time.Please try back in a few minutes."19:06
guntbertrek: line 131 looks like autogen.sh made some mistake - please contact the author19:06
nixfreakI know how to use nmap and netstat and lsof19:06
beananthonyplay: !ot but, no, it works for me19:06
rekguntbert: which author19:06
OerHeksbullgard, do you have an account there ?19:06
beannixfreak:  do you mean like /etc/services19:06
acicularek: first make sure the service works on the port you want it to work, then fix the forwarding of the router?19:06
nixfreakshit thats it sorry19:06
anthonyplayok thank you19:06
bullgardOerHeks: No.19:06
aciculaservices just maps port numbers staticaly to a name19:07
beannixfreak:  that's not open ports tho, thats just a ports listing19:07
guntbertrek: the one of the package19:07
OerHeksbullgard there is your answer19:07
rekguntbert: sorry that log was old19:07
joshyfluffHi all ^^19:07
bullgardOerHeks: Your answer is insufficient.19:07
anthonyplay( sorry but i didn't know how to find quickly peoples who lives in USA ^^ )19:07
rekguntbert: i installed pkg-config it was that but it's not a problem at all19:07
OerHeksbullgard, no account, no acces19:07
zaviI've just started to use Xubuntu but the internet is very slow; any ideas?19:07
joshyfluffCan anyone tell me how to boot from a later kernel in 9.10? GRUB 2 confuses me D:19:08
erUSULanthonyplay: #ubuntu-us ?19:08
kinja-sheepjoshyfluff: Hold SHIFT at bootup.19:08
Misantropoacicula, i've just tried what you said and my mirror is not found on the list, also there is no option to add a custom mirror19:08
joshyfluffOh its shift?19:08
anthonyplayerUSUL, hum yes good idea xD19:08
* joshyfluff hugs kinja-sheep "Thankyouuuu! I was looking all over on how to do that o.o"19:08
prashantis thr anybody who will be talk to me19:08
kinja-sheepjoshyfluff: No problem. o.O19:09
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guntbertrek: I'm a little tired of playing guessing games - if you want help please provide full and correct information19:09
OerHeksbullgard entering your newsserver in browser, i have acces ??19:09
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rekguntbert: that line it is not a problem,i fixed it19:09
DiverdudeHow do i install opera browser using sudo apt-get install? It says package does not exist when i try to install opera. So i edited sources.list, and added this line to the end: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main but updated, and tried to install again. But still it does not work. What am I missing?19:09
joshyfluffI managed to install another kernel and the patches for my wacom bamboo pen won't work on eet ; ;19:09
guntbertprashant:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?19:10
guntbertrek: then (according to your file) there is no problem :-)19:10
chelsaeiam an user of ubuntu karmic .how i can record my desktop with audio19:10
rekread the last lines19:10
aciculaDiverdude: you have to find the repository for karmic, that one says dapper?19:11
kubaszDiverdude: you can instal opera in ubuntu tweaker19:11
aciculaDiverdude: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser19:11
zaviHas anyone got a idea why my internet might be slow? I'm using Xubuntu with firefox.19:11
Rodenskyminimec - it doesn't work19:12
Rodenskysame error msg19:12
baxterI have a dead graphics card on my desktop, does anyone have any ideas on how to open a remote session or make all drives network shares? it'd have to be done blind as it were.19:12
aciculazavi: any number of reasons, is it shared, do you have torrents running, are you using ipv6? you can disable ipv6 in the network settings and setting ipv6 to ignore19:12
LJRzavi, that's an open question. Might be your connection19:12
Rodenskyjrib - can you please give me the link again?19:12
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guntbertrek: of course - if configure fails it won't create a Makefile and the make will not find anything19:12
Diverdudewhat is dapper?19:12
jribRodensky: /msg ubottu synaptics19:13
kinja-sheep!dapper | Diverdude19:13
ubottuDiverdude: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions19:13
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rekguntbert: we need to fix it19:13
edlimaOerHeks, I was checked the CUPS and try to install, now the printer is workin, I'll try to install the scanner now19:13
zaviHow do I access the internet settings?19:13
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acicularight click the network icon in the panel, ussually on the topright somewhere19:13
Diverdudekinja-sheep, i see....support means what? support in this forum, or development of drivers or what?19:13
OerHeksedlima maybe it works already, scanner in Xsane19:13
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad19:14
guntbertrek: you need to run configure again - until there are no errors - but that is information I sent you long ago via ubottu :-)19:14
kinja-sheepDiverdude: The whole thing.19:14
aciculaDiverdude: support in this case means wether it is updated or not19:14
minimec!synaptics | Rodensky19:14
rekno guntbert19:14
ubottuRodensky: please see above19:14
chelsaehow can answer me19:14
guntbertrek: no? as you please19:14
aciculaDiverdude: if you are still running ubuntu dapper you should probably consider upgrading19:15
Sabre-nightanyone suggest a decent music player on ubuntu 9.10? im using rhythmbox  but while shuffling, it tends to go back to songs two even three times after a song or two. (sonply put, anyone know of a better music program with a better shuffle?)19:15
rekguntbert:  i installed them19:15
guntbertrek: you need to run configure again - until there are no errors19:15
kinja-sheep!player | Sabre-night19:15
ubottuSabre-night: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:15
brummbaersabre-night: banshee, songbird, to name my favorites19:16
kinja-sheepSabre-night: Songbird too. (Not listed above).19:16
chelsaewhere are you19:16
Sabre-nightkinja-sheep, thanks19:16
guntbert!ot | chelsae19:16
ubottuchelsae: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:16
chelsaei fuckin you now19:16
baxterSabre: exaile would be my choice, I find it has the least lag when searching a large collection19:16
LJRCan we get a boot on chelsae?19:16
Picichelsae: Please watch your language here.19:17
=== Baxter_ is now known as Baxter
chelsaeiam sorry19:17
mkanyicySabre-night, maybe you have redundant songs, use audacious, it will give you exactly what you want, amarok as well19:18
ecraneWhere is there a place I can search all ubuntu packages for a particular file? I am looking for 'netdb.c'........19:18
edlimaOerHeks, just work when I install in the server, but whe I install in a thinclient desktop, the scanner can't work! Now I am tryin to install scanner configuring the lts.conf file.19:18
Piciecrane: http://packages.ubuntu.com19:18
LewisDre4mHello guys, I have what I think is a simple one but I just don't know how to do it.  I Re-Installed Ubuntu a min ago, I left my previous "/home" partition as it was and just formated and installed the OS over the top of where it used to be. I think I was thinking it would pick the "/home" thing up and keep it as my "home" but when I go into "home" now nothing is in there  . . . I would like to asign this home drive as my home drive? omg that makes no s19:19
ecranePici: Ty. Dang.. not found :<.19:19
Sabre-nightmkanyicy, alright, and i know i have a few, but i know the onse getting repeated in shuffle don't have a redunancy19:19
acecasecan someone give me a single command to copy all .doc and .xml files from a directory and all subdirectories excluding /mnt/usb/Users/Owner/ ?  Assuming it is possible19:19
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jribacecase: you can use the find command19:20
ecraneLewisDre4m: You have to configure your /etc/fstab to mount the home partition as something like '/home'19:20
edlimaOerHeks. Have many days witch I try to do it, but...19:20
bahamasminimec: i couldn't make it work19:20
acecasejrib: thanks. maning it now19:20
mkanyicySabre-night, audacious and amarok then, anyway if you have about 20000+ songs, you don't want to hear you fave song playing again only after 6 weeks, do you?19:20
bahamasi tried that manual after i disconnected the internet, and the command didn't work19:20
bahamasi don't know for what distro they were made19:21
jribacecase: it's long, but essentially just work on getting it to find the files first, then look at the -exec switch19:21
LewisDre4mYes, So basically what i'm asking in short is . . . How can I make A partition my HOME partition so when I go to places / music / videos / docuemnts etc it looks at this partition?19:21
Sabre-nightmkanyicy, nore like 200, but yeah19:21
OerHeksedlima serverside problem19:21
kinja-sheep!fstab | LewisDre4m19:21
ubottuLewisDre4m: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:21
acecasejrib: thanks. If it can do what I need it will be well worth learning to use. I do this manually all the time19:21
bahamasbut something else is clear to me, the problem is that ubuntu doesn't load the drivers to get my modem started19:21
ecraneLewisDre4m: on the install you can choose a particular parititon and make it's mount point '/home' and make sure you don't format it! Or, past install, you can manually add that partition to your /fstab.19:22
mkanyicyacecase, jrib but find will find ones from that forbidden directory as well19:22
jribmkanyicy, acecase: not if you tell it not to look there19:22
Rodenskyjrib thank you very much :)19:22
jribRodensky: no problem19:22
amy_i want to ask a question19:22
macman_hi can i make a dvd audio cd19:22
LewisDre4mecrane: I totally get you but I couldn't seem to mount it as /home with out formating it :( which is why I am in the mess19:22
mkanyicyjrib, oh, find is spectacular then19:22
amy_may I be able to use my memory stick on ubuntu linux?19:22
mkanyicymacman_, why do you want to do that?19:23
LewisDre4mSo what we are saying is no one knows how to mount a partition I have as /home19:23
kinja-sheepamy_: You can.19:23
kinja-sheep!usb | amy_19:23
ubottuamy_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:23
amy_ thanks19:23
alabdIs there any clear manual for domain network between linux and windows (not a workgroup) ?19:23
macman_mkanyicy most cd+r you can only play 700mb of music .. thta is about 13 songs19:23
mkanyicyLewisDre4m, I know how19:23
minimecbahamas: Look at that new way ... /msg ubottu !synaptics in the chat. That old xorg.conf method is depreciated.19:23
acecasejrib: regular expressions even. Thanks a lot. This is going to work great19:23
LewisDre4mmkanyicy: how?19:24
haxxordHi again ppl, quick question: Can I setup "Ubuntu 9.10 server" with a network install? where can i find documentation onthis?19:24
acecasejrib: I had no idea find was so "good" :)19:24
kinja-sheepLewisDre4m: Read the link. (Really!)19:24
mkanyicymacman_, why dont you burn an mp3 cd?19:24
guntbertLewisDre4m: you got answers - but it seems you didn't like them19:24
LewisDre4mI have the partition there I want it has all the stuff on I want I just want ubuntu to see it has my home drive19:24
HackJackHI all! I've a problem with ubuntu NBR 9.10. I've installed on a Sony TR5 without problem, all seems to work fine, but I cannot click on the icons on the desktop or the tabs. If I click on the bar at the top everything works (also with mouse) and also if I launch with ALT+F2. I can even use the keyboard to scroll the desktop and all works. SO I cannot only use mouse to click the netbook...19:24
HackJack...launcher, please HELP!19:24
LewisDre4mI didnt get any answers I got palmed off a load of links I dont understand19:24
macman_mkanyicy i don't know if my car plays mp3 cd's19:24
mkanyicyLewisDre4m, what partition do you want to mount19:24
obiwan_ayyo! little quick question, i do sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 & && sudo wvdial & but won't work. What i'm trying to deal is running rfcomm in bg and then running wvdial in bg, so i can keep working on that term . What the problem is?19:24
mkanyicymacman_, does it play dvd's then?19:25
LewisDre4mI have a 50gb partition in my computer I want to have as my /home drive19:25
bahamasminimec: which new way?19:25
macman_mkanyicy i don't think it does19:25
mkanyicymacman_, if it plays a dvd , it will play mp3cd19:25
LewisDre4mguntbert: Thank you for your non helpful contribution never the less.19:25
mkanyicymacman_, forget your idea, it will not work for you19:25
haxxordwhat a nice person :s19:25
LewisDre4mmkanyicy: Just a 50gb partition in my computer. It already has the home folders etc but I ubuntu does not see it that way atm19:26
minimec!synaptics | bahamas19:26
ubottubahamas: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad19:26
guntbertLewisDre4m: you *will* have to *read* something19:26
LewisDre4mguntbert: shh19:26
mkanyicyLewisDre4m, what is atm?19:26
bahamas!synaptics | bahamas19:26
ubottubahamas, please see my private message19:26
haxxord!synaptic | haxxord19:26
ubottuhaxxord, please see my private message19:26
reverseoh fuck, my computer doesnt boot19:26
LewisDre4mmkanyicy: at the moment19:26
mkanyicyLewisDre4m, anyway pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"19:27
guntbert!language | reverse19:27
ubottureverse: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:27
reverseguntbert, sorry19:27
haxxordPlease help me with a network install of ubuntu server 9.119:27
haxxordif its possible19:27
HackJackany netbook expert?19:27
FranzJesusLewisDre4m: If you formatted your previous partition containing your home-partition then I'm afraid your data is lost19:28
mkanyicyLewisDre4m, still waiting19:29
simplewhy ubi doesnt mount my sata hdd19:29
simpleits ntfs19:29
uvacavanyone know what the difference is in the sound recorder app between Voice,lossless(wav) and CD lossless (flac).. I mean obviously they are different formats but why use one for voice and one for music?19:29
bastid_raZorsimple: wubi will not be able to mount your windows OS partition as i recall19:29
KamokowIs there any way I can install all the Edubuntu applications on Ubuntu (like something like: sudo apt-get install edubuntu-apps)?19:30
simpleim on ubuntu now19:30
MohammadRRhi how can i install a ftp server ?19:30
mkanyicysimple, you mean wubi?19:30
simplewhen i install my other sata hdd19:30
JanSchhi, is there a "default driver" i can use in xorg.conf instead of "intel"? (intel crashes the xserver)19:30
simpleits ntfs19:30
simpleubuntu doesnt mount it19:30
bahamasminimec: i don't see the connection19:30
simpleubi means ubuntu19:30
mkanyicysimple, uh huh? for real?19:31
beansimple:  i've never heard that before19:31
simplehay skicem suratini19:31
ecraneLewisDre4m: if you are too impatient to read about how mounting, etc. you probably shouldn't be messing around with stuff on this level.  As far as how to do it, use the 'mount' command. "mount <your parititon> /home"19:31
mkanyicysimple, since when?19:31
LunganNeed some help with shared folders, a friend on my local network has a shared folder, but I whanna have an backup on my computer wich is syncronized with the folder, so that when he adds an picture for example it per auto goes to the folder on my computer also19:31
FarmCretinhi, im trying to get a total progress indicator for moving a big directory. why doesnt    cp -a /dir1 /dir2|pv -s 400m work?19:31
ecraneLungan: You'd probably want to set up some kind of script that runs like, every minute or something, and checks for new files and copies them over.19:32
MohammadRRhow can i install a ftp server ?19:32
mkanyicysimple, ok, anyway how can we help you then? please state your problem (again)19:32
ecraneLungan: you could use a cron job and have it run an 'rsync' command.19:32
simplemakineci haydi kocum yollan :)19:32
minimecbahamas: Sorry! Wrong nick...19:32
jezleeAnyone know when new Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0 will be officially released in Ubuntu repositories?19:32
FarmCretinMohammadRR: vsftpd19:32
mkanyicyFarmCretin, use  nautilus then19:32
FarmCretinubuntu server19:32
mkanyicyFarmCretin, or use the -v option of cp19:33
bahamasminimec: ok19:33
binMonkeyhi, guys.  idle, eclipse and openarena don't accept my enter keystrokes.  how do i fix this?19:33
Lunganecrane, no easy way? Im pretty noob, and it would be pretty lot work to check for every file and copy them19:33
bullgardPan: "news.gmane.org requires a password, but none is set." What password do I need to type??19:34
FarmCretinmkanyicy: cp -v doesnt give any sort of speed or ETA. pv does, but i cant make it pipe correctly19:34
mkanyicyFarmCretin, ok, is it worth doing it?19:35
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binMonkeyok.  how do i get check my keyboard settings?19:36
jcpis there a way to specify the display from the command line? when i try to run firefox from the command line, i get "Error: no display specified". i dont have physical access to the machine, but i know it has a display attached.19:38
jribjcp: set the DISPLAY environment variable, e.g. DISPLAY=:0 firefox19:38
Alex26Hi everyone. I would need some help. I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10, i updated the system and softwares. I installed the apps i wanted then i started customizing and configuring my system. Here is my problem19:38
Alex26I chose an option to automatically log under my main user and now it crash when i boot19:39
ecraneLunga: it's not so bad. The command "rsync -av <source directory> <destination directory>" will check every file and copy it. Then it's just a matter of using something like cron to schedule that command to run every 1 minute or 30 seconds or whatever....19:39
ecraneLunga: Something a little more complicated can be used to make sure the command doesn't run twice at the same time....19:40
llutzbullgard: seems to be pan-issue, slrn/thunderbird don't ask when accessing news.gmane.org19:40
Alex26The thing is that it doesnt ask me for my passwrd. I get 2 errors and the wallpaper shows up but thats all19:40
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jribacecase: yeah, it's very powerful.  Though it's going to be pretty slow compared to "locate", you could probably prune the results locate gives you to exclude that directory.  "locate" also accepts regex19:40
ecraneLunga: I'm not an ubuntu pro though. There might be some kinda built-in directory mirroring feature. Or you can use a 3rd-party software like 'dropbox' where it goes on the web.19:40
guntbertjcp: but you want to see the output on your local machine?19:40
Schiz0I'm considering switching from WinXP to Ubuntu. However, one of my concerns is the support for my wireless card. What's the best way to check if my wireless card works with Ubuntu? Can I boot the LiveCD, and if I can get on my wifi network, it'll work?19:41
kinja-sheep!live | Schiz019:41
ubottuSchiz0: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.19:41
nutzerhallo ich bin nicht yufrieden19:41
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jrib!de | nutzer19:41
ubottunutzer: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:41
kinja-sheepSchiz0: Yes.  Also, you can check hardware specs to see if your hardware is already listed. I'll show you a link.19:41
Alex26Nautilus dont have the rights to go and write in my Home folder. Can someone help me please^19:41
bullgardllutz: Thank you very much for commenting.19:42
guntbertSchiz0: thats a very good test19:42
kinja-sheep!hardware | Schiz019:42
ubottuSchiz0: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:42
nutzerich kenne nicht19:42
euxnekshah! Figured out that I could install from the liveISO to USB by hooking up some voodoo in VirtualBox19:42
bahamasnutzer: was kennst du nicht?19:42
nutzerhallo hallo19:42
guntbertnutzer: stop pretending you are german19:42
nutzerbin  erstmal hier19:43
llutz!de | nutzer19:43
bullgardSchiz0: Yes, give it a try using the Ubuntu desktop CD. It is a live CD.19:43
ubottunutzer: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:43
jribnutzer: if you want to speak german, /join #ubuntu-de.  This channel is for english only19:43
nutzercamfrog cool19:44
bahamasguys, does anyone know how to make Ubuntu recognize my wireless modem?19:45
masterchiefHi, I can't run halo trial on ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. Can anyone here help me?19:45
nutzerhallo hallo19:45
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llutzbullgard: accidently checkd "server requires authorization" box?19:46
Alex26what is the command to start the gnome Ubuntu desktop from the command line^19:46
OerHeksmasterchief does halo has a linux client?19:46
brummbaeralex26: /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?19:46
yassinehi everyone19:46
masterchiefNope, its windows only. I tried running it with wine and it failed.19:46
paykoobhi all. is there a IRC software in Command line?19:46
SandGorgonguys.. i want to edit a pdf form (that I generated online ). Is there any pdf editor (other than pdfedit) - especially gnome/gtk based ?19:46
Picipaykoob: irssi19:47
kinja-sheeppaykoob: irssi19:47
Alex26thanks brummbaer19:47
masterchiefThe game runs, but with a black screen over it19:47
llutzpaykoob: irssi weechat19:47
jribpaykoob: irssi and weechat are two good ones19:47
masterchiefI can here the music and me scrolling over buttons19:47
paykoobthanks kinja19:47
MorphyNOR!irssi | paykoob19:47
ubottupaykoob: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen19:47
bullgardllutz: I will check that immediately now.19:47
masterchiefBut I can't see it19:47
paykoobthks all.19:47
OerHeksmasterchief it should work > http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=272019:47
burzkiSchiz0, some wifi cards work in the liveCD, but not at install.  best way is to research your actual card/chipset ahead of time.  also when you do the install, plug into a wire so you can upgrade and install drivers as necessary right away19:47
Schiz0burzki: I'm not able to run a ethernet with my setup :-\19:48
alabdhow to check one framework is enabled or not19:48
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joaopintoburzki, a wifi card working from the livecd is expected to work from a regular install, it's the same kernel19:48
burzkiSchiz0, then definitely do some research before you install19:48
Schiz0burzki: Ok, thanks19:49
=== Guest51425 is now known as hume
burzkijoaopinto, "expected" is one thing, 'actual' is another ..19:49
joaopintoburzki, unless you find a some rare bug expected is actual19:49
joaopintoactually the install process is just as simple as copying the livecd contents to the disk, and then do some extra config19:50
burzkijoaopinto, well, it was true for me and no rare bug ..19:50
glphvgacshi, I am trying to get -fingerprint -sha1 of smtp.gmail.com to use it in postfix. how do I get gmails's "certificate file"?19:50
joaopintoburzki, probably you performed an update on your installed system, that could break a working driver19:50
burzkijust do your homework, all i'm saying - better safe19:51
joaopintoburzki, a livecd is a trustworthy way of testing wifi hw support19:52
=== sacho_ is now known as Sacho
MaletorMy make startup disk tool is not working - when I hit "other" and find my .iso it doesn't add it to the menu. What should I do?19:53
geniiAn iso file doesn't make the greatest boot floppy image19:54
Wowbagger2khello. can anyone help me streaming windows media in karmic?19:55
MaletorI don't want a floppy. I want it on my USB19:55
Maletorand that's what Ubuntu uses to distribute so...19:55
carnage_heyya, i plugged a data projector in and was playing around with the display settings in gnome and using the Fn+F7 key combo to switch modes and upon a reboot, i can no longer log into that same user account at the gdm login screen.  it just resizes the screen, looks like it's loging in, the screen goes blank for a second, comes back, still looks like it's logging in, and then goes back to the gdm login screen... any ideas?19:56
bullgardllutz: Where is the box "server requires authorization" to be found in Pan?19:57
llutzbullgard: i never used pan, according to the screenshots on their website, at "server-setting" tab19:58
geniiMaletor: Ah, so usb-creator and not some cd-burning app. Is the media large enough to hold the iso ?19:58
guntbertMaletor: either double-click on your iso or click on open - obviously it must be an ubuntu iso19:59
mcdermmnhas anyone managed to get windows guests under kvm to have high resolutions?20:00
obiwan_ayyo! little quick question, i do sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 & && sudo wvdial & but won't work. What i'm trying to deal is running rfcomm in bg and then running wvdial in bg, so i can keep working on that term . What the problem is?20:01
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guntbertobiwan_: first step: enter each command into  a different terminal, omit the & - to get errors as clearly as possible20:02
geniisk: Don't private message me please.20:03
obiwan_guntbert: it works perf if i don't  do &20:03
obiwan_i just want em running withouth many terminals20:04
Maletorgenii: yes the media is large enought 8gb20:04
obiwan_atm i'm using screen, but i don't like this way either20:04
kinja-sheepobiwan_: Create a simple script. echo "Done!" at the end of the script.  Something like that.20:04
guntbertobiwan_: next step run them in one terminal (with&) one by one - ie wait for the first to finish, then issue the second - it might be a timing problem20:05
obiwan_yeah, but isn't there a way to do it this way?20:05
obiwan_why i can't simply do sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 &?20:05
obiwan_anyway my dinner is on the table, see you later thanks20:05
Maletorgenii: I'm trying to do it with windows 7.iso so maybe that's why it's fussy :)20:05
Maletorgenii: problems already: damn20:06
trismobiwan_: try it without &&, I thought command1 && command2 was run command 1, if it succeeds run 2...but if you are running command1 in the background, I imagine it is because it won't exit immmediately...don't you want something more like sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 &; sudo wvdial &; ?20:06
bahamasguntbert: can you help me with something? i'll explain my problem20:06
geniiMaletor: It won't work with non-linux iso files. Because it uses a linux bootstrap method20:06
guntbertMaletor: no - it checks the iso for sanity ...20:06
Maletorgenii: well there you go20:06
Maletorgenii guntbert - so i should use unetbootin?20:06
obiwan_maybe trism but each line by separate won't work either, see you later byee and thankssssssssssssss20:07
guntbertbahamas: please state your question to the channel20:07
bahamasi have a dual boot system: windows xp and ubuntu 9.04 and a wireless modem that connects to the computer through a USB cable20:07
bahamasif I boot directly to Ubuntu, the system doesn't "see" my modem20:07
guntbertMaletor: I don't suppose that will work either - but there are surprises20:08
bahamasif i boot to windows, then restart and boot to ubuntu, my modem is recognized and it works20:08
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Maletorguntbert - why wouldn't it work - how the heck am i supposed to do this20:08
bahamasso the problem is that ubuntu doesn't recognize my modem on its own20:08
Maletorextracting an iso to a filesystem should not be this hard20:09
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guntbertMaletor: you are talking about win7? how should *we here* know?20:09
wolterhi, my power management applet stopped working.20:09
coreyBhey all20:09
coreyBdoes anyone know a good dvd player program?20:09
mneptokcoreyB: Totem or VLC20:10
coreyBoo i forgot about VLC thanks20:10
conflixnp :)20:10
nvmei am having trouble getting my blade server's NIC to detect in drbl (running on ubuntu 9.04, with 2.6.31-16 kern image) , would getting a different kernel image fix that ? what should i use ?20:10
Maletorguntbert - i'm talking about extracting an iso to a usb20:10
guntbertbahamas: when you boot first - is your modem recognized as a CD?20:10
Maletorwho cares what's on it20:10
w0ls0nI cannot seem to get vmware server 2.0.2 working on ubuntu. Can someone give me a hand with it? It just won't install. :-(20:10
bahamasit doesn't appear at all20:11
bahamasthere is no icon, or anything guntbert20:11
guntbertMaletor: different file systems - just extracting won't work20:11
jelly-beanevery time a user logs in it mounts the floppy in ubuntu ltsp. can i prevent that?20:11
mneptokMaletor: use unetbootin20:11
Maletori will20:11
noricrandom - anyone know any good channels to get ebooks/etextbooks??20:11
mneptokMaletor: the unetbootin site has instructions on its use under Windows20:11
guntbert!ot | noric20:11
ubottunoric: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:11
pranayconflix: hi , i am not able to download drivers for my nvedia graphics card in ubuntu 9.1020:11
Maletorty mneptok20:11
jelly-beanhow do i restore .evolution dir in the user's home? i backed up their /home dir and then when i restore just the ~/.evolution dir, evolution acts as if its just being installed for the first time wants to take u thru setup20:11
guntbertbahamas: then you got a different problem - sorry20:12
bahamasguntbert: what problem is that?20:12
mneptokjelly-bean: restore ~/.gconf/apps/evolution20:13
guntbertbahamas: no i wanted to say - my (solved) problem was another one than what you have - so I cannot help20:13
pranaywhen i go to hardware drivers section and try to activate the recommended driver, then the window of downloading and installing driver just hangs and doesn't seem to do anything20:13
bahamasok guntbert20:14
bahamasthanks anyway20:14
than0Hi. Does anyone got Ubuntu installed on Intel GMA500 chipset? My screen flickers and xforcevesa doesn't seem to do anything.20:15
pranayguntbert: hi , i am not able to download drivers for my nvedia graphics card in ubuntu 9.1020:16
than0There is apparently a ppa deb package I can install AFTER i finish installing to get 2D working properly, but I cannot seem to install it in the first place, and hate to do minimal install as my internet is too slow :(20:16
JoesephOut of curiosity, has the Android executable platform gone anywhere since it's initial announcement?  I haven't heard anything about it in a while.20:16
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bullgardllutz: Do you mean this website? http://pan.rebelbase.com/20:16
pranayguntbert:when i go to hardware drivers section and try to activate the recommended driver, then the window of downloading and installing driver just hangs and doesn't seem to do anything20:16
aguitelpranay, what driver?20:17
w0ls0nI cannot seem to get vmware server 2.0.2 working on ubuntu. Can someone give me a hand with it? It just won't install. :-(20:18
pranayaguitel:nvedia accelarated graphics driver20:18
pranayaguitel: version 18520:19
ReubenCan someone help me get my ipod touch working with ubuntu? I've tried numerous guides, but different problems arise that the guide doesn't cover. Somebody please help me, before I switch to Windows?20:19
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diddyHow can I play wmv files?20:19
jribReuben: ask a question with details20:20
llutzbullgard: yes http://pan.rebelbase.com/screenshots/servers.png20:20
aguitelpranay, another way to install this driver is with envyng try to install envyng with synaptic and then run envy in console20:20
conflixdiddy: i think VLC supports wmv20:20
diddyconflix, nope20:20
PartizanÐóññêèå åñòü?20:20
pranayaguitel : ok , thanks20:21
defryskdiddy, check if the wmv file is corrupted20:21
reki need a login manager20:21
yassineis there a way to copy ftp serve the logs of a machine that is in initramfs mode?20:21
conflixdiddy: you could install a windows VM and then use windows media player :D haha20:21
guntbertPartizan: stop that please20:21
inkykarmaI'm wanting to upgrade two systems, an ubuntu 6.06 LTS and a 7.10 up to the latest LTS and 9.10 respectively. I was wondering if anyone had linkage to a good page with directions on re-enabling restricted codecs, and also if anyone remembered the command that lists all installed packages?20:21
diddydefrysk, no it isn't. None of them will be played by vlc20:21
defryskdiddy, what is the message you are getting when trying ?20:22
danopiainkykarma, dpkg -l20:22
aguitelpranay, http://ubuntuguide.net/install-nvidiaati-graphics-card-driver-in-ubuntu-910karmic20:22
Partizan '< ðóññêèå???20:22
Reubenjrib: Those are the details. I have an ipod touch, I can't get it to work with Ubuntu. I have tried every guide I can find on google, nothing has worked. I would appreciate it if someone with experience in this would assist me.20:22
guntbert!en | Partizan20:22
ubottuPartizan: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:22
rekguntbert: problems with configure20:23
jribReuben: jailbreak your ipod and use ssh20:23
MorphyNORinkykarma: the next version will be LTS... just FYI20:23
guntbertrek: sorry to hear20:23
PartizanÍó âû äóðû àìåðèêîñêè20:23
jrib!ru | Partizan20:23
ubottuPartizan: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:23
inkykarmaMorphyNOR that's why I'm going all the way to 9.10 and skipping the last LTS on the 7.10 one, figured next LTS would be out soon :)20:23
MorphyNORinkykarma: in april20:24
Partizanäóóðûûû  :D  ;)20:24
pranayaguitel: which one should i install . envyng-core, qt or gtk?20:24
inkykarmamorphynor: cool.20:24
aguitelpranay, both ,sudo apt-get install envyng-core envyng-qt20:25
guntbert!hi | Ridler20:25
ubottuRidler: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:25
Ridlerhow do i access a chat i chatted with some one on mirc?20:25
guntbert!logs | Ridler20:25
ubottuRidler: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/20:25
danyRhey question: if i try to open my "home" folder from "places" menu, system complains about the lack of an application to open it. am i missing something?20:26
ikoniadanyR: that's odd20:26
ikoniadanyR: can you open nautlius on it's own?20:26
duffydackIve got Option  "AccelMethod" "exa" in my xorg.conf under Device but its still using xaa.. what gives20:26
Ridleri want my chat logs20:27
danyRikonia: yeah. even the "network" menu opens well20:27
Ridlerprivate chat log20:27
soreauduffydack: What does your X log say?20:27
ikoniaRidler: your client has to be setup to do that20:27
pranayaguitel: ok20:27
Ridlerwhere does it get checked ?20:27
duffydacksoreau, nothing with exa in .. just Loading xaa20:27
soreauduffydack: Try EXA instead of lower case20:28
duffydacksoreau, Ive had it working with my old 9800 card.. this is a new laptop, 1gig radeon 465020:28
duffydacksoreau, tried :(20:28
soreauduffydack: Pastebin your X log20:28
psvastixchat claims that i'm infected with a virus or trojan20:29
Ridlersome one give me an answer20:29
jelly-beanan example user has adm, dialout, fax, cdrom, tape, audio, dip, video, plugdev, fuse. how many do they really need? all they do is firefox and openoffice20:29
Ridlerwhere do you find the logs for private chat on mirc20:29
psvastii downloaded clamtk and scanned my system, no viruses found20:29
Picipsvasti: What in xchat is telling you that?20:29
Ridlerwhere do you find the logs for private chat on mirc20:30
GremnonI understand that XFCE has options to enable KDE and GNOME services, and GNOME can do the same for KDE services, but how do I start GNOME servies in KDE?20:30
BlouBlou!repite | Ridler20:30
guntbert!repeat | Ridler20:30
ubottuRidler: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:30
PiciRidler: We do not support mIRC here, try ##mirc20:30
duffydacksoreau, http://pastebin.com/f48fd760e20:30
geniiRidler: Your question has no set answer because: mirc under windows has to be set to log, firstly. If you DO set that, it uses whatever location you specified in there when you did that. So short answer... mount your windows partition, look in the place you told it to put the logs there20:30
danyRikonia: i've recently done some kind of "global" package purge, and i guess i've unninstalled something xdg-related...20:31
danyRbut can't find out what20:31
soreauduffydack: You're using fglrx which means your only option *is* xaa20:31
diddyI don't get it, I had always played .wmv files on Ubuntu in the past.20:31
ikoniadanyR: that seems a sensible option20:31
diddyWhy is it not working anymore?20:31
ikoniadanyR: does documents open ?20:31
duffydacksoreau, oh.!20:32
jelly-beanhow do i tell ubuntu not to mount the floppy on user login?20:32
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danyRikonia: yeah. most of things do open well, except these specific folders. let me search synaptic for 'xdg'20:32
duffydacksoreau, I didnt know exa was only with the free driver.. which my 9800 was using :)  thanks20:32
ikoniadanyR: only home - or others too20:32
soreauduffydack: To use exa, you would have to be using the open radeon driver which would require packages from the xorg-edgers repo and a newer kernel. Are you having a specific prolem you're trying to fix?20:32
Floppy"ubuntu, do not mount the floppy upon user logon....thanks"20:32
Floppybut on a seriousnote, is that possible?20:32
ikoniaFloppy: do not put the floppy in unless you want it mounted - thanks20:33
danyRikonia: Home and subfolders. i think that network:///, trash://, computer:// and even smb:// are fine20:33
duffydacksoreau, I`m not complaining, its quick as it is.. jsut saw it was using xaa and thought i`d try...   the free driver doesnt support my card whatsoever.20:33
soreauduffydack: That X log is not from a 9800 rather from an HD465020:33
ikoniadanyR: try re-installing ubuntu-desktop pacakge - that will probably put it back20:33
ganymedehello, i was interested in installing this kernel: 2.6.32-02063201-generic or newer, which apparently exists in the PPA kernel-ppa. i am using 9.10, which ships with 2.6.31-16-generic but it has a timer freq of 100 HZ, but i'd like 250 HZ for virtualization. i did: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa and then sudo apt-get update and received this error: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/b20:33
ganymedeinary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found (and also, would my broadcom proprietary wireless drivers and fglrx cease to function with this new kernel?)20:33
canthus13How would I reinstall grub? Win7 ate my boot sector, and I had to boot back into Linux via supergbrub.20:33
duffydacksoreau, I know..Im jjust saying, it worked with my 9800..now I know why20:33
rob_pRidler: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=see+the+chat+logs+of+mirc20:33
psvastiPici, * AUTO [1] Infected with a virus or trojan, please clean your system. Cleaner @ http://www.moosoft.com (P321). it's the server telling me this20:33
GremnonI understand that XFCE has options to enable KDE and GNOME services, and GNOME can do the same for KDE services, but how do I start GNOME servies in KDE?20:33
canthus13So basically, I'm in my regular install, but I'd love to be able to boot without the assistance of supergrub.20:33
soreauduffydack: Yes, the free driver supports your HD4650 card for 3D upstream already. as I mentioned, you'd need a newer kernel and packages from the xorg-edgers repo20:34
ikoniaganymede: is that ppa for karmic or jaunty ?20:34
Picipsvasti: You'll need to speak to the network staff of that irc server then, we have no way of knowing what they are referring to.20:34
duffydacksoreau, I have to boot safe mode graphics to even install ubuntu 9.10.. maybe the screen res it cant detect or something.. 1600x90020:34
ikoniaganymede: or even kola20:34
knobhello =)20:34
soreauduffydack: and of course to use the open driver, you cannot have fglrx installed in any way20:34
nmvictori have a USB device on /dev/ttyUSB2, is their a way i could move it to /dev/ttyUSB1?20:34
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ganymedeikonia, i think it's...for lucid...? i'm totally lost, which is why i came here20:34
duffydacksoreau, oh, right... nevermind, the fglrx driver was always faster for my 9800, so i`ll stick to it now.20:34
w0ls0nI cannot seem to get vmware server 2.0.2 working on ubuntu. Can someone give me a hand with it? It just won't install. :-(20:34
Picipsvasti: If they can give you specifics as to what that is talking about, then we might be able to help.20:35
ikoniaganymede: well, what are you currently running ?20:35
odysseasHi, if I add a ppa with "sudo add-apt-repository", how do I remove it afterwards? I can't find an entry in sources.list20:35
w0ls0n./vmware-server.2.0.1_x64-modules- 71: patch: not found20:35
w0ls0nSorry, problem with the patch, I can't apply it20:35
ganymedeikonia, i'm running 9.10, which i think is karmic. on this page: http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/5501 <-- people have suggested that they have installed a 2.6.32 kernel on 9.10 via PPAs20:35
knobI am running a script through cron.  It works, yet it sends an error message of "TERM variable not set."   Can I fix it by placing    TERM=linux   ?20:35
Mike_lifeguardIs there a FLOSS alternative to Matlab?20:35
Gremnonodysseas, try having a look in the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:35
ikoniaganymede: 9.10 is karmic, so if thats for lucid - it won't work20:35
nmvictori have a USB device on /dev/ttyUSB2, is their a way i could move it to /dev/ttyUSB1?20:36
duffydacksoreau, while you're here being helpful, dont suppose you know how to get enemy territory to use a custom resolution..20:36
w0ls0nfuck this noise20:36
odysseasthanks Gremnon20:36
ecartanyone know where I find the drive sis 661fx20:36
llutznmvictor: change/create udev-rules20:36
ecartagp? my card is a sis 330 mirage. , /20:36
soreauduffydack: Well, yes and no.. did you change the res settings in et's config?20:37
GremnonI understand that XFCE has options to enable KDE and GNOME services, and GNOME can do the same for KDE services, but how do I start GNOME servies in KDE?20:37
duffydacksoreau, only tried the menu in game20:37
soreauduffydack: What is the problem exactly?20:37
duffydacksoreau, there are resolutions I dont really wanna use. Id like to use my native 1600x90020:37
odysseasAnyone knows what the package that install proprietary drivers is named? I installed the server edition and now I need to install the nvidia drivers.20:37
nmvictorllutz: hoq do i do that?20:38
soreauduffydack: So the selection it gives you is not what you need?20:38
trismMike_lifeguard: there is octave, it is mostly compatible with matlab20:38
RodenskyUbuntu 9.04 - I know i'm not suppose to be able to delete all panels on my desktop, however... How do I prevent from this process from loading with the system on reboot?20:38
soreauduffydack: Or.. the selection you want is not showing in the menu there?20:38
Mike_lifeguardtrism: Great, thank you !20:38
llutznmvictor: read this to start http://noctis.de/archives/16-HowTo-fixed-name-for-a-udev-device.html20:38
duffydacksoreau, lower resolutions than the native for the screen always look bad...20:38
lucas_alguem do brasil20:39
duffydacksoreau, it goes from 1024x768 etc to 1280x720 and 1600x1200.  I`d like to force it to use my native res20:39
danyRikonia: it may also be of the custom nautilus version i'm using (the one with gloobus integration)20:39
ikoniadanyR: ah, that may explain it20:39
guntbert!br | lucas_20:39
ubottulucas_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:39
danyRlucas_: sou português!20:39
soreauduffydack: What does xrandr list for your resolution options?20:39
BluesKajodysseas, go to the nvidia website and find the drivers for your card there if you want the proprietary , instructions for install are there too.20:39
GremnonI understand that XFCE has options to enable KDE and GNOME services, and GNOME can do the same for KDE services, but how do I start GNOME servies in KDE?20:40
jimericksoncan't get a login prompt in my vt until i run "exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1". any ideas?20:40
rob_pknob: Why not something generic and simple like, "TERM=xterm"  <-- That seems to be the default on a couple of my headless servers.20:40
bullgardllutz: The layout of my two Pan server windows deviates a little bit from what you have shown me but is basically the same as the windows which you showed me. I am using Pan version 0.133. But there is no box "Server requires authorization" provided. So I filled in my name and a password which I selected deliberately. But I do not get access to news.gmane.org.20:40
duffydacksoreau, just seen in the config file, seta r_customheight "1024" and the width one , so I can set custom..  nevermind20:41
ecartlucas_ coé?20:41
ecartanyone know where I find the drive sis 661fx20:41
ecartagp? my card is a sis 330 mirage. , /20:41
ecartanyone know where I find the drive sis 661fx20:41
ecartagp? my card is a sis 330 mirage. , /20:41
nmvictorllutz: thanks20:41
FloodBot4ecart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:41
nightsjammiesHey, has anyone in here ever heard of something called sysegy?20:41
soreauduffydack: Somehow, I doubt that will work. Pastebin the output of 'xrandr'20:41
llutzbullgard: no more ideas then, sorry20:42
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nightsjammiessomething like a 3d photo program?20:42
bullgardllutz: Ok, thank you.20:42
GremnonI understand that XFCE has options to enable KDE and GNOME services, and GNOME can do the same for KDE services, but how do I start GNOME servies in KDE?20:42
inkykarmaThe ubuntu site recommends updating through each version succesively to reach the version I want. Since I'm going to have to reinstall all third party software anyway, what sort of consequences am I looking at for ignoring that advice?20:43
duffydacksoreau, ?  Im not having a problem with ubuntu and my screen res.. just wolfenstein:et20:44
soreauduffydack: So you set a resolution in some config file and it just started working by itself?20:44
guntbertinkykarma: a borked system maybe20:44
RodenskyHello again ppl - Ubuntu 9.04 - I know i'm not suppose to be able to delete all panels on my desktop, however... How do I prevent from this process/applet from loading with the system on reboot?20:44
duffydacksoreau, no, I wasnt having trouble at all.. I`m talking about the game now..  the only thing I wanted to know was about using exa.20:45
jimericksoncan't get a login prompt in my vt until i run "exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1". any ideas?20:45
MaletorHow do I force quit in Ubuntu?20:45
duffydacksoreau, installing the fglrx driver made the screen res detect fine.20:45
duffydacksoreau, thanks anyway20:46
rob_pMaletor: kill the PID of the process.20:46
soreauduffydack: Well you're just confusing me now. I thought you said et wasn't reporting the resolution you wanted20:46
duffydacksoreau, no, its not.20:46
rockandrollahi to all :)20:46
duffydacksoreau, ok ill do xrandr20:46
soreauduffydack: and I asked you what xrandr reported your resolution options as20:46
Maletorno graphical way to do it rob_p20:46
GremnonI understand that XFCE has options to enable KDE and GNOME services, and GNOME can do the same for KDE services, but how do I start GNOME servies in KDE?20:46
rob_pMaletor: ps -A | grep <process name> and then kill -9 <pid>20:47
rob_pMaletor: Oh, well you could probably use xkill if it's still around...20:47
inkykarmaguntbert: What if I'm installing from a CD as if it were a fresh install, is there a quick way to recreate my system I know I can copy dpkg -l output and paste it into apt-get after, is there something similar I could do for other settings?20:47
llutz!clone | inkykarma20:48
ubottuinkykarma: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:48
duffydacksoreau, ok hangon..  other games are ok tho..20:48
rob_pMaletor: Open a terminal and type, "xkill" and then you can click on the window you want to kill.20:48
duffydacksoreau, http://pastebin.com/f4ef0fdc020:48
ctmjrRodensky: cheap hack is to remove everything from the panel then make it transparent then set unhide delay in gconf-editor to a high number like 1000020:49
rob_pMaletor: Be careful with it as once you've started it, whatever you click on will go away abruptly!  :-)20:50
rob_pMaletor: welcome20:50
GremnonI understand that XFCE has options to enable KDE and GNOME services, and GNOME can do the same for KDE services, but how do I start GNOME servies in KDE?20:50
sourcemaker_how can I install git with webdav?20:51
Rodenskyctmjr - where do i find it inside gconf-editor?20:51
Rodenskywhich category?20:51
soreauduffydack: Well afaict, it should be giving you the correct display options but fglrx can be stubborn20:52
ctmjrRodensky: apps > panel top or bottom level20:52
duffydacksoreau, even set it to what I want in the cfg file but its not having it.20:52
Rodenskyctmjr - "panel_hide_delay"?20:53
soreauduffydack: Right, I had a feeling that wouldn't help anything20:54
Rodenskyctmjr - or "panel_show_delay"?20:54
xwinter /quit20:54
ctmjrRodensky: yes i believe hold on will double check20:54
nvmedoes the ubuntu server ediition kernel have different set of modules than regular ?20:55
Gremnonactually, new idea. What are the Gnome services, and how does one start them under KDE20:55
guntbertnvme: better ask in #ubuntu-server20:55
NightlightHello People, I have a problem running a command with dsh, can anybody help me ?20:56
Rodenskyctmjr - would it be any good to change "Panel minimized_size" from 3 to 0?20:56
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inkykarmaOkay, one last issue. The system currently running 7.10 going up to 9.10 is wireless using a Belkin USB antenae, I use the windows rt2870 driver for that. I've always had problems with it. The computer will only stay connected for so long, bouts an hour or two depending on usage before the network setting get overwritten by some crazy long password in the network settings dialog. Is there a...20:56
Rodensky*will it do :P20:56
inkykarma...file similar to fstab I can edit to fix that, and will I run into any issues upgrading using that wireless usb, i.e. should I bother dragging the box down so I can hook the wire into the ethernet card directly or will I be able to install using the wireless?20:56
ctmjrRodensky: yes i was going to suggest that20:57
Rodenskyto check if it worked i need to logout?20:58
ck773inkykarma: best practice, when in doubt, run wired if you possibly can20:58
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ctmjrRodensky: no it should be instant20:59
GremnonWhat exactly are the Gnome services, and how are they started while in a KDE session20:59
NightlightHelp People, I've got a problem running a command with dsh, can anybody help me ?20:59
Rodenskyctmjr - it didn't work, i'll try the 1st suggestion but what should i change, the hide or the show param?21:00
ck773Nightlight: just tell us the problem and someone might be able to answer21:00
Maria_Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows on laptops how to make ubuntu remember after restart that my display brightness is on low, and not auto turn it on to maximum :( I'm a noob. also I have another question for the experienced bittorrenters, I just migrated from windows, how do you ghostleech on ubuntu? what client should do that best. I tried ktorrent and it sucks21:01
duffydacksoreau, shame..21:02
nowthatsamattI need a tool to analyze logs over time from several different servers (but all the logs are located on one server).  Any ideas?21:02
inkykarmaAight, thank you various gents, Time to go kill a day installing new OS's. ;) Oh, and can anyone suggest a good google phrasing for searching for those instructions on enabling restricted codecs? .wmv, .wma and the like?21:02
soreauduffydack: Anyway, et works better with the open driver21:02
beannowthatsamatt: check out Splunk21:02
inkykarmabeen searching for hours now.21:03
nowthatsamattbean: need more than 500mb a day in traffic analyzed.21:03
llutznowthatsamatt: logwatch, log-analyse21:03
Gremnoninkykarma, for Ubuntu and derivatives, try x/k/ubuntu-restricted-extras package21:03
inkykarmagremnon: nod nod, thanks21:03
Diverdudeis it possible to somehow integrate grooveshark in ubuntu 9.10?21:03
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NightlightI've got the error "No such file or directory" when running dsh -f <hostlist> script.sh21:03
GremnonDoes anyone know what exactly the Gnome services are, and how are they started while in a KDE session21:04
beanMaria_: ghostleech is bad, mk21:04
ctmjrRodensky: hold on will send an image of what it should look like21:04
WallaceSlightly off topic question, but I'd appreciate the help.  I'm looking for advice on the Zend PHP library.  Can anybody tell me where would be good to go and ask?  There doesn't appear to be a #zend here - is there any other channel full of helpful types who might be able to help me?21:04
Maria_no it isn't21:04
dinosaurvskittenI just had to kill a process called 'exe' which was taking up 60% of the cpu. Any ideas what it could be? It's not on my path and was running as my regular user.21:04
erUSULWallace: in #php ?21:04
DiverdudeWallace, try in #php21:04
ck773ghostleech breaks the torrent network, of course it is..21:04
Wallaceahh, shoulda guess that.  thanks :)21:05
Maria_ghostleech makes you people good ratios21:05
erUSULdinosaurvskitten: are you sure it was only exe? not tomboy.exe banshee.exe or similar ?21:05
ikoniadinosaurvskitten: find it on your computer21:05
llutzNightlight:  tried "dsh -f <hostlist> path/to/script.sh"?21:05
beanMaria_: you need to earn good ratios, not cheat them21:05
Maria_depends on the tracker bean21:05
Nightlightllutz: yes21:06
ruspixciao a tutti21:06
jimericksoncan't get a login prompt in my vt until i run "exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1". any ideas?21:06
guntbert!ot | Maria_21:06
ubottuMaria_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:06
GremnonDoes anyone know what exactly the Gnome services are, and how are they started while in a KDE session21:06
Maletordo not cheat torrent site 1. it's unethical 2. you will get caught (there are a lot of systems in place checking all the time)21:06
budmaesterCannot find setup info for Logitek chatcam?21:06
Maria_yes. my first question was ^21:06
Nightlightllutz: ive tested with absolute path doesnt work21:06
Maria_Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows on laptops how to make ubuntu remember after restart that my display brightness is on low, and not auto turn it on to maximum :( I'm a noob.21:06
llutzNightlight:  also tried "/path/to/dsh -f <hostlist> path/to/script.sh"?21:06
dinosaurvskittenerUSUL, only exe21:06
Nightlightllutz: well dsh does run because it takes the parameters and asks for remote computer passwords21:07
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beanMaria_:  it should be in System -> Preferences -> Power Management21:07
erUSULdinosaurvskitten: never heard of such progrma process21:07
llutzNightlight: ah ok, sry cannot help then21:07
ikoniadinosaurvskitten: where is it on your system21:07
kane77hi, what would you recommend as backup tool? I need something that would be possible to keep more versions and be able to backup to ssh server..21:07
dinosaurvskittenikonia, the search is still running21:08
beankane77:  rsync21:08
dinosaurvskittenI don't use slocate, so it might take a few minutes21:08
Maria_oh, I hope it remembers. thanks bean21:08
llutzkane77: rsnapshot21:08
Nightlightllutz: do u know if it works with scripts ?, i've tested with commands and does work21:08
kane77bean, how do I keep more than one version with rsync?21:09
llutzNightlight: no sorry, haven't really used dsh yet21:09
Nightlightllutz: but when I try with a hello world 2 lines shell script, doesnt find it...21:09
dinosaurvskittenerUSUL/ikonia, oh, turns out it's some chrome wrapper for plugins21:09
dan_hi, I wonder if anyone could help me, please - trying to run ubuntu update mgr (9.10W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_2.6.31-16.52_i386.deb21:09
dan_  404  Not Found), get the following error:21:09
erUSULdinosaurvskitten: usefull info thanks21:09
Maria_I can;t find like in windows the option, ''when i close the laptop lid'' -----> ;do nothing;21:09
wormsyso im sure this is an unpopular question here, but would someone mind helping me with my xorg.conf?21:09
qu4ntcould need some help with virtualbox, try to install 3.0 for webOs SDK but everytime i try to dpkg -i it says virtualbox-3.0 collides with virtualbox and therefore it will not be installed21:09
kane77llutz, thanks I'll take a look at it21:10
dinosaurvskittenerUSUL/ikonia and the cpu problem was because it was wrapped around flash, so no surprises there21:10
GremnonDoes anyone know what exactly the Gnome services are, and how are they started while in a KDE session21:10
llutzNightlight:  also tried "/path/to/dsh -f <hostlist> path/to/script.sh"?21:10
ctmjrRodensky: sorry took so long here you go http://imagebin.ca/view/CY4n_khY.html21:10
llutzNightlight:   "dsh -f <hostlist> -e path/to/script.sh"?21:10
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duffydacksoreau,   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=433221       fixed :)21:11
guitar-maniachey, how can i copy a file from /home/user/*file* to /usr/share/fonts/truetype. im not good with the cp command.. messing it up :(21:11
llutzNightlight: "-e scriptname"  according to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clresctr/vxrx/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.cluster.csm16.cmds.doc/am7cm_dsh.html21:11
Nightlightllutz: let me test,21:11
inkykarmaAnother question: On previous installs of ubuntu I've been allocating 2gb for my swap, and from what I can tell, ubuntu has no use at all for that much.  My logic was I could convert video more quickly, but that doesn't seem to be the case. If I drop it to a gig, is that still excessive? What's a good number?21:12
dan_sorry, looks like my msg was garbled - got this error from ubuntu update manager: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_2.6.31-16.52_i386.deb  404  Not Found21:12
dan_any ideas?21:12
mahngielis there a program/plugin for getting your phone to be acknowledged by ubuntu?21:12
DiverdudeWallace, try in #php21:12
Diverdudeis it possible to somehow integrate grooveshark in ubuntu 9.10?21:12
mahngieldan_, the internet page is unavailable21:12
dinosaurvskittenGdm is not enabled on any runlevel. Why do I still keep getting that ubuntu login screen with the drum sound when I boot up?21:12
mahngieldan_, the page doesn't exist21:13
mahngieldan_, try typing it in your browser, and you'll see what i mean21:13
guntbert!runlevel | dinosaurvskitten21:13
ubottudinosaurvskitten: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:13
dan_ok, but what does that mean in terms of updates?  it looks like it was trying to update the linux kernel, but apparently that failed21:13
beandan_: run an apt-get update21:13
beandan_:  then an apt-get upgrade21:13
Rodenskyctmjr - it's not the default panel that was seen after system installation but a panel i created at the left part of the screen, is top_panel the right param to change?21:14
mahngielanybody know anything about getting my phone to mount?21:14
dinosaurvskittenguntbert, how do I disable it then?21:14
beandinosaurvskitten: u want to disable the gui all together?21:14
Pekka_Looking for help, having hard time getting images from camera with gthumb, gives error: already in use21:14
dinosaurvskittenbean, yes21:14
dan_thanks, but major noober here - not good at terminal yet - could you walk me through it, please?  ty21:14
mahngieldan_, type 'sudo apt-get update' in a terminal21:14
DarkedgeIs 9.4 still surported cause im having some probs with 9.1021:15
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dinosaurvskittenbean, ion3 takes milliseconds to load, yet that silly boot up screen manages to spend 5 seconds doing /something/ after I've logged in through it21:15
ctmjrRodensky: how many panels do you have?21:15
dinosaurvskittenand I'm not a big fan of my computer emitting random noise upon booting up anyway21:15
Pekka_Looking for help, having hard time getting images from camera with gthumb, gives error: already in use21:15
Rodenskyctmjr - only one, left21:15
guntbertdinosaurvskitten: sudo update-rc.d remove gdm ?21:15
dinosaurvskittenguntbert, already done21:16
qu4ntsome virtualbox guru here?21:16
dan_ok, it retrieved a list of updates - how do I install them?21:16
guntbertqu4nt: more likely in #vbox21:16
beandinosaurvskitten: try sudo sysv-rc-conf...21:16
Pekka_Looking for help, having hard time getting images from camera with gthumb, gives error: already in use <-- anyone? :E21:16
Nightlightllutz: my current ubuntu's dsh doesnt accept -e parameter, like ibm's AIX21:16
qu4ntguntbert, thx21:16
dan_or at least it read the package lists21:16
jimericksonubuntu 10.04 problem, can't get a login prompt in my vt until i run "exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1". any ideas?21:16
Pekka_its getting late and i need to go sleep soon :D21:16
ctmjrRodensky: then yes it is the same as top-panel21:16
guntbert!lucid | jimerickson21:16
ubottujimerickson: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:16
Gremnonjimerickson, try #ubuntu+1 for lucid21:16
GremnonDoes anyone know what exactly the Gnome services are, and how are they started while in a KDE session21:17
inkykarmadan: now type sudo apt-get upgrade21:17
Nightlightllutz: may I have an incorrect dsh version?, i got it with simply with apt-get install21:17
dinosaurvskittenbean, already done21:17
phillwjoin #ubuntu-beginners21:17
dan_ty, running now21:17
Pekka_help! when i put camera it says: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)21:17
llutzNightlight: no, i think it's ok, linux or *buntu version might vary21:17
dan_ty, phillw - didn't know about the beginners group, I'll try that next time21:18
ruspix_ciao a tutti21:19
phillwso dan, my typo - I'm trying to get there ;-)21:19
Pekka_Looking for help, having hard time getting images from camera with gthumb, gives error: already in use <-- anyone? :E21:19
Pekka_help! when i put camera it says: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)21:19
guntbert!it | ruspix_21:19
mikiHey guys, is someone here using HFS+ partitions/disks with Ubuntu ?21:19
beandinosaurvskitten:  try mving /etc/init/gdm.conf to /etc/init/gdm.bak21:19
dinosaurvskittenbean, yeah I just found that in a post, trying it now21:20
Nightlightllutz: could have anything to do the fact that i'm running with sudo ?21:20
beandinosaurvskitten:  as well as editing /etc/X11/default-display-manager21:20
ubotturuspix_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:20
dinosaurvskittenbean, there are actually some lines mentionning "start on (filesystem, ..." in that config file21:20
beandinosaurvskitten: yeah.21:20
Dr_Willis!info dsh21:20
MorphyNORwhere is the gnome and gtkpanel config files really stored?21:20
beandinosaurvskitten: thats upstart21:20
ubottudsh (source: dsh): dancer's shell, or distributed shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.25.10-1 (karmic), package size 34 kB, installed size 184 kB21:21
baversjoHello! I'm dual booting OSX and ubuntu server 9.10 on my mac mini 2009. The power in my house died while using ubuntu. I can still boot OSX but when I try to boot ubuntu I get a black screen that says "GRUB _".21:21
airtonixMorphyNOR, gconf21:21
Rodenskyctmjr - it had no effect over the panel21:21
Dr_WillisMorphyNOR:  .gconf* and .gnome* normally21:21
wolterhi, i can't see my power manager applet21:21
MorphyNORairtonix: where is that file?21:21
airtonixMorphyNOR, its a bunch of files : easies to access the settings by using gconf-editor21:21
dinosaurvskittenbean, I commented those out, we'll see how it goes on the next reboot, thanks :)21:21
MorphyNORDr_Willis: all I can find are empty %gconf files21:21
Rodenskyctmjr - it had no effect over the panel and the params for both top and bottom panels there do not match the panel i have21:21
Nightlightubottu: have u run dsh with a script ?21:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:22
kltrgI'd like to execute a certain script every hour, so I moved the file to /etc/cron.hourly/. It's permissions are -rwxr-xr-x and still the script isn't executed. What am I doing wrong?21:22
MorphyNORairtonix: how do you access panel settings via that then?21:22
lotushey I'm installing ubuntu and it's been chilling at "finishing the installation" around 26%21:22
lotusif I shut it down, do I have to redo the whole install?21:22
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world-catDoes anyone know where xorg.conf is located. It does not seem to be in /etc/X11/?21:22
airtonixMorphyNOR, 1) run gconf-editor 2) goto : apps -> panel21:22
MorphyNORairtonix:  okay...21:22
lotusworld-cat, 'find / -name "xorg.conf"'21:22
Dr_WillisMorphyNOR:  thers also .gnome2 and .gnome-private and gnome does use some sort of 'system regiestrey' type feature as well21:23
world-catlotus: Thanks will do that21:23
Nightlightllutz: i'm running it with sudo, could that be related to the error ?21:23
Diverdudehow do i force-delete a dir with rmdir even though it contains subfolders and files?21:23
shadowimmageHello, I was wondering if anyone knows about installing WindowsXP on a separate partition (after ubuntu is already the primary (and only) installed OS) and then being able to run it with something like VirtualBox?21:23
ctmjrRodensky: it does not auto-hide?21:24
RodenskyHow do I disable panel loading on the desktop desktop?21:24
airtonixDiverdude, append -rf21:24
mikibaversjo: You should repair GRUB from live CD21:24
airtonixDiverdude, so for example i wanted to remove my Pictures folder : rm ~/Pictures -rf21:24
Diverdudeairtonix,  rmdir -rf work does not work21:24
airtonixDiverdude, it might need to be capitals21:24
nanotubeDiverdude: 'rm -rf'21:24
JohnyKhello how can i connect local to ircd-hybrid21:25
llutzNightlight: i doubt that. according to authors homepage and dsh man-page, it really seems not to be able to run scripts21:25
Rodenskyctmjr - i tried to change the param you gave me (what was on the link) and it didn't work, then i tried others, and yet nothing. Are you sure i'm not suppose to logout after making these changes?21:25
mikiGuys, I need someone with Ubuntu on Mac, to conffirm this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/50273621:25
BluesKajshadowimmage, virtualbox doesn't reuire a separate partition , windows installs inside VB21:25
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baversjomiki: I'm in the live CD right now. rEFIT is my 'main' boot loader which loads GRUB. How can I restore grub if it's not on the main boot loader?21:25
nanotubeshadowimmage: why install on a separate partition? just install from within virtual box, onto a virtual filesystem (which will basically be a large file on your disk)21:25
guntbertDiverdude: please be aware that this command can be *very* dangerous to your system - if used wrongly21:26
Diverdudeguntbert, yes i know....but it worked perfectly...21:26
airtonixDiverdude, yes just pay attention to the target you point that particular command at.21:26
nanotubeDiverdude: yes - just be careful not to accidentally rm stuff you need :)21:26
ctmjrRodensky: i have never had to but then again mine is working you can try and log out and see if it helps21:26
mikibaversjo: On what partition is Ubuntu installed21:26
wadI changed the /etc/hostname to have a different name, but it's giving me grief. Is there a better way to do this, through the GUI maybe? Looked on google, and found some really outdated steps to try that don't apply anymore.21:27
shadowimmagenanotube, because I was thinking that in some cases, booting to windows directly would give me better performance when I didn't need to be using my Ubuntu system... the idea is to install windows on a partition of my secondary HDD (just resized some other ext3/4 partitions to make room)21:27
boubbinwhat is the kernel in newest ubuntu if its uptodate ?21:27
baversjomiki: Here is output of fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/351965/21:28
Nightlightllutz: reaching the end of the page http://www.clusterresources.com/products/torque/docs/1.1installation.shtml  shows how to use DSH with the script... could that be so mistaken ?21:28
dan_ok, not update mgr seems to be working fine - ty to all who helped!21:28
guntbert!hostname | wad21:28
ubottuwad: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.21:28
Diverdudeif i want to mount a drive using sshfs into /media, i first create an empty folder in /media, e.g. /media/mountdir and then i afterwards go sudo sshfs remoteserver:/remotefolder /media/mountdir right?21:28
world-catI dont seem to be able to find my xorg.conf. I newly installed this from the ISO CD. I switched to root and then I did    find / -name "xorg.conf" and I got nothing??21:28
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wadguntbert, thanks!21:28
Nightlightllutz: i'm actually trying to remotely install Torque Resource manager (PBS)21:29
baversjomiki: sda3 is my ubuntu partition and it's ext421:29
Seveasworld-cat, it's in /etc/X11 if it exists21:29
mikiOk, I saw it21:29
airtonixshadowimmage, its a fairly sensible conclusion, one thing you'll need to keep in mind though is that virtualbox will appear to be different hardware to windows (so switching between real boot and virtualbox will look like you've replaced your entire computer hardware thus requiring activation )21:29
world-catIt does not seem to be in /etc/X1121:29
Seveasworld-cat, but note that xorg.conf is no longer mandatory21:29
guntbertwad: you're welcome :-)21:29
airtonixshadowimmage, there is ( i think ) a way around that though. i do remember reading apost about how on ubuntuforums21:30
world-catsevas: So how do I change the resoultion. I am getting only 800 x 600. I installed this new into a Sun xVM Virutal Box to check Ubuntu21:30
mikibaversjo: GRUB2 is differnet than first one, so I cant help you because I might make it worse if I tell you GRUB1 comand21:30
airtonixworld-cat, you need to install the guest additions for the guest os so that virtual box provides more options21:31
shadowimmageairtonix, i'm not sure about the windows system activation, but in the case that it thinks that I need to reactivate it, will that make me lose my license (essentially making my $200 win xp worthless?)?21:31
llutzNightlight: really odd, but i have no idea how to solve21:31
aletheia84can you install proprietary drivers on ubuntu and if so how?21:31
BluesKajshadowimmage, using VB is redundant if you intend to install XP on another HDD21:31
Rodenskyctmjr - it didn't work21:31
world-catairtonix: Thanks. I will check that. I did not at least need to do this for a Windows XP guest21:31
Diverdudeif i want to mount a drive using sshfs into /media, i first create an empty folder in /media, e.g. /media/mountdir and then i afterwards go sudo sshfs remoteserver:/remotefolder /media/mountdir right?21:32
airtonixshadowimmage, possibly if you just charge on into it without taking this into consideration (you'll need to search through ubuntuforums for the howto on that since it covers that scenario)21:32
Nightlightllutz: Thanks very much for your time anyway !21:32
airtonixworld-cat, yes you do (i've had to for every win32 guest i've ever ran in virtualbox)21:32
baversjomiki: something like this? sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/root /dev/sda21:32
sven_oostenbrink I am so going beserk here.. I have a bunch of scanned documents as images, I need to increase brightness and contrast for those.. I tried just about every friggin program to do so, digikam, crash, gwenview, can't,  fspot, cant, picassa, can but wont... argh! How can I just simply batch modify brightness and contrast on images?!!?21:33
baversjomiki: replacing /dev/sda and /media/root ofc21:33
shadowimmageBluesKaj, it is? It seems to me that being able to access another OS from my Ubuntu host would be an advantage (no rebooting just to do one little thing)21:33
llutzsven_oostenbrink: convert (imagemagick)21:33
aletheia84is it possible to install specific drivers in ubuntu??21:33
airtonixworld-cat, just incase it is not obvious the guest addtions iso you want for your ubuntu guest os can only be obtained by installing virtualbox in the guestos (then the guestaddditions iso will be somewhere /usr/share/something/something )21:33
floating1yo yo. Any good irssi-friendly lightweight terminal programs ? This lxterminal that comes with lxde don't let me disable or edit shortcut keys so that I could have all the alt1-10 to irc channel switch, also by default the http links are not clickable21:34
mikibaversjo: yes, but I do not know how rEFIt works21:34
world-catairtonix: Thanks. Maybe I did not need the guest additions, because usually my host and guest were both some Windows Versions21:34
sven_oostenbrinkllutz: looking at it now21:34
airtonixworld-cat, possibly (i haven't done that combination before )21:34
aletheia84Can anybody help me???21:34
mikibaversjo: do not use  '/dec/sda'21:35
BluesKajshadowimmage, you can access windows from inside ubuntu , using  the ntfs volume in nautilus21:35
airtonixaletheia84, you need to be more specific21:35
airtonixBluesKaj, its not exactly what is deisred here21:35
llutzsven_oostenbrink: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/convert.php21:35
mikibaversjo: /dev/sda3 shuld be better, because I figure you want chainboot21:35
baversjomiki: Me neither... I used this command: "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/server/ /dev/sda3". Tells me that it cant read /grub/core.img21:36
shadowimmageBluesKaj, if what i wanted was to access files I wouldn't bother with ntfs systems. My problem is that I'm in a class that requires me to use windows-only CAD software... and i do not want to ditch ubuntu for a quarter just because I have to use SolidWorks21:37
Dr_Willisbaversjo:  you do hagve the server installed filesystem Mounted on /mnt/server correct? check tjhe spelling?21:37
airtonixshadowimmage, here read this before you do anything : http://blarts.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/how-to-run-virtualbox-using-a-physical-partition-using-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/21:37
mikibaversjo: Here is some tut http://tolearnfree.blogspot.com/2009/12/how-to-fix-grub2-on-ubuntu-910.html21:37
airtonixshadowimmage, also this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76988321:38
mikibaversjo: It appears you need to chroot first21:38
woltershadowimmage, depending on your computer performance, you could use virtualbox to host linux from ubuntu, but you'd need to install windows inside your virtual machine, and then install the CAD program21:38
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woltershadowimmage, or you could see if wine supports the application21:39
baversjomiki: I got it installed let's see if i can boot cya THX!21:39
bitfoxI need to format my hd... the correct steps are: cfdisk /dev/hda and mkfs -t etx3 /dev/hda?21:39
Dr_Willisbitfox:  cfdisk partiions the hard disk. making partions suich as /dev/sda1 and /dev/hda1   hda1 is not common these days21:40
mazpehow can i tell what is the latest available version of openssl via apt-get?21:40
Dr_Willisbitfox:  if its allready partioned - you can just format it21:40
woltershadowimmage, nah, wine can't21:40
mezquitalebitfox, why are you hurting yourself using cfdisk?  just use a live cd with gparted21:40
bitfoxDr_Willis: thanks21:41
airtonixshadowimmage, i think you'll have less pain by working out how to setup that vbox environment... or just dual boot. the winehq page for solidworks looks like the same kind of nightmare that fallout3 is .21:41
bitfoxDr_Willis: the partition si ntfs native21:41
bitfoxDr_Willis: the partition is ntfs native21:41
shadowimmagewolter, that might work, what i'm concerned about it if I install windows there, is it going to be permanently bound to my VirtualBox installation (ie, is there a way to transplant the .vdi out to some other partition/disc and be able to use Windows later (perhaps would need to repair the installation?))21:41
shadowimmageairtonix, yeah, i looked into wine... not a good idea if I actually want to get my homework done21:41
Dr_Willisbitfox:  then you may want to use cfdisk to delete/remake the partion  with the proper type then.21:41
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woltershadowimmage, hmm... i wouldn't know about that21:42
bitfoxDr_Willis: I must create a Linux general partition through cfdisk tool and next use the mkfs -t ext321:42
woltershadowimmage, but it would be very complicated I guess, as virtualbox uses its own set of drivers21:42
airtonixshadowimmage, yep i spent about a week trying to get fallout3 installed and running in wine... ended up just dualbooting.21:42
Dr_Willisshadowimmage:  windows  depends on the version - yes. it can get 'bound' to the vboxc machine.21:42
woltershadowimmage, which wouldn't work with hardware21:42
rd1381is there any way to connect to a windows share drive that is accecseable on a active dire3tory windows server?21:42
mkanyicyhi rek21:42
christophebHi, I'm trying to build radeonhd drivers from grid and have to run "sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd", but apt replies: "Build-Depends dependency for xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd cannot be satisfied because no available versions of package xserver-xorg-dev can satisfy version requirements"21:42
rekDr_Willis: unmet dependencies21:42
mikiGuys, I need someone with Ubuntu on Mac, to conffirm this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/50273621:43
lb36t1hi guys can anyone help with with an internet problem in ubuntu21:43
woltershadowimmage, but I think your best choice is to setup a dual boot (if you haven't already) and then just get into winblows every time you need to work with the program21:43
wolterlb36t1, specify21:43
rektrying to compile lxdm21:43
wolterlb36t1, not that i know the answer, but unless you specify you won't get any attention21:43
wolterthis is how irc works21:43
christophebI added the "source" repo, is there anything else I'm missing?21:43
rekmust have libgtk2.021:44
lb36t1wolter: IVE TRIED TWO BROWSERS AND THEY BOTH DO THE SAME THING that being they dont connect to websites or take ages to load simple pages21:44
bitfoxntfs-3g libraries are good... but Yesterday I collect a lot of problems21:44
kb9vqfWhen I try to use a hard disk in my Lenovo UltraBay, the kernel does not allow exclusive lock21:44
kb9vqfreiserfs_create: could not open /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy21:44
kb9vqf^^ as root21:45
lb36t1ive tried firefox and chrome21:45
kb9vqfany ideas?21:45
FloodBot4kb9vqf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:45
Dr_Willisrek:  if an older version is in teh repos.. You could 'sudo apt-get build-dep packagename' that should pull in all needed-dev pcakges/libs21:45
wolterlb36t1, trying new browsers is not the way to go.. the problem is in your connection speed21:45
christophebHi, I'm trying to build radeonhd drivers from grid and have to run "sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd", but apt replies: "Build-Depends dependency for xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd cannot be satisfied because no available versions of package xserver-xorg-dev can satisfy version requirements"21:45
Diverdudedoes anybody know an alternative to surfthechannel.com?21:45
wolterlb36t1, or your network settings/setup21:45
woltersomething, but not the browsers.21:45
lb36t1ok but its fine in windows im connecting wirelessly21:45
mkanyicywhat happened to gnump3d? was it disbanded or what?21:45
lb36t1one moment its fine the next it wont even connect to this21:45
guntbertfantasticulous: please stop21:45
BluesKaj!patience | christopheb21:45
ubottuchristopheb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:45
FloodBot4fantasticulous: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:45
christophebok, thanks anyway21:46
christophebthought this was an easy mistake :)21:46
Shobariis this the best channel to ask about an IP forwarding problem I am having?21:46
shadowimmagewolter, yeah... it'd be nice to be able to access the program through windows virtually, but it looks like that's a hard thing to do, even though I know it's been done before... I know there's ways of installing ubuntu on a machine that already had windows, and adds the grub bootloader... is it as easy to install windows after having linux being the only OS? Also, I have two HDDs, and perhaps it would work to install windows21:46
bitfoxI think my hard disk has fault21:46
shadowimmage on the second HDD, and then have grub access it instead?21:46
boscophi. anyone here playing world of goo?21:46
guntbertShobari: if its happening on ubuntu - probably yes21:47
boscopI don't know how to continue after chapter 2. it just plays a storm. I finished chapter 221:47
mb74Bezüglich Ihrem Inserat mit der Referenznummer 15805252 (bazar@enternet.hu)21:47
mb74hi all. does anybody know how to redirect an existing X11-window?21:47
guntbert!ot | boscop21:47
sourcemaker_is there a official way to access git via HTTPS?21:47
ubottuboscop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:47
woltershadowimmage, installing ubuntu on top of windows is no problem... now, if you do it the other way around, you'll get your bootloader screwed unless you reinstall grub21:47
Dr_Willisshadowimmage:  2 hd's make it much easier.. Unplug the ubuntu one.. Install windows to the 2nd hd.. plug both back in.. You could either use the bios to pick what hd toboot.. or rerun 'updateg-grub' and use the grub bootloader to boot wimndows21:47
woltershadowimmage, listen to Dr_Willis, he knows more about it than I do21:48
Shobariok - this started only a day or two ago. Ubuntu 9.04 as router/firewall. I have IP forwarding enabled (ufw), been working for a long time no trouble. today my other machine on the network is not able to browse the web, HTTP keeps getting garbled up, losing packets.21:48
shadowimmageDr_Willis, is there some page that documents updating grub? doing what you suggest (sounds safest and easiest for me) the only potential hiccup for me would be fixing grub to load windows... because I haven't really had to mess with grub before21:49
triple_xlb36t1 are you talking wireless access point21:49
* Jaunty is away: Away21:49
Dr_Willisshadowimmage:  with 9.10 grub2 will see/setup windows in the menu21:49
Dr_Willisshadowimmage:  or use the bios/bootmenus of the bios to boot what hd you want21:49
mkanyicy!anyone | lb36t121:50
ubottulb36t1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:50
guntbert!away > Jaunty21:50
ubottuJaunty, please see my private message21:50
=== solidsnack is now known as Guest33071
* Jaunty is back (gone 00:01:11)21:50
shadowimmageDr_Willis, alright. I just don't want to kill grub and then not be able to get back to ubuntu... I do have grub2, since I clean installed when 9.1 came out21:50
triple_xlb36t1 try google chrome web browser21:51
Dr_Willisshadowimmage:  restoreing grub is not that hard.. its a skill worth learning21:51
Shobarianyone else experiencing recent trouble with IP forwarding/masquerading thru PPP VPN?21:51
newbie123Hi all21:51
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»21:51
lb36t1ive tried that21:51
mkanyicyhi newbie12321:51
newbie123how can i enable "Snap"?21:51
lb36t1it doesnt load properly often21:51
wolternewbie123, whats "Snap" ?21:51
guntbert!askthebot > wolter21:52
ubottuwolter, please see my private message21:52
lb36t1i cant understand why is there a connection monitor for ubuntu21:52
mkanyicywhat is Snap, newbie123 ?21:52
triple_xlb36t1 you run wireless card????21:52
kleanchapI have installed Ubuntu for the first time and it is looking good!21:52
lb36t1triple_x. wireless laptop21:52
wolterkleanchap, and it will continue to!21:53
triple_xlb36t1 how far away from router????21:53
newbie123mkanyicy: hum21:53
kleanchapDuring the installation, it asked me for a user name.  Is this user the root on this machine?  I prefer to do somethings as root user and would like to see that account.21:53
mkanyicynewbie123, please be more descriptive21:53
newbie123mkanyicy: 2 windows at same time21:54
lb36t1triple_x not far upstairs downstairs, but i dont have this problem in windows21:54
guntbert!root | kleanchap21:54
newbie123mkanyicy: no good explai21:54
bitfoxin fstab file there isn't an option to enable the mount as an user id... uid or guid options... can I mount an ext3 partition as a normal user?21:54
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kleanchapguntbert, ???21:54
lb36t1its as if im dropping my connection without loosing the connection to my router21:54
mkanyicynewbie123, "two windows at the same time" is vague, what do you want to achieve?21:54
ubottukleanchap: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:54
guntbertkleanchap: sorry ubottu didn't react in time ^21:55
newbie123mkanyicy: i don't know could i explain that21:55
mazpeis there package or a way to apt-get install a higher version of a package?21:55
mkanyicybitfox, what do you want to do?21:55
epinky!noroot | kleanchap21:55
ubottukleanchap: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:55
mazpeapt-get install proftpd installed 1.3.1 and i want to isntall 1.3.221:55
icerootmazpe: if you find a repo where is a higher version just use apt-get install21:55
mkanyicynewbie123, yes explain what you want to do or else we will not be able to know what you want21:55
mazpeiceroot: how do i find such repos?21:55
newbie123mkanyicy: hold on plz21:56
Dr_Willisbitfox:  the fstab file entries support a 'user' and  'users' option. One of those lets users mouint the device21:56
triple_xlb36t1 are you over 40% signal strength21:56
mkanyicynewbie123, k21:56
NeoBlasterhi, i would like to know why my server is crashing : is there any log for the lastest things that my server's did before the crash?21:56
woltermazpe, it probably isn't even in the repos.. You may want to look in the <your ubuntu distro> backports21:56
kleanchapI like the old school unix feel.  I do not like to run/install things on my system from one user account typing the userid and password.21:56
mkanyicybitfox, are you surviving?21:56
devonI need to know one of two thing. How do I get get WoW to work on Ubuntu 9.10 using Wine? If it is not possible, then tell me how to downgrade to 9.04 release.21:56
woltermazpe, or go to the application's site and compile the latest release21:56
epinkyNeoBlaster: /var/log/messages21:57
lb36t1yes the signal strength shows full bars21:57
mazpewolter: seems to be the same with apache221:57
guntbert!sudo | kleanchap21:57
mkanyicydevon, go to #winehq for wine stuff21:57
ubottukleanchap: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:57
Dr_Willis!appdb | devon21:57
ubottudevon: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:57
NeoBlasterthx epinky :)21:57
bitfoxmkanyicy: I want to access at partition through samba from windows21:57
mkanyicybitfox, but what is the problem with that?21:57
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wolterdevon, obber ubottu, but i do tell you: I think wow runs better in linux than in windows21:58
newbie123mkanyicy: “Snap Windows in half screen size”21:58
dooglus_can someone tell me a reliable way to find out how big a directory is please?21:58
newbie123mkanyicy: http://solsie.com/2009/01/get-the-snap-windows-function-in-google-20/21:58
dooglus_"du" doesn't work for me21:58
Dr_Willisnewbie123:  ive seen that feature in the new kde4 beta releases. :) drag to left side.. it 1/2 maxamizes21:58
kleskianyone can help me with crontab ?21:58
diddyI have a huge problem. I had been trying to install some software the system completely crashed. It completely froze and I couldn't even go into a console. Unfortunately at that time an encrypted truecrypt partition was mounted and I had no choice but to press the reset button. I completely turned off the PC for a few seconds and rebooted and just tried to mount the truecrypt partition and I am getting this error. Now I am freaked out. http:/i21:59
mkanyicylet me check that, newbie12321:59
epinky!anyone | kleski21:59
bitfoxmkanyicy: During the boot, the partition was mount as root so I'm not able to access and modify the data...21:59
ubottukleski: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:59
guntbertdooglus_: whats wrong with du -sh <directory> ?21:59
newbie123mkanyicy: ok22:00
dooglus_guntbert: it lies.  hugely underestimates the space used.  tells me a 165MB file takes '0M'22:00
bitfoxI try to specify the uid=1230 in /etc/fstab but It seems to be not available for ext3 partitions22:00
mkanyicynewbie123, dont think that feature is available on ubuntu, you can do a manual resize by dragging the window edges22:00
Dr_Willisbitfox:  taht makes sence.. since ext2/3/4 actually SUPPORT the proper permiossions/settings -22:00
triple_xlb36t1 do sudo iwspy wlan022:00
Dr_Willisbitfox:  you dont just override them all.22:00
Dr_Willisbitfox:  the uid and otehr options are normally for ntfs/vfat filesystems22:00
Shobarianyone else experiencing recent trouble with IP forwarding/masquerading thru PPP VPN? network sniffer shows alot of dropped packets (TCP segments lost)22:01
trismnewbie123: http://essayboard.com/2009/12/03/compizs-windows-7-snap-try-it-with-ubuntu-9-10/22:01
Dr_Willisbitfox:  if you want to change the owner of a file on ext2/3/4 you chown the file,22:01
devonok, can you tell me how to downgrade to 9.04 in case I am unable to get WoW to work on 9.10?22:01
guntbertdooglus_: it doesn't "lie" - maybe there are soft links in the file system22:01
=== mediaprodigy is now known as mp_away
lb36t1ok ill try that what will it do22:01
mkanyicybitfox, do you want to share the whole partition or a folder on it22:01
erUSUL!dwongrade | devon22:01
iceroot!downgrade | devon22:01
ubottudevon: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.22:01
dooglus_guntbert: it's a single file22:01
dooglus_guntbert: I gzipped it to see if it was 'sparse'.  it stayed 165MB22:01
mazpeis it safe to upgrade manually to apache 2.2.14? since apt-get install apache2 is installing 2.2.8?22:02
newbie123that's done in kde 4.422:02
yqUrgh I am currently suffering from the loudness issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/410948 even one single bar will make everything incredibly loud22:02
epinkydiddy: post the image link again, "file not found"22:02
yqpulseaudio -k should reload the .pa load-module file, right?22:02
yqOr do I need to reboot Ubuntu?22:02
lb36t1it returns: interface does not support wireless statistic connection22:02
dooglus_guntbert: I made a pastebin 'cos people wouldn't believe me earlier either: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351842/22:02
diddyepinky, http://i.imagehost.org/0124/Screenshot.png22:02
triple_xlb36t1 should show singal strength22:02
yqThis fella: /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-output22:02
devonI don't care, I wan't to play WoW. All I had to do to get it to work on 9.04 was set win ver to xp and turn off pixel shader. That does not get it to work on 9.1022:02
dooglus_guntbert: notice the '1', showing it's not a softlink22:02
bitfoxDr_Willis: yes, I'm doing that through chown and chmod but I think it is more expensive because there are a lot of files... -_-'22:02
bitfoxmkanyicy: I want to share a partition22:03
wesleyhello I keep getting a error when I try make a dvd in devede22:03
Hilikusi updated to 0.9.21 to try to fix a loud,short crackling noise at the beginning of pretty much every sound and i think it made it worse. now i noticed that it always happens if nothing has played in like 5 seconds, if i play different sounds sooner than 5 seconds theres no crackling22:03
Dr_Willisbitfox:  thats just how it is. You dont just override permissions on ext/3/4 with mount options.. at least ive NEVER seen it done.22:03
Hilikusany idea what could it be?22:03
nvmefor some reason my ubuntu live install cd keeps going to low graphics mode , was working before. anyone know what to do ?22:03
dooglus_guntbert: that's what the last guy said, too22:03
HilikusCodec: Realtek ALC88322:03
Dr_Willisbitfox:  i guess there could be some obscure mount options..  but again. ive never seen it done.22:03
mkanyicybitfox, then chmod the partition to the right mode and chown it to the user and group you want to grant access to22:04
icerootdevon: wow is running fine with 9.10 and wine22:04
icerootdevon: if you want to downgrade you have to reinstall22:04
Krezlyn420i have to ask, on linux my main hdd is sda1, is that going to be the C drive if in linux?22:04
Dr_Willisbitfox:  yea like mkanyicy  said. if you wan tto 'own' the root of the drive. you chown the mountpoint AFTER its mounted22:04
guntbertdooglus_: confess: you made that up :-)22:04
triple_xlb36t1 do sudo iwconfig22:04
bitfoxDr_Willis: during the boot the partition to share is mounted and owned by root user... this is a problem because when i log as normal user from windows client through samba, I can't read, write, and so on... permissions denied! :-(22:04
Krezlyn420errr C Drive if in Windows* sorry22:04
NeoBlasterepinky: is there another log (except messages) ? because i don't see anything during the crashtime period22:04
dooglus_guntbert: nope, it's not the case :)22:04
jribKrezlyn420: not necessarily afaik22:05
wesleyhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d6213cf97  here is the log, could someone look why its going wrong in mencoder, I tried to downgrade to older version, newer version etc still get same error22:05
dooglus_guntbert: I have another 175MB file that shows as 70M or so :)22:05
DarkS7arcan u help me22:05
epinkydiddy: boot LiveCD and open Gparted, try to check with it(gparted)22:05
Dr_Willisbitfox:  samba also has its own settings to tweak/change permissions for samba ussage.  I just have a single user. so everything on m y shares are owned by him22:05
dooglus_guntbert: du lies, I tell you!22:05
DarkS7ari have BIG problem22:05
Krezlyn420ok, well wish my luck guys.22:05
mkanyicybitfox, then change the owner of that partition and set access permissions accordingly22:05
diddyepinky, but the partition is encrypted.22:05
guntbertdooglus_: the problem really interests me - but here it is way past bedtime - sorry22:05
kinja-sheeptrism: Nice video! (Not to mention that obvious notification bubble bug where it came one bar too low). :)22:05
Dr_Willisbitfox:  you could set some insecure modes :) but thats  proberly not a good idea.22:05
epinkydiddy: just try :)22:05
bnjmni'm writing a script to install some packages manually. one of them is postfix, which has an interactive configuration that comes up when you install it.  is it possible to pass the configuration params on the command line somehow?22:06
epinkyNeoBlaster: dmesg command can be helpful, however it depends on which app  crashes the system22:06
icerootbnjmn: there is non-interactive for dpkg22:06
diddyepinky, but will gparted be able to see anything? The entire disk is encrypted with truecrypt.22:06
dooglus_guntbert: I'll give you a clue if you like...22:06
=== mp_away is now known as mediaprodigy
dooglus_guntbert: when I in installed ubuntu 9.10, it asked if I wanted to encrypt my home folder.  I told it I did.22:07
mkanyicybitfox, in the most basic and most insecure case, just do a "sudo chown -Rv 777 mount-point" while the partition is mounted to the mount point22:07
epinkydiddy: to see it clearly nope, but to check orphan inodes yes22:07
dooglus_guntbert: so none of my files are as they seem, I guess.  could that be what's causing the porkies?22:07
diddyepinky, what command do I use?22:07
mediaprodigyI want to connect to my ubuntu machine from work, i use win xp at work. Any recommendations or solutions?22:07
diddyepinky, can I not do it from my installed system? Why live CD?22:07
DarkS7arcan u help me fuc kin mother fuc kers! im trying to ask smth for a month maybe and noone cares.22:08
dooglus_guntbert: here's some more output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/351979/22:08
nvmefor some reason my ubuntu live install cd keeps going to low graphics mode , was working before on this comp. anyone know what to do ?22:08
mkanyicy!language | DarkS7ar22:08
ubottuDarkS7ar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:08
DarkS7arwhy is this channel set when noone helps22:08
mediaprodigythe cake is the lie22:09
dooglus_DarkS7ar: what seems to be the fscking problem?22:09
Sabre-nightIs there a program or terminal command similar to the "end process" ability like from window's task manager? I'm rather annoyed to restart because force quit didn't fully kill a program :\22:09
kinja-sheepmediaprodigy: First, use /away instead of /nick.  Second, what are you looking for? There are VNC or ssh for starters.22:09
DarkS7ari have atheros based wireless card22:09
mkanyicydooglus_, hhahahhaahhaha!22:09
dooglus_DarkS7ar: that's solveable22:09
icerootDarkS7ar: this is a good channel but only if someone is asking a good and detailed question in one line22:09
epinky!gparted | diddy22:09
ubottudiddy: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:09
zer0_moodhi all. can i change the name of my pc from the /etc/hosts file ?22:09
lsdlunahow can I install the chinese input keyboard on ubuntu? Preferably the Changjie method?22:09
jrib!hostname | zer0_mood22:10
ubottuzer0_mood: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.22:10
osmosisis there a way to add xubuntu to an already existing ubuntu install?22:10
dooglus_DarkS7ar: I understand your frustration.  I've never got any of my questions answered here either22:10
DarkS7arwell my wireless works but is disconnecting22:10
icerootosmosis: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:10
triple_xlb36t1  iwconfig wlan022:10
osmosisiceroot, thx22:10
mediaprodigykinja-sheep: a gui interface to code on my home box22:10
bitfoxmkanyicy and Dr_Willis: thank you very much!22:10
triple_xlb36t1 what is the signal level22:10
dooglus_osmosis: there is.  I did it.  I just installed package 'xfce4' - but you can install 'xubuntu-desktop' if you want the whole shebang22:10
mkanyicyit is funny that people get arrogant just to demand help, volunteers are held at gun point here22:10
DarkS7arsee no answer again22:10
dooglus_!info xfce422:10
mediaprodigykinja-sheep: i have used VNC but was wondering if there is anything else out there that i might now know about22:11
dooglus_!info xubuntu-desktop22:11
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB22:11
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.99 (karmic), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB22:11
Badiledaortosalve a tutti22:11
icerootDarkS7ar: you know what a good and detailed question in one line is?22:11
mkanyicyDarkS7ar, your attitude sucks, we are volunteers22:11
Badiledaortonon riesco in nessun modo a far funzionare la chiavetta 3 su ubuntu 9.1022:11
Vladimir_rus!info pxe  iptables22:11
minimecDarkS7ar: I could try to use wicd as alternative to the network-manager22:11
kinja-sheepmediaprodigy: Some people used freenx -- or ssx -Y (then run the command to bring the GUI right to your desktop).22:11
zer0_moodi cant understand this part: '' WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.''22:12
=== darkstar999 is now known as dalegribble
erUSUL!it | Badiledaorto22:12
ubottuBadiledaorto: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:12
Badiledaortoho sostituito network manager con wicd ma nulla non funziona22:12
bitfoxmkanyicy: so when the chmod is used on mount points of ext3 partitions these are mounted and owned during every boot by the same owner?22:12
dooglus_DarkS7ar: wireless doesn't work well in linux.  I always find I have to end up using the windows drivers.  did you try that?22:12
DarkS7ariceroot give me aminute to make my Q22:12
Badiledaortoa ok22:12
icerootzer0_mood: look at /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts if they are the same22:12
kinja-sheepzer0_mood: Double-check -- They must be correct. Some people make typos.22:12
osmosisdooglus_, do you like it?22:12
dooglus_osmosis: xubuntu?  it's my desktop of choice, yes22:12
DarkS7ardooglus i tried but i messed everything22:12
suigeneris!ndiswrapper | DarkS7ar22:12
ubottuDarkS7ar: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:12
DarkS7arnow i cant even see my wifi card22:12
Shinydanhi all22:13
dooglus_DarkS7ar: installed ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ?22:13
dooglus_!info ndiswrapper-utils-1.922:13
ubottundiswrapper-utils-1.9 (source: ndiswrapper): Userspace utilities for the ndiswrapper Linux kernel module. In component main, is optional. Version 1.54-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 35 kB, installed size 124 kB22:13
zer0_moodi just want to be sure to not screw up smth.. so I will change the name in both files and double check to see its the same?22:13
kinja-sheepmediaprodigy: Extra information on freenx -- http://freenx.berlios.de/ I never tested it myself so I can't say much.22:13
JosefAssadcan i just burn a cd iso to a dvd?22:13
erUSULJosefAssad: yep22:13
mkanyicybitfox, the partition is NOT owned, any part of it can be owned for example to root of a partition can be owned by root and files under the root directory by may people22:13
rekDr_Willis: unmet dependencies trying to get libgtk2.022:13
mediaprodigykinja-sheep: thanks for the info ... will research further22:13
JosefAssadalright. Lets hope the latest ubuntu works on this shite lappy22:14
yqBah I still haven't figured out a way to reduce the volume to an accept level, even one single bar in the mixer increases it to a deafening volume22:14
lsdlunahow can I install the chinese input keyboard on ubuntu? Preferably the Changjie method?22:14
ubottuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM22:14
nvmefor some reason my ubuntu live install cd keeps going to low graphics mode , was working before on this comp. anyone know what to do ?22:14
Sabre-nightIs there a program or terminal command similar to the "end process" ability like from window's task manager? I'm rather annoyed to restart because force quit didn't fully kill a program :\22:14
bitfoxmkanyicy: yes, I make a little confusion, I'm sorry...22:14
icerootSabre-night: sudo kill -9   will kill it for sure22:15
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erUSULSabre-night: kill -9 PID or pkill -9 processname; or killall -9 processname etc...22:15
mkanyicybitfox, im sorry that my explanation might be a bit awkward and vague but the permissions to files in the ext3 partition have NOTHING to do with the mounting process22:15
erUSULSabre-night: try xkill too22:15
DarkS7ariceroot: my wireless was working but randomly disconnecting from the network. but sometimes it was able to reconnect if i restart the ath9k module but most of the time i needed to reboot the whole system. now i tried to use ndiswrapper and ruined everything. any sugestions22:15
dooglus_DarkS7ar: I'd suggest uninstalling the ath9k module, only using ndiswrapper, and installing the windows driver22:16
nvmefor some reason my comp is always booting in low graphics mode (even with live CDs), was working fine before, anyone know what i can do to fix this ?22:16
trismlsdluna: actually if you're on 9.10, you should use ibus, should be as easy as going to System/Administration/Language Support, installing the input methods for your language, setting the input method to ibus, configuring ibus in System/Preferences/Ibus Preferences and restarting22:16
Badiledaortogoodevening, i have a problem with internet key, i just change network manager with wicd but it's don't function. Inside i found linux driver but don't function the ksy don't work, anyone know something about this problematic?22:16
DarkS7ardooglus: ndiswrapper constantly gives errors22:16
coffee999coff33Is there a  battery power graph for the desktop? some sort of widget?22:16
lsdlunatrism: i think i've tried that, but will try again, will let you know in a bit22:16
bitfoxmkanyicy: There is no problem!!! :-)22:16
Sabre-nighterUSUL,  just xkill <program name> (i would assume the file running, not the program's commercial name)22:17
dooglus_DarkS7ar: go to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and paste in a copy of the terminal session - "gives errors" is too vague to be able to help22:17
mkanyicybitfox, gth22:17
trismlsdluna: good luck, can't be much more help with chinese because I only use japanese input, but will help if I can22:17
erUSULSabre-night: xkill turns the cursor into a x. the window you click will be terminated22:17
erUSULSabre-night: there is a panel applet for it too22:17
dan_zeroI'm vnc'ing into my ubuntu machine but the session terminates as soon as I login to my desktop. Why is this? It was working a few days ago22:18
Sabre-nighterUSUL, yeah 'force quit' but say if i play second life, (a game) and it doesn't like to close on its own i forcequit, but i wanna play again i have to restart.22:18
RootyBobberHappy Me22:18
Dr_WillisSabre-night:  take care when using XKILL - right click to 'cancle' the killing.22:18
ShinydanI think I've set my USB hard disk up wrongly for this multi-user machine.22:18
coffee999coff33Is there a  battery power graph for the desktop? some sort of widget?22:18
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erUSULSabre-night: then try some of the other methods22:18
ShinydanI'm getting "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:22:18
Shinydanmount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/music"22:18
Sabre-nightDr_Willis,  i know, thanks.22:18
Sabre-nighterUSUL,  okay22:19
Dr_WillisShinydan:  is it ntfs/vfat or what filesystem exactly?22:19
DarkS7ar1dc again22:19
yqI got a HD4890, running 9.10 with Gnome and many windows redraw really slowly on switching, they are really noticable. Anything I can do about it?22:19
DarkS7ar1iceroot : did u get the problem?22:19
dim3000How do I record my speaker output?22:19
zer0_mooddim3000, use VLC player from your repo22:20
Dr_Willisyq:  you could try disabling compiz. That may give a big boost. but then you lose lots of eye candy22:20
nicklasboHi. At school i need to ssh to a server that i can't ssh to directly. But i can go through another server. How do i mount (sshfs) through a server?22:20
freetosanybody know why jack_capture doesn't install nor work, i'm still running ubuntu even after I installed ubuntu_studio22:20
triple_xcoffee999coff33: I use google gadgets add battery meter22:20
coffee999coff33dim3000: Audacity is good for recording22:20
DarkS7ar1dooglus_: ndiswrapper says that cant find device22:20
coffee999coff33triple_x: thanks22:20
yqDr_Willis I have already disabled all visual effects in the appearance menu22:20
yq(if that is it)22:20
dim3000but how do I sforward the output as input?22:20
Dr_Willisnicklasbo:  mounting a filesystem is fifferent from just sshing to.. You can use 'sshfs' to mount a ssh  system to a local directory. You may want to check out ssh tunnles also22:20
Dr_Willisyq:  Hmm. Im out if ideas then22:21
triple_xcoffee999coff33:  there are other widgets22:21
erUSUL!es | cbr122:21
ubottucbr1: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:21
lotushey ubuntu install seems to be frozen at "setting users and passwords"22:21
nicklasboDr_Willis sure. But with sshfs i can mount the drive. Will look that up. Thanks22:21
zer0_mooddim3000,  go to view>advanced controls and check it and u should be able to see a red recording button22:21
lotusCan I fix this some how?  It's been this way for over an hour22:21
cbr1ubottu, is it a bot?22:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:21
greenixhello, i want to stream divx videos in firefox, but if the connection is too slow i got breaks in the video. if i press pause and again play the video starts from the beginning22:21
Dr_Willisnicklasbo:  its not technically mounting a drive.. its letting you access teh ssh server from a local directroy. :)22:21
greenixwhat can i do??22:22
zer0_mooddim3000,  the recorded files are in ur home dir by default22:22
greenixusing ubuntu 9.10 64-bit22:22
trismlsdluna: if it doesn't work, this may be useful to you: http://www.pinyinjoe.com/linux/ubuntu-910-openoffice-chinese-setup.htm22:22
dim3000zer0_mod: no I want to redirect my output as if im inputing from a mic22:22
nicklasboDr_willis allright :)22:22
coffee999coff33triple_x: I tried 2 of them, they don't work based on a package that is no longer in use. What is it called?22:22
MarkiveHi All, I'm looking for a video editor that allows me to add credits and titles etc, i've 4-5 apps so far but no luck any ideas? thanks mark22:22
zer0_mooddim3000,  did u try sound recorder ?22:22
zer0_mooddim3000,  so u need to record from a mic ?22:23
greenixis it possible to buffer divx videos??22:23
Dr_Willisdivx videos are just mpeg4 videos I recall with a few extra features.22:23
triple_xcoffee999coff33: battery meter22:23
dim3000zer0_mood: no, i need to redirect the speaker output back and record it22:23
Dr_Willis the firefox plugin  playing them may have some cache options22:23
devonWhere can I download the installer cd for Ubuntu 9.04?22:23
DarkS7ar1some1 there?22:23
lsdlunatrism: brb will reboot to check ibus works22:24
coffee999coff33triple_x: "Sorry, this gadget uses the inlining feature, which is no longer supported."22:24
iceroot!download | devon22:24
ubottudevon: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!22:24
zer0_mooddim3000,  im not sure i understand what are u trying to record22:24
Dr_Willisdevon:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/22:24
bastid_raZorhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/ devon22:24
dim3000say im playing a youtube video,  i want to record the sound22:24
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Dr_Willisdim3000:  ive seen web sites taht you give the url to a youtube video to.. and they can downoad/convert it for you to various formats.22:25
DarkS7ar1i'll give u a simple question where can i find help when google doesn't know anything and u don't want to help me?22:25
dim3000no, i need to do it with any output22:25
dim3000that was just an example22:25
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philipwnzhow to find which process is using some port?22:25
MarkiveAnyone know what program I need to add credits and titles to my videos please?22:25
icerootDarkS7ar1: i dont think someone want to help you. just be patient and dont spam the channel22:25
kinja-sheepdim3000: You can download YouTube video using package "youtube-dl"22:26
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: did you pastebin it?  I had to go for a while so may have missed it.22:26
triple_xcoffee999coff33: what version are using google gadgets???22:26
jribDarkS7ar1: it's not that we don't *want* to help you.  It's because we either don't know the answer to your question or we don't even know your question.22:26
dim3000kinja-sheep: thats not what i need22:26
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dooglus_I tried scrolling back, but didn't see the link22:26
jrib!support | DarkS7ar122:26
ubottuDarkS7ar1: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org22:26
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mzawieskahello guys I have iphone. I would like to copy some music to my iphone. I am using ubuntu but itunes doesnt run on ubuntu what could i do?22:26
Shinydan@DrWillis - it's ext322:26
jribmzawieska: is it jailbroken?22:27
ejvmzawieska: banshee22:27
Dr_WillisShinydan:  hmm? what is.. :) ive the attention span of a newt these days....22:27
mzawieskayess its jailbroken22:27
BluesKajdim3000, install youtube-dl22:27
Dr_Willis!ipod | mzawieska22:27
ShinydanI think I've set my USB hard disk up wrongly for this multi-user machine.22:27
ubottumzawieska: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:27
mzawieskathe newest firmware22:27
DarkS7ar1dooglus_: what do u want me to pastebin? i'll do it22:27
dim3000thats not what i want!22:27
ShinydanI'm getting "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:22:27
zer0_mooddim3000,  Idk honestly :( did u post a thread in the forums ?22:27
Shinydanmount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/music"22:27
jribmzawieska: you can just use ssh then (nautilus can "connect to ssh server")22:27
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: your interaction with ndiswrapper22:27
DarkS7ar1jrib:  my wireless was working but randomly disconnecting from the network. but sometimes it was able to reconnect if i restart the ath9k module but most of the time i needed to reboot the whole system. now i tried to use ndiswrapper and ruined everything. any sugestions22:27
pranayDr_Willis: hi , i am not able to activate the nvedia accelarated graphics driver in ubuntu 9.1022:27
jribDarkS7ar1: ask the channel, not me22:27
dim3000i need to redirect the speaker output22:27
Shinydan@DrWillis - it's ext322:28
mzawieskajrib i have no idea how to use ssh22:28
kinja-sheepdim3000: Have you tried Audacity?22:28
Dr_WillisShinydan:  Yes.. Niormally only root can mount stuff like that I belive. You could add a proper fstab entry for it. with the user/users option perhaps. Or just mount the thing manually.22:28
DarkS7ar1dooglus_: when i start ndiswrapper i get "Unable to see if hardware is present"22:28
pranayDr_Willis: everytime i try it either from hardware drivers or envyng the downloading stops after sometime22:29
jribmzawieska: once you enable ssh on your phone (make sure you change the password) just hit file -> connect to server in nautilus and you'll be able to browse your iphone's filesystem22:29
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: can you pastebin the interaction?22:29
kinja-sheepdim3000: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/about/22:29
BluesKajjrib, there are ssh tutorials22:29
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: so I can see what you're doing wrong22:29
BluesKaj!ssh | jrib22:29
ubottujrib: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)22:29
Dr_Willispranay:  all ive ever had to do was use the hardware-drivers tool in the menus. ive never needed to use envyng. mixing the 2 can cause issues I belive22:29
rekDr_Willis: unmet dependencies trying to get libgtk2.022:29
dim3000kinja-sheep: dont teach me audacity, i know audacity22:29
dim3000thats not my problem22:29
Dr_Willisrek:  what are you talking about?22:29
mzawieskain setting enable ssh?22:30
jribmzawieska: ssh should be in cydia22:30
Markiveobviosly no one knows......22:30
Shinydan@drWillis - where's fstab going to be?22:30
Dr_Willis!fstab | Shinydan22:30
ubottuShinydan: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:30
DarkS7ar1dooglus_: but how to find the interaction22:30
Dr_Willis!mount | Shinydan22:30
ubottuShinydan: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:30
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: I mean copy/paste your terminal session22:30
pranayDr_Willis: i have tried with hardware tools , but it is just not responding after sometime22:31
DarkS7ar1dooglus_: im startin' it through the menu not terminal22:31
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:31
rekDr_Willis: u know libgtk2.022:31
Dr_Willispranay:  run the hardware-drivers tool from a terminal look for error mesages. I wouldent touch envyng at all. You may need to change package servers.. or just have some paatience22:31
haven489I am having a problem with ubuntu 9.10 i have it all set up installed, but it wont load web pages, get updates, that sort of thing22:31
earthenanyone know how i can change the color of the text on the menu bars? If I put the bar tranparent and I have a dark back ground I connot see the text22:31
Dr_Willisrek:  its a lib.. for gtk.. version 2.0.....22:31
kinja-sheepdim3000: If you're using PulseAudio, you might want to use padevchooser (PulseAudio Device Chooser). There are more options there. Just a thought.22:31
mzawieskajrib I am going to search in cydia for ssh22:31
Dr_Willis!find libgtk22:32
DarkS7ar1dooglus_:  was that for me22:32
ubottuFound: libgtk-vnc-1.0-0, libgtk-vnc-1.0-0-dbg, libgtk-vnc-1.0-dev, libgtk2-perl, libgtk2-perl-doc (and 113 others)22:32
jribmzawieska: it's called "openssh" iirc22:32
rekDr_Willis: cannot be installed due to unmet dependencies22:32
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epinkyhaven489: have you configured network?22:32
mzawieskai have openssh installed22:32
mzawieskaits green checked22:32
jribmzawieska: did you change the password for root yet?22:33
Dr_Willisrek:  means very little to me. I rarely have apt issues like that. when in doubt, update, upgrade, try again.22:33
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: try these steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper#Installing%20Windows%20driver22:33
rekupgrade what22:33
Dr_Willisrek:  sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, try again22:34
jribmzawieska: install mobile terminal, « su - root » (default password is "alpine"), « passwd »22:34
pranayDr_Willis: how to run hardware drivers  in terminal?22:34
Dr_Willispranay:  i think the command is 'jocky-gtk'22:34
Dr_Willis!find jocky22:34
ubottuPackage/file jocky does not exist in karmic22:34
DarkS7ar1dooglus_: im also getting this error after i installed ndiswrapper driver:WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.22:35
erUSUL!find jockey22:35
ubottuFound: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde22:35
Dr_Willisjockey-gtk   jockey-kde   jockey-text22:35
Dr_Willisits jockEy-gtk it seems. :)22:35
DarkS7ar1should i add .conf to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper22:35
* Dr_Willis has no idea where the jockey name ame from22:35
mzawieskamobile terminal is not showin on my cydia22:35
* erUSUL neither22:35
* jrib too22:35
pranayDr_Willis:its jockey-gtk22:35
duffydacksoreau, you know I was talkin about enemy territory, well, punkbuster keeps kickine me out.. so Im trying to update it but the updater only gives me the option of adding battefiled ??22:35
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: what version of ubuntu do you have?22:36
trismDarkS7ar1: you can safely ignore that warning, although you are correct, it will go away if you rename that file22:36
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: I ask because my one has a .conf ending: chris@chris-laptop:/etc/modprobe.d$ ls -l ndis*22:36
dooglus_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24 2009-10-08 01:54 ndiswrapper.conf22:36
haven489epinky: yes22:36
uNoMehey guys, is anyone here using an iMac with ubuntu?22:36
ShinydanDr_Willis - I think I've cracked it...22:37
DarkS7ar1dooglus_: see what i get when ndiswrapper -l :device (168C:002A) present (alternate driver: ath9k)22:38
DarkS7ar1the device is not mine22:38
triple_xwhy don't people just use apt-cache search filename ????22:38
* Dr_Willis gives Shinydan the glue22:38
jribtriple_x: because apt-cache search doesn't search filenames?22:39
osmosisDoes ubuntu have a good rss/atom feed reading app ?22:39
Dr_Willis!info apt-file22:39
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2 (karmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 172 kB22:39
mkanyicyno one uses iMac with ubuntu, uNoMe22:39
haven489I am having a problem with ubuntu 9.10 i have it all set up installed, but it wont load web pages, get updates, that sort of thing22:39
FarmCretinhi, im using cfdisk to format my external hdd, but i cant find HFS+ how can i format it to HFS+?22:39
Dr_Willisosmosis:  thers dozens of them out there. Lately ive been using the feedly extension for firefox.22:39
haven489I am having a problem with ubuntu 9.10 i have it all set up installed, but it wont load web pages, get updates, that sort of thing22:39
uNoMeI do. It works quite nicely, but my sound is pretty funky.22:39
triple_xmeant programs :(22:39
haven489oops did it twice my bad22:39
erUSULosmosis: a few. i personally use google reader ;P works everywhere22:39
mzawieskajrib I am installing mobileterminal now22:39
jribmzawieska: k22:40
erUSUL!details | haven48922:40
mkanyicyFarmCretin, i don't think you can do that, imo22:40
ubottuhaven489: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:40
osmosiserUSUL, ive been on google reader for a while, but its sorting abilities for having lots of feeds is horrible.22:40
erUSUL!inf lifearea22:40
mkanyicyuNoMe, that was sacarsm22:40
erUSUL!info lifearea22:40
ubottuPackage lifearea does not exist in karmic22:40
jribosmosis: canto is nice if you are into that sort of thing22:40
triple_xosmosis I use twitter22:40
uNoMe.. Ok.22:40
mzawieskaisnt the mobileterminal hidden and u have to unhidden it?22:40
jribmzawieska: no?22:41
haven489erUSUL: ok it says its connected, but wont load web pages, cant get updates says it cant connect with server, i did "ifconfig" i have ip but it wont let me do anything that has to  do with the net22:41
erUSUL!info liferea22:41
osmosistriple_x, uhh? you can subscribe to any feed using...twitter?22:41
ubottuliferea (source: liferea): feed aggregator for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 255 kB, installed size 824 kB22:41
mzawieskaoki i installed the mobileterminal and go on it right?22:41
jrib!who | mzawieska22:41
mkanyicyuNoMe, the point is that you have to ask if you have a question, not circling around it22:41
ubottumzawieska: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:41
erUSULhaven489: try  « ping www.google.com »22:41
triple_xyes and many more not sure on what feed your looking for22:41
haven489erUSUL: ping goes through22:42
mzawieska!jrib elo22:42
haven489erUSUL: and i get back good bits of data nothing was dropped22:42
erUSULhaven489: and if you try in firefox it does not work ?22:42
jribmzawieska: just put my nick in what you say so i get pinged.  run « su - root », default password is "alpine"22:42
haven489erUSUL: nope22:42
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: so ndiswrapper is seeing your device22:42
triple_xosmosis: I get nesweek, cnn, friends, espn etc....22:42
dooglus_DarkS7ar1: you need to get the windows driver for it22:43
erUSULhaven489: what error does firefox give ?22:43
triple_xosmosis: social networks how much fun to know your in the bathroom22:43
mzawieskaidk how to do it..22:43
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mzawieskajrib idk how to do it22:43
squirclehi everyone, I think there's an error in the Ubuntu mirrors; can anybody running Karmic verify the version of rsyslog is 4.2.0-2ubuntu5 and not 5.1 (unlike packages.ubuntu.com says)22:43
haven489erUSUL: wont give error just sits there, i left it for 6 hours last night when i woke up it still didnt have the page loaded22:43
jribmzawieska: are you in mobile terminal?22:44
erUSULhaven489: maybe you have a httproxy defined ?22:44
haven489erUSUL: i just get while screen22:44
erUSULhaven489: a non working one22:44
ShinydanOk. Thanks, all.22:44
VCooliosquircle: I get 5.122:44
jouxI moved my system to a larger drive using dd. Now GRUB fails with "Unknown filesystem". But I can mount all partitions, also fsck says they're ok. I already tried to reinstall Grub with grub-install. No change. What elso do I need to check or change?22:44
haven489erUSUL: its all default, just installed a new install of 9.10 cuz i couldnt upgrade22:44
mzawieskajrib, yes i am22:44
AvonGenesisWhats the name of the program that lets you see stats on your desktop, like hard drive space, bandwidth, weather, email. It was cool because you were able to customize it to blend in with your desktop to add eye candy.22:45
allhailthegeekhey, I found a problem. installing mod_wsgi in karmic doesn't create a link to load the module22:45
DarkS7ar1dooglus_: i have already installed it. the confusing thing is that i have 2 drivers from my manufacturer and just installed the one who has driver for xp22:45
VCooliosquircle: but it's an update, so rather new, I don't have it installed yet22:45
jribmzawieska: when I say run « XYZ », I mean type the letters XYZ in the terminal and press enter22:45
erUSULhaven489: what about wget in terminal? « wget www.google.com »22:45
mzawieskajrib, i type su then it asked me for pw and i typed alpine now i am in /var/mobile root#22:45
trismAvonGenesis: probably thinking conky?22:45
haven489erUSUL: didn't work22:45
triple_xAvonGenesis: google gadgets???22:45
jribmzawieska: yes, now type « passwd » and change your password22:45
erUSULhaven489: it just sits there like firefox ?22:46
haven489erUSUL: yep22:46
AvonGenesistrism: Yes thats it! Thank you@!22:46
triple_xAvonGenesis: conky is smaller and better22:46
squircleVCoolio: my apt doesn't even show it as being available, but i need the new version to install rsyslog-mysql (which requires an identical version of rsyslog)22:46
AvonGenesisI didnt even know you could put google gadgets on ubuntu O.o22:46
mzawieskajrib, i changed the pw22:46
erUSULhaven489: ... very weird... can you check System>Preferences>Proxy settings22:46
triple_xAvonGenesis:  yes22:46
haven489erUSUL: i will brb22:47
jribmzawieska: type "ifconfig" to get your phone's ip, then go to ubuntu, nautilus, connect to server, ssh22:47
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VCooliosquircle: I have it in main repo; the mysql is indeed 5.1 too22:47
erUSULhaven489: irc works ?22:47
haven489erUSUL: sorry to have to go, i have to work, ill be on at 43022:47
haven489erUSUL: no im on my laptop22:47
erUSULhaven489: ok; bye22:47
VCooliosquircle: just find the .deb on the net, apt will pick it up later22:47
=== losha is now known as Losha
greenixi cannot buffer videos with totem, what can i do? I also need the function pause/play22:47
triple_xAvonGenesis: there are widgets, dseklets and screenlets....22:48
mzawieskajrib, ifconfig unknown command22:48
AvonGenesistriple_x: Do they slow down your system a lot22:48
allhailthegeekhey, I found a problem. installing mod_wsgi in karmic doesn't create a link to load the module22:48
erUSUL!bugs | allhailthegeek22:48
ubottuallhailthegeek: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:48
triple_xAvonGenesis: somewhat depends on your cpu, ram processes use top in command line22:49
jribmzawieska: you probably need to intall it on the iphone then though you don't need it if you can get the phone's ip some other way or if your router lets you just use its hostname22:49
allhailthegeekubuntu-bug libapache2-mod-wsgi22:49
greenixi cannot buffer videos with totem-plugin (firefox), what can i do? I also need the function pause/play22:49
mzawieskajrib, i could connect wifi and wifi network there is my router ip address22:49
allhailthegeek!ubuntu-bug libapache2-mod-wsgi22:49
maurii've a problem updating kdepim-runtime-data22:49
jribmzawieska: you want your phone's ip address22:50
pranayDr_Willis: i am getting this error http://pastebin.com/m716f28f22:50
erUSULallhailthegeek: not here in a terminal22:50
triple_xAvonGenesis: I have a dual core athlon dont notice it a cable internet...22:50
mzawieskajrib, how can i get my phone ip address22:50
AvonGenesistriple_x: Alright, thanks. I probably wont be putting any google gadgets since I am running on intel atom (netbook)22:50
=== ss4 is now known as Supersaiyan_IV
triple_xAvonGenesis: install and run top from the terminal give you an idea how much cpu processing is being used22:51
triple_xAvonGenesis: what netbook OS are you running look into Ubuntu remix, moblin and jolicloud...22:52
haven489erUSUL: back ok i still need help with my net problem22:52
AvonGenesistriple_x: Yea, im running jolicloud22:52
jribmzawieska: ifconfig...22:52
mimehi all! anyone knows how to configure or see micro sd in novatel usb storage adapter, please? i can see it mounted, but the external sd once inside no. Thank uuu!22:53
mzawieskajrib, cydia?22:53
jribmzawieska: probably22:53
mzawieskajrib, lookin for it22:53
triple_xAvonGenesis:  wish they would change that interface on jolicloud to much like ubuntu netbook remix22:53
AvonGenesistriple_x: Yea, im liking it though, still dont understand what cloud computing is but as long as it works, im happy :)22:54
pranayDr_Willis: on using envyng  i am getting this error http://pastebin.com/m34509cf22:54
jribmzawieska: usually if you go to your router's configuration page ( or whatever it will list the connected devices22:55
maurii've a problem updating kdepim-runtime-data22:55
corinthHelp! My mouse moves, but it won't right or left click...I can't grab focus for anything, or touch any menus... :-S22:56
mzawieskajrib, idk the username and pw22:56
Confuziusis there a quick fix for the usb transfer speed bug i can do without rebooting?22:56
Dr_Willispranay:  i never use envyng. so proberly cant help much wuith it22:56
jribmzawieska: isn't it your router?22:56
mzawieskayes it it22:56
mzawieskashould be admin and password but it doesnt work22:56
jribmzawieska: don't you think you should know it? :P22:57
corinthalt-tab won't switch windows either, I have to alt-F4 it to get another window to grab focus...22:57
Krezlyn420ok, so i have /dev/sdb1 i need to fdisk it to not have superblock, how can i what command would i type to unformat /dev/sdb1 and not have the superblock?22:57
mzawieskajrib idk22:57
AvonGenesisDo you know how to get rid of the netbook quick menu? I wanna actually use the desktop instead of having this big window in front of me 24/7 xD22:57
mzawieskajrib, any other way cause in cydia there is no ifconfig22:57
jribmzawieska: I don't know offhand22:57
corinthAvonGenesis, use regular Ubuntu then, lol.22:58
jribmzawieska: maybe in the iphone network preferences it will show you the ip22:58
AvonGenesiscorinth: Well, Im using jolicloud, i like all the cloud features that they have as well as their list of cloud apps, i just dont want to use the netbook launcher for all my programs.22:58
mzawieskajrib, but dont connect via wifi right22:58
Favoritmzawieska: how about "ip addr" ?22:59
jribmzawieska: yeah, connect22:59
corinthAvonGenesis, that's the whole point of a netbook interface...it's all you use22:59
baversjoHow can I generate a boot menu for GRUB2? I've (re)installed GRUB (not on MBR) on my ubuntu partition and now I'm trying to boot into it. Right now I'm inside the ubuntu Live CD trying to set this up. I've mounted ubuntu to /mnt. Been trying to fix my boot problems for several days now.22:59
jac1dIs it correc that Nvidia drivers + 9.10 have resolution issues?  Finding complaints all over the interwebs. My new mythbuntu system keeps booting in to low res mode on my 720p TV and even the latest PPA driver hasn't helped.  Is there a solution?22:59
corinthHELP. Can't right-click or left-click anything. Alt-tab doesn't change window focus, either. Cursor moves, but no clicking. :-(22:59
erUSUL!grub2 | baversjo22:59
ubottubaversjo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:59
triple_xAvonGenesis: you want the Ubuntu netbook remix allows you to switch views23:00
Favoritcorinth: gnome taskbars hanging?23:00
erUSULcorinth: you have windows borders ?23:00
mzawieskajrib, i connected to my router via wif ip addrese its blue DHCP i see ip address sunet mask router dn search domain clien id..23:00
AvonGenesiscorinth: I remember the ubuntu netbook remix having the ability to switch between desktop and netbook launcher. Cant find it on jolicloud23:00
jribmzawieska: I just confirmed the settings interface displays the ip address when you click the (>) for the network23:00
corinthFavorit, Hanging?23:00
jribmzawieska: use that ip address in nautilus23:00
corintherUSUL, Yep, I have window decorations.23:00
Supersaiyan_IVbaversjo, have you tried editing grub.cfg manually?23:00
erUSULbaversjo: see the section about recovering grub from a liveCD23:01
mzawieskajrib,  u mean gksudo nautilus?23:01
AvonGenesistriple_x: Aww, it that the case then? I guess i have no use for conky. Or any other eyecandy upgrades.23:01
LoshaKrezlyn420: doesn't sound right. Exactly what problem are you trying to solve?23:01
jribmzawieska: you shouldn't gksudo23:01
Favoritcorinth: ah, you also have open windows, i see. then it's something else. try ctrl-alt-f1 and then alt-f7 to go back, can very well be that it won't go back and you'll have to shoot your xwin session, but it's worth a try23:01
Oleandroserver irc.OpenJoke.net23:01
mzawieskajrib, sudo nautilus23:01
corinthFavorit, I've already tried a full reboot.23:01
=== qwerty is now known as Guest47581
jribmzawieska: no sudo...23:01
Krezlyn420losha, when i boot the windows xp pro cd, and i delete the partion and try to recreate it, i cant select the format type (ntfs fat etc)23:01
Supersaiyan_IVbaversjo, you could to a sudo update-grub, then copy the grub.cfg to your partition in /mnt23:01
Favoritcorinth: oh, even that. i see.23:01
mzawieskajrib, just nautilus in terminal?23:01
Krezlyn420losha, when i try to use that it and it install onit still it says its not windows compatiable.23:02
jribmzawieska: yes23:02
corinthOkay, like - for a moment I'm able to click, right now23:02
Oleandroserver irc.openjoke.org23:02
corinthAnd....now it's gone again. :-)(23:02
erUSULOleandro: /server irc.openjoke.org23:02
lsdlunaeverytime I load up Language Support - Add/Remove Languages - Check language then click Apply Changes - Language Support freezes? Is there an alternative terminal command in which I can do to 'check' the languages and apply rather than through language support front end app?23:02
corinth* :-(23:02
mzawieskajrib, i got it now what should i do type in location the ip address23:02
Dr_WillisOleandro:  try a slas at teh front :)23:02
Krezlyn420my /dev/sdb1 is my second hdd, so i just wanna format it to allow the windows cd install so i can start installing for my duel boot.23:02
baversjoSupersaiyan_IV: Thx, will try that now :)23:02
jribmzawieska: yeah23:02
corinthBack again23:02
triple_xAvonGenesis: that is why I'm going to buy a 12 inch Asus netbook 1201n23:02
Oleandrothank you er USUL23:02
mzawieskajrib, /ipaddress?23:02
corinthIt's almost as if suddenly everything freezes except for my active window...except I know that isn't true23:03
jribmzawieska: just the ip address23:03
floating1anyone know how I can install japanese language support from command-line ?23:03
corinthBecause messages from pidgin will still come in...23:03
erUSULlsdluna: sudo aptitude install language-support-[whatever] ? where whatever is the two letter iso code od the language/country23:03
floating1I mean support to view japanese charachters is enough!23:03
mzawieskajrib, it says could not display23:03
jribmzawieska: did you choose "ssh server" as the type?23:03
AvonGenesistriple_x: Is Ubuntu netbook remix one of the more stable netbook linux distros? Well, I mean, does it work right of the box, install it and i have all my function keys working, camera, mic, etc.?23:03
erUSULfloating1: i can see them without doing anything special in terminal even23:03
baversjoSupersaiyan_IV: I'm getting an error (got this before). grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /.    This happens both when chrooted to my /mnt and while in the live cd23:03
LoshaKrezlyn420: sounds like a windows partitioner issue. Try asking on #windows. Alternatively, try a different partitioner e.g. boot a ubuntu livedcd and use gparted23:03
mzawieskajrib, i just typed the ip nothig else23:03
erUSUL!jp | floating1 you do not see this23:04
ubottufloating1 you do not see this: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい23:04
jribmzawieska: right, so do that23:04
Guest47581how do you play DVD's in Ubuntu23:04
jrib!dvd | Guest4758123:04
ubottuGuest47581: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:04
mzawieskajrib, idk how that goes...23:04
Krezlyn420losha, i am using gparted to format to a FAT3223:04
mzawieskajrib, /shh/192...?23:04
Krezlyn420howto's are telling me its because linux uses a superblock23:04
floating1I don't see those. Well I found few packages that I could try install, I try those and then go to these rooms23:04
Supersaiyan_IVbaversjo, right, this is off the livecd23:04
jribmzawieska: just look at the options you get when you click on file -> connect to server23:04
triple_xAvonGenesis: usually may require some setup... not sure in your case???23:04
corinthOkay, if I right-click like CRAZY everywhere, eventually I come to a spot where I'm able to do it. Then, if I try to interact with a menu item, I regain the ability to interact with the entire desktop. But then a few seconds later, BAM. Back to the same issue...23:05
AvonGenesistriple_x: Alright thanks, ill look more into it.23:05
lorenzo_hi, can anyone suggest a lightweight download manager to integrate into chromium-browser? i tried uget but the deb file just wont download. thanks!23:05
baversjoSupersaiyan_IV: So what are you saying? Is it possible? Any ideas? :)23:05
Dr_Willislorenzo_:  you mean to say you need a download manager to download a download manager? :)23:05
LoshaKrezlyn420: Well, I'd be lying if I said I understood why it's not working....23:05
Favoritcorinth: hmm, some weird desktop gadget that's misbehaving?23:05
mzawieskajrib, server type shh and server: the ipe nothing else right?23:06
jribmzawieska: you have to specify somewhere, the ip address, that it is an ssh connection, that you are connecting as root, and what root's password is23:06
triple_xlol Dr_Willis23:06
* Dr_Willis goes back to sleep now.23:06
jribmzawieska: it may prompt for the username and password later, just try23:06
corinthFavorit, All I have open is xchat and pidgin. Compiz is running, but no widgets or gadgets.23:06
lorenzo_Dr_Willis, haha no i need a different download manager :D23:06
BluesKajlorenzo_, chromium has a built in download manager23:06
Favoritcorinth: try disabling compiz just for a test sake23:06
corinthHow? I need a command line.23:06
Supersaiyan_IVbaversjo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20223:07
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:07
Favoritcorinth: hmm, that's a good one. let me try and look it up for you23:07
lorenzo_BluesKaj, yeah but it's kinda slow - compared to say Down Them All (the Firefox download manager extension)23:07
Krezlyn420anyone know how to fix a problem that windows install cd wont format or install to a hdd i have? the drive used to be ext3 and i've even tried to gparted (fdisk) it with a unformatted partion and it wont format / install to it23:07
jeffjeffdejeffhi all. running 9.04 64bit.  i keep having to d/load and install flashplugin-installer to get youtube to work after closing and re-opening firefox.  any workaround to avoid having to do this?23:07
Favoritcorinth: metacity --replace23:07
mzawieskajrib, the user name is alphine?23:08
erUSULjeffjeffdejeff:  « sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree » does not work ?23:08
jribmzawieska: you're connecting as "root"23:08
osmosisin banshee-awn-plugin   what does  awn stand for?23:09
BluesKajlorenzo_, well it could be your network is slow, DL managers aren't slow or fast, the network is23:09
mzawieskajrib, all i di was nautilus then file connect server picked shh and typed the server the ip23:09
erUSUL!awn | osmosis23:09
ubottuosmosis: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.23:09
triple_xlorenzo_: you should try the chromium channel!!! ;)23:09
jeffjeffdejefferusul: i'll give it a go23:09
mzawieskajrib, it asked me for user name and password i type alphine and typed the password but then it ask me to trype password again23:10
xim_i put a new drive in my computer and formatted it ext423:10
jribmzawieska: you're connecting as "root", not "alphine"23:10
xim_why is it requiring sudo to access it?23:10
Loshaosmosis: next time, google "ubuntu awn"...\23:10
lorenzo_BluesKaj, well downloading the same file in chromium or down them all within 1 minute of each other i can see a difference - i am talking maybe twice as fast.23:10
done3659.10 64 bit, I have a report in messsages that states I should use an ECC workaround, how should I do this exatcly??? and what are the consequences?23:10
erUSUL!addingfs | xim_23:10
ubottuxim_: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab23:10
lorenzo_triple_x, ok thanks23:10
OerHeksflashplugin-installer installs 64 bit 10.0 r 4223:10
mzawieskaoki i got it23:10
mzawieskajrib, thnx boss23:10
erUSULxim_: set permissions of files folders inside the new filesystem as you like23:11
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:11
jeffjeffdejefferusul: how does that differ from sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer ?23:11
xim_erUSUL, no, i cant copy anything into the drive or even mount it without sudo23:11
jribmzawieska: you need to use something like dtunes on the iphone to play files  you copy (because itunes builds a database and apple doesn't share how)23:11
trismlsdluna: found a command line app that comes with gnome-language-support; check-language-support --language=xx23:11
erUSULjeffjeffdejeff: really dunno; but the one i told you allways worked for me23:11
lorenzo_nevermind, i found a working uget package. thanks anyway!23:12
trismlsdluna: it will list the packages that you need to install23:12
erUSULxim_: you can not mount it ? what error you get?23:12
jeffjeffdejefferusul: seems to work for now - although i thought that about the previous method23:12
erUSULxim_: obviously to moount drives you need sudo23:12
xim_erUSUL, well no error, it just wants me to sudo23:12
xim_erUSUL, but then the owner is root23:12
jeffjeffdejefferusul: btw, is your nick from a comedy sketch starring smith and jones?23:12
snaketheres something wrong with my windows machine...23:12
snakeits windows =D23:13
erUSULxim_: make a fstab entry for the disk so it mounts with the system. then give permissions as you see fit for things inside the disk23:13
erUSULjeffjeffdejeff: nope XD not even know wht you are talking about ;P23:13
snakecmon thats hilarious no lols23:13
lsdlunatrism: where xx = chinese? or is that exactly what i type?23:13
erUSULxim_: change the owner afterwards23:14
LoshaerUSUL: I thought your nick was from "Dune"...23:14
done3659.10 64 bit, I have a report in messages that states I should use an ECC workaround, how should I do this exactly??? and what are the consequences?23:14
trismlsdluna: the two character code for the language, I don't know what one you need, but for example, japanese is ja23:14
erUSULLosha: it is23:14
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい23:14
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:14
snakei never used ! commands23:15
adzHi. is there any way to recover Ubuntu using the ubuntu CD?23:15
Random832why does it use jp?23:15
KimuSan^is there an easy way to see whether an ubuntu installation is 64bit or 32bit?23:15
adzserver just crashed and I can't get in23:15
erUSULadz: depends on what recover means. you can do a lot of things from a livecd23:15
adzand whenever I start in recovery mode it crashes23:15
erUSULKimuSan^: uname -m23:15
ubottuUNIX is an operating system created in the '70s, which has many direct derivates and inspired systems like Minix and !Linux. Most "UNIX-style" systems try to somewhat adhere to the POSIX standard.23:15
adzI want to restore the OS to previous state23:15
adzor at least get command line23:16
adzso I can get the mysql dbs out23:16
KimuSan^erUSUL, and it is 32bit if it says i685 right?23:16
baversjoSupersaiyan_IV: I get the following error when trying grub-install: "Cannot read '/grub/core.img' correctly :(23:16
erUSULadz: you have to find out why it crashes first. you can mount the filesystem and see the logs23:16
erUSULKimuSan^: yes 32 bits23:16
rejohnHi :)  - Please: URL for HowTo setup usb memory stick to hold the Ubuntu 9.10 ISO for installation? Thanks.23:16
done3659.10 64 bit, I have a report in messages that states I should use an ECC workaround, how should I do this exactly??? and what are the consequences?23:16
odinsban1I installed fltk and fluid from the repositories, and when I got to rn fluid from the panel it doesn't start.  It works fine from the terminal.23:16
adzerUSUL where are logs located23:16
Losha!usb | rejohn23:17
ubotturejohn: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:17
Supersaiyan_IVbaversjo, is the cd scratched? have you done a crc check?23:17
adz(where are boot logs located)23:17
rejohnLosha: thx :)23:17
erUSULadz: /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog etc on the hard disk. if you mount the hard disk in /mnt/ in the livecd they will be in /mnt/var/log/*23:18
mzawieskajrib, i installed the dtunes on my iphone but where should i save the music ?23:18
SLAiNTRAXWhat could ban an IP after sending lots of packets on Ubuntu Server 9.10?23:18
baversjoSupersaiyan_IV: Yes I've acually done that. Where is the /grub/core.img folder supposed to be in the file system?23:18
done365Losha: do you have any experience with the ECC workaround?23:18
baversjoSupersaiyan_IV: file*23:18
SLAiNTRAXIt kills the connection, and doesnt let you connect back23:18
Supersaiyan_IVbaversjo, i suggest you follow the manual method23:18
erUSULdone365: can you post the exact mesaage ? maybe it is just a harmless warning23:18
Supersaiyan_IVbaversjo, it's just below23:18
Loshadone365: sorry, never heard of it. What does google say?23:18
odinsban1What does the launcher variable %D, ie cd %D ?23:19
OerHeksecc warning sounds like wrong bios setting23:19
erUSULdone365: only server hardware supports ECC memory. maybe you are using the server kernel in a normal pc and it just complains there is no ECC memory23:20
done365erusul: I'll get it, but to summerize it says that it was unable to use it (my mem is not equipped with it) and that I need the work around to avoid further errors Losha: just a bunch of folks complaining regarding the error23:20
erUSULdone365: that's harmless you already know you do not have ECC memory23:20
SLAiNTRAXwhat could temporarily ban an IP address in ubuntu server? This happened out of nowhere.23:20
protojayu sure u werent being noorty SLAiNTRAX23:21
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: how do you mean ubuntu server23:21
done365erusul: I consider that, but I am having sever memory man issues, and thought that this error could be a contributing factor.23:21
SLAiNTRAXubuntu server edition 9.1023:21
basiliskHelp! I am trying to format a flash drive bought yesterday after it got corrupted on a Windows PC.  When I try to make a new partition or table in GParted it freezes up.  Any advice???23:22
trismlsdluna: after some investigating zh_CN (simplified) or zh_TW (traditional) seem to be what you want23:22
SLAiNTRAXI'm hosting a server on a certain port. when I send a few packets a second, it basically blocks all my connections. I cant even ping the server, while others can23:22
lsdlunatrism: thanks for the help - this resolved it - sudo apt-get install language-pack-zh language-support-zh language-pack-gnome-zh23:22
trismlsdluna: excellent23:23
erUSULdone365: ok; hen maybe the memory is busted? tried memtest ?23:23
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: it seems really odd what sort of lan are you using?23:23
done365erusul: will do...23:24
lucas_sou novo no linux ubuntu 9,1023:24
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 it's a dedicated server hosted by OVH23:24
lucas_oque é sources.list23:24
erUSUL!it | lucas_23:24
ubottulucas_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:24
erUSUL!br | lucas_ sorry for the it23:24
ubottulucas_ sorry for the it: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:24
pilif12pCan i dualboot desktop and server ?23:25
erUSULlucas_: escrive "/j #ubuntu" sen os "" dalle ó enter23:25
basiliskHelp! I am trying to format a flash drive bought yesterday after it got corrupted on a Windows PC.  When I try to make a new partition or table in GParted it freezes up.  Any advice???23:25
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: you can block an ip with iptables, you probably could check to see if it is the server that is banning your ip or something else.23:26
erUSULbasilisk: check dmesg ?23:26
jribpilif12p: not sure why you would want to, but sure...23:26
basiliskerUSUL elaborate please23:26
pilif12pjrib: because i... i dunno23:26
pilif12pi know23:27
pilif12pi wanna use cloud23:27
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 my friend got banned at the same time when that happened, but other people connected didn't23:27
erUSULbasilisk: when you try to create the parition chack dmesg last messages. to see any meaninfull error that could appear there. or just do all operation with a terminal open and running « tailf /var/log/messages »23:27
SLAiNTRAXalso iptables show nothing23:27
iKernelpilif12p, what for?23:27
eltumeI burned an iso using brasero but when I md5sum /dev/cdrom it gives me a different md5sum than the original iso. Is this normal with brasero?23:27
pilif12ppilif12p: I dunno.23:28
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: maybe its not the server that banned you but something above the server.23:28
ShinydanFurther help, please? Rhythmbox has just stopped working...23:28
SLAiNTRAXI have thought about that23:28
SLAiNTRAXbut I really doubt it.23:28
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: is your server behind a firewall, or can you listen at any port?23:29
SLAiNTRAXI can listen on any port. no firewall23:29
basiliskerUSUL: dmesg keeps spitting out "sd 6:0:0:0 [sdb] Sense Key: No sense current."  I'm guessing it can't detect some electric current, but it does detect there is a 4gb storage there23:30
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 ill try disabling iptables23:31
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: there is this ... http://www.tutorial5.com/content/view/101/51/23:31
mkanyicyeltume, i am not supprised, brasero is bad news lately, buggy buggy buggy23:31
eltumei'm on ubuntu 8.04.3 lol23:32
erUSULbasilisk: o.0! really dunno seems to be very broken... tried with fdisk? or the key does not get a /dev/sdx node?23:32
eltumeso it's an older version23:32
iKerneleltume, well upgrade to at least 9.0423:32
Agnaldoalguem do brasil?23:32
erUSUL!br | Agnaldo23:32
ubottuAgnaldo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:32
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 it's a basic server. nothing else installed but gnome and a few other packages23:32
eltumeI'm double checking the md5sum23:32
iKerneleltume, I'm using 9.10 myself, but lots of people have been reporting problems with wifi and sound23:32
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: this uses a file, /etc/host.deny I figured it might be worth looking at.23:33
iKernelno problems with sound here, although surround sound in ALSA still needs a lot of work...23:33
basiliskerUSUL: tried with fdisk on windows and disk manager on a mac, nothing.  it does get a node in ubuntu though23:33
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:33
Agnaldo#ubuntu-br gostaria de uma ajudinha para instalar o Mplayer no Ubuntu 9.1023:33
odinsban1basilisk: how about fsck ?23:33
erUSULbasilisk: try « sudo fdisk /dev/sdx »23:33
mkanyicyyeah, iKernel, seems like sound and wifi issues are a lot on karmic23:33
erUSULAgnaldo: /j #ubuntu-br obrigado23:34
Melquisedechi all23:34
Dr_Willistheres always sound and wifi and flash and video issues.. :()23:34
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 theres no such file :)23:34
mkanyicyhi Melquisedec23:34
Agnaldo#ubuntu-br alguem aqui fala portugues?23:34
Dr_WillisI rember back in the day when it was a all day task to get a cd burner going.. :)23:34
basiliskerUSUL: that command freezes up terminal as well23:34
erUSULbasilisk: :|23:34
mkanyicyDr_Willis, but wifi and sound issues are alarming in karmic23:34
baversjoAfter 12 hours I finally got Ubuntu booted!!! I have grub installed on sda3 (I don't want it in MBR, it's a mac mini). When I load grub I only get a prompt. I loaded the kernel and the initrd. When I used the boot command it booted my ubuntu server! Now to the hard question: How can I get a boot menu so I don't have to do this manually (inside ubuntu server 9.10).23:34
iKernelmkanyicy, myself, I might be just lucky, but I have had no sound issues at all.23:35
Melquisedecmi netbook Acer Aspire One D150-1577 not recognize the webcam integrated (sorry my ingles=23:35
eltumeguys, I found out the problem.23:35
Agnaldo#ubuntu-br alguem aqui fala portugues?23:35
erUSULbasilisk: and if we just zero the thing ? « sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx »23:35
basiliskodinsban1: what would be the command for fsck?23:35
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: does ubuntu server come with selinux?23:35
pilif12pWhy did i get a 64 bit ubuntu CD when i ordered a 32 bit?23:35
erUSULAgnaldo: escrive "/join #ubuntu-br" sen os "" e dalle o enter23:35
mkanyicyDr_Willis, iKernel I have old unresolved wifi issues, i just gave up ages ago, it used to work in intrepid, i never had sound problems23:36
eltumeBrasero couldn't eject the disc after burning and i md5summed without ejecting the disc. Once i ejected it and md5sum it gave me the same md5sum as the original iso.!23:36
erUSULodinsban1: yes you can install it from repositories. default is apparmor though23:36
Dr_Willispilif12p:  ordered from whom? i dident think shipit did 64bit cd's23:36
odinsban1basilisk: the docs say that fsck is for linux file systems.23:36
basiliskerUSUL: doing that gives and error saying dev/sdb exists even though it shows up in gparted23:36
pilif12pbut i got a 64 bit from shipit23:36
rami_Hello guys, I am running Karmic (upgraded from Jaunty) and I can't boot. I get "Kernel Panic, Not syncing: no init found. try passint init option to kernel" note that I upgraded grub to grub2 and everything was fine, and I booted a couple of times. But then I played around with Startupmanager and increased the resolution. That is the only "hardcore" tweaking I did before this error. Any ideas? Thanks in advance23:36
mkanyicyeltume, then it's fine!23:36
erUSULbasilisk: :/ rally dunno seems like the thing is busted for good23:37
basiliskodinsban1: yes but trying << fsck dev/sdb >> or << fsck -p dev/sdb >> isnt doing anything23:37
basiliskerUSUL:  ); oki23:37
Agnaldo#ubuntu-br please, how do I install Mplyer in Ubuntu 9.10?23:37
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 it looks like it23:37
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 I have a dir /selinux/23:38
Agnaldoplease, how do I install Mplyer in Ubuntu 9.10?23:38
Dr_WillisAgnaldo:  its in the package manager.   - you may want the w32codecs package from medibintu also23:38
mkanyicyrami_, that startupmanager thing is very notorious, I must name and shame it23:38
Dr_Willis!info gnome-mplayer23:38
ubottugnome-mplayer (source: gnome-mplayer): A GTK+ interface for MPlayer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.8-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 307 kB, installed size 1316 kB23:38
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: either selinux or apparmor seem like candidates for blocking an ip, though they might just be more filesystem oriented.23:38
rami_mkanyicy, do you expect that it did something to it?23:39
AgnaldoDr. Willis am new to linux, can you help?23:39
Melquisedecany help?.23:39
SLAiNTRAXso disable apparmor?23:39
mkanyicyrami_, you rather use terminal to tweak grub or boot related stuff, especially now that there is a moody grub2 (beta)23:39
Dr_WillisAgnaldo:  fire up the pacakge manager/ubunt software center/ or 'synaptic' and search for and install 'gnome-mplayer' or use 'sudo apt-get install gnome-mplayer' from a command line23:40
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: I would first try to see if it blocks ips23:40
Dr_Willis!apt | Agnaldo23:40
ubottuAgnaldo: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)23:40
mkanyicyMelquisedec, what's the question?23:40
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1: how do I check?23:40
rami_mkanyicy, I know thats what I usually do. I don't know what hit me using SUM. Guess I was just too lazy to understand grub223:40
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: google, it doesn't look like apparmor can ban ips23:41
mkanyicyrami_, i must admit that grub2 looks different and 'involved'23:41
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 so far I've found nothing about it banning ip's23:41
rami_mkanyicy, what other files besides /etc/default/grub should I be looking at? I suspect that its just not pointing to a right kernel or something23:42
luis__ffmpeg is failing at making youtube files mp3, whats happening?23:43
luis__maybe if I reinstall? but whats the command to erase packages?23:43
mkanyicyrami_, I really don't know, tried booting on recovery mode?23:43
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: this thread points at OSSEC23:43
Melquisedecmkanyicy, i cant use my webcam (acer aspire one D150-1577). For default XP Home, but format and install ubuntu 9.10 and UNR 9.10 but nothing..not detect Webcam and mic23:43
Flare-Laptopluis__: sudo apt-get remove <insert package name here>23:43
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 huh?23:44
rami_mkanyicy, same error23:44
luis__Flare-Laptop: thanks!23:44
SLAiNTRAXI don't have OSSEC on it23:44
poseidonI need to make a graph for my high school chem class.  Anyone know of a good way to do this on ubuntu?23:44
Flare-Laptopluis__: No problem23:44
mkanyicyluis__, first, can you play those youtube files23:44
adzalright I am looking at /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog and I only see stuff from this morning23:44
Flare-Laptopposeidon: OpenOffice.org calc23:44
Flare-Laptopposeidon: or Gnumeric23:44
trismposeidon: also gnuplot23:45
rami_mkanyicy, but under recovery, i get more information: Dumping ftrace buffer (ftrace buffer empty)23:45
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: the only defaul thing I see that blocks ip addresses is iptables, and I don't have anyproblem with it from the laptop next to me, but that is a debian server.23:46
mkanyicyrami_, I am clueless about that, what does google give you with that sort of error?23:46
adzHere is the problem: Today my server crashed. It does not boot up. It gets passed the GRUB screen, and then the screen goes black. When I try in recovery mode it displays messages, and then crashes when I try to log in (sometimes even before)23:46
adzis tehre any way I can recover the computer?23:46
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 thanks for your help. If this is going to happen again I'll look deeper into it...23:46
odinsban1(I will send a lot of requests to it for tests)23:46
Dr_Willis!es | porro23:46
ubottuporro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:46
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 right now im too tired ot think23:47
porrogracias men23:47
rami_mkanyicy, some say its hardware failure (RAM) but I ran a memtest, no errors23:47
yassinehow can i get the kernel module loop-aes installes using modules-assistant does not help since building the module fails23:47
Agnaldo#ubuntu-br alguem aqui fala portugues?23:47
* faileas sighs. I just spent about half a day submitting bug reports so that i can get a IM client that isn't gigantic ;p23:47
Dr_Willisadz:  you could boot a live cd. and backup any imporntant files, and then try to fix it.23:47
iKernelAgnaldo, hublerk fluk reckka fab23:47
odinsban1SLAiNTRAX: you could probably email the people providing the server.23:47
adzproblem is I can't get my mysql files23:47
adzany way to recover those through livec23:47
yassinehow can i get the kernel module loop-aes installes using modules-assistant does not help since building the module fails23:47
SLAiNTRAXodinsban1 ill do that :) thanks again. bye23:47
Dr_Willisadz:  no idea. I dont do sql.23:48
mkanyicyadz, they are at /var/lib/mysql23:48
Dr_Willisadz:  proberly a way. but i dont know enough sql :)23:48
Agnaldo#ubuntu-br alguem aqui fala portugues?23:48
ProfionAgnaldo, eu23:48
davidubuntuhi, im new to ubuntu, is this the appropriate place to ask help questions?23:48
adzmkanyicy: gives me access denied when I do it23:48
iKernelAgnaldo, yes23:48
adzeven as root23:48
Dr_Willisdavidubuntu:  thats what the topic sais. :)23:48
mkanyicyadz, even as root?23:48
Profiondavidubuntu, what your question?23:48
adzmkanyicy: yup23:49
Agnaldosomeone speaks Portuguese?23:49
xim_is it possible to take persmissions away from root and only give them to a user?23:49
mkanyicyadz, what are you trying to do?23:49
Dr_Willismkanyicy:  so you hage allready tried a live cd then you are saying?23:49
jrib!pt | Agnaldo23:49
ubottuAgnaldo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:49
Dr_Willisxim_:  Not that i am aware of..23:49
adzmkanyicy: I am trying to recover mysql files23:49
davidubuntugreat, can anyone tell me how to remove the application start menu from the desktop, or provide a link to a walkthrough to do this?23:49
luis__Flare-Laptop: wow, i did a remove and install of ffmpeg, but the program cant still make .flv to mp3!!!23:49
adzfrom livecd23:49
Dr_Willisxim_:  that selinux can do some fancy things.. but i dont think it can do that either.23:49
mkanyicyDr_Willis, it's adz who has a recovery problem23:49
Dr_Willismkanyicy:  so it is.. silly me. :)23:50
Agnaldo#ubuntu-pt alguem aqui fala portugues?23:50
mkanyicyadz, how are you logged in your system now?23:50
unop!pt | Agnaldo23:50
ubottuAgnaldo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:50
adzmkanyicy: livecd23:50
unopluis__, is this ffmpeg from the medibuntu repository?23:50
mkanyicyadz, good23:50
Flare-Laptopluis__: yeah, that's because flv is a video format and mp3 is a audio format23:50
mkanyicyadz, now did you mount the ubuntu partition already?23:50
adzand all my /var/www stuff is just fine23:50
adzbut I need my mysql files23:50
mkanyicyadz, now do you have a usb storage device connected?23:51
adzI have a nas23:51
minimecdavidubuntu: It's an applet. right mouse click 'remove from panel' ...23:51
mkanyicyadz, where is it mounted?23:51
luis__Flare-Laptop: i have done conversions before of flvs to mp3s using ffmpeg and now suddenly ffmpeg doesnt work23:52
luis__whats happening23:52
adzit is at /media/bcf14bf8-829e-48d2-9f3e-94117373667323:52
mkanyicyadz, ??23:52
done365Is Karmic just a memory hog as compared to Jaunty.  The googling I've been doing seems to indicate so?23:52
mkanyicyadz, hahaha, that23:52
adzmkanyicy: (automounted)23:52
=== h32Lg is now known as h32Lg|test
mkanyicyadz, hahaha, that's very unfriendly mount point23:52
=== h32Lg|test is now known as h32Lg
unopluis__, the ffmpeg from the ubuntu repository has not been built with mp3 support (for legal reasons) - so if you're using that, it won't work obviously.23:53
adzmkanyicy: how so23:53
unop!medibuntu > luis__23:53
ubottuluis__, please see my private message23:53
mkanyicyadz, tell me where do you want to put the destination files?23:53
davidubuntuminimec: it seems i cannot right click on this menu anywhere, or right click on the desktop. does this make sense?23:53
adzwell I will probaly just email them23:53
BumpTopi have a question23:53
adzthe dbs are tiny23:53
adzand I have the /var/www backed up23:53
aciculadone365: that is kind of subjective23:53
luis__unop: one thing, the ubuntu ffmpeg worked with conversions of mp3 while ago23:54
=== BumpTop is now known as newb
minimecdavidubuntu: THat makes no sense.23:54
adzthey are like 10 megs each23:54
luis__unop: now suddenly stop working23:54
=== newb is now known as Sizzler_Mode
mkanyicyadz, where did you mount the ubuntu partition?23:54
Sizzler_Modei have a question23:54
adzat /media/bcf14bf8-829e-48d2-9f3e-94117373667323:54
davidubuntuminimec: im using the latest version of ubuntu installed on the latest eeepc directly on the harddrive from a usb stick23:55
=== Sizzler_Mode is now known as jaunty
=== jaunty is now known as jaunt
mkanyicyadz, but that is your nas23:55
minimecdavidubuntu: right click on the desktop should give you a context-menu. Rightclick on the menu should give you the option to remove the menu.23:55
luis__unop: one thing, the ubuntu ffmpeg worked with conversions of mp3 while ago23:55
luis__unop: now suddenly stop working23:55
=== d3c3p710n_ is now known as d3c3p710n
jaunti have a question23:55
adzno that is my ubuntu drive23:55
mkanyicyadz, how do you put files to the nas then?23:55
adznas I haven't mounted23:55
adzand don't really need to23:56
unopluis__, i'm pretty sure that's not true - the ubuntu version has never been built with mp3 support23:56
adzI decided to just email them23:56
adzthey are tiny 10 meg files23:56
unopluis__, anyway, use the medibuntu version23:56
FloodBot4adz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
adzvery  important 10 meg files...but still23:56
luis__unop: how i get medi version?23:56
jauntdoes ubuntu have a virtual pc, except an ubuntu version and not wn23:56
done365acicula: I agree, but relatively speaking, when performing reasonably similar task does the one release use far more memory than the other.  Or does it come out about square? plus how do I answer this question with only one box right now23:56
jauntdoes ubun23:56
VCoolioluis__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095  (followed it this afternoon, works fine)23:56
jauntdoes ubuntu have a virtual pc?23:57
jauntlike win23:57
jauntlike windows?23:57
beanjaunt: you mean like virtualbox?23:57
mkanyicyadz,  try this "sudo tar -cvpf ~/Desktop/mysql_backup.tar /media/bcf14bf8-829e-48d2-9f3e-941173736673/var/lib/mysql"23:57
aciculadone365: jaunt Virtualbox23:57
jaunthow do i install virtualbox?23:57
aciculadone365: dont see why it would be that much more23:57
adzbean: you can laos run vmware23:57
Dr_Willis!virtualbox | jaunt23:57
ubottujaunt: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:57
aciculajaunt: through the packet installer, add/remove programs or console apt-get/aptitude23:57
beanadz: ...what?23:57
jaunti want the free version23:58
beanadz also*23:58
firefly2442Is it possible to create a user with sudo admin privileges but also lock them to their home directory?23:58
Dr_Willisfirefly2442:  that sounds... weird...23:58
beanjaunt: apt-get install virtualbox-ose23:58
faileasis there any way i can simulate the installation of a package i already have? i want to check how big the prerequisites of a package i want is, and i think the prerequisites are common files23:58
Dr_Willisfirefly2442:  you can set up sudo to allow specific users access to specific system commands. if you want more controll23:58
mkanyicyadz, did that command do what you want?23:58
Seveasfirefly2442, no. You can't have your cake and eat it too :)23:58
firefly2442hmm, yeah I thought that might be true... ;)23:59
mkanyicySeveas, you can do that23:59
SteveIgnoranthow would i make an iso bootable on an usb drive? (not ubuntu)23:59
adzmkanyicy: holy SHIT that worked!23:59
jauntYou can have your cake, but you can't eat it until tomorrow!23:59
faileasSteveIgnorant: unetbootin23:59
mkanyicy!language | adz23:59
ubottuadz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:59
adzmkanyicy: sorry just really happy23:59
done365acicula: good recommend, will try that...My performance has been severely hindered by the upgrade, and memory seems to be at the forefront of the issues.  Jaunty out performed windows by bounds, but Karmic has been a step in the wrong direction for me.23:59
mkanyicy!yay | adz23:59
ubottuadz: Glad you made it! :-)23:59
firefly2442SteveIgnorant, unetbootin23:59

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