
=== thorwil__ is now known as thorwil
thorwilkwwii: strange, if i do a search for "ubuntu artwork", the description for Ubuntu Artwork reads: "Creating an amazing set of new wallpapers for the next Ubuntu release, the Karmic Koala - Ubuntu 9.10"10:57
thorwilthe blurb on http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork/ is up-to-date and obviously independent10:58
kwwiithorwil: hrm, where is that?11:07
kwwiiI guess it is a left over from when I made the group11:08
thorwili would guess so, too11:08
thorwilbut does it remain editable?11:09
kwwiiI fixed it11:09
kwwiithanks for pointing that out11:09
thorwilnp. if only once could use variables in such places :)11:10
thorwil?? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/New%20Firefox%20Icon%20For%20Edubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=firefox.png14:16
darkmattervish: I need a bigger panel http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/3408/screenshotni.png ;p16:18
vishdarkmatter: its sunny and -25c ? ooooh!16:20
darkmatterI meant the clock you n00b :P16:21
vishdarkmatter: yeah , i got that.. but I also noticed the weather  :)16:22
darkmatterthat format looks so nice too. but is kinda a hassle under 1600 :/16:23
vishdarkmatter: why are you copying win7's "show desktop" ;p16:23
darkmattervish: I'm not. I just blanked the icon because a folder looks retarded :P16:23
vishdarkmatter: yeah , that applet needs to use the emblem-desktop icon16:24
darkmatterwin 7 technically copied suse. they had the right pinned show desktop first16:24
* vish should stop switching between gnome3 and gnome2 :/ takes a bit of time adjusting back to either :/16:26
darkmatteryeah. single line with a smallish green am/pm for now16:26
darkmattergnome3 can kneel and kiss me where the sun don't shine :P16:27
darkmatter-36.3C windchill \o/16:29
darkmatterI think I'll stay indoors this week16:29
EquietNice desktop, darkmatter.16:29
darkmatterEquiet: ty. would be nicer if I had a wider display. chubby clocks being what they are16:30
vishdarkmatter: i never really liked two line displays ;) ... IMO it seems a waste of space if the panel uses more than essential16:31
vishuses more height*16:31
darkmatterafter I catch some beauty rest it's time to get my butt moving on skinning the panel16:31
darkmattervish: I'm not using more height than essential though. It's a one line clock forced to two lines with the %n option :P16:33
vishdarkmatter: if it isnt more than 25px cool ;)16:33
darkmatterits 32, so humbug on you. I like 'clickable' areas ;p16:34
vishdarkmatter: use a dock instead! ;)16:35
darkmattervish: yeah. like I actually want 46+ pixels of randomly resized wasted space :P16:35
vishdarkmatter: huh? my cairo-dock uses 24px only...16:36
darkmattervish: yeah, but the smaller you set them the more they zoom, giggle, and generally look like crap.16:37
darkmatterbesides, I dun have a boat, so I dun need a dock :P16:37
* vish reminds darkmatter, he could just turn off zoom for the icons ;)16:38
darkmattervish: docks can kiss my butt!16:39
* vish wonders if darkmatter ever gets kissed in his ass ;p16:40
vishor maybe gets kissed too much ;)16:41
thorwiltroy_s: a bit late, but: happy new year! i've send a link to your most recent blog post to the art list17:28
troy_sthorwil: Greets friend.17:28
troy_sthorwil: How are things?17:28
thorwiltroy_s: slowly trying to get back to a routine after being incredible lazy during the turn of the year :)17:29
troy_sthorwil: I hear you.17:50
=== andreasn__ is now known as andreasn
thorwildinner time, bbl17:57
zniavrewich xsplash file to modify the position of the throbber please ?22:35
zniavreis it centered by default no ?22:36

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