
dholbachgood morning07:59
highvoltagegood morning dholbach10:08
dholbachhi highvoltage10:08
=== cypher__ is now known as czajkowski
czajkowskidholbach: did we have a meeting since UDS?14:30
dholbachczajkowski: no, not as far as I can remember14:30
czajkowskiaye I was all confused14:31
czajkowskipen suggested it'd be a good idea to re group14:31
dholbachyeah it is14:57
dholbachI'm sorry that I didn't do much since UDS, I got a bit busy with a few other things :)14:57
czajkowskidholbach: dont be daft14:59
czajkowskidholbach: though pleia2 says the debian packaging she can help with as she's worked on it14:59
* dholbach looks up "daft" :)15:00
dholbachasomething and I should try to push a bit harder to get all that stuff into Debian, that'd be nice and we could sync it15:00
czajkowskidaft/silly :)15:00
czajkowskiin a good way15:00
* dholbach hugs czajkowski15:01
czajkowskiyay hugs :)15:07
highvoltageczajkowski: you know what you said a while ago about finishing the stuff you said you'd do before taking on new stuff?22:05
czajkowskieh ?22:06
czajkowskiremind me22:06
highvoltageczajkowski: heh, well, you said that you don't take on new stuff until you finish things that you said you do first. this was some months ago but I realised that I need to do it to22:08
highvoltageczajkowski: I think I finally reached a point where I'm pretty much up to date with things that I'm (or was) supposed to do, it feels good22:08
highvoltageczajkowski: anyway, if there's ubuntu-ngo things that need to be done that I can do, feel free to throw it at me :)22:09
czajkowskihighvoltage: see the wiki and the blueprint and see where you want to help22:11
highvoltagecool, will do22:11
highvoltagethere was a bunch of offline-content stuff I was interested in, I think I'll start there22:11
czajkowskihighvoltage: cool, poke ebel he likes that area also22:12

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