
lifelessronny: put it in .bzrmeta/yourapp - make that a file that records what you need for each fileid00:01
lifelessronny: we don't have a scalable lookaside engine for arbitrary metadata00:01
lifelessronny: or put the metadata in the files - what metadata is needed for moin ?00:02
ronnyits arbitrary key value storage per revision of an item00:02
ronnya revlog based backend is on my todo, they already have a normal hg one (metadata in the file tree), a anyvc one based on that is also on my todo00:03
lifelessronny: what keys and values?00:04
ronnykeys are strings, values are strings/lists of strings00:04
lifelessso you could do metadata in the file tree easily with bzr too00:04
lifelesswhat query patterns are used on the metadata00:05
ronnymoinmoin will index the metadata00:05
ronnylifeless: file level metadata i can keep track of would be rather nice, practically versioned xattrs00:06
lifelessso - a full scan - how often ?00:06
lifelessdoes it do partial scans? when? do they read the current file content at the same time?00:06
ronnyit will keep a separate index, it doesnt have to read file data for metadata indexing00:07
lifelessthats a disk index ?00:07
lifelesssounds like there is duplication there, then.00:08
ronnywell, the cache is there to make querying fast, its discardable00:08
ronnyso the storage doesnt have to deal with metadata indexing/querying, just storage/retrival00:10
ronnylifeless: so its not really duplication, its just speed-up for disk space00:14
pickscrapeIf I upgrade a shared repository from pack-0.92 to rich-root-pack, do I need to do anything with the branches in that repository?00:19
bob2can you go all the way to the 2a format?00:19
pickscrapeNot in this case00:19
pickscrapeWe are actually moving to 2a, but need to keep an older format mirror around to allow for out debian-bound sysadmins who are seemingly opposed to upgrading anything :)00:20
pickscrapeBut in order to be able to mirror from 2a, we need rich root00:21
pickscrapeHmm, a test conversion seems to suggest that I don't need to do anything with the branches...00:24
pickscrapeIn fact, bzr complains if I try to. Well, that makes the instructions easier. :)00:24
sven_oostenbrinkDoes bzr recognize symlinks?00:28
sven_oostenbrinkwhat if I use symlinks pointing to directories inside and / or outside bzr WTs?00:28
pickscrapeIt will still version control the symlink AIUI.00:29
pickscrapeAs I Understand It00:29
sven_oostenbrinkpickscrape: And what if I have a symlink to a directory within the WT? Will that directory be VCSed twice?00:30
pickscrapeThe symlink will be version controlled as a symlink, and nothing else. So effectively its content will be a string00:31
sven_oostenbrinkpickscrape: that should be perfect.. thanks!00:31
sven_oostenbrinkpickscrape: bzr st . also shows it ending with an @, so it recognizes it..00:32
pickscrapesven_oostenbrink: yes, that makes it nicely clear :)00:32
sven_oostenbrinkbzr: ERROR: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving 'lib.je/php-ext/resources/ext-2.0.2', 'ext2.0.2-20100106002643-5jhck8c23hf464tt-50'00:34
sven_oostenbrinkreason: The file id was deleted but its children were not deleted.00:34
sven_oostenbrinkPossible bzr bug? bzr: ERROR: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving 'lib.je/php-ext/resources/ext-2.0.2', 'ext2.0.2-20100106002643-5jhck8c23hf464tt-50' reason: The file id was deleted but its children were not deleted.00:34
shodan45I'm trying to "easy_install bzr" on a centos5/rhel5 box, but get compile errors. Is this a known problem?00:34
pickscrapesven_oostenbrink: That doesn't look good :)00:34
sven_oostenbrinkpickscrape: nah, found it already, my bad :)00:35
pickscrapesven_oostenbrink: was a directory replaced by a symlink under bzr's nose there?00:35
sven_oostenbrinkpickscrape: not really... added tree, removed (with rm) a sub dir, then bzr remove --keep tree00:36
sven_oostenbrinkpickscrape: ow, better even, the sub dir was replaced with that symlink yeah... man, Im messing up here!00:37
neoTheCathow can i restore an accidently deleted file if i am using the centralized repository?01:14
neoTheCatin svn, i was able to do an "svn update", and it would pull any missing files from the directory?01:15
gutworthbzr revert01:15
bob2bzr revert filename01:15
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mac9416How can I clear a branch of everything without deleting it?02:43
gutworthclear of changes you mean?02:43
gutworthbzr revert02:44
mac9416I'm new to bzr BTW, so don't beat me up.02:44
mac9416OK, thanks. :-)02:44
mac9416Hmmm, that didn't remove all the commits.02:44
_AndrewHi guys, I'm checkout out a copy of our bzr repo and it's so slow. They have 400 commits and over 1.6 gig in the repo. Is there anyway to make the checkout process faster?02:45
_AndrewWe have**02:45
gutworthmac9416: bzr uncommit then, but be careful02:46
gutworth_Andrew: what protocol?02:46
_Andrewfrom file.. it is checking out on the same machine02:46
mac9416gutworth, how do I uncommit a _lot_ of revisions?02:47
gutworthdo you have a shared repo?02:47
gutworthmac9416: why do you want to do that?02:47
mac9416gutworth, the short story is that I pushed 88 revisions to an empty branch that I should have branched, merged the code into and pushed.02:48
mac9416So now I have 88 revisions I want to get rid of so I can do it right.02:48
mac9416gutworth, the project I work on has very loose bzr rules. Small development team.02:49
gutworthtry pulling from your own branch and giving -r02:49
_Andrewshared between different users? Yes02:49
gutworthmac9416: specify a revision02:49
gutworth_Andrew: no, like bzr init-repo02:49
mac9416OK, I'll try.02:49
_AndrewI'm not sure02:51
gutworthif you branch within a shared repo, revisions don't have to be copied02:51
mwhudsonmac9416: you can do bzr pull --overwrite -r -88 .02:53
_AndrewI'm using the bzr checkout command ?02:55
mac9416mwhudson, that got it. Thanks.02:57
spiv_Andrew: checkouts can use shared repositories too.02:57
mwhudsonmac9416: np02:57
spiv_Andrew: although perhaps you simply want "bzr checkout --lightweight"?02:58
_Andrewmaybe, i'm not sure on what they all mean02:58
spiv_Andrew: basically, if it's on the same machine, you probably don't want to actually make second copy of the 1.6 gig of history.02:58
_Andrewah yes02:59
spiv_Andrew: a lightweight checkout will simply point to an existing branch and repository (the repo is the bit that holds all that history), rather than copy it.03:00
_AndrewSo it doesn't copy the .bzr data just the files03:01
spiv_Andrew: the other option mentioned is to make a shared repository with "bzr init-repo"... all branches (and heavyweight checkouts) created inside that repository will use the shared repository rather than keeping a standalone copy.03:01
spiv_Andrew: well, there will still be a .bzr directory, just less stuff in it :)03:01
_AndrewI think the first option is what I need03:01
spivYeah, sounds like it, if you want to use checkouts anyway.03:02
spivIf you want to keep multiple branches you may want a shared repository as well at some point, but worry about that when it happens :)03:02
_AndrewWe have multiple branches too03:07
_Andrewfor example we have different tags etc03:08
spivWell, there's the 'bzr tag' command so you don't need branches for that.03:08
spivA common way to work is to have a shared repository made with "bzr init-repo --no-trees", so that the branches in it don't have working trees automatically.03:10
spivSo you have a directory that has all your branches, and all those branches share a single repository so disk isn't wasted and making new branches is really fast, etc.03:11
spivAnd then you might have a single lightweight checkout somewhere else, and you use 'bzr switch' to switch it to different branches depending on which one you're working on.03:11
* spiv -> lunch03:12
pooliehello all03:16
mac9416bzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~keryx-admins/keryx/devel/.bzr/)03:16
mac9416is not compatible with03:16
mac9416different rich-root support03:16
mac9416Pardon the paste. Any ideas?03:16
gutworthmac9416: you need to upgrade the remote repo apparently03:18
pooliemac9416: or, perhaps easier, rename it and push a new one03:18
mac9416Hmm, how do I upgrade the remote one?03:19
mac9416Because I'm kinda attached to the name.03:19
mkanat_mac9416: Maybe you could just rename the existing one and then push a new one with the same name.03:20
gutworthbzr push --overwrite03:20
gutworth(I believe)03:20
mac9416Overwrite didn't work. Same error.03:21
mac9416mkanat_, I'm sorry, I don't quite understand...03:21
mac9416Perhaps bzr upgrade <branch> ?03:21
RAOFbzr upgrade $BRANCH will work, yeah.03:25
RAOFIt'll possibly take a while, though; it (still!) needs to download & re-upload everything :(03:25
mac9416lol, I was about to ask you if it was normal to take a while. :-)03:25
mac9416It's a fairly small branch.03:25
pooliejml: just what is bzr-tools-grep03:45
mwhudsonpoolie: it's an emacs thingy03:49
mwhudsonit basically does the bzr ls | xargs grep thing into a grep-mode buffer03:49
jmlpoolie, what mwhudson said. the exact shell command it uses is in the email04:31
pooliei thought it was a bzr alias or plugin04:32
dOxxxgood evening05:10
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lifelessjml: I disagree on cleanups06:12
lifelessjml: I hope I've made a convincing case in mail; please let me know if otherwise.06:12
vilahi all07:17
vilalifeless: I'm not sure I understand where you stand about cleanups, in one mail you said: "we should be able to reinstate that behaviour - it was removed by oversight, not intention.", as in cleanups before tearDown and in an other you said: "If you put cleanups after teardown...I argue that this is safer"07:19
vilalifeless: ISTM you prefer the later but can you confirm ?07:20
lifelessvila: the behaviour I refer to is not running teardown if setup raises an exception07:25
lifelessthat was an oversight07:25
lifelessthe order of teardowns vs cleanups is deliberate07:25
vilaok. So in the end, that means banning tearDown for bzrlib (I think there are still a couple of classes that use it, in a safe way)07:27
lifelessvila: well we can make teardown always run again07:28
lifelessthats what I was saying07:28
vilaok on that (and that's important), I mixed the two.07:29
lifelesswe could even do it in bzrlib07:43
lifelessdef maybeTearDown(self): if not self._teardon_run: self.tearDown()07:43
lifelessdef tearDown(self):07:43
lifeless    self._teardown_run = True07:43
bialixhello all09:23
jszakmeisterHi bialix09:56
bialixhi jszakmeister10:13
jszakmeisterBummer.  The shelve-editor hasn't made it into bzr.dev yet.10:36
jszakmeisters/shelve-editor/shelve-editor branch/10:36
jszakmeisterGeez... updating bzr.dev pulled involved 9.5MB of transfer. :-(10:39
jszakmeisterI take that back... shelve-editor did make it in!10:42
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saedelaereis there a changelog for the latest version of the bzr-explorer?11:19
jszakmeisterThe most up-to-date one is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebzr-explorer-dev/bzr-explorer/trunk/annotate/head%3A/NEWS11:21
jszakmeisterOr here (for 0.10.0): https://launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/trunk/0.10.011:22
saedelaereah yes thank you very much11:22
jszakmeisterYou're welcome.11:23
_Andrewis there anything similar to propset in bzr so that I can insert the revision number into my files?11:33
* saedelaere waves11:38
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ahasenackwhen I do a "bzr info" and get back "format: unnamed", what does it mean?12:52
ahasenackwhat format is it?12:52
ahasenackif I do it at the shared repository level, I get 2a12:52
ahasenackbut if I cd into a checkout (bound branch) and repeat it, I get "unnamed"12:52
jelmerahasenack: a named format is a combination of a repository format, branch format and working tree format12:57
jelmerin your case the branch format/repository format combination used is not available as a named "bzr init --format=" option12:58
jelmerahasenack: if you run "bzr upgrade --2a" in the branch it should make a trivial change to the branch and "bzr info" should display 2a as the format name12:58
jelmerahasenack: "bzr info -v" should show you the names of the branch, repository and working tree formats12:58
ahasenackjelmer: is it possible for the root of the shared repository to have one format and the checkouts inside it have a different one?12:59
jelmerthis situation be introduced when you upgrade a repository but not the branches inside of it12:59
ahasenackit's quite possible this is what happened12:59
ahasenackI have no idea now what was upgraded and what wasn't12:59
jelmerahasenack: I'd recommend just running "bzr upgrade" in the repository root and the branches13:00
jelmerthat should be a no-op if the control dir is already up to date13:00
ahasenackbzr: ERROR: The branch format Meta directory format 1 is already at the most recent format.13:00
ahasenackI guess it is13:00
ahasenackor at least the root of the shared repository is13:00
ahasenackso I can run "bzr upgrade" at the root of the shared repo13:01
ahasenackand I can also run it inside each repo from this shared repo?13:01
ahasenackit's a bit confusing13:01
ahasenackthe shared bits can be upgraded separately from the rest?13:01
jelmerI agree it's a bit confusing13:02
ahasenackif I run the upgrade at the root level of the shared repository, I still have to run it inside each repository?13:03
jelmerahasenack: inside of each branch, yes.13:03
ahasenackweird:   shared repository: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~landscape/landscape/trunk/13:11
ahasenacktrunk itself is a shared repo?13:11
ahasenackops, wrong channel13:11
vilaahasenack: a branch uses a repository, it is not a repo itself. As such, a repo can be shared between branches. Standalone branches use their own (private, not shared) repo13:13
maxbahasenack: bzr info -v will tell you the repository branch and tree formats separately - handy when they rollup is 'unnamed'13:22
ahasenackmaxb: even remotely?13:23
maxbYou might need to prefix the URL with nosmart+ for that13:23
ahasenackaha, magic tricks13:23
ahasenackbecause just bzr info -v lp:~landscape/landscape/trunk doesn't tell me that13:23
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jammorning all13:47
__monty__Good afternoon.13:47
* bialix waves at jam13:48
* vila waves14:15
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vilajam: inventory paths use /\'/ as \\15:20
vilajam: inventory paths use /\'/ as \\15:20
jamhey vila15:20
jamwaiting for one more "growl" :)15:21
vilajam: inventory paths use '/' as separator on *all* platforms right ?15:21
* vila curses Apple keyboard and its \ / delete and return keys all in the same place :)15:21
jamvila: id2path will always return '/' in the path15:23
jamwe try (too) hard to make sure we always use '/' internally15:23
jamif you look at the os functions15:23
jamon windows, lots of them end with ".replace('\', '/')"15:24
jamvila: so yes, internally '/' is our path separator15:24
vilaok so changes_from() most likely obeys that rule15:24
jamI would assume so15:26
vilaI just discovered/realize that I can't filter changes_from output with is_ignored() (in bzr-upload context) because smart_add is the only place where *parents* are pruned when they are ignored :-/15:26
jamthe main issue with supporting '\' in filenames, is just that right now, we do all we can to squash '\' to '/'15:26
jamvila: so you mean if I "ignore foo/" then "foo/bar" isn't getting added?15:27
vilajam: yes15:27
jamif I ignore "foo/" but add "foo/bar/" then "foo/bar/baz" (i believe) will show up as unknown15:27
vila'ignore foo' is enough15:27
jamvila: confirmed15:28
jamI was using '/' to denote that they were dirs15:29
jamvila: so ignoring 'foo/' just means we won't recurse by default15:29
jambut if 'foo/bar' is versioned, then we will search everything underneath15:29
vilahmm, the context is .bzrignore-upload15:29
jamvila: I expected as such15:29
jamI just wanted to mention *why* it seems to work for add15:30
vilaSo there is no way to "force" as we do with bzr add15:30
jamand that is because we don't recurse into ignored dirs15:30
vilasure, makes sense15:30
jamvila: you may want "foo/**/*"15:30
jamwhich is "ignore everything under foo"15:30
jamnote that it *doesn't* ignore foo15:31
vilayup, but that doesn't ignore foo itself :-/15:31
jamvila: so I don't know what you want to do with bzr-ignore-upload15:31
jamI just wanted to note that there *is* a syntax for "ignore everything under foo"15:31
viladon't upload items described in .bzrignore-upload15:32
vilathe main difference is that we are talking about inventory paths here, not filesystem paths, so I have to check if a filename is ignored or any of its parents (this isn't needed in bzrlib except in smart_add)15:33
vilathat also means I can't use osutils.dirname :-/15:33
jamvila: dirname works fine15:34
jamas would "osutils.split"15:34
jamsplitting doesn't involve adding a '/'15:34
vilaerr, on windows dirname() will recognize '/' ?15:34
jamvila: windows already recognizes '/' as a path chare15:34
jamit just *also* recognizes '\'15:34
vilas/char/pathsep/ ?15:34
jamvila: well in python pathsep == : or ;15:35
jamdirectory separator15:35
jamWindows recognizes both '\' and '/' as directory separators15:35
vilagrr, not pathsep, the other one :)15:35
vilaoooh, good news15:35
vilaDo we accept '\' in .bzrignore as meaning '/' ?15:36
vilaOr do we just don't handle them ?15:37
jamvila: I think we switch them to '/', checking15:38
vilaglobbing.normalize_pattern seems to handle the formet15:38
jamvila: yep15:39
vilaI'm glad I asked :)15:39
jam_slashes = re.compile('[\\/]')15:39
jamso, '\/\/\/' will be treated as 1 '/'15:39
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vilabeuno-lunch: lunch is for... well, may be not :) .bzrignore-upload was far more complex than I thought, see the new merge proposal16:26
barryhi everyone.  recently, i've been getting tons of 'No handlers could be found for logger "bzr"' messages for things like 'bzr push'.  google seemed unhelpful.  anybody know what's going on, or how to fix or debug the issue?  i'm sure it's a python logging thing, but i'm not clear on how bzr sets that up.  ftr: Bazaar (bzr) 2.0.3 on karmic16:31
james_wit's usually permissions, but I think you ruled that out?16:32
barryjames_w: i did verify that ~/.bzr.log is owned by me16:34
barryjames_w: as are everything in ~/.bazaar16:34
barryjames_w: that is the one issue google spewed up for me, but i can't find anything e.g. owned by root16:35
james_ware the permission bits sensible on ~/.bzr.log?16:37
barryjames_w: yep. 66416:38
james_wif you strace it is it trying to open another log file?16:38
barryjames_w: hmm, good idea. let me try16:38
james_wstrace -e open /usr/bin/bzr info 2>&1 | grep log16:39
james_wand this is usual bzr operations with a plain unpatched bzr?16:40
james_wdoes it still happen with --no-plugins?16:40
jambarry: also, if you could do a run where you see it, and stop with ^\ to get into the debugger16:41
james_wc = self16:41
james_wwhile c:16:41
jamthen we can poke around with what is going on16:41
james_wthat's rather odd code in a method isn't it?16:41
jamjames_w: that does look a little odd16:41
barryjames_w: i only see it trying to open ~/.bzr.log; this is stock /usr/bin/bzr; still happens with --no-plugins16:41
james_wbarry: and it succeeds in opening ~/.bzr.log?16:42
barryjames_w: it does16:42
barryjames_w: and writing to it16:42
barryjam: let me see if i can catch it16:43
jambarry: if i understand the problem correctly, it should happen any time you try to connect to an sftp location, or ssh location using paramiko16:43
jambarry: this is using bzr 2.0.3 ?16:43
barryjam it is and this is a bzr+ssh url16:44
jamdo you have BZR_SSH set?16:44
jam(env var)16:45
barryjam: no16:45
james_wdel bzr_logger.handlers[:]16:45
james_wdoesn't that delete a copy of the list, and so is basically a no-op?16:45
jamk, well if it is 2.0.3, I'm pretty sure poolie's "stop using the logging" module isn't present16:45
idnarjames_w: no, it empties the list16:45
jamjames_w: no, that is python syntax for clear the list16:45
idnardel "operates" on names, not references16:46
jambad syntax IMO, but that is the syntax16:46
idnarthere's effectively a whole bunch of special forms of del16:46
jamsame as 'del d[key]'16:46
barrylists should really have a .clear() method like dicts, but that's a digression :)16:47
idnar"del foo" deletes a local name, "del foo.bar" invokes __delattr__, "del foo[bar]" invokes __delitem__16:47
jamidnar: so is it the parser that turns it into the special construct?16:47
barryjam: so it sounds like this is a known issue in 2.0.3.  if so, i will happily ignore it :)16:48
jambarry: I don't think it is16:48
jamIt sounds like something strange happening16:48
jamyou could also just try16:48
jamfrom bzrlib import logging16:48
barryjam: ok!  i'd file a bug, but it seems like i don't have enough information yet :/16:48
jamfrom bzrlib import trace; trace.enable_default_logging()16:48
idnarjam: I'm not sure of the exact mechanics, but it ultimately compiles to different bytecode ops16:48
jamand see if that has a problem16:48
jamidnar: *glee*16:48
jambarry: and what were you using before you ran into this problem? 2.0.2 ?16:49
idnarthere's DELETE_GLOBAL and DELETE_FAST for names, DELETE_SUSCR for del foo[bar], and DELETE_ATTR for del foo.bar16:49
jam(I'm trying to understand how it "just started" )16:49
barryjam: python -c "from bzrlib import trace; trace.enable_default_logging()" produces no such message16:50
jambarry: Now I would expect: "from bzrlib import trace; trace.mutter('foo')" to generate that16:50
jam"from bzrlib import trace; trace.enable_default_logging(); trace.mutter('bar')" not to16:50
barryjam: well, that's the thing, i'm not entirely sure when it started.  "recently" is the best i can say.  the only thing that comes to mind is that i started using etckeeper, but i would have thought --no-plugins would eliminate that (and i'm not doing pushes in /etc)16:51
jamsorry 'trace.note()' but I can't reproduce that here16:51
jambarry: and once again I'm proven wrong16:51
jamit takes "trace.warning" to provoke the handlers issue16:52
barry% python -c "from bzrlib import trace; trace.enable_default_logging(); trace.warning('bar')"16:52
barryno logger warning16:52
jambarry: and without the "enable_default_logging"16:52
barryjam: bingo!16:53
jambarry: right16:53
barrywarning and no "bar"16:53
jamso you have to try to log something that looks severe enough, but not have a handler enabled16:53
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barryjam: why, or maybe who, is not installing the handler?16:53
jambarry: we install the handler as part of main, IIRC16:54
james_wthe difference between note and warning is that warning will go through the added stderr handler16:54
jambarry: it looks like it is in the "bzr" main script16:54
jambefore calling main16:54
jambarry: care to put an "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" in 'bzr' and step through it to see when the warning hits?16:55
GaryvdMjszakmeister: ping16:55
beunovila, ah, that's quite a change16:55
barryjam: yep, that does seem like the next step.16:55
jambarry: looking at the 'bzr' code, it looks like we would have to be emitting a warning during import16:55
vilabeuno: yeah, not that simple :)16:56
jamas plugins aren't even loaded yet16:56
jambarry: the common case is when "enable_default_logging()" itself fails16:56
jamspecifically:     except IOError, e:16:56
jam        warning("failed to open trace file: %s" % (e))16:56
jamwhich because it cannot open the trace file has not yet set up logging, and ends up getting suppressed16:56
jamwe should probably just change that to "sys.stderr.write()"16:57
james_wjelmer: isn't that log bug caused by ghosts?16:57
jambarry: however, you claimed that ~/.bzr.log isn't a problem16:57
james_wjelmer: oh no, ignore me, sorry16:57
barryjam: right.  does not seem to be!16:57
jambarry: you know what, check ~/.bzr.log.old16:57
jamI wonder if your log is full, and it is failing to get rid of the old one16:58
barryjam: i have no ~/.bzr.log.old16:58
jambarry: anyway, stepping through with pdb is the best way to isolate it16:58
jambarry: what size is ~/.bzr.log ?16:58
barryjam: 78271516:58
jamhmm.. we roll at 4MB, so no issue there16:58
jamback to pdb :)16:59
barry:)  trying...16:59
barryjam: so far, i've narrowed it down to push.py:83 in bzr.dev17:06
barrydir_to = bzrdir.BzrDir.open_from_transport(to_transport)17:06
jambarry: so this seems to be happening a long time after bzrlib.trace.enable_default_logging() has been called17:08
jambarry: does that fit what you are seeing17:08
jamvery strange17:08
jambarry: you could try putting something into 'trace.warning' but I have the feeling something is going directly to the logging module17:08
barryjam: happens before we hit the first call to warning()17:10
jambarry: I think error would also trigger it17:10
jambut 'note' and 'mutter' seem to be defaulted to silence17:10
jammaybe there is an 'info' call?17:10
barryhappens before the first call to error too17:10
barryand before the first call to info()17:11
barryin fact, before the first call to anything in trace.py17:11
jambarry: btw, does *python* guarantee that "open().name" works?17:11
jamI'm trying to define an api, and I want to know whether I have to pass a path as well as a file object, or if I can assume the file object has a .name attribute17:12
barryjam: well, the stdlib says "may not be present on all file-like objects" but i belive for actual file objects, yes it does guarantee that17:13
jambarry: sure, StringIO may not have it, but that doesn't have an fs path either :)17:14
barryright :)17:14
barryjam: narrowed down to client.py:8717:15
barryjam: where method='BzrDir.open_2.1'17:16
jambarry: sure, I'm guessing that send_request is causing an actual connection to be spawned17:16
jamoh, and if you are sitting there17:17
jamwe can try something else17:17
jamnamely, check the transport17:17
jamand its connection17:17
jamand see whether it is using paramiko itself17:17
barrywould that be self?17:17
barryor rather, i'm not sure where transport and connection are17:18
barryor maybe 130217:19
barryjam: well, here's an interesting thing.  in ssh.py:367 it calls subprocess.Popen() where argv[0] == 'ssh'.  it is in this call that the No handlers warning gets emitted17:23
barryjam: is it possible this is happening on the server?17:23
jambarry: hmm... that at least looks like the server is generating an error17:23
jambarry: it is definitely possible17:23
* barry checks the server17:23
jamand the error would get propogated over ssh's stderr output17:23
jamwithout bzr doing anything17:23
jamso if on the *server* you have a problem with ~/.bzr.log17:23
jamthis would be much less suprising17:23
barryjam: bing17:24
barryer, bingo :)17:24
jamold mac's dog?17:25
barryjam: :)  ~/.bzr.log on the server was owned by root.  fixing that made the problem go away.  this explains everything, since this is a new-ish server and it explains why all the clients suddenly saw the same thing17:26
jambarry: of course it is unfortunate that this was so hard to diagnose17:26
jam#1 we need to fix _open_bzr_log17:26
barryjam: thanks!  so problem solved, but i wonder if the debugging output couldn't have helped indicate that the message was coming from the server?17:26
jamto just write to stderr, since we know logging isn't set up yet17:26
barryjam: are there bugs here i can file or would you like the honors? :)17:27
jambarry: You can file a bug if you want, I was just going to fix it17:29
jamIt *is* nice to close bugs :)17:29
barryjam: you kw :)17:29
vilakw == kilowatt ?17:30
barryvila: first word: karma17:30
vilawell, I think the intent here is more to *document*, karma is unfair for jam anyway :-D17:31
barry:)  but yes +1, especially because my previous google search was unhelpful.  filing bug now17:32
jambarry: I was thinking keyword myself :)17:32
vilamostly because lp doesn't take the number of clones jam is using when calculating karma :D17:32
jamvila: well for a long time lp didn't count code changes as karma17:33
jamso mine was actually quite low17:33
jamtoo many people triaging bugs17:33
jamso the amount I did, did not amount to much17:33
jamif you wanted real karma *blueprints* were where it was at17:33
barryjam: don't i know it!  when i was doing the lp mlist stuff i blueprinted out the wazoo.  lots of yummy karma17:34
vilawhich is a bit silly since we don't use blueprints :D17:35
jamvila: \o/ I somehow managed to have the highest karma of people I can find right now17:35
jamI don't know how that happened17:36
jamah, lots of commits17:36
jam30k karma from "bazaar branches"17:36
barryjam: bug 50388617:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503886 in bzr "Server errors are hard to debug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50388617:36
jamI'm certainly a branch whore17:36
barryand with that, i give you my thanks and take leave for lunch!17:36
jambarry: eat hearty my friend17:37
barry:)  bye all17:37
jamvila: it would appear that merge-proposals are the new karma hotness :)18:03
vilagood move :)18:04
jamwell, if you look at https://edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel/+karma, I have about 10x more karma from branches18:17
jamthough I guess "new branch registered" also appears on the list18:17
jamand I don't think I'm *shabby* on the bug tracker18:17
vilajam: you suck at translations though...18:17
jamwhich is true enough anyway :)18:18
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
EdWyse_MobileI have to use bzr on Fedora 6 connecting to a newer repository.  The latest fc6 rpm is 0.91.1 but when I attempt to init to the server, I get "Unknown branch format...". If I try to bdist_rpm version 2.0.3 it fails because of: "bzrlib/_annotator_pyx.c:30:27: error: python-compat.h: No such file or directory".19:06
maxbEdWyse_Mobile: bzr 0.91.1 !? That's unspeakably ancient!19:06
EdWyse_MobileYeah, so is FC6, but I'm stuck with it on this machine. They took a feature I need out of the kernel.19:07
maxbI'm afraid I know nothing about bdist_rpm, so I would suggest installing bzr 2.0.3 from source to /usr/local19:08
EdWyse_MobileJust to be clear, I do mean "python setup.py bdist_rpm"19:11
ronnyEdWyse_Mobile: you lakc the python development packages19:12
EdWyse_MobileOh! That makes sense.19:12
EdWyse_MobileWell, made sense but that wasn't it.19:14
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
jamEdWyse_Mobile: where are you getting the code from?19:35
jamI don't see how it would have _annotator_pyx.c but not python-compat.h19:35
jamEdWyse_Mobile: another option would be to just run from source, which is what I do on an *FC3* machine :)19:36
EdWyse_MobileThat's what I'm doing for now.19:36
jamhi lifeless19:37
jamEdWyse_Mobile: looks like I get the same failure, investigating19:37
jamit seems that bdist_rpm is building in build/temp... but isn't including bzrlib itself19:38
jamso it probably thinks we should be including "bzrlib/python-compat.h"19:38
jamEdWyse_Mobile: hmm... bdist_rpm seems to start by hardlinking everything into a new directory19:40
jambut doesn't seem to include python-compat.h19:40
EdWyse_MobileHmm, sounds like a simple bug.19:41
jamI don't quite understand how it figures out what files to copy19:41
lifelessjam: check that sdist includes python-compat.h19:43
jam lifeless: the tarball it creates does *not* have python-compat.h, or any of the pyrex generated .c files19:44
lifelessI'm fiarly sure that they select in common19:46
lifelessexcuse me, more coughing.19:46
jamlifeless: looks like that is true19:46
jamlooking here for possible answers: http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.5/dist/source-dist.html19:48
jamIt does mention: all C source files mentioned in the ext_modules or   libraries options19:48
jamhowever: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352492/ doesn't seem to catch it19:49
jamthis seems to work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352494/19:53
jamEdWyse_Mobile: ^^19:53
jamThat will also include the pyrex generated files in the tarball19:53
jamwhich is something we would want anyway19:53
jamoh, and you probably need more for stuff like bzrlib/help-topics, etc19:56
jamso we probably need a *.txt in there as well19:56
jamlifeless, jelmer: Any idea why subvertpy debs are in the bzr 2.0/2.0.3 download location?19:57
EdWyse_Mobilecool, thanks19:57
jamand bzr_2.0.3-1~bazaar1~hardy_powerpc.changes seems a bit strange to have19:58
jamit at least looks like someone uploaded to +download instead of to a ppa19:58
lifelessjam: no idea20:01
lifelessseems odd20:01
jamAny way to tell who uploaded them?20:01
lifelesswho uploaded them ?20:01
lifelessthats a question for #launchpad(-dev)? I think20:02
dutchieis there a way to make a shelved change dump out the diff saved?20:32
GaryvdMdutchie: maybe bzr unshelve --dry-run20:38
GaryvdMHi snorkelbuckle!20:39
dutchieit just prints out a little summary message, even with -v20:39
snorkelbuckleNew user here, anybody here who can spend 5 minutes to help me with setting up centralized shared repos?  Its installed on linux and I'm having trouble accessing via windows tortoise bazaar.20:39
snorkelbuckleI did the following, bzr init-repo --no-trees /bzrepos, then from tortoise did and 'Init' no trees to following bzr+ssh://hostname/bzrepos/newproj20:43
snorkelbucklenow if i check out newproj, I get erro Not a branch20:43
snorkelbucklewhat am I not understanding about setting up new repos?20:44
GaryvdMsnorkelbuckle: are you maybe a user of another vcs?20:45
GaryvdMsnorkelbuckle: If I understand you correctly, you have a branch stored on a linux box, and you want a copy of it on your win box?20:46
snorkelbuckleGaryvdM: yes, I've used svn, yes I suppose a branc on linux box, but it is empty I only just initizliued it.  So I assume once it is init, then I can check it out to my win box and add files to it20:47
GaryvdMsnorkelbuckle: what url did you use?20:47
snorkelbuckleGaryvdM: bzr+ssh://myinternalhost.com/bzrepos/myproject20:48
lifelesssnorkelbuckle: in one line you say bzr+ssh://hostname/bzrepos/newproj in another bzr+ssh://myinternalhost.com/bzrepos/myproject20:51
lifelesssnorkelbuckle: the urls will need to be the same :)20:51
snorkelbucklelifeless: thanks, first line was generlized, second line is accurate.  :)20:51
snorkelbuckleokay, now I tink I understand what is wrong...but I don't understand then how I should use bazaar...I think the terminology is different from what I'm used to.20:52
snorkelbuckleWhat I did was did bzr init-repo for /repos20:52
snorkelbuckleand then under /repos, I did also init-repo20:53
snorkelbucklefor a different dir20:53
snorkelbuckleso then this is a sub-repos under a repos?  This is allowed?  Thus I don't yet have a branch which I must do with bzr 'init'  as opposed to 'init-repos'?20:53
GaryvdMsnorkelbuckle: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-guide/core_concepts.html will help20:55
snorkelbuckleGaryvdM: thanks20:57
GaryvdMbtw: I've just changed from Qwerty to dvorak so my typing is painfull slow :-(20:59
snorkelbuckleGaryvdM: what is the reason you changed?21:02
GaryvdMhopefully I will become faster in the long run :-)21:03
snorkelbuckleGaryvdM: thanks for your time in helping me.  I must have missed those reference pages, explains a lot.  I've got things working now.21:04
snorkelbuckleGaryvdM: I guess my main problem was that I had not actually any branches to checkout from the repos, thus the error.  However, I find this a minor problem with tortoise bazaar (maybe there is a way to do it), but there doesn't seem to be a way to create a branch on an empty remote repository.21:07
lifelesssnorkelbuckle: yes repos can be nested but its not what you want21:15
lifelesssnorkelbuckle: you want to init under the first repo21:15
jamGaryvdM: good luck, I've been there21:54
jamIt took me about 1 month before I was at reasonable speed vs qwerty21:54
jamI'll note that I don't think I'm faster today than I was w/ qwerty21:54
jamthough the bottleneck is not really my fingers21:54
jamI *do* feel that there is less motion in my fingers21:54
jamand I believe poolie has had good results wrt strain21:54
GaryvdMHi jam21:54
jamGaryvdM: I'll also mention that I was decent at switching for a long time, before I started working exclusively on my laptopt21:55
jamnow I can switch somewhat, but ViM is still a real pain in the wrong keyboard21:55
GaryvdMIn the typing tutor, I can do 10 wpm, but when I'm much slower when I've got other things on my mind.21:57
idnaryeah, I observed about the same; once I was up to speed, I wasn't any faster on dvorak, but I wasn't any slower either, and the strain on my wrists was much less21:58
GaryvdMI find 'L' to be a bit of a strain.21:59
marsilainenI would seriously consider switching to dvorak if there were a decent selection of keyboards to buy..22:05
lifelessmarsilainen: any keyboard with homogenous keys22:08
jammarsilainen: well, it helps you become a better touch typist22:19
jamlifeless: except the F & J keys have bits on them to guide your fingers22:19
jambut I did rearrange a keyboard22:19
jamand just swapped those two keys appropriately so that I still had the dots, and just had 4 keys in the wrong place22:20
jamwell, except for the fact that I made mistakes and never bothered to fix them (V & W, IIRC)22:20
pooliehello jam, gary22:51
pooliei never switched the keycaps22:51
pooliei just learned to do things from the dots on the home row22:52
pooliethat possibly improved my results independently of switching to dvorak22:52
poolieiow relearning any layout this way may have helped22:52
pooliei'd like to do a small hack some time that measures errors (backspaces) as a feedback technique22:52
jamhey poolie22:56
jamabentley: are you around?22:56
GaryvdMHi poolie23:03
pooliehi, happy new year23:03
pooliejam, if it's not too late, we could talk23:03
poolieotherwise i'll set an alarm for earlier tomorrow :)23:04
jampoolie: I'm heading out the door now23:05
jamI suppose you could call my cell if you wanted23:05
poolienm, if i call you at 2200utc tomorrow would that work?23:05
jamI've been trying to investigate bug #494269, and our tree root handling just seems ... broken23:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494269 in bzr "tree transform cannot change root id" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49426923:05
jamcalling "wt.set_root_id(new)"23:06
pooliehm :/23:06
jamcauses "wt.id2path(new)" to fail23:06
jamwell, wt.id2path(wt.path2id('')) breaks23:06
pooliewith problems in dirstate, or tt,or maybe both?23:06
jamwt.id2path(wt.path2id('')) is a dirstate bug23:06
jam'bzr revert' fails23:06
jambut seems to be a TreeTransform bug23:06
jamupdate/pull use different code paths to achieve 90% the same thing23:07
jamand update will call set_root_id() if it is None23:07
jampull doesn't23:07
jamanyway, I'm off for now23:07
=== sven_oostenbrink is now known as phoenixz

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