
davidubuntuminimec: im not sure if I explained it correctly, its the very large menu with large icons that takes up the entire desktop. I wonder if this has anything to do with the netbook? i am able to right click on other things00:00
faileasSteveIgnorant: assuming the livecd uses casper which most of em do00:00
adzmkanyicy: know any utilities to make dumps from myd files00:00
LA-Snowhow do i find the repository for Transmission?  i'm trying to add it to Synaptic00:00
aciculadone365: how much memory do you have now00:00
Dr_Willis!info transmission00:00
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.75-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB00:00
aciculadone365: or what hardware in general00:00
mkanyicyadz, what do you want to do?00:00
SteveIgnorantfaileas: its LFS livecd, would you know?00:00
Dr_WillisLA-Snow:  its in the 'universe' repository00:00
jaunti tried downloading virtual box. it is in my download list for firefox, but i can't figure out how to use it.00:01
minimecdavidubuntu: What kind of ubuntu did you install. Some netbook versoin?00:01
adzmkanyicy: restore them someplace temporarily00:01
jaunti use ubuntu 9.0400:01
aciculajaunt: use the package manager that comes with ubuntu00:01
Dr_Willisjaunt:   read the virtialbox wiki page/guide posted earlier?00:01
SteveIgnorantfirefly2442: know the repository off hand?00:01
faileasSteveIgnorant: well, it isn't gonna hurt to try00:01
Dr_Willis!virtualbox | jaunt00:01
ubottujaunt: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:01
LA-SnowDr_Willis: i've seen that repository doesn't update it fast enough.  v 1.76 is already out but the repository lists 1.7500:01
SteveIgnorantfaileas: kk =D00:01
mkanyicyadz, what for?00:01
firefly2442SteveIgnorant, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/00:01
Dr_WillisLA-Snow:  that wasent what you ashed however.. :)  there might be newer PPA repos for newer versions.00:01
adzmkanyicy: make sure that I have absolutely everything intact before I wipe main server00:02
Dr_WillisLA-Snow:  ubuntu dosent really do 'always having the latest version' sort of things. :)00:02
mkanyicyadz, of course you have everything if you have that file]00:02
LA-SnowDr_Willis: right.  hence why i want to add the transmission repository00:02
faileasLA-Snow: does the repo have a site?00:02
Dr_WillisLA-Snow:  in theory the default repos will NEVER update it..    add/check for PPA repos of the transmission homepage for other repos00:02
LizardK|ngwhy is it so difficult to get a hypervisor working in Ubuntu?  i couldn't make sense of what xen needed, so i decided to try KVM but i can;t find kvm.ko anywhere!00:02
mkanyicyadz, if you don't believe that install mysql in the livecd session now00:03
faileas(or is there actually a repo?)00:03
firefly2442SteveIgnorant, I think unetbootin is also in the Ubuntu repo but it may be an older version00:03
LA-Snowcool.  i'll look on the site00:03
pilif12pWhich option do i use to dual boot?00:03
pilif12pGuided- Resize00:03
davidubuntuminimec: i installed the latest regular version of ubuntu last night00:03
mkanyicyadz, and extract that tar and put the files under /var/lib/mysql00:03
adzmkanyicy: on the new server? because I remember something from a long time ago about that not working directly00:04
pilif12pGuided- Use entire disk00:04
pilif12pGuided- Use entire disk and setup LVM00:04
pilif12pGuided- Use entire disk and setup encrypted LVM00:04
done365acicula: AMD 64 3500. 512 mem (but Karmic says 429.9, or 449) Linux 2.6.31-16 generic, dvdr/rw, dvd, 250 western digital hd00:04
Dr_Willispilif12p:  any of them can proberly be used.. it depends on your needs.00:04
SteveIgnorantfirefly2442: i had no luck finding it in the repo00:04
pilif12pDr_Willis: i want to dualboot00:04
mkanyicyadz, the MOST IMPORTANT thing you have to keep in mind is that the ownership and permissions of the mysql files need to be exactly like that, if they change mysql can ignore them00:04
minimecdavidubuntu: A default Ubuntu karmic install would give you that desktop http://download.freenet.de/img/softwareimages/10541/screen_640x480_ubuntu.jpg.jpg00:04
Dr_Willispilif12p:  you need to reeize your windows partition   - use the first one..  ANY OF THEM (almost) can be set to use dual boot...00:04
adzmkanyicy: ok I will give it a shot...00:05
aciculadone365: probably because of a videocard thats integrated on the motherboard using some of the main memory?00:05
Dr_Willispilif12p:  think about what they are saying.. One will ask to use all the disk.. so that would remove windows.. so you dont want that one logically. :)00:05
pilif12pDr_Willis: who said anything about Windows?00:05
aciculadone365: but yeah its kind of tight on memory even for ubuntu , you could try a lighter environment with xubuntu?00:05
mkanyicyadz, if encountering probs feel free to ask me, i've been fiddling with that for years00:05
pilif12pI'm using Ubuntu desktop and server00:05
Dr_Willispilif12p:  what are you dual booting then? you havent given us any real details .. please do so.00:05
pilif12pI just said ;)00:06
pilif12pServer and Desktop00:06
minimecdavidubuntu: That is the netbook remix default desktop, I guess... http://mgsimon.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/UbuntuKarmicKoalaNetbookRemixStartbildschirm.png00:06
Dr_Willispilif12p:  why do you want to do that?  you got your partitions set up allready? or what.00:06
pilif12pno, i don't00:06
pilif12pI want desktop so that i can use it still00:06
Dr_Willispilif12p:  then you need to do some resizeing then it seems...00:06
Dr_Willispilif12p:  you can install the desktop pacakges on the server install ifyou wanted tio00:06
Dr_Willispilif12p:  if thats the only reason you are wantign to do a desktop install...00:06
mkanyicypilif12p, dualbooting is a bad idea for you because the server will be down when using desktop00:07
pilif12pi've got that covered ;)00:07
Dr_WillisI really dont see much point in dualbooting server and desktop..00:07
davidubuntuminimec: the second screenshot is the version im using, and that menu you see on the desktop is the one im trying to remove00:07
mkanyicypilif12p, how?00:08
BurzmaliAnyone up for forming a posse to round up to folks responsible for breaking the rt2800usb driver on the kernel, and um... poking them with stick until they fix it?00:08
pilif12pI've been using Desktop as server00:08
mkanyicypilif12p, yes do that00:08
mkanyicypilif12p, then what is this silly question about dualboot?00:08
pilif12pI don't know?00:08
done365acicula: agreed, it's little space, but It was plenty for Jaunty. point taken on vid, I'm used to using a card, but had trouble so took it out. synopsis: best solution- stop being cheap and spring for more mem?00:08
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount00:08
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:08
Dr_Willispilif12p:  we sure dont know either.. good luck./00:08
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM00:09
mkanyicywhat? ubottu cannot laugh?00:09
Dr_WillisSomeone removed the Love factoid!00:09
macoDr_Willis: its not available in this channel but does still exist00:09
Dr_Willismaco:  heh ->  ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about love00:10
aciculadone365: depends, is it an am2/ddr2 board, if not its probably not worth spending to much money on as old ddr mem is relatively expensive now00:10
minimecdavidubuntu: I cannot help you with Ubuntu netbook remix, sorry.00:10
Dr_Willispooor little bot.00:10
mkanyicypilif12p, anyway did you find a way to resolve your problem?00:10
mkanyicy!yay | pilif12p00:10
ubottupilif12p: Glad you made it! :-)00:10
macoDr_Willis: try in #ubuntu-offtopic, afaik it only exists there00:10
aciculadone365: some more 512mb will definitly help, ubuntu loves more mem more then a faster proc.00:10
Dr_Willismaco:  heh.  wonder why it dident just pm me it then. :) oh well..  The factoids i try to add.. never get added00:10
aciculadone365: you could check the bios and see if you can reduce the amount of mem alotted to the video card a bit , for normal stuff you just need 16Mb tops i think00:11
davidubuntuminimec: thanks for trying my friend :)00:11
SteveIgnorantfaileas: unetbootin said it installed fine (and it was very easy to use) ill let you know the results on my netbook in a sec if youre interested00:11
minimecdavidubuntu: np00:11
TaylHow do I run 'et-linux-2.55.x86.run'?00:11
aciculaTayl: chmod +x and then add a ./before the name00:12
LizardK|ngbah, i'm just going to boot the xen liveCD and see what happens00:12
done365acicula: ddr2, will leave at least 32 for the vid, just cause. but ddr2 is pretty cheap just not as cheap as me.:-D00:12
mkanyicyacicula, the +x it adds permissions to who?00:12
aciculamkanyicy: err by default for everyone00:12
Dr_Willis!chmod | mkanyicy00:12
ubottumkanyicy: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions00:12
mzawieskajrib, you there? i have question when u type su and it ask u for password what is it. I forgot doin this for my brother as well00:13
computa_mikeGuys - I have a question.  If I have a suggestion for the ubuntu project -is that best expressed as a Blueprint?00:13
aciculachmod +x <thefile>00:13
mkanyicyacicula, ok00:13
LJRmzawieska, It puts you into superuser mode.00:13
aciculadone365: well ddr2 is about as dirt cheap as it can get00:13
faileasSteveIgnorant: it'll be useful to know if it works, so yeah00:13
faileasand yeah unetbootin is easy to use, and pretty versatile ;)00:13
LJRmzawieska, It's better to use sudo or gksudo for individual sessions.00:13
Taylacicula: It says no file or directory? =s00:13
TaylBut I'm in the folder I downloaded it to.00:14
done365acicula: Thanks for the chat and the help00:14
LJRacicula, have you cd'ed to the proper directory?00:14
aciculaonce its executable you have to use ./filename00:14
WP1Ubuntu 9.10 running in parallels on Mac, can I install  Virtualbox OSE in the Ubuntu Virtual machine?00:15
acicula./ tells it to look in your current directory, as by default it only looks in PATH, (echo $PATH)00:15
LJR!hi | viliny00:15
ubottuviliny: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:15
aciculadone365: 2x1gb ddr2 does less then 20 euros with vat here00:15
yassinehow can i get the kernel module loop-aes installes using modules-assistant does not help since building the module fails?00:15
TaylI type: chmod +x et-linux-2.55.x86.run and get no feedback but a new terminal line to type in so I assume that worked fine?00:15
aciculadone365: if you are on the other side of the pond its prolly the same in usd00:15
LJRTayl, run ls in the working directory to ensure the file is now executable. (green)00:16
aciculaTayl: no news = good news in unix00:16
vilinyAnyone able to help me with a problem im having with my Ubuntu karmic koala paired with a windows 7 machine -> Windows fails to add the printer that the ubuntu machine is sharing and this seems to be a somewhat known error and is specific to karmic koala and 64 bits windowses of at least vista and 7... thought someone here might have a clue?00:16
LJRacicula, don't mean to keep stepping on your toes. =P00:16
TaylLJR, acicula: Thank you both for the help!00:17
TaylMuch appreciated.00:17
rami_Hello guys, I am running Karmic (upgraded from Jaunty) and I can't boot. I get "Kernel Panic, Not syncing: no init found. try passint init option to kernel" note that I upgraded grub to grub2 and everything was fine, and I booted a couple of times. But then I played around with Startupmanager and increased the resolution. That is the only "hardcore" tweaking I did before this error. Any ideas? Thanks in advance00:17
SteveIgnorantfaileas: mmm yes and no. says certain hard drive isnt detected00:17
faileashmm, that would be odd, but not unexpected00:17
vilinyrami_: wild shot in the dark, unsupported resolution?00:17
R4vHey, could anyone help me out?00:18
LJR!ask | r4v00:18
ubottur4v: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:18
rami_viliny, now we are getting somewhere! I played around with StartUpManager and played with the resolution00:18
FeasibilityStudyI keep getting a persisten crash on Kubuntu with Dolphin file manager.  The backtrace is not useful, but I cannot find a debug package to install.  Can anyone tell me which dbg package I need for /lib/libdbus-1.so.3?00:18
R4vI was thinking of making a custom LiveCD for certain purposes but i love #crunchbang, so i was wondering if there was a way i could somehow modify what tools are installed on live CD when i boot it.   crunchbang is a ubuntu based distro btw.00:19
rami_viliny, didn't expect that resolution would cause this. I would revert back, but I just installed grub2 and i am kinda fuzzy on its ins and outs00:19
SteveIgnorantfaileas: its a fairly new netbook. UNR couldnt get the wireless working but everything else was fine.00:19
acicularami_: means it cant get to the hard drive, so more likely the boot system got nuked somehow or the disk is giving up00:19
adzmd5kanyicy: http://pastebin.com/mc5676d500:19
LJRR4v, you need to ask #crunchbang. This is the ubuntu support channel.00:19
VickKleendoes anyone know if xubuntu 9.10 should be able to run 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to reconfigure X? No around in #xubuntu at the moment00:19
vilinyyeah, im really not that advanced in those kinds of problems, just kinda pitching you stuff so you might figure it out yourself :)00:19
R4vLJR, it's ubuntu based.00:19
adzmkanyicy: http://pastebin.com/mc5676d500:19
R4vas i said at the end.00:19
faileasSteveIgnorant: eh. chances are it has maybe a ralink chipset, and its a config issue00:20
acicularami_: did you try the recovery mode?00:20
LJRWe also get Debian users asking for help. I've used debian for a long time. Doesn't matter - this is Ubuntu. No Debian, not Crunchbang.00:20
SteveIgnorantfaileas: seeing as this seems not to be working so well, what would you suggest for a quick, stable os? dont need gui00:20
faileasSteveIgnorant: tried looking up what the chipset is?00:20
adzmkanyicy: that's what I got when start mysqld again00:20
LJRLinux Mint is Ubuntu based as well - doesn't matter.00:20
SteveIgnorantfaileas: x86?00:20
rami_acicula, the hard drive is intact, just tried it on livecd. recovery mode is a no go, same error00:20
faileasSteveIgnorant: well, i run ubuntu, with a few mods...00:20
faileasSteveIgnorant: no, i mean the wireless00:20
R4vSteveIgnorant, a crass fan i see. =]00:20
SteveIgnorantfaileas: excuse me, thats the architecture. i dont remember. i worked on it a while ago00:20
Dr_Willis!remaster | R4v00:21
ubottuR4v: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility00:21
faileasSteveIgnorant: pastebin your lshw output00:21
SteveIgnorantR4v: youre the only person to ever notice this! everyone thinks my name is steve hahaha00:21
pilif12p!dual boot > pilif12p00:21
ubottupilif12p, please see my private message00:21
mkanyicyadz, what version of ubuntu are you using?00:21
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
R4vNo one gets my name either...00:21
SteveIgnorantfaileas: that would take time, my netbook is doing some other processes right now and id have to find a usb cord00:21
=== R4v is now known as r4v4ch01
acicularami_: i'm not really up to speed on fixing init beyond reinstalling, prolly could try to forcebly reinstall the init related packages00:21
mkanyicyadz, "sudo service mysql restart"00:21
Dr_WillisNo one ever guesses my name either...00:21
faileasSteveIgnorant: it dosen't have built in wireless?00:21
r4v4ch01SteveIgnorant, this one that is00:22
rami_acicula, how would I go about that?00:22
=== r4v4ch01 is now known as Yonderboy
YonderboyAnd no one EVER gets this one.00:22
SteveIgnorantfaileas: do you know which of these would better suit me? gentoo, arch, crux, slackware, bsd? --- it does have built in. im not the only one with the dilemma00:22
faileasSteveIgnorant: its a fairly light process, and rather than throwing distros till it sticks, it'll make sense to make what you have work00:22
YonderboyNot enough sci-fi fans in the linux world. =[00:22
=== Yonderboy is now known as R4v
mkanyicyadz, did you put your files in /var/lib/mysql ?00:22
adzmkanyicy: fail00:22
adzmkanyicy: yeah00:23
adzall of them00:23
ionutwhat's the command to se all the irc's ?00:23
SteveIgnorantfaileas: i love ubuntu, but im trying to get a more advanced os to learn more about how linux works00:23
faileasSteveIgnorant: seriously? i've only run vector and ubuntu00:23
adzjust replaced everything in it00:23
acicularami_: dunno, id fiddle with dpkg-reconfigure or apt-get install --reinstal, but as i said i dont know which package to try00:23
aciculado you have a /bin/init ?00:23
mkanyicyhow did you do that, adz ?00:23
faileasSteveIgnorant: I've learnt a lot by stepping outside the 'basic' ubuntu config.00:23
SteveIgnorantfaileas: my netbook is sorta like my experimenting comp lol00:23
bastid_raZorhttp://linuxcommand.org/  SteveIgnorant this is a good site to check out.00:24
SteveIgnorantfaileas: care to elaborate?00:24
adzmkanyicy: fresh install of mysql, went into /var/lib/mysql, deleted everything. then copeied over contents of tar and then started msysqld00:24
rami_acicula, thanks man Ill look into it00:24
SteveIgnorantr4v4ch01 excume me?00:24
SteveIgnorantR4v: whered ya go haha00:24
mkanyicyadz, you were suppose to bring the server down first00:24
faileasSteveIgnorant: well, for example, i started compiling my own apps, or built systems with specific requirements00:24
vilinyAnyone got experience in using ubuntu as a print server for windows machines?00:24
faileasbasically dive into the arcane stuff, while using ubuntu as a platform for it?00:25
mkanyicyadz, anyway, did you preserve the file ownership and permissions as I told you?00:25
SteveIgnorantfaileas: sounds interesting. so its all on preference in the end?00:25
Dr_Willisviliny:  configure printer in ubuntu..  install samba (perhaps optional)  - use windows dialogs to connect to the shared printer...00:25
adzmkanyicy: erm....how exactly?00:25
iKernelI installed the fglrx driver from the ATi website. since i was having problems with it, I uninstalled it using the instructions from the manual from the website, which was to run the fglrx-uinstall.sh script00:25
faileasSteveIgnorant: yeah. at some point, what distro you use dosen't matter as much00:25
ionutwhat's the command to se all the irc's  around here00:25
rattatoueIs there a program with a gui that can help me setup my asoundrc file?00:25
souhailhi all00:25
R4vSteveIgnorant, just saying no one ever gets my names, ravachol (famous french anarchist) or Yonderboy (Character from Gibsons Neuromancer).00:26
faileasi prefer debian based distros cause it has easy package management00:26
ZerHowdy. I was looking at Ubuntu's /etc/init (Upstart), and it seems there is 'expect fork' which will track the first fork, and then without that it'll just treat it like a normal executable, but...00:26
mkanyicyadz, ok do it like this,00:26
Dr_Willisionut:  if you mean 'channel names' theres the /list command00:26
Zerwhat if you have a server where the command line just starts/stops it, and the process itself is not related (I presume it just executes instead of forks). Is there any way to do this form with Upstart? (Nginx being what I am looking at, it starts it, and also has stop signals)00:26
faileasionut: you don't want to use the list channel command here ;p00:26
Dr_Willisionut:  but theres proberly 10000+ channels00:26
ionuti want a hack channel00:26
SteveIgnorantR4v: cant say i know them hahha00:26
mkanyicyadz, "sudo service mysql stop"00:26
R4vThought there would be more scifi fans in the geek world.00:26
mkanyicyadz, after that "sudo rm -rfv /var/lib/mysql/*"00:26
Dr_WillisR4v:  thers to much scifi .00:26
iKernelafter doing that, and reinstalling the drivers from the ubuntu repos, something tells me that the driver from AMD is still in use... well no. scratch that. I open up Hardware Drivers gui and it tells me that the driver for ubuntu is in use00:27
faileasSteveIgnorant: actually, sometimes i think i've outgrown this place. i never really seem to get answers to my questions. its frustrating sometimes ;p00:27
SteveIgnorantfaileas: mmm i see. trying to find the most configurable one. want to start of small and add as i move on00:27
Dr_WillisR4v:  i imagine i can think of obscure scifi referance names also. :)00:27
souhailany body know how to make my laptop shut down automatically after 2hours ? i'm using ubuntu 9.1000:27
R4vDr_Willis, but any scifi fan should have read neuromancer.00:27
R4vIt's hardly obscure00:27
Dr_WillisR4v:  nope.. not really.00:27
SteveIgnorantfaileas: mmm, forums may better suit you? even if theyre delayed00:27
faileasSteveIgnorant: hmm, how small?00:27
iKernelexcept I have this annoying AMD Testing use only Unsupported hardware hanging around the bottom right of my screen00:27
Dr_WillisR4v:  ive never bothered to read it..00:27
faileasSteveIgnorant: superuser has been a godsend, mostly00:27
VCooliosouhail: the shutdown command has a time switch00:27
R4vDr_Willis, it won the the Nebula Award, the Philip K. Dick Award, and the Hugo Award.00:27
mkanyicyadz, and now "rmdir /var/lib/mysql"00:27
rattatoueHow would I setup my asoundrc where my hw:0:0 would be the default playback, my default capture is hw:1:0 and then I need hw:1:0 to be listed as a second card in it so I can use it with wine00:28
Dr_WillisR4v:  so?00:28
aciculafaileas: well there is an offtopic channel00:28
vilinyDr_Willis: yes, but i have a problem in all of that...00:28
* Dr_Willis goes back to reading 'how to win friends and influence people'00:28
mkanyicyadz, and now "sudo tar -xpvf ~/Desktop/mysql_backup.tar -C /var/lib"00:28
souhailVVoolio still cant understand how to make that happen00:28
SteveIgnorantfaileas: utterly basic, i want to add all the programs only i want00:28
Dr_Willisviliny:  state the actual problem then you are having to the channel00:28
faileasacicula: well, i doubt i'll get help on an offtopic channel. I ended up looking up, compiling and troubleshooting an app that did what i needed, on my own00:28
souhailsorry VCoolio00:29
SteveIgnorantSteveIgnorant: not a distro with 20 text editors, 30 web browsers, etc.00:29
faileasSteveIgnorant: how about starting with a cli only ubuntu install?00:29
mkanyicyadz, finally "sudo service mysql start"00:29
SteveIgnorantSteveIgnorant: cli?00:29
VCooliosouhail: sudo shutdown -h +m120      something like that00:29
R4v<SteveIgnorant> SteveIgnorant: not a distro with 20 text editors, 30 web browsers, etc.  <--- most of them. :p00:29
rattatoueHow would I setup my asoundrc where my hw:0:0 would be the default playback, my default capture is hw:1:0 and then I need hw:1:0 to be listed as a second card in it so I can use it with wine?00:29
souhailok i will ckeck it out00:29
vilinyDr_Willis: did that earlier, here i go again: x64 versions of vista and windows 7 fail to add ubuntu karmic koala shared printers for some reason. Anyone got any experience in overcoming this?00:29
R4vI'm making my own live CD to get rid of all the shite i don't need.00:29
SteveIgnorantR4v: hahh i know... im trying to find one very basic00:29
mkanyicyadz, ?00:29
TaylI'm trying to run libgtk1.2_1.2.10-18.1build2_i386.deb but get the message: dependency is not satisfiable' a quarter of the way through installing it. Any suggestions?00:30
faileasSteveIgnorant:yeah! and stop talking to yourself XD http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal i;d start here00:30
Dr_Willisviliny:  they can connect to the normal shares on the machine however?00:30
adzmkanyicy: I see a problem. It tarred the entire path00:30
vilinyDr_Willis: yes, it's my fileserver as well00:30
R4vSteveIgnorant, i love crunchbang /join #crunchbang00:30
VCooliosouhail: in a terminal, run "shutdown --help", there are more options00:30
minimecdavidubuntu: I think that is the solution to your problem. I found it accidently... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR#Hints%20&%20Misc.00:30
faileasSteveIgnorant: there's a few things i did differently though - i use lostirc, ayttm (from git) for IM, and swiftfox, since its lower prerequisites than firefox00:31
mkanyicyadz, can you pastebin the output of "sudo ls -lh /var/lib/mysql" ?00:31
Dr_Willisviliny:  ive no personal experience with 64bit windows so cant help. and Win7 dident even have printer drivers for my 14+ yr old printer any more.. :)00:31
SteveIgnorantfaileas: SORRY hahaha i wasnt paying attention xD00:31
vilinyDr_Willis:  i tried finding help on the matter online first and came to the conclusion that it's a karmic koala problem when paired with windows 64 versions... and that nobody really had any good ideas on the threads i found.00:31
aciculaTayl: the gtk from the version to old?00:31
aciculafrom the repository00:31
adzmkanyicy: nothing there because root of the tar was /media00:31
arghh2d2R4v: antix is pretty good, lots of basic minimalist apps00:31
TaylApparently I need to install that for ET to work?00:31
SteveIgnorantR4v: googling it right now00:31
R4vJoin the channel. :p00:31
Taylacicula: downloaded it from the recommended website on the forum too.00:31
aciculatayl apt-caches search libgtk00:31
R4vAnd i would rather make my own. =]00:31
=== pilif12p is now known as pilif12p-GoHawks
mkanyicyadz, can you pastebin the output of "sudo ls -lh /var/lib/media" ?00:32
xtjacobdoes anyone know how to get a uvcvideo webcam working?00:32
pjotterhello. I've got a quick question about wacom tablets in ubuntu. Does anybody here work with wacom and the gimp?00:33
adzmkanyicy: bcf.... with owner root and permissions drwxr-xr-x00:34
mkanyicyadz, ?00:34
Taylacicula: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/libgtk1.2 - Grabbed it from there via the link at the bottom but it just won't run?00:34
adzmkanyicy: sorry I am kinda working across computers, so pastebinning is kinda weird00:34
Taylacicula: Not really sure what to do with the file once I've downloaded it (a bit of a beginner, I am).00:34
adz(have to cp the url by hand)00:34
aciculatayl dpkg -i or just open it via nautiulus00:35
aciculaTayl: pretty sure apt-get install libgtk will give you a version that works though00:35
jMylesI used to be able to share terminal screens by simple having one user SSH into a computer and type "screen" and then the other user type "screen -x".  This no longer seems to work (as of Karmic?).  Any ideas why?00:35
adzmkanyicy: basically it copied the whole path in the tar00:35
SteveIgnorantfaileas: when referring to an os, what does scalability represent?00:35
mkanyicyadz, I understand, strange00:35
mkanyicyadz, do this00:35
adzmkanyicy: should I just cp the mysql directory (down the path) to /var/lib?00:35
mkanyicyadz, "sudo mysql stop"00:36
mkanyicyadz, "sudo service mysql stop"00:36
faileasSteveIgnorant: hmm. whether it'll run on systems of varying power i suppose. usually, its a matter of scaling up00:36
aciculaTayl: hmm seems karmic only has libgtk2.0-000:36
faileasam i getting tested? ;p00:36
mkanyicyadz, yes that's exactly what we are going to do00:36
faileasadz: you could ssh to a box, and use 'wall' i suppose00:36
mkanyicyadz, go to that "/var/lib/media/bcf ... folder using cd00:37
adzfaileas: wall?00:37
faileaswall is awesome ;)00:37
Taylacicula: I need an older version, I think?00:37
SteveIgnorantfaileas: do you know how to get unetbootin to install a series of cds vs 1?00:37
faileasSteveIgnorant: >_>00:37
faileasusually you just need cd 1 to insta00:37
mkanyicyadz, go down until when you type ls there is mysql00:37
faileasthe other cds are packages00:37
Lenin_CatWhen I go to my sound prefences it says "waiting for sound device" and never finishes.00:38
aciculaTayl: dunno tbh, you could try the older package and see if you can get around the dependency issues00:38
faileasadz: type in wall. hit enter. type in your message. hit control d to send.00:38
Dr_WillisjMyles:  ive had byobu work what way. I can just ssh to the server and byobu reconnects and shows the same screen session to each machine00:38
adzmkanyicy: there00:38
mkanyicyadz, then do this "sudo rm -rfv /var/lib/mysql && sudo cp -priv mysql /var/lib"00:38
faileasnaturally man wall to understand what wall does00:38
Taylacicula: How do I install the older package?00:38
adzfaileas: where does it broadcast to00:39
faileasadz: all users on the system ;p00:39
adzmkanyicy: done00:39
aciculaTayl: double click on the package in the file browser00:39
adzfaileas: what's the point of that again?00:40
mkanyicyadz, "sudo service mysql start"00:40
faileasadz: sending messages between systems?00:40
faileasI used to use it for that. its ugly but it works00:40
fx3faileas, only between users on the same system00:40
Dr_Williswall messages normally are like --> 'System going down in 10 min! start saveing!'00:40
Taylacicula: Tried, that's when I get 'Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libglib1.2ldbl (>= 1.2.10-18)'00:40
faileasfx3: yup00:40
Dr_Willis!info talk00:41
faileasDr_Willis: thankfully the one or two people i occationally lend shell accounts too arn't evil enough to do that00:41
ubottutalk (source: netkit-ntalk): Chat with another user. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-14 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 92 kB00:41
Dr_Willisfaileas:  :)  cat 'dangerwillrobbinson.wav > /dev/dsp00:41
Dr_Willis :)00:41
mkanyicyfaileas, what is you problem, again?00:41
mkanyicyfaileas, oh, sound?00:42
faileasmkanyicy: its solved. I was looking for a lightweight, low prerequisite im client00:42
Lenin_CatWhen I go to my sound prefences it says "waiting for sound device" and never finishes.00:42
mkanyicyfaileas, ok00:42
faileas I was looking for a lightweight, low prerequisite im client with a gui i mean00:42
aciculaTayl: yeah i only see libglib2.0-000:42
mkanyicyadz, ?00:42
mkanyicyadz, are you winning?00:42
* faileas ended up helping AYTTM fix a pretty major bug, and... i'm using that i think00:42
Taylacicula: AI, on the forum said "If you check the dependency list of libgtk1.2 on the site, you'll see where to get'em", to a member that was having the same problem.00:42
Taylacicula: Not really sure where he's referring too?00:43
faileasthough, gawd. how the hell does someone break msn support and not notice i wonder00:43
rattatouecan someone help me with asoundrc ?00:43
adzmkanyicy: seemed to have dumped just fine, gonna just check through the file for some stuffs00:43
aciculaTayl: to grab the deb of that glib package as well and install it00:43
Dr_Willisdosent MSN often break MSN support in the clients.. :)00:43
meowkbuntuhi ubuntu has a skype application but its not in kubuntu ???????00:43
adzmkanyicy: apparently gedit is not too expedient about loading 113 MB files :P00:44
mazda01i have a usb stick with karmic on a casper-rw image. how would I mount that in linux to get something out of the image? It's a 4gb image because I plan on using it alot as a portable and persistant ubuntu install00:44
Dr_Willismeowkbuntu:  they can use the same repos.. install skype on kubuntu if you want it.00:44
Hilikushow do i downgrade a package?00:44
Dr_Willis!skype | meowkbuntu00:44
ubottumeowkbuntu: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga00:44
faileasadz: lol. at least it manages to open it00:44
mkanyicyadz, my english is not good, what does expedient mean?00:44
ChogyDanmeowkbuntu: I actually could not figure out skype for ubuntu just now.00:44
adzmkanyicy: fast, unless I'm using it wrong00:44
mkanyicyadz, ok, i thought about the word ingredient00:45
faileasmazda01: loopmount i suppose https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount00:45
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.00:45
riddleboxI just installed a ralink wifi adaptor, where do I get the drivers?00:45
meowkbuntuChogyDan: doewnload the skype .deb package from teh skype website would be teh best00:45
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto00:45
rattatoueCan someone help me with Asoundrc file? is there a tool for configuring this?00:45
mkanyicyadz, ok I will leave it up to you to verify that the tar backup has all the files you want00:46
meowkbuntuDr_Willis: y is there no link saying go to skype website and get the .deb installer for !skype command ?????00:46
ChogyDanmeowkbuntu: I guess so.  I used to use medibuntu...    but for my purposes, google talk works well too00:46
mkanyicyadz, ok I will leave it up to you to verify that the tar backup has all mysql databases and tables with the data you want00:46
Dr_Willismeowkbuntu:  i dont use skype.. and its avail in the medibuntu repos i belive...00:46
mazda01faileas, yeah, just as I asked I googled it and found to mount the casper-rw file to a -o loop00:46
faileasriddlebox: ralink should be supported in the kernel.00:46
faileasie, it should just work, configured correctly00:47
faileasmazda01: funny. i looked up the link since i can't remember loopmount commands ;p00:47
rattatoueIn ~/.asoundrc besides the pcm.!default I have that setup, how would I setup another sound card in there on hw:1:0?00:47
adzmkanyicy: cool. it's still searching for a recent phrase, but by the db size it seems good. Thanks so much for your help!00:48
mazda01faileas, however im getting this         mount: can't find /media/STORE N GO/casper-rw in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab00:48
riddleboxfaileas, how do I see if it is listed and is ready?00:48
Dr_Willismazda01:  spaces in filenames can be a pain. :()00:48
rattatoueDoes noone in here know anything about asoundrc? lol00:48
Hilikusmazda01: escape the spaces00:49
Dr_Willisrattatoue:  ive seen docs on it.. buit never needed tomess with it00:49
faileasmazda01: its the spaces.00:49
mazda01Hilikus, nevermind, i forgot to tell it where to mount the img stupid me. the spaces were escaped, that's just what the error message showed.00:49
rattatoueDr_Willis, well trying to use teamspeak in wine and if I configure my usb in the asound it shows up in wine, but I can't figure out how to get a second card to show up in asound along with the pcm.!default, cause if I set the pcm default to my usb mic it works fine but then all sound comes through it00:50
mazda01sudo mount -o loop /media/STORE\ N\ GO/casper-rw00:50
mazda01didn't work but this does obviously.  sudo mount -o loop /media/STORE\ N\ GO/casper-rw /media/casper/00:50
Dr_Willisrattatoue:  all that was basically gibberish to me. :) err.. there is teamspeak clients native for linux.....00:50
mazda01faileas, i didn't put spaces in, that was only the error. it was because I didn't have an entry in fstab and I didn't tell it where to mount the image00:51
rattatoueDr_Willis, I know that, but the default teamspeak client in linux always act weird with my usb mic making screeching noises or just bad audio00:51
meowkbuntuURI: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu00:51
meowkbuntuDistrubution: jaunty00:51
meowkbuntuComponents: partner00:51
meowkbuntuwhats the latest info for ubuntu 9.10 please00:51
FloodBot4meowkbuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
Dr_Willismeowkbuntu:  Huh?00:51
faileasmazda01: so you shoulda mkdir /media/casper?00:51
VickKleenI don't have xorg.conf and  not sure this video is setup ok and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't do anything when I try to run it00:52
riddleboxfaileas, http://pastebin.ca/173956600:52
rattatoueDr_Willis, okay do you know how I can find out where my mic is at like /dev/dsp1 or dsp2 etc?00:52
mazda01faileas, no, i already did that also. i didn't pout where i wanted it mounted the first time I ran the command.00:52
meowkbuntunot a flood if its less than 5 lines and only one post every 5 minuts00:53
faileasriddlebox: what's that a pastebin of?00:53
riddleboxfaileas, dmesg00:53
faileasriddlebox: could you do one of lshw ?00:53
* faileas is more used to working off that00:53
faileasthough, its obvious something is not quite right >_>00:54
meowkbuntuDr_Willis: te3h first 3 lines are for9.04 jaunty for 9.10 i would replace jaunty with ????00:54
Dr_Willismeowkbuntu:  you meamn whats the animal codename for 9.10? karmic kola?00:54
=== R4v is now known as R4v4ch01
riddleboxfaileas, http://pastebin.ca/173956900:55
meowkbuntuDr_Willis: do i replace jaunty with karmic kola, karmic-koala, or karmic00:55
meowkbuntuDr_Willis: that should be easy for you to answer00:55
Dr_Willismeowkbuntu:  replace it where?  Im not sure what you are even asking about.00:56
faileasriddlebox: your wireless is broadcom00:56
mkanyicymeowkbuntu, karmic00:56
Dr_WillisJaunty jackalope -> karmic kola -> lucic Lunx -> Masdicating Mastadon00:56
* Dr_Willis finds the animal names somewhat stupid..00:56
faileasriddlebox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx tried this?00:57
Real_UbotWhy doesn't it work to add: username ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown till sudoers file to let the user username execute shutdown without using sudo?00:57
riddleboxfaileas, I have a wifi card, but I got this wifi usb stick with a blueray player and was wondering if it would work under linux, since the blueray player uses gnu software00:57
mkanyicyDr_Willis, but why the first ubuntu was warty?00:57
meowkbuntuDr_Willis: you kinow when installing repos or in fstab. to add package repos WHAT DO I REPLACE JAUNTY WITH00:57
faileasDr_Willis: someone on superuser mentioned syphallic spynx00:57
gdbReal_Ubot: Because you've configured sudo to ask for no password.  ie; the user has to use sudo, they just get to without a password.00:57
Dr_Willismkanyicy:  bause the animal names idea is stupid. :)00:57
ShwackI am ready to scrap Ubuntu00:58
Dr_WillisReal_Ubot:  a 'bad' way to do that is  to set the suid bit on the shutdown binary.. then any user can do shutdown with no sudio00:58
faileasriddlebox: hmm it dosen't seem to turn up there..00:58
mkanyicymeowkbuntu, karmic koala00:58
noblehello people00:58
faileasmkanyicy: nope, there was breezy as well.00:58
nobleI want to Learn C, what should be the best and effective route00:59
gdbactually, you can sorta do that by setting suid on shutdown, setting it to mode 750 and adding the users you want to be able to run it to the group that owns the file (change it to "shutdown" create a new group).00:59
mkanyicyfaileas, breezy wasn't the first00:59
faileasoh, my bad00:59
riddleboxfaileas, yeah I see that, I guess it is a proprietary and there are no drivers for it yet00:59
ShwackAll I wanted to do was change my password....I came in here and asked -  more than 5 people said   "sudo passwd shwack"    i typed it in and everything worked fine.   When I restarted my computer nothing worked.....I get errors after logging in and my dekstop won't show up.   I've tried everything and I've spent more than a few moments in this room earlier trying to figure out my problem.    I need real help...... If you really know what you're doing can yo00:59
nobleI do not want any overnight learning, deep thorough learning is my goal00:59
meowkbuntumkanyicy: really finally someone makes sense thanks00:59
mkanyicyfaileas, breezy was the third00:59
faileasmkanyicy: http://www.google.com.sg/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CAcQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntu.com%2FDevelopmentCodeNames&ei=WeBDS7LmJMqIkAWmn4C3Ag&usg=AFQjCNFjCvT9JfxNvbrBERNAEM7EIXYcsw&sig2=cdk-uxs3AjZ-ouerm4SI5A00:59
faileasits explained there :)00:59
faileasriddlebox: could be.01:00
gdbShwack: whomever told you to 'sudo password shwack' to change your own password was ignorant01:00
Shwackgdb it was more than 5 people in this room01:00
faileasbut if its ralink, they will eventually relwase hald working drivers01:00
mkanyicyfaileas, hahaha, thanks!!01:00
gdbThen those 5 people are ignorant.  There's no need to use sudo to change your own password.  Just use the passwd command directl.01:00
faileasisn't the command passwd?01:00
=== fengor is now known as fen[zZzZ]
gdb$ passwd01:00
gdbby itself01:00
gdbwill change the password of the current user (ie; you)01:01
Real_Ubotgdb: Ah, ok, you may be right.01:01
gdbYou can optionally specify your own username: $ passwd shwack01:01
gdbIf you try someone else's name, you'l get an error.01:01
Real_UbotI also have seen different kind of changes in sudoers. My exampele above and also this (Ubuntu Docuemntation): username ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown01:02
Shwackgdb - i'm guessing typing sudo wasn't the cause of my problem then, as you are basically offering the same advice minus the sudo01:02
Hilikuswouldnt sudo passwd myUser also work?01:02
Real_UbotDr_Willis: Yes, I know, but maybe sudoers file is a better choice?01:02
boscopaccording to the manual, that other laptop's graphics card is a nVidia GeForce G104M but when I run ubuntu live cd and run lspci it says: ATI Technologies Inc. Device 9553. Why?01:02
gdbShwack: No, I can't conceive of any circumstance where changing one's password would cause a system to become unusuable.01:02
Shwackwell it happened01:02
gdbThen I would suggest the two things are unrelated.01:02
Shwacki thought ubuntu was great now I think it's terrible01:02
boscopdid it recognize it wrong?01:03
Shwackthey are definitely related01:03
=== phiake is now known as Raser
Real_UbotWhat line should I user. This one: username ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown or this one: username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown01:03
gdbWell, one can argue that Ubuntu has some quality control issues, but I can't think of any reason changing your password would cause the symptoms you describe.01:03
ShwackI have the exact errors if you'd like01:03
Dr_WillisReal_Ubot:  yea its best.. :) im lazy and on a 3 user system. Ive even made a user named 'shutdown' witjh the shutdown command as their default shell.. login as shutdown and system shutdowns :)01:03
Shwackthey are undoubtedly related to pw change01:03
gdbShwack: Sure, if you want to pastebin them, I can take a look.01:04
Real_UbotDr_Willis: Ok.01:04
meowkbuntuok all this is for ubuntu http://pastebin.ca/1739577. how do i do same thing in kubuntu01:04
Shwackafter logging in,  I get this    "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/shwack/.ICEauthority"   and   "There is a problem with the configuration server. usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256.       AT the login screen I Press Ctrl + Alt + F1 and login via terminal... it logs me in but reports this    "keyctl_search: required key not available"    and leaves my home directory encrypted01:05
ttwhat settings for audio drivers and controllers do i want in virtualbox if im trying to stream01:05
meowkbuntutt: whats in vbox01:06
gdbShwack: Ah, so it sounds like the password for your encrypted data is your old password, while your login password has been changed.  I would surmise that when you login with your new password, that new password is used to decrypt your home directory and fails.  The solution would be to change the password used to decrypt your data or change your login password back to the old one.  I would suggest doing the latter as a test.01:07
rattatoueAnyone help me with Asoundrc yet?01:07
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Shwackgdb I have already done that with no success01:07
gdbIf there is a way to unhook your login password from the decryption password, then that's another alternative.01:07
ttwhat do u mean whats in it, u mean xp01:07
ttoh i see like the guest or osmething01:08
magloswhen I start an application and switch workspaces the application fallows. does anyone know how I can make the app open in the workspace it was started in?01:08
rattatoueHow do I find out what my usb microphone is on? ex. /dev/dsp01:08
MrKeunerhow can I start the tracker daemon?01:08
Shwackgdb - it advises me to try ecryptfs-mount-private    which fails because I dont know the pass"phrase"  i only know the password.  There is a manual on recovering your passphrase with your password which I followed and that fails as well.01:08
gdbShwack: With both the old and new passwords?01:09
ShwackI pretty mcuh typed  sudo passwd  and it ruined my entire computer01:09
meowkbuntuok all this is for ubuntu http://pastebin.ca/1739577. how do i do same thing in kubuntu01:09
Shwackgdb yes with both old and new passwords - tried 10,000 times and then double checked 20,000 more times01:09
ttnevermind tried OSS and worked01:09
macman_does linux have an app that can rip streaming video .. ie from sources like hulu.com or any other place ?01:09
meowkbuntutt what os are you runing vbox on. and what do you have installed in vbox. (eg vbox running on xp with ubuntu installed)01:10
meowkbuntutt thats what we need to know befor we can truly help you01:11
gdbI don't think the act of running 'sudo passwd' ruined your system, and your system doesn't sound ruined to me.  It sounds like authentication for the encryption software for your home directory is all that's not working.  Have you taken a look at this resource? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory01:11
gdbAnd this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory01:11
MrKeunerwhere did trackerd go?01:12
kittykittyok, i seem to have had massive hd failure of somesort, is there a way to recover the "crap" that is now in /lost+found without having to look through every file that i probably won't beable to recogize?01:12
gdbSpecifically this line here: #01:12
kaos63Hi guys i am looking for help on how can i shutdown my new install of Ubuntu 9.10 >> it simply won't shutdown01:12
gdb sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/username/.Private /home/username/Private01:12
Shwackgdb I have already tried that01:12
Vincemanis there a split in sound of linux, normal applications and movies etc. ?01:12
gdbkaos63: sudo shutdown -t0 -h now01:12
kaos63I tried that not working01:13
gdbkaos63: failing that: $ sudo halt01:13
faileaskittykitty: hmm, its a bit advanced, but you could probably use http://www.digitalforensicssolutions.com/Scalpel/ scapel01:13
gdbShwack: How about this one? #01:13
gdb ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase "login passphrase"01:13
kittykittywell right now my computer half-ass starts up, most stuff isn't running, X fails to load a windows manager, and everything in my /home directory is missing01:14
xim_i was downloading a very large torrent (mst3k episodes) directly to my external drive, then I disconnected the drive to take with me on vacation and watch the ones that had completed, now when I plug the drive back in, it wont recognize that 75+gb have already been downloaded or recognize them as part of the download and continue with it.  what can I do? its ktorrent/01:14
kaos63i have searched few ubuntu forum and the issue seem to known and i follow all suggestion > like making change to the halt but no luck01:14
=== tommy_ is now known as Guest94418
Guest94418I'm using ubuntu 9.10 64-bit and I have intel integrated graphics, my laptop is running extremely slowly, at about three or four frames per second.01:16
gdbkaos63: This may be relevant to your issue, not sure if it's the same or not -> http://www.econowics.com/news-from-the-net/168/solved-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex-shutdown-problem/01:16
gdbGuest94418: http://www.ivankristianto.com/2009/06/howto-fix-ubuntu-jaunty-904-intel-graphics-problem/01:16
gdbGuest94418: may be the same issue01:16
kaos63Thx will check it01:16
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Guest94418Alright I'll check real quick, thanks01:17
kaos63Guest94418 >> checked that similar issue but my issue is that i did a clean install01:17
kaos63and the rest have upgraded from 9.0401:17
ShwackIsn't there a way I can just go back from typing sudo passwd?01:18
ShwackWhy can't I just go back to before I typed it?01:18
kittykittyok so how is that supposed to help?01:18
gdbShwack: Have you tried resetting your password back to your old one?  I think you mentioned you have but I wanted to make sure.01:18
beanShwack: reinstall, you've been asking all day?01:19
cyberjorgehi, for Flexshares file server where does it saves the user files by default?01:19
kittykittyfaileas: scalpal appears to be for a fs that you accidently formatted, don't think it'll help01:19
Shwackbean i've been asking all day because I dont think I should have to reinstall or lose all my data simply for changing my password... this is ridiculous01:19
ShwackUbuntu sucks01:20
beanShwack: you have an encrypted home dir?01:20
bean!attitude | Shwack01:20
ubottuShwack: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:20
Shwackbean I have an attitude with Ubuntu, not with the help I've received here - you're obviously trigger happy with the bots01:21
verb3kIn the terminal, if you have a very long command, can you go up and down the line (which is warped) without going through all the letters01:21
gdbI don't think this is specifically an issue with Ubuntu, to be honest, but is an issue with the transparency of ecrypted home directories on Linux in general.01:21
Shwackgdb - ok, but definitely don't think Ubuntu is ready for the average user.01:21
chuckfverb3k: you can go by word wiht ctrl+arrow01:22
Guest94418Well whatever, I guess I'll try this, I've got nothing to lose. If it breaks Ubuntu/doesn't work, I'll just have to go with Mint until there's a fix for it.01:22
=== Tyler is now known as Guest81121
kittykittyok how about this, i made an image of my hd a while back, but i'd like to retrieve the files from lost+found, is there a way to diff the drives contents (even if its just a file exists/size output) ?01:22
ShwackIf I encountered this kind of trouble with windows everybody would just be laughing and saying windows is terribe01:22
minimecShwack: Does an average user encrypt his home partition?01:23
chuckfso Shwack if you did sudo passwd what is happening now?01:23
gatinhoi like01:23
verb3kchuckf, that's a bit faster, thanks01:23
Shwackchuckf I can't login at all - my home directory is encrypted and Ubuntu thinks my login password is diff than my encryption password01:23
kittykittyminimec: actually the average windows nt user does, cause its the default setting01:23
gdbShwack: Here's another resource that may be helpful: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/3/01:24
Shwackchuckf I changed password back to the old password the exact same way and still nothing owrks01:24
gdbThe topic of that page is "Recovery of an Encrypted Home Directory is possible from an Ubuntu 9.10 LiveCD."01:24
minimeckittykitty: average windows nt user ;)01:24
beanShwack:  I also don't know why you did sudo passwd, that would change roots password , no?01:25
kittykittyanyways, someone have a way to ls -la an entire drive then diff the output so i can see what files are missing from my disc and i should be looking for in /lost+found ?01:25
Shwackminimec - I installed Ubuntu without knowledge of encryption01:25
ShwackI am the average user...01:25
gdbThe average Windows NT user doesn't encrypt their home directory and it is not the default setting.  There is the option to do file level encryption on the fly.01:25
snakehow do i unmoutn my webcam01:25
fongoulDoes any one know how to get rid of the pass word prompt for wifi password keyring when autologin is used?  I use a bios password for security and just find this a pain.01:26
Shwackanyway I have to go to school - I'll be back in 2 hours asking for more help01:26
gdbsudo find / -type f -print > /tmp/compete-file-list.txt01:26
kittykittyeverytime i install 2kas, nt or even just workstation, the damn thing goes "here you go, encrypted user folder"01:26
snakehow do i unmoutn my webcam01:26
chuckfShwack: that link for linux-mag is a good one for your situation01:26
Sachse_SiechtumI'm back01:26
gdbShwack: Good luck!01:26
Sachse_Siechtumits not the xorg.conf01:27
mdeontesnake: how do you unmount?01:27
beanShwack:  follow the guide linked and you should be good to go01:27
Shwackchuckf it would b eexcept I dont know and never st a passphrase01:27
ShwackI only know my login password, which is the only thing I was asked for during install.01:27
ShwackI have read manuals for recovering the passphrase with the password, but it fails for me01:27
mdeontesnake: your webcam isnt mounted iirc like removable storage.01:27
Shwacki have tried 10,000 times01:27
minimecShwack: I don't know what you did, but with the karmic installs I did, I didm't accidently encrypt my /home partition. But I normally /configure my partitions manually. I never used that guided partition thing.01:28
ShwackI did the manual partition install minimec01:28
gdbIIRC = If I Recall Correctly01:28
beanShwack: i guess i don't know why it would not work then.  If you let me I'd ssh in later and take a look01:28
Shwackhowever, i never set a passphrase.... anyway, thanks for all the help - I have to go01:28
Shwackbean i'd call you on the telephone and gladly talk things over with you, but i duno about letting somebody have ssh acces, to be honest I dont even know how to do it - ok with that, goodnight everyone see you in a few01:29
snakeso i cant like turn it off or anything ... besides not using a program that usesw it in the first place01:29
Mike_lifeguardHow can I verify that an init script is linked properly from the rc?.d directories?01:29
bean!upstart | Mike_lifeguard01:29
ubottuMike_lifeguard: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:29
Mike_lifeguardThat's not helpful 9_901:30
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit01:30
beanMike_lifeguard: just saying 9.10 uses upstart01:30
snake!turn off webcam01:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:30
Mike_lifeguardbean: Yes, I know. That's not what I asked.01:30
kittykittyshwack, i got a question for you01:30
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE01:31
minimecShwack: I still consider it to be a good idea to create another sudoer user, and then try to get access again to the /home directory of the old user.01:31
beanMike_lifeguard: you could check the rc.d directories then01:31
kittykittydamn it he left, i was just gonna tel him, if hes working on a fresh install with nothing on it, rm -rf is his friend!01:31
Mike_lifeguardbean: Yes, I'll have to01:31
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents01:31
iKernel!ubottu | snake01:31
ubottusnake: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:31
IdleOne!msgthebot > snake01:31
ubottusnake, please see my private message01:31
snakehow do i see a pm?01:32
iKernelsnake, depends on what irc client you're using01:32
beanshould have made a new window01:32
IdleOnesnake: depends on the client you are using01:32
beanor something01:32
IdleOnebut if it's graphical then you should have a new tab named ubottu01:32
beanplymouth: hi01:32
snake!Private Message01:33
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:33
gdbsnake: click the tab at the bottom of the window that says "ubottu" on it.01:33
=== fongoul is now known as funghoul
plymouthi have a 3g usb modem, is it possible i could share this internet connection with other computers on a wireless network?01:34
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php01:34
Subbuteoaiuto caratteri terminale01:34
mazda01ne1 ever merely copy, /home, /etc/, /use/local/bin/  and ne1 other locations you saved custom files to, then installed fresh, then just pasted over the backup folders? woudl that work to move configuration files and what not to a new install>01:35
Subbuteosi creano degli spazi nella digitazione senza volerlo!01:35
Flare183!english | Subbuteo01:35
ubottuSubbuteo: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:35
IdleOne!it | Subbuteo01:35
ubottuSubbuteo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)01:35
reeeeeestyanybody know if there is a datacom channel on freenode?01:35
Subbuteoitalia please01:36
minimeckittykitty: That Shwak decided, that Ubuntu sucks, so it sucks... as easy as that. :)01:36
mkanyicy!it | Subbuteo01:36
gdbThe guy is frustrated, cut him some slack.01:36
mazda01i've just noticed that since I have upgraded dist's all the way back from gutsy, that my install doesn't look like a fresh ubuntu karmic koala install. because I just installed it onto a usbn stick and it looks awesome things like k3b work but k3b doesn;'t work in my upgraded ubuntu01:36
mkanyicy!it | Subbuteo01:37
minimecSubbuteo: /join #ubuntu-it01:37
mazda01reeeeeesty, just try, /join #datacom   and see what happens. if you don't see other people or header info about channel then probably not. just google  irc datacom01:37
reeeeeestynothin in datacom or datacomm :[01:38
luis__whats happening?! ffmpeg doesnt wanna convert flvs into mp3!!!!!01:38
luis__it did before!!! now it says: failed conversion, wtf?!01:38
mkanyicyluis__, calm down01:39
plymouthhey guys if im setting up a wireless network in my house (NOT wanting to connect to the internet, just a local wireless network) then what equipment do i need? just a wireless access point? or a wireless router too?01:39
mkanyicyluis__, try decoding to wav files01:39
reeeeeestywell does anyone know how to test cable without a cable tester? or pluggin it in live to the router? ..ive heard you can do it with a laptop im justnot sureh ow01:39
mkanyicyluis__, try "ffmpeg -y -i file.flv file.wav"01:39
plymouthevery single tutorial on the internet assumes i want to connect to the internet with the wireless network, so im really unsure what is the minimum i need just to do what i want01:39
luis__mkanyicy: ???01:39
luis__wait no mkanyicy i am using firefox app converter01:40
pilif12p-GoHawksplymouth: try something like ##electronics01:40
luis__for youtube mkanyicy01:40
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funghoulplymouth a wireless router is the easiest way01:40
mazda01plymouth, wireless access point that has a built in dhcp server01:40
plymouthfunghoul: even if i dont want to connect to the internet i still need a wireless router?01:40
mkanyicyluis__, there was a youtube ripper ages ago'01:40
mazda01plymouth, also, a dns server in house if you want to be able to see other machines by hostname01:40
luis__mkanyicy: its called download helper01:41
luis__it worked pretty nice before01:41
plymouthmazda01: i just want a simple solution i can do right now...01:41
mkanyicyluis__, anyway get an flv file and use ffmpeg to see if it is ffmpeg's problem or what01:41
faileasplymouth: well,  router is an AP with a built in switch01:41
luis__now ffmpeg is now working at conversions...01:41
plymouthmazda01: something that wont take more than 30 mins to setup01:41
funghoulplymouth a router basicly means it has a dhcp server witch is nessecary to asign ip adresses automaticly01:41
luis__how i do it?01:41
mkanyicyluis__, i don't know, get it from youtube?01:41
ZackFeuerntAnyone here?01:41
mkanyicyeveryone is here ZackFeuernt01:42
Kevin147ZackFeuernt, Yes?01:42
minimecplymouth: Also consider the costs... The price difference between a wireless router and an simple access point will be minimal, I guess.01:42
ZackFeuerntI have a quick question about live cds.01:42
funghoulplymouth just set it up exactly like you were going to do internet but don't plug in the internet cord01:42
mazda01mkanyicy, utube ripper here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/downloadextract-audio-from-youtube-videos-using-utube-ripper-in-ubuntu.html01:42
plymouthfunghoul: ok thanks01:42
mazda01utube ripper: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/downloadextract-audio-from-youtube-videos-using-utube-ripper-in-ubuntu.html01:42
ZackFeuerntIs it possible to run the live cd, but have the usb drive store the data, but not the OS?01:42
funghoulplymouth a wireless lynksys router is probably best01:42
mkanyicythanks mazda01, it's luis__ who have youtube issues01:42
mazda01funghoul, not true, a router takes an internet connection and routes to each of the devies that is connected to it.01:43
mazda01luis__, utube ripper http://www.ubuntugeek.com/downloadextract-audio-from-youtube-videos-using-utube-ripper-in-ubuntu.html01:43
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, yes that can be done01:43
luis__mkanyicy: wow, the conversion of shaggy repent to mpeg was correct01:43
plymouthfunghoul: cos the truth of the matter is that i have a little 3g usb broadband modem in one of the comps and i want all the other comps to use that internet, is that possible?01:43
luis__but mkanyicy when u try to convert to mp3 it doesnt works01:43
luis__and it worked before jesus christ01:43
funghoulright but it has all the other stuff to do the job plymouth want to do and you can get one a walmart01:43
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, is there an article on it or something? I can't find much.01:43
funghoul$40 last time I got one wireless g lynksys01:44
plymouthfunghoul: i have a D-LINK router and access point01:44
mkanyicyluis__, it should depends on how are you using ffmpeg01:44
mazda01ZackFeuernt, why, does the computer you want to run the live session not able to boot to usb or do you just not have a large enough usb stick. it is possible but why not just get a $40 16gb stick and do it all from one location01:44
funghouluse it then01:44
mkanyicyluis__, man ffmpeg01:44
plymouthfunghoul: is doing what i want possible? i.e sharing the 3g usb modem internet connection among the other comps on the wireless network?01:44
faileasplymouth: yeah, prolly connect it to a computer, set that up to do routing, and dhcp, and connect that to your AP01:44
ZackFeuerntmazda01, I'm using a macbook to run it.01:45
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, no there is no article i know of but you just plug the usb disk while on live cd01:45
faileasfor the routing bit, i *think* there's a gui that makes it easy01:45
funghoulif you use your computer as a fire wall try looking up tutorials about that01:45
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, it will automaticly write to it?01:45
minimecplymouth: So the computer needs to network devices, one for the Internet, the 3g modem for the local devices.01:45
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, write what?01:45
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, nothing will be automatically written to it01:46
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, the new programs or the changes.01:46
plymouthminimec: wht?01:46
mcspaHi, I need to install libxml 2.4 but synaptics package manager only shows 2.6, how can I install 2.4 with synaptic, or without it01:46
funghoulmcspa try sudo apt-get install libxml2.401:46
mazda01ZackFeuernt, still don't understand why not just do it all from usb stick (4gb even)  here ya go for livecd and usb stick for persistency. http://intro-prog-bioinfo-2007-ucb.wikispaces.com/LiveCD+and+USB+persistence01:46
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, let's start afresh, hi my name is mkanyicy or mka, what exactly is your problem?01:46
faileasplymouth: http://linfiniti.com/2009/06/sharing-a-3g-modem-connection-with-ubuntu-jaunty/ this sounds exactly like your ptoblem ;)01:47
minimecplymouth: Your COmputer will be a simple router, and needs a Wan and some Lan Connections to work correctly.01:47
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, still alive?01:48
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, I'll start from the begining. I can't load the USB directly, as my MacBook has the feature blocked. I could run it on a USB only, but I would need some kind of a boot disc. I didn't really want to load my flash drive up with the OS either.01:48
mcspafunghoul package not found, where can I find names for packages? maybe I can lookup exact package name there01:48
minimecplymouth: One network device to have access to the internet... and the 3G modem for the local connection of your wireless devices.01:48
pjotterDoes anybody use photoshop under wine?01:48
funghoulhave you tryed to use the newer lib?01:48
funghouluse gimp01:49
pjotterI'm trying to get photoshop to work here..01:49
funghoulmcspa try the libxml2.601:49
mcspafunghoul I'm trying to compile a game server that requires libxml 2.0 -> 2.401:49
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, you are not clear my friend, are you trying to use a livecd and a usb device to store files?01:49
mcspafunghoul hence the need for it01:49
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, Sorry for not stating it clearly. Yes, that is what I'm trying to do.01:50
faileasmkanyicy: i think he wants to have his persistant files in a USB key, and the rest on a liveusb01:50
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, then boot on a livecd and then insert your usb flash, it will be mounted to /media folder01:50
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, Will I be able to change system settings with it?01:51
faileasZackFeuernt: no.01:51
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, which system settings?01:51
Mike_lifeguardHow can I see the boot messages after booting?01:51
jtajiMike_lifeguard: dmesg01:52
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, I just saw this thing on the Wiki that was talking about persistant files. It said you could use a USB drive with a live CD and install applications and such.01:52
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, all the livecd session system files are in the RAM and/or the swap if available01:52
mikejethow do i get firefox to use American, not British spelling.01:52
Mike_lifeguardjtaji: thx01:52
pilif12pmikejet: #firefox01:53
mkanyicyBut you said you don't want to load an OS to your FLASH disk01:53
ZackFeuerntI don't.01:53
funghoulmcspa what game?01:53
ZackFeuerntWait... I see.01:53
newbuxhow do I fix the "kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknow-block (8,1)" error on boot up?01:54
mkanyicyWhat is wrong with your ubuntu from the hard drive?01:54
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, What is wrong with your ubuntu from the hard drive?01:54
ZackFeuerntSo I can't change any system files, but I can install applications, as long as they are installed on the USB Drive01:54
minimecplymouth: In your case it might be a solution to buy a usb wireless device, that you can plug in the computer. Like that you would have that router configuration, using the 3G modem as Wan connection, and the wifi stick als local wifi access point.01:55
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, Nothing, I can't overwrite OSX, nor install anything on OSX. OSX Is the OS I have on my computer. I just wanted a LiveCD version of linux to use along with it.01:55
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, for how long do you want to do that?01:56
iKernelZackFeuernt, why don't you install linux on a separate partition along side OSX?01:56
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, Work computer.01:56
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, I want to do it until around june01:56
ZackFeuerntMaybe julu01:57
lockd"nor install anything on OSX"... yeah I figured a company workstation01:57
lockdyou can use an external hard drive, or a usb drive if you can live with space constraint01:57
lockderr, usb flash drive01:57
iKernelZackFeuernt, you could always put in a hard drive, make it hidden, and only be able to boot it using a program on a usb stick01:57
romeumellohello, where do i get support? i wanto to install ubuntu desktop without graphic interface01:58
lockdiKernel, and what happens if the shrink filesystem fails01:58
iKernelno one would know the difference until they looked in the BIOS settings or opened up the PC01:58
ZackFeuerntiKernel, I'm not getting fired :P01:58
=== rafase282 is now known as Rafase282
iKernellockd, he would get fired :)01:58
newbuxi removed the version in synaptic, why do I still see it on the boot up list?01:58
lockdZackFeuernt, use a liveusb, not a livecd. that supports persistence01:59
iKernelZackFeuernt, why don't you install a VM on a USD stick?01:59
lockdZackFeuernt, or just do a regular install of Ubuntu on the USB drive01:59
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, you rather disband the whole ubuntu thing rather than risking your job, invest on a cheap pc and use ubuntu at home, or find excuses to convince your boss that your are not productive too much with OS X01:59
ZackFeuerntUSB Drive Start discs are not supported by my Laptop01:59
ZackFeuerntI'm allowed to, I just can't install anything on the Main computer.02:00
Rafase282anyone has installed ubuntu on a android phone?02:00
lockdthen use a boot CD like they used to use floppys for02:00
iKernelZackFeuernt, well. you could install ubuntu on a USB drive and use a boot CD... what lockd said02:00
iKerneljust make sure you don't use a cheap usb stick02:00
=== oneunder is now known as one
ZackFeuerntiKernel, Where could I get a BootCD02:00
bradare you able to provide help with installing wolf:ET on ubuntu server?02:01
=== one is now known as dubman
iKernelbrad, who is "you"?02:01
mkanyicyZackFeuernt, and mind you, if our instructions to fiddle finally makes you unable to boot your work pc when the customers want that invoice that is in your OSX desktop02:01
bradiKernel: the lovely group of friendly people in here ;-)02:01
brad1 sec, I'll pastebin02:02
ZackFeuerntmkanyicy, I have two work computers. A desktop, XP, and a MacBook, OSX. Macbook is used for my personal use.02:02
bradhttp://pastebin.bzflag.bz/m50ac2e36 -- I have googled quite a bit, but most errors seem to be caused by 64bit OS. I'm using 32bit now02:03
iKernelZackFeuernt, ask if you can install another OS on it02:03
lockdpresumably you can use persistent mode with a LiveCD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence02:03
ZackFeuerntThat's what I was talking about.02:03
lockdbut you had no luck?02:04
mazda01ZackFeuernt, are yo u just not listening to me because you don't think it's possible to install ubuntu to a usb stick and have it be persistent? check this out, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/.02:04
ZackFeuerntmazda01, I have been there. I can not run from the USB Drive, as I said. I can't access my Startup bios02:04
iKernelZackFeuernt, do a bit of googling and you should be able to find a bootcd which will enable you to boot from a usb drive02:05
mazda01ZackFeuernt, boot cd to boot usb stick with persistency. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/category/usb-boot-cds/02:05
iKernelhttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/make-a-usb-boot-cd-for-xubuntu-9-10/ <-- hey presto02:05
mazda01i've just noticed that since I have upgraded dist's all the way back from gutsy, that my install doesn't look like a fresh ubuntu karmic koala install. because I just installed it onto a usbn stick and it looks awesome things like k3b work but k3b doesn;'t work in my upgraded ubuntu02:05
mazda01ne1 ever merely copy, /home, /etc/, /use/local/bin/  and ne1 other locations you saved custom files to, then installed fresh, then just pasted over the backup folders? woudl that work to move configuration files and what not to a new install>02:06
Code_Bleuim running 9.04 on ibm r32 laptop, just installed a My Essentials pcmcia wireless G card...I can connect to my wireless...and ping local network..and bring up local web pages, however im unable to browse the internet...any suggestions?02:06
ZackFeuerntmazda01, Should that work with Ubuntu 8.10?02:07
xim_i was using ktorrent to download a large torrent (135gig) to my external drive, and disconnected it to go on vacation, now the torrent wont recognize the partial files and resume from them.  any ideas?02:07
=== RiverRat is now known as battlemaiden
mazda01ZackFeuernt, yes. it should work for any disto02:07
iKernelmy frontal lobes are not working at full efficency...02:07
ZackFeuerntmazda01, Thanks. I just need to burn my distro now.02:08
iKernelthis happens to me a lot, should I get an mri?02:08
plymouthiKernel: i thought about calling myself iDunno and causing u to LOL02:08
iKernelplymouth, lol02:08
iKernelplymouth, you actually did make me lol right then02:08
ZackFeuerntmazda01, Just found out I have one CD.02:08
mazda01ne1 know how to setup a linux box which has 2 network cards in it to act like a switch? I jsut want it to forward packets so that I can connect an xbox to the mythtv box so that the xbox can access the internal network and the internet. the mythtv box currently has one connection to it from a switch.02:09
Dr_Willis!ics | mazda0102:09
ubottumazda01: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php02:09
iKerneloh god no not firestarter02:09
ZackFeuerntmazda01, Why can't I use the live cd as a boot?02:09
Dr_Willismazda01:  some iptables commands qwill do it.. and i dont know the  commands. :)02:09
=== battlemaiden is now known as jen
=== jen is now known as jen2
JeruvyiKernel: whats wrong with firestarter?  Better than ufw.02:10
iKernelJeruvy, bad experience with it, mind you this was years ago02:10
JAMD456My dying laptop managed to scramble a NTFS filesystem is there any way to repair it?02:11
iKernelmazda01, you need to bridge the two connections. long ago, I was trying to do something similar with a wireless card and an ethernet card... I ended up using a hub between tower A and laptop B, bridging the ethernet card and wireless card of tower A, and I think that it worked02:11
iKernelJAMD456, chkdsk02:11
mazda01ZackFeuernt, you can. if you want to create a livecd with persistency then you'll need the usb stick for persistency02:11
JAMD456Under Ubuntu02:12
iKernelJAMD456, 'fraid not.02:12
boscopaccording to the manual, that other laptop's graphics card is a nVidia GeForce G104M but when I run ubuntu live cd and run lspci it says: ATI Technologies Inc. Device 9553. Why? did it recognize it wrong?02:12
Code_Bleunevermind: id10t error02:12
iKernelJAMD456, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52120702:12
Nom-Hi all.  I'm starting the investigation process of creating an automated install for lucid.  In the past we've used the 'fai' package, which isn't available yet (i see the author is working on it), but after looking at the ubuntu docs, i see there's other methods supported... preseed.cfg for instance02:13
iKernelJAMD456, you can TRY using ntfsck http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsck02:13
Nom-Does the 'preseed' method differ greatly from the 'fai' method?02:13
mazda01iKernel, ok , i don't want to buy a hub or switch because I have an old ethernet card laying around that I hope works out of the box. I know i'll have to have the linux box on everytime i want to access the network from the xbox but that beats buying new hardware. i think anyway, now that I think about it it may be cheaper electricity wise to just buy another switch or drill another hole in the floor and route another cat6e cable from the02:13
mazda01 switch downstairs02:13
pjotteranyone here that runs photoshop under wine?02:13
panos4everuse gimp man not photoshop02:14
iKernelmazda01, no, you'd probably be better off making a crossover cable rather than making a length of cat6e cable02:14
think_i tried and it wouldnt start up under 8.1002:14
iKernelmazda01, cost-wise that is02:14
pjotterI still need photoshop. Gimp doesn't support all functions I need unfortunately02:14
bluelephantsetting up a new system, had trouble with WPA. Ubuntu forums on WPA refer to NetworkManger for Hardy. Anything more recent?02:15
panos4everoh well whats your problem?02:15
iKernelpjotter, run photoshop with wine02:15
think_some photoshop plugins work in gimp im told look into it02:15
iKernelmazda01, oh, actually now that you mention it, it'll prolly be cheaper in the long run to not have to turn on your linux box every time you want to connect with xbox02:15
bluelephantMy system is a laptop with a finicky wifi card, RTl819202:15
panos4everubuntu 9.10 doesnt have problems with WPA02:15
bluelephantpardon, RTL819202:15
mazda01iKernel, i would need a crossover cable versus a straight thru cable if I hook up the xbox to the 2nd network card of the linux box? I didnt' know that02:15
bluelephantThank you panos4ever.02:16
iKernelmazda01, yes you would indeed.02:16
panos4evernp blue02:16
pjotterI was just wondering. I just installed photoshop 6 under wine. It works fine. Exept, when drawing a selection box. I can see the selection. Same thing happens when drawing a line with the ruler tool. While drawing, the line is invisable.02:16
iKernelmazda01, apparently they're not difficult to make yourself... but I've never tried it02:16
mazda01iKernel, is that because it's not a switch and just a network card? i actually already have a crossover cable because I would hook up 2 xbox's for playing against others within the same house.02:17
panos4everwine problems02:17
iKernelmazda01, I guess so. and hey presto.02:17
duffmanI was wondering if anyone knows a way to assign programs to startup on certain workspaces.02:17
bluelephantpanos, can you suggest what might be going wrong? I installed a driver for the card and now iwconfig reflects the driver, but I can't manage to open a browser on the wireless network.02:17
panos4everuse  linux software02:17
think_allways wine problems02:17
pjotterso, no fix then?02:17
SoliloquialSo, the login screen pops up, graphics work fine until I log in; then black diagonal lines about 1.5-2 inches appear02:18
think_look for plugins for gimp the ones you use in ps02:18
iKernelpjotter, I'm afraid that the best free software for image manipulation is the GIMP02:18
SoliloquialWhat gives?02:18
panos4everblue install ubuntu 9.10 all drivers are in the kernerl u wont have problems02:18
pjotterI tried searching the wine site for this problem but couldn't find it in the bugs list.02:18
iKernelpjotter, but if you do what think_ says, and look for plugins for the GIMP that will give you similar functionality to what you need from photoshop, then you should be good02:18
think_what version02:19
duffmanalso can anyone reccomend a good program launcher?02:19
pjotterDon't worry.. I mainly use Gimp now. But I still miss some functonallity that is in photoshop.02:19
iKernelduffman, ./program02:19
iKernelpjotter, which functionality specifically?02:19
bluelephant@panso4ever ... You are using Ubuntu 9.10 - the Karmic Koala - released in October 2009 and supported until April 2011. This section is an introduction to Ubuntu. It explains the Ubuntu philosophy and roots, gives information about how to contribute to Ubuntu, and shows how to get help with Ubuntu.02:19
duffmaniKernel: i meant like a gui app02:19
pjotterWell... for instance. i really need a minimum and maximum filter.02:19
SoliloquialPic of dysfunctional display: <img src="http://imgur.com/nAJUv.jpg" alt="Hosted by imgur.com" />02:20
think_aand a single window02:20
Soliloquialer...<img src="http://imgur.com/nAJUv.jpg" alt="Hosted by imgur.com" />02:20
panos4everso what blue?02:20
Soliloquialwhatever, that image02:20
iKernelduffman, many applications install entries under the applications menu in the top left hand corner of your screen02:20
bluelephantSo, I'm having trouble identifying next steps getting onto the wireless network.02:20
duffmanyes yes i know, but i was thinking about a 3rd party program to hold the icons02:20
bluelephantI tried deleting the existing wireless network profile and recreating it... no dice.02:20
panos4everwhich version do u have?02:21
bluelephantversion of ....02:21
SoliloquialI think my refresh rate/resolution is set wrong...but I can't see anything on the display/terminal to change the resolution02:21
Enigmatorgnome-do using gnome krunner using kde duffman02:21
duffmanok thanks Enigmator02:22
pjotterAnd also.. for some clients I work for.. they really want photoshop CMYK images. Thatś really the main problem.02:22
duffmanalso anyway to assign programs to startup and assign them to specific workspaces?02:22
iKernelpjotter, GIMP can save files in photoshop format02:22
iKerneli think02:22
pjotterYes, but unfortunately not in CMYK mode.02:22
panos4everaircrack-ng 4 ever :D02:23
iKernelpjotter, sounds like a good suggestion for the gimp developers02:23
pjotterIf they can get CMYK to work in the Gimp, that would be the end of photoshop.02:23
newbuxis the kernel released?02:24
bluelephant@panos4ever I'm using 9.1002:24
panos4evereven if it becomes photoshop will be difficult to fall02:24
Enigmatoror cairo-dock for an application launcher using Icons02:24
panos4everit has its name02:24
tos__ hi i am trying to make use of all my ips.... i have ubuntu-server installed with 1 NIC.. and im trying to get each ip on that NIC, but my router only allowd 1-ip per MAC, how can i make Virtual NIC's with different mac's ?02:24
panos4everok then blue u dont need network drivers02:24
newbuxcan some1 tell me if the kernel is released02:25
tos__newbux, www.kernel.org02:25
hellyescan someone please help me with the syntax of chmod?  I am trying to change ownership of a file from root, to myself and / or anybody....02:25
panos4everchmod +x02:25
bluelephant@panos4ever good news there.02:25
jribhellyes: why? what file?02:25
panos4everyes blue02:25
hellyesit's an icon02:25
joshua____hellyes: chown [-R] user[:group] file02:25
panos4everoh yes joshua02:26
jribhellyes: what's the exact path...02:26
panos4eversudo chown -R username /home/username02:26
pjotterWell, I've worked with photoshop for years now. But nearly all functionallity I need is also in the GIMP nowadays. Except for a few things. That is why I still need photoshop for. But I'm not married to photoshop. :)02:26
jribhellyes: it doesn't make sense to want to change the permissions of those files.  Why do you want to?02:26
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:26
nu1hello, I need some help to configure an external network hdd02:27
m0arWhen i star a new session Ubuntuone-client-applet asks for password to the default keyring, how can i automate that?  Giving it elevated rights or something02:27
think_anyone know why i cant access certain websites in firefox chrome midori ect.02:27
joshua____m0ar: remove the password from the keyring02:27
panos4everguys lets hope microsoft will fall so everybody will use linux02:27
mac9416How can I install the same packages on a current install as I had in a previous one? Would the status file be any help?02:27
jrib!clone | mac941602:27
ubottumac9416: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate02:27
joshua____I'll be glad enough if they drop to 50%02:28
panos4everthey will02:28
Soliloquialpanos4ever ...the general public would be manic.02:28
joshua____I'd rather the clueless kept using windows02:28
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/02:28
m0arjoshua____: where?02:28
panos4everthey dont learn anything with windows they are imsprisoned and they dont get it02:28
panos4everand they dont know that they use linux everyday02:29
mac9416jrib, thanks.02:29
panos4evercause servers use unix02:29
joshua____m0ar: whereever you set it the first time around02:29
ttHi, ubuntu wont let me browse the files on my phone or when i hit send via bluetooth via my phone it fails.  well it will let me browse the phone but it doesnt show any of my pictures02:29
m0arjoshua____: Loooong time ago, i can't recall02:29
isolat3dsh33ppanos4ever: there's no fun if everyone uses Linux. U'll miss the fight02:29
joshua____m0ar: I lose02:29
panos4everhmmm maybe02:29
m0arjoshua____: Where is the settings for the keyring then?02:30
Soliloquialeveryone using linux would just make linux poorer, with less OSs to compete with02:30
nu1which file do I need to modify in order to get a network hdd working on eth0 and a wireless connection on wlan0. I already installed firestarter02:30
iKernelI wonder what the ebay servers run on02:30
panos4everthats not the point02:30
* isolat3dsh33p agrees with Soliloquial 02:30
panos4everlinux is not about money or popularity02:30
panos4everits about knowledge02:31
spillI've got an employee that I need to monitor where he is going on the internet during work hours, we just made the switch to ubuntu in the last 6 months.  Any suggestions for software that will log his traffic and give me access to it?02:31
isolat3dsh33ppanos4ever: that's good, but not a good thing if everyone uses Linux. No more choices :/02:31
panos4everthat ok with me02:31
panos4everall other choices are useless02:32
shudderI agree with panos4ever02:32
panos4everthx shudder02:32
panos4everthats the spirit with linux02:32
shudderI don't really care who uses linux, as long as it functions for me and does what I want it to02:32
ttthis should work, I cant make files go from my comp to phone02:32
mazda01if i have an ubuntu karmic installed on a hdd all configured the way i like it, could I run aptoncd, then make an iso, then backup /etc/, /usr/local/bin/, and /home/. then boot up my karmic i installed in a casper-rw usb stick, then run that aptoncd so that all programs are installed the same on each install, then go back into the hdd ubuntu, mount the casper-rw image, and just paste in the folders I had made a backup of from hdd over the02:33
mazda01 top of the casper-rw folders? would that work? i know i am gonna try it regardless because I don't care if the usb stick install gets hosed, I can always redo it. i just want to apply all custimizations from my hdd karmic to the usb install the easiest way possible02:33
tti mean my phone to comp02:33
jiohdilinux was made by and for people who like computers to actually do what they want them to do :)02:33
panos4everu do ur job better than the others and u olny know it02:33
jribcan we move the windows vs. linux talk to #ubuntu-offtopic please?02:33
think_ssh in to the machine and dig out the tmp folder02:33
IlmaticQuick help you guys.02:33
panos4everwe dont have to discuss it anymore02:34
isolat3dsh33pIlmatic: Just ask02:34
shuddermazda01: what exactly are you trying to do? make a perfect replica of your ubuntu install on a flash drive?02:34
IlmaticEvery application I start up starts in the top left hand corner.02:34
IlmaticHow do I change this?02:34
ttok, has anyone here used bluetooth in linu02:34
panos4evereveryone that is here use linux and they know the difference ;)02:34
isolat3dsh33pIlmatic: Change compiz settings :)02:34
Soliloquialwriting this in a linux channel, I'm bound to be called a "blasphemist", but windows is still very useful -- for games, to the exclusion of everything else02:34
iflematt: i can drop'n'drap to and from in file manager02:35
shudderSoliloquial: agreed. Windows has its uses02:35
tthuh it seems like i should be able to02:35
panos4evergames wont give the knowledge02:35
IlmaticBecause of this setting, I'm unable to close applications02:35
Ilmaticunless I right click the tab near the bottom02:35
Luciferoanyone has x3100 intel? it runs smoothly quake3?02:35
iflematt: you say ya can browse but not see all?02:35
panos4everu can also play games under linux02:35
shudderpanos4ever: you can, but it still feels incredibly patchy02:35
hexedSoliloquial; thats the only reason i go to windows anymore...02:35
ttya i just found the problem02:35
spillI've got an employee that I need to monitor where he is going on the internet during work hours, we just made the switch to ubuntu in the last 6 months.  Any suggestions for software that will log his traffic and give me access to it?02:36
iflematt: ?02:36
mozicodoI just reinstalled ubuntu and one of the partitions seems to be missing files.  I didn't format, df shows the proper space is used.  It shows as ext3 in cfdisk but it's ext4.  Only lost+found shows when mounting.02:36
panos4evershudder how old are u?02:36
ttunder settings for the pic there was a "bluetooth visibility" setting02:36
mazda01shudder, no, the hdd install is hosed I think because of upgrading all the way back from hardy heron. k3b no longer works right and misc other things, i just think it's because i have upgraded through update-manger so many times that things are meshing right. so I want to go to a new karmic install on the usb stick but also save all my customizations and not just whats in my /home folder because of ssh, fstab, resolve.conf, hosts file etc02:36
mazda01 etc. there's tons of things and I don;t want to miss any customization that have done over the yearts02:36
jribhexed, panos4ever, shudder, Soliloquial, everyone else I missed: this channel is for support.  Talking about windows here makes it harder to help people with real issues.  #ubuntu-offtopic exists to talk about these things so move the discussion there.02:36
isolat3dsh33pIlmatic: Sorry can't help you, my ccsm is not installed. Accidentally removed it. :/02:36
shudderpanos4ever: 1702:36
Jacob2hey room has anyone tethered to the verizon wireless droid?02:36
ttthat is a really random place for it to be02:36
iflematt: aal ggod then02:36
Luciferoanyone has x3100 intel? it runs smoothly quake3?02:36
ttand it made me find the pic02:36
IlmaticWhat is a ccsm?02:36
shudderpanos4ever: I am allowed to be here right02:36
jrib!ccsm | Ilmatic02:36
ubottuIlmatic: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz02:36
panos4everxaxa of course02:36
ttand i dont know why i would want it not visible ever02:36
panos4everlinux is free02:36
think_hey spill install openshh on his machine and ssh into it looking into the tmp folder02:36
panos4everi am 1902:37
panos4everhave been using linux for 1.5 years02:37
iflematt: porn... lol02:37
hexedjrib; lol ok sorry buddy02:37
panos4everand i am sorry i hadnt before02:37
spillthink thanks, I'll give it a shot.02:37
IlmaticIs there anyway I can install it without terminal?02:37
nu1hello, I need some help. How can I get a network hdd working on eth0 and a wireless connection on wlan0. I already installed firestarter but dont know what else to do02:37
oorahi'm thinkin of tryin alinux, looks like pretty screenshots02:37
IlmaticMy terminal just comes up blank now.02:37
oorahany reviews?02:37
jribIlmatic: sure, use synaptic...02:37
oorahusing xubuntu right now02:37
IlmaticEr...and where can I find that at?02:38
think_xubuntu is badass02:38
isolat3dsh33pIlmatic: System>Admin>Synaptic Package Manager02:38
shudderthink_: What do you like about it?02:38
IlmaticOh okay.02:38
nu1what is the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu?02:38
IlmaticThanks isolated02:38
think_thunar is so fast02:38
panos4everthe x :P02:38
shudderthink_: not trying to bash you or anything, just want another opinion02:38
isolat3dsh33pIlmatic: np :)02:39
oorahnu1, gnome and xfce02:39
jribnu1: xubuntu uses xfce by default, ubuntu uses gnome by default, both have the same repositories02:39
shuddernu1: Desktop Environments02:39
oorahubuntu default desktop is gnome and xubuntu is xfce02:39
shuddernu1: apparently xubuntu is faster, but not that much02:39
oorahi prefer xfce02:39
shudderoorah: LXDE ftw :)02:39
iflema nu1: xubuntu has a light weight window manager... good for lower spec coms...02:39
oorahits much better for multi-tasking from my experience02:39
think_the only problem is remote filesystems on xfce im not sure how to conf02:39
oorahlxde doesn't feel complete02:39
shudderoorah: its buggy as hell02:39
shudderoorah: but I love finding solutions to stuff02:40
mazda01shudder, what do you think?02:40
oorahi wanna try alinux, looks pretty02:40
IlmaticEven that won't work now.02:40
IlmaticUbuntu just stalls.02:40
jiohdiyou can install gnome on xubuntu and make it into ubuntu02:40
FloodBot4Ilmatic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:40
shuddermazda01: hold on let me read it again02:40
Soliloquialfluxbox on ubuntu would probably be better for lighter weight systems than xubuntu IMO02:41
jiohdiopenbox too02:41
BlackCowhas anyone ever had a stick of RAM just go... bad after working fine for over a year?02:41
shuddermazda01: I would just backup all the files you want to keep to your USB, including your list of installed packages02:41
coolman_007hi all02:41
think_Anyone know about opening remote filesystems on xfce (file transfer ETC)02:41
shuddermazda01: like back up all your config and stuff02:41
shuddermazda01: and then reinstall02:41
jiohdiblackcow, I had one that had pins distingrate02:42
coolman_007any graphical editor for grub 1.97 on ubuntu 9.10 ?02:42
shuddermazda01: I'm sorry but I'm not really an expert02:42
BlackCowive been trying to figure out whats wrong with my computer and i finally narrowed it down to a stick of RAM causing it, some im running on one gig now02:42
BlackCowthe pins looked fine though02:42
shudderthink_: through what protocol?02:42
shudderthink_: I would look up scp02:42
nu1hello, I need some help. How can I get a network hdd working on eth0 and a wireless connection on wlan0. I already installed firestarter but dont know what else to do, I know I need to modify one file and add some stuff, but I am new on this :(02:42
mazda01shudder, well the thing is besides the entire /home/ and /usr/local/bin/, i don't exactly what I have all changed besides what I mentioned. which is why i want to back up entire folders like /etc/ and just overright the ones that were installed after using the aptoncd to install all matching programs. make sense right?02:43
BlackCowvery odd, but at least it works now, gnome was throwing a hissy fit, buttons were disapearing, i was getting freaky errors, the windows partition just crashed when you tried to log in lol02:43
euxnekshello, I'm attempting to get an xorg module loaded. How do I tell if Xorg has loaded the module properly or not?02:43
coolman_007any graphical editor for grub 1.97 on ubuntu 9.10 ?02:43
Soliloquialstrangely, one of my slots made every stick of ram that went in it go bad...i lost two sticks this way02:43
oorahanyone with a netbook thats having hardware nightmares i much recommend the 10.04 alpha, its very stable and hardware friendly02:43
think_hey thank ill check it out02:43
shuddermazda01: I know what you mean but I just don't know how to do it perfectly02:43
mazda01ne1 else have experience wanting to keep all configuration files and customizations from one install and put them in a new FRESH install? procedure used please?02:43
iflemaBlackCow: the ubuntu live cd's have a memory tester on the boot menu..02:43
shuddermazda01: at best its going to be patchy02:43
isolat3dsh33pcoolman_007: It's suppose to be grub2 :/02:43
coolman_007yeah its a headace02:44
shudderOk, can I actually get a poll on what people think of grub 2?02:44
mazda01shudder, yeah. that's what I am afraid of. im trying to get away from my patchy upgraded all the way from hardy version,02:44
Jeruvy!poll | shudder02:44
ubottushudder: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:44
BlackCowyeah memtest actually crashed, but then i tested each stick individually and it didnt show errors02:44
shudderoops, sorry02:44
BlackCowin the same port to, so i dont think the specific bus is bad02:45
isolat3dsh33pcoolman_007: Just update-grub, it should list all OSs in your computer. :/02:45
Jeruvyshudder: no harm done.02:45
coolman_007is there any way to uninstall grub 2 and install old grub ?02:45
iflemaBlackCow: i once had a similar problem... i now goota avoid one of the slots on my motherboard.... you got more than two slots for ya ram... i assume no.02:45
BlackCowdiagnosing a computer problem when you have no idea what possibly went wrong really sucks lol02:45
coolman_007thanks isolated ive tried all that.....02:45
ubuntushudder, im now in the usb install on the other machine I own at my workstation. I have 1 monitor, 1 keyboard, 1 mouse through KVM for my main ubuntu hdd install and now my usb install.02:46
BlackCowhmm, maybe i should try with to sticks and avoid the busses i normally use, i have 4 slots02:46
isolat3dsh33pcoolman_007: Not working?02:46
ubuntushudder, im also known as mazda0102:46
shudderubuntu: ok02:46
coolman_007its erased my gnu hurd02:46
BlackCowso from what you guys are telling me its not uncommon for a bus to go bad yeah?02:46
shudderubuntu: I'm not going to lie, I have no clue what you should back up02:46
isolat3dsh33pcoolman_007: Ouch...02:46
iflemaBlackCow: its not over yet....02:46
shudderubuntu: try making a post in the forum02:47
shudderubuntu: I think you will get a much more concrete answer :)02:47
ubuntushudder, i have another issue at hand. before I shut the usb stick down last time I used Envyg or whatever to isntall the nvidia driver for my nvidia 6200 card and it failed to load it said. so I have to solve that first02:47
ubuntushudder, ok, will do on the post thing.02:47
iflemaBlackCow: don't know about that... but i got one.02:47
shudderubuntu: alright02:47
shudderubuntu: what exactly are you seeing right now?02:48
nu1How can I get a network hdd working on eth0 and a wireless connection on wlan0 at the same time?. I already installed firestarter but dont know which file I have to modify and what do I need to write. Anyone could help me?02:48
coolman_007can i uninstall this grub 1.97 ?02:48
coolman_007and install old grub or lilo ?02:48
shudderubuntu: just a smaller resolution on your screen?02:48
risoplease help my lostirc isnt working02:48
risomy Lostirc keeps disconnecting me02:49
ubuntushudder, im in a low graphics mode probably just using vesa.  it looks great still i will admit but I know I can run compiz with my nvidia card so I wanted to install the nvidia prop drivers. currently synaptic shows nvidia-glx-18502:49
=== ripps|sleep is now known as ripps
shudderubuntu: I've never really used compiz02:50
jiohdiif you are in low mode you cannot run compiz?02:50
shudderubuntu: did you try to reinstall the correct driver?02:50
hanasakiwhy does NetworkManager require aspell and a lot of gnome?02:51
ubuntushudder, the correct driver is installed. whats weird is that dmesg says this over and over: nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.  and then this: NVRM: No NVIDIA graphics adapter found!02:51
kermiti installed a package, then removed it, but it's still listed in apt-cache pkgnames .. and when i try to reinstall it, not all the files are being installed, yet i dont get an error02:51
pete__I am running foobar2000 in wine and it does not show me cd drives, any tricks to enable them???02:52
jeez1234hi, can someone suggest a good rss reader for ubuntu?02:52
ubuntushudder, not even, i still have a 1280x1024 res. it's awesome02:52
blakkheimpete__: /j #winehq02:52
shudderubuntu: nicely done02:52
blakkheimjeez1234: raggle02:52
iflemacoolman_007: are you familiar with workings of the old menu.lst02:52
hanasakijeez1234:  the google one works for me02:52
shudderubuntu: nothing sucks more than patching together a resolution02:52
ubuntushudder, no, im not running the proprietary nvidia driver  that I want, it must have fallen back to the nv driver which is still decent but no where near the prop drivers02:53
lakotacan anyone help with suspend and wake on 8.10?02:53
isolat3dsh33pkermit: try aptitude purge <packagename>02:53
kermitisolat3dsh33p: it's still in apt-cache pkgnames02:54
isolat3dsh33pkermit: you mean apt-cache policy packagename?02:55
=== sterlin_ is now known as sterlin
shudderubuntu: I just checked out this on the forums, maybe explains the 'taint' http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39880302:55
ubuntushudder, oh my gosh!1 im such an idiot!! i forgot the other machine I own doesn't have the same card in it. it's got a VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R350 [Radeon 9800 Pro]. I feel so dumb right now. So nevermind about the driver issue02:55
isolat3dsh33pkermit: apt-cache policy <packagename> should say « Installed: none »02:56
ubuntushudder, so the maqchine that i booted the usb stick in has a ATI 9800 pro. i wonder how the ati driver is with compiz?02:56
lakotawhat can cause ubuntu to loose function of touch pad and keyboard when trying to wake from suspend?02:56
PC__Hey peeps02:56
shudderI don't know for sure but I think ATI is a jerk with drivers02:56
shudderI will check your card though02:56
PC__okay my hard disk isnt failing02:57
isolat3dsh33pubuntu: Don't install the one's in the Hardware Drivers. Install the ones from ATI website ;)02:57
blakkheimati is the enemy of your freedom02:57
shudderubuntu: here is another link from the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64695402:57
shudderblakkheim: NVIDIA ftw?02:57
PC__And ubuntu is saying i have a bad disk in plamsit i scanned my drive using seatools smart check02:58
isolat3dsh33pshudder: same with NVIDIA i guess02:58
ubuntuisolat3dsh33p, what's weird is that the hardware drivers doesn't even show any driver for me to use.02:58
PC__And it was02:58
PC__all my test was passed02:58
PC__so dose it still mean my hard drive is failing?02:58
isolat3dsh33pubuntu: I'm not sure about that, I don't use it anyway. It sucks and outdated. :/02:58
shudderisolat3dsh33p: I haven't used any major graphics card other than my chipsets02:58
lakotacan anyone tell me what can cause ubuntu to loose function of touch pad and keyboard when trying to wake from suspend?02:59
shudderisolat3dsh33p: so I wouldn't really know02:59
ubuntuPC__, i have an old 2.5" 160gb sata drive that plamsit says is bad to. i was jsut about to run seatools on it also. what was the outcome for you?02:59
isolat3dsh33pshudder: Intel I assume. :/02:59
shudderisolat3dsh33p: Savage02:59
PC__The outh come was passed02:59
cyberjorgehow do you check the system partitions?02:59
FAJALOUhey guys i need some help, i am trying to load something in wine and i get this:  http://pastebin.com/f13ec39bd  i realllly need to get this to work for a performance I am in.02:59
iflemalakota: momentarily or permanently/until reboot/poweroff ?02:59
shudderisolat3dsh33p: my friend had an intel, I had to patch together a solution with xrandr02:59
blakkheimcyberjorge: fdisk -l02:59
isolat3dsh33pshudder: they wont release the binaries source or information for their gc to the developers.03:00
ubuntuisolat3dsh33p, does the download from ati do all the work for me? setup xorg and what not?03:00
blakkheimFAJALOU: /j #winehq03:00
tos__Any ideas and help would be appreciated!!!!!!!!!   hi i am trying to make use of all my ips.... i have ubuntu-server installed with 1 NIC.. and im trying to get each ip on that NIC, but my router only allowd 1-ip per MAC, how can i make Virtual NIC's with different mac's ?03:00
ubuntuisolat3dsh33p, i have only worked with nvidia and using nvidia-setup is super easy.03:00
FAJALOUblakkheim: thanks03:00
lakotaiflema,  only untill reboot. I have function of blue tooth mouse and can log out and reboot from the wake screen03:00
Dr_Willisthe nvidia config tools could use some updateing. :) they got some quirks03:01
PC__Okay my connection sucks03:01
isolat3dsh33pubuntu: Yes, should automatically configure. Just « sh installer_ati_name.run » in terminal :)03:01
shudderisolat3dsh33p: that probably explains a lot of the patchiness03:01
cyberjorgeblakkheim: thanks a lot but how do I know the LVM partitions and the Physical ones?03:01
ubuntuisolat3dsh33p, have you heard of envyng? it says I can install ati driver 8.66 but ati website says it's 9.12 i think03:01
ubuntuisolat3dsh33p, run as root?03:01
shudderavoid running as root03:01
shuddersame thingish03:01
isolat3dsh33pubuntu: ofcourse :)03:01
PC__ubuntu, the outcome was passed03:02
kermitisolat3dsh33p: yes, it says Installed: (none)03:02
PC__alll the tests was passed03:02
kermitisolat3dsh33p: but pkgnames still lists it03:02
PC__i had m ydrive for 5 years and no errors03:02
isolat3dsh33pkermit: It's still in the package list since it's still in the repo.03:02
kermitisolat3dsh33p: and it must be half-installed somehow because a reinstall doesnt work, but the first install did work03:02
shudderPC__: same here, never had any issues03:02
iflemalakota: do you know what sort of computer you have... the model? laptop? maybe google some keywords find results of people with similar issues/solutions.03:02
kermitisolat3dsh33p: the what? i did clean, autoclean.. and that doesnt cause it to stay listed for other things once i remove them.03:02
PC__Guys this dude posted the bug is still around03:03
iflemalakota: thats a good start.... if ya havnt already that is...03:03
JoesephI'm trying to share my wireless connection with an adjacent computer using an ethernet cord with Firestarter.  However, it's telling me that my device "eth0 is not ready."  It's plugged into both computers... What else does it need?03:04
isolat3dsh33pkermit: I'm not sure then. Repo=repostitory btw.03:04
DarkMasterHaloJoeseph: It is plugged in directly from one computer to another or through a hub or something like that ?03:04
lakotaiflema,  I tried use google to find any info but not much luck, it is an hp special edition L2000 lance armstrong signature laptop03:04
ubuntuuh oh, i just ran a sudo aptitude install aptoncd and it stated that it was going to remove dkms{u} fakeroot{u} libmikmod2{u} libsdl-image1.2{u} libsdl-mixer1.2{u} libsdl-ttf2.0-0{u}03:05
ubuntu  libsmpeg0{u} patch{u}03:05
ubuntu  and I quick ly hit Y because i didn't read. hopefully that fakeroot and whatnot wasn't used for my usb install!!!03:05
JoesephDarkMasterHalo: Yes.  It's plugged directly into both of the computers ethernet cards.03:05
shudderubuntu: Did you compile your own kernel?03:05
DarkMasterHaloJoeseph: Did you use a crossover cable ?03:05
yi_wow are you people already good with ubuntuÉ03:05
* munz yawns03:06
JoesephDarkMasterHalo: I don't think so.  Just an ethernet cable.03:06
PC__Gusy i found the fix to this bug03:06
shudderyou need a crossover cable to directly connect 2 computers03:06
PC__GUYS I FOUND A FIX can i post a link?03:06
ubuntushudder, no, i used the pendrivelinux thingy and the karmic iso to create the 4gb casper-rw image for the usb install03:06
DarkMasterHaloJoeseph: Well, you must use a crossover cable to connect one computer to another.  It is not necessary if you pass through a hub or a switch.03:06
lakotaiflema, some times it comes up fine and I can type password in and it is ok but some times it takes really long time for log in screen to show up and then touch pad and keyboard are non responsive and I have to use blue tooth mouse to restart the machine and then it works ok03:07
PC__Wait i have another question03:07
shudderubuntu: im not sure then. Fakeroot will most likely have been used for your usb install then, but I think just to install it03:07
PC__I have a extra ide hard drive03:07
PC__and my mother board\03:07
dim3000How come when using ALSA in lmms the sound is messed up?03:07
PC__supportd boyth i de and sata03:07
PC__my main drive now is sata03:08
ubuntushudder, i also just read this: This package contains the framework for the Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) method for installing and updating kernel modules.   and i accidentally removed the dkms paCKAGE03:08
PC__if i  cahnge the dirve to ide will any thing abd happen?03:08
JoesephDarkMasterHalo: I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "crossover cable."  I have one ethernet cord hooked directly into my two computers.03:08
iflemaLakota: it appears it has worked in the past... and possible broke again ????03:08
DarkMasterHaloJoeseph: Was it always hooked in like this ?03:08
nightsjammiesquick question..I'm installing eeebuntu 3.0 onto a Dell Inspiron B130. The notification area isn't showing up, even though I know it's there. How do I make it visible again?03:09
shudderubuntu: just write down a list of what was removed03:09
DarkMasterHaloJoeseph: Or did you just do that setup.03:09
ubuntushudder, im just going to reinstall all those packages that were removed03:09
shudderif stuff starts failng, just reinstall those03:09
iflemaLakota: i mean in previous versions of ubuntu..03:09
shudderubuntu: alright03:09
nu1How can I get a network hdd working on eth0 and a wireless connection on wlan0 at the same time?. I already installed firestarter but dont know which file I have to modify and what do I need to write. Anyone could help me?03:09
PC__No one is evening listening to me03:09
JoesephDarkMasterHalo: I've had this setup before, but I recently re-set it up.  I'm giving some different settings a try right now.03:09
lakotaiflema,  it only happens about every 2nd or 3rd time I close lid and suspend laptop. so it is not a constant thing03:09
ubuntushudder, so I am installing the ati driver now using envyng, then going to install packagaes back in, then run aptoncd, tehn restart the usb install03:10
lakotaI am running ubuntu 8.1003:10
shudderPC__, if you change the HDD to IDE, there will a slight decrease in performance, and you may need to change up GRUB03:10
iflemalakota: arghh ok03:10
lakotaiflema,  if I run 9.04 or 9.10 I can not suspend or wake at all03:10
shudderas for grub, I am unsure03:10
LLStarkshey doctormo. sup.03:10
ubuntushudder, didn't realize that the default name xchat gave me for my usb isntall was ubuntu, so almost everyones posts are red like they are for me. HA HA03:10
PC__shudder, how?03:11
DarkMasterHaloJoeseph: Oh okay, eh, was it working before, because it may be the problem.  Here  is the documentation for the crossover cable : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable03:11
iflemalakota: tears03:11
shudderDo you want to replace your HDD, or just add another one in?03:11
nightsjammiesquick question..I'm installing eeebuntu 3.0 onto a Dell Inspiron B130. The notification area isn't showing up, even though I know it's there. How do I make it visible again?03:11
shudderubuntu: yeah03:11
iflemaLakota: ya can...03:11
shudderPC__:Do you want to replace your HDD, or just add another one in?03:12
neezerI made a bootable USB with 9.10 on it. if I boot into it, and install it on my usb drive, will I have an ubuntu install that I can boot into and change on other computers?03:12
iflemaLakota: configure it so when the lid shuts it does nothing but bank screen (save battery) and turn of auto suspend and hibernate03:12
JoesephDarkMasterHalo: Yes it's a cross-over cable... I'll try some more trouble-shooting after I try some stuff...03:13
neezerwill it mess with my current install on my laptop? will it screw up grub?03:13
shudderneezer: yes, as long as they support USB bootup03:13
faileasneezer: how are you planning on installing it? unetbootin, or a 'real' install?03:13
iflemaLakota: may not be all that practical.... but 9.1003:13
Gatewayhello, please can somebody explain to me what number to give to ( find -size .. -print ) in order to get all files that have more thank 150 kb03:13
DarkMasterHaloJoeseph: Okay, sorry for not being able to help you :( but feel free to ask your question again.  Maybe somebody will have knowledge on this matter.03:13
BigMike1yo Dr_Willis03:14
Gatewayor how to calculate it :)03:14
neezerfaileas: I'm not sure what you mean by 'real' install...I would boot from the drive and click install ubuntu. I don't know what unetbootin is.03:14
JoesephDarkMasterHalo: Yeah, I'm not doing trying.  Thanks though03:14
JoesephDarkMasterHalo: Errr.  *done (not doing)03:15
faileasneezer: unetbootin is the 'recommended' way to do a USB install - it uses an image of an iso, and a file to store the data you need between installs. its easier and safer, especially for a sub 4 gb drive03:15
aletheia8556can anybody help me with an unresolved screen resolution problem??03:15
lakotaiflema,  yeah I had it for a while set to shut down when lid closed. I do like 9.10 but I have legacy ati card and can not install ati driver on 9.10 or it crashes system03:15
faileasfor a 'real' install, you'd need to be careful where you install teh bootloader, and you might have more drive wear03:15
shudderaletheia8556: I can try03:15
aletheia8556alright let me give you some details real quick03:16
FireFighterHey, I rebooted my system and now all of my folders (usually found in home - such as documents, music) are on my desktop. I can't move them, but if I delete them they delete their copies in home as well.03:16
jribGateway: what isn't clear to you exactly?03:16
okan_cd ~03:16
okan_rm -rf .gnome* .gconf*03:16
neezerfaileas: so is that better than using the built in app on ubuntu? by drive is only 4GB.03:16
faileasneezer: er.. wait. i got my wires crossed. you should be using the liveusb tool.. not unetbootin03:16
nightsjammiesokay, can someone please help me with my question..03:16
faileasneezer: ignore anything i said about unetbootin ><03:16
nightsjammiesum..what okan?03:16
faileasneezer: the usb tool should be safe, and you can use it like a normal install03:16
aletheia8556i have an old laptop and in ubuntu 9.04 a guy helped me edit the xorg.conf file to change the screen res and it worked.  but now in karmic (9.10) i can get to anything that resembles that xorg.conf file03:17
okan_you cant use notif are r,ght?03:17
nightsjammiesdo you mean in the terminal?03:17
aletheia8556a person tried to help me earlier and the told me to type in mlocate -i xorg.conf03:17
jribokan_: please explain to people the consequences of those commands before recommending them03:17
nomnexcould use a bit of advice. is there a items limit per folder, e.g. videos, photos. I ask the question because Windoze showed signs of weakness for folders with 100 over thumnails. Linux seems more robust for the matter, but advice is welcome.03:17
okan_ok jrib03:17
FireFighterHey, I rebooted my system and now all of my folders (usually found in home - such as documents, music) are on my desktop. I can't move them, but if I delete them they delete their copies in home as well.03:17
shudderaletheia8556: have you generated a xorg.conf file?03:17
aletheia8556i found that file but it is just two odd looking symbols and the rest of it is blank03:17
Gatewayjrib, let's get an example... we would like to fiind files that exceed 150 kb ( find -type f -a -size +... -print )03:17
aletheia8556no i don't know how03:17
shudderaletheia8556: alright03:17
shudderaletheia8556: here is what I need you to do03:18
nightsjammiesOkay. I'm still running it as the live cd right now.03:18
nightsjammiesDon't know if that will work03:18
shudderaletheia8556: you may want to write this down03:18
Out_Coldwhen does tmp files get deleted?03:18
shudderaletheia8556: make sure you get a list of the entire instructions first03:18
okan_hey nightjammies03:18
shudderaletheia8556: 1) sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:18
nightsjammiesI'm here03:18
okan_you cant use notification are right03:18
shudderaletheia8556: in a terminal03:19
jribGateway: did you read the -size section of « man find » ?  It explains all the possible suffixes.  Shouldn't "+150k" be what you want according to that section?03:19
iflemaLakota: hmm03:19
shudderaletheia8556: this will kill all of your graphics, and leave you at a terminal, which will ask you to login03:19
shudderaletheia8556: type your username and password03:19
ubuntufaileas, i used pendrivelinux and that worked awesome. made a 4gb casper-rw image and it works really speedy!@03:19
nightsjammiesI have the notification area working. It's just invisible.03:19
shudderaletheia8556: you will login, and be left at a prompt03:19
shudderaletheia8556: now, type sudo X -configure03:19
SerpherIs there any way to bypass user premissions?03:19
jribSerpher: why...?03:19
nightsjammiesI ran into this one other time, but don't how I solved it03:19
Out_ColdSerpher, using sudo03:19
faileasubuntu: i actually have a system that uses a full install on a thumbdrive. not sure why ;p03:20
IlmaticHey, can I run 9.10 on a intel mac?03:20
FireFighterHey, I rebooted my system and now all of my folders (usually found in home - such as documents, music) are on my desktop. I can't move them, but if I delete them they delete their copies in home as well.03:20
shudderaletheia8556: this will generate a xorg.conf.new file in your home folder03:20
jribIlmatic: of course03:20
Gatewayjrib, I've already read it but I didn't find an explation to what I'm looking for... because it depends on the number of bytes in 1 " cylindre "03:20
shudderaletheia8556: now just type: sudo /etc/initld/gdm start03:20
SerpherI have an old computer here with Ubuntu on here and I want to see what files are on here. I don't know the root password and I want to see if I can get nito his home folder.03:20
IlmaticOh okay cool.03:20
joshua____what does X -configure do?03:20
lakotaI have ran memory test on my two 512 sticks and found no errors but I still wonder if memory going bad can cause wake to freeze touch pad and keyboard03:20
shudderaletheia8556: this will bring your graphics back up03:20
IlmaticSome moron on yahoo answers told me otherwise.03:20
spike_serpher: plug it into another system03:20
shudderaletheia8556: now you can just log in as usual03:20
Serphershudder: If it's 9.10 it's sudo start gdm03:20
shudderon mine it is like I posted03:21
shudderit is 9.1003:21
jribSerpher: erm, so you can't even log in then?03:21
Out_ColdSerpher, init.d still works03:21
aletheia8556u still there03:21
Serpherspike: Plug it into another system? Networking them will cause the premissions to die off?03:21
shudderaletheia8556: yes03:21
okan_nightjammies you should  yhis command because this command will get at the beginnig your gnome GDM03:21
Serpherjrip: There's a guest account he had on here03:21
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SerpherNo pw03:21
shudderaletheia8556: do all of what I told you, and then talk to me03:21
okan_so after format03:21
nightsjammiesThe notification area is there. It's just invisible. How do I make it visible?03:22
spike_serpher: take the disk out and mount it from another box capable of reading the file system03:22
spike_or use a boot cd03:22
jribIlmatic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages03:22
SerpherBut the file premission for the folder will still be 70003:22
jribSerpher: just load a live cd and mount the partition03:22
bikerI installed compiz, but when the pc starts, the fusion-icon is loaded but the effects dont work until i right-click the icon and click on "reload window manager" any ideas?? :)03:22
lakotaif a memory test finds no errors can memory still be going bad?03:22
IlmaticHey is this the right code to open up windows manager in metacity: DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace &03:22
Out_ColdSerpher, but on a live cd you have sudo rights03:22
okan_you remove .gnome* and .gconf* nightjammies03:23
jMyleshow do I run pulseaudio mixer from the terminal?03:23
shudderaletheia8556: once you have done all that, just talk to me and we can proceed from there03:23
okan_your problem will solve03:23
okan_in his way03:23
neezerFaileas: I'm a little confused...If I just install it on the drive from the bootable USB drive will I be ok? or will it mess with me booting into my laptop without the usb drive plugged in?03:23
ubuntuSerpher, reset sudo password here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword03:23
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faileasneezer: what do you want to do?03:23
SerpherOk thanks03:23
Out_Coldneezer, if grub is installed on the laptop it'll mess your boot process03:24
faileasyou want to use the USB key to install ubuntu to the laptop?03:24
jribGatewayy: I don't see that language in my man page03:24
nightsjammiesOkan, there's a simpler way. I just remember what it is..03:24
sporedihow do i monitor ip network to check ipsec vpn ---ip xfrm monitor (to use this do i require any configuration before using this command)03:24
IlmaticGuyssss..is this the right code?03:24
IlmaticDISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace &03:24
neezerthat is what I figured...I want a mobile ubuntu that I can use on other computers.03:24
shudderaletheia8556: are you still here?03:24
boxxy_Ilmatic: try it and see03:24
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nightsjammiesbesides, I don't think I can run those commands in live cd mode03:24
neezerI already have ubuntu on my laptop.03:24
okan_ok nightjammies give me a second03:24
lakotaanyone know if a memory test finds no errors can memory still be going bad?03:24
IlmaticWhat if I break ubuntu?03:25
neezerI want to be able to boot into a full version of ubuntu on the usb drive.03:25
boxxy_u wont03:25
faileasneezer: oh, don't install. just boot into to the USB key and use it as per normal03:25
Out_Coldneezer, you want to use a casper loaded usb..03:25
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boxxy_flooders are back? :/03:25
Flare-Laptopoh boy03:25
Out_Coldnot for long03:25
pilif12pFunny, all the bots are needed for this03:26
Out_Cold!usb > neezer: read the link for what you want03:26
Out_Coldno kidding03:26
okan_nightjammies why are you in live cd?could you tell me?03:26
IlmaticDo they use scripts to flood irc rooms?03:26
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.03:26
shudderwell then03:27
faileaswasn't one of the reasons they banned mibbit trolls? these guys seem to be using the qwebirc interface >_>03:27
neezerwhat is !usb03:27
nightsjammiesbecause I want to make sure that the distro works with this particular laptop.03:27
lakotaanyone know if a memory test finds no errors can memory still be going bad? maybe bad memory can cause wake to freeze touch pad and keyboard in ubuntu?03:27
IlmaticAny ubuntu guru in here?03:27
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:27
IlmaticI need help..03:27
faileasneezer: in short, the usb key WILL do what you want, without the need to install, as long as you select it as the boot03:28
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:28
Flare-LaptopIlmatic: Ask away03:28
jribIlmatic: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)03:28
Out_Cold!usb > neezer: read the link for what you want03:28
faileasIlmatic: be specific and someone might help03:28
bikerhi :) I installed compiz, but when the pc starts, the fusion-icon is loaded but the effects dont work until i right-click the icon and click on "reload window manager" any ideas?? :)03:28
DarkMasterHaloNah, they can use a CTP request to probe information on all users in the room, happened to me one by mistake and got banned ... :)03:28
IlmaticOkay. I don't see a title bar for any application03:28
Out_Coldstupid bot is lagging hard lol03:28
faileasIlmatic: using compiz?03:28
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.03:28
IlmaticI have no idea.03:28
IlmaticI'm new to ubuntu.03:28
faileashm. on a fresh install?03:29
etnosHello everyone! I have a question ... I need to install mcamip on ubuntu but it's asking me for some dependencies which I cannot find: libmath libjpeg X Xlib LibXt anyone know how to get these>03:29
okan_hmm you hvent got the distro in your laptop at the moment rigt?03:29
ubuntuneezer, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/03:29
IlmaticWow...I had no idea the room was still being flooded..03:29
neezerthanks ubuntu03:29
IlmaticSo yeah folks, any solutions?03:29
ubuntuneezer, currently running a 4gb casper-rw on a 16 verbatim store n go usb stick. it's awesome!03:30
IlmaticI've already asked on the forum.03:30
IlmaticOnly one person responded.03:30
Out_Coldneezer.... use this command in the chat room... /msg ubottu !usb03:30
ubuntuneezer, trying to figure out how to get all my customizations that I did with my other dekstop ubuntu into the new usb stick install,03:30
nightsjammiesI do. On a flashdrive.03:30
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faileasubuntu: i'm running a 'real' instrall on a 4gb disk. i'm hardly noticing its not a hdd install ;p03:30
lakotaanyone know if a memory test finds no errors can memory still be going bad? maybe bad memory can cause wake to freeze touch pad and keyboard in ubuntu? it is a random event not reoccurring when it freezes is why I am asking if it is bad memory03:30
faileasubuntu: automatically or manually?03:30
ubuntuIlmatic, yes03:30
jrib!repeat | lakota, you might try ##hardware03:31
ubottulakota, you might try ##hardware: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:31
okan_ok nightjammies i found different solution03:31
IlmaticYes, what?03:31
Out_Coldfaileas, only problem is that it only works on that sys... a casper drive will work on almost anything03:31
EastDallasetnos: have u searched in synaptic?03:31
okan_enter the tty1 using ctrl+alt+f103:31
okan_not now03:32
faileasOut_Cold: yeah, i suppose so. I have other reasons for taking that route - i wanted a very specific setup, more limited than any of the standard ubuntu distros03:32
etnosEastDallas: yup03:32
IlmaticMy problem is quite simple. The title bar just isn't showing. I need a command line that will work in metacity to open up windows manager.03:32
ubuntuetnos, they are just normally named different in ubuntu, have you enabled all repos in synaptic? then just do a search for math, jpeg, etc etc. Also, that's funny, it says it needs X, you should already haev X installed if you're running from a gui and not a command line03:32
Flare-LaptopIlmatic: metacity --replace03:32
Out_Coldfaileas, we all want our own custom system or else we'd use windows :p03:32
ubuntufaileas, so no casper-rw image?03:32
faileasOut_Cold: its an ugly system. i have some self compiled stuff, and a lucid deb ;p03:32
EastDallasetnos: I'm finding them all there03:32
faileasubuntu: nope. its a actual ext4 partition, with a swap file instead of a swap drive03:33
IlmaticJust tried it.03:33
JohninLexhas anyone else lost there else lost there number pad on ubuntu03:33
IlmaticIt says can't open x server03:33
etnosubuntu EastDallas: how do you search synaptic?03:33
nightsjammiesOkay. now how do I get out of it?03:33
Out_Coldi made a casper drive for a friend and it booted on his machine but i never had a chance to play with it03:33
faileaslockd: tried numlock?03:33
faileasthe key03:33
Flare-LaptopIlmatic: Your spposed to press alt+f2 then run that03:33
ubuntuetnos, the search box03:33
etnosubuntu: not using gui03:33
Ilmaticone more time03:33
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:33
ubuntuetnos, sudo aptitude search math03:33
lakotajrib,  ok thanks :)03:34
ubuntuetnos, sudo aptitude search foo03:34
EastDallasetnos: System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manger.  Then just type the name of the package into the box at the top03:34
gnaskor_mam pytanie03:34
Ilmaticonce again03:34
Ilmaticit says the same thing03:34
Ilmaticthis is frustrating03:34
FloodBot3Ilmatic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:34
IlmaticWhat the hell..how am I flooding?03:34
gnaskor_jak wyzucic dwie opcje wyboru z gruba03:34
aletheia8556ok then what03:34
aletheia8556do you want me to do that now?03:34
Ilmaticthat's just how fast i type..03:34
JohninLexIlmatic,  that is a bot over look it03:35
jribIlmatic: read the last thing ubottu said03:35
CShadowRun!enter | Ilmatic03:35
ubottuIlmatic: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:35
DarkMasterHaloIlmatic: It is just because you used enter as punctuation :P03:35
etnosubuntu eastDallas: ok I see them now. Thank you03:35
ubuntuIlmatic, by hitting enter after a few words, you;'re taking up the whole board. also, please don't swear. what do you need?03:35
ubuntuetnos, glad I could help03:35
JohninLexhas anyone else lost there else lost there number pad on ubuntu, I have the fix if anyone needs it03:35
ubuntugotta go, by yall03:35
IlmaticOkay so when I put in the command line "metacity --replace" it says unable to open x server03:36
Ilmaticsomething along those lines03:36
jribIlmatic: "in the command line" is too vague03:36
EastDallasIlmatic:  have you tried renaming the session file and logging out and back in?03:36
iflemaLakota: do you know if the legacy driver ya using is 8.25.1803:36
bobbywilson0when I try and run `X`it renders a blank screen instead of an X, startx works and there is no errors in the log. I can ctrl + alt + F2 back to tty2 with no problem too, and it is left at using /etc/X11/xorg.conf configuration. any ideas?03:36
IlmaticDallas, that sounds a bit advances.03:36
neezerubuntu: I found one for installing 8.04 that I think will work. It says I should disconnect any other drives to avoid screwing up the MBR. I can't really do that on a laptop.....03:36
Out_Coldneezer, just really pay attention when partitioning.. there is an option to do an advanced grub install03:37
shudderaletheia8556: sorry about that03:37
lakotaiflema,  it is the one that ubuntu hardware finds and installs for me. not sure how to tell what ver. it is03:37
shudderaletheia8556: I am back now03:37
faileasbobbywilson0: ounds like you don't have a desktop manager running. try installing gdm/kdm/xdm and seeing if that lets you pick one03:37
Out_Coldif you don't select the usb you will fry your grub/mbr on the laptop03:37
shudderaletheia8556: alright, so if you did that correctly, you should have a xorg.conf.new file in your home directory03:38
shudderaletheia8556: now, if you type: sudo mv xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:38
bobbywilson0faileas: I do have a desktop manager, gnome, and it works fine, I just have overscan that I am trying to fix through positioning03:38
neezerso what are the options in advanced grub install?03:38
shudderaletheia8556: in a terminal of course03:38
Out_Coldneezer, where to install it and maybe grub boot options03:38
shudderaletheia8556: you will have set up your xorg.conf file03:38
aletheia8556yes i need to write all of this down real quick03:39
aletheia8556i will then do everything you said and i will come back and talk to you03:39
shudderaletheia8556: then just type: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:39
neezerok....so I want a separate grub MBR on the usb drive too right?03:39
shudderaletheia8556: and you can edit it :)03:39
iflemaLakota: the system menu..   System / Administration / Hardware Drivers03:39
lakotaiflema,  it is a ati 200m chip set.  I am wondering if maybe it could be memory related. maybe bad memory can cause it since it is random and not reoccurring03:39
Out_Coldneezer well that was for 8.xx not sure if it changed with grub203:39
IlmaticHow to open windows manager without terminal?03:39
Out_Coldneezer, ideally yes.. then put usb to boot before hd03:40
neezerif I try this an screw things up can I use a live cd to repair my current grub?03:40
neezermy laptop has 9.04 on it.03:40
Out_Coldneezer, again ideally... but i haven't done much work with grub203:40
neezerhaha ok.03:41
neezerso it is a wait and see!!!03:41
neezerI love it.03:41
Out_Coldi know they got rid of the menu.list and lots of other changes03:41
mouse-_does anyone know when ubuntu 9.10 x64's firefox will be fixed to read homestarrunner ?03:41
neezernot sure if I am gonna do it tonight yet.03:41
Out_Coldi haven't had time to explore yet03:41
lakotaiflema,  ATI/AMD proprietary fglrx graphics driver is all it says03:41
neezerI'm away from home and kind of need to be able to use my computer toinght.03:42
EastDallasilmatic: alt + f2 then type metacity03:42
Out_Coldneezer, you want it specifically for laptop or just in general?? the persistent one works well03:42
Out_Coldmaybe botty stopped lagging03:42
Out_Cold!usb > neezer03:42
ubottuneezer, please see my private message03:42
EastDallasIlmatic: click "Run"03:42
neezerin general....I want to be able to boot up into ubuntu on other computers.03:42
shudder!usb > shudder03:42
ubottushudder, please see my private message03:42
Out_Colduse the link then..03:43
tos__WHY is it so easy to find how to make A VIRTUAL network adapter in windows than Ubuntu!?!?03:43
EastDallas!usb | neezer03:43
* tos__ pulling hair out03:43
ubottuneezer: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:43
mouse-_tos__: I'd like to watch homestarrunner without turning off compiz & holding down "shift" to click.  (it goes for various other flash as well)03:43
Flare-Laptoptos__: Use ifconfig add (I think)03:43
IlmaticSame results.03:44
mouse-_ubuntu is great until the docs run out ;)03:44
IlmaticI don't understand why this thing is acting up.03:44
IlmaticKeeps on saying unable to open x server03:44
Out_Cold!bot | a good point for you guys needing help:03:44
ubottua good point for you guys needing help:: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:44
mouse-_ilmatic, echo $DISPLAY03:44
neezerthanks for the links03:44
Ilmaticmoney sign too?03:44
Ilmaticill give it a try03:45
mouse-_it'll either say ":0" or ":1" or ":14" or what not, or nothing.03:45
mouse-_thats why, then03:45
Out_Coldno screen defined03:45
mouse-_DISPLAY=:0 x-program03:45
Chr1sHi folks, my squirrelMail can not send mail. it said:Bad sequence of commands03:45
Chr1s503 5.5.1 Error: authentication not enabled. I am using PostFix + courier + mysql, anyone could tell me how to debug this?03:45
tos__ifconfig will not assign its own MAC address to the virtual nic03:45
IlmaticOkay, I'll give that one a try.03:46
BingOoHii room03:46
BingOowhich tool is best for checking errors of hard disk ?03:46
IlmaticWhat the heckk..it says command not found.03:46
mouse-_if the command is in your local directory, you'll need to DISPLAY=:0 ./x-program03:47
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Out_ColdBingOo, fsck is a good one03:47
mouse-_fsck is the best one.03:47
JoshDreamlandIs there a way to change the internal name of a TTF?03:47
Chr1s503 5.5.1 Error: authentication not enabled. I am using PostFix + courier + mysql, anyone could tell me how to debug this?03:47
Out_Coldthen i concur with mouse-_03:47
Out_Coldnever tried any others03:48
mouse-_lol BingOo, boot up into single-user mode (or use a recovery cd) and run fsck on the drives you need.03:48
EastDallasIlmatic: try hitting alt + f2 and typing metacity --replace03:48
JoshDreamlandI would like to create a copy of Courier Pitch named Courier New, so my friends and I can use a single font between our operating systems.03:48
EastDallasIlmatic: then reboot03:48
IlmaticI've tried that command already Dallas and it says unable to open x server.03:48
=== quassel251 is now known as cmoman4
mouse-_for some reason the shell you are opening isn't tied to your xserver.. dont know what to say without more info..03:49
JoshDreamlandWhat's Ilmatic's problem?03:49
aletheia85561hey shudder i'm back and i followed your instructions03:49
aletheia85561what now03:49
IlmaticJosh, I'm unable to see a title bar.03:49
JoshDreamlandThat would be expected if your X server won't open XD03:50
JoshDreamlandWhich title bar, specifically?03:50
JoshDreamlandOr all of them?03:50
=== am4zin is now known as amazin
IlmaticThe one with the option to close or maximize a window.03:50
BingOowhich tools are best for checking hard drive in ubuntu ?03:50
EastDallasJoshDreamland: all03:50
SensivaHello all, today I uninstalled Rhythmbox, then reinstalled it again, it doesn't open, clicking its launcher from apps menu doesn't do anything, same from terminal, even no error msgs, any ideas?03:50
JoshDreamlandHave you changed your skin lately, and then deleted it or something?03:50
IlmaticNo sir.03:50
Flare-LaptopSensiva: Look in the tray03:50
JoshDreamlandwhat's it show your skin as?03:50
Out_ColdBingOo, fsck03:51
IlmaticThat blue one.03:51
Ilmaticughh I forget03:51
jm2Bing0o,  man fsck03:51
SensivaFlare-Laptop nothing, it doesn't showup in 'ps -A'03:51
mouse-_well, this channel is very busy ;)03:51
aletheia85561shudder are u there03:51
JoshDreamlandSwap it to human for a minute and tell me what happens03:51
Out_Coldaletheia85561, what was your issue and what did you do?03:51
Flare-LaptopSensiva: Then try another Audio Player03:52
Sensivaty :D03:52
Beastmodehey guys im having a problem with ftping in ubuntu(using fireftp in firefox. It works fine on windows. I am trying to ftp to my xbox1 (not360). I keep getting error "pasv is not implemented" if i uncheck use pasv then i get "502 noop is not implemented". It works fine in windows using FlashFXP03:52
EastDallasIlmatic: you could try installing fusion-icon then make sure you are using the correct window manager and decorator by right clickng the icon03:52
aletheia85561i created a new xorg.conf file in 9.10 and now i am trying to access it so i can add a new screen resolution setting for my laptop monitor03:52
mod3stHow do I increase the maximum number of loop devices?  I'm using /dev/loop0 to /dev/loop7 and I need more.03:52
Out_ColdBeastmode, try the built in ftp in the places menu or proftpd03:53
IlmaticDamn it.03:53
IlmaticNothing still.03:53
IlmaticSkin changed.03:53
IlmaticEverything else is still the same.03:53
Out_Colddoes xorg still work in 9.10?03:53
JoshDreamlandSo it changes looks, but still lacks button?03:53
Flare-Laptop!ohmy | Ilmatic03:53
ubottuIlmatic: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.03:53
Ilmaticyes sir.03:53
aletheia85561r u talking to me??03:53
shudderaletheia8556: hello again03:54
JoshDreamlandThat's silly. XD Give me a minute to check out some other settings. Have you played with any?03:54
Out_Coldaletheia85561, not specifically03:54
shudderaletheia8556: I keep missing your posts03:54
BeastmodeOut_Cold: that works fine. the built in one. thanks03:54
aletheia85561hey shudder i did what you said, now what03:54
IlmaticDallas can I run that in metacity?03:54
IlmaticTerminal isn't working for me/03:54
shudderDid you save your old xorg.conf file?03:54
shudderfrom your other desktop03:54
Out_ColdBeastmode, sounds like it was an issue with the app then ;)03:54
shudderwhat resolution are you running right now?03:54
Flare-Laptop!who | shudder03:55
ubottushudder: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:55
kenshinare laptops with ubuntu cheap?03:55
shudderFlare-laptop sorry03:55
Flare-Laptopshudder: No problem03:55
EastDallasilmatic: from a command prompt sudo apt-get install fusion-icon03:55
shudderaletheia8556: ok03:55
Out_Coldkenshin, depends on who's selling it03:55
shudderaletheia8556: now I can temp fix this for you, but I don't know how to make it permanent03:55
shudderaletheia8556: I am hoping someone else can help you with that03:55
shudderaletheia8556: we need to use the terminal now03:55
shudderaletheia8556: so open it up03:56
kenshinOut_Cold, whos selling it?03:56
IlmaticThanks Dallas.03:56
IlmaticI'll be sure to give this one a try.03:56
JoshDreamlandIlmatic: Did this problem come about after reboot? Or after sleep? Or spontaneously?03:56
aletheia85561i'm there03:56
kenshinOut_Cold, i want a cheap laptop , i live in the UK03:56
shudderaletheia8556: what resolution do you want?03:56
IlmaticJosh, after I fixed the refresh rates of my screen resolution and was able to get some new settings.03:56
mikejethow do i enable the en-us locale on gedit, firefox, etc ?03:56
Out_Coldkenshin, some retailers add a windows licensing fee when selling and some will remove it when selling with other OSs03:57
mikejetthis is making me spell things like colour, etc.03:57
shudderaletheia8556: hold on one second03:57
EastDallasIlmatic: after it's done installing you can run it by typeing fusion-icon.  You'll probably also want to add it to your start up applications.  System>Preferences>Startup applications.03:57
JoshDreamlandIlmatic: There's probably a config file I'm unaware of somewhere that the new settings managed to screw up. I've noticed Linux has a knack for that.03:57
mod3stI have a server with an encrypted root partition.  Is there any way to remotely reboot it?  (I'm prompted for the password at boot)03:58
songer how can i change my resolution?03:58
Flare-Laptop!fixres | songer03:58
ubottusonger: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:58
IlmaticYeah, possibly josh. Should I go and take a look at my xorg.conf?03:58
Out_Coldmod3st, have your boot partition unencrypted??03:58
EastDallassonger: system>preferences>display03:58
JoshDreamlandThat file is magic and all, but I can't imagine this would be in there.03:58
shudderaletheia8556: alright03:59
mazda01shudder, alright, i just looked at restore within aptoncd and there was 1.1 gb of stuff if i did the restore. libraries and all these apps that I don't even really need so I'll have to figure out another way but going to be now. see ya. thanks for your help tonight03:59
kenshinOut_Cold, were can i buy cheap ones?03:59
mod3stOut_Cold: no fun03:59
EastDallassonger: are you sing nvidia?03:59
shudderaletheia8556: please run xrandr -q03:59
JoshDreamlandIlmatic: Oh, have you tried going to "customize" and selecting a border?03:59
shudderaletheia8556: and post the output03:59
Out_Coldmod3st, at least it's just the /boot03:59
aletheia85561it gives me a list of resolutions03:59
Out_Coldkenshin, shop around at the online stores?03:59
shudderplease post them03:59
IlmaticNo I haven't actually.03:59
JoshDreamlandIlmatic: If that doesn't work, I give up on UI-based fixes03:59
IlmaticOkay, I'm trying it right now.03:59
shuddermazda01: no problem04:00
aletheia85561Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 60004:00
tos__!virtual ethernet device04:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:00
aletheia85561default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm04:00
aletheia85561   800x600        60.0*    56.004:00
aletheia85561   640x480        60.004:00
aletheia85561   400x300        60.0     56.004:00
aletheia85561   320x240        60.004:00
IlmaticThanks by the way for the solutions so far.04:00
mod3stOut_Cold: /boot *is* unencrypted, but grub prompts me... nevermind, this is totally my fault.04:00
songereastdallas: yes i do04:00
FloodBot3aletheia85561: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:00
Jeruvyshudder: are you trolling?04:00
shudderJeruvy: not purposefully no04:00
shudderJeruvy: I am trying to help04:00
Jeruvyshudder: its challenging to determine04:01
aletheia85561what is trolling?04:01
tos__!virtual ethernet04:01
EastDallassonger:  I found it will only 'remember' the new resolution if you choose 'No' when it asks 'It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?'04:01
Out_Cold!troll > aletheia8556104:01
ubottualetheia85561, please see my private message04:01
shudderJeruvy: I didn't know it would auto do that04:01
JeruvyOut_Cold: thanks04:01
shudderOut_Cold: that was my fault04:01
IlmaticHey josh, when I click the borders that I want.04:02
IlmaticNothing comes up.04:02
shudderOut_Cold: I didn't know it would auto space that04:02
JoshDreamlandNothing at all?04:02
Out_Coldshudder, yea but aletheia85561 asked04:02
ga_sk8erim having java issues. i play an online game but dont hear the sound04:02
songerok i can't see full pages ]04:02
IlmaticWhat the heck is going on..04:02
JoshDreamlandwhat lies atop each window? Nothing?04:02
shudderOut_Cold: alright04:02
aletheia85561what do i do no shudder04:02
IlmaticYep, you said it.04:02
shudderaletheia8556: alright, we will add a new resolution in04:02
JoshDreamlandOkay. When you rebooted, did X throw any errors?04:03
JoshDreamlandOr were you afraid to reboot? I'd be, heh04:03
ga_sk8erim having java issues. i play an online game but dont hear the sound04:03
IlmaticWait, I was suppose to restart my computer?04:03
shudderaletheia8556: type in gtf 1024 768 56.004:03
shudderpost that single line in a message to me04:03
JoshDreamlandIlmatic: That's often a simple solution on Linux. However...04:03
afromanhello. how do I get out of suspend?04:04
kenshinOut_Cold, i can't find a 15n in the uk dell store04:04
IlmaticOh. Lol.04:04
JoshDreamlandIlmatic: is metacity running?04:04
JoshDreamlandAnd one other process whose name I'm trying to recall...04:04
Out_Coldkenshin, ebay or something? local online retailers?04:04
IlmaticIs metacity the black screen that's kind of like terminal?04:04
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
aletheia85561what now shudder?04:05
ga_sk8eri dont get sound on my online java games. what do i do?04:05
JoshDreamlandIlmatic: You can't see metacity. You only know it exists when things like this go wrong.04:05
IlmaticOh. Lol.04:05
JoshDreamlandRun gnome-system-monitor and check for a metacity under "processes"04:05
shudderaletheia85561: can you post that line to me individually04:05
Out_Coldga_sk8er, how did you install java?04:05
Ilmatichow do I get to gnome system monitor?04:06
Ilmaticsorry for being such a noob04:06
Ilmatic: )04:06
JoshDreamlandalt-f2, copy-paste it04:06
ga_sk8erOut_Cold my sound was working fine a few weeks ago but it suddenly dont work online. i know my sound is ok cause i listen to music with the pc04:06
Out_ColdIlmatic, try in terminal ps aux | grep metacity04:06
tos__how do i edit the kernel boot menu??????????????????????04:06
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.04:06
aletheia85561# 1024x768 @ 56.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 44.41 kHz; pclk: 58.97 MHz04:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:06
aletheia85561Modeline "1024x768_56.00"  58.97  1024 1072 1176 1328  768 769 772 793  -HSync +Vsync04:06
Out_Coldga_sk8er, maybe a java update messed it up? maybe try reinstalling sunjava6-bin from repos04:07
shudderaletheia85561: thank you04:07
JoshDreamlandwho/what is tos__?04:07
ga_sk8erOut_Cold i tried sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade but it didnt update or upgrade the java04:07
JoshDreamlandCouldn't tell if you were a smart bot or insane person :304:07
shudderaletheia85561: now type: xrandr --newmode "1024x768_56.00" 58.97 1024 1072 1176 1328 768 769 772 793 -HSync +Vsync04:07
MaletorThis is so flipping frustrating, Windows 7 cannot start the install because " a required cd/dvd drive device driver is missing " and I don't have a DVD drive! I'm installing from USB, which is the modern way to do things. F**k I'm F**ked. What do I do? Where can I go for help?04:07
JoshDreamlandJoking. Haha. It's just odd that you asked a question then !'d for it04:07
dark_Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,5)04:08
tos__trying to get a virtual network adapter setup04:08
Ilmaticgtk warning04:08
tos__and i need to update kernel04:08
Ilmaticcan't open display04:08
tos__man this is a pain in the ASS04:08
Ilmaticwhat the frikkin helll04:08
Out_Coldga_sk8er, try reinstalling it... you can use apt-get purge sunjava6-bin and apt-get install sunjava6-bin or synaptic04:08
FloodBot3Ilmatic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:08
Flare-Laptop!language | tos__04:08
ubottutos__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:08
ga_sk8erOut_COld synaptic is easier04:08
shudderaletheia85561: let me know when done04:09
Out_ColdMaletor, try #windows04:09
tos__ass? really04:09
Flare-Laptoptos__: Yup04:09
tos__that was mild04:09
JoshDreamlandIlmatic: You may want to just reboot, then. I can't predict what will happen.04:09
Flare-Laptoptos__: Its the rules.04:09
afromana quick question, how do I get out of suspend stage? I tried to press every button but still nothing. I end up having to shutdown manually04:09
IlmaticOh. Okay.04:09
aletheia85561now what04:09
Out_Coldafroman, is it a laptop?04:09
beataanyone care to help, im trying to use pulseaudio, spdif.  when in system->prefences->sound->hardware i dont see an option for digitial surround, only digitial stero.  When i use this setting, i get sound but only sound track, no voices.  Any sugestions? 9.10 btw04:10
afromanOut_Cold, ya04:10
Seveas  j04:10
Seveas 04:10
JoshDreamlandCan anyone tell me how to edit the internal name of a TTF?04:10
bob_Having manager problems. update & packet managers wont run. they start to open then close any suggestions?04:10
aletheia85561shudder u there04:10
shudderaletheia85561: alright, now type: xrandr --addmode default 1024x768_56.0004:11
Out_Coldafroman, either your swap isn't proper for suspend or your laptop might not support it?04:11
dark_I  am  striking into   a  problem.04:11
shudderaletheia85561: let me know when done04:12
=== brianherman_ is now known as brianherman
afromanOut_Cold, I have 10 gb of swap (I thought that would be enough)04:12
Out_Coldafroman, sounds like a ton....04:12
afromanhow do I know where the problem lies exactly?04:12
Flare-Laptopafroman: That's WAY to much04:12
Out_Coldafroman, does hibernate work?04:12
blakkheimwhy did you make 10gb of swap04:12
ga_sk8erOut_Cold i reinstalled the java but still no sound04:12
bob_synaptic & update managers wont run. they start but then stop,any suggestions?04:12
afromanI recall that swap should be at least twice the ram04:13
blakkheimbob_: paste output of sudo aptitude dist-upgrade04:13
ga_sk8erOut_Cold could it be something in the firefox settings?04:13
kngoworldCould someone help me install wine on netbook remix?04:14
aletheia85561im done04:14
blakkheimkngoworld: can you get to a terminal04:14
afromanout_cold, so what is the normal swap space?04:14
blakkheimkngoworld: do that and type sudo aptitude install wine - you're done04:14
ga_sk8ersudo apt-get wine04:14
Krezlyn420can someone tell me how to fdisk my /dev/sdb1 go unlock or remove the superblock?04:15
shudderaletheia85561: ok, now type: xrandr --output default 1024x768_56.0004:15
afromanout_Cold, how do I fix the suspend? how do I know where the problem is?04:15
shudderaletheia85561: that should fix your screen until you log out/shut down04:15
shudderIf anyone knows how to make that permanent that would be good04:15
macoshudder: oh oh i know04:16
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  that question dosent make a lot of s3ence.. why are you trying to do that?04:16
shuddermaco: I have to go to bed soon04:16
bob_says segmentation faulty tree at 50%04:16
macoshudder: aletheia85561: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting%20xrandr%20changes%20persistently04:16
shuddermaco: but if you could help her out in a bit that would be great04:16
shudderwell then04:16
Krezlyn420my windows install cd cannot format the filesystem because of a superblock that linux puts on the hdd when u format in linux, i need to remove that to install windows on my second drive ( /dev/sdb1)04:17
ShwackHi all - if you remember me I'm sorry for calling Ubuntu names earlier.  If by the end of the night I can't get my problem resolved, I am just going to do a clean install and remember to never change my password.04:17
Krezlyn420nor will the cd install on the hdd if i format it to fat32 in linux,04:17
ga_sk8erkrezylyn try installing the linux install cd & just use it to format the drive to blank then reboot with windows disk04:17
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bob_blakkheim it says segmentation faulty tree at about 50%04:18
HomerS_cain__: goto #ubuntu-cn04:18
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  you mean the MBR ?  the super block shouldnet matter.. You could just use the linux fdisk tools and delete all the partitions.04:19
Krezlyn420i tried04:19
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:   You did somthing wrong then..04:19
Krezlyn420Dr_Willis, what i did was i used gparted to format the drive to fat3204:19
Krezlyn420then i used gparted to unpartion the drive04:19
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  did you rember to 'write' changes to disk after running fdisk to delete the parittions04:19
IlmaticWellp..rebooting does nothing.04:19
Krezlyn420then i tried to leave the drive unformatted04:19
Dr_Willisor rember to apply the changes...04:19
IlmaticGodd..this is frustrating..04:19
Krezlyn420i dont know how to use fdisk, i used gparted04:19
ghostnik11does anyone know if a s3 savage graphics card would allow compiz to work and simulate 3d desktop effects04:19
shudderghostnik11: I haven't been able to get it to work yet04:20
Dr_Willisfdisk /dev/sda  - hit d a few times to delete parittions, w to write changes.. reboot...04:20
Krezlyn420can you please tell me how to sudo fdisk /dev/sdb1 to leave it free so the windows installer can format it to ntfs quick plz?04:20
Dr_Willisor somthing like that. :)04:20
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  you fdisjk /dev/sdb NOT sdb104:20
IlmaticDr Willis, is there a reason why my title bar isn't showing?04:20
Krezlyn420so then, fdisk /dev/sdb04:20
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  and i just gave the basics of doing it in fdisk. :) sudo fdisk /dev/sdX   , hit d a few times, then w04:20
shudderaletheia85561: that should have fixed your screen to the correct size04:20
PFAis there a way to search inside documents using nautilus (eg if i have a folder full of text files, searching the text of those files to see if any of them contain the word 'january')04:21
ghostnik11shudder, is it possible or have you read anything that allows s3 savage to work with compiz04:21
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  correct.. do NOT use fdisk /dev/sdb104:21
* HomerS_ thinks avant window navigator is so cooL04:21
shudderghostnik11: no, but I haven't looked around too hard either since it isn't really my thing04:21
aletheia8556shudder sorry my internet connection was lost what do ineed to da after adding the new mode04:21
Krezlyn420i got a error04:21
Krezlyn420where can i pastebin it or something?04:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:22
macoaletheia8556: <shudder> aletheia85561: ok, now type: xrandr --output default 1024x768_56.0004:22
macoaletheia8556: <shudder> aletheia85561: that should fix your screen until you log out/shut down04:22
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shuddermaco: thank you very much04:22
ghostnik11shudder, thats the thing i am not good with stuff like that but in the wikipedia that i read online it said it was compatible with compiz04:22
afromanhow do I see & change the depth of the screen?04:22
shudderghostnik11: I wouldn't be surpised but it will probably be patchy04:22
macoaletheia8556: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting%20xrandr%20changes%20persistently04:23
Krezlyn420i dont want to screw this up, i am a basic linux user i know what im doing once i get windows installed for dualboot but i just keep running into this problem.04:23
shudderthanks a lot04:23
shuddertalk to you all later04:23
aletheia8556maco that didn't change my res04:23
ubuntuI'm running off ubuntu livecd and ... where the heck is all the software???!04:24
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  thats not an error.. its a warning.04:24
ubuntuI try aptitude install vlc04:24
ubuntuand it's not in repos04:24
macoaletheia8556: pastebin the output of just plain "xrandr" and lemme see04:24
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Krezlyn420Dr_Willis, i need to make it work for dos and that, how can i make fdisk it to do it, i'm at the Command inside fdisk i think04:24
aletheia8556where is pastebin04:25
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  use fdisk to delete all the partitions you dont need.. then write changes to disk.. then let windows partition it.04:25
Krezlyn420but how?04:25
Krezlyn420i am newb04:25
bob_anyone help me with the command in terminal to reinstall update manager & synaptic package manager?04:25
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  with the 'd' key in fdisk04:25
bob_i cant get them to run04:25
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  you want to delete ALL partitions on sdb?04:26
tos__im trying to load OpenVZ module to kernel ubuntu9.10 how do i edit grub2 to load it??04:26
Dr_Willisthen hit 'd' a few times answer its quiestions abotu what partition to delete.. then delete them all one by one.. then write changes to disk with w.04:26
Krezlyn420it is a 120 hdd, i want to completely delete and remove the partition / filesystem everything wipe it clean04:26
ubuntuwhat program do i install to play with fingerprint reader?04:26
Krezlyn420No partition is defined yet!04:27
Dr_WillisKrezlyn420:  use the l to list parittions.. if yiou hit d a few times you mauy have deleted thjem all allreaduy04:27
Dr_Willisactually p = print drive layout04:28
Dr_Willism = help menu04:28
Dr_Willisor you could even use a dos disk to delete the partitions if you perfer dos's fdisk command.04:29
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* Dr_Willis will be back in a bit.04:30
webbb82in everyones opinion whats your fav drop down terminal app04:30
Blue1i am trying to umount a device that says it's busy - but it's not suggestions?04:30
iflemaKrezlyn420: you no see/like sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb04:30
aletheia8556maco check out http://pastebin.com/d1f8fb98904:30
Dr_WillisBlue1:  umount has a force option..04:31
Blue1Dr_Willis: let me try that...04:31
mMezquitale1234it sucks getting logged out, that's quite a hack, you cant use your nick because it's already being used in freenode and in the room04:31
Dr_WillismMezquitale1234:  thats why you register/use the nickserve service  to recover it04:31
aletheia8556did you get my pastebin maco??04:32
macoaletheia8556: yes04:32
ThunderXwebbb82: in everyones opinion whats your fav drop down terminal app04:32
IlmaticHey what is failsafe gnome?04:32
macoaletheia8556: oh shudder's command was slightly wrong04:32
blakkheimIlmatic: an oxymoron04:32
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  a minimal gnome desktop to be used if somtning screws up04:32
kngoworldCan someone with experience of Netbook remix please PM regarding WINE?04:32
Blue1Dr_Willis: it still shows the device mounted (df) this is what I entered sudo umount -V -f /dev/sdb204:33
macoaletheia8556: xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768_56.0004:33
macoaletheia8556: i think that should do it04:33
IlmaticGood one blak.04:33
Dr_WillisBlue1:  no idea then.   Do a windoss  thing and reboot? :)04:33
IlmaticHey dr willis, can you assist me real quick?04:33
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  and the issue is?04:33
Blue1Dr_Willis: gonna try init 1, and if that doesn't work then reboot04:33
mMezquitale1234kngoworld, just ask here in the room, nobody will PM you unless it;'s really necessary, if someone knows the answer to your question they will surely reply04:33
IlmaticI can't see my title bar.04:33
Ilmatic: (04:33
aletheia8556maco it says "xrandr: cannot find mode 1024x768_56.00"04:33
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  the windows have NONE at all? or is it just past the top of the screen?04:34
IlmaticThe windows have none at all.04:34
webbb82i just installed conky where is the file for configuring  stored04:34
kngoworldI have wine installed, Do i need to run internet explorer to download windows programs to run in wine?04:34
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  compiz crashed.. use 'alt-f2' run 'metacity --replace'   and see if they come back04:34
Dr_Williswebbb82:  theres an example conky config somewhere   or it has its own built in it will use.04:35
Ilmatic"unable to open x server"04:35
aletheia8556maco do you know how to creat a new screen res mode04:35
macoaletheia8556: try putting quotes around 1024x768_56.00 ?04:35
Dr_Williswebbb82:  or use conky -C to make it print out a default config.04:35
mMezquitale1234webbb82, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=636570204:35
Dr_Williswebbb82:  normally stored in /home/user/.conkyrc04:35
macoaletheia8556: its created and associated with the device. it showed in your xrandr output04:36
c0l2ehow can I refresh the desktop screen in ubuntu on bash script or console command ???04:36
IlmaticDr. willis, how come that command line doesn't work?04:37
sridiffernece between unix and linux???04:37
macosri: unix is older. different code.04:37
macosri: different licenses04:37
Out_Coldsri, unix is the father of linux and mac04:37
Out_Coldsame genes04:37
tawdwebbb82: sometimes if there is no file at /home/$USER/.conkyrc then you make one and put in the code you want04:38
macoaletheia8556: i think by this point you can choose the resolution in the system -> preferences -> display thingy04:38
c0l2ehow can I refresh the desktop in a script in ubuntu ??04:38
sriadvantage of linux than windows??04:38
c0l2ethe one in context menu cleanup by name... how can I invoke that in a script?04:39
Out_Coldsri, linux is fully customizable, virtually virus free and completely FREE04:39
howdeepgood evening. can anyone recommend a program that will convert divx type video files into something that can be burnt and used on a normal dvd player? similar to 'convertXtoDVD' for winblows04:39
IlmaticWindows is homosexual.04:40
tawdOut_Cold really there are not many viruses for linux at the moment, as it gains popularity there is a greater chance viruses will come04:40
iflemahowdeep: devede04:40
Out_Coldtawd, agreed.. hence the "virtually"04:40
tawdOut_Cold i hope it takes longer than december 2012 lol04:41
howdeepiflema, thanks, i'll check it out...looking for a linux alternative for everything, no more windoze!04:41
iflemahowdeep: or trials04:42
iflemahowdeep: winblows04:42
IlmaticIs it possible to run ubuntu without ANY problems?04:42
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  where are you running it at? its odd its not working from the alt-f2 'run command priompt'04:42
c0l2eis there other way to refresh desktop other than killall nautilus ??04:42
Out_Coldwhoever asked about the dvd authoring... try dvdrip??04:42
Dr_WillisI use DeVeDe to put avi to dvd videos. :)04:43
Ilmaticf2 is the one I used.04:43
EastDallasIlmatic: I've been using Ubuntu full time for almost a year on 4 machines with no probs since install.  That includes upgrading twice.04:43
Out_ColdIlmatic, is it possible to run any computer without problems?????04:43
howdeepdevede seems to be the popular one04:43
mMezquitale1234Ilmatic, it all depends, generally i have had great experience with older systems on linux, some hardware works great with linux out of the box and windows doesn't support, newer systems take a bit of time for them to be fully supported04:43
tritiumI've also used DeVeDe, and thought it was quite good.04:43
Dr_Willisany computer can have problems. :)04:43
IlmaticI've never had any problems on my mac. : )04:44
Dr_WillisUnless of course you never turn it on....04:44
iflemahowdeep: theres several.... check out the software centre if ya on current version(s) theres many in the repos04:44
Dr_WillisIv3e had MAJOR issues with Macs....04:44
Out_ColdIlmatic, just not that you noticed04:44
IlmaticLol. Whattt...04:44
mister_robotoif you never turn it on, it's a problem because it takes up too much space04:44
Dr_Willismister_roboto:  my imac makes a good doorstop. :)04:44
Out_ColdIlmatic, ubuntu can be run on a normal clone without additions or customizations for over 2 years without problems04:44
mMezquitale1234Ilmatic, i have a big huge problem with mac, it feels like im in a prison using a mac04:45
nnnnnfor the instalation do I need to live strange hardware pluged in for it to understand?04:45
IlmaticCold: I must admit.04:45
IlmaticUbuntu's interface is beautiful.04:45
IlmaticAnd yes, the os is very responsive and quick.04:45
Dr_WillisGNOME is functional.. but lacking in some areas. :)04:45
IlmaticBut yet, it is just so non user friendly.04:45
Dr_Willis'user friendly' is basically a meaningless buzz word.04:45
mMezquitale1234I would rather a system with windows before i used a mac04:45
Out_ColdDr_Willis, i'd take gnome any day over win.exe04:45
* Dr_Willis installs Geos.04:46
BigMike1yo Dr_Willis04:46
c0l2eso there's no way you can refresh desktop in a script??04:46
IlmaticHow does kubuntu fair against ubuntu?04:46
howdeepiflema, devede is exactly what i'm looking for, thanks dude.04:46
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  the kde4 beta ive been testing - is getting very very good.04:46
Out_Coldc0l2e, what do you mean? what are you trying to acomplish with the script?04:46
mister_robotoOut_Cold: i have a machine at work on which the sun java broke with karmic. i could not install the java plugin from karmic on the sun jdk from intrepid because of version conflicts in the dependencies. i actually had to uninstall java (and tomcat / ant/ scala / groovy / maven2) and then reinstall it to get the java plugin working!04:46
mMezquitale1234I'm trying to figure out how to administer an ssh server, I want to give users an account so they can log in but how do you make it so that they can't go anywhere else but a certainly directory to which then can only read, how do you set up a directory to which they can download stuff?04:46
|_ockehow do i share a freakin directory with my other ubuntu 9.10 box on my local network? :P04:46
IlmaticYou think it's better than ubuntu's most recent release?04:47
c0l2eOut_Cold: I want to refresh the desktop screen everytime I run the script04:47
Dr_Willishowdeep:  devede is also written in python. You can tweak the code to change things you may not like. :)04:47
EastDallasIlmatic: Kubuntu is prettier, but it literally burned a laptop up that I installed it on.04:47
|_ockehmm it miiiiiight be working04:47
IlmaticWait..like the hardware fried?04:47
mMezquitale1234Ilmatic, if you want speed go for ubuntu, if you want eye candy go for kubuntu04:47
Dr_WillisKubuntu is apprioaching Windows in its 'featureset' of fancy desktop gizmo-doo-dads-thinggies.. :)04:47
nanotube|_ocke: ssh04:47
Out_Coldc0l2e, like physically refresh the monitor or the deskop folder??04:47
BigMike1i customized gnome it looks really good I04:47
afromanEastDallas: how does a computer burn up?:|04:47
mister_robotoDr_Willis: i think it has surpassed windows.  honestly!04:48
Out_Coldmister_roboto, yea... some additions suck.... but java is an extra..04:48
tawdIlmatic yeah, kubuntu does use a lot more resources.  i got the temperature on my laptop with kubuntu and it was 71 degrees C while it is 50 degrees C on gnome04:48
|_ockenanotube, no, i mean as in double click on the share04:48
EastDallasafroman: the video chip got so hot it melted itself and parts of the case and other hardware.04:48
|_ockeas in so that my gf can copy files to here04:48
Dr_Willismister_roboto:   the beta added some features taht are in win7. :)   trivial things that you either love or hate.04:48
IlmaticDamn..that's really crazy.04:48
bondjanybody here owns a 13" macbook pro?04:48
|_ockelike under places - network04:48
nanotube|_ocke: you can mount a remote directory over ssh with nautilus... or you could go for something with samba04:48
Ilmatic*raises hand*04:48
mister_robotoDr_Willis: right. it so happens that i love kde404:48
zenlunaticmy family members laptop burned up... turned out there was a recall of the model because the bios didnt direct the fan correctly and it literally burned the wifi card04:49
mister_robotoDr_Willis: at least now that it's all working :)04:49
militanthaving some issue making vlc default for any/all media types.  i set it in Preferred Applications and it's not listening04:49
tawdIlmatic, but kubuntu is pretty, worth a look if you have a well vented pc04:49
|_ockenanotube, how bout the thing where you right click on the folder and go 'sharing options'04:49
|_ockehow do i make that work :P04:49
risosonic is god04:49
c_nickhow to find out the version of Syslinux04:49
Ilmaticpc only?04:49
|_ockei shared on both sides04:49
IlmaticCan it run on a intel mac?04:49
nanotube|_ocke: heh dunno... i just use ssh. :)04:49
tawdIlmatic, but some things don't plug and play like they do on gnome04:49
tawdIlmatic yes it can run on mac04:49
bondjanybody here owns a 13" macbook pro?04:49
Out_ColdIlmatic, it runs on mayny platforms04:49
|_ockethis has to be usable by a girl heh04:49
tritiumbondj: please don't repeat04:49
pete__NFS > *04:49
tawdIlmatic, kubuntu is just ubuntu using kde4.3 windows manager04:49
Out_Cold|_ocke, samba and some tweaks..04:50
IlmaticHey quick question. How do I get fluent with linux? Command wise?04:50
tawdilmatic, i suggest looking it up on youtube.com to see if you like how it looks before downloading it though, it can take up some space if you don't have much04:50
nanotubeIlmatic: try linuxcommand.org maybe, to start with04:50
pete__Ilmatic, google linux cheat sheet04:50
Out_ColdIlmatic, i can loan you an ebbok04:50
BigMike1download some pdf files04:50
nanotubeOut_Cold: 'loan' ? :)04:51
IlmaticDamn..so it's all memorization huh?04:51
IlmaticThat sucks..04:51
nanotubeIlmatic: no, there's man, and man -k04:51
Out_Coldhaha... i don't own the rights so i can't 'give' it away lol04:51
jolaren /join #ubuntu-se04:51
c0l2eOut_Cold: just the desktop folder04:51
BigMike1not any harder than commands for a cisco router04:51
pete__Ilmatic, http://fosswire.com/post/2007/8/unixlinux-command-cheat-sheet/04:51
mister_robotoIlmatic: and the stuff you're reading, try to do it.  no, not all memorization. get the general idea of things, use man, look at what's in /usr/bin /usr/sbin, etc04:51
colombofishI am 1st time in this IRC. I want to setup my WIFI. The GUI is not helping me to setup. Can anyone help Please?04:51
Out_Coldc0l2e, it should be auto refreshed04:52
tawdilmatic if you have more questions you can go to #bash04:52
IlmaticK. Thanks for the kind advice.04:52
Out_ColdIlmatic, there are some tools like man.... try man man in terminal.04:52
Ilmatic"man man"?04:52
nanotuberiso: yea right04:52
Out_Coldman man04:52
mister_robotoman is your best friend. even for old hacks like us04:52
risoIM SERIOUS!!!04:52
tritiumriso: please stop04:52
Fogriso two reasons not to listen to you 1) you're using all caps 2) you can't spell virus04:52
|_ockei can see the share on mine from this box04:53
nanotubeIlmatic: man stands for 'manual', it gives you help files on commands. man man gives you help on man itself.04:53
c0l2eOut_Cold:  I got it,,, now it working fine...  killall nautilus && nautilus -n04:53
tawdIlmatic and after you're done viewing the man file press "q" to go back to the shell04:53
EastDallasIlmatic: When you need help search ubuntuforums.org.  I'm no command line Ninja, but I've learned a ton about CLI from making changes as instructed in the forums.04:53
|_ockebut the main user/pass doesn't give me access04:53
Out_ColdLMFAO @ VIRIS04:53
IlmaticLol. I was wondering what it stood for.04:53
nanotuberiso: if the ubuntu repositories are compromised... it doesn't matter whether you update strange things, or not strange things.04:53
afromantawd: if Kubuntu is ubuntu with kde, why are they saying that Kubuntu overheat the pc?04:53
coyis ubuntuk carmic coala have some problems with it's screensaver?04:53
pete__you know the funny thing is some people are so stupid.04:53
nanotuberiso: so you might as well just say 'don't update anything ever again'04:53
tawdafroman because it uses more system resources than gnome does04:54
coywhen i leave my computer idle the it hang04:54
Out_ColdIlmatic, there is lots and lots of files already in /usr/ that you can browse.... also a quick tutorial on basic bash will do you wonders04:54
tritiumpete__: no need for that04:54
risoGrrr. fine watever just fry ur harddrives04:54
mister_robotoafroman: probably a joke because it's graphically intense. i actually run it on a 5 yr old laptop just fine (1GB RAM)04:54
nanotuberiso: and viruses can't 'fry' hard drives. double fail.04:54
Out_Coldriso, perhaps you have a foreign unsupported app installed that updated it's self and screwed you over04:55
mister_robotoafroman: of course you can't turn on all the eye candy on old hardware04:55
IlmaticIt's so hard because I went from an all click OS to one that most of the time requires commands in terminal.04:55
BigMike1could i even get a virus in ubuntu unless someone made a linux virus?04:55
pete__BigMike1, their are linux viruses04:55
BigMike1yes i know but there have only been around 4004:56
afromanhow do I change the depth in Ubuntu?04:56
Out_ColdIlmatic, how hard would it be for us to tell you to click here, then there, then type in the second box, then hit apply and so on...04:56
BigMike1not to much chance of getting one?04:56
sridifference between /proc and /sys04:56
SickAnim1tionsIlmatic: What OS, MacOS? I can't stand the geek-undfriendliness of that OS.04:56
BigMike1maybe windows has 40,00004:56
nanotubeBigMike1: er... you could say the same thing for any os. could i get a virus in <os> unless someone made a virus for <os>, and the answer is of course, no. but there are some linux viruses and rootkits and sundry malware.04:56
militantubuntu's default media player can't handle an mp3?04:56
pete__tritium, I don't need your help sir.04:56
BigMike1yes i know04:56
IlmaticBoth. Windows and Mac.04:56
BigMike1but rare right?04:56
tawdmilitant it can, but you have to download the right codecs04:56
IlmaticI'm basically just experimenting with ubuntu right now.04:56
IlmaticIt's very nice by the way.04:57
Out_Coldrootkits are more likely to happen than virii... and can cause a lot of damage04:57
nanotubeBigMike1: you have to be vigilant just as in any os. don't go installing random crap from some joe-bob's super cool linux screensaver website, and then be surprised that some malicious script wiped out your home dir.04:57
pete__BigMike1, you will be fine on ubuntu most likely.04:57
coydoes ubuntu have some problems with its' screen saver?04:57
tawdilmatic glad you like it :)04:57
BigMike1would i have to compile a windows virus to actully get it to work04:57
IlmaticMhmm. : )04:57
militanttawd, ok, what i'd prefer to do is set vlc as default for all media types... and i did, in Preferred Applications.  but it doesn't seem to pay any attention to that04:57
nanotubeBigMike1: but generally, yes, less likely.04:57
mister_robotoBigMike1: much more rare because window is the dominant platform (big target) and everyone runs as root there, making the malware more effective04:57
afromananybody knows how to change depth?04:57
BigMike1well i have been using ubuntu now for 2 years and i dont worry about it04:57
=== cyberjorge_ is now known as cyberjorge
nanotubeafroman: dig longer04:57
tritiumpete__: take it easy04:57
nanotubeafroman: :P04:57
pete__can a window's virus kill ur wine instal on ubuntu?04:57
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2104:58
afromannanotube: I did dig on google04:58
iflemai luv windows users ;)04:58
nanotubepete__: not out of the realm of possibility04:58
BigMike1i used clamav once04:58
nanotubeafroman: i was just making a pun... change depth - dig deeper ?04:58
LoshaBigMike1: yes, thankfully rare, at least, so far. But it still pays to be prudent like nanotube says. Keep your system up to date, don't install stuff from unknown sources. Don't run a server if you can avoid it....04:58
pete__i would feel stupid scanning my ubuntu machine for a virus04:58
IlmaticSo is linux the preferred OS of hackers?04:58
BigMike1yes i am all updated04:58
afromannanotube: very funny04:58
SickAnim1tionsIlmatic: I'm no hacker but what's helped me is usingcommand line as much as possible. For instance, install irssi and use Terminal for IRC and use Lynx to browse the web04:59
Out_ColdLosha, don't run a server if you don't know how to protect it ;)04:59
BigMike1and customized lol with a fancy gnome desktop04:59
nanotubeafroman: :P04:59
afromannanotube: U got me.04:59
afromannanotube: so can U help?04:59
mister_robotoIlmatic: geeks like linux because you get total control over your machine and, given enough time and interest, you can understand it all the way down04:59
mister_robotoIlmatic: nothing is hidden from you04:59
LoshaOut_Cold: I've seen people come here for help with their servers who couldn't run a simple text editor. It's scary....04:59
risoheres to all u non believers my best friend just had the same thing happen.04:59
IlmaticExcept root?04:59
tawdmilitant im not sure you could probably google that to find how to set vlc as default05:00
nanotubeBigMike1: btw, this may give you good reason to be vigilant: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/09/12/09/2215253/Malware-Found-Hidden-In-Screensaver-On-Gnome-Look05:00
risohe tried to update and his compy froze and then gave the blue screen or death05:00
Out_ColdLosha, agreed... that can cause some serious fun for the knowledgeable05:00
BigMike1ive only asked for help here 2x in 2yrs i just read the forums and find what i need05:00
lockdLosha, then how are they even editing their web pages05:00
nanotubeafroman: err.. what exactly is your question? :)05:00
militanttawd, i did, and the instructions it gives make no sense.  yes there's an 'open with' on the right click menu but no button or box to set the selected app as default.  *shrug*05:00
tritiumriso: time to stop, please.  The BSOD is a Windows problem, not a linux one.05:00
BigMike1ah there starting to target us now i see05:00
tos__ok so i tried to install openVZ to assist with creating virtual ethernet interface, However im using Ubuntu 9.10, and have never recompiled a kernel or anything like that... does anyone know of another way to accomplish this, My router only assigns 1 ip per MAC address and I cant change the router so I need a virtual solution... if there is an easy way out there for ubuntu with a HOW-to or not too much config'ing ??05:01
afromannanotube: depth05:01
Loshapete__: there was a post somewhere from someone who ran a virus in wine and it wrote a bunch of files to his unix filesystem. Thankfully this too is rare....05:01
nanotubeafroman: depth of what? you mean like screen resolution depth?05:01
tawdmilitant i'll brb.  going to google to try to help :)05:01
pete__Losha, heh i only run foobar2k in wine05:01
BigMike1yes i have heard of viruses wine05:01
BiosElementLosha: It's worth noting the files didn't do anything.05:01
Out_ColdIlmatic, even root has it's understandings... knowing what happens when you do actions as root is a very important lesson05:01
afromannanotube: how to change depth of the screen resolution?05:01
risoim running ubuntu idiot05:01
militanttawd, thanks!  the instructions i found were on an ubuntu site, so ... i dunno05:01
BigMike1lots of ways to get us if they want05:01
IlmaticCold: Would you consider yourself a ubuntu guru?05:02
nanotubeafroman: hrm... well, probably have to change xorg.conf, if the setting doesn't show up in the gui.05:02
Out_Coldnot in a million years.... i am learning just like the rest of us05:02
owen1how to make my shuffle's content NOT read only?05:02
Out_Coldnot one here can claim that they know everything..05:02
IlmaticOh..I see..05:02
LoshaBiosElement: agreed, and presumably they still didn't have root access, so it's more a nuisance than a serious threat....05:02
Out_Coldmaybe ubottu05:02
IlmaticDr. Willis seems to know everything.05:02
mister_robotothat's why he's the Dr.05:03
IlmaticThat guy is always helping folks out.05:03
BigMike1too many different things to learn you might be able to specialize in some areas i guess05:03
colombofishNeed help on Wifi settings. GUI is not keeping the setting for me. Please help to this newbie.05:03
LoshaIlmatic: nice to have people like that around...05:03
Out_Coldhe's mentored me in my learning curve several times... and now i return the favor for others05:03
IlmaticMmhmm. Amen to that.05:03
slackerI was wondering if some one could help me out. I installed ubuntu 9.04 then found out that it didn't support my catalyist 9.3 driver I needed for graphics. So I tried to downgrade to 8.10 (64 bit) as I believe I have a EM64T cpu. Didn't work I kept getting a buffer I/O error dev/sr0 many times. So I decided to try and get 8.04 64 bit I added generic.all_generic_IDE=1 for a boot parameter now my cd rom won't write. I want to instal05:03
slackerl 8.04 32 bit so I can use graphics dirver05:03
mMezquitale1234after logging in to an ssh server remotely, is it safe to use sudo and then your password???05:03
IlmaticHey Out Cold, is it necessary for me to get an AV program for ubuntu?05:03
owen1mMezquitale1234: yes05:04
Out_Coldslacker, have you tried a 32 bit?05:04
tritiumslacker: what do you mean?  9.04 supports ati proprietary drivers05:04
nanotubemMezquitale1234: no less safe than doing the same on the local system...05:04
Out_ColdIlmatic, it's only needed if you feel you need it... i have it installed but i rarely run it because i know what i download and things i don't trust get sappy permissions05:04
owen1how to make my shuffle's content NOT read only?05:04
Loshaslacker: most common cause of buffer I/O error dev/sr0 is a bad cd. Check the md5sum and/or reburn it. 8.04 is pretty stable these days....05:04
slackerubuntu 9.04 i updated to 9.10 thinking it might help. I have no sound or graphics support05:04
dsnydersIs there much of a difference between 64bit and 32 bit versions of Ubuntu?05:05
tritiumriso: are you ban evading now?05:05
IlmaticOh okay.05:05
slackerI can't brun it now the cd rom quit burnning05:05
nanotubecolombofish: please be more specific in your question. state your wifi card make/model, version of ubuntu, what exactly you are trying to do, etc. (and prepare to be patient waiting for an answer, in case it's not a common problem)05:05
slackerit just finalizes the cd05:05
risoi apoligise it was a forien program, my bad...05:05
risoim sorry...05:05
nanotuberiso: which program, out of curiosity?05:05
dtownherodsnyders: yes, 64 bit handles memory allocation a lot better05:05
IlmaticHey I saw on youtube some dude making his desktop into a 3d cube. How can I get glittery stuff like that?05:06
owen1i can't remove any file on my shuffle since it's all read-only. how to change it? sudo chmod 777 *  is not doing it.05:06
risoim not shure yet but i think it was the windows Zune program05:06
Out_Colddsnyders, the architecture of the motherboard is supported differently with each05:06
tawdilmatic download ccsm05:06
afromannanotube: thx. i found it05:06
tritiumpete__: I've asked you to stop laughing at and making fun of people.  We have a code of conduct.05:06
nanotuberiso: hrm does taht even exist for linux??05:06
nanotubeafroman: cool :)05:06
mister_robotodsnyders: 32-bit has been better supported for a long time. for example, flash wasn't working for a long time on 64-bit. don't know where things stand today05:06
risoi dont think so05:06
slackeralso when I'd run the lspci id didn't get 3 *ide as well as I have wlan0 when it use to be wifi005:07
nanotubetritium: a little lol never hurt anyone. lighten up. ? :)05:07
risolike i said im not quite shure yet05:07
dsnydersdtownhero, 32 bit only goes up to 4G ram?  (I'm considering upgrading my motherboard.  I want lots of RAM for doing virtual machines).05:07
nanotuberiso: hrm...05:07
afromannanotube: can I ask another question? how does one come back from a "suspend"?05:07
owen1how to change content of device (my shuffle) to read and write?05:07
Out_Colddsnyders, 32 bit only reads 3gb ram05:07
nanotubeafroman: usually you just press the power button to resume. (or on a laptop, close and open your lid will do it too)05:08
slackerI also had md5sum checked the image as well as tested via the live cd05:08
Loshadsnyders: IMO, larger ram support is the single biggest difference with 32 vs 64 bit versions....05:08
risowhere could i get another firewall? i have gaurddog and firestarter.05:08
dtownherodsnyders: 32bit will not handle 4gigs of ram as effectively as 6405:08
risor therer any more?05:08
dtownherothere is really no good reason to not use 64bit05:08
Loshariso: just how many do you need?05:08
tawdmilitant, you said that you had changed vlc to be default in System > Preferences > Preferred Applications?05:09
slackerI got the 64 bit 8.04 to run but it would freeze after logging in05:09
militanttawd, yessir05:09
risoidk i just want to be protected...and a back up if u kno any05:09
dtownheroLosha: even in a 2gig install 64 bit will handle the memory allocation better05:09
afromannanotube: this is funny :D. I pressed every single button on my keyboard, I did everything but to close and open the lid05:09
tritiumriso: they are all frontends for iptables05:09
Loshadtownhero: interesting, got an official site for that claim?05:09
tawdmilitant, let me see something else real quick, sorry, i'm on dial-up internet at the moment05:09
Out_Coldi have had problems installing a 64 bit on my server box though... had to go back to 32 bit..05:09
risookay im confused now...05:09
mister_robotodsnyders: what do you intend to do with "lots of vm's"?05:10
mister_robotodsnyders: just curious05:10
slackerDo I need to edit grub to get rid of the generic.all_generic_ide=1 that I entered at install with the live cd?05:10
afromannanotube: thx05:10
Loshariso: IMO, the best protection is to be behind a NAT router....05:10
nanotubeafroman: hehe np :)05:10
militanttawd, appreciate the help05:10
iflemariso: you may not even need one depending on what ya doing... of course. where ya point ya web browser can be an issue.05:10
risoim on a wireless un secured system link05:10
risoi have three web browsers05:11
slackerI've opened a help topic with all my info at the help forums under DLoc in the upgrade section if anyone could help me I'd be really greatfull05:11
afromannanotube: whoever said "ignorance is bliss" lied05:11
slackerI agree afroman05:12
risonanotube: i have three webbrowsers05:12
dsnydersmister_roboto, Well, to be gut level honest, just to play around with.  However, the "official reason" is for MCSE practice purposes05:12
tawdmilitant did you go to a terminal and type cp '/usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop' '/usr/share/applications/totem.desktop'   ?05:12
mMezquitale1234anyone knows what is so wrong about using a an SSH without a passphrase???05:12
militanttawd, no, lemme do that05:12
tawdmilitant ok, i hope it works05:12
nanotubeafroman: heh well, every saying applies only under a subset of possible circumstances. but it's true that this one has a particularly small subset of applicability. :)05:13
tawdmilitant wait05:13
mister_robotoafroman: the entire quote is better... "where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise"05:13
tawdmilitant probably make a backup of that file before copying over it05:13
dtownheroLosha: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit05:13
dtownheroread :)05:13
mister_robotoafroman: most people would choose to be wise, even if it's not all bliss :)05:13
risoi agree mister_roboto05:13
militantalrady did, one sec05:13
nanotuberiso: a firewall is never a bad idea - but one is enough, you just have to know how to properly set it up.05:13
macomMezquitale1234: an ssh key? well when it has a passphrase, there's something you have (the key) and something you know (the passphrase), so its 2-factor authentication. without passphrase, you'd better hope that hard drive never falls into the wrong hands (ie, dont keep the key on your laptop unless laptop is encrypted, iin case you lose it)05:13
risoi think im lacking there...hah sorry...05:13
tawdmilitant do  cp /usr/share/applications/totem.desktop /usr/share/applications/tote.desktop.copy05:14
Loshadtownhero: excellent, I am a convert, thank you...05:14
tawdthen do the first comand05:14
mister_robotomMezquitale1234: if someone gets your private key, they can masquerade as you without having the second level of protection from the passphrase05:14
iflemariso: the unsecured network is out there.... it can be intercepted it can be injected... butstill going through the same hole youve opened in da wall...05:14
slackerI've also heard a quote that goes something to the effect of: the more knowledge you acquire the less pleasure there is in living05:14
owen1i can't remove any file on my shuffle since it's all read-only. how to change it? sudo chmod 777 *  is not doing it.05:14
colombofishNonotube Hi! some details: product: BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN, vendor: Broadcom Corporation. Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic. I am using GUI nm tool to setup for Wifi. After the settings the ping to the gw says Destination Host Unreachable.05:14
nanotuberiso: just google around for firestarter tutorials or something. that's probably the easiest way to go.05:14
slackersomething to do with a burden05:14
risoim really confused now...sorry05:15
Loshariso: one correctly configured firewall is worth any number of badly configured ones (Shakespeare)...05:15
dtownheroLosha: no problem, pay attention to the bottom part that mentions using region files and address space05:15
tawdmilitant sorry the second one has a typo it should be /usr/share/applications/tote.desktop.copy05:15
mister_robotoLosha: lol05:15
nanotubecolombofish: which wifi driver are you using? the b43, or the sta?05:15
afromanmister_roboto: ok :)05:15
tawdmilitant sorry the second one has a typo it should be /usr/share/applications/totem.desktop.copy05:15
risoah i see thankx...and sorry for erlier, i guess im still new at this05:15
dtownheroThe main disadvantage of 64-bit architectures is that relative to 32-bit architectures, the same data occupies more space in memory (due to swollen pointers and possibly other types and alignment padding). This increases the memory requirements of a given process and can have implications for efficient processor cache utilization. Maintaining a partial 32-bit model is one way to handle this and is in general reasonably effective05:15
dtownhero. For example, the z/OS operating system takes this approach currently, requiring program code to reside in 31-bit address spaces (the high order bit is not used in address calculation on the underlying hardware platform) while data objects can optionally reside in 64-bit regions.05:15
nanotubeLosha: heh that's a good one05:15
dtownherosorry for bad paste >.<05:16
DouglasKI have Syslog accepting log entries from a couple different machines on my network.  Is it possible to route the log entries from the remote machines  to their own files?05:16
Sylphid|netbookis it possible to have the setuid bit turned on for a link (either symbolic or hard) but not for the executable it points to?05:16
slackerI'm not completely sure but I think I don't have enough ram to run 64 bit05:16
tawdmilitant sorry, did i make sense?05:16
militanttawd, that worked.  thanks a ton.  i'm sure ther'es more elegant ways but it did the job that's what counts05:16
mMezquitale1234maco and mister_roboto thanks, I did encrypt my laptop's home directory just for that specific purpose but having the passphrase is not a bad idea05:16
nanotubemister_roboto: if someone's gained access to your key... that key having a passphrase or not is probably the least of your worries. cuz they have access to /all your files/. but yes, it doesn't /hurt/ to have a passphrase, except in cases of doing scripted tasks over ssh. :)05:17
risohey how do u encrypt???05:17
colombofishBCM4311 802.11b05:17
militanti dislike using anything but vlc kuz i'm too lazy to learn other interfaces05:17
tawdmilitant ok lol  good :)  i got that from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1276575  little workaround but i'm glad for you!05:17
LoshaSylphid|netbook: I don't *think* you can do that...05:17
DouglasKriso, I assume you mean home folder encryption?05:17
risoya so no one but me can access it05:18
uncmarhow would I go about doing some keyboard bindings ?05:18
mister_robotonanotube: huh?  i can get a copy of your private key even without anything else if i get it from a thumb drive, for example.05:18
Loshamilitant: fair enough. I stick to mplayer for much the same reason (and because it plays nearly everything)....05:18
militantLosha, i've never encountered anything vlc wouldn't play.  mplayer is pretty much the same from my limited experience.  comfort/familiarity count for a lot05:18
mister_robotonanotube: doesn't necessarily mean i have your machine rooted just because i snagged a copy of your key05:18
lokpesthow do I get firefox 3.5 for hardy? cant find it in backports05:19
DouglasKriso, that's an option you get when you install Karmic.  I'm not sure if you get the option each time you create a new user.05:19
afromananybody knows where the place.squite for firefox is located?05:19
nanotubecolombofish: that's not the driver, thats the model of your card. anyway, i did just recently run into some issues with a very similar card (bcm4312), and the solution is to use the broadcom sta driver instead of b43. try installing package "bcmwl-kernel-source"05:19
Loshananotube: if your key is protected by a good passphrase, doesn't that make it useless to the thief?05:19
nanotubeafroman: in ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiledirectoryname05:19
mMezquitale1234is there an SSH guide in ubuntu where you can restrict users to their home directories?05:19
risothe whole thing makes my haed spinny05:19
slackerif anyone can help me here is all my info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137283505:19
DouglasKriso: Karmic Koala (aka version 9.10) is the current release of Ubuntu Linux.05:20
afromannanotube: dude, is there anything U don't know :P?05:20
risooh right...haha blonde me...05:20
tawdanyone know which is better.  dual-boot, or wubi ?  i'm going to convert a manager at work to ubuntu and i would like to know.  i use a dual-boot on my laptop and it works great05:20
nanotubemister_roboto: well, any key you carry around on a thumbdrive, sure, a passphrase is important. i dont happen to have need to do that, though, so wasn't thinking of that circumstance.05:20
brianhermantwad: dual boot05:20
brianhermantawd: wait05:20
risoduel boot i agree05:20
brianhermantawd: we need more info about that manager05:20
mister_robotoLosha: the key can't be used without having the passphrase, so yes.05:20
afromannanotube: thx man05:20
Loshananotube: well, it's not just your thumbdrive. Laptops gets stolen every day....05:21
DouglasKso anyone experienced with remote syslog around here?05:21
brianhermantawd: on a scale of one to pointy haired boss rate his intelligence leve05:21
uncmartawd: does the manager have pointy hairy?  Just curious if he comes from a Dilbert cartoon.05:21
tawdbrianheran he a manager at my work that pretty much just uses computer to play mafia wars lol05:21
brianhermantawd: UH05:21
brianhermantawd: do you want to get fired05:21
tawduncmar lol05:21
slackerI know that all_generic_ide=1 is supposed to force the IDE driver, how can I reconfigure my hardware?05:21
mister_robotoLosha: well, in that case, to nanotube's point, they have ALL your files :)05:21
brianhermantwad: you dont want to convince your boss you want to convince the IT people05:21
tawdbrianherman lol  his pc is 7 years old and needs help ;p05:22
colombofishnanotube: is this cmd ok to install "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source". After install what would be next. Any easy site to follow simple instructions? Thx in advance.05:22
brianhermantawd: linux is not what he wants05:22
uncmartawd: no, if his PC is 7 years old.  *he* needs help.05:22
tawdbrianherman there arn't any IT people at sonic lol.05:22
brianhermantawd: next xmas buy him a netbook05:22
Loshamister_roboto: maybe they do, but they can't use my ssh key to login to my work as me, because they don't know the passphrase for the ssh key....05:22
lokpestbump, firefox 3.5 for hardy?05:22
nanotubeLosha: mister_roboto: afaik, once you have the private key, the passphrase can be brute forced relatively quickly under most circumstances...05:23
tawdbrianherman lol  i'm just wanting to help him before i go back to college for spring05:23
brianhermantawd: you are trying to fix a loose bolt with a screwdriver05:23
mister_robotonanotube: no, not quickly if you have a good, long passphrase05:23
IlmaticHey anyone here familiar with the program KisMac?05:23
nanotubecolombofish: after that, just reboot... you may have to disable the b43 driver specifically... let me google for a tutorial...05:23
brianhermantawd: backup his files and reinstall his operating system05:23
faileashmm... depends on the 7 year old box. I got a decade old one that might be able to run ubuntu ;p05:23
brianhermantawd: thats what he would want05:23
nanotubemister_roboto: well yes... but having a 'good long passphrase' is something many people do not have. especially if they use the key frequently. :)05:24
tawdbrianherman i probably could do that05:24
brianhermanubuntu is not the problem05:24
Loshananotube: well, I *did* stipulate a "good" passphrase. Almost impossible to break within a reasonable time frame with current resources (unless, maybe, you're a government)05:24
uncmartawd: backup his files and have him get a new system to put them on.05:24
brianhermanit is the thing between the computer and the chair05:24
gineeshhi there!05:24
tawdbrianherman lol05:24
mister_robotonanotube: touche!   :)05:24
faileasLosha: or use monkeywrench cryptoanalysis ;p05:24
Ratizarhow can i watch dvd ?05:24
Dr_Willis!dvd | Ratizar05:25
ubottuRatizar: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:25
afromannanotube: last question. when I'm watching a movie, I sometimes get see some bad frames when the carachters of the movie are in moving, what could be the problem? I have the latest ati driver, I took out all the animation in gnome, but the picture is the same in vlc and xine05:25
tawdbrianherman uncmar he's a young guy, i think he might like the challenge.  all he would have to do is use firefox for browsing, and download flash player then he's set05:25
slackeris there a way to reconfigure the IDE driver. or load PCI driver?05:25
brianhermantawd: but you are not going to be there to help05:26
uncmarHow would I go about binding the Middle click to the keyboard?05:26
brianhermantawd: do it next break05:26
Loshafaileas: even then, it only really has to keep them out until you notify the admins that your key may have been compromised so they can invalidate it....05:26
nanotubecolombofish: here's broadcom's page for the sta driver: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php   after you install that package, follow step 3 (and only the step3) from the readme there. then reboot the comp for good measure.05:26
MoodFreakI use Karmic desktop.  I want to convert the entire H.D. to encryption easily.  What is the best way?05:26
Dr_Willisafroman:  the movie players got some rendering/post processing optiosn that may help. or vsync options.05:27
tawdbrianherman ok, good idea. i will be leaving in like 2 weeks anyways05:27
Ratizarthanks Dr_Willis05:27
blakkheimMoodFreak: reinstall with encryption05:27
joshua____don't you have to reinstall MoodFreak?05:27
redtricycleMoodFreak: Use LUKS05:27
colombofishI found the driver. driver=b43-pci-bridge. I will follow the instr. Thanks Nanotube 4 hlp.05:27
nanotubeafroman: hrm, hard to say... see what Dr_Willis said... just have to play around with that one. could be video drivers, could be slow comp, could be bad video file, ...05:27
MHz128I am unable to change the order in which bookmarks are displayed in the Bookmarks Toolbar... what gives?05:27
MHz128Firefox 3.5.605:28
nanotubecolombofish: ok good luck :)05:28
Dr_Willisafroman:  depends on exactly whaat sort of video issue/glitz you are seeing05:28
LoshaMoodFreak: and make a backup first. Plenty of people show up here saying they have difficulty decrypting their encrypted filesystem....05:28
david__anyone know much about xubuntu05:28
nanotubemister_roboto: Losha: heh well, so after all this... i guess now you all know i have a bunch of keys without a passphrase on my machine. ...05:28
blakkheimdavid__: #xubuntu does05:28
uncmardavid__: tastes like chicken?05:29
mister_robotonanotube: lol05:29
Loshananotube: nasty habit that....05:29
david__was just wandering what is going on about downloading limewire05:29
afromanDr_Willis: nanotube: I know it's not the cpu & it's not the bad video files coz it happens many time still to different files05:29
brianhermandavid__: use gnutella its opensource05:29
david__cool thanks05:29
nanotubeMHz128: go to bookmarks -> organize bookmarks, and from there find the toolbar folder, and can rearrange stuf.f....   i think also usually you can just drag them around directly.05:29
afromanDr_Willis: how do I get to the vsync?05:30
MHz128nanotube, i cant drag them around :P05:30
nanotubeLosha: well, if you had scripts automating some file uploads/downloads, you wouldn't want to enter your passphrase every time, either. :P05:31
happylolin pidgin I am trying to create another irc account, but when I add an account in Manage Accounts of pidgin, the nickserv never comes.05:31
david__ok one more question how about flash05:31
nanotubeMHz128: heh well... try doing it through the bookmark manager. if doesn't work... maybe a firefox restart will help?05:31
kleanchap_Where is the xorg.conf file located on Ubuntu?05:31
blakkheimkleanchap_: /etc/X1105:31
Out_Coldkleanchap_, you may not have one.. but it's usually in /etc/X11/Xorg.conf05:31
joshua____I use /dev/null for my Xorg.conf05:32
Out_Cold** little x05:32
owen1i can't remove any file on my shuffle since it's all read-only. how to change it? sudo chmod 777 *  is not doing it.05:32
david__were do you download flashplayer at for firefox05:32
=== happylol is now known as dang3r
theadmindavid__: Install 'flashplugin-installer' package.05:32
nanotubedavid__: there's a 'flashplayer-nonfree' package in the repos that does it for you.05:32
kleanchap_I am in /etc/X11 and do not see it there.05:32
slackerany help for this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137283505:32
nanotubedavid__: or maybe it's what theadmin says... they keep changing package names with the different ubuntu releases...05:32
Out_Coldkleanchap_, you might not have one as i've said05:32
Dr_Willisafroman:  what exactl is the video problem/quirk looking like? blocks? colors?05:32
joshua____kleanchap-: sounds like you use /dev/null for xorg.conf too.05:32
uncmarowen1: it is probably mounted as readonly.  You have to remount with write permissions.  What file system does it use?05:33
theadminnanotube: That's what it was in Karmic.05:33
Loshananotube: there's a workaround for that: check out ssh-agent. It lets you enter passphrases once at the start of a session so you can run scripts without re-entering them all the time. It's a reasonable compromise between safety/convenience05:33
slackerI think something is remapping my PCI to IDE05:33
kleanchap_Out_Cold, I saw that. Then how is the X on Ubuntu selecting the drivers and resolution modes?05:33
JosefAss1dso, if running the livecd works but an installed linux hangs as soon as it's populating /dev is it reasonable to assume that I need to tackle a problem somewhere in the disk systems? dma, disk driver(s), etc.?05:33
nanotubetheadmin: ah ok. in intrepid, it's flashplugin-nonfree...05:33
brianhermanJosefAssld: did you burn the cd yourself?05:34
Out_Coldkleanchap_, no idea lol... all i know is that new distros don't need the file... unless you need mods05:34
brianhermanJosefAssld: it could be a bad burn05:34
jb0nd387372Question: i'm running ubuntu 9.10, dual booting between it and windows 7, using grub as the boot manager.  I would like to clean up the menu a little bit, get rid of the ubuntu memtest and other items, whats the easiest way to do that?05:34
Dr_Willisjb0nd387372:  thats contrilled by the various grub 2 configs05:34
Dr_Willis!grub2 | jb0nd38737205:34
ubottujb0nd387372: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub205:34
JosefAss1dbrianherman: yes, but the hang is with debian. However, when I use the ubuntu installer it times out on CD IO05:34
Out_ColdDr_Willis beat me to it05:34
Dr_Willisjb0nd387372:  /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d05:35
david__i was having problems with kubuntu an switched to xubuntu05:35
brianhermanJosefAssld: did you burn the cd your self?05:35
nanotubeLosha: yea, ssh-agent is cool and all... but i figure, if someone steals my comp, (and that's the only way someone can get at my keys) the ssh keys are gonna be the least of my worries, so i just don't bother.05:35
JosefAss1dbrianherman: yes05:35
brianhermanJosefAssld: burn it again05:35
david__an the difference is amazing05:35
brianhermanJosefAssld: it is a bad burn05:35
theadmin...GRUB was a little easier then GRUB2, just find menu.lst and edit it... :D05:35
afromanDr_Willis: I get horizontal lines05:35
tawdjosefass1d did you burn at the slowest possible write speed for your cd burner?05:35
JosefAss1dbrianherman: That's probably good advice, even though I think I'll probably run into the disk access hang later. But still, you might be right.05:35
theadmintawd: Eh, does this even matter?05:36
slackeris there a way to select device drivers for PCI vs IDE?05:36
Dr_Willisafroman:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_tearing05:36
nanotubebrianherman: why not just run the disk integrity check?05:36
JosefAss1dtawd: I think brasero would have said something if the burn didn't end well... no?05:36
jb0nd387372is there a "front end" that allows easy menu editing, i'm kind of concerned about taking the wrong settings out and leaving either win7 or ubuntu or both unbootable.  Does the wiki have sugguestions as alternatives to hand editng?05:36
Loshananotube: as long as you understand the risks....05:36
tawdtheadmin it mattered for me a couple years ago when i started, i went through 3 cd's before i wrote slow05:36
XfactI have a cd of 9.10, and currently I am on hardy, do updating is possible through that cd?05:36
LoshaJosefAss1d: brasero is infamous for being full of bugs. I don't trust it. k3b is far better, and worth the bulk....05:37
dlheh, i got a intresting one for ya, all of the sudden my 9.10 xubuntu install decides to randomly pause the audio when i am using audacious. any clues how to fix it05:37
theadminXfact: Only if it's alternative05:37
DouglasKQuestion: I've got my router and phone adapter sending their syslog data to an ubuntu server on my network. I'd like to split their log traffic out into unique files if possible, but I don't see how off hand.05:37
tawdjosefass1d it's worth trying it out, it doesn't take much longer at all and usually works for me05:37
JosefAss1dtawd: FWIW though, I burned 4 disks and the one I used other than ubuntu (debian) worked fine. Plus, I've never had a bad burn on this machine05:37
dlcos if not, i just going back to debain (its old stuff, but stable)05:37
Xfacttheadmin: desktop cd won't work?05:37
afromanDr_Willis: ya exactly05:37
david__can you download inernet explorer for ubuntu05:37
Dr_WillisXfact: Only if it's alternative05:37
theadminXfact: No, you can only LiveCD/install with that05:37
Dr_Willisafroman:  twiddle with the video playerws filters/settings05:38
faileasdavid__: why would you want to?05:38
brianhermannanotube: JosefAssld could do that05:38
theadmindavid__: No, use Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome05:38
JosefAss1dhowever, the disc itself could conceivably be bad. I still suspect I need to address some disk driver/dma issues later, but yes doing the iso again would help eliminate that potential source of error05:38
JosefAss1dfrigging pavilions05:38
Loshadavid__: you used to be able to. Dunno if it still works: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_internet_explorer05:38
david__i am just having problems with the flash05:38
faileasdavid__: there's ways to, but eh, IE isn't standards compliant mostly and pandering to that is bad. http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page may be of help05:39
theadmindavid__: Flash for IE is not gonna work on Ubuntu anyway05:39
=== dang3r is now known as happylol
david__can i install konqurer on xubuntu05:39
Loshadavid__: what os version are you running. There are fixes for most flash issues...05:39
faileasdavid__: sure05:40
dlintresting issue btw, i thought it was the network but after booting the dreamlinux cd and installing audacious, i found it was my install not the network, very odd, very intresting and very ubuntu05:40
theadmindavid__: If you're running Karmic or Jaunty, then type "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer" into the terminal, if you're running an earlier release, type "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"05:40
brianhermantheadmin: that would be epic flash for ie in wine05:40
GravyNation porn upload day on youtube05:40
faileasdavid__: but you might end up dragging in a crapload of dependancies05:40
theadminGravy: Don't spam.05:40
faileasGravy: erf. anon silliness. grow up please ;)05:40
brianhermanGravy: uh... no porn in the linux room05:40
afromanDr_Willis: and I will be looking for vsync?05:40
plustaxCan anybody suggest something instead of songbird or rhythmbox that has album art cover flow or grid view and is awesome?05:40
militantcool, got everything working on ubuntu now.  except my mic, it sees the soundcard and uses it fine, but the mic pics up nothing05:41
blakkheimplustax: ncmpcpp05:41
Out_ColdGravy, thank got i mute my laptop unless i need sound... :o/05:41
Dr_Willisafroman:  thats proberly a setting to look for. Ive not really bothered looking in to it much. I see the tearing every so often. but im so uded to it - i rarely notice it05:41
dlbut you will be happily listening ot your internet radio station and all of the sudden the audio will pause for a few seconds, happens a few times a minute....05:41
plustaxmilitant did you adjust the input volume in sound settings?05:41
Gravyi try my best to make people05:41
Gravysorry if it didnt work05:41
isolat3dsh33pmilitant: alsamixer -> unmute mic. :)05:41
david__thanks but will see if it works in a minute lol05:41
LoshaGravy: utterly boring. Like I can't find my own porn on the internet....05:41
theadmindavid__: And restart the browser after it installs.05:41
Gravyi was just trying!05:42
afromanDr_Willis: I don't know how U take it. it's driving me mad05:42
Dr_WillisHuh? the internet has porn!?05:42
Gravywhy do u have to bash me05:42
Gravyu hater05:42
theadminSheesh, people, don't go offtopic.05:42
david__yeah seems to05:42
Dr_Willisafroman:  i rareluy notice it on my anime and cooking shows..05:42
|_ockeis there a software firewall in effect?05:42
|_ockein 9.1005:42
Gravythis one time05:42
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  not  installed with any rules by default05:42
Gravypow right in the kisser!05:42
nanotube|_ocke: by default, all ports are open05:42
FloodBot3Gravy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:42
militantisolat3dsh33p, that did it.  now it pics up nothing but a hiss/buzz but yes it's picking up05:43
Losha!ops | Gravy is posting porn urls05:43
theadmin!ot | Gravy05:43
ubottuGravy is posting porn urls: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!05:43
ubottuGravy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:43
nanotubeDr_Willis: yay anime! :)05:43
plustaxCan anybody suggest something instead of songbird or rhythmbox that has album art cover flow or grid view and is awesome?05:43
david__worked great thanks05:43
Gravy!ops | Losha is a raging homo05:43
ubottuLosha is a raging homo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!05:43
Out_Coldit's not porn... it's hannah montanna05:43
theadminplustax: VLC does stuff for me :D05:43
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  err.. thats worse..05:43
nanotubeGravy: lol, touche.05:44
isolat3dsh33pmilitant: you still can't record using the sound recorder though. I'm not sure how to either, but it'll work sometime.05:44
david__i have a toshiba laptop what linux do you think would be the best for it05:44
Out_Coldi know :(05:44
nanotubeGravy: that said... knock it off before you get kicked.05:44
Gravyg2g anyway05:44
faileasdavid__: most laptops use similar hardware so...05:44
faileassince you're in #ubuntu, how about a nice ubuntu varient?05:44
theadmindavid__: Expirement around. You might like Linux Mint since it comes with restricted drivers.... If you preffer RedHat-like distros, try Fedora... But I'd say sticking to Debian ones is a better idea.05:45
elkyick. sorry losha. had to check it out first.05:45
Loshaelky: no problem....05:45
david__i am running xubuntu as of now just switched from kubuntu an have tried ubuntu an hoping to try lubuntu soon05:45
Dr_WillisDistro of the Month Club. :)05:45
nanotubewell, i'm going to sleep. good hangin with y'all!05:46
Dr_WillisLubuntu - isent really worth trying. :) but you can install lubuntu-desktop package on a ubuntu system if you want to.05:46
militantisolat3dsh33p, skype won't pic up the mic neither will anything else.  fiddled with both front mic boost and the plain mic boost05:46
theadmindavid__: lubuntu? What the heck is that?05:46
Dr_WillisLubuntu - caused some issues  last i used it... so be warned.05:46
Out_Coldnever heard of the LXDE before05:46
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  openbox + some extra tools..05:46
Out_Coldoh.. ewe05:46
david__i am not for sure but i know that it is in beta right now an is going to be up soon05:46
owen1uncmar: i think it's fat32 since i see vfat in the output of 'mount'05:46
mrandersoni have a 64 bit laptop.  is there any advantage to using the 64 bit ubuntu over the 32 bit version?05:47
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  and its ewe for other ressons also. :)05:47
david__what is the edubuntu like05:47
blakkheimmranderson: there is no such thing as a 64 bit laptop05:47
Dr_Willismranderson:  more ram avail. and faster encoding/other math intensive  tasks.05:47
theadmindavid__: It's ubuntu with educational tools.05:47
isolat3dsh33pmilitant: I never used skype, so I can't really help :(05:47
militantisolat3dsh33p, it's an issue of *anything* picing up the mic, but your first help was doing enough, i appreciate it05:47
rww!ping | This is a random test05:48
ubottuThis is a random test: Here I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.05:48
david__i was just trying out a few of the others an was just wandering about it i downloaded feather an it dont work for me05:48
Out_Coldmilitant, last time i tried skype.. i had to restart alsa, use only the skype sound process, then restart alsa to use other sound after05:48
militantok this time it picks up a humm but nothing else.05:49
Dr_Willisdavid__:  tiny core linux - is fun to play with.. xpud is also amuseing.05:49
militantOut_Cold, .... ahhh ok.  don't let anything use the soundcard after restarting alsa, til i'm done with skype?05:49
theadminDr_Willis: Uh, lol, but I think neither are real distros as such.05:49
Dr_Willistheadmin:  depends on your needs...05:49
Out_Coldmilitant, that was my temp fix..05:49
slackerI added this line at install generic.all_generic_ide=1 (forces generic ide driver) it changed my lshw to IDE devices How do I restore the defaults?05:49
Loshatheadmin: what makes a distro 'real'?05:49
Dr_Willistheadmin:  tiny core can be  as full a disrto as you make it. :)05:50
david__i have had linux for about 3months an kinda new at the hole thing an was just trying a few05:50
slackeralso my wifi0 turned into wlan005:50
Dr_WillisLosha:  not fake. :) like 'windows'05:50
faileasDr_Willis: i'm rather fond of slitaz if i want a tiny distro05:50
LoshaDr_Willis: :-)05:50
theadminLosha: Hm... Well, technically, I think it gotta have some desktop environment and initial set of programs to be 'normal'... not just a browser or something05:50
militantOut_Cold, you used 'alsactl init' ?05:50
david__i am not looking for a tiny bistro i am just looking for something sleek looking05:51
Dr_Willisdavid__:  check out some of the 'enlightment' based live cd's also. :) for some fun eyecandy05:51
Loshatheadmin: interesting idea, not sure it would stand up in court though...05:51
Out_Cold/etc/init.d/alsa  restart i think... been a while militant05:51
theadmindavid__: Oh, nice-looking :D Well, try enabling GNOME desktop effects :D and Linux Mint looks quite nice.05:51
ShwackWould anyone be willing to take a phone call from me (or you can call me i dont care)  and help me through recovering my home folder after changing passwords via  passwd command in terminal - I changed my password and now Ubuntu accepts the new password but won't decrypt my home folder - changing the password back to original hasn't worked05:51
Loshadavid__: a tiny bistro sounds adorable...05:51
david__the enlightment do they take up much space05:52
theadminLosha: I know it wouldn't :D but i'z not gonna use a distro that doesn't have those. Well, whatever, that's kinda offtopic05:52
sairamhow to compile java program in ubuntu05:52
slackeryou could use netbeans05:52
Out_Coldsairam, don't compile... use the synaptic05:52
Dr_Willisdavid__:  enlightmnent is a  old/new/always getting redone desktop/window manager. it has some neat features.  check Disrtowatch.com to see what disrtos use it. i think eLive is one05:52
david__i love the way that ubuntu runs but i would just like to have more eye candy on it05:53
Out_Coldpeople always want to compile and don't understand why the deb system exists...05:53
theadmindavid__: As stated, did you try enabling desktop effects and/or downloading themes? GNOME can look AWESOME.05:53
brummbaerdavid__: have you looked at installing the compiz-config manager?05:53
militantOut_Cold, you're fantastic.  that worked.  thanks05:53
david__no have never even heard of it lol05:54
=== cfedde_ is now known as cfedde
tawddavid__ did you download ccsm?05:54
theadmindavid__: (GNOME is the Ubuntu's desktop)05:54
theadmindavid__: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Desktop Effects, if I recall properly.05:54
david__i havent downloaded nothing yet just installed xubuntu about a hour ago05:54
sairami am writing my program in gedit text editor05:55
uncmardavid__: double negative.  haven't ... nothing05:55
Out_Coldmilitant, there is an issue with alsa taking hostage of apps and not allowing others to work prroperly05:55
uncmardavid__: so you have downloaded something.05:55
brummbaerhmmm... not familiar  w/ xubunu david__, it's designed to be a light-weight desktop, which is kind of contrary to the notion of eyecandy...05:55
tawddavid__ dowanload ccsm from the ubuntu software center, then it will be under system > administration > advanced desktop effects i think05:55
sairamso i have to use terminal05:56
david__yeah i know05:56
militantOut_Cold, will remember that.  did you have to restart alsa again to have other apps use sound?05:56
uncmarbrummbaer: I'm running ubuntu through openbox, so I'm missing most all the eye candy and... It is because my laptop doesn't seem to like the eye candy.05:56
Out_Coldmilitant, i think so yes05:56
Out_Coldmilitant, and if any x sounds happen it may mess the skype05:56
militantnope.  chrome just did sound on a youtube fine.  and i disable all notification sounds anyway in x05:57
brummbaeruncmar, openbox is awesome, i prefer the minimal systems. if you like openbox, you may be very interested in Crunchbang.05:57
angelusuncmar, maybe the original OS is jealous of Ubuntu's pwnsomeness05:57
sairamso what r the commands for compile and run a java program05:57
theadminAnyway, why the heck does Ubuntu try to open FTP bookmarks in Firefox instead of Nautilus? This is really annoying.05:58
david__ok installed ccsm now what05:58
uncmarsairam: I don't know about compile but... run:   java program.java  or whatever java's extention is.05:58
brummbaerdavid__: play!05:58
angelussairam, javac progName.java to compile; java progName  to run05:58
militantOut_Cold, i restarted alsa, did a skype test call, it worked, then i played a youtube, that worked, then did another test call without restarting alsa... so far it all works simultaneously now.  just FYI, it might be improving05:58
Out_Coldtheadmin, i know in kde there is an option to set mime types... not sure in gnome05:58
Out_Coldmilitant, that's the ultimate goal ;)05:59
theadminOut_Cold: But what mime type would FTP have? o_O05:59
tawddavid__ it's somewhere in System.  i'm not on ubuntu ATM so i don't remeber, but it says like advanced effects05:59
blakkheimdavid__: run ccsm from terminal05:59
uncmarbrummbaer: Crunchbang has been considered.  I like the eye-candy.  Just learned to live without it when my lappy was at 256Mb of RAM.05:59
tawddavid__ then you check which ones you want, modify them if you want and set the key bindings05:59
Out_Coldtheadmin, well mime, whatever... i know i could set http links to use firefox instead of konqueror05:59
angelusdavid__, System -> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager06:00
militantOut_Cold, thanks for the help.  gonna go talk to the female unit now (She's outta town temporarily, hence the skype)06:00
Out_Coldpeace out..06:00
Out_Coldand don't sticky up the keyboard06:00
theadminOut_Cold: Hm, GNOME has to have something similar... So far, I just have to open them via a terminal or running nautilus and then changing place06:00
brummbaeruncmar: crunchbang's a ton of fun, and despite the name, i found it to be stable as a rock. the community is tons of fun and there's some cool scripts to check out if you like conky and such.06:00
militanthaha i'll try.06:00
tawdmilitant ;p06:01
blakkheimcrunchbang is just ubuntu with openbox. is it that hard to install and use openbox on a regular ubuntu installation? :/06:01
Dr_Willisblakkheim:  i never thought so06:01
david__anelus preferences not in system on this one06:01
Out_Coldtheadmin, i only found it in kde... not sure if there is an equiv.... i was really sick of the web pages in konqueror and found that association app06:01
uncmarbrummbaer: haven't done conky, keep hearing about it.  Rolled my own wireless.pl program.  now taskbar things, so no applets available so.  The NetworkManager was available.06:02
theadminOut_Cold: Heh. All I had to do for that in KDE was removing Konqueror :D06:02
Loshablakkheim: I see plenty of google hits on installing openbox in ubuntu....06:02
brummbaerblakkheim, no it's not, but crunchbang is more than that. it comes w/ a whole different suite of default packages, and some custom configs/scripts,etc. just booting into OB from default ubuntu is quite different, though similar.06:03
Out_Coldblakkheim, most derivatives can be made from an original ubuntu install06:03
HypothesisFroghi. My screensaver often just won't kick in. I just came home after a 5 hour absence, and found the screensaver had failed to launch.06:03
blakkheimi was being sarcastic. my point was that i don't think an entirely new distribution needs to be made for such a small change.06:03
dsnydersHypothesisFrog, Do you have an optical mouse?06:03
Out_Coldblakkheim, i've seen it done with less06:03
HypothesisFrogdsnyders yes06:03
brummbaeranyways, typing tappity is irking g/f, pc go bye-bye.06:03
brummbaernight all!06:04
david__how do i find things in the ccsm06:04
dsnydersHypothesisFrog, Sometimes, depending on the surface, the mouse pointer can "jitter".  As far as the computer is concerned, the mouse is moving so the screen saver never kicks in.06:04
Loshablakkheim: Oh right. Every fix of a typo seems to require a new distro. I'd willingly trade half a dozen distros for some well placed fixes to ubuntu...06:04
tawddavid__ can you be more clear?06:05
HypothesisFrogdsnyders interesting thanks06:05
Dr_Willisdavid__:  tge ccsm tool has a search feature. :) shows how complex the tool is06:05
HypothesisFrogdsnyders so I probably just need a mouse mat. I will give that a try.06:05
blakkheimLosha: i guess they can do what they want. i don't even use ubuntu, but i think they should contribute to it instead of branching off on their own06:05
david__i ran ccsm through terminal an it opened up an there was nothing there06:05
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz06:05
dsnydersHypothesisFrog, I'm not saying that this is what's causing your problem, though.06:06
david__yeah i know but when i type something in there it just tells me that it does not exist06:06
Out_Colddsnyders, it's probably the quickest and easiest fix to test though06:06
tawddavid__ what are you looking for?06:06
dsnydersHypothesisFrog, You could just try putting the mouse on a black t-shirt or something and seeing if it kicks in.06:06
david__just something sleek for xubuntu06:06
Dr_WillisErr.. xubuntu dosent use compiz or ccsm.... by default06:07
HypothesisFrogdsnyders tanks06:07
theadmindavid__: Xubuntu is intended to be quick, meaning not eye-candy06:07
blakkheimtheadmin: and even then it fails at being quick, so he might as well use compiz06:08
theadminWell I don't know why would I need something faster then Ubuntu which boots in 5 seconds :D06:08
david__well thanks06:08
Out_Coldi wish my box booted in 5 seconds06:09
blakkheimi think you mean it wakes up from sleep in five seconds06:09
Out_Coldi need one of those solid state netbooks lol06:09
Loshablakkheim: Political issues are much more stubborn than technical ones. You don't need much buy-in to spin your own distro....06:09
blakkheimunless you've got a bunch of SSDs in raid0 :P06:09
theadminOut_Cold: Well, that, plus 5 second wait in GRUB menu (if I want to go to recovery mode, just in case lol)06:09
plustaxCan anybody suggest something instead of songbird or rhythmbox that has album art cover flow or grid view and is awesome?06:11
Out_Coldmy server takes about 30 secs... my laptop... has hardware issues.... takes about 20 secs06:11
iOmletteplustax: No such thing, sorry.06:11
|_ockei got this share working with nfs06:11
Out_Coldsomething that started with e..06:11
|_ockeit was much easier06:11
Out_Coldexhaile maybe plustax06:11
plustaxthank you Out_Cold06:12
iOmletteI suppose Exaile, but it's kind of meh.06:12
plustaxill check it out06:12
blakkheimi prefer mpd06:12
theadmini0mlette: VLC had way to show album arts though, I'm not sure what the 'flow' bit means though06:12
|_ockei just like xmms/audacious :P06:12
theadminHello, songer.06:12
Out_Coldvlc does the trick for me... rhythmbox for playlists06:12
c_nickhi how to copy the contents of one location into another06:13
colombofishnanotube: I followed the instructions for linuxSTA installtion. I restarted after installing the new driver. lsmod | grep "wl" shows the existing drivers. But when I use the GUI NM tool it doesn't activate the WIFI connection. My laptop's wifi button doesn't ON. Whatever combination I do with WPA, WEP and static IP the WIFI "check-box" is always unchecked and only the Wired Connection is checked. Should I do additional settings?06:13
Out_Coldc_nick, what and where??06:13
blakkheimc_nick: cp /source/file /target06:13
songer my pc die, can i use my hard disk that it has ubuntu? on other pc06:13
Dr_Willissonger:  should be able to..06:14
theadminc_nick: Or just with the windows style... Choose all them in nautilus, Ctrl+C, go to other folder, Ctrl+V...06:14
c_nicktheadmin: no no not the windows style06:14
c_nicki prefer terminal style :)06:14
Out_Coldsonger, you might need to reinstall the drivers/grub/root files06:14
c_nickI have mounted a cdrom and i want to make a bootable U9.10 USB06:14
Out_Cold!usb > c_nick06:15
ubottuc_nick, please see my private message06:15
c_nickso now i am on the phase where i have to copy all the files from here to there06:15
c_nickyes i am on one of those links :)06:15
songerout_cold: how can i do that?06:15
c_nickand following them06:15
iflemac_nick: on the System menu under Administration theres a usb startup creator06:15
c_nickno that did not work well.. it ends up showing 1 error06:16
iflemac_nick: illtl go keep trying06:16
theadminCan I somehow automate ownership changing of files/folders/other stuff that gets to my home directory? I mean, such command as "chown -r theadmin:theadmin ~/*" or something06:16
c_nicki think manually is also simple iflema :)06:16
julioayuda con gigolo porfavooorrrr06:16
c_nicki just now have to copy contents from CD to the USB06:16
juliotengo xubuntu como lo conecto a ubuntu???06:16
tos__sad to say, i cant get ubuntu to support virtual ethernet adapters so i am switching to windows 7 as a server...06:16
theadmin!esp | julio06:17
Out_Coldsonger, it'll cause headaches.... you can alternatively install ubuntu on your new computer, mount your old disk, copy what you want, then format the old disk to use as more space06:17
c_nickso i went cp -r /media/CD /media/USB06:17
c_nickand it copied the Directory there instead of the contents06:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:17
dsnyderstheadmin, you could put such a command into a cron file.06:17
juliook sorry06:17
cdwhy don't use dd?06:17
julioi have a xubuntu laptop06:17
theadmindsnyders: But I need to be root during that. So... it has to have some sudo. And that looks like it ain't gonna work06:17
Out_Coldc_nick, you might need to use sudo cp -r ....06:18
juliohow can i get acces to remotefilesistems in ubuntu desktop?06:18
uncmarc_nick: trying to make a bootable USB?06:18
c_nickyeah i had done that06:18
songerout_cold: thanks06:18
c_nickinstead of copying the directory.. how to copy only the contents of the directory06:18
c_nicksudo cp -r /from /to copies the entire directory06:18
theadminc_nick: cp -r /path/to/dir/* /target06:18
Out_Coldcp -r /media/*06:18
dsnyderstheadmin, there may be an option on the copy command.06:19
iflemac_nick: http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-users/2009-09/msg00452.html06:19
c_nickoh ok06:19
c_nickwill try06:19
Out_Coldbrrr... i wish my room was warmer than 10 C06:23
dsnydersWhat's a good host for virtual machines that allows them to be virtually "networked"?06:23
theadminOut_Cold: sudo apt-get install really-hot-thing-into-my-room :D06:23
beandsnyders: virtualbox...?06:24
Out_Coldtheadmin... noted to self06:24
uncmartheadmin: installing hell?06:24
theadminuncmar: ROFL.06:24
dsnydersOut_Cold, When was the last time you compiled a kernel?06:24
Out_Coldwhen i failed miserably at installing gentoo06:24
Out_Coldwell not miserably.... but failed06:25
juliothanks everybody06:25
Out_Coldlesson be learned... gentoo handbook only gets you so far.... and gentoo is not a noobie distro06:26
Out_Coldubuntu is XD06:26
colombofishHi Experts! When I use the GUI NM tool and configure, it doesn't activate the WIFI connection. Also my laptop's wifi button doesn't get ON. Whatever combination I do with WPA, WEP and static IP the WIFI "check-box" is always unchecked and only the Wired Connection is checked. Should I do additional settings? Pls help!06:26
m7yangI put goodweather on my ubuntu 9.10 desktop via gDesklet, but when I rebooted my PC, the goodweather was gone. Any ideas?06:27
Out_Coldcolombofish, lets play a bit... open a terminal and type ifconfig and paste the output to http://pastebin.com06:27
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Out_Coldm7yang, you do not have the applet in your startup items06:28
uncmarcolombofish: ifconfig encap06:28
uncmarcolombofish: error.06:28
uncmarcolombofish: ifconfig | grep encap06:28
m7yangbut how to add it?06:28
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Out_Coldm7yang, in the admin menu06:28
Out_Coldor preferences maybe...06:28
dsnydersbean, Does virtualbox run on top of a host OS, or in place of a host OS?06:29
Out_Colduncmar, the encap is a handy filter... ty06:29
macodsnyders: on top06:29
Out_Coldon top06:29
uncmardsnyders: on top of.06:29
uncmarOut_Cold: I tried Link but  it returned the Scope: Link line as well.06:30
uncmarcolombofish: iwconfig | grep "^ "06:30
uncmarcolombofish: iwconfig | grep "^ "06:31
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu.  See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications06:31
Out_Coldi didn't notice a difference with the "^ "06:31
uncmarOut_Cold: if you are connected with wirelss with will give a lot of connection details.06:32
Out_Coldi am and it didn't :(06:32
Out_Cold!hi | kevin__06:32
ubottukevin__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:32
kevin__Does anyone else have issues with Flash movies in their firefox on Karmic?06:32
uncmarOut_Cold: use -v   error in my posting.  grep -v "^ "06:32
kevin__Like buttons in the movies and controls don't work06:33
Out_Coldahh... yea.. verbose06:33
uncmarcolombofish: iwconfig | grep -v "^ "06:33
beandsnyders: on top of, you could also check out vmware, thats a bit lower level than vbox06:33
Out_Coldkevin__, how so.. and which player?06:33
uncmarOut_Cold: no, not verbose.  It inverts the search.06:33
sunny6789hey whts up with the xubuntu project06:33
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kevin__Out_Cold the adobe flash player plugin and like play buttons and enter buttons06:33
Loshabean: lower level? Can you say more about what that means?06:33
colombofish_uncmar: iwconfig |grep "^ "lo        no wireless extensions.eth0      no wireless extensions.wmaster0  no wireless extensions.     Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated            Tx-Power=off          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off          Power Management:off          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0          Tx excessi06:34
colombofish_ve retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:006:34
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Out_Colduncmar, and removes wifi info06:34
kevin__like on gamespot I can't play a trailer because it has to have an enter button press and it doesn't work06:34
Bingodingohey , has anyone testet the JTablet port on 9.10 ? my penpressure doenst work correctly there06:34
Out_Coldkevin__, have you installed flash plugin from the synaptic?06:35
Out_Coldkevin__, flash-nonfree?06:35
kevin__I have flashplugin-installer
navidhi. i'm using karmic and sometimes my screen freezes and the only thing that works is mouse that moves but its keys don't work either all i have is just a useless arrow06:36
Out_Coldkevin__, and what about flashplugin-nonfree?06:36
kevin__I'm getting that now though06:37
colombofish_uncmar: eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:d4:eb:40:63   lo        Link encap:Local Loopback06:37
Out_Coldkevin__, try that then see06:37
c_nicknavid:  i am facing the same problem .. I see the desktop but i dont see any thing on desktop (whereas in /home/Desktop there are folders)06:37
uncmarcolombofish_: wmaster0 shows Mode: Managed ?? but also no wireless extensions?06:37
kevin__it still doesn't work06:37
Out_Coldkevin__, restart your browser06:37
kevin__I did06:38
Out_Coldwhat about ubuntu-restricted-extras?06:38
colombofish_uncmar: iwconfig|grep -v "^ " lo        no wireless extensions.eth0      no wireless extensions.wmaster0  no wireless extensions.wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:""06:38
kausalHello guys, I have a question..06:38
uncmarcolombofish_: doesn't appear that the drivers are properly installed.  It isn't seeing a wlan0 or any other form of alias to the drivers.06:38
navidc_nick: what should i do with the folders?06:38
uncmarcolombofish_: there it is.06:39
c_nicknavid: which folders06:39
kevin__still no good06:39
navidc_nick: that u mentioned06:39
kevin__I even stopped the service and restarted it06:39
kausalIs Zone Routing Protocol implemented in the Real Time?06:39
uncmarcolombofish_: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID06:39
Out_Coldkevin__, are you using firefox?06:39
navidc_nick: i don't get it06:39
c_nicknavid:  I am facing a similar problem like yours06:40
Out_Coldkevin__, try this link and tell me what it says http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/06:40
c_nickI see a desktop .. but the icons ,usb mountings, my files , my folders are missing06:40
kausalIs Zone Routing Protocol implemented in the Real Time?06:40
navidc_nick: any solutions?06:40
c_nickbut when i go in the directory.. i see all of them present06:40
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colombofish_uncmar: emergency call I need to quit for now. I will come back soon and need yr help. Tx in advance06:40
kevin__it says I have version installed06:41
c_nicknavid: nope.. otherwise y would i repeat the same question06:41
c_nicktry restarting06:41
kevin__but ok06:41
navidi always do that06:41
kevin__like on that page06:41
kevin__they have an Avatar install now button06:41
kevin__I can't press it06:41
navidc_nick: i always do that06:41
kevin__nothing happens06:41
FloodBot3kevin__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:41
uncmarI have perl program that would likely just put him online in 5 minutes.  problem is that it isn't compatible with ubuntu's NetworkManager.06:42
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kevin__sorry Flood06:42
navidc_nick: but it's not the solution06:42
Out_Coldkevin__, i'm not sure then? maybe if you can find some other help in here..06:42
kevin__Out_Cold is there another flash player I can use?06:42
navidthere must be something that solve it06:42
Out_Cold!gnash | kevin__06:43
kausalIs Zone Routing Protocol implemented in the Real Time?06:43
ubottukevin__: An open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/06:43
c_nicklets figure that ot06:43
kausalIs Zone Routing Protocol implemented in the Real Time?06:43
navidi'm not a pro dear06:43
Out_Coldkevin__, remove adobe first though i think06:43
c_nicknavid:  nor am i06:43
fusionI have a really strange problem, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a acer aspire 5100 and the mouse buttons don't work.06:44
Out_Coldi think the only pro here is ubottu lol06:44
kausalIs Zone Routing Protocol implemented in the Real Time?06:44
Out_Coldmaybe a few more...06:44
c_nicknavid:  search online .. i think we can find something in the ubuntu forums06:44
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/06:44
fusionI've tried difference mice also with the same problem06:44
navidanyone else can help?06:44
kausalIs Zone Routing Protocol implemented in the Real Time?06:45
uncmarkausal: I don't even know what Zone Routing Protocol is.06:45
Out_Cold!repeat > kausal06:45
ubottukausal, please see my private message06:45
navidc_nick: thank you though06:46
Loshakausal: your question doesn't quite make sense. Can you re-phrase it....06:46
uncmarnavid: what is your issue?06:46
kevin__ok installing gnash now06:46
AdemosUbuntu 9.10 - installed latest updates: I'm getting this error when attempting to mount dvdrs in my dvdr drive: "[45694.580790] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize"06:46
Loshauncmar: it's just another boring routing protocol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_Routing_Protocol06:46
c_nickI was following this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media and in did everything under the section create a mountable USB manually .. but when i reboot it says boot error06:47
kausalZone Routing Protocol is used in MANETs, I'm asking whether it is implemented06:47
Out_Coldc_nick, what's your boot priority in bios??06:47
Out_Coldc_nick, where is grub installed?06:47
c_nickon my hd006:48
c_nicki think06:48
kevin__with gnash I just get black boxes where the flash movies should be06:48
Out_Coldc_nick, and is the usb bootable??06:48
Out_Coldkevin__, try clicking it?06:48
kevin__yeah I did06:48
uncmarc_nick: creating bootable USB?  I've done that before.  I hope you are in it for the long hall and NEED it.  Cause those things can be tricky.06:48
kevin__right click you get movie controls and can see the about says gnash06:49
kevin__but it doesn't work06:49
c_nickI was following this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media and in did everything under the section create a mountable USB manually .06:49
Out_Coldnot sure kevin__ there always seems to be some issues with flash and linux... works for most though06:49
c_nickuncmar: can you help me out06:50
Loshakausal: I don't think it is implemented in ubuntu. I'd never heard of it before you mentioned it...06:50
c_nickok you saw the link i was following ?06:51
uncmarc_nick: loading that link first to get an idea what you have been trying.06:51
c_nick https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media and in did everything under the section create a mountable USB manually .06:51
Out_Coldkevin__, you can play with those 2 flash plugins and firefox.. try a different approach?06:51
kevin__I'm reinstalling adobe flash and also including the dev libs and so on06:51
kevin__maybe I'm missing something06:51
AdemosUbuntu 9.10: I'm not sure how to what this means or how to fix it --- "cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize"06:51
Out_Coldkevin__, dev libs are only really useful if you are building adobe from source06:52
uncmarc_nick: have you booted usb of any kind on that particular PC or have you tested the USB boot you created on any other systems.06:52
c_nickuncmar: i tried with another usb and it worked on my system06:52
uncmarc_nick: the BIOS boot options are the first hurlde.06:52
c_nicki installed Ubuntu from that USB06:52
Out_Coldgood night all!06:53
uncmarwhich version of are you trying to make bootable?06:53
iflemac_nick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles06:53
kevin__getting closer actually06:53
uncmarc_nick: 9.10 Live?06:54
c_nickdonno ..06:54
uncmarc_nick: 9.10 Desktop.  not server version?06:54
hareshhello need some help when i play a sound i cant hear it i try eveything already how can i check whats the fault06:55
militantanyone know where chrome's cache is, for like jacking .flv's ?06:55
paissad-hpi hesitate to choose the most suitable filesystem for a debian/ubuntu repository ... (ext3 or ext4 or something else ) .... it's a partition just for .deb and source06:55
uncmarc_nick: UNetbootin is not the best route to go.  there are better options.06:55
paissad-hpmay someone advice me ?06:55
c_nickUNetbootin ??06:56
uncmarc_nick: which version are you currently running? or do you have a bootable CD?06:56
zirodaypaissad-hp: ext3 would be recommended as it is considered to be more stable then ext406:56
naviduncmar: sorry i weren't at my desk my problem is freezing my desktop in karmic06:56
paissad-hpziroday, ok thx06:56
c_nickI dont have a bootable CD.. only an iso file.. i am currently having U9.10 Desktop version installed on my machine06:56
spOsamba doesn't start at startup. I tried updated-rc samba defaults  .... but it says the links are already there evne though it doesn't start at startup06:56
uncmarc_nick: what version are you currently running?  The 9's have a USB boot creator in the system menu. for Ubuntu.06:57
uncmarc_nick: just had a frightful thought.  You are running Windwows?06:58
fusionnobody else has had a mouse issue?06:58
c_nicknope uncmar been quite a while since i was on Windows :)06:59
c_nickno USB boot creator works but while installation it gives an error06:59
uncmarnavid: have you looked at your xorg.log in /var/log ?06:59
iflemac_nick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles theres options there for win mac lin. 4 lin graphical and command line. dd is used in the command line stuff06:59
twbI have an 8.04 LTS desktop and a SATA CD drive.  The former doesn't appear to auto-detect the latter.06:59
spOsamba doesn't start when i boot up , but I did  update-rc.d samba defaults and it doesnt' change anything06:59
twbDoes 8.04 support SATA CDs at all?06:59
fusionhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/479033 I have this same problem. help?06:59
c_nickok iflema currently following that only06:59
dsnydersc_nick, check www.pendrivelinux.com.  I think they have instructions for booting an ISO off of a USB07:00
MagicVibehi could someone assist me? i have a fresh install of unbunt 9.10 but i cant seem to get the broadcom (wired)ethernet to connect with my router....07:00
MagicVibefairly new user here<--07:00
uncmarc_nick: what was the error?07:01
c_nickok .. but first with iflema here07:01
c_nicki am following her site07:01
c_nickuncmar:  Boot error07:01
c_nickthats all07:01
c_nickthen it said loading GRUB07:01
c_nickand my Normal Ubuntu started07:01
uncmarc_nick: never got a menu?07:01
uncmarc_nick: are you sure your USB boot is set for HDD or Harddrive or ZIP and not Floppy?07:02
luckymuraliHi to all07:02
brianhermanuncmar: doesn't grub by default disable the display of grub07:02
uncmarc_nick: some systems don't auto-detect.07:02
c_nickuncmar: uhh,,, it does :)07:03
c_nickiflema: doing sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/devicenode bs=1M07:03
fuzzykittensI am attempting to make my soundcard work, how do I rebuild the packages for my soundcard like ALSA and such?07:03
fuzzykittensor download drivers07:03
c_nickwhats dd and bs ?07:03
luckymuraliI am using ubuntu server 64 bit, my network printer is attached with the windows ,How can i access that printer???07:04
brianhermanfuzzykittens: dl drivers07:04
DaZc_nick: man dd07:04
luckymuraliplease tell me07:04
DaZand bs is dd parameter.07:04
dsnydersc_nick, dd is disk duplicate, bs is block size07:04
uncmarc_nick: man dd.  It is a disk dump or data duplicate or whatever.  It is RAW copy of drive data.07:04
uncmarluckymurali: is it shared from windows?07:05
iflemac_nick dd will not leave you any space07:05
luckymuraliuncmar, yes07:05
fuzzykittensbrianherman: dl drivers?07:05
spOsamba doesn't start when I boot up, I did a update-rc.d samba defaults  but it doesn't work07:05
octaveoushi all,. i have this error while building OMNETPP on ubuntu,   opp_makemake: --deep is neither an existing file/dir nor a valid option07:05
brianhermanfuzzykittens: download drivers07:05
octaveouscan anyone help07:05
c_nickiflema: dd is convert and copy.. got that if is input file of is output file but the last thing bs=1M07:06
fuzzykittensbrianherman: okay, I am running on a server, SSH, no gui, I don't feel like messing with links. is there no apt-get to get drivers?07:06
c_nickthats byte Size = 1 MB ??07:06
iflemablock size i imagine iM07:06
uncmarfuzzykittens: apt-cache search drivername07:06
fuzzykittensuncmar: thanks07:07
uncmarfuzzykittens: you might not find the driver you are looking for, but then again, you might.07:07
kevin__using my windows system I see that there are missing date entries in the flash movie07:07
c_nickhmm ok07:07
iflemac_nick: block size = 1Mb07:07
fuzzykittensuncmar: yeah, got no idea how many things I just got from apt-cache search audio07:08
c_nickdifference between block and bytes07:08
fuzzykittensis there no blanket xf86-audio drivers?07:08
uncmarfuzzykittens: which audio card?07:08
luckymuraliwhich cups i need to install to use my printer attached on windows systems???07:09
iflemac_nick and what you said07:09
fuzzykittensuncmar: some random card I just tossed in the machine07:09
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brianhermanfuzzykittens: no there is no blankets in linux07:09
brianhermanfuzzykittens: only nails07:09
uncmarfuzzykittens: lspci -v | less07:09
fuzzykittensbrianherman: I do archlinux, blanket is a loose term07:09
uncmarfuzzykittens: look for you sound card in there.07:09
=== D is now known as logical_thinking
c_nickiflema:  1 Block = 512 Bytes :)07:10
uncmarfuzzykittens: less will let you naviage up and down the returned data.07:10
fuzzykittensuncmar: I know07:10
c_nickso you are setting the Block size to a MB07:10
c_nickso now 1 Block is 1000 Bytes07:10
brianhermanfuzzykittens: use the / character to search07:10
myremixhelphelp me, how to configure my netbook webcam07:11
fuzzykittensbrianherman: well, I'll just leave the channel because I hate being treated like a complete noob07:11
iflemac_nick input block size.... sounds like hddd talk... me not sure07:11
kevin__locate halo07:11
uncmarbrianherman: I'll let fuzzykittens use vi next.  <evil grin>07:11
c_nickok done now restarting.. keep your fingures crossed07:11
kevin__wrong window07:11
brianhermanuncmar: lol07:11
uncmarsensitive people.  I don't know a person's level until the tell me.  sheesh.07:12
octaveoushi all,. i have this error while building OMNETPP on ubuntu,   opp_makemake: --deep is neither an existing file/dir nor a valid option07:12
brianhermanoctaveous: paste the error to lisp.paste.org07:12
Fogubuntu is only allowing me to have 2 work spaces, it used to allow 4, what happened?07:12
myremixhelpanybody help me? give me a link to configure my camera laptop on buntu 9.1007:13
brianhermanfog: right click the workspace switcher07:13
iflemaFog: right click on the switcher07:13
mediaprodigytrying to use Ubtuntu Software Center but do not see the install button... running 9.10.. does anyone have the same issue07:13
uncmarFog: 2 thoughts.  Setting or memory limit.07:13
octaveousbrianherman:  is that an irc channel? i cant find it07:13
ian_my laptop acts like it doesn't see the battery when it resumes from the suspend state.07:13
brianhermanoctaveous: Copy your terminal output and paste it to http://paste.lisp.org07:14
uncmaroctaveous: no, it is a website you paste your data there and then give us the link to see it.07:14
uncmaroctaveous: prevents channel flooding.07:14
octaveousthx will do it in a second07:14
myremixhelpmy laptop can't play mp3 file too? why?07:14
brianhermanoctaveous: try this: apt-get install omnetpp07:15
sumodunomyremixhelp> do u have the restricted extras?07:15
myremixhelpi run it from usb07:15
brianhermanfuzzykittens: are you still haveing trouble?07:15
ian_why would my computer act like it's hooked up to ac power when it's not?07:16
sumodunois there like a ccleaner thing for ubuntu?07:16
mediaprodigyI am able to search and display apps.. in software center but unable to download them... install button is missing.. can anyone provide some feedback.. someone mentioned it depended on the bit version that i am running.07:16
uncmarbrianherman: fuzzykittens left.07:16
myremixhelphow to run repository online?07:16
uncmarsumoduno: what is that? a cache cleaner?07:16
sumodunouncmar yea.07:17
sumoduno<uncmar> well for windows it is crap cleaner. it cleans like the registry and what not07:17
MocHow do I remove a package, but the i386 arch only of the package ?07:18
mediaprodigyAlso, i run Computer Janitor and i get the following message: "Essential package dash is missing. There may be problems with apt source.list or Packages files may be missing? can anyone provide any assistance or insight?07:18
crash21081What's the difference between /dev/ttyS1 and /dev/ttyHS1 ?07:18
iflemamyremixhelp: try the application cheese.. if cam works then ya on.07:18
iflemamyremixhelp: janitor can be risky... yeah07:18
uncmarsumoduno: well, ubuntu doesn't have a registry.  the /tmp/ folder is wiped new everytime you start. Browsers have there own settings for removing the cache.07:18
uncmarsumoduno: the only other thing I can think of is /var/cache07:19
sumoduno<uncmar> hm. but i installed all this crap on my computer and i uninstalled it. now there are empty folders everwhere. or folders that contain data i dont need. any way to delete them besides manually?07:19
uncmarmediaprodigy: dash.  Isn't that a shell?07:20
iflemamyremixhelp: do you have little free harddrive space? if not avoid that one i say... janitor that is07:20
uncmarsumoduno: you used remove?07:21
steven_Is oodraw supposed to be the oo's replacement for Adobe Illustrator?  It appears to me.07:21
mneptokmediaprodigy: what does "which dash" tell you?07:21
ian_is there something i said to offend someone?  if so, i promise it wasn't intentional.07:21
sumoduno<uncmar> from synaptic07:21
uncmarsumoduno: I bet you didn't go cli.  Humm, used synaptic. Hmm. you don't want to remove those programs you want to purge them.07:21
uncmarian_: so it is a laptop?07:22
Xfactwhen the Lcuid lynxwill out then direct update to it from hardy will be possible?07:22
c_nickI finished with dd then i rebooted.. i checked the booting priority i got a grub menu and in that it gave me 4 options.. when i selected the first it just generally booted07:22
mneptokXfact: yes07:22
sumoduno<uncmar> whats the command to uninstall from cli?07:22
c_nickit was not like any other stuff like Install Ubuntu or Run Ubuntu without making any changes07:22
c_nickplus the file system now is isofs07:23
uncmarian_: did you use an noapic or no acpi switch during install for any reason?  Sounds like Power Management is disabled.07:23
Xfactoh! then it's easier then updating again and again to normal releases 8.10>9.04 then finally 9.10!07:23
c_nickiflema, your site.. i followed and i got this.. cau you help me out07:23
crash21081Excuse me.  Can I forward the port /dev/ttyHS1 to /dev/ttyS1?07:23
iflemac_nick: i did say ittl leave you no free space..07:23
ian_well i didn't notice actually, i just installed it with all of the default settings.07:24
uncmarsumoduno: sudo apt-get purge program-package; sudo apt-get autoremove07:24
mediaprodigymneptok: i am new to ubuntu so i am still learning about it..07:24
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mneptokmediaprodigy: type "which dash" (no quotes) in a terminal07:24
iflemac_nick: its just like a cdrom07:24
mediaprodigymneptok: just got it installed.. and i am trying to install a vnc solution.. but not sure if these errors are normal07:24
c_nickiflema,  but that also is not working.. like in the earlier it said replace isolinux with syslinux07:24
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c_nickthis has syslinux if i try to edit it say read only medium07:25
sumoduno<uncmar> ah yes. thank you. ill do that from now on07:25
Xfactanybody knows any cool games for ubuntu to time pass?07:25
sumoduno<Xfact> runescape. LOL07:25
ian_but i did notice something about apic in the installation menu.07:26
mneptokXfact: i've been playing Maelstrom for ~17 years :)07:26
iflemac_nick: arghh... extract iso, mess with whatever, mkisofs back together and dd07:26
sumodunooh another question. i have 2 dvds and i want to create one iso file from it. what programs do u guys recommend?07:26
uncmarXfact: any game involving a penguin would be cool cause pengiuns live in cold areas and are always cool.07:26
iflemac_nick: ive missed the earlier part of ya conversation. sorry07:26
mediaprodigymneptok: /bin/dash07:26
mneptokmediaprodigy: so it's obviously not missing07:27
mneptokmediaprodigy: that Computer Janitor app has severe problems, IMO. i'd never use nor recommend it.07:27
c_nickiflema, ??07:27
c_nickextract iso?07:27
mediaprodigymneptok: well i was trying to figure out why the software center displays apps but no install buttons07:28
uncmarc_nick: problem with mkisofs may not keep the boot flag intact when creating the iso.07:28
Xfactuncmar: best one!07:28
iflemac_nick: right click on the image file if ya in gnome and open with archive manager07:28
mediaprodigymneptok: so i was trying to determine what bit version i have.. someone mentioned it might have something to do with it..07:29
mneptokmediaprodigy: "bit version?"07:29
chiisaihelloes. I just ran dist-upgrade to upgrade a few packages that had been held back for a while. this completed successfully (according to logs). now, whenever I boot, nothing happens after "* Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables." (the tables are fine). the last line of dmesg is always "EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with writeback data mode." (the filesystems are also fine, I've ran fsck). so, it appears the boot proces07:29
c_nickok n07:29
mediaprodigymneptok: 32 bit vs 64 bit... or maybe they were pulling my leg.07:30
c_nickhmm ok07:30
c_nicki got you iflema07:30
mneptokmediaprodigy: uname -a07:30
iflemac_nick: sorry to put off ya mission07:30
c_nickiflema, how  to mkisofile from the extracted one07:31
mneptokmediaprodigy: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:31
iflemac_nick: i seen another graphical app on the link i sent earlier you try that?07:31
Xfactmealstrom is not a good game (i think)07:31
c_nickbut does not good07:31
iflemac_nick: man mkisofs07:31
XfactHow is Aline Ariana ?07:31
mediaprodigymneptok: 2.5.31-14-generic #4807:31
iflemac_nick woops07:31
ian_i'm still very new with using ubuntu, and the only reason i've installed it so many times is because i've experimented with doing things with the terminal, so it's not because i'm annoyed or anything, i just like to try things different ways pretty much.  :)07:32
Xfactanybody please suggest me a good game to pass my boring times :)07:32
uncmarian_: cat /prroc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep "ging stat"07:32
iflemac_nick: its there but noi man pages07:32
uncmarian_: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep "ging stat"07:32
sumodunoi have 2 dvds and i want to create one iso file from it. what programs do u guys recommend?07:33
mneptokXfact: sudo apt-get install wesnoth-all07:33
ian_thanks, i'll try that.07:33
zambolii can't beat the computer in lagno07:33
c_nickXfact,  how about videogames07:33
c_nickyou have dosbox installed.. then just find the videogames online and start playing07:33
mediaprodigymneptok: thanks.. i hope it fixes it.. cheers07:33
Xfactc_nick: any cool game that plays on Ubuntu07:34
c_nicknice games like kungfu fighter etc07:34
mneptokmediaprodigy: np07:34
uncmarXfact: I tend to play soduko.07:34
iflemaXfact: age?07:34
iflemaXfact: theres a good fps07:34
XfactI am 13 but I've already player GTA san Andres  (so i think it doesn't matter) :)07:34
iflemaXfact nexuiz07:35
DaZurban terror <:07:35
uncmarian_: that will only display your charging status.  In otherwords whether you have a battery or not.07:35
Xfactiflema: it should not be kid game....07:35
iflemaXfact: its not07:35
mindstormif you like FPS games, nexuiz is nice07:35
Xfactthanks for suggestions :007:35
ian_it says charging state: discharging07:35
uncmarian_: charging state:     charging07:35
uncmarian_: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state07:36
afromanhello. I have screen tearing problem, especially when watching videos. I have ati radeon mobility hd 347007:36
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nomad77 /cl07:37
uncmarian_: do it again a few seconds later and see if the present voltage value decreases.07:37
jellowXfact try tremulous aswell or enermy trritory07:37
BlackCowso i updated from 9.04 to 9.10, it totally borked my install, when i try to boot it up it says something about a mountall errror terminated with status 12707:37
Xfactcurrently installing game 'wesnorth' I hope it'll be a cool game :)07:37
jellowXfact: enemy territory*07:37
BlackCowanyone else run into that problem? I searched forums and people just said to reformat07:37
Xfactjellow: thanks07:38
ian_yeah it did a little bit, actually it seems to be working fine right now, but i can suspend it and see if it causes the problem again.07:38
Xfactall games on count...I'll install all 1 by 107:38
afromananybody can help me with screen tearing?07:38
uncmarBlackCow: ouch, I would try to recover any data I could before a reformat.07:38
uncmarian_: um, if it says discharging, then the AC does not appear to be attached and you are running on battery.07:39
iflemaXfact: flight gear, billard, warsow, chromium... try chromium.07:39
BlackCowyeah, my important stuff is backed up on my other partition, im sure i could boot up on back track to make sure i have everything, i just dont think i can trust an upgrade anymore :-/07:39
Xfactyes, my I am also sick of 'screen tearing' can anybody tell me why it' happening and how to remove it?07:40
ian_yes i am, but it shows the battery icon right now like it should.  but whenever my computer wakes up after being suspended, it doesn't show the battery icon at all, and it shows the power source as ac under the power menu.07:40
sebsebsebBlackCow: 9.04  to 9.10 upgrades,  yes those are known to go bad.  upgrading useually is fine though07:40
iflemaXfact: you got 3d eabled?07:40
uncmarBlackCow: oh, well, I never have.  I had too many problems with Windows upgrades in the past.07:40
sebsebsebBlackCow: those Ext3 9.04 installs won't be converted to Ext4 on upgrade, and no Grub 2 either on upgrade07:41
Xfactiflema: I guess it's enabled in default, but how to check it weather it's enabled or not?07:41
Xfact*by default07:41
iflemaXfact: argh usually no. nvidia ati intel... what u got  4 graphics07:42
BlackCowis that the reason why, because i know my 9.04 install was on Ext3, does it screw up trying to go to Ext4?07:42
c_nickiflema, how to make a iso file from a folder07:42
c_nicki tried with man mkisofs gave error07:42
uncmarXfact: lspci | grep VGA07:42
Foghow come in compiz when I hold alt and scroll-wheel down it doens't decrease the window's opacity?07:42
XfactI use Nvidia Gforec 6100 nForec 405 graphic card with 256 Mb graphic ram...07:42
ian_and it also doesn't dim the display.07:43
iflemaXfact the sytem menu / administration / hardware drivers07:43
Xfactand I am also having latest driver for it07:43
iflemac_nick: whatd it say?07:43
c_nicke 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.07:43
Xfactiflema: yes the driver is already enabled....07:43
uncmarian_: lucky you.  I don't think I can suspend my laptop.07:43
sebsebsebBlackCow: no  it does not even try to upgrade to Ext407:43
iflemaXfact: tearing?07:43
sebsebsebBlackCow: it's other things why it didn't go well, but I am not sure what exactly07:44
Xfactiflema: should i change some settings on 'nvidia X server control panel'?07:44
Christoph_vWsarg (squid analysis report generator) is completely unusable in ubuntu 9.10 :/  can someone update it to version 2.2.6?07:44
iflemaXfact: hard to say..07:44
Xfactiflema: yes tearing sometimes with desktop (compiz) animations or with video playing...(mainly in fast movements)07:44
iflemac_nick: ill google how to mkisofs.. i forget07:45
c_nickmkisofs -o cd.iso cd_dir07:45
Xfactanybody can help...cause I think it's not a uncommon problem07:45
c_nickhere they are stating an option -R -r07:45
c_nicki am not able to understand what to chose and how to go about it..07:45
iflemac_nick: http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/mkisofs8.html07:46
ian_it's not really a big deal i guess, but thanks for helping me anyways.07:46
sebsebsebBlackCow: have a look at the release notes to find out about some of the 9.10 issues07:46
sebsebseb!9.10 | BlackCow07:46
ubottuBlackCow: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91007:46
uncmarian_: I use to could hibernate but it throws errors now. :(07:46
iflema Xfact: you have the power? cpu, ram etc....07:47
* uncmar installed conky and doesn't know how to use it.07:47
ian_see my solution to that would be a reinstall, but i'll probably end up damaging my disc drive eventually or something.  haha.07:47
BlackCowive got the partition mounted in backtrack right now, besides my home directory can i back up any gnome settings?07:47
uncmarian_: I didn't reinstall.  From fluxbuntu 7.10 to ubuntu 9.04.  it worked under 7.10 but not 9.0407:48
Xfactiflema: what kind of power, I have 2.01 GHz AMD atlon CPU with 1 GB DDR II ram and realtek HD sound card and that Nvidia card like other normal normal computers07:49
ian_oh okay, actually my sound didn't work with 9.04, but it works with 9.10.07:49
hRedBeardhi all07:49
hRedBeardAnyone see or know of an gnome app to manage multiple SSHFS mounts?07:50
hRedBeardeven KDE would be OK07:50
iflemaXfact: just checkn the fundamentals...07:50
Xfact: : : : : : : : :07:51
uncmarhibernate:warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found.07:51
uncmarSome modules failed to unload: nvidia07:51
uncmarhibernate: Aborting suspend due to errors in ModulesUnloadBlacklist07:51
c_nickiflema, so i go mkisofs -o mycd.iso /home/me/file will it work07:51
iflemaXfact: to make iso with alternate contents... if its the man its in the man07:52
Xfact[=============>:::::::::::::::::::::::] 60% complete07:52
Xfact 07:52
Xfactiflema: Actually I don't understand anything,,,, remember I am just 1307:53
Xfactwell thanks .... i would google about it...07:54
uncmarThat explains the gaming questions.07:54
paykoobhi all. what's the best software for edit MP3 tags?08:00
iflema paykoob: Ex Falso does just fine08:02
iflema paykoob: and all the media players/most08:03
paykoobiflema: thanks all08:05
militantwhat's the quickest little cmdline tool to convert a flac to an mp3?  i'm only gonna use it once on like a 3 second file08:05
Alan502paykoob, amarok has an auto mp3 tagger08:05
c_nickno luck08:06
crash21081militant:  ffmpeg -f file.flac file.mp3  Something like that.08:06
militantcrash21081, sweet thx08:06
crash21081I forget the flag.08:06
crash21081So you have to fix it yourself.08:06
Maletorshould i put ext4 on my flash drive?08:07
MASARUwotaif you dont want windows to be able to read it, YES08:07
c_nickiflema: help me08:08
MaletorF$CK msft as far as i'm concerned08:08
MASARUwotaMaletor: =)08:08
c_nickdamn thing does not work08:08
MASARUwotac_nick: whats happening?08:08
ubottuc_nick: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:08
c_nickcant create a usb bootable08:08
MASARUwotac_nick: ON ubuntu08:09
MaletorIt's pretty funny in Ubuntu I have to adjust for overscan but in Windows 7 I have underscan. Go figure.08:09
c_nickMASARUwota: i tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media08:10
MASARUwotac_nick: thats  for windows, to create an ubuntu bootable disk08:11
c_nickscroll down :)08:11
MASARUwotac_nick: or the second one? :p08:11
MASARUwotaLOL nvm :X08:11
MASARUwotac_nick: do you get errors or what?08:12
c_nickno errors08:12
MASARUwotac_nick: so, it works? :/08:12
c_nickit just does not boot from usb08:12
c_nicki saw in bootmenu everything etc08:12
MASARUwotac_nick: so you set the BIOS up right?08:13
c_nickduh yea08:13
MASARUwotac_nick: just checking ;)08:13
ugliefrog__whats the command to got to cli mode and then come back...hope that made since08:13
MASARUwotaugliefrog__: ctrl+alt+backspace, i think, is to kill X08:14
MASARUwotaugliefrog__: then just logout and log in to reset X, and you can use it again08:14
c_nickso can someone help me ?08:14
ugliefrog__MASARUwota, thanks ill give it a try08:14
MASARUwotac_nick: well, its the least busy time of the day. europeans are at work and americans are sleeping08:15
rzm61_How would you go about changing the boot order on a dual boot ubuntu box?08:15
MASARUwotarzm61_: what do you want to accomplish?08:15
rzm61_boot regular Ubuntu 9.10 first instead of Ubuntu Studio08:15
MASARUwotawhats with all the underscores in peoples name :/08:15
MASARUwotarzm61_: both show up in your GRUB?08:15
ugliefrog__MASARUwota, ive got a cli browsser and wanted to see how it performed in cli....curious08:16
rzm61_Yeah, with a ton of options as well. Is that normal?08:16
MASARUwotaugliefrog__: just open a terminal then :p08:16
MASARUwotarzm61_: you installed ubuntu studio LAST?08:16
ugliefrog__MASARUwota, lol...ive done that...wanted to see it in pure cli08:16
IlmaticHow do you mask your user info in these chat rooms?08:16
IlmaticI feel so exposed..08:17
MASARUwotarzm61_: yeah it probably is normal08:17
rzm61_Yes. Is that going to be a problem?08:17
rzm61_I figured08:17
MASARUwotaIlmatic: ask for a cloak in #freenode, i think08:17
ugliefrog__i know theres a way to go back in forth from x to cli just cant remeber the commands08:17
IlmaticWhat the heck is #freenode?08:17
faileasugliefrog__: easy way is control alternate f1 to f608:17
MASARUwotaIlmatic: the main channel of freenode irc :/08:17
MASARUwotamake snese doesnt it08:17
faileasugliefrog__:  ctrl alt f7 will bring you back to the x session you were on08:18
ugliefrog__faileas, thats it...ty08:18
MASARUwotarzm61_: edit your menu.lst file and just select and pull it under the other options08:18
acamiloHello, i have a mildly random question regarding ipv6. ping6 wont accept a link-local fe80 address unless i specify the interface. however, it will acccept ::1 . Is this because i have two interfaces both with link local addresses?08:19
rzm61_okay, and here is a colorful question....where would I find the menu.lst? Should I open it through the terminal?08:19
faileaser.. if its the latest, there's no menu.lst ;p08:19
nukerhey can i open iso to ext3 drive and install the grub and save changes to menu.lst its work for me i don't have dvd drive08:19
MASARUwotarzm61_: its an editable file, i suggest opening gedit as root: open a terminal and type: gksudo gedit08:19
MASARUwotadoes ubuntu studio use grub1 or grub2? :/08:20
IlmaticMasaru: do I just go in there and ask for one?08:20
rzm61_Alright, so far so good08:20
MASARUwotarzm61_: the file is probably /boot/grub/menu.lst08:20
MASARUwotaIlmatic: thats what i did =)08:20
rzm61_Alright, let me take a look08:21
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MASARUwotarzm61_: PLEASE back it up first D:08:21
rzm61_as in save it?08:21
MASARUwotarzm61_: yeah, just save it next to it like menu.lst.backup or something08:21
rzm61_before i make changes of course08:21
MASARUwotayeah :p08:21
faileasrzm61_: under another name. if bad things happen you can change it back with a livecd08:21
rzm61_this is going to be fun08:22
rzm61_I love dicking around with Ubuntu08:22
MASARUwotarzm61_: =)08:22
kamiro87Hello, I'm having some trouble with the latest version of ubuntu and a nvidia GeForce 6600 graphics card. i get a siaplay full of random collored blocks.08:22
rzm61_by the way I'm brand new to all of this08:22
IlmaticHey how do I talk on that channel?08:22
IlmaticKeeps on telling me to register with services08:23
MASARUwotaIlmatic: REGISTER first then08:23
IlmaticBut how08:23
IlmaticWhat commands I mean.08:23
MASARUwotaIlmatic, youre probably using xchat or something, so go to your server tab08:23
MASARUwotaIlmatic: type /msg nickserv REGISTER08:24
nukeri want to install backtrac but i don't have dvd drive :(08:24
MASARUwotaitll giev you an explanation of what to type, i think08:24
MASARUwotanuker: ask #linux08:24
MASARUwotaalso, backtrack is for wannabe CRACKZORZ08:24
ubottunuker: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o08:24
MASARUwotawrong one08:25
ubottunuker: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy08:25
MASARUwotathats what i wanted to trigger =)08:25
crash2108Does anyone here know about GPSD?08:25
faileasnuker: not really on topic but you can get it running using unetbootin- which runs on ubuntu. however, i think anyone who wants to learn the internals of a computer would know that ;)08:26
IlmaticHey masar08:26
Ilmaticit says I'm not logged in08:26
Ilmaticwhat the heck..08:26
nukerok :)08:26
faileasMASARUwota: well, its meant for forensics, which is not as sexy as tv makes it look ;p08:26
MASARUwotafaileas: :/ "forensics"08:27
MASARUwotaIlmatic: let me google08:27
ugliefro1i love ubuntu...it reminds me of the good old days of dos08:27
MASARUwotaIlmatic: /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>08:27
domino14i'm watching a movie on vlc and it just keeps hiccuping, the audio skips and the video gets jagged, and my cpu load is at ~7% for each of the two cores, only 31% memory usage of 2 GB, nothing crazy running, what could be going on?08:27
c_nickdos rocked..08:27
ugliefro1cant believe im excited about runnung things in cli08:27
nukerthanks guys bye08:27
faileasMASARUwota: i do mean actually forensics and incident response08:27
Ilmaticerr..does it have to be legit?08:27
MASARUwotadomino14: vlc uses build-in codecs, it is known for acting weird. lol08:27
faileaswhich is utterly dry ;p08:28
c_nickIt used to make me feel like a god amongst all my coll girl friends.. even though all i was doing was cls cd folder go in and in and in ;)08:28
MASARUwotaIlmatic: yeah08:28
ugliefro1wow u can build a really low end machine using just cli08:28
w3llyi do have a question. which week number do we have?08:28
MASARUwotaIlmatic: you need to check it08:28
MASARUwotaw3lly: offtopic. lol08:28
MASARUwotaw3lly: also, week 1 i think08:28
faileaswhat's the name of that package you need on a livecd to make it installable?08:29
c_nickfaileas: u just click on it on desktop08:29
faileasc_nick: i'm trying to make my own. not sure if remastersys supplies it08:29
MASARUwotaoh whow, i love having to use internet explorer at work, it just crashed out of a sudden, i wasnt even using it for 5 minutes :/08:29
Gumbyhi all.  I am trying to run something and is coming back with a perl error telling me it cant find SI/Parse.pm  anyone know what package this might be in?08:29
IlmaticWait, so is it asking me for the email and password I use to log in on ubuntu forums?08:30
faileasMASARUwota: eheh. which one? 6?08:30
c_nickMASARUwota: on this site http://www.webupd8.org/2009/04/4-ways-to-create-bootable-live-usb.html i am following option 3.. Cmd Line now tell me do i have to rename the isolinux with syslinux08:30
MASARUwotafaileas: 7 actually08:30
xiaomaii've mounted an nfs partition rw, but when i attempt to write to that partition (as root), i get permission denied errors.  how can that be?08:30
c_nickxiaomai: try with sudo08:30
faileasMASARUwota: ahh. that's what i have in my windows boxen. never use it tho ;p08:30
MASARUwotafaileas: you should be really happy :X its a pain in the ass08:31
faileasMASARUwota: small company. i use EVERY single incident to move my users towards... more sensible options08:31
c_nicki need someone to help me08:31
MASARUwotafaileas: people like you help make this world a better place =)08:31
faileasMASARUwota: oh, if only i could move them to linux ;p08:32
DryGrain!ask | c_nick08:32
ubottuc_nick: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:32
MASARUwotafaileas: lol08:32
kinja-sheepfaileas: No wonder why your small company remains small. :-)08:32
faileasc_nick: any particular reason you're using the cli? also that method ONLY withs with a img - an image08:32
faileaskinja-sheep: er.. family business, and very specialised08:33
c_nickbut all i want to know is .. in the cd there is isolinux .. but it said on ubuntu forum that isolinux has to be replace with syslinux08:33
faileasc_nick: and that won't work with an iso. syslinux and isolinux are not the same08:33
c_nickdo i have to do that08:33
faileasc_nick: yes. syslinux is for usb. isolinux is for isos08:33
TniffocOff topic but I love how I just owned Antivirus live on my friend's comp. Professional help didn't get it but I beat it in 10 mins with only 1 CD. A live CD for Ubunut08:34
MASARUwotaTniffoc: =)08:34
faileaskinja-sheep: we pretty much are consultants - we hire who we need, when we need em, and work anywhere we are needed. so we have very few permanant staff08:35
MASARUwotafaileas: got any job openings?08:35
faileaskinja-sheep: 2 engineers, a tech, a PA, and a small dog08:35
FragsworthOk hulu stopped working, ubuntu 9.10... apparently I need a new flash08:35
Fragsworthhow do I install it?08:35
MASARUwotafaileas: just kidding :p08:35
TniffocMASARUwota: He almost formatted his drive, then I was like... WTF? Just go in to linux, it will ignore the drive's security... Delete the virus files, then go into windows and restore your reg values... WIN08:35
faileasMASARUwota: well, the small dog often skips work... so there might be a vacancy... but i doubt you fit08:35
kinja-sheepfaileas: o.O08:35
MASARUwotaFragsworth: go to the adobe flash download page and get the ubuntu .deb package08:35
FragsworthMASARUwota: It is telling me bad platform; i38608:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:36
faileasTniffoc: i'd also have tried an AV livecd08:36
TniffocHOLY !@#$08:36
MASARUwotafaileas: im dutch so i doubt i will be able to travel that far :p08:36
zirodayTniffoc: please don't swear :) (yes asterisking it out still counts)08:36
Tniffocziroday: oh come on. this is in fact the internet...08:37
FragsworthWhen I try to install the .deb for the new flash player I get this error: "Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'"08:37
MASARUwotaFragsworth: :/ get the correct package for your system then08:37
TniffocFragsworth: Make sure to download the ubuntu one and not the windows one08:37
zirodayFragsworth: are you currently using 32 or 64bit version of ubunut?08:37
dtownheroFragsworth: you need the 64bit version08:37
MASARUwotaTniffoc: its a .deb, it cant be for windows08:37
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:38
FragsworthI don't see that one available on Adobe's website...08:38
dtownheroFragsworth: if you're using 9.10 you can grab it in add/remove software and search for flash08:38
TniffocMASARUwota: Oh. Sorry. I just came back from a 4 year break of having a life08:38
OerHeksuse the flashplugin-installer in synaptic, it will install flash 10.0 r4208:38
Fragsworthdtownhero: I'll try that right now08:38
MASARUwotaFragsworth: what version of ubuntu are you running?08:38
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:38
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!08:38
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash08:38
BlackCowi was going to say, use the installer for flash in synaptic, i had the same issues on my 64 bit machine08:39
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:39
BlackCowwhy is floodbot flooding the server lol08:39
mneptokthe Flash plugin provided by the repos is the i386 version, which also installs nspluginwrapper08:39
Fragsworthdtownhero: that worked, thanks08:40
alyssumhow does ubuntu (8.04) handle the TTL of ping packets?  does it ever set it to a value different than 64?08:41
BlackCowits not the flash plugin you want out of the repo, its the flashplugin-installer that does the trick08:41
mneptoknative x86_64 Flash is not yet out of beta. it has to be installed manually.08:41
dtownheroFragsworth: np08:41
Fragsworthdtownhero: actually, it's only partially working. It seems buggy now, I can't click on things inside of the flash player08:42
mneptokBlackCow: flashplugin-installer installs the i386 version, even on 64-bit systems08:42
OerHeksmneptok not true08:42
kinja-sheepmneptok: True.08:43
alyssumalso how can i check the *pong* packets that an ubuntu server is sending out?  is there any easy to use network traffic tool for this?08:43
dtownheroFragsworth: did you get the adobe version?08:44
Fragsworthdtownhero: Yes08:44
dtownherohmm did you restart the browser?08:44
mneptokOerHeks: most certainly true08:44
FragsworthI can't make hulu videos fullscreen anymore in firefox08:44
FragsworthI can't change volume, or do a number of things anymore08:44
dtownherohmm I dunno I've never had that happen08:45
FragsworthI can click on these new buttons... "next video" and "continuous play"08:45
Fragsworthbut not on the normal stuff08:45
=== fen[zZzZ] is now known as fengor
dtownherooh hulu does bug out on me kinda sometimes08:45
mneptokFragsworth: go to "about:plugins" in Firefox08:45
OerHeksflash installer installed ( it's 64 bit ) and the 32 bit version is beyond 10.108:45
tayhehi everyone , my virtualbox cant catch my microphone, how can i fix this ?08:45
Fragsworthmneptok: Ok08:45
mneptokOerHeks: The following NEW packages will be installed:   flashplugin-installer nspluginwrapper08:46
mneptokOerHeks: if the plugin ewas native, i wouldn;t need nspluginwrapper08:46
mneptokFragsworth: is the Adobe plugin the only Flash handler? no GNASH?08:46
Fragsworthmneptok: No GNASH.08:47
IlmaticHey, how do I get a cloak?08:47
mneptokFragsworth: great08:47
ardchoilleIlmatic: try #freenode08:47
mneptokFragsworth: download this  - http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
macoIlmatic: ubuntu members are granted cloaks. otherwise, donating to freenode does it08:47
=== morpheus is now known as morpheus_
morpheus_ hi all08:47
Ilmaticdo I just go in the channel and ask for one?08:47
maverick_my dns keeps changing automatically in resolv.conf after restart even if i try to change it manually :(08:47
ardchoilleIlmatic: you can get a cloak without donating simply by asking a freenode staffer08:48
mneptokFragsworth: tell me when you have it.08:48
tayhehi everyone , my virtualbox cant catch my microphone, how can i fix this ? any suggestion?08:48
scyxhi, does anyone know how i can start programs after connecting to a wlan successfully?08:48
Fragsworthmneptok: I got it08:48
Gumbydoes anyone know where I might find theperl module to solve this problem "Can't locate SI/Parse.pm in @INC"08:48
Fragsworthmneptok: What do I do with the .so file?08:48
mneptokFragsworth: close Firefox. open a terminal and paste "sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer nspluginwrapper"08:49
mneptokFragsworth: (no quotes)08:49
Fragsworthmneptok: done08:49
mneptokFragsworth: when that's done, restart Firefox and check about:plugins08:50
morpheus_after compiling core nvidia drivers not installing, log: http://pastebin.com/d59acea2e08:50
mneptokFragsworth: make sure Flash is gone08:50
IlmaticDo staff members ignore people purposely or is it just me?08:50
Fragsworthmneptok: I have another flash08:50
maverick_my dns keeps changing automatically in resolv.conf after restart even if i try to change it manually :(..i have uninstalled network manager too..any ideas?08:50
IlmaticNo one has responded yet.08:50
mneptokFragsworth: where did it come from?08:50
Fragsworthmneptok: Shockwave Flash 10.0 d2008:50
mneptokFragsworth: did you install a .deb from Adobe?08:51
FragsworthI may have done that08:51
morpheus_help plz, after compiling core nvidia drivers not installing, log: http://pastebin.com/d59acea2e08:51
mneptokFragsworth: open your home directory08:52
Fragsworthmneptok: ok08:52
mneptokFragsworth: hot ctl-h to show hidden files. open ".mozilla/plugins"08:52
mneptokFragsworth: what's in there?08:52
Fragsworth.mozilla does not contain a plugins folder/file08:53
smokeyi installed ubuntu linux on the my pc and i create an unrealirc with it08:53
Fragsworththere is .mozilla/extensions and .mozilla/firefox08:53
mneptokFragsworth: then whatever plugin you have is installed globally08:53
scyxhi, does anyone know how i can start programs after connecting to a wlan successfully?08:53
mneptokFragsworth: try "grep ash ~/,bash_history"08:54
mneptokFragsworth: got a line there containing "dpkg -i" ?08:54
nizuaso I ran "apt-get upgrade" on jaunty and now wireless networking is hosed08:54
mneptokFragsworth: try "grep ash ~/.bash_history"08:54
mneptokFragsworth: sorry, typo08:54
Fragsworthmneptok: history isn't long enough08:54
maverick_if i try to start wicd, i get this error: Could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface.  Check the wicd log for error messages. any ideas?08:55
Fragsworthmneptok: I think I can try to take it from here08:55
mneptokFragsworth: well, you have a package installed and i don;t know its name.08:55
mneptokFragsworth: so i can;t help you uninstall it08:55
morpheus_help plz, after compiling core nvidia drivers not installing, log: http://pastebin.com/d59acea2e08:55
smokey[11:01:08] <smokey> i installed ubuntu linux on the my pc and i create an unrealirc with it08:55
ardchoilleFragsworth: try "gedit ~/.bash_history" and then control+f and search for flash08:55
Fragsworthmneptok: thanks for your help08:55
nizuathen I downloaded the alternate cd which upgrades without the internet from what I read yet it keeps trying to connect to the internet.08:55
mneptokFragsworth: the shared object file for the 64-bit Flash beat goes in ~/.mozilla/plugins08:55
ubottumobal: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:56
kinja-sheepmneptok: Thanks for the updated link. My libflashplayer.so is now at Shockwave Flash 10.0 r42 instead of 10.0 r3208:56
mobalneed some help. ubuntu server 9.10. i got an error when wants to try logwatch. "sudo logwatch" Can not open HTML Header at /usr/share... no such file or directory08:57
mneptokkinja-sheep: rawk08:57
MASARUwotamobal: you need a file in there08:57
Sachowhy does free show 99% of memory used, but when I run top I can add up the memory usage to about 10%?08:58
mneptokSacho: http://linuxatemyram.com08:58
nizuaso anywyay, to rephrase my question is: is there a way to upgrade from jaunty to karmic without becoming a homosexual?08:58
Fragsworthmneptok: is there a global mozilla plugin folder?08:58
Sachoah I see08:59
Sachowell it seems my pc is having lag spikes, and I can't really determine why, since cpu/mem usage are low-ish09:00
mneptokFragsworth: try /usr/share/mozilla09:00
maverick_my dns keeps changing automatically in resolv.conf after restart even if i try to change it manually :(09:00
ardchoillemneptok: I wonder if he's got anything in  /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer09:00
Ilmaticwhat the heckkkkkk09:00
mneptokardchoille: no idea. i'm using 64-bit Ubuntu and the native plugin beta.09:01
ardchoillemaverick_: I had that problem too, turned out it was due to the cheapie router I'm using09:01
FluxDIs it possible to select certain packages to install from group packages like build-essential and ubuntu-desktop ?09:01
mobalnow it says: Can not open HTML footer at /usr/share... logwatch too. But thanks for the help yes i now created header.html09:01
maverick_ardchollie: my system was fine until i screwed around with the settings, some piece of software is doing it, i dont think the hardware is responsible09:02
Fragsworthmneptok: I have a libflashplayer.so in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins09:02
Fragsworthmneptok: Is it safe to delete this?09:02
ardchoillemaverick_: Ah, ok09:02
mneptokFragsworth: yessah09:02
maverick_ardchollie: i cant even get wicd to run :(09:02
tayhecan you use microphone in virtualbox ?09:02
kinja-sheepmaverick_: You could make the file read-only. Just a thought.09:02
maverick_kinja-sheep: tried that too, no avail09:03
MASARUwotatayhe: #vbox09:03
ardchoillekinja-sheep: didn't work for me, root could still edit it, I had to chattr +i mine09:03
Ilmaticwhat the heck09:03
tayheMASARUwota: thanks09:03
Ilmaticthere are no staff members online currently?09:03
kinja-sheepmaverick_: Here you go. Use ardchoille's advice. Make it immutable!09:03
Ilmatici want a frikkin cloakkkk09:03
MASARUwotaIlmatic: wait then :/09:04
macoIlmatic: whinging here won't help09:04
Ilmatici know but..09:04
Ilmaticthere's not much else I can do..09:04
ubottuIlmatic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:04
MASARUwotaIlmatic: you can whine on #freenode ;)09:04
maverick_kinja-sheep: the thing is i cant get any network config tool to run properly09:04
iflematayhe: what you running in vbox....sorry... but first make sure mic is not muted on virtmach09:05
morpheus_help plz, after compiling core nvidia drivers not installing, log: http://pastebin.com/d59acea2e09:05
DryGraini am very very frustrated and require assistance with compiling JasPer from source.09:06
tayheiflema: i'm sure that mic is chosed and not muted in host and guest09:06
FluxDIs it possible to select certain packages to install from group packages like build-essential and ubuntu-desktop ?09:06
icerootFluxD: that are meta-packages09:06
MASARUwotamorpheus_: the logs look good :/09:06
DryGrainhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=271188 <- i am using this for instructions, but when I run ./configure i get all sorts of errors09:06
icerootFluxD: they just install many other packages09:06
FluxDiceroot, I wish to install ubuntu-desktop without open-ffice09:07
kinja-sheepFluxD: By installing all certain packages instead of using ubuntu-desktop.09:07
MASARUwotaFluxD: yeah, just install the packages themselves instead of the metapackage09:07
morpheus_MASARUwota lol yes:)09:07
FluxDMASARUwota, kinja-sheep iceroot too many packages in the lsit :(09:07
icerootFluxD: then you have to install all packages the meta-package is installing without openoffice09:07
MASARUwotaFluxD: what do you want to install then?09:07
kinja-sheepFluxD: c0py 4nD p4st309:07
icerootFluxD: or install ubuntu-desktop and remove open-office09:07
iflematayhe: what os is running virtually09:07
FluxDMASARUwota, kinja-sheep iceroot I have space issues 4 gb / and 3.1 already full09:08
icerootFluxD: i give you a list, instead of using purge use install without openoffice09:09
iceroot!purekde | FluxD09:10
ubottuFluxD: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »09:10
MASARUwotaFluxD: what packages DO you want then?09:10
icerootFluxD: there are all packages ubuntu-desktop is installing09:10
DryGrainWhat is my 'BUILD' type, as far as ./configure is concerned?09:10
faileas... oh sweet. the livecd version of my ubuntu remix is 200+ mb only09:10
user___is anyone else having problems with services not starting recently? e.g. my cups server cant be started09:10
FluxDiceroot, MASARUwota openoffice is a big chunk so I think rest can be installed and thanks iceroot09:10
luckymuraliHi how to add a windows based network printer to ubuntu???09:11
MASARUwotaluckymurali: CUPS09:12
luckymuralii added it09:12
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:12
luckymuralibut still not working09:12
DarkS7arhi all09:12
user___MASARUwota, my cups has recently stopped running, ive heard others are experiencing this too09:13
MASARUwotauser___: search on the forums and launchpad09:13
DryGraindrygrain@bluebook:~/jasper-1.900.1$ sudo make install09:15
DryGrainMaking install in src09:15
DryGrainmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/drygrain/jasper-1.900.1/src'09:15
DryGrainmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.09:15
DryGrainmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/drygrain/jasper-1.900.1/src'09:15
FloodBot3DryGrain: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
DryGrainmake: *** [install-recursive] Error 109:15
alyssummy understanding is the default TTL on ping packets to an Ubuntu system is set to 64.  is there any reason why ubuntu may set the TTL of ping packets to 128?09:15
DryGrainoh  lovely, i crtainly appreciate all the help i recieved befor i flooded09:15
Wunderkindcan anyone understand this crap from my log- kernel ACPI: I/O resource 0000:00:1[0x18c0 - 0x18df] conflicts with ACPI region SMBI [0x18c0 - 0x18cf]09:15
error_nameHELLO! can i find a little help here?09:15
DryGraini suppose i'll just dick around until it works or breaks09:15
Wunderkindand most importantly how do i fix it?09:16
DryGrainprobably not error_name09:16
error_nameso sad09:16
error_namei have a strange problem09:16
error_namethat im not sure if i can even explain it exactly09:17
faileaserror_name: if you can't explain, how would we know?09:17
kinja-sheepOyoz: Application --> Accessories --> CD/DVD Creator.09:17
=== Extreme is now known as ExtremePC
Wunderkindtell us what you see09:17
raven_FFMPEG: how to add two wave-files (l.wav r.wav) to a video as stereo?09:17
Wunderkindor don't see09:17
kinja-sheepOyoz: Applications --> Sound & Video --> Brasero.09:17
error_namefaileas: i can try but dont know how exact would it be09:18
ExtremePCGood morning guys09:18
error_namewell its resolution bug09:18
kinja-sheeperror_name: The only bug is that you can't commit to your 2010 resolutions. :-\09:19
c_nickhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media subtopic>"Creating bootable USB manually" here it said do syslinux -s /dev/sdxx then you get a bootable USB.. it should boot and give a boot prompt.. but it just gives boot error09:19
kinja-sheep!fixres | error_name (need more details).09:19
ubottuerror_name (need more details).: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:19
DryGraingood gravy09:19
DryGrain!make | DryGrain09:19
ubottuDryGrain, please see my private message09:19
iflema c_nick: do you have more usb dives?09:19
IlmaticHey people, am I cloaked?09:20
DryGrain!compile | DryGrain09:20
error_namei have notebook with 15,6" monitor which native reoslution is 1366x768. but when i try to start smth on full screen and its resolution isnt set to 1366x768,my screen is being split into 6 similar to each other screens09:20
c_nickwhy ?09:20
DryGrainhelp me bot09:20
* DryGrain kicks ubottu 09:20
kinja-sheepIlmatic: You're not.09:20
iflemac_nick: im assuming youve tryed another.09:20
IlmaticWhat the heck, that freenode staff said I was.09:20
IlmaticDamn it..09:20
c_nickI already have another bootable... one..which someone else made09:20
kinja-sheepIlmatic: Sign out and sign in.09:21
iflemawipe it... oooh. keen09:21
ExtremePCEvery time I power up my ubuntu 9.19 machine I get an Error telling me ("cannot start ICEauthority")09:21
c_nickiflema: its not like that.. just try to think this way..09:21
c_nick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media subtopic>"Creating bootable USB manually" here it said do syslinux -s /dev/sdxx then you get a bootable USB.. it should boot and give a boot prompt.. but it just gives boot error09:21
ardchoilleExtremePC: you mean 9.10 ?09:22
iflemac_nick the graphical app built in to ubuntu s recent versions does the job...09:22
ExtremePCardchoille: yes ;)09:22
stillmaticwhat the heck09:22
iflemac_nick: if after a reformat and a reimage it still no work.... argh... try another09:22
error_namei have notebook with 15,6" monitor which native reoslution is 1366x768. but when i try to start smth on full screen and its resolution isnt set to 1366x768,my screen is being split into 6 similar to each other screens09:23
c_nickwhic one .. in System "make StartUp Disk"09:23
error_namecan u help09:23
DryGrainwow nifty09:23
kinja-sheepstillmatic: Use the account you registered. Not random nicknames. Registration help available in #freenode09:23
DryGrainim so glad #ubuntu is so dependent on Synaptic now that no one can assist me with compiling a program from source09:24
DryGrainsomeone please put jasper into a package on the repositories and i'll shut up09:24
iflemac_nick: system/administraton/usb strtup dsk creator09:24
DryGrainuntil then i'm going to break my 'make' command09:24
c_nickok will also give it a shoy09:24
ExtremePCardchoille: howto solve that?09:24
ardchoilleExtremePC: I don't know09:25
iflemac_nick also?09:25
gvandeweyerhi, i have a question regarding xscreensaver. I've installed all and all seem to work fine. There is however something called 'dna logo' screensaver that's disabled. What's this and how can it be enabled?09:25
IlmaticHey is my user info still visible?09:25
iflemac_nick: again..09:25
MASARUwotagvandeweyer: some screensavers arent installed by default09:25
gvandeweyerI only found one mention on the interwebz, but nothing on how to install it (or which package they are in)09:25
c_nickyes iflema cause initially when i did that.. it worked but during installation to just went off09:25
c_nickgot an error09:25
roraclehey guys, i have a problem with my sound.  i don't know what the model is, first off.  second, it doesn't work at all09:25
c_nickwill try again09:25
IlmaticAm I not cloaked yet?09:26
roracleit's a dell optiplex 330, it's at my workplace and my boss wanted to check out ubuntu09:26
ExtremePCardchoille: and can you know what kind of problem I am dealing with?09:26
shelbyIs there some traffic compression software available?09:26
morpheus_can i delete sources of kernel after compiling?09:26
ardchoilleExtremePC: no09:26
MASARUwotagvandeweyer: try installing the  extra packages: xscreensaver-gl-extra & xscreensaver-data-extra09:26
MASARUwotagvandeweyer: also, are you dutch by any chance? :)09:27
grindeycan someone help me to add Universe and Multiverse repository so i can download software09:28
MASARUwotagrindey: go to synaptic preferences09:28
zirodaygrindey: sure! Go to System > Administration > Software Sources09:28
grindeyand then09:28
morpheus_can i delete sources of kernel after compiling?09:28
zirodaygrindey: and tick the universe and multiverse check boxes09:28
MASARUwotamorpheus_: if you have verified that it worked, sure09:29
gvandeweyerMASARUwota: Vlaams :-)09:29
gvandeweyerMASARUwota: I have those packages09:29
MASARUwotagvandeweyer: allee manneke09:29
zirodaygrindey: sorry they are called "Community-maintained Open Source software" and "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues"09:29
grindeythey are all ticked except source code. i have also selected main server.09:29
zirodaygrindey: okay, then those servers should be enabled09:29
grindeyi wanted to download NVU webpage editor09:30
zirodaygrindey: could you please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list09:30
morpheus_MASARUwota it's work, but nvidia drivers cant be installed. on old kernel all is OK09:30
error_namehello i have notebook with 15,6" monitor which native reoslution is 1366x768. but when i try to start smth on full screen and its resolution isnt set to 1366x768,my screen is being split into 6 similar to each other screens. can u help09:30
gvandeweyerMASARUwota: you also then :-) , anyway DNA logo is the only one in the list from xscreensaver-demo that's grayed out09:30
grindeyi am totally new to linux, what is pastebin ?09:30
zirodaygrindey: I don't see any programs by the name of nvu in the repository...09:30
MASARUwotagvandeweyer: i see, let me google09:30
kinja-sheep!pastebin | grindey09:31
ubottugrindey: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:31
morpheus_MASARUwota i think nvidia can't be installed, because sources was deleted09:31
zirodaygrindey: ignore what I asked you to pastebin, as far as I can tell NVU is not in the repositories09:31
BUSTACAPlike windows and using 32bit vs 64bit, in linux, do you have to use 64bit to use all 4gb of ram?09:31
raven_which is able to work with surround-files (ac3, wav 6 chan, ...)?09:31
grindeyme too. I did read on a website that i can type sudo apt-get install nvu, then it said i must have these multiverse and universe things activated09:31
grindeyok ok...09:32
zirodaygrindey: which website?09:32
grindeylet me check again09:32
raven_which tool is able to work with surround-files (ac3, wav 6 chan, ...)?09:32
MASARUwotagrindey: get kompozer. its an improved version of NVU with bugfixes09:32
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:32
grindeyup top it says i must have these things activated09:32
MASARUwotagrindey: get the ''kompozer" package09:32
kinja-sheepIlmatic: Yes.09:32
IlmaticYes what?09:33
kinja-sheepIlmatic: Yes, you're cloaked.09:33
scyxis there a way to start a script after successfully connecting to a wireless internet connection?09:33
BUSTACAPdo i have to use 64bit ubuntu to use 4gb of ram?09:33
grindeyokay i'll give that a go09:33
zirodaygrindey: those commands are old and dangerous, I wouldn't follow them09:33
Ilmaticthank you for noticing kinja09:33
zirodayBUSTACAP: that or the PAE kernel09:33
grindeyi see09:33
BUSTACAPziroday: would using 64bit perform better anyway? or would you recommend using PAE kernel?09:34
grindeyi'll try to get this komposer package09:34
zirodayBUSTACAP: I would recommend the 64bit, it has better performance then the PAE kernel09:34
BUSTACAPziroday: thank you09:34
zirodayBUSTACAP: here are some benchmarks if you are interested http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=109:34
IlmaticHey how often do people get hacked on here?09:34
zirodayIlmatic: hacked?09:35
BUSTACAPziroday: thanks, very helpful09:35
IlmaticErr..did I say it wrong?09:35
ugliefrog__hopefully never09:35
zirodayBUSTACAP: have fun09:35
grindeykompozer looks exactly like Nvu09:36
BUSTACAPziroday: always with ubuntu :P09:36
grindeyi'll give it a go09:36
zirodaygrindey: it is :)09:36
grindeythanks a lot for helping me out09:36
MASARUwotagrindey: its a fork which is being developed (NVU pretty much died)09:36
kinja-sheepgrindey: The link you posted earlier was in 2005 -- Very old. :)09:36
zirodaygrindey: no problem, have fun09:36
ardchoilleIlmatic: I have been using IRC for years and have never heard any case of it09:36
IlmaticYou have no idea how relieved I am.09:37
ardchoilleIlmatic: If you're not running any world-facing servers, you don't have to worry about it too much with Ubuntu09:37
raven_which tool is able to work with surround-files (ac3, wav 6 chan, ...)?09:37
CAiRO__where can i get kernel backports for hardy? i need a kernel >= 2.6.27 for my mainboard sensors to work09:38
nickapaloozaraven_: you mean to play them?09:38
IlmaticSome guy I was talking to earlier said he was hacked by someone scoping out IPs.09:38
IlmaticPlaced a root kit or so in his box.09:38
scyxis it even possible to start a script after connecting to a wireless internet connection? or do i have to manually write a script for it that detects the connection?09:38
raven_nickapalooza, no to process it or to mix own surround sounds09:38
ardchoilleIlmatic: Just remember, computer security is a process, not a product09:38
MASARUwotascyx: not possible with network-manager, afaik09:38
nickapaloozaraven_: editing...yeah i wouldn't know09:39
IlmaticI'll keep that in mind when I buy Norton.09:39
zirodayscyx: putting a script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ might do it, not sure09:39
nickapaloozascyx: i wouldn't know09:39
FloodBot3Ilmatic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:39
zirodayardchoille: you've got it wrong. It's "security is a journey, not a destination"09:40
scyxziroday: afaik those are executed when the device powers up, so it probably isn't connected at that point09:40
kinja-sheepIlmatic: Temporarily because you were flooding.09:40
ardchoilleIlmatic: you submitted too many lines of text too close together09:40
IlmaticDamn..I didn't know it was like that on irc.09:41
ardchoilleziroday: hmm.. I heard that somewhere :)09:41
ubottuanand_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:41
Ilmaticthat's crazyy..09:41
zirodayscyx: I was under the impression the scripts were run as soon as a network connection was established, feel free to try it out09:41
ubottuIlmatic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:41
militanthmmm this is odd.  when i copy or paste, my mouse cursor freezes for like a second.  right about a second.09:43
IlmaticHey guys, what do I download to make my desktop really flashy?09:43
ardchoilleIlmatic: Spend some time at http://www.gnome-look.org09:44
MASARUwotaIlmatic: get a mac. :/09:44
IlmaticI have one.09:44
mobalneed some help about Transmission Web Interface09:44
IlmaticI'm just experimenting with ubuntu09:44
MASARUwotamobal: yes?09:44
mobali can connect but 409: Conflict09:45
MASARUwotaIlmatic: a linux user that cares about it being flashy inst a true one09:45
mobaland thanks for the Logwatch help. now works fine :)09:45
ubottujani_87: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:46
IlmaticWell I mean, I really don't care for it to be flashy or not. I just wanna try out that little cube thingy I saw on youtube.09:46
jani_87Im trying to capture something wireless #data, but I cant? I get very low amount of data - weird.09:46
MASARUwotaIlamtic: turn on desktop effects in gnome09:46
ardchoilleIlmatic: That would be compiz09:46
jani_87It has been running for 13 minutes, I have 10 #data09:46
MASARUwotaIlmatic: desktop effects in gnome, that runs compiz09:46
zirodayIlmatic: to configure compiz (for the cube) install compizconfig-settings-manager package09:46
kinja-sheep!cube | Ilmatic09:47
ubottuIlmatic: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubottu compiz » and « /msg ubottu effects »09:47
Ilmaticsudo install compizconfig-settings manager package?09:47
bradanyone familiar with setting up Wolf:ET? I get this error with 2.55: "The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.1"09:47
jani_87Im trying to capture something wireless #data, but I cant? I get very low amount of data - weird.09:47
kinja-sheepIlmatic: "sudo aptitude install packageName"09:48
jani_87Im trying to capture something wireless #data, but I cant? I get very low amount of data - weird.09:49
kinja-sheepIlmatic: http://tinyurl.com/yzgzd7h -- Learn a little about aptitude09:49
ubottuIlmatic: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)09:49
=== darkdelusions_ is now known as darkdelusions
IlmaticOh mann...all these commands look so complicated..09:50
IlmaticIt's a wonder how anyone can be fluent with linux.09:50
djemHi, I'm having some strange problem on my unr installation. The network shows all connected. both Wifi and wired seams to work fine, got the right IP form DHCP and all, but no internett. Any Ideas?09:51
ardchoilleIlmatic: It gets easier the more you use it09:51
MASARUwotaIlmatic: its better then clicking everything CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK09:51
IlmaticYou must admit though, clicking is a much easier method.09:51
IlmaticNo memorization involved.09:51
IlmaticJust using your eyes.09:52
MASARUwotaIlmatic: for beginners, yes. commands and shortcuts are wayyyyy quicker and easier once you get the hang of it.09:52
jani_87anyone help me ? i can't get any data with wlan09:52
MASARUwotaIlmatic: you can use your eyes to read manuals, right?09:52
jani_87i got 30 data, it has been running for 19 min09:52
IlmaticSo with terminal, you can do essentially EVERYTHING?09:52
ardchoilleIlmatic: I felt that way 8 years ago too, now I'd die without my terminal09:52
gvandeweyerardchoille: second that09:53
SlartIlmatic: well... image editing is hard...09:53
star3am<ardchoille> for real09:53
MASARUwotaardchoille: thirthing =)09:53
SlartIlmatic: but ordinary admin stuff.. yes09:53
IlmaticOh whattt..09:53
Ilmaticthat's crazy09:53
IlmaticI thought terminal was just for commands09:53
ardchoilleIlmatic: all apps *are* commands09:53
MASARUwotaIlmatic: it is, the commands are the core of linux, graphical tools are just frontends09:53
star3am<Ilmatic> try links -g even browse images of websites in terminal :D09:54
Ilmatic-g myspace.com?09:54
Ilmaticlike that?09:54
MASARUwotaIlmatic: im chatting in a terminal atm =)09:54
alabdHello , what are differences between apt-get upgarde and apt-get dist-upgarde  ?09:54
nmvictorhow do i get the kannel sources in ubuntu, i did sudo apt-get source kannel and i got"Cant get source for package kannel", am i supposed  to add something to source.list/09:54
Ilmaticthat's crazy09:54
MASARUwotaalabd: dist-upgrade upgrades to the newest version of linux09:55
MASARUwotaalabd: upgrade just gets the newest packages for the current version09:55
MASARUwota*ubuntu GNU/Linux09:55
Slartalabd: dist-upgrade upgrades more stuff.. things that might require you to reboot.. install or remove other packages and so on... at least I think so09:55
IlmaticHey guys, now that I've installed compiz, where do I go to go use it?09:55
maverick_i installed network manager (latest) using make install, is there any way i can uninstall it, i think it has screwed up my wicd..i get this error on trying to start it Could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface.  Check the wicd log for error messages.09:56
star3am<Ilmatic> preferences -> appearence09:56
SlartMASARUwota: newest version of linux? you mean the kernel?09:56
star3am<Ilmatic> visual effects09:56
djemWhat is Bcast address when running ifconfig? Does that have anything to do with gateway?09:56
DryGrainlol, this place looks like #vistahelp09:56
SlartMASARUwota: oh.. nevermind.. didn't see that last line?09:56
MASARUwotaMASARUwota: that aswell, the last one that ubuntu has in its repos09:56
ardchoilleMASARUwota: No talking to yourself here09:57
* ardchoille hids09:57
MASARUwotaSlart: that aswell, the last one that ubuntu has in its repos09:57
MASARUwotaardchoille: im just stupid sometimes :X09:57
jani_87i got 30 data, it has been running for 19 min09:57
nmvictorhow do i get the kannel sources in ubuntu, i did sudo apt-get source kannel and i got"Cant get source for package kannel", am i supposed  to add something to source.list/09:57
jani_87Im trying to capture something wireless #data, but I cant? I get very low amount of data - weird.09:57
IlmaticHey it's already set to extra.09:57
IlmaticSo err..how do I access the cool looking cube?09:57
faileasmaverick_: make uninstall should. next time get and use checkinstall to make a deb. its easier09:57
kinja-sheepIlmatic: System --> Preferences --> CompizConfig Setting Manager09:58
ardchoille!checkinstall | maverick_09:58
ubottumaverick_: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!09:58
maverick_faileas: i tried checkinstall, but it could not make a deb only for this package09:58
ubottuilkkarga: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:58
DarkedgeFor some reason I unmounted a CD now nomore CDs get automounted.09:59
IlmaticI don't see a compizsetting manager option09:59
jani_87u shouldnt09:59
=== darkdelusion_ is now known as darkdelusions
Slart!info linux-source | nmvictor09:59
ubottunmvictor: linux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)09:59
MASARUwotailkkarga: what do you want?09:59
ilkkargahoware you09:59
kinja-sheepIlmatic: Did you install compizconfig-settings-manager ?10:00
MASARUwotailkkarga: good, do you have a question?10:00
maverick_removed network manager, still getting Could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface.  Check the wicd log for error messages. in Wicd, any ideas?10:00
Ilmaticin the terminal i put a command that went like this: sudo aptitude install package compiz10:00
ilkkargaheyyyy man10:00
ilkkargahoware you10:01
ubottuilkkarga: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:01
Slartilkkarga: this isn't a social channel.. this channel is for ubuntu support only.. go to #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat10:01
ardchoilleIlmatic:  sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager10:01
ilkkargaI tuka10:01
maverick_Ilmatic: sudo apt-get install ccsm10:01
kinja-sheepIlmatic: "sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager"10:01
Slart!tr | ilkkarga10:01
ubottuilkkarga: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:01
ardchoille!info ccsm | maverick_10:01
ubottumaverick_: Package ccsm does not exist in karmic10:01
MASARUwotaSlarta: D:10:02
Slart!ccsm | maverick_10:02
ubottumaverick_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz10:02
MASARUwotaSlart: D:10:02
Ilmaticwould that work?10:02
ardchoilleIlmatic: mo10:02
maverick_sorry my bad10:02
ardchoilleIlmatic:  sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager10:02
ilkkargaslm lan10:02
ubottuilkkarga: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:02
ilkkargakimsinsen lennnnn10:03
MASARUwotailkkarga: please dont speak turkish here D:10:03
MASARUwotailkkarga: join #ubuntu-tr10:03
Ilmaticdamn you guys are really fluent with your commands.10:03
MASARUwotailkkarga: go be a tourist in #ubuntu-tr10:04
djemwhy does 'netstat -nr' return nothing? Is that normal?10:04
LewisDre4mHello, does anyone here use Cairo Dock? I need some help.10:04
ilkkarganame cem10:04
gvandeweyerhmm, if anybody is wondering, the segmentation faults arising in ubuntu 9.10 when using seamlessrdp are solved by manual install of a previous version of rdesktop (1.5)10:04
MASARUwotailkkarga: dont sociallize or speak turkish.10:04
LewisDre4mPlease help, is there anyone who used Cairo Dock here?10:05
ilkkargano rpomlem10:05
ardchoillehiçbir Türk burada konuşuyoruz. -> #ubuntu-tr10:05
maverick_removed network manager, still getting Could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface.  Check the wicd log for error messages. in Wicd, any ideas?10:05
=== nickapalooza is now known as wut
Slartdjem: it returns my routing table on my system10:05
ardchoilleilkkarga:  hiçbir Türk burada konuşuyoruz. -> #ubuntu-tr10:05
SlartLewisDre4m: yes10:05
Slart!anyone | LewisDre4m10:05
ubottuLewisDre4m: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:05
djemSlart: Wonder why my table is empty10:06
ilkkargafuck you10:06
ardchoille!ops | ilkkarga10:06
LewisDre4milkkarga: ?10:06
ubottuilkkarga: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:06
kinja-sheepilkkarga: Sizi Türkiye'de yerli dili konuşabilir. Yemek yemek!10:06
kinja-sheepilkkarga: #ubuntu-tr10:06
Slartdjem: what kind of network connection do you use?10:06
djemSlart: I have both wireless and wired atm, but for some reason the internett wont work10:06
MASARUwotaSeeker: thank you10:07
MASARUwota*Seeker': thank you10:07
LewisDre4mSlart: Wicked, man I am new to all of this stuff and am very confused. I have the dock on but the windows miminize to the bottom pannel, then when I try click them I click the dock by mistake? What should I be doing differently? If i remove the bottom panel which I think people do where will my minimized windows go? sorry for a stupid question10:07
Seeker`MASARUwota: ironically, the first one hilighted me, the 2nd didn't10:07
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
IlmaticHey guys, how do I access the cube?10:07
MASARUwotaSeeker: :o10:07
LewisDre4mSlart: So If I remove my bottom panel, where will my minimized windows go?10:07
kinja-sheep!away > JimmyJ|zz10:08
ubottuJimmyJ|zz, please see my private message10:08
Slartdjem: hmm.. I'm not really sure if the routing table is empty if you don't get an ip (either static or via dhcp).. that would be my first guess10:08
Ilmaticis there a certain command?10:08
SubbyLewisDre4m: they arn't shown anymore, nothing else :)10:08
SlartLewisDre4m: you can get the minimized windows from the dock.. or you can move the bottom panel to somewhere else.. say one of the sides or the top10:08
djemSlart: I've got an IP address from my DHCP that shows up using ifconfig10:08
LewisDre4mSubby: what do you mena man?10:08
MASARUwotaIlmatic: do you get a cube when pressing SUPER (windows or mac button) + TAB?10:09
ardchoilleIlmatic: right click the top panel, choose Add to panel, find the Window List applet and add it. When that is done you can delete the bottom panel10:09
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
LewisDre4momg I feel totally naked with out that panel how scary!10:09
Slartdjem: then I don't really understand why it would be empty.. I've never really messed with the routing.. it normally "just works" on every system I've played with10:09
MASARUwotaLewisDre4m: some people like to work without a panel, just at systray app =) (see: dwm)10:09
gvandeweyerIlmatic: you have to configure it in compiz-settings-manager, including keybindings under rotate-cube10:10
LewisDre4mthis is wierd10:10
ardchoilleIlmatic: It will look like this: http://picasaweb.google.com/ardchoille42/Screenshots#542218967004328832210:10
SubbyLewisDre4m: you have at least one panel, do you?10:10
mindstormIlmatic: I think ctrl+alt+holding button 1 on mouse is the default bind10:10
safwanahmedCan you people please download and play Tap Race from Android marcket com.mindcob.tapRace.activities and suggest me of improvements10:10
LewisDre4mSubby: Yes10:10
maverick_can someone help me with this: http://paste.debian.net/5575110:10
safwanahmedPlease give reviews10:10
djemSlart: Thanks, this is the first time I've expereinced this too. I guess I'll have to go for SuSE instead then.10:10
SubbyAnd your minimized windows arnÄt there anymore?10:10
MASARUwotasafwanahmed: please visit #android10:10
safwanahmedI'll be thankful of you10:11
ardchoillesafruhanix: not in this channel10:11
safwanahmedok thanx alot of help10:11
Slartdjem: you're welcome10:11
LewisDre4mSubby: I deleted my bottom panel so there are no minimized windows there anymore. I see they have now gone to the Cairo dock10:11
IlmaticOh whaatttt10:11
kinja-sheepLewisDre4m: Right-click on any panel and add applet "Windows List"10:11
Ilmaticthat's frikkin clean10:11
SubbyLewisDre4m: just right click and "Add to panel" and choose windowlist (or sth. like that I got it in german)10:11
ardchoilleIlmatic: What's wrong?10:11
MASARUwotaIlmatic: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs22/f/2008/027/1/1/AwesomeWM_Desktop_27_01_by_Gigamlol.png10:11
Ilmaticnothing at all10:11
Ilmatici'm amazed by the effects10:12
LewisDre4mSlart: Here is something thats confusing me, when I launch a program from my dock EG Chrome, Say I wanted to launch another one (rather than use tabs) it seems to just be opening the same one over and over again not a new browser. Only letting me have one open you know?10:12
SlartLewisDre4m: right click on the shortcut in the dock.. select "Launch New"10:12
LewisDre4mI get you!10:13
LewisDre4mSlart: nice one10:13
maverick_can someone help me with this: http://paste.debian.net/5575110:13
LewisDre4mhmmz let me have a fiddle see if anything else confuses me :). Thank you for your help all of you so muhc.10:13
=== wut is now known as whodat
ubuntunewbiecan I use .ttf fonts from window and apply on ubuntu ?10:14
Slartubuntunewbie: yes.. you can put them in ~/.fonts10:14
ardchoillemaverick_: Which version are you running?10:14
MenZaubuntunewbie: Yes, copy them to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ or ~/.fonts, then run sudo fc-cache -r10:15
maverick_ardchoille: 1.6.110:15
ubuntunewbieSlart: thanks would it appear on open office to print ?10:15
Slartubuntunewbie: yes10:15
ardchoillemaverick_: I meant the distro10:15
IlmaticHey ardchoille, what are the shortcuts to bring up the cube?10:15
maverick_ardchoille: karmic10:15
ardchoilleIlmatic: No idea, I don't use compiz10:15
ubuntunewbieSlart , MenZa: thanks again :-)10:15
Slartubuntunewbie: you'll have to restart openoffice though.. and perhaps use that command MenZa suggested10:15
Slartubuntunewbie: you're welcome10:16
ardchoilleIlmatic: try grabbing an open area of the desktop with the mouse and dragging it, that used to invoke the cube10:16
LewisDre4mSlart: Do you not find that (for example) when you go to click in the type box for this chat for example the icons in the dock jump up and get in the way?10:16
ardchoilleIlmatic: You'll probably get better advice in #compiz10:17
IlmaticOh whatttt10:17
Ilmaticthey actually have a channel for that?10:17
Ilmaticyou learn something new everyday10:17
theballuse left ctrl alt down arrow and left right arrow10:17
Ilmaticthanks for all your kind advice ardchoille10:17
SlartLewisDre4m: I don't have my Irssi window that far down.. but sometimes when I have to click something near the dock it will pop up and "steal the click".. yes..10:17
LewisDre4mSlart: steal the click rofl10:18
LewisDre4mI have just turned the zoom level down a tad etc.10:18
maverick_ok, can anyone suggest any network conf tools except wicd and NM?10:18
maverick_for wired connections10:18
faileasmaverick_: do it the old fashioned way10:19
maverick_faileas: interfaces?10:19
faileasmaverick_: yes10:19
Juggalohello room i installed UNR 9.10 at netbook and something is wrong with the desktop... there's no way to put an icon or right-click it (btw i put the classic gnome desktop look)10:19
maverick_faileas: lol thats what i did, but i still need a gui network manager :P..10:20
faileasmaverick_: why?10:20
faileasif its a wired connection, just let it do it automatically10:20
faileasfor wireless, just use a script10:20
maverick_faileas: hmm good point..hehe10:21
nmvictorhi guys, i need help. I wish to recompile the package kannel so i want to get  the source with apt-get source, i have tried this and its not working, someone please tell me, do i need to add something in source.list, i know their is an answer to this.Please help10:22
snowrichardnmvictor its not spelled kannel its kernel10:22
faileasnmvictor: get download the source from their website. use apt-get to work out the deps, then built it using that source10:23
snowrichardbut its unlikely you need to compile it yourself10:23
nmvictorsnowrichard: sorry, i mean kannel.http:www.kannel.org10:23
nmvictorsnowrichard: sorry, i mean kannel.http://www.kannel.org10:23
FloodBot3nmvictor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:23
faileasnmvictor: you don't use apt for compiling from source, in general10:23
nmvictorfaileas: ok, i have the source from their website, would you please point me to a perfet HOWTO on how i could build the deps?10:24
snowrichardoh sorry i never heard of that app10:24
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nmvictorfaileas: so you mean the ./configure make and make install stuff, how do i come up with a .deb with that procedure?10:26
maverick_nmvictor: use checkinstall and make a deb10:26
maverick_nmvictor: sudo apt-get checkinstall and then instead of sudo make install, type sudo checkinstall10:26
militantIs it common for mouse pointer to freeze for a second or so when copying, and again when pasting?  even with very small blocks of text?  i wouldn't think so..10:27
NET||abuseHey folks, trying to get a server started up in kvm here.. having trouble.10:27
NET||abusei'm a bit new to using virsh, so i'm not 100% on the knowledge front,,10:28
faileasnmvictor: there's a proper way, and there's checkinstall - replace make install with checkinstall, and install the produced deb with dpkg10:28
nmvictormaverick_: thanks,thats a perfect help, someone else would have left me figure out where to run the checkinstall10:28
NET||abusei run virsh, then i list, i see the 5 vm's on that box, 1 is booted automatically it seems.  there are 2 others i need to get up and runningn ow.10:28
maverick_nmvictor: no problems :D10:28
NET||abusei try start [vmname] and i get bind(): failed.10:28
nmvictorfaileas: thanks, got that from maverick_10:28
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faileasnmvictor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/HandsOn this is the 'proper' way10:30
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nmvictorfaileas: yea, thats proper10:31
WazzzaaaAnybody knows /ml10:31
koichirosesuper quick question: which filesystem should I use for a storage hard drive? It would be used only on unix systems (would be great if I could use it with other OSes, not essential though)10:31
faileasits useful to point that out. lots of people hate checkinstall ;p10:31
nmvictorfaileas: why?10:32
faileaskoichirose: ext3 is a safe bet. you can use it with other OSes with additional software10:32
koichirosenowthatsamatt, why ext3? and why not ext4?10:32
faileasnmvictor: its not the 'right' way to do it. personally i use checkinstall for personal stuff ;p10:32
nowthatsamattbecause i've never heard of ext4 and i'm using an ext3 filesystem right now to share over samba to windows/osx/linux boxes10:33
nowthatsamattand it works fine10:33
faileaskoichirose: firstly, not all the non-linux drivers for ext support ext4. also, there are a few bugs with ext4.10:33
nowthatsamattif i knew anything more about it, that'd be kinda nerdy, wouldn't it?10:33
faileasnowthatsamatt: samba totally ignores your filesystem actually10:33
nmvictorso the ubuntu deelopers dont use checkinstall too/10:33
faileasnmvictor: never. they probably have a proper build environment setup10:34
koichirosefaileas, so I made the wrong decision choosing ext4 for my ubuntu 9.10 installation?10:34
faileaskoichirose: not really10:34
faileaskoichirose: but if think you may need to access it from windows or os x, ext3 is more likely to work10:34
kinja-sheepkoichirose: External hard drive?10:35
koichirosefaileas, thank you, I will use ext310:35
koichirosebut I'd like to discuss ext4 bugs...10:35
koichirosekinja-sheep, yes, it is a sata hard drive in a usb box10:35
nmvictorok, since recompiling kannel seems like a bad direction, maybe the problem im facing can easily be solved here, anyone here using kannel  with no problems?10:36
faileashttp://ostatic.com/blog/recent-bug-report-details-data-loss-in-ext4-tso-explains-cause-and-workarounds they should be fixed by now, but this came to mind10:36
kinja-sheepkoichirose: And as for storage (and access by other OSes), you're creating separate partition for that one?10:36
faileasnmvictor: it isn't a bad direction - but it depends on what the bug is10:36
koichirosefaileas, thanks10:37
nmvictori could point you to the link describing the bug, do you mind?10:37
koichirosekinja-sheep, no. I was thinking a single partition. It'll happen maybe once a year that it will have to be used on non unix oses10:37
faileasif its a genuine link, and it'll help, sure. question i'd also ask is, do you think the bug will be fixed in a newer version than the repo one?10:38
nmvictorfaileas: the kannel version from repo is same as the version from their website10:39
nmvictorfaileas: i might be wrong since the link actually talks of ubuntu 8.0410:39
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derikis good to have swap activate on a vps10:40
nmvictorfaileas: http://kerneltrap.org/1701710:40
nmvictorfaileas: sorry http://kerneltrap.org/node/1701710:40
koichiroseanother question: I need to clone a ntfs hard-drive to this newly bought ext3 hard drive10:42
zaggynlthat's not a question10:42
koichiroseit seems that gparted can't clone ntfs drives10:42
maverick__koichirose: master slave and copy?10:42
maverick__kochirose: connect both the hard disks and just copy?10:43
sick_foxhi I need small help - does anybody have experience with booting Ubuntu from usb key on eee 1005?10:43
koichirosemaverick_: copy and paste via nautilus? I was hoping to something more professional10:43
koichirosemaverick_: copy and paste via nautilus? I was hoping for something more professional10:43
kinja-sheepsick_fox: What's the real issue?10:43
maverick__koichirose: then i can help you no further hehe10:43
_rubenyou cant clone from ntfs to ext3 .. copy the data, sure .. but not clone10:43
nibblerhi. when will 9.04 support end?10:44
maverick__nibbler: 2011 i think10:44
kinja-sheepkoichirose: Define professional.  As long as it get the job done, then yes, that's one way to go. There are no "professional tools" -- Just various. You might want rsync, I suppose.10:44
nibblermaverick_: so same as 8.04 lts? great ,-) thanks10:45
sick_foxkinja-sheep: I tried various utilities that created bootable usb key with ubuntu, but it is not possible to boot from that key (even with right settings in bios)10:45
koichirose_ruben, you are right, I did not use the correct term. I need something to copy everything thoroughly from ntfs to ext3, i was thinking rsync but was wondering if there was something else10:45
WazzzaaaAnybody knows how I can format HTML in gedit? (like indenting)10:45
kinja-sheepnibbler: April 201110:45
maverick__nibbler: 9.04 is not LTS..LTS support is for 5 years10:45
nmvictor_faileas: sorry, i lost my connection momentarily, did you get the link?10:46
kinja-sheepsick_fox: You want to install on the netbook?10:46
MASARUwotakoichirose: just once? just copy paste it10:46
sick_foxkinja-sheep, I only want to boot from usb key on netbook (but it is very strange - it doesnt work)10:47
kinja-sheepkoichirose: rsync -avz --progress --human-readable :)10:47
koichiroseMASARUwota, I don't feel that safe copying and pasting 750gb of data and I wanted to avoid doing each folder one by one10:47
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kinja-sheepsick_fox: I see. Have you tried unetbootin or Ubuntu Startup Disc Creator (under System --> Prefs/Admin)?10:48
faileasnmvictor_: hmm. its a waaay old version of ubuntu10:48
LewisDre4mSlart: Hey man, I am trying to work out how to add Gnome panel applets to the cairo dock? The Search one wasn't hard as I could find it in applications --> accesories --> and then drag the icon to the doc. But what about the others? I know the dock has it's own but I had some favourites from the gnome ones?10:48
sick_foxkinja-sheep, exactly I tried everything you mentioned10:48
faileassick_fox: is the usb key in the boot order before say, the hard drive and cd drive?10:49
Slartkoichirose: try rsync.. that's what I used when I moved data between two hard drives recently... you can abort it and resume if you want.. it does all kinds of checking and so on10:49
sick_foxfaileas, yes it is10:49
koichiroseSlart, yes, I was just refreshing my memory by reading the man10:49
sick_foxfaileas, key, cddrive, hdd10:49
nmvictor_faileas: so you think the bug is fixed, i have just purged the repo kannel and now i want to intsll the development on,10:50
nmvictor_faileas: *one10:50
SlartLewisDre4m: I have no idea.. I've never even tried using gnome applets in the cairo dock10:50
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CAiRO__where can i get kernel backports for hardy? i need a kernel >= 2.6.27 for my mainboard sensors to work10:50
LewisDre4mSlart: Ok, but I have managed to do some as they are in the applications menu and I just drag the icon. . . maybe If I knew where the panel apps are stored I could drag them from there?10:51
kinja-sheep!backport | CAiRO__ (it is in the repo already)10:51
ubottuCAiRO__ (it is in the repo already): If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:51
faileasnmvictor_: its an old bug. it ought to be10:51
SlartLewisDre4m: I have no idea.. I'm not even sure they are executable in the same way as regular apps.. they might just be some kind of scripts10:52
MASARUwotakoichirose: rsync is an open source utility that provides fast incremental file transfer10:52
MASARUwotaseems pretty good for your purpose10:52
LewisDre4moh, ok man thanks anywya10:52
kinja-sheepCAiRO__: Search for "linux-backports-modules-hardy"10:52
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koichiroseMASARUwota, yes. I will use that with -ah10:52
CAiRO__kinja-sheep: well, i then find http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-backports-modules-hardy which only has 2.6.2410:53
LewisDre4mSlart: As an example man, I have no recycle bin now . . . how can I add that to the dock?10:53
CAiRO__which is not newer than the normal 8.04 kernel10:53
SlartLewisDre4m: there is a recycle bin applet for the cairo dock.. check the preferences10:53
CAiRO__kinja-sheep: how's a backport?10:54
koichiroseI was wondering if there's a way to make rsync recognize a simple filename change during a backup. Otherwise it will treat it as a new file and transfer it again10:54
faileasnmvictor_: hmm.. wait. from what they are saying, it sounds like a hardware problem10:54
nmvictor_faileas: ok, thats what it sounds, the disk fragmentation part10:54
kinja-sheepCAiRO__: Backports is for patches being made (after the release date) on the hardwares. (To ensure that you're getting better supports on certain hardwares such as Wifi).10:54
kinja-sheepCAiRO__: Compiling a kernel is one way to go.10:55
CAiRO__kinja-sheep: no, backports are packages from newer ubuntu versions backported to an older one10:55
faileasCAiRO__: if nothing else works, you might want to take a look at kernelcheck- though the release version is buggy- so you might need to patch it for it to work10:55
faileasits an app that makes compiling a new kernel very easy10:56
nmvictor_faileas: but whoever authored the artical found otherwise, that its an arrayIndexOutOfBounds thing, that is if java was the language behind kannel10:56
NickRivieramorning (gmt -3)!10:56
dnivraanyone having issues accessing in.archive.ubuntu.com; got an error "Network unreachable" when running "sudo apt-get update"? I'm able to access sites. is the server down or something?10:57
ltsamprosis there any way to follow ubuntu's development ?10:57
MASARUwotaItsampros: launchpad, afaik10:58
ltsamprose.g. on debian one can follow testing or unstable ?10:58
NickRivierahey... I woke up today to find out my windows had no 'top bar'... so I did 'sudo metacity --replace &' and now my transparent background beelds to the desktop rather than showing the windows bellow...10:58
NickRivieraany clues?10:58
Slartdnivra: it works for me when I type it into a browser10:58
dnivraI did download the lists from "security.ubuntu.com" successfully. just not possible to access in.archive.ubuntu.com.10:58
dnivraSlart, yeah works like that for me too. terminal and update manager however cannot access it10:58
Slartltsampros: there are prerelease versions of the next version coming along.. but we don't have rolling releases like they do in debian10:58
Slartdnivra: not sure what could be wrong then.. sorry10:59
dnivraActually it says this "59% [Connecting to in.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to archive.canonical.com (]"10:59
Slartltsampros: you can go to #ubuntu+1 and ask for more info there.. that's the official channel for the next version10:59
ltsamprosSlart: thanks!10:59
dnivraSlart, cool. thanks.11:00
nibblerwill support for ati cards that were supported before, but not in 9.10 anymore, ever come back, or is this dropped?11:01
LewisDre4mSlart: I promise this is the last question lol. I was just on my merry way navigating through my computer . . Minimised the home folder I was looking in and POOF! gone. tried it again and POOF! gone. Seems as though minimising windows do not go to the dock?11:02
SlartLewisDre4m: if you put a shortcut to nautilus on the cairo dock they should end up there11:02
Slart!ru | andrey_11:02
ubottuandrey_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:02
LewisDre4mSlart: What is natilus?11:03
SlartLewisDre4m: nautilus is the file browser.. like explorer.exe in windows11:03
LewisDre4mhow do I add that?11:03
SlartLewisDre4m: the think that opens if you double click on a folder on the desktop, for example..11:03
LewisDre4mSlart: How do I add that? Is there an option in configuration?11:04
MASARUwotaLewisDre4m: its setup by default11:04
LewisDre4mWell clearly it isn't lol11:04
SlartLewisDre4m: I think I just dragged a window to the dock.. I guess you can create the launcher yourself if you want to11:04
MASARUwotaLewisDre4m: create a launcher with the "nautilus"command in it11:05
LewisDre4mAll I wanna do is be able to have my minimised windows to the dock. Stupid if im browsing my music for example and I minimise it it disapears11:05
LewisDre4mMASARUwota: is there an option in configuration I can tick?11:05
MASARUwotaLewisDre4m: idk11:05
SlartLewisDre4m: don't other apps go to the dock when you minimize them?11:06
LewisDre4myes but a browsing window is not an app man11:06
LewisDre4mthats the problem11:06
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LewisDre4m:( im gonna hvae to stop using this program If i cant find a way. So your saying if you were in "my music" and you minimised it you would get it in your dock11:07
SlartLewisDre4m: yes11:08
DeaConget it on the dock , right click , make it a launcher?11:08
nmvictor_faileas: do you program in C?11:08
LewisDre4mdeacon I am a newbie and don't get what yoru saying lol11:08
SlartLewisDre4m: look.. just right click on the dock and select "Add a custom launcher"11:09
LewisDre4mye I dont know what to type as the commmand11:09
DeaConif you right click the icons on the dock you can make them launchers11:09
SlartLewisDre4m: launcher name, I use File Manager.. you can use anything you like11:09
SlartLewisDre4m: "command to run on click" is on my system "nautilus --browser computer:///"11:10
dr0idthe video at http://codeigniter.com/tutorials/watch/intro/ can't be played, can anyone tell me how do I play it?11:10
SlartLewisDre4m: image's name or path is system-file-manager11:10
candeiraI just bought a replacement laptop, and I would like to just put the old one's drive into it instead of installing again11:10
SlartLewisDre4m: that should do it11:11
candeirahow can I then make ubuntu recognise the hardware?11:11
MASARUwotadr0id: its quicktime :/11:11
Slartcandeira: as long as you're using the same architecture you should be fine.. ie 32bit x86, 64bit x86 and so on11:12
LewisDre4mSlart: Perfect man thank you11:12
candeiraSlart, but I mean the network card etc11:12
dr0idMASARUwota: do I need to download anything for that?11:12
LewisDre4mchrist knows why that wasn't included in mine. I must have buggered something11:12
Slartcandeira: that should work without any big problems11:12
LewisDre4mthere must be a GUI option for that somewhere but Icouldn't find it11:12
LewisDre4mThank you so much for your help Slart really appreciate it11:13
LewisDre4mThank you to everyon else who helped too.11:13
candeiraSlart> thanks11:13
Slartdr0id: it kind of works on my system.. playing in embedded totem player.. not sure what I've installed11:13
candeirasee you all in 15 minutes11:13
SlartLewisDre4m: you're welcome11:13
Ilmaticwhy don't more people use ubuntu????11:13
Ilmatici'm having the funnest time with these compiz effects11:14
raven_which tool is able to edit surround-files (ac3, wav 6 chan, ...)?11:14
MASARUwotadr0id you can give qt4linux or openquicktime a try11:14
dr0idSlart: when I open the page my browser finds for MPEG-4 AAC decoder11:14
MASARUwotadr0id tho i dont think thatll work :X11:14
Slartraven_: audacity might work11:14
raven_Slart, possibly it can open theese files but it cannot create more than stereo - you know more?11:15
dr0idwhat all do I need to install from synaptic to play the video>11:15
Slartdr0id: yes.. I can open it in vlc as well.. it's a .mov file with mp4a audio and avc1 video (or at least that's the codec it's using to play it)11:16
MASARUwotaIlmatic: because we prefer usefull stuff to bloatware. Which other companies (apple, windows) see in a totaly different light.11:17
MASARUwotaThe unix philosophy is: Write a program that does one thing, and that does it well.11:17
IlmaticBut it's sooo pretty though..lol.11:17
mewayWhat is the command to start wine in a terminal I am running ubuntu 9.10 karmic11:17
MASARUwotaIlmatic: you shouldnt judge a book by its cover, which is what mac users do11:18
dr0idI have installed everything which I get on searching for quicktime in synaptic package manager. but still the video isn't playing.11:18
Slartmeway: wine in a terminal? you mean the text only wine thing?11:18
dr0idwhich player do I search for now?11:19
MASARUwotadr0id: its quicktime, apple never made a linux quicktime player11:19
Slartmeway: try wineconsole11:19
mewayno i mean sudo wine start      something11:19
IlmaticMac is a great OS11:19
dr0idMASARUwota: so what do I do now?11:19
Slartmeway: ouch.. never run wine as root.. never.. ever11:19
MASARUwotaIlmatic: i beg to differ, but lets not get into that11:19
IlmaticLol. K.11:19
mewayslart ok11:19
BlouBlouSlart: It will run graphically, but all commands... will appear in a terminal11:19
MASARUwotadr0id: download the vid and play it locally11:19
Slartmeway: just run "wine someprogram"11:19
mewaySlart: well I think it may be haveing issue's11:19
MASARUwotadr0id: if youre running firefox you can find the properties of the vid, and you should just wget that11:20
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mewaySlart: it is not running programms it useually dose11:20
mewaySlart: I can not get itunes to work.11:20
Slartmeway: I'm not really sure what you're trying to do.. you might want to ask in #winehq instead.. that's the offical wine support channel11:20
dr0idMASARUwota: ?11:20
mewayoh they have a room?11:20
IlmaticHey is there a ubuntu general chat channel?11:22
BlouBlouIlmatic: #ubuntu-offtopic11:22
Ilmaticthanks mucho bloublou11:23
Ilmatic: )11:23
BlouBlouno problem11:23
MASARUwotadr0id: the wget command in your terminal its an application to download stuff11:23
dr0idisn't it aptget?11:23
dr0idapt get?11:23
MASARUwotadr0id: no, thats for installing software using aptitude11:24
MASARUwotadr0id: wget is for regular downloads11:24
dr0idso what should I do in the terminal?11:24
dr0idwhich command?11:24
candeirato do what?11:24
MASARUwotadr0id: cd <directory you want to download it to>11:24
dr0idplay the codeigniter video tutorial11:24
yetifoothi all, what's a paint program, say on the scale of kolourpaint but for gnome?  i tried gnu paint, but that has no undo etc, and gimp is too much to learn for this 4 minute job i need to do11:25
MASARUwotadr0id: then:    wget <location of the file to download>11:25
Slartyetifoot: why not go with kolourpaint then.. you can use KDE apps in gnome if you want11:25
MASARUwotayetifoot: there isnt such a tool, but i know that fspot has such a thing11:25
yetifootSlart, i don't want all of KDE4, i hate kde411:25
mewaywell you just directed me to a room with over 100 afk people slart11:25
nickyhi, running karmic, I'm having trouble with apache2, when i tried to restart it (after executing  a2enmod rewrite) an error appeared:  (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address.  any thoughts?11:25
yetifootor any of it11:25
Slartyetifoot: it will install the KDE libraries that you need automatically11:26
yetifooti don't want them11:26
Slartyetifoot: ok.. nevermind then11:26
MASARUwotalol yetifoot11:26
raven_Slart, do you know something about audacity and surround?11:26
yetifooti've ditched kde for a reason11:26
yetifootit'a appalling now11:26
Slartraven_: not really.. no11:26
mewayraven how much is audacity?11:26
yetifootjeebus, all a man wants to do is shoop the popes head onto an ugly fat woman11:27
MASARUwotayetifoot :/11:27
Slartyetifoot: go learn gimp already... =)11:27
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yetifootit took me about 2 hours last time just to crop one row of pixels in gimp, the kind of thing that takes me 1 minute to learn in any other program11:28
MASARUwotayetifoot: youre doing something wrong then11:28
Slartyetifoot: then use something else.. something you're used to.. virtualbox lets you run windows stuff if you think that's easier11:29
simonsoftHi all11:30
ubottusimonsoft: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:30
faileasyetifoot: when did you last use KDE?11:30
MASARUwotayetifoot: http://www.gnu.org/software/gpaint/gpaint_screenshot.png11:31
yetifootMASARUwota, that kind of looks like the thing i just installed, it didn't even have undo...11:32
yetifootfaileas, a few weeks ago11:32
faileasyetifoot: hmm, how about a online application? say http://aviary.com/tools/phoenix11:33
tiger__how i can  connect the internet with tp-link wr541+11:34
tiger__i mean with wireless11:34
yetifootfaileas, i'm trying it out now, thank you, i see it has undo already11:34
tiger__I  don't know how to configure it11:34
faileasmost important thing one needs11:34
faileastiger__: that seems to be a router - so plug in a system to ethernet, work out its ip address, configure it there, then connect as per normal11:36
mewaydose anyone know of an alternate synthesia game that works with ubuntu?11:36
ARishiIs there a way to just update a specific PPA, running sudo apt-get update everytime I had a PPA for a small application takes 10 minutes to finish on my slow connection (eventhough I have only the default PPAs till now)11:36
BryanCTI plan to start doing iPhone development on Linux and I've decided to go with Ubuntu.  I have 2 harddrives. 1 is 40 gigs holding my Windows installation and then I have a second harddrive . I already have files on it so I want to create just a tiny partition maybe 30gb tops. I burned 9.10 to disc and I get to the Ubuntu menu but soon as I press enter, my screen goes black and then if I hit a button keyboard I see some stuff about unmount11:37
mkultra_hi boys11:37
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BryanCTAnd yes I would need to dual boot. I don't need Ubuntu for anything else. I may dab with it from time to time but my main focus is iPhone development11:37
mobius2Greetings Ubuntu Channel11:38
mkultra_i would virtual machine it @ that point11:38
mkultra_whats up11:38
mobius2I have a most odd  but seemingly simple problem11:38
yetifootok, thanks for suggestions, i'm gonna give up and install a windows one11:38
mobius2apparently there is a webserver daemon already running on  my system but I dont remember installing or starting one11:38
star3am<mobius2> maybe it was a dependency of some other app11:39
draco_http://dracojesi.com/Forum/showthread.php?tid=67 <-- Linus to Receive Nobel Peace Prize?11:39
star3am<mobius2> netstat -l will show youo what ports are listening :\11:39
BryanCTmkultra: Why? 1) iPhone SDK is supported only by osx x but people have managed to get it working under Linux and Windows. I don't want to use any of the MSYS or Cygwin. So I decided to opt for Linux.11:39
star3am<mobius2> lsof | grep apa or similar will show you what files are open, from there you can go check it out :D11:39
mobius2I was installing a development server called xampp and when it attempted to start up thats when the "webserver daemon already running" error appeared... and no  there is some kind of server running in deed on port 80 of my machine11:39
mobius2it's serving a simple  "it works"  html file11:40
ubottuyes, I'm alive.11:40
BryanCTAnyway besides what I want to do with Ubuntu. Anybody have an idea to my installation woes?11:40
mobius2I'd love to kill that process but TOP shows nothing11:40
mkultra_ps aux | grep firefox11:41
lpsmithwhy is ulimit broken under karmic koala?11:41
mkultra_kill -n 9 pid11:41
tiai dont understan about you aren talk11:41
lpsmithI'm a developer trying to debug a broken process,  and it's not killing the process when it allocates too much memory11:41
lpsmithin fact,  I can set ulimit -d 0;  ulimit -m 0  and still start processes11:42
faileasmobius2: given a choice, you really don't want to be using xampp11:42
faileasits not secure11:42
mobius2I think it's a built in server called apache211:43
mobius2but  why would it be serving actively ?11:44
mobius2and  how to kill it?11:44
mobius2faileas  thanks  but I have no intention of  diong anything other than developing with the lampp  project11:44
mobius2what an odd thing though11:44
IlmaticHey guys, can wireshark be installed on ubuntu?11:45
jmengyeah, the package is called wireshark, too11:45
* mkultra_ punches Ilmatic in the face11:45
jmengapt-cache search wireshark11:45
Ilmaticwhat was the punch for?11:46
mkultra_what cant be installed on ubuntu11:46
mkultra_i have compiz installed on linux from scratch11:46
Ilmatic: )11:46
mkultra_you would have to write a chitty little virus and install it yourself to do that11:46
faileasmobius2: in which case, how about trying to change the ports xampp's apache listens to?11:47
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mkultra_prolly in the apache configs?11:48
jmengI'm having a problem with gnome shortcuts, namely when I try to invoke, say, xterm or gnome-terminal using a hotkey, the terminals don't start in ~, but in /. Using the menus will make them end up in ~, however. Any idea what the problem is here?11:48
faileasxampp has its own set of confids iirc11:48
Slartjmeng: I think you need to add a switch to change the starting directory11:49
mkultra_ekkk gnomes fugly11:49
bazhang!ot | mkultra_11:49
ubottumkultra_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:49
mkultra_except for glunarclock11:49
mkultra_!ot | bazhang11:50
ubottubazhang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:50
mobius2I figured it out11:50
mobius2apachectl -k stop11:50
mobius2thats the command which killed the apache server11:50
mobius2except mine was apache211:50
jmengSlart, huh, the weird thing is that the command in the menu editor is plain gnome-terminal, too11:51
dr0idI can't see the codeigniter videos11:51
dr0idI need help please11:51
jmengI mean it looks like shortcuts somehow don't source some environment stuff11:51
jmengwhich is utter and complete garbage :/11:51
Slartjmeng: not really sure what difference there is between running a shortcut from say the Desktop and running it from the menu11:52
jmenghm, ok, well I'll try my friend google. He's cool.11:52
jmengThanks, though :)11:52
kinja-sheepIlmatic: Since you installed Ubuntu for first time recently, have you done everything for looks to your likings?11:53
nelson8874hello everybody11:53
nelson8874i'm very noob, so i have a very noob question11:54
mobius2star3am you are the bomb11:54
kinja-sheepHello nelson8874 -- Ask away.11:54
mobius2thanks a million11:54
nelson8874i've downloaded a program and it is a tar.gz file. what do i do with this?11:54
fogobogonelson8874: decompress11:55
kinja-sheepnelson8874: What program is it?11:55
faileasnelson8874: read the readme file11:55
nelson8874it'a a wbfs manager11:55
fogobogonelson8874: next step is probably compile11:55
Slart!compile | nelson887411:56
ubottunelson8874: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:56
firekoolwith ubuntu 9.10 you can still install on the bootsector and not the mbr correct?11:56
firekoolCan you do that with the regular live cd and not the alternate cd11:56
star3am<mobius2> nice one bro. you did it all :)11:56
faileasnelson8874: hmm. if you don't mind, link where you got it from - all references i can find are for a windows app11:57
mkultra_why did xubuntu go to install only11:57
nelson8874faileas: ok11:57
kinja-sheepnelson8874: Same as https://launchpad.net/wiithon ?11:57
mkultra_i must have xubuntu in live cd form11:57
Ilmatichey I can't find wireshark for ubuntu11:58
Ilmaticany ideas?11:58
faileasmkultra_: try asking the xubuntu channel11:58
jmengthe package is called wireshark11:58
faileasdidn't wirechark change their name?11:58
nelson8874faileas: http://code.google.com/p/linux-wbfs-manager/downloads/list?q=label:Featured11:58
Younderxubuntu? considered a tiled window manager?11:58
mkultra_ffs theres an xubuntu channel11:58
Slart!info wireshark | Ilmatic11:58
ubottuIlmatic: wireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-2 (karmic), package size 716 kB, installed size 1824 kB11:58
kinja-sheepIlmatic: We gave you link to search for packages.  Learn how to use it first will make things much much easier for you.11:59
star3am<mkultra_> lol11:59
SlartIlmatic: sudo apt-get install wireshark will install it11:59
YounderI was thinking of stumpwm11:59
mkultra_./configure --help will help your wire shark situation11:59
Ilmaticyayyy thanks slart12:00
faileasnelson8874: ok, we can be semi sute it'll work.. so..  read the readme - make sure the prerequisites it mentions are installed. then12:00
Younderok, so I also like vim12:00
Younderrather than gvim12:00
mkultra_i like elvis12:00
catladyelvis would have loved ubuntu12:00
TidersIlmatic, A useful command to know is "apt-cache search <name>" and that will give you a list of packages that contain that word or phrase12:00
Youndermkultra_, well, still a vi clone12:00
faileasnelson8874: ./configure first - if it works, then 'make', then either sudo make install, or sudo checkinstall - the latter needs the checkinstall package but it makes a package instead of installing, which is easier later12:01
Ilmaticthanks mucho tiders. : )12:01
mosfethi... anyone know how many size is a base system installation with ubuntu minimal disc?12:01
mkultra_./configure && make && su -c 'make install'12:01
mkultra_lets be gangsta about it12:01
Youndermosfet, 8 MB12:01
kinja-sheepmosfet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements12:01
faileasmkultra_: you don't use su on ubuntu, generally12:02
mkultra_su -c?12:02
catladywhen does LTS come out?12:02
faileasmosfet: under a gig12:02
Youndermkultra_, see sudo12:02
faileascatlady: next release is LTS- its due in april12:02
mkultra_ive only installed sudo on my LFS box i dont have sudo on here12:02
faileasmkultra_: this isn't LFS. this is ubuntu, and it uses sudo12:02
nelson8874faileas: i'm noob, i do not understand what you're saying. And english is not my first language...12:02
Youndermkultra_, you have to set it up.12:02
catladythanks...I'm on Jaunty....Karmic upgrade was disaster....decided to wait it out12:02
oeil2lynx24hello the world12:02
Youndermkultra_, on ubuntu it is already set up12:03
Slartcatlady: 2010, month 4... hence the version number 10.0412:03
mkultra_su -c should be as good as sudo on ANY nix system12:03
faileasnelson8874: ok. you have extracted the archive. there should be a readme file there. it should tell you what other packages you need.12:03
nelson8874faileas: are you're saying i should configure it? what does that mean?12:03
faileasalso, read that link about compiling12:03
candeirait worked!12:03
Slartmkultra_: ubuntu doesn't have a root password set.. su uses the root password12:03
oeil2lynx24ya til d francofones ici ?12:03
Youndercatlady, good choice. I have just now gotten everything to work again12:03
nelson8874faileas: ok packages...12:03
faileasnelson8874: its a command. ./configure basically checks to see if you have everything you need, and tells you if anything is missing.12:04
Slartmkultra_: and just in case.. no we don't support having a root password set either12:04
mkultra_i see your saying root is completely locked down12:04
catladyjaunty works perfect for me...karmic had screen resolution problems, faulty disk notices...and ubuntu one glitches..nightmare12:04
Slartmkultra_: I don't know about locked down.. but the root password isn't set.. you can still use sudo for your root things.. sudo -i for a shell and so on12:05
YounderSlart, I have it set.. I just use it if I have to log in for maintenance if X boot should fail12:05
fogobogonelson8874: mind you will need the -dev packages. else the linker will fail12:05
faileasnelson8874: if it works, go on to using the command 'make' . if that works 'make install' puts everything where it should be. checkinstall is an optional package that makes a deb instead of installing it- i prefer this approach since i can add and remove self compiled apps with apt or dpkg12:05
faileasyou use make install or checkinstall, depending12:05
Tidersmkultra_, Ubuntu does not have a root account because it is more secure.  If someone is going to hack into your system the first name they would try to use is "root" because every system woudl have this it is harder to guess a username.  Also this makes it able for every user to have a different admin password instead of everyone sharing the root account so if you need to remove admin rights from someone you can remove them from the12:05
Tiders sudoer list and not have to change the root password and re-tell everyone the new password12:05
SlartYounder: the recovery mode will get you a root shell.. and you can still login in with your regular user if X fails to start12:05
YounderSlart, yes but the root shell requires a root password12:06
SlartYounder: but anyways.. it's not forbidden to have a root password.. it's just that we don't support it here in this channel12:06
mkultra_but with sudo you could sudo passwd12:06
SlartYounder: no12:06
nelson8874faileas: installing that program is complicated, i've tried another one, instaled with no proble,  but it says "You can not access the partitions because the user who launched wiithon not belong to the group "disk"." Showing the games of the last session.12:06
mobius2well everybody have a good night from Colorado12:06
YounderSlart, to log in you need to add the text option to the grub line12:06
nelson8874what does thast mean?12:06
Slartmkultra_: noone has said it's impossible.. but we do no support it here12:06
faileasnelson8874: hmm- that's fixable - you add yourself to the group12:06
catladygood night mobius212:06
nelson8874faileas: how??12:07
SlartYounder: there is a recovery option in grub that will get you a root shell.. without root password.. without extra switches and so on12:07
SlartYounder: not sure if it's just busybox or a real shell.. but still12:07
nelson8874faileas: damn, that is the hard part of linux, instaling things is almost everytime a dificult task12:08
szpunihow I can check who changed or readed file in ubuntu?12:08
szpuniis there any command which I can use12:08
faileasnelson8874: 'sudo usermod -g disk username' should work for the latter12:08
star3am<mobius2> cioa dude12:08
faileasnelson8874: it gets easier with experience12:08
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geirhafaileas, nelson8874: No that's bad. Use adduser instead. ''adduser user group'' adds user to group12:09
geirha(with sudo in front of course)12:09
geirhafaileas: usermod -g will change the gid of the user12:10
Youndergeirha, that's bad advice, just adduser doesn't set up the groups right12:10
nelson8874geirha: adduser: O utilizador `user' não existe12:10
geirhanelson8874: sudo adduser yourusername thegrouptoadditto12:11
dr0idhow can I get quicktime on ubuntu?12:11
FloodBot3uk72tab: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:11
geirhaYounder: What do you mean?12:11
faileasgeirha: adduser will erase other groups your in, iirc12:12
nelson8874geirha: ahhh, ok...:-[12:12
faileasnelson8874, geirha : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/12:12
* mkultra_ punches uk72tab in the face12:12
Youndergeirha, tried that. You are better off using off using the menu system -> administration -> users and groups12:12
mikebeechamhi there...I'm having problems mounting my HTC Hero onto Jaunty...can anyone help?12:12
mkultra_is it an ISO?12:13
mikebeechammkultra_: are you talking to me?12:14
nelson8874geirha: adduser: the user myusername do not exist12:14
catladynelson8874: I'm looking to buy a webcam for my Dell that will play nice in Ubuntu...any suggestions?12:14
mkultra_yeah mikebeecham12:14
Youndercatlady, any webcam will do12:14
mikebeechammkultra_: it's an android phone!12:14
Slartcatlady: webcams can be tricky.. I would go find a model that seems nice.. then search the ubuntu forums to see if there are a lot of people asking about it or reporting success stories12:15
geirhaYounder: adduser is the preferred way in the terminal. Maybe you confuse it with useradd?12:15
geirhanelson8874: Sure you got it right? It's case-sensitive12:16
nelson8874geirha: should i create a user name first?12:16
mkultra_fix your skeleton first12:16
Youndergeirha, been a while since i did it, but I seem to remember you you need a fe addgrp's as well12:16
unopYounder, the 'disk' group already exists as a system group tho12:17
geirhanelson8874: Didn't you want to add your current user to the group?12:17
mkultra_man usermod12:17
mkultra_its usermod -g group12:18
mkultra_its usermod -g <group>12:18
geirhamkultra_: NO! that changes the primary group12:18
mkultra_lol i pointed @ the manual first12:18
edecaI installed a bunch of packages from a repository by mistake before pinning.  Am I safe to remove them, pin correctly in /etc/apt/preferences and then reinstall them?12:18
Younderedeca, no12:19
nelson8874geirha: i just installed the program, and it keeped saying "You can not access the partitions because the user who launched wiithon not belong to the group "disk". Showing the games of the last session." since... I should create a username and join the group...?12:19
edecaYounder: So what's the best fix?12:19
edecaYounder: I basically want to revert to the versions of packages before I did the mistaken upgrade12:19
nelson8874geirha: wiithon is a wbfs partition manager12:19
unopnelson8874,  just run this command, as it is.   sudo adduser "$USER" disk12:20
unopnelson8874, and no, you don't need to create any further users or groups12:20
Younderedeca, the source for this kinda thing is www.ubuntugeek.com12:21
mkultra_caugh usermod12:21
unopedeca,  remove them and then use the -t flag to apt-get or aptitude to force target release12:21
nelson8874unop: it says that i'm already a member of disk12:21
edecaunop: That's what I planned12:21
geirhanelson8874: For the new group membership to take effect, you need to logout and log back in12:21
Younderedeca, also thegeekstuff is woth reading12:21
unopedeca,  i.e.   apt-get install -t karmic package ...12:22
edecaunop: I've pinned correctly now, so it should stick to the right versions :)12:22
edecaunop: It's actually debian-backports (for apt-dater-host, which isn't in anything else)12:22
edecaunop: But obviously I don't want apache/mysql/etc from debian backports :)12:22
Younderversionining is a real problem in Karmic12:22
unopedeca, hmm, as long as you know what you are doing12:22
Younderone that has not been successfully solved12:23
nelson8874unop: do you know this program. Can i use it to format my pen in wbfs?12:23
unopnelson8874, which program? I guess not12:23
nelson8874geirha: how do i logout12:24
petsoundshi. can anybody tell me, i forgot the ssh cmd for nautilus to share file between two ubuntu computer. thanks12:24
edecapetsounds: scp12:24
unopnelson8874,  errm, log off - from the gnome menu12:24
nelson8874i'm almost rippig my hair off!!!!!12:24
BCMMis it possible to "install" packages while running the ubuntu live cd?12:25
BCMM(as in, for the live session)12:25
unopnelson8874,  you know the menu item you use to shutdown/restart the PC, beside these options is something like "logout"12:25
petsoundsedeca, no. sthe like " name.ipaddress "12:25
unoppetsounds, errm,    ssh -X  hostname nautilus12:25
nelson8874unop: restart the pc, right?12:26
unopnelson8874, no, you don't need to restart, just logout and log back in12:26
Younderany easy way to convert a old macs \r to \n12:26
YounderOr ill just do it the old way in C12:26
unopYounder,   perl -i -0pe 's/\r/\n/g' file12:27
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Younderunop: thaks. I just realized sed wouln't cut it12:27
unopYounder, sed can do it, as long as you change the "pattern space" (I guess that's the term) - but that's unweildly12:28
geirhaYounder: And tr: tr '\r' '\n' <file >newfile12:28
nelson8874IT WORKED, IT WORKED12:29
Youndergeirha, ah forgot about tr12:29
Youndernelson8874, don't scream...12:29
nelson8874i'm to happy, sorry...12:30
Guest6877are organizing a osscamp for all the linux enthusiasts in chandiagrh12:30
Guest6877for any further info please join the googler group : http://groups.google.com/group/osscampchandigarh12:31
nelson8874but the program do not do what i expected :'(12:31
edecaunop: When checking apt-cache policy, why doesn't my debian backports entry have a line like: "release v=8.04,o=Ubuntu,a=hardy-security,l=Ubuntu,c=multiverse"12:32
nelson8874trying to format my pen in a wbfs file system. Can someone help my find a program that can do that? someone?12:33
unopedeca,  can you post the output to a pastebin? that's odd.12:33
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edecaunop: Sure12:33
DShethhow do i run a .run file12:33
Youndernelson8874, I think you are out of luck. don't seem to remeber any driver for that format12:34
edecaunop: http://pastebin.ca/1740064 - there (with most of the ubuntu stuff missing)12:34
fogobogoDSheth: file <file>.run12:34
vincemanthe sound of my totem player doesn't work, VLC does work, what could the problem be?12:34
fogobogoDSheth: should tell you what it really is12:34
fogobogoDSheth: likely shellscript12:35
unopedeca,  errm, did you do an apt update?12:35
DShethit says sudo sh ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run12:35
DShethbut it doesnt work12:35
Youndervinceman, check if you are in the sound group12:35
lenaHow can I reset my vista password from ubuntu?12:35
vincemanYounder? the sound group?12:35
Slartlena: I don't think so, no12:35
vincemanthis is the ubuntu Xchat, not the sound group, if that's what you mean :(12:35
fogobogoDSheth: try sudo bash bla.run12:35
Youndervinceman,  system -> administration -> users and groups12:36
lenaSlart: You're wrong.12:36
nelson8874Younder: i found one. but don't know how to install it. This is the file i downloaded linux-wbfs-manager-0.1.11.tar.gz12:36
Slartlena: I would try booting from your vista install cd instead.. I think you can do it from there12:36
edecaunop: Yes, aptitude update12:36
lenaSlart: It didn't come with a cd...12:36
unopedeca,  lets look at the output of an apt-cache policy command then12:36
vincemanI can see my account and root's account there, Younder12:36
nelson8874Younder: how do i install this...?12:36
edecaunop: That is the output of apt-cache policy12:36
unopedeca, full output i mean12:36
edecaunop: Sure, 2 seconds12:36
fogobogonelson8874: ./configure, make, sudo make install12:37
Slartlena: try one of these solutions http://4sysops.com/archives/three-ways-to-reset-a-windows-vista-admin-password/12:37
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Youndernelson8874, typically in /usr/src do a tar xzvf <file> then a ./configure then a make, then a make install12:37
edecanelson8874: checkinstall is a much nicer solution12:38
edecanelson8874: Look into checkinstall instead12:38
nelson8874Younder: sorry, i'm tottally new in linux. you must be more especific12:38
edecaunop: http://pastebin.ca/174007112:39
nelson8874edeca: how do i use checkinstall?12:39
Youndernelson8874, if you are totally new you really shouldn' be doing this12:39
catladyanyone know a solution to get abiword to play nice with compiz? I get these black lines under the text when I type...12:39
edecaYounder: I strongly suggest you point people at checkinstall (or similar) instead of random 'make install' commands that leave mess everywhere :)12:39
fogobogoYounder: well. theres alwasy a first time12:39
DSheththat doesnt work12:39
vincemanYounder I see a group settings window but it's grey12:39
DShethhow do i set a directory12:39
DShethits saved under downloads12:40
nelson8874Younder: edeca says to use checkinstall, is it more safe?12:40
edecaunop: It looks like debian backports has the default score of 500.  I pushed the Ubuntu ones to 600 so they are default.12:40
Younderedeca, sorry, old habit. I don't do it anymore, but I sometimes lapse12:40
crash2108I have custom drivers that make a serial port at /dev/ttyHS0-2.  How do I "rename" the serial port to TTY1?12:40
edecacrash2108: You can either symlink or write udev rules12:40
unopedeca, hmm, yea, maybe you didn't add all this extra info in your apt preferences file?12:40
dooglus_nelson8874: seems there's a pre-compiled thing for wbfs here: https://launchpad.net/wiithon12:40
Slartlena: this looks interesting http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/change-your-forgotten-windows-password-with-the-linux-system-rescue-cd/12:40
unopedeca, the absence of this info is not detrimental. so i wouldn't worry12:41
Youndernelson8874, instead of make install, yes, it plays nicely with the debian package manager12:41
edecaunop: It's the missing line.  I can't select on the debian backports repo in /etc/apt/preferences as the repository has no extra info!12:41
edecaunop: So I can't say Pin: release a=debian-backports12:41
edecaunop: Because the apt policy hasn't picked up that metadata about the repository12:41
gidnaI would like to know if the usb adapter Belkin wifi 54G 69320-9 is compatible with ubuntu12:41
edecagidna: What did Google say?12:42
DShethhow do i set directory12:42
nelson8874Younder: how do i use checkinstall?12:42
edecaDSheth: "set" ?12:42
DShethi mean so i can run a program12:42
gidnaI dont' find this model12:42
edecagidna: On the whole, most modern wifi adapters work12:42
edecaDSheth: That question doesn't make much sense, can you tell us exactly what you are trying to do?12:42
unopedeca, i don't think the debian-backports thing is a release -- you might need to pin by origin12:42
DShethim trying to start a program12:42
edecaunop: Aaah!  Origin?  How do I specify the origin?12:42
DShethbut i forgot how to run it12:43
edecaDSheth: That has nothing to do with directories, though12:43
Youndernelson8874, you don't, yet. You need a bit more linux experience first12:43
edecaDSheth: /path/to/program12:43
crash2108edeca, Can you exlain that in more detail?  I'm actually using "HSO" drivers for Globetrotter 3G GRPS/GPS.  Trying to get the GPS output with GPSd.  Can see the NMEA output in Putty but I don't think most programs support the alternate serial port.12:43
dooglus_DSheth: use 'cd' to change directory.  then ./programname to run it.12:43
unopedeca, something like.  Pin: origin www.debian-backports.org    # note how it's the domain name that matters12:43
pranayhi , i am not able to see temp of my location  next to time , in ubuntu 9.10 ,12:43
edecaunop: That's good enough for me to go google, thanks12:43
edecaunop: I read a few HOWTOs that pinned on "a=debian-backports"12:44
DShethits not working...12:44
nelson8874dooglus_: it seems wiithon don't format. i'm trying to format my pen in wbfs12:44
catladypranay...need to edit and add location12:44
dooglus_nelson8874: ok, sorry then12:44
unopedeca, hmm, it's possible that works, but that doesn't make sense to me12:44
vinnie_can someone please help me compile ktorrent? This is what I get so far. http://pastebin.com/mb6628712:44
dooglus_nelson8874: where'd you get that .tar.gz?12:44
edecacrash2108: I'm unsure completely, but basically when a new device is created the udev rules in /etc/udev device what names it will have12:44
DShethlook the program is in my download's folder...12:44
nelson8874Younder: so i'm not installing the prog... :'(12:44
edecaunop: Nope, me neither.  I'll try your origin idea, thanks12:44
pranaycatlady: i have done that ,but its not working :(12:45
catladypranay: what happens?12:45
nelson8874dooglus_: http://code.google.com/p/linux-wbfs-manager/downloads/list12:45
catladypranay...try using zip code instead of location12:45
dooglus_nelson8874: I'll try building it, and paste a log12:46
unopedeca, ahh,  something like a=lenny-backports  or  a=etch-backports   makes sense tho12:46
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edecaunop: Origin works, thanks12:46
edecaunop: a=lenny-backports does not work :(12:46
catladypranay: or try a different location nearby12:46
edecaunop: For some reason, apt has no idea about that metadata it seems12:46
unopedeca, it's plausible that ubuntu does not know about those releases -12:47
edecaunop: Definitely.  Especially as they are not ubuntu ones :)12:47
l0ginhi all12:47
edecaunop: I wonder if there is a way to get that metadata somehow12:47
nelson8874dooglus_: that would be great. (this is what keeps me in the ubuntu family, people helping each other)12:47
edecaunop: Like you can aptitude install debian-backports-keyring12:47
DShethhow do i run a program which is in a folder12:47
l0ginHow can I launch a gnome-terminal with current dir set to the desired one instead of ~/ ?12:47
fogobogoDSheth: ./binary12:48
edecaDSheth: The same way you run anything else.  What program is it?  Is it executable?12:48
SlartDSheth: cd <foldername>     then    ./<programname>    might work12:48
unopedeca, well, usually it's just a matter of adding the repository in - but i guess there's a bit more to it12:48
edecal0gin: cd /desired/dir && gnome-terminal12:48
jribDSheth: double click (or be more specific)12:48
l0ginedeca,  thank you :)12:48
edecajrib: Heh :)12:48
Xeon_how do i do "man fgets" on ubuntu?12:48
catladyor right click open with12:48
MASARUwotaXeon_: open terminal, type command12:49
PiciXeon_: install the manpages-dev package12:49
dooglus_nelson8874: there's no need to install it12:49
pranaycatalady: no its not working , i had upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.1012:49
dooglus_nelson8874: just make it and run it locally12:49
Xeon_ok..let me try12:49
tobylanehow can i make a grub iso in ubuntu12:49
dooglus_nelson8874: of course, I did miss you original question.  what are you wanting to do?12:49
catladypranay: fresh install best...karmic has issues..i'm still on jaunty cuz it is better 4 me...12:50
l0ginIs it possible to create a gnome launcher which will do "cd /desired/dir && gnome-terminal" ?12:50
l0ginI tried the simple way and it doesnt work12:50
nelson8874dooglus_: :) i just wanted to install/run it12:50
MASARUwotal0gin: i think so, otherwise make a script12:50
nelson8874dooglus_: i need to format my pen in wbfs12:51
catladypranay: workaround....install weatherbug12:51
catladyweatherbug for linux12:51
jribl0gin: you want to execute cd in the shell /after/ you start gnome-terminal.  Check out the options for gnome-terminal maybe12:51
nelson8874dooglus_: so i can use the wiithon program12:51
Slartl0gin: you can do this instead "gnome-terminal --working-directory <some folder>"12:52
catladypranay: or install screenlets and use weather channel app12:52
Xeon_Pici: How come ubuntu does not come with manpages-dev?12:52
nelson8874dooglus_: what do you mean with "just make it and run it locally"12:52
pranaycatlady: ok12:52
PiciXeon_: Because theres next to no reason to have it installed by default.12:52
Xeon_manpage is handy12:52
DSheththe file is in /home/dipesh/downloads12:52
nelson8874dooglus_: make it? run it locally?12:52
jrib!who | DSheth12:53
ubottuDSheth: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:53
PiciXeon_: For developers perhaps.12:53
s0l1dsnak3123Hey, I'm having problems getting jack to run correctly - I get the error: ALSA: cannot configure playback channel12:53
nelson8874dooglus_: i feel like a 5 year old kid...12:53
dooglus_nelson8874: I downloaded and built it - here's a log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352299/12:53
dooglus_nelson8874: try what I did, and let me know if you get different results.  you can skip the 'checkinstall' step, 'cos it didn't help12:53
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nelson8874dooglus_: ok, i feel like a 3 old kid. I do not understand what you whant me to do with that log file12:55
DShethim trying to run an installer from my download folder how do i do this?12:55
nelson8874dooglu_: i do not know what that things mean...12:56
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nelson8874dooglus_: i'm sorry, i'm too noob.12:56
jribDSheth: if you want help, you need to answer questions so we can help you.  Tell us *exactly* what you are trying to install12:56
dooglus_nelson8874: that shows how I built the program12:56
dooglus_nelson8874: did you build it too?12:56
DShethwolfenstein enemy terriotory12:57
nelson8874dooglus_: what is built? (i'm almost crying)12:57
inderi want to open source project for linux12:57
jribDSheth: run « cd ~/Desktop », then run the command given on that link for installation12:57
indercan anybody help me12:57
dooglus_nelson8874: building is compiling.  taking source code to make a program12:57
jribDSheth: sorry.  ignore that.  run « cd /home/dipesh/downloads »12:58
dooglus_nelson8874: I see you mention an error about 'group disk'.  how do you see that error?12:58
nelson8874dooglus_: the only thing i did was "extract here"12:58
K3rl0u4rnhi people, what would you use if you wanted to display a picture during a second and then quit from command line ? I thaught feh would do that but I can't find a way to let it quit after a second12:58
DShethjrib: it says no such file or directory12:58
pranaycatlady: ya its working for a nearby location, thanks12:58
jribDSheth: what is the name of the file you downloaded?12:59
catladypranay: cool :)12:59
SlartK3rl0u4rn: some app to show the pic.. "sleep 3" and then somehow kill the picture showing app.. pkill, kill or something12:59
jribDSheth: why do you have a file older than the one given on the wiki?12:59
DShethjrib: because i want to install the older version13:00
DShethjrib: it should work exactly the same...13:00
aMVadderhi, anybody know howto install skype in karmic? I cannot find it from medibuntu repository13:00
K3rl0u4rnSlart: wanted to avoid the kill method but if that's the only solution... why not13:00
catladyamVadder: go to the Skype website.....13:00
gromblfor installing skype visit skype.com13:00
pranaycatlady: also i am not able to install the nvedia graphics card drivers using either hardware drivers nor envyng,,, the error which i get using envyng is http://pastebin.com/m34509cf13:00
jribDSheth: « chmod +x et-linux-2.55.x86.run; sudo ./et-linux-2.55.x86.run »  make sure you need sudo by reading the documentation for the game, I don't anything about it13:00
SlartK3rl0u4rn: I think that would depend on the app you use to show the picture.. there might exist one that does it more gracefully13:01
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:01
pranaycatlady: it just hangs after some initial stage13:01
catladypranay: look for alternate drivers in synaptic13:01
catladypackage manager13:01
s0l1dsnak3123Hey, I'm having problems getting jack to run correctly - I get the error: "ALSA: cannot configure playback channel". When running jackd from the terminal I get this: http://stikked.com/view/19958940 Any ideas folks?13:02
DShethjrib: same error again no such file or directory13:02
aMVaddercatlady, grombl thanks.13:02
jribDSheth: pastebin the last 10 commands you ran and their output13:02
madurahey guys where can i find a GUI client for FFMpeg?13:02
DShethjrib:i dont understnad13:02
Oli``Is there a virtual printer that I can install on Windows that allows Ubuntu to print to it and it forwards the print job onto a Windows-only printer connected to the same machine?13:02
BlouBloumadura: Try winff13:02
jribDSheth: copy the last 10 commands you ran and their output, go to paste.ubuntu.com13:02
jrib!pastebin | DSheth13:03
maduraBlouBlou, k thanks13:03
catladyaMVadder: you are welcome...you may need to tweak the sound specs once installed but should work13:03
ubottuDSheth: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:03
BlouBloumadura: No problem13:03
K3rl0u4rnSlart: no matter, kill -15 works with feh so hey, that's ok13:03
ubottuQQ13006769: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:04
DShethjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352303/13:05
SpoZenHey guys, how can i make n indefinitely, in this command: find . -links n? I would like to search for file with more than 2 links13:05
jribSpoZen: +2     ?13:06
SpoZenjrib: thanks13:06
jribDSheth: bash: cd: /home/dipesh/downloads: No such file or directory13:06
DShethjrib: ??13:07
jribDSheth: you can't ignore output.  output usually means something went wrong.  Isn't that where you said the file was?  Linux is CaSe SeNsItIvE13:07
DShethso downloads is Downloads lol13:07
jribDSheth: yes13:07
DShethjrib: i feel stupid now13:08
hamzaatova2do you know why does ubuntu booted for the first time on some laptop and then sttoped booting again?????????????????????13:08
anodesniHi, i have just read this http://makethemove.net/getstarted.php site and I want to try out ubuntu. My laptop, however, only has 768 vertical pixels and I am afraid for the two panels on the desktop. Is there some way to have only one panel or is KDE better?13:08
drivendreamerhi everyone13:08
BlouBlou!hi | drivendreamer13:08
ubottudrivendreamer: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:08
SpoZenCrap, didn't work... I need some way to find all hard links + soft links. find . -type l only finds soft links13:08
DShethjrib: its working now thank you very much13:08
drivendreameri just have a simple question13:08
jribanodesni: the interface is very customizable, just right click on a panel and delete it, right click on the other panel and add what you want13:09
BlouBloudrivendreamer: Well, ask it :)13:09
hamzaatova2how do i convert movies from youporn to avi???????13:09
drivendreameri use dvd-r's for back-up13:09
drivendreamerand i have a couple of them which13:09
drivendreamera;ready have files on them but not burned13:09
drivendreameri mean, i only use them as a flash drive13:09
drivendreamerbut when ubuntu mounts them13:09
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drivendreamerit turns out im not the owner and cant edit them13:09
hirenwhat is the command to connect remot PC through command line ?13:10
anodesnijrib: that's good to hear. Also, I have an ATI card and a friend of mine said it can be troublesome under linux. Is this true? I don't want to play games, only video and support for 2nd screen/beamer.13:10
heikki124hi. is it possible to somehow store the f-spot database on a portable hard disk?13:10
drivendreamerive tried changing the owner in so many different ways and none worked13:10
DShethjrib: sorry an error: /home/dipesh/.setup18086: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or dire13:10
heikki124or would you suggest a better software for image-catagorizion13:11
jribanodesni: don't know, but if you don't want 3d I think your ok.  Some older cards have issues iirc.  Check out the wiki page:13:11
jrib!ati | anodesni13:11
ubottuanodesni: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:11
kinja-sheepanodesni: It *can* be troublesome but it does not change the fact that some people have troublesome with Nvidia cards too.13:11
hirenany body tell me how to connect remotely through command line13:11
drivendreamercan anyone help?13:11
DShethjrib: i tried sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2 but it said Package libgtk1.2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.13:11
DShethThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or13:11
DShethis only available from another source13:11
anodesnijrib: thanks13:11
jribDSheth: (as the wiki link you gave me states) you need gtk 1.213:11
heikki124hiren: remotely? like ssh username@hostname13:11
Slarthiren: ssh is popular13:11
kinja-sheep!ssh | hiren13:12
ubottuhiren: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:12
kinja-sheephiren: "sudo aptitude install ssh" and you're done.13:12
hirenthanks my frieng13:12
DShethjrib: isnt it available anymore13:12
BlouBlouI think it comes installed by default13:12
heikki124ssh client is installed by default, but ssh daemon isn't (if i remember correctly)13:12
kinja-sheepBlouBlou: The client does, but not the server.13:13
hirenwhat is the use of ssh daemon ?13:13
BlouBlouheikki124 - kinja-sheep: Ah okay, thanks :P13:13
kinja-sheephiren: sshd13:13
hirenbut what is that ???13:13
SerbThughello everzone. I have had some problems with fs. when that recovered, some inodes were deleted. So now I have lost+found dir full of backups. Some suggestion prehaps?13:13
drivendreamercan anyone help?13:13
jribDSheth: I think you are correct that it is no longer in the repositories.  The wiki states it's only needed if you want to install with a GUI so I assume you can install without a gui.  Or you will have to install gtk 1.2 yourself13:13
heikki124hiren: daemon is something where you connect to.. client is what you use to connect to the daemon (server)13:13
hirenthat mean server13:14
DShethjrib: can you help me install it without gui?13:14
jribDSheth: I don't know how13:14
DShethjrib: ok13:14
kinja-sheephiren: Daemon is something that is running all times in the background.13:14
hirensome thing like cron ?13:14
hirenthen ?13:15
heikki124not really, or... well, cron is also running in the background ;)13:15
hireni am new to the ubuntu13:15
jribDSheth: here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137128313:15
drivendreamerhello, is anyone able to help me?13:15
fogobogodrivendreamer: how about stating the problem13:16
Slart!ask | fogobogo13:16
ubottufogobogo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:16
drivendreameri did13:16
Slartoops.. sorry13:16
fogobogoSlart: thanks :D13:16
jribDSheth: I'd be wary of mixing packages like that though, make sure you don't chase dependencies that override what's currently in karmic.  It's best to grab the source package and rebuild it13:16
drivendreamermy problem is that i dont 'own' my dvds! and cant change the owner13:16
fogobogodrivendreamer: how about doing it again?13:16
heikki124what is the best software for managin hundreds of jpg's ?13:17
DShethjrib: ok ty13:17
Slartfogobogo: just.. in case.. well.. ;)13:17
star3am<heikki124> picasa13:17
fogobogodrivendreamer: well. system > administration > user + groups13:17
drivendreamerno, that did not work, fogobogo13:17
fogobogodrivendreamer: something like that13:17
drivendreamerlet me elaborate13:17
fogobogooh ok13:17
drivendreamerthese are rewriatbel dvds i use to back up files13:18
nightyis there a way to install ubuntu without a cd on an asus eeepc?13:18
star3am<drivendreamer> add yourself to the group that does own the DVD ?13:18
drivendreamerand i tried changing owners on the terminal13:18
Slart!usb | nighty13:18
ubottunighty: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:18
drivendreamerthe owner is not even the root13:18
bazhangnighty, unetbootin13:18
drivendreamerits user -1 which does not exist13:18
drivendreamernor the group, group -113:18
fogobogodrivendreamer: well. chown to change the owner13:19
drivendreameri tried that too, and it would work either13:19
fogobogosure. its read only13:19
drivendreameri mean, i didnt burn them13:19
drivendreameri just used them as a flash drive13:20
drivendreamerif i get on windows13:20
drivendreameri can edit them just fine13:20
drivendreamerbut on ubuntu13:20
drivendreameri cant13:20
bmmHi. I've installed CompizConfig settings manager in Lucid but the Shadow Windows option in the Decorator plugin does not seem to have any effect. Is that a bug or intentional?13:20
fogobogodrivendreamer: well. part of the problem is that a dvd doesnt store owner/permissions13:20
plustaxIm having a bit of a problem. Someone helped set me up so I can have different wallpapers on each one of my 6 desktops, but now for some reason I can't put icons on it. At all.13:21
fogobogodrivendreamer: however. if you operate as root you should be able to access it13:21
bazhangbmm, #ubuntu+1 for lucid13:21
bmmbazhang: thanks!13:21
drivendreameri dont even want it to store the option13:21
drivendreamerwant to be able to erase/delete files on it13:21
drivendreameri tried operating as root, would work either13:21
drivendreamerwould not*13:21
jribplustax: if you used compiz then you stopped nautilus from drawing your desktop so you could have the different wallpapers (nautilus also draws the icons)13:21
drivendreamerroot is not the owner :(13:21
plustaxjrib what do I do to fix it?13:22
drivendreameri cant even blank it13:22
drivendreamerat least not on the graphical mode13:22
fogobogodrivendreamer: shouldnt matter. what you use for blanking?13:22
chilli0Whats wrong with this code ? ( Im testing my webserver ) chilli0@Command:~$ exec -o mpscan -p1 -e999 -
jribplustax: there's nothing broken.  If you want to go back to nautilus handling your desktop, just undo what you did13:22
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fogobogodrivendreamer: oic. open a terminal and type sudo brasero13:22
plustaxjrib here's the thing. I don't remember what the guy did. A friend went in and did it for me.13:22
Slart!gksudo | fogobogo13:23
ubottufogobogo: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:23
fogobogodrivendreamer: that should run brasero with root privileges13:23
fogobogoplustax: or that13:23
jribplustax: what does this return: « gconftool-2 -g /apps/desktop/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop »13:23
drivendreamer"no available disk"13:23
drivendreamerbut it is mounted13:23
plustaxNo value set for `/apps/desktop/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop13:24
INV4D5RI do not speak English, someone here speak Portuguese??13:24
Slart!pt | INV4D5R13:24
ubottuINV4D5R: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:24
drivendreamerits really nuts, no one owns the dvd, no one can make changes to it :S13:24
fogobogodrivendreamer: gksudo brasero?13:24
plustaxjrib No value set for `/apps/desktop/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop13:24
fogobogodrivendreamer: else come with the big hammer. su root; wodim blank=fast /path/to/disc13:25
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jribplustax: maybe the location was changed, I can't check because I don't have nautilus installed.  Do you remember changing something in gconf?13:26
mauriif I update kde from deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu karmic main....will i be able to came back the the previous one ?13:26
drivendreamerok, give me a few13:26
kinja-sheepmauri: Best to use PPA instead of DEB because we're talking about lot of dependencies.13:26
plustaxjrib alright I need to run. Ill look into this later. Thank you for your help.13:27
kinja-sheepmauri: As for coming back, it is not impossible but it certainly will be hard thing to do. You'd have to find out which packages were updated. Purge the package. Eliminate the PPA. Install kubuntu-desktop again.13:28
drivendreamerits not doing it13:28
drivendreamersays use tsize= option in sao mode to specify track size13:28
peter_mit_majest\join #thinx13:28
maurikinja-sheep: which is the line i have to add to source if the one i highlited before is not the best?13:29
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fogobogodrivendreamer: but it accesses it!13:30
drivendreameractually, i am able to access the dvd13:30
kinja-sheepmauri: I'll find you the link.13:30
drivendreameri just cant create/delete files on it13:30
fogobogodrivendreamer: likely not. that "use a disk like a floppy" feature isnt the best to begin with.13:31
drivendreamerwell, on windows it worked just fine :(13:32
kinja-sheepmauri: http://tinyurl.com/yavml3213:32
fogobogodrivendreamer: yeah. but its a big pile of ugly hacks to get that functionality.13:32
JonathanEllisCan anyone recommend an email client that interfaces seemlessly to gmail and gives me all the gmail functionality without downloading my email to my computer? At the moment I just use firefox but its a bit slow13:33
tiger__can somebody tell me when I want to install a deb file, error occurs that  "Please close the other application e.g. update manager ,aptitude, synaptic first"  what can I do know13:33
drivendreamerwell, if i could at least blank it13:33
dooglus_JonathanEllis: chrome?13:33
drivendreameri dont care for the files that are on the dvd now, i want to create new ones13:33
JonathanEllisdooglus_: What is chrome?13:33
fogobogodrivendreamer: if im not mistaken you might be lucky with udftools or udfutils.13:33
tiger__I   restart my system many times ..  It still have the same problems13:33
kinja-sheeptiger__: You only can have one package manager running at a time.13:33
dooglus_JonathanEllis: google's alternative to firefox13:33
drivendreamerwhat is that?13:33
fogobogodrivendreamer: well. thats wodim blank=<some mode>13:33
fogobogodrivendreamer: man wodim13:33
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dooglus_JonathanEllis: http://www.google.com/chrome13:34
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maurikinja-sheep: thanks a lot... the last question if i can13:34
julezzHello! does anyone know howto install teamspeak-client3 on Ubuntu?13:34
jarod511iwould like to know if there's a mean to restore a fresh sources.lst :) ?13:35
kinja-sheepmauri: Go ahead. Ask away.13:35
tiger__kinja-sheep:  how can shut down the others13:35
JonathanEllisdooglus_: I meant I want to use an email client instead of a browser. I tried Google Chrome on Windows about a year ago but it wasnt robust and couldnt support various features of websites at the time. I see its still in beta but then I guess thats google for you. Ten years to get out of Beta I expect13:35
maurikinja-sheep: how can I find which packages have been updated in order to remove them?13:35
kinja-sheeptiger__: What is on your Desktop?13:35
kinja-sheepmauri: Are you using Kubuntu?13:36
tiger__kinja-sheep:   how can I shut the others since I   never open the application13:36
tiger__many files on my desktop13:37
maurikinja-sheep: yes13:37
MASARUwotajulezz: download it and compile it13:37
drivendreamerno, it wont do it13:37
kinja-sheeptiger__: Maybe it crashed.13:37
kinja-sheep!aptfix | tiger__ (Try that).13:37
ubottutiger__ (Try that).: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:37
tiger__ubottu: yes the os also tell me that ,,13:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:38
dooglus_julezz: 32 or 64 bit?13:38
floating1just installed java run time on old pc, and after the install update-apt-xapi stays active and is hogging up my mem and cpu. what is it doing ?13:38
jarod511what's the use of the sources.lst.d folder ?13:38
MASARUwotajarod511: its a daemon13:39
dooglus_julezz: cd /tmp && wget 'wget http://ftp.4players.de/pub/hosted/ts3/releases/beta-9/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_x86-3.0.0-beta9.run' && chmod 755 TeamSpeak* && ./TeamSpeak*.run13:39
jribjarod511: you can add repositories there and keep them organized in different files13:39
jarod511MASARUwota: so i must not remove files in this folder ?13:39
kinja-sheepmauri: I don't know the correct way to do it but the way I do it, I would purge all KDE packages (and stuck back in the console), remove the beta-thing file, then install it again using kubuntu-desktop metapackage.13:39
MASARUwotajarod511: why would you?13:39
dooglus_julezz: miss out the 2nd wget, sorry13:40
dooglus_julezz: cd /tmp && wget 'http://ftp.4players.de/pub/hosted/ts3/releases/beta-9/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_x86-3.0.0-beta9.run' && chmod 755 TeamSpeak* && ./TeamSpeak*.run13:40
jarod511MASARUwota: i think my apt sources are a little bit messy13:40
jarod511MASARUwota: it's time to clean up13:40
MASARUwotajardo511: only edit the file then, dont touch the folders D:13:40
jarod511MASARUwota: if a repo is in sources.lst.d it must not figure in sources.lst right ?13:41
kinja-sheepmauri: This is for amd64, you can see all related packages -- http://tinyurl.com/yaydxyw13:41
MASARUwotajarod511: i think itll change when you restart13:41
dooglus_jarod511: you can make a file in the .d folder, or you can edit the sources.list file - they're equivalent.  you can do both if you like, but then you'll have a duplicate entry13:41
maurikinja-sheep: which is the different between sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta and add the line sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta into source.list13:41
dooglus_mauri: the add-apt-repo command sorts the keyring out for you too I think13:42
tiger__ubottu:  the command can not run  in my terminal13:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:43
aLeSDhi all13:43
kinja-sheepmauri: This is a new feature in Karmic. It makes it easier to add a new PPA (and signature too!) using a single command instead of having to resort back to editing /etc/apt/sources.list (and then sign the signature manually).13:43
mkanyicytiger__, what do you want to run?13:43
kinja-sheepmauri: You shouldn't add a line "sudo add-apt-repository ppa: etc" in the sources.list.13:43
mkanyicyhi aLeSD13:43
tiger__<kinja-sheep> !aptfix | tiger__ (Try that)  :    I don't know how to do it ... I   am a newer  to Ubuntu13:44
aLeSDI searching a way to send crypted mail13:44
pete_mauri, sudo is a command13:44
kinja-sheep!aptfix | tiger__13:44
ubottutiger__: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:44
kinja-sheeptiger__: Open a terminal in Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal and do the command above.13:44
tiger__an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked13:45
jarod511hmmm, i think it's better to create list files in sources.list.d instead of editing sources.lst... though the sources.lst remains clean. Am I wrong ?13:45
maurikinja-sheep: ok i think to have understood.... but in this way how can see which repo I've added13:45
kinja-sheepmauri: By taking a look in /etc/apt/sources.list (and if any), in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ too.13:45
dooglus_mauri: the add-repo command thing will make you a file in the sources.list.d/ dir13:46
tiger__kinja-sheep>:  I am not familiar with the command13:46
dooglus_mauri: so you can still see what you have added13:46
kinja-sheeptiger__: "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; sudo dpkg --configure -a" (w/o quotes).13:46
tiger__can you show me step by step  (how many lines even blank)13:46
kinja-sheeptiger__: Just copy and paste above (w/o quotes) into the terminal. Run it.13:47
mkanyicykinja-sheep: even with quotes it should work :)13:47
tiger__It works thank you13:47
kinja-sheepmkanyicy: "echo Zomg" does not do it.13:48
kinja-sheeptiger__: You're welcome.13:48
maurikinja-sheep: perfect...I saw.   I'm starting with the update.... I hope all will go fine.13:48
Sorhanmorning all13:48
tiger__w/o quotes  is what ?  can you tell  me13:48
aLeSDpsp is secure ?13:48
maurikinja-sheep: I have another curiosity if you want to answer me or if oyu have time again13:48
kinja-sheeptiger__: Without quotes.  Quotes --> "  "13:48
mkanyicykinja-sheep, oh? i see but "ls" works13:48
JonathanEllisCan anyone suggest an email application that integrates well with gmail and gives me the gmail functionality without downloading all my mail to my computer and without using a browser? Gmail is fine but a bit slow in a browser13:48
kinja-sheepmauri: Ask away.13:49
TheFAXhello! I'm new with Ubuntu. I have some simple questions. Someone can help me?13:49
ubottuTheFAX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:49
llutzJonathanEllis: why don't you use any mailclient with google-imap?13:49
MASARUwotaJonathanEllis: every mailclient can do that13:49
MASARUwotawith imap13:49
dooglus_JonathanEllis: I've tried a few.  none of them really worked very well in my experience13:49
dooglus_JonathanEllis: try evolution and thunderbird - they both allow you to access gmail using IMAP13:49
dooglus_JonathanEllis: but you don't get the same functionality as on the web page13:50
MindSparkhi. how do I enable syntax highlighting and vim-full ?13:50
MindSparkcan't seem to find the package vim-full anymore13:50
JonathanEllisThe things I like about gmail are the searching, automatic categories and spam13:50
maurikinja-sheep: is there a way to konw from which repository came a determinate package.....I ask you this because sometime a package can be present in more that one repository (i.e. amsn daily)13:50
creative83Hello together. Any posibility to tell certtool (gnutls) to use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random ?13:50
mkanyicyJonathanEllis, there is a Basic HTML version for gnome that is faster on a browser13:50
Sorhanprobably a simple question ... but how do I get a program to install under wine?13:51
MASARUwotaSorhan: just run the exe with wine13:51
star3am<Sorhan> open with wine, me fink :)13:51
kinja-sheepJonathanEllis: Define Slow Gmail.  If Gmail is a bit slower in your browser, I'm guessing you're using Firefox and have multiple addons (and bugs!) which slows it down.13:51
dooglus_JonathanEllis: I think you'll be fine then, so long as you dont mind using the web interface to set up the filters13:51
tiger__Now I Can install Skype ,,thank you that helped me ....   Happy New year13:51
TheFAXI want to install some software in a live-USB-persistent ubuntu 9.10. I'd like know how to make the software installed persistent.13:51
JonathanEllismkanyicy: Yes but that probably doesnt have the functionality13:52
star3amcheers all, it's home time (party)13:52
dooglus_I use firefox to access my gmail, and have the 'offline' lab enabled, so I can read and write email using the browser even without a net connection13:52
JonathanElliskinja-sheep: Yes I use Firefox with adblock plus and xmarks addons13:52
dooglus_it doesn't seem slow to me13:52
mkanyicyJonathanEllis, what slows down your gmail? is it slow network?13:52
kinja-sheepdooglus_: Offline Lab? You need to have Google Gears for that one?13:53
dooglus_kinja-sheep: you do13:53
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kinja-sheepmauri: That one, I do not know.13:53
creative83Hello together. Any posibility to tell certtool (gnutls) to use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random ?13:53
JonathanEllismkanyicy: I dont know. I have 4MB/s broadband so it shouldnt be that. But my PC is only a Celeron 2400 with 1GB of RAM13:53
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kinja-sheepdooglus_: So you're using Windows or is there Google Gears for Ubuntu that I'm not aware of?13:53
dooglus_kinja-sheep: it walks you through the install though when you enable the lab13:53
dooglus_kinja-sheep: there's google gears for ubuntu that you're not aware of13:53
zzzzCracovia Kraków13:54
kinja-sheepdooglus_: Found it. :)13:54
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MASARUwotazzzz: ?13:54
dooglus_kinja-sheep: there's google gears for ubuntu that you're now aware of13:54
mkanyicyJonathanEllis, gmail is quite fast13:54
zzzzskad jestes ??13:54
maurikinja-sheep: ok thanks for your time13:54
zzzzile masz nit ??13:54
MASARUwotazzzz: zapraszam na #ubuntu-pl13:54
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mkanyicyJonathanEllis, at least much faster than the new yahoo mail13:54
TheFAXI want to install some software in a live-USB-persistent ubuntu 9.10. I'd like know how to make the software installed persistent. If someone can help me, use query.13:55
JonathanEllismkanyicy: Mind you facebook is terribly slow on my pc. Sometimes I can write an email on facebook, go away and come back with a cup of tea and the screen might have caught up with my typing.13:55
dooglus_TheFAX: if you use the USB installer thingy, it has an option to set how much persistent storage to set aside on the USB13:56
MASARUwotaJonathanEllis: pick a light DE/WM and a light browser (midori, chrome/chromium, arora)13:56
legend2440mauri: to see which repo a package belongs to  open Synaptic then Settings>Preferences>Columns and Fonts and put a check mark next to Components13:56
mkanyicyJonathanEllis, then your network is slow13:56
dooglus_TheFAX: then everything you change/install while booted from it stays between boots13:56
kinja-sheepmauri: You could try "aptitude show xchat" and see the maintainer <name>13:56
dooglus_TheFAX: in my experience it works horribly, and within a few boots it will stop working13:56
DiverdudeHow do i mount a remote drive to /media using sshfs. I tried: sshfs remoteHost:/remotedir /media/mymount but that did not work....What am I missing?13:56
dooglus_TheFAX: ie. it will no longer even boot13:56
kinja-sheepmauri: Although that's a tricky and not everything get updated. The best way is to check the repo manually.13:56
MASARUwotaTheFAX: if you want to try ubuntu out, install it in Virtualbox instead13:57
JonathanEllisMASARUwota: Whats a DE/WM? The reasons I use firefox are that it has adblock plus and xmarks which synchronises my bookmarks between computers13:57
mkanyicyJonathanEllis, if I were you I'd export my firefox bookmarks to a html file and then remove the ~/.mozilla directory and then restore my bookmarks again13:57
entity_khello Ubuntu-ers :)13:57
mkanyicyJonathanEllis, but I am not sure if that would solve anything either13:57
MASARUwotaJonathanEllis: an environment, like GNOME, KDE, XFCE or something lighter13:57
kinja-sheepJonathanEllis: Is that all extensions you're using? I use more than you and Gmail seems to be fast. You have old hardware?13:57
dooglus_JonathanEllis: I've seen this bug before13:58
JonathanEllismkanyicy: Why? Anyway, I have xmarks so all my bookmarks are automatically synced13:58
ubottuentity_k: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:58
JonathanElliskinja-sheep: Yes I have old hardware, Celeron 2400 with 1GB of RAM13:58
dooglus_JonathanEllis: can you try this for me?  reduce the firefox window down to the size of a postage stamp, then try typing in facebook...  is it much faster?  I think it will be.13:58
TheFAXdooglus_: I tried to set the "persistent storage space" to about 500Mbyte, but Ubuntu say me "there is not enough space...". Now I installed only TrueCrypt (not more than 20Mb). :-(13:58
MASARUwotaJonathanEllis: you want to have it quicker, right? so install something ligher then D:13:58
mkanyicyJonathanEllis, another thing, i like my firefox add-on-free13:58
JonathanEllismkanyicy: I dont like ads!13:59
kinja-sheepJonathanEllis: That could be it. Gnome for that machine is WOW.  Also, you could try "firefox -safe-mode"13:59
MASARUwotamkanyicy: addons are the only thing i have firefox installed for :/13:59
dooglus_TheFAX: not enough space to make the storage?  or after you booted from the USB?13:59
mkanyicyJonathanEllis, are you browsing bad websites?13:59
TheFAXMASARUwota: Yes, I tried it on a virual machine. But I need to use ubuntu on different computers with same configuration and same software in portable mode...13:59
mkanyicyMASARUwota, i thought firefox comes with ubuntu by default13:59
MASARUwotaTheFAX: and same encrypted directories with illegal pornography13:59
MASARUwotamkanyicy: yes, that doesnt make it good tho14:00
MASARUwotamkanyicy: its bloated D: just run midori, chromium or arora instead14:00
DiverdudeHow do i mount a remote drive to /media using sshfs. I tried: sshfs remoteHost:/remotedir /media/mymount but that did not work....What am I missing?14:00
kinja-sheepJonathanEllis: I know epiphany-browser have AdBlock feature.  Also, chromium.14:00
MASARUwotamkanyicy: or ephiphany or galeon14:00
JonathanEllismkanyicy: I wouldnt know about bad websites. Porn and stuff, no. But I search the web for things like any user. I dont have any idea which websites I use. Facebook is really slow though14:00
dooglus_Diverdude: 'sudo'?14:01
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dooglus_JonathanEllis: try what I suggested14:01
IdleOneJonathanEllis⡈ Chrome and Chromium both have addblock also14:01
MASARUwotaJonathanEllis: use lighter software then14:01
Xfactis there any application installer exists for installing 'tar.gz' installation files?14:01
Diverdudedooglus_, then it just keeps asking for the password even though i have typed it correctly14:01
mkanyicyMASARUwota, I rest my case. Firefox is ranked in top three browsers, i bet.14:01
dooglus_IdleOne: chrome has some kind of ad blocking, but it sucked last I tried it.  it wasn't adblock plus.  is that available for chrome now?14:02
JonathanEllisIdleOne: How do you get adblock in chrome?14:02
dooglus_Diverdude: let me try...14:02
kinja-sheep!compile | Xfact14:02
ubottuXfact: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:02
MindSparkok, I have vi in /usr/bin, which is a symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/vi. The latter vi is another symbolic link to  /usr/bin/vim.tiny. However, when I run vi I think I launch a different program than vim.tiny14:02
MASARUwotamkanyicy: definently, #2 i think, but its still slow. IE is #1, being well known doesnt make it good! and you as a linux user should know that!!!14:02
fogobogoMindSpark: welcome to ubuntu :D14:02
IdleOneJonathanEllis⡈ go to the addons page for chrome. dooglus_ it seems to work fine for me here14:03
neilthank you14:03
dooglus_Diverdude: works for me?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/352330/14:03
MASARUwotaMindSpark: ever thought about using aliases?14:03
MindSparkfogobogo, thanks, used it since version 1,14:03
MindSparkMASARUwota, I am not the one who linked all that up, it was like that14:03
MindSparkI just have the issue with the cursors14:03
mikebeechamhello, I am having problems mounting my HTC Hero Android phone onto Ubuntu...can anyone help?14:03
fogobogoman mount14:04
MindSparkwhen I am in insert mode, cursors seem to write A's and B's14:04
Diverdudeyes, it also works for me when it is not in the /media/somefolder folder...I tried in ~/mountall/afolder and then it worked...but not in /media14:04
MindSparkhowever, when I run vim.tiny, things work fine14:04
Diverdudedooglus_, that was for you btw14:04
dooglus_Diverdude: ok, I'll try that then14:04
neilok here's my problem feeling really stupid at the min i need to download a set of files to the temp folder from a link but when i click it, it downloads to my desktop tried manually moving the pages to the temp folder but will not still detect in terminal when i tell it to extract can you please help?14:05
kinja-sheepDiverdude: You don't want it in /media -- Just create /media/something.14:05
Diverdudekinja-sheep, i did14:05
dooglus_Diverdude: I have the same problem it appears14:05
Diverdudekinja-sheep, media/somefolder14:05
JonathanEllisIdleOne: Which extension would you recommend to block ads? AdBlockChromium?14:05
user___has anyone else experienced the 'httpConnectionEncrypt failed' error with cups recently?14:06
Diverdudedooglus_, ok, so it also keeps asking you for password?14:06
IdleOneJonathanEllis⡈  if your are using Chromium, yeah give it a shot14:06
kinja-sheepDiverdude: You are sure you didn't mistype or connect to wrong hostmachine? What is the command?14:06
JonathanEllisIdleOne: Well, I just downloaded google chrome, not chromium though I gather they are similar14:07
llutzDiverdude: you don't have write-access to /media as user, so you cannot mount something there14:07
Diverdudekinja-sheep, yes i am sure. 100% i triede several times, and it works outside the media/somefolder perfect14:07
dooglus_Diverdude: a fix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352334/14:07
_dreamydoes blue fish has a list of the HTML tags?14:07
dooglus_Diverdude: make sure you own the directory you make in /media/ using chown14:07
IdleOneJonathanEllis: yes they are14:07
dooglus_Diverdude: I don't get a password prompt, because I use my private key to log in14:07
dooglus_Diverdude: I just get a hang as it tries over and over to log in14:08
dooglus_Diverdude: but if I chown the directory, it's fine14:08
JonathanEllisIdleOne: There are a whole load of adblock extensions. Not sure which to choose https://chrome.google.com/extensions/search?q=adblock14:08
Diverdudedooglus_, ahh ok, so sudo chown chris:chris /media/court14:08
Diverdude does the trick14:08
dooglus_Diverdude: yup14:08
dooglus_Diverdude: especially if your username is 'chris' ;)14:08
Diverdudedooglus_, what does chris:chris mean?14:08
kinja-sheepDiverdude: User:Group14:08
IdleOneJonathanEllis: try the most downloaded14:08
dooglus_Diverdude: that's the username:group to change it to14:08
neilanyone know how to download to temp file instead of desktop?14:09
Diverdudedooglus_, and if i dont know the group?14:09
dooglus_neil: how are you downloading14:09
MASARUwotaneil: download to /tmp14:09
dooglus_Diverdude: it's probably the same as your username14:09
llutzneil: download with what app?14:09
dooglus_'id' in a terminal will tell you14:09
neilgoing to ste then clicking a link got to go to the temp file but downloads to desktop14:09
Diverdudeok..ill try...but i only have to chown it once and it will then remain like that until i deliberatly change it again right?14:10
dooglus_Diverdude: right14:10
dsnydersneil, what browser?14:10
Diverdudeill try..moment14:10
dooglus_Diverdude: you could probably just chown chris /media/court14:10
dooglus_Diverdude: the :group part is optional - I doubt sshfs cares about the group14:10
dooglus_neil: in the options you can set the default download dir14:11
saintissis there a reason why java programs are not allowed to make external network connections?14:11
fogobogoMindSpark: use vim?14:11
Diverdudedooglus_, what command will reveal the owner of a folder?14:11
* kinja-sheep give Dr_Willis a welcoming cookie14:11
llutzneil: rightclick the link, chose folder14:11
dooglus_Diverdude: ls -ld /media/court14:11
saintisslike a certain daemon or something preventing this?14:11
Dr_WillisKookies :)14:11
llutzneil: for general change, go to settings menu and change to your preferred download-folder14:11
MindSparkfogobogo, I just figured out that the default configuration file is vim.tiny, while I should use the config file for vim14:11
dooglus_neil: menu > edit > preferences > main > downloads > save files to14:11
neilhow do i get into the options when i click the download it only gives me the option to open or download can't change the destination folder14:12
Diverdudedooglus_, and THANK YOU sir :D14:12
llutzneil: rightclick14:12
dooglus_Diverdude: -l is to show 'long' details, '-d' is to show the directory itself, not the contents of it14:12
kinja-sheepneil: Add the extension.14:12
dooglus_neil: menu > edit > preferences > main > downloads > save files to14:13
Diverdudedooglus_, ohh, so ls -ld is short for ls -l -d ?14:13
dooglus_Diverdude: yes.  pretty much all programs let you merge short options together14:13
russelhi, any know how to modify Firefox options by external script?14:14
Diverdudedooglus_, superduper14:14
dooglus_fuser -vki is the same as fuser -v -k -i14:14
quesoIs there something like console screen for x? So I could have an x app running and switch to it at another computer without closing and re-starting it?14:14
Diverdudedooglus_, sorry for the stupid questions...im still a pretty ignorant windows user....but my ubuntu conversion is oing quite well i think hehe14:14
dooglus_Diverdude: this is the place for your questions14:14
MASARUwotaqueso: vnc14:14
dooglus_Diverdude:  there are no stupid questions, only stupid people ;)14:15
dsnydersneil, On the firefox menu, click on edit, go down to preferences.  That will bring up a new window.  Click on the icon labelled main.  On that page there will be a downloads section.  Choose the option Always ask.14:15
Diverdudedooglus_, i only have some problems with skype, and i also think ubuntu is a bit laggy sometimes....which dont really know how to fix14:15
tiger__can anybody tell me how to configure my notepad wireless  to   surf on internet with TP-link  541G+14:15
neiljust found it thanks14:15
dooglus_Diverdude: I use skype daily.  it's probably the least reliable app I use regularly14:16
dooglus_Diverdude: what's the problem?14:16
quesoMASARUwota: is that easy to set up?14:16
tiger__how can I configure the wireless connection14:16
MASARUwotaqueso: you install a server, run it. you run a client and type in the server hostname and a pass.14:17
meowsustiger__: Thats a pretty broad question.14:17
tiger__what is the ssid and Bssid   and mac address14:17
ubottutiger__: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:17
Diverdudedooglus_, well, in the beginning i had big problems making the mic function properly....Then suddently it started to work like magic, but when I make a call the response on the call is extremely laggy...I have tried calling the same person in ubuntu, then rebooting in windows vista, calling the same person again and then it was just fine14:17
meowsusMASARUwota: good call ;)14:17
quesoMASARUwota: is that what the remote desktop is under System > Preferences? (jaunty)14:17
MASARUwotaqueso: uuhmm maybe :/14:18
dooglus_Diverdude: I don't have lag with skype on ubuntu, thought the mic does sometimes seem a little random whether it works or not14:18
MASARUwotaqueso: it does a similar thing, yes14:18
Dr_WillisThe gnome desktop remote desktop feature - can use the vnc 'protocall' yes. :)14:18
quesoMASARUwota: okay, thank you.14:18
dooglus_Diverdude: in a terminal, run 'top' to see what's keeping your computer busy.  is it flat out doing stuff when you see lag?14:18
quesoDr_Willis: thanks14:18
Diverdudedooglus_, hmm i dont really have a person to call on skype right now...but i will test it later then...checking top to see what lags14:19
meowsusHoly shit. I was just in my Abbey Road folder on my computer and the album started playing without me putting it into a player.14:20
dooglus_Diverdude: call me if you like14:20
Diverdudedooglus_, but it was the response...the other person said something and it took like 20 seconds before it arrived and vice versa14:20
Dr_Willismeowsus:  mouse over audio - preview14:20
dooglus_Diverdude: 'dooglus' @skype14:20
meowsusScared the shit out of me14:20
Dr_Willismeowsus:  thats a gnome feature. :)14:20
meowsusDr_Willis: Well, sir, it's awesome14:20
Dr_Willismeowsus:  it can be annoying14:20
tiger__A  big  issue  for install the wireless14:20
meowsusDr_Willis: I can see it14:21
dsnydersmeowsus, It previews video as well.  BTW, family chat here. Keep an eye on the language14:21
padi999Hey, how can I syncronize google-calendar with kontact?14:21
meowsusdsnyders: 10-414:21
luisthow can i add --color to all my ls commands?14:21
Dr_Willisluist:  make an alies14:21
kinja-sheepluist: Edit ~/.bashrc14:21
luistDr_Willis: how?14:21
dooglus_luist: alias ls='ls --color'14:21
dooglus_luist: in .bashrc14:21
Dr_Willisi thougjh the ls  alias is the default anyway14:21
conflixgood morning everyone14:21
meowsusconflix: good morning!14:22
ubottuconflix: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:22
Dr_Williswillis@cow:~$ alias14:22
Dr_Willisalias ls='ls --color=auto'14:22
dsnydersmeowsus, No worries.  Yeah, that preview caught me by surprise when I first came across it as well.14:22
luisthow do i apply the changes to .bashrc?14:23
Dr_Willis.bashrc is ran  when a shell gets started14:23
Dr_Willisluist:  you could od a 'source .bashrc' to reread it14:23
llutzluist: nano ~/.bashrc, edit, save, done14:23
dsnydersluist, I think you just edit it.14:23
IdleOnestart new terminal14:23
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creative83Anybody knows how to speed up /dev/random ? I tried generating tcp traffic and disk I/O but /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail stays at a really low value...14:27
TrezkerHelp! VLC crashes when I try to load a video14:27
ionutdoes anyone knows for ubuntu an application that helps me to draw (automatically like derive ) functions , find limits etc in math ?14:28
jribionut: sage, maxima14:28
Trezkerstill loads ogg fine, but avi = crash14:28
ionutjrib:  thx14:28
MASARUwotaTrezker: 1. install codecs 2. install a good movie player like smplayer14:28
Dr_WillisHmm ive rarely had vlc crash.14:29
Dr_WillisTrezker:  run from terminal, look for error messages14:29
Trezkervideo has worked before, I haven't changed anything14:29
Trezker[????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 133.19 failed with error code 8:14:29
Trezker BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)14:29
MASARUwotaTrezker: thats weird14:29
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.14:30
Diverdudedooglus_, just downloading now14:30
mkanyicyTrezker, sudo apt-get install mplayer w32codecs14:31
Dr_WillisTrezker:  try some different video outs perhaps.14:31
=== kruzenbek is now known as Guest65803
TrezkerPackage w32codecs is not available14:31
shajenhi, how can I install gtk.h to codeblock?14:32
dooglus_Diverdude: I found a repo with it in - I'll see if I can get that working14:32
TrezkerDr_Willis, thanks Opengl output works!14:33
Diverdudedooglus_, ahh thats sweet. So that will then take care of automatic updating if it works?14:33
faileasTrezker: w32codecs is in medibuntu14:33
mkanyicyTrezker, enable medibuntu repositories using instructions from http://medibuntu.org14:33
luistwhat package provides git-cvsimport?14:34
jribluist: use packages.ubuntu.com to find out14:34
Diverdudedooglus_, is it possible to see if anexisting installation was done from a package or from a repo?14:35
Diverdudedooglus_, anexisting = an existing14:35
dreginhey. How do I enable dynamic port forwarding in openssh-server?14:35
=== pcascini is now known as mrwoody
dooglus_Diverdude: I don't know14:36
mkanyicydregin, man ssh14:36
dreginI did14:36
luistit says the command comes in git-cvs but i installed this package and i dont have this command... says not found14:36
dooglus_Diverdude: this page http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=29679 talks about an official skype repo, but it's not working for me yer14:37
edecadregin: You shouldn't need to enable it, it should just work14:37
jribluist: does the full path work?14:37
edecadregin: The client requests the forwarding14:37
mikebeechamhi guys...I've managed to mount my new HTC Hero phone, but the moment I do, gnome-panel locks up...any suggestions?14:37
dreginsome servers require it enabled in their config. Couldn't find anything in ssh_config. Not working for me, though. Most probably something client side so. Thanks anyway.14:38
Diverdudedooglus_, okay, what error are you getting?14:38
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=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
Sorhanok ... one more hopefully simple question, looking for a program similar to Visual Logic14:41
dooglus_Diverdude: no error now - just can't find the public key for skype's packages14:41
Diverdudedooglus_, ohh i see...hmm i don't really know where it is good to search for it14:42
=== VCoolio_ is now known as VCoolio
PiciSorhan: What does Visual Logic do?14:43
dooglus_Diverdude: I told it to ignore the lack of a key - and now it's downloading version Get: 1 http://download.skype.com stable/non-free skype [15.5MB] from the repo14:43
dooglus_that's the older version that you had...14:43
dooglus_so I guess the repo is out of date!14:43
MarkiveHi All, Does anyone know what program I need to convert an mpeg made in kino to avi please?14:43
SorhanPici, it's a very simple programming tool ... usually for very early programming, more like a flow chart14:44
Diverdudedooglus_, i see...wasn't that the version i have atm?14:44
tobylane|lunchhow can i make a grub iso in ubuntu14:45
=== tobylane|lunch is now known as tobylane
dooglus_Diverdude: it was14:45
tobylanei think someone highlighted me and i missed it?14:45
PiciSorhan: Maybe something like gambas?14:45
dooglus_Diverdude: http://ubuntu.flowconsult.at/en/skype-installation/ shows two methods, but I'm finding the skype method is old and the mediabuntu method doesn't work14:45
Diverdudedooglus_, i tried to run the package i downloaded, and I am getting: "An older version is available in a software channel. Generally you are recommended to install the version from the software channel, since it is usually better supported"14:45
SorhanPici, don't know lemme check it14:46
dooglus_Diverdude: do going to http://www.skype.com/intl/en-gb/download/skype/linux/choose/ and downloading manually is the best I think14:46
PiciSorhan: The package name is gambas214:46
Diverdudedooglus_, yeah, thats what i did14:46
dooglus_Diverdude: I didn't get that.  perhaps you already have the skype repo added14:46
bluelephant2Hi all, can anyone recommend a current guide for help with pulseaudio on a new laptop?14:47
moljac024hey people, i need help on downgrading the kernel...I installed ubuntu 9.10 to a friend's netbook and since the kernel update to .31 wireless no longer works....what would be the easiest way to downgrade? I downloaded some packages off the web but they bitch about dependecies...It would really be a hassle to reinstall only because of this...14:47
Diverdudedooglus_, that might very well be...i don't really remember how I installed skype back in the days you see...so it might be a repo14:47
JohnGho guys could you tell me where i can find the source code off any project i might want?14:47
SorhanPici, found it, just dl'ing to check out looks more like a BASIC programming environ, but might work14:47
Diverdudedooglus_, but if so...there is no updates to it anyway since i already checked the update manager14:47
tobylanejohng their official website14:48
moljac024JohnG: sourceforge?14:48
tobylaneor the source repositories of ubuntu14:48
dooglus_Diverdude: try:   grep -r skype /etc/apt/sources.list*14:48
faileasJohnG: depends on the app. there's no uniform way of doing it14:48
JohnGthank you14:48
dooglus_Diverdude: to find out if you have skype mentioned in your repo lists14:48
faileasmoljac024: just install the older kernel, and edit grub, i suppose.14:49
dooglus_Diverdude: the skype repo has 2.0, but their download page has 2.114:49
spacitymedicHey, on my kubuntu os i accidentally deleted the icon athat had the volume thing, and the wifi log on icon14:49
tobylanehow can i make a grub iso in ubuntu?14:49
JohnGfaileas: i would like to see at first a list of the applications ""a link would be welcomed"14:49
Diverdudedooglus_, this is returned:14:49
Diverdude/etc/apt/sources.list:deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free14:49
Diverdude/etc/apt/sources.list~:deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free14:49
moljac024faileas: how do i install the older kernel? where can i find the package? as i said, the ones i found bitch about missing dependecies (the headers packages)14:49
faileasspacitymedic: there's a kubuntu channe;. ask there. volume is an app - kmix. wifi icon .. is knetworkmessenger - run both14:50
reyadhi all14:50
faileasmoljac024: unless you need to compile stuff, headers isn't essential14:50
Markiveanyone know how to convert/re encode mpeg to avi please14:50
spacitymedichow do I run them?14:50
Diverdudedooglus_, so it seems it is in the repo list already14:50
SorhanPici, not quite what i'm looking for ... Visual Logic is almost more like writing pseudocode than an actual language ... might just have to try to find a free version and attempt to run under wine14:50
faileasspacitymedic: your menu. its knetworkmanager and kmix there14:50
reyadhi all some one help me im from palestine :_P14:50
tweaktdoes ubuntu use 'debian-cd' for building official install CDs? I'm trying to recreate the process as closely as possible (not just customize an existing CD)14:51
faileasmoljac024: you can prolly get it from the same place you got the kernel14:51
Diverdudedooglus_, yes...i tried opening the sources.list in gedit, and i remember i pasted that in now14:51
faileasreyad: sorry, we don't do relocations14:51
Diverdudedooglus_, deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free14:51
Gneareyad: we're a help channel for ubuntu14:52
Diverdudedooglus_, found it in some forum i think14:52
Sorhanalso ... is there a way to make Ubuntu automatically connect to specific wifi networks?14:52
passinger¢Æ Zero IRC ¢Æ  #ubuntu ä³ÎÀ» ÀÚµ¿Á¶Àο¡ Ãß°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù.14:52
FloodBot3passinger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:52
tweaktSorhan: network-manager does that14:52
reyadim sorry14:52
Sorhantweakt, how to access?14:52
tweaktSorhan: Ubuntu desktop system? You should have an icon on the upper right14:53
Sorhanyeah ... found the setting, didn't have the check box right off to auto-connect14:53
Gnea!ask | reyad14:54
ubottureyad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:54
bluelephant2pardon the repeat: my internal mic doesn't appear in pulseaudio manager. I'm not sure how to configure new sound devices in pulseaudio. Suggestions?14:54
dooglus_Diverdude: I only ever installed by downloading manually it seems14:54
dooglus_(until now)14:54
moljac024faileas: so how do i edit grub? /etc/defaults/grub ? What points to what kernel14:55
Diverdudedooglus_, but this repo i have added seems out of date  then..14:55
moljac024faileas: sorry for being such a pain in the ass :)14:55
jeffjeffdejeffi think i may have deleted my Desktop folder, so I created a new one.  When I do command ls from the terminal when i'm in my new Desktop folder, it comes back with nothing, but when I do a "locate" command for a file i know was in my old Desktop folder, it comes back saying that the file exists on the desktop.  how do i access the files that the terminal says still exist, but which do not show up anymore?14:55
nubeei cant get java to download correctly to open some crossword puzzles14:55
faileasmoljac024: on karmic its grub.cfg i think. its just so you get the 'right' kernel14:55
tobylanethe recycle bin?14:56
tobylanehow can i make a grub iso in ubuntu?14:56
dooglus_Diverdude: indeed14:56
Diverdudedooglus_, im trying to install the manual package now14:56
faileastobylane: what's a grub iso supposed to do?14:56
tobylaneboot usbs from bioses that cant14:56
Diverdudedooglus_, which you kindly guided me to14:56
Kartagisdoes anyone have an idea why burning an iso file over the network takes forever?14:57
Kartagisand it hasn't even started to burn, it's still in preparation14:57
karncoolhi all14:58
ubottukarncool: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:58
VCooliomoljac024: edit '/etc/default/grub' then 'sudo update-grub' and done14:58
BluesKajhiyas all14:58
kalashnikovKartagis: your network to slow. lol14:58
karncoolI am new ubuntu user14:58
ubottukarncool: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:59
tweaktHow does Ubuntu build install CDs, I'm looking for the process used by Ubuntu devs to build official CDs.14:59
=== ari_stress is now known as satpam_kampus
BluesKaj!kernel | tweakt15:01
ubottutweakt: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:01
garymcHelp, how do i resett my phpmyadmin user and password. I forgto them15:02
tweaktBluesKaj: not what I was asking15:03
jeffjeffdejeffi think i may have deleted my Desktop folder, so I created a new one.  When I do command ls from the terminal when i'm in my new Desktop folder, it comes back with nothing, but when I do a "locate" command for a file i know was in my old Desktop folder, it comes back saying that the file exists on the desktop.  how do i access the files that the terminal says still exist, but which do not show up anymore?15:03
BluesKajthen you burn your compiled kernel to a bootable cd15:04
CyberClonehallo leute kann mir jemand mit ubuntu helfen15:04
Pici!de | CyberClone15:04
ubottuCyberClone: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:04
_rubenjeffjeffdejeff: locate is telling you old info15:04
CyberClonecan anyone help me with ubuntu15:04
jeffjeffdejeff_ruben: how come?  this is after a reboot too.15:04
CyberClonecan anyone help me with ubuntu ???15:05
_rubenjeffjeffdejeff: locate's database gets updated at night by default15:05
ubottuCyberClone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:05
MarkiveAnyone..... how do I convert a mpeg made in kino to an AVI?15:05
CyberCloneok thanks^^15:05
jeffjeffdejeff_ruben: that's handy to know.  thanks very much.  is there a (simple)  manual way of updating it?15:05
arunbabuhow to run shel script each time firefox is reloaded???15:05
tweaktBluesKaj: not asking about bootable CD or customizing kernel. I'm seeking the build process used to take a set of seeds (which I've generated using germinate) and produce an ubuntu install CD (such as the -server or -alternate variety)15:06
_rubenjeffjeffdejeff: sudo updatedb15:06
CyberClonekann i ask it on german ???15:06
tweaktBluesKaj: specifically install CD, not live CD. And I don't simply want to customize an existing ISO, I want to build from scratch so I can produce a minimal sized CD for whats needed15:06
PiciCyberClone: If you /join #ubuntu-de   you can15:06
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: updatedb takes a while to run.  if you "locate -e file..." then it will only locate files which still exist15:07
BluesKajtweakt, perhaps the #ubuntu-devel is the place to ask15:07
tweaktBluesKaj: thanks!15:07
CyberCloneok thanks byby15:07
jeffjeffdejeff_ruben: thanks.  this all came about because i'm having trouble getting flash to work on 9.04 64-bit.  still a pain in the backside.  seems to work for a little while, then firefox suddenly decides not to like youtube videos etc again.  got any suggestions for that one? :)15:08
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: I had the same problem.  the solution I found was switching to a 32 bit kernel15:08
jeffjeffdejeffdid updatedb and it's still showing the old information15:09
karncool  hi,how can I start the keyboard  numlock when ubuntu start15:09
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: package 'linux-image-generic-pae' lets the 32 bit kernel access all 4GB of RAM15:09
MASARUwotakarncool: press numlock during boot. lol.15:09
karncoolany other way15:09
Markiveanyone know where the HELP channel is?15:09
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: sudo /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate15:09
PiciMarkive: For Ubuntu?15:10
MASARUwotakarncool: get a normal password without that many numbers in it :/15:10
jeffjeffdejeffdooglus_: i heard about that. really want to run 64bit version though. :s15:10
PiciMarkive: you're already here15:10
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: I really wanted to too, but 1) flash broke intermittantly and 2) ndiswrapper never worked at all15:10
aletheia84how do i permanently add a screen resolution setting that ubuntu 9.10 doesn't detect?15:10
Markivepici thanks15:10
jrib!fixres | aletheia8415:11
ubottualetheia84: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:11
dooglus_Markive: I think #help redirects to #freenode15:11
jeffjeffdejeffi'm such a numpty.  i didn't delete my desktop folder - i moved it to /.mozilla/plugins.15:11
jeffjeffdejeff(makes stupid face)15:11
aletheia84jrib what does !fixres do?15:11
jeffjeffdejeffwhat is ndiswrapper?15:11
Markivei'm trying to convert an mpeg to an avi...15:11
dag_jeffjeffdejeff: i run ubuntu 9.10 64bits and no problem with flash ,do you use the non-free package?15:11
jribaletheia84: tells ubottu to give you information15:12
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: it allows you to run the windows version of your wireless driver in ubuntu.  I find the open source version doesn't work for my card15:12
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:12
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:12
jeffjeffdejeffdooglus_: i'm ethernet connected anyways.15:12
mediaprodigywhich ubuntu version is better 32 or 64bits15:12
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: ethernet works for me in 64bit15:12
Picialetheia84: Please see the message that ubottu said after you used the trigger15:12
jribmediaprodigy: how much ram do you have?15:12
mediaprodigy1 gig15:12
DracoWorkIm having problems with virtualbox ose dropping keystrokes, can anyone help?15:12
jribmediaprodigy: you don't need 64bit then, 64bit just lets you use 4+ gb of ram15:12
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: I've seen some people report that flash works fine in 64bit, out the box.  idk why it didn't for me15:13
jeffjeffdejeffdag_: i've tried so many different ways of getting flash to work, i've lost track of what i've tried and not tried.15:13
aletheia84I'm sorry but i've looked at that page before and i'm no smart enough to understand anything in there15:13
mediaprodigyjrib: i c thanks15:13
tawdwould it count as ram if you have over 4 gigs including SWAP space?15:13
jeffjeffdejeffdag_: i'm running 9.04 though.15:13
vinnie_how can i remove every file in my home directory that has to do with kde?15:13
dooglus_jeffjeffdejeff: I ended up installing 64 and 32 bit ubuntu's dual boot15:13
llutztawd: swap != ram15:13
dooglus_and ended up never using the 64 bit one, due to its problems15:13
petsoundsMarkive, winFF15:13
dooglus_uninstalled it yesterday to make space for data15:13
jeffjeffdejefftis a shame that they can't just make it work.15:14
tawdllutz ok lol15:14
sprabvim using jaunty and try to enable net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established but got error: "net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established" is an unknown key when i do sysctl -p15:14
sprabvplease help15:14
sprabvurgent help :(15:14
jeffjeffdejeffsprabv - oh it's always urgent :)15:14
Markivepetsounds Thanks i'll try it15:14
sprabvanybody can help me?15:15
aciculajust ask sprabv15:15
tawdhe did15:15
aciculaoh must've missed that then15:15
sprabvi did ask15:15
sprabvacicula: can u help me? which package should be installed?15:15
jribsprabv: please ask and be patient, no need to flood the channel with "help me" afterwards15:16
aciculasprabv: i havent seen the question15:16
tawdacicula im using jaunty and try to enable net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established but got error: "net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established" is an unknown key when i do sysctl -p15:16
karncoolcan the numlock  auto start whit ubunut system like windows15:16
tawdthat's the question15:16
jribkarncool: yes15:16
aciculatawd: err sysctl values are listed somewhere15:16
karncoolhow  can i do15:17
aciculaevidentily you are using a key that doesnt exist, try google to check for a misspelling?15:17
tawdacicula lol  link that to sprabv15:17
karncoolok  thank15:17
jribkarncool: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock15:17
sprabvacicula: i have googling15:17
sprabvit is not misspelling15:18
jhonehi to tamam gandus15:18
recmajkemiCan i  change the size of  my ubuntu partition?15:18
aciculasprabv: its a compile option in the kernel it seems wether it exists or not, you can check sysctl values by entering sysctl -a15:19
gandhijeehow would i enter the equivalent of runlevel 3 in ubuntu ?15:20
tawdi would also like to know if there is an easy way to give my /home/user partition more space from my windows partition15:20
ikoniagandhijee: your already in it by default15:20
jribgandhijee: why?15:20
gandhijeei want to boot with out the GUI15:21
jribgandhijee: why?15:21
sprabvgot the answer, need to load iptable_nat15:21
dooglus_tawd: gparted can resize partitions, including windows ones.  it's recommended you back up first though15:21
* jrib really wishes people would just ask their real question15:21
aciculasprabv: ah that makes sense15:21
gandhijeebecause i have no need for the GUI, i have my own UI that i wrote that i would like to load instead15:21
dooglus_jrib: can I ask you something?15:21
jribdooglus_: heh15:21
ikoniagandhijee: need to disable gdm/X with update-rd.d15:21
tawddooglus_ of course, but thanks!15:21
jribgandhijee: you don't want to load X at all?15:22
ikoniagandhijee: runlevel 2 is the default in ubuntu, but thanks to upstart it doesn't work the same as sysV init any more15:22
mocashi there15:22
gandhijeeyeah i kinda found that out when i booted and i said i was at runlevel 215:22
gandhijeeso just remove it using update-rc.d and its all set?15:22
tawdrecmajkemi yes, use gparted to resize the partitions, but backup all important information first15:22
mocasI use uid and gid on fstab to mount a cifs and it work fine, but how I set the mod? I whould like to set 660 when create files, that it's possible?15:23
tawd!gparted | tawd recmajkemi15:23
ubottutawd recmajkemi: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:23
dajohnHi All , why : grep -r "text" *.php  searches only in current dir ? ?15:24
tawddajohn #bash can help15:24
fogobogodajohn: because -r is for regex methinks15:24
jribdajohn: because *.php expands to files that end in .php in the current directory15:25
fogobogodajohn: scratch that. my bad15:25
aciculano man page says its for recusivity15:25
KartagisI copied the ISO file to ~, but it still takes forever to burn. any ideas?15:25
jribdajohn: just do: grep text **/*.php15:25
Kartagisit's okay if I reboot15:25
dajohnjrib: thanks you are a genious rabbi !!15:26
nruzindamsg [DB-FR]-XDCC-Naruto XDCC send #10615:27
aciculanruzinda: report in #freenode15:28
SpoZenDo i have to use a pipe if i would like this?: find . -links +1 "or" -type l15:28
jribSpoZen: search « man find » for "-or"15:29
arthur__i have opensuse and hate it, but also have a partition for backup, now if i use gparted to delete all part. except backup one, can i install without losing that data?15:29
seanjHi. Is there any way to do a wubi install without getting stuck in a grub prompt?15:30
aciculaarthur__: well changing partition tables is always a bit risky, backing up is always a good idea15:30
giambaciao a tutti15:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:30
aciculaarthur__: but yeah in principle you can modify other partitions and leave one partition untouched15:31
arthur__well its over 80Gig of backup data, hence the partition...will ubuntu leave that one alone if i make room by deleting opensuse partition?15:31
arthur__ok thats ok then15:31
aciculaarthur__: well you may have to sort out partitioning manually but yeah it should leave it alone15:32
Diverdudewhat tool do you recommend to burn iso images from ubuntu?15:32
seanjguess not. thanks anyway.15:32
gschweppsomeone got experience with vncserver/tightvncserver? My problem is, that by autostart my startup config is ignored.15:33
dag_<Diverdude> k3b is good15:33
booh!VNC | gschwepp15:34
ubottugschwepp: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX15:34
Diverdudedag_, can it also be used for DVD's ?15:34
boohgschwepp: i would highly recommend FreeNX over any VNC.15:34
booh!FreeNX | gschwepp15:34
ubottugschwepp: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX15:34
dag_Diverdude> yes you can burn dvd iso too15:35
gschweppbooh: ubottu: i got it running i got no problem with vnc at all it is just the case if i start it manually it works fine. got my fluxbox and all running in case i start it over /etc/init.d/vncserver script while booting it doesnt work.15:36
Diverdudedag_, blueray?15:36
dag_diverdude: never try, i dont know15:37
NET||abusehey guys. .what sip client would you recomend for karmic?15:37
sirblarghgschwepp, do you have entries in /etc/rcN.d etc for it to be starting on power up?15:37
NET||abusei'm trying the empathy builtin sip support, but i can't seem to make or answer calls, it doesn't connect proerly.15:37
Diverdudedag_, kb3 sounds perfect...ill try it15:38
gschweppsirblargh: yes it is starting! just with the wrong config ... or at all no config15:38
macman_i want to combine to mpeg files together to make 1 mpeg then use dvdauthor to make a dvd out of them 1 one menu ? to merge them do i just cat 1.mpg 2.mpg > file.mpg ? or is there a way to use dvdauthor to create a menu for them both15:38
gschweppsirblargh: if i run my scriptcommand manually it works as i want it to work.15:39
gschweppsirblargh: just the ***** autostart doesnt work and i dont know why15:39
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sirblarghgschwepp: maybe this is a hack, but have you tried throwing your script command into /etc/rc.local?15:40
gschwepphttp://pastebin.com/d2973ba4d here my bootscript i changed home and user15:40
le0_what is the correct locale entry to make LATIN1 available (to postgresq)l? "de_DE ISO-8859-1" seems to use LATIN9 instead15:40
Diverdudenow that I have installed a lot of stuff and customized a lot of things in ubuntu 9.10 it seems to be working very well indeed. I have a worry however...in some months a new ubuntu will be released, and i need to install ubuntu all over(last time i just did an update and it went horrible until i reinstalled completely) Is there a way to save a list of all installed programs and customizations, so that I may just reinstall a new ubuntu an15:41
Diverduded roll all my programs on easily?15:41
yqWhat's the latest kernel on Karmic?15:41
yqIn the official packages?15:41
Pici!info linux | yq15:42
ubottuyq: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)15:42
mkanyicyDiverdude, you have do upgrade from your existing installation, i don't think you can easily 'roll' on you apps easily, that is bound to get you even in more serious troubles15:42
gschweppsirblargh: any ideas ?15:43
gschweppsirblargh: at all i changed /usr/bin/vncserver to /usr/bin/tightvncserver15:43
dooglus_Diverdude: try updating. it usually works15:43
gschweppbut that should not be the problem15:43
sirblarghgschwepp: well since you say that executing your script manually works, I guess I'd just try throwing that into /etc/rc.local since effectively that will manually call your script at the end of the boot process15:44
Diverdudedooglus_, yes i should try that of course...last time the wifi went out though...and was impossible to return to life until i reinstalled 9.10 from scratch15:44
gschweppgrr it try to thx sirblargh .. .15:44
sirblarghgschwepp: but no, just looking at the script that you pasted, I don't notice anything obvious15:45
ruby_on_tailsis there an code editor for ubuntu with snippets features ?15:45
mkanyicygschwepp, what do you want to do?15:45
ruby_on_tailslike textmate for mac has15:45
dooglus_Diverdude: use 'dpkg -l' to get a package list,15:45
ruby_on_tailsor etexteditor for windows has15:45
dooglus_keep /home on a separate partition15:45
syockitis there a disk monitoring utility similar to Windows' Diskmon (By Sysinternals)? inotify seems close but seeing it needs to create watch for every file/dir, it seems cumbersome15:45
Diverdudedooglus_, ahh nice...15:46
Diverdudeany ideas on when a new ubuntu will be released?15:46
GneaDiverdude: 04/1015:46
mcspaquestion, default ubuntu installation does not install a firewall does it?15:46
Pici!firewall | mcspa15:47
ubottumcspa: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist15:47
GneaDiverdude: always on the 4th and 10th months15:47
sirblarghmcspa: a firewall is installed (iptables / ufw) but is not enabled15:47
Diverdudeokay, so there is always a release on 04 and 1015:47
Diverdudewhy these months?15:47
c3101syockit, inotify is all there is i think15:47
mkanyicyruby_on_tails, snippets features? whats that?15:47
mcspasirblargh thanks15:47
dooglus_mcspa: the kernel has a firewall built in, but no tool to configure it easily comes as standard and the firewall is all open by default15:47
dag_04 10 is available for test on the ubuntu studio home page15:47
mcspaand should I be able to ssh to my ubuntu installation by default?15:48
PiciDiverdude: There is a release every 6 months, it just happens to fall in April and October15:48
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:48
mkanyicyDiverdude, why not those months/15:48
dooglus_mcspa: not until you install openssh-server15:48
mcspak  thanks15:48
Doonzhow can i see what users exist on my system.. must be done through terminal15:48
dooglus_mcspa: I think the idea is that it's safe to not have ssh installed than to have it installd and firewalled15:49
dooglus_safer*, installed*, etc.15:49
dooglus_Doonz: cat /etc/passwd15:49
wowotoDoonz: who15:49
syockitruby_on_tails: hmm if I'm not mistaken, gedit has it. probably as plugin.15:50
laurentleHi everybody ! I would like to redirect the notifications from notify-osd to a Text To Speach (TTS) software. Do you think I should intercept the flow from a Dbus channel ?15:50
mkanyicyDoonz, wowoto, does NOT show users that not logged on15:50
danny_ hello, anyone here?15:50
syockitruby_on_tails: a relatively new program would be Redcar15:50
mkanyicyDoonz, wowoto, "who" does NOT show users that not logged on15:50
danny_having problem with an ati card, installer won't work15:51
Pici!doesntwork | danny_15:51
ubottudanny_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.15:51
laurentleHi danny, do you know what is your ATI card type ?15:51
natewiebe13I'm on 9.10 64-bit and every so often, my pc will totally freeze except for the mouse. You can move the mouse wherever, but i am unable to select anything, or use the keyboard.. even tried CTRL+ALT+F1 (F2, F3, etc) and nothing happens. i7 940, 9GB ram15:51
ruby_on_tailssyockit: reading about snippets configuring on gedit15:52
natewiebe13and i have to manually power off15:52
danny_okay, I'm on 9.10, UE, have an ati 9550 which second life is not accepting15:52
ruby_on_tailsmkanyicy: shortcut for large chunks of frequently used code pieces15:52
dag_does anyone knows where i can find good quality strange sounds in the ubuntu big family?15:52
danny_went to ati site to download driver update, but installer will not work15:52
dag_danny: did you try envy ng?15:53
natewiebe13is there a system log that would show the last thing that happened before it froze?15:54
ruby_on_tailssyockit: hmm works15:54
danny_dag: where would I find envy ng?15:54
danny_this is ultimate edition 2.5, btw15:54
klownanyone in here use a g15 keyboard?15:54
klown(not a poll, a unnecessary question, if noone does"15:55
ruby_on_tailsoh there are more gedit plugins15:55
AndrewMohawkhi, i'd like to have a much higher quality boot image than grub can provide (640x480x16 colours), what would be recommended?15:55
ruby_on_tailsI am blessed15:55
dag_danny : from synaptic this will drive ati or nvidia cards downloading and installing drivers15:55
natewiebe13anyone know why ubuntu would freeze except for the mouse?15:55
danny_is inside synaptic?15:56
danny_what category is it under? accessories?15:56
laurentledanny, did you tried to install to install pilots through menu : sytem-adminisatration-Pilot15:56
phpmonki want to force check file system at next boot, how to do it?15:57
oalHow do I install a network manager without having an internet connection? What debs do I need?15:58
ZoraelIs a crash dump from a crashed app any different than running it through gdb with debugging symbols installed and fetching the backtrace from there?15:58
oalI can download debs on another pc and transfer them with an usb stick, but I don't knnow what I need15:58
danny_dag: do I want envyng-core or envyng-qt?15:58
gschweppAnyone got experience with tightvncserver autostart with ubuntu ?15:59
natewiebe13phpmonk: in terminal: sudo shutdown -rF now15:59
laurentleoal : you need a package named network manager15:59
llutznatewiebe13: "shutdown -F"won't work in *buntu16:00
laurentleoal : sorry : network-manager16:00
oallaurentle: Yes, but what about the dependencies?16:00
phpmonknatewiebe13, cool, i will do it now16:00
dag_danny: click anywhere in synaptic list and start writing envy then you can see envy-core envy-gtk ... or go to ubuntu site read doc for install directly from repository16:00
natewiebe13phpmonk: i guess it doesnt work16:00
mkanyicyphpmonk, you want to force hdd checks on reboot?16:00
phpmonkoh then what to do16:00
phpmonkmkanyicy, yes16:01
nastarosHey, does anyone know if it's possible to restore a RAID0 metadata after doing "dmraid -rE" (i lost the .dat files because I was running on the liveCD"16:01
mkanyicyphpmonk, then "sudo touch /forcefsck"16:01
stewoal: perhaps use "apt-get --simulate install network-manager" to see what packages it would install;  there is a "apt-zip" package which helps with this sort of thing as well16:01
Doonzhey guys im trying to get it so that i dont have to enter a password when im running an rsync command between 2 computers. i mad an id.rsa.pub file on the source computer. then copied that to the destination computer, i then added it to the authorized key file but when i run the command on the source computer it prompts me for the user password16:01
dag_danny: igive you that but it's in french http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/envy16:01
_dreamy_how do i start the tftp-dhpa deamon ? ive tryed everything..16:01
oalstew: this machine is 64bit, but I'm going to install it to a 32bit pc, will that be an issue?16:02
ionutDoonz:  in what directory you put it ?  (is .ssh ? )16:02
mkanyicyphpmonk, after doing that, partitions will be checked on next reboot16:02
Doonzionut: yes16:02
nastarosHey, does anyone know if it's possible to restore a RAID0 metadata after doing "dmraid -rE" (i lost the .dat files because I was running on the liveCD"16:02
ionutDoonz: what application do you use (to do the sync )?16:03
mkanyicyphpmonk, to bypass routine (non-error) checks on the next reboot do "sudo touch /fastboot"16:03
Doonzionut: rsync16:03
pete_how do I drag a window farther than the screen allows????16:03
hikenbootcan anyone tell me how to install crisper sharper cleaner fonts. I have install restricted extras and msfonts but isnt there more stuff with regards to this stuff? Is it only in edubuntu?16:03
ionutDoonz: you should have into your computer the private key and use it (give it to your applcation)  so it will never ask u for the password16:03
mkanyicypete_, you mean drag or resize?16:04
Doonzionut: pardon?16:04
pete_mkanyicy, im using remte desktop, and cant get to all buttons on a window16:04
danny_dag: ran program, said install archives failed16:05
natewiebe131phpmonk: in terminal : sudo touch /forcefsck16:05
natewiebe131the reboot16:05
natewiebe131i just tried it and it worked16:05
mkanyicypete_, go to full screen mode16:05
pete_mkanyicy, how?16:05
NET||abuseyeh, so ekiga and empathy sip have both not worked for me yet,, ekiga just doesn't seem to connect, in empathy i get the incoming call notice, but if i answer there's no sound, also outgoing calls don't seem to ring16:06
ionutDoonz:  when you generated the public key (in your case id.rsa.pub ) you (maybe or you must ) have also the private key that remains in the computer you use . so the public key it goes to the other computer (a server ot...whatever )16:06
nastarosHey, does anyone know if it's possible to restore a RAID0 metadata after doing "dmraid -rE" (i lost the .dat files because I was running on the liveCD) only 1 of the 2 drives lost metadata.16:06
mkanyicypete_, in some remote desktop apps its ALT+ENTER, other CTRL + ENTER others none16:06
NET||abuseANyone have some other suggestions on sip client for ubuntu ?16:06
Doonzionut: its there16:06
NET||abusei googled wengo phone projects, but their site seems down,16:06
sudormsys32mkanyicy, he could always put in the dimensions16:06
mkanyicysudormsys32, yeah, you are right16:07
ionutDoonz: try to use the putty package ( has an application [GUI] to generate key -private and public) )16:07
pete_mkanyicy, its realvnc16:07
Doonzcd ..16:08
nastarosHey, does anyone know if it's possible to restore a RAID0 metadata after doing "dmraid -rE" (i lost the .dat files because I was running on the liveCD) only 1 of the 2 drives lost metadata.16:08
dag_danny: i can't help you more,16:09
mkanyicynatewiebe13, and if you want to check disks on every reboot "sudo touch /forcefsck ; sudo chattr +i /forcefsck"16:09
mkanyicypete_, I am not a rdp guy, so i tried one app sometime ago and that worked16:09
sudormsys32im not sure if you can make VNC fullscreen16:10
mkanyicyionut, is Doonz using windows?16:10
nastarosHey, does anyone know if it's possible to restore a RAID0 metadata after doing "dmraid -rE" (i lost the .dat files because I was running on the liveCD) only 1 of the 2 drives lost metadata.16:10
pete_mkanyicy, can you tell me how to change the resolution to 1024x768 for an xserver on the command line?16:10
djoefHi, is it possible to retrieve a list of all network printers ?16:10
mkanyicypete_, what is xserver ?16:10
pete_mkanyicy, nevermind thanks anyway16:11
mkanyicypete_, cheers16:11
sudormsys32pete_, what exactly are you trying to do?16:11
ionutmkanyicy: i do't know16:11
Diverdudedoes anybody in here know of a good place where movies may be streamed? (of course for a payed fee)16:11
Doonzionut: where is that otion in putty16:11
pete_sudormsys32, i need to change the resolution on a machine with no monitor to 1024x768 over ssh so my remote desktop will be useable16:11
mkanyicyDoonz, are you  using windows ?16:12
ionutmkanyicy: is the same also for linux16:12
sudormsys32pete_, you'll have to edit the xorg.conf16:12
Doonzmkanyicy: im trying to set up passwordless rsync between two computers16:12
nastarosHey, does anyone know if it's possible to restore a RAID0 metadata after doing "dmraid -rE" (i lost the .dat files because I was running on the liveCD) only 1 of the 2 drives lost metadata.16:12
mkanyicyDoonz, i don't know rsync but does it use ssh ?16:13
ionutDoonz:  firs generate the keys (priv and pub) save the pub key on the server or whatever and the private key you must import it in peageant16:13
Doonzok any chance i would have to restart the sshd server for it to take eefect?16:13
pete_sudormsys32, its an nvidia card, i think it uses some nvidia file16:13
dag_pete, do you use nvidia? if yes  try gksudo nvidia-settings it will change you xorg.conf16:13
pete_dag_, thank you16:14
sudormsys32dag_, won't that bring up a gui?16:14
pete_yea ;\16:14
sudormsys32hes trying to do it from the terminal16:14
pete_i cant get to the button16:15
sudormsys32you'll have to sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:15
sudormsys32err nano or gedit16:15
pete_i dont see a section in their16:15
pete_about resolution16:15
djoefanyone ?16:15
OerHeksdjoef, list of supported network printers ?16:15
mkanyicyDoonz, you don't have to restart the ssh server16:16
djoefjust available network printers in this network16:16
mercutio22I can't remove a package that failed to install: linux-backports-modules. Can someone assist me? sudo dpkg --configure -a will not do it16:16
djoefOerHeks, I have a host adress16:16
mkanyicyDoonz, create an ssh key on PC 1 and create the shh key on PC 216:16
sudormsys32INVITE pete_ resolution16:16
al2candhello, I would like help to install a wireless router (WRT120N)à16:16
IpSe_DiXiThi, does anyone use amule? hi, my hard drive's space finished so amule stopped some downloads, i freed some space and right click on em selecting "resume"... now, where it's supposed to be saying "waiting" or "downloading", basically where it said "stopped" before, it says "erroneous" what does it mean? those downloads won't start again, any help? thanks16:16
pete_sudormsys32, ?16:17
=== root is now known as Guest77810
Doonzclient$ ssh -o PreferredAuthenticationspublickey server.example.org16:17
DoonzPermission denied (publickey,password).16:17
OerHeksdjoef see Cups, type 'localhost:631' in firefox16:17
mkanyicyDoonz, then copy the public key of PC1 to authorized_keys of PC2 and that of PC2 to authorized_keys of PC116:17
sudormsys32errr sorry, what does the xorg.conf give you?16:18
mkanyicyDoonz, have finally got it working ?16:18
mkanyicyDoonz, have YOU finally got it working ?16:18
Doonzmkanyicy: no16:19
Doonzi think i may have my sshd set up wrong16:19
ubuntunewbienot sure whether it's possible , I heard that linux able to run multiple mouse and keyboard acting as 2 computer on one computer ?16:19
pete_sudormsys32, http://pastebin.com/m2906e3bd16:19
mkanyicyDoonz, on PC1 please do a "ssh-keygen" and then press enter all the way16:19
FlynsarmyWhat's a nice dl manager for gnome that lets you specify the filename when dling? 'Download for X' doesnt hvae a nice UI, gwget doesnt let you specify name16:19
mkanyicyDoonz, don't touch the ssh daemon at all16:20
mkanyicyDoonz, did you execute that command ?16:20
pirateGot a problem16:20
pirateCan't sudo16:20
mkanyicypirate, get rights from admin :)16:21
Doonzmkanyicy: i didnt have the key file set up in the sshd16:21
Doonzneed to reboot brb16:21
MorphyNORFlynsarmy: what sort of protocol do you intend to use when downloading?16:21
piratemkanyicy, Can I explain what I did?16:21
Sabre-nightMy internet is horrible! it is taking so long that google chrome thinks they've become 'unresponsive' i can't go anywhere but my home page when i close out GC and re-run it.16:21
FlynsarmyMorphyNOR, http16:21
Sabre-nightsomeone tell me what's wrong it was better than this yesterday!16:21
mkanyicypirate, that's what you  were supposed to do earlier16:21
MorphyNORFlynsarmy: firefox with a downloadmanager addon perhaps?16:21
Hajexhi .. when system wake up after suspen , screen will never turn on .. what is the problem ?16:21
sudormsys32pete_, i'm looking at it now16:21
ubuntunewbiei mean running multiple mouse and keyboard16:21
FlynsarmyMorphyNOR, nah, looking for a standalone app16:21
pete_sudormsys32, k thx16:21
mkanyicyDoonz, why are you bothering yourself about sshd ?16:21
mkanyicypirate, please DO NOT pm without permission, I am not an expert16:22
piratemkanyicy, Deleted the original account16:22
piratemkanyicy, And got errors when tried to type in password16:23
Sabre-nightaugh... i know the problem... i just installed an update for google chrome... it's rendered my browser useless.... anyone know how to uninstall an update like that?16:23
mkanyicypirate, lesson number one, never delete original account without giving sudo permissions to the new one16:23
mauricioquirosHi, Where is the best place to ask for Ubuntu help? since last version update, My computer crash everyday, got freeze etc, please help. where should I ask for it?16:23
piratemkanyicy, Any way to fix it?16:23
ardchoilleSabre-night: you could always reinstall google chrome and avoid updating it16:23
mkanyicypirate, anyway boot into recovery mode and then add the new account to the group admin16:24
pirateOK, thanks16:24
=== wowoto is now known as tyro
piratemkanyicy, :)16:24
Sabre-nightardchoille, you mean uninstall it first right?16:24
tsoloxmauricioquiros: what's your ubuntu version now?16:24
ardchoilleSabre-night: yes16:24
Sabre-nightardchoille,.. stupid qustion.16:24
mkanyicypirate, "sudo adduser username admin"16:24
syockitSabre-night: you'd need to downgrade, and lock version. If I'm not mistaken, apt/aptitude allows you to skip certain version16:24
sudormsys32pete_, try this http://pastebin.com/m7f63c2f116:24
piratemkanyicy, tnx16:25
mkanyicypirate, that will add the username of your user to the group admin16:25
ubuntunewbieI wanted my pc to act as 2 pc with 2 multiple mouse16:25
xckpd7how to restart X? (ctrl + alt + backspace doesn't work)16:25
mkanyicypirate, no prob16:25
oalCan I use a live usb as a repository on a usb stick for a pc without internet?16:25
mauricioquirostsolox: 9.10 amd6416:25
ardchoillexckpd7: log out, that will restart xorg16:25
ralphholzmannHello, I've upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and now my audio card (SB Audigy 1) isn't being recognized by pulseaudio. I'm stuck with "dummy output". Any ideas?16:26
xckpd7ardchoille: thanks, will do16:26
tsoloxmauricioquiros: before it was 8.10?16:26
ubuntunewbieanyone heard of Synergy?16:26
tsoloxsynegy: multiscreen tool..16:26
slawekubuntu pl16:26
mauricioquirostsolox: 9.0416:26
meowsusI'm having a bash brain fart. I've got a directory that has subdirectories and files all over the place. I want to take all files that have a .ppd extension and copy them outside the tree structure entirely16:26
mkanyicyxckpd7, there is a very forgettable key combination for that16:26
VCoolioxckpd7: alt+sysrq+k   is the default xorg keybinding now16:26
tsoloxmauricioquiros: when will the crash occur?16:27
ardchoillemeowsus: find /path -name "*.ppd" -exec mv /new/path/here16:27
jribmeowsus: old bash you would use find, new bash you may use **/*.ppd16:27
ralphholzmannMy card is however, being recognized by Alsa, just not pulseaudio.16:27
ardchoillemeowsus: you need to change /path and /new/path/here16:27
sudormsys32pete_, let me know if that worked, i'll brb16:27
meowsusardchoille: let me try it out16:27
mauricioquirostsolox: Im not really sure but it crash for sure when using VirtualBox and playing video in the host, also browser with lots of tabs16:28
mkanyicyjrib, what do you mean by that? am curious16:28
ardchoillemeowsus: find /path -name "*.ppd" -exec mv /new/path/here {} \;16:28
ardchoillemeowsus: sorry, typo16:28
jribmkanyicy: **/*.ppd expands to all files that match the "*.ppd" glob recursively16:28
tsoloxmauricioquiros: where you able to complete the software update from 9.04 to 9.10?16:29
djoefOerHeks, what if IPadress:631 worked before (gave  a list of all printers) but doesn't anymore ? (Failed to Connect)16:29
ardchoillejrib: nice16:29
mauricioquirostsolox: yes16:29
mauricioquirostsolox: all updates ok so far too16:29
mauricioquirostsolox:I have 4GB memory, but seems that when computer use all crash, also I noticed that computer get very hot on the PSU16:29
mkanyicyjrib, on what bash version is that feature available ?16:29
OerHeksdjoef then cups has stopped ?16:29
xckpd7can I get some help getting dual monitors to work? I have an Nvidia graphics card, it won't let me use the native ubuntu tool (it will let me use the nvidia tool) and it won't save the x config file16:29
ubuntunewbiehow do I split and running 2 mouse and keyboard together ?16:29
robbins62 I just booted up my laptop to find this error... Error 23: Error while parsing number.  Anyone have any ideas?16:29
jribmkanyicy: I don't know, it's fairly recent, but it exists on my jaunty install (or just use a nicer shell like zsh :))16:30
mkanyicyDoonz, are you winning16:30
ardchoilleubuntunewbie: 2 mouse and kb's on the same monitor? I don't think that's possible16:30
tsoloxmauricioquiros: it could be in your video driver..i guess..since you said video..16:30
mkanyicyjrib, ok16:30
ubuntunewbieardchoille: I saw somewhere it's possible at youtube , I forgotten already since it's few years ago16:30
tsoloxsorry..i mean it could be in the driver..not sure..what16:31
ubuntunewbieardchoille: multiple mouse and keyboard on one pc act differently16:31
mauricioquirostsolox: maybe yeah, but I have no clue, I can play video without problem if VirtualBox is off, but sometimes if I have many programs running it crash anyways16:31
ardchoilleubuntulog: 2 mouse and kb's on the same computer for two different monitors, yes that's possible with a hardware switch but16:31
ralphholzmannAnyone have an idea on why my audigy sound card is being recognized by alsa but not pulseaudio?16:31
mkanyicyralphholzmann, try #lad and #alsa16:32
pete_sudormsys32, nope killed the graphics ;\16:32
ralphholzmannmkanyicy, thank you16:32
dag_pete: try gksudo nvidia-settings , save and reboot16:34
ubuntunewbieardchoille: ?16:35
ardchoilleubuntulog: ?16:35
mauricioquirostsolox: Do you know where I can ask for pro help? Im willing to pay I really need to work and this version of U is not working to me...16:35
lucyanyone got sabnzbplus?16:36
Hilikushow do i get the source of a package and have it ready to be compiled again?16:37
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ubuntunewbieardchoille: I mean concurrent mouse and keyboard input on one OS16:37
Suriomariohow come I cant watch videos on www.sextv1.com ?16:37
pete_sudormsys32, got it fixed.16:37
ardchoilleubuntunewbie: I've never seen that16:37
kubanchow do i view my shared files in ubuntu ?16:37
dooglus_Suriomario: it's just a parked domain16:37
ubuntunewbieardchoille: I yes in window http://www.wunderworks.com/teamplayer/16:38
Aluadohi guys! please, does anyone know how can I install an old kernel on ubuntu 9.10? I'm using 2.6.31-17 and I want to try a software that only runs on 2.6.24... is there any way to install 2.6.24 ?16:38
Suriomariodooglus_, what do u mean by parked domain?16:38
piglitAluado, have tried synaptic?16:38
ardchoilleubuntunewbie: that's on Windows, I haven't touched Windows in 8 years16:38
dooglus_Suriomario: it's not a real site - it just redirects somewhere else16:39
Aluadopiglit, yes I did... but it only gets the new kernels16:39
dooglus_Suriomario: did you type the address wrong?16:39
Suriomariodooglus_, soz .. my bad http://www.sextv1.tv/16:39
AluadoI know I can compile the old kernel, but I'd like to know if there is a way to make this via .deb or apt16:40
ShazamI have  a new partition I want to automount. I've got an entry in /etc/fstab that mounts it in the right place, but I want it to have owner group of my user, instead its owner group is root. Ideas what I'm doing wrong?16:40
coreyBhey all, is there anyway to install kwin on ubuntu 9.10?16:40
ni1s_eeeDoes anyone know where one can change the font size of the folder and message views?16:40
sudormsys32shazam, in fstab you need to put the userid you want16:40
ni1s_eeeIn evolution I mean16:41
llutzShazam: what filesystem?16:41
Shazamllutz, ext316:41
luboszwhich tools do i use to generate a xorg.conf?16:41
dooglus_Suriomario: perhaps it's a regional difference.  for me that redirects to http://us.lupaland.com/16:41
luboszbesides nvidia-xconfig16:41
llutzShazam: sudo chown user:group /mount/point16:41
patdk-wklubosz, vi :)16:41
Shazamsudormsys32: can I just write owner=user1 under the options column?16:41
luboszpatdk-wk: yes, but i wanted to see some more opinions, and get me another generator :D16:42
patdk-wkllutz, dpkg-reconfigure?16:42
llutzShazam: uid= doesn't work for unix-fs, use chmod/chown16:42
recmajkemitawd: thanks16:42
karma_policewhat is a good iso burner for ubuntu?16:42
luboszkarma_police: brasero16:42
icerootkarma_police: brasero, k3b or some cli-tools16:42
Suriomariodooglus_, well, thx anyway :-))))16:42
Aluadokarma_police, brasero16:43
Shazamllutz: huh, i had previously done that, and when I restarted, the directory was back to root/root permissions, and i believe I had some data missing16:43
karma_policewill brasero burn a windows iso?16:43
icerootkarma_police: sure16:43
luboszkarma_police: ISO != MS16:43
Aluadokarma_police, a iso is a iso16:43
llutzShazam: mount the partition, change permission/ownership then16:43
karma_policek.. thanks16:43
dooglus_Suriomario: it plays for me, btw using the the totem browser plugin.  do you have that installed?16:43
jiffeanyone figured out why ubuntu 9.10 can take forever to login sometimes?16:43
dooglus_Suriomario: install package 'totem-mozilla'16:44
dooglus_Suriomario: then maybe you'll need to restart the browser16:44
luboszjiffe: you should use console login :p16:44
Suriomariono i just installed ubuntu :-)) let me try that plugin16:44
jiffedoesn't matter how I login, console, ssh16:45
luboszjiffe: weird, i didnt notice any perfomance issue there16:45
jiffeall of my 9.10's are on vmware, not sure if that matters, 9.04 didn't have that problem though, nor 8.0416:45
luboszjiffe: even without the xserver running16:45
jiffeyeah, just straight ubuntu server16:45
verb3khow to find my audio device name? (/dev/???)16:45
luboszjiffe: did you boot ext4 partitions?16:45
dooglus_verb3k: dsp?16:46
jiffesome yes some no, even the ones I've upgraded from 9.04 which are ext3 have that problem16:46
verb3kdooglus_, dsp is the default?16:46
dooglus_verb3k: I guess so16:46
verb3kdooglus_, thanks16:46
luboszjiffe: when its just vms, then try a fresh install with ext4 (home folder also ext4)16:46
luboszmaybe that gives you some perfomance boost16:46
jiffeyeah I've got a few that are a fresh install using ext416:47
jiffeits just login, everything else is fine after login16:47
recmajkemi~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata is it safe to delete those files inthere?16:47
luboszjiffe: is it just the first user?16:47
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message144Hi, I added the mozilla-daily ppa to my sources so that I could get the latest version of thunderbird. It is however also giving me the latest version of Firefox. Is there a way to avoid this?16:48
jiffeno, additional users have the same problem16:48
babar_hi how are you16:48
guntbertjiffe: long login times = problems with name resolution - or hostname16:48
luboszdo following: login as root, do "tail /var/log/*.log" and in another shell, login as user16:48
jiffenormally, but not the case here16:48
luboszand then read the output16:48
arvind_khadrimessage144, you can hold firefox to the current version16:48
jiffethe problem only shows up in 9.1016:48
luboszjiffe: tail /var/log/*.log -f16:48
message144arvind_khadri, how do i do that?16:48
arvind_khadrimessage144, sudo aptitude hold <package name>16:49
message144arvind_khadri, ah... ok thanks :)16:49
luboszjiffe: did you looked for bugs on launchpad?16:49
papushowenas xente16:49
arvind_khadrimessage144, no probs16:49
papushocomo tan16:49
=== PeZ is now known as Guest42380
papushowenos días16:50
papushosaludos desde coatzacoalcos16:50
recmajkemiDoes anyone else have ablone folder in home directory?16:50
SwedeMike!es | papusho16:51
ubottupapusho: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:51
jribrecmajkemi: what language is that?-16:51
message144arvind_khadri, if i hold the package, does that mean that it wont receive any updates either?16:51
arvind_khadrimessage144, yes16:51
message144arvind_khadri, ok16:51
coreyBis there anyway to install kwin on ubuntu 9.10? (i like it better than compiz)16:51
luboszwhen xserver starts in failsafe mode, i have some configuration options. which tools are used in there?16:51
luboszcoreyB: you could install kubuntu or just use aptitude in your running install16:52
Blaze_Boymy ubuntu 9.10 cannot enable desktop effect since the last update (only today)16:52
recmajkemijrib: In my home folder some ablone folder is made, its empty but I don't know if its save to delete it16:53
coreyBlubosz,  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? i want the kwin effects on gnome16:53
jribrecmajkemi: you didn't answer my question :/  just rename it and see what happens, that way you can restore it16:53
luboszcoreyB: this should contain kwin, but i'm not sure since i use gnome, try #kubuntu16:53
luboszcoreyB: you should be able to set the default window manager with dpkg16:54
JordiRTHi all, how do I do to automatic login to a specific user ?16:54
Blaze_Boymy ubuntu 9.10 cannot enable desktop effect since the last update (only today), please help !!!16:54
w00t3ri am getting the obtaining IP address problem with wicd.  can anybody point me in the right direction on this?  im new to linux so take it easy on me :)16:55
luboszBlaze_Boy: which graphics hardware do you have?16:55
m0arHow to mount a dvd-image in Ubuntu?16:55
recmajkemijrib: K ill rename it. what did u mean by language?16:55
coreyBBlaze_Boy,  system > administration > hardware drivers16:55
luboszBlaze_Boy: maybe you dont have the correct kernel modules for your kernel16:55
jiffelubosz: I have, I haven't seen anything16:55
darcoblaze-boy: reinstall your graphic drivers16:55
Blaze_Boyi have intel and it was running normally ?16:55
jiffelubosz: last time I asked about it someone mentioned that it was a known problem, I didn't ask if there was a bug report associated with it though16:55
recmajkemijrib: u meant my nickname?16:55
coreyBlubosz,  once i install the kubuntu-desktop, how do i set kwin to the default?16:55
Hilikushow do i get the source of a package and have it ready to be compiled again?16:55
=== beasty_ is now known as beasty
darcoreinstall always works for me16:56
Blaze_BoycoreyB: only the wireless as always16:56
luboszcoreyB: which dpkg frontend did you use? you should be prompted16:56
ubuntu---when I get a message on pidgin it pops up the message16:56
jribrecmajkemi: no, I was wondering if "ablone" had a meaning in a different language.  Maybe your install is localized to a language other than english?16:56
ubuntu---how do I hide it16:56
Blaze_Boydarco: i have intel how to install it ?16:56
jrib!source | Hilikus16:56
ubottuHilikus: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:56
coreyBim not sure what you mean lubosz, i just sudo-apt get install kubuntu-desktop16:56
ubuntu---that black bubble16:56
sudormsys32ubuntu---, check plugins16:56
MohammadRRhi i have karmic with apache2 vsftpd mysql servers and now that they dont start when computer boot what should i do ?16:57
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guntbertdarco: please don't recommend a reinstall as "cure for all"16:57
chris8Hey room-- trying to compile a podzilla installer but having problems... running 9.0X... getting a ++g error when compiling... Is there an Add/Remove installer program i could more easily install?16:57
sudormsys32ubuntu---, you got it16:57
ubuntu---thanks !16:57
luboszcoreyB: apt should open some gui where you can set a window manager (that was the case some time ago when i installed kde the last time :D)16:57
recmajkemijrib: its installed in english, but i had it localized in slovene16:57
=== ubuntu--- is now known as iloveubuntu
Hilikusthanks jrib16:57
message144Is it possible to only show specific packages from a PPA?16:57
coreyBi'll try again gimme 10 minutes lol16:57
jribrecmajkemi: does "ablone" have a meaning in slovene?16:57
luboszcoreyB: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kwin ?16:58
marianit doesnt work even after i installed totem-mozilla plugin :-(16:58
darcoim was talking about the video drivers16:58
coreyBok sec lubosz  its re-downloading16:58
chris8Hey room, help please-- trying to compile a podzilla installer but having problems... running 9.0X... getting a ++g error when compiling... Is there an Add/Remove installer program i could more easily install?16:59
DoonzOk here's my issue. server 1 can log into server 2 through ssh without password authentication. but server 2 cannot log into server 1 without having to enter a password. Im trying to set up rsync from server 2 to server 1 without being prompted for password16:59
IdleOnejrib: I believe he means oblong/diamond16:59
MohammadRRno answer /16:59
guntbertrecmajkemi: do you know that there is #ubuntu-si too ?17:00
chris8Help!  What's the easiest way to get linux on a 5th gen Ipod?17:00
PiciMohammadRR: How did you install them?17:00
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MohammadRRPici : sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-admin vsftpd17:01
chris8Don't hate me -- i didn't buy it :P it was a throw-me-down17:01
PiciMohammadRR: Then they should be starting at boot, unless you changed something.17:01
MohammadRRPici : what ?17:01
Guest76178Anyone here know how to change the parameters of gspca?17:01
=== damien is now known as Ikthus
Ikthusre :)17:01
PiciMohammadRR: The only reason why they might fail is due to a bad configuration file.  Can you start apache2 using sudo service apache2 start ?17:02
IkthusJe sais plus qui m'a aidé mais merci beaucoup !17:02
Pici!fr | Ikthus17:02
ubottuIkthus: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:02
w00t3ri need help getting my laptop online17:02
Um_cara_qualquerI don't understand something here in this new version of ubuntu, why the trash doesn't show anything?17:02
w00t3rplease help17:02
mediaprodigyanyone have any experience with freenx... ? on ubuntu17:02
w00t3ri am getting the obtaining IP address problem with wicd.  can anybody point me in the right direction on this?  im new to linux so take it easy on me :)17:02
erUSULGuest76178: normally creating a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ with a line like « options gpsca [whatever] »17:02
przemo_onew00t3r nice nick, it says that you don't need help17:03
MohammadRRPici : yes17:03
alexsanderis there some WYSIWYG editor for Linux similar to MS Frontpage that handles area/map tags?17:03
DarkWellare there a way to store setting such as those you have set in metacity/gnome when doing a liceCD run ? I wnat to be able to simple restore it from say an usb memstick17:03
=== w00t3r is now known as Needs_Help
przemo_onew00t3r what's wicd?17:03
Needs_Helpnetwork manager?17:03
DarkWellon next startup17:03
przemo_oneNeeds_Help what is your internet connection type?17:04
PiciMohammadRR: sudo update-rc.d $servicename defaults     will make the service start at boot, but like I said, this is the default behavior.17:04
=== mergus_ is now known as mergus
Needs_Helpis there another wifi manager besides network-manager and wicd?17:05
MohammadRRPici : ok thanks17:05
militantQuick question.  If i were going to try to play a game (such as Oblivion) would I be better off starting my efforts with wine, or an actual windows virtual machine?  i have no use for a vm other than this so...17:05
Hilikusi remember there was a way to create a "fake" subsystem inside ubuntu to build packages without poluting your main system with devel packages17:05
Hilikuswhat is that called again?17:05
erUSULfind conman | Needs_Help17:05
erUSUL!find conman | Needs_Help17:06
sudormsys32militant, depends, most vmware won't support directx17:06
przemo_oneNeeds_Help I don't think so. NM is good17:06
ubottuNeeds_Help: File conman found in kvirc-data17:06
draconasi got a question/issue with ubuntu and wubi17:06
przemo_oneNeeds_Help What is the name of your network card?17:06
DarkWellim not interested in running any kind of "persistence" jsut be able to restiore some metacity settings17:06
arvind_khadriHilikus, chroot ??17:06
militantsudormsys32, that's what i thought.  but is wine complete enough to handle something like that then?  or what about a really outdated game (like late 90's)17:07
coreyBhey lubosz i installed kwin again and nothing mate17:07
coreyBi even ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure kwin and still nothing17:07
Hilikusarvind_khadri: will chroot keep a separate list of installed packages?17:07
sudormsys32militant, you'd have to check wineHQ and see, or just play around with it17:07
przemo_oneDarkWell all settings are in home directory of user17:07
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)17:07
erUSULDarkWell: you can try with gconftool217:07
Hilikusarvind_khadri: no, thats not it17:07
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto17:07
draconasi got a question/issue with ubuntu and wubi17:07
militantsudormsys32, doing so now.  appreciate the suggestion17:07
patcitohow do I set up custom dns so they are not being overwritten everytime I restart?17:07
arvind_khadriHilikus, /msg the boot17:08
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luboszcoreyB: do you want to use kwin oder kdm?17:08
luboszyou can select kde at login17:08
mikeyx0xi am getting the following error PHP script /var/www/classes/config.php is protected by phpSHIELD and requires the phpSHIELD loader phpshield.5.2.lin. The phpSHIELD loader has not been installed, or is not installed correctly. Please visit the phpSHIELD php encoder site to download required loader.any help17:08
coreyBi dont want to use kde, i want kwin on ubuntu >:17:09
luboszcoreyB: in your sessions options17:09
przemo_onelubosz what's your nationality?17:09
luboszprzemo_one: my nick seems to be to obvious, you're not the first one to ask ;D17:10
draconasi got a question/issue with ubuntu and wubi17:10
mediaprodigyAnyone here using VNC with ubuntu? Are you satisfied with it? Do you recommend any particular solution to logging in remotely with a gui interface?17:10
mikeyx0xi need help17:10
przemo_onelubosz so is it the same as mine?17:10
Pixaranyone know a large package list addition with urls for my apt-get ?17:10
mikeyx0xPHP script /var/www/classes/config.php is protected by phpSHIELD and requires the phpSHIELD loader phpshield.5.2.lin. The phpSHIELD loader has not been installed, or is not installed correctly. Please visit the phpSHIELD php encoder site to download required loader.17:10
luboszprzemo_one: you could whois me :p17:11
mikeyx0xhow to i get rid of this error17:11
DoonzOk here's my issue. server 1 can log into server 2 through ssh without password authentication. but server 2 cannot log into server 1 without having to enter a password. Im trying to set up rsync from server 2 to server 1 without being prompted for password17:11
luboszprzemo_one: but it wouldn't have the expected result17:11
przemo_onelubosz i have your ip, but asking you is much easier17:11
draconasi used wubi to install ubuntu, later i remove ubuntu through windows and it says in windows "integrator.exe is corrupted" is this serious?17:11
guntbertmikeyx0x: I don't see anything ubuntu related in your question - if its about a web server you could try ##httpd or ##php17:12
mikeyx0xok thanks17:12
guntbert!ot | przemo_one, lubosz17:12
ubottuprzemo_one, lubosz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:12
Needs_Helpprzemo_one - i am using an intel that is built in to the laptop, but i also have a usb belkin that gives me the same problems17:13
arvind_khadri!hi | prashant17:14
ubottuprashant: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:14
draconasi used wubi to install ubuntu, later i remove ubuntu through windows and it says in windows "integrator.exe is corrupted" is this serious?17:14
militantsudormsys32, not that you're interested, but final fantasy 8 is gold on wine.  i'm ecstatic17:14
przemo_oneNeeds_Help can you see your wiwi card in NM?17:15
sudormsys32militant, haha really now? i was actually curious as to what you would be looking for17:15
geconfhow to check if file downloaded via wget was downloaded in 100%?17:15
militantsudormsys32, yeah i been wanting to do a playthrough for a while.  i'm pretty excited now :D17:16
guntbert!md5 | geconf17:16
ubottugeconf: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:16
przemo_onegeconf get md5sum of that file17:16
sudormsys32militant, you excited about the new one this spring?  its 14 i believe...it looks pretty amazing17:16
ubuntu__im is saudi17:16
geconfbut i do not have this file17:16
guntbert!sa | ubuntu__17:16
ubottuubuntu__: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية17:16
militantsudormsys32, tbh i lost interest in FF after 9 or so.  i been playing since ff1 and X onward are good RPG's but not really 'final fantasy'17:17
draconasi used wubi to install ubuntu, later i remove ubuntu through windows and it says in windows "integrator.exe is corrupted" is this serious? (getting tired of asking)17:17
=== rafase282 is now known as Rafase282
Needs_Helpprzemo_one : i figured it out17:17
sudormsys32militant, yeah i know what you mean.  Tactics is my favorite.  And not the lame DS/Advanced ones, the original PS1 :D17:17
Flare183draconas: Sounds like it O.O17:17
Flare183!hi | kurbizza17:17
ubottukurbizza: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:17
przemo_onegeconf when wget exits without error file is 100%. besides it shows a progress bar17:17
militantYES sir.  a wise individual you are.  i tried to play 12 and just wasn't interested after 10 hours.  i love 5 thru 8 like my own children though17:18
mragabhi am new to ubuntu, 1st time actually, i have ubuntu 9.10 64 bit, and i need to mount a secondary internal disk automaticall on startup for all users, give users read write access as well, pliz help17:18
guntbert!ot | militant, sudormsys3217:18
ubottumilitant, sudormsys32: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:18
draconasFlare183: i used checkdisk, it deleted the integrator and reinstalled it, but im not sure if its really serious or not if ubuntu corrupts it17:18
kurbizzai have a dvb which should work natively in 2.6.28 kernel, but it does not17:19
Flare183mragab: Add the it as an entry to your /etc/fstab file17:19
amcsihow do I make it so gnome always starts a new session for me and never restores the old one?17:19
przemo_onemragab google for "fstab edition"17:19
OneMillionDollari believe linux os like ubuntu will always be adopted by a small group of pc users17:19
amcsiubuntu 9.1017:19
obiwan_it doesn't amcsi, does it? whenever i restart gdm old windows won't load by default17:19
guntbert!ot | OneMillionDollar17:19
ubottuOneMillionDollar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:19
JohnnyDoeanyone know a good ubuntu Internet radio player?17:20
amcsiwell no...17:20
kurbizzai had tried to install it manually, but "make" makes loooots of errors17:20
Flare183obiwan_: Well it can tho.17:20
mragabFlare183, i know of the fstab file, but then i dont know the options, after the uuid, mount point, fs, <i cant figure out the options>17:20
amcsibut Xorg is using 500MB of ram17:20
amcsiwhat is causing it then?17:20
amcsiI know compiz is open. Is that causing it?17:20
geconfprzemo_one if you use --timeout flag it might happend that wget quit before file was downloaded17:20
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe Totem17:20
Flare183kurbizza: Its possible.17:20
obiwan_how flare? it'd be ok for my mum, not for me hhaha i'd probably drive into embarrassing troubles if i did haha17:20
mragabFlare183, the options must be , mount for all users on startup, and read/write for all users?17:20
przemo_onegeconf never tested17:21
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one can i apt-get totem?17:21
amcsin wait17:21
Flare183mragab: Hmm PM me and I'll try to help you more.17:21
amcsiit isn'T using that much memory17:21
obiwan_if its in repos, why not=?17:21
amcsiwell, it is, but mostly virtual memory17:21
draconasi used wubi to install ubuntu, later i remove ubuntu through windows and it says in windows "integrator.exe is corrupted" is this serious?17:21
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe it's by default installed17:21
amcsibut it uses 50% cpu now O_o17:21
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe and there is audacious (apt-get it)17:22
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe sorry it might be sound edition program17:22
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe nope that's audacity :)17:22
kins98how can you manage your iPhone on ubuntu?17:22
obiwan_great question kins17:23
obiwan_hope somebody knows the answer17:23
obiwan_i got an ipod touch too17:23
kins98does anyone know?17:23
obiwan_jailbroke ofc17:23
kins98i got an iPhone 3GS 32GB17:23
przemo_onekins98 google first17:23
kins98how do I manage it on ubuntu?17:23
geconfkins98 i use itunes on virtual windows17:23
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przemo_onekins98 better use motorola v8 - linux on it :)17:23
obiwan_wow you little lucky bas... i would kill for one like yours :( hope santa brings me one heeh17:23
kins98what's virtual windows?17:24
kins98sorry im new to ubuntu17:24
przemo_onekins98 i think he's talking about "wine"17:24
IdleOnedraconas: integrator.exe does not seem to have anything to do with wubi. I suggest you ask in ##windows for suggestions17:24
kins98i kno what that is17:24
obiwan_or maybe virtualbox17:24
geconfkins98 i use virtualbox17:24
przemo_onekins98 it's a software, which enables running ms windows apps on linux17:25
JohnnyDoe@przemo_one lol were is the file to run for totem17:25
kins98i kno but you can't run iTunes in wine17:25
dooglus_ can someone help me burn some data to dvd please?17:25
dooglus_I can't get k3b or brassero to work17:25
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe in console totem, its in Programs menu as well17:25
obiwan_kins you can in virtualbox17:26
obiwan_simply install windows in it17:26
obiwan_and then itunes17:26
draconasi used wubi to install ubuntu, later i remove ubuntu through windows and it says in windows "integrator.exe is corrupted" is this serious?17:26
przemo_oneobiwan_ but you have installed windows inside?17:26
obiwan_you'll need a windows key ofc17:26
obiwan_sure przemo_one17:26
=== mediaprodigy is now known as mp_lunch
geconfkins98 but not in opensource virtualbox - it can not bridged usb17:26
obiwan_i've played on virtualbox hehe17:26
obiwan_before i knew wine, in mac i used to play windows games on virtualbox17:27
guntbert!enter | obiwan_, kins9817:27
ubottuobiwan_, kins98: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:27
draconasi used wubi to install ubuntu, later i remove ubuntu through windows and it says in windows "integrator.exe is corrupted" is this serious?17:27
obiwan_now i know linux world and simply use linux progrms & wine ;)17:27
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:27
obiwan_sry gunt17:27
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, when i run it from shell it comes up as movie player17:27
przemo_oneobiwan_ i prefer linux natural. i dont even like wine17:27
IdleOnedraconas: that is a windows issue. ask in ##windows17:28
kins98ubuntu is awful compared to windows17:28
kins98Ubuntu is awful compared to windows17:28
llutzkins98: you already said that17:29
raven_ can ffplay simulate a conversion with ffmpeg?17:29
mragabhi i just installed ubuntu 9.10_64 bit, on a dell optiplex 755, the builtin speaker is mono, but my output from the volume control is stereo, it wont work like this, and it really dosent, can somebody help working it ?17:29
JohnnyDoekins98, yeah right17:29
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe correct. if you click on link in your browser music will play and there will be a visualisation in pickture box17:29
guntbertkins98: please keept to the topic - don't make the channel scroll still more17:29
kurbizzadmesg does not detect my dvb, but it should. whats wrong with these?17:29
mashawhere am I here17:29
przemo_onekins98 ubuntu is beautiful compering to win17:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:30
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, word!17:30
kurbizzadmesg does not detect my dvb, but it should. whats wrong with these?17:30
przemo_onekurbizza what's the problem?17:31
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, infact my desktop it a picture of Tux whit a fly swatter about to smash on the windows butterfly17:31
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe had this one17:31
geconfhow to get .rar filesize but from header? maybe i can compare with size on disk and than know if download is completed17:32
kurbizzadvb-t usb stick does not work with mythbuntu17:32
przemo_onegeconf this is not linux topic17:32
kurbizza*compiling drivers 654th time*17:32
mragabhi i just installed ubuntu 9.10_64 bit, on a dell optiplex 755, the builtin speaker is mono, but my output from the volume control is stereo, it wont work like this, and it really dosent, can somebody help working it ?17:32
dooglus_ can someone help me burn some data to dvd please?17:32
geconfwhere should i go than?17:33
przemo_onedooglus no problem. run brasero or k3b17:33
IdleOnedooglus_: use gnomebaker or k3b ( both available in Synaptic )17:33
dooglus_przemo_one: I've done both of those things17:33
dooglus_przemo_one: k3b tells me to insert media (I have) and brasero tells me "cannot write image"17:33
przemo_onedooglus_ and?17:34
dooglus_IdleOne: I'll try gnomebaker.  thanks17:34
dooglus_przemo_one: and neither results in any burning happening17:34
firekoolIs there a way I can duelboot linux and have it use the windows boot loader17:34
przemo_onedooglus_ check your desktop. is there any mounted disc?17:34
mercutio32hey room. I installed a package that failed to install and apt messages me to run sudo dpkg --configure -a. The problem remains unsolved and I can't install anything anylonger. please advise 15:33 < dooglus_> przemo_one: k3b tells me to insert media (I have) and brasero tells me "cannot  write image"17:34
DevilMI have a Problem . i can not copy file from vcds . why ?17:34
trismgeconf: this may help you http://www.win-rar.com/index.php?id=24&kb_article_id=162 (description of the rar file format)17:34
dooglus_przemo_one: I have a laptop not a desktop.  I have several partitions mounted.17:34
mercutio32http://debian.pastebin.com/d28120da9 this is what I meant to paste17:35
przemo_onedooglus_ ubuntu 9.10 64bit have a little problem with unmounting discs17:35
geconftrism ok, thx, hope it helps me17:36
mikeyx22i am receiving an error for phpshield and i cant seem to find a room that can answer17:36
przemo_onedooglus_ if you can se on your desktop (i think of space with wallpaper:) ) a mounted volume cd dvd disc unmount it then17:36
dooglus_IdleOne: gnomebaker looked promising for a few minutes, but then it vanished:17:37
dooglus_vendor = TSSTcorp, model = CDDVDW TS-L633C device = B<17:37
dooglus_Segmentation fault17:37
dooglus_any more?17:37
FloodBot3dooglus_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:37
dooglus_przemo_one: I don't have a desktop17:37
rob0t7ion @Plone17:37
przemo_oneplease explain that to him,17:37
mikeyx22can any one in here help me17:37
dooglus_przemo_one: where the wallpaper would be in just black, empty17:37
przemo_onedooglus_ desktop is the space with all your icons17:38
firekoolI am trying to duel boot ubuntu 9.10 and windows Vista. I need Windows to handle the boot manager due to I want to encrypt my windows partition. I have tried to download install and run Easybcd but that did not work.17:38
firekoolIs there any way that I can do this?17:38
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, still having trouble with totem? were is the music lol.. link in browser?17:38
przemo_onedooglus_ are there any icons?17:38
DevilMno answer?17:38
dooglus_przemo_one: no, I don't have icons17:38
dooglus_przemo_one: I use a panel at the top of the screen to run stuff and see what's running17:38
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, all that comes up is a movie player17:39
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe yes, but it have playlist on the side and it can play internet streams as well17:39
Tekk_what's the full list of official *buntu distros?17:40
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe is there any link/radio you want to play?17:40
Tekk_I know ubuntu, xubuntu, kubundu, edubuntu17:40
Diverdudewhat kernel version does ubuntu have?17:40
Diverdudeubuntu 9.1017:40
PiciDiverdude: 2.6.3117:41
mragabhi i just installed ubuntu 9.10_64 bit, on a dell optiplex 755, the builtin speaker is mono, but my output from the volume control is stereo, it wont work like this, and it really dosent, can somebody help working it ?17:41
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, how do i import new stations to the playlist17:41
przemo_oneDiverdude 2.6.31-17 generic thats for 9.1017:41
aa1u_hi people i have a problem with my wireless i have an acer apire one and i use ath5k and my wireless stops repsonding and then i have to reboot. i think that happens when i have medium to high traffic but im not shure. can anyone help?17:41
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe just open playlist and add i guess17:41
dooglus_Diverdude: it depends which repo you use.  mine has 2.6.31-16-generic-pae17:41
dooglus_I guess -17 is on the way17:42
Pici-17 is in proposed.17:42
dooglus_I see17:42
aombkhi people i have a problem with my wireless i have an acer apire one and i use ath5k and my wireless stops repsonding and then i have to reboot. i think that happens when i have medium to high traffic but im not shure. can anyone help?17:42
Tekk_what's the full list of official *buntu distros?17:42
PiciTekk_: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/derivatives17:42
przemo_oneaombk please17:42
aombkprzemo_one, please what?17:43
ElseNoCan anyone suggest why my fan may be running on "overdrive." I wouldn't normally suspect Ubuntu except that it's a dual boot machine and it doesn't happen when the machine is booted into windows. The fan is so loud that it can be heard from another room, anyone have any idea how I might diagnose it?17:43
przemo_oneaombk stop17:43
blakkheimElseNo: check your cpu usage17:43
IdleOneprzemo_one: any reason why you are being unhelpful?17:43
=== ElseNo is now known as purpzey
dooglus_I think I found a way to burn a DVD eventually17:44
dooglus_gnomebaker is able to make a .iso, and nautilus can burn it17:44
purpzeyblakkheim: How?17:44
przemo_oneIdleOne i think i'm helpful verry17:44
przemo_oneIdleOne very17:44
blakkheimpurpzey: gnome-system-monitor or install something like htop17:44
Pici!ru | skymit17:45
ubottuskymit: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:45
przemo_oneskymit hi17:45
przemo_oneElseNo what's your processor?17:46
arandpurpzey: System>Administration>System Monitor-->Resources tab17:46
recmajkemiguntbert: Nah i did't knew it cause its not listed in ubuntu #irc cahnnel list, but thanks17:46
skymitесть русские?17:46
jadakrendooglus_, dvd as in data dvd or a video dvd ?17:47
jadakren!info devede | dooglus_17:47
ubottudooglus_: devede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.14.0-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 1518 kB, installed size 3560 kB17:47
przemo_oneskymit da #ubuntu-ru17:47
purpzeyarand, blakkheim: The "Processes" tab shows that applications are using b/w 10 -15% of the CPU but the "Resources" tab shows that "CPU1" and "CPU2" are both at 100%.17:47
TeratogenI heard ubuntu is a trainwreck and that I should go with suse17:48
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, hey tryin to play a youtube vid in the totem.. get this error The playback of this movie requires a application/x-shockwave-flash decoder plugin which is not installed.17:48
exco1Teratogen: take a liveCD and see for yourself17:48
mragabhi i just installed ubuntu 9.10_64 bit, on a dell optiplex 755, the builtin speaker is mono, but my output from the volume control is stereo, it wont work like this, and it really dosent, can somebody help working it ?17:48
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe do you have 32 or 64bit system?17:49
arandpurpzey: "Processes" Shows only the processes started by your user.17:49
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, pretty sure 3217:49
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe you need adobe flash player plugin17:49
purpzeyarand: Is there any way to determine why "Resources" is showing both CPUs running at 100%?17:49
jadakrenarand, purpzey it can be switched over to show all17:49
arandpurpzey: In the view menu you can set it to view all.17:49
purpzeyjadakren, arand: Ok, let me do that17:49
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe run synaptic, search for adobe flash player17:50
przemo_onekam hi17:50
kam przemo_one do you speak french17:51
przemo_onekam nope polish :)17:51
kamc koi sa?17:52
militantmy mouse pointer freezes for a second or so when i copy text, and again when i paste it.  no big deal, jw if there are any thoughts?17:53
guntbert!fr | kam17:53
ubottukam: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:53
przemo_onekam there might be seperate channel for french speaking people support17:53
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, says i have the adobe flash player for firefox17:54
exco1I fiddled with /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ... is there a way to reset it to standard?17:54
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, so do i get swefdec flash player?17:54
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe that should do17:55
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe i play flash files from hard drive, let me check17:55
purpzeyjadakren, arand: There are two process running that are taking b/w 40 - 50%. One of the is related to setiathome and I can't seem to kill it, although I know it's not related to any central part of the system. The other is called "milkway_0.18_i686-pc-linux" which I am unfamiliar with. Is there a way to kill the setiathome process, so it actualy goes away? And what is the other process/can I kill it/how?17:55
jadakrenpurpzey, right clicking on the items and selecting kill process work ?17:56
Diverdudedooglus_, which command did you use again to see what version a specific program was?17:56
mint3how can i change the login screen ?17:57
mint3And is it possible for me to connect to my network hard drive ?17:57
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe my totem is not playing youtube urls. well give a shot with that17:57
jadakrenmint3, with great difficulty17:57
purpzeyjadakren: When I do that, system monitor just closes and I get "waiting" cursor, but nothing changes if I re-open system monitor.17:57
mint3why so, jadakren ?17:57
Diverdudedooglus_, dpkg or something?17:57
ejwaxxdiverdude: you can use apt-cache $package17:58
shawncm217I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed in VirtualBox. Ubuntu will not remember my preferred screen resolution. I've tried Googling for how to set the default resolution. Everything says to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. I do not have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. How do I set my desired default resolution manually?17:58
darsomint3: it's not difficult17:58
jadakrenmint3, login screen for 9.10 uses a new backend... which doesn't allow for easy theming like previous versions17:58
^icy-ice^do you believe ubuntu is better than windows?17:58
darsooh, never mind...17:58
jadakren!troll ^icy-ice^17:58
mint3oh i see darso  and jadakren17:58
om26er_!ot | ^icy-ice^17:58
ubottu^icy-ice^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:58
blakkheim^icy-ice^: you're in an ubuntu channel, what answer do you expect?17:58
^icy-ice^!troll jadakren17:58
mint3How bout how to connect to my network HD  ?17:59
^icy-ice^!ot om26er_17:59
ejwaxxsorry diver: it's actually apt-cache policy $package17:59
Diverdudeejwaxx, hmm that does not seem to work17:59
jadakrenmint3, depends on what sharing server it uses to expose the shares17:59
om26er_^icy-ice^, yes?17:59
^icy-ice^om26er_: my question is actually about ubuntu17:59
jadakrenmint3, do you know the lan ip of the drive ?17:59
mint3jadakren,  and how do i figure that out ?17:59
mint3yes i do yep17:59
mint3I dont want to access it via web however18:00
purpzeyjadakren: Is there a way to kill the process manually, e.g. by terminal, that will ensure it gets killed?18:00
IdleOne^icy-ice^: it is about ubuntu but not support related.18:00
mint3was hoping i could drop a link on the desktop instead if possible18:00
blakkheimpurpzey: killall -9 processname18:00
jadakrenmint3, then open nautilus and enter into the location field : smb://ip-address-of-your-network-drive18:00
guntbertpurpzey: you see the ID in the line of that setiathome app? open a terminal and type sudo kill KILL <ID>18:00
^icy-ice^IdleOne: ok, where can it be asked, then?18:00
trismpurpzey: the other one appears to be related to milkyway@home (was just curious)18:00
JohnnyDoeprzemo_one, hey now i get, GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.18:00
IdleOne^icy-ice^: #ubuntu-offtopic18:00
^icy-ice^thank you, IdleOne18:00
purpzeytrism: Thanks. guntbert: Let me give that a shot.18:00
jadakrenmint3, once you have that open in nautilus you can bookmark it, it should then show up on the desktop when you are connecting to it.18:01
mint3oh i see18:01
mint3let me try jadakren18:01
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe ok, no solution for that. mince crashes :) but. one moment...18:01
* om26er__ got DC18:01
dannywhats the best way to get a ati card to run on ubuntu 9.1018:01
jadakrenmint3, so for example if my network-drive was at, then i would put smb:// into the location field of nautilus.18:01
purpzeyguntbert: The processes do kill, but as soon as they are gone they reappear with a new ID.18:02
mragabhello, can some one help me mount my raid system18:02
jadakrenmint3, if you have not attempted to share folders from ubuntu yet then i suggest you first right click on any folder and select the properties option then the sharing tab, attempting to share the folder will install the nessecary software to enable windows network sharing.18:03
arandpurpzey: If you want to get rid of the setiathome, I guess you should uninstall it rather...18:03
guntbertpurpzey: you seem to have installed something - do you remember what it was?18:03
ejwaxxpurpzey: you're running boinc, right?18:03
purpzeyguntbert: boinc/setiathome/milkway. I am happy to get rid of it.18:03
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe i tell you the trick i use. first go with browser on youtube. play the file, or pause. then go to /tmp (directory on your drive). there will be file FlashSOMETHING. this is your file. copy/move and play with totem18:03
purpzeyejwaxx: I do have it, I didn't think it was running, but if it's eating my process I'd like to get rid of it.18:04
guntbertpurpzey: how did you install it?18:04
jadakrenmint3, do you know if you already have the samba client installed  ?18:04
mint3jadakren,  i do think so18:04
purpzeyguntbert: I don't remember. Let me check my synaptic.18:04
ejwaxxpurpzey: go to terminal and enter "sudo /etc/init.d/boinc-client stop"18:04
mint3but hang on a second jadakren . if it is a network drive shouldnt it show up in network ?18:04
om26er__JohnnyDoe, you can also use minitube(app) to watch youtube18:04
purpzeyejwaxx: Ok.18:04
mint3i mean its only plugged to my router18:04
mint3and am on wireless right now18:04
pjotterHello. Anyone here that have photoshop installed under wine?18:04
jadakrenmint3, possibly18:05
guntbertpurpzey: if it was via synaptic then its easy to uninstall from there18:05
bullgardWhere hast Sancho gone? http://www.itu.int/sancho/18:05
mint3its a WD18:05
dannywhats the best way to get a ati card to run on ubuntu 9.1018:05
mint3I mean i am trying to config it so that when i am away on my trips , i can still log on to my network Drive18:05
mint3Aint that possible jadakren ?18:05
=== patrik is now known as Guest72108
om26er__danny, just install the driver if required i guess18:06
jadakrenmint3, you first need to be sure you have samba installed. 1) open a terminal 2) type smbclient 3) if it is installed it will give some relevant output18:06
przemo_onemint3 use synaptic and search for smb something packages. for kde there is smb4k very usefull18:06
przemo_onemint3 you can get ip of your share using smbtree command18:06
dannyom2 well the i guess part doesnt seem to work18:06
dannyom26er_, the just install the driver part doesnt work18:06
mint3jadakren,  it gives me relevent output yes18:07
=== matt_ is now known as Guest84034
arandpurpzey: relevant packages would be named boinc-*something18:07
jadakrenmint3, and is your net-drive listed in that output ?18:07
mragabis there anyone in this planet who can help me, no seriously, its simple but hard for me so pliz help, how to mount a dummy raid configuration on startup and enable read/write for all users18:07
purpzeyarand, ejwaxx: Eureka! The fan slowed down immediately. The processor has stopped running like crazy etc. I am going to try to delete the package now.18:07
jadakrenmint3, try smbclient -L18:08
=== Guest72108 is now known as patrik
mint3ok let me type that18:08
_cbLost sound. On Volume Control I can see Totem Movie player and the bars moving. Changing selections does not help. Have volume to the max in Movie Player. Any ideas?18:08
mint3just gives me the help thing, jadakren .18:08
jadakrenmint3, brb rebooting to linux18:08
mint3ok jadakren .18:08
ejwaxxpurpzey: you should be able to do that from synaptic easily18:09
dannyany ideas on how to install a ati 9550 in ubuntu 9.10 ??18:09
przemo_onemragab use google. you have to edit file /etc/fstab. as for ride - no experience.18:09
alazyworkaholicI need to transcribe a lot of audio. Does anyone know of a way to get a linux audio player to replay slowly so that I don't have to keep pressing play/pause?18:09
przemo_onedanny yeas use fglrx18:09
mint3i am using 9.10. although jaunty werent too shabby either i must say18:10
dannyprzemo_one,  where do i get that ? and how do i install it ?18:10
purpzeyejwaxx, arand: Ok, I removed the packages. Thank you very much for your help my computer no longer sounds like it's about to lift-off!18:10
mint3Still trying to see the difference actually18:10
mragabprzemo_one, i woudnt be here if i cudnt find a solution, im really suffering for 4 hours now, assist me pliz18:10
militantalazyworkaholic, use VLC and there's an option to slow down playback18:10
alazyworkaholicmilitant: didn't know about that. Thank you! :D18:10
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe my totem does support youtube. enable youtube plugin :) nice18:10
militantalazyworkaholic, there's probably similar options in .... nvm18:10
mint3totem is cool, JohnnyDoe18:11
rmrfslash_The date on my ubuntu server is very wrong.... how can I make it so that the date command reflects the real date/time. Is there a command to sync the time with the ntp server?18:11
przemo_onedanny fglrx is a ati original driver. the one which comes with ubuntu works fine for me. there is fglrx in repository. run synaptic18:11
bryanlwhat is the bind server everyone is using these days?  or what does ubuntu suggest?18:11
przemo_onemragab run gedit /etc/fstab18:11
rmrfslash_danny: I'm feel sorry for you. I too have ATI.18:11
arandpurpzey: these "using idle processor power to help a global computing thingy" (e.g. folding/seti@home) does tend to use the processors to max if nothing else is, meaning computer will run closer to max constantly, good on computers where sound and power usage is irrelevant, worse otherwise (e.g. might not be a good idea on a laptop)18:11
littlewookiehey you know a dlc decrypter which runs with linux? ( except jd i need the links )18:12
mragabprzemo_one, then?18:12
mint3jadakren, u back yet ?18:12
airtonixmint3, yes, its me here18:12
guntbertrmrfslash: see https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/NTP.html18:12
purpzeyarand: I wouldn't mind b/c the computer is idle most of the time. . .It's a desktop with a good amount of processing power, but the thing was so loud it was just intolerable.18:12
dannyrmrfslash, yeah i know the feeling18:12
mint3hi airtonix  welcome back18:12
airtonixmint3, smbclient -L gives no output ?18:13
przemo_onemragab you know whats inside :) sorry i'm in mood for jokes. that's the file responsible for your mounts18:13
dannyprzemo_one, what the exact file name in synamtic18:13
mint3airstrike,  it gives me stuffs bout what options to use18:13
cgroza_hello...i have 2 swap partitions.... its better to have one big swap partition then 2 smaller swap partitions?18:13
mint3doesnt do more18:13
patdk-wkcgroza_, no idea18:13
mragabprzemo_one, lool i rely need to solve this, we'll joke later xD18:14
patdk-wkbut if you want to hibernate, you will need one that is atleast as large as your ram18:14
przemo_onedanny sorry synaptic18:14
mragabprzemo_one, # /etc/fstab: static file system information.18:14
mragab# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier18:14
mragab# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name18:14
mragab# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).18:14
FloodBot3mragab: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
erUSULcgroza_: if they are in two different disks is better to have two paritions. you set them with the same prio and the kernel does raid0 with them and is faster18:14
airtonixmint3, ok try this : smbclient -L ip-address (replace "ip-address" with the ip address of your netdrive)18:14
dannyprzemo_one,  yeah i have bad spelling too ... whats the file name ?18:14
=== airtonix is now known as jadakren
mint3airtonix,  is the ip like 192.168. etc ?18:14
mint3or my actually ip ?18:14
cgroza_erUSUL: wall i have just one disk18:15
przemo_onedanny its a program. package manager18:15
erUSULcgroza_: then the one bigger parition is better18:15
jadakrenmint3, correct, it should then ask for a password... just try first ignoring that and press enter when it does18:15
mragabprzemo_one, http://pastebay.com/8092218:15
przemo_onemragab ok let me think. whats the name of your drive /dev/what?18:15
mint3ok let me try18:15
jadakrenmint3, the ip of your network-drive not your computer18:15
przemo_onemragab ??18:15
mint3you mean internet ip right?18:15
mragabprzemo_one, http://pastebay.com/8092218:15
cgroza_erUSUL.what happens if i delte the 2 partions and format then as swap line one...the system will boot?18:15
mragabprzemo_one, it is /dev/mapper/isw_ciagbcidbg_vMachines118:16
shawncm217I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed in VirtualBox. Ubuntu will not remember my preferred screen resolution. I've tried Googling for how to set the default resolution. Everything says to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. I do not have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. How do I set my desired default resolution manually?18:16
jadakrenmint3, no i mean the lan ip (actually i just tested it and you need to use the ip of your computer not the drive )18:16
erUSULcgroza_: can you rephrase?18:16
bensteneed help connecting a CRT TV to my Vaio laptop using S-video on a gforce 7600go - nvidia-settings doesn't find the CRT18:16
mint3i did /dns mynickname18:16
rmrfslashguntbert: thanks18:16
mint3then did smbclient -L
ilovealcoahelp!  when trying to make ubuntu live cd, i get an error when attempting to create an iso image: something to the effect of "genisoimage: can't find boot directory isolinux", despite the fact that the directory isolinux exists and is nonempty!18:17
mint3and it asked me for a password18:17
guntbertshawncm217: if you installed GuestAdditions in the guest you can always change the size of the whole window with your mouse18:17
cgroza_erUSUL.what happens if i delete the 2 partions and format then as swap as  one...the system will boot?18:17
rmrfslashdanny: don't you get the feeling that getting a machine w/ ATI was the worst decision you ever made18:17
dag_danny: fglrx-modaliases; fglrx-kernel-source; fglrx-amdcccle or thomething like that18:17
przemo_onemragab no idea18:17
jadakrenmint3, that ip is your internal network ip it looks like a wan ip18:17
guntbertrmrfslash: you're welcome :-)18:17
rmrfslashdanny: yet, ATI is the only manufacturer who releases their board specifications to the OS community18:17
mint3Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)18:17
mragabi give up on ubuntu, xchat, raid, and my annoying desktop18:18
mint3ok gotcha jadakren , let me try again18:18
jadakrenmint3, common lan ips start with 192.168.*.* or 10.1.*.*18:18
przemo_onemragab got it18:18
erUSULcgroza_: yes the system will work without swap. but after you do thtr changes you can update fstab before reboot (you do not need to reboot)18:18
mragabok dont give up =D18:18
bullgardI have filled in the form http://gmane.org/subscribe.php for Mailing list email address=ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com and sent it. Will I get a confirmation from gmane.org?18:18
shawncm217guntbert: I did install Guest Additions, but I want it to remember my preferred resolution and start up that way.18:18
ikoniabullgard: how is that anything to do with ubuntu ?18:18
cgroza_erUSUL, ok i will try... thanks for help18:18
mint3jadakren,  yep18:18
mint3jadakren,  works this time18:18
mint3now what jadakren  ?18:19
jadakrenmint3, and does it look like your network drive is listed there ?18:19
ae86-drifteri need to downgrade libpoppler5 (0.12.0-0ubuntu2.1) to libpoppler5 (0.11.0-0ubuntu2.1), could someone please help18:19
bullgardikonia: Read my message again. You will find the word "ubuntu" in it.18:19
mint3yep looks like it jadakren18:19
ikoniabullgard: the word ubuntu does not mean it is anything to do with ubuntu18:19
guntbertshawncm217: play with the 4 display options in the file menu - better support in #vbox18:19
przemo_onemragab are there any options provided?18:19
ikoniabullgard: this channel does not support gmane.org - gmane.org is nothing to do wtih ubuntu18:20
ae86-drifterbullgard, thats pretty funny18:20
mint3jadakren,  looks like its there18:20
JonhVarnerin if command in shell how can I check whether a file with specific extension exist or not18:20
jadakrenmint3, ok so then (normally) it should also be listed in nautilus filemanager when you go to the location network://18:20
mint3how/where do i type it jadakren  ?18:20
przemo_onemragab can you mount it? i bet you can but with root's password18:20
mint3i mean i opened "computer" cant find the adress bar to type it18:20
bullgardae86-drifter: What is pretty funny?18:20
Pcyhowhenever i use screen i have to do CTRL-A ':multiuser' CTRL-A ':acladd user'  how do i set it to automatically run those commands when i run screen?18:21
bullgardae86-drifter: Can you elaborate.18:21
jadakrenmint3, if you open nautilus (your file manager : places menu up the top of the screen) and press ctrl + L to focus on the location field you can type it there18:21
przemo_oneJohnnyDoe all these years with browsing youtube with firefox, and totem was just there :)18:21
GuitarInc1anyone run 64-bit ubuntu with only 2 gigs of RAM?  If so, what's your highest experienced RAM usage?18:21
ae86-drifterGuitarInc1, im running it with one gig18:21
shawncm217guntbert: The lack of a xorg.conf file seems like an Ubuntu, or specifically, an Ubuntu documentation issue.18:21
dannyrmrfslash, dag_ yeah ati isnt the best driver i could ever have ... but once i install those will that be it .. or will i have to configure it ?18:21
Feadurnbonsoir à tois18:22
jadakrenmint3, alternatively , left clicking on blank spot on the desktop and pressing ctrl + L should also bring a location field to let you open at a certain place18:22
alexsanderGuitarInc1, i'm running with 8 gigs18:22
mragabprzemo_one, obv there are no options, but when i put default, i get errors : <mragab> em i get error mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/isw_ciagbcidbg_vMachines1, <mragab>        missing codepage or helper program, or other error <mragab>        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try <mragab>        dmesg | tail  or so18:22
GuitarInc1ae86-drifter: system runs okay?18:22
ae86-drifterGuitarInc1, runs fine18:22
mint3yep got the location field jadakren . now what ?18:22
mint3smb://ip ?18:22
GuitarInc1ae86-drifter: what kind of computing do you generally do?18:22
ae86-drifterGuitarInc1, 256MB is the minimum i think18:22
ilovealcoahelp!  when trying to make ubuntu live cd, i get an error when attempting to create an iso image: something to the effect of "genisoimage: can't find boot directory isolinux", despite the fact that the directory isolinux exists and is nonempty!  what to do?18:22
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jadakrenmint3, should type : network://18:23
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ae86-drifterGuitarInc1, programming18:23
Psych0whenever i use screen i have to do CTRL-A ':multiuser' CTRL-A ':acladd user'  how do i set it to automatically run those commands when i run screen?18:23
dag_GuitarInc1: 8go ubuntustudio 9.10 64bits run goood18:23
teddymillsif you want to compile and install tar.gz packages on ubuntu..you need to apt-get install build-essentials...is that it?18:23
przemo_onemragab put auto,user,exec and change 0 2 to 0 118:23
mint3then ? What ip do i type jadakren  ?18:23
ikoniateddymills: it depends on the package dependencies18:23
ikoniateddymills: what are you trying to build ?18:23
GuitarInc1ae86-drifter: any OpenGL work?18:23
jadakrenmint3, nothing its a general view for all network protocols...18:23
mint3ok ill just type network:// then18:24
dag_danny: i don't know don'''t have ati card,18:24
ae86-drifterGuitarInc1, i have onboard graphics on it and it runs all the desktop effects smoothly18:24
mint3yep i see it there jadakren18:24
jadakrenmint3, if you know the name or ip address of the network drive you can get there directly by typing : smb://ip-address18:24
mint3jadakren,  i see MYBOOK18:24
teddymillsthere are 40 million tar.gz packages..not sure yet18:24
guntbertshawncm217: I guess its a consequence of using the newest X version - not really an ubuntu issue per se - but I didn't want to get rid of you anyway - just pointed to a better source of info18:24
dannyrmrfslash,  any ideas ?18:24
jadakrenmint3, try opening mybook18:24
ae86-drifteri was running 9.10 with 512MB for a while no problem18:24
jadakrenmint3, or you can use this location : smb://MYBOOK18:25
ikoniateddymills: so each one will have different dependencies, however if you look in ubuntu's package manager you'll find most of them are already build to for you to use18:25
mint3it says "opening my book - you can stop this operation by clickin cancel"18:25
rmrfslashdanny: the proprietary ATI driver sucks. Good luck with desktop effects. Good like resuming from suspend/sleep, good luck w/ dual displays.18:25
mragabprzemo_one, same error, i updated the kernel so as far as i know i need to reconfigure somehow  the dmraid18:25
jadakrenmint3, do you know the ip address of the drive instead ? (it's sometimes faster)18:25
mint3then it says "unable to mount location - failed to retrieve share list from server"18:25
minimecdanny: THat's a rather ol ati, isn't it?18:25
dannyrmrfslash,  yeah i understand that now ...18:26
mint3yep i do, jadakren  its
rmrfslashdanny: having said that, the open source driver (called radeonhd or something) is actually ok... but they're so far behind. I don't even think they have hardware accel working so all desktop effects must be rendered entirely through software.18:26
dannyminimec,  its a 9550 ati18:26
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code18:26
jadakrenmint3, then in the location field try using : smb://
P-NutsHello, how can I block certain packages from a PPA?  I added the ubuntu-mozilla-daily PPA to play with firefox-3.7, but it's upgraded my firefox-3.5 as well.  I want to revent APT from seeing the firefox-3.5 packages in the PPA without having to remove the PPA entirely.18:26
ae86-drifteri have a radeon 3200 in my laptop and i can hook up dual screens/ effects no probs with prop drivers18:26
przemo_onemragab stupid question but do you save the fstab after modification? are you editing file as root?18:26
mint3im in jadakren18:27
mwlangis anyone familiar with FTP-SSL (not FTP over SSH, a.k.a. sftp).  I am looking for a ubuntu command line client to connect WS_FTP server that wants an SSL authentication...I have encountered a few references to using ftps.  Any idea what package provides ftps?18:27
przemo_onemragab how do you mount?18:27
rmrfslashall in all, ATI is a complete disaster on Linux. Nvidia does a great job.18:27
mragabprzemo_one, shaha yes i did, sudo mount -a18:27
minimecdanny: Radeon 9550, I guess... 'Mobility' or not? AGP SLot?18:27
jadakrenmint3, you should see it on the desktop18:27
mint3jadakren, how can i just put a link on my desktop so that it goes there18:27
rmrfslashI have a mobility18:27
ae86-drifterprzemo_one, if you want the changed to take effect, then YES you WILL have to save it.... :)18:27
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rmrfslashradeonhd 367018:27
dannyminimec, 9550 agp card18:27
mint3jadakren,  it doesnt show on desktop18:27
ikoniamwlang: sftp should actually work for you18:27
jadakrenmint3, ah yes i forgot... open a folder you see in that location18:28
przemo_oneae86-drifter any suggestions whats wrong?18:28
mint3jadakren,  any folder ?18:28
mwlangikonia: I've been futzing with sftp for a bit now....any idea how to make it work?18:28
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ikoniamwlang: depends what problem you're having18:28
Hilikuswhat's the channel for packaging questions18:28
ae86-drifterprzemo_one, there is a GUI for editing fstab, maybe you should use it ;)18:28
przemo_onemragab so you cant mount that volume at all18:28
erUSULmwlang: try lftp18:28
minimecdanny: OK. Your card works best with the default OpenSource Driver. As you are using 9.10 Karmic, you can enable 'kms' for the ATI card. That should give you better compiz integration ...18:29
przemo_onemragab you should know, that your old kernel is stil there18:29
_akahige_I just ran through this morning's repo updates -- new kernel, etc. -- and my pulse audio is completely dead. can anyone help me TS it and get it back?18:29
jadakrenmint3, the folder you open will "mount" it and mounted places or devices are shown on the desktop (i don't think you can place shortcuts to smb computers on the desktop only the shared folders that provide if you first mount them )18:29
mwlangikonia: when I make a connection with sftp, it just sits there until connection is eventually reset by peer.18:29
dannyminimec,  ok , how do i use that ?18:29
przemo_oneae86-drifter never use gui  :) i'm not the one with problem, what's the gui name btw?18:29
ikoniamwlang: do you get any prompt ?18:29
mwlangerUSUL: what package provides lftp?18:29
mwlangikonia: none.18:29
mragabprzemo_one, no i cannot, but the funny thing, when i go to gparted it can actually read the used space and free space so the radi system is fine, its just the mount know-how  =S18:29
dannyminimec,  where would i find the kms thing18:29
minimecdanny: one moment please...18:30
ae86-drifterprzemo_one, i'm not sure, cant remember the name of it, but if you search GUI fastab in synaptic it should come up18:30
mwlangI get one with ftp.  enter login credentials and server response that its a non-ssl session at that point.18:30
ikoniamwlang: just to be clear are you talking about ssl certificate chains, or ssl encyrption18:30
_cbUbuntu 9.10. Lost sound. Suspect it is volume or system is muted. Is there a place, other than volume control, to manage volume?18:30
jadakrenmint3, but you can bookmark the smb:// location and it will show up in the places pane of nautilus and the places menu on your panel18:30
mragabprzemo_one, is there a way to configure everything with dmraid from the start18:30
ae86-drifterprzemo_one, ive never used it myself18:30
xim_is there a command to see the size of my entire filesystem?18:30
mint3ok jadakren18:30
mint3jadakren, , another thing18:30
ikoniaxim_: df -h /filesystem18:30
mwlangikonia: simple encrypted ftp...what wikipedia calls FTP-SSL protocol.18:30
przemo_onemragab i understand that it's ext4 fs formated18:30
mint3imagine am not on the network , in a different country how do i access it ?18:30
xim_ikonia, thku18:30
mragabprzemo_one, yes it is18:31
ikoniamwlang: so that should be sftp - no problem with that18:31
Hilikus_cb: alsamixer18:31
ikoniamwlang: I'm just reading ipswitches site now18:31
przemo_oneae86-drifter thanks for reomendation than18:31
jespervHi, when doing a normal desktop install of ubuntu 9.10 and booting in to recovery mode, what kind of power management policy is applied?18:31
przemo_oneae86-drifter thanks for recomendation18:31
ae86-drifterprzemo_one, np\18:31
jadakrenmint3, yes ?18:31
xim_ikonia, actually, that only shows /dev/sda1, i was hoping for the sum of all partitions mounted in the tree under /18:31
minimecdanny: Follow that. I wrote this as bug comment for my ati Radeon 9600 mobility. https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/413259/comments/3018:32
ikoniaxim_: df -h18:32
mint3jadakren, , how will i access it from a different place/country?18:32
przemo_onemragab try mount /dev/yourpartition /mnt/somelocaion and tell us what it says18:32
mwlangikonia: I'm inquiring with the folks hosting the ws_ftp server to find out what version they're using to see if they can turn on FTP over SSH support (which would be ideal for me)18:32
xim_ikonia, thatll work thanks18:32
ikoniaxim_: or du -h shows you how much is used18:32
xim_i see18:32
mwlangbut I get the feeling I went right over their head (based on their response)18:32
mint3i mean am in uk right now. imagine i go to japan with my laptop. what will i type to access my network drive ?18:32
minimecdanny: First try, without forcing the card in pci mode.18:32
ae86-driftermint3, u need to have a static ip address and porward thw ports on your router18:33
mint3I dont have static ip though. i have dynamic ip ?18:33
jadakrenmint3, will you be using ubuntu to do this when you are away from home ?18:33
mint3yes i will, ill be using this laptop18:33
mint3which is 9.10 right now18:33
ae86-driftermint3, well goto dyndns.org18:33
ikonia!info xchat18:33
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-4ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 335 kB, installed size 900 kB18:33
jadakrenmint3, ok while i dig up the tutorial, go and register an account at dyndns.org18:33
mragabprzemo_one, same error as before : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/isw_ciagbcidbg_vMachines1,      missing codepage or helper program, or other error      In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try      dmesg | tail  or so18:33
przemo_onemragab paste output o dmesg but not here :)18:34
minimecdanny: Only use the line 'options radeon modeset=1' https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/413259/comments/3018:35
Belboz99Hey all, need help getting an atheros wireless card working in master mode on the 2.6.31-16 kernel on Ubuntu 9.10 (64) any takers?18:35
mwlangikonia: my research tells me sftp != ftps  (wikipedia distinguishes between the two as (SSH over FTP) and (FTP over SSL).18:35
_UsUrPeR_hey guys18:35
geniijesperv: acpi isn't run at init level 1  .. less /etc/init/acpid.conf   shows this18:35
mint3ok jadakren  - account created on dyndns.org18:35
_UsUrPeR_I just updated 9.04 to 9.10, and got a warning that my boot partition is full18:35
_UsUrPeR_what can I remove to make this right?18:36
ikoniamwlang: yes, they are not the same thing, sorry I wasn't arguing that, I was saying what the ipswitch site was suggesting would work18:36
mwlangikonia: ah.  ok.  good.  we're on the same page, then.18:36
mragabprzemo_one, hahaha, imagine i pasted it here =P http://pastebay.com/8092818:36
mragab769 lines18:36
mneptok_UsUrPeR_: sudo apt-get clean18:36
jadakrenmint3, there is then two ways you can do this : 1) your router has inbuilt capability to ping dyndns and update its wan ip to relate that ip with the dyndns account you make, it then needs to be able to expose the shares on the drive through the router 2) the second setup scenario (more common) has you leaving a computer running at home loaded with ubuntu which has a ssh-server enabled and accessable via port forwarding18:36
jadakrenon your router18:36
benstewhat can I do to connect my CRT via S-video if nvidia-settings doesn't detect it ?18:36
_cbHilikus thanks. Started Alsa mixer. Cranked everything up. Still no sound.  Headphone does not show a slide bar. Is that normal?18:37
jespervgenii: Great, thanks. I have used a ubuntu box for some python performance testing and was looking for sources of error. So guess PM is not one of them18:37
_UsUrPeR_mneptok: just tried running. It didn't change anything :/18:37
mwlanglooks like lftp may just be the ticket.  exploring that now.18:37
mint3jadakren,  option 1 i think.18:37
jadakrenmint3, the first scenario is nothing to do with ubuntu18:37
ae86-drifterjadakren, mint3 could then use sshfs to mount the drive remotely to his local FS18:37
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xim_is there a command to compare a set of files and return if the data is all the same?18:37
Belboz99benste: are you trying to connect to a standard def TV?  there are a few options for xorg.conf that I've used on my HTPC for this purpose18:37
xim_*2 sets of files18:37
mint3jadakren,  i am on my router setup and i just noticed "DDNS"18:38
ae86-driftermint3, you need to enter the details of your account in that section of ur router18:38
przemo_onemragab it apears that youre filesystem is corrupted18:38
mint3ok ae86-drifter18:39
ae86-drifterthen forward port 22 to your PC18:39
bensteBelboz99: HI, yes it's a TV which worked in 9.04 but in the latest version the CRT is not detected by nvidia-settings - which should be used if I use the nvidia driver right ?18:39
mragabthe raid fs ?18:39
przemo_onemragab it cant mount18:39
jadakrenmint3, sweet (you'll need that for either option) next (if you want option one) you need to work out how to expose the network drive via your modem (which is something i can't help you with)18:39
przemo_onemragab yes18:39
mragabprzemo_one, the raid fs ? but howcome gparted, can read the used and remaining space18:39
mint3i much appreciate your help so far anyhow. very valuable. you are a top lad !18:39
jadakrenmint3, i suggest visiting your modem manufacturer forums and asking around or hunting down guides for this18:39
mint3ok i will do jadakren . great job18:39
jadakrenmint3, welcome.18:39
haven489@lart haven48918:40
bensteBelboz99: strange thing that x.org log does show nothing on pluging in the cable18:40
redarrowcan someone help me to 'install' .pem or .der Zertifikates?18:40
przemo_onemragab there might be a problem with fs, or with your kerne. you sed, that you upgreaded right? is that official upgrade?18:40
mragabprzemo_one, yes it is18:40
mragabi didnt change the repos18:40
Needs_Helpi want to install proftpd.  i go to synaptic package manager, but proftpd is not listed.... can someone help me with this18:40
Belboz99benste: I've found that X picks up displays best on boot time, IE, have whatever display your using already plugged in when you boot your PC18:41
mragabprzemo_one, i didnt change the repos. clean install and straight update18:41
przemo_onemragab did you umount drive before unplug last time?18:41
_cbIn Alsa mixer headphone does not show a sliding bar. How do I fix that?18:41
ae86-drifterhye could someone tell me why ubuntu detects my screen as a 40" ?? lol... its only 22" and its not listing correct resolutions for the screen..18:41
icerootNeeds_Help: sudo apt-get install proftpd18:41
mragabno i just shutdown normally18:41
mragabprzemo_one, i just shutdown normally18:41
redarrowcan someone help me to 'install' .pem or .der Zertificates?18:41
przemo_onemragab so it was working before, on old kernel. now with upgrade does not.18:42
bensteBelboz99: I'll try18:42
mragabprzemo_one, yes18:42
przemo_onemragab there is no problm with your fstab18:42
ae86-drifterim using onboard intel graphics, only lets me select 1024x768 when i should have 1650x120018:43
przemo_onemragab boot in previous kernel. if it mounts then there is problem with update. maybe some raid tool requaire reconfiguration under new kernel.18:43
luisthow can i change my resolution to 1600x900? my display doesnt have this option... its set to 1280x72018:43
mragabprzemo_one, how can i boot the old kernel, i dont have grub,18:43
mint3cheers guys for your help18:43
mint3over and out18:43
przemo_onemragab i could tell you to fsck your partition, but if that's kernel problem, it might demage fs!18:44
steveismehello all, i used to have windows XP & Ubuntu running on the same machine. Few days ago i reinstalled windows and now i lost the Ubuntu grub entry to boot. Some one please help me18:44
przemo_onemragab no grub? you have that countown yes?18:44
tha_infamoushey everyone i have a problem, i just instal 9.10 and i dont have a sound. any hellp18:44
mragabprzemo_one, nope18:44
ae86-drifterinstall-grub [put drive here]18:44
mragabprzemo_one, my desktop is only ubuntu, no need for grub and dual boot18:45
przemo_onemragab so what you have? lilo?18:45
steveismeae86-drifter: is that for me?18:45
ae86-drifterwindows likes to take over your computer18:45
TaylIs there no way to change your font colour and type within Empathy?18:45
przemo_onemragab mine too. there is grub trust me18:45
mragabprzemo_one, nothing, just active partition and boot18:45
blakkheim!sound > tha_infamous18:45
ubottutha_infamous, please see my private message18:45
H4V3So is there a way to change the ubuntu 9.10 logon screen? I am trying to get My friend to use Linux but she wont cuz she likes the look of XP so i have theme for ubuntu but no logon screen any help?18:46
przemo_onemragab pres escape and choose old kernel18:46
mragabprzemo_one, it didnt install a boot manager, at least i dont see anything18:46
mragabok ill try18:46
steveismeae86-drifter: thanks, but i must do that from Live CD ?18:46
ae86-driftersteveisme, yes18:46
przemo_onemragab there must be :)18:46
tha_infamousblakkheim tes18:46
guntbertprzemo_one: maybe <shift> and not <esc>18:46
ae86-driftersteveisme, or you could download and burn 'super grub disk' which is pretty much automatic18:47
przemo_onemragab mine shows just a countdown and then boots, but after escape there is menu. try tab18:47
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shafuwhere can I find the libtermcap.so library?18:47
steveismeae86-drifter: is there any way to do it from inside Windows? I think i lost the Ubuntu 9.x disk :(18:47
ae86-driftersteveisme, no i dont think so, download super grub disk its only a couple  M18:48
przemo_onemragab mine says press ESC for boot menu :) there must be grub or lilo. linux does not loads by itself. other loader possible. even ms win nt loader, but grub is on clean install :)18:48
_UsUrPeR_ok, one more time. I just updated my 9.04 server to 9.10, and I got a warning that /boot/ is full. What can I delete in there that will free up some space? For the record, apt-get autoclean/clean has no effect18:49
przemo_onesteveisme i usesystemrescuecd for restoring grub18:49
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mragabprzemo_one, i am rely fedup i can crash this pc into 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 peaces, i did a format, and i feel better now =], and it works now18:49
luisthow can i change my resolution to 1600x900? my display doesnt have this option... its set to 1280x72018:50
ZORG2Apache2 log:  client[x.x.x.x] File does not exist /var/www/site1/40E80102102102012102012010201021020 ???? What does it mean???????18:50
steveismeae86-drifter: thanks, trying super grub disk .. :).18:50
mragabprzemo_one, but i have one problem, i can write anything to it18:50
ReapI need some help changing the ubuntu logon screen is there anything i can do? I am useing 9.10 karmac18:50
ae86-drifter_UsUrPeR_, back it up and mount /boot to another drive or make a new partition for it, a bigger one..18:50
przemo_one_UsUrPeR_ great nick. easy one. it apears that your root / or /boot partition is full18:51
guntbert_UsUrPeR_: boot into the old system and show us (use !pastebin) the output of sudo ls -l /boot18:51
ZORG2åáàòü âàñ âñåõ ÑÓÊ â ðîò18:51
_UsUrPeR_don't get me wrong, it totally boots18:51
przemo_one_UsUrPeR_ tell us is /boot a separate or a dir on /18:51
ReapI need some help changing the ubuntu logon screen is there anything i can do? I am useing 9.10 karmac18:51
_UsUrPeR_boot is it's own partition18:51
guntbert_UsUrPeR_: then you can do that now too18:51
przemo_onemy spelling is terrible i know18:51
Wolfpacksomeone here who can assist me with getting my sound back  ?18:51
Wolfpack9.10 here18:51
* _UsUrPeR_ umounts boot18:52
mragabprzemo_one, u r ryt i have grub, but i didnt go back to the old kernel, format did the trick -_-", but cant write to the drive18:52
_UsUrPeR_good idea all.18:52
* Reap kills Logon screen18:52
blakkheim!u | mragab18:52
ubottumragab: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.18:52
przemo_one_UsUrPeR_ so go there and remove an old unused kernel perhaps18:52
Reap!well fuck18:52
ae86-drifter_UsUrPeR_, yes.. but the part is too small, so u could mounnt /boot to the disk that / is on.. if u have enooguh space18:52
PiciReap: Please watch your language here.18:52
przemo_onemragab because is read only :)18:52
guntbert!language | Reap18:52
ubottuReap: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:52
minimecWolfpack: Means... you had sound and now you don't? What did you change, or wken did you realize tht?18:53
mragabblakkheim, so wat do u want me 2 do =S18:53
Reapguntbert: fine18:53
_UsUrPeR_ae86-drifterI do have enough space, but my intentions were to keep it separate18:53
przemo_onemragab ok no jokes. remember what i told you about those options for fstab?18:53
blakkheimmragab: type out your words18:53
Reapi need help with changing the ubuntu 9.10 karmac logon screen18:53
TniffocOk, I need a command line only distro that can run off of a live CD, unlike ubuntu server. Any suggestions?18:53
Wolfpackminimec: when i upgraded to latest version 9.1018:53
ae86-drifter_UsUrPeR_, well u will have to repartition it18:53
mragabprzemo_one, ya18:53
blakkheimTniffoc: gentoo, arch18:53
mragabprzemo_one, wat about them =P18:53
nasoshello happy new year18:53
Wolfpackbefore sound was working18:53
blakkheim!u > mragab18:53
ubottumragab, please see my private message18:53
Gamedad< new to linux, i need help resizing the swap file on my fresh install18:54
przemo_onemragab are they in fstab?18:54
Tniffocblakkheim: Which would run better on a low end, sort of old laptop?18:54
blakkheimTniffoc: either one18:54
przemo_onemragab are they in fstab?18:54
edlimaHi all! Just one fast question! Can I update Ubuntu 8.04 LTS to Ubuntu 9.10 (with LTSP) without problems? If I do it the configuration files are keep?18:54
nasosi am new to xubuntu someone could help me with beryl?18:54
mragabblakkheim, ok ok ill try not 2 use shortcase18:54
mragabprzemo_one, yes they are auto,user,exec18:54
lasivianok, I hate to ask something that sounds so silly but how do I install Java? I see a million Java packages :/18:54
DasEiedlima: y and n..18:54
minimecWolfpack: ok. Can you open <alt>F2 gstreamer-properties and play around in the audio section? Do you get some sound with some settings?18:55
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przemo_onemragab when you mount things as root they are writable by root only. if no parm added.18:55
guntbert!java | lasivian18:55
ubottulasivian: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository18:55
ae86-drifteredlima, you have to got 8.04 > 8.10 > 9.04 >9.1018:55
edlimaDasEi ... rsrsrs18:55
DasEiedlima: you update one distro a time, and see :18:55
przemo_onemragab how did you mount partition?18:55
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:55
steveismeprzemo: thanks , looking at systemrescuecd now , haven't figured out how to use this to edit grub though... this tool has too many features18:55
mragabprzemo_one, well it was already mounted, but usually i do mount -a18:55
hunter-12hi everyone!18:56
Reapi need help with changing the ubuntu 9.10 karmac logon screen18:56
Gamedaddo i need to do a full re-install of 9.10 to resize my swap file?18:56
ae86-drifteredlima, if your /home is mounted on a seperate partition i think you can just reinstall / and keep /home.. havent done it efore though sorry18:56
Wolfpackminimec: tried alsa and pulse and automatic, no sound18:56
andresmhUpdate Manager is listing linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.31-17-generic, is it safe to install?18:56
przemo_onesteveisme using this one you can boot to your installed linux. then you can do grub-install /dev/something18:56
edlimaWow ae86-drifter, lololo, is more easy install 9.10 without update 8.0418:56
hunter-12Gamedad, of course no18:56
DasEiedlima: sono, in one step can't upgrade lts to next lts18:56
Egbert9e9what's the executable for the keyboard layout selector tray application?18:57
scott_ino2does anyone know if dvd::rip project is dead? or what's the deal with them?18:57
edlimaDasEi, I don't understud18:57
DasEiEgbert9e9: console-setup ?18:57
Tniffocblakkheim: gentoo looks like it has a gui? Sorry. I'm new to all forms of linux except for Ubuntu.18:57
usafe 18:57
mragabprzemo_one, well it was already mounted, but usually i do mount -a18:57
przemo_onesteveisme that restores grub in mbr (use just device name no partition number!)18:57
Wolfpackminimec: got alsamixer and kmix and both are saying nothing is muted, don't have a modem ... who is blocking it18:57
ae86-drifteredlima, it would be alot faster and easier, less potential issues if you just do a full reinstall..18:57
hunter-12Gamedad, you must resize you root fs before do it18:57
przemo_onesteveisme to edit grub edit /boot/grub/menu.lst18:58
minimecWolfpack: Look also in the device section in combination with pulseaudio. Are there some devices listed?18:58
przemo_onemragab i see you (no ref. to avatar)18:58
RambutanWPI have an XP laptop, currently running *very low* on HDD space and RAM capacity, waiting to be replaced. Very slow indeed. Is it safe/advisable to run the demo version of Ubuntu from the LiveCD? Thanks :)18:58
minimecWolfpack: Still in gstreamer-properties...18:58
Tniffocblakkheim: gentoo looks like it has a gui? Sorry. I'm new to all forms of linux except for Ubuntu.18:58
DasEiedlima: if you use current lts, it's hardy, dist upgrade > jaunty > ibex > karmic,  next lts is lucid in april18:58
marcin199hey, im looking for help, does anyone know how to update qt in qmake?18:58
Wolfpackminimec:  got both default and unknown18:58
`mOOse`RambutanWP: sure18:58
Wolfpackminimec: both are giving nothing18:58
przemo_onemragab umount and mount again try this one18:58
blakkheimTniffoc: there is a gentoo livedvd with a gui or a minimal iso without one18:58
mimisis there any application where i can listen to radio online?18:58
blakkheimmimis: mplayer18:59
Gamedadhunter is red type private chat?18:59
nasoscan someone give a hand about beryl in xubuntu 9.1018:59
DasEiedlima: so you will want to wait for lucid and do a fresh install , less hassle18:59
mimisblakkheim: how?18:59
przemo_onemragab or reboot what ever i'm tired, and m'm going to buy some you know food. are you english?18:59
swethaHi, i have installed ftp server on one of my machine. When i try to upload the file, i am getting 553 error number which is error occurring for not able to upload the file. I am running the FTP Server on Ubuntu18:59
mragabprzemo_one, what avatar, did you watch it, i saw it imax 3d was ****** EPIC18:59
RambutanWP`mOOse` - it won't cause some really awful system crash,t then?18:59
ae86-drifterTniffoc, gentoo is a SRC based distro ie no packages, debs, or rpms, compile everything u want to install18:59
Egbert9e9DasEi: partly. i use wmii18:59
FordPrefectI have a problem with an installation after the installation ubuntu doesn't boot it displays a segmentation fault18:59
hhlpmimis exailes rhythmbox18:59
swethacan anyone suggest me what should i do18:59
edlimaok, ae86-drifter, I understudy, Here I have /home installed separated.  In this case I can reinstall the system keepin the home files, right?18:59
przemo_onemragab exactly that one in 3d too18:59
edlimaDasEi... hmmm18:59
`mOOse`RambutanWP: of course it will - that's half the fun19:00
TaylIs there any such thing as a picture rotator widget kind of thing for your desktop? Panel embedded or desktop displayed?19:00
Tniffocae86-drifter: What about arch? Does that have packages?19:00
scott_ino2edlima, yes, however you don't really need to do that anymore as you can simply keep upgrading, but you'd certainly have more options that way19:00
hunter-12FordPrefect, reinstall it19:00
mragabprzemo_one,  lool, bye TC and thnx, and all the gd thought blablabla ... xD19:00
minimecWolfpack: Ok. Now I would check the output of 'dmesg'(in a console), if you see some error output for your soundcard.19:00
DasEiedlima: you're still in hardy?19:00
Gamedadhunter12, could you walk me through that? do you have the time?19:00
ae86-drifteredlima, yes, /home SHOULD keep most of your config... but maybe you should ask someone who has done it before..19:00
RambutanWP`mOOse` Seriously?19:00
hero1900hi guys19:01
edlimayep! DasEi! But if you say that I have to wait the next. I will wait!19:01
ae86-drifterTniffoc, arch is SRC based as well19:01
ejwaxxedlima: just did it the other day...when you install, set the home partition to mount as /home and you should be in good shape19:01
przemo_onemragab if you are english buy a polish a lager or beer :) if you are not buy one to :)19:01
mragabprzemo_one,  will do ;-)19:01
hero1900i am confused about the role of fuse in ssh server and client19:01
hero1900any one can clear19:01
FordPrefectis it normal that the memory test function on the ubuntu install cd goes beyond physical memory borders?19:01
blakkheimTniffoc: arch is not source based19:01
Tniffocae86-drifter: Is there any, command line only linux, that can run off of a live CD, that isn't compile ur shart based?19:01
minimecWolfpack: Also 'lspci | grep audio' could be interesting for a google search in combination with ubuntu karmic.19:01
ae86-drifterTniffoc, i think arch linux is the most noob-unfriendly linux distro19:02
Wolfpackminimec: ath9k: RX failed to go idle in 10 ms RXSM=0xdeadbeef19:02
Wolfpackis only error i see19:02
blakkheimae86-drifter: arch is very easy to setup and use19:02
edlimascott_ino2, hmm, is more simple19:02
Tniffocae86-drifter: I'm not a noob I just don't really want to compile anything. It's a pain in my arse and a waste of time19:02
ae86-drifterblakkheim, sorry im just going from what i have heard..19:02
DasEiedlima: otherwise you have to do all distros in between one my one, much longer time then just a fresh install,  what about getting live cds (maybe in virtualbox) to get a look at neweset efforts ?19:02
erUSULhero1900: fuse is only used if you "mount" ssh accessible files as virtual filesystem via sshfs. if you use plain ssh fuse has no role19:02
scott_ino2edlima, well I used to do it, but im not upgrading to any other distro, so now i just go ahead and lump everything under / and just do rolling upgrades19:02
swethaHi, i have installed ftp server on one of my ubuntu machine. When i try to upload the file from other machine, i am getting 553 error number which is error occurring for not able to upload the file. And i also noticed its a passive FTP connection. Can anyone suggest what should i change the configuration ?19:03
pawel_121blakkheim Arch is not so easy19:03
blakkheimpawel_121: i disagree19:03
scott_ino2edlima, it certainly leaves more options open if you do /home as a separate partition19:03
ilchamhalow :D19:03
pawel_121blakkheim beginiers would rather find it hard to setup19:03
minimecWolfpack: That message is a Wireless thing...19:03
przemo_onepawel_121 hi :)19:03
pawel_121blakkheim it's simple, but not so easy ;)19:03
blakkheimpw-toxic__: the installer is very easy to navigate through19:03
patdk-wkI normally always setup /, /boot, /home as different19:03
blakkheimpawel_121: * sorry19:03
Wolfpackminimec: got a onboard wlan that should be disabled now19:04
pawel_121przemo_one hi, (czesc:>)19:04
patdk-wkfor paranoid cases, /, /boot, /home, /usr, /var19:04
erUSUL!pm | hero190019:04
ubottuhero1900: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:04
przemo_oneae86-drifter thanks for that super grub disk19:04
Tniffocblakkheim: What is the difference between " FTP ISOs" and "Core ISOs"? They're both under BitTorrent Downloads.19:04
pawel_121blakkheim yes, installer is quite easy19:04
blakkheimTniffoc: the ftp downloads the packages online, the core has them on the cd19:04
ae86-drifterprzemo_one, did it work?19:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:04
blakkheimpawel_121: so is setup and usage19:04
erUSULhero1900: as i said sshfs via fuse let you access your ssh accesible files as it where a filesystem19:04
minimecWolfpack: The message you sent me is a wireless thing http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg1608795.html19:04
erUSULhero1900: plain ssh client or scp is more like ftp19:05
pawel_121blakkheim it depends, you've got to setup daemons, sometimes modules too19:05
hero1900but secure19:05
ae86-drifterTniffoc, i think you might want to look at live server editions19:05
hero1900but what is the power that we can gain when we use fuse19:05
Wolfpackminimec: i know but i am online now on my wireless :) (realtek pcmcia)19:05
pawel_121blakkheim however, if you configure everything it's almost as easy as others19:05
przemo_oneae86-drifter not tested, but when i'll again mess up with mi hd i'll test.19:05
hero1900i was reading in there website19:05
ikonia!skype > ikonia19:05
ubottuikonia, please see my private message19:05
ilchamAntinetcut daemon is running...19:05
erUSULhero1900: you can use scp or sshfs or even the Places>connect to Server that does something similar to sshfs19:06
minimecWolfpack: So there are no error messages for your audio card? What is the output of 'lspci | grep audio'?19:06
hero1900so what about fuse i read in ubuntu magazine that client need to add the user into fuse group19:06
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu19:06
ae86-drifteri cant live without sshfs :)19:07
hero1900what is the beneift of fuse?19:07
Wolfpackminimec: nothing ... do i just copy that in terminal ?19:07
FordPrefectplease help me somebody: My system doesn't run anymore (AMD Athlon 64 with upbuntu 9 x86-Version) it displays a segmentation fault after the installation the install cd boots. I tried a memory test, but it also displayed an error but strangely at 5099.4 MB but I only have 4GB installed! what does this mean?19:07
ae86-drifterFUSE is a benefit of using LINUX19:07
macoae86-drifter: or solaris19:07
`mOOse`FordPrefect: did you md5 the iso?19:08
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ae86-driftermaco, yah hehe19:08
minimecWolfpack: without the '' you can also simply type lspci to get all the info19:08
DasEiFordPrefect: you checked the cd for defects ?19:08
Younderdo any of you use awk?19:09
seandiddyFordPerfect - sounds like you need to try memory19:09
Wolfpackminimec:  00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)19:09
hamzaatova2how do i convert movies from youporn to avi???????19:09
hamzaatova2do you know why does ubuntu booted for the first time on some laptop and then sttoped booting again?????????????????????19:09
Younderor is it all perl thesa days19:09
seandiddyyou can play with the bios to see if a setting changed19:09
ae86-drifterhamzaatova2, visit #youporn19:09
mkanyicyYounder, how can we help you?19:09
FordPrefectno but I think I did a check after booting from the cd if i remember right. But I have to say that in my despration I even tried to install gentoo and also did a memtest with the gentoo media and it displayed the same error19:09
macoae86-drifter: please dont19:09
erUSUL!info winff | hamzaatova219:10
ubottuhamzaatova2: winff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.4-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 1929 kB, installed size 4772 kB19:10
ae86-driftermaco, it was a joke19:10
m0arhamzaatova2: Same as all flash videos; the plugin FlashGet for Firefox19:10
m0arWorks fine19:10
hero1900ok thx erUSUL i should google more19:10
erUSULhero1900: no problem19:10
mkanyicy!avidemux | hamzaatova219:10
steveismeae86-drifter: i'm back :) I could see the grub entries but when i hit Ubuntu, the root file sytem couldn't be mounted. Damn Windows19:10
hamzaatova2erUSUL, m0ar winff and flash get and avidemux will convert the flv's???19:11
Youndermy player wonrt coe up19:11
Youndermy player wont come up19:11
ae86-driftersteveisme, a live cd would be helpful right now19:11
m0arhamzaatova2: Do you know google?19:11
routhAnyone know of a way to force the video output to drop from 1080i to 1080p on the proprietary NVIDIA driver under Karmic? I'm not sure how to specify HD resolutions in xorg.conf, only normal ones...19:11
mkanyicyYounder, you are giving very little information19:11
hamzaatova2how do i use the threee programs to convert flv to avi????19:12
mkanyicyYounder, what are the error messages?19:12
Youndermkanyicy, well that's all I have at the moment19:12
ae86-drifterrouth, HD resolutions are same as normal resolutons, but always is 'p', not 'i'19:12
blakkheimhamzaatova2: use ffmpeg19:12
mkanyicyYounder, that is NOT ALL, what is the NAME of your player, how are you calling it ??19:12
steveismeae86-drifter: yes i guess so.. Ok gotta go thanks a lot man19:13
hamzaatova2blakkheim, how???19:13
DJonesYounder: also what are you trying to play, video, audio, a game?19:13
wolterhi, mi horizontal scrolling on the touchpad scrolls vertically in the computer... how do i fix that/19:13
minimecWolfpack: Well... I would reinstall a 9.04, as it seems your card is really giving problems in karmic. Here's the link... https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/8939119:13
wolterit used to work before19:13
mkanyicyhamzaatova2, sudo apt-get install avidemux19:13
=== Daugha|n is now known as Daughain
shawn_How do I alter a users home directory19:13
Wolfpackminimec:  I know but i got it working thanx to the forums for 1 day :p19:14
llutzshawn_: usermod19:14
Wolfpackminimec:  can i go back to 9.04 without losing all data ?19:14
ae86-drifterrouth, 1920x1080 = 1080p19:14
sergeykishHello, how can I select video player (VLC, MPlayer, something else?) subtitles?19:14
mkanyicyshawn_, why do you want to do that?19:14
shawn_llua, Whats the option for that19:14
blakkheimsergeykish: in mplayer press "j" to cycle through subtitles19:15
shawn_MK-BB, FTP server reasns19:15
llutzshawn_: man usermod19:15
blakkheimWolfpack: no19:15
guntbertshawn_: CLI or GUI?19:15
ewsubachhow can i find which header file a function is from in the gnu c library?19:15
Wolfpackblakkheim: any chance on finding solutions for my card in future updates ?19:15
mkanyicyYounder, still alive?19:15
blakkheimWolfpack: dunno19:15
sergeykishI mean "How can I select text using mouse in video player? Required subtitles already choosed"19:15
minimecWolfpack: If you have a seperate /home partition, that shouldn't be a problem. I would then choose the manual partition configuration tool and AVOID to format the /home partition.19:16
blakkheimsergeykish: you mean highlight it? i don't think you can do that19:16
routhae86-drifter, Cool man. I'll try it.. trying to fix this NVIDIA driver. It gets the speed for graphics but I can't switch users on it and everything looks .. well not very smooth in 1080i19:16
minimecWolfpack: ... during installation...19:16
sergeykishblakkheim: I want get it in xsel19:16
mkanyicysergeykish, you can't19:16
Wolfpackminimec: kk :) thanx19:16
sergeykishmkanyicy: maybe using another player? or patched player?19:17
ewsubachhow can i find which header file a function is from in the gnu c library?19:17
sergeykishmkanyicy: I've tryied already19:17
edlimaOK, scott_ino2, DasEi, ejwaxx, ae86-drifter. I was analysing your suggestions and I think I will do a little copy of my config files which are my /home, after I will install 9.04 in a VBox, copy the config files into this installation and test all. I think I will wait the 'lucid' to reinstall all system keepin /home19:17
mkanyicysergeykish, on any player you cannot do that19:17
routhBy the way, anyone know the fix for this message? - Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".19:17
mkanyicysergeykish, show me the proof19:17
sergeykishmkanyicy: but why? Is it impossible?19:17
edlimaSorry,  scott_ino2, DasEi, ejwaxx, ae86-drifter, my english is too bad!19:18
minimecWolfpack: Remember... You will have to assign a mount point to each partition... So the /home PArtition has to mounted as home. Other wise it will just be a non used partition, you can mount in nautilus19:18
mkanyicysergeykish, it something like that19:18
ae86-drifterrouth, sounds like you broke x1119:18
Wolfpackminimec: the opensound (OSS) anthing that might work ?19:18
mkanyicysergeykish, you say you have done it before?19:18
FordPrefectDasEi, m00se: I think I checked the media already (from the boot menu of the cd) but I'll do it again to be sure, but please note, that I already tried to intall gentoo in my despiration and the memory test function of the install cd of gentoo also displayed an error at 5099.4 (altough I only have 4GB)19:18
sergeykishmkanyicy: I watch some movie with subtitles, and I want to select words to get it translation/meaning using dict, wikipedia, maybe google it etc19:18
Wolfpackminimec: otherwise i'll give that a go19:18
mastermolchhello, i have a problem with mounted windows network drive. i mounted it via fstab du a subfolder in /media/. I see it twice now in nautilus. One working button and one where i get a error message after some time.19:18
minimecWolfpack: Well.. Yes but probably with some limitations...19:19
mastermolchthis problem is new for me now since i use karmic19:19
mkanyicysergeykish, i understood you clearly that's why I say you cannot do that19:19
Wolfpackminimec: its for the wife, she wants to hear sound on youtube19:19
sergeykishmkanyicy: no, I found myself retyping words in sdcv19:19
Wolfpackminimec: brb gonna try it out19:19
minimecWolfpack: Well that could be a problem... oss and flash...19:19
DasEiFordPrefect: so also check settings of bios, and you are using a 64 bit or 386 server install, nor ?19:20
routhae86-drifter: likely.. I just activated the NVIDIA drivers, then switched back for a bit until I had time to fix this one. The open driver doesn't get 1080i or the graphics speed, but it looks a lot better19:20
mastermolchi m not able to use it this mounted drive with songbird or easytag19:20
hamzaatova2heyyyyyy -- ive tried to use avidemux and now my videos folder is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:20
hamzaatova2its bakc again19:20
mkanyicysergeykish, what about translating the whole subtitles and then synchronize them to a video ?19:20
diffra_Hi all, having an issue with 9.10.  after a couple hours, ubuntu suddenly stops responding to mouse clicks and keyboard input on my Dell Latitude D630.  Anyone know where to start tracking this down?19:21
DasEiedlima: sounds right to me, , though /home contains your user data, /etc are configs, but you can't just copy over /etc anyways, though can keep your private files (/home)19:21
ae86-drifterrouth, try using a different version of the nvidia drivers19:21
sergeykishmkanyicy: It is for learning purpose, I already have translated19:21
mkanyicybut have you ever selected a subtitle word with a mouse on a video before, sergeykish ?19:22
diffra_nothing in /var/log/messages or /var/log/debug to indicate anything.  NOT a hardware issue, doesn't happen in XP.19:22
shawn_How can I give a user read or write writes to a folder19:22
tennessean   19:22
llutzshawn_: depends on filesystem, chown/chmod for unix-fs19:23
shawn_llutz, for example how would I give a user read and write rights for /home/shawn19:23
teok28does anyone know how to display the actual keyboard layout on UNR 9.10, could not find it19:23
eZ_Hi !19:23
edlimaOK, DasEi, I understood, thanks!19:24
mastermolchdoes someone else use fstab mounted windows shared folders with karmic?19:24
ae86-driftermastermolch, yeah i do whats the problem?19:24
llutzshawn_: you have to do that with groups, unix-permission are very limited .19:24
eZ_I have a problem preventing mysql from starting at boot, i removed it from rc.d but it does always start. anyone have a clue?19:24
JakeSullybekks: ? das hat irgendwie nicht funktioniert ich kann mit gparted noch immer nicht auf ntfs formatieren19:24
hamzaatova2my videos foldre dis apeared from places19:24
FordPrefectDasEi: I plan to install i386 because I want to have flash I guess it wouldn't work with 64bit installations right? the bios also displays 4gb what else could it be? please note that the machine was runing with feodra 11 (i386) until Sunday then I had a problem in yum and got no sufficien support of fedora, I have the impression that redhat just uses the fedora users as beta testers, this is why I would like to switch after using fedora for maybe 819:24
FordPrefector 10 years19:24
mastermolchae86-drifter i mounted it via fstab du a subfolder in /media/. I see it twice now in nautilus. One working button and one where i get a error message after some time.19:24
guntbertJakeSully: wrong window?19:25
mastermolchae86-drifter the error msg is: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.19:25
DasEiFordPrefect: flash in 64 is no problem, cpu ?19:25
JakeSullyIm sorry guy!19:25
ae86-driftermastermolch, sounds like maybe an NTFS/samba permission issue on the windows PC19:26
Youndermkanyicy, back. Had to get some dinner19:26
DasEi!pm | FordPrefect19:26
ubottuFordPrefect: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:26
FordPrefectDasEi: are you sure? on fedora 11 I couldn't run it for some reason (but I tried it only on my other machine which is still on fedora 9 with 64bit)19:26
eZ_I have a problem preventing mysql from starting at boot, i removed it from rc.d but it does always start. anyone have a clue? /q me pls !19:26
FordPrefectDasEi: the CPU is a Athlon 64 dual core 2.5GB19:27
DasEiFordPrefect: for ubuntu, yes, I think my vm fedora64 runs flash too, not sure though19:27
mkanyicyYounder, why do you need to get dinner? this is foodbuntu ;)19:27
Youndergoing down19:27
DasEiFordPrefect: ghz, use 64 bit19:27
beaneZ_:  if you're using 9.10 it doesn't call it from rc.d. check /etc/init/19:27
mastermolchae86-drifter hm ok, but i didnt have this problem with 9.04, another interesting point is i m not able to access this share with songbird or easytag, but amarok and nautilus work. but i dont know why i find it twice in nautilus :/19:27
DasEi!de | FordPrefect19:27
ubottuFordPrefect: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:27
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andymac44Hey everybody, about 5 minutes ago out of no where my wireless became disabled. I'm using a laptop so naturally I think its just the Fn key + F8, but thats not working, in fact the function keys dont.. so i couldn't have switched it off. I just plugged into a usb belkin wireless device and it says disabled as well. The user account has privs for wireless networks too. Anyone have any suggestions?19:28
ae86-driftermastermolch, paster your fstab19:28
guntbertandymac44: wireless is often connected via usb - so you maybe turned off usb somehow?19:29
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mkanyicyeZ_, bean /etc/init.d/19:29
andymac44I will investigate now with more usb devices..19:30
ae86-driftermastermolch, if you comment out the fstab entry, do you still get one in nautilus? or none?19:30
mastermolchae86-drifter http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m18f8069819:30
exterDEIcan anyone tell me some channels for programmers?19:30
mastermolchae86-drifter no19:30
ae86-drifterexterDEI, that depends on what language19:30
FordPrefectDasEi: sorry, I didn't know that one has to ask for the permission of private messages and I doubt, that someone here can realy follow all the messages19:30
DasEiFordPrefect: I can mostly, I get sound and highlight in messenger19:31
exterDEIc java python would be19:31
Youndermkanyicy, a reboot fixed it19:31
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FordPrefectDasEi: the integrity check passed without errors19:31
DasEiFordPrefect: does the machine run a live cd without errors ?19:32
FordPrefectDasEi: btw. I already tried the 64bit installation of ubuntu, but it also doesn't boot19:32
beta[a]i hope this is the correct channel..i am running ubuntu 9.04 and have apache installed.   i run my sites from there, but i only need certain pages redirected from http to https19:32
FordPrefectyes, it looks like it works without errors19:33
beta[a]and it's a spec quest for apache19:33
FordPrefectDasEi: yes, it looks like it works without errors19:33
beanmkanyicy:  not if its an upstart script19:33
guntbertbeta[a]: maybe ##httpd is better suited19:33
beta[a]alright.  thank you very much!19:33
DasEiFordPrefect: if you can boot it, have a look (from live) in /var/log/syslog to see possible problems19:33
Judo_Samuraiwhat's the deference between ubuntu and RHEL19:33
ae86-driftermastermolch, you have three differnt mount points, which one are you referring to19:33
DasEibeta[a]: #ubuntu-server19:33
guntbert!ot | Judo_Samurai19:34
ubottuJudo_Samurai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:34
g__hi, once i've started a process like php test.php & how do i kill the process?19:34
mastermolchLamuella and Datengrab have these problems, both are drives on the windows computer19:34
beta[a]will start there... thanks19:34
mastermolchae86-drifter Lamuella and Datengrab have these problems, both are drives on the windows computer19:34
ae86-drifterg__, sudo kill [process id]19:34
llutzno need to sudo19:34
g__ahh, thanks ae86-drifter19:34
ae86-drifterg__ find process id by using top19:35
wind-rideri was wondering how i could configure my wacom tablet since in lucid there is no Xorg.conf to edit19:35
Dan48pdo you guys know of any good articles about saving drivers and repositories to use on a clean install?19:35
karmstThis is going to sound stupid but how do you find what device your DVD Writer is?19:35
wind-riderthe tablet works, but I would like to set the mouse to relative mode19:35
karmstI did a dmesg | grep "LITE"19:35
karmstand it returns no results19:35
llutzkarmst: most likely /dev/sr019:35
karmstbut how can I find that out from a command line?19:36
mastermolchae86-drifter oh i remember windows is doing something strange with drives, something like a unreadable share with the driveletter like §D19:36
ae86-driftermastermolch, the same parameters for the wokring ones in fstab so i would comapre those permissions on the windows PC as you are getting a permission related error message...19:36
llutzkarmst: dmesg|grep -i dvd19:37
mastermolchae86-drifter yes i will look it up19:37
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mneptokkarmst: grep sr0 /var/log/dmesg19:37
xtpxxxbonjour mon non et patrice j'ai 12 ans et je recherche de l'aide19:37
guntbert!fr  xtpxxx19:38
ae86-drifterxtpxxx, join #ubuntu-fre19:38
ae86-drifterxtpxxx, join #ubuntu-fr19:38
guntbert!fr  | xtpxxx19:38
ubottuxtpxxx: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:38
llutzmneptok: that presumes you already know its /dev/sr0 :)19:38
xtpxxxok merci19:38
karmstgood deal19:39
karmstthat worked19:39
FloodBot3karmst: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
Youndermkanyicy, seems I had a hung process19:39
VCooliowho recognizes the issue that a rmb in flash in opera 10 freezes X ? Solutions?19:39
minimecxtpxxx: ecrit juste la ligne suivant --> /join #ubuntu-fr19:39
guntbertwind-rider: lucid support in #ubuntu+1 please19:40
wind-riderguntbert: ok, thx, did not know that channel existed19:40
mkanyicyYounder, it's called a zombie process19:40
guntbertwind-rider: :)19:40
mercutio42crap I am going through hell here. My apt-get and synaptic system are broken and I had to edit /var/lib/dpkg/status and now I am out of clues. sudo dpkg --configure -a will not help19:40
karmstman I am loving Ubuntu more and more everyday19:40
karmstthis thing is so much better than MS crap 719:41
mkanyicykarmst, be considerate19:41
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guntbertkarmst: while we are glad that you like it we still ask you to keep to the topic of this support channel19:42
guntbertkarmst: but there is always #ubuntu-offtopic :)19:42
mneptokllutz: in most cases it is19:43
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llutzmneptok: sure, but if you already know, you don't need to search for it19:43
sudormsys32question guys, i have a x11vnc server running on my ubuntu server (with ubuntu-desktop) and every now and then a random key will get stuck, causing me to have to restart X.  anyone have a guess as to why?19:44
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mneptokllutz: you do if you want a description of the device, as karmst does19:45
EsatYuceHow can i download movie as free?19:45
blakkheimEsatYuce: lol19:45
CShadowRun!piracy | EsatYuce19:45
ubottuEsatYuce: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:45
lindarHow would I go about setting Linux back to the way it was when I first installed it? I uninstalled something, I don't know what, and now my sound is messed up.19:46
karmstyes. Like I needed to know what the booktype setting was at on my DVD Burner19:46
karmstso I needed the description19:46
* AnthIste would like to know if anyone can point me to a hardware support channel please19:47
Youndermkanyicy, yes, otherwise it coud have sexual connotations ;)19:47
ae86-drifterEsatYuce, you will need to purchase the DVD then rip it to your computer19:47
minimeclindar: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will reinstall missing default packages.19:47
ae86-driftersudo apt-get install hot-babe19:47
AnthIsteminimec: hijack :D, would that cause existing packages to re-download?19:47
FordPrefectDasEi: ok I checked it I couldn't find anything strange. I searched for "Error" there was nothing only a varning "ACPI incorrect checksum". Is there anything special I should look in there?19:48
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EsatYuceae86-drifter, isnt there any link for free_?19:48
petsoundsEsatYuce, you can download big buck bunny and steal this film, for free ;)19:48
EsatYucelike rapidshare19:48
karmstDoes anyone else have their hard drives going beserk whenever they are not in use?19:48
ae86-drifterEsatYuce, that is illegal, please do not ask19:48
karmstit sounds like it's defragging or something19:48
EsatYucehmmm, if it is illegal, there are many forums about it,19:49
lindarIs there any way I can find out what packages came default with my build and redownload them?19:49
ae86-drifterEsatYuce, take it elsewhere this isnt #piracy19:49
mkanyicyYounder, a 'zombie process' is a well known term in linux, do you find a zombie sexy?19:49
guntbert!piracy | EsatYuce19:49
ubottuEsatYuce: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:49
minimecAnthIste: If there are still in the cache of the harddisk no. It would use the cache package. If you want to force a new download, clear the cache with synaptic. Don't know the console command ;)19:49
Youndermkanyicy, I was thinking about hung19:49
AnthIsteminimec: thanks man, bandwidth is expensive where I come from :)19:49
minimecAnthIste: np19:49
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ubuntu_hi, I am about to install the nvidia driver via terminal, which package do I need to install to get all needed packages installed?19:50
mkanyicyEsatYuce, there is no open-source Hollywood19:50
minimeclindar: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will reinstall missing default packages.19:50
hydridis there a bug with the panel bars?19:50
ubuntu_nvidia-glx-185 doesnt work and nvidia-kernel-common doesnt work19:50
karmstI installed Nvidia Source from the nvidia website for version 1.9019:50
hydridcause they are changing place every time i reboot my karmic19:51
karmstI mean 19019:51
xoverguys, i cannot ping a server unless it first pings me, why is that?19:51
Youndermkanyicy, I have been using various versions of unix/linux since 1986 and I am well versed in nix lore19:51
ubuntu_karmst that would be a solution but I am afraid to break something bznot using packages19:51
ae86-drifterubuntu_,  xserver-xorg-video-nv19:51
EsatYuceok then, i had better to go Windows for this19:51
ubuntu_nv or nouveau are no option for a xbmc client19:52
EsatYucemaybe there is a solve to download movie for free19:52
xoverare there rules of engagement for pinging a server?19:52
xoverdo not ping unless pinged upon?19:52
mkanyicyYounder, daaaaamn! that's a long time!19:52
karmstubuntu I didn't have any issues other than you have to shutdown X and install from the command line in order to get it functioning19:52
bishopleaving bbak19:52
ImDaPancakeKingHello. Is there a way to edit a windows registry from Ubuntu which is running off of a live CD? Windows is the only operating system that is actually installed on the system's hard drive.19:53
karmstyes Xover... Range to target.... 1 ping.... nu pas ruskie...19:53
guntbertxover: no19:53
xoverguntbert, any ideas why this is happening?19:53
guntbertkarmst: please stay helpful - don't kid19:53
DasEiFordPrefect: could try boototion like acpi = off19:53
karmstsorry =(19:53
DasEi!bootoptions | FordPrefect19:54
ubottuFordPrefect: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions19:54
guntbertxover: just one special server?19:54
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mkanyicyImDaPancakeKing, we don't do windows support19:54
DiverdudeI have installed mozilla-prism.. When i convert a webpage to an application and put it on the desktop, it seems to work well. But when i start the newly created app, it just opens firefox on my standard startpage. Could i be missing something?19:54
xovergunbert, even the other pc has the same issue, it cannot contact that machine unless the target first pings it or interacts with it19:54
karmstsounds like you must have some firewall setting or network access control19:55
Diverdudekarmst, me?19:55
guntbertxover: my question was: does that happen for just one server or for many - all ?19:55
PiciImDaPancakeKing: You may be able to use regedit under Wine, but I'm not sure if their registry editor supports opening external hive files. #winehq would know better.19:55
karmstno xover19:55
minimecDiverdude: you could also try to start prism directly with <alt>F2 prism and paste the url in the config window. Maybe that works better.19:56
FordPrefectDasEi: ok I'll try. I also found an error in the meantime it displays NetworkManager: error finding the default adapter.19:56
karmstHow many displays can Ubuntu use at one time?19:57
xovercomptuer A and B cannot access server C unless server C first pings A or B19:57
DasEiFordPrefect: that wouldn't kill an install19:57
xoverrespectively gunbert19:57
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maximilianosomebody speaking spanish ?19:57
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Pici!es | maximiliano19:57
ubottumaximiliano: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:57
bleepbloopshould I use one of the terminal mail apps or just download thunderbird?19:57
Youndermaximiliano, try ubuntu-es19:57
DasEiFordPrefect: but if the live works and memtest throws errors, there IS something wrong, maybe check Bios for timings or use auto, also don't oc to install19:58
jdolanhi, can someone tell me where the nm-applet log file lives?19:58
maximilianothanks everybody !19:58
maximilianoI'll try !19:58
karmstlocate nm-applet19:58
ozzloycrontab -e appears to be using vim.tiny.  $EDITOR and $VISUAL are not set.  update-alternatives says vim.gnome is the default editor.  any ideas on why crontab is still using vim.tiny?19:58
guntbertxover: that is clear - what I wnat to know: is that issue restricted to server C or  is it the same for other servers/hosts ?19:58
guntbert!tab | xover19:59
ubottuxover: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:59
xoverits just an issue with server C19:59
jdolankarmst: nothing that looks like a log file, unfortunately.19:59
xoverguntbert, cheers man, didnt know that!19:59
guntbertxover: makes life easier :-)19:59
xoverguntbert, why is mine finishing with a comma?20:00
mercutio22oh man ...20:00
guntbertxover: because your client is configured to to that20:00
xoverguntbert, ok so back to the issue, whats the beef?20:00
karmstok guys I'll be back. I need to call staples and find out where my return card is20:01
karmsthave fun20:01
mercutio22I lost synaptic and apt! I tried lots of resolutions.. none of them work for me. CAn someone please help me out of this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/352497/20:02
xoverits kinda a simple network, one pc pings another, but not unless its first been pinged, weird20:02
ae86-drifteris VNC istalled by default in ubuntu?20:02
guntbertxover: on C start sudo tcpdump icmp - then ping it from A - so you can see if the packets arrive20:03
RodenskyHello ppl - ubuntu 9.04 - many times the sound suddenly stops working, what should I do?20:03
Parsihow to find out what partition is /dev/sda8 ? i mean, folders/files inside that20:04
icerootParsi: df20:04
guntbertParsi: mount shows that20:04
DasEiParsi: sudo fdisk -l20:04
xoverguntbert, no joy20:04
ParsiDasEi: thanks20:04
minimecmercutio22: That looks odd. What kernel are you running right now?20:04
guntbertDasEi: doesn't show mount points20:05
xoverguntbert, i am receiving, 'destination host unreachable' on A and C gives me nada.20:05
RodenskyI restart my pc everytime in order to get the sound back on, untill the next time it goes off (laptop without external speakers, nothing muted)20:05
ratshello, someone who knews a tool for extractig black hole archives?20:05
mkanyicyParsi, mount it20:05
mercutio22minimec: Linux Gir 2.6.31-15-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 10 14:54:29 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux20:05
ozzloywhy is crontab -l using vim.tiny?  it's not $EDITOR or $VISUAL and update-alternatives shows the default editor is vim.gnome?!?20:05
* guntbert thinks20:05
Yomanis a firewall actually necessary in linux?20:06
Parsimkanyicy: how to mount /dev/sda8 ?20:06
mkanyicyrats, what is a black hole archive? sounds like astronomy20:06
ubuntu__Rodensky: do you have any idea what you do (open program etc...) that makes the speakers turn off?20:06
mkanyicyParsi, man mount20:06
mercutio22minimec: The problem began by me installing linux-backports-modules, a package that would supposedly fix some of my wifi issues20:06
Younderozzloy, I use emacs. but vim is good too20:06
mkanyicyParsi, sudo mount /dev/sda8 mount-point20:06
Rodenskyubuntu__ - no, it happens randomly20:06
mercutio22minimec: the thing would not install properly and could not be removed20:06
ae86-drifterwhat port does remote desktop in 9.10 use?20:06
Wolfpackminimec: Opensound worked20:06
Parsimkanyicy: what for mount-point?20:06
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Parsia name?20:06
minimecWolfpack: Cool ;)20:07
mkanyicyParsi, it's a folder name20:07
Wolfpackminimec: but ossxmix doesn't work :S so can't turn up the volume very much20:07
mercutio22minimec: so I had to remove every entry related to it on /var/lib/dpkg/status20:07
ozzloyYounder, i'm trying to get crontab -l to use vim.gnome, it's using vim.tiny and i ahve no idea wy20:07
sfearsRodensky: you've tried "alsamixer" at a command prompt to make sure nothing is muted, or you use your volume control panel?20:07
sven_oostenbrinkAnybody here who has experiences with dotdeb.org?20:07
Parsimkanyicy: what should it be:(20:07
mercutio22minimec: at least that solved problems from other people at the forums20:07
ratsmkanyicy, that's a good question. Years ago I thought it's a good idea to pack it in a windows environment and now my data is stuck in a black hole (by the word's meaning). All I know is that black hole (bh) has a quite good compremation algorithm20:07
guntbertxover: simple network? all IP addresses correctly set, no routing issues possible?20:07
mercutio22now I am stuck20:07
Younderozzloy, crontab isn't used much since we now have upstart20:07
mkanyicyParsi, try this, "mkdir ~/Desktop/mount_point && sudo mount /dev/sda8 ~/Desktop/mount_point"20:07
Rodenskysfears - i use the ctrl center -> sound20:08
xoverguntbert, as soon as i pinged A from C, A immediately responded and starting ping C20:08
Parsimkanyicy: thanks20:08
minimecmercutio22: Ok. Open Synaptic. there should a broken package (look on the left side). In fact try to uninstall that kernel package. Then you might want to disable these new backport-repos again.20:08
sfearsopen a terminal window.. type alsamixer and make sure things are turned up Rodensky20:08
llutzYounder: where do you see upstart replacing cron?20:08
mkanyicyParsi, mount point can be anything you want it to be, you have to create it beforehand, mount will not create it for you.20:08
xoverguntbert, they are wireless cards if that makes any difference20:08
Younderllutz, read the upstart doc's. Basically it is event triggered.20:09
guntbertxover: yes - you said so - I was merely thinking loud - wireless should make no difference20:09
VCooliohow do I use zsh automatically when opening a terminal? this very modest wish seems undocumented20:09
llutzYounder: right, and cron time-dependend20:09
Younderllutz, or ask at #upstart20:09
mercutio22minimec: the problem is I can't open synaptic. I am greeted with a message saying a package failed to install and I should run sudo dpkg --configure -a20:09
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Younderllutz, cron is on the way out.20:10
minimecmercutio22: so open a console, do sudo dpkg --configure -a, then try to open synaptic. You did that?20:10
Rodenskysfears - done - how do i read it? i mean, i see 4 colums painted fully, 2 with 00 under them, 1 without, another 1 with 00, and for empty ones (on with MM under it, one with 00 and 2 more with MM)20:10
xoverguntbert, I am stumped on this one20:10
guntbertxover: and now - how long does A get its answers from C (stopping it in the meantime), next idea after C pinged A and A can ping C, what is with B ?20:11
mercutio22minimec: yeah.. I am stuck. That won't help20:11
user___Younder, whats is cron going to be replaced with?20:11
mercutio22minimec: that leads to the error message I pasted20:11
Rodenskysfears - and above it says Item: Master [dB gain=0.00]20:11
llutzYounder: before talking about "planned features" upstart has a lot to do with basics20:11
minimecmercutio22: can you paste that one again.. the link20:11
guntbertxover: I'm just applying "standard" techniques for error shooting in networks (aka "I'm merely fishing" :-))20:12
sfearsRodensky: those are your volume levels.. if they're all painted they're all turned up.. use your arrow keys to move left and right and turn volumes up and down20:12
mercutio22minimec: sure.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/352504/20:12
mkanyicyrats, your black hole theory is more mind-boggling than astrophysics, back to little simple things, how can we help you?20:12
timposeyI installed avg antivirus but it does not show up on the menu like I was told it would any suggestions?20:12
mercutio22minimec: there's something about line 1120:12
FordPrefectDasEi: what do you mean with don't oc to install? oc?20:12
minimecmercutio22: sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-2.6.31-17-generic20:13
ratsmkanyicy, you think I'm joking? I'm really looking for a method to extract the black hole archive20:13
DasEiFordPrefect: overclock20:13
nmvictorToday i fixed a bug with my kannel package, something that had been dexcribed in [http://kerneltrap.com/node/17017], by some guy who found it with ubuntu 8.04, The articals author also mentioned filing a bug report on the issue, now since #kannel is as good as dead, i choose to raise my concern here because i did an apt-get to fetch a .deb of kannel from ubuntu servers, is it that the bug has been ignored since '8.04!!' or the articals20:13
ailleantsiani have a problem with my graphics and wondering if someone can help20:13
nmvictorauthor stumbled on a wrong bug?20:13
xoverguntbert, this is the exact problem, but i dont understand why changing network managers would make a difference20:13
FordPrefectDasEi: ah ok no I didn't change the default clocking at all20:13
mercutio22minimec: the problem is I can't use apt unless sudo dpkg --configure -a does its job. Its a catch 2220:13
HannibalWagnerHi! problem with ubuntu and geforce 8400 gs. Just intalled a clean system. Update drivers, and WoW! 1280x1024 res is gone...20:13
mkanyicyrats, ok, i am clueless of black hole archives, first time i heard of that20:14
Timon_someone here who can help me to get my network usb, instead of my pci-card in ubuntu 9.4 (the one before 9.10) ?20:14
sfearsask ailleantsian20:14
ozzloyYounder, upstart doesn't yet have "Events generated at timed intervals or scheduled times"20:14
ailleantsianwhen i load my nvidia drivers i get a error on boot up where i get just x terminal logon and thats it, so when i install the drivers and run nvidia xconfig i get a error that says undefined device ( null ) referenced by screen default screen20:14
DasEiFordPrefect: so check mem timings in bios again ,memtest must work , else have faulty memory20:14
sfearsTimon_: need more info20:14
ozzloyYounder, just so you know20:14
ozzloyalso my connection is extremely laggy right now20:14
Timon_what do you need for info?20:15
minimecmercutio22: Man... I know exactly how you feel, because I had that once or twice too. That's quitet odd. sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.31-17-generic20:15
Rodenskysfears - the colums change, yet i can't hear anything20:15
ratsmkanyicy, thank you. I found some more information of programs able to extract them under Windows, I will try to get them run with wine20:15
mercutio22minimec: some threads in the forum suggested I could just delete entries at the /var/lib/dpkg/status file... but that does not work20:15
HannibalWagnerI changed manually some paremeter in xconf file, and fixed it! but every time systems restarts, it changes to 1024x768 again...20:15
FordPrefectDasEi: but why does the message display a memory address outside the 4GB window if I only have 4GB?20:15
Timon_i need to connect with the internet, with my linksys network usb, instead of my pci-card20:15
sfearsailleantsian: have you tried using envyng-qt20:15
FordPrefectDasEi: is there some kind of remapping?20:15
minimecmercutio22: try to reconfigre the package...20:15
Wolfpackbrb reboot  trying with aumix now20:16
sfearsRodensky: i would say you have some programming taking control of the sound card and muting your speakers.. or you have loose wires20:16
Rodenskysfears - it has something to do with pulseaudio or something like that?20:16
mercutio22minimec: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: linux-image-2.6.31-17-generic is broken or not fully installed20:16
sfearsuninstall pulseaudio and see what happens Rodensky20:16
timposeyI installed avg antivirus but it does not show up on the menu like I was told it would any suggestions?20:16
sfearsor in your sound control panel make sure everything is set to alsa Rodensky20:16
ailleantsiansfears : Im just installing that now as it wasnt installed20:16
Rodenskynu loose wires - it works fine after restart (built in speakers within the laptop)20:16
ozzloyso does anyone know where crontab looks to decide which editor to use, other than $EDITOR, $VISUAL, and /usr/bin/editor ??20:17
sfearsailleantsian: you may have the wrong nvidia drivers installed.. envyng-qt makes it pretty simple to find the correct drivers20:17
ailleantsianit is saying its the correct drivers20:17
Rodenskyhow do i reinstall alsamixer?20:17
isymcan i have a fast asking20:17
minimecmercutio22: I guess I cannot help you further...20:17
ratsah, when I'm already here. I have problems connecting my nokia BT Headset with my computer. It is never shown in the list of devices. Using abe US20 USB BT Dongle. Any idea how to get them paired?20:17
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isymwhere is the20:18
mercutio22minimec: hey.. maybe dpkg can purge the thing20:18
Rodensky(btw - all is set to pulseaudio)20:18
ailleantsiansfears : it has a tick in both comp and recommended20:18
isymanimation setings in ubunto 9.1020:18
mercutio22minimec: yes! dpkg has a remove flag20:18
Alestan1Hey all, quick question:  I've looked on the forums, and I see how to set up and install to a software raid, but now how to set one up for general storage.  I have two old external hard drives plugged in via usb, and I would like to set them up using raid1.  Any pointers?20:18
sfearsperhaps something loaded wrong.. it usually doesn't work.. but maybe try uninstalling.. rebooting with generic drivers & reinstalling nvidia ailleantsian20:18
blackxoredhello, anyone knows about a way to reset a user's password in a AD domain through the shell?20:18
llutzozzloy: it _should_ use $EDITOR20:18
minimecmercutio22: Ok. Try that.. ;)20:18
ailleantsiansfears :  i have already tryed 2 times firstly before coming here20:19
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HannibalWagnerHey, do you guys have problems with sound in 9.10, i mean, low volume?20:19
ozzloyllutz, $EDITOR and $VISUAL aren't set though.  so it's getting vim.tiny from _somewhere_20:19
sfearstwo tics ailleantsian?? i remember only having one check20:19
ozzloyand i'd rather it get vim.gnome from _somewhere_20:19
sfearsTimon_: sorry, missed your question20:19
ozzloyand /etc/alternatives/editor points at vim.gnome20:20
llutzozzloy: sudo update-alternatives --config editor20:20
helmihello, I messed up with my partition, how to recover it?20:20
llutzah ok20:20
ozzloyllutz, yeah, T_T20:20
ozzloyso ... w.t.f.?20:20
Timon_hmm, not really weard, you missed it, sfears20:20
sfearshelmi: boot using the live cd and use the live partition manager20:20
mercutio22ohhhhhh yesssss thank you!!!20:20
Timon_sfears, i need to connect with the internet, with my linksys network usb, instead of my pci-card20:20
ozzloyi spose i _could_ set EDITOR ... i'll try that and see20:20
guntbertxover: C is OSX?20:20
mercutio22minimec: it worked!!!20:20
ozzloybut i'd rather not have to20:20
helmiI write an img file to sda instead of sdc, now my partitions are deleted20:20
minimecmercutio22: Nice!!!20:20
sfearsTimon_: what version of ubuntu?20:20
ozzloyyeah, that works20:21
bertmeertanybody know where i can find channels for bloggers?20:21
sfearshelmi.. sounds wrecked.. you can try with the live cd20:21
minimecmercutio22: now disable the backport sources, and do a normal update first!20:21
ozzloybut .... damnit, where does crontab look for this1?20:21
bean!ot | bertmeert20:21
ubottubertmeert: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:21
Rodenskysfears - i can't uninstall pulseaudio with synaptic, it says that i have to uninstall ubuntu-desktop with it20:21
bertmeertjoin #ubuntu-offtopic20:21
helmiI have important data there, can it be recovered, the gparted from live cd says that my disk is not partitioned20:22
user___how do i restart cups on karmic?20:22
ozzloyoooh, wait maybe i know20:22
sfearstry from a terminal "sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio" and see what it says.. don't uninstall ubuntu-desktop20:22
minimecmercutio22: The nyou can enable the backports again, I guess.20:22
sfearspulseaudio might be a critical process.. i'm not sure how that works Rodensky20:22
HannibalWagnerYOU TALK TO ME, sfears?20:22
sfearsquestion HannibalWagner?20:23
ozzloynope, nm.  still got no idea20:23
p0aHello I'm trying to play an mp4 series of files. *.mp4.001 *.mp4.002 etc, unix 'file' command reports: ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, version 120:23
guntbertsfears: ubuntu-desktop is only a meta-package - nothing should get removed20:23
HannibalWagnerThe problem with low volume, i mean, is that the answer?20:23
ailleantsiansfears: one in each20:23
bonez2046how can I fine tune the sound on my 9.10 desktop? When I hit certain key combination I get a loud pop from my speakers.. which work fine otherwise? Suggestions?20:24
HannibalWagneri still have low volume....20:24
llutzozzloy: do you have a file ~/.selected-editor ?20:24
p0abonez2046: don't hit your keys they don't appreciate it, instead press them gently. :P20:24
sfearsif that's the case guntbert then i'd say remove pulseaudio Rodensky20:24
helmihannibal: low volume speaker or hd?20:24
ozzloyllutz, i'll check20:25
Timon_sfears, allright, but i have the one before 9.10, i think it's 9.420:25
Rodenskysfears - remove along with ubuntu-desktop? "ubuntu-desktop" sound too important... :]20:25
sfearsTimon_: install ndiswrapper and download the usb drivers from your usb manufacturers site and unzip them to a folder on your desktop20:25
timposeyI installed avg antivirus but it does not show up on the menu like I was told it would any suggestions?20:25
bonez2046p0a: got anything else worthwhile? I mean, isn't there something to check and tune one's sound?20:26
iceroottimposey: for what you need that scanner? smba?20:26
iceroottimposey: samba?20:26
ozzloyllutz, i do!  and it's set to vim.tiny!  do i update it by editing the text file, or is there some other program to use to edit it (for instance like visudo or ... crontab -e)?20:26
sfearsRodensky: guntbert says ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package... extras & stuff.. it shouldn't be a problem.. but i'm not 100% on that20:26
bean!virus | timposey20:26
ubottutimposey: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2120:26
llutzozzloy: run "select-editor"20:26
guntbert!info ubuntu-desktop | Rodensky (its only a package to pull other packages in)20:26
Timon_sfears, the drivers are only for windows20:26
ubottuRodensky: ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.175 (karmic), package size 29 kB, installed size 56 kB20:26
YounderTimopsey: you don't need antivirus on linus20:26
sfearsHannibalWagner: have your opened a terminal window and checked alsamixer?20:26
ozzloyllutz, just did!  awesome.  thanks!20:26
sfearsi know Timon_.. we'll use ndiswrapper to get them to work20:26
roofguntbert, just installed wicd on that machine20:26
Youndertimopsey: not yet at any rate20:27
ozzloyllutz, worked20:27
timposeyiceroot it is avg for ubuntu to scan usb drives that I use with windows20:27
sfearsTimon_:  "apt-get install ndiswrapper-common"20:27
guntbertroof: are you xover?20:27
p0abonez2046: alsamixer20:27
llutzozzloy: thank you, without your question i never would have realized that file/function :)20:27
helmisorry, repeating my question, can I recover my deleted data from ntfs?20:27
sfearshelmi: research data-mining20:27
Timon_sfears, you forgot the sudo i suppose?20:27
Youndermost unix antivirus programs scan mostly windows disks. there are onlya couple of hundred of unix viruses20:28
sfearsyes Timon_20:28
Rodenskysfears - i think Skype causes these problems because right now i re-opened it and i heared the loading sound when it connects, and that's the only thing i can hear right now - the Skype. is it possible that Skype is messing with my sound?20:28
helmisfears: ok20:28
bonez2046ok.. thanks p0a20:28
sfearsyup.. skype may do that20:28
HannibalWagnerSorry, i went out for a minute. helmi! yes, low volume in speakers20:28
ozzloyllutz, how did you find that?20:28
sfearsperhaps try uninstalling skype instead of pulseaudio20:28
gspr_Anyone have any experience getting radeonhd with kms up and running (kernel 2.6.33)?20:28
user___can someone help me out with cups? i cant find it anywhere20:28
Youndernon in common cirkulation, that I am aware20:28
ozzloyllutz, have you seen it before and not known what it was for?20:28
Rodenskysfears - and now i can hear all automated sounds that the skype makes but not the people with whom i'm trying to talk20:28
sudormsys32so i have a database, with owner admin, and i'm trying to set up other users to be able to log into it, is there a way to do this in PGadmin or should i use GRANT?20:28
roofguntbert, yeah20:28
timposeyYounder, the purpose of the antivirus is to scan usb drives that I use with a windows machine20:29
llutzozzloy: i just tried crontab -e with a fresh created account, it asked for editor and suggested select-edtor to change it later20:29
minimecgspr_: /join #ubuntu+120:29
ozzloyRodensky, i recently had and solved this problem.  i shall explain20:29
roofguntbert, that wicd doesnt even connect to my network20:29
guntbertroof: I'd say all changes must be made on C20:29
deadant2Anybody know how to mount a Usb Dvd Burner in ubuntu?20:29
llutzozzloy: i never heard of it before20:29
ozzloyllutz, oic cool20:29
roofguntbert, this has progressed to face removal20:29
gibby13I have a problem with transmission, can anybody help?20:29
YounderYou do need to set up a firewall however. UFW is what you want20:29
roofguntbert, yeah i am changing it on c20:30
blakkheimgibby13: #transmission20:30
Younderor iptables if you wnat to get sophisticated20:30
ratsgot it .. bye, bye20:30
ozzloyRodensky, go to System -> Preferences -> Sounds -> Applications (a tab, next to "Output")20:30
gibby13blakkheim: thanks20:30
roofguntbert, is the gnome manger the best one to use for wireless?20:30
sfearsyeah.. skype may have control of the sound so that nothing bleeds over.. if you can completly turn off skype i'd do that, if not uninstall skype.. if it solves the problem then you know whats up.. perhaps configure skype to use alsa?20:30
user___samba seems to have stopped working aswell as cups, maybe its a problem with all my services?20:30
sfearsyeah.. skype may have control of the sound so that nothing bleeds over.. if you can completly turn off skype i'd do that, if not uninstall skype.. if it solves the problem then you know whats up.. perhaps configure skype to use alsa? Rodensky20:30
newserI have a grub error. The problem is that I installed mint in one hdd and ubuntu in a second hdd. Mint is recognized but ubuntu is not. how can I fix this, so that the second hdd is detected?20:31
deadant2Anybody able to get a usb Dvd Mounted in ubuntu20:31
ozzloyRodensky, and there will be one for skype that is muted, scroll it up and hopefully you'll start hearing stuff.  i only had to do this once, then skype sound worked afterwards.20:31
sfearsnewser: you may have to add a line to your /boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/grub.cfg file to point to the proper partition20:31
guntbertroof: well - I use the nm-applet - but I guess you jumped to conclusions - I hope you can recover20:31
Rodenskysfears - i have to use skype, turning it off or uninstalling it is not an option for me. how do i make skype use alsa?20:31
Timon_sfears, i've got it, and now?20:32
ozzloyRodensky, you don't have to make skype use alsa.20:32
Rodenskyozzloy - where do i find these system prefs?20:32
ozzloyRodensky, "System" is at the top left of the screen usually20:32
ozzloyRodensky, next to Applications and Places20:32
timposeydeadant2 not a dvd drive, I don't know why that would be different than a usb hdd but obviously it is..20:33
newsersfears, do you know how to display the partitions and hdds in grub? im currently in minimal bash20:33
roofguntbert, ah a breakthrough, since install wicd, it appears that when the card is inactive, it effectively decides to sleep, as the connect button comes up and it appears disconnected20:33
sfearsRodensky: there's a configrue skype control panel in there somehwere.. i don't use skype so i don't know20:33
Rodenskyozzloy - i have only system notifications on my gnome panel...20:33
hekdahlAnyone hwo can help me to set up my wireless on my laptop.20:33
sfearsi don't think you can do it from minimal bash newser.. i'm not sure about that20:33
sfearsTimon_: "sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/windows/driver.inf"20:34
Timon_sfears, i did the apt-get, and now?20:34
ozzloyRodensky, do you have the sound icon?  you could right-click that and go down to "Preferences"20:34
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ozzloyRodensky, sorry, "Sound Preferences"20:34
guntbertroof: don't know if thats good or bad :-)20:34
hekdahlI doesn't work. I have tried everything.20:34
Timon_sfears, sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/windows/driver.inf i get when i do that20:34
deadant2timposey, Yeah its not auto mounting any idea why?20:35
hamzaatova2why the hotmail never work with chat?????? almost always it doesnt20:35
roofguntbert, i am successfully sending packets to the AP but the wifi is showing as disconnecting all the time20:35
sfearsTimon_: do you have your windows driver in a folder on your desktop20:35
ozzloyRodensky, also, how do you not have anything in your gnome-panel other than system notifications?  did you remove everything?  you don't even have a clock?20:35
Needs_Helpi setup proftpd today and it works good, but only on my lan, how can i connect to the server from outside my lan?20:35
roofguntbert, what is the nm applet?20:35
Timon_sfears, no20:35
newseris there any livecd that can help me reinstall grub?20:35
sfearsyou'll need them20:35
guntbertroof: in gnoe the newtwork manager applet20:35
user___im really stuck guys, any help would be much appreciated20:36
sfearsTimon_: download them and unzip them onto your desktop and then let me know20:36
ozzloyRodensky, alternatively, you could go to terminal and type "gnome-volume-control"20:36
Rodenskyozzloy - i removed everything, all i usually need are just launchers..20:36
roofguntbert, fcking wireless20:36
timposeydeadant2, I don't have a clue, There are some things that I have never been able to find out why, but that should not be that hard, what type of drive is it.20:36
Rodenskythree of them, and i have them on cairo-dock, thats it20:36
deadant2timposey, Velocity Micro VM Drive 10120:37
guntbert!language | roof20:37
ubotturoof: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:37
Rodenskyanyway - i'm in volume control prefs - what's next?20:37
ozzloyRodensky, ok, go to "Applications"20:37
Timon_sfears, i didn't change the path, so it wouldn't help ;)20:37
guntbertroof: please ask the channel again - I'm on the end of my possibilities20:37
ozzloyRodensky, it's a tab next to "Output"20:37
nightsjammiesI've got something interesting going on with my laptop. Every so often it freezes for no apparent reason. Any ideas.20:37
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Rodenskyi din't have such thing20:37
ozzloyRodensky, make sure skype is running20:37
sfearsTimon_: you can use your windows drivers in linux via ndiswrapper20:38
nightsjammiesIt forces me to completely kill all power20:38
ozzloyRodensky, do you know what version of ubuntu you're running?20:38
Rodenskyozzloy 9.0420:38
sfearssudo ndiswrapper -i (install) /home/timon/Desktop/drivers/Lsbcmds.inf20:38
ozzloyaah, i see20:38
roofguntbert, now it can ping C, yet A cant ping C on the same segment, lol20:38
roofthats impossible20:39
ozzloyRodensky, this might be a difference between 9.04 and 9.10 then, sorry20:39
phillanybody ever got DBDesigner4 working in Ubuntu? It's a tarball install. But I get nothing afterwards...20:39
sfearsi've never heard of it phill20:39
guntbertroof: my concentration is weakening - please ask the channel again20:39
FordPrefectDasEi: in the meanwhile I installed ubuntu using the noacpi option: error still present, then I load the setup defaults of my BIOS: problem remains, then I "underclocked" my machine to 2GHz and the memory to 200MHz: problem remains20:39
ozzloyRodensky, in 9.10, skype shows up in the list of applications currently using sound, and one of the sliders was set to 0, so i moved it to 80-ish20:39
user___nightjammies, its probably a graphics driver or gnome issue20:40
Timon_sfears, do i have to search the whole place for that .inf?20:40
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phillit's open source, available on Windoze, it helps you do Entity-Relationship diagrams...20:40
sfearsno Timon_.. go to the linksys website and download the drivers.. then unzip them onto a folder on your desktop and let me know20:40
nightsjammiesI'm kinda thinking the same thing. It seems to only occur when I switch/ open a new window. Any ideas?20:40
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sfearsTimon_:  i know the website has windows drivers..that's what we will use via ndiswrapper20:40
ozzloyRodensky, i suggest moving to 9.10.  good luck with all that.  i'm off to get lunch20:40
timposeydeadant2 is it a burner ?20:40
Rodenskyinside Skype i can choose a sound device but Alsa mixer is not on that list20:41
Vandaloh goodness that is a long user list20:41
guntbert!hi | Vandal20:41
ubottuVandal: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:41
user___nightsjammies, no im experiencing the same problem and am waiting for a fix. although tbh im most worried about the fact that i cant print because cups has gone awol so i cant print any invoices...20:41
Timon_sfears, is it good that i've just copied my Linksys map from windows?20:41
Rodenskyozzloy - i tried 9.10 and hated it, the sound worked but all other things did not. Bon apetit...20:41
HannibalWagnerHey, what do i need to do to mkill all ubuntu users? (answer with jokes...)20:41
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Guest12960hi, I periodically get ext4-fs bad entry in directory when I try to reboot from a karmic upgrade, any idea how to diagnose this problem?20:42
roofdont take up IT, take up engineering at least it doesnt change so much, painful computers are!20:42
sfearsTimon_: linkysys map??20:42
guntbert!ot | HannibalWagner20:42
ubottuHannibalWagner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:42
nightsjammiesI don't have a printer, so I haven't run into that problem. Is there a way to a pinpoint the problem?20:42
Timon_sfears: yeah, the whole map from my program files from windows20:42
ratapoilI need to install Rhythmbox 0.12.6, I run Karmic... On the rhythmbox website I only find a .bin, don't know what to do with it... I've been searching for a repo that has it, found none... any advice?20:42
sfearsif you know where the drivers are at then we can use them.. like i said.. "sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/linkysys/driver.inf"20:42
HannibalWagnerinstall banshee...20:43
user___nightsjammies, check your logs around the time the crash happens, thats in System -> Adminstration -> Log File Viewer20:43
roofbanshee rocks, its unreliable like everything else, but its good20:43
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nightsjammiesRight right. I know where that is....20:43
VandalGonna copy paste something small here20:43
VandalRosewill RNX-N100 worked out of box in ubuntu 9.04, according to an archived post on the Official ubuntu forums20:43
sfearsTimon_: just download them from the manufacturers site.. otherwise map the drive and look for them.. i don't care.. i gave you the command three times now "sude ndiswrapper -i /path/to/driver.inf" Timon_20:43
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VandalI just installed 9.1 and it doens't recognize my RNX20:43
Vandalthis is a USB Wifi adapter20:44
HannibalWagnerHey: big question. Banshee gnomw-do plugin shows a big X when i activate it.20:44
nightsjammiesWhich part of the log file viewer do I look for a clue?20:44
guntbert!enter | Vandal20:44
ubottuVandal: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:44
sfearsVandal: have you booted with the usb drive in??20:44
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roofVandal, good luck finding a driver20:44
HannibalWagnerwhat can i do to make it work?20:44
VandalThat was why I came in here20:44
RodenskyWhat is OSS mixer? can I usr it instead of Alsa mixer?20:44
VandalI don't really know anything about linux.. every time I try to get into it something like this happens20:45
roofVandal, anything on manufactures website?20:45
user___nightsjammies, i would check all of them as im not sure which one in particular would be a good bet20:45
VandalIt only has WIN and MAC drivers supported officially20:45
sfearsi wans't able to get ndiswrapper working on 9.1.. perhaps you could give it a try with the windows drivers via ndiswrapper vandal?20:45
VandalDoes that come installed with 9.1? ndiswrapper I mean20:46
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sfearsmaybe Vandal... "sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/windows/driver.inf"20:46
ratapoilwhich is safer, proposed or backports?20:46
newseraccording to one of the online docs to restore grub, I need to find the "stage1" file. If I don't have such file, how can I reinstall grub20:46
ratapoilwhich has more stable versions, proposed or backports?20:46
roofwhy is it that drivers are not subject to the GPL?20:46
Timon_sfears, there is only 1 .inf file, so i suppose that's the one we need?20:47
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:47
FordPrefectDasEi: do you have any idea what that means? (because the memory adress is outside 4GB) does it mean that my memory is corrupt now? but the strange thing is, that this never seemed to be a problem in the past one year in which I used the machine with fedora 10. To my humble knowlege it looks like something was changed in the kernel which also is involved because now all new linux versions cant be installed anymore (including fedora 11)20:47
sfearsTimon_: what's the name of it?20:47
guntbertratapoil: avoid proposed - they are only for adventurous user for testing20:47
Timon_sfears; rt2870.inf20:47
mragabhi i need to backup my ubuntu system, just to feel safe, any gud tools similar to acronis true image ????20:48
ratapoilthanks guntbert20:48
sfearsthat doesn't sound like it..  i can't help you anymore Timon_.. download the drivers from the website20:48
blakkheimmragab: dd20:48
hekdahlNeed serious help to install my wireless on my Dell Inspiron 1525 in ubuntu 9.120:48
sfearsgood luck20:48
roofmragab, acronis rules man20:48
przemo_onemragab partimage20:48
mragabroof: very true20:48
roofguntbert, why are drivers not subject to GPL rules?20:48
FordPrefectDasEi: sorry I mean I run Fedora 11 in the last time and it worked, the new version is Fedora 12 which also does not work anymore20:49
sfearsroof.. do you write programs for free?20:49
mragabprzemo_one, am concernd about ext4 support20:49
guntbertroof: what drivers?20:49
feed_me_seymourI have a network share I'm trying to add in /etc/fstab that is not password-protected, however mount -a still prompts for a password, even a blank one. How can I tell /etc/fstab that there is no password and not to prompt for it?20:49
roofmragab, if it aint broke dont fix it, acronis is the one to use.20:49
przemo_oneroof because not every developer is making GPL soft20:49
roofgraphics drivers, wifi drivers, they are not opensource, are the wrapped binaries>20:49
feed_me_seymourShould I add "password=" in the options?20:49
mragabroof, i tried using acronis to backit up but is cudnt read it maybe becos of ext420:50
FordPrefectDasEi: but the point is, that the problem occures since I tried to install a new linux version is this just a coincidence?20:50
blakkheimmragab: use dd20:50
sven_oostenbrinkI have to manually compile something under linux (ssh2 extension for php5.3), but I need to apply a patch file first. I have the patch file, how do I apply it? I tried patch patchfile.patch, but that seems to hang..20:50
mragabblakkheim, english please wat is dd20:50
sterlinHey guys. Is there a way to create a bootable usb version of ubuntu on a flashdrive BUT customize it so I can install a few applications on it? How? Thanks20:50
roofi thought the idea was that anything written for linux had to be subject to GPL20:50
lokkei've a proplem with my bluetoothstick, does anyone know how i can install it?20:51
przemo_onemragab type dd20:51
blakkheimmragab: saying "english please" and then using "wat" is a bit of a contradiction, no? also, man dd20:51
sfearsi'm also interested in sterlins questions about a custom live usb20:51
hekdahlNeed help to intsall my wireless. Please!20:51
przemo_oneroof nope20:51
sfearssterlin: perhaps20:51
newseris there any gui to reinstall grub?20:51
roofprzemo_one, what isthe deal then?20:51
blakkheimnewser: why do you need a gui for that?20:51
sterlinsfears: how?20:51
mragabblakkheim, god get life -_-"20:51
przemo_onemragab in console20:52
newserblakkheim, I've been trying with the command prompt but I can't install it. I need to boot ubuntu from a second hdd and don't know how to do it. It only recognizes the first hdd20:52
PiciPlease be civil.20:52
roofhekdahl, here is my advice to you, dont use wireless, its sucks so much in linux20:52
sfearssterlin: perhaps "dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/usb (whatever the usb /dev is)20:53
roofhekdahl, its all about ethernet20:53
blakkheimnewser: is it grub or grub2?20:53
hekdahlBut i kinda need it.20:53
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przemo_oneroof true sometimes20:53
guntbertroof: please avoid generalization ^^^20:53
Timon_sfears, the download from the site is an installer...20:53
newserblakkheim, have no idea. I am new here and I only want to boot ubuntu no matter how20:54
hekdahlroof: Should i rather go back to windows?20:54
Vandalroof I think your advice is sound and wise20:54
blakkheimnewser: ok, what did you do to mess grub up?20:54
FordPrefect!DE | FordPrefect20:54
ubottuFordPrefect, please see my private message20:54
Vandalmaybe in 5 years Linux will have wireless like real OSes20:54
sfearsbut i guess you'd need multiple partitions.. i'm not sure if you can dd if=/dev/sda1 if=/dev/sda2 or not sterlin20:54
przemo_oneroof kernel 2.6.24 was nice for wifi. unleas for my broadcom 43xx card20:54
roofhekdahl, no, just get a compatible card, its a lot less hassle, you unlikely to find the driver, but you can look on the manu website or just google for three days20:54
hekdahlroof: OK, might be a good idea.20:55
fwaokdaI know this is a little off topic but does anyone know how to interpret dimensions... for example: 15.5 x 50 x 17.3 inches ?20:55
newserblakkheim, I have 2 hdds on my pc and I installed mint in the 1st one, then installed ubuntu on the 2nd one and it created grub for me. It recognized both hdds. I made some changes to the 1st hdd (rezise, moved partitions) and restarted and bam..20:55
ElectRo`2.6.28 added lots of yummy wifi goodies20:55
Yomanwhat is RSA key fingerprint and what is it for?20:55
Oxidenewuser: boot ubuntu live cd,open the terminal and write20:55
blakkheim!grub2 > newser20:56
ubottunewser, please see my private message20:56
hekdahlroof: Is it just to plug and play if i buy a new one?20:56
przemo_oneroof for wifi under linux you most likely can use two different drivers. one linux native, and second windowses throu ndiswrapper.20:56
roofhekdahl, check the compatibility list for linux.20:56
hekdahlroof: In Ubuntu 9.120:56
przemo_onehekdahl NO!20:56
guntbert!hcl | hekdahl20:56
ubottuhekdahl: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:56
Timon_sfears: on the download site there is only a .zip with a setup, and a cd-image...20:56
przemo_onehekdahl its ubuntu 9.1020:56
sfearsTimon_: get the drivers.. then i'll help20:56
roofprzemo_one, how do you check which is in use?20:57
daveragWhat's the command you can use to find out what kind of server a given website is running?20:57
jsharpSo, I've got a module I'm developing on ubuntu and I need to install debugging symbols for apache. However, the apache2-dbg package appears to have been removed in 9.04, and I don't see it in 9.10. Does anyone know how one should install debugging symbols?20:57
hekdahlprzemo_one: sorry!! I am totally new to linux!20:57
hekdahlprzemo_one: a rookie!20:57
beandaverag: you could nmap the server.20:57
Oxidenewuser: sudo grub; find /boot/grub/stage1; root (hd?,?); setup (hd0); quit20:57
Oxidenewuser: do you understand what you've got to do?20:58
przemo_oneroof ndiswrapper requaires additional setup. if your card works it's native20:58
mragabim really interested in using mondo but i get errors, can someone help, its ubuntu64+ 9.1020:58
sfearsjsharp: are you sure you have the proper repositories enabled?20:59
przemo_onehekdahl me too :)20:59
jsharpsfears, well, I have all the default karmic repos enabled, do I need to enable a debug symbols repo?20:59
roofprzemo_one, it was working unti l installed wicd, now its screwed20:59
hekdahlprzemo_one: very well then. Good luck to you.20:59
xhtmlвсем привет, а теперь мои сообщения видно?20:59
redleafhekdahl, coming late .. someone has a b43 wifi ?20:59
roofi cannot even get it to do an DNS lookup20:59
bean!ru xhtml20:59
bean!ru | xhtml21:00
ubottuxhtml: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:00
Witch-King-VThow to open .pinion files in ubuntu?21:00
sfearsi would check that out jsharp21:00
przemo_oneroof the trick is to make linux not to load your native driver and use ndiswrapper. if windows driver is better afcourse (spelling)21:00
mragabanyone experienced in mondo21:00
hekdahlredleaf: I do, but i cant get it to work.21:01
redleafsomeone has trouble with broadcom43 wifi ?? roof21:01
beanxhtml: /join #ubuntu-ru21:01
roofprzemo_one, its using broadcom STA driver21:01
xhtmljoin #ubuntu-ru21:01
sfearsi use broadcom43 drivers redleaf21:01
beanxhtml: with a slash in front...21:01
sfearsnot sure how i got them working once i upgraded to 9.1 though redleaf21:01
przemo_oneroof wicd? i'm not familiar. and tahts for what?21:01
roofredleaf, i had an issue with it not pinging another pc, so i changed network managers and now its totally screwed21:01
Diverdudeis there a good dictionary for ubuntu?21:02
roofprzemo_one, just replaces network-manager21:02
redleafsfears, i just got here and wind of someone having trouble setting wifi .. ??21:02
przemo_oneroof aaa and what was wrong with nm?21:02
mragabhelooooooo mondoarchive21:02
hekdahlredleaf: i have problems21:02
teddymillsVandal, They tried using a 'REAL OS' Microsoft on the London exchange. The CIO was fired. They use Linux to power the New York Stock Exchange and Europe's Euronext.  To me and the world, thats about as 'REAL' as it gets.21:02
redleafhekdahl, new install?  new machine?  do you know the exact chipset?21:03
hekdahlredleaf: Dell Inspirion 152521:03
roofprzemo_one, saw a forum thread that suggested it would fix the problem i had with my card no responding to requests unless first initiating comms with other machines,21:03
mcprtkHello people, I was asking how to configure pop mail so that I can use both Thunderbird as well Mutt to check mail21:03
roofthat was my original issue21:03
hekdahlredleaf: Chpset ID: 14E4:431521:04
firekoolmcprtk is there any way you can use IMAP?21:04
roofnow its hanging on 'setting static dns' this is frustrating21:04
hekdahlredleaf: BCM 4312 i thing21:04
Guest12960how do you update to bleeding edge kernel in karmic?21:04
xanguaand what pop account are you trying to set mcprtk¿21:04
przemo_onehekdahl i have broadcom wifi21:04
guntbert!latest | Guest1296021:05
ubottuGuest12960: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.21:05
sfearscompile your own from vanillakernel.org Guest1296021:05
redleafhekdahl, yup.  which kernel do you have?21:05
occyhmmm I can't do ssh localhost  that's fairly problematic huh? (nor can I ssh
przemo_onehekdahl what's wrong??21:05
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tecnixciao a tutti21:05
firekoolI just got my braodcom wifi working kekdahl had a issue but that is becouse it was not plugged in wired to get the proprietery drivers.21:05
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roofif i had a bottle of whiskey i would drink the entire thing in one go21:05
sfearshekdahl: "lspci" should show your your version under network controller21:05
hekdahlredleaf: Dont know really. How do i check?21:05
Guest12960sfears, tx21:05
mragabhi, the topic of backup doesn't seem to interest anyone, though it is important and a crutial thing, how can i backup my ubuntu box21:06
sfearstechnix.. this is not a file serving channel.. be careful21:06
hekdahl przemo_one: Cant get my wireless card to work.21:06
Witch-King-VThow to open .pinion files in ubuntu?21:06
blakkheimmragab: you've already gotten answers to that question when you asked it a few minutes ago21:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:06
firekoolmragab what type of backup are you trying to do?21:06
przemo_onehekdahl is it ubuntu 9.10?21:06
xanguaWitch-King-VT: what's a .pinion file¿! :S21:06
Diverdudeis there a good dictionary for ubuntu?21:06
redleafhekdahl, System/admin/sys monitor will spec out your kernel version21:06
mragabblakkheim, forget dd, it is annoying cant get it to work, and so is partimage, and so is mondoarchive21:06
hekdahlprzemo_one: yes21:07
mragabfirekool, of my complete OS21:07
blakkheimmragab: it's annoying because you can't get it to work? lol21:07
tecnixnessuno sa come scaricare file con irc su ubuntu?21:07
sfearsmragab: if you can't get dd to work your typing something wrong or using the wrong /dev21:07
roofmragab, did you use the raw mode?21:07
subitohello, what's the ubuntu package to install for the java add-on of firefox?21:07
devinis the new gdm going ever allow different theming or just the little work around like changing background and whatnot?21:07
Witch-King-VTxangua, some kind of data files21:07
B3rz3rk3rmragab, have you tried SBackup (Simple Backup) as the name implies, its very easy to use, so i think may solve your issues with backup?21:08
redleafhekdahl, 4315 supported 2.6.32 and later21:08
mragabpliz i cant be bothered going through terminal, i had a really long bash day, i'd prefer a gui at the moment21:08
xanguasubito: sun-java6-plugin21:08
przemo_onehekdahl go to System, Administration, Drivers21:08
jldupontAnybody having problems with "Update Manager" on Karmic?  It shows the updates list but when I press "Install Updates", it just refreshes the list without updating. Any ideas? (http://serverfault.com/questions/100132/update-manager-wont-update-anymore)21:08
sfearsmragab: also.. you can't always dump data while it is in use.. perhaps use the live cd.. mount the partition your trying to back up and dd won't hang21:08
mragabB3rz3rk3r, its not enough, i need an image or compressed file of the complete Partiton (disaster Recovery)21:09
subitoxangua: thanks21:09
B3rz3rk3rmragab, could you not just mirror the drive then?21:09
mragabsfears, god noooo, enough code for today, gui will really help =]21:09
hekdahlredleaf: 2.6.31-16-generic, is that it?21:09
sfearsmragab: livecd has a gui21:09
mragabB3rz3rk3r, mirror as in raid ? or what do you mean21:10
sfearsand dd really is the way to go21:10
redleafhekdahl, yes, but your chip supported 2.6.32 and later21:10
blakkheimmragab: sometimes a commandline application is the best for the job. everything can't be handed to you with a GUI.21:10
mragabsfears, yes but then ill use dd back in command line21:10
redleafhekdahl, you'll have to upgrade the kernel21:10
roofblackxored, ohh, thats gonna enrage him.21:10
hekdahlredleaf: how?21:10
hekdahlredleaf: Im totally new to this!21:11
mragabblakkheim, are you ready to spoon feed me the code, because thats why i am in deperate need of a gui atm21:11
sfearsyeah.. you'll have to use command line to mount the partition too.. it may be your only good option mragab21:11
redleafhekdahl, thats out of my realm .. but, have you run an upgrade since your install?21:11
Rodenskyppl - i played with alsamixer levels and now i have no sound at all, even when i restart.. how do i make all sounf defintions and settings go back to original default of the system?21:11
sterlinis there a way to run ubuntu from a usb drive and not write any files to the hdd of the host computer? and also not write any files to the usb drive, as if you were running a livecd?21:11
blakkheimmragab: dd if=/dev/yourharddrive of=/whereyouwant/thebackup21:11
przemo_oneredleaf are you talking about that broadcom wifi?21:11
hekdahlredleaf: Yepp, in the synaptic thing,21:11
B3rz3rk3rmragab, mirroring them allows redundant data retention. So if one drive fails you simply remove it and carry on as normal21:11
sfearsthere is no real default Rodensky.. just go into alsamixer and turn everything up21:11
redleafhekdahl, ask the room about upgrading the kernel or check the forums/wiki, etc21:12
guntbert!usb | sterlin21:12
ubottusterlin: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:12
Rodenskysfears  - every is up....21:12
hekdahlredleaf: willdo!21:12
redleafprzemo_one, yes21:12
lgsplooshHello everyone! Is anyone available to help me with something21:12
hekdahlredleaf: Tanx!21:12
przemo_onesterlin yes, google for ubuntu on pendrive21:12
sterlinguntbert: przemo_one thanks21:12
AJC_Z0Rodensky: Check all the sliders in gnome-volume-control21:12
przemo_oneredleaf he does not need to upgrade the kernel. it's an old wifi card21:12
sfearsRodensky: uninstall skype.. see if it fixes your problem.. you can reinstall after you've diagnosed21:12
hekdahlCan somebody assist me with updating my kernel?21:12
Rodenskynot only everything is up, i also uninstalled and installed again pulseausio and alsamixer and i can't listen anything21:13
mragabB3rz3rk3r, i had long hasstle with a striped volume today, i have raid  phobia now, i doubt ill do that, i just want to image the partition, i mean there is not a single linux tool that could do that21:13
sfearshekdahl.. if you need help upgrading your kernel you don't need to update your kernel21:13
roofprzemo_one, my dear chap, how does one find the driver that one can install via ndiswrapper for ones wireless card?21:13
xanguasterlin: ubuntu has an 'start usb' something :S21:13
guntbertsterlin: you can create an ubuntu live USB from system/administration/USB startup.... - make it "non-persistent"21:13
redleafprzemo_one, not according the info he listed ..21:13
blakkheimsfears: lol21:13
Rodenskyskype is now off, i restarted twice21:13
hekdahlredleaf: ok upgrade then.21:13
lgsplooshI have a problem booting my usb drive with my HP pavillion ze 111021:13
mragabblakkheim, is the backup archived, imaged or do-ed in anyway =P21:14
B3rz3rk3rmragab, im sure there is, but i have no need for such things, and so i do not know about them personally. Keep asking, and be patient, someone will have an answer for you21:14
sfearsguntbert: sterlin would like a custom livecd.. not an image off the currenly ubuntu live cd21:14
mragabB3rz3rk3r, oh im patient and thanx =]21:14
hekdahlredleaf: Can somebody help me to UPGRADE my kernel.21:14
redleafprzemo_one, 14e4:4315 supported 2.6.32 and later BCM431221:14
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages21:14
Rodenskywhen i came here first time with the sound problem, it was random and all it needed was a reboot. now there is absolutly no sound at all :(21:14
blakkheimmragab: it's a block-by-block backup of your hard drive21:14
ShwackCan somebody please help me recover my encrypted Home directory - I can find my wrapped-passphrse file but when attempting to decrypt it with my login password nothing works.       I changed my password using  sudo passwd shwack and nothing has worked ever since.    Ubuntu has my home directory locked away encrypted and I am unable to get in event though I know my password and try changing it back to the old one.. nothing works!!    please help21:14
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przemo_oneroof command lspci with some parameter i dont recall right now. it will give you a device id. there is a website. ndiswrapper home or something alike. there will say what windows driver for which card21:15
guntbertsfears: I didn't see that in his question ... but thx21:15
mragabblakkheim,  but its to another drive, not an image that i can restore to another pc, or back incase of failiure21:15
=== jake__ is now known as jlauxetta
redleaf!kernel > hekdahl21:15
ubottuhekdahl, please see my private message21:15
blakkheimmragab: you can restore the image from an external drive to the computer if a failure happens21:15
JSharpsfears, sorry about that, I don't think I caught your response. my connection died for a bit.21:15
Rodenskybtw sfears - still only skype can be heard... all other thing - nada21:15
jlauxettaHeya pplz21:16
przemo_oneroof lspci -n21:16
wizzo50How do you open a phf file in Ubuntu?21:16
ShwackCan somebody please help me recover my encrypted Home directory - I can find my wrapped-passphrse file but when attempting to decrypt it with my login password nothing works.       I changed my password using  sudo passwd shwack and nothing has worked ever since.    Ubuntu has my home directory locked away encrypted and I am unable to get in event though I know my password and try changing it back to the old one.. nothing works!!    please help21:16
redleafhekdahl, you just happen to have a bit of funny card .. ;-|21:16
sfearsi understand that Rodensky.. that's why it's good troubleshooting to uninstall skype.. sounds like that's what's causing your problems21:16
Shwacklgsploosh: hello21:16
blakkheim!repeat | Shwack21:16
ubottuShwack: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:16
jacksonlong22Having trouble installing drivers for bcm43xx card.  Help would be appreciated.21:16
mragabblakkheim, but my question is, does dd make an image, or a copy21:16
sfearsJSharp: yes.. make sure extra repositories are enabled21:16
Shwack!attitude blackkheim21:16
blakkheimmragab: an "image"21:16
guntbertShwack: a long but very informative article http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html21:16
mragabblakkheim, so why didnt you say that earlier =P21:17
JSharpsfears, so, universe and multiverse?21:17
Shwackcuz blackkheim is a liberal communist21:17
roofprzemo_one, how do they compare to the proprietary ones?21:17
blakkheimmragab: it's a backup on the block level, an "image" is just another way of saying the same thing21:17
sfearstry that.. you more than likly need the dev repositories21:17
guntbertShwack: please stay polite21:17
JSharpsfears, ah, which ones are those?21:17
przemo_oneredleaf mine is 14e4:4318 and it's suported for a while. i'll check yourse21:17
wizzo50How do you open a phf file in Ubuntu?21:17
Rodenskysfears - i uninstalled skype and still - no sound21:17
sfearsJSharp: hold21:17
JSharpsfears, thanks21:18
przemo_oneredleaf btw. works fine with ndiswrapper21:18
sfearsrodensky.. may need a restart to reload kernel stuff21:18
redleafprzemo_one, mine is 4318 as well, quite different from 431221:18
Ademan_anyone know if i can use 802.11s with any (natively) supported wireless chipset?21:18
redleafprzemo_one, mine w/ fwcutter21:18
Rodenskysfears - ok i'll restart21:18
mragabblakkheim, AaAAAAHH noo i read the wiki, i want something that does a ISO bootable for recovery, mondoarchive does but i get error21:18
xoverRodensky, when do you have no sound on playback?21:18
sfearsmragab: dd is your ticket21:18
mragabok we have an auction here, lets see who can score the most points on open source data recovery products (THAT MAKE IMAGES OF THE DRIVE ONLY)  xD21:18
blakkheimmragab: oh ok, then nevermind. you're looking for smoething totally different than a backup image21:19
Ademan_sfears: mesh networking21:19
Silver_Swordshi all. any clues to how to play 3gp files on ubuntu 9.10 gnome.21:19
mragabsfears, i rely hate dd now21:19
Shwackguntbert- i came in this room two days ago asking how to chang my password - ore than 5 poeple replied  "sudo passwd shwack"   doing this ruined my computer and nobody is able to help... pardon me if i'm slightly frustrated at people in this room who are trigger happy with bot commands21:19
sfearshave never heard of it Ademan_21:19
wizzo50How do you open a phf file in Ubuntu?21:19
=== Ademan_ is now known as Ademan
mragabsfears, reminds me of dexters Lab =D21:19
xanguaSilver_Swords: install 'restricted extras'21:19
Ademanwizzo50: what the heck is a phf file?21:19
przemo_oneredleaf then we have the same. do what i say21:19
wizzo50picture file21:19
Silver_Swordsxangua: they are installed.21:19
przemo_oneroof ndiswrapper is using windows drivers in linux. these are proprietary ones21:20
xanguathy with vlc then Silver_Swords21:20
redleafprzemo_one, mine is good.  i was helping hek21:20
mragabanyone ^o)21:20
angerfist_slt a tous21:20
przemo_oneredleaf ow ok21:20
Ademanwizzo50: what program produces them?21:21
Silver_Swordsxangua: the vids play but no sound. and yes i got vlc and loads of others installed.21:21
Rodenskysfears - i restarted - no luck21:21
guntbertShwack: changing your password will *never* ruin your computer - so what is the issue?21:21
mragabno-one ^o) i think ill execute           sudo  rmdir  /             it might solve my problems, thats if it even works =P21:21
wizzo50Ademan, something to convert it over to open it in ubuntu21:21
zleapguntbert, it does if you forget ur password, and its your new root password21:22
Ademanwizzo50: i mean in windows what program produced that file?21:22
guntbertzleap: don't spread FUD please21:22
mragabim really desperate for help here (OTHER THAT DD and DEXTER) so ...plizzz21:22
przemo_oneredleaf but it's the same module. bcm43xx :) it should work the same21:22
sfears_JSharp: having issues on my side.. somewhere in the edit repositories it says something about development.. make sure that one is enabled21:22
mneptokShwack: change your password back to the original password with just "passwd" (there is no need for "sudo passwd")21:22
guntbertzleap: we are not talking root passwords here21:23
Shwackguntbert - I changed my password and upon restarting my Ubuntu thinks my login password is one thing and my encrypted home folder will not decrypt - Changing my password back to original via the same sudo passwd shwakc command did not work.  I am trying to follow the directions on the same link you gave me on the last page - the data recovery21:23
Shwackmneptok tried that21:23
redleafprzemo_one, same module, yes, but different physical chips -- work differently21:23
wizzo50a friend emailed it to me and now I need to open it and I get a error so I probably need to convert it over so I can open it. I don't have windows21:23
JSharpsfears_, thanks, will give it a try21:23
redacecan i ask for help with ubuntu here?21:23
zleapguntbert, i guesed that but was just saying21:23
mneptokShwack: but you just said you reset it back with "sudo passwd"21:23
przemo_oneredleaf so if he enable f/w it does not work?21:24
xoverredace, go for it me old china21:24
Shwackguntbert - I have my wrapped-passphrase file that is encrypted with my old or new user password - I try decrypting this file using ecryptfs with both passwords and it fails everyt ime21:24
guntbertShwack: on thta page you will aslo see that "in the end" you need the "random grenerated passphrase" which you certainly recorded somewhere secure21:24
redacealright thanks21:24
redacewell it seems that21:24
Shwackguntbert - the random generated passphrase can be found by decrypting the wrapped passphrase file, as noted on the last page of the link you sent me21:24
redleafprzemo_one, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Known_PCI_devices21:24
mgmuscarii've disabled glitch-free scheduling for my pulseaudio server (added tsched=0 to the appropriate line in default.pa), and that solved a bunch of stuttering audio problems and high cpu load for certain applications, but now pulseaudio occasionally gets screwed up and all my audio becomes distorted buzzing. i've checked the PCM level and it's 100% so it's not that well-known bug... this is in Jaunty with PA 0.9.19. anybody ex21:24
Shwackguntbert - this is how you find out your random passphrase if you failed to record it down but still know the login password21:24
redacesome of my applications open up in a really big window with large text and icons21:24
Shwackguntbert - however, this has not worked21:25
guntbertShwack: yes, but you *should* have done as soon as you created your system21:25
mragabFOUND IT CLONEZILLA ~!!!!! =D =D , the answer to everyones backup and recovery problems, thanx ppl, i guess i won the auction xD21:25
redacesystem admin stuff, like the appeareance settings also opens up with really large icons and text21:25
kernel_geekHello having problems with my mtp mp3 player. Connect it, nothing in dmesg or lsusb, wont dock to computer. Have tried different cable and different mp3 player21:25
Shwackguntbert - I set up linux using advanced partition editor so I could make my own partition for /home, I do not remember ever being asked if i wanted to encrypt my home folder...and thus i never wrote down any passphrase.  It looks like decrypting the wrapped passphrase file is my only hope21:26
mneptokredace: all on one line, please? makes it easier for people to understand the issue.21:26
mragabgod am out of here bye21:26
xoverredace, system - preferences - appearance - fonts -detail - change the resolution, that will makes things smaller.21:26
sfears_mragab.. "sudo dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/windows/backup.iso21:26
sfears_that's my disaster recovery21:26
redacewhen i open the appearance window, it is too big to fit on my desktop21:27
Shwackguntbert - I boot from live CD, mount the partition containing  /home,   fine my wrapped-passphrase file,    I run the correct command to decrypt it with ecryptfs, and I try using both the old and new password and it will not decrypt.  I am desperate to recover my files...i would die without them21:27
guntbertShwack: I guess you must have missed something there - I clearly remember that question when I set up a LVM / encrypted system21:27
przemo_onebye @ll21:27
redaceis there any way to do this through command line?21:27
vixusOk, I switched my system to OSS ages ago to try out a different sound card. Didn't work so I switched back to alsa but now all sound is distorted. Used this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound21:28
xoverredace, for some reason the developers assumed that users of ubuntu would be using cinema screens for their monitors21:28
Shwackguntbert - it may very well be that i just missed it as I am new to linux (first time user)  however, if discovery of the passphrsae is possible ith my login password and wrapped-passphrase file,    it is my only hope for getting my fiels back and I really need it to work.21:28
guntbertShwack: I'm sorry - didn't want to "rub it in" - I wish you the best possible luck with your data - bedtime here21:28
xoverredace, I am using a 19inch monitor with 1980x1050 res and it still seens too big until i reduced the font res.21:28
Shwackguntbert - thank you for your help, have a good night21:28
guntbertShwack: same to you - and Good luck :-)21:29
redaceits not just the font size that is too big, the whole application window is too big, the menu buttons and everything21:29
BobSappIm experiencing a strange and annoying problem.  My mouse cursor is garbled.21:29
ShwackWell I turn to the room again.   I need help unwrapping my wrapped-passphrase file as described here http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/3/      I have tried for 2 days to recover my encrypted home folder now,  I know my passwords.... The only thing i did was change my user password via terminal using   sudo passwd shwack.    After restarting, my home folder would not decrypt.   I tried changing it back to the old password the same way, and it did not he21:30
FloodBot3Shwack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:30
BobSappi tried restarting x by logging out and hitting ctrl alt backspace but that didnt work.21:30
redacemaybe i will take a screenshot and try to get help in the forums21:31
BobSappill try rebooting21:31
xoverredace, you need to reduce the res my main man21:32
ben_qhello, i have a quite clean installation of ubuntu 9.10 and my Xorg takes 100% CPU even with no other application running. does anyone know why that might be?21:32
xoverredace, what i told you will answer your prayers trust me21:32
ChinoChanohi guys. i upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and many many problems. now, i can reach GDM but no way to get gnome working, it s cycling to GDM every time21:33
ChinoChanohi guys. i upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and many many problems. now, i can reach GDM but no way to get gnome working, it s cycling to GDM every time21:33
ChinoChanoany help deeply appreciated21:34
sfears_gnome is GDM??21:34
mkanyicyhi jp--21:34
sfears_GDM = gnome desktop manager??21:34
mkanyicyhi shudder21:34
xoversfears_, wrong21:34
mmvxChinoChano have you tried moving your xorg.conf sideways and rebooting?21:34
redacei am in the appearance preferences21:34
llutzGDM - GNOME Display Manager21:34
mkanyicysfears_, something like that21:34
xoverChinoChano, reinstall gnome from single user and break out the champange21:34
ChinoChanommvx, no i didn t21:34
ChinoChanoxover, that was my plan, but HOW?21:34
mmvxChinoChano it may be worth renaming xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak and rebooting21:35
xoverredace, then go into 'fonts' 'details' reduce the number in the resolution box.21:35
mmvxit's in /etc/X1121:35
ChinoChanoi boot in recovery mode then type what... ??21:35
ChinoChanommvx, i m on it21:35
redaceis details below the font preview? because the font preview is so big I cannot get below it21:35
Yomanif I would like to simply connect to a remote server without loging in, would I still use ssh?21:35
phill_network newbie Q: I've got windoze shares set up. What do I need to do to be able to cd to the network directories from the command line?21:36
xoverChinoChano, from grub, press 'esc' then highlight the kernel line, then press 'e' then add the word 'single' to the end of the line, then press 'enter'21:36
useronebefore i mess up my bootloader i thought i would just check...can i simply put # before some of the entries i dont want displayed when grub starts up21:36
sfearsphill_: is that different than samba shares?21:36
mmvxxover why wouldn't you just use Ctrl Alt and F1 then sudo su?21:36
sfearssamba is something like //:smb/drives/folder21:37
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phill_Under the menu Places/Connect to Server/ Windoze share21:37
xovermmvx, at what stage are all 7 TTYs available?21:37
mkanyicyuserone, are you using grub2 or the old grub?21:37
mmvxxover usually before gdm is started21:38
useronemkanyicy: old grub, so i can just edit menu.lst in /boot/grub ?21:38
ChinoChanoxover, i know this. I don t know what i should type to reinstall the whole gnome21:38
mkanyicyuserone, yes21:38
redacethanks for your help guys but I am going to  take a screenshot and try the forums21:38
xoverChinoChano, sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome21:38
ben_qhello, i have a quite clean installation of ubuntu 9.10 and my Xorg takes 100% CPU even with no other application running. does anyone know why that might be?21:38
ChinoChanooh one moment: if I update the kernel (as in the upgrade) should n t I reinstall the nvidia drivers as well?21:39
jlauxettaI bought a dell inspiron mini with ubuntu, amazing little gadget21:39
jlauxettato my door for 30021:39
mkanyicyxover, is there a package called gnome ??21:39
useronemkanyicy: thanks, btw, any major benefits of using grub2 instead of grub? i'm not a programmer and just use ubuntu as my main os on my laptop21:39
mmvxChinoChano why are you reinstalling gnome again?21:39
sfearsChinoChano: you should disable the nvidia drivers.. update your kernel.. then reinstall the nvidia drivers21:39
mkanyicyuserone, no there are no MAJOR benefits21:40
DoonzHi guys, What im trying to do is set up passwordless transfers using rsync between my two servers. each server has the same user on it with the same password. this will be the user calling for the rsync transfer on server2. The user we will call user1. from server 1 user1 can initiate a ssh session with server2 without being prompted to enter a password. Now from server2 user1 cannot initiate a ssh session with server1 without entering a p21:40
sfearsi havn't had major problems with nvidia drivers with updates since 8.1 but nvidia is still flaky21:40
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mmvxDoonz you need to log in as user1 on server2 and create a key21:40
mkanyicyDoonz, geez you still have this problem21:40
xovermkanyicy, indeed there is my good sir21:40
Doonzmkanyicy: yeah21:40
mmvxDoonz have you created an ssh key for user1 on server221:41
mkanyicyDoonz, do as mmvx is suggesting21:41
Doonzmkanyicy: im so confused to why server2 to server1 i cannont get to work21:41
useronemkanyicy: thanks, so i will just wait  until the next release and it becomes mandatory (i upgraded this time to 9.10 , and not new install)21:41
Doonzmmvx: yes21:41
xoverChinoChano, Are you down with that bruv?21:41
mmvxusing ssh-keygen -t rsa?21:41
Doonzand its been added to server121:41
ChinoChanoit says UNsatisfied deps or some corrupted packages.21:41
mkanyicyDoonz, start afresh as mmvx is telling you21:41
ChinoChanoxover, mmvx i moved xorg: no luck21:41
Doonzi did21:41
Doonzdeleted eveything in the .ssh folder on both servers21:41
mkanyicymmvx, -t rsa is the default21:42
ChinoChanoproblem could be in gdm actually, weird behaviour21:42
ChinoChanoand i can  t reinstall gnome21:42
xoverChinoChano, remove gnome21:42
mmvxDoonz you may need to remove the entries in the authorized_keys file on server121:42
xoverChinoChano, then install it again21:42
Doonzmmvx: did that21:42
ChinoChanoapt-get install --remove gnome?21:42
Doonzreadd the newly ccreated key from server221:42
sfearsapt-get remove --purge gnome?21:42
Doonzits so wierd that it worked from serve 1 to server 2  but not the other way even tho the steps i followed were i dentical21:43
samlhow can I install dependences of package A  without installing package A?21:43
mmvxDoonz you run cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user1@server1 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'?21:43
sfearsfigure out the dependencies and install them individually.. why would you want to do that though saml21:43
ChinoChanosfears, thanks21:44
mmvxmkanyicy thanks I didn't know that21:44
ChinoChanocan t remove it: not installed...21:44
mkanyicyDoonz, do you have openssh-server on both servers installed21:44
andi_saml: does package A already installed?21:44
Doonzmmvx: yes i i can look at authorizedkeys and can see the entry21:44
samlsfears i don't know.. i wanted to use debug version of flashplayer21:44
sfearsChinoChano: might be gnome-desktop21:44
Doonzmkanyicy: yes21:44
ChinoChanobut when I try to install it, the package contains uinstaisfied deps21:44
samlit can't find gtk.so...etc21:44
mmvxChicoChano looks like you have a graphics prob not a gnome prob21:44
tweaktCan changes made using the display applet be persisted somewhere? (ie: screen rotation, resolution, etc) ?21:44
VCooliosaml: apt-get build-dep ?21:44
JSharpsfears, looks like the debian/rules file in the source package deletes the -dbg package that gets generated when the binaries are stripped if the lsb_release is Ubuntu21:44
* JSharp looks for the package maintainers21:44
mmvxDoonz so when you try to log in to server1 from server2 as user1 you are prompted for a password?21:45
Doonzno that way works21:45
andi_saml: getlibs21:45
Doonzits from server2 to server1 it prompts me21:45
xoverChinoChano, best advice here is to pull the ejection seat button, get the hell out of dodge, after copying your data and doing a fresh install. Upgrades can be the path to hell.21:45
mmvxDoonz that's what I said :)21:45
Doonzwell thats exactly what you said (Sorry)21:45
sfearsJSharp: perhaps download a .deb or compile yourself rather than using the repos?21:46
mmvxDoonz did you enter a password when you generated the key?21:46
Doonzmmvx: no21:46
mmvxDoonz which versions of linux are running on the machines?21:46
JSharpsfears, nope, installed from repo21:46
Doonzboth 9.10 server21:46
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mmvxDoonz default installs?21:46
xoverwhat is crtl+alt F8?21:47
Doonzactually identical images21:47
xoveris that dmesg?21:47
nightsjammiesI need some help in finding the right Chromium download. Can anyone assist me?21:47
JSharpdid an apt-get source and looked through the packaging control files21:47
sfearsinstall the debug symbols from an alternate source JSharp? i'm not really familiar with what your talking about, just giving suggestions21:47
redacehi guys, thanks again for your help, I was messing around with the display resolution and the problem is fixed, I don't know what I did but it seems fine now21:47
JSharpsfears, ah, no problems then :)21:47
mmvxDoonz you're sure the files are /home/$user1/.ssh/authorized_keys21:47
JSharpthanks for your suggestions21:47
xoverredace, its ok man, no problem, remember i cured you man, peace brother21:47
sfearswhat i'm trying to avoid is the apt program doing things for you.. ie stripping the debug symbols21:48
Doonzmmvx: yep21:48
Doonz~/.ssh$ ls21:48
Doonzauthorized_keys  id_rsa  id_rsa.pub  known_hosts21:48
JSharpwell, that's no so much of a problem, it's just that it's not building the -dbg package21:48
Doonzthats server 221:48
minimecnightsjammies: For the browser only... http://www.google.com/chrome/eula.html21:48
redacexover, lol, will remember that21:48
Doonzauthorized_keys  id_rsa  id_rsa.pub  known_hosts21:48
Doonzserver 121:48
sfearsperhaps remove and reinstall using an alternate source JSharp21:48
xoverim off people, lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerz21:48
mmvxDoonz you got me - can you try creating a different user on server1 and repeating the process?21:49
mkanyicymmvx, what about backing up the .ssh directory and removing it and restart ssh-keygen ?21:50
mkanyicymmvx, what if Doons backs up the .ssh directory and removing it and restart ssh-keygen instead of creating a new user?21:51
mmvxmkanyicy maybe you have a point there's no other obvious reason why it would fail21:51
ChinoChanoi m back21:51
ChinoChanoxover's advice was a bit sad...21:51
roslinhey ?21:52
ChinoChanoi m def not going to stick on a distro that can  t handle properly the upgrades.21:52
rev42interesting. sharkoon hardware just replied with a reference to their website which states that they don't support linux.21:52
ChinoChanoso i need to sort this out.21:52
mkanyicymmvx, what versions of linux are you running on both machines, Doonz ?21:52
ChinoChanothere seem to be a problem with some deps.21:52
mmvxmkanyicy he's running 9.10 server on both, default21:52
newserhow can I reinstall grub rescanning partitions?21:53
Dungahey guys, does anybody here know visual basic, and is willing to help me, with a fairly simple task?21:53
mkanyicyDoonz, are these machines separated by proxy ?21:53
ChinoChanoif I try to reinstall gnome, byt apt-get install --reinstall gnome-desktop-environment, i have the error21:54
mkanyicyDunga, this is an ubuntu support channel not VB stuff21:54
Dungais there a VB channel that i can join?21:54
Doonzmkanyicy: yes one is a remote server21:55
ChinoChanofast-user-switch-applet is needed but is not installable.21:55
ChinoChanothere are some unsatisf. deps.:21:55
tweaktAre display applet settings persisted (gconf?) (ie: screen rotation, resolution, etc)?21:55
mmvxChicoChano have you upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10?21:55
ChinoChanommvx, YES21:55
ChinoChanodouble YES21:55
mkanyicyDoonz, the local server has to through proxy server before reaching the remote server?21:55
minimecnewser: 9.10? sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub221:56
Doonzno proxy in the way21:56
ChinoChanommvx, then i ran through Fk'in annoying problems21:56
ChinoChanoi had to remount in rw then to dpkg-reconfigure21:56
shudderChinoChano: did you upgrade via terminal, or did you do a fresh install21:56
redleafnewser, with !grub2 sudo update-grub21:56
mmvxChicoChano have you tried aptitude safe-upgrade?21:56
costinelwho help me ?21:56
mmvxcostinel what's the problem?21:57
ChinoChanoshudder, ... well, ... i "clicked". it bugged. I had to remount partitions in rw from shell maintenance.21:57
trijntje!ask | costinel21:57
ubottucostinel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:57
ChinoChanommvx, i tried it. don t remember the output...21:57
costinelnot working irw21:57
trijntjecostinel, where are you from? Maybe there is a channel in your language21:58
Overand(I'm in EST time) - Shouldn't a crontab entry for my user that's set to:  05 0   */3  *   *    the_command - have kicked off?21:58
Overandi.e. around 17 hours ago?21:58
adaganyone in ##linux?, or is it being hit again?21:58
rev42could you please also ask the folks at support@sharkoon.com to develop or support linux drivers, because they seem to just ignore ubuntu and linux :( let's tell them that lot's of people use linux these days.21:58
newserwhat if I am missing the stage1 file?21:58
mmvxDoonz mkanyicy suggests moving the .ssh directories sideways and trying again - worth a shot?21:58
ChinoChanommvx, it says 0 needs to be dl, 0 need to be instl, ... nothing to be done. some checkings and exits.21:58
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro21:58
newserhow can I restore/reinstall grub if I cannot find the stage1 file?21:58
Doonzso delete the .ssh directory on both servers?21:59
mmvxChico-Chano and apt-get dist-upgrade?21:59
Doonzmmvx: so delete the .ssh directory on both servers?21:59
mkanyicyDoonz, yes21:59
mmvxDoonz you could just move them to .sshbak or something21:59
mkanyicyDoonz, no21:59
Yomanis there a built in command in ubuntu to connect to a server (e.g. google) via shell?21:59
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rev42adag: hit by?22:00
mmvxYoman do you mean a terminal web browser?22:00
Doonzso delete or not delerte22:00
mkanyicyDoonz, mv -v ~/.ssh ~/ssh-backup22:00
ChinoChanommvx, it says 0 to be removed, 0 to be instl, 0 to be dled, 0 newly installed and 0 updated22:00
adagrev42, bot attack22:00
mkanyicyDoonz, backup do not delete22:00
newserhow can I restore/reinstall grub if I cannot find the stage1 file? I've been trying for hours with no success :(22:00
ChinoChanocould the problem be GDM?22:00
Doonzok all done22:01
mkanyicyDoonz, just rename the folder using "mv"22:01
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mkanyicyDoonz, both servers ?22:01
OverandYoman: links / elinks / lynx  are graphical, may or may nmot be built in22:01
Yomanmmvx, not really, just a way to connect to a remote se3rver without logging in22:01
Doonzmkanyicy: yes22:01
minimecYoman: wget, if yu want to download something...22:01
OverandYoman: wget and curl are designed - more or less - for downloading files specifically (curl moreso for scripting)22:01
mmvxDoonz now you can start afresh creating the directories, keys etc22:01
mkanyicyDoonz, server 1: "ssh-keygen" and press ENTER until the end22:01
Doonzmkanyicy: we will go server 1 to server 2 first22:01
mmvxYoman what do you mean connect? With a command shell?22:02
Doonzdone. now ill scp it to server 222:02
_dreamy_in apache how do i set the directory of my index.htm ?22:02
Yomanmmvx, yea ^22:02
mkanyicyDoonz, then on server 2, do the same "ssh-keygen" and press ENTER all the way to the end22:02
minimecYoman: ssh ?22:02
Yomanmmvx, doesn't that require login?22:02
HBSCdoes anybody know anything about ipod initial setup without itunes?22:03
Doonzmkanyicy: ok ran ssh-keygen on both servers22:03
mmvxYoman unless the sysadmins at google are very lax22:03
Yomanmmvx, I mean the program.. it seems to always try and log me in under my username automatically22:03
redleafnewser, have you read the grub manual?22:04
mkanyicyDoonz, ok, scp the public rsa key of server 1 to the ~ directory of server 222:04
kpas_dreamy_: it defaults to /var/www/22:04
Yomanmmvx, or is there an option to make an anomymous connection?22:04
mmvxYoman if you use ssh you can log in as a different user with the -l USER or user@ format22:04
Doonzmkanyicy: done22:04
_dreamy_kpas: however i whould like to set it to my .. normal user home dir, id like to use my second index.htm22:05
mkanyicyDoonz, ssh to server222:05
ChinoChanoguys, what can i do? reminder: upgrading from 9.04 is pain in the arse. gdm won t give me gnome access22:05
mkanyicyDoonz, mv -vi ~/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/authorized_keys22:05
Yomanmmvx, ok so say I wanted to connect to google on port 80 anomymously with ssh22:06
nitro_ahh ici ya du monde lol22:06
mmvxmkanyicy that needs to be on the remote server no?22:06
dksobaIs there a way to do a "standby" style reboot? When I come back from standby, all my windows and sessions are still there. I'd like to be able to do this, but when coming back from a reboot. Running 9.1022:06
mmvxYoman you'll not be able to do that22:06
mmvxyou can telnet google.com 8022:06
mmvxand issue a few commands to GET the web page22:07
bogdan_ce tare22:07
mkanyicyDoonz,  scp the id_rsa.pub file to sever1 in the ~ folder22:07
Yomanmmvx, yea that's exactly what I wanted =) thanks22:07
jtoftIs there any tool to resize ext3 without having to boot up into a knoppox-like environment? Say, resizing a drive remotely?22:08
Doonzmkanyicy: and repeat the step22:08
mkanyicyDoonz, and then CTRL + D to return back to server 122:08
ChinoChanoi  m installing ubuntu-desktop22:08
mmvxmkanyicy you can just issue the command: cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@server 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'22:08
mkanyicyDoonz, on server1 : mv -vi ~/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/authorized_keys22:08
Doonzmkanyicy: done22:08
mmvxmkanyicy then you just get asked for the password once and it's done22:09
mkanyicymmvx, i saw your fancy command but I don't trust it22:09
mmvxmkanyicy I do this for a living22:09
mkanyicyDoonz, it's done now22:09
Doonzmkanyicy: now test it out22:09
mkanyicyDoonz, if it does not work, it will never work22:09
Doonzhere it goes22:09
mkanyicyDoonz, ?22:09
mkanyicyDoonz, does it work?22:10
Doonzsame thing22:10
Doonzserver 1 to server 2 works like expected. server 2 to server 1 propmts22:10
mkanyicyDoonz, mmvx I give up myself22:11
Doonzmkanyicy:  thanx for trying22:11
ChinoChanook so qpt-get update and apt-get upgrade do nothing, cause nothing to be done...22:11
mmvxDoonz just remove the .ssh/authorized key files22:11
Doonzmmvx: sorry i wasnt ignoring you on purpose was just trying to follow one set of commands22:11
ChinoChanoi ll try to reboot one last time.22:11
ChinoChanothen I ll have to go for windows...22:11
Doonzmmvx: on wich server22:11
_cbAfter many hours of trying to get sound back I think my best bet is to re-install Ubuntu. Want to keep my dual boot XP and home folder. Any web sites that may tell me how to do that?22:11
Mortal_hi, I have problems unencrypting my encrypted (encryptfs) home directory after changing login passwords. is this the right place to pose a question about that?22:11
mmvxDoonz on both22:11
bastid_raZorDoonz: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/152  check this page out.22:11
Doonzmmvx: done22:12
mmvxDoonz looking back I think you need to delete the keys too22:12
mmvxDoonz so your .ssh folders are both empty22:13
Doonzmmvx: ok 1 sec22:13
mmvxDoonz then ssh-keygen on both22:13
ChinoChanommvx, ok so now i can login. but no menus, nothing. just an empty icon for Computer22:13
Doonzmmvx: done22:14
mcprtkis there any irc chatroom for kubuntu???22:14
ChinoChanono way to logout, ... ctrl alt backspace no longer works here...22:14
mmvxDoonz then on both servers just run this command: cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@otherserver 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'22:14
mmvxDoonz what this does is to print the key into the authorized key file on the other server22:15
ChinoChanook i had to reboot... i ll try SAFE gnome...22:15
scottj_Anyone know a good console or curses app that combines ps and top into one? when I run ps it would be nice to be able to scroll through the output and press k on any process to kill it instead of having to type kill and the pid22:15
Doonzok gimme a sec22:15
bastid_raZorDoonz: follow the link i gave you and it will explain how to do what you want.. also troubleshooting if things go wrong..22:15
mmvxChicoChano ctrl alt backspace has been removed sadly22:15
ChinoChanocould it be that somehow the upgrade process destroyed my USER's space?22:15
ChinoChanommvx, i didn t know. but we can put it back it is not a problem22:15
mmvxChicoChano it's been removed from default ubuntu install is what I mean22:16
ChinoChanommvx, problem is now: has the upgrade crashed my user sessions?22:16
BluesKajscottj_, like the system monitor widget ?22:16
scottj_mmvx: do you know why they did that? (remove c-al-bs)22:16
ChinoChanommvx, i understood you. but it s just editing a line in xorg.conf if I eremember properly22:16
scottj_BluesKaj: haven't useed that, but I'm looking for somethign consoley22:16
bastid_raZorscottj_: htop or top22:17
mmvxChicoChano you can check if your home dir is ok? Do you get to a login prompt in gdm?22:17
scottj_bastid_raZor: will those let me kill the processes?22:17
mmvxscottj_ no not sure, protecting us from ourselves :)22:17
Doonzmmvx: ok done22:17
BluesKajwell scottj_, it's a biy guiie , but it has kill options22:17
netbookHow can I rollback gdm to 2.20?22:17
bastid_raZorscottj_: htop will, let me look at top22:17
bastid_raZorscottj_: yes, top can also22:18
mmvxDoonz you should have been asked for a password on both occasions, and now if things worked out ok you'll not!22:18
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work22:18
Doonzok let me test22:18
plustax2I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything22:18
netbookI type 'gdm --version' and it says it failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager22:18
bastid_raZornetbook: apt-cache policy gdm22:19
ChinoChanommvx, i logged from f2 and my home and docs are ok.22:20
mmvxChicoChano that's a good start22:20
ChinoChanobut in gdm when i type in the password, it s just BUGGED. awfully bugged.22:20
Doonzmmvx: still the same problem server1 to server2 works. server2 to server1 doesnt22:21
mmvxDoonz ARGH22:21
Doonz:~/.ssh$ ssh -o PreferredAuthenticationspublickey private.com22:21
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work22:21
DoonzPermission denied (publickey,password).22:21
plustax2I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything22:21
mmvxDoonz I'm going to sit in the corner with mkanyicy22:21
bastid_raZorDoonz: you have to do the same for 2 to 1 to work. create the key on two and send it to one.22:21
mkanyicyDoonz, mmvx this beyond public key sharing22:21
ChinoChanoreinstalling GDM now...22:21
mmvxDoonz you can log in though using password?22:22
bastid_raZormmvx: mkanyicy if eithre of you would have looked at the page i gave Doonz you would clearly see it is possible.22:22
theclawwhen using two displays, is it possible in Gnome to change on which display the panels (ubuntu menu, taskbar, ...) get displayed?22:22
Doonzbastid_raZor: thanx but that is the guide i followed22:22
mkanyicymmvx, Doonz perhaps there is a proxy server / firewall22:22
mmvxbastid_raZor thanks22:22
Doonzmkanyicy: no22:22
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work22:22
plustax2I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything22:22
ChinoChanoDoes Ubuntu use GDM?22:23
lstarnesChinoChano: yes22:23
ChinoChanowell... another try then22:23
Doonzmkanyicy: if it was firewall or proxe i would not be able to connect22:23
netbookHow can I rollback gdm to 2.20?22:23
mkanyicyDoonz, u r right22:23
mmvxDoonz how long have you had the servers up?22:23
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work22:23
plustax2I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything22:24
rev42could you please also ask the folks at support@sharkoon.com to develop or support linux drivers, because they seem to just ignore ubuntu and linux :( let's tell them that lot's of people use linux these days.22:24
mmvxDoonz the default ssh config allows passwordless logins using keys in ubuntu22:24
shailenwhile installing redcar, upon a 'rake build' command, I get extconf.rb:13:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf-gnome2 (LoadError)22:24
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mkanyicybastid_raZor, so, you say you can fix this problem Doonz is facing?22:24
mmvxDoonz so if nothing has changed in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config files22:24
Doonzmmvx: only a few days, i just tried restarting the ssh server on server222:24
Doonzand got some errors22:24
mmvxDoonz what were they?22:24
shailenI am not able to find mkmf-gnome2 ...22:25
ChinoChanoi am connecting to SAFE-gnome session...22:25
Doonzoh wait22:25
Doonz1 sec22:25
mmvxDoonz if you are able to (i.e. you can get to the box some other way) it may be worth doing a purge and reinstall22:25
ChinoChanono icons, no menus, no panels, nothing22:25
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work22:25
plustax2I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything22:25
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work22:25
plustax2I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything22:25
FloodBot3plustax2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
mmvxDoonz of ssh, but it seems very unlikely that anything is wrong22:25
Doonzmmvx: cant physically access the box22:25
bastid_raZormkanyicy: if the guide is followed from both machines then yes, the guide will have it working.22:26
plustax2Can anyone help me out?22:26
Doonzits like server1 has some permission set that server2 doesnt22:26
mmvxbastid_raZor we did that22:26
enduser000hello, can anyone tell me how to put different wallpapers on different workspaces with ubutnu 9.10 like on the slide show on http://www.ubuntu.com/ ?22:26
ChinoChanommvx, how can i exit "properly" the X session then?22:26
plustax2I have been posting this question for an hour. Can anyone help me out?22:26
ChinoChanoi am in a session, crappy and not the one is supposed to be... and can t exit..22:26
shailenCan anyone help me with the mkmf-gnome2 not being available issue? Thanks!22:27
mkanyicybastid_raZor, but I think mmvx and i tried to follow right methods but still it never worked22:27
mmvxChicoChano you can restart gdm by dropping to F2 and sudo service gdm stop/start/restart22:27
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work22:27
plustax2I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything22:27
ChinoChanommvx, ok thanjs22:27
plustax2what do i do?22:27
snakeIs thare a way to take my window border off of my terminal in Ubuntu 9.10 GNOME22:27
plustax2snake use AWN terminal if you have it. No border on that one.22:28
mkanyicyuser terminator, snake "terminater -b" is borderless22:28
Doonzim so confused22:28
mkanyicyuser terminator, snake "terminator -b" is borderless22:28
mmvxbastid_raZor testament to the fact that the methods work is that on both occasions passwordless login worked from one to other22:28
ChinoChanommvx, ... and could it be the last GNOME session was corrupted? which files do i have to delete then?22:28
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work22:28
plustax2I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything22:28
plustax2Can you help me? will SOMEONE fcking help me?22:29
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:29
DeeTahhow do I figure out which sata driver module have I got installed?22:29
Doonzmmvx: would posting my sshd config files from both servers help22:29
mmvxChicoChano are you saying that when you log in you get a session but it's a mess22:29
dug_I upgraded my server to karmic, works fine. Removed the 2nd hard drive tho (empty), and now it won't boot, just a flashing cursor. Holding shift doesn't load grub, I checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:29
mmvxDoonz if you saw some errors, then posting them might give us a clue22:29
Doonzmmvx: yes dont restart the daemon without sudo22:29
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work. I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything. Will someone PLEASE help me?22:29
ChinoChanommvx, in USER1 i get NOTHING but a frozen system. under USER2 i get an empty COMPUTER icon and no menus, panels, nothing22:29
plustax2big problem guys. I cant move my mouse and my keyboard doesnt work. I hit show mouse though and it moves but there is no pointer and I cant click anything. Will someone PLEASE help me?22:30
mmvxDoonz but it's the ssh server on server1 thats a problem?22:30
ChinoChanoplustax, reboot?22:30
Doonzmmvx it seems like it22:30
plustax2Im afraid to just turn the button off. wont that screw it up ChinoChano22:30
elliotjhugplustax2, everyone here is a volunteer - chill out and wait - if someone knows the answer they'll help you - people might be thinking of ideas22:30
ChinoChanoplustax, restart graphical interface?22:30
mkanyicyDoonz, but I support that suggestion of mmvx that if you can, completely remove ssh server on both servers and reinstall it afresh22:30
ChinoChanodo you have jeyboard access?22:30
mmvxDoonz and server1 is local? You can access it physically?22:30
plustax2ChinoChano, how do I do that with no keyboard or mouse access?22:30
DeeTahhow do I figure out which sata driver module have I got installed?22:30
lstarnesplustax2: I think it is an issue with X's input hotplugging22:30
ChinoChanoplustax, ok so let s try the magic seq.:22:31
lstarnesplustax2: I managed to work around it by manually configuring the keyboard and mouse device22:31
Doonznot that local22:31
mmvxChicoChano you say the new user you created has no panel, no menus, nothing?22:31
syockitplustax2: you're gonna lose any unsaved changes to any open document. other than that, damage is minimal22:31
mmvxDoonz ah. pity22:31
syockitplustax2: yeah, like ChinoChano said, try the magic seq22:31
plustax2okay so just cut the power then? :/22:31
lstarnesplustax2: there might be a trick involving alt+sysrq that can fix the keyboard22:31
lstarnesplustax2: hold on22:31
ChinoChanoplustax, this is the sysreq sequence to reboot properly.22:32
lstarnesChinoChano: not yet22:32
ChinoChanogo for it :)22:32
mun_what's a good way to remove windows end line characters ^M from a file?22:32
lstarnesplustax2: before trying that22:32
syockitplustax2, ChinoChano: I'd wait between E and U though22:32
lstarnesplustax2: just do alt+sysrq+R, then try ctrl+alt+f222:32
plustax2oh my god. That sequence.22:32
plustax2It's beautiful.22:32
lstarnesplustax2: if that fails, then use the full sequence22:32
FireFighterI'm trying to partition my HDD. I'm making a swap partition and I keep getting this error: swapon: /dev/sda2: Device or resource busy22:33
ChinoChanosyockit, of course, go with calm. as in an enchantment, you must pronounce clearly all the words :)22:33
plustax2worked great22:33
plustax2thanks for your help guys22:33
syockitChinoChano: wasn't it REISUB?22:33
lstarnesU must be after S22:34
ChinoChanosyockit,  RAW       UNMOUNT REBOOT22:34
ChinoChanook sorry then22:34
enduser000can anyone tell me how to put different wallpapers on different workspaces with ubutnu 9.10 like on the slide show on http://www.ubuntu.com/ ?22:34
mun_what's a good way to remove windows carriage return characters ^M from a file?22:34
ChinoChanommvx, i did not create a new user. both users were already existing users, and i don t know how to create a new user..22:34
enduser000mun_: geany will do that for you22:34
syockitlstarnes: so after R usually it's possible to go to tty?22:34
lstarnessyockit: it should be22:34
plustax2enduser000, use ubuntu tweak and let compiz draw your wallpaper!22:34
tertittenthere's no firewall turned on by default in ubuntu 9.10 right ?22:34
lstarnestertitten: there is22:35
sirblarghmun_: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/150/remove-m-characters-at-end-of-lines-in-vi/22:35
aciculaFiReSTaRT:  tried swapoff /dev/sda2 ?22:35
VCoolioenduser000: with compiz, the wallpaper plugin; you'll loose your desktop icons though22:35
lstarnestertitten: but it is set to allow everything by default22:35
enduser000plustax2: thanks, I'll check on that22:35
tertittenlstarnes: ufw ?22:35
redlinehi everyone22:35
lstarnestertitten: ufw and iptables22:35
enduser000VCollio: ?, is that the tweak method?22:35
aciculalstarnes: there is a firewall, but it doesnt do anything by default22:35
plustax2VCoolio, actually I have a question about that too. I did that and have different wallpapers. But Im trying to make it so I can use icons on the desktop again22:35
plustax2what do I do?22:35
ChinoChanoguys, after an upgrade to 9.10 i have a weird beahaviour on gdm and i can t get any session... any bell?22:35
tertittenlstarnes: how do I switch it all of temporarly ?22:35
lstarnesacicula: I know that22:35
lstarnestertitten: you cannot disable iptables22:35
VCoolioenduser000: no, ubuntu-tweak also possible, does the same I think22:35
enduser000VCoolio: ok thanks22:36
VCoolioplustax2: use the folderview screenlet22:36
lstarnestertitten: but for ufw, try sudo ufw disable (sudo ufw enable reenables)22:36
dirksonHey all. Ubuntu tells me this for the proprietary ATI driver install: "Driver is activated but not being used" - So how do I use it?22:36
VCoolioplustax2: other than that I wouldn't know, but I don't use compiz or desktop icons22:36
redlinecan someone help me with a small issue i am having with a smb mount.  anytime i write a file/dir to the mount it gets the wrong permission.  any idea?22:36
tertittenlstarnes: ok, my problem is that mediatomb all of a sudden stopped being detected by my PS3, want to switch it all of to troubleshoot. ...22:37
jMylesI have a Dell Studio laptop that is being weird with DVDs.  I have installed restricted extras and VLC.  It reads the DVD and brings up the menu, but playing the DVD causes it to stop.  This behavior occurs with many different DVDs and different players.22:37
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:37
lstarnestertitten: ufw and iptables are almost certainly not causing that22:37
aciculajMyles: check that link, particularly the bit about setting the regiocode for the dvd player22:37
bastid_raZor!medibuntu | jMyles check this page out too.22:37
ubottujMyles check this page out too.: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:37
syockitdirkson: try the restricted drivers manager22:37
dirksonsyockit: Where? Synaptic?22:38
tertittenlstarnes: all I know is that port 1900 needs to be allowed trough for the PS3 to see mediatomb, if somehow there's all of a sudden a rule blocking port 1900 ....22:38
EdoHey all, who here has some experience in openvpn and ethernet bridging?22:38
lstarnestertitten: unless you made a rule, it wouldn't be doing that22:38
ChinoChanommvx, it seems to be something with gdm22:39
lstarnestertitten: check the connection between your system and your PS322:39
syockitdirkson: ah, in Karmic, it's System>Administration>Hardware Drivers22:39
ChinoChanohow can i downgrade?22:39
dirksonsyockit: Thanks22:39
=== nero_ is now known as ubunturookie
mmvxChicoChano drop down to terminal (F2) and sudo adduser YourUsernameOfChoice22:40
bastid_raZorChinoChano: make a newuser and try again. see if it isn't just some config file that is mucking with it.22:41
EdoSo far I have followed the ubuntu docs in setting up the openvpn. I've managed to start the server and have connected to it, but that's it. I can get anythign to go through the openvpn network.22:41
bastid_raZormmvx: my thoughts exactly.22:41
ChinoChanommvx, bastid_raZor it is in GDM the problem I think... i can t see properly the prompts nor the users...22:41
EdoI'm pretty sure it has something to do with my ethernet bridging issues22:41
ChinoChanoi restart it, but there s always something dodgy22:42
Edoany ideas guys?22:42
gokeyi just plugged my microsoft wireless keyboard and its typing the wrong charactors22:42
ChinoChanommvx, bastid_raZor i created the new user...22:43
BluesKajgokey, system admin settings for locale and keyboard22:43
ChinoChanoagain, no nice window to type in the pepito password...22:43
ChinoChano(pepito is new useR)22:43
mmvxChicoChano now log in as them at gdm prompt (restart gdm if need be)22:43
RubbberDuckyI have a Presonus Audio Interface and I was wondering if it will be possible to use it with ubuntu.22:43
ChinoChanommvx, done.22:44
Mortal_when you change your password through the gui and you have ecryptfs encryption enabled, will the home directory be rewrapped with the new password?22:44
ChinoChanoi have the default 9.10 background i guess...22:44
dirksonsyockit: Ok, the user I'm trying to support doesn't know what to click, and I can't see the damn gui to tell him. Which bit should he be clicking on here?22:44
lstarnesMortal_: I think so22:44
mmvxChicoChano and any menus etc?22:44
marcohi, at the beginning of the boot process there is a message that says "Try (hd(0,0): NTFS 5: no wubildr" that takes one miute to disappear. is there a way to make it go away?22:44
ChinoChanono panels. no icons, nothing except the right click22:44
ChinoChanonothing else...22:44
ChinoChanoalt f2 or f1 (run command) no working neither22:45
syockitdirkson: hmm I'm not sure how it appears like when not yet installed. and I installed mine through some other way22:45
ChinoChanothis is completely fucked. HATE this22:45
gokeyblueskaj, i dont see keyboard in admin22:45
dirksonsyockit: *shakes his finger at you*22:45
jibadeehaMortal_, yes22:45
ChinoChanoF1 pops up the Ubuntu HELP... :S22:46
Edono one? openvpn know how?22:46
Mortal_ok, thanks lstarnes and jibadeeha22:46
schnoggoIs this a good place to ask for basic sound configuration help? Or is there a more appropriate channel?22:46
ChinoChanothe gnome panel belongs to which package?22:46
ChinoChanoi m fed up22:47
ChinoChanono time for this.22:47
ChinoChanothanks guys, anyway, but this has been useless.22:47
ChinoChanoFKING upgrades. really.22:47
ChinoChanonight guys22:47
Mortal_my sister has an encrypted homedir, and she changed her password through the GUI. I changed it back with passwd. now the encrypted homedir won't mount - will I have to change login password back to the "new" password and try and pass that to the ecrypt-* tools instead? if the encrypted store has been rewrapped, that is22:48
gokeywhen i type M on my wireless keyboard, it comes out Q22:48
syockitdirkson: I understand your feeling. https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/hardware/C/restricted-manager.html22:48
Aquaraptoris it bluetooth?22:48
Aquaraptormaybe some kind of rfi?22:48
mike_kdhclient is being weird22:48
mike_kits sending a dhcpdiscover on eth0 as expected, but on wlan0, its requesting the same ip as it had on the last network22:49
mike_kwhich is NOT working since the new network uses a different range22:49
BluesKajgokey, sorry i use kde and the sttings are different then gnome , try to access your KB settings and change the KB locale22:49
mike_kim not even sure where its getting the old ip from...22:49
Jeruvy!hi | sonixen22:50
ubottusonixen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:50
gokeyblueskaj, tried it, nothing22:50
sonixenif one of us is from uk?22:50
Jeruvysonixen: this is a support channel, if you want to chat join #ubuntu-offtopic :)22:51
dirksonsyockit: Thank you ^^ That is resoundingly useful22:51
mike_kanyone have any idea? <.<22:51
sonixenok sorry everyone see you next time good thing for all22:52
mmvxmike_k how is wlan0 configured?22:52
triple_xgokey walked in on the end of your issue been do dishes what is your problem a keyboard issue????22:53
mike_kmmvx: it has no ip address22:53
mike_ki tried putting in a random one22:53
mike_kand dhclient somehow still tries to get the old one22:53
mike_ki have no idea how it even knows what the old one was22:53
mike_kit wasnt configured statically, it shouldnt be stored anywhere at all22:53
gokeytriple_x, plugged in my wireless usb keyboard22:53
gokeyand the layout is wrong22:54
gokeytriple_x, preferences doesnt seem to fix the issue22:54
jMylesacicula: Thanks for the response on the DVD issue - that did it.  Also thanks to bastid_raZor22:54
triple_xdid you to to preferences and keyboard22:54
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gokeylaptop keyboard works fine, as i am using it22:54
schnoggoJust built a new m4a785td based machine for home theater. (AM3, onboard everything). Fresh install of Karmic. Not getting sound from any analog or digital port. Suggestions?22:54
Nete_Hello, my audio driver just stopped working I think. No sound.22:55
mmvxmike_k is it in /etc/network/interfaces?22:55
baz_anybody know why when use fsck with the -v flag, i get no output22:55
trijntje!sound | schnoggo22:56
ubottuschnoggo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:56
mike_kmmvx: nope, interfaces only has settings for eth022:56
convergeim looking for a web host to host my website, somebody can recomend someone?22:56
convergewith php;mysql22:56
ubuntu i can't get into ubuntu studio my monitor says out of range?22:56
trijntje!sound | Nete_,22:56
ubottuNete_,: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:56
mmvxmike_k and usually it uses network manager?22:56
chiqueshow do I find my password through xterm?22:56
mike_kmmvx: nope, its all done by hand. i have no x server installed22:57
mmvxah ok22:57
mmvxmike_k so how do you tell it which network it's on?22:57
ubuntuhow can i change mi resolucion?22:57
mike_kmmvx: i put it on the network with iwconfig22:57
mmvxmike_k ifconfig wlan0 network x.x.x.x?22:58
ubuntu  if theres nothing that set up with my monitor?22:58
gokeytriple_x, any idea?22:58
Diverdudewhere is adobe acrobat reader installed? I need to select an application to open pdf files with from a program22:58
mike_kmmvx: i'd try a static IP but i cant remember the range :P22:58
mike_kits 10.x.y.0-25522:58
mike_kx and y are random.22:58
triple_xgokey I have a similar keyboard/mouse (the cordless desktop S 510), and I often have the same problem.22:58
triple_xMine is nothing to do with ubuntu, it's just the poor signal strength of the logitech cordless desktop products. You mention that pressing ctrl+alt+del will restore functionality. The key to that is that by pressing ctrl+alt+del, you are probably slightly and naturally repositioning yourself or the keyboard, temporarily providing a clear path for the signal. When you again become comfortable...22:58
triple_x...then your signal goes away.22:58
FloodBot3triple_x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:59
triple_xI'm not saying you're not having a bug, I would just suggest conclusively eliminating the possibility of signal or battery or hardware problems, as your description of the problem exactly describes signal and battery problems.22:59
schnoggoubottu: Double-clicking volume control does not bring up anything. hovering shows my currently selsected output device.22:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:59
mmvxmike_k I see what you mean22:59
triple_xgokey https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/30595522:59
mike_kill try running tcpdump to find the range22:59
mike_kworked :D23:00
syockitschnoggo: right click it, select sound preferences. umm, what was it about again?23:00
Steve132I'm using karmic on amd64, and I'm getting the same thing as this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/39023023:00
luis_Jesus christ i need help i am desesperated already! for some reason firefox download helper conversions are failing!!! but in christmas i could download and convert a song to mp3 from youtube, whats happening people...!23:00
Steve132It says "fix released" but gives no details of what that means23:00
Doonzfix it home dir was chomd to 77723:00
Steve132I've tried different install options/locations23:00
mmvxmike_k you'd think dhclient would handle it all, I'll remember that23:01
luis_Jesus christ i need help i am desesperated already! for some reason firefox download helper conversions are failing!!! but before christmas i could download and convert any song from flv to mp3 from youtube, whats happening people...!?23:02
Diverdudewhere is adobe acrobat reader installed? I need to select an application to open pdf files with from a program23:02
mmvxluis_ that is indeed critically important23:02
luis_for me is...23:02
luis_cannot live without my music...23:03
mmvxmmvx has anything changed on your system23:03
syockitSteve132: fix released: it's already fixed in the latest package, yay! now, if only they backport it to our version...23:03
jMylesWith ipod nano, user can copy files to the ipod nano (it acts like a USB flash drive) but it will not play from the device.23:03
mmvxoops luis_ has anything changed on your system23:03
mkanyicyluis_, still wrestling with that? try avidemux or winff23:03
mneptokluis_: there's really no need to potentially offend Christians in asking for help.23:03
Steve132syockit: so, what does that mean?  How can I install a copy of karmic koala when the installer is broken?23:03
liarjMyles: you could install rockbox on the nano :)23:04
Steve132Like, I'm not gonna switch to ubuntu if the installer doesn't work23:04
triple_xgokey after reading around seems more like a driver issue then a keyboard issue???23:04
jMylesliar: I'll look up rockbox.  What does it do and why do you recommend it?23:04
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luis_Wait... WHAT?! if I say jesus christ is a form of expression of exclamation, not a offense ¬¬23:04
luis_anyway firefox download helper can only use ffmpeg as encoder23:04
Steve132are there any steps I can take to fix it?23:04
mneptokluis_: it's uncalled for23:04
luis_sorry then..!23:05
liarjMyles: its an alternative to the apple os23:05
mkanyicyDiverdude, type "which acroread"23:05
babarogaHi , I want to get involved in someway in developing ubuntu , what do you recommend ?23:05
liarjMyles: and you dont need any sync software like itunes with it23:05
babarogayes luis_23:06
luis_babaroga: if u really wanna get involved in helping ubuntu, u could really help us my creating a code than in some way, manage to reproduce various audios without Nvidia sound driver crash23:06
Steve132So... if the installer for Karmic is broken23:06
mkanyicybabaroga, go to ubuntu.com and read everything you can see on how you can get involved23:06
Steve132I guess I should go back to win7?23:06
syockitSteve132: the fix will only be present in (A) new Karmic Koala installer CD (like 9.10.1 or something), or (B) the next Ubuntu release (10.04)23:06
luis_example: i cannot reproduce youtube and amarok at same time, because the audio crashes and u dont get sound babaroga23:06
liarjMyles: but it only works with the first and second gen nano23:06
luis_that would be a REAL help!23:07
marekw2143hi, what is zziplib responsible for ?23:07
syockitSteve132: so you have to try any workaround suggested there23:07
mmvxbabaroga I have a feeling luis_ may not give you totally impartial advice :)23:07
sacho_Ubuntu 9.04 seems to hang during certain events related to my wireless network(ie, switching from wired to wireless after going home from work, or when my wireless network has problems). Where could I even begin debugging this?23:07
Needs_Helphow can i get my tablet pen to work in ubuntu23:07
luis_mmvx ¬¬23:07
babarogaluis_ sorry but I'm not that geek to do that23:07
luis_hahahaha! thats why no one do its my friend xD23:07
mmvxluis_ I don't know what that means23:07
trijntjeNeeds_Help, google the model etc23:07
Diverdudemkanyicy, then i get /usr/bin/acroread   but when i do cd /usr/bin/acroread it says not a directory ??23:07
ubuntui can't change my resolution23:07
ubuntuy can't get into ubuntu studio23:08
Steve132Ok, so 9.10.1 doesn't exist, does that mean I should do... what, exactly?23:08
mmvxbabaroga there is plenty of advice on the ubuntu forums about getting involved23:08
mkanyicyDiverdude, thats a binary file not an directory23:08
bastid_raZorDiverdude: /usr/bin/ is a the directory and acroread ia the binary in that directory23:08
bastid_raZorDiverdude: what are you trying to do?23:08
Steve132I mean, the installer just fails no matter what I do, and the Bug page there has no suggestions23:08
jMylesliar: the user is concerned that the video record function may not work.  According to their website, rockbox does appear to support nano 5th gen, which we believe this to be.23:08
mkanyicyDiverdude, not necessarily binary23:08
mmvxSteve132 does it just fail at installing grub?23:08
luis_i need help i am desesperated already! for some reason firefox download helper conversions are failing!!! but before christmas i could download and convert any song from flv to mp3 from youtube, whats happening people...!?23:09
jMylesliar: Do you know of others who have had this same problem?  Can you point us to a forum or anything?23:09
liarjMyles: no it doesnt support the 5th gen nano23:09
syockitSteve132: hmm, I suppose you're getting this error because you wanted to put grub on something else other than the disk itself, right?23:09
jtajiDiverdude: the default PDF viewer is /usr/bin/evince .... do you really need acrobat in particular/have you installed it?23:09
Steve132syockit: no23:09
syockitSteve132: full regular install?23:09
babarogaWhat do you think about MOTU team, is that difficult ?23:09
Steve132syockit: yes23:09
mmvxluis_ what has changed on your system23:09
liarjMyles: i havent seen all messages. whats the problem?23:09
luis_mmvx what u mean?23:10
minimecNeeds_Help: Tablet pens usually ned a seperate udev rule, as otherwise they are seen by the X server as mouse devices. do 'lsusb' in a console and check the XXX:XXX number of the tablet device. then google for 'udev xxx:xxx'23:10
Mortal_Steve132, if the problem is specific to ubiquity (the graphical installer), you could try the alternate installer23:10
marcoI have a dvd with data and I would like to add some photos to it. what program should I use?23:10
mmvxluis_ well it used to work, now it doesn't so something must have changed23:11
luis_mmvx what has changed is than now there is a notice when u finish downloading an flv and trying to convert it to mp3 saying: Conversion of X song failed, download again, and again... and again...23:11
bastid_raZormarco: k3b, brasero, nautilus...23:11
Steve132Mortal_: so try the text-mode installer from the alternate?23:11
mkanyicybabaroga, read everything you can from here, it will give you all the info you want: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/23:11
NoCodeWhat can I do about Karmic making those thumping sounds? It seems like when the speakers are not in use something turns something off and it makes the speakers thump. Happens every few minutes23:11
luis_mmvx i dont have touched anything referring to sound or conversion with the terminal23:11
Mortal_yeah Steve132, I guess, I'm no ubuntu installer pro, but that would be my immediate thought23:11
marcothanks bastid_raZor23:11
mmvxluis_ have you updated downloadhelper recently?23:11
luis_everything was intact23:11
luis_let me check...23:11
mmvxluis_ is there an update available?23:11
fsufitchhey, i have problems charging my laptop battery. even when plugged in, it loses charge at a slow rate, and the power manager always says that "Laptop battery is fully charged"23:11
syockitSteve132: if this happens at the end of the whole installation (i.e. you saw it copy the files etc) you probably just need to fix the grub thing. which I don't have much info....23:11
Steve132syockit:  I have a hardware raid setup, so would that cause the problem?  You mentioned "Installing it on just the disk"23:11
mmvxluis_ that extension seems to be updated all the time23:12
Mortal_Steve132, the bug report you linked to says it's specific to ubiquity, but from the nature of the problem it could sound like you'll get the same problems with the alt. installer23:12
Diverdudemkanyicy, thank you23:12
syockitoh g-RAID.23:12
luis_jesus! there is an actualization! let me try it23:12
afromanDr_Willis: hej willis23:12
luis_thanks dude, i mean mmvx23:12
Steve132Mortal_: thats what I'm concerned about23:12
mkanyicyDiverdude, no prob23:12
mmvxSteve123 is there anything special about your disk configuration23:12
Steve132mmvx: I mentioned I have a hardware RAID mirror setup23:13
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Steve132but I don't see how that would actually matter23:13
Steve132its hardware-level23:13
MaT-dg1When I select an image for the skydome in compiz there's a gradient overlay on top of it23:13
Steve132so the OS shouldn't even be aware of it23:13
Steve132in theory23:13
=== nero_ is now known as ubunturookie
Bennitanyone has an idea where the remote opened directories are mounted when done through the connect menu?23:14
mmvxSteve132 you see it as one block of free space in the partitioner?23:14
Bennit(sftp dir)23:14
Steve132mmvx: Yes23:14
babarogais testing Lucid in VirtualBox effective, or it needs a partition ?23:14
mkanyicycurious about the status on the support of Compro Videomate T750F tv tuner card, if anyone knows a info or a link, please update me23:14
minimecbabaroga: For hardware testing, you need to install it on the host, otherwise you only test the virtualbox driver ;)23:15
syockithmm does grub2 support raid?23:15
mkanyicyBennit, what do you want to do, want to mount by nautilus and use terminal to navigate to those folders?23:16
mmvxSteve132 do you have much experience with grub?23:16
fsufitchcan someone help me with power problems? the power manager says "State: fully charged", but "Percentage: 14.2%", and I can't get my laptop to charge. screenshot of power manager info here: http://i804.photobucket.com/albums/yy322/fsufitch/Screenshot-PowerStatistics-DeviceIn.png23:16
syockitSteve132: try checking https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID23:16
Aquaraptorwow that's a nice utility, fsufitch23:16
Steve132syockit: Hardware RAID, not Software RAID23:16
Bennitmkanyicy: yes23:16
mmvxsyockit it's hardware raid23:16
syockitraid looks creepy23:16
fsufitchAquaraptor, it's the default that comes with ubuntu, if i right click on my battery and click power history23:17
NerikoI'm having issues with my internet. No matter what browser I use(firefox, opera) I can't access secure websites. Anyone know why?23:17
Steve132mmvc: A little bit...I understand a little of how it works and I've repaired grub before on an ubuntu 8.10 install23:17
Steve132mmvx: see above^23:17
mmvxSteve132 there is a way in which you can boot into a live cd and then mount the install partition, chroot into it and try to install grub from there23:17
user___can someone help me out with cups? i cant find it anywhere. it doesnt appear to be installed, but the package is.23:17
mmvxSteve132 but it's a bit tricky and may not work23:18
Steve132mmvx: ok, I think I've actually done that before...but can you maybe walk me through it?23:18
Steve132or point me somewhere?23:18
Snausagesuser___: go to and you'll see it23:18
triple_xSacho: follow this link good luck https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/30595523:18
mkanyicyBennit, I really don't know, if i were u, i'd ssh to the remote machine and navigate there with terminal, and use scp or midnight commander to transfer files. maybe try to install the add-on for nautilus that makes you rightlick on a folder and then open terminal on that specific location.23:18
mmvxSteve132 I think there's a guide somewhere, but it refers to grub 1, although there shouldn't be much difference23:18
adacIs it possible to create a new user with an encrypted home partition?23:18
Sachotriple_x: <3 thanks.23:18
Snausagesuser___: it's all web interface, so follow that link and if it's in and running you'll be at the admin screen23:18
Steve132I don't actually care at this point23:18
mmvxSteve132 basically you exit the install as cleanly as possible23:19
Steve132Yeah, after the error the install quits itself23:19
Steve132I'm looking at the liveCD desktop right now23:19
mmvxSteve132 then boot into the live cd, find your install partition in /dev/ and mount it somewhere like /mnt/target23:19
user___Snausages, that doesnt load for me :(23:19
mkanyicyadac, but why this obssession with encryption nowadays?23:19
marcoanyone knows how to remove the 2 seconds pause in brasero?23:20
mmvxSteve132 I'll have a look for the guide because I think you need to mount /dev in the chroot23:20
NerikoMy connection problem only happens with my account...the other account on my machine works perfectly23:20
Snausagesuser___: then perhaps cups is not running.  Wish I knew more but that's all I had for you.23:20
triple_xSacho: wrong link sorry oppss https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/troubleshooting.html23:20
mkanyicymarco, no one knows that23:20
Bennitmkanyicy: I was unzipping remotely :p23:20
user___Snausages, thanks, appreciate any help.23:21
adacmkanyicy, If I wouldn't had my usb stick encrypted (the whole stick) then now someone, the one who stole it,  would have all my projects and data23:21
Bennitanyways, coppied them to my machine since I have to leave anyway23:21
Bennitthanks anyways , cya'll23:21
mmvxSteve132 here it is - the bottom half of the first post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435123:21
CharlesRinstalled ubuntu 9.10 on a AMD 550 mHz with 768 meg memory. it works, but so slow as to be unusable. the same machine, with much less memory then, did great with win2k. any way to speed it up?23:21
mkanyicyadac, ahhaaa, know I know, thanks23:22
mkanyicyCharlesR, disable compiz23:22
mkanyicyCharlesR, use bigger swap partition23:23
NerikoAnyone with a clue?23:23
CharlesRmkanyicy, how do i do that?23:23
triple_xCharlesR: what are you using gnome could install another windows manager eats less resources23:23
mkanyicyCharlesR, compiz?23:23
CharlesRhow do i disable compiz?23:23
triple_xyes compiz eats lots of resources...23:23
mkanyicyCharlesR, the suggestion by triple_x is even far better23:24
mmvxmkanyicy you know Doonz's problem was 777 permissions on his home dir. How did that happen!! :)23:24
triple_xmkanyicy yeah right ;)23:24
CharlesRtriple_x i am using all defaults23:24
mkanyicymmvx, serious!23:24
bastid_raZorCharlesR: alt + F2 and type metacity --replace ..that will turn if off23:24
Doonzmkanyicy: yeppers23:24
wormsyhow do i disable "so and so has left the chat" messages? I'm kind of an idiot about IRC23:24
CharlesRok bastid_raZor23:24
mkanyicy!yay | Doonz23:24
ubottuDoonz: Glad you made it! :-)23:24
Doonzmkanyicy: set it to 755 and it was all good23:25
luis_mmvx if love you man, i got my download helper back to work, thanks! now i can finally continue downloading electro for the dj party mix in 5 days ;)23:25
Doonzi remember why i set it to 77723:25
dim3000My printer only seems to work with Windows, what other options do i have?23:25
mkanyicymmvx, Doonz I never knew that ssh was checking permissions as well for security reasons23:25
mmvx!yay | luis_23:25
ubottuluis_: Glad you made it! :-)23:25
jtajidim3000: what's the make and model?23:26
mmvxmkanyicy I didn't know it was THAT pedantic23:26
alesanhi how do I install acroread on ubunut?23:26
Supersaiyan_IVCharlesR, to disable it permanently you go to system→preferences→appearance→Visual Effects→Set it to 'none'23:26
dim3000jtaji: Old LaserJet 310023:26
CharlesRok Supersaiyan_IV23:26
adacmkanyicy, Yeah encryption will become more and more important with all this mobile devices23:26
triple_xCharlesR: need to look into another windows manager   or desktop lcde or xfce  http://xwinman.org/23:26
CharlesRok triple_x23:27
Steve132mmvx: So, I followed the guide23:27
Steve132and it worked23:27
IlmaticHey guys, what is the command to uninstall an application?23:27
mkanyicyadac, seemingly desktop guys like me are left behind :(23:27
mmvxSteve132 great news23:27
Steve132up unto "sudo grub"23:27
triple_xCharlesR: ops mean lxde not lcde23:27
Steve132and it says "unable to resolve host ubuntu"23:27
dim3000Ilmatic: sudo apt-get remove <app>23:27
mmvxSteve132 I had a feeling there might be a 'but'23:28
adacmkanyicy, encryption works on Desktop too :D23:28
=== sven_oostenbrink is now known as phoenixz
mkanyicyCharlesR, xubuntu comes with xfce23:28
Steve132yeah :-p23:28
jtajidim3000: unfortunately, it looks like one of the rare HP printers that DONT work well in linux... http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-LaserJet_310023:28
jtajidim3000: says it's a paperwieght23:28
Steve132also, it said "grub command not fond"23:28
Ilmaticthanks mucho dim23:28
dim3000jtaji: i know i checked23:28
dim3000Ilmatic: np :)23:28
mmvxSteve132 that's a sudo issue, you're root anyway aren't you?23:28
Steve132sudo chmod23:28
FloodBot3Steve132: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
dim3000jtaji: maybe if I use a vm with windows and print from inside it, but thats too compilcated23:29
dim3000jTaji: guess ill just set up a seprate print serve23:29
jtajidim3000: that's really the only solution short of selling it and getting something else23:29
mmvxSteve132 try it without sudo, but I have a feeling you may run into the command not found again23:29
dim3000jtaji: no i also have a newr color printer (not laser)23:30
Steve132Yeah, I did, its saying "grub" is not a command...  using tabcomplete seems to imply using "grub-mkconfig" etc23:30
dim3000jtaji: but laser was good for mass printing23:30
syockitSteve132: you may have to install it... wait, chrooted?23:30
unimatrixanyone know how to run a graphical program from terminal so that it shows up on some other user's X session?23:30
mmvxSteve132 it's in /sbin but I think you need /sbin and /usr/bin in your path23:30
jtajidim3000: they sure are23:30
=== Gnea_ is now known as Gnea
IlmaticHey how come I can't remove XChat-GNOME IRC CHAT with this command:  sudo apt-get remove XChat-GNOME IRC CHAT?23:31
D_K_2question gentlemen, when i open appearences and preferences it loads all of the wallpaper images into thumbnails (which is fine), but if theres alot of wallpapers it takes a while to load. is there a way to cache the pics? or not have them load thumbnails? ideas welcome23:31
Steve132mmvx: Its not in /sbin either in my chroot23:31
blakkheimIlmatic: that's not the package name..23:31
flandersDoes anyone know of an up-to-date wireless compability list? I am thinking of buying the D-Link DWA-125 USB wireless adapter (or even the DWA-130), but it seems hard to find out if they are compatible or not.23:31
dim3000jtaji: thanks anyways (damn those host-based ms printers)23:32
mkanyicyunimatrix, I don't think that can be that easy, because you have to be authorized (via X) to do that23:32
jtajiIlmatic: sudo apt-get remove xchat-gnome23:32
schnoggosyockit: Sorry - off on a conference call. My issue is that I have a new machine with serious onboard audio and I did a fresh Karmic install. I'm not getting sound on any digital or analog output. right-clicking the volume control shows my S/PDIF output.23:32
unimatrixmkanyicy: well of course i'm assuming that i have the authorization23:32
mmvxSteve132 sorry /usr/sbin23:32
dim3000Ilmatic: use synaptic if you arent sure to make it easier23:32
Steve132mmvx: not there either23:33
afromananybody knows how to fix screen tearing? apart from the obvious v-sync in ati control center, is there any other way to fix it?23:33
Steve132we have grub-mkconfig23:33
dirksonHey all. What's the package name of the flash plugin?23:33
syockitSteve132: if this is Karmic, then it's using grub223:33
Steve132and a couple other grub-*23:33
syockitSteve132: the commands are a bit different23:33
mmvxSteve132 no grub-install?23:33
Steve132not in the chroot23:33
syockitSteve132: wow, strange23:33
mkanyicyunimatrix, that is a hard assumption, if you can do that, then it can be done23:33
Ilmatichey jtaji it says that it can't remove it becaue the package insn't installed but I clearly have it on my computer..23:33
mmvxcan you apt-get install it?23:33
Ilmaticso what the heckk23:33
unimatrixmkanyicy: yes, the problem is how23:34
Steve132mmvx: grub-install is valid in the Live distro23:34
mkanyicyunimatrix, then you could simply export the DISPLAY env variable23:34
jtajiIlmatic: you might have xchat, not xchat-gnome23:34
bastid_raZor!hardware | flanders look here >23:34
ubottuflanders look here >: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:34
mmvxoops Steve132 can you apt-get update (may need to mount the cdrom or disable it in /etc/apt/sources.list23:34
flandersThank you.23:34
dim3000Ilmatic: try just xhat23:35
syockitschnoggo: in Terminal, try running alsamixer. see if master volume is not set to 023:35
IlmaticI have both actually.23:35
IlmaticI wanted to uninstall xchat gnome because it won't work.23:35
IlmaticI installed it by mistake actually23:35
Steve132mmvx: Unfortunately, I can't get the LiveCD online...my wifi card is being finicky...I plan on getting it to work using NDISWrapper pretty easily after the system is installed23:35
Ilmaticwouldn't that remove my xchat application as well?23:35
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Steve132mmvx: Would mounting the CD-ROM allow me to use the CD as a package source?23:36
DubAndyI've installed minidlna. I ran "usr/sbin/minidlna -f /etc/minidlna.conf" from my /home/minidlna. In the activity monitor I have 3 minidlna process running with id's: 1916 1908 1903. but it says they are sleeping. and I cannot get my samsung blueray to find it.23:36
mmvxSteve132 ok looks like the install didn't get it onto the target. Yes you should be able to do that.23:36
unimatrixmkanyicy: that's it? just set it to whatever session and anything i execute will show up on that session?23:36
dim3000Ilmatic: what exactly are you trying to do?23:36
AhijahCan I force a dist-upgrade to ignore new kernel versions?  I've been googling for a while and can't seem to find an answer23:36
IlmaticOkay, I have both xchat and xchat gnome.23:37
bastid_raZor!pin | Ahijah ..although i'm unsure how well that will work with kernels.23:37
IlmaticI want to remove xchat gnome because it's taking up space.23:37
ubottuAhijah ..although i'm unsure how well that will work with kernels.: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto23:37
Steve132mmvx: Ok, I tried "sudo mount /dev/cdrom" and oit said it was already mounted23:37
mkanyicyunimatrix, I think there is only 1 session with graphical applications running23:37
mmvxAhijah you can lock packages in synaptic23:37
Ilmaticand the fact that it doensn't work23:37
Yomanis there any program which allows me to see detailed information send by another specific program on my computer to the internet?23:37
mmvxSteve132 in the chroot what is the output of df?23:37
LA-SnowI'm dual booting with Windows 7.  The menu gets longer and longer as I do updates with Ubuntu and now there's 3 different Ubuntus listed along with the safe modes.  How I remove the older 2 from the list?23:37
Ahijahbastid_raZor: ubottu I'll take a look at pinning, thanks23:38
Ahijahmmvx: I'll also look at locking the packages, thanks23:38
Steve132I can't copy/paste it here 'cause its a little harder23:38
mmvxSteve132 is the cdrom mentioned?23:38
gigawattanyone here songbird with an ipod?23:38
dirkson.... Please tell me apt-url isn't enabled by default in ubuntu?23:38
fatumI'm using vsftpd for my webserver, so that I can login to FTP from other locations.  Currently, this only allows access to the user's home directory.  Is allowing connection from root a bad idea?  How would I allow you to see the /etc/www files as well, even from a normal user23:38
Steve132No, not inside the chroot23:38
fatumso that you can upload files23:38
dim3000Ilmatic: what happens when u do this: sudo apt-get remove xchat-gnome23:38
FloodBot3fatum: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:38
hoppelhoppelupdating linux-generic ( to by synaptic killed my boot entry for winxp :-(23:38
Steve132you want me to mount the cd inside the chroot?23:39
mmvxSteve132 yup23:39
IlmaticPackage xchat-gnome is not installed, so not removed23:39
hanophix33i am trying to play full screen videos on a 24 inch toshiba monitor, the video is very sluggish but plays fine not at full screen23:39
Ilmaticthat's exactly what it says23:39
dim3000Ilmatic: u sue u have it?23:39
blakkheimhanophix33: what video player and what cpu23:39
IlmaticI clearly have it under my internet thing23:39
mauriwhen will a new kernell be released for karmic23:39
mmvxSteve132 not certain whether it will work though as it is effectively already mounted...23:39
dim3000does it run?23:39
dim3000try this: whereis xchat-gnome23:40
mmvxmauri there was an update today I think23:40
mmvxmauri only incremental though23:40
hanophix33blackkhelm, pentium 423:40
Steve132ok, its mounted23:40
Steve132sudo apt-get update in the chroot?23:40
maurimmvx: yes.... you are right23:40
blakkheimhanophix33: flash, especially fullscreen flash, is pretty cpu intensive23:40
dirkson.... Please tell me apt-url isn't enabled by default in ubuntu?23:40
Ilmaticxchat: /usr/bin/xchat /usr/lib/xchat /usr/include/xchat /usr/share/man/man1/xchat.1.gz23:40
Ilmaticgnome: /etc/gnome /usr/share/gnome23:40
LA-SnowI'm dual booting with Windows 7.  The menu gets longer and longer as I do updates with Ubuntu and now there's 3 different Ubuntus listed along with the safe modes.  How I remove the older 2 from the list of OS's I can boot into?23:41
syockitSteve132, mmvx: hmmm if I'm not mistaken, you can install grub on a linux partition without chrooting it, by specifying the mounted partition as root directory23:41
mmvxSteve132 you may need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list, there should be an entry for it in there but it may be pointing at the wrong place23:41
IlmaticCan you make sense of that?23:41
IlmaticI sure can't..23:41
mmvxsyockit cool23:41
dim3000how about xchat-gnome as one thing?23:41
hanophix33blackkhelm, trying to turnm my old laptop into something useful23:41
hanophix33any better ideas23:41
Steve132mmvx: Ok, working23:41
blakkheimhanophix33: dunno.. server?23:41
dim3000whereis xchat-gnome23:41
hanophix33i mean, like a boxee23:42
Ilmaticxchat-gnome: /usr/share/xchat-gnome23:42
unimatrixmkanyicy: it worked, thank you very much! :)23:42
catladyold laptops are good with puppy linux23:42
mmvxSteve132 as syockit says it may be possible to install grub from the livecd without the chroot23:42
syockitSteve132, mmvx: in http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Grub2, see the 3 lines under section "Normal Recovery with Multislot USE flag enabled", starting with mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/gentoo23:42
Yomanmmvx, I have read that ssh is the same as telnet, only the information is encrypted. Why can't I connect to e.g. google in the way that I can with telnet? Is it because google isn't running ssh?23:42
dim3000Ilmatic: u dont have it then23:42
dim3000Ilmatic: the icon in the menu must have been kept back somehow23:43
mkanyicyunimatrix, np23:43
dim3000Ilmatic: try installing it23:43
dim3000Ilmatic: then remove it23:43
syockitSteve132, mmvx: well, at least, that's how I fixed my grub on this PC (after failing to get dual-boot Vista working over and over again)23:43
IlmaticOh okay.23:43
hoppelhoppelabout update-grub do not find my installed win partition, what can i do now?23:43
schnoggosyockit:  Good call. Never thought of that. All levels in alsamixer were 0. Cranked everything up, but still not hearing anything on any port. I try changing output device to analog and see if I can get anything there.23:43
IlmaticWell I mean, if it's not taking up space, then it's fine with me.23:43
mmvxSteve132 looks like a good grub2 howto, thanks syockit23:44
Steve132syockit: so we use the chroot location to install grub too?23:44
techgeekim trying to the restricted modules for my kernel and when i do23:44
stubuntuHow can I add a 1920x1080 mode for my display?23:44
mmvxSteve132 it may be worth umounting the cd23:44
LA-SnowI'm dual booting with Windows 7.  The menu gets longer and longer as I do updates with Ubuntu and now there's 3 different Ubuntus listed along with the safe modes.  How I remove the older 2 from the list of OS's I can boot into?23:44
mmvxSteve132 in the chroot23:44
techgeek'sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) apt cant find the package23:45
syockitSteve132: umm, this doesn't involve chrooting. I don't know your chroot location, but yeah might be the same, for example if you mounted your partition on /mnt/yadayada, the root directory should be /mnt/yadayada23:45
hanophix33how do you make a secondary monitor the main monitor with the task bar?23:45
IlmaticHey dim, when I start up my computer, it has a list of OS to go to. There's this other version of ubuntu that freezes up when you go onto it. How can I take that down?23:45
catladystubuntu: display settings, xorg conf files, check drivers23:45
nteonhi folks.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec notes that its possible to install 32-bit packages on 64bit 9.10.  can anyone point me further in that direction?23:45
dim3000Ilmatic: sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome && sudo apt-get remove xchat-gnome23:46
dim3000do this first to reinstall the remove it23:46
dim3000to make sure its deleted23:46
schnoggosyockit:  Yay. Now that levels are up, I have audio on analog ports! Thanks so much. I'll figure out the S/PDIF tomorrow :)23:47
DubAndy>I've installed minidlna. I ran "usr/sbin/minidlna -f /etc/minidlna.conf" from my /home/minidlna. In the activity monitor I have 3 minidlna process running with id's: 1916 1908 1903. but it says they are sleeping. and I cannot get my samsung blueray to find it. Also at the end of the terminal command I can type another command I cannot press ctrl+c to quit the process? What does this...23:48
DubAndy...normally mean23:48
=== Daughain is now known as Dau`Gone
hanophix33anyway of putting the task bar on a secondary monitor?23:48
Yomanis there a good program which allows me to analyze information sent to the internet from a specific program?23:49
bastid_raZorhanophix33: click and drag it over?23:49
Steve132syockit: So, I ran that grub-install on the mounted root23:50
dim3000Ilmatic: u wanted to remove old kernels?23:50
faileasYoman: wireshark23:50
IlmaticYeah, well it's actually more updated than mines I think but I want to remove it because I can't use it without it freezing on startup.23:50
Steve132and it said "error, no mapping exists for `nvidia_egicfjeg2`, auto-detection of a filesystem module failed, Please specify the module with the option --modules explicitly23:50
IlmaticSo to answer your question, yes. : )23:50
mmvxYoman google servers (and most other servers) disallow any sort of ssh or telnet access as it is a security risk23:50
syockitSteve132: you may restart it to see if it works. my hunch tells me it won't bcause RAID kind of have special configurations, but whatever23:51
miihackwiihi all23:51
mmvxSteve132 I have a feeling that the command you just ran is looking for a config file in the mounted partition23:51
IlmaticHey dim, I installed and uninstalled, the application image is still there under internet.23:51
mmvxSteve132 and the install never got that far23:51
dim3000pastebin this: aptitude search linux-image23:51
Yomanfaileas, ok thx will have a look at it23:51
miihackwiineed help im getting an error when trying to install via apt-get the error im getting is.23:52
syockitSteve132: oops didn't read the later part23:52
miihackwiierror processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libssh2_1.2.2-bt0_all.deb (--unpack):23:52
miihackwii trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libssh2.so.1', which is also in package libssh2-123:52
miihackwiiProcessing triggers for man-db ...23:52
miihackwiiErrors were encountered while processing:23:52
miihackwii /var/cache/apt/archives/libssh2_1.2.2-bt0_all.deb23:52
FloodBot3miihackwii: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:52
faileasmmvx: SSH is reasonably secure. however, there's no reason to leave it exposed to the outside world in many cases23:52
Yomanmmvx, ok, but it seemed to work fine connecting with telnet23:52
LyraHello everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help me with a sound issue. I'm using 9.10 and the sound control tool on the panel doesn't adjust sound and plugging in headphones doesn't mute the onboard speakers. also in the sound preferences windows there are no devices listed under the hardware tab.23:52
mmvxfaileas Yoman asked: "Why can't I connect to e.g. google in the way that I can with telnet? Is it because google isn't running ssh?"23:53
IlmaticHoly crap.23:53
IlmaticThere's a really long list.23:53
dim3000Ilmatic: have u tried removal in synaptic?23:53
mmvxYoman http can be accessed using telnet23:53
faileasanything can be accessed through telnet ;p23:53
mmvxYoman but all http will give you are the web pages23:53
faileaseven irc23:53
agent_ji'm using hardy and i have epiphany-browser 2.22.2. i want to get epiphany 2.28.1; is there a way to do this which doesn't involve source?23:54
dim3000Ilmatic: pastebin the list23:54
mmvxYoman and file downloads, such are configured on the server23:54
miihackwiineed help im getting an error when trying to install via apt-get23:54
IlmaticOn here?23:54
mmvxYoman basically no self respecting server admin is going to allow just anyone to connect to the server to run commands23:55
hanophix33i cant add a panel to the secondary screen23:55
Steve132Yeah this isn't working23:55
IlmaticNo server admin would do that period.23:55
git__anyone here have a nexus one?23:55
Yomanmmvx, I understand that, but shouldn't I be able to view only the webpage with ssh? I mean, since ssh is kind of the same as telnet?23:55
mmvxIlmatic you try23:55
faileasYoman: ssh, is a lot more complex than telnet23:56
ChazHow can you tell which packages are installed from which software source? (I.E. which packages are installed from universe, multiverse ect..)23:56
miihackwiineed help im getting an error when trying to install via apt-get23:56
dim3000Ilmatic: goto paste.ubuntu.com and paste it there, then send me the link23:56
Steve132Can I use old grub?23:56
Steve132or something?23:56
dim3000miihackwii: clear the cache?23:56
miihackwiihow do you do that23:56
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agent_jChaz: packages.ubuntu.com?23:57
mmvxSteve132 did you manage to do an update with the live cd mounted in the chroot?23:57
dirkson.... Please tell me apt-url isn't enabled by default in ubuntu? Oh. It is. Because THAT'S obviously not a security hole. Not a massive security hole. Right. Right. Of course. Just teach people to install random crap of the internet. Perfect.23:57
dim3000sudo apt-ge clean23:57
YomanOk what I am trying to do is to see if I can connect to a chess server and login there directly from shell. This worked fine using telnet, but I can't seem to get it working with ssh. And I'd like to, as I don't want anyone to intercept my password23:57
Chazagent_j: That are already installed on my system.23:57
syockitSteve132: i wonder what nvidia_egicfjeg2 is23:57
dim3000sudo apt-get clean23:57
mmvxYoman I understand23:57
IlmaticHey dim, http://paste.ubuntu.com/352590/23:57
dim3000ok good23:58
mmvxYoman the chess server needs to be running ssh as a service23:58
miihackwiidoesent do anything23:58
mmvxsyockit grub2 has loads of modules23:58
Steve132syockit: nvidida_egicfjeg is the name it gave to my drive23:58
Steve132raid mirror23:58
dim3000Ilmatic: have u tried using synaptic?23:58
agent_jChaz: i may be wrong, but doesn't synaptic have that kind of functionality?23:58
Steve132mmvx: yes, I did get an update23:58
IlmaticI haven't actually. To be honest, I don't even know what that is.23:58
Yomanmmvx, ok, and it won't need to run a telnet service?23:58
Steve132mmvx: it failed to fetch a ton of stuff23:58
mkanyicyYoman, maybe the chess server does not have ssh server23:58
IlmaticIs it the package manager thing?23:58
wookienzhello. can comeone confirm my understanding of kernels and modules. 1. modules can be either compiled into the kernel or loaded via modules? 2. lsmod shows only those modules that have been loaded, or does it contain those loaded outside the lernel + those compiled in the kernel? thanks23:59
agent_jChaz: you can browse for what is installed, and you can also view by repo. but i don't think you can do both at once.23:59
mmvxSteve132 ok, it is quite possible that would not have worked then23:59
wookienzvia modules/via modprobe23:59
Chazagent_j: Yes you are correct. I overlooked it, thank you.23:59
Yomanmkanyicy, is there any way I can tell?23:59
mmvxsyockit what are your thoughts?23:59
dim3000Ilmatic: yes23:59
Steve132mmvx: well, it looked like it failed to fetch the internet repos, but successfully fetcched the CD repos23:59
=== Aled_Owen is now known as Aled
dim3000Ilmatic: it install/removes app in a graphical way23:59

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