
pilif12pWhich option do i use to dual boot?00:04
kirklandmathiaz: yo00:04
kirklandmathiaz: wanna test a libvirt-bin upstart script for me in your env where you're having node troubles?00:05
pilif12pHello again. I'm confused as how to dualboot00:22
tos__how do i set the mac address to use when adding a network alias such as eth0:0
JohnAhelp gui01:02
jlajdstrand: just got back from supper. an overly complex method for setting up a fw.01:06
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JohnAjdstrand: I really need to learn to type.01:14
jdstrandkirkland`: re libvirt/upstart-- I do not01:17
* jdstrand wonders how 'ufw allow OpenSSH ; ufw enable' is so complex. *shrug*01:25
* jdstrand wanders off01:25
kirkland`jdstrand: cool, i have one, working well for me01:33
kirkland`jdstrand: are you interested in helping test it?  :-) :-) :-)01:33
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
erichammondsmoser, et al: Do you remember where the document is describing the release policy/schedule for official Ubuntu AMIs?01:40
smoserits on my plate to get that officially radified and agreed to by QA and tech board01:41
smoserat the moment i'm leaning towards simplyfying the conditions for update to be something like:01:41
smosera. security or major issue01:41
smoserb. monthly unless not necessary01:41
erichammondI'd like to make a request for updates to be released for Karmic (and optionally Hardy).01:42
smoserrather than some other more complex to predict update policy01:42
smoseryou mean *now* ? or in general.01:42
erichammondThe apt-get upgrade on Karmic has an ugly manual grub config prompt which can't be avoided with DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive01:42
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smoserthe policy does say it covers karmic and hardy01:42
smoseris there a bug open?01:43
erichammondsmoser: now as in "some day soon"01:43
erichammondWould you like me to create a bug in launchpad?01:43
erichammondwill do01:43
erichammondI like your monthly/major issue proposal01:45
erichammondUbuntu is very schedule driven in other ways so that folks can do their planning around it.01:46
erichammondHm, what package should I use as an argument to ubuntu-bug when I'm submitting a report against the AMI building software/process?01:52
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zulsmoser: still around?02:04
zulpython-boto got rejected because the changelog still said karmic ill fix it and re-upload it02:04
smoserbugger. sorry.02:05
zulno problem ill fix it and re-upload it02:05
erichammondsmoser: bug 503649 for your enjoyment02:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 503649 in ubuntu "Release updated official Ubuntu EC2 AMIs for Karmic, Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50364902:11
smoseroh, erichammond i actually was wondering about the grub update bug :-(02:11
erichammondWell, the info there could be turned into such a bug if it really is a bug.02:11
erichammondI don't like the behavior, but didn't know if it was intended.02:12
zulsmoser: fixed02:14
tos__hi i am trying to make use of all my ips.... i have ubuntu-server installed with 1 NIC.. and im trying to get each ip on that NIC, but my router only allowd 1-ip per MAC, how can i make Virtual NIC's with different mac's02:21
tos__the eth0:0-1-2-3-4 doesn't work same mac for each02:22
majukHey guys, I have a group Admins and a group Inst. They both have rw to /srv/instr but only Admin has rw to /srv/admin. The problem I have is users in Admin are dumping folders into /srv/instr and getting their group, thus making instr group unable to see them.04:57
majukI've found the set guid for the folder, but that only modifies moved/created files, not directories04:57
majukset guid bit*04:58
tos__ok so i tried to install openVZ to assist with creating virtual ethernet interface, However im using Ubuntu 9.10, and have never recompiled a kernel or anything like that... does anyone know of another way to accomplish this, My router only assigns 1 ip per MAC address and I cant change the router so I need a virtual solution... if there is an easy way out there for ubuntu with a HOW-to or not too much config'ing ??05:01
qman__majuk, I have a similar situation, though I'm unaware of an enforcing solution05:16
qman__I use a create mask in samba and a daily cron job to work around the problem05:17
majukqman__, Yeesh05:18
qman__I didn't say it was a good solution05:19
qman__if there's a better way, I'm certainly interested05:20
majukI think I might have found one.05:21
majukqman__, Guy in #gentoo said it is determined by the program creating the folder. So there is probably a setting in Samba05:21
majukJust a guess. I looked through the man doc, but I'll look again.05:21
qman__yeah, with samba you can force group and create mask05:22
qman__but it only helps with files created via samba, stuff put in other ways can be a problem05:22
majukI know the create mask, but I only found a force user option05:22
majukYea, my users don't. Windows kiddies.05:22
qman__then samba should support everything you need05:22
majukWell then I'll take my pick-axe back to the man pages.05:22
qman__force group = groupname05:23
qman__create mask = 066405:23
qman__directory mask = 077505:23
qman__that's what I use05:23
majukYea I have my everyone locked out for these folders. Hence the problem with my 2 groups not being able ot see one another's files.05:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #461301 in eucalyptus "euca-run-instances unnecessarily encodes user data (dup-of: 461156)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46130105:27
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xiaomaii've mounted an nfs partition rw, but when i attempt to write to that partition (as root), i get permission denied errors.  how can that be?08:34
alvinxiaomai: There are different possibilities here. NFS3 of NFS4?08:51
xiaomaialvin: i think it's nfs3.  i've chmod 777 on the root directory and now i get this weird 4294967294 uid/gid on the files i create08:56
alvinxiaomai: That's the reason. What line is in /etc/exports on your NFS server?08:57
xiaomaialvin: i've got "/mntpoint    myip/range(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)"08:58
xiaomaier, i guess mntpoint is a directory (/data/webserver (it's just part of the root filesystem))08:58
alvinxiaomai: add 'no_root_squash' to your options08:59
alvinthen do $ sudo exportfs -av en remount the share08:59
Jaredsterhas anyone here had troubles with CUPS after upgrading to karmic?09:00
JaredsterI cant get it to share anymore over the network09:00
JaredsterI've tried everything I can think of.09:00
Jaredsterit worked fine on jaunty09:01
xiaomaialvin: beautiful, that did the trick, thanks!09:01
alvinxiaomai: You're welcome09:01
xiaomaialvin: i saw that option in the manpage, but it didn't seem like i needed it--guess i did09:01
Jaredsteripp doesnt work in 9.10 apparently?09:07
twbJaredster: that's not a question.09:08
Jaredsterthank you09:09
_rubenhmm .. is it "normal" for the `du` command to not work properly on fuse mounts?09:10
_rubenit shows 0 bytes for everything09:10
_rubenls does show proper filesizes09:10
twb_ruben: --apparent-size ?09:11
_rubentwb: thanks .. that seems to do the trick ..09:12
* _ruben hides in shame for not even looking at the manpage of du09:12
twbI am guessing that you're looking at files that don't have any blocks on a physical disk or something09:13
twbOr maybe your FUSE implementation just doesn't implement those ioctls09:13
twbs/implementation/filesystem/, I mean. e.g. sshfs09:13
_rubenthey're fuse mount of vmfs volumes (vmware luns)09:15
twbHow does that relate to vmware's hgfs?09:18
_rubennot at all09:18
_rubenhgfs is a special fs to enable drag'n'drog for virtual machines on hosted products ... vmfs is used to store disk images on09:19
twbOh, so kinda like using LVM and giving a VM direct access to an LV (instead of a file on a filesystem) for its block device.09:20
* twb reads wikipedia09:20
JaredsterI'm trying to configure cups right now to share a printer over the network09:22
Jaredsterand no other computer on the network can see it09:22
Jaredsterit worked fine with 9.04, but when I upgraded to 9.10 it broke.09:22
Jaredsterhas anyone else dealt with this?09:24
twbI stick to LTS, sorry.09:24
_rubentwb: not really, basicly vmfs is just another cluster fs like ocfs2 .. though with some features like thick and thin provisioning09:24
twb_ruben: okey dokey09:24
Jaredsterwhat do you do if you delete an init script and need to restore it?09:31
Jaredsternevermind, got it09:34
twbJaredster: sudo dpkg-divert --rename?09:39
twbOh, "if you deleteD"09:39
JaredsterI purged it and reinstalled09:39
JaredsterI was going to do it anyway09:40
jiboumansttx: ping?09:58
ttxjiboumans: o/09:58
ttxjiboumans: fire09:58
jiboumansawesome :)09:58
ivoksttx: thank you for reminder :)11:18
* kirkland going for a run; will try to be back for start of meeting12:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #503008 in dovecot (main) "Dovecot-auth doesn't close sockets" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50300812:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #503777 in squid (main) "Loop with moved_temporarily and when using storeurl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50377713:06
ttxkirkland: for some mysterious upstart reason, my "start on (started ssh and started avahi-daemon)" publication scripts are borken in the current euca. I'm investigating14:00
ttxkirkland: for some reason when ssh/avahi-daemon restart when picking up eth0, the publication task is *not* restarted.14:04
mathiazttx: are the upstart jobs marked respawn?14:15
mathiazttx: if the avahi-daemon dies, avahi-publish aren't restartd14:15
ttxmathiaz: that's the lead i've been following... but marking them respawn doesn't help. Furthermore, shouldn't it get restarted when ssh and avahi-daemon are "started" again ?14:16
ttxit gets properly killed by the "stop on stopping ssh or stopping avahi-daemon"14:17
mathiazttx: I'm not sure that a new interface coming up generates a started sshd/avahi-daemon upstart event14:17
ttxbut doesn't get restarted when ssh and avahi-daemon are started again14:17
mathiazttx: hm... I don't know then14:18
ttxso they would stay started14:18
mathiazttx: I'd ask keybuk about it14:18
ttxand avahi-publish would get SIGTERMed when avahi-daemon dies14:18
ttxI will14:18
jdstrandkirkland: re upstart/libvirt> I can test it, sure14:20
kirklandjdstrand: i was having trouble building lucid's libvirt locally14:21
kirklandjdstrand: was failing some tests14:21
jdstrandkirkland: the test suite is flaky in spots. did you build in a deep directory?14:23
kirklandjdstrand: /local/source/libvirt/libvirt-0.7.2$14:23
kirklandjdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352342/14:24
kirklandjdstrand: interestingly, it built in my ppa14:25
kirklandjdstrand: but not on my local system14:25
jdstrandkirkland: are you using pbuilder?14:25
kirklandjdstrand: not for this14:25
kirklandjdstrand: is that a requirement for the test to work?14:26
jdstrandI use sbuild, and it built fine14:26
jdstrandkirkland: all the vmx2xml stuff dies cause it can't find something14:26
jdstrandkirkland: I'd look at the build log in LP and make sure you have everything installed14:27
kirklandjdstrand: okay14:27
jdstrandkirkland: beyond that, soren was working on enabling the test suite-- so I'd ping him on problems there14:27
jdstrandsoren: libvirt testsuite not working for kirkland. seems a dep isn't installed, but he'll see14:28
kirklandjdstrand: also, there's a regression in debian/control build deps14:28
sorenkirkland: Which test fails?14:28
kirklandjdstrand: seems that open-iscsi snuck back in there (rather than open-iscsi-utils)14:28
kirklandsoren: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352342/14:29
jdstrandkirkland: oops. can you fix?14:29
kirklandjdstrand: yeah14:29
kirklandjdstrand: i have it fixed with the libvirt stuff i'm working on14:29
sorenkirkland: *shrug* No clue.14:31
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kirklandsoren: k14:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #503396 in php5 (main) "canary mismatch on efree() " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50339614:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #503827 in openldap (main) "Always I want to update the system it crashes with that stuff" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50382715:01
garymcHi guys anyone know how i can resett my my phpmyadmin user and password, i seem to have forgotten them15:07
jdstrandsoren: btw, I don't mind doing the libvirt merge before it hits testing (in fact, I already looked at it earlier this week ;) but since it was such a big change, I wanted to see what bugs came out of it. Also, kirkland is working on libvirt/upstart and I have some other things I'm working on atm, so saying 'when it hits testing' more or less gave an accurate timeframe ;)15:23
kirklandjdstrand: cool15:23
kirklandjdstrand: yeah, i hope to upload the upstart change today15:23
jdstrandkirkland: nice15:23
kirklandjdstrand: i sent it to my PPA, while i figure out why it's not building for me locally15:24
kirklandjdstrand: side benefit of getting others testing it15:24
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smoserkirkland, ttx you kwno what networking device the instances in EUC get ?15:46
Davidf88anyone know about the enterprse clud stuff?15:46
kirklandsmoser: you mean eth*?15:47
smoserie, what -net nic,model=XXXXXX15:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #503850 in eucalyptus (main) "Upstart publication scripts no longer run" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50385015:47
Davidf88Guys, hoping someone can help15:47
Davidf88I have a 64 bit cluster and 64 bit node15:48
Davidf88however having an issue with running instances15:48
Davidf88they start, run then terminate straight away15:48
Davidf88anyone got any ideas?15:48
smoserDavidf88, need more info, this is karmic ? instance and uec?15:52
smoserone thing to try is using a larger --instance-type15:52
Davidf88smoser: its karmic yes15:53
Davidf88yeah when using the larger --instance-type15:54
Davidf88it just does the same thing15:54
Davidf88but prolongs it15:54
smoserkirkland, if you have an instance running, you can just dump its libvirt xml for me15:58
smoseror even just ps -ww for the cmdline of kvm15:58
Davidf88smoser: I am also gettng this15:59
Davidf88in MANAGED-NOVLAN mode, priv interface 'eth0' must be a bridge, tunneling disabled15:59
Davidf88in cc.log15:59
smoserDavidf88, i'm sorry, the instance-type was really the only suggestion i had. i've had ones that were to small misteriously dying16:00
Davidf88ok smoser somehow now have it running :s bit of a cluster-f**k to be honest16:01
mathiaznijaba`: I need to refine the script16:02
mathiaznijaba`: and make sure it gives out the correct packages16:02
nijaba`mathiaz: have you looked at the python rewrite that mvo has done16:02
mathiaznijaba`: which one?16:03
nijaba`mathiaz: ubutnu-maintenance-check16:03
nijaba`mathiaz: he has rewrote it in python and verified the results16:03
mathiaznijaba`: does this grab the list of packages published by the security team?16:04
nijaba`mathiaz: nope, it use seeds/germinate16:04
nijaba`mathiaz: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu-maintenance-check/python-port16:05
mathiaznijaba`: ah ok. I'll have a look at it then16:05
mathiaznijaba`: hm - would the result of the script include things like basic libraries?16:07
mathiaznijaba`: such as libopenssl for example?16:07
nijaba`mathiaz: every package that is in main because of a server related seed16:07
mathiaznijaba`: IIUC libopenssl is maintained for 5 years, but not relevant to the server tema16:08
mathiaznijaba`: right - getting the list of -server related packages is a bit more difficult16:08
mathiaznijaba`: as we're looking for packages that are *only* pulled in by a server seed16:08
mathiaznijaba`: plus a couple of others16:09
nijaba`mathiaz: well, what product do we have that is maintained for 5y which is not server releated?16:09
mathiaznijaba`: the perspective here is from the server team - and get the list of packages related to it16:09
mathiaznijaba`: example: libopenssl is maintained for 5 years16:09
nijaba`mathiaz: or do you exclude packages maintained bu the foundation team, but which are used by the server?16:10
mathiaznijaba`: however I don't think that ubuntu-server should be a bug contact16:10
mathiaznijaba`: seems like a fondation thing to me16:10
mathiaznijaba`: right16:10
mathiaznijaba`: I'd like to exclude packages that are maintained by other team16:10
nijaba`mathiaz: ok, so you do not want all server seeded pacakes, only the ones assigned to the server team, which is not tacked in seeds16:10
mathiaznijaba`: so we need to have a more fine-grained selection16:11
nijaba`mathiaz: yep16:11
nijaba`mathiaz: why do you add a ` to my handle?16:11
mathiaznijaba`: the script I wrote selects packages that: 1. are *directly* seeded in a server seed16:11
nijaba`mathiaz: ok, makes sense16:11
mathiaz2. are *only* pulled in by a server seed16:12
mathiaznijaba`: because that's what irssi completes to16:12
mathiaznijaba`: at least that how I see your nickname16:12
nijaba`hmm... weird.  should not...16:13
=== nijaba` is now known as nijaba
nijabashould be fixed...16:18
rj175Hello, I now have a instance running how do I ssh to it?!16:26
nijabarj175: ssh -i key ubuntu@ipaddress?16:27
rj175nijaba: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host16:28
nijabarj175: well, looks like you have a routing pb, then, or you are not specifying the public address16:28
rj175nijaba: how can I debug this issue?16:29
nijabarj175: are you on uec or ec2?16:30
rj175in using ubuntu 9.10 with eucalyptus16:30
nijabarj175: ok. I that case, what is the public ip address range you specified during install?16:31
nijabaand what is your station ip address?16:32
rj175u mean the cluster and node ips?16:32
rj175nijaba: the cluster (the web front) is and the node is
nijabanope, the machine from which you are trying to ssh to your instance16:33
nijabarj175: can you ping .35 from .82?16:34
subAnyone know if HP's support pack available in any of the standard repos?16:34
rj175nijaba: no16:34
nijabarj175: then your instance is not fully up, it seems.16:34
rj175nijaba: the instance says its running16:35
nijabarj175: what does euca-describe-instance report?16:35
rj175INSTANCE        i-38FC0669      emi-E01C1076      running         mykey   0       m1.large        2010-01-06T16:20:12.528Z        cluster1        e16:35
rj175ki-F69E10F7     eri-0B15116516:36
nijabarj175: hmm...  then you should have a look at the boot messages from that instance.  sonds like it got stuck somewhere16:36
rj175nijaba: where can i find the boot message?16:36
nijabarj175: euca-get-console-output16:38
ttxsmoser: ping16:38
rj175nijaba: all i get is:16:39
nijabarj175: you should really have something from the console.   Can you see what it says with --debug?16:45
rj175it says the exact same16:46
rj175let me try stopping it and running it again16:46
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
rj175nijaba: just the same :()16:49
nijabarj175: :/16:49
rj175nijaba: the is one thing in the cc.log, in MANAGED-NOVLAN mode, priv interface 'eth0' must be a bridge, tunneling disabled16:51
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
DoonzOk here's my issue. server 1 can log into server 2 through ssh without password authentication. but server 2 cannot log into server 1 without having to enter a password. Im trying to set up rsync from server 2 to server 1 without being prompted for password17:01
DoonzOk here's my issue. server 1 can log into server 2 through ssh without password authentication. but server 2 cannot log into server 1 without having to enter a password. Im trying to set up rsync from server 2 to server 1 without being prompted for password17:13
alex_jonia server cannot log into another server17:14
alex_jonia users logs in to another server17:14
alex_joniyou can setup users to not require a password using shared keys, examine your ~/.ssh/ folder17:14
jiboumanszul++ # burner of charts17:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #503875 in rabbitmq-server (main) "Sync rabbitmq-server 1.7.0-3 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50387517:31
zulnot when im eating17:31
Doonzalex_joni: yes17:34
Doonzuser1 exists on both servers17:34
Doonzuser1 runs the rsync job17:34
Doonzuser1 on server1 can just type ssh server2 and log into terminal. user1 on server2 runs the rsync command. but when user1 tries to ssh into server1 he is prompted for a password17:35
mathiazkirkland: jdstrand: where is the libvirt upstart job you worked on yesterday?17:46
jdstrandmathiaz: I have not worked on it (presumably in kirkland's ppa)17:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #502518 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (universe) "Lost connection to MySQL server during query" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50251817:51
Doonzuser1 runs the rsync job17:59
Doonzuser1 on server1 can just type ssh server2 and log into terminal. user1 on server2 runs the rsync command. but when user1 tries to ssh into server1 he is prompted for a password17:59
kirklandmathiaz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352435/18:07
nodhi - i've just done a vanilla install of 9.10 cloud with 1 cluster head and one node.  my store is empty of images, yet the docs seem to say i should have some default images there.18:10
nodi don't mind bundling my own (and intend to) but I'm just curious if I've not missed something and therefore my installation isn't complete.18:10
nodmy node is being detected and the zone listed18:10
mathiazkirkland: great. I'll give it a try in daily UEC testing18:10
TeTeTnod: there should be images in the image store, but not deployed in the cloud18:14
pmatulisanyone have any experience with cyrus2dovecot (migration from cyrus to dovecot)?18:19
Doonzuser1 runs the rsync job18:41
Doonzuser1 on server1 can just type ssh server2 and log into terminal. user1 on server2 runs the rsync command. but when user1 tries to ssh into server1 he is prompted for a password18:41
zooko_sgWhat's your favorite way to install Ubuntu as a guest in a VirtualBox?19:01
kirklandmathiaz: hey19:04
kirklandmathiaz: i have my pxe boot/install working19:04
mathiazkirkland: howdy sunland!19:04
kirklandmathiaz: can you point me to your preseed files you're using for UEC?19:04
zooko_sgI guess I'll just dl the .iso and do an install...19:05
mathiazkirkland: sure - let me generate one19:05
kirklandmathiaz: gimme a nc to start with19:05
smoserkirkland, when you do get an instance up and running, please do a 'ps -aww | grep kvm' for me19:07
smoseri just want to see what kvm is invoked as19:07
kirklandsmoser: will do19:07
smoserwhich, i think, will tell me what network driver is being used.19:07
mathiazkirkland: http://people.canonical.com/~mathiaz/uec-node.preseed19:08
mathiazkirkland: you should have a quick look at it19:08
mathiazkirkland: as you may wanna change some information19:08
mathiazkirkland: the file is documented19:09
kirklandmathiaz: of course ;-)19:10
mathiazkirkland: the key part is: d-i anna/choose_modules string eucalyptus-udeb19:10
kirklandmathiaz: so where does this go in my tftpboot dir?19:10
mathiazkirkland: that line will kick the UEC installer component19:10
kirklandmathiaz: or does it go with my http deb dir?19:10
mathiazkirkland: hm - multiple option19:10
mathiazkirkland: hm - multiple options19:11
mathiazkirkland: easiest is http deb dir19:11
mathiazkirkland: then you point the install to preseed=http://server/preseed via the command line19:11
mathiazkirkland: the most elegant is to stick into the ramdisk sent to the system19:11
mathiazkirkland: but that means regenerating the ramdisk19:12
kirklandmathiaz: hrm19:12
mathiazkirkland: IIRC the ramdisk is fetched via tftp19:12
kirklandmathiaz: okay, so this is perhaps where the cgi-bin comes in?19:12
kirklandmathiaz: b/c i'd like the install to be automatic19:12
kirklandmathiaz: in case i'm not at the console of the installing machine19:12
mathiazkirkland: right - both methods will be automatic19:12
mathiazkirkland: so if you use the http based method, you'll have to bootstrap a couple of debconf question via the kernel command line19:13
kirklandmathiaz: oh?  so the name "preseed" is special?  a netboot always looks for that?19:13
mathiazkirkland: oh no. I made that up19:13
mathiazkirkland: on the kernel command line, you'll add: preseed=http://my-server/preseed19:14
mathiazkirkland: that means the installer will download the preseed as soon as it can (ie after networking is up)19:14
kirklandmathiaz: okay -- how do i do that automatically?19:14
mathiazkirkland: that's through the dhcp option IIRC19:14
* mathiaz thinks19:14
kirklandmathiaz: something in the install/netboot dir?19:15
kirklandmathiaz: i was bind/loop mounting it19:15
kirklandmathiaz: but i can create a rw copy19:15
kirklandmathiaz: and edit that into there19:15
Doonzuser1 on server1 can just type ssh server2 and log into terminal. user1 on server2 runs the rsync command. but when user1 tries to ssh into server1 he is prompted for a password19:16
Doonzi have added the id_rsa.pub to the servers authorized keys19:16
mathiazkirkland: it's set in the pxelinux.cfg file19:16
mathiazkirkland: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/19:16
kirklandmathiaz: okay, coo19:17
mathiazkirkland: ^^ this should be the root of your tftpboot directory19:17
mathiazkirkland: the dhcp server points to pxelinux.019:17
mathiazkirkland: then pxelinux.0 download its configuration from pxelinux.cfg/19:17
mathiazkirkland: it tries a list of well-known filenames19:18
mathiazkirkland: starting with the mac-address, then the IP address in HEX, and finally default19:18
mathiazkirkland: you'd have to look up the configuration format of pxelinux19:18
mathiazkirkland: IIRC you can specify which kernel, initrd should be downloaded19:19
mathiazkirkland: as well as the kernel command line19:19
kirklandmathiaz: awesome19:19
kirklandmathiaz: just what i need19:19
mathiazkirkland: the tricky part is to manage the pxelinux.cfg/ directory19:19
mathiazkirkland: what you'd usually do is that a the default file make the system boot from the local harddrive19:20
kirklandmathiaz: right19:20
mathiazkirkland: if you want to (re)install the system, you just add a specific filename with the correct installation information19:20
mathiazkirkland: and then you need a script that will automatically remove the specific filename when the installation has completed19:21
mathiazkirkland: so that upon reboot the system doesn't reinstall19:21
mathiazkirkland: one way to do that is to write a cgi script that gets the IP address of the installed system19:21
sub^ that's how I've done it19:22
uvirtbotsub: Error: "that's" is not a valid command.19:22
mathiazkirkland: and deletes the specific filename (using the HEX version of the IP address)19:22
subpython CGI script to remove a symlink for the requesting IP address19:22
mathiazkirkland: and you just need to call the cgi script using a late_command in the preseed file19:22
mathiazsub: right - using symlinks helps as well19:23
mathiazkirkland: ^^ you can setup different installation profile19:23
mathiazkirkland: and then all you need to do is to create a symlink to the installation profile whenever you want to reinstall a node19:23
mathiazkirkland: and then reboot the node19:23
mathiazkirkland: another way to detect when an installation has been done is to scan syslog19:24
mathiazkirkland: you'll see request for tftp19:24
mathiazkirkland: when the pxelinux configuration file has been requested via tftp by the client, you can also erase it19:24
mathiazkirkland: that way you don't have to call for the cgi script at the end of the installation19:25
kirklandmathiaz: cool19:26
kirklandmathiaz: this is good stuff19:26
kirklandmathiaz: its working well so far19:26
* kirkland is done burning USB sticks19:26
mathiazkirkland: yeah - it's a lot of pieces to be glued so far19:26
mathiazkirkland: and then you need to think about how you can automatically reboot a system19:27
mathiazkirkland: remotely - either via powercycling it19:27
mathiazkirkland: or wake-on-lan19:27
kirklandmathiaz: we totally need a eucalyptus-auto-install package19:27
kirklandmathiaz: or some such19:27
kirklandmathiaz: that does everything i've done so far19:27
mathiazkirkland: well - we need a system-installation package with eucalyptus profiles19:27
kirklandtftp, mounts, etc.19:27
mathiazkirkland: make sure that BIOS of the system are set to always boot first from the network19:28
mathiazkirkland: you wanna control everything from the network19:29
mathiazkirkland: as you can use pxelinux to boot from a local harddrive19:29
kirklandmathiaz: right19:29
mathiazkirkland: (chainloading IIRC)19:29
smoserkirkland, so i got the answer for mac19:34
smosererr, for network adapter type19:34
smoserits e100019:34
smoseraubre got http://paste.ubuntu.com/352480/ for me.19:34
smoser2 things interesting19:34
smosera.) i think ideal situation is that is virtio ... i'm just guessing that that should be the fastest network inteface for kvm19:35
aubreI like how the mac starts with d0:0d19:35
mathiazsmoser: right - virtio would be nice19:36
smoserb.) i have the strongest case to get CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET=y and thus get us networking for kvm guests built into kernel rather than a module19:36
mathiazsmoser: however it break compability with existing EC2 images19:36
smoser(i dont think we're going to convince anyone to build in e1000 at this point)19:36
smosermathiaz, you're sure of that ?19:36
smoserec2 probably doesn't use e1000 nick, probably xen virtual. id have to check though19:37
mathiazsmoser: well - existing EC2 images don't necessarly support virtio net devices19:37
kirklandsmoser: yes, definitely virtio would be nice19:37
kirklandsmoser: i *think* we're finally to a point where most guests should support virtio19:37
mathiazsmoser: I think there is the same problem with virtio block devices19:37
smoserremember that hte kernel is different for ec2 -> uec . so thats unavoidable.19:37
smoserwell, i think that virtio block was somethign else19:37
mathiazsmoser: agreed.19:37
smoserthe last point i wanted to make was19:37
mathiazsmoser: right - it was also a naming issue19:38
smoser./tools/gen_kvm_libvirt_xml was modified in November of this year to turn e1000 as the device model19:38
smoserpreviously it was not set19:38
mathiazsmoser: virtio block device show up as /dev/vda, where as EC2 images expect it to be sd*19:38
kirklandmathiaz: i think we could reasonably hack that with symlinks19:39
smosermathiaz, your'e right on that.19:39
mathiazkirkland: good point19:39
kirklandmathiaz: smoser: i'm all for using virtio disk and network the default in UEC19:40
smoserkirkland, yes, it could be "fixed" but you'd have to change the image (udev in it to do that)19:40
kirklandmathiaz: smoser: our VMs would *smoke*19:40
smoserso with changing to virtio for block device you'd have to change the AMI/EMI19:40
kirklandmathiaz: okay, one more silly question ... ks=http:/path/to/a/preseed file on the kernel command line...19:40
mathiazkirkland: smoser: right - ^^ that was the issue against virtio block devices19:40
kirklandmathiaz: that should work right?19:41
smoserwhat does a virtio network device show up as ?19:41
smosermathiaz, right, you are correct.19:41
kirklandmathiaz: are preseed/kickstart files interchangable in ubuntu?19:41
kirklandsmoser: just eth019:41
smoseryeah, so we might be able to get away with that19:41
mathiazsmoser: that's the good point: eth*19:41
smoserat very least it would be nice to allow someone to change that19:41
kirklandsmoser: thankfully, that's no different19:41
kirkland00:03.0 Ethernet controller: Qumranet, Inc. Unknown device 100019:41
mathiazkirkland: hm - I don't think so19:41
kirklandeth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:36:32:4a:2519:41
kirklandmathiaz: oh?19:42
kirklandmathiaz: what's the kernel cmdline for a preseed file then?19:42
mathiazkirkland: hm - file=http://19:42
smosersince it has recently changed (from whatever kvm default is) to e100019:42
mathiazkirkland: ?19:42
smoserwe might be able to argue that it should have been changed to virtio19:42
mathiazkirkland: I think it's file=19:42
mathiazkirkland: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html19:43
kirklandsmoser: who changed it?19:43
smosersee patebin for log19:43
kirklandmathiaz: cheers, mate19:43
smoseroh, silly  me. root did :)19:43
mathiazkirkland:   preseed/url=http://host/path/to/preseed.cfg19:43
kirklandsmoser: nice19:43
kirklandsmoser: is that you, or eucalyptus?19:44
mathiazkirkland: ah - it's url= actually19:44
smoserthat log was from bazaar.launchpad.net/~eucalyptus-maintainers/eucalyptus/1.6/19:44
mathiazkirkland: file= will point the installer to a local file on the ISO19:44
kirklandsmoser: those guys kill me with that19:44
smoserwell, you kniow it was someone who was root19:45
smoserso that limits it19:45
mathiazsmoser: hm - I can't think of any reason to *not* use virtio network devices by default on UEC19:45
smoserunless they used euca-root-wrap :)19:45
kirklandmathiaz: clients are the only limitation19:46
kirklandmathiaz: the client must support virtio19:46
kirklandmathiaz: which is true for Ubuntu >= hardy19:46
mathiazkirkland: right - and that's an issue at the kernel level19:46
kirklandmathiaz: i don't know what that threshold is for debian, fedora, centos, etc.19:46
mathiazkirkland: like smoser mentionned the EC2 kernel != UEC kernel19:46
kirklandmathiaz: but like i said, i think it's a safe assumption in 201019:46
garymcHi anyone know how i make my server work through a static ip address?19:47
garymcI bought 5 static ip address and im assigning a ip to each server19:47
mathiazkirkland: since we provide official UEC kernels, we can say that they will support virtio19:47
kirklandmathiaz: sure19:48
mathiazgarymc: "man interfaces" outlines how to configure a static ip address19:48
garymcwhere is that? im a newbie19:49
mathiazgarymc: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html19:49
garymcmathiaz i think maybe this is something differnt19:52
garymcMy Internet provider has gave me 5 ip address to the one broadband connection. Now before this I could access the server fine, and i would have to tunnel to the other servers19:52
garymcbut now I assign an static ip to each server the servers are not connecting to the router. My phone company say i have to get my server to either recognise this or make sure they have dhcp enableed which i think they do?19:53
mathiazgarymc: you need to connect all of your servers directly to the router19:56
mathiazgarymc: and set them up with their respective ip address19:56
garymcthey are connected directly to the router19:57
guntbertgarymc: and the router must be configured appropiately19:57
garymcyes it is supposed to be, would i need to set anything else?19:57
garymclike in the server?19:57
mathiazgarymc: you need to make sure that the server is configured with the static ip address19:58
mathiazgarymc: if you run the command: ifconfig19:59
mathiazgarymc: it will give you the list of configure network interfaces19:59
garymcok, im working remotley19:59
mathiazgarymc: and what IP address they're listening to19:59
garymceth0 and eth119:59
garymcthe router is handing that out19:59
nodhi - i asked a question earlier then ran off to lunch about 5 mins later.20:01
nodi see Tetec responded but is gone now20:02
nodhi - i've just done a vanilla install of 9.10 cloud with 1 cluster head and one node.  my store is empty of images, yet the docs seem to say i should have some default images there.20:02
nodi don't mind bundling my own (and intend to) but I'm just curious if I've not missed something and therefore my installation isn't complete.20:02
nodthere's currently nothing listed in the image store20:02
mathiaznod: is the cluster head allowed to reach the internet?20:03
nodmathiaz: ya20:03
mathiaznod: you should check if the image-store-proxy is running on the system20:04
mathiaznod: and look into its log files: /var/log/image-store-proxy/20:04
nodexcellent.  will do20:04
nodthx for the pointer20:04
nodit says it's started up and listening on port 5278020:05
nodno errors.  and - it's currently running now20:05
nodwhoa...  bizarre!  i just restarted it and _now_ there's images in the store :|20:07
blackxoredhello, anyone knows about a way to reset a user's password in a AD domain through the shell?20:17
garymcok i had to reset server or ifdown then ifupo for it to sort its ip address20:30
garymcanyone know the command to change my root password?20:31
guntbert!root | garymc20:32
ubottugarymc: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:32
garymcI changed it before so i could give someone access i just want to change it back20:33
neonfreonpasswd -l20:33
garymcno still dont get it20:34
garymcso dont i do something like, passwd change letmein20:35
neonfreonyou want no passwd to work20:36
neonfreonso that sudo is the only way20:36
neonfreonread the man page on passwd20:37
neonfreonsee what the -l command does20:37
guntbertgarymc: you *should* disable the root password again (like neonfreon said)20:40
ChrisRutI am running Ubuntu Server 8.04 (hardy), and when I login remotely i can't see the colors when using ls, however after I type "bash" into the shell I see colors when using ls, I've already checked my .bashrc and all the colors are enabled by default (colors=auto), and I've checked "echo $SHELL20:51
ChrisRut" and which bash, and they both report /bin/bash20:51
ChrisRuthoever I don't see colors until I enter "bash" into shell20:51
ChrisRutwhy might this be?20:52
sorenmathiaz: You know, a team ppa for those auto builds would be good. The first package just failed, and I just realised that as long as I'm the only one getting those e-mails, I'm also the poor sod who has to deal with it :)20:58
mathiazsoren: :)20:59
mathiazsoren: that being said, having team doesn't mean that the build failures will automatically be dealt with by *others* ;)21:00
sorenmathiaz: No, but then we can all join in on procrastinating. It's a joint effort. :)21:01
DoonzHi guys, What im trying to do is set up passwordless transfers using rsync between my two servers. each server has the same user on it with the same password. this will be the user calling for the rsync transfer on server2. The user we will call user1. from server 1 user1 can initiate a ssh session with server2 without being prompted to enter a password. Now from server2 user1 cannot initiate a ssh session with server1 without enter21:37
ChrisRutyou need to setup password-less authorization keys21:44
DoonzChris wich i did. i did it from server 1 to server 2 first21:44
Doonzthen redid the steps from server2 to server121:45
ChrisRutDoonz: are both servers using the same "user"21:46
Doonzyes with same passwrd21:46
Doonzserver 1 to server2 works21:46
Doonzserver2 to server1 doesnt21:46
ChrisRutI think you need to generate a new key for server2 and then copy that over to server1, you can't use the same key on both (could be wrong thou)21:47
Doonzyeah ChrisRut thats what i did21:49
ChrisRutDoonz: hmm, not sure then, what (if any) error messages are you getting? can you try using verbose to get more info?21:50
Doonz~/.ssh$ ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey private.com21:54
DoonzPermission denied (publickey,password)21:54
Doonzthats server 2 to server 121:54
Doonzwhen i run that command on server1 to server2 it logs me in21:55
=== aubre is now known as aubre_afk
kisielkDoonz: check the permissions on your files in .ssh on server121:56
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Doonzidentical on each server21:56
ChrisRutDoonz: can you ssh from 2 to 1 without using a key (just password)?22:01
kisielkis the key in your authorized_keys?22:02
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ivoksi've tested pacemaker with ip and service failover and it works great22:21
ivokseasy to set up, easy to configure and runs quite nice22:21
ivokswhen i think of it, i don't know how to set up the same thing with RHCS :)22:22
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
jiboumansivoks: that's pretty good news :)22:28
ivoksi need to do more testing for final conclusion22:29
ivoksbut, at the moment, it looks awesome22:29
jiboumansivoks: glad to hear it. keep us appraised of progress, we're all quite interested22:30
dug_I upgraded my server to karmic, works fine. Removed the 2nd hard drive tho (empty), and now it won't boot, just a flashing cursor. Holding shift doesn't load grub, I checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:32
dug_I ran grub-install from an 8.10 cd, no change.  I'm burning a 9.10 cd now, will that install grub2?22:33
dug_oh i see the instructions here now at the bottom of the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD22:38
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Doonzfix it home dir was chomd to 77723:00
* kirkland hugs mathiaz23:29
kirklandmy pxe UEC install setup totally kicks ass now23:29
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