
ZerHowdy. I was looking at Ubuntu's /etc/init, and it seems there is 'expect fork' which will track the first fork, and then without that it'll just treat it like a normal executable, but...00:24
Zerwhat if you have a server where the command line just starts/stops it, and the process itself is not related (I presume it just executes instead of forks). Is there any way to do this form with Upstart? (Nginx being what I am looking at, it starts it, and also has stop signals)00:25
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=== rberger_ is now known as rberger
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Younder upstart doesn't yet have "Events generated at timed intervals or scheduled times"20:15
Younderwill it?20:16
sadmac2Younder: it will.20:16
Younderso it will replace cron?20:16
YounderI seem to have said something along the line 'cron is outdated, upstart events will replace it', but that is clearly not true. yet20:18
Younderon #ubuntu20:19
JanCnot yet20:19
sadmac2Younder: will linux replace windows? We don't really make those decisions, we just make an offering :)20:19
JanCyou could do it now by having a daemon (cron or something else) issue upstart events, similar to the mountall tool  ;)20:21
=== rberger_ is now known as rberger
rbergerIs there a way to 'export" an environment variable that is set inside of a script, lke pre-start script to set an env variable inside a init configure file?22:43
rbergerI want to set an env variable used thru out an init configuration by doing string manipulation of another environment variable that is passed in as an instance variable.22:44
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