
SoftwareExplore1I found a bug report that was filed by someone in Karmic. I can confirm it in Lucid. Should I add the lucid tag?00:45
micahgSoftwareExplore1: no, but there's something you can add to the description00:45
micahgSoftwareExplore1: actually it probably depends what package00:46
SoftwareExplore1micahg: gtk-recordmydesktop00:46
micahgSoftwareExplore1: nah, just add last version tested to the descrption00:46
SoftwareExplore1micahg: So what does the lucid tag mean?00:47
micahgSoftwareExplore1: some teams use it to track bugs across releases like the kernel team00:47
SoftwareExplore1micahg: Thanks :)00:48
bdmurraymicahg: actually apport is release tagging bug reports now00:49
bdmurrayso apport bug will now have a lucid tag00:49
bdmurrayer any apport bug00:49
micahgbdmurray: ok, should people manually tag it though?00:49
bdmurrayI don't see why not00:50
micahgk, SoftwareExplore1 ^^^00:50
micahgbdmurray: should the wiki tags page be updated then?00:50
bdmurraymicahg: maybe not yet00:51
micahgbdmurray: so what should I tell people?  if they want to add it?00:51
bdmurrayif they want to tag a bug as lucid because it also appears in lucid fine00:52
bdmurrayI mean yes that would be good00:53
micahgbdmurray: would you be able to bump the maxversion on the gm-dev scripts to 3.6.*?00:53
bdmurraymicahg: yes, I have an update (new script) I need to do anyways00:54
micahgbdmurray: thanks :)00:54
nigel_nbplease set bug 503466 to triaged, wishlist01:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 503466 in nautilus "cannot use CTRL-C in the tree sidepane in nautilus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50346601:06
hggdhnigel_nb: done01:34
nigel_nbthanks hggdh :)01:34
hggdhnigel_nb: I went ahead and added an upstream bug & marked it Triaged02:32
hggdhyou could have looked for an upstream bug ;-)02:32
nigel_nbhggdh: oh02:33
nigel_nbhggdh: I got caught up with meetings02:33
nigel_nbhggdh: the ubuntu-beginners team had meeting02:33
hggdhno problem, just pulling your leg on this02:33
nigel_nbhggdh: i'm still not back to active triaging lifestyle02:39
nigel_nbjust getting back into shape02:39
hggdhgood, am missing your work ;-)02:39
nigel_nbmy laptop is not cooperating02:40
nigel_nbsomething is seriously wrong with it, it refuses to boot02:40
hggdhnot good02:40
nigel_nbi have to keep turning it off and on for it to start02:40
nigel_nbhggdh: its amazing how its still in 1 piece02:49
nigel_nbi've been tempted to break into 2 a couple of times this week02:49
hggdhI know the feeling, been there before02:50
nigel_nbhggdh: wanted to ask you something a while back03:05
nigel_nbhggdh: does the launchpad answers team have a policy of marking questions against the yelp package if they find no suitable package?03:06
hggdhnightwish: not to my knowledge03:14
hggdhnigel_nb: ^^^03:16
nigel_nbsomeone seems to be doing it03:16
nigel_nbI changed it back to no package03:19
nigel_nband it got changed back to yelp03:19
micahgnigel_nb: if you subscribe, you can see who's doing it03:21
nigel_nbI know who'se doing it03:21
micahgnigel_nb: did you ask the person why?03:22
nigel_nbI wanted to make sure it was not an official policy or something03:22
nigel_nbmicahg: karma points? lol03:22
micahgnigel_nb: BTW, epiphany browser is epiphany-browser, epiphany is a game03:23
* nigel_nb going to a corner and cries in humiliation03:23
micahgnigel_nb: that's an easy mistake I think everyone makes at least once03:23
micahgnigel_nb: http://pastebin.com/f383d245c03:24
nigel_nbmicahg: ah, thanks, were did u get that list btw?03:25
micahgnigel_nb: dpkg -l | grep epiphany03:25
micahgthat was what I had installed/removed03:25
nigel_nbhggdh: heard of sushi-huh?03:26
hggdhsushi I know, but not sushi-huh03:27
hggdhor dpkg -l epiphany\*03:27
nigel_nbhggdh: a badly documented source forge project03:27
nigel_nbbut has good intentions03:28
hggdhlooking it up now03:28
micahghggdh: your way looks nicer :), but you have to remember the *03:28
* micahg actually made a bash alias called dgrep for dpkg -l | grep03:29
hggdhmicahg, actually, better to always escape the * -- \* -- otherwise the shell may expand it if there are matches in the cwd03:30
nigel_nbhggdh: for example "11) Why your english sucks?  Well, the english is not my natal language."03:31
nigel_nbits from the FAQ of the documentation03:31
micahghggdh: the other advantage to your way is you can see if other packages match the string that you never installed03:31
hggdhthey might need some help there...03:31
nigel_nbhggdh: thinking about it, it looks amazing03:31
nigel_nbdoes bug 503548 look like a support request?03:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 503548 in indicator-applet "'Switch user' option performs 'Lock screen' action" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50354803:32
nigel_nbI can see the other button on my system03:32
micahgnigel_nb: are you using Lucid?03:33
nigel_nbmicahg: damn03:34
nigel_nbI'll check in lucid03:34
hggdhnigel_nb: it is a real issue on Lucid, just tested03:34
nigel_nbwill mark as confirmed03:34
nigel_nbhggdh: isn't it indicator-applet-session rather than indicator-applet?03:36
hggdhyes indeed03:36
nigel_nbah, one is a source of the other03:36
nigel_nbwhat do I do about bug 503540?03:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 503540 in linux "cpufreq reports wrong scaling_max_freq" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50354003:38
nigel_nbmicahg: did u correct my epiphany mistake earlier?03:40
micahgnigel_nb: nope03:40
nigel_nbmicahg: remember where was it?03:40
micahgnigel_nb: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/+question/9590703:40
hggdhnigel_nb: sounds like a valid bug03:41
nigel_nbhggdh: I can confirm it?03:43
nigel_nbhggdh: that sushi-huh tool is awesome, I have to blog about it03:43
nigel_nblemme see if I can contribute to it03:43
hggdhnigel_nb: no, we cannot *really* confirm it -- we cannot reproduce03:50
hggdhbut... this is one of those bugs where pretty much nobody will be able to confirm03:51
hggdhnigel_nb: ogasawara would be able to answer03:51
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LimCoremy entire box hard-frozen.  Which  apport-bug xxx should I start?05:09
LimCoreother question: the Capslock LED does not light up in VTs (but the key works, and the LED works in X). How to report this one?05:11
joaopintohow do I set a bug as affecting a specific ubuntu release ?09:20
persiaYou'd nominate it for a release.09:20
persiaWhich bug?09:20
joaopintobug 42983509:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 429835 in langpack-o-matic "[MASTER] chrome error when viewing untrusted https site using firefox with some locales" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42983509:21
joaopintoit's reported as fixed, but I am experiencing on lucid09:21
joaopintoIt was not present on karmic, I am not sure I should have used the same bug report09:22
joaopintoI did the bug change description accordingly to my experience :P09:22
persiaYou may be encountering another bug with the same symptoms.  Can you confirm that it's not related to bug #437545 ?09:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 437545 in langpack-o-matic "missing spanish translation in firefox 3.5 (in devmode)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43754509:23
joaopintopersia, is not related, my browser is properly translated, however when attempting to browse a self signed ceriticate I get the broken XML page, like reported on bug 42983509:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 429835 in langpack-o-matic "[MASTER] chrome error when viewing untrusted https site using firefox with some locales" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42983509:24
persiaRight.  I suspect you're finding a different bug with similar symptoms (although I could be wrong).09:24
persiaJust because the fix described in that bug solved it for some people.09:24
joaopintopersia, right, for some people means it has partially fixed, but is not fixed09:27
persiaRight, but if that fix is correct, it's not a bug in firefox, so that's not the right place to get it fixed.09:28
joaopintothe bug is also set to affects "langpack-o-matic"09:29
persiaYes, which task was also previously closed, and the other bug I referenced opened.09:31
joaopintothe options I can see, is, 1) open  a new bug report, 2) nominate the bug for lucid09:31
persiaAnyway, you can track that bug if you like, but there's at least some chance that you7re seeing something else, in which case tracking that won7t help get it fixed.09:31
persiaIt's *already* nominated for lucid: there were two tasks for firefox: lucid and karmic.09:32
joaopintoI just want to make sure it get's fixed, this is a serious bug09:32
joaopintopersia, are you looking at 429835 ?09:32
* persia double-checks09:32
persiaYep.  That has lucid and karmic tasks for firefox, and a lucid task for langpack-o-matic.09:33
joaopintoI don't see any lucid specific task09:33
persiaRight, tasks which are not specific apply to the current development release, which is currently lucid.09:35
persiaCreating a "lucid" task makes the headline task go away.09:36
persia(this will change when the next cycle opens)09:36
persiaThis is a confusing UI quirk, but it doesn't really matter that much.09:36
joaopintowell, if the firefox related task importance was set to High, the langpack one should also09:37
joaopintothis bug report is a mess :)09:37
persiaIndeed, which is why it may be more useful to follow-up on 43754509:37
persiaOr create a new bug, using the information in 429835 and 437545 to identify the current specific issue.09:38
joaopintoI have nominated 429835 for lucid, let's see what happens09:39
joaopintoif required I will create a new bug report09:39
joaopintoI will need to use the LANG=C workaround :P09:39
thekornhey bddebian15:26
bddebianHi thekorn15:28
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pmatulison 8.04 server how does one add debugging information to an existing bug (involving dovecot)?  apport-cli does not have the (K) keep feature17:02
charlie-tcaThis doesn't work? apport-collect -p <package_name> <BUG_NUMBER>17:08
pmatulischarlie-tca: apport-collect binary does not seem to be available with apport shipped with 8.0417:08
pmatulisjust apport-unpack, apport-cli, and ubuntu-bug17:09
micahgpmatulis: it was added in jaunty17:17
pmatulismicahg: :(  so nothing for hardy17:18
micahgpmatulis: idk if apport-cli has such an option17:18
pmatulismicahg: i looked.  hardy version does not have the (K) keep option17:19
micahgpmatulis: no, definitely not, I don't think that was added till Lucid17:20
micahgbut does it have the option for supplying a bug number?17:20
pmatulismicahg: no17:20
micahgpmatulis: you can ask for the files manually I guess...17:21
pmatulismicahg: yeah...17:21
micahgpmatulis: I'll mention it at our meeting17:21
pmatulismicahg: thanks17:22
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SoftwareExplorerI'm trying to report a bug on gnome's bug tracker. What version of gnome does Lucid have?17:57
charlie-tcaLatest upload:    1:2.28+1ubuntu118:02
charlie-tcaSoftwareExplorer: did you have a particular component in mind?18:02
SoftwareExplorercharlie-tca: gnome-screenshot18:03
SoftwareExplorercharlie-tca: Thanks. I'll file it as 2.28 version.18:05
charlie-tcaYeah, looks like the closest thing I can find18:07
vishhmm , anyone know french... ?19:52
Pici#ubuntu-fr perhaps?19:54
vishPici: a bug had been reported in french...   but would they be able to translate it?19:57
hggdhvish, what is the bug #?19:59
vishyay, hggdh is here :)19:59
vishhggdh: Bug #503586 ,20:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 503586 in firefox-3.5 "Un script sur cette page est peut-être occupé ou ne répond plus. Vous pouvez arrêter le script maintenant ou attendre pour voir si le script se terminera." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50358620:00
vishthe user has translated the bug , but i think it is not complete as it doesnt mention a bug20:00
micahgvish: google translate is nice :)20:00
vishhggdh: ^20:00
hggdha script on this page may be busy or not responding. You can stop the script now or wait to see if the script ends20:00
* vish was slow :/20:00
micahgLP is slow :P20:00
micahgvish: convert to Q20:01
micahgand explain what it is20:01
vishoh is he asking how to stop the script?20:01
micahgvish: no, the user thinks that's a bug20:02
micahgit's a feature :)20:02
vishah cool20:02
micahgit prevents a script from keeping the browser from responding20:02
vishheh, right , he was quoting from the dialogue..20:02
micahgif a script is running too long, FF will pause it and give the user the option to abort20:02
vishi just thought.. the translation was incomplete :)20:03
vishmicahg: thanks :)20:03
micahgthey can report it to the site in question if they think the script shouldn't run that long20:03
hggdhand -- vish -- the folks at #ubuntu-fr would be able to translate, most probably (although it is a francophone-only channel, they *do* help if asked nicely ;-))20:07
vishhggdh: i was being sly ;p     i was mainly hoping *you* would respond/help/translate if online... but good to know there is a backup :)20:09
hggdhvish, you are welcome :-)20:11
vishhggdh: ah oops , thanks :D20:12
malevhi! I been following this bug, and I think is confirmed. not by me but, by others... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36647821:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 366478 in ubuntu "Alcor Micro Corp. Multimedia Card Reader don't work in Ubuntu 9.04/9.10 (058f:6362 Device offlined) " [Undecided,Confirmed]21:00
malevplease check it out21:00
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