
thkochHi. Does anybody know, how I can use debhelper and provide a properties file for ant in debian/ ?09:25
* persia vaguely remembers a wiki page about that, and hunts a bit09:25
persiaI can't find it, unfortunately.  There's a note in the CDBS manual about the default file being debian/ant.properties.09:30
persiaYou might check the CDBS code to see how it's calling ant (or what else it's doing), and crib that.09:30
thkochpersia: thx. I hopped dh_auto_build would automagically include ant.properties. But I found that I can pass options to ant with dh_auto_build -- OPTIONS09:34
persiaIt may be worth a bug report asking for it to automatically include debian/ant.properties.09:35
persiaBased on the idea that rules.tiny should just work :)09:35

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