
LureScottK: any time to sponsor strigi build1 upload for exiv2 library transition: http://muse.19inch.net/~lure/strigi.diff ?00:02
RiddellLure: I can do that00:05
LureRiddell: fine with me ;-)00:05
LureI just saw ScottK nick...00:06
LureRiddell: thanks00:09
claydohScottK: sorry my laptop somehow overheated :(00:12
claydohScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352038/00:12
claydohhow does that look? assuming bbcode and not html00:12
Riddell"  libexiv2-dev: Depends: libexiv2-6 (= 0.19-1) but it is not installable00:15
RiddellLure: something broken with libexiv?00:16
LureRiddell: universe packages built w/o problems00:17
LureRiddell: which arch?00:17
Riddelland amd6400:17
LureRiddell: I have it installed on my lucid/i386...00:19
LureRiddell: and several universe packages build with it in past couple of hours00:19
LureRiddell: ups, binary package was not promoted to main00:20
LureRiddell: can you do that?00:20
* Lure thought that this is done automatically for main packages00:21
Riddellhmm, I'm sure I did00:21
Riddellqueue override -c main binary libexiv2-600:21
Riddellthat's in the history00:21
Riddellit's done manually00:21
RiddellLure: done (again)00:22
Riddellwe'll need to rebuild after the next publisher run00:22
LureRiddell: ok, I can retry build in the morning, need to go to bed now00:23
Riddellme too00:23
freeflyingRiddell: sorry, no00:52
ScottKclaydoh: Published.  FWIW, for kubuntu.org stuff it's actual html that's needed, not wiki format.00:56
claydohScottK: thought it might be bbcode in a drupal editor, I will remember that one00:57
ScottKEasy enough to change.  No problem.00:57
claydohnow to see why my laptop is getting hot :(00:58
=== txwikinger is now known as txwikinger2
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
ScottKnixternal: Can haz powerpc?02:47
=== vorian_ is now known as stalcup
=== stalcup is now known as v
ScottKnixternal: Nevermind04:10
ScottKamarok built on powerpc ....04:12
shtylmanScottK: has turned into a lolcat...hmmm04:16
* ScottK is full of suprised.04:16
macoScottK: http://cuteoverload.com/2010/01/02/10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1/04:31
ScottKNoting the domain name, do I want to look?04:31
ScottKSo I looked.04:36
macoparticularly the long string of "kittehs can sleep anywhere" that is #104:36
ScottKJust so I don't lose my reputation as the buzzkill, I'm mention that cats do http://cuteoverload.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/downloadedfile-7.jpeg because the tire is nice and warm.  When the car moved, it's bad.04:36
* ScottK lost a cat to that exact thing growing up.04:36
shtylmanprettified unlock screen: http://apt.shtylman.com/stuff/unlock.png05:10
macoshtylman: next question: will it accept correct passwords or will i need to go to a tty and killall kscreenlocker still?05:23
shtylmanmaco: huh?05:25
shtylmanum... mine works...05:26
shtylmanim a bit confused at the question?05:26
macooh it only accepts correct passwords for me sometimes05:26
macoand once it rejects the correct password once, it will do so until i've rebooted05:26
macothen it might (or might not) work after the reboot05:26
macoi even have an alias unlock="killall kscreenlocker"05:27
shtylmandon't answer..but ponder to yourself... doesn't your password have any weird characters in it?05:27
macobeen this way for months. seen people complain about it in #kubuntu too05:27
macoonly one, and its not very odd05:27
macoi mean, its ascii, not utf-8 wackiness05:28
macoi do not need the compose key to type my password, so thats not it :P05:28
shtylmanis there an open bug on it?05:28
macoi have no idea05:28
macoi thought it was a known one, its been around so long05:28
shtylmanthe trick with bugs like that is they either have to be easily reproducable... or effect a developer enough for them to investigate it05:29
shtylmanI often find that some bugs are valid...if...you know... one could ever reproduce it :)05:29
kb9vqfcustom PAM stack?05:29
* kb9vqf gets that too with Kerberos logins05:30
macoi do have a krb-auth'd process running since i use openafs, but my login is a local one. this is my laptop i'm talking about05:30
kb9vqfso you've changed /etc/pam.d/common-auth then?05:31
* ScottK has never seen anything like that05:31
macokb9vqf: no05:31
kb9vqfthen I'm out of ideas already :)05:31
macokb9vqf: i type "kadmin" and other such nonsense commands that i can never remember on my own05:32
* kb9vqf knows that kdesktop_lock is very picky about what it receives from PAM05:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 434276 in kdebase-workspace "KDE screen lock won't unlock (dup-of: 351463)" [Undecided,New]05:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 351463 in kdebase-workspace "KDE4 screensaver lock doesn't accept password" [Undecided,Incomplete]05:33
macooooh there's a workaround in there05:33
macoi will have to check my /etc/shadow's group when i can turn my laptop on again05:34
macoif thats the issue, then i wonder why it does sometimes work05:35
shtylmanthe whole process from start to finish :)06:46
LureRiddell: ^^^07:49
amichairshtylman: out of curiosity, what do u use to make the video-snapshot?08:37
amichairshtylman: btw, nice kubuntu icon :-)08:37
skamsterhello all09:36
skamsteras i read on the pykde-section on kde.org, here are some pykde-dev's?09:37
skamsteri've a problem for 2 days..09:37
skamsterthis is my code09:38
skamsteri went to fetch akonadi-items, but my list is always empty..09:39
skamsterakonadi-output looks good: (6614) Akonadi::SessionPrivate::jobDone: Akonadi::ItemFetchJob(0xe37490) Non-current job finished.09:39
skamsterhad someone anything done in this part yet?09:39
skamstercould someone gave me a easy example?09:40
skamsterno pykdedevs here?09:43
agateauSput: ping09:53
Sputagateau: will be available in half an hour or so09:54
* Sput is about to reach the train station09:54
agateauSput: patch for you available here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quassel/+bug/50240909:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 502409 in quassel "Wrong dispay in Plasma Indicator Display when quassel-client is installed but not quassel" [Medium,In progress]09:54
agateauSput: just ping me back later when you have time then09:56
Sputagateau: looks fine, will apply later, thx09:57
Sputagateau: wondering if the path needs to be quoted in CMake thoug10:01
Sputjust in case it contains spaces10:01
SputI think we pass a path via -D somewhere else; should have a look at how we did it there10:02
agateauSput: will have a look, but I think you should consider using a generated header file10:06
agateauit's much safer this way10:06
agateauSput: (cf cmake configure_file command)10:07
tseliotRiddell: do you think my fix for bug #503736 is ok? (see the bzr branch linked to the bug report)10:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503736 in kdebindings "An API change in pyqt4 broke pykdeuic4" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50373610:24
tseliotit's a one line change that makes jockey-kde (and other packages, I guess) build again10:27
tseliotit might be worth reporting the problem upstream10:27
tseliotor agateau ^^10:31
* agateau reads10:31
Riddelltseliot: I don't see a bzr branch linked from there?10:37
Riddellkdebindings hasn't yet been updated for KDE 4.4, that's on my todo list but it's possible this fix is in there already10:37
tseliotRiddell: weird, it's under related branches: https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/ubuntu/lucid/kdebindings/kdebindings-fix-pykdeuic410:37
tseliotthe problem is that this is blocking jockey10:38
LureRiddell: can you give-back https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strigi/0.7.0-1build1/10:39
Riddelltseliot: looks fine to upload although the changelog is for an old version and it's better to have it as a patch than edit the code directly10:40
tseliotRiddell: the changelog is from the lucid bazaar branch. Or are you referring to the fact that the library hasn't been updated yet?10:43
tseliotI can add my change as a patch, this is definitely not a problem for me10:44
Riddell"kdebindings (4:4.2.95-0ubuntu3)" that's not the version in lucid10:45
Riddellthat bzr branch must be behind10:45
Riddelltseliot: use ~kubuntu-members/kdebindings/ubuntu if you could10:45
tseliotRiddell: I'm using bzr only to try the instructions on the DistributedDevelopment wiki page. I can make the changes to that branch of yours and then upload manually if you prefer so10:47
tseliotas the wiki assumes that lp:ubuntu/kdebindings is up-to-date10:48
RiddellI think that's an assumption too far :)10:49
tseliotheh, ok10:49
Riddelltseliot: go with ~kubuntu-members/kdebindings/ubuntu if you want to upload, I can merge it in if you make a branch10:49
tseliotRiddell: how come the latest version is 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1~ppa2 ? I guess I can safely bump it to 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu2, right?10:56
tseliotof course I expect an answer only to the latter ;)10:58
Riddelltseliot: the version in lucid is 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu4.111:02
tseliotRiddell: the one in lp:~kubuntu-members/kdebindings/ubuntu is what I mentioned above11:03
tseliotit looks like an upload was reverted11:03
Riddelloh hmm, what a mess11:03
Riddelltseliot: just get rid of that changelog entry and add one for 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu511:04
tseliotRiddell: ok11:05
tseliotRiddell: ok, I pushed to this branch. Let me know if I can upload: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/ubuntu/lucid/kdebindings/kdebindings-fix-kde-i18n-string12:06
Riddelltseliot: looks good, please upload12:07
Riddelltseliot: I'll merge into ~kubuntu-members12:07
tseliotRiddell: ok, thanks12:07
Riddelltseliot: KDE SC 4.4 RC is due out today so I'll make sure and get kdebindings packaged from that and check if this change is in it or no12:08
Riddellhumph, bzr doesn't want to merge "different rich-root support"12:09
tseliotRiddell: d'oh12:12
RiddellI did it manually12:13
tseliotfortunately the change was trivial12:13
tseliotRiddell: ok, uploaded (my 1st upload as a core-dev)12:14
tseliotand yes, I hope the RC has that fix already12:14
Riddelltseliot: congratulations on your first upload!12:16
tseliotthanks :-)12:16
Riddellrevu needed http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libdbusmenu-qt12:19
RiddellQuintasan: are you into revuing yet? ^^12:19
Riddellshtylman: nice bling on the login there12:30
Riddellshown it to pinheiro?12:30
Riddellhmm, quassel doesn't get merged with Debian?13:09
Riddellneversfelde: I take it we don't want choqok 1.0 alpha 2 in the archive?13:12
freeflyingRiddell: no section in Source?13:37
Riddellfreeflying: it has "Section: libs"13:39
freeflyingRiddell: my fault :)13:40
Riddellalthough I do think Sections should be done away with13:40
JontheEchidnaRiddell: for libdbusmenu-qt, is there any reason pkg-kde-tools is a build-depend? I don't see that it's being used13:58
tseliotRiddell: more fun :-/ http://launchpadlibrarian.net/37495769/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.kdebindings_4:4.3.2-0ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:06
Riddelltseliot: let me try that in a chroot14:08
tseliotRiddell: ok. It worked in pbuilder this morning...14:09
RiddellJontheEchidna: you're right, I'll remove that14:09
JontheEchidnaRiddell: cool. Otherwise it looks good to me14:09
Riddellgosh kb9vqf is busy on revu14:15
JontheEchidnaI'm thinking that we should split soprano-backend-virtuoso out into a separate package and have soprano-daemon depend on soprano-backend, which our two current backend packages would provide14:18
JontheEchidnaGuess I just volunteered to do -runtime this time around :P14:18
RiddellJontheEchidna: does soprano-backend-sesame still work?14:19
JontheEchidnaI couldn't really get it to work, actually14:19
JontheEchidnaI'd be fine with trashing it, come to think of it14:19
RiddellI've removed the patch from -runtime for the restricted installer popup14:19
JontheEchidnaso maybe it'd be pointless to make a backend-package system in that case14:20
RiddellI think I'd be for just scrapping sesame and having soprano depend on virtuoso14:21
JontheEchidnabtw, our CDs are oversized as it is, virtuoso will add ~3MB more to that14:22
txwikingerRiddell: sent some snow over here... you have more than we have ;)14:22
RiddellJontheEchidna: depressing isn't it.  I think .5MB can be dropped from virtuoso-drivers by removing the ones it doesn't need14:24
Riddelltxwikinger: send some salt over here, we're running out14:25
txwikingerWell.. we only use salt until -10C ... if it is lower we use sand14:25
JontheEchidnaDebian has a "virutoso-minimal" package that has the intention of being only what soprano needs. I don't know if it has everything though since we never got 6.0.x working14:26
ScottKryanakca: http://bangarangkde.wordpress.com/2010/01/05/bangarang-1-0-release-candidate/14:35
Riddelltseliot: I uploaded kdebindings with boost1.4014:42
tseliotRiddell: perfect, thanks14:42
shtylmanRiddell: havn't shown him the video yet15:13
shtylmanbut did send him the screencap of the kdm theme15:13
Riddellthat wallpaper still hurts my eyes15:14
neversfeldeRiddell: not sure, afaik debian has the alpha version only. I can talk to upstream and see what they would prefer?15:14
shtylmanRiddell: yea... we will need to desaturate15:14
Riddellneversfelde: that would be good15:15
Riddellshtylman: I'm unconvinced even that will help but we'll see what pinheiro comes up with15:15
neversfeldeRiddell: will take some time, because mtux has to absolve his military service15:16
shtylmanRiddell: we shall see15:16
shtylmanthe themes can easily be changed if needed15:16
shtylmanso thats good15:16
Riddellneversfelde: hmm, nasty15:16
=== fjlacoste is now known as flacoste
ScottKNCommander: Our python-qt3 is currently uninstallable due to SIP.  That could stand a look too....15:42
NCommanderScottK, ugh, why's it uninstallable?15:42
ScottK(Since you're running and hiding from #debian-qt-kde)15:42
ScottKSIP version is too high15:42
JontheEchidnaRiddell: mind if I copy your endorsement on my kubuntu-dev app to my core-dev app?15:45
ScottKI think you'd want him to enhance it some.15:45
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did I write you one already?15:45
JontheEchidnaScottK: yeah15:45
ScottKOK.  Good.15:46
RiddellJontheEchidna: sure15:47
JontheEchidnaRiddell: if you could enhance it a bit, that'd be nice too. :)15:47
Riddelltseliot: ug kdebindings fails in nasty ways, this may have to wait until the RC gets tagged so we can do a proper update15:48
tseliotRiddell: ok, probably it's better this way. At least we tried ;)15:48
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
agateauWhich version of kde will be in alpha2?16:22
* agateau needs to rebase patches, better rebase against the right version...16:22
agateauScottK: ^ any idea?16:23
ScottKagateau: 4.4 rc1.16:23
agateauScottK: ok thanks!16:23
DaskreechDoes anyone know of a kmmoney4 ppa ?16:28
geniiWeird, kdm isn't auto-starting now after latest update, although: sudo start kdm   works after console login. (10.04 64bit, KDE 4.3.85)16:29
JontheEchidnagenii: yeah, hal funkiness. A fix will come with 4.4 RC116:30
freinhardis there a successor of project neon? looks somewhat out of date16:32
geniiJontheEchidna: OK, cool. Nothing critical, just annoying...16:34
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
JontheEchidnaIs anybody that uses proprietary drivers also running lucid?16:48
geniiJontheEchidna: I'm using nvidia-vdpau ppa drivers16:55
JontheEchidnagenii: do those show up in jockey?16:56
geniiJontheEchidna: Lemme check16:56
geniiJontheEchidna: Yup (the 195)16:57
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
JontheEchidnacould you run /usr/bin/jockey-kde and see if you can install/uininstall the drivers?16:58
JontheEchidnae.g., don't let kdesudo come up16:58
JontheEchidnaI want to see if jockey's policykit stuff works now that KDE has a polkit-1 frontend. I'd test it myself but my only proprietary hardware has bit the dust16:59
Riddelltseliot was doing something with jockey earlier, it won't build because of kdebindings larks16:59
JontheEchidnaI'm seeing if we can remove the Substitute UID key from jockey's .desktop file17:01
JontheEchidnaand it looks like we can, according to jockey's changelog file17:01
geniiJontheEchidna: Ok,  hangon (working here, apologies on lag)17:01
JontheEchidnagenii: no prob, thanks. If everything goes well installing/uninstalling should pop up a kde policykit dialog17:02
geniiJontheEchidna: "System policy prevents ..." passwd prompt17:03
txwikingerWhich package contains the translations for kaddressbook again?17:03
JontheEchidnagenii: nevermind, looks like the change I was wanting to make is already present in bzr :)17:06
geniiJontheEchidna: I don't want to actually remove that driver though, it's the only one which actually works on my box... lag... OK, great17:06
JontheEchidnathanks for testing17:06
geniiNo problemmo17:07
JontheEchidnaI hope jockey builds soon, not having to muck around with kdesudo to just start it will be sweet17:07
JontheEchidnaoh, that being said the jockey-kde package should probably depend on polkit-kde-1 now17:07
Riddelltxwikinger: kdepim17:08
nixternalScottK: ppc up and running...my dog must have unplugged it17:09
ScottKnixternal: Thanks.17:10
ScottKnixternal: udev got installable and amarok built, so progress.17:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
freinhardwhat does one want to use instead of amarok-nightly-tools on karmic?17:27
freinhardgot some strange bug in kopete with otr i'd like to fix, but don't want to mess up my system with "make install" stuff17:28
neversfeldefreinhard: how about a chroot?17:29
freinhardanything that's easy to setup and does the job17:30
neversfeldefreinhard: I would use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for this17:31
freinhard6month release cycle has some bad side effects, wiki's look badly outdated quite fast17:32
freinharda chroot doesn't work like a sandbox, right?17:33
neversfeldefreinhard: uh, sorry I am not an expert there17:34
freinhardlast time i used a chroot was some years a go when i installed gentoo, but everything needs to be setup in the chroot, so you can't use anything from "outside". i remember gentoo used a sandbox to build and install packages. the build process "sees" everything from outside but can't write to the actual filesystem, that goes somewhere else17:35
neversfeldefreinhard: the link I have posted provides a way to use applications from the chroot in the real environment17:38
freinhardi gues i'll just install a vm17:45
=== flacoste is now known as flacoste_lunch
RiddellRC tagging confirmed due tonight18:02
nixternaldirk] ok, tarballs finished, uploading  <- Riddell :)18:07
Riddellnixternal: oh?  where's that?18:07
nixternalcan't tell you18:07
Riddelloh, really, secrets now is it? :)18:07
nixternalit used to be18:08
Riddellnixternal: nothing on ktown18:11
nixternalyeah, he is just starting to upload18:12
nixternaltarballs are finished18:12
nixternaldrwxr-xr-x    2 root     root           48 Jan  6 18:36 4.3.8718:15
nixternaldrwxrwx---    2 ftprelease packager       48 Jan  6 18:36 4.3.9018:15
nixternalRiddell: which on?18:15
nixternalwhich one rather?18:15
nixternal.87 or .90 is next18:15
JontheEchidna.90 is next18:16
JontheEchidnanumbers that aren't divisible by 5 are usually weekly snapshots18:17
JontheEchidna4.3.90 folder is present, but no tars yet. Guess they're still uploading18:22
JontheEchidnaScottK: any news from canonical folks on libssh?18:31
ScottKJontheEchidna: On the list, not at the top of it yet18:36
ubottuHelp! apachelogger, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, Lex79, Quintasan, neversfelde, maco, rgreening18:39
macoyou're online?18:40
macoquassel says you're offline. how silly.18:40
neversfeldeHelp? :)18:40
neversfeldestill no internet connection here :(18:40
neversfeldeI can probably do some minor jobs with this UMTS stick18:41
macoi have neither packaging tools nor ssh/gpg keys here :(18:41
macothe computers with those are A) 250mi away or B) not able to be powered on18:42
Riddellneversfelde: how about oxygen-icons? :)18:42
* jussi01 waves18:48
* jussi01 waves again18:48
* jussi01 is somewhat excited....18:48
* jussi01 has an announcement to make! 18:49
* Nightrose wonders which18:50
jussi01Today my GF and I got engaged! :D18:50
Nightrosecongrats :)18:50
ulysses__congratulation jussi01 :)18:50
jussi01Ive  smile from ear to ear!18:50
Nightrosehaha i can see it here!18:50
nixternalwell, since eveyrone said congrats, I guess I will be real18:51
jussi01thanks Nightrose & ulysses__18:51
nixternaljussi01: sorry to hear that18:51
nixternalmuhahahahah!!!! )*#)*@@!!!18:51
* Nightrose pokes nixternal hard18:51
nixternalcome on, that was funny18:51
nixternalI had to do it18:51
jussi01/mode +b %nixternal*!*@*18:51
nixternalthat would do it, as I couldn't unban myself in here18:51
* Riddell hugs jussi0118:53
* jussi01 hugs Riddell back!18:53
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html |Congratulations to jussi01
macojussi01: congrats!18:53
ulysses__nixternal: however it's a good joke (:18:53
maconixternal: i'm gonna guess you're divorced or headed there?18:54
nixternalI have been divorced for almost 10 years now18:54
jussi01nixternal: this is my second time ;)18:55
nixternalthen you should know better! :p18:55
nixternaljussi01: you have been married before? you are an old fart then I take it18:55
jussi01nixternal: 2718:56
nixternalahh, not an old fart yet18:56
jussi01nixternal: thanks for the clarification.... :P18:57
=== flacoste_lunch is now known as flacoste
neversfeldeRiddell: sorry, I cannot get my desktop working with that UMTS stick, so I can't do oxygen icons :(19:28
Riddellneversfelde: it was a joke, I wouldn't want you doing a 120MB package over a mobile connection :)19:37
neversfeldeRiddell: hehe, did no know that it has this size :)19:38
Quintasan|Szeljussi01: gratz, but what major achivement you pulled out? :)19:54
Quintasan|Szelpulled off rather19:54
jussi01Quintasan|Szel: I got engaged.19:55
Quintasan|Szeljussi01: congratulations then :)19:55
* Quintasan|Szel hands cookies and vodka over to jussi01 19:56
Quintasan|Szeltake as much as you want, I will somehow make apachelogger pay for it :P19:57
nixternaljjesse: you get any emails about the kubuntu chapter in the book?20:05
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
slacker_nlcongrats jussi0121:26
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
LureENORIDDELL, how unexpected... ;-)22:35
LureScottK: do you also have ubuntu-archive powers and can execute sync requests?22:36
* Lure has 3 syncs for exiv2 library transition22:36
ScottKLure: No.  One needs shell access for that and only archive-admins who work for Canonical get that.22:36
Lureoh, I recall that issue from times when Hobbsee joined archive team as first non-Canonical22:37
Lurewould have thought that this 2nd class archive members is already resolved...22:37
Lurewill have to wait for Riddell then22:38
* Lure looks into hugin merge instead...22:38
* Lure notices that we do not have koffice2 2.1 released in november...22:53
Lureanybody knows why we have koffice2 and debian koffice (in experimental) and we claim we are synced?22:59
LureI think we should drop koffice 1.x in lucid...23:01

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