
emgyentonse ?00:00
iconmefisto!info transmission00:01
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.75-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB00:01
AlundraAfter all, I cant load X by KDM, just by "startx" command on shell.  I'v looked arround syslog and it told me  that there's no ...kdm/faces/.default.face00:01
iconmefistothere you go LA-Snow, it's in official repos, universe00:01
LA-Snowiconmefisto: that one lists 1.75 and not the 1.76 version that is out.  i heard adding the transmission repository fixes this and has the releases post up sooner00:02
iconmefistoI see00:02
iconmefistoLA-Snow: http://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=560400:03
LA-Snowthere we go.  thanks, iconmefisto!00:05
jwillsoee: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22146300:07
soeejwill: good job00:08
=== jwill is now known as jwil[afk]
FeasibilityStudyI keep getting a persistent crash on Kubuntu with Dolphin file manager.  The backtrace is not useful, but I cannot find a debug package to install.  Can anyone tell me which dbg package I need for /lib/libdbus-1.so.3?00:20
FeasibilityStudyI am using 9.10 with KDE 3.4.300:20
FeasibilityStudyI have installed every possible dbg package associated with dbus, but I still get a backtrace that is "not useful"00:21
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=== jwil[afk] is now known as jwill-
DaughainWB, jwill-00:41
jwill-soee: I guess that's a duplicate of this: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18324500:41
PlanetaryJwill: hey I have a new problem00:41
* Daughain chuckles./00:42
meowkbuntuhi there is no skype package for kubuntu strangue as skype is a verry popular application00:42
meowkbuntuwhere can i get it.00:43
Daughainskype.deb from the skype website.00:43
jwill-Planetary: Augh, stop saying jwill!  It doesn't highlight as me00:44
Daughainchoose x86 or x64, depending on what you are running.00:44
meowkbuntuo yea but its not in package manager like in ubuntu strange ay00:44
DaughainDunno,m I didnt use package manager to install it in ubuntu.00:44
jwill-Planetary: Nevermind, just added it.  But it's not my name, because there's another jwill somewhere on this network.00:44
DaughainI used the .deb in the first place.00:44
Planetaryok.... ohhh the - at the end00:45
coreyBanyone around?00:45
DaughaincoreyB,   No, we all went out for a beer.00:45
coreyBaww you forgot me lol00:45
* Daughain chuckles.00:45
jwill-meowkbuntu: I think it's in medibuntu?00:45
coreyBanywho, the thing on the kubuntu 9.10 desktop called, "desktop" i accidently deleted it, any idea how to get it back?00:45
jwill-meowkbuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu00:46
coreyBi believe it would be called a widget but im not sure00:46
pinkisntwelli uninstalled my nvidia driver and now when i start kde doesn't start, all i get is command prompt, how do i start x and kde and everything?00:46
jwill-coreyB: Yeah, it's a widget.00:46
coreyByeah how do i get it back?00:46
jwill-coreyB: Right click on desktop, unlock.  Then add widget, and drag folder view onto desktop00:47
jwill-coreyB: Actually, just click on the cashew thing in the top right00:47
jwill-coreyB: And select add widget00:47
coreyBthat thing just disappeared and my desktop background went away00:47
coreyBand the right click menu is like when its in gnome wtf00:48
DaughainWhich thing called desktop, out of curiosity?00:48
coreyBDaughain,  http://bt.gd/14r00:48
coreyBthe thing that holds the icons00:48
coreyBanyway im gonna restart00:48
Planetaryok so i installed kubuntu on a new computer and it wont boot. I selected the rights hd on boot priority, it is set as slave and the master has windows on it. I get "FXE-E53 no boot file name received" "no perating system found"00:49
PlanetaryThe partition numbering is not in order. could that be the problem?00:49
DaughainHow the hell did he delete that?00:50
coreyBi just clicked the X button on the widget? >.>00:50
DaughainI gotta see this....00:51
meowkbuntuURI: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu00:51
meowkbuntuDistrubution: jaunty00:51
coreyBshall i take a screenshot?00:51
meowkbuntuComponents: partner00:51
meowkbuntuwhats the latest info for ubuntu 9.10 please00:51
FloodBotK1meowkbuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
DaughainDesktop folder?00:51
meowkbuntunot a flood if its less than 5 lines and only one post every 5 minuts00:52
Daughainmeowkbuntu,   What about karmic? WHat info?00:52
coreyBjwill- u there?00:52
meowkbuntuDaughain: see info i posted ^ thats for 9.04 jaunty. whats replacment for 9.1000:52
jwill-coreyB: Yeah00:52
DaughaincoreyB,   Screenshot please,00:52
coreyBkk sec00:53
coreyBDaughain,  http://i48.tinypic.com/2w4aa15.png00:53
jwill-meowkbuntu: You shouldn't browese repos manually, really.00:53
Daughainmeowkbuntu, Are you still talking about skype?00:54
DaughaincoreyB,  Gimme a min while it loads.00:54
coreyBhigh resolution00:54
meowkbuntuDaughain: it dont matter what do i replace jaunty with as i have 9.1000:54
DaughainNo, issues in the lan, methins.00:54
meowkbuntuits not like that00:56
meowkbuntuwell do i replace jaunty with karmic kola, karmic-koala, or karmic00:56
coreyBDaughain,  see what im talking about?00:57
jwill-meowkbuntu: How do you upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10?00:58
Derath-SrvrQUick question, what sound system is KDE using in 9.10?00:58
jwill-meowkbuntu: Best way is a clean install.  But you can try upgrading.00:58
jwill-Derath-Srvr: Kubuntu uses pulseaudio and xine, I think?00:58
meowkbuntujwill-: do you know if 9.10 is karmic, karmic-koala or karmic koala. when adding repos00:59
meowkbuntujwill-: i am not upgrading so there00:59
jwill-9.10 is karmic koala00:59
Derath-SrvrI know it was using phonon (spelling?) previously, and I'm having all sorts of issues with alsa/pulse lately...01:00
DaughaincoreyB,   Yeah, looks like you deleted desktop folder...Trying to figure out how to get it back. =)01:00
coreyBwell i can see it in the home dir lol01:00
DaughaincoreyB,   Can ya put it back?? =)01:01
Derath-SrvrCorey: issues with FolderView?01:01
jwill-Derath-Srvr: Kubuntu adds pulseaudio to kde 4.3.  KDE is adding pulseaudio in 4.4, I think.01:01
coreyBDerath-Srvr,  i deleted the desktop thing on the desktop and i wanna get it back01:01
DaughainYa, he deleted desktop folder01:01
pinkisntwelli uninstalled the nvidia driver with engym or whatever it's called and now x doesn't start when i start kubuntu. how do i reinstall and enable it from the command line?01:01
coreyBfixed it. lol01:02
Derath-SrvrSounds like the FolderView plasmoid was removed if the folder is still in the home directory01:02
coreyBi went in my home dir,  and dragged Desktop to the Desktop LOL01:02
coreyBand then clicked FolderView01:02
DaughainLeast ya got it fixed. =)01:03
coreyBoo sweet01:03
coreyBi can do that with multiple folders :D01:03
Derath-SrvrNow if only the issues I'm having with alsa were that easy lol01:03
coreyB*Shrugs* alsa.. lol01:03
DaughainoOOO.....I need to look into that...01:04
coreyBhey Daughain  is there anyway to just make the icons use the whole desktop instead of folder view?01:04
DaughainYou dragging the folder from dolphin onto desktop, coreyB ?01:04
meowkbuntuok all this is for ubuntu http://pastebin.ca/1739577. how do i do same thing in kubuntu01:04
Derath-SrvrCorey: should be able to do that with multiple folderview plasmoids and use the options on each to display whichever folder01:04
iconmefistokubuntu now installs pulseaudio by default, jwill- ?01:05
DaughaincoreyB,   Yeah, you drag the icon onto the desktop.01:05
jwill-iconmefisto: It's installed on my computer, and I didn't install it01:05
jwill-iconmefisto: So presuably yes01:05
DaughainLemme try something..01:05
meowkbuntuDaughain: jwill- would you know01:05
coreyBDaughain,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GckZ_HuHUgI01:06
coreyBwatch about 40 seconds in, i dont have that Activity thing any idea?01:06
jwill-meowkbuntu: Know what?01:07
pinkisntwellis there anything special i should do to use nvidia driver? i have installed the nvidia-glx package but i only get a command line when i start, x doesn't start at all01:08
meowkbuntujwill-: i posted ^01:08
meowkbuntujwill-: ok all this is for ubuntu http://pastebin.ca/1739577. how do i do same thing in kubuntu01:08
tsimpsoncoreyB: that's just under "Desktop settings"01:08
coreyBtsimpson,  all i have is Desktop01:08
DaughainWaiting for it to load......Again...01:08
coreyBme will screenshot it lol01:08
Derath-Srvrpink: you installed the glx and now x won't start?01:08
coreyBohhh wait01:08
coreyBtsimpson,  they moved it, he was using the beta01:09
meowkbuntujwill-: can you take a look thanks01:09
jwill-meowkbuntu: Helping some other person right now, so I might take a few minutes01:09
tsimpsonmake sure you have plasma-widget-folderview01:09
jwill-meowkbuntu: btw, "pastebin - page not found - searching for 1739577."01:09
coreyByou guys are incredibly awesome01:09
Derath-Srvrmeow: I think I had gone to adobe's website and got it, but let me double check...01:10
tsimpsonjwill-: take off the '.' at the end01:10
jwill-tsimpson: Wow. It's a miracle.01:10
jwill-tsimpson: I just clicked on the link in quassel :S01:11
Derath-Srvrmeow: just checked, I'm not sure if it's a 32-bit binary, but I believe the one I used was off adobe's website01:11
meowkbuntujwill-: it is http://pastebin.ca/173958301:11
jwill-Yeah, sorry01:12
meowkbuntuDerath-Srvr: thats teh ubuntu way of adding it. it will be similar but not the same for kubuntu01:12
pinkisntwellguys, do you know that if you resize a windows partition without leaving a lot of free space for windows (over 3 GB) it will crash at startup? (windows will crash that is)01:12
meowkbuntuno prob jwill-you are a busy boy atm01:13
jwill-meowkbuntu: Wait, you want acrobat reader? It's terrible compared to Okular.01:13
DaughainWindows always crashes.....01:13
Derath-Srvrmeow: agreed that the pastebin is ubuntu's way, let me check kpackage, but I do know that pulling it from adobe's website (http://get.adobe.com/reader/?promoid=BUIGO) will work as well01:13
Derath-Srvrmeow: You should have synaptic installed, right?01:15
meowkbuntuok thanks jwill-i will try okular then01:16
jwill-meowkbuntu: Okular is the best pdf reader I've ever used.  I love it some.01:16
Derath-Srvrmeowkbuntu: acroread is listed in synaptic... not to bash on you jwill :)01:17
jwill-meowkbuntu: But you could do the same thing as in ubuntu.  Kubuntu even uses the exact same application to enable the partner repos as ubuntu01:17
iconmefistomeowkbuntu: it's pretty much the same as in ubuntu adding partner repos. go to kpackagekit, settings, edit software sources, "other software" tab, then tick the line that says "ubuntu karmic partner"01:17
meowkbuntuok thanks jwill-i will try okular then01:17
MrZerglingCan anyone tell me how to disable the window previews that popup when you hover hover a button on the taskbar?01:18
jwill-MrZergling: Right click on taskbar, settings01:18
jwill-MrZergling: And uncheck the "show tooltips" thing01:18
iconmefistoI agree about okular (unless you have unusual pdfs with forms or other special features)01:18
meowkbuntujwill-: no not quite the same synaptic(on ubuntu) is different to kpackagekit (on kubuntu)01:18
jwill-meowkbuntu: I mean "Software Sources." It's a gtk application, and that annoys me.01:19
iconmefistomeowkbuntu: the settings module is software-properties-kde, in ubuntu it's software-properties-gtk01:20
iconmefistomeowkbuntu: they are functionally the same, just different widget styles01:20
meowkbuntui just installed medibuntu to get skype for kubuntu but its still not in package manager. i used this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu01:23
mgtDid you run apt-get update after adding the Medibuntu repositories?01:24
pinkisntwellhow can i tell kubuntu to use the nvidia-glx driver?01:24
pinkisntwelldo i only need to edit xorg.conf/01:24
jwill-pinkisntwell: there are like 4 people trying to help you in #kde01:25
pinkisntwelljwill-: yes but i thought maybe someone will know here, since it's distro-specific question01:26
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jwill-pinkisntwell: We don't know yet, really.  But yeah, it probably is.  But kubuntu tends to get more elementary questions, whereas there are often developers hanging around in #kde01:28
pinkisntwellwhat's that applet that lets you change the graphics drivers?01:31
Derath-Srvrhardware drivers01:32
Derath-Srvror jockey-kde01:33
jwill-pinkisntwell: If it's working now, don't remove the graphics driver again.  It generally doesn't end well.01:33
pinkisntwellno no, some other app, like envyq or something like that01:33
jwill-pinkisntwell: Envy isn't needed anymore.01:34
pinkisntwelljwill-: no i just want to see if that app has detected that i changed the driver, i will not change it01:34
Derath-SrvrI used jockey to install mine01:34
Derath-Srvrcan use that to check (system>hardware drivers)01:34
jwill-pinkisntwell: Nvidia cards are supported fine.  If it was ATI, you might need envy, maybe.01:34
Derath-Srvrjwill: have I seen you posting in system76's forums? just wondering cause the nick was familiar...01:35
jwill-Derath-Srvr: Nope.  Most posts I have on any forum is ubuntu at 4.01:35
Derath-SrvrAh, okay, n/m then... I think I'm off to go do a reinstall...01:36
luis__i need help!01:44
luis__ffmpeg is saying conversion of youtube videos to mp3 fails!!!!!01:45
luis__but come on, it converted nicely flvs to mp3 before!!!!01:45
luis__whats happening...01:45
jwill-Have you updated since then, or something?01:45
jwill-luis__: ?01:52
luis__now i didnt update01:53
luis__it just stoped converting to mp301:53
jwill-luis__: How long ago did it stop working?01:54
luis__like 1-2 weeks ago?01:54
jwill-luis__: How long ago did it last work?01:54
luis__now 1 sec01:54
luis__in christmas01:54
DaughainThis is getting far too amusing...01:55
luis__i could download and convert to mp3 the song from youtbe01:55
luis__verano azul01:55
luis__later it stoped working01:55
jwill-Paste the error message?01:55
=== erreip is now known as ErreipTheLion
Zeppelinwhat's the KDE package manager02:05
Zeppelinand where is it located02:05
jwill-It's under System02:07
jwill-Zeppelin: ^02:07
Zeppelinthank you02:08
ZeppelinI'm new to the kDE but so far i can say i really love it02:09
Zeppelinwhat about a terminal? where is it located?02:11
Zeppelinand can i still sudo apt-get install <package>?02:12
jwill-Zeppelin: konsole and yes02:14
jwill-Zeppelin: I think it's under Utilities02:14
mgtIt's under System.02:14
ZeppelinI really like KDE02:15
ZeppelinIt makes erry thing look cooler02:15
jwill-Kubuntu has some issues, though.  So watch out.02:16
mgtThe issues is what makes it fun. :p02:16
jacob_what issues does KDE have?02:17
=== jacob_ is now known as Zeppelin_
Daughaincompiz ujnder kde is hilarious.02:17
mgtPeople run Compiz under KDE?02:18
* Daughain nods.02:19
DaughainThis cube thing is hilairous.02:19
DaughainAnd, I'm easily amused. =)02:19
mgtJust stick to Kwin's cube. =)02:20
DaughainBut this is just too funny.02:22
Zeppelin_this is really cool02:22
Zeppelin_why would you even BOTHER with Gnome after seeing the magic of the KDE02:22
DaughainGnome is great, epecially for office type use.02:23
DaughainAnd, if your a purist, well...Al the flashy 'windows' crap is just that. =)02:23
DaughainDifferent needs and opinions.02:24
DaughainAnd, for those first switching to a linux distro, gnome is a good place to start. Makes it easy to learn.02:24
Zeppelin_i guess..02:24
Zeppelin_but truly02:24
mgtUbuntu is much more polished than Kubuntu as well. Although that's more an Ubuntu/Kubuntu distinction rather than a Gnome/KDE one.02:25
Zeppelin_my opinion is that the flashy 'windows' crap is a loook into the future02:25
Zeppelin_anything else is just like going back into the past of computers02:25
DaughainI dunno, I instaled Ubuntu 9.10, added kde yesterday, and compiz today.02:25
mgtNothing wrong with retro tools. =P02:25
DaughainZeppelin_,   Kinda, but, if you need to implement a linux distro for 1000 people, it is easier prolly safer to go with a standard gnome interface.02:26
DaughainWhat you do with your home system, is al up to you, busniess implementations,howoever....02:27
jwill-Gnome is more stable, but it's not really moving forward.02:27
DaughainAgreed......But, I could see bored office workers playing with thier desktops and not getting much work done. =)02:28
DaughainWB, coreyB02:28
coreyBthanks Daughain02:28
mgtThe Facebook Plasmoid will cause unprecedented amounts of lost productivity if KDE is ever mass-deployed in an enterprise environment.02:30
Zeppelin_This weather applet is pissing me off02:31
Daughainmgt, kinda my point. =)02:31
Zeppelin_what do I enter for my city?02:31
coreyBno comment.02:31
DaughainWhat city do you live in?02:31
Zeppelin_Costa Mesa02:31
DaughainSo enter that.?02:32
Zeppelin_i put it in and it gives me an error02:32
jwill-It might not have a service that provides weather data for that area02:32
DaughainWhat country's weather service are you using?02:32
DaughainAnd its still gving you an error?02:33
DaughainHmmm.....WHats the next biggest city near you?02:33
Zeppelin_Los Angeles?02:33
DaughainUmmmm.....I was thining of short driving distance. :P02:33
jwill-Then yeah, it has info for your area02:33
jwill-try LA, maybe?02:34
coreyBhey jwill-  is there any way to install compiz on kubuntu?02:35
jwill-sudo aptitude purge compiz-core?02:36
jwill-or remove if you don't want to be that hardcore02:36
jwill-purge removes settings and stuff02:37
coreyBwhy would i wanna do that? :P02:37
Daughainimme a sec and I'll see if I can find it for ya, coreyB02:38
Daughainapt-get install compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main02:38
DaughainFor kde implementations. Same apt-get I used for my install.02:38
coreyBah ok02:39
coreyBwoot 13 minutes left.. dang my slow download :((d02:39
DaughainAnd, it was OOB for me.02:39
DaughainINcase you need more help configuring.02:40
coreyBwhat browser do you use Daughain?02:40
Daughainfirefox for now.02:40
DaughainNeed to get around to trying chrom.02:40
coreyBthats what iv'e been using ^02:40
Zeppelin_how many people actually use Konqueror02:40
coreyB123 not me.02:40
Zeppelin_instead of just apt-gettin' firefox02:40
Zeppelin_123 not me either :)02:41
* Zeppelin_ <3's ff02:41
DaughainTried konquerror, and it was slow as all hell......02:41
Zeppelin_couldn't find package firefox?02:41
coreyBi wish apple would make safari for linux >:(02:42
DaughainNo, defalt from the initial KDE install....02:42
DaughainI added kde to Ubuntu, so, already had firefox installed.02:42
Zeppelin_how do i get firefox02:43
coreyBapt-get install firefox-3.502:43
Zeppelin_wow this channel is so resourceful02:44
Zeppelin_how do i get a girlfriend?02:44
DaughainGet off your computer?02:44
coreyBimpress her.02:44
* Daughain grins.02:44
Zeppelin_wow 2 great answers02:44
DaughainWe try. )02:44
jwill-coreyB: Chrome is just as fast as safari02:44
mgtShow her your vim skills.02:44
jwill-coreyB: If speed really matters, you could install it02:44
Zeppelin_actually i know a few girls who are impressed at my computer skills02:44
Zeppelin_but they are b cups02:44
Zeppelin_f u02:44
coreyBjwill-, im about to try actually02:45
coreyBlast time i tried, it was a bit buggy02:45
DaughainZeppelin_,   There *is* such a thing as too much boobie.02:45
jwill-coreyB: Haven't found many bugs for a few weeks02:45
mgtDepends on which one you install.02:45
Zeppelin_Daughain: Never!02:45
Zeppelin_how do I add a program to the favorites menu?02:45
coreyBjwill-,  wine or crossover?02:45
jwill-coreyB: Dude.  Neither.02:46
coreyBZeppelin_,  right click the program and add to favorites02:46
mgtNeither. Get the native Linux version.02:46
JCDGhello friends02:46
coreyBsafari has a native linux?!?!02:46
jwill-coreyB: http://www.google.com/chrome02:46
mgtNo, Chrome.02:46
jwill-Wait, what?  I was talking about chrome.02:46
coreyBjwill-,  i was talking about safari lol02:46
DaughainThere an apt-get for chrome yet?02:46
Zeppelin_der is?02:46
jwill-coreyB: Chrome uses same rendering engine, has native linux, and has extensions.02:46
mgtGoogle has Linux repositories.02:46
jwill-Daughain: You need to add the repository, but yeah02:47
Daughainapt-get chrome?02:47
jwill-Daughain: http://www.google.com/chrome02:47
Daughainjwill-,  Figgers, where can I find the repo?02:47
jwill-Daughain: The package adds it for you02:47
Zeppelin_does anyone here know the hotkey(s) on firefox for showing the homepage02:47
jwill-Daughain: It's weird like that.02:47
mgtBut it makes it a bit of a pain to update.02:47
DaughainOk, got one default set up.02:47
jwill-Yeah, nevermind O_O... don't know what I was thinking.02:48
mgtEasier to update, and you can get access to the developer releases if you want bleeding-edge.02:48
DaughainOK, lets see what chrome is like.02:48
JCDGI'm having some trouble with the multimedia buttons on my pc, I used to have Gnome (ubuntu) but then I installed the kubuntu desktop and now the button does not work anymore, where can I check the buttons actions?02:49
JCDGIn this case is the mute button, the volume ones work fine...02:51
jwill-System Settings -> Keyboard, JCDG.02:52
coreyByo Daughain  should i disable the Kwin effects?02:52
jwill-JCDG: Under Global Keyboard Shortcuts02:52
DaughaincoreyB,   I didnt.02:52
jwill-I think KDE auto-detects it02:52
DaughaincoreyB,   Just ran that apt-get and went from there.....02:53
jwill-JCDG: I think it's meta+M by default.02:53
coreyBah okie dokie02:53
DaughaincoreyB,    systemsettings --> default applications --> window manager.  Select compiz.02:53
DaughaincoreyB,   That is the path to get compiz running in kde.02:54
JCDGjwill-, ok, let me check that, Thanks..02:54
coreyBoh ok02:54
pvp_yucan you look me02:55
jwill-We can look you.02:55
Max-PHi, is there a way to reset applications association un KDE4? (Mp3->Amarok, etc) Since I was using gnome, it's a real mess in applications association (MP3 opends totem, ogg opens mplayer, png opens oeg, etc there's a lot)02:56
jwill-You could probably delete the settings file for this in .kde02:56
pvp_yuthis software can't input chinese02:56
jwill-Max-P: But I'm not sure where it is.  You can manually edit them in System Settings -> advance tab -> file associations02:57
Max-Pjwill: yes but there are a lot of them02:57
pvp_yua lot of chinese ?02:57
Max-Pjwill: and my .kde is clean from about 2 hours ago, I was using gnome and just installed KDE 2 hours ago02:58
DaughainNo faster than firefox.02:58
Daughainpvp_yu,   You using ubuntu?02:59
jwill-Daughain: It is, but probably not noticeable.02:59
pvp_yukde is so Cumbersome02:59
jwill-pvp_yu: Kubuntu.02:59
Daughainjwill-,   If it isnt noticeable, what difference does it make?? =)02:59
pvp_yukubuntu 9.1002:59
JCDGjwill-, I reasing the button, but it does not work yet...02:59
jwill-You came to the kde ubuntu channel just to insult kde :S02:59
Daughainpvp_yu,   Do you have kde installed as well?03:00
jwill-Daughain: Well, it is :D03:00
jwill-Daughain: The sandboxing is nice.  When one tab locks up, the browser remains responsive.03:00
Daughainjwill-,   Well, If I cant find a way to make it daeker, I;m going back to firefox. =)03:00
jwill-Daughain: Whereas firefox would just crash03:00
Daughainjwill-,   That is nice.03:00
pvp_yuyes i installed03:00
JCDGjwill-, every time I hit the mute button a bar appears in the middle of the screen showing "100%"...03:00
jwill-Daughain: https://tools.google.com/chrome/intl/en/themes/index.html03:01
Daughainpvp_yu,  When you log into your account, you can change the keyboard layout on the bottom of tat screen.03:01
pvp_yubut i used GNOME03:01
jwill-JCDG: Take a screenshot please?03:01
Daughainpvp_yu,   The same screen also has a little box at the bottom to change from gnome to kde.03:01
coreyBDaughain,  im deffinatly sticking to Kwin lol03:02
Daughainjwill-,  Damn that was fast...03:02
DaughaincoreyB,   Wassup?03:02
coreyBDaughain,  as in, Kwin was more snappy than compiz03:02
mgtNo surprises there.03:03
DaughaincoreyB,    I havent noticed any speed issues...03:03
pvp_yuI am not very good at English03:03
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DaughaincoreyB,  And Im not running that new of a system either.03:04
JCDGjwill-, http://img189.imageshack.us/i/instantnea1s.png/03:04
coreyBDaughain,  no no, i mean the effects are more snappy (useful. and the wobbly windows is better)03:04
DaughainI just need to find out how to re-enable the shatter effect. That was cool. =)03:04
jwill-pvp_yu: I was just talking to someone in #kde whose first language is chinese.  He might still be there, if you don't know much English.03:04
DaughainSet up the cube, thats hilarious. =)03:04
jwill-coreyB: Compiz is way more configurable than kwin effects, but it takes ages to get it usable.03:05
mgtCube + Skydome = Pointless, but fun.03:05
pvp_yu去吃午饭了 bye03:05
DaughaincoreyB,   Once again you catch me only shortly after an instal, s I dont know much about it yet.03:05
jwill-pvp_yu: Yuking03:05
Daughainmgt  Exceedingly amusing, yes.03:05
Daughainjwill-,  I think he wanted to change his keyboard layout.,03:06
Zeppelin_how do i change the desktop bckground03:06
jwill-Zeppelin_: Right click on it03:06
mgtRight Click -> Desktop Settings03:06
jwill-JCDG: That's pretty weird03:06
pvp_yuRight button03:06
JCDGjwill-, I know, that's why I came here...the thing is that it works on gnome...03:07
jwill-JCDG: When did it appear, and is it always there?03:07
pvp_yuor system Preferences03:08
JCDGyeah always, I installed the kubuntu desktop this weekend...and I've been testing it since then...03:08
jwill-JCDG: And it's been there for always?03:08
jwill-JCDG: :D03:08
JCDGjwill-,  always, I installed the kubuntu desktop this weekend...and I've been testing it since then...03:08
JCDGno, no, sorry, is not always, it appears everytime i hit the mute button03:09
jwill-JCDG: When does it appear on login?03:09
jwill-JCDG: Okay... and it stays there?03:09
meowkbuntukde is not as good and easy to use as gnome. kde looks more like xp. gnome acts more like it imho and i like gnome better03:09
jwill-If you installed KDE over gnome, it's probably some gnome thing that's screwed up now03:10
JCDGjwill-, so I push the mute button but the sound does not get mute,no, the vanishes after a second...03:10
jwill-meowkbuntu: Kde doesn't look like anything but KDE, esp since it's so themeable03:10
pvp_yumay be kde looks more like windows vista03:10
jwill-JCDG: Okay, go to System Settings -> Keyboard03:10
meowkbuntuyes more like win vista now03:11
Daughainmeowkbuntu, All a case of what you like. Once you get used to kde, it isnt tat bad, acvtually.03:11
JCDGjwill-, done I'm there03:11
meowkbuntui do not like kde it is harder to configure than gnome03:11
jwill-global shortcuts03:11
JCDGDaughain, In fact I work faster with Kde...even that I'm not used to it...03:11
jwill-meowkbuntu: It _can_ be configured.  Gnome can't, not really.03:11
pvp_yuhaha gnome is very simple03:12
JCDGjwill-, done03:12
DaughainI havent had any problems configuring kde.03:12
jwill-JCDG: k, now find the mute action, and set the global shortcut to your mute button03:12
DaughainJCDG, I havent even had kde for a full 24 hours yet and I;m having no issues with it.03:12
DaughainOK, mebbe it is 24 hours now, just looked at the clock. =)03:12
JCDGjwill-, should I use the Kmix tab??03:13
meowkbuntui have thoings stuff up. my network card needed confugering. on ubuntu it just auto set up. sound took more to configure. gnome auto.03:13
DaughainThough, I do admit to liking the compiz cube arrangement. =)03:13
mgtDaughain: You're right, Compiz is a lot more mature than Kwin.03:14
Daughainmeowkbuntu,  Why didnt you ust use the repos to install kde, instead of switching to kubuntu?03:14
jwill-JCDG: http://imagebin.ca/view/biedqT7.html03:14
meowkbuntucompiz is no good for anyone it can hang up alot of applications so most expoert users turn the desktop effects off03:14
jwill-JCDG: You should be there03:14
mgt"Most expert users"?03:14
meowkbuntuDaughain: conflicts woth gnome happen when you do that ime03:14
* Daughain is wondering if he shoud be insulted...03:14
Daughainmeowkbuntu,  Thats exactly what I did with no conflicts or issues.03:15
JCDGjwill-, but it will only affect amarok or the entire sound system?03:15
mgtDaughain: Don't let him get to you =P03:15
DaughainAs I said, 24 hours ago.03:15
Daughainmgt  No worries. =)03:15
jwill-Daughain: I've had problems with that.  At the very least all the gnome clutter left over is annoying.03:15
meowkbuntuyes mtg thanks missed that03:15
jwill-JCDG: Everything.03:15
meowkbuntu^ mgt03:15
jwill-JCDG: Or maybe just amarok... hmm03:16
Daughainjwill-,   ATM I'm keeping gnome, incase I decide to go back.03:16
jwill-JCDG: Yeah, I think that's just amarok.03:16
JCDGjwill-, uhmm so should we go back to the kmix tab?03:16
jwill-JCDG: Well, what application is causing that?03:16
meowkbuntujwill-: if you know how to use gnome properly or learn how to then its better than kde. and kde3.5 was better than the latest version in kubuntu 9.1003:16
jwill-JCDG: Oh, the dropdown menu... didn't even see that :D03:17
mgtWhat's with this chronic Ubuntu/Kubuntu tension? It's the same distro underneath, just different desktop environments.03:17
meowkbuntuwish they had just continued with kde3.5 and not revamped it03:17
Daughainmeowkbuntu,  The only issue I had after installig kde was having to rediscover my wifi network. :P03:17
jwill-JCDG: Yes, yes you should03:17
JCDGjwill-, uhmm i think the entire sound system cause anything gets muted jejej03:17
meowkbuntuJCDG: do you have ksound manager installed03:17
jwill-jejej = spanish text laughter, right?03:17
* Daughain chuckles.03:18
mgtThis is so confusing. Can't we all standardise on lol?03:18
JCDGjwill-, yeahhh its like hehehe in english :D03:18
meowkbuntumgt: lol03:18
meowkbuntulol = lots of love < thats true03:18
mgtKekeke if you're in South Korea.03:19
JCDGmeowkbuntu, I don't know cause I have just installed the kubuntu desktop 2 days ago...03:19
meowkbuntumgt: hohoho if in rthe north pole03:19
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JCDGjwill-, I assing the button but it does not work yet...:(03:20
meowkbuntuJCDG: then check03:20
jwill-JCDG: You applied?03:20
meowkbuntuheieheieheie if you have evil intentions03:21
jwill-JCDG: KDE settings always need you to press the apply button, whereas gnome ones usually just apply right away03:21
JCDGmeowkbuntu, how do I check?? jwill- in fact, the button is already set, like it should been working fine but it does not03:21
meowkbuntuJCDG: i cant remember jwill can you help03:21
Daughainjwill-,   Thats actually one of the things I *like* about kde.=)03:21
meowkbuntujwill-: JCDGthere is a terminal command to see if an application is installed or not.03:22
meowkbuntujwill-: JCDG there is a terminal command to see if an application is installed or not.03:22
jwill-meowkbuntu, JCDG: apt-cache show <package name> should do it03:22
meowkbuntui just dont remember it03:22
JCDGwith package name being what???03:23
mgtjwill: That'll search for a program in the repository, not if it's installed or not.03:23
mgtmeowkbuntu: If you want to check whether a package is installed, run "dpkg -l | grep <packagename>" If you get a hit, it means it's installed.03:24
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mgtRight, I'm off. Have fun.03:25
JCDGwhich one will be the package name?03:25
meowkbuntumgt: jwill-is csound any good03:26
JCDGjwill-, which one will be the package name?03:26
meowkbuntuok gtg now by all03:26
DaughainLater mgt03:26
jwill-JCDG: Of what?03:27
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JCDGthe apply button does not activate cause, the button set is the same as if it would have been working fine...but it is not..03:28
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jwill-JCDG: Screenshot?03:30
jwill-Yesterday I spent about half an hour trying to fix something that wasn't borken, and would have spent more time if I hadn't asked for a screenshot D:03:31
JCDGjwill-, indeed that always happen hehehe...03:31
DaughainOK, not happy with chrome. wont let me uload an attachment....03:32
jwill-Daughain: Use firefox, then.03:33
JCDGjwill-, http://imagebin.ca/view/IL2aDhYu.html03:33
jwill-Daughain: The more people who use firefox rather than chrome, the better.03:33
jwill-Okay, click on custom, then press your mute button03:34
jwill-JCDG: ^03:34
Daughainjwill-,   Ok, gotta ask why... =)03:34
JCDGjwill-, I did that but the system recongnize that the new input is the same as the old one, and the apply button does not activate...03:35
jwill-Oh, I see.03:35
jwill-So it doesn't mute at all?03:36
JCDGjwill-, No,not a bit...03:36
jwill-JCDG: And you installed over gnome?  What distro?03:36
JCDGI installed kubuntu desktop over ubuntu03:36
JCDGjwill-, I installed kubuntu desktop over ubuntu03:38
jwill-JCDG: Oh right, this is the kubuntu channel...03:39
jwill-JCDG: Well, you probably have some gnome volume thing running that's showing that volume thing.03:39
jwill-JCDG: Actually, what does increasing/decreasing volume look like03:40
JCDGjwill-, hehehe that must be it, but the decreasing and incresing work fine....they look the same as the "100%" bar03:40
jwill-JCDG: Okay, I hadn't used kmix volume shortcuts before... sorry, that's actually kmix03:41
jwill-JCDG: I was horribly wrong.  Can you reduce your volume to zero?03:41
Guest55515hello, when i install kde4.4 beta2, my system crashes, nothing shows up on startup, seems like some gfx card problem to me03:42
JCDGjwill-, yeahhh and anything sounds...03:43
jwill-Guest55515: Hello again.03:43
Guest55515hello :)03:43
jwill-JCDG: Is there any sound at 0 volume?03:43
Guest55515is anybody else facing this kinda problem?03:44
JCDGjwill-, no there's not...03:44
jwill-JCDG: That's good, right?03:47
jwill-JCDG: Just means mute is broken.03:48
JCDGjwill-, yeahh and that's what I wanted to fix :)...03:48
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jwill-Daughain: You fix it.03:50
JCDGDaughain, are you the chosen one???...03:50
DaughainWhat ya got, JCDG ?03:51
JCDGDaughain, I got the mute feature broken...03:51
DaughainHardware or soft?03:52
JCDGDaughain, soft cause it works con gnome, but not in kde...03:53
jwill-JCDG: Right click on kmix in system tray and select "mute" (in spanish :D)03:53
DaughainJCDG,  I was asking if you had a physical mute button that wasnt working.03:53
jwill-Daughain: Yeah03:54
jwill-JCDG: Does that work?03:54
JCDGjwill-, no that does not work, in fact every time i push that button a sound bar appears and shows "100%"...03:54
jwill-JCDG: Hm.03:55
DaughainPress your mute button, and whe it shows 100% press it again. WHat does it do?03:55
jwill-kde version?03:55
DaughainNo, the physical button.03:56
jwill-Daughain: That's not the problem, since he gets the same problem by telling kmix to mute with his mouse03:56
DaughainJCDG,  SO what was the fix?03:57
JCDGLet me tell you what happend, I did a right click on the system tray sound button and I choose, "selec the master channel"03:57
JCDGand then I selected Master, it was set to PCM...03:57
JCDGjwill-, so why was it set to PCM? what's PCM in the first place??03:58
jwill-JCDG: Different audio out.  Some applications use it, some don't.  I don't question linux audio.03:59
jwill-JCDG: It is enough to drive a man insane.03:59
* Daughain chuckles....04:00
DaughainActually, its not that hard, overall.04:00
JCDGDaughain, uhmmm...I had a lot of problems with pulse audio on the 8.10 and 9.04...04:00
=== jwill- is now known as jwill-[afk]
DaughainJCDG,   So did I, specially as I have an HDMI card on this system. :P04:01
DaughainTook me a week or so to get it all sorted, icluding tracking down a new dirver for it.04:01
JCDGjwill-[afk], Daughain why do not U/K/X/buntu use the same sound output???...04:02
DaughainI've only used ubuntu....04:03
jwill-[afk]They do, pretty much.04:03
jwill-[afk]And now I'm really afk04:03
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JCDGwhat does AFK mean???...04:04
DaughainBut, they all seem to share the same basics in alsa.04:04
DaughainAFK == Away From Keyboard04:04
JCDGDaughain, uhmm so what's the difference between PCM and MAster??'04:04
DaughainThough, kde and gnome seem to vary thier impementation, not the basic audio.04:05
DaughainDunno........I set my systems up in ubuntu, *then* add kde packages.04:05
DaughainI dont actualy install kubuntu.04:05
DaughainI;ve never seen pcm.04:06
JCDGDaughain, That's what I did, I installed kubuntu desktop on ubuntu...and I got that problem :s..04:06
DaughainWhat do you ean by kubuntu desktop?04:06
DaughainYou instaled kde into ubuntu?04:07
DaughainSee I havent had any problems at all with my instalation.04:07
JCDGuhmm in fact this is what i did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:08
DaughainOh, I dunno what that is.04:08
DaughainI manually selected all ter kde packages from synaptics.04:08
Daughain306 packages in total.04:08
coreyBhow do i change my cursor in kubuntu 9.10?04:08
DaughainLook around, coreyB   I remember finding it, but not where right now.04:09
coreyBfound it... LOL04:09
* Daughain chuckles.04:09
jwill-[afk]coreyB: sys settings -> keyboard ->mouse -> mouse themes04:09
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DaughainWB, jwill04:10
coreyBjwill, thanks :)04:10
jwillcoreyB: Yeah, mouse is in keyboard.  Makes so much sense.04:10
JCDGDaughain, wasn't it easier to do write "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"???04:10
DaughainJCDG,   POssibly, but, I didnt run acrss that meta-package. Not too sure I would have used it anyway, but.04:11
JCDGDaughain, Acrss? what's that?04:11
DaughainJCDG,   Across. typo.04:12
JCDGUhmm ok ok ok....I understood now...04:12
DaughainJCDG,   Also, I like to have an idea of what I am installing.04:13
DaughainThis spinning cube thing is hilarious.04:14
JCDGDaughain, yeah that seems a good reason....You mean compiz??' is there something like kompiz in KDE???04:15
DaughainJCDG,    Compiz installs for kde, yes. I'm running it right now, and coreyB installed it earlier.04:15
Daughainapt-get install compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main04:16
JCDGDaughain, and does it get the system slower???...04:16
DaughainNope, I havebt noticed any sloth, nor extra heat from the instal.04:17
DaughainI'm running 2.0Ghz w/2G ram04:17
DaughainErr..dual core 2.0Ghz04:17
DaughainI'm also on a laptop, so I tend to pay more attention to the heat issue.04:18
JCDGUhmm ok, I have a 2.0 core 2 duo...and 1.5 GB ram....04:18
DaughainSwitching from windows to ubuntu was worth 40 degrees F.04:18
JCDGDaughain, why so???04:19
jwillAll this talk of audio problems... now mine doesn't work :S04:19
Daughainwindows is clunky and crappy, runnig too much shit for no reason, basically.04:19
Daughainjwill,     If it didnt suck so bad, I would laugh.04:19
jwillOnly flash04:19
DaughainJCDG,   MS has always designed top heavy code.04:19
Daughainjwill,   Only flash has sound?04:20
jwillDaughain: Inverse04:20
jwillDaughain: Only flash doesn't have sound04:20
JCDGDaughain, Yeah i use it at work and it is just as quick as a lazy turtle04:20
Daughainjwill,   Girls system is like that, but I also have two sound cards in that system.04:20
jwillJust going to log out quickly to see if that fixes it04:20
jwillSince it was working yesterday04:20
* Daughain nods.04:20
DaughainJCDG,   Yeah, and all that extra proccy power turns into heat, and on a lappy, heat can kill faster than anything else.04:21
DaughainAny love for ya, jwill ??04:22
jwillDaughain: That fixed it04:22
jacob_how do I access a list of running processes04:22
DaughainIn kde?04:22
ScuniziI've just done an Akonadi Server Self-Test and have an error in the MySQL server log.. it states " QtSQL driver 'QMYSQL' is required.. I've search the repos and can't find it.. any assistance would be appriciated04:22
jwilljacob_: Alt + F2 and click on the graph button04:22
JCDGDaughain, hehehe yeah, in fact I use Xp with the mcafee virscan 8.7i and thats really slower than a lazy turtle04:22
jwilljacob_: Or type system monitor04:23
DaughainJCDG,    mcafee is junk. Waste of time money and ram.04:23
jacob_why is apt-get telling me something else is using dpkg/lock or whatever04:23
DaughainJCDG,  I've been using Eset on XP systems.04:23
jacob_but no other package manager is runnin04:23
JCDGDaughain, you tell me, and sometimes I have to sell it, hehehehe....04:23
DaughainJCDG,    Eeeewwww...... :P04:23
Daughainjacob_,   Do you have any hung installs?04:24
JCDGDaughain, sometimes we're not proud of our ocassional jobs jejeje...04:24
jacob_i think so04:24
DaughainJCDG,   Soo true. =)04:24
jacob_i tried to install GIMP but it stopped halfway through so i closed the terminal04:24
Daughainjacob_,   Open synaptics and see if you get any errors.04:24
jacob_i did04:25
Daughainjacob_,    OK, yeah, try synaptics and see about finishing the install to clear your lock issue up.04:25
tychicusDoes anyone know why OpenOffice Word keeps crashing when I try to open the Bibliography Database?  Thanks04:25
Daughaintychicus,   You sure it has one?? =)04:25
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JCDGIf I'm running a procees like an installation on the terminal and I hit Crtl+c, will it reaaly stop it???04:26
tychicusyeah, I think so04:26
Daughaintychicus,   Might wanna check synaptics and make sure the db is installed.04:26
DaughainJCDG,   Never tried it, so I dunno. I do know that closing term on an install effectively pauses that install.04:26
tychicushow will I know what I am looking for?04:27
DaughainYou need to go back and finish it, or you wont be able to instal anything else, from any source.04:27
Daughaintychicus,   Try a search for openoffice and look through the offered packages.04:27
Daughaintychicus,   Thats about all I can tel ya, since I dont know the package name either.04:28
JCDGwhich one is better Dragon player or Totem???04:28
tychicusOk daughain I'll give it the ol' college try...thanks04:29
DaughainJCDG,   Ive used kde for about 25 hours now. I havent tried Dragon.04:29
Daughaintychicus,   Cool.....Sorry, but I;ve only been using ubuntu for about a month.04:29
tychicusMe too04:29
DaughainJCDG,  Thoughm totem doesnt like my setup. I'm using VLC.04:30
JCDGDaughain, has you ever use another distro?...04:30
JCDGI use VLC but, I want to delete redundat apps on mi pc...04:30
DaughainJCDG,   No...Installed 9.04 a month ago, and upgraded to 9.10. Upgrade failed, so did a fresh install last wek.04:30
DaughainDeating about trying a diff distro for another system, though.04:31
DaughainNeed to see if openBSD will run on my old toshiba.04:31
DaughainPent M 1.7Ghz w/ 512M ram.04:31
JCDGso, I think I'm gonna erase both Totem and dragon...VLC does all the work for them...04:31
ScuniziI'm trying to connect Kontact to google contacts and calendar.. I'm getting there but Akonadi server reports errors with a missing QtSQL driver "QMYSQL".. I can't find it in the repos.. How do I fix this (9.10 64bit)04:31
DaughainJCDG,  Make sure VLC does it all for you before you remove totem and dragon.04:32
JCDGuhmmm, well, well, i think it might, but not sure....why don't you try puppy linux or something like that?04:32
JCDGis there a sound converter app for KDE???04:32
DaughainScunizi, I've been using linux for a month, if I had an answer 'd give it. Ask again when jwill gets back, he may be able to help ya.04:33
JCDGlike the one on gnome?...04:33
ScuniziDaughain: thanks.. been using for 5 years... but gnome.. I like the new kde 4.3+.. looking to make a change04:33
DaughainLook through app launcher and see, JCDG ,04:33
jwill_is_afkScunizi: Ask on #kde.04:33
Scunizijwill_is_afk: k.. thanks04:34
DaughainScunizi,   I thin I instaled 4.3.2 last night.04:34
jwill_is_afkIt worked in 4.2, I think04:34
jwill_is_afkBefore akonadi04:34
* jwill_is_afk is watching a movie, not really afk04:35
Scunizijwill_is_afk: I'm following this guide for the integration.. http://www.my-guides.net/en/content/view/178/26/04:35
* Daughain as been watching movies all night.:P04:35
DaughainJapanese zombie flick right now.04:35
jwill_is_afkDaughain: Any good?04:37
DaughainJCDG,   Look on kde-look.com, you might find a plasmoid for conversions there.04:37
=== jwill_is_afk is now known as jwill
DaughainI thi I saw one last night.04:38
jacob_guess what yours truly just found in the freezer04:38
Daughainjwill,   Quite amusing, yes, long as you dont mnd subtitles.04:38
jacob_a ms. fields ice cream cookie sandwich with his name on it04:38
jwillJCDG: You might as well just use the Gnome one.04:38
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jwillDaughain: I prefer subtitles to bad dubbing...04:38
* Daughain nods to jwill 04:39
DaughainI thin the converters are pretty much the same., just a case of the interface. :P04:39
JCDGjwill, Daughain ok, Thanks to both, now i have to go to bed....write ya tomorrow...thanks for your help...04:39
DaughainNght, JCDG04:39
jwillWeird.  Ktorrent is taking ~105% cpu in top, but only like 5% in system monitor04:41
jwillAllocating disk space makes everything else on my computer lag... KTorrent sure is lame sometimes04:42
DaughainNever got into torrents.04:42
jacob_how do I get Adobe Flash Player onto KDE?04:42
jacob_when i download the .deb04:42
jacob_i get an error tryin to install04:42
jacob_it says04:42
DaughainWith lots of patience?? =)04:42
jacob_i386 wrong archiacruetre04:42
jwillDaughain: Nice for downloading distros, since you can upload them.04:43
jwilljacob_: Running 64 bit linux?04:43
Daughainjacob_,  You have one of those x64 only cores?04:43
Daughain64 bit linux shoud still handle 32bit apps.04:44
DaughainThough, there was a short run of 64 bit priccessors that wouldnt ru 32 bit at all.04:44
jacob_I'm on a 32bit machine..04:45
FloodBotK1jacob_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
jacob_if you will believe this04:46
DaughainLets hear it,04:46
jacob_i downloaded the Kubuntu on my laptop04:46
jacob_which is 64-bit04:46
jacob_so by default04:46
jacob_I downloaded a 64-bit version of Kubuntu04:46
jacob_to install it04:46
FloodBotK1jacob_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
jacob_on my THIRTY TWO BIT DESKTOP04:46
jacob_I LOLD04:46
DaughainThat would explain the issues, yes. =)04:47
DaughainI do, its called jmirc. :P04:47
DaughainYa gonna stay this time, tychicus ?04:49
* Daughain grins.04:50
Brhad56Lately, when I boot up, I get t his error stating I can't load in full graphics mode.  I click through it and select "exit to console" but it exists to the regular login, and i log in and everything is fine.  Any ideas?05:01
DaughainSounds like a .conf issue.......Beyond tat I cant help ya.05:03
DaughainBy any chance do you have any duplicates?05:04
Brhad56duplicate whats05:04
Daughain.conf files.05:04
Brhad56which .conf files are you refering too.05:05
DaughainI *think* graphics are in xorg.conf05:05
Brhad56i dunno05:06
DaughainIf there is more than one, that could be your problrem.05:07
Brhad56just one.. ..also got a xorg.conf.dist-upgrade-200910302227 and xorg.conf.failsafe dated 2009-12-01, which is before this started happening05:08
DaughainOther then that I dont have any other ideas.05:08
DaughainOK, compare the xorg.conf to the xorgconf.failsafe, and edit the xorg.conf to match.05:08
DaughainOr, hopefully you understand the files well enough to see what happened, which would be even better.05:09
Brhad56doesn't mean anything to me. Here's the output if you want to take a shot.   http://paste.ubuntu.com/352141/05:10
DaughainWhich file is that?05:10
Brhad56diff xorg.conf xorg.conf.failsafe05:11
Brhad56That mean nvideo driver was removed?05:11
DaughainGhats the failsafe one?05:12
Brhad56its the diff between the two.  I guess it means  actually that thats extra stuff in the one that is not failsafe.  which i guess makes since.  no nvidea in failsafe05:13
DaughainWhic file did that come from?05:14
Brhad56from xorg.conf05:14
DaughainOK, thats what I thought.....Try running this from term;   dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:15
Brhad56I might try that later.  I was hoping it was a new bug that others were experiancing.  Thanks.05:17
DaughainI havent heard anything about that one, but that dont mean much, try #ubuntu.05:17
* PeaDippin installed kubuntu yesterday :)05:35
coreyBoo, is there a widget to monitor my cpu tempatures? or my nvidia card tempatures?05:43
DaughainAll kinds, be more specific. =)05:44
coreyBi just want a widget to specify my tempature in celcius05:45
coreyBiv'e been looking there i cant find ANY :((05:45
DaughainOr,   apt-get ksensors05:45
Daughainkde verion of lmsensors.05:46
DaughainI found a shitload last night, just only found one that fit what IU was kooking for,05:46
DaughainAnd, it didnt work.05:46
DaughainInstall superkaramba, thn runb it.05:50
coreyBksensors has to be lieing, 40c for my proccessor? yeah no.05:50
Daughainright clck on the tray icon and add new stuff.05:50
DaughainFirst thing in the ist is a monitor for y.05:51
Daughain40C IS ABOUT 100ISH f.05:51
DaughainSounda about right.05:51
coreyBnot really05:51
coreyBmine usually idle's around 50-60c05:51
coreyBand never gets past 62 c05:52
Daughainksensors shows mine to be right about average for its uirrent setup.05:52
DaughainInstal superkaramba dn take a look at your options.05:52
jwillcoreyB: Mine's at 45C05:53
DaughainI keep track in F, but mine's about 105 idle.05:54
coreyBcan you help me install that?05:55
FloodBotK1coreyB: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:55
coreyBwoopsies, thats a good idea ^05:55
Daughainlemme load it.05:56
DaughainI hate white.05:56
DaughaincoreyB,  All three screens in front of me have black background05:56
coreyBoo ouch05:57
DaughainAnd eberything else, just about.05:57
DaughainMy themes are black on black on black.05:57
DaughainI *really* hate whuite. =)05:57
coreyBdarkdelusions,  any idea?05:58
coreyBDaughain,  http://pastebin.com/m5ebded2f05:59
coreyBon how to install that05:59
DaughainCompile it yourself frpm the looks of it.06:00
darkdelusionsWait what? :)06:00
PeaDippinfuck it06:00
DaughainLemme check pastebin.06:00
PeaDippinIma install xpde06:00
FloodBotK1PeaDippin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
PeaDippinsry about that, thought I was on different channel. **sobs**06:03
DaughaincoreyB,  Lemme look at the dl. I still say just install superkaramba. One hell of a lot easier. :P06:05
coreyBDaughain,  well that seems more integrated on the desktop (the link i posted)06:07
coreyBDaughain,  how about conky?06:09
DaughainYa, need to create a folder and d a few more steps....06:10
DaughainI dont know what a conky is06:10
jwillThey grow on trees.06:12
DaughainAnd, the install dirs arent that clear either.06:12
Daughainjwill,   So does everything else. =)06:12
Daughainjwill, , I give the guy an easy way to do things, so, he completely ignores me.....OI!!!!06:12
jwillDaughain: http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/gardner/diseases/Phellinus%20conk%20on%20koa/phellinus%20conk%204.JPG06:12
Daughainwoohoo!!! Infectuous dieseases...Just what I wanna read about. =)06:13
DaughainThat looks like a mushroom.06:14
jwillDaughain: Which guy?06:14
coreyBDaughain,  i don't like the look of it06:14
Daughainjwill,  coreyB , who else. =)06:14
jwillDaughain: It's a fungus.06:14
stroppytuxdoes anyone know if there is a channel for automake help?06:14
DaughaincoreyB,   Look of what?06:14
Daughainjwill,  So it *is* a mushroom.:P06:14
coreyBof those programs >.>06:14
jwill#automake ?06:14
coreyBksensor and them other ones06:15
stroppytuxsry, autoconf06:15
Daughainksensor is almost native. Did you look at the karamba themes at all?06:15
coreyBfinally found a good one06:17
coreyBthanks Daughain06:20
DaughaincoreyB,  Which one?06:20
coreyBand the theme called 'easy monitor'06:20
* Daughain chuckles...06:20
DaughainOk, this is interesting...06:29
jwillSo plasma, ktorrent, and amarok decided to hang at the same time06:33
jwillAnd vlc isn't being killed by a KILL signal06:33
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jwillNevermind, plasma is just waiting ~60 to do anything you tell it to.  Move right one desktop, and a minute later, it does.06:34
jwill-rebooting appears to have fixed it06:41
DaughainJust like my phone....06:41
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FloodBotK1prasanth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
azullist ?07:45
Daughainlist what?07:46
azulhow do I list the channels again? its been a while :P07:46
DaughainDepends on the client. :P07:47
DaughainUsualy there is a drop down menu with the option......If you are using a gui.07:48
azulI hear ya on that07:48
azulins't there a way to type the command to the server?07:49
DaughainCommand line is '/list'07:49
azulbut that'll list everything07:49
DaughainThat it does.07:49
azulthat takes too long, how do you narrow?07:49
Daughainlist <partofname>* prolly.07:49
DaughainNo clue, that often depends on the servers own commands.07:51
azulI used to be able to do it, haha, I forget how, its been a while, I just donwloaded this client and got in here07:51
azulanyone ever talk in this channel?07:51
azullots of peeps07:51
DaughainYup....When they are awake.07:52
DaughainBut, this is also mostly a help channel.07:52
azulahhh, that makes sense07:52
azulwhats a good way to install a .tar.gz file?07:53
DaughainI usually just extract and look at the install file, personally. =)  Deoends on what the tar is compressing.07:54
darkdelusionsUntar it then ./install07:54
darkdelusionsunless you have to compile it07:54
DaughainThe reason I check instal files. =)07:55
DaughainnICE TO SEE YA BACK, DD.07:55
azulcool cool, I had this other question, I go a separate hardrive, I've used it in windows, so I gues the filesystem is fat, so can I still save stuff on to it from Linux?07:55
darkdelusionsI turely hate windows :) trying to fix my friends wifi on his computer and its making me beat my head agiasnt the wall07:55
DaughainYou may need to edit the conf file.07:55
azuldude, I've been getting into this linux thing more and more too07:56
Daughaindarkdelusions,   Fixing anything on windows is enough to make me do that. =)07:56
azulits pretty relaxing07:56
* Daughain chuckles.07:56
darkdelusionsHoly baby raptor jesus I am gonna throw his computer out the window07:57
DaughainI cut my teeth on unix, so, linux is llike old-home-week.  =)07:58
Daughaindarkdelusions,   Whats going on with it?07:58
darkdelusionsThe Connect to a wireless network is says there are network available07:59
DaughainAnd, what kind of computer is it?07:59
darkdelusionsthen you pull it up and its blank07:59
darkdelusionsDaughain: Home Grown :)07:59
Daughaindarkdelusions,   What mobo?07:59
darkdelusionsusing a wireless USB nic (dont ask)08:00
Daughaindarkdelusions,   Oooh.......He do a reinstall of the OS lately?08:00
DaughainUsually that kind of shit is a lost driver....08:00
darkdelusionsDaughain:  I installed the driver08:00
darkdelusionsfrom linksys site08:01
* Daughain nods.....08:01
darkdelusionsand it still being shortbus special08:01
DaughainHmmmm.....Xp is usually freindlier...08:01
darkdelusionsI was gonna connect it to the network and force a windows update down it thoart08:01
darkdelusionsbut i can't get the linksys wireless manager to work now08:02
DaughainA windows update may be whats wrong with it. =)08:02
DaughainSo, good driver, and it *does* detect a wireless network....08:03
DaughainTrying to remember how to do this shit in windows. =)08:04
Daughainis it the wireless manager thats detecting the network?08:04
DaughainOr windows that detects it?08:05
darkdelusionsreouter reboot08:13
DaughainFind any love yet, darkdelusions ?08:25
darkdelusionshe is rolling backing SP3 now08:29
DaughainYou said something was detecting the wlan.....Was it windows, or liksys that detect it?08:31
darkdelusionsDaughain: The windows balloon will pop up and be like we have detected wireless networks08:33
darkdelusionsbut you open the connection manager and its blank08:33
darkdelusionssaying there is no wireless in range08:33
DaughainCant you search from there again?08:34
darkdelusionsI did08:34
darkdelusionsit still comes up blank08:34
darkdelusionsYou know i may have to tweak my laptop to run right on linux :) but atleast i can fix stuff easly :)08:34
darkdelusionsI am outta touch with my inner windows tech :)08:35
* Daughain chuckles.....08:35
DaughainI've only bee away from windows for a couple of weeks, but I cant remember shit either.08:36
DaughainOr, at least nothig helpful here.....linksys isnt working?08:39
darkdelusionsWe are going the "Windows update Screwed me over approach"08:39
DaughainAs in not opening, or not detecting?08:39
darkdelusionsRofl well now it detects it but wont connect now08:40
darkdelusionsI am gonna play with it a bit08:40
DaughainSo, everything saysd there's a wlan, but nothing wants to connect....08:40
darkdelusionsafter we pull SP3 off08:40
* Daughain chuckles./08:40
darkdelusionshugs his laptop08:41
DaughainI say backup the data, and shove a fresh install on.08:41
darkdelusionsI am pushing him towards that08:41
DaughainThe usual solution for windows fkups.08:41
DaughainSince time immemorial.08:41
darkdelusionsI wish everyone took my approach08:42
DaughainWhich is?08:42
darkdelusionsput a 10 gig partition (or so) install the OS on it then put everything else on a secondary partition08:42
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents08:42
DaughainAMusingly, thats exactly how I do it, darkdelusions08:43
DaughainThough, I usually have a spare hd for desktops, so, use that for OS install.08:43
darkdelusionsthats how my laptop is parted out :) nothing like loosing your home directory and that 1 file that you needed08:43
* Daughain nods.08:44
darkdelusionsEver since i started using linux I have been doing that and carry it over into other OS installs08:44
DaughainActually, not keeping anything on this laptop, so, dont have this drive parted, but.08:45
DaughainHell, I started doing that back in win95 days, since we had to reinstall so often.08:45
jussi01darkdelusions: Daughain, this channel is specifically for kubuntu support, so if you would, please use ##windows or #kubuntu-offtopic08:45
darkdelusionsI mean morning09:06
DaughainNot beer, whiskey!!09:06
nizuaso I was trying to upgrade from jaunty to karmic. I ran apt-get upgrade first09:07
nizuabeer here :D09:07
nizuaand after a reboot the wireless networking stopped working09:07
nizuaanyway, I downloaded the alternate cd... which still seems to want to connect to the internet09:07
Daughainnizua,  I hate to say it, but just do a livecd install of karmic. Upgrades dont work to well.09:08
DaughainQuicker and easer09:08
nizuaah okay09:08
darkdelusionsI was about to say the same09:08
DaughainI havent heard of anyone who had an upr=grade work.09:08
lukefeildont forget your backup^^09:08
darkdelusionsI never do an upgrade i just normally wipe my os partition09:08
darkdelusionsand reinstall09:08
DaughainI tried the upgrade, it failed. =)09:09
darkdelusionsI have it kinda work with quirks does that count?09:09
DaughainDepends on what the quirks are. =)09:09
DaughainMIne worked, it was just missing folders.09:09
DaughainAnd other strange parts of the desktop.09:09
darkdelusionsnizua: i highly reccomend paritition you drive so you give ubuntu like 10 - 15 gigs of space then mount your /home on another partition it makes upgrading alot ezer and you dont lose the stuff in your /home09:10
lomtikприва всем09:11
darkdelusionsDaughain: Funny how that conversation came full circle :)09:11
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:11
DaughainIf you have room, I like to use a 20G drive for OS and dup /home and storage on the secondary.09:11
Daughaindarkdelusions,  I was kinda thinking the same. =)09:11
nizuaokay, thank you :D09:12
DaughainOK, how do I limit plasmoids to individual desktops?09:18
DekansI'd like to have the inbox folder open on kmail startup09:40
Dekanscan we configure it ?09:40
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Derath-SrvrANyone still awake?09:58
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Derath-SrvrAh cool, so I've got kubuntu 9.10 installed again, and I was wondering, is there anything like Ubuntu Software Center for kubuntu? (i.e. actually lists out packages available instead of just searching)09:59
Derath-Srvr(considering my last install was ubuntu with kde-desktop installed)09:59
DaughainUmmmm........Lemme check.. =)10:00
Derath-SrvrReally need something a little easier to browse... :)10:00
DaughainApp launcher/applications/settings.10:01
DaughainOh, wait........Maybe..10:01
DaughainI'm not using kubuntu.10:01
DaughainI realy hate caps lock.10:02
Derath-Srvrno applications menu10:02
DaughainUmmm........bottom right corner, a little funky whote arrow in a blue circle?10:02
DaughainErr...Botttom left.10:03
Derath-SrvrUm... the k inside the gear?10:03
DaughainKickoff Application Launcher10:03
Derath-Srvrright, inside that is not a applications submenu10:03
DaughainMine lists favories, applications, compuet, etc10:04
DaughainAcros the bottom.10:04
Derath-SrvrI switched to classic menu...10:07
Derath-Srvrbut I'm also not seeing the add/remove or software center...10:08
DaughainUmmmmm.....Dunno what that is either.10:08
fujimitsuDerath-Srvr: youre gonna have to settle for kpackagekit; add/remove apps is a gnome desktop thing10:09
Derath-Srvrsigh, was afraid of that, thanks guys10:09
DaughainMore and more I am thiking I am happier doing this the way I did. =)10:10
fujimitsuits not so bad once you get the hang of it10:10
DaughainMebbe, but I have access to all the toys I liked in gnome from kde.10:10
Daughainfujimitsu,  Do you know how to limit plasmoids to a single workspace?10:11
Derath-SrvrTrue, but I had issues with the gnome install... or maybe that was just the upgrade from 9.0410:11
DaughainIt was the upgrade, Derath-Srvr , a fresh install of karmic works great, the upgrade from Jaunty seems to fail each time.10:12
DaughainAnd each fail is different, it seems.10:12
Derath-SrvrFunny thing is, it workedd great, except for one thing.... sound10:12
DaughainKinda my point. =)10:13
DaughainAlways one ittle thing that fails. After I upgraded, my sound was fine, but my browser was loading slower than a slug.10:13
Derath-Srvrsomething about pulse and alsa, used ricotz's ppa and got it fixed, but made the stupid mistake of not freezing the version installed, so his next update broke it all again10:13
DaughainWhen I did a fresh install of karmic, I had no sound issues. Everything worked OOB.10:14
DaughainJaunty caused me a week of searching to get my sound wporking.10:14
Derath-SrvrYeah, doing that now, tried just installing kubuntu without blowing out the /home, but that failed too, some config issue10:14
Derath-SrvrSo, I blew it all out and starting fresh (aside from a 120g external drive and a dvd of data to bring back in)10:15
* Daughain grins...10:15
Derath-Srvrsigh, so many mp3's and photos off my camera... and let's not mention all the vms10:16
DaughainYeah, I backed up about 130G, and finished my instal, then got irritated about something, and decided to reinstall, and for some reason, when I copied my data back the first time, it moved it instead, so, when I reinstalled, I lost all my backups. Quite irritating.10:16
DaughainThats the reason for 1T on LAN.10:16
DaughainWhich is gona be next weeks project.10:17
DaughainOr mebbe the week after, depending on the mail.10:17
Derath-Srvrlol give me some money, and I'll match that in my house as well10:17
DaughainWhat money?? This is bare bones off of ebay. Bought one piece here, another there, got lucky on a used 1T drive.10:18
Derath-Srvr10 more minutes until copy back is done...10:18
DaughainAnd, now hoping that my router will support the 1T I intend t put in it./10:19
* Daughain chuckles..10:19
Derath-Srvrprovided it doesn't fail again (hoping I didn't corrupt any)10:19
DaughainYou using the livecd?10:19
Daughainbrb, coffee run.,10:20
Derath-SrvrWas, used the 120g external to save the mp3's, videos, VMs, etc, and it's been picky about vibration... if I jar this table too hard, the drive disappears and I have to remount and start all over again (using autoskip all and write into all)10:21
DaughainGet a new cable? =)10:24
DaughainOr, [pull apart the external and take a look at the mounting.10:24
jhunoldand use rsync to copy the data.10:24
Derath-Srvrit's a usb kit for satas..., I'm on a laptop on top of a "tv-dinner table"10:25
DaughainOk, does *anyone*  know how the hell to limit plasmoids to asingle workspace/10:25
Derath-Srvrsystem76 laptop actually10:25
Derath-SrvrWhich plasmoid?10:25
DaughainDerath-Srvr,  I remember those days.....Changed out a clutch master cyl in trade for my desk.10:26
DaughainAny/all plasmoids.10:26
DaughainIneed the pastbin plasmoid on one worspace, the term [plasmoid on another, etc.10:26
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Derath-SrvrLooking, I think in each preference you might be able to do that10:27
DaughainOk where is the preference?10:27
DaughainI been looking for over an hour now.=(10:27
DaughainFound it hours ago when I didnt need it, and cant find it now that I do. =)10:28
KoliaDaughain: separate activity for each desktop10:28
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Koliathis is how to have different plasmoids on different "desktops/workspaces/activity"10:29
DaughainKolia,   I been using kde for about 36 hours, a  bit more in depth would help. How do I set these things up/where do I find the settings to do so??10:30
KoliaDaughain: cilck the plasma toolbox (the little yellow thing)10:30
Koliathen zoom-out10:30
Koliaconfigure plasma.. in the menu10:30
Koliacheck "separate activity for each desktop"10:30
Kolia(translating from french, so wording might differ a bit)10:31
DaughainNo worries, I got it now. =)  Thanks.10:31
DaughainOK, that did something strange. =)10:32
darkdelusionsWell I fixed my openGL issue10:32
Koliawell activities at this state are strangely arranged :) it gets better in kde4.410:32
Daughaindarkdelusions,   Cool.....Still workig on my plasmoid problem.10:32
DaughainIt popped a bunch of blue boxes up, Kolia10:33
DaughainMy wallpaper disappeared too.10:33
darkdelusionsisnt there a kwin desktop affect where you can hover your mouse over the Item in the task bar and it pops up a window as a preview kinda like Windows 7 does10:33
Derath-SrvrOkay, well, it's 5:30am, and my copies have finished, i'll have to finish package install later, thanks for the help!10:33
KoliaDaughain: after you zoomed out?10:33
DaughainYea, there is.10:33
Koliadarkdelusions: here it does by default10:34
DaughainKolia,  Yes, after I zoomed out, now three of my workspaces are like that, only this one hasnt canged.....I dont think.10:34
Koliawell i guess the 3 other are set to default10:35
DaughainOK, when I close xchat, this one also looks that way. bg is black/grey check, I have four smal blue boxes, and one smal box with my wallpaper in each workspace.10:35
darkdelusionsKolia:  it works now I am just odd10:35
darkdelusionsand getting tired and cant think10:35
DaughainOK, lemme tinker with it and see what hapens. Thanks, Kolia10:35
Daughaindarkdelusions,   Go friggin sleep then.=)10:35
darkdelusionsDaughain: but but I had my opengl issue which i am blaming on you10:38
* Daughain shrugs.10:38
darkdelusionscause you made me play with it10:38
DaughainI'm not, so I cant say much either.=)10:38
DaughainKolia,  How do I zoom in?10:38
DaughainKolia,   How do I get these windows to mount back on the workspaces?10:45
DaughainNM, Think I gt it now./10:46
darkdelusionsI just realized they remade the fuzzy clock widget10:48
DaughainWell, it isnt exactly intuitive. =)10:48
Daughainlol, yeah, they did.10:48
DaughainOK, lemme see if I got this working. =)10:48
darkdelusionsI <3 the fuzzy clock10:48
KoliaDaughain: sorry was busy10:50
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DaughainKolia,  No worries, I got it figured out. =)10:53
DaughainMuch better. Thanks again, Kolia10:55
Xeperawhat package has replaced kcontrol?10:58
KoliaDaughain: np11:09
AdysDid behaviour with moving maximized windows change in 10.04? now they're getting automatically resized, its extremely annoying as a dual-screen user11:10
Laeborg-schoolHow can I get around port blocking at my school?11:22
DaughainDepends on hiw it is done. :P Try scanning acros the port range you are looking to use.11:23
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Laeborg-schoolDaughain: only port 80 and 443 is open11:30
DaughainThen, good luck? =)11:39
DaughainUnless you have access to root and can edit the port restrictions.11:40
Laeborg-schoolI usign my own laptop, on the schools wifi, so its a firewall there is blocking11:42
DaughainLaeborg,  Ayup, that I figured. Hardware firewall?? What OS?? not enough data to give oyu any answers, and I'm not a hacker anyway. This is a help channel for kubuntu, kde and ubuntu.11:49
DaughainAs in install and implement help.11:50
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XerossHey, my usb stick is automounted as root how can I change it, I get access denied on sudo chown12:48
XerossAnyone ?12:52
paulsomebodyI want to edit my GRUB 2 settings to make it boot default system instantly, unless certain key is pressed. How do I do that?13:03
kavurtpaulsomebody: if you want to boot something instantly, you won't have an option to press another key.13:16
paulsomebody_Anyone alive is present here?13:18
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kavurtpaulsomebody: /etc/default/grub13:19
kavurtmodify this file13:20
kavurtchange the value of GRUB_TIMEOUT="10"13:20
kavurt10 means 10 secs13:20
paulsomebodykavurt: Are you sure I should do that despite the fact that manual editing is not recommended by this manual? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:22
paulsomebodykavurt: I have GRUB2.13:22
paulsomebodykavurt: Or I should just edit and then run 'sudo grub-update'?13:23
kavurtThe main menu file, /boot/grub/grub.cfg, is not meant to be edited, even by 'root'13:24
kavurtI don't see anything else13:24
kavurtso it doesn't say that you shouldn't edit /etc/default/grub13:25
paulsomebodykavurt: 'The primary configuration file for changing menu display settings is /etc/default/grub. ' Got it.13:25
paulsomebodykavurt: Should I run 'update-grub' then?13:26
EvotI have changed my grub_timeout to be 3 and then sudo update-grub. So i get 3 contdown in grub and then kubuntu starts.13:26
Evot3 seconds countdown13:26
EvotThats all i know :D13:27
paulsomebodyEvot: Okay. As far as I understood, if I set zero, then default entry would be booted unless I press 'Shift'?13:27
kavurtpaulsomebody: sorry, you should update-grub13:28
paulsomebodypaulsomebody: After O do the editing?13:28
paulsomebodyAfter I did editing?13:28
EvotHaven't done that. It's also possible that 0 gives you no change to do anything. Maby you could try it... ???13:29
EvotAnd editing must be done with root (sudo)13:30
paulsomebodykavurt: Maybe I should just set 'GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET' to 'no'? Instead of modifying time value?13:30
EvotI have said all i know, so i'll go to eat something :)13:32
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kavurttry, you won't lose anything anyway13:34
paulsomebodyThanks you, I'll try.13:34
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pinkisntwelli just have my sound stop working13:45
pinkisntwellapart from the volume that goes down by itself, is there any other problems right now with the sound?13:45
eNRGyHey all, what's the kubuntu equivalent to Ubuntu's /usr/bin/software-center please?13:52
eNRGyI seem to have lost it from my menu13:52
fujimitsueNRGy: there isnt13:55
devilsadvocateeNRGy, what does it do?13:59
=== andrey_ is now known as andrey__
mauri is there a way to konw from which repository came a determinate package.....I ask you this because sometime a package can be present in more that one repository (i.e. amsn daily)14:02
=== Anubis is now known as Freyr
memenodewould be nice if it actually said why when it so elegantly says the sound doesn't work14:04
eNRGyThe software add/remove programs thingiy14:08
eNRGyThe really basic one that;s on the Applications menu in Ubuntu14:08
eNRGyIt's called "Ubuntu Software Center" in ubuntu14:09
eNRGyCan someone look at their menu and tell me the command line for the add/remove programs icon?14:13
eNRGyOr whatever it's called14:13
TheKroeNRGy: adept14:13
eNRGyOK that's odd, I don't have that installed at all, gotta apt-get it.. I thought I'd just lost the menu item!14:15
eNRGyTheKro: Thanks.14:15
TheKroeNRGy: np14:15
padi999Hi, how can I synchronize google-calendar with kontact in karmic? I only find dubious sources. And I wonder why no one else seems to ask for that kind of feature...14:22
padi999There is simply nothing from the akonandi fromt14:27
padi999what are you guys doing?14:27
deltarayHow do I move widgets around within a panel?14:34
padi999sleepy chan14:34
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Koliadeltaray: click the plasma toolbox (the yellow thing)14:35
Koliathen you can move the widgets inside the panel14:35
=== pcascini is now known as mrwoody
mrwoodyhi *. Ctrl+v (to paste) doesn't always work, it would work if I restart klipper. I have the same problem on two different machines... does anyone know why?14:36
memenodegreat error without a text on something that always worked before.. any more puzzles to solve?14:38
memenodeI just "solved" sound.. I guess I'm up next..14:38
memenodethis freaking OS is a god damn puzzle fest that's playing with your nerves14:39
* BluesKaj finishes the coffee14:58
* petsounds finishes the dinner14:59
manashey all15:16
manasive just installed kubuntu for the first time15:16
manasthis is my first linux15:16
manasi tried  changing the theme15:16
manasbut it doesnt15:16
manasi installed a theme that i liked , now how do i apply it15:17
deltarayKolia, thank you. That is not so obvious.15:17
Koliadeltaray: no problem. once you know it, no more problem ;)15:17
deltarayKolia, that also allowed me to do something else I wanted, which was adjust the task manager settings, which can't be changed without closing most windows.15:17
Koliadeltaray: the plasma toolbox allow you to enter the "edition mode" of the panel15:17
Koliadeltaray: yep exactly15:17
deltarayKolia, Well of course once you know it. But isn't the point of a GUI to make things more obvious.  I am a vi user and I appreciate that learning a tool can lead to greater productivity/enjoyment, but with the case of KDE, I think some things should be more obvious.15:19
deltarayNo doubt everyone has their opinions on this though15:19
Koliadeltaray: maybe because it's different of what you knew so far?15:19
deltarayWell, I've been using Gnome for the past 5 or so years. Before that I tried a bunch of different ones. I'm no stranger to desktops or learning new things.  I guess I just expected KDE to be more friendly.15:20
deltarayLike right now I have some screwed up widget on my desktop and I'm not sure what it is or how to remove it. its like a bunch of icons overlapping each other.15:21
Koliadeltaray: my point was that when you're used to several systems working quite the same, anything different becomes counter-intuitive and needs a learning period. But I agree that we can make this learning period shorter or longer according to design choice :)15:25
deltarayHere is what the messed up widgets looks like: http://imagebin.ca/view/PB04r5.html15:25
krionsome fellas with a 9.10 and dia installed ? i cannot insert text...15:28
krionif someone can confirm it's not working15:28
m4rtijnhi all15:39
krioni was just using the wrong stuff...15:40
kriontoo tired15:40
obladdanathanielk: Did you work at HMSY?15:40
m4rtijnI somehow wrecked my "task bar" .. now I somehow regained it but printer spool, printer status etc. is missing15:40
m4rtijncould somebody help me to get this back?15:40
nathanielkobladda: nope.15:41
obladdanathanielk: Thought you were someone else15:41
mgt_m4rtijn: Click the "peanut" on the right side of the taskbar, and add the plasmoids you want back.15:41
nathanielkobladda: :)15:41
m4rtijnis that a miniprogram which I have to look for?15:42
mgt_m4rtjin: No, they're widgets.15:42
m4rtijnmgt_: ?15:42
m4rtijnif I click the peanut.. I only have an option called: add miniprogram15:43
mgt_m4rtijn: Go for it.15:43
m4rtijnmgt_: but theres nothing which has something to do with printers there15:44
lovrehi all15:45
lovrei have upgraded kubuntu, and i dont have amarok anymore,,, why is that*?15:45
mgt_lovre: Why don't you just reinstall it?15:46
lovremgt_: because i dont know what happened, i dont want to install it twice15:46
mgt_lovre: You can't install it twice. If it's already installed, dpkg will just skip it.15:46
u19809why doesn't my konqueror no longer refreshes its folder content automatically ?15:46
lovremgt_: i CANT install it, i get this error: http://pastie.org/76890015:48
mgt_lovre: How did you upgrade? Did you use apt-get upgrade?15:48
lovremgt_: yes, first apt-get upgrade, and then apt-get dist-upgrade15:49
lovremgt_: why, did i do something wrong?15:49
mgt_lovre: Not if you used dist-upgrade. You did comment out the repositories for the old version of Kubuntu, right?15:50
mgt_lovre: Try sudo apt-get -f install.15:50
lovremgt_: i have used an online repo list creator or something like that to auto generate my list15:51
lovremgt_: nothing changes15:51
obladdaI love being able to sleep my computer for the first time with 9.10 and the hibernation is quick too15:51
terran4000Hi, I'm having some serious power management issues ... for whatever reason on any higher load the CPU clock speed is scaled back to 800mghz and stays there no matter what ..15:51
terran4000Has anyone heard of this issue before?15:52
mgt_lovre: Could you give us your /etc/apt/sources.list in pastie or something?15:52
lovremgt_: yes, a second15:52
terran4000Cpufreq tells me this: "frequency should be within 800 MHz and 800 MHz."15:52
lovremgt_: http://pastie.org/76890515:52
oalI have kubuntu on my netbook, but I need to install Knetworkmanager (it got deleted some time ago), but I don't have access to a network cable, so I need to transfer the files over by an usb stick. Any ideas what I need?15:53
mgt_lovre: Your sources list looks fine. Try aptitude instead of apt-get: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade15:54
mgt_lovre: aptitude is a bit better with managing dependency clashes.15:54
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lovremgt_: this seems to work15:57
lovremgt_: thank you15:57
mgt_lovre: Great. Glad you got Amarok back. =)15:58
lovremgt_: :)15:58
afi___hi, can someone help to patch camera on the notebook ?16:01
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BluesKajstrange happenenings, when I call up a file like /etc/fstab in kate it shows blank if I use kdesudo kate with the run command box , but if i call it up with sudo nano in the terminal it's all there . Also id I just use the run command without sudo then kate shows all the text/data ....any ideas what could be causing this ?16:10
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Pat_Benson_BluesKaj; Does it say "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly" ? I have the same issue16:24
avanschey, i just installed kubuntu 9.10 on my macbook pro(nvidia chipset), but the hardware thing cant find/install it. any ideas? previous versions of kubuntu worked fine.16:27
BluesKajyes Pat_Benson_ , it does , sometimes ... it's intermittent16:27
at2500hi. anybody to help me with my logitech usb micro problem?16:32
avanschave you tried alsamixer?16:33
at2500yai. recording is all on and loud, also the extra micro tab in kmix16:34
avanscmm. not sure. did you do a google search on it?16:35
at2500there used to be a guide on a blog from a guy named crache but the page is offline16:35
at2500in dmesg snd-usb-audio is registered, it appears in lsusb16:36
NoviceCan  K3b create DVD slideshows?16:37
at2500in works in skype when i choose it, but i cant record from it.16:38
avanscwhat are you using to record?16:42
avanscbecause you most likely have to select it as the input device16:43
at2500QArecord. i am not even able to hear me when i just speak into it and the mic is not mutet in kmix16:43
avanscwell if it works in skype it is working on a system level16:44
avansci dont know QArecord, but if you twiddle with it you will get it working16:44
at2500what could be the reason i cant hear it on my speakers altough i activeated the record switch for it in kmix, and record is loud16:45
avanscdoes QArecord have a ossiliscope look16:46
avansclike can you visually see the sound16:46
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avansclike that?16:47
InHisName1I tried playing a DVD movie with kaffeine.  Error said I needed to run install-css.sh.  I did with sudo and all appeared to run ok.  Still get error. Rebooted, STILL get error.  Installed again. STILL get error.16:47
avanscif not. then you are most likely using something else as the input and not the logitech mic16:47
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at2500it does, but it only uses your record-path for recording. theoretically, the mics signal should be routed to that path. but then, i would also hear myself16:48
avanscindeed. i cant comment on that app, because i have not used it. but most have a must record function to avoid reverb.16:49
avanscany reason you cant use audacity?16:49
at2500mh, my aim is to hear myself on the boxes16:53
coreyBhey all, if i install kde on ubuntu 9.10, is there anyway to get kwin on gnome?16:54
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at2500afaik can you switch to kde in gdm before you log in16:56
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inclementIn gnome, my two monitors were setup properly (spreading the desktop across both) as soon as I accessed the display options. With KDE, though, when I try 'multiple desktops' I'm told that 'this module is only for configuring systems with asingle desktop spread across multiple monitors. You do not appear to have this configuration'16:57
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inclementI *want* this configuration, but...how do I set it up?16:58
inclementBoth monitors are listed correctly under 'Size & Orientation'16:58
fujimitsukwin is an integral part of the kde desktop environment.. so no, you cant have kwin on gnome16:59
coreyBfujimitsu,  that can't be true >:(16:59
coreyBthats like saying i can't get compiz on KDE16:59
fujimitsuyou try and let us know then17:00
coreyBhmk okie dokie17:00
wesleyhello I'm unable tp play mp3 in either Juk and Amarok, I installed kubuntu-restricted-extras but still I can not play mp317:00
fujimitsu!mp3 > wesley17:07
ubottuwesley, please see my private message17:07
manashow do i change the desktop theme  in Kubuntu17:15
manasim new17:15
manashave no idea about linux17:16
manasalthough ive downloaded the theme, dunno where17:16
rstob911right click on the desktop and choose folder view settings17:16
rstob911themes are there17:17
DaughainI usualy dl and untar, then look for the install......17:17
manasyes i did that17:17
manasand then installed some themes17:18
manasbut it doesnt show me those themes in the dropdown list17:18
rstob911desktop theme should be there manas17:18
rstob911you can also click on get themes17:18
DaughainOpen system settings, appearance, and add the theme and color files.17:18
DaughainAnd follow whatever dirs are in the install file.17:19
DaughainYa can also look through the desktop settings already there as well.17:20
fujimitsurstob911: you mean right click > desktop settings17:23
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rstob911fujimitsu: yes17:24
rstob911or if you have it in folder view it will be folder view settings17:24
rstob911either or17:25
Daughainfujimitsu,  COuld ya help me get a kde 3.5 karamba theme configured?17:29
DaughainTo run in kde 4.3.2?17:30
fujimitsuDaughain: i dont think i can help you with that for i am not familiar with karamba17:35
DaughainOK, thanks anyway.17:35
fujimitsuin fact, i am not into modifying the default theme .. its nice enough for me17:36
DaughainI'm trying to get a specific systems monitor functioning.17:36
DaughainI need more data than ksensors privides, and need it in a dock format I can leave actross the top of my screens.17:37
fujimitsuthe readings are faulty?17:37
DaughainNo, the cpu readings dont show at all. everything else works fine. =()17:38
DaughainThe scripot looks right, but, it just doesnt work for the cpu's.17:38
DaughainCan ya explain the grep command for me?17:42
PiciDaughain: grep "pattern" filename17:43
fujimitsuyou could open a terminal and check man page   man grep17:44
Daughainfujimitsu,   Thanks.17:44
fujimitsuabout 637 lines of wisdom about it17:45
DaughainPici,   Newb here, implementation doesnt help when I dont understand what the command does first. Thanks though.17:46
PiciDaughain: oh. It searches for a pattern (string) in a file or set of files.17:47
DaughainDoes it output this as a default, or is another command needed to place the output?17:48
PiciDaughain: It will print to stdout by default.17:48
* Daughain chuckles..17:49
DaughainThat sounds like a shot you get at the clinic. =)17:49
PiciIt will print out the results by default ;)17:49
* Daughain understood that, just found the filename amusing.17:50
mgt_Where would we be without grep? =)17:50
DaughainDunno......Once I can use it, I will answer ya, mgt_  =-)17:51
darkdelusionsDaughain: Have you even gone to bed today :)17:51
Daughaindarkdelusions,   Bed?? wuzzat?17:52
DaughainHad tpo pay the poweer bill, or all the fin goes away.17:52
Daughainfun, even.17:52
fujimitsuDaughain: this one here has a cpu monitor, but its vertical, thought i'd share anyway.. http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/monitorek?content=11786217:53
darkdelusionsam i odd for using conky when there is a plasmod for system information ;)17:54
Daughainfujimitsu,   Ya, there are tons of vetical designs......That messes with me....I *have* a horizontal one, just neeed to figure out the edots to make it work.17:54
Daughainactaully, think I even dled that one thre other night to look at. =)17:55
fujimitsui use top in terminal to monitor my system17:56
fujimitsuno eyecandy for me there17:56
fujimitsuexcept some colors17:57
DaughainPici, Thanks, you told me what I needed to find the error in the script17:59
DaughainSup, jwill18:00
jwillHey Daughain18:00
Daughainjwill,  I got that sys mon working.=)18:02
DaughainAsnd, I'm rueing nothing, since it is all stuff I need to learn anyway.18:03
DaughainNope, that kde 3.5 one.18:03
jwillDaughain: Huh.  It works fine?18:03
Daughainjwill,  Its beginning to. Got the core temps up, and that was the important part. =)18:04
DaughainNeed f=to figger out how to get em in F not C, but its a start. =)18:04
jwillHey, kde4 one works now.  I guess plasma just needed a restart after installing sensors18:05
Daughainlmsensors, or ksensors?18:05
DaughainYea, that doesnt surprise me.18:05
jwillUgh, it's just a %... there isn't even a scale.18:05
darkdelusionsDaughain: just to annoy you this is what I used for my sys mon :) it highly configable.... http://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html18:06
jwilldarkdelusions: I used that a few years ago in gnome.  Any different now?18:07
DaughainWhy would it annoy me??18:07
jwillDaughain: I thought there were no digital temps given: http://imagebin.ca/view/o4LYImq.html18:07
darkdelusionsjwill: pretty much the same18:07
NoviceAnyone know of something I can use to make slideshows without having to use command line?18:07
DaughainAnd, what is conky anyway? I keep hearing about it.18:07
darkdelusionsjwill but I like it because I can do anything with it18:08
jwillDaughain: But turns out you just have to scale it up: http://imagebin.ca/view/fri0sG.html18:08
darkdelusionsIts just a system monitor18:08
mgt_A very configurable system monitor.18:08
jwilldarkdelusions: Yeah, it's probably awesome like that.  But I was a pretty new linux user back when I tried it, so it was just confusing and annoying.18:08
mgt_Very few.18:08
Daughainlmsensors and hddinfo, anything else?18:09
DaughainAnd, can I do a command line install? =)18:09
darkdelusionsjwill: I downloaded someone else script and modified it to my liking18:09
mgt_There's a bit of Cairo there too.18:09
mgt_But it's still lighter than stuff like GKrellM.18:10
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darkdelusionsDaughain:  I was only suggesting it just incrase you couldnt find a vertical system monitor that you like18:10
Daughainlol....I appreciate that dd, thats why I was asking about dependencies and install =)18:11
darkdelusionsI didnt like alot f the KDE plasmid system monitors but then agian I tend to be a minimilist with stuff18:11
darkdelusionsDaughain: just apt-get install conky18:12
DaughainOK, it is a standard command line install, cool.18:12
DaughainNovice,  What about ksensors?18:12
NoviceDaughain: ME LIKE18:12
NoviceAnyone know of something I can use to make slideshows without having to use command line?18:12
jwillNovice: Show slide shows, or export them to a video format?18:13
jwillNovice: Gwenview shows slideshows18:13
Novicejwill: EXPORT TO VIDEO FORMAT18:14
Novicejwill: sry caps18:14
jwillNovice: There might be a kipi plugin for that, have you looked?18:14
DaughainDamn, case sensitive on that install.18:14
Novicejwill: tried using digikam18:15
jwillDaughain: Tab is your friend18:15
darkdelusionsNovice: you might wanna check out this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52188518:15
darkdelusionsI have never used any of the apps18:15
jwillNovice: You could always use kdenlive, but that's a bit overkill for just slideshows: http://www.kdenlive.org/18:15
Daughainjwill,  ???18:15
Novicejwill: finally got my N1 belkin usb to work18:15
jwillDaughain: Tab autocompletes package names in terminal18:16
Daughainjwill,  That was a general comment, not for anyone specifically. =)18:16
DaughainOh, I was refering to when it asked to continue (Y/n) section. Lowercase 'y' canceled the instal.18:16
jwillDaughain: Oh, lol18:16
jwillNovice: Cool18:17
jwillGot to run, cya18:17
fujimitsuDaughain:  that specific part is not case sensitive18:18
DaughainoK, where does conky hide itself?18:18
Daughainfujimitsu,  It sure acted it when I used a lowercase 'y'.18:18
Daughainwhen I redid the install wuth an uppercase 'y', it installed fine.18:18
fujimitsuinteresting.. never seen that happening to me18:19
Daughainfujimitsu,   I never did either. =) The shock value made me rerun the package. =)18:19
Daughaindarkdelusions,  Where does conky hide itself?18:19
darkdelusionsthis is the only hard part about conky18:21
* Daughain chuckles...18:21
darkdelusionsis you have to make an conkyrc file18:21
fujimitsuDaughain: try finding it with kickoff> computer> run command18:21
DaughainI nveer noticed that before.... =)18:21
fujimitsuor in terminal, do  sh conky18:22
darkdelusionsDaughain: this script might be up your ally18:22
darkdelusionshere is the Screen shot of it18:22
DaughainI have it running, need to kill it now.18:23
darkdelusionsjust pkill conky18:23
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Daughainpkill?? I used killall.18:24
DaughainEither way. -)18:25
darkdelusionsmeh :)18:25
darkdelusionsDaughain:  your doing that thing agian now you got me wanting to play with my conkyrc file18:27
* Daughain snickers..18:27
DaughainZSee, I'm god for getting people to learn.=)18:27
darkdelusionskinda like you got me playing with kwin desktop effects lastnight18:27
DaughainYeah, I got the effects I wanted finally. =)18:27
Daughain4 workspaces with seperate themes, plasmoids and uses. =)18:28
DaughainBut I lost my dark crystal background. =(18:28
darkdelusionsDaughain:  I dunno if you will beable to specify conky per workspace18:29
darkdelusionsI have never tried :)18:29
DaughainThink I am gonna stick with the one I am using right now, and get to know the scripting better first, then branch out into other formats.18:29
DaughainI want the sysmon on all workspaces.18:30
darkdelusionsI think it is time to go Take a shower and wake up :) been avoiding it for the past hour18:33
Daughainlol, dd.18:37
Daughain'm thiking it may be tme for sleep soon.18:37
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DaughainGonna tinker with this sysmon for a bit more, though.18:38
DaughainHey, in kwin effects, can I define 6 workspaces on the cube?18:38
DaughainOr is it limited to four like compiz seems to be?18:38
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kaddihi, has there been a major kde upgrade in the last couple of days? I got 300Mb of updates o.o18:42
DaughainVery good.18:46
kaddihi, has there been a major kde upgrade in the last couple of days? I got 300Mb of updates o.o I would like to know what I'm to expect before applying them... Is this a new kde-version (subversion?) or are those just random bugfixes that have accumulated over the holidays18:51
DaughainDamn that pastebin plasmoid is sweet!!!18:52
geniikaddi: If kdm doesn't start login to console and issue: sudo start kdm18:58
DaughainThink I may need more ram.....19:00
alextk37Всем привет! Уменя новая система. Не нарадуюсь!!!!19:01
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:01
alextk37Русские ребята есть19:02
Riddellkaddi: see kubuntu.org19:08
skiwithpetehey guys, (and gals)19:08
skiwithpeteI'm setting up my bro's comp and19:09
skiwithpetehey maco19:09
macoi was skiing this weekend19:09
macobut thats offtopic19:09
skiwithpetesetting up his comp, and installed a dodgy ati driver19:09
skiwithpeteanyways, X doesn't work anymore19:09
skiwithpetejust goes black19:09
skiwithpetewhat command do I use at prompt to reconfigureX to use the generic drivers19:10
macowhich? howd you install it?19:10
skiwithpete(I didn't, he did, and it was a restricted driver...19:10
macotry to uninstall xserver-xorg-video-fglrx19:10
macoand then reboot19:10
skiwithpetewhen I boot in recovery, and type "startx"19:11
abdifataahexcause me guys19:11
abdifataahwhat's "startx"19:11
abdifataahif u don't mind19:11
skiwithpetewhat is the command for that? sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-fglrx19:11
macoabdifataah: starts the graphics if you login from a terminal instead of having a graphical login screen19:12
Daugha|nKDE is nifty, but uses a shitload of ram.....19:13
skiwithpetecouldn't find packAGE19:13
skiwithpetedo i have the name wrong?19:13
pawel_121Daugha|n I wouldn't be so sure about ram usage19:13
skiwithpetesudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-fglrx19:13
=== Daugha|n is now known as Daughain
pawel_121Daughain it shares resources, so it's hard to measure real ram usage19:14
Daughainpawel_121,   I may just need a reboot then, I'm just about maxed out. 1487 of 162819:14
pawel_121Daughain it's probably much less19:14
Daughainpawel_121,   And some plasmoids just refuse to work.19:14
pawel_121Daughain I don't know about plasmoids :)19:14
Daughainpawel_121,   I dont either just installed kde about 43 hours ago. =)19:15
DaughainThink I'll try a reboot and see what happens.19:15
pawel_121Daughain a little about memory usage http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/shared_memory.html19:15
pawel_121Daughain take a look ;)19:15
skiwithpeteso I removed xorg-driver-fglrx and now it says, no screen found... what now?19:16
macois xserver-xorg-vide-ati still installed?19:17
Daughainskiwithpete,   Neat.19:17
macoand did you reboot?19:17
skiwithpeterebooting now19:17
skiwithpeteok, now xorg.conf says missing modules19:19
skiwithpetehow do I autoconfigureX?19:19
skiwithpeteand make a new xorg.conf in the process?19:19
irfan_is it possib?le to copy music to ipod using vlc player19:22
skiwithpetemaco are you still around to give me a hand?19:23
irfan_Pici no? i thought vlc support ipod19:23
Piciirfan_: I'm pretty sure it just plays things.19:23
Piciirfan_: You can check vlc's website though.19:24
irfan_is there any other kde application that i can use to copy music to ipod?19:24
DaughainThe joys of rebooting. =[)19:24
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skiwithpetegot it into kde now19:26
skiwithpetemore soon19:26
DaughainHey, jwill  If you can tell me how to use Klipper, I got some screenshots. =)19:30
migloirfan_ : already had a look on amarok?19:30
=== Dekans is now known as Dekans[afk]
jwillDaughain: I don't use it.  It just keeps a history of your clipboard.19:30
DaughainOk, how do I access my clipboard?19:31
jwillDaughain: Presumably some people want that functionality, but I'm not one of them.19:31
jwillDaughain: Just select something.  Middle click to paste.19:31
Daughainjwill,  I thought it *was* the clipboard.19:31
Daughainjwill,  Lappy, no middle button.19:32
jwillDaughain: Click both buttons at once.  Emulates middle click.19:32
jwillDaughain: Or you can do ctrl+c, ctrl + v, which uses a separate clipboard from select/middlemouse.19:33
DaughainI need to look up things stored on the clipboard, so I need to open it by itself.19:33
jwillDaughain: This still works without clipper; it just keeps a history, so you access the last 50 things you copied.19:33
jwillDaughain: just right click on the tray icon, I think19:33
DaughainOnlyicon I have is for this craptastic klipper thing.19:34
jwillDaughain: klipper is what I meant.  What's bad about it?19:35
DaughainI right click, and it popups up a menu, but I cant do anything with what is on the menu.19:36
jwillDaughain: Selecting one of them just copies it to your current buffer.  ie you can middle click or ctrl+V somewhere to paste it.19:38
DaughainSo, how do Imopen the clipboard itself, or dont I actualy have one to open?19:39
=== Dekans[afk] is now known as Dekans
jwillWhat do you mean by "open the clipboard"?19:41
jwillYou can access anything you previously copied in klipper.19:41
jwillDaughain: What are you trying to do?  Was there some program you previously used that did something more?19:42
Daughainjwill,  Here's two of the links19:42
DaughainI use the pastebin plasmoid to ul the pics, and it saves the address' to clipboard. I just wanted to open the clipboard so I could access the adress'.19:42
DaughainI rather like that plasmoid. =)19:43
jwillDaughain: You can.  But what are those images of?19:43
DaughainThose are two of my workspaces with the sysmon.19:44
DaughainSlowly working on figuring out what cals are needed in kde4 to support all of the monitors functions.19:45
jwillDaughain: I mean how do they pertain to the clipboard klipper thing?19:46
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DaughainI used the pastebin widget to upload them to imagebin, and the widget copies the adress to the clipboard.19:47
DaughainHow in the nine flaming hells I open the clipboard to read what has been saved to it I am still trying to figure out. =) Those were the only 2 addys I could locate.19:48
DaughainI saw what looked like the clipboard con and tried to open it, but that was just that klipper thing, and isnt doing me any good. It seems to randomly save all kinds of crap.19:49
jwillDaughain: That's because you selected it.  You can probably disable that, since you don't have an easy middle mouse button19:52
DaughainDam, I was hoping *something* would work as I expected it to. =)19:52
DaughainOK, something else to tinker with...19:53
DaughainNo, I got it, klipper saves every single thing I c&p......19:53
DaughainNeed to figger out how to disable that.19:53
jwillDaughain: It's not clipper; it's an xorg feature.19:54
jwillWait, you don't want klipper to remember everything you copy?  That's what it _does_19:54
jwillDisable that, and it doesn't do anything anymore.19:55
Daughainjwill,  Ok, I think this wil be a topic for another day then.. girl wants to go to the store...19:55
* Daughain nods..19:55
DaughainSee ya in a bit, kidz.19:57
=== ubuntu__ is now known as sfears
sven_oostenbrinkAnybody here who has experiences with dotdeb.org?20:07
jwillsven_oostenbrink: Nope.20:07
jwillsven_oostenbrink: Problems?20:07
sven_oostenbrinkjwill: yeap, dependancy problems.. trying to install php5.3.1 from dotdeb, but I keep having dependancy problems with libtool and apache.. I don't gettit, if these repos should work with ubuntu, then why don't they?20:08
jwillsven_oostenbrink: You're installing with apt-get or aptitude?20:09
sven_oostenbrinkjwill: apt-get20:09
jwillsven_oostenbrink: Ah, that's a debian website.  The stuff those packages depends on might not be in the ubuntu repos20:10
jwillsven_oostenbrink: More likely they're not up to date.20:10
sven_oostenbrinkjwill: Crap.. so I need another repo site20:10
sven_oostenbrinkI thought ubuntu and debian were pretty close in package versions20:10
jwillsven_oostenbrink: Here's a solution to that issue specifically: http://blog.astrumfutura.com/archives/427-Installing-PHP-5.3.1-On-Ubuntu-9.10-Karmic-Koala-With-aptitudeapt-get.html20:11
jwillsven_oostenbrink: "These are perfectly compatible with Ubtuntu 9.10 and only require the manual installation of two extra dependencies which Ubuntu cannot resolve itself."20:11
jwillsven_oostenbrink: Looks like you need to manually install two more things.  Presumably libtools and apache20:11
sven_oostenbrinkjwill: ah, but only two , or two + 20.000 dependancies? thats always the thing :)20:12
sven_oostenbrinkjwill: where could I find these debian deb files?20:12
jwillIt says on that blog20:12
jwillsven_oostenbrink: Looks like a pain unless you really need php 5.3.120:13
sven_oostenbrinkjwill: well, I do need php5.3, but I want to install the ssh2 extension, which seems to be a pain so far..I manually compiled php5.3 and it works, but pecl install fails20:15
sven_oostenbrinkI was hoping that a package install would yield better results20:15
jwillsven_oostenbrink: The blog probably works, I'd just follow what it says to do.20:17
sven_oostenbrinkjwill: well, jumping more directly to my problem.. the ssh2 extension, pecl install fails.. have any experiences there?20:17
jwillNone whatever.20:17
sven_oostenbrinkjwill: Checking php channel20:20
coreyBhey,. my internet is really slow on kubuntu 9.1020:22
coreyBany ideas?20:22
mgt_coreyB: Could be anything. Do you have any further info?20:22
coreyBnope, it works fine in windows :|20:23
jwillcoreyB: Maybe you're downloading packages in the background?  Have you checked your network activity?20:23
coreyBtheres nothing downloading in the background20:24
jwillHave you checked your network activity?20:24
coreyBno ones on my network besides me20:24
coreyBits deffinatly kubuntu 9.10's fault20:24
jwillHave you checked your network activity?20:25
jwillUsing something like system monitor?20:25
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jwillcoreyB: And there's no upload/download?20:26
coreyBnope, after about 20 seconds waiting for a page to load, theres finally a little download20:26
coreyBits a wired connection also20:27
coreyBjwill,  is there anyway to set a dns?20:28
jwillcoreyB: Yeah20:28
coreyBmind explaining how?20:28
jwillcoreyB: What, did you try getting to a page with the IP address and found it faster?20:28
coreyBjwill,  no i haven't tried, but im pretty sure its a ipv6 issue20:29
coreyBconsidering all the bugs kubuntu 9.10 & ubuntu 9.10 has with ipv620:29
jwillcoreyB: Well, go to connection settings (right click on knetworkmanager in tray)20:29
coreyBjwill,  i tried there, is there maybe a text file that i can set?20:29
jwillcoreyB: You can set your DNS from the GUI20:30
coreyBtheres no network thing, and when i add one it doesn't connect to it.20:30
jwillIf you want to use the command line, there is a file, one sec20:30
jwillforget where it is20:30
jwillcoreyB: Ah yes, /etc/resolv.conf20:31
jwillThen just change the nameserver entries to your desired DNS20:31
coreyBall i see is # Generated by network manager, and also nameserver (the ip of my router)20:31
coreyBoo ok20:31
coreyBlol ^20:32
jwillBut you could just set your dns on your router20:32
coreyBok sec20:32
coreyBhmk jwill  that didn't help20:33
jwillYou can test with "dig google.com" or some other url20:33
coreyByes going to the direct IP is way faster20:33
jwillReally?  Neat.20:33
jwillThink I'll try the google dns while I'm at it20:34
coreyBthats what i was using20:34
coreyBjwill,  well any other ideas?20:35
jwillcoreyB: Wow, that's 6 times slower20:35
coreyBO.O its faster for me lol20:36
jwillI'm getting 3 ms lookup times with my default dns20:36
jwillUniversity internet = f*cking awesome20:36
coreyBjwill,  mind googling around for me? its way to slow..20:38
r4v3nsw0rdhow do you change either the color of the text or the color of the background in the hover texts?20:39
jwillcoreyB: Thinking20:40
jwillr4v3nsw0rd: Go to System Settings -> Appearance -> colours20:40
jwillr4v3nsw0rd: And edit the colour that co-oresponds to the popup things20:41
infh4x0rr4v3nsword system settings > appearance > color20:41
coreyBjwill,  may i pm you?20:41
r4v3nsw0rdk, thanks20:42
coreyBjwill,  the nsswitch one20:46
coreyBthat is the solution i believe20:46
jwillOh, neat20:46
jwillcoreyB: About the 3ms thing.. that was dns caching.  It's actually 20ms, which is still 6 times faster than google.20:47
inclementDoes anyone know how to tell xrandr which screen is the 'main' one, where KDE should put the panels?20:48
inclementGnome uses the left, VGA screen (correctly), KDE puts them on the right (DVI) screen, which I don't want20:48
inclementAnd I can't work out what on Earth they might be doing differently20:48
jwillinclement: Is it in multi-monitor settings?20:50
jwillinclement: I can't look at it because I don't have two monitors D:20:51
inclementIn 'System Settings'?20:51
coreyBjwill,  much much faster, any idea what DNS i should use?20:52
jwillcoreyB: Thought goole was fast for you?20:54
coreyByeah, but i dont like the idea of google seeing every site i go to20:54
jwillcoreyB: If you live close to it, UltraDNS is faster, and OpenDNS is just as fast.20:54
jwillcoreyB: Here's an interesting link about it: http://www.manu-j.com/blog/opendns-alternative-google-dns-rocks/403/20:55
sfearsmindspring dns
jwillIs that earthlink?20:56
coreyByeah jwill looks like it20:58
coreyBjwill http://i45.tinypic.com/2j0md1t.png21:01
coreyBhow would i set a dns?21:01
jwillYou just did21:01
coreyBlook though ^21:02
coreyBi wanna set it via the GUI now  >:21:02
jwill<jwill> coreyB: Ah yes, /etc/resolv.conf21:02
jwill<jwill> Then just change the nameserver entries to your desired DNS21:02
jwillcoreyB: Commandline is faster and better once you know how to do something.21:03
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coreyBah okie dokie21:04
coreyBjwill,  something keeps changing it back >:21:04
jwillcoreyB: Ahh, that's probably knetworkmanager21:05
jwillcoreyB: I guess you have to set it through that21:05
coreyByeah jwill, look at it though, theres no where to set it >:(21:05
jwillYeah there is21:05
jwillcoreyB: http://imagebin.ca/view/3yKgZe.html21:06
coreyBoo pretty desktop btw21:06
jwillOops, that's wrong spot D:21:07
coreyBdo i click wired then add?21:07
coreyBshould i check connect automatically?21:08
jwillcoreyB: http://imagebin.ca/view/Vvn8_kWf.html is what final conf should look like, but with whatever DNS ip you want21:09
coreyByup did it just like that21:09
jwillThat should work, then21:09
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coreyBbut the resolv.conf shows a different ip still..21:10
jwillcoreyB: Did you select that connection?21:10
jwillcoreyB: Also, I'm not sure how to denote multiple DNS servers.  Space didn't stay...21:11
jwillcoreyB: Try with just one for now21:11
coreyBstill changing it back >:(21:12
jwillcoreyB: Do dig | grep ";; SERVER"21:13
jwillcoreyB: And see if that's your new or old DNS server21:13
coreyBold one21:14
jwillcoreyB: If you're new to linux, pipes (|) are awesome.  They redirect output from command on left side to command on right side21:14
jwillcoreyB: Hmm.  That sucks.21:14
coreyBsec im gonna try setting in the router21:16
jwillcoreyB: Looks like it's a confirmed bug.  I think you can stop knetworkmanager from resetting /etc/resolv.conf21:18
jwillcoreyB: https://bugs.launchpad.net/knetworkmanager/+bug/38216121:21
coreyBjwill,  much faster :D21:21
coreyB26 ish ms on google21:21
jwill<jwill> coreyB: https://bugs.launchpad.net/knetworkmanager/+bug/38216121:22
coreyBah ok so its not my fault now is it?21:23
=== Dekans is now known as Dekans[afk]
jwillcoreyB: Yeah.  Ugh, doesn't even seem to be a workaround posted there.21:24
jwillcoreyB: This is why kubuntu is known as one of the worst KDE distros around.21:24
jwillcoreyB: Although it could be a KDE bug...21:24
llutz99% of desktop installations would have less issues using good old ifupdown (even if not maintained anymore) rather than using nm21:25
jwillllutz: Never heard of it.  What was it?21:25
llutzjwill: ifupdown, that old fashioned way to configure your network with /etc/network/interfaces21:26
jwillcoreyB: You're good now, since your router is handling it.  But it's still a bug...21:26
coreyBthose are the only problems i had so far with kubuntu21:27
jwillcoreyB: Still more than I've had on this install :S21:28
jwillcoreyB: While you're fixing kde stuff, you might want to install the missing packages so your file indexer works.21:29
coreyBalso the kubuntu installer is buggy21:29
jwillcoreyB: ?21:29
coreyBwhen you install kubunt, you HAVE to let it do everything, you cant click skip, or else it crashes21:29
itu hi21:30
jwillcoreyB: Skip what, the install?21:31
jwillitu: Hey.21:31
=== Dekans[afk] is now known as Dekans
itunow i have succesfully installed nvidia-driver  Question: how to change the 'dpi' ?21:31
jwillResolution, or font dpi?21:31
coreyBjwill,  no no no, when you boot the live CD, and it says 'configuring APT' it gives you an option to skip, and once you skip it just crashes21:31
jwillcoreyB: Hmm.  Might have had something to do with your network issues?21:32
itui mean the 'dpi' for the 'whole desktop'21:32
jwillRight, the resolution.  It's in System Settings21:33
jwillitu: KTorrent appears to have locked plasma up again, so someone else will have to tell you where...21:33
itu KTorrent?21:34
Daughainkde bittorrent client21:34
ituhow is Ktorrent related to my problem?21:35
Daughainitu,  jwill 's client has locked, not yours.21:35
jwillRelated to your problem because I can't help you D:21:35
Daughainitu,   I'm gfoing to guess he was gonna give you a link to dl something.21:36
jwillDaughain: Tell him where to change display resolution in System Settings21:36
coreyByou just go in the system settings, and click display21:39
jwillitu: ^21:39
coreyBthen it says 'size' and just click it :P21:39
itu(ok, i found how to change fonts/ize generally)21:40
Daughainjwill,  Sorry,was getting a drink.21:43
francesco_can u put a link where i22:11
francesco_can download a film: christmas carlo?22:12
coreyBfrancesco_,  we don't help with that.22:12
francesco_ok thank u22:12
francesco_u konw someone can help me?22:13
mcprtkHi people22:15
Planetaryi just installed kubuntu 9.10 and it doesnt boot. it says no operating system found... oh no.. any thoughts22:16
mcprtkis there any user-manager in kde4??? I remember there is one in KDE3!22:16
DaughainPlanetary, Are you sure you instaled it to the right drive/partition?  =)22:17
DaughainYou install from livecd?22:17
Planetaryi have 2 drives and i changed my boot priority. yes i installed from live cd. i am running live now to try to fix it22:17
DaughainPlanetary,  Ok, are you sure the disk is healthy?? I found out one went bad when I installed Jaunty on her system,.22:18
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Planetaryyaaa not 100% sure. it did work fine with the windows disk as media and such22:20
Planetaryi suspect thats the problem if it fails to load grub22:20
* Daughain nods.22:21
Planetarywhy would it not boot but be fine at everything else22:21
DaughainDepends on what sector was writtten to on the install.22:21
DaughainIf you have a group of bad sectors and grub is written to them, no boot.22:22
Planetaryohh, i moved stuff around to try to ger / at the begining22:22
JontheEchidnamcprtk: which versino of kubuntu are you using?22:22
DaughainIf oyu have scattered bad sectors, you may get boot, but wit limited finctionality.22:22
Planetaryim in teh live cd and it says grub is not installed22:23
Planetaryis that a sign?22:23
DaughainProlly.......Can you locate the install log?22:23
Planetaryoah no. where is it?22:24
DaughainUmmmmm.......I fdunno eother.22:24
Planetaryill look22:24
DaughainMostly a newb here too.22:25
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
pinkisntwellhey guys22:27
pinkisntwellkubuntu 9.10 comes with kde3 right?22:27
coreyBuhm, im not all to sure, but i think kde4 i *could* be wrong22:28
DaughainSHould be kde4........Not positive, though.22:28
jwillKDE 4.322:28
* jwill is positive22:28
pinkisntwelljwill: remember me?22:28
jwillpinkisntwell: You had a plasma problem?22:29
pinkisntwelljwill: yes22:29
Daughainjwill,   Wssup.22:29
jwillPlanetary: How far does the boot get?22:29
johnny_i'm running kubuntu 9.1022:29
johnny_and no, it comes with kde 4.322:29
johnny_(which in my opinion is way better than 3)22:29
pinkisntwellso since i didn't find anyone who can even understand the error i'm having, let alone fixing it, i decided to try and rectify the situation by going back22:30
Planetaryno where. It doesnt get to grub. it says no operating system found after post22:30
jwillpinkisntwell: Reinstalling?22:30
pinkisntwellhow do i disable the plasma-desktop and the like to go back to a usable desktop environment?22:30
jwillPlanetary: Ah.  That's bad.22:30
pinkisntwellno, can't i just go back a kde version or something?22:30
Planetaryjwill, ya i think its messed up disk22:30
jwillPlanetary: There a lot of things you can try with that; it's well documented22:31
jwillPlanetary: What did you do just before it stopped booting?22:31
mgt_Planetary: Maybe you just need to reinstall GRUB.22:31
pinkisntwellso my question is, how do i go back a kde version?22:31
Planetaryjwill. i couldnt seem to find anything. its a fresh install.22:32
Daughainpinkisntwell, you did a fresh install of 9.10?22:32
jwillmgt_, Planetary: There are instructions for reinstalling GRUB here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows22:32
Daughainpinkisntwell,   I dont beleive you can go back.22:32
pinkisntwellDaughain: ???22:33
mgt_pinkisntwell: Switch to Debian Lenny.22:33
jwillpinkisntwell: You would probably be ebst off just reinstalling22:33
pinkisntwellwait, if i install something it can't be uninstalled?22:33
Daughainpinkisntwell,  Unless you uininstall kde4 manually, and reinstall kde 3.x, I dont think you can 'go back' as you put it.22:33
jwillmgt_: He's a new linux user... and this is the #kubuntu channel22:33
pinkisntwellDaughain: ok that's what i want to do then22:34
mgt_jwill: True, but I can't see any other way around it since Kubuntu has moved to KDE4. Even 8.04 LTS, I think.22:34
Daughainpinkisntwell,   You installed an ubunytu ver that has kde preconfigured, so to speak, the only way you can change that would be manualy reconfiguring kde entirely.22:35
pinkisntwellDaughain: what does that mean?22:35
jwillmgt_: Right.  He just thinks going back will fix his problem.  But it would be as easy to reinstall kubuntu as it would be to install debian for kde322:35
DaughainJust install ubuntu, and add thr kde packages manually. :P22:35
jwillpinkisntwell: Going back to kde3 would be just as much work as reinstalling kde4.22:36
pinkisntwelljwill: so what should i do?22:36
DaughainProlly more work....22:36
DaughainIs kde3 still in the repos?22:36
Daughainpinkisntwell,  Install Ubuntu, or debian, or reinatsll kubuntu.22:37
jwillpinkisntwell: If making a new user doesn't work, you should just back up your data and reinstall22:37
DaughainAll eaqually easy, at this point.22:37
pinkisntwelljwill: but the same thing will happen again after i reinstall22:38
jwillpinkisntwell: I don't follow your logic.22:39
pinkisntwelli installed kubuntu 3 days ago22:39
pinkisntwellit asked to update itself and it broke plasma-desktop22:39
jwillpinkisntwell: You were the one who manually removed his video driver, right?22:39
pinkisntwellif i reinstall the same thing will happen right?22:39
pinkisntwelljwill: no i'm not22:39
jwillpinkisntwell: It probably won't.  If you're afraid of it happening, you could just not update, except for security updates.22:40
pinkisntwelljwill: is this supposed to be a solution?22:40
pinkisntwelljwill: it probably won't? so i'm just gonna update and cross my fingers?22:40
jwillpinkisntwell: I'm sorry, I thought we were helping people in our free time with no compensation except said person thanking us...22:41
pinkisntwelljwill: ?22:41
jwillpinkisntwell: I guess I'll ship you a replacement computer.22:41
Daughainpinkisntwell,  If you want a solution, I gave you one. , jwill  gave you one and mgt_  have you one22:41
pinkisntwellDaughain: is a reinstall considered a solution?22:42
pinkisntwellDaughain: is like cutting off your hand being a solution for when your hand hurts22:42
Daughainpinkisntwell,  In the situation you are in yes.22:42
Daughainpin, I did four total instals before I got this sys configured the way I like, so what?22:42
wankdankerpinkisntwell: did you try making a new user as mentioned by jwill?22:43
pinkisntwellwankdanker: yes22:43
pinkisntwellwankdanker: i tried deleting all plasma config files too22:43
wankdankerpinkisntwell: have you installed any plasmoids recently?22:43
jwillpinkisntwell: Reinstall with kubuntu takes half an hour of your time, tops.22:43
DaughainAnds, pinkisntwell , two people suggested installing a different OS.22:43
jwillwankdanker: Can't be that, because he tried removing his .kde, which takes all widgets off his desktop (except default ones...)22:44
pinkisntwelljwill: even booting the cd takes 10 minutes22:44
wankdankerjwill: just curious if one of the plasmoids from the repos is causing the issue22:44
pinkisntwelljwill: and what about the time to reinstall and reconfigure all my apps?22:45
mgt_pinkisntwell: Unless you're on a slow net connection, apt-getting your programs doesn't take very long. As for configuration, just back up /etc22:45
jwillpinkisntwell: Back up your .folders in your home dir.  They have all your config.22:47
jwillpinkisntwell: If you don't want to download again, checkout aptoncd, which easily backs up packages to a cd/dvd.22:47
pinkisntwelljwill: look22:48
pinkisntwelljwill: let's forget about the reinstall, if i'm gonna reinstall it certainly won't be with kubuntu again, so the point is moot22:48
wankdankerpinkisntwell: ok, if you aren't going to re-install, did you try removing the plasma desktop components and then reinstalling?22:49
Edodoes anyone have experience in openvpn?22:49
pinkisntwellwankdanker: how do i do that?22:49
mgt_Edo: I have some.22:49
jwillAhh, the good old windows-user-threatening-to-switch-back-if-we-don't-help-him22:50
pinkisntwelljwill: huh? when did i do that?22:51
pinkisntwelljwill: you brought up windows22:51
wankdankerpinkisntwell: it would be something along the lines of sudo apt-get remove kdebase-plasma22:51
EdoExcellent. Currently I'm having issues with using my newly setup vpn. I followed the ubuntu docs in setting up the openvpn server and have successfully connected to it, but I am unable to use it.22:51
pinkisntwellwankdanker: along the lines? how can i find out for sure?22:51
Daughainjwill,   I remember when reinstall was an expected part of the yearly windows ritual. =)22:51
mgt_Edo: Is it a routed VPN or a bridged VPN?22:51
wankdankerpinkisntwell: i will let you know for sure. i just need to test it out here.22:52
mgt_Daughain: It still is. You got to clear the registry somehow. =)22:52
Edoif i followed the instructions, it should be ether bridged22:52
inclementI think I've force killed something important in the window manager. I still have a terminal. Is there something I can type to logout safely?22:52
Daughainmgt_,   Wel, they do have a god assortment of apps for uch issues these days, but.....22:52
pinkisntwellwankdanker: ok22:52
Edomgt_: here are the instructions I followed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN22:53
mgt_Edo: Yeah, I remember coming across that myself.22:54
Edomgt_: as for the client, I used the windows GUI app from here. http://openvpn.se/22:55
mgt_Edo: So you can connect to it?22:55
Edomgt_: I can actually and I'm given an ip. However, I am not able to see my servers samba or tunnel through it or anything really.22:56
mgt_Edo: Ah ok.22:56
mgt_Edo: So you want access to services on the same LAN as the openVPN server?22:57
Edomgt_: I wish to use it, just like a local network. In which I can do Lan games, file share, web browse, etc.22:57
NeteHello, I have no sound. And I just did a little bit ago. All the mixer levels are all the way up.22:58
Edomgt_: I want all activity to go through my VPN.22:58
Edomgt_: as if I was at home hooked up to my router.22:59
DaughainNete,   Do you have no sound at all, or only no sound for a particular device/format?22:59
pinkisntwellNete: try going into systemsetting to the audio options and pick a different device, same thing happened to me today22:59
pinkisntwellNete: it fixes itself and breaks again randomly with each boot22:59
mgt_Edo: I've been using ALS so much I'm a bit rusty on my bare-iron openVPN. Can you ping the other machines on the LAN?23:00
NeteDaughain: I have no youtube, mp3, m4u etc23:00
mgt_Edo: e.g. ping the samba server?23:00
DaughainNete,  cd or dvd?23:00
Edomgt_: No. So far only my laptop is connected to the VPN. The server which is running VPN also runs samba in which I'm trying to connect. Do I need my server to connect to the VPN service?23:01
NeteDaughain: Haven't tried it yet. pinkisntwell:23:02
Neteboth my devices dont work23:02
wankdankerpinkisntwell: sudo apt-get remove kdebase-workspace-bin23:02
wankdankerpinkisntwell: that will remove plasma-desktop23:02
Edomgt_: I've tried all the ips. The vpn and the fixed ip the router at home gives my server.23:02
pinkisntwellwankdanker: and then i reinstall the same package?23:02
DaughainNete,  How recently were they working?23:02
Edomgt_; neither work.23:02
mgt_Edo: So you get "Host not found" if you try and ping the IP?23:03
wankdankerpinkisntwell: be sure to note what other packages will be automatically uninstalled so that you can install install it again.23:03
wankdankerpinkisntwell: yes, sudo apt-get install kdebase-workspace-bin23:03
NeteDaughain: I think they were working before I hibernated my machine. I'23:03
NeteI'm going to restart.23:04
DaughainNete,  Have you tried a full reboot?23:04
* Daughain nods.23:04
pinkisntwellwankdanker: thanks, i will try this now23:04
wankdankerpinkisntwell: what i would do is remove kdebase-workspace-bin, noting the other packages, then re-install kdebase-workspace-bin, then try to run plasma-desktop to see if you get the same error23:04
Edomgt_: "7Ping request could not find host RedQueen"23:04
pinkisntwellwankdanker: indeed this sounds smart23:04
wankdankerpinkisntwell: after that, then install the other packages that were auto-removed23:04
pinkisntwellk3b kdebase-workspace-bin kpackagekit kubuntu-desktop plasma-widget-networkmanagement update-notifier-kde23:05
pinkisntwellthese packages will be removed23:05
mgt_Edo: Right, so evidently you're not actually connected to the LAN.23:05
wankdankerpinkisntwell: then try killing plasma-desktop and restarting it to see if the error occurs again.23:05
wankdankerpinkisntwell: ok that's what was removed on mine as well.23:05
pinkisntwellok moving on23:05
DaughainWB jwill .23:06
Edomgt_: I see, so my guess that my ethernet bridge is not working is correct?23:06
jwillDaughain: Computer hung to the extent that neither ctrl+backspace nor ALT+SYSREQ+R-E-I-S-U-B did anything... o_o23:07
NeteDaughain: I'm back...23:07
jwillMouse cursor wouldn't even move23:07
pinkisntwellok i reinstalled and reran plasma-desktop and they same thing happened23:07
Nete*is testing23:07
mgt_Edo: Precisely. But we need to know why.23:07
Torchhi there23:07
Daughainjwill,  Yeah, I had a similar issue earlier, I managed to shut down befor it got that bad though. =)23:07
DaughainNeed nmore ram.23:07
pinkisntwellwankdanker: do i need to reboot in between?23:07
mgt_Edo: Chances are it's the bridged network interfaces. They're infamously problematic.23:07
wankdankerpinkisntwell: no23:07
DaughainNete,  Any love?23:07
jwillDaughain: That's the thing, it didn't get worse.  It just stopped instantly and completely.23:08
pinkisntwellwankdanker: so then it didn't work23:08
Daughainjwill,  Ouch, which process?23:08
pinkisntwellso how do install kde 4.3.4 then?23:08
Edomgt_: If this is true then I have this thing here... http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/miscellaneous/76-ethernet-bridging.html23:08
Torchpinkisntwell: see topic ;-)23:08
wankdankerpinkisntwell: please run "aptitude search plasma | grep ^i" and paste the contents to some online paster thing.23:08
jwillpinkisntwell: What version do you currently have, anyways?23:08
NeteDaughain: Loud classic "Dies Aeire" blaring in my ears, what a sound :)23:08
DaughainNete,   There've ben a bunch of reports dealing with swap issues during hibernation.23:09
Edomgt_: at the bottom of the page are the startup and down executables23:09
NeteDaughain: I see23:09
luis_i need help i am desesperated already! for some reason firefox download helper conversions are failing!!! but before christmas i could download and convert any song from flv to mp3 from youtube, whats happening people...!?23:09
Edomgt_: the problem is I ddon't know how to implement them. The page is misleading.23:09
DaughainNete,  Ya, its a bug, but I dont know if a fix is out yet.23:09
NeteDaughain: BTW how do you set a status in irc?23:10
DaughainNete,  HUnh?23:10
pinkisntwellwankdanker: http://pastebin.ca/174078423:10
NeteLike * Daughain nods23:10
Edomgt_: as for the network/interfaces file just refer back to the first link. That is how I have it setup, word for word.23:10
DaughainThaqts not a status, thats an action, use ./me <action>23:11
mgt_Edo: What, as in you don't know how to run the Up and Down executables?23:11
Nete./me test23:11
pinkisntwellwankdanker: looks normal?23:11
Nete./me <test>23:11
Daughainthe . is a placeholder, remove it before typing.23:11
wankdankerpinkisntwell: yeah looks ok, but you have less stuff installed than i do. but you are also on 4.3.2, i'm on 4.3.423:12
Edomgt_: those two files that I am to use, I don't know how to make them run automatically... or whatever. OR what directory they should be in.23:12
pinkisntwellwankdanker: ok can you help me install 4.3.4?23:12
* Nete <test>23:12
DaughainNete,  Now remove the <> from your action.23:12
Edomgt_: then again I am not sure if I am suppose to use those or not either....23:12
mgt_Edo: They should be in /etc/openvpn/23:12
NeteDaughain: Thanks for the help!23:12
mgt_Edo: You definitely do need to run them. They bring the bridged interfaces up and down.23:13
wankdankerpinkisntwell: which version of kubuntu are you using? "cat /etc/lsb-release"23:13
DaughainNete,  NP.23:13
Edomgt_: Okay, I'll add those now, and do a service restart on openvpn and see if that works. It should only take a minute.23:13
mgt_Make sure to run the "Up" script after you start the openVPN daemon.23:14
wankdankerpinkisntwell: you should be able to upgrade with "sudo apt-get update &&  sudo apt-get upgrade"23:14
pinkisntwellwankdanker: i think not23:15
pinkisntwellwankdanker: i already tried that23:15
* Daughain laughs.23:15
wankdankerpinkisntwell: you may want to finish re-installing the other packages that were auto-removed first23:15
wankdankerpinkisntwell: did you try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?23:15
Torchwankdanker: nah, he needs to add the kubuntu ppa first23:15
pinkisntwellTorch: ppa?23:16
Torchpinkisntwell: yep ;-)23:16
pinkisntwellTorch: what's that?23:16
wankdankerTorch: oh, i forgot that i might have added those.23:16
wankdankerTorch: i thought 4.3.4 was in karmic by default. sorry.23:16
Torchpinkisntwell:  http://pastebin.ca/174079223:16
pinkisntwellTorch: extra repos?23:17
Torchpinkisntwell: yes, 4.3.4 is unofficial on karmic23:17
Torchpinkisntwell: so you need to add an extra repo for it23:17
pinkisntwellTorch: ok adding them now23:17
pinkisntwellfirst line gives no such file or directory23:18
Torchpinkisntwell: wait.. that wasn't for you to type ;-)23:18
pinkisntwellTorch: what was it then?23:18
Torchpinkisntwell: create a file with that name. it won't exist. and insert those two lines i cat'ted23:18
Torchpinkisntwell: as root, of course. then apt-get update.23:19
pinkisntwellTorch: oh sorry23:19
pinkisntwellTorch: thanks23:19
Torchpinkisntwell: np23:19
kamolai'll install kubuntu in 6 hours23:19
kamolado ya guys think my belkin g wireless adapter driver is included in the kernel?23:20
kamolai'm just a real noob23:20
Daughainkamola,   Why wait so long to install?23:20
kamolabut ni nwill support kubuntu as long i live23:20
wankdankerTorch: i have 4.3.4 without ppa, is it possible that it's in karmic backports?23:20
kamolai have only 768 kbit/s internet23:21
Daughainkamola,  Ouch........That sucs.23:21
kamolayes :|23:21
pinkisntwellwhat's a notepad-like text editor on kde?23:21
kamolabut a friend told me that we'll become vdsl23:22
wankdankerpinkisntwell: kate23:22
comawhitepinkisntwell: kate?23:22
kamolaand this would be enouigh for almost 1 year i think...23:22
wankdankerpinkisntwell: kwrite is like notepad, kate is like notpad on steroids23:22
DaughainOr, gedit if you upgraded from ubuntu, instead of doing thr kubuntu instal. =)23:23
pinkisntwellwankdanker: thanks23:23
Edomgt_: nothing still23:23
pinkisntwellTorch: ok i created that file now what?23:23
Daughainkamola,  I feel your pain, I recently spent a month on dialup.23:23
DaughainErr....A year, sorry.23:23
mgt_Edo: Did you run the Up script?23:23
* comawhite shudders at thought of being on dialup23:24
wankdankerpinkisntwell: http://www.kubuntu.org/node/12623:24
Daughainrule #1  CHeck net access *befre* worrying about the lease. =)23:24
kamolait has been pretty ok for the last years23:24
kamolabut now23:24
kamolai want to become a small linux nerd23:24
comawhiteby the time you download KDE-4.3.4, KDE-4.4.4 will be released :P23:25
Daughaincomawhite, lol.23:25
pinkisntwellwankdanker: does that mean i should try apt-get update and upgrade?23:25
wankdankerpinkisntwell: apparently as of yesterday, the 4.3.4 packages should be pulled from karmic backports23:25
Edomgt_: how do I run an .sh script actually. This is where my skills show23:25
wankdankerpinkisntwell: after ensuring that the backports line in your /etc/apt/sources.list is enabled23:26
wankdankerpinkisntwell: either way if you use Torch's advice and use the ppa or use the advice from kubuntu.org, after you have the appropriate settings in /etc/apt/sources.list, you will need to apt-get update and upgrade23:27
Daughainkamola,  I;m a newb too, so I dunno the answer to your driver question, though, I would expect it to be.23:27
maurihow can i install msdos into pendrive23:27
kamolaDaughain: i think it will work....23:27
=== sven_oostenbrink is now known as phoenixz
Daughainmauri unet23:28
wankdankerpinkisntwell: you may also need to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:28
kamolaif it doesn't a buy another wifi stick23:28
Daughainkamola,  I expect it will.23:28
pinkisntwellwankdanker: too late, i already started23:28
wankdankerpinkisntwell: it's ok.23:28
kamolathx for help Daughain23:28
pinkisntwellit complains that some amarok packages are unauthenticated23:28
pinkisntwellwhat's that?23:28
mauriDaughain: unet?23:28
DaughainOh, are youp using kubuntu 9.10?23:28
Daughainmauri,  google unet bootin23:29
wankdankerpinkisntwell: those may be being pulled from the ppa23:29
Edomgt_: I just tried to run it and I receive an error23:29
wankdankerpinkisntwell: it's likely to be ok and will probably work, but are not official packages23:29
pinkisntwellok upgrading now23:29
wankdankerpinkisntwell: godspeed :)23:30
mauriDaughain: i've already tried it but it installs syslinux as bootloader and i want only dos to start at the start up...i dont know if it possibile23:30
pinkisntwellwankdanker: i'm fast at the keyboard and slow in the head23:30
pinkisntwellwankdanker: those two go together23:30
Edomgt_: mtu: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device23:31
Edomtu: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device23:31
EdoIncorrect number of arguments for command23:31
EdoUsage: brctl addif <bridge> <device>add interface to bridge23:31
wankdankerpinkisntwell: i hear you. i'm that way a lot of the time too. the good thing about apt is that you can usually work your way back to a working system if you mess anything up23:31
FloodBotK1Edo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
pinkisntwellwankdanker: it's got like a 100 packages lined up i hope more stuff don't break23:31
Daughainmauri, Hmmmmm DOS....Might try an autoexec.bat edit.23:31
wankdankerpinkisntwell: yeah, a lot of stuff is going to change going from 4.3.2 to 4.3.4, i hope it fixes!23:31
Daughainmauri, I dont remember how many decades its been since I messed around with dos.=)23:32
mauriDaughain: I know.... but it is only a trial in order to understand how to use fdsisk in linux23:33
DaughainAlso, you will need to edit the BIOS boot settings before anything will boot off of USB.23:33
DaughainAnd,if the mobo doesnt support USB boot options, you wot be able to at all.23:34
pinkisntwellwankdanker: going to make some milk until it downloads and hope it gets fixed so i don't bother you guys again23:34
mauriDaughain: yes yes i konw......tnk for youur time23:35
Daughainmauri,   Np, not sure how much help I was, though.23:36
BixOun3yCOucou :)23:37
BixOun3yil ya peut etre personne qui me voit ?23:37
Torchpinkisntwell: 100 packages is rather normal for a kde minor upgrade in kubuntu23:37
mauriDaughain: do you know when will be releaseed a new kernel version for karmic?23:38
Daughainmauri,  No.....#ubunbtu would be a better place to ask about that.23:38
Edomgt_: still there?23:38
wankdankerpinkisntwell: ok. i hope it works out for you. i23:38
pinkisntwellwankdanker: when it's done do i need to restart?23:40
wankdankerpinkisntwell: technically, probably not, but it might be a good idea. if you don't want to restart, i'd suggest at least doing /etc/init.d/kdm restart or service kdm restart (the new way)23:41
pinkisntwellwankdanker: ok23:41
pinkisntwellwankdanker: you're really helpful, thanks for going through the trouble to help me23:42
wankdankerpinkisntwell: you are welcome. i know how it goes. :)23:42
wankdankerpinkisntwell: i'm logging right now. i may log in again in a few hours and look for you if you still need help.23:44
pinkisntwellwankdanker: ok thanks for all the help23:45
wankdankerpinkisntwell: you bet! good luck.23:45
Daughaindarkdelusions, I beleive sleep is calling. Peace.23:47
=== Daughain is now known as Dau`Gone
Torchpinkisntwell: so how's it going?23:49
pinkisntwellTorch: just finished installing 4.3.423:49
pinkisntwellTorch: and the same thing happens23:49
pinkisntwellTorch: so...23:49
Torchpinkisntwell: and you did log out, restart x and log in again?23:49
pinkisntwellTorch: i did service kdm restart23:50
Torchpinkisntwell: that't basically the sam23:50
Torchpinkisntwell: oh well.23:50
pinkisntwellTorch: so it's well broken then23:50
Torchpinkisntwell: apparently yes, indeed.23:50
pinkisntwellTorch: so what am i gonna do now?23:51
pinkisntwellTorch: i don't feel like going through the trouble of installing again only to end up with the same problem23:51
Torchpinkisntwell: well... i'm out of ideas23:51
Torchpinkisntwell: reinstalling will take you ONE hour.23:51
Edomgt_: still there?23:51
Torchpinkisntwell: how long have you fought this already?23:51
pinkisntwellTorch: yes but i will get the same problem right?23:51
pinkisntwellif you don't fix something it will come back23:52
Torchpinkisntwell: i see and understand your point. but the options are few.23:52
pinkisntwellTorch: actually reinstalling only to get the same problem is not an option23:52
pinkisntwellTorch: i think i'm just gonna install a different distro23:53
pinkisntwelllet's take it to #kde23:53
Dau`Gonepinkisntwell,   Install Ubuntu, not kubuntu, then add kde4.3, that way you will still have gnome if you have any more kde problems.23:53
Torchpinkisntwell: #kde-chat, please23:53
Dau`GoneNight all.23:56

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