
kirklandslangasek: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/352031/00:00
slangasekkirkland: line 7 is invalid00:01
slangasekyou can't have random shell syntax outside of a 'script' block :)00:01
kirklandslangasek: if i put that in pre-start, will the result of that shell script sourcing (variables/values) be available to the exec?00:02
kirklandslangasek: bing00:02
slangasek(not AFAIK) - so you'd have to duplicate the line00:02
slangasekOTOH, I don't think your pre-start script depends on the contents of that file :)00:03
slangasekso what you want is:00:03
slangasek    [ -f /etc/default/libvirt-bin ] && . /etc/default/libvirt-bin || true00:03
slangasek    exec /usr/sbin/libvirtd $libvirtd_opts00:03
slangasekend script00:04
kirklandslangasek: bingo!00:04
kirklandslangasek: works like a champ00:04
kirklandslangasek: thanks, as usual ;-)00:05
kirklandslangasek: one last question00:05
kirklandslangasek: i'm trying to figure out the correct "start on" req's00:06
kirklandslangasek: the init script says: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/352034/00:07
kirklandslangasek: i'd like to learn the translation between those two pieces00:07
slangasekI think 'start on runlevel [2345]' is simplest00:07
slangasekand 'stop on runlevel [!2345]'00:08
kirklandslangasek: so i don't need to account for required-start $network $local_fs ?00:08
slangasek(c.f atd, dmesg, apport...)00:08
slangasekno, those are guaranteed to be up before the runlevel is declared00:08
kirklandslangasek: is the stop on explicitly required?00:09
kirklandslangasek: and why the "45"?  we haven't been putting those in our other upstart jobs00:10
kirklandslangasek: usually we've been doing start on [23]00:10
slangasekthe 'stop on' prevents the job from continuing to respawn after killall5 has been called on shutdown00:10
kirklandslangasek: hmm, okay00:10
slangasek"why the 45" - because that's always been the default, and maps precisely to your existing 'Default-Start' line00:10
kirklandslangasek: again, the eucalyptus ones lack that currently; would it be nice to add them?00:10
slangasekI don't know why anyone would be creating jobs that only start in runlevels 2 and 3; yes, eucalyptus ought to have that added00:11
kirklandslangasek: okay, i'll fix00:11
slangasekstrange, /etc/init/tty[23456].conf are 'start on runlevel [23]'00:11
kirklandslangasek: yeah, i'm grepping the others right now00:11
* kirkland mulls an "alias" for 2345 ...00:12
crimsundoes anything need to be done to promote libtdb-dev to main?00:21
crimsun(i.e., currently causing pulseaudio to FTBFS)00:21
TheMusocrimsun: I thought tdb was in main?00:23
wgrantlibtdb-dev is a new binary package that has landed in universe.00:26
TheMusoIf it belongs to a source package in main, then its just a matter for an archive admin to promote the binary afaik.00:29
james_wit needs someone to process http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt00:30
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
kirklandslangasek: would it be possible to permanently reschedule the server ISO builds for about 4 hours from now?01:56
kirklandslangasek: thats just about the perfect time to pick up western US changes01:57
kirklandslangasek: and build them in time for our earliest Euro team members01:57
kirklandcjwatson: I suspect you might be able to answer that too ^01:57
slangasekI don't see any reason we could'nt01:58
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cjwatsonfine by me02:00
sbalneavSigh, Bug #501559 is still kicking my butt.03:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501559 in libgksu "libgksu fails to start many programs, fails with: assert g_str_has_prefix str != NULL" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50155903:05
sbalneavThere's so many differences between the older behaviour with forkpty, and the newer behavior.03:06
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crimsunare we still no-go on source v3.0 uploads?05:06
RAOFI thought we were go for 3.0 as of a couple of days before Christmas?05:09
pittiGood morning07:19
ttxpitti: Good morning07:20
ttxpitti: I could use a server CD respin, the one that spinned two hours ago unfortunately didn't catch eucalyptus 1.6.2~bzr1120-0ubuntu307:21
ttxkirkland: I guess we need a larger safety margin between upload and respin at the end of your day07:21
pittittx: triggered07:21
ttxpitti: thx07:21
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pitticody-somerville: btw, yesterday I changed hal to get dbus activated instead of launched by upstart; if hal doesn't work with Xubuntu any more, I'm to blame (please ping me)07:51
dholbachgood morning07:59
ttxpitti: beh, the new respin still hasn't caught the latest. Investigating08:03
ttxpitti: is there a lag between publication and cd-builder archive sync ?08:04
pittishouldn't be much08:04
pittiif it's on archive.u.c., antimony should see it, too08:04
ttx1.6.2~bzr1120-0ubuntu3 has been published an hour ago.08:04
* ttx checks up archive08:04
pitti(antimony uses ftpmaster.internal)08:04
ttxarchive has it since 0704 UTC08:05
ttxyou triggered at 072108:05
pittittx: what's that package?08:06
ttxpitti: eucalyptus -- http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/eucalyptus/08:06
ttxI need 1.6.2~bzr1120-0ubuntu3 for testing08:06
pittittx: hm, indeed cdimage@antimony:/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp/pool/main/e/eucalyptus only has ubuntu208:09
pitti2010-01-06 07:13 Packages.gz08:10
pitti(it's 08:10 on antimony)08:11
pittittx: I'll watch this, and when the next sync happens in 2 mins, I'll verify euca again and retrigger08:11
superm1pitti, it certainly broke launching ubiquity in an xfce env (lack of hal), but i think http://pastebin.com/f473910b2 will handle this08:11
ttxpitti: hm, the lag makes asking for a CD respin a little guesswork :)08:11
ttxpitti: cool, thanks08:11
pittisuperm1: oh, it doesn't get dbus launched for you?08:12
superm1pitti, not when hal-lock is ran08:12
pittisuperm1: ah, I see; for some reason "lshal" doesn't trigger it either08:12
pittilshal and hal-device (and I suppose hal-lock) has an extra check if it's running08:13
ttxpitti: scripting the famous "trigger on antimony-publication slangasek magic" could help here. Somethign like "trigger-cd-on-publication server eucalyptus_1.6.2~bzr1120-0ubuntu3" would make your life easier :)08:13
superm1pitti, well up to you whether you want to patch that behavior out, or if just a pgrep for hald is sufficient (i mean hal-lock shouldn't need to be ran if hal isn't running in the first place!)08:14
pittisuperm1: not sure; if you are okay with the pgrep, that works for me08:15
superm1pitti, yeah i think that's the easiest solution for now, will commit it to ubiquity bzr then08:16
superm1something else weird is going on with that gtk+ upload from yesterday though08:16
superm1ubiquity uses setattr to make widgets callable at the top level, and that appears to have broken for some reason08:17
paykoobhi. when is the calm hours of Launchpad build farm for PPAs? I dont want to wait an hour!08:20
pittittx: hm, I don't know what's going on; it didn't update at all now08:27
ttxpitti: hm08:28
pittididrocks, StevenK: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-une has one remaining work item "Rename ubuntu-netbook-remix{,-default-settings}" which is marked "in progress"; who is working on this? do you need any help with NEW, etc.?08:36
StevenKpitti: Right, so the only thing remaining is removal of u-n-r-d-s, which I'm still thinking about.08:38
pittiStevenK: oh, I don't see a replacement u-n-d-s?08:38
pittior is that entirely obsolete now with didier's gdm changes to support an extra gconf tree?08:39
StevenKubuntu-netbook-default-settings |      0.7.0 |         lucid | source, all08:39
StevenKpitti: ^ ?08:39
StevenKHaha :-)08:39
pittiStevenK: note that I said "I don't see", not "it's not there" :)08:40
StevenKpitti: Yes, so I brought it closer so you could see it.08:40
persiaWinning on purely semantic terms only gets half-credit08:40
* StevenK goes to cook dinner08:40
pittisweet, thanks08:40
pittiStevenK: enjoy!08:40
persiaStevenK: Why not drop u-n-r-d-s, and have u-n-d-s provide a dummy for transition?  Shouldn't that improve the experience of karmic upgraders?08:41
pittipersia: that already happens08:52
joaopintoI had 2 system freezes with lucid in the last 2 weeks :(08:54
persiapitti: Erm, does it?  My lucid apt-cache doesn't show a dummy u-n-r-d-s from the u-n-d-s source, just a Replace/Conflict against u-n-r-d-s by u-n-d-s.  I also still see in lucid a u-n-r package depending on u-n-r-d-s, and a separate u-n package dependsing on u-n-d-s.08:55
pittipersia: right, u-n-d-s should build a transition package08:56
persiaThat was the suggestion :)08:56
pittiright, misunderstood you; sorry08:56
persiaMight make sense for netbook-meta to do so as well.08:56
pittisame with u-n-r vs. u-n08:56
seb128superm1, hey09:30
seb128superm1, could you open this gtk bug upstream too?09:30
superm1hi seb12809:30
superm1seb128, i think we have to adjust our code actually09:30
superm1it looks like a fundamental change upstream09:30
seb128I'm just reading it09:30
superm1it should be a one line fix for ubiquity it looks like09:30
seb128but if you read the bug referenced in the commit they say some software are using buggy assumptions09:30
dholbachwhich bug is that?09:31
seb128right, what I was starting to think too09:31
seb128dholbach, bug #50371009:31
dholbachis it the reason why gtg crashes on startup? :)09:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503710 in mythbuntu-control-centre "updated gtk+2.0 package has problems referring to the name of widgets loaded from a builder UI file" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50371009:31
seb128dholbach, dunno, gtg could be buggy09:31
seb128I don't use it09:31
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dholbachI guess it's something different:09:32
dholbachGtk:ERROR:/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.19.2/gtk/gtkrbtree.c:1098:_gtk_rbtree_find_offset: assertion failed: (tree)09:32
seb128seems a different issue from the assertion09:32
dholbachok ok09:32
superm1seb128, http://pastebin.com/f206651ca appears to fix it for ubiquity from what i just tested09:34
seb128superm1, good09:34
seb128thanks for looking into that one09:34
superm1so i'll do a ubiquity upload with thatso that live disks can be working again09:35
dholbachseb128: the bug I had is bug 503576 (bug 503630 seems to be a dup)09:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503576 in seahorse "Seahorse fails to start with error Gtk:ERROR:/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.19.2/gtk/gtkrbtree.c:1098:_gtk_rbtree_find_offset: assertion failed: (tree) ) = 113 in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50357609:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503630 in synaptic "synaptic will not load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50363009:46
dholbachI don't know if it's a red herring, but in the case of gtg the last file to be opened is one of the DMZ cursors too (like in the seahorse bug I mentioned)09:48
seb128I will look at that in a bit I'm busy with a cairo fix right now09:50
dholbachsure sure, no worries09:50
seb128jdstrand, kees: is apparmor_parser using cpu for ages on evince install in lucid a known issue?10:15
seb128we get some users ctrl-C-ing the install because they think it's stucked10:16
tseliotjames_w: why does bzr-builddeb -S require the build dependencies of a package? Can I override this with -d ?10:22
james_wtseliot: yes, but it's spelt "-- -d" currently10:24
tseliotjames_w: aah, ok, it makes sense. I'm about to make my 1st upload as a core-dev and I'm following the instructions from the DistributedDevelopment wiki page. Excellent work BTW.10:26
james_wthanks, let me know if there are any problems10:27
james_wand feel free to improve the documentation if you find any areas that are lacking10:29
cjwatsoncould somebody process the new libssl0.9.8-udeb in NEW? it should end up in main10:30
cjwatsonit's for a bug that the server guys wanted fixed10:31
pittiapw: I'm currently working on reorganizing the work items tracker and DB, so that I don't need a million cron jobs and to parse each spec three times (it'll get more hairy once we get to alpha-3)10:31
pittiapw: right now, your wiki-status.py directly parses the original data again10:32
pittiapw: would you mind taking a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/352238/ and check if this structure has everything you need?10:32
pittiapw: then wiki-status.py could get the data from the db, and we'd have a clear separation of data collection and report generation (I plan to split the thing into "collect", "html-report", "wiki-report", and "burndown-chart"10:33
pitticjwatson: looking10:33
apwpitti, can i tell what is current with that form?  or would you assume i am dropping the db each time for my use case10:33
pittiapw: yes, the HTML report generator already does that10:34
apwcirtainly have no objection to the underlying desire10:34
pittiapw: SELECT max(date) FROM work_items10:34
pittiapw: and then SELECT ... WHERE date == (result from above)10:35
apwok, fair enough.  one assumes in the furture this thing will come inhouse, and start generating all the wiki pages for us10:35
pittiapw: the idea is to reduce the millions of DBs that I have (foundations-lucid-a2-workitems.db, global-lucid-workitems.db, etc.)10:35
pittiapw: into one "lucid.db" which knows about teams and milestones, and everything else that we need10:36
pittimy server would then regenerate this every hour (which is then doable; parsing the stuff ten times for all teams is too much for hourly processing)10:36
pittiand since the .db is publicly available, you can then also run scripts locally on it10:36
pittiapw: in fact,  this data collection doesn't need all the pychart stuff, etc., so this could run on rookery10:37
pittiapw: (another reason why I want to split the programs)10:37
pittithen everyone could configure the collection on rookery10:37
pittiand I'd just need to run the burndown chart generation on my server10:37
apwpitti, yep all sounds reasonable.   one thing to consider (and i think this is a global wrongness) is that rather than assuming that a group owns just the specs which are in its team10:38
seb128dholbach, gtk fix uploaded, I verfied it fixes gtg and seahorse10:38
apwis that actually a team owns all the work for its members, i fake that by adding items from other teams specs which are assigned to 'my' team people10:38
apwbut it would be nice to be able to do that in generally10:39
pittiapw: in http://paste.ubuntu.com/352238/ the concept is that a spec is owned by a team, but a work item is owned by a person (or a team), which is not necessarily the same team as the spec10:39
pittiapw: ah, that's a good point10:39
apwyeah i think the data allows it, and if we want to do that generally it should be easy in all reports if we have a team to people mapping10:39
pittiapw: it's next to impossible right now with split DBs; but if it's all in one DB, this is much easier indeed10:40
pittiapw: but in fact I think you are right10:40
apwbut i think the format as it is does not preclude the change as a step 210:40
pittiapw: instead of having a "team" entry in the spec_info table, I think we should rather have a "teams" table which maps people to a team10:40
pittithen a report for the "desktop" team would collect all work items which are assigned to all people which are part of that team10:41
pittiinstead of filtering the blueprints by team first and then by assignee (which is what we currently do)10:41
apwthere are two mental views, work for desktop, and work being done by desktop, i think our reports are the later indeed10:42
apw(should be)10:42
apwyeah i believe so10:42
pittiapw: well, I think I'll keep the "team" entry in spec_info, even if we don't want to use it; if we ever want to create such a report "by us, for us", it can come in handy10:43
pittiapw: so, does wiki-report.py collect any extra information which isn't represented in those two tables?10:46
apwpitti, thinking10:47
apwpitti, the only generic thing i have to invent over the data there, is a milestone ordering10:48
apwpitti, oh we do use the description of the spec as a fallback for the status, but i guess you'd call that status in both cases10:49
pittiapw: yeah, I think that should be a matter of data collection10:49
pittii. e. if there's no status we could just fill in the description as value for "status"10:49
apwyeah, thats what i do, put 'Description: ' on the ftont and ram it in the same hole10:50
apwso no i can't see anything on my page which isn't in there10:51
dholbachseb128: you are a hero!10:52
pittiapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352248/10:52
pittiapw: that provides milestone ordering, too10:52
* seb128 hugs dholbach10:52
* dholbach hugs seb128 back10:53
apwpitti, should priority have a sortable numeric value, its main use it converted to a number for sorting as far as i can see10:53
pittiapw: (with the obvious omission in the work_items table fixed)10:53
pittiapw: hm, we get it as a string value only, and map it to a color10:54
apw+def priority_value(name):10:55
apw+    if name == "Essential":10:55
apw+        return 9910:55
pittidef priority_value(name):10:55
apwcan this db do a function?  then that would be fine represented as a function in the schema10:55
pittiapw: sqlite doesn't have a CREATE FUNCTION unfortunately10:57
pittiso priority -> value and priority->color mapping would need to be done in the report generator code10:57
apwwe can live with that10:59
apwpitti, before you get hacking on it there are a couple of improveents sitting in my branch10:59
apwthey all look pretty self contained10:59
apwmostly the stuff to fix the escaping to be correct11:01
pitti$ bzr merge lp:~apw/launchpad-work-items-tracker/wiki-status11:01
pitti"Nothing to do."11:01
apwhow long does LP take to update a branch once its pushed11:02
pittion the webui, two or three minutes11:02
pittibut no delay at all if I use bzr+ssh:// to pull11:02
apwpitti, i think i am being dumb, looks to be in ther11:03
apwpitti, so let me know if there is anything i need to do in this conversion11:05
pittiapw: once I get the "collect" script rewritten, it's by and large to change wiki-status.py to use the DB instead of parsing the data again11:07
pittihowever, that doesn't need to happen in lockstep11:07
pittiapw: I probably need to break the API slightly, though, due to the DB reorg11:09
pittiapw: but I'll develop it in a branch and only merge it once everything works again11:09
tseliotjames_w: it doesn't seem to be my lucky day: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/352256/11:17
pittitjaalton: "The topic for #launchpad is: LP DB security updates, possible intermittent outages 11:00-11:30 UTC"11:18
pittisorry, tseliot ^11:18
tseliotpitti: oh, are you trying to say that launchpad doesn't hate me today :-P ?11:18
james_wtseliot: erg11:19
pittitseliot: well, it hates everyone equally rather11:19
james_wmight warrant a launchpad bug anyway11:19
apwpitti, seems reasonable, i can work against the other branch once its there11:19
james_wmight be nice to say "LP is out for lunch, please come back later"11:20
* tseliot nods11:20
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james_wI want to lock a file from a python process, I would like the lock to be exclusive and only exist as long as the process does, which type of lock has those semantics?11:56
sorenjames_w: fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX), I think.12:04
james_wyeah, just found buried in the manpage the statement that they survive as long as the process, thanks12:04
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ttxpitti: the daily server CD wasn't produced at 1030 UTC as usual... what's the status ? Was antimony archive synced ?12:30
pitti2010-01-06 10:18 Packages.gz12:31
pittiit's 12:31 on antimony12:31
pittiit seems to lag badly today for some reason12:31
ttxI think 10:18 should be alright... let me doublecheck12:31
pittianyway, it does have ubuntu3 now12:32
pitti(just checked Packages.gz)12:32
* pitti respins12:32
pittiETA 10 mins12:32
ttxpitti: cool, thx12:32
cjwatsonjiboumans,ttx: for RT#36737, can't you just boot the netboot installer with anna/choose_modules=eucalyptus-udeb? that should have much the same effect as the CD boot option12:33
ttxcjwatson: hmm, yes, that could take care of the "installed from UEC installer" feature testing... as we would test the ISO release deliverables as part of regular ISO testing anyway12:39
ttxcjwatson: iiuc that could also be used instead of triggering CD respins just to test new eucalyptus uploads ?12:39
cjwatsonttx: sure12:40
ttxinteresting. /me tests12:41
amikropNautilus, and the whole system/desktop/CPU gets eaten/stuck/froze when you browse a WebDAV directory. You should really do something.12:53
amikropAnother serious thing: You cannot copy to a WebDAV directory. Copying... hangs forever.12:58
amikropWebDAV does not work at all.12:58
amikropwith Nautilus12:59
tjaaltonblame gvfs-backends12:59
tjaalton(the package)12:59
hyperairand file a bug12:59
tjaaltonthat too12:59
tjaaltonpreferably upstream, or both12:59
amikropexcuse me, I won't13:03
amikropI have already filed a bug or two about WebDAV and I got ignored13:04
amikropso I don't think it has much point13:04
amikropIt is a bug in your Distro13:04
amikropI want to help, so I report a problem13:04
amikropif you want to make your distro usable, fix the bug13:05
tjaaltoneh no, it's an upstream bug13:05
persiaUm, it's a bug in *both* places.13:05
tjaaltonthey don't care about webdav enough13:05
persia(or it's not a bug)13:05
hyperairamikrop: erm yes, you report a problem by filing a bug. is that really so hard?13:05
tjaaltonpersia: well, true13:05
hyperairamikrop: bug reports are fixed by people who have interest in the problem. you're more likely to find people interested in fixing webdav support in the upstream (because even if ubuntu people fix it, the fix is going back upstream as well)13:08
amikrophyperair: how do I report an upstream bug?13:09
amikropbecause the whole system hangs and nothing works about webdav13:09
hyperairamikrop: you have to identify the upstream bug tracker, and then file a bug there.13:09
amikropand I am forced to mount it via command line13:09
amikropand not Connect server...13:09
hyperairsince as tjaalton mentioned, the problem lies in gvfs-backend, the bug tracker would be bugzilla.gnome.org13:09
hyperairafter that, if you can't fix the bug yourself, your only option is to be patient.13:10
amikropI want to say, it is not a favor made to the users13:12
amikropit is a favor made by the users13:12
amikropto report problems13:12
cjwatsonit's both13:13
amikropI will report it there13:13
dholbachseb128: gtk fix fixes it13:58
seb128dholbach, great13:59
dholbachseb128: the reason for the breakage was very amusing :)13:59
seb128dholbach, ;-)13:59
dholbachyeah :)13:59
jdstrandseb128: re apparmor_parser> basically, yes. jjohansen is working on it and can give you the most up to date info14:18
seb128jdstrand, thanks14:18
seb128jjohansen, hey, is there any bug about apparmor_parser being sloooow?14:18
seb128we got users stopping the evince install because they think it's stucked14:18
seb128it seems to be apparmor eating cpu14:19
jjohansenyeah it can be, its in the dfa generation14:19
jjohansenI am working on some optimizations14:19
seb128do you have a bug about that or want one?14:20
seb128or you are working on it anyway and the bug is of no use?14:20
jjohansenseb128: no bug open yet, feel free to open one14:20
seb128I might just reassing the next evince bug we get about installation stucked ;-)14:20
jjohansenseb128: well it overlaps with a work item, but they are different14:21
statikhey zul, do you mind if i merge rabbitmq-server from debian today? would you be available to review/upload the merge proposal?14:23
zulstatik: sure just ping me14:23
statikawesome thanks14:23
kirklanddoes anyone have a sample package that builds/installs upstarts scripts using a DEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM=pycentral stylely rules file?14:30
pittikirkland: apport does14:31
pitti(the two have nothing in common, though)14:31
pittipython stuff is handled by dh_pycentral, while upstart scripts are handled by dh_installinit14:31
kirklandpitti: cheers14:32
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kirklandpitti: okay, so i just need a dh_installinit line then in the build?14:32
pittiby and large, yes14:32
pittithere are some caveats, like you need to specify --upstart-only if there is _also_ a debian/foo.init14:32
pitti(which is likely when a package is also in Debian and we don't want to remove the init script to reduce delta)14:33
kirklandpitti: got it, thanks!14:35
tweaktHow does Ubuntu build install CDs? I'm looking for the process used by Ubuntu devs to build official CDs.15:08
tweaktAs a first step, I've found and learned how to use germinate which I beleive is part of the process to determine the packages needed15:08
tweaktRe: http://forum.soft32.com/linux/Ubuntu-CD-Image-Build-System-ftopict502887.html15:10
ArneGoetjepitti: I can try to deal with fontconfig, yes15:10
tweaktSearches turn up little to nothing :-(15:11
cjwatsontweakt: 'bzr get lp:ubuntu-cdimage' and also check out the submodules in configs/devel15:12
cjwatsontweakt: then start with etc/crontab and follow references from there15:12
cjwatsontweakt: for live CDs, the livecd-rootfs package is also involved15:13
tweaktthanks a bunch!15:15
tweaktexcuse my ignorance, the 'lp:' prefix is an automatic shortut for ubuntu servers, right?15:16
sbalneavmvo: Hey, still no love on Bug #501559.  I dug into the code, and the non-forkpty way of doing things doesn't appear to handle stderr handling at all, and sabayon generates a lot of stderr output.15:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501559 in libgksu "libgksu fails to start many programs, fails with: assert g_str_has_prefix str != NULL" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50155915:16
tweaktlaunchpad... n/m15:16
cjwatsontweakt: it's implemented by bzr's launchpad plugin15:17
cjwatsonsee https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage for the equivalent in a web browser15:17
sbalneavthe fix certainly works, and the BEST way to fix it would be to hack proper stderr handling into gksu for non forkpty15:18
tweaktahh, so it's debian-cd with ubuntu specific configs, excellent!15:18
sbalneavhowever, that's going to be some fairly major code work.15:18
sbalneavSo, the $50 question of the day is: should we make some major changes to the code, but NOT have to have an extra --enable in rules, or do the --enable15:19
sbalneavI'm not sure from a policy perspective what cordev's want.15:20
mvosbalneav: hm, the non-forkpty way is/was default in the past, I wonder why this is now becoming a problem? or is there something else that changed?15:21
mvosbalneav: ie. does this work on karmic?15:21
sbalneavyeah, works fine on karmic15:22
stgrabermvo: did your patch implement the same thing as the patch we used to have in karmic ?15:22
mvosbalneav: oh, in this case please reopen the bug (or open a new one) with a example, I have a look then. what we have should behave the same as in karmic15:22
mvosbalneav: sorry for that15:23
sbalneavmvo: that's the laughable part.  I've spent 6 months beating sabayon into a useable state as a managment tool, going sofar as to become gnome upsteam on the project, and now at the last minute, I'm stalled by gksu :)15:23
sbalneavmvo: Not your fault, but when I looked at the code from the -12 version and the new -13 verson, my first (admittedly quick) impression was that forkpty's WERE being done by default.  But I could be wrong. :(15:24
mvosbalneav: I put a bit of background into http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=535544 - I may misrember, its was ~6 month ago that I worked on this particular bit15:27
ubottuDebian bug 535544 in libgksu "libgksu 2.0.12 & tty_tickets does not match" [Normal,Fixed]15:27
sbalneavthanks, I'll look into that.15:28
ttxupstart question: any reason why this job (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/352361/) would get stopped when ssh is stopped (right) but not get restarted when ssh is respawned (wrong) ?15:28
ttxi.e. I end up with a system where ssh and avahi-daemon are started, but this job isn't15:29
sbalneavmvo: here's the question: is it more desirable to actually make the code change, as a patch, than enable the option?  Is this a "syncing from debian" thing?15:29
sbalneavah, I see.15:30
* sbalneav read 53554415:30
sbalneavok, well, if you'd like, I could dig into how to fix the stderr handling tonight.15:31
* soren hugs mvo for tracking down a fix for bug 49462715:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494627 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "nv driver crashing with segmentation fault in libpthread.so.0" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49462715:31
mvosbalneav: that would be nice, it should be not too hard given that it worked fine in karmic. I will try to check it out later today when i find some time and if I find something interessting I will let you know on irc15:33
mvosoren: cheers! which fix do you use? the xserver-xorg-video-nv patch or one against the xserver itself?15:34
sorenmvo: I haven't actually tried any of them yet :)15:34
sbalneavmvo: ok, will do, I'll dig into it tonight.  If you beat me to it, NP.  Start your engines15:35
sorenI'll take the nv one for a spin in a few minutes (in the middle of a meeting).15:35
* sbalneav makes vroom vroom sounds15:35
mvosoren: ok :) the nv one gave me funny colors (but only after a cold reboot), I believe the second one (comment #18) is the correct one, I'm currently waiting for upstream to comment15:37
sorenmvo: Sounds like fun. I've installed the package, I just need to find a good time to restart X.15:38
ttxslangasek: any clue for my upstart question from 30 minutes ago ?15:53
sorenmvo: *chuckle* Um, yeah, I see what you mean about the colours being slightly off :)15:53
joaopintomvo, any idea why does "LANG=C software-center" produces mixed translated and english strings ?15:55
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mvojoaopinto: no, what is your default locale15:56
joaopintopt_PT.UTF-8, my locale does show properly by default, I just wanted to check some original strings in english15:57
mvosoren: I can create packages in my PPA, basicly the patch for -nv needs to be reverted and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/37478080/crash_fix.patch added to xserver-xorg-core. that works for me15:57
mvojoaopinto: maybe its some oddness with webkit15:57
seb128joaopinto, use LANGUAGE=C software-center15:58
joaopintoseb128, same result, the menu is english, other piceses of the gui are random, english or native15:59
joaopintoConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'general'16:00
seb128what pieces?16:00
joaopintoargh, this is not fixed yet :P ?16:00
joaopintosoftware center crashes on exit16:00
sorenmvo: Don't waste time on it for me, if you're going to do things differently for Ubuntu proper. I can build those packages myself.16:00
joaopintoseb128, menu is english, on the right side bar, the "Get Software" tree is english, the "Installed Software" is portuguese16:01
joaopintoThe "Categories" word is pt_pt, the category names are en_us16:02
seb128ok, dunno then16:02
seb128could be that some strings are coming from aptdaemon16:02
joaopintobuttons text is pt16:02
seb128and it's running on whatever local your session is16:02
seb128mvo, ^16:02
slangasekttx: because of The Upstart Bug16:03
ttxslangasek: the TUB ?16:03
slangasekttx: you would have to also restart avahi-daemon in order for upstart to see again that the second half of the condition is satisfied16:03
ttxslangasek: ah. uh. eh.16:04
slangasekoh, perhaps that's not The Upstart Bug; that might just be An Upstart Oddity16:04
joaopintoseb128, is very unlikely that the "Get Free Software" translated text come from aptdaemon ;)16:04
ttxslangasek: my issue seems to match the TUB quite well16:04
ttxslangasek: i'm trying to see how I can workaround it in the less ugly way[tm]16:04
seb128joaopinto, using LANGUAGE=C makes this one english there...16:05
ionslangasek: It will get fixed in a future version of Upstart.16:05
ttxslangasek: sounds like some combination of respawn might be the less ugly16:05
slangasekttx: I don't think there is a non-ugly way to work around that16:05
joaopintoseb128, I am refering to the button on the right panel, on the left panel it does show in english16:05
slangasekion: I'm aware; AFAIK that won't happen for lucid16:05
seb128joaopinto, ok, I don't know about this one16:06
ttxslangasek: is the TUB a feature or an acknowledged, lucid-targeted bug ?16:06
seb128joaopinto, the right panel one is translated correctly there16:06
seb128using LANGUAGE=C or LANGUAGE=de_DE.UTF-816:06
seb128it's in english in first case and german in the second one16:07
cwillu_at_workslangasek, (ttx) would "(started ssh or started avahi-daemon) or (started avahi-daemon or started ssh)" work? :p16:07
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joaopintoseb128, it does show properly now, I am sure it didn't, there must be caching involved somehow16:10
joaopintowell, I can't reproduce it's fixed :P16:12
seb128good ;-)16:12
slangasekttx: it's neither16:15
slangasekcwillu_at_work: it would "work", but you've turned an AND into an OR16:16
joaopintohum, is there a manpage describing LANG vs LANGUAGE ?16:18
ttxslangasek: it's a bug that is not fixable in lucid ?16:20
slangasekttx: correct16:20
cjwatsonjoaopinto: locale(7)16:21
keesseb128: the parser being slow for evince loading is known, but it only happens when the profile isn't already cached (i.e. new kernel).  On new installs, this is supposed to be fixed in the installer (i.e. generate the cache during install instead of first-boot)16:23
keesseb128: though I saw "ages" being 4 seconds, Keybuk saw it take _27_ once, which I haven't reproduced.16:23
seb128kees, could be, I noticed it on daily upgrade16:23
seb128it takes over a minute there16:23
keeswas a kernel upgrade involved?16:24
seb128I guess so16:24
keesseb128: lucid or karmic?16:24
keeswell, >5 seconds is very odd, and I would considered a bug and regression.  that said, it should be loading in parallel with everything else.16:25
joaopintoman locale mentions LANGUAGE, man setlocale only mentions LANG16:25
seb128kees, it's over 30 seconds for sure16:25
seb128the box being a mini10v16:25
seb128cpu sucks there16:25
seb128top showed that the apparmor_parser was using 100% cpu16:26
cjwatsonjoaopinto: that's correct16:26
keesthat's really odd for it to run so long.  can you tar up your /etc/apparmor.d directory for me and open a bug for it?16:26
cjwatsonLANGUAGE is basically a weird override for LC_MESSAGES, in practice16:26
seb128kees, ok, any way to trigger the same command manually to see how long it takes?16:27
cjwatson'info gettext' has more detail16:27
keesI will try again to reproduce it on my super-slow laptop.16:27
cjwatsonactually I think LANGUAGE might be an override for everything, beyond LC_ALL16:27
keesseb128: yeah, "sudo service apparmor reload" should be a "worst case".16:27
cjwatsonbut LANGUAGE has a different syntax16:27
cjwatsonthe point of LANGUAGE is that it can be colon-separated16:27
joaopintofrom the manpage it looks to override only LC_MESSAGES16:27
cjwatsonI suspect info gettext is more correct16:28
joaopintook, next time I will use: LANG=C LANGUAGE=C :)16:28
cjwatsonLC_ALL=C LANGUAGE= is what I usually use if I want to hit things over the head16:29
joaopintoit is odd that LANG does not override LC_MESSAGES in specific cases16:29
cjwatsonjoaopinto: LANG is explicitly lowest-priority16:30
seb128kees, that command is supposed to take ages or in the a few second magnitude you mentioned before too?16:30
keesseb128: so, with a lot of non-default profiles, etc, my system takes 15s on a reload.  A default karmic should take maybe 5s16:30
seb128kees, the mini10v is stock lucid16:31
seb128that's the box I use for bootcharting16:31
keesright.  how long did it take?16:31
seb128still running...16:31
keesplease send /etc/apparmor.d when it finishes...16:31
seb128but it's stock lucid installed for an usb key16:32
seb128I don't touch the box out of bootcharting16:32
seb128for -> from rather16:32
seb128still running...16:32
slangasekwhat just ate my color pallette for half my gnome terminals in a lucid upgrade?16:32
seb128176 seconds16:33
seb128kees, ^16:33
Zorrydoko__: ping16:34
keeskees: let me know when you've got the bug open, and I'll download the apparmor.d tarball.  that's pretty insane.16:35
jdstrand176 seconds16:35
seb128kees, talking to yourself?16:35
jdstrandthat has got to be some sort of record16:35
jdstrandseb128: you win!16:35
seb128what do I win? ;-)16:35
jdstrandseb128: a slow boot process?16:36
keesseb128: yeah, I hate that kind of typo.  ;)16:36
seb128kees, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/apparmor.d.tar.gz16:36
seb128jdstrand, boot is fast, upgrade is slow16:36
keesseb128: thx16:36
seb128jdstrand, this box boot in 16 seconds16:36
seb128grub to desktop loaded16:36
keesseb128: can you examine your dpkg log and find out what was upgraded that triggered it to throw away the cache?16:37
seb128kees, how can I figure that from the dpkg.log?16:37
seb128it only show what got upgraded16:37
seb128which on daily lucid is a lot16:37
keesseb128: well, really I want to answer the question "what was upgraded between the time you booted quickly and the first boot of the parser being slow?" :P16:38
seb128it's not boot being slow16:38
seb128it's the upgrade16:38
seb128synaptic sitting on "configuring evince" for 3 minutes16:38
doko__Zorry: contentless pong (just write what you want)16:38
seb128users do ctrl-C their upgrade thinking it's stucked16:39
keesseb128: okay.  that makes more sense.  (not the 3 minutes, but the issue)16:39
seb128and we get apport bugs16:39
seb128did I say boot when I'm pinged? I'm sorry16:39
seb128it's an evince postinst issue16:39
keesno, I thought you meant system upgrade, not evince upgrade.  :)16:39
seb128I do16:39
seb128daily update-manager dist-upgrade16:39
seb128evince was in the batch16:39
seb128do you want a bug with the tarball still?16:40
keesright.  I thought it was getting stuck at boot time after an upgrade (which was an earlier complaint)16:40
Zorrydoko__: can you test this patch on binutils-2.20 http://pax.grsecurity.net/binutils-2.19-pt-pax-flags-200811041810.patch  for me ld segfault16:40
keesseb128: yes, please.  I can't reproduce it yet, but it's clearly an issue.16:40
Zorrydoko__: http://pastebin.com/d2b0e1a7716:41
doko__Zorry: well, it's not applied in the ubuntu package, isn't it?16:42
keesseb128: how much memory does the mini10v have?16:43
Zorrydoko__: is not16:43
seb128kees, 1G16:43
seb128kees, i've 639M free right now16:44
seb128+1.6G of swap16:44
keesseb128: okay, thanks.16:44
Zorrydoko__: only adding unsigned int pax_flags; make ld segfault16:45
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Zorrydoko__: just working on proof-of-concept with PaX and PIE16:49
doko__Zorry: sorry didn't test this combination, and don't plan to. maybe ask kees aboutit?16:50
Zorrydoko__: okey np kees did't have the time16:51
jjohansenseb128: want to run an apparmor test for me on your mini10v16:53
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keesZorry: why do you need PaX, btw?16:53
seb128jjohansen, sure16:53
Zorrykees: full support for pax kernels16:54
apwcjwatson, would i be right in assuming the installer knows when to invoke compcache ?  and can you point me at which of those bits do that?16:54
jjohansenseb128: as root can you do  time apparmor_parser -S /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince >foo16:54
zuldoko_: when you get a chance can you review python-pastescript and ptyhon-pastedeploy16:54
seb128jjohansen, ok16:55
jjohansenseb128: then apparmor_parser -Br foo16:55
seb128kees, jjohansen: bug #50386916:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503869 in apparmor "reload takes ages in lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50386916:55
jjohansenseb128: ah thanks16:55
jjohansenseb128: make that     time apparmor_parser -Br foo16:56
seb128jjohansen, the first command exit immediatly with a 234 error16:56
geserI've seen this on my dell mini10v too (upgrading evince took "ages")16:57
keesseb128: try it again with -T -S16:57
kees(I will fix -S to imply -T)16:57
seb128takes ages16:57
cjwatsonapw: not really the installer, it's the live CD boot process16:57
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cjwatsonapw: it's hooked up in casper16:58
apwi wanted to confirm how it invokes it, so apt-get source casper is my firend?16:58
jjohansenhrmm we should turn off caching when -S is used16:58
keesseb128: we're trying to verify that it's a userspace issue (parsing) not a kernel issue (loading)16:58
keesjjohansen: yup, already on it.16:58
seb128still running...16:58
smosercjwatson, Keybuk is out?16:58
cjwatsonapw: casper/conf.d/compcache, and /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/compcache in initramfs-tools (you'll already have this installed)16:58
cjwatsonsmoser: don't know, sorry16:58
apwcjwatson, thanks ... thats what i needed to know.  it copes with both compcache and ramzswap as the module name16:59
smoseranyone? i'm hoping for a some info about bug 503212 .16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503212 in mountall "mountall crashed with SIGSEGV in main() without initramfs" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50321216:59
smoserif its not going to be fixed by alpha2, then i need to turn on ramdisks in our ec2 images.17:00
seb128jjohansen, kees: done17:00
apwsmoser, you can be sure its has not been tested without innitramfs17:00
seb128I forgot to re-add the >log when fixing the syntax17:00
seb128but it was around 3 minutes17:00
smoserapw, i know it *is* tested. i tested it :)17:00
smoserit doesn't work17:01
seb128I'm running it again now17:01
apwsmoser, indeed so ... i'd wonder if its not yet fully converted to the new devtmpfs thingy17:01
keesseb128: ok, so it's seems that -T -S takes 3 minutes, and the -Br takes very little?17:01
seb128-Br exit immediatly on signal 917:01
seb128"time apparmor_parser -Br foo"17:02
seb128is that >foo17:02
keesthe -S is writing out the binary profile to "foo", and -Br foo is loading it into the kernel.17:02
jjohansenah, no you really want foo, you are loading the compiled profile generated in the -S command17:03
seb128oh ok sorry17:03
seb128one minute it's running again now17:04
ionsmoser: I think i see the problem. I’ll fix it.17:07
seb128kees, jjohansen: -T -S = 170s17:08
seb128kees, jjohansen: -Br = 0.06s17:08
jjohansenseb128: thanks, what are the configs on that machine of yours?17:08
jjohansenie. ssd, hd, memory17:08
smoserion, that would rock, thank you.17:09
seb128jjohansen, it's a mini10v with 1G of ram, it's an atom cpu, quite slow17:09
seb128jjohansen, ssd disk17:09
seb128jjohansen, io is very fast, there is plenty of ram and swap but cpu sucks17:10
jjohansenseb128: right, new the atom part just wondering the other parts of the config that can very17:10
jjohansenseb128: can you run top while doing the -S command and see what kind of memory/swap its hitting17:10
seb128time said that 100%cpu was used during those 170 seconds for the -T -S command17:11
seb128apparmor_parser is 100%cpu all the time17:11
seb128memory usage is low17:12
seb128602meg free + 1.6gig swap, not changing there17:12
jjohansenseb128: okay thanks17:13
seb128not moving, whatever apparmor_parser does it eats all cpu for 170 seconds17:13
seb128jjohansen, you're welcome17:13
jjohansenseb128: I know what the problem is, we'll see if I can't fix it at least partially for alpha217:14
seb128ok thanks17:14
seb128should I comment on the bug to add details or will you do that?17:14
jjohansenif you can add the results of your testing that would be great17:15
seb128jjohansen, done17:18
seb128jjohansen, bug #50386917:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503869 in apparmor "reload takes ages in lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50386917:18
seb128let me know if you need extra details17:18
seb128kees, ^17:18
jjohansenseb128: will do, thanks17:18
seb128thank you17:18
ionIt seems bug #458299 may have reappeared.17:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458299 in linux "apparmor_parser: page allocation failure. order:5" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45829917:19
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statikhi zul, Just following up from earlier: I reviewed the rabbitmq-server merge and the ubuntu changes are already upstream, so it should be a sync instead. I filed a sync request here https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server/+bug/50387517:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 503875 in rabbitmq-server "Sync rabbitmq-server 1.7.0-3 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New]17:24
zulstatik: sounds good to me17:25
davmor2asac: when FF opens in live desktop you are getting the pop up about add-ons again like in karmic17:28
keesseb128: so, while jjohansen digs further, do you think if I added a "Reloading evince AppArmor profile (this can take a long time) ..." message to the postinst it would be better?17:32
keeswell, s/better/more understandable and people wouldn't report as many bugs/17:32
seb128kees, don't bother, it's lucid and and people tend to use update-manager which doesn't display the command line by default17:34
seb128kees, just make it better before lucid turn stable ;-)17:35
keesseb128: that's what jjohansen is up to.  sounds like it's hitting what the atom is really bad at, though.  :(17:48
jdong*sigh* atom :-/17:51
jdongreally hit-or-miss performance wise17:51
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geserkees, jjohansen: as I see this problem on my netbook too, does it help when I attach a strace log (with timestamps) to the bug?17:51
jjohansengeser: in this case it won't help much, the computational part makes very few syscalls17:52
nixternalwtf is going on with -devel ml?18:01
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geser-devel or -devel-discuss?18:41
nixternalone of them, they both go to the same place for me18:41
cr3is there a way to configure xorg to not prompt when asking to fall back to safe mode?18:52
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tweaktI'm trying to use ubuntu-cdimage, getting an error about lockfile not found (I've made all the expected directories so far)19:30
tweaktahh, nevermind. not a missing lockfile, but missing the program 'lockfile19:36
keesso, if I leave evince running, gnome-screensaver crashes.  :)19:58
chrisccoulsonkees - more gnome-screensaver crashes? :(20:05
keeschrisccoulson: yup.  100% reproducible too20:06
chrisccoulsonkees - have you managed to debug it at all?20:08
keeschrisccoulson: just made it crash with --sync now, sending apport crash in a moment, one sec20:10
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks. so it's another X error related crash is it?20:10
keeschrisccoulson: evince & sleep 1; gnome-screensaver-command -a  boom.20:15
chrisccoulsonkees - i can't make it crash here. this is on lucid isn't it?20:17
keeschrisccoulson: yup20:18
keeschrisccoulson: oh, evince not needed.  lucid's g-ss just crashes immediately on activation.  :P20:21
chrisccoulsonthat's very strange :-/20:21
keeschrisccoulson: what is responsible for spawning g-ss originally, and can it respawn it?20:25
keeschrisccoulson: LP: #50396120:26
* kees stares at ubottu20:26
keesbug 50396120:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503961 in gnome-screensaver "gnome-screensaver crashed with signal 5 in _XError()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50396120:26
chrisccoulsonkees - gnome-session spawns it. i was thinking about adding proper session integration in gnome-screensaver, so that it can get respawned (and locked) in the event of it crashing20:26
keeschrisccoulson: that would be very nice.  :)20:27
chrisccoulsoni don't know if upstream would accept a patch for it20:27
chrisccoulsonand then, if it keeps crashing, it could just nuke the session (i'm not sure if that's an acceptable fallback in extreme situations)20:27
chrisccoulsoni'll have a look at that bug once the retracer has done it's magic anyway20:28
ccheneyhow do i make preformatted text on wiki.u.c ?20:29
ccheneyor should i just put things into a list to force it to look preformatted20:29
keeschrisccoulson: nuking the session is probably worse.  i.e. minor risk of physical security compromise vs 100% certainty of data loss20:30
james_wccheney: {{{ <multiline text> }}}20:32
ccheneyjames_w: thanks20:48
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mdzdoes anyone know how to check that a gpg key generated via http://ekaia.org/blog/2009/05/10/creating-new-gpgkey/ does in fact use SHA256?21:26
DktrKranzmdz: I "manually" checked signing a little file21:29
DktrKranzat the top, you'll see HASH: SHA25621:29
DktrKranzor SHA1, if things went wrong21:29
seb128_jjohansen, kees: the apparmor_parser -S -T run takes 65 seconds on my laptop dell 630 config21:30
kirklandokay, i think it's time to block "patrick freundt" as an abusive user to ubuntu-devel-discuss21:30
kirklandrobbiew: do you have admin privs on that list?21:30
seb128_jjohansen, kees: not really specific to the atom, that box has a T7700 duo cpu21:30
seb128_ie 2.4Ghz21:30
highvoltagekirkland: yes please :(21:30
seb128_jjohansen, kees: weird that you guys don't get slow run on your boxes21:31
robbiewkirkland: I don't, sorry21:31
seb128_jjohansen, kees: do you have a special "be fast" flag you use? ;-)21:31
* kirkland checks who does ...21:31
kirklandrobbiew: list owned by evand21:32
highvoltagekirkland: evand does according to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-devel-discuss21:32
kirklandrobbiew: who appears to be out ...21:32
kirklandrobbiew: i'll check with elmo21:32
jjohansenseb128_: nope21:32
kirklandelmo: anyone else besides evand have admin privs on ubuntu-devel-discuss@ ML ?21:32
jjohansenseb128_: once the profile is generated the 1st time it should pull it from the cache21:33
jjohansenso it should be fast then21:33
elmokirkland: no21:33
seb128_jjohansen, that doesn't seem to work21:34
seb128_jjohansen, running the command again doesn't make it faster21:34
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jjohansenseb128: are you using the -T flag?21:36
seb128sudo time apparmor_parser -S -T /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince > log21:37
seb128I'm testing with that21:37
jjohansenah, drop the -T flag21:37
jjohansenit means skip cache21:37
seb128it exits with status 23421:37
seb128when I don't use -T21:38
jjohansenoh right that is because the is a bug, with -S atm21:38
jjohansentry apparmor_parser -r apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince21:38
seb128ok that's fast21:39
jjohansenerc /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince21:39
seb128I will stop bothering you about that now21:39
seb128I was just testing on my laptop to see the difference21:39
jjohansenthat is actually loading the profile from cache21:39
seb128it's 65 seconds on full cpu use there21:39
seb128which seems still a lot of a duo 2.4Ghz21:39
seb128of -> for21:39
jjohansen65s for loading?21:40
seb128centrino that's it21:40
sebnerseb128: wondering, here it took 20% on the first cpu and 100% on the second one. Around 1-2 minutes21:40
seb128"sudo time apparmor_parser -S -T /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince > log"21:40
seb128jjohansen, I noticed because update-manager sit on "updating evince" for over a minute again21:40
jjohansenoh, okay that is recompiling the policy21:41
jjohansenbut it should not take that long on a duo21:41
jjohanseneg my laptop takes about 12s21:41
seb128on lucid?21:41
seb128I never has the issue on karmic21:41
jjohansenyes on lucid21:42
seb128ok so I don't know why I've the issue on my boxes and not you21:42
jjohansenwell actually on karmic but in a lucid vm21:42
jjohansenit is strange21:42
jjohansenwhere they clean installs or updates21:42
seb128I update those boxes daily21:43
seb128the mini is a test box for bootcharting21:43
seb128and the laptop is my work config21:43
jjohansenwould you be able to try a clean install to a usb stick21:43
seb128I will do that tomorrow though21:44
sbeattieseb128: are you running amd64 or i386 on your duo?21:44
keesah, that's a difference, I'm running amd64...21:45
keesbut still, on my duo it takes 8 seconds.21:45
seb128well my laptop is not that new21:45
seb128it's 2 years old now21:45
seb128but it's a duo centrino 2.4G21:45
seb128which is usually decent enough...21:45
sbeattieI think it's something specifically with the i386 toolchain in lucid.21:46
seb128you noticed the issue too?21:46
jjohansenmine is core2duo at 1.6G so yours should be fine21:46
jjohansenthough I was using 64bit lucid vm to test21:47
sbeattieseb128: Yeah, I just reproduced on lucid/i386 with an atom.21:47
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sbeattie169.14user 0.25system 2:50.08elapsed 99PU21:47
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jjohansenI have a native 32 bit install on a now atom machine (older original core cpu) I'll try testing there21:48
TheMusokirkland: Thanks for the heads up, I just skip his mails now. :)21:51
kirklandTheMuso: ;-)21:51
jjohansenseb128, sbeattie: replicated: on a 1.73 GHz core cpu, 32 bit lucid install 114.429s real, 106.367s user21:54
jjohansensomething is really broken on the 32 bit tool chain21:55
jjohansenkees: ^21:55
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sbeattiejjohansen: no, something in lucid's evince profile's includes is triggering bad behavior, but it only shows up on i386. using karmic's parser booted in karmic against lucid's apparmor.d results in similar times, whereas it's almost an order of magnitude faster on karmic's evince profile.22:05
jjohansenokay, I will continue to poke22:07
sbeattiejjohansen: i.e. ' sudo time apparmor_parser -I /mnt/etc/apparmor.d/ -S -T /mnt/etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince' where /mnt is my fresh lucid installation results in an elapsed time of 2:54.4522:07
jjohansenugh, but only on i38622:07
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mdzDktrKranz, thanks22:32
douglasawh-workhow difficult would it be to put full disk encryption on the live CD?  I can't image that taking up a lot of space, as the launchpad download is just 501.7 KB22:34
douglasawh-workbut maybe I'm missing something22:35
joaopintodouglasawh-work, that has been brainstormed http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/14574/, however it was incorrectly set to duplicate :\22:40
douglasawh-workjoaopinto: thanks for pointing that out to me!22:43
cjwatsondouglasawh-work: the problem isn't space, it's making it be supported by the live CD partitioner which involves some genuine actual hard code22:45
cjwatsondouglasawh-work: we may make some progress towards that this cycle but LVM and RAID are higher priority for the moment22:45
cjwatsonhowever fortunately those involve solving most of the same problems22:46
douglasawh-workcjwatson: thanks for the info. One additional related question which I've not researched.  the switch from grub1 to grub2 made using dd for full disk encryption impossible (at least not without re-installing grub).  How easy is it to install grub1 in Lucid and/or is that problem with grub2 fixed?22:47
cjwatsondouglasawh-work: I'm not sure I understand the problem. Can you describe what's failing with grub2 in more detail? Is there a bug report or something?22:54
joaopintoargh, I am unable to boot without removing splash now :\22:55
joaopintoI don't remember getting any updates related to boot recently22:56
keesgah, hitting mystery when building.22:59
keesdpkg-source: error: gunzip gave error exit status 122:59
douglasawh-workcjwatson: no bug report. The problem is that grub can't see the encrypted partition for some reason when dd is used. works fine in Jaunty.  We were (kinda still are) under a bit of a time crunch to figure it out (time crunch is now to deploy)23:01
cjwatsondouglasawh-work: so firstly, it's still straightforward to install grub legacy in karmic/lucid23:02
cjwatsonbut I'd like to figure this out anyway23:02
cjwatson"when dd is used" - could you elaborate? dd is a pretty generic tool :-)23:02
cjwatsonI wouldn't have expected grub, either legacy or 2, to be able to see encrypted partitions in general23:03
cjwatsonneither of them contains decryption code, to my knowledge23:03
cjwatsonso I think I'd need to understand how you're setting things up23:03
douglasawh-workcjwatson: well, it works with Jaunty and Fedora, just using the default. I'll did out the exact dd command I'm using here in just a second23:04
tweaktwhat's the easiest way to include a custom preseed file when using the ubuntu-cdimage build process?23:30
tweaktI see them in debian-cd, I also need to customize the boot menu to use it23:31
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douglasawh-workcjwatson: other than grub-common looking like it's still 1.97, the uninstall/re-install seemed to be super-easy. now I've got to test on an encrypted disk...I didn't have the new dd stuff documented where I usually do (like I said, we had a pretty tight deadline), but I'm pretty sure I know where it's at23:48
douglasawh-workto pull down - dd if=/dev/sda | ssh username@backupserver.fqdn "dd of=/directory_of_backups_on_ssh_server/backupfile.iso"23:49
kirklandslangasek: what does it mean if "status libvirt" returns a pid that's close, but not exactly the libvirtd process that I want?  I suspect it's due to forking23:56
slangasekkirkland: probably means the job declaration is wrong for the service in question.  Is the pid a process that's running, or one that's extinct?23:59
kirklandslangasek: status points to a dead process23:59
kirklandslangasek: i see "expect fork" in a bunch of these upstart scripts23:59

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